#toddler ellis
bluerosefox · 11 months
Of Tiny Tots, Mistaken Identities, and Reunions
Seventeen year old Damian Wayne is dragged to a business deal outside of Gotham (along with his father and Drake), mostly to keep up appearances that the family does work outside of Gotham, networking, and because Damian does need to learn the ropes of the company, he decides to head outside the meeting with the Manson family to get a breather (mainly cause the Manson's were annoying him fully, it was like they were trying to suck up towards Damian and trying to push their daughter on him but at the same time he caught them almost insulting and hostile towards him before they would stop and correct themselves) when out of the blue a three year old toddler with black hair comes running over with a cheerful "Daddy!" and latches onto his leg.
Damian is stunned in place but feels frozen when he hears a voice, older and almost identical to his own but he can detect a familiarity in it, a voice he only hears in his dreams nowadays say.
"Ellie, no! That's not me Starlight! I'm so sorry dude-"
When Damian turned his head towards the voice he's meet with an near identical face, granted there were some minor differences, but very, very familiar pair of striking blue eyes staring at him. Eyes that were somehow full of life, which shouldn't be possible because the last time he saw those eyes they had been dim and milked over years ago. The speaker had become startled at the his sudden turn and the words that he had been saying had quickly died out when he too took in Damian's features.
"D...Damian?..." the name came out so soft and small that Damian almost didn't hear it but he did.
And before Damian could stop himself, he spoke a name he hadn't dared utter in years.
His twin looked like he had just seen a ghost, and Damian was sure he looked the same. And given the last time they had last saw each other it was no wonder they both looked like death warmed over them for a moment.
After all... Damian had failed to protect his brother, Danyal al Ghul all those years ago on a botched mission.
His bother who... wasn't dead.
His brother who was looking like he wanted to run but was keeping himself rooted in his spot.
His brother whose eyes were glancing downwards and seemed so nervous.
His brother who knew the little girl, Ellie, still hugging his legs.
His brother who had... responded and corrected her mix up when she had called Damian 'Daddy.'
And oh, she's looking up at him and making grabby hands wanting to be picked up and she has Danyal's eyes and his nose and-
Oh... Damian.... Damian's an uncle it seems.
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goddessofbees · 10 days
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Each of the siblings having to incubate their sibs/now children, I wanted to draw a what if with each of the Dannies. Kinda like bad Fenton parents and the end result is that the other two end up in their cores and need to be incubated and are now being raised by the parent/incubator, in this scenario Jazz also doesn't make it out alive.
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Dan (24) with Babies Danny and Dani (7m)
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Dani (19) with toddlers Dan and Danny (2)
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Danny (21) with toddler Dan (2) and baby Dani (4m)
Edit: here's a post explaining the jewelry
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puppetmaster13u · 1 year
Another de-aged Danny au, but he's with Dan & Ellie & Jazz as well.
Jason has like just arrived back to Gotham, caused chaos in the underbelly due to well, 8 heads in a duffle bag, and is just starting his takeover of Crime Alley. It's going good, great even! And then he busts some sort of gang or smuggling ring run by people in white suits and there's... holy shit why do these four toddlers have Lazarus eyes?!
Is that a lab?! And Lazarus waters?! Jason might be a bit mad but he's not an asshole, he's not going to just leave these kids here to the streets. He can't just take them to the Batclan either, and as much as he begrudgingly trusts Talia, he sure as fuck doesn't trust Ras. Who knows what he'd do to four... what are they, pit-kids?
Now he's juggling his whole revenge-thing, running a criminal empire, taking over Gotham's underbelly, and being a single dad. At least the goonion seems to be down for helping, seeing as he's making Crime Alley safer...? .... Fuck he needs some proper sleep
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ghostbsuter · 1 year
This is the fourth time damian brought the college student over.
Damian, despite being 14, has been accepted to a gifted school as he had already been taught in the most subjects one usually learns at a slower pace.
(He still gets a headache over the fact his son won't get a normal childhood.)
Which is how he befriended the 17 year old Daniel, an overworked and sleepdeprived college student, getting dragged along and following with no complaint.
Bruce is, even if he wanted damian to befriend someone more around his own age, very welcoming of the student.
Alfred made sure the boy took enough food with him home, always leaving the mansion at point 4 pm.
It really shouldn't have been surprising when Bruce Wayne, yes, THE Brucie Wayne, summoned him to his office.
Danny entered the room fidgeting, giving a nervous smile to the man behind the desk and questioning what he did wrong to offend the patriarch of the family.
(Lies and slander, we, the readers, are fully aware that Alfred is the patriarch.)
"Uh— hi, Mr. Wayne." He sat when gestured to the chair, shitting bricks with how nervous he's.
The man nods in greeting, smiling. "Hello Danny–"
"Please don't kill me!" The teen in question blurts out, flushing in embarrassment once registered.
Taken aback and startled, Bruce snorts, stifling laughter by putting a hand against his mouth.
"I don't know what I did! Very sorry if I offended someone!" He rambles, panicking and waving his hands around.
"I must have done something! Why else would you call me? Oh god– I'm gonna be murdered by THE Brucie Wayne!"
At this point, the rich guy in front of him is barely restraining himself from laughing, trying his best to stay professional.
"Danny–! I- I won't murder you." He reassured, eyes crinkling from smiling.
"But–" he sniffs, both embarrassed and teary.
"I'm not gonna— danny." Bruce sighs, which sounds a lot like a choke, really. "Look, I just wanted a 1-on-1 talk with you about your friendship with damian and some concerns."
"Yes, oh."
Danny sighs in relief at this. "I can do some good old interrogation–" "it's not an interrogation–" "totally interrogation."
He huffs lightly, getting comfortable in his chair and preparing himself mentally.
"Alright Mr. Wayne! Shoot me!"
(Was that a pun? A joke to murder? Really?)
The man clears his throat, straightens his back and looks serious as he was before the accusations of murder.
"What are your intentions with damian and why become friends in the first place?"
Blinking, the teen brightens. "Oh, that's easy! Damian needs a friend. We just kinda clicked after I scared away a few pesky bullies."
Then he shrugs. "Besides, it's great training."
"Training?" Bruce asks, curious, tone light in the way that shows he's very interested.
"Yes. Despite his badly hidden murderous tendencies, love for knives, and slight lack of slang language and knowledge, he's still a kid." He nods.
"A young teen that goes through teen stuff that I barely remember going through and now get to relearn will be handy once Ellie becomes a teenager herself."
Batman was filing the information away, but Bruce kept going.
"Ellie?" He questions.
"My daughter– has damian not mentioned her? We always leave around 4 to get her from my sister. Sometimes, dami stays over for a few hours!"
Ah. Well. Seems like Alfred will have to make more food for the teen now.
"Would you like to stay for dinner today?" He asks, "Bring your daughter too. We won't mind you joining us." smiling and already planning for the new adjustments to make.
"On another note, what are your and your daughters preferences? Any allergies?"
Danny didn't even agree yet, not that he was gonna— mind you.
"No allergies, soft foods only, easy to eat." He answers, listing the stuff from the top of his head.
In a whirlwind of– of planning dinner?? Danny is out of the door and wide eyed.
"What just happened?"
(On the other side, Bruce face-palms, having forgotten to ask what age Ellie is. Damn in Bruce.)
On the fifth visit, Danny stayed for dinner.
Damian must know the age, for there are bowls with freshly cut fruits, yoghurt, and rice mixed with veggies and chicken.
On that note, where is damian?
Dick meets his eyes, asking the same quetsion with a look.
Just as Bruce was gonna ask, the door opened, and the cutest picture to ever exist was created.
(Dick RIPPED his phone out of his pocket, swiping a picture of the scene as fast as possible.)
Steph can't hold back the coos at the sight of Damian walking with a toddler into the dining room, her tiny feet propped up on his and in hand together.
She's wearing a Robin onesie and he is wearing his (stolen) Nightwing hoodie.
"Sorry, hope we aren't late!" Danny waves with a grin from behind the pair.
"You aren't, just perfect, in fact." Bruce reassures, waving the teens over to the free seats.
Damian leads the two to his seat, making sure they're next to him.
The conversation during dinner is one spoken fondly, Cass likes to make Ellie laugh with silly faces, Duke and Steph "secretly" feed her tiny pieces of strawberry and Dick is in a rather passionate discussion with both Tim and Danny.
Damian, once he makes sure no one is watching him, wipes the mess from Ellies face.
(Bruce was watching, looking away once damians face snapped to him. He wasn't aware his youngest had such a soft spot for toddlers.)
(It takes a while, but Danny and Ellie become family like every other person, while having not slept over yet, Alfred already has prepared a room for the two in the Family wing.)
(It's barely a week after that everyone bought and gifted him onesie's of their hero personas, with the excuse of them being the gotham vigilantes when questioned. After all, the Robin can't be a one man team.)
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The Nightwing and his Robin.
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sojutrait · 2 years
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may i present: the garrisons
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justanechoflower · 12 days
Elly snorts, then giggles, and it evolves to laughter.
The flower boy's reaction was way too startling and cute, it caught her off guard. She quickly calms down with a few breaths, grinning widely.
"I'm sorry for laughing- you caught me off guard there." She chuckles, the smile slowly turning bittersweet as she sniffles.
"The band aid isn't the reason I'm like this, Flowz." She says softly. Ah, blissful ignorance. Something she both misses and hates.
"Just.. I had a long day, and I'm worried for a few people. They're having a hard time right now and I really want to help them but there's nothing more I can do than just.. wait." She explains vaguely.
She can't say friends, despite how much she wants to. She's only a voice to them that appears in their head once in a while with shockingly good timing and items that they need. Her mind immediately goes to Sebastian and how he's exhausting himself for pAInter, how pAInter is shut down, how C.A. is experiencing too much, how Trevor didn't deserve what he went through-
She closes her eyes, letting out a breath.
"..And I've been nervous for them. It's not really doing great on me. But hanging out with you? It's.. helping." Her eyes open again, meeting the toddler's gaze. Her eyes immediately turn away, unable to handle the child's inquisitive stare. Now that she's somewhere relatively safe, her emotions finally want to leave her bottle and exit her heart. But she doesn't want to do that in front of Flowey. Not him. Especially when the flower is now a toddler.
She honestly can't tell which is worse. Showing emotion to him being a child mentally or when he's normal. She doesn't know.
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10/10 - Toddler
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nihilismtrcit · 1 year
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neighbor janie isn’t a fan of eden walking the halls in her underwear. “some people have kids and husbands, eden” 
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mariatesstruther · 7 months
hey @clickergossip and @becomethesun im thinking about how my preschoolers had a valentines day dance where we had parents come and dance with us to songs that the kids chose. also thinking about how how toddler sarah and ellie would definitely choose the BEST songs
the other kids are choosing songs like let it go, we dont talk about bruno, and pup pup boogie from paw patrol. meanwhile ellie chooses “we belong together” by mariah and sarah’s chooses “at your best (you are love)” by aaliyah
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I just witnessed someone launch a hate tag against a user who writes Abby and Ellie reader inserts because thematically their works are problematic (infantalism, lack of overt inclusivity). Fucking hell, just block a writer if their works disturb you. But cyberbullying? Grow up. We're all adults. Act like it.
And dear fucking god, learn what zoophilia is before you start wildly accusing someone of writing it.
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thedanishsim · 1 year
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bluerosefox · 6 months
Family Resemblance
I had another 11pm brain worm.
Daniel Wayne, the younger toddler brother of Bruce Wayne and the son of Martha and Thomas Wayne had been kidnapped the night their parents were murdered.
Daniel had been snagged the moment their killer heard people headed to the alley and Bruce in his state of shock didn't realize it until it was far to late and could only scream in horror (from everything) as his baby brother is crying his name. (If you wanna make it even more heart wrenching, make it Danny's first time being able to say Bruce's name right and/or Bruce had said some mean things to Danny earlier after he accidentally broke something of Bruce's, something like 'I wish youd go away' or 'I never wanted a brother, you're such a bother!')
Bruce is being held by Alfred as some police officers are chasing down the Wayne's parents killer while some stay behind to see if they could do something.
Minutes turn to hours and as they wait, praying the police at least found Danny, Bruce is ridden with guilt. From his parents death to allowing his brother to be kidnapped.
Eventually the police return to give Alfred and Bruce the news. And it's not good.
The killer escaped and Danny was nowhere to be found.
And it would take many years before he would be found.
Bruce gets a call from Damian during school hours one day. When he answers he is greeted with Damian demanding him to get to the school and explain himself.
Confused Bruce asks what does he mean and Damian responds with
"The two new students in class today are the spitting images of you and I father! Either they are poorly created clones or you have more hidden blood children!"
Meanwhile the very students being discussed are calling up someone too
"Ellie? Dan? What's wrong? You better not have made too much chaos already, I just paid for the uniforms for that place."
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survivorkidz · 1 year
---Ellie regressor headcannons---
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• When she regrows, she goes to an age between 2-6 years old, but usually at 4
• Every time she goes on patrol, she looks for new toys for her collection
• She feels very small when Joel sings to her, it makes her feel somewhat protected
• It is a bit of a brat when regressed to older ages, likes to play tricks and give scares
• She loves outdoor play, making little angels in the snow, snowball wars, tag, hide and seek, building huts, climbing trees, and much more
• Becomes extremely irritable when sleepy
• Loves dinosaurs, talks all the time in regression about them
• She likes to make faces, she likes it a lot
• She always thinks she's big enough when she's in regression, so she gets hurt sometimes
• Hates to be alone, gets irritated whenever Joel needs to go out on patrol
• Constantly throws tantrums because she doesn't know how to deal with her feelings
• She loves to help in the housework, always helps Joel to wash the dishes or take out the trash
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puppetmaster13u · 10 months
Prompt 105
 A cult summons the ghost king. Except they don’t. Instead they get these tiny white-haired triplets of toddlers blinking at the summoning circle looking confused. 
 They’ve gotten the ghost princes and princess instead. 
 The very young princes and princess who are none too pleased and going to cause problems on purpose for both rogues and heroes alike. As godlings de-aged into their ghost age are like to do. 
 Meanwhile in the Realms, Pariah is staring down at where his trio of ghost toddlers that Clockwork had handed him when he had first woken up and was still groggy just disappeared from. He looks over at Fright Knight, his dearest brother, who looks just as shocked. 
 Clockwork is going to kill them both if they don’t get the kids back now. 
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joeldilfmiller · 2 years
very curious to see how tommy and maria having a kid is going to impact parts of next season. I have so many Thoughts about pt2 tommy and his choices but him having a kid is going to fundamentally change aspects of his character and it’ll be interesting to see what they do with that.
and on a purely selfish level I neeeed to see uncle joel content. we were deprived of grandpa joel and jj content so let me at least have a few scenes of uncle joel.
specifically show me uncle joel taking care of his niece or nephew around ellie. show me him teaching ellie how to hold a newborn. how to get a baby to laugh. to sing lullabies. and let me see all those things echoed later in the way ellie interacts with jj.
so much is said about how joel shaped ellie’s capacity for violence, and how the impact of joel's death sent her down this dark path of revenge and destruction- why don't you show me more reflections of the good things joel left with her. show me that joel's shadow doesn't just loom over ellie in her pain and regrets, but surrounds her in her joy, and her future.
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elflikesfrogs · 10 months
i don't need an alarm i follow my biological clock. when the sun rises, I wake up, and when I begin to see my deep-seated rage emerging, i go to sleep
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justanechoflower · 13 days
She chuckles softly, smiling at the toddler. His worry was genuine. Despite his attitude, he cares.
The action was pretty much useless as she didn't really get hurt. Harm usually did nothing to her as this body wasn't hers. It was artificial yet human all the same. If anything, she was actually at home. Right behind that wall.
But the fact he still tried to help, even when turned into a child..
The notion was heartwarming. This was something she needed, after dealing with all the heartache and hurt back in Pressure. Actually, it was starting to- Ah.
"Aw, thank you for healing me up, Dr. Flowey," She giggles.
Well, even if it wasn't really healing her up physically, it did for her mental faculties. Even more so when all of a sudden, her eyes started stinging for no reason. Tch.
She really needs to adjust the emotion transfer with this body. Too transparent.
The tears never fall, and the smile stays.
(PERSONA LORREEE- only on the body hehe)
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9/10 - Toddler
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