#trans film makers
seraphim777s · 2 months
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various photos from Texas Furry Fiesta this year (2024)
by florian-s fauna
+ polaroid 600 +
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
god dammit where is our romance movie about a t4t couple who find healing and beauty in their partner loving themselves as the gender they hated being?? i need it for my soul 😭😭
We ought to get a film crew of trans people together on this
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🎬✨ Calling all cinephiles! 🍿 Exciting news from Haunting Hearts Productions – our Discord server is now live! 🌐 Join the hauntingly wonderful community where indie film dreams come true. Let's chat, share, and explore the magic together! 🎥🖤 Dive in: https://discord.com/invite/Kb7m4u9puG
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variousqueerthings · 2 months
smthin about monkey man i think about is how unacceptable it is to show trans and gender diverse people getting angry and getting violent in their anger, because of how that's historically been used as shorthand for deviancy and villainy in narrative. when a trans or gender diverse person is upset with a system in film and resorts to violence, the audience knows not to side with them, but with the system trying to stop them
by contrast cisgender men and women have movies showing them enacting extreme violence (take this movie and every revenge movie ever) with the understanding that we are on their side
this is one of the only times ive seen what i'd call a mainstream film (albeit a mainstream film that's a passion project on a comparatively low budget that only got a cinematic release because of another film-maker with influence) depict -- in this case hijra anger and capacity for violence -- as righteous, as uncomplicatedly worth rooting for
very satisfying to know many people watched this statement, thank you dev patel and jordan peele
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talesfromthecrypts · 11 months
Do you have any recommendations for gay horror?
*Cheshire cat smile* I do yeah. First off I highly suggest the works of gay film directors who worked in horror: James Whale, Joel Schumacher, Clive Barker, Jane Schoenbrun, Don Mancini, etc. Even if there aren't always explicit gay characters there are queer themes in their films and they are worth examining. Ok list time:
The Haunting (1963)
The Vampire Lovers (1970)
Shiver of the Vampires (1971)
Daughters of Darkness (1971)
The Velvet Vampire (1971)
The Blood Spattered Bride (1972)
Alucarda (1977)
Cruising (1980)
Butcher, Baker, Nightmare Maker (1981)
The Living Dead Girl (1982)
Tenebre (1982) [The feature film debut of trans actress Eva Robin's]
The Hunger (1983)
Gothic (1986)
Tetsuo: The Iron Man (1989)
Poison (1991)
May (2002)
Hellbent (2004)
Seed of Chucky (2004)
All About Evil (2010)
Chillerama - I Was a Teenage Werebear segment (2011)
All Cheerleaders Die (2013)
Stage Fright (2014)
Good Manners (2017)
Thelma (2017)
Knife + Heart (2018)
What Keeps You Alive (2018)
Bit (2019)
Scream, Queen! My Nightmare on Elm Street (2019) [this is a documentary but I'm gonna count it!]
Saint Maud (2019)
Death Drop Gorgeous (2020)
Titane (2021)
Huesera: The Bone Woman (2022)
As always, horror comes with triggers and some of these do have big homophobia warnings (Butcher, Baker especially).
Shows: Penny Dreadful, Interview With the Vampire, The Exorcist, Dead Ringers, Chucky, Dragula
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rustbeltjessie · 2 months
To what purpose, April, do you return again? (or: finally, a pinned post for April)
Hi all. I'm Jessie Lynn McMains, aka Rust Belt Jessie. I'm an Xennial/Elder Millenial (please don't call me a Geriatric Millenial, thank you) writer/artist/zine-maker/etc. (I wear many hats.) I'm queer and nonbinary/genderfluid, and as far as pronouns go, I’m okay with any human pronoun (they and she are my most-used, but I like he, too, and I especially like it when people switch up the pronouns they use for me). I’m disabled and neurodivergent.
I live with my partner and our two kiddos, both of whom are also neurodivergent, and right now I’m supporting all of us on whatever money I earn. I do freelance copywriting and editing as my main thing, but I also make a decent chunk of my income from selling my zines and books and pins and whatever else I make, so the more I sell, the better able I am to pay bills and take care of my family.
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Through my Ko-fi, you can buy my zines and books (I have both poetry and prose available) and pins, as well as commission me to make you a music-inspired mini-collage or hire me to edit your own writing. Or also just throw me a few bucks if you appreciate the content I make available for free.
If you live outside the US (I can only ship within the US via Ko-fi, because setting up shipping for multiple countries is a pain the butt), or just prefer to purchase something or donate via a different platform, I also have PayPal and Venmo (@ JessieLynnMcMains).
I also have a Substack newsletter. I try to send something out at least once a month. Sometimes it's a longer piece about music and nostalgia (I recently started a series called These Fucking Songs, for just that purpose), sometimes it's just updates on what I'm up to, sometimes it's something else. I'm currently working on one about poetry, and my writing process, and revision.
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As if that weren't enough, this month I'm doing a 30/30 on the Tupelo Press site, which not only means I have to write a poem every day to be posted the next day, but I am also fundraising for Tupelo Press. My goal is to raise $350 by the end of the month. You can follow along with my daily poems here (the newest is always at the top; scroll down to read previous days), and the fundraising page is here. (I'm also offering some cool incentives for people who donate; more info about all that is available on the fundraising page.)
I'm pro-trans, pro-vaccine, pro-sex worker, pro-abortion, pro-Black Lives Matter. I'm for harm reduction for any drug user or addict, meaning I want them to be able to use drugs as safely as possible, rather than forcing them into rehab or incarcerating them. I'm anti-censorship and anti-fascist. I believe everyone, everyone, should have a safe place to sleep and enough to eat without having to earn it. I consider myself an anarcho-socialist, basically, but I do vote. I'm telling you all that because if you are vehemently against any of those things, we'll probably not get along.
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I'm a forever-goth/punk who loves all kinds of music. (Things on heavy rotation for me as I write this are: The Replacements, Einstürzende Neubauten, and Oliver Nelson.) I'm femme but I'm a disaster femme; when I use nailpolish it's always sloppy and/or chipped, when I wear eyeliner it's always crooked and/or smeared, and I am incapable of not ripping a hole or two in every pair of tights and stockings I own. I love art and film and theater and literature and music. I'm a Shakespeare stan, I love growing my own vegetables, I collect souvenir pennies and stick and poke tattoos. I'm always a slut in theory, even when not always in practice. I'm perpetually nostalgic, melancholy, and restless. I spend all my free time posting pictures of myself on the internet and trying to prove I'm punk to anyone that'll listen.
Want more Jessie content? There's my website (still under construction, but it exists). Or you could try searching the my writing, my art, Jessie Lynn McMains, or Rust Belt Jessie tags on this blog. I also have a side blog, where I tend to post more frequently than I do on this blog. If you ask nice, I'll probably give you the URL.
On that note, my DMs and asks are open, and, as of right now, anon is on.
I think that's it! As always, whether you can send any $$ my way (or to my fundraiser) currently or not, keeping this post circulating helps. Thanks much. 🖤
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siriuslydeadfr · 6 months
The thing about Luca is that. And I say this as a writer, I suppose, but also as a queer person, that he exudes a certain feeling of safety, and comfort. Like, to have him play something will mean he's going to give you his everything. No matter the character, you'll see a sincerity that isn't just the product of the script, or the demand of it, but also the mind of the actor.
To know that a person of his calibre is out there playing queer characters so effortlessly, and without a doubt in their mind, without any prejudice blinding his artistic choices and who he is as a person, it's obviously a ray of hope, but it is also, then, a kind of trust, even if it is just parasocial in many ways.
I know if it's Luca playing a certain queer character - regardless of what happens to them in the script, that is if the script is stupid and insincere to the queer perspective in certain ways - I'd still easily trust him to do justice to the queer experience, for how sincerely he plays everything.
The whole every-character-of-his having a underlying homoerotic quality to them is all fun and cool and great and beautiful, but also, it's so fucking refreshing
It's been decades of asking for the correct representation in media, it's been years and years of queerbaiting and, if not that, just general lack of care
I've been accustomed to just wanting some of my favourite characters to be gay. Just thinking and wishing and hoping that someone someday will let them reach the full scope of their personality, let them have the right sort of ending, see first the fabric of their person, and not just the thread of their sexuality, and maybe then write the script. There have been all sorts of emotions, and so to find now a person who is doing just that? It's pure beauty.
For a while now it's been changing, more and more shows and films are becoming inclusive and accepting and understanding of the queer gaze, and it's so beautiful that Luca contributes to it with his whole heart, and has been for a long while.
Many must remember how it used to get with artists and makers always denying or trying to tip toe around the obvious queerbait, or shying away from the conversations that involved that queer perspective, or outright rejecting the very idea- it happens still - but then you see the likes of Luca and Marwan being comfortable in each other's company and also about the love they shared on screen (especially, i think, it begs to say, with them being men), talking happily about their characters, making playlists for them, recommending poems for them
A lot many actors now are open to these conversations, a lot of them now talk about it with nuance and care, with just the right words, and though it's in no way any less a contribution to the conversation, or any less genuine, but again, there is something to be said about the ease Luca shows.
Again, as I said before.. it feels safe, with him.
In a lot of his interviews, he doesn't bat an eye before saying things like - I was lucky to have him as my husband. And he means it, you can tell that by the smile on his face. When people are focusing on the movies' objective and the friendships in it, he easily goes and says it's not only the friendship, but also the love.
In another of his interviews, there was once this question about Roberta, about if he knew what was demanded from him and how he prepared for a transsexual character. I remember it because I was almost sure I'll be hearing some generic answer like I studied trans people for this role and this that blah blah, something ignorant, basically. I was braced for it. But he just said. (And he was talking in english, and all that he was trying to say was conveyed more through his face and gestures, it was super cute actually) - I read the script, and I just felt something. I didn't think about playing a transsexual, but a woman, with a friend. It was important for me to show the love she had for him. So. I just played a woman helping out a friend :)
And I was like ?? wait that's? That's all? You're not going to go deep into the character's psyche and the great moral upstanding you must be feeling for doing a role like this? You're not going to talk about how you "prepared" for this role or how it was "different" for you?
I was so used to people doing that, his simple answer took me by surprise.
and that's what's so refreshing, so comforting.
There's no hesitation in him, no prejudice or preconceived notions or activism, even, compelling his choices and words.
It's just him, plain and simple.
He's committed to his art in a way that people rarely are. Especially in media, where even big companies and huge hollywood stars often fail you.
I wish more people in this world were like him. So gently open in his ways, so effortless in his understanding and acceptance that it becomes intrinsic to him.
He's one of the few people, I would say, who are an artist not just by work, but also by nature.
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shmaroace · 9 months
As a fellow aroace, queer films without romance are *fucking hard to find*, but also some of my favourite (for obvious reasons), so here you have the two or three I can think of off the top of my head!
"Te estoy amando locamente": a very recent -as in from last month- Spanish movie about a gay boy discovering the drag scene and getting arrested via the Spanish dictatorship's "social danger" laws. No romance whatsoever, mostly trans characters, centered around his mom's journey into accepting him, and his friends' fight to get the Social Danger laws revoked.
"Pride": a British feel-good comedy about a group of LGBT+ activists who start raising money for a community of Welsh striking miners. There is a very cute established older gay couple, but their relationship is as much the center of the movie as Dai and his wife: it's just there as part of the tapestry of the movie. The main character has a nameless hookup as part of his coming to terms with his sexuality storyline, but there's way more emphasis given to his friendship with his lesbian best friend. A lot of found family, a lot of activism, laughs and tears. Based on a real story (for real, not Hollywood based on a real story).
"United in Anger": a documentary about the history of ACT UP, the famous activist group who fought for the rights of people with AIDS in the 80s. Made by some people who were there, based entirely on interviews to people who were there, it's entirely made available on youtube by the filmmakers. A must-see.
"Aos Nossos Filhos": I guess whether this qualifies as a queer movie is up to you: it's technically a story about motherhood and trauma. A middle aged Brazilian lady who was a political prisoner during the Brazilian dictatorship and now runs a charity for favelas children with AIDS gets told by her lesbian daughter that her and her girlfriend are trying for a baby via assisted reproductive technology; while at the same time a reporter starts interviewing her about his mother, who was the lady's jailmate. Extremely interesting and heartbreaking. The lesbian relationship features relatively heavily though as they try for a baby (also, trigger warning for aces, the very first scene is a very explicit sex scene between the two girls).
"Hedwig and the Angry Inch": an early 2000s off-Broadway musical turned movie about an East German gay boy who gets a gender change operation in order to marry a US soldier and move out of East Germany, and ends up touring the US with a shitty band trailing after a rockstar who stole her (?) songs. Impossible to explain, I'm not doing it justice. It's a very interesting exploration of gender as an identity and a performance, and of romantic love and the myth of the "other half" (in a good way).
"Kinky Boots": I know there's a movie, but I only know the musical. Silly feel-good comedy about a struggling shoe factory owner who gets tangled making heels for drag queens. There's a romance story, but it's between the shoe maker and one of the employees. It's been a long time, so I don't put my hand on the fire for the quality of the musical. It has some nice drag queen dances, though (there's a proshoot).
"Luciérnagas": a gay Iranian fleeing his country ends up stuck in a coastal city in Mexico. While he battles homesickness and the urge to go back to Turkey to his boyfriend (even if it's dangerous), he makes friends with his landlady, a young woman who teaches him Spanish, and a Salvadorian ex-gang member trying to cross the border to the US. I saw it a long time ago so I can't promise there will be no romance whatsoever, but it's clearly not the central conflict.
Well, I ended up with more than two, so I'm going to stop now. Hope you and anon like them!!
odd; it says this ask was sent sept 4 but i didn't see it until now. thanks for the recs! i'm assuming it was in response to this post
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smdevisp · 7 days
John emo explained!
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Finally I'm done with it. It's somewhat reference sheet for John.
Recently I posted this art, and it was referring to that particular AU.
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Some people wrote in their reblogs that he looks like emo XD it's really fun, but you can see on the reference that he is actually not emo.
Notes about the drawing:
I mostly use bright and vivid colors for drawings, but for that one I chose gray and messy colors to portray John dark and pessimistic person. I also put his tattoos as separate images (because I will use them as references lmao...)
I tried to give him gentle and innocent look, in contrast with his tricky personality and anger issues, and make him looks as silly as Mikoto. And maybe a little bit emo lmao (mom it's not a phase it's my life).
Notes about AU (not so important to read, just if you're interested):
In this AU John and Mikoto are different people, not alters, but they accidentally look similar despite being strangers.
The point of this AU is to make original characters more mysterious and violent, ofc trying to save their main idea and features, and this AU is made collectively, not by the only one person. I can say that we're making it with friends, just for fun and tickling our nerves :)
John here is almost the same level violent and blunt as in the original MILGRAM, protective for himself (not for Mikoto), and still doesn't have the real name (John is a pseudo that also originated from John Doe). He is 23 years old fashion designer, labelling himself as 'pansexual', in fact being gay only for cismen (for reasons).
Following information about him can be inappropriate for some audience and can be seen as disturbing, even though it doesn't contain graphic depictions. Just warning.
John is an amateur film maker who gets money from producing and selling mixtapes, disturbing content, snuff and etc. He tortures and kills people whom he sees as “bad”, and he thinks that it's normal behaviour to sue those who somehow avoid law (even though he is also a murderer and lawless evil).
He inherited some trails of Mikoto, like forcing himself to do things he doesn't want to deal with and forcing himself to push his limits. John tries to act like a 'standard' man who works as anyone else and has affairs with women even if he isn't actually into them, yet he just sleeps with anyone who seems attractive. His promiscuity is a result of sexual assault he experienced in earlier age. After that he can't get along with women, and as it was mentioned that John thinks of himself as of pansexual individual, but the reality is he doesn't feel anything for females, neither cis nor trans, and thinks that it's obligatory to have affairs and relationship with a woman to claim himself 'normal'. He doesn't hate women, he is just cautious about them.
All his activity is being uploaded to the Internet where he stays anonymous and hides his face and anything that can lead to his reveal. It resulted into addiction, when John seeks for people's attention and prefers them not to know how he looks in real life. It makes him think that they are fond of his personality, not of his body, and he is always excited to see followers that appreciate him and his content.
As if was mentioned, John has anger issues. He sparks with fury quickly and stays like that for hours, being unable to express his thoughts properly without using slurs and other abusive words. His aggression is mostly verbal.
This is not all the information about this particular AU and John, only some quick notes.
Also, bonuses for those, who has at least checked the full post🎉
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^ I made this just because I wanted John to comfort his child version after being abused. For some reason I like such images.
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^ I made this because it's pride month (I chose only few because I'm too lazy to do more... But feel free to ask to do a particular one.)
^^ In fact made this because John's face is awfully silly
Have a nice day (affectionately)
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alpaca-clouds · 10 months
Understanding Class Solidarity
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Prewriting this and putting it in a queue. Is Hollywood still striking?
Well, does not matter. Because I gotta talk about another important thing when it comes to leftist thought. Another thing that the capitalist system has kinda managed to very successfully distort. The concept of class solidarity.
See, no matter whether SAG AFTRA and WGA are still on strike when this is going up, the entire issue has shown this - though of course it also has kinda helped some more people to understand this, too.
Because the first reaction of many people upon those folks going on strike, was: "What are they complaining about? They are Hollywood! Hollywood is where the money is!" This was especially true for when the actors went on strike, because we kinda associate actors with being rich. Because we usually think of the likes of a Chris Hemthworth or a Scarlet Johanson, who get like millions per movie where they show up. But people obviously forget that most actors are in fact some random background faces, who barely scrape by. The big actors going on strike, too, is in fact a form of class solidarity.
See, capitalism has told us that the classes are like the middle class, the upper class and the lower classes. And, sure, yeah, those are kinda classes as well - and classism is very much based on this. On the economic standing of people and the marginalization of poor people is very much real.
You know what the entire marxist theory says about the classes?
Yeah, there are only two. There is the owning class and there is the working class. And it turns out, that even quite a few of those multimillion dollar actors are in fact still working class, as they do not own the companies in which they make their money. And yes, note, some do. There are a couple of big wing actors who do in fact own the production studios they work under. But this is not true for all or even for most.
And here is the thing: The difference between the owning class and the working class is, that the working class works and actually produces value, while the owning class profits off that generated value.
That is also why the saying goes: "Every profit is stolen wages." And this is true, no matter whether the worker makes 25k a year, 100k, 500k or 3m. If they are the worker, they are almost by necessity exploited. Just that some get exploited a ton more.
To keep it with the film studios, because it is a nice example to have.
Who really made it possible for like Avengers Endgame to bring in 2 billion bucks. Was it Bob Iger (or Bob Chapek)? Or was it like the directors, actors, costume makers, set makers, camera people, technicians, CGI creators and what not? Who really did generate that value?
And understanding that is the core to understanding class solidarity.
The system right now is very interested in people not realizing it. That we actually all do have more in common with other workers, than we have with the owning class. That if we just all went on strike, that the owning class would loose everything.
The average person with their 40k/year office job does have more in common both with the B-List actor, who might make a couple hundred thousand per movie, AND with the black trans 20 something homeless kid working at Starbucks while living on their frined's sofa.
Because all three of them do not own the fruits of their labor. All three of them have their life dictated by people who own whatever they are working for.
Class solidarity is to understand this and to stand side by side with everyone who is striking and fighting for their right to get treated fairly.
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himitsusentaiblog · 1 year
Japanese Media that Helped Me Come Out
Hey, I wanted to make a post about the shows and movies from Japan that really helped me come to terms with my identity and made me more comfortable with coming out (even if I had a few early aborted comings out before I had real support). Before I begin, a special shoutout has to be given to Ranma 1/2, the first anime I ever saw that involved gender changing content.
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I think one of the first foundationally important bits of media for me was Sailor Moon, the original animated series. Or more specifically season 5, Bishouji Senshi Sailor Moon Sailor Stars. This is a series I watched shortly after the episodes aired in four episode blocks at a time on rented VHS tapes from a local Japanese Electronics Store in Dallas, Texas. (R.I.P. Orbit Electronics).
For those not familiar with the series, this season introduces three major new heroic characters, the Sailor Starlights. In their civilian identities they are a boys idol group called The Three Lights and go by the names Seiya, Yaten and Taiki but in their heroic identities they are three women named Sailor Star Fighter, Sailor Star Healer and Sailor Star Maker.
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The idea of three women hiding themselves in the guise of men was so fascinating to me and spoke to something deep down inside of me. This may be the reason why Sailor Stars is the series I decided to purchase on Laserdisc back when it was coming out.
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The second major anime series from this time that was foundational for my exploration of who I am was 1997's Shoujo Kakumei Utena.
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This is a series all about defying societal expectations especially of gender roles and sexuality. It's an amazing if sometimes very couched in metaphor and symbolism coming of age story about a young woman who refuses to conform to her expected role and seeks to become a Prince to defend others. It also contains dialogue like this:
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Which, if you are familiar with Trans terminology just holds so much extra meaning. For those who do not know, trans people who have not come out yet are often referred to as eggs, as in they have not come out of their shell yet. Lastly is probably both the most obvious and most ridiculous entry here. the 1999 Rock and Roll, Zombie, Alien Invasion film Wild Zero. This is a movie about the rock band Guitar Wolf, their biggest fan Ace and a zombie apocalypse started by aliens (think Plan 9 from Outer Space but somehow even more wild and ridiculous and with an amazing soundtrack). In the movie, Ace meets and falls in love with a beautiful girl named Tobio.
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However, as Ace discovers, Tobio has a penis. This causes him to have a bit of a crisis until his idol, Guitar Wolf appears before him in a bathroom to bestow these words of wisdom upon him.
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So yeah, this movie helped me in some very strange ways when it came to accepting who I really am, even if it took YEARS for me to finally crack my shell for real and come out publicly. So, thanks for reading this and thanks for all of your support.
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rheallsim · 1 year
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Azure Keahi for @wrixie's "Jumping for Juniper" Bachelorette Challenge
Let me introduce Azure Keahi! 🏝️
Age: 23 y.o.
Pronouns: They/Them
Traits: Jealous, Maker, Vegetarian
Azure is a trans non-binary sim from Sulani. They're an only child, but they were the youngest by a couple years of all the other children living nearby, so they were constantly treated like a baby by friends and relatives. This lead to a bit of a tendency to over-achieve, rebel against authority, and try to prove to people that they're more grown up than they look.
[More under the cut!]
That being said, Azure is a bit of a quiet, old-soul. They're really into fixing up old things and engineering new furniture out of scraps they find around the island. They spend more time thinking and observing than they do talking, and love spending time outdoors in nature whenever they can.
They're a socialist anti-capitalist and have so far only worked odd jobs around the islands to supplement their family's rather meager income. One of their dreams is to live in a commune where its members help each other out and try to be as self-sufficient as possible. That may not be very feasible, but they live their life around the ethos of trying to consume as little as possible (and sticking it to 'The Man' whenever they can).
When it comes to love Azure is pretty inexperienced (never been kissed!), but they're impatient and eager to find their special someone and have so much love to give. They're very attracted to hard-working feminine sims, and love nothing more than sitting on the beach around a campfire talking about hopes and dreams for the future long into the night. <3
(They were assigned male at birth but take female hormones.)
Fun Facts:
Has had many burning crushes, but hasn't yet had the courage to act on them 😥
Their family has an ancient pet iguana named Humphrey that was treated like Azure's sibling growing up
They absolutely love anything with cherries in it 🍒
They're responsible for much of the "If it's called 'tourist season' why aren't we allowed to shoot them" graffiti hidden around Sulani 😅
Loves old-timey film noir and mystery movies (The Maltese Falcon is their absolute favourite movie of all time and they have a powerful crush on Peter Lorre 👀)
Still doesn't have their driver's license (not much call for it in Sulani, though they are pretty good at piloting boats of all kinds!)
Likes: Film noir/mystery movies, cherry-flavoured everything, grunge music and aesthetic, tinkering, thrifting, thunderstorms
Dislikes: being condescended to, pessimism, capitalism, cooking, littering, tourists, the colour pink, shopping
I tried my best to make them as CC-Free as possible! Wrixie, please feel free to dress them up or re-do them however you like to match your aesthetic/preferences. ^^ Also get in touch if you want more info or have any other questions. I'm so excited to see how this BC goes! <3
Here's a screenshot of their likes/dislikes and traits in-game:
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variousqueerthings · 5 months
things I've noticed while curating queer-centric film-lists
documentaries are so far outweighing my other lists, but I think that's also partially because I haven't done a deep dive in short films yet -- documentaries are also where you find the most trans people by far
comedy and tragedy are often the same genre
the Wachowskis are the most well-known genre film-makers who centre some form of queerness
very few movies about the over-50s and I hope more get made, because we need those across all ages!
horror is one of the most popular places to find queer themes, surprising nobody at all
there's a lot of movies from around the whole world that aren't in the english language, and I think we owe it to ourselves to try to get out of a limited Anglo-focus if our first language is English
loooot of movies about real people who were/are queer, some better and some worse, but I think they all say something, if only how the time/place/context in which it was made influences how it reads queerness in the text
lot of new films coming out, so much so that I'm not quite keeping up, but I'll get there
never seem to run out of films that I didn't know about before, there really is a wealth
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thebearme · 1 year
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just going to warn you that this is long
EDgar Joseph
6'9 ft
Pisces 23 Y/o 3/2/1985
Film college major (Jobs: Indie horror film maker, Animal caretaker)
Butter toast & Gravy (duh)
Alien Boy - Oliver Tree
Eight Wonder - Lemon Demon
Turn the lights off - TallyHall
- Arts & craft master
- Has a fursona
- Learned what a shower is
- He's still is a lil gross
- Ed changed his name to Ed so he can match with Eddy when he was 6
- Ed real name is: Bob Horace Joseph
- Lemon demon fan
- The one ed to be dating a Kankers (May)
- The oldest ed (he got left-back a year)
- Has yellow teeth becuz he didn't brush his teeth when he was younger
- Has a pet chicken from Rolf but it's at the barn, can't stay at the dorms :(
- Takes care of Rolf's animals ever so often, he loves when he can help
- Thinks of Dee like a mom figure
- Is on better ground with Sarah after BPS and once she realizes how awful their mom was to Ed
- Ed's the only person with yellow skin that because of all the gravy grease he eats
- Drop the violin to play all types of weird instruments instead
- LOVES crytids, FNAF lore and SCP
- Likes going to haunted places for fun
- Ed's drawings are now ten times more disturbing
- Draws on mspaint
- Ed is a food stealer
- Ed and Edd bond with the unexplainable wonders of the world (Deep sea creatures)
- Instead of getting a chewy necklace he just buys chew toys for dogs, they're cheaper and cooler
- Uses weird emojis: 🧟‍♂️🦷🧠🪳🌚
* Has a fractured skull
* Brain hurts fr when he thinks hard
* Frequently lost of balance = needs a cane
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EDDward (Double dee) Johnson
6'3 ft
Trans-Masc & Bi
Aquarius 22 Y/o 2/10/1986
Psychology major / Science engineering minor (Jobs: none, scholarships & grants are paying the tuition)
Tuna fish gumbo
The machine - Lemon Demon
American healthcare - Penelope Scott
I threw out love of my dreams - Weezer
Pretty rave girl
- It was hard for Dee to not pick every major
- Double dee got overwhelmed with the college choices he had so he just followed the eds in to Peach Creek's community college
- The OCD got worse when he got older so the eds made a compromise to help clean the dorm often
- Santa believer
- Has a Costco supply of everything
- He likes scene but doesn't tell the eds
- Can't flirt for his life
- Dee Prays everyday that God will forgive the eds sins
- insomniac
- Double dee is trying to find a Scientific explanation for why their tongues are still dyed by the jawbreakers for years now
- Double dee has to braid his hair back before going to bed or else it would be wild in the morning
- Dee is comfortable in his body, doesn't need a bind all the time
- If you don't let Dee to say big words he'll start speaking like a bimbo unironically
- The Light-skin
- Is a ferret
- He got therapy for the 'dodgeball incident'
- Still wears his hat always, even when the eds already know about the scar
- Still passionate about learning but is slowly being a burnt out gifted student
- Even though Eddy tends to distract Dee from studying, if Eddy left college Double dee would have dropped out with him. A least for a gap year(s)
- Dee is a hugger
- Double dee found out that there's a Chemical compound with in shrooms that lessen the psychological symptoms of OCD...
- Dee has shrooms
- Dee is not afraid to be the bitchy friend to make sure the eds don't get themselves into jail
- Willing to kill for Eddy
- A certified forklift driver
- Mothers Ed
- Writes large paragraphs in text and the small amount of emoticons he uses are: =] >:-( :-D
* Asthma
* Diabetic (genetic, from both parents) Wears a insulin pump
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Edwin (EDDY) McGee
5'3 ft
Puerto Rican (1/2 mother's side)
Italian American (1/2 father's side)
Aries 21 Y/o 3/24/1987
Undeclared major
(Jobs: whatever job he has that week)
Crafts mac n cheese
Soft Fuzzy Man - Lemon Demon
What's New Pussycat - Tom Jones
Lyin' Awake - Steam Powered Giraffe
Cuphead Rap - JT Music
- Eddy frankly doesn't know how he graduated high school
- Eddy loves old stuff (music, clothes, technology)
- Eddy likes underrated/unappreciated historical figures
- He can still be erratic sometimes and still haves trust issues
- Eddy does his nails
- Once he stopped wearing his brother's clothes he started finding his own style
- He is a FASHION KING, never seen in the same clothes often
- Drag queen
- Still doesn't understand personal space or the difference from complements and flirting
- Still a big sap
- Constantly sleeps in Dee bedroom instead of his own
- Insecure with his curly hair so he gel's it most of the time
- Weed smoker
- Once had the eds do a breaking bad
- Surprisingly nice legs
- Insomniac
- Eddy tends to have depressive episodes
- Occasionally goes to therapy, but keeps making light of his issues or dodging them completely
- Writes his name on his food so Ed won't steal it (It doesn't work)
- Was a Premature baby
- Eddy is actually really smart and can make things, he just doesn't have the foresight or the motivation
- Eddy has a pet mouse
- He's flexible and can do acrobatics
- Eddy is still a little narcissistic
* Has a stiff right wrist (has a wrist brace that he doesn't wear, prefers to just use he's left hand)
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johannestevans · 6 months
New works published, December ahead, and plans for the new year!
Good evening and happy December!
Here's the sign-up link to get these sorts of updates and lists directly into your inbox.
Happy second night of Hanukkah for anyone else celebrating, we lit our first candle last night and have also been doing a Hanukkah gift box with little bears and accessories, so we'll see if our first bear gets a yarmulke or something to wear tonight.
In the past month, I did go along to the Wakefield Makers Fair and it was a brilliant day, was lovely to speak to lots of other queer people in Wakefield and to chat around - I also did Honeypot comedy at the Room Above in Bristol for the first time, and it was a gorgeous night, super fun!
I am in the end stages of finalising my new apartment in Bradford, and once all the paperwork is done and I have my keys, I will be uploading pictures and videos as I move in and redecorate the place. The building went up toward the end of the 19th century, and while it was converted to apartments a lot more recently, only a few decades ago, I'll of course be decorating in more Victorian styles and with contemporary furnishings, and I'll be documenting my progress as I go.
In the meantime I've been wrestling with paperwork and the whole process whilst being technically homeless and going between partners' homes, so apologies for the delays and periods of quiet, work-wise!
I tend to be quite active in writing and publishing over the month of December because Christmas and the Gregorian new year aren't really my thing, so hopefully if you do spend a lot of time celebrating those or generally being offline, you'll be able to come back to a backlog when you've time to read again!
Speaking of, I have updated my commission guidelines, which are here pinned on my Tumblr page, and I'm in the process of editing and collating some short stories into collections at the moment. There'll be a few eBook and paperback collections of fantasy, horror, & romance short stories, and then depending on what I can do on Amazon, I'll also do some collections of erotica. I will not be able to post most monsterfucker stuff on Amazon because of Amazon's restrictions, but I will probably still do some eBooks and make them available on Smashwords and perhaps on Gumroad or Itch.io.
I will also resume podcasting in the new year too hopefully!
Relevant to restrictions, not everything I might want to write is always going to be permitted on Patreon in line with their own guidelines, so I have set up a SubscribeStar as a backup, and also to permit me to publish anything that might be too taboo for Patreon in future. I will be uploading my backlog of previous works and setting up a tiered system on SubscribeStar, hopefully while we're working on collating other stories together in the next month or so.
In the new year, I will of course be doing various markets and conventions, and if you'd like me to come and be part of any queer or trans events, or any writers' events, where you are in the UK, please do let me know! Definitely always feel free to recommend any events to me, whether they're cons or festivals, or local markets and events, or even stand-up comedy things - you can send me messages on whatever platforms, or my email is always [email protected]. As well as working on new paperback short story collections for the new year and the badges I already sell at events, I also want to work on some sticker designs and similar.
I was super happy this year to submit to a few publications and get accepted, and I do want to keep that up as we come into 2024, so recs for those would also be appreciated!
I'm going to do a list this month of my favourite films and new releases of 2023, but in the meantime, I would just like to recommend Down Low (2023, dir. Rightor Doyle) - it's such a bizarre and unexpected gay movie, horny in the best and most ridiculous of ways, and bittersweet at its end but in a way that really clicks.
December having come around also means there's new prompts on Trans Erotica! If you're trans and write erotica or erotic horror, romance, etc, come and submit!
November's Most Popular Works
November's Most Popular Non-Fiction: Close Reading: A Deep Dive into the Process
An in-depth guide into applying analysis to a piece of text and extrapolating meaning.
Read on Patreon / / Read on The Writing Cooperative
November's Most Popular Fiction: Confession and Penance
A priest takes a hands-on approach to addressing a worshiper’s poor working habits.
11k, cis M/M, rated E! Tiernan, a manipulative workaholic who only ever relaxes during Mass services, is taken aside by Father Mullen when it all gets to be a bit too much. D/s, BDSM-approach to enforcing self-care, spanking, painplay, bit of a priest kink but it doesn’t go into that aspect too much, faith. Also some anal.
Read on Patreon / / Read on Medium
New Works Published
Erotic short: Enhanced Parts
Bear goes home with a cybernetically enhanced butch.
NB/NB, rated E, 2k. Commissioned by Bear Blue. Featuring cybernetic enhancements, breeding kink, dirty talk, size difference, large insertions, objectification, humiliation, mild dub con, rough sex, struggling, some tears, implied overstim.
Read on Patreon / / Read on Medium / / Read on Tumblr / / Read on Ao3
Romance & Fantasy Short: The Arena Fighter
An arena brute enjoys one of the attendants.
3.5k, M/M. Nasty violent guys getting off on treating each other a bit roughly. Adapted from a TweetFic.
Read on Patreon / / Read on Medium
Our Flag Means Death Fanfiction: Repentance & Forgiveness
Held hostage by Blackbeard on the Queen Anne, Frenchie can't sleep.
Desperate to just get whatever he can away from crew of the Queen Anne's Revenge, he knocks on Izzy's door and invites himself in.
Slowly unfolding relationship between Frenchie and Izzy Hands, as well as an exploration of their relationships with Edward Teach and the rest of their crews, delving for Frenchie into what it means to really experience one's feelings, to get into touch with and truly grapple with the depths of one's worst experiences; and for Izzy and Ed, into what it means to transgress, to repent, and ultimately to be forgiven.
Read on Ao3
Erotic Short: Punishment
A man takes penance over the priest’s desk.
1.8k, rated E, M/M. Featuring spanking, mild anal play, power dynamics, of course the priest aspect, age difference. Tiernan Borel and Marshall Mullen first appeared in Confession and Penance. 
Read on Patreon / / Read on Medium
Romance Short: Sleeper Train
Romance short. Two boyfriends head up north on the sleeper train.
850 words, rated T, M/M. Short, sweet, romance and slice-of-life. Adapted from a TweetFic.
Read on Patreon / / Read in Prism & Pen
Erotic Short: Knight Tactics
An elf serves as a distraction and an exhaustion tactic for a bandit camp. By letting them fuck him.
3k, trans M/loads of cocks, assumed as cis M. Amaethon gets himself stuck in a wall so that the bandits will work out their stamina fucking him rather than fighting off the king’s guard.
Stuck in wall, free use, fully (and gleefully) consensual whilst pretending he isn’t, mild belly bulging and come inflation, gaping, exhaustion, messy and come-spattered, etc. All the fun stuff.
Read on Patreon / / Read on Trans Erotica / / Read on SubscribeStar
Read on Tumblr / / Read on Ao3 / / Read on HentaiFoundry
Erotic Short: Free Ride
An elf is given a free ride — not with a saddle, but under a centaur.
1.8k, rated E, cis M/trans M. Centaurs, belly riding, huge stomach deformation, huge penis, suspension, implied inflation, size difference.
Read on Patreon / / Read on Trans Erotica / / Read on SubscribeStar
Read on Tumblr / / Read on Ao3 / / Read on HentaiFoundry
Erotic Short: Snake Eggs
An elf lets a naga lay her clutch inside him.
2.5k, rated E, M/F. Amaethon helps out his friend Gitte, a naga, with laying this year’s clutch of eggs. Size difference and size kink, belly bulging, vaginal and anal penetration, paralysis from her venom, some banter, oviposition, inflation, impregnation.
Read on Patreon / / Read on Trans Erotica / / Read on SubscribeStar
Read on Tumblr / / Read on Ao3 / / Read on HentaiFoundry
Erotic Short: Mimic Studies
An elf experiences a mimic’s tentacles, and then a reward.
Rated E, 2.5k, trans M/a mimic. Featuring multiple tentacle penetration in one hole, vaginal sex, some mild objectification and dehumanisation, some academic silliness, object insertion, cervix penetration, belly bulging and stomach distension.
Read on Patreon / / Read on Trans Erotica / / Read on SubscribeStar
Read on Tumblr / / Read on Ao3
These last four stories - Knight Tactics, Free Ride, Snake Eggs, and Mimic Studies - are all ones I'm publishing for free everywhere as well as in the usual paid places.
I've been in the mood to do all this sort of weird and monsterfuckery and body horror-y erotica, so definitely feel free to send asks or requests for similar themes!
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wildzero1999 · 8 months
naarm babes show up !!
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Image ID:
Text across two images that reads:
Antifascist counter protest - Smash transphobia, fight for trans kids. 11am Saturday 21st October. Old Treasury Building, 20 Spring St, East Melbourne
Fascist and right-wing networks, who formed from denying the COVID-19 pandemic, are organising a transphobic protest targeting trans and queer young people and defending the 'right' of parents to be bigots. One lead organiser trained the Lad's society in martial art, a forerunner to the nazi NS. Young trans lives are precarious and generally not supported despite some gains we've won. We needto stifle the far-right's recruitment drive and fight for liberation across struggles.
Held on the stolen lands of the Wurundjeri people. The violent white cishet gender binary came with colonialism.
Wear a mask for COVID safety/anti-doxxing. Bring noise-makers. Do not film friends. Bring water/snacks. Don't talk to fascists/cops unless you have to.
Organised by: coalition of antifascists, trans and queer people. End ID
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