#treat your kids like people ffs
enbycrip · 1 year
Reminded today of when I was a little kid and was a nightmare to keep in the bath long enough to get hair washed etc (sensory issues).
My Dad once did a full-on performance of the nursery rhyme Soldier, Soldier Won’t You Marry Me? with full improv level of towel cloak, shower cap boots, plastic bucket usually-used-to-hold-bottles-and-bath-toys hat etc to keep me engaged in between lathering and *careful* rinsing (I also couldn’t stand water being poured over my head) etc instead of streaking off buck naked and soapy-headed into the wilderness (okay, my bedroom) 😁
I think about this a lot every time I read things about gentle parenting and how much awful authoritarian BS parents are routinely pushed to inflict on their kids by teachers, therapists, doctors etc, especially when those kids are clearly neurodivergent and having real issues coping with whatever the issue is.
I know now my parents had to deal with this too - more on my little brother, as I wasn’t diagnosed, but on me too, especially by teachers. My mum, in the late 1980s and early 1990s, still caught the end of the *horrendous* “autism in kids is caused by ’refrigerator mothers’” bullshit from the 1950s from elderly doctors, which still makes me furious. But it didn’t stop them from engaging with us like smol actual people with genuine needs, like anyone else.
Just generally reminding folk dealing with this crap about their kids that they’ll never forget all the times you were there for *them* and treated them like a person. Even when you catch crap for it now ❤️
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stardust-falling · 5 months
There is never an excuse to not use someone’s preferred name and pronouns. Unless they’re closeted around some people and ask you not to, there is literally no good reason to not just refer to them how they want to be. No one is being protected when you intentionally misgender a trans person, or when you insist on using a deadname— even if you “don’t agree” with the existence of trans people, or think that gender identity shouldn’t be treated the way it is in whatever way. You’re not standing up for yourself and you’re not standing up for others— you’re just being an asshole.
If your friend’s legal name was Katherine, and she told you “please don’t call me Katherine, I have negative associations with that name, call me Kathy instead,” then would you still insist on calling her Katherine because you don’t think it makes sense to use another name, even though you know it causes her significant emotional distress?
Intentionally deadnaming and misgendering someone because “it doesn’t make sense” or “you don’t agree” makes you just as much of an asshole as that. Changing the language you use to refer to someone hurts no one and helps them immensely. Intentionally misgendering someone just makes you look like an asshole and, quite frankly, stupid as well.
If you want to have an actual debate about the ethics of trans healthcare or whatever, the least you can do is actually respect your opponents. Fundamentally, respect for one another is key to proper debating. But no, you don’t want a debate, you just want to beat people down.
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killerpancakeburger · 7 months
Being Ghost's BFF Headcanons
(while also dating Soap cause you deserve the best of both worlds)
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If you told anyone that Ghost was your favorite person to see in the morning, they'd write you off as clinically insane. Or laugh in your face. It didn't make it any less true though. When you don't want anyone speaking to you before you had your coffee, the Ghost feels heaven-sent. Others might see it as rude, but you're content with him acknowledging your presence with a nod of head or by raising his mug of tea in your direction.
You've never been afraid of him - more like displaying a healthy apprehension towards a guy exceeding 1m90, weighing over 100kg, and hiding his face.
After spending a couple hours with him, you quickly came up to a new conclusion about him: he just had a resting bitch face. Just because he had a deep voice and a monotonous tone didn't mean he was angry 24/7. He treated people how he wanted to be treated. He had high expectations for himself and for others/teammates. All in all, a pretty reasonable guy.
You like to think he started to respect you for your combat skills and experience, but evidence pointed to the fact that he began to look at you differently after seeing you decisively slap Soap in the face to wake him up after he passed out from blood loss.
There had been a few milestones in your relationship: when he told you a bad joke for the first time (you briefly thought you were having an aneurysm), when he told you to call him Simon (in private), when he awkwardly tried to cheer you up by patting you on the shoulder (first time he touched you outside of combat/training).
Outside of missions, the time you spent together was divided between shooting matches on the training grounds and hanging out with a smoke at night when both of you struggled to sleep. He was one of the rare men not pulling any punches against you, allowing to enjoy the competition freely. Soap tried time and time again to stay awake to join you two, but failed systematically.
Acting like a divorced couple with Soap as the kid you have shared custody of. "Yer man escaped medical again" "Before 6 a.m he is YOUR man, Lieutenant"
Frequently finding yourselves shouting both at the same time: "English, MacTavish!" In the same exasperated tone.
You can handle yourself, and Ghost is perfectly aware of that. That doesn't stop him from standing behind you menacingly like the Grim reaper himself when he thinks someone's taking too many liberties with you.
If Soap's a golden retriever when he's in a good mood, Ghost reminds of your parents' cat: silent, deadly, and shows affection by deigning to occasionally hang out in the same room as you.
You always carry a spare mask for him; and he wears spare hair ties on the wrist - plain, black ones. Cannot mess with his vibe.
People keeps asking how you managed to have a relationship with "The Ghost", and your answer is very simple: "learn when to shut the fuck up".
Me in the beginning: I'm only gonna write Soap content
Me: Oh FFS
When Ghost told you a bad joke for the first time:
You still remembered the joke incident vividly: you were on a mission together, just the two of you, and as you were focusing more than usual, anxious to disappoint him or to be a liability, you suddenly heard in your com: "Ye heard the rumour 'bout butter?"
If Ghost's voice hadn't been unmistakable, you would have thought he had been killed and replaced by someone else.
"What (the fuck)", you exhaled, not because you wanted to know about butter, but because you had no idea what the hell was happening. The fact that his tone was exactly the same as usual - deadpan, flat - contributed to making you feel insane.
"Nah, I shouldn't be spreadin' it". was the answer. Torn between demanding explanations and not wanting to commit a faux pas, you replied the way you replied to your parents' bad jokes:
"Ha. Ha. Haha...?" 
The seasoned killer on the other side of the mic didn't seem to mind, but you texted Soap in panic as soon as your butt touched the helicopter's seat.
"Sup hen"
"Cannae go wan mission without missing me, ae? ;)"
"Did Ghost hit his head recently??"
"Negative Ma'am" "Why? Did something happen??"
"He told me a dad joke. A fucking dad joke."
"😂 Thats kinda his thing"
"thought I was losing it"
"Congrats, ye can consider yerself stamped wit The Ghost seal of approval"
"Ok? Cool???"
"Mah too favourite people gittin along" *trails of smiling emojis and hearts*
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swampstew · 7 months
Really Really
Breaking news: local cryptid @quinloki was found guilty of leaving tasty treats in my ask box. Feeding the thot after midnight. I let the whoremone monster out and it was feeling some type of way♥
Man worth 3 billion berri is still a virgin, so I threw him in the blender. Warnings: spicy; post-time skip Eustass Kid x AFAB Reader; it doesn't go all the way in :) WC: 1.2K
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inspired by this gif
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Not a word typically used to describe yourself but after six long months aboard the Victoria Punk, the fierce Captain Kid had once again overlooked your playful flirting as he stormed to his workshop; a hint of red on the tips of his ears were the only sign he’d heard what you said.
You weren’t sure what his deal was – you’d never seen him hook up, not with anyone on the crew and not with anyone on islands the crew landed at. Sure he’d go into strip clubs or make out with random people at the bar from time to time but not once had you seen him spend the night off ship. Or seen a one-night stand stumble from his cabin.
It was puzzling.
A devilishly handsome, well-toned man like him had women and men swooning over him, flirting and spoiling him with compliments, drinks, and food to gain his favor. Kid didn’t always accept the tokens and he almost never accepted them from you. Food and drinks yes but flirting? Almost like it went over his spiked hair; a blush, smirk or scowl the only response he gave you.
It made you…desperate.
Was he really that disinterested or was there something else?
Someone else?
So you did what any rational person could do – you got Killer drunk and tried to weasel out information. But the son of a bitch was like a sealed vault, refused to give up anything about his best friend. And he teased you for it.
“D-you like him or something?” the blonde finally asked.
“I—” you stuttered, “I’m just wondering why! Does he not like sex or?”
Killer didn’t answer right away, swirling his cup before taking a contemplative sip from his straw. “It’s not that, so much as…” he took another sip, “He prioritizes his ambitions and dreams. That’s all.”
“What does that have to do with fucking?”
“Absolutely nothing. He just hasn’t.”
“…Hasn’t? As in had sex?”
Killer shrugged, neither confirming nor denying. That stunned you into silence.
“Really? A guy like him??”
“If you’re so interested in finding out – you should ask him yourself.”
“I’ve tried! I flirt with him, wear revealing clothes, he usually ignores me!”
Killer began coughing, putting his drink aside as he shuddered between suppressing laughter and trying to breathe.
“F-ff-ff- ahh no he doesn’t. He just pretends to.”
“He’s not an idiot, he knows what you’re doing. But he won’t do anything about it since you’re his responsibility; unless you were to, well, be aggressively transparent.” With that, Killer left you alone in the galley.
And Kid’s known the whole damn time and not even acknowledged it. That was frustrating. So much so you decided to try again the next day and be as blunt as possible.
You knew his schedule by heart, you skipped breakfast to hide in his workshop. Wearing a short skirt and oversized sweater, you took a pair of scissors and got creative. Carefully snipping away at the fabric, you cut away at your outfit to expose your bra and panties, not quite getting naked, enough to be as blunt as possible about your intentions.
The sound of thudding boots growing closer suddenly made you nervous but you swallowed your anxiety and snipped the strap of your bra before tossing the scissors and turned away from the door.
“The hell are you doing in here? Why weren’t you at breakfast?" stunned to find you in his sanctuary, a place he expressly forbade anyone from.
You turned your head to the side with a pout on your face, “Didn’t want to eat. I want something else.”
Slamming the door shut, Kid removed his coat and threw it on the table before roughly grabbing your shoulder to face him. His face turned bright red as his golden eyes traveled up and down your body. Studying the way the slit up your skirt gave him a view of your panties, the way your breast threatened to spill over the edge of the cup of the destroyed bra.
You heard his breath sharply release from his lips, “What the…the fuck happened to you?”
You narrowed your eyes, “You did. This is what you’ve driven me to.”
He backed away from you with shock and surprise on his face, “I did what?!”
“I want to fuck you,” you walked towards him, hips, thighs, and breasts jiggling with each step, “I’ve tried flirting with you, dropped hints, given you a share of my loot, and literally hand fed you and you’ve NEVER reciprocated in any manner. So, is it me? Do you find me atrocious? Unfuckable?” your voice became gravelly from the internalized resentment and embarrassment you felt from the efforts you’d put in all this time. “Please, tell me. It’s killing me. If you don’t want me, I’ll stop. But just say something. Am I making a fool of myself for wanting you?”
Kid’s back hit the door, eyes wide as he listened to your rant, “I-wha-no! It’s not you, it’s…”
You stopped a few feet from him, so desperate to hear his answer. You could see the bulge outline in his pants.
“FUCK!” he snarled, smacking his own face to cover his flushed expression, fingers digging into his skin until deep red crescents marked him. “I’ve never had sex!” he finally confessed.
“Really?” you asked, not at all expecting that response. “But…why not? You’re hot as fuck!”
“I JUST HAVEN’T OKAY?!” he lashed out, making you step back from him, a little intimidated by his embarrassed rage. “I’ve got more important shit to do than fuck around and spawn a bunch of bastards,” he spat through grit teeth.
“…Condoms exist…”
Your hip clipped the table’s edge and you stumbled backwards. Before you fell, Kid grabbed your arm and pulled you up, in doing so you fell right into his bare chest. You could feel the goosebumps ripple across both your bodies from the touch but he didn’t move away.
“I’m sorry,” you whimpered, a bit ashamed from the confrontation, “I just needed to know if you found me attractive, at all. I’ll leave you alone.”
Still holding on to you he barked out, “Have you fucking seen yourself? Who wouldn’t be into you?!”
“Well, you? Considering you keep blowing me off,” you mumbled.
That made him laugh, “REALLY? Shit and here I thought I was being a decent Captain by not sleeping with my subordinates.”
“Really? You parroted in shock, that was surprisingly mature and unexpected. “But I’ve never seen you fuck around with anyone so I just thought—”
“Does this seem like I’m not interested?” he huffed, using his metal arm to grab your waist and pull you into him. Felt his erection against your lower belly. “Fuck me for trynna do the right thing.”
He made you walk backwards, still pressing his body into yours, “I get hard every day just looking at you. When you say cheeky shit, I have to come here and jerk off so I can fucking think clearly. You’re my biggest distraction but—” his hand ghosted up your arm to caress your cheek with surprising gentleness, “—I’ve never not been attracted to you.”
“Oh,” you hummed, still as stone to preserve the moment.
With a click of his tongue, Kid grabbed your chin and planted a wet kiss on you.
Your eyes were crossed from the feeling, lost in a haze as you felt him swing your body around until you were pushed back on top of his coat. The withdrawal of his touch brought you to reality, mouth gaping as he stood in front of you but did not initiate further contact.
“Show me what you like,” he rasped out. “Touch yourself. Teach me what to do.”
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reticent-writer · 1 year
Hi Can I Ask for a Scenario of the Hashiras (Apart from Rengoku, Shinbou) With Their Father Figure Discovering They Are Blood Relatives and Being Their Real Father.
Which Was Separated From Them. I'd Love To See Sanemi Discovering That The Monstrous "Father" He Had Isn't The Real One And Obanai Discovering That His "Family" Stole Him From His True Parents And The Fact Of Obanai Discovering He Was Loved By His Real Parents.
They Deserve So Much Love Please.
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I've had this picture for a while and been wanting to use it.
An: for fathers figures I go with their occupation from other fics.
Mitsuri's ff is a Baker. Giyuu and Rengoku's is a retired hashira. Shinobu's is a doctor. Obanai, muichirou, sanemi and tengen are people from their past.
demon slayer master list
When Sanemi was younger you would constantly visit him and his siblings, oftentimes helping his mother with his "father" when he was drunk. Sanemi and his siblings were yours.
You hated seeing how Kyogo would treat your kids, but you vowed not to say a word because Shizu did not want to tell him that they weren't his.
Unfortunately, you weren't there when tragedy struck.
You came clean when everything settled down. Genya was ecstatic but Sanemi was about to beat your ass.
"You let us deal with that asshole for YEARS and said NOTHING!" He screamed as he pounded on your chest.
"I'm so sorry, Your mother swore me to secrecy. I wanted to tell you so bad." You said, catching his wrists as he tried to punch you. You could barely see his frustrated and tear-stained face right before he pushed it into your chest.
This poor 14-year-old boy had lost his mom and siblings but at least now he has a proper father.
"I'm glad your my actual dad." He muttered as his arms fell limp.
"Me too."
When Obanai was born he was immediately taken away from you and your wife, who unfortunately just passed from birth complications. Being in the infamous Obanai clan is hell on earth.
They didn't care that he was your son, what mattered to them was that he was the only born blood male of the entire clan.
(ya know when your family thinks that they are entitled to something you own just because they're family) Obanai grew up just thinking you were a father figure who called him son. You were always there for him especially when he was still in the clan's clutches. While he was with the clan you told him many stories, one of which is about your wife and that she was pregnant but had complications and died during labor, but you never said what happened to the baby.
Today you were watching him train, he looked a bit off, like he had something on his mind.
"Hi son, did you eat today?" You ask interrupting his training with bento boxes in hand.
"Come eat I made lunch." You beckon him over with a wave of your hand and he listened.
He sat next to you and asked, "What happened with your baby?
All you could do was look at him. It just came out of the blue. You were tongue-tied and didn't know what to say.
"My child?"
"Yeah, what happened to him? You never told me you always stopped the story after your wife died." He asked again. You had to tell him eventually, why not now?
"Well, my son was taken from me, but I still got to watch him grow up. Unfortunately, I couldn't save him from getting hurt. A snake demon didn't like his uniqueness and wanted to make him more like her, She had the clan slit his mouth."
Your words marrinated in Iguro's mind as he realized you narrated his childhood.
"I'm sorry I never told you. I was scared of your reaction."
He didn't respond, instead he scooted a little closer and laid his head on your shoulder and started to eat.
It felt like an entirety before he said something, "thank you... For everything."
You were absent for most of his life, he only knew you existed from letters you'd send him and his sister.
He didn't know what you did, where you lived or if you had a second family, so when he met you he didn't think you were his father. More like someone who looked out for him while he took your spot as the water hashira.
He only found out because he went to your house and found a picture of his sister on a offering table in a spare room.
"Hey who's this?" He asked and you walked into the small room.
"My daughter. I wasn't there to save her but my son is an excellent fighter, a hashira."
Giyuu just stared at you. His eyes starting to tear up
"Are you alright?" You tried to comfort him but he backed away and covered his face with his hands.
"I'm fine this room is just dusty."
"Okay." You chuckled and patted his back.
In a blink of an eye and turned to face you and hug you.
If any other Hashira were present they'd certainly tease him.
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missmastectomy · 4 months
This is a vent post more than anything, but honestly? Despite the lip service I see a lot of gender criticals give to detransitioners, ime the Average Joe is a lot more likely to sympathize with detransitioners and to see us as fully fledged human beings. People who don’t know anything about the trans discourse aren’t ideologically involved and they’re more likely to approach us individuals first.
I’ve noticed a LOT of gender criticals and radfems basically view detrans women as “traitors” and assume the absolute worst about our motivations. I have literally seen radfems say shit like “well, I could never trust a detrans woman because she transitioned because she hates women and secretly wants to dominate me/rape me/enact misogyny on me,” radfems acting like transition ruins a person and that it’s impossible to ever come back from that. As if there aren’t literally women who used to hold all kinds of problematic/misogynistic beliefs who eventually snapped out of it.
For all the talk about how women need only be biologically female to be women, I’m convinced a lot of the most adamant GCs don’t see us as women. They literally just see us as gender freaks. They have this image in their mind of us as this weird in-between female, separate from the real women.
It’s so incredibly insulting. These people have a caricature of detrans women in their head. I highly doubt most have ever even met a detrans woman irl. It’s so stupid because most detrans women are very clearly female after they’ve been off hormones a few years. I’ve literally known women who were on hormones for years and I had no idea because they sound and look typical. Like, when I first detransitioned a lot of people thought I was male, but now I am gendered female and deal with the same shit as any other woman. And no, not every detrans woman will be able or want to assimilate back into her birth sex, but that still doesn’t take away from her status as a woman.
Detransitioners have literally gone through hell. Where the fuck is all this righteous indignation y’all level at these endos prescribing kids HRT, when you actually talk to someone who went through that? Fuck any GC who treats detransitioners like trash because you lack the basic human empathy to understand that what we went through was abuse. Most detransitioners nowadays started transitioning as children. CHILDREN. Kids who were traumatized, who had already been violated or neglected in some way. We were the ones who got swept up in a massive social experiment and we payed the price for it.
Some of y’all are repulsive. We are human beings, not pawns in your culture war. I see the same crap leveled at detransitioned men, too. Not every detransitioned man was an AGP fetishist that abused women ffs. I also know men who were gay or experienced CSA and ended up pushed into transition as kids. The way people talk to detransitioners and our bodies is disgusting. People calling Jazz Jenning’s SRS shit like a “festering, non-functional fuck hole.” What the fuck is wrong you, that was literally a teenager who was groomed into this is as a 6 year old.
At the end of the day detransitioners cannot rely on other groups, only on individual allies and ourselves. I am thankful for the feminists and GCs who sincerely care about we went through and want justice for people harmed by transition. The rest of you can piss off. Go find another toy to chew on.
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timetoddddavis · 8 days
Have I mentioned here how I'm low key obsessed with Sakito? He's like this... showboating, deeply traumatized, hungry, yankee manchild who's nice to kids, and I dunno if you know this but this is 100% my brand.
Like he never grew up, he's Peter Pan all the way down, he ran away as a child and now he's back and he's still! A child!! His changer is a game controller ffs, when he gets here, it's all a game to him. He does not care about the stakes at all he just wants to go FAST. Because none of this is REAL to him, this place isn't real. These people aren't real. It's a GAME until he meets back up with his one tether to earth.
Watch him when we see him interact with his childhood friend, the downwards gaze, the mumbled apology, his parental figure giving him little pushes. His motivations are all id, he just wants to eat home cooking and play games with his friends. He is a KID. He's the naughty little boy who lives in your neighborhood who fucks up your flowers and cusses at adults and eggs the cops and gets into fights, but he shows up at your house and gets shy and doesn't ask for anything and you feed that kid because you know SOMETHING is going on with him and he needs support.
Sakito is SO NICE to kids, too, it's so sweet, it's the only time he's really openly warm and it adds such a good shading to his character. He's a traumatized kid who grew up to be a BIG traumatized kid, right? So when a kid is troubled, when he's faced with kids, he treats them with respect and warmth. He gets down to their level. He smiles and speaks gently. He believes them.
The episode with Taiya's school and the dream, when Sakito's trapped in his own head, he doesn't even treat the ILLUSION of a child with his usual roughness. And I think that's really beautiful! We don't know what happened to him as a kid, but we do know he doesn't pass it along.
And also Tsuta is sooooo good as Boon Violet, if you watch him he puts in these tiny little pauses when he hits a particular pose so it has time to really hit you in the eyes, it looks so fucking good on camera. That could totally be the action director's doing, I don't actually know, but it doesn't seem like every suit actor is doing it quite as pronounced so I'm willing to give it to Mr. Tsuta.
And he's. He's... you know. A lil thicker. Nice butt. Nice *gestures broadly* legs... and like... *gesturing becomes more unhinged* torso. Good to watch at his craft and also just good to look at. I look forward to seeing him do more main roles, if that's the direction he goes in.
I would shell out for those suit actor 'racer cards' so fast, you have no idea.
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jtl-fics · 1 year
Fluent Freshman - Part 36
The Smiths had been a happy family.
A happy couple and three happy healthy children. Their first born son 2 years into a blissful marriage, a second born son 4 years in and the third, a first born daughter 7 years in.
They spent most holidays with his Mother’s large rambunctious family but his grandma on his father’s side and her mother were always invited to any family event.
“The more the merrier.” He had heard more than one aunt or uncle say. “We know that Gavin is an only child, we don’t want to leave you alone.” They would say to his Gran. Cousins playing, laughing, rough housing, and screaming. Family friends with their own kids stopping in. The adults who could cook cranking food out happy to feed people.
The more the merrier is something FF believed with all his heart.
FF loved being an older brother.
He loved them from the moment he knew they existed. Had wanted to meet them instantly. Waiting to meet Jay and then Robin had been the longest time of his life. Meeting both of them were two of the happiest moments in FF’s entire life.
Robin had loved to reach up and pinch at his face.
Nose, ears, or even cheeks his little sister had loved to clamp her fingers around it. He used to talk when she’d do it on his nose, purposefully sounding more nasally as he talked to her as she giggled wildly. It was her favorite game in the entire world and FF had always been willing to play it with her.
Jay fell asleep against his shoulders without fail on every single car ride.
Slight weight, drool, and tiny hands that always wanted to hold his arm like a pillow. He was getting big had denied that he did that with pure horror every time FF would ask him if he was going to take a nap. Yet FF very rarely made it to a far off destination without a little bit of drool on an outfit. FF had never cared, trying not to laugh too hard with Robin as she giggled so that he wouldn’t dislodge Jay.
His gran would pinch his cheek and tell him how good he was.
A good older brother.
The happy couple wanted more kids. Wanted a bigger and bigger family. His mom wanted what she knew, his dad wanted what he never had, FF wanted more siblings.
He always felt like he had gotten his wish, but only in the worst way he could have.
His mom and dad were fighting. They were driving home from the supermarket; he vaguely remembers that. He doesn’t remember what started the fight but he remembers how Jay and Robin moved in close to him. She was pointing at him and FF doesn’t remember what she said but he remembers her hands reaching and then-
His face hurt, his ear hurt, he looked over and Jay was asleep just like he always was but he doesn’t look right. He looks and Robin is there reaching for him but she can’t reach him. “I’m scared.” She had said his name, pleading and terrified. Her face was bruised, cut, and she had a burn that looked painful.
He lied to her.
He didn’t know it at the time, but he did.
He reached out and he couldn’t touch her face, but he held her tiny hand in his own, looked her in the eyes, and lied.
“It’s going to be okay; I promise.”
Then he woke up and that hand wasn’t the one in his anymore. The world is muted but somehow his grandma’s red eyes and pale skin stand out to him. He asks what happened and she tells him.
Things don’t get better.
His mom swears his dad tried to kill them all that he swerved so they’d all die together. He can’t corroborate that story; he just remembers her hand reaching and-
How do you ask your mom if she tried to kill you?
She must see the question in his eyes regardless. Must figure that if he can’t feel anything, can’t cry, can’t emote, can’t go and lay between his sibling’s graves in the middle of the night then maybe he’ll never ask the question and she’ll never have to answer.
He learned to live not knowing and maybe his mom learned that he was a coward.
His mom’s family don’t treat him the same. He won’t denounce his father and they look at him with pity and Daniel whispers poison into his cousins’ ears until they act like he killed Robin and Jay personally.
He can’t react.
Can’t plead with his cousins to understand.
Daniel would spin it and FF would find himself on the meds again. So, he got good at pretending. He got good at faking. He got good at everything that was needed to pretend like he didn’t have a care.
Then Coach Wymack and Captain Dan Wilds were there.
He’d been getting better.
Now Daniel was here.
Nicky tucked him into bed and he tried to sleep. Even feigned it well enough for Nicky to leave and to get startled by the shouting that shortly followed.
Daniel was going to stay.
Daniel was going to try to be on the same team.
Daniel was smart, strong, and very athletic.
Daniel was going to be on the same team.
He hears when Abby and his Gran come back, and someone must have mentioned that Daniel was there to his Grandma because she comes in and tells him that it will be okay. He puts on a brave face for her, and she kisses his cheek.
He lays there in bed and stares at the ceiling feel flushed and hot with anxiety.
He gets up and walks to the fridge and finds himself frozen there.
“Smith,” Bee’s voice rings in his ears as he had tried to keep pushing everything down. “Smith, there is only so much you can bottle up and repress.” She reached out and held his hand comfortingly because touch always made him feel like he was on earth.
“What am I supposed to do with it?” he had asked, ashamed.
“Smith, you’ll have to process it. Feel what you repressed and then after you’ve felt it maybe you can let it go.” Bee had said.
He had avoided taking her advice so far, it hadn’t felt safe, and it had been too much, too scary.
Nicky’s face comes into his vision, “Smithy?” he asks and there is concern that FF hadn’t felt worthy of. “C’mon bud. Let’s get you under the covers.” His friend says.
They get to the guest room and FF crumbles. His face in Nicky’s shoulder and when Nicky asks if he can hold him while he sleeps FF nods and holds on as tight as he can. Nicky’s hand finds his back, “It’s okay Smithy, I’m right here. We won’t let that asshole mess with you. You’re safe.” Nicky had promised and-
and it’s enough.
He relaxes against Nicky and he feels safe.
So, he decides to process it.
“Dig in!” Abby said not bothering with grace. It was good. FF still missed his grandma’s cooking. It was nice to have this loud Thanksgiving like he used to get but there was something special about helping his grandma in the kitchen and the two of them sitting down to eat. He missed events with his mom’s family. Loud and boisterous and his Gran welcomed and loved by everyone there. It was special to have his time with his grandma, but he wishes it could be with his cousins and his siblings still.
It’s okay to be nostalgic.
He lets himself process it.
Captain Neil was up front and had started  to play some music. Nicky and Aaron were conked out before they had even reached the entrance to the interstate. They had also slumped onto FF with Aaron asleep on his shoulder as Nicky drooled into his hair. “You can just shove them off.” Andrew said. “It’s fine.” FF said and had reminisced about the last time he’d had something like this. How maybe Jay would be this big, would he be tall like Nicky or shorter like Aaron? Would Robin be big? Would she still want to squeeze his nose and ask him to talk?
It wasn’t a bad thought, just one that hurt to consider.
He lets himself process it.
Aaron looked at him with a twisted mouth for a while before he relented, “Fine they’re not that bad. It’s a big brother thing.” Aaron rolled his eyes. FF swallowed down some acid in his throat and had pushed the smiling eggs and bacon over to Aaron who smiled back at the breakfast and proceeded to eat it. A big brother thing. FF used to be one of those but, unlike Aaron, he hadn’t managed to protect his siblings. Aaron was a good big brother and FF only had the memory of being one.
It hurt and maybe it wasn’t just his great grandma he had reached out to when he had baked those brownies. They had always always been Jay’s favorite.
Two kids hadn’t moved as the rest of the world continued to. He watched as they clung to one another, and no one seemed to take notice of them. He didn’t understand how anyone could mess them with the bright orange children’s jerseys they had on. One sporting 01 – Josten and the other 10 – Josten on the backs. He had said something to Nicky and then he was squatted down in front of them. A big brother and a little sister with a burn. He’s glad to see them off safely. Glad they’re safe and that Millie is smiling at him like he hung the stars because he got her an autograph from Captain Neil. Glad to watch Brandon be lifted up by his father. He hopes they get home safe.
They didn’t even look that much like Jay and Robin but it had made him happy.
There were other moments, small moments that had hurt that he bottled up but those didn’t take much time to process though.
He finishes processing and lets himself come back to the present.
Something tastes good in his mouth.
“…put the knife away!!” he hears Nicky yelling and looks up to find that Nicky is hiding behind Matt Boyd in Abby’s backyard.
“Just tell me where my car is Nicholas!” Andrew says advancing on Nicky with a knife drawn.
“Can we not do this with me in the middle?” Matt pleads.
“He won’t stab you so you’re the safest thing to hide behind!” Nicky exclaims.
“Where. Is. My. Car?” Andrew hisses.
“Look, I’m just saying that until that asshole is off the campus….maybe it’s for the best that you don’t have access to your car?” Nicky asks pleadingly.
“What the fuck is he drinking?!” He turns as he hears Kevin nearby.
“Milkshake, it’s fine. Doesn’t Smiths deserve something that is not one of your dogshit smoothies?” Aaron asks and he’s standing between Kevin and FF. He sees one of Kevin’s smoothies in the starting striker’s hands.
“It’s not fine!” Kevin hisses. “I didn’t approve of it!” he flails one arm.
“Kevin,  you’re not actually his doctor.” Captain Neil says, “Andrew, maybe put the knife away before people call the cops on you?” Captain Neil asks pleadingly.
“I’ll put it away once Nicky tells me where he put my car.” Andrew demands.
“We just barely avoided you going to jail a couple weeks ago Andrew. I just don’t want you to do something that would result in you being there on vehicular manslaughter charges!” Nicky pled from behind Matt.
“I wouldn’t crash the Maserati just to kill him.” Andrew is facing towards them, and FF can see him roll his eyes.
“I think they’re more worried that you’ll just run him over if you see him dude.” Matt says.
FF realizes belatedly that he’s sucking on a straw to an empty milkshake only when a wrinkled hand takes it from him and puts a hot drink in his hands instead. He looks and sees his grandma smiling at him.
He looks down and-
Oh, hot chocolate. This is nice.
He takes a sip.
Oh, his grandma’s hot chocolate.
He watches as his Grandma makes her way towards where Andrew and Nicky were continuing to run around a resigned looking Matt.
Andrew is stopped as his Grandma hands him a cup of hot chocolate filled to the brim with marshmallows. He blinks at the offering but takes it stopping his hot pursuit of Nicky.
“Jesteś moim ulubieńcem” she says. (“You’re my favorite now.”)
Nicky makes a noise like he’s dying. “Aras!” he cries dramatically.
“Got something to say about the drink from his Gran?” Aaron asks.
“No…” Kevin says petulantly. “…but he should leave room. I formulated a new healthier smoothie that tastes good.” Kevin says holding up his smoothie.
“Doesn’t taste like ass is more accurate.” Matt says walking over now that Nicky was immobilized by his despair and Andrew was enjoying hot chocolate. “Sorry Smithster, we’re still working on getting it up to ‘tastes good’.” He says apologetically clapping FF on the shoulder.
“Fat chance of that with Kevin’s sensibilities with flavor.” Aaron says rolling his eyes. “More accurate to say lack of sensibility.” He adds after a second.
“Don’t be rude, you ran off without even warning me.” Matt points at Aaron.
"You ran off?!" Kevin demands.
FF can’t help it.
He laughs.
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post/752382771764297728 GOD, THIS I'm a somewhat popular artist in an ~average-size fandom with a couple original stories on the side and watching in real time as some people stopped treating me as a person and started acting like my work just spawned into existence for them to do whatever with as if I wasn't right there was astounding. Someone I was in a discord server with once just straight up tried claiming my own self insert as their OC??
The fact some of you are so defensive over claiming someone else's characters as your own is baffling. You can say "it's just harmless inspiration" all you want, but lifting a whole character with minimal difference doesn't qualify as just inspired. There are so many ways to make a character inspired by another that aren't this, I promise you.
I've seen comments on this blog saying "no, it's actually totally cool and if it happened to me I wouldn't mind at all" and maybe you wouldn't, true, but until it does happen to you, you don't really know how it actually feels, do you? But it did happen to me and it was fucking miserable. Same goes for "just ignore it, it doesn't affect you" because IT DOES. I ended up having to stop posting about my characters because not only was it deeply uncomfortable to experience, it was actively making me paranoid about sharing anything about them outside of my friend circle.
And specifically re "Once you release a character to the public they're no longer entirely yours, like a child growing up and moving out" My children are not my property, intellectual or otherwise. My characters are. I didn't design my kids, I didn't write their backstory, personality, or anything else about them. They make their own decisions, because they are their own people. I can't do that for them, and neither can anyone else but them. My OCs are not. They cannot make their own decisions, they do not have a life independent of what I make of them. "that comes with an amount of acceptance that they’ll be AUed to hell, and misinterpreted and that somebody will make a character based on them" being treated like this is not some unavoidable universal truth, what are you talking about. Nobody is entitled to my, or anyone else's, creative work.
TL;DR This whole debate sucks and you don't own my OCs just because I dared post about them online while having a small fan following ffs. Be better.
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eponastory · 4 months
I keep being all up in your inbox, but I just gotta ask you another question about Zutara. So, based on everything we know about the show and the characters, how do you think Aang would react to Zutara if it was canon? Maybe at first we would be jealous and mopey about it, but when he pieces together that Zuko is a good partner because of how much he loves, respects, and helps Katara as an equal, Aang realizes that he treated his friendship with Katara too childishly and THAT'S why Katara wasn't so happy about their kisses on the Black Sun and on Ember Island. Aang realizes that Katara doesn't want him because he was too immature and it was unfair. But Aang swallows the hard pill of reality, and uses self-reflection to grow up and be a better person. Also, what do you think about Aang being with Toph? I've read an analysis that Toph would've been a better partner for Aang because Toph is much more likely to put her foot down at Aang's foolerly, and that Toph doesn't glorify Aang with the rose-tinted lens of him being the Avatar.
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This could go a few ways.
But seeing as Aang has selfish tendencies and the writers are idiots when it comes to writing romance, I'm gonna go with Aang being jealous.
Let's pretend that Aang is a real kid for this instance. He is 12. He is going through puberty and has a crush on the first girl he has ever seen (you know because the Air Nomads were sexually segregated and there is a reason for that). It's just... eww. He gives me stalker vibes and then expects Katara just to be with him because he says he loves her. Then on top of all that, her choice to have any relationship is limited to Aang because of a fortune teller. Honestly, it's a horrible thing.
Aangs world view is that everything revolves around him, yet he doesn't want to take responsibility for it. He never does either. I honestly think Katara (if she were a real person) is pressured into 'loving' Aang. The problem is, he's doing the pressuring. I've seen this brought up in countless fics I've read, and we all seem to be on the same page. If they were real people, this relationship would absolutely be on the toxic side. So, yeah, I don't think Aang would let it go if Katara left him for Zuko. He wouldn't be happy because it changes all of his 'plans' for reviving the Air Nomad culture. That's a lot to put on Katara, too.
Now since these are fictional characters, I'd put my money on Bryke causing Aang to go into the Avatar state (which has happened before in one of Aangs childish tantrums) which is not good for anyone. I hate that they characterize him this way because it leaves a really bad taste in my mouth. Like calm the fuck down dude, you're supposed to be following Air Nomad culture... oh wait, you know Jack shit about it because you only learned the basics. Like ffs... the writing is all over the place with that.
But no I don't think fiction Aang would be okay with Katara and Zuko. He'd probably grin and bear it, but inside he's just one step away from Avatar state because Katara was supposed to be his forever girl.
If Aang was truly written to be wise and forgiving, (which he isnt) maybe he would let it go, but no. That's not what we got. He's... a very very flawed character.
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jihyocentric · 9 days
there's this couple on tiktok ( https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMheQUrFh/ ) that reminds me of nahyo, the guy is like obsessed with his girlfriend (like he should 🙄) and he's always making breakfast for her and saying how much he loves that she tells him what to do
idk they just make me think of domestic!nahyo, I love how you write them, nayeon WOULD be a sucker for hyo, and hyo would always be kinda angry but they are sooo soft and obsessed with each other, and nayeon of course would be such a soft mom, sometimes maybe too soft but that's okay! cause that's one of the things hyo loves about her :') and I know I'm rambling but I just can't get enough of how you view nahyo, it's feel so right, and I get so tired of reading ff where jihyo is viewed so ????? like I know it's fiction but from what part of your ass did you pull out that?.... idk I just love domestic nahyo and im so thankful that you write them 😭🤚
whipped nayeon is my favorite thing in the world!! domestic au jihyo is exactly like that, a bit angry and quite bossy but nayeon wouldn't want her any other way! i think part of why i see nayeon this way when i'm writing nahyo is that nayeon (real nayeon) is always full of love for jihyo, and not many people get that (nobody gets them like i do ass discourse but am i wrong!).
nayeon is one of the members who talks about jihyo more like she really is, at least from my perspective. nayeon treats her like the middle kid jihyo is, always remembers everyone jihyo is cute (according to her jihyo is the cutest member and i stand with her! source: a live stream with momo) despite being 'filled with anger' (this was probably during moonlight sunrise promotions). i just love that she's really an unnie to jihyo, and they're both still each others' babygirls. i'll never be able to describe how much i love nayeon for just being herself and for loving jihyo the way she does
domestic au nayeon is nayeon in her most exaggerated form, i think. i'm so happy you get me, YES nayeon will do anything for her, YES jihyo can be a bit mean to her sometimes, but nayeon loves it and so does jihyo, no more and no less. oh, and nayeon being too soft as a mom is so real. jihyo is rightfully upset when nayeon does something she shouldn't to jisoo, either pampering her too much or failing to scold her when needed. nayeon could be teaching jisoo the opposite of what jihyo is trying to when jihyo says 'no' to her or gives her a speech, which definitely makes jihyo angry.
again, YOU GET ME!! it's so hard for me to read jihyo fics because i'll rarely find someone who builds jihyo's character in a way that i like. it's obviously not the writer's fault, like i could be writing a member in a way other people won't like them and it's all good yk, just skip the thing and we'll be fine, but with jihyo i feel like it's something that occurs so often. it is all fiction but still... as a professional jihyo observer, lover and researcher, i can't condone certain jihyos. but nobody owes me anything, so i'll just write what i would like to read instead! 🙂‍↕
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seriouslysam8 · 1 year
i encountered the worst fanfic today 😭
i was trying to find a good hinny ff (i swear i’ve read all the well written completed ones it’s devastating) and i came across this one and it’s whole premise was just ?? it was like 5k words but it was pretty much just saying that harry would always prioritise the golden trio over ginny (even after they get married) and that he’ll always love them more and share a more special bond w them and trust them more.
and it was like watching a train wreck i just couldn’t stop and i was slowly getting more and more horrified. AND THEN ?? There was this closing scene where ron is in St Mungos after an auror mission and so hinny stay at hermiones to comfort her and ginny wakes up through the night to find harry hugging hermione in the other bed to ‘comfort’ her bc she needs it more and golden trio have a special bond blah blah and ginny just… accepted it ? like i swear there was a line that was like “she knew that they’d always come first and she understood that” ??????
and i’m just baffled i had to go read a trust hinny fic to clear my mind of that. there’s not a single universe where that is ever a premise that exists. harry is so in love w ginny, she was his last thought, and there are still somehow people out there that think he’d treat her like that ?
Yeah, that's not my cup of tea.
There's just something that changes within you when you get married and especially once you start having kids with someone. I can't describe it. But it's like you just become very content in your little bubble with your partner and your children. I can definitely see Harry, especially once he forms that solid family unit with Ginny, where he's just in complete and utter bliss with her. He would legit die for them time and time again. He would do anything for them and they would always, always come first.
Ron will always hold a special place in Harry's heart. Ron, after all, gave him a family and introduced him to his soul mate. He would do anything for Ron. I think he would die for Ron as well. But if Ron went completely insane said, "It's me or it's your wife." Harry would chose Ginny every single time. If Ron and Ginny were both hurt and in the hospital, he'd be by Ginny's bedside holding her hand and yelling at people to give him an update on Ron.
Ginny is Harry's greatest form of comfort. I know people hate when I say this and no you don't need to send me a bunch of asks to yell at me, but I don't think Harry would ever be able to live without Ginny - not once he got a taste of what their amazing life could be like. He craved his entire childhood for a family. Ginny gave him that family. She's his ride or die. He thought of Ginny when he died. I think he went back so he could be with her again. He wanted a life with her.
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jseobsky · 1 year
hi hi, me again!! had kind of a rough day so I was wondering if I could request some best friend!minjae fluff? like just a minjae hanging out with you trying to distract you and make you feel better kind of thing? hsjshjdksjshsj sorry it's not v specific idek myself what exactly I want I just know I need some comfort :(
Bad days like these.
Pairing ! bestfriend!Minjae x gn!Reader Synopsis ! after a bad day and only wanting to be hug by the blankets and watch your favourite show, your best friend Minjae comes to your door. Genre ! Fluff, hinted romantic ending but can be read as like platonic Warnings ! Swearing, haven't proof-read anything- W/C ! 0.8k a/n ! omg I hope you feel much better now!! I'm sorry to hear that :(( I'm also having a quite meh day, so this was also just what I needed. thank you for requesting!! I loved writing this KSJHSDKFJ
Main masterlist <3
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There are days when you can fight against the whole world. Those days are the ones that people appreciate the most. I could’ve solved a world’s problem, and people would be happy. However, if I, for whatever reason wasn’t doing good one day, it wouldn’t count. People don’t count those moments as valid. People don’t count any moment as valid unless you are strong. But I can’t always be strong. 
There are days when all I can do is lie around. Those days are the ones I hate the most. I am ashamed of those days. Days where I try to hide behind a big screen. Sometimes trying to escape the little lie that I live in, in hopes of some comfort. People love to ignore my struggles. People ignore you unless you are fighting. But I can’t always fight.
Today is one of those days. Watching TV seemed the best answer to today’s mood. The characters hold each other as I hold my plushy. “You don’t have to be strong” Says one of the characters. “I know, but it’s hard” They hold each other even closer. Their breathless voices quivering at each word. “When moments like these, please call out my name. I’ll be there, whenever you ask for me, wherever you ask for me” Oh shut the fuck up. I wanna cry now. “Please just let me help you” Said the same character, reaching to kiss the person they were holding. Fucking finally after 14 episodes. “Mia. I” He breathed out. Ding, ding, ding. Who dares interrupt their moment ffs. I walk towards the front door, random objects are lying around the floor as I walk. I walk past some school books, some clothes that I must have thrown, and some random papers that might be more important than how I’m treating them. I finally reach the door and open it. 
The cold air hits my face as soon as I open the door. Outside, the sky was dimmed, definitely a representation of how I felt. Even with my tear-stained face from the scene, I was just watching, I get to smile. “I hate you” I say out loud. Minjae, who was standing outside my door with a big puffy jacket, and a big grocery bag, slapped his empty hand on his chest and gasped. “How dare you. Should I turn around?” I stopped him from turning around completely and pulled him inside. “How did you know?” I asked. “You changed your Instagram notes from BARBIE NEW MOVIE I CAN’T to: alexa play voices by stary kids” Minjae said while taking his shoes off. “You only do that when you’re sad as fuck” “Touché” I say while grabbing his bag I walk again towards the couch. He follows behind me, crouching down for a moment to pick my music notes and placing them on the table they fell from, not before shaking his head. I take interest in the scene again. 
Although I couldn’t see more of the scene, now being paused again a little less than a second before their kiss. I make an annoyed face and turn to look at Minjae who paused my show. “What happened?” He asked. “If I ignore my problems, they won’t hurt” He got a little closer. “They will, and you know it. That or you’ll end up punching someone” I gasp. “Okay, that was ONE time. And the guy deserved it anyways so who’s the one at fault?” “Still you, that guy just approached you because you were crying, you looked at him, flirted with him, and when he said he didn’t like stray kids you punched him” I giggled remembering the moment, the second I look at Minjae again he’s looking serious so I straighten my posture. “Still his fault, he said that I was jobless bcs I liked those stupid dancing boys and that I spent too much money on them after talking about my collection” “How much of that is true?” He raised an eyebrow at me. “Not my point” I pouted jokingly. 
“Okay let’s do this. I help you escape from your problems” I nod. After waiting for two seconds and him not continuing I ask. “Aaand?” “Nothing, you just get bragging rights because you got the best friend in the entire world” “Well that’s arguable, Felix is Hyunjin’s best friend so like” Minjae stands up. “Okay sorry, sorry, you’re the best, you’re the best” I grab his arm again and pull him towards me, making him fall on the sofa. We stay laughing for a bit, but our laughs come to a stop when we hear the show playing again. Minjae hugs me closer to him and we start watching the show from where it was left. “You don’t have to be strong” Says Minjae after a while, him looking me directly into my eyes. I nod. “I know, but it’s hard” He hugs me closer. He pets my head and smiles. “I’ll make the pain go away, I promise.”
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themorguepoet · 1 year
it is appalling how underrepresented awadhi is as a language despite it being such a dominant force in indic literature. Hello? The Tulsidas ramayan sung across this country is in awadhi. Kabir ke dohe? Ras Khan ke poems? Awadhi!
Awadhi literature is being taught in hindi books as hindi literature? Children don't even know of this language. A lot many people instantly assume it to be bhojpuri or bihari when they hear it- but it is distinct from both of those.
No it is not a dialect (boli) of hindi. Awadhi is much older than not just hindi but also Khadiboli- the precursor language of hindi.
Parents in the Awadh region no longer teach their kids this language. Why? Because bollywood has done an awesome job of identifying awadhi with illiteracy, poverty or both in the media space.
Hindi is not the natural language of uttar pradesh. "Hindi belt" sounds like a slur at this point. We have 7 distinct languages here which are dying out. Hindi is not the mother tongue of UP- it is the mother tongue of Delhi and its sub regions.
Awadhi is the language of Awadh- land of Ram.
We have Brajbhasa of Braja, Kannauji, Kauravi in Northern UP, Bagheli and Bundeli in the western borders and Bhojpuri in the south Eastern parts. All of these are older than hindi and its precursor. None of these are dialects of the delhi language so stop treating them as inferior sub languages. They have linguistic history and literature spanning far back in time.
If you are from southern India please be educated. Stop calling us hindi belt ffs- northern region is just as diverse and linguistically rich as your states if not more. UP is not a "bimaru" state either. Also we have no interest in imposing hindi on any state. We are possibly one of the biggest victims of hindi domination ourselves. Our scripts and language is systematically wiped off- not just in the last 75 years though-we have been struggling for a millennium. So please read, read and read more before you fall into stereotypes.
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lurkingteapot · 1 year
I feel you linger in the air หอมกลิ่นความรัก Ep 7
This episode was both incredibly beautiful and incredibly, INCREDIBLY anxiety-inducing – I was waiting for the other shoe to drop right up to the moment the credits rolled. The realities of Khun Yai just not clocking servants as people were never quite as obvious as when he repeatedly insisted on variations of "nobody's here" "nobody's going to see" on a property FULL of people, and it did not help my apprehension.
I loved the way the intimate scenes were filmed! Moey and Ueangphueng and what I'm pretty sure was Ueangphueng switching into Northern Thai (which most of the servants speak and I don't think we've heard any of the family speak yet) was so sweet and I was so worried. And Jom and Yai … whoa. The way expectations/interpretation of Khun Yai's request that Jom rub oil on his back differed so much between them — Jom with his 21st century background clearly expecting it to go somewhere, Yai either just not thinking that far or chickening out. The way they intercut Jom's memory with the masturbation scene … man, this episode is gorgeous. Same with the dance scene at the end of the episode. The framing, the way it's shot … incredibly pretty. And then! the kiss and the eye contact and the silent agreement? that tiny, decisive nod?? WHOA. I've seen half-naked make-out scenes that weren't as charged as this. Incredible.
I'm ever more worried for next week because it looks like Ueangphueng and Moey are going to get in bad bad trouble :(
Lastly: as I've been told some people enjoy them, my live watch notes are under the cut.
This is in Thonburi? did Thonburi get mentioned before?
oooh so it's a news story.
"there's nobody here, no-one will see" incredible how Khun Yai just doesn't seem to see servants as people even when he's in love with one
the peekaboo framing is making me so nervous
that was a pretty modern story at the time the story played out, huh. published in the 1920s …
Jom's face is like told you so
annnd now he's said it
Ming my MAN
I love you so much Ming, and Prig, too
and they're like "fuuuuck they're in trouble"
MY FAVOURITE LESBIANS please let that scene earlier on this ep not have been foreshadowing, please, PLEASE
the intimacy of Ueangphueng switching into gammueang to reassure Moey!!
oh, this is a good kiss I really like how they both were so searching going in
oof those are some gnarly scratches? whip marks?
Ueangphuengggg don't make her retraumatise herself for your curiosity, ffs
Ueangphueng, you DID ASK
oh, this is a lovely way of expressing just how sensual an action that was. Gorgeous, and incredibly well acted imo
ahaha Yai chickened out, huh. or got overwhelmed by the horny radiating off Jom. He IS just a kid.
afsdfasdfsd these shots are really framed for maximum horn, huh.
SOMEONE's not used to being a servant, and the ones who ARE will definitely gossip about that
oh man, Yai, you're not helping
I can get ZERO read on how old Lek is supposed to be, because he LOOKS 10 but ACTS 5
coming right out with the "it's about Khun Yai, right?"
Jom, Ming's your friend and on your side and you better get him in on this so he can help
a is that a ZIPPER?? on a KNITTED GARNMENT? what in the anachronism
Ueangphueng is so prettyyyy
oh this is gonna go wronggggg
"do you mean 'to the party' or 'here'?" I kind of like uncle Dech despite him being clearly dangerous, at least he doesn't, idk, beat around the bush
aaaah Ming, Moey is asking about herself, too
Moey, ILU. "it's normal, just being treated as though it's not"
Ming really has it hardest, poor boy
asasfadsfadsf Yai could you NOT cause a scene, tf
this is so annoyingggg I wish these boys would THINK, Khun Yai especially
he just!! STORMED OUT!!! people are gonna come looking! wtf is he DOING!
OH that cutscene holy shit this is EERIE. them in the quiet echoing hallway, with everyone looking on.
god this episode is artistic af
oh thank f someone in the background moved, the way they're all still makes it WORSE
oooh oh no now I'm sad
they're dreaming, huh? of everyone smiling and cheering them on. when it's not going to be that, in reality.
aasdfasdfasd he's RAPPING???
oh that's a KISS, wow
boys please get a literal room but WOW I do like this, even if it's probably-definitely going to blow up in their faces
god, the silent question and tiny nod!!!!!
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This is belated but I remember you was talking in your post where people laughed at men living like shit in empty rooms without decor eating noodles that it is precisely why they need women who would fill the house with life and color and not only the bare essentials, and I remember I even felt better about being a woman because of the way you put women as people who are needed rather than 'servants' or inferior human beings who are only really good for being domestic and being incubators. I am currently watching Star Trek (TOS) and though some things are slightly outdated and every female characters is a Woman(TM) they do the same thing - the narrative portrays women as some sort of queens who are essential for men and who can brighten every single place with their beauty and love for beauty and heal even the most bitter and beaten-up man just with their attention or something.
I've noticed stereotypically feminine traits don't feel THAT bad when they're sold as something men need and can't do very well without than as some liability that makes you as good as a tool or a slave? It is just strange how roughly the same traits are seen as a beautiful gift OR as a weakness depending on how exactly propaganda is twisted. I mean, feminists treat typically female leaning for forgiveness and compassion as liability that just makes them easy prey for abusers and perpetuates the cycle of men "getting away with everything" ffs (still dunno what they'd think of MEN who are too forgiving and compassionate then)
I've said it before, but I think that most of the glue that holds civilization together was evolved by women thousands of years ago while the men were out hunting and building. Throughout history it was taken for granted that women built and maintained homes and communities, extended families and by extension, much of the concept of a tribe and a community.
Then feminism came along and told women they should ignore all the unique and vital female contributions of the past, and only find self-worth through competing against men in wage-slavery. Which leaves us where we are, with three or more generations of broken homes, crying wine aunts, suicidal weekend dads, teen gangs and latchkey kids raised to expect nothing but the same for themselves. There's no-one left doing the job of holding the family/community/tribe together, and caring for and overseeing the wellbeing of everyone.
It's a commonly expressed opinion that a house without women in it - or at least visiting it - doesn't feel like a home. Without a female presence, all-male living spaces have a tendency to turn into frat houses, boot camps and penitentiaries. Men and women are the brothers and sisters of the human race: we are supposed to complement, not compete against, each other. It seems to me obvious that the first step to building or rebuilding community is to acknowledge, openly appreciate and celebrate what each contributes that is of use. And the only way to even get to that first step is for women to widely realize that men were never their enemy, and hence feminism has been lying to them for several generations.
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