littlebatbrattt · 3 months
Need someone to fast with me so we can motivate each other pls pls pls
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excalibeurre · 11 months
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some-greatreward · 6 months
see like i have The World Won’t Listen on cd but i practically never listen to it bc the double combo of unlovable/asleep always makes me nauseous & the placement of those songs smack bang in the middle of the comp is just so bizarre to me. Like you expect me to be able to listen to anything else after those two songs??? that ain’t happening mate im probably sobbing foetal position somewhere
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mintedwitcher · 6 months
I rewatched The Girl Who Died/The Woman Who Lived, and... this might get me garrotted on here but uhh. Surely Maisie Williams could've put some effort into that performance, right? Literally the only scene where she's really Acting on a level to match Coleman and Capaldi is when she's threatening the Mire. The rest of the time it's just so. Wooden. (I will wholly admit that she is much better in Face The Raven and Hell Bent, I'm talking specifically about her first two episodes.)
(And yes maybe there's something to be said there about potential autistic coding etc with her being "the weird one" but like. Personally I think it was just a bad casting choice.)
So in that vein, do y'all have fancasts for Ashildr/Lady Me, and who are they?
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alexxmason · 2 years
💕💕💕💕💕💕💕 thank you!!! I decided to use my fav scene I wrote for Sin and Blackwall fic. When I said we would all suffer together, I meant it. Getting that teasing yearning just right 😭👌🏽👌🏽 and rereading this makes me scream.
Bending his neck as she brushed her nose against his, feeling the slightest graze of his lips on hers. She wanted him to kiss her, to take her and accept her embrace.
It stirs something inside her as her hold grows tighter and needier, her lips pressing to his jaw and neck. Again and again with the softest kisses to his skin. Trying for his lips.
He might’ve been teasing her. Pulling back only the slightest when she attempted to kiss him, sighing when she would try to desperately press her lips to his. But only to fail with a small frustrated huff and whine.
“My lady, please,” he said again but didn't curb the Inquisitor when she kissed his hands and peeked up at him with pleading ruby eyes, almost begging.
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yaksha-lover · 2 years
You Vamp!Au of TWWL is lovely. Can we introduce some GenZ!Mc in there? U know. For chaos
GenZ!MC + Twst Vampire AU
cw: entirely crack, i tried to make this serious but i can’t, i’m deeply sorry but also i’m gonna have to preface this by saying if the “humour” (it’s not actually funny) is cringe it’s because i am actually a very cringe individual with the sense of humour of a 12 year old. also i’m pretty sure i lost multiple iq points writing this
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“Malleus, I have something to tell you. It’s very hard for me to say but,” you pause to work in a sniffle, “I’ve been diagnosed with Ligma. I don’t know how much time I have left.”
With fake tears and tissues straight out of a youtuber apology video, you begin your torment on poor, innocent Malleus.
He’s silent for a moment. Malleus gets up, straight-faced and pulls you into his arms.
“I’m deeply sorry, child of man. I haven’t heard of this illness before but it matters not. Lilia and I will do everything in our power, scour every corner of the earth until we find a cure,” Malleus says, without breaking eye-contact.
“LIGMA BALLS,” you yell. Malleus’ arms loosen in surprise, and you’re able to run, high-five a hiding Ace who’s face has turned red from laughter, and escape to who knows where.
Malleus feels ten years get taken off his life.
You’re sitting on the couch with Rook, legs splayed on his lap. Vil is sitting across from you, as far away as he can presumably get, looking disgusted at Rook for associating with you. You make eye contact and blow him a kiss. Vil swerves it, clearly disturbed.
“Begone thot.”
“I don’t know Vil, that’s not what your mom was saying last night when I-“
Rook clamps a hand down on your mouth. It seems even he’s astonished by your depravity. You make eye contact with him before slowly licking his hand. He doesn’t pull away. Okay, now you’re the scared one.
Vil can feel the stress lines forming on his face. He gets up, presumably to start an extensive skin treatment.
Sitting in the living room with Ace, Deuce, Epel, and Jack, playing a game of cards when suddenly your next victim walks in. You put down your winning hand, forgoing your victory for what you know is a good cause, a worthy sacrifice.
“Hey, Trey. Would you mind doing me a favour?” You ask him, tone neutral and inconspicuous.
He stops his path to the kitchen, and turns towards your table.
“Of course, MC, what can I do for you?” Trey smiles in his usual friendly way, unaware of the pain that he’s about to endure, the cringe that will keep him awake at night.
Ace is quite literally dying, Deuce is covering his face with his hands, and Epel is already groaning, knowing your antics far too well. Jack, per usual, is unaffected and keeps playing the game, completely apathetic at this point.
“Well since I’m not allowed to leave the mansion, would you mind picking up something for me in town? There’s this baker Joe told me about who’s apparently amazing,” you gush, watching Trey’s face diligently. You don’t want to miss a single moment of this.
“Joe? Who’s Joe?”
“JOE MAMA BITCH,” you get up and immediately start fortnite dancing on his (figurative) corpse. Trey collapses to his knees. Life has no meaning to him anymore. Ace and Deuce are crying, simultaneously tears of laughter and pain stream down their faces. Epel is curled up in a fetus position on the floor, rocking himself back in forth to try and escape the pure agony. Jack continues playing by himself, now alone at the table.
You’ve had mercy on Riddle, thus far, knowing his small body can only contain so much emotion at one time. Alas, the day has come where you can no longer hold yourself back. The day that will be known as ‘the great bofa incident’.
A plan that has been weeks in the making, Riddle has no idea that he’s been perfectly set up to take the bait. With Trey as your accomplice (you told him if he did this for you, you wouldn’t target him again - a lie), Riddle’s been given a recipe that Trey’s assured him needs to be followed exactly, lest the entire dish be ruined.
Together in the kitchen, you sit on the counter while Riddle stands near the stove. He turns to you, holding Trey’s recipe.
“Trey has created quite the intricate dish. Even I haven’t heard of this ingredient. Has Trey provided you with this…bofa? Is that some kind of herb?”
If Riddle had bothered to look up as he spoke, he would see the evil smile forming on your face. Weeks of effort, all culminating into this one moment. Some might call it a waste of time, such a tedious process for such a small moment?
Those who would make such claims are those who have never experienced the pure joy, the rush that comes from a getting someone so unsuspecting with such a fantastic, ingenious even, line.
Riddle is stunned. Flabbergasted, even. You expect some kind of reaction, maybe even anger or an outburst but he gives you nothing. You leave him alone in the kitchen, simply disappointed.
Riddle locks himself in the his room for weeks following the incident. No one knows if he’s dead or alive. He can’t even cry anymore, only capable of sitting in the corner and staring blankly ahead, trapped in an existential crisis and losing his will to keep going a little more each day.
Idia has been going on and on to you about his latest experience with an online troll during one of this gaming sessions. Ample opportunity is created for you to strike again, and you cannot resist your true calling.
“Who?” You say to Idia.
“I don’t know their name, it was just a stranger-“
“No, who asked?”
With this sick blow, you’ve completely shattered all of Idia’s already non-existent self-confidence. He deflates, face planting on the floor and not having the will to get up. Idia is reduced to a heap of blue, becoming a stranger to all emotions except for pure cringe. The doctors say he won’t ever recover.
“Gottem,” you say to yourself as you walk out, leaving the carnage you created behind.
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vickyshinoa12 · 2 months
Hey y’all seen my oc around, here what she is and her info is below the photo ^^
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Name: Tori (full name is Victoria Hula)
Age: 17-18
Birthday: October 19 (Libra)
Height: 159cm
Dorm: Diasomnia
Grade: Sophomore
Best Subject: Writing
Hobbies: Drawing or video games
Pet Peeves: Arrogance
Favorite food: Cheesecake
Least favorite food: Squash
Talent: Getting an animal to like her very quickly
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HEAR ME OUT *breath in* an angst story of TWWL where yuu is used okay, but not by the students and dormleaders but by the teachers, The magic is luke slowly dying and they needed a sacrifice but the sacrifice needed to be a vessel for the magic to come and go since everyone allready had magic but not yuu the teachers saw an opportunity, if you want to know what happens let me know, also take caree!!
Don't leave me hanging, Anon!! What happens? (っ °Д °;)っ
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bidaryl · 4 months
oh just realised ive been tagging it twwl instead of towl. 🙂
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cucciolo-is-lonely · 2 months
hhey does ny one nkow what its caled when if u do something bbad uurte worst person ever an dhwy is evryone mad at me pels twwl me what i did i actually didnt means ti hurt anyone pls sdont be mad at me im sorry i promise
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spaceymcspaceship · 4 years
DAY THREE aka 5 more eps down 150ish more to go
the woman who lived
circa 1651
Functionally Immortal Crew returns!
goddamn ashildr 
maisie williams kills it this ep
again with the shades of grey bc for one i’m like doc you just left her for hundreds of years that’s cold
but i’m also like damn ashildr humanity still matters you can’t just kill them
also more witchhunting references in case we forgot which century we were in
anyway another solid one for books 
and i still love 12
the curse of the black spot
circa 1699
can someone not die or almost die for TWO MINUTES
11 era i stg
hugh bonneville??? the historic eps are v popular for big name guest stars like half of them so far have had them
pirate shenanigans what’s not to love
again i don’t remember like any of 11′s era so i do not recall what the end scene was all about lol
the girl in the fireplace
circa 1700s
and also 5000 but that date was in the middle of a ton of future 10 eps and other than this there were no 18th century eps so here we go!
god this is classic early doctor who
waiting on the doc to save the day also u have a crush on him
also just this ep is the first slide in my 143 page long power point presentation called Let 13 Kiss a Girl 
every time the doc snogs/is snogged by woman i give another tedtalk
extra points if it’s an historical figure
he literally rides in on a white horse
he’s worth the monsters
but also
rose rose rose 
when she goes to warn her she’s so nervous and they’re both scared my heart
‘i’m always alright’
oh no 10 that was right in my 13 feels 
catch me crying in the tardis
okay but finally the irony of 10 asking a noble in pre-revolutionary france how one gets money i’m cackling
thin ice
circa 1814
12 and bill 12 and bill 12 and bill
bill being in love with the tardis! i love u bill
i really really love the way they handle bill seeing someone die. the scene where she confronts 12 about how many people he’s killed is so good! you know what he’s going to say before he says it and it kills you just as much as it kills him to say it!!
but then they properly follow up on this later by having bill make the decision which seems cruel at first but then u start to realize that it’s a test that bill passes with flying colors (bc she’s bill and she’s amazing)
‘progress isn’t defined by industry. it’s measured by the value you put on a life. an unimportant life.’ i love 12!!!!
anyway def one of my top episodes
haunting of villa diodati
circa 1816
okay i’m cheating a bit bc i started this like last week in a season 12 rewatch so i’m actually just watching the last half of it lol
but i could probably do a one woman show of all of season 12 at this point so
me after just half of a 13 ep: :’) i love her so much 
no seriously i’ve said so much on this ep need i say more?
i’m curious as i continue my watch to revisit the moments where the doc is truly out of their depth
like more than being concerned or brief fear or them momentarily outwitted
like truly out of their league and know they can’t win
bc jodie kills it here
and i’m calling it for the evening. we’ll see what i get to tomorrow since it’s back to work....
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kiyahw · 3 years
Typical Werewolf Love Story, is a visual novel I wrote for a few years ago, feel free to support me, and everyone who worked on it, by downloading it, using the link below!
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some-greatreward · 10 months
hellooooooo babygirl
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petyrbaealish · 7 years
In The Wolf Who Lived, does anyone get petrified? Any muggle borns?
Someone hasn’t caught up to the latest chapters yet :)
*hint hint* 
the answer is yes  ;)
Hope you’re enjoying the fic! I think you’ll like what’s coming :D
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midamrevenant · 3 years
17, 18, 30?
thank youuuuuu 💖
17. What fic are you most proud of?
oooohhhh tough question. some people might think it’s a stupid answer but it honestly might be “Present Time, Todd Anderson” like yes it’s very popular as well but i just love that it was a gift for a fic exchange and people love it so much
18. What is a line/scene you’re really proud of? Give us the DVD commentary for that scene.
this is from “The Lovebug”:
“Cross paths with the lovebug, and you would feel again all that which you had deemed the naïve dreams of adolescence—you would believe again in sincere kindness, in kindness that persisted through unspeakable despair.”
“The Lovebug” is a retelling of Theodore Sturgeon’s “The World Well Lost” and this excerpt is based off of this one from TWWL: “But watch loverbirds, only for a moment, and see what happens. It's the feeling you had when you were twelve, and summer-drenched, and you kissed a girl for the very first time and knew a breathlessness you were sure could never happen again”
like apologies to Sturgeon but even though i get what he means it’s total straight man cringe. I like my take on it a lot better because I truly think that’s what so many of us are so fond of when it comes to midam
30. Tell us an idea for a longfic you want to write in the future. 
well. ‘want to write’ is kind of a loaded term, but I have generally running through my head ‘midam try to have a baby but in a really convoluted and bizarre way that puts the world in crisis bc this is supernatural. also kate is there’
also some of us talk about midam & prejudice all the time, but if i ever were to be a part of that i wouldn’t write it alone
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rustyginger · 5 years
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Recently acquired for $35 at the Vinyl Revolution record fair. So many great songs on this, it’s criminal. I recently sold The World Won’t Listen fir $37, so now I have Sheila Take A Bow! Among others. When this album came out, I went straight out to buy it, yet somehow walked out of Tower Records with TWWL. It has bothered me these last 30 years, so I’m glad to have it sorted. And at a $2 profit (minus $13 for the original purchase).
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