#tris x asha
alleyskywalker · 1 year
A Son for Riverrun - 1,750 - PG - Asha-centric; Asha/Edmure Riverwife 'verse. Asha gives birth to Edmure's heir. She's got some complicated feelings about it.
Love Again - 1,309 - PG - Sansa/Jeyne W After the war, Jeyne came to Winterfell in a search of peace and a family that can understand her. By the start of summer, she and Sansa realize they've found more than that with each other.
The Sweetest Marriage - 1,861 - PG - Tris/Sansa Sansa spends a peaceful evening at home.
Three Letters - 1,410 - PG - Tris/Theon, Tris/Asha, Tris/Baelor Tris writes three letters, at three different times in his life, to three very different love interests.
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sakurastarkey · 4 months
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oh-shtars · 6 months
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Saph, istg-
The RFTS! and TFS!Au are such polar opposites from each other, that’s it’s becoming beyond hilarious. Drawing their interactions is comedy gold.
Our AUs are definitely going to be besties at this rate-
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signed-sapphire · 6 months
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Pardon TFS!Asha’s rudeness… she hasn’t quite reached her character development yet
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princess-ibri · 8 months
King Magnifico Backstory Part 3
Part 2
On the Princesses 18th birthday, a strange messenger came to the castle, with a desperate plea.
"Princess Maroula, my mistress, the Keeper of the Wishing Stars, who granted both you and your father life, needs your aid. There is a quest that only one such as you can fulfill. A dangerous quest but a necessary one for the good of all people within this world and the EverRealm. She has done what she can herself, but her gaze is stretched thin by her obligations. We ask that you leave as soon as possible, if you are willing to come and aid us.”
And the princess, always kind of heart, and remembering the conversation in the garden all those years ago was willing
But her father was not.
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“How dare your mistress ask this dangerous task of my daughter! She knows the perils that exist in that realm, that befell me. She did nothing to aid me in my troubles, why should she ask to place my daughter in peril now?”
“The Blue Lady is young, in the way of her people, she had only recently taken over this charge when your misfortunes befell you, and she has sorrowed over them ever since. She granted you your daughter in part as penance for that failure. But still she has her duties, and she has foreseen a threat that only as deeply linked to Wishes as Maroula is can combat. Would you see an entire realm suffer for what was done to you?”
Maroula knew the anger born from his past heartache, which her father usually tried to keep under control, beginning to rise, and tried to sooth him
“Father, I am willing to go. You and Mother have taught me well in both the use of magic and the need to be generous in helping others. Please, let me go and help the Lady. How can I call myself a princess of Rosas and not do so?”
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“No Maroula!” The King cried, his fear for his daughter and anger getting the best of him. “I won’t allow it! What right has this fairy to grant my greatest wish, give our happiness tangibility and then take it away!”
“She’s not taking me away Father, she’s only asking that I—“
The king turned and dismissed the messenger coldly from his sight, demanding that it never return, for his daughter would not be going to the other realm, now or ever.
“That choice is the Princess Maroula’s.” The messenger said as it left, unfazed by the king’s anger. “She is a woman grown now, able to make her own choices, even if they are not what you would choose for her. If she wishes to go, then she may go”
“Then I shall insure she cannot!”
And with that, the king used his magics to open up a room, deep deep beneath the castle, a room he had discovered upon taking claim of the castle, (a room where he had found a dangerous and deceptive tome of magic). Here he wove about with his spells and enchantments so that he was sure no star’s light could find his daughter.
“I don’t wish to leave you here Maroula, but I must keep you safe, at all costs. Let that other place deal with its own problems. You will stay here until you’ve learned to see sense”
And so the king left his daughter crying in the dark, as his gentle queen cried in the palace above, torn between supporting her husband in keeping their daughter safe from unknown danger, and supporting her daughter’s generous wish to help
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What neither realized, is that there was one small opening within the dungeon, a keyhole that the king had failed to account for, a keyhole through which a single thin strain of starlight came through and found the weeping princess. The princess beheld the light, and taking the power within her, she wished upon the star
And the star answered
But what came after for Princess Maroula is a story for another time…
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The king and queen sought day and night for their daughter, but even with all his powers, either the power of the Lady of the Wishing Stars was greater, or Maroula was using her own to avoid her father’s search. Even his wishing her back did nothing. And so the king and queen fell into despair, knowing their daughter was lost forever.
Is this the thanks I get for granting everyone else’s wishes all these years? To have my own daughter run from me? I’ve cared for her from the day she was born, given her everything and and she still decides to defy and disrespect me with this rebellion?!”
At last, the king, letting his anger over this perceived betrayal overcome his grief, decided that they could no longer go on as they had, and so he crafted a spell that would enable them to move forward
He asked his wife to give to him her wish for their daughter’s return, gifting it to him to hold onto until it could be granted. And as Amaya gave him her wish, trusting that one day it would come true—the memory of her daughter left her entirely, along with the grief of her loss. Letting her forget without the weight of regret…
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From then on, the king utilized this spell whenever it came time to grant his people’s wishes, holding on to them in perpetuity, instead of granting them on sight. Having lost the love of his daughter, he tried to substitute it with the love he felt imbibed in each wish as he guarded them, keeping them safe as he couldn’t protect her. Each person who gave him their wish forgot it, and so Magnifico intended to ensure that not only would no unworthy wish be granted, but no wish would lead to the heartbreak he had suffered
Despite his anger at his daughter, over the years he took many other apprentices, seeking to fill the void she had left, even granting their and their families wishes when he usually would have declined to—but none of them ever filled the place of his beloved Maroula.
And as the years passed, his anger over her loss, the heartbreak of his past, and his frustration over watching everyone’s wishes be granted but his own began to harden the king’s heart, and a darkness grew beneath his pristine exterior, waiting for the day until he felt threatened enough in his power and control to break loose…
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angeltannis · 3 months
if I could draw regularly again without injuring myself I'd be drawing so much Asha and Frey content. they are best friends in my mind
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theonficexchange · 2 years
This, November 11, 2022, is the last day to sign up for the Theon Exchange!*
*(Timezones are weird, so check the form! If it’s open, you can sign up!)
If you’ve been undecided about whether or not to sign up, today is the day! Come write (or draw) something for a fellow Theon fan with a ship (or gen relationship) you both love, and receive a gift in return!
Please read the RULES before signing up!!!
Sign-up form is HERE!
All ships and gen relationships involving Theon, from either ASOIAF or  GoT, are welcome!
Minimum: 500 words. There is also an option to offer and request art if that’s something you’re interested in!
If you complete your assignment you are guaranteed a gift!
Follow this blog or join our Discord to receive updates. (And/or join the discord just for fun and chatting with other Theon fans!)
Sign-ups accepted through the 11th. As long as it’s November 11th anywhere in the world, the form will stay open ❤
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thehumansnail · 10 months
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King Magnifico X Reader
Apprenticeship: You turned eighteen and gave your wish to magnifico. However it’s a wish that can’t be granted in public eye…
Warnings: SUGGESTIVE/kinda nsfw? , idk something bout this king man 🫣
On a dark night in rosas the kingdom was gathered. You were standing foot by foot with Asha and your friends. This was the day, Your Eighteenth birthday, finally giving your wish to the king. It felt as if the world went silent as Magnifico stepped onto the stage. An eruption of cheers followed a flip of his cape. The way he moved was so aullering and eye catching as magic swirled his figure.
“Citizens of Rosas, it’s that time of the month yet again! However! One of our citizens has finally hit eighteen years old, isn’t that fantastic!?” The king smirked into the crowd as they cheered. He scanned over everyone before his eyes settled on you. You suddenly felt your cheeks and ears burn. The way he spoke your name was enough for you to melt . Your feet carried you slowly to the stage, where you knelt to magnifico. He smiled and lifted your chin with his hand.
“Stand,Y/N” The King said softly with a smile.
A gulp left your throat as you stood to your feet. Taking in all that he was, as he spoke your mind wandered. He began talking and you wondered what it would be like to hear him groan...what that sultry voice would sound like when he moaned…you bit at your lip as he looked deep into your eyes, his gray eyebrows settling over icy blue eyes. A soft whimper escaped your lips as the king held your hands in his own.
“Conjure up a wish to your heart, the deepest one you have..” his words drove desire through you as the blue orb left your body. Suddenly all the feelings you’d felt before the orb were forgotten. You stared straight into magnifico’s eyes and smiled happily at him. as if all your nerves had disappeared.
“There, isn’t that better? Look, you don’t seem as anxious. Whatever your wish was, I'm sure it's a weight off your chest.” The king said before tussling your hair and sending you back to your place.
The wish ceremony came and went. It had been a few months since then and there was no thought again about the wish. You weren’t even sure what you had wished for. All you knew was you couldn’t look the king in the eye anymore.
“Oh come on Y/N, we all saw you eying the king like he was made of meat. "Gabo called out in a sassy tone as you rolled your eyes.
“I bet you wished for something a bit risky like to be Magnifico’s wife.” Daliea chuckled jokingly joining in on the teasing.
“Oh yeah? Well I guess we can find out when the king grants my wish won’t we?” You teased back before the group laughed together. Everyone was joined in the kitchen setting up for the monthly wish ceremony. It felt like a fantasy to hope one day your wish would be granted..but Of course no one actually believed your wish would be granted in the same year you gave it. I guess that’s why everyone shouted for you when your name was called again.
“Y/N Fletcher! please Grace the stage, I’m ready to make all your dreams come true.” Magnifico almost sang out as he smiled at you from the stage. A gulp left your lips before you were pushed by Asha and the crew onto the stage.
“Y/N, you know…I’ve waited for this day since you gave me your wish.” Magnifico said as your wish was conjured before you. You blushed as you tried your best not to stare at the king. He was handsome but you felt emptiness looking at him.
All you could think about was The loud echoes of your name behind you. They had made you flustered as you stood now face to face with the king. A heat rose in your belly as you bowed to him again. It felt almost like deja vu…
“My king, Thank you…” you said looking down at your feet. He smiled at you before lifting your chin to him.
“Stand..” he said with a small growl to his tone. Your eyes flutter up to see the intimidating presence infront of you. The growl in his tone was enough for you to jump to your feet. He smiled facing you back at the people of Rosas.
“People of rosas, As you know our very own y/n, had their eighteenth birthday this year.” He paused for cheers before speaking again.
“And Their wish..” he laughed a bit before beginning again. “Well, it took me by surprise! Never in a hundred years has anyone asked to be Magnifico’s apprentice! Ah, I was taken by surprise. I knew I needed to grant it.” The king said as one of his hands came up to your shoulder. You flinched feeling his thumb rub into your shoulder. The small touch made your face turn red with embarrassment. You saw the blue wish come forward in front of you before it disappeared..
The warmth of hope lit up your soul and suddenly you remembered your wish. A blush spread across your cheeks, you stared at magnifico. He had lied about your wish, but The town and the queen were all sitting there. Perhaps being his apprentice was better than dealing with the horny thoughts of a much more ‘delusional’ you.
“Now then! Thank you all for joining us for this wish ceremony but that will be all for the night, I do believe I have an apprentice to teach.” As the king said those words the city disbanded their meeting. He smiled at you and waved for you to follow him. Queen Amaya looked happy as you followed him away.
You couldn’t help wondering what was going to happen as you followed him up to his study. He hadn’t said a word since and you now sat in silence watching him adjust potion bottles. The anticipation and nerves started to build again. Why had he brought you up here? Why was he prolonging the wish? did he actually want to grant it..?
“So. Your probably wondering why your here.” He finally said peeking over his shoulder at you.
“God yes…” you spoke as he laughed.
“I wanted to speak to you about your wish. I know being my apprentice wasn’t what you had in mind.” He smiled as he sat back against his potion table, a smirk slowly creeping up his face.
“But a mentor can teach you all kinds of things..” magnifico said as he lifted a potion bottle to his lips. He smirked as he made eye contact with you. He looked as if he was trying to entice you.
The way the potion swirled before he brought it to his eye line. “See this? It’s an Aphrodisiac, just smelling it is doing something to me.” he purred out.
A blush graced your face as you approached him. “What are you trying to say?” He chuckled
“Oh I don’t know, perhaps we were practicing potions and mixed up wine for This…you know if someone were to walk in…” magnifico smirked at you. He was already plotting a secret relationship with you. You sighed softly and shook your head.
“Oh-My king..Are you suggesting we say we drank that potion…”
“Of course, otherwise it would make no sense why my young apprentice would be lustful for an older man like myself...” he said as he turned away from you.
A smirk played at the corner of your lips as your hands came around his waist. He turned to look over his shoulder at you.
“I hate to break it to you my king, but your apprentice wants nothing more than to rip your clothes off.” You said as your hands began to slide into his robes.
The king's eyes went wide at your words. He stumbled back a bit showing more of a submissive side. The robes that had cling to his body now slipped down his shoulder.
“Oh-Kay..” he turned back to you as your hands continued to peel away his robe. He bit his lip before a small gasp escaped.
“Y/n, careful…once we start this I don’t know if I can stop myself..” the king said as he took your hands into his own. He brought them to his lips and kissed them gently.
“Magnifico,if I wanted this to stop I wouldn’t have followed you.” You say as you lean in beginning to kiss his neck. You slowly kiss and suck at the sensitive flesh on his neck causing the king to whimper.
The sounds he was making were making you burn with lust. “God, Mi Rei, didn’t know you were so submissive..” you giggle as he was now pinned back against the potion table.
The king remained silent out of embarrassment. You smirked at him before continuing to kiss and tease your teeth against his neck. “Such an obedient king.”
He moaned softly, “y/n, please…don’t tease me.” He whined out as he pushed you off himself with ease. “Let's move this to a guest suite?”
You nodd to him and smiled “yes.” With that you followed a disheveled King back to a random room in the palace near his study. once you two were locked inside you wasted no time peeling away the rest of the king’s robes. You glanced down at his bare chest and blushed.
“What? Is it more than you wished for?” He said with a smirk before leaning forward and kissing you gently. Magnifico’s lips were warm and soft and the way he kissed felt like pure love.
“Mmm..my king..” you purred softly as you broke away for air. He looked at you with lust coated eyes.
“Call me Magnifico. There’s no need for formality now my apprentice..” he said leaning back into a passionate kiss.
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adrianasunderworld · 10 months
More Twst x Stardew things
The Royal Sword Corporation opened one of their stores in town years ago. Crowley hates it. He hates the manger, Ambrose, who wants him to sell the community center so they can open another Royal Sword Business in town.
Che'nya works at Royal Sword Mart. Neige actually got his big break from Royal Sword. He got cast in a commercial for it, and it did so well that he's the face of a whole ad campaign now. Vil is angry and jealous because he also auditioned for that role and Neige got picked over him.
Vil still acts and models, but it's on a much smaller scale compared to Neige. Like he gets hired a lot to do ads and commercials for businesses in town, and in all the neighboring towns, to the point he's kind of a local celebrity in the area. He keeps visiting the city to audition for theater, but so far nothing. He ideally would like to move to the city to pursue bigger roles, but it's just not in the cards now.
The witch that turns your eggs into void eggs at night is Malleus grandma. He gets embarrassed, and has tried convincing her to get a different hobby, to no avail.
Fellow and Giddel are event characters. They get hired to work at the county fair during the fall, and sometimes stop by on the Night Market. There's a quest where you can befriend them so they can move into town, and Giddel can join the other kids on their lessons.
Leonas family is very well off. After his father passed while Leona was still a minor, Falena took custody of him, and he still lives with Falena and his wife, Asha. The Kingscholars were successful in their careers and had plenty of money. Like the farmer, they wanted a change of pace from city life and bought a nice inn just outside of town. Falena runs the actual business while Asha still works as a lawyer. Leona is taking online courses while working at the inn. Ruggie also works there and often has to keep Leona on track.
Ace is a carpenter, and was like Robin, the first person in town to greet you and show you to Ramshackle Farm. And like Robin, he also called your grandpa's house crusty. He also has beef with your cat, Grim. Everytime he comes by to work on something, they have a stare off.
Jade is still interested in foraging, and often gives helpful tips, like what is in season and where to find it. His favorite gifts are any mushrooms.
The mermaid who does a show at the Night Market is Rielle.
Ortho, Najma, and Cheka are like the Jas and Vincent in town. They're the local kids you always see running around, along with everyone else's little siblings, like Jack's brother and sister.
Since there's more than two kids in town in this au, there is an actual school house in the area. It's right next to or is connected to the library, and Clara is the local teacher. Trein helps her out by doing the history lessons. Clara will give the older kids their lessons in the morning before doing their more independent study time and class work in the afternoon while she teaches the little ones. Trein usually keeps an eye on the older kids while they work in the library. It's hard though, Lucius keeps demanding their attention when they're supposed to be doing homework.
Ramshackle is still haunted. There's ghost all over the property, and they mostly show up at night. But they will sometime show up indoors, like in the house, sheds, and greenhouse.
If you marry Leona, he will nap in the greenhouse.
If you marry Deuce, he will work on his bike outside.
If you marry Vil, his post marriage heart event is him going away to work after taking a bigger role. Kinda like Elliot going on his book tour.
If you marry Cater, he will post about living on a farm. He will absolutely make vlog type videos going "My day in the life of a stay at home farm husband."
@mangacupcake @marrondrawsalot @writing-heiress @the-weirdos-mind
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agentrouka-blog · 2 months
was rereading F&B for possible Jonsa crumbs after I saw a Jace Strong x Sara Snow = Jon Snow x Sansa Stark theory 🤭and stumbled across this line in reference to Marilda of Hull "... the girl was better known as Mouse, for she was 'small, quick, and always underfoot.'" who would later "... take to the sea herself as the mistress of a trading cog she named Mouse". It certainly reminded me of another small, quick, and always underfoot character. Wondering if you had any thoughts on how book Arya's ending will compare with show Arya? Personally my pipe dream book Arya ending has always been Asha taking Arya under her wing as a mentor of sorts, as she tries to repair the Iron Island's diplomatic relationship to the North. Also it would be the best GRRM easter egg ever to have Cat and Mouse both be seafaring adventurers taking charge of their own destiny. Sorry for the long ask/ramble + hope you have a good day/night :)
I love that!
There is actually a LOT of foreshadowing for Arya's maritime future. For a good compilation, check out the foreshadowing summary posts of @istumpysk 's Reread project. She has a special category for it. Summaries for AGOT, ACOK, ASOS and AFFC.
Or just check out her tag ship girl.
Really, it's a wonderful ending for a girl whose dreams of adventure and exploration were turned to ashes, and it mirrors Sansa's arc, where her dreams are first brutally disappointed only to come true after much hardship in a different and unexpected way. <3
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... :] I have entered my meme era.
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Yes, I think I'm very funny.
These are fantastic!!!! (Please never leave your meme era I got a great laugh out of this! I should honestly just retire now- because I mean memes are the peak man- there’s no passing this 😂)
I legit forgot about that Dario line until the other day lol the man is a Ceph x Asha SHIPPER through and through ((the reaction is spot on))
The second to last meme is totally the moment when Ceph says “it’s time to go big or go home” and Asha’s like “*sobs* PLEASE GO HOME!” And Ceph whispers “I’m gonna go big-,”
Magnifico: another slay what can I say, I just ruined another teenager’s dreams today! 😌🕺 ((come the council meeting tho he’s totally making his way onto the top 10 worst things to ever see in your life list))
((Ceph is starting to realize that maybe he should’ve grabbed one of his therapists before heading to earth))
Also like father like daughter?!? Although I think Asha had a more tamer introduction to the stars than Tomas- because at least Ceph tried to somewhat pass as a human- Sirius walking around with his twenty foot glowing self not breathing or blinking legit said “this is the best I can do. Good luck Tomas.” 😭😭😭
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alleyskywalker · 30 days
Knight - PG - 317 - Sansa/Brienne Sansa finally finds her knight in shining armor, and knights her too.
Start Over - PG - 390 - Tris/Theon, Asha “Did you want to speak to me of something?” / “I…” He seemed to hesitate. “I don’t know if Theon told you…”
Day of War #124 - PG-13 - 1,649 - Theon, Asha Theon has a strange and eventful day during the Greyjoy Rebellion.
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sugarprincessbitch · 1 year
Could I request yandere Ramsay x Theon’s sister who got captured with him?
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WARNING: Mention of death, rape and physical abuse.
The night Ned Stark came for Theon to Pyke you were merely a baby suckling from your mother breast, and as you grew up you only heard stories of Theon that your mother told you about when pronouncing his name was not followed by a slap.
Due to being born far later than any of your siblings and in the last stages of fertility that was left in your mother womb, she didn’t let you out of her sight. Having lost two sons in war and another far away from home you were the miracle that the drown god granted her, to redeem herself from failing to protect her children.
Growing up secluded in an island with only your mother for company affected your relationship with your other family members (if you can form a relationship with THAT kind of family) and they were not very welcoming either. The only one treating you like a human being and not a breading cattle was your sister Ahsa, but the two of you didn’t have a lot in common being rather soft for her taste.
The first time that you went out of your reclusion was when your father called for all his brothers and remaining children back to the main island. The lost son was back to home, and he couldn’t come at a more opportune moment when your house was a mess because of the succession fight for your father’s throne.
The feast was a disaster, you were uncomfortable with the gross and brutish behavior of everyone as well as the rather awkward interactions with your uncle Euron, his interest were caught more at your breasts than your face when the two of you were talking. 
You wanted to talk with Theon, that was the main reason you decided to come, maybe the two of you will bond with feeling like strangers in their own family. Instead he seemed to not recognize you, ignoring you the rest of the night.
In the following days you will only catch glimpses of your brother in the castle, he was preparing to go away again to attack the coasts in the north, you were rather sad to not have even interact in any form with the brother you never met. Yet when days later your father summon you and your siblings to the main hall, the least you would have expected was your father commanding you to accompany your brother Theon in the plan of the North attack, Asha tried in a futile attempt to convince your father otherwise, you were not a prodigy in the art of fighting, less being in a looting.
You were supposed to only seize with Torrhen Citadel and wait for your sister and the rest of the men to come to help you except Theon had other plans in mind, turning course straight to the place where he was home for much of his youth, Winterfell.
In the short time you were in the presence of your brother you came to the realization that he was a rather ambitious man, a little reckless too. He didn’t plan for the future, therefore gettin' you and the rest of you in horrible fate, when he confided in a stranger, opening Winterfell to him and his army of mad men.
Ramsay, that was the strangers name, one who he made sure you learned well given the case that it was branded on your body with iron and fire as one would do with cattle.
Every night he would tie your hands and feet to the bed frame, ravaging you until your body became sore from the friction, making you bleed.
When morning came he would leave your share chambers, not without giving you chaste kisses along the expanse of your skin and murmuring empty apologies in a mocking tone.
During the day you will be prostrate to bed being too weakened to get up, nonetheless of your physical state Ramsay forbid you to went out, locking the door with key. 
The only human interaction that you would have was with the maids (if they will talk at all, being too scared of the consequences of their master fury) and the maester to tend your wounds, Ramsay was known to play rough with his toys, even the most precious ones. 
Only one time he let you out, it was during the first days of your imprisonment when you still resisted his advances.
He took you to the dungeons, a horrible place full of death and suffering. You entered to the most dirtiest and dark cell of the place, there you saw Theon or what was left of him, horrified by the deplorable state your brother was in you stumble against Ramsay’s chest and in a low macabre voice he said “If you continue to disobey me darling… you will end up in here along with the scum of your brother”.  That was the last time you rebel against him.
Days became weeks, every passing day you were losing hope for anyone rescuing you from the claws of Ramsay, except one morning when the commotion outside of your window startled you from slumber.
Dragging your body as fast as posible to the window you saw Ramsay men fighting with the Iron Island people, your people. Hope sparkle rapidly on your chest, burning you so brightly that it brought you into tears. 
Without notice someone kick your door open, startling you out of your emotions, it was the face of your sister covered in blood. Before she uttered a word, an arrow pierce the back of her head making her stumble and collapse to the ground making a snapping sound. A sharp cry came from your moth, your face contorted in terror at the scene in front of you and the wicked grin the executioner was making, that Ramsay was making.
His father came back in time Asha and her men were attacking the fortress, outnumbering them by vast majority.
From there everything became worse, your torture reach a far atrocious fate, being bound forever to your executioner by the prospect of a dreadful marriage. 
Until one of you gave your last breath, your soul and body will never be in peace on this earthly plane.
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signed-sapphire · 4 months
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Asha 🤝 Cielo;
“I’m not helping you until you actually try being nice”
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eddiemadmunson · 2 years
My dear wife part 3
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This is the 3rd and last part of this fic 💕
Paring: Aegon Targaryen x Reader Word account: 4000 words, I got carried away 😱 Warning: 18+, NSFW, oral (F and M receiving, dirty talk)
A/N: English is not my first language, this is not following the Fire and Blood book at all, OOC Aegon I would say.... 
 Aegon slowed down when you entered the main part of the brothel. Your eyes were opened wide. You have never seen so many naked men. Correction the only naked man you have seen in your life was Aegon. Suddenly you were surrounded by so many dicks that you felt overwhelmed. You didn’t know where to look first. Aegon gently dragged you behind him, you were holding on his hand for dear life. The idea of getting lost here terrified you. You arrived at the more secluded part of the brothel, there were rooms which provided more privacy to their occupants, but the rooms didn’t have doors so you could see what was going on inside. You stopped in front of one of the rooms, intrigued by what was happening inside. There were two women, each of them had her mouth in the other's lap, eating out the other's pussy. They were both moaning, obviously enjoying the feeling of giving and receiving pleasure at the same time.  “They call it sixty-nine position,” Aegon said while he wrapped his hands around your waist, placing his head on your shoulder, watching the scene in front of you with an amused smirk.   “I wouldn’t think that this would get your attention, princess,” he laughed when he saw your cheeks burning.   “Do you think about how it feels to eat a pussy?” he whispered into your ear.   “No, I was thinking how it would feel to suck your cock while you eat my pussy like this,” you answered honestly and Aegon felt his cock hardening in his tight pants again.   “My good little wife, always thinking about my cock and my pleasure,” he turned you around and kissed you sloppily. The kiss was all tongue and teeth and never ending passion. “Let’s go, wifey. Your husband will make all of your dreams come true,” he winked and you two proceeded further into the center of the gigantic house. You could tell that this wasn’t the first time Aegon visited this place, people were nodding at him, women were smiling seductively at him, trying to lure him to them, but he ignored them all. Suddenly you were stopped by a beautiful young woman, she could be in her late twenties, she was tall, redhead, with big breasts barely hiding in her tiny dress, she was slim with long legs. She was gorgeous. “Good evening, Prince Aegon, what can we do for you tonight? Do you want a young maiden, or perhaps two? Or maybe I personally can make sure that you are well satisfied,” she purred and ran a long red finger down his chest completely ignoring your presence. You acted before Aegon had a chance to say a word. You grabbed her wandering hand and harshly pushed it behind her back, making her wince in pain.  “Keep your filthy hands off my husband, you whore! If you didn’t notice he has me to take care of all his needs, if I see you anywhere near him again, I will kill you!” you hissed and she whimpered in pain and you realized that you will break her hand soon if you won’t let her go. You quickly stepped back, shocked by your own violent behavior.   “As you could see Asha, my wife is very possessive of me, I don’t need your services anymore,” Aegon smirked and Asha quickly disappeared, sobbing and looking at you with fear and hatred.   “I am sorry, Aegon I shouldn’t act like that,” you tried to apologize but Aegon slammed you against the nearest wall.   “Fuck, Y/N. That was the hottest thing you have ever done, I love to see you becoming so fucking possessive over me,” he kissed you and wrapped his hand around your neck, gently squeezing. Not enough to actually choke you, but enough to make it difficult for you to breathe properly. You rolled your eyes loving that feeling of power he hold over you at that moment. “Keep acting like this and we won’t make it to the room that’s waiting for us, princess,” he warned you and you both continued towards your destination. But you stopped once again.  “Do you see what I see, Aegon?” you asked. “What do you mean? Two girls sucking guy's cock, yeah it feels wonderful but I think that we just established that you don’t want to share me and my cock with anyone else,” he answered playfully and wanted to go further.   “No, I don’t mean them, look at him,” you insisted. Aegon was confused why you wanted him to look at another man, but he obeyed and chuckled.   “No way, what a fucking hypocrite,” he folded his arms over his chest and watched ser Criston Cole getting a blow job from twin whores. “Hey Crispin,” he shouted and you quickly pulled him away from Criston’s view, both of you laughing like crazy.   “Can you believe it? He scolded me so many times for coming here, and look at him now,” Aegon laughed in disbelieve. “Do you remember the time when everybody was looking for you, because they thought that you fled to Asshai?” you asked him and he nodded with a frown. “I was looking for you with Aemond and Ser Cole and I remember his words, he said that him and Aemond are gentlemen and they are not used to this level of depravity like you. Something had to change drastically,” you chuckled and Aegon stopped you.   “Do you know that it was really stupid to assume that I left King���s Landing, right?” he asked you seriously, looking deeply into your eyes. “Why?” you asked him, your heart pounding in your chest.   “I would never leave without my best friend. Or at least without saying good bye to you,” he confessed and your heart swelled. “Oh Aegon,” you hugged him tightly.   “And Sunfyre would never forgive me, if I get him away from you. He loves your back scratches,” he smiled and you beamed at the mention of his gorgeous dragon. “That’s something we have in common,” he winked at you and you giggled.   “Do you want me to scratch your back when we come back home?” you asked him playfully and he nodded with a happy smile. “I still can’t believe that we bumped into Cole here,” Aegon chuckled.   “Maybe we will find Aemond here,” he smirked and looked around as if he expected to find his younger brother in the next room. “I assure you, that you will not find Aemond here,” you replied. “Why not, he likes to pretend that he is above all of the body pleasures, but I can see behind that facade. He is more kinky than we both combined, he probably spends his evenings doing some nasty shit,” Aegon grinned and winked at you. “He spends most of his evenings in the library,” you corrected him. “How can you know it,” Aegon insisted.   “Because I was in his company for most of the evenings,” you confessed and Aegon halted.   “It was before the wedding of course,” you assured him.   “Are you telling me, that you spent most of the nights with my baby brother,” Aegon asked, hurt evident in his voice.   “We were reading books, Aegon. You know that I love reading. And Aemond was teaching me High Valyrian,” you said, but Aegon didn’t look convinced.   “Are you trying to tell me, that he had you within his grasp every single night and he didn’t try anything on you?” he scoffed. “No! Aegon I swear on my own life that your brother has never touched me inappropriately,” you took his head into your hands and looked into his eyes. “I believe you, princess. What a fucking moron! I swear he is adopted,” Aegon finally laughed and you shook your head. “I told you that I don’t have feelings for him. He is like a brother to me,” you said softly and Aegon raised his eyebrow. “Ewww, no, Aegon. I am not like you Targaryens, I don’t want to bang my siblings,” you gasped when you realized why he is smirking at you.   “You married a Targaryen Prince, so you are part of the family now, Y/N,” he chuckled when he saw your disgusted face. “No, thank you. Plus he has a crush on Alys, so he is not interested in me either,” you said and quickly regretted it when you saw the amusement in Aegon’s eyes.   “Alys Rivers? My baby bro wants to bang Alys Rivers,” Aegon laughed like if you told him the best joke ever.   “Aegon, you can’t tell him that I told you. He would kill me,” you pleaded.   “Isn’t she like way older than him?” Aegon asked and you shrugged. “It doesn’t matter, love is love,” you kissed his nose playfully.   “She will eat him alive, if he tries to court her, she is kind of scary,” Aegon laughed. “Ehm, excuse me, have you seen your brother? He is scary when he wants to be, you don’t want to piss him of. “I have never noticed that, he is a fool,” Aegon shrugged carelessly and took your hand in his and soon you two achieved your destination. You walked into a big room with giant bed in the middle of it. There were dozens of couples around the table and in the corners of the room, kissing, giving or receiving oral sex, fucking, the room reeked of sex and desire, the air was filled with moans and screams of pleasure. “Usually they use the bed for big orgies, but tonight it’s reserved just for you and me, my dear wife. You don’t have to worry, nobody will approach us unless we tell them,” he mumbled against your ear when he saw that you were suddenly nervous about this. “But if you don’t want to do this we can go back home,” he said gently and kissed your temple. “No, Aegon, I want this, I am just not used to see other people having sex or having someone else watch me,” you admitted and pressed yourself closer to Aegon, feeling safe in his arms. “Just relax, princess,” he gently lifted your chin, pressing his lips to yours in slow, loving kiss. Aegon sucked your upper and bottom lip before he took your bottom lip between his teeth, tugging at it teasingly, earning low groans from you. He slid his hands up your body and cradled your face with his hands. You opened your mouth for him immediately, happily humming when he dipped his tongue past your lips, caressing your tongue with his with an intense urgency, your body craved him. The tidal wave of lust churned within you, making you deepen the kiss, your hand started wandering all over his chest and upper arms, desperately trying to unlace the laces on his shirt, to get your hands on his skin. You could feel the smug smirk on his lips, he knew that he had you right where he wanted to. You were driven by passion and you stopped being nervous and let your  urges to lead your actions. You two got rid of your clothes between passionate kisses and loving touches. Aegon laid you on the bed (he made sure that the brothel staff changed the mattresses and the bedding before your arrival) and took a time to look at you. You looked so beautiful, your hair spreaded around your head like a halo, your cheeks flushed, your eyes blown up with passion, looking at him with so much love and adoration that he nearly sobbed. Aegon always thought that he won’t be loved by anyone and now he had you, his childhood friend who proved to him every day, that you love him more than anything on this world. You were heavily breathing, your heaving breasts raising and falling, inviting him to have a feast on them. His eyes traced your body lower and lower to your dripping pussy. You whined impatiently, not appreciating that he just stands there and stares at you. You spread your legs wide and smirked when you see his eyes turning dark. “You are such a little seductress, my dear wife,” he groaned and slowly dragged his fingers along the inner side of your thighs. “I am only a wife who wants her husband to fuck her real good instead of staring at her and doing nothing,” you said cheekily and rubbed your clit in desperate need to feel some friction. You moaned at your own action and Aegon finally moved. He grabbed your hands and pinned them behind your head with one of his strong hands. “Behave, my love, don’t be so impatient, we have all night. Save your energy, you will need it,” he said darkly and kissed you sloppily, his other hand roaming your body, kneading your breast, his thumb torturing your nipple slowly. You were a moaning mess beneath him, trying to raise your hips to rub your clit against his cock. “You are so fucking inpatient, my love. Do you even remember, that we are not here alone,” he chuckled when he saw the realization in your eyes. “Oh no, don’t hide now,” Aegon smirked when you tried to hide yourself under his body. He quickly rolled you over so now you were on top of him. You felt like everyone’s eyes were on you. And they probably were. They knew who you are. Aegon was their Prince and you were his new wife and lifetime friend. They definitely knew who was lying on this bed and they watched you curiously. “I think it’s time to try something new, my wife,” Aegon smiled and wiggled his eyebrows at you. “Turn around,” he commanded and you hesitated but obeyed him. Now you were sitting on his chest and he was staring at your back. You were confused. You rode him before, but you were always facing him and he loved to play with your breasts while you were jumping on his cock. “I want you to sit on my face Y/N,” he said and you gulped. “You want me to do what?” you asked and bit your lip nervously. “I think you heard me perfectly, come here,” he slapped your butt and you hesitantly crawled backwards so your pussy was hovering over his face. “Are you sure Aegon, this can be pleasurable for you?” you asked him once again, but he had his hands already placed on your hips, pulling you down on his face. “Trust me, you will love it,” he assured you. “And me too,” he added with a smirk. You decided to trust him as you slowly sunk your dripping cunt to his lips. Nothing was happening for few moments and you wanted to ask him again if everything is OK, when he lick your pussy from the bottom to your clit and you moaned loudly, your legs almost giving up under you, Aegon gripped your hips and shoved your body down on his face. He groaned at the taste of you on his tongue, causing the vibrations of his mouth to make your clit tingle. He was slurping and sucking at your pussy wanting to get every drop. “Fuck Aegon, baby, that feels amazing,” you moaned loudly. He alternated between sucking and licking your clit and sliding his tongue into your wet channel. You tossed your head back in pleasure, your hips instinctively rolling against his eager mouth. You slowly opened your eyes, noticing that there is a couple across from you two, the woman was bend over a table, her full breasts bouncing thanks to the powerful thrusts of her lover, her eyes locked with yours and you felt a new wave of arousal, there were other people watching your husband eating your pussy, it was scandalous and it should have disturb you, but it made you even hornier. Aegon definitely knew all about your deepest, darkest desires. You watched the woman break the eyes contact with you as she rolled her eyes and came around her lovers cock. You blushed and quickly looked away and spotted a young man getting a blow job from one of the girls, moaning loudly as her head bobbed up and down on his impressive length. He noticed you looking at him and winked at you, forcing the girl's head deeper down on his cock, making her choke around it. At that moment Aegon sucked on your clit with more force and you led out a hoarse moan. Aegon was having the best time of his life under you, he loved eating your pussy and the sounds that were leaving your mouth only proved to him, that you enjoyed it too. You suddenly felt bad for neglecting your beloved Aegon for a second. You glanced down and noticed that his cock was already hard and standing in all his glory in front of you. You remembered what the two girls were doing in one of the rooms and you smiled, mischief playing in your eyes. You shifted and reached for Aegon’s cock. He was confused for a second because your move changed the way how you were sitting on his face. He groaned in surprise and pleasure when he felt your small hand on his cock. “Stop it, Y/N. It’s about your pleasure tonight,” he tried to stop you, but you were already stroking his cock in your soft hand, loving how it immediately responded to your touches. “I want to cum along with you, Aegon, please,” you begged him and he felt his cock twitched in your hand. “You will be the death of me, princess,” Aegon cursed under his breath and stopped eating you out for few moments, enjoying your hand squeezing his cock. “Fuck, that’s my good little wife,” he groaned when you wrapped your lips around his cock, taking him all in your mouth. Aegon taught you how to deep throat him couple weeks ago and you loved to practice it on him. He seemed to love it too, it always made him go feral. You moaned around his dick as he went back to sucking your pussy like if his life depended on it. You gagged around his cock as he lifted his hips, fucking your mouth, you could feel that he was close and so did you. Aegon’s tongue fucked your pussy, your juices dripping down his chin and cheeks, he moved to your clit again, sucking on it harshly and you cum on his face, screaming his name, your screams muffled with his cock inside your mouth. You wanted to be sad that you came before him, but his cock twitched inside your mouth and filled your throat with his sticky cum. You moaned happily and swallowed everything like a good wife. He was surprisingly silent, you quickly got off him and inspected his face. That fucker grinned at you and looked so pleased with himself. “God damn it Aegon, don’t scare me like that, I thought that you maybe suffocated under me. “Awww, you were worried about me, my dear wife. Don’t worry, you nearly drowned me, but I am fine,” he chuckled and you hit his chest. “You are terrible,” you blushed and hugged him. “That was something else, princess,” he said still out of breath. “It felt amazing, we can definitely do it again,” you admitted and Aegon beamed at you. “What did I do to deserve you?” he kissed your temple lovingly. “It seems that everyone enjoyed the show,” he laughed against your ear and you noticed that everybody’s eyes were on you two. “Do you want to give them another show or do you want to go home, Y/N?” he asked you, letting you decide what you going to do. “It was thrilling but I am tired Aegon, it’s almost dawn, I think we should go home,” you said truthfully and he nodded. “Sure, my love, let’s get dressed and go home before they start searching for us”. You quickly got dressed and rushed towards the castle. It took you some time because you had to stop every few meters to kiss each other in the dark corners of the city. When you finally reached your home, you were holding hands and had happy smiles on your faces. Your smile dropped when you spotted Otto Hightower standing on the top of the stairs, looking at you with very judging expression. Aegon, on the other hand, kept grinning and didn’t give a fuck about his grandfather’s presence.  “Are you two lost your mind?” Otto said loudly. “We went out for a walk,” you tried to come up with some excuse, but Otto gave you very disappointed look. “You two went into brothel! BROTHEL! You let your subjects watching you fucking!!” he was furious. “That’s not true, we just gave each other oral, we left fucking for the next visit,” Aegon grinned like a madman and you tried to squeeze his hand to stop him.  “I am not surprised that Aegon did something like this. But you, Y/N? You are wife of a Targaryen Prince, you are noble lady and you let him to take you to such place. You were acting like a common whor…” it was known that Aegon wasn’t as good with weapons as Aemond, but he wielded his dagger surprisingly quickly from his cloak and pressed it against the hollow of Otto’s throat. “Try to call my wife a whore once again, grandfather, and my father will need new Hand,” he hissed and his goofiness was gone. He watched Otto with pure hatred. “Aegon, let it go,” you tried to reason with him, but he didn’t listen to you. “Apologize,” he hissed and Otto gulped. “I am sorry princess Y/N. It was rude from me and it will never happen again,” he said and Aegon slowly lowered his dagger. He took your hand and dragged you inside, completely ignoring his grandfather. “You shouldn’t have done it Aegon, he is a vindictive bitch,” you said worriedly but Aegon seemed to be careless again. “Don’t worry about him, he knows that I will be the king one day, he won’t do anything to me,” he said carelessly and you two passed by the library. Aegon stopped and walked back. “You were right, he really sits here all night,” Aegon chuckled and watched Aemond, who raised his eyebrow and placed a finger on the book, to not lose his reading progress.   “So, I heard you two had a fun tonight,” he winked at you and you hid your face into Aegon’s shoulder. “You are surprisingly shy for someone who just had her pussy eaten in front of the strangers,” Aegon teased you. “Aegon, for the love of Seven, shut up,” you pleaded and he hugged you. Aemond shook his head and opened his book again. “What will you two do next? Fucking in front of the whole King’s Landing?” he suggested and Aegon’s eyes lit up. “Oh Aemond, please don’t give him ideas,” you and Aegon both burst into fit of laughter when you saw Aemond disgusted face. “Good night, Aemond, we are going to bed,” you winked at him. “It’s seven in the morning,” Aemond rolled his eyes and started reading his book obviously done talking with you two fools. You finally walked into your shared chambers and you yawned. “You know Aemond gave me very interesting idea, princess,” Aegon smirked and you whined. “Not now Aegon, I really need some sleep,” you begged him and he pouted. “OK, my dear wife, let’s get some sleep, but when we wake up, I want to show you one very special windows in my room.  It has the best view it the whole Westeros,” he added with naughty smile and it took you few minutes before you opened your eyes and looked at your peacefully sleeping husband remembering what window he meant. Gods, he was really depraved and you too, because you actually liked the idea of Aegon fucking you in front of that window when anyone can see you at any moment.  
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galebrainrot2024 · 8 months
Gale x Tav Enemies to Lovers Part IV
Howdy everyone - I am still tweaking this and wanted to get a little something out tonight.
Written in Gale's POV, enjoy!
The tent whipped shut behind him as he stormed inside. Gale brought his hands to his face, his head bowing before he ran his fingers through his hair. He whistled air through his teeth and began to pace, the adrenaline coursing through his body making him unable to still. 
“AH,” Gale cried out and gripped his chest abruptly, his breath sharp and collapsed to his knees. The orb festered, feasting on his anger and distress, the nasty roots plucking at his very DNA and unraveling it. Gale hunched forward, gasping for breath as the orb seemed to tighten around his heart and lungs, depriving him of air, of blood supply. Groans of discomfort escaped him and he could focus on nothing else except the endless blackness of dread, despair and pain brought on by the orb. 
He was unsure how long he sat like this, his vision peppered with black spots, digging his hands into the spot on his chest as if it would sate it. It felt unlike it ever had before - hungrier, somehow, more volatile. Although the last magical item he consumed helped partially, it did not quench the storm as they normally did. And now it was well nourished from their quarrel and it felt ever stronger. 
When Gale finally rose to his feet and the deathlike pallor of his body dissipated, his head throbbed and his eyes ached. All at once with gritted teeth Gale swept his arm across his desk sending his papers, poems, drawings flying across his tent. With a heave that sounded like a tearless cry, he shut his eyes and tried to conjure a replica of his Tressyum, Tara. She would have staunch advice for him and lend a helpful ear to brood about the same arrogant, boastful girl from his youth. Tara accused him of being smitten with Tav from the beginning, an idea he vehemently denied until much later to which Tara responded matter of factly: I tried to tell you, Mr. Dekarios, but it is unlike you to listen to a word I say. Especially involving potential love interests.
After two failed attempts to create her replica, Gale's anger only grew as his own inadequacy dawned on him. How much power and ability he once had and now he struggled with a basic transmutation spell - granted, the orb had just had a hell of a feast so Gale was exceptionally weakened. He had controlled more of the Weave than most Wizards could ever dream of… and now it felt as out of reach as Mystra herself. 
When his mind settled, a pang of hurt coursed through him. Tav had been needlessly cruel after he had been so vulnerable with her - although part of Gale’s mind fixated on the warmth he felt when her finger pushed against his chest, how beautiful she looked in her rage, how sensual the moment before had felt. Even as their bodies gravitated closer together in their heated argument, he felt as if they could have lit a city with the electricity that flowed between them. That despite their anger all he wanted to do was take her lips with his. 
“It felt so incredible… her mind was beautiful, so elegant. It was inspiring, profound even and it felt… well, it was almost…” Gale paused, dropping the thought and picking up another, “and she ripped it away so fast… threw her malice at me because I didn’t tell her I recognized her. Perhaps her and Mystra have more in common than I thought.” He muttered to himself, still walking circles in his tent, his thumb brushing against his bottom lip. “Why does it matter if I didn’t tell her? Is that such a crime? Rather hypocritical if you ask me.” The imaginary Tara in his head agreed, of course, though he knew she wouldn't if she were here. “I’ll speak to her in the morning. Make her understand. Perhaps, even bring her down a peg or two. If I had only known she would react this way I obviously would have acted differently." Gale froze because deep within his core he knew this was untrue.
He was so embarrassed, so ashamed of the orb and of his relationship with Mystra and his outcasting, of how he had treated Tav in their youth. How he had jeopardized her entire future all because she had been better practiced, a savant. In Truth, Gale knew Tav had every right to be angry although her anger was misplaced. He had hoped, wished, prayed to every God he knew that she would not recognize him. He sighed heavily, the weight of everything threatening to crush him, and he rubbed the back of his neck. He climbed into bed and drifted into a dreamless sleep. 
The next morning when Gale rose the traveling companions were already gone. “Gale?” A voice pierced through the air and he turned to see Wyll, his chalice in hand and playing with Scratch. Gale glanced around, perplexed. “What are you still doing here? A bit strange to see you back at camp. Tav seems to have taken a liking to you, she has a habit of bringing you everywhere.” Wyll gave a playful wink, though Gale was not in the mood to be trifled with. 
“That's not true," Gale started to craft his argument - of course Tav doesn't bring me everywhere! There are plenty of days she's left me behind - and when he was unable to think of a single day this was true he shook his head to dismiss it and said, "Tav left? They all left for the day? This early? After they all drank that much? Is that what you're saying?” Wyll shrugged and nodded. Gale noted Wyll hadn’t been at the party so it wasn’t unusual he was awake - he did wonder where had he been last night.
“They left not too long ago, the sun was still hanging on the horizon - but just.” Gale sighed and turned to leave. “Hold on a second,” Wyll said, walking over to him. “Are you alright? You seem a bit off. You’re rather pale my friend, a look typically reserved for Astarion. It doesn’t suit you.”
“Oh, I am quite well I can assure you.” Gale looked off beyond the treeline, his brow furrowed as he seethed. How could Tav leave him behind, especially after how she acted last evening.. if she was truly sorry she wouldn’t have left him. For their trip thus far Gale had been on the starting line, adventuring at her side. For the first time he felt the sting of being left to tend camp. 
Wyll snorted, crossing his arms. “You may have command of the Weave, but a performer you are not. Tav was in a strange mood this morning, too now that I think of it. Perhaps it was all of the wine but...” A realization seemed to dawn on Wyll’s face and he smirked, cocking his head, “You sly Wizard, I didn't think you had it in you if I'm being honest. Did you… and Tav?” Gale groaned and rolled his eyes. A typical youth: the one thing on their mind was coital. 
“No, Gods... no.” Gale said, although the redness climbed up his neck and brushed his ears. When he allowed his mind to wander to their shared moment in the Weave the hurt he felt by her comment seemed to die down and he cleared his throat, straightening. “Did they say where they were off to? When they’d be back?” 
Wyll shook his head and rested an arm on Gale’s shoulder for a moment, “All I know is that Tav said they’d be gone a while, didn’t say where. If you’re in need of company or are open to losing a game of lance board, you know where to find me. It helps pass the days when we aren’t shifting camp.” 
Gale watched Wyll walk back to his tent, picking apart exactly how Wyll could not possibly be able to beat him in a game of lance board and he went back to rest.
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