#tw canonical trauma
maverick-prime · 4 months
post atom eve special and season 2 thoughts
INVINCIBLE SPOILERS AHEAD!!! if you don't wanna be spoiled, don't read!!
okay okay okay OKAY.
oh my god this show is insane. debbie is everything to me. i was so genuinely upset when she and oliver were in danger that i felt sick. she is such an incredible character and the writers have done her immense justice. she's a wife and a mother and that doesn't stop her from being strong, it actually makes her stronger. her relationship with mark is so incredible and the symbolism of their matching black eyes was impeccable. they've both been hurt in similar ways, by nolan and by angstrom. they're marked by their trauma, but they share the weight together.
oliver is a delight and mark's instant desire to care for him and protect him was so wholesome and wonderful! he was willing to drop everything to care for his little brother and that, more than anything, makes him human and so very, very loving. at least nolan was willing to acknowledge that oliver is blameless in everything.
and nolan..... jesus. probably some of the most insane character development i've ever witnessed. he is so nature versus nurture, and he's become human through his twenty years on earth. maybe debbie feels like those years were for nothing, but there's proof that they had a profound impact on nolan and how he views life. he is, by all accounts and purposes, no longer a viltrumite. he's human. it's a pretty classic trope (the evil alien finds humanity redeemable and discovers that their "inferior" lives are just as valuable as the alien's), but invincible doesn't make this trope feel tired. it feels compelling and powerful, because we have a clear picture of the stakes. anissa and the other viltrumites make that very clear.
anissa herself serves her purpose: she's there to be a reminder of why mark and the coalition are fighting back against the viltrumite empire. she's fast, she's strong, and she completely lacks any form of compassion or empathy. mark barely holds his own against her, which is incredibly powerful after watching mark face off against the sequids and all the other big bads of this season. i really, really hope the show finds a way to avoid her assault of mark because i see no positive gains from that storyline. mark has already been through the wringer too many times over. there's no point in making him suffer further.
speaking of, mark in this season brought me to tears more than once. he is trying so damn hard to be nothing like his father. he's trying to be a good boyfriend to amber. he's trying to be a good friend, a good student, a good son, a good brother. the odds are continually stacked against him and yet he never gives up. he is so very human and his story is so, so heartbreaking. all three of the graysons have their fair share of trauma after this season, but i feel like mark's is somehow the worst. you have to remember that he's only eighteen when all of this happens. he's just barely not a kid, and he's pretty far from being an adult. his brain's not even fully developed yet, and he has to defend an entire planet from the psychotic race of aliens that he shares DNA with. he suffers so much. just give the kid a damn break, cecil. he needs a hug. and therapy.
the parallels between nolan and debbie were incredible. the song choices, the montage of them traveling aimlessly, both of them coming so close to killing themselves... my jaw was on the floor. even mark had a moment of suicidal ideation in the eighth episode, and that through line for all three of the graysons was so well done.
eve. eve is my perfect darling love and she has never, ever done anything wrong in her life. the special was so tragic and while the animation was stunning (those fight scenes alone were jaw-dropping), the true high point of it, for me, was the way it handled the found family trope. this trope is a personal favorite of mine, and it was a real treat to see it given the weight and power it deserves, with a terribly tragic twist. "you killed people i didn't even know i loved" is insane. eve changing her broken family portrait to instead depict all of her deceased family members so clearly was SO powerful. that girl has been through so much, and her special supplemented her character development in a way that she so deserves.
all in all, i am destroyed. i am in shambles. the writing in this show is next-level. there's things i didn't mention in the post that were utterly spectacular (the multiverse references, angstrom levy, rex's development, rick and donald's stories about bodily autonomy, kate and immortal) and of course are deserving of praise, but i am just so impressed with the way the graysons have been handled. it's rare that a family feels so strong and fleshed out not just as a unit but as individuals as well, and all three of them carry so much narrative weight in a way that makes it clear they're forever connected.
i can't wait to see what insanity season three brings. stay invincible everyone.
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royaltea000 · 6 months
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Guy who never looks the same when I draw him
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buff-muffin · 24 days
I've seen a few AU's where it's basically, what if ASL had a parent. Maybe Rouge lives or. Some time travel shenanigans happen. or Dragon or Shanks steps up. Whoever it may be, never see Sabo get the care he needs. Ace's anger issues are helped and managed. Luffys loneliness and attachments are worked on. But out of all of them Sabo is the most forgotten and it makes me so sad because while Ace and Luffy were without parents and never had a frame of reference for what they should be. Sabo had bad parents.
I want to see a story where whichever parental figure it is, recognises Sabo's constant rebellion and insistence for independence, his refusing help, his avoidance and distrust, his love at a distance. and still helps. Because Sabo has been hurt by his parents, and that's a whole other kind of situation to work on, w whole kind of trust that's been broken that needs to be reformed.
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groverapologist · 6 months
leo's trauma is not discussed enough.
his mother dying and him thinking it was his fault was quite literally the tip of the iceberg when you remember everything else that happened to him. his "caretaker" (hera in disguise) would often put him in danger to test him and his abilities to become a hero. he was disowned by his family who called him the devil (and leo was most probably raised catholic, or at least raised around catholic people). when the fire occured and his mother passed, people immediately jumped to blame him and said they knew something was off about him. he ran away from five foster homes from age 7-15, and at some point in he had an abusive foster mother. he was constantly bullied and had to learn how to appease bullies so as to not get targetted. he was homeless for weeks after running away from foster homes, but that was more appealing than staying at the foster homes.
all of this even before the books even started. all of this occured age 2-15.
leo went through so much.
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aftgficrec · 1 month
Hi! Thanks so much for doing this i have wanting to catch you open for so long!! How are you? I hope you have a good day!
I was wondering if there were any fics focused on neil and mary/neil and Nathan? Like his emotions, thoughts, etc, and the things he went through bcs of them/how they still affect him even now? Thank you so much in advance!
Our poor traumatized Neil! Yes, there is much to explore on this topic. -A
most previous asks lead to more recs:
angsty bad days for Neil here
Neil with ptsd here
more Neil with DID here
Neil cries, comforted by Andrew/foxes here
Neil says ‘it’s fine I’ve had worse’ here
Neil’s scars 2 here
scars and healing here
Neil goes to therapy here 
Neil attempts suicide here
‘You're Wonderful’ here
‘Hold My Hand?,’ ‘I'll Still Solve You,’ and ‘Fear (but not of you)’ here
‘The Books of Baltimore’ series: ‘Ghost of You’ here, ‘Run to You’ here
‘the upswing’ (completed), ‘please (don't bite),’ ‘Will you love me for who I am…’ ‘To be safe,’ ‘Safe with him,’ and ‘i called your name ‘til the fever broke’ here 
‘my friends and I…,’ ‘Pasts Intertwined,’ ‘My Stomach is a Wasteland,’ ‘side effects may vary’ ‘Bad Apple,’ and ‘You Are So Much More Than Your Father's Son’ here 
‘Medicated rabbits don't run as fast’ here
‘Broken Symmetries’ and ‘No More Fucks To Give’ (updated) here
‘24 Floors’ here
‘A Quiet Little Seedling,’ ‘If I Knew You,’ and ‘Step By Step’ here
‘slow down (you crazy child),’ ‘Make a Home’ (updated), and ‘make me a promise’ here
‘Dreamed in red’ here
‘...Just Us, and Y(our) Friend Kevin’ here 
‘Nothing Mattered Until You’ here (jeanneil)
amputation or permanent leg damage:
Neil's legs (the fucked up edition) here and here
Neil dies/amputations in Baltimore here
‘La jetée n'est plus loin’ here
‘I’m More Than This Body of Mine’ here (completed)
‘Next to You’ here
‘Rare pair hell series’ part 9 here
‘Live for you / Stay for me’ here 
‘“I pick up daddies at the playground.”’ here
‘lie to me (for i do not wish to live the truth)’ here
‘White Hands’ and ‘If Neil, Then Fox’ here
‘(don’t fear) the reaper’ here
‘Under the kitchen lights…’ here
‘Point Nemo’ here
‘Lifelines’ here
‘does the dog die at the end’ here
you may also like:
Neil runs after joining the foxes 2 here
andreil on the run from the mafia here
soulmates who feel each other's pain here
Mary/Nathan's people come back here
Mary tries to take Neil from the foxes here
Neil kills Nathan here
tell me where i came from, what i will always be by geeseproblems [Rated G, 317 Words, Complete, 2021]
She lives in his body like no other.
tw: implied/referenced child abuse, tw: canonical character death
Down with Something by pawnofkings [Rated T, 3051 Words, Complete, 2021]
Neil is sick, and he does his best to keep anyone from finding that out. He collapses in the middle of practice.
tw: implied/referenced child abuse
you asked for this by Anonymous [Rated M, 790 Words, Complete, 2022, Locked]
Neil Josten and guilt
tw: implied major character death, tw: child abuse, tw: emotional abuse, tw: blood, tw: negative self talk
A reflection or a lie by ShadowDolphin [Rated G, 839 Words, Complete, 2022]
Sixteen year old Neil Josten has an identity crisis cuz depersonalization is a wonderful thing that exists and he doesn't feel real
tw: implied/referenced child abuse
i know you'll take me with you by lil_macaroon [Rated T, 6129 Words, Complete, AFTG Mixtape Exchange 2023]
Neil has feelings that make him want to run. The only thing that keeps him at Palmetto State, hell, what keeps him in South Carolina, is the promise he made when Andrew asked him to stay three years ago. Unable to run, it all keeps building within him until one day, Andrew puts him in the car, and they go.
keep your head above the water (I can’t) by drewdrop44 [Rated T, 1156 Words, Complete, 2022]
The feeling of water moving over his head, swallowing him whole. Neil woke with a scream trapped in his mouth.
tw: drowning, tw: implied/referenced child abuse, tw: violence, tw: nightmares 
It's a punch and a kiss, I'm trying to remember by beckdarkthrone [Not Rated, 18604 Words, Incomplete, Updated June 2024]
He has a hold on himself as Neil, as Abram, as Nathaniel.. Until he doesn't.
tw: graphic depictions of violence, tw: implied/referenced child abuse, tw: implied/referenced torture, tw: dissociative disorder, tw: blood, tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: implied/referenced self harm, tw: internalized homphobia
NB: this author has a podcast with aftg-centric episodes; check out ‘So You Think You Like’ on spotify.
We're all Monsters Here by serene_chaos [Not Rated, 892 Words, Complete, 2022]
"I am part of the slaughter house. I feel that makes me more of a monster than you.” “Don’t look at me to absolve you.” Andrew flicks his cigarette towards Neil. Sparks landing inches from Neil’s hand. OR Neil doesn't think Andrew is a monster, but thinks he might be.
tw: childhood trauma, tw: implied/referenced abuse, tw: implied/referenced torture
Who Am I to You? by serene_chaos [Rated M, 91907 Words, Incomplete, Updated April 2024]
Neil Josten was born with violence in his blood and raised as a weapon to hide in plain sight. And then he finds himself surrounded by foxes and his usual survival tactics ruined by a five foot goalie. The whole mobster mafia problem isn’t helping either. -- Cue a Neil who cares a little less, a past raven, and potentially a little something more to live for.
tw: attempted rape, tw: graphic depictions of violence, tw: murder, tw: implied/referenced child abuse, tw: attempted nonconsensual drug use, tw: panic attacks, tw: flashbacks, tw: homophobia, tw: alcohol abuse/alcoholism, tw: animal abuse, tw: implied/referenced self harm 
you will always be my favorite form of loving by something_boring [Rated T, 15831 Words, Complete, 2024]
5 times the Foxes tried to take care of Neil and 1 time they didn't have to.
tw: implied/referenced child abuse, tw: implied/referenced torture, tw: panic attacks, tw: nightmares, tw: alcohol abuse, tw: blood, tw: vomit, tw: violence, tw: bullying
pain our brain has made by pipedreamaddy [Rated M, 16052 Words, Incomplete, Updated July 2024]
Neil and his discovery that he has trauma-induced migraines because we all know how he neglects his health. Between everything else going on with him, a migraine seemed very minor to him. But now that he is in a healthy, safe, and loving environment where he is thriving, he can take care of himself—theoretically speaking, at least. Or the fic where Neil finally gets the healing that he needs.
tw: needles, tw: implied/referenced abuse, tw: childhood trauma, tw: implied/referenced torture,  tw: flashbacks, tw: ptsd, tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: implied/referenced self harm, tw: implied/referenced murder
Keep Your Head Down and Don't Look Back by Capheira [Rated G, 775 Words, Complete, 2024]
Neil has spent most of his life running from his past but perhaps this time he was a little too efficient.
tw: implied/referenced child abuse, tw: panic attacks
Scars Like Stars by Kory_Rory [Rated T, 3429 Words, Incomplete, Updated June 2024]
Neil deals with his trauma by biting himself while being completely oblivious to the harm he's putting himself through. But it's okay cause the foxes are there to help him :)
tw: self harm, tw: body dysmorphia, tw: implied/referenced torture, tw: implied/referenced child abuse, tw: negative self talk, tw: flashbacks 
I’m not used to all this water, love (it’s true) by niicowo [Rated T, 1415 Words, Complete, 2024]
Neil never thought anyone could ever love him. His parents never made him feel loved. But then again, what did he know about love? Nothing, he guessed. But one thing he did know was that Andrew loved him. And he just may love him too.
tw: past suicidal ideation, tw: implied/referenced self harm, tw: implied/referenced child abuse
Razor’s Edge by godless_writer [Rated T, 2178 Words, Complete, 2023]
Neil Josten, a caring, shit-talking, striker for the Palmetto State Foxes. Nathaniel Wesninski, a runner, and the son of The Butcher of Baltimore. When Neil thinks that Andrew is in danger after he walks into Kevin and Andrew fighting, his world turns red and those lines become blurred.
tw: implied/referenced torture, tw: implied/referenced murder, tw: dissociation
Don't let me be by Cutie_Wan [Not Rated, 1983 Words, Complete, 2023]
Neil suffers a major dissociation episode in front of the Foxes.
tw: dissociation, tw: self harm, tw: violence
grin and bear it by wlwmlmsolidarity [Rated G, 1221 Words, Complete, 2024]
neil has chronic pain due to lola and tries to just ignore it and push through on a bad pain day, andrew forcefully makes him relax and accept help
tw: implied/referenced torture, tw: chronic pain
NB: includes fanart by @clementinecloudz
scream and yell but i feel speechless by DepressedTerrestrial [Not Rated, 6770 Words, Complete, 2023]
Neil had some unnecessary surgery done when he was younger. No one (including Neil) knows how to handle this except for Andrew (kind of).
tw: past medical abuse, tw: implied/referenced child abuse, tw: implied/referenced torture
Isn't he the monster by DarkD [Not Rated, 16033 Words, Complete, 2021]
On a day when Neil "wakes up" in a particularly bad mood, hearing anyone being cruel to Andrew becomes unbearable to the point that he is on the verge of an explosion.
tw: violence, tw: blood, tw: self harm, tw: dissociation, tw: panic attacks, tw: child abuse
Day 19: bullet and Day 4: stitches art by @thefluffiestbird
Nathan was known for his extravagant parties and incredible entertainment art by @mac-monsters; twitter
Neil & Mary on the run edit by @romanovass
These ouches feel a little rough for a child on the run. comic by @softerstorms
“Don’t you dare be more afraid of me than you are of Andrew” art by @rainbowd00dles 
There’s nowhere to run art by @/tryashaa on instagram
“I’m fine” - *literally dying* art by @/koldangrey_art on instagram
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banes-favourite · 7 months
Trauma asks u say 👀
Ya boy has absolutely self harmed before bane. Spending 10 years in slavery, there's no way he didnt try to escape other ways >.>
Haarlep probably has his form... They lived together and he canonically had to sell his body, it physically hurts my soul that Haarlep probably has teen Gorty memorized.
His face is irreparably damaged, he knows that, it probably hurts to think about what he might have looked like with out the constant abuse reshaping his face
He's probably got food trauma... I can't imagine him being fed regularly or enough when he was enslaved.
(Have you seen his base model? He's got some (2?) little light freckles below his belly button hidden in his happy trail.)
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anon i am grabbing you by the cheeks and giving you the biggest kiss known to man bc you simultaneously fed me after I've been starving for 100 years and also trampled all over my heart but I'm THANKING you for it
i can totally see him mindlessly scratching his forearms bc he used to claw the shit out of them in the HoH out of frustration (and also read my fic about his self-punching 🙌) which is why he has them covered at all times with thick ass gauntlets.
also imagining him looking in the mirror and wondering what Could have been had he not been mutilated so young,,,.
And also i love to think he would indulge in feasts and a billion sweets once he's rich and well off but you're so right with the eating issues thing,, man's has always scraped by for a piece of rotten food, he probably can't physically tolerate overeating and has to throw up or he'll die
also what do you MEAN with the light freckles!! what do you imply!!
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sk1fanfiction · 7 months
on dursley revisionism
Random people with wrong opinions: "Harry wasn't abused by the Dursleys" (bonus points for 'just neglected', which is a type of child abuse btw or 'that's all fanon')
Things that the Dursleys canonically did that are abuse just off the top of my head:
Swung a frying pan at his head (at the age of 12)
Grabbed him by the neck and basically tried to strangle him (even light pressure to the neck can cause internal damage)
Starved him
Verbally abused him
Locked him alone in a small cramped space as punishment (which can cause permanent psychological damage btw, and that's in adults. It is literally a type of torture.)
Made him sleep in that same small cramped unhealthy space when they had an extra bedroom
Encouraged their son to bully him and beat him up
Left him to be possibly attacked by a vicious dog
Bonus: Hid the evidence of his existence to outsiders and didn't speak about him to others (a typical thing for abusers to do)
And more. That boy is unrealistically well-adjusted.
I know the shitty guardian trope is so common in British children's lit (think Roald Dahl) that it became normalized, but it's not. It's abuse. I am worried for the children in your lives tbh.
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killemwithkawaii · 8 months
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"...oh shit- I'm so sorry, Sal, I didn't mean to...!!"
"...uh, it's fine [y/n], just... try to watch your aim next time, okay...?" 💓💦
[Prison uniform and no shirt variations under the cut]
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(Potential POV: He asked if you fr find him attractive and now the proof is all over his face whoops 😳💦💦💦)
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waywardsou2 · 1 month
Deadpool and Wolverine Post movie head canons
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Because the brain bugs have a hold on me like the spirits had on Dr Facilier at the end of Princess and the Frog I have been pulled from my writer's block slumber and into the deep end of a pool filled with blood known as the Wolverine and Deadpool movie. Enjoy!
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- They share the same bed. Al does not have enough room in her apartment for another room or bed for that matter. She barely had enough room for Wade let alone Logan too. So they share a bed. Logan was happy to sleep on the couch or even the floor of he came to it but Wade wouldn't hear of it.
- Logan is the type of guy to roll onto his side with his arms crossed across his chest and to wake up laying on-top of Wade or even holding onto him in some way
- Wade and Logan both have nightmares. Often waking one another up. But instead of talking about it and maybe trying to seek council in one another they ignore the nightmares by playing drinking games to see who can get shit faced and pass out first. Of course the alcohol loosens lips and they end up taking about it anyway. But they get so drunk they don't remember anything in the morning.
- Logan has stabbed Wade a few times in their sleep for a number of reasons: nightmares, Wade was talking and wouldn't shut up, Wade was sleep talking and wouldn't shut up, Logan was having an extra nice dream (if you catch my drift)
- Logan is usually awake first so he often makes breakfast. He makes it for Al and Wade. Doesn't really even consider the fact that he needs to eat. He's just thinking about his new family. He usually drinks a whole bottle before breakfast is finished. And every single time Wade halves whatever is in his plate and shoves it over to Logan making him eat. He is petulant about it but it's never not endering.
- Logan and Wade's life is mostly domestic now and they honestly don't know what to do with themselves. Wade picks up a few jobs here and there but now that Logan has slowed down he's really skittered to a halt. Moving through life slowly. Without a purpose but he doesn't feel lost. With Wade...he can just be
- Wade and Logan share a room, they share a closet, they share a bathroom. Literally everything is a mix between Logan's shit and Wade's shit. There is no distinction.
- Logan often helps Wade with his self esteem. It was very obvious to Logan very quickly that Wade has a lot of issues with his looks. Often wearing hoodies or big beanies to hide his face. Even if he isn't going out of the house. Logan tries to help him to relax but it's hard, for both of them.
- Once as a dare Wade convinced Logan to trip his beard using his claws. He wanted to see if he actually could and he did! It was the most hilarious thing Wade had ever seen and though he won't admit it Logan thought it was pretty funny too.
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That's all I got for now but if I think of anymore then I'll be sure to create a new one and add the link. Lmk some of your headcanons for these beautiful boys.
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miscellaneous--bones · 5 months
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azulin warm up pensive emoji
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glow-and-vamp · 1 year
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The change inside the chrysalis is slow and gradual. The body digests itself from the inside out. The old body is broken down into imaginal cells but not all the tissues are destroyed. Some old tissues pass onto the creature's new body.
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kits-ships · 2 months
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hey, so! i didnt realize how blood the final battle in demon slayer is! luckily the blood only took me an extra TWO HOURS . MAKING THIS A WHOPPING 13 HOUR PIECE?? theres even a third, bloodier version thats more canon accurate :( this is not how the scene goes in my head, but it's still cute... ione throws herself between sanemi and muzan and gets her lower, right leg cut off. i did draw the wrong leg amputated but i am not willing to go back and change it hgjfkdg
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hi taglist
@stoneshipper @dudeshusband @sunstar-of-the-north
@kylilah @faerie-circle-ships @knightoflove
@wyndford-dekarios-goda @strawberrisoulmate
@punchurlightsout @rainbowtvz @lovediives
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rapturemctro · 3 months
Some notes about Elysium cause I’ve been working on their profile for Artfight!
Taken from their family at a young age, like most Beast men was originally created to be a soldier however never fulfilled that purpose, deer features made them fast but too skittish for the frontlines. 
Instead used for entertainment in some sort of circus or arena where they were heavily mistreated 
Eventually sold to an extremely wealthy but mentally unstable individual who collected unique beast men for his own personal Zoo
Elysium’s collar is from the individual who bought them, all the other members of his collection have one.
Collar is imbued with a type of magic that makes it impossible to remove and the bell acts as a sort of tracking device. It will ring whenever the original caster is nearby and get louder the closer they get.
Dungeons somehow tamper with the effects of the tracking similar to how compasses freak out near magnetic fields, leading Elysium to take refuge in the dungeon after they escape.
No one is quite sure how they managed to survive so long in the dungeon by themself.
Is extremely malnourished by the time The Touden party manages to find them, Senshi dotes on them and gives them extra food in the beginning of them traveling together
Isn’t picky when it comes to food but does have issues with certain textures. They try to tough it out because they like Senshi’s cooking so much, but sometimes it’s hard.
Magic User, specializes in plant magic, almost Druid-like just without the ability to turn into animals. It’s not very refined due to having no professional training but it’s still handy
Hides trauma behind a happy-go-lucky facade, doesn’t like to dwell on the bad stuff and is just happy they’re still alive and free. 
Struggles with sleep, the nightmares keep them awake. Runs themself ragged until their body essentially collapses. Senshi gets on to them a bunch about taking better care of themself. 
Found Family heals the soul. The Touden party ends up being the first real family they’ve ever known, and Elysium clings to each and every one of them.
Loves the rain, but unfortunately doesn’t get to see it anymore due to residing in the dungeon. Would probably cry if they got to experience the feeling of a summer rain again
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supernightboy08 · 1 month
Why I left the SML community?
When I first saw SML or SuperMarioLogan as a kid I thought it was a fun parody of the Super Mario Bros. Franchise but when I look back on it now I saw how it brainwashed me in the past and how it got me my IPhone taken away by my parents. It had a lot of dark humor, adult jokes, cussing, suicidal topics, and a lot of child abuse. When I saw The Super Mario Bros. Movie, I realized how poorly they portrayed the Mario characters in the SuperMarioLogan videos and that made me stop watching SuperMarioLogan or SML videos which I’ve discussed in my writing “How Mario and Sonic fans traumatized a generation” and how this and lot of the other parody videos had affected many other children even me and the people at my school. I’m not gonna go into too much detail on that but I’m just reflecting on how badly SML influenced me into doing and talking about inappropriate topics that got my parents and teachers concerned. Listen I don’t hate the SML community but I feel like that someone needs to talk about how SML’s content had effects on me and many other children who don’t know any better. I think that SuperMarioLogan was not aware of the effects that would have on kids. Obviously his content wasn’t made for children but Super Mario Bros. Is a children’s franchise I understand there are adult and teenage fans but the franchise was entirely made for kids he should’ve know that children would be exposed to this. Yeah guys the Internet is not a safe place and I’m very sorry to anyone who is exposed to this I hope all you parents and teachers out there would take action to protect many kids that you know and make sure they don’t stumble upon this type of content as long as there’s awareness and parents of today who know what happened we can prevent all of this stuff from happening. I may be not in the SML community anymore now I’m dealing with Elsagate which is a really big issue that’s happening on YouTube but I know there is a large support group behind us and I know that together we can raise that support.
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aftgficrec · 1 month
can you do any fics where jean and neil are besties?
The friendship between Neil and Jean is a popular concept (especially in the wake of The Sunshine Court), although it’s not always the main focus. - S
This recent post will show you a greater number of recs, while below are a few of the newer ones: 
favourite Neil & Jean or Neil/Jean fics here
Drowning In Your Warmth by starsnsoul [Rated G, 2711 words, complete, 2024]
“Why are you here?” He asks as he stares at one of the looser threads on the multicoloured blanket. Neil finishes changing into clothes that are not clinging to his skin and sits on the edge of the bed, “I was in town.” He says. “Liar.” Jean says. I missed you too, he thinks. - Jean fears the sound of thunder, the smell of rain. Neil knows this and visits when the rainy season starts.
tw: panic attacks
Defining Friendship by yall_send_help [Rated T, 3954 words, complete, 2024]
4+1 someone said that jean and neil were friends + one time they realized it themselves
animal brisé, humain vivant by electric_typewriter [Rated T, 3109 words, complete, 2024, locked]
Part 3 of the healing and rebirth of nathaniel wesninski
Nathaniel and Jean begin the long and difficult road to playing together again. Perhaps, to get through it, they need each other more than they need anything else.
tw: implied/referenced abuse, tw: dissociation, tw: panic attacks, tw: anxiety
To balance your conviction with certainty by The_stars_ship_us [Rated T, 1374 words, complete, 2024]
Alternate scene/added scene to The Sunshine Court. Neil cuts Jean’s hair.
tw: implied/referenced abused, tw: mentioned minor character death
the complications of asking your best friend to be your best man by defenselessgold [Rated T, 551 words, complete, 2024]
“Jean.” Jean could almost hear Neil’s lip curl in a sarcastic smile. “I need a favor.” Jean replied with a low hum, his nerves getting the better of his vocal cords. Neil let out a short but quiet spurt of laughter. “Could you be my best man?” or Neil calls Jean in the wee hours of the morning to ask him to be his best man.
Clipped Wings by rosebouquets [Rated M, 25504 words, incomplete, last updated August 2024]
They hadn't run away before he was adopted into the Ravens. He did though, he ran years later with a different body by his side and the past haunting him. It's not something to escape, he'll never be able to escape it fully. Without a second thought, he gave in to the offer for the Foxes, not for himself but because Jean couldn't run forever. He ran from the Ravens once before, this time he'll have to face them head-on. Neil and Jean escaped the Ravens at sixteen, they found themselves as the new Freshmen for the Palmetto State Foxes, and facing their pasts as the partners they were meant to be.
tw: violence, tw: panic attacks, tw: implied/referenced abuse, tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: implied/referenced self harm, tw: vomit, tw: implied/referenced disordered eating
Aftg Runaways AU by @sillysapphillean [tumblr, 2024]
use tag aftg runaways AU on author’s blog to see more
AU where Mary dies when they are in france and coincidentally around the same time is right before jean was about to get sold
8D asmr sounds would finish these two off  by @doesephs
forever partners in another life by @wuzeio
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poisonedspider · 2 months
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I am going to say the most controversial head canon that is going to get me screamed at, maybe hate anons, maybe even loser followers (okay no that's dramatic af but you know...I'm prepping myself).
I've been thinking a lot about this, and if we are talking immediate post-canon (I don't think I'll agree with this down the line as things develop more but...hear me out), if Angel was asked to choose between Valentino and Husk, I don't think he'd be able to. So many people are like "omf Angel would choose Husk no question" but...I disagree with that.
For one, domestic violence relationships are a bitch. And even if you know you deserve better deep down, or even if someone SHOWS you better, there's a lot of mental olympics around that. Gaslighting is huge. The whole 'no one will love you like I can.' And Angel, especially, would have these feelings. It's so obvious he's falling in love with Husk (I see you sappy look in the finale), but he also doesn't want to damage Husk by being with him. I truly think Husk feels the same with Angel, because both of them think they're damaged goods. (Let's not forget Loser Baby was not just to cheer up Angel, but also was very transformative for Husk feeling seen for once).
Due to his past relationships, he would also have a lot of doubt. Trust issues. Fear. He knows Husk doesn't just want him for his body like everyone else, which is already a huge start, but. He also doesn't think anyone fully accepts him the way Valentino does. This is where I get smacked a bit, but I stand by my word that Angel is a huge sexual flirt (COKED UP DICK SUCKING HO EVERYONE), and Husk adamantly denied all his advances. Understandable, yes, and it was Angel being fake - but not fully. Valentino doesn't care if he gets high as a kite, sucks a bunch of dick, blows a bunch of money. And while Angel is stepping away from that - it's still what he enjoys. I saw a post about how Bee is what Angel could be if he was allowed to live his lifestyle in a healthy way. And I agree with that.
Also, let's add Alastor into the mix once he finds out - you're telling me this son of a bitch won't fuck with Angel's mind about how he isn't good enough, that Husk won't want him once he realizes how fucked up Angel is, blah blah.
So right now, Valentino feels safe. I mean, he obviously isn't for all the abusive reasons, but it's safer than Husk. Safer than this unknown. Safer than completely abandoning the very small affection he knows will never go away (even if he wishes it would) for someone that he doesn't even know is interested in him back. Angel isn't used to slow burn. Angel goes into things hard and fast (pun intended?) Until he knows with absolute certainty that Husk loves him regardless. Until they both have big talks and long cries and work through their traumas. Until they both can trust again. I have no doubt in my mind this is going to happen for us, and then my head canon will change. But for now, it's like walking a tight rope. One way has certainty, the other way doesn't. The certainty might be abusive, but people are often known to stay with what they know. Change is terrifying. Self-sabotage is a real thing.
So no, he wouldn't just be like "well Husk, duh." That basically eliminates everything that Poison stood for. Yes, through the course of the song he starts realizing that it's getting worse and worse - first he was living like there's no tomorrow, now he's wishing there was something to live for tomorrow. But he does still acknowledge he's drowning in it. There's no escape. And it isn't just because the contract. It's because abusive relationships are terrifying, and can take years...and years...and years to get out of. Sometimes it's too late.
And before I get hate anons that I'm a Val simp or something, or I ship ValAngel, no. I'm writing Angel from a very real perspective as someone who is a therapist. As someone who did a Seeking Safety group for three years which was for victims of domestic violence. As someone who told my therapist the other day that I write ValAngel because it is important that these dynamics be known, up front and dirty, rather than shied away from.
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
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