#to model the tattoo bc he’s ‘cool’
gingergari · 11 months
there’s nothing i love more than making reference sheets for characters
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dark eye truther version below the cut :^)
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shepscapades · 4 months
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[dbhc flavored] Hermit a Day May: Day 13 — Cub!
I’ve been waiting to design cub for AGES so this was so so fun :D had to go out of my way to make him as much of a Freak (/aff) as possible <3
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flowersinmidgar · 1 year
another important question. the scar marks under Reno's eyes. are they actual scars or tattoos
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oh-no-its-bird · 3 months
recently, i've started to see things where tobirama is reincarnated as sakura or is sakura's "inner", which is really interesting. could i get your take on this?
Unfortunatley I don't actually know much ab Sakura's inner! I learned naruto lore via fanfiction (never actually touched any canon media, oops) and have only actually read like 3 Sakura centric ones, I straight up didn't even know Sakura had a multiple personality(?) thing going for her till a few months ago (and boy wasn't that a surprise)
I think Tobirama being reincarnated as her could be p fun!! But also I think I'd be more interested in telling a story where he just straight up reincarnated as someone not existing in canon, if only bc then he could also interact WITH Sakura instead of just being her
I find that a lot of stories that try to give Sakura agency just kind of toss her entire character out the window and start from scratch, which is fun and valid! But it's more fun for me to make direct, uncomfortable eyecontact w canon her and find increasingly stupid or chaotic ways to fast track that whole "character development" thing or at least find ways to explain why she's Like That(tm)
So yeah I don't have toooo much interest in Tobirama reincarnating as specifically Sakura or her inner, but I could be into a story where he just reincarnates in proximity to her and then see how they bounce off of eachother. Maybe as a sibling? That could be cool
If he's born a girl we can zap em with the trans beam on top of the body dismorphia of suddenly being a whole child, that could be interesting. The blatant sexism of naruto canon could also make for an interesting plotline if we want to actually get into that
I kind of like the idea of him not actually remembering his previous life, at least not in full. Maybe he has weird dreams sometimes, maybe he looks at photos of the Nidaime and gets weird feelings of dejavu.
I suddenly have a very specific mental image of him getting a scar on his cheek, where one of his tattoos used to be, and just staring in a mirror afterwards at this super weird feeling of dejavu mixed w a sensation of it not being right mixed w just general body dismorphia and aw fuck why does he feel like he's both a little more right and further from himself than he's ever been?
Anyways would he be born younger or older than Sakura? Older brother him is just super overprotective, often suffering from nightmares of sensing as Sakura and some unnamed "other sibling" of his dies. It could also mean he can interact with Itachi actually, maybe they can be emotionally stunted baby genius friends or smthn
But younger sibling him could make for a surprisingly compelling parallel with Sakura and Hashirama! Especially w how Sakura later goes on to train with Tsunade n stuff
Part of me wants to say he's still names Tobirama for simplicitys sake, he can just be named after the Nidaime or smthn. But also that feels a bit cheap even if it is easier, so at least for now we'll name him Tora
Him and cat Tora can square off for name rights idk
Tora speaking oddly formally for a civilian, and having the kind of respect for your elders that come from being a second son in an elder run clan in ancient Japan. He has an awful time trying to form emotional attachments with people, including but especially his parents, who for some reason never really felt like his
But also him having a super easy time being attached to his new little sister Sakura, who he refuses to see anything bad happen to ever
So Tora and Sakura's parents being like suuper traditional, which is why Sakura is Like That when it comes to boys (she's constantly being told she needs to find a man to take care of her) Tora acts as a good figure and role model in her life, so while she's still interested in romance like canon she isn't AS boy crazy and can do a bit of thinking for herself.
And then we can get some fun conflict between Tora and his parents, who unfortunatley don't get the whole trans thing and constantly insist he needs to either drop the shinobi thing and find a husband, or if he does keep going at the shinobi thing, use it to find a husband there then drop it
Yeah he's not doing either of those things.
(they find out he's friends w the Uchiha clan heir and immediatley get weird about it, all glowing with pride that he's "attracting such good potential husbands" n stuff (Tora is PISSED))
Anyways Tora being just alarmingly good at literally any jutsu Tobirama invented. Like, ALARMINGLY good. He has that first life muscle memory, which unfortunatley is NOT a valid alibi and he's about to get his ass beat for seeming to have reverse engineered secret jutsus he shouldn't be able to know.
It isn't HIS fault that just glancing at the flying thunder god technique that one time was apparently enough for him to instinctively understand how to use it!!! Maybe this "Tobirama" guy should have just been better at making his jutsu harder to understand, this is clearly not his fault
He manages to help avoid the Uchiha massacre by being friends with Itachi, the two of them both graduating early and at the same ages, joining the same team and then ANBU together and so on.
Tora being really strong and graduating early and all that only further motivating Sakura to be a super strong shinobi, just like her big brother! Maybe she and Sasuke can even bond or have met earlier through Itachi and Tora's friendship.
Sakura and Sasuke childhood friends agreeing to try and graduate early together just like their older siblings. Not really into sasusaku but Ill say Sakura can keep her crush on him but be actually normal about it via exposure plus maybe some boy advice from Tora (he's a shinobi, so if you really want to charm him, you'll have to beat him first)
She can maybe lose it with time (and exposure to him being a dumb cringe fail kid w his brother still around) and maybe go kiss Ino idk
Anyways, Tora and Itachi friendship. Shisui is also there!! (Love that guy)
They're dynamic is just emotionally suppressed bastard (thinks hes better than you) + emotionally suppressed bastard (knows hes better than you) + upbeat guy smiling at you as he holds a gun to your head
Shisui and Tora take turns driving the car as Itachi sits in the back seat peacefully eating some applesauce (he's just happy to be here)
They're gonna blow up the hokage tower for the good of the people 👍
They're on an ANBU team w Kakashi and Tenzo and forget about going grey, they're gonna make Kakashi's hair straight up fall out from the stress
Maybe Tora can move out of his parents house the first chance he gets, and then whatever place he manages to find can be a little safe place for Itachi. Itachi accidentally ends up almost moving in w him as things at home get worse and worse w the coup. He just stays over more and more and doesn't want to return home
Circling back to the "Tora instinctivley knows how to navigate Tobirama's seals/techniques" the most terrifying point of the story is when he sees Naruto's jinchuriki seal and realizes he knows how to mess with it
Uh oh!! Shouldn't have that information!!
Anyways take some doodles
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(Danzo is "that jackass who won't let me look at the nidaime's old research" and Tora has a GRUDGE.)
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itefi-n-ferlet · 8 months
💙 About Jellal's Father ❤️
After the Jellal's past revelation, I have being thinking some theories/headcanons about his father, childhood & etc so, I made this thread:
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Seeing how sad they were at his tomb, Im totally sure he was a great father & they were a lovely family, but seeing how harsh Jellal is with himself, I think his dad was a serious, very strict man with high moral values & high discipline, probably religious too.
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His dad probably was a well respected but solitary man & only showed his soft face to his family & Jellal learned to be a gentleman because he saw how his dad treated his mom, his dad also was a "protector type" that's why Jellal wanted to become the new protector of the family and a protector to his friends ans people in general.
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I think they raised Jellal to meditated of every one of his actions and steps in life, in this panel you can see how his mom guides him with questions, but allows him to think by himself and find a solution/path to fullfill his wishes by himself. That' why he has leadership qualities.
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My headcanon is that his dad came from a distant country with quite a different culture and probably Jellal's tattoo is part of a tradition of his dad's culture, that's why not even his mom & neither anyone on his town had a face tattoo besides Jellal.
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Other headcanon is that Jellal's dad had a tattoo in his face, a mark that it was costumary to pass to their children, some villagers were scare of him for that, that's why even if they respected him, they didnt like to be very close to him.
There were rumors that it was a "curse mark". Jellal's mom worried about those rumors because she didnt want her husband to feel bad about them, but when he heard them, he just laughed and said: "Ignorance is the real curse, this tattoo is a legacy of pride and love of who we are and who we love"
His father didnt talk a lot about his past, but by breves conversations Jellal secretly overheard from his parents, the country were his dad came from suffered from a magic related "disaster" and wiped out almost the entirely of their people.
Jellal loved his dad's tattoo, he always wanted one bc he wanted to be as cool as his dad, it wasnt painful either, it was made with magic, a really ancient ritual magic only know for the ones like his father.
I think his father knew how to use magic & was a skillful mage (even so he probably prefered to keep that as a secret), that's why Jellal first thought after his dead was that; in order to protect his mom, he had to learn magic & go to a magic school, because his role model was his dad.
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I have this other headcanon that the slavers didnt went for that village before because some years before they tried, but were secretly stopped by Jellal's dad, but then he died and they came again.
His dad had some ancient magic books that Jellal wanted to read as a kid, but he didnt understand the language, later, as the "fake Sieg" he learned it, that's why as member of the council he collected & read a lot of books, unconsciously, he was trying to find those books.
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Could the books still exist? Maybe. His father have them in a secret place on his house, my headcanon is that Jellal will find them when he finally decides to go again to that devasted village alongside with Erza, of course.
He wants to go & make a tomb for his mom alongside the one of his father, but he really dont want to go alone, so, Erza will go with him, bc she wants to supports Jellal & she wants to give her respects to the parents  of the gentle & amazing man she loves so much.
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Jellal and Erza also want to ask them for their blessing for their incoming marriage and then later, for blessings for their child(ren). 💙❤️💜
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💙 F I N ❤️
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we-are-inevitable · 1 month
Hi, Jac!! I am really enjoying reading "and the sun still sets the same" so far, and I would love to hear more about the frack au Jacobs siblings. Do Esther, Meyer, and Les live close to where the twins go to college? If not, what do they do to keep in touch (if they do keep in touch)? Does Les plan to go to college, and if so, what does he want to major in?
YESSSSS i adore them ugh. they are so so perf!!
so first things first, davey and sarah go to school about two and a half hours away from their family- close enough to go home if needed but far enough that they’re a little more independent.
davey has an INCREDIBLE relationship with his parents; he might be jaded and kind of prickly-looking, but he has evening yap sessions with esther nearly every day! he facetimes her while he cooks dinner, which just so happens to be when she’s cooking dinner as well, so he chats with her all the time. their dinner talks are something david tries hard not to miss!
i think sarah would definitely talk to esther a lot, too— maybe not as often as davey, but multiple times a week. i feel like that early morning talks while sarah’s on her morning run or just walking around campus would be their catch up time!
they both love mayer too obviously but he’s not a super big “use the phone” guy, so davey usually sees him in the background of facetimes (and he comes over to yap for about ten minutes or so) and sarah calls him on his lunch breaks at work!
their parents didn’t go to college, so davey and sarah are both first gen students, and esther and mayer can’t really afford to help that much but they do ALL they can. they don’t want their kids to struggle anymore than they have to.
they also both talk to les all the time. the jacobs fam is perfect in general but even MORE perfect in this au
les is around 12-14 in this fic (i havent decided yet) and he doesn’t really show up but i have thoughts. he’s the only straight Jacobs sibling, not that it matters bc he’s a middle schooler but it’s important to Me that you know that
les would be such a like….. sports marketing or business major. everyone thinks hes another frat bro douchebag because hes a straight guy business major but both of his siblings are queer and his parents didn’t raise a bitch
anyway i love them. im imagining esther and mayer being the two people that can make david smile and laugh like jack can and that’s a HUUUUGE thing that sarah notices when she first meets jack
esther thinks all of davey’s tattoos are so so cool and mayer was with him when he bought his first skirt. they completely support sarah’s love of fashion design and will even model for her if she has an idea for something they’d like. they are quite literally the best most supportive family on the planet
i could talk about them allllll day but alas, i will stop
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tillthelandslide · 1 year
Insufferable Arsehole Part 6: Inside Your Mind Instagram AU - Matty Healy Series
A/n: so I'm introducing some more characters in the upcoming chapters so please don't be confused as one is referenced in this. Hope you like it. P.s I got the box tattooed today so yes that is my arm
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thisislou where's the fun in doing what your told?
Liked by trumanblack, bedforddanes75, rass1975, charli_xcx and 689,739 others
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bedforddanes75 excuse me? Please stop. I'm scared my girlfriend is going to leave me for you
charli_xcx fuck me
-> bedforddanes75 seeeee @thisislou
-> thisislou sorry? 🤷‍♀️
trumanblack who took this wonderful picture? Think they deserve some credit don't you love? Also heard they're a pretty cool person
-> thisislou 🙄
rass1975 I am looking respectfully 🫣
-> thisislou aren't you nice?
-> rass1975 I try, I try 🙌
loufanpage slay
fan1 wish I was you
-> thisislou dream bigger ❤️
lou75fan so y'all just going to ignore Matty's comment... The comment that makes it obvious that he took this picture⁉️⁉️
75fan Matty has the hots that's for sure
bandmate I miss you
-> thisislou miss you more
fan3 slut
-> thisislou how very kind of you 🙏
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thisislou backstage shenanigans @trumanblack thanks for being my model 🖤
Liked by bedforddanes75, bandmate and 762,891 others
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bedforddanes75 he looks happy 😂
-> thisislou what a grump aye?
trumanblack I swear I was happy... Don't know why my face is doing that
-> thisislou grumpy Matty 😠
-> trumanblack you bully me
-> thisislou just the way you like it 😚
-> trumanblack 🤫🖤
jordhughesphoto might as well take my job at this rate
-> thisislou what a compliment 🥹 there's no one quite as good as you though I'm afraid
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trumanblack she makes me look quite cool 📸@thisislou 🖤
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thisislou stealing my photo I see
-> trumanblack THANK YOUUUUU 😁😁😁😁😁
-> thisislou you're lucky you're cute
75fan omg cute
loufanpage i ship them so hard i actually cant take this torture anymore haha
rass1975 excuse me why dont you take cool pictures like this of me
-> trumanblack you're not her fave anymore
-> rass1975 ouch... fair though
-> thisislou i mean... if anyone is my fave is obviously george just saying
-> trumanblack ouch
-> rass1975 ouch
-> bedforddanes haha! suck on that @trumanblack @rassthe1975
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thisislou Part of the band 🖤
📸 @jordhughesphoto
Liked by bedforddanes75, trumanblack, rass1975, 1975adam and 673,122 others
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trumanblack part of the band 🖤
bedforddanes75 part of the band 🖤
rass1975 part of the band 🖤
1975adam part of the band 🖤
-> thisislou @trumanblack @bedforddanes @rass1975 @1975adam 😭🖤🖤
fan1 omg
loufanpage they all commented the same thing that's adorable 🥹
jordhughesphoto 😊😊
75fan guys... If Matty and Lou hold hands their boxes would touch 🥹🥹
Liked by thisislou
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the1975updates fans from today's show could've sworn they heard Matty say "Lou" when touching himself on stage.... What is going on?
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fan1 I could've sworn I heard it!!
fan2 I hope they confirm whether they're dating
fan3 think he deserves better tbh
-> the1975updates don't understand how he could deserve better tbh... She's amazing and kind and they seem like they bring the best out in each other
Liked by trumanblack
-> loufanpage couldn't agree more @the1975updates
75fan @the1975updates me and my friends were standing at barrier on Lou's side of the stage and we swear she was wearing a "M" necklace... could also be for her sister bc her name is mia but... could also be for matty?
-> the1975updates omg if thats for matty thats adorable
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thisislou the first a gift from @trumanblack... The second a gift from @charli_xcx don't know which one I prefer
Liked by trumanblack, charli_xcx, bedforddanes75 and 467,189 others
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trumanblack the second one isn't true though is it?
-> thisislou 🤫
charli_xcx looks good big tits
-> thisislou fucking love you
fan3 slag
-> thisislou awe thanks boo 😘🖕
bedforddanes75 smoking kills
-> thisislou you're one to talk dickhead
75fan "people write songs about girls like you" he's in loveeeee
lou75fan I know they've done it but I can't prove it
thisislou via stories:
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pigeoninabowl · 3 months
REASONS (haha reference) WHY I SIMP FOR RARO
Below cut if you want to see me go bananas
1. He's a boyfailiure
2.This also makes him pathetic
3. Kicks the homeless 😍😍🥴🥴 /j
4.no one likes him (me fr fr)
5.so fucking relatable this dude
6.High (haha get it? Bc he's a stoner) chance of being a single dad
7. Has a piercing, revealed by Ya No Se Que Hacer Conmigo (zoo wee mama)
8. Has a tattoo, revealed by Ya No Se Que Hacer Conmigo (zoo wee mama x2)
9. I like his glasses
10. i think he's kind of cute for some reason
11. them big ol' black eyes
12. dilf /hj
13. washed up
14. W rizz, in Yendo A La Casa De Damian a group of girls and a gay guy flirted with him so yeah, im not alone with the raro simpery BITCH @edgingattheedgeofauniverse
15. i feel like this is a weird thing to point but i like his body physique?
16. Probably makes fire food (or just fire since he has a high chance of being an arsonist)
17. I like his shirt!! Cool fashion sense!
18. ten inch dick.
19. Wow wtf was number 18
20. Anyways, free drug supplier
21. He likes going to karaoke!!! And grooming his students i guess /j
22. mmm veiny handnghfnfhfnf
23. I like men
24. I like raro
25. His name is unique, his last name is terrible, average canarian experience is the opposite tho so its ok👍 (guanamara torres if i see you ever again i swear)
26. He planted coffee in Nicaragua??? Wow!!! He's such a role model!! He cares about planet earth!!!! 😁😁😁
27. He went to therapy once, at least he tried
28. He lives in a place where everyone constantly beats the shit out of eachother, bonus points for survival
29. He gave children hederitary alzheimer, what a chad
30. He comes from the greatest fucking album of all time, need i say more? *Smug face*
31. he knows how to play the piano!!! That means he has a special ability with fingers...
32. Number 31 was so normal until the fingers part. Wtf.
33. He knows about mithology , hot
34. he has nice male knockers
35. What the fuck is going on,???? Wdym "male knockers"??? Can you please stop sexualizing raro?
36. Okay my bad, anyways, i can fix him type of guy
37. Has facial hair, i like facial hair most of times
38. was an accident (so me fr fr)
39. likes led-zeppeling and stuff (this would actually be a red flag if he was a FAN of LZ but thank bora he is not)
40. Middle aged, need i say more? *Smug face*
Okay this is the end of my rant, you can go home now
Me when raro
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waterfalls-bunny · 8 days
HI HI HI sry i disappeared sleep and school eatin my life smh ANYGAY
who's your favorite south park character, what's your favorite hc for them, and what's your favorite canon thing of theirs >:3
also hope ur exams go/went great :D
YIPPEE YOU REPLIED ye i have some things to say (`▽´)
My favorite south park character is Kenny!! (he appears in 99% of my drawings send help) tho other favs are Butters, Wendy, and Kyle in that order :D As for why Kenny is my favorite tbh sometimes i wonder the same thing ( •̀ - • ) LMAO jk but is kinda dumb why he's my fav ig. For this we have to go back to 9yo me who knew nothing about internet but somehow ended up watching a gameplay of SOT and i gotta be super honest my first crush was princess Kenny srs
🚶🚶🚶 not Kenny, PRINCESS Kenny. And that was my first glance to south park ever, I never had interest in the series until like 2 years ago when I decided to screw the bad opinions and give the series a shot best decision ever honestly, so ye I always liked Kenny www but besides that well I can come up here and analyze the little blond in many aspects!! about how he's one of the nicest guys in town, how of a good brother model role he is to Karen, how all he really cares about are his friends and some boobs (silly lol), about his poverty and how I can relate to some point to that too and all of his character lore about his immortality, how it affects him and the many things I as a fan can think based of that!! I also have a Kenny plushie I happen to bring whenever I go to a trip so even my parents who know nothing about south park know Kenny and are fond of the little guy <3 so yeah he's my fav
Now about hc? 「( • ヘ •) I have one stupid hc but is so stupid LMAO so in another post I said I like Luka Megurine from vocaloid and one day i was playing SOT and had a vision:
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Hc Kenny is a Luka simp HAHAHAS
Is so stupid bc it fits him so well 😭😭😭bc for even more context Luka fans are kinda known to be... pervert and unhinged (generalizing not everyone is like that ofc just look at me a repulsed ace guy 「(°ヘ°) but yeah. It has no explanation besides combining my 2 favorites things LMAO and this is a level 4 hc so I'm gonna add another hc more sp related which should be mmhmm wow I can't really think in any right now besides the obvious ones
kenny is the most knowledgeable about drinks, drugs and stuff bc he tried em all (and died some times) bc he knows he will always come back
this also applies to piercings and tattoos, smth along the lines of "death hurt more than getting a piercing"
he will still treat Karen like a baby even when she's all grown up
he's in charge of the groceries at home
he secretly loves being babied by his friends and goes along bc he rarely gets that treatment (watch covid especial for reference about how cartman, stan and kyle treat him like their son sometimes)
for example tho is too basic lmao. I have another hc about Kenny being peruvian because I AM PERUVIAN AND I WILL PERUVIANIZE SOUTH PARK AHAHA /lh also bc after watching the peruvian episodes I gen thought Kenny has more of a peruvian vibe than Craig if I'm 100% honest, like I get the Craig peruvian hc and is cool and all but all he did in those 2 episodes was complaining to the main 4 to the point even Kenny (a very chill dude) was mad at him LMAO and by the plot is that he ended up involved, like if Craig went along to them to pretend to be a mexican band (he denied it at the end of the second episode) then he would've be part of a mexican prophecy somehow too so the argument of "craig is peruvian because he was in the profecy!!" is kinda random to me lol. But I love the fanarts and hc!!! This is just a silly thought bc like no way dude we literally have Kenny dancing to peruvian music and I'm telling from my expertise in being peruvian for 19 years that you need to vibe with the music to be one of us trust, like that yelled at me PERUVIAN pluuus being peruvian to the other hispanic countries is smth very mocked on, poverty hella exists here and I dunno I feel Kenny fits being a peruvian guy? Or well having a tiny bit of peruvian dna im fine with that too *baila que linda flor del grupo nectar*
Last question!! My favorite thing about Kenny canonically is definitely how of a good sibling he is, I also like Kyle for this reason but I think is different with Kenny due to how easy it was for him to give up on his family and not care but he does! I wish we get more interactions between the McCormicks smh stares at Kevin
And well that was it :D I hope ya like it also I actually did well in my exams!!! I'm surviving law 💥💥💥
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modernghostfare · 2 years
Do you have any more Velikan headcanons? 👁️👁️
he has a lot of interests he uses to pass the time. hes super big into warhammer 40k he Does have a model army and he Does lovingly handpaint them. he rewatches all of metalocalypse once a month (its his ritual). he has a huge steam library as well he keeps up to date on a lot of things
very much a Computer Guy. he knows coding and how to build computers its just a hobby he has. he could also dox someone in a manner of seconds and regularly does in response to twitter fights.
really really into tanks and planes. hes not perfect at identifying them but hes really good and it takes it super seriously. he will stop everything to look at war machinery
he really does not talk much to the other members of shadow company. he talks to roze bc thats his mommy and he "talks" to lerch bc thats his boss but the other grunts he doesnt really ever try to connect w them. he is also nonverbal for life so if they talk to him also he just straight up will not respond beyond a thumbs up or a thumbs down
he has tattoos. theyre both really goofy and really cool. barbed wire around his neck, big shoulder piece, some fandom things, lots of silly doodles. he actually doesnt have many scars bc he stays so masked up buuut
he has some p intense paranoia/delusions about being watched so he keeps his mask on a lot. it brings him comfort. he feels more anonymous in it even with it having his own personal touch and him being taller than most people he meets
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clowningaroundmars · 1 year
Fuck it
Burners hcs
Chuck my beloved 🩵
-Chuck’s anxiety spikes out of control sometimes and so he’s often up and at ‘em even at like 4am just mechanically coding well into the morning just bc he can’t sleep. Other Burners have TRIED to help him fall asleep and they’ve had varying levels of success but no one really knows how to combat Chuck’s insomnia for sure
-Older Chuck smokes weed like a chimney and you cannot convince me otherwise, that boi self medicates like his life depends on it. His whole room be dank as hell
-Messy af room btw, but there is def a method to his madness. Wires and car parts EVERYWHERE tho and also scraps of cloth that he cuts and sews shittily for his LARPing stuff. He still loves it tho
-I love the hcs floating around that he can be very assertive when he wants to be, and likes to take control every now and then :) I’ll leave it at that for now :)
-Chuck tried making a racing game for the Burners, and he got so far as figuring out how to model everyone’s cars but eventually gave up on that passion project after the race in Blonde Thunder. Even just being behind a virtual wheel was too distressing for him LOL
-He’s canonically a cyborg and spends time looking up, downloading, modifying random codes for his own internal wiring. He “mods” himself sometimes and as anxious as he can be, he’s very confident in his programming skills and trying out sketchy codes on himself
-That being said, he’s kinda insecure about being part-robot. No one but him and maybe Mike knows exactly how much of him is metal, and how much of him is organic. He keeps that info to himself bc of self-doubt. Who knows how the rest of the Burners will treat him if they knew? It’s bad enough that he doesn’t know how to drive!
-Besides programming, Chuck actually does try to take up a bunch of other hobbies like learning to play a guitar, a keyboard, trying to improve his sewing skills so he doesn’t just make messy stitches on LARPing costumes, painting, doodling etc etc but like Mike always says “sometimes being a Burner can get in the way of personal stuff”
-PIERCED CHUCK PROPAGANDA!!! I definitely buy into it!! Chuck may hate getting tattoos but this dude gets pierced up later on, I JUST KNOW IT. He has a cool collection of piercings on his ears (daith, triple helix, industrial, orbital etc etc) as well as tongue piercings and… other piercings 😏
-I truly believe that Chuck ran away to MC first— before Mike— and then they met up again there when Chuck heard about a “cadet who saved an apartment full of ppl”
-He ran away in the 1st place after believing that he “lost” Mike when Mike got promoted from being a jr cadet to a full cadet. They hung out together a lot less after that and Chuck couldn’t ignore the evil he was finding as he was training to be part of R&D… so he dipped, terrified and lonely
-Jacob “adopted” Chuck immediately after taking pity on him. One could only watch a scrawny blonde kid stumble around Motorcity and get picked on for so long lol
-That makes Chuck Thee Original Burner!! Fight me about it
-Chris P. confirmed that Chuck knew about cars even while living up in Deluxe, often bragging about how well he’d drive if he ever got in one. It was Chuck who introduced the concept of cars and driving to Mike in the 1st place when they were younger
-Chuck is JUST AS protective of Mike as Mike is of the Burners, that’s his childhood friend!
Mike 💚
-Has his cadet days drilled into his bones unfortunately, this poor guy always does his bed up military style, wakes up at 6am SHARP every single day and works out first thing in the morning. Still, the routine helps a lot and it’s one of the only habits he appreciates from his past
-Has nightmares not too often but… when they hit, they hit bad. Sometimes he just decides not to sleep at all and just joins Chuck on a couch somewhere
-I truly believe he has ADHD!! I’m integrating that into my belief system fuck it
-Bc of that, he often forgets to take care of himself. And not even in the bad I’m-gonna-do-this-dangerous-thing-that-might-kill-me kinda way (well most of the time) but the oops-I-forgot-to-eat-and-it’s-been-8-hrs-since-my-last-meal kinda way. Chuck definitely helps remind him to eat and take breaks, otherwise Mike’s gonna jump into another hours-long errand run across Motorcity without even eating a peanut
-Mike’s super grateful for Chuck, they’re opposites in the way where they complete each other. Chuck eats CONSTANTLY and likes to nap often, Mike basically paces himself on Chuck’s schedule when he’s feeling all out of wack and can’t take care of himself. Chuck happily bosses Mike around and makes him do some self care when this happens
-Older Mike might have some reservations about drugs n shit (good ol Deluxe conditioning in his skull) but he’s not an asshole to other ppl about it. That being said, this mf smokes cigs like a chimney and loves them. Cigarettes are the only thing he smokes, he doesn’t like being not-sober bc it makes him feel like he’s out of control (and the Terras drugging him in “Mayhem Night” didn’t help with that either lol)
-Where Chuck’s room is messy and chaotic, Mike’s room is scarily perfect. He stress cleans so ofc his room is gonna look pristine! Neatly folded sheets and shoes all in a straight line near the door, clothes all hung up perfectly in his closet just like in his cadet days. Not a wrinkle or a spot to be seen anywhere
-Likes to garden as a stress-reliever as well. Mike’s gotta use his hands and get his body moving or else he’ll Explode. He joins Jacob in his supermarket or just does chores around the garage whenever he can
-Burners know that the neater the hideout looks, the worse Mike’s mental health is tho. It sucks, they’re still figuring out how to help calm him down sometimes
-Funny, but for a guy who’s so sunny and upbeat all the time, Mike fuckin LOVES scary dark music. Grindcore and black metal are his top fave genres, much to Chuck’s chagrin. Chuck doesn’t hate metal, it’s just that listening to terrifying hardcore music while Mike’s doing donuts mid-air in Mutt after going 325mph absolutely doesn’t help calm his nerves
-Mike is… not very good with emotional stuff. He’s also shown in the show to be a lil short-sighted and DUMB as hell when it comes to taking social cues (the employee at the refinery acting weird and CLEARLY reading from a cue card in “The Duke of Detroit Presents…”, Chuck’s personality doing a total 180 IMMEDIATELY after Julie brings in the Kaneco booster… like Mike why in gods name would you miss those obvious signs) and it’s probably bc he was trained to be emotionally stunted as a military boy. He still tries his best tho <3
Dutch 💜
-Chuck and Dutch are the bestest buds aside from Chuck n Mike, don’t @ me. They work on the Burners’ cars all the time, how could they not be! Dutch is always giving Chuck props on wiring and upgrading the cars and Chuck thinks that Dutch’s designs and mechanical skills are godly
-Dutch eventually takes their art off the paper and walls and moves onto tattooing after seeing so many Motorcitizens rocking cool art on their arms. They start just like any other teen tho: shitty stick n pokes
-Eventually, the other Burners want tattoos on themselves too (well not Chuck cuz he’s a weenie LOL) and Dutch is more than happy to provide. Even Mike asks for one, much to everyone’s surprise. Julie gets a couple tiny ones where she can easily hide it from her dad. And everyone gets a Burner tat, absolutely
-Ok yeah I also integrate “Dutch is an enby” into my belief system. Sue me. He doesn’t believe in the concept of gender, just goes by he/they for convenience but I really think he doesn’t give a single fuck about it all otherwise
-They start learning from Tennie after going steady in their relationship, and they bring back all the sweet Cabler’s knowledge into the Burners’ car upgrades
-Claire and Dutch start chatting about fashion one day while Julie runs off and leaves them to hang out. After that, Dutch is much more mindful of his wardrobe and even hits her up sometimes to swap fashion ideas and tips
-They love customizing like, everything ever that they can get their hands on. Dutch’s room is for sure the most tricked-out one in the hideout, complete with custom furniture, decked out wall of lights (that Chuck helped program to feature Dutch’s art on it) and more art on the walls than anywhere else in the garage. It’s Dutch’s own slice of heaven
-Older Dutch also partakes in the smoking of the zaza, so him and Chuck just chill out in their lil weed corner outside (bc Mike and Julie hate the smell so no smoking indoors!) just puffing on blunts and showing off new bowls and bongs that they recently bought
-Dutch goes to Chuck to figure out how to establish a private non-traceable line so he can call his family every now and then without alerting Kane grunts. He updates them about stuff (and privately tells Dar about Tennie lol)
-Dutch picked up ROTH’s body after a battle against the Kane bots, intending on studying the metal polymer stuff Kaneco makes to use on the Burners’ cars. But then ROTH woke up, the battle completely wiping his intended functional coding and shocking the hell out of Dutch. But ROTH didn’t attack, and then slowly but surely everyone got used to having a floating Kanebot cluelessly wandering around the base. Dutch decided to paint the bot so he doesn’t keep surprising everyone LOL
Julie 💛
-She’s a weeb idgaf if everyone else thinks so too, it’s my hc now. She pirates and downloads shitty old anime onto drives with Chuck’s help and brings them up to Deluxe so she can watch them in secrecy
-Julie has a room in Deluxe ofc but she also has one built for her down in Motorcity as well. She thinks that the room that she has freedom to decorate and customize is way more “her”. She’s got anime figurines, posters that Dutch painted for her (featuring her fave anime characters ofc), plushies practically spilling out from the shelves, and she’s so happy that she gets to have a room where she can really be free!
-Julie pops the collar of her vest, inspired by Mike
-Idk what kinda music is allowed in Deluxe (probably nOT MUCH) but anyways Julie discovers pop and techno in Motorcity and literally cannot shut up about it afterwards. The other Burners do not really share her enthusiasm for Kpop but they try to be supportive nonetheless
-Jules is oddly enthusiastic about music in general. How could she not be, after hearing only pleasant elevator music all her life? She obsesses over playlists and makes ALL the playlists for the Burners
-She’s the sentimental one for sure. She hoards more stuff in her room in MC than in Deluxe but either way, wherever she makes a space for herself, it’ll always be filled with photos and doodles and lil gifts she receives from other ppl. Even 9Lives has a couple toy charms dangling from mirrors and compartments lol
-Julie loves makeup and painting nails, something she got from Claire. She tried to hide it away from the Burners to “fit in” and then immediately blew that cover once Dutch broke out the nail polish and started to paint their nails one day. After that, she teams up with them to paint everyone’s nails and does cute designs
-She DID know about Mike before formally meeting him after he defected. Ofc, she’s always been observant even tho Kane always tried to hide her away from the public. After Mike ran away to MC, Julie watched it all go down from her dad’s security cams and followed him down there. She has to pretend she doesn’t even know much about Mike, despite having access to his files
-Mike and Julie are The Shippers and wingmen of the group FOR SURE. I know this is kinda canon but idc, you can’t convince me they don’t get together and gossip about other ppl’s relationships all the time. Mike only knows about other ppl having crushes just bc of how observant Jules is
-Julie’s stolen cop car isn’t from Deluxe, it’s from a junkyard in Motorcity. Cops were disbanded in MC a while ago— courtesy of the gangs lol— so that meant easy pickings for Julie
Texas ❤️
-Born and raised in Motorcity (confirmed by creator), Texas helped run his family’s automotive business fixing up cars from junkyards and selling them/their parts (mostly to the Duke lbr). He was the only Burner who had a car even before the Burners formed
-He was The Ride before Mike and Chuck finally built up Mutt and got her running properly, but his car wasn’t Stronghorn just yet, just a custom car cobbled up from various other car parts that he borrowed from his dad
-I truly do believe Texas has a huge family with like a million siblings and that’s why he’s able to get away for long periods of time and do crazy stuff with the Burners all the time
-Potential angst right there… maybe. Cuz he doesn’t get enough attention at home being one of like… 7 or 8 kids or something 😅
-Chris P. said Texas’ parents are the total opposite of him and are intellectuals. Maybe they’re also from Deluxe (R&D even) and couldn’t see themselves having children safely there after Kane went crazy with power, so they ran away to MC and gave birth to their kids there. For as long as Texas can remember, his dad ran the auto shop and his mother headed the Motorcity development council. His parents are VERY involved in the community but… not very involved with the family
-I LOVE the idea that Texas and his siblings are all named after the states. I feel like Alaska, Iowa, Delaware, Georgia, Arizona, Nevada, Dakota, Nebraska… even Maine are cute names!
-Yknow what… those all sound like girl names lowkey. What if Texas is the ONLY brother in his family which is why he hams up his masculinity so much? Hc accepted. Texas and his 7 sisters, I dig it
-Hear me out. Texas initially taught Dutch the basics of constructing a car, transferring and modifying engines, etc etc but Dutch is a smart cookie and eventually their knowledge surpassed Texas’
-Texas is the movie buff of the group and fucken loves sci-fi, old westerns, martial arts, noir and thriller movies. His room is overflowing with movie memorabilia, posters, and shitty crayon doodles of his movie heroes. Any time he’s got downtime he’s always on his lil VR movie headset goggles rewatching something called “5 Dragons of the West: Journey to the Gold Snake” or something
-Texas, like Julie, doesn’t live in the Burners Hideout since he always just goes home after the end of the day. Only Mike, Dutch, and Chuck live there full-time. Julie has the room she stays in sometimes, Texas crashes on a couch (probably where his workout gear is) if he’s too tired to drive back home
-Mike got his adrenaline junkie habits from riding in Texas’ car before building Mutt
-Older Texas absolutely gets tatted up. AND he starts wearing more muscle shirts to show them off ofc!
-Texas is ridiculously emotionally intelligent, even tho he’s a knucklehead most of the time and I believe it’s bc he’s got a ton of siblings. He’s also one of the middle children too, so he’s capable around lil kids as well
-Texas can’t spell bc he’s dyslexic
-Junior and Texas absolutely have SOME history together. Maybe they even grew up together, as that’s not so far-fetched since ppl might buy cars from Texas’ dad’s shop to enter the competitions in the Mama’s Boys Arena
Jacob 💙
-Obviously The Dad of the group of ragtag kids. Mike and Chuck aren’t the only kids that Jacob’s helped out of the rubble of MC, but they are the only ones who stuck around. Yes, Jacob’s an old crazy coot but he has endless patience and plenty of seaweed casseroles for everyone :)
-Motorcitizens know him as The One Who Helps Orphans, specifically ex-Deluxians since he’s one of the only elders who’s been up in Deluxe and didn’t disappear amongst the Motorcity population yet. In “Off the Rack” there’s a split-second where Jacob’s shown greeting the recent Deluxian defectors at Antonio’s, I feel like he takes responsibility over helping Deluxians integrate into MC
-Bc of that, he’s got some p sweet connects across the city. Jacob’s got doctors and nurses, librarians with info, and resources all on speed dial just for the kiddos
-Jacob was the 1st person to show Mike what a car was irl and showed him how to drive in Sasquatch. It was Mike and Chuck who figured out how to build Mutt in the 1st place tho, and they took lots of inspo from the old car magazines lying around Jacob’s office in the supermarket
-The lil haunted house the Burners built for Halloween for the kids of MC was Jacob’s idea :)
-Doc Hudson and Jacob absolutely hook up after Hudson gets settled in MC, sue me. If you cringe at the idea of two old men bumping uglies, you are weak and will not survive the winter
-MC basically celebrates every holiday with a parade or a giant block party somehow, and the city’s first Pride Parade did not disappoint. Jacob made sure to sign the kids up for a spot in the parade and helped them build the float. It got crashed by Kanebots (of course) but the Burners saved the day (again!)
-Jacob stays away from the Burners’ main living space but still lives close by to check in on them every now and then. But he gives the boys their privacy for the most part
-Jacob DOES have Texas’ parents on speed dial as well. Which he uses to threaten Texas into behaving every now and then, but it’s no use. Everyone knows he never calls anyone’s parents unless it’s an emergency lol
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kurjakani · 1 year
Hiii! I was wondering if you’re still into cyberpunk if you could give us (mainly me) some more Dum Dum/ Royce hcs I love the way you interpret them 💛 just go off the rails plz
I am DEEPLY into dummybaby still even tho its been a while since i played cyberpunk 2077.. the tech stuff is cool in a lot of places but the only ppl who rllly wet my appetite for scifi humanity r the maelstrom and the little hints we get about how they function.. Im not like. adept w any technology i can barely keep my comp 2gether so i dont quite understand it, but the part about Maelstrom bodies or brains somehow amplifying music in Totentanz? Made me d r o o l
ANYWAYS im not gonna talk abt te canonical stuff i barely remember it i need 2 refreshen my brain abt it but ill give. u a quick reminder of how i visualize/characterize Dum dum mostly but ill also give some royce stuff and then ill just go ham w some headcanons abt their basic life.
2 me as like, one of the CHillest maelstrom, which, isnt saying a lot, but 2 me (maybe as an adhd person who experiences the same and mayyy be reflecting a bit teehee) hes someone whos experiencing some level of understimulation who gets over it w extremity.
I usually imagine ngl that its caused by being so overstimulated by an extreme enviroment for his whole life (i mean. night city yk?) that he needs constant punching to get through life. this makes for a vERY hollow feeling life for him but 2 me.
Royces chaos kinda enhances it for him 2 some kinda point of like. purpose? Almost? which is why he seems 2 have at least. like some mild genuine respect & dedication to him. yipee yk.
Royce is just batshit and he loves his music and is the exact opposite he seems 2 be full of energy and so on. Royce is hyped Dum dum is exhausted but seeking smth that feels real and alive and exeptional.
2 me. we get so little abt their personalities in game PLEASE leave me alone this is ENTIRELY speculation and reflective.
anyways yeah just some random stuff!!!!
bc of that i kinda like to think that they r both. unwell sleepers if that makes sense? Dont sleep enough. Royce sleeps naturally very little and dum dum keeps up w him. We doo see dum dum usually just hanging about, lounging, I can totally imagine him taking mininaps constantly, eyes flickering from time to time, head nodding. Snapping 2 awakenness suddenly when Royce starts speaking again.
ive looked at some rotations of dum dums model and some of his bodymods are DEFINETLY more just aesthetic than functional.. at LEAST his upper lip rings. Those r trditional piercings. Probably also is chin metal n much of the stuff around his mouth. Again im not technically adept and Idk what the designers were going for, but I'd love to think that also the cored part around his neck, where they've just taken a part around his spine and replaced it w a dent of metal, is fully appearences, just bc its so extreme and interesting. He likes his bodymods he enjoys the process!!!! Perhaps he even enjoys the care that goes into them, bodymods that heavy must require a lot of care.
I dont. think he has tattoos in his final design right? og dumdum had the tats? Though i do love to think that he got tattoos when he was younger but most of them have just gone through being torn apart by his later bodymodifications. Maybe he has some shitty stick & pokes somewhere thatd be cute. bonding w the boys.
he mentions he likes classic rock music- tbh i kinda love 2 imagine that hed also enjoy old movies/shows? classics enjoyer. i knoww they have like those brainfilms n shit but its rly hard for me to imagine film going out of style fully, just like books havent fully gone out of style bc movies exist. i dont remember if movies r much mentioned in the game though. STILL yeah I bet hed like some horror movies... He would 1000% watch texas chainsaw massacre etc, and movies from our day as classics. Midsommar w / dum dum sounds like a nightmare.
Secretly dumdums a lil interested in philosophy. He kinda dismisses stuff like that but he does have a secret admiration for the world and thoughts. This comes out particularly bc Royce has some weird ideas.
I think he must be running warm most of the time.... My friend asked me if i think his metal parts get cold enough for your tongue to get stuck and yeah thatd be funny he prolly hates cold weather and needs 2 wear a balaklava when its wintery outside so his metal parts dont freeze his face.
seeks purpose but u might not realize it bc hes made chaos his purpose
Litcherally never prolly thinks about cyberpsychosis. if e does, maybe he even wishes for it in some way? in a self destructive sense. Royce is more likely to experience it faster, though which i imagine would be a big blow 2 dumdum
Has a lot of CASUAL friends in the maelstrom but it never gets fully to the level of found family/genuine friends. Yes they have a lot in common, yes he spends all his time w them, but it often feels surface level to him, and "unreal". Hes found a more profound connection in Royce, but i feel like his admiration is a little one sided, and that he realizes it? But is like. whatever this is still nice.
dehydrated, forgets to eat and eats like shit when he does eat. Loves carbs and sugars. Possibly caues some of his exhaustion.
He kinda plays up his emotional outbursts!!!! He isnt that angry. He does it to assert dominance in a very outbursty enviroment. If he was in a chiller enviroment you could actually mess w him quite a lot and hed just laugh and mess back w you.
BOTTHH of their eyes can flicker 2 the beat of music like those old computer apps that played music and had some kinda visual indicator of the rythm. fuck w them
Dum dum prolly drives some kinda rly shitty van most of the time, just bc hes usually hanging out w so many people. Big driver in general!!! Not like a car/bike person but enjoys sitting at the wheel and feeling out how the car runs. usually a p good driver but sometimes he gets too focused on getting some adrenaline and becomes a bit of a mess of a driver.
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skepsys · 2 years
I'd love to know more about your new boy! Does he have any hobbies? What're you're ideas for his backstory? Any scars / tattoos? What's something he likes?
(I apologize if this is too many questions I just like hearing about your ocs and your comics for them ^^)
its okay!!!! sorry for the kinda late response i was just sorta thinking on it... igarin's still vry much a wip so some of this is kinda... handwave-y or vague :')
put under a readmore bc i can never be succinct about ocs zzzzz
hobbies is kind of a funny one bc i ALWAYS struggle with this no matter which ocs it is... i get so wrapped up in making them into a big cool thing and giving them backstory and stuff that i forget about like. the smaller, more 'human' things i guess. that said even before this big turning point thing that happened in his backstory hes always been like...a very logical, science and math-minded kind of person so he probably enjoyed anything that could keep his mind engaged and make him think... various types of puzzles? maybe building/collecting models of various things?
his backstory is so....its still pretty piecemeal at this point but the idea is that he was a scientist, or i guess maybe more specifically an astronomer (and/or physicist?) that was a part of a team researching deep space (as in, dark space where there's little to no galaxies or otherwise recognizable signs of. anything). at the risk of going on a tangent the idea is that in this universe where all my oc stuff takes place, general laws of physics and things are the same as they would be in reality--there's magic, of course, and that has an effect on everything but, y'know. it's Fairly Normal within reasonable parameters.
deep space is, scientifically speaking, Fucked Up and its very well accepted that you just don't stray away from known safe lanes of space travel because in space things get Weird. i've yet to get down the hard specifics, let alone how in-universe researchers might go about categorizing the types of things that have recorded and observed in researching deep space but really Anything can happen, all sort of anomalies and phenomenons and strange creatures and beings that, while they (sentient or not) may not be Malevolent that operate on just a completely different set of rules than 'normal' reality.
(small tangent but just as an example i had another story thread ive never done anything with about a solo space explorer who gets trapped in a similar anomaly and they're stranded because their ship won't start again--not because it's broken but because the laws of physics are fundamentally different in that specific area and the engine physically Could Not work anymore)
anyways oh my god. so igarin and the rest of the group find an Anomaly that theyre trying to study and one thing comes to another and they decide to physically approach it in a ship. there's no way to figure what may or may not happen so theyre all very aware of the risks and that they might not be able to come back...
what winds up happening is the ship seems to vanish off any sorts of sensors or communications or Anything for like. 15 minutes. and then it comes back. there's nothing telling anyone at the team that stayed back that anything went wrong so they send a second group to go and get them, only to find the first ship looks like. completely trashed, and as if it's been a wreck for decades, not a few minutes.
this is kind of the part where it gets a little vague bc im just soo indecisive on what i want to be the root of what happened!!! i know that it's like, this second team makes it onto the first ship and its just. grisly. slimy fleshy infectious looking growths and spores and nasty shit yesss god... the entire crew is dead, subsumed into this writhing mess Except igarin who seems to. more or less coherent and in possession of his mind (if not his wits, having been there for what seemed to him to be more like decades instead of minutes) despite how almost half his body is Also overrun with this strange parasitic thing, though a lot less aggressive and more like. symbiotic than consuming him...?
idk what it is though....! some kind of strange alien fungi, parasite, is it all one singular being, is it sentient or was it just doing what it did as a natural thing that would make sense for it back where it came from...?
they wind up getting him out of there and back home before anything else happens.. his left arm winds up getting amputated and a bunch of his body and internal organs get replaced trying to essentially cut out what is initially seen as some kind of sickness they can get rid of but it just never seems to go away no matter how they treat it; but it also never seems to be causing him problems either, not in pain, physically moving about fine, etc
i guess that kind leads into if he has scars because umm... well after a fashion i suppose he does LOL
i think over time he gets treated less like a friend/solleague that the others are trying to save and more of a research subject which, being a scientist himself he's fine with but over time it gets a lot worse and impersonal, its kinda obvious hes more of a Weird Thing so they wind up uhhh. having a Disagreement and he winds up breaking himself out of there
at this point igarin is like. Dubiously human. visually he looks normal, it's a setting where it's very normal for people to have not only cybernetics but 'unnatural' features so at a glance i dont think most people would look twice at him. this parasite thing though is kinda inextricable from him, not only even his body but like worming into the cybernetics and able to influence those too (idk how to describe this without a drawing and im too tired to do that rn...)
im not sure where hes going from here tbh. there's not really anyone for him to go to about whats happening to him nevermind if there's even anything to possibly do about it. maybe he tries to go back to the place it happens and see if he can figure smth out...? much to think about but this is far too long as it is LOL
if any1 read this far. sweet jesus. sorry but also thanks LMAO
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lots of good things r gonna happen to me soon! tmrw i get the boxes with the rest of my clothes and jewelry and my bedding (i moved a couple weeks ago). and in a couple weeks ill get my art supplies and projects. i sent a deposit to a rlly cool tattoo artist and im so excited for that. on tuesday im gonna apply for a mail key and get the paperwork done for the new job i got (clothed figure modeling for an art class). once i have my mail key i can finally get a new cane and compression socks and i think im gonna try iron supplements too. walking around campus is very difficult and painful w/o mobility aids :( and the chronic pain is getting worse overall. one of my professors has multiple research teams and i might be able to join this semester or next semester!! uni doctor is super nice and thankfully he didnt try to put me on meds bc they always give me painful side effects. tbh the pain is very very very rough rn and even though ive been fainting less it's more disorienting and scary when it does happen and my greyouts are worse. but things rlly are looking up and hopefully by october ill be a bit better :)
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svt-vivi · 2 years
Vivi w/ Her Family
summary: a little info on the dynamics of vivi and her family
warnings: mentions death and divorce, spanish curse words.
disclaimer: none of the photos are mine but the collages are and none of these photos included the actually face claim of my oc. this is just to give an idea of the relationships
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❥Mom: Baek Yerin
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age: 1971
contact name: Mother Hen🐥 career: apparel business owner
her mom was her role model, best friend and pillar of strength all wrapped into one
her mom had always been her number one supporter of her dreams
she encouraged vivi to audition for pledis even though she knew the cost and struggle it would be bc she believe in vivi's talent and she didn't want to be the reason it withered away
it warmed her heart seeing her daughter finally debut after years of strenuous training
her mom taught her all she knows about fashion and designing clothes
when her mom passed away, it was the most difficult time in vivi's life
every now and then when something happens in vivi's life she will call or text her mother even though she knows no one will reply
she got a tattoo dedicated to her after she passed away
her mom loved all the svt boys and treated them like her own sons
she would always mention how grateful she was that s. coups is in vivi's life to kind of fill in the father's role
❥Sister: Baek Jiwoo
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age: 1995
contact name: pendeja🥰 (this words is a spanish curse word) (her sister has her as puta)
career: lawyer
the two are polar opposite
while vivi was a troublemaker and didn't care about much, her sister was more responsible and care way too much
this often lead them to fight when they were younger but they always had each other back
vivi will always be there to give her sis some relief from the responsibility of being the eldest and jiwoo makes sure she doesn't do anything stupid
when their parents argue jiwoo would give both vivi and her brother headset and blast music so they couldn’t hear their voice
vivi help her sister hide the fact she was working while in school from their mom to help raise money
when their mom passed away it only strengthen their bond for each other
since her sister had more years with their father, jiwoo would help vivi and their younger brother keep the connection w/ their hispanic heritage
her favorite member is wonwoo bc he was chill, smart and like his tastes in books. they would recommend books to each other
❥Brother: Baek Jiho
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age: 2003
contact name: Bambi🦌
career: college student
these two have always been close knit
since they are closer in age they often walked to school together
he was still young when vivi was a trainee and it was hard for him when vivi was always away for long hours and didn't get to spend time together
he would always ask when she was coming home after she debut and vivi always felt like a terrible sister bc she could never give him a proper answer
so she tries to call him often and hangout w/ him as much as she can
she hates how his growth spurt happen way too quickly. he's almost the same height as mingyu now
although they bicker often, he's actually very gentleman-like towards his sisters
he basically treats vivi like a princess
vivi is super protective of him
if anyone messes w/ him she will hunt them down
she used the money she got from svt to help pay for his college tuition
his favorite member is dino since they are closest in age and he always thought his dancing is sick correct
❥Aunt: Baek Yejin
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age: 1973
contact name: Queen of Baddies😎💋
career: photographer
she didn’t know much about her aunt before her family moved in with her
she was always the aunt that would send gifts for christmas and birthdays and occasional awkward phone calls
once she got to met her when she moved to South Korea she wasn’t very fond of her aunt bc she put the blame on her aunt for them having to move
but her aunt is hard not to like, it only took a week before vivi was constant following her aunt around the house
to vivi, she was the cool aunt who will cause trouble w/ her and made her see she didn't have to fit into society standards of women
she is also the reason vivi became obsessed w/ tattoos
when vivi’s mom passed away, her aunt took them all in and tried her best to be somewhat of a responsible adult
but she never tried to fill in the role of their mother which vivi loved
❥Dad: Sebastián Lopez
Tumblr media
age: 1970
career: finance
she doesn't have many fond memories w/ her father
most of them consisted of his loud voice echoing throughout the house when he was arguing with her mom
the only few good memories she had with her father is when he taught her about her hispanic culture
it's why she is very knowledge on that side of her heritage because those memories will always hold a special in her heart and she's always touching up on it
because she was young and naive, she thought her father would still try to keep in contact with her but when she realize that wasn't the case it broke her heart
it wasn't until seventeen started become known worldwide that he tried to rekindle the relationship
but her heart had already turned cold for him
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Hello. I had a question regarding your post about blind characters. I have a character in my WIP that must cover their eyes.. but it’s blind. He may need to tell people he is blind to explain why he covers his eyes though. I was wondering how I might write this character without offending. Thank you :)
I think I want to start by explaining the “covering blind eyes” trope and why it has become a harmful trope. I think understanding why it’s hurtful helps everyone learn how to handle it better.
I would guess that the “blind people wear sunglasses” trope comes from Hollywood for the specific reason of 1. wanting to signal to the audience that the character is obviously blind and 2. avoid breaking the suspension of disbelief by preventing the audience from catching the sighted actor look at visual stimuli (because disabled characters are almost always played by able actors).
But this changed the way the public expects to experience blindness. If watching a sighted actor wear sunglasses and say he’s blind is all the exposure to the blind community a person has had, that’s the only model of blindness they’ll recognize. If they meet a blind person in real life who doesn’t wear sunglasses, it’s going to break this built perception and cause an uncomfortable cognitive dissonance. 
And then there is the common “cloudy-white blank gaze” that pops up in media. It stems from the fact that cataracts is the most common cause of blindness and the appearance of severe cataracts is a cloudy film in the eyes obscuring the iris and pupil. It can also alter what color a person’s eyes appears to be, making them appear paler and grey in the beginning and then as the cataract advances it becomes more yellow/brown and alters a person’s vision to appear more yellow tinted.
There are lots of other eye conditions that makes the eyes look visibly different. Albinism for instance affects the color and structure of the iris. Eyes might be congenitally misshapen. The muscles might be weak or not work and one or both eyes point significantly outward. Someone who was born blind and experienced no visual stimuli might also have weak muscles around their eyes because they never had a reason to focus their eyes on anything.
And unfortunately humans have the habit of feeling uncomfortable when they meet someone who looks very obviously different from the norm, whether that’s a personal style choice (hair color and style, tattoos, clothing choices) or something they can’t help (a visible disability, skin color, scars). 
To the paragraph above, @gothhabiba replied with:  “it's very weird & ahistorical to claim that racism or ableism are some kind of natural "human" trait.. like frankly it's apologia”
You’re right, I wasn’t thinking beyond that generalization or assumption.
Perhaps a better way to put it is: I was raised in a society where I was taught from childhood to think that there was only one kind of human being to be. White, cis, straight, abled, conservative. That’s a very western thing and that’s a thing I’m going to constantly be unlearning.
Racism and ableism and homophobia aren’t innate, that’s a western thing that was forced onto the rest of the world by colonialism. And because western media created this idea that the world is white, abled, cis, straight, and Christian-value leaning, it taught people to think that was the norm so that seeing someone different from that archetype would cause a cognitive dissonance, which causes discomfort.
And instead of working past that cognitive dissonance to learn more and realize there’s so much more to life than media taught you, society encourages you to ignore that cognitive dissonance by sticking your head in the sand-- or TV screen.
So combine these two tropes or common beliefs together and you get something a little dangerous: the idea that blind people cover their eyes because they look obviously different and they’re ashamed (or should be ashamed) of that.
And if you’re someone who’s just gone blind or who was born blind and you have little to no contact with the blind community, then this societal belief that you should be ashamed of how your eyes look becomes detrimental to your self-esteem and further builds internalized ableism.
I’ve lost count of the times I’ve read or watched a blind character cover their eyes with sunglasses because they were ashamed of how their eyes looked. And I distinctly remember a few times where a sighted friend of the character was trying to convince them to stop wearing sunglasses because there’s nothing wrong with looking different--which is true, but it plays into this fantasy of being the perfect abled ally who saves the blind character from being miserable. 
In an ideal world, the character has no reason to believe looking different is a bad thing or diminishes their worth or makes people dislike them. And if they develop this belief, it’s more likely that someone more involved in the disabled community, most likely someone disabled themselves, will set them straight. Or that the character will learn to accept themselves on their own, looks included.
But there are some perfectly valid reasons for any blind person to wear sunglasses. They might have an interest in fashion and sunglasses complete the look they’re going for. They could want to protect their eyes from UV rays while they’re outside. They may experience light sensitivity and sunglasses reduces any discomfort or pain. Those are incredibly common reasons to wear sunglasses whether you’re sighted or blind.
But there are some more complicated situations.
In your words, your character must cover his eyes. You never specified why, so my primary guess is that he has some kind of power that is unpleasant or has devastating affects and the only way to prevent it is to keep his eyes covered. My primary guess stems from this post where an anon and I discussed a retelling of Medusa, a hypothetical blinding of oneself to avoid ever killing anyone ever again, and what I think I would do if I was in that scenario.
So how do you write a blind character who must cover their eyes and avoid some of the complications?
1. Your character must always have the ability to say “fuck off, it’s my business, I don’t have to tell you why I’m blind or why I cover my eyes.”
Most blind people really, really don’t want to get into the nitty-gritty of why they’re blind and how they feel about it and what it’s like being blind with a stranger they’ll never see again or a new acquaintance they don’t know well yet. You have exceptions to that rule where sure, educating the public about blindness is a thing you want to do and you’re committed to helping your community, but I still have days where I don’t want to talk about being blind or disclose my medical crap.
And if someone doesn’t respect their right to their privacy or pushes too much, the blind character is allowed to be angry, is allowed to tell them off and complain without anyone else in the situation vilifying them or saying they’re “overreacting” and “should have just disclosed private information because big deal or whatever.” If they are angry, that’s their right, and it’s not unreasonable, it doesn’t make them a bad person.
2. Your character should not be ashamed of being blind or of covering their eyes. It is a part of their life, they’re used to it by now, even if they weren’t in the beginning.
The shame and internalized ableism is something that should be written about, but that’s for an own-voices story with a blind author. I don’t think an abled person will ever be able to understand how much society expects you to hate yourself and your disability because “being disabled is a tragic thing that ruins your life” and how that does affect your mental health, self esteem, your relationships with others, your medical care, and what kind of accommodations you can get.
3. It wouldn’t hurt to have a few sarcastic lines in response to uncomfortable conversations.
Stranger: so what’s with the...
Blind Character: what’s with what?
S: the... you know
BC: you’re gonna have to be a bit more specific
S: Your eyes?
BC: They’re... eyes
S: but you’re...
BC: Blind?
S: uh...
BC: yeah, I’m blind. *walks away*
Or this conversation:
S: *to some other character* so why are his eyes covered?
(author’s note: which, honestly, that’s fucking rude. At least have the guts to ask me yourself)
BC: If I look anyone in the eye they instantly perish.
*awkward silence*
BC: instantly.
Friend: It’s truly tragic
BC: *melancholic* that’s how I lost my sister. *chokes up* She was so young
Or this conversation:
S: Why are you wearing that?
BC: It’s called fashion Karen!
Or this conversation:
S: are you like... blind?
BC: yes?? why wouldn’t I be?? Wait, are you sighted? Are you one of those sighted people? You poor thing! What caused you to gain your sight? Do you have a car? A bike? Were you born sighted? What’s it like to see color? Do you miss not having to see 
God, I want a chance to try that last one. I haven’t interacted with a stranger in almost a year. One day...
4. Honestly, it’d also be cool if someone’s reaction to your character covering their eyes was like, “cool sunglasses,” or “cool *insert random character, even one you made up* cosplay,” (which is ten times funnier if this character is a notable figure in modern society like an actor who people might cosplay). 
5. You know, if he’s covering his eyes with some kind of blindfold, he should totally have custom blindfolds for his moods. Like, I have a mask that says “suck it up buttercup” and another that says “not today” because sometimes that’s the mood. And sometimes the mood is one of my floral masks, and sometimes the mood is my cat mask.
So, just some thoughts. I hope that helps.
Edit: a commenter said: “op, unless i'm mistaken this kind of reads like anon meant the character ISN'T blind but lies about being blind to explain covering their eyes? it seems like they made a typo on the word "isn't"”
So my original response to the question was based on the assumption that the character is blind. However,
If the character is not blind, then do not under any circumstances have them lie and say they’re blind to escape a mild inconvenience. 
It’s better to have the character actually explain the situation or straight up leave the conversation or invent a more ridiculous lie than to perpetuate the very real stereotype and misconception that there are people who fake being blind and therefore it’s okay to discriminate or harass them if you even suspect they’re faking.
Do not under any circumstances perpetuate that stereotype. Do not harass someone because you don’t think they’re blind enough.
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