#too tired to format this nicely
leogichidaa · 1 year
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Every Other Freckle
Chapter 5: Soft on Kneazles
Chapter 6: Perfect Patsy
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entitybear · 29 days
lalala crops of a ref & oc meme that I'll make posts abt after i fill out that meme with the other two mcs & finish their refs 👍
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dreamtillmorning · 2 years
Preliminary Trouble
Lucifer x Endless!reader
Gender neutral reader, they/them
Warnings: I cannot find much and would love to be informed, but the following I reckon: At the end, the script has about 2 suggestive comments, and possible dubcon. The passages leading to it are physically intimate.
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A/N: Just wrote my first x reader piece, starting short and concise! This is a little inconventional in that below you’ll find a something close to an ASMR script, which is the medium this is based on. I started it that way, didn’t anticipate to publish it until now. Recommended to read in Lucifer’s voice as played by Gwendoline Christie; best reference at the time of writing is the short Sandman clip of A Hope in Hell.
Paragraphs = pauses, likely when reader interjects until toward the end
Background: Canon divergent. Reader is an eighth sibling of the Endless (not canon). They arrive to Hell before Dream did to claim the helm in advance. That being said, plot is not largely taken in consideration.
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🔈Hello again. It has been a while since we have last seen each other … or your other siblings, for that matter. How have you been?
That’s great. we cannot bear to fall behind on updates of your and their wellbeings, and yes, Dream is not well … as we’ve reckoned. Word has it a helm of his has landed in our realm, one that is essential for his livelihood obviously … one which you are looking for, of course, for your brother’s sake, how lovely. [Sigh], if only we know which of our subjects have it in their possessions. If only it were that easy. Our sights can reach so far, you see, but if you know any names, any demons, you can say it right here, and then they can be right in front of us.
You don’t? How unfortunate.
Goodbye already? What a shame. It won’t change your fruitless effort here. How unfortunate it shall come to a waste then, doesn’t it? Is this where you are going to stop and call it an end?
We’re not desperate, but we’re afraid such isn’t the case for you. We’re not worried, but you should be yourself. After all, you don’t even know where the helmet is, or the name of anyone who has it. You can’t even hunt them down. How are you going to help your brother like this? How are you going to implore for our help? No tools, no leads, all powerless and hopeless. A poor little bird who lost their way in hell.
You like that, don’t you?
Of course you do, little bird … It’s clear as day to see. Your cheeks are pinker than when you first came here, your heartbeat a little faster … There’s no need to fear, really. You think your own words and your body betrays you, but if anything they bring out none closer to who you really are.
Yes, it’s not what you embody. But is it not how you feel? Heat rising to your cheeks and coiling its way around your heart as you lose your way around words, blabbering and quivering like a little mouse. You can deny it all you want; it was what they all do anyway till the last possible moment, regardless if they know it was all in vain.
Of course you don’t have to suffer as they did. You’re not damned as those souls are. You’re Dream’s little sibling, are you not? Also you have not done anything here yet, have you? No accomplishments, no nothing. Don’t worry little one, let us take care of you. We wouldn’t dare to harm such a lovely soul. Shh… Don’t be shy; let us have a good look at your face. What soft skin you have. What pretty visage you have, especially those eyes you have … How they shine so brightly and our subjects much love to eat them up! We can think of various other things to do with them… no, not physically, not punishments, but other, different, ways.
What do we mean by that? The ways to contort your expressions in ectasy, to let those eyes of yours gloss over in pleasure, to open your little lips and - just like that - taste the finger which feeds them. It’s not much right now, unless you come for more. Ask for more. I can see you want more, but that is not enough:
You need to say it.
You fret so much, little bird. Why dare we maim a sibling of Dream’s?
If you’re so concerned, you are free to come and find out. Or go back to the wild lands; there are demons who hunger for your flesh, let alone any chance of getting back your dear brother’s helmet. The choice is yours.
Wise choice. Good bird.
You may stay, but did we say you can stand here? Remember who is the guest here. Come.
Good bird.
You like it, don’t you?
Don’t you want to be told you’re so good? Don’t you want to prove it, lovely one? Don’t you want to do more … to earn it?
Let us teach you more then. Come with us, come to bed, where there is much more to offer — and you can taste more than a finger in your mouth.
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gardenseer · 1 month
{{ plotted starter °•. ✿ .•° @fireblazed }}
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Another alert vibrated from the phone in her pocket but she couldn't care enough to check it. It was a standard alert similar to that of emergency weather - but instead informed civilians when heroes got into a battle. Not that they really needed to be avoided considering half of the so called 'heroic acts' seemed more like publicity stunts. In fact the notifications became so common some people would purposefully run to the location in hopes of getting an autograph or even journalists trying to squeeze an interview in. So what would be the point in even looking? She was not just another fan-girl, quite the opposite actually.
In what felt like another lifetime ago, she used to like the heroes - or at least the idea of them. However, reverence is temporary. All it took was the passing of her mother and her family moving into the less affluential area of the city to know that they never cared about the people - but about how they can profit off who they protect. It didn't help hers or her families personal view of the heroes either when they all but dragged the youngest sister from the house claiming it was for recruitment. But today it was just a short trip to the city as she had begun working with a charity organization her youngest sister had also begun working with. With her headphones on, it was a nice walk getting to see all the people out and occasional flowers people would plant outside office buildings. The day seemed like another aside from there being less people out than normal. All it took was her turning down one street to change the setting of a calm day into what seemed to be the middle of an actual fight. Not just some publicity stunt fight either. Destruction seemed to be everywhere. Debris ranged from small pieces of cars to chunks of a building that seemed to be still raining concrete dust. . . She really should have checked that alert. The same alert that could have prevented her next inconvenience from the universe. Two figures were running towards her from the haze of dust that had yet to settle from whatever had happened here before. Not waiting to find out what side they were on, Elain wasted no time turning on her heel and trying to get away. A faint yell called out from where she was now fleeing but the sound never fully reached her. Not enough before a blast of light exploded in one of the buildings ahead of her --throwing her off her feet. That was the last thing she remembered before everything seemed to be a haze.
She remembered hearing voices in and out like a tide washing in and out but almost as if she was underwater. Unable to understand -- she just sank into the calm silence && remained there until a steady beeping grew louder as if to guide her back to an unfamiliar consciousness.
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dallaji · 8 months
Hope we make it to the Cloud.
♡ bada lee x idol!reader / NSFW❗
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SUMMARY: Amidst an identity crisis, you try to adequately prepare for your solo comeback. The lyrics have already been perfected, the song recorded and the visuals pinpointed. However, your creative team is not fully convinced by the choreography you came up with. They decide to send over one Bada Lee to help you finetune your jumbled ideas and bring harmony to your vision. You just have one specific request: the routine must include a trampoline.
CW: eventual smut, bada is 100% a giver and not a receiver in this jsyk (but i promise it makes sense in context), hinted voyeurism.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: this was meant to be pure smut but it became much longer than i intended ... oops for that . . . lets just roll with it!!1 also the choreo described is heavily inspired by tinashes bouncin.
- you don't care about those 7k words worth of boring build up? skip to this line: <After ten minutes of complete silence, Bada was the one to speak in a hushed voice: “What happened?”>
————— ୨୧ —————
The first thing you notice is how surprisingly gentle her voice is. 
“I’m Bada, it’s nice to finally meet you.”
Bada Lee stood tall in front of you, clad in an oversized jersey, cargo pants and a cap hugging her forehead in such a way her eyes were entirely obscured from your view. She promptly bowed after she spoke. Unsure where to look, you dropped your gaze and followed suit; vaguely aware of her seniority and bowing deeper.
“It’s nice to meet you too,” You tried to keep your own voice as neutral as possible, but agitation bubbled in your chest as you felt your manager’s prodding, eager eyes behind you. “Thanks for being here.”
Your team was much more excited about this collaboration than you were.
None of the aggravation you felt was Bada’s fault. It had been three weeks of your creative team dismissing every choreo draft you came up with: Three weeks of sleepless nights at the dance studio, tiring out yourself and your background dancers. Three weeks of browsing through videos sent in by other choreographers across the country, attempting to mix bits and pieces together but none of it ever feeling right. Three weeks filled with reminders of a deadline looming over your head. Three weeks of your team letting you know they had little confidence in this comeback. Your last attempt at showing them what you had come up with had ended up in a shouting match. Your manager, who you otherwise got along with just fine, bluntly stated that, perhaps, this concept simply wasn’t something you could pull off.
It had left you feeling betrayed. Your creative team had agreed it was time for you to approach a more mature concept, something that you felt was years overdue. But it seemed their definition of mature and yours were wildly different. You had worked hard on perfecting a set of songs to choose from, but you immediately butted heads with the rest of the team. You wanted to do the bouncy and playful R&B track. Your team wanted the EDM track. Eventually they relented, but now seemed hellbent on making it as difficult as possible for your vision to come to fruition. Putting together the visual board for the concept photos and the eventual music video was a similarly arduous process. You had to meet in the middle and sacrifice a lot of your initial ideas, but that procedure was almost pleasant compared to what you were dealing with in regards to the choreography.
Every idea you put forward was promptly shut down. Too complicated. Too boring. No TikTok challenge potential. Too sexy.
And maybe it was true. Your formations weren’t as clean as the ones thought up by a professional choreographer, but you weren’t really given a chance at all. It wasn’t like you were a bad dancer either. Far from it. You picked up choreos incredibly fast and had always played an active part in brainstorming past routines alongside your background dancers. You had more experience than most of your peers, yet you were treated as if you were still the same teenaged trainee from years ago.
“Is that really how you all feel?” You had whispered after your manager dropped that bombshell, searching for an answer in the facial expressions of your creative team. Most of them were not even willing to meet your eyes. “We just need to be realistic.” Your manager stated matter-of-factly. “That other song is still an opt—” “I am not changing the song.” You cut him off. Momentarily, your manager looked like a fish on dry land, gasping for air. “Sorry.” You added quickly, albeit a bit flustered. “Look,” He sighed, “We can do mature without shocking the nation. Let's keep it mild for now and maybe after two or three more singles, you can go all out.” “I haven’t been 18 in years, you know.” You retorted bitterly. Something inside you understood where he was coming from, but you had been obedient since your debut- how much longer should you wait? You didn’t want to sacrifice any more of your creativity, so many years into your career. You had even seen one of your own concepts go to a labelmate instead, your own team dubbing you too “youthful” to pull it off.  “Okay, how about this,” He began with a frown, “Let us pick one of the choreographers’ drafts for you. You can finetune it with their guidance.”
Their pick had been Bada. You hadn’t even realized she sent in a draft: at one point you were so overwhelmed you just stopped checking your emails. You also hadn’t bothered to watch it before this meeting. You were genuinely too deep in your feelings about that whole ordeal for that. However, now that she was standing in the studio, tall height towering over you, you couldn’t help but feel a little self conscious. 
You had seen Bada around.
After all, she had worked with many of your labelmates before. You had also watched a fair amount of her videos. She was one of the best in the business, and whenever you had downtime to practice freely you scrolled through her routines on Youtube to help stay in shape. As you were facing her, even with half her face hidden, you understood why everyone was so stricken with her. When she had walked into the room she oozed with authority, though not in an obnoxious way.
“Great!” Your manager clapped his hands, effectively breaking your train of thought. “Thank you so much for supporting us, Bada. Shall we jump right in?”
“Sure,” She nodded eagerly, hands wringing together as her body turned towards you. “I kind of wanted to see what you had in mind for this choreo.”
That surprised you, and you were certain your facial expression wasn’t hiding it. Your manager held his breath. “Oh! Well—” You chewed on your lip as you vaguely motioned the corner of the room, trying to find the words. “I wanted to use… I wanted to use a trampoline.”
Bada immediately turned her head to follow your gestures, her eyes landing on the mini trampoline set up in the studio. “A trampoline?” In the background, your manager heaved a sigh.
You purposely ignored him and nodded, slowly: “I can show you, if you want.” You had hoped that sounded more self-assured to her than it did to you.
Bada scratched her chin, still looking off to the trampoline, and then nodded along with you. “I’d love to see it.” 
You felt the tension in your chest ebb away. There was no malice to her tone; she seemed genuinely curious.
Then, Bada turned her head towards your manager, her ponytail falling off her shoulder. “I hope I'm not imposing but, I would like this to be a collaborative effort between the two of us. I think it would take the pressure off if you…?” She trailed off with a kind smile, one impossible to say no to.
As if he got doused with cold water, your manager stood up with an urgency. “Privacy! I can give you two some privacy, no problem!” He fussed around, gathering his things. “Just let me know when we can sit in on the finished product.”
The both of you bowed to him as you bid your farewells, watching him leave the studio with a wave. Once the door shut behind him, you could feel yourself exhale in relief. You knew that if your manager was going to sit in on every practice, he would go out of his way to shut down all of your ideas. Without him around, you had more opportunity to champion your vision- at least, you hoped so.
You craned your neck, looking up at the ceiling, before letting your eyes fall shut with a sigh, almost forgetting there was another person in the room.
“They’ve been on your case, huh?” 
Bada's soft but clear voice broke you out of your spell, and you turned your head to search for a glimpse of eye contact. Tough luck, as her hat was still in place casting a shadow down her face. There was, however, a knowing smirk playing across her features.
“You have no idea.” You muttered honestly. Bada laughed.
“I don’t want to make you dance a routine you don’t fully stand behind. I did mean it when I said I want this to be a collaborative effort.” Bada spoke carefully, but sincerely, her fingers once again intertwining. “I always wanted to work with you, so it’s an honor.” She added.
If you got a penny for every time you were caught off guard today, you could set some humble savings aside for an early retirement.
It is true that you’ve been sought after, but it wasn’t something you had ever internalized. Hearing it come from someone who herself was heavily sought after, made your face heat up.
“T- thank you. It’s an honor to work with you too.”
She bowed her head humbly, glancing over to the corner of the studio again where the trampoline sat, waiting. “Do you feel comfortable showing me what you have been working on?”
You nodded and rushed to the corner to set up your speaker, and then dragged the trampoline to the center of the room. You were oddly aware of your own presence, and almost felt the urge to make yourself smaller as you moved around. In the meantime, Bada was getting comfortable: she had dropped her things on a nearby table and left out a bottle of water. To her it must be a regular working day, but to you this felt scarier than getting up on stage.
Once you stood behind the trampoline, facing the wide stretched mirror filling up one side of the room, you stole a glance at the choreographer who was now crouched on the floor. She had pulled out a small camera and was setting it up on the edge of the table, making sure the lens was focused on your position. Long fingers fiddled with the buttons, and her tongue was prodding the hollow of her cheek. The angle allowed you to finally catch a glimpse of her eyes.
As if on cue, she glanced up at you. Your eyes met in the reflection of the mirror and your heart raced.
She gave you a soft smile and moved to sit cross-legged on the floor, the camera now fully set up. “I usually record everything, so we can watch it back and give feedback.”
Right, of course.
“Yeah, that’s usually how we operate as well.” You spoke timidly, and it was true. Yet something about having her attention on you felt more intimate. Usually there was at least one other person from your creative team looking on as well.
Trying to come across casual, you tied your hair up in a high ponytail. “What do you think of the song?” You asked curiously.
It was now Bada’s turn to be caught off guard. Her smile faltered and she broke the eye contact you had been sharing, clasping her hands together as she spoke. “I like it.” She began. “A lot, actually. It’s why I wanted to play a part in it. There isn’t anyone doing a song like this nowadays.”
Even though her body language was confusing, you couldn’t find any dishonesty in her voice. What she said made you feel relieved, some of your insecurity fading to the background. It’s why I wanted to play a part in it. 
You sent a smile her way even though you weren’t sure she was even looking at you. 
Proving you wrong, she smiled back.
“Alright, so,” You gestured to the trampoline at your feet. “The idea is, the other dancers and I all do the same routine. I'll be front and center. Four or six other dancers dance behind me, with their own trampoline.” You gave the trampoline a light shove with your foot, making sure it would stay in place, and then grabbed your phone. “Then you have an idea.” 
You looked over your shoulder at Bada and gave her an inquisitive thumbs up. “Ready?” You asked.
Bada pressed a button on the camera and mimicked your thumbs up with a smile. “Ready when you are.”
You faced the mirror again and shook your shoulders a bit, forcing your body to loosen up. After twisting your neck a few times, you hit play on your phone, quickly placing it under the trampoline as the familiar synths of the song started blaring from the speakers. You tried to feel the confidence you were usually able to conjure up on stage, closing your eyes and swaying your hips, ponytail moving from side to side. 
As soon as you heard your own voice through the speakers, instrumentals going deeper, you got into position. Your eyes opened up to focus on your own reflection in the mirror as if it was a fan in the crowd watching. Mouthing along to the lyrics, a playful smile on your lips, you hit every move as you had envisioned. Once the chorus came up, you dropped to your knees on the trampoline, grappling the edge as you performed the routine. Pushing back against the springs gave you the velocity to keep your moves fluid, your body twisting and turning, flipping over and hitting the next move. You made sure to move your hips deftly, aware that you had enough curves to allow you to pull it off, and kept your facial expressions in line. It had to look effortless. 
You felt your ponytail swing along with your movements as if it were an extension of you, and sat up on the trampoline. The chorus came to an end and you used your arm strength to twist yourself around fast enough, gracefully falling back on your chest whilst keeping your toes en pointe in your sneakers. The tips of your fingers were touching the floor as your legs crossed, moving to rest your elbow on the edge of the trampoline and resting your chin atop your palm. You lip synced to the final words of the chorus, gaze alluring as you finished the move, and the music stopped.
You slowly sat up straight on the trampoline, crossing your legs, and slid your hand underneath to hit pause on your phone. You looked towards Bada expectantly, but the question got stuck in your throat. She was staring at you, mouth slightly agape, with an unreadable expression. For a split second you were reminded of your trainee days, when you had just finished a routine and were met by your choreographers’ stern faces; they wouldn’t spare you a single compliment, and instead listed off every mistake you had made.
But then, Bada blinked once and then twice, as if in a daze, and let out a soft “woah”. She started applauding you, shaking her head in bafflement. You felt your shoulders drop in relief.
“That was incredible!” The choreographer took off her cap, fixing her bangs before putting it back on. “You came up with this?”
You nodded slowly, the tips of your ears glowing hot. “I used to be a gymnast.”
“I can tell—” Bada spoke bluntly, but then snapped her mouth shut as if she said something wrong. “I mean, that was really good. Every part of your body was in command. Your team didn’t like it?”
“They think it’s too much, compared to my usual routines.” You had the urge to go off on a tangent, but ultimately you didn’t know Bada well enough. Unfortunately, you were naturally quite expressive and the disapproving frown on your face was on clear display.
“Too much? I kind of wanted more, actually.” She laughed softly, looking down to where her legs were crossed. You felt your heart skip a beat and bowed your head in lieu of a thanks. 
Subsequently, the bright green light of the camera caught your attention. It was still recording. 
“Hey, I think the camera is still on.” You spoke before you realized, and hoped it didn’t sound accusatory.
“Huh? Oh!” Her expression was almost akin to a child being caught with a hand in a cookie jar, the way she swiped at the camera to turn it off. “Sorry. Good call.” She mumbled shyly, tucking it behind her. 
You weren’t sure what to say next, still flustered at her lofty praises, but luckily Bada broke the momentary silence.
“I had an idea…” She began, her hand rubbing at her chin pensively. “I don’t know if you’ve had the chance to watch my draft yet?”
You shook your head abashedly. “No, sorry, I honestly didn’t get to it.”
“It’s fine.” Bada waved her hands dismissively. “Maybe instead of doing the trampoline routine in every chorus, we could only do it in the middle? Exactly as it is. I wouldn’t change anything. And then for the other two choruses, we could keep some key moves but keep it on the floor.”
You mulled it over for a second, glancing up at the ceiling contemplatively. Using the trampoline the whole way through was not an option, according to your team. They had felt you were toeing the line with ‘raunchy’ much too closely. Perhaps you could find middle ground this way, while still keeping the part of the routine you felt most proud of. 
“Okay.” You agreed, nodding slowly. “We would need something special for the final chorus, then.”
“I had another idea for that, if you’re fine with it. Would you like to watch my draft with me?”
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Her draft was good. Really good, actually. 
Bada and you were sitting on the floor next to each other, the taller girl holding her phone out in front of you as the draft played on the screen. You were sitting quite closely together, but not close enough to be touching, a conscious decision on your part. You were a bit too aware of her presence, something about her was heightening your senses in a variety of ways. It wasn’t even as if she was stern or unkind, she just had an aura that intimidated you. At least, that’s what you were telling yourself.
A blonde girl you didn’t recognize was dancing your parts. Six other dancers, one of them being Bada, were in formation behind her performing the choreography perfectly in sync as your song played in the background. While you should really be paying attention to the girl in the center, your eyes couldn’t leave Bada’s figure. In the video she was dressed in loose-fitting cargo pants, just like today, and a crop top. Once again she wore a cap covering half her face, and even a face mask, but her hair hung loose over her shoulders. 
You were always impressed by the small movements she was able to squeeze in, emphasizing certain parts in ways the other dancers weren’t able to. However, it was the final chorus that had your hands turn clammy.
The final chorus was a duet formation. Bada, with a quiet confidence in her step, and the blonde girl moved towards each other in the center of the room. They were effectively dancing for each other, the blonde girl whipping her head back as Bada stared her down, swaying their hips together rhythmically. Their steps were coordinated in such a way they almost mirrored, Bada rolling her body one way and the blonde girl moving the other; but it still felt cohesive. It was an intimate choreo. There were a few split moments of hips grinding against crotches, but it never lasted long enough to be straight up inappropriate. Still, you couldn’t help but realize you would have to practice this routine with Bada as well, and you felt yourself getting hot under the collar.
The choreo ended with the blonde girl giving Bada a playful shove, and the taller girl backed away slowly, a saunter in her step, before moving off the screen along with the other background dancers. The video ended and Bada dropped her phone in her lap, not looking at you.
“That was good.” You were relieved your voice came out evenly, and Bada started nodding in her trademark way, hands clasped together. “The formations were really clean and— I loved the final chorus.” You blurted.
She smirked, head raising and meeting your eyes for the second time today. You were starting to feel eager, greedily watching. 
“I’m glad to hear. We definitely need to finetune the first chorus, line it up with your routine and all that. I really don’t want to lose your input.”
“That sounds great, thank you.” You felt a surge of gratitude in your chest, and shot her a wide smile. “I’m looking forward to working on this together.”
Bada dropped her gaze again, worrying her lower lip. You felt miffed at the brusque interruption of your shared eye contact but didn't show it. 
“I suggest we start with practices tomorrow, we will edit the first chorus as we go,” She whipped out her phone, looking at her calendar. “We should practice the duet together until you’ve got a handle on it, and then I can bring over some of my guys to prep for the actual performances. I know someone for my part. He’s worked with some of your labelmates before, I’m confident he’s right for the job.” 
You couldn’t tell if you were anxious at the prospect of practicing such a choreo with Bada, or if you were disappointed that the eventual product wouldn’t be performed with her. It made sense, though. If your label was already worried your concept was too mature for the country, having two women perform such a choreography wouldn’t be received well at all. 
“Great. Same time tomorrow, just the two of us again?” 
“Same time tomorrow,” The third time she was willing to meet your eyes, and once again with a small smile playing across her features. “Just the two of us.”
————— ୨୧ —————
Working with Bada the past few days has been surprisingly easy. 
On the first day, she brought some iced coffee for the both of you and presented it with an exaggeratedly deep bow, holding out the plastic takeout bag in front of her as if she was a lackey presenting you a treasure. You giggled, muttering an incredulous “thank you” as you took the bag from her hands. Through sips of coffee, the both of you fast forwarded through the recordings trying to piece the choreography together. You were able to bounce ideas off of her in a way you never felt comfortable enough doing with other choreographers. Bada was attentive, patient and, above all, eager. 
On the second day, you wanted to repay your debt and entered the studio with a box of doughnuts. She let out a surprisingly girlish squeak when you laid the box on the table, and barreled over to grab one. That day she was wearing a beanie instead of a cap, something you inadvertently preferred as you could now lock eyes and take in her features. Sometimes you had the impression she was hellbent on looking anywhere except into your eyes, but you didn’t want to mull it over for too long; some people just had a different way of interacting. Everything else about her still left you with a warm feeling.
Sometimes you both took turns performing for each other. She would pull her beanie further down her head as she took the center of the studio, and each time something inside you would brace itself. You could only watch in awe: her movements were sharp and magnetic, her entire body language changing in the blink of an eye. While your attention should be on her footwork, you were instead hypnotized by the sway of her hips, greedily drinking her in. You chalked it up to her being such a captivating dancer.
However, little could explain how much you relished in her undivided attention. When it was your turn to copy the moves, you made sure to give it your all and put on a show. Without a hat obscuring her eyes, you could tell where her eyes were looking and it wasn’t always on your reflection in the mirror. You swore you could feel her gaze burning in your lower back, but you didn’t mind. It encouraged you to hit your moves a bit harder than you usually would.
“You’re a fast learner,” Bada said at the end of the day, drinking from her water bottle as you watched her throat bob. “Keep it up and you won’t need me anymore.”
You didn’t like the sound of that.
————— ୨୧ —————
By the fifth day, the both of you had started working through the details of the duet. 
The familiar song sounded through the speakers, the room filled with the sound of your singing voice and the squeaking of your sneakers on the floor. 
You were painfully aware of the way Bada closely danced behind you but you kept your eyes down, forcing yourself to keep track of your footwork. You bent over slightly at the start of the next line, your hips popping out and letting your hair whip to the side as you hummed along to the lyrics. In tandem, Bada moved her hips the opposite direction but gyrated closer to you, her hand coming up to tug her cap lower. You spared the mirror a glance for a split second, realizing Bada was much closer to you than you had realized, but you pushed the thought away.
You looked good together.
“Pause real quick.” She spoke suddenly, stepping away from you and bending over to stop the song. You immediately halted your movements at the command, trying to control the heaving of your chest and willing away the warmth of your cheeks. 
She stood up again, meeting your eyes in the mirror before steadying herself behind you, body close to yours.
“You’re doing great, but,” A tentative hand slid to your hip, fingers curling over in a loose grip as she subtly urged it to move to one side. Both your eyes remained locked through the mirror. “I think we should move together in this part. Like this.” She repeated the motion, her grasp on your hip tightening ever so slightly before pulling you flush against her pelvis. Her hips rocked along with yours, and you could only follow. 
She hummed close to your ear, and you felt her breathe along the side of your face. “Just like that.” Her voice was quiet, gentle even, though her stare was everything but that. It was intense. 
In an attempt to sound casual you replied with an “okay”, but it came out softer than you had hoped for. 
Her eyes dropped from the mirror, opting to look down at you directly, but you couldn’t find the confidence to return the favor. “You should do that thing again," she continued quietly, "Where you throw your hair back, but look at me when you do it.”
You repeated your steps, but this time both her hands came down to hold your hips in place. You turned your head as requested, your hair falling over your shoulder as your eyes finally met. Her gaze was intense but undecipherable; she hadn’t been looking at the mirror at all this time.
Bada was so close, unblinking and heady. The thought entered your mind before you fully realized: if you craned your neck you could kiss her. In a careful motion, you felt her hands slide up and down slowly, smoothing along the curve of your hips.
“Perfect.” She said, and it sounded so intimate you felt lightheaded. Usually she voiced her approval with an animated smile and a thumbs up, but she spoke to you as if she was scared you would set off running. “You got it. You want to try that again with music?”
You nodded slowly and her hands dropped from your hips, leaving a burning sensation in their wake. As she bent down to turn the song back on, you brought the back of your hand up to your cheek; checking if it was as warm as you felt. Then you ran your fingers through your ponytail, tightening the hair tie with a sharp tug in an attempt to snap yourself out of whatever daze you had fallen into.
It meant nothing. She had merely workshopped a move and there was no need to feel so nervous.
The final chorus of the song began thumping again and the both of you got into your starting positions. Bada’s presence was palpable behind you, but you tried to force your head back into performance-mode. You kept your moves sharp, lip synced as if the voice came directly from your own throat and smiled playfully at all the right lines. 
As the instrumentals of the final chorus got louder, you twirled a finger around your ponytail, playing with the imaginary crowd in front of you. Bada pressed up against your back. Your hips moving in tandem just as the choreo required and you could no longer repress the urge to grind back against her. You saw Bada smirk in the mirror, her eyes obscured by her cap, but you could tell she was enjoying your blunt display of confidence. That made you laugh for real, putting an extra ‘oomph’ into the roll of your hips, dropping even lower, and feeling Bada take what you gave her with a great amount of enthusiasm. You heard the choreographer let out a "woo!" and you giggled.
At the very end of the choreo, you were meant to face Bada and push her away; making room for a final solo moment. So you turned around, meeting that familiar mischievous grin and your hand came up to curl into her collar. Bada sucked in her lower lip, greedily towering over you and looking down expectantly. 
But something about the giddy atmosphere had you feeling bold, so you tugged her even closer instead. Her mouth fell open, but she followed you down nonetheless, eyes becoming half-lidded. You were mere inches removed from each other, and her breath fanned across your face. For a split second her gaze lingered on your lips, and you held your breath, heart fluttering in an unfamiliar feeling. A fleeting thought told you to bridge the gap, pull her impossibly closer by the grip you had on her collar, but your body acted before your brain could. 
You reached for her cap and tugged it off her head, putting it on yourself in one swift movement and then shoved her away as you were supposed to do; effectively breaking the spell. You turned on your heel to look back at your reflection in the mirror, consciously blocking Bada from your periphery and closed out the song. The music stopped.
Now that the studio was quiet you could hear the both of you catching your breaths, and rather than facing Bada while your face was still heating up, you flopped onto the floor, limbs spread out. You moved Bada’s cap atop your face, blocking out the bright lights of the practice room, feeling exceptionally winded. 
You felt Bada sit down next to you and she promptly pulled her hat off your face.
“Ow,” You uttered lamely, arms coming up to cover your face instead. Surely the shame you felt was on wide display and you had to save the little bit of the reputation you had left. You could already hear her voice, albeit uncharacteristically, echo in your head: “What was that?” “Why didn’t you just stick to what I told you?” “That was highly unprofessional.” Your stomach churned.
But instead she said: “That was incredible.”
“Huh.” You exclaimed unintelligently. You tentatively moved your arms from your face and were met with Bada staring you down, her hat back in place. It would probably be too weird if you went back into hiding, so you dropped your arms uselessly. 
“That was incredible,” she repeated, a fond smile on her lips. “You are incredible. I’m telling you, we’ve got a hit on our hands.” She extended her arms excitedly, as if she had to convey the sheer magnitude of potential you both had crafted.
“You really think so?” You sounded breathless, the warmth in your chest blossoming. 
“I know so. Seriously? If your team doesn’t like this, they’re idiots.” Her bluntness kicked a laugh out of you, and you playfully whacked her knee. “No, I mean it!”
“It wasn’t too much?” Slowly you sat up, tugging at the front of your shirt clinging uncomfortably to your body from the sweat.
Bada tilted her head, blinking at you sympathetically as she weighed your words carefully. 
“I’ve already told you,” her voice was quiet, as if she was worried someone else might overhear, “I can’t get enough of you. The same goes for the public, by the way.” 
That made you want to kick your feet like a teenager, butterflies fluttering in your stomach as you fought the impulse to fall into her arms. Instead, you dropped your head with a timid smile hoping that did enough to show your gratitude. 
Bada placed a hand on your shoulder with a touch so soft she might as well be reassembling a broken vase, urging you to look at her. “Let's take a break, order some bubble tea and then watch the recordings. Sound good?” 
You leaned into the touch with exhilaration. “Yeah. My treat, though.”
————— ୨୧ —————
The tenth day coincided with a photoshoot in the morning. You had gotten up at 4am to get to the location early enough so that there was enough room for your stylists to get to work. 
The first thing you noticed was the visual board you had worked on tirelessly a few weeks prior.
It had changed.
Some of the images jumbled around or left out entirely, replaced by ones you did not recognize or even liked to begin with. Even the color scheme had changed. Before you could ask your manager about it, however, your hair stylist beckoned you to follow her into the booth. Still groggy, with just a protein shake in your belly to keep you at bay, you followed without objection.
But then, after you emerged fully made up with your hair in intricate braids and ribbons, you saw the backdrop you were going to work with and the outfits you would be wearing: they looked nothing like what you had agreed on. 
Once sown into the baby pink corset, you looked at your reflection in the mirror with a glassy expression, too exhausted to even express the anger that was simmering in your chest. 
“What happened to the costume I commissioned?” You asked your manager in a flat voice, fully realizing you wouldn’t like whatever the answer would be.
“Oh,” But he didn’t sound surprised at all, “We didn’t really like how it turned out, so we decided to go with something else. Pink looks good on you, you know.” He added hurriedly. 
You blinked, clenching and unclenching your jaw. The last thing you wanted was to cause a scene in front of all the staff. Firstly, it wasn’t their fault; secondly, word got around quickly and the last thing you needed was a trending blind item about diva behavior. With great difficulty you swallowed the venom down your throat and walked over to the camera crew without sparing your manager a single glance. Bowing to everyone separately, you turned on the autopilot. You just needed to get through the day. You posed for the flashing of the cameras, turning your brain off.
“That’s a wrap! Great work, all.” The photographer’s voice snapped you out of your daze, and you slowly stumbled away from the backdrop, blinking back tears.
“Great job everyone, thank you for your hard work.” You hoped your voice sounded even and hurried away to get changed.
Once alone in your dressing room, you bent over the sink with your hands in your hair. You didn’t understand. They had seen the choreography Bada and you had worked on, and approved. They had been enthusiastic even, and it felt like your team and you had finally buried the hatchet. Now you understood why they were so pliant in their acceptance of the final choreo; they had found something else to exert their control over. You didn’t want to cry, so you grit your teeth and untied your hair, fingers smoothing out where the braids had been.
In the bustle of the early morning you had almost forgotten you were meant to start your first practice with the entire dance crew today, with Bada as the lead choreographer ensuring everything played out exactly according to your collaborative vision. It had been almost two days since you had last seen her, yesterday being a day off for the both of you, and for some reason it felt like a lifetime.
You wanted to see her, but you weren’t sure if you could dance today.
You arrived at the studio about an hour later, right on time, with most of your makeup cleared from your face and dressed in joggers and a crop top. This time you were sporting a cap as well, hoping the dancers wouldn’t notice the fatigue etched on your face on your first day with them. 
Everyone was already there. Some dancers stretching, others practicing and a few watching the recordings while in deep discussion with Bada. Her flannel shirt was bunched up at her elbows as she made grand gestures with her hands, explaining something to the dancers in front of her. As the sound of the door opening and closing filled the room, the tall girl perked up mid-sentence, shooting you a wide smile. 
“Hey! I got you some coffee.” She spoke brightly, walking over to you in big strides as her loose braid fell off her shoulder. You had just finished bowing to everyone when you turned to Bada, feeling your chest swell at the sight of her. “How was the shoot?”
She must’ve noticed something. Perhaps it was the sag of your shoulder, the way you bit your lower lip or the exhaustion in your eyes; but her smile faltered slightly when she got a closer look. 
“It went alright.” You spoke neutrally, unable to meet her eyes but adding a nod to come across as reassuring as possible. “Thank you for the coffee.”
Bada stood a bit helplessly but seemed to understand that prying any further would be futile. “Of course, it was my turn, after all.” She smiled carefully. “You wanna get started?”
“Let’s do that.” You agreed, hoping that dancing would get your mind off of things. 
Bada gathered everyone together and gave a small speech, making a conscious effort to do all the talking so you could comfortably hide the swelling insecurity you felt deep in your chest. You nodded at the right times, smiled at the dancers (some of them peeking at you in awe) and tried to come across relaxed. 
Once Bada finished talking, she called for everyone to get in position as she strode to the far end of the room, where she had the most optimal view. You moved to the front, right next to your trampoline, facing the mirror and vaguely took note of a tall guy with a buzzcut who now stood in the spot Bada did when you had been practicing with her. Something about her not being part of the dance anymore, even though you perfectly knew this was going to be the plan all along, made you feel even less secure.
You shook your limbs loose, trying to empty your head for the sake of the dancers who were all blind to your inner turmoil and instead incredibly excited to be here. You did not want to waste their time. Once again, you forced yourself into auto pilot. 
The song started playing, bubbling synths building up to your first lines, and you danced. You danced as you had practiced with Bada, but weren’t able to envision the crowd in front of you. Instead you relied on muscle memory, which worked out well enough. Even when the tall guy was behind you for the duet, hips grazing yours, you didn’t feel very aware of your surroundings at all. Sometimes you all had to stop midway when Bada noticed that someone was offbeat or out of position, but you slid back into the moves easily. The team was strong, too. You danced the choreo once, twice, thrice and a fourth time. When you grabbed the guy’s collar, you pushed him back immediately, unlike what you had practiced with Bada, and finished your move.
Bada clapped her hands together with a cheer.
“That was solid, everyone!” She strode over, giving everyone a thumbs up. “Some things we have to smooth over, but we are way ahead on schedule. Let’s take five. I— Are you okay?”
You barely realized your own actions until you felt the warm tears run down your cheeks. You had sat down on the trampoline in such an unceremonious way, body shaking from exertion as you tried to hold back hiccups. Panic began crawling up your body and into your throat. Suddenly aware of the dancers seeing you in such a state, you took your cap off and held it in front of your face.
“Actually, since we are ahead on schedule, let’s make this a short day.” Bada’s authoritative voice declared to the entire room. The dancers nodded along nervously, glancing at your hunched figure with palpable worry. “Great work everyone, make sure to get home safe. Same time tomorrow.” 
You croaked out a soft “Thank you, everyone” through your fingers, but your voice was barely audible. You couldn’t face them.
Footsteps rushed around the room, the dancers gathering their backpacks off the floor. You barely registered the hushed voices slowly echoing further and further away from you, until the door shut with finality; a lock sounding in place and silence reigning over the space.
Bada’s hands came to rest on your shoulders as you felt the trampoline sink with her added weight. Then she pulled you into her arms with a tenderness you had never experienced from anyone before. Your arms tightened around her frame in instinct, dropping your cap onto the floor, and your heart constricting painfully as you hid your face in her chest. 
She didn’t speak as you hiccupped soundlessly, letting the exhaustion pour out of you with quivering shoulders. Bada’s hands traced comforting lines along your back, her cheek pressed against the top of your head as she waited for the trembling of your body to subdue. In turn, you tried to focus on the steady rise and fall of her chest, her breathing lulling you. 
After ten minutes of complete silence, Bada was the one to speak in a hushed voice: “What happened?” 
You glanced up at her, tears still running down your cheeks as you choked back a particularly pathetic sob. “I’m sorry…” 
Bada let out an affronted gasp, bringing her hands up to cradle your face instead and letting her thumbs wipe the tears from your cheeks. “Please don’t apologize. Tell me what happened.”
“My team,” You began with a slurred speech, “They still don’t believe in me. They don’t think I can pull this off.” 
Your voice sounded heartbroken: “They make sure to remind me every chance they get. My manager is certain I am going to embarrass the nation, because there is only one thing I can do and it’s not this. I can’t be sexy. I don’t have good ideas. And maybe they’re right! I don’t have the charisma to pull this off. My fans are going to hate it, because it’s not the person they wanted to support—” There was nothing you could do except keep going, like a faucet running, and Bada let you, “—I can’t even wear what I want. My visual board was cybercore inspired. I had a red PVC two piece outfit custom-made, but they put me in a pink dress and ballet shoes.” You added, horrified; not at the clothes, but at the clear disconnect between your team and you.
Bada, who was nodding along to your words with a serious expression up until that point, chuckled at your words, thumbs still catching tears. “Well I always thought you looked like a pretty princess, but that’s indeed a bit on the nose.”
The follow-up to your rant died in your throat, eyes widening at her words. Your brain was short circuiting. “You think I’m pretty?”
The taller girl scoffed at that, brows furrowing. “I can’t believe you just asked me that.”
“Why?” You asked, genuinely.
For a moment she gawked at you, deep in thought and searching your face for insincerity. Bada was unable to find it. 
“It’s not the only thing I think of you.”
Something about the atmosphere in the room changed when she spoke, and you almost forgot why you were upset in the first place. She carefully tucked your hair behind your ears, her eyes staring into yours unblinkingly. It reminded you of the way she had looked at you during practice days prior, when you had pulled her close by her collar for the first time. Her attention on you was suffocating, but you were glad to be drowning.
You sucked in your lower lip for a split second, releasing it, and waited with bated breath for her to continue. Her eyes dropped immediately, following your movements. She slid one hand down to the crook of your neck, slowly, the tips of her fingers tracing along your skin and leaving shivers in their wake; her other hand curled under your chin with a loose grip, tilting your head back slightly. Your head felt so heavy you could only lean in closer, wanting more of something you couldn’t even put in words.
But as always with Bada, she seemed to know what you wanted before you could open your mouth and ask for it. She closed the distance, brushing her lips against yours in a soft peck, and it was when you realized she was also holding her breath.
Her thumb trailed along your jawline, breath fanning over your lips. “Is this okay?” She asked quietly. You placed your hands on her thighs to brace yourself, your own lightheadedness overwhelming you, and nodded.
There was a shadow of a smirk on her lips when she kissed you a second time; lips connected with more force this time before gliding together in tandem. She tilted your head to get impossibly closer to you, her hand moving from your chin to tangle her fingers into your hair and cradling the back of your head. When her lips parted and closed around your bottom lip, nipping eagerly, you inadvertently let out a soft noise at the warmth of it all which only seemed to spur her on further. 
You curled your hands into the front of her shirt as her back straightened, crowding around you as if her goal was to subdue, the trampoline creaking underneath your shared weight. She seemed to relish in overpowering you, inhaling sharply through her nose when you parted your mouth for her further.
You felt the tentative prod of her tongue, and accepted. The wetness made you shiver as she swallowed your quiet gasps. The hand that was previously nestled against your neck slid lower, began exploring along the curve of your waist and feeling the bare skin your crop top couldn’t reach to hide.
She parted the kiss, and you let out a soft whine. Biting her lip in an attempt to hide her smile, but ultimately failing, her eyes were drinking you in. You could only imagine what you looked like as even Bada was flushed all over, chest heaving from excitement. Then, as if she was reading your mind, her eyes glanced over to the mirror in front of you. 
Bada shifted her position behind you, running her fingers through your hair before ultimately placing her palm against the other side of your waist. Steadily, as if she were correcting a move during practice, she turned your body to face the mirror. At this rate you simply accepted the effect she had on you, and wordlessly obeyed her ministrations. She planted her feet on the floor, long legs on either side of you; and ultimately caged you in, nestling her chin into the crook of your neck. Her eyes never left the mirror.
She brushed some of your hair over your shoulder as if she were propping up a doll, and spoke in a hushed voice: “Look at yourself.” 
The sight made you feel all the more dizzy. Through half-lidded eyes you barely recognized your own reflection; hair slightly mussed and lips swollen and lovebitten. Someone did that to you. Bada did that to you. 
The taller girl, pressed up against you, placed a kiss on your shoulder, fingers running up and down your body and making the hairs on your arms stand straight in exhilaration. You loved the way she touched you, how it made you feel; as if she was tracing the lines on an art piece. “You’re beautiful,” she whispered against your shoulder, “people would kill to see you like this.” 
The honesty in her voice made something in your stomach roll. “Bada…” You began, but you didn’t even know what you wanted to say.
“You have no idea how other people look at you.” Her hands cradled the small of your waist, fingertips digging into your hips. “So let me show you how they look at you.”
She began kissing up your shoulder, soft and warm presses of her lips, before parting her mouth against your neck with a tangible hunger that left you sighing. You tilted your head to the side to give her more room and every inch you freed, she swarmed eagerly. Her tongue swirled against a patch of skin, hand flattening on your lower stomach as the other traced higher and higher, along your ribcage, before inquisitive fingertips moved under the hem of your top. As she sucked a mark onto your skin, you clenched your thighs together at the familiar sensation between your legs. Your eyes slowly fell shut as she crept up higher, lips pressing right below your earlobe with a barely-there hum.
She whispered: “Keep looking at yourself.”
You obeyed bashfully, right when Bada reattached her lips to your skin. She had been tracing lines along the hem of your sports bra, enthralled with the way you shivered in her grasp, before slipping a hand under; her hand was warm as she kneaded your breast, but your nipples stiffened at the sensation all the same. You pushed out your chest to convey your delectation, and she rewarded you by sinking her teeth into your skin. Suddenly, with a swift movement, both her hands hoisted up the hem of your top and bra, and pulled it upwards, your breasts releasing from its confines. The cold air made them perk up and Bada’s hands cupped the underside.
She detached her lips from your skin with a wet sound before looking up at the mirror, taking you in with her saliva-slicked mouth agape. 
“So pretty,” Bada muttered, bringing your breasts a little higher, “Are you sensitive here?” She wondered loudly before tracing her thumbs right below your nipples. Once again your legs squeezed together, feeling yourself throb from excitement, and Bada picked up on the hint with a wide smile. “You are.”
In your reflection you saw Bada bring her fingers up to your mouth, thumb pressing down on your bottom lip imploringly, and you opened your mouth. She slipped her digit past, pushing it back against your tongue and you sucked obediently. Her eyes were drilling into yours through your reflection, enthralled by how pliant you were under her care. 
You released the digit with a wet ‘pop’ and Bada promptly brought it to your nipple, rubbing it in circular motions as her other hand continued to knead your other breast. A quiet moan escaped you, chest rising into her touch and Bada giggled, pressing another kiss on your shoulder. Your own hands ached to touch her, but she kept you firmly locked between her legs; instead you squeezed her upper thighs, feeling her shapes through the baggy cargo she was sporting. 
“Give me a kiss.” She commanded, and you immediately twisted your neck to capture her lips. 
It was all teeth, wet noises echoing through the room as your tongue swirled against hers; the taller girl groaning into your mouth at the sheer force you exerted. She gave your nipples a pinch before rubbing her fingers over them repeatedly, and she swallowed your breathless moans greedily. You dug your nails into her thighs as she cupped your breasts again, her tongue slipping out of your mouth to trail along your bottom lip instead. Your head was chanting her name, getting drunk on the near delirious attention she gave you. Tilting your head back even further, you connected your lips again even though the angle was uncomfortable. You were starting to feel desperate, hips lightly rocking back against the firmness of her body as Bada sucked down on your tongue.
One of her hands released your breast and trailed down the expanse of your stomach, once again breaking the kiss and instead opt to look at you in the mirror. Her fingers found the knot of your joggers as your eyes met in the reflection, and she pulled on the string; untying it. 
“Okay?” Bada inquired meaningfully, and you nodded much faster than you intended. “Let me hear you say it.” The tone of her voice, which was otherwise so gentle and quiet, made your full body shiver.
“I want it.” You spoke breathlessly, squirming impatiently between her legs as her fingers finally slipped down your pants.
She trailed along the sweatband of your underpants before cupping your heat over the fabric, fingers pressing against your folds inquisitively. Her eyes never left yours, quietly measuring your reactions. Unwittingly your thighs clamped around her wrist, breath hitching in your throat as she began to caress you with a touch so gentle it didn’t fit the precarious position you both were in. 
“You’re so wet.” Bada spoke coyly, smirking at the way your eyes squeezed shut in embarrassment. She began rubbing circles over your covered folds, feeling your wetness spread as if on command. Your breathing turned into whining, subconsciously grinding back against her hand. 
She removed her hand much to your distress, until you realized what she wanted: Bada began tugging the fabric of both your joggers and underpants down as far as she could, before giving your hip a commanding pat. You raised your hips to assist her ministrations, and she pulled the clothing down past your knees before you kicked them off fully. 
Your thighs were pressed together when you got back in place and suddenly felt self-conscious at how exposed you were despite your own eagerness. Bada wasn’t having it: her eyes were taking in your figure, hands immediately coming down to smooth along your thighs. Then, she squeezed tightly and wrenched your thighs wide apart, making you expose yourself for her. Before you could instinctively close them, her long legs hooked over your ankles, forcefully keeping them in place. All of it only made you throb harder.
“You don’t want to know how often I’ve been thinking about this these past few days.” Her hands smoothing along your sides in marvel, cupping your breasts once more. The tip of her nose pressed against the shell of your ear. “How many times I’ve watched those recordings and imagined you, exactly like this.” Her fingers fit into your mouth once again, and you sucked on them, letting your tongue swirl along the digits as if you were starving for it. “I think I lost count.”
Her confession made you moan around her fingers, shivers running down your spine. She scooted back ever so slightly, pulling your hips back with her unoccupied hand until it was the angle she needed, and then dropped it between your legs. Her fingers spread your folds and she sucked in a breath, completely mesmerized by your reflection. You were still swallowing around her fingers and she hummed encouragingly, hand cupping your vagina and spreading your wetness across your heat. 
She removed her fingers from your mouth and you caught your breath, fingers digging into her upper thighs as you braced yourself. As one hand kept your folds spread, the other, spit-slicked, began rubbing slow circles against you. You gasped at the sensation, mumbling her name in amazement. You raised your hand to the back of her head; grabbing a hold of her braid to simply have a hold of something, but it earned you a particularly sweet noise from the girl behind you. Your hips rocked back against her movements trying to find more friction in the right place, and Bada slowly sped up, moving her wrist up and down to try and find the spot that did it for you. Her lips pressed against the back of your neck so tenderly, and something about the dichotomy between that and the way she was touching you between your legs made your eyes roll back; lids closing as you thrusted back against her hand.
You didn’t understand how she was able to build up to that familiar knot in your stomach so soon, and it almost made you feel embarrassed, until you realized Bada was savoring every second of it. Her eyes never left your form, as if she were studying just another choreography, lips parted in an awestruck way. You had long foregone the urge to keep quiet, vocalizing exactly what she was doing to you: You let a particularly loud moan leave you when she rubbed along your most sensitive spot. Trying to pull more sounds from you, she pressed against your clit with more force and rubbed faster. Your hips could only chase her touch as your lower stomach constricted. 
Bada brought her hand up to her own lips and lapped at her fingers, effectively pausing her motions for a split second and thus drawing a broken whine from you; both because her hand wasn’t where you needed it to be and also because she had no qualms about having you in her mouth. It didn’t last long: she hushed you soothingly as she put her hand back where you felt it belonged and used the added wetness to add faster friction against your clit. Your head rolled back and you tugged at her braid, pulling an attractive groan from the girl behind you.
You weren’t far away anymore. Your lower stomach was unbearably tight with desire and you were a gyrating, frantic mess against her hand while her fingers rubbed against you in vertical swipes, her name falling from your lips repeatedly as if you were reciting a prayer. 
You managed to utter an “I’m close”, and Bada crowded against you before you could start begging her for release. “Come for me.” She demanded, and then immediately captured your mouth in a desperate kiss, teeth clashing together while she drank your sweet moans. 
As if on cue, the tension in your stomach imploded and you gave her braid a sharp pull. You gasped into her mouth, no longer kissing each other but rather breathing each other's air, as your orgasm rippled through you.
You felt your whole body quiver and shake in pleasure as Bada led you through your release, thighs trembling despite the hold the choreographer’s legs had on you. Her fingers hadn’t left your core, but the rubbing slowed down until you were gasping at the overstimulation, yet unwilling to make her hands leave you. As if she read your mind her movements came to a halt, but she pressed her palm against you; almost possessively. She planted kisses along the side of your throat, whispering praises against your skin as you caught your breath.
Once you had the rise and fall of your chest under control, her arms curled around your waist in a fond embrace, and you turned your head to look directly at her. She had already been staring at you, meeting your eyes with a bashful smile. The two of you laughed at each other, and Bada pressed your foreheads together.
“That,” You mumbled, eyes falling shut as you relished in her open affection: “Was amazing, thank you.”
“Was happy to do it.” She responded playfully, rubbing the tip of your noses together affectionately. 
“Will this happen every time I get self-deprecating?”
“I definitely intend to do this more often, but you could also just ask nicely.” Bada retorted with a smirk before pecking your lips. You giggled, putting your hands over hers and leaning back into the embrace.
After several more shared kisses and hushed whispers, both of you decided to get a move on: you were starting to get cold in your exposed state so Bada urged you to get up. She helped you step back in your clothes, a smug self-satisfied grin never leaving her face when she noticed the unsteady wobble in your legs. 
When you pulled your bra and top back over your breasts, Bada pouted. You gave her a playful shove but she caught your arms instead, bringing them around her neck as her own enveloped your waist.
“Wanna grab dinner?” Her eyes were round and hopeful.
“I would love that.” You replied, and gave her a kiss.
As the both of you tidied up the practice room and gathered your things, Bada listing off food suggestions in the background, your eyes slid to the table at the front of the room.
A familiar device remained perched on the edge, a small green light lighting up proudly.
“Hey, Bada.”
“Camera’s still recording.”
She stumbled over looking mortified, snatching the device off the table and rewinding haphazardly. 
“Oh, fuck.”
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44st4rs · 17 days
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✫ ˚♡ ⋆。 ❀ — synopsis ! when nanami’s tired from all the stress at work, he’s willing to put in a few extra hours to catch a break with you!
✫ ˚♡ ⋆。 ❀ — pairings! wife!fem!reader x nanami kento
✫ ˚♡ ⋆。 ❀ — cw! 1.5k+, drabble+headcannon format, oral(f.receiving), no protection, p in v, oversimulation, multiple cremépies
✫ ˚♡ ⋆。 ❀ — xoxo, chris! for you @s0dium happy milestone my sweet!
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Time has always been the only thing Nanami can’t help, no matter how much he tries. 
From dawn to dusk, his mind’s plagued with thoughts of work—deadlines, team meetings, trying to maintain his composure.  
But truth is—he’s just teasing past his own limits, something he’s been staring at for the last few weeks. Work takes up his entire life and leaves what matters most to him on the back burner, including his precious wife. 
Only the heavens know you take it, but it’s the one prayer of Nanami’s that seems to hold true. He has to wonder—how do you deal with him?
You’re always there with a warm home, a hot meal, kind words, and a smile that does nothing but milk the guilt from Nanami’s soul. He knows his work life is taking a toll on you, but you hide it so well for him. 
It’s rare when Nanami chooses himself, but when he does, he’s acting in your favor too. When he dismisses all There’s only one place Nanami’s willing to go into overtime for…
In hindsight, Nanami should’ve kept track of his affairs—from the time he got home, eating dinner with you, showering, and turning in for the night. That’s his usual routine—or was.
All that…god is he tired of it? Why shouldn’t he get to enjoy his evening the way he wants? Why shouldn’t he get to cradle you in his arms until you doze off? Why is he stuck in this cycle of hell that drains him of his livelihood?
Order is what Nanami surrounds his life, it’s what he’s trained for. But it’s not what you signed up for when those vows fell from your lips on your wedding day.
That’s why he has to make up to you the best way he knows how—with his time. 
You wanted to hear about his day and here he is, taking his time to spell out every. single. word with deft strokes of his tongue. He’s moving up and down your folds, nipping the tip of his stiff tongue at your cute slit in hopes you let him sip from the source. And when you do finally let him in, it’s nothing but languid strokes he’s laying on you.
When he takes to your clit, it’s just filthy. It’s nasty the way his tongue coils at your clit, enlisting help from the thick pad of his thumb to pull back the puffy hold. He’s teasing your nerves taut, pushing your poor bud to the limit until you’re dripping that hot essence down his chin. His effort is all for good measure, he’s just taking extra care to emphasize that ‘S’. 
And because of his carefulness, you're already creaming on his tongue before he’s done explaining with his morning. How did he allow himself to forget about how sweet you are? That sweet ambrosia drowning his senses in your high, it’s nothing short of the heaven he’s been so desperately searching for. 
But Nanami simply couldn’t stop there…and he knows you couldn’t either. 
So he turns to explain his afternoon, this time he’s slotting himself between your trembling thighs, feeding your greedy cunt with a nice, slow tide of his hips. He knew his fate the moment that fat crown of his cock found its home against your sweet spot—he wouldn’t be able to stop. 
“Oooh, Angel…fuck, I missed this pretty pussy,” he called out from what’s left of his senses. 
His chocolate eyes trail up to your own glassy eyes, the whites of your rolling eyes sending a chill down his spine. He’s just gotten a taste of you and he’s lost you even quicker.
His hands race to pull you back down, pinning you to the bed with a taunting grip. Just for extra care, he’s smothering his thick chest against your own, granting his candied words to fill your unfiltered ear.
“ Aht-ah-a,” he coos, “Come back to me, baby. I need you…so fucking bad.”
From that moment, Nanami knew he had to chase you—and thus, he embarked on his never-ending journey.
He never stopped his hips and the bruising crash landing against your own. He never stopped delivering wet pecks to your cervix. He never stopped looking away from your pretty face, taking in your eyes buried into the back of your skull and hearing the cute babbles ripping off your spit-ridden lips. 
He’s numb to his own conditions—lathered in sweat, his cock raw and begging for a break, and caught beneath fatigue’s cloak. And maybe it’s the fatigue talking, but Nanami just can’t bring himself to part from you.
Were you always this tight? Did your walls always flutter around his flushed, pudgy veins like this? Just you clenching around him was enough to send Nanami spiraling down his own fever dream.
How many times has he even spilled into you now? Three times? Six? No, it has to at least seven.
But for the three of those rounds, he’s been shooting nothing but blanks–blanks that aren’t satisfying his need for you. You can’t hold any more of his cum, but fuck, he can feel himself getting heavy again…
He could only blame himself for his crazed sense of self, he’s just missed nights like this.
You probably can’t handle another load, but he can’t help it when he has this view of you. You and those rolling tears that decorate your puffy cheek, your hands clawing merciful crimson streaks along his tummy, and your pretty pussy studdering dumb with slick and split around the pudgy girth of his cock, your trembling voice calling out his name.
“Mmm. K-Ken…”
“Hm? T-Talk to me, Angel,” His clipped hand pulses at your waist. “You got it, wanna hear these pretty songs, ‘kay?”
And the words are sitting right at the tip of your tongue, but your lulling eyes fall on a sight that breaks the spell of lust over your body. 
That damned alarm clock. 
“Kento! Hold on, it’s… 6 o’clock! You’ve gotta—
“Shhh, don’t…hah…don’t worry, Baby,” he’s huffing out, caging you beneath his hungry gaze. 
Oh, it’s so cute how much you care about him, staring back up at him with those big, glossy eyes and that quivering lip. You’re a sputtering mess on his cock, but his work still finds room inside that hazy brain of yours. 
He’s thinking about what a horrible life he’s conditioned upon you. Not a hair on your pretty head should even think about that wretched place and here you are paying it a thought during a time that’s sacred between man and wife. 
He has to communicate his goal to you–his goal of finally focusing on you. 
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zikkytheblicky · 5 months
Hey I wondered if you could do Angel dust x Angel!male reader like his reaction to see a real angel ?
if you want,you can ignore this <3
this anon is so nice omg :( such a sweetheart i’m gonna call them sweet anon :3
anyway, ya ofc!! this might be a lil short cuz im doing this at 10 pm and im tired but ya!! its gonna be story format + headcannoning cuz why not :3 I MADE READER OBLIVIOUS BTW!!
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angel dust has never seen an angel. not once, not twice. the only thing he’s ever seen closest to an angel was lucifer morning star but he’s technically a fallen angel.
so when he saw you for the first time he was very shocked- especially since you were so beautiful..
you were talking to Charlie and introducing yourself as one of Adams’ body guards. you were there with Charlie to help determine if Charlie’s idea was even possible.
so obviously, for your charlie’s sake, he was on his best behavior.
you brung your hand up to your lips and let out a laugh as angel cracked jokes to you as he told you stories about his life(?) in hell. “and then- then he-“ angel was laughing so hard he could barely continue- ignoring the knowing smirk husk sent his way. the damn cat. he knows everyone too well. maybe angel should stop venting to him while drunk (not like angel chooses to. his drunken, depressed state during those hours are never in his control.).
angel had ended up getting really confused on your anatomy- questioning how you can fly and why you have a halo over your head- keep in mind this man died in 1947 of an overdose and is in his thirties ☠️ he’s been in hell since 1947 and has NEVER learned about angels at all. the only thing close to angel anatomy he learned is how lucifer has yellow hair and has a kinda angelic color scheme (all angels obviously don’t look alike but angel has never seen another one besides vaggie but he doesn’t know she’s one).
“‘m/n’?” angel asked as his eyes followed the way your feathers twitched every millisecond from the uncomfortable stares at them. “yes?” “why do you have a halo over your head?” “ANGEL.”
angel likes you in a week. A WEEK. he fell so hard im telling you bro. like just one look into your eyes and he’d kill all three of the vees for you if you asked him to.
he surprisingly doesn’t act downbad in front of you. i know people like to think angel is bold and flirty but to me i think that’s just his persona and not his true self. he keeps up a persona so he never gets his trust broken again? maybe? idk. but i js believe he’d be shy and not really know how to flirt with you like he does with husk and alastor and sir pentious; so smoothly and easily.
think about how he had tried to flirt with you before but ended up just becoming a stuttering mess when you took his flirting literally.
“hey toots~ did you fall from heaven?” angel dust said in a seductive tone, grabbing your chin and tilting your face up at him. “huh? no.. i’m not a fallen angel..! are you saying i’m like lucifer?” “HUH WHAT- no- no! not like that at all! i was trying to- to..” angel stuttered his words, waving his hands around (bring careful not to accidentally hit you, of course). “to what?” “to.. just joke around! you’re so oblivious ‘m/n’, im going to punch you.” angel said in an affectionate tone, slinging his arm around your shoulder. “why? what did i do?” you asked politely, too politely. now angel felt bad. angel mentally screams.
sometimes you think angel’s mad at you when he’s playing around with you on text.
he ends up getting mad at himself most times
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angel was smashing his head into a table and cursing all the overlords because of this btw.
alr thats enough bye bye!!
this was so rushed omlll. 😨
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mariclerc · 2 months
Im in a very angsty mood and was wondering if u could write charles x driver!reader where reader gets in a crash similar to jules’? Maybe have her in the hospital for a bit and charles is scared that he’ll lose her? Thanks ahead of time. Hope u have a nice day!
thanks for this request! I made the effort to write angst, since it is the first time I do it. I hope you like it!!
Fighter | cl16
Summary: where you have a serious accident on the track and Charles's memories of it aren't the most pleasant ones.
Warning: a little bit of angst, a worried and scared Charles, injured reader, some swearing.
a/n: This is the first time I've tried to write angst, so sorry if it's not quite perfect. There's going to be a little point of view from Charles. Let me know if you want a part two of this <3
Part 2
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“Are you excited about the race, coeur?” Charles asks you as you enter the paddock. (heart)
You nod. “Yep! I think we can give Red Bull a good fight, and you? Are you excited?” you ask him as you stop to sign some autographs for the fans.
“As long as you don't pass my shiny red car on track, everything's fine.” He says and you roll your eyes with a smile, he giggles.
You two have been a couple for years, specifically since you were both racing in European F4, and although it took you a bit to get up to F1, you finally did it and this was your fifth season. You currently race for Mercedes and there is always that rivalry with the Prancing Horse, a rivalry which you both do not pay much attention to since, if it were up to you, you would support each other on the track as you do off track. You are the most loved and appreciated couple in the paddock, people love the dynamic of the two of you, how you are with each other and so on, and knowing each other from karting and then being a couple and staying together until now is not for everyone.
“Well, I think it's time, see you honey!” you said as you walked up to him to give him a kiss on the cheek. “Be safe, okay?”
“You too chérie!” He said as he also gave you a kiss on the cheek and you both walked to your respective teams. “Love you!”
You enter the Mercedes hospitality and go up to your driver's room and change into your racing suit and then go to the starting grid. Everyone was making the final preparations to start the race and the formation lap, you start in 4th position behind Fernando Alonso and in front of Esteban Ocon, maybe you have to make a good start, but you are confident that you can reach the podium together with Max —who starts first and Charles —who starts second... It's going to be a busy race.
So far the race is going well, already in the last part of the race, you are in third place fighting with Max for second place, there is a chance of rain but nothing to worry about...
Or at least that's what you thought...
The track began to get very wet even though it was a "light drizzle" and overtaking became a difficult task, likewise, no driver went into the pits to change tires and there was no warning from the FIA as to whether the drizzle was going to evolve into a storm.
Fighting with Max for second place, you got lost and the car took a turn until the nose was almost inside the net that separates the track from the stands, your head, despite having the helmet, was pushed back... You only remember the big impact against the barrier and your head going numb.
Charles' pov
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, please tell me y/n is okay?” I tell my track engineer as I see Y/n's car under the barrier.
“Apparently not, but they say she's fine.” my engineer answers.
But of course she's not fine, fuck it, she's not fine at all. All the cars line up on the pit line while y/n's strong crash repeats on the screens of the circuit, I get out of the car upset and needing answers.
“Shit, shit shit. Why the hell didn't they report about the rain? They think this is a fucking game?” I say to myself as I take off my helmet and throw it somewhere in the box, Andrea hands me a bottle of water and I take it. “I don't understand, I... The same thing can't be repeated, fuck it.” I murmur as I place my head in my hands. “It's incredible that years go by and the same old fucking shit is always repeated, because of them and their inability.”
Upon hearing over the circuit loudspeakers that the race was not going to resume, Andrea takes me to the Ferrari hospitality and I go up to my driver's room where I change out of my racing suit for my Ferrari t-shirt and a pair of jeans, I don't mind going to the "podium" like that and standing in first place, I just need to know if she's okay.
A couple of years ago I lost important people thanks to the same reason: a racing accident, both were horrible accidents that left a mark on me but none like the one I just witnessed. First it was my sports godfather, Jules, his accident left me scarred for life, thanks to this a new safety device was implemented —which doesn't do much to be honest. He died thanks to an accident that left him in a coma for months... Every day I went with my father to the hospital to see him, to see if he was still with us. Then it was one of my childhood friends thanks to karting, Anthoine, It was in an F2 race on the same circuit where hours later I would take the pole position that would give me my first victory in F1, but what happened to him was instantaneous... The next day they announced that he had passed away, my first victory was dedicated to him.
Just as I'm on my way to the "podium" Fred and Toto pull me from the side. “They take y/n to the hospital.” Fred says looking at me.
“Shit... Fuck, why her? Damn tell me if she's...” I couldn't finish speaking because Toto interrupted me.
“Go with her kid.”
“We'll take care of the rest, but go with her.” Fred says, patting me on the back and I run to Andrea to look for my things in the hospitality so I can go, I feel frustrated with myself and I know it's not my fault, but I wish it hadn't happened to her.
The sterile white of the ceiling swims into focus as your blurry vision starts to clear a little but you can't fully open your eyes. A rhythmic beeping cuts through the silence of the room. You try to speak, but your throat feels raw and unused. Strained voices filter in from beside your bed.
“...How long has it been? Do they know anything yet?” says Charles with his voice tight with worry.
A female voice is heard, calm but firm. “Mr. Leclerc, we're doing everything we can. The doctors will be with you shortly to explain the results of the scans.”
”But it's been hours!” says Charles with cracked voice. ”Can't they just tell me if she's going to be fucking alright?”
You hear the soft rustle of clothing and a sigh. The beeping quickens slightly.
“We're doing everything we can, dear. She's a strong girl.” The nurse says leaving the room.
He squeezes your hand again, his voice dropping to a frustrated whisper. His eyes don't leave your face.
“Just like Jules... just like Anthoine... why does this always happen? Why you my dear?” he says to himself. “I wish... I wish it had been me and not you amore.”
The door creaks open and the doctor enters the room. Charles straightens up, a flicker of hope in his eyes.
“Doctor, you have an update?” Charles asks.
“We've run some additional tests. There seems to be a minor head injury causing some swelling. It's putting pressure on...”
Charles doesn't wait for him to finish. “Is it serious? When will she wake up?”
The doctor sighs. “It's difficult to say for sure, Mr. Leclerc. Head injuries are unpredictable. But we're monitoring her closely.”
Charles lets out a defeated sigh. The doctor places a hand on his arm.
“She's a fighter, Mr. Leclerc. Just like you.” The doctor says and then leaves the room and gives way to the nurse.
Charles manages a weak nod, his gaze returning to your still form. He leans closer, his voice barely a whisper.
“Come on y/n, wake up. We have a race to win... together.” he whispers.
A faint flicker of movement beneath your eyelids goes unnoticed by everyone in the room. A single tear rolls down your cheek, tracing a path through the dust collected on your hospital gown. The faint movement under your eyelids becomes more pronounced. Your brow furrows slightly, as if struggling against the weight of unconsciousness. A soft groan escapes your lips.
Charles' head snaps up, his eyes widening in disbelief. He leans in closer, his voice thick with emotion.
”Y/n? Can you hear me love?” Charles says whispering.
Your eyes flutter open, blurry and disoriented. The harsh fluorescent lights of the hospital room assault your vision. You let out a low moan, squeezing your eyes shut again in protest.
“Hey, hey, easy. It's okay, you're safe, you're in the hospital.” he says urgently.
A wave of nausea washes over you. You try to speak, but your throat feels raw and scratchy. ”Charles...?” you say weakly.
Your voice comes out in a hoarse rasp, it's barely a whisper, but to Charles, it's the sweetest sound in the world. A relieved smile breaks across his face.
“There you are! Don't you ever scare me like that again, okay?” His voice slightly breaks.
He reaches out and gently tucks a stray strand of hair behind your ear. His touch is warm and comforting, the nurse speaks.
“How are you feeling y/n?” the nurse asked softly.
You try to lift your head, but a sharp pain shoots through it. You wince and let out a small cry.
“Easy, easy, don't try to move princess.” he says concerned.
“What... What happened Charles?” you said with a little confusion in your voice.
“You had a big crash during the race, don't you remember?” he asked softly.
You shake your head slowly, wincing again. Images flash in your mind — the roar of the engine, the blur of the track, the sickening impact...
“The car... The rain... I... I lost control” you whisper.
Tears well up in your eyes, the memory of the crash is terrifyingly vivid. Charles takes your hand in his, his grip strong and reassuring.
“It's okay love, you're okay now. That's all that matters.” he whispers.
He squeezes your hand gently, a silent promise hanging between you. The ordeal is far from over, but for now, the simple act of holding hands speaks volumes. You've survived the crash, and with Charles by your side, you'll face whatever comes next, together. You manage a weak smile at him, the sound of his voice a grounding presence. However, the celebration is short-lived. A dull ache throbs behind your eyes, intensifying with each passing second. You squeeze your temples shut, trying to push the pain back.
“Hey, what's wrong?” he asks, noticing your discomfort.
You open your eyes, a grimace forming on your face. “My head... it feels like it's splitting open.”
The nurse step forward. “That's normal after a head injury, dear. We gave you some pain medication earlier, but it might be wearing off... Let me check your vitals again, okay?”
The nurse bustles around you, taking your temperature and blood pressure. Charles doesn't take his eyes off you, his concern evident.
“Is it serious? Should they give you more medicine?” Charles asked.
“Let's see how she's doing first... Y/n, can you turn your head for me, please? Slowly, to the left and then the right.”
You try as instructed, but a searing pain shoots through your neck, making you flinch and cry out. Tears well up in your eyes again, a mix of frustration and fear.
”See? She can't even move her neck! There's something wrong!” Charles says quite alarmed and almost furious.
“It's alright, Charles. It's likely just muscle stiffness from the impact. We can give her some medication and a neck brace for support.” The nurse says calmly.
“Will I ever be able to race again?” you say a little worried with a trembling voice.
The question hangs heavy in the air, Charles reaches out and strokes your cheek gently. ”Don't worry about racing right now, you need to focus on getting better. We'll figure out the rest later.”
His voice is firm, but his eyes hold a flicker of worry. He knows how much racing means to you... For both of you it is the most important thing in your lives, but now that is in the background.
”Exactly... Right now, rest is the most important thing. We'll get you the medication you need, and we'll monitor your progress closely.” The nurse says as she looks for medicine and the neck brace.
The nurse injects a new pain medication into your IV. The relief is slow, but it gradually takes the edge off the throbbing in your head. The nurse places the neck brace on you, although it needs to be tight, as this prevents neck mobility. You lean back against the pillows, exhaustion washing over you.
“Get some sleep, love. You'll feel better I promise.” he smiles weakly.
You nod weakly, your eyelids drooping. Despite the pain and uncertainty, a sliver of hope flickers within you. You're surrounded by love and support, and that makes all the difference.
As you drift off to sleep, you hear Charles whisper a promise in your ear.
“Everything will be okay baby, I promise... Just stay here with me, okay?” He says and you give a slight thumbs up, you feel your whole body weak and destroyed.
The road to recovery will be long and arduous, but with Charles by your side, you know you can face it head-on, even with a throbbing head and a stiff neck.
The fear of not racing again persists in you, but obviously it is not something you can control, Besides, you don't know exactly if you will spend months off the track. What you do know with great certainty is that you have Charles' constant support and that is enough for you.
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hhonghu · 1 year
Love me harder!
;; sex obsessed!sub!kabukimono x reader
cw: innocent to sex crazed kabukimono, established relationship, probably ooc kabukimono, rough sex, lovemaking (??), doggy style, humping, grinding, nipple play, cumming inside, implied small dick kabukimono, sex addiction, begging, desperate kabukimono, corrupting kabukimono, anal fingering, squirting, overstimulation, implied marathon sex, reader has a dick
i definitely can do wholesome and romantic too!! i can hold back on making smut!! (no i cannot) this post is proof!! lol anyways this might be my longest piece yet, wonder if demons took over me or smth. i'll start exploring new writing formats too and improve after this bc this seems messy and i feel like it doesn't feel readable to some readers, so i apologize for that! ;; but i digress, sigh,, corrupting kabukimono is a fun experience though! now you have turned a innocent boy into a needy, sex obsessed boy who wants the love and pleasure you give to him only! enjoy reading! let me know if i missed anything! ^^ taglist (??): @lemonlimesocks @havenmoodz
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innocent!kabukimono who's captivated by you. you were introduced to him by niwa and you greet him with a smile, you're voice sounding like honey to his ears. who are you? "hello, i'm [name], a friend of niwa. nice to meet you." you raised your hand for him to shake. innocent!kabukimono who shyly shakes your hand, "it's nice to meet you too, i'm kabukimono.", "kabukimono? what a pretty name, it suits you well." his eyes light up, looking directly at yours as he smiles, cheeks flushing while muttering a small thank you. innocent!kabukimono who stares at you as you talk to niwa, having to excuse yourself now because you still had tasks to do. he perks up, were you leaving already? his face bared a sad expression, he didn't get to talk to you more. he.. he wanted to hear more of your voice. he has a strange feeling somewhere in his chest, he doesn't know what it is but he.. likes it. he sees you wave goodbye to him and niwa shouting that you'll come and see them some other time. he is definitely look forward to it.
innocent!kabukimono whos taking his lunch under a yumemiru tree, munching down an onigiri as he takes in the beautiful scenery before him. pink leaves fall down the tree and flying away with the wind or falling down to the ground and he sighs in content, it was peaceful. "kabukimono?" his breath hitches, it was you. it was your voice. he turns his head around and he sees you standing next to him, "so it is you. i noticed your veil from the road. what are you doing here?", "i—i'm eating my lunch here." kabukimono stammers. you smile at him and nod, "then mind if i join you as you eat?". innocent!kabukimono who nods eagerly and moved a bit to give you space to sit next to him. as you sat down and lean against the tree, he felt his cheeks warm up. "so, what are you eating for lunch?", you stretch your arms and fold them beneath your head. "i'm having some shio sake onigiri, if you'd like you can have some." kabukimono offers, hand already lending you one, "i made them myself.". you smile, "you sure? i wouldn't want to eat your lunch." you grin, "thanks for the offer though.". kabukimono shakes his hand, "no really, you can have some! i have enough for two people." you sigh and finally nod, "alright, if you say so.". he smiles, unwraps the onigiri and hands it to you. you lean in closer to him, muttering "thank you for the food," and taking a bite of the onigiri. innocent!kabukimono whos eyes widens as you pull away and chew away. you were so close to him! his could feel that feeling in his chest again, it was pounding. "mmm, this onigiri you made is pretty good!", "i'm g-glad you think so!" he stammers — he looks down at the bitten onigiri and then back at you. "would like.. more?"
innocent!kabukimono whos face flushes when you're around. every time you visit the workshop, you would come up to talk to him. you would ask how his day was or was he tired. you even ask him to come take a break from forging, winking that niwa won't know he was gone. innocent!kabukimono who swoon when you come by and give him little gifts; "i saw this sakura bloom by road and thought of giving to you, it goes well with your pretty hair and veil.", "there was sale at the food stall and it was unagi chazuke! i couldn't help buying some for you too, the deal was pretty good. be careful, the bowl is hot.", "here's a small lunch box i made! you can put the food you make here. and if you're feeling generous, you can give some for me too.". innocent!kabukimono who cherishes the gifts you give him. it makes the feeling in his chest flutter when what you do, you think of him. niwa will even tease him, asking in a sing-song voice "oohh, who's the the lucky fellow? got you smiling like that." kabukimono will just shush him and wave him away, going back to adore the little gifts you've given him.
innocent!kabukimono who couldn't help but think of you even while doing something! not once do you not cross his mind, it's as if you are there with him. from time to time he would space out; your eyes, your hair, your lips. you cloud his mind, it almost frustrates him. why is it that you haunt him? every time niwa approaches him, his eyes searches for you behind him. every time he makes food, he thinks if you will compliment him that how good he made it. innocent!kabukimono wanted know what he is feeling that you're making him feel. the feeling in his chest that he's come to like, all because of you.
innocent!kabukimono who brought it up to you one day while you took him out to eat dango under his favorite spot by the yumemiru. he tugged on your sleeve, "[name]? can i ask you something?". he looked.. conflicted, eyebrows furrowed and lips in a slight frown. you nodded and faced him, "what's up?" you've never seen him so serious, so you wondered what is on his mind. "[name], i've been having this strange feeling in my chest. every time you're around me, every time we talk, every time you're in my mind, i feel it. you make my body feel this warmth and i do not know what it is, but i like it, it makes me feel happy and.. alive when i'm with you. but i'm scared.. i do not know this feeling, i do not know if it is good or bad, [name]." his hold on your sleeve tightens and his eyes becomes glossy, lips starting to quiver. as for you, you were taken aback and your eyes widened in realization. strange feeling in his chest? warmth? he... he basically confessed to you! you cheeks felt warm as you comprehend what he just said — no words coming your mouth as you stare at him in awe. innocent!kabukimono who felt as if he was going to cry. why are you staring at him like that? it's making him nervous. did he say something wrong? he knew it, he shouldn't have said that. before you could say something, a stray tear slides down his cheek. "[n-name].. i — i didn't mean to upset you! please.. please forgive me..." you quickly raised your hand as you snap out of your trance to cup his cheek and swipe away the fallen tear with your thumb. "oh, kabukimono. i'll never be upset with you. shh shh.. it's okay, it's okay." you coo at him, watching as he melts on your hand, eyes glistening with tears threatening to spill out. "kabukimono, what you just told me.." you swallow, "�� is a feeling called love. it seems that you were feeling the same way as i am.". kabukimono perks up, what do you he was feeling the same as you do? were you feeling the same thing that was in his chest? was it that love you speak of? you tuck a stray hair behind his ear and smile softly, "kabukimono, will you listen to me? i think this would be the best time to tell you.." your eyes searches an answer in his and he nods. "i am absolutely enamored by you. i feel the same warmth in chest when you are with me. your eyes, your face, you smile.. it makes my heart swell. you are prettiest boy i've ever met and i'm glad i've met you.". innocent!kabukimono whos eyes spills tears one after the other, eyes widening at your confession. and then he giggles before full on laughing — you were stunned, you thought you were about to be laughed at until he feel his arms around your neck and hug you tightly. "[name], [name], [name]... you do not know how much you've made me happy hearing you say those words.."
innocent!kabukimono who was now officially your lover! words cannot describe the happiness when you two agreed to finally be together after that confession under the tree. now you affections have increased to him by tenfold! your visits the workshop becomes more frequent to come and see him, you buy him more things (you even bought him an expensive tea set which made trip and fall over when you said the price lmao), and gladly eat the food he learned to make just for you. even niwa would scold you with a broom, "let kabukimono work and go back to your own work!" and try and chase you out. as you run out with niwa on your tail, you turn your head back and shout out "i love you, darling! work hard! i'll come by again!", "like hell you will!". kabukimono who laughs and waves as he watches your figures run around — he was so in love with you.
innocent!kabukimono who begins to feel something other than love. you two have finally gotten used to physical touch; hugging, holding hands, even sleeping next to one another (you got a slipper thrown at you by niwa when he found out you "stole" kabukimono at the dead of night just to sleep with you lmaoao). and when you two shared your first kiss, he felt as he was floating in clouds. your lips were soft against his and the kiss was soft too, making him melt into your hold. when you pulled away you swore you could've seen hearts in his eyes, "did you like it?" you asked. he nods eagerly, "i enjoyed it.." he pulls on your collar, bringing you forward, your lips touching again. "... please, kiss me more, [name].."
innocent!kabukimono who feels something in him when you touch him. he could feel something in his stomach burning when you touch his waist and caress it as you talk about your day, making him unable concentrate. your touch feels warm even if your hand is on his clothes, he couldn't make sense what's happening to his body. it's almost as if he wanted more.
innocent!kabukimono whos preparing a simple meal for you while you went out for a while. when he was reaching out for a small bowl across the table a little too far away from his reach, he squeals as he felt something good from the corner of the table that put pressure on his poor cock. he pulled himself away, unsure what just happened. what was that he just felt? he felt something when he.. accidentally rubbed himself on the corner of the table. he contemplated and curiosity got the best of him, deciding to go back to the edge of the table. his hands grip the table and positioned himself — he's unsure on what to do but he wanted to recreate that feeling again. innocent!kabukimono who slightly rolls his hips, testing the waters. his grip on the table tightens as he felt the small sensation of pleasure zip through his body making him squeal out in surprise. ah, so there it is. he bites his lips and tries again and he swears he feel his legs about to give up. it feels so good. the table creaks as he begins to pick up his pace, soft, lewd sounds escaping his mouth. but he couldn't quite reach it. he chasing something he doesn't know, he can feel it but but can't get there. innocent!kabukimono who didn't notice you arrive. you walked in him with his back facing you humping the edge of the table. you lean on the kitchen entrace, watching him intently as he nimbly thrusts his hips. kabukimono lets out a garbled noise of frustration, hips coming to stop as his catches his breath, body shaking. you smirk, he can't cum. poor kabukimono, shaking because he can't cum. but don't worry! now you're here to lend him a hand.
innocent!kabukimono who gasps as he feels hands wrap around his waist and a head bury and his shoulder, "what are you doing, darling?". he lets his hands let go of the table and grab your arms around him, shakily cluthcing your arm. he feels ashamed! he can't believe you've seen him like this when he was supposed to be preparing your meal. "[na-name]! it's not.. it's not what you think!" he tries to explain himself but no words come after, shame and embarrassment really starting to take over him. you chuckle, lifting your head and whisper right into his ear, "it's alright, don't fret." he relaxes a little in your hold but still tense, turning his face away from you. "so, what were you doing? you can tell me, kabukimono. i won't be upset." you nuzzle back into his neck, trying to coax him to talk. "i don't.. i don't know.. i was trying to reach for a bowl across the table but then.. then i felt something when i bumped on the corner of the table.. i really liked it.. it felt good.. so i wanted to feel it again.." he cuts himself off as a hiccup leaves his mouth. you coo at him, so he was just humping the table because he accidentally stimulated himself? how cute. "aww and how did it go? i heard you cry out, darling." he lets out a breath, you can see from an angle of his eyebrows furrowing. "i felt it again.. but, i can't reach it..", "hm? reach what?", "i don't know.. i don't know. i just want it, [name]."
innocent!kabukimono who finally faces you, doe eyes looking up at you pleading, "please, [name].. please help me.." and something in you snapped. to hear him beg for you, bleary eyes asking you to help him cum.. oh, it just awakens the deepest parts in you. you lean down and kiss him while your hands drag itself down his body making him squirm. you whisper in his mouth to relax as you undo his pants and pulling it down, touching his poor cocklet, pre-cum already oozing out his tip. he grabs onto your bicep as he moans in your mouth, feeling you slowly stroke him. you pull away from the kiss and use your free hand to grab his chin and make him look down on your hand stroking him, "here, look at me stroking your pretty cock, darling. you have to watch because this is how you," you gently squeeze and he mewls, "— feel pleasure." innocent!kabukimono whos legs were shaking as he feels your stroke him, breath beginning to stagger as felt himself fall into satisfaction. "haaa, hhghk—! so good, so gooood.. please keep going, please..!". you kiss his neck, leaving a trail of marks and stroke him faster, watching as his body twists and turns in your hold, his mouth letting out the prettiest sounds. his grip on your clothes becomes tighter, his head leaning back on your shoulder as his hand scrambles to take your hand off his cock. "[name]— [name], wait! something ngh— something is gonna come out hngh—! [name], s-stop! i'm going to pee!" you didn't listen. you hand goes faster, rougher, squelching echoing in the kitchen accompanying kabuikmonos' moans. "[name], [name], [name]! it's coming ah, ah, ah— it's coming out!", "that's right, darling. go ahead, let it all out. cum all over my hand." and cums. hard. spurts of white leave his pretty cock as his eyes roll back and his body convulses, his orgasm washing over him. you slow down and closing to a stop, hand still wrapped around his cock as you listen to him catch his breath. you gently kiss his temple, "how do you feel, darling?" as you wait for his response, you feel him grind back against you and your eyes widen, "kabukimono?". you don't know what you've just done to him. poor, sweet kabukimonos' first taste of pleasure.. he wanted more.
innocent!kabukimono who gets carried to your bedroom and lied down softly on your bed. you lean down and pepper kisses on his face and you sigh in content, "what have i done to you, kabukimono?". you take his hand and kiss the back of it, "please tell me you want this as much as i do." kabukimono nods, he does! he wants to feel more closer to you, he wants to feel your skin on his, he just wants you. "say it, darling. i need to hear—", "yes! yes, please, [name]. let's become closer than ever, so please—" he wraps his arms around your neck and pulls you closer, "touch me."
innocent!kabukimono who stuggles to keep his legs open, his pretty slick hole being bared to you. you stare at it as it clenches on nothing, it was so inviting. "be patient, darling." you tut, other hand grabbing his milky thigh to spread him further, making him whimper. kabukimono feels embarrassed, the way you stare at him so intensely, especially down there, makes him shiver. innocent!kabukimono who clenches around you when you put your tip inside him, teasing his hole. "relax, darling. you're too tense.." you hiss at the feeling. he's trying! he really is! the sensation is just so new to him, so he couldn't help it. a few second pass and he finally relaxes, nodding at you to slowly slide in. innocent!kabukimono whos eyes nearly crosses as you slowly push inside, his warm walls enveloping your cock. you breathed out a dazed sigh and not move, let him get used to you and relishing the feeling of him finally around you. kabukimono on the other hand, was seeing heaven. too good, too good, you made him feel too good. you were all the way inside him and he felt so full, your cock reaching the deepest part in him and you needed you to move now. "[name], hic— you can— you can move," his hands grab the sheets below him in anticipation as your hips begin to move, slowly thrusting in and out of him. innocent!kabukimono who cries out, eyes brimming with tears as you pick up your pace, pounding in his greedy hole. "ngh— oooh, god! [name], this— this feels so good♡! don't stop, don't stop, please!", "haah—! right there! please, keep ngh— doing that♡! keep oooh— hitting that spot!", "[name], [name, [name]..! hhngh♡♡!". innocent!kabukimono who feels the coil in stomach about to snap, his hands finding its way to your back and scratching it, making you groan. kabukomono arches his back, head moving further into the pillow as drill into him harder and feel him clench around you. you grin, "you're close, aren't you, darling?" you hit a certain spot in him making him squeal, "come on, answer me, darling." you press your tip against his prostate, drool slipping from the side of his mouth, "yesh— yes! keep unghhh—! keep going! please! go faster♡!" and who are you say no to your kabukimono? innocent!kabukimono who cums with a scream, eyes rolling back and his mouth hanging open as his cocklet spill out. you give a few last thrusts, grunting as you cum in him, filling him up. heavy breathing can be heard, both you catching your breaths. you reach out and cup his cheek, leaning down and kissing it. "such a good boy, darling. how are you feeling?" he looks up at and smiles, using the last of his strength to lift his head and kiss you back on your cheek. "you've made me feel so good, [name], thank you." it makes your heart swell, seeing him enjoy his first time with you. "but..." you perk up, seeing a shy expression on his face "[name], can.. we go one more time♡?"
oh, look what have you done to him.
poor innocent kabukimono.
you've ruined him.
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kabukimono loves you. he loves you so much.
just as much as he loves your dick.
you've completely ravaged him. ruined him.
so take responsibility, won't you?
sex obsessed!kabukimono who got addicted to you and sex. oh, look what have you done to him. after his first time with you, sex with has not left his mind even during work. it'd woken something in him; he starts to crave it it, yearn for it, needing it. he can't focus in his work, forging weapons seemingly becoming more disinterested, his mind solely on you. he wanted to feel pleasure again. the pleasure you gave him left him wanting more.
sex obsessed!kabukimono who seeks you out. he would leave the workshop, looking for you. niwa would ask him where he was going but he waved him away, it's nothing important, he says. but he knows he's lying, he knows because he's looking for you. poor kabukimono knocking on your door, please be here. please, you have to be here. and to his luck, you opened the door. "darling? what's wrong? i was just about—" you cut yourself off, the feeling of his lips on yours shutting you up. you kiss him back, grabbing his waist and pulling him inside, locking the door and slamming him against it. you pull away, "hm? now what's this? desperate now, are we?" you tease, looking down his as flushed face, "surely.. you came here because you missed me, right?". sex obsessed!kabukimono who can't deny what you said. he does miss you! he really does.. "or..", you lean down and whisper in his ear, "you missed my cock, don't you, kabukimono?" he whines. you laugh, reveling in the fact he does in fact, miss your cock. "please.. just.. just this once. i can't get enough, please.. i need your cock.." he grabs on your clothes and tug them, eyes pleading up at you. "you don't— you don't have to put it in me. use my mouth.. i— please, use my mouth♡."
sex obsessed!kabukimono who excuses both of you when having tea time with niwa, saying some sensible yet pathetic excuse. he drags you out the room all the while you're trying to hold back your laugh. sex obsessed!kabukimono who locks both of you inside an storage room filled with cargo boxes and pounces on you, roughly kissing you while you grab the back of his thighs to carry him. you carefully navigate the room and set him down a box, hands trailing down to his waist. you pull away as he sighs, a trail of saliva following your mouth, "strip off your shirt." and he does immediately, undoing until his chest is bare to you— his pink, perky nubs already hard and enticing to come and play with them. you contemplate whether to give in or let him suffer, just a bit. afterall, while niwa was distracted, kabukimono decided it would be nice to tease you a bit by pulling a bit of his shirt by the top, showing you his nipples. it definitely backfried.
sex obsessed!kabukimono who gives you a confused look when you switch places with him. you sat on the box and sit him down on your lap with his back on your chest. you settled you hands on his waist and your chin on his shoulder near his ear, making him breathe deeply. "i know what you want, darling. but that stunt you pulled back there? i'm not so sure." he hiccups, head turning to look at you. "bu-but..", "tsk, tsk. you know what you did." he pouts, a little hmph escaping his lips. sex obsessed!kabukimono who takes matters in his own hands, if you won't, then he will. his nimble fingers reach and touch his nubs, lightly touching it with the tips of his fingers. you watch intently, awestricken as he plays with his nipples without you. oh well, more for you. sex obsessed!kabukimono whos hips begin to grind back to you, a small bulge can be seen in his pants. he moans your name as he begins to twist and pull, his nipples becoming more sensitive and puffy— how cute. "hghh— [name].. [name]! i.. i can't! my nipples.. my nipples feels so good! its ngh—♡!", "[naaame].. it's so hghuk—! ah, ah, ah♡! so sensitive.. ughk—! i don't wanna stooop♡...". sex obsessed!kabukimono whos back arches he gives on last pinch to his nipples, legs shaking as he cums in his pants, lewd noises sighing out of his mouth. he limps back on you chest, catching his breath as body gives small jerks. he gasps as he feels you tear his hands away from his chest and replaces it with yours, your fingers pinching and twisting harshly making him cry out, hands searching for something to grab on to. "don't think you'll get out of this, darling." you tug more firmly on the oversensitive nubs and he arches his back, shouting out your name. "let's play with these more, yeah?".
(niwa did not hesitate to throw you both his slippers right at you once you came back with a debauched and disheveled kabukimono lol)
sex obsessed!kabukimono who invites you in his room, telling you that he was given a kotatsu table (for some reason)! as you enter his room, he's already settled in the table, his lower half covered by the table cover. he pats the free space next to him and offers you some snacks, smiling as you take your place beside him. you put your legs under the table, feeling the warmth radiating from under table. you two chat for a while, planning if kabukimono can meet with you a local food stand. as you talk about the food of the stand, you reach for the snacks on the table and in the corner of your eyes, kabukimono pulled back his legs out of the table, revealing that he wasn't wearing anything underneath. sex obsessed!kabukimono turns to you and spreads his legs, showing you pretty wet hole. "sorry.. i can't help it.." he shyly, yet mischievously says. you chew your the snack and swallowed, then smile, reaching out and stretching his hole with your thumb. you watch as he clenches in anticipation, his thighs quivering. sex obsessed!kabukimono whos tongue lolls out his mouth, drool sliding the side of his mouth as your finger works his insides, thrusting in and out, reaching deep inside him. your pace was decent but to kabukimono, it wasn't enough. he grabbed the back of his thighs and pulled it back farther, making it almost reach his ears and he feels like he'll pass out. the angle made your fingers keep touching his prostate over and over again. "yesyesyes, keep going angh—! your fingers feel so good, [name]! don't nghhh♡— don't stop♡!". like hell you will.
sex obsessed!kabukimono who gets pounded from behind, back arching as your hips snap back and forth against his ass, your cum dripping down the sides of his thighs and down the sheets. you haven't stopped, he lost count to how many times he came and how many times you filled him up to the brim. sex obsessed!kabukimono whos legs write and kick as he feels his orgasm approaching, nononono, he can't possibly! you hips piston faster, making him cry out as he feels like your reaching his stomach. he tries to slow you down, his hand reaching for your abdomen and weakly pushing but it didn't work, it only made you faster. "ooohhh— ougnnhh! [name]! [name], please! i can't— i can't! i'll die, i'll— diiieee♡!", "having my dick shoved in your thirsty, drooling, cum filled hole won't kill you, so fucking take it." sex obsessed!kabukimono who screams into the pillow as his cocklet squirts and he body convulses, trying to escape the overwhelming pleasure. you kept thrusting, you didn't stop until you finally spill your load in him, groaning as his hole clenches, milking you for all your worth. a few seconds pass by, you begin to move again and kabukimono whines, limp body using all his strength to turn his head to face you. and to your (exciting) surprise, he has a dopey smile on. "keep filling me up, [name]♡!".
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theloveinc · 1 year
any hobie and/or miguel icks? 😟
whoever sent this: thank you + i ADORE you. i hope you don't mind i'm switching up the formatting/style a it in comparison to my older icks... shorter list, more detailed <3
(warning: some fem terms used at the end, such as “mama!”)
Miguel O'Hara
- This guy... has some long ass toenails. Type of toenails that poke you at night in bed, and tear holes in his socks.
It's maybe somewhat related to the claw thing he's got going on? Has a lot stronger and faster-growing nails than the average person... but the real problem here is that he's TERRIBLE about clipping them. Claims it doesn't bother him even remotely and that you're the one overreacting when you ask him to... but hardly anything gets through to him about it. You probably even offer to do it for him one day, thinking the offer of a foot massage would sway his thinking and that it'd actually work... but he fought you on that just as easy...!!!
...which is how you came to the conclusion that you have a man who'll even argue w/ you over toenails. Petty boy.
- Miguel is also tired 24/7. AND yeah, it's pretty hard to be un-sympathetic towards that, but he's tired in the... I'm-gonna-prioritize-this-one-last-email-over-saying-goodnight-to-you way. Which gets real irritating when you're asking him to help you out w/ anything, like cleaning up or answering a question or JUST HAVING A DAMN CONVERSATION W/ YOU and he's using "I'm tired" as an excuse when his response is shitty or distracted.
Like one of those stupid guys whose always squinting at their damn iPad when you ask what he wants for dinner... which is ironic given that he'll get snippy at you for not giving him your full, entire attention whenever he wants it. Type of man to start picking imaginary lint off your head when you're simply trying to finish up a text before engaging him so that you aren't distracted.
- Odd about Lyla. Not that he loves her or anything, but she'll like pop up to give him updates about whatever even if you're MID-MAKEOUT session and he won't change that setting. Pulling away from your lips all pouty and squinty only to glare at his watch for thirty seconds before trying to go right back into kissing you.
No. No sir.
(Lyla will also always say something to or-but-usually-and about you, which... Okay, she's an AI and doesn't Get It... but it's still weird because it feels like someone you don't know just walked into the room.)
- Picks his nose when he's too busy to find a tissue, and forgets to sanitize his hands after. Denies this when you tell him.. but you've witnessed this multiple times (he's weirdly kind of whiney for a dude and lazy for a workaholic LOL).
Hobie Brown
- Lovely boyfriend because he doesn't give a crap about your appearance or the idea of needing to "look nice" for a man... but also stupid, nuisance boyfriend because this means he doesn't give one hoot if you try to get all gussied up for him. Nags you about wasting time getting ready because he doesn't need you to do all that instead of just saying "THANK YOU, YOU LOOK NICE." Even probably complains about you feeding into gender stereotypes or w/e when you do something like shave your legs or pluck your eyebrows😭
You try to talk to him about this, ask if he even cares that you tried to look nice, and he skirts around admitting it because he has an argument for everything. "'oughta know I think you're pretty either way"-ass when you just spent an hour trying to look all good for him.
- Tries to share the most obscure music with you... which is like, sweet in concept, but weird when it actually happens since it's never like a generic love song but an eleven minute underground jam session.
Which isn't to say he has bad taste in music, usually it's fine if not fantastic... but you try to tell him you don't want to listen to some dude's first draft of himself banging on a drum set for a full album and he's like: "tsk."
(He'll also use his to get out of listening to your music. Claiming his "inconsistency" is why he liked your playlist yesterday but not today. Stop!!!)
- And you know I gotta say it, he's a punk, after all: absolutely refuses to clean his favorite leather jacket, and it smells RANK. He's genuinely sentimental about it, though... and if you even try to bring up cleaning it somehow (even if very gently), he's acting like you betrayed him. Goes through the five stages of grief over you asking him not to wear it on one of your dates, and teases you by TALKING to it:
"Mumma didn't mean that, jackie. She just doesn't understand our lifestyle, does she?" while giving you a (lighthearted) stink eye.
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hugs2doie · 1 year
HI could u do when theyre clingy?? i love ur texts!
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HIHI ANON!!! ofc !! also i didn’t do it in the text format cause it would be quiteeee long, also this is mixed with the dreamies if they want cuddles too? idk 😭 however i hope you like this and AAAAA THABK U SMMM
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nct dream when they’re clingy !
pairing: bf!nctdream x gn!reader
genre: fluff
warning: none
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𖦹 mark:
mark will give u little signals like hugging u more often that he would in a daily basis, hold ur hand etc and waits for ur reaction. if u are okay with it, he wouldn’t mind being more touchy and clingy. he would be flustered asking u stuff like “can u not leave the bed? i wanna stay with u like this a little longer” (prolly with some stutters too) and you just can’t say no. HOWEVER if you said no (i mean its kinda understandable, what if u were hungry or wanted to use the restroom) he would have a frown on his face and won’t say much about it, though you can still see the sadness in his eyes. but when you come back he will have that goofy (but cute 💔) giggle ☹️☹️ a clingy mark would probably mean a lazy day for the both of you.
𖦹 renjun
renjun would EXTRA nice to you and you’d just be like ???? like, how come he isnt roasting you AT LEAST twice?? you immediately understand why when he comes behind you while you were cooking (if you can cook😭) & wrap your hands around your waist & puts his head on your shoulder/the crook of your neck to ask how your day was. obviously, you’d literally melt from that, like c’mon, who wouldn’t? if you two were watching movies he’s tangle y’all’s legs & if you tried to get up he’d hold you closer and say smth like: “sit down, everything else can wait 🙄😒”.HE’D GET MOODY IF YOU WOULD STILL GET UP 😭😭 to the point where he’d ignore you,, but will get over it quickly cause he’s clingy & needs your attention. when you’d apologize he’d be like “okay fine ugh i’ll forgive you, just don’t do that again 😒”. a clingy renjun would mean that he wants to be the only thing (person) you see and focus at that moment.
𖦹 jeno
jeno would hold your hand quite often. he’d also give you lots of hugs and try to touch you in any way (ofc not sexual) while giving his significant eye smile to you. he would always try to be your side just to be around you. ofc you’d notice and give to him (as you should!!). however if you tried to tease him and pretend not to notice and go on with your day he’d get so sulky and wonders if the physical contact made you uncomfortable ☹️ once you see how he started to stop being clingy towards you, you’d quickly assure him that you’re teasing him and he’d smile & hug you again. if you’d get up and do smth he’d put his head on your shoulder and wait for you to finish also he would pretty much follow you like a puppy wherever you’d go. a clingy jeno would mean a puppy-like jeno (NOT LIKE A KINK THOUGH 😭).
𖦹 haechan
haechan would literally be STUCK like a glue to you. he would literally turn into a bear and not leave you alone for a second. it could go like : “babe i have to go” “no you dont” “you cant be gaslighting me haechan” “im not doing that, wdym?” LIKE HE WOULD NOT LET YOU LEAVEEE 😭 if you still MANAGED to leave, he’d be a whine mess and would keep on telling you to come back. if you wouldn’t be next to him for the next 10 seconds he’d get up and follow you around, like jeno, but he’d CLING into you till you get tired of it and go back to bed (or anywhere) to cuddle with him. HOWEVER HAECHAN MIGHT GIVE U AN ATTITUDE TOOSOMETIMES?? like when you would try to leave he’d probably scoff and tell you to not come back since you “clearly don’t love him” which if you ignored and left the room he would raise his voice so you could still hear and be like “wow the loml doesn’t even love me” or stuff like that 😭 i mean he obviously isn’t being serious, he just wants you to spend time with him esp when he needs it the most. a clingy haechan would mean an actual bear/koala haechan.
𖦹 jaemin
he’d probably give you a lot of kisses on your face while smiling it’d be soooo adorable 💔 he’d be kinda like jeno, following you around, but not like THAT much cause he’d understand if you’re busy and wait for you. i feel like clingy jaemin would be full of aegyo?? like if he would want smth he’d do aegyo in front of you 😭. all the time with you he’d be smiling ngl. i feel like if y’all would cuddle he’d like to put some cheesy romantic movie in the bg OOOR even music,, he’d be whispering you sweet stuff or compliments ugh i’m sick to my stomach 💔 i feel like jaemin would be the same if he’s clingy, but a bit more touchy. a clingy jaemin would mean a lovely dovely boyfriend (he always is but y’all know what i mean!).
𖦹 chenle
I FEEL LIKE CHENLES EGO WOULD MAKE IT HARD FOR YOU TO UNDERSTAND THAT HES CLINGY??? like he might not try to cling to you cause he’s afraid you’d tease him about it 😭😭 however he’d tell you to stop working or moving around the house and just chill with him. if you said no, he’d help you so you would finish your work or wtv you’re doing faster. once y’all r done & are chilling at the couch he’d do that cliché thing the men do in movies: he’d pretend to yawn/stretch and put his arm around your shoulder 😭😭 after that you understand what’s going on and just give in to him and give him your full attention. chenle would have a proud smirk on his face CAUSEEE YOU DIDNT TEASE HIMMM 💯 but if you did he’d tell you to go away (jokingly) which you obviously wouldn’t do, instead, you’d try to get closer to him (anddddd he’d be very happy even though he wouldn’t show it). a clingy chenle would mean a big ego chenle.
𖦹 jisung
HE’D BE ADORABLE STOP THIS. okay so jisung would he VERYYYYYY shy to express how clingy he is feeling. this is probably because, 1) he’s afraid you might judge him & 2) he isn’t rlly into physical touch. he would give you signs by patting your head or being around you more often than usual. jisung would be satisfied just by a hug or two, or praising words/compliments. he would have his shy smile on his face, he’d even giggle ugh 💔💔 as i said, jisung isn’t rlly into physical touch however he wouldn’t mind it, so if y’all r cuddling he’d probably put his head on your chest and wrap his arms around you while you guys literally talk about anything, even the silliest things. he likes when he gets attention from you and absolutely loves when you drop anything for him & him only. a clingy jisung would mean a shy jisung.
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requests r open !
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catpriciousmarjara · 5 months
DP x DC: Dick's Totally Normal Date?
Inspired by that one juju sanpo where Yuuji thought Megumi was being hit on and he, Nobara, and Gojo pull out their ridiculous Formation B to drive away the potential date. And I thought, 'this, but batfam, but veer wildly to the left, with DP'. So here you go.
Third floor study, Wayne Manor
"Thank you all coming on such short notice", Tim said, eyes serious, one hand on the pile of documents on the table.
His siblings nodded at him, faces grave, except for Duke who just looked confused.
"I'm sure all of you already know why this meeting was called-
"I don't actually know why we are here", Duke interrupted.
He was thoroughly ignored.
-and are just waiting for confirmation. But the wait is now over. I have here the results."
His siblings all leaned forward, except for Cass who was too chill for that, apprehension radiating through their frames. Though Duke was more confused than apprehensive.
Tim sighed. "It's true. Dick is dating."
Gasps ran through the group.
Tim dropped the bigger bomb. "And its not a redhead."
Jason cursed as he leaned back in his chair, face directed at the ceiling exasperatedly. Steph brought a fist down on the table, shaking her head. Cass simply placed an elbow on arm of her chair, chin supported by the back of her hand. Damian just scoffed.
Duke looked at all of them still trying to see what the issue was and why they were even here doing this. Tired of being out of the loop the young man decided to just go ahead and bite the bullet.
"Question!", he began,"Why is Dick dating someone a problem?"
They all stared at him.
Jason raised an eyebrow. "Dude, he dated a witch king that tried to make us all into creepy dolls just a year and a half ago. The bastard almost turned everyone in Gotham into literal hamster plushies when they broke up."
"His immediate rebound after that relationship was the alien that tried to hunt him for sport", Steph contributed helpfully.
Jason waved an arm towards her while looking Duke, as if asking him why he wasn't getting the point.
And Duke...really wasn't getting the point. In fact he seemed to be getting even more confused.
"Dick's a habitual monsterfucker, old news, so what? And it isn't as if every single one of you haven't had some kind of romantic relationship with non-humans before. Even Damian's dated Jon! Besides Heira did not turn us all into hamsters. That was a joke. Aaaand Ga-va'se is a great guy and he definitely wasn't a rebound. Also he and Dick broke up really amicably and they still meet up for boba and he gives us really cool alien shit so I don't know why you guys don't like him."
"Duke, Ga-va'se hunted us for sport", Tim said from the side.
"That was because we were in his hunting grounds! Plus he apologized for that!", Duke defended his alien buddy. The guy was really nice! What was their hang up with him? Sure he was a bit murderous but hey, Duke dared his siblings to find one person from each of their social circles who wasn't a bit murderous and insane. Sure he hunted them for the better part of five days in a terrifying alien jungle a galaxy away from home but that was honestly their fault for intruding on the hunting grounds of his people in the first place. Plus it was all a misunderstanding!
"I agree with Thomas", Damian said as he thumbed through the files Tim had distributed among them. Across from him Cass was doing the same thing, rapidly turning the pages. "Partially at least. The Yautja was a worthy candidate for Grayson's hand-
"You just like him because he got you that sword, Demon Spawn", Jason drawled in that assholish tone of his that never failed to incense Damian.
-Shut it Todd! Ahem. As I was saying Ga-va'se was worthy but Heira was an imbecile. Unfortunately there are more Heiras in Grayson's romantic history than Ga-va'ses so it would be prudent for all of us to remain vigilant", the youngest member of the Wayne family finished, closing the file decidedly. "Especially if his current choice isn't a redhead."
Duke had to ask. "Again whats up with the hair colour thing?"
Tim looked at Steph pointedly. "Officer Stephanie Brown please proceed with orientation."
A truly terrifying grin bloomed on Steph's face. She stood up from her chair and walked to the wall, pulling down a projector screen. A click of a button and it came alive, with what looked like an honest to god power-point presentation on Dick's dating life. Tim slid Duke an brochure of all things.
"Dick's choice of romantic partners can be classified into three categories", she began as if she was a lecturer. She was even wearing glasses. "Redheads, which everyone and their third aunt's weird dog knows about, morally ambiguous older men, and extremely dangerous non-humans. There are outliers of course, and overlaps, but generally he tends to keep his choices confined to these groups. Turn to page 3 please."
Duke dutifully turned to page 3, which looked like it contained profiles of the various people Dick's dated in the past. If it was any other family this would be a gross invasion of privacy.
"Exhibit A- Barbara Gordon, great taste, mostly downhill from here I'm afraid. Exhibit B-Slade Wilson aka The Terminator, no I'm not kidding, the entire thing is weird and toxic. And Exhibit C-the weird eldritch thing Dick dated two years ago who I'm pretty sure is Cthulhu's actual cousin who made us all taste colours for a week straight."
"Deathstroke?", Duke exclaimed, weirded out.
Jason raised an eyebrow. "Thats who bothered you? Not Cthulhu's cousin?"
Duke huffed. "Their name is Umh'uidrritl and I know where to draw the line."
Tim side-eyed him. "On a whiteboard with an old marker maybe."
"Back to my very important power-point that no one else is going to interrupt-",Steph said as she glowered at them, "-mapping Dick's dating history shows us that the more volatile of his partners tend to cause trouble post-breakup. A deeper investigation would reveal that while his harem of redheads mainly just stir up delicious, juicy drama, hot tea and angst all around baby, bless their souls, his harem of morally ambiguous older men, and harem of extremely dangerous non-human entities tend to lean towards more destructive reactions. While the former is content with kidnapping and threatening and the assorted standard yandere meltdowns-
"Yandere?", Damian murmured.
Jason just snorted.
-the latter likes to cause damage on a larger scale". The blonde gestured with a flourish and a new slide popped up.
"Exhibit A- That time Gotham almost got gobbled up like a light snack by that space whale pet of the Ryagonian emperor. Exhibit B- That time a Fairy Queen tried to spirit Dick away and almost put the entire city into an enchanted coma, which was honestly kinda festive, I'd never been more well rested. Exhibit C- That entire thing with the tentacles that we are all better off without revisiting."
Everybody in the room blanched at that last one. Duke nodded his head at their reactions. The ink really was hard to get off of clothes.
The screen went dark and she pulled the cord at the bottom, the projector screen rolling up. The blonde turned to them with a smug and satisfied expression on her face.
"In conclusion, despite there being no biological connection between them, and the fact that romantic and sexual preferences are not genetically inherited, Dick has managed to acquire Bruce's proclivity for an interesting dating life, which we all did if we're being honest. Its just that while Bruce dates across the law, Dick dates across realms and his romantic entanglements often happen to be so above our pay grade that its ridiculous. Data has shown that redheads cause the least amount of property damage so whenever he dates non-redheads, we have to keep an eye on the tea-I mean an eye on the situation."
She sat back in her chair with a satisfied air. "Questions?"
"Yes", Tim said miserably. "Did you have to bring Bruce into this? Like ew."
"I had to, yeah!", Steph replied cheerily. "You stole my croissant alienfucker!"
"Excuse you the alien fucks me thank you very much!"
Jason almost gagged. "TMI Timbo TMI!"
Duke frantically gestured at Damian. "Damian's right here!"
The boy in question just looked supremely unimpressed. "I was raised by assassins Thomas."
"Where's Cass?", asked Steph, munching on a packet of chips she produced from somewhere.
"Left this clown fest to assist Pennyworth in drugging father so that he can actually rest."
"Ah", said the whole room. Each one individually resolving to go to Bruce's room and get blackmail pics later. Sibling solidarity at its finest.
"Back to the matter at hand", said Tim, "Dick dating a possibly dangerous entity even remotely around the time frame when the Joker turned up dead is a red flag. And that's why our secret society is meeting today."
"Okay one, you think Dick's new boyfriend offed Joker? Two, this is a secret society?", asked Duke, his earlier confusion now fully evolving into resignation.
"I already filled out your documentation."
"Don't worry. Everything's in order."
"Thats not...you know what? Thanks Tim."
"You're welcome!"
Steph chortled at the entire exchange and almost choked on her chips. Karma.
Jason leaned back with his hands behind his head.
"You know, if this guy merked the clown, and has no evil plans or something...I'm all for him actually. Guy has my vote. If they get married I might even decide not to embarrass Dickie at the wedding", he said while Steph hacked up a lung in the background.
"Be that as it may Todd, we still need to monitor the situation. If this Daniel did have anything to do with the Joker's death, then he is a dangerous individual who could pose a threat to Grayson", remarked the young Robin, and then as an add-on, "...and Gotham."
Duke sighed. There really was no escaping this was there? "So what do we have on the guy?", he asked Tim.
"Page 4. Name-Daniel Nightingale, prefers to be called Dan. Father, Vladimir Masters. Mother, Daniella Nightingale. Sister, Danielle Nightingale. Brother and sister are apparently vacationing-
"In Gotham?!, Duke asked horrified.
-and Dan met Dick during a Halloween Party in Bludhaven-
"In Bludhaven?!", Steph asked appalled.
"Why was a supposedly vacationing wealthy European in Bludhaven for Halloween?", Jason asked with a frown.
"European?!", Damian asked scandalized.
-And they hit it right off. As of now, they have been dating for five months and the relationship looks to be going strong. While the records seem legitimate, something's off about them. Also the Joker turned up dead on Valentine's Day. So my verdict...sus."
There was a bout of thoughtful silence.
"Daniella, Daniel, and Danielle? What the fuck? What are they? Clones?" asked an incredulous Jason, aghast at the unoriginality.
Duke scrutinized the provided photos closely. "Whoa, this Master's guy's genes really stood no chance! They all really could be clones for real."
Steph whistled. "He ripped!"
They stared at her. She sipped her boba unrepentantly.
"What? I'm right! He ripped!"
She was indeed right. He was ripped.
Duke put the file down. "So what's the plan? Do we just follow him around till we find out what he is or something?"
"Okay so the next week Gotham's got a week long 'Joker is Dead' carnival planned-
"Another one?", Damian asked surprised.
"We deserve it", both Jason and Steph reply vehemently.
-and Dick said Dan's taking him to the fair every single day of the celebration. If everything goes according to plan, we can sneak our way into the organizers, stall owners, ride operators whatnot and do some tests to figure Daniel Nightingale out. And if he's normal trouble we prepare for the breakup meltdown. If he's a different sort of trouble we deal with it."
"We gotta be careful though". Steph obnoxiously slurped her boba. "Or else Dick will deal with us."
They all shuddered in fear. Dick Grayson could be a mean bitch when it came to revenge.
"We'll just have to execute it well. Thomas will be adequate for the job. The rest of you fools will just have to step up, especially you Drake", Damian said as he crossed his arms across his chest, nose up imperiously.
The two robins, red and regular, sneered at each other.
Jason 'hmpfed'. "Sounds good enough. If that's it I'm gonna go. I got shit to do". He stood up from his chair and stretched, a symphony of cracking sounds coming from his spine. "Shit I'm old."
"You're just gonna re-watch Pride and Prejudice 2005 again". Tim also stood up, even more concerning popping sounds coming from his spine.
"Damn right I am", said the crime lord as he ambled out of the room.
Steph also got out of her chair and started collecting her trash, Alfred would kill he if she didn't. "I'm all in on this plan Timtam! Clown's dead, Gotham's finally calmed down, I went to bed early...No way I'm letting some ripped Adonis mess with my peace and quiet no matter how mouthwateringly swole he is! And he is swole!" With that she also swept out of the room.
"I'll update Cass!", she shouted from the corridor.
Damian had already disappeared. This left Tim and Duke alone in the room. When Tim also made to leave, Duke finally managed to break through the disbelieving fugue this entire meeting had pulled him under.
"So where's the plan Tim?"
"Oh", said the sleep deprived vigilante, already halfway out the door, "I emailed it you already."
And then there was one.
Duke just stood there processing that last sentence for a long two minutes. He sighed.
"So this meeting could've been an email."
Dick is rather adventurous in his dating life. Helen of Troy vibes.
The entire operation reveals nothing suspicious. According to all the tests known to man and bat kind, Daniel 'I prefer Dan' Nightingale is a completely normal member of the Homo sapiens species. Not even a metagene. Just generously swole.
Duke being half immortal doesn't really get his siblings' reservations against some of Dick's exes. He doesn't realize that beings like Umh'uidrritl, who was not Cthulhu's cousin but a distant relative by the way, give most people incomprehensible nightmares. He on the other hand thought that Umh'uidrritl and his pet colossal hydrothermal squid were perfectly lovely. Though he and Damian high-key root for their Yautja friend.
There is absolutely no romantic relationship between Vlad and Danny. Dan and Danielle are just little shits who just love the horrified expression that overtakes Danny's face every time he sees their IDs for vacation time. To be clear its the Vlad part that horrifies him, he rocks as Daniella. Vlad, who is reformed here, is also horrified at this. Which is why the two little shits do it. Also the DP characters are all aged up. Could be by a few years, could be by millennia. They haven't deigned to reveal that to me.
Bruce spend the entire week under Alfred's careful supervision, getting rest and relaxation. He had spa days with Clark and Diana. He slept ten hours. He felt energetic in the morning. He hummed a cheerful tune. It was disgusting. He remained blissfully unaware of his eldest son's latest romantic adventure. Good for him.
Alfred thinks Ga-va'se was a splendid young man and that Umh'uidrritl was a lovely partner. He just wishes Master Dick would stop dragging in ruffians like that ill-mannered Heira every now and then. Truly a son of Master Bruce that one. What about that wonderful demon boy from a few years ago Master Dick? Mezarel was it? Oh he was sealed away, was he? Well bat your eyelashes at that man Constantine you and Master Bruce keep around and try to get that boy back will you? Such a well mannered young devil he was!
Alfred becomes that mother-in-law that never truly accepts Dan completely, still holding out hope for Mezarel to make a comeback. I've heard harems are wonderful this time of year Master Dick. A second husband would do you some good!
Dan finds this hilarious. His family does as well. Alfred also likes Dan. They have a weird understanding.
Cass likes most of Dick's exes. Except for Heira. Everybody hates Heira. Although Duke kinda likes him but even sunshine boy has his limits.
Yes the bat-siblings are doing this only for the safety of Gotham, not to also low-key annoy their big brother at all.
Yes Dan and Dick were aware of the hi-jinks.
Yes Cass did think they should just ask Dick.
Yes Dick is aware of who and what Dan is. He met him at a supernatural Samhain gala he literally stumbled into. He just rolled with it, celebrating the end of the harvest with the decidedly non-human revelers, and not only ate the food there but also drunk flirt with Dan.
Dan said, 'You're stupid. I like that in a human' and saved him from being stolen away by some very interested entities. It was the start of a beautiful relationship. Dani sometimes calls them the 'tits and ass duo' and she's right.
Danny is just happy that Dan found someone he loves and could keep up with him. He almost felt like a proud mother at their wedding and then had an existential crisis about it.
The family does find out Dan's real identity. It was after Dick accepted his proposal and it was hilarious. Jason meets Jazz at the wedding. He thinks he got infected with Dick's redhead fetish.
Yes this is all for my Dick/Dan propaganda. I hope you're not immune.
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kisakis-boyfriend · 8 months
Kinktober Day 18: Hickeys
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Pairings: Mikey x reader
Warnings: Male!reader, dom/top!reader, sub/bottom!Mikey, biting, hard domming, degradation, consensual dehumanization
Genre/Format: Smut; Oneshot
Prompt List by: starsandskies 🧡
Please check my blog title to verify whether requests are closed or not! Thank you!
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“Take control of me. Use me however you want, please?” He breathed, looking up at you with tired eyes. It was just one of those days. A day where the weight of the world seemed to come crashing down on him. All of his usual worries and responsibilities seemingly heavier than ever before. It was on these days that Mikey needed one of two things from you; he either needed for you to treat him as if he was a porcelain doll, gently handling him so that he wouldn't shatter into a million pieces. Or, he needed you to treat him like a fuckdoll, a toy meant for your pleasure alone, turning off his brain as you did whatever you wanted to his body
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Mikey's thighs trembled while you bounced him on your cock roughly, a bruising grip on his hips as you chased your next orgasm. With his head tipped back and mouth agape, he moaned loudly as his hole was fucked into relentlessly. Your hips stilled, stuffing Mikey with your thick cock and groaning from how tightly he clenched around you. Leaning forward to leave a wet kiss on his pretty chest
Tangling your hand in his soft, blond hair, you forced Mikey to tilt his head back down and look at you. He looked completely disheveled, his hair messy and falling in his face, eyes misty and unable to focus for too long. All thanks to your rough treatment, of course. “You're a mess, doll. I've barely done anything yet either.” You chuckled. Mikey only panted as you teased him, too occupied by the way your dick stretched him open
Your thrusts began again, snapping up into him sharply and causing him to whimper. “So fucking wet...god–” You groaned, sliding in and out of him easily since the cum from your previous release kept him nice and lubed. Letting go of his hair, you smacked his ass, his body jumping at the unexpected contact while pathetic cries spilled from his trembling lips
To shut him up, you wrapped your hand around his neck. His breath hitched immediately, fingers weakly grasping at your arm as you choked him. “Fucking take it– Mmm ” You growled, angling your thrusts so that you were hitting deeper inside of Mikey, latching your mouth onto his shoulder and biting down as he choked out another cry, loud wet noises from his sloppy hole mixing with his cries
“Aah– ” Mikey's moan was cut off when you squeezed his throat tightly, pounding into him as you came once again, painting his insides white with your seed. You sat there for a moment, thrusting up weakly as you fucked your cum deeper into Mikey's tight ass. When his grip on your arm loosened and his eyes started to roll back, you finally released the hold on his throat. To which he immediately gasped and coughed as his consciousness started to come back to him
You gave him little time to recover, quickly pulling out and tossing Mikey onto the couch, flipping him over onto his stomach and lifting his hips so that his ass was up in the air. A bit of your cum leaked out, slowly rolling down his balls and making him whine. Positioning yourself behind him, you let your cock rest in between his cheeks, rutting against his hole while you leaned against his back to mark his soft skin. “I think everyone else should know that this doll has an owner, hm?” You purred against his back, brushing his hair to the side and sucking on the back of his neck, littering his flesh with hickeys
Mikey let his forehead fall onto the couch cushions, succumbing to the exhaustion from the past few rounds while you trailed your mouth down the expanse of his delicate back, sucking marks onto every inch of skin that you could reach. You slid into him effortlessly, earning a soft gasp from the man underneath you. Fucking into him roughly while you kept his head pushed into the cushions, “Fuck– You were made to take my cock, weren't you? Just a little cumdump for me, huh? ”
For the next few days, Mikey couldn't look any of the Toman captains in the eye. Seeing as his neck was covered in many red and purple marks, all over the front and back. The only person who even dared to point them out was Draken, who was promptly chased around the block by an embarrassed ball of rage
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Reblogs are extremely appreciated <3
Tagging: @anxious-chick @steadybreadbluebird @6kabuki
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snailsrneat · 2 months
Yandere Vil Schoenheit Headcanons
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. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁
TW: Kidnapping, Stalking, Posioning
I think if anyone got literally any of the overblot boys as their yandere they'd be pretty fucked.
Mostly because the overblot boys hold a lot of power and have tons of magic.
Vil, specifically, however is one of the few who won't ever use his magic on you.
No instead he'll just use potions on you (:
When you two first met, it wasn't exactly love first sight, more like first word.
Cause when he saw you, he wasn't impressed.
'This is the prefect everyone's been so obsessed over? Really?'
He honestly thought that you'd be more impressive, more magnificent and elegant if you will.
His first impression of you however immediately changed when you had begun barking orders at fellow freshman in an attempt to defeat him.
Never once has he seen a freshman, one as weak you, calling the shots amongst the student body.
Something must be different with you. And he had to figure out what.
From then onward he recruits Rook to spy on you and learn what your day-to-day patterns are like.
In the process Rook also listens in and learns all your secrets. All of which he reports to Vil.
The Vil learns about you the more he falls in love with you.
He obsesses over every single detail of you, from little moles in unseen places to the formation of stress wrinkles crowding over your forehead.
Every minute detail that he can find, he wants pepper with kisses and tell you just how weak in the knees you make him.
A part if him feels silly for getting weak for someone as mediocre as you, but the other half of him wants to steal you away and lock you in his bedroom so you never have to be troubled by those horrible boys you call "Friends".
In fact...that's a fantastic idea! Why hasn't he thought of this before? That way he can watch you up close.
No longer will he need Rook to do all his stalking, not when you're already here and so close.
When he kidnaps you he does it under the guise of you try a new tea blend he was given. But, unfortunately for you, the tea just so happens to be spiked.
"Oh no! I'm so sorry dear, I didn't think one of my own fans would try to spike my tea! Here let me help you get to the infirmary~"
He's an actor so he's very good at being melodramatic.
Instead of waking up in the infirmary, you wake up his bedroom, with your arms chained to the bed posts and dressed in expensive satin pajamas.
When Vil comes into the room and notices your struggling, he chides you for bruising you beautiful skin.
He doesn't release you from the chains, but he does his best to keep you comfortable.
"Only the best for you, darling. You shouldn't worry yourself with such needless things. What you should be thinking of is me, and only me. Understand?"
If you ever try to escape, don't.
I'm warning you, if Vil catches you trying to escape it'll be worse than just staying chained to his bed all day.
It's even more terrible if you've been getting "closer" with him recently, because now he knows that he shouldn't trust you fully. Ever.
If he catches you, he'll no longer allow you to be comfortable.
Instead of that nice comfortable bed, you sleep in a dog cage in the corner of his room.
And the days have started to blur together now, he started poisoning your food to make sure you don't do anything.
Most days your too tired to anything, let alone fight back or come up with escape plans.
If he has to start treating you like a baby he doesn't mind, he likes making you depend entirely on him.
"You know you did this to yourself, right? Trying to escape was a foolish endeavor and you must face the consequences of your actions..aw, you're crying darling. Don't cry, it'll give you wrinkles. Don't worry my love, this hurts me more than it hurts you. Now drink this."
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atinyniki · 2 months
dear (ex)lover.
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group: stray kids !
pairing: idol!kim seungmin x f!reader
genre: pure angst, letter
warnings + additional info: seungmin is referred to as seungmin and min, seungmin was (and still is) a dick, seungmin is a player, seungmin led reader on, reader reminisces the past, reader blames seungmin for the downfall of their relationship (rightfully so), reader has past trauma from relationships, mentions of waiting till marriage, reader has body image issues, reader has been depressed, reader has trust issues, reader misses seungmin, just a really really sad angsty letter, intended lowercase, written in letter format.
authors note: okay. im so sorry for this... this is also not proofread. english is not my first language, so please excuse any grammatical or spelling errors. happy reading :)
wc: 1033
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dear lover,
why don’t we talk anymore? i remember, you told me i was your best friend once. i remember, i was your best friend before i was your lover. i understand, your love for me is gone now, but weren’t we supposed to be friends? didn’t you tell me we could go back to the way it was? so why don’t you talk to me? why do you avoid my eyes when you see me? why do you ignore my texts?
why do you only speak to me when it’s convenient for you?
i remember when i first opened up to you, my love. i told you i didn’t fit in with the group. i didn't think you needed me, and i didn’t think the others did either. you told me you didn’t know you needed me until i was in your life. do you still need me? why did you love me like that if you were just going to ghost me in the end? we talked about so much. you bought me my wedding ring. i wore my heart on my sleeve for you. you gave me a promise ring. why did you break your promise? why did you write so many love letters to me, knowing that you were leaving in the end?
what did i do to be treated like this? i should have been better to you, right? it’s my fault, right? i had to have done something… right? what did i do? i can do better, i can. i can be a better friend, i promise. you were my first real friend. you held me when things were hard. i need you to hold me once more. you always did my hair all nice to distract me. i miss when you’d braid it. you even played with my stuffed animals with me. you were the first person who accepted me for me.
why don’t you like me anymore? why am i always the one to approach you? did you only speak to me because i spoke to you first? was this all one-sided and you only spoke to me because i annoyed you till you replied? i didn’t know. i didn’t know that i was being annoying. i didn’t realize it. i thought you wanted me too. i’ve been having nightmares again. you told me you’d be there. it’s funny, isn’t it? you promised you’d always be there, but now you’re the cause of them. you broke my trust. you fucked up, and i forgave you. again and again, i forgave you. i took you back for every mistake you made.
why did you take my heart for granted? why did you break me like this? am i unlovable? did you grow tired of me? could you not stand me anymore like the others? the boys told me what you said about me. what you said about my body. i know i don’t look the same anymore, but can’t you still love me? am i really all that different now? or maybe you just don’t want someone who rots in bed all day. yeah, they told me that part too. maybe you couldn’t deal with my past trauma. i’ve lost people in the past like i lost you before. you told me you wouldn’t leave me. not the way they did, at least. but you did. you left, and you ruined me in the process.
maybe i am unlovable. maybe this was meant to happen. was it for the better? did you mean it when you said you loved me those last nights we spent together? did you find it fun? breaking my heart? was it nice to watch me fall apart that night on my bedroom floor? was it fun to use my own pain against me? was it fun telling me it was my fault? did it take some of your guilt away?
i’m mad at you, still.
but a part of me still loves you. a part of me still wants to forgive you, and i don’t know why. i shouldn’t, i know. you don’t deserve my forgiveness. you don’t deserve anything i have to offer. but i still want to forgive you. i still want to love you like i used to. i still want to tell you that im here for you, and i still want to hold you while we fall asleep. i still want to brush away your tears, and i still want to do your skincare for you. but you’re fading away from my life. i don’t know the person i fell in love with anymore, because they aren’t you. i miss his sweet voice, and i miss his melting touch. i miss the sound of his heartbeat, and i miss his heart. but it’s always going to be you, isn’t it? it’s always been you. you’re the person i love most, but the feelings are fading away too. i want to keep them with me. i want to hold it all so tight that your love can’t escape anymore, but you’re gone. you’re gone, and you took my heart with you.
i’m sorry. was i not good enough for you? i wish i could have been the one for you. i don’t know if i’m allowed to say it, but i miss you, min. i miss our late night laughter, i miss our runs to the coffee shop. i miss the bond we had. where did it go? why am i the only one putting effort into this stupid friendship anymore? why do i always text first? why am i begging for you to love me again?
it’s stupid.
this is stupid.
you’re stupid.
i hate you.
i hate you for using me.
i hate you so much for ruining us.
i hate you for ruining what we had.
i hate you for ruining every memory with you.
i hate you for ruining me for anybody else.
you ruined me.
they’ll never be you.
no one will ever be you.
i hate you, kim seungmin.
i hate you.
i miss you.
i miss you, and i hate it.
i hate it.
i hate you.
i love you, your ex lover.
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elsweetheart · 1 year
Can I request something? You see, my friends tell me that I tend to flirt without even noticing. And I've noticed I indeed do that. I look people in the eyes and then look at their lips, I lick my own lips while doing that. I also tend to say softs "hmmm" "uhuum" to show them I'm paying attention. But I don't do that with that intention, because when I WANT to flirt, I'm a mess. Can you do Ellie or Abby (you choose) having a crush/dating someone who does that?
omg !!! me !!!!!!! i love this yes yes yea
im gonna do this w ellie because there’s not much to say about abby other than she will simply just bend you over and -
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good view
🎀 short drabble in a hc format ?? idk wht this is. pre-relationship ellie x reader :)
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• you were kinda out of it. didn’t get much sleep, and the weather was just warm enough to wear a tank top but a breeze still passed through the abandoned building you were all currently held up in, so you were fiddling with the thin cardigan you wore, pulling them over your hands. it put you in a relaxed, sleepy, slow mood.
• you and ellie weren’t together yet, so of course at any given opportunity when she sees you sitting alone she’d make conversation. she slid a chair over to where you were sat alone at a small table, straddling it backwards resting her arms on the back of the chair.
• “did you call dibs on a room? there’s not much choice, i mean they’re all pretty shitty.” she smirked light heartedly as you turned to face her.
• “yeah, picked the one with the good view.” you smiled hazily having being broken from your thoughts and your sleepy daydreams. you were blinking slowly, ellie always thought your eyelashes looked extra pretty when you did that.
• “nice, my window faces a brick wall.” she comment with an eye roll and you giggled which made her features noticeably perk up when she saw the way your teeth sunk into your bottom lip mid giggle to stifle it. she tried not to stare, launching into a story about the time her and Joel passed through a fancy abandoned building and she called dibs on the fancy penthouse bedroom and made Joel sleep in the maid quarters.
• you were listening intently, at first, but you were tired and her features were just so distracting. not even because of your huge crush on her, she just was… interesting. your eyes dragged down to her bottom lip where she had acquired a fresh cut from some kind of scuffle she’d wound up in and watched the way it moved with her mouth as she spoke. “mhm.” you breathed lightly to let her know you were still sort of listening.
• she felt her heart in her throat as she watched your fluttery eyes stare at her lips and completely stumbled over what she was going to say. “it was funny because he was— um… it was funny because fucking—uh…” she lost track of what she was trying to say and this caused you to casually glance back up at her eyes, furrowing your eyebrows slightly in confusion making them look extra big and doe like which did not her help case.
• “wh’s wrong?” you spoke so softly she could barely hear it over the blood thumping in her ears when she realised she was blushing. what made it worse, is she watched you in real time notice her blushing too, your pretty eyes gliding across her face. “c’mon dude.” she laughed, sitting back away from where she was leaning on the chair to wipe her hands down her face.
• “i’m so confused.” you giggled back and she chuckled, fiddling with the chipped wooden table corner for a moment before looking back up at you with a little more determination.
• “can i finish my story please? without you eyeballing me like that?” her tone was jokey, slightly putting on a voice but you could tell she meant it. you sat back a little, tilting your head to the side like a confused puppy. “and like that.” she laughed before flickering her own eyes to your mouth. “s’distracting.” was all she needed to say and you sort of caught on and raised your eyebrows a little.
• “oh…” you willed her to speak more with her stare, so she did. “you’re pretty. drives me crazy, just a little bit.” she scrunched her nose and you smiled, letting it drop slightly as you held her stare. she cleared her throat, feeling overwhelmed. “anyway, as i was saying before you rudely interrupted with your face.” she continued which made you laugh. perhaps you needed to be more mindful about how you looked at people, however you did enjoy teasing ellie.
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