big-gay-bird · 2 years
Ok I think walled of text too much in my last try and panicked.
Are there any active system/plural discords I can join?
To give some context for servers that might have more specific community focuses:
-we are traugmatic but not well versed in syscourse, and I don’t really want to engage with it directly while I get my feet under me as openly a system
-we are only semi professionally diagnosed if that is a boundary for your server
-my body is 26, our alters are in their forties, in their late 20s, in their early 20s, and emotionally a young child (but physically a bird it’s weird I know)
-we have two alters who formed as introjects but no longer identify as just their source material
-we likely have OSDD and not DID
-we have an animal alter and a human-ish alter without a specific species
-we have had bad experiences around trying to integrate so that’s not a personal goal right now. I really need it be off the table while we recover
And most importantly
-we are so new to being out to more than just our closest friends but as think it’ll help us work together better and be our own selves.
Any recs at all are SUPER appreciated! Thank you so much community!
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This shit is so fucking cringe get the fuck offline and stop pretending to be a nazi rapist
Hi there
You have quite the mouth on you. First of all, I'm not LARP-ing, that's something Evan would do. Maybe if you had taken the time to open your eyes you would see I'm a Fictive. Then again, I doubt you know what that is and don't care enough to investigate.
So, go on and sit in your parents basement and police the online activity of others while you do nothing but choke us of oxygen.
The only "cringe" here is you, especially for being too pussy to come off anon and face what you know would be a lot of people calling you bigoted for harassing traumatized individuals/systems who are coping in a healthy way online and connecting with others and their shared trauma.
Get fucked with a quartz crystal, loser.
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dioramasystem · 7 months
I understand everyone in the do not interact section but what's wrong with non-traugmatic systems. Apologies if I'm a bit uneducated but shouldn't we be supporting them as well?
DID and it’s sibling disorders are trauma-based disorders. It literally cannot form without trauma. Tulpamacy (I believe that’s the word) is a closed practice, so you can’t just decide to become a system (honestly I don’t see why anyone would want to.)
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lunathetransqueen · 3 months
just have to say this
if you are anti endo or anti non traugmatic systems
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Is it possible to be both a median system and traugmatic?
Totally! As far as we understand, median just defines the degree of separation between alters or headmates. It is absolutely possible to be both median and traumagenic at the same time!
🌸 Margo and 🖋 Cecil
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https-goregutz · 6 months
🍍, 🍌, 🥭, 🍅 ?:3
This ask game was for our sysblog but that’s okay C:
🍍what’s one thing one alter loves that another hates?
Probably allergies? I’m allergic to mints, celine loves them. Daisy loves blueberries, Alex is allgeric. Lots of nut eaters, crow’s allergic lol. also, how we feel about school likely?:)
🍌what’s a piece of I formation that always grinds your gears?
Idk if this is generally or just system wise, but I’m answering system wise. ENDO SYSTEMS. it’s a trauma disorder. Endos are extremely harmful to the community- when we first discovered ourselves, we thought WE were endogenic.
🥭 if you could spawn one animal as a class pet, what would it be?
We have some alters with pets! Rodney’s snake and Alex’s rat. i think spike’s enough work tho lol
🍅 what’s your controversial opinion?
Again, assuming syscourse. most endo systems are traugmatic and have been confused, roleplaying, or are mistaking one disorder for another. It’s a dissociative disorder, you might be dissociating your trauma, and that’s okay.
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doomybat · 3 months
disc server!
I am so terrible at tumblr ill be honest LOLL but i wanna connect with my mutuals more! SO- if you wanna see more art from me, and chat n stuff -> join my server? https://discord.gg/JzCa6jEnyz hope to see you there !
(raid protected, btw. please be respectful) LGBTQ+ TRAUGMATIC SYSTEM SAFE
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maze-of-sweets · 4 months
hey! for the record! this is an endo neutral blog! we straight up don’t care! if you say you’re plural we believe you! we are traugmatic! but we also don’t give a shit!!!
hearts and love, nibs!!
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war-horseman · 3 years
So didn't think I needed to but apparently I gotta say it.
You're a system? Cool! I don't care how or why you became a system or how your alters came about. Imma respect you as a system.
You alterhuman? Chill! I don't care why you are or how it came about. Imma respect your alterhumaness.
You part of the Alphabet Mafia? Awesome! I don't care how you came across that term you're using or ask you to specify or "dumb it down" for me. Imma respect your identity and pronouns.
Because it is not any of my business why you identify as whatever.
You are always welcome to tell me why, or how, or whatever. I will not judge you. You do not have to prove to me that you are that whatever you are. You do not have to explain why you are whatever you are.
Some of yall might think I'm dumb, but guess what? No body should have to prove they're who they say they are. No one should have to defend who they say they are.
The only time that it should be a problem is if you are doing something that is harmful. And guess what?
Half the shit yall are complaining about isnt harmful.
Now some of yall will come at me and say "But War! Their identity is ruining our community and society isnt taking us seriously!"
This is coming from a professionally diagnosed system.
This is coming from a transgender person.
This is coming from a spiritual AND psychological alterhuman.
Why? Because society doesnt give a FUCK. I could show people my doctor's and therapist's notes and they STILL won't take ME (AN ADULT, GOING FOR THEIR MASTERS IN HUMAN DEVELOPMENT) SERIOUSLY.
So stop your bitching and moaning and get on with your life.
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thecirculararchive · 3 years
Curious, because we’ve always figured this was part of our DID, but…
Does anyone else have hallucinations? When we were a younger system, Rice swears she saw me moving IRL. And Curtis saw a spider once and freaked out - even though 1, he’s not normally scared of them, and 2, there wasn’t one there.
Just curious. I was told at one point that systems can hallucinate, but I’ve never seen that in the DSM (or maybe I did and forgot. Lord only knows now.)
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dazed-system · 3 years
Your friendly reminder that being a system isn’t always sparkles and rainbows- it can be genuinely terrible sometimes!
Arguments within your head, dissociation during important times when you need to be out and focused, headaches from communication and switching, amnesia, hallucinations, and so much more.
Please stop romanticizing mental disorders
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connorlovesrats · 3 years
Hey! Crowe here, few things uh one Red/Paris has split into 2 different alters. So now we have Red and Paris seperately. Secondly, I need some help. I run a trans-only server on discord and this server is obviously system friendly. I don't personally believe endos are actual systems, but should just completely ban them from the server? I'm kinda torn, as long as they aren't spreading misinformation or starting arguments about it should I allow them? Or would it be better to just ban endo systems all together?
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peridotsalien · 6 years
On one hand, I want validation
On the other hand, I want to not think about this at all
I just wish I knew what was going on in my head. I wish I could know for sure if I’m a system. It hurts to invalidate and it hurts to ignore my own invalidation and just ughhhhhhh
I know this is all cuz of how the last few days have been but ugh still
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does anyone know how to stop splitting cause im trying my hardest to keep us from splitting right now
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mosaic-system · 3 years
Playing the game before therapy of:
“did I have a good week because I don’t remember anything bad coming up”
“did I have a bad week because I can’t remember most of it”
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did-system-did · 3 years
we only know how to survive. now we have to learn how to live.
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