#tumblr UI
potato-gay · 1 year
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nightfallsystem · 1 year
in a time like this its time to remake my do you like the new dashboard poll
reblog plz i really hope tumblr sees that we all fucking hate it and maybe theyll make it optional
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Evil Achievement Unlocked:
Fuck My Users I Hate My Users
Way to go @staff you've managed to make this shithole site worse. Thanks for really going above and beyond to ignore and antagonize your users by ruining your UI, intentionally marking the very existence of trans women as "sexually explicit" and that one time that you went totally scorched earth on @partyjockers, and your active refusal to actually moderate real hate speech on this site in favor of protecting fascists and other virulent bigots from any and all consequences. I hate you so much and I hope you drop a safe on your toes.
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staff should let me take over tumblr. id fix the interface so instead of it looking like tiwtter the buttons would now be scattered all over the dash and you’d have to go on a scavenger hunt whenever you wanted to switch menus
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isa-ghost · 1 year
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How about you return the dashboard layout to normal and get rid of Tumblr live?
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A quick Stylus script to make Tumblr's new sidebars a little less crowded and more comfortable
So, that new sidebar, yeah? Sure is a thing. The tumblr devs might change things before it's fully implemented across the board, and Xkit Rewritten might add some options after the interface moves from testing to permanent -- but until they do, here's a little fix to spread things out a little, so that your tumblr experience doesn't feel so squished. It results in a dash like this:
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which is a little more comfortable than the original, I think.
To install the script, first make sure you install the addon/extension Stylus, if you don't have it already. And then, well, simply click here, and click "install" to add the style. Enjoy your more wide open spaces!
(Code under the cut for advanced users; comments or suggestions are welcome. You're also free to modify your own copies for any sidebar width or spacing you prefer.)
/* ==UserStyle== @name Tumblr - New Sidebar Fixes @namespace https://nobodysuspectsthebutterfly.tumblr.com @author Mindset @description Moves Tumblr's new sidebars outward to make things a little less crowded. @version 1.3 @license GPL-3.0-or-later ==/UserStyle== */ @-moz-document domain("tumblr.com") { /* makes sure this only applies to page sizes where the sidebars appear */ @media (min-width: 1150px) { /* moves the left sidebar further left */ .ZkG01 .h_Erh { margin-right: 100px !important; margin-left: -90px !important; } /* keeps the center section the width it should be and moves the right sidebar to the right */ .ZkG01 .lSyOz { min-width: 625px !important; padding-right: 100px !important; } /* keeps the right sidebar the width it should be */ .ZkG01 .e1knl { min-width: 320px !important; } } }
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heilos · 1 year
Having loud thoughts again, but you know what would be an absolutely baller idea for tumblr's layout? Everything being a full widget system, especially on the dashboard. I'm just using this as an example, but the old UI for deviantart, dated as it is now by website standards visually, worked off a widget like system where you had so much control over how your profile page was displayed. Certain elements/boxes could be dragged and placed on your page and then adjusted via preset options or through a bit of light coding shenanigans. Imagine that, but with the tumblr dashboard. Instead of being stuck in just one format, you could drag your navigation bar to the left or right or if you don't like that you could pull it up top instead. Or you could have a widget on the side bar like xkit does for tag tracking, or trending tags or just not have any of that on the dashboard. Or how about a widget purely to keep track of recent mutuals that will take you directly to a full list in one click or a widget listing your current que ect ect. All of these being movable pieces yeah? The main point being the ability for a user to rearrange their dashboard to their liking for the best personal navigation with the least amount of clicks. I think the idea of drag and dropping UI elements is taken for granted on most current social media sites even though it's extremely intuitive once you understand it's a feature that exists and how clunky things feel when you don't have it or it's taken away. There's personal website builders that already use widgets pretty frequently, so why not extend that to bigger websites that rely on plenty of consistent user navigation daily? Like imagine updates that could be about adding in highly requested new widgets or adjusting functionality of current widgets to perform better based on user feedback. I am not a coder so I don't know how difficult it would be to implement a robust widget system for a large scale social media website, but it's been on my mind for years now with trying out all kinds of beta art sites before. I really think something like that would be worth the investment for a place like tumblr and potentially cut down on a lot of discontent over layout changes.
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plasmalink · 5 months
Just a heads up, if you're sick of dashboard-unfucker being broken, someone made a new script to restore the old tumblr interface.
Should work about the same.
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felixcloud6288 · 1 year
hi considering the massive containment breach, and in case youve not found it yet, you can turn off activity notifs for a post!
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Hope this helps, have fun :)
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batdorable · 1 year
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(screenshot for examplary purposes)
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sincerely-sofie · 1 month
D... Did Tumblr seriously start implementing drop-down ads that cover large portions of the screen on mobile... Please tell me I'm crazy... Please tell me I need to adjust my antipsychotic meds... It can't be.........
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ugli-ly · 1 year
whyyyy would the staff in charge of the (fan) artists & (fan) writers website decide to cross the picket line during a massive artists/actors/writers strike.
and why would they add a fucking clown
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robofuckr · 1 year
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in light of tumblr finally joining the fray
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taikk0 · 1 year
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hi tumblr i'm back... thank you dashboard unfucker and fuck you twitter
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isa-ghost · 1 year
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So, does anyone have a new unfucker for the dashboard?
Title. The dashboard unfucker no longer works and the "real" Tumblr UI is still complete and utter ass.
Laggy as shit, none of the element placements make any sense, everything keeps breaking, everything is too fucking small...
I hope whoever designed this UI and whoever thought this was a good idea to push through spontaneously combusts. Fuck this UI. If only the people I watch on Cohost actually used that site...
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