#u can get angry at me over this all you want I am like interested in seeing what other people think if you're gonna be nice about it xo
hopefulqueer · 2 months
I'm starting to think the reason I'm not as good of a writer as I want to be is because I like writing more than I like reading.
#which isnt to say i dont like to read#but i find it so difficult to get interested in new fiction#why would i bother reading stories other people wrote when i could just write mine?#i don't have this issue reading nonfiction ive been so into nonfiction#and i feel like THAT has helped me write better just by teaching me about more things so i can make worlds make more sense#but one time i told somebody i was writing a story that's kind of a zombie apocalypse but for plants and they said#'oh that's exactly like this other book' (i forget the name) 'you should read that one!'#and it made me unreasonably angry#i don't care abt someone else's story with a vaguely similar concept. i care abt mine.#and i know this makes me seem like an asshole and i probably am for this specific thing#but i read every book i could get my hands on as a child#and then as soon as i was able to write my own stories that stopped being the case#like all that reading was just training me to do what i can do now#and i think if i could just get over my disinterest in other ppl's fiction books and start practicing deconstructing what makes a good stor#i would start improving my writing more#and short stories! fuck. i hate reading other ppl's short stories unless they're written by friends#but as im starting to submit my short stories to publishing magazines n stuff#im realizing i'll have a better chance of getting published if i read the other stuff those mags have posted before#and write what they want to have submitted. but then it's not necessarily what *i* want to write. u know?#i don't know how to fix this fundamental problem of me preferring writing over reading#(and this applies to fanfic too btw. i hardly ever seek out fic to read unless a friend sends it to me. and often i like it when they do!#but not as much as i like writing or reading my own writing.)#just why would i READ when i could be WRITING and writing is so much more FUN
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under--pluto · 1 year
man people don't even try anymore, emergency commissions are fair enough but the amount of just "hi I'm not cis/white/straight/normal brained/able bodied or a mix of them pls give me money uwu" posts on this webbed site is astronomical
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mysteryshoptls · 13 days
SSR Fellow Honest - Playful Dress Vignette
"My stars, a grave insult!"
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[Scalding Sands – Silk City]
Fellow: Now, ladies and gentlemen!
Fellow: What you are about to see here is a one-of-a-kind wonder.
Fellow: This is truly a genuinely invaluable show you are about to witness.
[rabble, rabble]
Fellow: Nice, them people're finally startin' to gather…!
Fellow: If you're interested in what I have to show, please, drop a few madol in this can over here. Any amount is fine~!
Fellow: And now, feast your eyes…
Fellow: On this… A one-of-a-kind puppet that can walk on its own without strings!
Fellow: What do you think, Mister? Madam? Doesn't it look so life-like? Amazing, is it not!?
Fellow: This exquisite beastman doll is the only one of its kind.
Fellow: You all are fortunate indeed to see such a fantastical sight. If your interest was piqued, I implore you to leave a token of appreciation…
[rabble, rabble]
Fellow: …Eh? It's not a puppet? A normal living being?
Fellow: Please, look carefully. It might be able to move without strings, but even if I poke or tickle it, it won't even cry out or laugh.
Fellow: It is a beautifully crafted puppet. Yes, that's right, there can be no question.
[Gidel nods]
Fellow: Ah, stop, Gidel!
Fellow: …It moved? Oh no, it must have just been a trick of the eye.
Fellow: Or, are you perhaps trying to insinuate that I, Fellow Honest, am a liar?
Fellow: You didn't mean it…? Ahhh, oh, but you've hurt my feelings so~!
Fellow: I've been known as Honest John, a man of integrity, pure and innocent, and yet you would call me a liar…
Fellow: Hey now, Mister. Since you've damaged my pride like this, feels like you should provide me with a show of good faith and…
Gidel: [sneeze]
Fellow: AH!!
Fellow: U-Uhh… Ladies and gentlemen, I… Hm? You want your money and time back? …No need to get so angry… Hahaha…
Fellow: …Crap.
Fellow: RUN, GIDEL!!
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Fellow: Haah… Pant, pant… Did we lose them?
Fellow: Just a little longer and we woulda gotten something extra on top of their spectator fees!
Gidel: …
Fellow: Ugh, whatever. ...All we got to show for that in the end was just a little bit of spare change…
Fellow: …And whatever small bits and bobs of jewelry they had on them.
Fellow: I stealthily swiped them with my magic while those idiots were all focused on you, but there's not much here. Shame.
Fellow: This dump ain't worth staying in. Time to move on, Gidel! Fwahaha!
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[Fairest City – Crystal Galleria]
Fellow: Look carefully, fair people! What I have here is a magestone. However, this is no ordinary magestone.
Fellow: The date: 1000 years ago; the place: the depths leagues below the Coral Sea. This magestone was said to be sought even by the Great Seven!
Fellow: It may look like an ordinary pebble. So, what makes this an extraordinary find? Once you hear what I have to say, you'll never recover from the shock!
Fellow: Listen and be amazed! This is a miraculous stone where whosoever holds it becomes capable of using magic!
Gidel: ! [honks horn]
Fellow: For you, ladies and gentlemen, I risked life and limb searching high and low for this in the most secluded southern regions.
Fellow: There is only one of these gemstones in existence. We'll start the bidding at 50,000 madol (500 Thaumarks)! Come, come, all who are interested, please raise up a hand!
Fellow: …Huh, no one wants to raise a hand? What, do I have before me a gaggle of broke spectators?
Fellow: Heh, gutless, all of you. Ah, but damn it all! Is there not a single one among you with the courage to reach out and grasp the miracle laid out before you!?
Fellow: With icy demeanors like that, even my fleas will laugh at me.
Fellow: …I'm sure you all are simply thinking there's no way you could trust vagabonds like us, isn't that right?
Fellow: You think I'm selling you a fake? You think you'll be wasting your money?
Fellow: Aah, that's no good, my dear fellows! If you mistrust me so fervently, it's not as fun...
Fellow: Don't worry. If you believe in what I tell you, there's nothing for you to be afraid of.
Fellow: …Ah, there we go, that was quick. 80,000 madol from the gent over there! And 100,000 madol from the one over here!
Fellow: A good call, everyone! With such wise decision-making skills, you all have a future scholar inside you!
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Fellow: Fwahahaha! Look at 'em idiots believing at whatever stupid story I throw their way!
Fellow: A magestone that'll give you the ability to use magic~? If something like that really existed, I'd've used it myself.
Fellow: Even the guys who were the most skeptical leapt at the chance once I used my Unique Magic. I sure enjoy pulling the wool over idiots who try to look down on me.
Fellow: Hm, let's see how much we earned today…
Fellow: Two, four, six, eight… Oho, not a bad haul. Look, Gidel, we'll be feasting tonight!
[Gidel hops happily]
Fellow: Word's probably got around by now, especially after I raked in this much. This might be the end of the line for our earnings here…
Gidel: …
Fellow: What? You want to head south this time?
Fellow: Not a bad idea. How 'bout we target vacationers at them fancy resorts?
Fellow: Let's see if we can kindly crash their little enjoyable vacations.
Fellow: …Yeah, that's perfect. You're a genius, Gidel. This time, we'll be the fancy, rich folk out on vacation.
Fellow: We go where we want, when we want. We have nothing and no one tying us down.
Fellow: That's the least we deserve as free-spirited folk!
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[Sunset Savanna – Sunrise City]
Fellow: HELP~~~!
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[Sunset Savanna – Sunrise City]
Fellow: They were carrying around a crazy fat wallet. They could've spared even a little bit and nothing woulda hurt their bottom line.
Fellow: Yet they caused a fuss just from me trying to swipe a few thousand madol… Ouuuch, it's still throbbing where they hit me.
[stomachs gurgle]
Fellow: Man, I'm starving. It's gonna suck to go another night without dinner.
Fellow: Ain't there something we can find to eat…?
[Gidel starts to drift away]
Fellow: …Hey, wait, Gidel! Don't open that can!
Fellow: Geez… Don'tcha see what it says right here? It's got OIL inside. You can't eat it, even if you open it.
Fellow: You do the same thing every time you're hungry. I've taught you dozens of times, can't you read what it says?
Gidel: …
Fellow: C'mon, squat here a little. I'll draw it out on the ground, so don't forget this time, 'kay?
Fellow: O is for Orange! It looks round and tasty, don't it?
Fellow: I is for Ice Cream! That thin, ice popsicle was pretty tasty the other day, wasn't it?
Fellow: L is for laugh! Don't it look like a smile when you look at it on it's side?
Fellow: …Why is L the only thing that's not food? I couldn't think of anything, so sue me.
Fellow: There's only so much I can teach you, too.
Fellow: Tch. If I had been able to go to school… By now I woulda been more…
[Gidel pats Fellow]
Gidel: …
Fellow: What? We don't need school to fill our bellies?
Fellow: Sigh, oh, Gidel. You know, you're…
Fellow: That's right, we're living just fine even without going to school.
Fellow: Learning whatever with books and pencils is utter nonsense.
Fellow: We'll just clean out those suckers that went though their oh so lovely education, and just live a life that's even fuller.
Gidel: !
Fellow: That's right, leave it to me! Follow me, kid, and one day, you'll be a grand showstopper too.
Fellow: We'll get some halfwit students to dance for us on a stage for our own amusement!
Fellow: Now… What's more important right now is figuring out what we're going to eat tonight. I'll try to find something, so you start a fire.
Fellow: Just throw whatever you find into the fire, like wooden crates, or posters or… Hm?
Fellow: This job posting here… Oh, well, well!
Fellow: Look here, Gidel, That one prick is looking to hire someone. And this time, it's at an amusement park!
Fellow: I don't know what they're planning, but… Last time we did work for 'em, we made a killing.
Fellow: I can't stand how he looks down on us, but there's a lot more to gain out of it…
Fellow: Why don't we just go hear them out, Gidel? If we don't like it, we can just bail.
Fellow: We live only for today, never thinking about what tomorrow might bring. We do whatever work keeps our lives free and fun. 'Cause we can go and do whatever we want.
[Gidel nods, Fellow whistles as they go off]
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Requested by @sakurakudo.
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peachyloveswriting · 2 years
Hi can u do a Jealous Kyle?(THXS)
"Yeah. But you're mine." --- (Kyle Brovloski)
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SUMMARY: Eric has always had the feels for you but it's really starting to get to Kyle.
WARNING: Slight smut, just making out that's it. Nothing too serious, recording. :).
NOTES: I've written in first person before and I do like it better than second person idk if it's gonna stick just lmk what you think.
The lunch table around me is loud, I can barely hear any coherent conversations other than my own. I find myself shouting over the table, bickering with Eric. He glares at me smugly, a glassy film over his eyes. Usually it's Kyle who yells at him but I find that the space beside me has gone silent.
"Just shut up fatass!" I snap.
He snickers at me. "Only for you."
I cringe and shake my head, adverting my gaze to the untouched plate in front of me. It's likely cold by now from being so enthralled in my argument but it's much more appealing than looking at Eric's face. I'd rather look at death in the eyes than listen to Eric make such comments about me to my face. Eric has always flirted with me though, but I've never been interested in him. It's been happening everyday since fourth grade and occasionally I stop to think; If I just said me and Kyle were dating he might stop but for the sake of my privacy, I say nothing. At the start of our relationship, we agreed to not tell anyone so we could keep it to ourselves. I was and still am perfectly fine with that, until Eric started flirting with me again.
"I'm going to go roll me one, y'all coming with me?" Kenny pipes up from the end of the table.
Kyle's hand grips mine as he stands to his feet, turning everyone's attention to us. "I'm coming." He announces. After being quiet this whole time, I feel surprised to see him suddenly jumping to volunteer for skipping class. That's not much like Kyle at all.
When we snuck out the back with our stuff, there were five of us, Kyle, Kenny, Stan, Craig, and I. Sneaking out was almost a hassle but we all managed to get away unscathed, leaving the rest of our friends behind. Now that I'm further away from school, I can collect my thoughts. Kyle never wants to openly skip like that, especially not to smoke weed.
"You sure you wanna smoke with us?" Kenny asks, looking at Kyle with curiosity. Looking over at Kenny, he shakes his head. With my hand in his, he lightly tugs me closer to his side.
"I just wanted to get out." Kyle admits sheepishly before looking ahead.
I watch Kenny's eyes widen, exchanging glances with Stan in surprise. I was honestly thinking the same thing, Kyle hasn't smoked a blunt a single day of his life and he suddenly went to smoke with Kenny. Now I know that's not actually true but that he wanted out and that never happens. Something about this whole thing is off, from openly holding hands to skipping school. It's just not like Kyle.
"If you don't mind I'm going to my car." Kyle points back towards the student parking with his thumb. Everyone bids us goodbye and he begins to pull me towards his parking spot. The silence between us feels thick on the walk over, his grip on my hand is tight. So tight that my palms are beginning to sweat. I look up at Kyle, his face is contorted into disgust and discomfort, in his eyes dances a quiet anger. One that I know is settled in his belly. I don't say anything until we reach the car, close our doors and settle in. At first I'm honestly unsure of what to say, he doesn't seem sad, but he seemed disappointed and angry. Like he's confused on what to feel and it confuses me.
"Hey." Kyle is looking out the back windshield, his arm spread to the back of my seat for leverage while he backs out. He's not looking at me. I wait until he's at a stop at the exit to grab his attention back. "Kyle, I need you to pull over up here." Kyle wat he's where I'm pointing. Though he's looking with furrowed brows and wandering eyes, he does what I ask and pulls over onto the aide of the road. His gaze meets mine, he's questioning me silently, confused by what I'm doing. I know he wants answers but I take a second to put the car in Park for him.
"Why?" He finally asks stiffly. I look back up, meeting his gaze. His eyes are searching mine for any clues. Softly taking his hand into mine and intertwining our fingers, I frown at him. There's just something he's not telling me, it's been happening for a while now. I just didn't know how to address it.
"Is something wrong?"
His face scrunches up. "What? No, Why- I'm good." Fumbling his words, Kyle shuts his lips. His gaze starts to shift away from mine, looking out the windows at other things. He's biting his lower lip, rolling it between his teeth before repeating it again. I squeeze his hand, pulling his attention back to me.
"Baby, you're not acting right. Is something wrong? Be honest."
He stares at me with contemplation falling over his looks, he's looking from my eyes, to my lips, to my hands, and finally back at my eyes. "Kinda." He says, lowering his gaze from mine and shaking his head. Suddenly a smile breaks out on my face, I knew he would say something sooner or later. A little convincing is all he needed, that satisfies a part of me that looks out for him, the one that feeds off his emotions. Not in a bad way of course.
"Tell me, I'm listening." My thumb softly brushes over his knuckles, smoothing out the skin there in time. It's a soft way to let him know I'm here, that he can speak to me. Kyle tends to shut down over certain things, some of which I haven't exactly figured out yet, but his well being matters to me. That includes whatever this is.
Slowly, Kyle shakes his head again. "I just don't like the way Cartman treats you." His eyes meet mine again. "He flirts with you all the time and it pisses me off." Venom flares from his tongue, creating a hateful edge in his voice that tells me he's annoyed. I can't help but wonder if it's because he doesn't trust me or if it's just him becoming uncomfortable.
"I'm not going to let him do anything. I promise." I squeeze his hand again, just to accentuate what I said but he shakes his head again.
"it's not that I don't trust you, it's that I don't trust him. Sure, you could ignore him or tell him off but what's going to stop him from continuously thinking of you like that." A shudder rolls off his shoulders. "I don't like the thought of that."
"I don't either, but it's best if we leave it be. It's been almost seven years and he hasn't made a real move yet. I'm sure it's fine." Part of it is true but the other half doesn't feel as reassuring outside of my head, really my only goal is to sooth Kyle's worries but I seem to be interjecting myself now. He scoffs at my words and I furrow my brows. His eyes shift from discomfort to stern and sharp, an assured glare in his gaze. Maybe not directed towards me, but it sure feels like it.
"Yes, but you're mine." The roughness in his voice washes over me in a rain of tingling sensations, like tiny pellets raining down from the sky, pelting my skin. A shudder runs down my spine again. "I don't like him thinking he has a chance with you at all." Kyle finishes. Frustratedly, he points back at the school and groans at the end. Laughing softly and taking my hand away from his, I cup his cheek with it. The grin on my face can't be helped and neither can the heat, but I press forth.
"Yes, I'm yours. But maybe you should give him a reason to stop."
Suddenly it's like a fire lights up in his eyes, creating an evil grin right along with it. The cogs turning in his head are so obvious that I can practically feel the thought forming in his head. I'm unable to get my own thoughts out before he snaps his seatbelt back and presses a hard kiss on my lips. I hum in shock, my chest squeezing strangely in response. Roughly, our lips move together, a sort of sloppy manner tied in with it. Along my shoulders are his hands almost daring to pin me back against the seat and climb over. Still, they are teasingly holding me in place. I can feel one of his hands disappear from my shoulder but I'm not really looking to see what he's doing.
His teeth sink harshly into my bottom lip, pain shooting through it. Opening my mouth with a gasp, a small noise that can only be heard as a moan escapes me. Kyle begins to smile into the kiss, his other hand sliding down to my waist while slipping his tongue into my mouth. We've made out before but it's never been this intense before. I can even feel the tension building in the pit of my stomach, the kind that begs for attention. I didn't mean for it to slip out, but when it did I think both me and Kyle were shocked. "Please." The whimper is nothing more than a pathetic cry for attention, something that hitches the breath in the back of his throat for just a moment before he pulls away grinning like crazy.
"Yeah. That's right, beg for me." Callous in his voice sends a feeling of arousal between my legs, I squeeze them together in hopes of creating more but I get nothing in response.
"God damnit, Kyle." I huff.
Very slowly, with hazy half-lit eyes, Kyle pulls away. That's when I hear it, the sound of my own small plea repeating itself. My stomach twists, Kyle lifts his phone to reveal the whole thing on recording. My cheeks flood with heat and I look away, shy.
"I'm saving that for me." He mutters.
Looking back over I can see him saving it to his phone before opening up his messages. That's when I realized the name at the top is Eric's. Face red as ever I look back up at Kyle, my lips slightly agape and eyes wide. "Shit, that was hot."
Kyle snorts. Clicking the phone off, he looks at me. "I know it was. But it won't be for him."
"What if everyone sees?" I ask.
He puts the car back in drive with a proud grin on his lips. "They can look all they want." His hand comes to rest on my knee, squeezing softly. "At least they'll know you're mine."
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suosgirl · 3 months
Hello! I just gotta tell you how much I loved your "Shishtoren's princess" ☺️💖 it had me giggling and kicking my feet, I swear 🤭
I hope you don't mind me requesting a much needed suo (plus any other chatacter if u want) x reader who's always tired (totally not self endulgent 🤡).
Feel free to ignore this if you don't want to 😊
- 🐮 anon
Sleep is for the Weak (is it though?)
Word Count: 544
୨ৎ Read me before interacting!
୨ৎ Pairing: Hayato Suo x f!reader
୨ৎ Warnings: fluff (sickening fluff, like tooth-rotting fluff)
୨ৎ Note: The way that I felt so seen with this request HAHA and thank you so much for the sweetest words!! I work 2 jobs and literally I always feel like there’s never enough time in the day nor enough time to sleep so I am perpetually tired all the time. I run on iced coffee and a dream (and nicotine) haha…ha. But I really loved writing this ahhhh it was incredibly self-indulgent on my end as well!!! Thank you for the fun request my 🐮 lovebug anon!!! ♡
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
♡ Suo’s an observant guy – within just hanging out with eachother a handful of times, he already noticed the little yawns that you cover your hand with or the sudden bursts of blinking that you do when you find yourself nodding off.
♡ The first time he notices it, he thinks that maybe you’ve just had a restless night … but then he sees you a couple days later and he’s seeing it again.
♡ Now he’s noticing it every time you guys are together (and even when you’re not).
♡ Sometimes you’ll be texting and it’ll go silent on your end for at least 30 minutes to an hour or two – and then he’ll get a little ping from his phone and it’s you apologizing and saying that you just woke up from a nap.
♡ He won’t admit that he thinks it’s cute and turns it on you instead.
♡ “I guess I’m not interesting enough to keep you awake :(“
♡ And then the teasing transcends from text to in-person.
♡ He sees you try to hide your little yawn by turning your face into your shoulder and he’s going in.
♡ “Oh? Is it nap time?”
♡ “Was that a yawn, my sleepy girl?”
♡ His favorite thing about teasing you while you’re tired is that you simply don’t have enough energy to banter back with him – all you can do is pout and slowly blink at him (you’re angry in lowercase).
♡ He hates that he’s weak for it.
♡ “Don’t be silly, lay on my shoulder.”
♡ For as much as he teases you though, he’s just as thoughtful.
♡ If you both are out with everyone, he’s already set a curfew in mind for when you both should leave so that you can rest.
♡ “Are you ready to leave, sleepyhead?”
♡ Absolutely loves tucking you in – it’s so domestic and sickeningly sweet but sometimes you’ll mutter a soft “thank you” and it has his heart beating just a tad faster.
♡ Bonus points: pull on his sleeve when he’s about to leave and he’s smitten.
♡ “Ah, well if you insist, love.”
♡ “Come on – scoot over, sleepy girl.” 
♡ If you enjoy drinking coffee, he likes that too.
♡ There’s just something about looking down and seeing his cup of tea next to your coffee – like coffee is just so you and tea is just so him. 
♡ When you lay your head in his lap, he melts at the sight. Sometimes he’ll just appreciate your beauty while you doze off. 
♡ He listens to your soft breathing and runs his hands through your hair. If he’s in the mood, will let his eyes close alongside yours.
♡ Anytime you have plans together, always asks if you’re up for it. If you’re just too tired – that’s okay! 
♡ He would never want you to push your body or force yourself to do something that you don’t have the energy for – simply just pats your head and asks what you’d like to do instead.
♡ Despite what you would think, doesn’t get mad at all that you fall into fits of sleep when you’re around him – because he gets to make sure that you’re resting.
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bethanydelleman · 2 years
AITA for bringing up scruples when I proposed?
Throw-away because my sister knows my main
I still don't really see where I was wrong here, so I'm going to ask anonymously.
Background: I (M) am wealthy and well-connected. I don't want to get into details, but I think it's safe to say I could marry anyone I wanted.
As you can imagine, when I found myself interested in a girl with no connections, no fortune, and a really vulgar family I was fairly annoyed. I tried as hard as I could to get over it, as I felt that was my duty. But she is really great so I went for it.
I felt it was fair to explain during my proposal the reasons that I had been hesitant, you know, the expectations of my family, my station in life, the fact that her family is so embarrassing that I'm surprised she hasn't melted in pure shame (she has somehow learned better manners), and the like.
Instead of appreciating my struggle or taking it as a compliment to her many perfections, she got really, really angry and then said that I had behaved in an ungentleman-like manner and I was, "the last man in the world whom [she] could ever be prevailed on to marry" She basically called me an AH.
I don't think I did anything wrong, I was just being honest about my scruples. Was I supposed to rejoice in the inferiority of her circumstances? I thought she would be flattered! And I staunchly believe in radical honesty.
I can't talk to anyone in my family so I'm asking here. AITA?
Top Comment:
I knew just from the username that I would be answering YTA. How did you manage to write all of that out and not see the problem?
"Radical truth telling" is just code for "I'm an AH but I pretend it's honesty"
Comment somewhere near the bottom:
@u/PrincessCaroline did you see this?
AITA Jane Austen Masterpost
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sublimecatgalaxy · 9 months
could u write a angsty elliot fic?? also your other elliot fics are so good!!
I love my Elliot requests with all of my heart, he's one of my favorite people to write for :) thank you for this!!
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"So you've been hanging with Jules a lot." I call out from my computer, looking at Elliot who dangles off my bed with a joint between his lips, a shrug on his shoulders.
"Yeah, she's cool. We've been worrying about Rue together, mutual interest, I guess." He explains vaguely and I feel a pang hit my heart as I recall seeing all three of them talking and laughing with each other after lunch, without me and in between classes, not even caring enough to invite me.
"Yeah, you've been spending all your study halls with her and Rue outside in the corridor. I would've liked an invite." I laugh it off but his brows pull together, obviously annoyed by my intention behind bringing this up and making that subtle jab.
"Yeah but they don't know you like that." He scoffs with a twisted, pained smile and I can tell he's trying to tell me to politely fuck off and explain to me that he doesn't want me hanging out with him and his friends but at this point, after weeks of wondering, I'd rather him put me out of my misery.
"Then help them know me like that, we're dating, Elliot." I set my computer aside, the frustration of weeks finally bubbling to the surface as my eyes turn to slits, glaring at him from across the room, neither of us moving or speaking for a few moments as awkward silence swarms around us.
"I guess. I don't see why this is such a big deal to you." He mutters, looking down at his hands and I know he hopes that that would be the end of it but it only fuels my fire more, blood boiling in long anticipated anger.
"Because you're choosing to spend time with these two girls that you don't even know that well over me, the person that you've been with for over a year." I'm on my feet now, marching over to the bed and standing directly in front of him as he obliviously ignores my presence, picking at the skin around his nails till it's red and inflamed.
"I know but they're cool." He mutters, almost as if he's a kid who's being heckled and nagged by a parent and it almost makes me impossibly angrier with him but instead, it hits my heart in a certain way that brings tears to my eyes, feeling completely and utterly unappreciated and overlooked.
"So am I, you'd know that if you actually spent time with me." The silence now is filled with anger instead of annoyance and I pause for a moment, feeling nervous, knowing that when he's angry, he's really angry. He looks up at me with annoyance and frustration behind his once happy hues and I begin to blame myself for even bringing this up in the first place.
"I don't have to spend 24/7 with you to be a good boyfriend." He snaps and I snap right back, hoping to finish the argument so I can storm off and be done with this once and for all.
"Yeah but you at least have to give me the bare minimum and treat me like you actually like me." I laugh mockingly and he smiles, tilting his head in a calculated way that has my stomach dropping and I know that I'm in for no good, knowing how passive aggressive and petty he can be when pushed into a corner.
"Well you acting like this doesn't make me want to hang out with you any more than I'm already suffering through."
"What-" The words barely make it out of my mouth before he's on his feet, hands incasing my shoulders as he tries to get me to look at him but the bile is already in my throat and my heart feels a tight pain around it. I shake my head, pushing him away as he frantically grasps at me.
"I didn't mean it. I'm sorry-"
"Get out." He goes to speak once more but I hold my hand up to him while mumbling. "Shut the fuck up and get out of my house."
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plusultraetc · 11 days
what do u think of traitor!mic 🫶 i honestly was confused abt it when i realized how popular it was relatively speaking … there was a lot of it from like? 2020-2021?!?! i wanted to know ur take on him ദ്ദി ( ᵔ ᗜ ᵔ )
The long & short of it is that I SEE the vision but unfortunately, he's just not for me 😭 That isn’t to say I’m not interested in other people’s takes on him (and am super open to post/fic/art recs if anyone has any; I recently saw this piece and had a full-body flinch reaction when I Realized. Like. OMG). I just have like. Zero thoughts of my own lol, because traitor!Mic is conceptually so opposed to my understanding of the character that I can’t quite au about it.
(Before I get into my longwinded nonsense, let me just add that we should have known Mic wasn't the traitor from the very start because if he had been the League of Villains would have been way more successful lmao)
So full disclosure, when I watched the first few seasons of MHA a couple years ago, I heard there was a traitor at UA and the first thing I blurted out was 'IT'S PRESENT MIC.' I honestly am not sure why I thought so at the time, other than the fact that he seemed like an incredibly unlikely candidate, and therefore was Very Suspicious to me lol. Like, I don't even think I knew he was the one who proposed the traitor theory--if I had, it would have been so over for him. I would have been convinced he was the traitor & trying to throw people off his scent maybe for the rest of my life. In reality I probably just thought he was too loud and goofy and therefore must be hiding something (what he was hiding was a tragic backstory, whoops!) But anyway I was actually really surprised when I learned traitor!Mic had become such a prevalent theory!
In many ways, I can totally see why. Mic makes a good candidate for a traitor! He's smart, he has reasons to be dissatisfied with the pro hero status quo, and as we learn, he has very distinct public and private personas--one of which is radio DJ Present Mic, and the other is really, really angry.
THAT BEING SAID. Looking back on it, I feel like the more we learned about Mic, the more the traitor theory kind of... falls apart. I almost feel like he's Too Angry under all that leather and hairspray to be a spy for the League. For example, if I was trying to stay under the radar as a villain spy, I wouldn't turn to the guy next to me and be like ‘HEY let's beat these civilian reporters up for trespassing ♥’
Mic has every reason to be angry. He lost a close friend in a villain attack at a young age, watched the toll his death took on his friends and family even while processing (or failing to process) his own grief, and later had to confront the reality of what really happened to Shirakumo--how intentional and therefore avoidable it was--as the world was falling apart around him. I’ve talked a little bit on this blog about my many Big Sad Feelings about the ‘middle generation’ of pro heroes between All Might and the up-and-coming UA students, but more than anyone else, I think the UA teachers are a very conflicted group. It’s like… not quite ‘former child soldiers raising current child soldiers,’ but a similar concept, especially for characters like Mic, Aizawa, and Midnight, who had such a traumatic experience during their own years at UA. Now they are very much responsible for the children they are going to *checks notes* send into the same, and in some cases even more, dangerous situations that chewed them up and spat them out as teenagers. Very healthy, very mindful.
So Mic does have reasons to be disillusioned, but the thing is, he very actively participates in an often-hypocritical pro hero society. (This is not a criticism of him btw; many characters in the series do, and it’s often what makes them interesting!) Something that’s come up in book club is the fact that Present Mic is a public figure with a platform of his own and absolutely no problem loudly critiquing other heroes and even students, but he like. Really Hates the media. It’s almost funny how much he dislikes them. This is as good a reason as any that traitor!Mic should have been a hard sell, because his feelings about the media are directly opposed to those of the early League of Villains--ie, the iteration of the League when the traitor’s intel would have been at its most valuable. The early League loves the media; they want to use them to sensationalize and legitimize their message. Present Mic, meanwhile, uses his incredibly limited screentime to quite literally get in their way. He could have 100% made better use of his platform & connection to the press to aid the League.
I did try to approach this question from a non-erasermic lens, but I feel I would be remiss if I didn’t talk about Aizawa at all for two reasons: 1) unfortunately, Mic is a side character. He doesn’t have THAT many appearances throughout the series, and most of the time, he appears with or somehow-relating-to Aizawa, and 2) you can’t talk about a traitor without talking about who they’re betraying. And honestly, I just can't see him betraying Aizawa--not after everything they've been through together, not after weathering Aizawa's darkest years, and not now, when All Might's imminent retirement (that the UA faculty is aware of in advance) means that big changes are looming on the horizon for all pro heroes. Mic himself acknowledges that the age of All Might has made them complacent--he knows that the end of the Symbol of Peace spells trouble, and that current pros are largely unequipped for a world without All Might. He has a tendency to prioritize others, especially Aizawa and those he cares about, above himself, and right now would be the very worst time to sell All Might/UA/etc out to the League.
And then of course there's the obvious: he really is just. Very kind. We don't get nearly enough Present Mic throughout the series, but what we do get tells us that he's supportive, protective, somewhat-sassy and Doing His Best. Like yeah, he roasts the other characters literally every chance he gets, and he can def be judgmental, but when it counts (when Uraraka was feeling guilty that Midoriya stayed behind to rescue her during the Entrance Exam, when Bakugou and Todoroki needed someone to supervise their remedial training, when Ms. Ikoma became overwhelmed by her students' admittedly poor behavior), he steps up for the people around him. Idk he's just a really solid hero. This is my formal apology to Present Mic for suspecting him in like 2018 or whenever it was.
THANK YOU FOR OPENING UP THIS CAN OF WORMS, do you have any thoughts on traitor!Mic? Any recommendations? Does anyone? 👀
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cannibalizedlove · 4 months
Love ur work and I'm quite happy u visit my blog 😇 ♥︎
do u take requests? If so, I'd like to request lee x nonbinary reader but if u don't take requests that's fine! Either way, dont wanna bother u and u don't have to do it if u don't want to!
I love taking requests, you can always send them my way and I’m obsessed with your blog! I hope this is good enough for you!
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Information and warnings — coming out, comfort, non eater reader, nonbinary reader, Lee’s an absolute sweetheart, pure fluff.
You had met Lee in a diner on your way through the midwest. You had to get out of your cramped hometown, you’d out grown it all, the conservative views, the unapproving stares, but most of all; the truth.
That’s how you ended up here, sat alone in a window seat at a random diner in the middle of nowhere. As you downed your cup of black coffee, the only thing you could afford, you looked up to see a handsome man, around your age, quietly looking around for a seat.
Your gaze was brought down to the newspaper on the table, only for your eyes to snap in front of you. Now face to face with the scrawny man from before. He had dark unkempt curls, with faded red blending into the top. His hands were tattooed, and his body was covered in a thin layer of sweat and dirt.
“Can I sit here?” He asked softly, he looked tired and severely due for a meal.
“Yes, of course that’s no problem.” You nervously sputtered out, gesturing to the booth on the other side of your table.
“Thank you. I saw you from across the place. I thought you may just need to talk to someone. I’m Lee, by the way.” The man explained, a blush heated up your cheeks.
“I’m Y/N, nice to meet you.”
You were instantly drawn to him, your shared sense of loneliness tied you two together. Lee had ordered multiple plates of food, and scarfed them down while the two of you chatted about anything and everything.
“Hey, let’s get out of here, yeah?” Lee asked, wiping the syrup from his pancakes off of his face and hands.
You nodded, raising your hand to call the waitress over for the check. Lee shook his head laughing, took your hand, and ran out of the dinner, resulting in an angry waiter to yell multiple curses at the two of you.
“Where are we going?” You asked, looking at him while he was driving. He was so beautiful, and the moonlight through the windows shined on his face, lighting up his striking green eyes and soft freckles that perfectly spotted his cheeks and nose.
“A great spot for star gazing.” He replied, smiling while keeping his eyes on the road.
Soon, you reached your destination. An old, beat up barn, with a ladder on the side. “Come on, let’s go.” Lee announced gleefully, flinging and slamming his truck door shut. You giggled as you watched him sprint to the ladder, and began jogging after him.
“I hope you’re not afraid of heights.” He teased, looking back at you with a smirk, beginning to climb the ladder. “I am. You better not let me fall.” You replied, smiling back at him.
As you took Lee’s hand on the final step, he pulled you up to the roof, and sat down, looking up at the stars. “This is beautiful Lee, just beautiful.” You were amazed, and laid down for a better view.
“Almost as beautiful as you.” Lee said with a flirtatious grin, tapping you playfully with his foot.
Damnit, you thought. This is how it always plays out, someone’s interested in you, they find out how you identify and then leave.
“Lee, I have to tell you something, but I doubt you’ll see me the same.” You spoke in a shaky voice, worried about messing things up with the sweetest guy you’ve ever met.
“You can tell me anything, I’m not one to judge. I promise.” He assured you, adjusting himself closer to you, limiting the space between the two of you.
“I’m nonbinary. I’m sorry if that’s something you’re not into, but I don’t wanna have to pretend with you.” You said while staring at your hands, you couldn’t bare to see the disgusted look on his face.
“I think what I have to tell you is much more damning.”
Lee huffed out with a sarcastic laugh, mixed in with a bit of sadness. He began to explain what he was, an eater, he told you about his animalistic nature, and the life he’s been forced to lead. By the end of it, a few tears stained his cheeks.
“I’m sorry, I know I’m a terrible person.” He spoke between tears, wiping his nose and clenching his jaw.
“I don’t care about that, none of that is your fault.” You said softly, cupping his cheek and wiping his tears.
“I know what it’s like to feel different, I’m outcasted by everyone I meet.”
You admitted in the moment of shared vulnerability, though the two of you fought very different battles, you understood each other. You both recognized the pain of being an outsider in a world that doesn’t understand you.
“I don’t care about your gender, Y/N,” Lee whispered, “I’ll always accept you.” He pressed his forehead to yours, the tips of your noses touching.
“You’ll always have a place to belong with me, I’ll protect you.”
This time you closed the space between the both of you, pressing your lips into his and holding his face gently. Lee placed a hand on your neck, and kept you close to his body. You spent the rest of the night, cuddled up with him on the roof, holding him close.
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minas-linkverse · 8 months
Ngl I was going to ask about Breath of the Wild but I’d thought you’d get a million of those asks lol. I was also torn between asking about Wind Waker, so whichever one you want to answer more is chill!!
haha yea I thought I'd get a million asks too! Somehow even now this remains the only botw ask, I guess people just figured it must've been sent already 😅
Now to actually share my thoughts on botw... Man I hope people don't get mad at me.
I did not like it!. The first play through I had was mildly exciting simply due to there being a whole unknown world to see, but after a while that gimmick wore off. I knew that if I made my way to the cool looking mountain or interesting abandoned building I'd just find a bokoblin and/or a chest with a gem. Whats the point of a gorgeous expansive world when all I find is the same...! 😫
Oh wow! A town with a whole new atmosphere and culture I sure wonder what I'll get up to h- Ok they have the same shops with slightly different items. Ok cool. There's like a few small quests for more inventory filler I don't really need. Cool cool.
I understand that the game is really fun for some people, they'll do quests just to get to play more of the game. They want all that extra stuff to upgrade armour and really get into the nitty gritty mechanics of the game... But I did not. It was not for me.
Also ouugh the puzzles...! My favourite part of Zelda games is the puzzle solving, but these were in no way satisfying and often more fun to just break. Why would I bother even trying to get into the devs heads when A) I could just break it and B) I have too many options to consider! I can't possibly get a clean eureka moment when everything from monster guts to just climbing could be the solution...! Where's the engaging simplicity of knowing exactly what you have and following the devs' clues to reach the solution!! Waaaaaaaaaaaaa--
I also disliked the story, all the interesting bits in it happened a 100 years ago and I feel like I arrived late with a starbucks. I also will not get over the weird ending cutscene!! After countless fascinating memories of Zelda having very complex emotions at Link... What do you mean you're just going to have a vaguely romantic "Do you still remember me?" YEAH I DO, I thought u disliked me! Which is a fascinating story direction I would've loved continued but OK! I guess we're ignoring that! Women cant be angry that makes them less cute and marketable, I guess!!!!
I... Sorry this is so ranty, I've been holding it in a long time. I think there's a lot to love in botw and I wish I wasn't so sour about it. Other people's love and excitement for it is wonderful and I hope they keep making the art they love. If its your first game in the series and got you into it, that's nothing to be ashamed about. I'm just a grumpy old man waving at cloud /ref.
Honestly I think botw could've been wonderful if it was a new IP. It feels all the Zelda stuff was sort of glued onto a concept that wasn't prepared to carry that mantle. It would've been better off with a new exciting world and cast of characters. It still wouldn't be a game I much care for, but the freedom that could've granted the developers would've been a treat to see.
It's worth adding that even though I dislike botw, I want to treat the characters of that game with respect and care in my comic. I may not love them in game but I can see the passion others have and I am committed to make something worth their time. Your special guys are safe with me. I have 0 desire to dunk on them, and instead wish to honour the love you all have. In a way I'm learning to love them myself through that.
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gcslingss · 4 months
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hey, everyone!
I hit a 100 followers a few days ago, and I just want to say, I am so grateful, and so thankful to all of you! I'm glad I was able to entertain you with my writing and little rants haha <3
so, as this is a pretty special milestone for me, I'm gonna be writing fics, ficlets and drabbles for all ryan gosling characters based off a few prompt lists that i will link below. THIS IS FOR SEVEN DAYS ONLY.
you can give me a combination of prompts from the same list, or from multiple lists, or just one from one list for any goose - its all upto you, and what you're looking for!
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before i get to the prompts lists, I'd just like to thank a few friends on here - so, for my moots!
@bisexualcoltseavers you, shannon, are amazing, so cool (in ken's words), and I am so glad i became friends with you on here. Literally an amazing writer, and you made me such a sucker for colt x ken, no joke. I love hearing your little drabbles everyday and reacting in anguish TO ALL THAT ANGST so much, its such an important part of my day nowadays. thank you for being my friend <3
@hollandstrophyhusband SASCHA. one of the coolest people I've met on here. I think you're a bloody good writer, and all your 'shenanigans' are such a delight to read. you're so careful with character dynamics and make almost EVERYTHING work, and feel super enjoyable. you're also a great person, and I'm glad to be friends with you.
@officer-kd6 my dear val - we ended up becoming friends over a bunch of texts in the god forbidden chats of tumblr, and I'm honestly so glad, because you're so cool, and I love talking to you about anything. I'm so thankful for your interest in my shitty drafts, and I PROMISE that I'll give you the fic you've been asking for soon. ILYSM <3
@cherries-in-wine MY FAVE GIRBLOGGER. you're so pretty, both inside and out, and I really wanna meet you irl one day and rant about whatever we wanna talk about. I absolutely love ur little posts, little vents - your presence on my blog is something I am so thankful for. so thanks for being my friend, aditi <3
and my newer moots that i wanna get closer to (or ur on discord and ill js text u a little letter there): @zsuo @asyrafey @chihuahuamations @flowersomgravee @demon-dai @laff-nelson
thank you to all of you <3
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01. non-verbal angst prompts
02. angry confessions
03. love confessions
04. two-word sentence starters
credits to @poohsources @dumplingsjinson for the prompts :)
please send me all your requests, and I'll try my best to update and post asap - sort of got exams going on, but I will respond and post to your requests for sure! please do send me, I'm so excited to write for y'all <333
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hi i really love how you wrote marshall lee!! i couldn't stop thinking about your writing, youre just truly talented!!! it was the dog reader personality that really made me weak at the knees. is it possible you could do a lambgirl reader? half girl half lamb? i saw this idea somewhere and this sorta dynamic with bad boy marshall makes me go😫😫!!! but you can push it down on the list if u want. no rush or anything! you dont owe us anything and remember to take breaks. love you❤️
I love you tooo ty for the encouragement <333
Ty for requesting, sorry I’m it takes me so long to get them done D:
I have recently started writing on ao3 so if you want to read what I have on there my name is just “justanotherauthorig”. Rn I only have a Heisenberg and a Hobbir fanfic so if that’s interesting to you pls check them out ^^ I will post more information soon
Marshall Lee x Lamb Girl! Reader
Tags: fem!reader, Marshall Lee is so hot bruh I can’t, reader is kinda stupid but it’s okay bc she’s nice, idk what to say about this, I didn’t edit it through but are we really surprised?, this would make a good smut :P sorry it’s kinda short tho
Authors note: this was fun :D I googled a bunch of adventure time slang and they’re actually so fun to use lol
Word count; 1,1k
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I think he originally started flirting with you just to mess with you
Sure, he thought you were cute as hell
But he wasn’t really looking for anything but a good laugh
You hang out with Fionna and Cake a lot, both of them are very protective of you
The three of you and sometimes BMO have a lil girls night out
On this particular night, you went to the dark forest bc Marshall Lee was having a concert and Fionna really wanted to go
Not so much to hear Marshall Lee, but bc flame prince would be there lol
Anyways, you immediately caught Marshall’s eye as he stood on stage
Both Fionna and Cake had branched off, leaving you alone in the crowd
Your eyes glued to your feet, not even daring to look up at Marshall’s performance as you fiddled nervously with your sleeves
When he finally had a break from the stage, he soundlessly floated up besides you
I kid you not, you almost bleated when you turned around to find the vampire king right besides you as you turned your head
You jumped, scrambled to get away as your lower lip quivered, white ears flattened to your head
“Woah, woah. Calm down there, sweetheart,” Marshall laughed, holding up his hands in mock surrender
You quickly realized that he didn’t intend to harm you and somewhat calmed down, still slightly worried as he flashed his shiny white fangs to you
Your brows furrowed, fists clenching your dress as you fought to keep back the angry tears
“I-I am calm! Have you not heard that it’s rude to go around scaring people like that?” You huffed, sending him the most intimidating glare you could muster which to Marshall Lee looked more like a scared bunny
He smiled wider. “Well, I’m not exactly known for being nice,” He said, voice slightly deepening
You felt threatened, he looked at you like a predator looked at it’s prey and you finally understood why Cake was always bad-mouthing him
“I only hang out with nice people, sorry.” You muttered, turning away from him just to get a break from his all-consuming stare
He laughed again, clearly finding your reacting to be the most hilarious thing he had heard in a long time
You jumped again when you felt his hand creepy up the back of your neck, lips ghosting over your pulse point
Your breath caught in your throat, tears springing to your eyes again at the thought of being bitten. “P-please don’t bite me! Fionna will get m-mad!” You hiccuped, twisting the fabric of your dress even more until it was wrinkled and warm.
He blew on your neck and you felt him pout. “Fionna, huh?”
He pushed himself away from you a bit, finally getting himself out of your close personal space as he floated around you to face you again
“Aw, baby. Don’t cry,” he grinned when he saw your flushed cheek and quivering lips. “I just wanted to have a bit of fun, can you blame me?”
You shook your head defiantly as an answer, making him laugh again. “I promise I won’t bite you, little lady. On one condition,” he said, placing a large hand on your head
You mentally slapped yourself for the way you wanted to lean into his hand, ears twitching ever so slightly as his cold hand touched them
You wrinkled your nose. “On what condition?”
“Sing the next song on stage with me.”
Your eyes widened comically. “No way! I- I don’t even know how to sing! And I don’t know any of your songs,”
Marshall pouted, dramatically holding a hand over his non-beating heart. “And here I thought you were enjoying my show! I’m hurt!” Then he winked at you. “But don’t worry, all you have to do is follow my lead.” And before you knew it, he had an arm around your neck waist and legs as he hoisted you up in his arms
He carried you to the stage, floating above the crowd as you clutched him tightly in fear of falling
He sat you gently down on stage, grabbing his axe-bass and the crown immediately erupted in cheers
You were frozen in fear, face caught in between an angry flush and hysteric cries as you stood before the crowd
You already hated standing down before the scene, with all the people pushing and shoving it quickly overwhelmed you
But standing in front of at least a hundred candy kingdom citizens and a bunch of princes topped the chart of things you hated
You desperately pulled your cardigan around you, attempting to hide as your tail twitched and your ears once again laid themselves flat against your hair
“Follow my lead,” you choked on a gasp when Marshall was suddenly besides you again, whispering in your ear with that deep voice of his
“Good little girl, always picking a fight with me, you know that I’m bad” Marshall hummed, hands leaving his bass for a moment to gently sway your hips
You turned at least ten shades redder, burning up as he made you sway sultrily in front of the mesmerized crowd.
Well, luckily he had picked a song you actually knew.
“But your spending the night with me. What do you want from my world? You’re good little girl,” his hands left you to play his bass again, you gently swayed your hips to the rhythm
You looked intently at Marshall, figuring it was better to look at the troublemaker himself than the large crowd
He made a motion with his head, signaling you to start singing
“Uh-“ you started, inhaling deeply to not stumble over the words. “B-Bad little boy, that’s what you’re acting like, I really don’t buy,” you had to yet again stop yourself from bleating again, taking quick breaths as your hands shook
“That you’re t-that kind of guy-y,” you closed your eyes tightly, hating the way you could help hiccuping up the words. “And if you are, why do you want to hang out with me?”
Suddenly Marshall was by your ear again, chuckling darkly. “You did so well, little lady.” He murmured, before floating away from you a bit to continue the show
“Hey! Isn’t that Y/n?” You breathed out heavily in relief upon hearing Fionna’s voice.
“Come here, sugar,” suddenly Cake enveloped you and you welcomed her happily, snuggling yourself into her warm fur
She stretched, setting you down on the ground besides Fionna before taking your place on stage, cutting Marshall Lee’s verse short as she started singing about hot tomatoes and good sauces
“Hey, are you okay, Y/n? You look pretty jacked up,” Fionna said, pulling you to her side
“Marshall Lee told me to sing with him or he would bite me,” you mumbled bitterly, leaning onto Fionna’s shoulders
She clenched her teeth, face flushing angrily. “That son of a blee-blob!” She hissed. “I’ll kick his buns,”
You smiled slightly. “I told him you would get mad if he bit me,”
“Of course I would! What a butt-guy..”
When the concert ended Fionna was quick to find Marshall and give him a piece of her mind, however the vampire king only laughed her off, telling her that next time he would you wouldn’t be so lucky
Both Fionna and Cake insisted you slept at the treehouse that night and you happily agreed
Of course, it didn’t take Marshall long to seek you out again
He honestly doesn’t have that much going on, a bored guy needs entertainment
“Well, well, well! If it isn’t my favorite little lamb,” Marshall grinned, suddenly appearing in a tree as you were walking home from one of Tree Trunk’s apple pie dinners
This time you pretended not to jump, huffing as you held your head high, refusing to look at him
“I-if it isn’t my least favorite vampire king,” you said, half of your words coming out as a whisper. You mentally slapped yourself, if you were going to give him a comeback you you at least sound like you weren’t absolutely shaking in your boots
“Now that really hurt!” Marshall pouted as he spoke, coming down from the tree to walk besides you “you smell like apple pie,” he noted, sniffing the air
You wrung your hands nervously. “Tree Trunks made me apple pie,” you muttered, still refusing to directly look at the vampire
He cackled. “Jeez. That must have been so boring,”
You frowned, even though your face was turned the other way Marshall Lee noticed, filled with glee. “Tree Trunks is really nice! And his apple pie is amazing,” you huffed, defending your dear friend
“Tree Trunk’s is bunk, dude. Let’s go somewhere,” He grabbed your shoulders and spun you around to finally face him. “Come with me to this undead party, it’s rad. I know you want to,”
You finally had enough, angry heat flooding your face. “L-Leave me alone! And stop acting like such a mr. cool-guy you.. you! Ding-wad!”
To your utter surprise, your little outburst just made Marshall laugh loudly. “I’m a ding-wad, huh? Alright, alright. Give me a chance to show you something cool and I bet you won’t think I’m a ding-wad after,” he grinned, cocking his head like a puppy
A very threatening puppy, in your opinion
You took a moment to regain yourself, noticing he was being somewhat sincere. The goodness in your heart won and you shyly looked at your feet. “A-alright. But no funny tricks,” you mumbled.
“You got it, sweetheart!” He said as he lifted you bridal-style, taking off into the air.
To your utter surprise, you ended up having a good time with Marshall Lee.
He took you to a party in a graveyard, ghosts was actually a lot more chill than most living ppl and you actually managed to socialize
When you got tired and socially exhausted all you had to do was gently tuck on Marshall’s sleeve and he happily flew you home
To his house, I mean. You protested at first, as you didn’t know him that well and it seemed like a pretty bad idea to sleep over at a blood-thirsty vampires house
But all your sleepy protests died down as he tucked you into his bed, gently wrapping you in the sheets and quietly humming as you drifted off to sleep.
As he watched you sleep, ears twitching and cheeks puffed out, he realize that what started as a joke had turned real pretty fast
He felt an overwhelming urge to protect you, not that he would stop mercilessly teasing you, but he quickly discarded the idea that you were just a new plaything
He was also pretty sure Fionna would actually skin him alive (or dead I suppose) if he upset you
When you hung out at the tree house the next day and told them about how you slept over at Marshall’s she was already pretty read to beat his guts
Slowly, and I mean slowly, bc Marshall is a huge tease and you couldn’t stand looking at him for more than 5 minutes without getting so embarrassed you could melt, the two of you eventually started dating
Rest assured, Fionna and Cake both threatened him on multiple occasions, making sure he was on his best behavior
Even Prince Gumball had a few choice words with him lol
Everyone is was extremely worried lmfao (with good reason)
Marshall can be sweet tho, he actually is sometimes
Especially in public, since he knows you get overwhelmed super quickly
All you have to do is look at him with those doe-eyes of yours and he gets the message immediately
Doesn’t matter if you’re in the middle of a fancy dinner in a castle or if he’s playing a concert, he will get you to a place with less people immediately
He really does love you lol
omg bc both of you are so emotionally constipated- like you’re too shy to express your feelings and Marshall has just been taught to believe that expressing feelings is a taboo
If he ever did anything to hurt you tho he would hate himself so much, you’re the purest person he has ever met and hurting you is just a no-no
Sure, he teases you constantly bc that’s just how he is
But if he ever sees upset for real, he will beat himself up over it for the the next decade or so
Fionna will not hesitate to let him know if he messed up either
As I said before, the vampire king will be on his best behavior
You’re his cute little girlfriend and he will treat you as good as he possibly can <3
Hiya ^^ I hope you enjoyed this, sorry it was kinda short D:
I have a confession.. I srsly considered making it into a smut but I stopped myself bc it’s 1 am and I have school tomorrow lol
Lemme know if you would like a part 2 smut version of this :D
Anyways, thank you for reading!
Love, author
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dervaaas · 1 year
You broke up, but you still attend his matches
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Character: Rin Itoshi
wn: Hint at moments before blue lock, match with U-20, The guy's name is not mentioned! F!Reader!
Part 2 with Rin Itoshi!
the following: Hyoma Chigiri, Yo Hiori, Meguru Bachira, Shoei Baro
p.s And three years have not passed. It was so fucked up that I didn't want to release it. I've rewritten it so many times, but nothing good came out.. I used a translator, so I'm sorry if you don't understand anything at all! I haven't studied English since March, so I couldn't translate even one sentence on my own.. I hope I'll be back soon. I also need to change a lot of information about requests.
Broke up simply because there was not what can be called a relationship. It was more like hanging out when they were still friends, that's all. We broke up behind the scenes, but also because all the "romance" was gone. The only thing the girls said about them was that she was dating a football player and it was unrealistically cool. But is that so? Once upon a time, Rin was really more open towards her, even when they were just acquaintances. But now, when the breakup has already happened in words and it's really worth going your own ways and realizing that nothing will work out together... It hurts to give up at least a simple friendship.
But it could have been said more mildly? Sae's arrival was like oil on fire. Rin, of course, had been thinking about it for a long time, but he wasn't going to say it that way either. This is quite difficult to accept, especially if it was a heart-to-heart conversation, but just a splash of emotions. Y/N was there, for the simple reason that it was routine to watch him train on the field and no matter what the weather, he has to play a certain time. But Sae... Not only did Rin suffer morally, but she also heard unwanted words in her address. Not with everything she remembered Sae, but what can she say to him, she can't object because of the fear of looking into those eyes at all. Will support be important? So she thought it would be better to support him, but everything turned out to be complete bullshit:
— Rin, I want to help you, don't they do that in a relationship?
"Like I'm interested in all this shit, and how long are you going to call it a relationship?" The way you run after me like a dog on a leash, do you call this a relationship?! — Y/N am a little shocked by such aggression, which was not peculiar to Rin at all. But when the words reach her, she turns around and leaves his room. Heading to the kitchen from which she will be able to go out into the corridor and finally leave, at least somewhere just to cope with the tears that are accumulating. That's just where his parents are sitting now and... Sae.
— Y/N, do you want to have dinner with us? Rin needs to be called, too. I just wanted to do it myself. — The woman smiled when she saw the girl.
— No, thanks. I'm in a hurry, — Y/N looks at her apologetically, to show that she really wants to cry now, she can't, just because she makes a woman worry.
"Is something wrong?" — Sae with a note of interest, looks over his shoulder at the girl getting dressed. Maybe he doesn't remember much about her character, but in his memory if she was in a hurry, but not like that.
—None of your damn business," she says through gritted teeth. Leaving their house leaving them in a complete misunderstanding of what is happening. The door doesn't close as roughly as I would like, but I couldn't get angry either. It's not their business to show their character, he needed to show it.
If the snow was beautiful, now it is not as pleasant as before. The city is enveloped by snowfall in large, cold flakes. It sticks to my cheeks and burns, either from the snow, or from freezing tears. There is no point in shouting, people will not understand this, and in principle everything has been leading to this for a long time.. But who refuses to kick something next to him and throw a phrase that he will no longer meet with athletes.
It's probably been two years, more or less, just an approximate figure. Everything goes on as usual, snow begins to envelop the cities again. So are stadiums. The recent news spread quickly and this news could not get around her boyfriend, who was still a football fan. As strange as it may be, but she is still interested in people who have connected their lives with football. Actually to the news: the guy Y/N bought tickets to VIP places and a meeting with one of the players of their choice. Quite a decent amount. And quirks have their rich.
— Amazing composition, right? — the guy smiles at the girl when he saw the field and recognized all the players.
— I didn't think I'd see how Sae and Rin are playing against each other.
— You mean Itoshi? Although you know it's not uncommon in sports," he looks into the girl's eyes with interest.
"That's not the point.. The match will be tense, at least they will bite each other's throats. — the girl bit her tongue when she realized that this was exactly what would happen.
— Let's go, our business is just to watch, — the guy smiles at her, and takes her by the hand, leads her out of the place in the stands.
And now the match is over. Victory Blue Lock with a margin of one goal. And it wasn't Rin who scored it.
The same meeting. The young man Y/N really wanted to meet many, but the problem was that with only one player. They chose from the most beloved ones by counting.. Well, Rin so Rin, ten minutes to talk, and the guy decided to share with Y/N five minutes. To be honest and have something to brag about in front of other people.
After a short break, while some were being interviewed, Rin was called to a separate room to talk to VIP clients. Y/N and her boyfriend were also standing outside the doors of this room, waiting to be let in. We decided that Y/N goes first, there is no reason, just "ladies first", that's all. And so she walks into the room and the first thing she hears is:
—  And why did you come?
— Honestly, I was dragged by force, I didn't know that you were going to play. And besides, I didn't choose it," Y/N shrugged her shoulders.
— If I knew, wouldn't go? Rin raised an eyebrow, with the same deadpan look she remembered all along.
— Well, yes.. Perhaps — the girl nods slightly at her words. — We don't have much time to talk, if that's all I'll call him.
— I wanted to apologize, — he says. Y/N blinks at his words, not really understanding what he just said. Apologizing? A joke or something.
— Has Rin Itoshi gone crazy?! — Y/N jumps away from him in horror. He had no problems with apologies before his arrival Sae, but to hear from him now, when he can only be compared to ice, is shocking.
— Five minutes are up, call your boyfriend. Rin nods towards the door.
— I didn't say he was my boyfriend.
"I saw everything," Rin rolls his eyes at her words. — If he wasn't your boyfriend, you wouldn't behave like this. Even with time, your manner has remained. And don't make an indifferent monster out of me, I can see it in your eyes.
The girl mumbles only "okay" and goes out the door. After her, her boyfriend comes in, she does not hear what they are talking about, but this gives her a reason to think about his words. What is this manner? Did Rin really regret his actions? Although what difference does it make, time has passed, his words have not gone anywhere and sometimes torment, even if he knows perfectly well that he has not been washed away in this for a long time.
— Rin, I remember your game much more today. It was unexpected that you would be playing against your brother. — The guy holds out his hand Itoshi, which he looks at with skepticism and is not even going to shake it with him. A small wave of awkwardness has come over the guy and he chuckles a little.
— Thank you?
— Okay, Y/N said that you once met. Why are you doing this to her? — His gaze darkens, then the former awkwardness has disappeared, instead there is a tension in the room, even more hostile.
— And what, are you going to tell me off? — Rin takes the guy by the collar and presses him against the wall and says through his teeth: — Do you think it was easy for me? I already know very well what kind of person I've lost.
— If I regretted it, I would have corrected the mistake long ago, right?
— Fixed it? Yes, even if so, there is from one relationship, only the name. Do you think she would forgive me for the words I said to her? She doesn't forgive such words, and she certainly doesn't forgive me. Rin squeezed his collar even harder. Outside the door, they heard knocking on the door and talking about the end of time. Itoshi lets the guy go. — Just try to do as I do..
— I'm definitely not going to do it, — the guy spat words and left the room.
— What were they talking about?
— Yes, he praised the game.
"And how did he receive her?" — Y/N took the guy by the hand, and together they walked down the corridor to the large hall, where the press was still standing.
— That's enough.. In cold blood.
— Oh, well, that's his style, — the guy smiles at her words. — Sae is still here, surprisingly, can he do a dirty trick?
— What are you going to do? — the guy darted a wary glance at her, as if he hadn't found her at his side. And now she is already standing behind Sae Itoshi is trying to reach him.
— Hey, Sae! It 's better Sae! Sae, the devil picked you up! — Y/N still managed to attract the senior Itoshi, when he turns to her, he is slightly surprised that she is here, and then his face contorts when she shows him two middle fingers while smiling. Oh, she's definitely the cover star of sports magazines and newspapers.
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aingeal98 · 11 months
hiii i consider u a cass expert and since this has been eating at my brain for a few years at this point; do you have any thoughts on the way cain's poor excuse for parenting impacted cass on more of a cognitive/developmental level? like children need stimuli of all kind that she clearly didnt get even outside of literacy and social interaction and i think its super interesting to explore how cass has complicated relationships with things most people take for granted (like... did cain allow her to have any toys? to play any games other than the "two for flinching" thing? does she struggle with the fine motor skill needed for writing bc she really didnt have smth similar? omg is she ok?? i want to peel her like an onion so badly) sorry for brain vomiting over here i have thoughts and feelings about cass cain and its incurable
Anon you've come to the right place for incurable thoughts and feelings about Cassandra Cain! And you raise such a good point like there's no way Cain's abuse didn't leave her with more than just aphasia, illiteracy, cptsd, all the emotional issues... OK well he left her with a lot of stuff but still! You're definitely right that there's more. I'm no expert but one thing I know how to do is ramble about Cass, so:
In flashbacks we see young Cass doing a jigsaw of a rose in the dojo Cain's raising her in, which makes me think he did want to find ways to make sure her cognitive skills functioned even without words. Of course this is just me theorising but in terms of toys I think he would have carefully selected things that would stimulate her brain and improve her motor skills even without reading and writing. The image of David Cain carefully buying Jenga and Operation and making sure all the packaging with words on it never reaches Cass is now permenantly stuck in my head so thank you for that.
I do think she was definitely deprived of a lot though, and things like the jigsaw were clearly meant to be filler stuff for her before the actual fun games like "getting shot and dodging the next few bullets". I don't think Cain would have ever wanted Cass to be relaxed and comfortable enough to actually fully enjoy playing with toys, you know? If she was actually able to find things like jigsaws meaningful and fulfilling then his conditioning of her to associate getting shot with "fun game of dodgeball" wouldn't have been as successful. Cass may not have liked two for flinching but she did love the fighting and the dodging. Any thoughts of "why am I in pain when I could just be playing Jenga" would have never been allowed enter Cass's head. Which would be easy enough because (understandably so given the isolation) Cass looked up to Cain and got joy and fulfilment from seeing him smile. He doesn't care if she finished the jigsaw other than getting angry/worried if she fails. Whereas being able to assemble and break apart a gun while blind makes him light up with happiness/pride. So naturally, even with Cain making sure her brain isn't TOO different for her not to be able to function as the perfect weapon, she would still be deprived of important cognitive skills and stimuli.
The writing specific fine motor skills would definitely be impacted imo because while her training makes sure her hands can work a massive variety of weapons and probably permenantly injure a man in multiple places with each finger, writing is such a specific task that only comes naturally to us because we learned it so young. It can be learned later in life of course but the natural act of holding a pen and writing would feel so alien to Cass. And that's before you factor in her dyslexia like no wonder we only saw her pick up a pen once 😭 Cass being able to write the alphabet with any sort of ease and lack of intense focus would be a massive accomplishment given David Cain's fuckery.
And just in general being so isolated for most of her childhood would have impacted her brain so badly like even without the autism Cass must have been in overstimulated sensory hell after leaving Cain. So many voices talking, which she'd never heard before. So many smells and sounds and new textures and sights that are too intense for her eyes to handle. She missed out on an entire world and only got to start experiencing it when she was 8, that's got to have a longterm impact. I think as well as autism Bruce and Barbara had her tested for adhd due to all the symptoms she displayed. Doctors aren't clear if she actually has it or if its something different brought on by her upbringing. She spent nine years homeless and travelling so she's more adjusted than she was at the start but there's still times that the whole world just goes blurry and whoops panic attack time need to find an empty place and hide.
I'll stop here so I don't rant forever but thank you for giving me the chance to yell about head. canons and theories. Cass is indeed the most fascinating onion, and the layers are endless. Feel free to rant in my inbox whenever you want I love hearing other people's thoughts on her!
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freakshowtwopointoh · 11 months
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You wished they'd just listen to you, let you explain.
You'd been hanging out with Andre behind their back, yes, but you needed help setting up the perfect proposal. You'd picked out the ring months ago, keeping it tucked away in an old pair of socks waiting for the perfect day. And they'd seemed so stressed for so long, it just didn't seem like the right time.
But they'd walked in while you were on the phone with Andre and you didn't have a good excuse ready. They knew you were lying and that was proof enough for them.
"Baby, please, just let me-"
"Let you what? Come up with more excuses, find a way to blame me for you being a lying whore? I've been working my ass off, and you're fucking around."
"Jordan, please, I never-"
"Stop fucking lying! Just get out." Their face was cold and angry. You could feel tears running down your face and onto your neck. Why won't they just listen?
"Ok." You said quietly, and you pulled on your coat and left.
You wandered for hours, just hoping that Jordan would call.
You knew you couldn't go home, and Andre was the only one of your friends who lived close enough.
God dammit. This isn't going to help your case with Jordan. You texted Andre nonetheless, almost hoping he wouldn't answer. You passed a motel but it was full.
Yeah u can sleep here
door is open im already in bed
You made your way to Andre's place, feeling the gravel crunch under your sandals.
It was about four am when you collapse onto Andres couch. You fell asleep quickly, praying that everything would sort itself out in the morning.
You'd be fresh out of luck, spending the next two days moping around Andre's place and wandering the nearby area. Trying to think of what you could have done to prevent this. You just wish they hadn't assumed the worst. You'd never cheat on them, especially not with Andre.
You thought about the reservation you had for this evening, and realized with a gut twisting sensation that your biggest worries had changed drastically over the last week. You were no longer worried about if they'd say yes - you didn't think you'd even get to go on a date with them again.
You looked a mess but you didn't care. Your hair was tangled and you were wearing the same clothes you'd left the house in. Not like you're trying to impress anyone, you thought bitterly. You made your way back to Andre's house with an iced latte, and tried to focus on your work. A loud knock came from the door, and you sighed. Andre was at Cate's. He'd smoked you out that morning, listened to you cry, and promised he wouldn't try to contact Jordan. You were terrified he'd make it worse.
"Sorry, Andre's o-" it was Jordan.
"He told me I'd find you here." They pushed past you into the apartment. You just stared at them as they leaned against the kitchen counter. "Interesting choice of couch, all things considered." They looked you up and down. "You look like shit."
You rolled your eyes. "Yeah, my appearance hasn't been at the top of my priorities. Why are you here?" They scoffed.
"I come to hear you out and you're giving me attitude? I'll just leave." They turn to go and you grab their arm.
"Wait, I'm sorry." You take a deep breath. "I should've practiced this, fuck." They laughed slightly at that. "I never did anything with Andre. There's nothing between us, I just needed his help." Jordan rolled their eyes.
"I came to hear you out, not hear more bullshit."
"I'm telling the truth! I needed his help because..." No use keeping it a secret anymore. "Fuck. Because I've been in love with you since day one, and I knew I wanted to spend my life with you since the first morning I woke up in your arms. But I'm me and you're amazing and we've never talked about this stuff before and I just wanted to make you feel as special as you make me feel every day for just one night. So I asked Andre to help me find a ring and set up this thing, and I-i-i didn't .... I was going to do it sooner but you seemed so stressed and I didn't want to make it worse so I needed him to hold on to some things and I'm so sorry J." They were staring at you, mouth agape. They reached into their pocket and pulled out the box.
"This is what made me come around. I couldn't come up with a reason that you'd have this..."
You felt your eyes fill but you got on your knee and took the box from their hands. Here goes.
"Jordan Li. I've been in love with you since the moment we met, and I want to spend the rest of my life by your side. I see all of you and I love all of you. I love the way you dance when you win at a video game, I love the way you love so fiercely. The last few days have just reminded me that I don't want to live without you in my life. I need your smile, your voice greeting me in the morning, your hand in mine. Jordan Li, will you do me the great honor of marrying me and becoming my spouse?" Tears were running down their face as they nodded.
"Of course I'll marry you." Their voice was gruff and now you're both crying as you slide the ring onto their left ring finger. "It's perfect. Now get up and kiss me before I lose my mind." And then you kiss them and it's like nothing had ever gone wrong between you. Their lips were like magic, causing time to stop and the world to become just the two of you. You never wanted to stop kissing them, but when you pulled apart for air you caught a glimpse of the time.
"Holy shit, we can still make our reservations."
"Then let's get your stinky ass in the shower!" They joked. You stuck your tongue out at them. Rude.
"Can we go home? I'm kind of tired of using Andre's toiletries."
"Of course. The puppies miss you - Bread won't stop sleeping on your laundry pile." You smiled at this, and you both went back to get all dolled up to do the proposal dinner backwards. You picked up a full Italian dinner to take to a local park.
"This is the part I was going to have Andre de-" He'd come and set it up anyways. The lights, the blanket, the whiskey, the ice, everything. "How?"
"After we left, I texted him to apologize and asked him to and I quote 'Whatever she wanted you to do before I almost fucked up the best thing that's ever happened to me'" You threw your arms around them, almost knocking them over. "I owe you an apology, love. I shouldn't have assumed the worst, and I definitely was way too harsh. I'm sorry, love, I'm so sorry. You were right, I've been so stressed. It's so easy to let my insecurities get the better of me." They shook their head, and you rested your hand on their face and held them before kissing them softly.
"I love you."
"I love you, too."
You walked them to a spot on the blanket, and began serving them a plate of pasta, revealing the secret stash of olive garden breadsticks you'd made Andre buy. And you spent the night laughing, drinking, and kissing. Dessert was cannolis and the most beautiful infused pre-roll you'd been able to find.
It was almost two when you began cleaning up, mainly because you didn't want to keep your hands off of them any longer. When you finally made it through the front door, you grabbed their collar and pulled them in for a kiss, desperately grabbing at their shirt. You begin to unbutton it, begging your hands to work properly. They gently pull your hands off and spin you around to remove your dress. They suck a breath in when they see your lacy matching baby blue lingerie.
"This I picked out myself, just for you." You murmur, and they almost growl.
"Good. I don't like the idea of anyone even imagining you like this. You're mine." They drag their fingers along your side, long nails scratching your skin. They grab your hand and pull you into your bedroom.
"Get on the bed, baby. Let me see you." You shyly lay back on the bed. "My pretty girl." Later, Jordan would tie you down and leave bite marks, scratches, and hickies all over your skin. But for now, all they wanted was to make you scream their name until your voice gave out. They knelt before you.
"You ready, princess?" And without waiting for an answer, their teeth were pulling those pretty little panties off of you and their tongue was teasing your clit. "Already so wet for me. Bet you've been missing this, missing how I can make you feel."
"Yes. Fuck, you've ruined me, J, no one-" you wanted to keep dirty talking them, but they pushed two of their long, delicate fingers inside of you, curling them to reach the perfect spot as their tongue continued to work it's magic, and all you could do was moan and scream: "Jordan!" Before falling apart completely, clenching around their fingers and leaving their face covered in your cum. You were still coming down from your high when they went to grab something, but you had enough wits about you to watch as they removed their button down and unbuckled their belt. After being with them for years, it was almost pavlovian the way the sound of their belt unbuckling or their fly unzipping could turn you on. You whimpered when they revealed the strapless strap they were wearing.
"You gonna take this for me, baby? You gonna be a good girl for daddy and take my cock?"
You were sinking further and further into subspace with each word.
"Yes, daddy! I can take it."
They laid the strap on your entrance, teasing you. Then, they pushed it in all at once.
"Good. Because, I'm going to fuck you all. Night. Long." And they meant it. Sometimes they could fuck you through three or four orgasms each before finally shifting to cum one last time inside of you. Tonight, you came four times on their strap before they shifted, feeling their grip become immovable as they hold you down against the bed.
"Daddy, please!" They captured your lips in theirs before tensing up, thrusting into you and cumming deep inside your pussy. You sink your nails into their back, wanting to keep them inside you as long as possible. You felt them soften slowly inside you, and you whimpered softly when they pulled out.
"It's ok, baby, come here." You wiggle over to rest your head on their chest. "You were so good for me. Took my cock so good for so long. I missed hearing you scream my name." You felt heat rise to your cheeks as you buried your head in their chest. "My good baby girl. Go to sleep now, I've got you." And you drifted off to sleep in the arms of your fiance.
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amethystina · 1 month
For the wipe tag game:
May I inquire about :
The devil's due ( I have been hooked since the first chapter that u posted. It's such an interesting idea with so many possibilities)
The gentle light ( will we get more of yohan's poverty?)
Thank u, and have a nice day 🩵
Thank you so much for the ask!
The Devil's Due
Oh man, this one. I am hooked on this one too, but I keep holding it off because I know it'll be pretty long and it's also going to be pretty, uh, sexually charged? And that intimidates me x'D
But yeah, I LOVE the idea and the possibilities it offers. It's a story that would focus on Ga On and Yo Han's relationship without the power imbalance of them being chief and subordinate. That's to say that Ga On is going to be even feistier than in canon, if you can believe that. And he's going to be more aware of his sexuality and what he actually wants — or who, I guess I should say.
The main plot would really just be Ga On getting to know Yo Han — and Elijah — during different circumstances. And the biggest conflict will be the fire and whether or not Yo Han caused it, plus Yo Han trying to open Ga On's eyes to the corruption in their country. The main portion of the fic would be set a couple of years after the first chapter, and a couple of years before the start of the drama. So they're all a little less jaded and, since the situation is so different — Ga On isn't sent to spy on him, for one — Yo Han won't be as defensive. But he's obviously also going to be, well, Yo Han. He's working as a normal judge, trying not to draw too much attention to himself — biding his time for his revenge, and all that — but he would definitely not mind having some fun with the bright-eyed, reformed delinquent he saved from a life as a criminal.
As a treat.
As with many of my WIPs at the moment, this fic is mostly just a collection of lines of dialogue from various scenes, with no connecting text around them. So there are no complete snippets I can show, but I can say that the first time they do something sexual together it's because Ga On has finally had it with Yo Han's teasing and flirting and just marches into his office — at Yo Han's work, yes — and goes:
Ga On: "Fine. Let's fuck."
Yo Han, after a small pause: "Right now?"
Ga On, very scathingly: "Do you want me to schedule an appointment?"
Yo Han: "You're an absolute delight when you're angry."
There are reasons why Ga On is being so blunt, I want to point out, because he wouldn't usually be. Again: Yo Han and his manipulation tactics.
... and yes, they do have sex right then and there, in Yo Han's office. Which is one of the reasons why I'm afraid to write this. I'm way out of my depth here x'D
But I will continue eventually! I like the story way too much to give up on it :)
The Gentle Light
As for this one, I was kind of shocked to realise that I have a lot more written on chapter 2 than I initially thought. It takes place right after the first chapter, so basically Yo Han's side of the very loaded conversation that takes place during chapter 7. I've just been adding bits and pieces here and there when I've felt like it and now I have almost 4 000 words. Imagine that.
Here's a snippet!
Yo Han slowly walked up the steps leading to Kim Ga On's apartment, his hand sliding along the railing. The metal was cold against the mess of scar tissue on his palm, sending a chill up his arm. Yo Han paid that no mind, focusing instead on taking in his surroundings. While he'd known Ga On's address ever since K did the first background check, Yo Han had never actually been to visit before.
There had never been a reason for him to — until now.
As Yo Han finished climbing the first set of stairs, his gaze swept briefly over the terrace to his left, then flicked upward, toward the rooftop. There was apparently another terrace up there, but it was dark for the time being and therefore not of much interest to Yo Han.
Instead, he turned and looked out at the surrounding buildings. The neighborhood was as run-down as he'd expected, debris littering the streets and the majority of the buildings in desperate need of repairs — some even looked abandoned. Or perhaps the owners had simply given up, choosing to huddle inside the dark, decrepit shells of what used to be their homes, waiting for the end to come. That seemed common in these parts, where unemployment and hopelessness blanketed every house and street corner, sucking the life out of those few remaining.
Yo Han could tell it hadn't always been that way, though. There were glimpses of a once lively neighborhood hiding underneath the grime and despair, the descent probably having happened slowly over time as the economy kept getting worse and worse — money getting tighter and tighter. And, eventually, whether they wanted to or not, the people had no choice but to give in.
It made sense, Yo Han supposed, for Kim Ga On to have grown up in a place like this, where he'd had to watch what he once knew wither away and fall into disrepair in front of his very eyes.
That deeply rooted disdain for the rich must have come from somewhere, after all.
A lot of what I have so far is basically just Yo Han sauntering around in front of Ga On's apartment, observing things and drawing conclusions about Ga On. It's kind of adorable in it's own way xD But things obviously take a very dramatic turn once Ga On shows up, some of which I've shown before in snippets that you can find here.
I can't promise I'll ever post this, though, since I'd obviously have to finish it first and this is very far down on my list of priorities right now. But we'll see, I guess? If I keep chipping away at it one piece at a time, eventually it will be finished.
I hope you like it! And you have a nice day, too 💜
WIP Tag Game
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