#too many ideas I needed out of my system who cares if it’s good lol
padawansuggest · 10 months
Okay so on Coruscant there are very few people that don’t actually go out into the streets (I’m thinking politicians and Jedi might be some of the few who don’t have to go outside very often if at all because the senate and the temple are both the size of a small city) which means that 1: they NEED to have vitamin D lights on the streets of Coruscant because otherwise everyone would be depressed like in the deepest winter at all times. And 2: that means I think the Jedi temple and the senate themselves also are just full of Vitamin D lights.
Also y’all need to stop writing fics where kids are afraid of ‘getting caught sneaking around after dark’ or something because the temple is literally so full of species that you have no idea of that kid is nocturnal or whatever. They very well could be. Tbh I wanna write a fic where someone catches Obi-Wan sneaking around at night to play a prank with Quin or something and he’s all ‘bruh my eyes glow in the dark I’m obviously meant to be awake at this hour’ and no one can argue with him. Stuff like that.
Also I think the temple neeeeeeeds multiple healing halls (once more. It is the size of a small city) one in the aquatic center of the temple (which canonically exists) one in the temple main (which should span over like four levels and act as it’s own building okay) and one in the creche. This is the MINIMUM amount of healing halls I think they should have.
A tram system should be inside the walls. Places in the temple that act as sideways lifts and also a subway system because believe it or not, there are species in the temple as small as one foot tall, and I’m not just talking about Grogu, I’m talking about others like Kushiban and others similar. Once more. It is the size of a small city. They should have both subway type stations (that take you certain places like the main healing halls or the biggest canteen or the supply sector of the temple things like that) because oh my god imagine how many hours the commute to your workstation could take if you didn’t have that shit. Annoying af.
They gotta have names for all the different canteens okay. Like ‘meet me in the cafeteria’ in a temple the size of a small city is bullshit cause even in the books they have multiple cafeterias.
A… let’s call it a Mall Section of the temple. A place where you can pick up groceries (the temple makes their own food and I assume most of it is cooked in careens but also not letting people cook their own food is a recipe for a Jedi starving to death on a mission lmao) but they also have a salon (skin care and hair care are very important and if you let all these babies cut their own hair they gonna turn out like me no one wants that) and a clothing ‘store’ where you can get certain size clothes and robes from, or even undercover mission clothes. There need to be Jedi in these places too!!! Imagine going to the salon with your master and having a gossip talk about your new lineage member!!! It’s important to society!!!
A Jedi movie theater where the masters send their kiddos on the weekend so they can enjoy a glass of wine and not be sneezed on for three hours.
I’ve actually seen a few mentions in fics and posts about tea salons so that is def also a thing. It’s the Jedi version of a cafe. I think people who like baking take turns working there and everyone chips in for tea selections and stuff.
Droid Ubers. They need to get somewhere but feel sick as heck and it’s not near any good lifts or the subway trams??? Call a droid Uber lmao. It shouldn’t be unusual either lol just grandmaster on his way to bother his kid while not aggravating his hip after hip surgery.
Remember that Jedi who are like 10 foot tall also exist so remember there ARE apartments in the temple that could fit Kenobi’s Dino-Horse girl Boga.
There should also be apartments with like 10 bedrooms and bathrooms (or even one giant communal bathroom) around a singular living/cooking space!!! Let Jedi live in communes!!!!
The aquatic levels of the creche are def the cutest place in the temple you can’t argue with me on the idea of water babies swimming and cuddling under water.
On another note to the fact that species like Kushiban exist???? Imagine tiny doors and corridors that used to be used by mouse droids but they became so useful to tiny Jedi so they got taken over. Just imagine that.
Bartering markets where Jedi trade things, mostly things they get on missions or are given to them as gifts, nothing goes to waste so they find a proper place for all gifts and extras here.
Cooking classes. Obi-Wan has been kicked out of all of them his cooking is so bad. Anakin claims bullshit he loves Master’s cooking! But then, he also eats worms…
Anyways. Y’all too single minded with this shit. It just be all ‘cafeteria, living quarters, healing halls and archives’ with you guys. Where is the culture. Where is the acknowledgment of multiple species all living in the same area taking place in a culture of peace and galactic exploration???? Give them a liquor store idgaf.
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auriidae · 9 months
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LIFESTUCK ?!?! (pt 2 here!) (pt 3)
i was sick a couple days ago and spent like 12 hours straight doing nothing but classpecting life series characters and then was like Yeah i have to draw this now. so here's some sillies 👍 (super long classpect ramble under cut because i spent far too long on it not to share hfshjf)
quick note: i really really love @/classpect-navelgazing's theories and used them for a lot of the ideas here. go check their blog out it rules :]
ok you guys flower ranchers (scott tango jimmy) are making me so insane for this au specifically because of this idea i had about doom/life players. doom in true canon is related to inevitability, fate, and knowledge of the specific rules that keep the characters trapped within their story, right. and life is sort of related to healing, physically and mentally, within the confines of the game. so within this au, the aspect of life refers to the rules within the game that the players can see and are aware of (last life’s trading lives system + boogeyman, third life’s soulmate mechanic, secret life’s tasks, etc.). life players have some amount of dominion over these elements (depending on their class, of course). doom on the other hand refers to everything surrounding the games (stuff like admin powers, the world barrier, and whatever happens to the players after they die). 
as a mage of doom, scot (his name is so funny to me. like yeah he sure is) has a bunch of intrinsic knowledge about the way the games function on a logistical level. he’s like a guy who read the script a while ago and forgot all the characters’ names but knows the basic plot and how it’s going to end. or who knows all the ins and outs of tech crew and for whom the apparent magic of the show for the audience is lost on, since he knows how it’s being done. the thing is, scot isn't especially able to act on this knowledge during the game. what director wants someone in the audience — or one of the actors — taking all the magic out of the show, spoiling how it works and how it ends? no, it’s best if they keep that knowledge to themselves — and so scot’s narratively unable to affect the stories of those around him, even his close friends who he’d want to help. he’s aware of this, of course, which makes him more than a little depressed, as he can see the futility of it all and can’t even explain to anyone what’s going on and how the game works. (the only story he’s able to affect, of course, is his own. which. depressed doom player + mage martyr complex + guy who Really cares about his friends is not necessarily a good combination.)
the amount of stock i put in the idea of gendered classes is close to zero so tangoe gets to be a maid of life because ohh my goodness. i like the theory (thanks classpect-navelgazing) of life as “the aspect of affluence,” where life players usually enter the game with some kind of material wealth or status that helps their position in some way. i also like the idea that maid players start the game with a surplus of their aspect but often end up feeling as if they’re only seen as a provider of that specific thing as a result of this, and so end up longing for something else instead. this primarily applies to last life tango because that’s the season i’m most familiar with lol, but i thought the way he started out with so many lives there and quickly dwindled as a result of everyone taking from him and only him was Really interesting. mans has all the luck of the game he could need, but only wants friends to actually be able to live with. being a life player also ties into his little gambling games and things (again, dominion over stuff within the overarching game/story, but nothing beyond that).
then we get to jimi (again fantastic name). the basic premise of an heir is that they’re played by their aspect, right and Oh Boy is jimmy played by life in the life series. i don’t personally know much about anything he’s done other than heehoo canary guy but along with the previously stated points it’s So fun to see him as a life player because it allows for some really clearly contrast between the way he interacts with tangoe and scot based on their aspects. i really like the idea of scot being like “you’re a life player jimi. it's in your name. the game is not going to let you die” and jimi like “you really think so? aw thanks man” neither of them knowing that dying as a life player in this game is literally like in the job description. (ok. i kind of feel like i’m letting jimi down by basing his story so far around other people.. but this is just for fun and i can always change it later)
(also i could easily have put tangoe and jimi as doom players too but for the fact that i don’t think they necessarily see through the game as much as scot does (or at all). and so life it is.)
feel free to ask me questions abt them!!! i have so many thoughts about this bro 
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steve-brules-rules · 5 days
I would like to ramble about Dasein and the ending of Novus now that I’ve had time to digest the ending, because I LOVED IT. Spoilers for the very end of Novus below the break, obviously lol
My poor baby boy. I did not expect Dasein to actually *fuckin kill* the manticore. It was SO satisfying (also satisfying after I spent about an hour soloing it with no prep and teaching myself how to do it lolol). But you can tell he’s just so completely frustrated at that point. Like after everyone has been exploiting him, he tries to find a solution through the manticore. He’s still too naive to fully understand how talking to the manticore is a bad idea. He doesn’t realize that until it’s almost too late and he needs the wizard to help again. He’s definitely frustrated at both himself and everyone else. I think he’s also frustrated at the wizard for their disagreement on how to resolve things.
And I think he’s disappointed in the wizard because he’s kinda had this illusion about them shattered. He obviously knows they’ve been physically kicking asses at every point along the way, but now he’s seen that they’ll ignore him to do things their way. This is obviously because they know better than him how people like Mario and Rottingham work and it’s kiiiiinda a emergency with the four major spiral powers going to war, but it’s still gotta be so awful to see how you’ve tried so hard to be peaceful, and it’s *just not working.* Ugh. :(
Id argue he’s also disappointed in himself. He’s exhausted, burnt out, and now he’s feeling resentful too. He’s probably feeling a lot of guilt for feeling frustration and resentment. He’s probably really conflicted about the wizard. At least, that’s what I’d be feeling.
Just. The fact that he reached a breaking point like that, after it feels like he’s so lost, and nobody wants to help him the way he needs. Even the wizard.
Im really wishing the devs did more at this point to expand how dialogue is delivered in this game. It’s clear they want to make things more complex, more involved, and I really think the current system is holding it back. I want to see what the wizard is thinking and saying. I want to see a choice-based response system with consequences for those responses. I’m so so mad that I couldn’t control my wizard’s responses more because I wanted to be a lot more compassionate to Dasein than I was allowed to be. This system worked great in places like arc 1/2 because who cares, we’re all on the same page with waking up the emperor of mooshu and freeing he manders and stomping both mali and morganthe. But now things are more nuanced. Do people agree with the idealistic Dasein, or with the worldly and jaded spiral superpowers? How do people respond to Mario’s accusations of not having any business meddling in the affairs of the spiral when they’re not even native to the spiral? AARRGHHHHH I just wanna delve into this more and I can’t and it’s frustrating to feel like there are multiple ways to respond and I’m locked into one path when this should be a wizard guided by a better moral compass than what we see. So many things are just so confusing, like not disobeying Rottingham more or trying to argue against him. Or even trying to respond to his insults. The wizard has definitely been called worse, but I don’t remember another npc as ungrateful as the superpower representatives on Novus. And i think it warrants a different response from the wizard. I’m really scratching my head at how they can respond the way they do, with everything they know and Dasein supposedly being their trusted friend (or significant other, in Ryan’s case LOL).
Anyway I’m really looking forward to seeing how wallaru goes. This is still my fav arc so far because of how it hits so close to home and strikes such a raw nerve for me. I’ve felt SO MUCH because of it, both good and bad. I’ve been frustrated by story delivery mechanics, but it’s still so beautiful to see this story the devs have written. They still hit it out of the park on this one.
And I hope that any devs who are on tumblr see this, because I really want them to know that this arc has meant so much to me personally and it’s been extremely impactful. In the many many years I’ve been playing, no other arc or story in wiz has moved me so deeply and hit so close to home. I’ve finally gotten motivated to get back on top of the game and not just lagging behind by a few worlds. This has been amazing, and I can’t wait to see what the next arc is like.
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misc-obeyme · 8 months
In fact, there are so many things that could happen to Simeon now that he's become human. His immune system, for example, is probably not as good as an angel's, and there are probably a lot of human diseases he's never caught. He'll probably spend the first few months getting sick and catching every virus around.He'll probably end up with weaker bones too and he'll inevitably end up hurting himself more easily, after all, I've already sprained my ankle because I slipped on wet ground. 1/3 -^^
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Ahh, it's so true, there's a ton of potential!
I hadn't considered the state of his immune system, but it could definitely be compromised as a new human. I would like to think he'd have some resistance but really where would he have gotten anything like that? Can you imagine MC taking care of Simeon after he's caught something like the chicken pox? Oh man or the flu?? MC just doting on him and him being like what no I'm fine this is nothing but then it totally wipes him out lol. Poor guy.
And yeah he better be careful with those human bones. I tripped in a parking lot once and sprained my ankle, so it's not difficult to do.
I also think MC is a special circumstance. They've had all the brothers protecting them from the very beginning.
But if we consider that Simeon has been human since the start of OG season three, he was spending all that time in the human world trying to figure all this stuff out. And he had Luke, but Luke didn't even know about it, right? Now I can't remember for sure, but I don't think he did. I mean if Simeon can't even tell MC the truth I doubt he could tell Luke.
I like to think that Solomon was keeping an eye on him during that time. Certainly there isn't as much he would need to worry about in the human world as compared to the Devildom. And we saw in season four how both Solomon and Lucifer went out of their way to protect Simeon.
I like to think that Simeon wouldn't be dumb and would try to keep himself out of danger, but he also can't just quarantine himself forever or anything. He doesn't have a bunch of demons to protect him and he's also not technically a part of the exchange program anymore. I think both of those things matter in the case of MC's safety. Simeon also isn't a sorcerer, which MC is. So really he's at a huge disadvantage compared to MC, I think.
Personally I really love the idea of Simeon coming to terms with his new reality only because MC is there to help him through it. Solomon can help, too. Who better to help Simeon understand how to be a human than two humans who love him??
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anotherbluesunday · 6 months
I was tagged by the lovely Sindar @remusjohnslupin (fight me, I’m ready 👁️👄👁️🔪). So excited to do one of these “get to know me” threads again. They’re always so interesting to read.
Are you named after someone? Nope. I’m named after a project my father worked on (the Mars rover missions) and my mom’s favorite day of the week, Sunday.
When was the last time you cried? A few days ago. It was for a role though so that doesn’t really count (?). In a non-acting capacity I’d say a week ago when I had the wonderful realization that a 40 hour work week isn’t condusive to my creative process and school schedule and cried in relief as I put in my two-weeks notice.
Do you have kids? Nope and I don’t want to have any theough pregnancy. I don’t like the idea of being physically pregnant and my family has a few things genetically that I wouldn’t want to pass down to my children like breast cancer and ovarian cancer. But I want to adopt three kids someday—preferably preteens or teens because I hate knowing that there are kids going through life in foster care and are phased out of the system at 18 with no experience and they’re expected to either sink or swim. It’s pretty heartless tbh.
What sports do you play/have played? Oh gosh, okay, there’s a lot. I was captain of track for all four years, swim and dive for three. I was the ace pitcher of my HS’s baseball team. Played volleyball. Did tennis for a year but didn’t stick with it. I surf, skateboard, snowboard, and rock climb and I’m thinking of picking up dirt biking because my friends from my work won’t leave me alone about it.
Do you use sarcasm? I’m a writer. The answer is pretty self-explanatory. lol.
What is the first thing you notice about people? Their tells and mannerisms. I always notice if someone’s words match their mannerisms and behavior and that tells me half of what I need to know about the and what they won’t say aloud.
What’s your eye colour? Dark brown.
Scary movies or happy endings? In the words of Tulio and Miguel, both. Both is good.
Any talents? I can write and play a mean fiddle/violin solo. I also have a talent for injuring myself but bouncing back quickly and with little fear toward repeating the same mistake that got me hurt in the first play (broke my nose twice snowboarding, still go up to the mountains every winter).
Where were you born? The forests of North Carolina. My family has since moved.
What are your hobbies? Writing (the love of my life), going to the gardening center for more plants because there’s no such thing as too many, hiking, biking, running, rock climbing with friends, annoying/teasing my friends while they’re rock climbing, discovering something new in the city on my days off, camping, calling @remusjohnslupin a Sindar and cackling like a bog witch when she scolds me for it, etc… The list is endless.
Do you have any pet? I have a monster named Mitzy who claims to be a chihuahua but I know she’s a gremlin larping as a dog.
How tall are you? 5’10”. Idk how many centimeters that is exact. I think it’s ~178cm.
Favourite subject in school? English, geology, and art. I can’t pick so it’s a three-way draw.
Dream job? Writer-Director that moonlights as a contributing writer to Scientific American.
Now to tag! I tag @tastethesetears @broken-everlark @frnotelise @the--lysine-contingency @semifontos @angelicangelx @woefullysomber @wednesdayandherhyde @resisting-moonlight82 @thelovelybookworm @you-can-hufflefuck-right-off @imdonessentialk @insomniac1994 @perpetuallyvvperplexed @vadacore @michiganstray @mistressvera @allamericansbitch @hippydippyloser @karrrrrliiita @leavesdriftinginthewind @darling-gemini @darlingfuego @dark-visitors @darklinaforever @certaindreamchopshop @poisonivy13blog @trashy-stargazing-captain @shadowofthesun123 @osnapitzmel1 @slaanesh12 @starlemoncb @josette15 @pey0805 @crimsonnsstuff @gardenoblues @justonemorewallflower
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atopvisenyashill · 1 month
i think the problem with hotd is that people are expecting asoiaf levels of writing or early got levels of writing but they're just not built like that lol martin is a generational talent but f&b is not that good and some changes are needed
okay so-
f&b is bad
objectively yes. i think it has better world building than a lot of other fantasy out there but the concept of “hiding my hints about the main series through world building with an unreliable narrator” is not done particularly well with f&b. i think it just doesn’t fit george’s gardening writing style and i wish he’d let it go or at least rework the concept.
some changes are needed
again, yeah objectively, and that’s not even just an f&b thing. adapting a series with this many characters and this many moving parts is monumentally difficult and that’s not even getting into how moving from book to film is always a challenge bc something that works on paper won’t work visually. but also, with how all over the place f&b is, it makes sense to tweak things to be more thematically resonant.
people are expecting better writing but these people do NAWT have that dog in em
again objectively right. it’s not just that no one can stand up to george’s writing, it’s that d&d just fundamentally misunderstand or don’t care about a lot of the main themes and characters in the books. they specifically spoke derisively about fans of the books who were “moms” (what the fuck does that even mean!) and nerds who like to analyze themes, because d&d are fake nerds, they are NOT fantasy lovers and they are NOT good writers. then you get condal, who imo buys way too much into the idea of the divinity of nobility in fiction (which is a very common thing in american fantasy. i think i’ve talked about this before, but mia from btb had a really great thread basically saying that divine nobility is so common in american fantasy bc we’ve never culturally HAD a monarchy & therefore don’t have that cultural memory of “this system sucks and we should be guillotining these freaks post haste” and this is something george is specifically critiquing!) which is why he’s so willing to cut lowborn or what i like to call “middle class nobility” like jeyne poole, beth cassell, and nettles (and tbh i think there’s shades of this in why sandor is written so abysmally too) and i do think ryan UNDERSTANDS that monarchies are Bad but he has this preoccupation with Exploring Divine Right that eclipses a lot of the class analysis. and hess is just like. idk what that woman’s problem is tbh i think she has a preoccupation with women being victimized and while i think understanding the ins and outs of what Being A Woman In The World is incredibly important to have in the writers room, i also think what she wants is catharsis and that’s just not something this series is ever going to offer anytime soon.
all of that to say, condal & hess may have a better understanding of the series and less weird hang ups about gender, race, and sexuality than d&d, they’re already kind of fucked bc the og show is such a bad adaption and they have their OWN hang ups that they seem completely unaware of, and no one to tell them no bc this ip is hbo’s cash cow.
the problem
HOWEVER. i feel similar about like, the last jedi for example in that i think that was a deeply flawed and annoying movie that misunderstands the entirety of lucas’ skywalker saga and is way too focused on kyle ron’s whiny bitch baby tantrums over his parents getting divorced when it should have been focused on THE MAIN FUCKING CHARACTERS in rey & finn, ntm the incredibly weird racial dynamics of how rian wrote finn, poe, rose, and tio benicio’s character who i forget the name of. BUT. i also think a lot of the good, necessary, and CORRECT criticism of tlj gets lost in the misogynistic racist nerdboy backlash to Women And Brown People Existing, and then further buried by Disney running the IP into the fucking ground (as well as, unfortunately, queen carrie fisher dying before production was finished).
So IMO i think there’s a non zero chance that HBO does some meddling with hotd bc it’s expensive and a big ip, and because tbis is a series that means a lot emotionally to a lot of people, including some of the most annoying illiterate assholes on the internet, a lot of the really good, necessary, and CORRECT criticism gets lost under the sheer amount of people with nicola-or-holliday-as-rhaenyra-icons bitching about how they don’t let rhaenyra look girly enough and never mind that outside of like two scenes where she HAS to wear trousers, she’s ALWAYS WEARING DRESSES AND JEWELRY??? it’s like, yeah i DO think the way they write daemon’s interactions with his daughters & laena is stupid & bad & makes him less interesting as a character and i think part of that is hess’ preoccupation with victimization and catharsis but do NOT put me in the same goddamn conversation as people unironically saying that targaryen problems started when they started fucking andals, it’s not MY fault the h particles go craaaazy in this fandom!
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allylikethecat · 9 months
Just read your reply to an ask about a fix of matty singing them to sleep and the suggestion/idea of fictional Matty singing fictional George or vice versa to sleep has me wanting to eat my hand and sob (in a good way) 😭
The best way to deal with your self imposed stress of not finishing a fic by your self dictated deadline is obviously to work on a different one 😂 I felt really bad that I wasn't able to fill that one prompt request for that anon looking for a matty x reader blurb where he sung the reader to sleep (I don't see myself ever writing x reader fic i'm sorry!! there are so many wonderful talented people who do though! that's just not my writing niche unfortunately) ... but like was totally down to write one of him singing fictional!George to sleep, and then I saw that YOU lovely anon had sent this in in response to that ask, so obviously I had to jump it to the top of my massive list of prompt fill requests that I really do promise I will finish in 2024 lol
So, alas, here it is, Fictional!Matty sining Fictional!George to sleep. I hope you like it, if not let me know and I will attempt a take two! Thank you so much for sending this in though, and for reading, and being so lovely and supportive! I hope you have a very happy new year and a great rest of your week!
Singing to sleep
George was sick, and George never got sick. Matty was at his wits end, he was the one with the shit immune system. He was the one who didn’t take care of himself and allowed his body to get run down, seeming to constantly be coming down with a perpetual case of the sniffles. George did yoga. George remembered to eat, and drank water, and got the recommended eight hours of sleep each night. He wasn’t supposed to be congested and running a fever, a trail of used tissues laid out like bread crumbs as if he would lose his way back to the bedroom without them. 
George wasn’t supposed to be arguing with Matty that he wasn’t sick when he clearly was. Shaking his head, his voice rough and nasally, insisting that he was fine even as he had to halt his argument every few minutes to cough. George was not supposed to be sick, and with a sinking realization, Matty was learning that George was an even worse patient than he was. 
“Please,” Matty begged, he knew he looked ridiculous wearing the frilly apron his Mum had gotten him as a joke when they had bought the new house and Matty had shown her the high end kitchen as if he was going to actually use it. The joke was on her, he was wearing the apron and currently trying to use the kitchen. “Please just go lay back down.” 
“I’m fine,” George rasped again before breaking off into another coughing fit, his arms wrapped around himself as he shivered. Matty glanced at the clock on the stove, it was still too soon for him to take another dose of paracetamol. 
“You are not fine!” Matty snapped, turning away from the stove and the soup that he hoped was simmering and not boiling, he wasn’t entirely sure of the difference. He waved his wooden spoon at George for dramatic effect. “You need to go lay down and get some fucking rest so you can get better!” 
George opened his mouth and Matty waved the spoon more aggressively, flicking his wrist at George. “No, no arguments, upstairs, now please, let’s go.” Matty said, nudging George’s shoulder so that he could guide him towards the staircase. 
George sighed, breaking off into another coughing fit, his shoulders shaking before doing as Matty said. He padded barefoot towards the stairs, Matty hot on his heels to make sure he actually got into bed instead of trying to snag his work laptop out of the office. The soup would be okay for a few minutes without him, Matty thought as they climbed the stairs. He wasn’t entirely sure what he was supposed to be watching for anyway, or what he was even supposed to do if it did do something. 
Realizing he was still holding the spoon, Matty sheepishly sat it down on the dresser, brushing past George to fluff up his pillows and blankets.
“Get in the bed,” he said, holding his arms out as if he was a briefcase girl on a game show.  
“You trying to take advantage of me?” George rasped, batting his eyelashes teasingly, the effect was lost though by the glassy sheen of his eyes and his dry red nose. 
“Always,” Matty deadpanned and George sighed, climbing back into bed and allowing Matty to rearrange the blankets around him while he pouted like a child.
“Now get some rest,” Matty said, leaning down one last time to press a kiss to George’s forehead, frowning when he realized just how hot it was. He turned away, planning on heading into the bathroom to get George a damp wash rag to try and cool him down some before returning to his soup when George caught his wrist. 
“Wait,” said George looking up at Matty, looking extra pathetic with his pale skin, red nose and shiny eyes. 
“I’ll be right back,” Matty assured him, his heart squeezing. “I’m just going to get you a cold rag.” 
“I’m fine,” George said again, his voice convincing absolutely no one. “But will you,” George flushed, and Matty wasn’t sure if it was from fever or embarrassment. George swallowed hard, his sore throat bobbing painfully. “Will you sing to me?”
Matty blinked, in confusion, not expecting the request. “What?” he asked dumbly and George’s blush deepened, embarrassment it is then, Matty thought fondly, his heart flipping at the request. 
“Will you sing me something?” George asked again, his eyes wide and earnest. “Please.” 
Matty exhaled slowly, he wanted to get George a cold wash rag for his forehead, and he needed to go check on his soup. But who was he to refuse George a song when he was poorly. 
“Yeah,” said Matty softly, feeling like his insides had turned to goo with just how much he loved George. “Yeah, I can sing you something.” 
His Gibson Hummingbird was leaning against a decorative chair where he had left it two days prior, and he winced, knowing he should have put it away properly but thankful for his laziness as he scooped it up, feeling silly as he quickly tuned it and sat down on the edge of the bed. 
He played the opening chord and George smiled, instantly recognizing the song. 
Tell me what you thought about
When you were gone and so alone
The worst is over
You can have the best of me
We got older but we're still young
We never grew out of this feeling that we won't give up
George was asleep, snoring softly, before Matty even finished the song. 
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littleshysheep-at-da · 5 months
Hello, I hope you are well. Can you please share some headcanons and canon reflections about Karnatia and Schlain? I really loved the ones that you did for Wrath. Thank you so much!
Thank you so much for the well wishes! I’m still VERY ill but have a support system trying to get me help ☺️ so we keep chugging! Still won’t be super active here but I LOVE answering these asks 💕
And THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE VALIDATION ❤️?! Like I am so incredibly happy people enjoy my ranting and want to hear/value my opinion, it’s wild and super enjoyable.
Still considering just posting my whole current Kumoko Headcanon (I have expanded some points from previous Kyouya/Wrath one too haha) but it’s suuuper long and I am CONSTANTLY adding too it. Let me know if anyone is interested.
Kyouya is def my fav so I have waaay more for him but I do have some for Katia and Shun (probably more on Shun just cause we get more from his perspective in the Novel)! As a massive Shipper again most of them revolve around my OT3 (I have no shame there haha).
Heads up for Spoiler Warning (I think I give mostly vague Spoiler for the entire series but except the Kumoko/Wakaba thing is directly said).
(Again I’m ripping this from my KumoDesu Fanfic ideas Doc so if some of the wording is wonky that’s why because it’s older and I write this just to get my thoughts down).
Trans Katia: Update: 16 novels we get two chapters from Katia’s perspective but I think there is one or two more shorts from her perspective in the Ex-Ex2. Okay so far in all 12 novels we get one (1) chapter from Katia’s perspective so there’s not a lot to go off but Katia was definitely closeted/uncracked egg Trans Girl in her past life fight me. Cracking the egg/getting outed via isekai lol. Out of roughly 30 reincarnations Katia is is the only one that switched gender and it’s explained (aside from Oka which D did just to cause trouble) the system puts them in bodies that best fit their soul this being why some characters reincarnated as not humans and why Katia is a girl. So the only characters who changed gender or race are Katia, Fei, Sophia, Kyouya, and Oka who doesn’t count in this. Shiro was always a spider thus why she is a spider. Kyouya deeply agreed with the Goblin’s mentalities and morals. We see later that Fei’s personality and morals really fits with the dragon's code of conduct. Sophia being a vampire isn’t super explained and more how people viewed her. So like failing in line Katia must be a Trans Woman basically.
Katia Anxiety: I think Katia is very protective of her boys. It’s kinda obvious when she meets Shun again and then when they get in dangerous situations. She’s so scared of losing the people she cares about (I think she’s often the most aware of how different and how dangerous the fantasy world is compared to their previous lives). I think the realization Kyouya probably isn’t on their side (because of how Oka kept avoiding the topic) probably hurt her a lot, because she doesn’t want to abandon him but also is too scared about losing Shun as it is (and I feel like when she puts everything together after the fact she feels super guilty for not pressing more). It kinda seemed she really didn’t have many people she was close to in her past life and the fact that Shun (and I’m gonna Headcanon here later Kyouya) still accept her despite everything that’s “different” (cough cough eye cracked) is huge to her. I’m glad in the Novel Shun always does a very good job conveying how much he appreciates, relays on, and trusts her because god she needs it.
Shun and Julius: The fun part about Shun as a Character is he is painfully aware how much of an NPC he is and that he doesn’t fit the role of Hero. Which is why I think he looks up to Julius so much and later on tries to emulate him. He quite frankly knows he has NO IDEA what he is doing and wants to be as level headed and smart as Julius. I think that his idol-like obsession with Julius comes from his own insecurities.
Shun, Katia, and Kyouya are Weird (aka Poly):“They're weird about each other” is one of my favorite Shipping reasons because it’s so true. I mean Shun and Katia are pretty solid in Canon and I would say I’m just adding Kyouya to it to make it an OT3 but also once I see it I can’t unsee it. Just the fact that all 3 of them single out their “Friendship” as something special. I don’t think Katia super had other friends in her past life (being an uncracked egg will make that hard) but Shun and Kyouya did and they never really mention it. Shun was peak NPC and was not super close but friendly to most of the guys but he NEVER mentions it until running into them again (apparently he was on a soccer team and just, never thought it was important or that big a deal). And it’s Shiro who mentions it seems like Kyouya and Shinobu were friends in their past life, Kyouya barely mentions it even after seeing him again. Just the “you're weird about each other” being a way of saying “that’s a little more than a friendship I think” basically.
Polyamorous not having Legal Marriage: So at the end of Volume 16 they mention that nothing is know about Shun’s love life, which might mean he never legally married. Now I like think Shun and Katia legally married and then Kyouya is their lover (they have a non-legal marriage for the 3 of them in private). But I am just saying this can support my Ship because Polyamory isn’t really that accepted publicly so they keep it secret (open secret among their friends though). It’s sort of an AU but I’m just saying.
Shun Salaryman: So it says at the end of Vol 16 Shun goes back to help his Brother and all I can think is he’s finally becomes a Salaryman. Imagine he helps with all the paperwork instead of decision making. And he’s really good at it to the point of everyone’s surprise. He finally realized JUST how lost he was trying to be a Hero (he always sort of knew but now that he’s found his calling it’s super obvious to everyone else as well).
Shun’s Accidental Rizz: So we see that Shun is always ridiculous earnest about his feelings and has no qualms expressing his appreciation (we see this most to Katia early on where he always thanks her for helping him). So I like to think for my OT3 he accidentally says the most romantic shit to Katia and Kyouya all the time unprompted because he’s just being honest about it (Kyouya Bluescreens because he’s so unused to verbal affection (he likes it he’s just used to the Demon Army’s brand of nonverbal love) and Katia goes Tsundere Mode when flustered).
Shun Perception Check: Shun is both really perceptive and an idiot at the same time. So he is able to perceive all sorts of little subtle tells that others can’t but at the same time has no idea how to process what they actually mean.
Shun: Shun is an Emotional Support Dumbass. And anyone who hates him (usually people who only saw his botched Anime version) can meet me in the pit. I also think his general easy going-ness probably helped both Katia and Kyouya a lot in their past lives (because it seemed like neither of them had the easiest home life’s and then they have it rough again after being reincarnated rip).
And that’s all I have at the moment! I’m always adding more though haha. Feel free to keep sending KumoDesu Asks I love them!
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juniper-bunch · 26 days
It'll probably be obvious who i am since i dont chane my typing style but I am curious and Too Anxious to ask Anything off anon so.
this is also probably worded weirdly because I cannot put things into words well
If anyone in your system is alright w/ you sharing their experiences since I'm pretty sure its also something that would vary from alter to alter & system to system
For fictives, does it ever. feel weird at all. to know that in their source, nearly all of their life (or the life of some version of them) is just. able to be seen by anyone. and it's common for fans of said source to analyze everything/everyone in the source?
Do any of the fictives in your system have vivid memories of source? Does anything change/feel different when the source reveals some unexpected plot twist about the backstory? or is it just something like "oh lol that other-me sure has a funny life"? or does that also vary between alters?
& similarly do fictives of other people's ocs feel uneasy abt the source-oc's creator bc of them knowing/writing/sharing things about the story or anything?
Like I'd honestly feel a bit conflicted/strange about knowing there's just. casually someone who knows the entire life story of me / some version of me and can change it all on a whim if they wished. but also everyone probably sees things like that very differently
just things ive been curious about for a while honestly-
again very very sorry if anythings worded weirdly or awkwardly or if the paragraphs are long or if there's too many questions 😓 I Do Not mean to be insensitive or anything and am very sorry if anything comes off as insensitive
Umm.. I have like 2 guesses, but like I suck at telling who people are unless there’s like a really specific typing quirk, so I have no idea
(We’re going to answer everything in 3rd person because there are several people answering this)
That really depends. Like Venti and Z find it fun, some don’t really care, some get a bit iffy, and a few view it as some fun guessing game sometimes. It can be a bit weird sometimes when it feels like someone can see straight through us, but overall, it’s not that bad?
That also varies between alters. Some of us have source memories, some don’t. Some have only bad memories, some have good, some have.. weird, some have a mix of those. All source memories though do at least somewhat tie into some resemblance of things the body has gone through. Sometime seeing new things as media progresses means being able to get new memories, sometimes it doesn’t. Some don’t even like interacting with their source at all because of source memories, some just see it as “haha loser I never went through that”
Not really? We have 2 (maybe 3-) introjects of someone else’s OCs, so although it can feel.. weird, neither of them are uncomfortable at all. One of them even finds it amusing
That makes sense, but at the same time, it’s not exactly like that? The brain splits alters it thinks it needs for any given reason(s), so an alter can have their life fleshed out like that, or it can be completely different. It’s really weird, the way the brain works. Some of us are really source connected, some only somewhat, and some who aren’t source connected at all. So it really does vary heavily
It’s all good! We actually like talking about it and educating others and sharing our experiences (so long as we’re okay with sharing them)
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fraudulent-cheese · 10 months
So i watched the first half of ROTI! i don't have many thoughts honestly?
I don't care for Staci, i'll be honest. Her gimmick is repetitive and im glad she got booted first if this was the only thing the writters were gonna do with her. It would be funny if there was a grain of truth to her claims tho.
Dakota's pretty fun and i like the added focus on the interns this season, because let's be honest outside of one "haha the interns keep dying" joke in both TDI and TDWT there isn't much i belive? So yeah
also samkota's cute, idk what to say? God i wish the writters explored Dakota's character before the whole mutation thing.
Honestly all the ROTI girls are great, wish they got more than arcs about which boy they wanted to kiss because MAN ANNE MARIA AND JO ARE GREAT, Jo especially, she's currently my fav of the season. I wish they did more with both of them man!!! I don't like the jabs made about her appearence but i find them fine from Anne Maria specifically? Like yeah she would do that! I wish the girls were fighting for longer!
Dawn's one of the better characters but i wish her conflict with Scott lasted longer than one episode. Same with her friendship with B! What is it with Total Drama and throwing away interesting rivalries the episode they start at?!
B's fine i'll be real. I like how they don't actually make him speak! Other contestants do make jabs about it but like, they're teenagers, and one of them is from Scott and he's kinda shitty so it works lol
SPEAKING OF! Scott's pretty fun! He's not the best antagonist ever but he's fun to watch and that's enough for me rn. He's pathetic and shitty it's great
Team man is also fun, i like Brick especially. Don't like the frequency of the pissing himself jokes tho. Like, i get it! he's a military boy who likes fashion and pisses himself! Do something else!
I don't care for Cameron i'll be real. Neither for Zoey, i wish her flaws were explored more because dang she's judgy in episode 5!
I guess i'll talk about Mike here too? I think he's ok, but man i wish his alters were treated more like people. I don't mean the other contestants, i mean by the show. Svetlana's great for the small amount she's on screen for, and I like Chester and Vito more than i thought i would! Please show explore them a little more! (and, well, to state the obvious, don't call it mpd why did it call it mpd it wasn't even the actual term for it when the show was being written)
My least favorite part is the love triangle tho. It's suffering from a critical case of "Warrior's miscommunication": a miscommunication plotline that could be solved in a single conversation, but the characters involved don't tell anyone because we need to stretch this book to 300 pages! or in this case, the plotline to last the whole season!
I get Mike not wanting to tell Zoey because his whole thing is not wanting to tell people, and Vito not telling Anne Maria because he's fucking dumb and considering his relationship with Anne Maria wasn't in a position where he needed to disclose it, but LIKE!!! COME ON MAN!!! this could be solved so easily and they just,,, didn't. Also why can't Vito still date Anne Maria at the end he's his own person!
i'll be real i think i like the idea that Anne Maria and Vito are still friends they just make-out too, mostly because that's all they really do in the show (and also i like Jomaria more)
I don't care for Lightning oops. He's funny sometimes. The "Jo is a guy" jokes get old quick tho.
The challenges are fine? I think a couple are pretty good (the treasure hunt for instance) but a couple are less good? (the Obstacle Course is eh, i don't really care about the mine one) but honestly i wish they just executed a couple better. Like the Embarrasing questions, climbing the mountain, hell even the relay-race could've honestly been wayyy better than they actually were! At least they're camp related!
But yeah so far ROTI's pretty good, 6/10 with 8/10 characters.
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coleoptrata222 · 5 months
fucking mental health system is soo fucked when i see people//news//posts when something happens like,how could this happen?why didnt this person get help before its too late?and lately feeling like idk im so close to being another tragic news story where anyone pretends they care about how severe mentally ill people are being failed but nothing actualy changes
i need help soo fucking bad i dont want to be like this.i check MYSELF into the mental hospital i brought MYSELF to fucking resitential for SIX MONTHS and i was doing so much[my idea of]better and then they barely fucking helped me once i was out i got hooked up with a psychiatrist and a therapist who both fucking suck and are obviously not trained enough even to deal with someone like me not to mention how many diffrent people tell me i need way more support like i even use to have care people come to my house every other day now i have like..nothing and am suppoes to just figure out everything by myself
can barely ever get in with my psych and then i did finaly yesterday just basicly for her to tell me my outlook is not good or some stupid bullshit,offered to put me on ANOTHER realy heavy medication[still have not gone off current meds cause i am kindof scared about withdrawing]and i said no and she then basicly shrugged her shoulders. and then my therapist i fucking hate so much hes so useless and i'took a break'[quit lol] and he emailed me asking how i was doing and actualy i took time to write out a kindof detailed honest response and he didnt even acknolwedge it wtf wtf i am so fucking done with all of it.and by the way where i live theres like NOWHERE else to go its a fucking desert so yea at this point i think the whole world just wants people like me dead and stop leeching off welfare or trying even to get a little better fuck it no and then wonder why there are 1000000 mass shootings every day
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joompheart · 8 months
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Theodore! Glad to finally get a whole separate character down as one of these sheets. I've got to do an epilogue alternate for her and then 3-4 more one off sheets. Then I'll have got all my OC's out with definitive visual references!
Way way way too much description below the cut. Actually about twice as much as I did for Andrew because Theodore is probably the second most defined character for me. Plus I wrote a lot about magic but still didn't just write out the explicit rules of the magic system so I explained more than I should've needed to. WHoops.
-Age range: 25-34
-Physical Attributes: In contrast to my other characters who are by and large hyper lean skeleton skin and muscle freaks, Teddy is rounded out and full-bodied. This is pretty much my first go at a reasonable human body, so I think she still looks a tad lean in my drawing compared to how full she should be. Ted is the tallest of my characters at 6'2” or more depending on the heights of other characters I decide on later (specifically Vaughn). She is naturally a little taller than every other main character in the room, or at least a perfect match for the other tallest character (Vaughn). She is also able to at least match the other strongest character in natural (not significantly magically enhanced) physical strength (still Vaughn lol). Despite this, Theodore is not as muscular or bulky as Vaughn. Theodore is supposed to be conventionally sexy, especially when compared to my other characters.(I actually asked my bodybuilder friend to send me instagram fitchicks for references :p). Dark brown hair, but not as dark as Andrew's near black (if not actually black) hair. Basically straight and pretty long, reaching the middle of her back at least. The left side of Teddy's chest is scarred and ruined and she lost her left arm shoulder and all. See “Heart Lock.” Theodore has perfect physical control. See “Personality.” Ted has darker skin, brown to contrast with her blue clothes and magic the same way I pose Vezok with Avak.
-Magic Specialty: Theodore is a prodigious magic user and the most powerful of my characters multiple times over. She is the most knowledgeable on the subject to the degree that she might be the preeminent magic user in the entire galaxy. (The scope of my story is limited to one solar system though, so we don't confirm this or actually care about confirming this). Theodore is able to adapt to any field of magic and quickly preform at very high levels. Theodore is rich with magic fuel (magic can't be done in a vacuum, you have to “pay” for every spell), again multiple times more wealthy than any of my other characters. Her true specialty is in taking advantage of the quirks of the magic system to prepare incredibly powerful spells with multiple potential applications. These spells are so “lavish” that they are prohibitively expensive for any other character and even would be for Ted too if not for her clever spellcrafting.
-Example Spell: Theodore has the closest thing to “true” teleportation – she can cast a spell that demarcates a huge space, say a planet or a space encompassing several planets, into however many 2-3 inch cubes. Then each cube is exchanged for each other cube at incomprehensible speed until the spell is canceled at which point the cubes stop and stay where the ended up. Theodore will cast this spell and stop it at just the right time so that everything is where it started except for the things she wants to move. (I'm definitely going to change up the specifics of this spell so it's less stupid later, but I stand by the idea as cool and a good example of the kind of thing Theodore does). This is obviously impossible to control manually, so Theodore makes and uses magically enhanced machines and artifacts to help with specific parts of spells, such as when to stop casting her teleportation spell so everything is where she wants it to be. Most of Theodore's spells can be understood as follows: An expensive “desired effect” (near instantaneous transport) over an expensive “desired area” (a planet) that is then made deliberately obtuse and unwieldy to reduce the price of these effects from unfathomable to merely very expensive (the whole cubes switching around business), and finally made manageable again with personally hand crafted and ready precision magic tools.
-Heart Lock: Relatively early in Ted's magic exploration she supercharged her heart to amplify any magic to near-perfect efficiency. At this time she wasn't as experienced so she made miscalculations and the process exceeded the safeguards she was using. Her heart now works as desired, but Theodore wears a “heart lock” over it to seal off the excess power (Theodore is pictured wearing said heart lock above). When the lock is removed/ her heart in unsealed she gains access to it's full power but also bears the brunt of that power. Exposure quickly destroys the rest of her body, as seen in how earlier uses completely removed her left arm and have left much of her chest a craggy scarred ruin. Continued exposure would completely destroy Theodore's body in 30-60 minutes, carving canyons into her body with rivers of electric starfire. Theodore isn't really dissatisfied with this situation though, as it would require a truly titanic obstacle to warrant more than 30-60 SECONDS of use. Think of it like a devil trigger you want to stop using as quickly as possible. Nero's disembodied blue hands are right on the money.
-Clothing: Aside from her heart lock, Theodore doesn't wear much. I figure true luxury is not needing to cover yourself for any reason. Theodore doesn't wear armor or footwear of any kind. Theodore does not typically cover her remaining HUGE MILKY BREAST, though she will if she wants. It's even uncommon to find her wearing a super skimpy miniskirt like she is in the above picture, maybe half of the time. Those are because I wanted her to wear at least something because fashion is fun, and I thought it would be silly to have her fight with her gravid boob and flaccid dick flopping around everywhere. Never tucks, never even wears underwear. None of my characters are liable to tuck but Teddy especially never tucks.
-Partial Biography: Left largely unknown the the audience. The heart lock/ arm loss debacle is about as much as we'd get for insight on her character before the events of the story. I figure Theodore doesn't need a special explanation for her presence or power. She's been around more than most of the other characters and she's good at whatever she does. She built a semi-secret estate inside a planet in the solar system with an ocean comprising roughly half it's mass. Inverted gravity on the estate so when you enter you walk on the underside of the crust and look “up” to see a massive glass-like dome bracing the rest of the earth and water. With enough visibility you could theoretically see out to the other side of the planet through the water. Theodore's goal for the duration of the story is to explore “the next frontier” of magical understanding and study the source of magic in the galaxy. She ultimately succeeds in the finale of the story, and we see some of her continued adventures in the epilogue.
-Personality: Teddy is suicidal. With her power she could extend her life indefinitely, but she would end even her natural lifespan prematurely. Theodore is aware of her exceptional prowess and wants to use it for something that's “worth it,” in this case studying the source of magic in the galaxy, before she can't stop from killing herself. Otherwise, she's very put together. Theodore has supreme mental fortitude, focus and stability. By extension, Ted has perfect physical control, as in perfect balance, perfect form with any motion, optimal muscle activation, can sleep or wake up on a dime, etc. etc. The example I always think of is a spell she might use in a fight that inverts all neural impulses in a certain field – so if you tried to lift your leg you would actually extend it, etc. etc. In that scenario where it would be almost impossible to keep yourself from immediately crumpling on the floor, Theodore will move as confidently and gracefully as she would in any other setting. Though that would also be because she would have practiced moving like that at least a little on her own time because she would know that she might use that spell. In benign human interaction, Theodore is most similar to Penelope, or maybe it would be better to put it as Penelope is most similar to Theodore. They are aligned in worldview and goals and even even personal tastes for most of the story, Penelope working for Theodore similar to how Darth Vader works for Darth Sideous. But Penelope doesn't hate Ted, and the two could be considered friends for a significant part of the story. Like Penelope, probably even more so actually, Theodore can be cold and completely ruthless. Both of them are liable to acknowledge other people's qualms or objections and then without hesitation commit a morally irredeemable act anyway. These tendencies and their power make them the “villains” of most of the story.
-Associated NiN songs: “The Big Come Down,” “Disappointed,” “Black Noise,” “A Warm Place”
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idealisticrealism · 6 months
TCL 3x03 thoughts
Many thoughts and spoilers, as usual.
The Main things:
Given the timeframe with Fi’s journey back (and needing her in time for the Child Protective Services meeting), it can’t have been more than a day or two since the last episode.
The reappearance of Adan’s name in the credits was very confusing until Russo produced the video. I’m pretty used to the body double use now (managed to not even cry at the sight of my boy, which I'll take as progress) so my main thoughts about the vid were that it looks just like a scene from a fic idea I had last week that did make me cry, and also that if the footage is from a police body cam, I’m guessing that cop is dead/unconscious and slumped against their own vehicle given the angle and the fact they’re not moving…
Calling it right now, ‘Jeremy the handyman’ is undercover FBI. Russo is smart enough and determined enough not to put all her eggs in the Nadia basket, so I think that this is her other plan to take Thony (and through her, Arman) down. And as she later tells Nadia: nothing is ever as it seems. So I'm convinced the racist attack on the Cleaning Ladies office was fabricated by the FBI to allow ‘Jeremy’ to be introduced into Thony’s life in a way that would lead her to trust him quickly and allow him into her circle, especially with his kindness and all his sentiments about the shittiness of xenophobia and how ‘this is her home, no matter what anyone says’. I’m actually genuinely pissed about it tbh, bc Thony deserves that kindness and support for real, instead of having her isolation and fear and vulnerability preyed upon by people who want to throw her behind bars just because she didn’t play by the rules of their flawed and biased system…
Sigh honestly though, Thony is too stubborn and short-sighted for her own good. Like yes she saved Soledad’s life by ignoring Dante’s orders, but in doing so she risked her own life as well as Fi and Chris’ lives, and also jeopardised her relationship with both Ramona and the CPS worker who is responsible for deciding if Luca should be taken from her or not. At least she’s written consistently in that she always tries to do the ‘right thing’ and save the person in front of her, but that means she often overlooks the potential consequences of taking that action and the overall balance of good vs bad that would come out of it. Like I’m guessing she’s one of those people who absolutely hates the Trolley Problem lol
Well now we know how Paolo’s money comes into play… funny that if he’d never given Chris the money, Chris wouldn’t have been able to give it to Camila and her mum, which means they wouldn’t have come on the crossing, so he would have never had to fight the guy to defend Camila, and wouldn’t have ended up getting stranded in the desert…. Again, this show really is great at demonstrating those ‘well-intentioned actions leading to bad outcomes’ moments 
This ep is really trying to give Jorge a bit more depth, from him being all cute about Violeta’s soccer practice (showing he’s an involved dad who is also laid back and knows how to have fun, not one of those intense/pushy ones), and how his warnings to Thony have become less like threats and more like well-meaning advice. He’s willingly acting as Thony’s chauffeur rather than sending an underling to do it, and he’s also letting her debate with him on a more even level than before, where previously he just shut her down immediately. He even actually seems to listen to her about not hurting Nadia and the idea of letting Ramona meet Nadia instead (given what we see in the trailer). The scene where he finds her with the van is likely meant to look like he is hiding something, but I think he is genuinely looking for Arman and actually didn’t know that this was the van that took him, and he just doesn’t trust her enough yet to be open with her about it.  I also think he respects that she cares enough about Arman to stand up to him, to challenge him about his possible involvement– if I’m right and he truly is trying to bring Arman home safe, her persistent loyalty to Arman even in the face of danger to herself would be a big point in her favour. 
Okay what the hell is the little glass jar Thony finds, though?? Something of Arman’s? Something that they can get a bad guy’s fingerprints off of to give them a lead? A sedative medication that indicates he was drugged and taken somewhere, rather than killed and dumped?? I need answerssss
Poor Nadia is suffering through feelings of betrayal on all sides here lol. I don’t blame her at all for going to Russo and trying to save herself and Arman through a deal, but I’m so relieved that Russo’s obsession with punishing Arman has made that alliance an impossibility. Now all we need is for Nadia to cool down a little, and realise that despite everything, there’s only one person she can truly turn to… (and yes, I’ve written a fic about it lol)
“You ever notice that everyone around him turns up dead?” lollll look at this show being all self-aware about its tendency to just kill off its problems haha. But still, Russo’s got it all wrong; Arman’s not the common denominator here. He may have been the one pulling the trigger a few times, but he was almost never the one actually setting the events in motion. Instead, it’s Thony. Despite being someone who tries at all times to save lives, Thony is like an unintentional angel of death for those she encounters, and sadly Arman is going to be the next to fall.    
Other stuff:
It was interesting to see how clever the cartel is with all the different types of vehicles they use to transport people in order to avoid suspicion, I wonder how realistic that is?
I love that the show has continued its tradition of having cleaners/household staff regularly appearing in the background, highlighting the fact that even if they’re often overlooked, they’re there
The date on the bodycam is messing with my timeframe for the show based on the only other previous reference to dates that we’ve gotten, and though I know they probably just picked a random date, I don’t like it haha
That was very cool imagery with Ramona’s tea, of something shrivelled and dull being put into an intense environment and blossoming into something amazing… hmmm, wonder what they’re trying to say about Thony there haha
Fi totally ships Chris and Camila lol. I love the bond that formed between the two families (Fi protecting them in the store by putting on the Southern Belle act was awesome), and I hope Camila and her mum continue to be in the show, like maybe Fi and Thony could hire the mum as one of their cleaners and help both of them settle into life as an immigrant in the US. 
Also, the ICE raid was hard to watch, but bless the ladies in the store who helped them to hide! True allies!
The emotional song playing at the end as Fi and Chris are left behind is called 'Sister, Take My Hand' which just feels fitting for this show
Anyway, really looking forward to the Nadia & Ramona meeting next week. My wild dream of a badass coalition of mob women (Thony, Fi, Nadia, Ramona) running Vegas may just happen yet…
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ftmcutiepie · 2 years
Answering All The Questions From "Ask Game For FTMs <3" Because I'm A Needy Filthy Slut
I'm an attention whore! I love letting internet strangers know intimate details about me, it gets my girly pussy so wet.
And while I appreciate every single ask I got so far - thank you to everyone who sent one (or two) - that didn't cover all of them so here we go.
Do you have large labia or small labia?
Uhhh not sure what to compare it to? My labia minora are bigger than my labia majora lol if that helps paint a picture?
How high is your cervix? Can you touch it?
Too high for me to touch🥺
How large is your clitoris?
I don't have anything to actually measure it rn so I have to guess.
When not aroused I'd say it's... less than one inch. God I feel pathetic even typing that out😖 In the metric system I'd say it's a bit more than one 1cm that feels like more of an accomplishment. But that's still less than one inch which is. Humbling.
Aroused it's a bit more than 2cm I think. Still less than 1 inch😖 It's embarrassing I thought any one would care about the difference. It's still so tiny and girly it's pathetic🥺
How wet is your vulva on average?
Very wet. Wetter when I'm edging and not cumming. Even wetter when I'm no touch.
How big are your breasts?
Like I said before. Small. Idk the cup size.
But I wish I could get implants to make them bigger🥺
Maybe too big to bind even so I can never hide what I really am. Give real men, lesbians and other ftm girls something to play and torture me with <3
How many kids do you think your husband will want?
My stupid little bimbo brain is a bit confused by this question. Who is this imaginary future husband? Surely I would need to get to know him first to know how many kids he would want?
But in my humble opinion, the ideal state for a confused fakeboy ftm girl to be in / the fastest way to fix us is to keep us permanently pregnant. The second we're done giving birth (or as soon as that's realistically safely possible if that's more your drift) fuck another one into us.
I want my tits to be heavy and swollen with milk, leaking at the most embarrassing of moments. My hips even wider now, undeniably feminine.
And of course, a big belly, proving I'm serving a real man in the most devoted way I can - my letting him fill me with his seed and carrying his children.
Bullet vibes or wands?
I have never tried either, but @aimymisgenderme kindly mansplained the differences to me.
I think I'd choose the bullet vibe because I can shove it inside me my needy pussy🥺
But I also think it could be fun if someone overstimulated me by holding a wand to my clit until I cry😳
Have you ever rimmed a man? What about another girl?
Sadly not. But I want to so badly!
Would you lick another girls vulva if she told you to?
Yes! I want to have lesbian sex so bad🥺
Do you like being spanked?
I love it! Especially having my pussy spanked it hurts so good and makes me kinda dysphoric🥴
What would you cook for a first date?
I really suck at cooking so I would probably go for something easy like pasta or pizza.
What do you look for in a real man?
Not sure what this question is aiming at?
In fantasy, any real man is superior to me and deserves to use my body for his pleasure. I don't deserve to have standards, and I'm a slut desperate for male attention anyways.
More realistically, I want a Dom who gives me guidance and rules and helps me become a better girly slut <3
Are you an undewire girl or a bralette girl?
I only own underwire bras but they tend to get a bit uncomfortable after a while, and most bralettes look more feminine in my opinion and more appropriate for my smaller tits. So as soon as I get a job I'll go shopping for those!
Have you realized you're just a confused girl yet? If so, when did you realize?
Well, getting called a (confused) girl is getting my pussy wet, and my pussy doesn't lie, so that must mean I'm a girl, right?
But sometimes I still get dysphoric delusional and get silly ideas in my head about being a boy.
But @aimymisgenderme is helping me work through that, setting me straight and fixing me! Sir is helping me become a good girl again and I'll be forever grateful for his hard work <3
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Happy Worldbuilding Wednesday! Tell me bow would you say that the world where your story takes place has "shaped" your characters and their lives into who they are? In which ways would you say it was positive and in whcih ways negative? What are the most unique aspects of your world that you're the proudest about?
(By the way this is part of an ask game event by @writeblrcafe, you can check out the post I've reblogged from them for the rules)
Thank you for the ask! Happy Worldbuilding Wednesday (or Thursday) to you too.
I wasn't entirely sure how to answer this... I didn't do a lot of "worldbuilding" for my main WIP, per se. It's not like I created this fictional universe, or set it in a historic era or something, and imagined how life would be like in those times. It's literally set in London lol (I was born there!). In the year 2010 (no specific reason for that, actually. Those were just simpler times).
For most of the stories I write, the setting tends to take a bit of a backseat in favour of expanding the characters and making them feel like real people. We view the story through the characters' lens after all.
That being said, I still wanted to answer. So, I thought about it for a while and realised that the setting and the world in which my characters live shape them quite a lot. They are all students in their final year of high school (or sixth form), so they aren't exactly kids anymore, but they're not fully adults, either. This is a really interesting age to play around with (and I'm about that age myself, as well, so I can identify with the struggles these characters face in some ways.
Let's look at this one character at a time:
Stephanie moved to this school in Year 12. That is the beginning of sixth form (so, last year, since Year 13 is their final year).
Steph has been living in London for the least amount of time. She's a foster kid, so she is used to moving around and not having a lot of stability in her life. As a result, she's lived in many different places throughout her childhood, all over the country. She's been in big bustling cities and quiet rural areas. She has an idea of what living in a place like London is like, so this move doesn't phase her too much.
She's a free spirit, just making the most of right now (not having a ton of stability led to this mindset for her. She's like, "I have to enjoy myself now. Who knows if things will ever be this good again?"). She adjusts to London life pretty easily - though, of course, moving to a new place doesn't come without its challenges.
London life offers Steph a chance to form new relationships and deepen her connections. She makes her first real friend group here, and for the first time in her life, she finds someone that she can call "best friend." Another thing I think Stephanie enjoys about living in London is that its dynamic and energetic atmosphere could resonate with her strong personality. The city's vibrant arts and culture scene, along with its rebellious and diverse subcultures, may align with her feisty nature and spunky energy. There is always something to do here, and I think Stephanie would like that a lot.
Growing up in the foster care system and constantly moving around may have made Stephanie feel like she doesn't belong anywhere. However, living in London, a multicultural city with a diverse population could offer her a greater sense of belonging. The city's multiculturalism and acceptance of diverse backgrounds could help her embrace her mixed-race identity. Her experiences in the foster care system and her tendency to be self-reliant may be further reinforced in London. The city's fast-paced lifestyle and the need to adapt to new environments can enhance her resilience, resourcefulness, and ability to navigate through different challenges.
Unlike Steph, Bret has lived in this city for his whole life, pretty much. I think that living here has impacted him in both positive and negative ways.
Firstly, he loves to have a good time and party with friends, and in London, there are plenty of opportunities to do this. The city has a vibrant nightlife and a thriving party scene. However, the social scene might exacerbate his already existing tendencies towards excessive alcohol and drug use, making it easier for him to continue down a self-destructive path. Living in the city could provide Bret with easy access to these substances.
London is a bustling city where individuals can often blend into the crowds and remain anonymous. This sense of anonymity might provide Bret with a temporary escape from his troubles, allowing him to avoid confronting his grief and depression. It could also contribute to his feelings of detachment and a lack of accountability for his actions. The vastness and anonymity of a big city like London can make it easier for Bret to engage in risky behaviour without immediate consequences. This might further fuel his disregard for rules and authority figures.
Bret is really creative and artistic. He especially loves to make music. London's diverse and vibrant culture could expose Bret to various subcultures, alternative lifestyles, and artistic scenes. This city has plenty of inspiration and opportunities to boost his art further. London's size and diversity mean there are numerous social circles and communities for Bret to explore. This could lead him to associate with like-minded individuals and get his work more attention and opportunities.
He struggles a lot with grief and depression. London offers a range of support networks and resources for individuals struggling with mental health issues. He kind of tries to take care of his problems by himself at first, but if he could look for help elsewhere, it could really make a difference.
Elise, like Bret, has always lived in London. She loves living here for a couple of reasons...
London is known for its vibrant literary scene, with numerous bookstores, libraries, and literary events. Elise's love for reading would have definitely been nurtured here, by the city's rich literary culture. She would have had the opportunity to explore a wide range of books, engage with authors etc, which could have further fueled her passion for reading.
London's multicultural environment would have exposed Elise to various cultures, perspectives, and ideas. This exposure might have broadened her horizons, allowing her to appreciate different viewpoints and develop a more open-minded outlook. It could have influenced her appreciation for diversity and acceptance of people with different backgrounds and values, despite her own introverted nature. This could have also contributed to the unlikely friendships and relationships that she has formed in her life, e.g. her relationship with Stephanie, and her long-time friendship with Bret (which ends up turning into something more 💕). Living in London would definitely fuel her intellectual curiosity and open her mind to new things/people/opportunities.
El is a huge nerd lol. Luckily for her, London is home to many prestigious educational institutions, and Elise's dedication to her studies would have been supported by the city's emphasis on education. The competitive academic environment might have motivated her to excel in her classes and maintain top grades. Additionally, being surrounded by a city filled with museums, historical landmarks, and cultural institutions could have enriched her learning experiences.
Living in a bustling city like London requires individuals to be independent and adaptable. Elise's ability to always have a plan, her organizational skills, and her resourcefulness might have been influenced by the fast-paced and dynamic environment of the city. London's diverse public transportation system would have also contributed to her self-reliance and navigation skills.
Dylan has also been living in London for a while. He has been going to this school since Year 8.
He loves sports a lot. London has a strong sports culture, offering numerous opportunities for Dylan to engage in various athletic activities. The city's sports facilities, clubs, and competitions would likely contribute to his passion for sports and his involvement in physical activities.
London's competitive and fast-paced nature might contribute to Dylan's tendency to bottle up his emotions and express frustration in unhealthy ways, e.g. struggling to open up about his problems and seek help, or taking his pain and frustration out on others.
London's fast-paced lifestyle and the challenges of a multicultural city may impact Dylan's family dynamics. The high cost of living and the strains of a divorce might contribute to his family's struggles and potentially influence his own coping mechanisms and emotional challenges.
London's vibrant and multicultural atmosphere would expose your character to a diverse range of people, cultures, and perspectives. This exposure can enhance his openness and broaden his understanding of the world. London offers a lively social scene with numerous entertainment options and events. This environment would provide ample opportunities for your character to indulge in his fun-loving and enthusiastic nature, constantly seeking new adventures and exciting experiences.
Alice moved to London from the United States when she was 15. She has been going to this school since GCSEs (so Year 10 - Year 11).
Moving from the United States to London would expose Alice to a new cultural environment. London's diverse population and multicultural atmosphere could contribute to her sense of humour, incorporating elements of British wit and sarcasm into her personality (British humour is very distinct lol. Alice's sarcastic and sassy sense of humour may align well with the city's wit and banter). Living in London could further nurture her comedic skills and provide her with opportunities to engage in humorous exchanges with friends and peers. It would require Alice to adjust to a new culture, lifestyle, and educational system. London's environment would expose her to diverse perspectives and help her develop a broader worldview.
London's competitive educational environment may initially add pressure on Alice, particularly if she compares herself to her talented and academically successful sister. However, witnessing her parents' support and realising that they value her happiness and personal growth above perfection could alleviate some of that pressure. Alice's dedication to self-improvement and her willingness to work hard could help her navigate the academic challenges she faces.
Alice often feels invisible, or out of place. Feeling out of place in her friend group is a common experience for many teenagers. London's diverse social landscape, however, offers Alice the opportunity to meet a wide range of people and potentially find a supportive and understanding circle of friends who appreciate her unique qualities and help her expand her horizons.
Alice is all about pushing herself to do and be better, and London's fast-paced lifestyle could inspire Alice to pursue new interests and challenge herself intellectually and culturally. Her desire to improve, exemplified by her efforts to improve her grades, could be further fueled by the stimulating, ambitious environment of the city. The competitive nature of the educational landscape in London could contribute to Alice's determination to work on herself and strive for improvement, instilling in her a strong work ethic and resilience, pushing her to put in the effort required to achieve her goals. London's educational opportunities and high academic standards could play a role in Alice's motivation to improve her grades (as well as seeing some of her other friends succeed academically, leading her to want that for herself).
So yeah, that's how the setting of the story could impact each character individually. Another thing to take into account is how long each of them have lived in London for... this is why I made sure I mentioned it in each section. If you are born and raised in the city, and you've never been anywhere else, then that's going to impact you. You aren't going to see things in the exact same way as someone who's lived in both rural and urban areas.
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jj-online · 2 years
this is big hush hush irl, but i really need to vent about it
i’m 26 afab. grew up catholic. lost my religion.
i’ve identified as bisexual since i learned what that word meant.
a girl at my catholic middle school had a rumor spread about her that she was a lesbian and my first thought was “they got the wrong one” )then i went “lol jk” to myself).
so late that night, i snuck down to the computer and made an internet search.
as i cleared my browser history, my world was changed.
i knew something my parents wouldn’t tell me. i got to read what people my parents would never let me talk to had to say.
i was adam and eve, daring to discover illicit ideas for the first time.
i never wanted to rock the boat though. i'd grown up doing the "my way or actual literal hell" way, so i was a good girl (tm)
the first boy i kissed was the one my mom liked the most
the first boy to see me naked made me feel special
by then, i'd been selecting who to crush on and deciding to have feelings that i thought that was normal.
i do like attention. i like being implicitly told i have value in the fucked up system we live in because i'm attractive. that feels good.
not much ever felt not-good enough or in the right way for me to question my attractions.
i've always know that i love women. girls were always my favorite characters. i wanted to be near them and know them. the feelings simply existed.
i fell really hard for a girl in high school that was still hung up on her ex. i didn't have to decide. i didn't have to think about it. i didn't care how it would "look." i didn't care if she liked me back.
after that, i kept calling myself bisexual "because the way i feel about people of different genders is different."
i know for sure that is true. i feel differently about people related to their gender identity.
when i started dating in college, i was working at the mall.
i had a massive crush on one of my coworkers. i didn't pick one of them out or decide which would be the most appropriate, i just had feelings.
at the time, my coworker identified as a cis lesbian. by the time he broke my heart, he'd tried on a nonbinary identity and realized he was, in fact, a man.
i tried to deny it, but my feelings changed with each identity.
maybe it was just time, or i was changing too. he still treated me the same.
maybe i was just being a bad girlfriend or a bad ally.
i said and did some shitty things, but never because i didn't believe he is a man. i didn't know how to say what i actually meant.
i still can't name those feelings.
what if 7th grade me was right? what if i am just a lesbian? maybe just being homoromantic bisexual is most accurate?
i'm engaged to a cis man that i care about. it's complicated.
am i repeating my self-destructive habits? do i self-destruct my life to save myself?
i have so many questions that only i can truly answer.
a good girl would shut up and do it. but i already postponed the wedding once. i was never going to be the good girl forever.
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