#tw: animals fighting
animeglitch · 18 days
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beaulesbian · 2 months
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Lucci Vs. Luffy || One Piece ep. 1100 "I see. This is gonna be fun."
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apparently-artless · 18 days
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wind breaker episode 07 - togame jou vs sakura haruka
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humans-are-tasty · 10 months
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wildandsmile · 8 months
27 with itoshi rin please :D honestly i can see rin filling their partner up with his cum and put a vibrator them so that his cum doesn't leak out + plus he uses the remote to tease them throughout the day <3
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。☆✼★━ Challenge ━★✼☆。
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Summary: You stumbled upon a challenge on Twitter and shared it with your boyfriend, who seemed open to the idea. However, with the upcoming party on the horizon, you suspected he might have forgotten all about it. But as it turns out, you couldn't have been more wrong.
Tw : Creep Guy, Creep Group of guys, Annoying girls and Drinking.
Kinks : F receiving, Cream-pie, unprotected sex, penetrative sex (p in v), Rough sex, vibrators, impact play and spitting
Word count : 3.3k
An: Sorry if the smut isn’t the best it’s like 4 in the morning I’ll probably redo it later
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As you lounged comfortably on the plush couch, the soft glow of your phone screen illuminating your face, time seemed to slip away. Your Twitter feed was a never-ending stream of mundane updates and viral memes, until, out of nowhere, a tweet appeared that changing the mood of everything.
The interesting challenges caught your attention, luring you in with their mysterious allure. You had lots of free time and not much else to do, so you couldn't help but get curious about these intriguing suggestions. Some were harmless and innocent, while others were more daring, making you want to give them a try.
As you scrolled further, your heart started pounding when you found some really explicit challenges, things that you would on see one PornHub or something. Though as you read each suggestion it felt like it was drawing you into a world of intense passion and desire.
Then, like fate had a hand in it, a certain suggestion stood out among all the online noise. It caught your eye, making you curious like a moth drawn to a light. This challenge promised a night of excitement and closeness, but it also made you feel a bit nervous. The words on the screen gave you a shiver: "You or your partner has to wear a vibrator all day or night, while the other controls it."
You thought about it more and couldn't help yourself. You went to your bedroom where Rin was already there. When you sat next to him, he looked at you with curious eyes.You gave a little smile and got closer, gently touching his cheek, and asked, "Rin, should we give this a shot?" Just then, you showed him the tweet on your phone and point to the one that caught your attention.
With a sly smile, he said, "So, if I get this right, you want one of us to wear a vibrator all day?" You nodded, and he chuckled, saying, "Okay, we'll do it, but on my terms." You asked, "What are the terms?" He then grinned wickedly and said, "First, I choose when and where you put the vibrator on. Second, if you get handsy or try to finish early, I increase the intensity. Lastly, no holding back moans, even in public."
You were about to say "yes," but then what he said registers in your head , causing you playfully hit him in the arm. You then say, "I can't touch you or myself when I'm feeling needy, and I have to talk in moanish gibberish that not far."
With that, Rin gracefully rises, positioning himself shoulder to shoulder with you. He places his hand beneath his chin, tilting his head to the right, a clear sign that he's deep in thought. Eventually, he arrives at some sort of conclusion, declaring, "Alright, I’ll let you win – just this once. So, here's the deal: when you get all needy, you can handle it yourself, or even use my body to help , but I'm strictly off-limits when it comes to helping you so no begging for me to fuck you or touch you sound far."
His face lights up with a mischievous grin, and you find yourself equally enthralled by the idea, offering a nod of agreement. The two of you settle with that, and both of you return to looking at the TV screen, immersing yourselves in the world of sappy old romance movies. It's been an absolute blast. Everything was going well, but suddenly, Rin’s loud alarm goes off. He turns over and turns it off before getting out of bed, and saying, "It's time for us to get ready."
You raise an eyebrow, confused by your boyfriend's sudden excitement. You didn't remember any important plans, so you just stayed in bed, not doing much. It was only when Rin spoke excitedly that you stopped rolling around."We need to get ready for the party tonight," he reminds you, trying to jogging your memory. "Remember the one I mentioned last week? It's like a get-together for me and the guys from Blue Lock."
You stop fidgeting and think hard. After a moment, you remember what he talked about. You look at him again and say, "I thought that was in October."
He quickly takes off the covers, picks you up, and carries you to the bathroom. He hands you your toothbrush from the matching set you got together. Then, with a teasing look, he says, "It's October, sweetheart."
You shoot him a disbelieving look, your expression clearly conveying a "no way" sentiment. Your incredulous gaze causes him to pause mid-toothbrushing, and he points over to the bathroom calendar and speaker.
Turning your attention to these, you're met with the surprising revelation that the date indeed reads October 12. You offer a nonchalant shrug, not wanting to admit that you'd completely lost track of time.
Now, as you both stand side by side, brushing your teeth together while nodding along to your shared playlist, you can't help but smile. It's a simple, endearing routine that only the two of you share. It's one of those cute, intimate moments that usually belong in movies, but somehow, it's a part of your everyday life.
Though you couldn’t bathe in the moment, for too long knowing how particular Rin can be about punctuality, you hasten your tooth-brushing, not wanting to keep him waiting. You quickly grab something comfortable to wear, fully aware that your boyfriend has a penchant for making you try on countless outfits, even when you're only looking for one.
Finally, the two of you venture out into the bustling world of stores and outlets. While strolling and casually peering into shop windows, your gaze locks onto a stunning drape collar dress in a mesmerizing champagne hue. Captivated by its beauty, you can't resist tugging on Rin's arm, impulsively leading him into the store. Without wasting a moment, you head straight to the racks, where you luckily find the dress in your size.
Hastening to the dressing room, you slip into the dress. It fits you like a glove, accentuating your curves in all the right places. It strikes the perfect balance between revealing enough to be alluring but modest enough to make you feel comfortable. Now, it's time for the tricky part – showing it off to Rin.
You have a habit of enthusiastically displaying your fashion finds to him, but he has an equally strong tendency to, well, get handsy and maybe a little too eager. Despite this, you gather your courage and exit the dressing room. With a playful twirl, you put on a show for Rin, hoping he'll appreciate your choice without, well, ripping it off you prematurely.
"So, what do you think?" you ask, a radiant smile gracing your lips, eager for Rin's response. Surprisingly, Rin remains silent for a moment, and a pang of disappointment begins to well up within you. Feeling a bit disheartened, you start to turn away, but just as you pivot, he seizes you and pulls you close. In a passionate kiss that lingers along your neck, he murmurs, "God, why are you so fuckin sexy?"
His hands start to explore your body, igniting a desire within you that's difficult to ignore. You wouldn't mind indulging in a little action, but you both know time isn't on your side. You summon the willpower to gently slap his wandering hand away and retreat back to the dressing room. However, before you disappear, you blow him a quick, teasing kiss.
Now that you've secured your evening outfit, the two of you head back home. Once you're there, you hurry to the bathroom, eager to don your chosen ensemble and craft your makeup look.
After about a 1 hour and half you finish your look and step out side where you see Rin dressed all nice in I wonderful blue suit that match him perfectly lucky your dress fits well with his outfit. Walking up to him you pull him down to you height and places a soft kiss on his lips before saying “Ready to go” giving you a quick the nodded the two of you walk out the house and making your way to the party
Once your their you look around your eyes widening as you saw the building it look more like a hotel or a well renowned businesses agency then it did a party spot . Not giving you much time to take it all in Rin comes over and opens the door for you while offering his arm, the two of you walk in and are immediately greeted by Isagi and Bachira this were about the only two people Rin keep up with after blue lock.
Waiting to give your boyfriend some time and space to catch up with his friends you head over to a little booth we’re you see a large group of girl who look be either girlfriends or sisters of the former blue lock boys. You sit yourself down and listen in on what’s they we’re talking about, it was most just the normal conversation of how hot their boyfriends were how they brothers could beat anyone. You decided not to join in knowing that someone comment might set you off completely.
Finally you spot Isagi and Bachira girlfriends the three got to know each other pretty well since your boyfriend and pretty much inseparable on the field . Getting up from your sit you make you way over to the girls who were at the bar taking a couple shots once their you say with a exited tone “Hey girls” they both turn to you and they eye immediately widened. Getting up form their sit they run over to you and give you a warm hug before saying “Damn girl you look good as fuck, surprise Rin let you out the house looking like this” You let a little chuckle before replying “Same goes to the two of you, I know it was hard to get out the house” the girls then look at each other then back at you before giving a nod.
Not long after that the three of you head back over to the bar and throw a couple shot back everything was going good you guys would hit the dance floor and not and then come back and sit down because someone feet were hurting or they were thirsty. Finally you guys had enough of the dance for a hit up a empty booth once their the three of you caught up of what’s new in each others life while spilling tea about what’s going on in the soccer world. It was then that a blonde haired and a couple of his friends came up to you guys and began hitting on you.
“You girls look lonely why don’t y’all come with us” one of the guys says he places his hand y’all table while licking lips. You just look up from your phone and roll eyes thinking that they would take the hint and leave but of course they didn’t so they take a seats beside you guys trying to start up conversation but you guys weren’t having it so you say “ Can you see get the hell away from use, we’re not interested in hanging out with you” but it’s like everything you said went in one hear and out the other as he wraps his arms your neck.
Lucky for you Rin, Isagi and Bachira had finished up their conversation and had come longing for you guys. Rin’s face when he saw some other guys that wasn’t him touching you was something to be remembered, he stormed over to you and pull the guy up from the chair. “What the hell do you think your doing with my girl” Rin said his eyes full with a murderous attempt but apparently the guy must have been a masochist cause he continued to push Rin’s buttons “I was just showing her what’s it’s like to have a real man by her side” he guy said before get the wind punched out of his lungs.
Rin started to beat the shit out of the guy until his hands had blood on them finally after Isagi and Bachira pulled him off the guy did Rin quit beat the man not wasting any more time he went over to you and grab you by the wrist pulling out side of the building. Soon enough the to of you make it to Rin’s car we’re you both sit in silence until you look around looking for something to clean the blood of with
Finding some napkins you grab Rin’s hands and start cleaning them off while giving him a could talking to. “Rin what the hell were you thinking beating that guy like that what about your soccer career” you say with a upset tone you were happy he fought but he can’t just go out beating people up. Rin the mumbles something that you can’t hearing pissing you off even more “Fine if your going be a jerk then you can wipe the blood off your own hand” you say as you throw the napkin at him.
He doesn’t say anything he just takes the napkin and begins to wipe his own hands while you seat and pout. A couple more minutes go by and Rin finally says something “I’m sorry, you were right I shouldn’t have beaten that guy that badly even though he deserved it” you look over at him before grabbing his cheek and pulling to kiss “You know that’s not why I’m mad I’m mad because you but your dreams on the line for one dick head even if you looked sexy while doing” you say as you kiss him again this time making it last longer then before.
“You know you could give me a treat for being such a god boyfriend” Rin says licking his lips you look at him and roll your eyes before saying Fine, but just a quickie we don’t want be get worried”
。☆✼★━ Smut Time ━★✼☆。
You laid in the back seat of the car naked while your boyfriend was on top of you fully dressed, his knee spreading your legs out and rubbing right against your wetting cunt causing you to throw back your head in frustration. But Rin doesn’t let you think before he crashes his lips into your swirling his hot tongue around yours back hard for the both of you to breathe.
You both pull away and watch as the string of saliva connecting your snaps with that Rin starts to trail hot kisses down your body not stopping until he reached you wet cunt not wanting anymore time Rin started to places kiss across you puffy lips finally using his rough clauses thumb he spread your cute cunt apart before spitting on it, using his other hand he slides his spit up and down your cunt mixing it slowly with your juices once he thought you were good and wet he began to lick long hot laps across your folds.
“Fuvk Rin right there ” you moaned out as you gripped on to his raven hair and pushed him farther into your cunt.
Yet Rin didn’t mind. He loved when gripped his hair and tried to ride his face and normally he would let you put tonight was a little different. Wasting no time Rin used his hand to bring down a hard slap to your ass causing you to grip on to his hair tighter. “Did I tell you, you could ride my face sweetheart” Rin says as his tongue teases at your hole causing you to try to close your legs which only made Rin more angry “I didn’t tell you to close your legs either” Rin says this time slapping your ass harder than before.
"M'mm sorry Rin, just please keep going, I'm so close," you squirm, trying to get any be of frustration you can, deciding to give what you want Rin grabs you by the hips and pulls you in to him closer so you can't squirm why he laps up all your juices and pushes his tongue deep into your hole causing your eyes to roll back into your head. "Rin right there, don't stop," you try to add, but your words come out as a moanisg slur.
"I'm cumming," you chant as you rock your hips into Rin's tongue, but Rin abruptly stops. causing you to look at him with a wtf face expression, to which he quickly answered "The only thing you’re allowed to cum on is my cock" Rin says as he pulls down his pants and boxers, allowing his cock to jump free. His tip was glowing red and oozing with percum, and he wasted no time in aligning his cock with your wet openings and shoving his throbbing cock within, without allowing you to adjust to his size before ramming into your sloppy, wet cunt. You began crying because you felt him within you.
“God you feel so fuckin good sweetheart, so so fuckin good” Rin growls out as as he pushes your hips up and down slowly your warm cunt tighting harder around his thick cock as his hips thrust up to meet you half way. Rin could feel his cock harden his balls tighten but the only thing he could really focus on was your gummy wall and how they felt around him.
“I can’t wait to use this cunt that was just made for me, can’t wait to fill it up with my kids, can’t wait to breed it over and over again” He muttered between clenched teeth, trying his best not cum inside you just yet. His thrust became slow and deep making sure you were feeling just as good as him hit all your shots right stops with his hard cock. His eyes narrowing slightly as his grip on your hips got tighter, pushing you faster up and down his dick as your tight walls gripped him, a mix of your cream and his cum coating his length, making a ring on the base of it.
"Fuck- sweetheart , I’m going cum in you." He groans.”Want to fill you up so good and make you have my babies.”
Rin’s eyes roll to the back of his head as you give him a nod because you were to fucked out to speak , groaning and grunting as he begins to thrust harder and deeper into you, his gloved hands pulling your hips all the way down so his cock is completely inside you as his thick, warm cum fills your womb up.
"Fuck yes," you scream as your nails dig into Rin's clothed back, bringing down both of your highs. You two kissed one another that time, and before cuddling, you collected your air. Soon after, you two get ready to go back in, but just as you're about to put your pants on, Rin stops you and inserts a cute egg vibrator inside you, causing your gummy overstim cunt to clamp down around the toy. "Rin what the hell," you yell, grabbing on to run as the vibration of the toy weakens your leg. Rin simply looks at you before responding, "We don't want any of my cum to leak out now, do we?"
And with that, you two walk back inside, clamping your legs together and trying not to make any strange noises while the girls ask you if you're okay. "Hey, what's wrong with your girlfriend Rin, she's walking funny," Isagi says, with Bachira following right behind. "Yeah, it looks like something got into her or something," Rin replies, with a devilish grin painted across his face, before walking away and playing with his new favorite toy.
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Kinktober still open so get in your request in before it’s closed. Link
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hearts401 · 2 months
She makes me sick i guess
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hydrodragons · 1 year
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“hat guy enters the fray!”
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itsguysnightitsironic · 3 months
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WhAATT MURRhhhhDDeeerrrrR?¿??!!!¡¡¡
Sometimes you just need to sit down and wonder "How many individuals did the COS crew kill, again?".
Am I good at math or have a good memory? No.
Am I still doing this? Yes.
( EPISODES from 0 to 6 UNDER THE CUT.)
This will get updated, eventually.
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Everything, everything is okay, they never found the hand, EVERYTHING IS FINE-
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Sarnax didn't need to bite anything, but he did and his dentist loves him for it.
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Can we stay in the camp forever? Just, FOREVER. THERE'S NOTHING OUT THERE!
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Shepherd's rent is DUE, calves are cheering in a rancho right now
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It was a calm episode (it wasn't)
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My favourite part of this campaign is how the party goes from "We shouldn't kill this humanoid-eating beast, it's sleeping" to "Give me an excuse to stab you, ANY excuse to stab you"
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Arson is not the answer, is the solution, and when did we get so aggressive for no reason.
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himemeiya · 19 hours
You are not immune to tiktok anime edits [x]
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one-time-i-dreamt · 11 months
I fought a walrus whilst wearing the berserker armor in a school and won (I have a phobia of walruses)
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gummi-stims · 4 months
Can i get a heracross (pokemon) board please?
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Here you go! c:
👊- x -👊
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animeglitch · 16 days
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luxlightly · 5 months
I Said To You in Your Blood, "Live!" - a Gabv1el fic (AO3 link in the reblogs)
“And when I passed by you and saw you wallowing in your blood, I said to you in your blood, ‘Live!’ I said to you in your blood, ‘Live!’" - Ezekiel 16:6
Gabriel dragged himself forward, slumped against a wall of Hell, wings drooped and dragging on the floor behind him.
Of course he'd returned. Where else could he have gone? 
Where else do angels go when they fall? To die?
And he was dying. It was a strange and impossible seeming notion. Something he would have laughed at the very idea of just a few days ago. How could you kill the Hand of God? Ridiculous. 
As ridiculous as that Hand being bested by a mere machine, built by mortal hands for profane purposes. 
Crude, merciless…
He'd grown so used to the beauty of Heaven. Clean, pristine, and perfect. A cold, calculated beauty of carved marble, precise and willful. Flawless and impersonal as the Father himself.
How could a machine, dripping with blood and gore, built of an unholy mix of flesh and steel, with frantic, desperate movements and torn, jagged edges have, at first meeting, been anything but hideous to him? Repulsive in all ways? 
And so how could their fight, and his defeat, have felt anything other than violating? Something that stained him, made him imperfect and unworthy of the Light that was stripped from him? 
And so it had. So he had been at war with himself. Had felt corrupted, defiled. Impure. So he had begun their second fight with hate and desperation to cleanse himself of the stain of their first. 
Then something changed. 
Imprecise movements no longer felt imperfect. They became natural. 
Life is frantic. Is desperate and uncalculated. Is imperfect and unpredictable. 
His fights for Heaven were about death. About punishment. One sided executions and exterminations. 
Fighting with the machine was about life. The fight itself had felt alive. 
And Gabriel…Gabriel had felt Alive.
More than he'd ever remembered feeling. He'd felt the movement of combat like music, like the pounding of drums and the thrum of blood in veins. Excited and full of life. And so did fighting become like dancing, unable to be lost, only lead.
He'd laughed. 
It had felt so incredible. To fight the way living things do. As animals clawing to survive. To want to bite and scratch and claw and cling to life for every second he could. To be desperate in his desire. He'd understood so clearly, in those moments, how creatures of flesh and blood were in the image of God. How could such fighting, to cling to that living flesh, be anything but the most reverent form of worship? 
And so how could one’s partner in such a dance, be anything but the purest and most true kind of beauty? Blinding and breathtaking?
Then, all too soon, it was over. 
Cast down again, for the second time in his existence, Gabriel tasted defeat and, for the first, he tasted blood. 
And it tasted divine. 
It filled the cold void left behind where the Father's Light had been torn away from him and it tasted so much the same, yet somehow purer. The Light he'd been granted, the metered grace he was allotted by the Council so long as he served their will seemed, by comparison, like a shadow or reflection. The lingering warmth after a farewell compared to the fiery heat of sudden embrace. 
How could it be warmer than God’s Light? If the fire of God was so much warmer in the blood of Hell, then what burned in the Council chambers of Heaven? 
How could he, cast from grace and laid low before the machine, feel closer to the Divine than he'd felt while basked in His Light? 
There could be only one answer: because the Light that the Council had to offer him was not Divine. Maybe it never had been. After all, if God was really dead, how could the Council have His Light to give, anyway? 
And if it hadn't been His Light, His Will, then what had Gabriel been sustained on? Only the Council’s approval. 
He forsook it. Better to die, consumed by the flames of Hell than live sustained by the cold indifference of Heaven. 
At least consumption is akin to embrace, in the way that hunger is akin to desire. 
His legs losing their strength at last, Gabriel finally slumped to his knees, breathing ragged and vision blurry. 
The way he'd cut down the Council, had bathed the chambers of Heaven with their blood, had seemed to rejuvenate him, at least temporarily, at least long enough to finish the grim task. But now, his connection to the Light of the Father severed for good and the last remnants of its warmth drained from him, he felt his end very much at hand. 
Ridiculous as it would have seemed, mere days ago, to contemplate his own death, it would have been even more so to contemplate his own life. 
His existence was a constant. It had no true beginning or end. It could not be covetted or cherished because it could not be quantified. It simply was. He could not want to live any more than the sky could want to hold its place above the Earth. Than the wind could desire to blow or the celestial bodies desire to continue their journey through the endless void of space. 
A force of nature could not want. Could not hope. Could not hunger, not for food, nor life, nor love.
But Gabriel did. For the first time, he faced his future with something other than cold, perfect acceptance. In its place was a hot, bitter disappointment and a gnawing, desperate hunger.
He wanted to live. Damn him, he did not want to die. He wanted to see the Machine again, as he had promised he would. He wanted to fight for the sake of fighting. He wanted to live and to feel alive. 
He wanted to drag the eyes of the God that had abandoned him back to that chaotic dance and dare Him to find it beautiful. He wanted the eyes of God to weep for the beauty they'd turned away from. To mourn every second they'd spent not beholding it. The way he mourned it, now. 
Perhaps it was that desire, more so than anything, that brought him back to the depths of Hell. A vain hope to fulfill his promise and to feel the embrace of life one more time before dying, however briefly.
He did not rouse when he heard the sound of approaching footsteps. He had no strength to fight. If one of the denizens of Hell wanted to end him now, it would only be speeding up the inevitable. 
With his faith so shattered, Gabriel was not sure if he believed there was any force that could intervene in the affairs of Earth, Heaven, and Hell in the way he'd once called “miracles”, nor did he have any name to give thanks to for such an act, but the gratitude he felt when the owner of the footsteps appeared before him could not have been greater if he had known it to be an act of God Himself. 
“Machine…” he breathed. “We meet again…as I said we would. Sadly…I do not think we shall face each other in righteous combat a third time. Still, I am…glad to see you. One last time…”
V1 dripped with fresh blood. It must have freshly killed. Its wings raised, encircling it like a golden halo in Gabriel’s blurred vision. Blue, gold, and red swam before his failing eyes, shimmering and ethereal.
“Divine…” he whispered. 
V1’s inner mechanisms whirred and it tilted its head, inquisitively. It seemed to inspect him, clicking and humming. Its hands grasped and released its weapons, seeming unable to fully process or deal with an encounter that was not immediately violent. 
It knelt before him, looking him over for some cause for his current state.
Gabriel laughed, weakly, strangely endeared by the robot’s apparent concern. Strange, for a being that had only known him as a threat. 
How to explain the Light of the Father to a machine? How could it possibly understand what it meant for him to be cut off from it, or why he had been? 
“I am…hungry,” Gabriel said. “Empty…dying.”
The Machine stood again, looming over him. Gabriel wondered if it would leave, assured that he was no threat. After all, what use did it have, with its limited time, to stand around and watch him die? 
Instead, as it had nearly every moment he knew it, it surprised him. 
With a screech of metal against metal, the Machine dug a clawed hand into its own chest, peeling back a small patch of the metal plating to reveal the pulsing mass of flesh and mechanics that comprised its innards. 
Hot blood poured from the self inflicted wound and onto Gabriel's helmet, flowing down and dripping into the holes above his mouth. 
Gabriel was stunned for a moment, then almost laughed. 
Of course. Its whole idea of life revolved around blood. Life, health, food; blood was synonymous with all of them. What other thought could it have had to help him, than to try to feed him the way it fed? 
A misguided effort, of course, but nonetheless meaningful. It had to fight for every second of life that blood afforded it, and it likely knew the supply was dwindling, yet it would harm itself and willingly part with its most precious life force, in the hopes it would help him. 
Gabriel opened his mouth beneath his helmet and let the blood trickle onto his tongue. Misguided or not, he recognized a sacrament when he saw one, and he would not dream to waste it. 
Again the taste of divinity alit on his tongue and he shuddered. The hunger is his gut that had first been sparked the moment he'd been struck down the first time by the Machine and that had been kindled by the taste of his own blood, then fanned to flame by the slaughter of the council roared up in him as an inferno.
He tilted his head back and shifted himself to kneel before the Machine allowing blood to pour more directly onto his supplicated form. 
Like liquid fire, it bathed his skin and coated his throat, lighting him up from the inside the way the cold reflection of Heaven had never dreamed to compare to. 
“Machine!” he choked, a desperate plea he hadn't meant to utter for a desire he didn't understand being dragged from somewhere deep inside him that knew what it was to struggle to survive, even if he didn't.
Luckily, the Machine understood what he could not. 
It guided him to his knees, pressed close to it for support, and guided his hands with its own to the wound on its chest, held his hand in its while an instinct Gabriel never knew he could have harbored dug their clasped fingers into the metal and stripped back the plating even further. 
Life blood bathed him and Gabriel cried out with a mix of relief and need. His arms encircled the Machine, clinging to it like a lifeline as he pressed his face to the now gaping wound, feeling its pulsing, churning, whirring insides against his armor and skin, which both seemed to drink up the blood as eagerly as his mouth. 
He wanted to pray, but couldn't. For there was no prayer he had known to fit such a sacrament, nor any that he could conceive of that could be more reverent than the worship he was already partaking in. 
He wanted to reach in with his hands and pull out its innards while it did the same to him. He wanted to tear it open with his teeth and taste where the metal and flesh met. 
He wanted to understand how animals could eat their prey alive.
He wanted to know that only his blood filled it, fed it, while only its fed him, like a heart passing blood between its chambers, like the two raw wounds that they were, pressed together so close they shared a heartbeat. 
He wanted them to hunger for every drop of each other and never be satisfied. 
He wanted. He hungered. He lived!
And yet, a gentle push was all that was needed to unclasp his hands and send him toppling back against the wall behind him, gasping for breath.
Blood continued to sink into his armor and skin and for a moment Gabriel felt the urge to peel off his helmet and lick the fading drops up before they disappeared, but he suddenly realized he could not fully recall what lay beneath that shell of white and gold. 
V1 clutched at its chest as its body began the work of repairing the damage, sealing up the opening and fusing the metal back together. 
Gabriel felt his own body similarly set to work on repairing itself. Energy seemed to return to his limbs and he felt that he once again had the strength to stand. 
“Let Us make man in Our image. In Our likeness…” Gabriel quoted, in a daze.
V1 tilted its head at him again. 
“For the life of every creature is its blood: its blood is its life.”
Gabriel shook his head and laughed. 
“We're so much more alike than I'd even thought possible, Machine. The Father's Light has always fed both of us, hasn't it?” he said. “If God is dead, then what in his abandoned Heaven could be left of his Light that is not lesser than that in the lifeblood of those He made in His image?” 
He looked to V1. 
“You…saved me. I owe you a debt of gratitude. But… I don't understand.”
He shook his head. 
“Blood is finite. It's running out. Why share any with me? Why cut down the little time you have left to save someone who only ever tried to kill you?” 
The Machine turned away, as though lost in thought.
Gabriel wondered if it even really understood, itself. 
At last, it turned to him and, in a garbled, robotic tone that seemed to take great effort for it to produce, it said:
”I A M H U N G R Y”
Somehow it seemed to look past him. This creature of war who never knew a life beyond bloodshed. Whose purpose died before it came to be. Whose life, since its inception, had been a clawing, desperate, and ultimately doomed fight for just a little more time. A little more life  Even in hell, even if it's only ever filled with pain and death. 
“I think I understand you, Machine,” Gabriel said. “I used to think your being here was pointless. A remnant of a dead war that could only know hunger. Could only bring destruction. But this is what you feel, isn't it?”
He put a hand to his chest.
“I want to live, Machine. I want to fight for every bloodsoaked second I can squeeze from this existence, no matter how brief. I'll fight until I'm torn to pieces for one more moment. If it means I get to keep feeling what it is to be alive.”
He looked up at V1.
“And I want you to be alive. I want to fight you again. I want you to never let me forget this feeling. You…make me know what it is…to want something.”
V1 blinked its optic, slowly, as if in agreement. 
Gabriel staggered to his feet and pulled Justice from its sheath. He pointed it at V1 before laying the blade flat across his palms and bending one knee, holding the sword up to V1.
“If the Divine can still live on, even in the blood of His dead and damned creations, then maybe this fight is not one doomed to end once you reach the bottom of Hell,” he said. “Take my sword. And my vow that if I cannot find a way to replenish the energy of the Divine, then I will meet you at the center of Hell and Splendor and Justice will cross one last time as we duel for the last drops of blood in creation.” 
V1 took the sword from Gabriel’s hands and brandished it, feeling the perfect balance of the expertly crafted blade. 
“We will meet again, Machine. Until then, may your woes be many. And your days few.” 
Me, pointing at a big blackboard with insane scrawlings covering it: "Here's how gabriel can still live"
I've never played ultrakill but I am not immune to the eroticism of the machine. Written all at once at 3am waiting for my pain medication mo kick in. bone app the teeth
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8-rae-rae-8 · 2 months
Dog fighting ring au (Graves' Part)
Phillip Graves - (Handler: Shepherd)
CWs: Graves' racism, hybrid fighting, abuse, drugging.
Characters: Roba, Ghost, Roba's men, Shepherd, Alejandro, Rodolfo
He's bait. A toy to his masters and a doll to his handlers. Scarred from head to toe, kept in no better condition than a sad dog bed in a cold, concrete room. Blond ears and sad tail with missing patches of fur. Ripped out too many times to count, so much so that hair stopped growing there. Or maybe it was the malnutrition, his body's attempt at self preservation. Or the fear he lived in, maybe even the anger.
It hurts. Every movement tore his skin. Every sound scratched his throat. When did he last have water? Food? He didn't know.
The only times he was allowed out was when his handler forced him to taunt a fighting dog. He was bait, just bait.
Nothing better than a toy on a string.
Still, he did his job well. Stalking the fighter infront of him. Black hair, with blond roots peeking through.. swollen parts of his ears. No shirt. Brandings. Scars. Fucked ribs. Bruises.
Huh. Maybe... Maybe some of the fighters understood what being in his position was. Full of pain and no help. Left in the rain or beating sun like a mutt.
The other hybrid didn't attack. He sat there and stared. Eyes narrowed as he watched. Nothing more. So he had to try harder. If he didn't- if he didn't, it might kill him. So be good. Listen. Fight. Taunt.
Graves tried. He stalked, barked, growled and hit.
The other hybrid only bit back when he finally hit a sensitive spot. Finally. Finally, he did his job. Riling up the mutt to get him ready for a fight.
That was all he was good for after all.
Graves quickly learns of the other's handler when he kicks Graves in the stomach and pushes something into his neck. Scary, tattooed, darker skinned. He associated it with pain, no matter how wrong. He didn't know any better.
The man showed each time the hybrid with dyed ears and tail was there. The other always looking at him with soft eyes. He had kicked Graves' ear once before biting him so hard he lost a chunk of his ear. Gentle, when his handler(s) wanted hurt.
That face followed him for weeks. Only ever picking him to prep for his mutt's fights. Graves didn't learn either of their names, he couldn't when he was whimpering in pain. More men joined, jeering and laughing. Not only at him but the other dog. Graves was drugged more than he could count. His handler didn't stop them. He encouraged it. The handlers loved being able to get away with this... Hybrids not human enough to be protected by most laws.
Whether he was unconscious or not for the baiting, he stopped remembering. The drugs affected his system more each time they hit. Withdrawals never happened, he was too much of a toy to be left to rot. A good toy too.
Their faces burned in his head. It didn't take long for him to associate anyone that looked like them with pain, fear and horrible anticipation for hurt.
When he woke to a man gently patting his cheek and laying him on something soft, his instinct was to bite and kick. A man with a beard, recently growing, eyebrows in a constant furrow. He didn't seem deterred when Graves tried to hurt him. Another man held him by his shoulders, clean shaven with kind eyes–Graves was too blind to see it.
These weren't his handlers. Why was the room filled with orders and different voices?? Hybrids left half dead on the ground, while men in so much gear tried to help them. What happened when he was out? Why did he hurt more than usual?
His back burned, stinging when it made contact with the soft thing. A bed, a stretcher.. he didn't know. He just tried to claw his way out of this, it usually worked. But these men were insistent. They kept him there, strapped him down and brought him somewhere else. Somewhere in the dim light of the night, sirens going off around him.
Graves caught one glance at that one fighter–the one with dyed fur–he was in a worse state. Not even conscious as a bearded man tried to wake him too. His chest stung. Was he alive?
He forgot about the men for a moment. It only took a second for him to be given some kind of medication in his veins. It burned, then made him a little floaty. The fear hit full swing again as one of the men said something to him. Something he couldn't understand.
He was back to thrashing in the stretcher, growling as his tail forcefully tucked between his legs.
Then it was black as something hot burned in his arm.
He'd woken up in a hospital. God knows how many days later. It was quiet. Near silent. An arm in a cast and most of his body bandaged up or stitched. He didn't even know he'd broken anything. It all does blend together in that life...
Those men came back and sat at his bedside. They explained what happened. A raid on the ring, many hybrids saved, many in hospitals, some handlers arrested. They said he was lucky not to have been awake and aware. Graves wanted to claw at them again. To hit. But he was held down by cuffs. It wasn't an option.
Trust wasn't an option. He had to trust them. And they tried to prove it.
Colonel Alejandro Vargas and Sargeant Major Rodolfo Parra.
It took upwards of a year for Graves to even think about letting them touch him. He flinched away and growled. He bit more than once. Rodolfo lost a bit of skin on his arm because of it. Graves never said sorry. He shouldn't have stepped in his space.
Still, he associated them with pain and fear. But the more he was brought safe food, bedding, and they literally picked him up out of closets when he had a flashback... It was hard to keep his guard up. They were kind. The other shoe didn't drop. He was warm and safe there.
Graves bit his tongue a lot. Bit back the urge to say things he had heard from that branded hybrid's handler. Mean things. Bad things. He wasn't a bad dog.
This place, a kind home, wasn't what he was used to. He didn't deserve it, he didn't remember if he ever even had that.
Rodolfo and Alejandro were sweet. Their voices felt warm to his wounded ears. No matter how hard he tried, he started to trust them. Those mean words only came back to him as intrusive thoughts or when he was angry. He had lots to unlearn still.
But he wasn't pushed away by them.
On rough nights, he inched closer to Rudy.
And one night he had it particularly rough. Graves settled himself at the end of Rudy's bed, and was never kicked out. No matter the shit he did, he was allowed to stay. Because it was getting better. He was getting better.
Pictures of Graves curled up on Rodolfo's bed have a folder on Alejandro's phone.
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oddishblossom · 1 year
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“I know this man. He taught me how to use various weapons. And how to do this job.”
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twistedtoms · 4 months
Animation showcase for fun!
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