#though individually I'm squinting really hard
seirindono · 1 year
Oh? Oh? Are we pitching Monkies now? They're both goofy and angsty and forever going through it but they are also SUPER DIVORCED like they are BITTER EXES. Macaque is a theater nerd who puts on shadow puppet plays and Sun Wukong is a jock tryin real hard to pretend everything's SUPER NORMAL AND NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT while he's bullying demons and celestials for info on how to stop the world from ending. And they HATE each other but they still clearly have The Feels about it and it's just. Mmm
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hey, since your request are open, can you write a Yandere Russia x reader? A scenario where the reader is a foreigner and he goes in reader's country to meet some important businessmen, just to fall for reader who was just standing in front of a store like🧍. Thank you❤️
Yandere Russia seeing reader for the first time
note: i loved this idea so much. thank you anon. this'll be in russia's point of view, and i'm sorry it took me so long. like really long.. to do this. if you request anything else pls specify that it's you so i can make it priority and make up for it by being faster next time.. just like add a star to it or some shit like that. i hope this is what u wanted but im not certain :(
!! yandere content. if you can't handle any behavior possibly seen in a yandere please don't read this. !! (example; obsessive, stalkery, possessive, violent, or generally horrid behaviour.)
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It was late when Russia was finally allowed to leave. Not his worst work day, but certainly not his lightest. Actually, he's been rather busy, this being his third country in this week alone. Luckily though, he's finally able to have some peace. Stroll around and take a view of the surrounding cityscape around him. He feels a bit out of place, but that's to be expected. It's something he's used to (even in his own country..)
But as he's walking, something hits him. He hasn't ate today. Too caught up in the busy-ness of the morning to even had thought about it. And he really doesn't want to enter a resturaunt, or cook at the hotel.. So he settles on something simpler. He'll just get himself a quick meal at a corner store, whatever pre-made thing is available really he isn't picky.. Had too hard of a life to be choosy with things such as food.
Looking through the streets, he finally finds one. The bright lights of the sign a bit bright as he looks at it too long.. He squints, blinking a bit to regain his sight and looking down to- oh? At this hour? He stares for a moment before slowly looking in the other direction, just to be sure he won't get noticed. God, they're gorgeous. So much so he doesn't even feel hungry anymore, or exhausted, or anything. It's like the very presence of this mysterious stranger just caught him. Something he struggles to not rocket focus on, and he hasn't a clue why. Blinking, he looks down at the road. Why's he so focused on this random person just looking at the signs in front of the store window tonight? Maybe he's just so tired he can't focus.
Shaking his head, Russia walks across the street and goes past them, having to use every tiny bit of control he has to not gawk at them the entire time as he goes through the door. Making his way in-between shoves, he decides to just try and not get caught absolutely enamored by this beautiful individual he just found himself. Carefully looking through all the chips and jerky and whatnot he decides to lean down and settle on some potatoe chips. An easy answer. And as soon as he stand back up, his eyes conveniently land right back on the very person from earlier! They went in after him and yet they're checking out earlier. He looks over their outfit, then the counter. What they got looks good..
Putting his chips back up, he goes to the back of the store. Where is it all.. Grabbing the drink you got from the fridge before looking all about the store to get the rest. And he sighs once he finishes. He sort of wishes he didn't decide to avoid you, internally kicking himself in the ass for making that decision. Quickly getting his items checked out, he steps outside the door, looking both ways.. There. Turning. He follows you at a steady speed, not too slow, not too fast. But then, a crowd spawns from the middle of norwhere as you're passing a street and.. Your gone. He looks around, but there aren't any signs of you anywhere. Standing at the sidewalk of the intersection, he sighs, frowning. Just as quick as you showed up, you dissapeared.
He doesn't know why, but he has a feeling this person will haunt his mind until he finally finds them again. Hell- they already are. And it's making him increasingly frustrated that he didn't try and come up to you. His grip tightening a bit on the bag, he makes a promsie to himself. He'll find you. Even if it's the last thing he'll do.. He'll find you.
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I see you doing BEAUTIFUL soul soothing slice of life Zack stuff.
I ask for Zack first because..I'm weird but please do feel free to include the firsts and HOJO!, BECAUSE I've never seen anyone do hojo love, it's wild!
What,would zack do for his lover having a migraine? How would he comfort/cuddle/spoil...
Cook special food? Pet names? Home remedies?
THANK YOU! LMAO I’ve been told I’m the most down bad individual people have met due to my love of Hojo. 10/10 would tie that man to the cross and do my thing with him.
I love this ask cause I’m prone to migraines. I have also tortured myself trying to make them stop. I lock myself in the closet to get away from any sounds and light these days. Good god I’m probably too eager to write Hojo’s.
Zack “put em in a pack” Fair
I’m certain you have to thoroughly explain what a migraine is to him. The first time you said you had a migraine he continued doing everything at his usual “Zack Volume” fuckin loud. Shiva bless his heart but he lacks brain cells. You told him to quiet down and now he won’t stop whispering everything, that man will whisper in uppercase from the other room.
Now that he understands, he must make a routine for you. Yes yes, that man headed straight to Moogle Search to look up home remedies. It would turn into Zack’s first crime against humanity. Making you a cup of turmeric and ginger based tea, accompanied by an aftertaste so foul you weren’t sure you wanted to even ask what he put in it. As hard as you try, your face says it all and now he’s got the sad puppy eyes, “but baby I really tried.” In that cute pouty voice of his, you know the one he’s still whispering. Please let him know you appreciate the effort but not the attempt at murder.
If there is any medicine that helps relive your pain he’ll have it on hand. He even keeps a supply at his own home, going as far as to carry it around when you’re together because Zack knows they randomly sprout up. He’s learned “the squint” as he calls it. Claiming whenever a migraine is creeping in you start squinting at everything. Awn, cute boy is catching on to the cues. After you tell him about visual impairment/eye pain that can accompany your migraines he’s back on the internet finding ways to relive that too. (Pls Zack it’s not gonna help just cuddle)
After months of trying numerous concoctions Zack would attempt to make you once again, Shiva bless his heart. Despite you telling him in advance, he finally concludes these do not help and he can't really do much about it, it made him feel a bit useless. “ ‘cause if I can’t help my baby, what am I doing?” Telling Zack that everything else he does is perfect when he’s trying to make you feel better. He provides you lots of cuddles, only leaving the bed when he’s certain you’re asleep, though it’s only for necessities. Zack very much prefers to keep you against him as long as humanly possible. You’re his "little kitty", you know the rules with that. If the cat lays on you, you do not move.
Makes sure to turn off any lights, closing all of the curtains/blinds to keep as much light out as possible. Cooking is questionable with him but he can make some of your favorite snacks as long as they’re simple. Anything that he can get you from the store? He’s going to make sure it’s in your possession, even if he has to go completely out of his way to get whatever you want. Nearly every time Zack goes out to get snacks/favorite foods, he brings back a plushie. You have such a large army of plushies that you have to beg him to stop bringing them. Gaia, he even brought you a chibi Zack for when he’s on missions. (You love it, how could you not)
Zack also recognizes sometimes migraines make you nauseous, even causing you to vomit at times. No matter, it doesn’t bother him at all. He’s going to make sure your hair is out of the way, clean you back up, carry you to bed and as you sleep, he’s looking at more home remedies. One thing I can imagine him able to cook is a few types of soups Angeal taught him, to at least get something light on your stomach.
Sephiroth- pillow fort part 2? (he wasn’t allowed much time to be a kid, so he enjoys doing childish activities with you)
This is the man for the job, can’t get your surroundings dark enough? Sephiroth shall begin the construction. He now realizes why you have a million pillows, even taking the pillows and cushions off of your couch to make it more comfortable. Layering blankets and sheets to ensure it’s completely dark in there. He’s ready for his cat house to cuddle you. Stays awake until you fall asleep, it's not really anything new, he's just significantly more adamant about it when you aren't feeling well. Seems a bit sad when you take his fort down due to his "hard work and dedication." It's okay, he knows it can't stay up forever, he'll be able to build another soon.
You’re already overly spoiled by Sephiroth, to which he’d say ��there’s never a such thing as too much for you.” He's going to try and find you the best doctors around, not affiliated with Shinra of course. He doesn't want them coming anywhere near you. He knows medicine won't always help, but you know what does? His dick. His outstanding ability to take care of you. Forehead kisses for days. Will scoop you in his lap, holding you until you start dozing off. I don't think this one can cook either, but he'll attempt making your favorite comfort foods until he cooks it exactly to your liking. "nothing less than perfection for you".
He'll go out of his way to buy blackout curtains for his own home. Luckily Sephiroth is extremely quiet, half of the time you don't even know when he arrives. It's like he materializes out of thin air. Due to this you don't have to really ever worry about loud sounds. Finding his voice to be soothing you ask him to read to you until you fall asleep. He's a bit awkward about it at first, but he gets use to it and comes to love doing so.
Angeal (the healer)
Oh yea, you're getting super spoiled by this one. He's putting on his "best chef" apron and getting to work. Not before he tucks you into bed, kissing your forehead and tucking you in, he'll even fluff the pillows. If you like having background sound or really are in the mood to watch something, he has memorized shows/movies that have a minimal amount of ungodly bright scenes. Even turns the brightness down all the way, going as far to adjust the color and of course lowering the volume.
Always asks what kind of food you think your stomach can handle just in case it's one of those nausea inducing migraines. Can make anything you ask or he'll find recipes that are supposed to accommodate your migraines. He's not sure if the home remedies work, but at least you're always happy with each meal he makes you.
Once you're fed and comfortable, Angeal is on his way to wrap you up in his arms. Loves it when you climb on him and rest your head against his chest because you told him his "heartbeat makes me feel better." He's read in an article that pressure points can help alleviate migraines. He has no clue which pressure points to target so he's going to give you a full body massage in hopes that you feel better. hands of god you'll be feeling something alright
Also goes out of his way to buy blackout curtains or anything that may help him keep his home dark when the light is too much. Buys those little motion lights that are dim so when you walk into a room you'll be able to see without it feeling like a flashbang. Angeal doesn't make too much noise either so sound is also not a problem with him. Despite that he gives you a hushed apology any time he thinks he did something too loud.
Genesis (please don't recite Loveless, jk he'd annoy me but i'd love it)
Recites Loveless to you in a hushed tone as you fall asleep on his chest. Genesis is more than willing to read any piece of literature you want, only if you make a special request. He's always going to pull out Loveless by default.
Runs a bath for you, adding a eucalyptus based epsom salt and bubbles to help you relax in hopes to ease some of that tension.(something with a soft scent as strong smells can be too much). "Of course he's aware of your sensitivity to light, in turn lighting a couple of candles to add his romantic flare. He's taking these baths with you, without a doubt. Massaging your back and gently doing the same for your neck. He has an experts touch, that man will make you melt like butter. Loves soaking with you pressed against him, dries you off and tucks you into bed.
This one is also a cook, maybe not as good as Angeal, but definitely not as bad as Sephiroth. Knows your favorite comfort foods and will go out of his way to make it for you as you hide in bed.
Manages to find the best medicine. You're surprised it actually helps. After asking where Genesis got it from you find out he broke into Hojo's lab after a discussion between the two about what was the best treatment for a migraine. Says he stole them because he didn't want the medicine altered as most of his medicines are.
Hojo (my eyes are so far back in my head right now, im excited)
The first time you stumbled into his lab, all but screaming at him to cut of the lights he just stares at you like a madman. "Do you not seeing me working?" I mean, sure you did, once your eyes finally adjust you can see something or someone(????) cut open on a surgical table. Great, migraine increases tenfold.
When he finally finished whatever absurd thing he was doing to that poor carcass he comes to examine you. Maybe you should have gone home instead. Shining that goofy fuckin flashlight directly in your eyes. You tried slapping it out of his hands to which he rolls his eyes as you completely miss his hand stating that "it's a pupil test, I have to check for abnormalities." to which you can't help but tell Hojo that he is the only abnormality.
Injects you with god knows what, but hey, the migraine surprisingly vanished. The next time you come into his lab due to a migraine, he immediately takes into account that you were just here a few days ago over the same thing. Once again taking you back through those oh so annoying examinations before prescribing you some pills. When you question what the pills were he chuckles, telling you in a condescending tone that "you wouldn't remember how to say it even if you tried." With that he tells you to come back after all pills are gone so he can see how you're doing.
Your next visit with Hojo will teach you to never tell him something is wrong with you again. When you began taking the medicine the migraines were easing up, but now it's like they're worse. This time he gives you a different type of medicine, now you're just sleepy. All will be just fine, when you wake up you won't even know he's been poking around your brain.
I’m a bit sad I forgot to put in the random bouts of pure confusion migraines can put you through. I’ll never forget grabbing my airpods and I was pretty certain it was a bar of soap. It wasn’t. I don’t even know how I thought something that small was soap, or how I tried to wash my hands for so long with them
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sanjisboyfie · 11 months
๑ keep safe : crimson red icicles (9)
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one piece x male reader
chances in my veins,
i'm running out of time 
『 prev 』
tw: slight gore (?), self-inflicted wounds
as they were running up the mountain, sanji and luffy were taking part in a very childish conversation. [name] wished he had the energy to be apart of it, but with the way he felt as if his insides were turning into solid ice, he refrained.
he was really, really, really bad in extreme cold climates, same went for hot climates too.
his body wasn’t made to deal with that type of stuff. and it was annoying that he was made like that because now his face felt as if it were completely frozen. his feet, even though they were angrily running across the snowy biome, felt heavier than ever before — the feeling in them was completely gone too.
then finally they came across what dalton warned them about: a lapin.
sparing time for a fight against such a small creature was out of the question. they had no time to waste and they all collectively ignored and dodged it whenever it tried deterring or attacking them.
thankfully, sanji took care of it as quickly as possible. but a part of [name] did feel bad to hear the poor thing cry out in pain from the kick.
[name] grit his teeth as his eyes narrowed at the terrain ahead. it seemed that attacking a lapin was inevitable as now, the three of them stood in front of what seemed to be a whole army of rabbits.
he could make out their figures if he squinted hard enough, his jaw really set in place as he sensed just how many were really out.
“huh? what are those?” luffy said, eyes wide as he saw the sheer size of the rabbits.
“they’re even bigger than polar bears, it looks like,” [name] added on, grunting as he adjusted the grip he had on nami to make sure she was completely secure, getting into a stance that showed he was ready for a fight.
“so this is the size of a pack of them?!” sanji said in annoyance, clicking his tongue at the inconvenience.
“luffy, sanji, do you know what this means?” [name] checked, looking at the two out of the corner of his eyes, “i’m counting on you guys, okay,”
“what? what do you mean by that?”
“idiot, he obviously means that we do all the fighting, nami-san can’t get anymore injured than she is right now! if [name] does anything to fight them back or if he takes any hits, nami-san will feel everything! so you and i have to take on all the fights, understand?!”
luffy took a second to process it before nodding his head, “alright, [name] leave it to us!”
“i will, now let’s get running,” [name] said, dodging one of the bunnies that tried attacking him, and running off to the side.
he didn’t look back once, knowing that he only had to worry about what was ahead of him and that luffy and sanji were trustworthy enough to take care of whatever was behind him.
he ran and dodged a couple of bunnies that were ahead, jumping on a couple of them for a height leverage and made sure that nami was secure anytime that he could.
unfortunately, it seemed that the battle would only grew to be more aggressive the higher they went and [name] was really feeling it to his core now. his breathing was coming out completely white, his face was becoming even more red at its high points and his legs felt like lead.
but for nami’s life, he knew that he had to push forward.
when they ran through many lapins that were standing in their way, [name] thought they’d have a break from being chased down, but his assumptions were wrong. when he thought they were in the clear, there was a shroud of lapins that were awaiting them. they looked like an intimidating white shadow over the horizon.
“i’m about to take care of them myself,” [name] said, trying to control his chattering teeth.
“no! no way!” sanji rebuked.
“i’m a long distance fighter anyway, it’s alright if i take care of some!” [name] said, his patience wearing incredibly thin, “there’s no way we can fight all of them individually, the more we run the more off course we get…if this keeps up, i can’t guarantee nami’s safety!”
“stop trying to jinx things! just leave it to us for now!” sanji said, wanting to fight against [name] participating in fights for as long as possible.
“if they get too close, i can’t guarantee that i will!” [name] shot back, watching carefully as the lapins started to jump up and down. it seemed as if there was no point to their repetitive jumping, but [name] put two and two together: if you assumed they weren’t up to anything, they’d definitely be doomed.
so he stiffened to brace for something to happen.
and when the snow that was far ahead began to crumble towards them, his fists clenched at his sides.
“you’re fucking with me right now!” he shouted out into the snowy abyss, recognizing the signs of an avalanche right away.
he had an idea of how to get away, but he didn’t know if it’d be healthy to use it with nami’s condition. he knew his body could take it, but if nami would even survive him using it once, it was unknown.
so he wouldn’t use soru, he decided. because even if it was conveinent for him to use to get away, if nami’s health could be in an even more compromised position, he wouldn’t risk it.
“the only option is to run, let’s go, both of you!” [name] commanded, adjusting nami once more and hoping that the ropes would stay completely tight. he had to free his hands, use them to gain the most momentum when running away. he couldn’t securely have his arms around her.
he knew that the rope he tied was effective, but having his arms to support her legs was still a comfort he wasn’t exactly the most prepared to give up. the snow was quickly approaching so he cleared his mind and only focused on running.
sanji and luffy were close behind and eventually, he caught sight of a cliff. sanji had the same idea in mind because he soon directed them to all take advantage of the height.
the three all stood at the edge of the cliff, but [name] quickly realized it would be enough. they weren’t high enough.
[name] grit his teeth, ripping off one of his gloves with his canines, spat it out, and took a dagger out from the sheath that was resting on his hip. he stabbed into his palm with no hesitation, gritting his teeth and watched as the blood spurted out.
“oi, [name] what the hell are you doing?!” sanji cried out, watching in horror as [name] maimed himself and also at the approaching avalanche.
“hey! [name]!” luffy shouted in shock, eyes going wide and almost completely white.
[name] ignored them and stabbed himself once more in the arm to cause more blood to gush out of his wound. after putting the dagger away, he grabbed luffy and sanji by their collars with his clean hand and timed his jump with the avalanche.
the trio were completely vulnerable in the air, but [name] quickly thought fast and held the two close to him. he made sure he was facing the ground and focused on the blood spilling from his arm as he held his bleeding and wounded arm in front of him.
“come on, you fucker!” [name] shouted at no one in particular, “i know it’s cold enough, so this shit better work!”
“[name]’s gone crazy!” luffy shouted, looking at him in disbelief.
“luffy, sanji, nami!” [name] shouted, getting ready to time his “creation” correctly, “please pardon the mess!”
the two looked at him in confusion but their eyes widened drastically when they noticed what was going on.
the blood [name] had let dribble down and spurt out of his arm was turning solid underneath them. it was even taking shape. a large sled, the ones that a person would use as a child, was created and solidified underneath them. it wasn’t fancy, just a smooth tube for them to ride to glide down the mountain without suffocating due to snow.
“you two, grab ahold of me — watch out for nami!” [name] commanded, sticking his entire bleeding arm into the snow. he shouted at the pain that shot up his arm, but continued to keep his limb implanted inside.
out of nowhere, the crafted sled turned to the side, fighting against the snow current. [name]’s arm in the snow was slowing them down, thankfully, but the way the lapins were still charging after them made him stressed.
“unbearable bastards! i hope you all get buried,” [name] cursed under his breath, directing their sled and fighting against the current of the snow as hard as he could.
but the icy pain was getting torturous, to the point he felt like passjng out. his entire arm was buried underneath the fluffy snow. his heart was slowing down, it had been the moment they started their journey. slower heart rate meant less blood pumping. less blood pumping meant he was running out of what he could use - without completely endangering his life, of course.
he could always just cut into his flesh once more and he was entirely prepared to - but that was a worst case scenario choice. he still needed to be conscious for the rest of the journey, obviously. passing out due to blood loss would only be more of a burden on sanji and luffy.
“shit, there’s still more snow coming down!” sanji cursed and his grip on the sled was wearing thin. “[name], i’m gonna-”
before he could finish his sentence, sanji went flying and luffy in a concerned filled haze, jumped after him.
“idiots!” [name] cursed, but instead focused on getting nami to safety before he went to rescue those two. finally, they reached a point on their journey where nami would be safe, or as safe as she could be, on her own.
she had blood splattered across her face, which [name] gingerly wiped away before setting her down on the snow. he untied the ropes in a hurry - throwing his cloak over her and promised her that he’d be back.
he looked over the terrain in focus, seemingly glaring at the snow before nodding in determination. he was able to see where luffy and sanji had dropped off. at least they were close to each other, [name] thought to himself before jumping into the snow.
to him, it felt as though it was an ice bath. but he bore through it, understanding that this was not the time to pay attention to that. sanji and luffy were up ahead, a couple dozen feet away. and nami was waiting for him!
he had to bear it for a little longer!
even if he was lightheaded from blood loss, even if he could physically feel his heart going slower — as if it were freezing, even if his legs were close to being completely numb.
“fucking snow,” he breathed out, lifting luffy up from the snow and throwing him over his shoulder, “fucking disease for infecting nami,” he said, stomping through the snow and looking for sanji. “fucking island for only having one doctor, how idiotic is that!”
when he got a grip on sanji’s jacket collar, he brought him to the surface quickly. the both seemed to have passed out, probably due to the sudden cold shock.
but he carried the both of them to where he had left nami.
he got to work in re-tying nami’s ropes, making sure they were tight. the cuts on his arm were no longer dripping, but rather turned into icicles in the cold snowy winds. crimson red shards were attatched to his skin and he grunted as he broke them off, throwing them down the snowy mountain without a second thought.
he looked at the arm and hand he had stabbed, attempting to move it at all. under his cloak was just a simple shirt so he made contact with the freezing snow with no protective boundary. his arm looked like it was turning purple, as were his fingertips now that he had discarded his glove. he cursed under his breath, finding it took a lot of effort to even wiggle his fingers back and forth.
“fucking stupid weather, i hate this island!” [name] shouted into the nothingness that surrounded them. his shouts made luffy stir awake on the ground.
sanji and nami remained unresponsive.
“[name]?! are they okay?!” luffy cried out, running to nami’s side, “is she alive?!”
“yeah, she is, but we have to go, now. you can make it, right?”
luffy’s eyes lingered on [name]’s mauled arm and hand, nodding as his hat shadowed his eyes.
“you take sanji, nami will be with me,” [name] said, luffy following the command easily.
[name] crouched down, getting nami’s cocooned body to rest snug against his. at least she herself provided some warmth to him, but without a doubt, he missed his cloak terribly.
he just hoped that this castle had sufficient heating, he felt like he needed to de-thaw himself as soon as possible. with nami and sanji both accounted for, [name] and luffy began their trek back up the mountain.
“you saved us back there, thank you, [name],” luffy said sincerely, watching with grim eyes as [name]’s arm showed dried blood.
“you’re my captain, she’s my navigator, and he’s my chef,” [name] obviously stated, taking in a deep breath, “of course i’d save you guys!”
he forced himself to smile, to ease luffy’s conscience.
luffy looked at him in shock before bowing his head down.
deep down, luffy began to feel incompetent. there were a bunch of thoughts running through his head, like if it was his fault entirely nami was sick? did he drag the whole crew, especially vivi, down with his antics?
[name] didn’t let him think about it for long though, seemingly reading his mind and pressing his bleeding hand along luffy’s strawhat.
“take it easy, captain, i’ll look out for us from now on,” [name] said simply before picking up his pace. "it's not all resting on your shoulders anymore, not while i'm here."
the two were running as fast as they could, now desperate for medical attention for almost all members of their travelling party. on the way to the top, they encountered a small lapin who was pawing at its parent.
“stupid bunny,” [name] murmured under his breath as he eyes the pathetic creature.
there was a pause as he and luffy both lifted the paw of its parent out of the snow, walking off before they could waste more time.
it seemed, though, their time was just made to be wasted today as they now encountered a familiar face.
“splinter shitter?” [name] asked out loud, recognizing the ugly face of their past enemy.
“we’ll teach you to not mess with us,” the crew next to wapol screamed.
“luffy, no fighting if you can help it! we’re all injured here and have sanji and nami to look out for! be serious!” [name] reminded him, “just keep running,”
“i know! don’t berate me!” luffy said in annoyance, finding it incredibly difficult to hold back his attacks as he could only dodge.
[name] jumped through the air in disgust of their attacks, knowing that they were only fighting so hard against them to take advantage of their weakened friends.
“i’ll kill you guys when i come back!” [name] shouted, tilting his head ever so slightly and causing the two of his lackeys to fall over. but they assumed it was the strong wind and continued their assaults.
thankfully, those lapins they had saved earlier did not forget the kindness of their actions. they jumped in [name]’s and luffy’s defense, creating a wall between the strawhats and the stupid wapol pirates.
“thanks, you saved us,” luffy said quickly, recognizing the animals, before running ahead with [name]. “[name] that was rude, you didn’t even say thank you to them!”
eventually, the wind got so strong that [name] couldn’t feel his arms or legs. but they were so close. the harsher the climate was, the closer they were. and his assumptions were proven correct as they were soon greeted by some cylindrical post, and at the top was the castle.
“let’s go, don’t think twice,” [name] advised. he walked over to luffy and sanji, gently unwrapping the scarf from sanji, quietly apologizing as he did so, and used that to secure sanji around luffy’s waist. he even made the blonde wrap his arms around luffy’s neck for extra security.
“[name], are you ready?”
[name] laughed, “wasn’t this whole journey a good enough sign for you, captain?! let’s get going already!” he ripped off his other gloves, knowing he’s get a better grip on the walls if he went in without a barrier between his fingers and the rocks.
luffy agreed with a hearty shout and the duo began their climb.
[name] was struggling due to the extreme frostbite he was experiencing, as well as the hole in his left hand, and the numbness in all his limbs. luffy was exhausted from running and fighting and only just woke up from passing out a couple of minutes ago.
the both of them were tired beyond their limits, but knew that this was life or death.
nami and sanji were both counting on them.
the wind was picking up the higher they were going and it genuinely felt like someone was cutting [name]’s fingers with each breeze that blew by. he cursed under his breath each time he had to go up one.
then his head whipped around in concern as he saw sanji slip from luffy’s back. that scarf could only take so much weight for so long.
“luffy!” [name] cried out in worry, eyes going white as he saw that sanji was only getting farther away.
“sanji!” luffy shouted, bringing his arm to whip backwards to catch the falling chef. the momentum of his swing, and the fact that the surface they were climbing was completely straight up made luffy fell back as well.
“shit!” [name] shouted, smacking his injured hand onto a particularly sharp edge of a rock and reopening the once frozen wound from his hand. blood seeped out almost instantly, splattering across his face.
but he only focused on sending it down to luffy, “grab on, luffy!”
the rubber man listened, stretching his hand and grabbing onto the solidified and frozen blood of [name]’s wound and grunting as he felt himself stop midair, due to [name]’s anchoring. sanji was now being held up by his teeth and he focused on making it back up the mountain to meet [name].
luffy’s fingers and toes were bleeding, completely ruined by the stone wall they were climbing. [name]’s hand wound was reopened and bleeding profusely. the cold wasn’t helping the h/c haired man’s heart either.
if they didn’t make it to the top soon…he’d surely die.
the treacherous journey seemed to last for hours on end before they finally made it to the snowy top.
[name] grunted, swinging his arm back and launching luffy and sanji forward. it didn’t take long for him to join them, falling face first to ensure that nami wouldn’t feel the entirety of his weight crush her.
just when he thought they were safe, the snow that [name] and nami had collapsed on began to slide at their weight. and before he could stop it, they were falling off of the top.
“save me, you cunt!” he shouted, sensing someone at the top of the mountain — very close by. but he was prepared to use his blood to stop their descent once more, if this figure didn’t act fast enough. but it was unnecessary, as a warm, fuzzy, strong hand stopped their fall.
[name] squinted as he looked up at the figure, feeling his vision go blurry as he tried to catch a look at the savior.
“hah? reindeer?” [name] breathed out in confusion. and those were his last words before he fell limp in the hands of the one who caught them, completely passing out.
『 prev 』 ˗ˏˋ꒰ 🌊 ꒱ 『 next 』
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voxofthevoid · 13 days
For the ten(10) people who wanted to see Yuuji calling Sukuna slutty and to compensate for my very pissed-off posts about the latest chapter—behold, Yuuji being Weird enough to creep out a literal demon.
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He tightens his hand around Sukuna’s ankle with every intention of dragging it away to somewhere less delicate—or maybe the right kind of delicate, says his dick—but like his hand’s got a mind of its own, it slides up—and up and up, till the leather gives way to…skin?
“Huh,” Yuuji says dumbly. “You’re not wearing pants.”
Sukuna blinks slowly. “You have worse problems right now, brat.”
“Didn’t say it was a problem,” Yuuji mutters, squeezing an obscenely thick calf. God, he can feel the individual muscles. “Are you wearing anything under this?”
Yuuji checks for himself before Sukuna can really reply. It’s not like he was going to be helpful anyway.
First, there’s only darkness, the dim lighting barely reaching past the shaft of the boot and thick fabric not allowing any of it filter in through it, and Yuuji’s not really making it easier for himself by sticking his whole head in there. But his night vision comes in handy though, the shadows resolving into very obvious shapes.
He touches too, just to make sure. Shapely calves, bulging thighs, then—
His fingertips brush something soft and warm. Something that dangles pretty distinctively.
There’s a shift in the air, a tension Yuuji can feel in the muscles pressed up against his arm, and he wraps his free hand around Sukuna’s foot right as it tries in earnest to crush his throat, and it’s surprisingly easy to slip out from under it, a rough shove unbalancing the bastard enough that Yuuji can push his leg away and sit up—further into the shroud of shadows under his clothes.
He gets a faceful of balls.
From somewhere above, there’s a strangled sound.
Sukuna kicks him away, the force of it making Yuuji skid back almost to the edge of the platform. His chest hurts like a bitch too, his breaths coming out thin and wheezy, but it’s worth it for the way Sukuna backs off with a disbelieving expression.
The back of his legs hit the altar; he sits down, hard.
“What is wrong with you?” he asks Yuuji, offensively sincere.
“Me?” Yuuji sits up, grimacing when his ribs protest. He heals pretty fast, but he can tell he’ll still be feeling this tomorrow. “You’re the one walking around with nothing under that! Pervert!”
“You goddamn piece of—”
“That’s blasphemy,” Yuuji cuts in. “I think.”
“Do you?” Sukuna asks scathingly.
“I’ve been reading,” Yuuji says, nodding with way more confidence than he actually feels. He read maybe three articles. Most of them. Alright, maybe he skipped a part or ten. But he’s still sure— “You’re a very bad priest.”
Sukuna bares his teeth in what could pass for a grin if Yuuji squinted and ignored all of his common sense.
“I’ll ask again, brat,” Sukuna says, flashing those gleaming teeth in between every word, “who are you going to complain to? Your god?”
“Pretty sure it’s your god,” Yuuji says. “I’m not really religious.”
“Bold of you to assume I have a god.”
“You’re literally a priest.”
“Such delusions you have,” Sukuna murmurs, his voice and expression much calmer all of a sudden, “about the men of god.”
“Sure, whatever,” he says, choosing not to mention that he didn’t spend more than two seconds thinking about churches or priests or gods before coming here. “What I'm saying is—you’re pretty slutty for a priest.”
Sukuna’s facial muscles look like they’re having a seizure.
Yuuji scrambles onto his knees, rolling his shoulders and flexing his chest, ignoring the fresh flare of pain. He briefly considers standing up before deciding to just crawl. It’s not exactly dignified, but he kinda likes how Sukuna’s eyes widen and then narrow, boring into Yuuji with an intensity that makes his skin spark all over.
He crawls all the way to the altar and straightens into a kneeling position, putting his hands on Sukuna’s thighs for leverage he doesn’t need but wants, the power pulled taut in that flesh more seductive than Sukuna’s hooded eyes or plump lips.
Sukuna watches him like Yuuji’s a bug on his kitchen floor, but it doesn’t translate into any real violence, only a sneer that’s still slick with their mingled spit.
“I don’t mind,” Yuuji says, honest but probably a little crazy. “It’s kinda hot.”
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findafight · 2 years
Not me writing a prologue for a fic I'll maybe never write about Steve being on the Dream Team lmao. I saw a pro basketball player Steve post a while ago and couldn't stop thinking about it. Anyways-
At the end of March Madness in 1989, the scout for the Pacers has lunch with the head coach of a community college basketball team that somehow made it to the first round before being pulverized. They sit across from each other, the coach seemingly a bit overwhelmed but not outright surprised. That's good, it means Jerry, the scout, doesn't have to worry about him freaking out or babbling too much.
The team captain had caught his, and possibly others', eye. Good layups, a few three pointers, solid defence, and a helluva lot of potential add up to someone to keep an eye on, except they can't because the guy plays for a rinky-dink community college and only had one televised game. The only reason Jerry saw the kid is because the Roane County Community College Ospreys had put in a hell of a fight the past three seasons. Jerry wonders why the hell the kid hadn't been offered a scholarship somewhere...not Roane County. Doesn't matter though, because they're here now.
"so. You wanted to talk about Steve?" Says the coach, August Nearaly, a bit weary.
Jerry nods, sipping his coffee. "Yeah. Wanted to get a sense of him before I actually talked to him."
August sighs. "As a player or as a person?"
Raising his eyebrows. "Is he that different off the court?"
"no! No, not like how you probably think. Harrington's a sweet kid, but also incredibly...well, not weird, but. Peculiar? He's got quirks. Bit paranoid, but not in a conspiracy way. In a 'no one should walk home alone in the dark' or 'hey, where'd John go? He was right here and then I did a headcount and he's not?' kinda way. Y'know? Like, they're all adults, but he does headcounts and worries anyways."
"huh. Oookay?"
"it-- I'm not saying this to rag on him, to be clear. It just too a while to get used to. Honestly, it's been good for team building. Makes them think of each other not as individuals, but part of a unit that needs everyone healthy and whole to work."
"that's good. He's a team player."
"oh yeah. It's not surprising, really. He's from Hawkins." August says the name like Jerry should know what that means. It's a town, sure, but other than that... Jerry's at a loss. Maybe something a few years ago about a fire? "He has most assists in Osprey history. Some of the guys joke that he's allergic to the ball."
"He's good on the court?"
"Jerry. I know you're here because you saw the March Madness game. You know he's good. He'd be even better if he could afford those fancy prescription goggles Horace Grant wears."
"seriously? Why not contacts?"
"don't make them for his prescription. You didn't see his interview? Kid's got thick horn rimmed glasses. Too many concussions apparently. God knows how he tells players apart when the jersey colours are similar."
"shit. That's why he was squinting the whole time? I thought he was just stressed."
He shrugged. "eh. Probably a bit of both. He takes it seriously, but not too seriously. Y'know? Half the guys were shitting themselves from nerves and Harrington stands up in the locker room, hands on his hips, and gives a speech worthy of the most melodramatic underdog sports movie."
Jerry laughs. "No shit."
Waving his hands, August nods. "no shit! He says all this stuff like 'we worked hard...we deserve this...we may not win but let's do our damn best. The worst that could happen is we lose, and that isn't the end of the world. So let's go out there and play some basketball!' or something, his was better, and the boys cheer. Then they put in fifty points to one-thirty."
Jerry winces. "Must have hurt, huh?"
August grins. "No way. One of the best games they ever played. You saw it. You wouldn't be here if you hadn't. They played their goddamn hearts out." He leans forward. "My boys don't have the same facilities as the big universities, or the funding to offer scholarships. They're at Roane Community because they want a degree or certificate but have other responsibilities. Parents or siblings to stay close to, jobs to work, people to take care of. They joined my team because they like playing basketball, loved the game and wanted to spend some of their precious time playing it. They put the work in on the court and off it. And we made it to the NCAA tournament because of it. We put in fifty points against the goddamn Michigan Wolverines! The champs! And they knew that. I've never heard of a locker room after an 80 point defeat so happy."
It's all pride when Coach Nearaly says "yep. They may not be the best basketball players in college, but my god, they're probably the best team."
"because of Harrington?"
"partly. They all contribute, make sure they do things right. It's not a one man show, that's the point. They rally around him, but they all are part of the team, and know it. That's what Steve makes sure. Why I made him captain."
"So, you think he'd be a good pick for the Pacers?" This is, after all, a business meeting.
August nods, picks at his pancakes. "I'll be honest with you Jerry. You're not the first scout to talk to me about Steve."
"really? Who?"
"you know I won't say. But, between me and you, Steve's Indiana born and bred. His wife's planning on getting some lib Arts degree in Chicago or Indy, and your offer might be the deciding factor for them."
Jerry blinks. "He's married? At, what? Twenty-one?"
August nods. "Just turned twenty-two. High school sweethearts or something. Obsessed with each other." He chuckled, a bit ruefully. "I'm a bit jaded but damn. You mention her name? He lights up like the fuckin Fourth of July."
Jerry whistles. "Honeymoon phase gets us all."
"for almost two years? Nah. It's just love." It sounds a little wistful, coming from August. "Anyways. I dunno if the other team is serious about him, and if they are, they'll probably be disappointed. Kid isn't moving out of the Midwest. He's got family here, and is getting a goddamn elementary education degree. He won't uproot his life for a chance at the NBA. But, if you offer. Well. He'd at least seriously consider it."
Humming, Jerry chews his eggs as he thinks. "You think he'd be up for the lifestyle? The road games out numbering home ones?"
There's an air of seriousness when August levels Jerry with a look. "If he doesn't want to, he'll tell you. You gotta give him time to talk to his family though. This offer? It'll come out of left field for him, even if I give him a heads up. You get that, yeah? You want to recruit a kindergarten teacher to the NBA without any build up. He needs time to process that and then see where the people in his life are at with it."
"I guess it is unusual."
"try being the community college basketball coach getting two goddamn calls from NBA scouts. Thought I was hallucinating."
Jerry laughs, counts some bills for the tip. "Thank you. For your time and insights. Let Steve know I'll call tomorrow?"
"will do. He'll still probably drob the phone on you, though."
"as long as he doesn't hang up!"
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wanderpawn · 23 days
a plethora of smiles
⟡ neuvifuri hurt/comfort ⟡
Warnings: Neuvillette has dissociative identity disorder and a switch is described, Neuvillette uses they/them pronouns, sfw, slight fluff at the end
link to ao3!
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It's raining. 
The streets of Fontaine have been utterly soaked for quite some time, not a single ray of sunlight has broken through the heavy layer of dark gray clouds for weeks now. 
The current heavy rainfall kept everyone shut away indoors at the moment, the streets barren, except for one specific individual. 
A peculiar one, the Iudex of Fontaine happened to do their best ruminating when standing amidst the solemn puddles, nothing short of soaked to the core. 
They stood, perpetually alone, their gaze fixated on the brick pathway in front of the Opera Epiclese, their face stained with the tears of a troubled oddball. (Though, if anyone had been outside, they wouldn’t have been able to tell they were crying, as the Chief Justice’s face was also wet from the rain.)
But then suddenly, the rain… stopped. 
And there was a shadow over their head.
Neuvillette sighed, dropping their shoulders, which they hadn't realized had been so tense. 
“Again with the umbrella, Lady Furina?”
She gave a small solemn chuckle. “Aren't you cold? You've been out here for a while,”
Neuvillette did not meet her questioning gaze. “You ask me that every time…. And the answer is still yes.”
The sound of the rain plink-plinking on the surface of Furina’s frilly umbrella filled the silence that arose between the two. Until finally, Furina cleared her throat. 
“I know you're upset about that case. The trial, I mean.”
Neuvillette shifted on their feet anxiously, peering at their shorter friend out of the corner of their eye.
“I never spoke to anyone about that. Anything you read in the papers is wrong.”
“You're making headlines, Neuvillette…. don't you think you should make some kind of statement?”
“I have nothing to say on this matter. End of story.”
“But you must—! Everyone's talking about it! Just make something up, if you have to!”
“End of story, Furina.” They reached a hand out from under the umbrella, feeling the rain fall on their gloved palm.
Silence enveloped the pair once more. Pitter-patter pitter-patter.
“Neuvillette…” Furina’s shaky hands fumbled with the umbrella handle as she re-gripped it.
“I know… it must be so hard… to live as many instead of one…”
The wind howled as a gust blew past them. Furina held a hand on top of her hat, squinting up at her dearest friend.
“Can't you tell me a little bit more about it…? You've only mentioned it once… and I care about you a lot, Neuvi. I want to help you, in any way I can.”
Another gust of wind blew past, bringing with it a discarded newspaper. Neuvillette flinched as they skimmed the headline:
The Hydro Dragon let out a deep exhale. 
“It was poor wording on their part, that's for certain.”
“Neuvillette… .”
They turned slightly more towards Furina, their eyes finally meeting.
“It's something not many can come to understand… The fact that I am not the only Neuvillette existing in my mind… it's so… stressful….” They shuddered. 
“I know the article was just making a blatant accusation so readers would be interested. But the fact that it hit so close to home… of course, whoever wrote it has no idea how painful it is, to not know if you're the ‘real’ you… all the conflict within yourself… not being able to remember any of your past…. That's all it is. Painful.”
Furina reached out, carefully taking their hand in hers. 
“I've lived a long life, but really, it's like I was born a couple years ago, since I can't remember any of it. And the switching… oh, the incongruence....” Neuvillette dragged their free hand down their face exasperatedly. 
“I’m sorry, Neuvi… I'm so sorry you have to go through that,”
They sniffled, wiping a stray tear from their face. “It's alright, Furina. I will persist. I am needed here, and that gives me enough purpose to carry on.”
“I'm glad. You deserve happiness, though… not slander in the newspaper....”
“That's what happens… I get to a place where I finally feel truly happy, and then I switch, and it all goes away.”
Furina frowned. “Surely it can't be that volatile?”
Neuvillette merely nodded.
The rain had lightened at this point, as did the burden on Neuvillette’s shoulders, slightly. They stepped out from under the umbrella, feeling the cold wetness mingling with the warmth of their skin.
“Neuvillette… What did you even do in court that could have led to a headline like that…? Don't you yell ‘Silence!’ and ‘Order!’ every day?” 
The Chief Justice couldn't help but laugh at Furina’s wholehearted impressions of them on the job as they turned back to face her.
“Let's just say there's a part who isn't exactly 'professional enough’ to be conducting a court trial… They're rather… how do I say it… young. And whimsical. Much like you, Furina.”
“Much like me?! How have you been hiding them all this time?!”
“Well… not exactly like you. But they are a little more joyful and silly than the way I typically act.”
Furina’s eyes went wide as she noticed their change in demeanor. “Neuvillette… You're smiling… .”
And sure enough, a small, sweet smile graced their features. It was, however, a larger smile than Furina thought she’d ever seen on them.
Neuvillette raised a finger to their lips curiously. “What do you know… I am…. ”
“Is that because…”
Neuvillette was silent for a moment.
“Yes… yes, I think I did switch.”
Furina smiled too, at this point. “It's nice to see you in a better mood. Even if it is just temporary.”
Neuvillette’s smile widened. “What is life if not a series of temporary phases that each and every one of us go through?”
Furina laughed. She dropped the umbrella, taking their other hand in hers, and stepping closer.
“Furina, you'll get wet… your hair will be ruined….” Neuvillette exclaimed, glancing up at the gray clouds that were still pouring. Drip-drip, drip-drip. 
“It's okay. You're okay.”
And in this particular moment, as two close friends enjoyed the solemn weather together, with no one else around for miles, and with no worries about what the future might hold, everything was okay. 
And there were a plethora of smiles to prove it. 
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All of this comes from personal experience. Except for, you know, being the headline of media slander ( ; ω ; )
Thank you so much for reading! 💙
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spirit-small · 1 year
From a young age, borrowers are encouraged to do as much for themselves as they can. They're social creatures by nature, and thrive in larger community settings, but their continued existence depends on not being detected. This means that small family groups and, often, solo individuals, are the norm. Not by nature, but by necessity. To that end, borrower children are taught the necessary skills for survival as early as they're able. It's not to get them out on their own quickly, but more because of how fragile and volatile a borrower's life can be. Orphans are remarkably common. They're taught to fend for themselves, because soon enough they may have to.
This is Phoenix Wright's first solo borrowing.
He is 9 years old.
The risk is low. Only two beans live here, and they're both rather preoccupied at the moment. All he has to do is get a couple of things. It'll be over before he knows it.
He silently makes his way across a countertop, and climbs into a cupboard. He knows where his target is. This borrowing stuff is easy, he didn't even SEE a bean.
Too bad he didn't hear one either.
The cupboard he's in is opened and light floods his eyes. He squints and finds himself face to face with the younger bean, caught red handed, quite literally, on account of the Cheeto dust. Flamin' Hot, naturally.
They stare at each other for a minute.
And another.
And another.
It almost seems like the bean is having trouble processing what he's seeing, as if he can't figure out what the appropriate response is.
"Um, hello. My name is Miles Edgeworth. What's yours?" He finally settles on.
"Uh.. Ph-Phoenix... Wright?"
The bean- the Miles- laughs. "I'm not sure, you tell me. Is it Phoenix or not?"
Phoenix is baffled. "Y-yes. That's right, Phoenix."
"Right." Miles nods.
"That's right. I'm Wright."
"You're right? Then we're both right. Right?"
"I thought you were Edgeworth? Am I wrong?"
"No, you're right."
"That's right."
The two of them just look at each other for a moment, and simultaneously laugh. Laughing! With a bean! Phoenix is starting to suspect everything about his worldview might be a lie. Either that, or he found a rare One Of The Good Ones.
"So, um... May I ask what you're doing in my cupboard?" Miles asks. Phoenix has to think for a moment. What if he only gets mad when he realizes he's being borrowed from? Beans don't tend to take kindly to learning that.
But then again. What other explanation could there be?
"I... I was inspecting them. See, sometimes little bugs can get into these things, through even the tiniest of cracks in the wall. How would you feel if you started putting on the Ritz, only to find your crackers crawling with ants? I'm really doing you beans a service, here." Phoenix lies through his little teeth.
"...Ah... yes. Of... of course. That... makes sense. You know, if you're hungry, you can just help yourself. I don't mind. I'm sure you don't eat much. You can even take a little extra for later, if you want."
Phoenix bites into a Cheeto. He doesn't even hesitate.
"Mmmrf... Shank you... Mrrnff..."
Miles laughs, not necessarily at Phoenix's shameless display of his lack of table manners, but just... At the absurdity of the whole situation. Phoenix double checks the contents of his bag, and prepares to leave.
"W-wait! Are you... Leaving?" Miles looks at him like a sad, lost puppy.
"I have to. If I don't return soon, I'll never hear the end of it. I mean it, though... Thank you. For letting me take that stuff, and... For keeping me a secret."
"I don't recall promising to keep you a secret." Miles raises an eyebrow.
"Well, you did now." Phoenix winks. Miles gets a determined look on his face and nods.
"I understand..." He watches him as he disappears through a crack in the wall he'd never even put a second thought into. "Wait! Will I... Ever see you again...?"
Phoenix steps back out into the light for a moment. He looks down, thinking hard, considering all of the angles. Turning his thinking around- If beans are so dangerous, then the best way to survive a world full of them is to have one on your side, right? He looks up at Miles, and smiles.
"I think we can arrange that."
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rkn001 · 2 years
I've got to know, whats the process to your artwork, like how did you learn to draw poses and features as you do? Sorry if that's an odd question, just genuinely curious!
oh, that’s not an odd question; i appreciate asks like these haha! unfortunately my answer to this is going to be a bit long, so apologies in advance for that.
for poses, i devote an hour or two per week to practice a lot of figure drawing. it basically entails me collecting some references for poses, like the pose tool from posespace or pinterest (especially if i’m looking for some dynamic poses, though that entails being creative in how i search), and just... draw these poses from sight to the best of my ability. how i learn and how i practice is really just that. it's a great way for me to build a mental library of poses i can fall back to if i'm feeling like drawing freely without references.
but figure drawing can be hard and exhausting, and it takes time to work up to a point of drawing one figure for 10-20 minutes straight. and if that practice were my actual drawing process every time, i'd easily get frustrated every time i draw. so instead, (especially if you're starting out!) i recommend looking into gesture drawing, a method of capturing the dynamism of a pose in under a minute or a couple of minutes, or even a couple of seconds, without worrying so much about proportions and whatnot. imo this stuff is actually the backbone of figure drawing, because if you're not considering the overall movement of a character and just drawing the parts of the body individually, your character is going to look stiff and inanimate. think of gesture drawing as if it were like writing an outline to a school essay, before writing the essay! (in fact, i actually find that there are many components of gesture drawing which have wormed its way into my style.)
i guess face features are a different thing, because i tend to take bits and pieces of what i like from different artists' styles, and meld them into some alloy that is my style. sometimes i also do some face studies, but…not that much.
as for a general overall process to my artwork, i actually can’t give you a cookie-cutter recipe to do so; if you squint at my posts, you might notice that each does a different approach. it’s because i’m constantly experimenting with how i draw, and i’m constantly being inspired (re: borrowing some ideas) by many, many artists who do fantastic work all around. but...maybe i can give a simplified idea of my process, if that helps?
say that i'm drawing a character doing a thing. i would imagine the pose that the character is doing, maybe collect some references on said pose, and do a quick gesture draw using those references before drawing the character over that sketch while fixing proportions or whatever else. i guess an example of this would look something like:
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(i used this reference, which unfortunately isn't really a great example since it's a photo of a toy and not a human figure, but whatever.)
but as i said, this is pretty simplified for a process; the actual process depends! it can be hella messy, hella disorganized, and hella experimental. hell, most of the time i don't even follow the above two steps; for the sake of economizing my time (re: laziness), i tend to fall back on my mental library of poses (for the better or for the worse i guess). as for my coloring process...i'm still trying to figure that one out lmao
anyway, this is getting too long, my bad. well, i hope this answers some part or parts of your question. if not, feel free to ask more questions if you'd like!
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cnl0400 · 1 year
hey <3 i know the chat news is saddening and as a fellow enthusiast of the new trio I've been going through all five stages of grief about it myself but as a little pick me up let's try to remind ourselves of these 💖 not sure how much devs are to be trusted atp (not at all) but i would like to think it's worth something.. even though they're taking forever with it :') (also all three new characters call you on your bday in nb so that's a tiny w for us too)
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I know about the calls but I don't want to spoil myself lol (My Birthday Is in nov. RIP I guess) the fact that Raphael Is the first to call? Very cute, actually.
I remember they kinda promised us a song project with them (maybe not individual songs but still) so I'm looking foward to that, but the devs make It really Hard to be positive lol (unless you stan the popular characters lmao) I really like what they have show us in NB, but wish they would do more with them...
The worst thing to me Is that Thirteen chats in the OG are very cute? You go on "dates" with her and everything (They're open enough to be seen as either platonic or romantic, so you can "date" her in anything but name) Raphael ones are a little more "dry" but if you squint enough, you can see that the intention Is there lol. Maybe that's why I'm sad? Because the only ones in NB who are *explicitly* romantic are the brothers and Solomon, leaving the other characters with almost nothing, and now stoping giving the trio "romantic" content for an indefinite amount of time. Well that sucks :///
I think the only thing making me sane Is Thirteen promising to "protect your soul 💞" in NB, I criticize Solmare for a lot of things, but the only thing I give them Is that they stood with her, (despite the "drama" of her announcement) seeing her taking an important role in the story (With Solomon no less, the star of NB lmao) really makes me hopeful they make her dateable in NB S2, but I'm still wary of the devs :'))
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fourseasonsfigs · 2 years
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Lingyue Love at First Sight
If you have been reading along on my posts, you know from this Wang Yue post that I can't resist a fig on a scooter!
The second I laid eyes on this fig I knew this was a must have! Sadly for me though, this was in the Before I Figured out Weidian Times, and this seller did not allow third party purchases from a warehouse buyer. It was a bummer, because she had quite a few figs for sale.
Fast forward many months (a year?) later, and me and my rudimentary Weidian navigation skills were thrilled to see a remainders sales notice pop up from this fig maker. At long last, this little cutie gets to drive home to me!
This is not the official name of the fig - I was so late to the party with this fig that I missed out on any back story or info about this set. The seller just called in Lingyue in the short sales listing, but I have so many other Lingyue sets I wanted to distinguish it a bit.
Real quick before we get into the fig business, for those new to this blog, the little scooter guy is Zhang Zhang's character Wang Yue from the short film Brother, and the doctor being surprised at just how cute this deliveryman is, is Gong Jun's character Ling Rui from his TV series Begin Again.
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These two arrived safely to me in their protective polystyrene cutout boxes. I will admit to being a bit worried about Wang Yue's hat, but it arrived just fine.
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Here they are! I'm going to do each fig individually, because Wang Yue's scooter makes it difficult to rotate them together for photographs.
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The little scooter does stand on it's own, although it has a distinct lean to it. It's decently stable, but as you'll see not stable enough for my long term peace of mind.
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I really like the very cute rendition of him here - from the rounded bubbly lines of the scooter to his outfit and helmet.
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This is a good angle to see why it's secure but not too secure. The motorcycle doesn't actually rest on it's wheels so much as on that blue stand you see there. Which is good, since standing on the wheels wouldn't be secure at all, but the stand itself is not a ton of real estate to hold the fig steady. The fact that it does it at all is an impressive bit of fig engineering.
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The slight lean on the stand makes it look like he's actually turning into the curve as he drives! I love it.
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Here's another good angle to see the lean a bit more. Again, from this angle it just looks like he's driving away! Don't squint too hard to read the stickers on his bag, I'm about to give you a close up...
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CUTE! Love all the fandom numbers here and of course that nice big orange sticker! It's very crisp and clean in all the details, I'm so impressed.
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There he goes! The wheels don't rotate, they're fixed in place.
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I like the fairly monochromatic color scheme with the scooter and his outfit - the colors are bright and cheerful but it's not overwhelming. The blue colors really pop.
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I really love all the cat attributes on the scooter, with the sticker itself and also the mirrors looking like cat ears with the rounded front face.
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Here's a better look at the underside - you can see how all of the modeling, including the stand, is nice and smooth.
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This angle from the top is funny to me - looks like a cartoon character!
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That's a little better of a top down view - we can actually see more of the details on his hat and top of the scooter.
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Since I grew up in California and have lived through more earthquakes than I can remember, I felt like I needed to put him on a fig stand for my own peace of mind. Since the wheels don't really touch the ground I finally decided on one large fig sticker right on the stand, and one of my few larger square acrylic plates.
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It seemed to work perfectly! I decided to put him at a jaunty angle for better display purposes next to the other Lingyue set(s)!
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Alright, on to our dear doctor. Poor Ling Rui, he never gets much attention when Wang Yue is around because Wang Yue is always rendered so adorably!
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This version is pretty cute himself though! I really like the hearts in his eyes and the awed expression on his face. He's pretty smitten with this driver!
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I'm not really sure what he's holding - maybe the delivery Wang Yue has dropped off? Then again, I'm not sure he remembers he's holding anything with the way he's staring off at Wang Yue!
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You can really see the 3-D effect of his stethoscope here, it's beautifully done.
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Ling Rui's hair is a bit fluffy and piecey here - definitely not too slicked back.
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As you can see, both sides of his stethoscope have that 3-D effect.
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The fig maker rendered his little shoes with some care - his sneakers are a bit chunkier then you normally see on figs. I like it!
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Coming back around we have more detail on his shoe laces, and a particularly funny angle where it looks like he's almost whispering ohhhh under his breath as he looks at Wang Yue!
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You can see here all the detail around making his white coat a clean separate look from his pants underneath it. I've seen progress pics in fig assembly at the factory (not for this fig, but for others) and it's probably the torso and the legs separately with them glued together.
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And last but not least, the top of our dear doctor's head. I really like how they did his hair - it looks very clean and tidy and professional, yet also like how they styled Gong Jun's hair in the show.
Alright, since I have neither box card nor printed box for this set, I'll leave you with a colorful pic of the two of them:
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Love at First Sight indeed!
Material: Resin
Fig Count: 268
Scene Count: 20
Rating: I was also struck dumb at the total cuteness in front of me, I'm right there in solidarity with you, Ling Rui
[link back to Master Fig Index for more posts]
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🗣️, 📝, 💗, 📄!
🗣️Talk about your favourite WIP
asfasdfasdfasdf i cannot pick just one favorite !!!! there's so manyyyyyyyyyy i'd say maybe my favorite that isn't one i'm working on jointly with someone else is my 18 year old hell fic (working title). it's just all of the 18s celebrating hokari and kou's birthdays by having a big party and they all have a lot of fun and there's friendship abound. that's it that's the whole fic. they're all friends, friends love each other.
📝Share a snippet of an unposted WIP, with or without context.
Ouji is convinced that Kai and Kashio are secretly dating. He ropes Arafune and Mizukami into helping him prove it. Hijinks ensue.
"Mizukaming–what are they doing, can you see?" He leaned over into his friend's space, craning his neck to try and get a better view of the darkened silhouettes rows ahead of them. Beside him, Mizukami sat up taller to do the same thing. "Dunno, 's kinda hard to see up here." Ouji squinted, trying harder to make them out. "Are they kissing or whispering?" "I think–" Arafune shushed them both before Mizukami could finish, a quiet hiss just under his breath while his eyes were still glued unwaveringly to the movie theater screen. "Guys."
💗Is there a scene you can’t wait to write for a WIP?
basically anything for my hyuse school musical series. in particular there's a chapter centered around confessions and valentines day and i just think it'd be really funny to see hyuse's (non-)reactions to being surprisingly popular with girls and how the other guys respond to that the scene i'm most excited about there is someone confessing to hyuse and him basically just going "cool can i eat my lunch though?" while his friends are banging on the windows above him
📄What’s a WIP you never finished that you would like to go back and revisit?
the second part to my kagekou fic for sure. i had a lotplanned for it and it focused more on their individual backstories and their relationship as a whole rather than the romantic aspects of it, but it's really hard for me to go back to for a few reasons. maybe i'll rework it, maybe i'll just finish. either way i really liked where it was going and it makes me sad to think about it going unfinished.
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cabinette · 1 year
8, 17, 19, 23 for the Loop! (HI THIS IS STEVEN IM JUST LOGGED OUT)
Hello Steven!
8. Although I share a lot of opinions with the fandom I do have to say that some of you really misinterpret Roth sometimes! He's old and he's tired for sure but Jesus Christ he is still dangerous, considering how new he is I'm sure some of the base still regards him with a lot of caution.... But it's not something I'm severely violent about, since it's in most of the characters nature to not be cautious most of the time, if I had to be super violent about something, ERIK SUCKS ASS!!! TOSS HIM IN THE MEAT GRINDER!!!!!! That guy is NOT getting better at ALL 😒 Erik enjoyers DNI (/j)
17. There should be more whump fics with Nero and Raj and I stand by these words firmly. Not just Nero and Raj but with most of the base in general, I loooove all the sad or smutty content the fandom puts out but also? These guys are coming back BRUISED and BROKEN!!!!! Fix those little guys give them some hot chocolate and some good food PLEASE
19. The prospect that Four might not get better, but in fact, get worse..... Like for sure he's not going to die but he's going to be so dysfunctional no one would wanna interact with him, that's like, Horrifying and I doubt it would ever be entertained in canon that but it's food for though yk?
23. Surprisingly enough? Roth and Four/Roth and Erik, they share so many struggles and so many qualities about their cybernetic sentiments (or lack thereof) and that's so sweet to me. They have barely interacted at all but I'm still hung up on the idea of Roth and Four just sort of. Bonding over how their machines just make them ache sometimes. How their skin is a bit too cold or their joints are a bit too tight. What with the individual already being so queercoded I'd just love to think about another timeline where they can interact ❤️ Erik and Roth are a more crackship to me but honestly I can see a lot of romantic moments with them if I squinted hard enough, the guy who rambles oooon and ooon and the person who listens, yeah?
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do you have any rich!Derek fics?? Like he’s super rich and moves Stiles in for some reason and then Sterek happens?? Love this blog!!
Hi anon. @kevaaronday found these for you!
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Thank You For This Dance by matildajones
(62,463 | 26/26 | Mature | Sterek) Derek picks up another glass of champagne, and that’s when he sees him. A man stands at the edge of the room, chewing his lip and staring at the dance floor longingly. 
Every person walks past him. Derek must have done it a hundred times this evening. 
Derek is not one for dancing, but at a ball he meets Stiles, an orphan, and he becomes quickly attached. He does not care what other people think about Stiles' wealth and status, but it's a lot harder for Stiles to ignore the comments that have haunted him his whole life.
It's even harder to convince Stiles that Derek's feelings are genuine.
Rich Man, Poor Man by TyReed (58,055 | 10/10 | Mature | Sterek) During a first date gone horribly wrong, Stiles Stilinksi realizes that the snarky guy he's been asked out by is actually Derek Hale, an heir to Hale Industries, one of the most profitable companies in the entire world. Who is, for whatever reason, interested in the son of a teacher and a cop, a loser who spends all weekend watching movies in his pajamas, and who is also possibly one of the biggest dorks on the Internet.
At the same time, after screwing up their first date horribly, Derek Hale realizes that the funny guy he's asked out is Stiles Stilinksi, the warmest and kindest individual he's ever met in his life, with a family just a loving and caring. Who is, for whatever reason, interested in a guy who screws up everything he does, lacks any semblance of a backbone, and who is possibly one of the biggest history dorks in all of the United States.
These rich and poor men will come to experience a taste of each other's lives, and learn where the real blessings in the world can be found.
Can You Feel A Whole New Part of Your World? By isthatbloodonhisshirt (53246 | 1/1 | Gen | Sterek) “Can you hear me singing in the shower?” Stiles blurted out, because he had to know, now. If one of his neighbours had slid that note under his door, then it meant Parrish as another neighbour could hear him, too! He had to know if this was all a huge joke and one person had walked by and overheard him and decided to fuck with him.
Or if everyone could hear him and he now had to leave the country. 
Parrish gave him a weird look at the question, but answered anyway, making Stiles’ plans to leave the country speed up in his mind. 
“Of course I can. You’re actually not bad. Though you have been singing a lot of Frozen lately, getting kind of tired of the soundtrack.” 
“Oh my God!” Stiles shouted in his face.
Looking For The Feeling Lost Inside by suchfun (46,069 | 1/1 | Mature | Sterek) "Am I wrong? Do you secretly love modelling? Because if you do then fucking A man, get your coin, but if you're—"
"I can't fucking do anything else!" Derek snarls, and fuck. The shock of it, of finally saying it out loud, startles him out of his beta shift and into silence.
Stiles squints at him. "You mean—" He drags his bottom teeth over his top lip, eyes darting between Derek's. "You mean that literally, don't you. You think you have nothing else to offer."
"I don't have a college degree. I don't have any real life experience or transferable skills," Derek says roughly. "I'm not—a peopleperson. Money and connections only get you so far. Most people don't— it's not worth it."
He knows Stiles hears what he's trying really hard not to say.Stiles
That he's not worth it.
Checks and Balances by AwaitTheMorrow (13,539 | 1/1 | Teen | Sterek) Stiles starts dating Derek after a chance encounter and can't believe how lucky he is.
Derek is smart, funny and genuinely the sweetest person Stiles has ever met. The guy is perfect.
...Maybe a little too perfect.
So When Do I Get To Pledge My Loyalty To The Mob? By RedRidingStiles (10,089 | 1/1 | Mature | Sterek) “Are you my sugar daddy?” Stiles blurts out, slapping a hand over his mouth when his brain catches up to his mouth. The man lets out a soft laugh, making his way around the couch till he’s standing just feet away from Stiles. Stiles can smell his cologne from here, it smells heavenly, Stiles kinda wants to bury his face into the guy's chest so he can figure out exactly what it is. 
“If that’s what you’d like to call it.” The man smiles, Stiles doesn’t think he should be allowed to smile like that. All soft and gorgeous and way too pretty to be legal. He’s still not convinced any of this is real. 
Stiles loses his wallet, someone returns it along with $5,000. Shit keeps coming, Stiles life doesn't make any sense anymore, he's just going with it.
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I absolutely love Mutt and Alpha💚
Can you write if they, individually, was n this situation plz?:
He and his s/o r cuddling and they look up at him and give him a big smooch on the cheek.. they pause a second.. then decide that wasn't enough. So they kiss him more. He gets ALL the smooches. After, s/o is blushing really hard and is a little giggly cause they love him so much
I'm really happy you like them so much :)
I decided to make these extra fluffy, just for you!
Mutt: Mutt loved it when people cuddled with them! They didn't often get it, cuddling and hugs and all that, they meant. Just having them made them feel like they were wanted, and that's something that they always wanted really badly. Sometimes they worried that... they weren't good enough to be wanted. A lot of the time they heard people bad talking them, and they acted as if they were too stupid to hear them and understand what they're saying, but they weren't stupid. Speaking of cuddling! They were laying with their datemate on the couch, Y/n on top of their chest and they had their head rested on top of their datemate's, watching the tv their arms wrapped around them all snug. They liked it when they did this since it was a lot like their weighted blanket! Mutt snuggles their skull against their cheek, purring happily. They were sure that if they had a tail, it would be wagging so quickly right now, and they didn't even mind that. Y/n laughs a little, looking up at them "Hey, what are you cuddling me for?" They shrug their shoulders, looking at them with a bright grin "Cause I love you" They never felt too scared to show their affection for their datemate, they knew that it would be dangerous to show 'weaknesses' in the underground. This isn't the underground anymore though, and they were able to say whatever the hell they wanted to say. Their datemate chuckles, rolling their eyes then look up at them, humming and pecking their cheek making Mutt giggle softly, then they seem to think about it and they start to kiss over their face "love you too~" they teased between the kisses, they were giggling and blushing pretty brightly themselves. Mutt snickers and giggles, blushing brightly ahhhh. They weren't prepared for this! They were trapped in the kisses!
Alpha: Honestly, cuddling wasn't something that Alpha always wanted to do. Sure, sometimes he thought it was nice, and sometimes he would let his datemate be the big spoon if they wanted to. Most of the time, he wouldn't ask about it though, and would just wait to see if his datemate started it, or not. Otherwise, they most likely wouldn't do it. Not because he didn't want to, just... asking was scary. Today while they were cuddling, he had his arms around their waist, his head on their shoulder watching the tv letting out soft hums. Normally, he would be teasing them about the cuddling, and trying to make little jokes. Of course, they're perverted because that's something he found fun. Y/n lifts their head looking up at him, squinting slightly so he looks at them, and chuckles a little "you good, pup?" he liked to call them as a nickname. They make a small mrrr sound, like they were thinking, while squinting at him and they press a soft kiss against his cheek, making him chuckle shutting his eye socket on that side "What was that for?" he asks, and they still didn't answer him. They put their hands on his cheeks, the touch being... okay to him. He didn't hate it. They start to pepper kisses against his face. He tenses up a little, then lets out a soft laugh, not being able to stop himself shutting his eye sockets tightening his grip around their waist. He could hear their giggles and laughter. Like he said before, he didn't normally like cuddling and hugging and soft things like this but... he loved it when he was able to get it.
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I'm sorry if this annoying but can I please get a little fanfic with the inumaki forget idea ? Sorry if this werd English isn't my first languag
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Not annoying at all anon, In fact I really like this idea of yours. (Also your English is pretty good so don’t worry!) Hope you like the fic!
CHARACTERS: Inumaki Toge x Female Reader
WARNINGS: Smut, Dark Content, Noncon, Yandere, Manipulation, Mind Control/ Brain Washing, Cunnilingus
Minors Do Not Interact! 
1.5k words
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It was comforting, the fluff of ashen white hair that lay on your shoulder, the morning light seeping in from behind the slat blinds cascading a bright shimmer over the expanse of the snowy tufts. The individual strands were dusting your skin feather-light, tickling against you in the sway of every meager intake and exhalation of breath escaping Toge’s mouth.
You had known Toge for years now, and although you couldn’t truly remember how you even came to know him in the first place, he had effortlessly situated himself in the spot of one of your nearest and dearest. You found that his earnest silence brought you solace, words that he could not convey through sentence instead being understood through the knowing glances and expressions you had come to share with one another, the fluency of this mutual language only strengthening with the passage of time.
Now was one of those blissful moments of comfortable, knowing quiet. domestically lounging around your apartment during a day off, lazily giggling at some meme compilation in unison while leaning against one another on the settee. You couldn’t think of a better way to spend your time, this cozy sphere of amenity that you had constructed with Toge an apt repose from the outside world.
Whilst you were lost reflecting on your rosy blessings, you were suddenly brought back to reality when you felt the weight of toge’s head lift from your shoulder, turning to meet the familiar gaze of inquisitive violet eyes peering at you from behind off-white tresses.
“Are you okay, Toge?”
“Mustard Leaf.”
The response, that usually implied he was doing fine in the small dictionary of onigiri vocabulary he had come to employ.. Didn't feel genuine, to say the least. His irises were blown wide, registering your countenance as though he was trying to gleen some hidden information from your inquiring squint, when Toge began to lean further over you. You turned the front of your body to look at him directly, though you were steadily inclining your spine backwards in your perplexion at Toge’s unusual advancement.
He soon had draped his entire upper body over yours, hands reaching around your frame to press into the sofa to support himself as his face drew dangerously close to yours.
“Toge?” A heat was rising in your upper body. Sure, you and Toge were incredibly close friends.. But this was a little too much for your liking. You pressed your palms against the jut of his shoulders and pushed slightly, though with no true force. Blushing, you faced away from him, trying to announce your discomfort at his invasive approach. “T-toge.. This is a bit too-”
“Don’t move.”
And sure enough, compelled by some otherworldly force to entertain the command, you had stopped moving in your tracks. It didn’t take long for you to figure Toge had used his technique. Like a deer trapped in the headlights of an oncoming car, your body froze statuesque while conflicting eyes beamed alive, frantically searching for the reasoning behind the cruel fate that was racing towards you.
An uneasy feeling settled in the pit of your stomach at the sight of his lips pulled tight, his usually bright irises murky with shadows of deception. Something awful was afoot. His deadpan look in conjunction with the preceding events told you this was no prank, swiftly realising that your trust in him had been irredeemably breached to the point of fear at what was coming next. Your body twitched as you strained under the spell that had been cast on you, helpless to the plummeting feeling of the safe structure of friendship you had built with Toge coming crumbling down around you.
Your fears were proven genuine when Toge’s hand began reaching forward, coming to rest on the curve of your hip. You tried to communicate with your eyes, begging for him to stop and to just think about what he was doing, but he paid no heed to it. In fact it seemed like he was ignoring your glare, focused on the task that lay at his palms. He began deftly inching your bottoms down over your pelvis, panties and all coming to a halt over your thighs, just above your kneecaps.
It was then that he shot you a glance of what seemed like sorrowfulness, as if he was fully aware he was enacting something cruel but thought it necessary. Perhaps like how a farmer would look at lame animal before putting it to rest. 
Still, you were broken away from the horrid thoughts and back into a harsher reality when Toge had begun ripping the aforementioned cloth even further down your legs until they reached your calves. Shoving his hands between your thighs, the pads of his fingers pressed forcefully against the flesh and separated the limbs till they spread wide. You were completely exposed, the open air cutting a chill against your privates.
He traced his fingertips over your slit, with whatever wet, however slight gathered up in it’s trailing wake. He looked you in your eyes when he brought the digits to your clit, as if looking for a reaction when he began grinding his forefingers against the sensitive nub. Unable to do so much as flinch away from the offensive touch, you mentally grit your teeth as you felt that aching bundle of nerves scream against the assault. It felt painful, at first. You were so unprepared for the sudden encroachment on your most sensitive parts, It made you want to recoil in on yourself completely, though there was nought you could do in protest.
Toge began occasionally lowering his fingers to reach directly into your core, drawing out the little slick you were producing to mercifully rub it over your clit. The lubrication meant his ministrations were less painfully direct, his motions transforming into a light flutter that felt traitorously gratifying, an unwarranted heat beginning to pool in your stomach. Your body was disobediently reacting to his touches with craving, and it made you want to hide away forever but unfortunately you were rendered completely unable to escape the explicit display you were being forced to partake in. 
You felt his warm breath exhale humid air over your cunt, when you noticed from your frozen position that you couldn’t see Toge’s face any more, only the top of his alpine locks as he lowered himself further over your pulsing heat.
You knew what was coming, but you still inwardly lurched with shock at the swiping of that lithe muscle over your aching bundle. The feeling made you throb with hypersensitivity, the combination of the attention that area had received earlier now with the sudden sensation of Toge’s wet mouth lapping at you desperately causing your entire pussy to twitch around his tongue in a chase for release.
Dragging and dipping his emblazoned tongue over and between your sopping folds, he came to plant his mouth directly over your clit. He sucked over it with such vigor his cheeks completely hollowed, rolling your nub between his lips whilst deft fingers aided in your pleasure as he continued to pump them in and out of the sticky apex of your crotch. 
He worked at you for some time, steady in the intensity of his applications. It wasn’t long before the sensations grew too much, pussy clenching around his fingers as you reached a climax, flood gates swinging open as you gushed helplessly over his face.
He stayed where he was for a second, before rising. When his pale face came into view, you took in the sight of your own slick washing trails down his chin, the purple tattoos it overlay on his cheek glistening prismatic in the light the sun cast over it. He looked wild, salivating at the maw, sparkling amethysts settling an intense gaze into your own eyes which were vacantly still trying to work through the thralls of your orgasm.
Yet, fear sparked them alert with dread when you saw his mouth drop open to speak once again.
Even in that split second of recognition you had before your memories had been erased for (unbeknownst to you,) the umpteenth time, it was enough for an intensely visceral stream of consciousness to flood your thoughts. You realised intuitively Toge was never really the person you thought he was, and you wondered how many times you had been used like this. How much had happened, how much had you been subject to by his cursed technique. Just how much was real in that domestic setting that you had been experiencing before it all came crashing down like this.
If only you knew just how much of your true self had slipped away. With your hands wrapped around his cock once more, The sunset and rise beginning to melt away at the edges into a haze of warm gradients was just a pretty sight to you, the concept of time becoming irrelevant to you as you settled into your life as an ignorant hostage.
Extra Notes:
Yeah so this kinda became a fucked up version of 50 first dates.. although now that I think about it I guess 50 first dates is pretty fucked up? Also god writing a character who hardly speaks is so hard in fic format;; I guess enjoy the challenge though
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