#to use him as a puppet without him noticing that's what they're doing
q-starhalo · 9 months
"But I don't think you're a puppet of the Federation"
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reidsdaisies · 2 months
hi! can i request rose prompt 14 with dom!spencer and sub!fem!reader where they're on a case and spencer is very stressed and on edge and the reader decides to help him relax, when they're in a car alone she tells him to stop and get out in the middle of nowhere, he wants to check is she's wet under her skirt and is met with a surprise
have a nice day!!!
༉‧´ˎ˗ pairing; dom!spencer reid x sub!fem!reader
༉‧´ˎ˗ prompt(s); rose, 14 – “No underwear? Did you plan this?”
༉‧´ˎ˗ content warnings; car sex(ish?), some touching over the pants, pet names (sweetie, dirty girl), fingering (f recieving).
༉‧´ˎ˗ wc; 0.6k
celebrate with me!
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“Pull over,”
“Hm?” Spencer mutters, eyes still focused on the road, hands gripping the wheel.
“Could you pull over, please? I think I know of a way to help you relax.”
He quirks his eyebrow, side eyeing you. You use his moment of distraction to place your hand over his thigh, fingertips dangerously close to his crotch. That’s when it clicks in his brain, you want to help him destress that way.
You begin to rub slow circles onto him over his slacks, squeezing his thigh ever so slightly.
A smirk quickly forms on your face as he listens to you, pulling over onto the side of the road and putting the car in park. He sighs deeply, leaning back against the seat.
“What’s this about relaxing?” he teased, licking his lips, playing along with your little game, resting his hand atop yours.
“Oh, nothing, just thought you could take that stress out on something other than the wheel you’ve been death-gripping this past 15 minutes, and take your mind of the case. I know it’s been really bugging you.”
“Don’t mention the case,” he orders, tightening his grip on your hand and guiding it in the direction of his semi-erection.
You swallow at his slightly harsh tone, nodding your head, allowing him to act as puppet-master and use your hand as his puppet. His hand encapsulates yours, rubbing both back and forth over himself. He lets out a grunt when you cup him on your own, continuing with the motions he set in place for you.
“C’mere, sweetie,” Spencer whispered enticingly, beckoning you over to sit in his lap. You do as he says, tossing your arms over his shoulders as he places his hands on your hips, guiding you down onto your new seat— his lap.
You begin to grind on his lap, and that’s when he notices the little secret you’ve been keeping from him.
“No panties, huh? Did you plan this?” You can’t help but smile cheekily at him, nodding your head. “Is that why you went to the car before me, to take them off without me noticing?”
You bite your lip, unable to hide the fact he was completely correct and just found you out.
His hand dips beneath your skirt, fingers grazing your inner thigh, inching closer to where you need them the most. Finally making contact with your arousal, he begins to stroke you with his fingers. A whimper falls from your lips, beginning to grind yourself on his fingers now, instead of his thigh.
“You’re such a dirty girl,” he whispers into your ear, nipping your earlobe and causing you to react the same way you did just moments ago, wordlessly begging him to push his fingers inside of you.
Spencer’s not a mind reader, but he’s far from clueless, and so, his fingers dip lower, breaching your entrance, pulling a choked moan from you.
His fingers work skillfully, stretching you open with ease. It isn’t until he’s using his thumb to rub circles on your clit, and you’re on the brink of orgasm, that he withdraws his fingers from you. The loss makes you whine, now feeling especially empty after getting used to the feeling of his fingers filling you. You attempt to reach for his hand, but you’re too slow to grasp it, him being on a mission to lick his fingers clean of you. Mouth agape as you watch him lick your essence from his fingers, he uses this to his advantage, kissing your mouth, swirling his tongue with yours, allowing you to taste yourself.
“Tastes good, hm?” he doesn’t let you answer though, because he slides his fingers right back inside you, rendering you speechless. “It’s just too easy to please you,” he chuckles.
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theminecraftbee · 6 months
Tango's half-asleep in a cabin he's sharing with Impulse and Skizz and Joker and Zed. It's been loud the past few days as they set up. Most of them plan on being busy during the break, so they won't all be sharing it that often, but they'd needed a place to crash when they weren't busy doing other things. Impulse had offered to let them stay in the Vault Hunters server, but it's practically tradition, shacking up together in a cabin in the woods and pretending no one can get to them. It's rare that they use the cabin for more than a few weeks--rare any of them need it for that long--but it's nice. Traditional. Useful to drag each other to when they get too workaholic.
Honestly, Tango's just been napping. He'd gotten Decked Out to a place it could be run alone, and then he'd gotten decoupled from Decked Out in a process he doesn't really want to talk about that sort of melted his brain out his ears again. He'd gotten yelled at for getting possessed again, and hugged, and then told to describe in exhaustive detail what being possessed was like because as much as Tango loves his friends, neither Zedaph nor Impulse are like, normal about things like that, and--
Tango's legs had barely worked during the end-of-season party. Turns out being part of a machine for like, three months, has an effect on the body when you're removed from it! Haha. Who would have guessed? He'd shared some drinks with the hermits, conspicuously avoiding alcohol on account of the room spinning enough without it, and then told Impulse he had to leave for his own good, please, Pearl could drink him and Gem under the table stop trying to prove otherwise, and they'd departed.
And Tango had taken a nap. And another nap. And... wait for it... another nap.
It's supposed to be a longer break this season. Tango is contemplating napping for at least a month. He deserves it. For him.
Anyway, he's half-asleep in the cabin, halfway still snoozing and quarter of the way catching up on the technical journals he hadn't been reading while he was Decked Out, and quarter of the way remembering how like, fingers work when they're not being puppeted by a massive death machine of his own design, when he catches a look at the time and date, pauses, and realizes something.
"I forgot," he mumbles. "Huh."
He waits a moment for the howling of the absence Decked Out's wind to be replaced with eerie, indescribable silence, like the world had been replaced for months at the start of the season whenever he saw a reminder. The thing is, though, he's just--he's too tired to grieve more. Tired, and satisfied with his work, and he's safely in a cabin in the woods where Skizzleman is sleeping in the bunk above him, snoring with a loudness only Skizz possesses. His brain is still halfway leaking out of his ears and he still sort of craves raw meat. His tongue is real, by the way. He keeps noticing it? His tongue is real? Man, he'd say he doesn't recommend getting possessed, but he's totally going to do it again, and--
"I forgot," he says again, testing out the word against his lips. "The day I died passed and I forgot about it."
He waits a few more minutes for the panic to claw at his chest. It strikes him then, though, that it hasn't for some time, and some of that may have been his brain being used as a processing chip for Decked Out in equal measure with like, being his brain, so he didn't have room for that, but. Even before then. Even in the moments he was the most himself.
"Toppers?" Skizz asks from the top bunk. "What are you doing awake, huh? It's, uh--dark, I don't know what time it is, I broke my clock."
"My sleep schedule broke during the Decked Out thing," Tango says, "I told you that."
"Yeah, but like--did you have a nightmare about evil cows or something?"
"Evil--what do you think Decked Out is?"
"I was there! I know what it is!" Skizz says. He pauses a moment. "If you need something..."
Tango lies back and thinks of his friends. They were smiling as they left, this season.
"No, I'm fine. Don't worry about it. It's just that it's 1 AM on the 23rd, is all."
"Oh, man, that late?"
Tango laughs. "Yeah. That late."
He means something different than Skizz.
"Do you think ghosts eat people more if they're sleep-deprived?"
"You are actively going to make it worse for yourself. Also, wait, did you say you broke your clock? How?"
"No, listen--"
He's late.
That's alright.
He'll always have time later.
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yostresswritinggirl · 2 years
Kintsugi (11)
: "to repair with gold"
Scaramouche / Wanderer x First Puppet! Reader
After his third betrayal, he stumbles upon the one thing that would never deceive him. Not a god, not a human; a broken puppet, discarded just like him. Part 1. Extras.
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"This land has no place for us, thus we will find it somewhere else."
You've found yourself behind Kunikuzushi once again with his arm extended as a barrier between you and the world he so desperately wants to protect you from.
It was an unconscious habit, second nature by now to him. Something that once conflicted you now became your normal.
Your light touch on the hand that hovers over his blade eased the rising tension in his shoulders, opting to instead wrap his digits around yours with a reassuring squeeze. Too reckless; that and you'd always been more patient when it comes to humans.
After refusing the coat, Kuni would slightly turn to you and adjust the veil to cover you better despite claiming just now that the cold doesn't affect you both.
"I know of a place that would be beneficial to you, the same place where this boat is heading," the stranger that helped you both turns his head to you. "But this one here..."
Despite the mask, there is an undeniable look of scrutiny underneath it that unconsciously forced you to hide your exposed limbs beneath the veil.
You almost missed the way he tilts his head slightly in deeper contemplation when Kunikuzushi suddenly pulled you close to his chest, an arm circling your back to grip at your forearm.
There was an emphasized growl when he speaks your name towards the Harbinger. He was correcting this all-powerful man, all so he addresses you by your new name instead of some object. "They're with me. You take both of us or none at all."
"Interesting." He seems preoccupied with something else. That doesn't seem to be in response to Kuni's words.
A shock like shiver courses through your body as your eyes narrowed at him.
"Very intriguing." You cannot trust this doctor.
Turns out you DO need a coat.
Here in the land furthest north the cool wind bites at those who are fragile, and out of the two of you, the frost bites through your cracks and restrains you stronger than the vines back in your homeland. Over your haori lies Scaramouche's harbinger coat.
Yet despite its thickness, trips outside to barren lands of snow is still risky. You sigh, at least mimic the action, who would have thought you'd miss sitting outside under the shade of sakura trees.
You also miss Kunikuzushi, who was now busy with tending to his work as a Fatui Harbinger.
Like how Snezhnaya hides away the sun, Kunikuzushi was only spoken behind closed doors.
Lord Harbinger or Lord Scaramouche is what he goes by now, titled by the gracious Cryo archon herself in welcome of you two. The benevolent Tsaritsa that accepted your presence as much as Kunikuzushi.
Before you spiral into madness at the thoughts of her soft gaze of recognition, huge and heavy steps easily took your notice.
Your fingers wraps protectively around the sakura bloom by instinct, harder to do so than before, before you turned your head to see Sandrone already looking at you.
"Waiting for someone?" Her smile is as demure as usual, but the tilt of her head betrays her true intrigue.
Sandrone and Dottore, you were quick to find out their interests in you and Kunikuzushi for the simple fact that you are living puppets. You've heard various warnings from Kuni to not be deceived by their invitations and coaxing, and to only engage when he's with you.
She at least made repairs and gave useful pointers when your body started acting up. Albeit, under the orders of the Tsaritsa.
The robot holding the Marionette suddenly shifts to retrieve something from its pocket, and soon the both of them make their way to stand in front of you. "I'm positive of the inconvenience that petal in your hand brings." Without fear, you also narrow your eyes at this Harbinger. "How curious, but I am only here to offer a simple solution."
From a silent command, the huge gauntlet of the robot unfurls to reveal a small empty vial attached to a necklace chain.
The gaze on you was searing and hawk-like as the Harbinger watched your ministrations, your stiff hands gently nudging the petal inside the vial before donning the necklace. It hangs just over your chest. Yet Sandrone, the Marionette, still can't seem to look away.
Out of all the Fatui Harbingers, it was Dottore, Sandrone, and occasionally Tartaglia that actually paid attention to you.
And it's that fact that Kunikuzushi explicitly warned you to stay away, or at least not be alone in their presence. More for the crazed ones who are mostly interested in your anatomy and mechanisms than anything else.
The only time you were even physically close to them were when you had to be fixed upon your first malfunction in the cold, and that was due to the benevolence of the Tsaritsa, any harm on you would have broken more than just your joints.
It was only when you covered the petal with your haori did Sandrone finally look away, still that gentle yet seemingly malicious smile on her face.
"Say, how long have you had that sakura bloom?"
A cough and a call of your name had you eagerly turn to Kuni - Scaramouche, his eyes wide before redirecting a glare towards his fellow Harbinger. "Let's go, we have places to be." And with a protective hand on your shoulder, you left the Palace.
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The Balladeer consists of two lords.
This was a fact that only those that worked under Scaramouche knows and something that other Fatuus would look at them weirdly for. Was this some kind of gaslighting beaten into them after all the trauma they deal with daily for unfortunately working for the Balladeer?
But they are none the wiser, after all, Lord Scaramouche had always been so careful and secretive when it comes to you.
When you came to Snezhnaya, you never had a title for yourself other than your name and aged folklore that died with your departure. Your affiliation with the Fatui is also superficial, as your ties are only with Scaramouche. Your loyalty lies with Kunikuzushi, and Kunikuzushi's loyalty lies with your safety.
Arrangements followed suit and you had your own subordinates to mobilize even if you had no need for them.
The Balladeer's other lord is a blessing - a vacation. When the underlings rotate to switch from serving Scaramouche to being under your command, it was always a massive relief for them. After all, Lord Scaramouche is ruthless and you were low maintenance.
They felt more like retainers and bodyguards, looking out for you and fetching whatever you may need. The only time it felt like a job was when Scaramouche was visiting, or you wanted to be outside for a walk. You always loved to look around and the awe of the frozen wasteland had always been baffling for the locals who had long grown tired of the weather and wither.
The job only ends up badly when you turn up 'sick' after a walk outside in the cold. Despite their warnings, it would be them that gets punished by Scaramouche.
You may be patient, a blessing in the Fatui, but you are no means inherently good. After all, you value fairness above all. "Please, my lord, don't send us back to Lord Scaramouche." One of the new recruits practically begged by your feet.
Everyone else were too late to prevent him, not when you stopped writing in your journal to look down at the kneeling recruit. "But we've always had this rotation set up ever since?" The softness of your voice, devoid of edge, must have urged the confidence of the soldier.
"You must understand, Lord Scaramouche had always been ruthless! I would rather serve you forever, you have my utmost loyalty, Lord -"
"Don't." The fatui soldier shuddered at your harsh gaze looking down at him, shakily forcing him to remove his hold on the end of your veil. "You wish to receive a different treatment? What about the poor soul who's supposed to switch with you? Are you fine with them staying in Kuni's command permanently so you could stay here?"
Turning back to your table, you refused to continue your writing as you gripped at your kimono, expression only visible to the masked-desperate soldier.
The coldness in the room bites with the addition of electricity. "Selfish... Selfish humans..." And you closed your eyes, refusing to acknowledge anything else.
Never had any soldier sighed in relief at the arrival of the Balladeer, but just this once, when he finally visited your quarters did the unnerved subordinates finally had a semblance of sanity after being subjected to silence so damning. No one had told them what to do when you went into this state after all - sitting stock still, unmoving, without a breath or a single word out of you no matter what they do.
The feeling of Kunikuzushi's hand adjusting your slipping veil finally roused you from your stasis, turning your head to look back at his thinly veiled worried gaze. "Kuni."
"I'm here." His eyes flickered to look at the fatui soldiers standing by. "Your henchmen reported you acting... Differently, are you feeling okay? Do you need check up again?"
This would go down in history as one of the events that the Fatui soldiers would never believe. Even as witness, the sight still felt like a fever dream from the harsh cold of the region.
The rarest sight of them all. Of their very own Lord Scaramouche speaking in such softness and gentleness only a mother to their child could mimic, matched with a worried gaze that looked so foreign and unwelcomed to his usually glared eyes. And that foreign name not even the most trusted soldier under his command is privy to.
So easy to fall behind just for you.
"Then let's walk, I have time." Urging you to stand, the harbinger himself took your (his) coat from the chair to drape over your shoulders. A second of silence passed before he suddenly pulled his hat down to hide your faces from the soldiers.
Incoherent whispers that had everyone intrigued, but when he leaned away, a smile on your face was revealed.
The walk was pleasant for everyone.
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Scaramouche could see it in the slight purse of your lips and the furrow of your brows, that even your vow to silence, he knows you still do not have it in you to be as disconnected as him.
No matter the betrayals, their discrimination, their capability to harm - you still find it in you to sympathize with humans. You only stayed silent as it was an order.
But he couldn't leave you there, vulnerable in the presence of other Harbingers, and so you find yourself stepping foot on the very soil you've left behind years ago. It was a different experience in comparison to your trip to Mondstadt when he was investment the meteor shower.
Scaramouche had to take care of the delivery of the delusions first, and with the small freedom you had before you explore the current Inazuma once he was done, your feet carried you to a familiar sight. The calming sight of pink rain and the soothing scent of said blooms.
You miss the freedom you had wandering the lands of Inazuma, before the Tsaritsa swept him away. Despite still seeing each other almost daily, his duty had kept him from the same routine, the same freedom. And for what? To take the gnosis from the Raiden Shogun to match her power?
You had every right to be skeptical the moment he became clear of his intentions simply because you knew him. Better than anyone. Perhaps better than himself.
The puppet you knew, of Kunikuzushi, never once strived for power. From the stories of the humans he met, even if vile, not once did it cross your mind that he would turn out to be this way.
He's lonely, hurt, betrayed.
You feel the same way, but how would the electro gnosis fix that? The idea of godhood only brought him pain, would this really be the right course of action for him?
And what about you... What's your purpose in this world?
Ambitions... Your hand reaches out towards the Sacred Sakura as if it felt natural, one of its petals whisked away from the tree to slowly descend in front of you. Would keeping it safe be enough to be called an ambition? Is... Staying by his side enough of a purpose?
"To think that there would be more than one of you. More so, stepping foot in my shrine."
The feeling of an object lightly tapping on the back of your head had you distracted, the petal falling past your awaiting hand.
"I suppose I sha'nt make the same mistakes. Close your eyes now, little one."
A beautiful flash of purple and violets shrouded your vision.
Scaramouche is in a good mood - was in a good mood - before he arrived back in the Fatui hideout to look for you. He had gotten what he wanted, and with all his goals achieved, there was no reason to stay with this wretched organization that only sought to test his patience.
Yet he was greeted not by his companion but of tight-lipped subordinates who cannot speak even if he beats it out of their system.
It was only when a soldier he vaguely remembers to be under your command rushed in did he finally get his answer.
"My lord, we are in dire need of your assistance." The sourness of his expression becomes apparent, but the soldier persists in desperation. "It has happened again - an accident occurred with the other lord."
The sky overhead was as gloomy as the day he was discarded.
Yet despite the carnage of blood and bodies laying around, Kunikuzushi was fearless on approaching the familiar form with your back turned towards him. Not even the thunder and lightning would keep him away from you.
"(Y/N)." The discarded veil in his hand is frayed and scorched on the edges. "I'm here."
Without a word, the turbulent weather ceased its anger, leaving behind a deafening silence. Even as you slowly turned it was soundless.
Only when he dropped to his knees did the illusion of peace shattered.
"What..." Kunikuzushi's hands shook on its way to cradle your cheeks. "What have they done to you?"
He does not realize his tears, not when his thumb gingerly stroked at the lightning marks that burned your skin. It was still warm. It was warm anywhere he touched.
Yet this warmth brought him no comfort whatsoever.
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Nothing is more insulting than to be this fragile, to be this desperate, to stoop so low, to back down on his very words to enlist the help of a human.
But he was his only hope, even if he so desperately wants to destroy him right here right now with just his glare. The effort would not be worth it - this isn't the real one, after all.
Dottore is at least a wise man to not say a word about this predicament. In his head, he scolds himself for not seeing this approach sooner.
No matter, he is getting what he wants either way.
Scaramouche falling into his hand with a simple promise was already a guaranteed success. But for the arrogant puppet to offer his most prized possession so easily? He has guaranteed at least one win on this trip.
"It seems you have been preoccupied during your absence, and this is what I see of you after escaping surveillance." Nevermind, he simply could not hold his tongue.
After making sure you're sat properly on the operating table, Dottore's segment took a step to the side to escape a bolt meant to strike him, instead hitting a Fatui Skirmisher. It would be no surprised if he was dead on the spot.
"I agreed to collaborate with you -" even if he was to benefit from it all, Dottore rolled his eyes in his mind. "And I can easily revoke my decision if you dare overstep, mortal."
"I am merely stating a fact, but know that this opportunity is indeed too great to be lost. I will take good care of them."
Scaramouche does not hide the way he rolled his eyes before turning to you, eyes immediately softening to provide assurance. So long as he lives, you would be safe, he assured you.
Removing the veil and folding the fan finally gave the doctor the full detail of the damage he's agreed to fix.
He can see now why the ever so prideful harbinger would come to him for help. The second had only ever admired you from afar due to the obvious hostility of the lord harbinger, but even now in your most vulnerable, there is still an eerie ethereal aura around you.
Lichtenberg figures - the scar runs along your face and reaches deeper, continuing under your robes and layers. It was akin to burned branches decorating your already deteriorating skin, flaking from time and damages.
Like a porcelain filled with cracks, ready to fall apart.
Sandrone would kill him for having this opportunity first.
As Scaramouche carefully lays you down to rest, you can't help but keep your eyes on his. When had he last been so unguarded with his emotions that you can easily see through them? The guilt, the anxiety, the despair - all laid bare for you to see.
In your fatigue you managed to take his hand, hand in crumbling hand, he lands a kiss on the back of your hand. Like a silent promise.
"I will be here when you wake up," Scaramouche gently caressed your flaking hand. "In a perfect form you've always deserved."
On your way to sleep, you cannot help but let the endearing thought occupy your thoughts: he seemed more hesitant to let go of your hand than you to his.
Your dreams were pleasant because of it.
"They have fallen into a deep sleep." The soon-to-be god gently settled your hand on the table. "I will uphold my end of our arrangement, so long as you do yours."
"Tch." Taking out the electro gnosis from under his kimono, he wasted no time placing it on the doctor's awaiting palm. "Here."
"And the second agreement."
And in here he hesitates, sending one last look on your form and one last glare to Dottore. "If I find out you've done something, I will end you myself." He spits with venom combined from eons of mistrust, before slamming the metal door on his way out.
Alone in this section of the factory, Dottore can't help but indulge in a triumphant laugh for a second as he rolls the chess piece in between his gloved fingers. It crackles to life as he walks closer to where the other puppet rests.
"Finally, I have found my answers." Holding it at its crown, Dottore slowly places the gnosis down next to your head. "Aren't you so fascinating? You've disproven all my theories, and yet I am not at all disappointed."
To think that a prototype had long overshadowed your light...
Waking up felt like leaving a warm embrace under the bittersweet accompaniment of a shedding cherry blossom tree, fallen leaves each rousing you to the path of consciousness with the softest of touches.
You leave your dream with the image of a smile, and wake up to one as you finally focused your vision.
"I'm here." Scaramouche stepped back when you quickly slid off the table, following closely as you made your way to the large mirror on the other side of the room. "It seems the operation was a success."
Success? "But - this is - " You touched the lines on your face. What modifications were you expecting beforehand? A new body? A new skin? You didn't expect it to be -
"Kintsugi." Scaramouche's hands slowly coaxed your hands off your face to show the golden lines clearly. You soon realize that your skin had been renewed to remove the flaking state, and the joints that were damaged were fixed. But there were no other changes, significant changes.
"I don't understand, the perfect form -"
His hand traced the branches of gold so lovingly, tenderly, with eyes of serenity you had never seen before. "You are already in your perfect form since the day I met you." The veil, trimmed to remove the damage from before, once again lays on your head. "There is no need to change you."
Watching yourself pull the veil close to your face, you can't help but admire how well the gold matches with the transparent purple.
To be looked at with such adoration from a beautiful doll like him.
"And once I become a god, I will create a perfect world for you too, one that you deserve and deserves you."
You close your eyes as he cradled your cheeks of beautiful scars.
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"With this as my proof, I will walk this new life in my own terms." The Traveler does not miss the melancholic smile the Wanderer dons as he cradles the vision by his chest, even when he desperately tries to hide it under the shade of his hat. "For the both of us."
"Both of us?"
"Yes, I -" Locking eyes with the Traveler, his hopeful gaze from earlier dissipates to that of indifference. "Have you seen (Y/N)?"
"Huh? We've never heard of that name before." Paimon interjects, prying for clues on the image of this mystery person. "Paimon doesn't think we've seen anyone like that, even back in the port when we were with Dehya."
"Buer." Turning to the God of Wisdom, there was a sadness in her eyes that had only manifested now.
"I have the answers you seek, but... it may not be the answers you want." When his gaze doesn't waver, the dendro archon continues. "After negotiating with the doctor after the Traveler passed out..."
"While it is unfortunate that I was unable to see the results of this experiment, it at least gave way to another, more promising one." Lesser Lord Kusanali watched in apprehension and curiosity as the harbinger emerged from behind a pillar in the sanctuary, an unmoving form in his arms.
At that time, the dendro archon had no knowledge in her disposal to understand the direness in the situation, or the implications underlying it. All that she knew is that this was non-negotiable.
Even if she had the strength to fight, there was a possessiveness to the doctor that screams to her. This one, this puppet in his hands, is something he would not let go with simple bargains.
"Not only have you provided me with the gnoses, but you have removed the greatest obstacle to my newest magnum opus."
"This, is the only thing that was left behind." Placing the object she had cradled in her tiny hands on the Wanderer's palm, a familiar vial greets the puppet. "I'm sorry."
A necklace with a glass pendant. Inside lies a wilted petal that once shone a beautiful shade of pink.
Strong gale swirls around them as the Wanderer laughs, the glass exploding into shattered remains in his palm as he does so. "So this was your plan all along, Dottore? First, you take away my gnosis. And then..."
The edge on his voice makes the Traveler step back. But speechless when he raised his head to glare at the sky, his hat uncovering the hateful tears streaming down his cheeks. "You take away the only one that ever mattered to me. That vile, filthy -"
You must be so scared.
Clutching his vision close to his chest, the faint hum in the rhythm of a gentle heartbeat does not console him anymore.
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Thank you for reading Kintsugi! This is the ending, folks! However I will be publishing another piece for this of all the different scenarios that got scrapped as well as in-depth explanation of the elements of this story. There were a lot of things changed and removed here in comparison to the original concept, and I will share them next time, but I hope you still enjoyed this one!
@deepdinosaurwizard @local-mr-frog @angryhope @rowielol @shoujishu @notyuki @asteriacos @willburzone @crystalcosplays @hxqlou @rolo-at-midnight @ireallylikehamsters @crxwned-mxnarch @reveltica @seddiepilled
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morgana-artt · 8 months
Silent Words (P x Deaf!GN!Reader)
Note: Just a little thank you to those that commented on my previous post, y'all were so sweet in encouraging me to write, I'm not great at writing but I really hope you enjoy it! My requests are open if anyone has any ideas and I'm also open for criticism especially with things such as deafness, I want to be as respectful as I can be when writing things like that.
Note #2: The reader in this wasn't born deaf but eventually lost their hearing as a child. And pinning, LOTS of pinning because I'm a sucker for that stuff lol
Finally getting back to the hotel, P made his way into the main lobby and greeted Sophia with a nod and she with a wave. "Hello Gepettos puppet, I'm glad you are back safe. Did you manage to get to the factory?", she asked as P nodded in reply, "That's good. Please take a rest you deserve it" she smiled as P nodded and made his way to Eugenie, his legion arm wasn't doing good and needed an upgrade.
Upon walking to that section of the room, he caught a glimpse of a new face- or the back of the head of someone he had never seen before. Remembering how Sophia said to introduce himself to new people as a way to be polite (of course when doing this outside of the hotel he had to be careful and wary), he walked towards the piano room and saw you with your back turned reading a book of some sort. He walked closer and mimicked a cough to get your attention- you didn't react. He tried again and still no reaction making him tilt his head, his eyebrows twitched, were you ignoring him on purpose? He walked a little closer before feeling a gentle pull on his arm making him turn around and see Sophia, she smiled, "They are deaf" she stated making P raise an eyebrow causing Sophia to soften her gaze. "They can't hear you which is known as being deaf, there is different types of deafness some people can still hear although poorly and some can't hear at all. They arrived here not too long ago, still... introduce yourself they're nice" she said with a smile as P turned around and faced you, so you couldn't hear? P had yet to learn about disabilites and yet it intrigued him, while he did say a few words he was rather silent for the most part which he preferred. One reason was that his voice sounded flat and the second reason was that he saw no point in being talkitive for the sake of being talkitive.
He stood up straight and walked towards you before gently tapping your shoulder causing you to turn around, your (E/C) eyes stared at him before giving him a smile. "Hello" you said quietly, P nodded his own way of a hello. "Are you also staying at this hotel?" your voice soft and a little scratchy as if you didn't want to disturb the silence of the library. P nodded, he pointed to your ears making you blinked in confusion before realising what he meant, "Ah, yes. I can't hear, haven't been able to since I was 8" you explained to the puppet who watched you intently. "Are you...P? I've been told there was a special puppet around and I'm assuming you're him?" you asked, P as usual gave a silent nod, still looking at your ears. A voice called out for P, it was Eugenies. P bowed to you before making his way to his legion arm upgrader, you smiled as you faced back to the book in your hand.
Sometime passed and P made his way to the piano room again but found you with Miss Antonia, he watched as you were moving your hands in certain ways without opening your mouth and speaking while Antonia was chatting with you.
This interested P, you were moving your hands and fingers in certain ways towards your face and outwards. He walked towards you making you turn your head, you waved and noticed him staring at your hands, "I'm using sign language, it helps me communicate more easily without having to speak" you said, your voice hoarse which indicated that you didn't speak very often yet made the effort to explain it to him which stirred something in him. You, forcing yourself to use your voice in order for him to understand your movements made him feel a bit bad (though how is that possible? He was just a puppet after all). His eyebrows furrowed as he scooted closer to you and pointed to your hands then at him to then you, you blinked as Antonia chuckled "I think he wants to learn from you" she stated as you let out a small 'oh!'.
You smiled at him and excused yourself from Antonia and sat on the couch and waving your hand for P to come sit with you which he did. "I'll teach you some simple conversations" you said as you began to teach him things like 'Hello', 'How are you?', 'I'm feeling...', etc... It took him a while to move his hands in certain ways (especially his legion arm) he made a few mistakes but that only made you smile before correcting him. 'There you go! You did really well!' you signed and clapped, he hung his head a little as if getting embarrased and also feeling something stir in him more. 'Thank you...' he signed back, he enjoyed this and wanted to learn more but he saw the time and pointed at the clock making you turn your head, 'ah...probably should go to bed. Thank you for taking the time to learn with me P, stuff like this...means a lot' you signed and stood up along with P, 'Goodnight P' you signed before gently touching his arm making the cogs in his chest turn even more. With that, you walked off to bed. P watched you before putting his head down, he felt determined to learn more as he enjoyed speaking that way and with you no doubt.
He walked to Antonia on anything about sign language, she located him to a section of books that would help him and he set off to learn. At times through the days you would catch him reading intently, "P? What are you reading?" you said as he then quickly hid the book at his side and signed 'Nothing important. Also you don't need to talk, it's okay', you blinked 'oh? Have you been practising?' you chuckled as he stared at you, he WAS practising and he was doing it for you so you didn't feel obliged to use your voice and hurt your throat more.
As the days passed, you were still staying at the hotel and was sitting next to the fire with the hotels cat in your arms. During the days, you would converse with P via sign language and you noticed him getting better and better which made you have a sense of pride as you thought it was really sweet of him trying. Staring into the orange wisps of the fire you heard footsteps approach, turning your head you saw your puppet friend approach you as he sat next to you. 'Busy day?' you signed, 'Yes, many puppets, I can smell the oil...it stinks' he said, his face scrunching up. You could see him changing more and more every time he came back and with the biggest change of them all- was his hair. You really liked it like that and wanted to play with it, would P be okay with that? 'Hey, P...' he tilted his head at you, 'can I...play with your hair?' you signed to him making him sit up straight- he nodded a bit too enthusiastically for his liking but he liked all the little touches from you, despite not being able to hear you, you would sit next to him as he tried to play the piano with your hand on top of the instrument and feeling the vibrations with your eyes closed and your shoulder touching his. He loved moments like that.
You smiled and sat in front of him, his legs opened with you between them with your own legs at the side of his waist as you ran your fingers through his silky brown/blackish hair. His eyes immediatly closed as he felt his ergo stir inside him, he leaned closer to you pulling you closer by your waist making you blush, his head now into the crook your neck as you played with his hair. With becoming more human he could now smell so him being able to smell a soft almost flowery scent from you made him move closer into you, he pulled back after a few minutes and looked directly into your eyes for signing, 'You smell nice', ah... bless this puppet he was so direct that he forgot humans get a bit flustered at stuff like that- you included. Your face heated up more, 'Antonia was kind enough to lend me a perfume-', 'It suits you' he replied back as he went back to the position you two were in previously. You had a feeling he knew what he was doing sometimes. Cheeky thing.
With more days passing you and P would have fully fledged conversation in sign language, the only person who really understood was Antonia but she didn't take notice of your private conversations...sort of. She would catch phrases here and there. She smiled as she glanced at the two of you sitting on the floor signing away with a smile while P would stare, his gaze looking more lovingly as the more you delved into your story. P would glance at your hands and at the one that was closest to him, the more time he spent with you the more he wanted to be close to you and with this language you were speaking with just the two of you he felt so close to you. It was just him and you, conversing in your own little world and he enjoyed that.
Later one night you were looking out the window, getting to the Krat hotel was dangerous you remember almost being hit as you didn't hear puppets and it frustrated you. You can fight but you're no where near as good as P or even a stalker. You sighed but any feeling of despair was quickly washed away as you felt a familiar presence next you and knowing who it was you didn't bother to turn around and smiled as you felt a head on your shoulders. 'Hello you' you signed as P leaned closer to you, 'You aren't asleep yet? Are you okay?' he asked and you shook your head 'I'm...doing okay. The city has become so...isolating and depressing it's hard not to think about it how many lives have been lost and how lucky- or unlucky- I am to have to surived for so long.' You faced P, 'P...I know it's only been a few days but...I really care for you. I'd even call you a dear friend and even a...ahem, well, You've done a lot for the people of Krat and I just hope you know that you have my support no matter what. P, I...' you couldn't say it. The three words you wanted to say, they wouldn't come out, as if your fingers were frozen and refused to budge. You sighed, 'I should probably head to bed now...would you like to join me?' you asked shyly as P nodded not a moment after.
You were already in pj's and watched as P took his coat and shoes off now only in a plain shirt and pants (which were thankfully clean) and headed into the bed with you, laying next to you he gently moved his legion hand towards your face the cold finger tips grazing your ear making you shiver slightly as you close your eyes and lean closer into him, you could feel...beating? You could feel his heart beat making you smile as if it was like music to your touch. It wasn't long before you drifted off to sleep knowing P would alert you if anything were to happen.
Without your knowledge, P signed you something that you wouldn't be able to see but he meant every word of it. The three words that wouldn't come out of you either.
'I love you'
And with that he pulled you close, hoping one day he'll get to express those words to you but for now he enjoyed all the little moments with you and that was good enough for him right now.
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sam-blackbird · 4 months
An analyse of Umbrella Academy s4's posters (beware of s3 spoilers, ofc)
Hi! Today, the official Umbrella Academy Instagram account published season 4 posters, and since I'm very excited about this, I'm gonna try to analyse the posters, or what I can tell about them.
It's going to be long so grab a snack if you want / can, put on a cool playlist, and let's dive down! I'm going to do it poster by poster, in the order it was posted, from the oldest post to the newest (so not in numeral order).
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We can notice that the characters are cut in two, the Portal way.
Anyway. First of all: Viktor !
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Ngl, I had a moment when I saw he had the masculine uniform.
But past my joyful moment, my mind went racing so fast I couldn't keep it down, I had to share my thoughts (even if there may be only one person reading me, but whatever).
First thing first, it's interesting that the first one isn't Luther but Viktor, who is, the main character of the show (or at least, that's how I see it). Or a least the most important one. (if the last scene is Viktor ending his reading of his new book, about his siblings, not only would it be a fucking good epanadiplosis but it would make me cry the hell out of me)
After all, the show open with him, following him. And nothing would happen if it wasn't for him. He's the one trying to get the family stick together, and (unwillingly) starting apocalypse (twice or thrice, shit happens).
Let's focus on the poster now. On the left, we have a clothing reminding us of the Umbrella Academy days, or rather the "how it was before the show", except they are adult, and Viktor is here shown post-transition (and not pre-, as he was in the first two seasons). What does that mean? Fuck if I know. That being said, I think it have its importance (if they wanted to put children instead, they would have, wouldn't they?). However, we can note that he is not wearing neither the boy shorts (nor girl's skirt, for obvious reasons), but some secretly third option, aka a grey pant (is it the sport pant?). He is standing out himself, as a trans man (not wearing a skirt, yet not wearing the boy uniform either, as if he wasn't fully in that category somehow? idk).
Viktor's posture is straight (lol), and I associate it with being calm, obedient (he listen to everything Reginald says (ex: take these pills), and since Reginald is perceived as a father figure, it makes sense that Viktor wants to obey him, maybe hoping he (Viktor) will be loved and recognized as valuable). And also with being like a puppet. Or a muppet. The point is: He's not free of his movement, he doesn't have free will.
His face doesn't look happy. Nor sad. Just... neutral. He's just... there.
On the right, we can't see his face, yet his posture seems way more relaxed! He's wearing casual clothes, more modern ones, adapted to the world without powers they're now seems to live at the end of season 3.
His looks reminds me of the one of Tyler Ronan from Tell Me Why, a game by the studio Don't Nod (I fucking love that game). Both characters are trans man.
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(This are pictures of Tyler. I had to restrain myself because we're not here from ma boi Tyler) (I have way too many pictures of that icon)
Anyway. Casual clothes. Blue, like the uniform. I won't analyse that, this post is already long enough.
Tbh, I haven't saw again the last episode of season 3, so I don't remember if it was the clothes they were wearing or new ones.
Also, Viktor is holding an umbrella in his right hand, probably a reference to the Umbrella days. Like, it's a part of him, he can't leave it behind, he physically have it with him (even if he doesn't have the power).
And the Umbrella is closed, unlike the ones from the previous seasons's posters.
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Like, season 2's were opened (and full), and season 3's were opened and damaged (and they were hiding the protagonists' faces, showing implicitly the influence of the academy on them).
Next one, Luther !
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We almost can see his face on the right!
But anyway, let's start by the left. Luther is walking, straight, in what could be either a military walk or a relaxed one (? don't quote me on this please, I can't explain). His posture screams "confidence" and "I'm number one, I'm a leader, follow me!". Or something like that, I'm no posture reader, just someone who watched way too much police and detective shows. He's wearing the Umbrella uniform (and it's so fucking weird to see it on a grown ass man!). His hair are cut short.
On the right, he's wearing a more casual look. There's something going one with his arm muscles, but I can't be bother to search what. His hair are longer than on the left. He is wearing gloves and an umbrella, and walking shoes. His umbrella is cutting his name (does it have some symbolism? Maybe.)
He's still wearing blue (like Viktor), even if it's a different kind of blue (and it kinda fit him).
Nothing more to add. (yes, I have my favorites, and despite liking Luther, I won't kill my eyesight anymore than necessary for details).
Next! Diego!
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Let me preface this by saying that it's so fucking weird to see him in that uniform. On the left, he's walking like a good little soldier, following the leader.
On the right, he's the embodiment of a relax guy who can (and will) definitely yeet you out of the picture if needed. He's not wearing anything casual. It's more like a killer / soldier clothes, with his precious knifes.
He's holding the Umbrella on the shoulder, as if he can't be bothered with it (and/ or he's gonna use it as a weapon).
Next! Not number 3, but the one who's linked to Diego! Lila!
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Love that she's officially "Lila Hargreeves".
The left outfit is like the one she had in season 2 when she was with the Handler and stuff about her past was revealed (so interesting and meaningful choice of outfit). Her heels are thin, as if she wasn't stable (with her life situation and all).
Yet, on the right, her heels are thicker, more stable to move (she's more free to go).
Her clothes are modern and the flowers fit her really well, I might say. Her hair are put up, like the active badass woman she is. They're brown again, and not white/ blond anymore, it's more natural (I can't really argue, my hair are currently pink).
She overall looks like a business woman, with a casual chic.
She too, is holding an umbrella, which make her fully part of the family. She hold it casually.
Next, another girl: Allison.
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Ngl, I'm no big fan of hers, so this will be short.
On the left, she's confidently wearing her UA (Umbrella Academy) uniform. Her hand move don't really feel natural (saying this as someone who sometimes draws human beings). Her hair are like the one from season 1.
On the right, she looks like a business woman and a mom. Her posture looks aslo determined, while relaxed. She have business to do, and no one will stop/ prevent her from doing so!
Girl power and all that.
(I'm trying, I really can't stand how her character was wrote during season 3)
Neeeeext! Let's go with one of my fav, Klaaaaaaus!
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I have to say, it is criminal that a) his hair are short on th right side (loved his long hair) and b) where's the skirt?! He slayed in it! Anyway.
On the left, his walking looks very mechanical, as if he was a machine, a robot (lol) (I won't do any joke about Grace). Yet, his posture his not natural (no one walks naturally torso in one way and legs in another, if that makes some sense) (that reminds me kinda of the extravagant way drag queens walk on the runaway, for shows, but I may be extrapolating a little).
His eyes are closed. Why are his eyes closed? I'm scared. His face is still like the one of a dead person. Resigned. Accepting his fate. But after all, Klaus had always been closed to death, more or less metaphorically speaking, as he can see ghosts (= dead people, or what remains of them).
His hair are all over the place, reminding the crazy days he had to get fucking blasted to avoid said ghosts.
Right side is colorful. He's beauty, he's grace, WHERE ARE HIS HAIR?! No but more seriously, cutting one's own hair symbolise change in many culture, and more specifically letting go of the past, embracing new beginnings, and/ or undergoing spiritual or personal transformations. I have no idea how to interpret that.
He seems to float, to ascend (plz don't kill him). He is bare foot (bare feet? idk) (fun fact: in the comics, he could only use his power when sober and with bare feet) (I won't go down the rabbit hole of barefoot symbolism and its link with death, I'm not mentally well enough to do that).
He his wearing a yellow coat with flowers (flowers, like Lila!). Yellow is associated with joy, fest, sun (and Klaus is a comic relief, a feel good sunshine character), and flower, life. (again, plz don't kill him)
What reinforce that idea of tragedy is that the umbrella he's wearing is the only one who isn't black: it's the umbrella he was holding during Reggie's funeral in s1. Plus, he's holding it with three fingers out. What's the meaning of three? Idk. Maybe it’s for Allison? Maybe it has a link with God (the Christian one)? Yk, Holy Trinity and all that. After all, doesn't Klaus met God (the little girl in the afterlife) regularly?
Does that look good or bad for Klaus? No idea.
Speaking about looking good, Ben is back, alive. I won' t go far enough to say "well", but he's alive.
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On the left, he's standing straight, walking in a unnatural posture. Following only.
On the right, he bent (idk why tho). His clothes are casual (and looking alike the one Viktor had been wearing during s3). His umbrella also cut his name (like Luther's). He's a Vans' boy!
(please, no mustache for him)
We can't see if he's wearing glasses or not.
Last of the Hargreeves kids (if you count Lila as one, and if not, last one of the power-gifted Hargreeves): Five.
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On the left, his posture is haughty. His hands are in his pants pockets. He know what he wants, he is very sure of himself, maybe because he thinks he is better than everyone (he can think that, given what happened) (some might even say he have a bratty attitude, but I'll answer, well have you seen him during season 1???)
(my personal theory is that he is bend forward to be smaller on the left than on the right)
On the right, he left the UA uniform for a more formal suit (some call it 'the grandpa / old man suit'). His hair are longer.
He's walking down like he had no shit to give anymore (he doesn't) and he's ready to throw hands (he totally his).
HOLY (S)HIT HE'S HOLDING THE UMBRELLA IN HIS RIGHT HAND! Why? Why is he te only one wearing the umbrella on the other hand? Is it to accentuate his difference with his siblings (+ Lila)? Is it to show how differently he see his time at the UA an how differenlty he uses his powers? I mean, given he didn't spend as much time in the UA as the rest of them, ofc his vision and perception of the UA is different. Even his vision of time is different.
And now.
BEWARE! THE REGINALD JUMPSCARE! (or is it scare jump? Anyway, I've been working on this post for more than an hour and a hlaf, plz be indulgent, it's late and the day had been long)
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On the left, we see the whole umbrella for the firs time on these posters.
Reggie is wearing blue (reminding of the UA uniform). He is young looking, and seems well assorted (who tf have two jacket pockets on the same side tho?)
Edit: his suit is actually more lilac/ purple, which is a color hard to dye (so it costed a lot and was reserved for royalty / rich ppl) (before industrialization and the use of chemical products for clothes dye; and we know Reggie arrived/ was on Earth on 19th c., so during the industrialization)
On the right, he's old and wearing a brown suit. Brown can symbolize the Earth. Earth can provide and ppl are depend on it to eat and therefore survive. In a way, he was a Earth for his children, as they were dependent on him (does that makes him a good father? Absolutely not!). (that thought, of Reggie being a Earth, is funny given he is an alien / an extraterrestrial)
And if you put them all in order, you get :
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(notice how Klaus's picture / posture melt greatly in Five's?)
And that's it! Damn, that was long. Don't hesitate to let me know what you think about all of that in the comment!
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puppetmaster13u · 9 months
Meat Marionette #11?
Thinkin about the rogues in this Au, and like, the difference between their relationship with the bats vs this Au. 
 For example, Selina. I’ll admit I take a bit of inspiration from the 2022 movie and mix it with comic depictions along with the different cartoons, which honestly isn’t too different from each other by too much. Now, I don’t think that Catwoman would flirt with this version of Batman, what with his body being a meat puppet that is visibly not human and off putting. There’s also the fact that she would have been an early-ish rogue of his, at least in order of encounters. Which means that she probably encounters the Bat for the first time while Bruce was still getting used to said gifted body, which in turn was probably terrifying. So there’s still a cat and mouse game happening, but it’s more akin to Selina doing her darn best to avoid the Bat no matter what, because to her it isn’t above trying to kill. It’s like seeing a lion where you figure you’re safe at this distance, until it starts moving and you realize that you are definitely not far enough away. 
 Another rogue that I am thinking of is Harvey and Two-Face (Which DC, give Two-Face a proper name :/ he’s his own dude even if they share a body). Harvey was best friends with Bruce, hell they were practically high-school sweethearts in some cases! And Bruce still visits him in Arkham, canonically still talks and interacts with both his friend and TF. Now if anyone is going to notice the changes to Bruce, it’s going to be Harvey. He’s going to be the first to notice how Bruce’s movements are now dangerous and downright predatory, with too much grace even for a dancer or martial artist. There’s something familiar about that movement, and Harvey isn’t an idiot, TF isn’t one either. They know there’s something wrong with Bruce even if he insists he’s fine. In canon Harvey straight up broke down and cried when he found out Bruce was Batman, so I’m wondering what their reaction to this version of the bat would be…
 There’s also rogues like the Riddler and the Joker who are downright obsessed with Batman, but would they still be with this one? I could see Joker slowly becoming obsessed as the creatures continue to thwart him over and over again, but I’m still rotating Riddler. 
 But y’know who would definitely be obsessed with the batclan?
Scarecrow. The man is obsessed with studying fear, with the effects it has and how to cause it. So the bats, who bring terror wherever they go, with something about them continuously tingling at the back of ones’ more instinctive mind that this is something to fear? He would be utterly enthralled, he’d need to know more, he’d need to know Everything. Especially if his fear toxin doesn’t work right on them. After all, how would a gas effect something without lungs? How can you inject something that doesn’t have blood, that’s not quite alive, not in the way that we as humans understand? How can you cause fear of something that has stared into the Tunnels’ heart and lived? Or something like that lol. 
AU is a combo of my cryptid batfam and @phoenixcatch7 's Possessed Doll au, go check them out, they're amazing
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cybersp4c3 · 1 year
the entire day today, i was thinking about fucking a tutor scara in exchange for completed work / study guides
Your parents contacted your principal because you failed one, singular test and got you a tutor. Yeah, having a tutor sucks but not when he's this attractive!
Scaramouche, who is probably the biggest asshole, offered (was forced) his services and you complied. He doesn't care much about you, just as long as you get the questions right.
The first day of your tutoring, he comes in with a skirt and stockings and looks at you, "Don't you dare say a word." You hold in a laugh but as tutoring goes on, you can't help but wonder how good he would look fucked dumb.
You slip up, probably too focused in your thoughts, and get the first ten questions wrong. "Are you this dumb? Just answer a question right, for god sake."
You just stare at him (his thighs) and continue on getting questions incorrect. At this point, Scaramouche is beyond annoyed.
"Look, get at least one question right and I'll give you a reward, what do you say?" He bargains.
You look up at him, catching a few glances down at his skirt without him noticing. "Anything?"
Scaramouche sighs before clearly stating, "... Anything."
And that's how he was led to this predicament.
His tongue swirled around your cock and you would pull his hair towards yourself. When he meant anything, he didn't expect this!
"Ah, such a good slut for me, hmm?" You would tease him before an alarm would go off and his time sucking your dick would be over.
Scaramouche would get from between your legs to on your lap and he would point to the next question. "Uhmm, just… solve it, I guess.." His hand would quiver over the sheet as he felt your saliva-covered cock just beneath his skirt and his throbbing, wet pussy.
You solved it correctly and Scaramouche mentally prepared himself to suck you off until you said something.
"How about we…raise the stakes a bit?"
"Huh..?" He freezes, would he have to suck your cock for twenty minutes now?
You slowly lift up his skirt and place your fingers on his laced panties. They're practically soaking already and Scaramouche looked away from you.
"If I finish a whole sheet and get the correct answers in less than… ten minutes, I could fuck you dumb, right?"
He whines out of desperation, not because he hates the idea but rather he hates that he loves it. Scaramouche slowly nods, "Yeah, go ahead…I'll wait.."
A few minutes pass and you turn in your sheet. All the answers are right and you had more than four minutes left on the clock.
Either way, Scaramouche's pussy was getting filled.
"Fuck! Go s-slower..!" He used the table in front of him for stability, messy with your papers and a couple of textbooks.
You just quicken your pace into his warm walls, laughing in his ear. "And why would I do that, slut? You were basically begging for me to fuck you with that skirt and stockings on."
Scaramouche whines but knows it's true, he had plenty of time to change clothing before coming to tutor you but he wasted it on perfecting his make-up for you.
He thinks about himself, is he really… a slut? The poor puppet snaps back to reality when he feels your hand on his ass, spanking it.
".H..Ahh! You– nghh!" Your cock continued to pound him, your hand spanked him and the other started groping his chest.
Scaramouche felt so filled and he squirted all over your cock.
Next day comes by, and your tutor is dressed in an even sluttier outfit this time!
His ass was practically showing all the hand prints you had left on there and it seemed like he was nicer to you.
Scaramouche would give you easier questions too, to suck your cock and would give you a first-grader's homework, to let you fuck him.
Not that you mind, of course. You now have a tutor that doesn't mind being your brainwashed slut!
(was in my head the entire day because i watched a random tiktok 🧚🧚)
I want him to be my tutor 😋
Guys be like this anon send me an entire thesis about fucking scara
I love you anon MWUAH
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frango-maconheiro · 1 year
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Welcome Home
Wally Darling x GN!reader
part one ! part two
☆ My sandwich lover crush (part three) ☆
𑁍𖹭 Thank you all for the support and silly comments. You guys are awesome! 𖹭𑁍
☆ I appreciate criticism, ideas, and your opinions. ☆
Trigger Warning: none
🪼 when you woke up, you were laying in a really green grass. where are you? you look around to see that you're in the middle of a forest, a weird one that is, all trees got different colors on the leaves, like, there was literally some with purple leaves, you've never heard about a forest like this.
🪼 you look into your arms to see that your sandwich is still there and in good condition. feeling happy that at least you have a sandwich, you give it a little kiss and proceed to take a bite out of it.
🪼 you stretch yourself and get up. You don't really feel anything wrong with your body, but you still check yourself for anything weird and find nothing wrong. that's good.
🪼 "This makes no sense." You think to yourself. Why would someone kidnap you in the middle of the night, not really harm you, and bring you to the middle of the woods? maybe you were gonna be used as a sacrifice, but they didn't really like you, so they just dumped you to die here? you don't really wanna know.
🪼 you put your hand on your pocket to grab your phone just to feel nothing. Oh yeah, you forgot that you had put it to charge. Well, there's nothing you can really do about it. It's not like you knew you would need it. At least you have your precious emotional support sandwich.
🪼 you've been walking in a straight line all this time, enough time for you to realize that you're not dreaming and that this is probably some kind of wonderland because you've encountered all kinds of insects and they were all squishy, cartoon like, shiny, colorful, cute lil guys with big silly eyes, its like they all came out of a children's book!
🪼 your favorite one yet is this big rhinoceros beetle you found! it walked so silly, and it started following you after you gave it a piece of your sandwich, so you decided to take it with you.
🪼 finally, after so much time of walking without any trace of civilization, you heard it, voices coming from further away. you start walking a little faster, not running, you don't want to leave your little beetle friend behind.
🪼 finally, you get close enough. you hide in the shadows behind some trees, taking a peek at those who are making all these noises. you clear your vision to look again. It can't be. These aren't people. They're puppets!
🪼 specifically the puppets from that show you were watching yesterday. y'know the one with the silly cast where that silly puppet with big eyes, banana skin, and deep blue cotton candy hair tried talking with you, and you changed the channel on his face? yes, yes, that one.
🪼 you're not really that shocked. You've encountered enough silly bugs to collect your sanity back together. besides, you're pretty sure you could beat the shit out of them if you wanted. like, why would most of them actually know how to fight?
🪼 you find it quite interesting that they look more like the art version that you saw in the countdown screen than actual puppets.
🪼 it was starting to get so boring to watch them play and have a nice picnic that you began to notice that someone was missing. It was Wally, Wally was missing.
🪼 "Where the fuck did Wally went???" you swear you had just saw him minutes ago, you search around to find nothing, he's gone.
🪼 you feel your beetle bonking its head on your right leg, glancing at it, you watch as it points toward something - no, someone. squinting your eyes a little, you see Wally, who stopped walking when you finally noticed his presence.
🪼 he was looking directly into your eyes with that smile of his. he waves at you. "Hello, are you new here?" He gets closer, "What's your name? I could show you around." he says, perking up a little at the offer he made.
🪼 he looks shady, but you're starving, and you're practically homeless now. "Sure, buddy, lead the way." You tell him. his smiles get wider, and his pupils expand. It reminds you of a cat. If you couldn't feel his excitement before, now you could. "Wonderful! I gotta introduce you to everyone first."
🪼 He runs into your direction, practically jumping. He holds your wrist and drags you toward the others. he is so excited that you can't help but giggle. if this continues, this man will grow into your heart in no time.
🪼 at the same time you found it cute you also took a notice at how Wally's grip is fucking strong, and he doesn't seem to be even gripping your wrist that hard. He could probably snap your wrist if he wanted.
🪼 Everyone seemed confused by Wally running until they saw you, who was trying your best not to fall while running alongside Wally.
🪼 "Hey Wally, who's that behind you?" The orange dude asked, you forgot his name. "This, my friends, is our new neighbor! their name is.." Wally turns his head to look at you. "Oh yeah, you never told me your name."
🪼 "My name -" but as you were about to answer, a cute puppet with little horns runs up to you with another cute puppet by their side. "Hiii!!! my name's Julie!!" Julie tells you enthusiastically, "And he's Frank!!" she points at the guy by their side. "Hello." Frank greets you with a small wave. "Hii, it's nice to meet you two." You greet them back. they seemed nice.
🪼 "Well, now could you tell us your-" now Wally is the one interrupted. "Hi, new neighbor. Welcome to the neighborhood. Do you want some cake? I'm Howdy." Howdy extends one of his hands with a plate with a very good-looking cake. "Oh, thank you, Howdy!" You shake his hand, sitting on the grass with them. someone taps on your should, and you look to see that orange guy. "Nice to meet you, neighbor. I'm Eddie, the mailman. " You greet him and give him a little wave of your free hand.
🪼 you grab a spoon, taking a bite out of the cake that was given to you. this cake is really good. Whoever made this could make your birthday cake at any time. although you were really enjoying your time, you couldn't shake of the stare you were getting.
🪼 you look to your side to see who was staring so much at you only to be met with Wally's expended pupils. his stare is so intense, it's like he's in a trance, it's kinda creepy, but it also reminds you of a cat. You wonder if he would slap your hand if you tried to pet his hair.
🪼 "neighbor, tell me your name." he whispered, it sounded almost like a command. "Sure, but only if you let me pet your hair." you whispered back. he tilted his head a little to the side, "What do you mean?" he doesn't know what petting is? now that's surprising.
🪼 "Well, it's when someone does this, see?" You extend your arm to pet his hair. His hair is so fuzzy and soft. it seems like he liked it because he eventually started closing his eyes, leaning into your touch.
🪼 It's been ten minutes, and you thought you petted his hair long enough, but when he didn't feel anymore petting and opened his eyes to see your hand leaving, he immediately grabbed it. "What are you doing, neighbor? Pet me more."
🪼 now you're stuck with petting Wally's hair and eating cake. you don't mind, but he seems very comfortable, too comfortable, I mean, he literally put his head on your lap so you could pet him more. silly cat man.
🪼 for now, you're just sticking with these guys until you can find a way to get out, to eat your sandwiches.
☆ what do you guys think? ☆
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10:32, so
Puppeteer slowly realizing that the reader is falling into depression? But it's not too obvious; a lack of appetite (always insisting they aren't hungry, not realizing they are hungry but eating ravenously when forced to eat), they're setting timers for everything because they keep forgetting/needing extra motivation to do things, they're withdrawn, and--- most of all--- puppeteer just feels a little more energized when he's around them (absorbing depression haha). Maybe they aren't aware they're depressed, just saying that they "feel tired, not sad" and that it'll go away soon. The reader is a huge germaphobe so they still obsess over hygiene, and take that as a sign that they're fine (even though they keep postponing their showers and then waking up in the middle of the night feeling gross, forcing themselves to take care of themselves to avoid attention). It just feels like they're forcing themselves to continue going about their day in order to avoid worrying or disappointing anyone.
It doesn't truly take long for him to put the pieces together. You used to pride yourself on your schedule and efficiency, and now here you are without one at all, scattered and barely getting through your days. He notices immediately when you stop eating properly, and your late-night showers are also quite out of the ordinary. He wants to convince himself that you're still okay, that you aren't slipping into depression, but the more he looks at you and the habits you're taking on, the more he sees himself inside of you, and it gives him one thought he'd never wanted to consider...
Could he be the reason you're getting depressed? He's so used to being the cause of depression for his victims that he worries that you could be falling into depression with him around as well, which terrifies him and upsets him greatly. Although, the two of you have been together for so long that he tries to optimistically reason that hopefully, he isn't the cause. He doesn't want to confront you head-on and force you into a corner, as he knows that's not likely to work at all, so he tries to be more subtle about it. "How has work/school been lately? Has it been getting harder recently? Is there any way I can help?" "Have you been sleeping well, my dear? I always worry about your resting habits." "Have you been having any problems with your friendships or your family? You haven't been as social recently." He starts to subtly, over the weeks, question you about any life changes that could have been causing your sadness, and with his higher amounts of energy from being around you so often, he starts to help alleviate any stress he can pick up on.
He handles all of the chores in the house for you, and he takes over cooking as well so you don't have to worry about that. If you have any schoolwork or any work relating to your job you need to get done, he provides assistance and reassurance that you're doing a fantastic job. He tries to get you more regulated by having you shower with him so he can get you back on a schedule and he helps you clean yourself so you don't have to feel quite as gross, and he always compliments your looks, saying you look wonderful (as you always do to him no matter what), and that you smell lovely (because he can't get enough of your scent). He'll also try getting you some new shower products as well, testing them out with you and when they work well he lays on even more compliments so he can try and boost your mood. He also gets you back on an eating schedule. He cooks you breakfast, lunch, and dinner and presents them all at the same time every day, eating with you so you don't feel as pressured, and consistent food and hydration (as he's constantly bringing you glasses of water/your favorite drinks), definitely helps you out. He's not convinced himself that this will perfectly help you as there's no guarantee, but if he can do even just one small thing to try and help you, he's going to do it. You have looked happier in the last few days, and you seem to be enjoying his cooking and your new soaps, even if you're still tired, and even if some mornings you wake up extra early for another shower, there's an improvement, and that's enough for him. He'll do whatever he can for you, as long as he has to.
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flightfoot · 9 months
Underrated Miraculous Fic writers
So I read a crapton of miraculous fanfics, and I often end up gravitating towards particular fic writers over and over. Most of the time a lot of other people have clearly noticed the same thing, as their stories tend to get tons of kudos - but not always. Some of the fic writers I read most reliably get very little attention, for one reason or another. Usually because they tend to write for a particular niche that I like but isn't overwhelmingly popular throughout the fandom, but other times I have no idea why their stories aren't more popular.
Anyway, I wanted to spotlight a few of those authors here!
Generalluxun (@generalluxun)
If you're a fan of fics that really explore Chloe's character, look into her mindset and try to redeem her without relying on shortcuts or making other characters look worse in comparison, then you've probably at least dabbled in his fics before. I'm especially partial to his newest fic "In Direct Opposition", as Alya's the main POV character and is looking to reform Chloe while navigating this whole akuma situation, and Control, a Senti!Chloe fic where Marinette accidentally stumbles across Chloe's Amok and has to decide what to do with it.
linerle (@liiinerle)
Linerle specializes in Marigami fics, with a more general bend towards queer romance. If you like those, then you're in for a real treat! Accidents Are Also Miracles is particularly noteworthy, as it's the single longest completed Marigami-centric fic in the fandom. It's a fantastic story that I highly recommend checking out!
BecomingButterflies (@bbutterflies)
They specialize in Adrino fics, so if you want to read some Adrino goodness, their author page is a great place to stop by! I've especially enjoyed "I'll give myself a name (something stupid and pretentious)", where Adrien leaves town after finding out Monarch was Gabriel, and only returns years later, to find that Nino has missed him quite a lot...
TrishaCollins (@consistent-chaos-corporation)
Trisha often writes Felix-focused fics, delving into his trauma with being raised by Colt, and him trying to be a better person. Not that it's just introspective pieces, a lot of their fics are pretty action-based with serious stakes and villains who are only too willing to hurt the heroes and innocent bystanders, and even kill them. I'm especially partial to their Madness series, which is a sprawling AU, touching on Felix's and Adrien's childhood, but soon fast-forwarding to the present-day, with Chat Noir and Ladybug confronting Felix about Monarch's Miraculous theft, and him seeing the errors of his ways and helping them. I particularly appreciate how viscerally Felix comes to understand how his actions hurt others, particularly the Kwamis, who he put in a similar position to what he himself had been in with Colt.
TheChatatonicOne (@rosie-b)
I love a lot of their fics dearly, they're well-written and scratch just the right itch! They mostly write Lovesquare fics, often with a more angsty bent.
I especially adore their enemies au fics:
Stealing Freedom, where Adrien's long been puppeted about using his ring by his father as Cat Walker, who, thankfully, Ladybug and Co. know is a Senti who has no choice in the matter - with Marinette then discovering that her fiance, Adrien, IS Cat Walker.
home is where the fight is, A short glimpse into a Ladrien enemies au, where Adrien's being controlled by his father into fighting her, but is dating Ladybug as a civilian - and Ladybug's secret identity has just been revealed to the world.
True Blue, Chatatonic's ongoing enemies au which I have recced numerous times, which takes the more unusual (and difficult) approach of having MARINETTE side with Gabriel instead of Adrien, and doing so while keeping her in-character by having Gabriel lean into his manipulation skills, telling her half-truths about how Adrien will be happier once his mother's back, and that ultimately the heroes are the ones being greedy and reticent in all this, and that the akumas all agree to help him, even if they don't remember afterwards. It's among the best Miraculous fics I've read this year so far!
Not that she only writes enemies au of course, she's written many other Lovesquare fics. I particularly enjoyed The Mer-Human Race, in which sailors and merfolk would have friendly competitions on who was faster in the water, with the winner being able to ask for some sort of prize. Marinette had been looking for a merman to race for awhile so that she could be granted a vessel of her own at a younger age than was normally permitted. Luckily, a Merman named Chat Noir showed up suddenly and offered to race her. Pity that her friend Adrien wasn't there to watch it...
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bokettochild · 6 months
Okay, so I'm writing things from Sky's perspective for the first time in what feels like years (maybe it has been years? the last notable Sky POV I can remember is from Feathered which I finished I year and a half ago) and I have thoughts!
Legend is not the person who resents the goddesses. My boy is literally besties with Din and Nayru, probably Farore too. Who knows about his thoughts on Hylia honestly, but you know who is salty about Hylia? Sky. Sky is so salty about Hylia. The goddesses toyed with him and Zelda like puppets with no cares for how it would destroy them, only that it would turn out how they want. Hylia is the definition of "end justifies the means" in Sky's mind, and he resents her for it.
Sky does not appreciate anyone making any implications that he is dating Hylia, in love with Hylia, or anything of the sort. My man will throw down with anyone who tries to say that Zelda is Hylia. They are two different people, thank you very much! His brothers are not him, and Hylia' incarnations are not her.
Sky finds relief in the Chain because he is not the only hero anymore. On skyloft, he's now an important person, a hero and not just a knight. He did not sign up for this, he's fresh out of school and he is overwhelmed by the expectations and responsibilities that come from being the hero. Being with the chain is a relief because they're all heroes too.
Sky is experiencing burn-out. The sleepiness? Yeah, that's the burn out, Gifted kid burn-out maybe, maybe just exhaustion from the expectations on him, but it's burn out. he's glad no one gets on him for it now. The others laugh at it a bit, but no one thinks he's lazy and it's nice to be allowed to have his rest without consequences now.
Sky is more used to talking to Fi than anyone else, so he's developed certain ticks and cues that he used on Fi to express things (like asking her to stop talking or to redirect her when he wa suncomfortable), but which don't translate as well to talking to Hylians. Most of this is because it involves fidgeting with his sword, not an acceptable method of communication between friends.
To continue the above, Legend, who also talks to Fi, DOES catch some of the ticks because he uses them too. Different, yes, but they're both pretty similar on that front (to the point it's nostalgic for Fi when she talks to Legend because he reminds her of Sky). Does this mean that they understand certain cues the others don't even notice? Yes. They don't even realize they're doing it but it's part of how they've learned to get along already; because they use similar communication styles that no one else does so it adds a whole different level of easier communication between them.
Sky has trouble with communication with Time specifically. he's wary about discussing some topics (their adventures, the goddesses, his sword) but also just struggles to read Time in general.
Sky admires Twilight's connection with Epona and views their dynamic the same way he would a fellow knight and their loftwing.
Sky is a bundle of unresolved and unprocessed issues that he hides under soft smiles and copious amounts of affection.
That's all for now, but yeah. Sky's got more depth than I'd initially thought and my gosh this boy has so many emotions? So many issues too, I don't know if he'll be recognizable compared to the sweet sleepyhead I usually write him as, but I kinda like him being more... mature? Aware? I like him being like a real young adult still finding his feet in the world :)
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possiblylando · 10 months
Chainsaw Man Chapter 139 'Early' Analysis
Finally we're back into the fun chapters.
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So this is a bit of interesting confirmation as to what happened at the end of Part 1. As a recap Pochita separated from Denji and become the Black Chainsaw man.
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This confirms that the Hybrids that fought Pochita all retained the memories of the events. It also makes the weird Makima self insert fanfiction even more weird. Based on what Miri (Sword Man) says about regaining his freedom after Makima's death, they all seemed to be completely aware of their actions but unable to fight against them.
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He MADE them say this shit. They are all aware of this having happened. THEY WERE AWARE WHILE THEY WERE FORCED TO PLAY THIS SHIT OUT! Fucking Nightmare scenario. Glad Denji ate her.
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We get a name of Sword Man, Miri Sugo. We also get some more of his personality. I'm sure there will be speculation as to his sexuality because he's a character in chainsaw man.
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What I do wanna touch on is this. I've seen a few interpretations of this line. It's a weirder one because it's clearly referencing the fact Miri's design is a reused version of Denji's beta versions.
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But it could also mean they find Denji attractive. BUT it could also be a meta reference to the fact they're both hybrids, So they have similar "Auras" or something like that. I actually didn't remember who the student council president was so I had to look it up, And it's fucking Iseumi.
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and honestly, I can kind of see how a combination of him and Denji would make Miri. Miri took Iseumi's eyes and hair color while he took the hair and head shape from Denji. Sorta interesting.
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This whole scene strikes me as weird from a fandom perspective. Either people use it to say, "Miri is gay" or "Miri hates women". When in reality it doesn't seem to be either (for now). He literally stated moments ago that he didn't want to be bothered by anyone and these three girls come up and start bugging him with questions and requests he doesn't want to deal with. Most people would be annoyed as hell if this scenario happened to them. Denji obviously doesn't get this and is just mad that he's getting female attention.
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I'm going to assume that this is still Denji hustling and this SEX OFFENDER paid him. I REALLY hope that he didn't just let her do this for free. We get full confirmation that the Weapon Hybrids are alive. We don't have confirmation as to which, Just that some of them are. I assume this probably means all the hybrids that fought against Pochita are alive.
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oh I HATEEEEEEE how she gets along with Denji.
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This woman needs to get the fuck off this MINOR
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As much as I despise this woman, She has a point. Fami and some unknown figure have been puppeteering the Church (how realistic) for at least the past few days. It's likely been going on since the church was founded since we see Fami with the devil hunter club.
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We get a look at Denji's full speed. This means Denji was able to perception blitz Miri to appear in front of him without him noticing. This means that Denji was able to move at approximately Mach 32. All of this is real look none of this up Denji solos demon slayer or whatever fuckin power scaling bullshit.
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Looks like the next few chapters will be built around the church. It also likely means we'll be seeing Reze soon. If Asa is also there, I hope this doesn't turn into some wack love triangle shit. I REALLY hope Reze isn't like "You were trying to date other girls while you thought I was dead??". I have faith Fujimoto will handle it well but it has an un-ignorable chance to becoming fucking awful.
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the-6th-harbringer · 5 months
Hey. So. It's been a. while.
trigger warning: referenced suicide
So, if you haven't noticed, I literally evaporated for two weeks straight without any clarification on why or sign of actually being alive, unlike my last two week disappearance. Unfortunately, this unexpected evaporation does not come with a big "ooh more trauma more lore and angst for scara" thing.
This just happens to be my goodbye post.
I know, it's weird and kind of rude for me to dip for two weeks and then reappear like "hey fuckers im QUITTING hAHaA". Buuuut not only was my dad being annoying and hogging my laptop, I also barely have had time to myself for the past weeks. New family members have been introduced into my life, so now I have double the amount of little siblings to look after. (from 3 to 6. dont ask "how" thats a personal thing). juggling that with school, social stuff, fucking exams which are coming up in 3 months of my gOD, and other even more personal demons that I've been battling, its been. a lot.
SO, to make sure I do not pull the same move as Scaramouche did on the last day of his sakurarealm torture(iykyk), I'm taking a leave from tumblr. Don't know how long I'll be gone, don't know if I'll ever be back, but I didn't just wanna quit without at least telling you guys so you don't think I've been murdered or something.
On a more serious note, thank you all for all of the support and love you've given Scara and all my other blogs. While some of you are a handful, the majority of you are actually the sweetest and silliest community of people I've ever known. I hope you all have excellent lives.
Now, as for what happens to Scara, we're shoving him in another coma. which is entirely at the mercy of Wanderer's mod, because they're my friend outside of tumblr too and i trust that they'll use this as a major angst moment. Put an F for Cyrille and Scara guys
NOW: a few honorable mentions and thank yous:
@wandering-hat-guy : im not writing a goodbye type thing for you because i will literally talk to you tomorrow, but thank you for being an awesome brother-sibling figure. you are the wanderer to my scara :]
@an-active-rabbit : Thank you for being an extremely fun person to rp with. The puppets and the heart is a rp that wont leave my mind for a while yet. Many hugs for you! And I wont be forgetting Mikaven anytime soon >:3
@cyrille-leclair-de-fontaine : AUGH budddyyy im sorry to do this to you. But thank you for creating Cyrille in the first place. Cyscara my beloveds, they will always hold a place in my heart. Maybe one day they'll actually get somewhere. Im also willing to be your friend outside of tumblr if you wish because you're cool >:D
@dishonxsty : For also being a goofy little goober. My favorite rp with you was definitely the ouppy's and scara, and also kudos to you for making like 17 bajillion blogs and being able to manage them all at once somehow like???? go king go
Annnd @monsieur-neuvillette , who seems random because I havent rped with them in literally a century, but thank you for being the one to indirectly help me get over my fears of starting a rp blog AND being the inspo for me to start rping on tumblr in the first place. hugs for you too
Well, alls said that's been said, so I think I'll just end it off here, because it's been like 10 minutes since I started typing this and I am eepy.
Goodbye everyone except wandermod, and thank you for sticking with me through Scara's really out of pocket journey.
(PS: Rest in peace @the-tainted-blossom . I miss you everyday.)
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staysafedontdie · 7 months
Vampire Spawn Lore/Headcanons Help?
Hey friends and strangers, Long Post here.
I have noticed in my attempts at research that there is almost nothing but a stat block for Vampire Spawns. But we do know lots about Vampires themselves.
I'm going to break this down into things that are consistent in BG3 and a couple things I noted in other RPGs that could be relevant?
Please feel free to comment with things you believe are true or could be true, or things you know from actual Vampire/Vampire Spawn lore! It'll be fun to see what people in the community do, think, and use for story writing and such!!
(Also, please note that I wrote this between playing BG3, Deep cleaning my apartment, and ADHD kicking my ass, so apologies if it's a little scattered.)
What we do know, per Forgotten Realms Lore:
Spawn share their masters' weaknesses, to a lesser degree (can't enter private dwellings without permission, running water is acid damage, can't see themselves in mirrors, sunlight burns, garlic, etc)
They also can share their masters' strengths: Spawn are said to be able to turn into mist and climb on walls like a spider. They also seem to be able to charm & "Like most undead, their bite and touch caused blood drain and domination" (Aka. the spell Dominate Person)
Spawn do regenerate health, but the damage they take from running water & sunlight is higher than their regeneration, which is why they can die to these things.
Their features become more distorted/sharp/predatory when infected.
As Astarion mentioned, Spawn are less slaves and more puppets designed to do their master's bidding. Free will is non-existent, even if they're fully aware of what they're doing. Obviously it would depend on how controlling the individual Vampire is, but when given an order they cannot disobey.
Once a Spawn is freed, they can no longer be enslaved (by another Vampire. So, one master and if said master dies then the spawn is free to go on their merry way without fear.)
"When it came to a life of adventuring, vampire spawn would seek vengeance on their creators, or penance for their new damnation. If these monsters could overcome their ravenous emotions, they might seek out knowledge, glory, or power. Pride was the true driver of the vampire spawn, since they believed themselves better than others."
A point of contention: Yes a Spawn can feed from their master to become a True Vampire, but the Spawn needs permission to do so. It's a consent thing. So, yes, while it would be nice to bully Cazador into turning Astarion with a series of fun intimidation checks, that man would rather die than concede.
Besides, per the Lore True Vampires lose their humanity in the process of the change and all of their emotions twist into dark shadows of themselves. Love becomes possessiveness, etc.
Stakes do not kill Vampires, they paralyze them. Thus making it easier to kill them. Astarion's preferred death of decapitation is - from what I've seen - one of the most widely supported ways to permanently kill a Vampire in not just FR Lore, but IRL too.
Some other things that I thought were interesting: (Admittedly this could be partially due to the tadpole)
Despite the inherent nature of Vampire Spawn, Astarion doesn't seem to be evil - in fact, the more we learn about him, the kinder he seems and the more the evil act seems to be for protection. He's definitely firmly self-serving and Chaotic, and will forever be a mischievous chaos gremlin who talks shit and plays mean-spirited pranks on people for sure, but he is kind.
Astarion seems to be able to imbibe in at least drink if not food as well. He's shown drink wine at several points throughout the story.
He sweats and bleeds and salivates, indicating he does have bodily function to some degree. (I'll touch on this a bit later.)
If his features are distorted/more predatory HOW SOFT MUST HE HAVE LOOKED BEFORE WHAT THE FUCK?
ALL OF CAZADOR'S SPAWN HAVE SOULS. This is Weird for Vampires/Undead.
Notes from other (Non-FR) Lore sources:
Midgard (D&D 5e supplement from Kobold Press):
Vampire Spawn are able to have children and sometimes those children are Dhampir/Dhampyr (do with this what you will)
Honestly this system has a ton of cool lore, but that is the only different Spawn-specific thing I found by skimming. But if you want lots of Vampire/Dhampir/cool character backgrounds related to those things? Please take a look. Not associated, just found it while researching and Thought It Was Neat.
General/IRL Vampire Lore:
Originally Vampires couldn't see themselves in mirrors because they were backed with a thin layer of silver - a very pure metal said to repel vampires and werewolves. So theoretically a Vampire in the today times would be able to be seen in a mirror, as ours have aluminum backings. So you could, potentially, with a bit of work, find an exotic mirror that might work for Astarion and the horde of other Spawn you may or may not have released into the Underdark.
Running water has the same implications in that it's pure, which is why a Vampire can't touch/cross it.
Sunlight as a Vampire weakness only came about during the film Nosferatu where it then became public lexicon - prior to that, Vampires were more active at night, but not inactive during the day.
I read somewhere - probably on this hellsite - that a Vampire's fangs are technically their reproductive organs, and I hate it. Please make this joke more in fanfics.
Vampire, The Masquerade (which is now not the most up-to-date World of Darkness lore, but more widely known):
"Vampire bodies do not function like the bodies of living organisms. They are (more or less) preserved in a life-like state, but they do not age or die from illness." - pretty standard among all Vampire lore
"Vampires are also vulnerable to so-called "True Faith", that is, the strength of a person's true religious conviction (which is, fortunately for vampires, very rare). Such faith need not be religious per se — one of the rulebooks mentions a yuppie repelling a vampire with his credit card, thanks to his faith in the power of money." - lmao please this is so funny, please imagine some rich idiot in somewhere in Toril pulling a 'The power of Christ compels you!' with a sack of gold pieces. Let's be honest, it's probably some rich merchant from Amn.
"Vampires are immune to most diseases, drugs and poisons, but can be affected by some if present in the blood of their victims." - cheap and easy way to save money on wine
"Normally, a vampire looks the part of a corpse. They're pale and register no pulse. They exist at slightly below room temperature. Food and drink taste terrible, and immediately cause violent, bloody vomiting. They also cannot function sexually, or convincingly fake enjoying sex."
The Blush of Life skill! "By spending a point of Vitae, Kindred may invoke the blush of life for a scene. This makes them functionally human. They become warm to the touch, with a full, hearty pulse. They produce natural bodily fluids. They function sexually in the way a human can, becoming physically aroused, erect, and lubricated. They can keep food and drink down, ejecting it later in the night. They’ll pass medical inspection while the blush remains active."
I can't remember where this came from:
I remember reading somewhere that Vampires probably need to feed in order to continue to have regeneration properties. So they have blood/fluids but they need to feed to be able to maintain those fluid levels. So if a Vampire gets injured, they'll continue getting weaker until they feed rather than naturally recouperating like other beings. - This actually ties really well into both the lore Astarion's exhaustion and hunger when he asks to feed on the player. It's the first time he's had to fight in a long time, and he was mostly starved by Cazador, so his vitality is quite low. (Unfortunately this wouldn't be very fun mechanically if implemented that way, so it's headcanon territory.) EDIT TO ABOVE: Apparently he's only feeding to see if he can disobey Cazador per his Origin route, but leaving that up as it's a valid interpretation if the Origin is excluded, since there's no reason to think otherwise as the Player Character.
Vampires look more alive once they feed. They may be a little warmer, have a bit of color in their cheeks again, etc. Different to VtM's Blush of Life as this is specific to feeding, when the other is a skill that can be performed.
As weird as it is to think about, I love whatever the fuck this answer is on Quora: It goes into depth from the perspective of a Vampire on how the body processes nutrients and expels waste.
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I have questions. SO many questions. Even if it's stupid, I want to hear your answers!
ARE VAMPIRE SPAWN IMMORTAL? IF NOT, HOW LONG DO THEY LIVE FOR? A: Idfk, I assume immortal, but literally nothing confirms whether this is the case. Either way it's A Very Long Time.
CAN VAMPIRE SPAWN EAT & DRINK? IS IT A TADPOLE THING? Honestly this could go either way for me. I do like the VtM interpretation of not being able to keep it down for long if they do.
HOW DOES THE BODY WORK? DIGESTIVE SYSTEM? CIRCULATORY SYSTEM? Idk tbh. Please help. (Though I do like the non-regenerative fluids idea.)
BODY TEMPERATURE? I agree he runs cooler than normal body temperature and is probably That Asshole With The Cold Feet in bed but I also saw this cute af headcanon of him of him being cold-blooded like a lizard. So self-regulating body temperature by sun-bathing and such and I can't stop thinking about it.
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masterqwertster · 11 months
"You don’t have to tell me what happened if you don’t want to, but I want you to know that I’m here for you." And/or “Would you like a hug?”
With Ashton and Laudna, please?
Oooh, definitely a Laudna and Ashton conversation vibe. Nice pick! Setting will be exploring Hishari.
Laudna finds Ashton tucked under a knot of roots that are so tight she's surprised the genasi managed to squeeze himself in there. Honestly, it's a bit of squeeze to follow him down herself, and her shoulders aren't nearly so broad as his. ...Though given the scraping she's noticing on the bark, he may have just forced his way in, thick stone skin immune to the potential splinters she's trying to avoid.
With a bit of squirming, Laudna manages to get herself seated next to Ashton, not quite touching, within the hollow they've found.
"You know, the others are worried about you," she says conversationally.
Ashton grunts and hugs their knees a bit tighter to their chest, while the lights in their head flicker at a quick, unsettled pace.
"I won't ask what you saw or what happened back there. But, if you want to talk about it, I'll listen," Laudna offers.
She really hopes he'll take the offer. It's about time she repaid him for all his emotional support over the Gnarl Rock Incident and... Bor'dor.
He doesn't say anything, doesn't really acknowledge her presence, but that's okay. Waiting is a game Laudna is long used to, and this is certainly a time for patience. She easily occupies herself with puppetting Sashimi, making the marionette dance to the tune she hums. And maybe she's losing her puppeteer chops, what with Paté being alive now, because she swears she could do a better dance than that-
"It's too much," Ashton mumbles.
And oh, they're talking now! That's good!
"Ah, what is 'too much'?" Laudna gently queries. Truly, there is a range of things Ashton could be referring to.
"Whatever happened to me here. Whatever I've got going on now," he lifts a hand to gesture towards the hole in his head. "They're piling together-"
It takes a moment for Laudna to identify the choked off sound they make as a sob. She's never seen them sad upset, never seen them scared like this. They're always mad upset, always a controlled scared. It's rattling to see them so rattled when they often stand so strong.
And worse, she's not sure there's anything she can say to comfort Ashton in this. Powers growing in inexplicable, potentially dark, ways aren't a new experience, but there's no necromancer ghost to banish, no haunted moon monster to keep imprisoned. It's all Ashton and the magic instilled in their blood and soul without ties to be severed or restrained. And you can't run from yourself. Not for forever.
"I- Would you like a hug?" Laudna helplessly offers. She's found solace crying into his strong shoulders, the least she could do is offer her own brittle ones in turn.
There's a strangled hitch in Ashton's breathing before she finds herself somewhat entombed in rock, as the genasi has practically flung himself into her lap.
He's very heavy. If she were of lesser mental fortitude, she might whine about the weight pressing her deeply into the dirt and roots. But the tremors passing into her through arms wrapped uncomfortably tightly around her, the tears soaking her blouse, the muffled sobs, all quickly stifle any thought of complaint.
She barely manages to slip her own arms around his back, seeing as her biceps are thoroughly pinned to her own body, to give a, quite honestly, comparably pathetic squeeze of a hug back. Laudna rubs her hands up and down his back with as much pressure as she can muster just to make sure it's felt through all that dense stone.
"Shhh. It's going to be alright. We haven't given up on solving anyone's issues in this family. We're most certainly not giving up on yours," she whispers into their ear, disregarding the crystals that dig into her cheek to do so.
If everyone can put up with her on-again-off-again necromantic patron, Imogen's moon-bullshit, FCG's well-meaning stupidity, Fearne's fey-ness, Orym's quest for justice, Chetney's... Chetney-ness, they can certainly handle Ashton's elemental galaxy brain slurry.
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