#today they gave me another one! this one has faceted eyes so he's at least cooler than his brother Rhamantus from three years ago
tfw you find a breeding project component with the exact colours you've been trying for for 4 years now (but on the wrong gender) almost immediately after having just hit the button to breed your two current components for that project.................
on the plus side, because this new component is a G1 and has no lineage, they're breedable with my pair's offspring!! so I can FINALLY get this damn thing over with quicker if I get a female hatchling with closer colours..... murk/bronze/peach ♀ you shall elude me no longeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer /shakes fist
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marlynnofmany · 6 months
The Indignity that is Hiccups
I leaned against the broom and yawned, tired in more ways than one. The mess in the storage hold was going to take a while to clean. And just because the universe has ironic timing, I hiccupped while my mouth was wide open. It echoed off the metal walls. Luckily for me, none of my alien crewmates were there to hear it. 
Or so I thought. A bundle of tentacles and a curious squid face peered around the doorway. 
I sighed, hiccuping again. “Yes it’s me; no I’m not doing it on purpose.”
Mur eased into the room, stepping carefully around the snowdrifts of flour from where a storage crate had broken. “Why are you making that kind of noise on accident?” He was carrying a bundle of something wrapped up in one tentacle, but seemed more interested in conversation than in whatever that was.
“It’s called hiccups,” I said. “I suppose it’s too much to hope that other species have to deal with this to-o?” As much as I tried to get the sentence out smoothly, I was betrayed at the end.
“None that I know of. So what is it? Some kind of compulsion?”
“No, nothing like that.” I went back to sweeping with irritated strokes of the broom. “It’s a muscle spasm that’s never been fully explained. It usually goes away pretty quickly for me, but it’s annoying. Much like this flour.”
“I bet,” Mur said, looking around the room. He uncurled his tentacle. “I brought batteries for the big gravity wand.”
“Oh, Paint just went to get some! Thank you. She’ll be back soon.”
“Good,” Mur said, wiping at the flour dust that was already settling on him. “Ugh, this is unpleasant.”
“Sure i-is,” I hiccuped, followed by an exasperated noise. “At least I don’t get acid reflux with the hiccups. Small mercies.”
Mur asked, “Get what?” as Paint arrived, wielding the big gravity wand like a broadsword.
“Stand back! Oh, hi Mur. These batteries are only half charged, so I’m going to clean as fast as I can!” As short as she was, she looked like a scaly child waving a grownup weapon that she had no business using. Which wasn’t entirely wrong.
“I am standing ba-ack,” I announced, taking my broom to the doorway where the air was clearer.
Paint gave me a sideways look, finger hesitating over the power button.
I sighed and brushed flour dust off my sleeve. “It’s a stupid human thing.”
“Muscle spasms,” Mur put in helpfully. “Apparently sometimes they come with acid?”
“With what?” Paint demanded.
“Not like that,” I hurried to clarify. “Some people get stomach acid splashing up their throat, just enough to hurt.”
“That’s terrible,” Paint said, concern all over her scaly orange face. “What causes it?”
“No one’s really sure. My favorite theory is that it’s evolutionary history, our brains trying to breathe with gills, but—” I paused for another hiccup. “—Pretty sure that’s not actually it.”
“Wild,” Mur said. “Here, Paint; I brought fresh batteries.”
“Oh, thank you! No wonder I couldn’t find them.”
That would have been a great time for the hiccups to stop, while the conversation had moved on, but no such luck. I leaned against the door frame and tried to breathe evenly.
Paint juggled batteries, finally setting the gravity wand on the floor to swap them out properly. After another loud hiccup, she asked, “What makes the muscle spasms go away?”
“They usually do on their own,” I said. “Some people get them for a long time, but I’ve been pretty lu-ucky.”
“Sure,” Mur said, picking up the old batteries. “Lucky.”
Paint stood back up. “Nothing makes them calm down faster?”
“There are a few things,” I admitted. “Mostly stuff to distract the person from paying attention to them, really. Drink water from the far side of a cup, get startled by something, hold your breath a long time. I usually just take a lot of deep breaths, and they go aw-ay.” I grimaced. “Not today, apparently.”
Something hard closed around both shoulders and yanked me backward into the hallway, to where open mandibles hissed in my face, surrounded by shiny black exoskeleton and terrifying faceted eyes.
“Ahhh! Good gods, Trrili!” I stumbled upright, gasping for breath as she released me with far too much smugness.
“You arrrre welcome,” Trrili purred. “Wasss that enough of a ssstarrrtle, orrr ssshould I find a nice hiding placcce to jump out frrrom?”
“I’m good; thanks!” I said. My heart was beating dangerously fast, but the hiccups were long gone.
“Hm. Disappointing,” Trrili said, dropping the hiss. “Let me know if you require further medicinal terror.” Then she glided off down the hallway on many quiet bug legs.
I shuddered a little. “Yeah. Sure. I’ll do that.”
Paint was wide-eyed, crouched to pick up the gravity wand where she’d dropped it. I’d dropped the broom too, and I hadn’t heard either of them fall. The batteries had fallen out again.
Paint asked, “Are you going to tell her next time you have those spasms?”
“Ha! No, I don’t think I will.”
“I might,” Mur said with a grin.
“Hey now,” I said sternly, bending to pick up the broom. “Don’t make me sweep flour on you.”
He laughed and danced out of range, and the three of us got back to work cleaning up with nary a hiccup.
I did sneeze at the dust, which started a whole other conversation, but at least they knew what those were.
The ongoing backstory adventures of the main character from this book. More to come! And I am currently drafting a sequel!
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bibbykins · 3 years
Cookies and Fingertips (M)
Some Jimin loving! We love to see it! I hope you all enjoy this installation as I try to figure out how to properly flesh out characters in a drabble series. Am not sure how I’m doing there but I hope you all enjoy it nonetheless. As always, tips are not required but greatly appreciated, just like your thoughts! Pls share your thoughts though, they brighten my day!
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Note: This is part of a drabble series The Household’s Bunny
Summary: You and Jimin met long before you moved in, and yet, you’re not sure if he even likes you. So what else is there to do but take every opportunity to talk to him until you figure it out? 
Jimin has had a debilitating crush on you long before you moved in and he is almost positive there is no way you’d feel the same. And yet, he doesn’t have the strength to properly avoid you.
Word Count: 4k
Warnings: 18+, soft yandere-ish, obsessive thoughts, possessive thoughts, fingering, handjob, subspace, cum eating (sorta?), discussion of hospitalization, mentions of a stalker, mentions of passing out, the word “fat” is used, a moment of thigh riding, surprise kiss, insecurity
Jimin looked across the courtyard as his eyes remained fixated on your form. You were a simple second year in college and he was just a breath away from graduating. He first laid eyes on you a mere year ago and he can't remember what life was truly like before you smiled at him. You both had only ever exchanged pleasantries, so he opted to wait for the right time to make his move.
“That’s not true.” Your voice snapped Jimin from his staring contest with the PowerPoint slides, “That’s an antiquated idea, not a proven theory.” He looked to you, a couple rows down. You were plump and cute to say the least. He recognized you from a few of his courses. He had heard you were a double major in Art and… damn, what was the other?
The man you had rebutted had his face turning red, “It is proven, it was studied in 1973 with significant results yielded.” Jimin had no idea what you both were debating but he watched a sea of student nod in agreeance with you, some with the guy. What class was he even in? He looked at the PowerPoint slides, reading them for the first time today. Ah, he was in his psych of gender class. Maybe you were a psych major.
“In 1973, with no women in the participant pool, are you not seeing the issue in making a multi-gendered generalization whilst utilizing one genders perspective, a perspective that is also quite dated, mind you?” You cocked a brow and Jimin found himself a bit amused at the man who scoffed.
“You learn those words in high school two months ago?” He snapped back and Jimin grimaced along with most of the lecture hall. 
“What? You need me to define them?” You quipped, eliciting some laughter as the professor regrouped.
“Ah, educational discourse.” The professor joked lightly as Jimin’s eyes remained fixed on you as you noticed a few lingering gazes on you, shrinking in your seat.
He saw you in the lunch hall, sitting alone, not uncommon for anyone in college, except your eyes were a bit puffy. Before he could even question the urge, he acted. Within a few steps, he was at your table and you looked up in confusion, “Uh, hi?” You meekly spoke and Jimin realized he had no plan.
“U-Uh, you… uh… do you like the cookies?” He forced out and immediately wished he could disappear.
You looked down at the cookie on your plate, “Uh, yes? Is-Is this a fat joke or do you actually want to know?” You asked cautiously.
Jimin’s eyes widened, “No, I mean yes, I mean no, I would never make fun of your weight.” He squeezed his eyes and sighed, not able to see your growing smile at his mental turmoil, “I have psych of gender with you and people rarely talk in that class so I thought you were pretty cool.” He smiled and he noticed you relax.
You nodded, smiling slightly, “Ah, I see. Thank you.” You beamed and it was like he felt the warmth from you, “I don’t do super well with attention but I also have poor impulse control.” You chuckled and he finally understood why you had cried and his heart strings were tugged a bit, “And yes, the cookies are good.” You split one in half and offered it to him.
Life goes by a lot quicker when one waits for the perfect opportunity. This much he found out quickly when he found himself a year later, looking across the courtyard at you, this time as your TA. He tried dating to get the daunting idea of talking to you after that singular interaction in which he forgot to give you his name from his mind to no avail. No matter, surely this would be the year.
”Jiminie is so hot!” Jimin continued to pretend not to hear his ex, Yoora, whine in your ear as he observed the intro to modern dance class.
You looked to her thoughtfully as you stretched, “You mean the TA, that is not that far away?” Your voice was lowered, but he could still hear you. He found himself listening closer, wondering if you remembered the singular interaction you both had. Yoora nodded in the corner of his eye.
“Yep.” She affirmed, “We dated, it was magical, and he’s still hot.” She mused and Jimin grimaced a bit, feeling bad he dated a girl that seemed to be a decent friend of yours, “Do you know him?”
Jimin perked up a bit, “We talked once, seems nice, is obviously hot.” You shrugged, “I doubt he remembers me, though.” You leaned down to reach past your left foot as Yoora urged you on with her eyes, “I had gotten into a weird debate with this one dude in a class we had and he saw me after, and I had just cried because I hate arguing and stares.” You and Yoora laughed a bit, “Then, he just came up to me and asked if I liked the cookies I were eating, and I wasn’t sure if he was calling me fat at first.” Yoora gasped and Jimin felt pain just thinking about the awkwardness, “He wasn’t, and he got cutely flustered when I asked and then I gave him half of my cookie and that’s all.” You moved to your other leg, “And then he never talked to me again.” You laughed and Jimin wanted the floor to swallow him.
Another year goes by. The day before he was going to try and ask you out, you were hospitalized. He didn't know how to even approach the topic with you, but he did try to be there for you throughout that year. The professor he was TA for insisted Jimin also utilize his emails, so all throughout your brief stay in medical care, it was him who received your bubbly emails. The emails full of little emoticons and exclamation points that made him giddy and took him hours to conceptualize a response to. Although you didn't know it was him giving you extensions and safe regards, he still meant it. 
He was practicing when he got the email, 
“Attention students, 
We have received knowledge of an incident that has resulted in the hospitalization of a student that occurred within an apartment close to campus. Proper authorities have been notified and the student is recovering well. Please remain safe and vigilant.” 
His face twisted in confusion when he got a text from the professor he was TA for that you were the student in question.
Throughout the semester, Jimin watched you with careful eyes as you slowly acclimated back to yourself. He wondered how he could have been so blinded by your smile that he couldn't properly see your eye bags or the way you looked over your shoulder when you thought no one was looking at you, or how he couldn't see he wasn't the only one looking at you. 
When you returned, he watched your eyes relax and your guard go down again. He just wished he could've been there to help you get there. He trudged home one day and found you, and then his whole world was flipped by you again.
Since moving in, he found himself way more advanced with you than he ever imagined. You would plop next to him on the couch and give him a smile, "How was your day, Jiminie?" You beamed at him each time and he nearly choked on his spit each time.
He would mumble an answer and you would hum before watching TV with him, a show he deliberately put on each time he heard you come home. Eventually, you began watching competition shows together, theorizing who would win what. It was comfortable and close, and he found himself falling for you even harder.
"Do you wanna have lunch together?" Your voice pulled him from his thoughts in the practice room he had on his floor in the building. He had agreed to help with your final. The only time he could talk to you without it being a mental nightmare was when it was about dancing. The only time he could initiate contact was in this studio. 
The studio gave him a certain air of confidence that even you could see. He wasn't a different person, more so multi-faceted. There was the shy and bumbling part of Jimin just as much as there was the sharp-eyed and focused Jimin. Not to mention the way his fingers would dance on your form as he gave you pointers made you unreasonably aroused.
Even so, determined to challenge himself, he nodded, "Lead the way." His voice was smooth even after two straight hours of practice and you wondered how he could look so hot work out clothes.
You both decided to pick up food and eat it at the studio. You sat across from each other as you ate in polite conversation. It was after you both picked up the food and sat on the floor you spoke up again, "You know, Jiminie." You started, eyes shyly fixated on the floor, "I wanted to thank you for not telling the guys about my, uh, incident a year ago." You finally looked him in the eyes, a soft smile on your face, "Not that it's a huge secret, especially on campus, but I just prefer to tell people myself." You mused.
He blinked, surprised you would thank him for something like that, "O-Of course, I mean, a lot of rumors were going around anyways, so even if I did want to tell them, I doubt I have only the facts." He shrugged, "It's not anyone else's business regardless."
You stifled a little giggle, "Yeah, some of the stories got a bit crazy." You sighed a bit, "From a stalker attacking me to me passing out in the middle of the street." Jimin looked up at you. You didn’t meet his gaze, most likely reliving the aftermath of the whole campus finding out you were hospitalized and are a cam girl in the same week. Not that you were ever hiding you job, but you just wished you could tell people on your own terms.
"Yeah, some crazy things get told in the Arts department." He murmured, "I only knew most of the facts because your TA for Professor Lee's class."
It was your turn to look up, but instead of confusion he saw a polite smile, "I know, silly." You chuckled and when you saw his confused face you looked at him incredulously, "Come on, you're Park Jimin! Of course I'm gonna know the 'hottest dance major'" You fake gushed and he finally broke a laugh, making you giddy. 
"Of all things to know me by." He shook his head, smile still present.
You studied his face as his eyes scrunched and cheeks lifted, making you smile as well, "I've never made you smile before and your smile is so pretty." You mused, "I need to step up my comedy game."
"You've never seen me smile?" He looked surprised at this, considering he always smiled like an idiot when he stared longingly at you.
"I mean, sort of, but not to this degree." You shook your head, "I was starting to think you didn't like me for a while." 
His eyes widened at this and he panicked, "No, no! I do like you, a lot!" He exclaimed, much to your amusement and to his dismay. You watched him get red with a grin.
He stammered, staring at his fork before he heard your melodious laugh. He looked up and his face softened at the sight of your smile, "You're too cute, Jiminie." You reached forward and pinched his cheek, making his breath hitch. Your cooing tone made something click inside him. He didn't want to be just cute to you, he wanted to be more than any adjective, he wanted to be yours.
He reached up, hand going to wrap around your wrist loosely, "I was the hottest a second ago and now I'm just cute?" A glint of confidence shown in his eye as he made you gulp, "Is that all you think of me, y/n?" Your own name coming from his mouth sent a shiver down your spine and a beat to your core.
You were in a trance while being eyed by the man with a vastly different energy than he had just moments ago. You shook your head lightly, "I think you're beautiful." He cocked a brow and you scrambled for more words, "I had a huge crush on you from the moment I gave you half of my cookie." You breathed before even thinking, snapping you back to reality as you watched his eyes widen, "Ah, me and my mouth!" You admonished yourself, "I didn't mean to make you uncomf-" You frantically moved to take your hand back only for his grip to tighten, pulling you forward, placing your hand at the nape of his neck while his arm wrapped around your waist.
You gulped at the newfound closeness, bodies nearly pressing against each other as he eyed you sharply, "Do you mean it?" He breathed, "You had a crush on me?" You made a move to slink away, but you he gracefully laid himself down with you on top of him, his thigh mere centimeters from your core and he gave you a mischievous smile, "Don't leave me hanging." He teased.
"I-I mean… yes, but can-"
He cut you off with a sigh and a laugh. You braced yourself for him to laugh at you, and say how weird it would be had you confessed and how weird the idea of you two together would be.
It's a song and dance you've seen many times as a hopeless romantic chubby girl. Of course, now you know you were just too much woman for such little men, emotionally little at the very least, but you would be a liar if you didn't still feel the hurt of humiliation. The last thing you wanted was to look into Jimin's eyes and find the same pitying glint, but you were nothing if not a bit brave, at least sometimes.
You forced your eyes from his chest to his gaze and found… an emotion you've only every seen in the eyes of your housemates, an emotion you don't quite know yet, even if you felt it too. At your curiosity, Jimin beamed at you further, "I'd be really frustrated right now if you weren’t on top of me." He chuckled a bit and explained further before you could ask why, "I have had such a huge crush on you for years now." You balk at this, shaking you head.
"That's not a funny joke, Jiminie." You huffed, "If I were even a bit more gullible, I would seriously believe you and then my feelings would be hurt-" He pulled you flush against him as he captured your mouth in a soft and sweet kiss. He was slow, but focused, in the way his mouth moved against yours.
Inside, though, Jimin was freaking out. What if you didn't actually want to kiss him? Why didn't he ask beforehand? Should he pull away? But your mouth feels so good. Are you kissing him back or is he just that enthusiastic?
You laid his worries to rest when you used the hand at his nape to pull him closer, mouth opening to nibble on his bottom lip. He groaned lightly, pulling you closer as his tongue mingled with your own and he pressed his thigh into the thin material of your leggings. You gasped at this and it was like a fire lit within him as he sat up and shifted you for your legs to be on both sides of him as he pressed his mouth onto yours further.
His fingertips danced along your form in a much different context than you were used to, but fuck, did it feel nice. Where one arm was securely holding your waist, his hand reached beneath your shirt, getting accustomed to the soft skin as he waited for you to nod. You wanted him to touch you further. You didn't understand what all these hot men wanted with you, but right now, it didn't matter one bit. 
Jimin's eyes rolled back when he reached in your sports bra to run his fingers over your hardened nipples. You twitched against him as you gasped, fingers intertwining with his hair roughly, "Shit." He groaned at the sensation.
You both sloppily kissed as he explored your chest with his hands, moaning into each other's mouths at the euphoria of unresolved feelings coming to fruition and the sexual tension finally snapping as you gave him unrestricted access to feel you beneath his fingertips, "Wanted this for so long." He murmurs into your mouth, "So beautiful, fuck." The praises don't stop, and only further spur you wandering hand on as you feel his sculpted stomach.
"Wanna touch you." You whine as your fingers play with the waistband of his sweats and he nods, his own hand travelling down to cup your core, making you squeak, "Fuck, I'm so wet." You realized, half embarrassed and half aroused.
You could feel his amusement as he slipped his hand beneath your tights and panties to make skin to skin contact with your soaked core, and he didn't know how he made it this far, but he just wants to keep going as he feels you soak his hand, "Yeah, baby, you are, just for me." He moans when you follow his lead, hand wrapping around his hardened erection and giving a small squeeze, "Shit!" He gasps as you wiggled your hips against his hand, grinding yourself little by little. 
Your hand massaged the head, smearing the precum as you begin stroking him. You both continue moaning into each other's mouths as his hips jerked and you twitched against his hands, "So fucking wet, baby, so sexy." He growled and he slipped a finger inside of you, him groaning at your pulsating warmth wrapped around his finger, "Slid right in, angel." He praises and you let out a choked gasp and he presses his thumb against your clit.
He drank your moans into his mouth like they were an oasis in the desert, and he’s not sure how he’s lived this long without them. Without you by his side and in his arms. He held you close, refusing to even consider loosening his grip because your body against his was bliss in the highest form. You were his, even if just in this moment, and you would be nobody else’s. Nobody could make him feel the way you do, and he, along with the other men that resided in the building, were determined to hold the same monopoly over your emotions. He refused to entertain the idea of anyone beyond this building making you feel anything close to what he was now as he pushed a second finger in, relishing in the strangled moan you gave as you babbled about feeling full.
With the excitement of his dream girl dripping against his hand and your own hand working expertly on his dick, Jimin could feel himself getting close and you could tell from the breathy whines he gave you as he began thrusting his hips in time with his fingers inside you, "Cum for me, Jiminie." You purred before licking at his tongue and he came beautifully with his eyes screwed shut and mouth open as you swiveled your hips agains his, now two, fingers.
"Baby, so good." He whined as his high settled down. He shifted all focus to you and your impending orgasm as he watched you fuck yourself onto his hand, "Feeling good, darling?" He asked teasingly and you nodded dumbly, lips pressed together as you felt your high approach, "I can feel you clenching around my fingers, fuck, you gonna cum in my hand all pretty?" He cooed and you nodded as he met your thrusts, making you clutch onto him harder.
"Can I cum?" You whimpered and Jimin could almost feel himself get hard again at how willing you were to give him the reigns.
"Because you asked so sweetly, of course my love." He let the name slip before you both could even acknowledge it consciously. However, the closeness and the intimacy of it all sent you over the edge and you bit down on his shoulder in attempt to hide how loud you were. He held you close, not minding one bit at the mark you were surely leaving as he fucked you through your orgasm, "Felt good, angel?" He mused and you tucked your face into his neck as you nodded, holding him close as his finger stilled but kept you full until he felt you relax. 
You both giggled as you met eyes, licking the other person's cum off of your hands, "Thank you Jiminie." You hummed cheerily.
"Thank you, bunny." He chided before giving you a kiss, "We all really, really, like you, you know that right?" He asked and noticed your hesitation.
"Sure, but people can be sexually attracted to me and not want to… be with me." You spoke wistfully, "People can like me and not want to be with me." You let out a humorless laugh, "And few things make me feel as dumb as getting my hopes up for no reason." Although you had a tendency to do it time and time again.
"Don't be scared to assume we want you as much as you, hopefully, want us." He spoke quickly before he planted another kiss on you and the affection made you smile.
"You realize the irony of the statement coming from you, right?" You chuckled as he helped you stand on shaky legs before just carrying you, "I cum once for you and all of sudden you know everything and are all confident." You chided, unsure how to process his words yet, mind hazy from your orgasm.
"What can I say? You opened my third eye." He joked and you rolled your eyes before leaning your head on his shoulder, enjoying his embrace, the idea of your housemates loving you back seeming just slightly less like an outlandish fantasy, "Although, it will wear off and then we'll have to do it all over again." He sighed dramatically and you giggled.
"What a shame." You fake gasped, "I hate engaging in sexual relations with hot guys." You complained sarcastically.
"So you do think I'm hot!" Jimin cheered triumphantly.
You laughed against him and realized the only times you felt so free were with your beloved housemates. You wondered if they felt the same. You also found a more insecure part wondering for how long they would feel that way. How long would it be until a girl, or several, much prettier than you or less needy catches their attention. You wondered if you could take the pain of watching the sincerity drain from their eyes just as you've seen in your mom, your dad, your uncle, your first relationship to your last. You wondered what it was about you that made it so easy to be left behind.
Jimin's phone pinged, ripping you from your melancholic thoughts. He sighed, pulling it out and you fought the urge to see if it was another person vying for his romantic attention. He didn't belong to you, even if you wanted him to, "Ah, Namjoon wants to know if you want the demo for the new zombie game he's working on and Jin wants to know if you'd like your first pick of the new stickers he got, and Hoseok wants to try a new hairstyle on you and ah, they all sent me something to ask you…. Gosh, they all think I'm your secretary when we're together." He whined and you held onto him tighter with a light laugh as he went through everyone's inquiries for you.
You also found yourself how you went on this long without them and how you could even consider hesitating if they asked you to stay with them for much longer.
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sabraeal · 2 years
Keeping Up with the Joneses
[Read on AO3]
Written for @aeroplaneblues for her birthday! When I asked Anne what she would like for her birthday this year, she suggested we do a birthday exchange-- she drew me a wonderful piece for All Pain Turns to Medicine; and in return, she asked me for an AU I’d already been hoping to get an excuse to write: a Spy x Family AU!
Marta doesn’t often take the train, not at her age. Oh no, old women like her are sedentary creatures, staying in their gingham kitchens with their Wedgewood china while they wait for their children to call. Maybe they might get out for a walk, just to the market and back, to get dinner and see what they neighbors were up to. Why only last week, Dita’s youngest fell from a tree and broke his clavicle, and Lotte’s granddaughter eloped with the postman. Not the one from their village, of course; Arnie was seventy if he were a day, and due to work until the hour his poor body gave up the ghost-- probably delivering the post, too.
But today, she was supposed to be on the train. All fine and good for her; it’s been some time since she went into town, and even if she can’t afford any of the fancy frocks on King’s Street-- ah, Chancellor’s Street, now-- then she can at least get a good look at them. All she needs is a few minutes, and she’ll be able to whip them up with her own machine, maybe even make a second for her daughter, if it’s fashionable enough to please her.
The car lurches to a stop, but Marta’s used to the rhythm of it; she hardly drops a stitch. Back when she was a girl, it’d take a town or two for those big steam engines to slow to a stop, creaking and carrying on the entire time, great gouts of steam spewing from their stacks. Now they stop on a dime without so much as a by-your-leave.
She preferred it, to be honest. All these sleek engines were fine enough, but if you were going to ride faster than a horse could gallop, well, there was nothing wrong with a little drama. Well deserved, in her opinion.
Ah, but that’s not what the children like nowadays. No, it’s all clean lines, shiny and chrome, hurtling toward the future without a care for what came first. Why, when she was a young woman--
“Excuse me, ma’am.”
Marta glances up from her stitching, expecting the sort that’s usually heading toward the city, all shuttered eyes and wary expressions. Jaded, that’s what they call it, all above the finest suits the continent has to offer. Style over substance.
Instead, she’s met by wide eyes set over a wider smile, the sort of earnest innocence she hasn’t seen since she was a girl, not much older than the one in front of her. Her suit might be cut close and cinched like the ones in town, but put her in a skirt and shirt and she could have walked right off the farm.
“I’m sorry to bother you when you’re working so hard.” One neat hand gestures to the seat across from her. “But may I sit here?”
She should say no; there’s a body she’s waiting for, one supposedly getting on at this very stop. But still, Marta takes in that autumn red twisted above her tweed and tastes crisp in her mouth, the brisk breezes of her youth chapping her cheeks.
“Well,” she says, straightening on the vinyl. There’s plenty of room for another passenger, should one come along. “I don’t see why not.”
Those pretty eyes crinkle at the edges. “You’re too kind, Miss...?”
“Kino.” A lady doesn’t shake hands-- no matter what’s in fashion now-- but Marta does bob her head, a gesture the girl returns with an even sweeter smile. “Are you traveling far--?”
The speakers crackle overhead, a terrible noise. “Next stop,” it announces with a man’s hard voice, “Express to Tanbarun City. End of the line.”
“Ah,” Marta sighs. “I suppose not.”
Humor catches light in her eyes, setting all its facets sparkling. “It’s a long enough ride between these two stops, so I’ve heard. And I’ve already traveled quite a bit already.”
“Is that so?” She’s not in practice of putting down her stitching once she’s started, not even for the people she waits for, but there’s such a becoming flush to the girl’s cheeks, Marta can’t help but find herself drawn in. “What brings you all the way to town? Can’t imagine you’re going for the shopping, the way I am.”
“Oh, I’m afraid it’s not for anything interesting.” The girl waves a hand, too humble. “Just work.”
“Work?” Marta blinks, taking in that pretty suit again, unassuming with its olive tweed, and retakes her measure. “You might not think that’s remarkable, but when I was your age, a girl wasn’t allowed to have an occupation. Just a baby in each arm and house she kept for her husband. But here you are, going to the city.”
The young lady flushes; it’s not the precise sort of pink that’s considered pretty nowadays, but there’s something honest in it. “Oh, it’s nothing. Really!”
“Now what is it you do?” She has the sort of face that could sell flowers, or maybe cakes straight from the bakery window. School mistress wouldn’t be out of the question, save that the capital’s a long way to travel for that salary. “Keep shop? Oh, but you’re dressed so sharply, you must be a secretary for someone very important.”
Marta’s hardly prepared for the rueful smile she gives. “A doctor, actually. For the hospital at Lilias.”
Her mouth works. “A...a doctor. Oh my. At Lilias?” The foremost hospital in the country didn’t just hire anyone, not when the Chancellor was one of their patients. “That’s very...prestigious. Are you a, ah, pediatrician perhaps? Or maybe one of those, what do they call them? The skin people.”
“Dermatologists,” the young lady corrects, so polite. To think, she’s a doctor. She hardly looks old enough to sit at a bar, let alone save a life. “And no. I’m a gynecologist. And obstetrician, of course.”
“Oh my.” She might as well be a broken record for as much as she’s been saying that lately. “I hear that’s where the Chancellor sends his wife. Maybe you’ll see her, er...”
There’s no delicate way to complete that thought, no way to wish her success that wouldn’t imply something improper. Still, the woman smiles, wider this time, if a bit distracted. “I hope so, Mrs Kino.”
Marta’s hands twitch, reaching for her stitching if only for something to do. Anything to keep her eyes from wandering, to keep her from wondering whatever happened to the one she was supposed to meet, the one from--
“Approaching Tanbarun City. Final Stop, Tanbarun city,” the speaker cracks, loud enough to make her jump. “Please make sure to remove all your luggage before exiting the car.”
“Oh my, do you mind if I take that paper? The one just under your arm-- yes, there.” Two of her slender fingers resting on the paper’s edge, right where it reads TANBARUN CITY TIMES.
“Oh...” Marta stares down, looking at the bright red 14 written at the top, circled twice. “I’m afraid I’m simply...there’s someone...”
“Ah, of course.” Her eyelashes flutter, nervous, but those fingers don’t move. “But you see, I’m looking for an apartment. Do you think there might be one on White Street?”
Marta drags her gaze up, meeting those wide eyes, green as the fields in spring. If the girl hardly looked like a doctor, she looked even less like-- like--
Expect them on the train to Tanbarun City, the message had said yesterday morning, buried in a personal ad about tropical fish. Last stop before the capital. They’ll ask about an apartment on White Street.
“Oh dear.” Her arm lifts, numb. “You better go ahead then. I hear those ones sell like hotcakes the moment they open up.”
“Then it’s a good thing I’m starting early.” Her mouth quirks as she takes the paper, more rueful than sly, but when she glances over it’s with genuine interest. “What is it you’ve been working on, Mrs Kino? I haven’t had the chance to take a very good look.”
“Bees,” she says, stilted, tipping the hoop toward her. “I’ve always quite liked them.”
“Bees,” the girl breathes with a nod. “Code B.”
Marta can only stare as she opens the paper, this girl with the face of her childhood, murmuring, “What’s the world come to when girls like you have to do jobs like this?”
Again, her mouth twists, regret in every wrinkle. “The one we live in.”
She flips it to the first page, pressing it flat on the table, and then, then--
“Oh.” The blood drains from her face, eyes glued to the headline. “Oh no.”
It’s only because the cypher gives her an address that Shirayuki has anywhere to go. Any purpose being in this city, since now, it’s clear, she has none. Not when every corner holds a flag at half mast, and over every doorway hangs a swag of black. On the street corner, the paper boys call out the only headline anyone cares to hear: Extra, extra! The First Lady of Tanbarun Has Died!
She nods when the super offers to show her around the apartment, pointing out the extra bedrooms, the extravagant square footage. It had taken months for Clarines Intelligence to hunt down a place like this, humble yet chic, not too run down for a royal physician but also not too grasping, something that wouldn’t draw too much attention with a single woman living in it. To hear Zen talk, the Director had rejected almost fifty flats out of hand before he finally-- reluctantly-- put his stamp on this one. And now the only amenity she cares to hear about is--
“A phone?” Her head whips around. “Did you say there was a phone?”
“Oh, yes.” The super grins, puffed with pride. He’s a larger man, at least in one dimension, looking positively jolly when he tells her, “A private line, too. No need to share with the neighbors! The city just came by to install it a week ago, free of charge.”
The city. She stifles a sigh. The Director’s truly brazen, sending men to impersonate the government.
Still, once she’s finally seen the super out, it’s hard to fault him. It’s never been the plan to speak over the wire, not when it was child’s play-- Kiki’s words, not hers-- to tap one. But there’s still a number scrawled in her address book, filed under “Sampson, Osamu S.” that’s for emergency use. Not something to use on the first day, but, well-- her first day is an emergency.
Making a call like this is already twisting her nerves in knots, but just the thought of making it on a party line, having to twist this situation into something so oblique the nosy ladies in the building can’t find it suspicious enough to report...
Shirayuki grimaces, anxiety building with each turn of the dial. Sometimes one has to be grateful for small miracles. Even if they’re orchestrated by a meddlesome Director.
“Shirayuki?” Her stomach twists at the familiar voice, thick with sleep. It’s only nine, and already this whole mission has fallen to pieces. “Is that you? Are you all--?”
“Darling,” she says, clipping her words to keep them from shaking. “I have bad news.”
“D-dar--?” Zen coughs, feet hitting the floor with a thump. Or at least, she’s hoping its just his feet. “W-what is--?”
“It’s the dishwasher.” Her heels clack as she paces the floor, leashed by the phone’s coiled cord. “It looks like the unit doesn’t have one, even after we paid all that money to have it installed.”
“Dishwasher?” His voice is crisper now, more awake. “What do you--? What’s going on?”
“Super says the dang thing didn’t arrive, can you believe it?” Shirayuki claps her hand over her mouth, stifling the squeak on that last word. She can’t do this; she’s a doctor, not a spy, but still, still-- 
With a shake, she continues, too bright, “I called the company though, and it’s the damnedest thing. They think it’s gone to the wrong apartment. Do you think you could check the, uh, papers?”
“For the address.” Her fingers tangle in the cord, the only thing keeping her grounded. “You know, in case I made a mistake. Silly me.”
His snap is muffled through the phone, but she can make out, “Get me the paper. Tanbarun Times, on my desk, yesterday. There we are. Now--” the line goes utterly, terribly silent, a clear sky before a storm. “Damn. Damn. The First Lady--”
“Oh, yes, it definitely looks like I’m the first lady to live here,” she giggles, tight and nervous. “And those pictures we saw of the bedrooms were certainly generous. Our mattress looks so big in there! Maybe we need to change the scale of things.”
“Right.” Zen’s breath shudders through the line, his distress enough to make even her knees wobble. “Change the scale. I-- I think we can do that. Just let me--” she can just imagine him now, eyes closed, nose pinched between his finger; how between one blink and the next he’d grow steady, a solid place to put her weight upon-- “just hang on, honey. I’ll see this gets all sorted out.”
“Thank you.” Relief radiates down her spine, her limbs trembling. “I don’t know how I would have handled this all myself.”
“Don’t worry about it.” This is where he’d lay a hand on her shoulder if she was with him, exuding the sort of easy confidence only man like him can. “It’ll be handled. Just...take care. Until I see you again.”
Her breath catches. “Right, right. Until I see you.”
The line goes dead, silence ringing in her ears. And into it, Shirayuki scowls.
“All right.” She glares down at the dial, hoping it travels through the wire as well as her voice does. “I know you’re there.”
It’s silent for a long moment, just that empty space of a line disconnected, but-- then there’s a laugh.
“Oh, what?” Izana Wisteria, Director of Clarines Intelligence hums. “No darlings for me?”
 “You must understand, Ms Lyon,” the Director begins, once she’s taken a seat. She’s found most conversations with him are improved upon by sitting down, preferably with a strong drink. Unfortunate that he didn’t see fit to send her a housewarming gift; she’s missed the wines here, and with his budget, he could afford the best. “We are in a tight spot with regards to Tanbarun.”
It’s impossible to imagine the Director ever being in a tight spot, not unless it was one of his own making. “So there won’t be any rescue.”
“I wasn’t under the impression that you were the sort of woman that needed rescuing.” If she closes her eyes, she can picture his smirk, so self-satisfied and sly where he lounges behind his desk. “This is your dream, isn’t it? A post at the much vaunted Lilias Hospital. The opportunity to work with like-minded colleagues that can keep up with you.”
Her cheeks burn against the receiver. “That was a private conversation. And I believe I said keep pace, not...that.”
“You should know by now, Ms Lyon, but privacy is merely a matter of how many ears you perceive hearing you, not how many there are.” His drawl rankles, but the Director’s not in the habit of leaving her space to reply. Oh no, instead he tells her, “You’ll stay at Lilias for the time being.”
I earned this position myself, she wants to say, I don’t need your permission to keep it.
“I thank you for the opportunity,” she manages instead, words eking through her teeth. “But really, I don’t think this arrangement--”
“I understand that your mission’s parameters have changed.” She can hear his grin as he adds, “You can hardly serve as a private physician without your patient. However, it would take us years to place someone in as trusted position as yours. Very few people can come across the border and have the potential to access to the First Family so quickly.”
“I’m a doctor, Izana.” Her fingers clench white around the cord. “Not one of your assets. I only agreed to this because it was supposed to help--”
“It still will,” he insists. “Just in a different capacity than the one we planned for you. One that won’t interfere with your duties at the hospital.”
“Why me?” It’s the same question she’s been asking since he approached her with this offer. She’s simply a doctor, not some diplomat trained in the ways to keep countries at peace. “Don’t you have anyone else who can--?”
“No.” The word freezes her to the tips of her toes. “Didn’t you read past today’s headline?”
“I...” The paper’s just on the table, within arm’s reach. It only takes two fingers to pull it toward her, a pinch to open it. Print sprays down its columns, tight and concise, and it takes a moment for her eyes to focus, for them to find-- “Oh.”
TANBARUN SECRET SERVICE BUSTS ESPIONAGE RING IN CAPITAL. Beneath it, there’s a picture of three men on the ground, the masked servicemen putting knees into their backs. Clarines corruption ranges far and wide so close to home!
“There are others,” Izana murmurs, softer now. “Positioned well for the game we thought we would be playing. But now it will take time to gain the toehold we lost. You’re our best bet at getting close enough to the Chancellor to make a difference.”
“All right,” she breathes, fingertips brushing over the woman in the corner, sobbing as a serviceman hauls her away. “What do I need to do?”
“That depends.” She can hear his smile as he says, “How do you feel about children?”
This meeting is going on forever. Ren might be getting paid by the hour, but this is ridiculous.
“You think this guy can get on with it?” he huffs, leaning against a pillar. “I know it’s the dream to blow your wad on girls and cigars, but c’mon. It’s been two hours.”
“What?” Jun huffs, his ugly mug getting uglier as he grins. “Jealous he can last that long?”
“Fuck you. They’re just eating or whatever.” He shrugs. “Seems a waste when they’re nickel n’ diming you every minute. Not like it matters to them if they get dinner first.”
Jun’s hulking shoulders lift and split like mountains. “It’s the principle of the thing. You get some girls, you show them a good time, you f--”
They both straighten, glaring at the elevator as the arrow settles on 13. This floor. One that the boss had made sure to rent out, all private-like.
“Is there another girl?” Jun asks, getting to his feet.
Ren squints like he might be able to see through the metal if he tried hard enough. “He’s already got four. What’s he gonna do with another? Human body doesn’t even got that many holes.”
The doors slide open, slow like a striptease, and standing there--
It’s some guy. Average height, dark hair, dressed to the nines in some suit Ren knows didn’t come off the rack. Foreign, now that he’s got a good look. Not from around here.
“You think the boss sent for him?” he mutters, but Jun shakes his head. “Hey, you lost, pal?”
“Dunno.” The guy shrugs, tugging at his glove. “This where the party is?”
“Party?” Jun frowns at him. “Don’t think you’re invite--”
He never finishes his sentence. He’s too busy trying to pull the knife from his throat.
“Let’s try this again.” The guy saunters up, hard soles clacking against the marble. With one tug, blood sprays across the floor, spattering onto his cuff. Jun hits the floor. “That’s gonna be hell to get out. Anyway.” He spins toward Ren, knife pointing toward the door. “That where the party is?”
Oh hell, he’s not paid enough for this. “Y-yeah.”
The guy nods. “Brennan?”
His mouth splits into a grin. “Good. Hate to get the wrong guy.”
The double doors on that room took both him and Jun to open, but this guy flings them wide, standing there like some maestro in front of his ensemble. Like he’s the conductor, and oh boy, is this band gonna play. “Councilman Brennan?”
“Wh-who are you?” the boss cries out, but Ren can’t bear to look. Not when he closes his eyes and all he sees is red. “Get this man out of here.”
“Terribly sorry to interrupt.” Another knife leaps to his hand, the way cards do during a trick, but oh, Ren knows this one won’t shock and amaze. “But may I have the honor of taking your life?”
17 notes · View notes
Real? Not Real?
Prompt: Uh hello, I just wanna day that I really really love your work. I came across it this morning and I’ve been binging it all day, and you are a REALLY good writer :) if it’s not too much to ask (and feel free to ignore this), could I request one of the Sides (preferably Janus) having a bad day and derealizing and another one (preferably Patton or Remus, but really any work) comforting them and helping them get grounded? Maybe something that is after the wedding, with everyone at odds with each other so no one notices at first?
Thanks for the prompt, babe!
Read on Ao3
Warnings: disassociation, derealizing, some things that could be interpreted as self-destruction
Pairings: none, other than platonic moceit and dukeceit
Word Count: 2287
The wall is yellow.
 The wall isn’t yellow. 
The wall is yellow. 
Janus pushes his door closed and sighs, leaning against the wood and taking his hat off. He scruffs a hand through his hair and lets his head thunk against the door.
 “Well,” he mutters, “that wasn’t exhausting.”
 The conversation had dragged on for hours; from picking apart every little idiosyncrasy and explaining every other word, it’s a wonder he had any energy left to even sink to his room.
 Well, he didn’t. That’s the point.
 He heaves himself up off the floor, stumbling a little when his body decides that no, actually, we’re going to remain on the floor because we dislike you personally.
 “Thank you,” he grits out as he fights the urge to collapse back to the floor, “no, really, I wanted to be able to fall over as soon as I tried to move.”
 When the floor looks like it stops spinning for a few seconds at a time, he reaches for his cane and shuffles over to the desk. The chair creaks a little in protest as he all but collapses into it. He tosses his hat toward the coat rack, missing terribly, and rips his gloves off.
Janus cups his hand around his wrist, biting back a curse as the glove catches on the underside of an older scale. He glances around. The first-aid kit is on the other shelf.
 He could just…stretch out and get it? Probably? He swallows and reaches. And reaches. And reaches.
 Why—why can’t he touch the shelf?
 Controlling limbs gets exponentially easier the longer and more disembodied they get. All the time.
 Janus grits his teeth and concentrates, closing his eyes until his fingers bump against the shelf.
 “Thank you,” he mutters as he brings the first aid kit back to his side. “That was certainly the picture of compliance.”
 The first aid kit, because it is an inanimate object—or rather, a collection of inanimate objects—says nothing.
 Trying to apply first aid one-handed is such fun. He ends up holding back the sleeve with his teeth as he rubs the ointment onto the patch left by the scale. The wrapper sticks to his fingers with the determination of a static-filled leech, refusing to budge even as he pries it off with one hand only for it to attach viciously to the other.
 “Get off!”
 It flutters down to lay infuriatingly close to the trash can.
 Or is it in the trash can?
 He reaches down to pick it up and put it inside. He can’t feel it through his gloves. So he takes them off. Maybe then it won’t get stuck. It lands in the trashcan noiselessly.
 Muttering to himself, he gets his gloves on their spot on his desk and goes about getting the rest of this stuff off. Snakes aren’t supposed to run warm, so why can’t he feel anything?
 He goes to undo the clasp on his cape only for his fingers to meet the soft fabric of his shirt. Oh. He must’ve taken it off already. Wait, did he even put it on when he left?
 He glances over to see it hanging on the hook by the door. Exactly where it was when he woke up this morning. Or was it? Wasn’t it draped over his chair? No, that was when he was about to leave.
 No, he put it on his doorknob, didn’t he? To make sure he didn’t forget it?
 But he never forgets his cape.
 Janus shakes his head, immediately regretting it when the action sends him into a dizzy spell. God, why is he so tired?
 It doesn’t matter, he decides, because he was going to take his cape off but now he doesn’t have to because it’s already off. So he can take his shirt off now.
 But first, he should take his gloves off. Trying to undo shirt buttons with gloves on is a tedious process.
 His fingers scratch the bandage over a spot on his hand. That’s funny. He doesn’t feel any pain coming from it. Maybe it’s healed already?
 No, no, he just put that bandage on.
 “Get yourself together,” he scolds himself, going to undo the buttons, “you’re being ridiculous.”
 Is he, though?
 He spent so long observing and mirroring the others today, just to get in the habit of it when he needs to, that is it really a surprise that he can’t really remember what his own limbs are doing?
 Yes. Yes, it is.
 His shirt lies in the corner. He doesn’t remember putting it there. He’s still wearing it, he hasn’t gotten all the buttons off yet. His fingers touch his bare scales. Oh. Maybe he has.
 Why does it look like it’s the wrong color?
 Janus squints hard at the offending pile of fabric lurking in the corner. As he stares, the fabric moirés into a dizzying display. He blinks. That shirt isn’t patterned. It’s just a plain white shirt. Why is it doing that? Is it doing that? Are Janus’s eyes doing that?
 He crosses the room, stumbling a little as he gets up—since when has that table been there?—and grabs the shirt. It folds and bends and warps around his fingers. It should be cool to the touch. The fabric is soft, normally.
 He can only tell he’s supposedly squeezing it from the wrinkles that appear around his fists.
 “This doesn’t belong here,” he mutters, going to put it in the laundry basket.
 The laundry basket is not where it’s supposed to be.
 Did he leave it downstairs? That’s always a risky move; Remus will capitalize on any opportunity to completely and utterly destroy any abandoned object. He turns to go rescue his laundry basket only for it to appear out of the corner of his eye.
 Has it been there the whole time?
 Janus frowns. He looks at the laundry basket, he looks at the shirt, he looks at his cape, he looks at his gloves.
 The bandage on his wrist should be itching.
 It isn’t.
 Why not?
 He smiles to himself and lets the shirt fall to the ground.
 Right, how could he forget?
 This isn’t real.
 None of this is real. He doesn’t exist. He is a figment of Thomas’s imagination, created as part of an elaborate plan to explore personality facets for entertainment purposes. He is not real. He cannot exist in any way that matters.
 That is why the first aid kit won’t speak to him. That is why his shirt creates patterns that are impossible. That is why the laundry basket keeps appearing and disappearing. They’re not real. None of it is real.
 He is not real.
 The walks flicker a pale white as he sinks slowly to the ground, staring up at the fake ceiling. The floor is not solid under him. His legs do not groan and scream in protest as he lies his nonexistent weight across them. His eyes do not fog up. His head does not throb. The door does not feel like a cage, trapping him in a spiral of down, down, down.
 Nothing is real.
 Least of all time.
 “Janus, are you in there?”
 “Snake-Face, if you don’t open up right this instant, I swear—“
 “Kiddo, you never came down for dinner, we’re worried, are you alright?”
 “I’m gonna break this fucking door down.”
 “Remus, no—!”
 A loud thud does not startle him awake. His eyes do not fly open. His body does not refuse to respond as chunks of wood fly all over his room. The walls do not look like they’re transparent as someone peers at him. They are not real.
 “Janus? Oh my goodness, Janus!”
 Patton. Patton is also not real. That is okay.
 Patton does not rush across the floor to him and fall to his knees. His eyes aren’t welled up with tears that he bravely tries to fight back, smiling down at him. Patton’s hands do not cup his face tenderly. He doesn’t say anything.
 He cannot speak. Real things cannot speak.
 “Kiddo, can you hear me?” Patton does not stroke his thumb gently over his cheek. “Can you breathe?”
 Real things do not breathe.
 “Fuck,” Remus does not swear, “he’s derealizing again.”
 “He’s what?”
 “Derealizing.” Remus does not run to crouch beside them. Remus does not gently tuck his hands under his legs to lift them into a more comfortable position. “Gets stuck in his own head, caught up in his own lies.”
 Patton does not help Remus. He does not cradle his head and lift it up. The pillow suddenly under his head is not real, not soft, not pleasantly cool. His hand does not stay in his hair, stroking gently.
 “He’s overcorrecting,” Remus does not murmur, “convincing himself that nothing is real.”
 “Oh, kiddo,” Patton doesn’t sigh, doesn’t ruffle his hair gently, “you’re real, kiddo, stay with us.”
 “He’s not gonna believe you, Daddio.”
 “Then what do we do?”
 “You’re not gonna like it,” Remus doesn’t say.
 He doesn’t get up and leave. Patton doesn’t stay, still stroking his hand through his hair soothingly. Is it soothing? Does it feel soft? Caring?
 Patton—Patton is caring, right?
 “It’s gonna be okay, sweetheart,” Patton doesn’t—does?—murmur, “you’ll get through this, okay? You’ll get through this, I know you will.”
 Oh, Remus is back. Is? Isn’t? Is Remus real?
 “Just hold this, okay?”
 “It’s really warm, are you sure—?”
 “That’s what the towel’s for.”
 Remus doesn’t crouch back down next to him. Patton isn’t gripping whatever Remus just gave him in his fist. He doesn’t look worried.
 Wait, why is he worried?
 He cries out in surprise when something freezing presses to his stomach. Cold. Cold, cold—
 “Shh, easy, Snakey,” Remus soothes—wait, doesn’t soothe? Is Remus real?—immediately replacing the cold with something warm, warm, warm, “it’s okay, it’s gone now, you did great, just stay here, okay?”
 “Yeah, Jan-Jan, it’s me, I’m right here, can you grab onto me?”
 He can’t, he’s not real, Remus isn’t real, but Remus is right there—
 “There you go,” Remus encourages when his fingers hook through the ends of his sleeves, “you got me, okay? I’m not going anywhere.”
 “Why—what happened? Why are you here?”
 “You never came down to dinner, kiddo,” Patton says, stroking his solidwarmreal hand through his hair again, “we got worried. No one could call you and the room wasn’t letting us sink.”
 Well of course it wasn’t, it isn’t real.
 “How did—“ he gasps— “how did you know I was here?”
 Patton frowns, tilting his head. “Because we care about you, kiddo, you’re important to us.”
 How can he be important when he isn’t real?
 “Hey,” Remus says sharply, giving his wrist a little tug, “no drifting off again, Snakey, stay here.”
 “Yeah.” Remus presses the hot pad into his stomach and oh, it’s so warm, it has to be real. “Right here, Jan-Jan. You feel this?”
 “This is real. This is real. I’m really here, I’m really holding this to your real stomach. You’re real. The floor is real. Patton’s real.”
 Patton’s real?
 “I’m real, sweetheart,” Patton says softly, still rubbing his hand through his hair, “and so are you.”
 He opens his mouth to try and breathe. If he’s real, he should be able to breathe…right?
 “That’s it, kiddo, good.” The hand in his hair moves again. “Just lie there and breathe for a moment, okay?”
 He looks over at Remus. Remus starts to rub little circles into his stomach with the warm towel.
 “Stay here, stay real, Snakey,” he encourages, “just focus on this.”
 The floor becomes solid under him again. Patton’s hand, his voice, he can hear them. Feel them. He blinks at Remus, real Remus, still working patiently.
 He must make some noise because Remus pauses, looking up at him. Then he takes the towel and reaches up to slowly, slowly brush it over his cheek.
 The tears that spring to his eyes at the tenderness of the gesture certainly feel real.
 “Oh, kiddo,” Patton whispers, pulling him into a solidwarmreal chest, “it’s okay, shh, you’re safe, you’re real, everything’s okay.”
 He gasps again, trapped in the warmth of Patton’s embrace. Remus scoots in behind them, wrapping his arms tightly through the limbs that still don’t want to work.
 “Why can’t I move,” he chokes out, “why can’t I move?”
 “You’re exhausted, sweetheart,” comes Patton’s soft reply, “you overworked yourself today.”
 “But I can’t feel them!”
 “Here,” he whispers, gently squeezing one of his arms, “can you feel that?”
 “O-only a little.”
 “How about here…and here…there.”
 Patton’s hands are so warm and solid and real.
 “Yeah, kiddo, I’m right here.”
 “I’m here too, Snakey, we gotcha.”
 “Am I—is this—“ he swallows unsteadily— “is this…real?”
 “Yeah, kiddo,” Patton murmurs as Remus strokes firmly up and down his back, “this is real.”
 Patton is real, solid and warm against him. Remus is real, solid and warm behind him.
 Janus opens his eyes and stares at the yellow wall.
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cherienymphe · 4 years
Protect & Serve IV (Steve Rogers x Reader)
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➥ {page breaks done by @whimsicalrogers}
summary:  escaping an ugly past, you have no choice but to return home. While much has remained the same, Officer Rogers is a new addition who has won over the hearts of the town in your absence. And no one believes you when you start to see him for who he really is
You didn’t sleep at all that night. Not because someone was banging on your house and skulking about your yard, but rather…the opposite. He didn’t come, and you were left alone with no one but you and your thoughts. You didn’t even know why you weren’t referring to him by name.
Steve Rogers.
Officer Steve Rogers.
Officer Rogers was the one who’d been making your nights a living hell for weeks, and the thought made you want to hurl. In fact, that was exactly what you did. As soon as you’d gathered yourself enough to stand, you’d run straight to the bathroom, throwing up for several minutes. Your vision was blurry, body trembling as you hugged the toilet.
Your mind whirled as you fought to make sense of everything. At first, you’d tried to convince yourself that your mind was doing that thing again. Coming up with the most outrageous theories, but the more you thought on it…the more sense it made.
Didn’t police respond to emergency calls based upon who was closest? Steve responded to every single one of your calls, and you remembered that sometimes he wasn’t alone. Was Officer Barnes in on it too? He had to be. They always came in the same car.
You suddenly jumped up, remembering that you’d given the dark-haired cop that blood sample. Steve’s blood sample. His best friend’s blood sample. You pressed your hand to your mouth, feeling like you were going to be sick again.
Officer Romanoff had said that the lab results could be back any day now, but… What if they had never been sent off to begin with? You wanted to cry, and with a start, you realized that you were. Tears were skipping down your face, and for the first time in a long time, you noted that they were tears from fear.
Should you go to the police?
You shook that thought from your mind. Your problem was the police, and what would happen to you if you ran in there to tell them about a crooked, possibly two, cop in their midst? Surely it would get back to Steve, and now knowing what you knew, there was no telling what the man was capable of.
You’d stayed up all night, stewing over what to do. You’d gone over every option there was, and it seemed that the best course of action was to simply leave town. God, you were so tired of running, but this situation was much different from your last.
Sure, Aldrich had money, and had definitely used it to his advantage when escaping the law, but even the luck of someone like him had to run out sometime. He wasn’t completely untouchable. Steve… Steve was the law. You could confront him, and he’d arrest you for whatever charge was believable, and there was no doubt in your mind who they’d be more inclined to listen to.
The thought that Steve could do whatever he wanted and get away with it was a terrifying one. Hell, he had been doing whatever he wanted and had gotten away with it. More tears collected behind your eyes, thinking about the fact that he’d been harassing you during the day and the night. He’d pretty much been in control of every facet of your daily life, and you wondered to yourself…
What did he want?
Was he truly so angry that you’d turned him down? You let out a humorless chuckle, thinking to yourself that you should’ve just gone on the stupid date to save yourself all of this strife. Another part of you argued against that, telling you there was no telling what would have happened on that date or what would have happened after.
It was in the early hours of the morning, and you were packing now. You’d finally made up your mind to just get the hell out of dodge. You didn’t have time to pack up everything and properly move, so a suitcase worth of clothes would do until you sorted everything out. You’d stay in a hotel for a while, whatever it took to get away from him.
You contemplated going by the diner first to see Wanda. You didn’t want a repeat of last time. You wanted to keep in touch, but you decided that your safety came first. You could always look the phone number to the diner up and reconnect with her later. You had just locked up your house, turning towards your car with your suitcase in hand, when a police cruiser pulled into your yard.
Your heart stopped, and you tightened your grip on the handle of your suitcase. Relief did not fill you when none other than Officer Barnes stepped out of the car. You swallowed, warily eyeing him. You were almost positive that he was in on it with Steve. You weren’t sure, but the evidence was damning.
He sent you a friendly smile as he approached you, and you did not return it.
He never smiled at you.
“Morning, Ms. Y/L/N,” he greeted.
“Morning,” you mumbled back.
He stopped at the bottom of your steps, lifting one foot to rest on the bottom step as he looked up at you, blue eyes unreadable. You watched the way they traveled from your face to your suitcase and back.
“Going somewhere?”
You thought about telling him the truth, knowing he’d relay it to Steve, thinking that it would make him happy to see you go, but… You didn’t exactly know why Steve was doing this to you. You didn’t know his motive nor his endgame, so maybe it was best to keep him in the dark.
“Not anytime soon,” you joked, forcing a chuckle. “I’m just going to drop some things off at Goodwill…”
The dark-haired man hummed, nodding as he studied you.
“What brings you here so early in the morning?” you casually asked, moving to walk past him.
“Truthfully…Steve,” he answered.
You frowned, heart skipping a beat, and you were glad that your back was to him as you made your way to your car.
“Steve?” you wondered over your shoulder.
Bucky hummed.
“He was worried about you. Said you seemed pretty upset yesterday…”
You slid your suitcase into the backseat, pursing your lips before shutting the door and turning to face him.
“Upset?” you repeated.
You didn’t like the way he eyed you, and it was then that you knew… Your suspicions were correct. There seemed to be an unspoken battle between you two, both of you trying to figure the other out, seeing who’d slip up first. You had been through this a million times with Aldrich…
“He said that you…seemed confused and distraught…accusing him of some pretty awful things…”
You blinked, lips parting before letting out a soft scoff.
“Oh my God, you’re right. I did,” you guiltily replied. “I’ve been so stressed lately, and Officer Rogers has been nothing but kind to me, and I completely misinterpreted it.”
Bucky appeared to be shocked by your response.
“I’m still working through things, trying to undo a lot of what my ex-husband did. I took it out on Officer Rogers, and I feel terrible.”
He didn’t respond right away, simply eyeing you before slowly nodding. You turned to slide into your driver’s seat, glancing up at him with a small smile.
“Will he be working today? I’d really like to apologize to him properly. If not, I suppose that I can go up to his house later,” you offered.
He ran his eyes over you, the corner of his mouth quirking upwards ever so slightly.
“No…he isn’t in today,” he eventually replied.
“Then I’ll stop by his house later then. If not later then definitely in the morning,” you told him.
The two of you just stared at each other for a moment before he smiled at you.
“I’m sure he’ll appreciate that. Drive safe, Ms. Y/L/N.”
He moved to leave, and you stopped him.
“I also wanted to ask you about the blood sample I gave you. Officer Romanoff said that the results should be back any day now, and I was wondering if they’d come in yet…”
He sadly shook his head.
“I’m afraid not. The ETA for these things are never exact, anyway. I’m sure we’ll get the results back soon though,” he answered, but you didn’t believe him.
You nodded, and he bid you goodbye one last time. He closed your door for you, and you looked in your mirror, watching him go back to his car. He sat in it for a while, but you sighed in relief when he eventually drove off. You closed your eyes, hands gripping the wheel as you forced yourself to take a deep breath.
Bucky was in on it too. You were absolutely sure of it. Forcing both him and Steve from your mind, you went to start your car, only to frown when it sputtered. You twisted your key again, but again, it wouldn’t start.
“No, no, no,” you murmured, forcing yourself to remain calm.
You tried again, and sure enough, you got the same results. You bit your lip, swallowing down a scream. Something within you knew why your car wouldn’t start, knew who was responsible. You took out your phone, looking up the number for the auto repair shop with shaky hands.
30 minutes later, you were watching your car being hooked up to the tow truck. When the man was finished, he approached you. A smile was on his face, and he was clearly trying to ease your worries.
“It shouldn’t take long to determine the problem and have it back here,” he told you.
“About how long do you think it’ll take?”
He hummed, thinking.
“There are already two other cars at the shop. After getting done with them and finally fixing yours, I should be able to have it back here no later than…7:30? 7:45?”
It seemed like you didn’t have much choice but to accept that, so what else could you do besides nod? At least you’d be able to get out of here tonight at the latest. You wrapped your arms around yourself as you watched the man drive away. You felt like a sitting duck, but you had no other option but to go inside.
The first hour dragged by. You tried to distract yourself with cleaning and then some tv, but eventually you gave up and just sat on the couch. You couldn’t believe that you were running again, that you had somehow found yourself in a possibly worst situation than the one you’d left.
By the second hour, you were restless. You grabbed your purse and rose from the couch, swiftly locking the door on the way out. You had made sure that all of the lights were off, and everything was unplugged. You wouldn’t be going back inside.
Ever thankful that the diner was within walking distance from your house, you strode into the establishment with a sigh. Still rather early, it was pretty empty inside. Wanda was nowhere to be found, so you took a seat in the corner. You’d been scrolling through your phone for about 5 minutes when the bell above the door dinged.
You didn’t think anything of it. However, you looked up when the customer spoke. He was at the counter, back facing you as he talked to Wanda who’d finally come from the back. A black leather jacket adorned his large frame, the color contrasting with his fair hair. Swallowing, you looked away just as he turned around, eyes falling to your phone.
Your heart went crazy beneath your chest as you heard him approach. You wondered if he’d talked to Bucky, because if so, that would alter how you interacted with him in the next 30 seconds. When he got close enough, you looked up, seemingly just noticing him, and you threw him a small smile.
“Ms. Y/L/N,” he greeted, demeanor giving no indication of what had transpired yesterday.
“Officer Rogers,” you replied. “I’m glad you’re here…”
He hummed, placing a hand on the chair across from you, the other on his hip.
“Yeah, I came down to pick up something to go. The boss is still forcing me to stay home.”
You swallowed, nodding.
“I actually wanted to apologize to you, Officer Rogers,” you said.
You didn’t register any type of surprise in his eyes. He looked completely unfazed, demeanor remaining the same, and you knew that he’d already spoken with Bucky, confirming what you’d suspected. Still, you continued.
“With everything going on, I’m just so stressed and stretching myself far too thin. Not to mention, I haven’t even been divorced for 6 months. There’s a lot that I’m still dealing with, and I took that out on you in probably the worst way possible,” you explained. “You’ve only ever tried to help me.”
He smirked, and you wanted to wipe it from his face.
“There’s no hard feelings. I completely understand,” he said, pulling the chair out and taking a seat.
You forced yourself not to frown at that. He reached out, with his left hand you noted, to brush a finger along your clasped hands on the table, and you tensed.
“I told you before, if there’s ever anything that you need to talk about, I’m here to listen. I want you to feel as comfortable around me as everyone else in this town,” he quietly added.
You slowly pulled your hands back to rest them on your lap, watching the way his brow twitched ever so slightly. You’d dealt with men like him before. Your ex-husband did that, usually when in public, a tell-tale sign that he was unhappy. They seemed to be more alike than you originally thought.
Before you could respond to that, Wanda was calling for him, letting him know that his food was ready. He sent you one last smile before rising and leaving you alone once again. Wanda strode over as soon as he was gone, a grin on her face.
“You two looked cozy,” she said. “What brings you by so early in the morning?”
“My car is in the shop, so I’m just killing time,” you answered, ignoring her quip about you and Steve.
“Hope everything’s okay with it,” she earnestly replied, handing you a menu. “So, are you going to order anything? I’ll make it on the house.”
“Oh, Wanda, you don’t have to do that,” you said, waving her off.
“Don’t be silly, Y/N, it’s nothing! You’ve had such a horrible string of bad luck lately, the least I can do is try to cheer you up…”
Reluctantly, you accepted her offer, and roamed your eyes over the menu.
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When you strode into your yard it was around 7. Sure enough, like the man had said earlier, around 7:45 in the evening, your car was being parked alongside your curb. He mentioned that something had been wrong with the battery and that it hadn’t taken long at all to fix. He didn’t say it outright, but the way he spoke made you believe he thought someone had tampered with it. You believed so too, but you didn’t tell him that.
15 minutes later, you were on the road and making your way out of town. You didn’t exactly have a plan. For now, you looked to stay at the first hotel you could find in another city, staying in a room there for a while to consider your next course of action.
Never in a million years did you think something like this could happen to you, and in your tiny hometown no less. You shook your head, thinking about how Officer Rogers had everyone fooled. You wondered what else he’d gotten away with? Surely, he didn’t just wake up one morning with a change of heart and decided to torment you. People usually do what they know they can get away with, right?
You’d only been driving for maybe 25 minutes when your car suddenly stalled. Your eyes widened, and you rushed to turn the key, hoping that maybe it was a minor problem that would solve itself. You moved to turn it back on, but it only spluttered. Again, you tried, but the engine wouldn’t start, and your heart sank.
You glanced around along the long stretch of road, noting that no cars were around, and you doubted any would be anytime soon. It was getting dark, now, and worry filled you. You weren’t completely out of town yet, hadn’t even crossed the city limits, but there was no way you could walk anywhere. You were too far out, and you’d be crazy to.
You wanted to cry, but you forced the tears back, telling yourself that you had to think smart about this. You tried the ignition again, but like before, the engine wouldn’t start. You considered getting out to look under the hood, but you weren’t very familiar with the inside of a car. You knew to check the oil and knew when to put more freon in the car, but that was about it. Besides, you’d seen enough horror films to know to sit your ass in your car.
However, your location was a problem. You were, quite literally, in the middle of the road. Granted, if someone came up from behind you, it wasn’t like they couldn’t see you, but still. You didn’t like just sitting here. You took out your phone, thankful for your carrier because you actually had a few bars surrounded by all of these trees.
You were in the process of looking up the number to the diner, preparing to call Wanda, when red and blue suddenly surrounded you. Fear gripped you as you jerked your head up, confirming that there were definitely lights flashing from behind you. You dropped your phone in your lap as you turned around. A police cruise was parked on the side of the road behind you, and you felt your body grow numb for several different reasons.
What if it was Steve? You were alone out here, no one around to witness anything that could happen. The thought made you want to vomit. On the other hand, what if it wasn’t Steve? The thought still made you want to be sick because, again, you were alone out here…
You turned back around just as the door opened, taking a deep breath. Forcing your eyes up, you looked into the rearview mirror, only to sigh in relief, the tension easing from your shoulders. The cop walked up to your door, and luckily, your window was already halfway down when your car stopped. His dark eyes met yours, a friendly smile on his lips.
“Officer Wilson,” you breathed, hoping the relief wasn’t too obvious in your voice.
You’d never known him to be anything but nice. Besides, he never came with Steve to your house, so you long guessed that he wasn’t in on it with Steve and Bucky. You would’ve been more relieved had it been Officer Romanoff, but he would do. You wondered how he’d react if he knew what his friends were up to.
“Ms. Y/L/N,” he greeted. “Car trouble?”
“Yes,” you told him. “It just…it just stopped. I’ve tried to start it a couple of times, but nothing.”
He hummed.
“Going somewhere?”
You contemplated on whether or not to be truthful, but eventually you nodded.
“Just out of town. I have some things to do,” you kept it vague.
He nodded with a frown, eyes trailing over your car.
“You want me to take a look under the hood for you?” he offered.
“Would you? I’d appreciate that so much,” you answered.
He chuckled.
“Sure thing! Just let me get my flashlight out of the car,” he told you.
You frantically nodded, and he walked away. You wrung your hands together as you waited for him. You absentmindedly glanced around, and your eyes flickered over your passenger side mirror. You froze, frowning a bit as you questioned what you saw. Slowly, you flickered your eyes back to the passenger mirror, and they widened.
There, in the passenger seat of the police cruiser, was none other than Officer Barnes. Your lips trembled, heart hammering within your chest as you watched him talk to Sam, eyes on you. You could tell that he couldn’t see you looking at him through the mirror. You brought your eyes up to the rearview mirror, watching as Sam animatedly said something to him. You looked back to see Bucky doing the same. They seemed to be arguing about something.
Adrenaline on high, it took everything in you to keep your movements slow. You turned the ignition, but you were met with the same results as last time. You swallowed, tears collecting in your eyes now as you tried again.
“Come on, come on,” you quietly pleaded.
You looked up and watched in horror as both doors of the cruiser opened. Shaking your head, you turned the key again, hard, and gasped when your car roared to life. You heard Sam yell your name, but your foot was already pressing on the gas.
It wasn’t long before you heard the cruiser behind you, closing the distance. You were terrified to press your foot all the way down. You wanted to escape them, but you also didn’t want to die in the process. You forced your tears back, already hard enough to see as it is in the darkness. Your brights were on, but with the cruiser’s lights directly behind you, they weren’t much help.
You screamed when their bumper tapped the back end of your car. They did it again, and your fingers tightened on the wheel. You could see them coming up beside you, and before they had a chance to get level with your car, you slammed on the breaks. They flew past you before eventually slamming on breaks too. By the time they moved to turn around, you had already hit a U-Turn and were in the process of driving away.
Unfortunately, there was one thing that you hadn’t counted on.
Your car swerved when a gunshot rang out, the sound of your tire exploding not far behind. You struggled to take control of the car, realizing with horror that you were swerving off of the road and into the trees. You missed the first couple, but you shrieked when the side of your car grazed another. Your ran over fallen limbs and even a fallen trunk, roughly turning your wheel as not to come in contact with one head on.
It seemed that you were destined to do just that though. Your eyes widened at the large tree up ahead, and, in a panic, you jerked your wheel to the left, wincing when the right side of your car hit the tree instead, glass shattering. You released a shaky breath, pressing your hand to your head. Through the haze, you noted that you didn’t hear the cruiser approaching, but that just meant they were on foot.
With shaky hands, you struggled to open your car door. You slid out and fell to the ground, slowly pushing yourself onto your hands and knees, telling yourself to move faster. One hand on the car, you pulled yourself to your feet. Your vision swam as you stumbled through the trees, tripping over limbs and holding onto trunks as you passed them.
Your vision was starting to spin, and you shook your head, trying clear it. You could hear some fallen branches loudly snapping from behind you, and fear struck you. They didn’t even care to be stealthy, confident that they’d get you either way.
Your stomach churned at the way Bucky sang your name, the sound echoing around you in the darkness. They were closer than you thought, because you heard Sam say something to him that you couldn’t make out, and Bucky chuckled in response, that too echoing around you.
Unable to see where you were going, your foot landed in a hole, and you gasped as your ankle bent. You crashed to the ground, hitting your head, and your chest heaved. The footsteps were closer now, and you rolled over to crawl away just as a foot landed on your injured ankle.
You cried out, and someone’s hand wrapped around your arm, turning you over onto your back. You could make them out in the darkness, and you kicked your uninjured leg, hands swinging as you fought them off. You heard Sam grunt as your foot connected with his knee, and he stumbled back. Fed up, Bucky’s hand found your throat, pinning you to the ground as he straddled you, and you spit in his face.
He tightened his grip at that, and you whimpered.
“He wants her unharmed, Buck,” Sam reminded him, and the blue-eyed man scoffed.
“Yeah, well, maybe he should’ve gone after a girl with a little less fire-.”
His words were cut off by his yelp, and you dug your nails deeper into his face. Your other hand swung towards his neck, but his free hand caught it before you could do any damage, slamming your wrist to the ground.
“Damnit, Sam! Her hand! Grab her hand,” he snarled, struggling to keep you pinned beneath him, the haze finally clearing from your mind.
Your other hand was ripped away from him and held to the ground. He let go of your throat, and you bucked against him as he reached for something in his jacket. You couldn’t see what it was, not just because it was dark, but because tears were blurring your vision. He pressed it to your face, and you cried harder when you realized that it was a rag. It smelled funny, and you could guess what was soaking it.
You renewed your struggle, but they simply tightened their grip, Bucky pressing down harder on you as he did the same with the rag. You found it hard to breathe, and your body started to feel light. Sam shushed you, and that was the last thing you heard, Bucky’s blue eyes the last thing you saw before everything went dark.
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The next time you drifted back into the land of semi-consciousness, you could feel that you were sprawled out on the backseat of a car. Your head lolled to the side as the car curved, and you could feel that you were being driven up a hill. You must have gone back to sleep for a few minutes because the next thing you felt was hands sliding underneath you, lifting you out of the car.
Your arms hung limp in the air, as did your head, and you frowned as you heard some muffled commotion. A tv was on, turned to the highest setting it seemed because even outside, you could hear that a football game was being watched. There were a few loud cheers that reached your ears, and you groaned.
A door was opened, the commotion quieting down, and a shift in the air told you that you were no longer outside. Even in your state, you realized that this wasn’t good, and your heart raced, frustration coursing through you because you couldn’t move.
“Is that her?” you heard an unfamiliar voice quietly ask, the deep baritone reaching your ears.
You felt, rather than heard, someone stomp towards you, and you groaned when they grabbed your ankle.
“What did I say, Bucky?”
You felt bile rise in your throat at the familiar voice, lips trembling as this confirmed everything that you already knew.
“That wasn’t me. She stepped in a hole when she was running away…”
Steve heaved a sigh, and whatever happened next was wordless because you felt Bucky start to walk. You slipped back under again just as his first foot stepped up onto some stairs. Darkness greeted you, mind conjuring up images that had you frowning.
Your mind was plagued with thoughts of Killian, but he eventually morphed to Steve. Falsely warm smiles and eyes that hid true intentions. His silhouette stood in every corner, laughing as you spun with a gun in hand, always just missing him. His laughter grew louder until it was all you could hear, and you shot up with a gasp.
The room that you were in was bathed in low light from the lamp on the other side. It was a modest size, but not tiny by any means. Your head still felt fuzzy, and you blinked a few times, attempting to clear it as you shook your head to the side. Your fingers dug into the sheets beneath you, and you realized that you were sitting on a bed.
Laughter grabbed your attention, the same laughter you heard in your sleep, and you realized that must have been what woke you up. You slid off of the bed, careful to do so without making any noise, and you hesitantly walked to the door. You tried the knob, but it seemed to be locked from the outside. You pressed your ear to the door and frowned at what you heard.
“Touchdown,” that same deep voice from before yelled, and you heard a thud before a small crash followed.
You heard several cries of protest, and with wide eyes, you realized that the house was full of men.
“Really, brother. Must you always be such a brute,” a smooth voice said.
You swallowed, taking a step back as your jaw clenched, hands curling into fists. How could they be enjoying something like a football party downstairs as if you hadn’t just been kidnapped and carried through the room…minutes…hours before?
With a huff, you spun around, looking over the room. You still felt a bit out of it, but you were coherent enough to realize you needed to get the hell out of here. Fast. Your eyes fell onto the window on the other side of the bed, and you hurried towards it. You bit your lip as you confirmed that you were on the second floor. The room that you were in was on the backside of the house because your eyes landed on the lake, and you grimaced.
With difficulty, you opened the window and looked down. There was more than enough room to hit the ground without hitting the lake, and you looked around. With disappointment, you realized there was nothing for you to climb onto…until you looked up. You stared at the ledge of the roof for a while before making up your mind.
You pulled your head back inside and ran to the dresser across from the bed. Swiftly, but quietly, you pulled all of the drawers out, neatly stacking them on the bed. The dresser was much lighter and much easier to push in front of the door now. When you were done, you paused, listening for any indication that they heard you, but the television was blaring, and there was some yelling at the screen. You quickly slid the heavy drawers back inside.
Stepping onto the window sill was a struggle, and not just because of your bruised ankle. You held onto the house with one hand, the other reaching up to grip the ledge of the roof. Without hesitation, you swung and clasped your other hand onto the ledge too. Your upper body strength was severely lacking, but it was enough.
Somehow, you shuffled around the house, away from the back patio and living room. You could see a tree coming up on your left, the large trunk brushing against the house, limbs and branches sticking out over and against the side. You reached for one of the limbs with one hand just as you placed a foot on a limb beneath that one. You followed suit with the other hand and hissed in pain when your injured foot joined your other one.
With difficulty, and much slower than you would have liked, you climbed down, gently lowering yourself to the ground. Before you were nothing but trees. You could see the start of the driveway to your right, and the ominous lake called to you on your left.
Your best chance of escape was getting to the other side of the lake. If you could get to the other side without being noticed, you’d practically be home free. However, trying to swim across a lake that size with a drugged-out brain, injured ankle, and fatigue-ridden body was a suicide mission. You could easily drown.
With a grimace, you stepped into the thick trees before you. You needed to get back to the road, but eventually, when they caught onto your absence, the road and nearby areas is the first place they’d look. Part of you thought that there was no use in trying. Your body was weak, and you were currently limping through the forest. You were like an injured deer trying to outrun a pack of wolves as they slept.
Eventually…they’d wake up.
The night was cool, and you started to shiver. When you left, you’d only had on some jeans and a thin long-sleeved shirt. Your jacket had been next to you in the passenger seat. Had you known you were going to be kidnapped and then forced to escape your kidnappers, you would’ve put it on. You heard a howl far off in the distance, and with a start, you remembered that Steve wasn’t the only thing you had to hide from.
You didn’t know how long you had been walking, but when you reached a small clearing, moonlight shining down on you, you were forced to admit it to yourself. You were lost. It wasn’t like you had been walking in circles, so you weren’t concerned about accidentally making your way back to the house. In fact, you were proud to say that you’d made a lot of headway.
Just when you thought that your fatigue would get the best of you, spotted lights far off in the distance. They weren’t stars. You figured that the nearest neighbor had to be miles away, so it didn’t hit you how much you had walked until that moment. You let out a breath you hadn’t realized you were holding, leaning against a tree. You pushed yourself off of it just as you heard a noise from behind you.
It was so faint, and you blinked, thinking that you had imagined it. You took a step forward, and you heard it again. Feeling like you’d been punched in the stomach, you realized that it was shouts. Several of them reaching your ears, yelling a name that was all too familiar to you: yours.
Paying no mind to your injured ankle, you took off into a sprint. Your fatigue was long forgotten, adrenaline pumping through your veins. You could hear the shouts getting closer, and you realized that they had begun running too. One of them was faster than the rest, footfalls pounding against the earth as they fought to catch up to you.
You wouldn’t make it. The realist in you knew this, and you bent over as you ran, swiping up a thick bat sized limb. You heard him just behind you, and you spun, swinging it across his face. His head snapped to the side, and he fell to his knees, clutching his face. You looked up, realizing that the rest had almost caught up to you now, and took off again.
The broken branch was heavy in your arms, slowing you down, and it wasn’t long before you were caught up to again. Only this time when you swung, it was caught in an iron grip. Bucky snatched it from you with one hand while the other swung at you. You brought your foot up in between his legs just as his palm connected with your face.
You both went down, but as you went to crawl away, his hand clasped around your injured ankle. You yelped, clawing at the dirt as he pulled you back. With your other foot, you kicked him in the face, and he let go with a grunt.
You pushed yourself to your feet, but you were knocked down again, this figure much stronger, and you knew that it was the first man you’d hit. You struggled beneath him, screaming as he pinned your wrists at the small of your back. He yanked you up with ease, and you kicked behind you, but he easily avoided your assault.
He jerked you upright, and the other hand fisted into your hair as he made you look straight ahead. Bucky was struggling to stand, blue eyes cold as they gazed at you, and you returned the look, chest heaving. Another unfamiliar man was slowly making his way over with Sam, his green eyes twinkling with mischief, a sly smirk on his pink lips. The man behind you chuckled, the deep sound vibrating through his chest and into your back.
“I like this one,” he finally said, out of breath. “She’s a fighter…”
He didn’t seem bothered by it though. In fact, you’d say he enjoyed the chase.
“Like this one all you want, but this one isn’t yours.”
You tensed at the sound of a familiar voice coming from the shadows. His footsteps grew louder, and you saw the white of his shirt through the trees first. You moved in the harsh hold you found yourself in, and the man behind you shook you, casing you to flinch and hold still. You licked your lips, tasting blood, and you threw a glare towards Bucky.
Steve took his time getting to you, blond hair in disarray as he approached. The tight short-sleeved tee clung to him, and you narrowed your eyes at the healing wound on his right arm. He caught your gaze, and a smirk fell over his lips.
“You did get me good, sweetheart,” he said once close enough, impressed. “You could’ve killed me. I wasn’t expecting that.”
You didn’t respond, simply glaring at him as he stopped to stand before you. He looked down his nose at you before his gaze flickered to that of the man holding you.
“Let her go, Thor,” Steve told him.
“But she’ll-.”
“She won’t run away. You guys go back to the house. You might still be able to catch the end of that last game,” he interrupted.
Reluctantly, the man behind you, Thor, let you go, and the blood rushed back to your hands. You almost wanted to beg them to stay. You didn’t know what Steve would do to you now that you were alone…in the middle of nowhere…
He reached for your face, and you jerked away. He reached for it again, quicker this time, and gripped your chin harshly in his hand. He brushed his thumb over your bottom lip, wiping away the blood there, and he hummed.
You glanced down just before bringing your leg up, but seemingly anticipating that, Steve closed his own legs around your ankle. He twisted his body, causing you to fall on your side. He grabbed your ankle and pulled you back as he lowered to his knees. You pulled against his hold, but you felt him press his knees to the back of your legs, keeping you in place.
One arm grabbed the back of your shirt and yanked you up until you were on your own knees, back pressed against his front while one hand slid around you to lock your arms in place at your side. It all happened so quickly, and you struggled in his hold. His heart beat perfectly steady in his chest while yours threatened to jump out at any moment. He brushed his lips over your ear, and you closed your eyes.
“You’ve got two options...,” he started. “I can give you this…”
You opened your eyes just in time to see him bring a syringe before your eyes, and they widened in fear, heart skipping a beat.
“It’ll help you sleep,” he murmured. “…and we both know you need the rest after the day you’ve had.”
You jerked against him, but he tightened his hold, resting his chin on your shoulder.
“However…if I gave you this, I could do anything I wanted to you. I mean, I won’t because that’s not really my style, but all you have is my word on that,” he whispered, breath fanning over your skin.
You stared at the ground, tears spilling over now.
“Or…we could stand up, and we could walk back to the house like two civilized adults. Its entirely up to you…”
“Why are you doing this to me?” you finally asked him.
He tsk’d at that.
“Make a decision,” he demanded, voice dropping.
With trembling lips, you told him that you’d walk. He sharply inhaled, seemingly pleased with the answer as he put the syringe away. He loosened his grip, but your relief was short-lived as he quickly snapped handcuffs onto your wrists. He tightened them, and you winced, gasping when one hand dug into your arm, the other sliding over your breasts.
A new fear clung to your frame as he fondled you, hands sliding down your shirt, fingers dancing along the edge of your jeans.
“No,” you protested, trying, and failing, to lean away from him.
He slid his hands past the waistband and into your underwear, fingers grazing over you. The hand that was on your arm slid up to your throat, tightly wrapping around it to pull your head back. His lips pressed to the skin just below your jaw, and you trembled as he slowly slipped a finger inside of you.
“Steve, please-.”
“Say my name again,” he groaned, sliding a finger in and out of you before adding another.
“Stop,” you choked out, fighting to put as much space between you as possible.
He simply hummed, pushing his fingers into you past the knuckle, curling them inside of your now slick core. You gasped, and he turned your head to the side, pressing his lips against yours and forcing his tongue past your lips. He moaned into your mouth as he worked his hand in between your legs, the lewd sounds reaching your ears.
The palm of his hand kept brushing against your bundle of nerves, and you felt yourself clench around him. Steve chuckled into your mouth, a grin on his lips. You tried to move your head away, but he kept you in place, moving his mouth against yours again.
You shook in his arms as your walls fluttered around his fingers, and your vision went fuzzy, a choked moan being pulled out of you. Steve swallowed it down, and you didn’t even notice that he’d released your neck, eyes widening when you felt a pinch.
He held you still as he pulled the needle out of your neck, and your reaction was instantaneous. You collapsed in his arms, and he was more than happy to hold you, blue eyes boring into your own as you fought to keep them open. You watched as he brought his fingers up and wrapped his lips around them. He kissed you, and you tasted yourself. His lips brushed over yours as he spoke, reaching under you to undo the cuffs.
“You don’t know how badly I want to take you, right now…”
You struggled in his arms now that yours were free, but your movements were sluggish, and you felt weighed down. He held you in his arms as he stood, your arms swinging limply.
“…but someone might think that I was killing you.”
Your head fell back as sleep claimed you.
tags:  @xoxabs88xox​ @darkficreposter   @mcudarklibrary @captainchrisstan​ @nickyl316h​ @buckybarnesplumwhore​ @harryspet​ @readermia​ @sebabestianstan101​ @villanellevi​ @opheliadawnwalker3​ @notyourtypicalrose​ @coconutqueen21​ @briannab1234​ @stargazingfangirl18​   @lou-la-lou​ @izzfizzh​ @thatgirly81​ @autty0314​ @hinata7346​
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allycryz · 3 years
Nsfw prompt: “Oh my god. Did we just break the bed?” for the ot6 :3
Alright, here it folks. Urianger gets spoiled, six people are very cute, a bed gets broken. Also pushed myself to write this in past tense since I haven’t done it in a while.
Rated E for Eggsplicit, is honestly pretty PWP but there’s feelings and fluff in there
“I beg thy forgiveness.” Urianger frowned at the piles of books crowding his room. His hands stroked light upon the spines, tracing letters, "I am certain thy book was here but it seems not."
“It’s alright.” Nerys said from her perch on his bed. The thin mattress creaked beneath her weight, swaying with each minute gesture. "I know you'll find it. Come sit with me."
He looked up with a hand caught in his silver locks and mouth curled into a frown. Twas not often he wore his consternation so openly and it was...quite charming. Not least of which because of the subtle pouting of his full lips. (She hoped he was not so upset as to halt her plans.)
“Nay, I shall keep searching.”
“Uri.” She patted the space beside her. “Please?”  
"I am unable to refuse such an invitation twice." Urianger moved like a dancer, once explaining that his poise and posture came from learning at the elbow of Louisoix Leveilleur. Nerys mostly believed it, seeing all the similarities in how he and the twins held themselves. And yet–she was convinced it was not the whole of the story.
He sank to his knees before her, rather than where she indicated. “It has been some time since I relaxed by thy side.”
Nerys stroked over his noble brow, nails scratching light into his scalp. “Far too long. Though this is not by my side.”
“But how else shall I do this?” He brought her hand up, leaving reverent kisses upon her fingertips. As always it made her breath catch, whether alone or in the company of their lovers.
They were not often alone, just the two of them. (And with what she planned, it would not be this way long.) There was so much she had yet to discover about him, the newest of her lovers. The sinuous sway of his hips was but one coin from a well-buried, well-protected treasure chest of knowledge. 
But there were facets of him that were extensions of the relationship they already had; as her comrade, her friend, partner of her partners. He was always kind and respectful, as willing to listen as to teach. That impish sense of humor he kept beneath it all–she had found that long before she took him as hers.
Here was one discovery that still made her tremble: the way he looked at her as if she was a treasure worth worshipping.
Another: the secretive smile upon his lips before he struck. Nerys was a moment forewarned by it before he rose to kiss her. 
Still another: how good a kisser he was. She was overwhelmed enough that one moment his lips were on hers, the next she was beneath him. The bed groaned and swayed with their movements, an anchor in the swirling sea of his presence.
Besides being noisy, the bed was on the small side. Not really what she expected. Urianger could live like a monk, subsisting on water and archon loaf with naught but a candle for luxury. But with the way he luxuriated in Haurche’s sumptuous bed or the raptures on his face when he shopped for fine clothes…
Nerys had assumed he was only a hermit when his studies called, not as a matter of course.
“We need to get you a new bed.” She murmured as he unfastened her already half-open shirt. His eyes had gone to the partly revealed breastband since her arrival. “You’ve barely any room for yourself.”
"No need, my lady. I seldom sleep here--indeed, I have moved most of my possessions to Haurchefant's and Thancred's rooms."
“Yes but-” Nerys unclasped the golden torque about his neck.  "You have been in the Sands for a week now. And I'm sure this won't be the last time you have to stay here."
"Would it comfort thee…" His words became a moan as her hands worked into his taut shoulders and nape. Were he able to, he might purr under her ministrations.
"I often avail myself...of the cot in the archives."
“Uri.” She clucked her tongue. As if he and their lovers didn’t admonish her for various bad habits ranging from overextending herself to less-than-prudent jumps down cliffsides. 
Today is not about me though.
“Once again, I must beg thy gracious pardon.” He lowered his cheek to her chest, nuzzling against the swell of breast even as his hands eased down the breastband. His long fingers kneaded the sides of her chest slow and gentle. “In penance, I shall serve thee faithfully all afternoon and into the evening.”
Desire coiled in her belly. One word from her and Urianger would worship her from the crown of her head to the tips of her toes. Even now, his practiced healer’s touch found her pains and soothed them away. But she came here with an agenda and she must not forget it, even-
Her mouth fell open with a moan as he took handfuls of her chest, squeezing with gentle strength. That impish gleam was in his eyes when he looked down. 
“Will you…” She swallowed. “Lie on your back for me?”
“If that is thy wish…” He flipped them easily, settling her atop him. Hands slid over her bottom and squeezed. “Dost thou wish for control today?”
“Just a shred.”
His lips caught hers as she slithered down, meeting the barest resistance before he let go with a chuckle. Nerys gave him a look and received only a smile in reply.
According to Haurche, the chiton was far easier to deal with than his scholar’s robes. She never had the pleasure of unwrapping him from his old mode of dress. Piece by piece, I took him apart like a present before taking him apart as a lover might do. There is nothing quite like a reveal, my heart.
That conversation ended with Haurche performing his own slow striptease. Nerys drifted from the fond memory to the present, to the bunch of fabric now at Urianger’s waist and the silken black smalls she unveiled beneath. His cock strained against the taut fabric, twitching at the glide of her hand.
"Wilt thou let me return whatever favors thou dispenses?" His voice dropped to low and rumbly and then to a groan as she rubbed her cheek upon his clothed cock. 
“I’ll think about it...You certainly proved your tongue’s prowess when we were last together.”
Urianger sighed, either from her touches or the memory of nine days ago–him and her and Y’shtola between them. “I-I didst not sup upon thy nectar then…”
She squeezed his thigh. “No but I saw you send ‘Shtola into the heavens.”
“Where she doth belong, crowned in stars and cloaked in moonlight.” His words then turned to garbles and gasps as she mouthed against the fabric. Traced her tongue over the solid outline of his shaft and inhaled his musk.
“And what shall be her throne?” Nerys hummed against him. His hand found purchase in her hair and tugged. Heat kindled between her legs at the touch, more when he did it again. Sitting up so she could see the intent in his eyes.
“Thy visage is the most glorious sight of all…” He groaned, digging filed-down nails into her scalp until she trembled. “What better seat for our beloved than that?”
“Oh,” she breathed. It had taken him no time to master her needs and wants. Had he not watched her plenty, with a lover or two or three between them? And you really are that easy. 
Nerys would not be the only one losing sense and control. Her thumbs hooked beneath his smalls to ease them down, freeing his erect length from their confines. She squeezed his thighs as her tongue dragged up his shaft, finding the sensitive ridge under his head. 
“N-nerys-” he gasps, reaching for the white cotton sheets and grabbing them by the fistful. “I-I should have better control, than to be driven so wild so quickly.”
She pulled off of him with a soft pop of sound. "You've been locked away in here for a week with only your hand to relieve you. No wonder you're sensitive."
“I shall...endeavor to satisfy thee. Thou need not worry-”
The door opening startled her, even though it was Phase Two of her plan coming to fruition. Urianger froze beneath her before he chuckled, the sound as much sigh as it was mirthful. “My lady, didst thou invite them and not tell me?”
“Surprise.” She grinned and turned her head. Y’shtola and Thancred watched them with twin expressions of pleasure. “I hope this is alright?”
Urianger groaned. "I wouldst never turn away those I love so dearly. And they look upon me as if I am a feast laid out for their sampling."
“Ha,” Thancred snorted. "Seems like Nerys has the feasting part well in hand."
Y’shtola smiled, turning her back towards Thancred while keeping her eyes upon them. He dutifully took care of the hooks at her nape, easing the scarlet and gray dress down her shoulders. She arched an eyebrow at the pair on the bed. “Well? Don’t stop on our account.”
Nerys gave the slightest hint of her intentions–a little secret smirk she’d learned at his feet–before swallowing him down. Breathing with purpose through her nose to take him deep, deeper, deeper still. Gods but Elezen were thick, and the reduced air goaded her as much as the eyes upon her. 
The gaze of the world was ever upon her in ways that made her anxious, embarrassed, fearful. But to simply put on a show for others, to stir their passion? That was something Nerys loved. No one expected too much of her besides the occasional fling, and those were more and more rare these days. There was no time to adventure in Eorzea’s bedrooms as she once had.
How lucky, that her lovers liked to watch as much as she liked to perform, while duty kept her from the dark corners of taverns and rolls in the hay.
Urianger laid back, forearm pressed against his brow. Lowered it so he might press his fist to his mouth. Nerys hummed around him, sinking further onto him until she could take no more. It was not enough, not yet, but he moaned all the same.
The heat of Thancred’s bare skin pressed against her back and his palms curled over her breasts. Toyed with them as his lips trailed over her spine. “You need a bigger bed, Uri.”
His response was a muffled groan about clenched knuckles. Y’shtola crawled onto the bed, over him with teasing touches, and stretched her small frame between him and the wall. She seized his wrist, dragging it to lips. “Ah ah. How will she know she’s doing a good job? Let her hear you.”
“Sh-shtola-” Urianger shuddered with the full force of his body as Thancred’s hand slipped down his stomach, fondling his sack. Nerys began to lift her head, found Thancred pressing her back down.
“Good,” said Y’shtola with an approving nod. “Keep her there a moment, Thancred. Urianger–there is no one to overhear you. So I had best hear your response.”
They watched as Urianger opened his mouth, his wordless cries filling the room with their sweet, penitent notes. His reward was another fondle, another suck; Y’shtola petting his hair.
“Nerys is far too overdressed for this.” Thancred said, drawing her up at last.
“And so is he,” Y’shtola agreed before she caught Urianger’s chin and kissed him. The man made a desperate noise before giving himself over to his passion. Nine days ago, Nerys watched him do the same as he filled Y’shtola, as Nerys held her close. Then he’d had the presence of mind to extol her virtues between breathless kisses. 
The same passion is clear in his half-lidded eyes and fervent mouth. Even if he is now in a place beyond poetry.
“You should have a taste too,” Nerys gasped, writhing against Thancred’s purposeful touch over her trousers. For his complaint about her state of dress, he was taking advantage of the friction of cloth against her skin. 
“Do you think so? I think that if we both suck him, he’s liable to pop.”
“What about all his rings?”
“They’re in my quarters,” Thancred laughed against her ear. “Besides, that’s not a guarantee he’ll be able to hold off-”
“I swear to thee.” Urianger licked his lips, eyes flickering from Nerys’ mouth to Y’shtola’s hands kneading his chest to whatever expression Thancred made. "If thou drives me to completion, I shall return the favor in kind. Thou...thou should not go unsatisfied because of my folly."
“Yes, definitely folly to show us how bad you want us.” Thancred snorted. “Uri, it’s okay to come. We’re not going anywhere.”
“True enough.” Y’shtola nipped at his jaw when he tried to rise. “I was going to make him hold off but that might be cruel…”
“I’m disappointed, darling.” The new voice sent shivers through Nerys. Thancred’s steady grip kept her from turning to greet him. “It’s ever so entertaining when you’re cruel to our lovers.”
He is not due quite yet… Not that she minded. Hopefully, in his impatience he remembered to bring-
“Surely,” Haurchefant said with a laugh. “You might magick up a way to help him hold back? As all his rings are in Mor Dhona, and not always reliable.”
“That will cost you, my Lord Emissary.”
“Tell me then, O Great and Powerful Sorcerer: how much for such a device, snapping away everyone’s clothes, and your cock in my mouth later?”
Hades’ laugh was a clear ringing sound that warmed Nerys’ already heated flesh. He was often playful, this ancient lover of theirs. Seldom was he so open as she heard in the notes of his mirth, playing in harmony with Haurchefant’s chuckles. Urianger met her gaze, his smile softening even more the warm mush her heart turned into. And then he gasped as Thancred ran a teasing hand up his length and Y’shtola bit down on his shoulder. 
A snap and her clothes disappeared, along with the bunched up chiton and the black smalls shoved about Urianger’s knees. Thancred’s warm skin pressed against hers–chest to her spine, thighs to the backs of her legs, his unclothed cock hard against her rear. Before them, a ring of black and purple aether pulsed at the base of Urianger’s cock.
She put a hand to it. It felt solid but as it shimmered, she saw flashes of the skin beneath. Hades had all manner of aether tricks to aid in the bedroom. This was one she hadn’t seen before.
He knelt on the floor beside the bed as bare as everyone else. His hand slid past her a moment, she caught the motion of him patting Thancred’s cheek. Then his fingers were on her chin, tilting it up for him to brush lips against lips. She moved to deepen the contact and he pulled back, clucking his tongue. “Ah ah, your mouth is destined elsewhere.”
“One kiss won’t hurt.” Nerys squirmed against Thancred’s hold but today, he was willing to cooperate with Hades. He held her fast and pressed light kisses down the line of her neck. 
“I wonder. Now, my dear–how long should we make our scholar squirm?”
“Oh not too long. Remember why we’re here after all.” Urianger looked up at that with raw curiosity in his gaze. 
“Please, the man loves when we deny him.” Hades rose then to perch on the edge of the bed with his torso turned towards Urianger’s face. His bare fingers ran over his chest till they found the gold hoops in his nipples. A small tug set Urianger’s face and neck red with pleasure. “Does that feel good then?”
"L-lovely,” groaned Urianger. "My lady Nerys...didst thou c-conspire against me?"
She laughed. Haurchefant made himself known then with his fingers guiding her limbs, positioning Thancred alongside her. He caressed them both while they obeyed onto their hands and knees, arms and shoulders against each other. "You've been holed up here for days. I thought you were due a respite."
"And I thought you deserved a little punishment as well." Hades added, thumb circling the stiffening nipple. "Depriving us for days."
"H-ha." Urianger quirked a brow. "Couldst thou not visit me whenever thou desires, Hades? I did not bar my door to thee."
"Impudent man." Hades leaned forward to kiss him as Y’shtola tugged at his silver locks.
A hand pressed against her nape as she saw another do the same to Thancred. Haurchefant must have removed his rings prior to his arrival. She could not feel the familiar press of metal or see his signet contrasted with Thancred’s white locks. Even with his fingers bare, with him standing behind them, she would have known his touch without ever having to see them.
It was that way with all of them now. Even Urianger. She had learned the feel of him that first night with Thancred between them and his touch reaching behind her for Haurchefant, caressing her arm lightly as she shook with the overwhelming pleasure of that moment. 
“Ladies first,” Thancred purred when their eyes were level with the ring. 
Nerys laughed, from the remark, from the surge of joy rushing through her. She licked a stripe up the thick shaft. Thancred did the same, meeting her with an open-mouth kiss that had the benefit of teasing against Urianger. They pushed each other–matching every swirl, lick, and suck; triumphant when one coaxed a loud moan or gasp. It was a heady competition, egged on by Haurchefant stroking her spine and praising them both. 
“You two are exquisite,” Haurchefant sighed as his hands drew away. Fingertips dragged over her skin until she felt them dip between her thighs, heard Thancred groan aloud. Nerys half-expected the mattress to dip with Haurchefant’s weight but instead he drew her back. She had to stretch her long torso to keep her mouth against Urianger.
He accommodated and leaned forward, bracing hands on either side of her. “Dearest Thancred, you will help her for this next part? She is radiant when she takes a cock completely.”
“Hmm…” A raised eyebrow. “Alright Haurche. Long as you promise to give me something nice later. No fair if only Hades gets your mouth tonight.”
“My darling boy…” Hades raised his head and Urianger whimpered at the loss. “Since when are you the arbiter of what is fair or not?”
“You hush.”
“If you want to stop my mouth, you need to be far more creative.”
“Both of you hush,” said Y’shtola. Her voice trembled as Urianger suckled at her chest but still resounded with the underlying core of iron. “You’ll get your turns later, if you’re good.”
“Yes ‘Shtola,” said Thancred with a laugh. He curled a hand over Nerys’ nape and helped her ease back onto Urianger. Behind them Haurchefant praised their obedience while the head of his cock notched against her folds. 
Urianger was a writhing mess beneath them and it was beautiful. The disheveled state of his hair; the blossom of red suffusing his upper body; the sighs they pulled from him; the pattern of bites on his neck from Y’shtola and on his torso from Hades. And him, impossibly hard and impossibly large in her mouth as Thancred dragged her up and down and Haurchefant sank into her. 
Their eyes met, his mouth worked. She reached forward though it could upset her balance. Brushed fingertips against his and then seized his hand. His hips canted upwards and it was almost too much with him so lost in sensation. Somehow, she managed to take him all the same. 
His trembling lips tried again before they managed a word in the babble of whimpers and sobs. “Please...please…”
Nerys answered with her eyes while her hand reached out again, brushing against Hades’ side. Haurchefant picked up her pace and she all but collapsed. It was then Hades turned his amused look at her and the hand desperately groping at his hip.
“May I help you?”
Her eyes swept downward. She could not see the ring just then–Thancred pressed her down so far that her eyes could see only golden skin and silver, curling hair. Haurchefant sighed behind her. “What a good girl, taking him all the way. You’re doing beautifully, my heart.”
“I wonder…” Hades voice floated above her. “What could she be trying to say? Have you any notion, ser?”
“I am not a betting man-” (Thancred’s derisive snort at that became a groan.) “But perhaps she would like to be dear Uri’s angel of mercy.”
“Certainly not. Our ferocious hero?”
“Our compassionate hero.” Haurchefant’s hand joined Thancred’s and brought her up. Hades met her pleading gaze with a sigh and an incongruously soft kiss to her forehead.
“If you insist, dear.” The ring disappeared and they were all lost.
Haurchefant and Thancred pushed her down, Urianger bucked upward. Hades leaned entirely on the bed, bare chest against their scholar as he kissed him with Y’shtola dragging her nails down his back. 
“That’s it,” Haurche panted in her ear. “Help him finish, beloved, dearest, our Nerys-”
Urianger cried out as his hand reached for her-
Haurchefant knelt on the bed and filled her-
And as Urianger spilled into her mouth, the chorus of their raptures was overwritten by an earsplitting crack! There was the sensation of falling, of balance going horribly wrong as she slid backwards into Haurchefant and Hades into both of them. A strange sound escaped her mouth when the momentum and impact both caused Haurchefant to fill her and not entirely pleasantly. 
She lifted her head and Urianger looked down at her. He had not sat up. His eyes were glazed with satisfaction even as realization pierced the fog of his climax.
“Oh my gods.” Nerys stared at the ramp they occupied. “Did we just break the bed?”
Shocked silence met her question. It was Urianger who broke it with low, barely concealed laughter. He slapped a hand over his mouth and his shoulders shook with the effort of not breaking. Behind her, Haurchefant chuckled into her ear as Hades scowled at them all.  Y’shtola stretched out where she was. Thancred roared with laughter behind them on the floor.
“Th-thou didst tell me…” Urianger said, fighting to control his mirth. “That I was in need of a bigger bed.”
“And I was right!” She watched Hades vacate the space between them before squeezing Urianger’s thigh. “Now what do you have to say for yourself?”
In answer, Urianger sat up with care and eased himself down. His warm hands cupped her cheeks, tilting her face up to receive the brush of his mouth against hers. “That I am glad we have a Sorcerer of Eld to set us to rights.”
“Hm.” Hades dusted off his arms with great exaggeration and wounded dignity. The gleam in his pale gold eyes was the only clue he was not so piqued as he pretended. “Give me a moment. As today we are demanding favors before we do anything, I needs must calculate the price.”
“Do make haste, lovely man.” Haurchefant adjusted Nerys in his lap and the friction sent her shivering. “I would like to finish what I started.”
“If I may offer a suggestion…” Y’shtola stretched herself upwards and Nerys could not help watching the curve and rise of her bosom, the marks of lips and teeth upon the teak skin. She wrapped her arms about Urianger from behind and propped her chin upon his shoulder. “You could ask to give Nerys proper thanks for arranging all this.”
That twitch at the corners of her mouth spelled Nerys’ salvation and destruction. “Now wait a minute-”
“Brilliant as always,” Hades smirked. “While the guest of honor recovers, I would like a sampling of our event planner in exchange for my great and powerful magicks.”
“Deal!” Haurchefant said, lifting her up while the bed repaired itself with a rush of aether. He had to withdraw from her to do so but from the looks around her...she would not be empty for long. “Have a care with her, lest we break it again.”
“I have ensured it won’t tonight.” Hades stepped over and gathered her into his arms. Laid her back upon the mattress, sprawled upon Urianger’s lap. “And tomorrow we purchase Urianger a bigger, sturdier bed.”
“There, my lady.” Urianger grinned above her. “Thou shalt get thy way after all.”
“I usually do,” she said before Hades moved to have his way with her.
Not that she was complaining.
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carouselofrats · 3 years
All for the Best (No It Isn’t)
“Oh, how I pity you, Roman.” He chuckled, turning his back to the Side and feeling his own eyes begin to water as he lost control. The Lord of the Lies was only so good. It felt physically painful to walk out the door as he heard Roman break out into sobs behind him.
You’ll never get to hold him in your arms.
Ao3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/32061952
Pairing: Roceit
Word Count: 2017
CW: Janus has a panic attack but he gets comforted don’t worry :)
Janus wasn’t sure exactly when he’d fallen in love with Roman. All he knew was that at some point, over all of the theatre scenarios and courtroom flirting, he’d fallen head over heels in love with the wonderfully dramatic prince. It was terrifying, to suddenly care so much for another. Because of this, it was both a comforting and depressing fact that he could never act on his feelings. For one, Virgil would kill him. He was already suspicious and hateful enough of the snake, he didn’t even want to consider the backlash that would come if he tried to romance Virgil’s best friend. I used to be his best friend .
There were times, of course, where he did wish for more. When the light of the imagination’s stage caught Roman’s face at the perfect angle while they traded lines; When they accidentally brushed hands or shoulders while talking over one of Roman’s scripts and he had to force himself not to linger; When Roman had had a nightmare and chosen to come to his room for comfort.
He finally reached the other facet’s door and knocked politely, as he’d become delightfully accustomed to doing over the past few months. There was a shuffling on the other side before a visibly nervous Roman opened the door.
“Hey Jan! Come on in, sit wherever you’d like!” Okay, now he was nervous. Something was off, very off.
Janus sat down on the corner of Roman’s bed, glancing around the familiar brightness of his love’s friend’s room. Roman gently sat next to him, causing the deceitful Side’s gaze to snap to him. Roman sighed.
“I asked you here today to tell you something important.” Janus’ heart clenched. Please don’t be what I hope think it is.
“I’ve been wanting to tell you for a while. We’ve had a rocky friendship, what with all of the stuff Thomas’s gone through, but I'm so happy that we got to the point we’re at now. You’ve become so incredibly important to me, Jan. It’s incredible how passionate you are about your role--and that’s coming from the literal embodiment of passion--and how much you care, even though you don’t like everybody to know it.” Roman chuckled a bit, Janus giving an exhale of amusement as well as the fear in his heart grew.
“I guess what im trying to say…” Please, god, yes no. “...is that I’m in love with you, Janus.” No. No, no, no.
Roman’s nervous yet earnest gaze travelled up from his lap, where it had drifted earlier, to Janus, searching for his reaction. Janus had short-circuited, his entire body frozen.
No no no, this wasn’t supposed to happen. How could he possibly love you? You can’t say you feel the same, no matter how much you want to, you know that. You’ve already hurt him before, if you tell him it’ll happen again and then you’ll really lose him and he’ll never look at you with his beautiful eyes or smile at you with his beautiful smile ever again. He can’t really love you. Just let him lose his infatuation. It can’t be real love. It might hurt him now but it will be way better than what you would inevitably end up doing to him.
No one could ever love you.
Janus forced his face into a smirk and his voice into something stable. He allowed the mask of the villain to slip over his face. You’ve always been the villain.
“Oh, Roman. You really have fallen, haven’t you?” he crooned. Hurt confusion slowly seeped into Romans face. He desperately pushed down the flash of guilt he felt.
“What are you talking about, Jan?” Roman spoke, his voice quiet and hurt.
“Did you really think that I could ever love you?” Janus hurt laughed. Roman’s eyes began to water, tears slowly falling down his cheeks. Janus stood up, forcing his hand not to shake as he patted Roman’s shoulder for the last time.
“Oh, how I pity you, Roman.” He chuckled, turning his back to the Side and feeling his own eyes begin to water as he lost control. The Lord of the Lies was only so good. It felt physically painful to walk out the door as he heard Roman break out into sobs behind him. You’ll never get to hold him in your arms.
As soon as Roman’s door was safely shut behind him, Janus sank out to his room, collapsing on the bed as sobs overtook him. It’s better this way, he tried to tell himself, he can get over it quicker and you’ll save him the heartbreak. It’s fine. Everything is fine. His heart, which felt like it was physically burning, said otherwise. Janus could barely bring himself to move, weakly shoving his shoes off and wrapping himself in his blankets as he sat there, sobbing. At some point his hat had fallen off. He didn’t care. He lost track of time, trying to tell himself that it was all for the best, you’ll get over it, though he knew he wouldn’t.
Suddenly, Janus heard his door burst open. He was filled with the urge to make himself presentable or even look up but he only succeeded in reducing his sobbing into a gasping panic.
“Why the fuck would you do that to Roman you- Dec- Janus? What the-” the intruder spoke. Janus’ panic only increased and he couldn’t breathe he couldn’t breathe help
Of course, it had to be Virgil. Now he knows and he’s seen you vulnerable. You fuck everything up, don’t you? Can’t go one day without hurting somebody else you stupid, ugly snake.
“Oh shit.” He felt the bed dip.
“Can I touch you?” Janus breathed rapidly, flinching when he felt a hand on his shoulder.
“Okay, okay, just calm down, Jay. Breathe in for four.” Janus tried, gasping, only succeeding after multiple attempts.
“You’re doing great. Now hold your breath for seven.” He did the same again.
“Okay, now out for eight.”
The process repeated until Janus could breathe somewhat normally again. He finally lifted his head up from his knees, feeling pitiful, to look at Virgil. After a few seconds of silence, the anxious trait spoke.
“What- What happened?” Silence.
“Did… did you reject Roman even though you like him back, Janus?”
His sniffling quickly turned to sobbing again as he threw himself into Virgil’s arms, the Side swiftly hugging him back once he got over the shock. Janus’ other arms came out too, gripping the other like a lifeline.
“I had to- he doesn’t- he doesn’t want me. I’ll h-hurt him. Just like in the courtroom. O-or when I c-called him the evil twin. Like- like I did with you,” his voice shrank to a whisper.
“It- it just hurts so bad. Make it go away, make it go away.” He gripped Virgil’s hoodie tightly, sobbing harshly once again. He felt Virgil’s chest rumbling but he heard no words. Suddenly, Virgil started to get up, detaching Janus’ hands from his hoodie. He curled back in on himself.
He’s probably gone to tell the others how pathetic you are.
A few minutes passed, Janus only calming himself slightly. He heard a few sets of footsteps enter his doorway. They’ve come to laugh at you. The bed abruptly dipped beside him and a new set of arms wrapped around him. He opened his eyes and saw a white and gold sleeve. He froze.
“Roman?” He spoke in a small voice.
“Shh, it’s okay, darling. You’re ok.” Roman spoke, rubbing circles into Janus’ back. His voice was thick with emotion, he’d obviously been crying and Janus’ heart crushed with guilt at the notion, more tears and gasps leaving him. He began rambling apologies, all six of his arms wrapping around Roman like they had Virgil.
“I’m so sorry- I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” Roman shushed the snake as he spoke, holding him tighter. “I never thought you’d feel the same way so I just b-bottled it up and then when you t-told me I didn’t know what to- to do and I’m so sorry”
Roman suddenly stilled. “So you really do? Love me back?”
Janus had run out of tears, left occasionally gasping for air. He leaned back and sat up, looking Roman in the eye and nodding before sheepishly looking away. Roman put his hands on Janus’ shoulders, causing the Side to stare back at him.
“Why did you lie about it, my love?” he spoke, his eyes full of earnest concern and love.
“I- you don’t want me. I-I’ll hurt you again. I always hurt them. And then they leave. I c-can’t-” but Virgil, who had been awkwardly watching the emotional exchange from the doorway, spoke up.
“We both hurt each other, Jay. It wasn’t all your fault.”
“Oh.” Janus leaned back against Roman as his thoughts swirled rapidly in his head. “Does this mean… that I can love you? I promise I’ll never try to hurt you and-”
Roman cut off Janus’ rambling with a kiss. Oh. Oh. Maybe Roman really did love him after all.
“Okay! Um, everything seems under control here so I’m gonna go,” Virgil hastily exited, closing the door behind him.
They pulled away from each other, both smiling. Janus wiped some of the leftover tears from his eyes, frowning at the wet marks on his gloves.
“I guess I’ve really ruined my reputation in front of you, huh?” Janus gave a light chuckle.
“Your big, tough reputation was ruined for me the moment you showed me your Scooby-Doo collection, you big nerd.” Roman teased affectionately.
“Like your Disney movie collection is any better!” Janus quipped back, Roman batting at his arm in retaliation.
“At least I have a variety to pick from!”
“At least my room isn’t a shrine to a billion dollar corporation.”
“My room only has 101 Disney posters! That’s not that many!”
“Maybe in your opinion.”
“Well, at least I don’t walk around in Hufflepuff-colored garb everyday!”
“I’m severely wounded, you take that back right now Roman Romano Sanders.”
“I refuse!”
“I can feel the dishonor of your insult burning me. I’m dying.”
“Stop being so dramatic!”
“I can see the light now.”
“Okay, fine! I'll take it back!”
“Nope, too late. I’m already in the afterlife. No, wait, I’m in Hell. It burns! It burns so much! But…”
“But what?”
“Nothing can ever burn me more than your insult! The shame! The shame…”
“Will you stop it if I finally agree to let you show me Scooby-Doo: Mystery Incorporated?”
“Suddenly I’m alive! They sent me back.”
“They said that all of you were just so lost without me. Especially you, my dear Braveheart.”
“Well, I can’t argue with that, can I?”
Roman pulled Janus in for another kiss, both of them sighing contentedly. In that moment, everything was perfect. Neither could wait for the many more perfect moments sure to come.
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feverdancing · 3 years
When it rains we run, okay? chapter three.
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Four
Nene’s skin crawled as she focused her tired gaze on the window beside her. The sky was still blanketed with thick clouds; fog covered the city lazily weighed down.
Her head was still clouded from last night’s episode. Her body clung to exhaustion, her eyelids refusing to open further than halfway.
Hanako was still working, and he would be until 4. Nene wasn’t sure what he did for work; he always danced around the subject, hiding, giving vague descriptions that could fit most jobs.
Nene never pushed. Hanako would tell her when he was ready.
He trusts her,
He’s always been like this, ever since they were children in middle school.
Amane’s eyes shifted, looking anywhere but her when she asked what he was reading, “Ah, it’s just something I’m interested in, nothing fascinating,”
She never got a direct answer from him… aside from when he was helping her with her studies, but even then, he made her solve it for herself.
Today was a good day.
Nene went to work. She works at a small magazine place; thankfully, they allowed her name to be anonymous. Her boss didn’t care about who she was, made a small comment about how her parents must be supernatural fanatics to name their child such a weird thing, then promptly hired her; her writing was good, persuasive.
Nene has always been persuasive. It’s how Amane still likes her.
Nene went home; she watched TV. She listened to music. The rain didn’t fall.
She’s going to her former teacher’s, Tsuchigomori’s, house for dinner.
Tsuchigomori… that man… knows way too much, for no one saying anything.
He’s cutthroat. As long as Nene and Hanako stay in line, out of sight, he won’t report them. When he found them in the alleyway near the school, he seemed to have already known what she had done.
Her former teacher hid them, keeping a close eye on them. He claimed that he needed to keep tabs on the two of them so they don’t “mess anything else up.”
He’s always been such a strange teacher. He never seemed to care, always distant and annoyed, but when she got injured from Him , Tsuchigomori always was there, having her sit in a classroom, as he tended to her injuries. He prodded for information... For some reason, Nene felt he already knew.
He helped them hide their identities. Gave them a place to hide. But, unfortunately, it seems Nene and Hanako will be in his debt for a long time.
He’s going to report them eventually.
Nene jolts, opening her eyes to look at the time on her phone. Then, she starts to doze off.
It was noon; maybe she could sleep until Hanako get’s off work. Her body seemed to agree, ready to collapse any moment.
She unlocks her phone and sets the alarm for 3:45. Placing it on the table, Nene decides she is too sleepy to walk to her bedroom. Slumping against the old sofa, she tugs her sweater sleeves and closes her eyes, letting sleep consume her consciousness.
Nene had a kitchen knife in her bag.
She was on edge from all the true crime she was watching, well, that and the spike of disappearances recently.
No money to buy a pocket knife or defense weapon. Sure, knives weren’t allowed on the school campus, but if Nene didn’t tell anyone, she wouldn’t get into trouble.
She remembers clearly how the tall male seized up when she stabbed him.
Her eyes wide, her breath shallow, the ringing in her ears when he screamed. Her arm pulling the knife out and driving it back in.
He fell. Nene fell on top of him, raising her arm.
Stabbing over and over, she gasped for air, choking and sobbing violently.
Nene was above him, shaking as she looked into his dead eyes. He looked like he was terrified, in excruciating pain.  
Mokke didn’t feel the guilt. After what he did, he deserves this.
Nene was afraid. Why didn’t he just listen? Why did it have to come to this? Why didn’t he stop? She didn’t want to kill him. He shouldn’t have died.
She sat on her knees above him. Staring at her hands on the knife.
Gasping, she lets go, backing off of him, slamming herself into the wall behind her, staring at the corpse with horror.
A knock on the bathroom entrance is what breaks her intense gaze.
Nene’s face was wet as she reached for her phone. Her alarm had gone off.
She groaned, sliding her thumb over what she believed was the alarm. Using the sleeve on her shirt to wipe the tears from her face.
The apartment was silent. Only the sound of light rain hitting the building and cars moving below could be heard.
Nene sits up slowly, taking note of the pain in her neck.
She stares at the phone in her hand, watching the screen darken, then turning black.
Hanako shouldn’t be here for another 30 minutes…
Nene set the phone on the table and looked towards the window.
At least the rain wasn’t that bad.
Nene sighs, looking down to the coffee table in front of her,
She didn’t feel right, the exhaustion still weighing heavily on her. She tugs on her sleeves, wrapping her arms around herself, listening to the rain let up, slowly dissipating.
A small break of rain. It wouldn’t last long. The forecast states thunderstorms and heavy rain for the next week.
Nene decided it’d be best to stretch, feeling the desire to sleep grow stronger the longer she sits there.
A loud yawn comes from her as she raises her arms above her head and arches her back.
Moving towards the kitchen, Nene briefly glances at the time on the microwave and opens a cupboard for a glass. She reaches for one, standing on her toes to grab it. Then, slowly closing it, she goes over her options for a drink.
Water, milk, coffee, Nene was almost sure they had some juice in there, but she wasn’t sure. She could put her ice in the coffee… but she would have to make a pot, which she didn’t want to do…
Nene turns the facet on, shoving her glass underneath the water.
Water. That’s what she needed.
Watching it fill up, Nene lets it overfill, flowing onto her hand before splashing into the sink. She blinks, turning it off, and pours some of the water out, and taking a sip of it.
It felt refreshing, cool against her dry throat.
Nene relishes in the silence, no rain, no talking. She moves back into the living room, sitting at the couch once again, this time, her exhaustion barely noticeable.
She sits, sipping on her water until Hanako comes home.
He was late, unusual even for him. Nene’s glass held only a few drops of water.
Hanako was out of breath as he walked in, quickly shutting the door behind him. He smiled at Nene, with a hello, before making his way into their room.
Nene blinked. Hanako has never not properly said his hello’s to her.
She set the glass onto the coffee table and made her way into their shared room. She peeked into seeing Hanako changing.
“Are you okay?” Nene asks quietly, making him stop his movement, looking over to her.
Hanako stares, his amber eyes gazing deeply into her as if gauging her motive. He smiled,
“Sorry, I thought I should get ready to leave right now since we might be late to the old man’s place,”
“That doesn’t answer my question.” Nene was used to him evading questions, but it was seriously getting on her nerves.
“We’re going to be late, Mokke .” Hanako’s response ended this conversation. For now.
Nene sighs and shakes her head to him, disappointed.
“I don’t like it when you push me out, Hanako .” Manipulation, to get her way, she wanted answers. Tears fill her eyes, “Don’t you trust me? What did I do wrong?”
Amane seems to respond accordingly, his face twisting up into panic as he let go of the shirt he was buttoning up, waving his handing trying to calm her down.
“Mokke, I do trust you, believe me, I’ll tell you after dinner, please don’t cry,” Amane pleads with her, holding her hands in his.
“Promise?” Nene whispers to him, pulling one of her hands away to hold up a pinky, staring into his eyes, her ruby eyes wide and glassy, “ Please, ”
Hanako breaks shakily, connecting their pinky fingers together, “ Promise .”
Nene closes her eyes tightly, leaning into him.
“We need to get ready, starlight,” Hanako says softly.
Nene nods, leaning back and wiping her tears.
She was going to get answers.
Nene shuffles to the closet and opens it, staring at the clothes inside. She listens to Hanako button up his shirt.
She tugged on a cream-colored buttoned blouse and reached for a burgundy skirt.
Slowly she removes her clothes. She knows Hanako turns around regardless of whether or not she wants him to and slips on the items she pulled.
“Hanako?” She looks to him, “Could you grab my bag for me? And shut the blinds? I need to brush my hair,”
Hanako nods, doing as he was told.
Walking into the bathroom, she stares at herself in the mirror. Nene reaches for a brush and starts making her way through the knots she got while sleeping. She pauses,
Ao-chan always brushed her hair during break since Nene always overslept.
Nene grits her teeth, pulling her hair into a low bun. Quickly, she shoves the brush back onto the counter, glaring at it, and leaves the bathroom.
Hanako was slipping his shoes on, looking over to her with her bag in his hand,
“Are you ready?” She nods.
He helps her put her shoes on, and they leave, Hanako locking the door behind them,
“I put your phone in your bag,” Hanako informs her,
“I forgot about grabbing it,” Heat rushes to her cheeks, “Thank you Hanako-kun,” A smile on her face was enough of thanks to him, but she needs to make sure he knows he’s appreciated.
Hanako smiles back, grabbing her hand and pulling her along as they make their way to the elevator.
The walk there was nice. Neither Nene nor Hanako owned a car, let alone had a license to drive one. The clouds had broken up to let the setting sunshine down on the city.
Purple and orange hues filled the clouds, forming something akin to a painting. It was pretty, yet the only thing Nene felt looking at it was a bitter melancholy. The wet sidewalks glowed, reflecting the sun, making the world around them alive.
Something that made Nene uneasy was the dark clouds looming in the west.
The streets were empty, it was getting late, most people had gone home, to their families, or were having dinner.
They turn a street, spotting the familiar old but fancy-looking apartment. Hanako’s hand on hers seemed to tighten, giving her a soft squeeze as they made their way inside.
Instead of the elevator, they use the old narrow stairs.
The two arrive on the teacher’s floor up seven flights of stairs, completely out of breath. Nene laughs in between breaths, “Hanako-” She gasps slightly, “We should’ve used the elevator,” Hanako joins in on her laughter.
They stand there for a few moments, catching their breaths, composing themselves.
Hanko and Nene arrive at the door that has 705 engraved on  a golden plate  and knock.
Nene heard shuffling behind the door as Tsuchigomori unlocked it.
Right on cue, Tsuchigomori opens the door, glaring at the two young adults.
“You’re late.” He hisses out.
Hanako laughs lightly, rubbing the back of his neck, his smile slightly nervous,
“Sorry! Got caught up in traffic, you know?”
“You don’t have a car.”
“Oh right…” Hanako pauses, looking towards Nene, looking for an excuse. His gaze focuses on her before looking back at Tsuchigomori with a boyish grin, “...Got caught up looking at the sky, it’s a lovely sunset,”
Nene and Tsuchigomori both stare at him with a deadpan look.
“Tsuchigomori-sama, We’re sorry to be late; Hanako-kun got home later than usual.” Nene softly says, bowing deeply, her hands folding in front of her.
Tsuchigomori raises a hand dismissively, opening the door wider, and motions them in,
“Just don’t let it happen again.”
Hanako and Nene stepped into the apartment, sliding their coats and shoes off.
Tsuchigomori went towards the kitchen, presumably cooking still.
“You two can sit at the dining table. I’ll be out with the food in a minute.
Nene sucks in a breath.
Now they had to report their month to him.
Hanako was going to tell the truth, Nene was going to make sure of it.
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dudeandduchess · 4 years
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Affairs of the Heart: Chapter 1 [Knight!Sanemi x Princess!Reader](Royalty AU, Westernized Plot, SFW/NSFW Scenario)
Summary: Sanemi is a knight for the (L/n) Empire’s second princess; only, their relationship isn’t simply that of a princess and her retainer. Behind closed doors, they’re merely a man and his lover. At least, until the day they dreaded the most comes: the day when (Y/n) finally gets engaged to another man.
Note: Yes, this is for the 2,666 promo. 😅 Sorry it took so long. It’s also for the 3,666 milestone now. 😂
Chapter: 1/3
Warnings: Smut, Secret Rendezvous, Forbidden Love
Heavy breaths rasped against (Y/n)’s ear, just as she felt the warmth of familiar lips drifting against the shell of it; trailing down the side of her neck, as her lover whispered, “You feel so fucking amazing, (Y/n).”
He knew that he shouldn’t have been addressing her by her first name— that it would count as blasphemy, and would amount to his death if anyone had ever heard him— but Sanemi couldn’t care less. Every thrust, and every drag of his cock against her walls had him melting further against her.
Meanwhile, (Y/n) dug her nails into her lover’s back; raking them down the broad expanse when she felt him dig deep and deliberately begin thrusting against her cervix.
Every move felt so heavenly, to the point where she could feel her legs shaking with so much pleasure. “Harder, Sanemi. Please. I want you to ruin me.”
Her whispered plea only spurred the knight on, having him move faster and harder against her even though he was beginning to feel a bit winded himself. After taking her three times before, it was to be expected— but he really couldn’t get enough of her.
A part of him believed that he would never get enough of her. So he had to get his fill of her while he still could.
It wouldn’t have been a problem had he been born to nobility, even a lowly Baron family would have did him some good as he’d wanted to stay with (Y/n) forever. But life wasn’t fair, and fate wasn’t taking his side on anything, so he’d had to work his way up to the palace from being a commoner.
At that thought, he screwed his eyes shut and lost himself to the feel of his lover’s body welcoming him so wonderfully. Her moans and mewls right softly echoing within her room drove him even hotter with need for her; it had him wanting to fill her up one more time, even if the consequences of him getting her pregnant would be catastrophic.
Still, he wanted to be selfish; as selfish as she was. Especially when he felt her legs lock around his waist and pull him closer than before.
“Cum inside, I want to feel your cum inside me. Please.” (Y/n)’s words were punctuated by a sensual bite to the silver-haired knight’s neck, and it drove him absolutely crazy for her. His thrusts began to get rougher than before, even as his arms shook from having to hold himself up.
(Y/n) was so close to screaming in pleasure; with every brush of Sanemi’s cock against that one spot inside of her that had her back arching. He was so warm, but the heat she felt building up inside of her had very little to do with his body heat; it was because she was undeniably close to cumming for the nth time that night.
Sanemi was the only lover she’d ever had, and she couldn’t have asked for a more selfless lover than him.
And when he gave in to her request— dipping his hips low and burying his cock in her to the hilt, she knew that he was the only one that she would welcome into her arms, and right between her legs— for the rest of her life.
Even if she still had the threat of being married off looming above her head.
His cum filled her up deep inside, warming her even further and making her feel as if it was the rightest thing in the universe. Being with Sanemi was just that; right and natural.
“I love you so much, (Y/n).”
The moment that (Y/n) was fast asleep, Sanemi had taken it upon himself to dress her back in the night gown he’d slipped off of her body before. There was nothing more that he wanted than to lay in bed and wake up next to her the following morning, but he was nothing more than her personal soldier.
Tasked to guard her throughout the night, and to keep unwanted guests from disturbing her.
With a heavy sigh, he got up from where he sat on the edge of the bed; giving the slumbering princess one last, longing look, before making his way out of her room.
It was their usual routine, but he’d be damned if he didn’t admit to how much it hurt him each and every time he was forced to leave her.
Still, he had no choice. Because, no matter how hard he tried to turn and twist the world in his favor, the fact remained: they were still worlds apart.
“Your Imperial Highness, it’s time to start the day,” One of (Y/n)’s handmaids uttered gently, keeping her head low and her stance small as she waited for the young lady to turn her gaze towards her.
Those eyes, the color that was only possessed by the members of the royal family, narrowed into irate slits; not even bothering to hide the displeasure that their owner felt, while she sat upright in her bed and let her covers pool at her waist.
She could still feel Sanemi on every inch of her body; his touch leaving behind a warm feeling, that still lingered on her skin. It was the only thing she clung to, in order to keep herself sane in her gilded cage.
“What’s on the agenda for today?” (Y/n) asked flatly, giving up on her irritation and settling for defeat instead. No matter what she did, she was sure that she wouldn’t be able to get out of her royal duties.
After all, she was no longer sixteen and irresponsible. She was twenty two, and well ensconced with the day to day tasks that were supposed to fall on her mother and sister.
Only, her mother had long since passed away, and her older sister had already been married off to the neighboring kingdom’s prince. So, all of the tasks of the lady of the house fell to her.
“Her Highness has the morning to approve of the castle’s Autumn budget, as well as plan out this season’s harvest festival.”
(Y/n) barely resisted the urge to scowl at that. “And in the afternoon?”
“His Imperial Majesty, the Emperor, is requesting you to join him for tea in his office.”
“After that?”
“Her Highness has no more scheduled engagements after that.” The maid bowed her head once more, stepping back a little to make way for (Y/n), as she got out of bed and held her arms out for the aforementioned maid to slip her silk robe on her.
Getting ready for the day was such a tedious task, but she had no choice but to go along with it.
All because it was all that she knew. (Y/n) had been born into that life and, had she not met Sanemi, then she would still be trudging through the same routine in the most miserable manner.
The mere thought of him had her mood lightening the tiniest bit; and, for the briefest moment, she found herself smiling at the memories of her silver-haired knight.
He made things much more bearable, even as her other maids hemmed and hawed at her to make her even more presentable for the day.
And once the grueling task was done, she surveyed her reflection in the mirror— eyeing the lilac colored jewels that adorned her throat; chosen specifically to match her paramour’s eyes.
“Where’s Sanemi?” (Y/n) asked, her gaze flickering over to one of the maids through the mirror. She was not cruel by any means, but it made her lips twitch up into a smile when she saw the unlucky woman bristle up at the sudden attention she gave her.
“S-Sir Shinazugawa is right outside, Your Highness,” the small woman answered, bowing her head low as a sign of respect. “If it pleases Her Highness, should I summon him?”
(Y/n) lifted a hand up to touch the jewels at her throat. “Yes, send him in. And all of you are dismissed. Leave us.”
A soft chorus of “Yes, Your Highness”— partnered with all six of her maids curtsying— answered her. And, without much fuss, all of them filed out of her room; only to be followed by Sanemi entering the expansive space and closing the door behind him.
“Good morning, Your Imperial Highness,” The silver-haired knight greeted with a courteous bow of his head, as well as a fist laid over his chest; a customary way to greet nobles in the (L/n) empire.
It irked (Y/n) to no end, making her grit her teeth and blatanly scowl as she marched over to where Sanemi was.
And, without much thought or hesitance, she cupped his face in her hands and brought their lips together in a searing kiss; if only to get her irritation across without snapping at him.
“I told you never to call me that when we’re alone, Sanemi.” Her words sounded soft and pouty, even to her own ears. But she couldn’t care less about putting on a composed front, as Sanemi was her solace; the one person with whom she could be herself with.
After all, they had been lovers ever since he’d become her knight when she was sixteen; and with her being much older at that point, he had seen every facet of her personality— even the worst ones.
And he still loved her for them; not despite them.
Slowly, a smile tugged up at the corners of the young man’s lips; making him seem years younger without that trademark scowl on his face. He then lifted his own hands up, encircling his lover’s wrists and bringing her hands down to his lips— pressing kisses to her fingertips, before laying her palms flat against his chest.
“It’s what’s proper, (Y/n).”
(Y/n) was silent at that, refusing to validate his words with a response. Because she knew that dragging things on would just upset both of them, and she didn’t need another misunderstanding between them.
Sensing the damper in her mood, Sanemi pursed his lips and sighed at his gaffe. So, to make up for it, he pulled (Y/n)’s arms up to rest on his shoulders, and closed the distance between their lips; claiming hers in such a soft and lingering kiss that had her smiling into it.
She responded to his advances readily, opening her mouth and welcoming Sanemi’s tongue to play with hers. He tasted like tea, and something mildly sweet and tangy; which made her enthusiastically suck on his tongue to taste more of it.
When they parted, both of them panting lightly in an effort to catch their breaths, Sanemi found himself grinning at the brazen move that (Y/n) had pulled on him. “Did you really have to suck on my tongue, Princess?”
With those blatantly hanging in the air, (Y/n)’s cheeks inevitably warmed up with a blush. “I... I liked the taste.”
Sanemi could only quirk an eyebrow at that, as he dug into his right pocket and pulled out a piece of candy wrapped in cellophane. He then made quick work of the wrapper, crumpling it up and putting it in his pocket, after holding the sugary treat up to his lover’s lips— gliding it along her bottom lip to entice her, before letting her have it.
“I shouldn’t be eating sweets so early in the morning,” (Y/n) whispered with a laugh, yet still leaned forward to brush a chaste kiss to Sanemi’s lips— all while letting her hands delve into his hair.
A laugh bubbled free from the knight’s lips at that, as his hands anchored themselves to either side of (Y/n)’s waist, just as he gently pressed his forehead against hers. “You shouldn’t be doing a lot of things, Princess— like being with me. Yet here we are...”
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navarice · 3 years
Prompt 2: Animal
Hello everyone, I'm back for day 2 of the fest! So far, I have written these prompts at the most inopportune moments, so please forgive me if they literally make no sense.
Today's piece was meant to be my first attempt to write a story, but somehow it became a self-reflection that has nothing to do with being queer and desi and everything to do with my personal feelings lol.
Hope it still counts. Regardless, if you decide to read this, then thank you! You're already doing something that even I can't make myself do.
Pitch to @desi-lgbt-fest for my submission. It's under the cut below.
See you guys on the other side~
Did you know that Muslims are not supposed to keep dogs as pets?
This interpretation can vary depending on who you ask, but the general consensus is that dogs...are a no-go. Why? The simple answer is because they are too “unclean” to keep inside the house.
Did I ever question this rule? Of course, I did. I have been living in the United States for years now, ever since I was a child at that. Some of America’s customs are going to rub off on me, and that includes keeping dogs as domesticated indoor pets. They’re so cute and fluffy and so friendly, how could you not love them?
I never knew, until much later, that someone else shared my sentiments as well.
My grandfather was not a great man. He had flaws. Many, many flaws. But he was quite extraordinary in his own way.
For starters, he could make friends everywhere and anywhere, a facet of him that I have come to deeply envy. Sociable, affable, and able to put anyone at ease (except for my grandmother, who had always hated his habit of staying out until the evening Adzan had already long passed), my grandfather was an easy person to get along with.
That, somehow, translated to animals as well.
One day, I get a call from my cousin hundreds of miles away.
“Nanu brought home a dog,” she said, her smooth cadence of Bengali a welcoming change from my mother’s harsher ones.
I was, naturally, baffled. After begging for years to get a dog or any other pet in general, my grandfather brought home a dog?! The most taboo animal of all! I couldn’t believe it, refused to even.
Turns out, my grandfather was walking home when spotted a small puppy by the roadside. A stray. Strays are not uncommon. Bangladesh has streets full of them, living alongside us until they almost feel like they are a part of our society as well.
Then, I remembered my grandfather’s habit of picking up strays. When I was four, it was a cat. Another cat when I was five. He bought rabbits that were sold off for cheap, pigeons because why not?, and even people, if any of the unfamiliar guests that came by whenever me and my family traveled back home were any indication.
So he noticed the stray, struggling to stay alive. Took pity on it, and carried it home. My grandmother was furious. She never liked any animals that demanded too much attention, preferring independent ones that stayed out of her sight. My grandfather didn’t pay her any mind, this too was common, and raised the stray under his own loving hand and guidance.
Flash forward two years, and I was traveling back to Bangladesh because I can never stay far from home for long. The dog that was mentioned to me in passing was now large and healthy, loyalty and love shining in his eyes. I am a simple person, I fell in love instantly. What I didn’t expect was my family’s reaction, even less my grandmother’s.
The few days I stayed with them, I saw that my Nani and cousins have accepted the dog as a part of the family. Nani gave him the best cuts of meat, a sight that boggled my mind when I first caught sight of it, and my cousins were eager to learn how to pet him the way that I do whenever he is close by.
Despite the elation, there was still one question that kept on bothering me.
“No one,” my grandfather said when I asked him how he managed to raise a dog of all things when I’ve been told all my life they were unclean, “said anything about not keeping a guard dog.”
Understanding dawned on me. It was so simple that I almost felt stupid. That was the loophole. No dogs inside the house, but no one said anything about keeping one outside. Plus, when we get “dirty” for petting the dog and getting his saliva on us, we just had to remember to stay clean by showering or doing wudu so that our namaz can still count.
I envied him since then. Every time I looked out my bedroom window to see my grandfather sitting in the baranda, the dog leisurely lying next to him, that feeling followed. Nanu was always patting his head, just like I had shown my cousins how to do. I was under no illusion that my grandfather learned that from me, he was the one who raised the dog with his own hands after all. But, at that moment, I could at least pretend.
I envied how easily he could get people to like him, how easily he can get animals to like him, and how easily he could make people understand him if he tried.
He is gone now, it has been three years since the last time I saw him. We didn’t part on good terms, my grandfather’s last moments with me woefully bitter. However, that didn’t lessen my love for him. I still remember how he held my hand and took me to meet his friends in the village marketplace, excited to introduce his favorite granddaughter to the fondly exasperated crowd. I still remember how he yelled at me whenever I caught him smoking, unwilling to let me see the worst parts of himself. I still remember how he taught me to look for loopholes, especially when circumstances seemed impossible.
And that, I suppose, makes all the difference.
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razorblade180 · 4 years
Red Carpet
Stardom! It’s a thing that runs rampant all over Remnant. Dozens of heroes, legends, leaders, and rising stars get noticed almost every day for one remarkable reason or another. However, not all stars are the same, and that couldn’t be more apparent than the night of Remnants red carpet event. A gathering of only the finest of stars and their guests were invited to this prestigious event in order to partake in awards, premiers, and anything else the year had to offer. As usual, people and paparazzi came in droves to get glimpses of their idols; all of them anxiously waiting for first timers and veterans of the event. It was the one time to get so many celebrities together. The one time people get to see all the Schnees together. Or at least in the same area…
Valerie sat in a limousine, anxiously waiting for the moment she would have to leave the comfort of it and face all the flashing lights, which wasn’t an entirely new experience. The freshman had gotten used to that sort of thing from being an up and coming athlete, but a stadium was a far cry from anything of this magnitude. This was where the big fish were, and Valerie wasn’t even one of them. She was a plus one. The girl rubbed her fingers through her fresh pixie cut and took another look at the positively pink, shimmering dress she was wearing that stopped just above her knees. In reality, Valerie thought she looked exactly like the name of her hair cut. Even the pink flats she wore looked right out of a fairytale book. She wasn’t one for makeup up, but that wasn’t gonna fly today. Her mother had given the girl a bit of blush and lip gloss to add to her beauty. The only thing that wasn’t touched was her beautiful turquoise eyes. Those gems were fine all on their own.They would probably distract people from the orange studs in her ears. She was certainly dressed for the event but the butterflies in Valerie’s stomach kept her nerves on edge, unlike her date.
Across from her was the very person who gave her the plus one ticket, resting their eyes as if this was some kind of field trip. Oh how the other half lives, but that’s always how Nicholas Schnee has been. Valerie has probably seen him in formal attire way more than regular clothes at this point. His trademark pure white blazer, shoes, and dress pants looked as flawless as ever. The splash of color this time around was an orange tie that matched Valerie’s hair and pink undershoot to go with her dress. Nick’s messy head of snow white hair was slicked back for the occasion and a very expensive looking watch on his wrist looked like ice itself. All in all, the young man looked like every bit of the heartthrob the media made him out to be. Nick’s eyelids lifted slowly, revealing his icy blue eyes that immediately met Valerie’s. It was completely unfair for anyone to look that good waking up, it was one of many things that made people call him a modern day prince.
“How was your beauty sleep? It’s not like you to doze off.”
“I always try and rest before these things since they can drag on.” His voice was still a little low from waking up. What was it about boys that made their tone feel entirely different after waking up? Between that and the usual tiredness around his eyes gone, Nick was liable to be the centerpiece of this event. Something that made Valerie let out an exhausted sigh.
“Are...you okay?” Nick asked. “You’ve been this way since I picked you up.”
“Oh it’s nothing. I just can’t believe I was roped into this. Actually, scratch that, being roped in implies I had a chance to resist. I had the rug completely pulled out from under me.”
“Oh don’t be like that. You wanted to go here anyways.”
“Yeah well I was expecting to have my own invitation and to be with the rest of our family.” Valerie crosses her arms and huffs. “I mean I know freshmen don’t get too much attention from the public but I’ve been putting up some really strong numbers in multiple sports. I mean I’ll be representing Atlas in the fighting tournament for crying out loud!”
Nick looked at his childhood friend get cartoonishly pouty about such a thing. “Don’t forget, it’s not like I’m entirely here on my own merit either. I don’t believe many people are lining up to see me because I got gold in ice skating. Status got me here, everything else reinforces my validity. Next year will be a little different fortunately. That’s when we’ll start gaining real traction; think of this as your test run.”
“Yeah yeah…” It sucked how much Nick was right sometimes.Valerie had taken a few minutes to turn on the mini tv in their ride. The event had started a little while ago, but showing up early or in a group wasn’t in the plan from the get go. The Schnees had a certain way this event had to be tackled. Valerie’s attention shifted back to Nick to ask why that is, but was mentally derailed by the boy staring at her with a gentle that made Valerie thankful for the blush on her face. “Can you quit it already?” She said, with a hint of embarrassment.
Nick let out a small chuckle and raised an eyebrow. “Quit what?”
“Staring, you dummy…”
“But you look so gorgeous.”
Valerie squinted at him for saying such a thing. Nick quickly raised his hands in peace, caving into laughter.
“Wait, I promise I’m not trying to make a move or anything. I just can’t help but look at you. It’s like I’m looking at some kind of magical fairy. I can’t look away!”
Valerie couldn’t help herself. She covered her face and turned towards her window. “Yeah? Well….thanks. I forget how nice you can clean up as well.” Calling him handsome was too much for the girl, but he definitely knew that’s what she was going for by the cheerful expression on his face. Damn him! Valerie knew she was being read like a book. “Can you not look so cheerful while I’m freaking out?”
“What’s there to freak out about? Paparazzi aren’t anything new. Neither is a crowd or flashing lights.”
“I know that, but…” Valerie felt a knot start to form in her stomach. A glimmer of guilt started to fill her heart, as well as show in her eyes.”People might-”
“This doesn’t change anything between us.” He cut her off. “Yes, the media will probably try to insinuate something but it won’t be anything we can’t dismiss later on. Nick casually leaned against the car door, his eyes on the tv. Dozens upon dozens of rich people were still arriving with their family, including kids. Kids that were his age. “Girls always try to approach me during these things, asking for favors and trying to hassle me. You going with me means less of that happens. My family is so important that we have no choice but to arrive at different times and locations so we aren’t overwhelmed. It also forces the cameras to spread out.”
Valerie watched the boy’s face get a little tired just thinking about it. Almost every facet of Nick’s life was like its own personal battlefield with him as a general that was constantly making a plan to survive. Then there was her, worrying about rumors. Some friend she was.
Valerie reached for his hand and held it tight. Nick was immediately snapped out of his trance and was greeted with the soft smile he loved so much.
“Just leave things to me tonight. Focus on enjoying yourself.”
Nick’s heart nearly flew out of his chest. He doubted Valerie was using her ability on him and yet she made him feel so at ease. He gave her a confident nod and the two of them went back to acting more of less like their normal selves.
“I have to say though, it’s pretty telling one of your biggest complaints is too much attention from girls.”
“Well maybe if they were interesting or actually wanted to get to know me then I’d complain less. Being beautiful doesn’t mean much when that’s all you have going for you. If more girls were like you or Veronica, well actually, yeah there would be chaos. Never mind.”
“Hey! Don’t lump me in with that stuck up princess. My brand of chaotic is way more appealing.” Valerie said, puffing out her chest.
Nick could only laugh. “That’s the part that annoyed you?”
“Listen, I’m well aware I’m also a bit of an acquired taste for people, but she’s literally ten times worse! Speaking of the demon, why not pick her as your date. She’s here with her parents right?”
“Not exactly.” Nick smiled mischievously. Valerie was about to ask why when a sudden cheer from outside and the tv got louder than the rest.
“Ladies and gentlemen, there she is! Atlas’s favorite teen idol!” Cried a reporter, giving the answer to Valerie’s question.
Flashing lights went off every second on the carpet like if they were the grand finale of fireworks. All for the chance to get the most elegant shot possible of Nicholas’s twin sister, Summer Schnee. Like her brother, the young singer had walked this carpet before and knew how to work it. If the stage was her home away from home, then this place might as well be her castle, and Summer had no problem giving her subjects the most regal display possible.
The girl wore the most beautiful flowing dress that went down to her ankles that twinkled with sapphire blue and piercings white flakes that looked like crushed crystals. The long sleeve dress itself started off blue at the bottom but as got to her waist, spiraled into an angelic white; making the right side of her torso and sleeve white, while the left remained blue. Her usual ponytail was abandoned and her waist long hair flowed like a river silk while her ears showed off dangling gems. One diamond and one sapphire that were on the opposite side of their respective color on the dress. Despite it all, no blue matched the deep blue of her eyes, proof of her relation to her dear father.
The people were going crazy for her. Everywhere she waved, a person asked her to smile. Summer had no problem with the attention but it’s not why she enjoyed this event. What made her day was the little girls and boys that were scattered just behind the carpet line with their home made signs. She gave a little boy a wink and his entire face turned red before hiding it behind his sign. Vanity pictures could happen any time, but making a kids day like that? That’s what made tonight worthwhile in her opinion.
“Summer Schnee in the flesh everybody, and looking stunning! This star was nominated for a few awards tonight. May she get all that she deserves.” The reporter ran up to her to ask a question. “Ms. Schnee! Over here!”
“Please, Summer is just fine. I may look like my mother but I think I’m still a bit too young to be called that.” Summer laughed.
“Okay then, Summer. If you don’t mind, where’s your plus one? We’d love to get a few photos.”
Internally, Summer let out the longest sigh of agitation. She knew full well this was gonna happen. It always does! Her face gave no such reaction to her thoughts however. As far as anyone who wasn’t in the loop could tell, Summer gave a genuine smile of excitement and joy. “No problem!” She pointed a little ways behind her in the direction she came from. Multiple people turned their heads like if they were trained animals. More camera snapping continued and even the reporter lit up when she found the target of so many eyes.
“Oh! Ms- ummm should I call her Ms, or use her name?”
“Don’t worry I got it. Hey Vee Vee!” Summer tried not snicker. Veronica hated that nickname, but what was she going to do? They might not get along but they know better than to fight in front of so many important people.
Summer’s voice reached the cat ears of her “date” despite all the noise and Veronica turned around. She almost forgot where she was and thought about flipping the girl off for using that nickname. That would’ve been a disaster for sure. Veronica overall wasn’t getting as much attention from the media as Summer, but definitely left more people speechless. She had decided to wear a slimming, strapless black dress that stopped a little about her knees and showed a little of her back since the dress was cut in a ‘v’ shape from behind. Her luscious black and blonde hair had been curled fabulously while her amethyst necklace complimented her eyes, nails and lipstick. The girl looked like a whole damn model! Even the way she walked in her black, four inch heels made Summer more than a little jealous. It was hard not to wish she had the body of a gymnast instead of a petite ballerina. Genetics were cruel like that. To top it all off, Veronica’s tail wrapped around her own waist to give off the look of her wearing a belt of some sort.
“You called?” Her hand wrapped around Summer’s waist instinctively. People loved seeing the girls so close. Summer did her part by slightly leaning on the taller girl.
“Oh people just wanted to see Atlas’s fledgling singer and Menagerie’s child of unity in some photos together.”
Veronica smiles at the cameras and waved to the people with Summer by her side. The female reporter beside them seemed to genuinely be moved by the sight. “You okay?” Veronica asked.
“It’s just very moving to see you two be a shining example for our youth. Humans and faunus being friends like this is still a pretty big deal.”
“Don’t I know it? As the daughter of a human and faunus, acceptance is the number one thing I look for in any place I visit. Both of my mother’s are very active in easing tension between our races. With one of them being the leader of an equal rights movement and the other being an accomplished huntress that serves the people, spreading fairness is in my dna. As a half breed, I like to believe I have a certain obligation to do the same.”
Summer was surprised. Veronica handled that topic like a pro. Summer knew that the aspiring fashion designer has had to make several speeches and attend rallies in the past in place of her mother Blake, but speaking as effortlessly as Veronica just did about a heavy subject was still impressive for their age. “I think you’re surpassing that obligation.”
Veronica was caught off guard by the compliment. She knew Summer wasn’t being rude or sneaking in any jabs. It was just an actual compliment. Veronica supposed that she could let that nickname incident slide, just this once. “Well thank you. Now then, I believe we should be moving along a bit. People to see, hands to shake. Nice meeting you Ms…..?”
“Lavender.” The reporter said, shaking Veronica’s hand.
“A pleasure, our parents should be further back or on the opposite side of this auditorium building. I’m sure they’ll love any questions you have.” Veronica didn’t wait for a response and casually pulled Summer along. “The nerve of some people.”
“What are you talking about?”
“I know right?” Summer sighed, “She pretended as if she didn’t know who my plus one was when I'd announced it for weeks. I think she was about to ask about my family’s troubled history with faunus.”
“Or bring up any other awkward questions. Bringing up politics when parents aren’t around, I hate reporters.”
“Especially when they pretend to be emotional.” Summer looked at Veronica and the girl did the same. Both of them sighed in unison. They had intent on arguing tonight. All their energy had to be saved for people like Ms. Lavender. Tonight was gonna be a long night.
“I CAN’T BELIEVE THEY ARE SMILING TOGETHER!” Valerie cackled, “Is this how you get decent photos of them!?”
“It’s the only way! I can’t get those two that close to each other without arguing on a regular day” Nick made sure to screenshot the pictures of the two ladies so they can see them later. He had to get some kind of entertainment from tonight.
“I honestly can’t believe Yang was okay with her showing that much skin.” Nick commented, “Makes me wonder what Blake and her are wearing. They’re into themes”
“Are we going to be the last to arrive? My parents just met up with yours.” Valerie showed him the text.
“Yeah, everyone else drew straws apparently on what entrance and what order to go in. We are the very front entrance, so be ready for all those lights going off in your face.” He half joked. No one could be ready for that mess.
Valerie grabbed the remote and started flipping through different news outlets. “I bet we can find the rest of our family on a different station.”
“Go to seven, It tends to get the business people.”
“Roger that.”
“Woohoo! Hello party people!” Yang shouted into the crowd. Her approach to these events were always the most laid back, but that didn’t mean she didn’t dress the part. Yang left the crowd speechless with her all black attire. Dress shoes, pants, and a killer blazer she wore three fourths open; plenty of breathing space to let everyone know she wasn’t wearing a shirt underneath it. Yang’s nails were painted yellow to match her hair and her favorite aviators were on her face so the camera flashes wouldn’t irritate her. As the fifth ranking huntress in the world, member of the esteemed team RWBY, and wife of the leader to the biggest faunus rights movement, there wasn’t a soul who didn’t know who Yang Xiao Long was.
“Hey Blake, you think Veronica is doing well?” Yang turned to see her wife in the middle of answering a couple of questions. Considering the reporter didn’t look like some corporate stiff in a suit, Yang can only guess the questions were either about her outfit or how the woman was doing. Either one would be a very good question.
The raven haired beauty had on a fiery orange and yellow dress that shined as bright as her smile. The right side of the ankle length dress had a slit that went up to the middle of her thigh and her open toed wedge heels matched both the dress, as well as her black nails. Blake spared no expense. She even let her hair grow to shoulder length for the event. She had gotten tired of the bob cut. Yang managed to sneak up behind her wife and make lovey dovey expressions, as if she hadn’t seen Blake look so beautiful before. It was enough to get a laugh out of the reporter and make Blake turn around to see her goofball of a spouse. Yang tilted her shades down so her playful lilac eyes could meet the snarky amber eyes of Blake.
“Mind if I drop in on this interview?”
“I think you already have.” Blake said, her voice carrying a bit of teasing in it. She got pulled into Yang’s arms from behind and they both smiled at the young man who was now interviewing two people.
“So what question did I interrupt?” Yang asked.
“I was just asking your wife how the long trip from home was treating her. I’d say pretty good considering she’s all smiles tonight. How are you doing, Mrs. Xiao Long?”
“I’m great! I like this event, it gives me reason to come up here and say hello to a bunch of my friends.”
“Ah yes, the other half of your team live in Atlas, and then some. Have you gotten the chance yet?”
“Unfortunately my little sis was never one for dress up so I’m sure I’ll have to come knocking. I’m sure Ruby will have an opinion or two when she sees my outfit.” Yang let a chuckle. She hadn’t mentioned her clothes for no reason.
“Speaking of outfits…” and the reporter fell for it perfectly. “You both look wonderful! Who made these?”
Blake and Yang grinned cheekily. Events like these have a way of giving other people and topics more spotlight then they usually did. It would be foolish not to give a boost to the person they love most. “Our daughter Veronica Belladonna made these!” They said in unison. The girl was way too far away for her to possibly hear them, but they knew she was gonna flip out later.
“Well your daughter has quite some talent. I gotta say, you both just might be the most popular couple here tonight.”
That put a bigger smile on Yang’s face. “Thank-”
“OH MY GODS! IT’S RUBY ROSE!” A voice cried out from the crowd before Yang could finish her thank you. All the attention the couple had gotten had suddenly vanished as cameras and people turned towards a long white limousine with the letters ‘SDC’ on the side of it that had just pulled up.
Blake knew that vehicle anywhere.It was the favorite ride of the CEO of the Schnee Dust Company. “That’s Whitley’s ride. There’s no way he actually got Ruby to- oh he did!” Blake said, shaking Yang and leaving her jaw dropped. The cat ears are never wrong, and she definitely could hear their leader amongst the excited crowd.
Yang stood on her toes to get a better view. What she saw was a sight to see indeed. “That little stinker.” Yang smiled, impressed and feeling challenged in the looks department. Sure enough, the number one huntress in all of Remnant was walking with her husband down the red carpet in absolute style.
There wasn’t anybody around who wasn’t taking in the sight of Ruby wearing a stunning silver dress that stopped right above the women’s knees; showing off her toned legs for once and doing it in heels nonetheless! They matched her dress perfectly which also made her silver eyes pop out more surprisingly. Probably due to her red and black hair that was pulled back into a ponytail, except for a long bang that went across to the right side of her face. Though this outfit wasn’t in her favorite colors, Ruby was still plenty on brand. A red rose corsage rested comfortably and her nails were red, with one on each hand being black. Yang wasn’t sure from her but it was entirely possible her little sister might’ve even opened up a makeup kit before showing up. Her complexion was perfect!
Ruby’s appearance might’ve been the most shocking thing to happen at this event, but it was only elevated by being at Whitley’s side. Like Blake and Yang, the couple had the bright idea to swap color schemes. Whitley wore a dark red blazer with pitch black dress pants that matched the buttons on him. His undershirt was black with an intensely red necktie and his black shoes were strung up with red laces; a completely different look for the white haired and blue eyed man. His hair was slicked back like his nephew. Just like Ruby, he retained a splash of his typical colors but pinning a white rose on his suit. Blake didn’t know how, but Whitley made it work.
He was the first to notice the two of them staring while Ruby was busy throwing out peace signs to the people that were more than thrilled to meet her. The reporter interviewing Blake and Yang might’ve ran to her as well if Ruby hadn’t been slowly making her way over to his direction for obvious reasons. Ruby continued greeting people with a smile until her eyes found Yang, now the antics started. Ruby signaled Whitley with a wink and he couldn’t help but chuckle at her childishness. He wrapped his arm around her waist and the two started walking with more poise and smiles that oozed confidence, as if they were on a runway. The crowd went absolutely crazy. The clothes, the style, the attitude, they were…
“Blake! They’re trying to out couple us!” Yang said, shocked by the declaration of war that her sister had thrown their way.
“Ummm, don’t you think you’re a bit paranoid? I think they’re just putting on a show for the crowd.”
“I know my sister. She’s trying to take me down a peg or two for old times sake.” Yang put a hand on her hip and boasted the same confidence her sister did, sly smirk and all. Yang had to admit that she was very proud of Ruby. This was one hell of a way to say hello. It wasn’t long before they were face to face with Whitley and Blake looking at them. They loved their wives but boy were they a lot to handle sometimes. They doubted that the sisters realized the people around them anymore.”Well look who got all dressed up!?”
“Oh you know, gotta act my age every now and then.” Ruby snickered, “Is what I’d like to say, but I’m here to steal a little spotlight.”
“I knew it!” Yang blurted out.
Blake felt like she got whiplash from that confession. “Ruby!”
“What? I was reading a magazine and noticed how many pages the two of you got. Whitley told me it was because people lived seeing couples together and I wanted him on the cover of an issue, so…”
“For the record I told her I don’t care about being in the magazine.” Whitley added.
Ruby turned to him and poked his chest repeatedly. “Don’t try to act all cool now. Your face lit up like a Christmas tree when I said I wanted to go with you.” Ruby watched her husband’s face turn a little red. She’ll always love making him embarrassed. All these years and he still felt awkward about getting all mushy in public. That’s a Schnee for you. Cold on the outside, absolute softies on the inside.
“Is it bad that I like to spend time with my wife?” He said meekly, trying his best to act cool. He’s sure it didn’t come across as that, but it got Ruby to blush, so that’s a win in his book.
“I have to say, we’re a pretty good looking bunch right now.” Yang boasted, “who’s gonna top this?”
Whitley grabbed Yang by the shoulders and turned her forward. “Can everyone in this direction please make an opening and look behind you!?” He shouted.
Surprisingly, the crowd did it seamlessly. There was brief confusion before more chattering and flashing lights erupted. Yang slouched over in defeat, “And here I was thinking I’m the only woman who was gonna wear a suit?”
“Her entire clique is in suits!” Ruby shouted with peak excitement. She put her thumb and middle finger at the edge of her lips then gave one hell of a whistle. “Qrow, Winter, Sparrow; way to kill it!!”
The oldest Schnee sibling heard the chant from across the street. The plan was to sneak inside the building with minimum detection, but those plans were dashed. Winter immediately shot a look at her little brother. “Darn him,” she thought, “he knows I hate these things. What’s the point of drawing straws if he’s gonna sick the paparazzi on me? At least they’re far.” Winter refused to give people the luxury of seeing her in a dress unless it was absolutely necessary. The general of Atlas’s military had chosen to wear an icy blue women’s pant suit. The blazer was left open to show her white shirt she wore off that was cut fairly low for her. Qrow must’ve convinced her to show off a bit more. That’s not the only convincing he must’ve done either. Winter lives and would die with her hair in the same bun that has a right sided bang if she was given the option to. Through what had to be a miracle, her hair was set free from that style, finally free to be wavy and run down her back. Nick felt bad because he knew Summer wouldn’t have her hair down if she knew her aunt did the same thing. No one could compete with Winter’s hair. Her heels were pearly white and so were the actual pearls around her neck. Winter had her hands in her pocket and walked with an unbothered attitude. She really didn’t want to be here.
To her right was her adopted son, Sparrow. The twenty year old had come back to town just to be her plus one. Unlike his mother, Sparrow was having a blast! He also chose not to button up the blazer of his burgundy suit to show his black shirt, or wear his golden tie tightly around his neck; instead it was loosely hung near his collar bone. He didn’t even shave the brown rift of peach fuzz on his chin! Sparrow wasn’t completely crazy though. His flowing mane that he called hair was put in a man bun. These days the former navy sailor was looking more and more like a pirate, tanned brownish skin and all!
“You know you can at least try and look happy mom.”
“There’s no amount of money in the world that could do that.” Winter bluntly stated.
On her left was her husband Qrow. The veteran huntsman didn’t get his own invitation but was acting as Winter’s paid bodyguard. It wasn’t uncommon for people of status to higher one for security when attending these events. Winter was doing it to cheat the system, meaning Qrow still had to dress up. He went a step further than his son and flat out didn’t wear a tie or button up the top two buttons of his gray long sleeve shirt that was covered by his dusty red suit vest. No one could tell his socks matched the vest because of his black slacks and dress shoes. For once he was the only one who didn’t have to change their hair. It’s always pushed back, makes the grays blend nicely into the black. Winter forced him to shave unfortunately.
The red eyed man looked at his coco brown eyed kid and nodded mischievously. Both of them hooked an arm through one of Winter’s then proceeded to escort her across the street.
“What the!? What are you two-”
“Gotta treat social royalty with the utmost respect on a special day like this right?” Qrow said through Winter’s stuttering.
Sparrow nodded, “General or not, tonight you’re a gorgeous socialite.”
Winter’s face became a brazen red and a smile crept its way onto her face. “Very well, I have no problem being escorted by my two handsome men.” Yep, all Schnees are soft.
Sparrow took his time waving to onlookers and soaking in the sights. “Home hasn’t changed too much around here, that’s good. It’s also strange that this place isn’t completely flooded with people. I guess this dispersing plan is really working huh?”
Weiss nodded, “We let a little bit of our plan leak to news outlets so they knew to spread out. Besides the entrance Whitley and the others are going through, there’s an eastern entrance that should be packed because of my sister, as well as the actual main entrance. Your cousin Nick gets that one.”
“Where is the little guy anyways? He’s usually first to...well everything.”
“We purposely made him go last. This way he had more time to rest since he’s been extremely busy as of late. The crowd won’t be as rambunctious after seeing a majority of their favorite people too, so he has that benefit too.”
“How nice.”
“Anything for family.” Winter exhaled. She meant it, but boy was she counting the seconds. “I wonder how Weiss is? This is definitely more her speed.”
“There is way too much happening right now!” Weiss cried out to Jaune.The middle child of the three Schnee siblings was the one who was most used to the fame and glamour because of her magnificent voice. However, it had been a little while since Weiss had been thrown into the thick of it like this. The joys of a slightly more humble and day to day life had firmly sunk its teeth into her, and these days she found cozy sweaters and early morning Sunday tv far more her speed than the hustle and bustle of being hands on with stuffy events. Being a huntress, mother of two twins, and wife was a full time job in itself. That didn’t mean she had forgotten how to wow a crowd, not by a long shot. Weiss wore a white cocktail dress that spread outward and stopped above her knees. A blue sash wrapped around her waist and tied into a bow in her left said, while her wedged calf high boots matched. Weiss had the splendid idea of copying her big sister by braiding her hair and wrapping it into a bun with a right bang. Weiss was never gonna outgrow imitating her big sis. Weiss did make sure to differentiate herself from both her and Summer though by going with ruby red earrings to add a pop of color. Weiss Schnee certainly looked the part, but she was having a bit of sensory overload. All the noise and lights were starting to hurt her head.
Jaune couldn’t do much about the noise, but the lights were a different story. The leader of team JNPR signaled for Ren and Nora, his other two teammates on the red carpet, to come over. The three of them spaced themselves around Weiss in an upside triangle formation as the four of them proceeded forward. It wasn’t often that Weiss liked being five foot even, but this was an exception. Having a tall husband and friends meant their bodies blocked some of the lights. It definitely helped her eyes.
“Thanks, you three.” She said, rubbing her eyes in hope that it would help them refocus. “Forgot how intense this could be when you’re at a main entrance.” Weiss grabbed ahold of Jaune’s arm lightly. The man opted for a simple black tux and yellow bow tie. He never was the fancy type. It was part of his appeal. All he did with his blonde hair was pull it back into a short ponytail. Weiss may have seen him as a prince but there was still plenty of pauper in his style. “Sorry if I wrinkle your suit hun.”
“I think you being able to see takes priority.” He chuckled. Jaune looked down to his left to see her blink a couple of times before looking at him and smiling. “Better?”
“Much better.”
“You know the crowd probably thinks we’re doing this because you’re such an ice queen.” Nora laughed, her hands waving happily to as many people possible from behind Weiss. Nora had chosen a very similar outfit to her daughter. The only differences being Nora’s ability to walk comfortably in heels and a cover up that was navy blue and only went down to her back. She only really wanted it to have sleeves. Nora has put so much work getting Valerie ready that her orange hair was only blushed down to give a more formal appearance. Not exactly the amount of effort people might want to see from a key representative in the state of affairs for the city of Mantle, but hey, her looks had nothing to do with her ideas to keep the city on its feet.
Ren went old school and decided on a traditional Tang suit. The jacket was a natural leafy green and buttoned all the way up while his cotton pants were black with a pink stripe down the side like the highlight in his jet black hair that he chose to put in a bun. He did this to show off the stitching on the back of the jacket that created a beautiful picture of a lotus flower. Clearly the most fashionable while still being a functional huntsman here. Ren wouldn’t be surprised if a kid asked him to break a board with a single chop before the night was over. He reached for his phone that started buzzing in his pocket and started spending his friends along.
“Woah, what’s with the sudden rush?” Jaune asked.
“If we drag our feet any longer then the kids are gonna beat us inside. Nick and Valerie are about to pull up to the front any minute now. Who knows if Summer and Veronica are wrapping up theirs?”
“Oh no, our babies!” Weiss and Nora said in unison.
“Double time Weiss!”
Jaune and Ren quickly grabbed their respective wives.
Ren let out a sigh, “I know you’re eager but shouldn’t we be keeping up appearances?”
Weiss and Nora looked at each other with an embarrassing smile before a confident nod, raising a hand and pointing ahead. “One point five speed!!!”
“That’s not what I-”
Jaune rested his hand on Ren. “We both know this is as good as it’s gonna get.”
“Yeah.” Ren smiled weakly, “Yeah….”
It had been a decently long car ride, but it was finally time for Nick and Valerie to join the fray. Their limousine slowly rolled up to the very front entrance of the massive building where many speeches, awards, and dances shall take place. But before that was the long red runway to the front door surrounded by the press on both sides.
Nick stretched his arms out and clapped his hands together. “You ready for this!?”
Valerie took a deep breath to calm her mind. “No different from a sports audience, right?”
“That’s the spirit! Just remember, don’t look directly at the flashes. Cameras aren’t necessarily trying to get a photo of you with your attention on it, they just want a decent photo of you in general. Even if someone wants you to look their way, you can focus on what’s behind them or on their face.”
The fact that Nick had a secret to surviving walking to a door was both a little comforting and terrifying to Valerie. He was treating this like a battlefield! “I’ll follow your lead.” Valerie gave a convincing smile, but her stomach was having the same feeling a person gets standing in line for the tallest roller coaster.
“Guess that means I’ll head out first.” Nick grabbed the door handle. Normally someone outside would open it but he had to escort Valerie anyways, so playing the role of celebrity and guide seemed appropriate. He slowly pushed the door open just wide enough to slip one leg out. The squeals of what sounded like dozens of girls filled the air in that moment. He looked back at Veronica sheepishly, who wasn’t particularly happy at the noise.
“So am I about to hear the sound of excited pigs all night?”
“No, but you’ll be running a lot of interference for me. Good thing you’re good at defense.”
Valerie corrected him,“I’m great at defense, and keeping the ball for as long I need to.”
“Then I’m in good hands.”
Nick opened the door wider and stepped out into madness. The inside of the car lit up like strobe lights and the squeals only got louder now that the crowd saw their dear “prince” arrive. Valerie sat patiently until Nick stuck his hand back into the car to take hers. Valerie took it without delay and was pulled into his world, the world where eyes were always watching. It’s true that she’s been a part of it since forever, but this felt different. She wasn’t here because her parents this time, and her own merits hadn’t paved the way yet either. Nick had simply asked her to join. He’d offer a taste of what’s expected on the other half of society, and despite the confusing feelings she had about it as a whole, Valerie couldn’t be happier. After all this time, it was still the two of them acting like a dynamic duo. She had to admit that there was a comfort in that.
“There he is folks! The young heir to the Schnee Dust Company, up and coming ice skater, and a representative in the King of The Hill tournament; It’s Nicholas Schnee!” A random reporter stated. “And it looks like he’s brought a lady friend!”
Valerie overheard that comment and felt her face heat up a little bit. A piece of her wanted to say something about it but then she got a glimpse of multiple girls on the carpet and behind the velvet rope looking their way as they began walking. She’s never seen such intensity focused on her and Nick. Val noticed a couple girls taking a few steps and all her previous thoughts stopped mattering. Nick let out a tiny yelp as he felt himself be pulled closer to Valerie’s right side. She was basically hugging his arm and interlocked their hands.
“V...Val?” Nick said, his face getting a little red. She didn’t respond. Valerie was busy watching the other girls back off. “Valerie?” He said again.
“I don’t like the way they look at you. Like some sort of target or stepping stool.”
“Oh, it’s no big deal. Don’t feel like you have to do anything drastic.”
“I won’t. I’m just making it clear that you’re my date.” Valerie blushed, “Only look my way okay? I’ll do the same.”
“Ummm, then how will we see in front of us?”
“I wasn’t being lit- I’m saying you have my full attention!”
Nick’s eyes widened, “Oh… I give that to you anyways. You’re always on my mind.” They continued their walk to the door. Nick could feel Valerie’s heart race but he assumed it was because of what they were doing. It didn’t cross his mind that he did it to her.
“Yeah well, so are you.” Valerie thought to herself. She was so busy ensnared by his words that she didn’t notice the reporter had mentioned her by name, as well as listed a few of athletic accomplishments. Including her being a fellow representative for the tournament. That didn’t matter in the moment, just Nick. Her date on the red carpet.
Inside of the building was immaculate. It was almost set up like a conversation center, but for the rich and important. Multiple floors with multiple rooms dedicated to specific groups and awards, with the bottom floor being a ball area with plenty of food. The entryways and reddish brown walls were outlined with decorative lights that made the burgundy carpet match nicely with the intricate vine like golden design running along it. Valerie hadn’t even been inside for ten minutes and she could’ve sworn she already saw at least three fountains. Plenty of people were mingling and there were significantly less cameramen.
“There you two are!” Summer shouted from above.
Valerie looked to the second floor to the girl chewing on shrimp and standing next to Veronica who was not happy to see how close Valerie was to Nick. Valerie picked up on that and only leaned more into him, sticking her tongue out in the process. Being in a no fighting zone was the best.
“I wonder where our family is? Awards don’t start this early.” Valerie said.
“I wouldn’t be surprised if someone convinced them to take a giant group photo. We’ll probably end up in the same boat the minute we find them.”
“That would be correct.” A feminine voice said in the distance, catching Nick off guard. It got both him and Valerie to turn their head to see a blue haired girl with twin tails walking towards them. Her shoes and dress were the same deep blue shade and stopped at her calves. It didn’t fall straight but was more bell shaped when it got to her waist. Her golden eyes held no deceitful smile, rather they showed indifference. “My father convinced your family and a few others to take pictures for prosperity. At least that’s the reason he gave.”
Valerie looked at the girl from head to toe. She looked their age. Actually, Valerie had definitely seen her before. “We...go to the same school, right? It’s Elizabeth right?”
“Eliza Marigold.” Nick corrected. “Daughter of Henry Marigold, another socialite. That’s about it though.”
“Well we all can’t be as elite as a Schnee.Yes we’re pretty low on the totem pole compared to you, but we’re still pretty well known.”
“Oh I meant no disrespect. It’s just that the only other thing I know about your family is how much your father and my mother hate each other’s guts.” Nick said with a smile.
Valerie suddenly realized there was some obvious tension here. “So you two are well acquainted then?”
Nick shook his head, “We’ve actually never spoken before. My interaction with her has only been an apology letter.”
“A poor one at that. You purposely threw a party on the day of my birthday bash and rob me off all my guests, but all you can manage was three sentences. Not even an invitation to the amusement park that was supposed to be rented out for me.
Valerie remembered that party, it was amazing! Summer sang and everything as fireworks went off. She had no idea the venue was stolen. “You ruined her birthday.”
“Oh you me, someone talks trash about Summer or my family and I find myself getting a little petty.” He scratched the back of his head, he talked like if he was a kid with his hand caught in the cookie jar. Eliza clicked her tongue in annoyance and directed her attention to Valerie.
“Who are you, girlfriend?”
“I am his date.” She said confidently. “Who happens to be a girl, as well as his closest friend. Yes…” Valerie wasn't proud of that delivery but that’s what came out. “My name-”
“I’m aware. Do you mind giving the two of us space? I have words with him.”
Valerie didn’t like the sound of that. “Whatever you can say in front of him can be said in front of me.” She put more bite in her tone.
Eliza raised her eyebrow. She wasn’t expecting that level of attitude. Then again she was talking to an athlete. “Intriguing, here I thought you were some mindless fangirl Nicholas sweet talked into doing his bidding. Guess I was wrong, or at least...half wrong.”
This no fight zone was about to be null and void. Valerie clenched her fist and scowled angrily at Eliza, prompting Nick to hold her arm to keep her from swinging. “Wanna run that by me again?”
Nick thought it best to go a step further and stand slightly in front of Valerie. “Now, now, let’s not do anything crazy. Can’t we be civil?”
“I’d be more inclined to keep my mouth in check if you stopped with the phony smile. You aren’t fooling me with a stunt like that.” Eliza put her hands on her hips and waited for a response.
Nick responded by folding his arms and swapping that peacekeeping smile with a more analytical one and a gaze that sent a chill through Eliza. He watched her indifference turn into shock, before a spark of excitement went through her eyes while she smirked. “What’s that look for?”
“You’ve peaked my interest, that’s all. I’ll keep this brief. I don’t like your family that much and I specifically do not like you. I also don’t intend on putting on an act around you. All I wanted to say is that I qualified for the tournament and look forward to knocking your family down a peg.”
“How bold of you.”
Valerie chimed in, “Not to mention completely ridiculous.” Her statement got both of them to look her way. “Even if by some miracle you were to beat Nick, you’d lose against me. You’re fighting for second place at best. If you can even make it that far.”
The three stared at each other after that, the declaration of war now set. It was more of two vs one, with Eliza being the odd one out. She opened her mouth to retort but promptly closed it. Nick watched that spark in her eyes die instantly and the girl grabbed the sides of her dress to curtsy.
“Excuse me.” Eliza said, walking past them towards a man that could only be her father by the color of his hair. Eliza took note that she walked past Summer and someone else, giving them a quick look before going about her business.
“Who was that?” Veronica asked after he met up with Nick.
“Someone as insufferable as you,” Valerie answered. Once more, Nick stepped in between the opposing sides.
“It was just a fellow tournament participant,and then some.”
“Oh great, more obstacles.” Summer sighed, I swear you make enemies as easy as you do coffee.”
“This one is different, she’s cool.” The three girls looked at him questionably as he shrugged. “What? It’s not everyday I meet someone so straightforward. It’s like talking to you three, she doesn’t hold back.”
“Or know oh to be polite either.” Valerie said bluntly. She gave Nick a look. “You better not lose to her. Kicking your butt is reserved for me and me alone!”
“Gee, how touching” he scoffed.
Nobody knew it yet, but that wouldn’t be the last time all five of them were so close to each other. In a years time, they would be seeing a lot more of each other; as well as share an experience crazier than any red carpet event.
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reyescarlos · 4 years
can i be him || a tarlos fic
chapter 3/4 word count: 5.5k~  || read on ao3
'Cause a light came on when I heard that song and I want you to sing it again I swear that every word you sing, you wrote them for me Like it was a private show, I know you never saw me
It had taken Carlos forever to go to bed last night. He felt wired from his day spent with TK. It certainly didn’t help his mind relax to be lying right next to him. Sleeping beside him was nothing new but he couldn’t quiet his thoughts. His mind ran back throughout their day, retracing every step from the moment TK picked him up. Going into it, Carlos of course knew that TK had taken this outing seriously. Things between them had felt a bit off over the last few weeks but it was obvious that TK had meant every word he said during their call.
It’d only made Carlos all the more excited to see his friend. Ultimately, it didn’t matter what TK had in store. All Carlos truly cared about was the fact that they would have one on one time. The only notice TK had given him was that he would be taking advantage of both of Carlos’ days off. An overnight trip of any kind sounded ideal, getting the chance to extend the amount of time he’d be able to have TK to himself.
As TK drove, Carlos watched the scenery from the car window, his brow lifting as he began to guess at where TK was taking him.
“McKinney, huh?” he’d said with a smirk, so confident that he was right.
TK let out a sigh and jokingly rolled his eyes. “I figured I wouldn’t be able to keep it a secret for much longer at this point but yes. I know how much you love that place and I really wanted today to be special so, yeah. Decided I’d go with one of your favorites. It’s still been a while, right?”
Though being a resident of Travis County felt like living within a snow globe at times, Carlos could appreciate the facets of life there that somehow managed to make it feel much larger than it actually was. McKinney Falls State Park wasn’t far from either of their homes at all and yet, it was a place Carlos didn’t get out to as much as he would like. Luckily, TK was there to remedy this problem. Carlos couldn’t remember the last time he’d been there which seemed criminal given how incredible the park was with picturesque trails and stunning waterfalls.
“You chose well. It’s been months.”
TK had beamed, clearly appreciative of Carlos’ seal of approval. Carlos studied his profile for a moment, fixating briefly on the way TK’s smile still lingered on his lips like he was holding onto some private joke. Carlos forced himself to look away, back out at the thicket of trees that line the road as TK brought them closer to the state park. The journey wasn’t a long one, further prompting Carlos to wonder why he hadn’t made any real effort to come out here more often.
But he quickly did away with chiding himself. Had he not put off visiting, he wouldn’t be able to share this moment with TK. Not only was he reuniting with one of his favorite spots in town but he was reconnecting with his favorite person in the world.
Once they arrived, TK found a spot for them on the grounds, killed the engine, and flashed Carlos a bright smile.
“Come on. Those trails aren’t going to hike themselves.”
Carlos exited the car, coming around the back to meet TK at the trunk. His friend was already pulling out two backpacks by the time he settled in beside him. Carlos accepted the black bag TK gave him, hanging it off his right shoulder as TK closed back the trunk and locked the car.
“You weren’t messing around here, were you?”
TK had slipped his backpack on as well, putting his keys into his pocket.
“I told you this was serious business, didn’t I? Let’s go.”
They’d spent the rest of the day taking advantage of the park, going for a hike and exploring the terrain, relaxing their tired limbs afterwards in the creek, lazily swimming and wading by the park’s upper falls. It had felt as if they’d managed to leave the world behind, the two of them with a stretch of time before them. It’d made Carlos wish for an entire week like this but he was just grateful to know he’d have two days.
They’d come back to their camping site, working together to get their tent set up and spent the night sharing memories under the stars. It was perfect, to say the least. TK had been successful in making this TK and Carlos Day yet another one for the books. To know that it wasn’t over just yet, that they still had one more day in store had kept Carlos up for a while. TK had tuckered out pretty easily, the day’s activities making it so sleep found him effortlessly. Carlos was a different story entirely.
He combed through the day, trying to piece together his thoughts. It’d felt incredible to reconnect with TK again. Out here it was easy to forget why TK had called for something outside of their usual hang outs, to forget that TK was in a relationship, and to forget that he was trying desperately to move on from his decade long attraction to his best friend. Out here they simply existed ast themselves, free from all other titles and obligations.
Waking up this morning to TK’s soft snoring with the early chatter of birds outside their tent felt like waking up and stepping right into a dream. If every morning could be spent like this, Carlos would ask nothing else of the world.
Once they were both awake and fed, they began to break down their campsite, loading the car back up with the tent and supplies.
“What do you say to one last hike before we go?” TK asks as Carlos closes the trunk.
“I say that sounds like a brilliant idea to me.”
As they begin their hike, Carlos can make out the sound of the nearby falls, the rushing water a comforting bit of background noise in his ears. The creek is visible from this trail, running parallel to them as they wind their way through the trees. Carlos is already trying to plan the next time he’ll be able to come back.
“Thanks for bringing us here,” he says.
TK waves him off like it’s not a big deal but Carlos knows his friend well enough to see he’s proud of himself for choosing an outing that Carlos has been enjoying so much.
“No problem at all. We need to get together again soon. How about next Saturday?”
Carlos almost agrees quickly but closes his mouth and shakes his head as he remembers what he’s already agreed to with the one of the guys he matched with recently. Now the guilt of keeping this part of his life under wraps really begins to creep in. Carlos tries to think of a way to lightly breach the subject but he isn’t so sure that there’s a way for this to go that won’t make things a bit awkward.
“Uh, actually can we do a different day? Sunday maybe? I sorta...have plans on Saturday.”
TK’s brows furrow. “What’s with the cloak and dagger act? What’s happening Saturday?”
Carlos shrugs a shoulder as nonchalantly as possible, kicking at a pebble on the pathway. “I’ve got a date.”
TK stops in his tracks, the soles of his shoes scratching against the packed dirt like a needle on a record. There’s an expression in TK’s eyes that Carlos can’t place. If he had to hazard a guess, it would be surprise mixed with confusion. But there’s also an unnamable emotion though it clears before Carlos can put any more thought to it.
“You have a date?” he echoes, his eyes wide and brows raised.
Carlos scoffs, unsure of how he’s supposed to take the clear shock in TK’s voice. Sure, Carlos doesn’t go out with guys as frequently as TK but it still feels like a dig. He stops walking too, still taking in the look on TK’s face. It’s almost like TK doesn’t even recognize him.
“Is it so hard to believe that someone wants to go out with me?”
TK quickly shakes his head, blinking rapidly.
“Of course not, Carlos. That’s not what I...I didn’t mean—I’m just surprised is all. I didn’t even know you were talking to anyone these days, never mind going out on dates and stuff. You never mentioned anything about it. I just...I didn’t know. I didn’t mean anything by that, honestly.”
Carlos surprises himself with how quickly he gets upset by this. He bites his tongue on saying something snappy about TK missing out on a lot lately because he’s so busy with Alex. It’d only lead to even weirder tension than what he’s feeling now between them or, at worst, a fight. That would be a horrible waste of this uninterrupted time with TK. And, to be fair, Carlos wasn’t exactly keen on disclosing this life update with TK. It makes sense why his friend is being thrown for a loop now.
“Then what exactly did you mean?” he asks, trying to keep his tone leveled.
TK falters and breathes unevenly. It’s weird to be at odds with TK and part of Carlos wonders if he’s blowing this out of proportion, projecting but he’s too bothered now to examine it much further.
“Can we please just start over? I’m not trying to upset you here. That’s the last thing I want to do, especially now.”
Carlos looks away, shifting his gaze to the overhang of pouring water, watching as it steadies the second it meets with the creek. Carlos tries to mirror that in his own mood now, letting go of his frustration and settling himself before focusing on TK. His friend looks troubled and unsure of himself. They don’t fight often and this spat, or whatever this exchange could be considered, seemed to spring from nowhere. But Carlos recognizes that he’s let his insecurities get the best of him. This time was meant to be special, a chance for them to reconnect and get back on track. Sowing further division isn’t something he’s aiming for either.
“I know. I’m sorry,” he concedes, reeling himself back in.
TK stares at him for a moment as if gauging whether or not it’s safe to continue. Carlos nods his head once to encourage him to speak again.
“I’m sorry, too. I guess it’s just hitting me all over again how much things have been changing lately and I don’t like it. I want us to spend more time together like before and I want to know what’s going on with you— outside of work stuff, you know? But I guess...it’s pretty much been my fault, huh? I haven’t been around as much. I got used to us telling each other everything.”
Not everything, Carlos thinks bitterly. There’s been this secret he’s kept sealed tight for ages and it’s the kind of truth Carlos isn’t so sure TK would ever want to hear. But he knows what his friend is getting at. There’d been countless times over the years where they’d share the most mundane or ridiculous parts of their day with one another just for the sake of sharing. Carlos entering back into the world of dating was huge but it’d been a facet of his life that he wanted to keep to himself for a little while. Maybe it was selfish or maybe it was healthy, all things considered, but he could see now that it’d hurt TK to be left out.
“I guess we really haven’t been checking in as much these days.” It’s an understatement but Carlos doesn’t want to belabor the point. “And it isn’t dates, plural. It’s just this one coming up. I haven’t found anything serious so far but this guy seemed alright but who knows. You know what the scene is like. All these guys are basically the same on these apps. I’m not sure why I’m even bothering.”
It isn’t exactly the truth but this isn’t a door Carlos can open with TK.
TK’s eyes cast down as he fiddles with the pendant around his neck, his expression clouded.
“I’m really bombing as a best friend nowadays, aren’t I?”
The guilt is clear as day on TK’s face. His index finger scratches at the pendant, a dead giveaway that he’s feeling anxious. Carlos swoops in to settle him instinctively, a reflex that comes all too naturally.
“You’re good. You’re in a relationship now,” he laughs softly, trying to lighten the mood. “Alex is important to you and that’s cool.”
“You’re sweet but I don’t want to be that guy though, you know? The one that ditches his best friend because he’s got a boyfriend. I want to know what’s going on in your life. You’re important to me too, Carlos. You’re the most important person to me, actually. Always. You know that, right?”
Carlos smiles softly at him, bumping his shoulder against TK’s lightly. TK doesn’t engage. His eyes are locked in on Carlos’, completely unswayable.
“I don’t know if it’s supposed to work exactly like that now, T,” Carlos notes.
TK shakes his head. “I don’t care. You’re my number one. Even if I’m being a bit of a dick, don’t forget that, okay?”
His face is so serious that Carlos can only nod in agreement. “I won’t, I promise.”
TK sighs, almost in relief and nods once to himself. “Good.”
A silence falls over them as they continue to walk. Carlos keeps his eyes fixed on their surroundings. These last few minutes aside, these two days really have been spectacular.  For as much as he hates being at odds with TK, Carlos is glad they were able to have it out a little. If yesterday was a time for reminiscing about the past, Carlos can appreciate that today was granting them the chance to be open about the present. There’s still so much he wants to get off his chest but the awkwardness is gone now and that had been a source of discomfort. Now Carlos feels as if their friendship has just recalibrated itself. The silence isn’t stiff or rife with tension. It’s just comfortable, a perfect reminder of how easy it is for them to find their way back to one another.
“And for the record,” Carlos says after a moment. “You’ll always be my number one as well...even if you have been a total dick lately,” he continues teasingly, swatting gently at TK’s arm.
TK laughs and Carlos can feel the last veil of nervousness lift off of his best friend at the sound.
“Asshole,” TK grumbles, a smile on his face as he wraps an arm around Carlos’ waist. Carlos doesn’t miss his cue, his arm coming to hang over TK’s shoulders, same as always.
“I’ve missed this,” TK says so quietly that Carlos isn’t sure if his friend is speaking to him or not.
Still he says, “Me too.”
TK looks over at him and smiles even wider and Carlos’ stomach flips as TK burrows into his side perfectly, two puzzle pieces indeed.
Carlos orders himself a beer while he waits for his date, doing his best not to let his eyes fly to the door each time someone comes into the bar. He keeps himself busy with idly looking at his phone, looking at articles, going over texts, anything to steady the crop of nerves in his stomach.
Michelle had messaged him earlier in the day, wishing him luck and urging him to have fun tonight. He wishes that could be the case but time is ticking by, his date seemingly running late.
Carlos checks his phone to see if he’s missed any messages from his date but there’s no new notice, absolutely no indication that the man has reached out to him. The longer he sits, the more Carlos doubts that this night will play out like he’d been picturing. He hadn’t gone into this date with any high hopes but getting stood up definitely wasn’t something he foresaw.
It’s been about thirty minutes now and Carlos still hasn’t heard back from his date. He sends a message that he figures will go unanswered.
“Drinking alone tonight?” the bartender asks as she works the tap.
Carlos chuckles dryly. “Wasn’t exactly the plan but it looks that way now, yeah.”
The bartender gives a small, polite smile and Carlos feels as if he could just die right there on the spot from embarrassment.
“Well, if it’s any consolation, I think whoever didn’t show is a total idiot,” she says.
It’s enough to make Carlos smile as she wipes at the counter with a rag quickly with a friendly wink before turning her attention to the group of guys that just showed up a few feet from Carlos. He nurses his drink as the bar becomes a bit more crowded with patrons.
This isn’t where he wants to be. It’s starting to feel suffocating being surrounded by people as the Saturday night crowd thickens.
If he were someone else, it would be all too easy to scan the room now and take home the first attractive guy that caught his eye. But that wasn’t who Carlos was, had ever been, or had any intention of being— now more so than ever. He likes actual investments. It wasn’t like him to be bold enough to salvage the night by hooking up with some stranger, even if almost anyone in his shoes would do just that. Carlos’ focus is completely shot but he manages to pull himself together enough to pay for the drinks he’s had and leave a generous tip for the bartender who turned out to be his only real source of company tonight.
He gets into his car and sits for a moment, the sounds of the bustling nightlife outside the vehicle a bit dulled in the enclosed space. He isn’t able to sit with his thoughts for long before his phone buzzes from his pocket. He takes it out, his eyes narrowing as he reads what’s written.
Oh man, I’m so sorry about tonight! Something came up and I lost track of time. If you don’t totally hate me already, could we raincheck?
Carlos stares down at the message on his phone screen, torn. Part of him wants to rage. The other part of him reasons that he could be cordial. At least the guy got in touch with him, even if it was after the fact. But Carlos realizes he doesn’t owe this guy anything so he opts to say nothing at all. To preserve what’s left of his dignity for the night, Carlos deletes the app altogether. This isn’t worth his time or energy, he’s starting to see. He was sick of this already. It’d taken a lot for him to be willing to take that first solid effort in moving on but this was already a misstep. Perhaps he just wasn’t cut out for any of this after all? Carlos can feel a moment of clarity dawn on him. He wouldn’t set any store into dating. He’ll focus on himself. That’s what all the signs seem to be pointing to.
He pulls up his contact list, seeking out the one person he feels comfortable sharing this upset with right now. The phone only rings twice before he’s greeted.
“Carlos? What’s up? Is everything okay?” Michelle asks, undoubtedly confused as to why he’s calling her so early, when he’s supposed to be busy right now.
“I’m not really sure.” Carlos surprises himself with the honesty but Michelle is one of his best friends. He can be open with her about what he’s feeling, even if he’s still trying to figure it out.
“I’m home now if you want to swing by. We can talk about it...or not talk, if that’s what you want.”
Carlos is quiet for a second as he stares out the windshield. He watches as people pop into bars and restaurants on the street, everyone seeming to have a great time. It’s a weird sensation to have a front row seat to all of this but not actually be a part of it. He could cave and go home and wallow on his own but that wouldn’t feel right either.
“I’ll be there in ten.”
At the end of their day together, Carlos had been happy when he and TK resolved to make plans for this Sunday instead since his Saturday was taken up. At the time it seemed like a great idea, a solid alternative that would grant them the chance to see each other again so soon. But as he sits across from TK now at an outdoor café with Alex who unexpectedly decided to join them, this is starting to feel like something of a nightmare.
TK had sent him a text ahead of time letting him know that Alex had asked to tag along. It wasn’t quite what Carlos had in mind and he had to wonder at why Alex even wanted to be there but Carlos didn’t object. He could play nice, he supposed. Over the last four months, he’s become something of an expert at ignoring Alex whenever they’re around each other. Interactions like this were limited, just the way he preferred. TK served as a good buffer, enough that Carlos could stomach conversations with Alex chiming in.
Carlos picks at his scone absently as they make pleasant small talk about work, TK sharing the latest crazy stories from calls he’s been on and Carlos doing the same. He knows they’re skating around the topic TK undoubtedly wants to get to but he’s glad for the layover for the time being. Alex hasn’t said much of anything, his phone like an extra appendage. He places it face down on the table, draping an arm over the back of TK’s seat before taking a sip of his coffee.
Alex has spent the better part of their time together texting, only offering a small laugh here and there. What was the point of him being here if he had nothing to contribute? Carlos finds it irritating and rude but he knows he’s more than likely being biased in thinking that. Anything Alex does seemingly gets under his skin. Carlos has been trying and failing over the last few months to curb the frustration he feels towards him but something about Alex just grates at him.
Carlos knows a considerable fraction of that is jealousy but there’s something else he can’t quite put his finger on that makes him uneasy any time he’s face to face with Alex. It’s much easier to deal with the man in small doses or, preferably, by proxy like hearing stories secondhand from TK.
Alex’s phone rings and the man picks it back up again. He glances at the screen, his arm slipping from behind TK to grip the device with both hands.
“Oh, I’ve gotta take this. Excuse me a minute,” he says, rising from his chair and stepping away from the table.
TK watches him go but Carlos watches TK. When his friend looks back at him, he’s smiling knowingly, tucking his chair even further under the table and leaning his head forward like he’s eager to hear a secret. Carlos knows where this is going. He figured the moment they were alone, TK would ask...
“How’d your date go?”
This was the question Carlos has been dreading and he mentally curses himself for having even mentioned to TK that he was set to go out with anyone. This could have been a truth he didn’t ever have to share. It was embarrassing enough to have sat inside the bar waiting for his date to show. Now he has to relive it and relay it to the man he’s secretly in love with.
“It didn’t,” he says simply but even still, he knows a response like this will warrant TK to dig further for actual clarification.
As expected, TK looks confused, his head tilting almost comically to the side. “Wait, what? What happened? What do you mean?”
Carlos’ shoulders stiffen, bracing himself for his own reply. “I mean, he never showed. I waited like an idiot for almost an hour.” He says it lightly but the shame burns white hot in the pit of his stomach.
TK’s eyes narrow and darken, his face growing stony. “That’s such crap. What’s this guy’s problem?”
“It’s fine. I should’ve known better than to get my hopes up. The dating scene here is horrible ,” he jokes, hoping to alleviate some of the awkwardness he feels but TK doesn’t take the out like Carlos wishes he would.
“No, it’s not fine and this isn’t on you,” he counters. “I can’t believe someone would be dumb enough to do that to you. I’m so sorry, Carlos. You’re incredible. Any guy would be lucky to even get the chance to talk to you, never mind actually land a date with you.”
It’s a bittersweet thing to hear coming from TK of all people. Carlos wonders if TK would ever count himself among the swarm of guys who would allegedly be counting their blessings if Carlos expressed an interest.
TK is genuinely bothered by this, so much so that his nostrils flare and his head shakes. It makes Carlos feel good to have someone view him in a high regard but he knows it’s just TK being a protective friend and nothing more. Ideally his rage would be because he wishes he had the opportunity but TK was so wrapped up and happy with Alex that Carlos dismisses the notion that TK is incensed for any other reason.
Carlos just shrugs, avoiding TK’s gaze by fiddling with his cup. He can hear TK breathe out heavily through his nose, his fingers erratically tapping against the table top. Carlos is used to TK’s tics. They always spring about when he’s feeling anxious or overwhelmed. Carlos reaches out and places a hand over TK’s to still his fingers. TK looks down and back up to his face. Carlos offers a small, reassuring smile and it’s enough to get TK’s shoulders to finally loosen.
“Sorry,” he mumbles, licking his lips. The muscle in Carlos’ jaw flexes instinctively at the sight of TK’s tongue working over his mouth.
“Don’t be. I’m touched that you care so much but I’m okay, I promise. It’s a bump in the road but I’m good. I’m taking this as the sign I’m sure it is. ”
TK’s brow arches, his body shifting in his seat. “And what sign would that be?”
Carlos shrugs, tracing the rim of his mug. “That maybe dating isn’t the right thing for me. At least not right now anyway. I took my time getting back out there and it’s already failing, so I’ll just wait a beat. I can be patient until the right person comes along. I’m done chasing after people. Whoever actually wants to be with me wouldn’t run in the first place.”
TK’s lips twitch like he’s gearing up to say something. Instead he stays quiet, eyes growing soft, his expression unreadable. It’s rare that Carlos looks at TK and doesn’t have a clue what the guy is thinking. TK searches his face as if scanning for any signs in his expression that he isn’t being completely honest with him here. Carlos is acutely aware of the fact that he’s still touching TK’s hand but the other man makes no effort to pull back. Instead, TK takes it a step further, lacing their fingers as he continues to stare at Carlos.
Carlos’ heart flutters at the move. If he could just have this all the time, if it could be in the context he’s been dreaming of for so long, it would mean the world to him. Even with all the upset over his failed date and overall attempts to move on, TK manages to cut through the static with a simple gesture like this. They’ve always been good at grounding each other, sometimes without having to speak at all.
TK’s expression softens, as does the tightness in Carlos’ chest. It’s odd realizing just how much influence they have on one another. If TK isn’t happy, neither is he and vice versa.
TK keeps his eyes fixed on Carlos and he’s unable to do anything other than look back freely. It feels like TK’s saying something important with this look alone but before Carlos can decipher the meaning behind those unspoken words or ask what thoughts are on TK’s mind, a clear voice speaks to the left of him.
“Everything alright here?”
Carlos and TK look away from each other sharply and towards Alex who has just returned to the table. Carlos hadn’t even heard him approaching at all. Now that he thinks about it, he suddenly can’t remember hearing anything other than the pulsing in his ears as he held TK’s gaze, as he basked in the warmth of their palms pressed together. This wasn’t the way he should be feeling or acting towards TK anymore.
His friend was in a committed relationship. There were boundaries that had to be in place. Even if he feels indifferent towards Alex, he feels guilty for overstepping in this area. While it might not have meant much to TK, Carlos knows what he feels inside each time TK touches him. If nothing else, he knows he should be putting a stop to encounters such as this. There’s actual significance behind it all for him.
Carlos can feel something like shame run up the length of his spine. It burns at the back of his neck like a summer sun the longer he looks at Alex. He slips his hand out of TK’s grasp and drags it back to his side, his thumbnail absentmindedly stroking the edge of the table. TK nods at Alex and smiles.
“Yeah, just having a best friend moment,” he muses but Alex looks doubtful. Carlos doesn’t think TK picks up on it.
He’s so used to smoothing things over with his beautiful smile and, Carlos supposes, that’s all this truly was for TK—just a brief instance between friends. His tone is so smooth and even; TK must not be feeling the riot in his stomach like him.
Carlos busies himself with his drink, taking a sip and watching traffic roll past as TK strikes up a private conversation with Alex. Carlos is glad for it though. His mind is racing far too much to be an active participant in this right now.
He’s been trying so desperately to move on. He’s convinced himself that it’s for the best, that he’s truly accepted that TK has gotten serious with Alex. Yet, at the first signs of attention or the possibility of physical contact with TK, he welcomes the gestures with open arms so willingly. Had he not vowed to himself the night before that he wouldn’t dwell so much on his feelings for TK? That he would spare himself the heartbreak and focus on work and looking inward instead?
Carlos knows he needs to get a lid on this and fast. He isn’t sure how much longer he has until the truth finds a way out.
“Los?” TK says, breaking Carlos out of his reverie. It must be obvious he’s been zoned out for a while because TK laughs and repeats himself. “I asked if you’re available Wednesday night. I want to celebrate my three years at the 126 with dinner or something with you guys.”
Carlos nods slowly, still pulling his thoughts together, trying to remember his own schedule. “Um, yeah. I should be out at about six, if things aren’t too busy.”
TK nods once. “Perfect, I’ll make reservations for 8 o’clock to give you time to freshen up and all that.”
Carlos still feels shaken but he manages to plaster on a smile. It’s enough to sate TK who resumes whatever conversation he had going before with his boyfriend. Carlos knows he’s playing a dangerous game here and that his feelings are coming alarmingly close to breaking through the surface. These little moments with TK have always been a source of comfort but now they were proving themselves to be roadblocks on his path to moving on. It was one thing to say the words but to actually do the hard work of distancing himself romantically wasn’t nearly as easy as Carlos has been hoping it’d be.
Looking at TK now, he can see that he’s in a good place. To tamper with that—in any capacity— would be the most selfish thing he could ever do.
He stares down into his now empty cup, feeling much the same— completely drained and needing to be wiped clean.
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onthepageoftears · 4 years
Hold Them Closer ~ Ch.3 [Jaskier x assassin!reader] || Witcher
A/N: this chapter is pretty much all fluff but I think it is well deserved ;)
Summary: An ‘atmosphere of love’ has many facets.
Warnings: language, fluff fluff FLUFF!!, maybe mentions of death/killing? literally thats it lol
Words: 2,395
Please Don’t Plagiarize My Work!
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The euphoria you felt after…the kiss — it was electrifying. It coursed through your veins all night as the two of you were in the bed you previously thought would be an issue, but now were silently thanking the inn owner for. You and Jaskier spent the rest of the night just laying there, shifting in and out of sleep, every so often giving the other a lingering touch on their face or hands or arms. It was the best sleep you had in a long, long time.
But of course, this euphoria couldn’t last.
As soon as you woke up the next day, you were determined. As exhilarated as you were from your kiss with Jaskier, your mind was occupied with another focus: your mother. After months of not having a real mission, or target, a familiar feeling coursed over you that you didn’t quite realize you missed: you felt like you had a purpose again, and this time it felt even more powerful because it was a purpose you gave yourself.
That didn’t mean it was easy. Weeks seemed to go by in a flash — weeks of you going page by page through Rauf’s old journals and notes. At every new entry you were practically fighting the urge to rip the pages to shreds, or burn them, or hang them and use them as target practice. It was safe to say your memories of Rauf were tainted by his last moments, and even though you had nightmares every now and again, nothing could beat the disdain you had for the man.
The research was torture. Complete and utter torture.
But, even as you struggled to search for any sign of your mother’s whereabouts, Jaskier was always there to distract you when you needed it. And distractions were something you needed a lot.
A distraction could come in many different facets. Training, drinks in the tavern, a walk in the woods. But it could also be slightly more…straightforward.
If you got too frustrated with Rauf’s words hanging in your mind, you’d get up from your seat and rush over to Jaskier, who was usually practicing his lute. He’d move it out of the way in time for you to practically jump him; you’d let him grab your waist as you sat in his lap, not bothering to explain as you shared a heated kiss. You two would move to the rhythm you had come to find, all before you removed yourself from him like nothing ever happened. By now, he was used to it — and neither of you were complaining. Again, it was one of the many perks to having him around while you were doing your research.
But even small breaks like that couldn’t keep you sane for long. And Jaskier knew that —which is why he so giddily told you of a wedding banquet performance he landed.
It was no surprise that he got the job — you’d seen how easy it was for him to perform, and his talent was something you had grown to admire. But the surprise came in the suggestion after his good news.
Jaskier’s lips straightened into a thin line before he grimaced, already knowing the words he would speak could be the death of him.
“I need a date.”
You straightened in your spot, nearly disregarding the pile of papers in your lap. “Huh?”
“For the wedding banquet? The illustrious performance? I need a date. A plus one, if you will.”
You deepened your frown. You, at a wedding? The only time you were close to a wedding was when you had a target who was an invite, and even then, you…eliminated him as he drunkenly stumbled just outside the banquet premises.
Now, you certainly wouldn’t let Jaskier go alone to a banquet, especially one with such a gathering. The two of you still weren’t sure if he was completely safe after your guild was destroyed, so even seemingly safe places were a risk. But for you to actually be present inside the party rather than lingering on the outside? That wasn’t something you were ready to be apart of.
You shook your head at the bard whose bottom lip stuck out in a plea, “No. Not happening.”
Jaskier groaned, “Come on, it’ll be fun!”
“I’ve never taken you on a proper date, Y/N, and this is the closest thing we’ll get to one.” Your features softened at his sincerity. “I’ve been improving in training, not fighting the long, treacherous, hours I am forced to duel with such a wonderful human as yourself—“ Your scoff only made him louder, “I think I deserve a reward, hm? And you as well.”
He gestured to the papers in your lap, eyebrows raised in censure.
You clicked your tongue, “Your idea of a reward is dragging me to a wedding banquet?”
“One I will be getting paid heftily for and will have lots and lots of free food.” You raised your brows, not convinced. Jaskier groaned, taking your hands in his own. “What will convince you to say yes?”
You blinked, “Not much.”
The sternness in your eyes softened as he leaned forward, placing a soft kiss on your lips. It was so sweet, so simple, that you had to force yourself not to swoon when you parted. With his forehead to your own, he whispered, “Please?”
You sighed, regretting how easy it was for him to make you cave, “Fine.”
“Spectacular!” Jaskier jumped away from you, clapping his hands together with a wide smile. “I have your outfit on the way.”
Your voice couldn’t have been drier, “Great.”
As soon as you and Jaskier made it to the banquet, it was painfully obvious you had never set foot in one before. You were constantly tugging at the clothes Jaskier picked for you, feeling like they were too tight or too loose or just wildly uncomfortable. They were stunning, sure, but on you, it felt just…wrong. You were so grateful that Jaskier didn’t have a fit about you keeping your knives on you — the long sleeves and cuffs covered them up enough. That helped you feel at least a tiny bit more comfortable — that, and Jaskier at your side.
The two of you strode into the main hall like you owned the place. And by ‘the two of you’, it was almost 100% Jaskier. He smiled genuinely at the royals he passed, complimented people whenever he could, and even recognized a few of them. It was moments like this that you forgot Jaskier was put through all the events of the guild, and that you were apart of it. Before then, this was probably a normal occurrence. Performances might have been the craziest part of his life.
While all this was happening, you tried to look natural. You didn’t know what the proper etiquette of a date was, so you just let Jaskier lead you wherever you went. He sat with you at the table you were given, chatting lowly with you as the rest of the guests arrived.
“How do you feel?” He asked, his hand resting on your own.
You took a sharp breath in. I feel like I don’t belong. But the truth wasn’t something Jaskier should hear right now — not before his performance.
You sighed. “How do you feel? Are you ready to go up there?”
“I was born ready.”
“Of course.”
A strange silence fell over you two. It wasn’t something you were used to. Silence with Jaskier was the strangest feeling. It wasn’t like you two couldn’t just sit in each other’s presence without speaking— the difference this time was that Jaskier was looking at you like he wanted to speak, but couldn’t find the words.
But soon, he did. “What do you think of weddings?”
“I don’t, really.” You turned to him slightly, removing your gaze from the people around you. “Why?”
“I’ve been to a lot of banquets, a lot of weddings. No matter how many times I perform, nothing quite beats the atmosphere of true love, does it?”
You searched his face, then shrugged. “I suppose not.” Quite frankly, you didn’t know what atmosphere he was talking about. The only things you noticed in places like this were the amount of people and the possible dangers. And you always made sure to take account of every exit, just in case. But love? And true love, at that?
You were still mulling his observation over when he spoke again, “Did I tell you that you’re wonderful today?”
The heat rose to your skin quicker than you could cough out a ‘yes’. Because, indeed, Jaskier had made a point of complimenting you, and had done so multiple times on the way over. And every time, it didn’t fail to make you flustered.
Being with Jaskier didn’t mean you were used to his charm.
By the time your face finally cooled down, it was time for him to perform. He patted your hand, a silent reminder that he would be back very soon. But while he performed, his eyes would only wander from yours for a fraction of time — and when they found yours again, they seemed starved of your presence, starved of your gaze.
As you watched him play, you were taken back to one of the first moments you shared. He had let you play his lute — or, try to. Watching him now, you didn’t even want to recall how awful it had sounded when you did it. But you supposed that wasn’t the point. Good sound or not, it brought you two together.
The night was going longer than you expected. If you were being honest, you were a little bored. There was no point to a banquet other than having a good time, no fights to keep your mind occupied — well, except for the two men in a fighting match over who killed more elves. Other than that, all you could do was watch Jaskier perform and wonder how much time was left in this ‘atmosphere of love’.
Eventually, Jaskier’s performance was concluded. The band behind him continued playing, becoming immediately worse as soon as he stopped singing. You smiled as he accepted compliments from guests on his way over to you. Though you were a bit restless in environments like this, seeing him in his element was always worth it.
That’s what you thought until he came up to you, reaching his hand out for you to accept.
Your smile immediately turned into a glare. “You are not making me dance here, Jaskier.”
Jaskier laughed, making your stiffened body relax, “No, I am not.”
Though you were relieved, you frowned, taken back by his words. “Why?”
“Because you don’t like it. Last time I tried to make you dance with me you told me you’d rather stab your own eye out.” Jaskier let his hand fall to his side. “Why would I make you do something you hate?”
You blinked, still surprised by how well he knew you. “What do you suppose we should do now, then?”
Jaskier looked around him, “Well…we could leave.”
“My performance is over and this wedding banquet is a drag.” Jaskier’s smile made your heart leap, “Besides, we can have much more fun back in our room.”
It was impossible for you to miss his wink, and still, it made your skin feel like it was on fire.
Wordlessly, you let him take your hand, and the two of you practically ran out of that achingly boring banquet.
“Well that was a bit dull, wasn’t it?”
Jaskier dropped his lute into its case as soon as the door was closed behind you.
You lifted your leg onto the nearby chair to remove your knives, “Apart from your performance, I would have rather listened to Geralt snore.”
“He would kill you if he heard that.”
You snorted, “He would try.”
With a huff, you put your knives on the table and looked down at the outfit Jaskier chose for you. After this long of a night, they didn’t feel as uncomfortable as they did before — still, you didn’t think you would ever wear it again. But something about the way Jaskier was sitting in the chair beside the bed, rolling up the sleeves of his undershirt, it made something shift inside of you.
With a click of your tongue, you walked over to Jaskier with your hand stretched towards him.
He frowned, “What’s this?”
You shrugged, “I owe you a dance.”
“You don’t have to—“
“I don’t like dancing. In public.” You pointedly looked around the room, then back to Jaskier. “I don’t see anyone but us in here.”
To his silence, you stretched your hand further, urging him to take it.
He did.
In the silence of the room, you felt like everything was so loud. Jaskier fell into position so naturally that it took you aback — his hand fell on your waist, his other one grabbing your own in a simultaneously strong and soft grip, pulling your body close enough to his to feel his chest rise and fall against yours. And just like that, you were dancing.
Okay, Jaskier was dancing. You tried to follow as closely as possible, but dancing was never something you were taught as a child. Or an adult, for that matter. And even though it was commonly compared to fighting, you couldn’t seem to get the hang of where your feet should go and when.
It was the third time you stepped on Jaskier’s foot when he snorted a laugh, “You need lessons.”
You finally looked up from the floor and back at his face, no longer worrying about where your feet went. “Shut up.”
His head dipped closer to yours, forehead resting against your own as if asking for permission for a kiss. You both knew he didn’t need it, but the gesture made you smile. And then your eyes fell to his lips, smile falling as you closed the remaining space between you two — and even though it definitely wasn’t the first time, the kiss engulfed you in that euphoric feeling your remembered so clearly, the feeling that followed you ever since you and Jaskier became a ‘we’.
And suddenly, that ‘atmosphere of true love’ that Jaskier mentioned earlier that evening…it didn’t seem so foreign anymore.
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one-leaf-grimoire · 4 years
“pine and lavender”
Lisa and Julius go to visit her hometown in the woods. Julius has a grand ol time. idk what the title is supposed to be ajfdskfljds. Anyway, here’s another self-indulgent one shot. stan julisa etc. 
Pairing: Julius x Lisa (my oc ajfsdkl)
Warnings: alcohol use (Julius gets a lil drunk) also some heavy flirting, a little of it suggestive but not like... that suggestive.
Two years. That’s how long it had been since Lisa last visited her hometown. She was still a magic knight back then, young and full of dreams, ready to take on what she believed to be a long career. But now, of course, that changed. Her career, and her whole life was unrecognizable. And even she was.
But even so…
“Are you sure about this?”
Lisa looked up from where she waited, to see Julius walking over. They were both dressed to travel, packing light for the mere two day getaway they had planned. Yet, Julius was asking as if they were about to leave for some treacherous journey. Perhaps that was true.
“You know… I don’t want you to think I expect to hang out with your family all the time,” Julius continued, finally reaching her side to stand on the balcony. “I know it’s tough for you, with your mother and all-”
“Julius,” Lisa interrupted him, taking his hand in hers to cut him off. “It was my idea, not yours! You made me hang out with your parents last week so it’s only fair that you have to visit my family!”
Julius blinked owlishly, then narrowed his eyes. “I see… wait, so you didn’t enjoy yourself last week?”
Lisa gulped nervously. Meeting Julius’s parents for the first time was an… interesting experience. Both of them were quite old, living alone in a nice place out in the countryside. The Novachrono family, being nobility, owned a couple of residences which they cycled between. Lisa, who grew up a commoner, found the whole arrangement quite extravagant, but it provided some neat weekend hideouts for her and Julius to enjoy. However, they weren’t alone last week.
(tragic flashback time)
“Julius! Oh, this must be your girlfriend!”
Lisa peeked out from behind Julius, her heart thumping in her chest as the elderly couple finally spotted her after greeting their son. The spark of excitement in their eyes, nearly identical to how Julius’s would be, gave way to some other emotion. It was brief, but they almost looked taken aback. Lisa physically resisted wincing.
Don’t say it, don’t say it, don’t say it-
“OOh, you’ve got some mysterious mark on your head as well! No wonder our Julius likes you so much, ahah!”
Oh good. Lisa let herself exhale a nervous laugh, stepping forward to greet them properly. It wasn’t her fault she looked so young; she stopped aging when she was 20, after all. But it was nice to not be bombarded with questions all the time, from people assuming things about her relationship. 
“It’s nice to meet you, too!”
(end non-so-tragic flashback)
“Oh, your parents were wonderful. A little… excited, but wonderful.” Lisa grinned and elbowed Julius playfully, earning an exaggerated reaction. “Anyway, I think they told enough embarrassing stories about you to last me a lifetime!”
“Ah, is that so?” Julius grinned back sheepishly, his prior worries fading quickly. “I thought you already knew everything about me?”
“There’s always more to learn~” Lisa shot a cheeky wink up at him before picking up her bag. “Come on, we’ll be late for dinner if we keep chatting all evening.”
“Right, right.” Julius could barely contain himself as he took her hand again. “I’m so excited to see your cousins again- do you think they’ll remember me?”
“Remember? You?! Meeting you was the highlight of their lives!”
Without any more delays, Lisa held on tight as Julius finally took off, leaving nothing but faint traces of his mana behind.
Approximately two minutes later, the pair landed with a resounding whoosh, causing birds and leaves alike to take flight from the trees around them. Branches creaked, and bushes rippled, but only a moment later the forest was as still as it was before. “Well, here we are!” Julius let go of her hand only momentarily to stretch a long arm over his chest. “Too bad we have to walk into town from all the way out here-”
“We talked about this, remember? What do you think’s gonna happen if you just crash down in the middle of town?” Lisa reminded him, turning away once he was ready to start the walk. “And also- once we get there, you’ll have to transform into someone else. I don’t want to become the talk of the town or anything…”
“I know, I know!” Julius looked more disgruntled at that factor than anything else. He let out a deep sigh, sadness shifting through his gaze momentarily. “If I could have my way… I would want everyone to know.”
“... I know. Me too.”
Julius was unapologetic in every facet of his life, and love was no different. He loved the Kingdom, he loved his friends, but most of all, he loved Lisa. If he had it his way, Julius wouldn’t hesitate to herald the news from every corner of the country. 
“This woman? She’s mine! And I’m hers!” 
Sadly, the two of them already felt the harsh reality of the world, when Augustus and the Magic Parliament found out and used Lisa’s involvement with Julius against her. And because of that, Julius had to keep this treasured relationship close to his chest, where the general public wouldn’t find out.
He looked down as Lisa snaked her arm around his, smiling up at him comfortingly. “Marry me one day, and then everyone can know.”
Julius’s eyes lit up at the mere thought. “Seriously? Let's get married today, then!”
“What?! No way! Not yet, at least…”
“Ah, alright. I’m patient~”
Before they knew it, they reached the outskirts of town, and Julius was forced to transform. Lisa watched curiously as his body glowed gold, and he morphed into an unfamiliar man. He kept his blonde hair, but he had blue eyes instead of his usual purple. Also, his nose, chin, ears, brow- it was all different. “There! How do I look? Handsome?”
“Not as handsome as usual,” Lisa answered, eyeing him up. It was true, nothing could beat the usual Julius. Julius, of course, knew this, giving her a teasing wink as he grabbed her hand again to continue their journey. 
Lisa’s hometown was small, but stable. They mainly subsisted on local crops and game, but they had to buy food from neighboring areas as well. Situated at the base of the mountains dividing the Clover Kingdom from Diamond, the town was once a battlefield, as both kingdoms vied for control over the precious gems underground. However, all those gems have been stripped away, and things calmed down for years and years.
At least, it used to be calm… up until that day. 
One fateful attack by the Diamond Kingdom, nearly four years ago. That day changed everything. Lisa’s father was killed, leaving her alone with a mother who hated her and powers that she didn’t understand. She lost so much…
But I wasn’t alone, remember?
Lisa glanced up at the man walking next to her, humming to himself as they moved. She couldn’t help but smile as the memories washed over her.
Because, that day… I met you.
The door to Lisa’s old home slammed open, revealing her aunt Portia and her cousins. Before the two of them could react, they were bombarded with hugs from adults and screeching children alike. Lisa could do nothing but stand there and take it, but the wide grin on her face betrayed the fact that she was enjoying it.
“Lyra! You’re going to suffocate me!”
“And I would be right to do so!”
Cousin Lyra- One year older than Lisa, a total airhead, but also the sweetest person you’ll ever meet. The girl stepped back from her cousin with a little pout on her face. “You never come to visit, even though I told you your mom moved out! We only get to see you once a year, you know!”
“I know, I know, I’m sorry! I am kinda busy, you know!” Lisa defended herself, still smiling brightly. “Well, we’re here now, both of us.”
“Hey, who’s this weird guy?!”
Uh oh.
Lisa turned just in time to see Julius being circled menacingly by her two younger cousins, Pat and Rocco, the twins. Both of them had met Julius before, but now they were eyeing him suspiciously. “You’re right, who is this guy, Lisa?” Portia asked, her eyes widening. “Don’t tell me you and Julius broke up!”
“What?! No! I am Julius!” Julius looked a bit confused before the reason dawned on him. “Oh wait- right!” He stepped inside the house, out of sight of the street, and let himself change back to normal. Rocco and Pat immediately gasped. “OH! WIZARD KING!”
Lisa covered her mouth to stifle a giggle. Their excitement never failed to crack her up.
“Aha, you know- you can call me cousin Julius-” Julius told them, but it was no use. They continued to chant his title and before grabbing onto his legs like they were two tree trunks. Julius just sighed and let out a tired laugh, looking over at the others. “Not yet, I see-”
“Well, now that we’re here-” Lisa winced a little as she sat down at the kitchen table. “I’m ready for a relaxing night here at home.”
“What?! Relaxing?” Aunt Portia let out a giggle. “Nonsense! Lisa, you know what day it is, right?”
Her family giggled as she stared at them blankly. “It’s friday!”
Her eyes widened. “Oh no…”
Julius looked between them, confused. “Wait, what does that mean? Friday? What’s so special about friday.”
“It’s the busiest night at the tavern! All hands on deck!”
The rest of the family cackled. Lisa’s father owned the sole tavern in town, so it passed down to Portia and Lyra once he died. It was popular, and Lisa worked there for many years before leaving to join the Magic Knights. Lyra giggled and nudged Lisa with her elbow. “It’ll be just like old times! You and me waitressing, I even kept your old ‘uniform!’”
Lisa’s already-pale face was white as a sheet now. “U-Uniform!? Oh god, you can’t mean-”
(thirty horrible minutes later)
“TA-DA! Look at this, ‘James’!”
Julius turned around at the sound of the fake name he was using today. He had been sitting alone in the tavern, watching the other groups as they sat and drank, laughing and chatting among themselves. It was a strangely serene experience, being able to be alone. Well, at least it was nice to not have Marx breathing down his neck. Julius did miss Lisa though… he wasn’t sure why, but being away from her, even just for a little while, made him deeply uncomfortable. But luckily, she was back… sort of.
Lyra strained as she attempted to drag someone out from the back room. “Lisa! Behave!”
“No! Jul- I mean, James, don’t look at me! This is embarrassing-”
Lisa finally gave in, her face burning bright red as she was dragged out into the open. 
“Isn’t she cute!? She had to wear this every day when she worked here!” 
Her “uniform” was that of a tavern maid; a dress a little shorter than knee-length, a cute apron, and her usual tights. It wasn’t anything too shocking, but-
Lisa covered her face with her hands, mortified to be wearing something so out of her usual wardrobe. “D-Don’t look at me-”
It was too late- Julius was L O O K I N G.
“I said stop it!”
Julius finally snapped out of his “trance,” the dumbfounded look fading into a devilish grin. “Wowie… Lisa, maybe you should change your usual uniform to this-”
Portia and Lyra cackled along with the rest of her family as Lisa shouted back, too embarrassed to make any sense. Julius chuckled to himself, letting up on the teasing but allowing his eyes to still wander all over her body.”There’s nothing to worry about, my sweet… you look good in anything.”
Lisa sighed, letting her shoulders slumped, still not looking forward to the night ahead, but maybe it would be bearable. Maybe. “Thanks… You’re usually right.”
“Of course I am-”
“Lisa! Stop making eyes at him and get to work!”
With another loud objection, Lisa was dragged away once again, while Julius watched her work with shining eyes. As someone raised in nobility, Julius had to admit that he was a little out of his element. The tavern became increasingly louder as people started drinking, shouts and laughter filling the small building. Julius felt himself shrink around his drink, only accompanied by the younger twins and Lisa’s uncle. But among all the chaos, Lisa navigated it all perfectly. Once she forgot about the outfit, she weaved between the tables and jostling chairs, carrying a teetering tray of beers, her voice managing to pierce the noise filling the air. “Hey! Keep it civil, guys, I don’t want to mop up any of your blood.” “Talk to me like that again, and I’ll tell the Wizard King to come get you! Yeah? Scared now?” “NO GAMBLING IN HERE!” “Do you want me to burn you to a crisp? Because you’re asking for it!”
Julius laughed to himself as he listened, not able to tame the big smile on his face.
She’s so cute-
“Hey, Lisa, you got cute~”
Julius’s eyes popped back open.
Did… someone just-
“Hmm? So what if I did?” Lisa glared down at her new admirer, well, admirers. They were a group of three men sitting at a round table, red-faced and drunk, and apparently smitten with their waitress. “It doesn’t mean you can look at me!”
“Oh, but we are~” One of them giggled. “Why don’t you come back with us tonight? It can’t be fun JUST hanging out with your family.”
There was nothing Julius wanted to do in that moment other than spring to his feet, release his disguise, and teach those guys a lesson directly from the hands of the Wizard King. And he almost did, too! With his fists clenched so tight he knew his nails would leave a mark, Julius barely scooted his chair back before freezing as Lisa stepped in to defend herself much better than he could have.
“Listen! You three used to bully me all the time for having no mana. I wouldn’t want to be seen with you, even if my life depended on it! And besides-” Lisa resisted shooting a cheeky glance over at Julius. “I already belong to someone, so you’re too late.”
The trio blinked dumbly up at her, unable to comprehend what she was saying. Julius smiled to himself and slowly slid back down into his seat.
“I already belong to someone.”
He always liked hearing that.
“What are you looking at?”
And suddenly, she was right next to him, leaning up against the table with a little grin on her face. Julius blinked, his reaction sluggish. Ah, I guess I got stuck in a little daydream there- He shook off the feeling, amplified by the beers he drank, and smiled up at her. “Oh, just the cutest waitress in this place.”
Despite being mortified earlier, Lisa only blushed lightly at the comment, her eyes narrowing slightly. “Oh? I’m honored~ And what a coincidence, you’re the cutest guy in this place…”
Oh boy. The alcohol was starting to kick in for Julius, and Lisa knew it. His gaze started to fog up with some weird emotion that she knew well. She rarely saw him even get buzzed, so this was entirely unfamiliar. “Aha- ah, shucks, hehe-” He giggled boyishly to himself, closing his eyes for a moment as he collected his “thoughts.” Ahh… he would look so cute right now if he wasn’t in disguise, Lisa thought to herself, but it was enough to know that the unfamiliar man sitting here wasn’t unfamiliar at all… he was her man. “Hmm, you seem like you’ve had a little too much to drink” she teased.
Julius shrugged, lifting up his glass. “This is the best goddamn beer in the whole goddamn kingdom- HIC.”
Lisa bit her lip, thinking the little hiccup was just too cute. “Take it easy! I wouldn’t want you to pass out on me, hmm?”
Julius just laughed to himself again, his poor addled-brain hardly able to keep up. Damn! This beer is way more potent than I’m used to… these country folk know how to brew, that’s for sure. If I’m not careful, I’ll actually get drunk.
“Well, then tell me, waitress~” Julius finally spoke, wiggling his eyebrows. “When do you get off your shift?”
Lisa giggled, reaching out and running a friendly hand over his shoulder. Julius eagerly leaned into the gesture, like iron drawn to a magnet. That was what she was: a magnet. He would always be drawn to the gravity she possessed, something he couldn’t understand yet didn’t need to. All he really needed was her.
“Be patient~ We can go home soon.”
Without another word, Lisa leaned down and kissed his forehead, before pulling away to continue her work. Julius could do nothing but sigh and watch her go, his smile still traced on his lips and his mind hazy with desire.
(the next morning)
At exactly 6:30 am, Lisa’s eyes popped open. She was like a machine, her consciousness restoring itself almost instantly after her usual 6 hours of sleep. That was all she really needed, so she never gave herself much more. With a little yawn, the girl slowly rolled over in bed, her arm reaching out to find the warmth of a body beside her. However...
Julius wasn’t there, for some reason. Lisa frowned a bit, blinking as she got her bearings. Hmm, I wonder where he is? She was sure that they were together when they fell asleep late last night. In fact, she was 100% certain that was the case. Julius got all needy when he was drunk, and wouldn’t let go of her even as he fell asleep. It takes a lot to get him drunk in the first place. He should be terribly hungover right now.
“Portia? Lyra?” 
Lisa peeked into the kitchen, the stillness in the air betraying that no one else was awake yet. That’s weird… well, Julius likes his morning walks, this could be his way of dealing with his hangover
She knew that Julius was the last person on earth she usually had to worry about, but he was unfamiliar with the area and could get lost. Keeping that in mind, Lisa quickly got dressed and headed out to search for him. It was still early, and also a Saturday, so the town was very quiet and empty. Lisa strolled down the streets, becoming increasingly disheartened as she failed to locate her wandering boyfriend. Well… maybe he went out into the woods? Ooh, I hope he’s alright-
Lisa decided to check the outskirts before heading back home, just in case. Luckily, her intuition ended up being right… just not in the way she expected at all.
“Lisa!!!! Hello!!! Good morning!!! Look at me!!!”
Just as Lisa reached the edge of the woods, who should come running out but a grinning Julius. Usually, Julius only moved fast when he was fighting, and moved so fast that he left afterimages everywhere he went. Other than that, he glided from place to place, as graceful and stately as could be. But now, Lisa watched in shock as a seemingly-normal albeit awkward looking man, with arms and legs a little too long for his body, came sprinting at her. But the strangest thing was-
“Julius!!! Why are you dressed like a lumberjack!?” 
Lisa backed away slightly as he skidded to a stop in front of her, still almost giddy with boyish excitement, and she eyed his strange outfit: a red flannel shirt, JEANS, and a strange looking hat. She also noticed that he wasn’t in disguise anymore. But before she could say anything, Julius launched into a harried explanation, as if he already knew what she was thinking. “Oh, don’t worry! No one recognized me with this hat on, haha! See, I woke up early to make you some coffee for when you woke up, but your uncle was awake and invited me to come help him and some others gather wood and stuff in the forest! He gave me the outfit and everything! It’s a little tight though-” Julius shifted uncomfortably in his jeans. “Anyway, a lot of people in this town don’t have much magic, at least not for gathering wood, so I got to use an axe and everything! It was so much fun, we’re taking a short break now but we’ll be at it again soon, haha!” 
Julius let out a jovial laugh while Lisa stood there, still absorbing the words he just spat out. “Oh… I see. Well, I’m glad you’re having fun-” She eyed his hat again, noticing that it covered most of his blonde hair as well as his swallowtail mark. “So… you’re not hungover or anything? You were pretty drunk last night…”
“Drunk? NO, no!” Julius wiggled his eyebrows. “That stuff only buzzed me… I was just using it as an excuse to act a bit more boldly, you know? I’m perfectly fine this morning.”
… of course he would do that- Lisa thought to herself, not sure if she should be charmed or exasperated…. She was leaning towards the former, since by now she was used to Julius’s antics. “You seem to be enjoying the commoner life, maybe we should quit our jobs and move out to a cabin in the woods,” she teased, letting herself smile brightly up at him. Now that the shock was wearing off… he did look really good in his new “uniform.” “You should wear stuff like this more often~”
Julius raised an eyebrow, but couldn’t wipe his goofy grin off his face. “Oh? Maybe I will~ And-” He reached down and took her hand in his, clasping it tenderly. “I’ll take you out to cabins in the woods whenever you feel like it! Just say the word, and it’s done!”
Lisa giggled, squeezing her eyes shut as Julius’s hand cupped her cheek, holding her face gently as his lips found the side of her head. “It’s good to know I have you wrapped around my finger~”
“Oh, more than my finger, my dear.” Julius winked as he straightened back up. However, that brief, sultry moment ended as soon as a new idea crossed his mind. “So! I was thinking- we should have a picnic for lunch!”
Lisa’s eyes it up at the same time as his own. “Ooh, I like that idea! Out in the woods?” She immediately started brainstorming what she could make.
“Not just any spot, though-” Julius fidgeted with excitement. “That spot by the river… with the flowers, where we first met?”
“Oh… oh! Yeah!” The memories flooded back, memories from a time much more complicated than now. “Meet me there at noon?”
“Yeah! Thank you, darling.” Julius leaned down, his intention clear. Lisa closed her eyes in time to feel his sweet kiss on her lips, brief yet just as intoxicating as ever. “See you soon!” Without another word, Julius waved goodbye before running off, disappearing into the trees. Lisa sighed to herself, the warmth of his presence still lingering on her skin. Wow… well, I have a picnic to prepare. She turned around and started to walk back home, her mind still caught up in the dream she somehow managed to turn into reality.
Back then, years ago, they met in that spot by the river. Lisa was lost, alone, hopeless, and confused, but all it took was a kind smile and that strange, warm feeling to get her moving again. Moving towards her goals, with nothing left to lose and everything to gain.
I gained and lost so much, over and over, but now… it’s just like you promised, Julius. You said, one day, our life will be simple. And now it is.
Despite the trials they experienced, the satisfaction of knowing filled Lisa’s heart: she was his, and he was hers. Completely.
(shortly before noon)
Finally alone, Julius took off his hat, letting his head breathe for the first time all morning. He had arrived at the spot a little early, so he had a few minutes to himself. “Hmm… this is the place, alright,” he muttered to himself, looking around. The stream still flowed lazily like it always did, and the blanket of white cornflowers still rippled gently in the breeze. The whole atmosphere was calming, yet so deeply potent with memories, both good and bad… but one in particular.
I still remember it so well… During that Diamond attack, Lisa dropped her Grimoire. I had to chase her all over town to give it back! I ended up catching up to her here… we had our first conversation. And her first smile-
Julius would have been content to die in that moment. For that brief second, he forgot that he was Wizard King, he forgot about all the responsibilities he carried on his back. He was weightless, unburdened… blessed. A girl he barely knew, someone he could tell was deeply troubled and complicated, defeated him with just a smile. At that time, he couldn’t have imagined that he would grow so close to her, watching as she clawed her way up, a girl with nothing to lose but everything to gain. It was what he admired most about her, but she was more than just another remarkable person in the magic knights.
She was his.
Julius found himself standing at the edge of the stream, the water calm enough for him to make out his reflection.
Despite how perfectly everything felt now… he couldn’t shake an unwelcome feeling.
Julius shook his head slightly, watching his own eyes narrow with determination.
If I can protect an entire kingdom… I can protect one person dear to me. 
The voice calling out from behind him immediately dispelled the dread from his gut. Perking up, Julius quickly turned around to see Lisa walking over, picnic basket in hand and a big smile on her face. “Hey! I’m right on time~ Hungry?” She held up the basket, opening it up to look at the contents. “I made some sandwiches, but Portia had some leftover wine from last night so I packed a little of that as well, and-”
Lisa was suddenly cut off when a pair of arms closed around her. She stood there silently as she was held tightly, her face buried into the rough flannel of Julius’s shoulder. Slowly, she inhaled, taking in his scent, a scent indistinguishable from her own save for the new notes of pine he managed to pick up while working. Then, she exhaled, her arms drifting around his torso in time with her breath. 
It was moments like these that she knew she was cherished. More than any treasure or prize the Kingdom could offer. Even if she didn’t understand why, she knew that fact.
After a few long, tender moments, Julius’s grip finally loosened, and he stepped back just enough to peer down at her face, his smile tinged with faint notes of sadness. “Thank you, Lisa.”
“My pleasure.”
The two of them turned and walked towards the stream, their hands still entwined as tight as fate itself.
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atlas-tries · 4 years
Shatter Me Chapter 4: Patton Quest
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Summary: The worst has come to pass. What will the main three (and Janus) do without Patton?
Notes: Well! Maybe things will be looking up for the sides! Maybe! This is quite the lengthy chapter, so I hope you all enjoy! (And yes, I realize this is coming a little earlier today than normal, but alas, what is life without at least one chapter of whimsy?)
Virgil didn’t dare move from where he stood, once cradling Patton’s head. Now, there was barely a sign that he’d ever been there, only weeping shards left in his wake. It was starting to soak into Virgil’s pants and hoodie sleeves, but he didn’t notice. All he could see was the sinister blue covering the table and flowing onto the floor. His heart exploded in his ears, nearly deafening in the silence that gripped them.
It was kind of funny, really. Virgil had such a penchant for being wrong when he got into one of his moods. So why was it that the one time he wanted so desperately to be wrong, he wasn’t? One of his worst fears had come true and he’d been powerless to stop it. The universe could be so cruel.
“P-Patton… wh-why did it have to be Patton, of all sides?” Roman softly sobbed. He still held on to the splintered fragments of Patton’s hand.
Logan wiped at his eyes with his shirtsleeve and readjusted his glasses. Blue fingerprints lingered on the frames. “There was nothing else we could’ve done.”
Virgil swallowed thickly. “Wh-why was he so afraid to talk to us about this?” he asked.
Roman puffed up. “He wasn’t! How dare you even suggest that we were the ones to put him into this situation!” he cried, tears mixing with the puddles of bright blue. Logan put a firm hand on his shoulder and for once in his life, Roman backed off.
“Alright, Sir Jumps-a-lot,” Virgil started, but was caught off guard by a little golden orb floating through the window. “Is … is that a thought?” Two more rose from where Patton had been sitting. They drifted closer to the center of the table where Patton’s shards still rested. Once over him, they simply hovered, absorbing the blue essence beneath them. “What are they doing?”
“I don’t know, I’ve never seen this happen before,” Roman replied, transfixed on the sight of the thoughts.
All at once, they became restless, boiling rapidly beneath the surface and madly flitting around the room like three loose Golden Snitches. “Hit the decks!” Roman cried, taking cover beneath the table. Virgil followed.
One just missed Logan before he dropped beneath the table. They grew and quickened, slamming into the walls with deafening shrieks. The castle shook with every blow. “Oh God oh God oh God,” Virgil mumbled under his breath, like praying would send these abominations away.
A huge crash sent rocky shrapnel flying in every direction. Virgil felt the impact of several smaller pebbles against his body. Then it was quiet. Virgil finally uncovered his head after a few seconds and looked around. Giant bus sized holes gaped fervently on three walls, like the castle itself was crying out. Pieces of elegant stonework laid broken on the ground amid the tattered ruins of some of Roman’s finest tapestries. Dust lingered in the air.
“Are you all unharmed?” came Logan’s voice.
Virgil nodded, still in awe of the destruction that lay around them.
Roman looked devastated. “I’m fine, but look what those boorish orbs did to my precious palace! What were those things?” He walked over to one of the holes and put his hand on the edge of it. Almost as soon as his hand hit, he jerked it back with a hiss.
“They were thoughts,” Logan started, walking over to Roman with a small first aid kit in hand, “that appeared to have absorbed Patton’s essence.”
“… And?” Virgil asked.
Logan rubbed some burn ointment onto Roman’s hand and began to bandage it. “Those thoughts appear to have his power. If they were troublesome before, then that must mean—”
“They intend to wreak havoc here, too,” Roman interrupted.
Logan cleared his throat. “Yes. But I wonder … Could they bring him back?”
Virgil’s and Roman’s eyes went wide. “You really think those things out there are the key to reviving Patton? They’re monsters! Patton isn’t a monster!” Virgil bit.
“That wasn’t what I was implying. Those thoughts acted rashly when exposed to his essence because Patton was in a state of turmoil before he … Didn’t you notice that when you touched it, you began to feel things you didn’t normally feel?” said Logan.
“Well yeah, but aren’t people supposed to be sad when they lose someone they l … care about?” Virgil asked.
“Nice save,” said Roman.
“In people, yes, but we are not people. We are facets of a whole personality, hence we cannot take many intricacies from another side without some sort of medium, which brings me back to the point. If Patton’s stray thoughts have enough of his essence within them, then perhaps they are enough to resurrect him,” Logan explained.
“What other choice do we have?” asked Roman. “We can’t just let those rogue ruminations run rampant through the realm.”
“Then it’s settled. We must go after these manifestations with due haste,” Logan said. “Perhaps it would be better to each take on one of these creatures. If my calculations are correct, we don’t have long to get them back before they become inert. Although it would make my job easier if we didn’t have to worry about trivial emotions getting in the way … But I certainly don’t want to pick up the slack from Patton’s absence.”
“How can you even say that? Are you sure you’re not a dark side in disguise?” Virgil said, running his fingers through his hair with a heavy sigh. “Not the time, Virgil. Okay. How do you know we’re on a time limit? And how are we supposed to fight these thoughts?”
“Simple mathematics. It took nine minutes and thirty-seven seconds for the essence on my hands to stop affecting me in a way that hindered me. As for how to go about defeating them, I suspect Roman may be able to help,” said Logan.
“Oh sure, you didn’t want to help me earlier but now I have to help you. Pah!” Roman said, throwing his hands in the air. Instantly, both Logan and Virgil were donning jester’s costumes with squeaky swords at their sides while Roman was decked out in full chainmail armor.
Virgil gave an indignant look to Roman, who was snickering at his handiwork. “You can’t seriously expect us to go up against those with these,” he spat, motioning to his novelty weapon.
“Virgil is right. We wouldn’t be able to fight effectively with this,” Logan said. “We will also need a way to transport the creatures back, but I may have a solution for that.” He conjured up three small glass jars.
“Ugh, fine,” Roman groaned. He waved his hand and the two were changed into more fitting clothes: a rogue outfit and dagger for Virgil and for Logan, wizard’s robes and a magic staff. “Better?”
Virgil, who had been covertly admiring his garb, put one hand behind his head and said, “It’s alright I guess.”
“This is adequate. Now, we have exactly three hours, fifty-eight minutes, and twenty seconds to bring these thoughts back before his essence leaves them,” Logan said, waving his hand and conjuring a countdown timer for all of them.
“Then what are we waiting for?” asked Virgil.
Roman nodded. “Let’s get this pony rolling!”
“I’m sorry, there are ponies involved? That would be a much faster method of travel than walking,” Logan pointed out.
Roman almost countered that, but took a moment to think. “You’re right,” he said, conjuring some horses. “Now let’s go!”
With that, the sides mounted their horses with varying degrees of difficulty and set off in three separate directions.
Roman was usually so happy to be riding in the Imagination. Nothing beat the feeling of the wind through his hair, or the steady bouncing of the horse’s gait, or the rhythmic pounding of hooves on the ground.
But this time, he could find no joy atop his trusty mount. Not with his thoughts racing faster.
Instead, he kept his body poised like a jockey and let the horse do the work. She always knew where he needed to go. Thankfully, the path was a little easier to see since one of the loose Eldritch abominations carved its way through the lush evergreen forests. He still couldn’t believe any of this was real. Not even an hour ago, they had all been sitting around the Round Table, poised to discuss video ideas. Now, they were all on a life-or-continued-death quest to stop Patton’s thoughts from destroying everything in enough time to revive him. Even he thought that plotline was a bit contrived. Nevertheless, here he rode, off to accomplish the task at hand like the hero Patton believed him to be.
A flash of blue whizzed by in Roman’s periphery. He pulled the reins hard and wheeled his horse around. Another subtle movement shuffled in the undergrowth to his right. He dismounted as quietly as he could and drew his sword. The leaves rustled again. He slowly stalked toward them, ready to pounce. Suddenly, a blue toad jumped out from the foliage and onto Roman’s chest briefly before saying, “Tag, you’re it!” and hopping quickly away.
Roman blinked. “Well that’s new,” he mumbled to himself. He sheathed his sword and looked at the toad, still hopping away. It slowed, turned around, and stared for a moment before hopping back toward Roman.
“Aren’t you gonna chase me?” it asked from a distance. That voice sounded so familiar …
“I’m sorry, fair frog, but I can’t play with you. I’m on an urgent quest to find a rampaging beast. You haven’t happened to see one around here, have you?” said Roman.
The toad brought one little arm up to its chin in thought. “Hmm, I don’t think I’ve seen one around here …” Its eyes shone. “Oh, a quest! Can I come with you? It sounds so much more fun than playing tag with myself! Please please pleeeeeeeease!” it said, bouncing in place.
Roman, understandably, was a little put-off by this toad. “I don’t think that would be a good idea. You’re much too small to fight, and this may be the most difficult quest I will ever go on.” He made his way back to his horse. The toad followed.
“Please? I promise I won’t get in the way!” said the toad, clinging to Roman’s boot with tears in its eyes.
Roman sighed. “Fine, but you stay in the saddlebag,” he huffed.
The toad binkied happily in little circles. “Yay! We’re going on a quest! We’re going on a quest! I don’t know what we’ll do but hey, we’ll make up all the rest!” it sang. It leapt into Roman’s arms. “Onward to adventure!” It pointed an arm out in front of them.
“Yeah,” Roman said, stuffing the toad in his saddlebag with much protest. He pulled the countdown timer out of the bag on his belt. 03:01:42. Had he already been gone for this long? He stuffed it back in and hoisted himself onto the saddle.
Or rather, he would have if there weren’t a troublesome toad sitting there already. “Woooaah, is this what it’s like to be a horseback rider? How do I make it go?” it gleamed. It tried to whip the reins but could barely lift them without toppling over.
“Hold on a minute. You don’t make it go anywhere,” Roman said, lifting the toad off the saddle and putting it back in the saddlebag. “I do.” He tried to mount once more to find the toad sitting on top of the horse’s head. “What the …! How do you keep doing that?” He grabbed the frog again and put him back in the saddlebag, making sure to fasten it this time.
Yet again, the toad appeared before him, this time sitting on the horse’s neck. “Doing what?” it innocently asked. And yet again, Roman turned to stuff the toad back in, only to find three others already in there.
“What in the name of accumulating amphibians is going on here?!” Roman shouted. “Why are there four of you?!”
“Huh? Oh, there aren’t four of me!” As if to illustrate his point, hundreds of blue toads emerged from hiding all around them. “It would get pretty boring if I was playing tag with only four of me!” One of them hopped on top of Roman’s head.
“Alright, enough! Only one of you can come with me,” Roman said.
The toads just smiled. “Well why didn’t you say so?” All of them but the one on his head disappeared into mist, and the one that remained almost glowed. “Onward to adventure!” the toad cried again. Roman just put his head in his hands with a small groan.
The two were off and at a full gallop through the razed forest. About five seconds down the road, the toad said, “You wanna play I Spy? I do! I’ll go first! I spy with my little eye, something … red!”
“I really can’t play this right now, we need to be on the lookout for a rampaging monster,” Roman replied.
“Aww come on, this is an easy one, I know you can get it!”
“Not now.”
The toad huffed. “Well you’re no fun. What kind of adventure is this anyway?”
“Not the fun kind,” Roman said. “We’re running out of time.”
“Pssshhh, no we’re not. There’s always time for fun!” the toad exclaimed.
Roman grunted. “What part of urgent quest did you not understand? We only have so long to bring him back! Now please, make yourself useful and help me look for a rampaging beast.”
“Bring who back?” the toad asked. Roman stayed silent for a long while. “Didja hear me?”
“A very close friend of mine,” Roman finally replied.
“Oh,” said the toad. “So your friend is the monster?”
“No! Yes? I don’t know. It’s hard to explain,” Roman said, getting more agitated with each passing second.
The toad stayed silent for a good moment. “What’s your friend’s name? Maybe I heard of ‘em,” said the toad.
“Patton,” came Roman’s solemn reply.
“Hey, that kinda sounds like my name!” squealed the toad.
“Oh?” said Roman. The edge of the path quickly approached. “Wait, this is where the destruction ends, he should be right here!” He tugged on the reins and dismounted quickly. The toad hopped to the ground.
“Hey, I think I remember something about this place,” it said.
Roman turned and squatted in front of the toad. “Tell me.”
The toad hopped in place. “This is where I first started playing tag with myself! There were so many more of me then … Maybe some of them are still hiding! Will you help me look?” he asked.
Roman huffed. “I have to find whatever cantankerous creature came this far, so I don’t have time to be playing around!”
The toad recoiled. “Wh-why are you yelling at me?” he whined, huge tears welling up in his eyes. His color dimmed a bit.
Roman put a hand against his cheek, tugging at his bottom eyelid. Why did this have to be happening to him now of all times? “Look, I’m sorry, little, uh … what did you say your name was again?”
The toad sniffled and wiped at his cheek. “L-Lilypadton,” he replied.
“Okay, I’m sorry, Lilypadton, but I just don’t have the time to—” Roman paused. “Wait a moment. Lilypadton. Lily-padton. Lily-Patton.” His eyes lit up. “By the horn of a unicorn! I’m surprised I didn’t think of this before!” He picked the blubbering toad up. “You’re the one I’ve been looking for!”
“I-I am?” Lilypadton asked.
Roman nodded, his own eyes shimmering a little. “Indeed. I didn’t expect a rampaging thought could turn into such a … tiny creature as yourself. From the way you cut down all of these trees, I thought you’d have been a bit bigger. But uh, no matter! You’re going to help me bring my friend back!” He hugged Lilypadton tight to his armor.
“Mister, you’re choking me!” Lilypadton croaked.
Roman immediately loosened his grip. “Sorry, I got a little carried away for a moment there. Let’s get you back to my castle with haste!” He put Lilypadton on his shoulder and climbed back on his horse, and instantly the horse went into a full gallop. The poor Pat-toad hung on to Roman’s pauldron for dear life.
Around ten minutes down the road, once Lilypadton had settled on the saddle horn, he suddenly spoke. “Did … did I do all of this?”
Roman looked down at him. “Yes, but I don’t think you meant to,” he said, bringing his gaze back up to the road.
“I think I remember something else,” Lilypadton softly said.
“Yeah. We were in here somewhere. I … was taller. Like you! I saw you, too. You were so brave fighting that big scary lion snake goat thingy! But then you got hurt, and it was all because of me wanting to save that poor bunny, and I didn’t ever want you to get hurt but you did and if I hadn’t been so trusting and just done what you said in the first place, you wouldn’t have gotten hurt and it wouldn’t have been my fault.” Lilypadton dimmed a little more. “B-but then you said, ‘I can’t believe you fell for that obvious trap, Patton. Didn’t you notice the footprints on the ground near it or the horrible stench coming from just behind the trees? It really surprises me, the way you can be so naive sometimes.’ And then, I felt my chest hurting real bad.”
Roman looked again at the little toad, wide-eyed and near frozen. He still had the little scar on his arm from the chimera’s attack, barely worth mentioning against the numerous others he had accumulated from other, more dangerous creatures. What startled him was hearing Patton’s perspective of this.
Lilypadton flopped against Roman’s breastplate. “I-I’m so sorry,” he whimpered.
Roman banished his chainmail and put a hand on Lilypadton’s back, pressing him gently into his chest. “You were holding onto that this whole time. And all because I made a stupid, offhand comment,” he said, hooking the reins around the saddle horn and holding his face in his newly freed hand. Fresh tears streaked over his gauntlets. Hadn’t there been enough crying for one day?
He continued. “Padre, please believe me when I tell you that I, in no way, hold that day against you. I shouldn’t have said what I said, because that’s not what I think of you at all. That day, I was so impressed that you wanted to help that slovenly little lapin, despite me telling you that you didn’t have to. And then you showed me how brave you were, still helping that creature while that chimera roared at you. I still remember you telling it, ‘Now you just wait your turn, mister, I’ll pet you in a minute!’ It was one of the greatest adventures I’d ever had with you.” He stroked the little toad. Lilypadton croaked softly against his chest. “Had I known that my careless comment was something that led to you being in this state, I would have washed my own mouth out with soap. I should be the one apologizing to you, Patton.”
Lilypadton smiled, eyes still brimming with tears. “Thank you, Roman,” he said, burrowing closer like a small child being held. Roman just smiled and rubbed Lilypadton’s little back, content to have not only found this toad in the first place, but a piece of Patton that he never knew before. Roman’s palace loomed in the distance. It wouldn’t be long before the two reached the remains of Patton prime.
Roman felt Lilypadton slowly transform in his hand, now nothing but a bright blue thought.
Logan, though not as well versed in the equine arts as Roman, found himself to be a natural when behind the reins of a beautiful, sure-footed Paso Fino. What wasn’t natural, however, was trying to do that while wearing a star-spangled bathrobe. Eventually, he’d had to stop his horse, conjure a hair tie, and bunch the loose fabric between his legs like a bike-riding lady in the 1890’s. “How asinine,” he mumbled to himself as he followed the river south.
If his calculations were correct, then he had approximately three hours and twenty-two minutes to find this troublesome thought and bring it back. In the distance, he could see storm clouds brewing over one particular location three klicks ahead of him. So, about another half hour before he would be there. Great.
Part of Logan felt heavy. The other half felt like nothing at all. All he knew was that the essence crusting on his hands had something to do with how he was experiencing these feelings. Much to his chagrin, Logan did, in fact, have feelings. Just never to the extremes that Patton did. And before, standing over Patton’s bleeding form and covered in essence, those emotions were nearly enough to knock him off of his feet. He had frozen. The one minute he needed to be the dependable one, he had frozen. He had no idea what to do to save him, and he’d shattered right in front of them. And now, he could only hope that his working theory was correct.
Logan gripped the reins tighter, whipping them with a sharp, “Hyah!” The horse promptly obeyed and quickened its pace. He was getting close to the epicenter of the clouds. A small streak of blue quickly differentiated itself from the surrounding landscape. Could that be …
Within seconds, Logan had arrived as close to the entity as he felt comfortable and hid among the tall grasses. It had a vaguely humanoid shape with two large, white eyes, blurring through the breeze as if it were immaterial. He heard its singsong voice gently wafting over, sweet and soft against the stark, grassy landscape. Birds and other small animals gathered around it in Disney Princess fashion. Its voice rose and with it, the wind did, too. Dried leaves and loose grass circled around them.
“An elemental …” Logan whispered. The wind died. The elemental whipped its head around to look directly at Logan. His heart hammered in his chest.
“WHO’S THERE?” it boomed. Logan nestled deeper into the grasses. “HMM, PEACH, PEAR—”
“Pineapple,” Logan inadvertently replied. He slapped a hand over his mouth. Suddenly, the wind was beneath him, hoisting him swiftly over to where the elemental hovered. Logan fumbled with the strap keeping his magic staff secured but couldn’t free it before he came to sit in front of this creature.
“I THOUght I heard someone over there. Oh, I’m sorry if I scared you, kiddo, I’m not going to hurt you! Here, let me help you up,” it said. It extended what Logan thought to be an arm toward him. Logan gingerly put his hand out, expecting to pass right through, but the elemental felt solid beneath his touch. “Do you have a name I can call you?”
“Um … Logan,” he responded.
“Logan … what a nice name. I think I used to know someone with that name. Maybe one of my kiddos?”
Logan tapped his chin. “You don’t sound like any elemental I’ve ever encountered before.”
“Elemental? Oh, no, not me. I’m just Sympathos,” Sympathos said.
All of the sudden, it hit Logan. “No wonder you sound so familiar. I believe I know who you are. Please come with me.”
“What’s that, on your hands …?” Sympathos asked warily. The wind picked up a little bit.
“It’s essence. Your essence, Patton,” Logan stated matter-of-factly. “Please, time is against us. We must return to Roman’s castle before it’s too late.”
Sympathos backed away. “M-my essence? And who’s Patton? I think I’d better stay here.” A particularly cold gust of wind whipped by them.
“You’re Patton. Or, a part of him, rather; one that’s doomed to fade in less than three hours unless you rejoin with your other pieces. Wouldn’t it be better to become whole again?”
Sympathos shrunk. “No, no, I … I don’t think I want to go with you,” he said. “I don’t know who you think I am, but I’m not him. I … I can’t be him!” The wind picked up a bit more.
Logan had to hold onto his hat to keep it from sailing away. “Please calm down,” he said, slowly striding toward Sympathos with his hands up. Sympathos only backed away further. “You’re being irrational.”
The wind died once more, leaving only a deathly quiet over them. Sympathos brought his hands to his face. “No. I’m. NOT!” he shouted, rising up in a tornado’s winds and growing just as big. Hail began falling thunderously around Logan. He shielded himself as best he could with his arm, attempting to once again release his staff from its prison on his back. He finally got it and quickly cast a shielding spell around himself. Sympathos continued. “WHY IS IT IRRATIONAL TO NOT WANT TO GO WITH SOMEONE WHO HAS A PART OF ME SMEARED ALL OVER THEIR HANDS? WHY CAN I NOT BE AFRAID OF SOMEONE WHO HURT ME?”
Logan could only look up at the angry funnel cloud version of his friend. “Hurt you?” he yelled through the noise. “This essence on my hands was from trying to save you! Do you not remember?”
The winds roared. “THAT’S NOT WHAT I MEANT. THAT’S NOt what I meant,” Sympathos said, dying down into little more than a breeze. The hail turned into tiny raindrops, slowly getting bigger as he wept.
Logan dismissed most of the shielding spell, leaving only a portion above his head. He slowly walked over toward where Sympathos was crumpled on the ground. Every raindrop sent little bits of him rippling across his surface as if he, too, were made of water. “Then, would you tell me what has you so disconcerted?” Logan gently asked. He sat down beside the entity, expanding the shield to cover Sympathos from the cloudburst.
Sympathos said nothing for a while, but Logan was more than keen to wait. He still had enough time to get him back, and he didn’t want to have to hurt the thought any more than he somehow already had. Finally, Sympathos spoke, “I’m not Patton. I know I’m not. But, I have his memories. His thoughts. His pain. I saw you in almost all of the memories. Especially the ones where you would tell me, ‘Your feelings are clouding your judgement,’ or something like that. Then I would feel this … this awful pain in my core.” He looked up at Logan. “How can I still have the pain that he had but have no way to know how to deal with it? How can I trust you when all I have are these aching memories?” The rain worsened as Sympathos sobbed.
Logan didn’t quite know what to do. Had he hurt Patton without ever knowing it? Or had he been too blinded by his own emotions to notice? He thought back to a few months ago, when Patton had first revealed his injuries. They were so profound then, like they had been less than an hour ago at the Round Table. Wait, right after he told Patton to let the past go, those injuries worsened. How many other times had his input splintered across Patton’s chest? He had to make this right. He put one gentle hand on Sympathos’s back.
“I … don’t think it would be reasonable, not after having experienced such pain by my own hand,” Logan carefully said. “I never intended to harm you, but whether I meant it or not is inconsequential to the truth of it. I still hurt you. And for that, I am truly, deeply sorry. I just wish I’d have known about your condition sooner so I could have made amends sooner. Maybe we wouldn’t be in this mess if only I’d noticed sooner …” He felt a tear of his own threatening to leak out.
Sympathos looked up at him. Bittersweet laughter emanated from him, piercing through the rain in matching melancholy. “How could you have known what I never said?” He sat up as much as a spectral entity could and leaned against Logan. “I forgive you. Maybe it’s time I started trusting you all more.”
Logan smiled a bit and the tears silently rolled. “I’d like that,” he said softly. Logan wasn’t used to dealing with emotions; that much went without saying. But maybe it was time to try, if for nothing— or no one— else but Patton.
After another moment, the weight against his side faded and only a floating blue orb remained. Wiping his eyes with his sleeve, he retrieved the jar from where it hung on his belt and gently guided the thought in. Here, at least, he would be safe until it was time to reunite with the other pieces.
As Logan remounted his horse, he noticed the rain had stopped and in its wake, a tiny rainbow appeared.
Virgil swore to himself that after today, he would never, EVER, get back on a horse.
It was too hard to get on the stupid thing for one. For another, there were no visible controls. He had no idea how this beast even knew what to do, and what it did was try to take off with Virgil hanging off its side. Probably Roman’s idea of a joke. Again. Now, the ride was hurting his butt. He failed to see how his day could get any worse— a hard-earned feat from a side such as himself.
Now here he was, holding onto this animal for dear life as it clattered up the mountain paths, thinking of all the ways this would fail, all the ways he could plummet to his own death, and they’d have to come up with some horribly saccharine double funeral for him and Patton, or maybe they would just completely forget about him or disown him because he failed—
Without warning, the horse reared, sending Virgil flying into some nearby brush. The horse ran off, evident only by the disappearing sound of hoofbeats. For a while, Virgil just laid there, staring up at the canopy above him. Stupid horse. I didn’t want to ride you anyway, he wanted to say. “Today really isn’t my day,” is what came out. He slowly started getting up, hands hurting from where he pushed into the ragged undergrowth. At least everything matched now.
He looked at the path ahead. A huge earthen wall blocked most of the path. “What the— when did that get there?” Virgil said. He eyed it warily. It seemed stable enough … Maybe he could climb over to the other side? He touched it with his dagger. The blade pierced through easily, yet the wall still held. Still, there was no way he was going to scale this monstrosity, not without at least twenty different safety lines and a helmet. And anyway, it wasn’t like he couldn’t just walk around it. So he did.
And immediately regretted it.
A gargantuan, blue-furred bear loped on the other side, coming to stand on its hind legs. That thing had to be at least twelve feet tall! A small, “eek!” escaped Virgil’s lips as he moved to hide back behind the wall. Maybe the bear hadn’t seen him. All at once, the wall crumbled into dust, leaving Virgil facing away from a fearsome predator. He slowly turned his head to see the bear looking straight at him. With wide eyes, he slowly turned back and bolted back down the mountain.
Virgil checked behind him. Of course the bear was galloping after him. “Crap crap crap crap!” he wheezed, willing his legs to go faster. The bear was gaining on him. Think, Virgil, think! What would Roman do? I can’t believe I just asked myself that. Uh, trees! Bears can’t climb trees, right?
Virgil leapt onto the nearest tree and scrambled up the trunk as best he could. Which is to say, not very well. Still, it was enough to confuse the bear, which bought him a little extra time to climb. The bear stood on its hind legs and started climbing after him. “Oh, come on!” Virgil cried, inching out onto a sturdy looking branch.
The bear, barely needing to get off the ground to reach Virgil, grabbed his hood in its mouth and tugged. Virgil clung tighter to the branch. The bear kept tugging and Virgil could hear wood splintering. “Oh God oh God oh God this is it. This is how I go.” The branch broke with a sharp crack, leaving him dangling from the bear’s mouth. He released the branch and felt around his belt for his dagger. Anxious fingers slipped over the scabbard. Eventually, he freed it and started swinging wildly until the blade found purchase.
He opened his eyes and surveyed his damage. The dagger caught on the bear’s thick pelt as if it were a stick. The bear whined a little but was otherwise unharmed. It nudged the blade away from where it struck, stood on two legs, and released Virgil’s hood.
Virgil fully expected to hit the hard ground. He had seen it coming. But he didn’t even make it down past the bear’s legs. The bear was … holding him. Like a baby. And nuzzling him with a big, wet nose, making contented vocalizations. Was it … loving on him?
No fall. No get hurt.
Virgil’s eyes widened. “Y-you’re telepathic?”
The bear licked his cheek gently and looked into his eyes. I talk you only way I know. I keep you safe. The bear started walking back up the mountain, still carrying Virgil in his arms.
“What are you?” Virgil asked.
Pattington, came the bear’s reply.
“Where are you taking me?” asked Virgil.
Burrow. I keep you safe. I love like own cub.
All too soon, the two were in a clearing off the side of the path. At least, it used to be a clearing. There had to be hundreds of birdhouses in the trees and little bunny burrows dotting the cliffs. Deer, squirrels, and rabbits scampered freely in the clearing without worrying that the bear— Pattington— would hurt them. He lowered Virgil gently to the ground.
You play other cubs. I get dinner, said Pattington with one last nuzzle against Virgil. He sank back onto four paws and roamed toward the edge of the clearing.
Virgil was so struck by this odd behavior that he almost let him go. “Wait!” he called, running after him. Pattington looked back. “Um, I can’t stay. I’m kind of looking for something. Or uh, someone. It’s a little hard to tell.”
The bear stopped. Cub stay. Cub safe here. He put a gentle paw against Virgil’s chest and disappeared into the forest.
Virgil stood there for a moment. Was this bear trying to adopt him? He did not have time for this, not with a giant raging orb to be found! Frantically, he reached into his pocket and pulled out the timer Logan gave him. 3:10:48. There was still the greater part of three hours, but that meant nothing. If Virgil let himself go along with what this bear wanted, then Patton would never be able to come back. Now seemed like as good a time as any to get the heck away from here.
Virgil clambered through the small bit of forest between him and the path. He started walking up through where the orb had clearly razed. It didn’t take long to find its destination. A giant indentation in the mountain gave its secrets away. That much, at least, Virgil expected. What he didn’t expect was to find a slightly smaller bear shaped depression nested in the larger one. On the ground beneath them lay huge paw prints that faded as they got closer to the burrow.
Wait. That bear. He had blue fur. And was very snuggly. And very overprotective. And had a pun-filled name.
As if summoned by hearing his true name, Pattington appeared behind Virgil. Cub, why wander from burrow?
Virgil could hardly believe it. Patton was here the whole time! “Pat … I was looking for you,” Virgil said, happy tears pricking at the corners of his eyes.
Why cub cry? Pattington not go far, Pattington said, approaching Virgil. Virgil closed the gap between them and clung to Patton’s neck, sobbing into his soft fur.
“I was so scared … I thought I’d never find you after y-you died in my arms … But now I can bring you back!” Virgil cried.
Me no go. You stay. Let me love you forever. The bear sat back and hugged Virgil to his chest.
Virgil pushed back a little, just enough to look into Pattington’s eyes. “But all of that can happen when you’re you again! There’s no reason why it can’t! Please, you have to come with me!”
Virgil not like my affection in Patton-form. Pattington different, Pattington keened mournfully.
Very few things caught Virgil off guard, but boy, if this didn’t completely knock him to the ground. “What are you talking about?” asked Virgil a little frantically.
Pattington put his forehead against Virgil’s. Frenzied images flashed before his eyes.
He saw himself through Patton’s eyes. They both were in their old clothes. They had just finished watching a movie or something and sat talking in Virgil’s room. It was getting close to the end of their visit. Patton went in for a hug and Virgil backed off. “Woah, what are you doing?” past Virgil asked.
“Oh, I um, I thought that since we’ve been getting so close …” Patton’s voice trailing off. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable!”
“No no, it’s fine, just uh … warn me first,” past Virgil replied. He opened his arms a little, and Patton took that opening. And goodness, Virgil could feel his satisfaction.
The images shifted into a later instance. Patton was having a rough day. Despite it, he still made time to go to Virgil’s room for their weekly get-together. Roman and Logan had apparently been arguing or snooping or something; that part Virgil couldn’t tell. The two munched on warm cookies and milk while some Disney movie played on Virgil’s TV. Patton leaned against Virgil as the movie played. Virgil just sat there. All of the sudden, Virgil began shuddering against Patton. He looked to Virgil, who appeared to be hyperventilating.
Patton sat back up. “Virgil?” he asked. “Are you okay?”
Virgil looked at him and started calming down. “Y-yeah, I’m fine,” he shakily replied. “Kinda glad to be able to move again. This might be too much stimulation for one night.”
“Oh,” he softly said. And goodness, Virgil could feel the pain in Patton’s chest.
Virgil was snapped back to the mountainous forest, those memories still searing in his skull. Pattington softly whined in front of him. Pattington too much. Too much for Virgil to bear.
So that’s what it was. “Pat, I … you’ve got it all wrong,” Virgil started. “Sure, you can be very … touchy. Sometimes a little too much for me to understand. But you have to understand that I don’t think you’re too much. A Patton hug is one of the best things to have right after a panic attack or when I’m down! Those casual little touches help to ground me. It just startled me when you went for it right away that first time. And that panic attack that you saw … I wasn’t overstimulated because of you.
“We were watching Cinderella that night. It got me thinking that maybe we had missed our chance to fix things with our ex, and we would never find love again. If anything, your presence there helped me get my thoughts back under control.” Virgil held Pattington’s paw in his hands. “So please … Please come back with me. I … I want Patton back. I need Patton back.”
Pattington’s eyes shone with fresh tears. With one last nuzzle, Pattington said, Thank you. I love you, Virgil, and morphed back into a tiny blue sphere. Virgil got the jar from his belt, very gently enclosing the thought within it.
“I love you too, Dad.”
Taglist: @celeste-tyrrell @taxicabinmemphis @angeldiaries @somehow-i-got-an-account @kawaiikat54 @rainy-days-and-the-fae
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