#tony stark lives au
wynnd-citrus · 15 days
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Boy’s night in: cuddles, popcorn, and movies hehe
This drawings actually my Instagram 20k DTIYS celebration, so everyone’s welcome to redraw it and I can share it on my IG story highlights :3
If you guys wanna check out all of the redraws for this DTIYS, go to #WCIDDTIYS20K on IG!! :D
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starker-raving-mads · 7 months
Headcanon that Morgan calls Peter "Papa" because she learned he was her godfather and decided he got a parent-name too.
(And of course she's the one who fully knows Tony and Pete are in love with each other, half calls him Papa because it gives Tony Big Feels™️, and does everything she can to make sure papa and daddy live happily ever after because obviously they're both idiots who won't figure it out on their own.)
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musewrangler · 20 days
For @fandomjumper247 who is craving fics while AO3 is off to war.
It's not very long, my dear, but I also love IronDad and SpiderSon so---
Set shortly after Endgame where Tony does NOT die. Obviously.
"Park your spandex wearing butt right there or so help me, Parker----!"
"Spandex butt," Morgan giggled, and Tony whirled on the five year old.
"Nope, hey. We don't repeat what Dad says when he's upset. You know the rules."
"He's upset all the time," Peter muttered and then quailed under the fierce glare from those brown eyes.
"Morgan!" Tony barked. "Get popsicles!"
"How many?" she asked, tilting her head in an exact imitation of her father. She knew how to negotiate, Peter thought.
"However many you want, Doodlebug. Go."
She trotted out happily as Tony advanced like a predator toward his prey and Peter sank reluctantly onto the sofa.
"What did I say? Hm? What did I say about pursuing this?"
The white scars on the right side of his face were like a lightning spread though the ear had been expertly repaired by the best plastic surgeon in the world. It frankly served to make him look cooler but Peter wasn't telling him that.
"Mr. Stark----" he began.
"Oh HELL no, you did not just 'Mr. Stark' me right now!" Tony snarled at him, poking a finger into his chest. Because he'd designed the suit, he knew exactly where to poke and it immediately retracted, leaving Peter wincing. Tony took this in and drew in a long inhale, like a growing tsunami.
"Friday! How many broken ribs?"
"Invasion of privacy," Peter tried and Tony raised both eyebrows in what Peter privately thought of as his 'Cap' look. It was the one he always gave Steve Rogers when he thought Cap was also pushing too hard.
"No privacy here. My house, my rules. Friday?"
"Seven, Boss."
"SEVEN," Tony repeated, but Peter was feeling it now and the adrenaline of his fight was wearing off. "I swear I am going to let Murdock hear about this," his mentor growled, as Dum-E rolled over with the medkit.
But he was gentle as he pushed Peter back against the cushions and got to work on the abrasions. Peter's spider enhanced healing would serve him well, but it still took time. Tony made him take super strong acetaminophen he'd worked on with Dr. Banner for super hero strength.
"Not much to do about the ribs," he said with real regret. "Which means you have to stay down, kid. Friday, let his Aunt May know, yeah?"
"On it, Boss."
Morgan returned with a very orange mouth and a blue popsicle in process.
"How many---?" Tony began and stopped. "Never mind. What I don't know I can't tell Mom."
"Seven," Morgan informed him helpfully, slurping on the blue one. "You can have some, Pete."
She came to lean over the back of the sofa and pat at his hair gently, already knowing that when he was here like this she had to touch carefully.
"That's okay, Morgs," he said, wincing a little as Tony swiped at the bruises on his face with an antibacterial wipe.
"Sorry," he said, but didn't sound it. It was the thing with Tony though, Peter thought drowsily as Ironman went hunting for the soft blanket, he was all bite even as he did everything possible to make sure the other person was safe and cared for.
Why they loved him after all. Peter and Pepper and Morgan. All of the Avengers.
Tony returned with the velvety soft grey blanket from Peter's room and tucked it around him. It was so warm and delicious.
"Mm, like a happy burrito," Peter slurred sleepily.
He could almost feel Tony's eyeroll.
"Cheeseburger," Morgan corrected. "They're better."
"And that's why your my favorite," Tony said immediately, removing the popsicle stick from her mouth. "All done. Crap, you're going to have such a sugar high."
He lifted his daughter into his arms and seated himself on the fat ottoman beside Peter's head.
"Can we get cheeseburgers?" Morgan asked.
Peter smiled at her.
"It's TWELVE---Nope. ONE FIFTEEN AM," Tony said with force. "And---" he paused.
"I could really put down some cheeseburgers, Mr. Stark," Peter said, the thought of them now making his stomach hurt even more.
There was a long silence.
"Cheeseburgers," Morgan whispered, touching her father's face gently.
Tony closed his eyes briefly and then ducked his head in defeat.
"Yeah okay, you two are awful. Friday, get us some cheeseburgers. Whatever's close and open." He glanced at Peter and pursed his lips in calculation. "Probably twenty."
Peter's mouth curled a little as Friday made the order. If Pepper had been here, no doubt he would be in the Stark's special medical wing of the penthouse they occupied when in the city. And well meaning as she was, Peter preferred Tony's way---the sofa, the blanket and the engineer's hand stroking Peter's curls as they waited for cheeseburgers and Morgan leaned on her father's shoulder, soothing herself by running her finger along one of the scars on his neck from the glove.
"Thanks, Mr. Stark," Peter murmured.
"Yeah, kid," Tony answered. "Still gonna pound Murdock for letting you get involved."
"I woulda anyway," Peter told him. "What we do."
Tony's hand stopped for a moment but then started to run through Peter's hair again.
"Yeah," he agreed quietly as Dum-E trundled in with a large Burger King bag, "it is."
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jackiequick · 4 months
Jennie Rue Woods — Marvel’s Timeless Gal 📝
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Full name: Jennifer Ruth Underwoods
Other Identity: Jeanie Woods
Nicknames: Jen, Jennie, Jeanie, Jean, Ruthy, Rue, JJ, Dollface, Barbie, Quinnie, Fefe
Age: 28–32 (87 years of age)
Birthday: June 30, 1923 (Cancer)
Height: 5’5 (5’7 in heels)
Occupations: Waitress, Coffee Girl, SSR Sectary, Agent, Widow, Mama Bear, Assistant
Alias: Alexa Bowmen, Paige McKenna, Jacquline Stark, London Holloway, Olivia Erhart, Eliza Pearson, Emily King, Barbra James Scott, Ashlee Lance
- Parents, Alexander & Fran Underwood (dead)
- Older Sister, Dolores Marie Underwood (dead to her)
- Sister, Peggy Carter (the big sister she never had)
- Brother Figures, Jack Thompson & Daniel Sousa (her boys)
- Howard & Maria Stark (her found family)
- Anthony Edwards Stark (her nephew #1)
- Rei Stark ( #1 godchild )
- And list goes on!
Relationship status: Single, but has dated and been engaged once
Personality: Jen is a sarcastic goofball with a heart of gold despite all the crap she been through in life. On occasion she is spirited, stubborn and determined. Not just that, she’s quick-witted with a sharp tongue. However she is very kindhearted, a little slow at times but she’ll get there, she can get distracted very easily at times and motherly to those around her.
Due to being on her own for a good part of her life, she ended up being observant and trying to be resourceful. She has a knack for getting information without raising suspicion and being sneaky for the most part.
Evie has a vintage and classy style, often seen in 1940s-inspired dresses, with a touch of modern flair. Her wardrobe reflects her independent spirit and love for classic fashion. Even as she progresses over the decades she stays with a simple yet gentle sense of fashion as a way to blend in with the crowd.
Proficient with weapons, particularly guns.
Basic combat
Previously worked as a nurse during WWII, honing her medical skills.
Quick thinker, adapts well to challenging situations.
Handle a control panel
Design and disguise
Jen grew up in a decent sized house with a Russian father and a Italian-American mother, along with her older sister Dottie. When it came to both children, their parents loved them both the exact same.
However, behind the smiles and glittering eyes on both daughters held an small rivalry that over time.
Dottie was always the one-upper of the pair, acting like she knew more and always one step ahead of everything. Hell, Dottie enjoyed having her nose in her young sister’s business, ignoring her most of the day, parenting her like she was a second-mother and treating her sister, Jen, like a pest that she couldn’t stand.
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But Jen wasn’t far behind either, as she rather enjoyed sometimes sticking her nose in older sister’s business, taking her sweater without asking and bugging her with whatever new thing she was obsessed with at the moment. The difference was that Jen knew her limits, as she held a fear behind her smile when it came to Dottie, often intimated by her status and rude attuned attitude.
It didn’t help that both ladies couldn’t be more different when it came to their interests.
In result, it often led to plenty of bickering, fighting over every single thing possible and barking off more than they can chew.
However, it all came to a sudden pause when their father Alexander was overseas with Dottie to Russia saying they had business to attend to. Her mother only simply nodded and hugged them both watching them drive away, before entering the house to continue her daily task, asking Jen to follow behind.
The girl was confused on the matter and questioned the trip later that night. Her mother, Fran, simply told her that Dottie was one of the few girls signed off to train and becomes a skilled fighter.
Saying that one day, Jennifer might get her turn to do the same but the young blonde refused the idea. She rather stay home, be a kind young lady, fall in love, paint all the gardens in the fields and learn what she needs to in America. She visited Russia before, as she always found it to be colder and unassuming to her likely.
Whatever Dottie was doing, Jennifer wanted no part of it.
Thankfully, with a small sigh, her mother agreed to her dreams and kissed her cheek.
Years later, Jennifer would learn what her sister was doing and fought to not follow the same path. She had to desire to become a skilled fighter in Mother Russia and train to be become an assistant to The Red Room. But faith had other plans, as her parents promised her to do a trail run, live in Russia and educate herself into getting certificate of achievement.
Just for a few short months. 3 months.
With a deep sigh and small grunt, she did so as promised. In The Red Room, she was made to watch videos on culture, read books, take any notes and practice her knowledge on what she already knows. Not just that, Jennifer was brought in to take up a couple of activities such as dance, carefully handle weaponry, learning basic combat and drive a vehicle, if she ever needs to hot-wire and getaway.
Jennifer wouldn’t admit it but a small part of her enjoyed watching the women in those rooms all move in one single motion like trained dancers, ready to performance for a show on stage, and she was in the front row getting a glimpse of the sight.
She looked over her shoulder as a tall shadow took behind her, she gulped assuming it was one of the teachers ready to shout in her face for sneaking out of her bedroom this late in the afternoon, but instead it was her older sister.
“What?” She grunted out, spinning to face the taller blonde.
The tall blonde held a slinging smirk, “Nothing. Like what you see?”
“You’re new high ponytail or the performance?”
“Both, Fefe.”
“Don’t fall me that. What do you want?”
“Just want to know if my baby sister is enjoying it here?”
“You mean having my wrist cuffed to the bed, being held in a isolated room twice a week with no windows and a locked door? Oh yeah, I love it.” She repiled with a sarcastic tone.
Dottie grinned, “And having me here as a upper classmen.”
“Yeah…that. When are you gonna realize you’re just as insane to enjoy this, Dot? You love it here and actually find it trilling. I don’t.”
“Oh, Fefe, when are you gonna realize that with this opportunity you can be just like me? With grace and perfection.”
“That’s my point. I am not like you and I will never be like you. And when my time is up, I won’t be seeing you ever again.”
And Jennifer was right.
She was out of the building soon enough, in hopes to keep her head down and never have to be stuck in a place like that again. But Dottie did warn her as a hard heavy threat, one day, they will try and offer you a deal, snatched her up and order her to work for them.
Jennifer grunted and hoped with her luck, she wouldn’t. However, as lucky as she was with never being dragged there again, she did have Dottie reappear later on her life once or twice just for add measure…
📰~The 1940s~ 💡
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Plenty years past since those 3 sleepless months within that building and Jen couldn’t be more pleased with herself to be blessed to see a new path her way.
She was living in New York City, Queens as a waitress and painting on the side. She enjoyed painting the city skyline, the people in the park and her favorite flowers whenever possible. She was what many called her, a cartoonist. And her job wasn’t so bad either, yes the clients can be rude and annoying at times, but she made it work.
And her uniform was her biggest perk of her job. The simple teal-blue dress, her white headband, brown flats and her cute pins over her apron.
It was good, also with the fact she clocked out early to visit the fair, as everyone was there to see all the new attractions, men getting tested to see if they’re qualified for the war, people going dancing and much more. One evening, she found herself reading the newspaper wondering the fair, enjoying the sights, getting a drink and eventually standing in the crowd to see the main attraction.
Howard Stark. The Expo.
Little did she know that the man on that stage would change her life, by becoming apart of it.
She laughed, awed and smiled during the show. Even catching glimpses of his young sibling on stage, who eventually joined him.
She looked over her shoulder noticing a ‘help wanted’ signed stamped over a couple of posters, removing one of the tickets and followed to the small building to see what can could apply for. It seemed with the war going on, they need volunteers to help nurse the men on the field and inside buildings. Jennifer thought for a moment, onto her decision but then realized that it was worth it to help the good wanting to men serve their country.
Two weeks laters, she was working as a volunteered nurse. She got tested, signed off and given new uniform to wear. When a certain doctor asked for her name, it seemed like he missed heard it, as he wrote down a different name under her paperwork.
Instead of Jennie Underwood, he put down ‘Jeanie Wood’.
Jen didn’t know if it was on purpose it or not, but it taken her by a surprise at the name. The last person to give her a similar name like that was her 5th grade English teacher, yet she wasn’t complaining. She liked it, a lot.
And if she had to admit, she enjoyed it more than she expected, making friends with the other nurses, checking on the vitals of men and women, along with cleaning their wounds. It’s also when she met Miss Margaret “Peggy” Carter, who came in to recruit some nurses for an experimental program to help out the war, as she was handpicked to do so.
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To say, Peggy Carter wowed Jen was an understatement. The women was kind, fierce, charming, witty, a little sassy, had a stronghold on her role here and cared for others. It surprised her how Peggy took a liking to her during those days spent on the job.
That same week, she met Howard Stark as he was preparing for the super solider experiment that she was apart of. The moment Howard met her, he was dazzled, in awe and flirting with the blonde. That was the first time Jennie ever actually blushed and smiled, turning her face to hide her blush from Howard’s darling compliments and witty comments.
Howard simply smiled at her blushing and went off to finish preparing his equipment for the day, before offering to buy her lunch. His tongue accidentally slipped nicknaming her ‘JJ’ for short. Jennie hesitated as she removed her gloves after preparing the equipment and serum with the other nurses needed for tomorrow. One of the nurses nudged her to say ‘yes’ as Jennie just smiled and nodded, following the brunette out the door.
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The following day, she met Steve Rogers, as she was there helping to performance the processor and watching the man transform from a skinny kid to a tall solider. But the cheers and awes were cut short as Dr. Erskine died, causing Jennie to remove a gun off the table aiming at the person who fired the shot, but missed by a close second as the man ran out the door. Before she can get a second to blink, Steve and Peggy raced out the door to follow him. Jennie stayed behind to help, get Dr. Erskine to a more comfort position and calm down the crowd.
After that whole event, things were put back into swings as the war went on, Steve became Captain America serving his country, Peggy was brought to help, along with Howard and Jennie to do their part in serving for the better of their playing field.
Once again, she was given a slight change of clothing instead of white, it was light browns and a dark brown jacket to watch.
Jennie was put to work, not as a volunteered nurse, but a someone who helped with the design and coordinates for any trips. She put her skills to some use, which made her smile. Soon enough, the war ended per say in some victorious cheers and others in sorrows for the ones they lost.
When Steve Rogers went down in the plane, after speaking to Peggy on the radio as their side of the speakers cut to static, Jen was the first to enter the room and pull the English brunette into an tight embrace.
💭 ~Meetings and revisiting the past~📑
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Once the war ended, Peggy and Jen stayed friends, keeping Howard in touch of course. As both were brought to working in New York City at The SSR (which would later on become SHIELD), Peggy worked at an assigned sectary despite her endless response to her being able to do more. Daniel Sousa saw more in her, which made the women smile at the thought and respect she got from him.
Meanwhile Jen didn’t mind it being the coffee girl/assistant at the SSR, basically a sectary with a nicer name. It gave her a flexible schedule most days, other days she was spent working later hours at her desk.
Thankfully she had Agent Jack Thompson to keep her company, despite his personality, the man saw Jennie as a little sister whenever she entered the building. As if he wanted to shield her from harm and have her stand back from the tough stuff, even through she reminds him that she seen men come back from the war wounded or worse.
Jack would sometimes buy her burger if they knew everyone was gonna be working a late night. He would often bicker with her and Peggy as the English women rolled her eyes, but Jen would respond by saying that it seems like Thompson has a crush on Carter. Which results in Peggy chuckling at the blonde women.
Things were going fine until Howard Stark was wanted for crimes against the country, recruiting for Peggy to help find the truth and prove him innocent. She even entrusted his butler Edwin Jarvis to asset her with the investigation.
In which Jennie met while she was getting herself coffee one morning at the diner where she used to work as a waitress, ordering Mr. Jarvis a coffee.
Mr. Jarvis smiled and thanked for, offering to pay for her donut as an exchange. They soon became friends after that. Little did Jarvis know that Jennifer would become good friends with his lovely wife, Ana, too.
Jennifer didn’t want any to be thrown too far into the mix of things, as she eventually joined to the two Brits on their investigation.
Especially after the plot thicken, she started to be thrown in for a loop as The SSR all visited Russia and reunited with The Howling Commandos, finding themselves in a building that once held many men and women who were spies.
The beds with handcuffs, weird therapists, scientists and much more on that visit to Russia. At one point, Jen froze as she stayed rubbing her wrist at the sight, as it took A Howling Commando to drag her out of the rooms. Hell, some of their own agents froze at the sights, meanwhile others stayed strong during the fight.
On the plane ride home, Jen started to let Peggy in on why she froze, but not everything, as Peggy held the blonde close. Jen was given flashbacks to those 3 months in Mother Russia, the trips she went on and how during the war she remembered the men she had to nurse coming home lost to confused.
But the biggest punch to the grunt was when she saw her older sister on the streets of NYC, under some false name living at The Griffith Hotel for Women, pretending to be some new lady here and wanting to go sightseeing. It made her sick, especially since Dottie got closer to Peggy and watched her baby sister from afar, with sneaky eyes to see her next move.
That’s when everything made sense to Jen.
Dottie was here undercover working for someone who was framing Howard Stark and having everyone turn against the man. Peggy didn’t fully believe Jennie at first when she came in with her claims, Jack Thompson nor Daniel Sousa did either, but soon enough the truth came into full force.
As one could imagine things took a turn for people at The SRR, as they close in on Howard Stark, the true enemies are revealed and much more to everyone involved. As they planned to draw out the real threat, The Leviathan.
But it goes awry when Dottie Underwood distract the agents while Stark is kidnapped, as her boss uses hypnosis to make Howard drop as gasp he invented called “Midnight Oil” to onto Time Square.
Thankfully with Jarvis’s help, they all found them just in time. Jack Thompson and Daniel Sousa handled The Leviathan, who’s name was Johann Fennhoff. Meanwhile Jennie, Jarvis and Peggy handled Dottie, while also trying to convince Howard to not drop the gas over Time Square.
To say Dottie was excited to see her sister again in full swing and having a thrilling fight with Peggy was an understatement.
However this time, Jennie wasn’t too frightened to fight her sister again, as she found strategy and strength in herself to be more confident. It was a bigger perk, that this time around, she had Peggy who was more than intrigued to battle Dottie after their last encounter.
In the end, things were brought to light, they defeated Dottie (who escaped), the right people were imprisoned with scheming with Zola and everyone was given a chance to breath once again.
But like always, life for Jen didn’t stop there as she moved to Los Angeles for her next adventure…
🦅~The 50s—60s~ 🕰️
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In 1956, things were looking swell for Jennie as she was working for SHIELD in Los Angeles as an agent. She had her own office, meetings scheduled, kept designing models, going out to dinners and the occasional trip for sizable missions.
She discovered she had a little love for the unknown, collecting items, designing, doing presentations and going on trips to report new things back to SHIELD headquarters.
She was the one to design the SHIELD logo and style of the front over the years after all. Her and Howard liked with idea of an eagle with spread wings.
-> Eagles with its keen eyes symbolized courage, healing, hope, vision, resilience and most importantly strength.
However one late spring night, everything flipped on it’s head for Jennie. It was one of their agent’s bridal shower and she was invited to join in the celebration, free drinks and food, of course she was coming.
Yet, she was soon about to regret that trip.
She was driving home in one of SHIELD’s invented cars, that was had a working mentor that connected to the battery phone. She was on the phone was Jarvis’ wife, Ana, talking about how wonderful her weekend was, crossing a simple long bridge, when a light shower of rain started to fall from above. It wasn’t anything unusual, the weather did call for a light shower that weekend, but what took her by surprise is the springing dose of snowflakes.
“Uh, Ana, I’ll have to call you back…” She said, hanging up the phone and hanging it back where it belong.
It was simply magical to such a sight, however it went from beauty to a beast wanting the snowflakes became a slamming balls of hail hitting the car as she started to carefully hurry along the bridge. However the road soon became dangerous, causing her to swirl off the path and hitting the railing as her car went flying and smash into the water.
The faint sounds of the phone could be heard, ringing with a voice on the other end as the car drowned into the large body of water. In the car, Jennifer was silent with bruises and cuts all over her body, her forehead held a large cut that was covered by blood.
Her breathing stopped as her heartbeat slowed down in seconds, her core body temperature dropped greatly. At that very moment her heart stopped beating.
At 8:55pm, a blot of lighten struck the car. The volts of electricity impact was more than strong enough to reset the heart into a clear rhythm. Jeanie Woods—Jennie Underwoods body slowly lifted from the lower end of the car to regain its awareness. Her head rushed to the surface, jolting out of her anoxic state, causing her to draw her first breath in 4 minutes.
Cough and breathing heavy, Jennie regain memory of recent events, using all her skilled strength within her to carefully climb out of the car, knocking the side door open capturing the cool air that surrounding her.
She breathed heavily, spreading outside of the side door and swimming forwards to the surface, finding a pot of greenery in the cold depths of the night. Once she climbing onto the grass, rolling over as she let her back hit the grass such a reliving impact. She squeezed her eyes shut and opened it once again to watch the snowy sky fall onto her cool skin.
Well, she was screwed.
Thankfully she crawled onto her feet and found the nearest gas station, entering a phone booth to call Jarvis to pick her up. And being the good friend he was, the man arrived with a blanket as well, bringing to his house to stay the night. She explained to Jarvis the accident, planning on trying to recall everything she could remember to have it on record of that night and how the car was totaled in the process, but the man didn’t care as long as she was safe and sound.
As the years went, she credited her appearance to a healthy diet, often exercising, skin care, good genes and just plain luck. However actions was required only months laters when she was pulled over for a minor traffic infraction.
“Ma’am, it says here that you were born in 1923.” Said the officer.
“That’s right, officer.” She repiled with a kind smile.
“That would make you 40?”
“Yes. I look young for my age.”
“Ma’am I might have to hold onto this.”
The two talked by the man didn’t look so convinced, asking to come by the station tomorrow if possible and to bring her birth certificate.
That’s when she knew she needed to start packing, calling up family and making a few adjustments to her life. That’s when she moved back to New York City for a while, keeping her job within SHIELD, but taking up studies for medicine to research her condition, talks with other scientists.
But they all slowly came to the conclusion that it seems like there was no results for her condition, despite the records, recalling of events and etc.
It happened again where officers would stop the women and question her appearance, age and name. Even tried to take her into the station, as she would always do what she must to get out of it, even call up a friend for witness.
Packing up once again, making a couple of whole calls and planes to drive off somewhere off the grid of neither New York or LA, she found herself in San Diego instead. Making sure that Peggy, Howard, Jarvis and their friends know what to do, if anyone contract them, remove any records and to do something about the officers who taken her originally.
In result, Jennie Woods went on to change her name, keep her files close to her chest, residence and appearance the best she could every decade. And to never speak a true word of her fate to answer living soul (unless they were family of course).
To her relief, as the years went on things calmed down and she was less frequently questioned, however she would get wondering eyes at work.
🐤~Auntie JJ~ 🪿
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-> May 29th, 1970 her nephew Anthony Edward Stark was born.
The day she held that tiny will soul in her arms, she knew she would love him til her dying days. She would take care of him, spoil the boy, and make sure he knew he was loved, even if she wasn’t there everyday to see him.
And that she did.
In the 70s, Maria and Howard knew they would need a pair of helping hands, aside from Jarvis, as they offered for the women to live with them. And of course, she said yes.
Jennie was there every step of the way and she loved it. Watching Tony grow up, taking his first step, first words, teaching him to read and write. Hell, when he was old enough, Tony would draw her so many drawings that she hang up in her office showcasing her godson’s work.
There were plenty of days and nights where neither of his parents were around as work and events took up their time, so in result if she was free, Jennie would do it.
“..’So after Lisa sewed on the missing button, she gave Corduory a big hug.’ The End. Now it’s time for my little bear to go to sleep.” She said closing the book with a smile.
Usually the 7 year old would give her a sleepy remark but after the long day he had, he decided against it. He rolled onto his side getting comfy.
“Auntie JJ?” He yawned in his small voice.
“Yes baby?” She asked standing up and putting the book back on his bookshelf.
“Would you always love me like Lisa love Corduroy?”
Jennie paused what she was doing as a small smile appeared on her lip at the question, she turned out and kneeled over the bed, placing a hand above Tony’s small cheek. Her warm touch smooth his worries.
“Of course I will, bubba” She replied and pressed a kiss to his forehead.
He smiled in returned, “Can we have pancakes tomorrow?”
“We will have to see. But first night night.”
“Night night.”
She gave him one more smile watching as his eyes closed, pulling his blanket closer. When she knew it was clear to leave, she gently closed the door behind her and escaped to the living room to watch a rerun of The Mary Tyler Moore Show.
Midway through the episode, she paused the taping and through back onto what Tony asked her earlier. She looked down at her lap, playing with the throw pillow in hand and sighed deeply. She knew why he asked that question, with his parents getting busier as the day goes by, especially at such a young age, it makes sense Tony would wonder if the adults in his life still love him.
And she meant what she said earlier, this unconditional love she has for her nephew is true. She adores that tiny little troublemaker, even if she sometimes drives him nuts, it’s one of the reasons she cares for him. He’ll keep on learning , as time slips through her fingers watching him grow up.
She knew she will be always try to be there for him, even if she’s in a different city, she’s only one call away.
And she was right.
Tony’s auntie JJ is there for him every time she can be. The smallest moments and his biggest. His graduations, his first true inventions, taking him out for ice cream, reading him bedtime stories, making him bacon on his birthday, the two of them sneaking off to watch movies late at time and the list goes on.
Hell, if she’s in the same room and near by, JJ is there to poke and pinch Tony when he says something he isn’t supposed to. Which results in him yelling a small, “Ow!” As she’ll give a smile in return or a certain look to tell him to quit it.
There are moments that his aunt JJ would have a date pick him and Tony would try to question his intentions with his aunt. Little did she know her godchild Rei would be the same way in the future. Every single one of her dates biggest haters.
Mysteries, romance and detective novels
Waking up late
Coffee (of course!)
Classic movies from the golden era & sitcoms
Vintage fashion and style
Painting & Drawing
The sun setting
Cold coffee
Being underestimated or misjudged
Chaos in the house
Being underdressed or overdressed for an event
Sitting still for too long
Big Crowds
Closed spaces
Horror movies (however she enjoyed CW’s Supernatural)
Fast rides
- Fluent in Spanish and English.
- Russian and Italian
- And some French
—Additional information:
- Jennie has a couple of scars, some small and some are a little big
- She tends to wear reading glasses or sunglasses at a lot
- You can sometimes find her on the couch wearing her earbuds listening to her favorite songs or binge watching a series on her IPAD
- As said before she likes jewlery, so in result you can find her wearing rings, earrings and sometimes necklaces. Such as her charm bracelet she got as a gift back in the 80s from a old friend
- She has traveled a lot over the years, sometimes she been a place more than once or even lived there. As well, as she met a couple of likely faces too
- Due to trying to keep up her energy and stamina levels, when it came to changing her appearance Jennie always tried to have a little fun. Such as dying her hair different a color, giving herself a new haircut, buying statement pieces that seemed timeless and testing out makeup to make her blend in with the crowd
- When it comes to makeup, she tries to keep it rather simple (she used to wear a lot of over the years but it resulted in some acne)
- When she’s under stress or filled in anxiety while in public spaces, she tends to play with her nails, add pressure to her inner palm, rubbing her wrist, wipes her sweaty palms on her jeans and etc
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—That’s all folks! I wanted to add more detail about her but then it would’ve been wayyyy too long of a ride 😅
Anyways pls let me know what you think! Remember to like, comment and share
Tags: @gaminggirlsstuff @gcthvile @missstrawbs2001 @cherrysft @xgoddessoffandomsx @rickb-chaos @starkleila @infinetlyforgotten @meiramel @sherloquestea @parisparker269 @djs8891 @buckysteveloki-me @yetanotherwells @nakiaswg @carellmcu @ximehs
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marvelsfavoriteuncle · 4 months
Is this the place that I've been dreaming of? - Marvel AU
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Pairing: JJ & Elizabeth Stark, Howard & JJ, Rick & Luna, Ethan & Liane
Established niece & nephew: Tony & JJ
Extra characters: Pepper, Maria Hill, The Avengers, The Young Avengers and etc
Note: May 29th, happy birthday to iron man himself Tony Stark lol
A blonde walked up the sets of the tower, as if the light was shining through the window and the sky was clear as day. She entered the elevator wearing an elegant black vest with dress pants to match, her hair was lush and glimpses of blonde lights peaking through, bouncing off her shoulders. She held her suit jacket in hand.
JARVIS blinked on his bright blue light in the elevator wings, as if announcing her presence. It seemed like JARVIS glitched for a moment then reloaded to the mainframe, working in an orderly fashion like always.
“Good evening, Ms Underwood.” He said, in his trademark British accent.
“Heh, good evening, JARVIS.” She replied, with a light smile, “What’s on the agenda for tonight?”
“Well the young ones are in the main area, Ms Potts is out shopping as always. And one of your kids was supposed to go to a briefing but it was cancelled, so now he’s in his workshop.”
“As for my work wife?”
“Ah yes, Ms Hill is at a meeting for SHIELD and will be seen later. Dr Banner is on his way back home after a trip to the grocery store. How was your day, ma’am?”
“Decent enough, thanks for asking. However I will need to push back a little dinner with Mr. Smith about prices for his wife’s new jewelry shop.”
“And the kids?”
“Open the doors and find out.”
“You got some humor, Ms. Wood.”
As the doors opened to the main area, Jen walked out only to be treated to the sounds of yelling and screaming.
“Oh dear..” She muttered, squeezing her eyes shut then reopening them.
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Her gaze fell on Rei and Rick who were standing in front of the shout shouting over one another over the stupidest thing.
“Yo, Thing 1 Thing 2, where’s the fire?” She asked, looking between them with her hands on her hips.
“Ask your grandson.” Rick remarked, narrowing his eyes that flashed an unusual tone.
“Oh real mature, Banner.” Rei exclaimed, rolling his eyes and pointed, “He decided to go ahead with the presentation for our meeting and now they went along with his stupid ideas.”
“Did not!”
“Did too!”
“Our presentation was supposed to be about telescopes like technology. But he decided to be all father-like and make it seem all child-friendly! It’s supposed to be for adults dimwit.”
“Oh I’m sorry that some of us rather not want a proud product that won’t blow up in their faces!”
“Again, it’s for adults not children!”
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Jen held up her hand and curled it into fist waving it around, as she raised her tone a bit causing both young adults to pause. Doesn’t matter what age, kids tend to stop whatever they’re doing if a parent-like figure is near.
“Wow, surprise that still works…” Julie muttered then clear her throat and turned to face them, “First off, your project seems very promising. And secondly, you can reschedule this presentation to rematch your ideas.”
“Yeah sure, like that would work.” Rei murmured crossing his arms.
“We called them and they told us they were busy working, saying our stuff is in review.” Rick added.
Jen thought for a long second and flipped on the phone, pressing a button as the line rang quick.
She wondered and waited, as she spoke, “Hello, yes this is Mrs. Stark…or Ms.Woods, whichever you prefer dolly. Two young men wanted to reschedule for another chance at their presentation, I understand your concerns and revisions but—you do realize their work can bring you a lot grand success and rewards, right?”
Another a few more minutes of speaking on the phone, she handed the phone to both Rick and Rei, telling them to behavior. But most importantly, compromise on a decision. With that she moved on, pressing a kiss to Ava her first granddaughter and well behaved who was heading to band practice, right after dance class.
She headed to the kitchen, kicking off her heels and sled into across the floor finding crackers in the back shelf along with peanut butter. She hummed in delight at the sight before her eyes. Liane and Luna were still on the kitchen table with their eyes focused on watching Season 3 of Bridgerton.
She snorted and grinned as she asked, “Is the show good girls?”
Liane looks up, “Hell yeah! Anthony is a good husband and..”
Luna cut her softly, “Shhh don’t spoil anything! Someone might be listening..and hi, JJ.”
The blonde smiled, “Hi Luna. Well you girls, enjoy yourself.”
She turned around opening the fridge, sneaking around behind a set of beer bottles, to find a small set of cupcakes she baked beforehand waiting for her arrival. She was surprised no one took a handful of them yet, nonetheless she sighed in relief.
She knew the rest of the cupcakes and the sheet cake she’d ordered to arrive later on were for the young heroes anyway.
Without a second to ponder this matter, Jennie took the first step of grabbing a cupcake and a candle, stuffing a lighter in her pocket and headed downstairs to the workshop.
She slid open the door, making sure to hush JARVIS before he spoil her mini surprise, trying to make little to none noise possible as she entered the room. She flicked the lighter as a tiny flame covered the candle that was placed on the cupcake as she started to humming the song ‘Happy Birthday’ to her first silly goose.
Tony turned around, removing his headset he was currently wearing at the sound of a certain blonde humming and singing softly that silly little song for May 29th. A smile lip up his face at the sight of his aunt, who looks damn younger than she should be, holding up a picture perfect cupcake and a candle placed right in the center.
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He chuckled. Hell, he giggled and snorted.
Many years later and his aunt is still keeping up the same routine of a little candle placed on a cupcake. His favorite color frosting too for added warmth and comfort.
“Make a wish and blow out the candle.” She said, softly moving the candle near his face.
Tony closed his eyes making a joke about this is rather funny as he wished on a nice evening at the tower, without nothing blowing up in his face for the 3rd time this week. Hey, the man was getting older and wanted something simpler this year! He blew out the candle and grinned.
“What’d you wish for?” She asked, removing the candle and handing the cupcake over to her nephew.
Tony took a large bite, licking his lips and hummed, “Can’t tell ya. And thank you for the little treat.”
“It’s your birthday, of course I was gonna do something for you. I can’t believe, you’ve grown up and became someone kind and supportive. I did a decent job raising you.”
“You did a good job raising me, auntie. I don’t say it enough. Dad well…not so much. But you’re pretty great. So, am i getting a big bonus surprise tonight or what?”
“I did plan on having a movie night with the family, have some drinks, ordering pizza and a huge cake.”
“What, no confetti cannons or fireworks with my name in the sky?”
“I love you but I’m not going to explode your ego. You can do anything other day of the week, mister.”
Tony just laughed at that as he hugged his mother figure. She gave him a tight squeeze and a kiss on the forehead.
The rest of the evening went as follows, the heroes, agents and welcomed guests all gathered around the common room to watch movies, discuss and eat pizza.
It was rather nice to not have a grand slam party on Tony’s birthday for once. Especially since his birthday fell on a Wednesday, instead of a weekend like it always does. But knowing her kid, he would try to throw himself a party this weekend anyway and she wasn’t going to stop him.
Afterwards, everyone stood around the kitchen as a large sheet cake was brought out in front of Tony. Everyone sang and chanted as he blew out his candles, allowing for the young heroes to get their hands on the cake first before the older ones did.
They definitely enjoyed it more than expected. Especially when Rick found cupcakes in the freezer just sitting there and brought it as Bruce rolled his eyes. Natasha hushed the doctor and brought him to the dance floor with Maria Hill following behind them, as Natasha dragged her and Steve into the fun. Ethan and Liane were already there chatting and dancing with drinks in hand.
Luna and Rochelle were trying to finish the movie playing on the large screen tv, meanwhile Rei and the others were playing video games next door.
Jennie stood against a wall chuckling at the sight of it all.
“So, how are you holding up?”
She turned around to find Pepper holding a glass of champagne and smiling softly, handing the blonde one.
“Honestly not so bad.” She responded with a smile, taking a gulp of the champagne.
“Glad to see you smiling too.” Pepper added.
“Yeah, how was your shopping spree?”
‘Oh amazing! I got the best deals.”
Pepper went on and on about the things she brought, how she loved having the opportunity to get the day off to do so and etc. Jennie just smiled and nodded at her friend.
Yeah, today wasn’t so bad in her opinion.
Ahh that’s all folks! And yup that’s auntie JJ, I hope you like her. Might even do a Q&A week for her 😉
Anyways let me know what you guys think!
Tags: Tags: @missstrawbs2001 @purpleprincessonfyre @meiramel @gcthvile @ask-starrk @rickb-chaos @gaminggirlsstuff @wizzzardofoz @cherrysft @luna-d-marsh
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redhoodie1723 · 2 years
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maria stark has been living in my head rent free recently
like i just KNOW she was an IT girl before H*ward
version without grain and inspo pic below cut:
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darsynia · 2 years
I Know No Other Way Than This | Ch2
(Bruce Banner/OFC, Tony Stark & Bruce Banner Friendship, post-Avengers 1 Soulmate AU multichapter)
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MCU Masterlist | Tony Stark Masterlist | Prev | Next
Summary: Bruce tried to forget he had soulmate words entirely, but on the day of the Chitauri attack, he returned from his stint as the Hulk to find that his black words had turned silver. His soulmate must have watched him shift from the Other Guy into himself and said them while he was unconscious...
Length: 2,016
Tags: @starryeyes2000 @arrthurpendragon @ronearoundblindly @themaradaniels
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Chapter Two: No Second Guessing
The next day, Bruce was too busy to hassle Tony over something he would rather just forget about entirely. The fact that the wormhole had been situated over the tower meant that Tony had a lot of data to go through, and he’d invited Bruce to stay and help. It was a lot better prospect than scrounging for a living in far-flung countries, as he’d been doing. Bruce did have one condition, though. He made Stark promise to build a containment solution for the Hulk as part of the rebuilding process.
Though Stark Industries was headquartered in California, Tony’s tower was a home away from home for Stark, and he planned to stick around for a few weeks to oversee his charity’s work in helping New York City recover from the attack. All of the Avengers had been given apartments to use, though Bruce was pretty sure Steve Rogers had already found a place in Brooklyn, and both Clint and Natasha seemed like they were staying only temporarily.
The soulmate thing was setting off some concern meters for him, though. Of all of the places to have come across her, and at all of the times, this was the worst. Bruce could almost taste stability in the air, something he’d despaired of ever even detecting again. He ought to take her very existence here as a cue to leave. If she was dressed in scrubs, that meant she wasn’t a tourist. She likely lived somewhere nearby, probably worked at a local hospital, and had almost certainly rushed to help when things turned bizarre and dangerous outside.
The only good thing about the situation was it couldn’t be argued that the woman had any intention of meeting him while he was conscious. It didn’t even hurt, her fear, as it might have as little as five years ago. She was wise, his soulmate.
Bruce left Tony’s tainted tablet where he’d found it on the kitchen counter. Giving it back would broach a subject he intended to avoid indefinitely.
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“Tony, what’s the login here?” Bruce asked. The past two days had been spent on the roof looking over what remained of the apparatus Selvig had built to create the wormhole. Rain was in the forecast that day, though, so they were down in the lab Stark had been populating with equipment in advance of finishing up on the roof.
“Texted it to you,” Tony said, walking past with a large plank of wood. He was wearing gloves, but the edge of the thing was resting on his bare lower arm. It was Splinter City, waiting to happen. Bruce wondered exactly how oblivious to possible danger a person had to be to work with Bruce Banner, lab experiment gone wrong, and still not wear proper PPE.
“I left my phone in the apartment. Can’t you just set it to the same password as the laptop we were already using? I have that one memorized already.”
Stark stopped, letting the wood slide down onto the floor. Bruce winced. “No! You shouldn’t ever use the same password twice, Big Green. That would just be irresponsible.” He rolled his eyes and hefted the wood back up, heading over to the back wall where he’d set up a stack of coffee tins and a plastic bin at equal heights. Tony set down the wood on it, whipped a level out of his back pocket, and made a self-satisfied noise.
Bruce thought he had once seen those same empty tins going for a couple of hundred each on Ebay. They were from some rare, exclusive brand that weren’t even sold at a flat price, but auctioned off, tin by tin, brand new. Did Tony even know they were anything other than extra fodder for his MacGuyverish approach to lab design?
“I’ll be back, then,” Bruce said.
“Okay, fine. But I didn’t finish your playroom yet, so you’re not allowed to smash me.”
“Tony, I rarely know what you’re talking about,” Bruce said.
“I’ll take that as a compliment. So here’s the thing: I have access to probably some things that I shouldn’t, thanks to some tech connections.” He sat down beside the computer Bruce was trying to access. “One of those things is search data. I share it with SHIELD when they play nice. I’ve got not just what’s searched, but where and by whom, if that information is available. There’s a difference between someone searching for ‘Banner, gamma, weakness’ when it’s somewhere in Sokovia two weeks ago versus a person at a public library in NYC searching ‘Hulk, human, transform’ just yesterday, right? And there was.”
“What does this have to do with the password to access the computer you’re leaning on, Tony?” Bruce asked, hoping he sounded patient enough to avoid a ‘calm down’ jibe.
“Footage of your girl,” Tony said, grinning. “I think she knows who you are, now. And I know her name, thanks to the library system logging who uses their card for public computer access.”
Bruce immediately pictured the black-haired woman from the tablet video and wondered if this one showed her face. Then, sanity returned. Nothing good could come of what Stark was doing.
“That’s got to be multiple privacy violations, Tony! Honestly, can’t you leave well enough alone? She probably wants to know how to avoid me, and for good reason.”
“If you both play hard to get, neither of you will ‘get,’ you know that, right?” Tony said, hopping down from the table with a petulant frown.
“That’s exactly the point, yes,” Bruce said, taking off his glasses and pinching the bridge of his nose.
“Well, how about this, then. You want to avoid her so much, you should know what she looks like, yes? Maybe know her name? Who knows, you might want to hire a medical team to run tests in the basement at some point, and you wouldn’t want to accidentally hire your soulmate, how embarrassing , right?”
“Funny.” It was a known secret that, thanks to their nondescript soulmate words, neither Tony nor Pepper had known they were the ones who had triggered them for each other. They’d both spent time and resources trying to track down the person who’d said their words. The realization had taken years.
“Bruce. Brucey Bear. Pistachio Studmuffin. Take it from me, okay? Resisting soulmates is resisting the inevitable. Pep and I took ‘let’s pretend this is a platonic match’ thing for a ride for a really, really long time, and all it did was bring us back to the station. You should trust the expert on this,” Tony said, dropping into the desk chair and tapping out a complicated password like it was as easy to remember as ‘password12345.’ He leaned back and smiled at Bruce. “Don’t make me have to kidnap you in a cave for three months to get you to see the light.”
“Yeah, I don’t think that would go well for you or the cave,” Bruce said. “I can assume you’ve booby trapped this with another video, then?”
“Facial shot, yes. Boobs? Sorry, the monitor was in the way.”
Bruce ignored the childish comment, even if it was a bit witty. “If I watch this will you stop?”
“Oh, goodness no.”
Just like before, the video started right away. In an overhead view, a black-haired woman walked into the entryway for what Bruce assumed was a library. Her shoulder-length hair was held back from her forehead with a cloth headband, and she was wearing a purple shirt similar in color to one of Bruce’s favorites. He shot a sidelong look at Tony, wondering if he knew about the shirt. He’d probably never hear the end of it, if his friend figured that out.
Then, something occurred to him.
“I thought you said you had search data?” Bruce asked. He was starting to question how cavalierly his friend was taking this project of his.
“I cross-referenced that with the surveillance. Come on, it’s not like it was hard.”
The view changed to the side, watching her walk through a large room to a bank of computers at the back. Again the view changed to a quite close perspective, slanted across her face as she sat down at the nearest computer.
“Lucked out, there. That camera is static,” Tony said.
Bruce should have had the strength to look away, but he didn’t. His soulmate had a heart-shaped face with a small nose that turned up a little at the tip. Her eyes were blue, so clear and rich in hue that even the surveillance camera caught the color. She was pretty. Maybe even more than pretty.
The sight of her struck him like a blow. Even in the year 2012, soulmates were considered the most important factor in relationships. Maybe people who didn’t believe in them weren’t considered mentally ill anymore by the more conservative, family-oriented groups in the world, but there were rude names for women with black soulmate words who were out looking for a long-term, non-bonded relationship. That’s the life the woman he was looking at had in store for herself. Just by virtue of being magically, painfully linked to him.
“Turn it off,” Bruce said darkly. “I have work to do on this thing.”
“But you’ll miss-- here, look,” Tony said.
In a window at the right hand corner of the full-screen video, a view of the computer his soulmate was using popped up.
“How--” Bruce started.
“It’s like you don’t know me at all,” Tony scoffed.
She scanned her library card and a box popped up. Inside was a name. Cicely Besnard.
Knowing her name made the situation more real for Bruce, in a way that having silver-tinted words didn’t. Until now, the black-haired healthcare worker was only an archetype, a helpful person whose exact shape and name were undefined. She was a real person now, no longer an abstraction he could pretend wasn’t relevant. 
As Bruce watched, she tapped ‘confirm’ on her name and address (he deliberately didn’t look, but assumed Tony already had it written down somewhere) and brought up a browser window. Instead of typing immediately, though, she stopped, looking up as if trying to remember something.
Multiple emotions crossed her face. Her eyes widened, lips pressing together before they curled up in the sort of smile that implied the person had a secret. Bruce supposed she did. After a few seconds, she mouthed something he couldn’t decipher from lip reading and started typing.
The computer view showed the words. ‘Hulk, human form, transform.’ The results appeared, showing a few YouTube videos of people in green makeup using their graphics skills to pretend they were transforming from the Hulk into themselves. The top non-video result, though, was his Wikipedia entry, with his name.
This time Bruce understood what Cicely Besnard said, even without hearing her words, because it was his name.
“See? Interest, not fear,” Tony said.
“I’m not afraid either, Tony, but I have no intention of doing anything about this,” Bruce said, gesturing at the screen. “In fact, I suspect this woman looked these things up at a public library because she doesn’t want the results on her home computer or her phone. This is proof that she’s the kind of smart, concerned person I thought she was. She’s keeping this soulmate thing away from her home and work life, just like I’m going to.”
Bruce let himself look one more time at the blue-eyed, black-haired woman that fate had designated as his soulmate. “I’m sorry, Cicely,” he said, and closed the program using Force Quit.
“What home life?” Tony muttered. “You know, standing on some kind of self-hating principle like this doesn’t do anyone any good.” Tony told him.
He did actually know that, but Tony hopefully would never know what it was like to love someone as much as he’d loved Betty, only to discover that it was his actions that had put her in the hospital. The most generous, caring thing he could do for his soulmate would be to stay far, far away from her.
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Next chapter, some of the nosy stuff Tony's been doing reveals that Bruce's soulmate Cicely may need their help.
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Name/Link: Paradoxical Theorem [Art]
Fandom: MCU; House M.D.
Inspired By: Paradoxical Theorem by Aya
Representation: Tony Stark Lives; Jewish Tony Stark; Dr. House Works Miracles; BAMF Remy "Thirteen" Hadley
Individual Challenges: Moody Moods; Picture This
List (Prompt): Sp WD [Judaism; Neuropathy/Nerve Damage]; Sp Set [Dark]; Sp Consumable [Water]; Sp Item [Toy]
Space Address (Prompt): SpB (5E - Clean); TrB (2A - Healing Hands)
Warnings: Medical Setting; Major Bodily Injury
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It's being sad about about my "Bucky lived, Steve still crashed the plane" au hours
Specifically the entire 30 part monster oneshot collection I'm writing as a rewrite of Tony Stark's childhood
Therefore, I ended up with a scene where Bucky has to explain the concept of death to 6yo Tony and -
"Angie lost her last Hydra fight."
I'm done I'm dead don't come looking for me I'll see myself out...
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wynnd-citrus · 22 days
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Tony survives! Anything But “Mr Stark” Pt. 2 :3
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lucky-bucky-boy · 1 year
Changing Tides
Paring: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Word Count: 6790
Summary: You and Bucky get paired together for undercover missions a lot because it works beautifully, despite the fact that you don't really even interact at home.
Warnings: 18+, unprotected sex, limited use of Y/N, LOTS of pet names (pretty girl, baby, i think baby girl, my girl etc), praise kink, oral f. receiving, slight angst, reader is in denial for a good bit of this, angst if you squint, reader is a part of the team, this piece takes place in an AU where everyone lives together and everything is happy
A/N: Oh. My. God. I did NOT intend for this to be this long, at one point I thought I was going to have to make this a two-parter but I got it all in here. I really enjoyed writing this, please let me know what y'all think!! :)))
I do not own these characters. Do NOT repost my writing and/or fics anywhere without my written permission. Reblogs are welcomed and highly appreciated!
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Hues of velvety violet and radiant amber mixed, painting the evening sky like a scene out of a museum. The scent of warm sea salt was still palpable in the air, the crystal like water of the wide-expanding ocean reflected the light of the setting sun. Dancing specs of light could be seen in the darker shades of the sky, stars bright and clear against the inky color.
The cold metal of the hotel balcony pressed against your exposed skin, shirt having risen up as you leaned over it slightly. The view was beyond breathtaking, something you would argue belonged on a movie screen. It was serene, offering a moment of reprieve from the typical chaos you endured in a day, and a distraction from the man currently sitting in the hotel room behind you.
Hate didn’t describe the emotions you felt for the brunet. On a daily basis, there was an underlying disinterest but every now and then a seething annoyance would bubble at the mere thought of the former soldier. You couldn’t pin-point why. Bucky himself had never done anything to wrong you after his rehabilitation and reintroduction into society, and you could easily say nothing the Winter Soldier had done counted towards your feelings.
The odd part of it all is the Bucky and you worked well together, great even. More often than not, you found yourself partnered with Bucky on just about every mission the two of you had; from quick in and out missions to undercover operations like the one you were on now. The communication was great, the two of you easily fell into a rhythm and could read each other’s body language like you’ve known each other your whole life. It was easy to slip into a faux-domesticity with him, which was a stark contrast to the daily life you lived.
The day to day with Bucky involved a lack of any form of contact. You’d avoid the gym if he was in it, would eat in silence if the two of you happened to be in the kitchen at the same time, eye-contact was consistently avoided - Really, the only time the two of you were seen together at home was during group training sessions and team-building nights. You were sure to never make it awkward for the rest of the team, never bad mouth or be outwardly annoyed at Bucky’s presence, you just really couldn’t care less if he was there or not. 
“Sweetheart,” his voice carried from the room, light and sweet, almost intoxicating with a feeling instantly having your gut turn and catch your skin aflame, “Did you want to go out for dinner tonight or just order room service?” His voice got nearer as he moved to join you on the balcony.The cool metal prosthetic wrapped around your waist as he stood next to you.
A soft hum left your lips, gaze moving from the horizon to the prosthetic then to Bucky’s face. He adorned a slight scruff, long hair pulled back into a low bun; His eyes nearly twinkled as they reflected the setting sky in the distance, he wore soft maroon button down and black chinos that truly made him look like a normal, well-off guy. Tony and Peter had finally managed to perfect the color needed to make Bucky prosthetic look like a normal arm which easily sealed the deal on assuring that there was nothing major that could be easily spotted to dox the two of you as agents. 
The flight to Morocco was long and the next 10 days were easily going to be even longer, the last thing you wanted to do was be anywhere but a soft bed. “Room service,” you replied, matching the tone he had asked the question with. You leaned your head against his shoulder, moving your gaze back to the ocean, “Did you do a room check and get our things set up?”
He nodded, “Everything inside is clear and put away,” he squeezed your side softly when he said inside, a subtle emphasis to communicate where it was safe to not be in character. “I’ll go order the room service, you can go shower and get comfortable. I know how much you hate the airport.” He chuckled softly at the end, pressing a quick kiss to your hairline before making his way back inside. 
You let out a soft sigh, making it inside as well and closing the balcony door behind you as you did. This really was going to be a long 10 days. 
The bitter taste of the wine nearly made your mouth water, sitting somewhere between too intense and the perfect thing to take the edge off. The first full day had been smooth, an easy itinerary of walking and exploring the city. From the outside, the two of you easily looked like a love sick couple; matching clothes, a large diamond in your hand, Bucky always opening the door for you and your soft smile that just couldn't seem to leave you face; but in reality you had been mapping the city, learning the back alley ways and locating any ports that may be needed for a quick exit. 
The small patio of the restaurant adorned a handful of tables, lanterns lighting the area in a soft romantic glow, lucious plants filling in any space, the open space allowed for ease of blending into the crowd while watching any passerby on the street. Bucky had taken up a game of footsie with you, chattering along about some of the shops you had passed along the way.
“Is there any shop you’d want to make your way back to?” Bucky took a sip of the wine in front of him, eyes fixed on you intently.
A soft hum left your lips, swaying your head back and forth softly as you thought. “Well, I wanna hit up the history and art museum, so maybe we could see if there’s any other cute shops there? If not, I’d definitely like to look at the jewelry store and bookstore we passed on the way here.”
“Mmm, I do think it’s time to get my pretty girl a new necklace,” the words fell off Bucky’s tongue like he sweet talked you on the daily. 
There was that feeling again, the uneasiness that laid in the pit of your stomach and your skin heated up. Maybe this was why you couldn’t stand Bucky outside of missions, maybe you just didn’t want to deal with this feeling constantly. “You spoil me enough, ya know,” you offered a soft giggle, “I can assure you I don’t need any more jewelry, my love.”
Bucky smirked softly, cocking his eyebrows up at you with a knowing look on his face, “You may not need it, but that doesn’t mean I’m not going to do it anyways.”
You shook your head, about to offer a rebuttal as the waiter set your food down in front of you, all thoughts being lost to the amazing sights and smells. “This is easily my favorite part of our trips,” you stated, the distraction of food keeping you from noticing the way Bucky’s gaze stayed on you and a soft smile lingered.
Six days of being enveloped in Bucky’s presence, and thankfully it was getting easier by the moment. It had been a smooth operation so far, the information being easy to locate and gather without raising suspicions. As a result, Tony had said to take a day to relax, lay low and assure no one was able to realize there was something more to you two.
Bucky had made a home on the balcony of your hotel, a book in hand and a coffee sat on the little table next to him.He been there since the early morning and it was easily almost noon, not that that you were bothering to check the clock. A day off meant a day of sleep and eating, nothing much more than that. 
However, sleeping wasn't something your body wanted to do so you found yourself with a forgotten movie playing on the television, your gaze consistently going back to him. You weren't sure why, but you couldn't keep your eyes off him. You'd been sitting for the past God knows how long trying to figure out why you couldn't pull your eyes away from him. His hair was down, something he didn't do quite often, almost always finding it easier to have it pulled away from his face. From the angle he was sitting, you could see his light gray button down was still completely unbuttoned, his jean shorts a little too snug around his thighs. He occasionally sipped the coffee that was most likely cold at this point, turning the page of the thick novel occasionally. His lips would purse, eyebrows scrunch occasionally, or a small chuckle, or even a shake of his head as he reacted to the words on the page. 
The wind picked up some, indicating a small rain storm that was destined to his later in the evening was starting to make it's way in. Bucky pulled a hair tie from his pocket, tying his hair into his typical low bun before picking his book back up. And it finally hit you; Fuck he's pretty.
The thought immediately made your body heat up and the instant feeling of something in between shame and excitement sat low in your belly. It was like a well known secret your subconscious kept for years finally made it over the wall of denial in your brain, immediately making your thoughts run wild; Fuck he's so pretty, more than pretty actually. What if this is why we've been weird for some many years? Wait. Why would that make it weird? Wait. Why is it weird? Why do we get along so well on missions and then act so differently at home? Oh My God… Has the team been trying to set us up? 
Shaking your head, you jumped up, apparently too suddenly because Bucky broke his concentration on his book to glance over at you. You could feel he was watching you move around, the only thought in your head now was to get out for some fresh air as you deciphered the flood of thoughts. You grabbed some fresh clothes, slipping into the bathroom with a heavy sigh once the door was closed. 
You looked at yourself in the mirror, attempting to ground yourself. Okay, what the hell is going on? The question kept repeating itself over and over in your head as you slipped into a summer dress, a sage flowy piece that Natasha and you bought for this trip specifically. It was cute, and Nat was right when she said it complimented your skin; definitely different than your normal attire but still comfortable. 
Walking out of the bathroom, you were relieved to find Bucky still where he was when you entered. After slipping on some sandals, you moved towards him, immediately aware of every detail of your very being. "Hey," you kept your voice soft, waiting for him to pull him eyes from the book and look up at you. There was something about how brightly his eyes shone with the golden sun beating down on him, there was a sense of both innocence and mystique, and the instant feeling of safety just from holding his gaze. "I'm heading out to get some coffee, do you want a fresh one? You've been sipping at the same cup for hours now."
Bucky glanced down at the cup, then to his watch, eyes going wide for a moment before a soft chuckle left his lips. "I've been out here for 4 hours already, shit. Yeah, I'd love a fresh one, doll. Thank you." He offered you a soft smile, "Just get me a-"
"A latte with three honeys on the side," you said matter-of-factly, "I could order for you at just about anywhere at this point." It was a teasing joke, one Bucky laughed at, but you instantly cursed yourself for even saying it. 
"We do spend quite a bit of time together," he hummed out, "Did you want to go out for dinner or get room service tonight?" He asked, picking his book back up as he prepared for your departure. 
"Let me see how I feel after I get back. But if we go out, it's your turn to pick. I picked last night." You stated before leaning down to kiss his hairline, still needing to keep up the act just in case someone was managing to spy; or at least that's what you were telling yourself. "I'll see you inna bit."
After returning with the coffee, still finding Bucky to be where he was when he left him, it was an instant decision to find a way to give yourself more time a way from the man that had your mind absolutely scrambled. Grabbing a book of your own, you let him know you'd be down by the pool if he needed you, using a quick excuse about wanting some change in scenery before the rain came as you left. 
You weren't entirely sure how long you'd been out there, it couldn't have been too long, but you we're aware you were reading the same page over and over again. The words seemed to mix together, jumbling about and not registering even in the slightest, your brain still attempting to make sense of what you were feeling. 
You never denied that Bucky was attractive, that's admittedly part of what made undercover missions easy. You never denied that you two got along well on missions, but you couldn't explain or pinpoint why you didn't get along at home. Sure, you were never hostile or rude, but it was exactly friendly or outgoing either. No matter how much you thought and walked through your early memories of Bucky, you couldn't make sense of anything. 
At this point, you knew pride was part of the issue. You knew the team would be able to walk you through, at the very least Nat or Pepper or maybe even Steve, but you could never admit to them what you were currently feeling or going through. The only thing you wanted to do, needed to do was to act normal until you got home. Then you could just hide away and go back to not having to interact with the man that was causing you turmoil. 
"There's my pretty girl," Bucky's drawl quickly pulled you out of your thoughts, causing you to jump at the sudden push back to reality. Seeing you jump caused Bucky to chuckle, especially as you turned to glare at him and his bright smile, "It's getting late, baby. We should go get some food." 
He moved to the lounge chair you had made home in, kneeling down next to you so he was eye-level. There was that feeling again, low in the pit of your stomach that had your skin warming. "There's apparently food trucks at a park about not too far. Why don't we head there and get some food to bring back and watch a movie?" 
Instinctively, you reach to tuck a strand of loose hair behind his ear, offering a soft nod and a smile, "That sounds perfect." 
You wanted nothing more than to kiss him, the thought immediately making your already warm skin heat up more, feeling flustered and like a school girl. It's not like you haven't kissed, it was just agreed upon that it was reserved for dire need situations. All other physical touchs; hand holding, forehead kissing, even smacking each others ass was okay to sell the facade that you were a happy couple.  
Bucky picked up on the change, a look of slight worry on his face, "You okay, doll?"
The laugh that left you was slightly anxious, holding the book in your hand up as a quick white lie, "Yeah, you just came down at a particularly… intense scene."
He immediately laughed, kissing your forehead as he stood up. "You're so cute. Let's get going though."
The bustling crowds offered a great distraction - Bucky stood proudly by your side, fingers interlocked together and swinging your joined hands softly like a love sick couple. The both of you scanned the crowd, trying to figure out where to go and what to get. 
The lines weren't too long, there were nearly a dozen trucks, and live music playing. The sun was finally setting, more clouds rolling in and bringing in a cooler breeze that allowed for a reprieve from the beach heat. There were benches with umbrellas set up, lantern lights adorning some posts and wires around the lot. It was cute, and if it wasn't for the mission you were still technically on, it would feel so wrong to be here with Bucky. 
After a moment of thought, you looked at Bucky, lips slightly pursed in thought, "I have an idea." You stated matter-of-factly.
He cooked an eyebrows at you, intrigued and slightly amused with your tone, "Let's hear it then."
"Let's get a platter or some random menu item from every truck then go back to the room and eat there." 
Bucky looked around and nodded, "Ya know what, doll, that sounds fantastic. Do you wanna divide and conquer or go one by one?"
It was then that you realized the clouds were darkening, and the rain was definitely going to happen sooner than later. "Let's divide and conquer before the rain comes." 
With a nod of agreement the two of you split, heading to either end of the trucks and working your way to each other. With the lines being shorter, it didn't take too long to get through them all, the both of you holding multiple bags stacked full of food and tied tightly. Quick words were exchanged before you started heading back towards the hotel, hoping to make it back before the rain.
The effort was fruitless though, with just maybe a few hundred feet left before the hotel you were staying at, the cold rain begins to pour down, the dark sky opening up and letting go every ounce of water it was holding on to. With loud gasps from the both of you, and small playful shriek even, you two took off running into the lobby, screeching yourselves to a stop as you entered and stood on the mats in front of the door. You were breathing heavily, attempting to catch your breath; a quick glance to Bucky showed you he was doing the same.
After a few moments, the two of you made eye contact, bursting into immediate laughter. You were both soaked head to toe, the only thing saved was the food. His shoes make a sloshing sound and your feet slid around in your sandals, you clothes clinging to every inch of your bodies. You were easily a sight for sore eyes, but it couldn't have been funnier. 
"Why didn't either of us think about the rain?" You managed to get out through your laughter. 
"Who knows, but let's get upstairs so we can get dry." He managed to respond.
The elevator ride up felt like an eternity, the cold of the AC feeling more intense from your wet skin. Bucky opened the door for you, letting you in first. He set the foot down, immediately kicking off his shoes. "Go shower, get warm. I'll pull out a change of clothes for you and we can swap when you're done." 
Something about the direction made you freeze momentarily, causing him to look up at you, "(Y/N), you're freezing. Go shower. I'm fine to wait." His voice was soft and caring and there was a part of you that wanted to tell him to shower with you. 
In the dim light of the room and the soaking wet clothes made him look even more divine, like he was sculpted from the gods themselves. You nodded, handing him the bags before making your way towards the bathroom. You closed the door, then quickly opening it to call out but he cut you off, "You want an oversized shirt and a loose pair of shorts, gets your ass in the shower." His tone was demanding but still playful. You caught the look in his eyes, mischievous, playful, and a hint of something you didn't want to recognize. 
You kept your shower quick, ready to be in comfortable clothes and a bed with good food. After quickly drying yourself as much as possible, you wrapped yourself in a towel, and stepped out into the bedroom. Bucky stood in only his boxers, his own clothes in one hand while he scrolled through the television with the other. It wasn't the first time you've seen him with this little clothing, but something about it now made your mouth dry and your skin heat up. 
"All yours," you said, grabbing his attention as you moved to the bed where he laid your clothes out for you. 
"Thanks, doll. I'll be quick. You can pick the movie," he tossed the remote onto the bed before disappearing into the bathroom himself. 
You stood there for a moment, taking a deep breath to calm yourself before slipping into the clean clothes. Bucky had already made work of getting creative. He pulled the ironing board from the closet and set the food up next to the bed, had fluffed the pillows up into a sitting position, and already gotten drinks for the two of you. By the time you had decided on a movie, Bucky was coming out of the bathroom. 
Immediarely, you mind started short circuiting again. He looked soft. He had on a light blue shirt and a pair of light gray shorts, his hair was towel dried and brushed against his shoulders, a slight wave to the brown locks. He slid in bed next to you, getting himself situated and comfortable before handing over the massive spread of food for you to start digging into. 
After about 20 minutes of eating and watching the movie in a comfortable silence, Bucky turned the volume down some, "Can I ask you a question?" The tone of his voice alone already told you how he was feeling. There was a sense of worry, anxiety almost to him. 
"Of course, what's wrong?" You asked, sitting your food to the side so you could turn to look at him. 
Bucky followed your lead, moving the food he had off the bed as well before taking a drink, trying to have a moment to articulate how he was going to ask what he wanted. Even though Bucky was sure the room wasn't bugged, he knew that there's was never a 100% chance of assuring that. The fact alone could make talking about things outside of the mission difficult, and this one one of those moments.
"How's the trip been for you? I know we haven't been on one in a while and I just want to make sure everything's okay, that we're okay." He had turned fully to look at you now, the worry in his voice making it to his eyes. 
"Oh…" the response was immediate, and you regretted it instantly the second you so that worry on his face grow, "The trips been wonderful, and uh…" You sighed, toying with the blanket around you, "We're fine, yeah. I'm just… not here?" You said, sort of motioning to your head to get the point across.
Bucky cocked his head some, the worry turning to confusion. "Are we going to be okay when we go home?"
That was something you couldn't answer. What was okay. Was okay how you normally act? Was okay something different? Something better? Something worse?
"Uh… maybe?" You offered, immediately wincing at your own words. You sighed deeply, "I don't really know how to explain what I'm feeling."
"Okay," Bucky took a moment, letting you both sit in the uncomfortable silence that was the lull in the conversation. He was doing his best not to become frustrated, he knew there was most likely no easy way for you to communicate what you wanted to say or even what you were feeling, but he's been able to tell for the past couple of days that things, specifically that you, have been off. "What do you know?"
Your gaze met his again, taking a deep breath in to try to gather the courage to say what you needed. "Things feel… different?"
Bucky stared at you for a moment, mind calculating and analyzing has he tried to decipher what you meant. In an instant it all clicked, and you didn't miss the way his lips curled into a quick smirk before his features soften. "Do things feel different when I call you my pretty girl?"
He watched as you immediately became flustered, averting your gaze and watching your chest rise and fall quicker. He thought he had sensed your heart rate quickening throughout the past couple of days, but he had honestly assumed it was anxiety from the mission. He had no reason to think it could be something else; Well, until now. 
"(Y/N)," your name came as firm and demanding, causing you to look at him. The smirk on his face was more evident now, "We can continue this conversation now, or when we get home. But just remember, you're my favorite book to read."
You were instantly lost for words, mouth opening and closing as you processed what he just said to you. Waiting until you were home was going to be far too long, but talking about whatever this was now? Right now when you were flustered beyond belief, that flippant warm feeling filling every valley and curve of your body? 
"Just say the word, doll, and I'll act like everything is normal. I'll go back to watching the movie and eating and ignoring the obivous."
A soft shake of your head was all you could muster as you search desperately for a will to stop the inevitable, or the courage to beg for it. 
"Words, (Y/N). Use your words." 
"I don't want normal." You swallowed, taking a shaky breath you continued, "I don't want this to go back to normal." 
Buckys lips turned to a smile. "You don't want this to stop when we go home?"
You shook you head more feverishly, "No, I - Fuck, what have you done to me?" You groaned out.
"The same thing you've been doing to me for years, I suppose." His tone was matter-of-fact, cool and calm almost. 
"What?" Your eyes had gone wide, mouth dry, and that God forsaken feeling low in your stomach was growing. 
"You heard me. Obviously, we'll have some talking to do when we get home." He chuckled
Bucky moved as if he was going to grab the food, stopping once he heard, "No," come out of your mouth, "No. I want to talk about it now."
He looked back at you, eyebrows raising as to silently ask how.
"I want to…" You sighed, shaking your head in disbelief at yourself before leaning forward, cupping the back of his neck with your hand and pressing your lips to his. 
This kiss was different; It was electricity filled, igniting every nerve in your body. You could feel the heat from your ears to your toes. It was intoxiting and addicting. 
Bucky waisted no time in kissing you back, even letting out a small groan at your sudden assertiveness. His prosthetic hand held onto you waist, the other cupping your face as the two of you broke years worth of tension in one swift motion. Bucky pulled away first, taking in the plumpness of your kiss swollen lips, the sluttering of your lashes as your opened your eyes to look at him, and the darkness of your gaze that was stricken with last. 
He looked just as enthralled, blue eyes dark as the night sky and hooded with desire, cheeks flushed slightly beneath his scruff. It finally clicked what the feeling you've been having all week was. Lust; pure, unadulterated lust for the man who was currently pretending to be your husband.
"Well damn, doll," he offered you a toothy grin, squeezing your waist, "Wasn't expecting that." 
"Don't be." He bit his lip, studying your face for a moment, "Whatcha thinking, pretty girl?"
You couldn't help but get flustered, "That I want more. A lot fucking more." You hand moved up from his neck to card through his hair, his breath hitching some as you did. "Please, James, I need more." Your voice had a slight whine to it, something you hoped he wouldn't be able to resist. 
"If I knew you sounded so pretty begging this would've happened years ago," he grumbled before kissing you again. This time though, he re-situated himself, helping you move to straddling him and doing his best to let you still have some semblance of control for now. His hands gripped your hips, keeping you from being able to move away from him.
One of your hands cupped his face, the other running down his clothed chest. You lips move in sink, a squeeze on your hips eliciting a small moan from you that he took advantage of, using your open mouth to slip his tongue in. You could feel the tent in his shorts growing, sitting hard against your core. 
An experimental grind of your hips pulled a moan form the man beneath you; The sound was music to your ears, and enough encouragement to do it again. 
Buckys hands moved, bracing you as he flipped you over to give himself more leverage and take control. Just as he begin to grind himself against you, he moved his lips from your to your neck. He kissed his way down to your pulse point, drinking in the sweet sounds you made. He sucked softly at the skin, moaned himself when you pulled at his hair. 
Any rationale thought was gone at this point, any fears or anxieties you had pushed to the back of your mind as pure pleasure and desire took over the forefront of your thoughts. Once Bucky was sure he would be satisfied with the mark he left on you, he pulled back some to look you in the eye. 
"Are you sure you want this?" He breathed out, offering you an out. 
You nodded so quickly he couldn't help but laugh softly, "God, you look so fucking desperate, doll. You want me to fuck you?" He had a slight tease to his voice. 
Another nod is all you could muster, but that wasn't good enough for him. "Uh uh, come on. Use your words. Need to hear you say it if you want me to do it."
You whined at his demand, pouting at him slightly, "Please."
"Please what?" His tone was more stern now, "If you want to continue, I need to know you actually want this." 
His insistence to make sure you were consenting pulled at your heart strings. You nodded, "Yes, Bucky," you kept your voice soft before adding a slight whine and plea to it, "Please fuck me."
He smiled, kissing you much softer than had had before, "I'd do anything you asked me to." His words sounded like a promise that had you own emotions bubbling up. 
Bucky leaned up for a moment, pulling off his shirt. He motioned for you to sit up and pulled yours off as well, groaning softly when he sat you skin. "Such a beautiful, pretty girl. Look at you," his hands ran up and down your sides and he took in your body before making eye contact with you again, "Most perfect thing I've ever seen, ya know that?" 
He could feel your skin heat up at his comments, watching you squirm. "Take your shorts off, doll." Bucky moved off the bed, kneeling on the floor at the edge, "C'mere." He demanded. 
You aren't going to deny him at this point, feeling yourself so tightly wrapped around his finger that you'd follow him into hell if it meant he kept talking to you like this. Once you were close enough, Bucky grabbed your thighs and pulled you to be perched on the edge on the bed, legs on his shoulders with his eyes level with your core. 
"Look at this sweet little pussy," he squeezed your thighs tight, "You're fucking glistening, doll." He started pressing kisses to your thighs, avoiding the very apace you needed him at. "Smell fucking divine, I just know you're gonna taste even better."
Bucky watched as you already started fishing the sheets, squirming and biting you lip to hold back any noise. He already decided it was his job to make it impossible for you to hold back. Bucky moved his right hand to interlock with yours, taking his left arm and using it to put pressure on your waist, the cold feel of the prosthetic a stark contrast to the heat of your skin. Just as he squeezed your hand, Bucky licked a thick stripe from your core to your clit, genuinely moaning at the taste. 
He wasted no time in drowning himself in your essence. Bucky licked and sucked, offering the occasional nibble, until you were grinding yourself in his face. Once soft gasps and moans were falling freely from you lips, he moved his left hand to your core, the cool digits of his forefinger and ringer figuring prodding your sopping hole. He wrapped his lips around your clit, sucking softly as he pushed two fingers in, relishing in the fact that your moans got loud. 
Bucky pulled him mouth away, moving to you thighs and sucking hickies into the soft skin while his fingers worked magic. He already knew your body so well, years of working together on intimate missions allowed him to learn how to tell what you liked versus what you loved. 
After leaving a few marks, he leaned his head against your thighs, looking up at you through his lashes and watching had your chest rose and fell and you head was thrown back in pure pleasure. "I was fucking right. Taste like honey, could drink you up all fucking day." 
He licked a quick stripe again, from where his fingers were to the hilt inside you all the way to your clit. "So, here's what's going to happen. I'm going to continue eating your sweet little pussy until you cum all of face then I'm going to fuck you nice and deep so you feel my cock for days."
He chuckled when he felt your walls flutter around his fingers, "You like the sound of that, pretty girl?" He curled his fingers, hitting the spongy spot that had you gasping for air and eyes rolling into the back of your head. "Look, you're already so close to the edge. You better soak me, baby."
Bucky didn't fall short on his word, getting back to work on your clit with his mouth. His scruff added a nice sensation that bordered on pleasurable pain, fingers moving st the perfect pace and curving expertly, mouth switching between sucking and kitten licks. His right had squeezed your own hand, encouraging you to let go for him. 
The pleasure was building quickly, it was intoxicating and inhibition destroying. You leaned up, using your free hand to grab hold of his hair and pull, giving you leverage to grind on his face. Bucky moaned against you, and truly giving you everything he was worth in his determination. 
It didn't take much longer for you to fall over the edge, moaning loudly and body convulsing. Your legs squeezed his head as he continued to work you through your orgasm until you fell back, panting for breath. 
Bucky pulled away, chuckling softly with a proud look in his face. From his nose down, he was absolutely glistening with your slick, "God you're fucking hot, using my face like that." 
Bucky stood, pulling his shorts off, using them to wipe his face some, then tossing them to the side. "Can't wait to see your pretty face when I fill you up. Your gonna take me so good, aren't you?" 
You nodded, already getting worked back up. You sat yourself up before he had the chance to grab you, leaning up and carding your hand through his hair again and guiding his lips to yours. You moaned at the taste of your own cum on his lips, reaching down to wrap your hand around his cock, jerking him slowly. 
He pulled away from your lips, breathing in sharp. "Uh uh, doll, you can do that another time," he kissed your forehead, a sweet gesture that was a drastic difference to what was currently happening, "Right now, I wanna be buried inside you, making you cum all over me again. Cmon, lay back down for me."
You stole one more kiss before resuming your prior position. Bucky stood at the edge of the bed, pulling you back to the edge and holding your legs spread wide. "You can tell me to stop at any point," he said softly, "but unless you do that, I'm not stopping until you're thoroughly filled with me."
You nodded, offering a desperate, "Please, Bucky. Want all of you," and moving to hold your own legs up as the extra step to prove how much you wanted this. 
"So fucking perfect," he groaned out. Bucky grabbed his length, teasing your slit a few times to get his thick tip left before finally pushing in. He was slow, listening to your gasp as he stretched you out so nicely. 
Inch by inch, he pushed in until he was bent over you and all the way to the hilt, your lower bodies completely flushed. "You feel fucking amazing around me," he moaned out, kissing every inch of skin he could reach. Just as you were starting to whine, he pulled all the way out before slamming back in, causing you to moan out loudly when you felt him in the deepest parts of you. 
Bucky set a brutal but rhythmic pace, changing it ever so slightly until he heard your moans and whines change to be deeper and louder. He moved one of your legs to his shoulder, which somehow allowed him to go even deeper, alternating between full thrusts and grinding against you. 
He reached down between the two of you, rubbing circles in your clit with his thumb and watching as your whole body begin to shake with intense pleasure. "Look at you," he moaned out, "Better than my wildest dreams. You gonna cum again for me, already doll?" 
He didn't need an answer at this point, he could tell from how your walls were squeezing him that you were close, and as much as he hated to admit it he wasn't far behind you. Bucky kept his movements consistent until he felt you fall over the edge again with a high pitch moan, his hips finally flattering as you squeezed him like a vice, quickly chasing his own high. A few erratic thrusts and he spilled into you with a moan of your name. 
Bucky let your legs down, taking a few deep breaths before pulling out of you. He laughed lightly as you whined at the loss of him. He disappeared to the bathroom, cleaning himself up before bringing back a warm, damp wash cloth to wipe you down with. Bucky pressed softly kisses to yoh skin and he wiped you off, kissing your lips before tossing the cloth to the side and climbing into bed with you. 
He helped you move back to laying normally in the bed, laughing once he noticed the credits of thie movie were rolling. He wrapped and arm around you, pulling you into his side and letting you get comfortable on him."How you feeling, doll?"
"Good, a little weird, but good." You said, voice drenched in exhaustion.
"Weird how?" He asked, rubbing his fingers up and down your back.
"Good weird. Happy things are gonna be different when we get home."
With how you were laying, you missed the way Bucky smiled down at you, "You don't understand how happy it makes me that I'll get to treat you like this all the time."
"Really?" You asked, already finding it hard to keep your eyes open.
"Doll, I've been yours since the moment I met you, someone was just too stubborn to notice her own feelings." He squeezed your side before going back to rubbing your back, "Get some sleep, we can talk in the morning."
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fotibrit · 16 days
tony lived AU
Peter post NWH uses fake names for like… everyone he meets. and everyone knows they’re fake. He’s not smooth about it. he has to be reminded of his own “name” a few times each time he keeps a friend around.
So it’s natural, when Peter (as peter, not as spider-man!) bumps into Deadpool, and deadpool asks him his name… he blurts out any name. “Sam…son” Peter says. and it obviously isn’t his. he visibly looks confused, and changes the name slightly two minutes into the interaction. (deadpool asks his name again. “Samuel” Peter responds)
Deadpool makes the OBVIOUS jump to the conclusion that the kid is, somehow, on the run. and Deadpool trusts the kids decisions, after hanging out with him for a minute. He figures, if “Sam” is on the run from the law, Deadpool would make sure the law lost that fight.
He decides to start making sure “Sam” is safe, in his day to day life. He finds out that “sam” is spider-man, and is DELIGHTED to go in patrol together.
And when the spell gets reversed, Tony Stark comes looking for Peter. and Peter looks terrified to see him.
And deadpool decides this is his time to shine, because OBVIOUSLY the law (aka stark) has tracked down “sam”. and “sam” looks scared. and Stark looks determined.
And deadpool isn’t letting his new friend go with Stark without putting up a fight, no matter WHAT bullshit stories Stark comes up with about magic.
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togrowoldinv · 1 year
Truth or Dare
Natasha Romanoff x Reader
While playing truth or dare with the team, feelings get revealed
Note: I was going to do it as a college au, but I thought an Avengers party would be a fun setting for this one. Enjoy!
Natasha Romanoff Masterlist 1, Natasha Romanoff Masterlist 2, Main Masterlist
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It was a silly idea, really, to play truth or dare with the rest of the Avengers. Everyone but Tony thought they were too old for it, but somehow he convinced everyone to play.
It started out simple. Sam dared Tony to chug a drink, Clint made Steve tell the group about his USO tour days, and you dared Wanda to fly up and touch the ceiling.
But as the night went on things got more intense. Everyone started asking hard hitting truth questions or daring each other to make questionable decisions.
“Alright, one last round,” Tony announces once everyone is more than a later wasted and definitely tiring of the job. “Romanoff, you’re up.”
Natasha hadn’t participated very much at this point. She was only dared a couple times to do simple things. No one wanted to mess with her.
“Fine,” she agrees. She rolls the dice and it lands on Tony’s number. He grins at her. “Truth or dare?”
“I think… dare. Why not end the night on a fun one,” Tony answers.
“Okay. I dare you to go home to your girlfriend,” Natasha says.
“Lame!” Tony yells.
“A dare is a dare, Stark,” Steve comes to Nat’s defense.
“I’m staying until my turn,” Tony declares. “Which is now.”
He rolls the dice this time. It lands on your number. You’ve avoided anything too embarrassing so far, but you never know with Tony.
“Y/n, my dear, truth or dare?” He asks dramatically.
“Um, dare?” You phrase it like a question. That makes everyone laugh.
“Dare it is,” he says. He rubs his chin as to appear to be thinking. “I dare you to kiss Natasha.”
The room goes silent at his dare. It seems like everyone is looking at you. Does he know you had a crush on her? Does everyone know? Does Natasha know? The thoughts run through your head as you’re not sure how much time has passed since he dared you.
“Alright, game over,” Sam cuts in.
“Yeah, we all need to rest up for training tomorrow,” Steve adds.
The guys leave the room one by one and say they’re goodnights. Natasha waits by the door frame to catch you when you leave. Wanda remains sitting by your side.
“Are you okay?” She asks.
“Yeah. I just- does he know?”
“I think he’s drunk and was trying to be funny,” Wanda reasons. “Hey, it’s going to be okay.”
She nudges your shoulder. You offer her a weak smile.
“Thanks Max,” you say.
“Maybe it wouldn’t hurt to tell her how you feel,” Wanda says. She hugs you before standing up to leave the room.
You stand up, taking a deep breath before you walk, and enter the hallway. Natasha watches and follows you towards the elevator. She steps in after you.
“Oh, your floor?” You ask her, ready to push the button.
“Actually, can we talk?” She asks.
You have no choice but to agree. The two of you exit on your floor. Natasha again follows you as you lead her into the living room area.
“What did you want to talk about?” You ask her.
“What happened back there,” Nat says. “What Tony said.”
“Oh, I don’t know why he did that.”
Natasha takes a step closer to you. It’s small but you notice it.
“Why didn’t you do it?” She asks.
“I- I don’t know,” you lie.
“Y/n, why didn’t you kiss me?”
She steps even closer now. Her body is within arms reach.
“Natasha,” is all you can mumble out.
“I would’ve kissed you,” she admits. “Even in front of everyone. I would’ve.”
You’re taken aback by that. All this time you’ve been crushing on her, you never considered she might have feelings for you too.
“So again, why didn’t you kiss me?” Natasha asks.
Here goes nothing.
“Because if I kissed you then I wouldn’t have been able to stop,” you say.
“I don’t see a problem with that.”
You take the steps closer to her this time. Her hands circle your waist as you do so. It feels right.
“Truth or dare?” Natasha whispers.
“Dare,” you reply.
“Kiss me,” the words fall off her lips just before you kiss them.
You kiss her for what feels like forever. You kiss her until you’re both out of breath. You kiss her like you’ve never kissed anyone before.
The truth is that you and Natasha both needed that push to take the leap together. You wonder if Wanda put the idea into Tony’s head somehow. She’s always looking out for you.
“Stay?” You ask Natasha once you’ve moved to the couch together.
She answers with another kiss. And another. And another.
It’s the perfect end to the day.
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darsynia · 1 year
I Know No Other Way Than This | Ch 5
(Bruce Banner/OFC, Tony Stark & Bruce Banner Friendship, post-Avengers 1 Soulmate AU multichapter)
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gif by @scottxlogan
MCU Masterlist | Tony Stark Masterlist | Prev | Next
Summary: Bruce tried to forget he had soulmate words entirely, but on the day of the Chitauri attack, he returned from his stint as the Hulk to find that his black words had turned silver. His soulmate must have watched him shift from the Other Guy into himself and said them while he was unconscious… Length: 2,159 Note: if I’d have found this chapter title before I started this, the entire story would be named Parallel Postulate, instead. Basically, Euclid’s Fifth Postulate is describing a line that falls across two other lines. It says that if the angle created by each ‘corner’ that the joins make are less than 90%, then the other two lines will eventually meet at a single point. Tony is the line that falls, and Cicely and Bruce are the two lines that will eventually meet! Tags: @starryeyes2000 @arrthurpendragon @ronearoundblindly @themaradaniels
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“How’s it going, Aris-Toss-All? Whatcha thinking?”
“Hulk was trying to warn you I think. The thing that set me off was finding out her stalker wasn’t a stalker at all. He was being paid to watch her, referred to a ‘them’ that had missed a payment.” 
There was a minute or two delay in hearing Tony’s next response.
“All right, JARVIS is on the case, thanks to what you already told him and some enhanced directives from me. But Bruce? I think you’re going to have to really watch those videos and see what you can see. AI is one thing, but--”
“No, I agree,” Bruce sighed.
“Don’t fret. Your impulsive instinct got us the jump on the guy.”
“My existence is harmful to her, Tony.”
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Chapter Five: Euclid’s Fifth Postulate
Bruce’s left side was still a bit bruised when he woke up, despite the healing factor of the Hulk. He could feel it, tender and unfamiliar, as he rolled over onto his back on the springy floor of the room Tony had built for him. It had been a long time since he had felt a true serious injury; Bruce wondered exactly how long. Years, that was for sure. All of those injuries, even the one where he’d actually shot himself, had resulted in the Other Guy taking over and his body repairing the damage. For it not to have been fully repaired by the time Bruce was back in control of himself must have meant an extensive injury.
He looked up at the ceiling above him and found the answer.
There was a circular metal collection of slabs, not quite over his head, but close. They were clustered and angled, looking a lot like something he’d seen in the science fiction show Stargate, called the Iris. There it had been used to cover up the titular gate to prevent anything from moving through it without permission. Had Tony built a shaft through his tower to this room? Had he dropped Bruce all that way?
“Dr. Banner, Sir has requested that I monitor your condition and inform him when you are prepared to speak with him over the comm. Shall I give you some more time to adjust or are you ready now?”
He was used to JARVIS, but there was something strange about hearing the AI speaking so casually here, of all places.
“Go on, but I’d like you to do a welfare check on Cicely Besnard. The information I learned that set me off directly relates to her safety.”
“Certainly, Dr. Banner.”
It stood to reason that Tony had a protocol in place to make sure that simply telling him what had brought forth the Hulk wouldn’t do it again, but Bruce remembered what it was, and that information was still relevant. At least, he hoped it was.
“If it isn’t the Jaw-y Green Giant! How much do you hate watching videos of yourself as your chartreuse creature?”
“It’s not my favorite thing, Tony. Why?”
“He was really chatty during the flight. Seemed like what he was trying to say was important, but I couldn’t figure it out.”
Bruce was genuinely surprised. He sat up, resting his forearms on his knees, frowning. “Is there audio?”
“Sure. Here, ignore the wind noise:”
He understood what Tony meant as an audio file started to play. The sound of the wind whipping was distracting, but then the Hulk started talking.
He recognized some of the names, but not their context.
“Give me a few minutes!” Bruce yelled at Tony. He scrubbed a hand through his hair and added, “I’m not that angry, I just need to think, okay?” He was on edge, and if he wasn’t careful, he’d lose it again and Cicely would be in even more danger. Waiting to hear back from Stark’s AI was making him antsy.
“There’s clothes through a human-sized door activated by your fingerprint, light it up, will you JARVIS?”
Bruce stood and looked around until he saw a (green, of course) blinking light above a door-shaped indent in the padding of the walls. He walked over and activated the controls, opening it up to find a few outfits hanging on the wall. One of them was a t-shirt with Oscar the Grouch on it, which had Bruce laughing despite the serious moment.
“Dr. Banner? I can report that Cicely Besnard is currently at home. The man who has been seen following her around was not visible on any of the surveillance taken from her journey.”
“That’s less encouraging than it sounds, JARVIS. Someone’s hiring people to tail her, that’s what made me lose it. We need to tell her, and either move her somewhere safe or arrange for some kind of security until we can find out why. And it sure as hell better not be because of me.”
“Shall I inform Mr. Stark about this development?”
Bruce dressed quickly, his mind on the names that Hulk had used. He’d sounded upset, in as much as the Other Guy could have variations in demeanor. Ross was obvious, and so was Emil, for that matter, but calling them new was throwing Bruce. And ‘Ann?’ He couldn’t think of any--
Betty had told him about a nurse who had been particularly kind to her in the hospital after his initial rampage as the Hulk. The woman had changed shifts, altered her schedule, so she could be there for Betty. That nurse’s name had been Ann.
He stumbled out of the changing room, finding the light switch and turning it off with a weak hand. Did Hulk remember that? The creature’s thought processes were primitive, he knew, but were they associative?
‘New’ Ross. ‘New’ Emil. ‘Bruce’s Ann.’ Bruce’s nurse. A bad guy called in an accomplice to watch Bruce’s nurse?
“How’s it going, Aris-Toss-All? Whatcha thinking?”
“Hulk was trying to warn you I think. The thing that set me off was finding out her stalker wasn’t a stalker at all. He was being paid to watch her, referred to a ‘them’ that had missed a payment.” 
There was a minute or two delay in hearing Tony’s next response.
“All right, JARVIS is on the case, thanks to what you already told him and some enhanced directives from me. But Bruce? I think you’re going to have to really watch those videos and see what you can see. AI is one thing, but--”
“No, I agree,” Bruce sighed.
“Don’t fret. Your impulsive instinct got us the jump on the guy.”
“My existence is harmful to her, Tony.”
Just saying it out loud hurt. He’d been looking forward to seeing her in person, after warning the stalker off, even though he wouldn’t have approached her. The Hulk’s determination to pass along Bruce’s message in the only way he could think of was very worrisome to Bruce. It meant that Cicely was more important to him than he’d thought she was, which was already too much.
“Seems to me it’s too late to worry about that. If there’s no way to avoid complicating her life, shouldn’t you both at least benefit from it?”
“You got an old laptop you can put on your internal network so I can watch from in here? I don’t think I’m ready to head out just yet,” Bruce asked, ignoring Tony’s question entirely.
“Man, you have no idea how tempted I am to try to set up something on one of those PlaySkool tablets. I won’t, though. I know you’re taking this seriously.”
“Yes, I am.”
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Bruce had been looking through files and sorting them into various folders for about five hours when Tony showed up in his Iron Man suit with a person-sized cot, and some blankets. 
“Sorry, sorry,” Bruce said, standing up and holding his hands to the small of his back like a man thirty years his senior. “Got carried away.”
“Hey, I’m the last person to chastise a good work binge. Getting any headway?”
“There are at least two of them. The guy I scared away and another man,” Bruce said grimly. “JARVIS did some background, and I’d just like to say that if I weren’t pretty sure this was about the Hulk, I’d be seriously concerned about your access to resources that cross ethics boundaries.”
He was being mild. It seemed like JARVIS had the ability to do things that if the US Government did them, they’d be hearing about UN violations for spying on its own citizens. Intellectually, he knew that private citizens were held to a lesser standard, but when it came to some of the things that he’d been involved in over the course of his life, Bruce didn’t see much difference in the kinds of people who were willing to cross those lines. That Tony Stark was one of them was concerning. It wouldn’t take much to nudge him over into the category of people whose well-meaning concepts were twisted into something horrible.
Bruce would have hoped that the things he’d read about at the Stark Expo a few years back would have taught the man something.
“Bottom line?” Tony asked.
“You’re going to need to send someone to approach her. Maybe Romanoff?” he sighed and once again pushed back the protective urgency he’d been feeling all evening.
“Why wouldn’t you be the one--”
“Okay, you’re Cicely, you recognize me as the person you said something innocuous to only for it to turn out to be a soulmark on my body. You ran away, but I’ve found you, and uh oh, here I am to warn you that someone other than me is stalking you, and it’s probably my fault. How will you react? Favorably, do you think?” Bruce shook his head.
“You watched her do research on you, Bruce. She knows you’re a scientist. The woman’s smart, she can figure out that it’s only logical that you tracked her down. It’s not like you picked her out of a list of women.” Tony flew up to the iris-looking metal door in the ceiling. “JARVIS says you still have some bruising. Should I fit this with some sort of net?”
“Focus, Tony!” Bruce said, irritated. His own comfort was far from a priority right now. “Ideally we set up someone to speak to her as she leaves for work in the morning. Whoever is tracking her was almost certainly warned that we’re onto them.”
“I can send Clint to watch the entrance now, if it would make you feel better,” Tony said, flying back down and landing near Bruce.
“It would.”
“I’ve got at least five empty apartments here, you know. The commute wouldn’t be too bad, and--”
Bruce’s frustration exploded into a tirade. “I can’t get close to this woman, Stark! Look what happened when she vaguely said something in my direction!”
“Wow, you actually do get green around the ears. I thought that was a euphemism!”
Bruce leaned over with his palms on his knees and started doing his breathing. Whether or not there was some kind of genetic imperative to caring for and/or protecting one’s soulmate, he felt responsible for the woman’s safety. She’d come into contact with him, and shortly afterwards, she’d become a target. Tony’s insistence that he remain involved with trying to get her into a safer situation was quite literally driving him insane.
“I’d kick you out of the tower to put her in instead but you’re kind of the one guy who should stick around,” Tony pointed out.
“We neutralize the threat, let her get on with her life. It’s that simple,” Bruce said.
“That’s right up there with ‘create world peace, everyone is happy,’ but okay.” Tony was hovering over Bruce in a way that would look nonchalant except for the way he lifted higher every time Bruce looked up at him. “I’ll send Clint to watch out for her overnight, and in the morning, Nat will drop by for a friendly chat. She’s good at undercover bullshit. Maybe something like a routine sweep of suspicious persons caught two men that had been subsequently seen on surveillance footage following her.”
Bruce let out a breath. “That could work,” he allowed. “Especially if Natasha questions her gently about whether she knows the guys. It could come across like a sting on them, not an operation to protect her.”
“Okay, it’s settled. Do you want me to read you a bedtime story?” Tony asked, sounding entirely too excited at the prospect.
“I already know about the book Go The Fuck To Sleep, Tony, but nice try,” Bruce laughed.
“Damn. I bought it to swap out for one of the books Cap takes to Children’s to read to the sick kids every month, but it turns out he actually does his due diligence and checks the books before he leaves. Knew it was me, too,” Tony lamented.
“Get out of here before your soulmate blames me for your absence. Good night,” Bruce ordered.
“Yes, Dad,” Tony said.
“Wow, no snarky nickname?” Bruce couldn’t resist.
“All I came up with on the fly was ‘Father Throws Best,’” Tony shrugged.
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Next chapter, Bruce does his best not to get attached as he seeks to make life better for his soulmate-- but comes to the realization that his life got better after the attack on New York.
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yikesdrama · 1 month
we’ll be fine line 🪐 — Bucky Barnes (ongoing series)
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🫶🍿🤤| athlete!bucky barnes x athlete!reader, college au.
series summary —
Dive into the chaos that is Bucky Barnes’ love life as SHIELD College’s resident playboy learns the hard way that playing games with hearts isn’t as easy as winning them on the field. Watch as he fumbles his way through falling for Y/N Romanoff, the no-nonsense, badass captain of the girls' hockey team.
One slip-up and he's on the brink of losing everything he never knew he wanted, and he's got only one shot to set it right. Expect all the highs and lows—friendship, betrayal, drama, heartbreak, and maybe, just maybe, redemption.
Because let's be real: college is just high school with more coffee and worse decisions.
Main Character Relationships -
Bucky Barnes (endgame), Natasha Romanoff (sister), Yelena Belova (adoptive sister), Tony Stark (childhood bestie), Loki Laufeyson (fling), Steve Rogers (eventual brother-in-law), Kate Bishop (eventual sister-in-law)
Character Pairings -
Bucky Barnes x Y/N Romanoff, Steve Rogers x Natasha Romanoff, Tony Stark x Pepper Potts, Kate Bishop x Yelena Belova, Peter Parker x MJ, Y/N Romanoff x Loki Laufeyson
🔊 tag list is open, comment if you wanna be added!
🚫 Content Warnings in each chapter. But minors dni, if you do it's at your own risk. This work contains, 18+ content, violence, blood, death, smut, inappropriate language, mental health issues, sexual abuse, emotional pain, etc.
00. you smile like it’s no big deal
01. meet me in the hallway
02. hard liquor mixed with a bit of intellect
03. tracksuit and a ponytail
04. late night talking
05. walk in your rainbow paradise
06. you're so golden
07. maple syrup, coffee, pancakes for two
08. just an arrogant son of a bitch
09. you got the antidote
10. you'll never need me again
11. we don't talk enough
12. don't you call him 'baby'
13. she lives in daydreams with me
14. we should open up
15. in a black dress, such an actress
16. just let me adore you
17. tastes so sweet, looks so real
18. my only angel
19. baby, you are the love of my life
20. we'll be alright
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nicoline1998enilocin · 2 months
Tony (young or not) desperate for his girl's pussy, on his knees between her legs begging her to let him eat her out while she works/does her homework w/ prompt 78. “let me eat you out while you do that, please?” 😩🥴 + him being all pussy drunk and dazed, pretty please 🫠
Afternoon Delight
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PAIRING || Boyfriend!Tony Stark x Girlfriend!Fem!Reader
WORDCOUNT || ~ 900 words
SUMMARY || Tony is bored, so he decides to go and see if he can get a taste of his favorite treat: You.
RATING || Explicit (E)
TAGS || Semi-canon compliant. Everyone lives AU. Sugar Daddy AU. Established relationship. Explicit sexual content.
SMUT || Hair pulling. Praise. Teasing. Fingering. Oral (F receiving).
A/N || This is written for my Summer of Drabbles. This is not proofread; any and all mistakes are my own. I cannot say enough thank you's to @ccbsrmsf1 for helping me out when I was stuck with this story - you have helped me get this to the great story it is now. Muito obrigado e eu te amo 🤍
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Photo: @ccbsrmsf1 || All other graphics are made by @nicoline1998enilocin
Main Masterlist || Tony Stark || Sugar Daddy!Tony Stark || Summer of Drabbles
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Tony has found himself in a situation he never thought he'd be in: he's bored out of his mind. You're studying in the office you have decorated to fit all your studying needs, and Moon is happily asleep on top of his cat tree, leaving Tony to wander around the penthouse aimlessly as restlessness settles in. Then, as he's making a cup of tea for you in the kitchen to keep himself busy, he gets an idea.
With the tea in his hand, he makes his way over to where you're studying, a soft knock on the door getting your attention between making notes about past lectures. A smile immediately curls at the corners of your lips at the sight in front of you - Tony walking around in casual clothes, messy hair instead of neatly styled, his stubble peeking through on his cheeks, and a pair of glasses to finish the look. While it's very different from his usual looks, he looks comfortable. And sexy, too.
You smile at him, your gaze trained on his movements as he makes his way over to you, the tea in his hands. The way he moves immediately tells you there's something on his mind, and you know it's you he's thinking about.
"How's the studying going?" Tony asks after you've gotten the cup from his hands, a soft, appreciative hum leaving your lips as you do. His fingers gently tuck a piece of your hair behind your ear, leaving goosebumps on your neck as his fingers trail the curve of your throat. Your eyes slip shut to let the moment sink in, your boyfriend's touch sending your heartrate into overdrive.
"It's going well, so if I keep going at the same pace, I should be done before dinner! Then we can have the movie night we discussed," you tell him enthusiastically as you warm your hands on your mug. Tony smirks at your enthusiasm before stepping closer and crouching in front of you while your gaze is locked on his the entire time.
"How about I give you a little… encouragement to keep studying, Sugar? Let me eat you out while you do that, please? It'll give both of us something to do," he tells you as he spreads your legs a little, showing the panties that are drenched underneath your skirt. A soft hum leaves your boyfriend's lips, and you feel the heat rising to your cheeks as he takes his fill of what you've been hiding from him.
"O-okay," you mumble, not registering anything about what you're supposed to be studying. Tony's hands glide over your thighs until they reach the lacy edges of your ruined panties. His fingers hook behind the elastic before allowing you to lift your hips enough, sliding the fabric off and putting them in his pocket.
The moment Tony is back between your legs, he lets his fingers glide through your wetness until he finds your clit, letting the pads of his fingers glide over the sensitive nub as your hips move to chase the pleasure he's bringing you. A broken moan leaves your lips as you look at Tony, his gaze focused solely on his favorite place: your pussy.
As his fingers keep teasing you, he notices you're looking at him instead of your notes, and he reprimands you playfully for not paying attention. You try your hardest to focus, but when he's on his knees, hungry to taste you, it's challenging.
"Doin' so well for me, Sugar, such a good girl," he says between kisses on your inner thighs, the stubble on his cheeks creating perfect friction on the sensitive, soft skin. Meanwhile, his fingers keep working at the same pace as they switch between your clit and sliding in and out of your dripping entrance, a smirk tugging at your boyfriend's lips when you're already close, and he hasn't even had a taste of you yet.
"Such a perfect pussy," he whispers as he noses your clit this time, and a jolt of pleasure surges through your body, your study material now long forgotten as your hands are tangled in his messy curls, tugging at the strands as you try to gain as much pleasure from your boyfriend as you possibly can. The moment his mouth attaches to your dripping pussy, he groans in appreciation, the taste of you coating his tongue in the best way possible as he takes his fill from you.
As your head falls backward, you pull him even closer, burying his face between your thighs as your orgasm builds inside you. His fingers keep working your sweet spot inside you as his lips are wrapped around your clit, and this is your undoing as you're violently shaking and trembling on your chair, the leather of it slick with your juices. A deep moan of Tony's name gets you through it, and he's throbbing in his pants at the force of which he made you cum.
"Fucking hell, Sugar, you're such a good girl for me when you cum like that," he says as he pants, the air being knocked out of him at the power of which your orgasm surged through you. As your chest rises with every deep breath, you let your hand glide over your boyfriend's stubble, a smirk now lying on your lips.
"How about we switch places, and I make you feel how you made me feel?"
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