#twst oc asks meme
ramshacklerumble · 2 months
can I see an ashi and gigi interaction <//3 look she even has an emote 🌺
KIDDING!!!!!! BUT HI I WANT MORE GIGI CONTENT 🫶 really curious about 🦐🦑🍄 octotrio? this is my attempt at more unagi crumbs BUT!!! I AM GEN CURIOUS ABOUT OCTO INTERACTIONS 🫣 don’t think I’ve seen gigi interact w the other two ssssso 👁️👁️
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in a nutshell?
if these three carked it right in front of them, gia would at long last repent and hole up in a nunnery like the good lord intended.
jk. (kinda)
on paper, gia is the octotrio’s personal henchboy as payment for a “favor” floyd does them a little prior/early into the events of book 5. (currently working on a one-shot that goes into this) originally gia’s tenure under the mostro lounge was only meant to be for a few weeks, but it’s made readily apparent once the octotrio finds use in something they are not about to let it slip through their fingers.
so begins the trio's pattern of finding even the smallest infractions on gia’s part as cause to extend their servitude under them. this is, understandably, why there's little love lost between them. i’d say gia prays for the trio’s downfall, but gia isn’t religious and far too proactive to wait around for that to happen.
they’ve made it their personal mission not to leave nrc until octavinelle is burning at their feet.
in reality, gia’s relationship with the octotrio is quite complicated.
they’ve been an absolute pain in the neck in every single encounter, but it doesn’t take gia long to realize the octotrio is their speedrun towards getting some REAL power in their hands. proud and hard-working they may be, gia is ultimately a pragmatist at heart.
though a bit of a showman, azul IS an undeniably powerful mage with many a tentacle in many a pie. the twins are nothing to sneeze at either.
as much as gia hates their guts, these three are their chance to make it not only to graduation but to actually make something of themself when staying at night raven is no longer an option.
and that’s not even getting into the growing familiarity between gia and the trio steadily murking the waters…
🦑 AZUL ASHENGROTTO: (tagging @thehollowwriter since you also sent an ask for azul)
perhaps the most subtle dynamic of the three (making it the hardest to explain) gia's view of azul can be largely inferred by their joke-title for him: boss.
if azul wants something done, then gia gets it done. gia proves themself an incredibly adept asset to azul and it's why azul pulls whatever strings he can to keep them under his thumb.
that said, while gia puts up with much of azul's overworking and respects they are indebted to the trio by not putting up much of a fuss-- azul is aware he occasionally has to sweeten the pot if he wants to keep it that way.
he'd be a fool to forget this was the same person who got all his original contracts turned to dust. and besides: what good, gracious employer doesn't reward his employees for their hard work?
so azul doesn't mind giving gia access to a few of his private merchandise channels, maybe even some of his more advanced grimoires and alchemy notes, etc.
this dynamic remains largely unchanged for a while, though if one were to squint they might catch a degree of casualness peppering their interactions over time. they indulge in subtle sniping-- even minor trolling-- namely from gia who finds azul an easy target.
they are not fully aware of how things have changed until @cyanide-latte's chrysanthos shroud makes quite a bitter impression on them both. in a low moment surprising even azul, he admits to gia that shroud makes him feel inadequate as a housewarden-- made worse by the fact azul knows it isn't shroud's intention. shroud, in his own way, truly embodies the spirit of benevolence an octavinelle housewarden should be and it's something azul wonders he'll ever be able to do himself. (you can read more on this in cy's post: here!)
gia, in an attempt to give azul the peace of mind that they won't try to use this moment of weakness against him (and bolstered by the knowledge this could come in as blackmail should he think to use what they're about to tell him), shares a bit of their own worries shroud managed to jar loose.
working for the trio is hard, however, it's also been the path that's given gia the most opportunities. but, with the trio being a year ahead of them, gia is well aware their time with them is limited. they can’t help but mull over what is to become of them when the trio leave for their senior internships. gia will likely never see them again and likely be nothing more than a footnote from the trio’s school lives. a strange, magicless weirdo from another dimension, wasn’t that a fun little story?
gia’s probably going to have a lot of free time as a junior and who knows how they plan to go about senior year, frankly, they’re a bit at a loss with themself…
anyway. if it weren't for azul """kindly""" giving them the chance to gain what they DO have by working for him (or whatever), they'd probably be even more lost than they are now. he's a pain and a half, but he's probably not the worst housewarden in octavinelle history.
at this, azul reminds gia he's made his plans to branch out the mostro lounge to the public quite clear. gia wouldn’t be bound to them anymore, but it'd be a shame to let their experience at the school's location go to waste, wouldn't it?
gia's relationship with jade is probably the strangest because despite jade being the one that wigs gia out the most, he is also the one gia openly gets along with the best.
fun fact: gia opened up their own club. the biking club. they are the only person in said club because, for some reason or another, they reject anyone who tries to get in. it might have to do with the fact the reason the club exists is because they needed an excuse to have a bike on school grounds they are allowed to ride anywhere unquestioned-- such as for personal errands or scavenging for potion ingredients. this includes up in the mountains.
y'know who else is often in the mountains..?
because of this little coinkidink, jade found a very weak and fevered gia struggling to get off the ground because they'd stupidly decided to go out foraging while sick. and of course, what good, gracious vice-housewarden of octavinelle wouldn't lend a hand to a poor, unfortunate underclassman in need despite their fervent protests? they're obviously, deliriously ill and are unaware of what's best for them…
indebted to jade on top of the octotrio as a whole, gia lost what little personal time they had as president of their own one-man club. now the biking club is (semi-officially) affiliated with his mountain lovers' club-- meaning gia accompanies him whenever he goes and bikes him around trails whenever he feels like it.
in theory, being alone up a mountain with jade leech should be terrifying, but gia sincerely enjoys these outings. jade is not only incredibly well-versed in mountain flora but a skilled potionologist in his own right.
honestly, it’s not bad.
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they're friends :)
@inmateofthemind @simons-twsted-children @tixdixl @jovieinramshackle @blithesharem @theleechyskrunkly @skriblee-ksk (lemme know if anyone wants to be included in tags)
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crystallizsch · 4 months
anon that said they wanted to kiss jamil on the lips here . I FEEL BAITED :(
AAAH SORRY okay one kiss :D (and i’m kinda in a writing mood so uh)
if you wanna kiss mr jamil viper, don’t worry. i’d like to think he would just ask you straight-up so you don't have to do anything. one day, both of you would just be taking a stroll just chatting. but he had something else on his mind. you two had never actually kissed before. and he wanted to try it out. it was a weird thought. and he tried to ignore it. but the more he did, the more it kept him awake at night. so he finally decided that he wanted to give it a shot. there was no point adding unnecessary stress thinking about it. you two were close enough, right? he’d assess the mood first to make sure. it was the usual banter so that was good. and then he'd finally bring up the courage to finally ask you. "Hey, Prefect... Would you mind if we kissed?" you laugh because you were taken aback. before jamil could take your reaction in a wrong way, you agree with a sweet smile. good job, that laugh and that smile ruined the composure he had built up earlier. it's not showing on his face, but his flushed cheeks say otherwise. regardless, jamil cups your cheeks in his hands once he was given permission. you gaze at each other. you see that there was a softness in his eyes. at the back of your mind you thought of his signature spell that he could have easily used on you. the fact that he hasn't speaks volumes about his feelings towards you. you both slowly lean in towards one another and your lips met in a soft and tender kiss. it was quick and brief but it felt like forever. as you both pulled apart, you rested your foreheads against one another in a state of bliss. you two could get used to this.
happy valentines :3
anyways, i had an alternate vision before this with my yuu (imagine he's saying a shitty pick-up line)
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this was their first attempt. they're such cringefail losers.
(part one right here)
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robo-milky · 6 months
I’m really starting to think that Rook has a thing for tragic people who are doomed by the narrative and are emotionally exhausted. [Staring right at Cloche and Kei]
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I’ve had this in my ask box for so long and I can finally answer !!
So real— Rook is just a trainwreck magnet… He is the sunshine they need to balance out their er… internal and external chaos.
One just wants to find their mother and the other just wants free will again 😔
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cyath · 9 months
Don’t be shy, drop some oc lore🔫
What would you specifically want to know about a Eldritch amnesiac 900+ year old who may or may not have committed multiple crimes in the past two worlds he was in
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boopshoops · 3 months
I feel like Yuu Shi and Ellis interacting would be silly!
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Tfw i saw theatre in Ellis' profile and went "Oh- oh here we go" out loud JFNDJDJDBF
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Yuu is EXTREMELY biased as an ex theater and band kid 💕
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the-trinket-witch · 1 month
4&14 for your Jungle book duo please?
(Will Wood Ask Meme Here)
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Skeleton Appreciation Day in Vestal, NY: What is something your OC is insecure about? Do they take any steps to hide/remedy it?
His sibilance. He understands it puts people off, but with his mouth structure being more serpentine, it's hard to shake. He's taken vocal coaching for it and now it almost doesn't show up outside of minor vocal fry (S-sounds towards the ends of words), and for emphasis. Aadesh is fully aware of how creepy it can sound, and has used it in the past to add effect to certain things he says.
Against the Kitchen Floor: Describe a flaw in your OC that they understand can be a dealbreaker, as well as what your OC would consider one in an S/O
Honestly? He DGAF about a romantic partner. He's the type to find himself as a 'high value' partner, so (to him) it would behoove others to look past any 'nonexistent' flaws he might have if they want to get with him.
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Skeleton Appreciation Day in Vestal, NY: What is something your OC is insecure about? Do they take any steps to hide/remedy it?
His Knee. It's a representation of how the system failed him for simply growing up 'too poor' to 'deserve' decent medical care. He's risen above it with how much wealth he's accumulated, but while he can box and fight with the best of them, his strength is balanced on a rickety, braced foundation.
Against the Kitchen Floor: Describe a flaw in your OC that they understand can be a dealbreaker, as well as what your OC would consider one in an S/O
He is nigh untouchable with as much money that he has, to either pay off the law or a scorned lover. So he understands that might come off as intimidating for those not willing to bend to his desires.
Which leads into his big dealbreaker, someone not willing to work with him on (what he would consider) important matters. Differences in opinions are one thing, but he's of the mind that he's the money-maker, he's the one with the brains to have amassed such wealth, his opinion/decision by default, then, holds more weight.
@ceruleancattail @squidwen @thecosmicjackalope @vaporvipermedia@writing-heiress
@oya-oya-okay @k-looking-glass-house@thehollowwriter@rainesol @cyn-write
@heartscrypt@honey-milk-depresso @br3adtoasty @jackiecronefield @ruggiethethuggie
@demonichikikomori @hoboyherewego @achy-boo @oreoskys@oseathepebble
@tunabesimpin @hamstergal @fumikomiyasaki@valse-a-mille-temps
@hallowed-delights @kimikitti @plutos-hell @thetwstwildcard @atwstedstory
@comingyourlugubriousness @ice-cweam-sod4 @twst-the-night-away @nammanarin
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elenauaurs · 3 months
💀 the outfit ask for your two?
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Mira 'overblot'
Note 1: But where is Diaval? Well, I just didn't have ANY idea how to make an overblot design for him so I just didn't do, sorry Diaval 😭
Note 2: Why does the Mira overblot look so different? Mira can't overblot since he's a phantom, so I drew what it would be like if Mira lost control of his feelings and went back to his original form
In his 'overblot' form, Mira slowly loses his consciousness until he becomes an ordinary Phantom, so basically he dies
Note 3: Why is the drawing ugly? I'm experimenting with new drawing styles and also tumblr ate the image quality
Anyway, thank you very much for the ask!
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rainesol · 2 months
Eglantine and Rosaceae
[very basic info post]
Eglantine and Rosaceae are a pair of fae who live in the same general area as Apollyon in a place only referred to as ‘their garden’. It doesn’t matter what pronouns you refer to them as, they couldn’t care less. Most people default to they/them or a rare they/it.
Eglantine is taller, and looks similar to an eglantine rose (or a sweet briar rose!). They are a mixture of pinks, yellows, and greens. Rosaceae is slightly shorter and looks more like the boughs of a rose bush. They’re pointier, and darker in colour. The pair look much less ‘human’ than the average fae, particularly in the face and extremities. (They don’t have feet. They walk on points.)
They are in a romantic relationship. (To the point where it’s kind of scary). Their past is very much lost to history, but there are a few select older g2 changelings who remember bits and pieces.
For maybe 4 centuries they’ve been together in their garden. They don’t ever leave, and they spend their days dancing with each other (Rosaceae leads :3). Neither of them ever talk or show ‘emotion’ as far as any of the changelings are aware. If you talk to them they’ll look down at you, but that’s about it.
They’re both somewhere over 8 meters tall.
In their humanoid forms, Rosaceae was taller, but Eglantine is bigger in their true form.
The name Eglantine comes from the eglantine rose, the name Rosaceae means the rose family. They changelings are just really uncreative.
Eglantine was far more powerful than Rosaceae in the past, and when they ran away with each other they both started to pool their magic together. They’ve been doing it for so long that their bodies have adapted to it, and they’ve ‘evolved’ a few subtle features from each other.
@tixdixl @cyanide-latte @the-trinket-witch @thehollowwriter @elenauaurs
@emiensr (lmk if you want adding/removing)
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distant-velleity · 29 days
Ruixing, barely seven years old and still skinny as a twig, sat in the corner of his small room and hugged himself.
It was dark in there, and only light from the crack under the door shone on the dirty, funeral white of his clothes.
Cold voices drifted in from just beyond the door.
“This is the last straw. We can’t keep him anymore,” hissed his uncle. He sounded both angry and about to cry. “As it is, we can barely afford the bills for A-Li’s hospital stay—and he put her in there, for heaven’s sake!”
“Then do we just dump him on the streets?” his aunt asked, exasperated. “You know we can’t do that.”
“Let’s drop him off at an orphanage. They’ll surely know how to handle a problem child.”
“You just don’t want to accept responsibility for him.”
“Well, don’t act like you don’t want it, too!”
Their voices faded away, and Ruixing let out a weak sigh.
‘Monster,’ ‘curse,’ ‘problem child.’
He’d been called all of these before.
Mother, Father, cousin Moli.
It had all happened before, because of him. And it had happened once again, because of him.
Ruixing closed his eyes, out of tears to cry.
Nothing ever changed.
twst oc taglist (ig? lol): @thehollowwriter @elenauaurs @theleechyskrunkly @nahelenia @casp1an-sea
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tinyfantasminha · 1 year
Silly idea, 'Little red riding hood' but Jack is 'Little Red' and your oc is the 'big bad wolf' fadgskdhdk
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simpingseafood · 2 years
Rollo in rollerskates?!?!?
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And bonus:
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ramshacklerumble · 2 months
Feeling sappy, so let's go with ♥️ & ♠️ for Helena regarding the TWST relationship ask <3
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lel thanks for the ask on helena, it’s forcing me to actually think about her some
broadly speaking, helena and ace get along just fine. she’s shy and a bit of a nervous wreck, but she’s sweet and approachable once ace establishes himself as a frequent friendly face at ramshackle. ace thinks she’s cute in a puppy-dog type of way, though that doesn’t stop him from occasionally involving her in his antics from time to time.
beyond being able to chat casually, though, i haven’t been able to come up with anything beyond that. they’re not terribly close, but they don’t have issue being left alone with each other either. helena finds ace to be fun and he’s able to coax out a snarky streak in her she normally isn’t comfortable sharing— even if it isn’t anywhere near as mean-spirited as his.
the big thing that does connect them however is ace VERY QUICKLY catching onto helena’s astronomically massive crush on deuce. while he insists he’s not got a romantic bone in his body, he finds it funny, so he’s not above butting in to give helena a nudge.
especially since he suspects the feelings aren’t one-sided—
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admittedly these two are still a major wip as im still figuring out just how i wanna go about them
but i wanna say the main theme these two have going on and the main thing that really makes them gravitate towards each other is that they both acknowledge each other’s drive to become better people. and what really makes them click is that they both also begin to hold each other accountable for certain viewpoints of themselves that aren’t helping them achieve that betterment.
deuce’s whole goal is to become a model student and while helena fully believes he’ll be able to achieve that someday, she at some point muses that the reason why deuce is having such a rough go at is is because he thinks the only way he’ll be able to is if he waters down who he is. she sees how much pressure he puts into becoming this imagined “perfect model student,” something he thinks is the direct opposite to who he is naturally.
helena has much respect for deuce. he’s a hard-worker, persistent, and deeply earnest. he dislikes his hot-bloodedness, but helena admires how passionate he is. she wants him to follow his dream of making something of himself— but she believes the answer isn’t to change who he is to the very core of his being, but rather strive to be the best version of himself. he HAS amazing qualities already, he just hasn’t been able to recognize them within himself just yet.
this isn’t all that different from what deuce thinks of helena. he thinks helena is far braver than she believes herself to be. he aware of how little she thinks of herself and how she preemptively beats herself up for things she can’t control, but he also sees her efforts in trying to counteract these thoughts. it’s difficult and she stumbles often, but there hasn’t been a time where she hasn’t gotten back up yet either. helena doesn’t take the easy road and deuce finds that incredibly inspiring. simply put, he thinks she’s one hell of a tough girl. he doesn’t know how to help helena see her the way he does, but it doesn’t stop him from trying.
tag list: @cyanide-latte @simons-twsted-children @tixdixl @blithesharem @thehollowwriter @jovieinramshackle
@theleechyskrunkly @skriblee-ksk @boopshoops @the-trinket-witch
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eirasummersart · 5 months
[braid] for dalia with either mika or knives ^^
Refering to this.
Hii, An~ thanks for the ask! :D The fact that Dalia is your fave of my OCs is clearer as time passes /j it's ok~ I like drawing her too 😌
I decided to draw Knives this time since I love him and still hadn't had the chance~ I was unsure about if Knives would be good doing braids or not, so I went with him "really focused on doing it well" haha Dalia had an accident(?) during her day and her braids came lose, and Knives offered to help her redo her hair~~ that was the idea! Just a doodle tho~
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She's laughing inside about how focused he is(?) but won't laugh outloud to not be mean hahah she just thinks it's cute~
If anyone else wants to send more, feel free~ one more on the ask box for now~
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robo-milky · 1 year
Hello, Chris. If you are still taking these, may I request ∅ for Cloche and Beliya'al? ^^
[Ask Game]
Cloche’ thoughts on…
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“I think Master Beliya’al is someone respectable. …Very unique.”
• Cloche is careful around Beliya’al. Whether if it’s admiration or fear, she can’t tell. Though she feels a little uneasy around him, Cloche appreciates Beliya’al’s gentleness with her and the other first years. In fact, she’s glad there’s a seemingly responsible, mature figure in Ramshackle. If anything, Cloche likes that Beliya’al can be direct and get his point across. While Beliya’al’s comparisons of rowdier students to dogs may be …questionable, Cloche agrees with them wholeheartedly.
• Cloche adores Beliya’al’s fashion! Especially that harness he has. She’d be happy to ask him or talk to him about it, if the opportunity ever comes. Prior Twisted Wonderland, she did dress on the edgier side too.
• Tails…? Appendages…? Lashers…? What are those things—?! No, Cloche isn’t necessarily scared of them (okay, maybe a little), but more intrigued. It doesn’t help that whenever she catches a glimpse of them moving in action, the cat within her wants to paw/swat it so badly.
• Cloche is fascinated by Beliya’al’s species. She wonders what kind of world he would have come from. She is curious of the brooch on his tie, thinking it looks familiar to a certain symbol from Earth.
“It’s good seeing you in Mr. S’ Mystery Shop, Master Beliya’al. …As you can guess, I’m on an errand again.”
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cyath · 9 months
Hi Cyath! I like your art and if it's to your liking, could you share a bit abt your OC? That got me curious
Hello! :D (Sorry in advance for the info dump, I tried to shorten it)
I present to you My Oc! The Eldritch amnesiac 900+ year old who may or may not have committed multiple crimes in the past two worlds he was in
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-His name he doesn't remember his full name so he goes by the name Yuu
-He is 180 cm and is still growing
-He is around 900 year's old but in human years he is 19 years old. Fun fact: he does not have a birthday since it’s been so long he can’t remember and it’s never been celebrated
-When Yuu got transported to twisted wonderland he had no memories of the past, and throughout his journey he goes on to learn new things and recover his memories little by little
-Throughout his stay in twisted wonderland he has sustained injuries from each overblot, his lip scar is from Leona, neck scar is from riddle, left shoulder scar is from Azul, right lower body scar from idia, right arm scar from Vil, and feet scars from jamil.
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-His amnesia has caused him to forget all basic skills like how to brush his teeth
-His dream is to get back his memories and watch all his friends graduate and be happy
Hobbies: Painting, Singing/playing instruments, sneaking out of NRC
Fun facts:
-He has a subtle accent and often mispronounces words
-He has a habit of staring at other people
I think imma make a series about his adventures in twisted wonderland
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micah-del-rey · 3 months
ask game
🔱 TRIDENT EMBLEM — can your oc swim? do they enjoy swimming?
“… Can I swim? I’m a merman— what do you think? I can’t say I like… enjoy it, it’s just something that I do. I don’t hate or love walking, I just do it. I’ve never really swam in my human form if that’s what you’re asking though, but I feel like that’d be inconvenient, why would I swim in a body not made for it?”
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