#today was an adulting day but hopefully i can lock myself away tonight and get it all wrapped up
covenofthearticulate · 2 months
can you fucking believe the longest oneshot fic i’ve ever written in my life is going to be for a ship that’s not even my main ship 🫢
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justkending · 3 years
The Number One Rule. Chapter 18.
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Summary: Y/N has always been seen as “Steve’s rambunctious sister.” However, she grew up, graduated, and moved to London to study abroad for 4 years and get her bachelor's degree. The girl that returns looks nothing like the teenager that left, but don’t worry the attitude is still there and stronger than ever. What’s to come of the two grown adults that used to push each other's buttons, but now have a lot more in common than they’ve ever realized.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Y/N Rogers (Steve’s little sister)
Word Count: 3100+
Chapter Eighteen:
“Good morning, Sunshine,” Steve chuckled, bringing his mug to his lips as his sister walked in with a sleep ridden face. She gave him the silent bird before moving to the coffee pot. “I see your morning self hasn’t changed.”
“What are you still doing here? I thought you would have left for work by now?” Y/N asked with a tired voice as she walked to the fridge for creamer. 
He had ended up staying the night and sleeping in his old room that had been transferred into the guest bed. Him and his sister had been up late talking and catching up. 
“Eh, I’m going in a few hours later since I’ve been doing overtime recently,” Steve shrugged, leaning back and watching her sit across from him. She was wearing a giant T-shirt and some old pajama pants that she tiredly tried to straighten from their disheveled state. “What’s your excuse for not being ready for work?”
“I don’t have to be there until 9 today,” she answered with her eyes closed. 
There was a comfortable silence as the two sipped on their coffee and Steve read the newspaper. Looking over he saw her practically falling back asleep in her seat. 
“I guess I need to talk to Bucky soon…” He spoke up. Her eyes opened at that and she turned to him. 
“Yeah. I mean now that I know the case, and now that I know you’re both happy, I don’t have a right to be a jackass anymore I guess,” he shrugged with a smirk. 
“I’m glad you came to terms that you were a jackass,” she chuckled, punching his arm playfully. “We’ve been waiting a few years on that one.”
“Hey, I can call myself a jackass, but you watch yourself,” he warned in a light manner. 
“Sure thing… Jackass,” she mumbled with a smile. Before he could start an argument, she diverted the conversation. “So, should I warn him, or-?”
“I don’t care. We have different shifts today, so I’ll see him tonight probably and talk to him.”
“Ok, then I’ll let you do the talking. I would warn him yourself though. He’s been a nervous wreck around this topic with you. Anytime he thinks about how we’ve hurt you, he gets upset and really anxious,” she explained more seriously. 
“I mean, I don’t blame him. This was a shitty kind of situation to go through, but mom was right. Neither side of the problem was handled well,” Steve sighed. “I’ll text him before.”
“Good,” Y/N nodded. “Want me to come?”
“No, I think we need to talk ourselves,” Steve sighed. “If you know what I mean.”
“I get it,” she nodded standing and grabbing her mug. “Well, I’m going to get ready for work. Mind if I come over tonight though? You know, when the coast is clear? Maybe we can all have a movie night like back in the day! Becca and Sam are invited too,” she pointed to him. 
“Sounds like a plan. You’re paying for pizza though. Since you have an adult job now, it’s only fair,” Steve said with raised eyebrows. 
“Hey, I-”
“You owe me,” he cut her off. 
She glared at him for using the given past situation as a way to get free food. 
“That’s low, big bro,” she deadpanned. 
“Don’t act like you wouldn’t do the same thing,” he scoffed with a smile, going back to the paper in front of him. 
“Touche,” she nodded with a pursed lip. “At least text me when I can head over, so I don’t interrupt you guys' bromance session.”
“Shut up,” he groaned as she left the room. 
Once Y/N got to work, a few hours into her shift, she got a call from Bucky.
“Hey, B,” she smiled through the phone as she went through the loads of papers in her hands. 
“Hey sweetheart,” Bucky replied just as sweetly. “Guess who texted me today?”
“Hmm, Barack Obama?” Y/N responded. “Wait, no! Michelle Obama.”
“Haha, very close, but no,” he chuckled. “You’re brother reached out.”
“Is that so?” Y/N faked surprise.
“I’m guessing you guys' conversation last night went well considering your chipper mood?” he questioned. “Or they went horribly wrong and you’re just a really good actress.”
“We all know I can’t act even if my life depended on it,” she laughed, changing the phone to her other ear as she wrote some notes on a paper. 
“It’s true. You’re a horrible liar,” Bucky confirmed.
“I’m not even going to argue it no matter how much I want to,” she shrugged. “But I would say things went well. I mean we may or may not have gotten into a wrestling match on the front lawn, and mom might as well have dragged us by the ears inside to have a civil conversation, but besides that…”
“Oh God, Y/N… What the hell happened?” 
She just knew he was pitching the bridge of his nose on the other end. 
“Nothing too crazy. It’s just sibling fighting,” she waved off. 
“At least tell me you gave him a chance. You didn’t beat his ass too much, hopefully. You know we’re trying to win him over, not push him further away, right?” Bucky had a smile in his voice, clearly just joking around. 
“You know? Kids’ gotten stronger since middle school,” she noted. 
“I would hope so. He fought in a war and chases bad guys for a living. Can’t have scrawny middle school Steve doing that kind of stuff. He’d get a nose bleed just looking at the wrong guy.”
The two laughed for a little reminiscing at little Steve before he bulked up in high school. But after some joking, Bucky brought the conversation back where he started. 
“But in all honesty, I shouldn’t be too worried about tonight?” he asked. The nerves in his voice were clear to Y/N. 
“No, Bumble Bee. We talked it out, screamed it out, and fought it out. And in doing so, we had a good conversation. Thank Sarah Rogers for keeping us on track and not letting us walk away until it was resolved,” she assured, putting his mind at rest. 
“Ok, good…” Bucky sighed on the other end. A moment of silence went by as if he was trying to process it. 
“Hey, I know you guys still need to talk, but I do want you to know that it’ll be all ok in the end. Don’t get too worked up about it,” Y/N said softly. “26 years of being best pals can’t be ruined by this little bump. You said it yourself.”
Bucky let out a breath and nodded. “You’re right. It… It’s just, I hate that he found out how he did, and…” he paused. “It just kinda sucked seeing him that upset.”
“I get it,” Y/N nodded on her end. “But hey,” she added. “We’ll all be ok. Truly.”
“I trust you, doll,” he grinned. There was some distant talking on the phone and Bucky humming. “Hey, I have to go. Boss needs me for something. Call you later?” 
“For sure. Have a good day, and let me know if you need anything!” 
“Right back at you. Love you, sweetheart,” he slipped out the last part unconsciously. 
There was a moment of silence as the two were stunned. Neither had said the “L” word yet… At least not to each other…
“Uh,” Bucky stuttered out. “I-I-...”
“Buck-,” Y/N started in just as much shock. 
Another round of someone shouting on the other line that wasn’t Bucky came through through the phone. 
“I have to go! Talk to you later,” Bucky shouted into the phone. 
Before she could say anything else, the line ended and she slowly pulled back the phone seeing her lock screen blank. No words came out after that. 
She just stared at the screen where a picture of her Bucky, Becca, and Steve all were embedded in a bear hug together. An old picture, but one that she always loved and cherished with a group of her favorite humans. 
She also loved it because even though it was before Bucky and her had become an item, they were squished against each other. Bucky was smiling wide and caught in a laugh as he looked down at her, catching her from stumbling to the ground, and she was laughing as she gripped his arm to find her balance. Steve and Becca laughing on the side at her clumsy self, and the fact someone was always having to help her stay on two feet. Bucky having always been one of those top people in her life. 
She smiled down at the memory and couldn’t help but feel those little flutters move from her stomach to her chest and eventually make her cheeks heat up. 
Now he had two things to freak out about. One being Steve and his talk tonight. Yes, he knew he didn’t really need to after Y/N’s reassurance that things would be fine, but still. It was a strange conversation to have with your best friend. 
“Sorry I fell in love with your sister and hid it from you. My best friend of over a quarter of a decade. Not to mention you found out from me coming out of her room half naked after you thought she was home alone...” 
Yeah, that was going to be weird no matter how ok they were now… 
Then you add in, he just casually told Y/N that he loved her before hanging up the phone. He didn’t mean to. It just felt so natural in the moment! 
He wanted to make the first time he said it special, not just by accident…
God, his heart was racing and now he had four hours left of his work day to let those things just stir around in his head. Great. Maybe that 3rd cup of coffee wasn’t that great of an idea.
“So, everything’s good with you guys?” Sam asked after Steve let him in on everything.
“Yeah. I mean Buck and I still need to talk it out, but… I don’t know. I can’t be mad if they’re both happy at the end of the day. Happiest I’ve seen either of them in a while, if I’m being honest,” Steve shrugged with a small smile. 
“See, I knew that’d be the case at the end of the day. I tried telling Bucky that,” Sam shook his head as he finished up the dishes. “And sorry man about not saying anything. I didn’t think it was my place to,” he apologized. 
“No, I get it. This was their own thing. You were just being a good friend to Bucky and letting him figure this out himself,” Steve waved. 
“He’ll be home in a little. You worried?” Sam asked, washing his hands off. 
“No, if anyone’s nervous it’ll be Bucky. Y/N and I had a really good talk last night. No matter how upset I was before, I now know where they were coming from,” Steve sighed. “Did I agree with it? No, but we all have different ways we would go about things.”
“True facts,” Sam smiled. “Well, I’ll hoard myself in my room for a while until the coast is clear. Let me know if you guys need anything, ok?” 
“Got it. Oh, and Y/N said she was going to come over after with pizza for a movie night, if you want to join,” Steve pointed out moving to the couch. 
“I’m here for it,” Sam nodded, going down the hall to his room. “Call me when all is resolved.”
Steve nodded and plopped down on the couch skimming through the channels as he waited for Bucky. About 15 minutes later, he heard the lock turn and quietly the brunette made his way in with caution. 
“Hey,” Steve said softly, turning from the end of the couch. 
“Hey,” Bucky said with a soft smile as he put his things by the door. 
These were the first words they had spoken in over 2 weeks. They hadn’t talked since the whole fight in the backyard.
“How was work?” Steve asked, making small talk. 
“Nothing too crazy today,” Bucky shrugged, walking to the back of the couch with his hands in his pockets. “Oh, Lillian asked about you again.” 
“From accounting?” Steve asked with a raised eyebrow.
“Only Lillian I know that’s obsessed with you,” Bucky laughed lightly. 
“God, I’m not ready for that…” Steve returned the chuckle. 
It got quiet after that. Not awkward, but not comfortable either. 
“Listen, Bucky,” Steve sitting back in his chair running a hand across his face. “I’m sorry, I punched you after-”
“Don’t be. I deserved it,” Bucky waved him off, coming around the couch slowly to sit on the opposite end. 
“Ok, yeah. You’re right,” Steve nodded with another small laugh. Again another pregnant pause. “I gotta know. Why didn’t you just tell me, Buck?”
He took in a deep breath before answering. “I’m sure Y/N told you, but we didn’t want things to have a bad falling out and it be awkward for everyone else-.”
“No, not that. Why didn’t you tell me that you weren’t going to do it from the start?” Steve interrupted.
“What?” he asked, confused.
“Y/N said that you guys went back and forth on not going through with this because you didn’t want to hurt me. I mean, maybe that’s not that big of a deal, but it changes things on my end some,” Steve explained. Bucky just sent him a blank stare. “What I mean is, when I first figured everything out, I was hurt because I thought you didn’t even consider me in your decisions. I know, it sounds selfish, but-”
“No, it doesn’t. You’re a part of the equation to some extent. Just like Becca is. But surprisingly Becca was excited and not freaked out about her best friend dating her big brother. It’s a little different being the big brother in the situation though,” he said softly. “It’s not selfish though Steve. If the roles were reversed and say you and Becca dated, I would hope you considered my feelings in the matter too.”
Steve was glad that he understood what he was getting at. He was worried it wouldn’t make sense or make him look like he thought the whole thing revolved around him. 
“Yeah…” Steve paused. “But you didn’t say anything about that when we did get in that fight. Why?”
“I don’t know… I guess I just wanted you to understand my feelings for her more than anything. I needed you to know that she wasn’t just some girl I was hoping to hook up with at some point.”
“I know you would never do that Buck. No matter how upset I was, I still don’t think that low of you,” Steve sighed. “And about that… I’m sorry I said you don’t deserve her… That was an extremely hard hit to the gut.”
“You were looking out for her,” Bucky said with pursed lips, but the pain from the past comment was clear. It didn’t feel good having your best friend who's been through thick and thin with you tell you weren’t worth something. 
“Yes, but that was a low blow and I said it out of hurt feelings. I was hurt, so I wanted you to be just as hurt. That wasn’t fair,” Steve concluded. “If there is anyone in this world that I trust to take care of Y/N just as much as me, it’s you Buck. I was just blinded by anger.”
“Understandably,” Bucky nodded, looking back at his friend a little less troubled. 
“Understandably,” Steve agreed. They stared at each other silently communicating. “I’m sorry.”
“If anyone is sorry, it’s me Steve,” Bucky shook his head running a hand down his thigh still slightly anxious. 
“How about we both agree that we didn’t handle this situation the best way,” Steve smiled. “I should have seen how happy you two were and not second guess how it happened. I shouldn’t have made it about me when you both clearly are what the other needs.”
“Truly. You guys have been glowing the last two months with complete and utter happiness and I was so oblivious to pick up on it. I feel like a shitty brother and best friend.”
“You’re not a shitty brother or best friend. Not in the least,” Bucky said scooting to the edge of the couch. “You know that.”
“Y/N tell you we got in a fight on the lawn yesterday?” Steve asked with a small smirk. 
Bucky chuckled. “Yes. Said your mom about beat your asses out there too.”
“All because I was too stubborn to talk it out,” Steve shook his head while he threw it back on the back of the couch. 
“Eh, you said it yourself. We all didn’t handle this situation well,” Bucky chuckled. “She kicked your ass, didn’t she?” he said after a second. 
“Wouldn’t say that, but she must have worked out over seas because I couldn’t pin her like I used to. She was giving me a pretty decent fight,” Steve laughed loudly. 
“God, I would pay money to have someone get that on tape,” Bucky laughed with him. 
The two soaking up the now comfortable atmosphere. 
“So we’re ok, right?” Steve asked. “Leave all out petty, stubborn, and stupid mistakes in the past?”
“I’m fine with that if you are,” Bucky nodded. 
“Good. I’ve missed having my best friend around. I was getting tired of ignoring you,” Steve sighed, patting Bucky’s back. 
“You gave me good practice with your stubbornness for Y/N. Not that I haven’t been practicing with you both my whole life, but damn you guys are too bull-headed monsters.”
“We feed off each other's energy,” Steve shrugged with a smirk. 
“I know, it’s exhausting, yet entertaining all at the same time,” Bucky smiled as he moved his head side to side. 
A knock sounded at the door and they both turned toward the wooden panel. 
“Speaking of the devil,” Steve smiled standing up.
Bucky froze. 
Shit. One anxiety had been cured now, but he had almost forgotten about his second one...
(Tags for this series will be closing soon as it is getting pretty full, please send an ask if you want to be added:)
I’ll post on whatever chapter I decided to close it down here.
The Number One Rule (TNOR) Taglist:
@shadowolf993 @hello-i-am-daydreaming @jessyballet  @emmabarnes @kmuir1  @beautifulrare4leafclover @thefallenbibliophilequote @l0ve-0f-my-life  @shawnie--jo–jo  @asoftie4bucky @katiaw2 @sheeple @sznri @bxtchboy69 @taliarosej00 @bakugouswh0r3 @stopjustlovethemcu @babemendesxz @jenniereiji @taliarosej00 @loveyou5everr @natdrunk @im-a-light-child @stucky-my-ship @fairykimseok
My Lovelies forever:
@natura1phenomenon @lauravicente @kakakatey @traceyaudette @notyourtypicalrose  @laneygthememequeen @awesome-badass-cafeteria-sauce @sandlee44 @thorne93 @thefaithfulwriter @marvelfansworld @essie1876 @greyeyedsmile14 @capsiclehan  @xostephanie @averyrogers83 @awesomenursingstudent @gh0stgurl @cs-please @carls1022 @jjlevin @rainbowkisses31 @carls1022 @anise-d-castle6 @deannotmoose @their-bibliophile @kitkatd7 @willowbleedsonpaper @mariaenchanted @snffbeebee @couldabeenamermaid @rebekahdawkins @alyispunk
Bucky Barnes Tags:
@chloe-skywalker @charmedbysarge @jbarness
Marvel Tags:
@thejourneyneverendsx @death-unbecomes-you @heyiamthatbitch @lizzymacy555 @iheartsebastianstan @srrymydood @xa-dia @redhairedfeistynerd @morganclaire4 @connie326 @captain-asguard @mollygetssherlockcoffee @teenagedreams-bucky @shower-me-with-roses​
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Limerence [M] ︳21
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Pairing: Zuko x OC
AU: Adult-Verse
Genre: Romance, mainly fluff with future smut, and if you squint hard enough - you’ll find some angst.
Rating: SFW
Words: 5400+
Notes: Fair warning - tomorrow’s chapter is yummy ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Masterlist ︳20 ︳ 22 [M]
❤ Buy me a coffee? ❤
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Limerence: (English/n.) the state of being infatuated with another person.
The moment their eyes locked they knew - the flames within him twisted while the water within her turned. It was a connection, a connection that would lead to love, adventure, and drama.
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Coup d'etat
(French/n.) A sudden decisive exercise of power in politics.
~ Azula ~
            “You never told me your brother was sleeping with a fine ass bitch like that – the last time I checked, he was with that grump.” Kayto hummed as he flicked his long delicate fingers upwards, a smirk painting his face as he lazily lounged against the wall of the mountainside. The sun was shining radiantly and cast shadows amongst Kayto’s figure, highlighting the faint brown undertones in his black hair. “Did you see the ass on her? And those red pouty lips, mhmm- the things I would do to that little flower. Just bend her over and-”
            “Watch your tongue, boy.” Yakone hissed. The first words he spoke since we’ve met up. I couldn’t help, but grin, entertained at the hostility Yakone showed towards Kayto. It was fascinating how stingy Yakone has become of Zuzu’s girlfriend since he found out that she is his deceased sister’s daughter. Maybe for once in his damn life – he was starting to form a heart.
            Kayto’s eyes widen, taken off guard from the growl that erupted deep in Yakone’s chest, but in a flash, he beamed, “Ahh, you already claimed her? You do know – ‘sharing is caring’ Yakone. I wouldn’t mind sharing a beauty like her.” Kayto chuckled, pushing back his long locks, but Yakone scoffed.
            “That’s my niece; you’re so eager to fuck.”
            Kayto’s body tensed, no longer leaning against the mountainside as he stood up straight, “No offence Yakone – but she’s far too stunning to have any relation to such a brut like yourself.”
            “He’s saying the truth you fool,” I mumbled out, my arms crossed. Kayto frowned, stepping forward, “And when were you going to tell me this? Kind of important information, wouldn’t you think?” I smiled innocently as Yakone crossed his arms and leaned against the rocks, “You have one job boy – make sure your idiot of a brother-in-law doesn’t sign those papers. If they build that damn new Nation, I'll make sure you never see the light of day again.”
            Kayto sighed heavily, not taking Yakone’s threat at all serious, and dramatically patted his head, “I don’t see why it matters. Let them build the damn Nation – it means more money and goods to steal.”
            “You’re an idiot.” Yakone grumbled, but Kayto just snickered, “And why so? There’s really isn’t much reason not to let them play builders.”
            “Do you know what’ll happen if they build that Nation?” Yakone hissed irritably. The way the vein in his head pulsed with impatience as his hands fisted into a tight ball, he was annoyed at the nobleman, and I couldn’t help but watch them entertained. Keeping to the sideline as they argued between each other.
            “You think it’ll be easy to loot? If that Nation is built we’ll be going against not one, but a united force of all the damn Nations. The closer these Nations work together, the harder it is on us.” Yakone growled as he stepped forward, “We need to make sure the Nations don’t work together. Make them fight one another. Ozai was right about one thing – this world is about survival. I’ll kill and destroy anything to make sure I come out on top, and the best way to do that is from the underbelly, but I wouldn’t mind killing that bastard Zuko along the way. I want him dead.”
            Kayto frowned, his hand tightly gripping the front of his shirt as he watched Yakone, wise man to be afraid of Yakone. Yakone was a tyrant – and while I may not show it or ever voice it, even I know my place with him. “You’re a savage Yakone.” Kayto scowled, before turning on his heel, “I’m leaving, I got a meeting with your favourite man – Zuko.”
            “Don’t let your King sign those papers and try not to be such a horn dog, or else,” Yakone warned, waving his fingers tauntingly, showing how easy it would be for him to bend us against our will with a flick of his wrist. Kayto simply shrugged, “I get it. Azula-”
            I nodded my head, watching the way Kayto grinned wickedly, “Any message you want me to relay to your dear brother?” He mused. I laughed, pushing my hair back as I pointed my chin upwards, “Don’t worry. I plan on visiting him. Some brother-sister bonding time, it’s important, after all.” Kayto snickered before leaving. His green robes blended in with the shrubbery around us as if he was taking a pleasant morning stroll.
            I shifted my weight as I gazed at the back of Yakone. He was crouched, looking over the ridge, seemingly interested in watching the rays of the sun twirling along the trees - the water from the two-day rainfall was glistening under the sun. It was odd, how such a cold-hearted being ostensibly enjoyed the view of nature – who would’ve thought he was a nature lover…
            “You want to kill my brother, hmm?” I spoke. Yakone didn’t flinch a bit, still crouched over as he gazed beyond the horizon. “And you wish to kill my niece.” He spoke flatly. I frowned as I kicked the dirt underneath my feet, walking over to him, “Nothing personal, she just happens to be the wick I need to destroy my brother.”
            Yakone scoffed, before straightening out and turning to face me, “And your brother is the target of my plan. It seems like we’ve gotten ourselves in a bit of a stalemate, huh?” I scoffed - the irony. We both seek the same things – yet the outcome we desired was entirely different.
            Yakone wanted Zuko dead while I wanted him alive.
            I wanted Ying Yue dead, while he seeks to protect her – the last living relative of his.
            I let my hand gently wander down his chest as I hummed to myself, “...It would seem so…stalemate.”
~ Ying Yue Jiang ~
            “And then the next thing you know Suki is completely covered in mud!” Toph shouted, tears in my eyes as we laughed hysterically down the halls. Suki flushed in embarrassment as she swung her arms around as if she could somehow deflect the humiliation from her, “GOSH. IT WAS ONE TIME.” Suki cried out frustratingly. I grinned as I bumped my hip against hers, “Not fun being teased, huh?” I snickered.
            Suki rolled her eyes, linking her arms with me as we giggled loudly amongst ourselves. Today was girls night since I cancelled last minute the other day. The whole ‘confessing my feelings to Zuko’ was a lot, and today, I felt comfortable enough to tell the girls the details. And it was also a chance to ask for some more…personal and intimate advice involving me, Zuko, and hopefully, the bedroom. Gosh, since when did I crave physical intimacy like this?
            Toph laughed as she stomped forward, “Well, let’s go to the wine cellar and grab some bottles to bring to the spa.”
            “I didn’t know Zuko offered some wine for us; I have to thank him later,” I spoke with a smile. But Suki snorted, “Uhh, I wouldn’t mention it…since he didn’t really offer…more like we know where he hides the good stuff, and we’re going to borrow some for tonight.” My eyes widen as I looked at Toph and Suki, “We can’t steal wine from the kingdom!” I screeched. Toph shrugged, “I don’t think it’s stealing…we’re bringing back the bottles...”
            “Empty?” I argued.                      
            “Hey, at least we returned most of it, right?”
            I mentally facepalmed, I swear these two drink far more than acceptable. “We just had lunch, isn’t it a bit early to get drunk?” Suki grinned madly, “It’s never to early to drink. Let’s go, Princess; we got some bottles to drink and some gossip to share~!” I couldn’t help but giggle once again, snuggling up into her arm as we skipped along the kingdom. But a broad set of doors and people standing in front caught my attention. “Hey…isn’t that…”
            “They’re already done the meeting?” Suki questioned. Toph stopped walking, “Seems so, I can feel them all leaving the room.” I scanned about, seeing our boys standing in front, yet the looks on their faces seemed far from happy. Aang and Sokka looked defeated, their shoulders’ slumped as they muttered to themselves, noticeably exasperated. But my eyes trailed behind them, Zuko standing with his arms crossed as he listened to whatever they hushed about.
            Although his face remained neutral, I knew better. His clenched jaw and pursed lips; Zuko was pissed. “Let’s go see…” I muttered as we slowly strolled towards them. I knew the boys were having trouble. Zuko came back to bed last night, seemingly as frustrated as he was now. Apparently, the Earth King refused to accept the construction of the new Nation, and that was before they even discussed the funding. Don’t tell me the King refused to sign the papers once again…that would be another day wasted.
            Aang spotted us, his face brightening up, but more importantly, he seemed relieved to see me. “Yue is everything between you and – you know, okay?” Aang whispered as he walked over to me and enveloped me in an embrace, “It’s perfect, tell you about it later?” I whispered back, Aang nodded, “Good, I had a feeling. Zuko’s been smiling all morning – it’s scary.” I snorted as Aang moved along, walking over to greet Suki and Toph.
            Sokka, in an instant, ruffled my hair, “Hey Princess. You guys drunk yet?” I blushed sheepishly as I slapped his chest, of course, he has to ruin my hair.
            “Come on – girls night doesn’t always involve getting drunk.”
            “Pft, tell me one girls night where one of you haven’t gotten completely plastered.” I opened my mouth to argue but to be fair; he had a point. With a huff, I danced away from Sokka, not bothering to hide the fact that I was searching for one man in particular. As my eyes gazed about, they finally fell upon the real reason why I came here.
            I waltzed towards him, my hands delicately falling upon Zuko’s chest, feeling the silk underneath my fingertips. The way his amber coloured eyes shinnied and his shoulders relax sent a smile on my face, his hands cupping my own, “Love…” Zuko muttered as he softly kissed my forehead.
            “Rough meeting?”
            “He won’t sign the fucking papers.” Zuko spat under his breath, making sure that the Earth Nation advisors who were standing outside with us didn’t overhear. I sighed, Zuko seemed stressed, I could feel it in his touch. “What’s stopping him?”
            Zuko huffed painstakingly loud, “That fucking asshole – Kayto. The Earth King seems pleased with the idea, and every time we think we sealed the deal, that asshole whispers into the King’s ear like a little devil on his shoulder. I swear, I’m gonna kill him myself.”
            I sighed, letting my hand gently caress Zuko’s face, trying to soothe him. This was beyond worrying – Zuko needed the Earth King to sign those documents. Sure, Zuko could just build the Nation without his acceptance, but we all knew that would be another thorn between the two Nations. “I’m sorry; I want to help-”
            “No. You stay out of this – I don’t trust that asshole one bit, something about it feels…strange.”
            “But Zuko-”
            “I said no love, be a good girl and listen,” Zuko demanded, cupping my chin tightly and forcing me to look at him. His soft lips barely brushed against mine as I pouted defeatedly, my cheeks glowing at his tone, I’m such a sucker for this man.
            There was just something about his overbearing presence that had me yearning for more, and based on the way Zuko’s hand mischievously trailed along my back, he knew just as well. Every faint touch of his seemed to etch itself into my skin, my body craving more. Without much thought, my fingers found it’s way down Zuko’s broad chest, feeling the way it rose with every breath and the muscles that lurked underneath his robes. “Don’t tease babe; I’m not exactly feeling patient today.” Zuko groaned with bated breath.
            “Maybe that’s the point…” I kittenishly muttered back. Zuko licked his lips slowly, eyes narrowed, as his hand trailed along my lower back, “Babe-” Zuko warned, but I could hear the hint of neediness lingering as he spoke between bitten lips. Gosh, how much I want him to touch me, do something - anything.
            “This is outrageous! How about I talk with the King?” Suki groaned loudly. I jumped.
            So caught up with Zuko, I idiotically forgot that the gang was here, right beside us. “The Kyoshi warriors have served him many times; he’ll probably hear me out.” Suki continued.
            Zuko grinned, watching the way I flushed realizing how out right needy I was being, letting lust take over for a split moment. His grasp loosened, and I found myself turning on my heel and letting my body rest against his. I hope no one noticed-
            “Look at you – I haven’t done a single thing, and you’re all hot and bothered.” Zuko teased lowly into my ear. I didn’t think twice as I anxiously crossed my arms and puffed up, “S-shut up.” I muttered harshly, listening to the gang speak amongst themselves, although nothing stuck with me.
            I could hear Zuko chuckle in my ear, the way his chest hummed in enjoyment as his arms snaked around my waist. Every gesture of his had me quivering – no matter how innocent his gesture was. What’s wrong with me? But I snorted to myself; I knew exactly what was wrong with me – I had an agonizing craving for a particular man named Zuko. And every day was just another tease of what could happen. Of what I could experience – and it seems like I’m reaching my breaking point. Oh, the irony - I was supposedly the patient one, the one with the best self-control in the relationship. Ha, self-control my ass.
            “That’s not the problem; it’s his brother-in-law,” Sokka moaned, seemingly in response to whatever Suki had said earlier. Aang huffed exasperatingly as he crossed his arms, “I don’t get why Kayto hates the thought of a United Nation – it’s the least we could do to prevent another pointless war – no offence Zuko.” I could feel Zuko shrug from behind me, “None taken.”
            Suki sighed, “Sorry guys, I don’t know what I can do to help. The whole voyage here, I was rooting for you.”
            “We could get Princess to just flirt with Kayto; he seemed to like you.” Toph blurted without a care in the world.
            Within seconds my eyes widen, and I could literally hear and feel Zuko revolt in disgust, “Over my fucking body she will.” Zuko hissed furiously. Toph shrugged her shoulders, “Whatever, from the party, it seemed like he had the hots for her. Let the Princess strut her stuff.”
            Toph knew, and I found a cold sweat start, gosh. While I loved Toph’s abilities to Earthbend, sometimes it proved intrusive – could she feel Zuko and me fighting that night? Wait…can she tell that I’m all bothered because of Zuko right now? I could feel my cheeks get all rosy once again as I twiddled with my fingers, I swear she knows more than she lets up.
             “I prefer to build the Nation and cause another pointless war than to let him place a single hand on her.” Zuko huffed possessively, the grip around my waist tighten. His fingers dug into my dress, pulling me so close to his chest I could feel Zuko’s heartbeat on my back, “I’m not telling her to sleep with the guy, I’m saying flirt. Some sweet talk, you know- play politics.” I groaned as I pulled at Zuko’s hands, “You’re hurting me~!” I whined from underneath his grasp, “S-sorry love.” Zuko grumbled shyly as he loosened up his grip. I’m not jealous he says  – pft.
            “Speaking of the devil…” Suki whispered harshly, facing us with wide eyes.
            I would be lying if I said Kayto wasn’t anything but handsome – because he was just that. He could effortlessly be the poster model for the Earth Nation with his glowing tanned skin and emerald eyes. If one didn’t know better, they would easily swoon over him. Kayto had such a way with words, flirting - but no amount of good looks or charming smiles could hide the appalling personality that lurked underneath. He was a playboy, that much I could figure out. The way he coolly flirted with the maids, he could make any woman, or man for that matter, weak in the knees.
            A low growl erupted from Zuko’s chest from spotting Kayto waltz out of the room, a flirtatious smile painting his face as his eyes briefly lined up with mine. “Oh, relax, will you – what are you, a lion?” I grumbled while trying to smile back at Kayto politely – it’s all politics after all. I could hear Zuko click his tongue against his teeth and snarl into my ear, “Do I look like a fucking kitten to you?”
            “Well if I do recall, you were the one letting me play with your hair all morning.” I smugly retorted. Toph snorted, “She got you there your highness.”
            “If you wanna play like that, don’t forget that lions pounce on their prey – devours them whole.” I gasped and keenly bit my lip feeling Zuko’s teeth against my ear. The jolt of pleasure that ran up my spine caught me off guard, I can’t believe he’s seriously doing this right now- “Z-Zuko-” I gasped, and I could feel the growing smirk on his lips, “How about I show you how well I can eat you up.”
            “Zu-Zuko. N-not now…” I tried my hardest to whimper out, my hands tightly holding his, fighting back the moan that desperately wanted to bubble out.
            “Funny, you seemed quite eager just a few moments ago, babe.”
            “I-It’s girls night.” I blubbered, his teasing nibbles along my neck, coaxing me into wanting to forget about girls night altogether and spend the rest of the day with Zuko. But as the words slipped out of my mouth, within a flash, Zuko pulled away – did I say something wrong?
            “I swear I’ll lock you all up in jail if you steal wine from the fucking cellar again.” Zuko snickered, doing a complete 180. My eyes widen, and I could feel my wrist being pulled, Suki tugged me away from Zuko, “Sorry, what was that? Take as many bottles as we want? Awe, you’re the best!” Suki giggled.
            Within a flash, Toph sprinted away with Suki hauling me along. I looked over my shoulder, Zuko bearing the biggest grin of his face as we dashed. But I could feel my heart flutter realizing what he mouthed to me as I dashed down the corridors, ‘I love you.’
             I giggled, time for some sweet-sweet revenge for all of that damn teasing.
            “LOVE YOU TOO, ZUZU~!” I shouted.
            Zuko’s cheeks flushed red as Sokka and Aang looked at him with bug eyes. Despite the growing distance, I could hear all the commotion Aang and Sokka were causing, “You said it - You finally told her?!”
            “You love my innocent little sister!?” Sokka shouted.
            I knew Zuko was going to kick my ass tonight when we went to bed, but seeing the way he blushed was totally worth it – I really do love you.
              “We have six bottles – isn’t that just a tiny bit, overboard?” I questioned timidly as I watched Suki and Toph carry them tightly to their chests. The grins on their faces told me otherwise, “Overboard? Oh please, wait till you come to the Earth Nation – then we’ll show you a mighty fine time.” Toph snickered. I gulped loudly as I pushed two bottles of wine against my chest, suddenly the thought of visiting them in the Earth Nation seems both enthralling and damaging to my liver.
            Maids and guards observed us with faces of delight, watching us carry these bottles of alcohol to the spa area. The sunlight seeped through the windows, a nice change from the terrible rain storms we have gotten over the past days. It would be nice if Zuko and I could go for a nighttime stroll…or maybe go to the hot springs together – to relax…
            “What the- what happened?” Toph shouted.
            Suki and I stopped dead in our tracks, hearing the absolute terror in Toph’s voice. We sharply turned around to look over at Toph, her mouth almost hit the floor as she clenched at the bottles so tightly, her fingers were turning white, “W-what are you-”
            “The Waterfall. I-It’s gone. What happened?”
            Toph’s brows were furrowed together as her feet were firmly planted on the ground, I turned my head to the side, and sure enough – we were right in front of the gardens. “Does this have something to do with your scar - why you lied about it the other day?” Toph groused. Suki turned to face me, her eyes wide, “What? Why would you lie about a scar- the waterfall, why didn’t you or Zuko-”
            “We didn’t want to worry you guys. Zuko did an investigation, and it was just an accident.”
            “An accident? Bullshit. I’m an Earthbender Yue – I can tell you’re lying.”
            “I’m not lying.” I huffed anxiously, and for the first time, I spoke my true feelings revolving that fateful day. “I’m telling you the truth - what I know…but…I don’t believe what Zuko told me. He didn’t seem so sure about it himself. I would’ve annoyed him, but I was too hurt to bother and-”
            “Too hurt? What in the world happened!?” Shrieked Suki. I opened my mouth and closed it, great - this was not how I expected girls night to go. “Does Sokka and Aang know? They have to know, why didn’t you guys say something-” Suki cried, I pouted as I anxiously bit my lip. Why did I have to be the person to tell them? Ughhh – my damn luck!
            “Let me explain, from the start,” I muttered. Without realizing, I found myself guiding them towards the wreckage.
            Zuko didn’t bother tidying up the zone, merely bordering it off from the gardens. It’s not like he had time to fix it, between my party and the Earth King’s arrival, this was the least of his worries. It was eerie, despite the sun beaming radiantly and the blooming flowers surrounding us, seeing the waterfall in nothing but piles of stone with some flowing water felt wrong. Just days ago Kiyi and I were feeding the turtle ducks together, just moments ago I was under those piles of rocks trying to save innocent children.
            “Were any of the kids hurt?” Suki questioned, a giant frown on her face as she gazed aimlessly at the debris. The look of pure shock in her eyes as she observed the destruction, I couldn’t blame her one bit. It looked terrible, just a giant pile of mess. I shook my head as I anxiously gripped the bottles tighter to my chest, “N-no but Zuko did an investigation, and the guards said it was nothing more than-”
            “A natural erosion of the rocks – leading to a landslide.” Toph finished.
            Suki and I sharply turned to her. The whole time Toph was silent, not one snarky or sarcastic remark escaped her. Letting the bottles lay on the grass, she hunched over, her hands firmly placed against the ground. Her fingers dug into the ground, concentrating intensely as if she was feeling or searching for something. “That’s what they wanted to make it seem like – an accident.”
            “What do you mean by them, Toph.” Suki interrogated. I could feel my gut drop; she can’t possibly be hinting at what I think she is. “It wasn’t an accident. Someone tried to hurt, or worse, kill you, Yue. Or you were at least a target. It would make the most sense.”
            “Toph. That’s a big accusation you’re saying.” Suki spoke - her tone low, trying to be cautious. It was terrifying to see Suki sober and Toph speaking calmly. Kill me? Please be a foolish joke. “I-I, don’t understand.” I whimpered, looking at the rocks, was it true? Did I actually see someone that day at the top of the waterfall? Was it really a person and not just a figure of my imagination. Oh my gosh-
            “I can feel it; they built tiny pockets of space in the foundation of the waterfall. Whoever did this, they hired some Earthbenders – skilled ones at that. Anyone could stand at the top of the falls, and with a little kick, cause it to all come crumbling down, destroying almost all evidence with it…” Toph muttered, before standing up straight and wiping her dirty hands against her shirt. “Who else knew?” Toph asked.
            “Knew what?” I gasped out. My chest felt tight as if I couldn’t get in enough air into my lungs.
            “About you guys feeding the turtle ducks at the waterfall.”
            “N-no one. It was an idea Kiyi told me, and I asked Zuko if it was okay, and he said sure, and Lia put the food down for us during my ceremony.” Toph hissed as she stomped her feet against the dirt, “No. That’s not right. Someone else would've had to know. Yue, this was an inside job. Someone in the kingdom is a rat.” I took another deep breath, gazing at the rocks. I could feel the blood rushing to my head as I tried to let their assumptions sink in.
            This was insane.
            This can’t be true; I knew a few people were upset by the rumours that I was a Waterbender, but to think they would kill me over it? That’s crazy. “But why. Why target Yue? It hasn’t even been a full month since she’s been living here- the people love her! Did you forget about the articles petitioning for Zuko to marry Yue soon?” Suki argued.
            “I don’t know… we’re missing something. But what…” Toph muttered to herself as she moved her feet against the ground. “We need to tell Zuko. We need to increase security-”
            “No.” Toph sternly spoke. Suki frowned, “Why not? There may be a killer on the loose, and clearly they have no moral boundaries if they’re willing to kill children.”
            “If we tighten security, then they know that we know. We need to act natural. Resume our day as if we discovered nothing. We’ll tell Zuko, but that’s it. From now on, we keep a lookout for anything out of the norm.”
            “And the Earth King?” Suki pestered. Toph shrugged, “He’s fine. This is a personal attack. Whoever planned this seems most interested in our Princess…”
            “Hey… you okay?” Suki spoke softly, turning to me. It was then I realized I hadn’t uttered a word. I felt cold, my hands shaking. Someone wanted to kill me – how the hell am I supposed to react to that? But I found myself going back to one single thought over and over again - if they were willing to hurt Kiyi or Zuko to get to me…does that mean…
            “Toph. Be honest with me.” I spoke quietly.
            Toph frowned, waiting for my question, “Am I a danger to Zuko? If I stay, will Zuko get hurt because of me?” I could see Suki look at Toph, worry painting her face, anticipating for the answer. With a giant sigh, Toph crossed her arms, “Zuko is smart and skillful – you’ll be stupid to underestimate him. He’s a king for a reason, and from now on, I advise you stick to him.”
            “But is there a chance that he’ll get hurt.” I pressed on. Toph huffed once more as she impatiently tapped her foot, “It doesn’t matter whether or not he may or may not get hurt. Because whether or not he’s willing to risk his life for you isn’t something you can decide for him, it’s his choice – his life. Would you be willing to risk your life for him?”
            “Of course-”
            “Then you answered your damn question. You guys love each other, right? That’s what you screamed out to him before we left - right?” I huffed, my fingers digging into the labels wrapped around these bottles, “Yeah…I-I love him.”
            “And the moment you screamed that his heart went bonkers. So stop asking stupid questions, that man is crazy about you. We’ll talk to him about this ‘murder on the loose’ stuff tomorrow; we have a girls night to celebrate.”
            “You really think we can wait to talk with the boys till tomorrow…?” Suki asked, anxiously looking back and forth between what was left of the waterfall and us. Toph just sighed, leaning over to grab the bottles that she laid on the ground, “We survived this long haven’t we? If whoever really wanted to do something, they would’ve done it already. Clearly, they’re waiting for something, so let’s act natural and just go on with our day. It'd be more obvious if we made a fuss about it.”
            Suki sighed, taking in a deep breath before letting her shoulders relax. And just like that, a huge smile painted her face, “Let’s go have some fun.” It was my turn to pout as I sullenly huffed to myself, trying hard to breathe and not let my emotions run rampant. “You expect girls night to resume like normal? As if there isn’t someone trying to kill or hurt me?” I hissed out furiously.
            Toph shrugged, walking over to me, and it was then I noticed, one of the bottles was uncorked. “Nope, that’s why we start drinking now. Take a swing Princess, because today is going to be our last before murder-mystery-game-night starts.” I let out a shaky breath; this is absolutely insane. But despite my survival instincts screaming at me to run to Zuko now and hide for my dear life, I found myself dropping my bottles and grabbing Toph’s.
            One giant bitter tasting swing and a silent curse, I pushed the bottle back to Toph, “Let’s have a girls night.” I hiccupped, feeling a faint burn run down my throat after chugging a good bit down, certainly not how wine is intended to be drunken may I add. But before Toph could put the cork back into the bottle, Suki quickly reached over, and took a giant swing of her own, “I really needed that.” Suki sighed, and Toph snickered, also stealing a massive swing.
            Toph lazily wiped her mouth with her sleeve, before light-heartedly swinging the bottle side to side, “See, one bottle down, five more to go. Easy stuff.”
            “Toph…” I mumbled, “What’s up, Princess?”
            “…six bottles doesn’t seem like enough.” Suki and Toph laughed, wrapping a free arm around my waist, squishing me in between them. “You’re safe with us. Zuko will throw a temper tantrum should anything happen to you.”
            “Thanks, guys…”      
            “That’s what sisters are for.” Suki gushed, and surprisingly enough, Toph grunted in agreeance, “Now let’s start talking about why you and Zuko haven’t done the damn deed yet. What are you guys waiting for? Are you trying to be the next ‘Katara and Aang’ and wait for years?”
            Toph groaned loudly, “Don’t get me started; you don’t even want to know what these two nasties were doing earlier.” I blushed furiously while Suki gasped, “This is it! Operation ‘get Princess laid’ is officially in the works!”
            I sighed.
            I should’ve left with Zuko when I had the chance.
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Copyright © 2019 Mystic-Kitten, inc. all rights reserved. No reposting, modifying, or translations of any kind allowed. Thank you for your cooperation. 
Disclaimer: I do not own any Avatar characters portrayed in this story besides Ying Yue Jiang, Lia, Kima, and any future creations.
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theotter99 · 4 years
Uncovering Fables
Intermission 1.2 
The first task was to set up security in my lab. I couldn’t allow any of the samurai around accidently walking into my lab and seeing that I was setting up to have a creature living here. What would they think? Something tells me that they would turn me to the emperor and I wouldn’t be able to defend myself before the sword comes down onto my neck.
I needed to keep my entire plan secret. This wasn’t difficult since no one cared about what I was doing for this country. I will prove to them that they should have paid more attention. Just watch.
It took me a while, but I have managed to set up a defense mechanism in the corridor leading to my lab. I used a fine orb that I found in my travels and used it for power along with a mechanism to shut it off at the front of the corridor, I put up a sign, warning people from entering. Yes, this may have all been very dangerous but I had no choice but to go with these measures. The more I push back on the others here, the more I can work in peace. Even if it meant someone getting injured because they didn’t listen to my instructions.
I doubt that would happen. I am started to be very thankful that less and less people come here.
Now, as I sit in my lab and glance around, I mentally prepared for what I am planning to do. I still have a few supplies to get but every day of work is just another step closer to accomplishing my plan. Hopefully this turns out well. 
I think I have everything. I do not know how big this creature is, but from watching the seas from a distance I decided that the creature couldn’t be any bigger than I was, which is a blessing.
Stealing some materials from the other rooms, I have managed to wield a metal bar cage where the creature would be kept. There aren’t any extra mats to lay on the bottom of the cage for the creature to relax on but that is fine. I doubt it will need much comfort.
I have also spent the day yesterday, fishing. I have a decent amount of food that the creature would. I also have water if the creature starts to dry up. And I believe that is all I need. I will get the rest I need for tonight and in the morning, I plan to sneak out to do my tasks. 
Hopefully the gods will bless me yet again and I will be successful. 
I didn’t realize how difficult it would be to find the creature in the first place. I left for the sea just as the sun was starting to rise and I didn’t get a sign of anything until the sun was beating overtop me. I stuck around the fish’s community until I finally saw a tail in the distance. I quickly paddled my way towards that direction.
What happened next happened at such a speed that it is hard for me to remember the exact events? Writing down an exact account of what happened would be difficult. And if I did decide to write down how I did it might cause some trouble. During my battle with the creature, with nature, I used so much methods that the emperor would feel against by that if he ever read this, I may lose even more then my status. To protect my life, I will not say much except for two things.
First, as I fought with the creature, its front claws tried to strike me down. It managed to claw across my arm and I am still in pain now. I was in fear for a moment that my arm would fall off. After looking at my injury though, I know that it will sting for a few days but I should be fine.
This does not matter though as we go into my second point. I have caught it. It almost felt impossible at one point but thankfully I have played around with some chemicals before this and I have made a liquid that will make anything asleep and now I have the creature in my procession. 
As I write, the creature is sleeping in the cage that I have created for it. It has struggled a lot by I have managed to make it fall asleep and carry it here without anyone noticing me. It is a miracle that I have managed to do this and I cannot help but thank my ancestors for guarding me specifically.
Currently, I feel my heart pounding and my hand shakes as I write. I have managed to do this- me! I feel a sense of pride overcoming me and why should I not be happy about this? All the other people here believed that they were better than me but what if I am the better one. My ancestors are watching me so I should be happy for this accomplishment.  
As I write this, I cannot help but look at the creature curled up in the cage, resting. It is such a beautiful creature. The more I look at it, the less I want to call it a creature and refer it to a Mizuchi for it appears to be a water dragon. Its long snake-like body is not any taller than I am, and its curled up tightly into the cage so it can barely fit with some comfort. It’s covered with scales that are shimming in a green-blue color, with some highlights of a darker blue color. It has two sets of short legs with sharp, dark claws at the end of its fingers and toes. Along its belly and undersides, the scales are more pronounced and isn’t as shiny as the rest of the body. Its fins along its back, tail and elbows are dark, flowy and thin like paper and its pointed in several areas. When I look at its fine features on his face, I believe it to be a fully grown adult, as its whistles on its short snort is long and flowing and its horns are short and sharp. Some of its sharp, and deadly teeth pokes out of its mouth and some more whiskers are on to underside of his chin. Its ears are large and floppy, with darker scales on it and its striking eyes are blue and pink.
I remember when I tried to catch it, its eyes glared at me, promising death but I should be safe with it in the cage. There is nothing to worry about.
I will continue to give updates of anything has happened.
[This next entry has blood scattered across the decaying paper] 
It is the next day, and the Mizuchi is finally awake. With the dragon still in its cage, I will attempt to take some samples from it that I was unable to when it was sleeping. 
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[The biggest blood stain on this entry follows]
I should have expected it to try to fight back. It has struck at my arm yet again and I need to treat this right away. I am sorry for the short entry but I need to rest my arm for the day.
A lot has happened today but first I need to say what had happened in the middle of the night.
As I laid on my mat, I work up in the middle of the night to the sound of a low growl. I quickly sat up and stared at the cage just at the other side of the room, and that when I saw glowing eyes staring at me. This thing wanted me dead. This was clear, but I wasn’t going to let it go. I couldn’t. It was mine now and I was going to use it for my research. Chills went down my spine as I thought about this and fear washed over me.
Shaking, I knew that even if I decided to let this dragon go, I couldn’t. The moment I opened up that door for it to leave, the dragon would rip me to shards. If I dumped it in the ocean, if would only follow me back here and try to kill me. I couldn’t let that happen. Not when the gods themselves want me to successes.
I was far too deep into this mess to back down and I won’t let those eyes intimidate me. 
Later on, I was called for a meeting where everyone dared to ask me several questions due to my absence lately and some people noticing my constant leaving to go fishing. The one in charge stared at me untrusting and dared to wonder if I was actually a spy. After all, I have shown nothing for what I have been sent here to do. I stayed locked up in my lab all day without speaking to anyone so what exactly was I doing here?
Of course, now they care. Of course, they start to wonder what I was doing here. And when they do, the assume the worst out of me. Did they forget that they were the ones who has put me in this position? That due to their failures to notice me, I decided to hide away from them because they don’t care?
Of course, I didn’t say any of this to the leader. I kept my anger and pride in because that would only get them suspense. So, I only told them that I was on the urge of a breakthrough and soon I would show them my work and they will be pleased.
I didn’t mention anything about the creature, for I knew that they would kill me right then if they knew. So, I stayed silent about that and they somehow bought it. The idiots let me go and I have bought myself some more time. 
I don’t know how much more time, and I am no where near to a breakthrough but at least I can live another day.
My victory was short lived when I soon realized that my trap hallway had been activated and my skin began to crawl. Who would dare to come into my lab? Was it the others? I should have known from their questioning that someone would sneak into my lab as I was distracted. 
I quickly deactivated the trap corridor and run down it to my lab. I manually opened the door to get into my lab and I noticed the blood on it. There was also scales scattered across the ground, but I noticed it too late. 
Once I opened the door, I heard a growl and something tried to lung at me. 
I barley managed to get the creature sleeping and back into the cage with my life. Sure, I had to use the last bit of that chemical that I had but it was worth it for I am currently covered in scars and my leg is shaking in pain. I know that I will start walking tomorrow with a limp but at least my monster is back where it belong.
The cage is banged up and I am currently fixing it as the creature sleeps. It must be very strong if it can bend metal like that.
From what I have gathered, the creature tried to escape because I have left my lab. It banged up the cage and has slipped through its bars and had ran right for the hallway but had accidently triggered the trap. The creature couldn’t escape through the door because the exit would have closed. Before he could manage to walk back into the lab, some of the pillars got him, leaving behind blood and scales. The creature then ran in here and tried to find another way to escape.
That is why there are claw marks on the backwall. 
I was hardly gone for an hour, yet the backwall had a hole in it that my fist can comfortable fit inside. This wasn’t there this morning. In fact, I thought this wall was completely solid when I left so how was this possible? The Mizuchi must have dug it but how was it able to chip away at solid stone? How strong is this creature?
Examining the dirt underneath the creature’s claws, I cannot help but smiles. I have finally figured out my breakthrough. 
I needed to go fishing again today. The creature had become very skinny and refuses to eat and the fish I have caught for him has gone bad.
As I went out to get more food, I have left the cage open and I have activated the trap corridor to see what happens when I return.
 I was pleased with the results and I know what I will be focusing on for my work to make our kingdom stronger. Once I managed to get the creature back in its cage, (I managed to find some more chemicals to make the dragon sleep and I am very lucky for that) I noticed that the hole on the wall was now a tunnel. I crawled into it and my entire body was about to sit inside it. 
I was impressed by this as my hand slowly moved along the tunnel walls. If I could somehow maintain this fine digging skill then we could cut through anything. The dragon was fast too. We can make our mark anyway and our power will be grand. Maybe I could sell this creature so people can have their weapon and I would be rich and have a high status.
But then I heard something at the end of the tunnel and I panicked slightly. I pressed my ear up against the back of the tunnel and could hear shouts and commands on the other side. There was a reason why the creature decided to dig against this wall. The creature must have heard this when it started. This was the quickest way to an exit.
The creature was trying to get into the training area. But I cannot allow that to happen. I can’t. Not after all my hard work while that army has done nothing. If the creature escapes through there, then he will be spotted and killed by the samurai. Or even worst, they would figure out that I have disobeyed their orders and they will punish me somehow. I couldn’t let that happen. 
[The entries that follows, shows the process that the researcher goes through in order to try to tame or harness the creature’s abilities. All of these attempts seem to have failed and the researcher gets more and more upset as time passes on. At one entry, it is along impossible to read his handwriting]
I have made a grave error. As I was out, gathering water supplies and supplies, I had accidently tripped on my way into the cave and I hit my head severely. I must have passed out because the next thing I was aware of was the fact that I was laying in the comfortable mat that wasn’t my old one.
With bandages wrapped around my head, I quickly looked around and a dizzy spell came over me. Everyone around me told me to rest that I had slipped on the way in and my head started bleeding. Some of the people in the background were laughing and seemed to be teasing me. I was knocked out for most of the day and it was unwise for me to move so much. 
I felt my heart stop for a moment and I quickly stood up. The doctor by my bed tried to push my back down but I pushed away and stepped forward. I demanded that I needed to look at something and I needed to be let go now. When my request wasn’t fulfilled, I pushed him aside and walked out myself. Everyone tried to stop me but I would let them. I needed to check on the lab. I needed to check on the monster.
As I passed the corridor that lead into the training area, I heard some training going inside it before suddenly the ground shook below me. I grabbed hold of the wall next to me as I almost fell to the ground. The was a rumbling overtop me, as the ceiling shook and large rocks fell from the ceiling. The entire room, no, the entire cave system seemed to shake as parts of the corridor to the living quarters crumbled apart.
What was that?
Did the creature cause this? How was this possible?
I quickly ran to my corridor and noticed that the trap was activated. I had to deactivated it and the few minutes, waiting for the hallway to become walkable again was agonizing. But once it was, I ran into the lab. 
What I saw, sent a chill down my spine. The creature was gone again. He had escaped from his cage again. How dare he? I have given him plenty of food and water but this monster keeps on leaving. It keeps on trying to escape and now…
I looked over at the tunnel it was making and my heart stopped. The tunnel has been complete. It was now just a short crawl into the training room where everyone currently was. They would be able to kill it quickly and then I would be punished. That was my fate. Except…
If the monster could break away at solid rock then what strength did it really have? What speed did it have? I was out of chemicals to make it sleep and no one was unaware of its strength so…
Gosh. What have I unleashed in this cave?
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How many brutal and painful deaths would befall to all these people here because of me?
I am now shaking and debating on running. I have caused the doom of everyone here. I wasn’t some god among men that I boldly claimed myself to be. I was their doom. I needed to warn everyone right away. It didn’t matter if they killed me. I just needed to-
I just heard a scream.
Gosh. No. It couldn’t be starting already. The monster couldn’t be hurting the people here. I need to stop this now! I am sorry, mother. I will fix this. Hopefully I will return to bring good-
[Before the researcher could finish the line, several large blood stains and ink sloshes covers the rest of the scroll. His research will never be finished] 
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themarchblessing · 6 years
Zipping myself into my heels I stood up straight, walking over to my full length mirror. I checked myself out head to toe looking for anything that needs to be fixed. Today is my birthday and my mejor amiga threw me a party and I’m very anxious to see what the hell she planned for me. She told to me to show up at ten o’clock exactly because she had some last minute touches to put on the party. I didn’t even understand why she said that but I just agreed to arriving at the specified time.
I’m on a new quest to have my first child. I’ve been in and out of relationships since my college days but I’m ready for a change. Finding a guy that is ideal for myself is not easy whatsoever. But recently I’ve gotten to know somebody who seems very promising to be my donor recipient. Since we’ve been getting along so well I invited him to the party tonight as my date. We’ve been hanging out over the past couple of months to really get to know one another. Corey, my dear friend, is supposed to be in attendance at my party tonight being that I asked him if he would meet Julian. Corey was against it at first but after begging and pleading, he agreed to the meeting.
The alarm on my phone went off telling me it’s time to get going. With one last glance at myself I walked over to my dresser to spritz on a little more perfume. I touched bases with my chest, wrists and the back of my neck. Cutting the lights in the bedroom I headed out the door. Time for a fun night out!
“So where is this guy?” Corey asked, throwing back a shot with me. I searched the room looking for Julian not seeing him anywhere.
“He’s here somewhere. Estás pasando un buen rato? You look like you want to say something but you’re holding back because I asked you to meet this guy.” I said, pouring myself another shot.
“I’m good. I just want to meet your new man that’s all. So what’s he like?” Corey asked, pouring himself two more shots. He threw back both drinks and gripped both in his hands giving me a stern look.
“What?” I dropped my shoulders and fluffed up my hair a little. This liquor, whatever it is, is making me burn the fuck up! The dress is tight as hell and my thick ass hair is giving me even more trouble than my outfit. Corey shook his head and pointed to the other side of the room. I followed his hand spotting Julian emerging from another room. I laughed to myself seeing him trying to fight off Kelly who is clearly drunk beyond repair. He managed to sneak away while she had her back turned and make it over to where Corey and I stood.
“I was kidnapped I swear. I stepped away for two minutes to look for the bathroom and next thing I know I’m fighting off an adult size piranha. Is she always like that?” Julian chuckled, looking back to see if Kelly was anywhere nearby.
“Who Kelly? Hell yeah. It’s worse when she’s drunk. Julian, I want to introduce you to someone. This is Corey...Corey this is Julian.” I opened the floor up to them both waiting to see what will happen.
Coughing lowly I nudged Corey to at least give him a head nod as a sign of respect. Corey set the glasses on the counter and reached forward shaking Julian’s extended hand. “Nice to meet you bruh..” he said with a slur.
“Good to meet you too man. Sabrina tells me you two are real close.” Julian cleared his throat not taking his eyes off of Corey. The amount of dominance and pride I’m sensing right now is insane. I’m not sure if this was a good idea or not.
“Oh yeah, extremely..isn’t that right Bri?” Corey roped me in for a strong side hug. I threw one arm behind his back, stabbing him with my nails. He ignored what I did and kissed my forehead with no shame at all. “Nah but really we are close. We’ve been friends since we were kids so she’s like family to me a little bit.” Corey squeezed my shoulders and arms a bit, staring Julian down like he’s the black sheep of the party. He stuck around for maybe ten minutes and took off somewhere else.
When it was just the two of us I felt like I needed to apologize on Corey’s behalf. “He’s…” I can't even describe Corey in a short amount of words like I really want to.
“Protective? You sure he’s not secretly feeling you and just not saying anything?” Julian assumed, now standing beside me.
“What? No. No, Corey and I are friends that’s it. We look out for each other but I promise you have nothing to worry about.” I assured. “Let me introduce you to some of my other friends.” Grabbing his hand I walked him over to Ravyn and my other girls.
I know Corey wouldn’t purposely sabotage what I have going with Julian no matter what he’s feeling. I can only hope for the best.
“Come on handsome it’s time..” Ravyn pushed me from behind over to where everyone was heading. I stumbled behind everybody going out back. I saw Lori and her new man standing all close in front of her cake. He was all in her ear making her laugh and holding her close. Everyone gathered around singing Bri happy birthday with drunken smiles on their faces.
I stayed somewhat in the shadows, swaying along to the sound of their voices with a bottle in my hand. Once the main event of the night was over I went back inside. I’m drunk off my ass and once I spotted the perfect place to chill until I’m sober enough to drive, I was set. These last couple of months have been kind of hectic. I’ve been traveling a lot more for work but the gigs have been A1. Over the last three weeks or so I’ve had four design companies, two modeling agencies, and Tesla contact me to work for them. I accepted every job knowing damn well those kind of opportunities don’t happen to me everyday.
I haven’t talked much to Bri about her new venture and quite frankly it’s hard for me to even address the topic. The only way we talk about this baby thing is if she brings up the subject first. Of course I wonder how it’s going and what’s been going on but I just can’t fathom asking her about the shit myself. Bri turns thirty as of tomorrow afternoon at 2pm, officially. My guess would be that she’s feeling the pressure of that whole biological clock bullshit. I’ve been telling that girl to just take it slow and wait for her time to come but she’s so hardheaded!
I worry for Sabrina every day. She’s street smart and book smart, she’s got a ton of life experience and she’s about her shit. She’s a great girl but she’s too into the hype of settling down. I don’t doubt for a second that she won’t make a good mother because I know she will. I just don’t like when she’s in a rush to accomplish certain goals. All I’ve ever told her is to have patience and trust the path life has for her. But Sabrina is stubborn so there’s only so much advice she will actually listen to.
Getting up from the chair I did a little stretch and took my ass to the bathroom. I locked the door behind me and glanced around the room carefully. “Bri..you’ve got some weird ass friends.” Shaking my head at the volume of crystals, buddha references, and chakra decor I walked over to the sink to wash my hands first. After I took a quick piss and washed my hands again I spotted a cup on the counter.
“What the fuck..” I slurred. Moving closer I picked the cup realizing it was a specimen cup. “Ohh, it’s little Julian Jr in here..” Chuckling to myself at what I was holding I sat down on the toilet seat lid and examined the label. “Congrats Julian..you’re gonna be a daddy..well sort of..” Shaking my head quickly I twisted my hat around to face the back.
I grabbed one of the buddha statues and set it on my right knee leaving space for the cup. “Little Julian..I wish upon you great success in life. May you look just like Bri and look nothing like yo ugly ass father..” I joked. Stupidly I dropped the cup on the floor watching the contents spill out on the purple rug. I thanked the man above for letting this nasty shit spill away from my sneakers.
“Oh shit!” I panicked, wondering how the hell I’m gonna explain this. A knock on the door scared me so I had to think of something quick to get whoever it is away from this room. “Go away! I’m gonna be a while!” I shouted waiting to see if they would stay or leave. Pacing the bathroom floor with my hands on my head I stared at the floor seeing Julian’s little swimmers just sit there. “Bri is gonna kill me..aw fuck Bri is gonna kill me..” Exhaling sharply I thought of a plan to fix this mess.
Suddenly I came up with the only logical explanation that will solve my problems tonight. Taking a seat again I pulled out my phone and scrolled through my contacts. Stopping at a random name I called up one of my home girls knowing she would answer.
“It’s been a minute. How are you handsome?” Eva spoke off bat.
“Wassup mama, I’m good. Yo I need a favor and please don’t ask me any questions.” I said in a rush. Glancing at the time I slapped myself in the head at how late it’s getting.
“Whatever you need I’m your girl. What’s going on?” Eva questioned softly.
“Facetime me and I’ll tell you the rest.” I unbuckled my belt waiting for this girl to just do what I asked of her.
“I take it you’re in a sticky situation?” She continued to press.
“Come on Eva, I said no questions. Just facetime me baby c’mon..” I plead. Eva complied and the second she saw my face I let her know what the deal is. Hopefully this goes over well because I’ll be damned if I ruin Bri’s plans to have this baby. Regardless of my opinions on her choice I’d never stand in the way of her happiness.
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renegadesrpg · 3 years
Soulmates Part 17: Netflix and Chill.  Layla and Sean
Sean: *Looks the TV tray and evaluates its contents.* Hmmm.... Microwave popcorn? Check. Brews? Check. Raisinets? Check.... *calling out to the living room in the @ChosenDarkened * Hey, baby, what do we need for movie night besides popcorn beer, and Raisinets? I feel like I'm forgettin' something. *grinning to myself because even after all these months, this totally mortal thing of 'Netflix and chill' with my girl still feels special.*
 Layla: *smiling I peek my head out the doorway* Ummm peanut butter M&M's? The movie choice?
 Sean: Right. *gets in the cabinet and snags the M & M's, then adds the to the tray and takes it to the living room* Movie choice is yours. *smiles and sits the tray on the ottoman.* I made the popcorn.
 Layla: *smiling as I snag a few M&M's then grab the remote as I plop down next to you* I'm thinking something silly. I've heard this movie mentioned before so I want to see it. It's supposedly quite funny. *I push the buttons and hit start then put the remote to the side as the movie, Sixteen Candles, begins* The popcorn smells great Love. Not burnt this time. *I giggle remembering the last time he accidentally burned it*
  Sean: Hey *mockingly defensive as I toss a piece of popcorn at you* I may not NEED to eat but I can learn how to use a microwave. I just needed practice. *twisting the cap of your beer, I hand it to you and then do the same to my own. Sitting the popcorn bowl in my lap, I put my arm around you and settle back against the couch.* So what's this movie about?
  Layla: *I take a drink of the beer* It’s about teenagers in the 1980's. It’s my understanding it is about their various relationships and how they get along, or not, and figuring out ummm their role in life. Something like that. I was told the situations they deal with are funny. *I lean into you as we start watching*
Oh my goodness! How could her family forget her birthday?
  Sean: *Taking a sip of my beer, smiling as I get a warm armload of Layla-mine* Birthdays are important to mortals?
  Layla: Yes, it’s my understanding they are quite a rite of passage. Especially their 1st, 16th, 18th, and 21st. That's what I read anyway. Oh my, that boy is definitely odd. Do young males act like that when they wish to woo a female? Because... No.
Sean: *Laughing* It's been a long time since I was a teenage boy and when I was a boy you were pretty much considered a man by the time you were 16. Not like it is today. Male-female relationships were a lot different back then. But I will say when those hormones start flowin' initially, a guy's brains pretty much are focused in another part of his body than his head.
  Layla: *giggling* I have seen that in adult males too. Those hormones must be very strong. Gym class? Oh, exercise to stay healthy. That is important, but why are those females jealous of the naked one? They seem fit enough.
  Sean: *choking on my beer* It's not about being fit, baby. It's about the...um... figure. Chosen all live in pretty close quarters growing up don't they? Didn't you guys ever compare you're...um... "assets"?
  Layla: *my brow knits for a moment then I realize what you mean* Oh! Oh! Well um it wasn't, well some of us did as we developed but it was definitely not encouraged or spoken of.
 Sean: *laughs and kisses your temple* Of course you didn't. But you weren't in competition for males. In humans, a woman with certain well-developed assets was considered to be more likely to survive childbirth. And getting a male who was strong enough to protect them and provide for them and their young was important to females. So there was competition among them to attract that kind of male and it only makes sense to evaluate the competition. In thousands of years, that basic behavior hasn't changed.
  Layla: Oh that makes sense. Yes, female vampires are also desiring males who can provide well for them. Hopefully this female, ummm Sam, sees she is worthy despite having smaller breasts. For instance, she's been very patient with her family's forgetfulness even though it must hurt.
  Sean: A wise man realizes that a happy life is about more than their mate's "assets." Sam has what it takes to make that happen for a guy. But I think these bozos are all too immature to see it. *Laughs* I'm glad that mating dance wasn't part of my youth.
  Layla: Me too. Although my youth was good I certainly wouldn't have wanted to be involved in those games. I agree the males seem very immature. Definitely not ready for mating. Ohhhh! Her grandmahmen just squeezed her breast. I fear I would have slapped her. Respected elder or not. That was very rude and probably hurt Sam.
  Sean: Yeah....that was pretty out of line. Maybe she's got dementia? I can't think of any other reason she'd do something like that.
 Layla: Perhaps. What? Long Duck Dong? OHHHH I get that joke. *laughing hysterically* poor male. *still laughing*
  Sean: *Laughs* Oh man, he's never gonna' live that down! *crunches some popcorn*
Layla: No, he will not. *eating a handful of popcorn and M&M's mixed. We watch laughing at times, shocked at behavior other times*
  Sean: *nuzzling your ear and snickering* If we have young, this is NOT happening. If I have to keep her under lock and key.
  Layla: I'm in complete agreement Love. Holy shit! That male is showing all those boys Sam's underwear. *I cover my mouth with my hand shocked at my mouth*
Sean: And THAT would get a male dropped into the mouth of a volcano if that were our daughter. *frowns* If we have boys, maybe I'll lock THEM in their room until they're adults.
  Layla: *I lean in and kiss your cheek* I would help you drop a male into a volcano who would do that. I believe our sons would know better but if they do not behave then definitely, they get locked in their room. *a few minutes later* There are way too many people at this male's house. I can understand why he's mad. *starting to laugh* That Long Duck Dong has found a female who appreciates him.
  Sean: *snickers* I guess there really is someone for everyone. But yeah, that many young unsupervised is a recipe for disaster. Can't be too long until police come.
  Layla: Oh that female that took advantage of her boyfriend, that's what she called him, would be punished severely by me if she were my young. Oh he's letting that umm nerd young male take her home. This may be ugly as he said he has no license.
 Sean: Somehow I think she's about to face Karma. *finishes my beer* I don't think the other one is her boyfriend anymore after this.
  Layla: I agree. She ruined her chances by being so cruel and selfish. Ohhhh a human wedding, how neat! I have heard they can be crazy. *giggling at the antics of the family*
 Sean:  Humans build it up so that women sometimes turn into bridezilla's for their "big day". I never got that. Wedding feasts, sure. Wealthy families always did that, but these days its nuts. *snickers* And that poor kid is supposed to put up with all of her sisters insanity.
  Layla: Very much unfair. Her wedding is important but not more so than her sister’s 16th birthday. That was just very mean to be honest. *giggling* that is karma at its finest. That sister is now a mess at her own wedding! Foolishness to have taken so much muscle relaxing medicine.
Sean: Well let's hope the marriage goes better than the wedding. Although it might have made a funny sequel. *laughs and squeezes your shoulder.* You gonna be that nervous before our official mating?
Layla: No, because I am secure in our love and connection. That female was hiding her insecurities by being so self-absorbed. Oh Love look! That male made Sam a birthday cake. He's a worthy male.
Sean: *kissing your hair* You are my everything. *smiles* I'm glad you know that. Yeah, finally. I guess all teenage boys aren't total jerks. Is he taking her for a ride?
  Layla: He did take her for a ride to his house where he gave her a cake. It’s good to know not all those young males were unworthy. Ohhh I love a happily ever after. *smiling and sighing*
Sean:*kisses you then smiles down into your face* I'm kinda up for our own "happy ending tonight. If you catch my drift, nalla.
  Layla: Our thoughts were the same Nallum. Shall we? *I ask as I turn off the TV*
Sean: *scooping you up in my arms as I rise and smiles.* Absolutely. *mists us away to our bedroom for the night.*
#Soulmates  #Renegades #RRPG #AU #BDB #Reapers #Vampires #Angels #Wolfen #Ghosts
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takemedancingmaine · 7 years
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“Did your brother change the code or something?” Piper huffs beside me, holding a bagful of decorations, a bag containing our wrapped presents, and a tray full of Charlie’s favorite treats: Parkin.
Not a fucking joke either, my nephew has terrible taste in sweets. I almost didn’t make them as a form of protest, but realized that my nephew was only turning six today and my protest would be unjust.
My brother, ever the technological homeowner, has one of those electronic code door locks. You type in the four digits and the deadbolt is set to click back or whatever. He did have to change it quite frequently, but my struggling to push the buttons correctly has nothing to do with the code being wrong.
“No,” I blow out a breath of frustration and try again. I’d had a rough night last night. Being in a broadcast newsroom rather than a print one was proving to be stressful. Granted it was a good stressful, but yesterday felt like nothing was working for me.
I’ve had days like that in my print job, but after the slight success I’d had on Thursday, I was a bit taken back by how each day is so very different.
I was knocked down, but not out, I remind myself as I get the code correct on the fourth try.
I grin up at Piper triumphantly and she just kicks the door open and unceremoniously plops the tray of treats into my hands.
“Rude,” I roll my eyes playfully as she walks past me into my brother’s house, her long strides carrying her to the kitchen much faster than my own after I close the front door behind me.
“Look how big you are!” Piper gasps. “Happy birthday, Charlie!”
As I enter the room I see Charlie stood at the kitchen counter beside his father, as they place dough for biscuits on a tray. They may not look alike aside from their hair colour, but their mannerisms are scarily similar. It’s like watching Liam when he was younger stood beside Liam now. As Liam’s little sister I’m constantly spooked by how similar they can act and react. It’s almost like going back in time.
“Piper!” Charlie yells. Without cleaning his hands, he runs around the table to hug her while I sneak over to my brother’s side as he finishes up the tray.
“Chocolate chip biscuits?” I ask, smirking as I place the tray of Parkin down beside a  small cake. That, I can tell, is store bought.
“Your recipe,” he nods.
“Mum’s recipe,” I correct him.
“You stole mum’s recipe?” He asks in disbelief and mock horror.
“She gave it to me you numpty,” I bump his shoulder and watch Piper and Charlie as my nephew tries to guess the gifts we’d gotten for him.
“I caught the broadcast last night,” my brother says now as he places the tray in the oven and sets a timer. “Did you get anything in?”
I nod slowly as I plop a grape into my mouth. Both small, both mentioned in the F block, but hey, I got something out, I have to remind myself.
“That bit about the reporter in Pakistan and the other about cod fisheries,” I shrug. “I didn’t have a cracking day like I did my first day there,” I add.
“Some days are just about making it through,” Liam wraps his arm around my shoulder and squeezes me a bit. “I watched the clip about the debt ceiling,” he adds. “You did brilliantly.”
“Thanks,” I nod against his shoulder and close my eyes. “Not every day is breaking news,” I say. “I keep having to remind myself that most of the time, that itself is good news.”
“At least you know they really like you,” he teases. “I mean, they haven’t sent you back downstairs yet.”
“You’re such a pillock,” I shove him and plop another grape into my mouth.
“I’m serious,” he tries. I shoot him a look and he only smirks in response.
“Right,” I nod and don’t buy that for a second.
“She should be here for this,” Liam’s tone suddenly slips and becomes somber.
“She’s in his heart,” I wrap my arms around my brother and hold him close, even if it’s a bit awkward when we’re stood side-by-side. “And yours,” I squeeze him.
“Wren,” my brother sighs.
“Fuck,” I sigh back. “I know,” I pinch his arm. “I know that’s not what you meant. I know it’s not how it should be,” I add. “It’s the best you’ve got though. I was just trying to keep her here with you somehow.”
“She’s always with me,” he whispers, his voice breaking a bit before his catches himself and clears his throat. “Always there in my fucking mind.”
“Charlie’s physically here,” I point out. “He’s still part of her. You’ve still got her with you and not just in memory,” I remind him, looking toward the now six-year-old and my best friend who are arguing over which German footballer is better.
“I know,” Liam whispers again. “I miss her. This stuff,” he gestures toward the trays of food and snacks, “this stuff was all stuff she loved to do.”
“You’re a good dad for doing this for him,” I rub his arm comfortingly.
“Thanks,” he lets out a breath he’d held for a bit.
“Mm. So how long before this shindig starts?”
“About an hour,” my brother looks at his watch.
“Well,” I look over at Piper and our bag of decorations. “We’re fucked,” I remember at the last moment to whisper the curse.
“What else is new?” Liam laughs and we catch the attention of Piper and Charlie.
“Wren!” Charlie yells and runs over to hug me.
“D'you just notice I’m here, too?” I ask.
“No,” he shakes his head violently. “I ran for Piper first because she has presents.”
I look up at her. “Bribed my own blood and kin away from me,” I feign disgust.
“Gotta do what I gotta do,” Piper laughs and grabs the bag of decorations.
“Happy birthday, bug,” I kiss Charlie’s cheek.
“Thanks,” he giggles.
“How long until-”
“An hour.” I cut Piper’s question off.
“Speed decorating it is,” Piper declares as the three adults present shift into high gear and work to make this home and experience much more festive.
Liam, as he’s needed on decorating duty because of his height, has left me in charge of the kitchen stuff in his absence. Charlie is trying–and failing–to successfully sneak cookies and Parkin while I’m otherwise occupied.
I have something of a sixth sense when it comes to this kid, and when it comes to treats. I don’t think he even gets close to taking a treat in the final hour before the party.
The doorbell rings while Liam and Piper are outside trying to quickly finish up, so I wipe my hands with a hand towel and with Charlie on my heels I open the front door. I’ve actually just finished getting everything in order, only just finishing the sandwich prep when the bell rang.
The moment I crack the door even an inch, Charlie is yelling. “Michael, you made it!” The two boys are running off into the living room before I even open the door fully.
“Hi, I’m Janie,” the woman I assume to be Michael’s mother reaches her hand out to me. “I’m Michael’s mum.”
“Wren,” I shake her hand and then gesture for her to come inside. “I’m, erm, I’m Charlie’s aunt.”
“Pleasure,” Janie smiles. “Right,” she looks down at the bag in her hand. “We’ve got these for Charlie.”
“Follow me and I’ll show you where to put everything,” I close the door and lead her into the kitchen and direct her to where everything goes, even pour her a small glass of wine before Piper and Liam come inside to join the adult conversation and more children, friends of Charlie’s, arrive and make a ruckus throughout the bottom floor and backyard.
Charlie’s swing set is getting the first use it’s seen in ages. I remember the weekend that April and Liam put it together, how stressed Liam was and how calming April had been. It’s funny thinking back. While her husband, my brother, was passive-aggressively mumbling about the directions the two of us, and Charlie–who’d been a baby at the time–were just sat inside in the kitchen talking and drinking wine.
Charlie was obviously not drinking any of the wine, but April and I had been very giggly and flushed by the time Liam came back inside.
Today, we happen to get quite lucky with the weather. Although the sky is grey and quite ominous looking, the rain holds off and it’s not too cool for the first weekend of October. It’s the perfect weather to be outside as long as one dons a cozy jumper or cardigan.
I notice, throughout the whole ordeal, that Liam is very genial. Piper is off playing with the kids, building things and running about, and I’m in charge of watching over a bit of everything. My older brother though is handling the parents very well.
He doesn’t seem phased by the excessive amount of interaction. I suppose I shouldn’t be confused by that. I know my brother has friends at the law firm and he had friends growing up and in uni. Still, it’s weird to me because I know just how much of a homebody my brother is, nose always stuck in a book, studying something or other rather than interacting with others.
He’s handling the uncommon territory well today. It’s quite comforting to see him just going through and participating. Especially after the week I’ve had just worrying about him.
“Whiskey neat.”
“Scottish or Irish?”
“Comin’ right up, love,” the bartender nods and takes off down the bar to prepare my drink.
Piper had gone straight home after the party, having to be ready for work early tomorrow, and so I am out alone.
I normally wouldn’t be out in a pub to drink, but after helping to put Charlie to bed and then all the cleaning Liam’s massive house required, it was late enough that the stores had closed, and I was out of whiskey at home.
My solution ended up being a pub a few blocks over from my flat.
Not my finest moment, but last night had been late to bed for me because of all the birthday prep on top of what I knew I’d be doing today and after the week I’d had I really wanted to just sit a bit without any obligations or chores. Not even my Netflix queue could serve to calm me down tonight. So, alcohol is where I find my solace right now.
Just one drink and then it’s off to bed for me, to sleep until noon, hopefully.
I’d frequented this pub before. Some of the bartenders recognized me and some didn’t. This one, in particular, knew he knew me, but wasn’t sure how. He was relatively new. I definitely have been coming around less, but those who’d been around longer had seen me here in my earlier twenties, fresh out of uni with a medium wage job, before anyone had plucked me out of a crowd for their newsroom and I became ‘serious’ Wren.
Even with it being a Saturday night, and even with the post-football match crowd still lingering, the pub isn’t too crowded. This is quite a surprise to me, the relatively steady room amount, but I tell myself not to question it any longer and accidentally change it by the will of thought.
“Three pounds fifty, love,” the man places the glass down in front of me. I sigh in relief just seeing it before handing over the correct change.
“Cheers,” he nods and heads off to serve another person just arriving at the bar.
The glass is heavy in my hand as I pick it up and twirl the amber liquor to release the aroma, inhaling the heavy scent, before I manage to take a small sip.
The warmth immediately spreads around my mouth and down my throat, having a calming effect on my nerves as I close my eyes and enjoy a moment of peace.
A moment that gets interrupted.
Slowly I open my eyes and turn my head. It’s Mr. Lowden. Oh. Fuck.
Shit. What is his first name? Oh my god. My peaceful, relaxing drink just turned into a pop fucking quiz. I feel like I’m back in school again: it’s sickening. I can’t remember his first name. Fuck sake, Wren.
In my defense, despite my thinking he was cute, I never expected to see him again aside from, maybe, picking Charlie up from school.
So now, I’m sat here, faced with this incredibly attractive man, and I can’t remember his first name. If the only solace I can take is that Piper isn’t here to witness this embarrassing moment, then I’ll take what I can get.
“Hi,” I force a smile on my face despite how fucked I feel. “How’re you?” I ask, trying my best to come off as friendly.
“He’s quite stressed,” a voice from beside him speaks. I glance toward the woman and I feel like I’m looking at Mr. Lowden but in female form. The blonde hair, the calming blue eyes, the freckles. They have to be related. I mean, she’s even Scottish.
“Hi,” the woman reaches an arm forward in an offering. “I’m Jack’s sister, Lily,” she smiles. Her smile is just as welcoming, albeit mischievous, as her brother’s.
It is Jack! His name is Jack. Bless you, Lily.
“Wren,” I smile back at her genuinely as we shake hands. “Why’s he a bit stressed?” I ask, looking back at Jack. The name suits him.
“He just had dinner with his big sister’s boyfriend,” she shrugs, clearly not at all bothered by his disgruntled behaviour.
“In my defense,” Jack butts in, a frown on his face, “you chose my birthday dinner as the night to introduce me to him for the first time.”
Right. So, Lily is his big sister.
“And you are just a grumpy bugger,” she ruffles his hair, and he closes his eyes and groans in indignation. “Now c'mon, let’s get a proper birthday drink in you to calm your worried little head,” she condescends.
As if by chance, the bartender appears just then.
“Scotch,” Jack says quickly.
“And I’ll have a pint of Guinness,” Lily smiles at the man and with a nod he’s off to fetch their drinks.
“How was Charlie’s party?” Jack asks me now as he runs a hand over his beard and pulls on his ear a bit. It seems like a tick of his. Just by seeing it now, it feels like it’s something he’s grown accustomed to. He doesn’t even seem to notice he’s doing it.
He stares at me when I don’t answer. I feel my cheeks flame. “What?” I ask.
“It’s all he could talk about yesterday,” Jack explains. “Barely got him to focus on his lessons.”
I roll my eyes at my nephew. “It was fun,” I shrug. “Lots of children filled with lots of sugar running about,” I sip my whiskey. “I erm, I only just left Liam’s a half hour ago. With all the cleanup that had to be done, I thought I’d never escape.”
“Are you a mum to a student?” Lily asks now.
It’s a logical question, given that I’m talking to a teacher, but I sputter and choke on a sip of my drink at hearing it.
“Oh, erm, no,” I shake my head. “No. No, I’m not.”
“Her nephew is in my class,” Jack explains as he hands over some cash to the bartender who places their drinks down. “We just me when she picked him up the other day.”
“Oh,” Lily nods and reaches absentmindedly for her drink. “Right,” she smiles and then puts together our conversation. “He’s the one with the same birthday as you?”
“The very same,” Jack nods and downs half his scotch in one go. He’s clearly on edge.
“The one who’s mum-” she cuts herself off before going any further and shoots an embarrassed glance at me. “Sorry,” she mumbles into her pint glass as she takes a large swig, trying to occupy the silence.
“It’s… it’s alright,” I wave away her concerns and shoot her a reassuring smile. “It’s not like it’s not true. Please don’t… don’t beat yourself up for mentioning it.”
She gives an appreciative smile and nods once.
“What brings you out alone?” Jack asks. I can feel his gaze on me, looking me up and down.
“I um, I just needed a drink,” I bite my lip. His eyes are still trained on me, still looking me up and down. “It’s been… it’s been a bit of um, a bit of a stressful week.”
His eyes send shivers down my spine as he continues to look me over, smirking a bit as he does so. I could pass out right now and wouldn’t be surprised at myself.
As it is, I have to focus hard on maintaining a normal breathing pattern.
“What is it that you do?” Lily asks.
“I’m an associate producer,” I say, still getting a tinge of excitement at saying the words. “I work in the BBC newsroom,” I explain.
“That’s bloody brilliant,” she smiles.
“I um, I only just got promoted to it this week,” I say. “I was, erm. I’d been working as a print journalist since uni until now.”
“That explains the stressful week then, don’t it?” She asks rhetorically with a laugh.
I join in. “Absolutely,” I manage to say.
“D'you like the new job?” She asks.
“I love it,” I smile wide. From the corner of my eye I can see Jack smirking at me, his dimples popping and my stomach flipping at the sight. I take a deep breath and when that doesn’t work I take a large sip of my whiskey, finishing it off.
Unfortunately, that doesn’t work either. I’m still on edge.
Lily’s phone goes off in the middle of her story about her boyfriend and Jack actually getting along despite the circumstances of the night. Jack is grumbling under his breath, but I get the feeling he’s very protective of his older sister, even if he likes her boyfriend. He’d never admit that to her.
She’s got some One Direction song set as her ringtone and Jack laughs at her as she glares back at him.
“I’m going to take this outside,” she tells us. “I’ll be right back.”
With that, she’s off in a flash of blonde hair flying out behind her.
“Sorry 'bout her,” Jack gestures toward her retreating frame.
“What?” I ask, knitting my eyebrows together in confusion.
“She can be a bit brutal,” he shrugs. “Lily never really mastered the art of subtlety. Or manners, really,” he adds.
As he brings his glass up to his lips I find myself almost hypnotized by the motion. I find myself unable to look away. I watch as his pale pink lips part and the amber liquid drains past them and into his mouth. I see his Adam’s apple bob as he swallows, watch as his tongue licks the remains of the alcohol off his lips when he removes the glass.
My cheeks tinge pink just watching him.
It’s then that I realize I’m caught. He’s smirking at me, that very same smirk I recognized the first time I met him. The one that tells me he knows what he’s doing, what his effect is on me.
That’s when he winks.
My already flushed cheeks flame, and I feel the blush all the way down my neck and chest as well as I bite my lower lip and lower my gaze to the floor in embarrassment. Purposely avoiding Jack’s gaze.
“This isn’t how you typically spend a Saturday night, is it?” He asks now.
I shake my head and raise my gaze to my empty glass, still refusing to meet his blue eyes. “No,” I say. Surprisingly, my voice is rather even. “I’m usually at home curled up with a book and a brew, but I felt I needed something stronger tonight.”
“At least you get to chat with me,” I can just tell from his tone that he’s smiling. “You can’t get that at home,” I chance raising my eyes to his face and catch him biting his bottom lip, his own cheeks tinged pink.
“No,” I shake my head. “I can’t,” I agree.
His lip, freed from his teeth, twitches and he looks down at his glass, swirling the amber liquor, his second drink of the night, around and around.
“And that would be a right shame,” he says. “To miss out on my company and my humour,” he adds.
I’m vaguely aware of people around us, of the fact that his sister is probably on her way back to us by now, of the fact that I’m apocalyptically nervous around him but I also don’t want him to leave. But none of that is what I’m thinking about.
Instead, what I’m thinking about, focused on, is the fact that his appearance, while a coincidence, and at first, a surprise, is welcome. I’m thinking about the pink color his cheeks turned under his scruffy beard just a minute ago.
“Is this a big birthday for you?” I ask.
“No,” he shakes his head. His hair looks impossibly soft.
“No big four-oh?” I ask, teasing. “No mid-life crisis going on underneath the surface at the moment?”
“I’ve only turned twenty-eight, you little…” he trails off, seemingly unable to find the appropriate adjective. His smile though lets me know he’s more than fine with my teasing. Not at all affronted. “No mid-life crisis for me quite yet.”
“I’m sure it will hit you sooner rather than later,” I keep going, surprising even myself.
“I’ll let you know when it does,” his eyes alight with humour as they watch my face.
I blush again and bite my bottom lip.
“I suppose that means you’ll be sticking around for a while?”
He smirks at me. “Aye,” he nods. “’m always up for making a gorgeous woman blush.”
I don’t have words. I’m actually speechless. And for the first time in my life, it’s not just because I’m shy.
“Hey!” Lily reappears at our side, saving me from having to come up with something to respond with other than sputtered noises and more embarrassment.
“I was considering sending a search and rescue team for ya,” Jack teases his sister.
“I wasn’t gone that long,” she rolls her eyes. “But anyway. We should probably get going soon if you want to make it back home before the tube stops. Because I’m not made of money. I’m not paying for a cab.”
Jack glances at his watch. It’s eleven thirty, I note by looking at my own quickly. I’m grateful I’m only two blocks from home.
“Shit,” he curses. “Alright, cheapskate,” he loops his arm and Lily threads her own through it. “Let’s get going.”
“How are you getting home?” He asks when I slip my own jacket on and make to follow them to the door.
“I’m walking,” I gesture down the street with my thumb as we break through the crowd and hit the sidewalk.
“Alone?” Lily asks worriedly.
Jack doesn’t say anything, but I see a look in his eyes that tells me he’s worried as well. He looks ready to argue with me.
“I only live two blocks over,” I explain with a shrug.
“I still don’t think that’s-” Jack gets cut off.
“Here,” Lily releases herself from her brother’s grasp and digs through her coat pocket before she thrusts her phone toward me. “Text me when you get home so I know you’re safe.”
“Oh… okay,” I stutter. With fumbling fingers, I type in my number and send a message to myself so that I’ve got hers as well.
“It was lovely meeting you,” Lily pulls me into a hug after I hand her phone back to her.
“You too,” I tell her truthfully as she releases me. Despite what Jack has said about her being mannerless and unsubtle, I rather enjoyed talking with Lily tonight.
“Goodnight, Wren,” Jack sends me a smirk. It doesn’t reach his eyes. His eyes are still clouded with worry.
“Goodnight, you two,” I give a small wave and then start off down the street in the opposite direction from them.
When I get home only five minutes later and quietly let myself into my flat I realize that Piper is already fast asleep.
All of the lights are out and when I pull my phone out to use the torch, I stop and send a message to Lily telling her that I made it safely home.
It doesn’t even take me the length of time to walk from the front door to my room before I feel my phone vibrate in response.  
Lily: Great news. Thanks for letting us know, love.
I turn my phone off after reading it and then kick off my shoes and strip out of my jeans before crawling straight into bed and promptly falling asleep.
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rhina988 · 7 years
The Heart Wants What It Wants - Chapter 16
Read from the beginning
Chapter 15
Nicole’s POV
"Phone, iPad, keys..." I was rushing through Rachel's house trying to pick up all my stuff for work, and luckily, all my gadgets were always with me, so I didn't have to face Lucas before today.
I have spent a few days at Rachel's, doing my best to come up with the good story for everyone at work, and how to face my parents. Then it dawned on me that Lucas must have had his own scenario that he had told everyone, as to why he never got married. On top of it all, my parents were furious, disappointed and baffled by my behavior which I got to realize once I had called them to let them know I was back in LA. It's an understatement to say that they wished I was not really their daughter. I have made such a mess out of my life in just a couple of days, and it'll take forever to fix it.
"I'm leaving Rach, I got the keys so I'll see you tonight," I yelled and Rachel just answered with OK, being too busy with sorting out the attic.
A deep breath in and a calming one out. I can totally do it. I'm an adult, taking full responsibility for my reckless behavior and I need to act like it. All these random thoughts came to my mind while I was driving to work. How to act around Lucas? What to tell him? What would our first encounter even look like? Is Jared going to marry that Italian girl? Are they having twins? What should I have for breakfast? Ooh, coffee, I need to pull over.
Wow, slow down Nicole. One messed up situation at a time.
Stepping inside the company, I was faced with seriously awkward looks and I could have felt and even hear the gossip roaming around, the minute after they had said, "Hello" to me. I have never felt like I was under the spotlight, until now. The worst feeling ever. The eyes full of judgement, mockery, pity and of course those Did she really think she could lock Jared Leto down, looks. Horrible.
No matter how piercing the looks of other colleagues were, I had yet to face the most horrifying one. As I stepped outside the elevator and headed down to my office, the well familiar figure appeared in front of me. Lucas, coming out of the CEO's office and heading to his own. He didn't even see me, which was quite a relief. I had yet to prepare for what to tell him, without crumbling down or bursting into tears. But just as a wave of relief washed over me, Lucas suddenly turned around to go another direction, and that’s when I thought my heart was gonna escape from my chest.
The time had suddenly stopped, and those 5 seconds somehow felt like an eternity. He was shocked, I didn’t know what to say, and the amount of negative energy spreading through the hallway was ridiculous. If only I could have had those couple of minutes, I had planned to take before facing him, I could’ve think of something better to say, but instead I just stood there. Silent. Numb. With no words to utter. My lips moved, but I literally couldn’t speak. Lucas also seemed rather confused and at one moment, he probably wanted to say something but he kept silent as well. He just walked by me, lowered his head, while I whispered, “Hi...” which he probably failed to hear.
Watching him leave, felt so devastating, but I knew I deserved an even worse treatment than simple ignoring. I sighed, and turned away to walk into my office. I had barely closed the door, when tears started running down my face. At the moment, I didn’t even know why I was crying. I didn’t feel sad, but rather mad at myself. I guess all of this was too much, and the emotions were overwhelming me. Suddenly my phone rang. Jared. He’s tried to reach me for the past few days and I haven’t answered a single call, but now I needed to lash out on someone, so I picked up.
“Stop calling me! I never want to speak to you, or see you, ever again in my life! Just leave me alone! I curse the day we met! Leave me the fuck alone!”, I yelled and then hung up, throwing the phone on the sofa. I put the rest of my stuff on my desk, and sat in my chair to see myself in the mirror, and fix the mess I had probably made with crying.
The phone rang again, but I couldn’t care less about it. I decided not to answer, no matter who called me. My life needed to come back to normal, and talking to Jared would do just the opposite. Then my office phone rang, and it was Maya. I completely forgot to check in with her, and let her know I was back.
“Is that how you treat your best friend?” Maya asked obviously irritated.
“Hey... umm... I’m so sorry I forgot to call you. Things were such a mess, I...”
“Don’t give me that crap; we’ve been through thick and thin, and you don’t even notify me that all hell broke loose. I’m seriously disappointed,” she interrupted me and upset me even more.
“Look Maya, this isn’t about you, OK? My life is so screwed up now, and I’m sorry I forgot to make you one of the leading actresses in my own circus,” I was so pissed off I was afraid we might say things we didn’t really mean.
“That’s not what I meant. I just wish you would’ve remembered to include me in your life. I wanted to be there for you,” she tried to justify herself.
“Fine,” I said through a sigh, “Wanna have lunch today? I’m at work again, so we could meet around 1.”
“Absolutely. See you at our restaurant at 1. Love you.”
“Love you too, weirdo,” I said and chuckled.
I started to work, so I could distract myself as much as possible and it was working. Before I knew it, it was noon and when I looked at my phone, I saw a missed call and a message from Maya. She said that she had completely forgotten about an appointment that was scheduled at one, and that she won’t be able to have lunch, but if I was in the mood for dinner, that’d be great. I agreed and decided to go to Rachel’s for lunch. I called and told her I’d be dropping by and I’m bringing pasta. Our favorite.
Taking my purse and the blazer, I walked out of the office, hoping I won’t run into Lucas again. Luck was finally on my side, and there were very few people in the entire company that I ran into on my way out. I drove to pick up the food, and headed to Rachel’s place.
“Hey, the food is warm and hopefully as delicious as I remember it,” I said loudly as I walked inside the house, tossing the keys on a nearby table and turning my head to the left to see if Rachel was in the kitchen.
Instead, I was welcomed with the most unbelievable sight.
“Hi, beautiful,” the minute I had seen his face and heard that sultry voice, my knees went weak and I dropped the food, feeling as if my chest is about to explode.
Jared was standing in the middle of the kitchen, with the smile that could translate as I’m so happy to see you, and I hope you’ll give me a chance to explain myself. My head started spinning, my pulse raised and I felt a rush of anger emerging from inside me.
“What are you doing here?” I asked with despise, squinting my eyes at him.
“You weren’t returning my calls, and I needed to see you. Nicole I...”, Jared walked towards me, but I lifted my hand signaling him to stop.
“Don’t you get it? When a girl doesn’t answer your calls, she doesn’t want to hear you. Let alone see your jerk face,” I was dead serious, and cold, even though on the inside I wanted to explode.
“But you have to listen to me. I’m completely innocent,” he tried to make me listen to him, but I felt betrayed, and I only wanted him out of there.
“No, I don’t. I don’t have to do anything for you,” I turned away from him, intending to run away from the house, but Jared chased me and grabbed my upper arm to stop me from leaving.
“You’re not going anywhere,” in one swift move, Jared rotated me towards him, so our faces were an inch apart. I could feel his warm breath on my face, as his eyes darkened and all I could see in them was lust mixed with anger. We were both breathing rapidly, and that damn attraction worked like a magnet again.
My mind was so mixed up at the moment, I could barely think about anything. I haven’t felt those strong gorgeous hands on my body in a few days, and it felt like an eternity. My heart and my mind were at such a conflict that it almost made me insane. I didn’t want to let him explain anything, because I didn’t want to hear any more lies, or deceptions. He was a celebrity for Christ’s sake. Who was I to think someone like him would actually want to have something serious with a plain mortal as myself. But then again, if he didn’t care, why would he have come all the way to Rachel’s, and call me nonstop, and try so hard to justify his actions.
“Let go of me,” I barely managed to whisper inconvincibly, never breaking eye contact. My heart was pounding uncontrollably, knees trembling and all I wanted was to be as far away from Jared, because I could never trust myself around him.
“No,” Jared groaned dead serious, raising his eyebrows, which made me shiver a little. His eyes darkened and I was afraid he might become violent. Come to think of it, how well did I really know him? All we shared were hours of mind-blowing sex and a few days together where we didn’t have much of a chance to get to know each other better. He might as well have been a psychopath, or a maniac, or God only knows what.
“Jared... I...” without letting me finish the sentence, Jared brushed his lips over mine and ran his fingers through my hair, pulling me closer to him like he was afraid I’ll never be in his embrace again. He held me tight, close to his body and I could feel how much he needed me, right there and then. It wasn’t just lust. It was more than that.
Ripping myself out of his arms, I pushed him away and faced another side, placing my hands on my lips and closing my eyes for a moment. I missed his kiss so much. Even though my heart has brought me nothing but misery, I decided to listen to it once more, and give Jared a chance to tell what he wanted.
“Fine,” I said through a sigh, “I’ll let you tell me everything.”
“Thank you, baby,” Jared smiled and exhaled in relief, approaching me.
“But you’re leaving after that. No matter what you tell me, we’re over.” I said and his jaw dropped. He definitely didn’t expect me to react that way, but I needed to get away from him. “You deserve a chance to explain everything, but that’s all you’re getting out of me.”
Chapter 17 
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Hope you enjoyed it.
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@wolfgirl1074 @nikkitasevoli @iraniq @elliegrace139 @iridescxntsolitude @lanfear619 @msroxyblog @sookieblack12 @prettypinkbabyunicorn @aliencataf 
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sadrien · 7 years
prince of cats
chapter two: this holy shrine
on ao3 || on ffnet�� 1
i was gonna say something but im in like a really really bad mood right now so i hope you enjoy the chapter
Marinette hesitates for longer than usual at her apartment door. There’s no way her neighbor will be out and about at this time today, she’s never run into him before yesterday. Maybe he just had an errand to run or something. She shouldn’t be nervous about the slim chance of seeing someone she’s exchanged not even half a conversation with.
At least, that’s what she keeps telling herself.
The reality of the situation is that she fell asleep on the couch in the middle of designing an evening dress and had dreamt about his eyes. His eyes! God it’s like she’s a teenager again.
Just as she’d predicted, she doesn’t run into her neighbor. She’s strangely disappointed. Not that she had been looking forward to see him, she just—
Okay. Yes, she’d been looking forward to at least catching another glimpse of him. She kind of wants to hear his voice again, maybe hear him laugh?
For some reason, she thinks it would sound like springtime—
Marinette shakes away those wistful thoughts as she exits the building and makes her way to work. She focuses on the evening gown she started designing the day before and makes a point not to use any green. But she can’t help but think that it would look really nice with green accessories.
Why is she like this?
If any of her coworkers notice that she’s a little off, no one says anything. They probably don’t, they’re all drowning in anxiety as they rush to finish this line, but Marinette can’t help but worry a little whenever she catches herself staring off into the distance thinking about his smile.
Eventually, she gives in and pulls out her phone, texting Alya quickly. She should’ve told Alya yesterday at lunch. It probably would’ve turned out better.
From: fashion goddess To: the Most Beautiful      Sos      I need help
From: the Most Beautiful To: fashion goddess      babe arent u in work???      but as always im here to help and fix everything
From: fashion goddess To: the Most Beautiful      Theres a guy and hes cute
From: the Most Beautiful To: fashion goddess      idk what i was expecting but it wasnt that
Marinette resists the urge to bang her head against her worktable. She just needs one rant to Alya and hopefully all this will be over. She’ll get over this tiny infatuation and move on with her life. And stop thinking about his gorgeous green eyes and how he’d stared at her when— 
Her phone vibrates with a new message and breaks her out of her daydream.
From: the Most Beautiful To: fashion goddess      k so theres a guy      how can i help
From: fashion goddess To: the Most Beautiful      Good question      I jsut?? Cant stop thinking about him????
From: the Most Beautiful To: fashion goddess      oh wow      how come ive never heard about this guy??
From: fashion goddess To: the Most Beautiful      Um…      I met him yesterday???
From: the Most Beautiful To: fashion goddess      girl
From: fashion goddess To: the Most Beautiful      I know I know!!!      We ran into each other      Literally      And he was tall and blond and pretty and was wearing this gorgeous black trenchcoat but thats off topic and he had this cat that for some reason was all sparkly??? And his eyes were nice and I dont even know his name and Im going to stop talking and just send this message so you can judge me
Marinette puts her phone down and focuses on her job for a few minutes. Alya will still be there when this hem is done. She’s surprised to find herself in the zone and is even to ignore a few vibrations from her phone as she stitches. But it’s not meant to last, because as soon as she finishes the hem, she’s reaching to reply.
From: the Most Beautiful To: fashion goddess      oh girl      uve got it bad      for a complete stranger!!!!!      im not gonna judge i find random people hot all the time but im not usually this…….fixated on them
From: fashion goddess To: the Most Beautiful      Just do it al      Call me creepy
From: the Most Beautiful To: fashion goddess      ur a beautiful tropical fish mari      u poetic and noble land mermaid      ur not creepy ur in love
From: fashion goddess To: the Most Beautiful      You cant be in love with someone you just met Alya!!!!!!!!
From: the Most Beautiful To: fashion goddess      tell that to cinderella!!!!!!!!!!!!
From: fashion goddess To: the Most Beautiful      Plot twist this is real life al not an animated disney movie      I cant fall in love with someone I met ONCE
From: the Most Beautiful To: fashion goddess      not with that attitude
From: fashion goddess To: the Most Beautiful      Oh my god      Look I dont even know his name
From: the Most Beautiful To: fashion goddess      so we make up a name!!      lets see………      ive got it      chat noir      ur prince is named chat noir
From: fashion goddess To: the Most Beautiful      Excuse me
From: the Most Beautiful To: fashion goddess      he has a cat      he wore black      chat noir
From: fashion goddess To: the Most Beautiful      Youre truly the voice of our generation
From: the Most Beautiful To: fashion goddess      ;*      k i have to get back to work and i kno u do too (smh using me to procrastinate how dare u (ilysm)) but ill call u later      u me and nino can freak out about cute boys      k??
From: fashion goddess To: the Most Beautiful      Sounds great      Thanks <3
From: the Most Beautiful To: fashion goddess      of course darling!!      have fun with ur fashion ill hear u yell later
Marinette puts her phone away. She can last until tonight. Right?
Thank god it’s Friday.
✦ ✦ ✦
By the time her lunch break comes around, Marinette has been productive enough that she could’ve stayed home and the results would’ve been the same. She shouldn’t be letting something so trivial get in the way of her actual paying job, but apparently she has no control over her own thoughts.  
Marinette seriously debates taking the rest of the day off (because that’s really what she’s come to) but acknowledges that, no, that’s a bad idea. She’s an adult with deadlines and will get over it and be productive for the rest of the day.
She does go home for lunch, though. She has leftover takeout in her fridge and an episode of a random TV show to finish. She had stopped paying attention at some point to focus on her designs, but she had been weirdly invested in the over dramatic characters and cliche plotline.
Marinette is digging through her bag looking for her keys when she hears the door next to her unlocking. She freezes, eyes wide, as the door swings open.
Her neighbor hums to himself as he closes and locks the door behind him. He doesn’t even notice she’s there until he turns around and they make eye contact and Marinette goes redder than last winter’s avant garde piece.
“H-hi,” she stutters, clutching her keys tightly in her hand. She can feel the ridges of the key biting into her palm.
He blinks a few times before turning pink. “Oh my god,” he whispers, “you’re the one I completely knocked over and then ran away from yesterday.”
Marinette laughs awkwardly. “Yeah, that was… That was me.”
He rubs the back of his neck. “I-I am so sorry. I really, I just— I had to go grab Plagg before he vanished on me and I wasn’t thinking and then when I got back you were gone and—”
“It’s fine!” Marinette interrupts. At least she’s not the only mess in this hallway. “Plagg?”
“My cat,” he answers.
She raises an eyebrow. “The…sparkly one?”  
“Um…” He sighs. “Okay, so I might’ve used a bath bomb and I might’ve forgotten to rinse out the bathtub and Plagg might have gotten into it and might’ve rolled around in the glitter.” He looks away. “So my black cat might’ve been gold.”
Marinette covers her mouth with her hand to stifle a laugh.
“He’s fine!” her neighbor insists. “He got a bath and is hopefully completely glitter free now and also that glitter is made of seaweed so… He’s fine. Sorry for knocking you over.”
“No harm done,” Marinette promises.
His eyes go wide. “I just realized, I’ve been rambling on about my cat and you don’t even know my name.” He holds his hand out to her. “I’m Adrien. I’ve lived in the building for a few months I just…never got around to introducing myself to anyone.”  
Marinette smiles and shakes his hand. At least she can tell Alya they don’t have to call him Chat Noir. “Marinette. It’s nice to meet you. And your cat.”
“Nice to meet you too.” Adrien lets go of her hand and she mourns the loss of contact. Pathetic. “I have to run to the store, but maybe I’ll see you around later?”
Marinette nods. “Y-yeah, definitely.”
He shoots her a dazzling smile that melts her heart. “See you then.”
She stares at him until he disappears into the stairwell and continues to stare until the echoes of his footsteps fade. The she opens her apartment door and nearly collapses inside.
She’s going to be lucky if she makes it back to work in time.
✦ ✦ ✦
“Alright,” Alya says, pouring herself a glass of wine. “I’ve filled Nino in on the little situation and we are ready to yell about our tall, blond, and handsome Chat Noir.”
“You better be pouring me some of that,” Nino says from offscreen.
Marinette resizes her Skype window as Alya scoots over so Nino can sit next to her. Alya hands Nino the wineglass. “Here you go, babe.”
Nino takes it. “Are you not going to need another glass?”
Alya picks up the bottle. “Nothing wrong with drinking straight from the bottle.”
Nino shakes his head. “Anyway, tell us everything, Mari. I want to know it all.”
Marinette pulls her legs up onto the couch and crosses them. “Well…there was actually a development.”
Alya and Nino exchange a look.
“Tell me everything,” Alya says.
“Right, so remember when my neighbor moved out a few months ago?” Marinette asks.
They both nod.
Nino shudders. “Thank god too, I hated that dude. He was a massive dick.”
“Okay, well, then that new neighbor moved in and I never had time to meet them?” They nod again. Marinette takes a deep breath. “I just met him.”
Nino groans and Alya buries her face in her hands.
“He’s your fucking neighbor?” Nino asks. “That’s just—”
“You could’ve been gawking him for months!” Alya interrupts throwing her arms out.
“I just—”
“Wait, how have you never run into him before?” Nino asks. “Does he never leave the house?”
Marinette shrugs. “We must have very different schedules.”
Alya sighs. “And this isn’t fanfiction. People don’t just knock on their neighbor’s door asking for a cup of sugar.”
“His name is Adrien and his smile is like the sun,” Marinette waxes, sinking back into the couch. “He likes bath bombs and has a black cat named Plagg and when he blushes he turns the most perfect shade of pink.” She tenses. “I mean—” She glances to her laptop to see Alya and Nino watching her with fond smiles and soft eyes. Marinette looks away, feeling her cheeks grow hot. “Shut up,” she mumbles.
“It’s cute,” Nino promises.
“It is,” Alya agrees. “We haven’t seen you like this in years, Mari. It’s adorable. You’re adorable.”
Nino hums in agreement. “Though it sucks that we can’t keep calling him Chat Noir. I like the nickname.”
Alya scoffs. “Who said I was going to stop calling him Chat Noir? But…” She pulls out her phone. “With a real name, I can stalk him on social media.”
“Please don’t,” Marinette begs.
“Please do,” Nino counters, leaning closer to Alya to see the screen of her phone.
“Hey! I want to see if this dude is as hot as you say he is.”
Marinette raises an eyebrow. “I’m sorry, are you doubting my judgement?”
Nino shakes his head. “Never. But if he is that hot, I still want to see him.” “I know you have a girlfriend, but I’ve still got dibs.”
“I’d leave Alya if he were hot enough.”
Alya grabs a pillow and smacks Nino in the face with it without even looking away from her phone screen.
Nino laughs and shoves the pillow away. “I love you, Al, I swear.”
“Mhm.” Alya frowns at her phone. “Okay, Mari, just ‘Adrien’ isn’t enough for me to find him—”
“Shocking,” Marinette murmurs.
“Shush I’m doing you a favor. With any luck he’ll be tweeting about how drop dead gorgeous his neighbor is or something. But anyway, I need you to get me some details. A last name would be preferable. But even like a place of work or a school would work.”
“Creepy,” Nino says before taking a long drink of his wine.
“And yet you date me anyway,” Alya muses. She looks up and stares Marinette down. “Last name, Marinette. Got that?”
Marinette nods. She’s going to have to find some non creepy way to do this, isn’t she? “Got it.”
✦ ✦ ✦
Marinette doesn’t wake up until ten in the morning, but she still wakes up exhausted. She stayed up far too late talking to Nino and Alya, Alya still trying to find some trace of Adrien on the internet as Nino and Marinette talked about anything and nothing at all. It’s been a few weeks since the three of them just talked like that, their lives are a hectic disaster, and Marinette’s missed it. They’ve been best friends for years and she definitely misses seeing them every single day at school.
She sings softly to herself as she wanders around the apartment, opening windows to let air in. It’s a surprisingly warm day for late fall, and she’s embracing every minute of warmth that she can.
Today’s a lazy day. She’s decided.
She’s meeting up with Nino and Alya later tonight for dinner and a movie at their apartment, but until then she can just lounge around in her pajamas and watch bad reality TV. Honestly, she’ll probably show up to their place in pajamas too. Not that they can judge, Marinette knows for a fact that Nino doesn’t change out of his sweats if he has a day off.
Marinette stops in her tracks when she reenters her bedroom. She blinks a few times, just to make sure she’s seeing right.
On her window sill naps a black cat, glittering slightly golden in the morning sun.
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ggirlnextdoorr · 7 years
Story time. 😏
I have a super personal story/vent thing I really need to share- really need to make it public so I'm not just holding it in and only telling people close to me especially bc I'm at the age now to where nothing can be done to what's happened and what I'm talking about and only venting to my closest friends and boyfriend just isn't enough bc I feel like I'm not heard and that how I'm feeling about all of this is just sad bullshit that I got through bc that's how others treat it but it doesn't mean that it doesn't hurt me still.
k here I go
At the end of March, 2015, I met this boy. I immediately thought it was "love at first site" and he was a bad boy. He was highly experienced with drugs and girls, he was popular in high school, he was in trouble with the law, he smoked meth. I don't know why I was attracted to him, and idk how I let him manipulate me into "loving" him, but at the time he was my world. My life revolved around him. And when I brought him home, my mom had a friend over that he met at this guys house named Troy. Her friend was named Danny. He was smoking with my mom. Smoking something I was familiar with because of the time I spent with Adam. And int he middle of the night after I passed out, I woke up to Adam, Danny, and my mother all smoking crack. And I was heartbroken in that moment but hid how I felt bc I wanted to be with Adam. After that night it started to be a daily thing. And about a month later, Danng was out of the picture, Adam lived with me and brought a bunch of his people in the picture. Everything seemed good- aside from seeing my mother clean for 8 hours straight, use the 3ft bong to take shard dabs with my boyfriend, and I had a cool room and friends. Eventually things started going downhill when my mom started beating me during disagreements. And as time passed, we had to move or wed be evicted, our luck that section 8 pulled through right in time tho. We got a nice big 2 bed apartment and I finally had my own room. And within the time it took to get my room together, I was being cheated on, and had to deal with my methhead mother. I attended at the high school near where I lived and I gained 3 kitties. During the time I went to school, there was one day that I decided to come home during my off and get my charger and a few other belongings, and I texted that to my mom before I showed up and all I got was threats if I ditched school. She didn't understand or comprehend that leaving school during an off period isn't ditching. So I get home and I go in my room gather up my shit and she barges in, yelling at me, getting up in my face with her pupils the size of the moon, grabbing me, pinching me, and cussing me out. A couple mins go by I get her to stop and I go to leave and she pushes me down right when I open my door, kicks me, grabs my window fan out of my window, throw it at me, spits on me, while still cussing at me and calling me names, saying I'm worthless, wish I wasn't born, saying I'm nothing but scum, a failure child, and most of all, a whore. I never got why she called me a whore, I was in a relationship. A very long relationship I was loyal to. And after spitting on me, she slammed my foot in the door and breaking the Christmas lights I hung up and bought myself in the process. That was the day that I realized I had lost my mother to what they call Crystal Methamphetimines. She told me that if I leave my stuff will be outside and the door would be locked when I got back. So I stayed home and didn't go back to school. About a month or two later, its Thanksgiving month. My mom brought it two homeless men that seemed okay. I was wrong. One stole my moms pills and shot up heroin. The other smoked meth and popped pills. I had to deal with constant fighting, constant drug deals, and constant "where's my" fill in the blank.
whhen I got tired of dealing with all of it, I told my mom that either I leave or they do. I was surprised when she made them leave. But it wasn't long til she brought someone worse. His name was neiko, he was a pyscho crazy and dangerous person with a 16 and pregnant girl he called his wife. I'm not going in deep in this one- lets just say the fights were 20 times worse, super violent, and devil like. That was when I stopped feeling safe in my own home and ran away for a day. Took me 2 months to have the guts to leave. When I came home my mom realized they needed to go. And so they left, Neiko didn't stop coming around every now and then after 4 months though. Finally its just me, my mom, and the friends I had made that came over a couple days a week. Things were steady, going good, I actually believed my mom was clean until I searched her room when she went to a doctors appointment- and suddenly she brought home three people. EVEN MORE DANGEROUS, AND VIOLENT, AND SCARY than Neiko and his lady. The best part of them being there though was I was blessed with a puppy that helped me through a lot of it and kept me going. But each day went by and it just got worse, October 2016, we got evicted for "drug trafficking and drug use" and we lost section 8 for having people stay with us. That was when I had lost all hope and expected nothing but the worst. I had 4 cats, a puppy, and a bunch of belongings but no where to go. We were able to put things in storage, and I was able to stay with friends on and off and my mom was in tents and abandoned vans. In February 2017, my mom had finally cleaned up her act a bit, she got a place and I moved back in April 2017. Things were great. My mom was actually clean and my mother again. But just a month later things were back to its old ways but my mom was safer about what happened, no more people staying, no more troubles, no more drug trafficking just her doing drugs.everything was swell until we had to leave because of my dog, Stella. It took a month to find a new apartment and we moved in and things were wonderful. Occasional arguments because its a mother and daughter thing sometkmes. But now its worse. My mom tells me things I could have never imagined a mother being able to tell a daughter. She told me she doesn't love me anymore, that she hates me. And so much more worse things that before that I'm not even stating it. What really ticked me was tonight, my mother arguing with me over nothing, and causing problems from 11pm go 330am know that I work at 1130am. I kept quiet most of the time but when I stuck up for myself I was "disrespecting" her and she said I don't have a right to talk to her like that and that I don't have a right or authority to matter or speak. I don't have a right to tell her she interrupted me when I was talking. According to her I'm lower than her bc she is the parent. I feel so terrible because I didn't do anything wrong but stick up for myself. I was taught in school that every human has the same rights. But in her presence I don't even have the freedom of speech.
anyways where I was going with this was that my mom tells me to this day we were evicted because of me, that for what she's done with cleaning up her act before had made up for her wrongs and has made her deserve respect. I seem to lack respecting a woman that put me through hell on purpose. A woman that beat me til I wasn't able to take it anymore, a woman that put me in life threatening situations and a woman who put me on the streets and on my own to fend for myself at age 16. I get that I have responsibilities, I get that I was old enough to do some things on my own but what I had to go through wasn't something I should've gone through. The most upsetting part is that I can't even fix my connection with her bc she refuses to be a good parent, she refuses to care about me and refuses to remember what she put me through, as if I mean nothing. And to this day all I can think about is the day that I brought Adam around and Danny came into the picture and the fact that for 2 years I could've done something and got myself out of that situation, but what I went through has made me who I am today and hopefully by the time I'm an adult on my own I will be better. I just wish this didn't all hurt so much because I put the blame of everything on myself.
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xfirespritex · 7 years
Falling For the Perfect 10, Chapter 2
Chapter 1 can be found here: http://xfirespritex.tumblr.com/post/158091354468/falling-for-the-perfect-10-chapter-1
This is my first time posting fanficiton to Tumblr. And it’s my first time writing a story with Tye Dillinger. I don’t like to point the finger but since it was the writing of @wwesmutdonedirtcheap and @hiitsmecharlie that inspired me to work on the fanfiction in my brain, I’ll blame them.
If you want to find some incredible stories, check their pages.
Story Summary: Told from the point of view of an original female character we follow the ups and downs of dating, and falling in love with, Tye Dillinger. Pairing: Tye Dillinger X OFC Chapter Summary:What happens immediately after the party ends. Note: No warnings for this chapter. Sexual tension, innuendo and other such things can be found but at this time, this chapter could be considered safe for work.
Please let me know if you like the start of this story and I will happily post more!
Thank you to everyone who commented and liked the last chapter. Hopefully you enjoy chapter 2!
Chapter 2: A Proper Goodnight
It was an half an hour later and I’d just gotten all the makeup off my face, my eyes red from the tears that had fallen, when my phone rang and vibrated, buzzing on the bathroom counter next to me.
Tye’s picture appeared on my screen and I picked up my phone, accepting the call.
“Tye?” I said, feeling shaky as I leaned against the counter.
“I’m sorry we got interrupted,” he said.
“Me too,” I breathed, feeling relieved. He had wanted the kiss too.
“Is it…is it inappropriate if I come over? I just dropped the last of my group off.”
I paused, biting my lip before looking in the mirror at myself. The makeup was gone but the dress, the dress that had apparently given Tye the signal he needed to tell me how he felt, was still on and my hair still looked good despite the dancing that we’d done. I nodded to myself before speaking.
“Yeah, come over.”
“Be there in ten.”
He was there in five.
The light knock on my door nearly made me jump out of my skin as I’d been pacing right in front of it. I looked through the peep hole and saw Tye’s face.
I unlocked the door quickly and stepped aside as I pulled it open. Tye came in and I closed the door behind him and locked it before turning to face him.
“Fuck it,” he mumbled as he took a few steps towards me, capturing my face between his hands and bringing my face up to his as he kissed me hard, pressing me into my front door.
I groaned into the kiss, immediately wrapping my arms around him and kissing back, not taking long to allow his tongue entry into my mouth which brought a particularly embarrassing sound from the back of my throat.
His hands slid from my face down to my hips and I thought I could feel them shaking slightly as he moved. Without breaking the kiss I dug my fingers into his hair and pulled him closer, needing to feel more of him as I lifted one leg to wrap around him. He groaned at the movement and moved from kissing my mouth to my cheek, dragging his lips down my neck and resting on my collar bone. I whimpered, feeling my body react at hyper speed to his touch.
“Tye,” I whimpered as he nipped at my left collarbone before switching to my right. He mumbled into my skin and I laughed, delirious with the sensations of what was happening. He kissed back up to my lips and captured them, biting on my lower lip teasingly.
I nibbled back moving my own lips over to his ear and biting lightly there, enjoying the shiver it sent through him. His lips found my neck and I couldn’t help but whimper again, my voice cracking as I spoke.
“Tye, we don’t need to make out against the wall,” I said, laughing slightly.
He bit my collarbone lightly before pulling back to look at me, resting his forehead on mine. “I’m afraid that if I move away I’ll wake up and it will be another dream,” he said, his voice a combination of excitement, desire and a bit of fear.
“You said earlier I’m not dreaming so I don’t think you are either,” I said, my hands resting on his shoulders.
He nodded and stepped back from me, taking my hands in his. We walked over to my couch and sat down beside each other. The mood had changed. The electricity, the tension, was still there but we both knew we had to talk a little first, before anything got out of hand.
He kept my hands in his and I settled myself closer to him on the couch than I normally would have. Not in his lap but close enough that I could be there if I so chose.
“So,” he said, his eyes on my hands. “This is the part where we have the awkward conversation of what each of us want out of this while trying to keep our hormones in check.”
I laughed lightly and nodded. “Yep, probably best to get that handled and under control before the hormones take over.”
Tye dramatically threw his head back as if in pain and grunted. He stayed like that for a moment and I bit my lip, fear wrapping around me. What if we didn’t want the same things?
The thought hadn’t occurred to me, I’d been too caught up in the feeling of Tye.
Now, what if he wanted the opposite? Something casual? I didn’t do casual.
Tye lifted his head to face me again and I saw concern there too.
“Is it a dick move if I say ladies first?” Tye said, a small, self-deprecating grin on his face.  “I’m not sure what to say here,” he admitted.
I sighed, my fears taking a hold on me. If he wanted me to go first it meant he was gaging what I wanted and would counter with how much he was willing to give me, so he could take what he wanted and go after.
I pulled my hands from his and I saw his eyes widen but I folded them into my lap and focused on them, afraid to look him in the eye. “I…I don’t do casual things Tye. If I did I’m sure my life in NXT would’ve been easier but I just don’t. If you want something like that, a physical thing only…I need you to leave now. Because as much as I want you right now, want that right now, I’d hate myself tomorrow.”
I finished my ramble and looked away from him, practically turning my head around completely so I could look at the opposite wall to the windows, grateful that the curtains were closed over them. This was private.
“Oh thank God,” Tye said, breathing out in a huff, a small laugh escaping him.
“What?” I said turning to him.
“I’ve done the casual thing. It’s fun for a while but, I mean, I’m not getting younger.”
I stared at him and the look on my face must have been funny because he smiled widely before reaching out to cup my cheek with his hand.
“If I’d wanted casual I could go with any fangirl, I could find women trying to break into the business and take advantage of that. I don’t want that. I don’t want someone I see only on weekends or random nights when we both need to get off. I want someone I can be with. Spend my days off with, someone I can call mine. If that’s what you mean you want when you say you don’t want casual I think we’ll be fine,” he said, his smiling widening slightly, hopefully.
I felt something snap inside me, all the emotions I’d kept inside bursting free.
I wasn’t a hookup. I was something…someone that Tye wanted.
“You sure that you want all that with me?” I asked, trying to clarify, trying to be sure before I lost what little control left in me.
“I’ve wanted you since you got here. Since Becky introduced us. I didn’t want to scare you off at the start, didn’t want you to think I was trying to take advantage. Why do you think I always found dumb reasons to be around you? Why I always invited you for to hang out with whoever I was with? I wanted to see you, I just needed an excuse.”
“Really?” I asked.
“Do you know how many nights I’d dream about you? How I’d wake up miserable that you weren’t actually there? Do you know what it’s like to talk to Becky like a lovesick schoolboy about how much I want you? Do you know what it’s like to be so aware of someone you can’t move for a second when you see them?”
I could feel my eyes watering and I wiped at them hastily. “I almost fell on the leg raise bar today when you walked in,” I admitted, laughing slightly. “Last week I nearly fell off the treadmill when you walked in and winked at me as you passed. You’re dangerous to work out around.”
Tye laughed. “Sounds like when I nearly dropped the weight on Garagano’s foot a few months ago.”
I laughed and leaned forward, into him, resting my head on his chest. He sighed and wrapped his arms around me protectively. He toed his shoes off and leaned back on the arm of my couch, pulling me down on top of him so I was laying across him. I kicked my heeled shoes up so they wouldn’t tear the fabric of the couch and looked at him, my chin resting on his chest.
“See, this is all I wanted, for months,” he said quietly, brushing hair from my eyes.
I smiled, my heart close to bursting open. “Me too,” I said.
“I mean,” Tye said, smirking slightly. “Making out and everything else is amazing, better than I pictured, but if I get to hold you like this I’m okay with that too. I’m not going to push.”
“Aw damn,” I said, smirking up at him. “Here I was hoping you’d push.”
Tye’s demeanor changed immediately. His eyes, already dark brown and gorgeous, somehow got darker. I felt my skin begin to tingle at the look he gave me.
“Wait, are you being serious?” he asked, his hands on my back tightening slightly.
I shrugged one shoulder and looked up at him. “We’re adults Tye, I’m happy to wait but just as happy to not wait as long as I know you’ll be here tomorrow.”
He shifted his arms and pulled me up closer to him so our faces were lined up. “I’m not going anywhere,” he said, his voice low and full of promise.
I smiled at him, feeling my heart beat faster. “Then…would you mind staying here? Holding me tonight so I wake up and see you here?”
He smiled and brushed his lips over mine.
“I will do anything you want. I’ve waited months to just have you in my arms, I can wait for the rest.”
I breathed a sigh of relief I hadn’t been aware I was holding. As much as I wanted Tye I had to be sure this wasn’t some quick thing. I believed his words but I had to see his actions first.
He smiled up at me and ran a hand through my hair, marveling at it for a moment.
“What?” I asked.
He chuckled lightly. “Never thought I’d fall for a red head,” he said, smiling at me. I smiled back, sitting up on top of him a little so that I was unintentionally straddling him before I slid off the couch and stood, reaching my hand out to him.
“Yeah? I never thought I’d fall for a guy who called himself a perfect 10.”
Tye laughed and put his hand in my, standing next to me.
“Do you want anything? I asked, motioning to the kitchen.
Tye shrugged. “Water would be good,” he said, smiling at me. I nodded and went to the fridge, grabbing each of us a water bottle before walking back to him.
“You’ve never been in my place, have you? Beyond the front door, I mean?”
Tye nodded. “Yeah, never saw beyond this area,” he said motioning to the living room and small eat in kitchen, the island counter and stools serving as the eating area.
I smiled. “Time for the not-so-grand grand tour,” I said leading down the hallway. I pointed out the bathroom and my tiny spare room where I had bookshelves, a desk, my computer closed on top of the desk and my yoga mat laid out nearby before walking to my bedroom door and opening it.
Tye looked down at me and smiled before stepping in to the room ahead of me, taking in my room layout. It was simple, a basic dresser, a chair in the corner, a queen bed and two nightstands. Nothing special except for the pictures on the wall which Tye went to look at. I set my water on my nightstand and turned to watch him as he gazed at each photo.
“I remember this,” he said, pointing to one. I walked over and looked at the one he’d pointed out. Me, Becky, Bayley, Aaron and Tye were lined up at a table in NXT catering, me in my official NXT track suit while the others wore their own comfortable workout clothes.
“That was during my first week there,” I said, smiling. “I thought the tracksuits were a requirement,” I admitted, laughing to myself.
Tye smiled at the photo, wrapping an arm around me. “That was the day I met you,” he said. I smiled up at him.
“Yeah, I guess it was,” I said, my eyes going to the photo.
“It’s been nearly a year,” he said.
“You’re right…” I realized, in awe of how quickly that time had gone. Tye leaned down and pressed a kiss to my forehead. I turned back to him and saw some of the heat back in his eyes.
“So, we should probably get some rest, I’m sorry you don’t have anything of your own here…” I said, awkwardly.
Tye laughed. “I thought I did have something of mine here,” he said, putting his forehead to mine and stealing a quick kiss.
I smiled, a thrill shooting through me. “I could get used to that idea,” I said as he scooped me up in his arms and walked me over to my bed, gently setting me down on the mattress.
I laughed and looked up at him, his eyes on mine as he kneeled before me, our eyes nearly level given his height and my lack of height. “Don’t your feet hurt in those things?” Tye asked, motioning to my heels.
I shrugged. “They’re not so bad, I’m kind of used to them now,” I said, going to unbuckle the ankle strap on one. Tye turned his attention to the other ankle strap and undid it for me and I felt a shiver go up my body at his touch on my leg. He smirked up at me and I threw him what I hoped was an “oh please” kind of look. Putting my heels aside I stood, stepping around Tye as he stood up, and went to my dresser, grabbing a hair clip off of it and putting my hair up, turning to see the zipper of the dress in the mirror.
Tye walked over to stand behind me and his hands rested on my shoulder and the zip of the dress. “Need help with that? I’ll never understand how you women dress yourselves in these things,” he said, trying to laugh off the deep sound of his voice. I shivered and nodded silently at him.
He tugged the zipper down to the small of my back and I heard him breathe in slightly when he realized I had no bra on underneath, the built in bustier of the dress having been enough for the night. I reached behind myself carefully and undid the clasp that connected the choker part of the dress and held the top half close to my body.
Tye turned his back to me, sensing my thoughts and he walked over to look at the pictures again. I smiled to myself and carefully stepped out of the borrowed dress before opening my drawers and finding a t-shirt and a pair of shorts to sleep in. I smiled when I found the shirt I wanted and tugged it on before the shorts. With the dress draped over my left arm I walked over and placed a hand on Tye’s shoulder.
He turned slowly and looked down at me, a laughing coming to his lips.
I had one of his shirts on, the Perfect 10 symbol splayed across my chest.
“Well I’m not gonna complain at your choice of pajamas,” he said, laughing.
“What about you? Do you want sweat pants? I tend to buy guys ones cause they have pockets, don’t know if they’d fit but…” I trailed off awkwardly. Tye shrugged.
“If you don’t mind I usually just sleep in my boxers.”
I swallowed in what I hoped wasn’t an obvious way and nodded up at him. “However you’re comfortable,” I said smiling up at him. I went on my toes and kissed his cheek really quick before going over to my closet and pulling out an empty hanger, putting Liv’s dress on it carefully and hanging it inside before shutting the door. When I turned back Tye was undoing the belt of his pants and, trying to give him the same respect he gave me, I turned and went to my dresser, keeping my eyes on the wood as I took my earrings out and placed them in my jewelry box.
Tye smiled and came behind me, his shirt gone too now he stood in only his boxers and I nearly groaned at the sight in my mirror. He smiled and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me into him, the heat of his body radiating through my t-shirt and to my skin. I let out a small whimper.
I could feel the laugh in his chest. “What?” he asked. “I wrestle in less than this,” he said smiling at me via the mirror.
“Yes, but I don’t get to be wrapped in your arms when you’re dressed like that,” I said.
“True,” he agreed. I turned in his arms and kissed him, reveling in the feeling of his lips on mine. There was still desire in the kiss but it wasn’t as desperate as before, there was a steadiness there, like now that we’d talked a bit everything wasn’t his last chance to do it.
I pulled back from the kiss and walked over to the bed, climbing in on my side. Tye smiled and walked around the bed, to the other side and slid in, his water and phone already set there like it was their usual spot. I turned on my side to look at him and he did the same.
“So, what do you want for breakfast?” I asked.
Tye smirked at me, sliding closer and stealing a kiss. “You,” he said smiling.
I laughed. “No seriously, what’s your favorite breakfast?” I asked.
Tye shrugged. “French toast is always a winner,” he said.
“Ohhh,” I agreed, thinking of my favorite meal. “We’d have to work out a lot tomorrow afternoon to get those calories off,” I said.
Tye draped an arm over me and pulled me to him so that I was nestled in the crook of his arm. “French toast with you in the morning is worth any amount of time on a treadmill or on a machine.”
I smiled against his chest and threw an arm over his stomach. We laid there silently for a while before I felt him shift. “You okay?” I asked.
“Yeah, I’m just in a little bit of shock,” he said.
“Because tomorrow morning will be the first time in years I don’t wake up alone, and it’s the first time in nearly a year that the thought hasn’t killed me a little on the inside. Never thought you’d be interested,” he said.
“Right, because the hot veteran in the ring has to worry about getting the attention of women whereas me, the awkward rookie has to just try and keep up.”
“No one’s on your level and you know it,” Tye admonished softly. “You did the indie thing for a few years, you’re one of the few girls willing to go off the ropes and the only one I know willing to take the big bumps you took in the indies. No one did that, except maybe Becky years ago.”
I shrugged. “Just didn’t think Tye Dillinger needed a girl when he could get a woman.”
“Speaking as Tye Dillinger I can assure you, the rest were girls and you’re the only woman I needed.”
I picked my head up in the dark of my room and leaned up to kiss him. He’d anticipated it and met me halfway there, kissing me back, slowly. Both of us were tired and overwhelmed from the night. The kiss ended slowly and when we pulled apart I could hear the exhaustion in his voice.
“Goodnight Shanna,” he said.
“Goodnight Tye,” I replied.
We were asleep moments later.
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benadrul · 7 years
VictuuriWeek Day 5: Domesticity (Family)
Title: Family, Hopefully
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Summary: Yuri is momentarily staying with Viktor and Yuuri. The couple decides to invite Yuri's friend over, hoping it will make him feel more at home.
Warnings: Yuri swears
AO3 Link
“Let’s see… We have meats, cheese, vegetables… I could grill anything up for you. Do you like omelets?” Yuuri asked, peering into their refrigerator. It was chockfull, so Yuri must have been able to think of something he wanted to eat, right?
Being the obstinate teen he was, the young Russian leaned further into the couch and scoffed, not bothering to look behind him. “Just get me instant ramen. I’m used to it.”
Yuuri scowled, unable to help the spark of parental concern flaring in his chest. Not that he was the expert on healthy eating, but Yuri’s comment made him worry, so he grabbed some vegetables from the fridge. “I’ll be making you a quick stir-fry; how does that sound?”
Though he groaned first, Yuri shrugged. Yuuri took that as a “fine.”
The boy had been staying with him and Viktor for a few days now. His grandfather needed to fly to Croatia to meet with his sister and discuss the will of her husband who recently passed away, and Yuri, barely knowing them, did not need to be a part of that visit. Viktor was the one who made the suggestion to Yuri’s grandfather, and the man happily accepted his offer, much to Yuri’s aggravation.
During the first day, Yuri was stubborn and pissy, groaning when he saw that the two older men already had an extra room saved “just for him,” as Viktor said. Yuuri worked on warming the frosty teenager up, though, and it surprisingly worked a little—maybe just because of how intensely Yuuri’s parental instincts had kicked in, seeing how messy and careless the boy was. He’d had some experience with “child-rearing” in rooming with Phichit, to put it frankly, so Yuri’s habits simply sparked old instincts in him to help out.
By now, Yuuri knew not to take the kid’s ungrateful whining to heart, or let it bother him. He was going to make sure Yuri got a healthy diet if it killed him. And if Yuri ever truly made him upset, well, Viktor would no doubt take care of it.
So, he focused on preparing the meal, unaware of Viktor coming into the living room-kitchen area, stretching the sleep out of his muscles. Habitually, he made his way to Yuuri and wrapped his arms around his unsuspecting fiancé’s midsection, catching the younger man mid-stir and causing him to jolt slightly.
“V-Viktor! Don’t surprise me like that when I’m cooking, please.”
Said man only answered by mumbling into Yuuri’s neck, sluggish and adoring. Yuuri sighed in exasperation—his fiancé would never give him a moment of peace, he knew it—before giggling suddenly when Viktor blew on his neck, where he was ticklish.
“Vi-Viktor, st-stop it!” he exclaimed between laughs, trying to dislodge the clingy man.
“Can you two go be gross somewhere else, please? I’m so sick of this!” Yuri groaned from the couch, rolling his eyes and gagging dramatically. He’d put on such a performance in front of them before. Viktor sighed, while Yuuri kept his expression neutral.
“Why do you need to be so mean, Yurio…” Viktor mumbled, long and drawn out, causing Yuri’s face to redden in anger.
“And why do you always need to be so fucking gross?”
“Alright, alright, enough you two…” Yuuri decided to end it there before it got any worse, as he usually was forced to do. As much as he loved his boys, they could get ridiculous when fighting.
Yuri grunted in annoyance, turning back to the television, and Viktor sighed happily into Yuuri’s shoulder.
After he finished cooking, Yuuri dislodged his fiancé and took the dish to Yuri, making sure he ate every last bite. The boy grumbled throughout, but Yuuri assumed that he felt loved deep down, as he didn’t actively refuse the food. When he finished, he made to give the plate back to Yuuri but was stopped by a hand.
“Now, go do the dishes that are left to be done.”
“What? You don’t get to tell me what to do, katsudon!” Yuri growled out.
Knowing that he’d gotten the teen to do quite a few chores during his stay here, Yuuri persisted in a no-nonsense tone, “Actually, I do get to tell you what to do right now. Go ahead, I know you can handle washing a few dishes. Don’t you want the place to look it’s best for when your friend gets here tonight?”
Wide-eyed, Yuri stared for a few seconds before huffing and heading to the sink. Yuuri was glad that worked, because he wasn’t sure what he would’ve done had Yuri kept being stubborn.
Luckily for him, Otabek Altin was coming over to visit; he was temporarily in Russia and accepted their invitation to spend a dinner and night. Yuuri and Viktor wouldn’t offer many skaters to spend a whole night, but Otabek was Yuri’s friend—one of his only friends, from what Yuuri could tell—and the couple hoped that having him here would help relax the teenager. He’d been wound tight these past few days, likely due to living in close proximity with Viktor.
So, Yuri tidied up, and Yuuri occasionally helped him despite his earlier fervor in getting the teen to do it by himself. He just couldn’t help it when Yuri kept huffing and puffing at him, as if Yuuri had ruined his life by making him clean a plate. Though as Yuuri made dinner he still forced the younger to help him. He needed to learn responsibility some way.
Yet again, as Yuuri was cooking, Viktor snuck up behind him to cling. Only this time, Yuri was even closer to see it.
“Ugh, quit groping each other and be useful!” Yuri immediately grouched, taking his anger out on the onions before him by chopping them up rapidly. Yuuri blinked blankly, and Viktor merely continued to nuzzle into Yuuri’s neck, unbothered.
“…Babe, how about you set the table for us? When Otabek gets here he’ll want to eat, I think,” Yuuri finally answered, gently detaching Viktor’s arms from him and giving him a parting, chaste kiss. Viktor nodded and got to work, seemingly satisfied. Yuri rolled his eyes but quieted.
Otabek arrived as soon as Yuuri finished placing the main dish on the table, much to everyone’s relief. Yuri was the one who greeted him first, of course, the friends exchanging short hugs before Yuuri and Viktor welcomed the visitor fully in. Otabek answered their greetings with a nod, removing his shoes and offering a short compliment about the state of the apartment. He was quiet as always, but Yuuri sensed that he was truly happy to be here and thanked him delightfully before having everyone take their seats at the dinner table, one on each side.
“…This fish is good,” surprisingly, Otabek was the first one to speak once they had started eating, though Yuuri figured he wanted to be polite. He smiled at the compliment, about to thank him, but Yuri answered first while looking down at his plate, busy cutting the fish into pieces.
“I helped cook it.”
“You’re such a good helper, kotyonok,” Viktor reacted first, smirking around his fork, and Yuuri sighed. Here they went.
“Don’t call me that, old man,” Yuri snarked, glaring daggers at the man across the table. Otabek and Yuuri glanced at each other, resigned to their fates.
“But it’s the truth, and I’m sure your friend would be proud of you. See, Otabek, Yurio even helped clean today! I guess he was excited for you to visit,” Viktor now faced Otabek, grinning like a pleased Cheshire cat.
“Stop patronizing me and stop fucking telling him that!” Yuri now shouted, raising in his seat with a blazingly red face. Yuuri sighed again, holding his hand out to keep him at bay.
“Now, calm down—“
“Don’t tell me to calm down, pig!”
The dinner continued in the same manner, and though Yuuri was used to it, he was worried that Otabek might be too taken aback. However, the boy didn’t seem concerned, merely watching the proceedings while eating as if it were a show—and, it sort of was, Yuuri had to admit. Viktor knew exactly how to push Yuri’s buttons, and the outcome usually proved to be hilarious.
After dinner they decided to pop in a movie, Yuuri forcing Viktor and Yuri to sit as far away from each other as possible to prevent any angry outbursts which would steal everyone’s attention. Yuri grumbled, pulling Otabek with him to take the other end of the couch, Otabek and Yuuri thus sitting in the middle with Viktor and Yuri on the ends.
“If you idiots start making out right next to us at any point, I’m going to my room and locking myself in,” Yuri muttered solemnly right as the movie started, causing Yuuri to blush profusely and Viktor to cough around a laugh. Hearing “my room,” though, caused both adults to secretly smile to each other afterwards.
Just because of Yuri’s comment, Yuuri made sure to not let Viktor near his lips throughout the whole movie, no matter how much the Russian man groped and pouted.
By the time the movie ended, it was rather late, so Viktor showed Otabek to the futon where he would be sleeping, pulled out from a couch Yuri’s room—or the guest room, though it seemed everyone had finally stopped with that pretense. Yuuri made to get up from the couch as well, but realized Yuri was staring at him as if he had something to say, and faltered.
“…Um, thanks for letting my friend come over, katsudon,” the teen mumbled, acting as if it was painful for the words to come out of his mouth. For all Yuuri knew, it was.
It was cute, though. Yuuri smiled, facing him and resisting the urge to pinch his cheek. “Of course. Viktor and I both wanted you to be more comfortable here and thought that having a friend here would help. Viktor teases you a lot, I know, but he means well, and he cares. Otabek can fit into our little family just fine—we have plenty of room.” It was true; Yuuri felt as if he were Yuri’s father these past few days, giving him chores and looking out for his wellbeing. He didn’t hate the idea, especially knowing that Viktor also held parental affection for the boy. They weren’t conventional, but they were still a family of some sort, Yuuri felt.
As expected, Yuri sputtered and blushed, glaring back at him. “What do you mean, family? You’re crazy…” He tried to sound angry, but couldn’t quite make it, something hopeful in his eyes. Yuuri took it as the boy accepting them, and grinned happily, unable to help himself from reaching over and pulling Yuri into a tight hug, much to the boy’s shock.
“Aw, I’m so happy… You can stay with us any time, even after this, you know that, right? We want to look out for you.”
“…I-I know, katsudon. Now get off me.”
Yuuri obeyed, but not before ruffling the teen’s hair. Yuri acted as if he didn’t appreciate it, but Yuuri knew otherwise—the delight at being a part of something so precious still shone in his eyes.
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scorpioism03 · 3 years
The Boy Who Cried Mother
There’s a town not too far away from here where an old man sits out and soaks his melanin skin in the loving energy of the sunlight. The people of the town have always known this man as “The Oracle'' because he always has a story to tell. Everyday the man sat in his favorite sunbathing spot and waited on an intrigued soul to come listen to his story of the day. This day was different though. He sat in his spot and this story of a spoiled young boy with no understanding of the real world struck his mind. He sat and waited for his daily listeners to arrive while gathering his thoughts on just how he would detail this tragic story. He never felt so urged to tell a story before and was hoping to get a few younger listeners. About an hour later the first of his crowd began to roll in and just like he was hoping, they were young. He greeted them all with open arms saying,”Welcome welcome….Gather around you lost souls and hear the story of the boy who cried mother,” and the oracle’s story begins.
“Jeremy come down stairs sweetheart. Breakfast is ready.” That’s Kim. She’s my mother. She does everything I ask her to without me having to ask twice. She cooks, cleans, and all that other motherly stuff. All I have to do is go to school and go hang with my friends. Half the time I don’t even tell her where I am going. I just go and hope she doesn’t question me later. She knows I hate that. We live in this nice 3 story house where I basically have an entire floor to myself. “Jeremy come on down before the food gets cold honey.” “Alright Kim here I come jeez,” I replied smartly. I hate when she wakes me up early and then tries to rush me getting up. She knows I’m not a morning person. Especially when she’s practically sitting at my door yelling for me to get up. Gosh her voice can be really annoying in the morning.
I finally get downstairs and all I see is rice and pancakes. “You really woke me up and rushed me downstairs for this? A couple of dry pancakes and cold rice. You had one job Kim. One job.” She never does enough. I swear it can be so annoying at times, but I have to love her right? “Well son had you been down here when I woke you the first time they wouldn’t be so dry and the rice would not be cold either. You knew you had to be up this morning anyway. Today’s the day you said you’d go job hunting. You’re 19 years old and act like you are five. I can’t keep doing this by myself Jeremy!” This infuriated me. “Who do I look like to you? I never agreed to finding any type of work. If you didn’t want to do this by yourself then you shouldn’t have put dad out. You shouldn't have decided to be the family outcast. This is your fault.” After saying all of that I just leave. I didn’t want to see her face at the moment.
“She says I need to go job hunting, tuh, who does she think I am.” I find myself walking around the neighborhood just until I feel comfortable with being in that house again. She knows I’m not getting a job. She does just fine taking care of everything. If she wants help that bad she can go find her a man to help her. I’ve walked the block for a while now and I think it's time I head home. When I get there she’s gone. She works at the hospital and normally leaves around this time so I wasn’t surprised. Whenever she leaves I always order food because lord knows I can’t cook. She never takes the time out to teach me little things like that. Not that I would pay attention anyway.
“Mr. Oracle sir, I thought this was about a boy who cries. Why hasn’t he cried mother yet?” a young child interrupts. The oracle politely responds saying, “Good things come to those who are patient. So you’ll just have to wait and see. Now where was I? Ah, Jeremy wakes up the next morning….”
I woke up the next morning to find my so-called mother still gone. She never came home. “I guess she worked a double shift.” She should be home later. A normal young adult would probably have friends over and throw a party but not me. I dropped out my freshman year and never turned back. The teachers hated me, the administration loved sending me home, and the other students just couldn’t relate to me so I was the pick on me kid by default. I never did anything bad to those people. Majority of the time I just kept to myself and always ended up in some type of drama. I got tired of hearing Kim constantly nagging and always on my case, so I just dropped out. That shut her right up!
The first thing I proceeded to attempt was cooking a meal. I nearly burnt the house down in the process so I ended up ordering in. I had to go to the store and I don’t have a license or car so I had to walk. Everything was just horrible the entire day. You best believe Kim is going to hear my mouth when she gets home. It does me no good that I look like I’m fifteen, so everywhere I go someone asks me for some type of ID. I get back home after this day of hell and Kim is still not home. “Did she forget she has a child she is responsible for or does she just not care about that anymore either?!” I’m definitely having a talk with her when she gets home. Who does she think she is?
I spent the entire day sitting in this huge house all alone wondering why Kim, MY MOTHER, has not returned yet. Then she walked in. Right through the front door as if she hadn’t been missing for an entire thirty six hours. “And where have you been?” She looks at me and gives me no response. She just keeps walking looking all crazy as if she’s just escaped some type of asylum. I go and physically stop her and question her again in a more stern way. “Woman, I know you hear me speaking to you! I said where have you been?!” She still sends no answer my way. She just looks at me, moves me out of her way, and enters her room locking the door behind her. I’ve never seen her act like this. If this is her lame attempt at the silent treatment then she needs to grow up because it's childish. I’m so frustrated I just go to sleep. Hopefully she will be in her right state of mind in the morning.
“WAKE UP!” It’s five o’clock in the morning so I know whoever this is has to be out of their mind. “GET UP RIGHT NOW JEREMY I”M TIRED OF YOUR CRAP!” Of course it’s Kim. I guess she’s still in her mood and it is extremely annoying this morning. “I’ve been so nice and understanding with you knowing how you feel about everything with your father and I but now it’s time to grow up and get past all that. Yes things happen and I’m doing all I can to be the best mother I can to you and all you do is disrespect me and treat me as if I am worthless to you. I constantly battle and argue with you about everything and you hardly take a little bit of time out of your day to do the little things I ask of you. Everything in this house including the house itself is here because of ME! So if you can’t get with the program you’re going to have to leave. I gave you the food out of mouth and the clothes off my back and you have brought nothing to the table. You need to be gone by tomorrow. See how long you last by yourself.”
“You know what Kim, I'll do you one better. I’ll be gone tonight. I’m not coming back either. Don’t call, text, or even think about me. I hate you! It feels so good to finally say that.” I was gone in ten minutes. I had no idea where I was going, no idea about what I needed to do to survive on my own. I felt stranded. As if I was a fish out of water. I’ve been kicked out for less than an hour and I already feel myself giving up.
“So does he do it Mr. Oracle? Does he go home crying to his mother?” “Not quite yet my child. He still has an important lesson to learn.”
I find myself running home the next morning. The night I just went through was absolutely horrible. I couldn’t sleep well and to make matters worse I had to fight for my sleeping box. Yes, I slept in a box for the night. I’ve never not depended on my mother and now I know just how much I really need her. I get to my home and see a police car there and out of complete confusion I walk up to it and question why they are here. “Hello officer. What seems to be the problem here?” He looked at me for a moment as if he was trying to gather his thoughts to tell me something big. It even looked like he had been crying before I arrived. Some cop he is.
“Are you Jeremy Frankincense?” He should know who I am. He’s at my house after all! “Yes that’s me. What’s going on?” He was taking too long. He needs to just spit it out already. “I regret having to inform you that your mother Kim Frankincense has passed away. She was in an accident on the way to work and was left in critical condition. She didn’t make it through the night. Again I’m so sorry to have to inform you of this.” I was in shock. He couldn’t be talking about my Kim. There’s just no way she died before I could apologize.
I ran in the house hoping that he didn’t know what he was talking about, but it was obvious that he did already. The car wasn’t even outside. I can’t do anything but cry. I’ve treated my mother so horribly all these years and she did nothing but spoil and adore me. Anything and everything that I wanted or wanted to do, she made sure it happened. Now I’m sitting here crying thinking about all the times I used to cry and she’d be there to make things better. Did I ever admit it to her? No, but she knew. She had to have known all along that I loved her. She had to. “I just can’t believe the last thing I said to her was I hate you. I said it and felt perfectly fine after.” Now I’m sick to my stomach wishing I could take it all back. I hope she knows I didn’t mean it. I’d give whatever to make sure she knew….I really lost my one and only mother. “I don’t know what I’m doing. I can't do this by myself….How will I do this by myself?!”
“And he sat in that house in pain for the next three days. He had no basic understanding of life. He had no friends or family to call on. He was stuck and the only person that ever had his back, his mother, has passed away,” the oracle said to his listeners. Most of them at this point are in tears because of how powerful of an impact that story had on them. “Now for all of you young ones here today, let this story be your warning. If you know you are being like Jeremy in any way at home stop it. Stop right now. You need your parents. You may feel like they irritate you at times but I bet you do the same to them. They aren’t trying to hurt you. They are trying to raise you to the best of their abilities. So I advise you all, especially you young adults and teenagers, to respect your parents. They are the only ones that truly look out for you one hundred percent of the time. Learn from Jeremy’s mistakes. Life is going to take on a rollercoaster of ups and downs and your parents will be there by your side to help you through it all if you respect them and let them in. I hope this has opened your eyes and you all know where to find me tomorrow for my next story about this here thing we call life.”
0 notes
elle-stevens · 5 years
The Break Up Blog - Day Thirty Four
Good news: my sinus weren’t nearly so bad this morning. 
I still had a lot of phlegm lodged in my throat, but it wasn’t too bad all round. I hope this means I’m slowly recovering from whatever weird sinus issues I’ve been having for two weeks. The day isn’t over yet (touch wood), so hopefully I can sleep well tonight without sneezing my brains out. 
My day was pretty chilled. I ate leftover pizza for breakfast, cracked open my new flat iron and tested it on my hair, then I met up with AS and we went to a foot spa to have a nice foot soak in lavender water and then we got our feet scrubbed, our nails trimmed and some lovely massages on our legs and even our shoulders. It was a pity that C couldn’t make it because she was feeling tired and stressed because of her assignments; I hope she was able to get some good rest all the same. AS and I had a good time together learning about each other’s families and talking about work. 
AS expressed a hope that we’ll be able to work together again next year. I didn’t have the heart to tell her outright that I’ll be leaving school when my contract ends. I figure it’s best to only tell people at work after N has an official conversation about it with me sometime in the near future. I feel like some of my colleagues will be disappointed and sad that I won’t be staying and I do feel bad about it. But at the end of the day, I’ve got to make up my own mind and go my own way. As close as I am to C, I couldn’t even see myself staying at our current school for her either. Although that’s moot now thanks to ML finding a way to get rid of C. 
I got home after 15:00 and made a meager tuna salad for lunch before making some lamb and pumpkin stew with rice for dinner. I turned on my VPN and got mounds of messages from G telling me that my mom is up to her old shenanigans. She told me last night that my mom is getting ultra-emotional about my dad and saying things like he neglects her and she wants to divorce him, yada yada. This isn’t news to me, so I didn’t take it too much to heart. But today, G told me that my mom picked a fight with P till the point that he walked away and locked himself in his room so she wouldn’t engage with him. Of course, that led my mom to threaten to call the police on P just because she was denied a good old verbal sparring match. 
Every time I hear about my mom acting out, I feel like I’m 13 years old again and trapped at home, caught between my mom’s religious mania and and quite frankly, her fucked up childhood issues, that have gone unresolved for decades. Sometimes it felt like I would never get out of that hell-hole called my family home and be happy. So it breaks my heart when I get news from home about my mom verbally abusing my dad or my siblings. It’s good that G has her own apartment and my dad is also not living at home anymore. 
G is over at my mom’s place helping P pack up his things; he’s going to move in with her. He’s been planning to do it for months anyway, especially in light of Katie’s passing earlier this year. But my mom’s petty behaviour was the final straw. P had fucking cancer 4 years ago! If that doesn’t stop you from being a complete dipshit and caring for people in your life more, then I honestly don’t know what will. I feel like my trip home in a few months is going to be the opposite of fun with all this stupid family drama, but I’m gonna try not to stress about it and let the chips fall where they may. My mom is gonna have to do something about her whacky ass, I have enough problems of my own. 
I’m watching ‘Peter Seller’s The Party’ while eating and downloading more ‘Cinderella Chef’ episodes onto my hard drive. ‘The Party’ is one of the silliest movies I’ve ever watched in the history of funny movies with lots of physical comedy. 
God, I miss seeing physical comedy in funny movies...
But yeah, I don’t want to engage in anything remotely serious today. I even skipped going into over the weekend to grade my first round of assessments. It was a pretty small test, so it won’t take me long to grade my students’ papers. I’ll do it sometime during this week, I’m not fussed. I’m gonna give my students one class of free time where they can have some snacks and watch a movie before moving onto the next chapter in the textbook. Besides, there will be a few school events that will interrupt my regular lessons anyway, so I might as well make this week a little more relaxed. My mantra for this semester is by Big Sean: ‘I don’t give a fuck, I don’t give a fuck, I don’t give a fuck!’. 
I totally forgot to order more drinking water for my apartment, so I need to run downstairs to the water store and do it now. Then I’ll come back up and maybe re-do my hair; it’s getting fluffy again from the heat. This is turning into a 6-month summer period in Wuxi. When will it be time for me to go all ‘Game of Thrones’ and say ‘winter is coming’? If it doesn’t get too late, I want to paint more of Katie’s portrait. I never seem to get any time during the week because I’m busy exercising or doing work-related stuff. Maybe I should just take the portrait to a cafe or park next weekend and do it there for a few hours without any interruptions. 
All these different things happening at work and with my family inevitably make me think of how shitty X is. G said it perfectly earlier when she texted: ‘Why do we always have be the grown-ups?’ She’s right, it feels like that a lot sometimes. Like I’m babysitting everyone around me and I’m the only adult for miles. It just goes to show that adults have it figured out far less than children do. I thought that was the whole point of why children go to school: so adults can teach them how to be responsible and well-adjusted adults. 
Hearing about my mom’s shenanigans today also got me thinking about the similarities between her and X. My mom came from a broken home and my grandfather was an alcoholic; X’s father was never in the picture and her mom’s been working abroad in Hong Kong since she was a toddler with infrequent visits home in-between. Both my mom and X have gone through some truly fucked up experiences in their childhood and teens. They both have a deep craving for more love and attention that other people simply aren’t equipped to give them. They both think that their tragic back-stories gives them the right to play the victim and exploit whoever is in their path to get their way. 
Sometimes, I feel like I’m a magnet for self-destructive, egotistical and callous people who don’t care about who they step on so long as they keep on taking steps forward. It makes me feel cynical and depressed sometimes thinking that the modern, existential world we live in is essentially a breeding ground for barrels of human waste being churned out in exorbitant amounts. 
Haha, that was pretty grim, right? 
Anyway, that was today. As they say in Afrikaans, ‘more is nog ‘n dag’, which means, ‘Tomorrow is another day’. 
All I can do is keep stepping and check that there aren’t any faces getting squashed underneath my shoes. 
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