#tw missing limbs mention
cupidl0vesy0u · 2 months
Sooo update on puppy TomTom- blame @charlybvnny for this… the angst it infected me-
The arm was eaten by @nomsfaultau btw <3
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snowe-zolynn-rogers · 5 months
Moon: Well, Eclipse isn’t a flight risk anymore.
Sun: What?
Moon: Oh, his legs got towed.
Sun: …Are you saying you took off his legs?
Moon: No, I’m saying Jack did out of grief of losing his dad.
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kitty-lattee · 1 year
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“You don’t get to decide what I see.”
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cr1ms0nesp3ra-ac3 · 6 months
Back then, Ace was just forced to be living his miserable traumatic life during his dysfunctional family, but not only that.. his middle and high school is worsen too. He can't remember because of his memories blurred away.. but there is some students who treated with disrespect, one PE teacher, and two "popular" people spreading rumors. But at least... He had one friend who is the only one who treated him with respect.
Now that Ace moved away from UK, grew up and turned to be a journalist.. he is not sure of how his only friend is doing right now, but he hoped to remind him that he'll be back soon..
Before... It's too late.
I'm so sorry Derek... Please, don't find me.. you'll get the same fate as I am. Don't forget me please. Because I'll remember the day you saved me, the day you helped me, the day you comforted me, the day we have fun.
I'll never forget it.
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c0ntr0lledchaos · 1 year
Comfortember Day 3: Warm Food
(originally posted in 2022)
Rain pounded against the hard cobblestone, bouncing off the stone and covering the roads in a light mist. A horse and carriage drove down the street, splashing through the puddles as it went. The street was mostly empty, with only a few stragglers making their way home for the day. The street lamps flickered, barely cutting through the dense rain. This was a bigger city than the ones Myla had previously been to, having electricity powering the streetlights instead of candles or magic. Myla pulled her cloak tighter around her shoulders, keeping her head down as she passed a couple on the sidewalk. They barely paid her any mind though as they hurried to get out of the rain. 
Myla’s stomach ached with hunger pangs as she walked and she mentally went over how much money she still had. She had been staying at different inns for the past month and, unfortunately, what little money she had was dwindling. She mentally cursed her situation. Kept her eyes on the ground and kept walking, forcing herself to just keep moving. 
Myla stumbled suddenly as her vision blurred for a moment. She reached out to brace herself against a nearby wall but her hand didn’t make contact with anything, causing her to fall into the dirt and mud. She groaned, and slowly sat up, rubbing her forehead. She went to pull her hood back up but was surprised to find that her horns had grown. She hesitated before taking a deep breath and willing her magic down. Slowly, the horns retreated back into her head and she felt the rush of magic leave her. She had been struggling with controlling her powers but luckily had found that calming her mind made them less likely to act up.
After a few seconds, she slowly raised herself, struggling a bit with her prosthetic leg. She pulled her hood back up and sighed, feeling just how soaked her clothes had become. Her dark green cloak was now covered in mud and soaked with water, sticking to her clothes and soaking them too. She even felt some mud stuck to her braided hair. 
She glanced around, checking if anyone had seen her embarrassing moment, and noticed she was now alone on the street. She squinted her eyes a little as she looked at the nearby buildings. Something about them seemed a little off to Myla. she couldn’t quite figure out why though, the style of the buildings matched the rest of the town and there was nothing about them that was standing out. 
She decided to ignore it for now and started walking again, shivering now. Myla wondered if she looked as pathetic as she felt. Soaked, freezing, and hungry.
She walked for a while longer, her anxieties clouding her mind until she heard the sound of muffled music and people talking. She looked up and saw a pub only a few buildings down. She picked up her pace and felt herself relax a little, grateful for the chance to get out of the rain and warm up.
She entered the pub and sighed in relief at the warmth. She went to take off her hood but hesitated as she noticed the other patrons of the pub. The majority of the people in the pub were strange creatures that Myla had never seen in person before, some more human-like than others. A few looked human but Myla didn’t miss their sharp teeth or unnatural-colored eyes. She was stuck, frozen in fear. What was this place? Should she even be in here? Was she safe here? Suddenly, she felt a rush of magic course through her, just under the skin.
She squeezed her eyes shut and tried to will the magic away, silently praying that she didn’t cause any destruction or hurt anyone. Too many times already had she woken up in a destroyed inn bed from her powers activating while she was asleep. Luckily, nothing seemed to happen besides her horns growing back out. She opened her eyes again and noticed a few people had looked over at her since she was still just standing by the door. She hesitated before snapping out of it and shaking off as much water as she could. She gripped the inside of her cloak and made her way over to a seat at the bar.
She sat down and looked at the menu hung up on the wall, mentally going over how much money she had. She felt her heart sink as she realized she couldn’t afford anything. 
“Welcome stranger,” the bartender asked as she walked up. She was mostly human looking except for a large black scar-like mark that went across her face. The scar went all the way from the side of her neck, over the nose, and under an eyepatch on the right eye before disappearing into her inky black hair. “Is there anything I can get you?”
“Uh, um…” Myla glanced back up at the menu, knowing she couldn’t order anything. Her good leg bounced and she rubbed her hands nervously in her lap. “I-I think I’m good. Just trying to uh, warm up. If it's ok for me to do that here ma’am.”
The bartender looked her over for a moment, Myla doing her best to shrink from the woman's gaze. 
“You are not from around here, are you?” She asked, leaning on the bar.
“No… just passing through.”
“Well, then you have to eat something,” the bartender said, a bright smile on her face. “The mutton is great and you’ll want to try it while you have the chance.”
“I would love to… but I-I can’t… I can’t afford it,” Myla said, feeling a little ashamed. She wondered if they might kick her out since she wasn’t a paying customer
“Hey, It's ok,” the bartender said, giving Myla a kind smile. She seemed to think for a moment and checked her pocket before looking back at Myla. “How about I get you some anyway. On the house”
“Oh, no, you don’t have to do that,” Myla said, holding her hands up.
“It’s no trouble, really. I’ve made good tips tonight and when else am I going to get to treat a pretty lady to a nice meal.” The bartender winked at Myla, causing her to blush. “I’ll be out in a bit with your food.”
Myla simply nodded, unable to speak as the lady walked away. She looked down at her lap as she tried to calm her now racing heart. She thought about how this seemed too good to be true, the chance of her arriving at this pub and someone being nice enough to give her a whole meal for free. Her whole life, most people had only been nice to her because of her brother, either not wanting to get on his bad side or because they wanted to be closer to him. The bartender must want something, she concluded. She must want Myla to owe her in some way. Myla felt her anxiety pick back up as she zoned out, spiraling in her thoughts. 
“Hey, are you ok?” 
Myla snapped back to reality and looked up, seeing the bartender standing back in front of her with a concerned look on her face. Myla could also feel the eyes of a few other patrons staring at her. She must have looked weird, sitting there zoned out. She blinked and realized her food was ready. 
“Oh, um, yeah… I’m ok,” Myla said, looking down at her food. She blinked and tried to force back the tears that threatened to fall. 
“Hey, hey, what's wrong?” the bartender asked, placing her hand on the bar in front of Myla. 
“I-I’m ok, I-” she sniffed and wiped her eyes as a few tears escaped, “I just… things have been really hard lately… and I don’t know how to repay you for this… This is the kindest anyone has been to me in a long time…”
“Hey, don’t worry about repaying me. Like I said, it's on the house. If you want, we can talk later and maybe help your situation. I know a lot of people that would be willing to help. But for now, eat. We’ll worry about that later.” 
Mayla sniffled again and nodded, starting to eat the food. The bartender was right, the food was amazing. As she ate, she felt herself calm down, being warmed from the inside out. For the first time in weeks, she felt as if her troubles her smaller than they had been. She relaxed a bit as she ate, enjoying the comfort of a warm meal. 
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pin-k-ink · 5 months
transparent // dazai osamu
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tw ⇢ sexual tension, teasing, groping, mention of a casual relationship, grinding, semi public sex, fingering, dirty talk, pet names, praise kink, unprotected sex, blowjob, face-fucking
wc ⇢ 8.1k
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The ambient bustle of the Armed Detective Agency's bullpen faded into white noise the second Dazai sauntered through the door that morning. As usual, every molecule of oxygen in the room seemed to realign around his presence - an inescapable gravitational pull you'd learned to resist through sheer stubborn will.
"Well, well..." That dangerous rasp curled upwards to greet your ears like a physical caress. "If it isn't my favorite co-worker looking bright-eyed and dangerously gorgeous as ever."
You refused to rise to the blatant bait, keeping your attention firmly affixed on the paperwork before you. Out of your periphery, you tracked Dazai's leonine prowl as he drew nearer, moving with that unnervingly predatory grace. 
"No 'good morning' for me today?" he purred once near enough for you to smell the sandalwood tang of his soap. "And after I took such care with my appearance in hopes of stealing a smile."
That got you to cut him a sidelong glance - the tousled artistry of his chestnut locks, the elegant sprawl of his limbs as Dazai braced himself against the edge of your desk. One dark brow winged upwards leadingly, beckoning for you to drink in each carved angle and sinuous line.
You simply hummed a vague, noncommittal noise before refocusing elsewhere. This game between you two was too well-trodden to merit much reaction anymore. Dazai practically vibrated with sensual presence hoping to rattle you, to compel even the barest response. But you'd learned to ignore those silken ploys through sheer repetition and stubbornness.
"Oh, so we're going to be difficult today, are we?" The insinuation curled rich and buttery against the sensitive whorls of your ears. "You know how I adore a spirited challenge, gorgeous."
The subtle lean of Dazai's torso brought the smoky, masculine blend of his cologne into your atmosphere in dizzying concentration. You couldn't quite smother the infinitesimal stall of your lungs as that potent scent catalyzed unwanted responsiveness low in your belly. 
Dazai didn't miss the reactive flutter of your lashes either. A low rumble vibrated up from the broad column of his throat as he straightened again, relieving the intimate invasion temporarily.
"We're early yet, I suppose," he mused, tone dripping arch self-assurance once more. "But not to worry. I plan on coaxing plenty of delightful sounds from those pretty lips before the day's through, my dear."
Allowing your eyes to slit open revealed Dazai leaning in once more, close enough for you to feel the whisper-soft phantoms of breath ghosting across your cheek like sin made solid. Close enough to drown in those heavy-lidded russet pools glittering with blatant promise and challenge.
"I do so look forward to seeing what other...responsive tells I can tease out of you next." The words all but vibrated against your own parted lips, laced with a blistering edge of confidence. "This game's only just begun..."
With that deliberately provocative murmur, Dazai swept away towards his own workspace with that distractingly predatory grace. Leaving you struggling to recover your equilibrium as heated tendrils of awareness sparked low in your abdomen despite your best efforts.  
As much as you tried to bury yourself in menial busywork over the ensuing hours, you couldn't quite shake off the thrall of Dazai's electrifying presence. Of the effortless male potency that seemed to radiate from his very pores and cloud the air into near-solidity whenever you were in proximity.
He always seemed to find reasons to invade your orbit, crowding into your space under the flimsiest of pretenses. Dazai would stretch languidly, allowing that leanly muscled torso and the shadowed vee of his collar to present itself for shameless perusal.  
Or he'd sprawl against the edge of your desk, one lean thigh brushing yours in seeming accident as those heavy-lidded eyes bored into you with simmering heat. Forcing you to confront the sensual geometry of his features up close and at dangerously point-blank range.
The air between you and Dazai seemed to grow heavier and more charged with each passing interaction. An undeniable, nearly tangible tension that thickened the atmosphere into an insulating haze of pure distillation.
Like the time you'd been bent over one of the file cabinets, digging through the lower drawers for an elusive case report. The whisper-soft pad of Dazai's measured footfalls was your only warning before the solid wall of his chest pressed flush against the curved line of your spine. 
You jolted upright, ready to berate him for the inappropriate proximity. But Dazai simply hummed a low, distinctly satisfied rumble as you found yourself effectively pinned between the unforgiving metal and his firm masculine heat.
"There now, no need to panic," that treacherously rich timbre rasped against the nape of your neck. "I'm simply...appreciating the view up close for a change."
You could practically feel the smoldering weight of Dazai's hooded regard skating down the length of your trapped form in unhurried debauch. The subtle flex of his abdomen with each humid exhale pressed your lower backs even more snugly together.
Despite willing every nerve to remain impassive, your traitor body responded to the overwhelming physicality of being encased in Dazai's orbit like this. You swallowed hard, acutely aware of the thunderous trip-hammer of your pulse visible at the hollow of your throat.  
Dazai's answering hum vibrated straight through to your very marrow, this one edged with dark sin and a hint of smoke. Then he shifted fractionally, allowing the insistent ridge of his cock to grind against the swell of your ass in blatant taunt.
"It's a perspective I really must take advantage of more often," he practically purred against your nape. "Don't you agree, beautiful?"
You opened your mouth, determined to unleash a scathing rebuke for his flagrant impropriety. But Dazai simply chuckled again - rich and indolent - before that scorching brand of his torso finally disengaged. Leaving you to sag weakly against the drawer front, ears ringing with fractures of your own wildly skittering pulse and Dazai's husky endearments.
Another time, you'd been rifling through the copy machine's depleted supply tray in search of a new ream of paper to reload. So absorbed in your simple task that you didn't register the weighted silence signaling Dazai's intrusion until he moved to loom at your back once more.
"Need a hand there, gorgeous?" The words dripped molten sin directly into your ear. "Seems awfully inconvenient having to crouch down like that in that tight little skirt of yours..."
Cheeks going instantly incendiary, you snapped ramrod straight only to find Dazai's smoldering regard searing directly down the generous vee of your blouse from over one shoulder. A deliciously wicked slant curved those lush lips as he drank in every flustered micro-expression flickering across your features.
"Although..." he mused, rich and resonant. "I can't say I mind the view from this angle." 
Dazai leaned in slightly on the emphasis, allowing the solid wall of his torso to brush against the curve of your backside. Just a fleeting whisper of contact, but it seared like a brand all the same - sparking riotous consciousness of every place your bodies didn't quite touch.   
You struggled to rally a retort, to summon some semblance of the withering composure you desperately clung to amid these escalating provocations. But Dazai simply slanted you with another heated sweep of that darkly weighted stare, effectively robbing you of both breath and cutting words.
"Then again, we'd hate for you to...overexert yourself in such discomfort, now wouldn't we?" The words dripped like poisoned ambrosia from between those sensuous lips you'd been trying not to fixate upon.
Before you could formulate a response, Dazai's hands settled in decisive arcs around your waist - pulling you snugly back against the rigid wall of his chest. Not ungently, but with enough deliberate physicality to send a tremulous frisson ricocheting through your nerves like skipped stones across a glassy mere.
"Allow me..." he rumbled, voice dropping to an even more dangerously resonant timbre that catalyzed your pulse into a thunderous gallop. 
Dazai's answering chuckle against your nape made it clear he could sense every reactive shiver rippling through you. Yet he made no move to extract himself or relieve the overwhelming potency of being encased in the scorching orbit of his body like this. The silence grew thicker and more electrically charged by the second...
The tension almost became a living, breathing force unto itself - thickening the atmosphere around you and Dazai into a heavy, charged miasma. Every interaction seemed to crackle with unspoken provocation and heated undercurrents begging to finally breach the surface.
Like the time you were working late reviewing security footage from a stakeout, so absorbed in studying the grainy images that you didn't notice Dazai's approach until he materialized directly behind you. The solid bulk of his chest pressed flush against your back as those long arms bracketed the desk on either side, effectively trapping you in the scorching vise of his body.
"There you are, gorgeous," the silken timbre vibrated against your nape, raising delicious little contrails along your sensitized nerves. "Getting some overtime in, I see..."
You opened your mouth to issue a reprimand, but all that emerged was a strangled little noise as Dazai allowed more of his weight to settle against you from behind. The hard ridges and hollows of his frame etched themselves into the soft give of your body with delirious, molten precision.
"Now, now...no need for such an...enthusiastic welcome," he crooned, each consonant seeming to score tingling paths across your thundering pulse.
Dazai shifted infinitesimally, rolling his hips in a slow, suggestive grind that had you stifling a tremulous whimper against your will. You could feel the smile curving against the sensitive span of your nape as he luxuriated in your body's involuntary reactions.
"Although I must admit, I do love how...responsive you are to me, beautiful." The words emerged thickened by sin as one large palm skimmed up your ribcage and splayed with obvious possession between your breasts. "Makes a man wonder what other delicious little noises he could coax out with some...dedicated effort."
Despite your best attempts at impassivity, you couldn't quite restrain the full-bodied shudder that rippled through you at the lascivious implication. Dazai's hips rolled again - a pointed, insistent grind punctuating his velvety murmur as he leaned until you could practically taste the sandalwood tang of his skin.
"What do you say, gorgeous? Why don't we find out together..."
Another time, you'd leaned over to plug in your laptop charger that had come loose from the outlet, dress riding up to expose an indecent swath of thigh and backside. So focused on your search that you didn't register the telltale quiet until Dazai's heated rumble caressed your senses from somewhere directly behind.
"Well...hello there." The gruff rasp contained undisguised sin as you whipped around to find him looming at your back - chest only scant inches from brushing your own. "Now isn't this just a delicious view to stumble across?"
You couldn't even summon an ounce of outrage, too immediately arrested by the unapologetic heat blazing in Dazai's midnight regard. The way it seemed to physically scorch across your exposed skin, raising delirious inflamed prickles.
Dazai allowed his stare to streak down the length of you in one unhurried, carnal sweep. When his russet gaze finally battled back up to lock with yours at eye-level, you felt like every molecule had been methodically undressed for perusal despite remaining clothed.
"You know..." He rasped at last, pitching his timbre around the words like a physical caress. "For someone who so adamantly claims they're not trying to tempt certain...responses...you certainly have an interesting way of presenting yourself, beautiful."
On the emphasis of that last word, Dazai allowed his upper body to roll forwards in one languid swell - forcing your spines into heated alignment as he crowded you snugly back against the desk. You couldn't stifle the sharp inhalation as sinuous muscle and blistering male heat surrounded you in a searing brand.
The low, humming growl Dazai released seemed to reverberate straight through to your very marrow. You shuddered despite yourself as his broad palms mapped the flare of your hips in a scorching, proprietary glide that stopped just short of indecent territory before retreating slowly.
"Well then, I certainly can't fault your...presentation," he husked, the words ghosting across your thundering pulse point. "Although you're making it dreadfully difficult for a gentleman to retain his composure around such blatant temptation..."
The thick, luxurious weight of the tension binding you and Dazai together grew heavier and more insistent with each passing encounter. until it felt like a living, breathing force of nature unto itself. An elemental power that threatened to finally shatter whatever fragile truces still existed between you.
Like when you reached above your head to reshelve some files, causing your blouse to ride up and expose a tantalizing strip of toned abdomen. You didn't hear Dazai's silent approach over the whisper-shush of papers until the solid wall of his torso pressed flush against your lower back.  
His palms settled with scorching possession around your waist, fingers splaying to maximize contact as Dazai effectively pinned you between the searing brand of his body and the shelving. A rumbling purr of approval reverberated straight through you as he allowed his hips to grind in one molten, indolent roll.
"Well, well..." The words dripped molten sin against the nape of your neck, raising delicious frissons. "What an absolutely tantalizing surprise to stumble across..."
You couldn't quite restrain the tremulous whimper that slipped free at the insistent outline of his dick nestling against the cleft of your backside. Dazai answered with a darker, smoke-edged growl of blatant male satisfaction deep in his chest - the sound catalyzing a betraying spire of heat in your core.
"So responsive," he rasped in carnal delight. "I'd wondered just how far I'd have to push before coaxing those pretty little sounds out of you again, beautiful."
One calloused palm stroked up the vulnerable inward curve of your waist in a lingering caress. Then Dazai splayed those sinful fingertips across your abdomen, the brand of his touch raising molten wildfires in its wake as it slowly wandered higher.
"Although now that I've heard them..." His teeth grazed the thundering thrum of your pulse in a searing graze. "I seem to find myself utterly incapable of resisting the urge to hear them again. And again..."
He punctuated the delirious promise by flexing his hips with pointed emphasis, forcing your lower back to arch in order to maintain that scorching point of contact. You heard yourself keen softly in a plaintive, needy rasp that only seemed to stoke the banked wildfire in Dazai's smoldering stare to searing new heights.
"There it is..." The timbre emerged nearly unraveled into gravel now as he sealed you flush once more. "Sweeter than any symphony, wouldn't you agree, gorgeous?"
Another time, one of Dazai's hands settled low on your hip as he leaned around you to reach for a file you were reviewing. Instead of extracting himself afterwards, he allowed the solid brand of his torso to remain locked against you from behind as if it was the most natural thing in the world.    
Even with you facing the wall, you felt the scorching weight of his hooded stare caressing the exposed nape of your neck. Each measured exhalation feathered across those sensitized nerves in delirious, searing contrails guaranteed to raise prickles across your skin.  
"You're awfully tense, beautiful," Dazai rasped at last with that rich, dripping insinuation. "And after the long day you've endured, so focused...so disciplined..."
His free hand settled at the dip of your lower spine, callused fingertips trailing up in a lingering glide that catalyzed your pulse into a molten gallop. You couldn't quite suppress the tremulous shiver despite willing every molecule to remain composed and unaffected by the branding possession of his touch. 
"Don't fret," he murmured, chin dipping to graze the fragile whorl of your ear as his palm continued meandering ever higher. "I'll be sure to take...such exquisite care in relieving that tension for you."
One broad splay spanned the expanse between your shoulder blades, allowing the solid brand of his forearm to pin you flush as Dazai's hips rolled in a suggestive grind. You couldn't quite muffle the choked whimper that slipped free despite your best restraint, scalp tingling beneath the rasp of his answering chuckle vibrating against your nape.
"There now...isn't that better already?"
After weeks of the escalating tension and suggestive encounters between you and Dazai, he finally decided to change tactics. One afternoon, after another heated brush of intimate proximity had left you both simmering, Dazai caught your arm gently as you tried to make your escape.
"Enough games between us, don't you think?" His tone was low but serious, none of the usual honeyed taunts coloring the words. "We both know this delicious dance can't go on indefinitely before one of us combusts entirely."
You opened your mouth, not sure if you intended to feign ignorance or finally give voice to the crackling awareness stretching between you. But Dazai merely shook his head, holding up a hand to forestall you.
"Don't bother denying the heat, beautiful. We're both too far down this road to keep playing coy." His gaze bored into yours with surprising intensity. "Which is why I have a proposal for you - a way for us both to finally scratch this undeniable itch that's been driving us slowly mad."
Interest and trepidation warred within you as you regarded Dazai steadily. He seemed to read the conflict because one side of his mouth kicked up in a slanted smile, but not the usual teasing curl. This one was weighted with quiet promise.
"Hear me out," was all he said, letting the susurrant words hang pregnant between you. "I'm prepared to make you an offer, gorgeous...one that will allow us both to have what we've been craving with no more teasing or games involved. If you're amenable, that is."
For once, you found yourself speechless under the solemn intensity of Dazai's regard. He was clearly offering a way to finally resolve the explosive tensions building between you, laid bare with none of the usual dazzling deflections. The decision rested entirely with you now.
After a pregnant pause where you searched his expression, you gave a measured nod. "I'm listening..."
Dazai's gaze remained steady and unflinching as you indicated your willingness to hear him out. For a protracted beat, the weighted silence stretched taut between you - alive with the same sparking undercurrents that had been slowly reaching a simmer over the past several weeks.
"What I'm about to propose may sound a bit...unconventional," he began at last, rich timbre stripped of any extraneous inflection. "But I think we're both finally ready to acknowledge that there's something undeniably potent between us. A craving that's only going to keep escalating until it finally explodes in spectacular fashion."
You felt your breath hitch despite willing your lungs to remain steady. Dazai's manner was severe now - bereft of any lurid suggestions or honeyed come-ons. This side of him felt almost dangerous in its solemn intensity, drawing you in like a cobra's mesmeric dance.
"The way I see it," he continued after a charged pause, "we have two choices before us. We can keep playing these delirious games, circling one another until the inevitable conflagration consumes us both in riotous ruin..." 
Dazai allowed his smoldering stare to streak down the feminine lines of your body in one ponderous sweep before returning to lock with yours. The sheer corporeal weight of his appraisal raised exquisite tendrils of heat despite yourself.
"Or we could...indulge ourselves a bit. Satisfy this relentless craving in a controlled manner before it spirals entirely out of hand."
The meaning behind his quietly purred suggestion catalyzed a wildfire of its own inside your veins. You couldn't quite mask the reactive shiver that rippled through you, though Dazai didn't seem to fault you for it. He simply tipped his head a fraction, maintaining that weighted connection between your locked stares as he allowed the implication to sink in.
"Just a temporary arrangement between colleagues, you understand," he clarified after a protracted beat. "No strings, no pesky romantic entanglements to complicate matters further. Just two consenting adults sating this rapacious hunger that's becoming so painfully... insistent." 
Each husked word felt like searing little brands scoring across your nerves - stoking the already molten kiln banked low in your abdomen. Despite the clinical way Dazai couched his proposition, the subtle langue of his body seemed to bleed with darker promise as he shifted fractionally closer into your space.
"Think about it, beautiful," he rumbled, pitching the entreaty to detonate against the sensitive whorls of your ears. "All of this delicious tension finally allowed to unspool in unbridled release. No more restraints, no more teasing folly - just the sweet rapture of indulgence you crave as badly as I..."
The deliberate roll of Dazai's formidable torso brought his intoxicating musk crashing over you in dizzying waves. You swayed automatically towards the epicenter of that sensual gravitational pull despite your better instincts. Close enough to feel the branded caress of each measured exhale fanning across your thundering pulse.   
Close enough to be utterly transfixed by the smoldering mural unraveled in smoked whiskey and molten onyx as Dazai searched your expression for rejection - or acquiescence.
"So tell me," he rasped at last, voice descending into a ruinous timbre that resonated straight through to the hollows of your marrow. "Do we finally break this sweet torture between us, gorgeous? Or keep stoking the embers until we incinerate ourselves entirely?"
The razor-edged promise hung in the electrified space twinned heartbeats seemed to suspend entirely. Dazai simply held you transfixed with that pointed, infinite stare - allowing his words to fully permeate your awareness and render you weightless in their wake.
For once, you realized with dawning inevitability...you didn't actually have an objection to voice.
You held Dazai's piercing gaze, feeling the weight of his proposition settle over you like a heavy mantle. The suggestion of a casual, no-strings arrangement between you hung thick in the air, heavy with unspoken caveats. 
Deep down, you knew there was no way to keep things impersonal or detached if you went down that path with Dazai. The sheer smoldering intensity between you, the steadily simmering hunger you saw reflected in his russet stare...it carried an inexorable gravity that would consume you both entirely if unleashed.
For a suspended breath, Dazai simply watched you digest the implications in silence, mahogany eyes glittering like polished obsidian. Then you saw a muscle feather almost imperceptibly along the stark line of his jaw as you failed to immediately agree.
"Or perhaps..." His rumbling timbre emerged roughened by sin and smoke. "A more... permanent arrangement might be in order between us after all, hmm?"
Your indrawn breath felt approximately as loud as a sonic boom in the weighted quiet. Dazai didn't so much as blink, maintaining his leonine scrutiny as you tried to process that molten undercurrent suddenly shifting between you. 
The very air itself seemed to thicken and constrict around you both, alive with the sparking frissures of unraveling tension. Whatever this was rapidly metastasizing into felt too profound, too utterly cataclysmic to be sated through mere indulgence any longer.
As if intuiting the trajectory of your thoughts, Dazai's full lips curved into a slanting, almost feral approximation of a smile that sent delirious tendrils of heat barreling outwards.
"Yes... I can see it in your eyes now, beautiful." He veritably purred the words into the electrically charged space twinned heartbeats seemed to suspend into breath-held entropy. "This is quickly evolving into something more insistent. More..."
Blazing overhead lights turned his irises into molten eclipses as Dazai allowed his hooded stare to openly devour you once more. Mapping every micro-shiver and telling flutter as his body seemed to radiate waves of tactile seduction without closing the scant distance between you.
"Insatiable," he concluded at last, the tone pitched to detonate with exquisite precision against every nerve in wanton detonation. "Something that won't be so easily slaked through fleeting capitulation between us, hmm?"
The weighted assessment hung in the electrified tension like the string of a bow drawn taut to near snapping. You couldn't even formulate a reply, too transfixed by the banked inferno steadily spiraling into unchecked wildfire behind Dazai's uncompromising mien.
Then his jaw flexed almost imperceptibly before he allowed an exhale to shudder free in humid duress. "Very well then..."
Before you could even process the words, Dazai surged forwards into the scant inches separating your bodies with leonine grace. The sudden, shockingly intimate collision of his larger frame with yours obliterated whatever feeble scraps of space still remained, searing a brand of delirious heat down every straining nerve ending. 
His fingertips seared like molten possession bracketing the soft knolls of your hips as he pressed the irrefutable ridge of his arousal against the cradle of your lowermost curves in a slow, purposeful grind. A starburst of whited-out rapture detonated behind your ribcage at the unapologetic insistence of the motion.
"If total... profane consumption is what you require," Dazai husked against the overheated thrum of your pulse, "then that's precisely what you'll receive from me, beautiful. No half-measures, no restraints..."
The deliberate sweep of his nose nudged yours fractionally to one side, catalyzing twin gasps that mingled with heady potency in the scant space separating your dually parted lips. Searing molten onyx held you hypnotized and weightless, transfixed beneath the intensity of Dazai's smolder as he sealed the vow in that final, scorching murmur.
"I'll simply have to raze you down to your very atoms...and rebuild you entirely anew as mine."
The finality underlying Dazai's vow catalyzed your surrender like a stone finally yielding to gravity's inexorable pull. You couldn't resist the delirious whirlwind of sensation as he closed the last few inches - mouth crashing against yours in a searing, possessive brand. 
Dazai kissed you like a man hungered, all simmering restraint finally shattered into dust beneath the onslaught. His tongue swept between your lips in blatant possession, igniting every receptor into feverish communion as you arched helplessly into the scorching demands of his larger frame.    
One broad palm anchored your nape, angling your parted mouth to deepen the onslaught as Dazai's other arm banded around your waist. Lashing you flush against the exquisitely hewn planes of his torso in a searing, rapturous grind that stole any last lingering objection you might have harbored. 
His growl of dark triumph rumbled straight through your bones as you melted completely beneath that sensual siege - thoughts unraveling into rapturous ash as you finally surrendered to the devouring provocation of Dazai's kiss. Allowing yourself to be plundered with ravenous, openmouthed sweeps that curled your very toes and liquified your bones.
When he finally wrenched his mouth from yours in clear defiance of needing oxygen, you swayed numbly in the aftershocks. Ambient reality felt scorched away by the elemental entropy now rapidly consuming you both in its path. The only remaining anchor was Dazai's half-lidded stare - a molten supernova holding yours effortlessly transfixed as your chests heaved in unison.
"There now..." His graveled growl whispered across your swollen lips, arms still banded in inescapable possession. "Doesn't giving in feel so much better than fighting me at last?"
You could only manage a tremulous, soundless nod - still too thoroughly undone to rally any response beyond instinctively arching for more searing contact. Dazai made a pleased rumble deep in his chest, holding you pinned against the rigid contours of his body by sheer corporeal dominance.
Then his mouth crashed down again in another possessive onslaught, tongue stroking between your lips in blatant avowal of control. He walked you backwards with a series of inescapable grinding steps until your back met the solid resistance of a nearby wall. Caging you there in the vise of his larger frame as his mouth plundered deeper.
You clutched at any available anchor, fingers snarling through the crisp strands at his nape in a desperate bid to ground yourself amid the delirious whirlwind. But there could be no bracing against Dazai's onslaught, only utter surrender to the maelstrom.  
He growled visceral approval at your mindless responsiveness, hips angling to bracket yours in scorching emphasis as one broad palm mapped down your body.
A strangled moan spilled from your lips at the molten drag of his hand across your waist, down the flare of your hips, around to splay against the exposed vee of your inner thigh.
"Look at me," he husked, waiting until your hazy eyes dragged up to his. Then Dazai rolled his hips in a slow, sinuous grind - making sure you could feel the rigid line of his arousal through the confines of his slacks.
"See how utterly wrecked you've left me, gorgeous?" The words vibrated against the fragile whorls of your ear, raising delicious goosebumps. "That's how I've felt since the moment you first walked in here. And now, finally..."
His voice trailed off, allowing the scorching implication to speak for itself as Dazai flexed his hips in another pointed, searing roll. Your eyes practically rolled back in your skull as the pressure ignited a wildfire of need, a molten cascade of sensation that pooled low in your abdomen with alarming speed.
"But I'm not the only one, hmm?"
Those dexterous fingers inched higher along your inner thigh, skating up the tingling span to hover just shy of where you desperately ached for him. You shuddered, unable to contain the tremulous little gasp that spilled free as your hips automatically canted towards the delicious torment.
"You're equally ruined, aren't you, beautiful?" Dazai's words seared directly into the tender shell of your ear, setting each delicate nerve alight. "I can see it in those gorgeous eyes. The way you melt into me like a kitten seeking affection, aching for my touch..."
You moaned deliriously as he allowed his fingers to skate the sensitive hollow just above your hip, dipping beneath the hem of your blouse. Each stroke raised exquisite frissons along your spine as you strained for more.
"Don't fret, sweet girl..." Dazai murmured, voice dipping even lower as his fingers continued mapping higher. "I'll make sure we both get exactly what we crave. What we've needed since that first meeting in my office..."
When his fingers finally delved between your thighs, parting the fabric to tease along the wet cleft within, your head fell back in utter surrender. Eyes slipping closed at the overwhelming surge of pleasure that rocketed through you, searing every receptor into ecstatic communion.
"Yes," he rumbled darkly against the vulnerable slope of your neck, mouth trailing a series of scalding little bites in his wake. "I'm going to make sure we both unravel and find exquisite ruin together, sweet girl. But first..."
Those long, elegant fingers finally found their target, sliding against the slick center of your desire. You cried out, spine arching as Dazai's thumb stroked a deliberate path across your throbbing clit.
"I think it's only fair to return the favor, don't you?"
Then he sank two fingers into your welcoming core, the stretch forcing a sharp keening sound from your throat. Dazai released a rough purr of approval at your reaction, laving the stinging bites with the soothing flat of his tongue as he slowly pumped the digits.
"That's it, beautiful," he crooned against your thundering pulse. "Give me everything. Let me hear how utterly wrecked you are already."
Each thrust stoked the embers blazing into wildfire inside you, turning your muscles into liquid flame as the molten rhythm built. Dazai's mouth crashed against yours in another searing kiss as the fingers curling deep inside you stroked incessantly.
You surrendered completely beneath his relentless siege, the only thing holding you upright being his solid frame bracketed against yours. Each thrust stoked the molten flames higher, driving your senses into a delirium until the world narrowed down to the incendiary rhythm between you and Dazai.
A keening wail erupted from your lungs as the pleasure coalesced, cresting and exploding behind your ribcage in a devastating implosion. Dazai's answering groan felt like the sweetest reward as he drank in every tremulous sound and reaction.
As the tremors slowly receded, you became dimly aware of his lips grazing the crown of your head as he carefully withdrew his fingers. Your thighs trembled in the wake of that intense climax, but Dazai merely gathered you against his larger frame.
"That's it, gorgeous," he rasped against the shell of your ear, the timbre thick with lust. "You've been so good, letting me take you apart completely. So good for me, my sweet girl."
The praise made you whimper softly, a shiver rippling through your limbs as the last lingering sparks of rapture finally dissipated. When you managed to crack your eyes open again, Dazai's expression arrested you instantly.
His pupils were blown wide, nearly overtaking the irises entirely. Those full lips were reddened and slightly swollen, the lower still gleaming wet from his ravaging kisses. Dazai's chest was heaving as if he'd run a marathon, but his hold remained steady as he continued murmuring quiet praise into the crown of your head.
"There you are, sweet girl," he rumbled, a crooked little grin twitching across his features. "Still with me?"
Your head managed a feeble little nod, earning an amused chuckle. Then Dazai tipped your chin up until his searing gaze bore into yours with palpable intent.
"Good, because we're far from finished," he warned, the graveled timbre resonating through your bones. "I've wanted you for too damn long to be satisfied with a single taste, sweet girl. Once is going to be nowhere near enough."
You shivered at the unabashed promise, though couldn't quite muster a rebuttal. Not when the molten embers inside you were already roaring back to life beneath the searing heat of Dazai's stare.
"Now, where shall we begin?"
He pondered aloud, tilting his head to one side as he surveyed the options. His free hand wandered lower, tracing idle patterns along the slope of your spine as Dazai considered his options. You could practically hear the gears in his head whirring.
Then his gaze sharpened, honing in on something before a wicked grin split his features. You opened your mouth to inquire, but the words dissolved into a sharp gasp as Dazai seized a handful of your ass and squeezed hard.
"I've had plenty of time to fantasize about this pretty little rear, you know," he murmured against the sensitive whorl of your ear, eliciting shivers. "So many nights wondering just how good you'd look bent over my desk, ass presented and waiting for me..."
Another squeeze, harder this time as he pulled you tighter against the ridge of his erection. Dazai rolled his hips languidly, eliciting a whimper at the delicious friction.
"And the best part?" His voice dropped to a smoke-edged rasp, the timbre reverberating straight through you. "Now I finally get to find out."
Dazai didn't give you time to formulate a reply before he turned, steering you through the maze of desks with a firm hand on the small of your back. He paused once you reached the large executive desk, turning to survey the scene with obvious approval.
"Right here, sweet girl," he purred, fingers drifting down to unzip your skirt and allow it to puddle at your feet. "This will do nicely, don't you think?"
You managed a tremulous little nod, unable to resist leaning into his touch as Dazai guided you towards the edge of the desk. Your hands settled atop the cool surface for balance, and he gave a soft hum of approval at the sight.
"Such a good girl, aren't you?" He praised, calloused fingertips stroking the sensitive flesh along the backs of your thighs. "So eager to please. And you've been doing such a splendid job so far, my sweet."
A tremulous little mewl slipped free at the gentle strokes. You shifted restlessly, arching for more.
Dazai released a rumbling purr, the sound thick with satisfaction as his palm curved around the flair of your backside. The other hand reached for the waistband of his slacks, easing the zipper down as his thumb stroked along the line of your thong.
"I can't wait to get my cock inside you," he rasped, the filthy words causing a shiver. "To feel this perfect little cunt wrapped around me. So tight, so wet...and all for me, gorgeous."
His palm cupped one cheek, kneading gently as Dazai rocked his hips forwards. The ridge of his erection dragged across your slit, parting the fabric with its insistent press. Your mouth fell open in a soft whine at the delicious friction.
"I bet I can even make you scream," he husked against the nape of your neck, rolling his hips again. "Make you fall apart all over my cock as I fuck you right here, bent over this desk."
His palm cracked against the supple flesh, the sound reverberating through the air and causing a sharp cry. A second stinging smack followed, then another. Dazai's mouth roved against your shoulder blades as his hand kept punishing the swell of your backside.
"Just the thought of that has me rock-hard already," he growled, punctuating the vow by grinding his hips forwards once more. "Imagining you all desperate and dripping wet for me, aching for release."
The words alone were almost enough to tip you over the edge. Then the hand palming your backside slipped between your thighs, teasing the fabric covering your soaked slit. You gasped, canting your hips instinctively for more.
"Mm, just like that," Dazai murmured against the nape of your neck. "My sweet girl wants to be fucked, doesn't she? She's so eager, so responsive..."
One finger hooked beneath the fabric, tugging it aside. You could feel the blunt press of his erection nudging between your thighs, so close to finally entering you. The anticipation ratcheted even higher, a delicious tension.
"I've waited far too long to finally claim you, gorgeous," Dazai husked, voice thick with lust. "And I fully intend to take my time with you, sweet girl. But right now..."
One broad palm splayed across the expanse of your lower back, pressing your torso flush against the polished desktop. Your legs were spread wide, and you were held pinned in place by Dazai's weight bearing down behind you.
"Right now," he repeated, the words resonating with finality as his hand wrapped around your waist, fingers curling into the wet fabric of your panties. "I'm going to fuck you the way we both desperately need. Hard and fast, until I've completely ruined you for any other man. Is that understood?"
You managed a frantic little nod, eyes clenched tightly closed as you waited. Every nerve felt alight with anticipation, breath held in suspension.
Then, without any warning, Dazai snapped his hips forwards in a punishing thrust. You cried out sharply, unable to muffle the keening sound at the sudden penetration. His cock drove impossibly deep, filling you so completely you could almost taste him at the back of your throat.
"There now..." He rumbled dark approval, hand stroking up your spine in a soothing gesture. "So beautifully tight around me. You take me so well, gorgeous."
His hips began to move, rocking into you in slow, torturous motions that stoked the inferno burning higher. Each stroke was exquisitely thorough, each thrust bottoming out and sending a delicious jolt up your spine.
Your hands scrambled for purchase against the smooth desktop, seeking an anchor amidst the relentless sensual onslaught. You could feel every inch of Dazai's cock pistoning inside you, could hear the filthy little grunts of pleasure each time his hips snapped forwards.
"Does that feel good, sweet girl?" His voice emerged in a rough growl, the timbre nearly unraveled with the force of his need. "Being so thoroughly filled, so taken apart by my cock?"
A strangled moan ripped free from your throat at the delicious pressure, and Dazai chuckled roughly in response. One hand curled around your neck, pulling your spine flush against his chest as he increased the pace.
"That's it, sweet girl. Let me hear you. Show me how well you're being fucked, how much you enjoy taking me."
Your hips rocked back to meet his, mindless in the pursuit of ecstasy. Each thrust was more powerful than the last, a relentless cadence that stole your breath and left you helplessly panting. The delicious friction stoked the inferno blazing into wildfire, obliterating all thought in its path.
"That's it, my sweet girl," Dazai husked, voice thick with desire. "Give yourself to me completely. I'll take care of you, sweet girl. I'll always take care of you, sweet girl."
Those words alone nearly tipped you over the edge, a tremulous keen ripping free from your throat as you surrendered. You arched for more, desperate for him to finish what he'd started.
Then his arm wrapped around your waist, holding you captive as Dazai pounded into you. The angle was deeper now, his cock hitting places inside you that caused stars to explode behind your eyelids. Each thrust was more powerful than the last, driving you closer and closer to the razor's edge.
"So close, sweet girl," he husked, voice nearly unrecognizable. "Come for me. Let go, my beautiful girl."
The command detonated like a sonic boom inside you, shattering the tenuous restraint and setting the world ablaze. You screamed his name, back arching as the climax crashed over you.
Dazai snarled a filthy oath as he felt the convulsions ripple through your body, his grip tightening. He kept thrusting, dragging out your orgasm until it was nearly too much to bear.
Your legs trembled, muscles liquefying as the ecstasy crested. But Dazai didn't stop. His hand remained wrapped around your throat, holding you flush against his torso as his hips snapped forwards.
"Yes," he growled, the words vibrating straight through you. "Give it to me, sweet girl. Let me feel that sweet cunt milking me dry, let me fill you up and hear you scream..."
Each word felt like a brand scorching directly into the core of you, the heat so intense it nearly seared. You could barely breathe, barely think, barely do anything beyond shudder and moan beneath the onslaught.
The climax tore through you in an inferno, obliterating any remaining scrap of rational thought in its wake. All you could do was ride the waves, drowning beneath the deluge of pleasure.
Dazai's hips snapped forward once more, hissing a guttural curse as his own release crested. You could feel the liquid warmth filling you, flooding your core and coating the inside of your thighs as his thrusts slowed.
Then, finally, his rhythm stuttered to a halt. The arm holding you steady against him loosened, allowing you to collapse against the desktop. Your muscles felt utterly spent, trembling in the aftershocks as you struggled to catch your breath.
Dazai's hand remained on the curve of your hip, anchoring you securely as he slowly withdrew. A breathless little moan slipped free at the loss, though he immediately shushed you with a kiss pressed against the nape of your neck.
"There now," he murmured, tone thick with satisfaction. "Wasn't that infinitely better than keeping our distance, my sweet girl?"
You couldn't even formulate a reply - still reeling from the intensity of that orgasm. But Dazai didn't seem to need an answer, content to hold you pinned against the edge of the desk for a moment longer.
"But now I need you to do something for me," he rumbled after a beat, the words thickening with sin and smoke. "Be a good girl and stand up for me."
You managed a weak, confused little sound as you complied. Dazai's arm was instantly around your waist, steadying you as your trembling limbs struggled to obey. Once your knees stopped shaking, he pulled you closer.
"Good girl," he praised, the words a velvety rumble against your temple. "Now stay right here for me."
Before you could question, his hands dropped to his waistband. You watched in mute fascination as Dazai tugged his slacks down, revealing his half-hard erection. It glistened with the evidence of your shared release, a bead of his spend slipping down the side.
He didn't break eye contact, holding you trapped in the molten depths of his stare. One hand curled around his shaft, giving a languid stroke as Dazai swiped a thumb across the head.
You swallowed thickly, eyes unable to look away as he used the pearled dew to slick his hand.
"Now then," he husked, expression dark with promise. "Open that pretty mouth for me, my sweet."
Your lips parted of their own accord, the motion instinctive. Dazai's smirk widened at the immediate compliance, his free hand tipping your chin upwards to hold you pinned beneath the smoldering heat of his stare.
"I need you to clean me off, sweet girl," he explained, the graveled timbre of his voice sending goosebumps rippling across your skin. "Every. Last. Drop. Understood?"
Another tremulous sound spilled free as you nodded, eagerly getting down on your knees. The air seemed to thicken, heavy with erotic intent as you awaited his next command.
"Good girl," Dazai praised, the words dripping like honey. "Now open that pretty mouth and show me just how good you are at listening to instructions."
Your jaw fell open, tongue darting out to lap against the swollen crown. His fingers tangled in your hair, guiding you forward until you were able to suck the entire length of him into the velvet cradle.
"Just like that," Dazai crooned, the words emerging half-unraveled as his hips bucked forwards. "So fucking perfect. You look so beautiful like this, gorgeous."
His words were punctuated by shallow, rolling thrusts. His shaft grew impossibly hard against your tongue, thick and pulsing. You could feel him swelling, filling your mouth with his musky scent.
Dazai's eyes were blown wide, the pupils completely overtaking the irises. They burned with molten desire, the sight almost enough to tip you over the edge again.
"Now I need you to take me deep," he growled, voice roughened with lust. "Let me feel the back of that pretty throat, my sweet girl."
You could only nod, unable to do anything beyond comply. His fingers tightened in your hair, tugging gently as he angled your head where he needed. Dazai's cock filled your mouth, stretching the walls of your throat as he rocked forwards.
"Such a good girl," he crooned, the words emerging ragged and breathless. "That's it, take all of me. Such a good girl, sucking my cock like a proper little whore. Now open that pretty mouth and let me see those gorgeous eyes."
You moaned, the sound muffled by the length of his shaft. Dazai's fingers tightened in your hair, a warning.
"Good girl," he growled, the words almost feral with the force of his need. "I'm going to fill your sweet little mouth with my cum, sweet girl. Then you're going to swallow every drop. Understood?"
Another frantic nod, your cheeks hollowing as you sucked. He groaned, the sound rumbling through his chest as his thrusts grew sharper. His shaft filled your mouth, pushing deeper and deeper until you could barely breathe.
"Take it," he ordered, voice rough and commanding. "Take every drop of my cum, sweet girl."
Then, without warning, Dazai's entire body went rigid. His jaw clenched, eyes closing as his head tipped back.
His hips slammed forwards, bottoming out and hitting the back of your throat. You gagged slightly at the sudden intrusion, but he held you pinned. His entire body seemed to shake, muscles corded with strain.
Then his cock throbbed, pulsing against your tongue as his seed flooded your mouth. You moaned, the sound muffled by the shaft filling you.
His eyes flew open, pinning you beneath the molten weight of his stare. You held perfectly still, allowing him to spill into your mouth until his thrusts began to slow.
"Fuck, gorgeous," he panted, hips still rolling as the last spurts trickled down your throat. "That's a good girl, taking it all for me. What a sweet little thing you are, swallowing down my cum like that."
His thumb traced the outline of your lips, the calloused pad dragging along the sensitive flesh. You shivered at the feather-light caress, unable to look away from his half-lidded stare.
"You've earned a reward," Dazai husked, his voice a velvety purr. "And I fully intend to spoil my sweet girl tonight. Shall we begin with dinner? My treat."
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sweatervest-obsessed · 11 months
Birthday Present
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Reader
WC: 484
TW: Fluff. drinking, mention of lunatic unsubstantiated in passing .
A/N: a little somethin to keep you held over while I finish up the longer pics I'm publishing this weekend.
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“Checkmate in three.” 
“What?” Spencer stared at the board, and then you, and then back at the board. “There’s no—”
“Well it’s your move Spence. Let’s finish the game then.” 
About one minute later, when you had successfully checkmated him in three moves, Spencer was suddenly no longer in the happy mood he had been in when he suggested you play chess. 
“Oh Spence please, it’s just a game.” You sighed and started to pack up the game. 
“I just don’t—”
“Ah!” You cut him off. “Don’t finish that sentence if you wanna sleep in the same bed as me tonight.” 
Spencer kept his mouth shut, opting to help you pick up the rest of the pieces of the game instead. 
“No one will ever believe you.” He grumbled, getting up and placing the chest board over on the small table by the window. 
“Yeah but you will. And that’s all the power I need, baby.” You laughed a bit before taking a sip of the wine in front of you. 
“You are evil.” 
“And yet you still love me Doctor Spencer Reid.” 
Spencer sighed dramatically and sat down next to you on the couch. “I guess I do.” 
You shifted slightly so that you could rest your head on his shoulder; both of you basking in each other’s company. 
“I’m really grateful you’re home for my birthday.” You whispered, not moving your head off his shoulder. “And before you say anything, I don’t blame you for not being here last year, I mean it’s not your fault some guy was chopping people’s limbs up in Texas. I’m just…I’m glad you’re here with me.” 
Spencer didn’t know how to feel. You felt him tense up a bit, causing you to pull away and frown. “Spencer what.” 
“Nothing just.” He ran his hands through his hair. “It sucks that I’m always off on a whim, that there is basically no consistency to my work schedule so the threat of not being here for important events like your birthday or even just a long weekend just. I-I don’t know.” 
“The fact that your schedule is inconsistent makes it extremely consistent. I know who I married. Does it suck sometimes? Yes. But that’s just because I miss you. Sometimes, it’s nice considering the fact that I enjoy being independent–”
“I know who I married.” Spencer cut you off, a small smile on his face. 
“Yeah Yeah, tough guy with the big brain and a badge, okay okay.” 
Spencer chuckled and kissed your head, wrapping his arm around you and rubbing his thumb on your hip. “So--,” 
“So buttons babe.” 
“Sooo, if you let me finish, what is next on the birthday agenda.” 
You pursed your lips and smirked slightly. 
You stood up and walked away from him. 
“Babe, what are you doing?” 
“Why don’t you follow me and find out, Doctor.” 
Happy Birthday to you indeed.
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lafresnaya · 8 months
just spent 6 hrs memorising the basic anatomy of the ribs - SO WHICH RIBS DID JON REMOVE?? [tw anatomy]
so some facts that we know; we know he's alive because of Beholding powers, right? and also that the ribs were "something [he] won't miss" and that the second rib was a "weird one".
there are two possible interpretations of this last fact; it was covered in eyes, it was a different type of rib to the last one, or both.
PART ONE: "the weird one"
let's take this second fact to be true. this means that jon removed two separate types of ribs!!
Quick run-through - There are 12 ribs, and they're all attached to individual parts of the spinal cord. Ribs can be categorised into:
bonus: 'floating' (11 & 12 only).
Naturally, it's possible that Jared got one each from either the typical/atypical or true/false categories above, but I think his specific mention of a 'weird one' that he isn't sure that he likes implies it's a floating rib.
Floating ribs are weird. They're not attached to the sternum (big bone at the front) or the costal margin (which connects ribs 7-10 at the front). They're also smaller - by quite a bit! And they would probably classify as 'non-essential' by Jon standards, for ribs. So that's one of them!
Now, which of the 4 floating ribs do I think it is? The thing about the ribs is that they have a few purposes. Like protecting other organs.
The bottom left ribs protect the liver (very very important organ!! basically all the nutrients you ingest go here! it also has like, 500 other jobs - not an exaggeration btw), and the bottom right ribs protect the spleen. Except that usually, the bones that protect the spleen, a very soft organ, are ribs 9-11.
So anyway one of the ribs is definitely rib 12 on the left.
What about the other one?
PART TWO: "something [he] won't miss"
Well, it's not ribs 11-12. It's something different.
SO, a break-down of which ribs he 'might not miss'. I can't lie, pretty much all of them are important. They all protect nerves and blood vessels & attach to at least something. Rib 12 on the left is maybe the only 'unimportant' one I could think of, and even then it helps to protect the subcostal nerve.
Ribs 1-2 are pretty important. It's almost definitely not those two. Likewise, 3-6 are important as attachments for the upper limb muscles, and also for protecting the heart. Rib 7 is kinda needed as an attachment for the rest of the costal margin as well, so the only options are 8-10, really.
But here's an interesting thing about the lungs!! Between the lungs & the diaphragm (& hence the liver, which lies right below the diaphragm), is a gap of about 2 ribs wide. It's called the costodiaphragmatic recess, and it's for your lungs to expand into when you breathe in (and they fill with air).
Depending on how far along the rib you are, it lies between ribs 8-10, ribs 6-8, or ribs 10-12. Which makes it roughly between 8-10. Now, remember that ribs 9-11 protect the spleen on the left, so we're staying away from those.
But rib 8? Rib 8 should be safe. What about right or left? Could be either. But in the interest of balance, I think that rib 8 on the right is my headcanon for Bone That Sat In Jon's Drawer.
It also has the advantage of being a 'typical' rib [ribs 3-9], so for those familiar with anatomy, it looks like a standard rib (but it will still be unrecognisable to those unfamiliar, such as ep 140 Basira).
Mystery solved :D
thanks for reading my tedtalk <3 here are some useful diagrams
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pedge-stuff · 1 year
I just had the worst and saddest possible day ever and all I wished was someone here, just to hug me under my cold covers. Can you please make something up with pedro and reader please?
I'm so sorry you are going through this?? I hope things have improved since you submitted this. Sending love your way.
okay (pedro pascal x gn/m!reader)
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a/n: same vague universe as “marked,“ per usual.
a little, plotless shorty for your troubles.
thanks, as always, for everything.
TW: a very brief mention of disordered eating
summary: sometimes, you just need to be held.
"I'm okay," you whisper. "It's okay, really. I just need a little bit."
Less than convincing.
There is a dip in the mattress behind you. Even with your eyes closed, covers pulled over your head, turned away from him entirely, you can tell he is settling against the headboard, atop the duvet.
Pedro doesn't speak. Doesn't touch you, either, but you're not really sure if you're grateful for that; sometimes, being touched when you're like this feels so intolerable, it takes your breath away. Other times, a soft touch feels like the only thing that can hold you together. Trial and error, involving a lot of shitty and unfair antagonisms, has taught Pedro to give you space before he gives you love.
This is why you suck, your brain supplies. Nothing more— your mind is too fucking tired to even dissect your insecurities properly. You just feel bad.
Not without reason; at least, not today. Three missed calls from your mother, with whom you are barely speaking to, anyways. (It turns out being engaged to Oberyn Martell is about the only thing that could cure her passive aggressive homophobia. A bit too late to be water under the bridge, at any rate.)
Three missed calls, and some really shit news.
So, you're in bed. Under the covers, hiding, as if 8:30 is a totally normal bedtime.
And things are decidedly not good.
The tears come, silent and steady.
A warm press of lips to the back of your neck startles you; hot puffs of breath where his nose is buries into the hair curled at your nape, just a moment, before pulling back. It does not feel as bad as you'd feared.
"Sorry," you croak, blindly reaching behind you; squeeze what feels like his knee, in what you hope is a marginally reassuring gesture. "I'm fine, baby, you don't have to sit here with me." Pedro is early to bed— neither of you are really night owls— but not this early.
He makes no effort to move. "Can I..." A tentative hand, between your shoulder blades.
You can't help the thin whine that accompanies your shaky exhale. Fucking pathetic. But you turn, slowly, rolling over to face him. You'd assumed he was up against the headboard, but he's shifted down now, head on the pillow beside you.
Smiling, though it doesn't quite reach his eyes.
Wordlessly, he tucks an arm over your waist. He's always been strong, biceps as thick and sturdy as tree limbs, but the Gladiator training has added a layer of muscle just about everywhere. (Including his stomach. Abs are slowly stealing the small belly there, and while you're proud of the work he's putting in, you secretly miss the softness.)
"I don't know what you're thinking," Pedro whispers, mouth brushing against the top of your head. "But I'm so sorry, honey." He rubs the length of your spine, brow furrowing at the feeling of unfamiliar protrusions. Stress and an irregular schedule has sent good eating habits by the wayside; your body is shrinking, while his grows.
It's been the shittiest fucking month. He's been gone, you've been busy, and neither of you have gotten enough of the other. Back in New York three days now, but this is the first night you've been able to stay in together— and, of course, you've ruined it.
"Just happy to be with you," Pedro says, as if reading your mind. "Maybe this strike'll last forever, and I'll never need to go back to Morocco. Sorry, Paul Mescal."
You laugh, despite yourself, thick with tears. "I'm gonna miss the fan selfies, I think. What're they calling you? Pee-paw?"
Pedro groans, punishing you by pulling you tighter against him. Your face is squashed against his chest. Not a hardship. He smells clean, spiced. Familiar. Comfortably, and safe.
"You're engaged to the oldest man on the internet," he laments. "In Twitter years, I'm dead."
The squished hug is short-lived, breaking as he rolls back, gently, to get a better look at you. Cups your face, puffy and wet and gross; brushes twin thumbs over your cheeks, with a fond smile.
"There you are," Pedro whispers.
"I'm okay." Another sniff, but the threat of tears seems to have subsided. Today was shit, but it's over now; you're here, together, with nothing but time and sleep ahead of you.
"It's okay that you're not, sweetheart."
But you are. You're with him.
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r0-boat · 8 months
Hello! I have a prompt where, the reader pushes there lover (warden Ingo, cyllene, laventon, adaman SEPARATE) away from an Alpha Pokemon attack and then get seriously injured (like losing a limb or something) and them crying and telling us off on how we could have died or grieving our death.
(both surviving and dying endings please)
Oh yes delicious angst! 👀
Cw: almost losing a limb/losing a limb, reader death, mourning, depression, angst no happy end.
Reader becoming severely injured or dying saving them.
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Warden Ingo
(Close call)
Ingo carried you, blood staining his coat and your outfit. He carried you going as fast as he humanly could down until the nearest doctor, anyone who could help—screaming for help, keeping you warm, and losing more blood in any way he could. When you finally wake up, Ingo is out of breath and on the verge of tears. He holds you close, tight, and protective. He couldn't get mad at you. He could never be mad. He was just relieved you were all right. However I would be lying if I said he wouldn't be a little more protective from now on.
(reader dead)
He stared at a shaky palm, remembering the way you went slack in his arms, bags under his eyes from sleepless nights filled with new and old nightmares. The painful feeling of losing something was so painful; however, what scared him more was that this feeling was familiar to him. The emptiness inside him was only doubled after. He can't even look at himself anymore because whatever stares back is your smiling face and deja vu. Even though he knows he must take care of himself, he has to admit it's hard even to bring himself to eat these days without looking over to your smiling face how he misses you're warmth in his arms. Now, all he feels is the cold, howling wind of Coronet Heights. Once again that loneliness fills him in this time; it will be there till his grave. Ingo cannot love again for he can not feel that love again.
(close call)
Survivors guilt, as you lie there on the ground losing blood at an alarming rate. She's frozen. She's almost in denial as other survey members rush to your limb body. Cyllene finally snaps out of it all. Her panic hits her all at once, barking orders to get you back to camp.
Unfortunately Pesselle running low on supplies and with time running out she wasn't sure she would be able to save you. Upon hearing this Revelation something inside her stoked a fire Cyllene took it upon herself to go out and find every single ingredients she needed helping her nurse you back to health, of course you being unconscious from blood loss for a few days you had no idea all you woke up to was an angry rant from a very very pissed captain.
After all she did, she couldn't save you. Sadness and rage bubble into one, gritting her teeth, nails scratching at the cold ground; she wants to scream. Damn it why wasn't it her? Damn, it should have been her! The job of the Galaxy Core was to protect people and she couldn't even protect the one person she cared most. She needed to get stronger she needed to be more so this would never happen again. And that's why her heart grows three times colder that day.
(close call)
Laventon drag you outside of Camp to look at some Pokemon well he asks you to ready your pokeballs for a catch, but he doesn't notice the alpha Garchomp that had their eyes on you. Everything was a blur then helplessly sitting still as the rest of Team Galaxy tried everything to use your Pokemon to fight the alpha back off as they get you back to safety. If only he could throw a Pokeball if he were good at raising Pokemon. Laventon felt like a burden to you here he was having you risk his life to do his work any friendly wake up he's on the verge of tears holding you closely his hands shaking the sinking feeling of uselessness does not leave.
He drowns himself in his work. It is the only way to make him forget about his constant nightmares of that day. He still loves Pokemon. He does not blame Pokemon for taking your life, but he recognizes more than anyone else that Pokemon are as dangerous as they are fascinating. It'll be a while since he touches one without his heart beating with anxiety. He barely eats. He sleeps. All he does is work on his Pokedex. He has to finish it for your sake, or else all the dangerous work you did, the work you died for, will be for nothing, and when he finally finishes, it will say, "With the help of my beloved, thank you. I will miss you."
(close call)
If it wasn't for Leafeon who growled at the large Pokemon making sure it didn't take a step closer as his human brother held you in his arms, blood staining his fingers. Leafeon successfully holding back the Pokemon that threatened your life walks over to Adaman whining as he looks your arm giving him a worried look. Adaman knows the natural remedies around these parts you are too far from the settlement and the village to take care of you so he does all that he can using leafeon's aromatherapy to soothe you as he begins to use natural herbs and revenues to calm the bleeding as much as he can while ripping apart his own clothes for makeshift bandages rumoring through your bag for anything he could use anything at all to help.
Upon waking up, Adaman almost tackles you, holding you close to his body, careful not to hurt you. He squeezes you gently. "You're an idiot..." he whispers, his hand shaking, his voice breaking. "don't you ever scare me like that again."
If only he was faster and in denial at the fact that your time has ended. If only he hadn't wasted his time, he could have gotten you to the settlement, and you would have been here. He felt like a failure, not only a failure of a friend but a failure of the leader of Diamond Clan. If he couldn't keep one person he loved alive, how could he keep his entire Clan alive? Time is truly short. However, some people, if unlucky, can be even shorter. He'll spend all his days morning into training, getting stronger in your name until he has passed out on the ground. He knows that he's just wasting his time and that no amount of tears will bring you back. He did not deserve you; you did not serve your time being robbed. The Lord Sinnoh is so cruel.
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xylianasblog · 3 months
Know your place.
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Pairings: Quaritch x FemNavi Reader
Summary: You just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Warnings: MDNI, master/slave, TW: NONCON, non consensual , p in v, Quaritch being a dominate asshole, very mean, sub reader, shy and innocent, mentions of being drugged, unprotected sex, forced mating. If I missed any warnings please let me know!
A/n: this one was so difficult but shout out to @quicktosimp for even planning a dark content themed event.
꒦꒷❀꒷꒦ ❀✿❀꒦꒷❀꒷꒦MDNI ꒦꒷❀꒷꒦❀✿❀ ꒦꒷❀꒷꒦
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You felt the prick in the side of your neck before you even had time to question it, the world around you started to blur until there was nothing left but darkness.
Your body felt heavy, your mind was still groggy. You felt like you had just fallen from the tallest of trees, everything hurt. Your eyelids felt as if they wanted to stay closed despite your best efforts to try and open them and when that failed you tried to open your mouth. You didn’t succeed in that either, the moment you were able to part your lips so sound could be heard, your mouth felt drier than you could imagine as thirst clung to your chapped lips.
You didn’t feel it first but you felt it now the fear of the unknown filled your body with dread, the need to run played over and over in your head but your body wouldn’t listen. You couldn’t even move your limbs.
Everything was eerily silent wherever you were, no sounds no nothing. It felt like hours as you lay unmoving in the same sprawled pit position. Gradually you felt feeling come back to your limbs, one by one you were able to wiggle and move but you were so hopeful about getting away. As you worked on moving around trying to find a slightly comfortable position to lay the sound of an automatic door opened, the swooshing sound had your tail raised and ears perked. Every bit of you on high alert.
The sound of heavy footsteps approaching, and you still couldn’t figure out how to break loose. Your thoughts ran rampant and you felt so helpless, you saw the boots before you let your eyes roam ever so slowly up the persons figure. He was a Na’vi, no this man was no Na’vi he was a dream walker, what business did he have with you?
You studied his form silently as you watched him crouch down, his hand reaching out to grab at the base of your kuru, you cried out as you tried to squirm away.
“Shut yer fucking mouth cupcake, ain’t no one coming to save you.” His yellow eyes glared down at your trembling body, the devilish smirk that crossed his features scared you. His eyes racked over your body slowly taking in your petite form, you felt yourself stomach drop with the look that filled his eyes. You parted your lips getting ready to beg and plead for your life and safety, however your words were cut short as he harshly pressed his mouth until yours. Forcing his tongue into your mouth as his hold on your kuru tightened up causing a pain to jolt through your body, you whimpered into the kiss out of fear as your felt his hands roughly touching along your body.
You felt his fingers gliding over your clothes pussy, you kicked and thrashed around as he continued to touch and rub in areas no one had ever dared to touch. You felt disgusted with your self despite all your efforts to fight back, you were utterly helpless. He broke the kiss to take in some much needed air, you took your chance to gather as much as you could, your head being secured still with the grip he had on your kuru. He leaned down his breath brushing against your ear as he spoke. “I’m gonna make you my bitch.” He chucked as he pulled away.
Your body had froze in fear, you may not have been able to understand most of the sky people language but you could tell by the time of his words that this was a promise. One that meant trouble.
Even as he continued to touch and prob at your pussy you couldn’t find the strength to move, your body was cooperating with your mind. His words playing over in your mind as he worked to get you out of your loincloth and top. Your mind was reeling, nothing was processing into you felt the tip of his hard length pressing against your hole. He had not prepared you, touched you to loosen up your tightness. As the reality of the situation began to say in you begin to kick harder, using your hands to push and hit with all of your might. You weren’t strong by any means even as a navi this male was still much stronger than you.
Through all your kicking and fighting you weren’t paying attention to anything but whatever you had left of your will you fight. A searing pain spread across the side of your face. For a moment time seemed to stop, everything felt as if it had slowed down and the stinging pain of his hit and the ringing in your ears was the only indication that anything had happened. “Stop fighting or I’ll kill you.” He hissed out, the deranged look in his eyes had your body stopping instantly.
He threw your head down roughly as he turned you to your side, and for a brief moment you felt instant relief as he released your kuru. He turned your body sideways and lifted your leg up to give himself the perfect view of your cunt. He settled himself nicely over your other leg, securing it with the wait of his body as he pressed his length in slowly forcing your tight little cunt to stretch. You couldn’t even cry out for the fear of him hitting you once more, so you shut your eyes tightly willing your mind to drift off as he forced himself to bottom out inside you. The sound of his groan and the feeling of being full were indications of him being as deep as he could go. He had successfully stretched you out, marking your body as his as the tip of his cock kisses at your womb.
Your mind drifted between the feeling of his length buried deep inside you to other things to focus on, you refused to acknowledge the male before you actively ripping away your innocence from you. Each of his thrust had your mental resolve breaking, each one pushing deeper and harder into you. It was clear he was focused on his own pleasure, so why did the feeling of him hitting so deep begin to feel good in your mind.
Quaritch reached over to grab your kuru at the tip, despite his rough thrusting his touches were softener now, gentle even you barely felt it. He lifted it up to examine it as the hair fell away to reveal the pink tendrils, they wiggled around freely now looking for anything to connect to, make the bond to. You opened your eyes just as he did the unspeakable. You both gasped at the unexpected sensation as the bond had been made, your eyes closed involuntarily as you were overwhelmed with pleasure. Pleasure that wasn’t yours, you felt ever but of him as if he was another part of you, your breathing syncing to his as your heartbeats became one. Your body shuddered as you felt his release quickly approaching,
Quaritch reached down after a moment it took him to compose himself. His hand grabbed your cheeks roughly forcing you to look into his eyes. His thrusting had slowed to a stop a scowl set on his lips before he spoke in a breathy tone. “You belong to be now understand? Like a good little slave I’ll train you to be, you will follow my directions no question asked. I am your master now.” He threw your face to the side as he resumed his task to train you to be his slave in every sense of the word. He just so happened to start with your body first.
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Tags: @etherial-moon-blog, @quicktosimp, @tallulah477 @eywaite
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konigsblog · 10 months
what about,,,,,,mean simon raping sweet johnnys little girlfriend in front of him to show him how a real man fucks (:
anon, your mind :( 🌷🌷
tw: rape/non-con, brief mentions of weed and alcohol (tell me if i missed any!)
simon was a disgusting pervert. most people would assume that him being ‘perverse’ was just him having a high libido, always brushing it off when he groped women and touches them whilst they were close to passing out from either weed or alcohol.
yet, simon had a fascination with you, johnny's girlfriend. instead of touching other women, he targeted you, deciding that he'd show johnny how to be a ‘real man’...
with johnny's tied to a chair with rope binding his limbs and tape covering his mouth, he was forced to what the horrors inflicted onto you. god, how johnny longed to hold you in his arms, coddle and coo at you whilst apologising for getting you into this mess—for introducing you to simon.
simon was sick and twisted, as each thrust granted him more pleasure and gratification at the sounds of your pain and utter fear. your mouth was cupped by his large hand, removing it to allow johnny to hear your cries and sobs as he raped you over and over again ‘til blood ran down your soft thighs. the sounds of simon's pleasure make you want to vomit—and god, the sight of the blood... crimson liquid covering your thighs, cunt swollen and puffy. you were held infront of simon bent over and still standing on two legs. if you trembled to the ground, he'd rape you even harder, forcing you to stand on numb, weak legs that felt like jello from his relentless, mercilessly pace.
“wish ya’ were mine, pretty one--to show ya’ what a real man is like...” simon breathed out, forcing you to maintain eye contact with johnny, who was now crying breathlessly and shaking at the sight ahead of him. despite feeling disgusted, his cock reacted. it hardened and throbbed, causing a bulge to form in his jeans. he shook his head in disbelief, wanting to ignore the sensation in his lower regions. closing his eyes tightly and shaking his head, feeling as simon grunted and filled you with another one of his potent, thick loads.
“look, you’r boyfriend's gettin’ off to thi’...--mhmm, baby-he likes seein’ a big man rape his little, stupid girlfriend, don’t‘cha? filthy bastard...” simon chuckled and walked over to simon, taking his dick from his boxers and watched as it stood up and smacked against his abdomen, achingly hard. “‘nd you’re gonna watch ‘til she's passed out and bloody’...”
each thrust burns between your thighs, with your body feeling as if it'll fall to the ground in a matter of seconds. until it does, and even when you're passed out, he doesn't stop. he finishes inside you ‘til you're gaping and bloody raw. :((
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snowe-zolynn-rogers · 6 months
Solar: I am in agony.
Moon: Yeah, having half your leg cut off does that to a person!
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withclawandvine · 16 days
tw: mentions of drug use/withdrawal, reader has a child 
Touya looks like shit — rumpled, gaunt, a little waxen. All made worse by the fluorescent lights in the hallway of your building, flickering ghoulishly and throwing dramatic shadows as he stands under them. At least he’s standing, this time; he’s not slumped against the wall, ravaged by tremors or cold sweats.
Still, you square yourself defensively in the threshold, arms crossed and mouth tight, trying to keep your voice at a whisper as you rattle off names. “...Fuyumi, or Jin —”
Touya, who had been silently shaking his head with each suggestion finally lets out an aggravated sigh. “Think I’d be doin’ this if anyone else could put me out?”
His whisper, while harsh and impatient, is not loud. But you pause anyway, holding up a finger and tilting your head to listen. When no cries or little feet on hardwood reach your ear, you relax. Touya stares into the dimly lit entryway behind you, his expression unreadable —something that doesn’t come naturally to him. If you can’t tell what he’s thinking by looking at his face, it’s a product of immense effort. 
It needles at you, not knowing what he’s feeling, why he’s here of all places, after so long. Why not even Natsuo will open the door for him. But then, you do know Touya — sharp and resentful, and always so, so angry. 
The pills made everything softer, or so he used to say. They dulled the shards of memory, and wrapped around all of his own broken pieces. They made him hazy and remote. Lulled him to sleep with his head in your lap, while you sat awake, counting every rise and fall of his chest. 
Back then, you were desperate to be the person who stayed. Who else would keep vigil? Who would make him see he was worthy of such devotion, if not you? 
That same temptation needles at you even now, as you meet his eyes. They’re heavily shadowed, despondent as ever, but clear. 
Looking into them throttles you back in time two, three, five years. Before you learned that you can’t help someone that won’t help himself. Before there came along someone else who needed you, fast asleep in her room. 
You start to close the door.
A hand jumps out, stopping it. 
“Please,” he says, and you let go. Touya doesn’t beg. A muscle in his jaw jumps and he looks up at the ceiling, raking a hand through his hair. “I’ll stay on the couch — be gone first thing in the morning.”
If for no other reason than the fear of your daughter’s father winding up in a gutter, you find yourself saying, “You know I have to ask.” 
Touya flinches. A minute flash of hurt you almost miss before he restores his indifferent mask and answers, “Six weeks ago, yesterday.” 
You close your eyes, and after a long, heavy breath, nod to his dusty boots, haphazardly laced. “Take your shoes off out there.” 
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Your limbs ache with exhaustion, but your mind has been buzzing for hours. When you finally give up on sleeping and pad to the kitchen for a glass of water just before dawn, the apartment is quiet as a graveyard. The silence is oppressive, without the murmur of your neighbor’s television, the hum of the freezer, or, you realize, the soft snores that should be coming from the couch.
You fumble for the nearest light switch, casting a faint beam of light into the living room, onto the rumpled heap of blankets on the floor beside the empty couch. There’s still a body-shaped dip in the cushions.
Your heart betrays you by sinking.
It’s a familiar weight, straining your ribs. Touya always made you ache; he was the bruise you could never stop prodding at. 
Either unwilling or incapable of turning back to your own room, you creep to the opposite hallway, where the last door on the left is already cracked open, just enough for you to peer through. A nightlight shines on the toys littering the floor, the crayon scribbles on the walls — and on Touya. 
His feet hang off the end of the bed and his head is wedged between the wall and a pillow. But his face is soft and serene as he gently snores, his arms cradling a small, sleeping form. 
Your foot carries you forward with one small, tentative step.
You freeze. And then take two steps back. 
Letting yourself lean heavy against the doorjamb, you watch them sleep, watch Touya’s shoulders rise and fall — one breath for every two of your daughter’s — until your throat starts to burn and the image of them blurs.
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idle-daydreams · 8 months
Demon King - Part 2
Shutendoji!Chuuya x Reader
Continuation of this.
Tw: Yandere, dub-con, mentions of blood, cannibalism and violence
[A.N: This got way too long, and isn't very yandere-y, imo. But its been in my head for a while, and I hope you guys like it!]
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In a certain way, being the wife of the Drunken Demon wasn’t all that bad.
You’d reached this conclusion on a silent night like this one, padding through the corridors by yourself. Chuuya’s – Manor? Castle? You weren’t quite sure – was far bigger than the quarters to which you were confined, quarters that were nevertheless larger than your entire home back in your village. They were a picture of comfort: there was a massive canopied bed, piled high with the softest pillows for you to sleep on; magical lamps illuminated the place, neither dimming nor burning out no matter how long they were kept lit. A roaring fire kept you warm in the winters, and hidden vents that kept you cool in the summer. There was always food and water, fresh and clean and delicious. You had your own bath, with more running water than you could have ever used in your entire life, heated or cooled to your body temperature. Chuuya brought you books to read, parchment to paint, any manner of things to pass the time, things that you couldn’t ever have imagined owning. He’d even allowed you a garden, though you weren’t to go there in his absence. He loved to spoil you, giving you everything you could possibly ask for; he was kind, and patient, indulging your idlest whim and your most irrational desires.
The only thing he denied you was your freedom.
You sighed, sinking down upon your bed. At one time, the loneliness had frightened you. Stories of the Drunken Demon had consumed your mind, and you’d spent countless hours curled up in a corner, crying and shaking and throwing up from the sheer terror of what he would do to you. Now, you relished these moments of solitude, times when Chuuya wasn’t clinging to your waist or brushing your hair or fucking you senseless wherever he could. The bruises and love-bites littering your skin, proof of his demented love, delighted him to a frenzy. Your cheeks still burned at the memory of hours the two of you had spent locked in a tangle of limbs, lost in the throes of pleasure, worlds removed from the puritanical teachings of your wifely duties drilled into your head during your early years. As with everything else, you’d gotten used to it – that part of your ‘marriage’ had been shamefully easy to get used to – but you knew what inevitably lay next. Either Chuuya would grow tired of you... or he would impregnate you. You’d never liked the idea of children, but the thought of raising half-demon offspring filled you with dread.
How long has it been? you wondered. Weeks? Months? A year? Despite the massive windows – always shut for your safety, of course, but still allowing you a view of the walled gardens – it was difficult to gauge the passage of time, since the path of the sun and moon didn’t seem to be that consistent in the demon world. You couldn’t help but wonder: did your family miss you, or did they think you dead? If Chuuya had truly bought you from them – and despite your adamant refusals to his face, you had to admit your family would have easily sold you off – then what tale had he spun to them? What exactly had they thought of Chuuya himself?
The thought of your ‘husband’ still sent shivers down your spine. It was difficult to wrap your head around the idea of being the wife of Shuten Doji, a demon so terrifying that people had trembled at the very sound of his name. Even though Chuuya wasn’t that Shuten Doji, he was still insanely powerful: on the rare occasion that Chuuya had taken you out in public, arm wrapped firmly around your waist, you’d been awed by the sight of great and dreadful demons sinking to their knees before him, not even daring to look upon his face. You’d seen him fight, tearing apart beasts and monsters twice his size with his bare hands, a maniacal grin on his face, red marks dancing upon his skin, reminders of his power. It had been incredible to witness and terrifying to comprehend.
The sound of the door opening jolted you from your thoughts. You tensed as a pair of muscular arms wrapped around you, Chuuya’s now-familiar from pressing against your back.
“Hey, [Y/N],” he murmured in your ear. “I’m back. Did you miss me?”
 “Good evening, Chuuya.” You reached up to caress his cheek. “Yes, I missed you very much.”
“Good. I missed you too.” He pressed kisses upon the side of your neck. “So, what were you doing all day? You haven’t finished that watercolor you were working on. I thought you liked that stuff.”
“I… was thinking of you.” You closed your eyes as his hands began to wander. “I guess I lost track of time.”
“Aw, that’s sweet.” Chuuya molded himself to you even tighter. “I know the feeling. I can’t get you out of my head either, you know that? I love you so much, miss you so much, it’s almost annoying sometimes. Sometimes I wish I could carry you around with me, you know? Put you in my pocket so that I can look at you wherever I go. Wouldn’t you like that, [Y/N]?”
“It would be nice.” You shifted slightly, trying to put some distance between the two of you as surreptitiously as you could. He was just so close: his hands were splayed upon your belly, chest flush against your back, chin resting in the crook of your neck. Chuuya responded with a small growl, nipping at your ear.
“Stop it,” he murmured. “I haven’t seen you since this morning. You want to be with me, don’t you?”
“Of course,” you said quickly. “But, I just, um—” Your eye fell upon the gourd of sake sitting in the corner— “I just thought you might like a drink.”
“Hm? Why not?” To your relief, Chuuya loosened his grip on you, leaning back to recline lazily on the bed. His eyes, however, followed your every movement, his gaze hungry.
“Come here,” he said as you proffered the sake to him. “You know I don’t like drinkin’ alone.”
You pursed your lips. You didn’t like the demon lord’s wine; while Chuuya claimed it wasn’t made from human blood, he also wouldn’t tell you exactly where it came from. Nevertheless, you settled into his embrace once again, allowing him to wrap an arm around you. Chuuya began playing with the sash of your kimono.
“You seem distracted tonight, [Y/N],” he said, playing with the sash of your kimono. “Is something wrong?”
“No, nothing’s wrong.”
“You’re usually way more sarcastic than you’re being right now. Did anything happen? Are you unhappy? Do you want something?”
“No.” You bit your lip as the silken fabric gave way all too easily under his sharp nails, allowing his hands to brush against your breast. “I’m happy to be with you. I don’t want anything right now.”
“Then drink.” He held the sake to your lips invitingly. It was rich and dark and far too potent for your liking, making your head spin with a single sip. You grabbed his wrist to stop him, making him laugh.
“Still so weak,” he said. “But you should drink more. It’ll make you feel better.”
“I’m fine.”
“That’s what you always say. I’m starting to feel like that’s code for something.”
He set aside the gourd, lowering his head to your breasts. Slowly, with agonizing tenderness, he began suckling on the pebbled flesh, drawing a keening moan from your lips.
“C-Chuuya,” you said. “Please.”
“Please what? You want me to stop?”
“No, but—” Your breath hitched as Chuuya returned to his ministrations, fist tightening in his hair. He was good, so good, that it was almost frightening. His hands wandered your body, sending sparks dancing in their wake. You arced your back, forgetting your hesitations as your mind sank deeper into a pleasurable haze. As you let out another moan, Chuuya hummed in approval.
“I want you, [Y/N],” he mumbled against your skin. “I want you so much it hurts sometimes. You’re so beautiful, so kind, so perfect in every way. I’ve seen my fair share of princesses and noble women, but none of ‘em hold a candle to you, you know that?”
“T—Thank you.” You looked away, embarrassed by his praise. Even after the level of intimacy between the two of you, it was still difficult to talk to him. There was a wide gulf between the two of you, a gulf you didn’t think you could ever cross.
Chuuya raised himself on his forearms to look at you. Your eyes flitted to his bare chest and his well-sculpted body, a being that once had been only a dream. Heat flooded your face, pleasure and panic tangling in your chest, and his smile widened.
“You like me too, don’t you?” he purred. “Course you do. I still remember the first time I brought you here. You were so scared then, such a shy little mouse. Now you’re not so scared, are you? Now you love me.”
“Say it.”
“I love you.”
He chuckled delightedly, swooping to press his forehead against yours. “I love you too,” he whispered against your lips. “I’ll give you anything and everything you want. A slip of moonlight? A bed of gold? The heads of every man in the world laid out at your feet? All you have to do is ask.”
You gazed upon him, into his guileless, grey-blue eyes. “I want to go home,” you whispered.
Chuuya paused, sitting up. Your heart sank, and you braced yourself for the incoming onslaught of begging and accusations.
“Home,” he said flatly. “You want to go… to your human home.”
“Not because I don’t love you,” you said quickly. “But – I am a human, Chuuya. I’m not a demon like you. I can’t live locked up forever like this.”
“Neither can demons.” He reached out to trace patterns along your shoulders, his tone oddly flat. “A demon’s world is far bigger than that of any human. I could show you things, places, people you couldn’t even imagine. You know the only reason I keep you locked up is because you continue to resist me.”
“I don’t resist you,” you pointed out hopelessly. “I live with you; I sleep with you. I call myself your wife! What more do you want?”
“There is more.” Chuuya leaned in closer, a strange light in his eyes.” There is a ritual – a proper ritual to join the two of us for all of eternity. If you’d only agree to that, then we’d be mates for the rest of our lives.”
“A ritual?” You stared at him. “You mean you want to turn me into a demon?”
“Its not as bad as the humans believe.”
“I believe that too!” You pulled away, filled with a sickening dread. Some part of you had realized this, but it was horrifying to hear it from his lips nevertheless. “I’m not going to turn into a demon, Chuuya! You can’t do that to me.”
“Why not?” He laughed bitterly. “You think you’re still purely a human?”
“I’m not… changed.” Your eyes filled with tears as you met his gaze. “I may have been with you, but I’m still me.”
“And you think that’s all you’ve done?” He loomed over you suddenly, the room seeming to fill with shadows. Flickers of red ran up his face and down his chest and arms, reflecting the red in his eyes. “You’ve eaten demon food, taken a demon’s seed inside you.” He raised his arm, showing you a thin scar that ran along its length. “You’ve drank my blood.”
Your blood ran cold at the sight. “No,” you said hoarsely. “Even then, I—I’m not a demon.”
Chuuya’s mouth tightened. You shrank back, terrified, only for him to pull away abruptly. “Fine,” he said, getting off the bed. “If you want to go home so bad, then let’s go home.”
“Wait, I’m sorry!” You sat up, alarmed. “Wait, please, I–I—"
“What?” He turned to you. “I thought you wanted to see your family.”
“I do, but…”
“I’m not going to hurt them, [Y/N].” He smiled, a rictus snarl. “I promise. Now come here.”
Something in his words made your hair stand on end “Yes, m—my lord,” you said, hurrying towards him.
“I’ve told you, [Y/N].” He wrapped his arms around you, pressing a hand over your eyes. “Call me Chuuya.”
The air changed. It grew cold. The wind rustled your hair, making you blink. As Chuuya pulled his hand away, you looked around, eyes smarting from the chill in the air.
You were standing on a hill overlooking a glittering city.
“Where are we?” you asked, voice trembling.
“Don’t you recognize it?” Chuuya waved a hand at the town laid out below. “Your village.”
“But—” You took a step forward, peering down at the twinkling network of lights. “No, it’s not. My village was pretty small. That is some great city.”
“That is a small place compared to the cities of today. But maybe you need more convincing.” He grasped your hand again, and in the blink of an eye you were standing in front of a shrine. Your village’s shrine.
But it was changed. Lichen covered the gates, moss creeping through the cracks in the ground. But more than that was the tall light that stood just outside the gate, a little flat plate just beneath it. 
“It – those lights,” you said. “Those are the lights from your palace.”
“They’re called electric lights, and they’re not exclusive to my palace.” Chuuya crossed his arms. “The world has moved on, [Y/N]. It’s been a couple of hundred years since I took you, give or take a decade.”
“No!” You turned to him, aghast. “No, it – you’re lying!”
“Well, you’re welcome to go down into town and ask people, if you don’t believe me. Or read that plaque over there. Or even wander the world if that’s what you want. But you’ll find that I’m tellin’ the truth. You’ve been my wife for over two hundred years now.”
“No!” You turned a full circle, scanning the scene for someone, something, to prove him wrong. Your eyes met Chuuya’s, and the pain and resignation in them made you pause. “You’re… not lying,” you said blankly.
“No.” He shook his head with a small smile. “I wouldn’t lie to you, [Y/N], it’s not my style. I’d have told you outright if your family was around – I’m not afraid of any of them, no one will ever keep you from me. But they’re not there anymore.”
“But – why?” You sank to the leaf-strewn ground, shaking, your vision blurry with tears. “Why would you do to me?”
“Because you are not listening to me.” Chuuya sank to his knees beside you, embracing you. “You’re mine. You belong to me. You were always meant to be with me. You just needed to lose everything to understand that.”
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c0ntr0lledchaos · 1 year
The Stowaway
"What did I do to deserve this?" Elio muttered under their breath, running a gloved hand through their short white hair. They stood, leaning back against the closed front door with their arms crossed as they watched a preteen kid curiously look at all the machines in their living room. 
The floor squeaked under the kid's feet as he walked around, accidentally kicking a stay nut or bolt on the floor occasionally. He didn't notice how Elio was watching him, more focused on his new environment, like Elio's house was a museum. The kid had a slight smile on his face, brown eyes squinting slightly as he examined some of the machines along the wall. His brow furrowed together under his dirty blonde bangs for a moment before he was distracted by the next noise and moved on. 
"What does this one do?" The kid, Rye, asked. He pointed to a machine near the front door. Elio might have found it endearing to watch a kid look around at their inventions in any other situation. All starry-eyed and curious. Unfortunately, right now, it was just annoying. Rye did not wait for an answer before already going to press a button. 
"Do not touch that!" Elio said, quickly standing between Rye and the machine, "In fact, don't touch anything. Just assume every machine in here is extremely dangerous."
Rye frowned but put their hands back to their side. Elio hesitated, unsure if they could trust that Rye would actually not touch anything this time. Before they could make up their mind, a beeping noise was heard across the room. They sighed and shot Rye a 'don't move' look before investigating what was beeping. 
Rye watched Elio walk away and flip them off behind their back. While they were distracted, Rye took the opportunity to walk around and look at the other machines. 
The entire house was filled with machines, a couple larger ones along the back wall and a few smaller ones scattered around on the floor and tables. They all looked highly complicated, with different gears, wires, and tubes sticking out of them. The room was filled with a light hum from the many running machines. Rye could smell oil and grease, and he could see a few spots on the floor stained from different liquids being spilled there. 
Rye had been around his fair share of technology in his day, but none like this. The technology he had grown up around was sleeker with less exposed workings and smelled like gasoline. 
Rye walked over to a window, pulling back the curtains to reveal metal shutters. He hesitated before undoing the latch and opening them a crack. Outside was nothing but a black void with occasional bright neon colors streaking by, like shooting stars. He stared in awe, it was almost like looking out at the night sky, but he could sense it was so much more. The streaks of color varied in size, and if Rye focused his eyes, he could see they were shapes moving incredibly fast through the void. If Rye focused, he could see most of them changed shape and color as they flew by. They seemed to be pulsing with life and energy that Rye could almost feel through the thick glass. He went to open up the shutters better, only for them to creak loudly and give him away. 
"Keep those closed," Elio said, not turning around from the machines they were checking on. 
Rye glared at their back, muttering about not being able to do anything as he shut the shutters. He returned the latch to the locked position but did not shut the curtains. It was a small way of rebelling but also made it easier to come back to get another peak when he got the chance again. 
Rye slowly walked around, approaching one machine up against the wall. It was large and rectangular, with a door big enough for someone to walk through. There was a small keypad to its side that already had some numbers on the screen. A small blinking green light next to the numbers looked promising enough to Rye.
He looked over his shoulder and, after seeing that Elio was still busy, placed his hand on the wheel on its front. Before he could turn the wheel, though, he felt a static shock on his earlobe. He jerked his head and quickly turned, looking for the cause of the shock but saw nothing. He blinked a few times, looking at the empty space as he tried to think of what had happened. He hesitated before slowly reaching up towards the door again. 
This time it was on the other ear.
He jumped and swung his arm in the direction of what shocked him. Rye did not hit anything, but he did hear some loud buzzing, like a bug. He started swiping towards the noise without seeing exactly what he was swinging at. All he knew was there was a bug flying near his ear. The buzzing moved around him, just fast enough to avoid Rye's swinging, but it did not seem to be trying to fly away from him. 
"Rye, what the hell did I say about touching things," Elio said, standing right behind Rye, hands on their hips. Startled, Rye swung their fist at Elio and hit their left arm. Instead of flesh, Rye's hand made contact with something metal, only cushioned by the thin fabric of Elio's trench coat.
Rye cussed and shook their hand in pain before cradling it to his chest. He looked up at Elio, who now had their arms crossed, looking at Rye expectantly. 
"Are you calmed down yet?"
Rye looked from his hand to Elio, then to Elio's arm. For just a moment, thoughts of gunfire and smoke-filled his head. His heart beating started to sound a lot like metal hitting pavement. He took a step away from Elio.
"um…Are you a, uh, cyborg?" He forced out, voice barely above a whisper. It was Elio's turn to stare at him, eyebrows furrowed in confusion. 
"What? No-well, yes, technical-but not-" Elio did not get a chance to finish before Rye turned around. He threw open the door they were standing in front of and ran inside, pausing briefly to look at where he was going before continuing to run.
Just inside the door was an extensive library that was way too big to be connected to the tiny house they were in. However, Rye did not dwell on this, choosing to run down the long corridor of books. He could hear Elio shout something behind him, but the echo from the high ceiling and his own beating heart in his ears made it almost impossible to understand them. 
Rye started taking random turns, realizing all too late that this place was a massive maze that he most likely would never find his way out of alone. After running for what felt like forever, he stopped and fell to his knees. His chest was hurting, and it was difficult to breathe. He gripped his hair and rocked back and forth, trying to think of anything other than the fact that a cyborg was chasing him and how he couldn't breathe and how he might be lost, and everything else that could go wrong. His brain told him he needed to get up, to keep running, but his legs felt like jelly. All he could bring himself to do was sit in a corner and try to get his breathing under control.
"Ten years," Elio muttered under their breath as they walked down the corridor, "Ten years of traveling. I've never had a stowaway, once! And this is what happens when I do."
They had tried to run after Ren but had not been able to catch up before running out of breath. Elio had to admit, the kid was fast. 
"God, it's going to be weeks before I can even turn around to take them home." Elio rubbed their face, stepping over a few books that had fallen off the shelves. He had been this way. 
"What am I going to do? I don't know how to take care of a kid!" Elio almost stumbled at the realization. They had been living alone for the past ten years! They didn't even know how to live with a roommate, let alone someone they would have to take care of. Sure, it was temporary, but they had to keep the kid alive and healthy until they could return them home.
Elio chewed on their lower lip, their brow wrinkling in worry as they continued to walk. They rounded a corner and spotted Rye at the end. They froze as they saw the kid. He was sitting in a corner with his knees hugged close to him and his forehead resting on them. His hands were fisted in his hair, knuckles white from how tight he was gripping it. Elio could feel a strange sense of Deja Vu with the situation. Suddenly, their mind was quiet.
Elio slowly walked up to the kid, their boots making a soft thud against the carpeted floor. Elio sat down where they were, making sure not to crowd him. They were only a few feet away, giving Rye enough room to run again if he decided to. Rye jumped a bit when he looked up and hugged his legs a little tighter but did not move to run. 
"I…" Elio started but suddenly felt lost for words. They looked down at their lap and fidgeted with their gloves. They looked at their left hand and slowly took the glove off, revealing a bronze hand. They looked back up at Rye and saw his eyes following the metal hand. They closed their eyes and took a deep breath before continuing. 
"I am sorry for scaring you earlier," Elio said after a moment, "I saw what your home dimen-er… city was like, what the war was like… I am a cyborg by definition, but I promise, I am nothing like the ones you've seen before." 
Elio pushed the sleeve of their jacket up, just past the elbow. The arm was smooth, with solid bronze and gold metal sheets covering most of it. There were gaps where the joints were, allowing more movement and a glimpse at the cogs and other inner workings that allowed the arm to move. 
Rye watched the arm closely, realizing now that he was a bit calmer than the machiner in the arm looked nothing like the cyborgs he had seen. Hesitantly, he scooted closer, eyeing the arm curiously. 
"I lost my arm a long time ago, so I made this to replace it," Elio said as they slowly held out their hand to let Rye look at it. Rye's eyes watched the cogs move in the joints as the arm moved. His eyes slowly trailed up the arm to the shoulder, where he saw a large bug crawling on Elio's jacket. Without thinking, Rye went to swat the bug off, only to have their write caught by Elio.
"Really? I thought we were having a moment there."
"There's a bug on your shoulder," Rye defended, using his free hand to point at the bug. 
Elio let him go and looked at their shoulder. They reached up and let the bug crawl onto their hand before holding it up for them to look at. Now that Rye had a better look at it, he saw that it was not a real bug. This one was made out of metal, and its abdomen was made out of a small lightbulb. It seemed to look up at Rye, making a beeping sound in time with its abdomen lighting up. 
"Ok, look," Elio said, pinching the bridge of their nose with their free hand, "I wasn't kidding when I said the machines in here are dangerous. This little guy was just trying to help keep you out of trouble while I wasn't looking like you tried to do."
Rye shrunk down a bit, feeling embarrassed for being caught. 
"Let's make a deal, ok?" Elio suggested, holding out the hand that was not holding the bug, "If I explain what these machines are, and answer some of your questions, will you promise not to touch any of them without permission? We are going to be stuck together for a while. Might as well find a way to get along."
Rye sat there for a moment, never having someone take the time to come up with a compromise that would satisfy both of them like that. He smiled and took Elio's hand. 
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