#ummmm i'm not gonna lie
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killerslowpoke · 4 months
with the number of banana fish posts you put on my dashboard you are now legally obliged to rant and explain to me why i should watch it. take your time 👉✨
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WELL... it's a very well-written, animated, and orchestrated piece of media. Please read its DTDD page first bc from the moment it starts to the second it ends it is an absolutely Tragic story: https://www.doesthedogdie.com/media/15970 That aside, I like it because it explores some themes that not a lot of anime do (like male victims of assault, human trafficking, street gangs) and knows how to intercut comedy with the heavier scenes and plotlines just the right amount. It has a unique style that I didn't like at first but eventually found it suits the show really well. The characters are interesting and I find that there's few that I truly hate, most of them are complex and show a side of humans that most of us can relate to, if even just a little bit.
The most prominent aspect that made me love it is (I guess general spoilers for plot but) the main character Ash deems himself a ruthless monster from the crimes he's committed, sullied by the abuse he has suffered, and unworthy of any love he was denied as a child. Then he meets this guy Eiji by chance, and Eiji, after only learning about how powerful and influential of a gang leader Ash is, treats him so normally. He tries to protect him, he tries to save him, he tries to get Ash to see himself as someone who's worthy of safety and happiness and peace.
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beatrixstonehill2 · 7 months
"Can you believe this top fit me perfectly only a month ago? So, like, I know my bf is totally lacing all the drinks he makes me with breast-growth pills. Like one time I even caught him mashing something up when he asked if I wanted a Long Island iced tea and he made some excuse like it was an aphrodisiac he was giving both of us. Like, my dude, my boobs have quintupled in size since we started dating half a year ago, I think something might be up. He's such a dunce, but he's really sweet and an amazing bartender. Free drinks, and all the cocktails I could ever want at home are a small price to pay for ever-growing, giant breasts.
I decided it might be fun to play chicken with him. So, he thinks I'm gonna get mad and he'll have to back off? Nah, I blocked him on this account. I mean, every woman should have a social media account they hide from whoever they're dating, that's just smart. So, to all of you, my lovely followers, I think it's time we played a game called: Is He Actually Committed? He's making me grow a massive pair of tits because that's his fetish, cool, and he thinks he's hiding it from me, probably also a part of his fetish. No problem. Let's have some fun.
I took a pic of some pills I found in his room and you guys said they're 100% the ones he's using on me. I'm gonna order a truckload of them and play as dumb as possible, pretending I don't suspect a thing or blame him whatsoever. I'm gonna keep taking these pills, triple what he's currently drugging me, force my poor boobs to grow totally gigantic, and act none the wiser. Eventually he'll get cold feet when I start having severe mobility issues and need help doing pretty much anything, and my boobs will STILL keep getting bigger, and our little chicken will simply have to come crying to me that he stopped drugging me and can't understand why my boobs keep growing, at which point I'll reveal either he takes care of me and makes me his little immobile wifey with colossal Hentai tits that weigh 200lbs each, or I'm gonna call the cops and tell them I have proof he was drugging me and forcing me to grow breasts so big I can't even walk! Guys don't really think this far..... Unless he wants me to grow my boobs that big, in which case..... ummmm..... either way I have a devoted man to take care of me after my tits get too big for me to lift? So yaaay? I mean, it'd be kind of hot that he wants me boobs that massive..... not gonna lie."
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snixkers · 7 months
sub!spencer thoughts?
Ummm, yes, please? Have you seen this man????
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I have a whole list of beliefs about this man in the sheets 🤭
Ok, so first off, sub spencer believer
But like I also don't believe he's always on the bottom???
Am I being converted to soft!dom spencerism? (Thx @incognit0slut)
He doesn't want you to have to lift a finger
Just lie back and let him do his thing
And ummmm vocal
Yeah no way this man is silent
He's calling YOU daddy, not the other way around
And some ppl think after prison he's suddenly a hardcore dom?
Idk about that 😐
He'd totally love you taking control but knowing he has a say in everything
Putting my AP Psych to use here
And ik everyone in the fandom can agree, but sorry, I just had to say
The head game is immaculate
That boy is on death row and your pussy is his last meal
Plus, the hair is grippable asf
And I have a picture of MGG I'm taking to my grave buttt
Let's just say it's canon that he's packing
Oh and he's bi
Sorry I saw that lil smile with Ethan
Will never forgive the network for the queer erasure ✊🏻😔
So he literally doesn't care what you look like
Skinny, fat, anything
If he loves you, he's gonna put everything he has into that relationship (and the bedroom)
Ok now I can rest 🫠🫠🫠
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sh4wty18 · 5 months
tiktok pt. 1
read pt. 2 here
pairing: jake webber x reader
summary: you decide to hard-launch your relationship with jake on tiktok, and get distracted along the way.
cw: fluff, language, hickeys, suggestive ending
word count: 1.7k + edited
You enter the kitchen of your boyfriend Jake's house to find him preparing a sandwich at the counter. You walk up behind him and wrap your arms around his waist, kissing his shoulder. Even though you’re shorter than him, (the top of your head only reaches his neck), physical touch is one of both of your love languages, and you both love this type of affection. “Babe, do you wanna post a tiktok together?” you ask him.
He swings around to face you and grips your waist with both hands, “Ummmm yes?? Is that even a question??? Of course I wanna make sure all of my hot girlfriend’s followers know she’s taken” he replies, a smile beaming across his pretty face. “But… weren’t you nervous about getting hate?” he asks, looking more concerned than excited now.
“I mean yeah, but it’s been over 4 months since we’ve started dating, and we’ve been completely private. I think I’m ready to let the world know I'm dating one of America’s Favorite Ladies.” you smirk and raise an eyebrow towards him, which elicits a grin. You really are ready to post together, even though you’re nervous. But you figure it’s only going to be more overwhelming the longer you wait. Jake and Tara have been broken up for almost a full year, and Tara even gave you her blessing to start dating him. Plus, you knew Jake had been wanting to post a tiktok with you for a while now, but wasn’t saying anything out of respect for you. 
Jake couldn’t hide his excitement now, but he still asked through his wide smile, “Are you a hundred percent sure? I only wanna do it if you know you’re ready.”
“Yes, Jake. I promise I want to” you hold your pinky up to him and he links his with yours. You’ve made a habit of using pinky promises as a form of asserting comfortability in your relationship. You and Jake can both get really anxious about hurting each other’s feelings or pushing a boundary by accident, so you decided that when verbal communication isn’t enough, a pinky promise will be another way of letting each other know you’re okay.
He is smiling from ear to ear, and you feel your face flush. You could look at that smile forever, and knowing that you are capable of making someone so happy makes you feel an incredible sense of joy. “Yay!!! I’m so excited, oh my God!! What do you wanna do, baby?!” Jake asks you, lightly bobbing up and down with excitement. You reach out and take hold of one of his hands, leading him to the living room where you plop down on the couch, with him sitting next next to you.
“Okay… so I’ve kind of had this idea for a while, but it’s really cringey, I’m not gonna lie” you say, leaning your head on Jake’s shoulder.
He leans his head on top of yours, “Y/N” he starts in his Mama Bear voice, “I don’t give a rat’s ass how cringey it is, alright?! We’re doin’ it!” 
You giggle, “Okay Mama Bear. I was thinking we could use the song “Apocalypse” by Cigarettes After Sex, and during the part where he says, ‘your lips, my lips, apocalypse’ we could alternate saying the lines or something. I know it’s dumb–”
“NO! Stop saying it’s dumb, it’s not dumb. If it makes you happy, then it’s worth it. And everyone’s gonna be jealous when they see it cuz of how hot we are. They’ll have no choice but to want at least one of us!” Jake replies, gripping your shoulders to emphasize his point.
You blush and laugh, Jake always knows what to say to make you feel accepted. “Thanks, Jake” you say shyly, and he leans in to kiss you warmly on the cheek. 
“Anything for my favorite lady,” he says. You definitely feel your face flush as you wrap your hand around his neck and run your fingers through his hair, maintaining eye contact with him. “Haha, I made you bluuushhh” he teases, poking you in the side. 
“Shut up!” You reply, grabbing the nearest pillow and whacking him over the head with it.
“Owwwww… Y/N that hurtttt” he whines in his baby voice, pouting at you with fake sadness.
“Awwww, do you need me to kiss it better?” You ask, teasingly. 
He nods happily, “Yes, yes I do, thank you.” 
You pull his neck towards you and kiss his forehead gently where you had hit him with the pillow. He pulls your face towards his mouth and your lips meet. He grabs your waist and pulls you onto his lap, anchoring your body around his hips. Your hands play with his hair as he leans into the kiss, gripping your back with his hands, practically gluing your bodies together. He frees himself from your mouth to start peppering kisses down your jaw and lingering on your neck. He knows where to suck to make your breath catch, even though you try to hide it. You’ve always been a fan of hickeys, and Jake is fucking good at it. You tilt your face a little more towards his ear and let out a small moan, which only causes him to suck harder, finishing in one section and moving to another, leaving bruises scattered around your neck in all the spots he knows you love. He’s about to continue down to your tits when you pull away from him, “Babe, stop distracting me with make out sessions! We’re supposed to be filming a tiktok!!” You know you’ll both be naked soon if you don’t stop him now, but you really wanted to rip off the bandaid and post the tiktok. Sex can wait– and it was definitely worth it. 
Jake stares up at you, lips swollen and breaths quick, “Grrr you’re no fun,” he jokes in his baby voice again. His fake-pout quickly turns into a smile, “I’m just kiddin’, let’s get filming! But I would put some make-up on there before we start if I were you,” he nods toward your neck. 
You climb off his lap and walk to the bathroom, turning the light on to look into the vanity mirror. “JAKE!” you scream, “What the fuck!! How did you leave this many that quick?!” Your neck has at least six purple bruises scattered across it, ranging in size. 
He bursts out laughing and runs into the bathroom behind you to admire his work, “Damn, I’m just the hickey queen I guess” he says, and places a hand on your lower back. He hops up to sit on the vanity as you begin blending concealer into your neck. He watches you and smiles, “You’re so pretty.” 
“Shut up, you can’t win me over with flattery now!” you try to maintain a stern face but you can’t hide the grin forming on your lips as you make eye contact with your boyfriend. “It was pretty good though.” 
“Oh, I think it was more than just “pretty” good, considering I had you moaning in my ear.” He leans towards you, maintaining eye contact, knowing that you’ll fold if he stares at you long enough. You were never able to keep eye contact with him for too long, it just makes you flustered. 
“Fine it was REALLY good,” you say, smirking, and add a peck on the lips for good measure. 
“That’s what I thought,” Jake replies sassily, hand on hip. 
After you finish applying the concealer (you eventually had to give up because no amount of concealer could fully cover the bruises on your neck), you both return to the kitchen to film the tiktok. Jake leans against the island counter, and you lean against him with your arms around his waist, so that your torsos are pressed together. He angles the phone above both of you since he’s significantly taller, and presses record. The song starts playing, and you’re gazing at each other. You lipsync the first part of the line “your lips, my lips”, and Jake follows up with “apocalypse”. When the line ends you both lean in to break the tension, softly pressing your lips together. After the sound ends, you both rewatch the video to double check that it looks okay. 
“I think I can see one of my pieces of artwork a little, but I doubt anyone else will notice unless they’re LOOKING for hickeys,” Jake says, “But still… you sure you wanna post it?” he double checks.
“Honestly, I don’t give a fuck anymore, I just want the world to know that you’re mine.” you reply, gazing up at him.
“Holy fuck, you’re so hot when you take control.” he says, looking flushed, “Hurry up and post it so I can finish what I started.”
You feel your heart rate increase at the thought of Jake continuing to mark your body, so you quickly type out the caption “hard launch <3”, tag Jake in the video, and post it, putting your phone on Do Not Disturb and leaving it on the counter. Whatever happens, you know Jake will always be there to support you, but that doesn’t mean you’re not nervous as shit to post a video of you guys kissing on the internet. 
He senses your nervousness and intertwines both his hands with yours. “Hey, don’t think about it. They’re gonna say whatever they want but we’re the only two whose opinions actually matter. And what I know is that I love being with you. You’re beautiful and smart and kind and funny and being around you makes me happier than I’ve been in… a long time. So fuck them… and fuck me?” He winks at the end, perfectly ruining a pure moment in classic Jake fashion. But you can’t complain, you know he meant every word of what he said, and you love his sense of humor, no matter how silly it is. 
“You’re such a child!” you giggle, “But thanks, and I could say the exact same to you. You’re a star, Jake. And you make my life brighter in every way. I love being with you.” You hold the sides of his face in your hands and pull him into a not-so-gentle kiss, which he returns hungrily, moving his hands up your back under your shirt, to feel your bare skin. He pulls away for a second to let out a breathy groan against your mouth, “Let’s go upstairs.”
this could be a standalone, but let me know if you want to see pt. 2! it's also already posted on my ao3 :)
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finelinevogue · 1 year
bestie is there an update on LI harry?
ummmm hi?! here's a little something:
1 Year Later
You hear Harry yell from inside your semi-detached house. You smile to yourself as you are reminded that you have the most perfect, quiet, life now with the guy you love.
It's been a whole year since the beginning of Love Island and you can't be happier that you made it out of there together - only after winning too.
The sponsorships that you both got, after coming out of the villa, have set you both up for life. Even after giving away a quarter of your money to family and another quarter to respective charities, you managed to buy a house in the country on the outskirts of London and Harry recently saved up to buy you your engagement ring.
"In the garden, lovie!" You call back.
His presence is felt before he actually speaks around you.
You are trying to catch a tan in the back garden, laying on a sun-bed. Today was supposed to get up to 25 degrees and the UV would be at 5, so it was a good opportunity to tan.
You squint one eye open to see him hover over you with an ice-cold beer in one hand and a bottle of water in the other.
"Have you got enough suncream on?" He asks, handing you the bottle of water and sitting down on the sun-bed next to you.
"Think so." You nod.
"Think so, is not good enough. Turn over." Harry instructs you, ever the bossy and concerned fiancé.
He takes a swig of his beer and puts it back down on the floor.
You hear the bottle of suncream open and you turn over and lay on your front.
"Fuck!" You squeal as the cold of the suncream meets your hot back. "Could've warned me."
Harry just chuckles and continues rubbing the suncream into your back. It was like getting a free massage. He really lathers the suncream on, so your black glistens with the stickiness of the cream, but only because he cares about you.
Next his hands land on your bum - his favourite part of your body.
He can't even lie when someone asks him what his favourite part of your body is and say your eyes. It is always going to be your ass. He claims it's too peachy for your own good.
"You having fun back there, H?" You tease, noting how long he is spending on applying suncream to your ass.
"Time of my life."
"You're going to rub all the suncream off if you keep massaging it."
"Well, then I'll just have to reapply." He hits your bum lightly to signal that he has finished. For now.
Your head it resting on one side and you watch Harry sit a bit further up on the chair so he is in line with your face. You have a hard time focusing on anything when his chest is right in your line of vision.
"What did you need me for?" You ask.
"Was gonna ask whether you wanted me to put the BBQ on and we can have burgers off the grill for dinner?" He takes another sip of his beer and it shouldn't be as hot as he makes it look.
"Sounds nice."
"Bacon too?"
"And cheese, onions and burger sauce."
"And a salad, because God knows you need to eat more greens." Harry always teases you about your lack of eating vegetables, just because you don't enjoy eating broccoli.
"Oh piss off." You laugh.
"Y'know, if I do this BBQ I'm going to need help." He leans over a bit, so he blocks the sun from your face and he's only a few centimetres in front of you. He smells like a mixture of beer, suncream and aftershave.
"And how am I going to help? I burnt our pasta last week."
"By giving me a kiss." He smirks.
"Oh really?" You tease, leaning your head up a little to close the distance between you.
"Yeah. It's been proven the best help for me."
"Hmm. Sounds a little too convenient for you."
"I don't really care."
Harry doesn't let you bicker back, because he's cupped the back of your neck and pulled you towards his lips. The kiss is messy and ungraceful, considering the positions your both sat in, but you make it work. Your lips work over Harry's deliciously and he doesn't break away until he's satisfied. Your lips both tinge a little afterwards and not because of the sun.
"Will never get over the way you make me feel." Harry says.
"Thanks for finding me." You kiss him again, but just a little one this time.
"And thanks for loving me."
You smile at him as you watch the love transfer between him and yourself. The feelings will always be magical between you both.
"Now go make me my burger." You flop back down on the sun-bed.
Harry slaps you on your ass for the attitude, but you were expecting it so it only makes you laugh.
"Bossiest fiancé in the world." He mumbles as he leaves, making you fall in love with him a little more.
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prentissluvr · 4 months
i dont have all of my sam thots and dean thoughts just yet but I had to send in this bc I completely forgot about meg! sam
and its a damn shame that we didn't see more of that bc it solidified my stance on being a sam girlie
we got at least 3 episodes of demon dean (i have not seen him yet i've only heard about it) but we got like less than half an hour with meg! sam and honestly we deserved more with him
meg! sam made me feel lots of things LOLL
(i wanted to be jo SO BAD in that episode LMAO)
now i need your thots on him please :p
KJDFSJL NO BECAUSE... NOOO I CANT thinking about the amount of meg!sam edits i've seen in the past few days. thinking about the one saved in my camera roll. thinking about throwing up pissing my pants projectile vomiting and passing the fuck out. i reiterate tho, i'm normal!! i'm so so so normal and i don't feel things about it!!!!!!!
i'm honestly still like borderline unsure about how nsfw i want to get on this blog, but uhhh i'm just gonna start typing and see where my dirty fucking mind takes me!
cw : highly suggestive!! no smut, but still absolutely no minors!! MDNI!! contains condescending/mean/possessed sam, but also sweet sam too <33. use of gendered terms, but it is gender inclusive to fem, masc, and gn as much as i could make it! horrible writing it's genuinely just me going feral :))
sooo basically for me the worst (best) part of meg!sam was his voice! it's so bad (never have i ever heard anything hotter in my life). IDK I DONT EVEN THINK I CAN FORM A COHERENT THOUGHT OVER THIS NOT GONNA LIE. uhm uhhh ummmm uhhhh uhmmmm.
so basically so basically, essentially, wwowowowowowowowifjhshf alright lets focus on one thing at a time.
we'll start with that goddamn voice of his. the way it goes from teasing, condescending to deeper, more gravelly and matter-of-fact and then back to condescending LIKE WHOO IM GONNA NEED TO TAKE A LAP. idk just thinking about his large hand on the back of your head, maybe tangled in your hair if the way you wear it allows for that, and his veiny forearm visible through your peripheral vision as he says "open up.. that's a girl" like he did to jo😭😭😭 (or he's says "thaaat's it" to keep things gender neutral, dragging out the "that's" for an extra second, that extra gravel in his condescending tone).
and while this is in possessed!sam context, he'd definitely say things like that normally, i do personally envision him to be less condescending and more sincere. either way, hot as fuck if you ask me. also this isn't meg!sam, but in season seven he says "good girl" and i do listen to that clip several times a day, i am so serious when i say that and i have no shame about it!! i have daddy issues so i do not care!!! so yeah he also says good girl/boy/whatever variation you enjoy best <3 uhmmm yeah but the main point is his hot as fuck voice, right next to your ear with his breath tickling you sensitive skin. especially with that whisper. oh god the whisper😭 and along with "that's a girl," there's atta girl and he'd use that one too so i'll go die in a hole :))) but yeah he genuinely thinks you're so good for him so expect that praise, whether you want it sweet or mean.
then we also have his facial expressions!! the smirk he uses to rile you up or that he flashes you, all mean and haughty because he knows he's getting to you. the fake pity too!! lord help me, once again the utterly fake pity just falls under that condescending persona that was so hot about meg!sam. i'm just gonna use photo evidence and you can imagine him looking at you like that!! enjoy!
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last thing i have to say about meg!sam is manhandling!! ahahaahahahaahahah i'm normal and okay!! (this is a cry for help i need him so bad). um yeah while i hate the context of the manhandling of jo in the episode because it's crossing so many boundaries, i will still enjoy the fact that he is hot. so yeah! have fun thinking about sam whirling you around and pinning you between his chest and nearest surface, hand on your forehead to tilt your chin up and give him full access to the skin of your neck. his other hand is pinning your wrist to whatever surface is behind you, and your own free hand is tangled in his hair and he lays wet, desperate kisses all over your neck and collarbone. that's all hahahahaha :)))) feeling so sane right now!!
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country-n-sassy · 4 months
I had a couple more questions from @moxy97
11. How do I feel about pet names
I'm not gonna lie, I immediately thought about animal names 🤣🤣
Pet names... ummmm, I am ok with pet names, I rarely use people's names when I'm in a relationship. Although I don't like cheesy/cutesy pet names.
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12. Do you like to read
Not especially. I'm a slow reader, and I don't find it enjoyable. If I'm reading, it's to learn something and not "for fun."
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kanerallels · 6 months
🧃🥐🍄 for the writing ask game please!
🧃: Share some personal lore you never posted about before. Ummmm let's see. I miiiiight have posted about this one before, but I once corrected my pastor on a biblical matter to his face. And I was in the right. (I'm a little too proud of this, honestly) My family left that church like a year later on, believe it or not, a completely unrelated matter!
🥐: Name one internet reference that will always make you laugh. I'm not gonna lie to you, Goncharov is ALWAYS gonna delight me. And the PS5 cracks me up, too. There are a couple vines that make me laugh-- OH WAIT AND THIS VIDEO
🍄: Share a headcanon for one of your favorite ships or pairings. HMMMM I'm gonna go with Kanera, to no one's surprise. Honestly I am just a huge sucker for the headcanon that Kanan's the cook, while Hera makes the best caf among the crew. It makes me so happy. That's the main one I can think of off the top of my head!
Truth or dare writing ask game!!
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auditioheros · 2 months
AMAZING? SHOWSTOPPING? THE BEST 'ROUND? FIO YOUR PORTRAYAL OF KYOKA IS LEGIT TOP TIER! you capture her perfectly 😭 i could be here all day and night tellin' you how good everythin' about your portrayal is! you understand kyoka so well, you plucked her from the manga and made her your very own - i've mentioned before that we were robbed, that there was so much more that could have been shown of her.. but now it doesn't feel like we're missing out on anythin' cos you bring forth everything that the manga / anime was lacking!! her voice is yours, like i can hear her in your threads and in the group chats in the server lmao fr when i think of jirou i dont even think of the character first, i think of you! fio you are just so wildly talented in all aspects - from how you write her, to just how you write in general ( BEAUTIFUL ), to the beautiful graphics you make for your babies.. ahh we can all just see the love and dedication you have for ya girl and seein' you on the dash and in the server is always my greatest joy! i adore you sm fio, you talented angel.. 🧡
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ummmm liza??? LIZA???? this is just so... i'm just.... you have floored me with this, i need you to understand that. i'm not gonna lie i was so fucking scared to dive into a new fandom, but i'm so grateful i did because oh my god i wouldn't have met you and that would be a crime. you tell me i got kyoka's voice down, that's you with katsuki i swear. from the very first thread we had together i fuckin knew you were the ONEEE like. i'm here with the uno reverse baybee & you can't stop me!! you're seriously so amazing and the fact that i get to not only write with you, but also call you a friend is so fuckin amazing ;-; ilysm liza i'm gonna tuck this into my pocket <3
how's my portrayal?
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g-on-ef · 2 years
Helluva Boss season 2 ep 3 review THERE WILL BE SPOILERS
It's been a while a long while since I've done one of these but this is the first episode since episode 5 that hasn't pissed me off in the first five minutes and was able to somewhat enjoy it but omg I said it once and I'll say it again viv does not have one single clue what she's doing wit her characters but we are getting ahead of ourselves so let's start wit the good before we get to the bad.
Genuinely love that this was a Moxxie center episode cause it's about damn time my boy got the attention he deserves and it's not him getting punched every three seconds -_-
I personally love Chazz design I thought he was fun and enjoyable {at first} and I loved that he and Moxxie had a relationship together not gonna lie I was screaming I ship them especially the flashback ^^
Ummmm ...
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Regardless I'll take whatever crumbs I can get ^^
Baby Moxxie was adorable !!!!
The relationship between him and his mother was adorable I feel like she was the reason for his love for musical I loved her ^^
I also love we got Moxxie saying he's bi it's always refreshing to see characters refer themselves as part of the lgbtq community
No Loona speaking omg I'm so happy we didn't have Loona talking at all because honestly she would've made the episode worse
Now onto the bad parts -_-
Maybe is because English isn't my first language but didn't Moxxie said he was born in Wrath ??? So did he move to Greed ??? If so was it when he was a baby or ??? I'm just confused on that part.
No one not Viv not her crew hell at this point not even SOME people of the Fandom know what to do/think of Millie.
The whole episode she was either a rabid animal or resorted to Moxxies wife/the blood thirsty woman of the show like how is she a main character always getting side line for everyone fuck man even Loona gets better treatment than her and that sucks cause Loona is down right awful
The fat jokes weren't funny the first time and guessed what they aren't funny the 18th time !!!
I get homophobic implications cause its hell 🤪 {every time I say that imma add that face} but umm the dildo jokes ??? Like I genuinely didn't get why that needed to be added but it is what is I guess.
So you mean to tell me both Moxxie and Millie slept wit Chazz but this episode didn't bother focusing on Millie on how they met Like da freak ??? Also while I loved Chazz the first few minutes I got annoyed wit him like really Viv you're gonna make the bisexual character a horny person that fucks everything wit two legs and have his whole personality around sex ??? Also was I the only one disgusted wit Blitz sleeping wit Chazz ??? Like how the freak we got there ??? !!!
Gotta be honest did not like that Moxxies VA also voiced Crimson I was expecting something more intimidating like something like Striker I guess but that's just me
Also back to the dildo joke ummm someone tell me why we were having a moment that should have build an intimidating moment only to ruin it wit the dildos ... ... ... like I said before Vive has no idea how to handle serious topics without turning it into a joke and have the entire scene lose its importance and value.
Like the build up the dinner scene it was leading up to a serious conflict that was creating tension and hell even the slap had me shocked and Crimson bringing fear into the audience only for it to come tumbling down with the dildos hell even after the threat Crimson gave as Moxxie was leaving I couldn't take seriously because the scene kept showing them.
Hell even wit Moxxie being upset and hurt I couldn't take serious cause of the whiplash that came right after
Can someone please explain why is there a priest in hell ??? Or better yet why is there a jail in hell ??? Like why are we even having Charlie's hotel idea if there's jail and rehab in hell like ??? Does Viv even understand the world she's created ??? Like does she even remember the world she's created ??? Cause why create a hotel that's supposed to help sinners when Hell has REHAB AND A JAILING SYSTEM ??? !!!
Are imps at the bottom ??? The shark demons ??? Like does anyone at Spindle even remember their own rules for the show ??? !!!
Anyways that's it for my complaint of the day but anywhore those are my thoughts and I'm sticking to them !!!
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the-fiction-witch · 1 year
Ice Cold
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Media Love Actually Age Up
Character Sam
Couple Sam X Reader
Rating Sweet + Sad
Concept Second thoughts
I grabbed my case from the taxi jumping out onto the street, I paid and thanked him before I hurried myself inside the tall hotel, I passed the desk without a word and went to the lift pressing the button for the required floor. Once it stopped I got out and headed down the corridor until I found the door I'd been looking for knocking a good few times. I waited a little while before knocking again and on the second round the door opened.
He was leaning on the door, eyes barely open, hair a mess, wearing a old band tee and his blue shorts. 
"Y/n!" He smiled excitedly pulling me into the tightest hug and dragging me inside the hotel room "ummmm my second favorite girl in the whole wide world" 
"My god Sam how hungover are you?" 
"I'm not hungover" he says heading into the room and I was taken back by the utter madness of the once cute hotel room now a messy upturned hell hole "if anything… I'm kinda, still drunk" he says taking a beer from the table 
"Have housekeeping been by?"
"Oh thank god. I don't want to even imagine the meltdown if Joanna got the bill for all this"
"It's my wedding to you know" he pouts collapsing on the sofa 
"Okay," I smiled setting my things down going over and wrapping my arms around his neck and shoulders "come on, what's going on in that blonde noggin?" 
"Im getting married tomorrow"
"Yes you are. It's perfectly natural to get cold feet Sam. Especially given your kinda drunk" 
"Just…it's nothing"
"You sure?"
"Yeah, come on we have stuff to do" 
"Alright" I went and grabbed my case and began working, I had been best friends with Sam for forever really, since we were tiny little kids mostly thought the school band where of course he plaid drums and I plaid piano so we often were stuck up the back next to each other on the large unmovable bits of equipment we became very fast friends and had been close forever, I even had a crush on him at one point but he had always been head over heels for Joanna for as long as I could remember and after reconnecting a few months ago they were getting married. It had all been a bit rushed but it was still really sweet. Even if Joanna had been a bit controlling of things, kinda bridezilla is not gonna lie. But the wedding was on a tight budget so to minimize costs the girls were doing there own hair and make up all of them being very skilled in such things and as I did a lot of hair and make up stuff for my photography job she asked if I could be incharge of making the boys look presentable which of course I agreed. So I was here today to prep the room and do a base sort of Sam ready to do him and his groomsmen tomorrow morning. 
"You excited?" I asked as I sat working in his nails 
"Course. Just… nervy is all"
"It's your wedding Sam it's fine to be nervous" I laughed "I take it the bachelor party was fun?" I asked glancing are the hotel room
"Ah. No. you know the rules. No penis no info. Bachelor party for boys only"
"Sam, I'm basically a boy."
"You don't have a penis"
"I have one in my bag then can I qualify?" 
"What Joanna ask you to check up on me?"
"No, I'm just curious"
"It was fun. I had a good time"
"That's good, that's the whole point"
"There weren't strippers."
"She'll ask you. I know she will. She was very clear about it"
"Okay, no strippers" I laughed "but…?"
"No. There wasn't. We most just got really really drunk and plaid video games"
"Awww sounds lovely. So long as you had fun" 
"Oww" he complained
"Ohh don't be a baby Sammy. If you took care of your hands and nails I wouldn't have to put so much work in"
"I don't think I need all this honestly. Just like a brush through my hair tomorrow seems like enough" he says 
"It's your wedding Sam she wants you to look nice for all your pictures and things,"
"What wedding photo is gonna show my nails?"
"I don't know… shot of the wedding rings?"
"Good point"
"plus I wouldn't wanna be holding hands with these callus meat claws for an hour in this state, you need lotion. And to clean all the dirt out" 
"That's fair. Plus it makes her happy to think I did it all"
"Exactly. Anything to make her less angry right now"
"Tell me about it" he sighed "still. It's nice just getting the time to hang with you"
"Yeah it's nice to just be with you too Sam" I smiled we continued in doing various things all to prep him for the wedding tomorrow I made sure his suit was all together and steamed, his hands sorted, his shoes shined, his hang over slowly being cured ready for a six am start tomorrow. he currently sat on his third hangover cure smoothie being misted by the little Steam machine in the middle of the skincare treatment I had done for him to clean his skin up for tomorrow 
"Why is this on such a budget?"
"Joanna doesn't like spending alot of money"
"I guess. Maybe stuff wouldn't be so pricey if you waited a little longer"
"I know but she wants it all over with so we can get on with life you know"
"No other reason?" I asked 
"...no. at least she hasn't told me if there is" he explained finishing up his face and we got sat down watching TV with a drink and some pizza
"Am I a bad person."
"For what?' 
"For second guessing? The night before my wedding? Shouldn't I be giddy and happy and barely able to contain my excitement and yet… I'm not. Is that bad?"
"No sam, it's fine everyone gets nervous, has second thoughts it's a big thing. It's okay your not a bad person for having doubts" 
"I don't know, everyone says cold feet is normal but… this is like ice cold."
"Do you love Joanna?"
"Do you wanna be her?"
"Do you wanna grow old and have bouncy little babies with her?"
"Then you're fine." 
"Thanks y/n. I'm happy I'm here with you. Out of everyone"
"Of course you're my best friend." He says "I worry I won't really get to see you much after this"
"We'll still see each other"
"Joanna doesn't like you."
"... I mean. I kinda assumed that"
"Like really really doesn't like you. I had to fight to have you asked to do this for me. She didn't even want you to be invited"
"Seriously. She really doesn't like you" 
"I mean I thought she kinda wasn't a fan. Kinda sounds like she hates me"
"I did have to tell her a little white lie"
"She didn't want you to stay here tonight. So she thinks you got another room."
"Ooooh your gonna be in trouble"
"I wasn't exactly planning on telling her. She already doesn't like you. She's stressed just… not tell her"
"Alright, our little secret."
"Our little secret" he smiled as we finished up our food "can I tell you a secret?"
"Go for it Sam" 
"I used to have a crush on you" 
I choked on my drink a little"what?"
"I did. When Joanna left again. I couldn't help thinking how much I liked you and I thought about asking you out, alot. All the way till I met up with Joanna again "
"That's really sweet Sam. You wanna know a secret?"
"I had a crush on you too"
"You did?"
"Yeah I kinda just assumed you were always just to love sick over Joanna to pay me any attention" 
"So all that time you and I could have?"
"We could. Another life I suppose"
"Yeah… another life"
"Come on let's get to bed early start tomorrow"
"Yeah you okay on the single?"
"I'll be fine. Sleep tight Sam"
"You too y/n" 
I woke to my alarm and immediate got to work setting up a station at the vanity Sam took a little while longer but eventually forced himself up "good morning Mr groom"
"Oh my god. I am… so hung over."
"Hang over smoothie?" 
"God yes. I'm gonna… go and sit in the shower a while"
"Sit in the shower?" I laughed pouring him another hangover smoothie as I had already made a batch ready for this morning
"Yeah in just gonna sit in the bottom and just kinda… exist." He says taking the drink
"Alright, don't be too long the boys will be here soon" I told him as he headed to the bathroom for his shower, soon enough one by one groomsmen arrived all of whom I knew of course, I did hair and some minimal photo ready makeup all while the guys laughed and joked getting themselves ready for the wedding. I was getting a little worried Sam had been in the bathroom all morning and it had gotten to the point now we had to get him out or we'd be late. 
"Sam? You okay?" I asked tapping on the door 
"Yeah, sorry I'm just I'm kinda struggling"
"Sam it's okay to be nervous, just come on out okay and we'll get you sorted" 
The door opened a tiny bit and he grabbed my arm pulling me in the bathroom
"Whoa! What the heck Sam" I complained as he relocked the door 
"Im sorry I'm sorry I just -"
"Sam. Tell me. What is going on?" I asked as I really looked at him dressed into clean PJ's from his shower his hair still wet tears staining his face
"I… I don't know if I can do this"
"I know everyone's worked so hard. And we've put so much money and time but I just… I don't know if I can do it."
"Why not?"
"... because. Look I've been up all night, I couldn't sleep after last night. I feel awful I should be happy and excited I should have been too excited to sleep thinking about my wedding but - all I thought about all night. Was you. I spend all night tossing and turning thinking about what might have been." He says 
"Sam, that's sweet but it's your wedding today"
"I know I know. But I can't help it. I'm so sorry I don't mean to put you in a situation like this I just… I didn't realize that my feelings never really went away"
"Aww Sam. I don't think mine did either. But you're engaged to Joanna and you're marrying her today. We just have to move on and try not to think about the other life"
"The life we could have had. Together."
"Exactly. Come on or we'll be late" I told him going to unlock the door but he stopped me 
"Y/n wait" he says pulling my arm close and before I could say a word he leant down and kissed me I blushed hard and even teared up as I felt this firework of passion inside me I'd never had a kiss like that before when we pulled away I never wanted to leave his arms and I know he didn't want me too either "fuck."
"I really hoped that would make me feel better. I think I just made it so much worse."
"Come on let's just uhhh get you ready" quickly I left the bathroom and took a moment to compose myself he followed suit greeting his groomsmen and taking his seat I struggled a little not to tear up as I for him ready finally giving his jacket a brush and his hair a fix as the boys left to get the car "how are you feeling?"
"It'll be okay you just, have to wait. I'm sure the moment you see her in her wedding dress everything will become clear"
"Okay," he nods trying to lean in for another kiss but I stopped him
"I don't think that's the best idea."
"Do you want to kiss me?"
"...I do"
"Then it's a good idea" he smiled giving my lips a final kiss softly and sweetly stroking my cheek as we kissed "I wish I'd done that years ago" 
"You should go Sam"
"Yeah. I need to go" he nods forcing himself away
I pushed my feelings down and just got on with things as usual taking my seat to watch the wedding I wanted to check up on him but I didn't want to put anymore doubt in his mind, the wedding began quickly and I noticed Sam looking at me I did my best not to look back at him when Joanna arrived she did look beautiful and Sam looked so happy to see her, I felt relieved but disappointed at the same time. It all went on as any wedding would 
"do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?"
"I don't."
Silence ran across the whole wedding as everyone sat in a moment of shock 
"Excuse me?" 
"I don't. I do not"
"Joanna? What are you talking about?" Sam asked 
"I'm sorry Sam. I didn't want to do it this way but - I can't marry you. It's not that I don't care for you, I care so much for you but we were childhood sweethearts and were not children anymore you're not the boy I fell in love with and I'm not the girl you loved either we've changed, we've grown and now… all that connects us is being childhood sweethearts. I thought it would all come back, that it would come back and be just like it was but I was being stupid. I can't marry you. You'll always be my first love, my first kiss but you can't be my husband. And… I've been seeing like for the last few months romantically" she explained oh my god I knew something was up about that, nowone goes to the gym together that much 
"You- you were cheating in me? All this time…"
"Yes, I'm sorry Sam"
"Uhhhh okay. If uhhh if you think that's best." He nods "what uhh what do we do then?"
"Well we've paid for everything might as well just have a party?"
"Yeah uhh okay. Sounds good" he nods clearly completely broken but what else do you say to that. And just like that it was over the wedding cleared out into the reception space everyone drinking and eating given everything was already there and had been booked and paid for eventually I found Sam drinking on the patio steps 
"You okay?" I asked sitting beside him
"Fine. Just got stood up at my own wedding" he says drinking some more "makes sense why she wanted a quick And cheap wedding. She wanted it over with hopes it would kick start our relationship again. When she didn't feel fireworks walking down the aisle she called it off."
"I mean, is it really a bad thing? I know it hurts but you were so conflicted about it second guessing for days. I know it hurts now but maybe it's for the best" 
"Maybe you're right. Maybe I was just being stupid. Who really marries first girl they get a crush on and expect them to actually have a healthy marriage" he says "I knew something was up with her and luke I just didn't wanna be a dick. Maybe I'd I had this whole mess could have been avoided"
"It's okay, none of us knew"
"sorry I'm just -"
"It's okay, perfectly normal to be emotional" I told him "come here" I cooed pulling him to lean on my shoulder
"Thanks y/n"
"Your welcome." I smiled kissing his head letting him whine and cry as much as he needed too "hey it's okay, come on. You wanna dance?" He shook his head "you wanna go get another drink?" He shook his head "you wanna go get some pizza and drop red wine down Joanna's white dress?" He nods "okay let's go get some pizza and drop a big glass of red wine down her dress" I smiled helping him up
"Thanks y/n"
"Your welcome,"
"Yes Sam?"
He simply pulled me close and gently kissed me I smiled and kissed him back when he pulled away I saw him smile again "do you wanna come over and watch a movie together tomorrow?"
"What like a date?"
"Very much a date"
"I'd love too" I smiled giving him a kiss "come on before all the pizzas gone" 
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alltimefail-sims · 1 year
If we talkin about ugly sims we got talk about the sims 3 twinbrook cause what was going on there 😭 the bayless family still haunts me and tay bayless looks British ngl
I never got into Sims 3, so I don't know any of the townies/worlds that don't relate to premades from the earlier games. Let me look them up! Gimme one sec...
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... Oh 😬. Oh my. Well that's ummm a choice! But let me just read their wiki description real qui-
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OH?! What the fuck?!
The absolute crime of excessive camo... the incestual implications...I am... lmfao I am just... WOW! There really are just no words. I feel like their description is a wild ride from beginning to end.
I added a Graphic with up-close pics of the family below for those who, much like myself, might have been blissfully unaware of this monstrosity of a family's existence before this cursed day.
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Skeet and Gwayne... that's ummmm another choice! I have never heard the name Gwayne in my life and have no idea where they pulled that from! You're right about Tay though, he does look British! He's very out of place with his little sweater vest: a little sickly Victorian boy in the midst of what looks to be a trailer park family.
But listen... I have to admit that I hate the way all the sims in TS3 look, so I'm not super impartial. The animation just weirded me out for some unknown reason, but I've thought of giving it another chance in recent years as it is so beloved on here. My younger sister, however, loves The Sims 3 - I need to ask her how she felt about this family as they are indeed especially rough, you're right!!!
All that being said... I'm not gonna lie I'd play this family and have a grand old time. This kind of wackity-tackity cuckoo banana shit is right up my alley. Now they're on my townie makeover list! 😂
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mandiemegatron · 11 months
Ahhh we're moots but I'm not gonna lie this thought popped in my head when I seen the other vampire law ask and I dunno how you feel about this so sorry if its uncomfy you don't have to answer it but just- vampire law who casually asks to eat you out while you're on your period because it's killing two birds with one stone. You get period cramps relief while he gets to just enjoy your blood and he's all grinning and smug about it after he's made you orgasm so many times from oral. When he's done he just pulls away drooling and licking his lips thanking you for the appetizer and you're confused at first until he just slides his boxers off and chuckles at your confusion.
"I'm ready for the main course now."
Oof might need to start writing something-
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I love that all my heart pirates are just big ol fuckin nasties. I love you my sweet lil mutual and your big fuckin brain, truly this is a fuckin scrumptious idea and iiiiiiii think you should write more 👀 👀 👀 and then tag me in it bc ummmm this is.... so good 👀🤭💖💖💖💖💖
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wench-and-jezebel · 2 years
Dark Angel Reaction: The Kidz are Aiight
Jezebel (@typicalopposite) reacts [with occasional asides by Wench (@scripted-downfall)]
Oh god😕ew [What a way to start]
Seee this is the part where he seems to not care.  Like oh I love them …. But I’ll also let them die to find the others
[btw um.  Remember how I've mentioned the whole.  PsyOps thing.  That I've mentioned.  Occasionally.  because... this is PsyOps.]  OH SHIT not the laser to the eyeeeee!?!?  Blech
Is this a different Zach?  Like a recast?  [No, I don't think.  He's just.  Ragged]  He looks different 🤣
Is this real or is he losing it?  Or is this part of what they’re doing?  [Do you really think I'm gonna tell you that?  :)]  Rude
Ah, I see
Ew, creepy smile
[I like her pants]
Ma’am.  That.  Doesn’t seem… Sanitary.  
WAIT!  Is this the gif?!  [Yes.]  ISSS THE GIF!  [*sigh* you’ve found another mouse, I see]
This is sweet  [This is true!  The cane thing was kinda cute too]  I KNOWWW 😭😭
[Bruh, the first thing he's gonna have to do with the feeling in his feet is clean the grit from between his toes laksdjf]  🤣🤣🤣 so true
[They both pulling the 80s romcom obsess-over-the-outfit montage]  I’m loving this
☠️☠️☠️ the what is what sir
[Oop- leg shaving?!?!?!  Damn]  🤣🤣🤣  [Things are serious]
["Friendship" Bruh, Logan, you lie]  ☠️☠️☠️
Zach ded
See this is why I don’t like you Lintlicker
Nope! Ack!
Oh.  That-  [Digging himself out of the grave went better for him than it did for Dean ngl]  That was easier… yeah
Is the dr helping or is this a set up  [Nah, I think he was helping?]  Okay good  [I think we saw him hold Zach's hand earlier]  Awwww  [I don’t know for sure though]
You know what this means… Dr gonna die
Friends don’t need candles Logan  [:)))]
“So.” Awkwarddddd  🙂
When are we doing another NCIS!?!  I need someTony now lollll  [asdlkfjasldkfj we can do it soonnnn]
Poor Logan  [Getting stood up for incest vibes]  Logan: Zach?!? 💕💕
[Y'all, I'm not liking this parallelinggggg]  
Oh hello (annoying) Max. I was wondering when you'd show up
Bet Max is thinking “well shit… maybe Logan was right”
[Okay, sorry, but... Acting = 3/10, film staging = 1/10, overall judgement = bad]  “Oooooowuwuwuuuwuu”  That’s the noises that face makes.  Like… Suck it up ☠️☠️☠️  [And did I mention the incest vibes suck]  Yea.  They do
Yes, let’s get in this cave and scream.  Genius
["It's different with you" Ummmm See?!?!?!]  Um  ["How could I forget-" oh god]  Huh.  [“-one single thing about you”]  Ewwwww
– – –
Jezebel: *sigh* Aight, let’s see… We got another not much has happened yet episode.  Except I met PsyOp, or however it’s spelled
Wench: PsyOps.  And it's a department, not a person alksjdflkdsajf  
Jezebel: You shush! I know
Wench: But yeah
Jezebel: And the whole laser in the eye is *sigh*
Wench: So recall that I've told you that Alec's been there a good three times :)
Jezebel: Poor doctor guy tho! Like he did not deserve that… just to help the guy in love with his own sister (and maybe her “not boyfriend” too… it’s complicated)
Wench: I'm still not fully certain whether doctor guy was aboveboard btw.  I can't remember, sorry.  And I wouldn't spoil if I did anyway, so hah!
Jezebel: But alas Max and Logan were being cute and I finally got to see the waterside scene irl 💕💕
Wench: I swear, we're gonna find out later that you've actually watched this entire show through gif form.  It's just two seasons of the Leonardo DiCaprio pointing meme
Jezebel: The “not” date was adorable, but, also, I’m sorry Logan…  if that chicken sat in the oven (while it was off) long enough to have cooked fully…. She’s spoiled.  Manticore ain’t gonna be able to get Max if she dies from Salmonella
Wench: lkasjdf
Jezebel: And then its all thwarted by pre-Zachinator ‘cause he nneeeeedsss Max
Wench: Ugh. Like... it'd be different (maybe) if they were in different units, but, as it is. No. She and Zach are too fraternal to be anything but incestuous. It's about the vibes and theirs are. nop.
Jezebel: And, of course, anything for Zach. So I got a good heaping taste of the Max I hear so much about 
Wench: This is true!  You get proof @witchy-writer-lady and I aren't insane!
Jezebel: 🤣🤣🤣
Wench: Thoughts on their... *cough cough* dynamic?
Jezebel: Yes.  EW.  And that’s it!  That’s the thought. 
Wench: And that’s all for midpoint!
– – –
The flashback thing tho
[“It’s been a long time since I let my guard down long enough to sleep”  Buddy, you slept for two seconds wtf you mean]
Sooo i thought he was just a physical therapist  [I think he is?]  Oh.  He sometimes seems to be more  [alksjdf idk for sure, sorry]
Also, buddy has horrible timing
[Poor Logan, competing with his brother-in-law for romantic attentions... betcha he never expected to have to deal with that]
The cane looming in the background like the serial killer, scary music and all
Twassss a set up
[Real subtle there, undercover guy]  Yeah, lol… Like y’all know they’re senses are heightened
The doctor’s alive!  You dog!
[Y'all.  Why are you sending Ordinaries after two transgenics alsdkjf  They're begging to get their asses kicked]  🤣🤣🤣🤣
[Zach looking over at Logan like "shit, he's got his legs back; now I've got no chance!"]  Zach’s like oh hello  [Oh, shit, "no chance" with which one?!!? Askdjf] 🤣🤣 [See, normally, I’d make a joke about “Logan has two hands” but the incest is keeping me from being able to]  ☠️☠️☠️ True.  Solution: Alec’s gonna come and he’s gonna be like… Welp, I’ve run out of hands… sorry, Zach.
☠️☠️  [The bitchiness is a family trait]
Poor Logan   [I knowwww.  But at least she apologized this time]
[Oh, no, not Normal's excessive patriotism showing up already]  ☠️☠️☠️  He called him a weenie
Sir, you don’t get to call them your kids, you bastaddd.  Lintlicker!
[Um, I'm sorry, that does not qualify as hair that looks "like she hasn't cut it since we escaped" aslkdfj]  🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Very true  [I swear that looked, like.  Shoulder-length]  Maybe it grows slow
[Okay, a little past shoulder length, but still.  Not nine years or whatever]
Does she die?  [Not answeringgggg]
Lintlicker’s Angels over here
Long gaze
[I find it kinda funny that her s2 mantra is "don't lose track of your family because I did and I regretted it ever since" and yet she legit Does Not Stay With Them despite many opportunities to do so]  ☠️☠️☠️☠️
Your “kids”
[Be concerned about this committee btw.  And about who this "she" is]  Ooooof  [They're not talking about executing the order]
[Um.  "She looks just like I remembered"  BITCH WOT.  Y'ALL WERE NINE]
That. Was.  *sigh*  Really adorable  [I knowwwww]
[She's kinda clueless missing that tbh.  Thought she was a supersoldier with keen senses alkdsjf]  Right  [How tf are you missing this]  Like… Ma’am  [THE VEIN IN HIS FACE IS HIGHLY VISIBLE]  *sigh*
Oooooop let me go talk in circles  [Not the monologues aksdjf]  On the skyscraper
[“Maybe it’s something in the way I’m made or something”  IT'S NOT IN THE WAY YOU'RE MADE, MA'AM, IT'S YOU!  YOU SUCK]  🤣🤣🤣🤣
– – – 
Jezebel: The ending had less happen then the beginning.  Minus the rescue, but like… We should have met the sister way sooner.  That was so rushed.  Like oooop here’s a new sibling!  Who you shall see for .05 secs!  Then she’s off to Canada!
Wench: Accurate assessment
Jezebel: But poor Logan
Wench: You're starting to see the Big Drama btw
Jezebel: Back to candle lit transfusions
Wench: Nom: dinner-I mean, what?
Jezebel: 🤣🤣🤣
Wench: Also, Max looking so annoyed at him was so funny.  Like, ma'am, he is literally holding onto the counter for dear life to stay upright.  And you're bitchy about him not letting you stay for salad.
Jezebel: I KNOW!  And like after the cute little see for yourself, why would he just switch up like that???  Ma’am.  How can you be so genetically enhanced.  And so stupid.  At the same time?
Wench: And it's not even answering nature vs nurture because they "nurtured" the observant side of her but clearly that paid zero dividends lakdsjf
Jezebel: 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Wench: Max legit just goes: yeah, no, nature and nurture have got nothing on my particular brand of sheer stupidity #girlpower
Jezebel: 🤣🤣🤣 I just don’t understand
Wench: You haven't even met Alec yet *sigh*  He puts her so far to shame.  ALSO.  To be fair!  s2 has a whole host of different transgenics and they're literally all better than Max.  Joshua is amazing, Mole is great, and BIGGS.  I love Biggs.  He's in one episode but he and Alec have chef's kiss camaraderie.  
Jezebel: Also!  For my final point of the reaction: that is not how you look at your sister.  And done!
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wecandoit · 1 year
Honestly Kohinoor diamond one is a great idea, here's more idea to consider -
1. Glorification of Mughal empire in India (when it was tragically and explicitly hinduphobic)
2. Emma Chamberlain wearing Maharaja Bhupinder Singh’s stolen necklace ?????? Wtf
3. Speaking of Taylor Swift, you can talk abt why it's like, people have to justify before saying anything other than her praises? Yk, you can't even criticize her because the Internet Swifties will follow you to death
4. I know you have Indian heritage (or are directly an Indian I'm sorry I may be wrong, apologies wkgjjw) anyway, you can maybe talk abt Kashmir Files or Kerala Story. Like why aren't We ready to accept that these things are real, especially the Kashmir one. (And do u know kerala story is Banned in KERALA make it make sense)
These are some hot topics and tbh I'm not brave enough to send them off anon. But we're mutuals <3
Ummm are you an angel because!!!! Damn???? Thank you so much!!! My thoughts:
Since I started reading up on the Kohinoor I am madly interested in the imperial history of the Indian sub-continent so the Mughal Empire is deffo something I want to look into
Not gonna lie the Patiala necklace thing lowkey made me laugh because it was so random like. some youtuber just shows up one day wearing a piece of lost treasure to a hollywood fancy dress party??? but yeah i could totally take a similar route with this one as with the Kohinoor
Swifties are definitely somewhere on the same level of protective as ARMY and um. While I respect everyone's right to defend their opinions, some of the fandom retaliation that happens on the internet (Swfities or otherwise) definitely calls for legal investigation.
Ummmm it's the way I was literally born in Kerala and have never heard of the Kerala Story???? Or the Kashmir Files??? Thank you for bringing this to my attention I will immediately be falling into a rabbithole
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