#tumblr won’t show it to me
i-am-church-the-cat · 3 months
Team Torque has given me too much power. I will submit every single question I have for my Logan Lore List
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sableeira · 10 months
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this is the same man btw. what is in that poison? gay juice?
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cockroachesunite · 2 months
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Go for broke AU part 2
☞ (Part 1)
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mossymandibles · 1 year
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Here’s Mayv! Kraw’s adoptive mom. She’s wrestling a Glow Gullet Gator. She kind of owns a mutated gator farm on the side, purely for a love of the creatures (and they’re good as guard dogs)
Here’s a little intro for her ⬇️
She taught him all he knows about being a sea hunter and how to process and use mermaids for their organs and oils. She is a hunter first, an apothecary second and a ‘beast tamer’ third.
She found herself as an escapee when she was younger, commandeering a trawler boat with her two sons and a few other humans aboard. Whatever she was running from, she attempted to lose it by sailing straight across Hellmouth, unknown dangers be damned. A strange storm blew her off course however and in the process she lost both her sons and some of her crew.
The boat ended up beaching in the delta of a swamp that belonged to the “Lady of the Shades”, a mysterious harpy witch that gave Mayv her alligator-like appearance in exchange for safety. The swamp was called “Shades of Acheron”, located on the northeast edge of Hellmouth.
Mayv replaced her sons with Kraw and Titus. she found Kraw hiding within the swamp, his little hollowed out log lair surrounded by half eaten crawfish shells that earned him his name.
She ran their encampment and household with an iron fist but a loving and boisterous nature. It was mostly her training that Kraw deeply detested. More often than not, out on the sea she seemed to blur the lines between treating Kraw and Titus like her children and treating them like militant hunting hounds.
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ablazenqueen · 10 months
Charn and Tin’s development is so, so good. The way they yo-yo between antagonism and friendship, the way there’s instant sexual attraction but only slowly growing romantic feelings, the way their viewpoints contrast and conflict and constantly bring them back to Square 1, I could go on.
But I think one of the most interesting things about their ever-changing dynamic is how much more of a problem their conflicting perspectives become the more they care about each other.
Specifically, I think it’s beautiful and heartbreaking that the more Charn begins to genuinely care about Tin, the more he relies on what he believes to be case-winning methods. Methods that turn Tin against him, lead to distrust and anger and conflict between them. Obviously part of the reason Charn does what he does is because he wants to win. He likes the challenge, he wants revenge, he has a lot of pride.
But it isn’t just about winning anymore.
He cares about Tin and Tin’s grandma and his family and he cares what Tin thinks of him and he cares that Tin’s kindness is going to get him trampled by people who aren’t as kind. But the more he cares, the more he manipulates because he believes it’s the only way to win and winning is the only way to keep Tin and his family safe once and for all. Which unfortunately means the more he cares, the less Tin trusts him and the further the divide between them grows.
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greg-montgomery · 1 year
But being so soft during aftercare
He misses kisses too and feels bad seeing you all teary-eyed so after the punishment is all "you've been so good honey" and kisses all over your face 🥺
nsfw - minors dni
warnings for umm spanking?? 🫣 (just one) and…he’s kinda mean <3 but then he’s nice!! LMFAOOO you know how it goes
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
A soft whine escaped from your lips when you heard a stern “No,” in Aaron’s voice as he turned his head away from yours.
You were under him, your legs wrapped around his waist, the heels of your feet on his ass pushing him deeper and deeper inside you. His hands were holding your wrists above your head, not letting you move much, but you didn’t mind. You liked that he took control. What you didn’t like though, was that he had just rejected a sweet kiss from you.
“Why?” you asked, confused.
“Bad girls don’t get kisses.”
“Aaron…” you said, a pout taking over your face. “I said I was sorry.”
“And I’ve said a million times that you should text me when you know you’re gonna be late so I don’t get worried,” he said, pushing himself into you harder, sending a wave of pleasure through your body - so good, you almost forgot what you were sad about.
“I’m sorry,” you breathed softly, feeling too good to keep your eyes open.
“Sorry’s not good enough.”
This was torture. Yes every inch of his naked skin was touching yours, yes his dick was buried inside your pussy, yes his eyes were staring right into yours; but it wasn’t enough. You needed to be kissed. You needed to wrap your hands around his neck and bring him closer to you, whisper against his lips how good his cock made you feel. You needed him.
“Please, Aaron. Just one kiss.”
He released your hands, and for a second you thought he wasn’t mad anymore. For a second you thought he’d finally give you that kiss you’d been craving. But instead he slipped out of you, got on his knees and harshly turned you around.
He didn’t need to give you any instructions. He simply grabbed your waist and positioned you how he wanted.
“Sorry, baby,” he said, his large palm touching the curve of your ass before slapping it just harshly enough for it not to feel unpleasant. “No making love tonight. Tonight, you’re only a toy to help me get off, okay?”
You bit your bottom lip, holding back a sob.
“I said ‘okay’?”
“Yes, sir,” you said, your voice weak.
Aaron’s hands were all over you but he still wasn’t inside you yet. His thumb went towards the hole of your ass, just rubbing it softly, doing his best to just make you more desperate.
“My poor girl wants kisses…” he said, a pathetic whine from you cutting him off. His deep voice never failed to drive you crazy. “Too bad she’s not getting any.”
His hand moved so he could finger you slowly, knowing like exactly how to move his thick fingers in a way that made you see stars.
“Stay still,” he ordered.
You buried your head in your pillow and did exactly what he had told you. You stayed still and let him use you. The sounds of his body slapping into yours, and his heavy breaths and moans being the only things you could focus on as your pillowcase got wet from your tears.
“Oh God…Fuck,” he moaned, while his cum filled your pussy. You hand had moved between your legs, as you rubbed your clit making yourself cum right after he had.
He wrapped his arm around your stomach and used it to pull you close to him, your back against his chest. “There’s my sweet girl.”
You let your head fall back on his shoulder with a sigh.
“Still want that kiss?” he asked and his smirk got bigger when he saw you nodding your head eagerly.
He turned your head to the side using a hand on your jaw and finally placed his open mouth on yours. You let out a moan when your tongues touched, and he smiled against your lips. As the kiss got deeper you turned your body around and moved so you could straddle his lap.
“Finally,” you smiled.
Aaron smiled at you in that same sweet way, using his thumb to wipe away any tears of yours that hadn’t dried out yet. “My baby, you did so good for me, do you know that?”
His praise made you grin, the pride written across his face making the butterflies in your stomach go crazy.
“See what happens when you’re not a good girl for me?” he asked you, pulling your hair away from your face. His touch was tender and comforting, making you completely melt against him. “I had to deny you of the kisses that you so love. Not worth it now, was it?”
You shook your head with a pout, agreeing that your punishment was justified.
“I’m sorry.”
“I know you are. And next time you’re gonna let me know when you’re planning on getting home late, isn’t that right?”
“I will,” you said with honesty and let your handsome boyfriend kiss you one more time, this time on your forehead. And then on the cheek, on your eyelids and on your jaw…and your heart finally calmed down as you realized that his sweet kisses were not about to end any time soon.
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gaybearwedding · 3 months
hi hi hello i have been gone forever due to various reasons such as “work” and “mental illness” and “having developed a kpop hyperfixation that has been occupying most of my attention recently” but i need everyone to know that i saw off book live twice last week (in philly with a friend and then in nyc with my girlfriend) and it was truly so everything. i didn’t get many pictures but i did get a few and none of them are very good but one of them is of jess’ amazing stool balancing act and that’s all i need really
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httpiastri · 9 months
I’d buy you the things 😌 anywaaaays
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Seee?? They were not ignoring each other 🫠🫠 just was in the heat of the moment and needed to let the adrenaline out before looking at each other lovingly again 🥺🥺🥺🥺
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The champagne running down his face 🤤🤤🤤 let me lick it off you sir 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨 (sadly I think we missed out opportunity and Lando did the job himself 🫣)
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Together at the train station 🤤 surrounded by fans yet eying each other like no tomorrow 🥰🥰🥰 the judgemental look from both of them on the first LMAO
i mean… i would wear anything for oscar….. would rather have me wear the thongs than have to see him wear them 🫣
okay the thing is, the only thing i saw before turning off my tv was this:
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and not this:
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so uh safe to say, i was a lil scared :( but then again, i did hear lando talk about osc on the radio and so on, and i knew they would get over it quickly. like it wasn’t even a big deal, it all turned out well in the end and oscar got a podium so 🤭🤭🤭
but their freaking smiles… looking at each other like they’re the best thing ever 😭 cuties!! i love them being besties !!!!! and that podium video is going to stay with me forever. my heart exploded when i first saw it, the smiles and the way he folds over like he always does whenever lando does/says something mildly funny 😭 i can hear his giggles just looking at him!!!
the champagne pic… giving me a couple not so holy thoughts 😶 he’s just….. gaaaaaaah i crave him
and them at the train station 😭 i’m very confused about what’s going on but the way they’re looking at each other? even tho they’re stormed by ppl?? i love them so much
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my-name-is-jefferooni · 6 months
Have you ever even heard of…
Okay, allow me to give you some additional context before just bombarding you with all the many reasons why you need to watch this show.
Search for the Lost is a fan-made production created by Creative Planet Entertainment on YouTube. This shit has been around for 6 whole years, and it is such a good show! Made entirely out of g-mod screenshots/screen recordings and Sonic gameplay, Search for the Lost is a show about Silver the Hedgehog and his friends figuring out what Melhiles of all people is doing back in action, and why the fuck he’s working with Eggman of all people. Also, why is Infinite back… AND WHAT’S ALL THIS TALK ABOUT A PROPHECY!?
Aight lemme just give a quick spoiler-free explanation about Forge because I know yall are looking at this like “Who tf is Forge?? Some kinda fan character or something??” Because… Yeah, he is a fan character, BUT A VERY GOOD ONE AND HIS DYNAMICS WITH EVERYONE WORK LIKE A CHARM I TELL YOU HE IS NOT JUST SOME RANDOM SONIC RECOLOR.
Cuz he’s a Metal Sonic recolor! 🤩 Haha, well to be fair, they literally call out Sonic recolors in the show with this fact. It’s in Forge’s story! Basically, Forge once worked with Silver in his bad timeline in Crisis City, but the ashes and the chemicals were too much for his small little itty bitty bird lungs. So, to keep himself from slowing everybody down, he managed to shove his consciousness into an old Metal Sonic model. A black-and-yellow one, kinda like the one from Archie except a lot less like Sonic personality-wise and a lot more like Sonic visually. With all these new robotic upgrades, Forge became a force to be reckoned with, and became one of Silver’s bestest friends after the whole Iblis thing. Oh, and he ships Silvaze like it’s nobody’s business, so that obviously gets an A+ from me lmao
I may have gotten carried away with that explanation and maybe there’s some spoilers in there but it’s late and I’m sleepy so you’ll only know if you watch the show~! ✨🙂
Seriously tho. This show is very underrated. I’ve been keeping tabs on it for years now, ever since episode 5 came out! Trust me, that’s a long time. They have their plates full when it comes to personal things and it’s a big project so episodes come out after a long time in production.
There are only 7 episodes so far, but each episode is jam-packed full of lore and giving us more questions on top of every answer! It brings back characters we haven’t seen for a long while, and it always provides a reasonable explanation as to why some of them have been gone and why some just like. Cut contact or something. There’s characters from previous games, from Sonic X, from Archie, from IDW, BRO WE GOT GAMMA IN HERE BAYBEEEEE IF THAT AINT FREE REAL ESTATE IDK WHAT IS.
So. Please. Please just watch this show. Please look at all the additional content with Forge on their channel too, it’s fucking hilarious! Just… I wanna talk to someone about this show who isn’t just my lil bro. Like I love getting to bombard him with bullshit about characters he’s never even heard about until watching this show but I gotta know I’m not the only one. Please. These people are working so hard on Search for the Lost and I’d really appreciate if you even saw just one or two episodes. The story is very intriguing, the characters are all so well-written, TEAM DARK IS THERE, FORGE GETS A WEAPON OF MASS DESTRUCTION, so I say it’s all totally worth it!
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themasterpupil · 1 month
waters that I cross all my ancestors walk on
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thatmoththoth · 8 months
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Oh boy I sure hope nothing bad happens to you him.
(Cries in a corner)
Anyway yea I want him to have dyed hair but I’m now quite sure about the Color. It looks kinda shit I think which is funny.
I’m not the best with Colored pencils and have very limited Color so any time I draw him traditionally his skin Color will prob be way out of wack. In this one he’s darker than I intended and way too rosy toned. The woes of trying to figure out skin tones with traditional media ;-;.
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gaydexvocaloid · 5 months
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Look at him go
i wish i could see what this is but it’s just not loading at all bc it says it’s inappropriate ? BQHGDH i’m pretty sure you wouldn’t send me smth like that tho so i’m left here wondering what tf is this LOL
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chthonicarcher · 1 year
some silly scribbles before 2022 ends :)
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exhuastedpigeon · 2 months
how anyone can take this as anything but buddie is coming is beyond me. like buddie is one thousand percent coming otherwise why even reveal stuff from previous seasons and say yup that was buddie, like hello. It's cause they know buddie is happening hell we may even get our first true canon confirmation this season in the finale like wild times. oliver and ryan probably alreayd have the timeline for buddie already made complete with buddie wedding in s10. truly wild times.
I don’t know why you sent this to me, but next time consider just typing it in your notes app instead.
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theprestigegirly · 2 days
so sick of twitter……
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lavenderjewels · 1 year
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[ID: Jujutsu Kaisen promotional illustration of the different students over the years, including Jujustu Kaisen 0, Season one, and Hidden Inventory, over a cloudy background. Yuuta and Rika are reaching for each others’ hands. Panda, Inumaki, and Maki are posing in the air. Nobara is looking down frowning. Yuuji and Megumi are smiling. Gojo and Geto are posed in the air. End ID.]
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