#tva hunter reader
sortofanobsession · 4 months
Of Hunters, Gods, and Hooded Vigilantes (Moon Knight/TVA Hunter Reader)
Author's Note: I have been sitting on this one since (and a few other loki ri) since Loki ended. @selfryed suggested I post it . Hopefully it doesn't disappoint. I know not everyone likes Reader Inserts. But you all know how much I love Moon Knight crossovers. I'll write those boys into anything. Suggest away if you wish. Unbeta'd and Posted on mobile so please forgive any errors.
Sylvie, B-15, Casey, and OB pop up but no Loki or Mobius in this one. Sorry guys. Random letter and number combos for non important hunters.
Content warning: canon typical violence, some swearing, mentions of death, crying,
You track the rogue variant that had been messing with time, not quite as dangerous as He Who Remains. But somehow this guy had an artifact that he couldn't be allowed to keep. B-15 had sent a team that consisted of you and two other hunters.
It turns into more of a scuffle than expected. Hunter L-24 was calling for backup as you gave chase. You hated the fact you weren't in your actual armor. You had been trying to blend in. But you regret that now with the cut on your temple, dangerously close to your eye, and probably bruised rib. It hurt but that's the job. And you had the guy in the ropes until… until you didn't. Time was iffy with what this guy had taken and one second you were running through a side road through the highly populated area, but thankfully sparsely-filled street in what you knew of consisted of public housing. Next, you are cut off from your team in an alley. A manic laugh has you turn on your heels. You had really hoped you wouldn't have to use the pruning stick. This was supposed to be easier. Your hands move as if on their own with practiced movement of charging the weapon.
“Listen, buddy,” you said with false confidence to hide your unease. “We tried doing this the nice way, but you’ve forced my hand.”
“You still think you have the upper hand,” the man laughed, pulling a pistol. Oh that was not good. Those weren't even allowed in this country, you knew that. You hear the click of the weapon. But out of nowhere, the gun is knocked out of his hand by a metallic object. You lunge towards the weapon. And you can't reach it, but you do the next best thing. You pruned it. It disappears. Let the Void Lokis or Alioth have it. You turn towards the scuffle behind you, expecting to see your team. You are surprised to see a masked figure easily taking down the variant. You watch as the figure knocks the guy out.
“Uh…thanks,” you say as the vigilante turns to you as you power down your weapon.
You can feel eyes on you as you go over and pick up the artifact. The masked figure hasn't said a word. Just watching you. The wind kicks up as you place a pair of cuffs on the variant.
You grab your tempad and report in. “Variant secured, B-15,” you say. You look back and the hooded hero is gone. You hear the sound of rushed boot falls as your teammates meet you. You pick up the curved blade that had saved your life. You admire it as a timedoor appears.
None of you noticed Moon Knight in the shadows watching you.
— ◍☾ —
Marc couldn't believe what he was seeing. You were supposed to be dead. Everyone had said you were dead. It had torn him up not knowing what happened to you. What you went through. He always wondered if you suffered. If you had missed him. If he could have saved you if he hadn't left. But he had pushed that pain away and forced himself to move on. But that pain tended to pop up at random moments. He did not expect it to come up now. And it had Marc pulling back and letting Jake take over. But he kept watching. You looked so young. Like he remembered. Like time had barely touched you. How was that possible? Then again, they hadn't really aged much since Khonshu. But you weren't an avatar. He would have known or the bird would have.
And any doubt Marc had was gone when he heard your voice again. It was one he still heard in his dreams. One he couldn't forget. But Jake was wise enough to be cautious. If something seemed impossible and too good to be true, it probably was. So Jake removed them from the situation.
The next time Moon Knight was better prepared. There were too many questions they needed answered. So he started by seeing if you were you in the simplest way first. He called your name. And something in Marc shifted when you reacted by turning towards them. But his heart aches when you look at him and ask if they knew you. Even more so when you said you didn't even know you. And that was enough.
— ◍☾ —
The next time you are in that part of the timeline after you spent a few days working with the others at the TVA. You were in Eastern Europe tracking down a secondary artifact that was created alongside the one you collected in London. The same group of rogues. The same branch. Your ribs still ache from the last time. You were in full gear this time with a larger team. But you weren’t the only one with increased numbers. The variant had friends with the new artifact you were pursuing. Mid-fight again, out of the night drops the figure you now knew was called the Moon Knight. You hadn't read the hero’s file but you knew where he got his powers now. What you hadn't expected was what the caped hero did next.
He called your name. Well, not your name. It was what had been your name before you were taken from the timeline. You knew it was your name, but it didn't really feel like yours. Most everyone just called you by your hunter designation.
“You know me?” You ask because when you had skimmed your file to make an informed decision on staying at the TVA you think you would have noticed if it had mentioned a hooded hero with the power of a literal god. Then you laugh at your own statement. “I don't even really know me.” And before you know it you feel arms around you and with speed you couldn't even comprehend you find yourself somewhere else. You stumble back as you look at your new surroundings.
“What…what did you do that for?” You reach for your weapon.
“I'm not going to hurt you,” Moon Knight says, his mask disappearing to reveal a face. One that seems oddly familiar, but you didn't know for sure.
“Then why did you take me from my team?” You glare.
“I just want to talk,” he says.
You say nothing as you reach for where your tempad is secured.
“Don't you remember me?” he says. The whole suit vanishing now. He stands in front of you in jeans and a henley.
“I'm sorry,” you tell him but for some reason there are tears in your eyes. You don't know why but the look on the man's face breaks your heart. “I’m not…I'm not who you are looking for. I'm…I'm just a hunter.”
“But you are, you answered to her name, you're-” He's cut off as a slight woosh and shimmer of a timedoor appears. Moon Knight’s suit is back and he moves between you and the door. You actually find it rather amusing. As if he was protecting you. Too bad he is protecting you from your team. Your friends. Your work.
The timedoor opens and you are stunned to see Sylvie walks out in the god's fully armed glory.
“Sylvie,” you say in shock. Last you knew she had returned to her fast food life.
“B-15 called,” Sylvie states. And that tracks.
“How long?” You ask wondering how long had actually passed at the TVA if Sylvie was called in.
“Long enough,” Sylvie says and you sigh.
“Who the hell are you?” Moon Knight snaps at Sylvie.
“She already said who I was. I'm Sylvie. And you took my friend here against her will and I hoped that avian god of yours would know better. Stupid bird,” she spits as she summons her sword.
“What the-”
“He didn't mean it, Sylvie. He's confused he-”
“You defend this broken puppet?” Sylvie asks in amusement. And Moon Knight clearly didn't like that because you notice a slight shift in his stance and suit as a fight breaks out. And it's an interesting fight.
“Your bird god is weak, his hold is pitiful,” The silver tongued variant snides, “To need a human puppet.”
“Avatar,” Moon Knight corrects.
“Same thing, a human shield to hide behind,” Sylvie grins.
You gasp as Sylvie gets close enough to put a hand against Moon Knight's chest. And she sees it.
You hear a deep growl and Sylvie is shoved back. “Stay the fuck out of my head!” Moon Knight snaps.
You expect Sylvie to return to the fight but instead she appears next to you.
“Now, now, lover boy, no one is going to hurt anyone.”
“Speak for yourself,” he hisses.
“Your anger is misplaced, puppet,” she says before looking at you. “He does know you, knew you, the timeline you.”
“What?” You look between the female god and the hero. You see the masked hero’s shoulders go tense.
“I can show you,” Sylvie grins.
“Wait, hang on-” Moon Knight says, his mask dropping.
Sylvie takes your lack of a refusal an answer, her hand touches your temple.
You gasp as your mind is flooded with images. A history you didn't remember. It brings tears to your eyes and steals the breath from your lungs.
Moon Knight shouts your name again as you stumble back against the wall.
You’re overwhelmed. You hear shouting and the recognizable sound of Sylvie’s laugh.
“I did you a favor,” the female god of mischief says, her focus back on the unmasked man.
“No one asked you to,” a voice you now recognized as a version of one you knew lifetimes ago. You knew his name.
“Marc,” you don't even realize you say it out loud. You really did know him. His head snaps to look at you as you say it.
“You're welcome,” Sylvie says before she and the timedoor vanish. Marc curses Sylvie as he moves beside you in an instant.
“You're okay,” he says, his eyes full of an emotion you can't pinpoint. “We’ve got you.”
“Marc?” you say again, needing confirmation. Your hand raises but is hesitant to touch.
“Do you remember me now?” he asks, a slightly hopeful look on his face. His gloved hand grips yours.
“I…I do,” you tell him.
“Okay,” he says. “Good.” The suit drops away. His hand squeezes yours and he leads you into a building. An apartment building you realize. You follow him into a studio apartment with a large fish tank drawing your attention. Two goldfish swimming around. You approach it with amusement. You almost forgot that people really do keep pets. Pets aren’t really a thing at the TVA. No time. Not really.
You hear Marc moving around behind you, then his voice, hushed as if talking to someone. But when you glance at him through your periphery he doesn't seem to be talking to you.
“Make yourself at home,” he calls over to you, but his accent is different. You look at him with amusement. All your years, centuries, eons maybe, of hunter training has you fully turning to observe him. You had seen him change in flashes as Sylvie showed you what she deemed important. Conversations with mirrors. Changes. Shifts. He was like a variant with variants of his own in his mind. This is what she had meant by him having a broken mind.
“You're not Marc, are you?”
The man looks momentarily stricken. And you wonder if you should have phrased that differently. “Sorry, that sounded accusatory.” You carefully remove your helmet and move to set it on a nearby table. Your weapon too. “Sylvie didn't show me everything, so I…I don't know your name.”
“Steven,” he says without hesitation, now knowing that you aren't too afraid. Knowing that him fronting hadn't ruined things.
“Okay,” you nod. You activate your tempad and send a message to B-15 that you were okay and that if they needed you to just let you know. You contemplated leaving it with your weapon and helmet but you were still unsure what to expect. So you kept it secured in its spot.
“What do you remember?” Steven asks.
“Bits and pieces,” you admit. “But honestly, it's more like watching an old movie with some of it. It doesn't feel real.”
“I know the feeling,” his voice is kind and there is a sympathetic look on his face.
“I'm sure you do,” you nod.
“You're not afraid?” He asks.
“I mean, I have spent an unknown number of years, maybe millennia, lifetimes, as a hunter. No name, just a letter and a number. Reporting to superiors that worked for a lie. Made to believe I was always like this.” You say. “It's more jarring than anything to have real memories again. To think I had childhood. A real life.”
You sense a shift and his old, more familiar accent is back.
“What happened to you?” He asks.
“It's a very long story,” you say. “What's the last thing you remember of me?”
“While I was gone. You vanished, they said you ran away, but that was bullshit. You would have told me. Left a letter. Something. Then I come back to missing persons posters all over the city. But it's Chicago. No one was confident they'd find you. I couldn't find you. They wrote you off as dead when no traces of you were found anywhere. It was like there was nothing to find.”
“They wouldn't have, still won't,” you say sadly.
“What?” He frowns. “The hell does that mean?”
“It means I read my file, well, skimmed it. My nexus event was before that point. But the sacred timeline me. The me you knew, I'm sorry Marc but she’s gone.”
“But you're right here,” he states.
“Like I told you, I'm not actually her. I'm…from a different point in time. Before you left. Before…”
“What do you mean a different point in time? How is that possible?”
“Because the people I work for, the place I was, it's like a city outside of time.”
“How can anything exist outside of time?”
“How can a man fly and survive death?” You ask. “The details are complicated and honestly, I understand it less now than I thought I did before. We exist to protect time from those who tamper with it.”
“So you can time travel?” He asks.
“Yes, but,” you know you need to draw the line in the sand now. “But whatever you are thinking, please don't.” And he studies you. You look so tired. And sad. Very sad.
“It's not as easy as you would think. Changing time has horrible consequences. The things I've done. The people I sent to that monster. I thought what I was doing was right. That I was protecting the timeline. Preventing something terrible. Turns out. We were the terrible ones. All those branches. All those people. Feed to Alioth.” You were crying now. It was the first time you ever let yourself think about the all devouring monster you had sent so many to face.
“Oh darling,” you hear the British accent back. “You didn't know. We’ve all done things we regret. Especially us,” he glances at the reflextion of Marc. “You didn't know what you were doing, you said so-”
“You don't get it,” you tell him. You dug out the engraved token and placed it on the table. A coin, a momento Dox had given you once as a reward after a partially difficult mission. It looked like a souvenir coin. Embossed edges. You ran your fingers over the seal and motto.
“For all time. Always,” you repeat the motto you had molded your life to follow. The atrocities you helped orchestrate. “Anything any of you have done in your life is a fraction of what I was part of. I shouldn't be here. I don’t deserve to have this.” You grab your weapon and open a timedoor, you rush though. The door closes behind you.
Steven walks over and picks up the helmet you left behind and the coin you had placed on the table. Time Variance Authority. He looked at the others in their reflections. They all agree. They were determined to find out everything they can about time, especially time travel.
— ◍☾ —
Marc was angry. That woman just showed up, literally out of nowhere, and then nearly ruined everything. First she fights them. Then she gets in their mind, and Jake had violently objected to that. Having Khonshu in their head was bad enough. And it was already crowded with three of them in there already. But the real line was crossed when the woman that you considered a friend showed you the painful history you guys had. You had been so mad at him for leaving. Your tears were like ice picks in their heart. And he just got more angry with himself as you broke down over what you had been through. Everything he couldn't save you from. He didn't know what a nexus was but if it was anything like the turning point in their life, namely slowly dying in the desert until Khonshu stepped in, it couldn’t have been pleasant. So Steven takes over to let Marc process while someone tries to help you. The British alter had tried to comfort you but it hadn't worked. You explain a bit more and then like a switch flips, you panic. And you leave. Marc pulls further away to brood. They can't let this be the end.
— ◍☾ —
Time passes and your heart hurts less but you cannot forget them. You are helping look through pages of readings you were still not the best at analyzing. You were a hunter, not an analyst. But with fewer people now that many had left to live in the timeline, you had offered to help. To stay busy. You looked up from the file as Casey hurried towards you.
“We have a problem,” he says.
“Let me grab my gear,” you say.
“No need, no time anyway,” he says as he opens a timedoor. You follow him into the main monitoring bay. And the monitor is tracking a branch growing dangerously fast.
“I thought we didn't prune branches anymore,” you say.
“This isn't your normal branch,” OB says.
“Then I should get my gear, where's the team,” you look at B-15.
“You’ll be fine,” OB says as he opens a timedoor. You make sure your tempad is in its place. “Hold on, a solo mission but i-”
“Only you can handle this one,” OB says and guides you to the door. “You'll do great.” A gentle push and you are through the door. There is a large open tunnel before you.
“Oh, Loki, what did I get into this time,” you mutter looking up at the sky. “You'd probably enjoy this mess.” A woman walks towards you in the tunnel. You had seen pictures of her when you had been at Marc’s.
“I'm Lilah, come with me,” she says. You look at her outfit.
“You’re an avatar, right?”
“I am, and a friend of Marc and Steven,” she says.
“Are they okay?” You ask.
“Why don't you see for yourself.”
You follow her until you are in a giant temple. Statues and hieroglyphics surround you. You see Marc in front of a number of people on a dais.
Your footsteps are louder than you would want them as all attention turns to you.
Marc's eyes go wide for a moment and he calls your name. But before you can answer him. You are greeted by name by the woman in the middle.
She introduced herself as the goddess Isis. And you do your best to bury your nerves and act appropriately. You lower your gaze out of respect.
“At least this one knows respect,” a man says. He is scolded by another.
You are made to kneel beside Marc.
“I'm sorry,” he says.
“You did this? You made the branch?” You whisper. You can't believe it.
“You must be curious why you are here,” Isis states. You lower your head again and stare at the floor. She seemed to be expecting an answer.
“I…was sent to the timeline by my superiors, they said that I was the only one.”
“Your companions are not wrong, but it was more we believed it was only fair you had a say in your fate.”
“My fate, your grace?” You cringed. The only god you knew was Loki, and he hasn't made you act in servitude.
The goddess hums in amusement. “Spector here cares very dearly for you it would seem. Even willing to travel forbidden planes to find you again.” You look over at Marc but he is starting a hole in the floor.
“Why?” you ask him.
“You left, and we didn't want to lose you again,” he admits.
“Osiris, Thoth and Horus are not pleased with your meddling, Spector,” the goddess says. “Be glad it is me before you and not my beloved.” She grins. “The passage of time is not yours to hold, Marc Spector, Khonshu knows better.”
“He wanted no part of it,” Marc admitted.
“The only reason you are not facing harsher penalties for your actions is because you have honestly done worse. And your heart was in the right place. Love makes fools of most mortals.” The goddess grins. “But you step outside your station, Marc Spector, once more and your punishment will not be so lenient.”
She dismissed everyone.
You turn to find Lilah is gone.
“I'm sorry,” the recognizable voice of Steven says. “I am so sorry. I didn't know they would care so much. It wasn't like we moved the stars again. Not that noticeable.”
You turn to look at him. “I told you guys that messing with time is dangerous. Then what do you do, you go and mess with time. Have you lost your mind?!”
“Well, by typical diagnostic specifications, technically we did a long time ago, when I came into existence,” Steven notes.
“Steven!” You shout. “You can't just change reality because you missed me. That’s not-”
His expression changes. His tone and accent too. “And you can? Do you have any idea what it was like to have you show up years after being told you were dead and then you just leave. Gone to somewhere we couldn’t follow. And you thought we would just let you go? A heart can only break so many times. We failed last time. We weren't going to fail again, not when we could actually-”
You silence him with a kiss.
“Take me home,” you tell him when you separate for air. They don't have to be told twice.
— ◍☾ —
Marc hadn't thought he could have happiness like this again. Even after he had found you again. The three of them had agreed that having you in their life was important, but he couldn't have anticipated having you literally in their bed.
You snuggle closer and bury your face in the warmth of his neck. Whining at being woken. So abruptly. You feel the laugh from the body beneath you as he turns off the alarm.
“Rise and shine, sweetheart,” Marc says.
You grumble incoherently as you try to bury yourself in his warmth.
“You keep squirming like that, sweetheart and we are going to have a problem.” You giggle. “I'm serious, baby.” He moves the hair off your face so he can see you. “Donna will kill Steven if he's late again.”
You weigh your options. You shift your weight again earning a groan from Marc. “I could just use a timedoor and get him there on time.”
“Lo siento, mi amor,” Jake says as he takes over. “But you always say we shouldn't mess with time.”
You groan but don't stop him as he gets out of bed. You settle for stealing his pillow.
You yelp at the playful swat to your sheet covered behind. His hand rubs the now stinging skin through the sheet as Jake laughs. You glare at him but the face that greets you is one far too soft to be Jake Lockley.
“We’ll make it up to you, darling,” Steven says as he leans in and kisses your forehead. You pull him in for a proper kiss.
“Do we have time for pancakes?” You ask against his lips. And how could he say no to that?
You let him go and he looks at you like you hung the moon. Extra funny considering the lunar deity they serve. “We can make time for pancakes,” he assures you.
“You still want to watch that movie tonight?” Steven asks from the kitchen as you get dressed. You didn't have much other than your uniform so you had really just stolen a shirt that was far too big on you, his clean boxers, and a pair of socks so your feet wouldn't get cold on the hard floors.
You laugh as you remember you had stumbled upon one of Brad Wolfe’s schlocky films on a streaming service.
“Gods yes,” you laugh again. “X-5 was such a prick. Mobius said I have to watch them. They are hilarious, and they aren't supposed to be.”
“Are they scary?” Steven asks and you know in some reflection Marc or Jake is probably rolling their eyes, or laughing. You couldn't be sure.
“I'm sure Jakey will take over if it's too scary,” you wrap your arms around him as he cooks. He scoffs slightly but grins as you kiss his shoulder. “We've both fought worse than whatever monster Brad deals with in this one.” You grin. “Besides, we could take ‘em.”
“I'm sure we could, love,” Steven grins.
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yukioos · 1 month
mrs magic — wade wilson x reader (1.1k)
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warnings: sorta deadpool & wolverine spoilers, wade jokingly calls reader ‘pookie’ and ‘shnookums,’ cussing, mention of blood, slightly suggestive, not proofread
summary: wade talks to reader while she’s in the shower about his latest adventure with the wolverine.
authors note: i love wade sm!! also i don’t have any photos of him w his mask off because when i search deadpool no mask on pinterest it gives a warning. heavily inspired by shower talk by @eternalsunrise . check out their oneshot, it’s super good! sorry if this is dogshit
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soft droplets of water rain down onto the shower floor. hot water runs down your body, and soap foams on your arms. your hair quickly becomes drenched in water, becoming as straight as it can be.
you hold a bar of shampoo under the water and rub it, soap foaming on your hands. you scrunch it into the hair on your scalp, careful not to shampoo the hanging hair. as you grab your scalp scrubber, you hear shouts of your name.
“y/n? pookie? shnookums?” you recognize the voice as wade. “i brought someone home!” he exclaimed.
“i’m in the shower, wade!” you yell, ready to see him barging into the bathroom.
you pause when you hear two pairs of footsteps, only being used to one pair. you then remember wade said he brought another person with him, so he must trust them. you continue scrubbing your scalp.
the door swings open, revealing your bloody boyfriend in his iconic deadpool suit.
“oh, i have so much to tell you!” he exclaims, nearly ripping his mask off.
he keeps the door cracked open, something you previously asked him to do so the mirror wouldn’t fog up as much. he dramatically sits down on the toilet, tilting his head back.
“what happened, wade?” you ask, looking to your right to see a big, red blob sitting on the toilet.
“so, basically. wolverine is here! i got taken in by the TVA people, like how you did a few months ago, and i got into this huge argument with this one guy, i forgot his name. anyway, he tricked me and i traveled through different timelines to find another logan because, you know, ours is dead and we needed one to keep our timeline stable—“ he rambles.
you ask a question, “wait, logan was the one keeping our timeline stable? god damn it, why did that bitch have to die?”
you smile at his hands flailing around, animating his every word, he continues, “no idea! but i used his bones to kill off like, 100 guards from the TVA! it was so cool, you should’ve been there! anyway, i got another logan, who was supposed to help me out and save our timeline. but mother of asshole, he’s an asshole! fucking grumpy all the damn time, wanted me to shut up, and never talk! but i think we’re friends—“
you interrupt, “wade, sweetheart, you’re getting off track.” remembering to remind him when it happens, something he’s asked you to do in the past.
“oh, right! thanks! anyway, the logan i took got us stuck in this void thing. he kept stabbing me repeatedly like it was my fault! yeah, i did get us stabbed with this stick thing that sent us there, but whatever.” he continues talking as you rinse out the shampoo in your hair and add the conditioner.
you listen as your boyfriend talks about his mission. his voice never falters, you know how important the story must mean to him. he’s always focused when he tells a story, though he does get off track sometimes, he’s always excited to talk about his journeys.
he talks about how he ran into 100 more deadpools, and how he brought a dog home too, who happens to be a variant of him. as he’s talked shit about the honda odyssey before, he talks about how he and logan fought each other for hours in there. both of them were later taken to a hideout with four other superheroes.
one of them was laura, x-23, someone who people had considered as logan’s daughter. she had regenerative healing and adamantium claws, like logan. another was blade, a half-vampire, and half-human who was an evil vampire hunter, but would have to drink blood or else he'd die. elektra was a skilled assassin with superhuman abilities, and a master of many fighting skills like martial arts, gymnastics, and ninjitsu. wade claimed she had many weapons on hand. remy, who people knew as gambit, was an interesting man with an interesting cajun accent. he was a man who loved his liquor for himself and could control kinetic energy, skilled with cards and making them ‘go boom,’ as wade claims.
he continues talking even as the water stops running down your face. as you turn the water off and slide open the shower door with a towel around your body, he keeps talking. he then pauses to look at your body standing next to his sitting one.
“you are the most beautiful woman i’ve ever seen, man!” he chuckles and shakes his head.
he stands up and hugs your head, having taken his bloody suit off, though not replacing it. he sways you back and forth with his body, causing you to cling to him as well.
“i’ll introduce you to peanut. he’s kind of rude though, so don’t mind him. ooh, i’ll bring you some clothes!” he quickly switches topics and runs out of the bathroom, leaving you alone in your towel.
he returns with a shirt, shorts, and underwear in a messy pile. he lays them on the counter and sits down on the toilet, kicking his feet although it’s difficult for him to.
you take the towel off, putting on your underwear first, and earning a light spank from your boyfriend.
you squeal, “hey!” and swat his hand away.
“sorry, couldn’t help it!” wade replies.
he stands up from the seat and walks towards you, smiling at you as you cover your breasts. you sheepishly smile up at him, he leans down and places his lips against yours.
you continue to cover your chest with one arm, using the other to bring wade in closer.
he keeps pulling your lips back to his whenever you try to pull away for air. the kiss is filled with passion, intimacy, and love, though different from your past kisses. this one is different, there’s more to it than you think.
the two of you eventually pull back, your hand still placed on his chest. the two of you stare at each other for a moment, as if your eyes are shaped like hearts.
“i love you, wade.” you smile, rubbing your thumb on his chest.
his eyes squint as he giggles, “i love you too!” and traps you in a warm embrace, arms around your waist.
“now tell me more about your mission,” you add, wade immediately returns to ranting.
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sun-snatcher · 1 month
Wish. If u give me a Part 2 of your Gambit fic with ❛ we'll just have to make do.  ❜ where they both make it out of the Void together I will kiss u on the mouth rn I PROMISE u. Or a hug. Whichever works. PLS I JUST NEED TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS TO THEM🙏🏼😫
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summ. The TVA extends an olive branch. Wade’s Universe becomes home. Above all, you’re just thankful you’re not alone in this Multiversal mess. pairing. Void!Gambit x f!Anomaly!reader (established in #WELUCKYFEW) w.count. 1.6k a/n. Shirtless Channing + romantic hand tension. That's it. That's the tweet. ( Continuation of this imagine! )
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That’s the first surprise.
The second? 
The Time Variance Authority want to help, now. 
( Granted, it’d mostly been Wade who did the gruntwork of sending Elektra and Blade back to their Universes, but he had hit a wall when it came to you and Gambit considering you two were— according to him: “A coked up version of being homeless. Universe-less.” )
So here you are, a stray of the Multiverse, standing on the platform of a mid-century aestheticised monitor room somewhere outside the constraints of time, trying not to double over from the vertiginous aftermath of being thrown through Wade’s weird orange warbling door of space. 
TemPad, he’d called the device. Or… something. You’re half-sure you have a concussion, to be honest.
Alioth had done a number on you. 
Remy’s concerned.
“Here’s what I don’t understand,” Wade says, mask rolled up to his nose. (There’s a spoon and plate of key lime pie in his hands. You’re not even sure where he got it from.) “Where did Gambit come from? How come he just spawned into the MCU’s metaphysical Backrooms?”
“Candidly, he is a unique case.” 
Remy pulls his gaze from you to Hunter B-15.
“You, Mr. LeBeau, are the prime example of a Variant that’s borne from a timeline decaying just as quickly as it was formed. A rare type that fades instantly without unnatural interference, because an Anchor failed to develop.”
One of the CRT screens zip to a retro rubber-hose animated diagram: rapidly branching roots, ominous red flashing, and then an immediate blink into nothing. Talk about dramatic effect.
“Your Universe falls in the rare category of those that never managed to come into fruition; but sometimes— incredibly rarely— remnants just like you manage to slip through, and instead of ceasing to exist… Well, you automatically end up getting spit into the Void.”
A pause.
Then, from behind, Wade bursts into a cackle.
“Ha! Wow, she basically called you a discontinued fucking nobody,” he wheezes. “You’re quite literally the equivalent of a failed movie pitch that’s been forgotten on the floor of Feige’s writers’ room.”
Screens flicker. 
Your breath hitches. 
Versions of different Gambit’s play out in the monitor-wall, all alike and yet different in their individual realities. Some have black eyes. Some have top-hats (“Ah, that’s 2009 Origins,” Wade muses. “Do all Variants of you just have a beautiful face? I mean, it’s kinda unfair—”). 
Some look like identical copies.
It’s… your timeline. 
Your friends in the Mutant war. Your Remy whose cards are scattered on the floor, blood in his hands, with you crumbling as you reach ou—
The Nine of Hearts in your pocket is impossibly heavy. You turn away to steel yourself. 
( “Yeah, okay, enough lore recap. Jesus, you guys are more of a dick than I am; Read the room and turn that shit off,” Wade chides a passing agent. He gets it. He’d lost Vanessa once, too, and he’s not quite sure even he can relive that pain. )
“Mais non, y’not makin’ no sense t’me,” Remy says, confused, “I’ve got memories; means I’ve got history jus’ like my Variants. How y’gon’ explain that?”
“Gaps of memories you have— knowledge of places, people, events— that comes from fixed synchronicities shared in your Temporal Aura across all your Multiversal Variants.” 
She’s met with slow, owlish blinks. Wade waves his hand in lazy dismissal.
“Forgive them. They didn’t watch Loki Season One or Two. Not that it matters, anyway. People barely understood what was going on.”
A sigh. “There’s no way to put this gently, Mr LeBeau,” B-15 concludes, tone dipping into something sympathetic. “But what I’m trying to say is that: you don’t have a Universe to go back to, because it never existed.”
She purses her lips as she catches his torn gaze. “I’m sorry.”
And that— That pisses you off.
“I’m… sorry?” you parrot, stepping forward. “That’s all you can say after everything that’s happened to us? His existence began with the Void, and my Universe was pruned by your agents. Innocent lives gone because your people decided they wanted to play God once upon a damn time—!” 
“Pump the hate breaks, you stray,” Wade calls. "Why'd you think I brought the both of you here?"
You reluctantly withdraw.
“I can’t bring you home,” B-15 supplies, matter-of-fact. “But I can find a compatible timeline for you. For both of you. A safe do-over, if you will.”
Wade’s smile is coy.
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The ‘Merc with a mouth’ has a home surprisingly… cozy.
Albeit a little tumbledown and messy with its wallpaper-torn brick walls and creaking hardwood floors— but, it’s charming. Lived in. He has a life here in this rickety two-bedroom apartment; framed photographs of friends and snatches of livelihood sit across dressers and are pasted against his magnet-crowded refrigerator.
Reminds you abit of your home, too.
“Listen,” chirps Wade’s voice, somewhere down the short hall to his room. “My advice? Save yourself the identity crisis and brain aneurysm. All this multiversal horse-crap was created just so that Marvel can write themselves out of any corner. Just sit there and be sexy for the readers, okay, Magic Mike?”
You’re halfway towards them when the doorbell rings. 
“Ooh! That must be the pizza I ordered. Or Blind Al. Or Logan.” Wade pops out to sidle past you with a wink and a whispered: “Who knows, really? This is just the part of the story where I conveniently disappear so you and Cajun Tatum here can share a moment.”
You don’t quite understand— but you’ve learned to not bother attempting when it comes to him.
Your knock is soft against the doorframe. 
Beside a lone corner of the bed, Remy turns to look over his shoulder. 
He’s fresh out the shower— faded towel tied around his waist, brown hair still damp and dripping water down his bare chest. His old clothes have been draped over a desk chair. 
You try not to stare, but—
He’s handsome. Devilishly so, with the bruises sweeping across the flex of all his stupidly lean, corded muscles.
You always had a thing for roguish-looking men.
“Hi,” he says, knowingly. ( It’s a dulcet croon, if anything. Cheeky bastard. ) “Y’okay? Got y’self cleaned up.”
Remy watches you gather yourself with a quick clear of your throat, pull at the sleeves of the scratchy hoodie you’re now wearing that’s practically swallowing you whole. 
You look rested. At ease. 
“Yeah. Showered. We don’t smell like ass anymore, that’s for sure,” you say, making a face.
And then you’re nodding over to the black-and-blue contusions blooming over his skin. “You know, I’m sure there’s something frozen in the icebox for that.”
You smile. “Yeah, that’s what you guys call it in Louisiana, right?”
“That we do, chèr,” he laughs. But it’s ducked down, quiet. Thin. “ ‘Least, I think so.”
You follow his downcast eyes to a small stack of folders— TVA files he easily thieved (unsurprisingly) from under their noses the moment he stepped foot into the room. 
He’d skimmed the manila dossiers: Absolute Points. Anchor Beings. Variant Anomalies. Some names he’d recognised and some he didn’t, most stamped or blacklisted. 
Pietro Maximoff. Edward Brock. Loki Laufeyson. 
Remy LeBeau.
Some part of you crumples. It’s one thing to not be able to return to a Universe, and another to not have even had one. 
“S’funny,” he chuckles dryly, picking his casefile up with a distant look, “My memories… I thought I’d done gon’ left a whole life behind me the entire time I been stuck in the Void— Friends. Family. An’ turns out the Void’s all I had.”
“Feels like…” he shrugs. Tries to piece his unmoored thoughts into something more cohesive. He’s never felt so horrifically adrift his entire life— whatever ‘entire life’ could mean for him now, anyway— not even when he'd been marooned in the barren wastelands of the Void.
 “Feels like I ain’t real. Hell, I don’t know what is real, anymore, chèr. I don’t— I just don’t know. I don't know anythin'."
You shake your head in disagreement nigh instantly. 
“No, no.” Pushing off the doorway, you cross the threshold with gentle admonishment lanced over your features. “You’re here. You are real.” 
The room is small. The distance you share is… close. Just enough that you catch the scent of peppermint toothpaste and coconut shampoo; Just enough that you can slide the documents out of his hands.
His fingers brush against yours. 
He wonders if you’d felt the kinetic trill of energy run through him at the contact.
“Can I be honest, Remy?”
You look up at him. 
“Mais oui, chèr. Y’can always be honest wit’ Gambit.”
You wave your hand at the TVA files. “I’m scared as shit being in a new Universe,” you blurt, truthfully. “This second chance means… a new life. New path. New everything. I don’t know what that’s like either and frankly, I am not prepared for this at all.”
You pause for a breath. “But for what it’s worth? I’m glad that you’re here. That’s… That’s about the only thing that I know.”
Then, as if dwarfed by the sheer vulnerability in your words, you take an awkward step back as you shrug. “And if you don’t feel the same, well. You and I, we’ll just have to make do, regardless.”
The sudden retreat is painfully endearing. Has him letting out a bright laugh that warms something nestled deep in your ribs.
“I’m glad I got you too, chèr,” he grins. 
“Yeah?” You flash a smile, having found your way back to the door.
Remy’s eyes fall to your face— tarrying. He follows the flutter of your lashes, the slope of your cheek, the curl of your lips. 
Your idling, fond gaze sears him like a low-grade fever. 
The thrum buzzes in hands, again.
Your Gambit really was blind, he thinks, just as you slip away and disappear around the corner.
His palm flexes open, and shut.
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fandomnerd9602 · 21 days
Wanda Maximoff x Stark!Reader
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You lost her. The love of your life, snuffed out by Kang right before your eyes. In your rage, you supercharged your armor and sliced his head clean off.
Wanda Maximoff was your Scarlet Witch and you were her Iron Knight. A love forged first in adversity but eventually it gave way to a forbidden love. And now that love was all you had left.
You thought that was the end of it. But then the TVA showed up. They declared that you had left your path on the timeline by killing Kang. So you were pruned from the timeline.
The next thing you knew, you woke up in the Void. A vast empty wasteland full of broken buildings and trinkets.
Luckily the TVA didn’t think to strip you of your armor or toolkit. You quickly worked to get a near perfect Honda Odyssey back into working order. You just had to convert the gasoline engine into one that worked off repulsor tech. A simple solution that could only be thought of in the mind of a Stark.
You drove around, gathering up supplies and food. There was no way out of the Void. So you might as well try to survive. Surviving was really all you could do after losing Wanda.
Something pushed you to keep going. Detka. The word rummaged in your head. It was Wanda’s name for you. It spurred you to keep going.
You came to gather info about how the Void was ran by Cassandra Nova. A helpful fellow named Johnny Storm filled you in before pointing you in the direction of the so called Resistance.
You drove what seemed to be miles upon miles. Endless dunes and forests. Which way was it supposed to be? Straight detka.
You drove all night and into the early morning. Stop
You obeyed the small voice buzzing around in your head. Ahead of you was a small clearing with ruins stacked upon each other, forming a little makeshift base. Was this the resistance base Johnny spoke of?
You stepped out calmly, keeping your hands raised. A sai immediately hit the door of the Odyssey. You turned to see a woman dressed in red ninja gear drop down from a nearby tree.
“Who are you?” She asked firmly.
“(Y/N) (Y/N) Stark,” you state as you drop the briefcase that was your armor to the ground and kick it towards her.
Surprisingly she dropped her own weapons and looked at you a little surprised, “(Y/N)? As in the (Y/N)?!”
“Ihighlydoubtthere’sanotherone” a Cajun accent gentleman came up to you with a smile. “Remy. Remy Lebeau. TheycallmetheGambit”
“Stark” you shook his hand, “they call me the Iron Knight but my love used to call me her…”
“Detka!!!” A familiar voice called out to you. And there she was, looking not a day older than the day you lost her: Wanda Maximoff.
“W-Wanda” you whispered, tears forming in your eyes.
Tears were forming in her own as she ran to you. You ran to meet her. The two of you held each other close. Wanda grabbed your face with her nimble fingers and stares at you, just wanting to take in every little detail.
“Is it really you? My (Y/N)!” She cries.
You hold her own face in your hands, “it’s me, Wanda.”
The two of you kiss each other, like each one may be the last. Or maybe the first.
“Ahlookatthelovebirds” Gambit smiles.
“Finally” a well dressed vampire hunter joins the group.
A young teen steps out from the base, smiling at the scene before her, “you were like all she could talk about!”
“I’m never letting you go.” You whispered against Wanda’s lips.
“Promise me that,” Wanda begged quietly.
“I promise” you don’t hesitate to respond. You gently wipe away her tears with your thumbs.
You heard the horn of another Honda odyssey rolling up. “Hey you made it!” Johnny called out as two more colorful figures jumped out from the back seats.
“Ohmygoshf—k!!” The red clad man exclaimed, “Scarlet Witch and Iron Knight?! Disney did not cheapen out on us!!”
The other man, clad in yellow and blue walked up to Wanda and shook her hand, “Wanda. It’s good to see a familiar face. Even if it’s from another world.”
“Uh thank you?” Wanda says with a little smile.
You give her forehead a little kiss. You had your witch back in your arms. And thanks to Deadpool and Wolverine, you may have found a way back home.
Tags: @lifespectator @aloneodi @family-house-of-m @holiday-house-of-m @iiconicsfan25 @iamnicodemus @jacenradio7 @dudesweet17 @supercorpdanbeau @scarletquake-n7
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talesofesther · 10 months
what once was mine | ch 5
Loki x Reader
Series Summary: When watching what once was supposed to be the rest of his life, in an empty room in the TVA, Loki sees someone he can't recognize; a girl who's all tenderness and loose smiles, and most importantly, she was smiling at him.
A/N: Writing a lovesick Loki is my new favorite hobby.
Masterlist | Read ch 4 here
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There was something about you. Still, he couldn't quite place what it was. But there was something. He's not sure if it's the way your eyes crinkle on the sides and you avoid your gaze when you smile or if it's the frown on your lips and the raised eyebrow look you usually give to him when he shows up at your desk.
Loki didn't know what it was about you, that got him in an absolute trance, and he felt the gravity around you pulling him in.
A sharp pain in the back of his head snapped him back to reality, a small grunt escaping his lips.
"I swear I'm regretting all my decisions right now," Mobius spoke from beside him, unrolling his jet ski magazine he had just smacked Loki with, "If I have to repeat everything I've just said just because you were too busy drooling over-"
"I was listening." Loki cut him off a little too urgently, finally moving his gaze away from where you had been talking with B-15 a few steps ahead of him. "And I wasn't drooling," he grumbled.
"Yeah, right," Mobius mumbled, leaning back on his chair as he followed Loki's gaze that had, unsurprisingly, returned to you. "Did you two get to talking already?"
Loki sighed, he watched as you propped yourself up on someone's desk, fiddling with the loose tie around your neck as you spoke with the hunter. "Not exactly," he frowned, "She still avoids me most of the time. She's difficult."
Mobius hummed in agreement, now mindlessly flipping through his magazine. "You're telling me."
Tapping against the arm of his chair, Loki craned his neck to look behind him where Mobius was sitting. "Are you two close?" He asked with genuine curiosity, "You seem close."
"She's a pain in my ass," Mobius threw the magazine aside and picked up a stack of documents, neatly placing them inside a folder. He briefly glanced at you, who now sat alone, swinging your feet back and forth as you watched people walk by, a small fond smile appeared on his features. "But she grows on you pretty fast," he spoke quieter, "I gotta give her that."
The ghost of a smile crept into Loki's lips too. He jumped slightly when the folder was unceremoniously dropped onto his lap.
"Now make yourself useful and take that to the library," Mobius raised an eyebrow at him, "Some of us actually have work to do."
─── ·❆· ───
Loki praised himself for being able to reach the library without getting lost. He read the date stamped on top of the file on his hands and browsed the shelves until he found said date, neatly stacking the file in between the others already there.
As he was about to walk out, he caught sight of the joyless woman who sat behind the desk in the corner; the permanent scowl still adorned her face as she typed away at her computer.
Loki took the sharp turn and came to stand before her. He waited a beat before pressing the bell atop her desk once.
The typing halted but only her eyes moved to look at him. "Yes?"
"I'm on the lookout for a few files, if you wouldn't mind assisting me." The smile on his lips was rather mischievous.
After about a minute of following the woman around the library, Loki was pleasantly surprised to be handed the file he had actually asked for.
"Happy reading," the woman mumbled, and left him be.
In between the cramped shelves, Loki turned the file in his hands, tracing his fingers under the name written on the first page. Your name.
He wondered for a moment if it would be inappropriate, an invasion of your privacy. Prying into your life as if it were a book for him to read. He tried to justify with the thought he'd only be reading the parts with him in it.
As he slowly made his way out of the halls of shelves, Loki took a brief look at the basic pieces of information on the cover of your file. Your picture at the front was… endearing—much as he wouldn't admit it out loud—you had your arms behind your back, your lips pulled into a line, and your eyes quite wide with apprehension, wearing the same TVA uniform that Loki got thrown into when he arrived. You were human and from Midgard, which already got Loki mildly confused as to why his future self would've gotten this close with a Midgardian of all people.
Loki rounded the corner of the last shelf with his eyes fixated on the file, and he nearly dropped it when something suddenly collided against him full force. Or rather, someone.
A small oof escaped your lips when you bumped face-first into him. You took a few steps back, blinking several times with a frown on your eyebrows.
Biting back a gasp of surprise, Loki quickly hid your file behind his back, mustering his most convincing innocent look.
Your eyes finally found him and you sighed quietly. "It's you."
A small, teasing grin stretched Loki's lips and he narrowed his eyes at you, "are you following me?"
You raised an unamused eyebrow at him, adjusting the lapel of your jacket and straightening your posture; "why would I follow you?"
"Because I'm terribly alluring." His voice took a slightly lower timbre, he leaned just a tad closer to you.
All you gave him was a roll of your eyes before circling past him so you could continue on your way. Loki turned with you, keeping his hands behind his back and away from your line of sight.
Much to your dismay, he fell into step with you.
"And now you're following me?" You asked, feigning uninterest as you made a point of avoiding his gaze, heading towards the elevator.
Loki hummed; "Not at all." He stayed just half a step behind you, trailing his eyes over the way your hair fell over your shoulder, just barely revealing the black earring you wore and making him wonder if it would feel as soft as it looked if he were to run his fingers through it. "We just happen to be going to the same place."
As you waited for the elevator to arrive, Loki managed to fold your file once and stash it inside the pocket of his jacket. You went in and Loki followed. The silence that lingered as the elevator slowly made its way up made Loki feel uneasy, he shifted in his stance and stole not-so-sneaky glances at you every few seconds. Has this elevator always been so slow?
"Would you like to stop for tea?" The words stumbled past Loki's lips on their own. "Or, coffee, whatever it is you drink." He felt the need to add, to feign nonchalance.
You kept quiet, but quiet was good, it wasn't a no. Loki realized, as he pretended not to be watching you, that what kept pulling him towards you wasn't curiosity anymore; at least not only curiosity. You were going to be his in the future, that much was clear, why or how he couldn't know, but his would-be future self had been lucky enough to be loved by you. And that was it, he realized. Loki never had anything to call his in his life, he never truly belonged. And when he first saw you on that screen, he just knew it had been his choice; he would have been lucky enough to find you and choose to call you his, to be yours.
Loki's breath hitched in his throat. That feeling in his chest, his heart knew where it belonged, who it belonged to; even before he did. And you were right there and Loki couldn't push away the thought that… he was yours, even if you weren't his. Not yet, and maybe not ever again.
You kept quiet. The elevator was nearing its stop when you hit the button that led to the cafeteria floor.
The place was emptier this time of day, almost peacefully so. There were only a few people here and there, sitting at the tables while enjoying a quick meal during their break.
You spared Loki a glance, "Go find us a table, yeah?"
Loki didn't object as you walked off to grab a drink. He picked a table in a far corner, away from any unwanted disturbances, and waited. This wasn't about drinking tea, not really; he didn't mind not having a drink.
You came back a few minutes later, holding two mugs; each steaming hot and with a bag of tea floating inside. You sat down in front of him and slid one of the mugs towards him.
Loki fought to keep his face impassive, to not make you uncomfortable by displaying how the gesture had touched him. He took the mug slowly, warm ceramic heating up his cold hands. When he took the first sip, his eyes briefly closed in delight, surprised that you knew exactly how he took his tea. But he shouldn't be.
When he opened his eyes again, he noticed your gaze was, for the first time today, fixed on him. Your lips were slightly parted and your hands hung loosely around your mug on the table. It was almost as if you were gauging his reaction, hanging onto every twitch of his muscles. To prove a fact or dismantle a lie.
"It's… lovely, thank you," Loki spoke softly.
You gulped at his words, then cleared your throat and took a generous sip of your own tea, that most likely burned its way down your throat given the way your eyes watered. "Yeah, sure."
Loki softly tapped his mug as it rested on the table, he glanced up at you, his eyes betraying him with the softness he tried to hide. "You know, I'm truly quite impressed."
He captured your attention, and you turned to him with slightly raised eyebrows.
"I wasn't expecting them to have such good tea around," Loki raised his mug to prove his point, "for a place that, literally, has access to all of time, their food options are rather limited." He complained with an indignant frown.
There was a smirk fighting its way into your lips that you gently ducked your head to hide. "I have to agree, sometimes I just wanna slip into the timeline to grab a milkshake or a smoothie."
Loki struggled to keep his voice working when he saw the hints of a smile on your face, but that's also the reason why he kept talking. "Right? And then there's the neverending paperwork. I mean, honestly, for a place like this they sure are so old-timey, aren't they?"
You laughed. Genuinely laughed, and Loki delighted in it. He wanted to bottle up the sound and keep it with him forever. His lips hovered in a dazed smile of his own, and he simply looked at you—all doe eyes and pink cheeks—engraving the image in his mind with the pride that he was the one who made you happy, if even for a second.
Shaking your head, you avoided his eyes. Biting your lower lip before you said; "Oh yes, that's one of my biggest critiques yet."
A quiet chuckle escaped Loki's lips, and he made it his mission to keep the conversation going for as long as you'd have him.
When you drank the last sip of your tea, which was most likely already cold given the time that had passed since you first got it, you looked at Loki with the ghosts of that smile still lingering—a little crooked and still a little hesitant, but beautiful to his eyes nonetheless.
"I have to go," you said, voice quieter, as if you spoke louder it would break the moment. Your eyes glimmered under the artificial lights, for a beat it looked like you wanted to say more but you bit it back. "But thank you for the company."
Loki nodded softly, "It was my pleasure." He hoped you could see it in his eyes that he meant it.
Loki watched you leave. He watched as you walked into the elevator and held his gaze from afar until the doors closed. The feeling hit him hard and square in the chest, making him close his eyes and exhale a shaky breath—he was falling for you, and it killed him to think that he might be falling alone.
He took the file still hidden in his jacket pocket, unfolding it only to see the picture of you staring back at him. He looked at it for a long time, yet never opened it. He wanted to do right by you. If he were to know you, know the story you would've had together, it would be because you choose to let him.
Later that day, Loki stopped by the library again. He took a single last glance at the cover of your file before stashing it back on the shelf.
⋆* ☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚
Read ch 6 here
Thank you for reading this little story. Feedback and reblogs are literally what keeps me motivated to continue posting here, so I’d appreciate it if you could take some time to reblog and comment. <3
You do not have permission to repost, copy, or translate my works on any platforms (even with credit), please respect.
Loki’s taglist: @iamlokisgloriouspurpose @justaproudslytherpuff @justanotherkpopstanlol @chronicallybubbly @chaoticqueen33 @7minutes-tomidnight @uncle-eggy @oliviaewl @dd122004dd @tani725 @lokihaha34 @levanneisdumb @innebulae @mochminnie @mayemperess @alyeskathewave @buginktsworld @cremebruleequeen @wyvernthekriger @cheshire-salvatore-mikaelson @avengersfan25 @mischief2sarawr @yokolesbianism @arunabrak @athenasproverbs @h-l-vlovesvintage @princess-ofthe-pages @daisy-the-quake @talesofadragon @rainbowsocks @alexandra-001 @mary-jinx @stevenknightmarc @falconxsoldier @ladymercury8 @shirukitsune @ladymischief11 @starkzdaughter @navs-bhat @creat0r-cat @cinnamonbambii
@anundyingfidelity @creationcitystreet-em @or-was-it-just-a-dream @agustdpeach @oreo-cream @jollydeckk @agent-tempest @spidermantaylorsversion @127djarin @imthedoctorlove @duckwithsunglasses @lokidokieokie @cookieeecutter @anuncalledbridge @finechalamet
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loki-cees-all · 11 months
Ch. 1 - Against the Wall {Against All Odds - TVA!Loki x Female Reader Longfic}
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Cee's Loki Fic Masterlist / AO3 Link / Against All Odds Masterlist / Next Chapter
Pairing : TVA!Loki x Female Reader
Summary : The first interrogation of X-5 doesn’t go as planned, and Loki needs to blow off some steam. He returns to 1977 for a drink, and discovers that not only have his actions have left you abandoned by your date to his movie premiere -  but it’s also your birthday. 
Thankfully, Loki knows just how to solve both of your problems. 
W/c : 4.4k words
Content Warnings : Smut, p-in-v, semi-public sex, strangers to lovers, ruffled tuxedo appreciation
Author's Note : This one is dedicated to my beloved and beautiful friend @infinitystoner as part of our Glorious Birthday Bash. Our ask boxes are open, so get those questions in!
18+ Only - Minors DNI
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⊱ ── ༓ ── ⋅•⋅⊰ ──  ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ∙ ⋅  ── ⊱⋅•⋅ ── ༓ ── ⊰
Loki was absolutely seething. The Hunter X-5 - Brad, or whatever he wanted to be called, was not just uncooperative in answering their questions about General Dox’s plans - he was a complete asshole about it. And even though they knew he would be, it was still impressive just how quickly he managed to rattle all three of them and completely derail the interrogation. 
It was enough to make Loki afraid that he was losing his touch, that his edges had softened too much. But after the catastrophic events he’d endured over the past few months, what else could he expect?
After leaving the interrogation room with Mobius and B-15, Loki had stormed away, his eyes blazing with fury and his fists clenching until his knuckles were white. He just needed a moment to calm himself down, to regain control of his emotions. 
Truthfully, what he needed was a break, to relieve some tension and come back to his problems with a clear head. If only everything would just stop trying to implode for five minutes, he might be able to do that. But the weight of everything he needed to fix was slowly crushing him to death instead. 
And that asshole thought it necessary to throw the death of Frigga in his face and call him a villain - all in the same breath. The audacity, the nerve of that man to speak to him like that - when genuinely, truthfully and in every sense of the word, Loki was only trying to fix, not harm. 
Loki pushed himself further down the endless corridors of the TVA, and the anger radiating through his skin alerted the unassuming TVA employees to continue minding their own business as they slinked past him. Loki’s heavy footsteps echoed off the pristine floors and elegant walls, and he foolishly thought that maybe they’d take the hint and turn around to take a different path towards their destination. But just as soon as he would find himself alone in the hallway, another one would appear, and Loki’s rage would elevate just a little bit more. 
Norns, was there nowhere to even think in this place?!
Soon, Loki found himself in another alcove with another elevator, that inevitably led to another floor with even more corridors and TVA employees who were just trying to do their jobs in the face of a Temporal Loom meltdown and total destruction. It wasn’t their fault; it was the only thing they knew how to do. 
There had to be an exit around here somewhere - a courtyard, or a sidewalk, or something - any place Loki could go and not be reminded of all of this. But how long would it take him to find it? 
Too long. And more likely than not, a new crisis would emerge before he could even reach it. 
As he paced back and forth across the granite floor, Loki’s hands alternated between raking through his hair, clenching at his sides, and resting on his hips. His mind raced uncontrollably, and his chest heaved to keep enough oxygen mixing with the blood flowing through his veins. He was starting to feel trapped, doomed, cursed. 
Loki took a deep breath to steady himself, and as he closed his eyes, his thoughts shifted to the beautiful woman he’d seen earlier that evening. Her stylish dress, pale amber and loosely cinched around her waist, had been far too enchanting to be wasted on a date to a silly movie premiere. She was much too good to be on Brad’s arm for the evening, and Loki wondered if he had even bothered to learn her name…
But ultimately, it didn’t matter. Loki didn’t have the time or the space to clear his head, and he certainly didn’t have the time to waste on thoughts of a woman he’d never see again. He was just going to have to carry on, to power through the stress and brain fog and dread, like he’d always done. 
Resigning himself to return from where he came, Loki shoved his hands in the pockets of his pea coat and turned on his heels to head back to Mobius and B-15 and the interrogation of Brad. But he stopped as his fingers brushed against something, and his brow furrowed as he pulled the TemPad out of his pocket. 
Loki couldn’t remember how or when it got there. He turned it over in his hands carefully, running his fingertips across its smooth edges and polished wood grain as he considered his options. 
With this, he could easily find a place to think, and he could return just moments after he left the interrogation room. And with the branches of the Sacred Timeline already diverging wildly out of control, no one would ever know he had left.
Loki quickly glanced over his shoulders to make sure he was alone, and he flipped the top screen of the TemPad open. The previous coordinates were still typed in, still active.
All he had to do was press a single button and walk through the Time Door. In another moment or two, he could return to the Zaniac premiere and finally have the drink he so desperately needed. 
And maybe Brad’s date would be willing to share that drink with him…
⊱ ── ༓ ── ⋅•⋅⊰ ──  ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ∙ ⋅  ── ⊱⋅•⋅ ── ༓ ── ⊰
Date : June 18th, 1977 [Sacred Timeline]
This was not how you thought your birthday would turn out. 
Dressed to the nines, after hours in the salon chair getting your hair done and days of planning your outfit down to the perfume kissing the insides of your wrists - all so you could be abandoned by that jackass before the showing of his film even started. 
What made it worse was you didn’t even want to be here tonight, with this Brad Wolfe - a man no one had ever heard of before six months ago but was suddenly basking in the spotlight of directors clamoring to hire him and starlets begging to be seen with him. 
You could have been out with your friends celebrating your birthday, but your agent had insisted that this would be much better for your career; he was definitely going to be getting a very unpleasant phone call in the morning. 
After Brad disappeared, you sat yourself at the bar and ordered a drink; it was less humiliating than the press seeing you alone inside the theater, which would have surely been the only headline in tomorrow morning’s paper. 
You briefly thought about calling your friends to meet up at The Roxy, which had been the initial plan for the evening, but ultimately decided against it. Nothing could salvage the evening now; maybe you’d have better luck next year. 
The ice from your second drink had all but melted, and after the leftover contents were consumed, you were ready to get out of there. The exciting climax of the movie would be happening soon, and once again the lobby would be swarming with press and London’s finest celebrities, not to mention Brad - who had probably found another woman to have clinging to his arm during the film. You didn’t need to see that. 
As you thanked the bartender with a warm smile and placed a generous tip in his jar, your thoughts returned to the two men Brad had been talking to just before he disappeared. One of the men, the older gentleman, seemed pleased as punch to be there, but the other one - the tall, dark and devastatingly handsome one - seemed like he’d rather be literally anywhere else; it was exactly how you felt about this ridiculous event. 
And God was that scowl on his face sexy; but then again, everything about him was positively delicious. His piercing green eyes had threatened to set the room ablaze as he looked around the room, and when he wasn’t scowling, he was smirking. 
It was a very confident smirk, and he deserved to have it. He certainly knew how to wear a tuxedo, and you were sure he looked even better underneath it. 
Just thinking about it was enough to make your heart race, and the warmth of arousal was beginning to unfurl itself in your core. It was too bad the most gorgeous man you’d ever seen had left already; perhaps you would head to The Roxy after all, to find someone to take you home tonight…
“Leaving so soon?” 
Your breath faltered as you turned to see him standing next to you. He looked exquisite - casually leaned against the bar, one ankle crossed over the other, and one hand in his pocket as he raised an inquisitive eyebrow in your direction. You couldn’t believe this was happening, that he had appeared so suddenly and he was looking right at you. 
“I suppose that depends on whether something exciting is about to happen here,” you replied with a shrug and met his inquisitive expression with one of your own. 
The man chuckled and cleared his throat as he turned his attention to the rows of liquor displayed behind the bar. “And I suppose you wouldn’t think helping me decide on a drink would be very exciting…”
His voice was smooth as silk - polished and refined, and it made everything he wasn’t saying so much more intense. You could see his eyes in the mirror behind the bar, hungrily roaming up and down your form as he paused, and you knew he was thinking about all the things he wanted to do tonight. 
And when he turned back to look at you, it was like you were the only other person in existence, like you were the only thing that mattered. “…or would you find that exciting?” 
That look was sinful, intoxicating, teasing. It made you forget all about wanting to get out of there before the movie ended. It made you want to do anything to keep his attention, and so you sat back down on the barstool and crossed your legs as you leaned closer to him. 
“Surely a classy man such as yourself knows what he likes to drink?” you replied, hoping he enjoyed being teased as much as he enjoyed teasing. 
The man laughed again and shook his head with a charming smile on his perfectly-crafted face. If you didn’t know any better, you would have believed a God had sculpted his features with a careful and delicate hand, that only something majestic could have styled the dark curls on his head. He was perfect, and you were dying for him to ruin you. 
“Well, I’ll be honest - I just wanted to know what you were drinking, so I could invite you to have another with me.” 
He didn’t wait for a response, and immediately unbuttoned the jacket of his tuxedo as he sat down next to you. His long legs were splayed wide as he gazed at you, and he had the kind of thighs you wanted to sink your teeth in. 
The white shirt underneath the jacket was stark white and perfectly pressed, save the ruffles running vertically from his throat to his waist. There weren’t too many men that could pull off that look with the same confidence and charm, and you found yourself wondering who he was and what he did for a living. 
He had to work in the entertainment industry - fashion, maybe? Another actor? You wanted to know everything about him, from where he grew up to how many different ways he could make your toes curl. 
“What a clever, classy pick-up line. I’m truly impressed,” you murmured playfully as you beckoned the bartender over. 
The man narrowed his eyes, and his perfect lips curved into a teasing smirk. “I believe it worked, did it not?” 
You shrugged innocently, bringing your fingertips to fondle the necklace dangling around your neck. His gaze followed your fingers with a hungry expression, and he opened his mouth to say something else when the bartender interrupted to take your order.
“Yes, me and my new friend…” you paused and tilted your head at him, a silent plea for the man to finally introduce himself. 
His expression shifted briefly to uncertainty, as if he wasn’t sure that he wanted to give you his name at all, before resuming his confident demeanor as he met your gaze once more. “Loki. Pleased to meet you.”
“A pair of Slow Screws for me and my new friend, Loki,” you smiled at the bartender before returning to your new companion for the evening. “That’s quite an interesting name, Loki. Scandinavian?” 
“Something like that. And you’ve got quite an interesting drink order,” he replied, leaning closer and sliding his arm along the back of your chair. “Tell me - do you usually share Slow Screws with complete strangers?”
His voice was low and husky, vibrating at all the right frequencies and sending shivers of excitement down your spine. It took all of your willpower to not mount him on the spot. 
“Only when it’s my birthday, and I’ve been abandoned by my jerk of a date,” you answered, though truthfully you were glad he disappeared if it meant you got to know this man a little better. 
Loki’s brow twitched and he looked away; it was an odd reaction, one you hadn’t anticipated. Did Loki know something about why Brad had left, and was he not expecting you to bring it up? 
The bartender returned with your drinks, and you were grateful for something else to focus on for the moment. Freshly-squeezed orange juice and gin swirled around the tall glass as you brought it to your lips and took a not-so dainty sip. 
Loki glanced over and smiled as he followed suit, then set his glass down and began tapping the bar-top with his long and surely skilled fingers. “You know I, um…was speaking with your date earlier, and I promise he didn’t ditch you. Something very important had come up, and…”
Loki glanced over at you again, his green eyes sparkling as if a thousand distant worlds were burning up inside them. He had an unparalleled mysterious aura around him, like the weight of the entire world was resting on his broad shoulders. 
“If he sent you here to keep me company in his stead…” you interrupted, brushing your fingers across the back of his hand as he tapped mindlessly on the bar-top. “…then I’m glad he left.” 
That seemed to be enough to make him forget about all of his earlier troubles, and a confident smile graced his features once more. “Well, I couldn’t leave a beautiful woman all alone on her birthday, now could I?” 
Loki rotated his hand underneath yours, and his fingertips lightly traced along your inner wrist, sending your heart rate skyrocketing. He leaned closer to whisper against your ear. “So how does the birthday girl want to celebrate then, hmm?” 
Your breath hitched, and it felt like the rest of the world stopped except for the two of you. You wanted to spend your evening dissolving into pleasure, screaming his name, breaking your bed - but this man clearly loved innuendos and teasing; it was foreplay for him, just as much as it was for you. 
“Well, I’ve always wanted to try…a Slow Comfortable Screw Against The Wall,” you answered softly, knowing he would understand that you didn’t necessarily mean the drink. 
Loki’s arm slipped around your chair once more, dragging his knuckles down the back of your arm. “Is that how you like it?”
Your eyes widened, and your heart thudded painfully in your chest. But it was worth it if it meant he’d do it, so you nodded as you bit your lower lip. 
“Slow…and comfortable?” Loki continued, whispering softly and letting his lips brush against the cartilage of your ear. 
Swallowing back a moan was the hardest thing you’d ever done. Your thighs pressed together, squeezing them against your already wet cunt and nodded again. 
“What about against the wall? Do you like that too?” Loki brought his other hand up, tracing the angle of your jaw with his fingertips and turning your face closer to his. 
Your lips parted as your nose brushed against his, and you silently pleaded for mercy. Your pussy was already throbbing and clenching around nothing, and if you didn’t get out of here soon, you were going to explode. 
A simple yes was all you could manage, and Loki immediately took action. He pulled a few bills from his pocket and tossed them on the bar as he stood up, and you absolutely could not believe your luck - that he came back, that he wanted you, that he was going to take you exactly the way you wanted. 
You quickly followed him to standing, and your knees almost buckled underneath the weight of the adrenaline and hormones carving their way through your veins. Loki placed his hand on your lower back and guided you swiftly through the crowd that had returned after the movie’s end. 
And you didn’t even turn your head as you passed by reporters milling about in the lobby, wondering where the hell Brad Wolfe was. 
As you stepped outside, Loki’s hand slipped from your waist to grab your hand and pull you after him. You thought he was going to lead you to a cab, but instead, he turned down the alleyway beside the theater. 
“Wait - where are we going?” you giggled in anticipation as he squeezed your hand. Did he have his own vehicle parked somewhere back here?
Loki turned around and yanked you closer, wrapping his arms around your waist as he continued backing down the alleyway. “I’m giving the Birthday Girl what she asked for. Remember?” he murmured against your lips as his hands splayed wide on your hips. 
You couldn’t take the wait any longer and crushed your lips against his. Loki’s groan was deep and powerful as he eagerly returned the kiss. His lips tasted like gin and lust, and his hands gripped you tightly, pulling you all the way against his body. 
Your hands found the lapels of his tuxedo jacket, pulling on the material as you parted your lips around his. He eagerly slipped his tongue between them as he started to walk you backwards.
Loki towered over you, even with your heels on, and soon his lips were moving down to your neck, sucking on the delicate skin as his hands slid down to squeeze your ass. You gasped, and immediately started to unbutton his tuxedo jacket. 
He hummed an approval against your neck, and his hands grasped your ass harder, making you grind your hips against his. “I thought the Birthday Girl wanted it slow and comfortable, hmm?” 
“Changed my mind,” you whispered breathlessly, opening the jacket and untucking his shirt from his pants. “I need you now…” 
Loki grinned as he pushed you against the wall, trapping you between the firm, cold bricks and his firm, warm body. “Ah, so you’re an impatient Birthday Girl,” he growled against your lips.
This new tone, so wild and animalistic compared to the opulent and sophisticated one he had used back at the bar, was more than enough to make you forget that you were in public, that he was a stranger, that if anyone saw this then your career would be over. But you were being driven by pure lust at this point, and nothing else mattered anymore. 
Your lips met again, moving frantically against each other as your tongues and hips writhed together. It was incredible that your bodies and minds were already so in sync with each other - when you moaned against his lips, he’d groan against yours, and when you gasped, he’d exhale in a deep hum that threatened to drive you insane. 
He pulled the strap of your dress down as you untied the knot of his bowtie and began to loosen the buttons of his shirt. Loki kissed his way down your neck and you arched into his touch, even as your hair snagged on the bricks behind you. 
You quickly slipped your arm out of the strap, and Loki slid the top of your dress down to your waist, exposing your breasts. Your nipples hardened from arousal and the cold evening air, and Loki leaned down to take one between his lips. You moaned out loud in response, encouraging him to keep going as you spread your legs to grind against his thigh. 
His tongue flicked against your stiff nipple as he sucked, and your fingers curled tightly in his hair as you hooked a leg around his waist. Your hips gyrated wildly against him, soothing your aching clit as you chased a release. 
“Oh, yes. Keep going, love,” Loki groaned against your skin and shifted his hands to keep you balanced on one leg, gripping your hips tightly as he brought his face back up to yours. 
He pushed his leg further between yours, watching eagerly as you continued grinding against his thigh. You gasped and moaned breathlessly, each one louder than the last as the alleyway faded away and all that remained was the stranger bringing you ethereal levels of pleasure. 
“Yes, that’s it. Come for me, dear,” Loki rasped as he brought his lips over to your ear, and his teeth nipped at the cartilage as he spoke. “I’ll give you more - as many as you wish…” 
You could barely hear him as blood pumped frantically through every vein and every nerve ending prepared to fire off, but it seemed as though he was getting as much pleasure out of this as you were. What a blessing this was - it was your birthday, and this man only wanted to make you come. 
You gasped as your orgasm washed over you, sending endorphins and molten lava through your veins. Your fingers dug into his neck and shoulders, and your leg shook and wobbled as you died and reborn anew. 
Loki moaned with you as you came, his hands grabbing your hips to keep them rolling against his thigh. Your eyes rolled back into your head and unintelligible whimpers of pleasure tumbled from your lips. And just as the orgasm started to fade, his hands slipped around the back of your thighs to lift you up. 
Somehow you managed to lock your arms around his neck as he held you in the air, and he hooked his forearms underneath your knees as your bare back scraped against the brick. It hurt so good, and you buried your face in his hair, breathing in his scent and savoring the way he was going to ravage you. 
Loki grabbed your ass as he rolled his hips against yours, both of you moaning in unison at the skin-to-skin contact. His heavy exhales washed over your skin as he panted against your jaw, and you were still trembling from the aftershocks of the first orgasm when his cock slid inside you. 
He groaned in pleasure as he pushed deeper within your soaked cunt, and your toes curled inside your shoes. You hadn’t even seen his cock yet, but you could feel just how perfect it was, how perfect he was - and you couldn’t help but squeeze as he bottomed out inside you. 
“Such a tight and lovely little thing,” Loki hissed as he started to thrust, slowly at first but quickly increasing his pace. His hips rocked back and forth, and your fingers scratched at his scalp to beg him to keep going. 
He held you in the air, easily supporting your entire weight as he drove himself into you over and over. It was like magic, he was like a benevolent God of Pleasure, and you would forever worship the ground he walked on as long as he continued doing this to you. 
You buried your face against his shoulder to muffle your cries of pleasure as he filled you up, and his lower back arched as his thrusts became frantic. You moaned his name and he moaned yours, and his fingers gripped you tightly as yours dug into his neck. 
“Yes! Come for me, darling!” Loki growled against your ear as he adjusted your hips, pulling them away from the wall. His thrusts became urgent, and this new angle allowed him to move deeper, pressing against the most sensitive flesh that other men could only dream of reaching. 
You crossed the threshold again, coming even harder than you did the first time. Loki grunted like an animal as he made his final pushes inside you before following you off the edge. Your thighs shook as his hips bucked, and your muscles squeezed every ounce of pleasure out of him. 
The sounds he made were sinful, and it was almost enough to keep you going. Neither of you were on Earth anymore; floating in the cosmos, higher than you’d ever been before, your hips writhing and mouths gasping for air as you came together. 
You don’t know how long you stayed like that, but eventually your bodies became still, and you could feel his lips pressed lazily against your jaw and his eyelashes fluttering against your cheek. “You have no idea…just how much…I needed that…” he murmured breathlessly. 
You could feel the gravity of his words bringing you back down to the ground, and while you didn’t know what he was referring to, you wished that you could. “I’m glad you convinced me to stay for that drink then…” 
Loki chuckled to himself as he pressed his forehead against yours and carefully pulled the strap of your dress back to your shoulder. His fingertips were delicate as they traced along your collarbone, and as his eyes traveled up to meet your gaze, you could see a thousand lifetimes of sadness hiding behind them. 
“Thank you…for the drink, and the birthday present. Maybe we can do this again for your birthday…” you continued with a smile, hoping to be able to see him again soon. You didn’t know if he needed the reassurance, but you wanted to give it to him anyway. 
He didn’t respond at first, and you gently caressed his cheek. This evening was too magical to not let it happen again, and you prayed that he felt the same. 
Loki’s expression was one of anguish as he turned his head to kiss your palm. He let out a heavy exhale, and forced himself to look at you again. 
“Yes. Maybe we can…” Loki smiled as he gazed into your eyes, and your heart ached as he leaned down to kiss you once more. 
⊱ ── ༓ ── ⋅•⋅⊰ ──  ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ∙ ⋅  ── ⊱⋅•⋅ ── ༓ ── ⊰
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layla4567 · 11 months
I don't trust you
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TVA!Loki x Hunter!Fem!Reader
Summary: You are Hunter A9 and you work alongside Hunter B15. When Loki arrives at the TVA you seem reluctant to trust him but Mobius assures you that he is not as bad as he seems.
Warnings: smut with plot, p in v, biting, unprotect sex, fingering, (reader is not a virgin but she thinks so because they erased her memory), mirror sex kinda, overstimulation i think, enemies to lovers trope, fight, angst (mentions of Loki's past), death (mention of Frigga's death), Loki being a brat, teasing, not proofread
A/N: This takes place in season 1 of course. You can watch this video of a a fight training to see where I got inspiration from
WC: 6k (oops!)
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You walked through the halls of the TVA together with your partner B-15. Both had been informed of an alert, a variant had been admitted to headquarters and was waiting in a room along with Mobius. Your job as a hunter, like many others, consisted of pruning the variants of the timelines to preserve the timeline intact, you were loyal to your job and you did it without mercy. That's why you were surprised that even that variant has not been pruned
"I don't understand why the variant is still here and what do we have to do with all this"-you muttered under your breath, chewing the words with visible annoyance.
"I don't like any of this either, but Mobius will have his reasons"-said b-15 next to you
They continued walking, marching in a military style until they reached the room where Mobius and that guy were. In the middle there was an orange projector and Agent Mobius was sitting in front of a man with short black hair with his arms crossed. Even though he was sitting down, you could tell that he was tall, he had a frown on his face and looked around skeptically. You noticed that he had that collar on his neck where you could control him with the tempad, good, that would make things easier. Mobius, upon noticing the presence of the two of you, stood up and approached you with an outstretched arm, introducing you.
"Loki, they are hunter B-15 and hunter A-9. A-9, B-15, he is Loki Laufeyson"
"That's great, let's see if they can get me out of here."-Loki said with poisonous sarcasm.
You stood straight and firm with your chin raised showing defiance and threat. You had never let any variant, no matter how dangerous it seemed, scare you, fear was for the weak. Always show courage in the face of the enemy, never show fear, that would only make you look like easy prey. Your face and that of your fellow hunter showed displeasure and anger while Loki's showed contempt and little desire to want to be there.
To end the tension that had been installed and that seemed like it could be cut with a knife, Mobius clarified things.
"I know this looks bad, I know. But I have a hunch, I think Loki could help us find the other variant"
B-15 let out a chuckle as he shook his head in disbelief, you just felt your body boil and the frown on your face deepened. This was not how things were done in the TVA, you couldn't break the rules, this would cause a lot of problems.
"Mobius, that variant should be pruned right now and sent into the void!! That's how things work, we're not playing cops and robbers"-you spat with your lips trembling with anger
Mobius looked at the ground in silence, meditating on his words while Loki looked at you with arrogance, which made your blood boil even more. You could barely contain yourself. Who did he think he was? Before a catastrophe could happen, Mobius returned to the attack.
"Please give me this chance, just this one. I have reason to believe that the other variant that is on the loose is a variant of Loki, we know that he is much more cunning and threatening than him but with Loki at our side we can face him"
When Loki heard that he jumped from his seat, offended, pointing a finger at Mobius.
"Hey! How dare you? You have no idea what I'm capable of doing."
Then he approached him defiantly and you took a step forward with your hand about to draw your staff but B-15 stopped you by the arm and Mobius simply pressed a button on his timepad and Loki returned to the place where he was before, falling clumsily to the ground, Snorting angrily, he tossed his hair back and gave Mobius a murderous look.
"A-9 is right, why should we trust him? He doesn't even seem to want to cooperate."
Mobius gave a long sigh before continuing.
"Look, I know you don't trust Loki, but you trust me, right? So I beg you to let me try, just give me a few minutes to try to persuade him. I'll take care of it, he will be in my custody."
You looked at B-15 who gave you an unconvinced look, then you looked at Loki with displeasure and then you looked at Mobius again, he seemed really desperate and he was expecting an affirmative response from you, you felt sorry for him. You closed your eyes taking a deep breath.
"It's okay, if it's that important to you… but at any sign of bad behavior you know I'll prune him."-you said, feeling your staff while Loki raised an eyebrow.
"Yes, yes of course. I promise it won't cause any problems."
Mobius really seemed happy and relieved to have let him continue trying to reach some fruitful point with that odious variant, you didn't see what was special about it but anyway, you trusted Mobius, you knew he had a good sixth sense to read people and feel compassion. by them. The same couldn't be said about you, you preferred to stick to the rules and follow them. You and your partner left the room, leaving them alone.
"Alright, Loki, what do you think we do a review of your greatest hits?"
Mobius turned on the projector and Loki's bruised face appeared on the screen with several cuts on his forehead and nose, he was lying on the floor of Stark tower. It was the battle of New York, of course. Loki looked away from the screen feeling humiliated while Mobius seemed to enjoy it taking a sip from his can with a smile.
"Why show me this? I already know what happened, I was there."-He said with a hand on his forehead, grumpy.
"I just want to understand why you do what you do."
"You're lying.."
"No, I mean it. I want to know what drives you to act"
"Ah, I see"
Loki rose from his seat, circling like a vulture while placing his hands on his hips, looking at the ceiling with growing impatience.
"This is nothing more than a vile trick, an illusion created by the weak to instill fear, believing they are the owners of the place with great power over time"
"We are"
"No, I make my own decisions, I choose my own destiny, not you."-Loki said putting emphasis on the "I"
"Ok whatever you say, but I think you'll want to see this."
Mobius pressed the button again and a Loki with his horned helmet and a scepter with a bright blue gem on it was projected onto the wall. He spoke with great intimidation and proclaimed that the people should bow before him.
"That's what I mean! I'm so close to claiming what's mine! And it will be because I decided that way and not because this stupid place or whatever this is allowed it-"
Mobius quickly interrupted Loki "Ah, ah, ah, I'm not done yet."
The agent pressed the button again and now the image showed Loki going to a cell in Asgard and his mother Frigga. Surprise and confusion appeared on Loki's face, the images continued to pass and Loki saw his own mother arguing with his other self, he approached slowly and silently towards the screen.
"This is not true, this never happened"
"Not yet, look, the TVA not only knows your entire past, it also knows your future and this is what had to happen if you didn't take the tesseract."
Now the screen showed Frigga immobilized by a dark elf, without warning the elf thrust a sword into Frigga's back, mortally wounding her. Terror spread across Loki's face as he stepped back, trying to process what he had just seen.
"This is a trick…"-he said in a broken whisper
"No, no and no. This is what was supposed to happen, that's how the sacred timeline wanted it."
"It's a lie! You're lying!"-Loki's voice cracked with pain as tears wet his eyes.
"Oh so your mother being dead is a lie too?"
Loki tensed his jaw showing his teeth as he lunged at Mobius who with a quick movement of his hand took the tempad out of his pocket and returned Loki to his place, he fell on his butt.
"Do you really like causing pain? Do you enjoy hurting people? Because it seem like you were made for that"
Loki clenched his teeth to keep from letting the tears escape. Mobius extended his hand helping him up.
"I'm sorry, but that's how things work here."
Before Loki could say anything the doors opened and you appeared with your uniform and your characteristic frown. something bad had happened
"Are you done with the variant?"-You said with a contemptuous tone.
"Not yet, why do you come to interrupt?"
"We need you now, something serious happened"-you said, looking askance at Loki.
"Ugh not again.. Loki I'll be right back, don't do anything stupid while I'm gone"
You and Mobius walked out of the room through the hallways to talk alone while leaving Loki unsupervised. You walked in a hurry with more bad temper than usual while Mobius followed you closely like a dog. When you both made sure that no one could hear you, you turned around abruptly, startling him.
"Mobius we cannot afford more interruptions, something must be done with that variant"
"But why? We were making great progress and-"
"We have lost another unit!" - you exclaimed aggressively.
Mobius suddenly fell down, realizing the seriousness of the matter. You looked down, deciding what to say.
"I know I promised you I would give you a chance but you are compromising my work. We need to prune that variant.."
Mobius put a hand to his mouth thoughtfully. You didn't want to let your friend down, but there were more serious matters to worry about with this Loki guy, and if Mobius didn't let you do what you did best, the entire TVA would explode into chaos and you would lose your job. He was putting you between a rock and a hard place and you had to make the right decision, which is always the most difficult.
"Okay, you're right, I'll see what to do with him in the meantime, show me where the unit's casualties have been. Just let me talk to him first."
You nodded, sighing, but your patience was running out. Mobius sensed that, so he quickly returned to where Loki was. But when he opened the door he saw no one. He quickly looked for his tempad and realized that he didn't have it, of course, he had left it on the table before leaving and Loki took it.
"Son of a.."
Meanwhile, Loki, with the use of the tempad, was able to escape from the room and appeared in the hallways ready to leave that infernal place once and for all. He walked confused, trying to get his bearings and hiding without being seen.
Your eyes wanted to pop out of your sockets while your jaw tensed and you clenched your fists in anger, so hard that you felt the burning sting of your nails digging into your flesh. Mobius tried to reassure you by repeating that Loki couldn't have gone far. You didn't want to hear it, now the variant was out there because of him and that's how you let him know.
"Well in theory if you hadn't interrupted us…"
"Are you kidding me?!"
B-15 hearing the news asked the exact details, you furiously explained how Mobius had let Loki escape, he put his hands in his pockets looking down embarrassed saying it was an accident. The B-15 hunter quickly gathered several hunters and they separated into groups.
"Ok, Mobius you are coming with me and you A-9 are going with-"
"Alone. Understood."-you said activating your cane
"No wait, don't go!"
You were already running when B-15 shouted the order to you. You could do this alone, you didn't need anyone, you would take care of that annoying variant once and for all as you should have done from the beginning. Mobius was too innocent and easily trusted others, but not you. With your pruning stick ready in your hand, gripping it tightly, you marched with long, hurried steps through the halls of the TVA looking for the damned one.
"Where are you you damn bastard..."
You continued walking through the wide hallways of the great place, looking for him everywhere. You turned your head to the side and saw him. Finally. Loki was going to enter the offices. With a predatory and threatening look you ran towards him
"Hey!! Stop there!"
Loki turned around, making his curls fly like black whips. His eyes narrowed and a mischievous smile threatened to appear at the corners, he was studying you. With sure steps he moved away from the door and stood tall with his arms on his hips.
"You've come this far, variant" - you said, spinning the cane between your fingers.
Loki let out an airy laugh.
"Oh, I'm so scared"-he said ironically without stopping looking at you- "By the way, you're the pretty girl who was with the other hunter. What was her name? B-15, right?"
Your piercing gaze was still fixed on him, you didn't want to let your guard down even because of those cheap flattery that were coming out of his mouth. You were not an easy girl given to bending her arm
"Enough talk"
You brandished your staff and moved in to attack. Your arm delivered an accurate blow towards his face with the back of the staff that made Loki turn his face to the side, making his hair fly. You wasted no time and pushed your other arm with your fist going directly to his face but he composed himself and blocked your blow with the back of his arm, you raised your leg to kick him but he ducked and kicked you in the stomach sending you backwards. You fell with your hands resting on the floor, you looked at him just as he sat up slightly, throwing his hair back. Small strands of unruly hair stuck to your forehead and you stood up agitated without giving up yet. With even more fury you grabbed your cane and hit him in the stomach, he grabbed you from behind, immobilizing you with a key on your neck.
"I didn't know you could fight so well, I like that"-Loki gasped, breathing exhausted but with a smile on his face.
You squirmed, grunting, under his arm but he held you firmly.
"Maybe after this you can teach me a move or two."
You decided that you had had enough and you elbowed him hard in the ribs. Loki, growling, released you from his grip and bent over, clutching his stomach, which you took advantage of to raise and put your leg over his nape. Surprised, Loki stood up, you wrapped your other leg over his neck, to which he held them, trying to get you off of him, but you quickly turned your trunk and with the strength of your thighs, you sent him to the ground, pushing him hard. Loki did a somersault and stayed there lying on the floor on his back with a grimace of pain clenching his teeth. You stood up with ease with your cane ready to prune him.
"What do you think of a move like that?"
With two hands you held the cane and a smile filled your lips, you bit and lightly sucked your lower lip with satisfaction, you would finally put an end to all your problems by making him disappear. You got dangerously close to Loki who was leaning on his elbows with a pitiful moan, you raised your arms, raising the staff to collide with Loki when a voice behind you froze you.
"There you are!"
You turned around in surprise and saw Mobius and B-15 along with other hunters running towards you. You lowered the cane towards your waist line, looking at Loki in frustration. You were so close. Mobius came to your side to see the scene, Loki was lying on the floor breathing heavily and your forehead was sweaty and you held the staff in your hands until it hurt.
"Looks like you two had fun."
You rolled your eyes as Mobius helped Loki up. You reluctantly deactivated your cane, missing the opportunity to prune him. Again
"My congratulations to your unit team. You have soldiers who hit hard"-Loki said still in pain but with a lopsided smile.
You looked at him wanting to gut him, did he still have the energy to joke? Mobius giggled until he met your angry face and turned serious.
"Listen Loki, we don't have time, something happened and I need your help, you have to come with me yes or yes. I won't take no for an answer. If not, you already know what will happen if you don't cooperate."-He said pointing at you with his thumb.
Loki looked at you, narrowing his eyes, meditating, he did so for a few long seconds, it seemed like he was trying to enter your soul. Loki understood that if he didn't go with Mobius and you he would find himself on the ground with bruises again, but you sensed that he didn't dislike that idea and you wondered why.
"Fine"-Loki finally said
"Perfect! Come, you have to change your clothes, now you're an agent."
Mobius took Loki away, placing a hand on his back, the variant turned around but his gaze remained on you until they were far enough away for you to leave his field of vision. You and B-15 left the hallways, preparing to go to the place where the last hunters had been. While they walked at a safe pace, Hunter B-15 gave you suspicious glances but you had your eyes fixed on the front.
"Well? How did it go?"
"What do you think?"-you said sharply
"Yeah, it's a shame. On the other hand, Loki seemed very interested in you."
"What the hell are you talking about?"-you asked with a grimace
"Oh please, didn't you notice how he looked at you?"
"With hate?"
"No" -she laughed- "Quite the opposite, I think he likes you."
"Excuse me?"
You said as you stopped in your tracks and turned to face her, she imitated you.
"You're wrong"
"And if I'm not? What do you bet?"-She said with her arms on her hips, looking at you funny.
"Are you seriously going to turn this into a bet? Fine, if you win I'll share my lunch with you for a week but if I win you'll have to give me an extra helping of chocolates from the vending machine."
B-15 was about to extend his hand to seal the deal when you raised a finger.
"For two weeks"
B-15 looked at you reproachfully, thinking whether to accept or not, but then he reached out and pressed his hand against yours.
"It's a deal"
You smiled pleased
You and B-15 were waiting for Loki and Mobius to transport you to the indicated place, your thoughts revolved around Loki and your mission, why was it so difficult to prune him? Had Mobius grown so fond of Loki that he could prevent you from doing your job correctly? You always stood out for being efficient and loyal to the TVA, this was your life, you didn't remember anything else and you liked it that way, or rather you had gotten used to it that way. You couldn't imagine anything better, you couldn't imagine another life outside of that place. You were so focused that you didn't realize that Loki and Mobius were already ready, B-15 elbowed you. When you turned your head to see them you raised an eyebrow, Loki was wearing a uniform of a brown jacket and tie that matched his pants, his neatly buttoned white shirt was tight and adjusted to his body, making his pecs noticeable. You decided that this suit fit him better and accentuated his slender figure unlike his old variant suit which was a bit baggy. Loki came to your side, adjusting the lapels of his jacket, lifting them up and smiling at you, you rolled your eyes.
"Well, we can go now" -and then he whispered to B-15- "Before these two kill each other"
"I wouldn't be so sure about that"-she whispered conspiratorially.
Even though they were whispering, they were right behind you so you turned your head, looking at them angrily, frowning. Before they passed through the portal, Loki offered you to go first with an outstretched hand.
"Ladies first"-he said smiling
"I was going to pass first anyway."-You said unmoved, entering through the portal.
The others followed behind you and soon they arrived at what seemed to be a Renaissance fair. There were several circus tents with pennants hanging from ropes that ran from right to left throughout the place. People dressed in period clothing, men in tunics and women in corseted dresses walked around looking at you intrigued. You entered a tent, there were helmets lying on the grass, the place looked like a massacre with things lying around and bodies lying motionless on the ground. You dropped your temp and saw a red line flashing
"There is nothing here, split up and look for that variant"
You put away your tempad and were about to leave the tent along with the others when Loki, who had stayed behind motionless looking at the ground, caught your attention.
"Wait, don't leave the tent, it's a trap."
Mobius turned around. "How are you so sure?"
Loki walked slowly around the room in a theatrical manner, taking his time to speak to create suspense and gain their attention.
"There is a saying in Asgard…Where there are wolf ears, there are wolf teeth, it means that you should pay attention to your surroundings"
You laughed sarcastically. “Please do you want us to believe that?”
"Wait let him finish talking."-mobius said stopping you with his hand
"You look like the people in my town, so gullible, underestimating others. Luckily I was smarter than them"
"We are running out of time" - You warned Mobius
"Loki what's your point?"-he rushed him
"My point is that this variant is waiting for you outside but I can go out and talk to that other Loki, he fervently believes that together we will overthrow the TVA. I can stop him, but with certain conditions.."
"And what would those conditions be?"-You approached him defiantly.
"Guess that I will be able to return to Earth and fulfill my purpose, and I think I will have to talk to the time keepers, they are in more danger than they imagine."
You put your arms on your hips, breathing deeply in frustration, you couldn't believe how filthy this variant was in front of you. Mobius sat in silence for a few seconds until he finally gave his verdict.
"Bravo Loki, you almost fooled me" -Mobius looked at the others - "He's fooling us, there's no one outside"
Annoyed at having wasted your time, you left the tent with the other hunters, but before leaving, B-15 placed a device similar to an oil lamp on the ground, resetting the timeline as if nothing had happened.
Upon returning to the TVA you and Mobius had to endure a talkative Loki all the way, the previously grumpy and distrustful Loki had disappeared and in his place had left this hyperactive man with the attitude of a 5 year old child who ate a lot of sugar. Mobius, tired, went to take another elevator away from the two of you, leaving you with that unbearable variant that looked behind you with that characteristic mischievous smile of his.
"I hope you're happy, you fed up the only person who tolerates you in this place"-you said entering the elevator
"Oh, you don't like me then?"-He made a pitiful pout.
"Not even a little"-you said without hesitation
"I think that remains to be seen."
His stupid smile makes you sick, you hated his impudence and bragging, thinking he was the smart one in the place, when everyone knew that you and everyone at the TVA were the ones in control. But I also hated to hate him, you didn't know why, but that impertinent attitude he had filled you with adrenaline, made you feel as if you had a challenge to solve, an intriguing challenge. And you loved challenges
"Well, I hope you're done with your little tricks because we won't fall for them anymore."
Loki laughed and walked closer to you, standing in front of you to look at you.
"Aw it's so adorable that you think you're smarter than me, I'm always ten steps ahead."-He said, patting your shoulders and rubbing them, your muscles tensed nervously at this gesture.
"Don't touch me again."-you said, abruptly removing his hands from you.
The two remained silent until they reached some offices where Mobius was waiting for you two. He had gone ahead and was looking for some papers in a file. When he heard your footsteps he got up from the seat.
"Oh here you are, Loki, A-9 I want you to look for variant files, as many as you can find. I'm going to lunch."
Before leaving he addressed Loki especially.
"I hope you have fun, and some advice, search as if your life depended on it"
With that he walked away, leaving the two of you alone. Loki sighed boredly and sat in the seat that Mobius had left, reviewing papers. You sat in front of him doing the same. Loki seemed bored and didn't seem to take things seriously, muttering expletives and feigning surprise when he read something obvious, casually pushing the papers away. Tired of hearing him talk, you told him to shut up
"Shh!, you can shut up? "
Loki frowned and shushed you with a finger on his lips. Annoyed, you got up from the seat and stood next to him.
"Loki, this is serious, why don't you collaborate?
"What else do you want me to do? It's not my fault that you want to bore me to death."
"Stand up"-you barked the order
Loki reluctantly obeyed you, now that he was close to you and standing in front of you you realized how tall he was and you had to lift your chin until your neck hurt a little. You grabbed his arm firmly and led him away from the offices with a frown.
"Hey! where are you taking me?"
"Let's chat for a while"
Without flinching you guided him with a quick step towards the corridors looking for a place where you could talk alone without interruptions, after walking for a while and with Loki chattering like a confused parrot you arrived at the women's bathrooms that were under repairs, you pushed the door with your stood and they both entered.
"Why do we go into the women's bathroom?"
"You wish if you think I'll go into the men's bathroom. This one is cleaner"-you said with mocking laughter
You turned around irritated to look at him.
"Ugh stop talking already!, don't be a coward!. And I will also tell you that you are, a useless person who only thinks about himself and doesn't take things seriously!"
You said as you tapped his chest with your index finger putting emphasis on the words, Loki was going to interrupt you when you called him a coward but he simply sighed with his arms on his hips looking at you intrigued.
"Why do you hate me so much? Why do you insist on pruning me?"
His words hit your face like a bucket of cold water and you were speechless for a few seconds, then your typical frown appeared, wrinkling your forehead.
"I- I don't.. hate you. I'm just doing my job!"you said touching your cane
"Oh right, I had forgotten, my bad"- he said smiling and placing a hand on his chest
"Seriously, Loki, what is happening is serious, we have never lost so many soldiers."- You said tired and worried, no longer wanting to fight.
Loki looked at you thoughtfully and then apologized to which you breathed a sigh of relief, relaxing your body, but when you lowered your guard, Loki approached and quickly took your cane that was on your belt.
"Oh you want it? Then come get it."
You screamed in fury and desperation while Loki smiled triumphantly, spinning the staff in his hands. You lunged at him but Loki dodged you by moving to the side, Loki was faster and more agile than you thought and the worst thing was that he was considerably taller than you so Loki mocked you by raising the staff so you couldn't reach it. You jumped in a pathetic attempt to grab it.
"You'll have to do a lot more than that"- he laughed
In a moment of distraction you kneed him in the groin to which he bent forward, lowering his arm. You were about to grab your cane but he recovered quickly and with a growl pinned your arms.
"Enough"- he warned you
"You started!"- you said baring your teeth and trying to get out of his grasp.
"Enough of hitting me or-"
"Or what?! I'm not afraid of-"
Loki closed the distance and kissed you hard. You opened your eyes in surprise and then wrinkled your brow, you wanted to separate but the more time you spent on his lips the more you wanted to stay like that. You clung to the lapels of his shirt as he leaned closer to you and explored your mouth with his tongue. Your hands traveled to his hair and held onto his locks firmly, you gasped into his mouth from the shock. Loki pulled away from your mouth a little and hummed.
"We should do this more often, even your annoying frown disappeared from your face"- he teased you
You frowned annoying but a smile threatened to appear on your lips, you repressed it
"Oh no, there is"-he smiled mischievously
"I didn't tell you to stop"
You tugged at his lapels and crashed your lips against his again. His hands were on your hips squeezing them and your arms went around his neck. His nose was buried in your cheek at the proximity of his face. You ran your mouth over his lips to memorize them and remember them later, they felt soft and warm and were slightly swollen. Loki gently turned you so that you were facing the mirror and with your back against his chest. He began to place hot, wet kisses on your jaw and neck, you placed a hand in his hair to feel him closer. Loki buried his face and mouth in your skin while you tilted your head to the opposite side to give him more space. The fervent strength and passion that Loki put into his kisses made you moan softly. Suddenly Loki lowered a hand that was on your waist towards your belt, you opened your eyes wide and stopped him by grabbing his wrist firmly, he looked at you in surprise.
"Wait! what are you doing?"- you said with a bit of fear
"Calm down darling, I was just going to unbuckle your belt. I wasn't going to hurt you"
"The thing is.."- you said shyly
"I understand, I will be gentle"- He whispered to you and kissed your cheek delicately.
That calmed you down a little, you were embarrassed to admit that it was your first time, no one had touched you before and much less like Loki did, elegant and soft. Loki took off your belt and put one hand inside your pants, approaching your mons, with one finger he began to massage your clitoris over your underwear. You gasped in surprise and felt like you were going to fall but Loki firmed his grip on your hip. You watched in the mirror as Loki's hand did wonders on your sweet spot, you could barely keep your eyes open from the pleasure. When there was more confidence, Loki slid his fingers inside your underwear and began to pump in and out. You felt your legs shake and you threw your head back trying to stay upright, Loki didn't give you any respite and kissed and bit your neck while he worked his hand down there.
"L-Loki.. ahHhg"- you moan
"Look at you, how pretty you are, so needy for me and begging for me to touch you."
Loki's deep and hoarse voice made your breathing rise, you looked in the mirror. Your chest rose and fell and your face was flushed and sweaty, strands of hair stuck to your forehead and your neck glistened with sweat, Loki next to you and close to your neck looked at you in the reflection with a seductive look drunk with lust. and pleasure. Loki's fingers pumped faster and faster and your thighs began to tremble and your knees flexed a little, you breathed through your mouth.
"Oh my god... Loki-!"
Loki took his hand out of your soaked clit and kissed your hair, you looked at him annoyed and confused to which he smiled.
"Not yet, hold on a little longer for me"
You were going to protest but he lifted you up, grabbing your thighs and sat you on the counter near where the sinks were, a little cry of surprise came out of your mouth. A willing growl came from Loki.
"How delightful.."
You opened your mouth to say something but he silenced you with a hungry kiss, biting your lower lip while his hands traveled to where your protective breastplate was, unbuttoning it and taking it off, throwing it to the ground.
"This annoying uniform won't work for us now"
Loki opened your shirt, leaving your bust exposed and began to kiss and leave marks on it while his hands grabbed your pants and slowly lowered them. Your hands grabbed the back of his neck, panting and closing your eyes. It was the first time you were left speechless, especially in front of a man, but he was different from everyone else. You were thankful that there was no one in the bathroom but the two of you at that moment. Suddenly Loki separated and desire was drawn in his eyes.
"Are you… are you ready?"
You nodded and Loki pulled down your pants and your panties while he unbuttoned his own pants. You nervously saw how his cock stuck out of his boxers like a divine bulge, and when he pulled down his underwear you gasped in surprise. He smiled mischievously at you.
"Don't worry, I promised you I would be gentle."
He positioned himself right in the center of your entrance and asked you again if you were ready, you told him yes, you couldn't wait to feel and taste his warmth. He put the tip inside you and you moaned loudly clinging to the back of his neck, but it was just a scare, actually it didn't hurt you like you thought it would and that intrigued you.
"Did it hurt?"
You denied, surprised. "P-please continue.."
With your consent Loki entered you fully and you gasped loudly, you didn't think his size could fit inside you but it did. His thrusts touched you deep inside and your breathy screams echoed in the bathroom. Loki dug his fingers into your thighs, tensing his arms while you kept your chin resting on his shoulder, trying to keep up the pace and not speed up your breathing. At one point a strong thrust from him hit a sensitive spot inside you and with a whimper you bit his shoulder to which Loki growled.
Your body bounced and collided with the mirror behind you. Loki's grunts and gasps filled your ears and were driving you to your climax, while his cock hardened and your walls tightened around him, hugging him like a warm blanket. You dug your nails into his broad back, feeling like he was about to cum.
"N-norns.. ahg.. you're getting.. tight I can feel you're about to-to cum"
Loki's face tightened with effort while your breathing became faster and faster, your legs felt weak and your thighs trembled, everything was escalating quickly.
"Come on do it, do it for me ngh"
His voice broken by lust was what triggered your fluids to shoot out with a loud and pleasant moan and a tremor throughout your body. Loki threw his head back and came with you. You let your head fall on his chest exhausted and feeling weak. He put his arms around you, hugging you as you took a moment to catch your breath. Then Loki easily lifted you off the counter like a feather and straightened your clothes, you did the same with his. When they were ready, Loki saw that the staff had been left on the ground, he slowly picked it up with your eyes fixed on it, he held it in his hands for a while and then looked at you. There were a few seconds of silence in which only his heartbeat and yours could be heard. With relief you saw how he gave you the cane.
"I think this belongs to you"
You took it and for the first time in a long time you smiled genuinely, but your smile was erased in a second, you had remembered something.
"Oh shit..."
"What's wrong?"
"I owe my lunch to B-15, damn it"
Loki looked at you confused, frowning and you laughed softly.
"Nothing, it doesn't matter. Let's go back before they discover us, Mobius would have already finished eating"
You grabbed his hand and trotted towards the offices making sure not to be seen or heard. Maybe Mobius was right, maybe Loki wasn't as bad as he seemed.
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thekatfuzz · 11 months
Shadow of a Doubt (Preview)
So how about that episode 2 huh?? 👀 when I saw Loki using his shadow magic for the first time in the trailer even before the episode released I knew I had to write a fic about it. So here 'tis!
Pairing: Loki x TVA Hunter Reader
Warnings: eventual smut, shadow magic, use of restraints, slight non-con, slight dark!Loki. **contains slight spoilers for Season 2.**
Rating: M
London, 1977
Night in the city never slept. It wasn't a stressful or rushed state of being awake, but it was rather just alive and existing. The distant sound of sirens from a fire truck nearby, some honking cars here and there, and the distant music and chatter of people on the phone or couples talking to each other walking past you. The ambiance and the world around you seemed distant and unimportant in comparison to your important mission--compromise Variant L1130-- also known as Loki Laufeyson.
You've seen him before, at the TVA and in files that you read. He thought he was the God of Mischief or something. At least thats what Mobius said. You didnt know what he saw in Loki. Mobius has always been interested in such strange things.
Of course, the Variant was mysterious--and not to mention, quite handsome. The mugshot on his file depicted a good-looking man with chiseled cheekbones and raven black hair. Sure, you thought he was good looking, and you wouldnt kick him out of bed if you found him there, but of course you wouldnt go out actively wanting to sleep with a rouge Variant--no matter how hot they were.
You had your assignment. And you had your warnings. Loki's file had mentioned his use of magic and illusions and the image of big, impact text on the file flashed through your head:
But you weren't worried. You were in disguise anyway. Your Tempad and pruning stick tucked away cleverly and your determination on display. You've dealt with hundreds of so-called perilous Variants before, how different could this one be?
You got to a shadowed intersection and you looked around. It seemed quieter here. Flickering streetlights lit the slick cobblestone streets as low footsteps and indistinct chatter could be heard. A few people could be seen walking here and there a distance away, but there wasn't much here. All of a sudden, you could have sworn you saw a person appear out pf nowhere out of the corner of your eye. You would have usually just shrugged off as your eyes playing tricks on you in the dimly lit street and kept walking, but something didnt feel right.
The air felt colder and it felt like the sounds of the world were even more further away now as a chill ran up your spine. You felt alone but at the same time, like you were being watched. You looked around frantically, not even knowing what you were looking for. Your hand went quickly to where you hid your pruning stuck, ready to fight or fly.
Suddenly a shadow caught the corner of your eye on the wall. You turned to face it, but it was gone.
What the hell?
Your breathing became faster and you leapt into action, running away. You barely made it a few feet until you felt your arm be tugged backwards, halting you. You shot your head back to see who was holding you back, fully ready to fight back--only to see in surprised confusion that there was no one holding your wrist. It was like a ghost was gripping your arm with invisible fingers but very real strength.
It took you longer than it should have to notice the towering shadow on the wall. It was definitely a human, a male probably, holding your arm. It was like the shadow, somehow, was restraining you.
"What the...." you whispered aloud.
You tried to wriggle free and managed to for a few seconds, until you felt another similar invisible hand grip your other wrist. The next thing you knew you were pinned with your back against the stone wall, looking out at the end of the alleyway where light poured in through a rectangular opening.
Heart thundering and mind racing, you extended your neck a bit in front of you and looked up at the wall you were held against. Two large shadows this time. They looked the same, each holding your arms out to the side like you were shackled to the hard stone wall.
Then, you saw it. First from one shadow, than the other-- a set of sharp, curving horns began to grow out of the black shadows' heads. You watched in surprise as the horns began to bloom and didnt even notice the man striding towards you, eyes glowing an otherworldly green.
"Well, well..." purred the voice, in a velvety English accent. "What have we here?"
The infamous Variant stepped out the shadows in a very elegant suit with a white ruff in his chest and a neat bow tie. His hair was slicked black and his hands were clasped behind his back. He sauntered over to you, smirking. Looking like a spider who had just caught a decadent fly in its web.
He waved his hand again, and your clothes changed as your breath hitched. Your disguise melted away to reveal your black TVA hunter armor. You gritted your teeth. This was annoying, but this wouldnt stop you. So what he knew you were from the TVA. He would be incarcerated there soon enough.
You jerked and struggled against the shadow bonds as Loki chuckled.
"Don't bother, darling." He mused. "Shadow magic--quite useful, actually. Very hard to break out of it's grip."
"Loki Laufeyson--" You said, hoping your voice carried more confidence and certainty than you felt. "You are under arrest by the Time Variance Authority for crimes of sabotaging the Sacred Timeline."
He raised an eyebrow. "Am I?" He said in mock surprise. He looked around. "So I've been told before."
He stepped closer to you, his features sharp in the dim light. "Go on then hunter, arrest me." He put out his wrists in an exaggerated act of surrender. He paused a moment then looked back up at you. "Oh dear, but you can't though, can you? You seem to be a little...incapacitated, darling."
"Don't call me that." You spat, blood boiling. Maybe you wouldnt even take him back to the TVA--maybe you would just give yourself the satisfaction of pruning him right here and now.
He looked taken aback.
"Trust me Variant, when I'm free--"
"I'll be sorry?" Loki said, sounding bored. "Yes, yes. Heard it all before. You hunters are so cute when you try to threaten me."
He stepped closer yet again to your restrained body, closing the space between you. You could nearly feel his breath on your face now as he looked down at you with his piercing green gaze.
Your heart hammered in your throat, loud enough that you hoped he couldn't hear.
"Do you know who I am?" He asked, running a finger down your cheek, making you shudder.
Your face flushed, praying he couldnt see it in the darkness.
"Of course I do." You choked out. "You're a villain. A Variant. A threat to Time itself." You stabbed. Loki smirked.
"Am I?" He said, amused. "You seem to have such strong opinions about me. Did they warn you about me, Variant? About how dangerous and horrible I can be?"
"I'm not afraid of you." You said boldly. "I haven't even seen you do anything more than your silly shadow puppets and your outfit-changing trick."
"Oh." Loki growled. He came even closer to you and grabbed your chin, his chest pressing you against the hard brick wall behind you. Your wrists felt cold and ached from the restraining phantom hands.
"Well..." Loki said, lifting your head up forcefully. He lowered his voice to a growl, and locked his gaze with yours. "Perhaps I've just been waiting for a moment like this, so I can do terrible, awful things to you."
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xoxoavenger · 9 months
I'll Always Find You
pairing: Loki x Fem!Reader
summary: Loki finds Y/N at the TVA when he begins to time slip.
word count: 961
warnings: none
12 Days of Christmas main masterlist
As soon as Loki realized he was getting pulled through time, he suddenly felt like he didn't have enough of it.
The problem with time was that when he would be pulled to the past, his present still continued. It made him wonder about the time he came from, where that version of him was at this point. It just confused him more, because he knew the TVA didn't work like that. He knew that the version of him he was supposed to be was no longer a 'present' being.
It was confusing and making his head hurt, though he wasn't sure if part of that was because of the time warping or not.
He was running through the halls, away from the hunters who didn't know who he was. He turned around for just a second to check how close they were before he was warping again, pain shooting across his body. He couldn't stop himself from running when he saw someone appear in front of him, so he ended up tripping over them and sending them both to the ground.
"Sorry," He was already pushing himself up and beginning to run before he saw their face. It stopped him dead in his tracks, slipping to the ground as he took her in.
"What's got you in such a rush?" She asked, brows furrowing.
"Y/N," He whispered. She was wearing the robes he'd seen Rayvonna wear, looking more regal than she had even in Asgard. Her head cocked as her eyebrows raised. She was clearly confused.
"Are you alright?" She doesn't recognize him.
This hurts worse than Mobius. It hurts because Y/N is his person. Y/N is his. They were close on Asgard, always causing trouble together. When she was sent away to study, Loki had rebelled even harder. It's why he tried to take over Midgard. Looking back, it wasn't the smartest thing to do, but originally he was hoping
"It's me, Loki!" He knows it's not worth the effort, knows that she's had her memory wiped, probably multiple times. But he can't help but beg, can't help but hope against hope. He doesn't even want to think about what made her end up at the TVA.
The last time he saw Y/N, it was bad.
He didn't like to think about it. Which was funny, because it didn't stop him from thinking about it as much as possible. All he could think about was how he left them. How he let her be banished, too afraid to be banished himself. How he cried that night, so hard his mother was called.
He had been on his way to find Y/N when the TVA took him.
"Are you okay?" She asks, looking at his dirtied shirt and the cut on his arm that he couldn't even feel anymore.
"No, no," He cannot handle Y/N not remembering him. This version of her is close to the most recent version he remembers. He tries to figure out if she's different, but he can't. This is Y/N. She is his.
"It's alright," She says, though it's clear she doesn't actually think it's fine. She's looking at him like he's crazy.
Maybe he is.
"I'm gonna leave, I can't," He feels sick until a thought enters his head. He could just enchant her.
"I should call someone," She says, her fake-nice voice on. Loki doesn't take time to apologize, simply putting a hand to her head.
It doesn't take much searching for him to find her memories. He never thought He Who Remains actually took them, that'd be impossible. They're always hidden, and he would search as long as it takes.
Except he can't, because as soon as he pulls back and sees her, sees the realization dawn on her face, he can feel it.
"You can't tell anyone you know, it's not safe!" He rushes out as he warps through time once more. He looks around, realizing he was in the present now. Mobius is looking at him in awe, pulling him close and hugging him.
"Loki, you're really back!" He says, clearly excited about his friend's return.
"Y/N's here." Loki mutters, still in shock. He's hugging Mobius back, but lightly, because he can't really think about anything but the woman that has haunted his dreams since he came to the TVA.
"What?" Mobius mutters, pulling back.
"She was, I saw her," Loki looks around, as if she'll be there.
"We'll find her, Loki." Mobius tries to console, but Loki is already walking down the hall. He just needs to find her, even if she doesn't remember, because he can make her remember again. She just needs to be there.
It's almost as if he hadn't felt her loss deeply. He hadn't had the time, too busy rebelling against his father for crowning Thor when he was the rightful heir. Knowing where she was, knowing that she had been stuck here for God knows how long, it made him sick. He had no idea how long it had been since he had given her memories back.
"Have you seen her?" Loki asks, describing her appearance as quick as he can as they walk through the TVA.
"Actually, yeah," Mobius pauses, causing Loki to turn. "She was friends with Rayvonna. I think her office was right next to her's!" The two of them turn to begin on the path to the offices when Loki ran straight into someone.
"Loki!" Y/N threw her arms around him, letting him hold her close. "Oh God, I thought you'd never come back. I thought you'd never find me." She whispered, trying not to cry.
"I'll always find you." He kissed the side of her head, tucked into the side of his shoulder and tried to keep the tears at bay. "Always."
tags: @avada-kedavra-bitch-187  @one-sweet-gubler @thefandomplace @punzoquack @mcueveryday @icequeen1371
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bluekidchaos · 11 months
Kinktober day 7 - Loki
yes i changed the prompt and yes this might suck
Pairing: Loki x fem!reader
Prompt: Exhibitionism & Voyeurism
Warnings: 18+, exhibition, voyeurism, masturbation, fingering, coming in pants
Words: 481
Can also be read on AO3!
Kinktober masterlist. Regular masterlist.
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Your fingers were teasing their way down to your center. It had been a while since you had a moment for yourself, being a hunter for the TVA was keeping you busy as always. But between hunts, you found rare moments like this to take care of your needs.
Fingers now gathering your arousal and spreading it over your clit. Rubbing slowly over it, letting your fingers run over and around it.
You could hear a small intake of air from the crack in your bedroom door and you knew Loki was watching you again. You had noticed him last time, a month or so ago, when you stepped out of the shower and changed in your room. The door behind you had given off a small creak and you turned just in time to see Loki's silhouette slip away.
You weren't sure how often he had been doing it or if that was the first time but after that you made sure to leave your door open a bit for him, always putting on a show in case he was watching you.
The thrill of knowing someone is watching you in such intimate moments lits a fire of arousal inside of you.
Your hand was dipping down to your opening, fingers circling it, teasing, before slipping two inside you. Letting out a loud moan and pulling your fingers back almost immediately and pushing them back in, the heel of your palm slapping against your clit.
Moans and whimpers were spilling out of your lips as your fingers worked in and out of you, you added a third finger inside you. Feeling yourself clench around the added girth.
Pumping your fingers inside your gushing hole you felt yourself hitting your g-spot making you whine in pleasure. "Loki.." You let it slip from your lips, making sure he can hear it but quiet enough that he might be imagining things.
Loki is standing in the hallway leading to your bedroom, watching you pleasure yourself, one hand palming his straining erection through his pants. His cock twitches in his hold as he hears you whimper and he could've sworn you were moaning his name.
Your fingers were going at a fast pace, your palm hitting your clit with every thrust, bringing you closer to your orgasm.
He can tell you are close when you start grinding against your hand, letting it lay flat on your mound as you buck your hips and press your hand down onto your clit while still working your fingers inside you.
When you come you're arching your back off the bed and moaning louder, this time letting his name slip involuntarily.
Loki bites back a groan as he comes undone in his pants, hearing you actually moan his name while deep in your own orgasm pushed him over and he had to lean on the doorframe for support.
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honnelander · 11 months
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alright, this is such a niche and self-indulgent little piece of writing bc i freaking LOVE this (awful and huge asshole) character buuut i do like to write for whatever i love in the moment sooo here's a little Brad Wolfe aka Hunter X-5 fic (he's cute ok??) (and if you're into marvel and are not watching the loki series, PLEASE go watch it! it's so amazing!) credit to @mrsbawar21-blog for the still!
word count: 2.8
pairing: Brad Wolfe (Hunter X-5) x reader
summary: Mobius could tell Brad knew you a lot better than he was letting on, and he wanted to get to the bottom of it.
taglist: @antrenna @buggy0827 @laviiv @feelinmatcha @ivonarfsh @facelessfionna @deserticwren @shadydeanmuffin
"See? Isn't this nice, Brad?" Mobius asked his beige jumpsuit-claded prisoner as he sipped on his vanilla milkshake, happy as a clam. "I mean, literally ten minutes ago we were at each other's throats, yelling at one another, and here we are," Mobius gestured around with his hands, emphasizing the 1980s McDonald's they were currently sitting in, "sharing a meal like two adults."
"Yeah, and you also tortured me," Brad replied quickly, not missing a beat as he kept his gaze set on the pair of Lokis conversing in the parking lot through the window. He drummed his fingers on the plastic tabletop, bouncing his leg up and down as he quickly glanced at Mobius with a quirked eyebrow. "Forgot to mention that part, huh?"
"Yeah, and you called me a 'nobody'," Mobius rebutted quickly, a hint of irritation dripping from his voice. He stopped himself, shaking his head slightly with closed eyes as he exhaled curtly.
Now wasn't the time to dispute that and the silver-haired TVA analyst knew that arguing with X-5- or Brad, whoever, was a waste of everyone's time and he didn't feel like renewing their earlier verbal scrimmage here when there were more pressing matters at hand. Ultimately, Brad did bring them to Slyvie in the end so that must count for something, right?
"But, that doesn't matter. See, I even bought you a shake," Mobius said, reaching across the table to pick up Bradley's vanilla shake and put it closer to him. "A little peace offering."
Brad's eyes flitted to Mobius' obvious olive branch for a second before looking back up to the analyst, unimpressed. After a beat, he raised his right hand, jabbing an accusatory index finger at Mobius, as he cocked his head to the side, saying, "But you did slap me, right in the face. I'm not gonna forget that."
"Just take the shake, Brad," Mobius said swiftly, slightly exasperated as he suppressed the urge to roll his eyes and let out a frustrated sigh.
Now, Mobius M. Mobius prided himself on his seemingly never-ending well of patience, but even he felt himself start to get annoyed at Brad's unrelenting persistence on being as difficult as can be. Did he always try to be as annoying as possible or was this just how the ex-hunter always is naturally? It was exhausting.
The former minute man-turned-actor glanced down at the shake again, leaving it untouched before looking out the window to refocus on the Lokis outside. "What- what are they even doing out there?" he asked with a huff, gesturing a hand towards the pair of variants. "It's like they're going over every detail of their relationship or something."
"Yeah, well," Mobius relented with a small sigh, taking another sip of his shake. "There's a lot of baggage to unpack when you're basically in a relationship with yourself," he explained casually like he was talking about a bad day at the office.
Brad picked up on the slight disdain in his captor's tone but he didn't care enough to broach the topic any further. Instead, Brad sighed in slight disgust as he resumed drumming his fingers on the table saying, "God... it's weird."
Not wanting to harp on his partner's unorthodox romantic relationship any more than he had to, Mobius picked up a plastic fork, getting ready to dig into his pie. "Now, why don't you tell me a little bit more about your movie, huh?"
Brad rolled his eyes and scoffed at Mobius's obvious deflecting technique. "What about it?"
"Tell me about all about it." The analyst took a forkful of pie, asking with an encouraging smile, "Is it a horror flick?"
"Oh, come on, Mobius. You don't care."
"No, really! I'm serious," he said through a mouthful of pie. "The poster we saw looked scary."
Not being one to pass up discussing his work and real life that awaited him back on the sacred timeline, Brad took the bait. "It's not scary... it's elevated thriller," he explained in a slightly matter-of-fact tone, waving his hand around for emphasis. In a condescending tone, he added, "It's cinema, thank you very much."
Mobius had no clue if there really was a difference between a scary movie and an 'elevated thriller', since it all sounded the same to him, but he appreciated Brad's enthusiasm on the topic.
Lifting his milkshake up to his mouth to try and hide his amused smirk, Mobius relented, "Oh, my bad. You're right... 'elevated thriller', got it." He nodded as he took a sip, putting his cup back down when he was finished. "I'll have to check that out then."
"And you have to get your own ticket!" Brad continued. "I'm not hooking you up. Especially not after all of," he waved his hands around at their current setting, "this."
"Right, of course," Mobius agreed patiently, watching Brad with a small smile. "I'll get my own tickets."
After his small spiel, the ex-hunter let out a small sigh. He blinked, a look of recognition overcoming his face as he straightened up like he was remembering the situation he was currently in.
He turned his torso to face Mobius head-on, putting his arms on the table and motioning towards the TVA analyst's meal. "Look, why don't we get this all to go, huh? It- it packs right up. Why don't we just- get it to go, so we can get out of here," he said, emphasizing the second half of his sentence as he mimicked packing something up and motioned towards the exit.
"We can't do that," Mobius rejected quickly. "Not yet, anyway. I haven't finished eating and besides, y/n hasn't even gotten her food yet," he added, jabbing a thumb over at you, who was loitering by the cashier in the front, hands on your hips as you looked up at the menu.
Brad followed Mobius' thumb, huffing out another irritated sigh at your figure and rolling his eyes. "She's still ordering? We don't have time for this- God," he muttered under his breath and slumped in his chair, rubbing his jaw. "She always takes forever to do anything," he added with a mumble.
However, Brad's little admission right there didn't escape Mobius' keen ears. Trying to keep casual, he dug back into his pie. "'Takes forever to do anything', huh?" he asked nonchalantly. "It kinda sounds like you know a lot about y/n."
Brad's eyes flashed to Mobius's briefly before looking elsewhere, shifting in his plastic seat. "Yeah, well, she's your partner, isn't she?" He glanced out at Loki for a second, "Or, at least one of them? You should know how slow she can be sometimes."
The silver-haired analyst shook his head once. "She's not slow. I prefer the term meticulous, actually."
For whatever reason, Brad felt the need to clarify himself, which Mobius couldn't help but find interesting since he knew X-5 to be a guy who always brazenly said what was on his mind no matter the circumstances.
"I didn't mean slow as in stupid," Brad quickly clarified. "I-I meant as in she just takes a long time to do anything."
"Uh-huh," Mobius replied simply, secretly enjoying how bent out of shape the man in front of him was getting. "Right."
"Yeah..." Bradley trailed off, finally picking up his forgotten shake and taking a long sip of it, avoiding Mobius's expectant gaze. After a few beats of silence, he put his shake back on the table, looking over at Mobius with an annoyed glance. "What?"
"Nothing," Mobius replied easily, looking over at Brad once again before looking back at his food, munching on a fry. "I just think it's interesting how you know how 'slow' y/n can be sometimes, that's all."
"Look," he looked back at Mobius, a hint of irritation (and embarrassment?) in his features. "Whatever little 'thing' you're trying to imply here between me and her, just drop it."
Mobius perked up, looking back at his prisoner. There it was again, Brad's peculiar choice of words. "'Drop it'? Don't you mean 'give it up'? Since 'giving up' would imply that there's absolutely nothing there, whereas 'dropping it' would mean that something is there but you just don't want to talk about it?"
Brad sat up. "Drop it, give it up- whatever Mobius, just stop talking about it."
A smile started to creep up on Mobius's face, finding joy in all of this. This little impromptu interrogation was turning out to be a lot more fun than the last one he had with the actor. "'It'? So there's an 'it' now? What's 'it'? Do you mean your little crush on y/n?"
The actor's body stiffened for a nanosecond before turning to fully face the analyst. "Mobius, I swear to God-"
"OH! So that's a 'yes'!" Mobius declared, hitting the tabletop playfully with a grin, his smile only getting wider at seeing Brad become more and more agitated. "You do have a crush on y/n! Aw, that's so adorable Bradley, really."
The ex-hunter leaned back in his chair, scrunching up his face as he looked to away. "'A crush'? Really, Mobius? What are we- five? Please."
"Oh, so you love her?"
Brad's eyes widened, snapping back to look at him. "What? No, I don't-"
"Oh, that's ok," Mobius reassured with a wave. "Maybe your crush on her will blossom into love one day, who knows? I mean, life is crazy right?" He got another forkful of pie as he said, "I just can't believe that you had a crush on my partner this whole time and I didn't even notice. What kind of analyst am I?"
Mobius shook his head, laughing at his own joke. It seemed so obvious to him now. He should've realized that X-5 had some type of feelings for his long-time work partner eons ago. He always thought it was strange how X-5 would randomly stop to chat with them, well, with you mostly he now realized, at seemingly random times throughout the day, like when you both were having lunch in the cafeteria or how X-5 would always be the minute man to volunteer and be the muscle for one of your missions if need be. He had always thought it was weird and strange, but now it just made sense.
"Mobius," Brad said, letting out a defeated sigh. "Can you just, drop it? Please?"
Mobius looked back up, eyebrows raised as he looked up at the former minute man. "And now you're saying 'please'? Wow, you're just full of surprises today Bradley, aren't you?" he asked with a disbelieving laugh. He watched as Brad slunk back into his seat, a resigned look on his face. Ever the kind soul, Mobius kinda felt kinda bad for him. "Hey, look," Mobius started, in a softer tone, "X-5, Brad, Bradley, whatever you want to be called, your secret is safe with me, alright? I won't tell her, I promise."
The movie star was quiet for a moment, sucking on his teeth. Even though he personally might not like Mobius, he did know that Mobius was a man of his word and kept his promises so, he had no choice but to trust him. "Yeah, well... thanks," he said, flashing the analyst with a quick look of gratitude as he rapt his knuckle on the table.
"Hey, no problem," Mobius said, regarding the man across from him for another moment before finishing up his pie. With a small, surprised laugh, Mobius said, "You know, I just think it's funny how a," jerk, he thought to himself, "guy like you ends up with a little, school-yard crush on such a kind and caring person like y/n."
Brad raised an eyebrow at Mobius's choice of words. "'A guy like me'? Liking someone like her? What is that supposed to mean Mobius?"
"Oh, nothing," he replied innocently. "I just think it's funny. I guess, in this case, opposites really do attract, huh?"
"Oh, what? Now you're calling me a jerk?" Brad started, ready to go at it with Mobius again. "Why don't you just-"
"Hey, guys," you said, finally arriving at the table with a brown to-go paper bag with your food, sliding into the seat next to Mobius, your partner, unknowingly stopping the argument that was about to take place. "Sorry I took so long. There were just so many options to choose from, you know? It was hard to decide."
Now that Mobius was keen on Brad's little crush on you, he couldn't help but want to mess with him even further. "Ah that's ok y/n, I know that sometimes those things can be a little slow," he said, the corner of his mouth twitching upwards when Brad sent him a glare. "So don't worry about it."
"No word from Loki yet?" you asked, completely oblivious to the invisible sparing match occurring between the two men. "They're still out there?" you asked as you leaned on the table, craning your neck to try and see the two variants better.
"No, nothing yet. Hey, y/n," Mobius said suddenly, hitting your shoulder slightly like he had just come up with a great idea. "Why don't you move and sit next to Brad? I think he has a better vantage point to see them than I do," he innocently suggested, sending Brad a good-natured wink.
Brad nearly face-palmed himself. He forgot that Mobius could sometimes be as subtle as a baseball bat. "Mobius," he warned lowly.
But the mentioned analyst continued unphased. "And while you're sitting over there, watching the Lokis, you know, next to Brad," he added again for emphasis, "you can eat your meal."
"Oh, no need," you answered easily, to which question, the guys didn't know. "I got my food to go."
"See?" Brad quickly straightened, a newfound urgency in his tone and movements are he looked back and forth between you and Mobius. "She's smart, she got her food to go, to have back at the TVA. Which is exactly where we all need to be. Right now. Let's go."
"Jeez, Brad, what is it with you?" He asked exasperatedly, rolling his eyes. "You're like a broken record. First, you're all like, 'get me back to the sacred timeline' and now you're all like, 'get me out of here'." He shook his head. "It's like you-"
"Know something," you said, cutting off Mobius' train of thought, your eyes looking at your beige jumpsuited prisoner with a calculating gaze.
At your words, Mobius stopped his spiel, blinking as he leaned back in his seat, his eyes looking over at Brad in thought. "Do you know something?" he asked.
Brad, however, stayed quiet. He picked up his milkshake, swirling it around before taking a couple of sips as he turned his body away from you both, looking out the window.
"Hey," Mobius said a little more firmly, slapping the actor's forearm to get his attention. "Don't get all quiet on me now, Zaniac. What do you know? Is this a setup?"
"It's an ambush," you said.
But Brad continued to suck on the straw, not looking at either of you.
"Bradley, answer me," Mobius said forcefully.
Brad put his milkshake down, swallowing the sweet treat before looking at you. "We need to get out of here," was all he said.
You held eye contact with him, discerning the urgency and panic you saw held within his gaze. You couldn't help but feel that when Brad had said 'we', he really only meant you and him. His look and words sent a shiver down your spine.
Mobius was the first to get up, the rest of his meal forgotten. "Alright, let's go. We need to regroup with Loki so our friend Brad here can tell us what's really going on." He picked up his tray, walking over to the trash to dump the rest of his fast food scraps away, and put his tray on top of the can.
Brad held your stare for another moment before finally blinking, breaking the spell, as he hastily got up himself. "Finally," he muttered. He tossed his drink away as he quickly followed behind Mobius.
But you didn't move. You stared at the now empty spot that X-5 had occupied seconds ago, trying to discern why you felt that he knew about a lot more than just this current situation.
As always, your long-time partner and best friend knew when you needed to be broken out of your train of thought and get you back on track. "Y/n!" Mobius called out as he headed towards the exit. "Let's go!"
Snapping back to reality, you blinked, shaking off your wandering thoughts and stood up, following Mobius and Brad outside. Now wasn't the time to analyze Brad's actions and choice of words, right now all you needed to know was what Brad knew right at this moment and why he was so adamant about getting back to the TVA.
If you wanted to question Brad more, you could do that later. He was your prisoner after all and time worked differently in the TVA, right?
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leliosinking · 5 months
Hot take I guess but the fandom was way too hard on this book (and still is tbh) and for what? Because it isn’t interested in fan service? If anything Anne’s writing was at its best when she ignored what fans wanted, and I think it’s time for a reevaluation of my boy Vittorio the Vampire.
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I just think this was such a promising start to New Tales (more than Pandora, even) and I sort of hate all of you for boycotting it or telling new readers to skip it. (as far as i’m concerned TVA, Merrick, B&G, BF and BC are all unofficially New Tales anyway.. TVL-MtD are the only proper vampire chronicles, everything else falls into different categories, but I digress).
With regard to Vittorio, however, we were given a true blue Ricean vampire hunter novel (the only one mind you) with an actual, functioning plot and some of the best action she’s written since TVL… and you all shunned it. And I get it, we don’t read these books for conventional, commercial plot contrivances, but for the florid language and richly crafted characters; but this is the rare Anne Rice novel that’s just.. fun for the sake of fun?
And no, I’m not blind to its problems. It absolutely needed another draft or two (as do a lot of the later VC entires) and no, Vittorio is not her strongest protagonist by leagues. But what we got was still filled to the brim with good ideas?
The Court of the Ruby Grail cult, especially, is one my favorite of Anne’s inventions. Like their dynamic with the local human villages feeding them their castoffs was legitimately disturbing and IMO better executed than most of the times she retreaded the Children of Darkness post-TVL.
And while Vittorio the character might be kind of boring, Florian and Ursula carry this novel and deserved to enter the larger narrative tapestry on their strengths alone but “waaah Lestat and co. aren’t here” so “it’s bad” or whatever.. I really can’t stand some of y’all.
Anyway, this is long enough and I really didn’t set out to write an essay in defense of what is ultimately a mid-tier entry into this series. But. I still feel that much in the way that MtD and Blackwood Farm have been recently reassessed as good novels that happen to be bad VC entires I think it’s time for some of you to similarly reevaluate Vittorio the Vampire, because this is a good vampire novel, it just isn’t a good vampire chronicle (well I think it is and yet and yet and yet). But it’s still part of the series and it does fit into the larger picture despite what some will have you believe.
If this is your first time, I personally like to read VTV between Body Thief and Memnoch. I think it is better thematically situated there than between TVA and Merrick as initially published. The archangels that enter later in the story build nicely upon David’s vision of God and Satan in TTOTBT and make for a strong intermission full of angels and demons that assist in setting up the Dantean finale of MtD. (I have more suggested reading orders btw, some other time perhaps).
I dunno.. if you like this book please let me know lol like I could use the solidarity because I feel like I’m the only one (I have it ranked #6 out of 15). But yeah, I think Vittorio is probably the most underrated and most unfairly slandered entry in Anne’s entire catalogue if I’m being completely honest.
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cato616 · 11 months
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mobius/loki x f!reader
note! I feel like this will be a weird ass one shot I don't know y'all will tell me I just have been dissociating and imagined this fake scenario and put it here 💀
summary: mobius and loki have traveled way back in time working on their mission where you were living, however you weren't a local on that time either but had no clue you would find mobius nor loki interrupting what was your break from everything, your escape.
words: 2.9k
content: I don't know what to make of it JUST A SOFT NICE FLUFF FANFIC hope you enjoy it :)
some time in the early 19th century you found yourself being surrounded by other friendly gentle ladies of your age of which you pretended were your long time friends as you have decided to befriend them and make you part of their community, since when you arrived had nowhere to reside, of course we're talking about when you arrived at that time.
when you were working at the TVA, always forever unhappy wasting your neverending time in your cubicle, having tons of paperwork with no interest whatsoever. Never had motivation for anything rather than the slight hope of some miracle that could pave the road to the exit to your new life.
That's when that new loki you heard about putting the TVA in distress and making everyone finding out that they had a life, never were created by the so called "time keepers" and only because you were always curious and realized all your made up theories were right. So you wasted your time no more, and took action while everything was out of control. You read lots of book in your free time, one of them was a guide book written by a loner called "ouroboros" and knew there will be free tem pads in plain sight for you to take. So you headed down to a place people never went, repairs and advancement department, slowly lurking around the place trying to find a tem pad that was already fixed. Right when you were about to grab one, a tiny man jumped out from the other side of the station desk, made you jump and scream.
oh no, im really sorry I scared you like that it surprises me that someone shows up on my workshop after hundred of years... hello! my name is ouroboros, can I help you with anything?... ma'am?
while still having your heart on your throat, thinking hunters were ready to prune you, your face turned to confusion, as of why this kind man was the only one in this room by himself
actually... I am in need of a tem pad if- if you have one... that works.
you felt bad using him like that since he seemed harmless; however, OB didn't hesitate and gave you your own tem pad. you thank him, he nodded and smiled.
You exit the department as you walk down fast to a corridor where no one would see you. Opened the tem pad for the first time, luckily you already read everything about it and knew how to operate it. You also did some investigation about time periods the tva went to on your breaks. So you try to determine the time period will you start your peaceful new life. and so you decide.
Some time after day one of your escape, everything changed in your person, you were always moody back then, but now you have friends, a beautiful place to live with miles and miles of a landscape and pretty dresses to wear that you weren't very fond of it but since you started wearing them you found yourself a little bit more than before, because you were enjoying it, yourself and your time there, you were happy, finally.
Time passes and there was this lovely sunny day, walking down the enormous green field with your group of friends, feeling as graceful as ever, going back to the boarding residence chatting and laughing.
Right when you were walking up the stairs to the main entrance, two men you could vaguely see from afar, were standing inside greeting the girls.
When you got closer, you recognize these two men, loki the variant and mobius... that if he knows who you are, will snatch you right back to the tva. You were seconds away from losing everything, you couldn't resist and kept on looking at them in shock while still walking, unfortunately loki caught your eye, and made you extremely nervous, however you tilt your head back up and notice loki whispering to mobius only to then having both of them glancing back at you, with suspicious. You stopped looking, heart beating faster. Fortunately, a distraction saved you from the moment, a superior woman of the house greeting them. Gave you enough time to rapidly hide behind the wall between the two main doors. If you were to have the tem pad in your hand, would've been really useful but it was very well hidden inside a wooden floor in the house, so you would have to escape the ordinary way.
oh how wonderful having guests here, I'm very sorry I haven't introduced myself, welcome to our boarding school, I'm Mrs Smith, I haven't seen you here before, you're not from here Mr...?
Yes! Mr laufeyson and this is Mr... Wilson... yeah- mobius interrupts
I'm sorry Mrs smith, we just have a quick question, was someone in this house recently taken in?
You kept yourself silent on the other side of the wall, trying to hear the conversation that was gradually changing the subject, about you.
Well Mr Wilson we have students and lots of workers who reside here every year, however, as a matter of fact, we did took in a young woman this very year, she was in distress, we wanted us to give her a place to stay for a while, and for our surprise she was more clever than we thought, so we offered her to be one of our auxiliary teacher in this boarding school. She goes by the name Ms. Green... is that who you were looking for?
We're not sure- do you know where she could be?
Well she could definitely be in of one of the classrooms
Never felt so tense about a situation, knowing this life of yours could be at risk. Trying to get closer to the door to listen better while trembling and shaking is what you shouldn't do, but did anyways, and made you slightly slip. That's when you kept yourself completely still against the wall, not wanting to move a muscle. You hear a thank you from inside, only to then see the woman walking down to the other room, and that's the only pair of legs you see walking by; slowly you try to move your body to take a peek, to find yourself with nothing, there was no one there, you got yourself up, thinking you got now a way to escape. The second you take one step, you see shadows from behind, you turn your body, and try not get completely shook by it them.
hello there... I think I saw you walking by with the other ladies but looks like you didn't came inside at all, where you hiding right now... Ms...?
Ms green... and no, nonono I was just... enjoying the sun before entering class! teaching is can be exhausting...
Loki had his mischievous ways when he would keep smiling at you as he would know you were already lying to him.
Oh so you're the Ms green we hear about, they say that you're very clever, is that right-
Mobius interrupts loki, grabbing him on the arm to have a quick chat, but all you hear was murmuring.
Okay Ms green, to the point, why were you there behind the wall? who are you, what is your intention with us?
Mobius' leading questions definitely made you panicked, you started to stutter, without saying a word you were basically making yourself even more suspicious than before.
i- well--
no clue on what you could say to these men was making you feeling surrendered, but you realized! the only thing to get out of this misery is to say something on the least embarrassing, just enough to make them keep them loading and make the situation awkward.
i-- im into older guys! ... lads! I'm into older lads! (since older guys didn't sound that victorian-era to you)
both loki and mobius were silent, not knowing what to say.
o-older guys? you say?
Although mobius was just as stunned as loki, he suddenly started chuckling, loki was even more confused seeing mobius laugh at the situation.
Right, okay Ms green, that's funny, older guys it's your thing, very believable
Mobius, you do know, that it is actually, a thing... ?
Mobius turned at loki perplexed by his comment. You didn't say anything, just watching both loki and mobius discussing about your interest you just made up (well, kind of)
how is that even possible? hipothetically, someone as old as me, per se... how can I be a romantic interest to someone practically young as her?
Although it was clear you've already made a distraction for yourself, the conversation was getting more interesting than you thought, so you just stood there.
wow- I mean, I understand why you wouldn't understand it but- anyway... there's a concept of sort called, attraction, I don't know maybe you didn't hear of it-
oh my god, yes loki of course I know about attraction, I'm not stupid I'm an analyst, I would know about this stuff. Mobius was getting uptight.
Well you sure haven't experienced it...
Both loki and mobius now turned to you, loki looked surprised, mobius seemed bothered and you, who just realized that came out of your mouth, completely fazed.
You know what, that wasn't my place, I'm really sorry Mr Williams... you'd have to forgive I have to teach-
As soon as you tried to step out, a hand grabbing your shoulder was stopping you for going any further. loki of course
I'm sorry sweetheart, you are going to forgive me now, but I'm sure the class won't mind not having their auxiliary teacher for a day Ms green, if that's even your real name... did you got here looked over the grass and came up with that? pretty lazy to me... anyway, what I mean is, I know my ways, when someone is the god of mischief, I'm pretty sure I would know when someone is lying... don't you think?
you don't say anything, your body doesn't move but you're eyes seem to express the alarming situation that you were feeling.
mobius was even feeling proud of loki kind of smirking, so now he was taking the lead, loki did his part.
right... so let's start from the beginning, who are you... full name if you must, and no more of the I like older guys stuff-
sorry, I don't want to interrupt anymore... but that bit may be true- you know what nevermind you don't need to know that...
alright sure, you are just like loki were at first, so stop messing around with things that has nothing to do with this-
something about being interrogated was making you nervous, not knowing what to do, your body was rejecting the idea of ever going back to the tva, but on the other hand, was looking for any solution that could let you escape your place... any reckless solution
fine! I'll kiss you if you want proof!-
what? I'd like you not to-
you uncontrollably threw yourself over mobius and kissed him, a strong but short kiss. When you pushed yourself away to regain conscious and realize what you just did, you looked at mobius, he stayed in his place, almost shocked with your relentless action.
you left him... loading, kind of. Mobius- loki snapped his fingers to wake him up. He immediately zones back and turns to loki and whispers.
I think you're going to take the lead, im... going to be... over there, looking at the landscape...
He doesn't say anything more than that and walks away, while both you and loki watching mobius not being himself, loki side eye you with concern, you grinned at him innocently, and guilty. He grinned back.
Looks like the power of seduction worked, good for you, but I think it's a good time to talk now, starting by a name...
you felt defeated, nothing more to say or to defend yourself, if you were going to run away, they would definitely catch you, so you confess
I don't like my old name, and I don't think I could go back, my working life there was dreadful, it wasn't a life at all, always work and forever work, even worse, I thought I was doing it for the greater good, but instead I found out I was taken from my old life and put me on a desk for eternity... then I discovered this place, I've never been more happy... so if begging won't be enough for you not leaving me be, you would leave me no other choice but to fight... for the sun, for the flowers, the long landscape, my new life, for me.
You have defended yourself, you felt confident, even though your heart was pounding like never before, you were ready to act at any given moment. However, loki felt the opposite, feelings weren't bitterness any longer, his had sweet eyes while kindly smiling at you. He nodded gently, cautiously took your hand, which made confused and jumbled, and kissed it. You didn't know how to react, maybe you didn't have to escape from them after all.
I'm sorry about that, Ms green... I feel like you would need a first name don't you think? since you were talking about flowers... how about, lily! that you would suit you I think... (you nodded almost tearful, you don't feel in danger, but instead safer than before) so now that you represent a landscape, wherever you go, home will be with you, lily... because... I want to suggest something, your home, could no longer exist, if you wanna fight for it, you'd have to come to join us, and fight by our side... so that you could live here, for the rest of your life.
You smiled back, you've found a reason to end your never-ending paranoia of losing your new home, even though you were going to have to fight for it yourself, at least you knew you were going to be in good company, and who knows, maybe you'll get to win, and feel peace at last, and not hide every time something seems off.
You agreed nodding, loki never seemed so friendly about a situation, he felt a light of comfort after a long dark past.
I think you should get change first, i mean- you could definitely pull the off while on a killings spree, just a recommendation... (loki then gets closer, with an awkward posture and lower voice, he whispered) you know, I have experience with uncomfortable, sort of, battle leather clothes... even a formal suit it's way more comfortable than the things I wore...
You both chuckled, you were being friendly and kind of flirting with each other, it was a nice moment. He winked at you, and so you went to change yourself, and to look for your hidden tem pad.
Ms green! wh-where are you going with that bag?... and that man suit, say ms green... are you leaving?
looked like Mrs Smith have caught you right when you were about to save yourself from an awkward goodbye, when you then realize it wasn't.
oh no mrs smith! im not leaving, I was on my way to let you know, I was leaving, but only temporary, I'll be back, something urgent came up... family...
oh well dear, don't you worry about it, they always come first, we'll be fine without our auxiliary teacher for a while, but make sure you do come back.
of course I will
you gave mrs smith a warm smile, and waved goodbye. you got back with loki and mobius. Something felt uneasy about leaving what brought you happiness after an eternal missery, so it wasn't that simple to just leave, but now you had a chance to fight for it, fight for something in your life.
ready when you are
mobius said to both of you, walking towards him, while he was waiting besides an open portal he just called with the tem pad. All three were standing in front of it, you were too nervous to make the first step, on going back, there. Loki noticed, so he gently grabbed your hand, and smirked sweetly at you.
Mobius tried to do an ice-breaker out of the situation.
All this makes me want to confess about that kiss earlier, made me think... wasn't bad, if it happens that you make yourself nervous and accidentally kiss me... I'll be there, to accidentally kiss you back, im just saying...
Both you and mobius blush when joking about it, but you flushed even more red after he first walks into the portal, and can't keep your head straight.
There's something to motivate you now to get there... after you.
Loki jokes and smiles at you, making you go first to go in. He's right tho, this new adventure it made you feel excited and amused, something to live for, for a while.
and so you go in, still grabbing loki's hands, making him follow you next. Portal closes, and an adventure begins.
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anonymousewrites · 9 months
Portal to My Heart (Book 3) Chapter Eleven
Loki x Reader
Chapter Eleven: Into the Light
Summary: (Y/N) tries to fix the Loom, but Miss Minutes and Renslayer cause problems.
            (Y/N) held the Throughput Multiplier steady as Timely placed his device within it. Casey and Ouroboros looked on anxiously as they waited to see if it fit. It went in perfectly and whirred to life. The group grinned.
            “Spectacular,” said Timely.
            “Hell yeah,” said (Y/N).
            Mobius wandered into the room with a cup of hot chocolate from the dispenser outside. (Y/N) furrowed her brow. He looked melancholy and stuck in thought. Before she could speak up, though, Timely spoke.
            “What is that?” he asked, staring at the cup.
            “This? A little Mobius pick-me-up, courtesy of the hot cocoa machine,” said Mobius.
            “Did you say hot cocoa machine?” Timely blinked. He had never heard of such a thing.
            “Yeah,” said Mobius, smiling.
            “Mobius, we need your Tempad,” said Ouroboros.
            Mobius handed it over while Timely continued, “You have a machine for that?”
            “Yeah. You’re interested in this machine,” observed Mobius.
            “Weird, this Tempad isn’t connecting well, either,” muttered (Y/N) in frustration. Between the glitches and her head pounding, she was not having a good day.
            “About this hot cocoa machine…could I take a look?” asked Timely.
            “Can you sit tight for just a second?” said Mobius, noticing (Y/N)’s irritation. “What do you mean?”
            “I can take him,” said Hunter D-90, who had been helping them track Dox when she first left the TVA.
            “Can you? Okay, Professor, he’ll take you,” said Mobius.
            Timely brightened and eagerly followed D-90 out of the room and down the hall to learn about the marvelous hot cocoa machine.
            “So, what’s the matter?” asked Mobius.
            “OB and Casey’s Tempads weren’t connecting to the system correctly, so we thought maybe it was because of being in R and A and so far down for so long, but then we tried yours, and it’s having the same issue,” said (Y/N). “So OB’s running diagnostics.”
            “So strange,” said Ouroboros. “All your files are being corrupted in real time. Did you download unauthorized games again?”
            “No,” Mobius defended himself. “I’m not gonna make that mistake twice.”
            (Y/N) snorted unceremoniously before focusing. “Well, if it’s not that, it means that something is messing with your Tempad.”
            The moment after she spoke, a small animation of Miss Minutes popped up on the screen and said, “Uh-uh-uh.” She was blocking access to the Tempad and the systems.
            “Shit,” said (Y/N). “It’s Miss Minutes.”
            “She’s taken control of the systems,” said Ouroboros.
            “That would explain why the Tempads weren’t working,” said (Y/N).
            “Grab the multiplier and let’s get Timely!” said Mobius urgently.
            Ouroboros picked up the multiplier and followed with Casey out after Mobius and (Y/N). They turned the corner to the hot cocoa machine, but Timely wasn’t there. There was just a cup with hot cocoa spilled over the floor. Sylvie and Loki walked down the corridor at the same time and frowned upon seeing them.
            “What’s wrong?” asked Loki.
            “Timely’s gone,” said Mobius.
            “And Miss Minutes is taking control of the TVA’s systems,” said (Y/N).
            The elevator dinged, and B-15 walked out with a despondent face. “Dox and her team are dead.”
            “What?” Everyone’s heads snapped to her.
            She nodded sadly. “Yes.”
            “It’s got to be Renslayer,” muttered Sylvie. “I should have just killed her.”
            The TVA rumbled as the Loom strained, and (Y/N) winced as her headache surged to life with each flicker of the lights.
            “Is the multiplier ready?” asked B-15.
            “Theoretically. We haven’t had time to test it, but without Timely, it doesn’t matter,” said Ouroboros “Without his aura, I can’t open the blast doors. We’re locked in.”
            “Okay, well, we gotta find out who took him back to the timeline,” said Mobius. “Where else would they have taken him?”
            Loki knelt and picked up D-90’s Timestick. “No. Renslayer doesn’t want him. She wants the TVA. They’re still here.”
            (Y/N) nodded. “This is where she can take control again. She’s not leaving. This is her attack on the TVA.”
            “Find them,” said Mobius. “We’ll make sure we’re ready for the Loom.” He ran one way in the corridor to clear the way, and (Y/N), Loki, and Mobius headed to the elevators on the other side. B-15 protected Ouroboros and Casey on their way to the Loom monitoring station in case Mobius came across Renslayer or anyone else and needed backup.
            A boom echoed through the TVA as the Loom began to break down, and (Y/N) stumbled as the pressure in her head grew.
            “Are you alright?” asked Loki and Sylvie simultaneously.
            “Yeah, yeah, I’m fine,” said (Y/N), gritting her teeth. “I just need to focus.”
            Sylvie and Loki exchanged a look. They had no idea why (Y/N)’s head kept hurting so much, but it was concerning, and they worried that it had to do with the Loom and the TVA. If it did, that meant she was in danger of being injured in some way. They wouldn’t stand for that. So, Loki and Sylvie ran forward even faster beside (Y/N), determined to find Timely and put a stop to the Loom’s deterioration.
            On the way to the elevator, another fallen Timestick lay as a remnant of a hunter’s death. (Y/N) narrowed her eyes. Renslayer’s plans were getting more and more people killed already. She grabbed it as she ran, determined to take on Renslayer and stop further pain and suffering just because of her desire for power.
            Loki pressed the button to call the elevator furiously as the PA system reported that it was time to go to the nearest evacuation point. (Y/N) frowned. She recognized those words, but she had no time to think about that.
            The doors opened slowly, and (Y/N) and Loki sighed in frustration while Sylvie forced them open and stepped in. Above them, a security camera swiveled to watch them.
            (Y/N) and Loki backed up towards the elevator, but the doors slammed before they could get in.
            “Loki! (Y/N)!” shouted Sylvie in alarm, slamming the button to open the doors.
            “Access denied,” said Miss Minutes’s sing-song voice.
            “Sylvie, you okay?” called (Y/N).
            “Yeah. I just hate that clock,” snapped Sylvie.
            “She’s trying to slow us down,” said Loki.
            “Take the stairs,” said Sylvie. “I’ll meet you up there!”
            “Stay safe!” called (Y/N) as she and Loki turned and ran for the stairs.
            “Warning, total Loom failure imminent,” said the PA system.
            “Yeah, yeah, got it,” muttered (Y/N) as her headache grew.
            The pair kicked the door of the stairs open and raced upwards. They burst out on the next floor. The hall was familiar, and as they slowed in front of the corridor of the elevator, a phone rang. They froze. (Y/N) reached out and touched Loki’s arm in surprise.
            In front of them were another (Y/N) and Loki, not wearing the TVA jackets, looking harried and worried. The other Loki had a familiar timer in his hand, and they stood faced a ringing telephone and the elevator.
            It was them from when they’d been trying to correct their time-slipping. This was the future they’d traveled to. That’s why there had been so much confusion and chaos and worry in the TVA. It was because of the Loom still breaking down.
            The elevator doors cracked open, and Sylvie’s face appeared just like it had to them when they time-slipped (and how it was currently to their time-slipping versions. Past-selves. Other selves? (Y/N) already had a headache, so she decided not to think more).
            (Y/N) and Loki looked at each other and down to their pruning sticks. They knew what they had to do. They ignited their Timesticks and walked forward quietly.
            Sylvie forced the doors open and looked out. “There you are,” she said in relief.
            “Sy—” began (Y/N)’s past self.
            (Y/N) and Loki pressed their Timesticks into their past selves’ backs, and they were pruned. Their old selves groaned, and the other (Y/N) tried to turn to see who was behind her, but the moment she caught a glimpse of the figures—her future self—she was pruned and disappeared.
            Sylvie’s face morphed to one of confusion upon seeing another pair of (Y/N) and Lokis.
            “We told you we saw you when we were time-slipping,” said (Y/N).
            Sylvie’s eyes widened as she realized what she had claimed was ridiculous was true. (Y/N) extended a hand and helped Sylvie climb out of the elevator while the phone continued to ring.
            This time, Loki got to answer. “Hello?” he said.
            “About time, what’s taking you guys so long?” said Ouroboros.
            (Y/N) and Sylvie leaned in so they could hear everything, and (Y/N) huffed.
            “OB?” said Loki, still surprised that this had been what was happening when they time-slipped to the future in their past (what a sentence to think made sense, and yet that was his life).
            “Hurry,” said Mobius as a particularly loud rumble shook the TVA, and (Y/N) winced and massaged her temple.
            “Miss Minutes is sabotaging everything,” said (Y/N) in frustration. “It’s slowing us down.”
            “What?” said Mobius.
            “I could take her offline and reboot the whole system,” suggested Ouroboros.
            “Yeah, yeah, yeah, reboot the whole system!” urged Mobius.
            “But we’ll lose the entire safety system,” said Ouroboros.
            “So what?” said Mobius. “What are we gonna lose at this point?”
            “The security protocols will go down,” said Ouroboros.
            “Like what?” said Mobius.
            “Like the dampeners that prevent people from using magic at the TVA,” said Ouroboros.
            (Y/N), Loki, and Sylvie’s heads snapped up to look at each other.
            “We would have to turn that off, too,” said Ouroboros.
            “Turn it off!” shouted (Y/N), Loki, and Sylvie.
            Ouroboros slammed his hand down on the button, and the lights of the TVA flashed violently. The system shut off, and the emergency lights flickered on, barely there as the Loom surged power through the building.
            (Y/N), Loki, and Sylvie raised their hands. Green light collected in Sylvie and Loki’s hands, and (Y/N)’s veins and eyes glowed a faint blue. She smirked.
            “Great news. I’m angry enough to make a portal,” she said.
            Loki grinned. “We’ve got Renslayer.”
            They heard footsteps in the dark, and they retreated to the shadows. It was Brad, holding a Timestick. The coward had joined Renslayer while Dox and her people died deciding to do the right thing.
            “It’s all you guys,” whispered (Y/N).
            Loki grinned spoke, his words coming from every shadow in the hall. “What do you say, Brad? Fancy a rematch?”
            Brad froze. Recovering quickly, he flipped his Timestick around and prepared to use it. Sylvie stepped out behind him, put her hands on his head, and finished him. Green light filtered into his head, and his mind was hers.
            “Renslayer and Timely are in the War Room,” said Sylvie. Brad stood at attention beside her. “We’ve got our distraction.”
            “We’ll go in one minute,” said (Y/N), holding up her hand.
            “Let’s go,” said Loki, smirking.
            Renslayer watched Brad reenter the War Room after she had sent him to check out the situation. “X-5, what’s going on?�� she demanded. At the table next to her, Timely held his satchel tightly.
            Brad (controlled by Sylvie) walked in and spun the Timestick around. “This is cozy,” said Enchanted Brad. “Come here for a second.” He took Renslayer’s hand and pulled her away from Timely. “Come here. Come here. Come here.” She looked at him in confusion.
            Behind Timely, a blue portal opened up. (Y/N) grinned and waved to Renslayer. “Hi,” she chirped.
            “No!” Renslayer lunged towards the portal, but Enchanted Brad grabbed her sharply and pulled her back.
            “Victor, come on, time to go!” said Loki, running in through the door and grabbing Timely. He urged the man towards the portal as (Y/N) held it open. Timely jumped through, and Renslayer fought against Enchanted Brad.
            “This time, you’re not coming back to cause trouble,” said Enchanted Brad, turning on the pruning stick. He pressed it onto Renslayer as the portal closed, and she disappeared from the TVA as her chance at power disappeared simultaneously.
            Sylvie ended the enchantment, and she, Loki, and (Y/N) pushed Timely down the corridor.
            “Which way, wizard?” asked Timely.
            “This way. Elevator!” shouted Sylvie.
            “You saved my life!” cried Timely.
            “Of course,” said (Y/N) as they ran. “Time for you to return the favor!”
            She nearly shoved him into the elevator and slammed her hand down on the button to get them back down to the R and A floor.
            “He’s here!” shouted (Y/N), dragging Timely into the Loom monitoring room.
            “Come on, hurry, right here,” said Ouroboros, pulling out the aura reader.
            “Victor, this way,” said Loki. He looked at Casey. “What do we need to do?”
            “The Throughput Multiplier is waiting in the airlock,” said Casey. “But first, we need Mr. Timely’s aura screened so we can get the blast doors open.”
            “Just put your head in the scanner,” said (Y/N).
            Timely coughed. “Is that safe?”
            “It’s alright,” said Loki. He looked at Timely intensely. “You’ll be fine.”
            Timely nodded stiffly and took his glasses off.
            “Here, let me hold those,” said Mobius.
            “Sir,” acknowledged Timely. He took a deep breath and pushed his head into the aura scanner.
            It whirred, and an automated voice said, “Welcome, He Who Remains.”
            The blast doors rose to reveal the Loom sparking with energy as it strained against the infinitely growing branches of timelines. The pressure in (Y/N)’s head sparked, and she winced and held onto the table behind her. It was growing unbearable, and the energy from outside pricked at her skin.
            “It’s worse than I thought,” said Ouroboros. “We have to move fast. Who’s it gonna be?”
            “I’ll do it. I’ll put the suit on,” said Loki. He was willing to sacrifice himself for his friends.
            “No, I’ll do it,” said (Y/N).
            “Absolutely not,” said Loki.
            “No, no way,” said Sylvie.
            “Come on, we have to go,” said B-15.
            “It should be me.” Timely cut through the chaos.
            “No, you don’t have to do this,” said (Y/N).
            “But I do,” said Timely. “Something wrong could happen, and I know how the Throughput Multiplier works.”
            “Okay,” said (Y/N), and the others nodded.
            “Okay, okay, let’s go.” Ouroboros grabbed Timely and pulled him towards the antechamber. “No time to argue. Hurry. Follow me. Listen. Get in, get suited up. When those doors open, get down the gangway as fast as you can. Load the Multiplier, launch it, and get back. Got it?”
            “Got it,” said Timely.
            “Okay,” said Ouroboros.
            “Okay,” said Timely. He smiled at Loki and (Y/N). “Time to be brave.”
            “Good luck,” said (Y/N).
            Timely nodded and descended to the antechamber. Everyone stood by solemnly and gazed out the windows at the gangway and the Loom as it rumbled with energy.
            “How long will he have?” asked Sylvie.
            “Not long,” said Ouroboros.
            “He’ll make it,” said Loki, though he was doubtful.
            “Yeah, I don’t know about these radiation levels,” murmured Mobius. “It’s worse than when I was out there.”
            “He’ll make it,” said (Y/N), hoping her certainty was enough even if she had no control over it.
            “Ready.” Timely’s voice appeared over the radio.
            “Come on, let’s go, let’s go!” called Mobius.
            “Here we go,” said Timely, and the doors to the gangway opened. He ran out, everyone held their breath, and the radiation swept over him.
            His scream was cut short as he turned to spaghetti in an instant.
            The watchers froze, and (Y/N) covered her mouth in horror. Timely was dead. She looked at Loki, and he could only look back in realization of what was about to happen. The TVA was going to be destroyed. And everything else…was doomed.
            “What happened?” questioned Mobius. “What-Where is he? What happened?”
            “It’s over,” said Sylvie despondently.
            “Is he dead?” murmured B-15.
            “The Temporal Radiation is just too high,” said Ouroboros.
            “What happened?” asked Mobius.
            “I don’t know. It wasn’t me,” said Casey.
            Behind Loki and (Y/N), a chaotic discussion of what went wrong raged, but it meant nothing. None of them could fix what had happened, and the Loom was still breaking apart.
            (Y/N)’s headache intensified as the Loom strained against the onslaught of timelines.
            The Loom exploded in a single moment, and a wave of bright temporal energy flew outwards. The golden light bore down upon them in a storm of destruction.
            (Y/N)’s head pounded, and she reached for Loki’s hand. She held it tightly and turned to him. Black spots appeared in her vision as her head split open in pain. Loki sucked in a breath as he gazed at her. The light was nearly blinding, but he could still see that her eyes and veins were blazing gold like the timelines.
            “Loki, I think I need to—”
            “You don’t, you don’t,” said Loki. He didn’t want to hear something that meant goodbye, not after everything they’d been through.
            “I love you.” (Y/N) pulled him close and kissed him.
            Loki’s eyes widened before closing, and he passionately kissed her back.
            And then the light rolled over them, and everything ceased to exist.
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buckrecs · 2 years
2022 Bucky Barnes Fic Rec 8
All of them are COMPLETE Series.
masterlist | req masterlist
✨ - fav fics
status - Completed
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1. The Winter Ghost by @msmarvelwrites
Bucky x Reader
A Devastating car crash causes you to lose your memory and start over. The only thing left in the wreckage was the horrific nightmares which plagued your mind. If you knew what today would entail you would have just stayed in bed. But you didn’t and because of that, everything you knew was about to change.
2. A Moment of Your Time by @stevesbestgirl
Mob!Bucky x Reader
A soulmate AU where the headstrong reader realizes that she’s meant to love the brutal mob boss of New York City, James Buchanan Barnes. She doesn’t want to be a part of organized crime and she doesn’t want to rely on anyone, but how do you ignore your soulmate?
3. Gunslinger by @ghostofskywalker
Mob!Bucky x Bounty Hunter!Reader
The bitter reality was this: you did what you had to do to survive. And if that meant going head to head with the most feared mob boss of the city, so be it.
4. Code Words by @cinebration
Bucky x Mutant!Reader
Bucky crosses paths with someone who reminds him of his time as the Winter Soldier.
5. Bring Him Back by @tokoyamisstuff
Bucky x Enhanced!Reader
The Winter Soldier gets triggered and you are the only one who’s able to calm him down. You soon realize that even this part of your boyfriend can be soft and caring…
6. Scars by @tokoyamisstuff ✨
Bucky x Reader
Based on the Soulmate Prompt where whatever you write on your skin, it appears on your Soulmate’s.  
7. lost and found by @dolcezzasfantasy
TVA Agent!Bucky x 40s!Reader
you are arrested for crimes against the sacred timeline, but there is much more to the tva than you could have ever thought possible.
8. Shameless by @unabashedcandymaker
Bucky x Reader
Filled with Angst, just wanna get that out in the open before you start this endeavor.  But it’s also got a lot of smutty goodness, so…tread lightly? Like, mostly smut. Bucky has some serious self-worth issues and Reader is always there for Bucky, in any way he may need her, even if her selflessness is bordering on the line of torturing herself to take care of him, to be anything and everything he needs.
9. You Saved Me by @buckywintersoldierbarnes2017
Bucky x Pregnant!Reader
You find Bucky after the events of ‘Winter Soldier’ have taken place and you help to re-introduce him to the world. Over time you become close and you enter into a relationship. Everything is perfect but on the day you find out you are pregnant with his child Steve Rogers turns up and everything changed.
10. Run Away With Your Footsteps | 2 by @lowkeybxrnes
Bucky x Avenger!Reader
After the events of The Winter Soldier, the reader (an avenger) goes out to find Bucky for Steve. When she finds him, he has his own apartment and trying to live a normal life. He begs her not to tell the captain. She stays to watch over him and they kind of fall in love. Later, Steve finally finds them looking angry because she went MIA.
11. Flowers Bloom by @revengingbarnes
Bucky x Reader Soulmate AU
Whenever someone is injured, flowers bloom on their soulmate at the area of the wound. She is born with flowers around her entire left shoulder.
12. Stepping Up by @i-am-a-closet-fanfic-fiend ✨
Bucky x Reader
When Steve can’t go with you to your cousin’s wedding, he sends Bucky in his place. What happens when more than one person assume you’re dating?
13. Cuddles & Cocoa by @sparklefics
Bucky x Reader College AU
"I take it you’re here cause you read my letter." & "I'm sitting here, with this stupid pen in my hand, and damn I can't believe you have me writing right now."
14. Not The Time by @notimetoblog
Bucky x Doctor!Reader
After not seeing Bucky Barnes in what felt like forever you find yourself with him in the middle of a chaotic situation. Definitely not the time to reminisce about your past with him.
15. Bucky’s Bistro Dates by @wonderlandmind4 ✨
Bucky x Reader
A Bistro owner is witness to Bucky Barnes bad dates.
16. Premonitions by @beckzorz
Bucky x Reader
On Halloween, your clairvoyant niece leads you straight into Bucky Barnes. It could not have gone worse.
16-2. Premonitions 2 by @/beckzorz
Bucky x Reader
It’s been over a year since you met Bucky, and you couldn’t be happier. If only you could figure out why your precognitive niece is burying you in abstract crayon art…
17. No More Sex! by @alphaabucky
Bucky x Reader
and Bucky have a petty little argument, making you frustrated and ending the argument completely saying “fine! Fine! You know what? No physical contact! No nothing for… for 2 months!!”. For the first week it got hard, but then he started playing cruel, teasing games; and you being you can’t help but play a game of your own.
18. What Happens in Vegas by @bionic-buckyb
Bucky x Reader Modern AU
AU Drab Series.
19. Better by @captainscanadian ✨
Doctor!Bucky x Doctor!Reader
Dr. James Barnes has it all: a loving family, caring best friends, and a successful career as one of the best heart surgeons in New York. He has everything he ever wanted his whole life… well, almost everything. One thing he never thought he could ever have was Y/N Y/L/N. She may have been a lot of things, but he loved her because she made him better.
20. Forgotten Love by @thundering-barnes
Bucky x Hydra!Reader
You’re new to the Avengers. In joining the team, there’s a lot that no one yet knows about you. And there’s some unusual tension between you and a certain brunet. Under a pseudonym and with completely fresh start, and background, you hope for a chance at a new life. A better life. But how long will it last before someone figures out the life you’ve hidden away?
21. A Benched Bucky 2 3 4 by @dabblinginmarvel
Bucky x Reader
Due to her health conditions, Bucky is very protective over the girlfriend his team doesn’t know about.
22. All Those Who Wander by @avengerofyourheart
Bucky x Reader Travel AU
After a traumatic injury and honorable discharge from the military, Bucky Barnes finds himself wanting to travel and get lost in some of the most iconic cities of the world. One night he stumbles upon a girl who sparks something inside him and he finds himself following in her footsteps. How far will he go to find her and what will he discover about himself along the way?
23. Some Sunny Day by @tricksters-captain
TFATWS!Bucky x Avenger!Reader
Before the Blip, you and Bucky were close. After you both returning and Tony’s funeral, you decided to go back to your home town to spend time with your family. When duty calls, you return.  
24. detectives-in-love by @real-jane
Detective!Bucky x Reader
detective barnes and his partner are the star team at precinct 75. one threat could tear it all apart.
25. Birth of a team by @writingsoftheloser
Bucky x Agent!Reader
When a threat arises into Shield, (Y/n) is called on the case. What happens when she is flanked by none other than Sergeant Barnes?
26. Under Pastel Skies by @redgillan ✨
Writer!Bucky x Artist!Reader
Bucky doesn’t need anyone, especially not a sugar baby. He isn’t that desperate... but she smiles so sweetly and she's endearingly awkward, and he’s so lonely. She’s an artist, a painter, the type of person who always puts others before herself. Throwing caution to the wind Bucky offers her a place to live, a place where she can finally paint whatever her heart desires. He doesn’t need much in return; a friend, a muse.
27. Mr Hollywood by @buckybabybaby
Actor!Bucky x Teacher!Reader
Bucky Barnes, an underpaid teaching assistant in a small English village, dreams of a movie career back in his home country of America. He finally gets the break he’s always wanted, and if it wasn’t for you, his best friend, he wouldn’t have been able to take it.
28. Memories by @the-bau-quinjet
Bucky x Avenger!Reader
You were captured by Hydra. What did they do to your memories?
29. Careful Soldier by @wxntersoldiers
40s!Bucky x Reader
bucky is off to war but someone catches his eye just before he leaves
30. Live Wild by @redgillan
Detective!Bucky x Reader
Reader and her friends are in a store when a group of men come to rob the place. Reader finds a hiding place and call the police. Detective James Barnes will help her through this terrifying situation.  
31. Save Me by @espinosaurusrexex ✨
Bucky x Reader College AU
Bucky Barnes has never had it easy, which ultimately turned him into a caveman-like introvert with no desire to see the positive side of life. But what happens when the clumsily charming art student, Y/N, stumbles to his rescue, determined to show Bucky how truly wonderful the world is?
32. i’d never hurt you | 2 by @sunflowersteves
Bucky x Civilian!Reader
you met Bucky in the markets in Bucharest and start dating. What happens when Captain America and the Falcon show up?
33. Unknown Caller by @sagechanoafterdark
Bucky x Reader
You should always answer an Unknown Caller, you never know when it’s important. After a late morning call puts you back on a path you’d long strayed from, you find yourself caught up in old feelings for James Barnes.
34. Summer Plans by @notimetoblog ✨
Bucky x Reader Modern AU
Planning a trip with Bucky takes a turn when someone new comes into his life. Will it all change or can you still manage to have the perfect summer you planned?
35. To Make A Soldier Blush by @justreadingfics
Bucky x Avenger!Reader
You’re a new avenger and you have your own mission to accomplish: making Bucky Barnes blush everytime you see him.
36. Run To You by @bestofbucky
Mob!Bucky x Bodyguard!Reader
Mob boss Bucky Barnes hires you to be his bodyguard.
37. the warmth of winter by @captainsimagines
DBF!Bucky x Reader
You’re home for the holidays after landing your dream job. When your dad’s old army friend stops by for the month, he makes waves immediately. Your little vacation is disrupted… for better or for worse? Nobody has to know.
37-2. the warmth of the future by @/captainsimagines
It’s been two years since you fell in love with Bucky Barnes, and the holidays are just around the corner. With even more love, more friends, and more family in attendance, you and Bucky fully intend to enjoy these days with as little drama as possible. But that’s not always the case with a relationship like yours, is it?
38. Roses by @wlntrsldler
Bucky x Reader
Bucky tells Y/N he’s the Winter Soldier. The next day, he’s taken by the government and that’s the last Y/N sees of him… until they cross paths again. But what if Bucky doesn’t remember her?
39. i hate you but by @buckybarnesthehotshot ✨
Bucky x Avenger!Reader
bucky and y/n can’t stand each other, but y/n needs help with her sister’s kids (enemies to lovers au)
40. Words And Paper by @forever-rogue
Bucky x Lawyer!Reader
Y/N is a brilliant young lawyer who was hired by Tony Stark  himself. She didn’t expect half of the things that would happened, but  she was sure glad Bucky happened.  
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layla4567 · 11 months
Hello! may request a Hunter D-90 x reader fluff/angst fanfiction?
Hi, sure 😊 sorry for answering a bit late
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Hunter D-90 x GN!reader
Summary: Your job at the TVA is to be in the offices, filing boring papers, yet whenever there is a mission they assign you along with D-90. You've never been able to get so many words out of him, but a hot chocolate machine will change things.
Warnings: none, fluff
WC: 877
A/N: This may be a bit short since he is a fairly secondary character in my opinion and he doesn't have many dialogues so it is difficult to work with it, I'm sorry 😓 (If you want to request another character from Loki series, please do 😊)
You were sitting in your small space near the shelves where the files were kept, your table was a mess of jumbled papers but you tried to maintain order as best as possible. To make the work more enjoyable you hummed a song while rhythmically moving your foot trying not to see the time on the wall clock every two seconds. Suddenly you heard footsteps nearby but you didn't even look up to see who it was until he was in front of you looking at you.
“How are you doing with that y/n?"
When you heard his voice you already knew who it was, you raised your head to see Mobius smiling kindly at you, he with his heart of gold always cared about the other workers and that they were not too stressed.
"I do what I can"- you sighed, trying to make a joke.
"Well, look, try not to overexert yourself, okay? You're doing well anyway, you've already completed half the work."
You accidentally looked at your table and he was right, without realizing it you had already come a long way.
"Hey, why don't you take a break or eat something? Come on, you deserve it."-He said, tapping his knuckles on the table.
"Thank you Mobius, I will take your advice"-you laughed softly
Mobius gave you a big smile as he walked away with his hands on his hips. You rubbed your eyes, yawning slightly as you stood up from the seat and stretched your muscles, sitting for so long was exhausting and painful. With a tired step you headed towards the halls of the TVA and saw D-90 standing guard as always with a face so serious that he looked like a bulldog. You stopped to greet him.
"Hello D-90, good to see you"-You waved a hand with a smile like little kids would.
He just nodded at you without even smiling. You wondered why he was always like that, he always seemed angry although that didn't mean he didn't like you. You suddenly remembered all the times you joined him on a mission, he also behaved like that.
"Ok and how's everything going huh?"-You said something uncomfortable because of his cold attitude.
He, without saying anything again, just shrugged his shoulders, making a face. Great, you thought, at that rate you won't be able to snatch a hello from him. Suddenly you turned your head and saw the machine at the end of the hallway that served drinks, you soon remembered that in a few minutes you should go back to work, maybe a coffee would be good for you to stay awake. Suddenly you remembered that you could also choose hot cocoa in the machine and an idea came to your mind.
"Hey, do you want something to drink? I'm on my rest, come on, I'll buy you something."
He frowned and opened his mouth to murmur something when you tiredly rolled your eyes and grabbed his arm, dragging him to the machine.
"Come on! Drinking something won't hurt you!"
D-90 reluctantly followed you without getting rid of his frown, he followed you with heavy steps and you had to make an effort to move him. He looked like a child refusing to go anywhere. Finally the vintage machine was in front of you, there were several options: Tea, coffee, hot cocoa and soup. You chose a strong coffee for you and a hot cocoa for him. With the glasses in both your hands, you turned to hand him his when he raised a hand and shook his head, pursing his lips.
"Please just take it, think of it as a gift from me to you."-you said with the best of your smiles
"It's just…"-he started talking and you were surprised because he finally said something.
"I've never tried hot cocoa"
He said it almost embarrassed and you opened your mouth and eyes in great surprise and the coffee almost fell out of your hands. Have you never tried hot cocoa? What did this man feed on then?! You shook your head trying to downplay it and without adding anything you handed him his glass, he looked at it and smelled it and then looked at you with a raised eyebrow, you just closed your eyes and nodded.
He slowly approached his lips to the glass overflowing with the sweet liquid and when he finished tasting it he looked at you, opening his eyes wide, it seemed that his serious and grumpy facade had completely fallen, he had liked the cocoa! You clapped happily, resting your glass on the machine for a moment and for the first time he smiled with a smile as genuine and tender as a child in a toy store, you had never seen him like that.
Smiling you took your glass and walked down the hallway heading to another place to tour the TVA while you rested when his voice made you turn around.
"Thanks for the drink."
He continued smiling happily and you smiled back tenderly.
"My pleasure"
You left there, leaving a D-90 very different from when you had seen him when you got there, one who drank his cocoa as if there were no worries in the world or the sacred timeline.
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