#today i woke up to my parents loudly discussing how while i was asleep and my mother and sister were gone my father heard someone running
Holly: Joanne told me that one of the detectives was named “Internet.” I said no way, that can’t be her name but Joanne has been adamant. We’ve been arguing about this almost all day.
Holly: Antoinette. I just found out her name is Antoinette.
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seemslegitflapjacks · 4 years
Chapter 2, The Neighbors
When I woke up, It was already the next day. The obnoxious sun glaring at me through the curtainless window. I groaned, sitting up, my back aching from sleeping on the floor. I looked, seeing Rambo pawing at the door, asking to be let out. I sat up, kicking my way out of the sleeping bag, opening the door for the massive dog, who shoved his way out the door.
“Jeff! Wake up darlin and help us with the boxes please!” I heard my mom holler from downstairs.
I smiled, hearing my mom’s voice first thing in the morning was the best. Even if it was her telling me to grab scratchy cardboard boxes and carry them back and forth.
“Coming mama!” I hollered back, running down the stairs so fast I nearly fell.
“Hey raggamuffin.” My mom chuckled, ruffling up my messy head of hair.
“Hey mama.” I smiled back, hugging her, my mom returning my embrace.
“Ok, now go help your daddy and your brother with the boxes. Your boxes have your name on it baby.” My mom told me, giving me a kiss on the head as she shooed me away.
I walked outside, taking a few good seconds to adjust to the bright sun. I couldn’t remember the last time I’ve ever been outside when it was so bright. It was probably a California thing, hell if I know.
I kept walking to the moving truck, walking up the ramp, seeing my dad pass by with boxes in his hands.
“Mornin’ champ.” He greeted as he passed.
I gave my dad a wave back, searching for the boxes with my name written on them. After digging a bit, I found one of them. I carried it into my room, doing the same with the rest of my boxes. Back and forth, up and down the stairs. I honestly couldn’t tell whether I was running suicides or moving. It kept me busy though.
I had scratches from the cardboard all over my forearms. My arms and back felt so strained from constantly crouching down to pick up stuff. The constant back and forth up the stairs also took a bit of my energy. But it wasn’t as bad as soccer and lacrosse. Those were honestly way worse with the constant running.
After I had set the last box down in my room, I heard my mom call me from downstairs.
“Jeff! Come down please we have some neighbors!” My mom yelled, to which I rushed down the stairs.
Once I was outside, we were met by a young woman and her son. She had a slim deer like face with freckles and big doe eyes. Her son was about five or six, he has scruffy brown hair with big hazel green doe eyes and freckles.
“Hey, I’m Barbara, and this is my son, Billy.” The tall slim lady smiled, her hand patting her young son’s shoulder.
“Hi Barbara, my name’s Margaret, this is my husband Peter, and these two boys right here are my sons, Jeff and Liu.” My mom spoke, a smile on her face, our father matching her smile as the three of them shook hands.
“Hi I’m Billy!” The little kid blurted out, shoving out his hand towards my twin and I.
“Hey Billy, I’m Jeff, this is my twin Liu.” I smiled, shaking his tiny hand, the kid’s jaw dropping.
‘Mommy! They’re twins!” He told his mom, pulling on the edge of her shirt.
‘Oh! Your boys really are so alike Margaret!” Barbara replied, my mom laughing.
“You should’ve seen Jeff when he had short hair, couldn’t tell one from the other.” Our mother chuckled.
The three adults talked for a while, discussing random stuff. The conversation drew on for so long I knew my mom had already made a new best friend. I remember when I had to literally sit in the candle aisle at Wal-mart for a whole hour because my mom couldn’t stop talking to a coworker of hers. I love my mom but she’s gonna be the death of me someday I swear.
“Nice meetin’ y’all, see y’all later!” Our mom waved, finally, alas, I didn’t have to listen to my mom ramble about my brother and I.
Once we were back inside, I saw our cat Chanel laying on the couch. I smiled, quickly scooping up the little kitty in my arms, he let out a surprised meow, but instantly started purring when he realized it was me. I scratched his ears as I held him on the couch. My parents were talking in the kitchen, while my brother was attempting to figure out how to get the TV plugged up and connected to cable.
“You know It’d be nice if you helped me instead of petting the cat dude.” Liu told me, shooting me a dirty look.
“Sorry but I’m not willing to get electrocuted.” I clapped back.
Liu rolled his eyes, “You’re not gonna get electrocuted you wuss-” just then, almost on clue, the outlet shocked. Liu making a weird yelp noise, holding his finger.
“See? I’m not finna play ding-dong-ditch with God’s door dumbass.” I told him, sticking out my tongue.
“Shut up Rapunzel-” He snapped, embarrassed.
I rolled my eyes, continuing to pet Chanel, who was almost half asleep. My mom returned, turning to help my brother configure cable wires. The TV eventually flicked on, Liu grabbing the remote, changing the channel to some random show. Probably some white trash rich people show, House wives of nobody fucking cares. I hated the shows, but they were also entertaining.
At some point, my mom had turned it to the news. The reporter talking about a grizzly murder that had happened the night before. The body of a convicted child abuser was found strung up and gutted in the woods. The body was mutilated in all sorts of ways. Apparently the murderers had also smacked him around like a pinata. That was gruesome. Like, being a human pinata sounded painful. It wouldn’t even be that exciting, I mean, you don't even get candy you just get teeth n’ stuff.
We had dinner, which was just door dash Steak Escape. I grabbed Chanel, taking the little siamese cat upstairs to my room, plopping the cat down on my bed. Quickly walking into my bathroom, taking a shower.
I sat, letting the skin boiling water rain down on me. I closed my eyes, leaning my head up, the shower water making my forehead numb. I heard static fuzz up in my ears, slowly getting louder and louder. Before I opened my eyes, it had completely stopped. I quickly washed my hair, making sure I got it all before I lathered myself up in body wash, watching the soap rinse down into the drain.
I noticed the water turning pinkish red, quickly putting the back of my hand up to my face. Only to see blood. Shit, I was having another nosebleed. I’d been having a lot lately, they’d bleed until I started to hear static again. I didn’t wanna tell my parents, they’d think I was lying. Who would believe something like that anyways? Like, ‘Oh hey mom I hear static and everytime I do my nose starts gushing blood.’ Like my mom would totally believe that. I stepped out, quickly pinching my nose as I leaned over the sink. The static became louder and louder. It hurt so bad, it was ringing in my ears like a siren. I moved my ears back, trying to drown it out by making the blood in my ears rumble. But it didn’t stop. That’s when I gagged, hacking and choking, before a slug of blood splattered into the sink. Yuck.
I let go of my no longer bleeding nose, My hands stained bright red from the blood as it began to dry up. I turned on the sink, running my hands up under the water. Quickly grabbing a towel to dry myself off. I looked at myself in the mirror. My skin pale and yellowish, I felt cold and clammy. The skin on my arms splotchy with red. I looked sick as a dog. The bags under my eyes a dark purple brown. I looked disgusting, like actually nasty. I thought showers were supposed to make you feel and look better. Clearly today’s shower decided to nerf me.
I walked out, Chanel meowing loudly as he waited outside the door. The needy bastard wanting to be given attention. I nudged him away, grabbing some basketball shorts and a random t-shirt, bouncing up onto my bed. Chanel jumping up. The small cat meowing as he walked on my stomach, shoving his forehead onto my hand as I pet him. Chanel cured up on my lap purring until I got tired of petting him and fell asleep. Tomorrow was gonna be one hell of a day.
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sea-side-scribbles · 4 years
Fanfiction: Sympathy For A Downer
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/22737214/chapters/64052086
Chapter 31
It was the second time Arthur woke up with a headache. Struggling out of his bed he vowed to himself to stop this. Sitting on his improvised desk and looking at all the papers he had filled in the last few days he concluded that it had at least been worth it. Now there were tons of material for an article. He had  photos of every band member and they had been eager to appear in the press. They all had been quite nice to him, even if a little bit too hard-drinking for his taste.
Arthur immediately got to work. Because he had no instructions about the length of his text and assumed that a big one would be more impressive, he used all the information he had. It felt good to write again. Against his worries, he didn't unlearn it. Still, he needed hours to finish his text. Then he immediately went to Mrs. Oliphant and slapped the papers on her desk.
"This is all I could find out," he said as if it was nothing. His boss looked doubting at first but after reading a few lines and realizing what was lying in front of her she became more and more excited. "Arthur, how did you do that?" "Well...", Arthur nervously scratched the back of his head. "Nick liked the idea and brought in all the others. No big deal, really." She eyed the photos. Arthur had developed all of Nick's pictures and had needed a while to decide what was best suitable for the press. He had kept all the others of course. Mrs Oliphant at least looked very pleased.
"I gotta say, you outdid yourself. You're one of the few useful reporters I have. You'll go out again." "To where?" Arthur was both proud and confused. "If what you're writing is true and the Make Believes are about to finish their record, they'll soon show up at Hackney's for a shooting. You'll go there and keep your ears up." "Davy Hackney? But he's in the Parade District!" Mrs Olphant nonchalantly opened a drawer of her desk. "There's your Letter of Transit. Don't dare to come back without any results!"
Arthur couldn't believe how lucky he was. He stared at the Letter as if it was a golden treasure. His boss was impatient. "If you don't mind, I'm quite busy at the moment." "Sure...S...See you..." Arthur stumbled out of the room.
Overwhelmed by multiple feelings at once, he didn't know what to think. He had been craving for this Letter ever since he had gotten back into town. It was his way to freedom, to Percy - or at least the Parade, and then he could find a way out. Suddenly all he wanted was to run away and leave it all behind. Next he thought about Nick. He couldn't leave without Nick! But now he could meet him again. And freely move about in town, wherever he wanted. Finally he was a human being again.
Arthur's heart was pounding while he walked back to his tunnel hideout that he could finally leave. He only wanted to gather some things he thought he needed. The medal was one of them, not only as a disguise, but also because it was precious to him. He liked to wear it as if it had been a special gift.
Outside he didn't need Joy to strut happily like the others, making his way to the bridge. He was shivering a bit when he had to give the Letter to the Bobby, as if the man could read his entire life story from it. Seconds later though it was done. He set foot into the Parade District.
Being there felt like a dream. As if he could go to work again and everything would be forgiven. Perhaps he even could come back. But now he had a different job. Before he went to Hackney however he had to go somewhere else first. He had refused to visit the house of his parents but his own...there was nothing bad about that. His feet were moving automatically, along the familiar streets. He greeted people he knew but who had forgotten about him and treated him like a newcomer. Still, he braced himself for being found and chased around. But no one attacked him. Probably thanks to Sunshine. He carefully walked closer to his house. It looked so harmless, but perhaps they had installed traps and alarms, just in case the Downer came back.
After examining the entire place he was surprised that everything was left untouched, in the same state as he had left it. He opened the door and simply entered his hallway, as if the entire incident had been nothing but a bad dream. It wasn't even looted.  No one had noticed that this house had been empty all the time.
At least he was certain now that he had no curious neighbors, he thought and chuckled. His fruits were rotten of course, and so was everything he had in his fridge. He opened the windows to get rid of the smell and started cleaning even though he had no clue what he really wanted in this house. After all, he didn't plan to stay. He could've felt foolish, but in the end his house was another good hideout. No one would suspect a righteous reporter like him. In addition he was glad to live in a clean environment again. After he had cleaned up of course.
Arthur was soon absorbed so much in cleaning that he didn't notice how time went by. It was already dark when he was finished. Of course he could still go outside, but he wouldn't hear much from Hackney anymore, so he had to wait until morning. He didn't mind though, he rather had some tea and relaxed in his new old home.
He had almost turned up Uncle Jack's New Hour, just by habit, but by now he couldn't stand that show anymore. Enjoying his tea, he thought it was good to finally have some calm and quiet, since he had slept badly in the last few nights. Still, he smiled. Nick Lightbearer had turned his life upside down, in a good way. Him, of all people.
He hoped that Hackney would cooperate because he needed to see his rockstar again. Lying in his bed, he continued to think about Nick. He wanted to wake up with him by his side for once. Actually he wanted to live with him. Perhaps even here. He was looking forward to it while he fell asleep.
The next morning was calm too. Arthur got up early and ate his breakfast from the supplies he had brought with him, enjoying his newfound home. Going out to find Hackney he was in a good mood and motivated. Reaching the Clayton Center of Art & Design he had to smile again. Some mannequins looked like Nick. He was quite the trendsetter.
Inside, he heard Davy Hackney's voice, loudly discussing something with a woman. Arthur kept his distance to listen. Sounded like a model had suddenly canceled and they had no replacement. Now Hackney was probably too upset to give any secrets away, but Arthur still tried. Coming closer to the famous fashion designer, the man eyed him from head to toe.
"Finally," he shouted out. Arthur wondered if Mrs. Oliphant had announced his visit. "Right height, right build, a bit tan for my taste", the man went on. "I...", Arthur began, but Hackney interrupted him. "What are you waiting for, sweetie? Off you go, to the catwalk!" He shooed Arthur into a back area of the building, where most likely a fashion show was taking place. Arthur would've liked to correct the misunderstanding, but no one was listening to him.
The next morning in Nick's house broke late. Their party had been extensive and Nick and Morrie had joined it too because they couldn't sleep anyway. The only one who was fresh as a daisy again was their manager, who shooed them awake. The band was spread all around the house. Nick and Morrie lied in a chair together, completely entangled and had to open their knot in order to get anywhere. "Virgil, what's wrong with you?", Nick complained weakly when he realized who had ended his beauty sleep. His manager softly but certainly ordered him to get up. "You too, Morrie."
Soon, The Make Believes shuffled through the house, half asleep, "I'll kill him," Brad muttered to Nick. "Trust me, we better keep him." While they were treating themselves with lots of coffee they waited for an explanation. "Do you like to push us around?", Chris moaned. "Your tape is ready, right?", Virgil only asked. "Yeah, we're ready and run down. So what?" "You need photos for the cover to finish the album. I want to get that done today."
They exchanged glances, then they laughed. "Gonna be a great picture! Five half dead musicians!" "Count me out. I look smashing as always," Nick said adjusting his hair. "Sure," Matt deadpanned. "With the dark circles under your eyes shining right through your mask. Pretty." "Why don't you make a photo right now and call the album "Fuck off", Brad suggested and they chuckled hysterically.
Virgil smiled. "I'm sure Davy Hackney will get you back into shape." "No, not another slave driver like you," Chris complained. "You can't do that to us. Nick, say something!" "Well, that's the hard life of a rockstar. You wanted it no other way." "This is how you're stabbing us in the back! We should've known!" "You want to be stars or not?", Nick replied, then he said to Virgil: "I have one condition though: You won't drag us back on stage right after this. Not today and not tomorrow." "And the day after tomorrow," Matt threw in.
"We need time to recover after all the hardships," Nick went on. "Right, Morrie?" He poked his lover who had been leaning on his shoulder the entire time. Morrie shot up. "What?" He blinked. "What did I miss?" "The show starts in five minutes," Brad said in a dead serious tone. "He's kidding," Nick said softer to his confused lover. "It's in ten minutes." They laughed again. Morrie shrank a bit, looking meek. Nick rubbed his back.
"Seems like you're having fun after all," Virgil concluded. "So let's go. For all I care, you can have two days off." "Only two? You should've asked for a week," Morrie moaned. "I would've never got that through," Nick said. "Just be pleased for now."
Nick actually looked forward to the photo shooting. He hadn't seen Davy for a long time and the shootings with him were quite fun, as soon as he had gotten used to the designer's resolute attitude. And the fact that he was always in a hurry. When they entered his shop, he walked towards them with open arms. "Virgil, finally! I thought you ditched me too! You can't imagine what a mess this day is!" He took Virgil's hand with both hands. "We did what we could, but you know how it is nowadays, all controls and barriers," Virgil answered and Davy sighed. "It's awful. Heaven knows why it has to be so complicated."
Then his gaze fell on the band "Nickie, dear! How are you?" "Hey there, sexy beast," Nick said and received kisses on both of his cheeks, before Davy eyed him. "You look terrible, honey!" He waved him off. "I'll fix you up again, don't worry." He turned to the others. "And you are The Make Believes? How exciting! All together again, in my studio! I'm glad you came." He shook everyone's hand. Morrie eyed him warily. "Now, now, into the make up room, if you please."
Arthur was completely exhausted.  His feet hurt from all the walking up and down the catwalk, and his fingers hurt from changing clothes. All this putting up, taking off and putting up again, and walking out and back in, enduring the flashlights, posing and smiling, always smiling, never showing any signs of fatique... When the fuss was finally over, Arthur dragged his tired feet back into the shop and fell into a chair. He hadn't seen Nick again and that crazy designer had only come back once in a while to criticize his performance. There hadn't been a second to pause, let alone talk. It was pure slave labor and Arthur would never say anything bad about models again.
Now that he had his peace, he pulled out a bag of cookies he had found in one of the dressing rooms  because he was in dire need of sugar. He was about to open it when it got snatched from his hands. "Are you out of your mind?", he heard Hackney's voice. "Ruining your figure like that." Arthur's patience snapped. He jumped up and grabbed his prey. "For the last time, I'm a reporter, not a model!"
This very moment the band came back from the make up room. "Arthur," they greeted him and waved. "Hey, Arthur!" Arthur was bewildered, seeing them suddenly all at once. "Hey, guys..." "So, you know each other?" Davy Hackney was surprised too. "Is he another star?" "Nah, he's a journalist", Chris said grinning. "Do you spy on us now?" "Uh...", Arthur wasn't in the mood for confessions. "No, I'm here to help out." He pointed at Hackney. "Oh, he was wonderful," the designer put a hand on Arthur's shoulder. "Dearie, I'm much obliged. But now I beg your pardon, these gentlemen need me."
"I'd like to talk to Nick first." His lover stepped out of the crowd. "Say yes, Davy. You know me, I won't leave you in the lurch." He gave him an innocent look and Davy gave in. "Okay, you have five minutes." "Thank you," Nick said gushingly and dragged Arthur with him. "And behave yourselves," Davy shouted after them. Nick turned around and winked. He shoved Arthur into a room and kissed him wildly. Arthur enjoyed it very much. He would be fine with five minutes of nothing but kissing.
After a while however Nick let go. "You sleeky bastard, you! What are you doing here?" "Instructions from above," Arthur said smiling. "So, your record is finished?" "Perhaps," Nick answered mysteriously and lifted an eyebrow. Arthur placably stroked his lover's chest and played a bit with his fluffy tie. "See, I don't want to disturb you. Can we meet tonight? I'm living in Lansdown Road, here in the district. It's not far." "What do you mean you're living there?" "I'll explain later," Arthur promised. "Please, visit me." Nick found his gaze irresistible. "Okay...I'll be there as soon as I can." Arthur gave Nick another eager kiss.
When they left the room Arthur didn't want to  go without any evidence. "Would you mind a group photo, now that you're standing all together?" The Make Believes didn't mind at all. They posed with Nick in their middle. Hackney crossed his arms. "Normally I'm taking the photos here." "Why don't you join them, Mr. Hackney? Come on, don't be shy." The designer adjusted his hair and suit before he strutted in front of Arthur's lense. Arthur was happy. The day had been a success. "You've been wonderful, all of you," he said and blew a kiss that was mostly meant for Nick. "Bye, bye!" "Bye, Arthur", the band sounded amused.
Back home, he was excited, wondered how he should spend the time until Nick arrived. Then he noticed he had nothing left to eat and drink so he went to the store.
Nick visited him in the evening, when Arthur had prepared everything and had been walking through the house multiple times, fixing up his already clean rooms. When the doorbell rang he shot up and shivered while opening the door. Nick strutted in and looked around.  "Okay, what are you telling me now, Arthur Hastings?" He planted himself in front of his lover. "Are you a Downer or what?" "Yes," Arthur said happily. "But this is still my house!" Nick furrowed his brows. "Since I have my job back, I can come back here and nobody seems to remember that I was gone! I finally have a real home again!"
He fell into Nick's arms and Nick returned the hug. "I'm so happy for you," he sighed into his ear. "Now I don't have to sleep in the tunnel anymore." Nick looked at him. "Does that mean you won't visit me again? In my tunnel suite?" "Does that mean you still use it? You weren't there anymore." "I'll use it again, I promise. And hey, if you need a warm bed in the tunnels you can sleep in mine. Just make yourself at home." Arthur's eyes lightened up. For such a long time he didn't have a place to sleep and now he had so many.
"Are you hungry, Nick? It's not the Avalon, but...I hope it will do." Nick blessed him with a compelling smile. "Yes, I'm indeed hungry..." He pressed his lips on Arthur's and their tongues played with each other until Nick's stomach growled. "I guess that's the cue." Arthur chuckled and dragged his lover into the kitchen. It looked like Arthur had put everything on the table that had fallen into his hands. It reminded Nick of their first improvised meal in the tunnel.
He now understood how much Arthur must've suffered down there in the dirt. Here, everything was so clean and tidy, he barely dared to touch anything. It looked like the photos in a catalogue. But then again, in a way Arthur had just moved in. "What is it, Nick? You're so deep in thoughts," his lover said quietly. "I...I'm just surprised...", Nick stuttered. "It's a pretty home." Arthur seemed to lighten up even more.
What Nick didn't say was that he felt very nervous all of a sudden. He normally didn't go into other people's houses. They visited him or he brought them to his hotel suite. Morrie's home was an exception. Nick wasn't prepared to see that side of Arthur. His lover however didn't seem to notice. They made sandwiches and drank tea.
"Isn't it incredible," Arthur sighed. "Where we are now?" Nick stared into his tea. "Do you plan to...start a normal life again? You have a job now. And a home." Arthur thought about it. "There's no normal life for me anymore," he said wistfully. "You won't take Joy at all?" Nick felt awful to ask. Arthur looked so lost. Something was broken inside him and Nick wished he knew what it was.
"No, no Joy for me." Arthur asked himself if he would ever explain it. He was afraid that he had to anyway but he pushed that thought away for now. Nick touched his hand. "With me, you won't need any Joy." Arthur squeezed Nick's hand. He was right. It was just like that. Nick warmed his heart more than any pill could, and with him he couldn't help but to be happy. He felt himself smile and looked at his lover admiringly. This time no waiter came to disturb their stares.
Nick lifted Arthur's hand and brushed every of his fingers with his soft lips, not turning his gaze away from his lover. Arthur had goosebumps everywhere. He used his other hand to stroke over the other man's cheek. Nick shortly stopped, enjoying the touch. Then he turned his head and trapped one of Arthur's fingers between his teeth. Seconds later Arthur sat on Nick's lap and they exchanged wild kisses again while their hands roamed each other's bodies. Arthur had been starving already, almost three days without his rockstar.
Nick's hands had found their way under Arthur's clothes when he stopped him. "Not here?", Nick guessed panting. "I have a bed," Arthur sighed. "A bed, you say?", Nick shouted and threw Arthur over his shoulder. "This needs to be consecrated! I wonder where it is! I guess upstairs!" His lover chuckled. "Wait, you can't carry me all the way up." "Wait yourself and see, King! Don't unterestimate the powers of the almighty God of Rock!" "You're breaking your back," Arthur kept laughing.
They bantered like that until Nick found the bedroom and pressed Arthur down into the mattress with a kiss. They turned the tidy room into chaos, throwing pillows and rolling around on the bed. It was a wonderful night.
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strayneoculturekids · 5 years
Why Not?  - Bang Chan x Reader
Summary: You and bang chan weren’t that close, but you were still friends. Through a series of events, you and him ended up being the only ones in his house without any way of you getting out. It was late so bang chan being bang chan insists it’s fine for you to stay which is all well and good except that you get pretty bad nightmares and can’t sleep unless cuddling something or someone and you had unfortunately left your human-sized stuffed bear at your place.
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Highschool AU
Genre: fluff all the way
You were sitting in class, staring to the side absent-mindedly, snapping back to reality once you had heard everyone in the class groan collectively followed by your teacher trying to hush them. you immediately turned to your friend to ask what’s going on.
“We have a partner project-”
“Oh, that’s great! Wanna be partners?” you interrupted before she could finish
“Let me finish! We have assigned partners” 
As soon as she had said that you understood why everyone had groaned so loudly, not being afraid to openly express their disappointment. You looked away from your friend to the rest of the class. You pretty much knew no one. You were cool with maybe one or two people in the class other than your friend who you were sitting next to.
Once the teacher had gotten everyone to quiet down, she got out a sheet of paper and started calling out partners. Your friend came before you and much to your dismay, you two weren’t partners.
A few seconds passed and your ears perked once you heard your name, that being followed up by the name ‘Chris’. You sighed in relief. You and Chan weren’t the closest of friends but hey, at least you guys weren’t awkward with each other, besides, Chan was a pretty damn awesome guy. You may or may not have had a crush on him but really, who didn’t?
The end of school finally came around after what seemed like days, the sky was cloudy and the wind was getting super cold, it looked like it was gonna snow. You were walking through the school gates when Chan ran to catch up to you, calling your name to catch your attention. You spun around and smiled warmly at him who was smiling back.
“Do you wanna come over to my place to start on the project today?”
“Oh, yeah sure! Just let me text my parents”
Chan’s home was in walking distance but much to both of your guys’ dismay, it started snowing on the way back. At first, it was fine but as you guys continued, it started getting heavier. Chan looked over and saw you shivering, he frowned and began to take off his jacket to give to you but you declined, saying you’d be fine, his house was only about two minutes away anyways. He reluctantly put his jacket properly on again.
You two made it to his house eventually to find it empty. Chan called out for his parents but got no answer in return. He quirked a brow but figured they wouldn’t mind and vouched for sending them a quick text to let them know you were over.
You both sat down in the living room and immediately started up a discussion about the project. You were glad to be working with Chan, he got good grades and didn’t screw around or procrastinate (A/N: like mate, stop procrastinating) like a lot of the other kids.
Soon enough you two had everything organized and got to work on doing your set parts of the task, both researching different things to be more efficient, striking up small talk every now and then or sharing school stories and laughs.
About an hour passed before you and Chan decided you should take a break. You stood up and stretched your arms only for your shoulders to instantly go back down once you looked out the window. Snow was piled up over it.
“Mmm?” He said, only just now getting up to stretch
“We’re snowed in”
He looked out the window and immediately his jaw dropped open. Mouthing what looked to be ‘shit’.
“Is the service still up? You can still call your parents right?” He asked
You quickly checked, giving him a quick nod.
“Ok, good, I think it would be best for you to stay here tonight. Call your parents and tell them. I need to call my parents too real quick to see if they’re ok”
Your face instantly became devoid of all colour and your jaw dropped open. Chan tilted his head to the side at your surprised expression.
“I’m not gonna do anything to you Y/N, I’m not like that,” he said, assuming you’re scared to spend the night snowed in with a boy
“No, no, that’s not it, I know you wouldn’t do that Chan...It’s something else” you said back, waving him off
“What is it?”
“Ah, don’t worry about it. It’s no big deal. Thanks for letting me stay the night, I’ll call my parents now” you said to him, bowing your head slightly
You turned around to call your parents. Parents being parents, they weren’t fully supportive of you staying over at a guys house but chan took over the phone once he heard you struggling and assured them everything was ok. He handed it back to you and immediately the first thing your mum said was ‘date that boy’.
“Oh my God! Mum!” 
“Did something happen?” Chan asked, not having been able to hear what your mum said
“no, everything’s fine” you said, once again waving him off
Another hour had passed and you and Chan were already half-way through the project. You had a week to do it so you both agreed that that was enough work for today.
Chan grabbed the remote and switched on the TV, asking you what movie you wanted. Immediately you answered [your favourite Disney movie]. Chan laughed a bit and put it on. You two may not have been that close but oh boy, did you guys sing your hearts out together during those Disney songs.
It was pretty late once the movie had ended and Chan brought you to the guest room for you to get settled in. Immediately you remembered why you were so worried about spending the night over at his place. You could not go to sleep without something or someone to cuddle with, your nightmares just didn’t allow it.
“You ok? You seem stressed” Chan asked for the tenth time
You nodded and assured him that everything was fine. After a bit of convincing, Chan let you be and went to go prepare himself for bed. You did a quick double take and realized you didn’t have any extra clothes. Luckily though, you did have a spare pair of undies, they were your backup in case your period started without warning but you guess you’d just have to use it for this. Now comes the problem of actual clothes.
You shyly wandered around the house and found Chan’s room, knocking and waiting until he said you could come in.
“Did you need something?” He asked
“Uhm...can I borrow a top and a pair of pants?”
“Oh! Of course!” he said, quickly going into his closet and pulling out a pair of sweatpants, a hoodie, and a shirt. “they might be a bit big on you, the bathroom is right next to the guest room, you can take a shower there. Are you ok for underwear?” he asked, making it sound like the most casual thing in the world
“Ah, yeah I’m all set for that. Thanks Channie!” you said, turning around and walking the other wat before realizing what you had just called him, suddenly your face became red and little do you know, chan’s face also turned red the second you left.
You finished taking a shower and got dressed into Bang Chan’s oversized but ridiculously comfortable clothes. Immediately after you’d finished changing, there was a knock on your door.
“Yeah?” you said
You looked over to the door to see Chan with slightly wet and disheveled hair.
“Wanna watch another movie?”
“Uh...yeah...sure, why not?” you said, in awe at how handsome he was, trying not to let the obvious blush on your face show
You guys both went to the living room and put on a movie, Chan picked it this time. Your eyes were glued to the screen for the first half but you kept seeing Chan look over to you and back to the TV through your peripheral vision. Eventually, letting your curiosity get the better of you, you looked over to him at the same time he looked over to you, forcing you two to meet eyes. His cheeks instantly went red and he looked back to the screen.
“...sorry...” He said hesitantly “You just look really adorable in my clothes”
“Oh,” you said simply, leaving your mouth in an ‘o’ shape long after you finished saying the short word.
You both avoided making eye contact after that, too embarrassed to try and communicate.
The movie came to an end and you two both awkwardly said goodnight before heading to your rooms. You climbed into the bed, trying not to mess up the sheets too much and pulled the covers up past your head. The monsters can’t get you if you’re under the sheets. You knew it was childish but hey, you had nightmares, what are you gonna do?
Your eyes began to slowly shut and before you knew it you were asleep. Maybe a few minutes had passed before you were so rudely awoken by a nightmare of you almost getting eaten by what looked like some sort of zombified cross between an angler fish and shark. You awoke with a startled scream followed by loud and quick footsteps and your door swinging open to reveal a worried looking Chan.
“You screamed, are you ok?!” He said, switching on the light
“I’m fine...just a nightmare...no big deal”
You didn’t reply. your nightmares weren’t the scariest things in existence but they still woke you up, meaning that even if you weren’t scared, you wouldn’t get very much sleep.
“If there’s anything worrying you, really, just tell me”
“Could I sleep in your bed tonight?” you said hesitantly
Chan seemed startled at your directness for a second
“It’s just-” you continued “I can’t really sleep unless I’m...”
“Unless you’re...?” Chan asked, urging you to continue
“cuddling...someone?” you said, making it sound like a question
“Why not?” he asked nonchalantly, looking fine on the surface but inwardly freaking out
You gratefully got up and started following Chan, continuously asking him if it was really ok to which he assured you it was.
You got to his room and both of you climbed into his bed awkwardly, you lay there stiff for a while before Chan initiated the cuddling, slinging one of his arms over you and sliding the other one under you, you turned to the side away from Chan, hoping he wouldn’t see your face that was practically glowing red by now. That didn’t really make the situation any better because now you were spooning, and Chan’s face was also glowing red.
Eventually, after you had both gotten over the awkwardness, you realized how warm and comforting Chan actually was. You were out within seconds.
You were awoken the next morning to the sound of camera shutters. You groggily opened your eyes to see Chan’s parents’ snapping photos of you two cuddling. You yelped, also waking up Chan. Immediately, he sat up straight away.
“yah! Mum, dad, stop!”
His mum laughed “You two are just so cute! You need to introduce your girlfriend to us properly Chan”
You both blushed at the mention of ‘girlfriend’.
After a very long chat with his parents, you finally told them what had actually happened and that you two weren’t actually dating, they seemed disappointed but let it slide for now and told you that you should probably head home now. The path had been mostly cleared. You packed your things and thanked Chan and his parents for letting you stay.
“...do you think you’d...wanna go out with me?” Chan said, his hand rubbing the back of his neck while trying to suppress a blush
You immediately got the biggest smile on your face and wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him into a hug.
“I would love to!”
He quickly hugged you back with the biggest smile, burying his face into the top of your head before turning around after hearing camera shutters. You both looked to see both of your guys’ parents.
“Mum! Dad!” You both shouted in unison, looking in opposite directions
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71tenseventeen · 6 years
Take My Hand (Take My Whole Life Too)-14
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13
Warnings for sexual content, male pregnancy, non-hockey Sid. Sid and Taylor’s ages have been altered to fit the story.
Perpetual credit to my betas, @queen-alia and @icosahedonist as well as the GC and @ljummen.
See bottom for Russian translation.
They’re both still smiling half an hour later despite Sid having had a blood draw. Geno clutches the strips of ultrasound pictures and gazes down at them as Sid pulls on his clothes and settles onto the (frankly, extremely comfortable) loveseat next to him.
Dr. Agarwal is back in shortly after that to wrap up the visit. She spends time answering any lingering questions and then hands Sid a piece of paper. “That’s for a different prenatal vitamin. I’m hoping this one might not make you quite as nauseated. Everything else looks great, as we discussed, but I am a little worried about your nausea and swelling.”
Sid nods, hanging on her every word because this is why he agreed to come here. It’s a tremendous relief to have a doctor who listens to him.
“I don’t necessarily think it’s too much of a concern now other than that the nausea has been so severe and it’s a little early to be swelling so much. I think a lot of it probably has to do with the heat and maybe how much you’re on your feet, too. I’d like you to cut back your work hours.”
Sid frowns. That... is not good.
She keeps talking. “Make sure you’re staying as hydrated as possible and wear good, supportive shoes while you’re at work and then elevate your feet when you’re at home for the night. I know it’s not ideal but this is just how some pregnancies are. We’ll do everything we can to make it manageable for you.”
Sid swallows and nods. It’s not the greatest news but it could probably be a lot worse. It’s not like he can argue his way out of it anyhow so he bites back his protests and thanks her profusely for the time she’s spent with him which, looking at his watch, he realizes has been nearly an hour and a half. Suddenly, he sees another benefit to agreeing to come to this doctor—something he never could have done without Geno.
Sid tells him as much once they’re in the car but Geno just shakes his head. “Not have to thank me. Is my baby too and is important to me to take care both of you.” He glances at the ultrasound photos again with another smile. “Should be thanking you. You carrying baby, you doing all the hard work. You sacrifice so much for our baby.”
“It’s worth it.” Sid smiles at Geno and they both look at the pictures in Geno’s hand again.
“Best baby,” Geno mutters and Sidney laughs his agreement.
As soon as they’re back at the house Geno makes a beeline for his refrigerator and sticks the strip of ultrasound pictures to the door with magnets. There isn’t much to see yet but Sid feels like the little black and white blob is the most beautiful thing he’s ever laid eyes on. He thinks Geno must feel that way too, if the look on his face is anything to go by. So they stand there with matching smiles until Sid’s stomach starts to protest, growling loudly and Geno laughs. “Baby need to eat.”
It’s the kind of cheerful, lighthearted evening Sid hasn’t had in a long time; the kind of warmth that usually comes after a couple of glasses of wine but tonight has nothing to do with alcohol. They work together to make dinner and sit together at the breakfast bar eating, occasionally grinning at the pictures on the fridge and each other. Geno is puffed up, as proud as Sid has ever seen him in the short time they’ve known each other. “We do that,” Geno says proudly. “We best at make baby.”
Sid giggles at him but he can’t disagree. He’s surprised at how accomplished he feels looking at the tiny shapes in the picture so he fist bumps Geno and tips his chin up. “Yeah we are. We got this.”
Geno nods in agreement. “Best at make baby. Best at be dads. Make all other baby cry because they not have us,” he says with a smirk and Sid dissolves into giggles again.
Later they sit next to each other, reclined in the Penguins chairs eating fruit and watching TV together. Sid glances over and finally believes that Geno is really in this for the long haul. He’s really not going to leave Sid hanging, and it’s the most comforting thing he’s ever known.
Sid shifts and slowly blinks awake. It takes him a moment to realize he’s still in the chair in the media room. The last thing he remembers is musing about how comfortable the recliners are. Now he’s covered up with a soft Pens blanket and Geno is nowhere to be seen.
He glances at his phone. 11:17. He thinks about letting himself drift back off, it would be easy to do, but his lower back is a little stiff and he knows the bed will be more comfortable so he heaves himself out of the chair and makes his way towards the stairs. Most of the lights are off and he figures Geno probably went to bed until he sees light coming from the kitchen. Changing direction, he starts towards the kitchen but stops abruptly when he hears Geno’s voice, shaky and rough.
“Не она, мама. Его.”
Sid frowns. Geno sounds so upset. Is someone here? He moves to the doorway and stops when he sees that Geno is on the phone, hunched over the breakfast bar. His muscles look tense and tight before he pops his head up and says roughly, “Его зовут Сид и я не оставлю его! Как я мог отказаться от собственного ребенка?”
Sid’s breath catches in his throat. Geno has been teaching him Russian words here and there but he doesn’t understand most of what he just heard. He can read the tone, though, and he can recognize his own name.
Sid. Whoever Geno is talking to, he’s talking about Sid and, he thinks, their baby. Sid swallows hard and backs away as quietly as he can—he has a feeling he wasn’t meant to hear this at all.
It takes him awhile to fall asleep. It’s another hour before Geno finally comes upstairs. Sid hears him pause outside his door and for a moment thinks he may come in but then he moves on down the hall.
Sid’s stayed over enough times now that he has a routine which basically consists of sleeping in and showering before he emerges. If Geno is there they eat breakfast together and maybe take a walk if it’s not too hot. They almost always end up in the pool. If Geno is gone to practice or meetings, Sid usually eats and leaves leftovers in the fridge for Geno before he either heads home to his own apartment or kills time in the pool until Geno gets back.
Today when Sid comes in Geno is sipping his tea. He looks up and then immediately looks away, only nodding when Sid tells him good morning.
“Breakfast in oven for keep warm.” He motions towards the oven before burying his nose in his phone.
“Aren’t you going to eat?”
“Not hungry.”
“Oh. Okay.” Sid retrieves the plate from the oven—an omelet with all his favorite fillings—and sets himself up at the breakfast bar. He takes a few bites before he decides to try again.
“So what’s the plan for today?”
“Hm?” Geno looks up.
“I was just asking what you want to do today.”
He shrugs and looks back at his phone. “Whatever you want is fine.”
“I thought you said we’d swim today. Like we normally do?”
“Then why you ask if you already know?” Geno snaps and Sid sits up straight. Geno has never spoken to him like that. Not once.
“Fuck. Sid, I’m sorry. Have rough morning but no excuse for talk to you like that.”
Sid swallows hard and looks closer at him, takes in the messy hair and the dark circles under his eyes. “You’re upset about the phone call last night, aren’t you?” he asks, thinly.
Geno snaps his face up. “How you know about that?”
“I wasn’t trying to eavesdrop. I woke up and heard… Well I heard you talking in Russian but you said my name and you sounded really upset.”
“You not supposed to hear that.”
“I said I didn’t mean to,” Sid says before finally putting his fork on the plate and pushing it away with more than half an omelet left. “I should go.”
“Don’t go!” Geno runs a hand through his hair and gently puts a hand on Sid’s arm. “Sid, please.” Geno looks so desperate and Sid just can’t understand it.
“Why? All I’ve done is make things worse and worse for you.”
“No, that not true!”
“It didn’t sound that way last night.”
“Doesn’t matter.”
“It does matter! Who was giving you trouble this time? Your agent? Team lawyers? PR?”
“Parents.”  Geno says it so quietly that it takes Sid a moment to comprehend before he sucks in a breath and slumps.
“Oh god. Geno, I’m so sorry.” Sid shakes his head, closes his eyes and can’t bear to look up at his sad face.
“Have nothing to be sorry for. I tell you this over and over. What it take for you to believe me?”
“Geno, come on. Your parents?” Sid shakes his head. “I’m not worth that.”
Geno frowns hard and moves to stand in front of him, taking his face in his hands. “Not ever say that, Sid. We make baby and baby is worth everything.”
“But you barely even know me and now you’re stuck with me.”
“I know we having baby together. Know you good person, good heart. I know you hard worker, and so stubborn.” Geno smiles at him. “Maybe not know a lot but not know nothing. Not stuck, Sid. Choose not to walk away because I want to know you and know my baby. Learning more every day because I want to. And I’m like everything I’m learn so far. Even the stubborn.”
“But… your parents.”
Geno shakes his head. “Is their choice if they not support.”
“Is that what they said to you?”
He shrugs. “Not exact. They not happy I was with guy but not say they not want me. Same as your parents.”
Sid nods. “Maybe but I can go back to Canada. If this gets out—”
“Then I deal with but would give all that up before I give this up. You not get this way alone and I’m not leave you to deal with alone. This our baby, Sid. And okay, maybe not plan for right now but ever since I’m find out I’m so happy. Even when things are scary, when not sure how we handle it all, I’m still so happy. I’m going to be a papa, Sid, and I want that.”
“Really?” Sid offers up a tentative smile.
“Sid,” Geno starts and wraps his hands around one of Sid’s. “You sacrifice so much to carry our baby. You worth everything.”
Part 15
Не она, мама. Его. = Not she, Mama. Him. 
Его зовут Сид и я не оставлю его! Как я мог отказаться от собственного ребенка? =  His name is Sid and I will not leave him! How could I give up my own child?
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bvidzsoo · 6 years
Abiding Darkness (VIII)
Tumblr media
 Author: bvidzsoo
 Pairing: Oh Sehun x OC
 Warning: violence
 Word count: 4, 870
 Summary:   Belikov Bora is living in Seoul at her grandparents as she had gotten her long awaited scholarship. She’s not new to this world but she’s also not really interested in the famous people of it…so maybe that’s why she gets the shock of her life when a zombie apocalypse begins and she’s stuck with Oh Sehun.
 A/N: I don’t mean to be like this, but seeing the lack of feedback it discourages me and it just makes me wonder if I should really write this...since no one seems to really appreciate it. This being said, I hope you enjoy this chapter!
    Dreams seemed like a good option. Nightmares were the worst. My mind was clouded with different images and I couldn’t make out which were actual memories and which were the real nightmares. The faces of my grandparents kept changing into their normal ones and into the ones I just saw yesterday. It didn’t help that I felt like I was suffocating all night, too warm but once I threw the blanket off myself, it was too cold. Nothing was good, my head was acting up and it drove me crazy. After crying yesterday night, I thought I’d be better, but my heart still felt heavy and my eyes were puffy too.
I was woken up half an hour ago by Sehun, who noticed me sleeping uncomfortably and decided to ease my suffering. Jian was still asleep, up in my room, curled underneath my blanket. It was quiet in the kitchen as I prepared some breakfast. It still felt weird, we could be friends who do this every day, such a normal thing. But once you look outside and see how dead everything looks, you realize reality is much crueler.
I was cutting some tomato when Sehun cleared his throat, sitting at the table. He’d been watching me closely ever since I took the knife into my hands and it made me really uncomfortable. Was he thinking I’d do something to myself? I’m not that unstable.
“Can you stop staring?” I decided to speak up, irritation lacing my voice.
“I’m just thinking, not starring” Came his answer and I scoffed, glancing back at him.
“Look at the wall then, not me” I muttered and heard the rustling of clothes before I felt the warmness coming from Sehun’s body.
“No, seriously” His voice was quiet as he towered over me, knuckles turning white as I gripped the knife too hard. His closeness always affected me in a weird way I could not explain.
“Your grandparents seemed perfectly okay, I mean--the house is in a good condition. That means no one broke in. Jian and her mother were outside when the earthquake happened, her mother turned but she didn’t--”
“Are you saying…” My eyebrows furrowed as I looked up at Sehun, putting two and two together. That means, all this didn’t start from a disease, it was from the gas that leaked out from the earth, which means… “Are you saying we are immune?”
“Is there any other explanation?” Sehun raised his eyebrows, looking me in the eyes.
“Is it even possible?” I muttered with a sigh, turning back to finish cutting the tomatoes.
“Do you have any better explanation?”
“No” I muttered and Sehun hummed as he moved to take three plates from the cupboard. He quietly arranged the table while I cut some more cucumbers.
There was thudding coming from upstairs and both Sehun and I paused what we were doing, slightly alarmed. But soon I realized it was just Jian, who probably woke up. We would have woken her up soon, we are leaving after breakfast.
“Good morning” Jian’s groggy voice brought a smile to my face as she stood in the doorway, hair sticking in every way. This made me glance at Sehun subconsciously, realizing how perfect his hair looked. Is he some sort of God since he always looks good?
“Good morning” I echoed as Jian trudged inside, taking a seat at the table “We have scrambled eggs for breakfast”
“Oh, that’s yummy” Jian didn’t sound very excited and my eyebrows furrowed slightly. Maybe she’s just a little grumpy since she just woke up?
“You could sound at least a little more grateful, brat. We aren’t obliged to feed you or even take care of--”
“Oh Sehun” I sternly interrupted the man, throwing him a glare, “You can’t speak like that to a child”
“She’s getting on my nerves” Sehun reciprocated my glare “It’s not that I have to take care of her, I could have left her in that house for all I care, I don’t care about her--”
“Nor about me” It hurt to say those words, honestly, it really did. I know we don’t know each other and are basically forced to survive together, but I did start to care about Sehun. Hearing him say he really doesn’t care about Jian or me...it’s not the best feeling in the world.
“I hate people like you” Jian whispered, looking down at her plate.
“Look what you’ve done” I hissed at Sehun, sitting beside Jian, “Don’t listen to him, okay? I care about you, you are my friend”
“You don’t know me” Jian muttered and I patted her hair, leaning closer to her.
“I know you well enough to know that you are an amazing girl, smart and beautiful” Jian glanced up at me through her lashes and I smiled at her friendly.
“Can you not...argue when I’m around?” She looked at Sehun this time, her eyebrows drawn in a frown. Sehun raised an eyebrow and I had the urge to throw my knife at him.
“Mommy and daddy argued a lot in the past months, it really made me sad. You remind me of them a lot”
“This is just friendly banter, don’t worry, it’s nothing serious” I reassured Jian and she offered me a small smile.
“I assume your parents didn’t get along anymore?” I gasped, head snapping in Sehun’s direction. How can he ask something like that from a kid?
“Sehun” I glared at him hard, getting more and more annoyed, “You can’t say things like that. She’s a kid. She’s not supposed to know things like that. How can you be such a hypocrite and not consider whatever you say first?”
“She’s a kid but not stupid” Sehun deadpanned and raised from the table, taking his plate and storming off. I closed my eyes and heaved a long sigh, feeling a headache form. Why is this happening? And today out of all days...God this is so hard.
“I’m sorry” Jian muttered, the sound of fork hitting plate echoing in the kitchen. I looked at Jian as she ate, forcing down my own food as my appetite was gone.
“It’s not your fault” I muttered, eyeing with regret the tomatoes I cut but couldn’t eat anymore. If I force down too much food, I will only end up throwing up later.
Breakfast was tense and the fact that Sehun was ignoring both me and Jian didn’t help. I don’t understand why he’s the one getting mad when Jian should be the one. She might be a kid, but these are sensitive topics to discuss with a kid her age. Cleaning the kitchen, Jian and I went upstairs to change and get ready to leave. When I undid the braid made by Jian, my hair fell in soft waves and Jian stared at my hair in awe, giggling as she played with the waves as I sat on the floor and packed my own clothes.
“Why is your hair red?” She wondered loudly and I couldn’t help but chuckle.
“My father has red hair” I answered her.
“Oh, mommy had black hair, I got her hair color” Jian helped me push my pajamas inside my backpack, a lot bigger than the one Sehun gave me.
“You are really pretty, I saw you and your mom that day, you both looked beautiful” I complimented her and Jian giggled while making the bed.
“I know, people always said that, daddy was jealous” I giggled as I checked my phone to see that soon it would stop working. There was no reason to charge it since you couldn’t use it. However, Jian’s phone was fully charged as she played games when she got too bored.
“Do we have to see that rude man right now?” Jian asked with a pout and I chuckled, helping her zip her backpack closed.
“Yes, Jian and try to be a little nicer with him” I took our backpacks and we both exited my room, going downstairs.
“He’s not nice to me” She mumbled and I rolled my eyes. If they knew how similar they were…Descending the stairs, we came face to face with Sehun who was glaring at us.
“Took you long enough” He grumbled and I rolled my eyes, taking Jian’s jacket off the hanger.
“You are such a pissy boy” Jian stuck her tongue out at Sehun who looked offended and I couldn’t help but let out a choked laugh. Serves him right for being rude for no reason. He really needs to work on that attitude of his.
“I am not, it’s not funny” He looked at me and I just shrugged, helping the jacket on Jian.
“Go and take on your shoes” I pushed Jian forward as she nodded and went to get her shoes. I sighed, looking at my coats hanged up on the hanger. I can’t take a long one, it will get me in trouble if we meet an Affected one. Unfortunately, I had to settle for my black leather jacket that wasn’t too warm for this weather. I’ll have to dress thicker underneath then.
“Bora” I ignored Sehun as I slipped my boots on, searching for my green scarf. Zombie apocalypse or not, no one can stop me from wearing my favorite clothes. There was a sigh behind me before I was abruptly turned around, eyes widening.
“I’m speaking to you” Sehun muttered calmly, a contrast to his blazing eyes.
“And I’m not speaking to you” I tried shrugging his grip off.
“This morning--”
“You are a hypocrite for speaking to a kid like that. I understand if you have a problem with me, but say it to me, when Jian isn’t around. If you have frustrations, say them to me when we are alone and stop leashing out to a defenseless kid, who, maybe, lost both parents. Do you understand what it means for her to travel with two strangers? To trust us after a day of being with us? How do you think she feels, Sehun? How do you think I feel? I try to take care of all of us, protect you and I know you don’t give a flying fuck about me or Jian, but please, try and not be so obvious about it” I snapped, feeling like a weight was lifted off of my chest. I’ve been feeling burdened ever since I broke down and had Sehun console me. He seemed sincere, but his words, while we were having breakfast, angered me more than anything. He has no rights to act like he’s better in times like this, we are equal, the Affected ones don’t care if they kill a commoner or an idol.
“I don’t dislike you” His tone was harsh, matching the look in his eyes, “I’m just scared. I have no idea what to do. I can’t even kill a thing like that while you already killed three. I feel like I’m to no use and it will get us killed if I don’t man up. I’m just as scared as you are, if not more. I can’t control my temper and even though I’m a calm person, I just can’t help but be on the edge all the time”
“Then man up, Sehun” I looked him in the eyes, to see them trembling, “If you don’t want us dead, man up”
He didn’t say anything, only stared at me. Jian’s footsteps echoed in the quiet house as she walked back to us, eyeing us curiously.
“Are you ready?” I looked at her, wanting to step back but Sehun pulled me closer to him.
“What are you doing?” I muttered alarmed, heart suddenly picking up at the close proximity. Sehun just shrugged, hands wrapping around the material of my scarf.
“You are so clumsy” He chuckled, trying to stop his smile that threatened to take over his lips, “And you put on your scarf like shit”
“Don’t curse in front of a kid” I punched his shoulder lightly and a lopsided grin appeared on his appealing lips. Why am I looking at his lips again? Snap out of it Bora! Once Sehun’s hands stopped working on my scarf, I realized I was caught red-handed staring as a curious look appeared in his eyes. Way to go Bora.
“Jian” I cleared my throat as I stepped back, taking her backpack. “Here”
“Thank you” She giggled as she watched me and I shamefully blushed. Even she saw me staring at Sehun’s lips, why am I so clumsy?
“Bora, I saw a car by the house” Sehun spoke up as he handed me my backpack.
“It’s my grandfather’s”
“Can we take it? It would get us faster into the city and maybe it’s safer going through the forest” I nodded at Sehun’s words. I don’t want to walk through the forest again, it’s quite scary. I quickly got the keys and handed them to Sehun.
“You can drive, you know the city better than I do” I muttered as we opened the front door and Sehun was the first one out, making sure we were alone. After everyone was out of the house, I couldn’t help but lock it. This is a house that my grandmother cherished dearly and I wasn’t going to just leave it like that. When all this is over, I promise to come back grandma, grandpa.
The car was a gray Daewoo Lanos, quite an old one. My grandfather always complained about wanting to buy a newer model, one that didn’t break down whenever it wanted to. Thinking about that, I bit my lower lip nervously.
“Sehun” I called out before he could unlock the door, “I’m not sure how good the car is...grandpa always complained about it breaking down”
“Don’t worry, it doesn’t look that bad” He offered me a reassuring smile but I felt uneasiness spread in me. Something felt wrong, something just wasn’t right. This car wasn’t safe, it would be the same as going by feet. But I decided to trust Sehun and a car would really help us travel faster.
I helped Jian into the backseat, doing the belt for her and placed our backpacks by her feet. Sehun got into the driver's seat and I followed suit, sitting in the passenger seat. Once our seatbelts were on, Sehun started the car but it didn’t start from the first, he had to try three times. I glanced at him, biting my lower lip as the uneasiness got worse. Maybe going by car wasn’t a very wise idea, not with a car that is on the verge of breaking down at least.
“Don’t worry” Sehun placed a hand on my knee and patted it reassuringly as he started driving down the empty road, but I couldn’t help and play with my fingers out of nervousness. I just wish to get past the forest, nothing else.
But what you are afraid of you can’t escape. And the car decided to break down in the middle of the forest. We were so close to getting out, but it stopped. My anxiety got worse as I looked around nervously, my lower lip hurting from biting it so hard.
“Bora” Sehun’s voice made me snap my head in his direction.
“You are bruising your lip” I quickly released my lip as I stared at Sehun’s face. He looked serious, even calm. How could he control his face so well?
“I will go and check what’s the problem, okay?” He undid his belt and before he could open the door I caught his arm, heart beating quickly. I glanced back at Jian, who was playing on her phone, oblivious to the two of us.
“I have a bad feeling, please don’t go out” I muttered, looking directly into his eyes.
“I need to check so that we can continue going on” Sehun’s hand wrapped around mine as he tenderly peeled my hand off his arm.
“I’m taking the gun with me, is that reassuring enough?” He squeezed my hand and I let out a shaky breath.
“No, but fine” I muttered and Sehun threw me an amused smile as he finally got out. My eyes followed him as he went to the front of the car and opened the capote. My legs were bouncing up and down as my eyes scanned our surroundings, making sure there were no Affected ones.
“Why did we stop?” Jian asked curiously, hand lowered in her lap.
“Nothing to worry about, Sehun will check the engine and we can continue going on” I tried to offer a calm and friendly smile as I turned around, looking at Jian. She returned a more childish smile and I couldn’t help but dart my eyes around. This felt wrong, very wrong. Something was about to happen.
“Jian, you should hide” I undid my belt and turned around in my seat, hands going to undo her belt too.
“Why?” She asked confused, placing her phone into the pocket of her red jacket.
“Just trust me, okay?” I offered her a small smile as Jian looked at me confused.
“Where can I hide in a car?”
“Get down from the seat and curl up in a ball, if you hear anything weird, don’t look up and most importantly, don’t come out. You can play on your phone too as long as it keeps you distracted, okay?” I urged her, watching her get down from the backseat confused.
“You are scaring me” Jian said with a frown. I patted her head once she was sitting on the floor of the car and dropped a blanket over her, my grandfather always kept one in his car as I tended to fall asleep after a long day at the university.
“Lock the door once I knock on the window twice, okay?” Jian peeked out from the blanket, up at me.
“Take care, Bora...and Mr. Oh too” She whispered and I smiled at her.
“Nothing is going to happen, I’m just making sure” Jian nodded and I finally exited the car. Sehun’s head shot up from the capote and he frowned at me.
“What are you doing?” He asked quietly and I waved him off.
“Don’t mind me, just hurry up, okay?” Sehun hummed as I walked to the back of the car and opened the truck. There was always a baseball bat inside since my grandfather would often go and play with his retired friends baseball. Upon taking it out, I closed the truck and went to knock on Jian’s window. She locked the doors with wide eyes and I ushered her back down with my hand.
I stayed put as I surveyed the area with my eyes. The forest wasn’t thick here, you could see between the trees. It was quiet, I got used to it by now, but this quiet was scary. It felt different, almost deadly. Just as I was about to turn and walk towards Sehun, my eyes widened as my heart rate picked up. I wish it was one, but there were three Affected ones running towards us, coming out of the forest.
“Sehun” I called, voice higher than ever.
“Bora, what--” When he turned around, the capote was slammed down and the gun instantly in his hand.
“Get back inside” Sehun was quickly by my side, gripping my arm tightly.
“I’m not leaving you alone” I hissed at him as my hands tightened around the baseball bat. I did this already, it should be a piece of cake. They aren’t humans, they are mere monsters. It’s either us or them. If I killed my grandparents without hesitation, I must kill them without a blink. My hands started trembling as two more Affected ones joined the other three, being five in total. I drew in a sharp breath.
“Protect Jian and yourself at all costs, okay?” I gripped his arm as Sehun raised the other, pointing the gun in their direction.
“I’m not going to leave you like that, Bora” Sehun hissed, pulling the trigger, surprisingly hitting and Affected one.
“I’m a man, and I will protect both of you” I never saw so much determination in Sehun’s eyes as he gazed into mine. I opened my mouth to say something but the words died in my mouth when he placed a kiss on my forehead and took off, distancing himself from the car. He started firing again, but he didn’t kill any this time. Swallowing my saliva, I gripped the baseball bat in my hands hard and took off running, towards the snarling creatures.
There’s no running away, it’s them or us.
Two were headed towards me, both looking like females. Their eyes were black and mouths wide opened as dried blood lingered around their teeth and chin. I cringed and almost gagged at the stench when one got close enough for me to swing my bat at it. It connected hard with the side of the female as I swung with all the force I had in myself. The creature stumbled to the side, almost falling over. But the other one was closer than before and I swung my bat at it too, aiming for its head. There was a loud cracking sound as the creature fell to the ground while the other got up. There was a gunshot from our left and I really hoped Sehun was managing it on his own. The first creature I hit was snarling loudly as it eyed its companion before her eyes snapped at me and her mouth opened wide just like it wanted to bite me. I was breathing through my mouth loudly as I swung my bat at it again, but this time the creature jumped away. They are smart too? Aren’t they just brainless things that attack people? The creature was watching me almost mockingly as I huffed frustrated. It was slowly drawing me away from the car as it kept stepping back and as much as a bad idea it seemed like, I needed to kill it. Not wanting to play her game anymore, I ran towards it and swung my bat as its shoulders, probably dislocating it as it turned into a weird direction. I swung my bat at her legs once again, making it fall to the ground. It’s either them or us. Looking into its eyes, the creature snarled at me loudly and as she was about to stand up, I swung my bat down hard on it, hitting the back of her neck. It collapsed on the ground, the white bat becoming bloody as the snarls stopped. My chest was rising and falling violently and when I turned around my heart seemed like it stopped working. The creature I hit in the head was repeatedly hitting the car window while Sehun was tackled on the ground by an Affected one, another dead one laying with a bullet in its head beside them.
What am I supposed to do? I need to save both of them. I can’t let the creature get to Jian but no way on earth can I let the creature touch Sehun.
With a frustrated cry, I ran towards Sehun and the creature, swinging my bat hard to hit its head, sending the creature off Sehun.
“Take this” I threw the bat at Sehun, who looked at me wide-eyed.
“You need this, I can--”
“Just take it!” I exclaimed, eyeing the creature that was wobbly getting back on its feet, “Kill it”
My voice sounded gravelly and Sehun was up in a second, but I have already turned around, running towards the creature that was trying to smash the car window.
“Get the fuck away!” I growled, running full force into it, sending it to ground.
“You won’t touch her” I hissed, raising my foot to smash it down on its stomach. The creature snarled loudly, almost like it cried out in pain. It’s us, not them, they are going to die.
I kicked as hard as I could in the side of the creature, making it turn around, trying to shield itself. I raised my leg to kick its back again but I felt a cold and sticky hand on my left leg, dragging me down. I gasped as I fell, hitting my head in the ground. I groaned, laying beside the creature on the cold ground. The creature snarled as its head snapped in my direction and I tried to scramble away but it was still holding my shin, squeezing it hard. The creature got onto its knees as I started kicking with my legs, hoping I would hit it. But it got onto me without me being able to stop it, the stench from its mouth making me gag as it opened widely. The creature was lowering itself, wanting to bite me. I can’t let that happen no matter what. I placed my forearms against its chest and kept pushing it back with all the force I had in me but this Affected looked buffer than the other ones. This was a once well-built man and I didn’t have much to do against him. It was pressing down hard on my leg, the pain becoming worse and worse. A yelp left my lips as I tried pushing away the creature. All of a sudden, it abandoned trying to bite me and for a second I thought it was going to leave me alone as my legs kept kicking, trying to get him off me. But then an excruciating pain came from my left shin, a pain like I never felt before. A loud cry left my lips as my brows scrunched up. I felt the bone crack, I even heard it. I couldn’t stop whimpering as I tried fighting the creature off me. I can’t give up, I can’t leave Sehun and Jian alone.
Suddenly, there was another bone cracking sound, but it didn’t come from me, before the creature could fall on me, it was pushed to the side as it lay unmoving. Sehun came in my view of line and I couldn’t choke back the sob that escaped, the pain in my leg too powerful.
“Bora” He was breathless as the bat fell on the ground and Sehun dropped down beside me, his hands gripping my cheek. I couldn’t stop my tears from falling, the fear and pain mixing.
“What happened? Bora, talk to me” Sehun shook me frantically and I bit my lip, trying to calm myself.
“My-my shin--I can’t--the creature broke my--shin” My hands were trembling as Sehun’s eyebrows pulled into a frown and he looked at the dead creature beside us in rage.
“That fucking bastard!” He growled, pulling me up into a sitting position, “I’m going to destroy it”
“You already killed it” I gripped Sehun’s arm when he was about to get up.
“I don’t care” Sehun was fuming as he reached for the bat.
“Please, Sehun--” I yelped when Sehun let out a frustrated cry, slamming the bat against the ground.
“Please, let’s go” I whispered, my trembling fingers grazing his arm “There could be more, we can’t stay here”
Sehun was breathing hard as he hooked an arm underneath my knees and shoulders, lifting me up in his arms. I gripped his jacket hard as he handed me the bat and started walking back to the car.
“Stupid” Sehun hissed, looking down at me.
“I just broke my shin, I am in much pain and you still insult me?” I tried to chuckle, to look less miserable.
“You are so clumsy” Sehun looked into my eyes as he stopped beside the car, trying to open the door.
“It’s locked” I muttered and extended my arm to knock on the window twice. We watched as Jian slowly got out from underneath the blanket, eyes wide and frightened. She seemed close to crying as she unlocked the doors. Sehun opened the door and carefully placed me on the passenger seat, making me wince in pain as I moved my leg a little.
“Bora, are you okay?” Jian asked, voice shaky.
“We are both fine” I turned to offer her a small smile and she looked at me worried as Sehun got inside.
“Seatbelt, both of you” He demanded as he locked the doors and forced the engine at least twice.
“Just go!” He hollered, frustratedly hitting the wheel.
“Sehun” I warned, knowing how scared Jian already was. He looked at me and without warning took my hand, interlacing our fingers. I continued looking at him as I leaned over and turned the key, the engine roared to life. I nodded at him and in no time he speed down the road, taking us away from that damned forest.
“We are safe for now, Jian, please don’t be scared” I looked back at her as she nodded wordlessly, playing with her fingers.
“Mr. Oh...thank you for taking care of us” She muttered timidly, not looking at any of us. Sehun hummed as he continued driving, squeezing my hand. He was blaming himself for my injury. I am not blaming him though, I saved Jian. That’s all that matters.
 ~Next Part~
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montymcallister · 5 years
( 5 ) New Messages
W117 Main Street, Renter’s Row, Downtown Edgewood July 14, 2019, 2:28am
Monty had Known it would be a tequila kind of day long before it had actually become a tequila kind of day. He’d woken up with the certainty settled solidly in his gut the way feelings sometimes took root after a dream. What he hadn’t expected--perhaps hadn’t remembered from the Dream--was that it would be a tequila kind of day because of the absolute shitshow that had rapidly unfolded at what was supposed to be a simple family meal.
His siblings had wanted him to get to know their kids, and his parents had said--indirectly, through Donnie--that they had something they wanted to discuss with him. So they’d tried for something more relaxed than their usual weekly family dinner. Likely because he had never shown up for another, after the Ambush Dinner.
And then it had all gone to hell when Clarissa and Elias hadn’t been able to resist the temptation of trying for a deeper reading.
So. Tequila. Cheap, brand-new-bottle tequila he knew he could kill any built-up alcohol tolerance he had with. It wouldn’t be enough to actually fix anything, but it would hopefully be enough to satisfy the ache in his chest that had refused to fade since The Fuck-Up.
Of course, the closer he got to being completely smashed, the more actually going through all the messages and calls he’d ignored since leaving his parents’ house earlier that day sounded like a reasonable idea.
How much worse could his day get?
With that thought in mind, he boosted himself up to sit beside the bottle of tequila on the kitchen counter, then settled back to dive in, a glass of tequila in one hand, his phone in the other.
From: Clarissa 1:48 PM   Monty come back 1:50 PM   We didn’t mean to upset you 1:56 PM   Please call me back                  We’re worried 2:10 PM   At least tell us you’re not still driving 2:14 PM   Monty 2:21 PM   Fine.                 Call Mom when you’re feeling better
Funny, how not once in her whole series of texts had she even attempted to apologize.
Monty threw the tumbler in the direction of the sink, barely flinching as the glass shattered on impact with the sink’s interior. He braced one hand against the lip of the counter as he shifted into a more comfortable sitting position, his other hand bringing the tequila bottle to his lips.
Funny, how she claimed to be a family-oriented person, with all the shit she pulled.
Funny, that what she never saw what she did as a psychic to be in conflict with her oath as a doctor. Do no harm his ass.
From: Elias 1:49 PM   We’re really worried about you 1:58 PM   At least call someone back
Figures, for the guy most likely to have known what state Monty had left in to have been the most obtuse to what he’d done. Two measly texts in the span of an hour.
From: Actually Satan 1:52 PM   Ur freaking mom n dad out
The insults and strong strong language of the next texts from Nate nearly had him hurling his phone across the room.
Asshole. Motherfucking-
No. No. He was not letting Nate get to him. No
From: Bastard 2:03 PM   This is childish, even for you. 
If he hadn’t been planning on finishing the tequila at some point, the bottle would have found itself following in the tumbler’s wake.
He hurled a metal water bottle--swiped from the counter he was sitting on--across the room to spare the tequila from his flash of fury. It clanged loudly against the cabinets across the way, but did little to actually soothe his flaring temper.
God, did he even want to know what his parents might have had to say about the afternoon?
From: Dad 2:02 PM   Answer your phone. 2:11 PM   Chester 
From: Mom 1:54 PM   We need to know you’re okay. 1:56 PM   Come back home.
He didn’t even want to unpack whatever it was that left his stomach churning unpleasantly after reading the few brief texts from his parents. Really, he shouldn’t have been surprised. When had they ever gone out of their way to express more than a passing concern for him, unless he failed to meet their standards?
Monty exhaled heavily.
Would it even be worth listening to the voicemails? If he knew what was good for him, he wouldn’t even look at who’d called. He’d just delete them all and be done with it. Right?
How masochistic was it to just let all the new voicemails play without looking at the display? He pondered the thought even as he did just that, lightly tossing his phone across the gap between the counters so it landed out of reach.
At least if there was something terrible, his phone wouldn’t suffer the immediate consequences.
One missed call: 1:51 PM From: Clarissa One new voicemail: “Monty, please come back to the house. You shouldn’t be driving right now. We can fix this. Mom and Dad can fix it, if you want. Just call me back, okay?”
One missed call: 1:54 PM From: Clarissa One new voicemail: “Monty. Call me back.”
One missed call: 1:55 PM From: Elias One new voicemail: “Monty, it’s Elias. You’re scaring everyone. We need you to come home.”
One missed call: 4:48 PM From: Ali One new voicemail: “Hey, it’s me. You don’t have to call me back or anything. I know the others have probably been on your case for a while, now. I just want you to know I love you. So. I love you. Be safe.”
He sighed and tipped his head back to rest against the cabinets behind him. 
He’d have to call her in the morning, let her know he’d made it home safely. He didn’t like the idea of her worrying for so long, but given how late it was, she was probably asleep, by this point. It was for the best, anyway. He didn’t want her exposed to him drunk and bitter, anyway.
One missed call: 1:30 AM One new voicemail: “Hey, you.” --
He stilled, the bottle halfway to his lips. Monica.
The ache he’d been carrying in his chest--feelings he had been trying not to examine too closely, beyond determining that they made his throat feel tight, and that the worst of them seemed to be attached to memories Clarissa had dug up--twisted. Some desperate, gaping expanse of loneliness soured the taste of tequila that still lingered on his tongue.
Suddenly the decision to spend the night alone had been a horrible oversight.
-- “I didn’t think you had work today, but I’unno, maybe you do. I know it’s not late enough for you to have gone to bed. Anyway, I sent you some pictures from this morning. The surf wasn’t the best when I went, but the sunrise was gorgeous.” --
Fuck, he missed her. 
-- “My parents were asking about you again. If you’re not careful, I’m just gonna give them your number, and you can deal with them yourself. My mom keeps asking if you’re eating enough, you know. If she had it her way, she’d probably be sending you meals. Miggy’s back for the summer, too. I could probably talk him into bringing some of her cooking out to you. He’s been dying to meet Ali, you know. I sent him that demo of hers that you passed along to me, and he literally will not shut up about how in love with her music he is.” --
He should tell that to Ali when he called her. Maybe that would be enough to distract her from worrying so much about him.
-- “Okay, I’m not sure if you’re machine’s gonna kick me if I keep going like this, so I’ll wrap this up. But you better call me back when you get around to listening to this. I miss your stupid ass. Night, Monty.”
His phone idled after Monica’s message had ended, eventually disconnecting from his voicemail and falling dark when he failed to reach for it.
The shuddering exhale that left him seemed loud in the stifling silence that followed. When he reached up to rub at his face, his hand came away wet, and he tasted salt when he wet his lips.
He hadn’t even realized he’d been crying.
After a long moment--marked by a quiet filled only by a few faint hitches in his breathing, and the slow drip, drip of the kitchen sink’s leaky faucet--he left the tequila on the countertop and eased himself back down to his feet.
He was still slated for the dinner shift at the Lake House. And he had to call Ali in the morning. Maybe Monica, too. He definitely had to call them both at some point before the end of tomorrow. The end of today? He didn’t even know, anymore. Fuck, he was tired.
With another heavy sigh, he shuffled off in the direction of the couch, leaving his phone where it sat.
He’d deal with everything when he woke up. He just needed to sleep.
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ilovethings-somuch · 6 years
Baby Fever
Sebastian Stan x Reader
A/N: okay lovelies, this is the one. If the people want it I am willing to turn this into a mini-series. I have a couple ideas about how it would go but I’m also happy leaving it as a one-shot so I’d love to hear which you guys would prefer. This is based on a weekend I spent with my own niece and my baby fever got real high. I hope you enjoy! 
Summary: When my brother and his wife asked if Sebastian and I would be able to look after their baby girl for the weekend so they could have a little alone time, I didn’t hesitate to say yes. That also means I didn’t exactly discuss the idea with Sebastian beforehand. Not that I was worried he would say no, I knew he would be willing, but I may have also forgotten to bring it up with him until the day they were bringing her over.
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Sebastian and I were enjoying a lazy Saturday morning. The first one in a long time where he didn’t have to run off to some meeting and I had a couple days off. We were still laying in bed, talking, when my phone vibrated to signal an incoming text. Sebastian picked up my phone and read the message to me.
“Um, your brother says they’ll be dropping Molly off around noon. We’re watching Molly today?” he voice sounded a tad disappointed but I knew that was mostly because he thought we wouldn’t have a reason to get dressed today.
“Not just today, until tomorrow night,” I reminded him, or at least I thought I was reminding him.
“You never told me that,” he said, sitting up and looking quite confused.
“Yes I did, it was on,” I paused and thought about what happened earlier in the week before it dawned on me. “Oh shit. I was going to tell you Tuesday night at dinner but then my boss asked me to stay late and I was so flustered and tired by the time I got home that I forgot all about it. I’m so sorry, baby, I hope it’s okay,” I looked at him sheepishly, waiting for him to respond.
He sighed dramatically before smiling and kissing my cheek, “You know your family is my family now too. Of course it’s okay. It doesn’t really go with how I thought this weekend was going to go, but I don’t mind having Molly around.”
“I love you,” I remind him before leaning in for a kiss. I probably would’ve let that kiss lead to more if we hadn’t been expecting Molly in less than an hour, but as it was we finally got out of bed and cleaned up the apartment to prepare for a baby to be crawling around.
My brother and his wife ended up hanging out at our apartment for a little over an hour so that Molly could get comfortable in the new space before they left. They live on Long Island and when they realized they hadn’t been to the city since Molly was born they decided to take a little weekend getaway. It was also the first time Molly was spending the night and mine and Sebastian’s apartment, so they were a little over prepared. I swear they brought every toy and book she owned, but my sister-in-law assured me they left most of them at home, a pack and play for her to sleep in, at least 5 different outfits, and enough food to last her a week.
It finally got to the point that I knew if I didn’t shoo my brother out they would never leave. They each gave Molly a final kiss before they cooed and waved their way out the door. Molly seemed confused about all the fuss but wasn’t overly upset when the door closed between her and her parents. She kept looking at Sebastian curiously. She had met both of us before on multiple occasions, but I’ve still been around her more often with Sebastian being away for filming and such, so she’s not quite sure who he is. Sebastian stared curiously back at her, raising his eyebrows and contouring his face in different ways to try to get her to laugh. Instead of laughing she crawled over to him and reached for his face. Sebastian gave her a look of furrowed brows before bending down to be at her level. As her eyes focused on his face she slowly reached up one hand and pinched his lip between her thumb and forefinger. Sebastian pulled away and gave her a look like a confused puppy.
“Excuse you,” he said with a laugh.
“Oh yeah, my brother told me that she’s very curious about mouths right now,” I told Sebastian as I sat down and pulled Molly onto my lap.
As if to prove my point Molly turns to me and sticks a finger in my mouth, poking at my top teeth, as I talk. I closed my teeth around her finger gently, thinking that would discourage her, but it only seemed to make her more interested. I pulled away from her so she couldn’t reach my mouth anymore before setting her back on the ground and giving her a toy to distract her.
She was a pretty easy baby. She was happy to play by herself or with me and Sebastian. Though, “play” is a loose term since all she really did was spread her toys around the living room. She only tried to escape down the hallway or into the kitchen if she watched Sebastian or I head in that direction.
She took a long nap in the afternoon, allowing me and Sebastian to enjoy some time to ourselves. Though, we just ended up falling asleep as well. I was happy to hear she was now only eating table food so it was easy to just give her bite-size pieces of whatever Sebastian and I were eating. We made her a grilled cheese for dinner, along with some broccoli and a banana that her mom sent with her. I swear her mom is more into meal prep for Molly than Don is into meal prep for himself, but it made for an easy dinner and Molly loved her broccoli.
Molly probably stayed up later than she should have, but she didn’t start to get crabby until a little after 10 and I didn’t want to force her to fall asleep early at the risk that she would then wake up super early in the morning. I knew it was time to put her to bed when she pulled her blanket out of her car seat and face planted into the soft fabric. Sebastian started laughing at the little pout she made when she couldn’t get comfortable on her blanket but he moved to rescue her before the real tears started. While he distracted her with cuddles and a pacifier, I got up to make her a bottle. She practically chugged the whole 8 ounces and her eyes were drooping after 4. I walked her to her crib as gently as I could and was able to lay her down without so much as a squeak. Sebastian and I went to bed shortly thereafter. Apparently spending the day with a baby, even an easy baby, is a lot of work.
I loud squawk woke me from my sleep. I looked at the clock to see it was only little after six. Sebastian must not have heard her so I snuck out of bed to fetch her before she really started crying. My brother told me that if she wakes up early in the morning they just make her a bottle and then she’ll go back to sleep for a couple hours. So once she’s in my arms I made my way to the kitchen to mix a bottle for her. She started cooing at the bottle as soon as she saw it so I knew she was hungry, I just hoped she was still tired enough to go back to sleep.
I sat down on the couch with her and she drank her milk as quickly as she had the night before. Her eyes got a little droopy as she was drinking so I was optimistic that it would work and she would fall back asleep. As soon as she was done I patted her back to get her to burp quickly so I could put her pacifier back in her mouth and get her back to sleep. I tried to rock her gently to get her to relax, but she seemed too interested in eyeing up her little basket of toys to fall asleep. That’s when I decided that maybe she needed to go back in her crib. Unfortunately, the moment I laid her down she starts crying loudly. I scooped her back up with a sigh.
“You’re parents always say you go back to sleep, why don’t you want to sleep?” I asked her as she poked at my face.
I sighed again but decided that maybe if I laid down with her she’d fall back asleep. Of course, there’s nowhere for me to lay with her other than the floor or mine and Sebastian’s bed, so I voted for the bed. I tried to be as quiet as I can as I went back into the bedroom. I laid Molly in the middle of the bed next to Sebastian before I crawled in next to her. She started making little moaning noises from behind her pacifier and Sebastian slowly opened one eye to see what was going on. He looked from Molly to me a couple times before he shook his head with a smile.
“You just couldn’t resist could you?” he accused me lightly, alluding to our conversation last night about babies only sleeping in their crib.
“I tried,” I insisted, “I’m hoping she’ll fall back to sleep in here, but you need to be quiet.”
He held up his hands in surrender and smiled again as Molly grabs his shirt in an attempt to roll herself over. I put my arm over her tummy to hold her in place and she gave up with a sigh. It took awhile, but she eventually fell back to sleep with one hand holding Sebastian’s shirt and one hand holding my hair. I did my best to stay awake until she falls asleep, and I thought about moving her back to the crib once she was out, but decided it was better to sleep with her in bed than to risk her waking up when I moved her. Once she was fully asleep I let myself fall back into a light sleep.
I’m not sure how long we were awake before she fell back to sleep, but when we woke up again it was a little after nine. She didn’t really make any noise this time, but I woke up when she started pulling at my hand. I opened my eyes slowly and notice that Sebastian was already awake.
“Good morning,” he smiled.
“Good morning,” I hummed back.
We stayed in bed for a while after that. Molly didn’t seem to be in a real hurry to get up and start playing again. She would go between sitting on the bed and laying over Sebastian. As soon as she noticed that he was wearing a watch she was completely enamored by it. She spent a good amount of time moving his arm so that she could see the different sides of the watch and kept trying to get the watch to light up or do something fun. Sebastian let her poke and prod at his arm with a good-natured smile until she tried chewing on the glass and he had to draw a line. Even still he just put her pacifier back in her mouth and distracted her by picking her up and sitting her down on my stomach. Sebastian slid closer to me once there was no longer a baby in between us and wrapped his arm around my stomach and behind Molly’s back. He nuzzled his nose into my neck and cheek, making me giggle at the sensation. Molly started laughing because of my laughter which just made me and Sebastian laugh more because she’s so cute.
Shortly after that, I received a text from my brother that they would be here to pick up Molly in about an hour. We finally got out a bed, then, and I got Molly dressed while Sebastian made some banana pancakes for all of us. We were just finishing up out late breakfast when my brother and his wife arrived. They hung out with us for a while before they finally decided it was time for them to get heading home. It was bittersweet to say goodbye to all of them, especially Molly. It was strange how after merely 24 hours with a baby around, the house seemed so empty without one.
Sebastian flopped onto the couch next to me after his shower. He picked up his arm to let me snuggle into his side before leaning his cheek on my forehead.
“This weekend was fun. It was kind of awesome to have a baby around,” Sebastian calmly noted.
“You really think so?”
“I do. Even if she did ruin one of our days to sleep in, I couldn’t even be upset with her ’cause she just wanted to cuddle and hang out with us.” I nodded my agreement, a giddy smile growing on my lips. “I know we talked about waiting, but I think this weekend just confirmed that I don’t want to wait anymore,” Sebastian said it so quietly that I wasn’t sure I heard him correctly.
“Are you saying what I think you’re saying?” I asked as I picked my head up to look at him.
He smiled bashfully before nodding, “I want a baby.”
(Part 2: Charm)
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mezhane · 5 years
Here I was, two weeks later, laying under Baekhyun, because he had just made me cum twice with his mouth. And judging by the thirst I could feel through his eyes, he wasn’t going to stop there . He had kissed his way up on my body until he reached my face . He grabbed it and smiled while wiping the sweat off my nose .
“You okay princess? You look completely fucked out and I haven’t properly fucked you yet...” He had the proudest look on his face. I didn’t really trust my voice at that moment so I simply nodded. He took his boxers off and directly slid into me . He groaned as soon as he felt how wet I was.
“Go rough today Baek, please...” I begged and he raised his eyebrows as if he wasn’t expecting these words to come out of my mouth . But he didn’t complain and gave me exactly what I wanted and made me cum violently on his dick then cuddled me until we both fall asleep.
We never had the discussion. Two weeks passed and we’ve been hooking up almost every day, but none of us engaged the discussion. To be honest, the reason nothing happened between Baek and I before was because I was scared we become addicted to each other. And that’s exactly what is going on now. We’re all over each other and we’re going at it like rabbits. Just like a new couple. This was very scary. What if one of us starts getting feelings for the other? And then gets jealous? Then this whole relationship would be thrown away because I couldn’t keep my legs shut and he couldn’t keep his dick in his pants. No. We needed to talk. We needed to be on the same page.Now.
I woke up before him and went to take a shower. Today was Friday. Classes were cancelled, and Baek had finally convinced me to spend the weekend with him at his parents’. We decided to go today, that way we could enjoy the long weekend better. I came out of the shower with only a towel and started packing my stuff. He woke up and groaned. Probably because I was too noisy for him.
“Ugh , babe, it’s like 9 right now , why are you making all this noise fo- oh .” He rubbed his eyes, eventually realizing I was completely naked under my -kinda short- towel when I bent over to grab my shoes, occasionally flashing my ass to him on the way. He got off the bed and grabbed my arm to pull me back on my feet.
“Why don’t you come back to bed with me ?... That can wait ...” He nuzzled his face in my neck. “You smell so fucking good I wanna eat you all up...” His teeth grazed on my collarbones , slightly awakening my biting kink and I shivered at the idea of getting bit by him. I threw my head back and closed my eyes, but then shook my head as I came to my senses. We had to talk first. No sex until we both sit down and have a conversation.
He groaned as I pushed him off of me. I groaned and swallowed thickly, getting ready to talk to him .
“Baek...” I nearly whispered, too afraid to bring the topic.
“Yes babe? What’s the matter?” He looked at me with concern .
“I think we need to talk about what happened... I mean what’s happening between us these days ...” I kept on folding my clothes into my bag to avoid his gaze. He grabbed my arm and pulled me towards him . He rubbed my cheek and smiled.
“You wanna talk about it ? Fine, let’s talk about it ! To be honest , I always knew something like that would happen. It was just a matter of time... We’ve known each other for too long , and the attraction between us was too strong...It was just fate...” He answered calmly, obviously noticing how confused I was .
“Y-yeah , I mean you’re right, but , don’t you think it’s wrong ? We grew up as family...What would our parents think ?” I panicked.
“Wrong? I don’t see nothing wrong about it ! I know we’ve been around each other for the longest time, but we’re clearly not family! And... do you really plan on telling this to your parents? They don’t have to know about this . This is between us !” He pulled me closer and kissed my forehead. “ Listen, I’m very attracted to you , I think it’s very obvious . And I like this little thing we have going on . But I can’t do relationships and we both know that . You can’t do relationships either though, that’s a fact . So, what I propose to you , my beautiful princess, is a friends with benefits kinda thing . We’ll stay best friends , that’s for sure , but we still hook up regularly, cause I feel like we ...connect good .” He winked at me .
“We definitely do.” I chuckled.
“Oh, another thing.” His eyes stared at my lips . “ This thing is exclusive. Meaning if you agree to do this , we both have to stay exclusive to each other. I don’t get to fuck anyone else and you neither . What do you think ?” He seemed confident but his eyes were slightly worried .
“O-okay, why not ? Yeah , that could be a good idea.” I replied way too quickly and he laughed playfully then pecked my lips. This was really not bad idea . I was desperate for some action and Baek and I did have a special connection. Yeah, this was going to work.
“Alright then ! Anything else you wanna bring up ? “ I shook my head. “Good! Finish packing while I take a shower then we can leave, yeah?” I said grabbing my face.
“Yes, sir !” I joked and he kissed me forcefully.
“I love when you call me that ...” I rolled my eyes at how easy it was to get him aroused.
“Go wash your ass Baek.” And with that I finished packing and we were able to leave an hour after.
As we arrived at the house , his mom welcomed me as warmly as possible. It felt good to be ‘home’ for the weekend. God I missed my parents... I made my way to the leaving room and smiled as I saw pictures of me and Baekhyun on the walls.
“You guys were such cute kids! I couldn’t stop myself from taking pictures of you two together... You know , Yemi, I love my two boys to death, but I’ve always dreamed of having a daughter... And when you arrived and shyly smiled at us with your big eyes, I melted a little bit ...” She grabbed my hands and I pulled her into a hug, tearing up from her words.
“Auntie, stop, you’re gonna make me cry! You know I love you a lot right ? I’m sorry I didn’t come to visit you with Baekhyun every weekend, but I promise I will come over all the time now” She laughed nodded, then took me to the kitchen so I could help her make lunch. Baek and his father were in the living room probably discussing military shit that only they can understand. His dad came in the kitchen to grab beers and Baekhyun followed him. I didn’t feel his dad staring at me since I was too busy cooking.
“Yemi, sweetie, I didn’t know you were that good of a cook !” His father exclaimed with a playful smile.
“I’m not uncle, it’s really nothing much .” I replied while stirring my stew.
“Don’t be so humble , Baekhyun always comes here and says that your food is almost as good as my wife’s!” I raised my head in shock and and snorted .
“No way ! Auntie’s cooking is the best, we both know that.” I shook my head .
“Yours must not be so far off if he brags about it do much ... Let’s do this, if this dumbass is still single in four years , have some pity and marry him , alright ? For me .” Me and Baek both laughed loudly.
“Are you that desperate to marry your son off , uncle ?” I raised my brow.
“He’s still a kid, never knows what he wants . With you by his side, what could go wrong?” He threw his hands in the air .
“Alright, you know what, I’ll think about it . But he’s not the only one on the list, you know?” I threatened with my finger.
That caused his dad to laugh and pat my back .
Some time later, we eventually had lunch and then me and Baek went to have a trip in the neighborhood, catch up with some old friends and eventually grab some dinner. As we came back this night, his mom was getting my room ready.
“Mom, What are you doing ?” Baekhyun asked, slightly upset .
“I’m getting her room ready hon, she needs a place to sleep, doesn’t she ?” She replied while setting up the pillows in place .
“Forget it mom, she’ll sleep with me .” My eyes widened.
“What?!” His mom must have been as shocked as me .
“Yeah, it’s all good, she can sleep with me , it’s better this way .” His mom gave him the look. “Oh my god mom, we’re not horny teenagers anymore, what could possibly happen?!” He groaned.
“You’re right, I guess. Yemi, you’re okay with that honey?” She looked worried.
“Yeah, Auntie, no problem !” I smiled innocently. She then shrugged and left, leaving me and Baek together.
“What the fuck was that Baekhyun ?” I whisper-yelled.
“What?! You’re better off sleeping with me anyway! Makes everything easier...” He smirked and I narrowed my eyes , totally understanding where he wanted to go with that .
“Are you always in the freaky mood?” I glared at him.
“Well, yeah actually, but there’s something about you playing innocent in front of my parents when you begged me to fuck you harder a few hours ago... That’s driving me crazy...” He said while getting dangerously close to me.
“You’re out of your mind if you think I’m gonna let you fuck me while your parents are sleeping in the next room.” I crossed my arms over my chest, but he kept on coming close, finally pushing me onto the wall and placing his arms on both sides of my face, towering me.
“Yeah ?! Wanna bet?” He smiled before kissing my lips then went back downstairs as his dad called him.
I was in trouble. To be honest , I knew from the beginning that this could be problematic, but I avoided this thought and still went for it . The truth was that everything about Baekhyun was a turn on. From the way he would very obviously hit on me, to the way he would cutely and playfully laugh every time we watched a comedy movie. I was so mad at myself for letting my hormones get the best of me , but at the same time , we both knew what this relationship was about, so there’s now way this could go bad , right ?
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sevenseasofbangtan · 6 years
Bts reaction: How you met (non-idol version)
Kim Seokjin (Jin)
It was an icy winter morning and Seokjin was stuck at the grocery store, looking for the ingredients to his mom’s favourite recipe. It was his mom’s birthday and he had invited his parents over for dinner. As he was heading towards his car, he saw a young woman struggling to carry her numerous grocery bags in her hands.
You had decided to go to the grocery store without your car, thinking the fresh air would do you good. However, you soon realized how much of a mistake that was, as the freezing wind hit your uncovered cheeks, sending chills through your whole body. Being already near the grocery store, you ignored the shivers going down your spine and continued making your way to the large building. You gradually warmed up once inside, but the low temperature hit you even harder once you got out. You also realized you’d clearly never be able to carry all of these bags by yourself, but you despised asking for help, so you forced yourself out of the store, back in the cold.
You were halfway through the parking lot when you heard a sweet voice calling, “Miss! Miss!” After taking a glance at your surroundings and not seeing anyone else near, you assumed you were the one being called. Of course, no one else would have been stupid enough to come here without their car at such a temperature. You turned around and noticed a tall man walking towards you, a single grocery bag in his hand. Once he caught up to you, seeing the questioning look on your face, he stated, “You shouldn’t carry this much in your hands, let me help you. I’ll carry these bags to your car. Where’s your car?” You smiled shyly, looking at the ground, knowing he would probably think you were out of your mind once hearing your answer. As soon as you answered, the man nodded and replied, “Oh well then I’ll carry these bags to my car and I’ll drive you wherever you need to go.” You couldn’t accept this offer and let a complete stranger waste his time because of your own bad decision. “No, thanks, I’m fine! No need to waste your time for me. I’ll take this as a lesson to use my car next time,” you answered. You obviously didn’t know Seokjin. His helpful nature made it impossible for him not to help someone every time he had the opportunity to do so. He insisted so much that you somehow felt embarrassed declining his offer once again and you had no other choice than to accept his help. You sat in his car after dropping all the bags in the backseat.
The ride was done in a comfortable silence, only being broken when he asked you where you lived. As you watched the landscape pass by, you slowly started drifting off into a peaceful slumber without even realizing it, your body being exhausted from trying to keep you warm the whole time you spent outside. Seokjin smiled softly, realizing his passenger was asleep and turned off the music that was playing to allow you to continue sleeping until you got home. He followed the instructions his phone’s GPS gave him and eventually pulled up in the parking lot of your apartment building.
You woke up by a strong arm gently shaking your shoulder and it took a few seconds for you to remember everything that had happened previously and to understand why a stranger was shaking you awake. Once you realized you had actually fallen asleep in Seokjin‘s car, you instantly began to panic, feeling extremely embarrassed for having fallen asleep in the nice stranger’s car, letting him drive you home without any help. You feared him thinking you were impolite and quickly started apologizing, to which he laughed a little, replying, “Don’t get so worked up, I understood you maybe lacked of sleep, so I purposely let you sleep. If you fell asleep, you probably had a good reason to and it didn’t bother me at all. Come on, now we have to bring your grocery bags up to your apartment.” You insisted in saying you could carry them by yourself and that he had already done enough for you, but he disagreed, already holding three bags in his hands.
Once the two of you were done brining all the bags into your apartment, you thanked him and commented, “You’ve helped me out today. I wanna repay you, but I don’t know how...” Seokjin smiled widely, responding, “It was my pleasure. No need to repay me, I simply wanted to help. Now I have to leave, but maybe we’ll see each other again soon, since I don’t live that far from here! Have a nice day!” He didn’t let you contest his answer and immediately headed out the door. As he was walking down the stairs, you suddenly realized you had forgotten to ask for his name. You ran out of your apartment and questioned a little too loudly, “Hey! I forgot to ask you: what’s your name?” He looked back at you and replied, “Kim Seokjin. How about you?” “Y/n Y/l/n.”
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Min Yoongi (Suga)
When moving to Seoul, you had a hard time making friends. Everything was so different from your home country. You weren’t that much of a sociable person to begin with, but the fact that you didn’t speak much Korean made it even harder for you to meet new people. When you finally made friends with someone, it felt like a relief. That girl was sweet and completely open-minded, which made it easier for you to communicate with her. However, she was way more athletic than you were and often dragged you along with her on her sports activities.
That was why you were now out in Seoul, in a neighbourhood you barely knew, running shoes tied to your feet. Your friend had decided to bring you jogging with her, in an attempt to get you to exercise. You had been running for a few minutes, when you both came across a pretty steep hill. You were halfway down the hill when your right foot caught onto something and twisted, making you trip in the process.
Your friend turned around and saw you lying on the ground, a dumbfounded expression on your face. She quickly ran to you and held out her hand to help you up. “You okay?” your friend questioned, concern written all over her face. You thought you were doing fine, until you applied weight on your right foot. As soon as you stepped on it, you felt a stabbing pain run through your ankle and couldn’t help but wince at the uncomfortable sensation. However, you did not like asking for help and having people babying you, so you took a deep breath, before claiming in a not-so-convincing tone, “Yeah, I’m totally fine. Just a little shaken up, that’s all...” “Are you sure?” she asked, clearly not convinced by the look on your face. You faked a smile, responding in a tone you hoped was more convincing, “Don’t worry, it’s nothing!” she shrugs, not asking further questions. You carry on with your jogging session, ignoring your ankle’s pleas for you to stop.
As you came back to the spot where you had initially met up about thirty minutes ago, you couldn’t run anymore. You passed it off as exhaustion, so your friend wouldn’t worry about your ankle’s state. You were far from being fine, but you were way too stubborn to admit it out loud. You had to go back to your apartment by foot, seeing as you didn’t have a car yet, but you convinced your friend you could walk just fine.
As soon as you and your friend parted ways, you began heading back towards your apartment, silently cursing yourself every time you stepped on your right foot. Why did you have to be so stubborn not to accept your friend’s help? You apartment seemed so far and you wondered if you’d ever make it home alive. You had already been walking for twenty minutes and you hadn’t even reached a quarter of your path yet. You could feel your ankle’s state deteriorating, but there was nothing you could do about it... or so you thought.
Yoongi was walking back from the restaurant to his studio, when he noticed the girl in front of him seeming hurt, walking weirdly. He mentally debated wether to help her or not for about two minutes, before deciding his work could wait.
“Hey, miss... Are you alright?” you heard a soft voice ask from behind you, then felt a light tapping on your shoulder. You turned around, confused and annoyed due to your ankle aching so badly. “I... You uhhh... Just seemed to be hurting from your foot,” explained the cute young man now standing in front of you. You shrugged, pretending it wasn’t nearly as bad as it truly was, but the stranger knew something was off and insisted, “Let me at least take you to the hospital. It’s not too far away from here.” You quickly disagreed, not wanting to be a burden to him, but he kept insisting your ankle seemed abnormally swollen. You finally gave up, letting him guide you towards the nearest hospital. “Lean on me, it’ll be easier for you to walk that way,” the man noted and you followed his order, gladly allowing him to support you, alleviating the pressure on your foot. On your way to the hospital, you explained the nice man what had happened and he carefully listened to your every words, while supporting you as you walked.
You got to the hospital in no time and the man who introduced himself as Min Yoongi waited next to you the whole time, even following you when the doctor called out your name. After running a few physical tests, the doctor determined you had sprained your ankle. He advised you on what and what not to do, then handed you a pair of clutches and a few papers with directions.
Yoongi insisted on following you back home and you didn’t have the strength to argue, glad you had someone to walk you back home. You feared getting lost if you ever tried finding your way back by yourself. You didn’t think you’d have survived if you got lost, all the while being injured. You both discussed the whole way back, this time under a less tensed atmosphere, the urgency of the situation slowly fading away after having been treated by a doctor. You learned that Yoongi was a musician, which made him a hundred times more interesting to you. He informed you about his job, while you spoke about your recent arrival in Seoul.
Once you got home, Yoongi asked you to hand him your phone, claiming he’d add his number to your list of contacts, in case you needed anything. “Don’t feel bad for calling me whenever you might need something. It might be useful when you barely know anyone here,” he remarked, shooting you a faint smile. You immediately agreed, handing him the electronic device you held in your hand at that moment.
As he was focusing on your phone, you analyzed his features. He had tiny downturned eyes, a small delicate nose, soft pouty lips and clear pale skin. His dark hair seemed fluffy and you wished you could’ve ran your hand through his locks. Throughout the whole time you had spent by his side, you hadn’t had time to correctly and worthily observe him, seeing as you were in such a panic state, but now that you could actually take a glance at him, you realized you should’ve done it sooner. He was truly gorgeous, but you knew you couldn’t look at him for way longer, since he was about to leave.
After having made sure you got inside your apartment safe, Yoongi waved you goodbye, reminding you to call him if you ever needed anything, be it some help, a friend, an ear to listen to your problems or some company. You thanked him, but you doubted he heard you, being already halfway down the staircase. You were tempted to request him to come back, feeling more lonely than ever, but you restrained yourself, knowing he had done more than enough for you throughout the day. It would have to wait, at least for a while. You’d eventually have to pay him back, wether he liked it or not.
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Jung Hoseok (J-Hope)
You had decided to register to some dance class in a studio that was apparently quite renowned and you felt a little nervous, since it was your first class ever in this particular studio. Do people already know each other? Are they friendly? Will everyone be better than me? Are the choreographies difficult? Will I be able to catch up to the others? You had so many questions racing through your head as you entered the modern building, but you decided to ignore them, focusing on the music that was playing in your headphones. You asked the lady at the front desk for directions and quickly headed towards the changing room to get ready.
Hoseok had been looking for a job for quite a while, so he happily agreed when his dance teacher offered him to give classes in order to earn some money. It was an offer Hoseok couldn’t have refused: he would make money while doing something he loves. He was one of the best dancers at the studio, so it was no surprise that his teacher had offered him the job. His teacher also knew about his ease to communicate with people and to bring them together, and decided Hoseok was the perfect candidate for the job.
After contemplating your life choices for fifteen minutes in the locker room, you realized the class was about to start and quickly headed towards the practice room. You entered the mirror-filled room and took place at the back, where no one could see you if you ever embarrassed yourself.
The teacher entered the room less than two minutes later, a bright smile on his face. He looked about your age and you had to admit he was quite good-looking, with his dark brown hair, his well-defined facial traits, his lively brown eyes and his heart-shaped smile. The both of you maintained a brief eye contact, before looking away, as if nothing had just happened. The young man introduced himself as Jung Hoseok, but stated that people usually call him Hobi.
You were delighted by your dance teacher’s music choices, letting yourself move freely, in complete sync with the rhythm. You truly were enjoying yourself after all, way more than you had expected, which is why you didn’t notice the constant glances Hoseok shot you.
Working with his students on a difficult move, Hoseok quickly noticed how you had already mastered it. He couldn’t help but stare at you, mesmerized by the way you swayed your hips and smoothly executed the steps one right after the other. You were doing exactly what he had been so desperately trying to explain to the other students for the past ten minutes, so he decided to call you out, asking you to come in front of the class and perform the move for everyone else to see.
You were a blushing mess, absolutely confused as to why your dance teacher was preaching you so much. You thought you were doing fine, but didn’t expect to perform so well Hoseok shows you as an example.
You followed his orders and walked towards the front of the room, avoiding his eyes. “What’s your name?” you heard Hoseok question. You answered and he smiled fondly, commenting, “A beautiful name for such a talented dancer...” You were so embarrassed you could’ve sworn your cheeks were as red as a freshly picked tomato. You weren’t used to this kind of attention back where you lived, but since your arrival in Korea, people could tell you weren’t from there and this made you a hundred times more interesting to the eyes of locals. This is actually what had attracted Hoseok to you since entering the practice room, although he hadn’t mentioned it. You rapidly thanked him, before executing the steps. People applauded you once you were done, adding to your current embarrassment.
You quickly made your way back to your initial spot, trying not to get noticed once again, dancing more discretely until the end of the class.
As you were about to step out of the room, you felt a tap on your shoulder. You turned around, facing Hoseok, who still had a smile glued to his face, despite having danced nonstop for an hour or so. He questioned you about your home country, intrigued in learning more about your differences. You eventually had to admit that behind that charming, bright personality, Hoseok was really friendly and knew how to make you feel at ease after all. Suddenly, he interrupts you to ask :
“Do you want to carry on with this conversation somewhere else?”
“Yeah, why not... But I don’t know the area quite well.”
“Don’t worry, I know a nice café only five minutes away from here.”
And so, the two of you walked towards the coffee shop, never once giving way to silence. The drinks were delectable and your conversations were interesting, and the afternoon went by smoothly, although you were nervous to hang out with your dance teacher at first. Signing up to this dance studio maybe wasn’t such a bad idea after all.
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Kim Namjoon (RM)
You had decided to go to the library near your apartment, in search of an interesting book to read in your free times. You had never seen the building, but luckily spotted the big sign on which it was written “도서관” (library). You sighed, entering the relatively big, modern building. You were pleasantly surprised when you saw the inside: tall windows covered most of the walls, tall wooden shelves full of books were perfectly lined in front of you, there were a few tables and cushioned seats placed in small groups and potted plants decorated the room, giving off a soft, vintage and natural vibe to it.
You wandered through the library for god knows how long, unsure of which books to choose. A particular book cover caught your attention, so you grabbed it and went to sit down on a cushioned seat, finally being able to drop off all of your books on the table in front of you. You had chosen books written in korean, knowing you needed to improve your skills in that language, not only orally, but also in your writing, considering you were now living in Korea. You started off with the book with the interesting cover.
As soon as you realized there was a counter where they sold coffee and other beverages of that kind, you immediately abandoned your book, quickly heading to the counter to buy yourself something. You returned to your seat right after, sipping on your drink while reading your book. At that moment, you couldn’t have been more comfortable, fully enjoying that relaxing time all by yourself.
You were so absorbed in your reading you didn’t notice the young man taking a seat right next to you. “That’s a really good book,” you heard an unknown voice comment from your right. You snapped out of your trance, jumping slightly in surprise. You turned to take a look at whoever had addressed you and saw a young adult with dark hair, soft eyes, tanned skin and a dimpled smile staring at you, waiting for you to answer. You quickly regained your composure, smiling back at him and answering, “Yeah... You think so?” He nodded wisely, before adding, “Of course. It’s a classic here. I’ve actually read it more than once. You’re not from here, are you?” You shook your head no, then informed him about your home country.
He carried on asking you questions and you sworn you had never seen someone so genuinely interested in getting to know you. You spent some time discussing about your most recent literary finds, debating on which book was the best. Soon enough, you had emptied your drink and desired having some more. You got up to get a drink after advising the man you now knew as Kim Namjoon, before realizing how impolite it was not to offer him one. He kept declining your offer, claiming he didn’t have much money with him, but you were determined to instead buy him one yourself, without him having to pay you back. He eventually had to give in, soon realizing you wouldn’t.
As you were back in your comfortable seats, he kept insisting on paying you back for your kind gesture. After a few minutes of Namjoon desperately trying to convince you, you found yourself having no other choice but to agree to his offer. You questioned him about how he would pay you back, but he simply shrugged, claiming it was a surprise.
You were intrigued, but knew asking questions would bring you nowhere. He simply gave you his phone for you to type in your number, so he could keep contact with you after leaving the library. However, it wasn’t time to leave yet, so you resumed your conversation where you had left it before going to buy beverages. You learned a lot about this total stranger throughout the afternoon and you enjoyed spending some time with him. Namjoon was a really wise, logical and eloquent person, which made you full of admiration for him. He also seemed really ambitious, rambling on about his achievements and dreams.
You were both so deep into your conversation you stayed in the library until the sun had completely set and it was time for the library to close for the night, never having noticed once the passing time. You didn’t know you could carry conversations with someone for so long and you quite enjoyed it. Hopefully, you would meet again soon, keeping in mind Namjoon’s promise to pay you back.
Your new friend insisted on walking you back home, since it was pretty dark outside. You declined his offer, but he once again insisted so much you had to accept. “What kind of person would I be if I let you walk back home all by yourself, in the dark?” commented Namjoon. You chuckled, shaking your head as you both made your way back to your apartment. Once he made sure you had gotten home safe, you exchanged your goodbyes, promising to meet up again as soon as possible.
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Park Jimin (Jimin)
You were out with a friend of yours, enjoying your day off from school, treating yourselves with a pleasant ‘girls’ day out’. You didn’t have an exact plan in mind, so you simply visited your favourite shops and places, not looking for anything particular. However, you still had precise plans for the night : staying in your shared apartment, eating takeout, lounging on the couches and watching your favourite series. In short, you were planning to do absolutely nothing, being way too physically and mentally drained from school to find the energy to accomplish anything else.
You began your day in a clothing shop, trying on both the most beautiful and the most ridiculous outfits you could find, giving each other advice on what to buy. You didn’t have much money with you, but you were still determined to buy something cute for yourself. After all, you deserve to treat yourself once in a while for working so hard, don’t you?
As you roamed around the shop in search of the perfect garment, your eyes met those of a male, about your age, who immediately looked away, giggling in embarrassment. His smile was the cutest you had ever seen, his full, pouty lips turning upwards, his puffy cheeks hiding his eyes in the process, making them seem as if they were smiling too.
You ignored the poor boy, heading back to the changing room, having completely forgotten about your previous mission, which was to find the perfect piece of clothing. You realized your hands were empty, as the lady managing the changing rooms shot you a weird look.
Jimin had come to shop with his best friend Taehyung. After your awkward eye contact, he turned around, hiding his face in his friend’s back in embarrassment, making him turn around in surprise. “Oh my god! I’m so stupid! I was staring at a cute girl in the shop and she turned around and we had an eye contact and I just looked away and laughed like an idiot! Why do I always make the worst first impressions with cute girls?!” Jimin whined. Taehyung chuckled in amusement and replied, “Because you have somewhat no social skills...” Jimin jokingly punched his friend’s shoulder, reminding him in his defence about how he had chickened out while asking a girl out once.
You continued your shopping round after having found what you were looking for. You decided out of the blue to go and watch a movie. As you were waiting in line, you spotted the guy from the first shop, discussing with someone you assumed was his friend. You tapped your friend on her shoulder, trying to discretely point at the young man, explaining her your first encounter in the clothing shop. She laughed and commented, “Well... He’s good looking. You have great taste in men!” You rolled your eyes, pretending you hadn’t heard her last sentence.
Once the movie was over, you were both hungry and decided to find a small restaurant where you could stop and take a bite. You were eyeing the menu, discussing with your friend before choosing what to eat when Jimin and Taehyung entered the exact same restaurant you were in. You lifted your eyes from the menu and noticed the two boys sitting down at a table a little further from yours. You would’ve sworn they were following you, considering you had encountered them on three different occasions throughout the day. Your friend caught you looking through the restaurant and followed your glance, immediately spotting the two boys. She chuckled slightly, pointing out how you had been staring at the young man every time your eyes came across him. You denied it, simply stating you thought it seemed suspicious that you had encountered them three times in a row. She agreed with you, but still insisted that you kept your eyes on him a little too long for you not to be interested in him. You had to admit the boy was quite handsome, but it didn’t mean anything.
As you were eating your meal, you couldn’t help but look in the direction of the young man, catching him glancing at you every time you did. You would both look away, a little embarrassed. You tried being subtle, but your friend had noticed for a while, simply abstaining herself from commenting.
You were about to leave, when you felt someone tapping at your shoulder. You turned around and noticed the shy boy’s friend standing behind you, a smirk on his face. He was handsome, with dark brown hair, deep eyes and perfectly defined eyebrows. He answered your questioning look, stating, while motioning to his friend, “My friend over there wanted to know if he could have your number. He’s too shy to ask.” You turned to look at his friend, seeing him hiding his face in his hands, the visible part of his cheeks being a bright tint of pink. You shyly nodded, taking the phone the man was handing you in your own hands, typing in your number, your hands shaking out of nervousness. The guy thanked you and returned to his friend, a look of victory imprinted on his face. “You’re blushing hard,” your friend declared in a teasing tone of voice. You quickly defended yourself, claiming you weren’t blushing and that it was probably the lighting giving off that feeling. You weren’t convincing in the slightest, but you hoped your friend would leave you alone, which she thankfully did.
You left the restaurant, heading back to your apartment to continue your day together, accordingly to your plans. However, for the rest of the night you couldn’t entirely focus on your activities, constantly reflecting about your special encounter, so much it kept you awake at night.
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Kim Taehyung (V)
You had recently moved to Korea and seeing all these glamorous clothing stores gave you an urge to start your wardrobe all over again. You sometimes made a quick stop in some of the appealing stores in your neighbourhood, but you hadn’t had time yet to spend a good amount of time in each of them. When you were finally done with all the moving procedures, you used your last day off before the beginning of the school year to explore the city of Seoul and all its eccentric, fashion-forward shops.
You were an exchange student in Korea and although you were only supposed to live there until the end of your school year, you had planned on establishing yourself there afterwards. You were currently living in a dorm on the campus of your University and had already made friends with your roommate, with who you hung out during your free times since your arrival.
Your roommate had decided to accompany you in your shopping spree, so you could give each other advices on what to buy and what not to buy. You headed out of the dorm, sporting your not-so-fashionable sweatpants and a hoodie you didn’t quite remember when was the last time it had actually been washed. You couldn’t care less, considering you didn’t know anyone yet, so the chances of you coming face to face with an acquaintance were very slim, almost non-existent.
With your new friend, you stopped by the first aesthetic-looking shop you encountered, a feeling of excitement taking over your body at the thought of having a new wardrobe, full of stylish, trendy outfits you could wear. You had always been attracted to Korean street fashion, admiring the fashionable outfits on social medias, but it was no longer out of reach for you.
You began roaming through the different sections of the boutique, in search of lovely clothes you could try on. You joined your friend at the changing rooms and you both started matching pieces of clothing together, trying to create the perfect outfit, before showing the other, who would give you feedback and tips.
After taking a few heart-breaking decisions about which clothes to choose, which clothes to abandon, you both leave the store, feeling content with your finds. You quickly spot another shop, this time looking more on the elegant side. You repeat the same plan you had used in the previous shop, slowly walking around the store. However, this time, you roommate spots some of her friends right outside the boutique, quickly running out to catch up to them, leaving you all by yourself in a store you don’t know, surrounded by people who speak a language you haven’t quite mastered yet.
You tried not to let your anxiety take over you, but you couldn’t help but feel small and helpless in such a situation. You hadn’t realized you had been staring at the same garment for a good five minutes, lost in your thoughts. “That’s a good choice,” affirmed a deep, masculine voice coming from right beside you. Startled by the sudden noise and the proximity of it, you turn around way too quickly. The voice came from a tall, handsome young man with soft-looking brown hair, deep, sensitive eyes, well-defined eyebrows and a friendly smile dancing on his lips. “W-What?” you manage to get out, still a little frightened. “I said it was a good choice. The shirt you have in your hands,” replied the man, motioning at the piece of fabric in your hands. You finally came back to your senses, muttering a confused “Oh... Yeah... Right...” The guy in front of you chuckled slightly at your confusion, declaring, “I’m Kim Taehyung. Nice to meet you! Where are you from?”
You answered him, before he commented, pointing at one of your pieces of clothing, “You’re not actually gonna buy this, are you?” You frowned in uncertainty, questioning, “Yeah, I am. Why are you asking this?” He laughed and retorted, “Well, I’m sorry but it’s absolutely hideous!” Slightly offended by the blunt comment, you note, “What do you know about fashion? Have you seen your shirt?” “That’s a fashion item. If you knew anything about fashion you’d know this. I know something about fashion, I’m an art student,” he responds in a cocky tone. You snap back, declaring, “Being an art student doesn’t mean you have a good fashion sense...” “Alright, alright. Don’t be so pissed. I only said I thought you shouldn’t buy that shirt,” finally claimed Taehyung. You rolled your eyes in pure annoyance at his behaviour. He carried on, “Well, seems like your friend has abandoned you. How about we shop together, since we’re both alone?” You agreed, despite your annoyance towards him, knowing his advice might be useful, plus it’s always better to shop with someone. You didn’t know the man and he might as well have been a pedophile, but you chose to take the risk anyway.
You ended up spending the whole afternoon together at the mall, realizing how you both have many similar tastes in clothing. You had to agree he was right about the first shirt, even though his behaviour irritated you, questioning your ability to make right clothing choices. At the end of the afternoon, you exchanged numbers, before parting ways.
You spotted your roommate at the entrance of another boutique, gesturing for you to join her. She introduced you to her friends and they immediately welcomed you in their group, questioning you non-stop about your home country and discussing about life in South Korea. You continued shopping with them until it was almost dark. However, shopping wasn’t as fun as it was with Taehyung and you couldn’t help but wish he was still next to you, giving his opinion whenever you spotted something you liked. That art student maybe had a good sense of fashion after all...
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Jeon Jeongguk (Jungkook)
You had moved to Seoul a year ago and another school year was about to begin, to your biggest despair. You had made a few friends, but barely had time to hang out with them, seeing you not only had to get the school work done, but also had to learn korean on top of everything. It had been an exhausting first year, and frankly, you didn’t know what to expect from this second year, hoping for the best, but bracing yourself for the worst.
It was the night before the first day of courses and you had everything ready: your bag was packed, your lunch was already prepared, your outfit was ready for the next day, resting on your desk chair. You went to sleep early, trying to be in the best possible shape the next day, but your racing mind prevented you from falling asleep.
The next morning, you woke up as tired as ever, wishing you could’ve slept for another hour or so. You got up, sipped on a warm cup of coffee, dressed up and applied a light touch of makeup to your face, wanting to look at least a little decent for your first day of the school year, before heading out the door, completely forgetting about eating breakfast. You were in a rush and didn’t want to miss the bus bringing you to the campus, so you walked at a quick pace to the bus stop, although you were far from being late.
Once at school, you sat down at one of the numerous empty seats, getting your school supplies out of your bag, ready to begin your course. Luckily, you only had three hours of class that day, meaning you had the whole afternoon to yourself. A few minutes later, a boy your age stopped at the desk right beside yours, asking, “Is this seat taken?” You shook your head no, allowing the boy to sit down. He had gorgeous rounded brown eyes and brown strands of hair perfectly fell onto his forehead. He shot you a friendly smile, his delicate lips curving cutely. “Hi! My name’s Jeon Jeongguk, but you can call me Jungkook if it’s easier for you,” the young man declared. You introduced yourself too, thus starting a conversation with him. It was his first year at that school, recently having moved to Seoul to pursue his dreams, so you informed him about everything he had to know about and questioned him about his ambitions.
You spotted an appetizing breakfast sitting at the corner of his desk and you couldn’t help but stare at it once in a while, feeling your stomach grumbling out of hunger. Jungkook soon noticed your behaviour, quickly offering you some. You declined his offer, claiming you’d eat something later on. He couldn’t let you start your day on an empty stomach, so he insisted, handing you his dish. You thanked him, explaining why you hadn’t actually had breakfast before coming to school. The food was truly delectable and you still felt bad for stealing half of it from him because of your own mistake. He kept repeating he didn’t mind, then took a few snacks out of his bag, saying he’d eat these if he was hungry, finally convincing you it wasn’t such a big deal.
You started discussing about your interests and hobbies, discovering you had quite a lot in common. It was enjoyable to discuss with that new friendly student and you didn’t notice the time passing by. Or at least, you hoped class wasn’t starting soon.
Suddenly, you both heard a loud and strict voice state, “Hey the couple in the back. If you don’t mind, I’m trying to teach the class, so could you maybe tone it down a bit.” You felt your face flush in embarrassment as you noticed all the faces turning towards you and Jungkook, including the teacher, staring at you from his spot in front of the classroom. You glanced at your friend, noticing his cocky smile. He quickly replied, “Oh, Mister, I’d like to apologize on behalf of my girlfriend and myself. Don’t worry, we’ll be quiet from now on.” Jungkook was surprised by the confidence in his tone as he gave the teacher a cocky answer. He’s usually not the type to talk back to an adult the way he did, but this time, it was different. He couldn’t embarrass himself in front of you, so he hid his usually shy personality, gathered all his confidence and replied with a sarcastic comment.
You were still shocked by his blunt answer, especially since he had called you his girlfriend in front of the whole class, while you had just met minutes ago. You shot him a weird look, to which he simply replied by bursting into a fit of laughter. His laughter was contagious and you soon joined in, giggling about the situation. The teacher thankfully ignored you both, carrying on with the lesson.
You and Jungkook continued subtly discussing throughout the whole class, acting as if nothing was going on whenever the teacher turned around, making it hard for the both of you to contain your laughter every time you saw the annoyed look plastered to his face. You would usually religiously listen to the teacher talking, but you didn’t mind breaking the rules for once, if it allowed you to keep exchanging with Jungkook. You’d ask a fellow student what you’ve missed later on. As the course came to an end, you knew your school year wouldn’t be as bad as you had expected it to be, as long as you had your new friend sitting next to you.
It was lunch time and you were looking for an excuse to continue spending time with Jungkook. You then remembered how he was new to this school and thought you could show him around. You suggested your idea, hoping Jungkook wouldn’t think it seemed suspicious. Luckily, he smiled softly, answering, “Why not? I’ve told my roommate I’d eat lunch with him, but I can tell him I’ve had a change of plans and I’m pretty sure he won’t mind. I can still eat with him tomorrow. So... Let’s go! I can’t stand being in this suffocating room anymore and I’m starving!” You laughed, then followed him out of the classroom.
You hung out together for the whole afternoon until it was time for you to catch the bus driving you back to your apartment, never once feeling bored. You thought time really does fly when you’re in good company. And you wished time would pass quickly more often, if it meant you were spending time with Jungkook.
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A/N: [This is my first actual post. I hope you like it and I’ll be back soon with the next one which is the idol version of “how you met”. Thanks for reading!] 💕
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alteridolriley · 7 years
The Day After Christmas
A/N: I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas!! Here’s a fic with just very slight angst and then ends in all fluffy cuteness!! Also most of this was written before the video came out yesterday but I didn’t change things and I did add some stuff. It’s a mess honestly!
This is a Christmas gift for my two best friends: @anxious-patton and @availe! You two are just the light of my life and I hope you both had a very Merry Christmas!!
Ships: Platonic LAMP/CALM Word Count: 1,633  Tag List: @thelogicalloganipus, @introverts-assemble, @pattonspuns
Summary: It’s the day after Christmas and all the excitement of the holiday has simmered down. Virgil is alone in the mindscape as the others have gone back to help Thomas through some things.
December 26th.
The day after Christmas.
Everything was back to normal in the mindscape. The Christmas tree had been poofed away as well as the stockings on the walls. Patton had asked if the lights could stay on the stair railing and around the windows until New Years and all the others had happily obliged his request.
Virgil sat on the couch, his hoodie pulled up over his head and his headphones on his ears. He wasn’t blasting his music the way he normally would, choosing to listen to a soothing ballad instead. The anxious side had his eyes closed, trying to ignore the silence around him.
Yesterday had been full of gift giving and celebration, mostly led by Patton and Roman. As it was Virgil’s first Christmas with them, they wanted to make it extra special. Tons of food and gifts had been passed around and for once, Virgil couldn’t deny he was feeling pretty good.
He opened his eyes to an empty living room. The TV in the corner was on but it was muted, simply on for background ambiance. Light filtered in through the vertical blinds, giving the room a yellow hue. It was early afternoon and yet it felt like late night thanks to the winter season.
Virgil flipped onto his side, laying his head on a couch pillow. He took a deep breath and released it. The others were busy today since everything was back to normal. Logan hadn’t come out of his room, noting the new year coming soon meant more plans had to be organized. Roman and Patton were out helping Thomas with… something. They hadn’t been clear on what.
In comparison to the day before, it was… lonely.
Virgil shook his head, ignoring the thoughts creeping up. Everything is fine. He told himself, changing the song on his new iPod given to him by Logan. It had all of his favorite songs on it perfectly organized with album covers and playlists.
With the soft song playing in his ears, and the warmth of his hoodie, Virgil felt his eyes start to close. All of the excitement from the day before had exhausted him especially the silly video they had all done together for Thomas’s fans. Thomas had been determined to get it out before Christmas and so much overtime had been put into it. Virgil couldn’t deny it had actually been quite fun to spend time with all of them. He truly belonged.
Virgil’s lips formed a smile as he let himself fall into dreamland.
“Awwww look at him… so cute!”
“Patton, I think you’ve taken enough photos without his consent.”
“How can I not?? Our kiddo is smiling while asleep!!!”
“Yes our dark prince is relaxed enough to smile. It’s quite a good look for him.”
Virgil heard voices above him but they sounded so far away in his sleepy state. Abruptly light was shined into his eyes which woke him up even more. He cracked his eyes opened just enough to see it was a lamp in the corner that had been turned on. Since he was sleepy it felt brighter than normal. Upon opening his eyes completely, he was met with Patton’s smiling face.
“Hey there sleepy head!” Patton said, sitting down on the edge of the couch next to Virgil.
“Hi…” Virgil murmured, sitting up. “Didn’t realize you all came back already.” He rubbed his eyes with the sleeve of his hoodie.
Patton stood up, nodding. He seemed to be bouncing with excitement and he couldn’t stand still. The moral side stared at Virgil as he untangled his headphone cord from around his head and arms.
“Patton… um… is there a reason you’re just staring at me?” Virgil asked.
“Oh! Well um… Roman and Logan and I had another surprise for you.” Patton explained as he bounced from one foot to another.
Virgil raised an eyebrow while looking around the living room. Roman and Logan were not around at the current moment but it was then that the anxious side noticed a very large box, sitting behind Patton’s legs on the floor.
Just as he was about to ask what the box was for, Roman and Logan returned to the living room from the hallway leading to the bedrooms. They also had a box but it was small enough for Roman to carry alone. It had holes in the top of it but it also had a big black bow tied on the handles to hold it closed.
The prince walked over to Virgil and sat the box down on his lap, a smile spreading across his face. Virgil’s eyes widened at the weight of the gift.
“Go ahead and open it, Virgil.” Logan insisted as his face also showed some joy with a smile edging at the corners of his lips.
Virgil looked at all three of them before back at the box apprehensively. He untied the bow and the flaps fell open. His heart was racing a mile a minute as he looked inside. A gasp slipped from his lips as he met the eyes of a very small black cat.
“Wait wait….” Virgil whispered softly. “This can’t… this can’t…” he kept repeating to himself as he reached in and picked up the kitten. She immediately began to purr as he sat her in his lap. Patton cooed at the kitty as Virgil sat the box aside. He petted her softly. “Wait, Patton! Aren’t you allergic?!” Virgil’s head turned to the moral side, his eyes widening.
“Fret not, my purple clad comrade. Patton and I did some research with Thomas and I made her completely hypoallergenic!” Roman said proudly, puffing his chest out proudly. Virgil released his held breath and took a deep one to calm himself.
“Cats are good animals to help with anxiety. Their breathing is easy to match and they’re naturally calm in everyday life.” Logan explained. “They’re also easy to take care of, pretty much self sufficient. As for the reason we got her for you, Roman, Patton, and I realized how often you’re alone, whether for your own mental state or if we are busy with our own jobs. We came to the conclusion that maybe a pet for you would be best. She can also help you with your breathing control. A good grounding tool for you as well as a companion.”
Virgil looked back down at the small kitten as she pushed her paws back and forth into his hoodie, purring loudly.
“…Merry Christmas, Virgil.”
Virgil looked up at the other sides as they all said the phrase together. Patton was smiling still petting the kitten, Roman had his arms crossed, a soft grin spread across his face, and Logan was taking some kind of notes in a small pad of paper but he couldn’t hide the smile on his face as well.
As Virgil scratched the kitty under her chin, his vision went blurry before he felt tears rolling down his cheeks. Patton noticed his tears and sat down on the couch beside him, holding up his arm, inviting a side hug from Virgil. The anxious one accepted, laying his head on Patton’s shoulder and Patton wrapped his arm around Virgil’s neck. Logan sat down on the opposite side of Virgil, taking his turn to pet the kitty. Roman sat down on the coffee table in front of Virgil.
“So… what’s her name going to be?” Roman questioned, pulling around the box still sitting on the floor.
He opened it to reveal toys, a small bed and all the necessary essentials to take care of a cat. He began to play with her with a small string.
“I get to name her?” Virgil asked, wiping his face of dried tears with his sleeve.
“Of course you do, kiddo! She’s yours!” Patton exclaimed, rubbing Virgil’s arm with his hand.
Virgil looked at the small kitty. She had just a bit of white on her fur on her left ear, left paw and the tip of her tail. As he stared at her, she looked back at him and closed her eyes in a slow blink: a kitty’s kiss.
“Amy Lee.” Virgil said simply, reaching up to scratch her behind the ear. The kitty then meowed as if to respond with an agreement to her name.
Logan made a noise of acknowledgment. “Ah I recognize that name. Amy Lee is the name of the lead singer of your favorite band you mentioned before. Evanescence, correct?”
Virgil nodded. “Yeah…” his voice trailed off distracted by Amy Lee licking his fingers. She had laid down completely and had Virgil’s hand in her paws.
“Beautiful! Excellent name for an adorable kitty!” Roman replied as he stood up vibrantly. “I also conjured up a cat tower for her and we could even may be put some floating shelves up too!”
“Yes, I believe it’s been called a "cat super highway” by professionals to help cats get around a room from a comfortable height and if they need or want to get away.“ Logan explained. "It’s also good for her physical health as it is exercise.”
Roman and Logan continued to discuss different new layouts for the mindspace and Virgil’s personal room to help Amy Lee accommodate to the new space.
Virgil allowed himself to relax completely, all of the excitement catching up to him again. Amy Lee had curled up in his lap, falling asleep.
Patton looked down to see Virgil’s eyes fluttering closed and his head falling against Patton’s shoulder, his breathing becoming even and calm. The parental trait leaned his head against Virgil’s, pulling a blanket over them both but around Amy Lee as to not disturb her.
“God bless us… everyone.” Patton said softly.
And it was a very blessed Christmas for the small family.
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bragiart · 7 years
Being a hero definitely is easier
Daddy!Bakugou in da place ! READ ON AO3
Being a hero definitely is easier.
Katsuki was here, sitting on a chair, body completely limp, arms dangling in the void, his face resting on the table where today’s groceries had been abandoned. You couldn’t see his expression, and you thought for a second that he was asleep before he turned his head to see you. You repressed a laugh. God, he looked perfectly exhausted.
« You do this everyday ? » he murmured, eyes wide opened in horror.
« Everyday, » you confirmed.
    It was really late when you came home that night. The neighbourhood was completely silent, the only perceptible sounds being the ones your feet made when they met the cold bitumen. Tiny puffs of hot air flew away from your mouth each time you breathed, and you nuzzled your frozen nose deeper in your large scarf, shivering a bit.
It’s been forever since you could spend a day outside your house, busy as you were with two kids in early infancy who wouldn’t even let you pee in peace.
You finally had the opportunity when your co-workers told you that your heroes’ agency was having its annual dinner paid by the boss, and that it would be great to see you again.
You hesitated first. It wasn’t like you were being an active hero since you were still in parental leave, so you felt a bit like a freeloader to join them, but they had been very persistent. Truth to be told, it felt like the last time you could enjoy an adult discussion was during your previous life. Even when your friends dropped by to see you at home, the meeting was always short-circuited by two spiky-haired tornados requesting your complete attention.
Actually, it was Katsuki who convinced you to go. He knew it’s been a while since you had time alone for yourself, and probably felt a bit guilty for not being as present as he wished to help you raising the troublemakers he made you. So when you told him about the dinner, he took the day off right away to look after the boys for you. If you were originally planning on being absent for the sole evening, your husband managed to talk you into taking the whole day outside the house. He could be great when he wanted to.
    You finally arrived to your house, slightly surprised to see that some lights were still on. It was past midnight, you didn’t think someone would still be up this late. It better not be the kids. Unlocking your front door, you took your boots, cloak and scarf off, leaving everything in the doorway before heading to the kitchen, the room you saw lit from the outside. What you saw was beyond your expectations.
Katsuki was here, sitting on a chair, body completely limp, arms dangling in the void, his face resting on the table where today’s groceries had been abandoned. You couldn’t see his expression, and you thought for a second that he was asleep before he turned his head to see you. You repressed a laugh. God, he looked perfectly exhausted.
« You do this everyday ? » he murmured, eyes wide opened in horror.
« Everyday, » you confirmed.
You actually felt a bit proud to see how he acknowledged the toughness of your job. But boy, he really looked like if he just came back from war.
« What the hell have I done to you, » he mumbled as if he realised he inadvertently killed you or something.
« Kids, » you answered with a grin. « Hyperactive ones. »
« They never run out of energy, do they ? »
« Never. I don’t know how they do that either. But I bet they’ve been even more extra today, they must have been so happy to spend the day alone with Daddy… doesn’t happen that often. »
« They went Plus Ultra on Daddy, if you ask me… God. I feel dead. I‘ve known busy days where I arrested sixteen fuckers and went to bed less tired than that. »
« I know the feeling, » you laughed and patted his shoulder. « So… What’s all this on the table ? You’ve been staring at that carrot for how many hours now ? »
« I dunno, three, maybe four… I‘m pretty sure I can draw it from memory now… See, since the little goblins have been asking me if we could eat pizzas tonight from the very second they woke up, I followed my haunch and made them pizzas. Coz I’m a risk taker. »
« I can see that, » you smiled. « And ? »
« And they ate it all, and they liked it, and then they wanted to play a little longer and then it was bath time and then it was story time and is there really a kid on this goddamn planet who actually falls asleep at the first story ? Coz ours were just as pumped up after the sixth one. I had to kill everybody in a rush at the third page so I could just… escape. »
« No kid settle after one story, we’ve been bullshitted the whole time, » you shook your head.
« Fucking knew it. Anyway, once they finally chilled out a little, at least enough to get that no, playing Mario Kart on your DS doesn’t count as sleeping, even if you’re in the dark in your bed, I decided to clean the kitchen before passing out on the couch. And that’s when I made the biggest mistake of my whole fucking life… »
« You sat down, » you deduced in deep voice.
« And never found the strength to move again, » Katsuki confirmed. « I haven’t even done a single shit around the house like put a load on or something… »
« Don’t worry about it, Katsuki. I’m sure the kids were happy to spend the day with you and that you did great. »
Standing behind him, you started to massage his shoulders, earning a deep sigh from his lips. You smiled, fingers prodding his exposed flesh in the gentlest way.
« My poor husband, » you laughed in compassion, arms coming around his torso as you nuzzled in his neck. « It’s hard to be a housewife, huh ? »
« Fuck yes. Can’t wait to be back at work tomorrow, it’s fucking holidays compared to these two. »
« Tell me about it, I can’t wait to get back to work either… » you sighed. « Want a cup of tea ? »
« Yeah… »
He felt you nodding in the crook of his neck and kissing his cheek before heading toward the cupboard. He watched you from the corner of his eye, ash-blond strands sometimes hiding his view. He expected the day to be tiring, but not that much. It was true that you looked exhausted when he came home most of the time, but you didn’t look like a living corpse like him. To think that all your days were like this… He felt like he could sleep for the whole next week, so how you managed to wake up the next morning was beyond him right now.
« You’re going to be the fucking Terminator once you get back in action, » he said as you poured the hot water in his cup. « I think you’re getting a harder training than the Marines. »
« Sometimes I thought so too. The days where I actually manage to put them to bed for the nap and they do actually sleep I feel like I just won over the universe. Like, if someone broke into the house with a gun screaming to me to hand over my money and jewelleries, I would just look at them right in the eyes and go ‘Ha ? You think you can take on ME ? Bitch please, I just put my kids to bed and it only took me forty-five minutes’. »
« Fuck, I got you. »
Katsuki groaned loudly as he used his remaining strengths to lift his upper body from the table, sitting more properly as his hands curled around his cup.
« Hey, I didn’t even ask, how was your brats-free day ? »
« Magical, » you answered, wiping a fake tear from the corner of your eye. « For once I could go window shopping without the fear of having one of them throwing a tantrum. There was another mom whose kid was rolling on the floor for whatever reason and she looked just so… done with everything. All the others customers were looking at her and making nasty comments like ‘Well that wouldn’t happen if she raised him right’ and I was like ‘Shut the fuck up you know nothing‘. She heard it all and looked at me and asked right away ‘How many ?’ and I answered ‘Two. You ?’  and she made a face and answered ‘Four‘, and we gave each other the ‘Hang in here’ mom’s look and shook hands and the best part was that the other customers had no idea what we just talked about. »
« Tch… Childless people making comments about education, what the fuck ? Just shut your goddamn mouth, you literally have no clue what you’re talking about. »
« Yeah… But well, that was nice having the day for myself. I’m glad I could see my co-workers again, even if some spent the dinner asking me mom stuff or making me talk about the kids. I mean, I love them, you know ? They’re my kids, my bones and flesh, I’d do anything for their safety and happiness but sometimes I’m just… tired of moms’ speech. I ended up trapped between two others moms at my table and like, can we stop talking about diapers and bottles ? Even just for one minute ? Remember that we moms do exist as persons with hobbies and opinions too ? Please ? »
« Damn, I don’t get parents who never stop… parenting. Even when there are no kids around, » Katsuki frowned, emptying his cup.
« That’s not the best. One of them had the nerves to ask me if we think we’ll be empty-nesters. »
« The fuck is that ? »
« People who get really sad when their kids leave the house. »
There was a silence. A short one where the two of you just look at the other’s eyes before bursting into laughter. Katsuki’s laugh soon turned into a yawn though.
« Aw, let’s go to bed, » you said. « And don’t worry, tomorrow I’m back being the housewife and you’re free to go ! »
« Well, that’s maybe for the best. If I hear one more time the ‘Daaaaaad, Mom doesn’t do it this waaaay‘, I’m going to blow a fuse and maybe kill myself. Plus, I tried to go easy on the curses today with these two fucking parrots around, and lemme tell you it’s nerve-wracking when you find one colouring himself with felt pen to match the wall so he can become invisible. »
« Oh my… No way, » you muffled your laugh behind your hand. You could only imagine how hard it’s been for Katsuki to not swear once he found out.
« And it was after the bath. Obviously. Because it’s no fun if Dad can fix your shit right away. I was about to yell when I had this flash of a newspaper saying
‘Angry father tells his four-years old to go fuck himself, kiddo later asks mom what it means. Shit ensues’
. » You stifled your giggles the best you could in your sleeve, Katsuki’s hand coming to smack your ass as you both headed to the bedroom.
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roadofefforts-blog · 7 years
{trick: 000}
His alarm was going off for the fifth time that morning.  This wasn’t atypical; as he set multiple alarm specifically to be sure he woke up.  Nonetheless, he couldn’t help but curse anyone but himself for his phone’s habit of loudly protesting the desires of anyone wishing to be asleep at 5:30am.
Sadly, he couldn’t allow it to continue.  His parents would be upset if it continued to go off much longer, and he’d certainly hear about it upon returning from school today.  Still, it was partially their own fault.  Once he started middle school, they declined to continue taking him to school until he showed more initiative to do things other than sit in his room. He couldn’t really understand where they were coming from.  Sure, he had no job, but his grades in school were what most parents wished for!  Nevertheless, his parental units did not seem to be satisfied with straight A’s.  No, his parents insisted that he have “a social life” and for him to “get some exercise now and then.”
Turning from the wall, he worms himself to the edge of his bed and snatches his phone as it spasms about on his nightstand, blaring a stock alarm tone.  He quickly shuts it off, awarding himself the silence he, and no doubt his parents, sorely craved at the moment.  However, while his mother could return to sleep, Cibor would be forced to finish stripping himself of the warmth and comfort of his plush mattress, exposing himself to the cold air of the house as he journeyed to his dresser and retrieved his uniform, donning it hastily in an attempt to keep warm in the creeping fall weather.  He exits his room then, scrolling through a news feed in his phone which he’d set on the breakfast table within the kitchen as it played the local weather.  Assembling the necessary amenities, he prepares a small breakfast of oatmeal and toast with a glass of orange juice, completing the task just in time to sit down to a special report.
 “On the southern side of town, a gang battle erupted across the rooftops of our fine city causing  thousands of yen in damage as well as unrest and paranoia in those citizens within the immediate area.  Several eyewitness accounts described a group of at least 10 people chasing each other across the rooftops on what appeared to be Air Treks, the equipment of a new sports craze that’s been spreading amongst the youth.  Who are these people, why do they fight each other, and more importantly, why use force that damages the rooftops and general housing structures of these innocent people?  ”
The segment continued into a discussion on what regulations are in place to keep the dangers associated with Air Treks to a minimum, and how those policies clearly are not effective enough to keep crimes from being committed with them.  He wasn’t really concerned about it.  Granted, he also wasn’t in the part of town being most affected by these gangs.
The rest of the news didn’t interest him nearly enough for him to catch any of the details.  He was much more occupied by the sweetness of the brown sugar in his oatmeal, one of the few sugary treats he enjoyed.  Finishing his meal, he rinses his dishes and leaves them in the sink, making sure to rinse the bowl of oatmeal thoroughly, lest its remnants become a concrete mess his mother would surely nag him for later.  Pocketing his phone from the table he makes his way to the front door, pulling on his jacket and shoes.  He calls out to his mother, who he heard beginning her descent down the stairs.  “I’m heading out, love you.”  She mumbles a reciprocatory response, turning the corner to the kitchen, no doubt to fill up on coffee and regain her coherence.
Closing the door behind him, Cibor starts his two-mile walk to school promptly 6:10am. This gives him enough time to account for traffic, stopping for coffee, or other small or unexpected detours while also still ensuring he arrived at least thirty minutes before classes begin. He often utilized this time to work on assignments, or read from his textbooks, which kept himself ahead in his classes. These are all precautions he takes, solely so that he can nap through the majority of his schooling with little open complaint from his teachers.  After all, who can really complain about a student who not only has complete homework, but knows the material as well?  None of his teachers that’s for sure.
He’d been walking to school like this every day since he had begun middle school, but still the hues of the early morning sky never ceased to amaze him.  He made his way through the quiet river town, the blue sky stretching off towards the coastline, and eventually, the horizon that was being brushed pink by the sun’s imminent approach.  He appreciated the way the cool air still had hints of moisture to it, similar to the cool spring mornings he was so fond of.  Frost still clung to the grass and glass of the houses and cars that he passed by, signaling the change from fall to winter.  He could only appreciate these for so long before the familiar; bone-numbing beat of his feet against the concrete reminded him how much he /hated/ walking to school like this every day.  Not only was he always sore when he got to school, but he was typically so tired that he’d fall asleep before class, making him frequently late.  Recently, he had even missed a couple of assignments due to his more frequent sleeping fits.  Of course, he was also forgetting to take the medication that he needed to help keep him awake.  However, the pills only did so much.  Though the doctors insisted it was because he would occasionally miss doses, which may well be the case, but they didn’t seem to help much even when he took them regularly either.  This train of thought, of course, is what reminded Cibor that he had forgotten to do so this morning.  Uttering a few expletives, he fishes his spare bottle from his bag, swallowing a pair of the tablets with no water.
“Well, this day’s off to a great start…” he mumbles, shuddering as he feels his medication slither and stall its way through his esophagus as the school came in to view.
His education progressed slowly, as it usually did.  He slept through most of his classes, only waking when his teachers would occasionally demand his attention.  As always, he disappointed them in their inability to catch him unaware.  Since he had already read the chapter, or completed the work, he could answer almost any question they had.  He ate his lunch on the rooftop, watching the clouds drift by as he drifted into a nap that made him miss the rest of the school day.  He would’ve been upset, but he would just use the detention to work on his studies anyway.
 Waking with the last bell, he mumbles to himself  about setting more alarms as he leaves the building.  He did feel some amount of remorse for his sleeping habits, but he simply wasn’t stimulated enough to want be awake, which exacerbated his symptoms.  These thoughts tore at him today as he began his trek home. One foot in front of the other, he retraces the same boring steps he took every day to get to school and back. It was days as if today that made him wish he had the will to make some sort of change.
His thoughts are rudely interrupted by the sudden appearance of a woman, bursting forth from an alleyway.  She touches down on the hood of a card, denting it slightly.  She pivots on the contact point and jumps to a nearby balcony railing, and from there, to the roof across the street.  “Oi!!”  Cibor shouts, stumbling backwards, nearly falling on his ass.  “Watch where you’re going, asshole!”
Just as he goes to continue walking, three more skaters cut him off, taking clumsier and difficult routes.  One crushes the hood of the same car the woman had used, power leaping to the same rooftop, making the previous ding seem like nothing.  If that wasn’t bad enough, just as he tried to scream at them, his phone begins to ring.  He shouts obscenities as he fishes the communication device from his bag, answering with an angry “WHAT?”
“Is that the appropriate way to address your mother after she discovers you ditched class, again?” his mother’s nagging, but well intentioned tone peals through, causing him to shrink up on himself as he realizes his mistake.
“Ah, s-sorry…” he stutters, thankful that she was just poking fun.
“Yes, well, in any case your father and I figured that if you were a little more active that you might be less tired all the time.  I emailed you a coupon to use at this sports supply store; they have those new ATs in stock, and are having a sale, on top of the coupon!  I’ve loaded your account with an amount that should cover the bill, so get what you like best, alright?”
Cibor knew it was best to give in and let his mother have his way, arguing with her would get him nowhere.  But at the same time he couldn’t believe what he’d been told.  He was 15 years old, and they were trying to force him to be more active.  He had even just nearly been run over by the very people he’d been hearing about on the news, damaging property and breaking laws with these skates.
“Mother…” he sighs, “don’t you think it’d just be a better idea to save that money and out it towards a car?” he asks, clearly opposed to her idea.
“Nope.  A car isn’t going to work your body.  You are a young man, Cibor, you need exercise. Trust me.  You’ll be a lot happier if you just /move/.” she insists, with all the motherly tone she could muster.
“I understand…  Alright, I’ll check them out, just don’t expect me too occupied with it.  Athletics just isn’t my thing.”
They chat for a while longer as Cibor changes course, making his way for the shopping fronts.  He catches a bus for the coast side of town.  He’d heard that the AT scene was large in this area, but that most of the disturbances were at night.  Despite this, there were still several kids rolling along at a reasonable pace; nothing like the speedster who’d flown by him in the alley.  He wondered how those thugs were able to go so much faster.  Were the kids simply not trying to go fast?  Keeping their speed to a level they could control?  Or maybe the speed was a combined effort of motor and physical push, making older users naturally faster than the younger children.
The bus rolls along for about 20 minutes making stops every so often until it arrived a block away from the address he was told to venture to. The street was filled with shops and eateries of many varieties, including the sports store he was looking for. 
Entering the shop, his eyes were assaulted by bright fluorescent lights, stressing the pupils that were previously well adjusted to the luminosity of the setting sun. The air is filled with the scent of leather, plastic, metal and polymers.  The cashier is located just a few feet from the entrance, set into the right wall of the shop, which, just so happened to be the prominent display of their “TOTTALLY RAD AT DEPARTMENT.”  Which was a fancy way of saying that the wall behind the counter, and to its immediate right were entirely stocked with Air Treck boots, wheels, and even basic tool kits. The rest of the store seemed to consist of Winter sports equipment.
The cashier smiles, greeting Cibor as he enters.
“Hi there, welcome to Shiawase Sports, the names Toshiko, can I help ya find something?” She asks, tossing her bangs from her eyes.
Fishing his phone from his pocket, he brings up the coupon his mother had sent him, he moves to the counter to show the attendant.
” My mother sent me in with this, she wants me to get into this but I’m not really sure that I will be any good at it or anything.”  He explains, looking to the red head sheepishly.
She glances at the coupon, then back at Cibor, making him even more uncomfortable as tries his best to look as helpless as he was.
“Did you consider telling her you don’t want to do this?”
"Believe me, I tried.  She says she wants me to get active, and I can’t say it doesn’t sound fun, so…” he trails off.  He was hoping shed pick up on the slack, but was instead met with the stare he knew came from not understanding middle class parents.  She just didn’t know how much he gave his parents that very same stare. 
“Well, if you’re really gonna get started, you shouldn’t skimp out.  Plus, this coupon is a pretty good deal anyway.  Premium boot with a decent engine and fair wheels for half price, pretty good.” She rambles, pulling a couple of different models from the shelves above her head.  She comes out from behind the counter, looking Cibor over.  She pulls a chair from the corner and sits him down.  “Could you take off your shoes?  I wanna take some measurements.”  She says, going back to the counter to retrieve a tape and a few charts. Of course, wanting to get this over with, he complies, removing his shoes and waiting patiently as she measured the length, width and circumference of different sections of his feet and ankles, marking them on a sheet that he assumed would help her pick the right size for the boot.   “Now, when you skate, what are you looking for? Speed?  Control?  Jumping? Air time?” she asks, looking at him with a startling amount of seriousness.
How was he supposed to know what he was looking for?  He had never skated even before ATs were a thing…. 
“Well…the only time I’ve been out skating, was when my grandmother would take me to the ice rink one summer when I was would visit her…” Toshiko nods, seeming to understand.  “Hmm, I think I know what’ll work.  You’ll want a well-rounded boot with a little room to work with jumping.” she returns to her counter, sorting through the boxes she had pulled and selecting a few models to bring back and present to Cibor. “There’s a few variations of this model, but they all offer top quality.  They’ll be really stiff for a while, because they’re top rating, so be sure to take breaks often, or you’ll hurt yourself.”
“  Yeah, I remember that the rental skates at that rink were stiff too!”  He laughs softly, pointing the model that was black, with dark blue accents.  It featured polymer reinforcements that cradled the boot in elegant curves and points.
“Oh…hon… Just pace yourself, kay?”  She says, trying not to snicker as she disappears into the back of the store, leaving him to sit and wait. 
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imaginesofeverykind · 7 years
Family Holiday || Sam Drake x Reader ||
Characters: Sam Drake x Reader
Requested: Yup! By Anon, thank you this was cute! [Sam Drake x reader where they all go to vacation somewhere]
Prompt: You, Sam, Nate, Elena and Cassie all go on a family holiday to Australia. Despite a long history of dealing with a lot of weird shit, none of them is at all prepared to take on the most notoriously dangerous wildlife lurking around the hot continent. 
Tags: @rafeadderall @dragonjedihobbit @shararogers @delicrieux @solarsystemus @roses-are-bae
Word Count: 2,000
A/N: This idea was something @missdictatorme and I were discussing, Sam being absolutely petrified of spiders despite being tough as shit. Also, I live in Australia, I can 14/10 confirm that crazy shit like this happens and has happened before in my own personal experience especially the fucking snake THEY ARE EVERYWHERE???? I also live in the country so we do see more shit than suburban folk. ENJOY 
You woke up with a smile on your face, oh how Australia had been such a breath of fresh air for not just for you, but Sam, Nate, Elena and Cassie. Sam groaned beside you, feeling you had shifted. “Mornin.” He mumbled into the pillow, he was face down on the bed and you were sure he was trying to suffocate himself when he fell asleep like that. 
“Good morning. It's a beautiful morning.” You grinned, peering out the window of the lovely apartment over looking rolling hills and beautiful vibrant farm land, The first week you all had done the typical touristy business, staying close to the city, visited the iconic Opera House and Harbour Bridge. Now the five of you stayed in an apartment further away from the city, wanting to experience wildlife to the fullest. 
Next week you were all going to camp out in the wilderness. 
“It’s also incredibly hot already, what time is it?” Sam rolled onto his side and looked at you as you checked your watch. “Almost ten, and according to my phone, it's too goddamn hot.” You informed him, making him groan. The sweat had already started forming on his skin as well as yours, but it didn’t deter your excitement.
You wanted to go for a walk at least today, not wanting to waste such a perfect day. “I’m gonna go down to that little convenience store on the corner before it gets too hot, you want anything?” You sweetly smiled at him, he shook his head and pulled you into a hug. “How about you just stay here all day?” Sam wiggled his eyebrows, not doubt they’d eventually have to get up but with the lack of noise coming from the room next to theirs, it indicated that neither Nate, Elena or Cassie were up. 
“As charming as that sounds you are sweaty and gross and I’m hungry.” You kissed his lips briefly before hauling yourself out of bed. Changing into a pair of shorts and a tank top, Sam mumbled in resistance. You chuckled, bending down and kissing him once more, “don’t be a baby, I’ll be back in twenty minutes.” 
Sam tiredly waved as you exited the room and made your way down to the car park of the apartment block. So far everyone enjoyed themselves, but having lived through the things they had couldn’t prepare them at all for the intrusive behaviour of Australia’s wildlife. 
You had walked outside with a smile on your face, seeing some young people out and about walking their dogs and elderly people out for a stroll. How they were so used to this beautiful country was beyond your capacity. You hadn’t walked too far when you stop abruptly, a shriek escaping your lips unintentionally. 
Right by your feet was a snake, seemingly peering up at you, poking its tongue out. Sure you’d seen snakes before but this one was too close for comfort. You were stuck at what to do, Australia had some of the most venomous snakes around so you could just run away as much as you like to. 
Pulling out your phone, carefully as to not provoke the snake by sudden movements and you rang Sam. “Sam!” You gritted as he answered, “You’ve been gone two minutes and you're already calling me?” You rolled your eyes, glancing down at the snake that was rather content by your feet getting the hot rays of the sun. 
“Shut up! There’s a snake in front of me, I don’t know what to do-.”
“Give it a kick Y/N it’ll be fine.” 
You pulled away the phone and looked at it in disbelief before bringing it back to your ear once again. “Give it a kick? Sam, are you kidding me? It could bite me?” You tried your best not to yell at him in fear of pissing the snake off by your feet. He sighed on the end and chuckled, oh how he loved stirring you up, “Alright - I'm coming down now.” 
“Thank you.” You murmured and ended the call, placing your phone back in your pocket as you bit your lip in concern. “You alright?” A voice startled you, turning your attention to a man who had been watching you from afar. His accent indicated he was local, and given by the fact he seemed completely amused by the situation you were stuck in. 
“As all right as I can be with a snake on my feet.” You cringed, laughing nervously. “You’re not from around here?” He raised his eyebrow and started walking toward you, you nodded, every so often glancing between him and the snake. “No... I’m that easy to point out?” 
“Well, not just the accent but you are wearing shorts and singlet in twenty-four-degree heat.” He chuckled, he himself was wearing jeans and a long sleeved shirt seemingly unbothered by the temperature. You cringed as you felt the snake slither over your feet, again the local had found it hilarious. 
He stood just a few feet away from you and examined the snake. “Oh yeah, she’s a nasty looking one, good thing you have your head screwed on or else -.” he motioned with his thumb and his throat to gesture death which made you feel uneasy. “r-really?” You gulped and he scoffed laughing and bending over. “Oh na, I’m fucking with you this is just a coastal taipan, they are nervous little things though so It’s great you didn’t startle her.” He ever so carefully gripped the snake at its head and pulled it off the ground. 
He walked over to the fence line that separated the apartment building to a seemingly docile beach house. It ferociously whipped around in his grip and you held your breath, scared that it might bite him however he effortlessly tossed the snake over the fence as if it were mere rubbish. 
“Thank you, I appreciate it, w-won’t it bother the people who live there now though?” You finally moved from your spot and he chuckled waving that notion away, “guy’s a complete asshole, that snake is his problem now. You’re welcome. While I'd love to stick around and save every tourist from our lovely wildlife I must be going.” He politely waved and headed to his car. 
Sam - his timing impeccable, as always - finally made it down to you and looked around seeing no such snake near you. “It’s fine, a local helped out.” You assured him and he shook his head, “I'm thinking you called me just to get me out of bed.” 
“Well... now that you’re up...”
That had been the first instance, the second instance was far funnier and that involved the five of you camping. You had just set up the tent, content with your placement in the wilderness away from society. You were unpacking things from the truck with Cassie when Sam had cursed loudly, followed by an out of breath Sam pointing at the tent. 
“What? What’s got you so worked up?” You raised an eyebrow at him, he was hunched over trying to get his breath when he finally stood upright, he pointed at the tent. “Huge spider. Probably venomous. Don’t go in there.” You laughed at him, Cassie joined in on the laugh as well, “Wait-wait is Sam Drake scared of spiders?” 
“If you saw the look of this one yeah, you’d be scared too!” He argued, making you laugh even more. “Don’t worry, pest control is here.” You pulled out a can of bug spray from one of your supply boxes and walked into the tent. Your eyes widened, gee Sam wasn’t kidding. A hostile looking spider stood its ground on the blow-up mattress meant for you and Sam. 
There was no way you were going to pick it up or even spray it, just in case it jumped up at her. A devious plan crossed your mind and you screamed out loud, running out of the tent clutching your arm. “Sam! It bit me!” You looked at him with wide eyes, he immediately rushed to your aid, you glanced at Cassie and winked at her so she knew you were joking. 
“Oh Jesus, does it hurt? We’ll need to take you to a hospital-.” Cassie cut him off and shook her head, joining in on the prank, “I read about these spiders before in class, they have a nasty bite... Not deadly but if we don’t treat it then she could lose an arm.” You were impressed with Cassie’s improvisational skills and resisted the urge to smile. 
Nate and Elena finally emerged from their tent to investigate the commotion, “guys! what’s with all the yelling?” Nate looked at the three. Sam was pacing like he was a headless chicken, he didn’t know what to do, “Y/N - she’s been bitten by a spider!” 
Both Nate and Elena immediately came over to your aid only Cassie stopped them, “don’t rush her, she could pass out, we need to treat it immediately.” during this exchange Cassie had been winking at her parents, hoping that they understood what was actually going on here.
Poor Sam, he was the only one left out of the joke by now. Elena nodded at her daughter and walked over to you, soothing you as best she could. “You mind if we take a look?” She asked you and you nodded, you turned slightly so Sam wouldn’t suspect anything and you lifted your hand from around your arm. Both Nate and Elena gasped and cringed far too over dramatic. 
“Oh Christ, Y/N that’s bad, that looks very, very bad!” Nate ran his hands through his hair and looked at his incredibly panicked older brother. He’d never seen Sam so panicked before in his life, it was incredibly amusing even though there would be hell to pay after this whole ordeal is over. “Let me see.” Sam walked over to you softly, you bit back your laugh as you moved your hand and revealed nothing there at all. 
“What?” He took a step back and looked at everyone who had shit eating grins on their faces. “Are you guys kidding me?- I thought you were hurt?” He looked at you seriously and you grinned shaking your head, “of course not, trust me if a spider bit me, you’d know about it.” 
Sam breathed out a sigh of relief, letting relief glide through him before it was replaced by annoyance and anger. “I can’t believe you guys did this!” He threw his hands in the air and rubbed his face. You still laughed but you made your way over to him and gripped his waist. “I’m so mad at you right now.” He mumbled but wrapped his arms around you. 
Even though he was annoyed he was by no means mad at you at all, he was just glad you were all right. You looked up at him and something caught your eyes, stepping away from him you cringed lightly, “Sam what would you do If I said that spider was on your back...” You saw the spider's legs creepily crawl up his back and you shivered. 
“Oh you’re real funny, I’ve had enough practical jokes for one day.” He waved you off and you shook your head, “No, I’m being serious.” You warned him, it had managed to crawl up his shoulder and he turned his head seeing that same large spider from in the tent. He was silent momentarily, not moving, not making a sound. Then it was like a bomb went off and he made a huge fuss over it, running around the camp shaking it off furiously while patting himself down and yelling like a teenage girl. 
“Jesus Christ Sam, could you scream any louder?” You cringed once he came to a stop, once he released the spider was no longer on him. “This place is the worst, I want to go home,” Sam grumbled making everyone laugh. 
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shattered-epiphany · 7 years
suffocate (1/1)
pairing: oikawa/iwaizumi
warnings: depression, anxiety and references to an eating disorder, 1st person POV
summary:  A (not so) regular day in the life of Oikawa Tooru //set sometime during high school
ao3 link
It's slow. Everything is so slow. Suffocating.
I woke up today and it took only a few sleep addled minutes to realize. Last night's anxiety and depression fit hadn't been washed away by sleep. Usually a new day guarantees a blank slate, a nothingness that can be filled as I desire.
Not today. Today the heavy feeling lingers. It's hard to force my brain into action, waking up, doing anything takes effort.
I check my phone, I'm late and my best friend is already bombarding me with messages asking me what I'm doing. A lot of cursing is involved as usual. He finally gives up and writes that he's going ahead.
That's fine, there's no need to wait for a person like me. Worthless.
The thought echoes in my mind, transforming and evolving into something more horrible each time. The vague clench in my chest at the self-deprecating thoughts isn't enough for me to stop myself.
Most days it's easy enough.
I don't want to exist. // Why am I so useless? // Is there a point to my existence?
Any number of these thoughts can be squished down, dismissed as ridiculous. On regular days that is.
Why are you so dramatic? // Really, Oikawa? // There's so much to live for.
But today any amount of strength I might have is sucked up by simply breathing. I roll over hiding underneath my blankets wondering if I could fall asleep again. Permanently this time?
It doesn't surprise me that the thought appears. My mind is fixated on staying still, sleeping more and preferably continuing like this until I am released from this state. Which at this point doesn't seem like it will ever happen. Permanent solutions sound perfect when it's like this.
As I lay still trying to clear the fog that's filled my mind to the brim, thoughts of last night appear from somewhere. I lift my head from the pillow already disgusted with how my body feels today, just a simple movement like that is enough. Lazy.
I stare at the mess on my table, it's blurry because I don't want to put on my glasses (putting in lenses would take a miracle), but I don't need to see perfectly to know what's there.
Homework all over the place, only half done, of course. Stacks of volleyball game CDs overplayed and the notes next to them much fuller than any of my school work. Empty tea cups from forcibly trying to keep myself awake as long as I could.
Last night had been bad. The thoughts of never being enough had overpowered me and no amount of strategizing, reviewing other teams and players had seemed to be enough. I tried writing to Iwa-chan, but his answers were halfhearted, no doubt he was busy himself.
Don't bother anyone, not telling is better. // Keep it all in.
But it's hard to keep it all in, the points of overflow come more and more often as time goes by. I push myself up when I hear my parents start moving, getting ready for work. I can't let them see me like this, so I walk to the bathroom as fast as I can at the moment.
Everything is so slow. My body. The world around me. Time passes oddly like this. It speeds up and then slows down. Right now each second takes an eternity and it tortures my tired mind, reminding me how much more of the day is left to get through.
I shiver as I step onto the cold tiles of the bathroom. I feel cold, but it's a distant sensation like my brain doesn't even process it fully. But then everything feels distant, except the ugliness of my thoughts.
As usual the first thing I see when I step inside this room is the scale in the corner. It's tempting, oh so tempting. Just take a peek. It reminds me of a darker time when numbers were my one obsession. No more. I know succumbing to this temptation will only make me feel worse. But the desire grows stronger by the minute. I limp closer to it, my knee protesting now for some reason.
I look down and realize I forgot my knee brace. Idiot.
The physical pain cuts through the haze a bit, but that only serves to make me finally feel what I've been avoiding. What my mind has been trying to protect me from.
Useless. // You will never amount to anything. // Stop trying so hard. // Try harder. // Disgusting.
At this point it's involuntary, I step on the scale. My heartbeat speeds up. The anxiety keeps it fast almost constantly, but now I can feel it in my chest. It spreads nausea and a strange ache in my head fixates in one point.
The numbers change and I lean down to see. 70.5 kg. A strange relief flows through me, but there's also disgust. The mix of the two only heightens the imbalance in me. I stumble off the scales feeling light headed and stop at the sink. I steady myself. It's all a bit too much. I feel tears prickle my eyes. No. Crying is useless. It changes nothing. I rub at my eyes watching my reflection in the mirror. The blur can't hide how ugly everything looks to me.
I've lost about 2kg since the last mandatory weighing by our coach. It's not a big change, but it brings about a craving. Just a bit more and you would be in the 60s. And then it's a familiar downwards spiral. I look away from the mirror and splash water on my face.
It takes a long time to go through my usual routine, but I manage to clean up and even put lenses in. If I'm making it to school (my mind and body protest loudly), I can't show up there with glasses. My eyes are red, skin puffy around them, dark circles accentuated by the paler skin of my face. Ugly. I wish I could replace it with somebody else's face. At least for a day. Instead I put on some concealer. It doesn't make much of a difference, but makes me feel slightly better. Still ugly.
I scoff and exit the bathroom. It's late. Morning practice is over, but I can make it to classes. Question is if I will be able to. The heavy feeling that's weighing me down and making everything feel like it's in slow motion is still there, present as ever. I sit on my bed staring out of the window for far too long.
Messages keep pouring in, I can hear my phone vibrating somewhere between the sheets. No doubt it's Iwa-chan. Who else? He's the only one who still bothers with me, though I don't fully understand why. At one point he will leave too.
I stop myself at that. I need to move, it's getting really bad if I'm starting to doubt my best friend.
A floor board creaks outside of my room. I jump up and start putting on my uniform. My mother peaks in, takes in my half-dressed state and asks. "Slept in again? Don't make this a habit, Tooru." She looks tired too, her job taking a lot out of her these days.
I just nod and keep buttoning up my shirt. I don't trust my voice yet. She exits without another word. A part of me is hurt, another is glad. Less pretense until I make it to school.
Against my will though as soon as I'm sure she's out of hearing range I let a sob escape. I have to bite on my hand to stop. It's disgusting and leaves a mark. I don't want to cry. I don't want to.. Fuck.
It's been a long time since I've learned to cry silently. Tears slip out, messing with my lenses. The headache worsens and I feel like throwing up right there. I sit back down on my bed, my clothes strewn around me, but I don't make an attempt at dressing anymore.
Instead I reach for my phone. 10 messages in the last half hour. As I predicted all from Iwaizumi, but there's a few older ones from my teammates. Something like a vague feeling of happiness penetrates the wool in my head and the heaviness in my chest. My lips curve upwards, a sad imitation of a smile.
I slump onto the bed and open the messages Iwaizumi sent me. I scroll through them, my hands feel heavy, like they don't belong to me.
I only really focus on the last few messages.
[7:50] Iwa-chan <3: Seriously, it's not like you to miss practice.
[7:51] Iwa-chan <3: Reply now, so I know you're not dead. I'm gonna call your parents otherwise, Shittykawa.
[7:55] Iwa-chan <3: Are you ok?
I pause and stare at the ceiling. I'm so far from ok, but admitting that to someone else takes a lot of mental strength. Instead I type out the excuse I use the most, though it's usually to my parents.
[8:01] Me: I slept in. I think I might be sick..
I stare at the message for a long time before sending it. It doesn't seem like something I would write, so devoid of my usual excitement and emoticons.
[8:02] Iwa-chan <3: I'm coming over as soon as school ends.
The reply confuses me. Today is all wrong. Everything is out of order. I'm like this straight from the morning and Iwa-chan is skipping afternoon practice for me. It makes no sense to me.
[8:03] Me: Why? Stay for practice.
[8:03] Iwa-chan <3: Obviously you're not telling me something, I'm coming over. End of discussion.
Leave it to Iwa-chan to know something is off. I sigh and throw the phone to the side. I don't know if the coming confrontation makes me feel better or not.
I turn over to my other side and curl up. It's cold, but I don't move to pull the blanket back over my body. Instead I press my face into the pillow.
Sleep. Don't think. Sleep. Let it take you over and make everything disappear.
I doze for a while, emptying my mind further. The static remains, but the thoughts quiet down until there's nothing there.
The sleep is heavy, the blackness suffocating, but it's better than being conscious.
I'm startled awake when the door of my room opens. I move over stiffly, eyes clouded over from sleeping with lenses in. It's cold and I, suddenly, even through all this haze, feel self-conscious. I'm wearing only my half-buttoned uniform shirt and boxers, after all.
I try to pretend I'm still asleep, but the presence moves further into my room. The footsteps are so familiar. Iwa-chan.
He sits down next to me and suddenly a warmth is engulfing me. The blanket is back over me.
"What am I going to do with you?" He whispers and I curl up more as he threads fingers through my hair and checks my forehead. There's no fever, I'm sure my body is colder than it should be instead.
The strange headache is still there, I bite on my lip. Sleep once again hadn't erased any of the heaviness. The only thing that's keeping the darkness at bay right now is Iwaizumi petting my hair.
I want to tell him to stop. It's disgusting, my hair is probably greasy. But I take comfort in the soothing movement. I don't have the strength to say anything yet.
"I know you're awake, Oikawa. I'll get you some water, ok?"
Nothing gets past him, of course. I nod and he moves away to get the water bottle on my desk. I hear him moving around, filling it up in the bathroom. I want to call out and ask him for my lens case too, but the words are stuck in my throat.
Why are you here? // Why are you bothering with me? // There's no point. // I'm a lost cause.
He returns fast and I struggle to sit up, it feels like too much. There's a steadying hand on my shoulder and with the support I sit up properly.
"Here, drink it all." His voice is a bit louder now but still gruff and grounded. I love it.
I drink the water slowly at first, it doesn't feel like enough and soon I'm gulping it down. Trying to erase something in me while quenching my thirst. I stop to breathe for a moment and hand the bottle back to the blurry shape.
Something is pressed into my hand in return and I realize it's my lens case. I open my mouth to speak but still nothing comes out..
"How'd I know? I noticed it left open on the bathroom counter. Didn't take much to figure it out." Iwaizumi saves me from trying to talk again.
I quickly remove my lenses and sigh in relief, everything still feels like too much, like it's closing in on me, but at least that pressure has been relieved.
Next is my uniform shirt, he unbuttons it carefully and slides it off my shoulders. I'm intensely glad I can't see his expression.
A warm hoodie replaces it and I snuggle into it immediately. It doesn't feel like one of mine, I breathe in the scent and there it is. Definitely one of Iwa-chan's.
"You went home before coming here?" I finally speak, my voice heavy with sleep and it breaks towards the end from not using it the whole day.
"Yeah, I'm staying here, if you don't mind. Already cleared it with both of our parents." Iwaizumi replies and I can hear the relief in his tone from hearing me say something.
"No, that's probably for the best. Stay." I mutter and pull on the sleeves of the hoodie. I want to make myself smaller, closer to not existing.
I know what's coming next. Interrogation.
But Iwa-chan surprises me. He pushes me further into the bed, fixes the blanket and pillows and settles next to me. "You don't have to say anything if you don't want to. But know that I'm here. Literally and figuratively." He laughs at that and I crack a smile too. But it feels bitter.
I should do more. I need to repay his kindness. Unwarranted kindness.
"Distract me. Tell me about practice. What happened today?" I ask instead and tentatively press closer, his warmth is intoxicating.
I listen to his voice, the tone, not really taking in much of what he's saying. But it feels good, the heaviness is fading slowly. I feel better than I have all day, which is not much, but that small sliver of comfort makes me think that maybe there is an end to this after all.
"They did ask about you too. The coach that is. Your parents didn't contact the school about you not coming in. This is probably going on your record." Iwaizumi says and I tense up. My heart beat speeds up, I hate it. It's not a big deal, but the anxiety is flaring up.
"Hey, it's ok. You should talk to the teachers. I'm sure they will understand." I bury my head in his chest, I don't want to think about it. Ignoring everything is easier.
"Mom thought I was going to school. So did I.." I trail off, my voice muffled.
"But you didn't." Iwaizumi says simply, finishing the sentence for me. I feel like he already knows everything even though I haven't said anything of substance. He really knows me too well. I feel like I'm not being fair to him. I should tell him. Something. Tell him something.
"Everything felt a bit too much. I couldn't pretend everything was fine today." I force out. Iwaizumi hums in response. I know he doesn't really understand fully, but him listening is enough.
"I just felt heavy, too many thoughts and none of them good, sleep didn't help." Putting it into words feels wrong, even my sentences are half formed but it's hard to say it out loud. Which is why I usually avoid it.
I feel strong arms wrap around me, I'm being pulled further into his embrace. It's a bit suffocating, but this time in a good way. I don't ever want to leave. I want to stay like this forever.
"Your mind will be your undoing, Tooru. I wish I could help you, fix you somehow." He says, regret and sadness lacing his words.
"It's not up to you. I do this to myself, it's all me. You just have to be here, that's all. It's enough, believe me." It feels strange, like I'm the one reassuring him, when in fact it's him that has returned strength to me. It's not much, but the spark is there.
We lay there, silence settling over us now. It feels comfortable. Like everything about us. Time passes, but there's no weird jumps. It's not too slow or too fast anymore. I breathe easier.
I wish I could say that this was a one off. A day that was strange and out of place. It was, in a way, but the feelings and the darkness were familiar enough, even though usually I could contain it better. Contain it to long sleepless nights.
Maybe, one day.. It will get easier.
Until then, I cling onto Iwaizumi. My anchor. As the strange heaviness lifts from my chest with each inhale and exhale spent next to him, it’s filled with affection for him instead.
Show it, you have to let him know.
I scramble up and press my lips to Iwa-chan's. He makes a muffled sound of surprise and I feel confused too. Usually I’m not like this, no matter how forward I pretend to be.
It feels like I'm taking advantage of him in a way. But I'm craving the comfort and he seems willing. His strong arms move me to straddle his lap and we exchange more slow kisses. My chapped lips brush against his softer ones. It's usually the other way around. But today everything is off.
I accept it.
He's gentle, treating me like I could break at any moment. It's me that has to take the initiative again. I bite at his lower lip and smile softly when he groans. He stops my wandering hands though.
"Not today?" He says carefully, not wanting to hurt my feelings.
I want to force it, I want to whine and complain. But he's right. I'm in no fit state for anything more. Not mentally, not physically.
I lean my forehead against his. This close up, I can see his expression better. He's still clearly worried and it almost brings back the self-deprecation, but I control it. My mind stays clean now.
"Yeah, let's get some dinner instead. My parents should be home soon." I finally reply and Iwa-chan's expression evens out. I smile wider, carefully, testing it out. It will take a while before it feels natural again.
But I think maybe I can do it? It’s definitely easier when he’s next to me.
Breathe instead of suffocate.
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