#to be safe:
aro-culture-is · 7 months
aro (and possibly ace) culture is growing up in a world so perfuse with the idea that love = romance that you struggle to feel loved. even though you know that platonic love can be just as (or more) intimate than romantic love, it’s hard to see a future where anyone would be willing to give that to you. and sometimes you’re scared that you’re always going to be alone.
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heymrverdant · 5 months
I really, really think Mormons are probably the least charitable people who pride themselves on their charity. My wife and I are scraping by to make rent bc both of our hours have been cut at work (and her boss has been so difficult to get paychecks from that we had to call the state labor department to ensure it), but we can't ask our families for help. They're all devout Mormons, and even though they're relatively well off, every time we mention our current destitution the immediate question we are asked is "are you still paying tithing?"
Btw, in the LDS church, tithing is a mandatory 10% of your income, donated directly to the Church. It's allegedly intended to be used to help with charitable acts, but in recent years there's been some scandals about these funds being potentially used by the church to invest in real estate and stocks. It's not actually something backed up by scripture (notably, in the New Testament Christ rebukes people for compelling a widow to donate tithing until she has nothing left, but this scripture is taught in LDS circles to promote the blessings of tithes), but it's mandatory for salvation and eligibility for ordinances.
When I was a kid I once asked if I could donate money to other charities, and I was resolutely told that was a sin; recently, the Church has released statements reaffirming that tithing should be paid unquestioningly, in potential response to various investigations in Canada and Australia concerning tax fraud done by the Church concerning tithes. It's... agitating to see a religion run like a corporation, and worse to watch everyone I know be okay with it.
Anyway, we don't have any money to donate to tithing. As it stands, working the maximum hours we have and selling our blood plasma to supplement it, we're about $300 short for rent, and even if we get that it will drain our entire finances.
Nobody will help us locally: it's a LDS college town, and there's not much available outside of religious circles. Mormon foodbanks require full tithes and/or volunteered labor before they'll give you food, all of our friends are scraping by same as us, and anybody who has the capacity to assist tells us the same things every time: "are you paying your tithing?"
Damn the poor; feed the rich. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
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landinrris · 3 months
Martin was in Miami for some show this weekend ;-)
And let's be honest, if Lando really goes all Melbourne -> Miami ->Tokyo to be with Martin, that will be very sus!
Yeah, Martin was in Miami for the Ultra Miami Music Festival this past weekend. Not that we'll probably find out from them, but would be very interesting if Lando is there with Max F right now.
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lvitoula · 7 months
OMG GUYS the BEST thing happened today! So I was wearing my superwholock shirt to school today, right? Most of my classmates are peasants who don't use Tumblr, so they didn't understand how hot Benedict Cumberbatch is, though they didn't really give me trouble either. But. BUT. There's this vapid bitch, Tiffany, who thinks she's soooooo popular and pretty and cool even though she's fucking BASIC!!! She comes up to me, snarls, and tells me that SUPERWHOLOCK IS TRASH!
"Listen here cum-slut," I say, "superwholock is NOT trash. It's a masterpiece of art. You've messed with the wrong fandom!"
I take out my iPod Touch to film what happens next. Not even Sherlock can save her now! Mwuhahahaha!!
Tiffany opens her mouth, but before she can say any """witty""" comebacks, I grab her long blonde hair and shove her into the dimensional rift.
She screams and stares at me, as if it's too late. It's 10:12:649 AM on Monday, September 17, 2012, so like, it might as well be. She demands to know where she is. I say that it doesn't matter, because she'll rot out soon enough for DISSING SUPERWHOLOCK! And she's already becoming undone, too. Her skin gradually crawls over her muscles, sneaking away.
A thousand years weaves by for her in four picoseconds. The doors are open, and they won't be closing. It's too late to cry. Her muscles are buzzing with anticipation. Her bones reach for a sky they can't obtain. She's awake from the tremors. Her being is a mass of color palettes merely waiting to be replaced. Home is a mirage. Nothing can compare to this.
I ask her if she's ready for what's to come. She doesn't respond.
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kmagsy-moved · 2 years
"we want checo to finish 2nd in the championship" who's we max??? who's WE???
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this-is-krikkit · 1 year
Greetings, Krikkit, beloved captain of squad denial! I have two OUAT ships for the ask game: Rumbelle and Swan Queen :)
greetings and beijos right back Alice, fellow Grief Regiment member 🫡
thank you for this ask, i've been missing thinking about ouat these days!
Send me a ship and I’ll answer three questions based on if I ship it or not.
What made you ship it?
everything?? the enemies to lovers trope, the brunette/blonde thing, the rich entitled fary tale queen x rugged abandoned orphan with a jail past, the Childhood Trauma they could help each other with so well, the wonderful fucking family they are together with Henry.... not to mention the simple fact that if either one of them had been a man, they'd have been canon from the very beginning, cue Emma ending up with a dark evil-past dude who wears even more eyeliner than Regina, and Regina's boyfriend being a Good and Pure person who loves to shoot arrows and live in the woods???? as i was saying, EVERYTHING.
What are your favorite things about the ship?
the evolution in their dynamics throughout the show, the fact that they always help and understand each other, and I think mostly the way they used to tear each other apart over Henry before they realized he was what united them. i really love the fact that they give everything to that son they share to prevent him ever going through what they had to go through as kids.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
i don't think so? but it's been years since i've seen some meta takes that i might disagree with so i may simply not remember
Rumbelle - I don't ship it at all
Why don't you ship it?
for one, i never really cared about the beauty and the beast tale. and part of the rumbelle journey reminds me of some very toxic relationships i had when i was younger, so it's just really Fun all around with them isn't it.
What would make you like it?
if Rumple had stopped lying every single time he promised belle not to do so anymore? like, dude was all about her being his true love and shit, and then he'd turn around and betray everything he swore to her, each fucking time without fail. by the end i didn't even feel angry anymore i was jut like, ooh this shit again.
Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it?
i don't really? i mean i liked both characters separately though, like Rumple was an asshole but i liked him as a villain, and i liked the few times Belle got to have a personality that didn't revolve around him (esp loved her cursed personality, and shipped her hard with Red lmao)!
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vilea777 · 3 months
sorry i cant hang out i forgot how to mimic human like behaviour
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halfdoomed-helianthus · 3 months
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tuherrus · 1 month
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someone somewhere probably already drew this but here's the centaur kiss anyway
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solitaryschizoid · 3 months
neurotypicals will be like "you can't self diagnose" and then diagnose everyone they dislike as a narcissist
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malefertile · 2 months
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never separate a lesbian and her gay man best friend/brother of the love of her life
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pro-sipper · 5 months
"i want more media with zero drama, no tension, and zero problematic characters and i am not joking"
Great! Here are my recommendations:
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heymrverdant · 17 days
Incidentally, I don't really talk about my religious beliefs at this point on my blog, mostly because massive political polarization has made it extraordinarily difficult for me to discuss my beliefs at all, even to people I love and care about. At this point, I think my main defining philosophy re: religion comes from the greatest line in American literature:
I was a trembling, because I'd got to decide, forever, betwixt two things, and I knowed it. I studied a minute, sort of holding my breath, and then says to myself:"All right, then, I'll go to hell"- and tore it up.
-Huckleberry Finn, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, by Mark Twain
I don't know if there's a divine power out there anymore; even if there was, I couldn't blame 'em if they'd decided to pack up shop and leave us for sunnier worlds. What I do know, however, is that I'm not letting anybody dictate my morality other than me. My alma mater's named in honor of a guy who urged his followers to enslave Native children and who personally demolished a gravemarker left to commemorate innocent people his devotees slaughtered. If he gets to go to heaven, no questions asked, I'd be more comfortable in hell. I'd rather be damned for my kindness than rewarded for cruelty or apathy; if there are people in the world that are suffering, I don't want to turn a blind eye because somebody told me it was the polite option. I'm sure Jesus would understand; he never seemed the type to rule from a throne.
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landinrris · 5 months
Looks like several of Lando’s friends are in Finland with them now too, as well as another one of Martin’s friends, so really starting to merge their friends groups.
Ahh yes I saw Ed specifically in Martin's story after the Porsche experience, but now looks like Tom is there as well. Absolutely love a good friend group merge and creating new yearly trip traditions.
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personaglitch · 10 months
"Self insert characters are cringe"
Bro I'm trying to survive capitalism with maladaptive daydreaming. Leave me alone.
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midnights-dragon · 3 months
flip the rock to see what’s under it!
(make sure you put it back after, don’t want to disturb the wildlife.)
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