#transfem oscar
noxexistant · 1 year
Okay okay okay
I’m here on my knees
For ostracized transfem!Oscar only making it through life because of her brother. They both rely too heavily on each other and are def the only reason they both still have the energy to live
okay looking at this now this might’ve been an art request and if it was i am sorry and pls feel free to ask me again. BUT i saw transfem oscar and entered an excited fugue state and just started writing, so. pls take this. i love transfem oscar and i love the delanceys and i love u
cw for period-typical bigotry/misogyny, one mention of animal death, abuse, and maybe a little bit of period-typical ableism
Oscar was maybe four, the first time she can remember Pa told her she wasn’t a man. He’d been trying to drag her out into the fields to help him kill a cow, ‘cause this was before Morris was old enough to help - he could hardly walk, though looking back Oscar’s fair sure that two or so is plenty old enough for a kid to be walking - and she’d dug her heels into the ground and screamed, “No!”. She never liked touching the farm work, especially not the animals, but she was damn sure she didn’t wanna kill any of them neither, but Pa, of course, wasn’t having that. He’d grabbed Oscar harder and tried to drag her, so she’d started screaming. Morris had started crying then too, those big baby wails that both Ma and Pa hated, ‘cause even as a baby he’d had his big sister’s back.
“I thought you was a boy,” Pa had hollered at Oscar over the noise, holding Oscar’s wrist way too tight, pulling her hard, “But you’re actin’ like a little girl.”
Oscar’s resentful to admit that Pa had been right, as she’d figured out some fifteen years later. Not right in any way that really matters, mind - Oscar ain’t a girl because she hadn’t wanted to kill a cow when she was four, she’s a girl because she just…is. She knows she’s a girl. She feels like a girl.
Morris, of course, had been the first person she’d told. Right when she’d first been able to put those feelings into words that felt half-right, when she was nineteen.
They’d been backstage at Medda’s place, sat in one of the empty dressing rooms after all the girls had left for the night, ‘cause Wiesel had flown off the handle over something stupid and almost bust Morris’ skull against the kitchen floor. Oscar had grabbed her brother and ran right out of there, like she’s done countless times before, and come straight to Medda for somewhere safe to hole up for a night or two. Medda’d offered, but Oscar had insisted on patching Morris up herself, so Medda had left them to it. She’d left the parts of her costume she’d been stripping off too, laid out on one of the vanities, and Oscar couldn’t stop staring as soon as she’d finished cleaning and covering Morris’ new cuts and bruises. She’d never seen any of the costumes so close up before, they were always on the girls who were always moving, but suddenly the bundle of bright pink was right there. All sequins and sparkles, silk and lace and feathers and velvet. No function, just form. She desperately wanted to touch it, lift it up and feel it in her hands, but she didn’t dare - as if her very touch risked ruining it somehow.
That in itself wasn’t damning, though. Morris liked the costumes too. He was always fascinated by the sparkles and ruffles and everything designed to catch the eye, always stared dazzled just like Oscar knew she did, and - just the same as Oscar - Morris’d never dare touch them. Although, his reluctance wasn’t out of some feeling that his touch would taint the beauty, but rather just insistence that the texture of the fabrics - velvet and lace, sequins sewn in tight rows, silk ruffles bound tight like fish gills - “hurt” to touch.
“Bad,” he’d mumbled, after one of the girls had noticed him staring innocently and offered to let him touch the fabric he was interested in, but the second his fingertips had brushed the velvet at her hip he’d flinched back and started wiping his hand on his trouser leg like he’d touched something gross. Oscar’d had to apologise for him, swearing her brother didn’t mean anything by it and wasn’t trying to be rude, but thankfully the girl had only giggled.
Oscar knew there were countless things she didn’t and couldn’t understand about her brother, couldn’t explain either, and had wondered helplessly then how Morris would react if perhaps there were some things about Oscar he wouldn’t be able to understand either. Because, where Morris’ gaze stuck to the pretty costumes and patterns and sparkles, Oscar’s wandered to the mess of makeup and perfume and pretty things on the other dressing tables. Hair brushes - horsehair and boar bristle bound to ornate handles made of carved wood and silver and brass - and ribbons and little pots of creams, pretty and sweet-smelling.
“Sometimes I wish I could dress up like them,” Oscar had said, very quietly, daring to reach out and tentatively pick up a hair brush from the nearest tabletop. It was heavier than she’d anticipated, an entirely different weight and balance to the flimsy comb she used every day. She ran her fingers over the bristles and found them softer than she’d expected. Morris watched her curiously.
“Dress up like the girls?” he’d asked. “Miss Medda said some men do that, in the shows.”
Oscar hoped that would make her feel better to hear, but it hadn’t. It had just felt…wrong.
“Not like that,” she’d whispered, more honest than she could usually stomach being. “I don’t…I don’t wanna be a man dressed as a girl. I don’t really want the flashy stuff, neither - the costumes and all the bright makeup. I’d look stupid in red lipstick.” She’d huffed a laugh then, as Morris had giggled just like she’d wanted him to, but it still didn’t stop her feeling like she was choking when the joke faded and she was still staring at the tubes of lipstick on the vanity closest, wondering if maybe she might look okay in something lighter.
“I just…I just wanna…I wanna be one of them.”
For everything in the world Morris can’t understand, he’d understood Oscar without issue. Or, at least, accepted her, the same as Oscar accepts every part of Morris.
For Oscar’s twentieth birthday a couple months after that talk - well, the day Morris’d decided Oscar’s birthday was that year, since they didn’t know the actual date - he’d clambered under their bed to the loose floorboard where they hide most precious things, and brought out a bundle sloppily wrapped in old papes.
“Mo, what—“ Oscar had asked, feeling an odd mix of overjoyed and sick at the sight of what was undoubtedly a gift, despite the sweet little excited look on Mo’s face as he clambered to his feet with the package in his arms. What had Morris gotten her? How did he get it? How could he afford it? Mo’s no good at stealing by himself, he must’ve paid, but how’d he count the money? He can’t do that. Had he had help? Who was Mo talking to?
“Stop worryin’,” Mo had ordered, nudging Oscar in the shin and holding the gift out. “‘S’yours. ‘S’your birthday. Open it.”
Oscar did.
It was a hairbrush. A beautiful horsehair one with a wooden handle, brand new.
“Mo,” Oscar had said shakily, trying her damnedest not to cry as she stared at the thing in her lap in a crumpled mess of black and white newsprint. Morris nudged her in the shin again, then sat down beside her on their creaky little bed - close enough that their shoulders and hips and elbows were all pressed together - and rested his head against her shoulder like he always did, right from when he was tiny. Oscar screwed her eyes shut, shaking all over.
“For my big sister,” Morris mumbled, nestling closer, and stayed all sweet and boneless as Oscar tossed the crumpled papes to the floor and wrapped her arms around her baby brother and held him tight enough to hurt, her new hairbrush clutched in one hand. She loved him - loves him - so much it aches, like a big awful bruise inside her chest, and felt her throat squeeze like she was being choked because she couldn’t say it, not a word of it. She didn’t know how, doesn’t know how, but Morris didn’t seem to mind. Doesn’t.
It’s dawn before distribution, and Morris is half-asleep like he always is in the mornings despite the fact that he never actually sleeps. Oscar’s helped him get mostly dressed, done up his shirt buttons and clipped his suspenders for him, and she’d combed his hair for him too like she always does ‘cause Morris only hurts himself if he tries to untangle his own curls. Then, she’d dressed herself - same outfit as always, wool trousers, buttoned shirt, waistcoat over the top, boots laid out next to Morris’ beside the bed where he’s sat, ready for her to put them on and then help her brother with his laces. Right now, though, she’s in front of the beat-up little mirror on their dresser, brushing her hair with her hairbrush - the newest part of her routine.
It’s hardly necessary for her to brush her hair. It’s not long, still cropped short to her head everywhere except on top like it has been since Wiesel took them in and took her for her first haircut since the last time Ma did it, already years ago then. And she has to comb it too anyway, because her curls are even tighter than Morris’ and have to be untangled, but brushing it just…feels nice. A little ritual, not exactly needed but just to feel good. A little girlish luxury. Holding her hairbrush that her brother had gotten just for her, running it from her hairline back over her scalp like she’s seen Medda’s girls do, not looking at her reflection but imagining one that looks a little closer to how she pictures herself in her head.
“Get your shoes on,” she tells Morris once she’s done, crouching down and hiding her hairbrush at the back of the middle dresser drawer - where it lives when it’s not in use, safe from being seen and taken by Wiesel. When she shuts the drawer and turns around, Morris has pulled his boots on, and he rubs at his eyes sleepily as Oscar crouches down again to tie his laces for him.
“What?” Oscar asks, feeling her brother staring down at her as she pulls the bow taut.
“You look pretty,” Morris tells her. “Look all…soft, when you brush your hair out like that. ‘S’pretty.”
Oscar ducks her head to try and hide the stupid smile that comes to her face. She knows she doesn’t actually look any different, apart from maybe the slight difference in her hair that only her brother could ever notice, but she feels pretty. As long as Morris thinks so, that’s really all that matters.
“You look pretty too,” she says, reaching out to pinch at her little brother’s cheek, and laughs as he kicks her gently in the ribs.
“Shut up.”
He pulls himself to his feet and pulls his jacket down from the back of the door, yanking it on before peeking back at Oscar.
“You ready to go downstairs?”
Everything’s still exactly the same down there. Oscar’s still Wiesel’s nephew, one half of the Delancey brothers, a young man. But Morris calls Oscar his sister when it’s just them, calls her pretty, and that’s already more than Oscar could ever ask for.
“Yeah,” she says, and slings her arm around her brother’s shoulder as they leave the relative sanctuary of their bedroom. She doesn’t mind being a brother for a while if she’s Morris’.
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newsie-collective · 1 year
Trans Oscar you say?? 👀👀👀
This hc lives rent free in my head
Oscar Delancey, the brains of the Delanceys.
I've named her Mira, because one translation of it means peace, and that's all she wanted dude.
(Please don't mind my rambling about this)
T/W abuse, neglect, forced gender norms, time appropriate phobias of all kinds, probably more and I'm sorry if I didn't tag one that should be here so please read cautiously
First, I have to start off with the fact that I think there totally would've been a secret fight club-esque thing in the basement of the Refuge. They would take bets on the fighters. One of the ways the Refuge stayed open, despite having all these problems. I personally call it The Ring, just bc I have no idea what else to call it
She was born Oscar Delancey, though has since distanced herself from that name. She was raised in the Refuge, which was, as the newsies know, was only survivable two ways. Obey or escape. Her and her brother had no way out. They had nowhere to go. And so they had to work for their uncle. They were raised by the two meanest men in town. At first, she was disgusted. She didn’t want to do any of the things her uncle asked. And they locked her away with the rest of the kids. Snyder wasn’t limited to just newsies to traumatize. She either had to ‘man up’ or be separated from her brother. He was far more willing. More pliable. So she stayed to help keep him out of trouble. And often found herself in it. By age 10 she’d become as pliable as her brother. Not because her will had broken, but because she was struggling to survive, much less actually live. She was 15 when she hurt Albert. Her uncle had told her and Morris to rough up Jack Kelly to get back at Francis. And to do the same to anyone in the way. Francis has gotten there just after Albert hit the ground and fucked them both all the way up. They were 19 when the strike started, but in too deep to leave their uncle. Too convinced they could only depend on him and Snyder. As soon as Wiesel was out of the distributing chair, she was done with violence. With the threat of the Refuge gone, she had very little to be afraid of.
She and Morris were treated very poorly. They were under fed until they complied with their uncle’s wishes. And, much like the other kids in the Refuge, were thrown into the Ring in the basement. If they refused, they were roughed up and starved until they were willing. If they went and they lost, they would be fed, but only enough to survive. They had to fight and win to get any kind of nutrition. They fought to survive, and by the time they had become adults, it was ingrained in them. They had to listen to their uncle and brawl to be able to do anything. To be able to amount to anything.
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punkeropercyjackson · 9 months
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I mean.based trope but weirdly specific
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aroacecowboy · 3 months
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crayycrayon · 4 months
transfem arthur. if anyone cares
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more under cut
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I think she'd steal her entire fashion sense from bella, her poorly describing to john how bella dressed
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still fucking oscar's life up of course! she should be allowed to do it on purpose i think though... like maneat him idk (i want her to maneat me WHO SAID THAT)
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john still jealous of course
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also i think she realises at the end of s2 that she girl^_^
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winniethewife · 7 months
Whatever tomorrow brings, I'll be there
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(Santiago “Pope” Garcia x TransFem!reader)
A/N: For the Triple Frontier Write-a-Thon.
Words: 524
Santiago looks at the plastic stick in his hand, two pink lines indicating positive. He felt his heart leap in his chest. He hadn’t every really thought about being a dad, It wasn’t something that had even crossed his mind. But to find a pregnancy test left on the counter…He had to think about it. Santi put the test down and wandered out to the living room where his girlfriend was sitting reading on the couch. He gets on his knees in front of her, something he instantly regrets, he puts his head on her hand on her thigh to gently get her attention, looking up at her with those soft brown eyes. She looks at him over her book, before noting his brows furrowed in concern.
“Hermosa…can we talk?” He asks, his voice still so smooth despite worry in it.
“Of course, what is it Santi?” She slides the bookmark into place then puts the book down. He takes a deep breath before siting up and taking her hands in his.
“You know I’ll always be there for you, no matter what happens, no matter what comes I’ll be by your side, through everything. Nothing will come between us. I want to be there for all of it. No matter what.” Santiago was nearly in tears, so focused on showing his support he hardly notices the confusion on her face.
“Not that I don’t appreciate it but…what the hell are you talking about?” She looks at him with affectionate confusion. He sighs and adjusts as to not be putting all his weight on his knees.
“ I found the pregnancy test in the bathroom…” He says gently.
“And?” She seemed even more confused, which confused him.
“And…that means you’re…well we’re…what am I missing?”  He blinks a few times genuinely confused. She starts to laugh slightly.
“"Santi, I love you, but I don't have a uterus. Never really got one of those.” She leans forward Looking at him with a smile on her face as she watches the realization cross his face.
“Oh…Right. I’m an idiot.” He laughs. Shaking his head at his own forgetfulness with a smile on his face.
“Not an Idiot, just, absent minded.” She smiles before sliding off the floor and sitting in front of him, she takes his face in her hands and softly runs her thumb over his cheek. “It’s my friend Tessa’s test, she wanted somewhere to take one that her husband wouldn’t find it, she wants it to be a surprise.”
“Oh, that makes more sense…Good for her and Mike.” Santiago feels the weight lift from his shoulders but feels slightly disappointed at the same time, watching his face fall slightly she smiles at him slightly.
“You know there are other ways to have kids right? We could…adopt, someday, if you want?” She asks softly while still holding his face. Again Santiago had never once thought of being a dad before that day, but now, he wanted that more than anything in the world. Santiago pulls her into his lap and leans down to kiss the top of her head.
“I…I would like that. Someday. Yes.”  
Tag: @triplefrontier-anniversary @romanarose
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do oscar pine next
.Is introduced at Beacon as Ozpin's ward to help him in is old age (please ignore that he's only like 40) and she does know that she'll be the next Oz, he likes hanging out with Ruby because they are least comparable in age
.He goes with Ruby's group to Mistral as a member of their team, getting involved with things like the Nuckelavee fight
.Actually gets the scene where she accepts there is no way out of this and gets the outfit upgrade on screen
.Spends time with Penny because she relates to her in the feeling of not having any control
.By Volume 9 she becomes way more powerful but also completely reckless, kinda not caring what happens to her at this point because her brains getting amalgamized anyway while Oz is just going "I NEED THIS BODY LATER PLEASE STOP"
.Later after RWBY comes back they separate her from Oz (how is future me problem) and that's when she relearns the value of her life and also comes out about being a trans women (Post transition name pending)
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newmsies · 2 years
Transfem Spot Conlon pintrest board, playlist, and amazon list? (I know you like to do those 🫶🏾💝)
omg i love you /p
her playlist was heavily based around the 80s "It girl"
her pintrest board isn't exactly the same as the playlist, i just added a bunch of pink aesthetic photos that reminded me of her !!
and finally the Amazon list no offense list but i think this one sucked the most to make 😔
my favourite is definitely the Spotify playlist though, hope you like it !!! 🫶🫶🫶
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rwby-mulitshipper · 2 years
Can you do headcanons for Rosegarden with transfem demigirl Ruby and transmasc demiboy Oscar pls?
hell yeah!
Send me a character/ship and I’ll tell you some headcanons
Please let me know if you want nsfw in your ask or I’ll assume sfw
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“you’re trans? i’m trans! :0”
“i’m also a demiboy”
“no way, me too! uh, demigirl, that is!”
Yang definitely teases them about anything and everything
She accidentally scared the shit out of Oscar by giving him the “hurt my little sister and i’ll kill you” talk
She was just joking, mostly, and she felt real bad about it afterwards
Oscar uses He/They but mostly He/Him
Ruby uses She/They/ + a lot of neos as well
Nora introduced her to neopronouns and Ruby was amazed with them
Attended Pride with flags hanging off their weapons
Huntsmen can do that, it’s okay, just in case Grimm show up
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noxexistant · 1 year
thinkin about. transfem oscar and non-binary morris.
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eruditegeek · 3 months
Gay Glup Shitto of the Day #29a
Those still in the closet
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Today, we are talking about some characters that can be read as queer but aren't explicitly queer.
In 1997, Sarn Shild was the first Star Wars character to be directly implied to be gay and identified as someone whose "sexual preferences did not run to human women." Of course, it can be argued that he just liked aliens, which, as an imperial officer, would also be worth having a human woman that was his beard, but come on.
EV-9D9 was a sadomasochistic, self modifying, frankenstein monster making, girl boss. She had a few lines in Return of the Jedi and was voiced by the man who directed the movie. Here, we support evil transfems who don't voice train.
Which is a similar situation to Sila Kott. Played by a woman in Return of the Jedi, but her lines were dubbed over by a man.
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There's a Twi'lek from Book of Boba Fett and a Devaronian from Bad Batch that have physical traits that don't align with their species gender binaries. Trans? Intersex? Just a mistake by the creators? Enough to get a mention, at least.
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Omega was an unaltered clone of Jango Fett. Which would normally indicate she was trans considering she's a girl and Boba isn't. Though we have no direct indication that's the case. Still, I choose to believe.
Bo-Katan. I don't have much to support this one, but just look at her.
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Also, if there was any justice in the world, at least one of these pairs would be fully canon.
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Though let's not ignore those working behind the scenes to make it happen. Poe and Finn were played as a couple by their actors, Oscar Isaac and John Boyega. When Zeb and Kallus first appeared together, Zeb's voice actor, Steve Blum, even joked about them becoming a couple and going off to live together. Which is what happened from a certain point of view. A director on The Clone Wars, Giancarlo Volpe, secretly intended for Barriss and Ahsoka to be a couple.
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punkeropercyjackson · 8 months
Me shipping Punkflower isn't really a new thing to me.Ever since i was a kid i've always had a thing for soft uwu sunshine boy x edgy gnc girl ships,it's just that it took until i was an adult and therefore no longer the case for me to realize my tomboy ass was PROJECTING
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aroacecowboy · 2 months
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have a quick doodle page i did, featuring canon!yellow, transfem!yellow, and catboy!yellow
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"If oestrogen doesn’t save her nothing else will. Maybe all the self loathing is dysphoria ever think of that Specially the 1986 Broadway Revival where she’s at her peak" - Anonymous
"Oscar is a constantly self sabotaging anxious wreck. Would transition fix all of this? No, I don't think so, but I think it would help.
Exhibit A: In the Argentina version (2006), he has a panic attack and only calms down after repeating "soy la chica más valiente" (I'm the bravest girl) many times. Repeating this after his love interest (WHO IS TRANSFEM IN MY HEART)!!
Exhibit B: He has a whole complex about the "purity" of his body and the bodies of women, as well as his thoughts, and this misogyny and self hatred and could be exacerbated by feelings of dysphoria and disgust with himself." - @catboymoses
Reminder: Submissions are always open! Submit here!
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zeppystones33 · 2 years
I can’t believe this is my first post- But I genuinely hate when people call Starco a “straight ship” not only is it wrong, but it also erases Star’s bisexuality and Marco’s Transfem coding. A straight ship is where both partners are heterosexual- That is NOT Starco. Star is canonically confirmed to be bisexual, making her queer, and any relationship she is in, queer. Marco was intended to be a transgirl but Disney censored most of what they tried, however its still *technically* canon, just not shown. If somehow someone being trans isn’t queer enough to you in this context, that also implies she (Marco) is sapphic. Marco and Star are also both canonically polyamorous- Marco said it took her months to get over Jackie, but during that she was implied to like Star, and even outright said herself that her feelings for Star were getting in the way of “other feelings” addressing her feelings towards Kelly. Star developed a crush on Marco while still liking Oscar, and was lightly implied to still like Tom whence they broke up, but still liked Marco. So…yeah. Polyamorous, sapphic, bi, trans….this ship is the FURTHEST thing from straight.
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dsaf-confessions · 6 months
happy trans visibility day!! here are my hcs :] transmasc Jack, Roger n Peter intersex + genderfluid Dave transfem Jake n Caroline gender apathetic/apagender Henry and multigender Oscar :3 - 🖤☎️ Harry Fitzgerald anon
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