#transgender Peter Parker
bored-skid · 4 months
"I want to insult you properly, so what are your pronouns?"
Flash Thompson to transgender peter parker
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shoutatthe-devil · 2 years
Not Your Broad | B.B.
Trigger warning for transphobia.
Masterlist | AO3
Joining the Avengers had been a scary experience for you, but not because of all of the danger. No, that you had been fine with – your mum and dad had both been agents for Australia’s division of HYDRA, and in a rebellious phase which had turned out not to be a phase at all, you had become a spy for SHIELD. When your position was compromised, SHIELD had taken down your base and brought you with them to New York. Once they realised exactly what you were capable of, Fury had fought tooth and nail for you to join the Avengers and after a few missions, you had become one officially.
No, the scary part wasn’t the danger. It was the position you would have to take as the first openly transgender Avenger.
You were genderfluid, mostly using they/them pronouns, but alternating every once in a while with he/him and the occasional neopronoun. You had one rule, though: no one was to refer to you as female, or with she/her pronouns. You were fine with showing your femininity, loving to play with dresses and make up, but the language surrounding it reminded you of your time pretending and brought you major dysphoria.
Everything had turned out mostly fine, but with the occasional slur thrown at you by the media. People who refused your service ended up regretting it almost immediately with Bucky standing right behind you. For the most part, you could hold your own. But there was one thing that never failed to make your day worse: interacting with Steve Rogers.
Most of the Avengers had turned out to be lovely about it. Clint and Natasha had taken you in like a child. They had been the ones to take you to your first pride parade, ending with them holding you close as you cried tears of relief that you would be okay; people like you weren’t wrong, or dirty. Bruce was quieter with his support, offering shyly over dinner to perform your top surgery, which you had instantly (and gratefully) taken him up on. Tony fucked up your pronouns occasionally but apologised quickly and moved on without a fuss. You knew that came from a place of ineptitude rather than malice, though, as he had added a small genderfluid pride flag to your suit just over your heart, built a binder into it until Bruce had done the surgery and added a rainbow flag to the Iron Man suit. Despite being queer himself, he had never bothered to do this before but once seeing the backlash to an openly transgender Avenger, he had decided to be more open with his own identity. You and Peter obviously got on like a house on fire with him being transmasc himself, and while you had never spoken directly to Sam about it, every so often you would see a proud look on his face as he watched you.
The most surprising reaction came from Bucky. For your first few weeks in the compound, he had seemed uncomfortable with you, and you assumed he had some… more historical ideas from growing up in the forties. One day in training, though, he had abruptly asked a question. This became a more frequent occurrence until they had finally opened up to you and said he thought they might be nonbinary; at the moment, he/they pronouns seemed to fit him best. The two of you had bonded quickly, much to the annoyance of Bucky’s star-spangled best friend.
Steve was… less accepting about the whole thing. He had never outrightly said that he didn’t like it, but he was constantly misgendering you and rolled his eyes whenever you corrected him. He tensed up whenever you entered a room and scoffed whenever FRIDAY informed the group that you would be attending some form of pride event or interview. It brought you down considerably, but you had never brought it up for fear of upsetting the team by calling out their leader.
Bucky was sitting with you, talking about their latest discovery from the modern world. He had started watching Doctor Who and had become particularly enamoured with one Bill Potts. You didn’t have the heart to tell them about her less-than-happy ending.
“Buck!” you heard Mr. Stars and Stripes call. You tensed at the sound of his voice, and Bucky looked over at you apologetically.
“Leave the broad alone, I need your help with something.”
Your blood began to boil. It had been over a year of this, and you were getting fucking sick of it.
“Bucky,” you said quietly. “Before I do anything, I need you to confirm for me what broad means.”
Bucky winced. “Woman,” he said softly.
You nodded. Your assumption had been correct; Steve was back on his bullshit. “I just needed to check. Are you comfortable with my saying something?”
“Go for your life.”
You stood up and looked at the blonde man. “I think you’ll find I’m not a broad, Steve.”
Steve scoffed and looked you up and down. “Sure.”
A tiny wire in the back of your mind snapped. “What is your problem with me, huh? What is so hard for you to understand? I’m not a woman. You need to use they/them pronouns referring to me. I thought you were in World War II? This shouldn’t be that hard.”
You saw hostility in Steve’s eyes. It seemed like this had been building up for a while; he was glad to be given the excuse to finally say what he was thinking.
“Oh, for the love of all that is holy,” Steve’s voice started to build. “You can’t possibly still be on about this.”
“What do you mean by this, Steve.” Your eyes narrowed and you could see Bucky sink into the couch behind you.
“I mean that you’re a woman. Look at you. You were born a woman, and you’ll continue to be one. It’s demeaning to try to convince us otherwise.”
“You are filled with such bullshit, Steve!”
“No, look.” His eyes flashed. “I’m sick and tired of having to make you feel comfortable, when it’s clear that what you are, is sick. We shouldn’t all be playing into this delusion you have!”
“Steve, that’s enough.” The last person you would have expected strode into the room. Sam Wilson stood in front of you protectively. “I get what things were like for you growing up, and that it’s a massive culture shock, but things are different now.”
You looked up at the man with shock.
“Oh, you can’t possibly be serious, Wilson,” Steve scoffed. “Look at her!”
“Them,” you heard Bucky say quietly. Steve’s eyes flashed over to them.
“Not you too, Buck,” he gesticulated wildly. “Surely, you’re on my side. You know better.”
“No, I don’t.” You looked at Bucky with a warning. You didn’t want him to say something he might regret, but the determination in their eyes made you understand that this wasn’t just about you; it was about him too.
“Steve, I’m the same as them,” Bucky said. It was strange to see the notorious Winter Soldier trembling, but it was happening in front of you. “Well, not exactly the same. I’m nonbinary. I use he/they pronouns. I’m not a man, Steve."
The blonde started to laugh. “You can’t be serious, Buck.” The hurt that flashed through Bucky’s eyes drew you back towards them, and you wrapped an arm around his shoulders. Sam put a hand on Steve’s shoulder.
“Man, you can’t just—”
“And you!” Steve shouted. “Why are you defending them? You’re normal!”
Sam’s eyes flashed with something you hadn’t seen in them before. “Sorry to tell you, Captain, but you’re looking at a trans man.”
Steve went quiet, his eyes wide.
“I was born a girl, Steve,” Sam said very seriously. “I’m just not as brave as them.” He gestured to you. “I don’t really like to talk about it, because of people like you. I already have it hard enough with all the fucking racism about right now.”
Steve was shocked.
“But let’s talk about you, Cap,” Sam continued. “Because let’s face it, you’re the problem here. All the bullshit coming out of your mouth is just hurting the people you supposedly love most. What does that say about you?”
It was a strange sight, Captain America trying to make himself small. Sam put his arm around Bucky and started leading you both out of there.
“Proud of you, Buck,” he said softly. Bucky gave him an uncommon smile.
“Oh!” you called back. “And you can keep your fucking star-spangled American dream and shove it up your—”
Sam pulled you away as the door slammed shut.
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itsyagerg-author · 1 year
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Summary: Peter Parker finally cuts his hair and realizes he might not be a girl. Transgender Peter basically.
Warnings: Dysphoria, minor swearing, overstimulation, breakdowns, etc. Nothing awful though.
Word Count: 555
Author’s Note: This is very short, and a bit of a comfort piece. If you’re transphobic or anything, I will straight up block you. This is also set in the Ps4 Spider-Man universe.
I looked down at the scissors in my hand, and then further down at the floor. Hair was circled around me, on my feet, on the counter. As I looked in the mirror, I knew what I was going to see.
My hair was cut.
It was cut into a choppy, slightly-above-shoulder length cut, with my front hair just above my eyes. My head felt so much lighter. My body felt lighter.
Yet I couldn’t stop sobbing.
Why did I cut my hair?! Aunt May was going to kill me, I looked awful. I had school tomorrow, why did I decide to- Knock, knock. “Ben,” Aunt May said from the other side of the bathroom door. “Are you alright?” I cringed at the name. I had told her I wanted to go by my middle name a while ago, but in reality, I hated being called that. Maybe just as much as I hated being called my actual name. Why couldn’t I be normal? Another knock. “Ben?” “I-I’m fine, Aunt May,” came my small, high-pitched voice. Talking made me feel worse. “Just, y’know, trying to freshen up!” Small moment of silence. “Well, alright honey. Just be sure to come out soon, I’m about to order some food!” I heard her walk away and my eyes drifted to the mirror again and I started sobbing harder. This was horrible. I had to get out of here, but I couldn't. Not like this. Maybe I should just stay in here forever. I could do that. Ask Aunt May to send food under the cracks. Perfect. I sat down on the floor, hair surrounding me. I felt so uncomfortable-everything felt Wrong. My shirt felt too tight, my pants were too scratchy, I was too cold.
Breathe, Peter, breathe. That was the name I picked for myself. It was the male version of my real name, and I liked it better. I didn't get why. I didn’t get why I wasn’t uncomfortable with Peter. I should be, shouldn’t I? I was Aunt May’s little niece. I was my parents’ little girl. I was the smarted girl in class. Yet, it didn’t feel right at all. Even though it should.I curled up, hugging my knees with my head resting on them. I rocked back and forth, quietly counting to myself. One, two, three, four…One, two, three, four… I was so focused on counting, I didn’t realize the door was pushed open until Aunt May put her hand on my shoulder. I jumped.“Benny,” I bit my cheek at the nickname, “Shh, it’s okay, come here,” she gently pulled me into her arms and suddenly I wasn’t fourteen. I was six, crying in her arms due to who-knows-what. I was a kid. As my crying slowed, she gently said, “Needed a change of style?” I heard myself laugh, but I didn’t feel joyful. “…It looks awful.” Aunt May pushed me away, looking me up and down and sighed. “I can clean it up for you. It’s not awful, you could’ve done worse,” she smiled softly and put her hand against my cheek.“Ben-“ “It’s Peter,” I blurted out, eyes widening, as did hers. “I-I mean-“ I felt tears swell up again. “I-I want to be called Peter, n-not-“ Silence fell before she spoke again. “Peter...let’s get this cleaned up.” I just sobbed.
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thepixelmachine · 2 years
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peter thinks it’s the same pigeon he talks to whenever he lands on this roof, but it’s absolutely not
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daisytaylor787 · 6 months
Write Dm me and reblog my post if you love trans girls… ❤️❤️
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frogs-under-logs · 1 year
"gwen is trans, she has a trans flag" this
"no her best friend peter was trans that's why she and her dad have trans flags" that
you cowards they're both trans
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owchie-wowchie · 6 months
Every spider person is nerodivergent, bi, and trans. I don't make the rules.
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vampir3sfall · 10 months
miguel forgot to mention the other cannon event of every spider-person. they are all transgender
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mikuhats · 5 months
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Enjoying asm a lot........
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transsofiadior · 3 months
Down for meet,just drop an inbox♥️😍
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bored-skid · 3 months
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I'm a transgender Peter Parker advocate
Original image below
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starrykites · 1 year
every spiderman is trans and has adhd and autism. source? me!
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birdiebats · 4 months
The transphobes are right, I’m not getting top surgery because I’m distressed by my gender.
I’m getting it to cosplay Spider-man
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geekysteven · 1 year
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[Image description Tweet from AbhorrentAbby "You know in comics, when Peter Parker is just minding his own business, but then he sees a bunch of newspapers that say "Spider-Man: Villain or Menace?" Being trans in America is kinda like that"] Source
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You can't prove me tf wrong. Peter also bi! I will push my gay agenda all I want lmao.
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souopy · 1 year
transgender Peter Parker is real to me
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