#uncle pablo
greg-sanchez-81 · 9 months
Hey all; I'm Greg Sanchez, a 42-year old father who started this whole tumblr thing back 2020 after my and my husband's 9 year anniversary. I felt this would be a way to document my general lived experience from the ages of 18 to now.
You see, when I was 18, I was the victim of a hit and run incident (I was struck by a random truck that took off) that left me in a coma for two months, where I had dreamt I was the avatar for Huehuecoyotl, the Aztec trickster god.
After I had gotten out of the coma I had:
Begun dating my best friend Atlas
Met Zoe, the literal girl from my dreams
Working under The Milky Way Fund
Getting a record label deal with Conquest, Inc.
(Possibly?) Met my dad's ghost in a coma dream I had after ending up in another accident while I was rushing to the hospital
Marrying Atlas
Having a son with Zoe
Eventually, it all worked out; Zoe and I are still friends, and most of my friends and I live in california.
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yther · 3 months
me in summer: o hey look at datSsun
summer: UTE should know better
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rowanhoney · 1 year
everything is better everything is okay in soft lighting!
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judebelle · 9 months
Can I request Gavi? Xavi is y/n uncle and her and Gavi are a new couple; and they’re still at the shyness stage of dating. So y/n go into the locker room to talk to her uncle and the team is poking at Gavi to go hug or kiss his girlfriend.
perfect - p.g. x reader
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a/n : this is so middle school crush coded i love it
cw : nothing this is just fluff lol
wc : 1.1k
pairing : pablo gavi x fem!reader
you were sat in the vip section of a barcelona match. since your uncle was the manager, you got to sit up here and knew most of the players personally. some of them probably felt forced to interact with you since your uncle was their boss, but you didn't mind the thought of it.
one particular boy took a special liking to you around a month ago.
you and pablo had started talking more and he ended up asking you to be his girlfriend after a practice you had visited.
you two didn't get to see each other as nearly as you had wanted, partly because of pablo's busy schedule, and partly because you were both still very... awkward around each other.
although not seeing each other often, you two went on a few dates which were.. let's just say interesting.
during your first dinner date, pablo accidentally spilled a bit of water on your lap while trying to show you the missing button on his sleeve. you both ended up laughing it off, but you could tell he was embarrassed.
or when you two would walk together, your hands would occasionally brush against each other, urging some blushes and hesitant smiles.
pablo would fumble with his words whenever he tried to give you a compliment.
"your dress looks um.. you look really.. good, er- beautiful, or pretty, whatever you prefer."
you saw it as a cute innocence. you didn't mind having to wipe water off your skirt if you got to see that pink fluster creep up his cheeks every now and then.
you were shaken out of your thoughts as you heard cheers erupt from around you. joao felix had just scored the opener against antwerp on his debut. you stood up and cheered. you didn't know him too well yet, but him and pablo seemed to be hitting it off on the field.
some time passed, and the score was 3-0, one an own goal, and two from joao. you paid close attention to the game now, waiting for pablo to score. you had a feeling he would, and you didnt want to miss it.
once he actually scored, you couldn't contain your excitement, clapping and cheering for him with genuine enthusiasm. caught up in the moment, pablo shyly pointed towards you in the stands, and his face lit up with a proud smile at the sight of your applause. he sends a heart your way, making yours skip a beat.
pablo's teammates playfully teased him about his new romance, finding it cute to see two young people so smitten with each other.
the whistle blew, signalling the end of the game. you stood from your seat, grabbed your phone and lipgloss, applying as you walked down the stairs. you made your way to the tunnel to talk to your uncle and congratulate the team, specifically a special brown haired boy.
you didn’t see him around, so you waited for a bit, but grew impatient. you walked towards the locker room and pushed a knock against the door. “it’s me!” you called out, like usual.
the boys called out jumbled words, but you could make out your uncle’s “come in”. you pushed open the door to see him talking to the boys in the locker room, all still dressed in their kits. they drank water and listened to him intently.
he was going on about some new playing methods and strategies but also included how he was proud of their win. he sent the joao’s a smile and the locker room erupted in cheers. water was splashed around and they got some pats on the back. you congratulated them with a smile and turned to your uncle.
“congratulations, the team did well, courtesy of you, of course.” you flashed xavi a toothy grin and tucked a piece of hair behind your ear.
he smiled back and ruffled the hair you just fixed, earning a whine from you. “thank you, princesa. means a lot coming from someone like you.” he winked sarcastically before pressing a kiss to your forehead. you smiled softly at the gesture.
“so, i was wondering if-“ your words were cut off by hushed whispers and giggles coming from over xavi’s shoulder. you peered over to see jules poking pablo’s rib. pablo smacked his hand away in embarrassment before pedro made a kissing sound at him.
“stop, stop it!” pablo whisper shouted, a tinge of red creeping up his neck. fermin snuck up behind pablo and whispered to him in his ear before ushering him forward. “go say hi, she’s waitinggg!”
“seriously, can you guys not?!”
“oh come on, go give her a hug, lover boy” alejandro had joined in on the games too, messing pablo’s hair up before nudging pedro. “bro, look at how red his face is!” they both laughed at pablo who looked like steam was about to erupt from his ears.
his lips were caught in a pout, his fists balled up, and he was doing everything in his power not to look your way.
eventually, almost the whole squad had joined in on the teasing, pushing pablo towards you. xavi had moved to the side at this point, a admiring smirk playing on his lips as he watched an embarrassed pablo being shoved towards you.
you stood there awkwardly until you finally met face to face. he gulped nervously.
“hi..” he looked as if he’d just seen a ghost.
“hi?” your eyebrows furrowed at his widened eyes. after a few seconds of silence, you spoke again.
“congratulations, you played well.”
you sent him a soft smile so contagious he caught one too. “really?” it almost sounded as if he didn’t believe your words.
“your, um- your goal was my favourite..” you bit your lip and looked up at pablo through your eyelashes.
he was about to respond until a chant echoed through the room.
“hug! hug! hug! hug! hug!”
you felt the familiar heat rise up from your ears and saw an almost identical reflection on pablo’s face.
an apologetic smile snuck its way onto his face before he whispered out,
“may i?”
you couldn’t help but giggle before you opened your arms, ready for his embrace. your bodies connected and you nuzzled your head into the crook of his neck. you fit together so perfectly. his hands were unsure at first, but slowly secured around your waist, yours wrapped around his neck.
the room erupted in cheers and applause, some shouting out “aww” and “oooh”. you couldn’t help but laugh into pablo’s shoulder.
oh how perfect this felt.
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milaisreading · 9 months
Hi! Sorry to bother but is it alright for me to request a scenario where Isagi's older sis married Sae and they had a baby. They then bring the baby to see the people in blue lock including the international players. I am just curious about their reactions:)
Tysm and happy new year!
🌱🩷: Hi! Happy New Year as well, and thank u! I hope u like what I wrote here and thanks for the request!
Warnings: Reader uses she/her. Requests are open
⚽️Blue Lock belongs to Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Yusuke Nomura⚽️
"Rin." Sae stared at his brother, who was growing more nervous by the minute.
"Yoichi." The boy flinched as he looked at his sister who was smiling, but he could tell that she was anything but happy.
"Y-yes, sis?" Yoichi chuckled nervously.
"What's the meaning of all these bags?" (Y/n) asked as she pointed at the items next to her.
"And why were you two even arguing about them?" Sae asked quietly as he held a sleeping toddler in his arms.
"Well, I got Mina a cute jersey in her size. I would have given it to her as well, if it wasn't for a lukewarm striker." Rin said as he sent the mildly offended Yoichi a look.
"Lukewarm? Well, brother issues, I got Mina a jersey her size as well. Of course I will give it to her."
"Keep it down, you two. Mina just fell asleep and it's a miracle she didn't wake up as we got her out of the car." Sae rolled his eyes as he walked out of the living room to bring the girl to her bed. (Y/n) chuckled a little, finding this all a little comedic.
"I still don't see the issue. Why did you argue?"
Rin and Yoichi visibly grew flustered as they kept silent for a moment, until Yoichi spoke up.
"It's my Re Al jersey. Though it would be cute if she wore it."
"And I got her my from PXG."
"Aww! That's adorable! Mina will look so cute when she wears her uncles' jerseys!" (Y/n) cheered, already liking the idea.
"Except, the only jersey Mina will wear is mine, her dad's. Keep dreaming, you two." Sae suddenly appeared behind them, patting them on the back, causing (Y/n) to laugh at their reactions. Both looked like deer caught in headlights.
"Oh... then, (Y/-"
"And (Y/n) will also wear only mine." Sae interrupted as (Y/n) went to put the presents away.
'Don't worry you two, Sae can't tell me no, though.' She giggled, already imagining how cute she will look in it.
"Are you sure we can leave her with them?" Sae asked nervously as him and (Y/n) watched Luna, Pablo, Silva, and Adam play with Mina. The redhead jumped a little as he saw Adam kick the ball towards the 2 years old.
"Be gentle!" Sae warned as (Y/n) pulled him away.
"He was gentle. Thanks again for watching over her, we will be back in an hour." The (h/c)-haired woman said as the older Itoshi still eyed them suspiciously.
"Welcome, you don't have to worry about her. Mina is in good hands-" Silva interrupted himself as he heard Luna and Adam arguing.
"She pointed at me, so that means she wants to play with me." The Brit argued as the Spaniard spoke again.
"You? She clearly pointed at me, I am like a uncle to her at this point. Right, Sae?"
Before Sae could say anything, (Y/n) pulled him away.
"You two are amazing at this! Don't worry!"
"Want to watch some cartoons on my phone?" Pablo offered as he picked Mina up, much to the dismay of the other 2 players.
"Peek-a-boo!" Loki yelled as he uncovered his eyes, causing the little girl to squeal in (Y/n)'s arms. Sae was away for the moment talking with his manager, and Rin was just sulking.
'I was supposed to play with her today! Not my team!' Rin groaned silently as he watched Shidou and Karasu approach the toddler.
"Can I pick her up?" The raven haired boy asked, earning a nod from (Y/n).
"Aww! You act absolutely nothing like your dad." Karasu said as picked the smiling toddler up.
"Karasu." Loki warned.
"Her personality might not be like his, but look wise she is a little Sae. She already seems to be interested in football as well." (Y/n) laughed as Shidou patted the girl's head.
"Let's hope her personality stays like yours, and nothing like her dad or uncle's." Shidou said, sending a look towards Rin, which pissed him off.
"What do you mean, you antenna freak?!"
"What you heard, Rin-chan." This caused a full on argument between the duo as Loki started separating them. Mina, finding it all amusing, started laughing in Karasu's arms as he looked at them disapprovingly.
"Idiots." He mumbled as (Y/n) took some mercy on Loki and decided to help him.
"Come on, Yoichi, I will make sure she doesn't fall." Kaiser said, more to tease the younger Isagi than anything. The blue-eyed boy rolled his eyes as he moved Mina further away from Kaiser's sight. Hiori smiled down at her and played with her hair as Kurona observed the moment.
"Ok, then..." Yukimiya said, stepping between the duo.
"Now, let's not argue in front of Mina. She might get scared." Yukimiyaa warned the two as the toddler started laughing and clapping at their antics.
"I see she took more after your sister." Hiori commented as Isagi turned his attention back on them.
"Yup! Mina can also be clumsy at times, so she is a copy of my sis when it comes to that." Yoichi laughed a little as Gagamaru walked over with some toys.
"Some of the older players gave me these so Mina can play with them. They said they ordered some food for her to eat later." The goalkeeper explained as the toddler kept fixating on the items in his hands.
"Ahh! Thanks, Gagamaru. Let's play now, Mina."
The toddler giggled and nodded her head as Kaiser whined how he was ignored.
It was night time at the Itoshi household and the laughters of both Mina and (Y/n) were heard through the household. Sae smiled at the two as they played out a runway show with the jerseys Rin and Yoichi bought recently.
"See! She looks so adorable in both Rin and Yoichi's! Why won't you let her wear them during one game at least." (Y/n) whined as she took another picture of the toddler. Sae, from his spot next to her shook his head with the same smile plastered on his face.
"Nope~ you and Mina are both going to be wearing my jerseys for as long as it will take." Sae chuckled as he gave her a small kiss on the lips.
"Come on!" She protested as Mina crawled on Sae's lap, causing the older to hug her immediately.
"Besides, you two look a lot cuter in my jersey. Why would I want you two to look ugly?"
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pablitogavii · 1 year
gavi x reader, where he’s all clingy on his birthday and he wants to introduce her to his family like his aunts, uncles and grandparents and she’s so nice to his younger cousins and he’s like falling in love with her all over again bc of how nice she is to everyone, fluff?
Birthday celebration
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"I'm so glad everyone could come here for my birthday" Pablo said while you were setting the table at his house in Barcelona smiling when you saw his excited face.
Pablo might be a professional athlete that is already accomplished so much but deep down he is still just a nineteen year old boy excited for his birthday party.
"Me too amor. You look so handsome" you walk up to him fixing his hair a little and he lets you leaning down to kiss your lips when the doorbell rang.
"Guests are here. Go ahead and open amor" you say and he nods rushing to the door in excitement seeing his old childhood friends Mario and Alejandro.
"Welcome guys!" you say hugging them as well smiling when you saw Pablo already opening up resents and thanking them. He was such a cute boy!
"How are you guys? How's Sevilla?" you started the small talk while taking out some drinks and food while Pablo went to open the door again to his family, Aurora and Javi.
"Hola hermanita!" Aurora hugged you first and you smiled hugging her back before Belen joined it kissing your head. His whole family was so sweet to you and your heart melted.
"Mi hija bonita!" Belen said and you blushed seeing Pablo looking at the two of you with a smile on his face.
"What would you like to drink?" you ask and even though Pablo wanted to help you sat him down telling him that he is birthday boy and should enjoy today. Aurora helped you instead.
"Here's your ice tea amor" you put the glass down resting your hands on his strong shoulders while chatting with his parents and Pablo just watched in awe taking one of your hands in his and kissing it.
Doorbell rang again and you leaned in kissing his cheek and whispering "go open up birthday boy" making him smile and do as you said.
"Feliz cumpleaños Pablito!" his abuela walked in with a cake and you smiled when you saw Pablo blushing while walking in with his grandparents into the dining room.
"Puedes darme el pastelseñora, lo pondré en la nevera" [you can give me the cake, and I will put it in the fridge] you say and the lady smiled nodding her head and touching your face gently.
"Tan linda! Será mejor que seas un buen chico, Pablito!" [so beautiful! you better be a good boy Pablito!] she spoke and you smiled nodding your head while walking into the kitchen with the cake.
"Siempre abuela!" Pablo smiled helping them sit down before you brought some refreshments.
"Tu español es tan bueno!" [Your Spanish is so good!] his grandpa said and even Pablo felt so proud that you were willing to learn his language just so you can speak to his family. He was doing the same by learning English and communicating to yours.
"Gracias! Tengo un buen maestro!" [Thank you! I have a good teacher!] you said kissing Pablo's head and he smiled nodding his head proudly saying that you were his best student.
Soon after, Pablo's aunt with her little kids came as well and the boy was very excited to kick ball with their Pablito as they called him. Your heart was filled when you saw Pablo playing with him and just how carefree he felt with his whole family around him.
The little girl always talked about how pretty you are and how she wanted to look like you. She was so cute and you always did her braids whenever she came by so this time was no difference.
"She just always talks about you, querida" Pablo's aunt said and of course Pablo overheard the conversation smiling when he saw how happy his little cousin was sitting on your lap and having ehr hair braided.
He couldn't imagine he finally found someone who is so kind and fits perfectly with his family. There was no doubt in his mind that you were the one.
"Alright, done! Who is ready for the cake!?" you say and both the little girl and boy jumped happily rushing with you towards the kitchen giving Pablo a little break to sit down with the rest of the guests.
"Ella es muy especial Pablito.." [She's very special Pablito..] his grandma said with a smile and Pablo blushed her words meaning so much to him.
"Es una chica tan humilde y amable. ¡Realmente trata bien a nuestro chico y no podríamos estar más felices!" [She's such a humble and kind girl. Really treats our boy right and we couldn't be happier!] his mom added and now Pablo was bright red not really the one to talk much about how he feels.
"Mamá! Ella te escuchará!" [Mom! She'll hear you!] Pablo whined while everyone laughed at his shyness.
"Él es tímido, pero está claro que ella lo hace feliz." [He's just shy but it's clear that she makes him happy.] Javi added and everyone nodded and by that time you were back with the cake singing him a birthday song.
Everyone joined in and when it was done Pablo grabbed your hand closing his eyes to make a wish before blowing his candles and everyone cheered while you moved down to kiss his head.
He stood up as everyone congratulated him once more until he finally came to you holding your waist and pulling you close.
"I had nothing to wish for..I have everything I need right here" he whispered before you both kissed and everyone applauded making you both blush and smile.
"I love you so much..happy birthday cariño!" you say while hugging him happy to have become apart of his family.
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keikoyume · 9 months
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OFF x The Boy and the Heron
I had this concept since November and I had to draw it!!
Here some explanations and more ideas about the crossover:
Hugo is the protagonist (Mahito, in the movie), he travels through the ‘OFF world’ discovering a land of wonders. Perhaps his presence will have an impact on it…
I thought the Queen could be Mahito’s great uncle until I changed my mind for Enoch instead (I really wanted to put the three guardians). Vader Eloha would be Natsuko (Mahito/Hugo’s new mom).
Weirdly, Japhet is wearing Valérie’s corpse but also has his cat corpse in his mouth (it’s for the aesthetic✨), he's the heron the best character in the movie.
Pablo has the role of Himi, in the crossover, he’s the cat of Hugo’s deceased mom.
Warawaras are young Elsens floating with (Sucre’s) balloons, parrots are Burnts (and pelicans would be specters).
Dedan is Kiriko, he fishes meat in… the meat actually. I was thinking about the idea he’d fish cows, I felt it’d be cute and absurd. I was also thinking he’d be doing that on a big pedalo✨
Finally, I think the Batter would be the parrot king, I felt it was fitting for the character and his rough behavior in the movie.
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barcalover86 · 1 year
Mi culpa- Pablo Gavi (a)
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Summary: You and Gavi had a huge fight right before his game, and he tells you that he doesn't want you to make it to the game and you get into a car accident.
I saw this on tik tok, so credits to whoever had this idea first. Enjoy!!
2nd Masterlist
"He said he would be here, mama."
"Y/n, sweetheart, it's been 2h. He is clearly not coming anymore."
"I'll call him again"
"You've already called him multiple times. He won't answer. It's ok, you can go to his game."
"But he said he would be here! Maybe something happened to him."
You started to panick at the thought of losing Gavi. You've been together for a long time, and you just couldn't imagine your life without this boy by your side.
He promised you that he would come to your family lunch. Everyone was there waiting for him. Your cousins, parents, uncles, grandparents.. everyone.
You texted him constantly, hoping for at least an answer, but he wouldn't pick up his phone. He never did that, and you were now on the edge of crying in front of your family.
You were so embarrassed when people would ask you about where he is. You at first tried to say that he is only at some training or the traffic is wild now.
It had come to a time when no more excuses could be make.
"Don't you want to eat something?"
"No, papa."
"He is for sure, alright. Maybe he couldn't make it, but forgot to tell you."
"No, he wouldn't do this."
You sighed before apologising to everyone about Gavi and telling them that you are going to his house to see what's the problem.
When you arrived there you saw Gavi preparing to go to the game. When you saw him alive and all save, anger started to feel in all your body.
"Qué te pasa?" (What is wrong with you!?)
When he heard your voice, he smiled, but right after he saw your face, it faded away.
"No me digas que no sabes de lo que hablo" (Don't tell me you don't know what i'm talking about)
"No, realmente no lo hago."
After you realised that he forgot about this lunch, you felt like you could kill someone right there. He promised to you and knew how important it was for you.
"No puedo creerlo" you said it more to yourself. How could he forget?
"Por favor, dime de qué estás hablando." (Please tell me what you are talking about.) he said it with a shaky voice.
"Te olvidaste de mi almuerzo familiar!! ¡Me prometiste que estarías allí y sabías lo importante que era para mí!" (You forgot my family lunch!! You promised me that you would be there and you knew how important it was to me!)
When he remembered about the lunch, he stopped doing whatever he was and tried to come to you to apologise, but you just walked out of his embrace.
"Te he llamado varias veces durante horas, Pablo! Por jodidas horas! No tienes idea de lo avergonzado que me sentí allí de pie, esperándote mientras todos preguntaban 'dónde está tu novio!?' Pues yo tampoco lo sé!" (I have called you several times for hours, Pablo! For fucking hours! You have no idea how embarrassed I felt standing there, waiting for you while everyone was asking 'where's your boyfriend!?' Well, I don't know either!)
"Y lo peor es que pense que te habia pasado algo! Estaba entrando en pánico porque te perdí y tú estás... aquí!? Haciendo.. nada!? (And the worst thing is that I thought something had happened to you! I was panicking because I lost you and you're…here!? Doing. Nothing!?)
"Lo siento mucho. Lo olvidé por completo, pero por favor tienes que entenderme también. Tengo un juego difícil esta noche y mi mente estaba en eso. Lo siento mucho" (I am sorry. I completely forgot, but please, you have to understand me too. I have a tough game tonight, and my mind was only on it. I'm really, really sorry.)
He was sad and you tried to understand him, but just couldn't. It was something that is hard to forget.
"Deberías haberme dicho esto antes de prometerme que estarías allí." (You should have told me this before you promised me you'd be there.)
He rolled his eyes. He was in no mood for a fight now, and he really had to go to the stadium.
"Entiendo, es mi culpa, pero por favor, olvidémoslo. Tengo un juego para asistir-" (I understand, it's my fault, but please, let's forget about it. I have a game to attend-)
"Solo te importa ese juego!" you said it, now really angry. You were about to cry, but tried to keep as calm as possible.
"Bueno, por supuesto. ¡Ahora mismo es más importante!" (Now it's more important)
"Qué?" you said it shocked. You really had enough of this.
"Como has oído, sí. Tengo que concentrarme en ello." (As you heard, yes. I have to concentrate on it.)
"Entonces el juego es mas importante que yo?"
"Ahora sí"
You felt like you could throw yourself from a bridge now.
You nodded your head and were about to leave before saying the last thing he ever heard from you.
"Entonces no quiero arruinar tu noche." (Then I won't ruin your night.).
He rolled his eyes once again.
"Estás siendo tan dramático. Realmente espero que no llegues al estadio. No soporto tu estado de ánimo esta noche." (You are being so dramatic. I really hope you don't make it to the stadium. I can't stand your mood tonight.)
When you heard him say that, you smiled sadly. You never thought that you two would become like this. You still wanted to come to his match. You knew that he didn't mean it and that your support was really important for him.
Pablo felt horrible after you left. He never shouted at you, and doing that made him devastated. He tried to forget about your fight. He had a match to win tonight.
You went back to your house without saying anything more. Your parents asked you if you talked to your boyfriend. At that moment, you didn't even know if you were together anymore. All this was so confusing and you needed to clear your mind for a bit.
You threw yourself on the bed and slept for some good minutes.
When it was only 30 minutes before the game would begin, you changed (still wearing his jersey) and went to your car to drive yourself to the stadium.
You still hadn't eaten anything and you were starting to be a bit dizzy.
It was already night outside, and the traffic was absolutely full. When you were right next to the stadium, someone bumped hard into you, making pieces of your car to be thrown away. You only saw white, and you fainted.
While the game had started, sirens of ambulance started to be heard everywhere. People were confused and curious, the game being forgotten.
After the first half ended, Xavi went directly at Gavi, shouting his name.
"Gavi!!! Gavi!! Ven aquí!"
"Qué pasa?"
"Tu chica está en el hospital... en coma. Ve con ella ahora mismo. Tienes que estar allí con-" (your girl is in the hospital in a coma. You have to go there, be with-)
"Qué!? No- por favor, Xavi, no-"
"Lo siento mucho"
"No, no"
Right now, Gavi started to cry. It was his fault and only his. He had to take you here himself. Now he lost you forever.
He hurried up to the hospital you were at, leaving the game behind. He ran like he never had.
When he arrived, he asked everyone about you. Every nurse that was around was asked about your condition by Gavi. He was really panicked and when he saw your family standing there, he cried harder.
He started to say that it's all his fault and that you two fought. He couldn't lose you knowing that the last thing you talked was something bad.
Your family tried to console him, knowing how a good boy he is. Nothing was working. He wanted to see you, he had to see you.
He stayed there all night on that chair. He didn't sleep at all, wanting to be the first one that knew about your condition. He prayed all the time, hoping for you to wake up.
He just couldn't live without you.
He cried like he never had. Days had passed, and Gavi was still there at the hospital. He saw you only for some seconds, and it was enough for him to make him cry harder.
Your parents and his would bring chlotes to him and food. He just didn't want to leave that seat.
His eyes were all red and puffy while your mother was hugging him close to her heart. She would tell him nice stuff in his ear, trying to calm him down a bit.
He knew that if you would die, he wouldn't be able to forgive himself for it.
Everyone was praying for you because everyone loved you. You were a sweet person, someone who went through hell in this life, but every time, you chose to be a kind-hearted girl. You were the one that was there for everyone, the friend that you wouldn't get bored with.
Every person would want a friend like you, and every boy would love a girlfriend as you.
"Gavi!!! Gavi!!!! Everyone is cheering for this incredible boy! Spain, champions of the world!! All this because of this talent of Pablo Gavi!!"
"You did it, amor! Congratulations!!!!!"
"Mis chicas..." he said while taking your daughter from your hands and kissing your lips.
"Te amo.." he said, and you smiled.
"Te amo, y/n".
He said while holding your hand on the hospital bed.
"Despertar... por favor" (wake up.. please)
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wanderinginksplot · 1 year
What to watch during the writer's strike:
Don't pay attention to companies who blame writers for delayed movies and television shows! The WGA strike comes from people who are trying to make things better - not only for themselves and other writers, but the films and tv shows we all love.
While we wait for a resolution, I thought I would share some existing television shows that I enjoy. I didn't bother with too much well-known stuff. Instead, I focused on shows I feel many people missed because of the glut of content that all premiered at once over the last few years. (I may make another one of these for movies later on, but this one is about tv.)
[Update: Movie version here]
Feel free to add on! Just try to give a quick, spoiler-free synopsis for the show and the streaming service where it can be found.
List under the cut!
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The Good Place (2016-2020) - A 'bad' woman is accidentally sent to heaven. She and her moral philosophy professor of a soulmate try to save her soul by making her a better person. Genre: Comedy with deeper implications and one of the best endings in television history.
Russian Doll (2019-2022) - When Nadia dies at her birthday party, she's more than a little confused to come back. Especially when it keeps happening. Genre: Time loop drama with a wicked sense of humor and a dash of theoretical physics. Potentially not ended?
Narcos (2015-2017) - The fight of the American DEA and the Colombian army against cocaine kingpin Pablo Escobar and his reign of terror. Genre: Drama with thrilling elements. Lots of violence, some sex and language. Lots of subtitles. Features Pedro Pascal and Boyd Holbrook, if you need some extra incentive.
Derry Girls (2018-2022) - Five teens grow up in Derry, Ireland in the 1990s, amid the final years of the Troubles, a low-level war that lasted roughly 30 years. Genre: Comedy. Some sexual content, some religious content, less violence than you would expect, and the best nun ever to appear on film.
Arcane (2021-?) - Two sisters are alienated when one accidentally kills their adoptive father. Their different paths threaten the fragile peace of a city already on the breaking point. Genre: Drama with elements of action-adventure. Though it's animated, Arcane's animation is beautifully done with tantalizing steampunk elements that will keep you invested.
Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008-2020) - If you haven't seen any of the Star Wars animated series, this is a good place to start. Set in the time gap between Episode II and Episode III, this series helps flesh out Anakin Skywalker and the Jedi. It is also a great introduction to some of the characters and plots of The Mandalorian. (Star Wars: Rebels is another good choice.) Genre: Adventure with some drama. Violence and death are a large part of The Clone Wars, but it's usually appropriate for children. The clone troopers will steal your heart!
Gravity Falls (2012-2016) - Dipper Pines and his sister Mabel are sent to Gravity Falls, Oregon to live with their great-uncle for their summer break. But when Dipper finds a mysterious book in the woods, the pair find that Gravity Falls is far more mysterious than it seems... Genre: Adventure with a lot of comedy. Though it's billed as a children's cartoon, Gravity Falls is an intriguing watch with mystery subplots that will keep anyone guessing. It also features a famously strong and cohesive series ending. I was in my late 20s when I first watched this and I was still invested!
Daredevil (2015-2018) - After being blinded as a young boy, Matthew Murdock trained his other senses to replace the sight that he lost. He uses his skills to protect the helpless in the New York City neighborhood of Hell's Kitchen. Genre: Action and superhero. Features a lot of incredibly choreographed violence. (Jessica Jones is also an excellent show to watch, especially if you think of David Tennant as the consummate 'good guy'. He's got range!)
HBO Max (Just 'Max' now, I guess):
Ghosts (2019-2023) - Petty roommate squabbles don't stop just because you're dead! Alison and her husband Mike inherit a house, then a near-death experience allows Alison to see its ghostly inhabitants. Chaos and humor ensue as the ghosts try to adjust to the house's new owners. Genre: Humor. Ghosts is a British sitcom, but since the writers are comedians (writing and performing in Horrible Histories), the show is done in a style that feels more natural to American viewers. Hint: watch the BBC version, not the American one. They're fairly similar, but definitely not the same!
Pushing Daisies (2007-2009) - A pie-maker with the ability to bring back the dead helps to solve murders. He's helped by his once-dead childhood sweetheart. Genre: Comedy with some dramatic elements. Some of the CGI-heavy moments haven't aged particularly well, but the show has a unique premise and an incredibly talented cast!
Abbott Elementary (2021-?) - This mockumentary series showcases an inner-city elementary school in Philadelphia. The teachers and administration do their best for the kids, but they're constrained by budgets and the limitations of the educational system itself. Genre: Comedy mockumentary. Though Abbott Elementary is fictional, some of the issues brought up are all too real. This is a funny and incisive look at the American public school system.
Amazon Prime:
Fleabag (2016-2019) - The unnamed protagonist of the show struggles through life on her own with limited support from her alienated family and the memories of her recently deceased best friend. Genre: Comedy with lots of dramatic elements. Lots of sexual content and references, some language, breaking the fourth-wall, and several characters you just long to hit. I watched the second season in a single day, that's how good this was.
Unknown Streaming Service:
Black Sails (2014-2017) - This prequel to Treasure Island features elements from the book, original characters, and real pirates from history in a setting that emphasizes realism. Captain Flint and his crew search for a legendary prize... one that might allow them to claim Nassau for their own. Genre: Action and adventure. Think Game of Thrones, but with pirates. Incredibly well-written and well-acted with gorgeous scenery, LGBTQ representation, and just enough historical accuracy to keep things grounded. Black Sails also boasts one of the best endings ever given for a television show.
Like I said, please feel free to reblog and add your own television show recommendations onto this list! There are plenty of things to watch and plenty of ways to support the WGA strike that don't involve giving in to big studios.
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ts1m1kas · 11 months
Original Ask: reader is sergio ramos's niece ( around gavi's age ) and during the sevilla vs barcelona match she is seen comforting her uncle when he decides to introduce her to gavi, and they hit off, sergio of course approves because gavi is literally his demon child 🤪 (@findingnemosworld)
Word Count: 471 words
(author's note: i had so much fun writing this, i hope you all enjoy it !!)
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For Y/N, being the niece of Sergio Ramos was the best thing in the world. She went to every single game his team played, as she had been a Sevilla fan all her life. Having her uncle return to her childhood club was a dream come true.
It was matchday. Y/N was sat on the sidelines, a Ramos jersey as her choice of shirt for the occasion. It was Sevilla v Barcelona and tensions were high.
The players emerged from the tunnels and lined up on the pitch. Sergio shot his niece a smile as he fell into position with the rest of his teammates. Little did he know, it would be a tragic game for his team.
The game went terribly. Sevilla lost 3-0 despite a desperate effort to level out the scoreboard. Once the game was over, Sergio sat deflated in one of the chairs on the side of the pitch.
“Please don’t be too upset, Uncle. There will be other games.” Y/N tried to reason. But it was no use. Sergio was devastated.
At that moment, Pablo was walking past. He caught Sergio’s eye, and he called him over. Gavi signalled to his friends to go on without him as he headed over to where Ramos and his niece sat.
“Hola, Sergio. Is everything okay?” Pablo asked.
“Si, everything is fine. This is my niece Y/N, I thought I would introduce you to her.”
Y/N waved at Gavi, smiling sweetly at the boy that stood in front of her. Pablo returned the gesture, slightly taken aback by the gorgeous girl that stood before him.
“I’ll leave you two to get to know each other.” Sergio stated, before walking off to the changing rooms.
“Hello.” Pablo said awkwardly. He was slightly intimidated by her beauty and confident demeanour, but he wasn’t surprised. She was the niece of the infamous Sergio Ramos.
“You played very well today. You’re very talented.” She replied. Y/N had always found Gavi attractive. It had all started when she saw him make his debut for Barcelona.
“That’s very kind of you. Has anyone ever told you how pretty you are?”  Pablo responded, his cheeks flushing pink at his statement.
Y/N laughed. “Yes, I get that a lot. You aren’t too bad yourself, you know?”
Gavi smiled. “I don’t mean to be forward, but would there be any chance of me taking you out for dinner? I think we would get along pretty well.”
“I’m sure Y/N would love to Pablo. Isn’t that right?” Sergio said, remerging from the changing rooms, making the pair jump.
“I’d love to.” She agreed.
Gavi nodded and, with a smile, said, “I’ll be in contact.”
He then jogged over to the Barcelona dressing room, but not before throwing a wink Y/N’s way.
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footballlover8 · 1 year
Baby On The Way||Pedri
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Liked by y/n…Paéz_Gavira, pablogavi and 981.999 others
Pedri: We are expecting❤️🥰
Tagged: @y/n…Paéz_Gavira
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Pablogavi: ¡No puedo creer que yo también vaya a ser tío!❤️
(I can’t believe I’m going too be an uncle!)
y/n…Paéz_Gavira: Gracias mikky❤️
Aurorapaezg: Hermanita beat me too it🥰
Aurorapaezg:Mano you’re literally only an hour older😭
Pablogavi:Shut the fuck up rora🙄
Belengavira79:you’re both so immature, I’m not surprised my littlest niña is first
y/n…Paéz_Gavira: Hermano you don’t even want children????
Pablogavi:Shut up..doesn’t mean that you’re still not before me
Belengavira79: Pablo martín paéz Gavira! You do not talk to a pregnant woman like that!
Pablogavi:WHAT!?? But she can talk too me however she wants???
Belengavira79:As I said she’s pregnant!
User533:All the Gavi girls crying cause they found out he doesn’t want children now😭
Fan35:We lost him ladies and gents…😞
Fan8:I can’t believe Pedri is gonna be a daddy!🥰❤️
Pedri:Gracias Hermano❤️
Alejandrobalde:I can’t believe it! This is insane! Congratulations❤️
Liked by Pedri & y/n…Paéz_Gavira
Ericgm4: ¡Me alegro mucho por vosotros dos!❤️
(So happy for you two!❤️)
y/n…Paéz_Gavira: Gracias Eric!🥰
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Liked by Pablogavi, pedri, Mikkykiemmeney and 642.523 others
y/n…Paéz_Gavira:Littlest Gavira/González coming soon❤️🥰
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Pedri:Mi hermosa princesa😍❤️
y/n…Paéz_Gavira liked this comment❤️
Annalewandowska:My baby is all grown up🥲❤️
Fan6:How do you look so pretty pregnant????
User1:She’s completely stolen him now
Belengavira79: ¡Mi princesita adulta!❤️
(My grown up little princess!❤️)
Liked by y/n…Paéz_Gavira & Pedri
User11:She’s so prettyyyyyyy!😍😍
User31:Pedri is so lucky!😍😭
Pedri: I am🥰
PedrisssLover:She probably got pregnant on purpose without discussing it because she doesn’t want him too leave her🙄
User5:How old are you? 5?😬
User:I’ve always imagined Pedri being a dad but I never actually expected it..at least not so soon🥰
Pablogavi:I hope she annoys the shit out of you @pedri ❤️
Pedri:actually no, only shit talking you Hermano🥰
User:Stop I love them sm😭😭😭
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Liked by raphinia, sergioramos, pablogavi and 999.742 others
Pedri:Two beautiful baby boys on the way💙 Mami y papi can’t wait too meet you!
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Pablogavi:Diego in the second photo🤣❤️
Taia_belloli:I can’t believe you’re having twins! I could never!💙
y/n…Paéz_Gavira:you make it seem like I look good during my pregnancy.
Pedri:You literally do..? You think I can edit…?😭
y/n…Paéz_Gavira:DON’T TALK BACK TOO ME
User8:pregnant women>>>> comedians
User9:I wanna marry her
Pedri:Excuse me...? Im first...and last
Pedri:Mine, so back off. @Raphinia come get your girl before she steals mine
Raphinia: @taiabeloli Im feeling very betrayed right now babe🥲
Liked by y/n…Paéz_Gavira
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Liked by taia_belloli, Pedri, Frenkiedejong and 863.825 others
y/n…Paéz_Gavira:Love my two baby boys so, so much ❤️❤️🥰
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Pedri:My three babies🥰
y/n…Paéz_Gavira: Excuse you..? I’m a grown woman😾
Pedri:My bad miss baby😲
Pablogavi:Why are my nephews so adorable..?🥹
y/n…Paéz_Gavira:Because they look like me…😍
User7:Omg they’re finally here!❤️🥰
Frenkiedejong: adorable ❤️🥰
Mikkykiemmeney:So beautiful
Aurorapaezg:My beautiful nephews🥰
Javi_begines:I can’t believe they’re here already 🥰❤️
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Liked by y/n…Paéz_Gavira, pablogavi, sergiroberto and 1.2 million others
Pedri: Just like their mami y papi❤️💙
Tagged: y/n…Paéz_Gavira
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Pablogavi:Why do they grow up so fast?🥲
User:I remember the day they were born🥰
Rosylopez: Mis guapos nietos🥰❤️❤️
(My handsome grandsons🥰❤️❤️)
Liked by Pedri
User66:Omg imagine them on the first team together when they grown up!!😭❤️
Ericgm3:Future futbolliata’s🥰
Ferrantorres:Miss my little monsters🥹🥰
y/n…Paéz_Gavira:@ericgm3 @ferrantorres Come over you idiots they miss you guys, they are getting tired of Gavi…
Ericgm3:already on my way…can’t let Gavi bore them out
Pablogavi: Excuse me…They love me
y/n…Paéz_Gavira: Did I say that they didn’t love you? No, no I didn’t.
User62:I just know y/n is so done with his ass
User8:I love how Pedro Jr looks just like y/n and Carlos looks just like Pedri🥹🥰
y/n…Paéz_Gavira: It’s kinda ironic…should’ve been the opposite
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xas24 · 1 year
number 30 (pt. 2) ~ pablo gavi
pt. 1
summary: pablo sees y/n again and doesn’t let the opportunity slip.
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the first thing pablo did when he got home that night is search her up on instagram. clearly he knew that he wouldn’t really find anything with just her first name, but still he typed it into the search engine and saw as a range of accounts popped up.
he scrolled, looking at each profile picture to see if he could find any resemblance of her. he was browsing for atleast a minute when his eyes widened, landing on a profile picture that looked exactly like her.
he clicked on it and his excitement dissipated when he saw that her account was private. however, she did follow him and the “follow back” button was tempting him. she didn’t have many followers and no one he knew followed her. as his finger hovered over the button, he thought twice.
it would be completely unexpected if he just randomly requested to follow her. she probably didn’t even know that he remembered her name, or even noticed it, seeming a little stalker-ish that he went home to specifically find her instagram and request it.
so he swiped off of the app with a sigh, opting to waste some of his time on tiktok instead.
“¡aquí están nuestros asientos!” (here are our seats!) y/n’s little sister stated as they finally stopped walking. y/n turned to look back up at the many, many rows of seats and her brows furrowed when she turned back to see her sister already getting comfy in her chair.
“¿cómo conseguiste estos asientos?” (how did you manage to get these seats?) y/n asked, sitting down. they were so close to the front of the pitch, practically front-row seats. they could see all the players’ benches, the managers, everything so much more clearly.
her sister shrugged, “papá me quiere más.” (dad loves me more)
y/n rolled her eyes. “muy divertido. estoy siendo serio.” (very funny. i’m being serious)
“yo también.” (me too)
y/n left it at that as she turned back to the front when the players started walking out. the stadium erupted with cheers and screams, her sisters probably being the most loudest one there - sometimes she loved how vocal she was about her love for the football club.
they’ve both had a passion for football when they were younger, both growing up loving barça, their home club. it was their uncle who first got them into football. he loved taking his two favourite neices to all the matches he visited, buying them little custom made jerseys and scarves to match their love for the club.
as they all grew older, it was more y/n and her sister who took their uncle to the matches. a few years ago, when he died due to cancer, the two were most devastated. none of their other family members loved football as much as him, no one else wanted to love it for them, no one else would’ve been able to replace him.
the two went to every single barça match after that, knowing how happy it would’ve made their uncle to see they still had that pride and happiness for their club.
although they usually sat on one of the top rows, y/n did not know what possessed her father to pay extra money, on behalf of her little sisters pleads, to sit right at the front today. she didn’t question it though, the view was amazing.
the bright colours of red and blue illuminated the whole stadium and y/n smoothed out her own blaugrana jersey as she cheered along with the rest of the camp. the jersey she wore held a special moment in her life, small but meaningful, as she remembered how her favourite player had interacted with her on the day of the champions parade.
it was only a week ago but she couldn’t stop thinking about it after that, her heart rate quickening every time she thought about it. the way he had stared up at her, asked her what number was on her back, cheered and smiled when he saw his own, held eye contact with her until he literally couldn’t anymore.
she was delusional. it was completely meaningless from his side, just a star player interacting with a fan. however, it meant so much more to her - even her sister couldn’t stop talking about it for a few hours after.
it was now halfway through the match when majority of the stadium erupted with protests as they all watched gavi fall to the floor. the referee came over and y/n was at the edge of her seat as she saw the players arguing on the pitch. it was a clear red card for the other team but it was gavi who recieved a yellow card.
he was injured, held up by one of the medical staff as they tried to get him off the pitch. pablos breaths were heavy, his jersey sticking to his skin with sweat and he felt pissed and upset. his foot was in complete pain and he’d just recieved a yellow card when it wasn’t even his fault.
he slightly lifted his head, eyes scanning the benches as he limped away from his teammates with the help of the staff member.
that’s when his eyes landed on her.
y/n. the girl from the balcony. the girl with the number 30 on her back. the girl who he could not stop thinking about. she was here and she was sat right in the front row with the same screaming girl from the balcony, who pablo assumed was her sister.
she was wearing the blaugrana jersey again and pablo hoped it was the same one from that day, the big number 30 boosting his pride.
he could immediately feel the heat coating his cheeks as his eyes tugged on hers for a second longer than he should’ve looked. she was talking with her sister before she turned back to the pitch and her eyes instantly landed on his, as if she knew he was staring at her.
pablo could see the concerned look on her face, probably due to his injury, and he tried to straighten up. show her its nothing. tell her he’s alright and it’s nothing major. along with her slightly furrowed brows, he could see the light tint of blush on her cheeks as she held eye contact.
his heart was now practically screaming in his ears, telling his fogged brain to just go over and talk to her. forget the fact that there’s a game on. forget his injury. forget how all the people around her will start swarming at him the moment he walks over there.
shaking those thoughts off, he looked back towards the tunnel and let the medical staff take him to check out his injury. he’d seen her again and he didn’t want to let that opportunity slip. he’d have to find another way to talk to her.
y/n knew that he remembered that moment the instant he held eye contact with her as he was taken off the pitch. he probably just recognised her, but that was enough for her sour mood from his injury to lighten slightly as the game resumed without him.
she just hoped today would be the day she’d finally get to talk to him.
the game had ended and barcelona had lost. it was clear how defeated the fans felt as they started making their way out of camp nou. y/n and her sister started making their own way out once everyone in their section had already left. it was too crowded and they’d both rather make their way to y/n’s car whilst not having to worry about being squished between bodies.
whilst walking out, y/n tugged on her little sisters sleeve.
“aquí.” (here) she held out her car keys to her. “espera en el coche. necesito ir al baño..” (wait in the car. i need to use the bathroom.)
her sister nodded and walked off towards the exit. y/n turned and started making her way towards the bathrooms. she could still hear the chatter of fans all around her, some disappointing talks, some accepting talks. of course, she was a little upset about the loss herself but she’d grown to realise that they couldn’t win everytime.
it just wasn’t their day today. there is always a next time.
her mind also could not leave gavi’s injury. he’d returned around five minutes after leaving, looking perfectly fine. he didn’t have any sort of cast on, but he wasn’t put back on the pitch, so she’d only hoped he was okay.
a few moments of fixing her hair and her jersey, she walked back out. it was getting much later in the evening and she’d had to get home. however, after seeing the large crowds still walking throughout the camp, she decided to just go another way. there were multiple exits towards the parking lot, she could take any.
turning a corner, it was quick and unnoticed as she bumped into someone. “ay, mierda.” (oh shit) she said as she stumbled a little from the impact.
gavi felt himself stumble a little before taking a step forward and catching himself and the person he bumped into. when he looked towards them, he instantly felt his eyes slightly widen and a light blush fall onto his cheeks.
“lo siento.” (i’m sorry) he said towards her.
there was no way he was actually standing infront of y/n right now. he couldn’t believe it, it was as if he’d been given another chance.
“lo siento. no miraba por donde iba.” (i’m sorry. i wasn’t watching where i was going) y/n felt her heart rate starting to pick up as she realised pablo gavi actually had his hand on her arm.
“esta bien.” (it’s okay) he shrugged it off, awkwardly taking his hand off her arm as he gave her a warm smile, trying to contain his grin as she blushed and gave him a shy smile back.
“lo siento por tu lesión. se veía mal.” (im sorry about your injury. it looked bad) she stated, straightening up and attempting to mask her stutter.
“esta bien. lo revisaron y dijeron que no era nada importante.” (it’s alright. they checked it and said it was nothing major) pablo replied. his brown eyes took in her features. she was so much more beautiful up close. he could see every single feature so much more vividly, her long eyelashes coated with a little mascara, her perfect nose, her rosy lips painted in the perfect tint of light pink lipgloss.
he had to physically hold himself back from reaching forward and moving the hair away from her cheek.
“eres la chica del balcon? número treinta, no?” (you’re the girl from the balcony? number 30, no?) of course he knew who she was but he had to say something. something to let her know that he remembered her.
when she chuckled, he swore he just fell into heaven. “no pensé que te acordarías.” (i didn’t think you would remember)
“¿cómo podría olvidar a alguien tan hermosa?” (how could i forget someone so beautiful?) there. he had said it. he’d finally muttered those words to her, his exact thoughts, as his heartbeat vividly rang in his ears. he felt his palms starting to sweat.
y/n didn’t even know if she was still breathing. there was no way he had just said that to her, she wouldn’t believe it. that bump had to have knocked her out because she felt like she was dreaming.
the pablo gavi just called her beautiful, and he remembered her from the parade. she wanted to cry.
“oh gracias. en realidad soy un gran fan tuyo.” (oh thank you. i’m actually a really big fan of you.)
“realmente? tu hermana se veía más feliz el otro día.” (really? your sister looked more happy the other day.) pablo joked, earning a small laugh from y/n and he probably just died and came back to life. even her laugh was so angelic.
“mi hermana es un poco ruidosa. le gusta mucho barcelona.” (my sister does get a bit loud. she loves barcelona with her whole heart)
“puedo decir.” (i can tell) he chuckled.
his eyes never left hers, her smile, her lips. y/n smiled back and slightly nodded before glancing down. she couldn’t hold his intense eye contact. she knew that if she did, she’d immediately melt.
pablo hesitated a little, his thoughts running all over the place as he stared at her a little longer. should he just ask her for her number? would she find it weird? would she just give it to him out of excitement? would she even want to actually talk to him after this?
there was no knowing when he’d see her again, especially this close with no interruptions. so with a heavy heart, he spoke up. “si no te importa, ¿me das tu número?” (if you don’t mind, can i have your number?)
y/n instantly looked up as if she’d heard him wrong. was pablo gavi asking for her number? as in her phone number? he wanted to text her? contact her later? did he even know her name? she tried to act nonchalant about it but couldn’t hide the shy yet giddy smile that took over her shocked expression.
“sí.” he held out his phone and she carefully took it. pablo watched as she typed her number in. he took the opportunity to take in her features once more. her bottom lip slightly tugged under her teeth as her eyes focused onto his phone. he’d finally done it. he’d gotten her number. she hesitantly passed him his phone back and gave him another shy grin.
she nodded in return. “tengo que ir. mi hermana está esperando.” (i need to go. my sister is waiting.)
pablo nodded in response and let her walk off, bidding her a short goodbye. his eyes never left her figure as she retreated back down the hallway she came from, his heart beating louder at every step she took away from him.
y/n couldn’t contain the excited smile on her face, the bright blush on her flustered face and the harsh banging of her heart against her ribcage.
she didn’t know how she’d be able to explain all this to her sister.
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gracieeegleegal · 10 months
Teenage pregnancy / P.Gavi
Pablo gavi x Pedris sister
Pov: Pedris sister is in a romantic relationship with Gavi but she is a teen mom
Tw! Fluff
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Liked by pedri, pablogavi and 34,778 others
@yn.gonzalez: beach day with my baby 🌼
@pedri: Beautiful just like her uncle
^@yn.gonzalez: HA you’re so funny hermanito
@pablogavi: 😍😍
*liked by author*
^@yn.gonzalez: 💗💗
@annalewandoska: so cute 🥰 best mom and daughter duo
@ansufati: Amaia es la Bebe mas tierna del mundo
@user: awww amaia is so big now
@ferrantorres: Que Lindas las dos
^@yn.gonzalez: Gracias Ferri 🫶🏻
@siramartinez: Beauties!🥰😍
^@yn.gonzalez: All youuuu!
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Liked by yn.gonzalez, pedri and 1,568,656 others
@pablogavi: ☀️🌊
@yn.gonzalez: 💗💗
*liked by @pablogavi*
@pedri: where was my invitation?
^@pablogavi: in the trash
@ferrantorres: so this is why you didn’t come to my house today
^@yn.gonzalez: he’s got his priorities 😁
@user2: is this what I think it is?
@user7: are they dating?
@user128: @user738 I told you they were together
^@user738: ig they’re cute together
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Liked by pablogavi, fcbarcelona and 47,789 others
@yn.Gonzalez: fun weekend!⚽️
@pedri: my #1 supporter
^@yn.Gonzalez: always 💗
@pablogavi: amaia is so cute playing football
^@yn.Gonzalez: just like somebody I know ☺️
^@ferrantorres: 👀
@mikkykiemeney: cuties!🥰
^@yn.Gonzalez: ahhhhh I miss you we should definitely get together soon, all us girls
^@siramartinez: yessss
@user: she’s def dating Gavi
@annalewandoska: ❤️❤️
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Liked by yn.Gonzales, pedri and 3,567,938
@pablogavi: victorias con ustedes💙❤️(victories with you two)
tagged: yn.Gonzalez
@yn.Gonzalez: we love you 💗💗
^@pablogavi: i love you both more, my love
@pedri: you take care of care
^@pablogavi: Pedri You’ve known we’ve been together for a year stfu
@ansufati: my parents 😭
@ferrantorres: I still remember when you were both so awkward towards each other
^@yn.Gonzalez: we don’t talk abt that 😀
@mikkykiemeney: 💗💗
@fcbarcelona: golden baby and golden couple 😍❤️💙
*liked by pablogavi*
@gavifan: I knew it! They’re so cute together
@lewandoski: Gavi as a dad is something nobody expected this season
^@alejandrobalde: you can say that twice
^@pablogavi: with her, I wouldn’t oppose to anything
^@feeeeeer: you’re whipped, HA if only you knew how much of a devil my sister is
^@yn.Gonzalez: Fernando Gonzalez
^@pedri: you’re in big trouble now Fer
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Liked by pedri, feeeeer, Pablo Gavi and 890,763 others
@yn.Gonzalez: mis amores 💗💗
Tagged: @pablogavi
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batbabydamian · 8 months
DC April 2024 Solicitations - Comics Featuring Damian! 🦇
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Written by Joshua Williamson
Art and Cover by Simone Di Meo
Variant Covers: Kael Ngu, Ejikure, Jim Lee, Nikola Čižmešija (1:25)
As Batman finds himself in the clutches of a new cult that worships Man-Bat, Robin continues his own investigation into his High School's connections to Shush! Can the father and son dynamic duo uncover Man-Bat and Shush's master plans before Gotham pays the price?!
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Written by Tom King
Art by Daniel Sampere and Belén Ortega
Variant Covers: Julian Totino Tedesco, Pablo Villalobos, Joshua “Sway” Swaby (1:25)
Wonder Woman vs. The Sovereign! After being captured by a team of villains, Diana finds herself at the mercy of the scariest of them all. Unbeknownst to our hero, the Sovereign has been pulling her strings since the very beginning of our tale, and now it's time for her to see the world his way as she falls under the influence of the Lasso of Lies! Plus, Trinity visits the past and unexpectedly changes the future!
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NIGHTWING #113/Legacy #300
Written by Tom Taylor
Art by Various
Variant Covers: Bruno Redondo (original cover+1:25), Dan Mora, Jim Lee (Artist Spotlight), Jamal Campbell, Serg Acuna
Since the 1940's, you've seen him go from acrobat to orphan; from Dick Grayson to Robin; from Robin to Nightwing. You've seen him work alongside the universe's most powerful heroes, against existence's most sinister villains. You have seen Dick Grayson do so many things, but now, in his 300th issue, you will see him.. well, you'll just have to pick up the issue and find out. Join us for this legacy 300 milestone!
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*Cover feature - Damian hang gliding in the bg :)
Written by Meghan Fitzmartin, Cameron Chittok, Joey Esposito, Morgan Hampton, Patrick R. Young, Tom Krajewski, Mike Barr, and more!
Art by Kenya Danino, Vasco Georgiev, Paul Pellietier, Nico Bascuñan, and more!
Cover by John Timms
Variant Covers by Dan Mora
Spring has sprung! Flowers are blooming, bees are buzzing, Harley is breaking King Shark out of Belle Reve prison. all is right in the DCU as both heroes and villains face all sorts of different spring breaks. Breaking out of a coffin? Lex Luthor has that covered. Spring break training? Send in Superman! Breaking out of your shell? Batman and Mr. Freeze explore that possibility through a connection in their shared past. Breaking down a worthy adversary? Katana and her sword of souls might just be able to tackle that. And it wouldn't be a spring break without a Teen Titans beach trip! All these and more in DC's Spring Breakout! -eight breakout stories to put a spring in your step (is there a zit breakout story? You'll have to read to find out!)
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Written by Kami Garcia
Art by Gabriel Picolo
Kori Anders' summer job at a ritzy Santa Monica beach club is fun, but she doesn't care about keeping up with the current trends, and she's not interested in rushing around to all the parties. She'd rather explore her inexplicable draw to the stars or hang out with her new friend, Victor Stone. Her sister, Kira, on the other hand, is the most popular girl around. With the hottest clothes, an even hotter boyfriend (the Tate Fairweather), and a take-no-prisoners attitude, she's Kori's opposite in every way. Their summer heats up when Tate's uncle asks the girls to participate in an EDS study his pharmaceutical company is running. During treatment, Kori develops some strange powers she never had before...and she might not be the only one. Can Kori persuade her sister to trust her before it's too late? And when a carload of teens with their own powers come looking for her to warn her about a creepy stalker, she'll learn that trust is a two-way street!
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footballerimaginess · 11 months
Stop jumping in those leaves
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Hi! Is my first time requesteing. Could I ask for prompt *stop jumping in those leaves* with Gavi please if is possible? Love your work and Thank you 😘 Pablo Gavi Word Count: 468 You were looking after your niece for the evening, she kept mentioning how she wanted to come over and stay at yours. So when you told her she was staying a mini sleepover, Isabella was just so excited and couldn't wait.
"Do you want to go for a walk?" you asked Isabella as she jumped up and down in excitement as she headed to the front door and waited patiently. "Are you going out like that?" you asked her as she stood with her arms folded tightly as the sassy little girl waited for you. "Why?" she asked, looking confused. "It is cold out, you need your shoes and coat on. Can't go out with no shoes on silly" you laughed as she came running straight back as she sat down on the bottom stairs as you helped her with her boots. "Come on Uncle Pablito" he grinned as Isabella wrapped her hands around his hand as she skipped up and down the road with him. "Not too fast, don't forget me" you shouted as you were in no rush at all as you made your way behind them. "Don't step in those puddles, Mama will be screaming at me if she knew what you were doing" Pablo laughed as he pulled her back as she loudly huffed. The sunshine was slowly going down and it was becoming a little darker, as the autumn sunset was appearing. "Isabella we have to get going now" Pablo raised his voice slightly as he knew Isabella far too well, she was not in the mood to be wanting to go home just yet. Pablo loosened his grip on her hand as she ran forward heading for the big pile of leaves outside someone's house. She jumped straight into the pile of leaves, she looked so happy with herself. "Oh Issy, come on out of there" you laughed as you watched her jumping up and down, the small things in life just makes children so happy and it was so beautiful to see. "Stop jumping in those leaves" you both shouted at her as she ignored you as she jumped up and down. "Someone is too excited" you laughed as Pablo smirked. "She is loving it, but she better hurry up. I am absolutely exhausted, being a parent for the evening is very hard work. I don't think I am ready for children just yet baby sorry" Pablo muttered. "That is okay, I feel the same. I need a lie down after this and some food" you said whilst walking over to Isabella as you slowly dragged her out of the leaves. "Me too" he smirked as you both walked each side of Isabella as you grabbed her hand and walked back home to have hot chocolates to warm you all up.
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gadriezmannsgirl · 1 year
Fourth Member? -P.G
Also known as Gender Reveal (3)!
Summary: Your daughter tells your husband she wants a sibling
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"¡Helena María, vamos no queremos llegar tarde!" You heard your husband yell as you grabbed the car keys and headed towards the door to stand next to him.
Helena had been in the primary school for a whole two months now, she loved it and whilst Pablo and you didn't loved it so much because it took your babygirl away for a bit, you enjoyed it because when Pablo didn't had early trainings, it gave you a few hours for the both of you. Like old times before Lena.
Pablo and Helena were insperable, she was his whole life, the girl of his eyes, she knew she had her dad wrapped around her little finger and she loved it, always getting a new toy or her favorite cake at times when she wasn't supposed to eat any kind of sweets; he was always involved of everything that happened around her and of course around you, the woman of his life, his big love.
Bless him, he always loved to take care of Lena, when she was born he would always help you during the midnight hours when she would wake up for everything, taking up some of your shifts because "You had her for eight months inside of you, taking care, growing her and loving her. Let me make it up to you a bit", only showing up when he figured Lena needed her momma's milk.
You were actually a bit grateful with him because of it but on the other side felt a bit bad because he had trainings and sometimes showed up tired to it, gaining a back pat from Xavi who knew the feeling the youngman was feeling.
Thankfully, Lena was less troublemaker outside your tummy, after the fourth month she started sleeping more in the nights only really waking up from a nap change or breastfeeding, allowing you both to get good night sleep and during the day she loved watching you do "House-doing-things" and being close to you.
She also had loved playing with the toys her uncles, aunties, dad, grandparents gave her. And Pablo whenever he had a free time, got himself as a little kid too, acted and played with Lena for hours, you eventually, after getting everything done, join them. It was way easier as time passed, you and Pablo coordinating yourselves without even speaking, managing to have time for you both together, leaving Lena with her grandparents, teaching her how to walk, talk, play and such things, in the blink of an eye she was already four and had two months in to primary school.
She may have four years old but she definitely gained your intelligence.
You remembered the nerves of Lena and the anxious and scary feeling Pablo and you had. She, at the end of the day, was consoling the two of you as she tried to go and start her little class.
"We're such a mess" You said in the passenger seat, your husband and you cleaning your tears
"Damn right we are" Pablo nodded in agreement grabbing your hand in his "But that's our little babygirl, we can be whatever we want to be" You laughed watching him lift your up to his lips and kiss it
"I'm here, mommy!" She said extending her hand as she had grabbed her pink backpack "Wanted to leave Mr.Pickles sleeping in the good way so when he wakes up he doesn't have any kind of ashe" You smiled
"Ache" You corrected her lightly
"The correct way to say it is 'ache', amor"
"Yeah, eso" You laughed picking her up in your waist and smoching her with kisses as she giggled
"C'mon, mis chicas lindas, we gonna be late" Pablo said kissing Lena's cheek and your lips quickly. Pablo opened Lena's door as you settled her in her seat
"Nice and done" She murmured the same thing you always say after buckling her
"Nice and done, señorita" She laughed as you let out a little smile and closed the door, turning around to see Pablo watching you both with a smile on as he opened the passenger door for you.
You got inside the car, giving Pablo a little kiss on his lips, he jogged up to the drivers side and got inside the car starting it. His hand inmediately found its way to your thigh Lena started singing/murmuring to the songs she knew or recognized from the radio but then she started telling you how excited she was for going to her class today because she was going to see her friend, Melissa and how they got this deal of trading half of their midmorning snacks with each other.
"That's why you asked me for another sandwich?" She guilty smiled as you shook your head lightly "Remember you're allergic to tomatoes, Lena. Let her know that or ask for your teacher if she can check Melissa's food. We don't want any accident to happen" She nods
"Yes, mommy" You leaned to look at her, her brown wavy hair, tied up in a cute ponytail, her white porcelan skin, her little rosy lips, her nose and her big brown eyes, big as yours and her fathers color.
"You're so pretty, you know that?" You asked catching both, Lena and Pablo off guard.
Lena blushed, making in her cheeks appear a beautiful rosy color
"Just like mommy, isn't that right?" Pablo spoke for the first time in a while
"No! Mommy's prettier!" She exclaimed, the three of you laughing
"We're here, ladybug" Pablo said turning off the engine, as he got out, you grabbed Lena's backpack, then you felt your door being open It made you smile instantly
"You shouldn't have to"
"I do have to. Gotta keep charming you for the rest of our lives, amor" He opened Lena's door as well. He got her out as you closed the doors and eventually the car. "Ready to smash today's class, ladybug?" She nodded excited in her dad's arms.
Pablo grabbed your hand in his free one, you carried Lena's backpack in your other one and the three of you made your way towards the kinder doors.
"Te queremos, mi amor" Pablo said kissing her cheek "Que te vaya bien" She kissed his cheek back "And remember, boys are gross"
"Boys are gross"
"¡Pablo!" You pinched his bicep "Boys aren't gross, mi niña"
"No, they are for you right now, Helena. You don't wanna give daddy a heart attack"
"No" She shook her head
"If a boy comes up to you, you say..."
"You're my friend" You say at the same time Helena speaks
"Boys are gross" She said smling at Pablo "No mommy, that's not wright!"
You sighed, rolling your eyes at the winning smile of Pablo. "Te queremos, cuídate, ¿Sí?" You asked kissing her cheek "Go and smash those classes, have a good time" You watch as Pablo sets her down and you give her, her backpack
"Love you mommy, love you daddy! Don't miss me too much, see you in a while!" She said running a bit towards the doors being met by her teacher. Both, you and Pablo waved her goodbye with a smile
"Where the fucking hell she got the idea we won't miss her too much?" He asked making you laugh lightly
"I don't really know but I already do miss her... A lot"
"You're not the only one, mi amor"
"My little ladybug!" Pablo said as soon as she got out, running into his arms "How was today?" He waved the professor with his hand and a polite smile on walking backwards towards his car, quickly buckling the four year old girl and jogging to the drivers seat
"It was great! Meli loved the sandwich mommy made! Her momma made her nuggets so she gave me some, she had a red souce, I asked the teacher and she told me it was tomato so I told her I couldn't eat that instead she gave me a bit of her apple juice!"
"That sounds yummy, ladybug" He smiled "What did you learned today?"
"We started reading! It was cool! I did it reslly great since Mommy's been helping me with it, the teacher said I was one of the best!" Pablo's eyebrows lifted as he smiled at her
"Congratulations, my ladybug! You're so smart! My bonita and smart hija" Pablo turned his head quickly and blew her kisses
"She even gave me a star in my book!"
"Let's see that beautiful star!" He said as soon as he stopped at a red light. Helena searched for her book and showed it to Pablo "Congratulations, keep going this way, Lena! And three hearts" Pablo said smiling "So proud of you, ladybug. Mommy will be all over the moon, she will hang it on the fridge. Wanna hang it on the fridge, ladybug?"
But Pablo was met with silence"Ladybug?" Nothing "Lena?" Still nothing. His hand reached back focused on the road as the light changed "Helena" His warning tone made the young girl snap back her eyes to her fathers figure "Talk to me, mi niña. What's wrong?"
"Nothing, daddy" Pablo nodded, still not sure about her response, he decided to leave her be. That was until Pablo parked on your garage. He turned off everything and took off his seatbelt. "Hit me with it, young lady. What's the matter?" Pablo said serious turning around to see his babygirl
"Nothing's wrong, daddy" Pablo nodded "Yeah and I'm stupid" Helena's eyebrows went up a bit "I'll put five euros on your piggy, I know. Tell me what's up?" Helena sighed before looking at Pablo
"I just- I saw Melissa with her older brother today, it remind me of mommy with uncles and you with auntie... Melissa told me, she always had fun with him, they played peek-a-boo and he helped her with things she couldn't do or didn't knew, I want one. I wanna have a little brother o little sister, to keep me company and play around with. I wanna take care of them too and they of me. Being alone isn't fun, daddy" She pouted and Pablo's heart swelled with love.
She was so innocent and so pure. He hoped she never lost that touch, that characterized her.
"You want a little sister o brother?" Pablo asked watching Melissa nod excited "Let me talk with mommy about it, see what she thinks and once I talked with her, I'll let you know the answer. Yeah?" She nods once more now with a smile on her face "Now" Pablo said a bit more serious "Don't you ever think that I would get mad, bothered or anything for the matter if somethings bothering you. Neither does your mom. We love you and we want the best for you, always. You can always talk to us, always. And we never gonna judge you or be mad at you" Helena smiled and nodded
Eventually, Pablo got himself and Helena out of the car into the house, being greet by music and your crazy dancing while cooking lunch
"Wanna join mom?" Pablo asked Helena as she nodded the three of you dancing to some random song that was on the radio.
The night fell and Helena was already put asleep by Pablo when he came to the kitchen as you were cleaning up everything.
You felt arms hugging you from behind and a chin rested on your shoulder.
"Amor" He called you softly as you hummed drying the used plates "Helena's asking for a sibling"
"What?" He laughed nodding slightly
"She told me she wanted a baby brother or sister this morning when I picked her up from primary school" You smiled
"That little" You shook your head
"I told her I would talk with momma about it. She said she felt really lonely, that she doesn't enjoy being alone and that she wants a baby sibling to love and tale care of, just like Aurora with me and you and your brothers" You smiled turning around
"Are you okay with having another kid?"
"I told you we needed to plan baby number 2 when Helena was born" You smiled remembering the moment "I always want more with you, mi amor" He kissed your cheek as your hands went to his neck "Never said anything because we were learning and a bit busy adjusting our lives, but I can imagine ourselves going through all of it again"
"The mood swings, the attitude, the cravings, everything?"
"Everything" He spoke joining your foreheads "Who knows we could maybe have this time a little me running around? Or another little you? Both? I'm happy with what we have right now but I would love to have more kids with you though and now that I think about it, I can't see anything better fitting the three of us than a fourth member to our family. And we are in the best timing ever, season will be ending soon, we can enjoy our time together and I will always be there for you both, or three if we've baby already in the oven by the time" He laughs "I'll always make time for my family, always have and always will, you more than anyone know that"You smiled.
"I have thought about it too. Whenever I see you with Helena actually which is almost all the time" You laughed
"She has me wrapped around her finger" You laugh nodding
"And me too, we can't deny it" He kissed your cheek "I would love to give you another kid and give Lena a baby sibling" He smiled
"Are you up for practicing now?" You laugh
"Gotta finish drying these dishes first"
"None of that" Pablo shook his head "That's already done, we gotta give our babygirl the sibling she wants and the boy I'm hoping for"
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Taglist: @gaviypedrisbride @stuckinaf4nfiction @elijahslover
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