#trans people playing sports doesn't hurt you
skadi-gemini · 1 year
Cope harder about males in skirts not being welcome to invade women's sports. They're not entitled to a sports career just because they say so and stomp their man feet while claiming transphobia. Girl, get a damn grip. How about you transition into someone with a single solitary iota of fucking brain activity.
According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way a bee should be able to fly. Its wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground. The bee, of course, flies anyway because bees don't care what humans think is impossible. Yellow, black. Yellow, black. Yellow, black. Yellow, black. Ooh, black and yellow! Let's shake it up a little. Barry! Breakfast is ready! Ooming! Hang on a second. Hello? - Barry? - Adam? - Oan you believe this is happening? - I can't. I'll pick you up. Looking sharp. Use the stairs. Your father paid good money for those. Sorry. I'm excited. Here's the graduate. We're very proud of you, son. A perfect report card, all B's. Very proud. Ma! I got a thing going here. - You got lint on your fuzz. - Ow! That's me! - Wave to us! We'll be in row 118,000. - Bye! Barry, I told you, stop flying in the house! - Hey, Adam. - Hey, Barry. - Is that fuzz gel? - A little. Special day, graduation. Never thought I'd make it. Three days grade school, three days high school. Those were awkward. Three days college. I'm glad I took a day and hitchhiked around the hive. You did come back different. - Hi, Barry. - Artie, growing a mustache? Looks good. - Hear about Frankie? - Yeah. - You going to the funeral? - No, I'm not going. Everybody knows, sting someone, you die. Don't waste it on a squirrel. Such a hothead. I guess he could have just gotten out of the way. I love this incorporating an amusement park into our day. That's why we don't need vacations. Boy, quite a bit of pomp... under the circumstances. - Well, Adam, today we are men. - We are! - Bee-men. - Amen! Hallelujah! Students, faculty, distinguished bees, please welcome Dean Buzzwell. Welcome, New Hive Oity graduating class of... ...9:15. That concludes our ceremonies. And begins your career at Honex Industries! Will we pick ourjob today? I heard it's just orientation. Heads up! Here we go. Keep your hands and antennas inside the tram at all times. - Wonder what it'll be like? - A little scary. Welcome to Honex, a division of Honesco and a part of the Hexagon Group. This is it! Wow. Wow. We know that you, as a bee, have worked your whole life to get to the point where you can work for your whole life. Honey begins when our valiant Pollen Jocks bring the nectar to the hive. Our top-secret formula is automatically color-corrected, scent-adjusted and bubble-contoured into this soothing sweet syrup with its distinctive golden glow you know as... Honey! - That girl was hot. - She's my cousin! - She is? - Yes, we're all cousins. - Right. You're right. - At Honex, we constantly strive to improve every aspect of bee existence. These bees are stress-testing a new helmet technology. - What do you think he makes? - Not enough. Here we have our latest advancement, the Krelman. - What does that do? - Oatches that little strand of honey that hangs after you pour it. Saves us millions. Oan anyone work on the Krelman? Of course. Most bee jobs are small ones. But bees know that every small job, if it's done well, means a lot. But choose carefully because you'll stay in the job you pick for the rest of your life. The same job the rest of your life? I didn't know that. Wh
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natriae · 1 year
little headcanons for my babygirl since very few people write abt him 😭😭
Ushijima Wakatoshi
as someone who has family trauma and is autistic THIS MAN HAS BOTH OF THOSE
he's not stupid but definitely just a little slow at comprehension
He definitely started going to therapy in highschool but very limited people know that
HE'S A GREAT LISTENER (he's not every good at advice but he will remember somehting his therapist said and share that)
He gets nervous on trains cuz he doesnt want to make any of them women uncomfortable, and he will make it his duty to protect all the women on the train
in addition to the last one when its late at night he tries to seem less intimidating so people aren't scared of him like one time he was in the USA for a game and him an kags went out for a drink and he saw some girls whispering and speeding up so naturally he freaked out and in broken english tried to tell them "i wont hurt you"
he's honestly a little teddy bear
he gives rlly good hugs without knowing it
Bf! Wakatoshi makes it very clear to you that you are the only one for him and literally doesn't get the hint when another girl is flirting with him
he's a rlly good dad!!! gives his sons dolls and kitchen supplies to play with cuz he want his sons to know that it doesnt make them less masculine
idk why but i have a strong feeling he has a daughter who transitions (who also plays volleyball) he's an advid supporter of trans rights especially in sports
speaking of the LGBTQ+ community after tendou went to france he began telling Wakatoshi abt all the people he met and it took waka a bit of time to understand the LGBTQ+ community but from the start he always liked that they supported loving who ever you want (that is very important to him)
when he first got into a relationship he was rlly worried he wouldn't be enough (oh how he was wrong 🥲🥲)
he definitely will call out of practice if he notices even the smallest difference in you. you smiled 0.6 seconds less then you did the day before he's calling rn. You said the day felt off well it won't anymore cuz wakatoshi is on his way home. You had a bad day at work, well wakatoshi already planned a picnic for tmr (he just loves you so much)
yall met cuz he accidentally bumped into you...twice but you were lowkey mad at him cuz he never apologized but once he got more comfortable with you he explained that he was rlly nervous and literally got on the floor to apologize
one time you told him he was being to rude and standoffish to hinata and he genuinely didnt realize and and texted him to apologize..hinata was also confused but wakatoshi confirmed his suspisions when he texted that his wife told him
some little headcanons for now ant my babyboy
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dyedcomrade · 1 year
Miguel O'Hara x trans male s/o
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you can ask him to help with your t-shots. he will agree to be the one giving them to you - for example if you have a fear of needles. you can take your shots together as well, he would be thrilled to share such an intimate moment with you. your trust and opening up about this means a lot to him.
if you don't take any hormones and/or haven't had gender reassignment surgery he doesn't think of you as less of a man. if you told him your preferred pronouns and name, or if he already knew, he is not questioning it a tiny bit. besides, it's 2099, people are opening portals to other dimensions and science probably debunked all anti-trans 'arguments', so the people are naturally supportive.
if you are not from his dimension, you will be the only exception to his multiverse rules, and he will have made those devices into nice jewellery or other accessories so you won't experience glitching + it's a more fashionable way of wearing them.
if you are a spiderman as well, you two can figure out a suit that you feel comfortable wearing and which gives you more gender euphoria. if you don't like the idea of a skin-tight spandex, he suggests using holograms to cover up - as extra clothing could just tear or things can get caught in it, worst case you get hurt because of an accident like this.
in this scenario he makes sure you two routinely visit your dimension, after all they need a spiderman too.
he is making am exception in enforcing your canon event. he probably won't ask about it, to not get anxious about the what ifs - if it hasn't happened yet, or if you prevented it. he just hopes for the best and knows that if all else fails, his universe is there for you.
he takes you to sports events and you play in your free time. he wants you to feel gender euphoria and this is the first idea that pops into his mind - things he also enjoyed growing up and where he found friends and community.
not that he hasn't got some dating experience on him, but so far it was never with a man and he contemplates on introducing you to 'the guys'. - he definitely has some people from university or work, or maybe from the spider-society he goes out with sometimes. he doesn't want you to feel alienated or dysphoric because of this, so he decides he won't give no mind to what other's might say. turns out they are pretty chill about someone bringing their partner to the group and it starts a trend.
on nights like this you two are probably the first to leave, as he has a lot of work to do and is very tired. doesn't mean that while he has the energy, you two won't be the chaotic duo of the band. mostly you, as Miguel is occupied with documenting everything to show you the next morning.
he is very grateful for you. he doesn't open up to a lot of people and after what happened to his family he toughg he could never be vulnerable with someone ever.
occasionally he brings up the topic of family, which is a bittersweet one for him. he definitely doesn't want to start a new one, but he likes to dream about a domestic life. he knows it may cause dysphoria for you, and thinks it would be the best to stop longing for something he will never have. a lot of times these conversations ended with him grieving his daughter and you trying to soothe him. if you are alright with it, he definitely wants to do charity work with kids.
the closest thing you ever got was adopting stray animals and you jokingly mentioning a radioactive spider farm, which really got him thinking about the exact structure of it. - he could create spidermen in dimensions that lack one!
if someone ever misgenders or isnults you, he probably won't know what to say to such blatant bullshit at first. totally live-miguel reaction face. after that, he just guides you away from them, maybe shoots a non-laser web on their mouth to shut them up, that he keeps with him only for this reason.
he saw spider-people wearing eachother's clothes and a bunch of different stuff, like pink robes, so he decides he wants to feel closer to his co-spiders by joining in - and prefering you do it too. it's totally not just an excuse to see you in a cute lab-coat, that's probably his and too big for you, or a hoodie he let you borrow. he just wants to make a fashion statement. one that shouts: "this person right here, is mine."
others won't really notice it in the vast sea of diverse spider-people, only the ones that work with him all the time. they probably have remarks about how h e is breaking all the rules he enforced, but to be honest, noone kept them either way, they were just sneaky about it. in the end, they like to see how their boss isn't perfect either.
Miguel wants to support you in everything you do. trying a new hobby? studying? art? he probably will fund it, and with his connections, though not unetically, will make you opportunities in any field you choose to pursue in your civil life. as spiderman you won't need anything more than the mask, and maybe him intentionally letting the press take some shots of you two. like if you're an artist, but as spiderman, you will probably become more of a celebrity.
on training days he likes to have friendly competitions with you. even if you are significantly weaker than him. his goal is to push you to the edge and help you become stronger.
he leans towards the meal-prep, protein shakes and pre-workout lifestyle, but that's only 70% of the time. he really enjoys things considered 'junk' food and just eating at restaurants with friends. tough after the pre-workouts hit, he stays up doing work, while you try to sleep away the fatigue of a trainig-session.
he wants to train you at martial arts, but finds you someone in your own lane. he thinks it'd be no fun for you to go against him with his physique, but checks in every time, to see how much you've improved.
he likes to live a generally low maintenance day-to-day life after all the guilt he has from being rich while there are people under the poverty-line. if you are middle-class or lower, he genuenly is amazed by some things you grew up with being normal, but he will want to adapt as not to make you feel bad about this gap.
of course he still has his luxury apartment and money, but he donates to charity more and tries to improve the life of the residents of Nueva-York. it's not clear whether or not it was you who induced this change in him. he feels full of life again and just a little bit more positive about humanity.
he wants to have a life and build a home with you. is thrilled if you too are involved in bettering his city's life, but ultimately the only thing that really matters is you two being each other's rocks.
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kawaiichibiart · 1 month
can i get ur hcs for mizuki's transistion and their struggles w/ it... im also nb and i love their story and i rly wanna see ur pov on it <33 :3 hamster face BLEEHH!!!
Yeah, I can go into my HCs for Mizuki's transition and the struggles they faced. (also let it be known as a Global player, I don't know everything about Mizuki or what has already been confirmed about their gender and/or relationship with her parents, nor can I really speak about being trans and how coming out or trying to suppress your gender identity can affect you, remember this is all my HC ^_^)
A tldr for anyone who doesn't want to read everything: Mizuki's transfemme nonbinary. When she was younger, she didn't see the things she liked as signs she was a girl, and was even encouraged to enjoy them. However, due to issues she faced in school, they began to suppress that side of them, and even tried to convince themselves that they were a boy. It was only after she ranted to Rui, her only friend in middle school, that he asked her about being trans. She did a lot of research and came out to her family, who signed her up to Kamiyama Highschool as a female student. Mizuki still struggles with her gender identity, mostly when people ask about it and push her for an answer. She eventually finds new friends and meets people, who like her, don't identify with their birth gender. And as time passed and she meets more people, she finally finds herself in a place where, maybe, just maybe, they can come out. And they do, not to everyone (though eventually they do find out, minus Rui who already knew, but we aren't counting him), but to one person: her girlfriend.
Starting off, I HC Mizuki as mtf/transfemme nonbinary. She mainly uses she/they pronouns and will later on experiment with more and use multiple, but she/they is your best bet if you've just met.
They always had a passion for cute things, if asked as kid, she'd say pastel pink was her favorite color. They loved watching their mom and sister dress up and make themselves look pretty. And she wanted to experience that. She even had them style her hair to be like theirs, and used Yuuki's clips and bracelets. It was fun and neither minded when she joined in. Their dad would even smile whenever she showed off the way her mom painted her nails or the jewelry Yuuki let them borrow.
She didn't think she was doing anything wrong until kids in their school began talking about it and avoiding them. Whispers about how she was a weirdo for liking girly things. What was she? A girl? "You can't be a girl, you're a boy, dummy!" And these kids eventually began to talk to their parents, and their parents sent in complaints. And before long, Mizuki had to stop coming to school with the things that made her happy.
But that did nothing. Kids still avoided her. The few who tried to play with them or talk with them, were pulled away, because they couldn't risk catching any weirdo germs from Mizuki. They wanted friends, right? Hanging out with her wouldn't make them friends.
And yes, there were some kids who didn't care. Who still spoke and hung out with them. But every year, they left. She'd see them the following year and they didn't talk to her. And it hurt. It hurt so much.
At one point, they began to wake up and try to reaffirm that they were, in fact, a boy. That one day, they'll wake up and be happy as their parents son and sister's brother. That she'll stop liking cute things and pastels and makeup and start liking things like working out, playing sports, darker and/or neutral colors. That she's just holding onto a phase. She stops borrowing her sister's jewelry. She stops asking her mom to make her look as pretty as she looks.
But she can't stop thinking about how uncomfortable she is. How she hates being called a boy. How being called "young man" makes her feel sick. They want nothing more than to wear the female uniform. That she could enjoy what she enjoyed without being judged for it.
Was it so wrong for her to like what she liked? To feel the way she did?
It's why meeting and befriending Rui was so important to them. Why their one year apart finalized the decision they were going to take.
Rui was the first person to connect with Mizuki in a way that others didn't. He was an outcast, much like she was. People thought he was weird and that his shows would bring more harm than good. And, okay, she can see why they'd be concerned, but surely Rui would listen to their concerns and be willing to make changed to ensure they were safe, right?
She could talk to Rui, he didn't judge her. He didn't tell her to stop whining, to stop crying. He listened day after day, until he asked the question:
Have you ever considered that you're trans?
No. No, she hadn't. Didn't everyone feel that way? Like they didn't belong in their bodies or that what they liked affected their gender? Pastels and makeup and clothing design are all, well, girly things, right?
Again, no. Rui loves makeup. He loves dressing up. He keeps his hair longer than most other boys because he likes how pretty he looks. But he never felt like a girl. He always felt like a boy. He just didn't like to be put into a mold. Gender non-conforming, as he puts it.
Could she be that? She could, but he can't really see her using that label. Not because of it's meaning, but because of what she's doing. Suppressing her real identity but trying to be the boy she never was. And, should she ever decide to embrace who she is, she likely won't want to use it and prefer being referred to as a feminine. He could be wrong, and he tells them that labels aren't necessary. That they can try them on, change them, and try them on again. But ultimately, it was her choice.
And she made her choice. She listened to her friend, who was off to highschool. She read and researched everything she could about being transgender. She listened to podcast, watched videos about transitioning.
If she cried as she struggled to come out to her parents, and later on her sister, well, no one had to know.
While it was too late to change things at her current school, she was immediately signed up as a girl in Kamiyama. When their uniform arrived, she tried it on immediately and felt their smile before they saw it. She was just, so happy.
That last remaining year was hard. She began to grow out her hair, she ignored the comments she got about it. She began to slowly incorporate the things she liked in her wardrobe again. She started designing again. And when she was gifted her first mannequin and sewing machine, she began to make her own clothes. Add things to her current clothing.
And then, her first year of highschool began. She felt nervous but overall, it was nice. She thinks maybe she can make friends with a girl named An. It'd be nice to have a friend outside of Nightcord, well, if they were even friends (she hopes they were friends). It was a pleasant surprise to see Rui was attending Kamikou. She thought he went to a different one (she's not sure if him being expelled is true or just a rumor).
But, some things didn't change. She still got comments about her appearance. About why they chose to wear what they wear. About why they didn't look like the other girls did. One person even motioned to their chest when they asked, which made her uncomfortable and desperate to leave. People pried and tried to get them to answer. And it became too much.
So, they began to cut class, some days they never even went to school. Her parents were concerned but they knew that things wouldn't be easy. That what Mizuki was going through would be difficult and face several hurdles, even after she fully transitioned. They would still get comments and they would get to her. So they laid off her skipping school. So long as she didn't fall behind, if she needed a day off, she could have a day off. If she needed either of them with her, they'll call off work. They just wanted her to be okay. To be happy. If it came down to it, they would pull her out of Kamiyama Highschool and enroll her into an online class.
Mizuki does, eventually, go back to Kamikou and is treated to the sight of one An Shiraishi digging into the students who had invaded her privacy, even while she was away. She watched and listened as her classmate tore into the boys and girls until a teacher stepped in. She blinked back her tears and thanked An out loud, laughing a bit when the other girl jumped and turned around to face her ("It was nothing!! I hate people like them, nosy and in everyone's business.").
An began to spend more time with her after that. Rui also spoke to her once he found the time, asking if she was alright, how she's been since he last saw her.
While her parents were the first she came out to, Rui was the first person to know. He just knew and it was very evident by the changes in her appearance. He's happy for her.
He admitted not knowing what to do when she was being questioned the way she was. He was still considered a weirdo, but at least he wasn't alone in that anymore. A boy in his year had asked him to join his theater troupe and he had accepted ("I think you should meet Nene and Tsukasa-kun, actually. They understand your situation and would be willing to listen! Tsukasa-kun can even introduce you to Aoyagi-kun, who would also be willing to talk.").
She did, eventually, meet the three.
First, was Nene. Rui's neighbor and childhood friend. A shy girl but nice once you got to know her. While Mizuki wasn't sure how to begin, Nene let her know she didn't have to say anything yet. Coming out was hard. Rui had been vague when talking about their problems. He only mentioned that she was a bit like her. And she could only guess it had to be something queer. And she wasn't going to make them say anything until they were ready. Something Mizuki was grateful for. And she told Nene that she didn't have to say anything, but Nene insisted. She wouldn't have offered to tell her if she wasn't actually ready to say anything.
She's a demigirl. For years, being a girl felt right and wrong. A part of her was girl. But that's it. Just a part. A small part as well. Another part of her felt like a boy at times, but the biggest part felt neutral. Like she didn't even have a gender. She tried different labels in the past (nonbinary, gender fluid, gender queer, trans, etc.). But demigirl felt right and like it aligned with how she identified. If and/or when Mizuki felt ready, she was ready to listen. And Mizuki does open up, not about her gender, but about her interest in girls, something Nene is also able to talk about.
She meets Tsukasa and Toya together. It's an... interesting dynamic, to say the least. They don't know who to talk to first, how to even approach the subject, when Toya speaks up ("Kamishiro Senpai said you wanted to speak with us. He didn't say why or what about, but would it help if I knew already?").
He knew already? Turns out Nene is his classmate. Unlike Nene, who was a bit more open about her gender, Toya was a bit more reserved. Not enough that he wouldn't tell her, but enough that he wouldn't get into details. He was also demigendered. It's one thing he and Nene bond over. He's a demiboy to be specific. Feels only partially like a boy, mainly neutral. Mizuki is one of the few to know (if she heard Tsukasa grumble about...Har...Haru...Hari....Haribo??? what did gummy candy have to with anything?). She promised not to tell anyone.
She then turned to Tsukasa and asked if he minded telling her about his own identity and the labels he used. And he surprised her the most when he admitted to not using any. He didn't see the need to use them. If someone wanted to be with him, they had to accept who he was. His sister is like him in that regard. Neither of them care about labels, just about how people treat them. To them, clothes are clothes. Anyone can wear makeup. His sister, Saki, enjoyed being called handsome and young man, but she didn't label herself as anything that would indicate she was a boy, because she wanted to be known as Saki first and foremost. He loved dresses and gowns and owned several crowns and tiaras, but he wasn't identifying himself as anything other than his name and as a "WORLD FUTURE STAR!!"
Next to Rui and An, Tsukasa is the one Mizuki turns to the most. Rui has known for years, even before she acknowledge it. He was the safest person to talk to. While An didn't know, she was proving to be a good friend, listening as she ranted about whatever annoyed her and offering comfort whenever their classmates words stung. But Tsukasa was different in the fact he didn't care. It wasn't a big deal to him. She liked girls? Cool, his sister is dating her childhood friend, who is also a girl, and he's happy for the two. He admits to being somewhat interested in Rui (Oooooohhh~ "DON'T SAY ANYTHING TO HIM!") Sometimes Mizuki asked him about how he got to where he was. She didn't say outloud, but she wondered if he also went through something like she did. And in a way, he did. But where she has struggled to accept herself and tried to force herself into a mold she couldn't fit, he just, didn't have anyone. His sister as in the hospital and his parents spent most of their time either working or with her. He didn't have anyone to talk about it with. He was loud and obnoxious, surely she's heard the rumors going around ("Yeah, when are you and Rui blowing up the school again, I wanna ditch that day, thanks!")? He didn't really have friends until now, and the very, very, few he did, he didn't really see. Toya knows because he's his brother ("SINCE WHEN?!"), but beyond that? No one found out until very recently. And he's not ashamed about, and she shouldn't either. Like everyone else, he'll wait for her. And she honestly didn't think she would ever tell anyone other than Rui, and maybe An, sooner rather than later, but Tsukasa might be up there...("It's the older brother thing. He feels safe and comfortable," Toya would later tell her. Huh, she never saw it like that, but yeah, it did kinda feel like when her sister was home, like she was safe and cared for.)
And later on, months later after helping Mafuyu, both in terms that of saving them and helping them accept their own gender identity, she sits in her room and thinks about everything.
An, who jumped in to defend her whenever she could.
Nene and Toya, who were almost two sides of the same coin and opened up to her first without wanting or making her do the same.
Akito, who got into a fight because he heard people talking badly about them.
Tsukasa, who listened and offered his own experiences, somehow being the one she can relate to the most, despite how different they were in terms of experiences.
Kanade, who liked her for her and didn't ask her things.
Mafuyu, who became the first person Mizuki gave the advice once given to her. The first person she was able to help in terms of gender identity.
Rui, the person who was first to help her. To help her realize what she had been forcing away, hiding from sight. The person who she still thanked for being her first real friend.
Ena. Ena, whom she loves and began loving more when she said she would wait for them. No matter how long she took, no matter how much time passed by. She would wait. She would wait for Mizuki and be ready. She wasn't going to push her. She didn't care if it took months or years. She would wait for her.
After months of knowing her friends, finding things out about them, seeing them come out and be accepted, after finally, FINALLY, feeling safe enough to open up, that they decide it was time.
She was ready. They could do this. She could tell them. They've shown her they cared. They would never share anything she didn't feel comfortable with, what they did share was kept vague and open. They didn't mention her name unless they were talking to someone who already had an idea (aka someone in the friend group).
She sent the message before she could back down.
It was finally time to talk with Ena.
Some bullet notes:
I want Mizuki's parents to be accepting of who they are. I want them to see their daughter struggling and be okay with them skipping school. To see their child needs help and are willing to give them that help.
I think that, had they not forced themself into a mold, she wouldn't have gotten dysphoria. At least not bad dysphoria. But because she pushed herself into being a boy, it got worse and worse.
The sad thing about Mizuki's classmates when she was a kid, was that a good chunk of them also wanted to wear pretty things to school, but when their parents found out Mizuki was a "boy" they sent in complaints. They felt like she was "tainting" their kids. And they forbade their children from speaking with her. It didn't matter if she was a child, it was "unnatural for a young boy to mese around with things for little girls. Best have him learn not to use that stuff or else he'll become...one of them." And what's even worse is that many of them got into their kids heads, ultimately leaving Mizuki friendless until they met Rui in middle school and later on Nightcord, and An in highschool.
I honestly feel that Tsukasa would be the one Mizuki relates to the most in terms of their gender identities. Not because they're the same, but because they genuinely understand each other. Neither of them had friends until they met Rui and their respective group members. Both were seen as annoying and as someone you didn't want to be around. The first people they came out to were their families. Mizuki had a bit more time helping her family adjust and learn, while Tsukasa's family was still learning. And, as Toya mentioned, and later on Kanade (which she still doesn't get how that happened, it doesn't help that Kanade insists the Tenmas found her wandering in the park and decided to keep her, but whatever, she knows it was probably something else), it was the big brother thing. He feels safe, and that's enough to make Mizuki feel comfortable confiding in him.
Rui knowing Mizuki was trans before they knew is a nod to my headcanon of Mizuki knowing they liked Tsukasa before he knew (and Tsukasa confirming he liked Rui didn't exactly help, because she couldn't just tell him, she tried once, pointing out how close they were and Rui kept saying Tsukasa had to have meant it as friends, MEIKO save her...)
Mizuki does come out as transfemme nonbinary. Her parents do well to help her adjust when they do. It takes a while before they and her sister can remember her pronouns and name. But they make effort and will start over if they accidentally refer to her by their birth name or by masculine pronouns and/or terms.
Mizuki crying while she comes out is something that comes out of a combination of fear and feeling like a disappointment. They're afraid that not only will her parents reject her, but that they will hate them for taking their son away. Same goes for her sister. She thought she'd hate them for taking away her little brother. It wasn't just ugly crying, she was trembling and having a near panic attack while she tried to come out. She was apologizing over and over, even after being reassured that they still loved them. That being Mizuki and not her old name was okay. They didn't hate her. That they were so proud of her telling them, and how they would have waited for her to be ready, if she had needed more time.
↑ this is mainly the reason why Mizuki didn't come out when Nene, Toya and Tsukasa did. While she wanted to someday, she didn't want to experience that again. To feel like she was ready just to burst into tears and struggle to breath as she told them. It was one of the first things her parents made them promise. That if they thought they were ready but not actually, they would wait until they were in a place where they mentally and emotionally could handle it. Yes, her self identity is important, but it's not worth her health if coming out causes her to feel so, well, afraid.
All of Mizuki's friends will jump in to defend them. Both in class and out. It's what made the decision to come out to them so easy in the end.
Mizuki did consider coming out to everyone at once, but decided last minute there was one person she wanted to tell in person. Only one person. And that was Ena. And yes, she did cry when she did. Yes, it was ugly and the feeling of possibly being rejected, losing the love of their life, hurt. But like her parents, like Yuuki, Ena reassured her. Reminded them that she loves them. That she would always, always, wait for her. She loves her. She loves them. She loves them, she loves them, she loves her.
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rapunzelforlorn · 7 months
I made my friend watch heartstopper and I got his reactions for you to all enjoy
Ep 1
Fuck Ben!
Elle actually trans?
Rugby bros nice & accepting
Charlie is him
Is ig the main communication method?
Does "x" mean more than kisses?
Ep 2
Charlie is just so supportive
Ben gives the ick
Let people have crushes
Why do school dynamics in shows never feel like they do in real life?
Tori's an odd one
Upset we got robbed Charlie getting his haircut and stressing too the barber
Nellie's barks fake??
What friends play in the snow like this?
Nick's mom read him like a book
Rocketman can't play drums lol
Loving the comic effects
Tori is SO weird
Floor person confirmed bi
Ep 3
Nick going through the queer rabbit hole, fuck that's depressing 😔
Do we like Imogen?
Feel bad for Tao 😔
What's with the sequined clothes?
Tao's a bit dramatic
Fuck Harry
Fuck Ben again!!
Good on Charlie standing up to him
Tao IS dramatic
Imogen is a bit much but not bad?
Who throws parties like this??
Is this a hotel?
The sneaker squeak breaking the silence
God I miss this nervous tension
Nick absolute Golden retriever
A boy, talking about his feelings?!?!
Nick never got that jumper
Imogen is too much lol still not sure if we like her
Tao & Elle?
Does this art teacher have a name??
Mr. Arjiya?
Gay people sport
I really want one of these rugby boys to step and be supportive of Charlie being on this team
Imogen...kinda annoying
Ally 🤣
Tao🤜vs🤛Nick 🙈
Harry's a twat
Nick looking genuinely upset about being "friends"
There's nothing wrong with worrying about your teammate¡!!!!
Nick being ambushed, not cool
Not sure Imogen is bad, annoying yes, but doesn't know better
Fuck monopoly
Not Imogen's dog 😭😭😭
Nick's so conflicted and it hurts
Saturday came so fast??
Tao's hair flaps gets me everytime
Wait...what about imogen???
Tao's overprotective, heart in the right place
Not the strongly worded DM 😭
Tao quick to judge
Tao & Elle 😏
Imogen, good friend?
Nick has good taste in pirate movies
PotC confirmed Bi movie
Bi panic
Friends to lovers pipeline
Why does it always happen in band rooms?
Girl, with very queer haircut - "never would've guessed you were gay"
The ice cream truck song?
Anti-homiphobia cheese
Picnic bants
Shout out to this vlogger
Tara is SUCH a good friend
Such a supportive group
Charlie's excitement for the official date!!
What is this magical milkshake shop???
Where do they get date money?
Tao being oblivious 😐
A concert after all that dairy?!?!
Nick saying he might be bisexual and then saying I'm not sure feels very bixeual
Poor Tara
Tao having the longest legs and being the slowest runner
The subtle carhart on Nick's coat 😂
Why is Tori so weird??
Charlie needs to work on standing up for himself
Rugby lad 😂
Sweet popcorn 🤢
Harry needs to piss off
Ben's a fucking creep AND a pos
Nick standing up to Harry, mint
Nick's mom know? Motherly intuition?
I really need Charlie to stand up for himself, love that he has people in his corner but I need him to step up
The "s" word
Art teacher complaining about crumbs like the counters & cabinets aren't stained with paint
Tao 😔
Elle's fits tho
Tao holding his own against Harry 👀
Tao & Charlie 😭😭
Ep 8
Harry's a twat, Tori confirmed
Tori still weird but good sister
Issac has been unbothered and in his lane all season, we stan
Don't you have to fill out papers to quit a team?
Nick & Tao bonding
Tao is good friend
Seeing the "typing..." appear & disappear is such a relatable agony
Elle is her
Why don't we have a sports day?
What's the point of all girls/boys school if they're seemingly right next to each other and constantly intermingling
Charlie & Tao hugging it out 🥺
Kinda want more Issac
Tao & Elle 👀👀👀👀
Kith? No kith 😖
The principle over the intercom 🤣
Nick & Charlie locking eyes in the rugby match
The walk off!!!!!
Issac still unbothered and in his book lmao
"I believe you" 😭💜😭💜
Seagulls do not mean beach but okay
Proper date antics 💜💜
The beach is all rocks?
"In a romantic way, not just a friend way" 🤣
And they were boyfriends
We love a supportive mum
Ending with a montage, love to see it
All in all I think he formed the correct opinions but don't worry I WILL be educating him about baby angel Tori and solitare.
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Heyy i have a question for you bro. First of all i love your posts, it's so encouraging and makes me feel genuely better abt myself. My question is how do i make up for a boyhood i never had? I'm 18 and transitioning isn't available to me, my country is extremely homophobic and id simply need someone to tell me my chest doesn't make me a girl etc but i don't know any queer folks irl and it feels like im missing out
Thank you for contacting the Male Distribution System Bark Line. Remember: Mens bodies come in many shapes, sizes, colors, and heights. Being unconventional does not detract from your validity. Your message is in the queue...
hey man whats good!
This is something I've been doing/thinking about for years, and honestly I'm not sure how applicable my advice is, but i'll still try :^)
I grew up real sheltered and closed away from the world, there's a lot that I never got the chance to experience or be taught that I've had to make up for. I'll ask ya, What weren't you allowed to do due to your socialization/upbringing? for me the answers are: Tackle football, watching star wars, playing with "boy toys" from fast food meals, walking around shirtless, wearing "simple" clothes, stuff like that.
Dont be afraid to derive gender euphoria from shit thats uselessly gendered. I still use Old Spice deoderant because it was Boy Deoderant and i really liked the way it smelled when i was 17 lol. Buy "mens" body wash, use "mens" razors, stuff like that! (In america all these things are less than 10$ so im very sorry if thats bad advice for you)
My answer for experiencing boyhood is: Let yourself be free in all the ways you wish you could have at that age. Collect monster trucks, build lego sets, watch wrestling or mma or boxing or [insert overwhelmingly male-dominated physical sport here], engage with hobbies that are male-dominated and feel good about talking to other men online who participate too.
honestly on that note, make a social media account divorced from any of your other ones with no indicators whatsoever that you're trans, just say you're a man (if you specify at all) and interact with dudes anonymously, kinda like you did me here. It's such a quiet and hidden thing to do, but when i was in highschool (14-17 years old for me) it was one of the most validating things i did for myself. I was just one of the guys, because i literally am.
But also, that boy needs to cry. I'm serious, let him scream and be angry and punch things, let him be sad and ask "why couldnt i have this before?". That little boy inside you could use the aknowledgement.
Also hey, i know you dont got no IRL queer folks to say it to you, so i will: having a chest dont make you any less of a man. Wearing a binder hurts my back, badly. So i stopped wearing them and havent worn a binder in a few years now. I still correct people to tell them im a dude. I just let them hang about freely. I'm just a dude with a chest, and i make people deal with seeing that. Even if you can't go around correcting people and shit, i want you to know it in your heart. Dudes have chests sometimes. Not even just trans dudes! Cis dudes get gynecomastia at varying (but usually a bit older) ages and have to get surgery too. Hell, even those gymrats addicted to roids get tit fat that need to be removed. They're all still men, and so are you. I dont care what it looks like, you're still a man.
I'm sorry if this wasn't quite what you was looking for, but i hope you know you're a brother to us all, and like any brother would, i hope you get what you're looking for out of your life. You deserve it.
Be easy, now ☆
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This is my grand introduction
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I go by Kiera, although I'll also respond to Ghost or River, as those have been my internet or IRL nicknames for well over a decade at this point. I use she/her pronouns and I'm a 23-year-old white cisgender lesbian based out of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (aka the greatest city in the world, and I will hear no arguments to the contrary. My chronically offline fiancée is referred to here as "Mrs. Kiera" to protect her privacy.
I currently work in the tabletop role-playing game content and design space, but this is a stopgap before I go to law school to become a professional sports agent. Other industries in which I've worked or interned include music journalism, technical theatre, public school teaching, behavioral ecology, and literary criticism. My favorite thing is to hop from one dying field to another.
I'm pretty openly bipolar. Despite being on a good treatment plan, I still suffer from routine changes to my mood that impact my daily life. I'm happy to answer questions about my experience with BP2 or other health concerns if asked politely.
At this point, I'm not really in a fandom space. This is just the site where I scream into the void (and occasionally the void answers back). If you do associate me with a fandom, it's probably either Stranger Things or Scream. Like most people, I suffer from a few minor curses: I'm always in the worst line at the grocery store, technology likes to break around me, and I ship only the rarest of femslash pairs. This is my burden, and like Sisyphus, you must imagine me happy.
Other content that catches my fancy include comic books, emo music, sports, and Philly culture. My favorite bands are The Wonder Years, Say Anything, and Fireworks. My favorite athletes are Emily Clark, Taylor Heise, Brandon Marsh, Travis Konecny, and Tyrese Maxey.
Because of my job, I am also relegated to forever DM, but I have a few characters I routinely play. Rhaelara Rynwalsdottir is my pathetic wet cat paladin werewolf. Katya Volkova is like Evelyn Carnahan mixed with Daphne Kluger. I'm also working on some fiction works and love to talk about my lesbian werewolf OCs.
Yes, always. Ask me anything. If I'm having a bad brain day, I may not respond immediately, but that doesn't mean I don't want to hear about things like:
The Ronance hockey AU
Zatanna Zatara, pathetic bisexual meow meow
Why are all ginger lesbians such girlflops?
Emo, punk, and hardcore culture
The eternal pain of being a Philly sports fan
The latest stupid way I've gotten myself hurt
Legend has it that if you go to a basement hardcore show in South Philadelphia on the night of the full moon, you'll see a red-blonde werewolf absolutely tearing that shit up in the pit. Other than that, I'm also on AO3 as ClawedLoupGiroux.
TERFs and Nazi punks fuck off.
If you don't believe that addicts should be treated with compassion and care, I wish you a very die.
Trans men are men, and lesbians are not attracted to men. Do not ship trans men with lesbians or I will give you rabies.
I have the scary disorders your parents warned you about and sometimes they make me scary.
Despite it all, I remain a practicing Catholic. You keep your beliefs and I keep mine, eh?
Minors can follow, just don't be weird about it.
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macgyvermedical · 5 months
Hello. I believe you live in ohio (or did) and am hoping you can provide insight on new ohio laws drafted- heres a link to the post: https://www.tumblr.com/bearslikedilfs/739180713918775296/it-appears-there-is-a-caveat-allowing-treatment?source=share
I dont work in the medical field and probably missed or misread some things.
I do live in Ohio.
My understanding is that the "only" thing that has happened so far is that the House overruled Gov. DeWine's veto, causing trans girls not to be allowed to play girls sports and gender-affirming care for anyone under 21 to become punishable by a practitioner's licensing authority (state medical board or department of nursing). This particularly excludes the same type of care for intersex people, puberty blockers for documented precocious puberty, and continuing gender-affirming care for those under 21 who have already started a course of treatment.
While this is of course a serious problem, the bigger issue is that the override means the House is either extremely misinformed or extremely anti-trans right now. So the likelihood of other anti-trans bills getting passed is high.
We already know that DeWine is pretty well informed, stating "The decisions that parents are making are not easy decisions. These tough, tough decisions should not be made by the government. They should not be made by the state of Ohio. They should be made by the people who love these kids the most. And that's the parents, the parents who raised the child, the parents who have seen that child go through agony" and "None of [the families] that I talked to talked about surgery, that's not where they were going in the discussion. And I think that's, frankly, a fallacy that's out there that, you know, this goes right to surgery. It just doesn't. All the children's hospitals say that we don't do surgeries."
So his request that information be collected sounds mostly like he is trying to get a good basis of knowledge for making good laws, and unfortunately that could open up a vulnerable population (us trans people) to being hurt if that information gets misused. And with as hostile as the House has to be to vote 65-28 against trans children's rights to medical care, there's a lot of opportunity to misuse or misinterpret that data.
Unfortunately, though, that is where my interpretation has to end, because the rest of it is lawyer stuff and they don't teach that in nursing school.
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kinghijinx22 · 1 year
Oh no not Agirlandagame condoning trans genocide
She even pulled a "gamer rights" in her channel update video. As if being held accountable for funding anti trans hate groups is somehow equal to the harassment and assaults that trans people suffer every day because of the anti trans rhetoric that is spread by loud voices like JK Rowling.
Boo hoo some random person on the internet expressed their disappointment with some of the big capital Gamers supporting the fascist transphobes, yeah come back when you're having your genitals inspected at sporting events, being harassed for going to the right bathroom, being forced into an identity you don't feel comfortable in and being hunted down and killed when you don't kill yourself because of the harassment you receive every day from deranged transphobes.
Like geez sorry that trans people wanting basic human rights and not wanting to be discriminated against and killed is inconveniencing your ability to play your little wizard game. Thanks for telling me where your priorities really lie and holding up the big red flag that tells me you aren't worth watching. It's a shame because I just got into her channel a little while ago, so for her to turn out to be such a mask off bigot really hurts. And no fundraising for the Trevor Project doesn't undo the harm that's been done by supporting this game and the transphobes behind it, giving me a dollar after you punched me in the face doesn't make my face hurt any less.
All you had to do was not give money and attention to the transphobic fascists and you couldn't even do that. You are no ally and you can't pretend to be anymore. So go ahead and play your silly little wizard game if it means so much, just know that the blood of murdered trans people, trans kids like Brianna Ghey that were killed in hate crimes fuelled by the hateful rhetoric spewed forth from violent fascists like Rowling is on your hands.
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fat-fuck-hairy-belly · 11 months
By the way, can we talk about the whole "this is a wrong hill to die on" narrative? I often see misguided leftists (or more likely grifters pretending to be leftists) online saying something along the lines of "this is such a, relatively, small issue that also doesn't resonate with and alianates the normies, fighting for it only hurts the left" regarding either specific trans issues like trans sports participation and trans healthcare forinors, or just about the transgender rights in their entirety. Even if you assume that those people make these arguments in good faith and they are not just transphobic bigots, it's such a stupid argument. The current attack on trans rights is not some specific separate issue, it's just another part in the broader culture war between humans and conservative reactionaries that has been going on in the world since like the french revolution.
If anyone remembers, Matt Walsh not to long ago ranted about how "we gave you women's rights, we gave you black rights, we gave you gay rights but you just keep asking more and more" or something like that. This is what current wave of trans hate is. Every time they lose a fight they move onto the next topic and minority to attack. "Well, obviously women should have rights, but those n-words? Are you crazy? Well, obviously it's wrong to discriminate against black people, but those faggots? Are you crazy? Well, obviously there's nothing wrong with gay people, but those trannies? Are you crazy?" And when we win on this issue as well, they will move on to some other minority or issue to attack.
Hell, the current war on "transgenderism" is actually one of the best examples of this, just a couple years ago the big scary Boogeyman were the immigrants and abortions. Do you think it's just a coincidence that all the mainstream conservatives media and politicians almost completely stopped talking about abortions and became obsessed with trans people basically overnight right after they overturned Roe v Wade? I'm sure that has nothing to do with the fact that it turned most of the country, including republican voters, against them and basically lost them the war on abortion on federal level.
There are no small or unimportant issues that it's ok to give up to conservatives. Literally everything they attack at the moment is the most important issue that must be defended to the last dying breath. If they ban trans people from playing sports they'll use that to normalise trans discrimination and further they attack on trans people. If they ban being trans, they'll just use that to further their attack on preggressivism. Fascists divide and conquer, the whole "first they came for socialists" thing is real, they attack the weakest targets they can to weaken the left and the entire society. Fight them on everything, always.
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puppy-loves-pudding · 4 months
I wish a wasn't trans.
I don't see anything wrong with not wanting to be trans, people seem to get angry when you say that, they say it's transphobic to think like that.
I don't see how.
I don't care.
It makes me cry a lot, although sometimes I joke about it, it hurts, and a lot, and I have to hide all of that to everyone around me.
The only way I can be me would be by injecting testosterone every one or two weeks as soon as I have the money to do that, and if I stop, my body will go back to being of the shape of someone strange, that everyone seems to know, except me.
That isn't something that makes me happy, to be honest, it makes me sad, angry, anxious.
I grew up with a name and memories that don't belong to me, with clothes that made feel like a girl, in a bad way.
I can't call my friends on the phone, because that's when I am most aware of that voice that is not mine, I can't take photos, because the person that appears in them is not me.
Nobody who knows my past sees me as a man, even if I correct my friends, I'm just Sofia, the stupid Sofia who is bad at sports, physics and chemistry, the crybaby who only knows how to play cards, because she doesn't have any more personality beyond that.
Why can't I be sad about being trans?
I have to hide parts of this body because is not supposed to be like that, but my family wants me to show that body to show myself as that girl that represents myself for now.
I wish I was cis, as a girl or a man, I don't care, I just wish I was cis.
I don't want to be trans, I dislike it, I don't hate it but I dislike it, it's annoying, frustrating, and it will never get better, because I will have to constantly pay for testosterone, which is fucking expensive, to be able to be me, I have to pay to be me.
I will have to pay for surgeries on things I should have been born with, and I must carry the weight of knowing that they are not real, that the way I'll shape my body will never be the real me.
I have no past, because I always had to pretend to be something I wasn't, uncomfortable, even before I knew I was trans, I always wanted to be seen as a man.
That past its not mine, it is from my parents' daughter that they never actually had, but they convinced for a long time that she was me.
I wish I was in my fucking body so, so bad.
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kcupcakeloveraa · 1 year
Here are my 5 MC from OL2, am I crazy for having this many MC for one game? (Probably) also I will be explaining who they are, also their personalities, and Sexualities
First Lavender "Lavi" Grace (Bi)
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She's the athletic one, who likes to go on adventures, get her hands dirty, she's talkive but loud, and isn't afraid to throw hands at whoever hurts her friends
Insecurities: she wouldn't have any in step 1 but step 2 to 3, she would wonder if she's being a burden or being annoying to others like her family or friends
Second Liliac "Lily" Rose (straight)
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She's bossy and rude, it depends how you act around her and how she feels about you (is kinda a bully) doesn't like to get dirty, kinda acts like a princess if I'm being honest, she sees Tamarack as a friend since Tam is very nice towards her but qiu wiiiiill she doesn't like him, due to how smug he is and finds him a bit rude at times, while this will change
In step 3 to 4 she will be a bit more nicer but mostly joking but still have that thing where she'll judge you basically but not much
(Enemies to lovers with qiu cause yes)
I image when she was in her old town that she might have gotten bullied so maybe that's why she acts and does the way she does
Insecurities: she'll most likely feel lonely and have little friends due to how she acts, her close friends will say she's a sweetheart but others disagree
Third Kiko "Star" Lane (Gay)
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Kiko is a very shy, quiet, and clumsy kid who was scared moving into a new town aka Golden Grove he thought the house was haunted at first
While he wouldn't date or have a crush till step 3 cause he'll became a bit more confident and talk to others more but still that sweet kid
Fourth Daniela "Danny" Miller (Trans/pan)
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Daniela always heard family members saying how she acts so mature for her age even though she's still a naive kid not ready for the big world, she's book smart and loves to read, she's very respectful and polite
Daniela will actually be a Transgender man but it's not till step 3 where it's official
In step 3 Danny will feel like they miss out on their childhood because of always trying to be the "responsible one" so he'll have a more rebellious phase and play more sports a bit but still have that love for reading
Insecurities: like I said he feels like he miss out on his childhood and have that rebellious phase in step 3, with hair dyed and everything
Five Jessica "Jess" River (genderfluid/lesbian)
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Jessica is nice, too nice for her own good, she's more like a people pleaser, she doesn't say no and is very helpful, if you ask her to get your textbook, she'll do, pencil? Bag? Heck bring you lunch? She'll do it, at first she doesn't mind it but that'll change
Insecurities: she's worried she isn't doing enough for other people while she likes being helpful, it can be exhausting
In step 3 to 4, she'll say the word 'no' more and may act a little mean to others(can you blame them?)
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emsquig · 1 year
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if you fail to plan, you plan to fail strategy sets the scene for the tale i'm the wind in our free-flowing sails and the liquor in our cocktails.
full name: emma claire squiggle
nicknames: squiggle, em
pronouns and gender identity: she/her, trans woman
sexuality: bisexual
birthday: 15 january, 1956 (capricorn sun, aquarius moon, sagittarius rising)
age: 30 years old
career: investigative journalist at the daily prophet
languages: english, spanish (mother's first language)
virtues: driven, intelligent, confident
vices: narcissistic, exacting, guarded
character inspos: paris geller (gilmore girls), blair waldorf (gossip girl), villanelle (killing eve)
house: ravenclaw
wand: elm wood with a core of phoenix feather, 10.5 inches and rigid. a truly dignified wand that would not easily be swayed from it's beliefs, just like it's owner.
boggart: it's her in the future, sporting sweatpants and deep circles under her eyes, with three screaming children hanging off of her. her friends had laughed the first time she'd seen it (your worst fear is being a mum??) but she knew that it meant a life of wasted potential, of falling into a role she wasn't born to play.
amortentia: ink from her quill, heady and familiar. the almost sickeningly sweet smell of gardenias as they grew outside her family home in the summer. the smooth, dark bite of good whiskey.
patronus: a hippogriff. she's only managed to cast the spell a handful of times, but she hasn't spent a lot of time trying. emma tended towards practical magic. anything further seemed like a waste of time to learn- emma knew her value was in her mind, not in her wand.
emma throws a great party- the perfect balance of a classy affair and a rager.
her parents had her in piano lessons from the age of three- she doesn't have the passion to be truly great but she did achieve technical perfection
she is the master of the passive aggressive insult
her love language is telling you "oh, i just finished a book i think you'll love, let me give you my copy" and then writing a little inscription on the first page
she can be very tactful when she wants- she has a persuasive air around her perfect for getting a story out of an unwilling source- but she finds it takes too much energy and outside of a professional context she's much more likely to be uncomfortably blunt.
WANTED CONNECTIONS- more to be added!
"how'd we end up on the floor, anyway?" you say: a ride or die best friend, a come over uninvited with wine best friend, a trading eyerolls across the room best friend.
trick me once, trick me twice: emma can be ruthless when getting a scoop- in the pursuit of the story, she hurt this muse and they hold a grudge.
he wanted it comfortable, i wanted that pain: your classic ex connect! open to all genders- maybe there's hard feelings and maybe there aren't, but this muse thought emma was far too in love with her work to ever really love someone else. would love some variants too- maybe someone she dumped, maybe ex-FWBs, ect.
my knuckles were bruised like violets: friend breakups are worse than romantic breakups- emma's never had a hard time dumping her partners, but she still sometimes wants to call this person and tell them about her day.
i don't start shit-: emma can't say she's spent a lot of time thinking about her views on blood purity, but she has spent a good bit of time writing about how other people view it. this person affiliated with the order thinks that with her influence, emma could be a good recruit for the order- even though emma couldn't be less interested.
-but i can tell you how it ends: the bad influence counterpart to the above good influence connect! she is a pureblood, from a nouveau riche family, in a 5 year relationship with augustus rookwood- this person thinks it might be a good time for emma to give her talents to the death eaters.
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bullsandthebones · 2 years
my friends and I are talking about our headcanons for ST characters so, here's mine! some of these are just haha funnies bc I think they're dumb
-very gay, very homo
-tries to explain it/its pronouns to Steve
-makes fun of Steve's hair products
-makes "ur mom"/" ur dad" jokes
-calls Steve to help him brush out his hair
-wears croptops
-trans ftm
-cannot cook
-fnaf lvr
-knows the lore of every analog horror ever
-loves walten files the most
-puts dice in his mouth. (we all do, cmon)
-has probably almost swallowed a die
-it was probably a d4
-hurt like hell
-doesn't understand pronouns
-mentally blue screens when Eddie and Robin try and explain pronouns
-starts sobbing when neos get put into the mix
-defo himbo but very supportive anyways
-bisexual w/ a lean for the ladies
-has made one deez nuts joke and immediately regretted it
-sobs while brushing Eddie's hair
-has definitely tried on a skirt
-definitely cannot cook
-she/they + any neos
-makes deez nuts jokes with Dustin
-canon lesbian, I would never change that
-hates tryna teach Steve about pronouns
-amazing cook, "yes chef" "thank you chef"
-can probably sew
-most definitely makes special clothes for her besties
-wears two different shoes
-cool bitch syndrome
-would probably be really good at ddr and fnf
-she/her 😐
-hetero 😐
-ally (talk valentina! ally!)
-loves Johnathan no matter what his genitals are <3
-can definitely cook
-secretly has read lotr
-probably ate sand as a kid
-if she was a dog she'd be a poodle.
-gets Robin fabric for her projects
-trans ftm <333
-definitely laughs at deez nuts jokes
-mmmm bisexual?
-maybe pansexual
-ooo definitely pansexual
-probably can't hold his liquor
-threw up the first time he hit a bong
-didn't know how to pack a bowl for a long time
-Argyle had to teach him
-actually cooks better when high
-I'll be honest, I haven't finished s4
-idk much about him
-probably he/they
-gives me pansexual vibes
-makes the most raunchy jokes
-has the weirdest cravings when high
-"okay but what's between your legs?"
-idfk, probably bisexual but he's got too much internalized homophobia
-desperately trying to learn pronouns but he doesn't understand very well
-honestly? straight
-makes deez nuts jokes. it's the funniest shit to him
-has never cooked
-only uses the microwave
-ramen forever
-is quite literally the biggest ally
-the best guy
-the "bro code" probably doesn't matter to him
-will tell on you if you're cheating 👁👁
-I hate him I'm sorry
-probably bi but like Billy, too much internalized homophobia
-misgenders people when they anger him
-I'll be honest
-I'm torn
-probably says pronouns don't exist
-but uses he/they
-idk he's confusing
-non binary
-bisexual and on the ace spectrum
-hates fem clothing
-is a bitch when you get pronouns wrong
-will fight transphobes
-probably would do softball
-that's a gay sport right?
-I'm pretty sure it is
-salty when they lose to Robin at ddr
-loves fnaf
-hates that Eddie loves fnaf
-probably more into gemini entertainment than any of the other analog horrors
-plays tlou religiously
-loves zombie games
-agender but is okay with she/her
-aroace spec!
-doesn't have a set sexuality, isn't sure on labels
-mimics Dustin's jokes
-Hopper gets upset at that
-doesn't understand video games but loves watching max play
-is actually pretty good at ddr
-I'm sorry, I love ddr
-has also put dice in their mouth
-Eddie dared them to
-doesn't have the energy to figure out gender labels
-doesn't care about his own pronouns
-call him whatever
-gay but,,, on the aro spectrum, probably grayromantic
-plays the dark pictures anthology
-loves little hope the most
-has tried to get others to play them
-wears two different socks
-is probably really good at kickball but he's too scared of getting laughed at
-me too man
that's uh, that's all. you're welcome.
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talisidekick · 2 years
Discovering you're trans is like spending your whole life training for a tri-marathon, and low key kind of sucking at a lot of it but doing just enough to make the bar to run/swim/bike the race, only to get disqualified 3 days before because someone beat your entry time, so you end up hanging out with the cool kids and watching the race on TV. And honestly, the game of D&D they're playing is more interesting and totally your thing, so you stop watching. Then some tri-marathon fanstic comes by and acts like you're choosing not to run and tries to shame you for it. They make it their entire political campaign, open up 'debates' and ignore the fact that it wasn't a choice, and state you just didn't "try hard enough". They begin trying to ban all references to the tabletop games that define you now, try to remove your ability to play, call Roleplaying games a 'mental illness' and try to make you run a race you're no longer fit for or interested in while mocking you and shaming you the whole way. Then ask you why you're miserable, like it's unfathomable you're reasonably upset. You now hate sports because of this, and sports fans state not everyone is like the fanatics like that should make you like sports again, but guess what? It doesn't. You fear sports fans now. And even non-sports fans parrot some of the things said against you by sports fanatics, and act like you're unreasonable for not wanting to be around them because of "personal views". Personal views that have actively made others try to strip your identity from you.
Well, let me just break the analogy:
the sports fanatics are republican anti-queer christians/catholics/etc.,
the sports fans are republican moderates and/or christians/catholics/etc.,
and the non-sports fans are everyday people parroting the fanatics rhetoric without affiliation,
and it is okay as a trans and queer person to be afraid of those political beliefs and religions. They have hurt you. You are allowed to be cautious and distrusting, but never bigoted.
To the queer supportive Republicans, Christians, Catholics, etc., your beliefs have been used to stamp down on the queer people you support, to remove rights and freedoms, and while you may disagree with those actions and fight against them, understand that the fanatics wielding your views have turned you into a threat. A problem for us trans, gay, lesbian, queer + folk. You cannot expect us to trust an offered hand when your peers stand behind you with a whip they've used to drive us back. And I'm sorry for that fact, we're going to be cautious and distrusting around you. But hopefully, one day, you can reclaim what was taken from you as we fight for a better, more equal future.
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sofoulandfairaday · 2 years
genuine question: why do you have your hogwarts house in your bio if you’re not a transphobe? i saw a post that you reblogged giving the sentiment that a sports league no longer using the name “quidditch” in order to separate themselves from jk rowling was not effective or respectful to trans people (because JKR invented the sport and is inextricably linked to it) so how is putting a hogwarts house in your bio (something made up by jkr and therefore, no matter how hard you try to separate the two, linked to her) any different from that in its logic? it only serves as an immediate surface “warning” which many trans people, poc, and others who have been victimized by jkr’s bigotry, will see and avoid.
Hello, first of all, thank you for being respectful with your question! This started out as a short post and became a very long-winded answer so I'll put it under the cut. For anyone interested, there's a TLDR at the very end.
I stand by what I said in that post: trying to make something better by changing its name and acting like that is enough is not useful or particularly clever in my opinion. Therefore, one has two choices: either you distance yourself from the material entirely, or you continue engaging with it albeit recognizing its problems.
Personally, Harry Potter has been and is a vast portion of my life. I spent entire hours of my life in this fandom, it was refuge and solace for me for years and years while growing up and I had little friends, it was comforting when I was upset and crying in my room, it was magic and enjoyment like nothing else. It is still linked to little rituals in my life and I have defined myself according to it for years. I'm 20 now and I've had "Slytherin" in my bio ever since I was 11. I started writing because of Harry Potter. I was just invited to a Harry Potter-themed birthday party by someone in my friend group for crying out loud because that's how much we love it.
As I said, revisionism doesn't work (both in theory and practice), and someone can still enjoy media while acknowledging the flaws of both author and work. That is what we do with every single author from the past. Of course, this is where you say "yes, but reading Aristophanes or Thomas Hardy or seeing a Degas or Picasso art show doesn't give profits to them directly", to which I agree. I have stopped watching her movies at the cinema, I have never seen her TCC play (even though I desperately wanted to), I haven't bought the new illustrated copies of her books (and have turned down my mother when she tried to buy them for me last Christmas), I probably won't buy the new game or new merch. I try not to give her any more money than she has because I know where her money goes (unfortunately).
I don't say all of this to justify myself (because, with all due respect, I don't have to do that to a stranger online), I'm illustrating what I have done which felt right to me. I don't think that reading Harry Potter makes you a transphobe in the same way that liking Lovecraft doesn't make you racist or enjoying Picasso doesn't make you a sexist paedophile.
JKR used to be a huge role model for me. She was the answer to the famous question "if you could have dinner with one person in the world?". Her betrayal hurt me as a cis woman and I cannot imagine how it must have felt for all of her trans fans. I understand and respect if someone feels wary or distrustful of anything Harry Potter-related, even a Hogwarts house in a bio. I understand if someone avoids me because of it.
HOWEVER, this is my internet space. This is my blog, where I post things that make me happy, whether that be theories or reblogs of fanart or whatever. I maintain that this blog is, and will always be, a safe space for LGBT+ people, TRANS PEOPLE INCLUDED. But, of course, it is well within anyone's rights to avoid it. If Harry Potter triggers you, block me. If reading "Slytherin" in my bio makes you feel like my blog could be a red flag, avoid me.
I'm sorry that it is this way, but this is a little window shop where I post my interests and reblog things I like to look at. I also post more serious things sometimes, but it's mostly MY opinion or something with which I agree. You can choose to avoid it, or you can choose to interact with it, but you must do so at your own peril, and this is the same for all things in life. You may stay around long enough to find out that I'm no transphobe, or you can leave. You can ask me respectfully (like you did, op) what my views on Harry Potter are, or you can decide I'm not worth the time. But ultimately, everyone is in charge of their own internet experience. I will always take the time to reply to the people who come knocking but I cannot tailor my blog to coddle other people's perceptions of me because today it's Harry Potter, and tomorrow it will be something else that might be misconstrued by some, many, or all.
I hope this wasn't too rambly and my point came across the way I meant it to, it's midnight where I am. If you have any more questions/want to debate this further, I'm happy to.
TLDR: I believe that liking HP doesn't automatically make you a transphobe; this blog will always be a safe space for trans people in that there will be no transphobic talk from me, BUT it is still my blog and it's your job to curate your internet experience (= if anything HP related triggers you, block me, avoid me, etc).
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