#to be clear I agree with you i wish we could get over this quicker but more yt videos keep coming out
wildpeachfarm · 21 days
I think rehashing the same conversation about this situation will make it harder for George to leave it in the rear view mirror. I could never imagine continually rehashing the Manatreed stuff months down the line of our own volition the same way we are talking about the Gogcident now two months out from it. We as a community won’t be able to heal if we’re constantly having the same conversation.
It happened, it’s done. It’s time to tend to the wounded and count our dead. I want all of us to heal so we can look forward to bigger and better things.
I think as long as people are making videos getting millions of views on the situation and people are trying to see if they are portraying reliable info, the discussion is bound to be brought up. Hell, even the dream allegations sometimes still get brought up. I think it's just bound to happen although once dteam activity begins again, i think conversation will slowly die out
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partycatty · 5 months
Hello :) please could I request love at first sight headcanons for Kenshi, Syzoth, Johnny and Liu Kang 💙💙
ofcccc love
kenshi, syzoth, johnny, liu kang > love at first sight
uh oh, the boys are smitten ;))
notes: you're a monk/trainer/idfk at the wu shi academy, so that's where they meet you for the first time! also pretend syzoth didnt have a wife and kids up until like 30 minutes before u guys meet LMFAOMFOMAF
masterlist <3
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kenshi >
kenshi kept mostly to himself, given his motivations for fighting in the tournament in the first place. of course, he'd get into the occasional spitting match with the actor that held his sword hostage as well. but something about you made his work feel unimportant.
he wouldn't make himself known to you for quite some time, but he caught your eye during the introductions when he arrived at the academy. you stood beside liu kang as his second in command, posture perfect and eyes forward. you were a trained individual, and kenshi couldn't help but be fully enamored.
you embodied everything kenshi aspired to be, and he was torn between wishing you two would spend more time together, to wishing you'd kick the shit out of him. maybe both?
"i come requesting for a sparring partner," kenshi explains, eyes transfixed on your perfect form. he had to avert his gaze to the ground as he bowed, lest he fall victim to your beauty. "i was hoping for some advice and feedback."
you agree, considering it's your job. and so, you begin setting up the environment for a spar. the floor is cleared and you roll up your sleeves, taking your personal fighting stance. kenshi almost forgot to ready himself when you charged at him.
you were objectively a better fighter than him, sword or otherwise. his blows were easily parried and his punches were matched with kicks. and sure, he had a crush now, but when you stood over him with your hands on your hips, something stronger blossomed. he felt his face become hot as he laid flat on his back between your legs.
then, he smirked with a newfound confidence. now or never, tattoo.
"perhaps we should spar more often, if this is the outcome," he'd slyly remark.
his comment earned him a week of scrubbing floors, but he doesn't regret it, no matter how hard johnny and lao pointed and laughed. and neither do you.
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syzoth >
he fought like hell to get out of outworld, freed from the shackles of shang tsung's imprisonment. when the portal behind everyone closed, syzoth stood awkwardly alongside ashrah behind the earthrealmers.
"meet the newest players of earthrealm," johnny introduces them to liu kang, though he is already familiar with their existence. he created them, after all.
"syzoth, ashrah, please," liu kang gestures for them to follow him. he needed intel on the situation, and fast. something sinister was brewing.
he leads them into a large room decorated with hourglasses and dragon statues. tables with scattered scrolls, maps, and figurines litter the room. this must be liu kang's workspace.
as syzoth enters the spacious room, he is marveled at the intricacy of the designs. what captures his attention quicker, though, was you. you were sitting in a distant chair, standing upon the group's arrival and taking your spot beside liu kang.
"this is my trusted assistant," liu kang introduces you, and you bow to them respectfully. "please inform them of any useful information regarding shang tsung."
syzoth feels as if life slows down, and his cold blood send a shiver down his spine. his face flushes with a greenish tint, and he already finds himself impossibly infatuated with your appearance. you remind him of an ancient statue, how your beauty deserves to be preserved for all to appreciate. but at the same time, he feels a strong desire to keep you to himself.
you sit across from the zaterran, briefly introducing yourself before diving into the questioning. syzoth, however, can't seem to focus on your words, only your plush lips.
"syzoth," you say, trying to regain his attention that is obviously diverted. "tell me how you fell into shang tsung's imprisonment."
syzoth tries so hard to spill the entire timeline, but his words stumble over each other every time he looks up at you. your eyes are so warm, so inviting, so perfect. he's flustered incredibly quickly. it's so obvious that even ashrah playfully rolls her eyes from a distance.
you make him nervous, and that's really cute.
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johnny >
johnny walks through the portal with new his fellow chosen ones, taking in the view of the academy. he tunnel visions hard, only focusing on getting adequate information using his phone. that is, until he pans over to the group of monks awaiting his arrival. he stops on you, shamelessly zooming in to get a good view of your face.
"didn't know monks could be so sexy," he'd call out with a smirk, not even putting his phone down for a single second to admire you in person. it's only when kenshi shoves his arm downward that he actually gets a good look at you.
his playboy jokes would die down when he neared you as it was replaced with a warm obsession. you were drop-dead gorgeous. he could score you some roles in movies, you could be the face of perfumes across the globe!
what he felt wasn't like hollywood infatuation. he wanted to know more than what you hid under your robes, which was relatively new to him. he felt the need to grow and change to earn your praise.
he felt little to no shame about this realization. every chance he could, it was an offer to dinner, an offer to visit his sleeping quarters, or him casually dropping he'll be in the secluded hot springs after training, glancing over his shoulder to make sure you heard him.
johnny would make a clear effort to somehow always be in your way, forcing you to interact with him. he'd insist on cleaning your dishes, always be first up for demonstrations, and just so happened to memorize your schedule and "accidentally" bump into you on the gravel paths. it was so abundantly obvious that this man was head over heels, it was kind of embarrassing.
you didn't entertain the actor, honestly. it's not that you didn't like him, it was that he'd A) flirt with a vase if it had nice curves, and B) your duties were more important than a celebrity. or at least, you forced yourself to believe it.
"come on baby, surely you're wondering what kind of punch a hollywood actor packs."
"in your dreams, cage," you'd reply with a smile, knowing damn well you want to take him up on his offer later.
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liu kang >
he swore to never get entangled with mortals, not after what happened - or rather, didn't happen - with kitana.
liu kang grows out of this infatuation after eons of busywork and dedicates himself to the stability of the timeline. nothing could distract him from his duties.
that is, until he met the New Era you. you were a relatively insignificant part in his life prior to the timeline reset, so he never paid much attention to you or knew you existed. but, this time around, liu kang took some creative liberties and decided to give you a more significant purpose. what he didn't do was see you before this moment.
he was discussing important matters with geras at the wu shi academy, mind only focused on the importance of the hourglass and the absurdity of recent events revolving a somehow resurrected titan. as he circles the sandy display, he glances through the vision and realizes you, one of the monks, is standing in the doorway with seemingly important knowledge to deliver.
liu kang feels his heart flutter, and he places his hand on his chest in mild surprise. his face remains stoic and expressionless, but it's clear that something winded him. geras glances over at the fire god with a knowing look.
"lord liu kang," you say with a quick bow, and liu kang makes a mental note to himself that he may or may not be into titles. "i come bearing news regarding the chosen ones."
liu kang stands there, his bright eyes totally unreadable. his lips open and close, and his tattoos flicker. he doesn't realize just how long he'd been staring and lost in thought. your beauty reminded him of the universe he painted, so elegant and full of life. he doesn't know how he didn't notice you sooner. to him, you were everything he wanted to be right in the world with your gentle features and kind voice.
geras waves a hand in front of him, making him blink and snap back into reality. he clears his throat.
"yes, yes, please," liu kang suddenly adopts a warm, loving tone, one that's more caring than his usual godly silky voice. his old personality shines through, the charming pretty boy attitude he swore to abandon eons ago. "you may enter, my dear. some tea?"
geras makes the observation that he's sweeter to you than most others, but he's going to keep that to himself. for now, he just watches with mild amusement as liu kang prepares a small cup of matcha for you with a smile that travels into his glowing eyes. he witnessed that look before, when he'd see his kitana. but this was new, this was something that could be beautiful if he let himself try.
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loveysloveclub · 7 months
i wish you would - mark estapa
in which, you mess up your relationship and spend your days wishing for it to go back to normal.
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you and mark had always had a strange relationship. what had started as a small friendship had blossomed into something more behind closed doors and during secret meetings.
no strings attached. it’s what you both agreed on the first time you had woken up next to him, and that’s what it was for a short while.
you should’ve known that your poor, precious heart wouldn’t be able to handle the emotional disconnect that came alongside having a no strings attached relationship, so, it was no surprised when you found yourself falling for the estapa boy.
but alas, all good things must come to an end.
it was 2am and you were currently waiting up for the estapa boy. your roommate was staying at her girlfriends dorm, meaning you had the whole place to yourself. he said he’d be over soon, but that was over an hour ago.
you shouldn’t have been bothered by his tardiness in the same way you shouldn’t look for him in every crowd and drop everything to spend even an inkling of time with him. however, slowly but surely, the hockey player had taken over your every thought.
so, him not showing up made you feel as if you had been stood up in a restaurant.
giving in against your better judgement, you quickly dialled his number and let it ring.
“lexi?” he called through the phone. he was yelling over some sort of loud music and you could hear the additional laughter of what seemed to be his teammates. your eyes squinted together as you cringed.
of course he found something better to do.
you opened your mouth to say something but you were cut off by another voice on the other side of the phone. “mark! come on!” a female giggled on the opposite end.
“one second, em. i’m on the phone to lex-“
you couldn’t bare to hear the rest of the statement, much less be on the phone any longer to the boy. so you hung up quicker than you dialled and pathetically cried yourself to sleep.
how could you be so ridiculous? crying over a boy who made it clear from the get go that he wanted nothing more than a hookup. more importantly, why did you ever think that you were ever going to be a no strings attached type of girl?
you read romance books in your spare time and spent any hour of the day where your brain wasn’t busy imagining your epic love. you pictured your wedding frequently and even had all your kids names chosen out. you were a relationship type of girl, and you were stupid for trying to be anything else.
time moved slower over the next few weeks. you avoided mark like the plague, but it didn’t even seem like he was looking for you. you regretted hanging up the phone that night, picturing all the ways everything could be different. but most importantly, you spent your time wishing he would come back. that by the grace of god he would grow the courage you could never possess and come talk to you.
you didn’t even hold any anger towards the boy anymore, you missed him far too much to stay enraged at him and whoever em was.
a knock sounded on your dorm door, and despite it being the middle of the night and you being home alone, you found yourself dragging your feet to open it.
the sight of ethan edwards, looking rather distressed, caught you off guard.
you had met him a few times through mark, but had never had a close enough relationship for him to know where your dorm was, let alone show up in the middle of the night.
“hello?” you asked, crossing your arms over the oversized tshirt you currently adorned. “marks been hurt and he really needs you.” ethan rushed out, tugging at his hair panicky.
your heart dropped, nodding your head quickly, you allowed the edwards boy to drag you out of your dorm building and into the michigan cold.
god, if you knew you’d be rushing out to save a 6 foot something hockey player in the middle of the night, you’d have worn something a tad bit warmer.
“where are we going?” you asked ethan as your eyes searched the courtyard, eyebrows furrowed and forehead creased with confusion.
“he should be right here.” ethan explained, thought his voice was now humorous rather than distressed.
your eyes fleeted in every which direction, but you came up with nothing. “i don’t see him.” you turned to speak to ethan, only to find him missing. your jaw dropped, as well as your hands to your side. he had really dragged you out of bed and into the cold only to abandon you.
“hi lex.”
a yelp escaped you as you spun around, hands raised and fists clenched. you were no more comforted when you were met with mark.
“you’re not injured.” you pointed out the obvious. he stood tall, hands in the pockets of his jumper. he laughed at your observation before taking a step towards you, you responded by taking a step backwards.
“and you’ve been avoiding me.”
“no i’ve been busy.” you retorted.
“no, you haven’t.” mark shot back, and he knew he was right when your mouth clamped shut as you had nothing to say to him.
silence consumed you both as you stood in the cold air.
“i miss you.” he spoke up.
your world seemed to stop spinning on its axis, but you knew he could never miss you in the way you had spent the passed couple of weeks missing him.
“i can’t do this anymore, mark.” you sighed, willing yourself to look anywhere else but him. “do what?” he responded, taking another step towards you. you stood still this time.
“this arrangement me we have going on. i can’t do it anymore. i should’ve never agreed to it.” you shook your head, urging the tears that brimmed at your eyes to go away. you didn’t need to cry in front of him.
“i thought you liked me.” his voice sounded small, almost hurt by your revelation. the sudden difference in his demeanour has you snapping your eyes from your shoes to his face. he looked crushed, as if you had murdered his family in front of him.
“that’s the problem, mark. i like you. but not in the way you want, and not in the way you like me. i’m not built for this no strings attached bullshit. and i’m sorry i never said anything, but i’m saying it now.”
“lexi-“ he began, but you couldn’t hear him reject you like you knew he was going to.
“don’t bother, mark. i came terms to it a long time ago.” you turned to leave, to rush back to the warmth and comfort of your own bed where you would cry yourself to sleep again. but you didn’t get very far until a hand was wrapping around your wrist and tugging you back into them. time slowed to a stop when marks lips crashed against yours, the boy pouring out everything you didn’t let him say.
catching up with what was going on, your hands snaked around his neck before he pulled away. “you’re the stupidest girl i’ve ever met, lex.”
scoffing, you unravelled yourself from him and gave him the hardest shove you could muster. he always knew how to push your buttons. turning to walk back to your dorm, an arm slipped around your shoulders and began the walk with you.
“i didn’t think eddy was gonna pull off the acting to be honest.”
“he wasn’t very good.” you lied, a small smile tugging at your lips as your hand raised to play with marks fingers.
“then why did you come running out here all “where’s my mark?”” his voice was high pitched as he mocked you, earning him another shove.
“quit yapping, estapa. i’m cold.”
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mm-275 · 11 months
Request: not really? (friend asked for if)
Prompt: you’re dating Miguel, but when all the problem teens gets told no to a party in Hobie’s world by said man, they come to you to help them change Miguel’s mind.
Tw: none really other than reader is lowk a pushover and shit.
Hearing Miles, Gwen, Pavitr, Margo, and Hobie all walk towards you is never a good sign, especially when it’s right after coming back from Miguel’s room. Which is why when you hear it, you start to turn to walk away, failing when the dreaded “Aye, y/n” is shouted by Hobie.
You turn around, eyeing them suspiciously.
“Yeah, what’s up?”
“Will you please help us convince Miguel to go to a party in Hobie’s world?” Miles asks, and you can see him trying to give you his best puppy dog eyes.
Hobie interrupts you before you can think or voice any concerns, “It’s a small party held by a some of my friends at home, and you’ll be able to reach us easily.”
You hesitate a bit, wondering if it is a good choice. I mean, there’s a reason Miguel said no, right?
“Miguel is a buzzkill, he doesn’t let us do anything, ever.” Margo states, and you kind of agree.
You debate it in your head for a second, but decide why not? They’re good kids and they’re pretty responsible from what you’ve seen.
You end up in Miguel’s room quicker than you wish, and standing infront of him suddenly seems nerve wracking. He’s your boyfriend, why do you suddenly feel like a teenager being scolded? (it’s his glare dw)
He looks down at you, and you clear your throat.
“Why can’t they go the party in Hobie’s world?” He looks at you, eyebrow raised slightly in amusement? frustration? confusion?
Miguel was catching on to the fact that they were using y/n to get him to say yes, I mean he wasn’t born yesterday, and they made it kind of obvious the way Miles and Gwen were pretending to stare at the ceiling and Pav looked like he was on the edge of his seat.
Hobie and Margo seeming to be the only normal looking ones, as Hobie was leaned against a wall and looking at them with his arms crossed, and Margo was scrolling through some sort of social on her phone.
“We may need them, incase of any sort of disturbance anywhere.” He counters, looking at y/n again.
“But we can reach them easily, and Lyla could keep watch on them!”
He looks at her as what was surly amusement, but the look quickly faded when Hobie butts in,
“It’s 8pm in my world, no villains are gunna be bad at this time.”
“Villains don’t care what time it is, and if any more hop through to different dimensions, we’ll need you” Miguel stares at Hobie with a deadpanned expression, which is returned with a scoff.
“And I’m sure that they can be responsible enough to respond when they’re needed. Miguel they’re teenagers, they deserve a break and some fun sometimes too, don’t you remember being a teen?”
Miguel seems to consider this. Miles, Gwen, and Margo has looked over at this point, and Pav looked as if he was going to fall over the way he kept inching his body forward, with his legs staying glued to the ground.
“You better answer within the minute I need you.”
Miguel finally looks over at them all the way, and Hobie’s eyes widen, Miles, Margo, and Gwen all turn towards eachother excitedly, and Pav literally does fall over this time, jumping back up quickly and joining the group of three in their excited talks.
They start to walk away, Margo yelling a quick “thanks” and their fading voices saying something along the lines of “we should’ve been doing that all along”
Miguel puts his hand on your shoulder, you tending up slightly and then relaxing and moving closer to him.
“You realize that they’re gunna keep doing that, right?” Your boyfriend asks, moving closer behind you and grabbing your waist as you watch them all walk out.
“Yeah, but they deal with so much and they’re just kids, they deserve a break.” You turn around and peck his lips. “And so do you,” you grab his hand and start to pull him towards the exit as well. “c’mon, let’s go check out that new cafe I saw from the window.”
AHH i love and hate it. please leave feedback and i hope this is good 🫶
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mirrortouchedsea · 7 months
Madara tapped his foot impatiently as he listened to the stage crew move around to start cleaning up after the show. Leo had asked him to come to their live showing off all of Knights' featured outfits and originally Madara hadn't been able to but things wrapped up quicker than he thought and so here he was.
He didn't need to sneak in, management knew who he was and agreed to not let Leo know that his boyfriend had made it after all. Madara hadn't taken his eyes off Leo on the screen in the dressing room, wishing so desperately that he could be in the audience with him. Ah well.
A moment later the door burst open and the sounds of Knights' bickering filled his ears. He never missed how they all still took care of each other despite the insults that were slung across the changing room about makeup or their performance. It took a few seconds before Leo noticed Madara sitting on the couch and as soon as he did he was running over to crush him in a hug.
"You said you couldn't make it!" he exclaimed, burying his head in Madara's neck. Madara smiled and hugged him back.
"My schedule cleared up at the last minute. I wanted to surprise you~" he teased, giving Leo one last squeeze before letting go.
Leo started excitedly talking about how the live went and the inspiration that he had gained from it, grabbing a notepad and pen that had been left out on the coffee table to quickly scribble some notes in. Madara sat there and took it all in, in awe of how someone like Leo had come into his life, someone so filled with light and someone filled with darkness were an unlikely pair and yet...
"Hey Mama, are you okay?" Leo asked, reacting to Madara's uncharacteristic quietness. "If you need anything you can tell me you know?"
Madara could hear Izumi's "Get a room" comment but he didn't care. Leo's face was so filled with concern for him and--
"Everything is fine, Leo-san. I'm just a little tired, don't worry about me. Get changed and we can get something to eat." Madara hoped he could at least cover up his thoughts in front of the rest of Knights. Maybe he'd actually talk about his feelings with Leo in private, but not in front of his friends.
Leo frowned for a moment before smiling again. "Okay! I'll meet you outside in five minutes!" He bounced off to where he had left his casual clothes and Madara was shooed out of the room by Arashi, who winked at him and wished him luck.
"I love you!" Leo called out from his dressing table as Madara was about to leave.
"I love you too," Madara said, just quietly enough that nobody but himself would hear it.
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kiljoius-writes · 1 year
Tag - Chapter Twenty Two
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First Chapter
Chapter Twenty-Two
Sensei – Part Two
Hanabi – 26 Konohamaru – 27
For how excited Hanabi had first been about a joint mission with Konohamaru and their teams, she had no clue it would end in several fights. Not just between her and Konohamaru, but Boruto, Sarada, Wasabi, Namida. By the time it was over, one might wonder whether they’d ever speak again.
Sumire and Mitsuki weren’t the best mediators, but at least they hadn’t gotten into any fights themselves.
They had been tasked with clearing an abandoned building about 20 kilometers out of rats and other creepy crawlers in preparation for a set of chūnin to come and inspect it of valuable items and information.
There was a lot of complaining.
Hanabi, Namida, and Boruto flat out refused to go into the basement.
“Just use your fire style to burn it out, Konohamaru-sensei!”
“No, Boruto—that would ruin anything of value in there,” Konohamaru chided.
“And that just seems cruel to burn them up.” Sumire frowned.
“I can use wind style to sweep them out,” Hanabi offered, “it wouldn’t really damage anything, a little messy but eh, we can just say it was left like that.”
“Yes! That’s a good idea!” Namida agreed readily and Konohamaru gave a frustrated sigh.
“You know that’s not the point, Hanabi,” he whispered at her heatedly, grabbing her by the shoulder to turn her from the genin. “It’s about building character!”
“Building character can be working smarter, not harder,” she retorted, aggressively crossing her arms over her chest.
“And if they figure that out for themselves, then fine! This is a d-rank mission for a reason—”
“Well I’m not going in there.”
“What?!” Konohamaru expression was morphing to anger quicker and quicker. She did her best to stand tall, looking over her shoulder at the genin who were watching them in confusion. What it must look like to see sensei’s bickering back and forth, she wondered. She briefly thought of Tora and Ebisu. “Hanabi, Hanabi!” She perked an eyebrow at his repetition. “Hanabi, former Anbu, heiress to the Hyūga, jōnin sensei won’t go into a basement with little rats?”
She turned her nose up at him. “What do you propose? We all go down there and trap them one by one? I’m sorry, I’m simply not touching rats.”
“You carried cages of insects without any problems!”
“Chakra insects! These are just nasty rats who probably carry all kinds of disease—”
“Sensei?” They both stopped to look at Sarada, arms crossed behind her back, peering up at them innocently. They weren’t exactly being quiet. “We’ll get started, okay?”
“Ah, Sarada,” Konohamaru acknowledged her with a nod, “that’s the spirit. Thank you.”
Hanabi clicked her tongue, biting back a snarky remark as Mitsuki, Sumire, and Wasabi followed her down. Namida and Boruto stood over the basement entry and looked down, waving.
“We’ll uh—keep lookout up here for you guys!” Boruto tried, earning a glare from Konohamaru.
“Nope, get down there.” Konohamaru pointed at the opening, looking between the two genin before landing his eyes on Hanabi. “We’re all going.”
“Mmph…” Namida whined, mooning her eyes up at Hanabi with her hands clasped together hopefully. Hanabi looked up to find Konohamaru staring at her with that leer that told her they’d be having words later. Oh, they would be. Acting as if he was team leader—how silly. They were equals now, he could try to push her around if he wanted, but they both knew she could go her own way if she wanted. The only reason she was conceding now was her wish to not keep a fight going in front of the impressionable genin.
“Sorry Namida.” Hanabi patted her head gently, smoothing out her ponytails. “Guess we have to listen to boss man here.”
“But you’re my sensei!” Namida huffed, now glaring at Konohamaru.
Despite the tenseness of the interaction, she had to find some amusement with how fickle young emotions could be. One moment Namida was a blushing mess, the next, Konohamaru was the enemy.
Hanabi waved her into the basement behind a complaining Boruto, leaving her and Konohamaru outside in a glaring competition.
“After you.” Hanabi gestured with a raised eyebrow.
“Ladies first.”
“Right, so, after you.”
“Real nice, Hanabi. You’re just insulting yourself, you know that right?”
“When did you become a stick in the mud?” Hanabi tapped her foot. “Genin and even chūnin Konohamaru would have been stoked at the suggestion of using a jutsu to clear a basement. Boruto’s idea wasn’t even that bad, just needed a little refining.”
Konohamaru paused, tilting his head at her. “You really expect me to be like I was when I was a chūnin? You don’t think I’ve, y’know, grown up? I’m 27 now. What if we had tried to flat out refuse a mission when we were genin? Tora and Ebisu-sensei would have knocked us into next week.”
“Whatever,” Hanabi sighed, begrudgingly beginning the walk down, unwilling to admit he was, indeed, correct. Tora would have not just knocked them into next week, she would have mocked them, railed them in front of the Hokage, and put them on weeding duty for two or three weeks.
He trailed down behind her, leaning in to whisper, “you’re undermining me. What’s with the attitude? Did I piss you off earlier or something?”
“No, I just hate—”
Both fell to their knees at an awful screech. Hanabi recognized it as Namida’s unintentionally loud scream—it wasn’t full power, but it was enough to feel like one’s eardrums might burst.
“The hell?!” Konohamaru coughed as the scream subsided, pushing off his hands to stand.
Hanabi climbed up. “Namida—she’s either scared or they’re in trouble. I lean towards the former.”
“How’d she do that?” Konohamaru asked disbelievingly as they resumed their trek.
“Y’know, she did say she didn’t want to do it…” Hanabi grumbled, feeling irritated now that she was not only down here, but having her eardrums seared. As soon as one foot touched the ground floor, she felt something brush against it and immediately screamed, stumbling backwards. Konohamaru caught her before she could fall, but she still immediately bolted halfway up the stairs.
“I am in disbelief,” Konohamaru said as he looked up at her, eyebrows raised expectantly with that incredulous look on his face. He shook his head, turning away. “Of all things, this is what you draw the line at.”
Konohamaru left Hanabi on the stairs to check on the genin, feeling strangely irritated with her. He was only being honest: how could this woman he had missioned with, watched take blows and kunai, fearlessly close chakra points until her opponent was mush on the ground—how could she be acting like this? Respect for her was a given, it was hard reconciling with a loss in it from what should have been such a simple mission for their teams. And it was true, Tora and Ebisu would never let them get away with what Namida and Boruto were trying to pull.
As he made his way into the basement, he was unfortunately met with less of the genin actually getting their work done, and more of them squabbling. Sarada insulting Boruto, causing Boruto to lash out at her and threaten to take her out ‘right here, right now.’ Wasabi taking out her frustration on Namida for being so frightened, causing Namida to burst into tears.
Mitsuki and Sumire were the only ones getting any work done, swiftly clearing rats with various jutsu’s and sealing techniques, sometimes just some old-fashioned hand catching. At least he didn’t have to worry about them.
When he heard crashing come from his right, finding Boruto and Sarada locked in a fight, he’d had enough.
“Boruto! Pair with Wasabi and clear that room! Namida, with Sarada and clear that room!”
He had to separate them all out or he’d tear his hair out listening to the pettiness of the squabbling.
Plus his own squabbling with Hanabi.
A simple mission made so messy by just a few people. He had to feel irritated that Hanabi of all people was refusing a mission so blatantly in front of his team. To make it worse, backing up Boruto, her nephew, would only embolden the boy. He was tempted to threaten to report her unprofessionalism—though he’d never actually report it. But he wanted to make her think he would.
“Who would’ve thought son of the Hokage was such a wimp!”
“Take that back!”
“Namida, please stop crying…”
“I—I’m sorry Sarada—I’m just so—”
After an hour of this and seemingly so little progress, he’d really had enough.
He beckoned the groups of genin outside, then turned to Hanabi, glaring at her innocent look. “Alright then, go on. With your wind style, right? Clear it out.”
“Happily.” The smug look on her face…
Despite it all she’s still so damn gorgeous. Damn her.
No, you’re mad at her.
He watched her kneel next to the basement opening, then pull several tags from her satchels and summon cages. He stepped back as she whispered a wind style jutsu directed inside, and within seconds, the squealing of rodents filled the air as they all came tumbling up, depositing into the cages. The cages slammed shut, and Konohamaru frowned as she clapped her hands together as if to dust them off. “And that’s that!”
“Yeah! Score one for big sis!”
They both shot identical disapproving looks at the boy.
“I—I mean, Hanabi-sensei!”
“Alright, Boruto and Namida are carrying them out west to let them free away from here, about 10 kilometers.”
“Whaaat?!” Namida gawked.
Konohamaru held up a hand forcefully to silence her. “Don’t give me that—you two didn’t help at all. They’re in cages, you’ll be fine.”
He looked at Hanabi to make sure she wasn’t throwing him any harsh, disapproving glares, content to find her looking indifferent.
Boruto grumbled. “There’s like six of them, three each? That’s—”
He pulled a page from Ebisu as he scolded the boy, “if I hear one more scrap of complaining, Boruto, I’m taking you off missions for a month.”
He ignored Hanabi’s astonished look. Namida gasped and seemingly took that to mean for her as well, quickly stacking the three cages into her hands. Boruto glared at him as he followed suit, then trekked after the girl.
“They should have a sensei with them,” Hanabi commented, glancing at him. He lifted his eyebrows at her. “I’ll go.”
“Alright,” Konohamaru sighed, turning from her. “You four, do another sweep down there for any that may remain.”
The other four nodded and quickly made their way into the building while Hanabi had already begun following after Boruto and Namida. He dropped his eyes at her as she swung her arms, looking pouty.
They’d definitely be having words later.
But for now, he chose to watch her go.
Because he liked to.
Damn this brain.
Once they were back in the village and he was directing them to the Hokage tower, their moment of peaceful silence was ruined.
“Why are we going to the Hokage’s tower?” Boruto questioned in panic, “why aren’t we going to the assignment desk—”
“Hush, Boruto,” Hanabi muttered, “quit arguing.”
“Listen to your aunt,” Konohamaru tore uncharacteristically, seemingly at the end of his rope now. Hanabi peered out of the corner of her eye at him, eyebrows raised. He was clearly pissed.
Her stubborn nature wouldn’t let her admit out loud that he was right to be pissed. She knew she was acting like a brat. She had her reasons but knew his frustration was mainly with her for letting the genin get away with being brats along with her.
“She’s my aunt now?” Boruto grumbled, folding his arms with a pout. “Seems sooo fair.”
Silence fell again until they were in front of a tired Naruto.
“Well, sir, Boruto and Namida initially refused to go in.”
“Oh, they did?” Naruto’s eyes lowered to Boruto specifically and Hanabi looked at Konohamaru, tilting her head curiously.
He was really gonna tattle. To Boruto’s father.
She wondered if he’d say anything about her.
“Yes, and honestly, it disrupted the mission quite a bit. These four—” He circled his gesturing hand around Boruto, Sarada, Wasabi, and Namida. “—couldn’t stop arguing—eventually Hanabi took care of the rest. Boruto and Namida were sent to carry the cages to release elsewhere with her while the rest ensured it was completely clear.”
“So you all can’t get along, huh?” Naruto asked pointedly.
“This is SO unfair!” Boruto tightened his fists. “Big sis and bro were fighting, too!”
Hanabi clenched her jaw. Konohamaru evidently wasn’t going to bring that up, but dear nephew couldn’t seem to contain himself.
“Sensei…” Konohamaru corrected quietly as all eyes fell on Naruto for his reaction.
“Is that right?” Naruto asked, tilting his head up at Konohamaru and Hanabi. Hanabi twitched, training her eyes from Konohamaru to Naruto, schooling her expression. What could she say, anyway?
“Well—not exactly—” Konohamaru started their defense, “we had a mild disagreement on how to proceed with the mission, but it was hardly a fight.”
“Yeah, right,” Wasabi grunted under her breath and Hanabi resisted the urge to whack her upside the head.
“Trouble in paradise,” Naruto sighed, tapping his finger on the desk, to which both Konohamaru and Hanabi’s eyes widened. Boruto snickered. “Alright, for now, no more joint missions with Team 7 and Team 15, until everyone learns to behave.”
“Fine with me,” Boruto grumbled, folding his hands behind his head.
“Me too.” Wasabi rolled her eyes, leaning on her hip.
Great. First mission with our teams together and I blow it. Nice one, Hanabi.
And with that, their fight would be prolonged. No sweeping this one under the rug.
“You know best.” Konohamaru bowed before turning to his team. “Training tomorrow at six sharp.”
“Uhm, you all, too,” Hanabi sighed, waving at her team, feeling like she had to keep up. Wasabi shot her an annoyed look that she chose to ignore.
As they all began shuffling out, Naruto called, “separate!”
“I have to go fill out our report,” Hanabi told her genin, shooing them, “get out of here. I’ll see you in the morning.”
“Sorry, Hanabi-sensei.” Namida hung back as the other two trekked off. Hanabi let out a tired breath as she bent down to meet the girl’s eyes. It wasn’t all their fault…she shared some blame, she had to admit. “I didn’t mean to get us in trouble and separated from Konohamaru-sensei and Team 7…”
“It’s alright. I’m sorry, too. We weren’t very good senseis today.” Namida shook her head in protest, but Hanabi held up her hand. “It’s okay, Namida. You don’t have to defend us. Go get some rest, ‘kay?”
Namida finally broke into a small smile and nodded. “Goodnight, sensei.”
She turned, already knowing Konohamaru’s eyes were boring a hole into her. She looked up to meet his glare, returning with her own. She set a hand on her hip and rested on one foot, lifting her brows at him. He clearly wanted to chew her out, and she was about to dare him to do so right outside of the Hokage’s office in front of Shikamaru. Before she could speak, he turned, waving his hand behind him. “Gotta go do the report. See you later, Hanabi.”
She squinted at his figure as it disappeared through the door. “Yeah…you, too.”
Konohamaru leaned over his paperwork with a wrinkled forehead. It was an incredibly simple report to finish, but he found himself unable to focus.
Clearly, he and Hanabi had different styles as sensei. He hadn’t even realized it until now. He was so excited to become a sensei, and knowing Hanabi would be right there alongside him with his team—well, it was hard to find anything to complain about. It was like a dream. But now, he wondered how he’d never known how different they could be.  
Was he the harsh one?
He was just drawing on what Ebisu-sensei taught him and his team…
He thought of Tora-sensei. She was so relaxed. It dawned on him that what Hanabi did today was probably exactly how Tora would approach the mission today.
He rolled his eyes at nothing.
He stood by what he did today. Tora would probably have come up with the idea but still pushed them to figure it out themselves. Shinobi can’t just refuse a mission because they don’t like rats. And if they were to come up with a more efficient strategy, it should be the genin! Not them!
He had to talk to her. He’d get nothing done if they didn’t hash this out. With a frustrated sigh, he slammed his pen down and got up. Quickly, he made his way to Hanabi’s office and knocked three times in succession, opening the door before she could summon him.
He froze when he saw Sumire sitting across from Hanabi. Hanabi raised her eyebrows at him as Sumire turned to look at him in surprise.
“Ever heard of a thing called privacy, Konohamaru-sensei?” she asked sarcastically.
“Uh—sorry—” he stumbled over his words, waving his hand in front of his face, feeling like a jerk. “I’ll come back.”
“It’s fine. We were just done.” Hanabi nodded at Sumire. “We’ll talk more after I’ve spoken with them.”
“Thank you, sensei.” Sumire made her leave, glancing at Konohamaru questioningly before disappearing. Konohamaru quickly shut the door and sealed it with his chakra.
“Who’s them?”
“None of your business. What are you doing?” Hanabi snapped in sequence, causing him to lean away from her. “Must be important if you’re sealing the door?”
“What is going on with you?” Konohamaru asked, stepping forward to her, still seated at her desk.
“If you wanna talk, then talk, Konohamaru. Don’t beat around the bush.”
“You pissed me off today.”
Hanabi let out a mocking laugh, shaking her head. “Yeah? You pissed me off today, too!”
He felt his blood boil at the mocking laugh and comment. “So what then?!” He had been slowly stepping forward until he was right in front of her desk, setting his hands on it to lean over her. “We can’t mission together because we—” he air quoted “’can’t get along’?”
“Guess so.” Hanabi shrugged, obviously straining to seem casual about it. “Because someone can’t think logically.”
“I can’t think logically? Me? My logic makes perfect sense—if we just figure out the problems for them before they have a chance, how are we ever supposed to encourage them to learn for themselves?!”
Now she stood up, hands on the desk to meet his stance, forcing his glare upwards. “Boruto did figure it out! He just needed a little help making it work!”
“That’s bullshit and you know it,” he retorted, “you just didn’t want to deal with being in there, so you ‘helped’ him by figuring it out for them so you could get it over with!”
“That’s a lot of assumptions about me.” She lowered her eyes. “Think you know me that well, huh?”
“Yeah, actually, I do. I think I know you really well.” He poked his tongue against the inside of his cheek as he scanned her features, the veins around her eyes beginning to pop as she became angrier. He pushed in a direction he knew would land them in hot water, but couldn’t seem to control it. “Which is why I’m so confused about why you were such a coward today.”
“Coward!” she yelled full-force, standing up straight as she glared down at him. She stomped around the desk to meet him face to face, forcing him to stand up to his full height as she shoved her fingertip painfully into his chest. He knew that particular insult would get a rise out of her, and even though a voice in the back of his mind told him to apologize, he wanted that rise. She’d undermined him today, she deserved it, he reasoned. “You think you can talk to me like that?”
He leaned his face down close to hers, eyes lowering. “Yeah, when you deserve it.”
“You know what you deserve?”
They stood in silence for a moment as the veins in her eyes relaxed, which surprised him. He was fully expecting a gentle fist to the stomach.
If he had thought the tension was sexual in nature, she confirmed it with her actions. Immediately, he was holding her up as she wrapped her body around him, bringing him in for a fervent kiss.
Damn her.
“Hanabi!” Not without effort, he tore his lips from her, though he still held her. He pushed her up against the desk until she was sitting on it, that angry glare still on her features. She couldn’t get out of this so easily! “You can’t just avoid this by doing—doing that!”
“What then, Konohamaru?” she asked with a huff, pulling her hair from her face, “you want to keep fighting?”
“I want to resolve the fight!”
“Then resolve it!”
“I tried something, now it’s your turn!”
“You tried distracting me,” he pointed out, though he couldn’t deny the racing of his heart and the tightness in his stomach, “that’s cheating.”
Hanabi crossed her arms, lowering her eyes at him. “Don’t tell me you don’t want to.”
Konohamaru gritted his teeth. This woman. He could barely deny it. He was just a man, after all. “You want to? Fine—” He forced himself between her legs and leaned over her side to sweep at her desk, papers and pens and knick-knacks flying. “Let’s do it then.”
“You wouldn’t,” Hanabi dared further, unphased by his actions, eyes still trained on him. “You’re too goody for it.”
“You think so?” he asked darkly, grabbing her shoulders to force her back. “I think you’re all talk.”
“Likewise.” She propped herself on her elbows, eyebrows raised.
And he froze. He was all talk.
Damn her!
She sighed and swung her leg around him to meet before hopping off the desk, rolling her eyes. “Clean that up.”
Or maybe he wasn’t.
Before she could definitively walk away, he grabbed her by the hips and pushed her front into the desk, stilling her there. “You sure you wanna tempt me?” He did his best to sound low and serious, his every instinct to shove her down and show her he meant it. But his heart was racing, veins pumping with adrenaline. Fighting wasn’t entirely new to them, but it felt different this time.
“Go on,” she whispered. She gasped when he forcefully untied her obi and pulled her robes apart, snaking his hand down to the band of her panties, already knowing her chest would be bandaged because nothing could ever be easy. “Ah!”
“You always say I’m dirty…”
“Oh, shut up!” she hissed, grabbing at his hand. He couldn’t deny the desire he had for her, and something about fighting riled him up in a way he hadn’t realized was inside of him.
“Shhh,” he quieted as he used his other hand to pull back her hair, latching his lips to the exposed skin, “there’s no silence seal, so be quiet.”
“Konohamaru!” she hissed, wiggling under him, “gods!”
“Isn’t this what you wanted?” he asked calmly, trailing up to her ear.
Then, she turned in his grip and shoved her hands into his chest. “Knock it off!”
“Wait—really?” He immediately stepped away, pulling his hands in front of him as a sign of surrender. “I thought—”
His confusion turned to irritation when he saw a smirk cross her lips.
“Real funny,” he growled as she broke into laughter, doubled over the visitor chair.
“I thought so,” she wheezed between laughter, eyes dipping downward as her already pink cheeks reddened. She gasped when he swiftly yanked her off the chair and sat in it, pulling her back on top of him. “Ah—Kono, you’re gonna get my robes all—”
“Quiet.” Her eyes blew wide at his dark ones.
The way her whole body stiffened at the sentence told him he had done something—and when she readily let him yank her down, he knew it was something good.
Hanabi was relieved to be able to sneak into the bathrooms of their office undetected. She held back a curse when she heard the door open before she was done and hurried her business along. Gently, she opened the stall door and quickly washed her hands, stomach dropping when she heard the toilet flush. She rushed to grab paper towels but was unsuccessful in her attempt to sneak out when Moegi revealed herself before she could sneak away.
“Oh, hey Hanabi.”
Hanabi stopped, turning slowly to Moegi who was now washing her hands as well. Unintentionally breathless, “hello Moegi.”
“You alright?” she laughed, double-taking at her. Hanabi glanced towards the mirror to see her beet-red face and took a controlled inhale.
“Yep! Gotta get back to some paperwork.”
She nodded, continuing the conversation before Hanabi could dart away, “ah, yeah, Shikadai said there was some trouble with your teams.”
“Our teams?”
“Yeah, you and Konohamaru. You know, you have to whip those girls into shape,” she commented loftily, reaching for paper towels, “can’t let them walk all over you!”
“They—they don’t—” Hanabi’s eye twitched because she really didn’t want to have this conversation but did feel the need to defend her team. “It just wasn’t a great situation.”
“Yeah, I heard. You and Konohamaru fighting? I couldn’t believe it, then I heard you guys having some sort of yelling match in your office. Was about to come charging in to put him in his place, but it went quiet and seemed like you guys resolved it.”
Hanabi was burning from the inside out. Those words could not be coming out of Moegi’s mouth right now. “Uhm, yep. But I really should try to go finish up—”
“I’ll walk with you.”
When they got to Hanabi’s office door, she stopped and tried to say goodbye, loudly, hoping Konohamaru would hear her through the door. “Well! I’ll see you around!”
Moegi perked an eyebrow, tilting her head in clear confusion at her raised tone. “Actually, I was hoping I could pick your brain on something,” she furthered the interaction, reaching for the door handle. Hanabi resisted the urge to smack it away and braced herself as the door opened. “What happened in here?”
Hanabi peered inside. Konohamaru wasn’t there, but her desk was still cleared. She let out the breath but didn’t relax completely. Wracking her brain for an explanation, she responded, “uhm—yeah, I was just so…frustrated about today…I kinda lost it, I guess.”
“Wow,” Moegi tsked, walking up to the mess to start picking things up for her. Hanabi could have died as she watched her start putting things back on top of the very desk she had just committed unspeakable acts on. “You gotta learn to control that fire of yours.”
“Yeah,” she breathed, hurriedly aiding her in picking things up, “you’re right. Anyway, what was it you wanted to talk about?”
“Right,” Moegi sighed, falling backward into…the same chair…
I cannot believe this is happening.
That’s when she realized her panties had been in the mess of things scattered around. She peered over her desk to search for them, but they weren’t there.
She’d be letting Konohamaru have it later.
“I have a phobia of rats, okay?!”
That was how she came storming into his apartment uninvited.
Konohamaru gave her an amused smirk as she froze in the doorway, slow realization overcoming her features as her eyes set on his mother, sitting across his dining table from him.
“Oh, my.” Moriko tilted her head. “That’s terrible!”
Konohamaru gritted his teeth as laughter bubbled inside of him, having to press his lips together tightly to suppress its emergence. Hanabi looked between the two of them with wide eyes.
“Did something happen with rats when you were a child?” Moriko continued as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened.
This is why he loved his mother.
“I…I’m so sorry,” Hanabi started, backing away, “I didn’t mean to intrude—that was—oh wow that was so rude of me! Please accept my apology—”
“Oh, quit it!” Moriko laughed, getting out of her chair to approach Hanabi for a hug. “I’m sure you’re always welcome in Konohamaru’s home, isn’t that right, Kono?”
He winked at Hanabi as she reluctantly accepted the embrace. “Sure are.”
He did feel a little bad for her. She was clearly coming to try to resolve the fight and give him some context with that opening line. But it was kind of her own fault for barging in. Just like he’d done in her office. At least he didn’t come in yelling.
“Would you like to talk about it? Come, Kono, get her some tea.” She was already dragging in her inside, pulling the door closed behind her.
“I shouldn’t…” she started, looking so very uneasy.
“Yeah, come sit.” His smirk widened as he got up to pour hot water. “Let’s talk it out, work through these problems.”
“Don’t tease her!” his mother chided him as she forced Hanabi into a seat.
“I was…just trying to explain why what happened earlier, happened,” Hanabi started, seeming unsure of her words.
“What happened earlier?” Moriko asked, glancing at Konohamaru.
“Your favorite adopted daughter,” he said as he gestured towards Hanabi, who shot him a glare for the added comment, “mucked up our mission yesterday.”
“Yes, I did,” she replied readily, and he raised his eyebrows, feeling impressed with her admittance. “And I’m sorry, okay? I shouldn’t have…” she trailed off, looking warily at Moriko.
“Oh!” Moriko clearly picked up Hanabi’s unease about continuing. “I’m sorry, I can see this is between you two. I can go—”
“No, no—” Hanabi started to get up, and Konohamaru patted her shoulder to encourage her to sit back down.
“You can both stay, we can talk later.” Konohamaru set the tea in front of her. “It’s been a while since I’ve been here while both of you are around.”
“It has, hasn’t it?” Moriko instantly accepted this, which he knew she would. Hanabi twisted her lips uncomfortably.
“Hey, tell my mom about how you taught Mirai that four-point throw.”
That did the trick as Moriko looked at her with interest. He smiled as Hanabi fell into natural conversation again, his mother delighted in her story.
He sat back and swallowed his tea as he watched them. It wasn’t something he got to see often, especially recently, but brought him comfort. His mother was all he really had left in his immediate family, besides Mirai, so he really enjoyed seeing Hanabi accepted by her. It wasn’t hard to be accepted by his mother, she was always kind and open, but she really did take an honest liking to her. And Hanabi did to her as well, he saw it in the way she easily relaxed around her and indulged in her stories.
He watched her pull her hair behind her shoulder as she leaned in to listen more carefully to the older woman. Nodded attentively, sipped her tea periodically. Rubbed her upper right brow once. Dropped her hands into her lap to clasp. Smiled that pearly, genuine smile. Laughed that beautiful sound. Spared the infrequent glance his way with those lavender eyes that he swore glimmered when they looked at him. Promptly rolled them when he winked at her. It amazed him how stunning he could find one woman. Perfection, and he wouldn’t stand for anyone saying otherwise.
“He’s admiring you.”
“Wha—” the sentence broke him from his trance.
He hadn’t been hearing a single word, captivated by her. So, admittedly, she wasn’t wrong.
“Or he’s just falling asleep,” Hanabi snarked, which Moriko laughed at.
“Could be,” she responded teasingly as he glanced at her to find her giving him that knowing smile.
He coughed into his fist, hastily getting up and turning so she wouldn’t be able to loudly announce his blushing face, because he knew she would. “More tea?”
“Thank you, but I should go,” Moriko responded, getting up from her seat as well. “Have to meet with Haruki.”
“Ah, yes, your weekly gossip session,” he teased as she pulled him down for a hug.
“Staring is a dead giveaway, darling,” she whispered.
“Shhh,” he hushed her, but it was good-natured.
“But you can’t help it, can you?”
With that, she went to Hanabi to give her the same treatment and he bit his lip with amusement as she whispered something in her ear as well, causing her to turn crimson. His mother let her go and pat her hot cheek affectionately before leaving out of the front door, leaving them looking at each other.
“So, rat phobia?”
“Your mother…” Hanabi sighed, clapping her hands over her cheeks as she shook her head.
“The worst, right?” he teased, sitting back down at the dining table.
“No, the best,” she said, honestly, joining him. The genuine compliment warmed his heart a bit, and he chose not to comment on it. She looked up at him, rubbing her cheek. “When I was little…my sister took me camping with her team.”
“Oh yeah? That must’ve been fun,” he snorted, “roughin’ it with her and those guys.”
“It was fun, actually.” She shrugged, dipping her eyes. “Until…”
“The rats attacked?”
“Uhm, yes,” she scoffed, looking at him with irritated eyes. He held back a snicker. “I woke up and I thought it was Akamaru, like, cuddling with me or something. So I went to hug what I thought was a giant dog, but instead, it was a ton of rats.”
“Oh no,” his voice broke as he held back laughter, cupping his mouth to suppress it.
“Yeah, laugh! Laugh it up!” she snapped, “Kiba laughed at me, too! He carried a toy rat on him so he could shove it in my face anytime he saw me!”
“Want me to kick his ass?”
“I already did!” Now he laughed. “He did it for the first time in years when I was getting off an Anbu mission.”
“Oooh, worst time.”
“Damn right! I landed a gentle fist on him that sent him across the block, and it felt good,” she huffed, clearly unashamed, “but regardless. Yes, I have a phobia of rats. They were eating my hair, Konohamaru. I was 8! I’d never seen more than a dog or a cat or bird in my entire life before that!”
“Okay, okay,” he conceded. It did explain things. “You could have just told me that.”
“How could I?” she asked, weakly. “Those kids are shinobi. One of them would have overheard and the next thing I know, my office is full of toy rats. Or if I know Boruto, he’d convince someone at the compound to put real rats in my bedroom!”
He paused, cupping his chin. “You have a point, actually.”
“So, yes. I pretended it was because I just thought it was a mission beneath us. Was it the right way to go about it? No! And I’m sorry…I undermined you.”
“Forgiven,” he replied immediately, reaching out to grab a trembling hand, emotions clearly heightened. “I’m sorry, too. I shouldn’t have gotten so irritated so quickly.”
She turned her hand so it would hold his, setting her other hand on top. She looked him straight in the eye as she said, “with your team, I don’t see how you’re not more on edge.”
“Hey!” he laughed, squeezing her hand.
“Wasabi is always working up my other two but Boruto and Sarada together…yeesh.”
“Eh.” He shrugged. “They have their moments. But they’re good kids, strong together when they want to be. I can cut them some slack.”
She smiled up at him and he had to return it. “You were always so good with kids.”
“Hmm,” he hummed, feeling a little out of place with her praise. She didn’t usually offer it so readily, so he responded the only way he knew how: tugging her from her seat into his chest and wrapping his arms around her. “Thanks for coming to talk it out.” She offered a little hum in response, nuzzling her cheek into his chest. “And entertaining my mom.”
“It’s her who entertains me,” she responded with a little giggle, “how would I ever know about you pretending to be your grandfather in your underwear?”
“E-Excuse me?” He pulled back.
“You were ogling me when she told me that story about coming out in your underwear with a rolled-up piece of paper in your mouth like a pipe and his Hokage hat.”
“Oh my gods—mom,” he groaned, letting his head fall backward.
How embarrassing.
“I think it’s cute.” she reached out to cup his cheeks to pull him back to face her. He sighed, looking at her tiredly. “Lord Eighth.”
“Somehow my mother has successfully figured out how to get me to cringe at that nickname.”
He looked at her curiously as her grip on his cheeks tightened, her smile turning a little sinister. “Speaking of underwear…where exactly are my panties?”
He laughed as he tore from her, running to hide from the woman he loved so much.
A rare moment when she had nothing to do.
Eiji took team 15 off her hands to do some training with the Inuzuka. The council was busy with other affairs. No assignments. Father was with the council. Hinata was taking team 7 and Himawari to a spa day. Konohamaru was on a solo mission.
So she sat in the courtyard of the Hyūga compound, people-watching. It had been quite a while since she did this. But it was nostalgic. Good and bad.
Good, because she got to see her clan seeming normal. Normal for them, at least. Children playing tag with paper kunai and shuriken. Teenagers sparring without malice or violence. Adults intermingling easily, despite status. Getting along.
Bad, because it brought up memories of twiddling away. Training, training, training. Witnessing children receive their curse mark. Seals being activated if a branch member acted out. Scoldings from her father.
Not exactly happy memories.
But for now, she’d take this peace. It was all she could get for now as she continued working on the clan. She felt so close to making a breakthrough.
She looked up when she felt someone sit next to her, finding Tadashi sitting casually with her, face enduring as always. She smiled up at him despite it. “Hi, Tadashi.”
“Lady Hanabi.”
They sat together in silence, similarly observing. After a few moments, she let out a sigh and rested the side of her head on his shoulder, getting comfortable. It wasn’t something she would have done when she was young, but after everything they’d been through, she finally felt comfortable doing so. It was good for the other Hyūga to see a main family member being friendly with a branch member, anyway. She asked, “how are you?”
He paused before answering, “well. And you?”
“Alright,” she answered honestly, heaving a sigh, “just conflicted.”
“Conflicted about?”
“This,” she mumbled, frowning, “our clan. Our houses. I love my people. Our people.”
He didn’t respond, but she didn’t expect him to.
“I want change, Tadashi.”
“I know.” She resisted the urge to look up at him. She gently pulled her arm around his so they’d interlace, a bold move for a main house member with a branch member, but she didn’t care. At this point, she’d take out anyone who dared question it. Tadashi was too important to her. He didn’t resist.
“I want…our families to merge.”
More silence. She sighed, tugging at his arm to get him to respond. “I know.”
“But how…” she mumbled, closing her eyes, “when father won’t even let me in on the inner workings?”
“Demand it.”
Her breath hitched in her throat. “Demand it?”
“You’re the heiress, Lady Hanabi.”
“Your will is strong. Demand it.” She felt her stomach starting to twist. “You are remarkable, Hanabi. You and your sister have pushed all boundaries the main family has tried to uphold.”
“This will be easy for you.”
She sucked in her lips, willing herself not to pull away to look at him. Instead, she held him tighter. “Tadashi…I…I don’t know if I can.”
“We can.”
“W…” She paused, flexing her jaw. “We can?”
She felt his other hand rest on hers. “Yes, we can.”
She felt her eyes burning hot as tears formed. He was being so candid with her. She knew he was aware of some extent of her efforts, but not how much. But he really believed in her. And them. “We can.”
“We will.”
“We will.”
Today, Hanabi finally decided to bring her team to the compound. She had consulted with her father, who was wary about bringing a group of non-Hyūga to train. But she pushed, and he eventually conceded, and she had a few of her clansmen volunteer to spar with them.
It was important for them to have a diverse skillset. Practicing against the byakugan and the varying fighting styles her family employed would be good for their overall training. Gone were the days of being completely secretive. She knew she couldn’t push it too far, but it was a new era, one in which clans intermingled far more and could safely train with one another, so she wanted to take advantage of it. Konohamaru had an Uzumaki-Hyūga and Uchiha, Moegi had the InoShikaCho kids. She and Udon had to work a little harder to round out their teams, she figured, so she’d use what she had.
She called for them to break after a few hours, one of her clansmen complimenting Wasabi on her speed and evading ability.
“I like training here!” Namida commented breathlessly as they jogged over to Hanabi.
“Yeah, it’s nice to focus on one style,” Sumire agreed.
“Let’s go get lunch.” Hanabi waved them deeper into a compound. The three girls stopped in their tracks at a long table covered in a full spread of food.
“This…is lunch?” Wasabi gaped, bolting forward to begin picking through it.
Hanabi snickered as she watched the girls dive in, glancing up to find Tadashi approaching. “Making a good first impression?”
“Only the best for Lady Hanabi’s team,” Tadashi responded loftily, arms behind his back as he watched them.
“I can’t believe they all call you Lady, Hanabi-sensei!” Namida commented with full cheeks.
“It is…truly a strange thing to hear you referred to as sensei.” Tadashi let a rare chuckle go, looking down at her. She beamed up at him.
“Never taken a title so seriously in my life!” she joked, standing back with him as her little team settled in with the food. “It’s actually…really fulfilling if I’m honest.”
“Yes, training young minds certainly is.” Tadashi nodded, eyes drifting back toward the girls. “It was one of the more enjoyable careers I had when I was younger.”
“Wait.” Hanabi stopped, tilting her head at him. “You were a sensei, Tadashi?” He smiled and nodded gently. “Tadashi-sensei?”
“I never knew that!” she responded in disbelief, “why didn’t you tell me?! Do I know any of your students?”
“Just one. You know her quite well, actually.”
“Who is it?”
“Tora Nara.”
Hanabi was blown away, a wide grin overtaking her features as she looked up at her old guard with starry eyes.
Suddenly, things were falling into place.
“Why do you guys keep all this from me?!” Hanabi asked, waving her hands in front of her. “First I find out Tora-sensei was only a sensei as a favor to Lady Tsunade, now this? What else is there?”
“Why do you think she was asked specifically?”
“Because her dad was friends with Lady Tsunade?”
“And because she had training with a Hyūga.”
“Father requested her?”
Tadashi simply nodded, glancing down at her and she couldn’t believe something like a mischievous smirk was on his lips. “Apparently a good choice as well. Look at you now.”
Hanabi paused, contemplating what all this meant. “Legacy training?”
“Something like that.”
She turned her eyes back to her students. Tadashi trained her sensei. Now she was training her own group of students. Wouldn’t it be funny if one of them took on a Hyūga when they were older? They were a rough bunch to be sure, but she had all the confidence in the world in them. She had to, as Tora did in her group of misfits, even if she didn’t show it outwardly. No, Tora was always more aloof with them, but now it made sense. What she’d give to see Tadashi training her old sensei. All snarky remarks and tired eyes.
“Come eat, Hanabi-sensei!” Sumire waved, nodding towards her seat.
“Yeah,” she breathed happily, looking up at Tadashi, “you, too, Tadashi-sensei.”
“No, no, no.” He shook his head with a smile. “Don’t start with that.”
“Come on.” She tugged at his sleeve, pulling him to sit with her between the girls. “Ladies, this is Tadashi.”
“Hi Tadashi!” they rang in unison and Hanabi bit back a laugh as he leaned away slightly.
“Pleasure, Team 15.”
“You used to escort Hanabi-sensei, right?” Sumire inquired and Hanabi tilted her head. Observant girl she was indeed.
“Any good stories?” Wasabi asked mischievously and Hanabi perked an eyebrow up at her former guard.
“Hmmm…” he hummed, looking up as if in thought, “your sensei is quite a skilled kunoichi, as I’m sure you’re aware.” Namida nodded easily. “If I recall…her very first day in the Academy, she had a bit of a tussle with some other girls.”
“Fighting?!” Wasabi asked, eyes going wide as she looked at Hanabi. Her cheeks reddened.
“Okay, wait—”
“Yes, that’s right. Two girls pushed her buttons a bit too much,” he continued, uncharacteristically ignoring Hanabi, “and she sent them to the medic.”
“Whoa!” Namida gasped, eyes bouncing between the two.
Well, this might have been a mistake.
“Listen,” Hanabi tried, but the girls were already chatting happily about it.
“Our sensei doesn’t put up with shit!” Wasabi cheered and Sumire tsked.
“We’re at the Hyūga compound, Wasabi! But…really, Hanabi-sensei?” Sumire asked with a smile.
“Did you use the gentle fist?”
“Broke their arms?”
“Oh, I bet you closed their chakra points!”
“Alright—” Hanabi snapped her fingers, glowering at Tadashi. “Thank you for riling up my girls, Tadashi. You three focus on eating, we’re back to training in ten.”
Tadashi’s smile never left him as he watched them, almost a look of pride.
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kkangkkangie · 2 years
Ouroboros I
This takes place right after the Second Wizarding World with my OC, Celaena Phantomhive (also known as Arc 8). It is the first chapter of the Next Generation—as it’s been dubbed. Both Harry & Ron were Slytherins, along with Celaena. Hermione, like canon, was sorted into Gryffindor. Harry & Draco are in a budding relationship. 
  “Hello,” the hoarse voice of his former ward and student greeted Severus Snape. “I’m glad you survived.”
     He bit back his acerbic reply, knowing the lengths she’d gone to rescue him from the blasted snake—and the past year. “Where are we?” He coughed harshly, pulling back to see blood, “is it over?”
     She nodded, answering the most pressing question first. Summoning several vials, she passed on the largest one first. “We’re in the Hospital Wing. The Great Hall’s still being used for emergent situations, but we’ve mostly handled all the cases. The venom is still circulating in your system, so you need to cough it all out.” She raised the eyebrow as he did for her when she refused to take his potions. “So, bottoms up.”
     Snape rolled his eyes but complied. The quicker he rid himself of the blood, the quicker he could get out of here. One look to his ward’s face told him that she knew all about that feeling. “How long has it been, since you’ve slept?” 
     She avoided his stare, and he knew that she had not slept at all. “I’ve been preoccupied. My brothers have sent a package of items: magical artifacts, healing potions, more numbers to help recover—Professor McGonagall needed help.” Her thoughts sent back to him. “Will you be returning to Hogwarts as a professor?”
     “Minerva started her recruitment, then?” He coughed again, increasing in intensity. “I have no wish to return.”
     “I told her as much.” Celaena nodded in agreement. “You only really stayed to keep your promise to Lily Evans after all.” She slumped onto the bed rails and gave a quick side eye to the rest of the occupants. “I already wrote to Penny Haywood—Viola offered to directly mail it to her.”
     “So that troublemaker really did marry Ms. Haywood.” He mused, grimacing at the idea. Snape scowled as Celaena lightly elbowed him for Viola’s nickname. “I can only hope that the posterity keeps Ms. Haywood’s penchant for clear logic.”
     “I’m starting to imagine you’re simply a prick, triple spy aside.” Celaena thought at those words. “It’s just part of your personality, isn’t it?” 
     Snape’s reply was cut off at Harry’s arrival, who simply swished the curtains to the side. He’d been cleaned up already, wearing clean clothes and his wounds dressed. The daze in his eyes had not cleared up yet, and it would take copious amount of time before it disappeared. “You’re needed in the Great Hall again.” He muttered, placing emphasis on the last word. Harry, also, didn’t agree with the overwork that had been placed on his best friend. “Another mental jinx, they think.”
     Celaena only nodded and stood up. She sent a look to Harry, who gave a resigned sigh and took her place next to Snape’s bedside much to his horror. Snape didn’t have to use his Legilimens to know what she asked for. The weary girl drew the curtains before heading to the Great Hall once more, leaving Harry and Snape together. 
     “Did Laena tell you she’d been offered the DADA position?” Harry broke the silence, unused to the tranquil silence. “She turned it down because she wanted me to think about it.” He gave an absurd laugh at his memory of McGonagall’s surprised face. “Even after the bloody war, she’s thinking several moves ahead.”
     Snape mentioned nothing, his attention the only indicator of his surprise. He knew his ward wanted to be a professor, but she had to abandon that dream after sixth year. He didn’t want to think who’s fault it was that she had to. 
     “She said I should go for it because even during the war, I was the happiest teaching other students in HA.” He continued, bringing up the vigilante DADA club during Umbridge’s reign. “As if I don’t know she wanted to be a teacher.” Another bitter laugh at the past tense. “Of course, Voldemort had to take that away from her.”
     “You aren’t angry at her?” Snape inquired, interested at the lack of anger. He’d been plenty angry when he yelled for everyone to hear how she’d been the one to kill Dumbledore and openly join the dark side. 
     “She said that there were two people she’d ever trusted.” He answered, slightly softer after the accusation. “I always wondered if that referred to you and her brothers.” Harry eyed the corner of the curtain, avoiding eye contact. “Now, I think it was me and you.”
     Snape coughed harshly and heaved more blood, purging the venom from his system. There was slight shame that flooded his cheeks in doing so in front of Potter, but Harry simply waved his wand to clean and vanish the blood. “You are correct, Potter.” Snape confirmed, sitting up with more ease. “After fifth year, she ascertained that you would have adequate of a support system with Granger and Weasley. She joined the Dark Lord only to protect her school and you.”
     “I was so bloody mad at her for killing Dumbledore that I forgot to think she might have had a reason for doing so!” Harry scuffed the floor harshly. “She’s always thinking ahead, isn’t she? Why couldn’t I bloody trust her!”
     Snape kept quiet, knowing that Celaena’s reason for killing Dumbledore had been for less of the Greater Good but more for personal revenge and to save him. “You trusted her in the end, and we have won. I really hope you are not venting your frustrations on me, Potter, and looking for nice words.”
     Harry muttered under his breath, something that sounded suspiciously like “of course not” and “nice Snape does not exist.” 
     The curtains opened abruptly, and instead of being Celaena, it had been Malfoy who’d broke the silence. “Your counterpart’s fainted in the Great Hall—they’re bringing her back up here. It’s Abbott’s rotation now. Go get some sleep.”
     “Prat,” Harry teased with a smile. “I’ll see you back at the Common Room later then?” 
     Draco had the grace to blush in front of his Head of House. “Git,” he muttered. “Of course, love.” A quick sarcastic retort put the blush back onto Harry’s face as he left, leaving Snape with his former student. 
     “Does Ms. Phantomhive have all of you watching over me?” He snipped, not dwelling on the openness of his student and Potter’s relationship. “I did not realize I had a crowd.”
     “We have our own rotations.” Malfoy took the empty seat. “Besides, we need you to do the thing where you make her listen to you. It’s been a week, and she barely sleeping. If she’s not bloody healing everyone in the Great Hall, she’s helping McGonagall with the ‘mental health’ of the other students. None of us could get her to stop.”
     Snape moved to pinch the bridge of his nose. “I understand.” Of course, she would. It was often the stubborn compassion that she had that made him wonder if his ward should have been a Hufflepuff all along. “I need to get out of this blasted bed.”
     Malfoy, to his credit, did not force him to stay as Potter would have. He merely moved the nearby chair to a more advantageous position to which Snape collapsed onto it. A few days had rendered his muscles to atrophy, sorely costing his ability to walk. Neither of them spoke as Malfoy cleaned the sheets and refolded the blanket with a simple incantation, waiting for Celaena to arrive. 
     The Second Wizarding War would take a toll on the Britain Wixen Community as a whole—Wizengamot and the Ministry already in shambles from Fudge’s and Scrimgeour’s actions. Yet, due to one student’s careful planning and delegation, there have been several movements within the rebuilding of the government. Nothing was forgotten. Magical creature rights, blood purity, and Muggle innovation and technology incorporation all advocated topics from Susan Bones, Draco Malfoy, Hermione Granger, and Ronald Weasley. It was extremely helpful to have the pull of the Phantomhive family behind them, and the new era of the United Kingdom’s Wixen started with the fall of one Dark Lord from a group of students. 
0 notes
mxchellesworld · 3 years
Spencer Reid x Reader
Synopsis; Where the team discusses the question ‘do you kiss after head’, you find out Spencer has too little experience to answer the question so you help him out
Warnings; smut, oral (male receiving), sub!spencer, praise, slight degradation 
a/n; LMAO im so sorry for disappearing again life has been actually kicking my ass but anyways lately i’ve been thinking about subby early season spence so here we go,, hope you enjoy!
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Another Friday night and the team was out bar crawling after an easy case. But this time all members were there as it reached 11pm which was rare. Usually Hotch and JJ would have been home by 10:30 and Spencer wouldn’t have been there at all. But there was something light in the air which had all parties concerned sitting packed in a booth, laughing after each sip of their drinks. 
Since it wasn’t your first rodeo together you knew how the night went. It started off with Rossi offering to buy the first few rounds, always whiskey but he made an exception for Penelope. Then again who would deny her anything. 
Once the drinks were flowing and lips got a little loose, the questions would start popping in at the top of your heads. However these were not your run of the mill, ‘hows so and so doing?’ ‘done your taxes yet?’ oh no. The name of the game was discuss where you would all think of a question which would help you dig just a tiny bit deeper into your coworkers sex lives. 
Maybe if you were all sober then you’d avoid thinking of each other in such positions, pun intended, yet in this state your prying minds were open and your stomachs were ready to grow abs from bending over in laughter. 
You raised the margarita glass up clinking it with a fork to get the tables attention. Everyone including Aaron had a smile on their face, ready to hear the intrusive question for the night. 
“Ok my fellow profilers, doctor, and tech genius,” you added pointing at Spencer then Pen, “Do you kiss your partner after they give you head? Discuss!” you finished in your most formal voice. 
Right as you took a swig of your drink the mixed responses of yes and no filled your small space. 
“Why wouldn’t you? You guys especially, if someones willingly trying to swallow then you damn well owe them a kiss,” Emily finished earning nods and ‘exactly’s from JJ, Pen, and yourself. 
“Ok but thats weird. I just can’t explain it but its a no go for me,” Morgan finished. This only gained him a scoff and raised voices, “Hotch man help me out here,” he said looking over to the man hiding his smirk behind the amber liquid. 
“I have to agree with the ladies here Derek,” he said curtly. 
The girls yelped and hooted at Hotch for siding with them while Morgan sat with his arms crossed being the singular person left out as even Rossi agreed. Meanwhile you noticed the presence next to you had shrunk back and wasn’t too active in the conversation. 
“So Spence do you kiss your partner after they,” you trailed off shaking your fist by your cheek and poking your tongue in the side. 
He coughed as he instantly sat up quicker. Even under the dim lights of the bar you could still see the blush creeping up from his neck to his ears and the slightest tint on his cheeks. 
“Oh I uh- I never-” he said looking anywhere but your eyes. 
“You don’t kiss them?” you said raising your brows. 
“No! I-i mean yes. I would I think b-but I haven’t had the chance to actually partake in such.. activities,” he finished finally taking a look into your eyes. 
You could tell he was waiting for you to laugh in his face for being so inexperienced but you felt far from it. If anything you wished you could be the one to show him things. 
That sweet boy had you wrapped around his finger and he didn’t even know it. Maybe it was his naivety considering how exceptionally smart he was. Or maybe it was the cute sweater vests he wore and now he nervously tucked his hair behind his ears. All you knew was that you wanted Spencer Reid and tonight was your night to make it happen. 
You hummed taking in the information, “Well that’s not a bad thing Spence. Everything takes time,” you said putting your hand on his arm for comfort and giving him a smile. 
Going to turn back to face the table you almost didn’t hear Spencer go to speak again, “Do you?” 
Got him.
“Why don’t you find out pretty boy,” you said with a wink as you downed the rest of your marg. In the corner of your eye you could see Spencer shifting in his seat, subtly moving his bag to cover the slowly growing tent in his slacks. 
As the night went by you couldn’t help but really give him a show. You had popped open a button or two on the long sleeve you had on, since it was getting stuffy in the booth. Though when you leaned forward and jutted your chest out, the soft inhale of a breath from the man next to you was just serving as motivation to get bolder. 
For the last hour you called it quits on the alcohol and drank a few glasses of water before you drove home. Spencer had been uncharacteristically quiet ever since your little interactions. 
The team had all gotten up to say their goodbyes. Rossi going by and giving everyone a kiss on each cheek. Derek having to quite literally rangle Penelope from talking to passing by groups on their way out. Then there were two. 
You turned to the side where Spencer was nursing on his coke, “Hey pretty boy, it’s late, let me give you a ride home,” you said grabbing your belongings. 
“Y-yeah ok. Thanks Y/n,” he said getting up. You’d noticed how he still had the burnt orange bag over his crotch. He couldn’t still be hard could he? Well you’d love to find out. 
As gentlemanly as he was, Spencer opened the door for you to exit the building first. The whip of fresh night air cooling on your exposed chest and legs under your skirt. 
You unlocked your car and stepped in, Spencer waiting to hear the little beep signaling his side was open. As he sat down you heard him let out a little whimper. Your head shot over to look at him, you could tell from the flush on his cheeks he didn’t mean to let the noise out. 
Holding in your chuckle you started the ignition and pulled out of the lot, “Can I put on some music?” 
“Yeah I don’t mind,” he said looking over at you with his lips in a line. If it was anyone else, they’d probably think he was uncomfortable but you loved his tiny awkward smiles. 
The ride to his apartment was mostly silent besides a rare quip from Spencer about paper work or fact about an older building you had passed by. It fascinated you to no end hearing him talk. Spencer was a hand speaker, meaning he always used his hands waving them around and making gestures. The pale digits had you captivated. Probably a driving hazard but you couldn’t help but let your mind wander. 
You pulled up into one of the visitor spots and put the car in park. You looked over to see Spencer almost contemplating something. You’d seen the look on his face before when he was looking over puzzles. 
“Somethin on your mind Doc?” you said with a small smile. As cute as he looked when he was nervous, you’d never want him to feel uncomfortable around you. 
“Would you-,” he cleared his throat, “Wo- Would you maybe want to c-come inside?” 
“Of course Spence I’d love to,” you finished with a reassuring nod. 
As he led you upstairs you were giddy with anticipation. So what if nothing happened. He was your friend first and you were glad he was letting you into his personal space. Even if you wanted nothing more than to have him writhi-
The door closing snapped you out of your thoughts. You didn’t even realize you were in his living room. The dark green walls and shelves bursting with books put a grin on your face, “Sorry Doc, just caught up in my thoughts. What did you say hun?” 
His brows practically raised to his hairline from hearing the pet name. While he was used to the names coming from Garcia they took a whole different light coming from your lips. 
“I was asking if you wanted water or something,” he said fiddling with the keys in his hands. Eyes darting everywhere but your face so you wouldn’t be able to see the flush rising on his cheeks. 
“No I’m fine thanks for asking though,” you said taking a seat on the worn leather couch. 
You reached for the tv remote making a face at Spencer to ask for permission. He nodded and you settled back turning on an old sitcom that played late at night. 
As the episode ended you both sat in silence. Again you didn’t mind but you could practically hear the cogs moving in Spencer’s brain. 
You were about to speak when he cut you off before you could even get a word out, “What did you mean by ‘why don’t you find out’.”
Gaining confidence you moved closer to where he was on the couch, slow enough for him to stop you in case he wanted to back out. 
“Well you have options pretty boy,” you said moving a leg to straddle him. Your hands instinctively going to his brown locks. You could’ve sworn you heard a little moan leave his chapped lips. Noted. 
“W-what are the options,” lust blown eyes looked up to yours. 
“One, you can put that mouth to good use on me,” you said trailing your finger over his bottom lip, “and let me cum over that pretty face.” 
His eyes shut hearing your words and you weren’t having it, “Nuh uh eyes on me honey,” instantly they were back on yours. 
“Or number two. I can suck you off and let you cum down my throat, but,” you paused making sure to roll your hips on his growing length, “ you have to give me a nice big smooch after.” 
The hands on your hips pulled you closer as he bucked his hips into you as you finished the sentence. It was clear which option was preferred. 
You moved to slide down in between his legs. You let your hands trail down his clothed thighs, causing him to jump. 
“Tsk such a needy boy,” you said mockingly, “Am I not going fast enough baby?”
“Please Y/n,” he all but whimpered. It was like music to your ears. 
Your hands went to his belt, looking up in his eyes for a final sign of permission. Once he nodded you quickly undid it and he lifted his hips to help get his pants down. You palmed him over his boxers, feeling the wet patch where he was already leaking pre cum. 
“Is this all for me Spence? Does the thought of my lips around you make you this hard,” you said taking him out of the striped confines. 
“Oh god please just,” he cut himself off. You could see his hands curling fists besides his legs. 
“Please what baby? I can’t give you anything unless you ask.” Your hands continued their task of leisurely stroking his length. 
“Fuck please put your mouth on me,” he rushed out, hips bucking to prove his point. 
The answer was good enough for you so you wasted no time in leaning forward and taking him in your mouth. Both of you let out content sighs as you tried to take him further. 
You looked up to see him with his head leaned back, eyes scrunched closes in pleasure. 
You pulled off with a pop, letting your hand work him over. “Better keep those pretty eyes on me before I decide you can’t finish.”
He looked down with a flash of worry, that was quickly replaced by a loud moan as you spit down on his cock before taking him in your mouth again. 
For a germaphobe, Spencer loved how nasty it was. He was thanking god or whatever higher being there was for giving him his eidetic memory because the sight below him was something he’d never wanna forget. 
Your eyes were teary and you had spit dribbling down your chin but he wanted nothing more than to give you more than just a kiss after you finished. Or well after he finishes. 
You could tell he was close by the way he was throbbing on your tongue. Again taking him out of your mouth you used both hands to jerk him off. 
“You’re doing such a good job baby. So good for me. You wanna cum in my mouth pretty boy?”
“God Y/n I’m so close please please please,” he whimpered out. 
“Cum for me baby, be my good boy Spence,”  you said before taking him down your throat. He was big, not girthy but long and it was a struggle but you’d be damned if you didn’t try to take him all. 
Hollowing your cheeks you bobbed your head quickly, egging on his release further. His hands finally found a place in the back of your head. Pushing you down further as he came. 
“F-fuck Y/n I’m gonna”
His moans and whines were a symphony of sounds you’d have on repeat in your head forever. 
You swallowed the salty release but before you could even wipe your lips you were being pulled up by Spencer placing his lips on yours. You moaned into the kiss, his hands gripped the sides of your face not wanting to let you go. 
The need for air made you both pull back. You looked at one another, chests heaving and looking like you ran a marathon. 
Then a sad look came across his face. 
“Spencer what’s wrong?” 
“You didn’t get any pleasure,” he said looking like a hurt puppy. Oh your sweet boy. 
“It’s ok baby, I can take care of myself,” you tried to shrug off.
He was quick to push you back on the couch, taking the spot you were previously in. His warm lips trailing down your exposed thighs. 
“I wanna do it, but only if you kiss me after.” 
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rendevousz · 3 years
avengers x gn!teen!reader
platonic!peter parker x reader
requested by @sunflowerbecca : "hey! a request with the whole teen avengers thing you got gotten on haha, anyways something where the reader gets hurt or faints etc etc and then the rest of the avengers are all worried and frantic as they care for them"
summary: there was a consequence of going on a mission while you were sick
warnings: mentions of throwing up and a tiny fight with bestfriend!peter, avengers babying you as usual
word count: roughly 5k words of utter bullshit me thinks but pls do give this a read LMAO
notes: i'm sorry this took longer to write i was unexpectedly busy on the weekends but here i am i hope you enjoy this <3
"stark, you sure about this?"
"of course i'm sure, capsicle. the kids have been bugging us to let them go on a mission together. i know it's because they just want to mess around without being scolded but this is the easiest mission we've ever gotten since the avengers. besides, they've been pretty good lately so i think they deserve it. don't you guys think so?"
his question was met with approving looks all over the room, except from steve. the whole team except the teens —you and peter— were having a meeting about a simple mission that was supposed to happen that night. you and peter weren't in the meeting because you two were still at school.
it had been months since you and peter started asking the team to let you guys go on missions alone without "adult supervision". it was true that you guys wanted that just so you could do missions without feeling like you were being babysat but it was also because you guys thought that you weren't kids anymore; you could handle simple missions.
"c'mon cap, don't you want to see their face light up when we tell them they can go on this mission together, without us?" clint urged. he knew steve loved the kids, especially you, and he especially loved seeing the way your eyes would light up first before you whole face did.
"okay, fine. but if anything happens to them, you guys are to blame for."
school had just finished and you were walking back to the tower with peter. you've been having a killer headache all day and you felt nauseous. you even went to the washroom to throw up twice today. of course you didn't tell peter because he was that type of overprotective best friend who would make you get home if you sneezed more than three times that day. all you wanted to do today was get home quick so you could sleep the sickness away.
yes, you knew you were sick. but you didn't want to tell anyone because like peter, the whole team was overprotective over you and they usually did too much when you were sick. so you avoided that by just acting like you were okay. that was going well so far since all you had to do when you get home was go to your room and tell them you stayed up late last night and needed to catch up on sleep.
of course that didn't go well.
"y/n!" you groaned when peter entered your room uninvited, immediately jumping onto your bed. "yes, pete?" you croaked. his joyful expression turned into a frown when he heard you. "what's wrong? are you okay?"
"yes, pete, i'm okay. just super sleep deprived." you lied, cringing when you felt your head throb once again. "oh.. did you..did you want to sleep? am i interrupting?" he asked, feeling bad. "no, no. it's fine, what did you want?"
"i just came to tell you that mr stark and the team are finally gonna let us go on a mission without them! there's one tonight and they're letting us go alone!" he announced excitedly. you couldn't help the small smile that appeared on your lips when he said that. his happiness was just so contagious.
"but if you wanna sleep then i'll just go with any one of them, i guess," he shrugged his shoulders with a nonchalant face but you knew he was internally begging you to come with. after all, you guys have been asking for this for the longest time.
you look at his hopeful face —one that he thought he was concealing very well— and sighed, flashing him a small smile. "fine, it's friday anyways so there's no school tomorrow. but you're buying me food tomorrow for postponing my catchup on beauty sleep," that is, if you can stomach the food, considering how you've thrown up almost anything you had for the past two days.
the thought of this mission going awry because of you being sick was almost immediately forgotten when you saw the huge smile on peter's face. he pulled you into a tight hug before letting go to jump on your bed. "we're finally gonna go on a mission alone!"
you laugh at his excitement though you wished he could lower down his volume because it was making your head hurt.
later that evening, you were in your room, sitting on the bed after having just finished putting on your suit when a knock was heard. after telling the person to come in, you met eyes with a certain blond haired super-soldier.
"hey, y/n." he greets, sitting down beside you. "hey, steve," you responded with a weak voice. he turned to you with a frown and you knew what was coming. "i'm fine, steve. i already had this conversation with pete. i just need sleep but i can get that after this mission. i'm not gonna be fine though if you wake me up at the crack of dawn to train when you know i just had a late night mission." you sassed, causing him to chuckle.
"okay, fine. i'm just worried about you two. you sure you're gonna be fine? don't need me to come along?" he asked, concern written all over his face.
"yes, steve. pete's been wanting a mission without you old folks for the longest time and i'm not gonna disappoint him by making you come along. we'll be fine, stevie. we're not little kids, we're avengers. we can handle finding a random chip in an abandoned building," you reasoned with him.
"it's not a rando— you know what? just be back home safe, okay kiddo?" he ruffled your hair, earning him a playful glare from you.
the swing trip to the mission location had you even more nauseous than you were earlier today and earlier today was worse than yesterday when the symptoms of your fever all started. you almost let go of peter because your body felt weak and now you were getting an earful from the boy.
"y/n, what were you thinking?! you could've gotten hurt!" he scolded you. you only looked down in guilt, biting the inside of your cheeks. "can we not do this now? let's talk about this back at the tower tomorrow," you waved him off, already beginning to feel the pounding headache getting worse. you started to walk ahead but then he gripped your upper arm, effectively halting you in your steps.
"y/n, if i hadn't grabbed onto you tighter the last minute, you could've plummeted 100 feet down to your death! did you know how scared i was?" his voice cracked and you immediately felt bad.
"you know you need to hold on too when i'm swinging us both! why'd you do that?" he yelled at you and you had to press onto your temple because of the headache that was steadily getting worse.
"look, pete, i'm really sorry about that, okay? that was unintentional but if you're gonna berate me over that, can you do that back at the tower?" you sighed, trying to shrug his grip off your arm but he kept it.
"you don't know the true weight of your actions, do you? you could've died, y/n! how do you think i would feel? being the reason my best friend died? having to go on with life without you? i can't lose you, y/n!" at this point, you could tell he was crying under his mask.
you felt bad. you knew you shouldn't have agreed to go on this mission knowing that you had been sick for the past two days. but you couldn't have let the opportunity pass. you couldn't bear to see peter disappointed after waiting for this moment for the longest time ever. but standing here, looking down as peter yelled at you while crying, you were starting to think that it was better to just see his disappointment. anything was better than seeing your best friend cry.
"pete, i truly am sorry. i love you and i would never leave you. but can we please get this mission over and done with so we can get back to the tower as soon as possible? we'll talk about this later," you told him and you immediately felt him let go of your arm.
"okay, fine! since you wanna get the mission done so bad, let's do it! i'll take the east side of the building and you'll take west. we'll split up so can find the goddamn chip quicker. that's what you want right?" and before you could say anything, the boy was already out of your sight.
you tried to keep your tears at bay but when that was the first huge argument you had with your best friend, it was kind of an impossible task.
so with your weak muscles and a breakdown that caused your headache to get even worse, you slowly trudged the west side of the building, looking for that stupid chip that the team wanted you to find.
you were beginning to think that the only reason the team sent you both here was because to find a tiny little chip in a huge abandoned building was like finding a needle in a haystack; definitely not something adults like them could bear to do.
but it obviously wouldn't have mattered to you and peter since you guys could do it peacefully without being pestered every two minutes about your whereabouts during missions. it obviously wouldn't have mattered to you and peter because if that argument hadn't broken out, you two would be enjoying each others company as you looked for the chip together. you could've been singing and joking around like you two wanted to. but of course that couldn't happen because of you.
you stopped in your tracks when a particularly harsh wave of migraine hit you, causing you to lean against the wall. your vision blurred as you tried hard to clear it but it wouldn't. your throat was dry and it made you think; when was the last time you drank water? you barely had energy in you from skipping meals due to your inability to stomach them.
now you were actually regretting coming on this mission. the last thing you saw was the dirty walls decorated with spray painted graffiti.
"oh my god, is this it? KAREN, is this it?" peter asked his built in AI. "yes, peter, this chip matches the picture that mr stark sent you."
"yes!" he cheered, grabbing the chip and storing it safely. "this mission probably would've been a lot more fun if y/n and i weren't fighting. we would've had so much fun. these walls had countless of stuff we could've laughed and joked about." the boy sighed before pressing a finger to his comms.
"hey i uh, i found the chip. where are you? we can go now." he said, waiting for you to respond. but you didn't. "c'mon, y/n, it's been two hours. you can't still be giving me the silent treatment, are you?"
"look, i'm sorry for lashing out on you but like you said, let's settle this at the tower. tell me where you are. i'll come get you and we can swing back as soon as possible."
"goddamnit, y/n! answer me!" he huffed out in annoyance. and when he was met with silence once again, he decided to have KAREN do a scan.
"y/n is at the exact same spot you landed on two hours ago." KAREN showed him the scan of the building and highlighted where you guys landed on two hours ago. he felt his heart race when you seemed to be lying on the ground, motionless.
"what's wrong with them, KAREN? why is y/n lying on the floor?" he asked in concern as he sped up to where you were. "y/n seems to have lost consciousness. according to FRIDAY, they have been showing symptoms of a high fever since yesterday."
peter cursed as he ran towards you when he saw you from afar. how could he have not noticed that you were sick? and it wasn't a simple cold but a high fever. now he was the one who felt bad. he should've suspected it from how different you had been acting since yesterday. that must've also been the reason you couldn't hold on to him properly.
he immediately crouched down to you when he reached you, examining your body for any external injuries. he cringed when he saw dried blood on the side of your forehead. you must've scraped it upon impact on the rough concrete.
"how long have they been out?" he asked KAREN as he picked you up. he proceeded to web you onto his body as extra precaution in case he accidentally let go while he swung. "approximately 2 hours, peter. right after you stormed away angrily."
"okay, KAREN, there's no need to make me feel bad. can you call mr stark?" peter asks the AI as he frantically swings you both back to the tower.
"kid? what's up? did you find the chip?" peter could hear the background rock music being lowered down and from the metal on metal clanking, he could tell tony was in his lab.
"i did but can you, uh, please get medic ready?" he was breathless as he kept swinging from building to building all while holding onto your unconscious body. immediately the metal tinkering sounds as well as the music completely stopped.
"what happened, kid? are you alright?"
"i'm okay, mr stark. it's y/n. they fainted." he told the man. "fainted?" the man exclaimed. "what happened? how long were they out?" he urged the boy and peter could hear that he was walking quickly and he assumed it was to get the medic team ready and to inform them of the situation.
"2 hours," he admitted quietly as he landed on the tower's hangar. "i'm here. i'm bringing them down now." he ran down towards the hospital wing with you in his arms.
once he reached down, he was met with the team waiting, worry etched onto their faces. wanda was the first to notice him and peter saw that her eyes were teary. before he could say anything though, the medic team appeared and proceeded to cut off his webs wrapping you to him. they immediately put you onto the stretcher and they wheeled you into the room, peter's gaze lingering on your unconscious self once he took off his mask.
"what happened out there, kid?" sam asked softly when peter slid down against the wall, staring expressionlessly at the wall across of him. "peter."
"we had a fight, okay!" he let out, taking the team by surprise because he was always such a calm and patient boy. they had never seen him this angry or upset since they first met him.
"we were swinging and their grip on me loosened so i got mad at them. but they kept pushing the matter aside like it wasn't a big deal, like it wasn't a life or death situation so i lashed out and decided that we should split up to look for the stupid chip since they wanted to get back to the tower so bad." he explained, eyes red as he had been crying a lot that night.
"i tried apologising like ten minutes after but y/n didn't respond so i assumed they were giving me the silent treatment but i found them unconscious two hours later. i'm so sorry," he apologised, breaking down as he put his face in between his knees to avoid looking at the team. they were probably mad at him for letting this happen to you.
"kid, why are you apologising? it's not your fault,"
he slowly lifted his head up, to meet the kind smiles of the team. "because the only reason y/n probably went on this mission was because they knew how much i wanted this. they put their own well-being aside just to make me happy and all i did was lash out at them."
"how were you supposed to know y/n had a high fever? we all didn't know either. it's not like we spend every waking hour with th—" clint was immediately cut off when nat nudged him with her elbow. peter had an unamused expression on his face. everyone knew you and peter were practically attached at the hip, always having training, and not to mention, school together. you two even spent your free time together.
"what clint means," nat glared at the archer. "is that it doesn't matter how much time or how little time we spend with y/n. that kid is stubborn as a bull. they could literally have been shot and we wouldn't know until we actually see the wound. my point is, y/n's the type that doesn't want to worry us. and you're their best friend, they knew how much you wanted this mission so that's probably why they didn't tell you. you can't blame yourself for this, peter."
"i know but they did this for me and i got mad at them. they're a much better friend to me than i am to them." peter dropped his head back down between his knees.
before any of them could respond, doctor cho approached them. "as you all know, they have a high fever. i suggest you all come visit tomorrow because they most probably won't wake until then."
"okay, will do. thank you, doc." the doctor smiled before excusing herself. peter then got up to go back to his room to wash up after handing tony the chip.
tony could only sigh when he looked at the boy's back that was growing smaller as he walked farther away.
the next day, you woke up with a terrible headache but you had gotten used to it from the past two mornings.
"good, you're awake. how do you feel?"
you squinted to get used to the bright lighting and your gaze settled on the female doctor by your bed with a clipboard. "like shit." you croaked out. she chuckled. "that's expected. your fever has calmed down now, do you feel anything else?"
"this headache makes me want to rip my head out and i feel weak." she nodded, jotting down on her clipboard. "okay. that's all i needed to know. you should come to us if you're ever unwell, y/n." you gave her a guilty smile before nodding.
"there's a glass of water on the table if you want. the team wants to see you so i'll send them in?" you nodded and she left to bring them in. you looked at the bedside table, seeing the glass of water she mentioned and only now you realised how dry your throat had been. how you managed to verbally respond to doctor cho, you didn't know.
you slowly reached out for it, struggling because your whole body felt weak. "y/n! stay in bed, i'll get it for you." you heard a stern voice scold and you immediately fell limp on the bed.
before you knew it, steve was already by your side with the glass of water. he held your face in one hand while the other held the glass near your mouth. you smiled gratefully and took your time drinking the water, having been dehydrated before you passed out.
"you're still burning up," he noted, settling down on the chair beside you. the rest sat down too and you couldn't be bothered to ask how the heck were there so many chairs in the room. "how are you feeling, y/n/n?" bruce asked, sitting down across steve.
"like shit." you repeated your answer to doctor cho. before steve could open his mouth to tell you to watch your language, you turned to him with a bored look and a raised eyebrow, causing him to close his mouth immediately. boy, were you scary when you weren't about to take anyone's shit.
"why didn't you tell us you were sick, bubs?" wanda pouted, fixing your hair that you were sure looked like a bird's nest at the moment.
"i didn't want to worry you guys. you're adults who have much more important things to worry about. a kid throwing up and experiencing headaches shouldn't be your priority." you admitted, subconsciously playing with nat's fingers. she had gotten used to you doing that when you were nervous or overwhelmed so she let you.
"what are you talking about, y/n?" she held onto your hand, stoping your movements. "anything related to your safety and well-being is a priority to us. you had us worried sick last night, bub." she looked down at you with soft eyes, releasing her grip on your hands so you could continue playing with her fingers.
"yes, you worried us lots, y/n. wanda would not stop crying last night when she heard what happened." vision said, prompting a smack from said woman and a hushed 'vis!'.
"i'm sorry, guys. i initially was just going to stay in my room until i got better but when peter told me about the mission, i couldn't bear to say no to him. he was so happy about it and i didn't want to disappoint him. and i thought i could take it because it literally was the simplest mission ever. but the breakdown i had after our argument was physically draining and i guess i couldn't take it. i'm sorry. god, i only didn't want to disappoint peter but now i've disappointed you guys too." you bit the inside of your cheek to control your emotions, not wanting to seem even weaker in front of these adult superheroes.
"you didn't disappoint us, y/n/n," bucky started. "you've done so well, you've made us proud and you keep making us proud. we just wish you would tell us when you're sick or you just need someone. you don't have to keep everything to yourself. what are we here for? we love you and we're willing to do anything for you. you're our baby." he ruffled your hair and you give him a tired smile. "i'll keep that in mind."
"do you want anything to eat?" sam asked and you paused, trying to figure out whether you would be able to stomach some food or not. "you know what? i'm gonna go and make you some porridge right now. don't move." he told you, as if you could move with these overprotective heroes surrounding your bed.
almost immediately after, wanda got up too. "i'm going to make sure he doesn't burn the kitchen down." she said, leaving the room after a small peck to the side of your head. vision then left too after wishing you a speedy recovery. only bucky, steve, natasha and bruce were left.
"y/n, you know you can come to us if you're sick, right? i know you and you probably think you're troubling doctor cho if you go to her despite it being her job. but we're family, you can come to us anytime. you always help me when with 'the other guy' and you help everyone with basically anything they could possibly need so why wouldn't we do the same for you? you out of everyone in this tower deserves the most." your eyes watered at his speech. you pouted and looked at him with your doe eyes, making the rest of the team internally coo at how adorable you looked.
"bruce," you lower lip jutted out even more as you opened your arms for a hug which he happily accepted. "hey where's clint, tony and pete?" you asked them once you let go of bruce.
"clint went out to get your favourite smoothie from that place you always talk about even though i told him already that you probably don't want it since you're sick." natasha explained. "aw, i think i'm gonna drink it solely because clint made an effort to get it for me."
"you're too nice, bub. but expect it in an hour or so because i know for sure that idiot somehow got himself lost trying to find that shop." you chuckled at this, leaning back against your propped up pillow. "what about tony and pete?"
"peter feels really bad about this whole situation so tony is trying to cheer him up. wait," steve stopped mid-explanation, turning to the rest. "stark told us to get him when y/n's up..." he trailed off and bucky's eyes widened. "he's gonna kill us for him not being the first person y/n sees when they wake up."
"FRIDAY, inform stark that y/n is awake."
"oh yeah he has an AI why couldn't he just tell the AI to inform him instead of us forgetful humans?" bucky questioned rhetorically and before they knew it, they heard frantic screaming and thudding of footsteps before the door was open.
"my baby! you're awake!" was the first thing you heard when the door slammed open. tony rushed in, pushing bruce away as he immediately pulled you into a hug. "you're still burning up, cupcake. have you had anything to eat yet? drank any water yet? here have some water," he grabbed the glass of water steve helped you drink earlier and did exactly what steve did. you had no choice but to drink.
"sam's making them porridge," nat told tony and he turned to her with an incredulous look. "wanda's helping." she added and he sighed out in relief before turning back to you.
"cupcake, you had us all worried last night. please don't ever do that again, okay?" he said, gently caressing your cheek. you gave him an awkward smile. "where's peter?"
"he's taking a swing. he says it helps clear his mind," tony said. "how are you doing here? nice room? comfy bed?" he pointed to the bed you were on.
"i'd much rather be in my own room, on my own bed." and without a warning, steve already had you in his arms while tony went to go tell doctor cho that you were being moved. the blond super-soldier started walking while natasha walked closely behind, dragging your IV drip along so it doesn't get ripped out of your arm.
when you reached your room, you were gently put down on your bed and steve fixed your blanket so it was covering you. "comfy?" he asked and you nodded with a big smile.
"i have to finish some stuff up down the lab," bruce said and you nodded at him with a pout. "i'll come back sometime later, though. you better be resting up all day." he warned jokingly. he ruffled your hair, planting a kiss on your forehead before leaving your room.
"can you tell pete that i want to see him when he comes back?" you told tony and he immediately sent out a text to your best friend.
after about an hour of just steve, nat and tony entertaining you, sam came back with wanda with the porridge and tony insisted that he feed you or you he wasn't going to let you see peter.
"alright, bub, i think you should really get some rest now. you can barely keep your eyes open," nat says, already getting up with your empty bowl of porridge. "we'll tell spiderboy you're asleep."
"okay," you mumbled, eyes already fluttering shut. you felt every single one of them give you a forehead kiss and then you were out like light.
when you woke up later that day, you felt much better than you did the last time you woke up. you decided that you now had enough energy to take a quick shower so you did. once you were done, you dried your hair while humming to a random song before the door opening interrupted you.
your eyes met with peter's guilty ones. "h–hey, you're awake," he stated and you nodded with a small smile, sitting on your bed and peter doing the same.
"look, y/n/n, i'm really sorry about what happened. i shouldn't have lashed out on you witho—"
"pete," you cut him off. "don't apologise. i'd be mad too if you did something as stupid as that." you reasoned. "yeah but it's not like you did it on purpose! you had a valid reason and i got mad at you for it." he spoke in frustration.
"dude, stop. i'm the one who's supposed to be sorry. i should've just told you i was sick. but i didn't want to upset you because you've been waiting for this for the longest time. but i ruined it for you. i'm sorry, pete." you rested your head on his shoulder and he rested his on top of yours.
"i wanna say that i'm the one at fault but then this conversation won't end until like next week so let's just say we're both at fault, yeah? you need to start telling people what's happening with you and i need to be better at reading you." he said, wrapping an arm around you and pulling you into a hug. you hugged him back. "okay."
the door then opened, revealing bucky with his stupid shit-eating grin and you knew what was coming. you let go of peter and immediately you were lifted off the bed and over bucky's shoulders as he excitedly chanted about team movie night.
the night was spent watching a movie with the team you considered your family and them pampering you even more than they usually did (which, frankly, was still too much) since you were sick.
and right when the movie ended and everyone was preparing to head in, the door to the common room slammed open and a disheveled clint entered, holding a single cup of smoothie.
"got your smoothie, y/n/n!"
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marwritesgood · 3 years
Peach | S. Basett
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Pairing: Simon x WOC!Reader
Timeframe: Season One AU
Summary: Y/n tries to ignore her aunt’s words, while Simon prays he is not yet out of time.
A/N: This fic is just over 8K words
I cannot thank you enough for receiving this mini-series with so much love and support! I am so grateful that so many of you have enjoyed reading this as much as I have enjoyed creating it.
I hope you like this ending <3
Philippa was still standing on the steps outside her home when Simon arrived. 
He raced through gates atop his horse but, when he quickly realised Y/n was nowhere in sight, he came to a halt. A worker appeared beside him as he came down from the saddle, guiding the horse away so that Simon could approach Lady Bennet.
“Lady Bennet-”
“I take it you hesitated to come here?” Philippa questioned bitterly. She had made it quite clear to the Duke that time was of the essence. Yet, he stood, dishevelled and panting because he was late, despite his delayed best efforts.
“Lady Bennet, please help me,” Simon exhaled, taking his hat off swiftly and holding it to his chest. Philippa had begun walking towards her home before she turned around again.
“Grant me one reason as to why I should help you, your grace,” she sneered. “Did you not possess every available opportunity to make amends with my niece ever since her arrival in London?”
“I did,” he cried, desperate to obtain Philippa’s assistance. “I had every opportunity but, like the fool I am, I took each one for granted. I have been far too preoccupied with affairs I do not care for; I have stupidly disregarded that which matters most to me; my relationship with Y/n.”
He grew quiet for a moment, during which the only sound heard in the cortile was that of Simon’s panting, a consequence of his frantic outburst. Philippa’s cold and glaring expression remained unfazed. She could not yet decide whether she trusted him. 
Simon waited until he caught his breath to speak again.
For any other person in the world, he would uphold his reputation of being reserved and brooding. However, Y/n was not any other person in the world to him. She meant a great deal to Simon, and he was willing to disregard his typical persona, stoicism and all if it meant fixing things between them. 
Even if it meant a vocal revelation of how he truly felt.
“I... I love her,” Simon admitted, the crinkle between his brows a confirmation of his sincerity. Philippa’s scowl faded. “I know I am undeserving of your ladyship’s help... just as I am unworthy your niece, but I can no longer deny the true nature of my feelings for her. Nor can I begin to describe the regret I have for not being here sooner so that I could confess this to her.”
As silence filled the courtyard once more, Simon glanced at the floor beneath him, overcome with regret and sorrow. Had he reached the Bennet home quicker, it would have been easy. 
“Well then... you ought to begin thinking,” Philippa stated flatly, inciting confusion upon Simon. She smirked, amused by Simon’s response. He always was slow to catch on. “Your grace, if I am going to help you reach my niece, the very least you can do is think of what you will say to her.”
A wide grin slowly made itself apparent on Simon’s face. Suddenly the sorrow he felt previously was beginning to be replaced with a newfound hope- one he would, this time, indulge in and act hastily upon. He was not going to allow himself to repeat his same mistakes.
“Alright now,” she smiled. “I presume you have a plan in mind?”
Simon thought for a moment. While he feared he would miss Y/n’s departure, Simon, unfortunately, did not consider what he would do. He began panicking, straining his train of thought as he sought for even a scrap of an idea. 
Then Simon remembered how he found himself in this position. He recounted all the times in his past, where he hesitated. Where became so enveloped in all the matters that burdened his mind, he lost sight of what mattered most to him. 
He refused to fall subject to that mentality again.
Therefore, for the first time in his life, Simon turned to his instincts. Not his desire for perfection. Not his pride or his arrogance or his vengeance. What mattered most at that moment was how he could best apologise to Y/n and prove that he loved her dearly.
“Do you know the man whose proposal she is to accept?”
Philippa nodded. She narrowed her eyes at Simon, curious as to what he intended to do. Lady Bennet knew she would inevitably agree, no matter how strange the plan turned out to be, but she was still greatly curious and the slightest bit concerned.
“Can you delay him?” Simon asked. “By the time Y/n’s carriage reaches her home, it will be dusk; thus, I presume she will plan to meet with her suitor in the morning. I need you to delay that from happening.”
“And what will you do?” Philippa questioned. “Would it not be wiser for us both to leave immediately?”
Simon shook his head. He thought of the right way to phrase his answer. If Simon revealed his plan to Lady Bennet, he knew she would support him wholeheartedly. However, he thought it best to keep the better part of it concealed. It would have more effect that way, he believed.
“There are a few places I must visit beforehand,” he explained.
“You are asking me to delay Mr Graham so that you can visit a few places?!”
“I am asking your Ladyship to have trust in me,” Simon pleaded. “Hurting your niece is my biggest regret. I intend to atone for my mistakes, not repeat them.”
Philippa stared intently at the Duke. It was a massive ask of her; to leave her family momentarily and interfere with Mr Graham’s pursuits. However, every instinct she possessed led her to believe that Simon was sincere. The confidence he held gave her hope that his plan would work. She sighed.
“Then you must leave immediately,” Philippa ordered him. “Visit the places that say you must visit and then race hastily to my sister’s home. I will do my best to delay Mr Graham until then.”
“Thank you, my lady,” Simon cheered before doing just as he was told.
He raced towards his horse and climbed atop the saddle. Philippa dashed inside to organise yet another carriage headed to her hometown. Both equally determined to keep their beloved Y/n from accepting Mr Graham’s proposal.
The Y/l/n household was, needless to say, very much hectic. Y/n had arrived home the night before, hoping she would, at the very least, be able to have some sleep before the next morning. That proved to be impossible.
The words of her Aunt Philippa haunted Y/n during her journey home. Then, just as she feared, it continued to do so as Y/n tossed and turned in her bed. Once she finally began to settle, her mother barged in with sever different dresses for her to try on. 
“Sit up straight, dear.”
Y/n flinched at the sudden sound of her mother’s orders. She reluctantly obeyed and straightened her back. When Mrs Y/l/n turned back around, Y/n sighed exasperatedly, slumping her shoulders ever so slightly. Her hands curled into tight fists as she tried to keep herself from dozing off yet again. 
“I do not understand,” Mrs Y/l/n agonised as she paced the sitting room. This was an all too familiar situation for Y/n. “Mr Graham is known for being punctual, yet he is running terribly late.”
Y/n could care less that Mr Graham was late. Not while she was living off of less than an hour of slumber. 
“You don’t suppose I could have a scone while we wait, mama,” Y/n mumbled. She was not particularly hungry so much as she was desperate for some energy.
“Do not be silly, Y/n. You mustn’t risk staining your dress,” Mrs Y/l/n replied. Eager to make sure everything went perfectly, she sat beside her daughter and asked the same question she had asked every hour previously. “Now, have you prepared what you will say?”
“Yes, mama, for the fifth time, yes,” Y/n droned. Her exhaustion only intensified her irritability which her mother seemingly lived to test continually. “I don’t understand your concern with how I respond. It matters not how I respond but that I simply remember to say ‘yes’?”
On any other given day, Mrs Y/l/n would have scolded her daughter. However, for reasons unknown to Y/n, she simply sighed and took hold of her hand. 
“Words hold great power, dear,” Y/n’s mother explained simply. She glanced down at her daughter’s hand momentarily before meeting her gaze once more. “They are a valuable indicator of one’s character. How Mr Graham proposes to you will tell you of his attitude towards you and your future marriage. How you respond will do the same to him.”
Y/n nodded, knowing first-hand the amount of truth in her mother’s statement. 
She did not care for her response to him as she did not care for him or their future marriage. Y/n simply wished to move past what had happened with her and Simon. This was beginning to become clear to her.
“I will respond to him properly, mama,” Y/n assured.
Mrs Y/l/n smiled, lifting her hand to cup the side of her daughter’s face. It was slowly dawning on her that in only a matter of time, Y/n would be married. When Mrs Y/l/n sent Y/n her letter, she knew the issue of her daughter being unwed would resolve itself in one way or another. However, Mrs Y/l/n was taken by complete surprise when Y/n came home on her own accord. 
It was far too out of character for her.
She tried her best to look past it. Mrs Y/l/n rushed to get everything in order for Mr Graham’s arrival. However, it was becoming clear to her that she had been too preoccupied with doing so.
As Mrs Y/l/n struggled to find a way to question Y/n about her behaviour, Mr Graham’s carriage arrived outside her home. Y/n looked out her window and jumped to her feet. Before she could race to the door, her mother held her back.
“Before he comes in, dear,” Mrs Y/l/n began. “Are you... Are you sure you are ready for this? Is this truly what you want?”
Y/n scoffed. Her previous concerns about accepting Mr Graham’s proposal suddenly became easy to look past. Y/n’s resentment for her mother began to surface, adding much to her motivations to go through with marrying.
“Mama, please do not pretend to care about what it is I want.” 
Mrs Y/l/n had not expected her to react in such a manner. She was not prepared to have her mothering methods confronted. Y/n’s mother’s primary concern had always been ensuring her daughter marries. It gave Mrs Y/l/n significant discomfort to realise how this resulted in her overlooking what should have mattered more. 
Not to mention how she only came to realise this just as her daughter was about to agree to marry a man she expressed great disinterest in just weeks before.
Y/n rushed out of the room before her mother could say anything further. As she reached the hallway, Y/n watched the doors burst open. Much to her surprise, it was not Mr Graham alone who walked through. Instead, Mr Graham was with her Aunt Philippa, who relentlessly attempted to guide him in the opposite direction.
“Mr Graham, please, I must show you-”
“Lady Bennet, you have shown me enough gardens,” Mr Graham insisted, trying his best to contain his annoyance. “In fact, I am quite certain you have shown me almost every garden in town.”
“All except the best one, sir, which is located just outside the-”
“- Aunt Philippa, enough!” Y/n shouted. 
Mrs Y/l/n reached the hallway just as Y/n called her sister’s name. Mr Graham exhaled tiredly before holding his hands behind his back and regaining his composure. 
Philippa sighed. Her attempts at delaying Mr Graham by badgering him to stop at all 9 gardens on their way to her sister’s home all appeared to be in vain. Simon had yet to arrive, and it was clear they were out of time.
“Philippa?” Mrs Y/l/n said in shock. Her sister had always made an effort to give notice before visiting.
“Hello, sister,” Lady Bennet replied awkwardly, trying her best to force a smile. 
Y/n had been glaring at her aunt. 
She was furious that after she made clear her intention countless times to Philippa, her aunt still chose to meddle. Y/n felt more adamant than ever to go through, even if to simply spite her aunt. It was due time that they learned to refrain from making her decisions for her.
Even if it meant marrying a man she did not particularly care for.
She forced herself to appear alright, mainly in the hopes that it would influence her feelings. That it would obliviate her concerns. It was her last resort at being ok with what she was about to do. 
“Mr Graham,” Y/n called out. The man stood tall, prompting Philippa to grimace. “You may join me in the sitting room.”
She walked ahead of him, guiding Mr Graham to the room. Once he walked in, Y/n turned around and closed the door before returning her attention to him. She fiddled with her hands while he cleared his throat. 
Y/n was fixated by the words of both her mother and her aunt. She kept asking herself the same question Philippa had. Could she be happy? Could she possibly find any enjoyment in marrying a man like Mr Graham? In living an inevitable future with him?
Mr Graham was exhausted from the long journey he was forced to take with Lady Bennet. For the most part, his mind was blank, aside from his impending desire to return home.
“Is there anything you wish to say, Mr Graham?” Y/n asked. Mr Graham was taken aback. “Before I give you my response, that is.”
Y/n was resorting to humouring her mother’s advice. She wanted to see how Mr Graham was going to ask for her hand so that, this time, she could identify his intentions. Y/n wished to put aside the conclusions she reached about Mr Graham; he was arrogant and ignorant. 
She hoped he could prove that he had one if any, good qualities aside from possessing wealth. 
“Uhm-” Mr Graham coughed. “You will remember my father is the primary supplier of livestock commodities in our town.”
“Yes, I do remember-”
“By livestock, I am of course referring to domesticated animals raised in agricultural settings,” he continued, despite Y/n’s best efforts to get a word in. It seemed Mr Graham believed he had reason to take her for someone simple-minded; reasons Y/n did not care for but absolutely resented. “And by commodities, I mean the products-”
“-Yes, I am aware of what words mean, Mr Graham,” Y/n retorted.
“That you are,” he smiled, patronising her even more.
Outside the sitting room, Philippa and Mrs Y/l/n stood with their ears pressed against the door in the corridor. The more they heard Mr Graham speak, the more concerned they became for Y/n. Philippa’s stomach churned as she thought of her poor niece being wed to such a man. She could hardly believe she managed to last the journey there with him and not be at her wit’s end.
“I was recently made aware of the amount your father is offering for your hand,” Mr Graham stated, wincing as he did so. Y/n knew how small her dowry was, and she was annoyed that Mr Graham unnecessarily reminding her. “And you will be pleased to know that I am willing to look past it.”
“How charitable of you, sir,” Y/n muttered. Mr Graham did not catch on to her sarcasm. He was an easily distracted man, Y/n concluded. One need only groom his ego, even sarcastically, for him to be oblivious.
Y/n was reminded again of what her Aunt
“Yes, it is quite charitable of me,” Mr Graham remarked, smiling as he felt pleased with himself. “In fact, that is the very reason I first asked for your hand. Father believed it a grand idea that I marry a woman of your kind. Should attract a different demographic to choosing Graham as their supplier.”
“A woman... of my kind?” 
The Grahams were the primary supplier of livestock. However, the few other families in Y/n town, who were not white, found livestock commodities elsewhere. It was clear Y/n that they viewed her as a pawn in their pursuit of broadening their clientele.
Y/n could already foresee where the conversation was headed, and suddenly her aunt’s questions held all the more weight.
‘Do you truly believe you will be happy?’
It took her only a moment to think it over. There was no denying that Mr Graham possessed all the ignorance and arrogance Y/n suspected he did, so she considered if it was worth bearing. Would a mediocre future with him be worth having to endure his jabs at her identity, her class and her family?
Mr Graham and his father dealt with domesticated animals for a living. It was clear that they viewed Y/n just the same.
Thus, her mind was decided.
“I expected you to be grateful,” Mr Graham commented, confused as to why Y/n was not flattered that of all the two women who made eye contact with him at the town ball. It was she who received a proposal from him. “You do not exactly have an abundance of suitors lined up at your door. Not to mention, I was generous enough not to withdraw my proposal after you asked for... time to consider your answer.”
Out in the corridor, the two sisters exchanged glances. Philippa and Mrs Y/l/n both argued quietly over who was to barge in and reprimand Mr Graham.
“That is quite enough, Mr Graham,” Y/n hissed, beating both her mother and her aunt to it. Her mind was, after all, decided. 
Y/n had struggled for most of her life with control in that she had little of it. If it was not society dictating how she was to live and breathe, it was her mother. This time would be different, Y/n decided. 
This time, she would be taking control and making decisions based solely on her own input.
“Thank you for expressing your feelings, your family history and your intentions with such candour,” Y/n began sweetly. Just as she expected, Mr Graham took nothing but pride in what he believed was sincere gratitude. “And thank you for being so charitable as to offer a lowly woman such as myself a proposal of marriage.”
Philippa and Mrs Y/l/n listened in with concern. They both knew Y/n too well to believe that she send Mr Graham off with civility and decorum. Y/n was the least bit concerned for either.
“You have been so generous with your time,” Y/n continued. “Therefore, I will not keep you waiting any longer... Mr Graham, I will not be accepting your proposal.”
Y/n took great pleasure in rejecting his proposal. Mr Graham grew pale as he quickly realised what her answer was. He stood on the opposite side of the sitting room, yet Y/n was desperate to further away.
“You... You mustn’t be serious,” he exhaled dumbfounded. The man possessed a great ego when he first enters Y/n’s home. Thus she was determined to shrink, if not demolish it. 
“On the contrary, sir,” Y/n smiled, this time genuinely. “I am perfectly serious.”
“S-surely you have not considered the ramifications of denying my proposal,” Mr Graham reasoned. 
Y/n was far too accustomed to being lectured by white men on not considering her actions’ consequences. They, of all people, she believed, were the least bit qualified to talk another on such matters. Not when they are granted every luxury and advantage at birth.
“Miss Y/l/n, you must know, after two seasons of rejected proposals, it is doubtful you will receive another after me,” Mr Graham explained. He was merely adding insult to injury. “And with a dowry as small as yours, I predict your future will be bleak.”
“Perhaps you are right,” Y/n replied, her head held high as she knew Mr Graham was expecting her to be grovelling. “Perhaps I will not receive another proposal after you. Perhaps I will be doomed to live a life of struggle and severe austerity, but make no mistake Mr Graham. I would sooner commit to the life of an impoverished spinster than I would, ever again, entertain the prospect of being your wife.”
Y/n marched towards the door and swung it open, revealing Philippa and Mrs Y/l/n eavesdropping on their conversation. Y/n hoped that would be the case, as an audience’s presence prompted Mr Graham’s mortification to increase tenfold. 
“I must ask you to leave immediately.”
Mr Graham did not wait another moment. He just about sprinted out the door, determined to never step foot in the Y/l/n home again. Y/n stood in the hallway with a smirk and a proud glimmer in her eye. If she felt as a result of taking control, her only regret was not doing so sooner.
Perhaps Y/n would regret her decision later in her life. Maybe she only created more issues for herself than anything else. However, all that would be affairs she would attend to last, in the far off future. For now, she was happy. 
Y/n headed towards her bedroom without saying a word to her mother nor her aunt. She had not done so on purpose. She was simply desperate to change out of her corset and resume resting her fatigued body. Once Y/n was altered, she sat on the edge of her bed. As she let out an audible sigh, Y/n slumped her shoulders and fell back. 
She had never been so grateful for her mattress.
Y/n closed her eyes momentarily. She was very sleep-deprived, yet she was on an incredible high from the adrenaline of rejecting Mr Graham so explicitly. Before she opened her eyes, Y/n felt the mattress sink at her sides. As she opened her eyes, she realised both her mother and aunt were lying beside her.
“I must apologise to you both,” Y/n explained, reach her arms out to hold each of their hands. “I have caused you both a great deal of grief. And it all appears to be in vain now that I have rejected Mr Graham.”
Philippa and Mrs Y/l/n turned to face Y/n, both with the same expression. 
“You may be sorry for many things in life, dear,” Mrs Y/l/n began. “But you mustn’t dare apologise for denying Mr Graham’s hand... you mustn’t ever.”
Y/n smiled. She was unsure what motivated her motivated to have such a change in character. However, she was far too pleased with it to question it. 
“Any thought as to what you will do now, dearest?” Philippa asked. She looked over to her niece with her brows raised, and her sister followed suit. 
It was clear that neither of them could keep Y/n from doing what she wanted. Therefore, it was decided that both Philippa and Mrs Y/l/n would simply stand aside and hold her hand throughout it all. Y/n thought for a moment.
“Perhaps another season?” Y/n answered.
In an ideal world, Y/n would have opted for something different. Perhaps she would have embraced the idea of being a spinster. In perfect world, such a fate would not be so grim. However, that was not the world Y/n lived in.
And so she opted to embrace the best and only option she had.
“Truly, dear?” Mrs Y/l/n exclaimed. While she was overcome with excitement, she wanted to ensure it was her daughter’s genuine desire. 
“Yes, mama,” Y/n insisted, smiling weakly. She hoped in time the prospect would become more appealing to her. “-and it will be much different this time, hopefully for the better, as I am now willing to comply with you and your rules and your overprotective nature. I want it all.”
Mrs Y/l/n did not take offence. Instead, she simply laughed and leaned her head in to kiss Y/n’s temple. She had raised a mighty blunt and greatly opinionated daughter. 
Mrs Y/l/n was most proud of it.
“I must excuse myself,” Y/n’s mother said. She placed her arms behind her and lifted herself off Y/n’s mattress. “Your father will be delighted to hear the news, I am quite sure.”
Y/n laughed at her mother’s excitement. Once Mrs Y/l/n left to recount the morning to her husband, it was just Y/n and her aunt. 
“I hope you won’t mind me asking, dear,” Philippa whispered, inching closer to her niece. She feared the next subject of conversation would strike a chord with Y/n. “Has any of this changed your feelings... towards Simon?”
“No,” Y/n answered shortly, her voice neither louder nor quieter than previously. “He will soon be a married man, so it is most appropriate I refrain from paying him any mind so as to not remind myself of my feelings for him.”
Philippa huffed, torn as to whether or not she should tell her niece. Would doing so disrupt the duke’s plans? Would it not be better for Y/n to hear the truth from Simon himself when he eventually came? Would he ever arrive?
“I, however, must admit- whatever rage and anger I once held against him has since passed,” Y/n sighed. “You were right in what you said before... Although it will not be me who marries Simon, I do hope to marry someone like him.”
Someone like who he was before he became Duke Hastings, Y/n thought.
“You do?” Philippa smiled. She decided not to reveal anything to her niece quite yet. Lady Bennet was confident such a task should be carried out by Simon and him only.
“Hmm,” Y/n nodded. “Someone of good character and of a kind heart. A man who does not resent me when I raise arguments but rather engages in them.”
“It is the least of what you deserve in a husband, my dear,” Philippa replied.
The two of them shuffled to the top of Y/n’s bed, where her pillows laid. Both were exhausted from travelling in from London and enduring what had been a most eventful morning.
They both remained silent to get some sleep in before Mrs Y/l/n would eventually call them down for breakfast. However, just as Philippa began to drift off, his niece disrupted the quiet.
“Aunt Philippa,” she murmured. “I never did ask you what exactly compelled you to come... let alone badger Mr Graham as a means of delaying his arrival.”
Y/n was unsure what she was expected her aunt to reply. Philippa grew nervous as she tried to respond in a manner that would not reveal the real reason she came to her sister’s home.
“I-I,” Philippa stammered quietly. “-I simply could not sit idle... and let you accept Mr Graham’s proposal.”
Y/n hummed before turning to her side. It was a predictable answer, yet it left her with a bitter feeling of disappointment. She slept without  
Philippa sighed in relief before hoping that wherever Simon was, whatever it was he was doing that moment, that it would not hinder him any longer from finally reaching the Y/l/n home.
Y/n awoke from her nap to an empty bed and an open room. She was curious about where her aunt had gone, not to mention why her mother did not wake her for breakfast. The sky had darkened significantly since she first fell asleep, though Y/n was sure it was not yet evening.
She climbed out of bed and donned a simple dress. Y/n could hear the faint sound of her parents talking, so she suspected they were with Philippa. Afterwards, Y/n wandered down the steps of her home and headed to the dining room. The conversation grew quiet, prompting her to call out.
“Have you truly begun eating without me?” Y/n laughed as she pushed the doors open. 
As she stepped inside, a man stood from his seat- across the table from Philippa and Mr and Mrs Y/l/n. He turned to face Y/n with his hands held behind his back.
Y/n was awestruck. All she could say was his name, and after muttering it quietly when he stood, she found herself left speechless. What could motivation could he possibly have to travel there from London. 
“His grace will be joining us for dinner,” Mrs Y/l/n explained, refuting Y/n’s last hopes that it was not yet evening. “It will not be ready for a small while, so perhaps you could walk him to the garden in the meantime.”
“‘Tis the best one in town,” Philippa commented, a reference to the wild goose chase she led Mr Graham on just earlier that day.
Y/n remained quiet, unsure as to what was happening. She expected her mother to be repulsed by the sight of Simon. Y/n had, after all, rejected countless marriage proposals for reasons involving him. However, she was not repulsed. 
She was smiling. Glowing, rather. Even Philippa and Y/n’s father seemed to be beaming despite sitting in silence. Y/n could not decide whether that should comfort her or worry her.
“He requests a private audience with you before dinner is served,” Mrs Y/l/n continued.
“H-He... does?” Y/n stuttered, looking at Simon in confusion. He appeared to be avoiding her gaze, which further provoked her curiosity.
“I do,” Simon replied shortly.
Y/n turned to her mother in confusion. Indeed, she would not send her unmarried daughter off, with an available man, on an unchaperoned walk without explanation nor context.
“I cannot possibly leave you to make dinner alone, mama,” Y/n stated. The thought of walking with Simon, especially after the nature of their last conversation, left her much unsettled.
“Nonsense, I will offer my assistance,” Philippa responded. Y/n narrowed her eyes at her aunt. She had always avoided being in the kitchen with her sister by all means necessary.
“It is decided then,” Mrs Y/l/n cheered, guiding Simon and Y/n towards the door that led to their garden.
“Mama, it looks as though it will begin to rain,” Y/n whispered, hoping to stop her mother but to no avail.
“You will not be far from the house, dear,” Mrs Y/l/n replied, opening the back door and guiding the two outside. “Should that be the case, you need only take a short walk back.”
Before Y/n could think of another way to avoid the walk, her mother rushed inside, slamming the door close behind her. There was no more avoiding, it seemed. Y/n sighed before reluctantly walking towards her mother’s botanical garden. 
He was initially quiet. Simon had rehearsed what he was to say several times before he arrived. However, it was not until he saw Y/n again that all his prepared words vanished from his memory.
Y/n was conflicted. She was overcome with a myriad of emotions, which always seemed to be the case for Simon. While she was still very hurt by his actions and was determined to voice her feelings, Y/n felt it necessary to first break the ice with civility.
“How long will you remain in town?” Y/n asked.
“I have not yet decided,” Simon answered, after a moment of deliberation. He believed it wise to tread lightly in their conversation, though he too was determined to let his feeling become known.
His answer left Y/n’s curiosity to grow. 
“Why not?” She queried. “I suspect Miss Bridgerton will be eagerly awaiting your return to London.”
Simon smirked. He missed her witty remarks terribly, just as he missed her company. Y/n had not intended for her response to land with such snideness. However, it was clear to her that Simon did not resent it.
“You suspect wrong,” he answered gleefully, catching Y/n off guard. Simon took amusement in her confusion but did not hesitate to clarify the situation. “She has already promised her hand to another... His royal highness Prince Friedrich. I was informed of the news this morning.”
“You do not seem upset,” Y/n commented as she studied Simon carefully. 
“That is precisely why I wished to speak with you,” he explained. 
Simon stopped walking, prompting Y/n to do the same. They stood by her mother’s hyacinths, specifically the purple ones. Simon took inhaled deeply as he prepared to explain himself and as he hoped, with all his might, that she might forgive him.
“I lied to you,” he began.
“Yes,” Y/n muttered quickly before Simon could continue. Had he genuinely come all this way just to recount their argument, she wondered. “I remember our conversation vividly.”
“No,” Simon cried. “What I meant to say was that I lied to you... when I told you that I was courting Miss Bridgerton and that I intended to marry her.”
Y/n remained silent, allowing Simon to continue.
“She approached me earlier this season,” he explained. “- with a proposition that I pretend to court her. She needed more suitors, and I sought to improve my public image.”
Y/n recalled the countless articles written about Simon, painting him as a stoic and brooding snob. It made sense that he wanted to change this portrayal, Y/n, though.
“I tried my best to put an end to our pretence earlier... on the day you approached me at Hyde Park, in fact,” Simon said. “However, Miss Bridgerton was adamant that it continues until she could attract the attention of Prince Friedrich. And I had already given her my word not to reveal our ruse to another soul.”
Y/n remained quiet as she took in his revelation. The more Simon spoke, the more Y/n understood why he acted so cold to her. He was always most irritable when he was hiding something.
“Peach,” Simon sighed. He reached out for Y/n’s hand, and, to his surprise, she did not pull away. “For all the pain and sorrow I caused you that night at the gala, I am so sorry.”
She squeezed his hand tightly as a way of comforting him. Y/n knew the way Simon could be so cruel to himself. Considering the impossible position he was placed in, she could only imagine the extent to which this had been burdening him. 
“While I wish I had been spared from getting hurt,” Y/n began. Simon winced but nodded. He, too, wished she had not been caught in the middle. “I do understand why you had to lie to me... and I think it unfitting if I were to continue to hold that against you.”
Simon exhaled in relief.
Y/n smiled, comforted by his reaction. She, too, was relieved. After the gala at the Danbury estate, Y/n deemed Simon a stranger, someone she could no longer recognise. Yet, as they stood opposite each other in her mother’s garden, Y/n felt she knew exactly who the man that stood before her was.
The two continued walking across her mother’s garden. After Simon thanked Y/n several times for being so understanding, she recounted her morning to him. Simon struggled to contain his laughter when Y/n explained the 9 gardens Philippa forced Mr Graham to stop.
“So what will you do now?” Simon asked curiously. 
“I will have to endure another season,” Y/n replied. “I have already promised mama I would comply with her this time around. Hopefully, my luck has not yet run out."
Simon nodded, though he resisted the urge to frown. She appeared to be excited. Hopeful, even. He worried this indicated a change in her affections for him. Nonetheless, he cast his worries aside for a moment. Y/n’s happiness was his primary concern.
Simon thought back to the story Y/n told of her rejecting Mr Graham’s proposal. In particular, he remembered the comment Y/n said he made regarding how dowry.
“If that is the case,” he began. “Then I insist on making a donation... to contribute to your dowry.”
Y/n’s feet came to a halt as she furrowed her brows in both shock and confusion. Instinctively, she began devising a way to reject his offer without offending him. Y/n was never oblivious to the significant difference in her financial standing to Simon’s, but she certainly never wanted to take advantage of it.
“It can remain anonymous,” Simon insisted. He knew his offer was far from appropriate as a woman’s dowry was her family’s responsibility. However, that was precisely what Y/n was to him: family. “If you are concerned about what others might say, I assure you I will personally see to it that the donation remains private.”
“Simon, no-”
“- Please, I insist,” he held firmly. Y/n continued to shake her head profusely, but Simon refused to give in. “It is the least I can do after playing such a significant role in hindering you from marrying these past two seasons.”
Y/n paused, taken aback by the fact he knew that. 
“Simon,” she began. Her tone was neither shocked nor angry. “You mustn’t hold yourself accountable for a decision I made. Yes, you may have been the reason for it, but it was I who ultimately made a choice... And I take full responsibility for the position I am now in as a result.”
Simon nodded sheepishly. 
“Regardless,” he said softly. “I still insist... You mean a great deal to me, Peach. Ensuring you have a befitting dowry is the least of what I owe to you, particularly after all our years of friendship.”
The grey clouds grew darker as the weather turned sour, and the day slowly came to an end. However, that quickly became the least of Y/n concerns. Her lips parted briefly, but she struggled to say anything. 
Simon let out a heavy exhale before reaching his hand into the pocket of his coat. He looked at Y/n and smiled. She still appeared adamant to deny his offer of making a donation to her father.
“Do you remember the story,” he began, “- of the first time we played in the maze at Lady Danbury’s home?”
Y/n chuckled, unsure whether he was serious or if the question were rhetorical. 
“Of course you do,” Simon continued, laughing all the while. “You recount it at every available opportunity.”
His laughter was disrupted by Y/n’s fist, gently colliding with his shoulder. 
“Please allow me to finish, Peach,” he cried as he rubbed his shoulder. Y/n rolled her eyes playfully but allowed him to continue nonetheless. “You recount it at every available opportunity, but you always failed to include the part of the story I favoured most.”
Y/n raised her eyebrows in surprise. 
“After I found you in the maze- crying hysterically, I must add,” Simon quipped. As Y/n raised her hand to repeat her previous action, Simon caught her fist in his hand. Their eyes locked as he did so, and the tension between them grew this. Y/n lowered her hand coughed awkwardly, prompting Simon to continue. “I took you to see Lady Danbury’s fruit orchids.”
Simon’s smile grew remarkably wide. He had purposely refrained from retelling his favourite part of the maze story to Y/n. He was most excited to finally do so.
“You ran straight for one tree in particular,” Simon said. Y/n’s brows snapped together as she tried to remember. “I picked some fruit, and we ate it beneath that tree. However, you were still quite upset, and that was when I assured you I never would have left you behind... Do you remember which tree we sat beneath?”
After giving it a moment of thought, Y/n gasped quietly when she finally remembered. She looked back to Simon and smiled. In a quiet whisper, she answered his question.
Simon nodded. It was after that day that he refrained from calling Y/n by her name. After they left Danbury’s orchids when he chose to instead call her ‘Peach’ to remind himself of that day on of his promise not to leave her behind. Despite falling short on that promise, Simon was determined to fulfil it.
He took a step towards Y/n and slowly replaced his grin to express both sincerity and fear. Y/n studied him in anticipation of what he was to say next. Simon seemed greatly troubled by something, she thought.
“If you wish to find another suitor next season,” Simon started, unable to hide the sorrow he felt at imagining it. He inhaled sharply and, in doing so, forced himself to remain composed. “I will do everything in my power to help you in your pursuits. Whether that be in the form of financial support or advice. Whatever it is you may need from me, Peach... my answer will always be yes.”
Y/n’s eyes widened, and her mouth curled into a frown. She could see right through Simon’s attempts to his sadness. 
“But if there is any chance,” he question, his tone frantic and desperate. He inched forward slightly and deepened his gaze at Y/n before he continued. “If there is even a fleeting chance that your feelings towards me are... are as they were before, then please tell me now.”
Just as he finished speaking, droplets of rain began to fall. They grew bigger and more rapid as time went on, but neither Simon nor Y/n noticed. Both were far too concerned with the affairs of their affections for one another. 
Y/n held her breath as she looked at Simon. Earlier that day, she decided to enter her third season. She had finally come to terms with knowing that casting aside her feeling for Simon would be her best method of moving forward. Yet as they stood in her mother’s garden, she found herself with no choice but to confront them.
“They are,” she confessed, her voice almost overpowered by the sound of the rainfall, though just loud enough for Simon to hear. “My feelings for you, they... they have not changed.
Her words were music to his ears. Simon reached his arm out and took hold of her hand. He felt his heartbeat rapidly against his chest. Despite the cold and wet weather, Simon felt a warm sensation in his chest.
“I must assure you,” he spoke, glancing down at the sight of her hand in his. “This is not a result of impulse or of the heat of the moment. Rather, this is something I have anticipated doing, I... I have desperately hoped to be able to do for quite some time.”
“Simon,” Y/n quavered. “W-What are you referring to?”
Simon looked up at the sky. He laughed as the heavy rain showered over his face, and then he turned back to Y/n. She did not move from where she stood but, instead, studied Simon closely. Her mouth fell agape when, without a moment’s notice, Simon knelt down.
Y/n gasped. There was a loud slushing sound made as Simon’s knee sunk into the mud. He was unfazed by it, which made Y/n shock only grow. He couldn’t be, she thought. It was not possible. And indeed, if he intended to do as she suspected, he would live to regret it. 
In a swift motion, she too fell her knee. Standing up while Simon knelt before she felt all too overwhelming. Y/n was confident he was not serious, despite him expressing profusely that he was. Simon’s eyes grew wide as he looked down and noticed the mud-splattered across the hem of Y/n’s gown.
“Peach, your dress-”
“Never mind my dress,” Y/n croaked. “Simon, what are you doing?”
“What I should have done two years ago,” he replied instantly. 
Y/n clasped her hand over her mouth. Her hair and her clothes were drenched from the rainfall, as was Simon’s, yet neither seemed to notice. He reached out and took hold of her free hand.
“I know I am the least bit deserving of your hand, as well as of course your forgiveness and your friendship,” Simon began. “However, these past years away from you, and these past two days in particular... They have been pure torment. And I have since realised that I would be a fool not to make an offer of marriage to you and hope that you would be so kind as to accept it, because... Well, because I love you, Peach. Fervently so.”
“What... What about your vow to never marry?” Y/n asked.
Indeed he had not thought this entirely through, she wondered. This was the moment, she believed. The moment he would take back his proposal.
“You said before that I have the luxury to choose while you do not,” Simon answered. Slowly, he let go of Y/n hand and lifted it to her face, holding the side of her cheek tenderly. “Well... I believe it’s due time that my choices begin constituting to my happiness... and that of the only woman I love.” 
Tears welled up in Y/n’s eyes and began to trickle down her face as she wept. She felt it surreal, the fact that Simon was offering his hand to her. And as it appeared, she had run out of reasons to argue against it.
“I know I have caused you much suffering,” Simon sighed, rubbing his thumb gently across Y/n’s cheek, wiping her tears away while doing so. “But I am determined to spend the rest of my life atoning for it by doing everything in my power to ensure your happiness... That is if you will have me?”
Y/n thought of her mother’s advice earlier regarding how one’s words indicate one character and their intentions. She thought of how all her past suitors made proposals from a place of arrogance, how they all made the argument that their financial standing was reason enough for her accept.
That was not what mattered most to Y/n.
Love and happiness; that was what she sought most from marriage. After years of being told that to do so was naïve and pointless, Simon was offering precisely that. 
“Yes,” Y/n answered, laughing beneath her breath as she exhaled. She stood up and planted her feet firmly in the mud before reaching her hand down to help Simon do the same.
“Yes?” Simon repeated in disbelief. 
Y/n chuckled and helped him to stand, after which she reached her hands out and placed them on the sides of his face. Even in the pouring raid and even covered in mud from the waist down, he was still so beautiful, she thought. Simon precisely the same of her
“Yes! I... I will marry you,” Y/n declared, her smile growing wider as she spoke. She could not make that statement repeatedly when she would eventually share the news.
Simon wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her closer to him. He leaned closer to her slowly and kissed her sweetly. Y/n held the sides of his face firmly, pulling him even closer to her, causing him to smile against her lips. Shortly after, Simon slowly pulled away, leaving Y/n gasping for air.
“I am sorry it took me so long to do this, Peach,” he said softly, gazing apologetically at the woman he could finally address as his fiancee.
“It does not matter anymore, Simon,” Y/n replied, pressing her temple against his. 
He grinned before leaning in to kiss her once more. Y/n lowered her hands and left them placed against his coat’s lapels. She wished for the moment to last a lifetime. However, as the rain grew heavier and the sky grew darker, Simon pulled away again.
“Perhaps we should return,” Simon suggested, despite much enjoying being alone with Y/n. She immediately groaned at the thought of going back. “I imagine your mother will be quite cross if we miss dinner.”
“Simon... I have waited a very long time for this moment,” Y/n began. “I will not be rushed by you or my mama.”
Simon laughed before kissing her once again. 
When they finally walked back to the house, Simon continued to glance over at Y/n and at the sight of their hands intertwined. He thought of all the different ways things could have ended between them. 
What would have happened if she had accepted Mr Graham’s proposal or even that of her previous suitors? What would have happened if he did, in fact, marry Miss Bridgerton? What would have happened if he had just proposed to her when she first confessed her feelings to him? 
Simon wondered how many times things could have drastically been made different between them. He thought of how many choices, events and actions dictated whether they would ever be engaged.
And all he could do was smile at his beautiful fiancee and be completely and utterly grateful that this was how their story concluded.
@fuckoffthanos @awesomebooklover17 @shadowfoxey @eternallyvenus​ @smol-grandpa​ @deakesthegreatest 
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prose-for-hire · 3 years
Kiss me quick
Pairing: Spike x Summers!reader
Request: Hi! Can I request a Spike x Summers!reader, where the reader is trying to keep their relationship on the downlow since none of the Scoobies really approve, but after a big win the reader finally kisses him in front of everyone, proving that they do care deeply for one another and everyone just has to accept it.
Requested by: Anon
Warning: Reader gets injured but nothing serious. sex references/implication of sex.
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You looked out into dimly lit street, the dark had surrounded you now but ever since you had been meeting this way you couldn’t help but smile whenever the sun began to descend from the sky. You were stood, under a streetlamp, three streets away from your house. Just far enough where nobody from your household would catch you meeting him this way. You had been meeting like this for a while now.
He got a kick out of coming up behind you and immediately pressing you against the nearest wall and crashing his lips to yours. His favourite greeting entailed leaving you breathless and ready to pull him closer no matter what your surroundings were. He often mumbled his hellos through stolen kisses. His passion never died, he was all in. Completely yours.
You couldn’t shake this feeling. That you were completely in love. You had silently tried to fight it to begin with, knowing that those around you wouldn’t approve. That Spike himself may not even reciprocate your feelings. But soon it became clear that there was no hiding these feelings that always bubbled to the surface whenever he was near.
You had started fooling around to begin with, before it all changed. For the better, both of you agreed. Your feelings had taken hold of you both, fuelled by the touch of skin. The depth of mind. Unspoken emotions kept the two of you in a chokehold before you finally spilled your feelings for the other.
Ever since you quit college, you had spent all of your free time sneaking around with Spike. It was, honestly, as thrilling as it was annoying. As much as you wished you could just tell everyone how much you loved Spike - how amazing he was with you, you couldn’t. You had to hide it, the implications of your friends and sisters finding out would be a fate worse than death. In fact, for spike it may mean actual death this time.
Unfortunately, you were the middle child. You were a year younger than Buffy and she never let you forget about it. Meaning, Buffy thought she was the boss of you. Not to mention Dawn basically clung onto your leg to stop you from leaving the house (and thus, preventing you leaving her behind where she couldn’t follow you around). This meant that, often, you didn’t get much spare time for sneaking around with Spike. But, God, did you make it your biggest priority. After… saving the world… obviously.
When you did manage to share these intimate moments, it was everything. It felt as if you were the only people in the world. The only people that had ever felt anything close to this. Nobody had loved this deep. Cared this much. You were both so sure. These feelings, they were eternal. He vowed it to you, one early morning you had spent with your naked bodies pressed together, baring your souls well into the night.
Any emotional scars you harboured seemed to heal just by speaking to him. By having that soothing voice share his own darkest moments with you in return. How that voice, those eyes could have seen and done so much and still make you feel undeniably safe you weren’t sure. But, you trusted him. Even if danger appeared to surround him at every turn. You wouldn’t change him for anything. You loved the good, the bad and the oh-so-attractive parts of him.
Vulnerabilities turned to strengths when you were together. Rough edges appeared smoother. Promises held meaning. You adored him and he confessed to you that he had never been so comfortable in a relationship. He could be himself, could express his feelings without being concerned you would turn away from him.
The first night you invited him into your home made him elated. You had to make him swear not to tell Buffy because you knew she wouldn’t take it well. Like, at all. As much as he would have loved to rub it in the slayer’s face that he had been given access to her house – he loved you too much to even think to upset you in this way. So, you carried on this way, unable to keep your hands and lips from each other for more than an evening at a time. This meant mostly, he stayed at the Summer’s residence or you left to the crypt. Sometimes, you even went for real dates – so long as you were sure that everyone else you knew would be busy elsewhere.
Tonight, you were going to the Bronze together. It was a little more of a risk than usual, but he had insisted on taking you somewhere he knew you would enjoy. Muttered something about not keeping you in the shadows before taking your hand and leading the way. The truth was, Spike was in fact just very smitten with you. And he pretty much wanted everyone to see that you were with him. This was ‘everyone’ except the scoobies and any family members you happened to have crawling out of the woodwork. It was safe though, everyone else was going to some college party and Buffy had told you that it was uncool to have her younger sibling come along.
Buffy was the only one that viewed you as the ‘younger sibling’ the others were friends with you because they were fond of you. Because, well, sometimes you appeared more mature than Buffy did – not that they would ever say that to her face. Although there was always that slight worry that if they hadn’t been friends with Buffy they wouldn’t have been as close with you. You were barely a year younger than Buffy but she was still incredibly protective of you as she was the oldest.
What you hadn’t banked on, whilst you rubbed Spike’s thigh under the table, was that Xander hadn’t been invited to the party. He saw you immediately and made his way over to you with Anya close behind. You almost choked on your drink as you saw them come up behind Spike. You snapped your hand away in shock much to Spike’s displeasure.
“Hey, Y/n-” he started and then stopped when he saw Spike’s presence, “He bothering you?”
“No, he’s just-”
“Warming you up, right pet?” His eyes glistened as he spoke, an eyebrow raising which made Xander scowl. You tried your best to hide the smile at your boyfriend’s words as Xander looked between you both. Xander liked to think of himself as your older brother and had decided you needed defending. You opened your mouth to say otherwise but ended up being cut off by a very urgent ex-vengeance demon.
“It doesn’t matter that they’re dating right now, we are all going to get ripped into pieces if the demon finds us!” Anya shouted. You hadn’t been as secretive as you thought then.
“An!” Xander hissed, sharing a look. At the exact same time you and Spike shared a look too. You wondered who else had seen straight through your sneaking around and longing glances you shared through scooby meetings.
You were sharing looks for different reasons though. They had obviously discussed what not to say beforehand and Anya had characteristically ignored his warning. There was some kind of demon threatening the town. Again.
“What’s going on, Xander? Anya?” you tried for your ex-vengeance demon friend when Xander didn’t speak. There was definitely something odd going on. At her name being called, despite Xander’s warning, she launched into an explanation.
“Xander got annoyed at our sex-spell and ripped a page out of my very rare copy of ‘magic, sex and me’ which ruined our entire evening!” She scowled and crossed her arms before continuing, “Now we have to kill it instead of having our sexy time” she pouted.
“We’ll pretend we didn’t hear about a sex spell-”
“Well, I want to hear about it. Can’t get it up, mate?” Spike taunted which only made Xander redden further after Anya’s admittance. Xander stepped as if to hit your vampire but you stepped in the way and wheeled Xander away, changing the subject.
You asked instead about what this demon was like. Anya explained that it was a Scorn-demon. Ridiculously hard to kill and bound to the pages of a book as no mortal prison can hold it. It looked as if you were in for a long night. Which is exactly what you and Spike had planned although for a very different reason.
“If all of us are looking, we’ll find it quicker” You offered, Xander had been embarrassed to explain because of the reason they were doing a spell. But now Anya had told anyone anyway, he was grateful of the help. You got to your feet, ready to follow them out as Spike got up beside you.
“Looks like no bugger’s getting any tonight” Spike muttered, rolling his eyes as you apparently volunteered you both to assist your friend.
“Just working ourselves up… right?” You offered which made him smirk. God, he had been rubbing off on you. You almost felt yourself mirroring his smirk at your words. He wanted to pull you in and kiss you until you admitted just his presence could get you worked up enough alone, but he knew the importance of hiding this from your friends. Which, really was the only reason he didn’t take you right there in the middle of the Bronze.
Instead, you just trailed behind Xander and Anya’s bickering and tried to locate this demon. You called Buffy’s cell and left a message. You knew this was probably going to end with a battle you were unequipped for. You just hoped that you ran into your sister before you ran into the demon. By all accounts he sounded nasty.
As you walked, you and Spike kept sneaking glances at the other when you hoped the others weren’t looking. It was hard, having to maintain this distance when all you wanted to do was reach for him. Show him your affection freely. When you caught the other’s eye, you couldn’t help but smile. You felt so lucky, to have someone that cared so deeply. Someone who wasn’t afraid to share their love so freely.
You wanted to slide your hand in his, tell him just how lucky you felt. Just how much you felt for him, although you were sure he must be sick of how often you told him you loved him. He never was, of course. It was the sweetest music hearing that phrase from your lips. He kissed them a thousand times just to catch the remaining sweetness from your tongue. With those words, nothing should be wasted. He wanted to savour every syllable of your love.
You kept walking until you had to come to an abrupt halt. Dawn turned a corner and crashed straight into you. Turns out, your hopes came true: you did come across your sister first. It just happened to not be the one you expected.
“Oh, I didn’t know you guys were ready for, like, double dating yet” Dawn teased. She, too, had decided that you and Spike had to be dating. She often brought it up to annoy you but she believed it all the same. Spike never corrected her and you had stopped bothering too. You would only come off as defensive and she would tease you for that. You honestly couldn’t win living under the same roof as Dawn, she could be relentless.
Spike leaned in to whisper something in your ear, his lips so close to your ear you could imagine the way they would feel if he leaned in further and pressed against your skin. You smiled at his comment, he always made you laugh. He liked to hear your laugh and it passed the time while he waited for the fight that was coming.
When you looked back up, Willow and Tara had caught up with your group. They gave you a knowing look at how close you were stood to Spike. You wanted to lean on him, inhale deeply and press kisses against the curve of his neck. You loved the way he gripped you closer when you did that. But you had to snap yourself out of this thought at the arrival of your sister. Buffy immediately started giving orders, not before she gave you a warning look for letting Dawn come with you after she scowled at Spike for his mere presence.
“I brought the research – I think there’s a spell, but we’ll have to weaken him first” Willow muttered, frowning at Anya and blaming her for this spell and putting her best friend in danger. 
“The spell needs lovers to complete it. Do you think you could help us Anya? Xander?” Tara asked softly, “But I’m not sure if that’s enough to hold him”
Because the demon was attracted to love and sex, couples were needed to cut off his power at the source. It fed from lovers and by concentrating that power it could reverse and thus weaken the demon within a certain spot.
“Well, if we need couples we have at least three pairs here. Maybe that would be enough?” Willow asked. Making everyone look around to count the pairs. Everyone’s eyes then landed on you and Spike. The last to look was Buffy who raised an eyebrow between you both.
“Does everyone know we’re dating?!”
“Pretty much, sweetie” tara nodded.
“We just didn’t wanna embarrass you. It’s… Spike” Buffy cringed at even the thought of it, “I, uh, thought you would have kinda got it out of your system by now though” Buffy hitched her nose up at the idea of the two of you, but shrugged. She saw it as a meaningless relationship. The kind she had with Parker in her first year of college but more often.
From what you gathered as they didn’t correct her, nobody really thought Spike capable of any kind of meaningful relationship. And with him not being able to actively harm you, they just decided to avoid the topic entirely until one or both of you got bored of the sex. The only one that hadn’t thought anything of your sudden proximity with Spike every time he turned around, was Xander. He really would have said something if he had known. But he still wasn’t convinced now – no matter how often Anya insisted.
You slid your hand into his, now that everybody appeared to know that you were together at least. He smiled at this, looking down at your hands back to your face. This smile, it was softer than he would usually show in front of the Scoobies, it was one only for you. Where he felt such genuine happiness. Such adoration.
As usual, nobody really wanted to discuss your love life (rather just ignore and hope it went away) and so began to look away from you and discuss the demon again. You began following the trail of destruction. He wasn’t so hard to locate really and Buffy immediately attacked him as Willow and Anya set up in a large triangle around the fight. Each couple was at each point of the triangle as the recital occurred. A flash of light surrounded the demon and Buffy before it faded, showing the demon now fighting sluggishly.
You tried to protect Dawn the best you could while Spike and Buffy took it in turns to throw punches at the now marginally weakened demon. You and the others helped when you could but he was so strong even now the spell had worked, that humans barely affected him.
Somehow the demon broke from Spike’s hold and started for Dawn - who he had sensed as the weaker member of your group. You charged in front of your younger sister to try and distract him. This lead to him twisting you and throwing you into the air and crashing into a nearby storefront. You were flung straight against the wall and hit your head quite badly. He watched you falling like a ragdoll, appearing limp due to the blow.
His gut dropped. He left Buffy to the fight. All that mattered now was that you were okay. He had never been so scared. Spike rushed over to you, dropping to the floor so that he could cradle your head in his lap. There were a few seconds where he didn’t know what to do.
But then just as he thought he may have lost you, hope was restored again. You open your eyes, your smile a little dazed as you looked at him from your position in his lap. He looked up to the sky in relief, as if silently thanking the powers. His eyes danced with emotion as he looked back into yours. He wouldn’t know what he would do without you. Couldn’t even imagine it less his heart would begin to ache with phantom loss.
He was so overcome by the thought of losing you that he immediately caught your lips with his. Pouring every single feeling he had ever experienced for you into that one kiss. His hand cupping your cheek, the other on the small of your back – pressing you closer to him. As if this kiss may well be your very last. You reciprocated without hesitation, your lips felt as if they had been moulded just for this very moment. This kiss, it said everything. Promised everything and you smiled into it. Your lips moving against his urgently, insisting he feel your love for him. Even in your weakened state, all of your energy went into kissing him.
In the same moment, Buffy managed to finally slay the beast and Tara and Willow muttered some words that sent him into the book he would now again call home. Buffy whipped around to catch you both kissing so desperately. The rest of the group stopped still and staring too. Every mouth agape in shock. At just how much you appear to feel for the other. This wasn’t just a quick shag when the feeling struck. One wasn’t taking advantage of the other. This was love. The truest kind. And nobody could deny it now, not even Xander.
After you parted, reluctantly on both parts, he took on your weight as you all walked back, everyone except him in silence. He doted on you, pressing a kiss against your temple every few paces – just because he could now in this company. He wanted to offer you all of the comfort he could. He was whispering to you trying to make sure you didn’t fall asleep. He was sure you had a concussion (I mean, you kissed him that way in front of all of your friends without any worries after all).
Buffy didn’t even object when it appeared that Spike was walking their way home. She didn’t know what to think anymore. Everyone could see just how deeply you cared for each other. It was undeniable, even to your older sister.
Spike was just pleased you would make it and be okay. And… he began to get smug that he was finally able to show the slayer that he could access her house this entire time.
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plutonianrising · 3 years
the waiting game n.k.
pairing: nanami kento x f!reader
wc: 2.9k
description: reader has a knack for weaseling her way out of trouble but today nanami's knots are tied tight
a/n: this is incredibly self-indulgent im not sorry though
cw: f!reader, dom!namami, bratty reader, kink exploration, shibari, edgeplay, subspace, degradation, red/yellow/green light system, pwp
“Your lack of impulse control is still pretty astonishing though,” Nanami cocks an eyebrow at you. “I doubt you could actually handle holding an orgasm off for 10 minutes let alone 45.”
You work to manage the urge to argue over him and prove his point. Calmly, with the most pleasant smile you could muster, you say “that’s what you’re here for. I promise to tell you when I’m close. Every time. Promise.”
He’s still skeptical of how seriously you’d take this. It’s hard to believe in you when you’re playing with your fingers behind your back and have a familiar wicked glint in your eyes. You had a knack for saying you’d listen well and then changing your mind halfway, opting to get your way just a little bit even if it meant punishment. Still, the sight of you begging for mercy is always a welcome one and the thought of it already makes his pulse jump.
“Alright. But I’m putting some precautions in place.” Nanami tells you. You purse your lips, already feeling like he’s set the game on hard mode.
“Whaaat kind of precautions?” You inquire, squinting.
“I’m restraining you so you can’t touch. This is a good time to start breaking that bad habit. Don’t you think so?” He smiles conspiratorially. It dawns on you now that you shouldn’t have come in so hot, boldly suggesting 45 minutes during your first real attempt at it. “Go ahead and sit on the bed and wait for me. I’m going to freshen up and get everything ready.”
Nanami sends you off with a searing kiss and a smack on your ass that leaves you giggling as you head to his bedroom. It’s small moments like these that you can’t help but wish for more of. The speed in which you pack your bags to sleep over whenever he has even a little bit of time off would be embarrassing if he were anyone else. But he’s Nanami and here, for your eyes only, Kento gets to fully be himself. Goofier than he’ll ever let on and a very specific brand of annoying that means he’s incredibly dependable but also eats your desserts while commenting on how they were much too sweet for him.
When he’s back in the room you’re already undressed and sitting at the edge of the bed. The perfect picture of obedience with your hands clasped in your lap as you patiently waited for his return. He’s half dressed in a tight shirt and boxer briefs that show off his toned leg muscles. In his hands is a smooth black rope. His eyes seem to glow with hunger as he takes you in.
This isn't the first time he’s used these ties on you. You can still remember the tingle of excitement that shot through you after finding out that bondage was one of his favorite kinds of play. Even outside of the sexual aspect of it, he’s making it one of yours. It’s a loving act. One full of devotion and precise calculation. There’s always complete and utter focus in his eyes as he slides the rope against your skin. His work is neat and even, with your safety at top priority. With a rope wound tight enough to bite your flesh and steal your breath if you fought too hard, you give Nanami your full trust. And once he has it, he has the power to make you feel like a masterpiece. You’re reminded of this power as he caresses his work. Rope winds around your torso with a slight emphasis on your arms. Soon enough your arms are crossed and caged against your chest. Nanami tugs the final knot at the center of it and stares into your eyes as you try to keep your composure.
“How does it feel?” He whispers and you think that he must know that it feels perfect. You curse the way he wets his lips and smirks slightly.
He must have a book hiding somewhere.
“It feels good Kento.” You whisper, wriggling around a bit as he then spreads your knees apart. Nanami hums in satisfaction.
“Relax for me.” He says, reminding you to keep you still as he presses down on your thigh, strong hands deftly moving to immobilize your left leg with the black rope in a frogtie.
“How am I supposed to do that?” You complain, still squirming as his touch warms your skin. Have his hands always been so large, his touch so insistent?
“Or don’t. But it’ll be your skin rubbed raw after. Not mine.” Nanami warns. “My best work only comes from your cooperation. Remember?”
You huff but keep your thoughts to yourself. Instead you focus on the tight muscles of Nanami’s arms rippling under his shirt. He knots your right leg, and you flush at how stretched apart you are. Your only source of modesty comes from your hands covering your chest and they flex and unflex as your head starts to catch up with what happens next. You kick yourself for agreeing to being tied up, wanting nothing more than to touch him. You take your lips between your teeth slightly as you catch his gaze raking down your figure. Nanami slowly runs a few fingers over you. He travels upward from your bare thighs past your hips and traces feather soft patterns on your stomach. You can’t help the way your legs twitch when he finally dips his fingers lower and presses against your pussy, stroking you.
“Give me a color sweetheart.”
“Green.” You whimper. “Please kiss me.” Nanami seems to consider it for a moment but removes his touch completely from you instead.
“Be good for me and you’ll get as much of me as you want.”
“Don’t you think you should start the clock before you get me all riled up?” You protest as he places the bullet vibrator and a spare pillow in between your legs, the toy nuzzled snug right against your clit. “I deserve a fair chance.”
“Oh so now you’re the only one allowed to cheat and bend rules?” He quips with a teasing smile. You have no retort for that but mostly because Kento has turned on the vibrator. Your hips buck against the toy and pillow on impulse at the abruptness and you glare at Nanami who shushes you and begins to speak over the quiet buzz.
“Since it’s your first time edging we’ll start with 25 minutes, starting now. Whenever you get close you need to tell me. And if you cum before you’ve gotten permission then that’ll just have to be it until my next off weekend.”
“Your… next weekend off?” You would’ve screamed if half of your attention wasn’t on the powerful vibrations sending pleasure ricocheting through your body. “We don’t even.. Know.. when that is.”
“I know right? I would hate to leave my love desperate for so long with no clear end in sight just because she couldn’t commit to something she asked for in the first place.” Nanami fakes a pout and you want to bite him. It was bad enough he was threatening to really make you wait so long to touch him without bringing your pride into it.
Nanami watches the way your lips part and pupils dilate as you struggle to remain in control of your reactions. Your hips jump every so often, the rope biting into the soft flesh of your legs. When your soft moans begin escalating and you look to him desperately, trying to decide for yourself if you can handle anymore, it takes more strength than he’d like to admit to not touch himself at the sight of you. He makes the decision for you, and your head lolls a bit as you try to catch your break.
The waves of your demise creep up on you quicker after that. Again and again Kento brings you right to the edge, turning up the intensity of the vibrator after each break he allows you in between.
“I can’t- Kento I’m-” You moan, your voice crescendoing and your eyes screwing shut. You can’t help the way you rock against the pillow even after the vibrator stops and the orgasm that had built within you started to fade.
“Who told you that you could hump the pillow? That’s a pretty pathetic attempt at trying to get what you want.” Nanami chides from his seat.
Your face heats in embarrassment and you avert your eyes a bit. “It wasn’t on purpose.”
“Doesn’t that make it worse?” He laughs cruelly and lets his eyes rake over your body. “Filthy little slut can’t even control her own body?”
Kento gets up and comes closer, placing a gentle hand on your thigh. His touch was soft, but it was a reminder of the kind of damage he could inflict.
“Stop. Moving.” He warns you coolly, dark eyes narrowing. His ever-deepening well of patience was scary at times but right now you’re grateful for the mercy, needing chance after chance to prove you could make it.
It’s gotten to the point that the lightest of touches make you feel like you’ll succumb and let all your hard work go to waste. You’re almost thankful your nipples are off the table for this play.
“Kento- Kento please I really am gonna-” You whimper, your chest heaving. You feel like any more of this and you’ll start drooling.
“You won’t.” Kento answers.
The commanding bass of his voice makes your senses jump and you panic, barely managing to yelp out another “Kento please” and feel the toy shut off before you’re sent careening off the edge. Your muscles feel tight and your skin sweaty by this point. You can’t tell if Kento is more focused on the heaving of your chest or the way your fingers flex and unflex to try and alleviate the strain of keeping your focus.
“God..how long has it-” You try to speak once it feels like you can breathe a bit again. Nanami smirks at the way your head lolls to one side and your eyes lazily work to focus on him.
“You’ve officially hit 20 minutes, sweetheart. Only 5 more to go.”
“Do you realize how fucking drenched you are baby?” He smirks, pulling your pussy apart slightly to get a better look. “Makes me want to forget all about this and make you fall apart with my tongue a few times. You’d like that, wouldn't you?”
“Don’t.. Don’t say that. The rule is I can’t for another 5.” You force yourself to remember and steel your resolve. You know he’s really just testing you at this point, seeing if you’ll break under his pressure.
“Good girl” He purrs, soothing the small pout off your lips with distracting kisses on your thighs. “The more you control yourself the more I know I can trust you.”
You so badly want him to trust you. Looking down at Kento spoil you while teetering on the edge makes you dizzy. He could tell you to do anything at this point and you’d probably listen if it meant he would indulge you more. Your head swims with the possibility that he’ll treat you like this again if you do well.
Nanami moves aside the pillow and vibrator, replacing the toy with his own hand before you can get upset with him. The gasp that escapes you fills him with pride. All it takes is a slight touch to make your body completely tremble. You can’t actually tell that the alarm has gone off until he whispers how well you’ve done for him.
“See? Didn’t I tell you good girls get everything they want? Now you get to cum all over my fingers all you want.”
Your body is almost afraid to finally let go, so used to feeling coiled up tight that you feel like you might not be able to. Kento senses the struggle within you and softens his touch to bring down the intensity for you just a bit.
“You did it, you deserve this sweetheart.” He presses open-mouthed kisses up your neck, knowing full well the onslaught of praise would send you over. Sure enough, a noise from deep inside of you wells up in your throat as you’re sent crashing over the edge. You throw your head back and try to close your legs only to be stopped by Nanami’s hands, hell-bent on making you ride it out. Your hands clench borderline painfully, your arms testing your restraints. You can’t even plead with him. The pleasure erupting from you, for once, has stolen your voice.
Testing the water, Kento lets a bit of spit fall from his lips. You catch it on your tongue, staring at him lovingly with hazy, unfocused eyes and he almost loses his mind.
“There’s my sweet girl.” He purrs. Nanami knows you’ll be completely compliant now, dredging through subspace. You won’t be giving any coherent remarks outside of anything he commands of you now, all resistance and witty one-liners fading to static in your mind. “Been so good for me today that I actually get to reward you.”
You whine in appreciation. Chest swelling with pride, you bask in his praise. You initially thought it was more fun to see his eyes turn icy when you spent a half a session acting up in order to get punished into this headspace but you could get used to having Nanami painstakingly coax it out of you.
“Tell me your color, my love.” Nanami kisses your forehead, to remind you, first and foremost, that he doesn’t want anything if it doesn’t mean you and he are sharing the pleasure, even if you could only think about how good you wanted to make him feel.
“Green.. hehe..definitelyygreen.” Your words slightly slurred together as you tried to prove your focus.
“So, sweetheart, what do you want me to give you in return?” He leans down and whispers in your ear, rubbing your thighs soothingly. You have to think for a moment to actually get the words out, trying to get your brain to be more specific than Kento, Kento, Kento.
“Wantt… want to touch you.. And I… want you inside.” You strain against your ties, not even minding the slight bite of the ropes at this point if it meant he would free you faster.
Nanami lets you place ardent kisses against his skin as he undoes the restraints on your arms and you're thankful to finally, finally, get some contact with him. His skin burns with desire as you pull him onto you. He has half a mind to really pry another orgasm from you with his head between your thighs but the growing ache between his expels the thought. He hastily twists out of his clothes and back onto you. You’ve waited long enough for what’s yours.
Nanami enters you slowly, softly pulling your still-tied legs further apart. You will your eyes not to screw shut, trying to put forth some effort to meet his searing gaze. Neither of you really register the way your nails slightly dig into his forearms from the pressure. The pace Kento sets is torturous. He makes you savor every roll of his hips into yours. It almost feels like he’s squeezing the pleasure out of you. There’s nowhere to run. There’s only him.
There’s no warning when you cum again, your body completely bypassing your brain in the decision. It’s a rush of heat and an uncontrollable tremble. You can barely even recognize your own voice calling out his name. As you squeeze tighter around him, Nanami grunts and wills himself not to bend your legs forward and fuck hard into you until you’re a teary mess. There will be other times for that. Today he just wants to spoil his sweet girl for her efforts to please.
“Where do you want me to cum?” He asks, like he’s not literally fucking the words right out of your brain. If you still had the energy for it you’d bite him.
“Kento please. In...inside… ” Obviously. You keep that snide bit to yourself. There’s no real desire to sass him when he’s making your body shake this badly.
Kento grabs onto your wrists like he’s anchoring himself to you. Through the haze dusting your mind you register his pace getting sloppier and the soft moans that fall from his lips as he finishes inside of you.
It took a bit for Kento’s strength to return to him and a little while longer to pry his eyes off of your blissed out expression. He whispered for you to let go of him so he could take care of you. Shushing your whines, he pries your fingers off of him so he can untie you. He still needs to run the bath and start some tea for you and if he spends any more time in your arms he would fall asleep right next to you without properly performing his duties.
Once he’s back from prepping, Nanami lifts you from the bed and begins to carry you to the bathroom, kissing your forehead and whispering sweet nothings in your ear. With your head clearing slightly, you can fully feel the effects of your win on your ego.
With hooded lids and a proud smirk plastered on your lips you say, “is it too late to add a shopping trip to my rewards?”
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taechaos · 3 years
A Parting Gift
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Continuation of Blackmail from Textbook Love
pairing: bully!Jungkook x nerdy!fem!Reader
genre: drabble, smut, college au
synopsis: "He told me he would leak your video if you don’t give him a handjob."
warnings: deception/manipulation, dubcon, handjob, spit, slight angst
word count: 2.4k
tag: @mwitsmejk
a/n: jungkook is a bit cruel in this 😖 a flop.
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Every time you think about Jimin seeing you in your most vulnerable state, you want to cry, gag, vomit, but all you can do is look down and walk away from his direction in a hurry. Jungkook told you to avoid him, and it’s the easiest option for you right now, but you wish you could tell him it was an accident. If he doesn’t see you, he’ll forget it quicker and save you the embarrassment.
It’s been three days since the incident, and it’s Monday as you clutch your binder to your chest while walking to your afternoon lecture. The coast is clear when you scurry down the halls, the lightning dim due to the gloomy weather outside. It’s going to rain soon, but you got off easy by arriving early. The campus is not crowded yet, just as you expected before coming. Chances of seeing Jimin are supposed to be lowered in this instance, but the boy really can’t take a hint.
You hear him holler your name from a distance in the corridor, and you quicken your steps anxiously. You’re internally begging for him to leave you alone, to forget you exist, just to not approach you. The chants don’t matter when he gently holds your shoulder a few seconds later. You screw your eyes shut the moment you’re turned around, hoping he would just go away and spare the shame.
“Hey,” he exhales, out of breath from his short sprint to you. “Why were you ignoring me just now?”
“I didn’t hear you,” you lie and open your eyes. Jimin frowns.
“That’s not true,” he mumbles, “I was pretty loud and you don’t even have earphones in.”
You don’t say anything and grimace at the floor instead, avoiding his gaze for as long as you can. You’re not a good liar, and Jimin realizes that all too quickly. He continues quietly, “Is this about the… video?”
“It was an accident!” you blurt out with flushed cheeks, “J-Jungkook was going to send it to himself, but…”
She’s so dense, Jimin thinks in astonishment. “He told you that?” He knows it was on purpose; Jungkook was sending him a message beyond the media: that he stands no chance; that you belong to him. He was telling him to back off, but Jimin is more strong-willed than that.
“Yes… please forget about that video.” You avert your gaze to him pleadingly.
“I’m not judging you, if that’s what you’re worried about,” he tries to comfort, “but are you sure it wasn’t intentional?”
Both of you miss Jungkook exiting the lecture hall when you respond. His brows furrow the moment he notices the interaction, but his vision is blocked by other students leaving. He shoves a few as he watches you from afar, your back facing him and Jimin’s expression angering him with its doubtful look. Why the fuck is he still talking to her? He fumes in his spot until you turn back on your path to attend your lecture. You glance at him mid-way and all of your worries vanish the moment you lock eyes. You are taken aback by his glare as he waves you off and stalks up to Jimin who is just idly standing by without moving.
He only breaks out of his trance when Jungkook grabs him by his collar. “I’m guessing you didn’t hear what she said,” he refers to the video with a subtle snarl.
“Heard it loud and clear,” Jimin retaliates obnoxiously. The halls are emptying itself out, and he grows a bit more nervous when he realizes that he’s alone.
“Are you fucking dense? Why are you still following her around like a fucking creep?” He’s greeted with silence, and another possibility dawns on him. A cheshire grin crosses his features as he scoffs, “Oh, you liked it, didn’t you?”
Jimin blinks, dumbfounded, but doesn’t respond. He’s harshly shoved and the back of his head bangs against the wall, echoing in the otherwise silent area. An oomf escapes his mouth at the force, but Jungkook isn’t apologetic.
“You jacked off to it, Jimin?” he closes in on the suffering man who only stares at him. “Answer me.”
“N-No, I wouldn’t-” He’s cut off by the stinging pain on his scalp. 
Jungkook yanks his hair back without mercy, and sings, “Stuttering, avoiding eye contact, taking too long to respond… all signs of lying, no?”
“You’re hurting me,” Jimin holds onto his wrist with both hands as he groans. Jungkook only tugs on it harder.
“I’ll let go if you answer me honestly.” 
Jimin knows that Jungkook is waiting for one specific answer; it is obvious by the sick glint in his eyes. Alas, he tries again, “I-I didn’t do that!”
A deep sigh leaves his mouth with an eye roll, and he brings his free hand to wrap his fingers around Jimin’s neck. He doesn’t put any pressure on him yet, and Jimin is helpless because of the weight pressing against his legs to prevent him from kicking. “Pity,” he mutters, “I never took you for a pervert and a liar.”
The air leaves Jimin’s lungs all too soon when Jungkook tightens his grip on his throat, crushing his windpipes without so much as an expression on his face. Jimin claws at his arm as he wheezes, and Jungkook doesn’t react in the slightest; he looks psychopathic. “Yes,” he finally croaks, “I did.”
He coughs the moment Jungkook removes his hands from him. He bends on his knees as he catches his breath, and the deadly man waits patiently. “You did what?”
“I-I… I jacked off to it,” he swallows audibly.
“Jacked off to what? Your sex life doesn’t interest me.”
“I jacked off to the video of you fingering… her.” Jimin is once again reminded of how cruel Jungkook is, and all he wants is for you to realize that before it’s too late. But he isn’t any better when he is admitting the truth of his wrongful actions.
“Christ…” he trails and shakes his head. He’s feigning disgust, but it works in making Jimin feel worse. “I bet you’d pay to watch it live.”
“Jungkook, please,” he begs hoarsely, his throat dry and scratchy from the suffocation, “stop this. You don’t even love her.”
“Jimin,” he says monotonously, “count yourself lucky that I don’t have any scissors on me, because I’d cut your tongue off right about now. Your voice gives me a headache,” he sighs, “meet me in the lounge at 4.”
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You’re worried and twitching on the edge of your seat during your lecture. Conversing with Jimin was awkward, and him telling you Jungkook had lied to you was infuriating, but it shifted to anxiety when Jungkook appeared upset with you. Why do you always do things wrong?
Dwelling on your feelings is not an option when you have to focus on your professor, and you’re overwhelmed with so many things at once. Your exams; Jungkook’s assignments; Jimin’s persistence are all taking a toll on you. You don’t hesitate to escape reality when your phone vibrates in your pocket. It’s a message from Jungkook and your heart fills with relief as you open it under the desk. It reads:
come straight to the lounge after your lecture.
He’s been interacting with you outside of academical topics, and it feels like you’ve hit a milestone. It’s progress at its finest! He’s waiting for you. Time passes too slow for you, and you eagerly take notes to distract yourself; it works, and you’re out of the hall in a rush.
Students are packing up their belongings just as you stride into the lounge. Jungkook is sitting at the far back, and you almost miss his figure. He’s scrolling through his phone when you reach him and your shallow breaths make him look up. 
“Hi,” you breathe and place your sling bag on the coffee table. The room is spacious and the couches are wide and comfortable. You sit down next to him, your leg touching his spread one.
“Hey baby,” he greets with a smile. You internally scream at the rare pet name, unaware that he’s intentionally riling you up. “How was your lecture?”
“It was good! I missed you so much,” you lean into him, “I didn’t upset you earlier, did I?”
“Of course not, princess. I missed you too,” he palms your cheek before pecking the tip of your nose. “Oh, and Jimin will be joining us today.”
You don’t get to relish in Jungkook’s affection long before your eyes widen. “What? Why?”
“I spoke to him earlier today, and well…” he sighs guiltily, “He told me he would leak your video if you don’t give him a handjob. And I agreed on my terms.”
Your lips part as hatred consumes you. Jungkook knows you would do it, and he knows you’ll hold a grudge. And Jimin… well, he’ll definitely have this experience to keep him satisfied for a while.
Said man stands before the both of you timidly. You’re still in shock when you avert your gaze to him. Jungkook is unexpectedly friendly as he stands up and says, “Jimin! Take a seat.” Jimin sits in his former seat wordlessly as Jungkook plops on the loveseat across. “I don’t think we should drag this out longer than it needs to be.” He juts his chin at you, “Start.”
Jimin is perplexed when you hide your face from him as you unbuckle his belt. “Wh-What are you doing?” he asks, but doesn’t stop you.
Before you can respond, Jungkook says, “She knows.” You and Jimin have two different interpretations of his words, and he is baffled by your reaction to it. You’re going to pleasure him because of what he did? Or is this all an attempt at cutting his dick off?
Your upper body covers your actions from any outsiders, but Jimin is worried he won’t be able to stay quiet when your hand massages his crotch over his briefs. It’s a wet dream come true, really, as he involuntarily inches closer to you. Jungkook leans his cheek on his palm as he watches you in boredom. “Take it out,” he instructs you. You don’t glance at Jimin as you push down his underwear and wrap your hand around his erection. He’s not fully erect because he’s still confused, but the more you stroke him, the harder it grows. “You like it?”
Jimin is conflicted between responding and ignoring, but his noises are the only answer Jungkook needs. He is suppressing moans with gasps, shuddering in his seat because your hand feels so soft and you look so pretty and shy. When you pick up your head to gaze at him questioningly, he replies, “Y-Yes.” 
He is entranced by your doe eyes but Jungkook breaks the building tension by mocking, “You look like you want to kiss her. Calm yourself.”
There’s a brief pause before you ask, “Would it make you… cum faster?”
Jungkook leans his elbows on his knees in interest, a smirk plastered on his face at the power dynamic: both of you are playing along to his strings, two puppets under his control. It makes him curious to see how far you’re willing to go before he’s completely rid of Jimin. The only reason he’s allowing this to happen is because of how pathetic Jimin looks now, and how he’ll be utterly crushed when you never speak to him again. It’s a bittersweet parting memory.
“Um…” he hesitates, but thinks if you decided to give him a handjob, a kiss wouldn’t make you uncomfortable. “Yes?���
You inch your face closer to his, and the both of you look like middle schoolers with how slow your lips eventually meet. It’s a sloppy and amateur kiss with Jimin whining into your mouth, his tongue swiping across your lips recklessly. He’s lost in the pleasure, and it’s clear to you that he’s never done anything like this before. Your thumb grazes the tip of his stiff length, and he begins to twitch under you. You use your other hand to pump his girth, your lips awkwardly pressing against his plump ones.
“Spit in his mouth.”
You abruptly pull away to gawk at Jungkook, but he only raises a brow intimidatingly, as if daring you to defy him. “Open,” you demand Jimin. His eyes are hazy, and he has no idea what he’s doing. He’s drunk on your touch as he parts his glistening lips and slightly sticks out his tongue. You spit on it and he flicks his tongue out to collect all of it, swallowing with a deep rumble resounding from his chest. He’s enjoying this far too much.
You don’t notice him cum with a thrust in the air when you kiss him, but as it begins to coat your fingers, you look down to see his oozing leak. It’s not spurting, and you’re grateful for it when you scoot away from him. He’s panting with his head thrown back on the couch headrest. 
Jungkook breaks his silence by cooing to you, “Are you okay, baby?” You nod with a pout, head turned away from Jimin. You’re waiting for Jungkook’s cue to leave so you can speak your mind. “You can go now.”
Without skipping a beat, you seethe, “Fuck you, Jimin. Don’t talk to me ever again or else I will report you to the dean. I hate you, and I hope to never see you again.” You make your grand departure right after, and the man sputters incoherently in confusion.
“What did I do…?”
“Now, Jimin, you heard the girl,” he grins and clasps his hands, “she may take pity on you, but I won’t. One word from you to her, and you’re fucked.”
“If you’re so jealous, why would you let her do that to me?”
He merely shrugs. “Who is she waiting for after giving you a handjob?” he stands up and towers over the seated man who is fumbling with his belt. “I was being nice to you before she completely cut contact with you. You’re welcome by the way.”
As he exits the lounge, he scoffs to himself, “Jealous. What a joke.”
He has no reason to be jealous, because when he's outside, you're shuffling on your feet with your hands held behind your back with a bright smile as you turn to look at him.
"There's my girl," he affirms with a lopsided grin.
It shouldn't feel so reassuring when you reply, "Always yours." And as long as you are, you should be content with only having him in your life.
Because he's never going to catch you talking to another boy again, even if it's his former best friend.
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takuyakistall · 3 years
Don't get caught! | Riddle Rosehearts
Synopsis: While visiting Heartslabyul, you couldn't help but want to be a hedgehog after seeing the way Riddle is so fond of them and spoils them. But be careful for what you wish for! It might just come true.
Note: This was a request but the ask was too long so I just posted this on its own. I had fun writing this! It was a very cute idea and got carried away so this turned out longer than expected, I hope you enjoy it!
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You weren’t sure if this was a good idea or not. You weren’t even sure if this plan would work but Trey and the other Heartslabyul first years insisted that it was going to work—or at least, they’ll try to make it a success. You had absentmindedly let out a random thought a few days about your hair, saying how curious you are about how you would look like in different hair colours and hairstyles. Trey’s unique magic immediately came into your mind, Doodle Suit, and you couldn’t help but comment on how convenient it would be if it could temporarily overwrite your appearance.
You felt bad for asking Trey a favour so suddenly but much to your surprise, he indulged you and said that it isn’t any problem. Of course, you knew nothing about the way his magic works and if it really isn’t a problem to him. Though you decided to trust his words and agreed to meet up with him in the Heartslabyul Dorm during the weekends. Grim, Ace and Deuce tagged along behind you as you entered the mirror to the dorm. Ace and Deuce wanted to be a little bit extra (or so you thought) and picked you up from your dorm.
The smell of freshly painted roses was in the air as your eyes adjusted to the sudden sunlight. You relished in the sight of the rose hedges lined up and the half-painted roses hanging from them, a few drops of red paint dripping to the green grass. The empty cans of red paint here and there as you walked through the stone path to the main building. You caught a few glimpses of a few students scrambling to their feet as they picked up a brush and started painting the roses.
Behind them, you could barely make out a familiar shade of red and a heart-shaped ahoge. You quickly turned to Ace, trying to calm your racing heart.
“Wait, where are we headed?” You asked them as Grim climbed up your shoulder.
“To the lounge, or Trey’s room. Whatever works.” Ace answered half-heartedly as he pushed the door open and scanned the room full of students for the green-haired vice dorm leader.
“Nevermind, we’re going to his room.”
Saying the hallways of Heartslabyul was confusing is a big understatement. The twists and turns of the halls more or less made you dizzy just from looking at it. The fact that you don’t know the actual way to Trey’s room made it harder for you to navigate where you were headed to. Deuce grabbed the hem of your sleeve when you were about to make a turn, whispering to you about how his room was still up ahead. Grim had long gotten off your shoulder once he realized that he might get lost with you.
“Good grief… I don’t even have any idea about what colour I should go with first.” You sighed as you spotted a window that gave you a view of the rose maze. The countless green hedges adorned with white roses. Have they not painted this part of the maze yet? You paid it little mind as your eyes wandered to the small cage placed outside and the tiny creatures inside.
Green, pink, and blue ones were all scattered and rolling around in the cage. You couldn’t get a good view but it seemed like someone was giving them food right now. You stopped in your tracks when you realized it was none other than the dorm leader who was doing it. He dusted his hands and stared at the small blobs of colour inside the cage. You couldn’t see it clearly but you saw him open his mouth as a small smile appeared on his face. You found it a bit cute—cute how caring he seems to get when it comes to them.
It must be nice to be a spoiled hedgehog under Riddle’s care huh…
You shook your head, the tips of your ears growing hotter as you told yourself off about having such weird thoughts. Your head snapped back to where Ace and Deuce originally were but only to find them out of sight.
You felt panic rise in your throat as you looked left and right, your eyes searching for the familiar figures. You scolded yourself, regretting getting distracted by that redhead you seem to be so enchanted by. You wandered around the hallway, the knot in your throat growing tighter as you prayed that you won’t get lost.
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“Geez! Just how big is this place?” You leaned against the window’s ledge as you let out a small pant. You’ve been walking around the dorm for what felt like hours now but you found yourself in the same place as before—by the window where you watched Riddle tend to the hedgehogs as you sighed.
“Um, excuse me…” The sudden voice behind your back made you jump in place a little. You quickly turned around and was met with a male student with brown hair. Your tense muscles visibly relaxed.
Finally! There was someone you could ask. You opened your mouth slightly to ask but before a single word could be formed—he asked you an unexpected question. He caught sight of the scene you were staring at before his involvement.
“Oh! Were you watching the Dorm Head?” Dense as a rock. The student didn’t think twice before asking this question, his eyes not registering the way your eyes widened slightly and your stance stiffened. You kept silent.
“Hehe, it seems like he’s taking care of the hedgehogs personally.” He mentioned, his voice laced with the faintest bit of admiration when he stared at the scene beside you. You tried to shrug it off but the curiosity inside you couldn’t stay silent any longer.
“...Is it anything special? Riddle taking care of them personally, I mean.”
“Eh? Well… no, not really. It’s just that he really likes them, so he tends to spoil them whenever he’s on duty.”
“Oh, is that so?” You tried looking the other way, trying to keep the nonchalant tone. But the moment you looked away—you could feel a small smile creeping up your face.
You shook your head before you got carried away by any other thoughts and turned to the student. You need to do what you came here for!
“Oh, by the way, do you know how to get to Trey’s room?”
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“What the hell took you so long!?” Ace was the first one to greet you with his fist meeting your head without any warning. You winced a bit, clutching your head and fought back with your words.
“It was your fault for walking too fast!”
“Hah? Didn’t we warn you to keep close to us?”
“You said nothing about that!”
“Oh.” Ace fell silent. The corner of his lips suddenly curling up, as if a realization struck him.
“Haha! Don’t mind, everyone makes mistakes right?” There was nothing stronger than the feeling of wanting to slap the grin off his face right now. Had it not been for Deuce trying to keep the peace between you, you weren’t sure if you could've held yourself back.
“Moving on,” Deuce placed a hand over your shoulder. “Trey-senpai’s room is just up ahead. Don’t lose sight of us again, alright?”
It was hard to navigate yourself around the dorm. If there was one crucial thing they hadn’t told you about the dorm, it was the fact that if you weren’t a Heartslabyul student or school faculty, you were bound to get lost amidst the twists and turns. But in their defense, they didn’t expect you to get distracted so easily. You nodded as you followed behind the duo once again.
After a minute or two, you found yourself face-to-face with Trey in front of his dorm room. That’s when you realized you haven’t thought about what colour you’d like after getting lost but your thoughts were cut off when Trey suddenly spoke up.
“Oh, you guys are here. You were a bit late, did you run into some trouble?” He asked as he urged you three (four if you’re counting Grim) into his room.
“(Y/N) got lost~!” Ace chirped in a singsong voice as he threw his arms back behind his head.
“Eh, really? Be more careful next time, you’re lucky you were found quickly—otherwise, who knows how long you’d be stuck there.” The closed-eyed smile on his face made his terrifying words seem normal. You wondered if there were previous cases that went way worse than what you went through. You let out a relieved sigh inside your head, thanking the student that found you.
“Then, let’s make this quick.” Trey guided you to a chair, dragging you gently by the wrist and made you sit there as Ace, Deuce, and Grim stood beside you. Their growing curiosity couldn’t be masked.
His instructions were clear enough. He said that you should try to paint an image inside your head. Envision what you would like to look like while closing your eyes and then he’ll activate his unique magic. He also mentioned that it would only last 24 hours or shorter if interfered with stronger magic and that he can revert the spell after a certain period if time just in case you wanted to remove it quicker.
You closed your eyes and took a deep breath, trying to paint an image of yourself you’d like to see.
“Ready? I’ll start now.”
You thought of your favourite colour, envisioning yourself with that certain hair colour. Wondering if Riddle would like it if he saw it. Oh, maybe if you were a (F/C) coloured hedgehog, he might find you cute!
“Doodle Suit!”
A small puff of smoke appeared just right after Trey finished his incantation. You felt a bit groggy and weird, was it supposed to feel like this? You opened your eyes, your vision adjusting to the sudden light until you realized the situation you were in. Everything seemed a hundred times bigger than they usually were and everyone inside the room seemed to have grown bigger. Everyone except you.
You felt so small.
“Eh!? Trey-senpai, where did they go?” The panic in Ace’s voice was unlike him. But Deuce was even more panicked than him, he thought that maybe they messed up and you disappeared for good. Grim was looking frantically everywhere.
You wanted to shout out. Tell them that you were still here but oddly enough, instead of a voice, a very weird sound came out of your mouth. The room froze when they heard it. Trey was the first one to spot you, a nervous chuckle slipping from his mouth as he held your small body up.
“It seems like your friend… turned into a hedgehog.”
You messed up. Countless thoughts swirled rapidly at dangerous speeds as you thought about what could’ve gone wrong. You swore you did his instructions properly, you thought of what you wanted to look like and—
At the last minute, you thought about hedgehogs. That’s what went wrong. You wanted to bury your face into your hands but your new incredibly short four legs couldn’t even reach your face. This was a new level of embarrassment, you just wished that this was all a bad dream. You lied down flat on Trey’s palm, hiding your face from everyone as you heard Ace barely being able to contain his laughter.
“Pfft—” He clamped a hand over his mouth, trying to tell himself not to laugh but the situation made it hard for him to follow his instructions. Deuce, on the other hand, was crouching down while clutching his stomach—trying to keep his laughter as silent as possible. Grim had an indifferent expression before he approached you. He scaled your size compared to him and that’s when he lost it.
If you could speak, you would’ve told them to cut it out but much to your misfortune, you were left to make weird noises hedgehogs made. And if you were to make sounds like that, you were pretty much sure that they would laugh harder at you.
“Oh man, this is gold! I can’t believe you turned into a hedgehog.” Ace let out, that stupid grin on his face wider than ever.
“Though that does make me wonder how you managed to think about hedgehogs.” Deuce crossed his arms and pondered, finally calming down. Before he could dive deeper into his thoughts, Trey interjected.
“That isn’t important right now. We better think of what to do with your friend.”
“Trey-senpai, can’t you just overwrite it with your unique magic?” Deuce asked him.
“Unfortunately, it’s going to take a while before I can use my magic on them again. We need to put them somewhere safe for a while, can one of you keep them with you or do you know a place we can leave them?”
“Well, how about…”
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“Hup! Off you go!” You hopped off Ace’s hand into the small cage he pushed you into. You felt yourself tense up when you were surrounded by your fellow small creatures, wondering if it was alright for you to sneak in like this. Ace assured Deuce that no one would notice an extra hedgehog inside the cage and decided that it was alright for you to stay there.
You had your doubts and troubles about this course of action but what can you do except comply? Your fate was temporarily in their hands—you were completely helpless. You just stayed behind as you watched Ace, Deuce, and Grim fade into the distance as they walked further and further away.
You looked around, trying to find something you can entertain yourself with but only to be met with immeasurable disappointment when you found out there was absolutely nothing you could do except eat, drink, or sleep. What’s worse is that you don’t know how long you were going to be here. You lied down on your stomach as you stared into space, a sudden wave of tiredness came over you as you felt your eyelids close.
Perhaps a short nap wouldn’t hurt.
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You woke up to the heavy weight that rested over your body, you felt like you were being squeezed as a surge of panic took over you. You looked up to see that a green hedgehog was sleeping over you, it looked so comfortable that you felt bad for suddenly moving from your place. You couldn’t stay like this—you wanted to get out! You wished that Ace and Deuce just brought you with them even if it meant that they would probably get told off by Riddle for bringing out a hedgehog outside croquet matches.
“Hm? How strange… did I count correctly?” The sudden voice made you jump in your place, eyes darting everywhere to find out where it came from.
Wine red hair and slate grey eyes. There was no mistaking it—the voice belonged to none other than Riddle Rosehearts, the Dorm Leader of Heartslabyul. Confused, you wondered why he was still here. Didn’t his duty end a while ago? There was no reason for him to check up on the hedgehogs again!
“There’s an extra one?” His eyes shifted to you and you felt your blood run cold. How in the world did he know it was you out of everyone in the cage? You needed to think of something, quick. Who knows what he might do to you? Throw you out? Certainly, he wouldn’t do that… right?
“Don’t be scared. I won’t harm you, I promise.” Riddle’s gentle voice as he reassured you made you feel safe. You stared at his outstretched arm as a small smile appeared on his face and you couldn’t help but willingly hop into his palm. He brought you closer until you were on eye level with him. His grey eyes staring at you so intensely, you almost let out a squeak.
“Now then, we just have to find out who put you here.” He placed you on his shoulder and you felt the sudden panic sink in. You were in for a lot of trouble! You hadn’t expected Riddle to notice the extra hedgehog and you didn’t even expect him to come over in the first place. You cursed Ace and Deuce inside your head for leaving you there and expecting everything to sail smoothly.
If Riddle found out what happened, you were screwed. The best course of action you chose was to do your best to act like a normal hedgehog. That should be easy enough, right? Wrong! You didn’t know anything about how they acted and that fact alone made you declare this operation a failure.
Riddle walked away from the gardens and into the dorm building, your grip on his clothes tight because you were afraid of falling. Riddle felt the sudden shift on his shoulder and barely felt your claws ghosting over his clothes. He thought it was a bit strange, were you afraid of heights? But he paid it little to no mind as he continued walking and pushed open the door.
The students sitting in the common room suddenly stiffened up—they were first years and it was only natural that they were afraid of the strict Riddle Rosehearts. They stood up and greeted Riddle almost immediately, like soldiers.
"D-Dorm Leader!"
“Calm down, I’m not here to reprimand you or anything.” Riddle was irked at the way they visibly relaxed after saying that but he didn’t bother bringing it up. He scooted closer to them as he showed them the hedgehog on his shoulder.
“Do you know where this came from?”
Of course, the students could barely understand his question. They didn’t know the hedgehog was an extra head inside the cage and assumed that it was a normal hedgehog, so they answered:
“That’s a hedgehog, Riddle-senpai. It came from the cage they’re being kept in.”
“Of course I know that, I meant for this one specifically! It wasn’t here before.”
“M-Maybe it came from the forest and got lost?”
“It’s likely but how would it get inside the cage? That means a human probably put it in there.”
“Well… we don’t know.”
Riddle let out a sigh, trying to keep it together. It was going to be hard for him to find the culprit so he thought, just for a second, that maybe he should just let it stay inside the dorm. It wasn’t as if the world would end if he did, after all. But something deep inside his guts told him that he shouldn’t let go of this so easily. He dismissed the students and went to his room as he picked you up from his shoulder and into his palms.
“Where in the world did you come from…?” He brought you closer to his face and you felt like your heart was about to stop. His eyes widened as he made a sudden discovery. Magic? He felt the faintest bit of magic coming from you and that was enough to tell him that he should get to the bottom of this. But first—he needed an afternoon snack inside his room. After all, a queen should never make do without tea and snacks.
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There was nothing more relaxing than having his favourite blend of tea in the afternoon accompanied by little snacks and biscuits that were served in little platters and teacups adorned with rose designs. It was to be expected as he was stuck in a dorm that was founded by the Queen of Hearts, it wasn't as if Riddle minded though—in fact, he grew fond of it. Daintily, he picked up his fork and took a small piece of his strawberry tart before putting it inside his mouth. Relishing in the burst of flavours that bloomed inside his mouth before turning his gaze to the small creature crawling on the table.
If you were already nervous back then, you didn't know how much more nervous you are now. You felt bad for feeling like you're deceiving him but at the same time, it wasn't as if you had a choice at all! Pushed into this seemingly hopeless situation, you wondered what would happen if somehow you transformed back into your original body right now. You shook your head and made yourself stray away from those thoughts—they never tend to end well once you think about them.
You tried distracting yourself by looking around the table and a certain snack caught your eye. You slowly made your way to it, your little feet pitter-pattering against the wooden material. Strawberry shortcake. Surely you were a tiny bit hungry after everything that occurred and not once did you get the chance to sit down and eat since you refused to eat the same food the other hedgehogs in the cage ate. You couldn’t help but look longingly at the small platter.
Riddle stopped halfway when he was about to take another bite out of his tart as he caught sight of you. Now, he wasn’t well-versed in the language of hedgehogs but it didn’t take an idiot to realize that you were hungry. He was a sucker for the rules of the Queen of Hearts but he wasn’t heartless. There was no harm in feeding you a little bit of that cake, right?
“Hm,” he contemplated for a split second, “just one small piece, okay?”
He took a small piece with his fork and nudged it towards you, expecting you to eat it. It took you a few seconds to understand what’s going on. Riddle, of all people, was feeding you. You didn’t know if you should be happy or not since you were in your hedgehog form but once you thought about it—didn’t you say earlier that it must be nice being a hedgehog spoiled by Riddle? Did the Great Seven up above hear you and decided to grant your wish?
Nonetheless, you took this as an opportunity. Who knows when you’ll get this close to Riddle ever again. You tasted the cake, eyes lighting up as you felt the sweetness of the frosting spread inside your mouth. You quickly took another bite until you finished everything with a content look. Riddle propped his elbow against the table and rested his chin on the center of his palm, looking at you with gentle eyes.
"...Somehow you remind me of a certain person." Riddle suddenly spoke up, his tone wary as he squinted at your figure. Your actions suddenly became more languid as you realized that perhaps the root of his suspicion was because of your erratic movements.
Surely he doesn't know it's me, right…!?
"(Y/N)," you froze up. "You remind me of them for some reason."
You went through the possible list of reasons how he came to that conclusion inside your head as you felt your heartbeat beat faster. For some reason, this whole scenario felt like it came straight out of a horror film. Out of all the names he could’ve said, he chose to say yours. The panic subsided as you suddenly grew curious about what exactly reminded him of you.
There was the slightest, smallest, unlikely chance that it was because he liked you but that was too far-fetched, right? Your imagination was going wild and unknowingly, you let out a small squeak. Riddle chuckled at the sudden sound, the corners of his lips tugging up into a smile. He stopped to think for a moment, he was alone, right? There was no one else in the room but the hedgehog and him, right? He took a deep breath.
“Speaking of them, something has been on my mind right lately… and it’s bothering me to no end.” He started, a downcast expression was on his face and you couldn’t help but worry. Did you perhaps do something to upset him? The thought itself made you panic inside. You couldn’t help but scoot away from him a little.
“I think I like them.”
You wondered if turning into a hedgehog made your hearing worsen or Riddle just made a mistake. There was no way what you heard was right, right? But, even then, Riddle had a slightest tint of pink spreading on his face as he looked down in slight embarrassment. It was hard to believe that he didn’t mean it or that he made a mistake in what he said. You felt your heart explode at the sudden realization and discovery.
“But the problem is that I think they’re avoiding me. I’m a bit afraid that they don’t like me,” Riddle sighed, “not a lot of people like me after all.”
“That’s not true!” is what you wanted to say had it not been for the fact that you can’t. But as they always say—actions speak louder than words. You scooted closer to his hand on the table and placed one of your front paws over his hand, hoping that he would take it as a form of reassurance. His eyes widened slightly at the sudden gesture, surprised that maybe the hedgehog understood his feelings and tried comforting him.
“Eh, you’re full of surprises aren’t you? Did you actually understand what I said?”
Without thinking it through, you nodded.
“Ah-! You really do… that’s strange. But anyway, thank you for your reassurance. Maybe one day I’ll get the chance to confess b-but that’s not important right now, I need to find out where you came from.” Riddle urged you to go to the palm of his hand and you complied with no complaints. He lifted you until you were at eye-level with him.
“Let’s continue looking, shall we?” Before he let you go, he placed a kiss on your head as a sign of endearment. You swore you were about to let out another squeak until a cloud of smoke suddenly appeared from nowhere and you felt your body get bigger as you closed your eyes shut.
You wrapped your arms around Riddle’s neck so as not to fall and you felt his arms go under your shoulders and knees as he let out a surprised noise—realizing he was carrying you when the smoke thinned out. His eyes widened in surprise and his face was as red as his face when he looked at the person he was carrying. There was no way. No absolute way this was happening to him.
You stared at him nervously, face red as you violently wondered why the spell suddenly went undone. Trey never mentioned anything about a kiss being able to undo it so why…!? Countless questions took over your mind but there was only one thing you could focus on right now.
What do I do now?
“Ahaha… Hi Riddle…” Nervously, you started.
“It’s me, (Y/N)...!” You had the feeling this wasn’t going to end well.
“M-My confession…”
“Oh yeah, about that I—”
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"E-Eh!? That came from Riddle-senpai's room right now. Do you think he's okay?" A random student asked the person beside them, crossing their arms as a pensive expression took over their face.
"Hmm, do you think we should check? Or tell Trey-senpai?" The other suggested. But as soon as Trey's name was uttered, he emerged from the hall with a satisfied grin on his face—as if he accomplished something great.
"Don't worry about Riddle, he's just having a little bit of fun with someone right now." He chuckled, not doing well to ease the students' worries.
"Trey-senpai...? Oh, he's gone. What do you think he meant by that?"
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theladyofdeath · 3 years
Elorcan 1st time?
PART II of drabble prompt: "Playing 2 truths and a lie while tipsy for Elorcan please", which you can read here :)
This is obviously nsfw. Caution: dirty love making. “Cock” is used, along with other sexual words of vulgarity. Anyway. Enjoy. 
Written with @snelbz
Lorcan waited for Elide to come back, but she never did. Yeah, he was a little tipsy - okay, he was straddling the border of being completely drunk - but he had meant what he had said.
I am completely in love with you.
Should that have been how he told her? No. Probably not, and he knew it as soon as the words had left his mouth, but he couldn't help it. Ten years, holding in such overwhelming feelings and emotions...they eventually just had to fall out.
He was surprised he'd held it in for so long.
Now, he almost wished he'd held it in longer.
He wasn't drunk enough to not have seen the panic in her eyes as she stood and walked away, back toward her bedroom. Which is where she had been for the last twenty minutes.
Lorcan remained lying in the beanbag in the corner of the living room, watching everyone else dance and have a good time while he drank and drank and drank.
Until eventually he couldn't take it any longer.
He pushed himself up, and caught his balance, and made his way down the hall. Elide's door was shut, which he expected, but he hadn't expected it to be locked when he tried the knob.
With a sigh, he knocked. "Elide."
He knocked again, harder, and consistently, until it was cracked open. "Will you stop before my door breaks in half? Gods."
Lorcan rolled his eyes and pushed his way into Elide's room, not bothering to wait for permission. He had been in Elide's room a million times, and it had looked the exact same as it had every time. Nothing had changed.
Except for the lingering discomfort in the air.
Elide didn't look at him as she shut her door behind them, shutting out the noise of the party raging outside. When it was just the two of them, standing alone in the silence, Lorcan cleared his throat.
"Care to tell me what the hell that was about?" he asked.
When she swung around, he instantly knew she was pissed. "What the hell that was about? Lorcan! You just told me that you...." She shook her head, her face falling into her hands. "Seriously?"
"That I'm in love with you?" he asked, and took in the sight before him. She wouldn't even meet his eye, and it was clear that she'd come into her room to quickly make an escape from him, to get away from him. There was no emergency of any kind, nothing else that had stolen her away. It was him. He'd told her how he felt, and it had scared her away. So, he scratched the back of his neck and said, "No, I only said that because I was drunk. I thought it would be funny, and it obviously wasn't, so...I'm sorry."
She met his eyes then, and he couldn't quite pin the emotion in her eye. Was it relief? Or disappointment?
Elide swallowed as she nodded. "Well...that's good, because I was sitting here thinking about how I could never bear to lose you. You're my best friend, Lor, and if...you did have feelings for me, that could really complicate things. So."
"Yeah," Lorcan agreed, a little too quickly. "So, I'll leave you alone in here and go back out there and get a drink and feel like an asshole."
Elide chuckled, quietly. "Yeah, alright. Pour me one too while you're out there."
Lorcan nodded and walked past her, back toward her door, but when his hand touched the cool metal knob, he froze.
Then he slowly turned around and met Elide's gaze. "You know what? I'm not sorry." Elide opened her mouth, but Lorcan cut her off. "It wasn't a joke, I was deadass serious. El, I'm in love with you, and I have been...for years. If you don't feel the same way, that's fine, but I finally spoke my truth and I'm not going to pretend like it was some douchey prank. I love you. You're incredible, and if this ruins our friendship, then that's something I'll never forgive myself for, because your friendship is the most important thing in the world to me, but...I love you. I do. And I would be a fucking idiot to act like I don't."
The words rushed out of him so quickly he wasn't even sure if they were comprehensible. Elide didn't say a word. In fact, he wasn't even certain she was breathing, she just stared at him with those big, dark eyes.
Lorcan turned back around and threw open the door when it became clear that there would be no response, but the second he crossed the threshold, she was calling his name.
"Lor, wait."
He did.
He didn't want to, didn't want to get shot down by the person who had saved him in every possible way throughout the last decade, but he was weak when it came to her demands.
"Look at me," she pleaded.
He did that, too.
He turned, and met her eye. She was closer now, only a few feet away from where he stood, halfway in the hall.
"You think I don't feel the same?" she asked, quietly.
He blinked. "You just said-."
"I haven't told you how I felt because you're the most important person to me, too," she whispered, taking another step toward him. "If we...acted on this, and it ended badly, and I didn't have you in my life anymore..." She shook her head. "Lor, I couldn't handle that. I would rather have you as my friend than not at all."
He stared at her. It was the last thing he expected her to say after what she had said before. Now she was there, looking at him completely raw, telling him that she felt the same way.
Lorcan stepped back into the room and shut the door behind him. "You know what your problem is?"
She rolled her eyes. "Seriously? That's what you're going to lead with in this moment?"
"Your problem is," Lorcan went on, ignoring her question completely, "that you think too damn much."
She opened her mouth to speak, surely to protest, but Lorcan had closed the distance between them in one long stride, took her up into his arms, and kissed her, slowly.
Elide immediately melted into that kiss, her arms going around his neck as her feet were swept off the ground. As her legs wrapped around his waist, Lorcan turned and had her back pressed up against her bedroom door. Holding her up with his hips, he cupped her face, and when they finally broke apart, his hands remained on her cheeks, his forehead having fallen against hers as they both struggled to calm their breathing.
Their eyes met, and neither of them said a word as their lips touched again. The kiss was slow, sensual, full of endless longing.
Lorcan had spent long hours wondering how well Elide kissed, but his imagination hadn't even come close to the reality of the feeling of his mouth on hers.
Her tongue swept between his lips and brushed along his teeth. His hands fell from her face and down her body until he had the hem of her tank top in his fingers, and he was pulling it over her head. His eyes trailed down her body, and Elide took the opportunity to unhook the clasp of her bra and drop it to her carpet.
Gently, Lorcan cradled her full breast in the palm of his hand and brushed his thumb over her nipple as her chest rose and fell in quick, rapid motions.
"Now you."
Lorcan's eyes snapped to hers, and she gestured to his shirt. After setting her down on the floor, he pulled his tee over his head, and her fingers were instantly against his skin. She traced the lines of his muscles, and Lorcan didn't dare move. He stood perfectly still, perfectly quiet, while her fingers roamed his body. They trailed from his abdomen, up to his chest, then down his side, and the edge of the v that disappeared beneath his jeans.
She stopped at the band of his boxer-briefs that were peeking out above his jeans, and she looked up, her eyes meeting his, and she popped open his button, and slid his zipper down.
Lorcan still didn't move, was terrified to. Apparently, keeping still had it's advantages and he wasn't about to curse the situation.
He’d made the right decision, too, he’d decided, and Elide inched down Lorcan’s jeans until they were in a pile on the floor beside them. She palmed the hardened bulge in his boxer-briefs, and a soft groan left Lorcan’s lips.
The sound made Elide grin from pure satisfaction.
That grin only disappeared when she pulled those boxer-briefs down, and Lorcan’s cock sprung free, making Elide’s eyes widen and her mouth run dry. For a second, she didn’t move, and for Lorcan, that alone was agonizing.
Then, without a word, she dropped to her knees and met his gaze through her long, dark lashes as she slowly licked the tip. 
Lorcan cursed, the sight nearly making him combust. He brushed the hair out of her face so that he wouldn’t miss a damned second of what was about to take place, before letting his hands fall back to his sides.
Elide’s hands had other plans. They wrapped around his cock and began working the base as her mouth took him in. It was slow at first, then with each pass Elide took him in a little deeper, a little further, a little faster. He watched her head bob, watched as this woman he was so madly in love with sucked him dry. 
He forced his eyes not to shut, forced his head not to fall back, forced his hands to remain at his sides. It was an all new kind of torture, one he couldn’t endure as one hand, at last, came to rest on the back of Elide’s head, his fingers weaving through her hair with enough force to make Elide moan, softly, against his sensitive skin. 
That moan reverberated through his entire body, from his cock to his chest where a growl pulled from him. Elide’s slim hand tightened, working him harder, quicker, and it was something straight out a wet dream he’d had a million times.
He just never imagined it was something he’d experience in his waking moments.
She looked up at him, and he was frozen, chest heaving as he stared down into those big, dark eyes. Eyes that were as glazed with lust as they were the alcohol that flowed through both of their veins. But there was something else in them, something he hadn’t seen in a gaze in a long time.
Care and longing and…love.
She could tell him that she loved him until she was blue in the face, but there was no denying that those eyes were full of love as she looked up at him. It nearly brought him to his knees with her. 
That realization only brought him to his release quicker, and Elide’s head fell back as he came onto her breasts, her hands continuing to work him until there was nothing left. 
Lorcan’s hand remained on the back of her head, if only for balance as he swore, and closed his eyes. By the time he opened them again, Elide was rising and crossing her room for a towel that hung on a hook by her door, which she used to wipe his cum off her skin. 
Lorcan watched the entire thing attentively, and when she turned back around and met his stare with a sly smile, he asked, his voice low, “Why the hell aren’t you naked?”
It was unfair, really, to be completely nude while her jeans remained. Elide didn’t argue, and in answer, she slowly shimmied out of her jeans until she stood before him in a lacy, black thong.
Lorcan’s tongue darted out to wet his lips, and he had only taken one step toward her when she slipped that thong off, too. When she rose again, there was nothing hiding her beautiful body.
The next thing he did was something he swore he had absolutely no control of. He picked her up and threw her back onto the bed, before crawling up after her, his body covering hers. It was rough and primal and something he’d imagined doing but never thought he’d actually get to do. His lips wrapped around one of her nipples and she moaned as her hand dove into her hair.
Her legs were already parted to make room for his body, so he had easy access to slide a knuckle between her folds, surprised to find her already warm and wet for him. He pulled back to tease her, to say something that would no doubt cause the blush on her cheeks to deepen, but he was interrupted by a knocking on her door.
“Elide?” Aelin called, over the music still playing in the living room. “You okay in there? I haven’t seen in you in a while.”
Lorcan was about to holler back but Elide’s hand covered his mouth.
“I’m okay,” she replied. “Just wasn’t feeling great. Decided to lay down.”
The knob shook as she tried to open it and both Elide and Lorcan were extremely grateful Lorcan had thought to lock it when he’d closed it before.
There was a pause on the other end. “Okay, well, can I get you anything?”
“No, go have fun!” she called, and Lorcan snorted into the hand that was still covering his mouth. 
“Alright,” Aelin muttered, as she walked away.
They both remained still for a moment on the bed before Elide’s hand fell away and Lorcan slowly shook his head. “You didn’t want her to hear me pleasuring you?” he asked, a long finger slowly slipping up inside of her.
Elide’s lashes batted against her porcelain skin. “If you pleasure me as well as I think you will, the whole damn party just might hear.”
A soft growl escaped him as Lorcan leaned down to kiss her. The kiss was short, sweet, and then his mouth trailed across her cheek, and along her jaw, and down her neck where he stopped to suck that sensitive spot, just at its base. Then his lips fell to her breasts, once more, and he took her nipple between his lips, tugging on it with his teeth.
Elide hissed, her hands diving into his hair. Lorcan gave her breasts the attention they deserved before moving on, his lips trailing down her abdomen, and when he spread her legs open as wide as they could go, Elide’s eyes shut in preparation for the bliss that was about to occur. 
Lorcan leaned back to observe her sex, and took his time before sliding his tongue slowly between her folds. 
Elide muttered a curse that had Lorcan’s hands tightening around her ass. 
True to her words, the moan that Lorcan’s tongue wrung from Elide was far from quiet. If Aelin had still been on the other side of the door, she would have immediately known Elide had been lying, would have put two and two together when she noticed Lorcan’s absence as well, and would be banging on Elide’s door, demanding to know what the hell she thought she was doing.
Elide couldn’t find it within herself to care. Not as Lorcan’s lips wrapped around her clit and sucked gently. Something that sounded like his name tumbled from her lips, but she was far past coherent thoughts as she gripped her breast with one hand and Lorcan’s hair with the other.
That grip fueled Lorcan more and he sucked a little bit faster, a little bit harder, his tongue going wild as he feasted. Those moans from Elide grew louder, and the fact that she wasn’t a quiet lover had Lorcan feeling even more excited. She was wild, and she knew exactly what she liked - Lorcan admired that.
Elide’s back arched and her knees around Lorcan’s head tightened around him. She gasped between those moans, those delicate fingers woven into his hair gripping the strands to the point of pain. A delightful, wonderful, exhilarating pain. 
“I can’t,” she breathed, followed by a lovely string of curses. “I’m going to- Lorcan-.”
She came, and Lorcan held onto her ass, his tongue continuing to circle her clit as she did so. He didn’t lean back and look up until she was finished, and her body collapsed onto her blankets. And when he did, he climbed up her body, took her face into his hands, and kissed her. His chin was wet from her, but he didn’t care, and she didn’t seem to, either, as he sank down on top of her, hiking up one of her legs around his ass. 
“I want you,” he muttered, into her lips, as if it wasn’t obvious enough by now. “Gods, I want you.”
She kissed him again, roughly, her tongue exploring his mouth, tasting herself on him, and breathed, “Then take me.”
There was no hesitation after that, no lingering touches or kisses. Not as Lorcan reached between them, lining himself up with her entrance and sank into her warm wetness.
It wasn’t rough, he didn’t want to hurt her, but by no means was it gentle. He filled her with one, long stroke, while she gasped and clung to his back. Her nails sank into the muscles she’d lusted after for so long, his name falling from her lips with a string of curses behind it. He echoed the sentiment as he pulled back and pushed back into her, setting a strong, relentless pace.
Her eyes kept trying to flutter closed, barely able to endure the sensation of having him so deep inside of her, but she kept them firmly on his. She could watch as that cool, well-maintained demeanor began to fall to pieces, could feel it as his thrusts became harder and faster, until before she knew it the headboard was slamming against the wall.
Surely Aelin would hear that.
Neither of them cared.
Lorcan fucked her, unceasing and without abandon. Their eyes remained locked the entire time, although with great difficulty. They didn’t want to miss it, though, didn’t want to miss the reactions, the emotions, the realizations that after all that time had passed, they were finally there, together, in that moment, and no one would ever take that away from them. It was a memory, a part of their story, that would forever be cherished and never forgotten. 
Elide came, her knees shaking around Lorcan’s waist, and he only lasted a moment longer before he was pushed far over the edge. When they were done, they laid cuddled up together beneath her blankets, Lorcan’s arm draped around her bare waist as his face rested in the crook of her neck, and she ran her fingers through his long, messy hair. 
As they were beginning to drift off into a sound, dreamless sleep, Lorcan said, quietly, “I want it to be noted that I didn’t tell you that I love you to get you in bed.” 
Elide laughed, breathlessly, as she looked over at him. “No?”
He shook his head, knowing full well that she knew better. He explained himself, nonetheless. “No. I meant it, Elide. I love you. I have, for a long time, and I will, for a long time.”
Her eyes softened as she pressed her lips softly against his forehead. “I love you, too. Always have, always will.” 
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lovely-jily · 3 years
potions and locked closets
hey!! sorry this is such a long fic BUT i just wanted to say that i’m also working on this same fic but from lily’s pov lmk if you’d want that:))) thanks and i love you all so freakin much <3
James tried to steady his breathing. His heart was already beating too quickly for his liking, and he hadn't even seen her yet. He was already surprised that she agreed to be his partner; they both know that it would likely be another hour of pointless bickering but nonetheless. Lily Evans had agreed to partner with James for their weekly project Slughorn had assigned. She finally said yes to something.
"Fine," she had said after he asked her, following it up with, "But I'll undoubtedly need help with Transfiguration this week, so if you swear to help me, then I suppose we can partner."
In all honesty, James wasn't having too much trouble with his Elixer to Induce Euphoria, but he just wanted an excuse for Lily to be with him. And maybe if she saw that he had matured at least a little bit, it would make her start to tolerate him.
If that were even possible.
The dungeons were decently empty, but Lily had intentionally reserved the potions room in advance so no one else would be around. Meaning they would be completely and totally alone.
When he walked into the room, she was fiddling with the size of the fire under the cauldron. She was at the desk she usually sat in, the second row to the left, with her back to him.
"Evening Evans," He said, setting his bag on the table and standing next to her, "I see you've started already."
"Well, I actually want a good score on this," She exhaled through her mouth and flipped through her Potions book, her dainty fingers lingering on the words "Elixer to Induce Euphoria".
"I'm right there with you," he said, rolling up his sleeves. He watched Lily's eyes dart from his arms back to her textbook. From what James could see, she already gathered the ingredients and had them neatly organised in front of them.
"Alright, you can start by skinning these then?" She said, swiftly handing him the Shrivelfigs.
"Got it," he noted the way her eyes darted up to his for a second when she was handing him the Shrivelfigs, their skin touching momentarily. While it was only a second, it was long enough to cause James to hitch his breath in an all too noticeable way.
He started skinning the flower, trying to ignore the way her perfume smelled or the curve of her jaw. She tied her hair up in a low ponytail, pulling out tiny wispy hairs that framed her face. He chastised himself for the dirty thoughts that followed, but, Jesus, he couldn't help his want to do the most unholy things to her when she did that.
She started working on porcupine quills as he attempted to pull himself together.
"I wish we got Amortentia."
James took a sharp inhale, resulting in him coughing on his own spit. She, Lily Evans, the same Lily Evans who insisted she hated every fibre of his being every day since they were twelve, wanted to make a love potion with him- James! James Potter! As in the same James Potter that she would shoot daggers at any excuse, the boy she would scold any second she could, the boy-
"It's just so much more of a challenge compared to this one," she finished.
Right. Of course. That's why Lily wanted to make that potion, no other reason, as much as James wanted there to be.
"At least we didn't get Felix Felicis. That takes a while," He ignored the feeling of his heart sinking and his stomach twisting as he finished up the Shrivelfigs. He should've known that was the reason, but he couldn't help but innocently jump to conclusions with her.
"What did Amortentia smell like for you?" She asked, causing James to start jumping to conclusions again.
How do I answer this honestly without giving away the fact that I smelled her?"
"Fresh bread, rain, and- uh- my mother's shampoo," He mentally kicked himself for bringing up his mother, but it was the quickest thing he could think of on the spot, "What about you?"
She sighed, stirring in the quills, "The ocean, my mum's hot chocolate and a cologne of some kind, but I couldn't place where that one was from."
A pang of jealousy beat along with James's heart as he thought about her smelling another lads cologne. Whoever he was, he was a prick.
She shook her head quickly as she seemed to panic for a moment, hastily saying, "Anyways, I'm sure it doesn't matter."
She fiddled with the ladle, brushing the few hairs out of her face. Her cheeks were bright red.
"You alright there, Evans?" He asked as he turned to look at her. He swallowed what felt like all his dignity and pride but was actually just the extra spit that always was around with Lily.
"Just fine," She cleared her throat and handed him the Sopophorous beans, not looking at him, "Would love it if you could start working on these, though."
"Got it," he mumbled as he started dicing the beans.
"No, Potter," His heart lightened a little at the sound of his name in her voice, even if it was to chastise him, "Those are far too small. They'll dissolve too quickly."
"What do you mean, this is how Slughorn does it-"
"Slughorn always cuts things too small, but he makes up for it by moving a little quicker-"
"Well, that's stupid. What kind of a teacher-"
"James," She looked up at him, sighing, and despite her exhausted expression, his lungs lifted immensely at the sound of his first name. She never used his first name.
"Yes, Evans?"
"Could you perhaps go find more in the Potions closet? I think it'll just make things a lot easier."
"Got it."
The closet was cluttered, full of misplaced ingredients from students whose first priority clearly wasn't organisation. After a solid minute of staring at the mess, he called her in to help him.
"What do you mean 'Can't find them'- I just saw them," she huffed, shoving herself next to him in the tight space. James would be lying if he said he didn't do this on purpose but let the boy live. He would take any excuse to be in close proximity to the girl.
"Not sure how anyone could find anything in here. I feel bad for the poor bloke who has to clean this during detention," He said, hands on his hips as she stood in front of him, green eyes scanning the shelves. The closet door closed behind her, and while they weren't any closer than they were by the desks, it almost felt like she was right on top of him. It was taking his total concentration to not think about shoving her against the door and having a long-awaited snog.
"It'll probably be Sirius," she said, glancing at him, a smirk on her face.
He chuckled as he looked at the messy shelves, suddenly shy from her eye contact, "Probably. Maybe we should leave him a note."
They faced each other, her back towards the door and his towards the shelves of messy ingredients. There was just enough room between them for her to fold her arms against her chest, her smile making James's lungs feel extra airy, "Or we can charm the Wolfsbane to fall off every time he tries to put it away."
James laughed, shaking his head as he looked down at her. Their faces were only inches apart, and his heart was beating so hard he was worried she could feel it.
"You know, for such a stickler for rules, you're quite creative with pranks."
She smirked, "I've learned that you can get away with a lot more if you aren't so obnoxious about it."
James let out a fake, dramatised gasp, "You?! A Prefect breaking rules?"
She just shrugged, a smirk still painted on her face. James took a second to look at her, feeling fortunate that not only was he was in the potions closet with her, but she had chosen to carry a conversation with him. This friendly banter was still a little rare, even though they had been getting a little closer lately. Since the incident at the end of fifth year, roughly nine months ago, James decided to get his act together. Mainly for the sake of Lily, but also the threat of war was becoming more than just rumours, and he knew that a war was no place for an immature bully like himself. He was not a person that he- or really anyone- was proud of, and he wasn't okay with that.
James was about to say something when her eyes lit up at something behind his head.
"There it is!" She said and reached her arm out to grab something just next to his ear.
Under normal circumstances, James would've been disappointed that she found it because it probably meant that his time in a closet with her, the girl he's wanted to shag since he had first laid eyes on her, was now over.
However, when Lily reached forward to grab whatever they were looking for (James had since forgotten. Other things had occupied his mind the past couple of minutes), she had subconsciously pressed her body up against his. In a panic, James put his hands on her waist. They both looked at each other with panicked eyes when they realised what was going on, faces close enough that James felt her heavy exhale as she attempted to catch her breath. Her eyes darted to his lips as he was suddenly aware of how naked they felt without hers on them. He instinctively bit them.
James cleared his throat and politely turned his head away from her, trying to reduce the awkwardness.
"Er-Um-Sorry," He said, taking his hands off her waist and shoving his hands into his pockets. Lily's hand was still grasping the beans behind him, and she was staring at him, seemingly debating something. Feeling shy and awkward as she studied his face, James was staring at her left earlobe, noticing the freckle resting next to her small pearl earring.
"Don't worry about it," She mindlessly whispered, still looking intently at him. She seemed to be deep in thought and was not thinking about the words she was saying.
James was just surprised she wasn't showing any signs of being uncomfortable. He would've guessed that she would be yelling at him by now.
"So-uh- I guess we should get-" James cleared his throat as he reached for the door handle behind her. He was nervous under Lily's stare and was having a hard time keeping composure. He wasn't sure what she was thinking, and that honestly bothered him more than if she was yelling at him. At least he knew how she felt then, but he was entirely in the dark right now, "We should get going. The potion's probably been simmering for too long."
Lily blinked and shook her head as if leaving a deep trance. Suddenly embarrassed and blushing, she nodded her head and cleared her throat.
"Right," She said as James tried the door handle.
It didn't move.
He tried it again.
"Well, shit," James said, trying to jiggle the door handle again with both hands despite knowing it wouldn't work. She probably thought he did this on purpose (Which wouldn't be a terribly bad idea if James wasn't so afraid of her), "It's locked."
Lily's eyes widened in a panic, and she promptly turned around, trying the door handle for herself. When it inevitably didn't work, she turned back around and sighed as she leaned against the door, looking up. She groaned and brushed the hair out of her face.
"I forgot that Slughorn keeps it locked," She said, still huffing, "Normally, it doesn't matter because he just keeps it open, but..."
James felt his pockets for his wand and remembered he left it on the desk, "You haven't got your wand, do you?"
Lily looked down as she felt her own pockets, looking back up as she shook her head.
It was then, at the sight of a dishevelled Lily Evans, that James realised that he was locked in a closet with her, and he had a hard time remembering why this was such a bad thing. He tried to shove out the thoughts that entered at the way she looked dishevelled and breathing heavily. The things he would do to be the one making her look like that...
"Sorry, Evans. I feel partially responsible for this predicament," He shook his head, trying to regain self-control. What was he thinking? This was Lily Evans he was thinking about. The girl who never failed to let him know just how much she wanted to strangle him at any given moment.
She said nothing, instead resumed studying his face. He sheepishly messed up his hair, unsure what to do with his body under her gaze.
"Oh, Christ, James," She said in annoyance, biting her lip softly.
"What did I do? I didn't know about the lock!" James said defensively, finding it odd that she was just now getting mad at him.
She rolled her eyes and just looked at him.
"Fuck it," She said, and before James could form a confused expression, her hands were pulling his neck forward, and her lips were being slammed against his.
"What the fuck?" James said, shock widening his eyes as he pulled away slightly. He clearly was baffled beyond logical thinking and reason because Lily would be shoved up against the door if he were thinking clearly. There was no way that Lily Evans, the same Lily Evans that swore she wouldn't ever go out with him not even nine months ago, had just kissed him. Passionately, at that.
"Are you complaining?" She asked, a soft smirk resting on the lips that James was just kissing.
"What-No? Of course not, I just-"
"Then shut up," She whispered, feeling her way from his neck to his tie, which she pulled him forward with so their faces were close again, "And give me a good snog."
"Yes, ma'am," James smirked and tilted his head, pushing her against the door and kissing her firmly without a second thought.
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