#traya is red tornados daughter
batcavescolony · 10 months
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I love how Kon and Cissie would beat the shit out of anyone for Traya. It takes six girls to hold Cissie back, and Kon broke the sound barrier to get to her
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aaronwaltke · 8 months
For those asking, Traya Sutton and the orphanage are shown in the dossier as Red Tornado is reliving his past.
Red still has a relationship with his daughter, but the trauma of being destroyed and his identity subverted or his humanity wiped — which happens often in the comics, followed by an arduous heartwrending path to recovery that is shown to be very hard on all involved — was a lot for Kathy to go through over and over again, with no one to blame. So Tornado stepped back, to spare her.
The comic does make clear this is far from the end, and there are many paths and possibilities to reconciliation. I think it’s also okay for families to take many different shapes beyond the traditional nuclear one, and still for everyone to love one another.
What the future holds for them, we shall see…
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thekidthesuperkid · 2 years
The Young Justice comics are so frustrating timeline-wise because all their adventures follow one after the other. Like, they go fight a brainwashing children’s show cult, then when they come home Red Tornado is in court to get approved for custody of his daughter because her mother is in a coma, Fite & Maad show up because they predicted RT would fight the police when custody was denied, the team sneaks in with civilian disguises to break RT and Traya out of the courthouse, then while escaping the courthouse the Super-cycle phases them through the Earth’s crust far enough that they end up in a cavern where some dude made a knock-off hell, and the team proceeds to fight Supergirl and trash a random small town while being controlled by some succubi, they fight a bunch of demons because hell is freezing over, then when they come home from THAT, they find that Secret is frozen solid and Harm randomly attacks them again, and while half of all that is happening Red Tornado is in jail and a bunch of really old Golden Age sidekicks are manipulating the local government to stop Young Justice from being a thing. I don’t even know where to start with trying to match that to 1) a reasonable timeframe for those events to be happening in and 2) where they fit with the events in other books
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liverobinreaction · 1 year

but what about Young Justice? do they know about Mabel?
Tim brings her with him and is she a team baby like Traya? and Red Tornado at this time like "uh, why tell something to Batman when my daughter finally has a best friend🙄"?
or is Tim more distant from the team than in canon because he can't go to Mount Justice every weekend? and starts to open up only at the end when Anita panics looking at her little parents and Tim introduces her to Mabel and gives her different parenting tips?
Sorry for the slow reply!!!
Now that. Uh. Is getting ahead lmaooo. I haven't thought that far! But probably? I think??? I'd need to read more up about YJ and their missions, because it could go two ways.
Tim explicitly says in one issue to his team that he doesn't want to be like Batman and not trust them; hence, it would make sense if he relied on them with Mabel's existence, since they could protect her if necessary. On the other hand, he doesn't want to pull Mabel into this world and would prefer to keep her out of it. Given she's in boarding school, it wouldn't be too much of a stretch to just... keep her there when needed.
She has a lot to say on the topic either way.
But I definitely like the idea of Tim being distant until Anita's parents are deaged!!! Because that would provide an excellent opportunity for him to actually introduce Mabel to his team.
Much to ponder about.... especially since I'm currently writing the fic XD
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fancyfade · 3 years
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parents who know their kids are superheroes must look so neglectful lol.
“Your kid is missing”
“yeah, they do that occasionally, no big deal”
ID under cut
[image: 3 comic panels from young justice 29 showing bonnie king (arrowette’s mom), traya (red tornado’s daughter) and arrowette’s principle standing in an office (traya is sitting on a chair). Bonnie is holding a bag of pretzels and has a pretzel stick in her mouth
PRINCIPAL: Yes, well... ahem... the reason I called is, well... it’s regarding your daughter
BONNIE: She okay?
PRINCIPAL: She disappeared. into thin air. poof.
BONNIE (kneeling down by Traya): Disappeared, huh. Burst of light? Any sounds?
TRAYA: Nope. Just gone.
BONNIE: Figures. Well... she’ll be back.
PRINCIPAL: Mrs King Jones I... don't think you grasp the seriousness of the sit --
BONNIE: She's likely off with young...  friends. She cna take care of herself, and they'd be taking care of her. Soon as whatever they're doing is done, she'll return.
end image]
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ectonurites · 4 years
Thoughts on my favourite Android dad, Red Tornado?
A FUCKING ICON!!!!!!!!!!!!! like admittedly I have mainly only read him in Young Justice but jesus christ he’s not only hilarious
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But I also love just how much he cares for the kids!!!!! like i think about that time he was watching random kids play (yj 1998 issue 22) and he
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he loves those kids so much! he loves his daughter Traya so much too and I loved her involvement in yj & him trusting Cissie to watch over her at the school... AGH i just. he’s so good and was the perfect mentor/guidance figure for them. He gave them plenty of freedom but cared so much 
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characterarcs · 4 years
The OG Young Justice comics from the late 90s to the early ‘00s were so amazing. Not only did they accurately show how superhero teens would act and add in hilarious humor but they gave such powerful messages. They showed Cissie who was one of the few heroes to retire permanently and have good reason as to why. They also had a whole issue dedicated to fighting prejudice when Traya (Red Tornado’s Bialyan daughter) was being attacked at school because of a recent incident in Bialya where Americans were killed. Not to mention the introduction of Anita Fite, a great, black, female character who practices Voodoo (and not the styilized Hollywood version). They didn’t read like a superhero team, they were like a group of friends hanging out after school in a clubhouse and I think that’s what makes them such an easy and somewhat-relatable read.
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the-overanalyzer · 3 years
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52 from 52 - #45
Tragedies and Statistics
I’d have to double check to be sure, but I think the Unnamed President here is the only Bialyan character to get lines in 52. Considering that all of them die very shortly after this page, this renders the entire population—over two million people, apparently—little more than anonymous, disposable set dressing to make the focus characters freak out over how dangerous Black Adam is. Y’know, that thing they’ve been doing for the duration of the series already, without a genocide.
Seriously, top of your head, how many Bialyans can you name? You could be forgiven if you said “Red Tornado’s daughter Traya and literally nobody else”. Aside from a couple of the Queens Bee and a handful of generic Gaddafi stand-ins, the country is essentially just a factory for fictional terrorist groups. Bialya is made up, but it’s treatment in fiction is nevertheless a very real example of how western media treats enormous chunks of the real world.
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ladyartemisia28 · 6 years
Every Character in the “Superhero Mommy and Me” Group
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Just in case anyone was wondering who everyone was in Young Justice: Outsiders Season 3x09.
I’m sure some of these characters are obvious but I’m sharing this just in case.
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1. Iris West-Allen (Wife of Barry “The Flash” Allen)
2-3. Don Allen (Son of “The Flash”) and Dawn Allen (Daughter of “The Flash”)
4. Bart Allen (”Kid Flash“/ Future son of Don Allen/ Grandson of “The Flash“)
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5. Queen of Atlantis Mera (Wife of King Arthur Curry/ Former “Aquaman“)
6. Prince Artur (Son of Arthur Curry)
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7. Roy “Will“ Harper (Former “Red Arrow”/ “Arsenal“/“Speedy” correction by @bookdragonlibrary )
8. Lynn Stewart (Ex-Wife of Jefferson “Black Lightning” Pierce/ Sister of John “Green Lantern” Stewart)
9. Anissa Pierce (Daughter of “Black Lightning”)
10. Jennifer Pierce (Daughter of “Black Lightning”)
11. Lian Nguyen-Harper (Daughter of Will Harper and Jade “Cheshire” Nguyen)
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12. Raquel Ervin (”Rocket”)
13. Amistad Arvin (Son of “Rocket”)
14. Karen Beecher (”Bumblebee”)
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15. John Smith (”Red Tornado”)
16. Traya Sutton ( Daughter of “Red Tornado”)
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17. Lois Lane (Wife of Clark “Superman” Kent)
18. Jonathan Kent (Son of “Superman”)
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dc-earth53 · 4 years
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#0017 - Red Tornado (John Smith)
Age: 17 (actual age of Red Tornado persona), 73 (age of original body), 35 (assumed age of John Smith persona)
Occupation: Adventurer
Marital status: Married
Known relatives: T.O. Morrow (father/creator), Red Torpedo (brother, deceased), Red Inferno (sister, deceased), Red Volcano (brother, deceased), Tomorrow Woman (“sister”), Kathy Sutton (wife), Traya Sutton (adoptive daughter).
Group affiliation: Justice League of America, formerly Young Justice
Base of Operations: Happy Harbor, Rhode Island
Height: 6’1”
Weight: 325 lbs.
1870 A.D.: The air elemental Ulthoon, also known as the Tornado Tyrant, is born on the planet Xalthor.
1947 A.D: T.O. Morrow creates the Red Tornado android as one of a set of elemental-powered androids to combat the Justice Society of America. The android is defeated by the JSA, and deactivated, held in the Justice Society’s Perisphere headquarters.
1951 A.D: The Perisphere is demolished, with the Red Tornado android being taken into government custody.
17 years ago:
Adam Strange defeats the Tornado Tyrant, inspiring it to turn over a new leaf. The newly rechristened Tornado Champion follows Strange back to Earth. Ulthoon comes across the inert body of the Red Tornado and comes to inhabit it. During the merging process, the Red Tornado short-circuits, and Ulthoon’s memory is erased.
T.O. Morrow, now in an android body of his own, senses that his creation has been re-activated, and seizes control of it, sending it against the Justice League, but Red Tornado rebels against his programming, helping the League defeat Morrow and afterwards becoming a member of the group.
16 years ago: The Red Tornado meets employment counselor Kathy Sutton in his human guise as John Smith, and the two fall in love.
15 years ago: Red Tornado is possessed by the electronic consciousness known as the Construct, but is freed with the assistance of the Justice League.
14 years ago: The Tornado and Sutton adopt the Bialyan orphan Traya as their own.
12 years ago: Red Tornado defeats the Construct in its attempt to take over the world via mass brainwashing.
11 years ago: 
Red Tornado seemingly perishes during the Anti-Monitor Crisis, having been turned into a living weapon by the Anti-Monitor and being destroyed by his fellow heroes. Attempts to reconstruct him lead to the detonation of a failsafe in his chest - an explosive that ends up destroying the Justice League’s satellite headquarters.
Red Tornado’s consciousness remains intact inside his head, and when he reboots, he becomes aware of Volthoom’s true nature as an air elemental.
10 years ago: Embracing his nature as an air elemental, Red Tornado enters into a war with Earth’s other elementals: Naiad, Firestorm, and Swamp Thing. Increasingly, he begins to distance himself from his humanity.
8 years ago: Feeling isolated from humanity, Red Tornado retreats to the Secret Sanctuary in Happy Harbor, Rhode Island, where he lay dormant until awoken by the members of Young Justice. He becomes a mentor to the young heroes.
7 years ago: Red Tornado attempts to reunite with Kathy and Traya, to partial success - he gains the privilege of regular visitations with Traya. Soon after, Red Tornado, as John Smith, and Kathy resume their relationship.
5 years ago:
Red Tornado is recruited by Jade to fight in the Rann-Thanagar War. During the war, he is struck by a passing Zeta Beam and destroyed.
His remains return to Earth, ending up in Australia, and are gathered by John Stewart, who brings them to Will Magnus to reassemble.
4 years ago: The Tornado rejoins the Justice League, fighting against his siblings and Amazo in a scheme masterminded by Solomon Grundy.
3 years ago: Red Tornado is destroyed yet again, demolished by the Injustice League, and his mind is placed into the League’s computer system while Magnus and John Henry Irons build him a new body. Meanwhile, Sutton agrees to marry him.
1 year ago: Red Tornado is taken over by the Construct in its bid to activate the Earth’s weapons of mass destruction.
Present day: Red Tornado remains a member of the Justice League in good standing, and has recently helped Oracle complete an upgrade to their computer system.
I don’t really have much to say about Red Tornado, except that I simplified his origin greatly, cutting out most of the Tornado Tyrant/Champion stuff, all the universe-hopping he did pre-Crisis, and about half the times his body was destroyed. This Red Tornado has finally found the proper balance between his humanity and artificial nature, and doesn’t suffer from the “am I man or machine?” angst that a lot of DC’s other robot characters do.
The choice of his costume was also very easy, he only really has had one lasting look, and for simplicity’s sake, I went with Young Justice’s version of that look.
Next: Amazo and then Plastic Man!
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heroicadventurists · 6 years
Top 10 Moments from Young Justice Outsiders episodes 7-9 **SPOILERS**
So much stuff happened in these 3 episodes, I had to create an honorable mention category
Honorable Mentions
-Nabu is Vandal’s son.
This was an interesting twist. Nabu is a powerful, magical spirit that controls Doctor Fate and takes over the mind of whoever wears the Helmet of Fate.  Nabu is currently in control of Zatanna’s Father, Zatara.
-Hot Lava
During a beach training sequence, Nightwing told Brion, Halo and Forager to come up with their Nom De Guerre (war name).  Brion came up with the name Hot Lava and I love him for it.
Nightwing was soooo dramatically funny in episode 7.  From being EXTRA when telling the team to pick out their Nom De Guerre, and picking on Artemis about her stripper code name Tigress; Dick reminded us why we love him so much.
-Orphan slices Tetch/Clayface
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In episode 8 we are introduced to Robin’s team consisting of Spoiler, Orphan and Arrowette.  They are tailing Jervis Tetch to get some intel on the meta-human trafficking ring.  Spoiler notices that something is off with Tetch and Robin points out that he is drinking a lot of water.  They notice clay in the bottom of one of his discarded water bottles.  Before Robin can say when, Orphan is gone and we get a shot of her slicing Tetch right down the middle of his body to reveal Clayface.  That’s a boss way to make your animated appearance.
10. Stephanie
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I never had that much of an opinion on Stephanie Brown. I never read her Batgirl or Robin run; and  her role hasn’t been significant in the latest Detective run.  After her YJ debut, I am a new fan.  She was a good teammate and quick thinking on her feet.  If it wasn’t for her, they wouldn’t have found Jervis Tetch’s base of operations.  While Tetch was unfortunately able to escape, they put an end to his experiments, obtained valuable intel and freed several criminals from Tetch’s mind control.  I am definitely open to her becoming Robin (if Tim becomes Red Robin first) and/or Batgirl in YJ if she continues to operate at this level of efficiency. Also Cassie better watch out.  Tim was clearly impressed by her.                     
9. Victor Stone
Victor a.k.a Cyborg got a cool shout out, setting up his YJ debut.  During football highlights, Victor was mentioned on a radio program.  Victor was a promising football player until an accident cut his career short, leading him to become Cyborg.  Cyborg is a long time member of the Teen Titans and Justice League. 
8. Babies R Us
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I loved this scene so much.  In episode 9, we saw the future of the superhero community as Will Harper, Iris West-Allen, Lois Lane, Mera, Raquel Ervin (Rocket), John Smith (Red Tornado), Lynn Stewart and Karen Beecher-Duncan (Bumblebee) gathered for the most exclusive play date in history.  We have seen the following babies this season: Lian Harper, Don & Dawn West-Allen, Jon Kent, Arthur Curry Jr, Anissa & Jennifer Pierce, Damian Wayne, Amistad Ervin and Traya Sutton.  The Universe will be in good hands with these Superbabies.
7. Tim
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What an upgrade.  In season 2 of YJ, Tim was leading the Beta team.  Now in season 3, he has his own unit and is standing alongside Batman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Nightwing, Oracle and Miss Martian as the Anti-Light.  It’s good to see characters be elevated into higher positions this season.
6. Lobo
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The Light hired Lobo to kill Forager in order to obtain intel on Nightwing’s new team.  Nightwing’s team gave everything they had to defeat Lobo but ultimately could not stop him.  It took Forager tricking Lobo into thinking he killed him for the fight to be over.  While Lobo ultimately failed, he gave The Light the intel they needed on Nightwing.  And Lobo left a finger behind, so that will probably be important in future seasons. 
5. Shiva beheads Prince Orm
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During the ultimate playdate, a man watched the festivities from a house across the street.  We learn that it was Prince Orm (King Arthur’s brother) who wanted to exact revenge against the Superhero community by killing their offspring.  Suddenly SHIVA appears on behalf of The Light and encourages Orm to stand down.  After he refuses, Shiva beheads Orm. As quickly as she appears, the crime scene is cleaned up and the heroes across the street are none the wiser.  Orm’s death so early in the season is dumbfounding.  Do not cross The Light.  Even if you are amongst their ranks, you are disposable.
4. Vandal kills Olympia
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The story of Vandal Savage (as told by his companions Olympia and his daughter Cassandra) took up the majority of episode 7.  Throughout the episode, it appeared that Olympia was suffering from dementia, as she kept asking Cassandra the same questions over and over.  Even thru her forgetfulness, she constantly displayed her admiration and love for Vandal.  At the end of the episode, Vandal snapped Olympia’s neck; in what could be considered a mercy killing.  After her death, we learn that Olympia was Vandal’s daughter.  This was a sad turn of events as Olympia clearly adored Vandal; he killed her in front of her sister Cassandra; and Vandal clearly loved Olympia.  This was the highlight of the Vandal story.   
3. Granny Goodness
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Throughout the season, we have seen people wearing virtual reality Goode Googles. We learn that these googles are actually made by Granny Goodness. Obviously something is going to happen to whoever wears the googles.  So far this season, Garfield (Beast Boy) and Barbara (Oracle) have donned these googles.
2. 6 Teams
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Surprise, Surprise.  Batman didn’t abandon the League after all.  In this episode we learn that six teams have been working undercover to fight the Light.  These teams are being led by Aquaman (Kaldur’ahm), Wonder Woman (Diana of Themyscira), Batman (Bruce Wayne), Nightwing & Oracle (Dick Grayson & Barbara Gordon), Robin (Tim Drake) and Miss Martian (M’gann M’orzz).  While they are affective in their objectives, Wonder Woman has serious doubts about lying to their respective teams.  When questioned if they would lie on the stand, the Bats were stoic while Aquaman and Miss Martian exchanged nervous glances.  Let’s be real, the Bats are the best liars in the game.  She has nothing to worry about.
1. Step Into The Light
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We finally know who is in The Light and their objective.  The Light includes Vandal Savage, Lex Luthor, Klarion, Granny Goodness, Deathstroke, Queen Bee and Ultra-Humanite.  The Light is aware of Dick’s off the books team consisting of Black Lightning, Tigress, Superboy, Brion, Halo & Forager.  We also learn that Vandal and Darkseid made a pact to help each other take over the Galaxy.  Once they have control over everything, there would be a final battle between Earth and Apokolips.  The Light was assembled to battle Darkseid when that moment arrives.  The Meta-Human trafficking is to prepare for that final battle. 
What were your favorite moments in episodes 7-9
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thedcdunce · 5 years
“Six out of six again. Practice makes perfect. Perfectly boring.” - Arrowette
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Real Name: Suzanne "Cissie" King-Jones
Gender: Female
Height: 5′ 7″
Weight: 107 lbs (49 kg)
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blonde
Hand-to-Hand Combat (Advanced)
Trick Arrows
Universe: New Earth
Base of Operations:
Saint Elias School for Girls
Citizenship: American
Bernell Jones; father
Bonnie King; mother
Marital Status: Single
Occupation: Student
First Appearance: Impulse #2 (August, 1997)
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Archery: Arrowette is an Olympic-level archer and athlete. She was trained from an early age to become one of the world's greatest archers.
Hand-to-Hand Combat (Advanced): Arrowette is also skilled in kick boxing and other hand to hand combat.
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Trick Arrows: She has a variety of trick arrows that she uses such as classic arrows, boxing glove arrows, oil slick arrows, freeze arrows, and even a few sillier ones such as perfume arrows that her mother made her use.
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Suzanne "Cissie" King-Jones, alias Arrowette was a skilled archer and member of Young Justice. She is the daughter of Bonnie King aka Miss Arrowette and Star City reporter Bernell "Bowstring" Jones. Bernell and his family lived a happy life, that is until he ate some bad shellfish and died. Her mother received a large sum of money from his life insurance, which was delivered by Hal Jordan himself, back when he worked for Evergreen Insurance.
Her mother was an Olympic-level archer and insisted that her daughter achieve the same level. Bonnie developed a psychological disorder and forced Cissie to train constantly. Apparently after seeing Green Arrow and Speedy in action, she developed trick arrows and the 'Miss Arrowette' identity to use as a cover.
The first hero she encountered was the speedster Impulse. Cissie and her mother worked together with the speedster and his current guardian and mentor Max Mercury, to defeat the super villain Spazz. However Max grew concerned about Bonnie forcing her daughter to become a hero to fight crime. Max gets Child Services involved and Bonnie loses custody of her daughter. Cissie is sent to the boarding school Saint Elias School for Girls. However, Cissie continued to train while overseen by Dr. Marcy Money, who observed that she really was a good archer, better than her mother.
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Young Justice
Cissie returns in a new costume, this time facing the criminal Harm, but is injured by him using one of her own arrows against her. She escapes and contacts the teenage superheroes Young Justice, together they defeat Harm with the help of his sister Secret and the new Wonder Girl. These three young heroes then officially join the team, becoming close friends in the process. During a game of "Truth or Dare", Cissie is asked that, if put in a position where she had to make a choice about being a hero, she responds that she would ask her mother's advice and then do the opposite!
Dr. Marcy Money is brutally murdered and, as he was the only adult she has ever trusted, Cissie tracks down the killers to avenge him. She nearly kills one of them herself, but is stopped by Superboy. Cissie is so affected by the incident that she vows to never don the Arrowette costume again.
Now free from the team, she reconciles with her mother, and trains for the "Summer Games" in Sydney, Australia. Cissie ends up winning a gold, and becomes something of a celebrity upon her return to the US. She is offered a guest-spot on the television show, "Wendy the Werewolf Stalker" which just happens to be Superboy's favorite show. Later when Traya Sutton; Red Tornado's adopted daughter comes to Saint Elias School for Girls, she helps her adjust to her new home. When Secret is returned to life, Cissie helps her become a student as well. An alien plant gets loose in Cissie and Traya's dorm and Wonder Girl, Slobo and Red Tornado come to the rescue to stop it from hurting any of the students.
Now living the normal life, she has no desire or want to return to the life of heroics, even though friends and family think she should. The team invites her to play baseball on an alien planet, with the fate of many innocent lives depending on the outcome of the game. This annoys Cissie, as there is a long list of better candidates, most of whom have superpowers. She reluctantly participates and they barely win.
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Imperiex War
During the war with Imperiex, she served as field medic for the team, although the team was again divided due to uncertainty about Robin's loyalty because of Batman's files on the Justice League and other such heroes.
When Helena Sandsmark attempts to enroll her daughter Cassie aka Wonder Girl into the Saint Elias School, she is rejected. Cissie, with the help of fellow student Greta Hayes, threatens to leave the school and take her celebrity status as a gold-winning archer with her, they reluctantly agree and Cassie is enrolled in the school.
Cissie later visits Wonder Girl at Titans Tower in San Francisco, as she wishes to give her best friend moral support while she battles with the decision to tell her friends that her father was the Greek God, Zeus. While walking the grounds, the villains known as Multiplex and the Hyena jump out and attack them. Cissie and Cassie make quick work of the villains and Cissie leaves soon after. Cassie returns to the Tower just as a brainwashed Superboy prepares to launch a surprise attack of his own.
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sebeth · 6 years
Young Justice: Home Fires
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Warning, Spoilers Ahead…
  Episode 9: “Home Fires”
  September 28: Greater Biayla
Vandal Savage and the Queen Bee meet – the duo have two tasks that need handled.
Rimbor: Ultra Boy’s home planet! Lobo accepts a contract.
New Mexico: The Justice League and STAR Labs hold a press conference. Iris Allen watches from home, envious over Cat Grant’s coverage: “You have one set of twins and everyone forgets you’re a reporter.”
Kaldur announces the opening of the first metahuman youth center and introduces the director: Dr. Eduardo Dorado. El Dorado?
We see Mist, Live Wire, and Tye among the inhabitants of the youth center.
Iris’s twins have inherited the super-speed. No problem, as Bart can keep up with the “Tornado Twins”.
Mera and Arthur Jr arrive at Iris’s house. So happy to see Arthur Jr. is alive. Comic cannon isn’t nice to the poor boy.
Conner, Brion, and Forager are watching the G. Gordon Godfrey show at Happy Harbor.
Gordon introduces his guest “Gretchen Goode” aka Granny Goodness.
Granny designed the VR Goggles we’ve seen in previous episodes. We knew the goggles would become a plot point as they’ve been popping up too frequently not to be. But Granny Goodness is behind the goggles? Quick, Babs, throw the goggles away!
Granny informs Gordon that she has parterned with Wayne Foundation to help victims of metahuman trafficking. Um, Bruce, what happened to background checks?
Is Lucas flirting with Megan? Could be an interesting pairing. At the very least, Lucas doesn’t fit into Megan’s delusional, manipulative fantasy life. Megan and Conner both need to broaden their horizons.
Roy and Lynn, along with their children, have joined the playdate at Iris’s house. I love the concept of superhero children playdates.
Roy is flustered when Lynn inquires over Roy and Artemis’s relationship. Roy pulls a “nothing to see here, move along” maneuver. I don’t want a Roy/Artemis relationship. It will only end in heartbreak when Wally makes his eventual return.
A very pregnant Karen arrives.  Rocket and her son, Amistad, are also there.
Dick’s group, minus Dick, meets with Jace and Jeff.
Dick ambushes the newbies in a training exercise.
John (Red Tornado) arrives with Traya, his daughter.
John is a big hit at the playdates: “Uncle John, do the twisties, please”.
I am loving all the heroes with spouses and children. Mainstream comics are all “no marriages, no children” blah, blah, blah.
Young Justice: Over half our characters are married and/or have children!
Dick and Brion bang heads but are interrupted by the arrival of Lobo. He’s been contracted to murder Forager.
Big brawl ensues. Superboy has the best luck against Lobo.
Lobo murders Halo. Brion and Jeff tag team Lobo.
Lois and Jon arrive at Iris’s house. Jon! Yay! I now demand Jon and Conner onscreen interactions. Make it happen! Jon seems to be very close in age to Damian in the YJ-verse – perhaps a few months older?
Ocean Master has been stalking Iris’s house. He better not hurt any of those children – especially Arthur Jr.
Lady Shiva is with Ocean Master. She is clearly allied with the Shadows. Orm mentions he’s spent six years in an Atlantean prison. Shiva warns Orm against attacking the house as it’s a nuclear option and the Light doesn’t want it used lightly. Orm refuses to halt his attack and Lady Shiva decapitates him. Go Shiva!
Back to the Lobo brawl. Halo resurrects and reenters the fight. Forager sheds his exoskeleton in order to fool Lobo into believing he’s dead.
Lobo leaves, believing he has successfully executed Forager.
The Light meets. Lobo’s hit has now confirmed Count Vertigo’s testimony on covert hero teams.
Lady Shiva is the Light’s new enforcer.
The Light’s top hierarchy consists of Vandal Savage, Lex Luthor, the Queen Bee, the Ultra-Humanite, Klarion, Deathstroke, Granny Goodness, and Lady Shiva.
The end credit is Lobo’s severed finger.
A fun episode with adorable hero playdates and a wild Lobo brawl.
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that-shamrock-vibe · 6 years
TV Review: Young Justice Outsiders Part 1 (Spoilers)
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Spoiler Warning: The first part of Young Justice Outsiders is finally all available for viewing so I thought I would give my thoughts on Season 3 thus far, it won’t be in depth because for me this season hasn’t been but there are light spoilers so be warned.
General Reaction:
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I have been a fan of Young Justice since I found out about the series, I love it. I love taking these sidekicks and putting them in the spotlight. It’s why I loved Teen Titans and Young Avengers. I guess because I discovered them while I was a teenager myself, season 1 aired in 2010 when I was 19 so technically that counts, that I relate to them but also the first two seasons of the show were so well done and made for gripping binge-worthy viewing.
So you can imagine that I, like many other fans of the show, was thrilled when after an injust cancellation it returned 5 years. The only problem is Young Justice: Outsiders lacks the spark and somewhat originality that the first two seasons had.
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These first 13 episodes of season three lack centric main characters, a strong A-Storyline and, until the last 4 episodes, that gripping binge-worthiness I mentioned the first two seasons had. Instead we have an Easter-Egg season crammed with characters who are splintered into different groups who each have their own storylines that, again until near the end of the 13 episodes, don’t really tie-in with each other and feel like they each need their own shows to develop fully.
Also, there is another time jump between Season 2 and 3 which makes more sense here than it did between 1 and 2 because in real-time 5 years has passed since the end of Season 2 whereas there it seemed to be done to push ahead the story and give the franchise a Star Wars feel of making it a multi-media experience with the comic-book tie-in series filling in the space between 1 & 2.
What’s Good:
Alright so I want to be fair to the season because it does have some good aspects which I actually liked.
Fan Favourites:
I will get into the sheer volume of characters introduced to this season further down but for now I want to talk about the fan-favourites introduced who were somewhat fleshed out rather well.
Firstly Lady Shiva. I have never seen Lady Shiva before but I know she is a fan-favourite character and, considering the underwhelming performance of Talia al Ghul recently, a favored replacement for her. I still think Nyssa al Ghul is a good replacement particularly in Arrow but here I understand why people like her. I thought the fact she is the trainer of the new League of Shadows recruits as well as an Enforcer for The Light to be quite good, although I do find myself thinking that, as mentioned, Deathstroke was exactly in that position in the second season and he was barely used, I hope that’s not the case here.
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Then there’s Cyborg. It’s about god-damn time they brought this guy in. Just when I thought this season was not going to get graphic or gory they give us Cyborg’s Post-New 52 origins and that imagery of Victor’s body after the explosion was so good for me. I also liked how they’ve updated the Cyborg look and now given him mood-lighting with Father Box control which causes an interesting relationship between him and new character Halo.
Finally there’s Terra. I am excited for what has been teased with Terra so far. The fact she was part of the Markovian Royal Family which was introduced in the first couple of episodes and then herself being properly introduced in the last episode with her Geokinetic powers, while not yet fully realized I am sure will be great.
Beast Boy:
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So again this is very much a light spoiler review but what I will say is watch out and be patient for Beast Boy because he does not have that much to do at the start of the season and only really appears in snippets as the opening scenes of the episodes but in the penultimate episode of Season 3A it is all about Beast Boy and it’s probably my favourite episode despite one glaring aspect of it which is an Easter-Egg within the DC Multiverse.
What’s Bad:
Shifting Allegiances:
There is a big shake-up in how our heroes are affiliate themselves with in the first episode alone.
Not only do Batman and Black Lightning quit the Justice League, Batman taking other members with him for his own team, but the original Aquaman Arthur Curry, who has just had his own billion dollar movie released, is no longer in the League and instead his protege Aqualad has not only become the new Aquaman but the leader of the League.
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Then there’s the Team which this series is supposed to focus on. Again there’s a shake-up in the roster and the team that is shown in the promotion is pretty much the team for this season but...because of all the other characters introduced this season we do not spend enough time getting to know the new team, the new members on the team or the reasons why the members of the team who were there at the end of last season aren’t there now.
For instance, it is kind of explained why Tigress and Superboy are no longer on the team as they’re part of Nightwing’s new team and therefore in that promo image not this one, but Guardian and Lagoon Boy all have left without explanation. We know what has happened to Beast Boy and Bumblebee has a kid and is pregnant again so that probably explains their reasoning. Guardian aka Mal Duncan and Lagoon Boy weren’t very interesting characters which maybe explains their absence in terms of production but in-canon that can’t be the only reason.
Arsenal was expelled from the team during Season 2 so his appearance in this line-up raised curiosity, but he only appears in one episode but not with a single member of this team and instead with his fellow Roy Harpers.
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Then new team members Arrowette, Spoiler and Thirteen who were promoted are barely used. Yes Robin II aka Tim Drake leaves the team and takes Arrowette and Spoiler under his leadership to form their own team with new character Orphan, but Arrowette and Spoiler were both introduced as civillians in Season 2 yet nothing is done to reference that. In fact many people thought Arrowette was Artemis in a new suit at first.
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Thirteen remains on the team but I do not think has a speaking line and if she does it’s forgettable. All I know about this character is she is the protege of Zatanna but she has her own problems this season apparently and so this completely new character is barely utilized properly.
Also Blue Beetle, Bart Allen as Kid Flash, Static and Wonder Girl are all returning characters yet hardly either seen, utilized or developed in this season. Static loses Black Lightning as a mentor and Wonder Girl is seemingly dumped by Tim Drake when he quits the team due to Batman leaving the League, but Blue Beetle and Bart Allen who were focal characters last season are blink and miss them characters this season...glorified cameos at best.
Too Many Characters:
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This brings me on to my biggest issue with this season, there are way too many characters introduced and involved in this season. There are 13 episodes but it feels like they have a combined total of 130 characters introduced. We have new characters that we are supposed to focus on and new ones that seem to be there just to be there.
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For instance, new characters like Cyborg, Forager, Halo and Geo-Force I get we are supposed to focus on, but Cyborg isn’t introduced until Episode 10 and then heavily focused on for 4 episodes, while the latter three are all introduced at the start of the season and slowly and organically developed.
Then there are characters like Steel and Katana who I almost forgot were introduced at the start of Episode 1 until Episode 10 when there were slightly more prominent.
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Speaking of that Episode 1 Easter-Egg hunt, once Batman announces he is leaving the Justice League he makes it clear that four members of the league are resigning to join him, Katana, Plastic Man who was introduced in Season 1 and again to this day I cannot say if he’s actually had any speaking lines, Hardware who I have no clue as to who that is and Batwoman...Batwoman! You had probably the best LGBT superhero and yet she’s only seen in two images and that’s it. What, the, hell!
Then Episode 9 “Home Fires” is an episode full to the brim with Easter-Eggs, I can’t even call them characters because aside from maybe three of them none of them are focused on. Along with Bart Allen who actually has something to do here, Iris West-Allen actually has some comedic moments and then Karen aka Rocket who has some speaking lines and Lynn Stewart-Pierce who is the ex-wife of Black Lightning but isn’t as good here as Christine Adams portrays her on Black Lightning aside from the fact that in this continuity she is the sister of John Stewart aka Green Lantern.
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Aside from them, there’s the introduction of Lois Lane with son Jonathan, the reintroduction of Red Tornado’s human-looking form John Smith with daughter Traya Sutton, a pregnant Bumblebee, Iris and Barry’s twins Dawn and Don, Mera and son of Aquaman Artur, Rocket’s sassy son Amisted and the re-introduction of Black Lightning and Lynn’s daughter Anissa and Jennifer Pierce.
Away from this storyline in the episode is the reintroduction and death of Ocean-Master along with the introduction of Lady Shiva who kills him and the introduction of Granny Goodness. All this was just in the one episode.
Then we have Ra’s al Ghul and his followers, I can’t say League anymore because Ra’s has left both the League and The Light and Deathstroke seems to have taken his place in both, we are reintroduced to his followers such as Ubu and the Sensei but also introduced to the cameos of Talia al Ghul, Damien Wayne and a mysterious Red-Hooded Ninja...
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Also when we are finally reintroduced to Batman and his new team, the only one we see return is Katana along with new character Metamorpho...I don’t know who this character is but I like him.
Wonder Woman said it best in Episode 8 when there’s a meeting of all the leaders of these hero teams and says that between her, Batman, Aquaman(lad), Nightwing, Robin, Miss Martian and Oracle. they do in fact have 5 teams at their disposal. That is way too many teams to focus on in one season, particularly when 3 of those teams haven’t been properly established yet and the other two have had massively unexplained shake-ups.
Missed Opportunities:
As mentioned before, there is another time jump between Seasons 2 and 3, here it is two years rather than five as it was Between 1 and 2 which makes no sense because less real-time has passed in each gap but I digress.
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However, once again due to this time jump, we miss out on some major development. The biggest crime being that one of comics most famous stories, The Killing Joke is seemingly told as Barbara goes from Batgirl to Oracle and able-bodied to wheelchair bound.
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Now maybe Young Justice creators took inspiration from the only time that story has been told in film or television and thought just to skip it but then why not have a spin-off series centred on the Bat-Family, which has grown this season not just by Batwoman and Spoiler but also Orphan and Harper Row who in the comics becomes Bluebird to make a grand total of 10 Bat-Family members, so you can flesh out these characters and iconic stories.
What’s Teased:
Alright to end this review on a somewhat positive note I want to talk about what  is hopefully teased for the back-half of this season coming in June.
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Firstly we have Terra aka Tara Markov. Introduced at the start of this season but then formally introduced in Episode 13 as the Geokinetic Metahuman who is apparently enslaved on Bialya and later rescued by Nightwing’s team. However, the ending tease for the season shows Terra being taken in by the Team and secretly messaging Deathstroke who is now the leader of the League of Shadows having never apparently left the League apparently.
The only issue with this is it seems they’re playing out The Judas Contract which has also recently been told recently in the animated films. I mean it is clear at this point that they’re making the team in this series their version of the Teen Titans without calling them that but we shall see if we actually get to see this played out.
Red Hood and Damien Wayne:
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Two Robins for the price of one. Jason Todd as an in-canon character was never physically shown on screen in the second season as he was apparently introduced and killed in that 5 year gap. However, with the introduction of this Red-Hooded Ninja who is under Ra’s al Ghul’s leadership with the exact same hairstyle as Jason Todd...it stands to reason that we will soon meet Red Hood in Season 3b.
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Now as for Damien Wayne, Talia is introduced as a cameo this season as she watches Nightwing’s team flying away standing besides her father Ra’s holding a baby boy in her arm. It stands to reason that this is Damien and so unless we have a time-jump of 10 years I doubt we’ll see him again in any major capacity but the fact he has been introduced is big if the show reaches that 10 year gap.
Baby Sidekicks:
So as well as Damien, we have the infant forms of Don & Dawn Allen aka the Tornado Twins and Jonathan Samuel Kent aka a future Superboy. Also this season we meet Anissa and Jennifer Pierce who in the future become Lightning and Thunder respectively.
These pose as great teases but much like Damien, unless there’s a jump by 10 years I doubt they’ll be heavily focused on.
Apokolips Now:
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Alright so Apokolips is DC’s hot topic at the moment, not only did they try to push it and Darkseid in the movies until Justice League fell flat but also the end tease of Season 2 showed Darkseid meeting with Vandal Savage and they are now apparently associates just as The Light were with The Reach in Season 2.
Now while any sort of Apokolips influence is minimal this season thus far, we do get an episode on New Genesis, a reintroduction to the Forever People as well as Mother Boxes and an introduction of Forager.
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All this I feel is gearing up for Darkseid to either be the big bad of Season 3 overall or the overall villain of Season 4. Either way they are currently teasing Darkseid like they teased Thanos and that tease paid off in Infinity War so allow a series with those stakes.
So overall I have to say, this season has a gripping ending but it took a very long time getting there. It never felt like a chore but at the same time the other two seasons gripped me from the start. I am still looking forward to Season 3b but I will be curious to see if the 5 month wait is worth it or not.
I will give this part of Season 3 a rating of 6/10, it was an okay start with a dragged out middle and an exciting ending. Hopefully the excitement will run the way through the rest of the season.
So that’s my review of Young Justice: Outsiders (Part 1) what did you guys think? Post your comments and check out more TV Reviews as well as other posts.
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kc-meets-dc · 6 years
Who's Traya Sutton?
Red Tornado’s adopted daughter. I understand why you’re confused. I honestly forgot about Red Tornado’s quest to have a secret identity since season one, and I didn’t even know he got married and had a freaking kid at all until I looked it up after the episode! But, if the next season goes like I’m thinking it might, Traya could see herself becoming the new ops manager for The Team just like Mal was before he became Guardian in season two. She has a genius-level intellect, after all, so it’s pretty likely she’ll have some sort of role with The Team in the future
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ectonurites · 3 years
Red Tornado: My beloved daughter, may I please have the brain cell now
Traya: No <3
Traya knows if that braincell passes hands there’s a chance for it to get lost and Young Justice DESPERATELY needs someone to keep track of it. She takes no risks
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