#time travel/dimension hop au
Izuku, on a call with Aizawa and his mother: I stoped someone from murdering a pro! And I made a new friend!
Inko: That’s nice dear, who’s the pro?
Izuku: No, no, I made friends with the killer!
Aizawa: Where are you?
Izuku: At home, I’m making cookies for them.
Aizawa: Inko, I am less than 10 minutes away, I’ll be there soon. Izuku, do not hang up the— he hung up the phone, god damnit.
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firendgold · 10 months
Hi, I dont know if your exactly the right person for this but you know those james and lily lives aus? Well i cant stand them and thats because they always make all the problems go away as well. But I figured out an au of this which I like. Which start of with Sirius actually becoming the secret keeper but then the rest stay the same like Peter is still a spy voldemort is still at large Harry is still the chosen one. And then you have Harry start school and hes probably friends with Neville allready and knows about wizard stuff but the rest of the actual story stay mostly the same. I think that would be quite interesting to see.
Hmm. Interesting, definitely... I don't know if that much stuff would stay the same if James and Lily lived. Not to say they're super important and would Definitely Change The Course of the War or anything, but their presence would definitely change Harry's story drastically, especially if he's still the main character of the fic. You'd have to grapple with the fact that for starters, Harry might not be chosen by Voldemort at all. There's a lot of new dominoes here.
But let's assume Voldemort does still think Harry is the greater threat to him. If Peter remains the traitor but he doesn't have the Potters' address to pass on, then Voldemort goes after Sirius. Since Secret-Keepers can't be forced to give up their secret, Sirius is definitely dead in any modern day AU like this. Peter may or may not be dead as well if he didn't have any more information to offer, but not without taking even more Order members with him who originally survived. Whether or not James finds out about Peter's treachery, that's two of his best friends he's lost in probably only a few years. It's likely to make him even more reckless than he already is, which may badly affect Lily and Harry.
Annnd that's only true if James, Lily and Harry are even alive past all that. Is the AU just that they live past Halloween or they somehow manage to evade Voldemort into the 1990s? If so, that could be because Voldemort kills Harry without having to go through his parents.
As for Neville... I think it's likely that if Voldemort had succeeded in killing Harry, he would have killed Neville too for good measure, so I have no idea what Neville's family looks like in a Jily lives!AU or if he's still alive to experience it.
We also don't know what Snape will do in a world where Voldemort threatens Lily, he swears his allegiance to Dumbledore and becomes a spy, and then Lily just... stays alive and married to his worst enemy, while also possibly popping out kids every few years as the wizards like to do for some reason. Does he remain loyal? Does he start giving Voldemort a little too much information in hopes that maybe James, Remus and Harry get caught in the crossfire somewhere?
But let me put all my conjecture aside. Assuming everything happened as you said, that version of Harry would have to work very hard in a fanfic or else he'd probably bore me. I know that's awful to say! But I don't like Jily lives!AUs either. There are some characters in canon whose deaths I'm super okay with, and they're high up on the list. A Harry who grows up with his parents probably ends up inheriting a lot of James' flaws. He loses the attachment issues that make him compelling to me. I also find it more fun that Harry straddles both the Muggle and magical worlds because of his upbringing. Not in a muggle!wank way though! I'm not on that "Muggles do everything better" train.
So yeah, I'm kind of boring but the only time I read James and Lily being alive is if Harry either time-travels backward before 1981 or if he ends up in another dimension where he gets to experience his parents without actually experiencing his parents.
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malarki · 1 year
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Posting again with a new au, very predictable behavior from me. I’m just gonna put the basics of this au here since it’s quite long (loosely inspired by fics, mainly ‘The Darkening Of Your Soul’ by Maeglin_Yedi if you’ve read it you know exactly what part of this fic I’ve swiped haha )
Basically, after the war and rebuilding, the ministry figures out that Harry is Voldemorts horcrux from Dumbledore’s notes (and his portrait) they come to the conclusion that Harry is a liability and so they arrest him and then execute him.
Due to his being the master of death though, Harry can’t die and instead heads right back to limbo. He has a talk with death about what his options are and decides to dimension hop. (Cause time travel that let’s you affect the future technically isn’t possible in HP and I hate the cursed child so..) he tries to create a better future for himself twice before ending up in the dimension this au actually takes place in. In this universe, Harry Potter died when the curse was shot at him (but it still rebounded for reasons I will explain later) due to this, Harry can’t inhabit the body of a younger him, and so just uses his original body. This time though, he’s doing everything differently, and his plans include getting a certain dark lord to help him. Which should be easy peasy
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cywscross · 1 month
Title: To New Beginnings (So Long As It's With You) Fandom: Teen Wolf x Solo Leveling Character/Pairing: Peter Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Stiles Stilinski, Peter Hale, Original Characters Rating: T Word Count: 6,517 Summary: A single deviation lands Stiles and Peter in a whole new world.
They both agree that they're far better for it. Tags: Post-Season 6A, Canon Divergence AU, Dimension Travel, Crossover, Crossovers & Fandom Fusions, Original Character(s), Established Relationship, Domestic, Outsider POV, Multiple POV, Alternate Universe - Solo Leveling Fusion
Submitted For:
- 51+ Crossover Fandoms - 022. partnership - Post-July Break Bingo 2023 - "I can't lose you too." - 100 Prompts Challenge - 010. Stranger - Across the Universe Bingo - Dimension Hopping - Gen Prompt Bingo [Round 25] - Fork in the Road AU - Seasonal Delights Bingo: Language of Flowers [Card 2] - Sweet Pea - Seasonal Delights Bingo: Types of Love [Card 1] - "With You, I Found That it's Not as Lonely to Be Alone" (@seasonaldelightsbingo x2) - Lyrical Escape Bingo - "Until the dawn of time, we'll hold on." (@lyricalescape) - Any Fandom Angst Bingo - Trapped (@anyfandomangstbingo) - Winter Break Advent 2023 - December 11th-15th: Physical Hurt/Comfort | Going Through it Together | Kidnapped or captured by the same person | If you think that I'm someone to give up and leave - that'll never be me | Desperate measures + Working together - Fandom-Free Bingo: Frosty Edition - Stranded - Fandom-Free Bingo: Flight Edition - Opportunities - Fandom-Free Bingo: Valentine Edition - Begging Not to Go - Fandom-Free Bingo: Wild Edition [Card 2] - Falling Asleep on One Another - Fandom-Free Bingo: WBN Edition [Card 2] - The Truth About (Lies) - Fandom-Free Bingo: Maritime May Edition [Card 2] - Curled Up On Their Chest (@fandom-free-bingo x6) - Eclipsing Bingo - Sharing a Bed (@eclipsingbingo)
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mixelation · 7 months
in reborn au (or even plasticity) does anyone ever figure out the truth behind tori knowing things she really shouldn't be able to? if so, how would that conversation go?
for reborn au I wasn’t planning on anyone but Yahiko (and eventually Kushina Jr) to know about time travel; Kushina Jr eventually gets Tori’s full origin story because uuuh what if they dimension hop into HER dimension
But I WAS thinking the funniest/crackiest possible reveal for the reincarnation thing is Tori attempting to give context for a funny story about Obito. “Haha, okay this is SO funny but the context is kind of a downer, okay so you gotta understand [most fucked up thing Minato has heard in his entire life] but don’t get distract, the story is SO FUNNY—“
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aceofstars16 · 3 months
Well, I made a poll asking if I should post this now...and then I just go and post it without waiting to see what people voted haha xD
This was inspired by @athenoot (not letting me actually tag but I linked her blog!) and her super fun AU idea mashing up Drifting Stars and Relativity Falls!
I don't know if this works for @forduary but it does have portal Ford so *shrugs*
Summary: Mabel loves dimension hopping, but she is starting to miss having a home. And more than anything, she misses Dipper and Stan. However, she may end up seeing them sooner than expected…though they aren't exactly the same Dipper and Stan that she knows.
The street was packed, creatures of all sorts bustling to and fro. Even after months of being in other dimensions, Mabel was still overwhelmed by all of the different aliens. Her eyes couldn’t stop moving, even as Ford pulled her along, trying to make his way through the crowd.
They had arrived in this dimension a few days ago. Unfortunately, they had first been spat out in a rainforest with absolutely no civilization around. But after climbing a particularly tall tree, they had seen a town of sorts in the distance. Which is where they were now, hoping to find some food and maybe even shelter, that is, if Ford deemed this dimension safe enough to stay in for a little while.
 At first, the constant travel had been fun for Mabel. Getting to explore a new world every few days was exhilarating. But she was surprised to find that more recently, she missed a place she could call home. Though, more than anything, she missed Dipper and Stan. Of course, she loved Ford too. He had been looking out for her ever since she had been pulled into the portal, and she couldn’t imagine her life without him now. But still…she wished she could be with Ford and the rest of her family.
Something bumped Mabel particularly hard and she was shaken from her thoughts as she lost her footing. Her hand was yanked out of Ford’s and she fell to the ground.
Panic gripped her and she quickly stood up and tried catching sight of Ford, but the constant movement of aliens made standing still impossible. She thought she heard someone calling her name, but it was hard to hear over the crowd.
“Grunkle Ford!” Yelling at the top of her lungs, Mabel, tried pushing her way through the crowd, in what she thought was the direction Ford had been walking. But no matter how hard she tried, she was too small, and she couldn’t make any headway against the crowd.
Spotting an alleyway through the sea of legs, Mabel spun, jumped, rolled, and crawled until she made it to the backstreet. It wasn’t empty, but it was slightly less crowded. Spotting a box that was sealed shut, she made her way to it and managed to climb on top. But as she looked out over the sea of creatures, she couldn’t spot her grunkle. Ford was nowhere to be seen. Panic overwhelmed her as she realized that she was alone, lost in an unfamiliar dimension with absolutely no clue as to what to do next. It was her worst nightmare.
Ford was frantic. He couldn’t believe he’d lost Mabel. He should’ve been holding onto her tighter. No, he should’ve just carried her. What had he been thinking? In a crowd this big, that was the most logical option, and yet he hadn’t thought of it before entering the market and now she was gone.
“Mabel!” He called out again. He thought he had heard her call out a moment ago, but this time there was no response.
Darned this busy city. Reasonably, a city this remote in a rainforest shouldn’t be this crowded. Though perhaps it being the only city for miles was the reason for all of the foot traffic. Either way, he really should’ve scoped out the layout first before walking in. That’s what he normally would’ve done. But Mabel hadn’t had food in over a day. So, her hunger along with the possibility of letting her sleep in a semi normal structure for the first time in…weeks? Had caused him to act rashly. He had only wanted to make sure she had what she needed, and maybe help her mental state. Over the past few weeks, Ford had occasionally caught her looking downcast – though she quickly smiled when she noticed him looking – and this had seemed like a good opportunity to help her feel better.
“So much for that…” Ford muttered under his breath as he continued searching for Mabel. He had just spotted a possible vantage point he could use when something grabbed his jacket and pulled it back.
“Geez, slow down Grunkle D-”
As Ford looked down at the source of the voice, it cut off. His own legs stalled as he saw the boy who was holding his jacket. It couldn’t be…
For a second, Ford was transported to another lifetime. So long ago it felt like a dream. Hot summers on Glass Shard Beach, playing in the water, exploring the sand dunes, fixing up the Stan O War.
He was looking at his brother from thirty years ago.
Crap, wrong old guy. Stan thought to himself as he stared up at the man who’s coat he’d grabbed. Now that he had a closer look, he could tell that said coat wasn’t quite the same as Dipper’s, and of course, the man wasn’t his grunkle (okay, technically Dipper wasn’t actually his great uncle either, but it made it easier to call him that, okay?). However, there was something oddly familiar about this guy…
Some other creature bumped into him, threatening to pull him along in the crowd once again, like it had earlier. But then a hand grabbed his arm, and the old guy was dragging him through the crowd.
“Hey, what gives? I’m not-” Stan grabbed at the guy’s hand, trying to get him to let go, only to stop when he really looked at the hand. Wait, six fingers…it couldn’t be…could it?
Looking up, Stan tried to get a better look at the guy’s face. Something had seemed familiar about it when he’d first seen him, but now he was facing away as he pulled Stan along. But six fingers… Suddenly, the bright sunlight disappeared as he was pulled into a small alleyway. There were still a few beings milling about, but not has many as in the main square. Then the man spun around to look at him.
“What are you doing here?”
 Stan took a step back at the sharpness of the man’s voice. A tinge of fear grew in his chest. It wasn’t Dad, he knew that, but there was something so familiar about the words, the man’s stance, the look on his face - he couldn’t shake it. However, the ashamed expression when the old guy saw Stan shrink back wasn’t something Dad would’ve done.
“I-I don’t know. I was just here with my, well I call him my grunkle because-”
“Wait, wait, what? Your grunkle? Who?” Confusion crossed the guy’s face. “What’s his name?”
The man held up his hands and Stan found himself looking at them. He knew in this dimension, six fingers might not be an abnormal thing. But this guy was human, and he looked kind of like Dad…
“Are you my brother?” Stan blurted out before he could stop himself. It was hard to think about Ford looking old - that was just weird - but if he was old, well…Stan could see him looking kind of like this guy…
For a moment, the old man just stared at him, then signed and shook his head. “No, I’m not…well…kind of. I’m Stanford, but not your Stanford.”
“You mean there’s more than one of you? Are there more than one of me? Woah, we could build an army! Though I don’t know how much use an old guy would be but I’m sure you could do something. Oh, eww, am I old somewhere then? How-”
“Hold up. Just…one question at a time.” Old Ford had held out his hand again, as if wanting Stan to stop. He looked a little frustrated, but at the same time, there was the smallest bit of an amused smile on his face.
“There are…many different dimensions, and versions of you and me. I…haven’t met your older version,” a small shadow crossed his face, “but I’ve heard about him. However. That’s not important. What I need to know, is how you got here, and who are you looking for?”
Stan let out a huff. He thought Ford would be as excited as him about all of this but…then again, this was an old Ford and well…maybe he’d been in other dimensions a while and didn’t think it was cool anymore? Sometimes Dipper had seemed less thrilled about things than Stan thought were awesome. Or maybe it was just an old person thing? Gosh, Stan hoped he wasn’t a boring old guy in any dimension.
After a moment, he realized Ford was still looking at him questioningly and Stan realized that he’d have to tell this old version of his brother what had happened. He didn’t really want to, but he had a feeling Ford wouldn’t answer any of his questions unless Stan answered him first.
“Well…I kind of accidently got sucked into this big glowing circle thing that my Grantie Mabel really didn’t want me to shut off, then I met my Grunkle Dipper and we kind of…ran around jumping in all these portal things till we got here. And I swear I’d only been glancing at this cool gun shop, but somehow let go of his hand and then…I thought he was you.” Stan was a little surprised at how quickly the words came. Ever since he’d arrived in other dimensions, Dipper had told him to be careful about saying too much to the wrong people but…this was Ford. Sure, he was old but…it was still Ford. He could still tell him anything.
For a moment, Ford just stared at him, shock lining his face. Then he shook his head and took a breath. “Right…okay…We need to find your Dipper, and I need to…”
“What, you lose someone too?” Stan meant it as a joke, but his smile fell when he saw the concern on Ford’s face.
“Come on, it looks like the crowds are dying down some.” Ford held out his hand and without hesitation, Stan took it.
“I can help you find whoever you lost first.  I’m sure Dipper is fine.”
Ford looked down at him, a disbelieving frown on his face. “I…we’ll see who we find first…”
Putting on his best show of confidence – which was easy seeing as he was used to doing it for Ford – Stan nodded. “I bet we’ll find them both in the next ten minutes!”
How could I lose him?!? The thought kept running through Dipper’s head. After months with Stan, he had grown accustom to the boy’s affinity for trouble, which included checking things out that he probably shouldn’t have. So he should’ve been extra diligent in a place as crowded as this, but while keeping an eye out for danger, he must have let go of Stan’s hand and now the boy was lost to a sea of creatures. Guilt and fear clawed at Dipper’s chest. After decades of being alone, he had come to enjoy Stan’s company, plus, he was family.
Taking a deep breath, Dipper tried to still his anxiety, though it was easier said then done. It had already been far too long since Stan had disappeared, and Dipper still couldn’t think of a way to find him aside from waiting for the crowds to die down. It wasn’t ideal, but it was the only option he could see. He really needed to find a better way to keep track of his, for a better word, nephew (he was never the best at remembering all of the names for distant relatives and Stan called him Great Uncle so it worked).
As he pushed his way to a slightly less busy part of the market, Dipper searched for a good vantage point he could wait at, while still keeping an eye out for Stan. That’s when he heard it.
His feet stumbled to a stop and he quickly looked around, searching for its source. A bright splash of pink caught his eye – a bit out of place in the browns and tans of the city. Carefully making his way toward the figure, he tried pushing aside the feeling in his gut that something was familiar about the girl. Because, as he got closer, he could tell it was a girl, with short curly hair, and a bright pink sweater…
It’s not Mabel. He told himself, as he realized that’s who he was thinking of. Mabel was dimensions away and, well, she was as old as him now.
Crouching down, Dipper put on his best smile, despite his worry for Stan. “Hey, you okay there?”
The girl quickly looked up, her tear-filled eyes widening as she saw him.
Dipper found himself freezing as well. Because it was Mabel. Or, how she had looked as a kid. Sure, her hair was shorter and she looked more tired than she normally would’ve but…it was her.
He eyes flicked up to his hair then back down to his face. “D-Dipper?”
“I…yes, or no, it’s well…” Dipper frowned, he knew that the girl he was looking at wasn’t his sister. He’d been in enough dimensions to know that there were multiple versions of himself and his sister out there. And unless time travel was involved – which didn’t seem likely – this was simply another Mabel from another world. However…it still looked like her and…it still was a Mabel. He couldn’t push away the weight of responsibility to take care of her and make sure she got back where she needed to be.
“You’re from another dimension I guess…” Mabel’s quiet voice shook Dipper from his thoughts.
“Yeah…I…you know about those, huh?” Dipper remembered a day when he had been so excited about there being other dimensions, and other versions of himself. In a way it was still a nice thought, that maybe one version of himself hadn’t messed up…hadn’t ended up here. But it still didn’t change his situation, and after about a hundred different dimensions, survival was more important than excitement over new worlds.
“Yeah, Grunkle Ford told me about it once. He said he’d found a dimension where everyone was a baby once, he didn’t sound like he liked it but I think it would be fun…” Mabel gave Dipper a smile, though it wasn’t as bright as her normal smile. Or at least, like the one he remembered as a kid.
Then Mabel’s words registered and Dipper narrowed his eyes. “Wait, Ford? That…that’s Stan’s brother…” he muttered to himself.
Mabel perked up at that. “Stan? He’s here too?!?”
Dipper’s face fell as he remembered his predicament. “He…was…I…I lost track of him.”
“Oh…maybe I can help you find him! He can’t be too hard to find!”
A small smile grew on Dipper’s face at her optimism. Typical Mabel. “Well, he’s pretty small, about your size, but maybe with two-”
Dipper winced at the volume of her voice, but thankfully the creatures around didn’t pay much attention. “Yes, he’s about…” Dipper realized he didn’t actually know how old Stan was. “Maybe ten, or twelve? I’m not sure…”
“Oh my gosh, we have to find him! I gotta meet little Stan!” The brightness on Mabel’s face was a welcome change from the heaviness he had seen on it only a few moments ago. All traced of tears were gone.
A small laugh escaped Dipper and he nodded. “Well, alright then, let’s see if we can find him.” Holding out his hand, Dipper felt a small stab of sadness as Mabel immediately grabbed it. Just like when they were little…Shaking his head, he forced himself to focus. This wasn’t his dimension’s Mabel…but it was nice to see her again, even if it was only for a little while.
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uraichievents · 1 year
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Monday, June 26th, 2023 - Sunday, July 2nd, 2023
General Info
What is UraIchi Week?
It’s a week-long fanworks event to promote the Urahara Kisuke x Kurosaki Ichigo ship. There’s no sign-up, it’s just for fun, and everybody can participate. Completed works and wips are both acceptable, and any type of fanwork (fanfic, fanart, gifsets, etc.) is welcome. NSFW and/or potentially trigger-y content is allowed, although please remember to tag your works properly.
The ship itself can be written romantically or platonically so long as it stars these two characters together in some way. Poly ships are also fine so long as Ichigo and Kisuke are still the focus of the fanwork. And crossovers and fusions are also allowed even if it isn’t one of the given prompts for the event. Basically, anything goes, and the only criteria is that it has to be UraIchi-centric.
For those of you with Tumblr, you can tag your stuff with #UraIchi Week 2023 in the first five tags of your post. I’ll be tracking that tag so I’ll see it and reblog it to this blog. (If it’s been a few days since you posted and I still haven’t reblogged it, something probably went wrong, Tumblr’s not always reliable, so just shoot me an ask about it and I’ll reblog it.)
For those of you with AO3, I will create a collection a day or two before the event starts, and you’ll be able to add your work to the collection when you post. (I’ll toss up a notice for everyone once the collection is up.)
And of course we have our Discord server (link is on the sidebar) so if you want to come and talk about what you’re working on or you just want to chat, feel free to join us there!
At this point, the UraIchi Server has definitely gotten a lot bigger than just UraIchi, but we do still have channels dedicated to UraIchi events.
~ Themes
The votes are in and tallied so here are the results that everyone’s been waiting for! It’s your choice whether or not you want to make a fanwork that includes all the themes of that day, or a fanwork for each theme, or a fanwork for just one. You can make something for each day of the week or just one or two days. And if your fanwork doesn’t fit any of the themes, there’s a Creator’s Choice option on the last day so feel free to bring your own ideas to this event. All prompts can be interpreted any way you want as well, it’s entirely up to you, any extra bits I’ve added is just to help get those inspiration bunnies hopping.
An extra note about the sentence prompts: feel free to change the tenses and pronouns as it suits you. If you’re inspired by a sentence prompt, then of course you should include it in your fic (as opposed to the quote prompts which are just inspiration in a general-theme-of-your-work sort of way), but if you need to change the tense from present to past, or if you’re doing a genderbend fic and need to change the pronoun, that’s perfectly fine.
And now here are the prompts:
June 26th, 2023 - Day 1: the passage of time is a game-changer, for better or for worse
Time Travel AU / Dimension Travel AU
"At this point, I've died so many times, once more isn't going to make a difference."
Post-Canon AU
"This isn't your responsibility." / "It isn't yours either."
June 27th, 2023 - Day 2: o if only the dead could speak— you would hear the stories they could tell, of the terrible things we did for love
Loyalty Kink
"Him or the world? That's easy."
Oaths / Vows
"Everything I've ever let go of has claw marks on it." - David Foster Wallace, Infinite Jest
June 28th, 2023 - Day 3: is there really so great a difference, between man and martyr and monster?
vs. Gotei 13 AU
"You could at least keep your pet killer on a leash."
Mafia AU
"Has anyone ever told you how beautiful you look when considering violence?" - Terry Pratchett, Going Postal
June 29th, 2023 - Day 4: i was never human to begin with (you made sure of that)
Eldritch/Horror/Supernatural Elements AU
Binding Contracts
"Is it better to out-monster the monster or to be quietly devoured?" - Friedrich Nietzsche
June 30th, 2023 - Day 5: our love was forged across battlefields (we fought for every bit of it, every single day)
Soulmates AU
"I want you to stay. Am I still not being clear enough?"
Arranged Marriage AU
"We accept the love we think we deserve." - Stephen Chbosky, The Perks of Being a Wallflower
July 1st, 2023 - Day 6: redemption or destruction— which one will you be to me?
Touch-Starved Character(s)
"I've forgotten how to be kind."
"I desire the things that will destroy me in the end." - Sylvia Plath, The Unabridged Journals of Sylvia Plath
July 2nd, 2023 - Day 7:
Creator’s Choice!
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owlf45 · 9 months
tagged by @pocketramblr
@rose-blooms-red @figurativepieceoftrash @achairwithapandaonit @queenangst and uhm uhm anyone else who wants to be @ ed bc im not sure who in our circle has already been tagged
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phoebepheebsphibs · 1 month
Where Are We Going? (And Where Have We Been??)
@littlemissartemisia @tmntaucompetition
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Dee-Dee -- er, Donatello took Misa to a small side desk in the far corner of the room while April and Karai took the three boys into the bathroom to wash their faces and brush their teeth.
Misa was so confused and nervous. She wasn't sure why she felt so anxious about this whole situation. It was only Donnie... It was just "DvD". Huh. She'd forgotten that nickname...
"Alright then, Misa, sit down," he instructed. His voice was stern, commanding, but not at all scary like she'd figured he would be. He seemed pretty steamed when he'd first seen her.
Misa sat down at the corner of a bed, while DvD got the chair out from the desk and turned it around, sitting the wrong way down on it so that he could rest his arms on the back, his legs dangling out from the edges.
"So," he said, pure exhaustion in his voice, "How. Did. This. Happen."
"I don't know," she responded. "Last thing I remember, I was with my dads --"
"Wait, what? What do you mean, 'last I remember'? You were here with us the whole time."
Misa stared at him.
"...No, I wasn't. I was home with Hypno and Warren, we were getting ice cream, when suddenly a pink cloud exploded around me and then I was here!"
Donnie's eyes went wide. He pinched the bridge of his nose as he tried to understand.
"Okay, so either you just somehow... got pulled through time, or the magic that turned you into an adult transformed your memories to fit accordingly. Which means you're either a time-traveler, or a precognitive clairvoyant. Both are equally terrifying and incredible."
Misa swallowed, her fingers twiddling as she looked around the room.
"Where... where are we?" she finally asked.
"The TMNT AU Competition. More specifically, the apartments they give to the contestants. Do you... remember that?"
Misa thought hard.
"I... kind of remember the competition. It was this big arena, right? Lots of stalls and stands selling all kinds of stuff, and people giving out gifts, and the med ward where I met --" she froze, suddenly remembering it all. "Mikey. I met Mikey in the med ward. I gave him..."
Her hand went down to the friendship bracelet on her wrist. It was old and frayed, the colours were slowly fading, but she wore it every day. Even after she'd forgotten who she'd given the other bracelet to. She made so many and gave away so many as a kid, she couldn't keep track after a few years. But each one had signature colours, and this one was a mix between bright orange and cotton candy pink.
"...I gave him a friendship bracelet and 'adopted' him. I forgot that, I can't believe I forgot that." She smiled before her eyes started to sting with tears. She looked up at DvD. "Why did you leave me?"
"What are you referring to?" he asked, obviously confused. "Misa, you've been with us the entire time!"
"I... what? No, I told you, I--"
"Based on what you've told me, from your perspective you left the competition and went back to your own home dimension?"
"Well, yes!" she exclaimed. "Most of my early childhood is kind of a blur... hopping from one dimension to the other... but I did go back to my own world, where I was taken in by Warren Stone and Hypno Potomus! They raised me, pretty much."
"You mean... that mutant hippo and the worm guy? I think I remember them from my universe..."
"Yeah, Hypno took me in to help me learn how to control my powers."
"What powers?" Donnie asked, eyes wide as he stood up suddenly. "You never said you had any powers!"
"You didn't know?"
"No! Of course not! Obviously not!" DvD calmed himself down, smoothed out his shirt, and sat back down. "You were four years old... possibly you didn't know that you had abilities, or more likely you just didn't think to tell us. Perhaps you purposefully didn't tell us..."
"Has it really been nine years?" Misa wondered out loud. Wow. So much could change and be forgotten in only nine years...
"So you're thirteen now?" DvD asked.
"You're the same age as Mikey is-- was."
Misa looked up in fear.
"Was?? What happened to Mikey?"
"Didn't you see the kids go into the bathroom?"
"THAT was MIKEY?!" she yelled, standing up and looking back to the door, behind which three toddlers were getting ready for bed. "He's... he's teensy! What happened to him?!"
"The exact opposite of what happened to you," Donatello said with irritation, as he slapped his face and slid his hand down his face.
"That doesn't explain much..."
"I suppose not. Basically, there's been a weird epidemic of people being turned into different ages. So far, it turned Leon, 'Phael, and Mikey into 7, 6, and 4-ish years of age. Apparently, it turned you into a 13 year old."
"That's weird."
"No weirder than a talking mushroom with a musical fetish."
"OH MY GOSH, I FORGOT ABOUT THAT!" she laughed. "I thought I dreamt that up!!"
DvD smiled softly as she cackled at the crazy memories.
She could just barely catch the dark circles under his eyes, the weak hold he had on that fragile smile. When she was a kid, she remembered seeing him and thinking he was kind of scary or grumpy all the time... Lee-Lee Leo had called him 'Grumples' once, didn't he? But she remembered seeing him sometimes with a wide grin and strange smile. He would say funny things about arson and world domination. While she hadn't understood it at that age, it made her giggle. She smiled at the memory...
"So your brothers are basically toddlers now?"
"OUR brothers, yes."
Misa smiled.
Well, at least one thing never changed. Once a family, always a family.
She had assumed that because they'd never visited her world, that meant maybe they hadn't cared after all, or they'd forgotten her. But that didn't seem to be the case after all... if anything, it might have been the other way around.
"So... we should probably catch each other up to speed, hmm?" Donnie suggested.
"I guess so..."
"Alright then, you start."
Misa began giving him the gist of her life, her abilities, her friends and family and the many adventures she'd been on during her 'absence'. Donnie filled in some details about their situation afterwards, how the pink mist had transformed their little brothers into little-er brothers, and even helped fill in the blanks from some other memories, such as Karai's arrival, the fear fungus, the other competitors that met her, and so on. After a few minutes, Karai and April took the boys out of the washroom.
Misa couldn't help but stare at the boys. Mikey was all smiles, and had to be held back to keep him from running up to her and slamming into her knees for a hug. Raph looked at her with curiosity, but held onto April's leg with desperation. Leon just simply glared at her, half-hiding behind April and Karai.
"Hi, guys!" she said with a smile, kneeling down on the floor to get closer to their height.
Mikey wriggled himself free and pounced on her, giggling like a madman as he wrapped himself around her like a monkey.
She laughed at that nickname. The vaguest of memories came back, of a tiny toddler in rags calling her that...
"Is it really Misa?" Karai asked. She hadn't apparently witnessed the transformation, having been in the kitchenette making some tea.
"Yep. It's her," Dee said with a nod.
Leon grumbled angrily.
"Leo, be nice," April rebuked.
Raph slowly meandered out from behind the teenage girls and crept towards her.
"Misa? How'd ya get so big?"
"Magic, apparently," she said, rubbing the back of Mikey's shell. He was still clinging onto her.
"Stupid, bad magic," Leon grumbled again.
"Aw, c'mon Lee-Lee, I'm the same as before! Just... taller."
"You're a stinky grownup now," he said, crossing his arms and pouting. "You're a traitor."
"You'll have to grow up one day too, ya know."
He pouted again, hot tears in his eyes. Tears? Oh, he wasn't mad that she 'betrayed' him and grew up. What was he mad about?
"I don't wanna be a stinky grownup. They're mean."
Misa slowly recalled his adverse reaction to Raphael when he'd first been turned into a tot. He hadn't even trusted Mikey when he saw him! He'd said something about... what was it, a mean place? The orphanage! He'd grown in an orphanage. With mean adults... and now Misa was an 'adult'. So to him, did it correlated that since she was now a grownup, she was automatically going to be mean to him, just like all the others. He thought she was a 'traitor'...
Misa tried to smile at him, to reassure him that she wasn't going to betray him or hurt him. Leo refused to meet her eyes.
"Hey, I promise that I'm not a stinky grownup," she said, scooting closer to him. "You're still my big brother, okay?"
Misa held out her pinky to him. He eyeballed it with concern, trying to decide whether or not to trust her... Well, if he could trust Miss Karai and Miss April... he could trust Misa again, right?
He wrapped his pinky around hers.
"Okay, big sister."
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zecoritheweirdone · 7 months
hey guys,, who wants to see this new dsmp au i've thought up of instead of working on my other countless, already existing aus.
still trying to come up with a proper name for it,,, right now the working title is shattered reflections...? buuuut i'm not too content with that yet.
the basic plot is, via ~wacky shenanigans~,, ranboo, tommy, and tubbo,, all from different universes,, end up getting misplaced together in the multiverse or something like that, and now have to hop from dimension to dimension, trying to find their way back to their respective homes(and maybe they'll find that the real home was the friends they made along the way).
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still need to iron out a few kinks(how did this start, how do they travel, how does it end, etc etc),, but like. it's been rotting in my brain ever since the idea first came to my head, so i figured i might as well share it here? in case anyone else's interested,, dkdnsksms.
ranboo's from a magical girl-like au!!! why? mostly because i thought the idea was fun,, ekenkssjks. tried my best to emulate an anime style into the design, 'm hoping it came across? i've been imagining, if this au were animated like spiderverse,, they'd look a lot like how peni parker was animated,, dkdmskdm. you'll never guess what his magical girl form is themed on /lh.
tommy, as you can prolly tell, is from a royalty au! youngest prince of the antarctic empire,,, design is slightly based on some fanart i saw on reddit, by someone called em0kii, i believe? i say slightly because i only thought to search up "antarctic empire fanart" for inspo after i was done with the lineart,, and by that time it was too late for me to change it to something that better fit the cold environment the kingdom's based on(and by too late i mostly mean i was lazy),,, dkdjskj. still, though, i'm pretty happy with it!
and then there's tubbo! he's from a post-apocalyptic au B]. not one with zombies,, but... idk, maybe something exploded? haven't thought too hard about the cause, but just know that his world is in a not good shape. i'm sure it's fine tho. my main thoughts when drawing him were to make him less colorful and saturated than the other two,, since his universe is a bit darker than theirs,,,, and to make him look a little intimidating(big coat, goggles, scarf, lots of sharp edges, plaid). after all, if you're a 5' something teen in the apocalypse, living all on your own– you wanna try and make yourself look as big as possible to try and ward off as many threats as you can. and if that doesn't work, you can always just hit 'em with a bat.
bonus doodle under the cut:
tfw you wake up in the middle of a forest, with no memory of getting there, with two weirdly dressed strangers right there beside you. like. what the fuck.
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tackytigerfic · 9 months
Knowing that that wartime au exits and is being written is enough🥺💗
Dearest anon, i love you! I suspect this is in response to me being a bit glum recently (about my writing and in general i suppose) and thank you for being kind and cheering me up. If I may offer a small scene as thanks? In this fic, Harry and Draco find a magical device that is used for travelling the multiverse—so they can visit other worlds, basically. They are searching for Draco's parents, who have escaped into a different universe to get away from Voldemort, who's still alive and waging war against Harry and the Order. In this scene, Harry goes dimension-hopping for the first time. Contains lighthearted references to murder.
"It feels like, I don’t know, like your blood is singing. Does that make sense?”
Draco was sitting cross-legged on the big rug, and in the lamplight he looked stupidly young as he spoke, though the concerned creases around his eyes were new.
“Not a jot,” Harry said cheerfully. “Can you tell me anything about the actual process? That way I might be able to know what to expect, rather than wait for my blood to launch into a rousing chorus of ‘Beat Those Bludgers Back, Boys’.”
Draco smirked.
“It’s more like something you’ve heard once, and you can’t quite remember the tune, but you recognise it because it reminds you of how you used to feel… Stop laughing, Potter. Look, I don’t know why we��re even bothering with this. You work best when you can just do the bloody thing, so why don’t we stop talking and you can just…"
“Do the bloody thing?”
“Literally.” Draco brandished the time device at him, its sharp end gleaming.
“Fine,” Harry said. He wiped his hands on his jeans, palms prickling with a sharp nervous moisture. “I’m ready.”
“Okay,” Draco looked a bit queasy, which wasn’t very reassuring. “But listen, just remember—you don’t really know what you’re going into here. I know we’ve seen my father’s memories of the place, but who knows what the situation will be once you arrive. Just… remember where you’re coming back to, okay?”
“This still isn’t helping.”
Draco blew out a frustrated breath, making the hair that fell into his eyes flutter and subside.
“I mean… once you get there, you may find yourself intrigued. Fascinated, even. Some of these timelines are very, very close to our own—well, you’ll see once you’re in there—"
“Ominous,” Harry muttered. “But there isn’t anything there that could stop me coming back, right?”
“Well, not unless someone kills you,” Draco said, helpfully, a gleam of incisor behind a small smile. “But you should be able to keep that from happening.”
“They can’t kill me if they can’t see me,” Harry offered, and felt a small warm feeling when the smile deepened a fraction.
“That’s the spirit. I must say, the cloak is a stroke of genius. But— Please, Potter. Remember, this is reconnaissance only. We have one goal here, and that’s to find my mum—my real mum—and work out how to get her back. You remember the spell?”
“Of course I bloody remember the spell,” Harry said mutinously. “Because, first of all, I came up with it. And second of all, you made me practice it at least forty times.”
“By all means, dash off half-cocked into an alternate dimension and use some wildly powerful tracking spell without ever having practiced,” Draco retorted, voice glacial, though his nose was wrinkled in the sort of concentrating look that meant he was probably trying not to laugh. He moved slightly uncertainly towards Harry and patted him, from shoulders down the swell of bicep and onto Harry’s forearms, while Harry tried not to tense under his touch.
“Okay, your magic feels fine,” Draco said. “The blood pact is still working, did you feel it?”
“Yeah, thanks.” Harry’s jaw felt tight. “I felt it. Now can I go?”
“Potter. If you don’t come back, you know that Sirius Black will personally, with his bare hands and probably his teeth, murder me? So remember what we talked about. No matter how familiar, or real, or right these other worlds feel— You have to come back, okay?”
“Malfoy.” Harry put on the same solemn voice that Draco was using. “Of course I'm coming back. I’m not going to just skip out on the people I love, and the war, and everyone who needs me—”
“—the fact that you’re even talking about people needing you as though it’s the most important—”
“—well, so what, it’s not a crime for me to care about this stuff—”
“—that’s not what I’m—”
“—well, what are you—”
Draco’s voice was slightly hysterical-sounding, and he had a horrid scrunched-up pinkness to his face.
“I just want you to know this world is worth coming back for, okay? No matter what happens. Not because it’s your duty to come back, or whatever your fucked up sense of responsibility is telling you. But because…” He swallowed, looking pale. “Well, for many reasons. But mainly because I am rather fond of being alive, and do not want to be horribly murdered by your godfathers if I have to tell them that you disappeared while conducting some very illegal time-travel on my behalf.”
“That,” Harry said, “is fair enough. I’m coming back, Malfoy. Okay? Like you say, this is just a scouting mission. In and out, quick and clean. I’ll be back soon.”
“Right,” Draco said firmly. “Well, good luck, then.”
“Thanks,” Harry said, and smiled at him, just a little. “See you in a bit.”
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fedzkun · 6 months
Dad Might Ask Game and uh Portal AU, where Toshi and Izuku have to escape a lab with a portal gun. (or just, have fun thinking with portals lol)
The first portal they enter is a gateway to a Villain AU, where an All Smite is helping Villain Deku become the greatest villain of all time, much to Toshinori’s and Izuku’s shock. They quickly exit this universe, and enter another one.
The second portal is a Monster AU, where a Werewolf Izuku is fighting other werewolves to protect a Vampire All Might. Werewolf Izuku noticed them and mistook them as another enemy, so they are forced to flee quickly as well.
As they travel from portal to portal, Toshinori and Izuku slowly come to the realization that they’re happily supporting and protecting each other no matter what universe they’re in. From Royalty AUs to Sci-fi AUs, from fantasy AUs to Reality Show AUs, from musical AUs to Hero AUs.
The plot twist: This AU is from the POV of the portal-hopping Toshinori and Izuku—who are very much NOT on good terms with each other at best. And sworn enemies at worst. Their home dimension is the dimension that is the antithesis of everything DadMight.
Faced with the fact that they seem to be the odd-one-out in a Multiverse whose answer to the question “Do you think we have a strong supportive and close bond in other universes too?” seem to be a resounding ‘YES,’ Sworn Enemies! Toshinori and Izuku reassess their lack of familial relationship, even if the mere concept of having a civil conversation with each other makes them feel violently  ill.
Izuku: “Even if I hate you… And want nothing to do with you… Even if you’ve definitely NOT changed my life for the better, I guess you did change it for good.”
Toshinori, holding Izuku by the neck and dangling him at the edge of a cliff: “I could say the same for you, boy.”
Izuku: “...Hey old man, where did we go wrong?”
🌻For the promotion of the launch of the Successor: A DadMight Anthology Applications, this 5+ Headcanons AU Game: DadMight Edition series is brought to you by @mhadadmightzine. If you're a DadMight fan, please it check out!🌻
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lukamoonvibe · 1 year
Chapter Twelve: And They Called Her Fate
Medalling with time has a consequence, the consequence of his choice is to be a slave to it until Fate decides he's no fun anymore or he escapes...but does he really want to escape anymore? It's been so long, what would even be the point of going back anymore? Would anyone still remember him? Probably not. No one escapes Fate and lives to tell the tale. Not even a traveller of time.
Fandoms: Crewniverse, Crewfu/Morning Lobby, Chaos Crew/Derp Crew
Characters: Anthony | ChilledChaos, Max Gamble | APlatypuss, Steven | ZeRoyalViking , Taylor | TayderTot, Zach | CheesyBlueNips, Lucas | KYRSP33DY, Apollo Willems | Dumdog, Albi | SideArms4Reason, Skadj, Steven Suptic, 5up, Madi | Kruzadar, Shelby Grace | Shubble [Updated as I add more]
Rating: Mature
Chapter Index
Sirens screeched somewhere close by; his eyes shot open, looking around alert. He was met with a familiar purple dullness, not far an inky orb levitated a few feet off the ground. He rushed towards it just in time to see the ship crash into the surface of a planet he couldn’t name before the feed fizzled out.
“Shelby…” a strained scream came from his mouth as he stared blankly at the orb.
No matter how many times he’d watched it happen, how long he’d been doing this, it was always like a part of himself was torn away. This time wasn’t exactly the same, this time, he felt cold, like something had washed over him. I hope Ze is okay back there…I hope his kids weren’t on that ship…the ship. She wouldn’t show me…unless…but why would she give 5up hope like that? She wouldn’t be so cruel as to give him his family back and rip it away right? 
“Sometimes, even I don’t get to know their futures.” her voice echoed in the empty space.
He let go of the orb, looking around, “What do you mean? You control the timelines. You chop and change them at will. You pull me in and out of them like it doesn’t matter. How can you not know what happens?”
“I was not born of the power to alter timelines, only watch, maintain if you will. You should know this, Anthony…you know my name, after all.”
He shook his head, “This doesn’t make any sense. I was the first traveller in centuries as for what they told me, but if you’re here, that was a lie.” 
She laughed, the ground below him tremored softly, almost unbalancing him, “You are. I am not a hopper; I’m an observer. I control this plane of existence barely. I watch over the timelines, only intervening if completely necessary, but I hold no power as to which ones die and which survive. I was merely brought here as an anchor for a young watcher who was learning the ropes.”
The orb in front of him lit up once again, showing the image of a boy with wings protruding from what appeared to be his back cowering in a corner. 
“He ran from his destiny, so they locked him up. I came here to save you all, the things they showed me…they promised.”
The feeling was bittersweet, “You can’t keep running from what your fate holds, it will swallow you whole,” he looked away from the orb, catching a glimpse of his door. 
Fate stayed quiet, seeming to have retreated back to her place, leaving him alone with his thoughts again. Maybe, I wasn’t meant to end up with them, maybe that’s what I’m being shown. It does no good dwelling on dreams and feelings, sometimes you forget to just live. I wonder if Tay is okay, she’s all alone now…we left her alone…this wasn’t supposed to happen. She wasn’t supposed to be there alone. Why didn’t I listen to her? She had to watch me go. She had to help Speedy come here. Now she’s got no one. 
We’re all alone now.
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phoenixyfriend · 1 year
Star Wars AU Masterlist: Time-Travel
Navigation Post
Fun fact, tumblr allows 250 links on the old editor and 100 in the new. So. Network of masterlists.
Currently this list is separated into:
Time Travel AUs in the Wider AUs masterlist
Disaster Trio (one or more, exclusing Ahsoka solos or Vader solos)
Original Trilogy cast
Time Travel AUs in the Wider AUs or Big League posts:
* Fake Spontaneous Training Bond
Uncle Ben and Little Luke
* Sandstorm Verse
* Obi-Wan Declares Himself Dad-Shaped
* Anakin and the Jedi Babies
* Rex and Anakin Raise a Family
Commander Buir: an excuse to let Cody be dad-shaped
* Dimension Hopping to an Omegaverse
Fake Sith TCW Trio (7.5k words)
Ghost Vader Shows Up To Help
Time-Travel Bosoka AU
The King the Soldier and the Spy
Parole Officer Fulcrum Steals Three Million Babies
Fett and Fulcrum
Crack Ship Ahoy: Jango/Ahsoka
* Sugar, Spice, and a Heart to Entice (4.7k words)
Rex Cockblocks Jangosoka (it’s more depressing than it sounds)
Accidental Mand’alor Ahsoka
Jangosoka scarring Obi-Wan for life
Go away, Skyguy!
Something that’s... approaching analysis
The nature of time-travelers and Jango
Jango gets catapulted to “The Book of Boba Fett” and refuses to believe that Boba is Boba, so Ahsoka gets involved
Ezra and Fulcrum’s Wacky Adventure
Rex and Ahsoka are two halves of the same idiot black ops specialist
Breaking into Kamino
The Girl Who Died at Mortis
Ahsoka/Depa ft. jealous Bo-Katan and jealous Jango
Naming Conventions for time-traveler Ahsoka
Ahsoka’s Terracotta Army, which is honestly mostly @epicmusic42 and @graylinesspam - A wee addendum - New Mando Archaeologist
“On her way to fuck your dad” Ahsoka/Jaster, Jango staring in horror from the background
Ahsoka claims her mom is Daughter from Mortis
Disaster Trio (non Ahsoka-solos)
A Knight, a Padawan, a Captain... and Boba, tagged as “Boba and the Torrents”
Obi-Wan adopts Jango by accident - Obi-Wan even lectures Jaster
The Future Assistant Dooku Didn’t Ask For
Are you done talking yet? (now with ficlet by @nevertheless-moving​)
Obi-Wan and Anakin as twins
The Nature of Time-Travel Romance (absolutely sucks for you)
My Obi! AU - Addendum
Obitine + Baby Anakin
Inconvenient Crushes - Arguments with Adult Obi
Faustian AU: Anakin and Ahsoka go from TCW Mortis Ep. to TPM-era Kamino, and somehow become the AI that controls Tipoca city
Fulcrum and Old Ben
TCW Anakin ends up Dooku’s care between Qui-Gon and Komari since the Council can’t just give him Knighthood when there’s not a war
Physically time-traveled Anakin ‘kidnaps’ mentally time-traveled toddler Obi-Wan
Other Prequels/TCW Travelers
Time-Traveled Clones Give Anakin a Mental Breakdown
Time Travel to Release the Zillo Beast
Bo-Katan is here to ruin fix change everything
Conservation of souls retroactive clone eggs, Thumbelina/Momotaro/Kaguya style
Padme dies and wakes up fourteen again, goes for Sidious’s throat
12yo Shmi Skywalker, with memories of the next 35 years, hijacks a ship and finds Obi-Wan’s parents (one of whom is pregnant)
Cryo Kix wakes up, spends two weeks in the ST, and then falls backwards into TCW
Time-traveler Dooku (trying not to be evil, this time), mostly by @epicmusic42)
Dooku, who is older than Palpatine, travels back far enough that he can grab Young Palpatine for the Temple before Plagueis gets him
Dooku gets punted back to Galidraan. So does Jango.
Totally the Real Jango: some clones lie to bb!Jango’s face and claim to be him, from the future
Fox and Vader’s Excellent Incredibly Stupid and Homicidal Adventure
Future Emotions AU
Anon suggests Vader shows up in that short period between Amidala’s election as Queen and Palpatine’s election as Chancellor
Why we love Vader time travel fics
Vader and baby Anakin body swap through time
Vader time travels to be baby Anakin again, goes full vegetarian
Another Vader time travel (along with links to a misskirby au that is no longer available on her now-defunct blog)
DarthFett, possibly body swap
The one where Darth Vader travels back in time as a Kitten
Vader Swears Loyalty to a Clone Toddler - With fic on AO3 written by @delightedlymisinformed​
Vader lands on Rattatak
Baby Vader (Raised a Sith, mental time-travel) finds padawan Obi-Wan for Help (also Maul is there) - Maul is also an uncle for the Twins
Original Trilogy Cast
Time Travel ft. Leia and Vader
Han & Boba bumped to pre-TCW - Addendum - There’s more now - A bunch by @uh-oh-its-bird
Luke Collects Last Names
Luke brings a porg
Ghost Aunt Leia
Leia Antilles, Senator of Serenno - Addendum
Leia/Jango (Concord Dawn & Alderaan destruction comparison)
Time-traveled Boba, also this
Han shows up in pre-TPM, accidentally starts Being Dad at his pint-sized father-in-law
Fulcrum is how the twins know their pragmatism was justified even by pre-war standards
Somewhat Estranged ST-era HanLeia and pre-AotC Padme end up on Melida/Daan
De-aged Mandalorian cast (Din, Boba, Fennec, Luke) tossed into the months leading up to AotC
Leia when meeting AotC Anakin
Rey Gives No F*cks About the Grandfather Paradox - Palpatine Tries to Arrange a Marriage - Addendum
Maul: Motherfucker Unlimited
Artoo and Threepio cause problems
Rey ends up in the PT, then Qui-Gon’s new apprentice
Baze/Chirrut messing around with Jinn&Kenobi
Tarre Viszla is reincarnated as Bo-Katan's baby
Cal Kestis drops back to TCW, accidentally derails things because he didn’t know he was Obi-Wan’s bio kid
An ask I got about Obisoka and Anisoka
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ferretwhomst · 10 months
Question about the transfem! Stans au: When did they figure out that they were transfem? Also, did they fully transition?
HMMM well. i like to think stan sort of realized sometime during the 10 years she was separated from ford in the 70s. for awhile in her teen years whenever she felt out of place in her body she covered it up with a facade of hypermasculinity in hopes that it would make the feeling go away. however a few years down the line she was traveling the country on her own and that gave her time to Realize Some Things 🏳️‍⚧️ about herself. but of course she was still in bad company and extremely self-conscious and vulnerable (not to mention full of internalized sexism) so even after she figured she was a girl she continued denying it to herself
i think only when she officially began living in gravity falls as stanford did she realize that it literally doesn't matter. she's living in a fuckall town in the middle of nowhere in oregon, everyone in the town is a little weird (not to mention the cryptids and anomalies everywhere) and nobody's gonna care if she officially accepts that she's a woman and starts transitioning
ford also probably realized during those 30 years in the portal. i think she wasn't really as troubled by her gender the way stan was growing up, it was just sort of a side effect of existing, but she never had any reason to call herself anything but a man even if it didn't feel Quite Right. however meeting people from different dimensions with different perceptions of gender made her realise gender is a fuck and she can do what she WANTS...... and then she comes out of the portal 30 years later some flavor of fem nonbinary
i have an incredibly shitposty version of the interaction at the end of nwhs (i guess it'd be nwss in this au) which goes
"That's the Author of the Journals- my brother!"
"I think you'll find it's 'sister' now, actually, Stanley."
"WH- YOU TOO????"
and later in atots:
"Oh thank god, I was a little worried I'd have to explain to you why I've been ordering estrogen supplements in your name for the past 25 or so years"
"You opening this portal tonight could've ripped open the very fabric of reality and that's what you were worried about-"
also re: their transitions, i don't think either of them would be that bothered with it? apart from the hrt, of course, stan might've briefly tried voice training; i imagine she puts on a marginally more feminine voice when she's being ms (mrs???) mystery and then at home or when she's not around customers she drops the voice and just sounds like how stan does in canon. i don't think she would go for any kind of surgery either whether facial feminization or bottom surgery or whatever; she doesn't care that much for presenting as feminine even if it gets her weird looks from some people. she's secure enough in her gender to validate it for herself <3
with ford it gets a little complicated. how much of a human's transition could've been completed while she was dimension hopping?? do they have estrogen in other dimensions??? if ford started doing hrt did they give her estrogen or like an equivalent??? so many questions and zero answers. if not then i think she would like to go on hrt after returning from the portal but like stanley would not care much for surgeries or voice training. both of them like their roughed up old guy voices too much to do anything about it
also entirely unrelated to your questions but i think spending time with mabel would encourage both of them to engage with stereotypical feminine things in a way that feels safe and comfortable and not embarrassing for them. like . for example imagine with me mabel teaching them how to braid each other's hair. (might be a pain because i imagine neither of them have very long hair but you know she tries.) like auughhhhh
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moltengoldveins · 27 days
alright. It’s self-inset week on this illustrious hellsite, and I’m unlearning shame, so here’s a self-insert for the pseudo-MCYT universe I have meticulously constructed in my brain that had only a passing resemblance to the actual canon:
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Her Deal is that she’s an Enderian who, for various reasons, got picked up by Emduo during a midlife crisis arc after the end of the (general) events of SMP earth. She was caught in the rain, pretty badly burned, and had no local support system. Their intentions at first were to find her a place to stay while traveling, since mortals have a rough time around gods for long periods of time. However, (because I tend not to give my self inserts a lot of powers, but when I do, they’re powers I think I'd actually have) they find that, while she isn’t the most physically gifted, she has an unparalleled ability to just…. Mentally Handle Bullcrap Beyond Mortal Ken. She isn’t the kind of person to be phased by either a walrus Or a fairy at her doorstep, that kind of thing. They have few rough patches with her being too stubborn to get along well with Techno but it evens out eventually, and she’s good with Brian (the crow) so they kinda just… let her stick around as they travel.
She’s a hardcore, so her aging quits after a few years of ‘just traveling, trying to find you a home, we swear.’ She ends up a Blood God adherent later on, (I have Headcanons about the blood god that are too complicated to explain here, the gist of it is that most gods have ‘chats’ in one way or another but the BG is basically the only one to have a Chat that just Sucks That Much for their adherents. Mari’s chat is pretty dang small, and they are restrained to her pov. Techno’s the only BG adherent with an omniscient chat.) and over time, their relationship goes from ‘kinda uncles’ to ‘those are my weird parents, thanks.’ Sometimes a family can be two demigods, the Lady of death, and a funky little teleporter with severe sensory impairment. (Sucky vision, hypersensitive hearing)
She’s absent from the events of the DSMP for any number of reasons, (depends on my mood tbh. She’s fun in the DSMP, but she’s also nearly as fun when slapped randomly in another media property entirely and attempting desperately to get home, I’m a sucker for dimension hopping AUs) but pops back in at least once, enough to meet Tommy and be aware of Wilbur’s loss. Her dynamic with Will was rough, and her dynamic with Tommy distant, but she saw the potential in the bedrock bros dynamic, even when said bros are on the outs.
Post-DSMP (good ending, the people we love live and are friends) she spends the vast majority of her time doing physical labor around the family house, learning how to build with Phil, and helping Beeduo with Michael. She’s nowhere near Emduo in combat skill, but she was taught by them for a long time, which means she’s still good enough to draw even with Tommy, ten months into his training regularly with Techno. She still can’t manage to beat Tubbo in a fair fight, no teleportation. (he’s small and jacked and fast ok, she’s no good at countering that)
honestly I just like the idea that Emduo at some point in their however many hundreds of years picked up a slightly-too-neurospicy-for-their-own-good-child and couldn’t find a way to get rid of them fast enough to keep from getting attached, and I personally enjoy having enough platonic relationships with the characters I care about in that fandom to excuse any random plot point I feel like writing about XD it’s a convenient overlap that has created a pretty fun character :)
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