#unfortunately this made me see what eli sees in this asshole
cparti-mkiki · 1 year
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Don Juan of Austria, governor of the Spanish Netherlands, by Jan van Troyen (after David Teniers II), 1656.
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farklelucas · 1 year
okay so. now that ive taken some time to breathe, compose myself, and gather my thoughts, lemme lay out why the teen wolf movie was a hot holy mess (besides, you know, the obvious) as a teen wolf enthusiast and expert.
a lot of the characters were really little more than set dressing. to be specific, i think liam could have been replaced by a mailbox with a hat and the movie would have been the same (and this is coming from a major liam fan). the same can be said for mason, malia, melissa, peter, and honestly even the sheriff (which i hate bc god he was such a core of the show). i think parrish was only useful in one specific instance and even that isn't enough to warrant him being in the film. the characters i loved felt like cardboard cutouts and that wasnt fair to me, to the characters, or to the actors. i would have rather they not been there at all tbh. like just leave liam out of this if youre gonna do him like that fr
a lot of the plot points felt... disjointed and weird. saraid said it felt like three different movies in one and i have to agree. derek and eli felt like its own thing, then scott and allison, and then everything else (whatever the hell parrish and malia had going on, the lydia and jackson buddy cop comedy, liam in... japan with a ramen shop i think? and some random girlfriend that happened to be a kitsune) kind of fell to the wayside in between.
this movie was truly so flat without kira. it was hard to make a nogitsune movie without stiles, but it was almost impossible to make without her. hikari unfortunately ended up just feeling like a woman they randomly shoved into all the plot points kira was supposed to be in. because she didnt have a character besides liams girlfriend (and because liam was barely a character himself), she just couldn't compare and so kiras lack of presence was really felt. she left a huge hole in the narrative. they didnt even mention her and you knew what was missing. if you had cut khylin and dylan sprayberrys checks entirely, im sure they would have had enough to pay her as much as the rest of her white coworkers :) but that's just my opinion xxx
this was supposed to be for fans of the original series, but really just felt like jeff davis's weird rare pair fanfiction. instead of focusing on the dynamics that already existed - melissa and the sheriff, malia and peter, scott and liam, derek and. anyone really - he ended up delving into all these new dynamics with only two hours to develop them. malia and parrish (which. i really had to mentally run through the show to see if those two had interacted before and i dont think they have), liam and hikari, and derek and eli. all of which had a shot at being interesting but because there were so many different plots going on, it all just felt. awkward and confusing.
that being said, im gonna move onto derek and eli generally. i like eli! i do. i thought he was funny, i thought the actor was super charming (although the timeline made no sense because if he was born fifteen years ago And allison died fifteen years ago he would be braedens and. hate to say it folks. thats not braedens baby. make him mixed jeff davis you fucking coward). really, i liked him. ... but not at the expense of dereks character. the derek i knew was an asshole. he was mean, he was sarcastic, he was a bastard (honorifically). its not to say that people cant change, but... the derek i saw in the movie was a complete 180 from the derek we last saw in the series. honestly, the derek i saw in the series probably wouldn't have made a good parent - we saw how he was with erica, isaac, and boyd. even with scott. derek was kind of a dick. i dont even think he would have wanted kids - i think he would raise them out of duty, and i think he would if a partner wanted him to. but i dont think kids were ever in his life plan. and i think that could have been super interesting to see with him and eli. i think making him a parent could have been really interesting and it just. crumbled.
i know i mentioned the timeline in that last bit but. the timeline. it hurts my head. when was eli born. what year is it. how long has it been since scott has been in beacon hills. im so confused.
lets talk about adrian harris. shall we. i have made a list of people who i think would have been a better villain reveal are you ready: allison, peter, theo, chris argent, kate argent (resurrected), matt daehler (resurrected), victoria argent (resurrected), kira herself, danny mahealani, rafe mccall, isaac's shit dad, coach, greenberg, me with a baseball bat filled with rusty nails, jeff davis in a wig. the list goes on. you could not have picked a more random and less memorable character to reveal as your villain. i almost felt like i was being mocked. "haha! you didnt expect it to be this guy? the chemistry teacher who also died fifteen years ago? who had almost nothing to do with the plot until season 3? stupid! idiot!" i have never been so mad in my life
speaking of villain. did they forget what a nogitsune is. it needs a host. its not some guy they can stab to death. its a concept, a feeling, a parasite. its a manifestation of mental illness. but no sorry excuse me i must be wrong bc now its also a werewolf??????? im sorry. am i the crazy one. give me void allison! give me allison as the host and shes being taken over and she has those bags under her eyes and that creepy void stare and grin! give me crystal reed emmy noms! while we're on the subject, heres some more questions about the nogitsune include: why was it in a jar? why was it with LIAM of all people (who didnt even know what that was)? why did its powers completely change? HOW was it a werewolf????????? i cant stop thinking about it.
i said it once and ill say it again: jackson fucking carried this movie. he was giving all season one jackson, he was bringing comic relief, he was even bringing up ethan when no one else would! king! he carried. but he shouldn't have had to. dont get me wrong, i think crystal reed ate and left no crumbs. this was allisons movie and it should have been. but when the other two standout characters imo were jackson (who arguably did nothing) and coach (who did even less)... you simply didnt use your characters well. i think i would put deaton up there and even chris, but... scott and lydia? this should have been their movie. but scott spent nearly the whole movie ignoring his friends, and lydia was reduced to 'woman whose plot was about a man,' again. it was horrible. lydia outgrew that song and dance by season two. and scott? hasnt been to beacon hills in twelve years? hasnt seen his mom or his friends? not the scott mccall i know.
this is not about shipping discourse this post will never be about shipping discourse so i say this as a completely objective party. that being said. st/dia was so strangely shoved in there at the end. how did harris even know about lydia leaving stiles. how did he know about her dream. how did it add to the plot. like yes the nogitsune feeds of chaos and strife but i think lydia was getting enough of that watching her friends get murdered. it felt like a weird way to explain why dob wasnt there and it simply didnt work. i would have rather they not said anything about stiles at all.
anyway, this is skipping over a lot of other little things that i thought were really bad (sexualizing malia who literally had the mentality of an eight year old for most of her life AGAIN, why was mason a fucking cop, peters lack of interaction with the hale family which is what made him interesting in the first place, the absolute insanity of allison coming back to life and just being absolutely okay even though shes been dead for fifteen years, died at the hands of her friend, and almost everyone she knew including stiles, isaac, and kira are all just gone now), but boy oh boy. for a while it was funny bad. like "oh this is bad but i can still enjoy this for what it is" bad. but those last ten minutes. what is actually absolutely wrong with jeff davis. there are very few times ive felt this betrayed by tv shows i held this close to my heart, but im there. im heartbroken. i wont go on about it here, bc honestly, it would need its own post considering how much i have to say. but if the rest of the movie was bad? that was shit was traumatizing.
anyway. so sorry this post is this long, and so sorry i couldnt come back with a positive review. this show died long ago; i think we should have just let it rest - nobody asked for a reunion, and now i can see that was with good reason. so the next time jeff davis opens up an email with a header titled 'sequel idea' and he ccs tyler posey, i think we should all just agree to ler arden cho beat him to death in a dennys parking lot instead.
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that-fandom-godess · 11 months
The Lost Queen
Chapter XI
It has been about another week since that incident and I have started to see more of who Peter really is. He smeared a boy’s face in the mud because he screwed up a hunt and has been harsh in his commands with everybody. He is forcing me to do training with the boys and help out in the kitchen. I have never cooked or been taught how to cut up vegetables, and Peter made sure to make me do most of that kind of work.
            Fortunately, Peter is taking some of the boys to the Enchanted Forest tonight to possibly get more. Unfortunately, Alex is one that is going. “Make sure to keep this close by.” He hands me the knife that I have been getting better at throwing.
            “Sierra!” Peter calls me over to him. “I put a spell on the treehouse that will only allow you to go in. I will know if you poke around where you aren’t supposed to.” He turns around to the boys he’s taking. “Let’s get going boys!” Alex sends me one last look before walking with the others into the forest. There aren’t many boys left. Jacob, Trevor, and Eli are making dinner. Daniel and Ben are here too because they said they weren’t feeling well although Jacob cleared them. There is also a handful of boys left, most the youngest ones.
            I have been making a mental map of the island and decide to use this opportunity to bathe on my own. By the time I get back, dinner should be ready. I head up to the treehouse and grab some clean clothes to change into and grab a clean towel and the bar of soap. I use the wardrobe to get a bag to put everything in and head out. I made sure to tell Jacob where I was going and grab a carrot before heading towards the lake.
            I get about halfway there when I realize I’m a bit lost. I thought I followed the right trail. “Damn it.” I say under my breath. Daylight will be gone soon and I didn’t have a light source.
            “You look lost.” I turn to see Ben and Daniel.
            “It seems I am.” I try to keep my confidence. “Could you point me in the right direction for the lake?”
            “Follow us.” Daniel says. I know they seem like complete assholes, but maybe it is just a front. They keep going deeper and deeper into the forest.
            “Are you sure this is the right way?”
            “Yeah, it’s just up ahead.” They kind of look at each other.
            “Okay…” I really thought it was the other way. I guess I am really bad at directions. We end up walking a bit farther.
            “We’re here.”
            “Where’s the lake?” They exchange another glance and Ben grabs my arms harshly. “Wha- Stop!” His fingers are bruising my skin. “That hurts!” I am slammed against a tree and drop my bag with the knife inside. Tears are streaming down my face.
            Daniel pulls out his knife and comes towards me. “This is going to hurt if you keep moving.” He rips my blouse, exposing the only other layer between them and my breasts. Daniel rips the blouse completely off and uses the torn sleeve to gag me. He then goes to my skirt and rids me of that too. My pleads for them to stop are muffled by my own sleeve. They laugh at my attempts to escape. Daniels knife slices my skin while cutting my undergarments off. I scream as they start groping me. I want this to stop. This is what I ran away from.
            “Hey Ben, look she’s a Thorn’s girl!” They move my hair to reveal my tattoo.
            “She’s already a whore.” They start to get rougher by pushing me around and tie my hands together. “Get her on her knees.” I am forced to my knees and the gag is removed. I open up my mouth to scream, but a hand is squeezed around my throat. I am praying to be struck dead right now. I can’t see through my tears, but I know Ben is pulling out his dick. He grabs my face roughly making me look at him. Daniel is still holding me down and I can’t get them off. “Open your mouth,” He pauses, “slut.” I hate that word.
            I refuse to do give in, but they force my mouth open. “If you bite me, that will be the last thing you do and everyone will know you died a slut.” He forces himself inside my mouth and grabs a handful of my hair to move my head. I want to throw up. Ben doesn’t last long and cums in my mouth. I try to spit it out, but they tilt my head and force me to choke on it until it all goes down.
            When they finally let go of my head, I spit what I can out. The gag is put back in my mouth and I can’t get the taste out of my mouth. My hair is picked up and Daniel speaks. “Let’s get rid of some of this.” They are cutting my hair. My tears are still flowing, causing cut hair to stick to my face. After they finish that, I am hauled to my feet and my front is slammed up against a tree. Daniel is pressing my face into the bark and I feel them forcing my legs apart.
            Please, God, make it stop. I don’t want this! Please, please, please. I assume that it’s Daniel’s turn to assault me. I try and close my legs, but I feel my ass getting a hard smack. “Hold her still, Ben. I don’t want her squeezing my dick too hard.” He moves my hair off my shoulder and thrusts his cock into me harshly. I scream, but it doesn’t do any good. I hear him grunting and he licks a stripe up my neck and bites my shoulder hard as he cums too. All I feel is pain and humiliation. I am thrown on the ground and Ben climbs on top of me. He slaps my chest and scratches my stomach. I can make out blood between my legs and I can tell they aren’t done yet.
            Ben roughly holds me by my neck as he starts to fuck me too. The amount of blood is growing with every thrust. Before he cums again, he pulls out and finishes on my stomach and chest. He stands up and puts his dick back in his pants. I am hauled up and my back is put against a tree. My hands are untied and are retied around the tree with pieces of my own clothes. They are tying me up to the tree with my clothes. I can’t move. “Get some blood on the clothes and rip them up. Make it look like an animal got her.” They are going to kill me.
            “How do we wanna kill her?” Ben asks while ripping my clothes and scattering them around the area.
            “We aren’t going to kill her. We’ll leave her to the animals.” I am growing too weak from the blood loss. My vision is fading and I just wanna fall asleep. I feel my head slump forward and all I see is the darkness of being unconscious.
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adoristsposts · 2 years
scotty doesnt know
in which demetri has no idea that you're enemies with benefits with the man you two hate the most
this is 2 make up for the huge ass hawk thing i made yesterday el oh el!!!!
fem!reader x hawk word count; 2.5k warnings; lowk sexual, hook up buddies, alcohol, angst for like 2 seconds but ends in fluff
hawk's fingers rake harshly through your hair. you're on your knees, doing what you do best. and he's enjoying it, as his head lulls back and he bucks towards you.
unfortunately, your ringing phone interrupts his enjoyment. you pull away unapologetically, smirking at the whine that immediately fell from his lips. you raise a finger, showing him that the contact is demetri. sighing, he zips his fly and crawls into the front seat of his van. the back is seatless, filled with karate shit that you don't understand. you don't mind, more room for your thoughtless hook ups.
"what's up, d?" you answer cooly.
"you're never gonna guess what eli did to me yesterday! i mean, the nerve on that man. he makes me so mad sometimes-"
"d, i'm kind of busy" you cut him off. you can practically hear his eyes roll. "uhm, okay? stop whatever you're doing then?"
"whatever i'm doing, huh?" you make cheeky eye contact with hawk through the rear view mirror. "yes!" he exclaims, unaware of his ironic sentence. "i can't, i'm uh- shopping with tory?"
"tory? you know that girls crazy!"
"yeah, but her taste is crazy too. i'll call you once we're done, okay, d? love you" your best friend sighs, obviously annoyed but not willing to start a fight with you. "fine. love you too. just avoid talking to her about eli, okay? i know you used to have a massive crush on him, and we don't need that starting up again" you turn pink.
"yeah, yeah, whatever. bye" you squeak, quickly hanging up. you're glad you didn't have him on speaker phone. you make eye contact with hawk in the rear view mirror again. "am i taking you to demetri's again?" his tone is unfamiliar, almost jealous. you smirk at him,
"no, you're coming back here and we're gonna finish what we started"
you feel almost guilty as hawk crawls into the back. hiding this from demetri is horrible, but demetri finding out would be worse. the two of you are supposed to hate hawk. he's a bully, and an asshole, but god do you find him hot.
especially right now, as his lips attack your neck.
the next morning, you try desperately to cover up the deep purple marks he left behind. love bites that trail from your neck to places luckily covered by your shirt. your concealer barely helps, and it takes a call to moon to ask if she can cover them up in her car for you to be able to step into school without worry.
you're in chemistry when your secret is revealed. you reach up to grab a beaker from the shelf when demetri audibly gasps. "what is that!" he says harshly, pointing at the part of your boob that has been exposed as your tank top shifted. you curse your idiocy. moon had asked if you wanted her to cover those up too, but they were under your shirt. you were too cocky. your eyes flash to hawk's who's at the table behind you two. he has a mocking gaze, as if to ask 'what is that, then?'
your eyes flash back to demetri before he can catch on. "lacrosse game! some girl nailed me here and my head. hate those bitches" you lie. you haven't had a lacrosse game in weeks, there are practically no teams in the area. "why didn't you tell me!" demetri says, "i would've come. me, sam, and robby could've supported you. better us than those cobra kai assholes" he finishes, sending a glare towards hawk. you follow his gaze and see hawk smiling cockily.
"so trusting" he whispers later, as you two find yourselves settled in his van again. he traces your features with the tip of his fingers. "lacrosse? please" he mocks. his words are hushed and his touch is soft. he speaks weakly, enamoured by the way your skin feels under his touch.
yet again, ringing interrupts you two. you're actually disappointed this time. you felt like tonight was going to be one of the nights he acts sweet and loving. he scowls at demetri's contact. "again? is he in fucking love with you or something?" he hisses. you reach for the phone but he quickly moves, hanging up. "come on, hawk. i've got to call him back." you say. he pouts, "otherwise he'll know" you add.
hawk groans, but hands you your phone. quickly, you call demetri back. "hey, d! was trying to pick up, but it wouldn't let me" you say.
"did you read the nightwing i gave you? volume two of rebirth?" he asks quickly, not doubting your lie. you nod, but remember he can't see you. "yeah! yeah, i read volume three as well." you tell him.
"oh my god! isn't it so sick? i mean, dr pyg, and defacer, it's insane. i think the blade deathwing uses is so cool and-"
"what are you doing?" you blurt when hawk begins to crawl towards you. his smirk is visible and he places a finger on his lip to tell you to be quiet. then he attacks your neck once more. "oh-"
"what am i doing? well, i was watching doctor who, then i thought i would ask you what you thought. speaking of, do you want to come over to watch with me? we can rewatch 11 if you want."
"uh- i don't know d- maybe- mm- not now" you say roughly, trying hardly not to moan as hawk pulls down the straps of your tank top and brings his lips farther down. "tell me about the episode" you say, setting him on speaker phone. as demetri begins to ramble, hawks head shoots up. you almost laugh before attaching your lips. he grunts, pulling you onto his lap. you pull away. "quiet" you whisper into his ear.
"are you okay?" demetri asks. you flush, worried.
"yeah, yeah, d. i just- i think it's dumb that they keep bringing the daleks back" you say, pushing him towards another tangent. he starts up again, and hawk dives for you. you pull on his roots and he has his fingers tangled in your hair.
"anyways, are you free tomorrow? i thought uhm.. maybe we could go to a party together?" you break free of hawk's intoxicating kiss to respond. "sure, whose party? who else is coming?"
"oh- moon. i think" he coughs. hawk scowls, his eyebrows furrowing and his eyes flashing with jealousy yet again. "and sam. definitely sam"
"okay, cool. i'll call you for more details later, okay? i've got to go... walk my dog" you say. before he can answer, you hang up. you go to reconnect your lips, but hawk stops you. "what's wrong? are you okay?" you ask, looking at him in concern.
"he just asked you on a fucking date" he spits, pointing angrily at your phone. "no he didn't" you scoff.
"yes, he did!" he exclaims. he shakes his head in anger, leaning back on his palms. "are you- are you jealous?" you ask.
"what? no! i told you when we started this, no feelings"
"actually, no you didn't" you point out. that was one of the reasons you were so willing to be his little play thing. before your feelings for him had never really left, and you hoped this was his way of reciprocating them. he avoids your gaze, turning pink.
"hawk, there's nothing to worry about. i don't like demetri like that- i spent my time with you on purpose" you reassure him, bringing up a hand to tuck his ungelled hair behind his ear. he leans into the warmth of it, eyes fluttering shut. "i like your hair down, by the way" you add.
"my hair was so bad before the mohawk" he chuckles. you shake your head. "no, i always thought it was cute." he smiles at your compliment, pulling you closer. "and what do you think of the mohawk?" he asks teasingly, eyes flickering down to your lips then back up. "i think it's hot"
you leave the van with more hickies than you had that morning and wobbling legs.
when you go to the party that night, you make sure to get moon to cover every hickey this time. when you arrive in a revealing top and bell bottom jeans, demetri's eyes rake up and down your figure before he turns pink and looks away. you shift anxiously because of it. you worry for a second that hawk might have been right, but you quickly dismiss the thought.
"what happened to your bruise?" demetri asks.
"covered it up, don't need people here thinking i'm not here to mingle" you lie. you definitely aren't here to mingle, and instinctively you look in the crowd for hawk. you spot him quickly, his tall red hair standing out. no matter how much of an ass he is, you almost feel relieved to see it.
the night becomes a blur once you're a few shots in. you hate the taste of alcohol, and you've got a high tolerance, so this is the poison you pick. you and demetri are chatting happily together, his drink is nearly spilling out of cup due to his exaggerated movements as you two discuss the most recent character in your favourite video game.
"i like him, but i can't believe he's a sword character! i think swords are totally dumb! claymore's are the way to go- they're huge. and powerful"
"no way!" you argue, "sword characters rule. their movements are so smooth and it's so easy to switch between them while they're moving. with claymores you have to wait like an eternity for them to stop swinging"
he scoffs, tossing his head to the side dramatically. "you confound me, really, how can someone have such bad taste?" he questions.
"please! you're the one who doesn't think luke skywalker is hot!" you retort, laughing. he laughs as well, "well, excuse me for thinking han solo is much better! not that i uh- casually find men hot" he says, glancing around at the hot girls nearby. "you are such an idiot" you tease. he just rolls his eyes. "yeah, you love me though"
"course i do, you're my best friend" you say. his smile falters for a moment. "d? what's wrong?" you ask. he just gives you a false smile and shakes his head. "demetri, come on, what is it?"
"just-" he breathes out. "recently i've uh- been feeling a little different. and i think it's just a phase, and i'll get over it- but..." he trails off, refusing to make eye contact with you. "whatever it is, you can tell me. you know some pretty embarrassing things about me" you tell him. there's a pause, you see conflict in his eyes.
then he surges forward and kisses you.
it's an awkward kiss, he's leaning over across the distance between you two and your eyes are wide open. his hands move from beside his body after a moment, reaching for your hips. you look around you, is this happening? what do you do?
you catch a flash of red and scramble to push demetri off you. you wipe his spit off your lips. he seems embarrassed. "i'm- i'm so sorry"
"you can't just kiss someone, d" you say softly. as much as you hate him for doing that, he didn't know you were into someone else. you can't blame him. "i'm just... i like someone else"
he can tell from the look on your face. he pulls back from you, "eli? are you kidding me? you still like him? after everything he put me through?"
you feel bad. "he's changed" you say quietly compared to his angry words. demetri shakes his head. "i can't fucking believe you" he spits, turning away from you. "shit" you mumble as his back disappears into the crowd. tears begin to prick at your eyes. "shit" you repeat, you can't cry. not now, not in front of everyone.
you scan the crowd for moon. you arrived together, you want to leave together. instead, you catch the eye of the person you want to see most. "hawk" the word falls from your mouth desperately, needing to find comfort in him. although he can't hear you, you can't help it.
and yet his gaze is steeled. his eyes are red. is he high? or has he been crying?
then it hits. the flash of red. he saw.
"hawk" you say again this time, softly. you step towards him but he steps backwards. hurriedly, he turns and begins walking away. but he's the one you're not going to let get away. you head after him, weaving through the crowd like your life depends on it.
when you finally catch up to him, he's sitting by himself by the pool. everyone's inside. you two are completely alone. "hawk" you breathe out. this time he finally hears you, lifting his head and locking eyes for you. his eyes are red, but this time you know why. there are tear streaks down his cheeks. "i was looking for you-"
"get the fuck away from me" he spits, standing up. you recoil.
"you heard me. i told you he was asking you on a date. i can't fucking believe you. or him! what a nerd, moving in on my girl" he yells.
"your girl?" you ask, "you said it yourself- no feelings involved. i'm not your girl"
"no feelings? i've been practically in love with you for years! and you just let demetri slobber all over you. i told you! i fucking told you!" his volume doesn't decrease, and you find yourself yelling back. "oh please! i've had such a thing for you since last year, if you liked me so much why didn't you ask me out" hawks nostrils flare and he squares his shoulders. "you like- he knew? demetri fucking knew. i'm gonna kill him"
hawk goes to push past you but you place a hand on his chest. "i think you're focusing on the wrong part, hawk" you say softly. his eyebrows furrow in confusion, and you can see the cogs turning. then he smiles, sweetly, like he used to. "oh my god" he says. he places his hands on your hips and spins you around. a squeal falls from your lips. "oh my god!" he exclaims happily, attaching your lips. "you like me- really? you're not just saying that?" his grin is huge. you don't think you've ever seen him this happy. "of course i like you, you idiot. there was a bit of a break, when you went all cobra kai crazy. but now? hell, i'd be happy to be your 'girl'" you tell him.
he kisses you again, and you laugh against his lips. "calm down there, hawk. as lovely as this moment is, we've still got something to worry about" you tell him. he pulls away, pouting.
"how the hell are we gonna tell demetri?"
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miyagihawk · 3 years
why’d you only call me when you’re high? | eli “hawk” moskowitz x reader
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based on the arctic monkeys song, requested by @deadbeatharlz <3
warnings: ! smut !, drug use, swearing, quite angsty
summary: hawk ignores you at school, but he calls you in the middle of the night when he’s high
a/n: this will be my first smut so sorry if it’s bad hehe. also, hawk is 18 in this so senior year of high school. im the same age as him in the show so i don’t think it’s weird lol
word count: 1,515
He’s such an asshole.
His stupid mohawk, the stupid way he walks like he owns the world, his stupid arrogant smile, and the stupid way his mouth moves when he talks to his stupid karate friends.
But unfortunately you love him and all of his stupid.
It hurts so bad when he walks by you at school, like he doesn’t even know you. He ignores your gaze like he didn’t just touch every inch of your skin the night before.
“I need you,” he says to you in the middle of the night, but the next day you might as well be invisible.
It makes you feel horrible. Insignificant to him. You give him every piece of you and he acts like it’s nothing. But everytime he calls, you pick up.
It’s 3 a.m. when your phone’s buzzing interrupts your dreams. You pick it up, squinting from the bright screen and answer. You don’t need to see the Caller ID, to know who it is. No one else calls you this late.
“Yes?” you mumble groggily into the speaker, half asleep with your head still on your pillow.
“I can’t stop thinking about you, Y/N,” he speaks in a dragging manner, like he always does when he’s just smoked. There’s a faint sound of music in the back, probably from the party he’s at.
“Cool,” you reply bluntly, even though his remark made your heart race. He doesn’t even have to try; just the sound of his voice has you in the palm of his hand. It’s pathetic, really.
“So pretty... I miss you,” Hawk says slowly. His voice also gets deeper than normal when he’s high and it causes your stomach to churn.
You don’t say anything, refraining from telling him what you really feel. That you miss him too.
“Y/N? Can I come over?” he asks his usual question.
You sigh, conflicted. He knows you’ll say yes and you don’t want to say yes. But you don’t have it in you to say no either. You can’t say your mom is home, because he’s been around enough to know when she works night shifts.
You would honestly hate yourself if you just said no. Having him for a night is more than nothing, even if it breaks your heart the next day.
“Just don’t drive,” you say, before hanging up.
20 minutes later, a knock on your window makes you jump. But the shadow of a mohawk reassures you that it’s just the high stupidhead you were expecting.
You lift up the window and he stumbles in with droopy eyelids and red rimmed eyes.
“You could’ve used the front door you know, I told you where the key is,” you watch as he takes off his shoes.
“I forgot,” he shrugs. It’s quiet as he steps closer to you and softly reaches out to touch your cheek. His other hand snakes around your waist to move you closer against his chest. 
You know what he wants. What he always wants. You should pull away and end this vicious cycle, but his touch is too intoxicating.
“Did you miss me? I said I missed you on the phone and you didn’t say anything,” he pouts like a baby. His tough badass exterior always vanishes around you, and you wonder why.
His hand moves your hair behind your ear, trailing down to trace your neck with the gentle touch of his fingertips. Your heart accelerates, and you close your eyes at how good it feels to just be touched by him. You nod your head at his question, ignoring your pride.
With your eyes still closed, you feel his warm breath on your neck. He leaves kisses on your jaw, then sucks lightly on the spot that he knows drives you crazy. You let out a small moan at the contact, reaching your hand up to play with the hair at the nape of his neck.
Your eyes flutter open when he retreats, and you pull him back down to kiss your lips. You feel like you’re on fire, and everything but him escapes your mind. You don’t think about him ignoring you at school or the fact that he’s high out of his mind. Right now, he’s all yours and that’s all you need.
The kiss increases in pace and hunger, and Hawk starts to lead you towards your bed. He lays you down, then hovers above your body, delivering kisses everywhere: your stomach, your hips, and your chest. Everything he does just makes you melt.
You pull him back up to your face to meet your lips with his. As you passionately kiss, you reach under his shirt to feel the rigidness of his abs and he lifts up from you.
“Want this off princess?” he smiles smugly and you nod shyly below him, blushing at the petname. He takes off his shirt in one move, and returns to your lips. Your hands roam the warmth of his skin, and you feel content when he moans into your mouth.
His own hands start to creep under your shirt and he pulls it up over your head to reveal your bra. He’s seen you dozens of times, but the view of your body could never get old. “Shit, I’m fucking hard,” he breaths at the sight of you, looking you up and down in admiration.
And he is. You feel his growing length pressing against your heat as his tongue moves with yours, and the pressure is getting overwhelming. Both of you are breathing heavily as he rubs against where you need him most, relieving some of the pressure.
Closer, you want him closer.
“I want you,” you whisper into his ear, and that’s all it takes for him to unbutton his pants. He wants you just as bad, and you don’t know it but it’s all he thinks about all day: your legs around him as you moan his name.
You shiver while he gently pulls down your shorts and underwear. His touch is so light as if he’s handling glass, that it’s hard to imagine the same hands are used for something as violent as karate. 
Positioning his swollen tip at your entrance, he presses a delicate kiss to your nose before pushing himself in. The feeling of him filling you up is pure ecstasy. He’s high on marijuana, but you’re high on him and it’s more addicting than any drug.
He groans when your fingernails drag down his back and it makes him thrust into you deeper and faster. To him, you feel like magic. Your scent, your sounds, the way you clench around him when he thrusts especially hard.
You begin to see stars and you sense that he’s close too, when he twitches inside of you.
Heaven. Everything about him is heaven.
You two lay together, basking in the beautiful feeling of your release. You’re on your side with your back against his chest, and his fingertips caress your arm soothingly.
The moment is perfect. In the back of your mind you know he’s not yours, but it truly feels like he is when his lips whisper sweet nothings into your hair.
He kisses your bare shoulder, and in the moment you don’t even think when you say the forbidden words.
“I love you.”
Your eyes widen when you realize what just escaped your mouth and you feel his mutual shock from behind you.
But you can’t take it back. It’s out and it’s floating around the room like a bad smell you can’t get rid of. Any trace of the exhilarating moment you just shared is gone, replaced by an awkward air suffocating you both.
“You don’t mean that,” Hawk shifts away from you and you want to tear up at the withdrawal.
“And what if I do?” you look at him, looking him in the eye even though you’re afraid of his reaction. But his stare is blank and he avoids your gaze like he does in the hallways.
“You can’t. I treat you like shit, Y/N. I don’t deserve someone like you loving me,” he shakes his head. Your heart drops when he starts to put on his clothes and gather his things. Usually he stays the night at least, but you spilled too much of your heart and he doesn’t want it.
You don’t know what to say, because in the end he’s completely right, even if you don’t want to admit it. He does treat you like shit. He only calls you when he’s high, and through it all you still torment yourself by loving him.
Taking your silence as an answer, Hawk opens up your window. He takes one last look at your small figure under the sheets before leaving you. His own heart breaks at the distraught expression on your face, and the fact that it’s all his fault.
Of course he loves you. But you’re too good for him.
He didn’t say, but you know that tonight is the last night he’ll ever call you at 3 a.m. again.
part 2!
621 notes · View notes
writingsbychlo · 4 years
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fakers | alpha!void
word count; 13,813
summary; you just need someone. topretend to be your alpha until you can graduate, and unfortunately, the only applicate candidate is Eli, your best friends void twin.
notes; stick with me, okay? Void’s name is Noah in this, but he goes by ‘E’ or ‘Eli’ for his reputation. He’s Noah Eli Stilinski III, named after his dad’s grandfather since Stiles was named after their mom’s grandfather, just roll with it.
warnings; smut, a/b/o themes throughout, mating, marking, blood play, reference to harassment, reference to cheating.
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The minute you took your seat at the lunch table, Scott’s nose was twitching, his eyes flicking to you as he politely tried to ignore the scent but it was hard, and you gave him a small smile in thanks. Your eighteenth birthday had been a curse, in your opinion. Only two months prior had you hit the big number, and you once reasonably diluted omega scent had shot up to incredibly potent, even betas being able to smell it.
By eighteen, most omegas had found an alpha, a relationship to be in and the scent of their mate would cover their own, their body reacting to the affection even if they hadn't been given a mark yet, but not you.
It wasn’t unheard of for omegas to still be single and unmarked at eighteen, it was becoming more and more common as the modern-day evolved, but it still sucked to be a high school senior and have almost every alpha within your vicinity leering at you constantly because their own pheromones decreed that upon sniffling out an omega who was ready for a heat that they should immediately jump on that.
Stiles slung an arm over your shoulder, pressing a kiss to your temple and doing his best to spread his own scent all over you, not that it would help much, he too was an omega, but unlike you, he’d found an alpha. Four weeks before Stiles’ eighteenth birthday, alpha and deputy-in-training Derek Hale had shocked everyone by stepping up and asking Stiles on a date, the two still happily together
He did his best to spread his own scent on you as often as he could, but since your birthday the act had practically become irrelevant. Your friends did the best they could to protect you, shield you from the alphas that often tracked you through the corridors and attempted to convince you to go out with them, but you didn’t want any of them. What you wanted was to graduate, and go to college, and find someone who liked you for you, not because their genetic chemistry told them they did.
“You should get a fake alpha.” Isaac joked, your eyes snapping up to shoot him a false glare but Stiles shrugged beside you, squeezing your shoulder lightly.
“I hate to agree with the person who wears scarves in August, but it’s not a bad idea. Find someone who you can trust, and ask them to scent you until graduation.” Your gaze flicked to your best friend, eyes widening as you looked at him and he sipped at the straw fixed through his drink, his own stare unwavering as you studied him for any sense of a joke, your shoulders deflating under his arm.
“Yeah? And which alpha am I supposed to ask? Jackass Whittemore? Or perhaps that one guy over there who’s been undressing me with his eyes since I sat down?” Stiles followed your gaze, flipping off the boy with a protective scowl, a sigh sounding from him. The same sigh bounced all around the table, and Allison snickered, Scott shooting you a pitiful look as his girlfriend opened her mouth to speak:
“Isn’t Stiles’ brother an unbonded alpha?”
Stiles’ jaw clenched at the mention of his brother, and Lydia’s jaw clenched at the mention of her rival for highest GPA and grades. She worked her ass off every day for those grades, she studied and she showed up to every class, even when she was sick. Noah ‘Eli’ Stilinski skipped half of the days, was often put in detention for being caught smoking behind the gym, and got into regular fights.
Lydia hated that he so effortlessly managed to keep up with her and Stiles’ top averages.
Chatter then picked up once again as Lydia made a crude comment about the aforementioned boy, Stiles jumping in to defend his ‘evil twin’ - as Lydia so eloquently called him - and yet even Stiles couldn't help but cringe in the onslaught of bad deeds and acts voiced all around the table. Your mind drifted from the conversations though, a huff on your lips as you balanced your chin on your hand, the chatter becoming background noise as you got lost in your thoughts.
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You watched as the blue jeep pulled up, silently cheering to yourself as you noticed two passengers int he vehicle instead of one, and you bounced over to the car, Stiles waving at you spastically with a wide grin as he yanked the key from the ignition, hopping from the car in unison with his brother. Your eyes locked with that of the second Stilinski boy, and he sent you a lopsided smirk, his eyes scanning over you slowly as he rounded the vehicle, slinging his bag up onto his shoulder.
“You smell fuckin’ fantastic today, sweetheart.” He shot you a wink, licking his lips as he walked past you and Stiles elbowed him in the ribs, a scowl on your face as the boy commented on your evident and alluring scent, but you took a deep breath, Stiles asking if you were ready to head inside, but you shook your head.
“I need to talk to your brother for a moment.” The pair stilled, your best friend looking at your cautiously and Noah glanced back over his shoulder, raising a brow at you and his usual cocky smirk was back as you shot him a pleading look, Stiles gasping beside you as he clicked in.
“No! You can’t ask him!”
“I have to!” You hissed, your fingers locking around the other boy’s wrist as you dragged him away, and he let himself be pulled along with a cocky look on his face as he followed after you, and you eventually released him, rubbing your hands together nervously as you avoided his gaze.
When you looked back up, he was watching you carefully, a coy glint in his eyes, and you swallowed thickly. “I don’t like when people talk about how good I smell. I don’t like being looked at all the time, I don’t like the attention.” His gaze moved over your face, his brows furrowing a little, and your eyes left his as heat rose to your cheeks. “I need someone to scent me and pretend to be my alpha, just until graduation. I trust you, I’ve known you since we were five, and who else understands the struggle more than someone who’s brother is an omega, y’know?”
You punctuated your words with a little laugh, shaking your head as you tried to steady your racing heart, your body feeling like it was on fire as you stood before the taller boy.
“I mean, it’s not like you want to settle down any time soon anyway, so y-” You cut your words off as you watched his fingers jiggle, his eyes directed over your shoulder, and as you turned to look, you noticed a beta from your English class gigging as she pouted at him, as though you weren’t even there, and your breathless laugh of disappointment was mixed with a scoff as you cleared your throat. “Yeah, never mind. This was a bad idea.”
His eyes snapped back to you as you spoke, his lips parted as you moved your bag back up your shoulder, one of his hands reaching out to grasp at your elbow but you jerked out of his reach. “Wait, what? I’m listening, I swear.”
“You can’t even give me your attention two minutes to have a conversation, Noah, h-”
“Don’t call me that here, someone might hear you.” He mumbled, and you rolled your eyes at his aversion of his first name. He dubbed it too old-fashioned and biblical for his tastes, choosing to go by his middle name ever since he started high school and you’d never bothered to get into the habit.
“Sorry, Eli.” The word was practically spat from your tongue as you held your hands up, taking another step away from him. “No other alpha would believe you were in a relationship anyway, it was stupid. I’ll find someone else.” You didn’t give him a chance to reply, choosing instead to walk away, looping your arm through Stiles’ as you walked into the school alongside him, never once bothering to look back.
The idea only festered in your mind, your embarrassment bubbling over as you thought about the conversation and the failure of the plan lingered in your mind all throughout your first to classes. It wasn’t long until Lydia had pried the information on your dull mood out of you, exactly halfway through first period English to be exact, and she’d given you a glare for bothering to talk to her academic archnemesis for a good five minutes before she caved and comforted you.
The rest of your classes were spent trying to decide between other alphas you could go for. Jackson Whittemore was ruled out immediately, he was a jackass and wouldn’t do anything to help you, and neither would any of the other goons on the lacrosse team. Other than the boys in your friendship group, they were all a bunch of sweaty assholes, and the alphas were the worst of them. The alphas you knew that were nice enough to want to be with were all with a beta and in happy relationships, and Stiles was the only other omega you knew of.
The search seemed to be entirely pointless, your options dwindling back down to none, and despite her attempts to cheer you up as she reapplied a layer of pastel-pink lipgloss in the mirror hung up on the inside of her locker, you were still in a dismal mood, and desperately trying to ignore the burning gaze of the blond boy down the corridor from you. As she closed her locker, she opened her mouth to give you yet another pep talk to help you get through the day, her freshly plumped lips sealing into a thin line as she glowered at an unknown source over your shoulder, and you turned in time to see the boy who had caused your morbid embarrassment of the day coming stalking down the corridors toward you.
His eyes locked with yours, his feet carrying him directly toward you without a sign of dodging or stopping, and your eyes widened as he got closer and closer to you. With heavy hands on your hips, he pushed you backwards and into the metal of the lockers, your body colliding with the cool surface as a surprised squeak left your lips, his nose running along the underside of your jaw, tipping your head to the side as you went pliant under his hold and the front of his body was almost pressed against yours, a wet kiss being placed to your jaw as he nuzzled into your neck.
“What the hell are you doing?” Your voice was practically squeaked out, and his hand squeezed your hips, before sliding around to sit on your back as he pulled your body flush up to rest against his, his arms snaking around your waist and his cheek rested against the top of your head. You were limp in his arms, shocking filling your body and he chuckled, the sounds rumbling in his chest and you could feel it pressed to your own as he dipped down, lips brushing the shell of your ear and hot breath fanning over your skin. “I said, what the hell are you doing?”
“I’m scenting you, sweetheart. You’re not going to find anyone else to play alpha for you until graduation. Might as well be me.” You sighed, your eyes connected with Lydia’s as she wore an equally wide look of shock, and you lifted your arms, your hands holding onto his forearms carefully as you relaxed a little bit, and he rubbed his face into your neck one more time, before pulling back enough to look at you. “Lydia, you are burning holes into the side of my fucking head. Stop staring at me.”
His words were growled out, his eyes locked on yours and you swallowed thickly under his intense gaze, your lips sealed shut but your red-headed friend scoffed, the toes of her heels clicking on the ground in agitation, her retort being shot back without hesitation. “Stop leeching on my best friend and I will.”
He finally turned to look at her, the usual stormy expression he wore was plastered on his face and he rose a solitary brow at her, and she stared him down, unwilling to be the first to cower. “Why don’t you go on ahead, we have things to discuss. I’ll walk (Y/N) here over to the table when we’re finished, she won’t be alone. I swear it.”
Her eyes flicked to you, and you sent her a small nod, which she accepted, snarling at the boy still holding you tightly before she was walking away, her heels clicking on the floors as she left and the Stilinski twin turned back to you with a gleeful grin.
“I’ll make you a deal, hm?” You narrowed your eyes at him, but gave him a lone nod in signal for him to continue with his words, and he nibbled on his lower lip, before jutting his chin out toward you a little as he held his head high. “I’ll act like your alpha until graduation.”
“You will?”
“You’re awfully surprised by my reaction. You did ask me, and you know how hard it is for me to say no to you.” He dipped his head down, taking a low sniff and humming happily under his breath, when you frowned.
“I don’t want you to say yes to this just because I’m an omega and it’s all instinctual for you to want to help me. I want you to say yes because you want to help me.” You mumbled, and he pulled back to look at you, his eyes studying yours carefully.
“I’m not doing it because an omega asked, I’m doing it because you asked. I do want something in return, though.” Your face crumpled as you blushed, pulling away from him a little as you stiffened in his hold, and he shook his head profusely as your mind spun. “No, not what you’re thinking. I’m a little offended at your reaction, but it’s not that.”
“Then what do you want?”
Your voice was cautious and unsure, and his grin dimmed into a small smile, his fingers reaching up to tuck loose hairs behind your ear. “I have a lot of college applications and interview letters. You have to help me apply, and proofread them all.”
“That’s it?”
“That’s it.”
Your jaw dropped, before a wide smile took over your features and you searched his face for any signs of deceit, his features reading true and you dropped your forehead forwards to rest on his shoulder, a relieved laugh leaving you and you felt his hands smooth along your back reassuringly in slow circles. “I can’t believe that’s all you want. You’ve totally got a deal.”
He chuckled in your ear, slinging an arm over your shoulder as he pulled away, guiding you toward the lunch hall as you both thought over the bargain you had just made.
On your side, you had never felt safer than you did in this moment. Your best friend’s brother had his arm wrapped around you, his scent already lathered over you and for the first time in months, you didn’t have the piercing gaze of desperate alpha’s watching your every move. Unconsciously, you curled into his side a little more, the familiar smell of the boy you’d known ever since going for your first playdate at the house of the boy whose name a five-year-old you couldn't pronounce brought you a much-needed comfort. Noah Stilinski Jr had never treated you as a possession, or belittled you for your omega state. Perhaps it had been because his mother wouldn't allow it, or perhaps it was simply due to having a twin who was the only other omega in your year group, but he treated you with respect, even if he was a player, and it was only three months until graduation; you could survive until then.
On his side, he was holding you protectively close, the long-buried crush he’d held on you since he’d turned twelve and watched you bounce into the joint birthday party he and Stiles had while wearing a pretty and sparkly dress was beginning to poke its head up once again, and he brushed the tip of his nose against your temple, no idea what he was getting himself into, but he wasn’t willing to let any other alphas near you, whether the relationship was real or fake.
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The next morning, you were anxiously waiting outside of the school building, Allison on one side of you and Lydia on the other as they chatted between themselves, the nail of your thumb caught anxiously between your teeth as you tried desperately not to bite it off, simply holding it there for reassurance. The scenting you had been given yesterday was superficial and had worn off the second you had changed your clothes and slept overnight, and you knew from experience with Stiles that it was a while before an alphas scent would start to really cling to an omega.
Eyes were back on you, watching you with steely gazes as both boys and girls alike around you watched don carefully, your heart racing as you waited for the blue jeep to pull up. When it finally did, minutes before the bell rang to signal homeroom, the dirt-smeared vehicle pulled up and haphazardly into a parking space. Your anxiety only seemed to spike as you watched both of the identical boys’ exit and make their way toward you. Stiles had a wide grin on his face. Practically bouncing along as his hands grasped onto the straps of his bag, and his brother walked along beside him, face pulled in a neutral expression, his hands clutching a small bundle of material as his own bag hung from one shoulder.
Your eyes were sealed on him, and he allowed the edges of his lips to flicker up in a barely present smile as he approached, his features softening just enough to ease your worries, and Stiles reached your first, his arms wrapping around you in a hug as he greeted you, before quickly moving on to chat to Lydia and Allison, shepherding the girls inside without even a glance over his shoulder as he allowed his brother to talk to you.
He stood closer to you than he ever had before, bar the previous day’s locker encounter, and he still for a moment, his eyes scanning over you, before he was making some form of grunting noise in the back of his throat, his free hand reaching up to take your bag in his hand as he slipped it from your shoulder, offering you the bundle of grey material he was clutching. “Put this on, and wear it until it doesn’t smell like me anymore, and then I’ll give you a new one.”
You took it from him, shaking it out and looking at the pale grey hoodie before you, and his brows raised as he watched you pause, before you were tugging the baggy material over your head, smoothing it down over your shirt, the oversized jumper hanging slightly loose on you, sleeves falling to the middles of your hands and you ran your palms over the front of it, smoothing it down and admiring the softness of it under your hand. Reaching over, your head snapped up when you felt his fingers brush along the back of your neck, scooping your hair out from under the collar so that it could fall freely down your back once again.
He checked his watch, fishing into his back pocket as he deemed the time to be appropriate, before producing a small and battered cardboard packet. Popping a single neatly wrapped roll from within, he balanced it between his lips, the lighter from within the box clicking a few times as he shielded the flame from the breeze before the end took up an orange ember and immediately began to burn down to ashes, glowing brightly when he inhaled. His hand dropped or yours once he had folded the packet back away, lacing your fingers together and pulling you closer to his side, the other hand with two fingers holding the cigarette on either side.
Letting out the deep breath he was holding, smoke curled into the air as he released it slowly, angling his head upwards as not to blow a mouthful of smoke straight into your face, and you were grateful for it, despite how much you may despise it. Instead of complaining, you chose to twist into him, burying your face into his shoulder and scrunching up your nose as the smell that clung to his clothes, knowing he must’ve smoked in the car on the way over here too, but his arm looped around your waist, holding you to him tightly and letting his fingers draw patterns on your back as you stood in silence.
It was odd, being so comfortable with him. You were well aware of his reputation, of all the bad habits he kept up, and perhaps it was just the fact that you were finally getting the physical attention from an alpha that your body screamed at you to get, but you were happy, and it didn’t feel wrong to let your own arms come up to wrap around his waist as you tried to cover yourself with his scent as much as you could.
You were grateful for the bell ringing, and you hadn't realised you were holding your breath as much as you were until you took a deep breath, watching as he dropped the nearly-finished cig to the floor and stomped it out, guiding you toward the building with slow steps. He could almost feel your hesitancy and nerves, choosing to squeeze your side in comfort to let you know that it was okay, and the action let a surprising amount of calm wash over you.
He walked you all the way to your first class, as he peered inside the classroom, glaring daggers at every pair of eyes hat scanned along your body lustful from within. “I’ll see you at lunch, okay?”
“You will?”
He chuckled at your surprise, nodding down at you and shuffling to the side to allow other students to shuffle into the classroom and past the pair of you in the doorway. “I hate cafeteria food, but it’s curly fry day, so it’s not so bad.” He shrugged, dipping his head to press a kiss to your cheek before he was walking away, and you rubbed at the spot with the sleeve of his jumper on your body the moment he was out of sight, and you slipped inside to talk to sit in your usual seat beside Stiles, who offered you a pensive look, your thumbs up reassuring him that the plan was going well.
“I can’t smell you as much, the alphas probably still can but at least it’s not quite as..”
“Strong? Overwhelming? Irritating?” You offered, and he chuckled, leaning back in his seat as Coach Fistock walked into the room, scowling and setting up at the front, a coffee mug all but slammed down onto the desk as he mumbled to himself.
“I wouldn’t say irritating. You smell good, it’s just.. powerful.” He gave you a dazzling grin as you rolled your eyes at him, choosing instead to focus on Coach as he began to command attention with a range of vague insults and shouts into the room. Each of your classes had been a little easier, you’d found, as even when the alpha wasn’t with you, the jumper on your body offered you a little protection as he dulled your natural scent and mixed it with his own. Lunch was rolling around before you knew it, and you were adding an extra portion of curly fries to your tray as you lined up with your best friend, listening to his chatter about movie night and how last night him and his brother had told his dad all about the deal that had been made, so it wouldn’t be weird if anything happened between the two of you when you came over.
“You remember that this is just for the public eye, right?”
Stiles glanced over at you as he paid for his food, nodding at you with an expression on his face that read as ‘duh’, but he shrugged anyway, moving out of the way to let you pay for your own food.
“Yeah, but Dad said it might be a good opportunity to scent, you know? My dad also said he was proud of my brother - I know, I was shocked, too - he said my mum would be proud of him for helping you out, and I swear I heard him sniffle for a second. I called him out on it and he punched me.” That made you laugh, your friend glaring at you as the two of you walked back over to the table where your friends were waiting, and the second twin had stuck to his word, his face appearing in the doorway as he looked around for you, quickly weaving between the tables.
The seat beside you had purposefully been saved empty, and he sunk down into it with a slouch, a cheeky smirk on his lips as he glanced at your meal. “Hungry, sweetheart?” You rolled your eyes at him, pushing a tray of curly fries over to him as you shook your head, snapping the seal on your water bottle and lifting it to your lips, his brows furrowing as he looked at them. “You bought me fries?”
“It’s the least I could do.”
“We already have a deal. You don’t have to butter me up.” He mumbled, but didn’t hesitate in digging into the potato treat, and you followed suit, shaking your head at his words.
“I’m not, I just wanted to buy you some fries.”
He stared at you for a minute, his eyes narrowed on you before his shoulder sagged and his lips flicked up at the corners. “Thank you.” He paused, before leaning in, rubbing his nose along your jaw and running a hand along your back, making sure to be obvious for any onlookers that might see you. He sat quietly as you chatted with your friends, busying himself with his phone, texting and playing games, slipping outside for a while and coming back smelling of fresh smoke and burnt tobacco, before sitting with you for the rest of the lunch break.
Your days rapidly fell into a new routine that involved him, the days turning to weeks and the little things all became easier. Conversations came without effort to the pair of you, and he even made the effort to reach out to some of the others. Around week two, he started to talk and join in with the conversations at lunchtimes, and his number had become one of the most frequented in your texts list. The physical affection had become more natural, and despite how much he scowled about it, he no longer complained when you called him by his real name in public. It came to being after a very snappy “I have known you since we were five, I’m not calling you ‘E’ when your name is Noah!” to which he merely huffed, dropping his shoulders from their defensive position before allowing a small smile to break through.
To almost everyone's surprise, he’d managed to reign in his flirting to a few small comments that were let slip while aimed at you, and as far as you were aware, he hadn't been with anyone else since your agreement had begun. He was showing up to school more, and actually attending his classes, and the stress you had felt had been deeply relieved.
You no longer felt like you were being watched when you walked through the halls, or worried when you walked alone that a particularly brass alpha might make a move. Even when they did, as much as you hated it, Noah would step in at every opportunity he had, leaving you to frown at him and patch him up after he threw the first punch and started a fight, getting himself battered and bruised in your name.
His hand in yours, kisses being pressed to your cheek or forehead, became a staple in your life, and you quickly found yourself missing the touch, seeking it out as soon as you could, in every free moment. His efforts to scent you had become almost instinctual, even when the two of you were alone. You often found yourself with his hands on your shoulders when you sat at the Stilinski dinner table doing your homework with Stiles, or his body pressed up close to yours when he joined you to study.
When your month marker had rolled around, you’d had a hiccup in the fifth week of your agreement, one that had panicked you greatly for the future of your deal. You’d been waiting at your locker today, Stiles bouncing up to you with pure excitement as Noah fidgetted and stood stiff, a moody expression on his face. His hand had found yours and you’d leaned into his side, his body stiff and he didn’t look at you as you did, never returned the attention or made an effort to acknowledge them.
He had walked you to your class, but was still of a bad temper, his response short and gruff, growing in increasing frustration as he merely grunted and gave you one-word answers, and eventually, you had given up. Lunch was almost over when he excused himself from the table, going to swap out his books at his locker and you turned to Stiles, your eyebrows raised. “What did you do?”
“He’s in an awful mood! What did you do?” You pressed, and Stiles pouted, sipping at his chocolate milk and frowning at you.
“It wasn’t me! Actually, it sort of was.” Your brows furrowed, and you pinched his arm as you encouraged him to keep speaking, a yelp leaving him as he rubbed at the patch, scowling at you. “I may have let it slip that you hate the smell of his cigarette smoke the other day, and he’s been on the patch since last night.”
Your eyes widened, and Stiles covered himself for the assault he thought to be coming, but your body slumped, eyes wide as you thought about it. Reaching idly for your bag, you swung it up onto your shoulder, abandoning your half-eaten meal as you jogged quickly from the lunch hall. When you found him, he was glaring into his locker, white-knuckled grip on the door making you think it may actually dent.
Placing your hand over his, he jumped in surprise, looking over you once before closing the locker door, leaning back against it and crossing his arms. “What are you doing? Shouldn’t you be having your lunch?”
“You gave up smoking for me?”
His body went rigid and tense, his lips pursed before he let out something between a sigh and a groan, shaking his head. “Fucking alpha instincts to look after you.” He was irritated by the action, and rubbed at his arm, your eyes closing in on the space as he lifted up his sleeve to show you the white patch stuck to his pale skin, and a smile found its way onto your face.
“You gave up smoking for me.”
He didn’t get a chance to respond, before you were standing up on the tips of your toes and pressing your lips to his cheek, your forehead bumping against his temple and he hummed, his arms wrapping around your middle to hold you as close to him as he could possibly get you. Your face ended up pressed into his neck, your giggle muffled by his skin as he squeezed at you, his hands holding you so you couldn't get away for him.
After that, the weeks rapidly flowed into months, the connection between the two of you only growing. Along the way, the lines between what you were and what you could be had become blurred, the affections you shared had spread to when the two of you were alone, even if you didn’t need to be scented. More and more of your trips to the Stilinski household had been to visit your alpha, as well as your omega best friend, and Stiles was still hanging the time he’d come home from Derek’s to find the two of you curled up together in a nap over your head as blackmail.
His kisses were now placed regularly on your face, his softer side coming out and only showing for you as he peppered you with affections whenever he could. At some point, you had shifted from your usual place between Stiles and the Sheriff on the couch to squeezed onto the lounge chair beside Noah, his arm wrapped around your waist. Stiles had smirked at you each time, until the week that Star Wars had been selected thanks to it being Stiles’ week to choose, and Noah had spent the entire movie mumbling jokes and comments into your ear, which you couldn't help but laugh at. Stiles told you to take the movie seriously, but you just couldn't.
An ever-revolving collection of his hoodies had begun to build up in your bedroom at home, and you regularly found yourself wearing them, just to feel comforted and closer to him. On the rare occasion, he would place a small kiss to your lips. Those times were rare, and the first time you hadn't even realised it had happened until a while later.
You had spent the day helping him write out all his application letters, one by one until they had all been sent off, the darkness having rolled in as the early hours of the morning ticked by, Stiles snoring loudly beside the two of you as he was surrounded by print outs and forms for GWU, the Sheriff walking through the door and staring at the three of you in your hurricane of sleepy yawns and envelopes, papers spread out around you.
He had offered you a lift home, choosing to wait out by the cruiser as you gathered your things and his son walked you to the door. It had been a simple gesture at the time, and neither of you had thought too much about it when his hand had cupped your cheek, his eyes dropping tiredly as he pressed his mouth to yours in a small peck, and you had eagerly returned the action, your body melting into his for only a moment.
At first, it had only happened again when you were alone. When you had been hanging out at his place, the two of you sitting on his bed and watching a movie on his laptop, or when he’d meet you at your lockers between classes when no one else was around. Scott and Allison were the first two to actually see you kiss, you hadn't even realised they were in the area when you had run up to him, waving a letter of invitation to an open day at one of your n his face before wrapping your arms around his neck, your lips meeting his for a split second before you’d caught Allison’s squealing near you.
Isaac had been next, and he was where the truth had really slipped out, because he had spilled the news to Stiles and Lydia, the former of whom had called you as he had dinner with his boyfriend and demanded you tell him whether Isaac was lying or not, and the latter of whom had simply started smirking at you each time it happened. Everyone else finding out had been a slippery slope, the two of you eventually having given up hiding on the occasional times you wanted to kiss the boy protecting you, or when he wanted to kiss you.
Some of the colleges you had helped him apply for had matched your own, and only two months after you had sent off all your applications, the time for open days and stay-overs at your colleges' choices had rolled around. You were nervous, to say the least. You had gone to elementary school, middle school and high school with Stiles, your best friend and your only omega support. The open days had been exciting, the parties thrilling and the people welcoming, and you’d found that even when you were alone, you weren’t looked on as an omega outsider. The fact that you were unmarked seemed to slip by without bother, and it only built up your excitement to go to college, to join the real world and find your place.
Your last college was the one you were looking forward to the most, and you were practically bouncing with joy as you held onto the hand of the alpha Stilinski, both of you having been invited down to this college for the look-around weekend celebration. Stiles had lent you the keys to the jeep, very reluctantly, and you’d driven down together, matching hotel keys tucked into each of your pockets to the room you were sharing, his fingers flexing around yours as he held you tight.
The activities fair was bright and colourful and loud, and you had already gathered a handful of coloured leaflets, most for you and a few for the man beside you, and he simply pressed himself up to you and stood protectively by your side as you socialised and talked to the owners of each booth, letting him place kisses to your temple and the sides of your head as he waited each time.
You had seen almost every stand as you made your way to the end of the rows, your eyes flicking over the last cluster to see if there was anything you were interested in, when you were suddenly jumping in excitement. “That one says ‘omegas’ on it, I want to know what it is!” You left his side, dashing through the crowds quickly and leaving him to follow, his chuckle barely reaching your ears as you disappeared into the swarms of people.
‘Single Omegas & Omega Support Group’
You swiped up a leaflet, flicking through the pages with a wide smile, immediately writing your name down on the ‘interested’ sheet and filling out your details. When you spun around to find your man, he was standing only a few feet behind you, his eyes narrowed on the sign as his hands stuck in his pockets, his once playful expression now twisted and sour, and he didn’t lighten up as you jumped back into his view with a wide grin.
“What’s up with you, grumpy?”
You leaned up to peck his lips, his head turning to the side as your lips met his cheek and you frowned, pulling away and looking at him. “Single omegas support group?”
“No, single omegas and support group.”
“Same thing.” He growled, and you stepped back, your eyes wide as you looked at him and you rose your brows, lifting a hand to rest on his arm but he jerked away from your touch. You couldn't understand his anger, and you swallowed thickly, tucking your collections of brightly coloured pamphlets into your bag, glancing around the two of you as you felt the tension between you build.
“I just figured it would be good for m-”
“Because you’re single?” Your jaw gaped, opening and closing as you tried to find words. You had never put a label on what you were exactly, but it hurt to hear him so quickly jump to that conclusion. In your mind, you were a couple, you had long since passed the time of dancing around your idle affections, choosing to indulge in them together, but apparently, your answer didn’t come fast enough for him as he scoffed, and he stepped away from you. “Right, I see how you feel then. It’s fine, ‘bout time I got my sexual freedom back anyway. Just in time for college.”
With that, he was storming away from you, your eyes watching him go as he slipped into the crowds, not looking back, and you merely shook your head, knowing he’d get over whatever he was hung up on eventually, and you could explain to him why you had actually been interested in the group. Instead, you pulled your itinerary from your pocket, unfolding the piece of paper and checking your schedule, choosing to give him time to cool down as you went about your day and continued with your activities. You figured he’d just catch up with you at some point.
Next up was taking a tour of campus living and sorority houses, and you had loved every second of it. You weren’t overly interested in joining a sorority, but it was nice to meet all the girls there anyway, and it was especially nice to get a real chance to look around the dorms you might be staying in. They were roomy, both the individual, pairs and group ones had a lot of space. Each building had large communal kitchens and dining rooms that were fully decked out, and they weren’t the well-worn and dirty places, but instead clean and stylish, they weren’t destroyed or gross but the sparsely furnished places were somewhere you could actually see yourself living in, and you were sad that the alpha you felt so deeply for wasn’t here with you to look around them.
A sweet girl in a green shirt with the university insignia was standing outside of the building when you left, handing out leaflets and chatting about a welcome party being held at one of the sorority houses, and you took one, smiling politely and stepping aside to check the time on your phone. Your notifications were empty, and you lifted the device to your ear after clicking on his name in your call logs, and it rang for a few beats before being cut off and sent to voicemail, telling you that he was ignoring your calls.
If he wanted to play that game, then fine.
Instead of lingering on the thought, you chose to check the address on the paper, making your way through the large campus and eventually finding where you were supposed to be, music pumping through the air loudly before you’d even finished walking up the front garden of the large house. You had sent him a text a while ago informing that you were going to a party, and where it was, hoping that he would come and meet you. Hours passed by, many drinks being consumed and many conversations being had but you never caught onto his familiar face. The lingering sadness of your argument faded away as you found yourself slightly tipsy, giggling with two omega girls you had found, before piling yourself into a taxi and slurring the address of your hotel to the driver.
The drive was short, or perhaps that was just what your drunken mind had left you believe, but you were soon leaning against the walls of the elevator and watching excitedly as the floors clicked up to your level, joy buzzing through you at the thought of crawling into the large double bed with the man you cared so deeply for, and putting this stupid disagreement behind you.
Your card swiped across the reader beside the frame, the door clicking open for you and the dopey smile soon fell from your face as you took in the sight before you. Naked, hot and sweaty was your alpha, buried deep within another woman, her legs wrapped tightly around her waist and his lips locked on hers as he pounded into her. The door slammed against the wall as you lost your grip on it while stumbling, and his eyes widened as he saw you there, but you were soon enough just backing out of the room, far too tipsy and tired to actually deal with what you were seeing.
So, that’s where your ‘relationship’ stood with him.
The door slammed shut behind you as tears welled in your eyes, and you blinked them away, not bothering to look back as you made your way back down to the lobby to request a second room for yourself. The morning brought a hangover and regret, sadness welling within you and the bed you were sleeping in alone felt cold and unwelcoming, when you should have been in the arms of the boy you had come with, but he’d been fucking another girl in your shared bed.
Eventually, you had dragged yourself from between the sheets, working yourself up to going to the original room to collect your things, and you thanked whatever higher power there was that he was still passed out in the sheets with his latest whore when you arrived, leaving you free to gather your belongings and sneak back to your new room in peace.
A hot shower had barely cleared your thoughts, and your eyes still stung from tears, but at least you were fresh-faced and ready for breakfast. You ate alone, in silence, choosing to text him and tell him in the simplest terms you could muster that you would meet him at the car at eleven for the journey home. Halfway through your food, Stiles had texted you, asking how it went, and you felt nauseated, abandoning your food in favour of calling him, breaking down in tears the second you heard your best friend’s voice over the phone as you spilt everything that had happened to him.
At ten forty-five, you returned to your room, gathering your suitcase and returning the keycard to the desk, thanking the attendee and making your way out to the car. The source of your emotional turmoil was already sitting in the vehicle, radio turned on with low volume as his fingers tapped on the steering wheel, and he made no effort to get out and help you when you loaded your bags into the back. He didn’t greet you when you climbed into the passenger seat, he didn’t even look at you, his jaw clenched as he kept his eyes on the road and turned the key in the ignition, silence filling the car.
His neck and jaw were littered with dark purple hickies, his hair still messy and he was wearing the same clothes he had been yesterday, the smell of cheap perfume still clinging to him, and you turned away, your body facing the window as your head rested on the door, and you chose to put your earphones in and crank up the music to drown out your feelings, not a single word being spoken between the two of you on the drive home.
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Barely two weeks had passed since you had spoken to him, and your heart was aching for him, your body screaming at you to return to your alpha, but he was avoiding you at all costs. He was missing school again, getting plenty of detentions when he did show up, and the smell of him was wearing away.
It was clear that he was no longer your alpha, and others were beginning to approach you again, the freedom and security you had found when you were by his side was slipping away as you once again became timid and scared, nervous about the people surrounding you. Stiles was struggling to keep an eye on you more than ever as graduation closed in and more and more alphas began to desperately proposition you before you went to college, wanting to claim you and make you theirs, their natural instinct being to do so.
He was elated when his letter from GWU had arrived, and you had a small bundle of letters to open, including one to the college that you so desperately dreamed of attending, and he was busily setting up two glasses on the coffee table, takeout menus ready and a stack of movies loaded up for the two of you as he buzzed around, awaiting your arrival.
“What are you moving about so quickly for?”
“I forgot to set up!” Stiles snapped, glancing up at his brother who was dawdling on the stairs, and one lone eyebrow raised as the other stayed solitary.
“Date with Derek?”
“No, (Y/N) is coming over.” He stiffened at that, his glare fixed on his hyperactive brother as he scoffed, and Stiles looked up at him hands on his hips as he paused, an angry expression on his usually joyful face, and he tutted. “I’m not going to stop hanging out with my best friend in my home, just because you fucked up and fucked someone else.”
“Can’t fuck up something that never was!” He retorted, walking the rest of the way down the stairs and taking a handful of popcorn from the bowl Stiles had set out, and the former twin huffed, hands twitching by his side.
“You’re so fucking stupid, Noah.”
“No, I’m not, Mieczysław.” Stiles scowled at the use of his real name, watching his brother retreat back to the stairs, and though he knew it wasn’t his place to step in, he couldn't help but open his mouth, the words pouring out before he could stop them.
“She didn’t like the group because she thinks of herself as single.” His brother paused his ascent of the stairs when he was only two from the stop, and Stiles stood at the base of the stairwell, rubbing a hand over his face. “I’m the only omega she’s known for her entire life, and when I went to GWU to check it out, I met this guy from an omega support group who was really nice, and it was an easy way to meet other omegas. She didn’t want advice on being single, she just wanted a chance to meet other omegas. I encouraged her to look for one of those groups too, because she’s going to need new omega friends when I can’t be with her, and you didn’t even give her a chance to explain that before you were hopping into the sheets with someone else.”
The news hit him like a ton of bricks and he felt as though he’d been winded, his body twisting to sit on the tops step as he looked at Stiles, not getting a chance to say anything when the door was suddenly being knocked upon, loud and frantic and Stiles disappeared from his sights to open the door.
“Hey, you made it a-” He paused, the door quickly slamming shut and he leaned down, peaking between the bannisters of the railing to see you clinging onto Stiles, his brother holding a hand to the back of your head as the other wound around your waist. “What the fuck happened? Are you okay?”
When you pulled back you were shaking, and you didn’t notice the other twin lurking at the top of the stairs, too busy blinking back the tears that lined your eyes as you let out a nervous and relieved laugh.
“You smell like cheap beer, weed, and random alphas?” His nose scrunched up as he held you at arm’s length, and the hidden twin could smell it all the way from the top of the stairs, rage twisting in his gut as the word ‘mine’ played on a loop within his mind, unable to stop it from happening as biology took over.
“I was walking over and there was this group of alpha guys, they were sort of drunk and some of them were smoking pot and they just got a little confident, because my scent has been coming back stronger. They made a bunch of comments and came over to me, and they wouldn't leave me alone, so I ran the rest of the way here.” Your words were spoken through deep breaths as you tried to calm both your nerves and your racing heart, and both twins frowned, one filled with concern while the other filled with guilt.
“I should have come and collected you, instead of letting you walk.”
“Hey, what can you do? That’s just the life of an unmarked omega, right?” You joked about it, brushing off the incident as though it was nothing and it only made him feel worse, because he had abandoned you over his own impatience, jumping to conclusions and leaving you to fend for yourself. He watched as Stiles guided you to the living room, letting you put down your belongings as he spoke to you about getting a bath, and you never even noticed when Noah slipped from the house, boiling with rage and practically seething as he walked along, but Stiles did.
Your best friend ran you a bath, making sure to tip far too much scented bubble mix into it to ensure the smell would leave your skin, and he’d left a small pile of clothes out for you on the counter for when you finished as he threw yours into the wash to get them clean for you once again. You were feeling better, you felt fresh and rejuvenated and pure joy was flooding through your veins as the two of you poured over takeout menu options as Indiana Jones played in the background on the tv screen, the door opening and slamming closed shocking you so much you almost fell from the couch.
“You’re wearing my sweater.” You pinche the fabric between your fingers, having grown so accustomed to borrowing clothes from either of the Stilinski boys that you had lost track of which item of clothing belonged to whom, and your eyes flicked up to meet his for only a second, widening as you took in his bloodied knuckles, grazed cheek and a bruised jaw.
“My clothes will be done soon. I’ll give it back in a minute. I didn’t know.” Your voice was scratchy and full of emotion as you spoke, your gaze leaving him when he could only muster a nod in response, before he was taking the stairs two at a time and disappearing upstairs. Your jaw dropped as you turned or his brother, a smirk on his face and you slapped him on the arm for giving you the wrong hoodie, but your eyebrow raised too. “What happened to him?”
“Well, I think - I think - he got in a fight.”
Your face dropped at his sarcasm, and you scowled at him, flicking him on the tip of his adorably sweet nose and his face scrunched up at the action, his tongue flicking out to prod at the tingling tip of his nose, his eyes crossing as he pulled a face at you and the action prompted a giggle from you, but you whined at him as you encouraged him to tell you what happened.
“Fine! Fine. If I’m taking a wild guess here, I’d say that he wasn’t too happy about the fact that you got borderline assaulted by some random alphas on your way over here, and so he headed out and got himself in yet another punch up for your honour.” Stiles paused, glancing at you carefully, before continuing on; “He’s miserable without you, he misses you.”
Silence sat between the two of you, and you picked at your nails, choosing to snuggle into the couch and watch the movie, ignoring Stiles’ burning gaze on the side of your head, before he snapped, pausing the movie and groaning loudly when five minutes of silence, bar the tv noise, had passed by and you still hadn't budged. “Oh, my God. This is killing me, please just go and talk to him?”
You looked over at him, your jaw hung slack and he fixed you with a stern glare, both of you knowing you wanted to, and eventually you were heaving yourself up from the couch, climbing the stairs slowly as you made your way to the bathroom. He was rifling through a first aid kit when you approached, and you clicked the door shut behind you, leaning back against it, and he swallowed thickly when he glanced up and saw you, pausing his search through the small medkit as he cleared his throat.
He winced at the sound of his own voice, and you simply nodded, moving toward him and plucking items for the box, well experienced in patching him up after fights by now, and he simply allowed you, choosing to lean back on the counter until he was the same height as you.
“What are you and Stiles doing?”
When he eventually spoke again, you were in the middle of dabbing a fresh ball of disinfectant soaked cotton along his grazed cheek and cleaning it up, your movements pausing, and you dropped your hand to look at him. “We were opening college letters together. He got his from GWU and I got my top choice, y’know, the college we went to look at together.” He frowned at your words, but licked over his lips, nodding and putting on a fake smile as you went back to work.
“And how did it go?”
“We both got in.” You got caught up in your thoughts as you discarded the cotton wool ball, squeezing bruise cream out onto your fingers and holding his face, tilting it to the side so you could smooth the paste across the skin and rub it in gently. “It’s great, actually, it means I’m only a two-hour drive from Stiles, so I won’t be quiet as alone as I would have been at any others, y’know? He’s there if I need someone.”
“You never would have been alone.” His words were whispered, and you paused, silence falling over the two of you as you rubbed healing gel onto the cuts and scrapes on his skin, and you packed away the kit, putting it back in the cupboard once the box was sealed shut and the anticipation was killing him, his mind spinning as he tried to find words to get you to talk to him, to talk about what happened, anything. “You didn’t tell me why you wanted those leaflets.”
Your eyes narrowed on him as his eyes widened, your eyebrows pulled together as your jaw ticked in anger. “You didn’t exactly give me a chance to explain.”
“That’s not what I meant. I mean, well, you didn’t come back to the room for hours an-”
“Oh, so it’s my fault that you slept with someone else in our bed? I’m so sorry you were forced to have sex with the hottest whore you could find because I was trying to give you space after you stormed off and ignored my calls and texts.” You were growling at him, his alpha instincts kicking up in both rage and lust at your feisty attitude, and yet he hated the way it was making him feel, because he was further fucking up what he had already fucked up, just because he couldn't find the right words to say. “You couldn’t even wait one night during an argument before needing to get your dick wet again?”
“I thought we were breaking up, or breaking off whatever we were..”
“Couples don't just break up after one fight! No relationship would ever last if they did!” His breath felt punched from his lungs as he stared at you, eyes wide as you huffed, cheeks flushed from your shouting and you ran a hand through your hair, because you had confirmed it for him, and he couldn’t help the smile that was forming on his face.
“We’re a real couple?”
“Well, I thought we were, but then I came back to find you in bed with another chick, so..” You prodded at his chest, and he couldn't find it within himself to be angry because his hands were finding your hips and he was pulling you closer to him, even if your hands did flatten against his chest in a very weak and rapidly abandoned effort to push him away. Your arms ended up crushed between the two of you as he pulled you in close, raising a hand to tuck some hair behind your ear, the tip of his nose bumping against your own.
“I want that for us. I want that to be us. I want us to be a real couple.”
You sighed, your anger slipping away as you looked up at him, shaking your head fondly, the word ‘dumbass’ slipping out under your breath, as you leaned in, resting your forehead on his shoulder and laughing under your breath. A muffled voice came through the door, smug even through his warm tone, as he told you he was going to go over to Derek’s for a few hours, and congratulating you for working it out.
Once the front door clicked shut, the sound of the jeep starting up, his fingers found yours, lacing your fingers together, he pulled you from the bathroom, guiding you along the familiar route to his bedroom. Kicking the door shut behind him, he picked up a torn open envelope from the desk and waved it at you, your eyes taking in the logo, flicking back up to him, filled with hope. “I got in, too.”
You jumped into his arms, his arms wrapping around your waist as you squealed, his arms wrapping around your waist as he laughed into your ear, spinning you in a circle before placing you back on the ground, ideas and thoughts already spilling from your mouth. You still had all the brochures for clubs you’d thought he might like, and you were waving excitedly as you told him all about the tours he’d missed, that there were joint dorm rooms, and how maybe the two of you could get one together.
Slipping a hand into your hair and one on your hip, he silenced you, his mouth closed over yours mid-sentence and cutting you off as he pressed a loving and passionate kiss toy our lips, his finger straightening in your hair and on your hip when your lips pressed back to his with just as much vigour. Your arms wrapped around his neck, stabilising you as the depth of the kiss made your legs shake, his tongue tracing the seam of your own and you happily parted them for you, his head tipping to the side to allow himself deeper access to your mouth.
“You’ve never kissed me like that before.” Your words were spoken breathlessly, your eyes still closed, his too, his lips barely brushing against yours as he took a deep breath, and he hummed lowly, the sound rumbling from his chest as he squeezed at your hips. He licked over his lower lip, catching against yours too, and you chased his lips a little, a chuckle on his lips as he gave you a sweet but short kiss, indulging you just enough to gain a little sigh from your lips as you rocked back from standing on your tiptoes to on the flats of your feet. “Why have you never kissed me like that before?”
“It’s not for a lack of wanting to.” He teased, and your hands slipped down from his shoulders to grip at his waist, tugging needily on the edge of his shirt to pull him closer to you, a needy whine on your lips as he indulged you, pressing the front of his body up to yours. “People who are faking it don’t kiss like that.”
“I really wouldn’t have complained.”
“Good to know.” He smirked, dipping back down to once again kiss you, his tongue slipping straight between your lips to toy with your own, your body going pliant in his hold as the slow kiss took your breath away. Your feet were moving beneath you in stumbling steps, until the backs of your legs met the silky fabric of his bedsheets, and you tore your lips away from his, taking a deep breath as you did, lips wet and slightly swollen as you looked between him and the mattress. You’d been on his bed before, laying across it with books and laptops spread out around the two of you. You’d been in his bed before, his arm looped around your waist and your back pressed up to his front as you took a peaceful nap, and yet this context was entirely different.
His hands slipped to your jaw, guiding your face back to his, and his thumbs smoothed over your cheeks as dark eyes stared into yours lovingly. “Tell me what’s going on in that little head of yours.”
You licked your lips, looking down and nodding as you tried to clear your thoughts, your hands tugging the ends of his t-shirt and lifting it up, your hands slipping under the thin fabric to brush over his skin, his muscles tensing under your touch, rippling as your trailed your fingertips from his sides to the happy trail covering the loosely defined abs under his shirt. “First of all, I really want you to take your shirt off.”
He grinned cheekily, his head tipping to the side and he let you push the material up his sides, before he was reaching behind his neck and peeling the top from his body, dropping it to the floor and letting you smooth your hands over the hard planes of his chest. He flexed the muscles under your touch, your lips clamped between your teeth, and his hands found the edges of the jumper that belonged to him, hanging around your mid-thighs and he tugged it up to your waist, catching your eye as he looked for confirmation from you. Lifting your arms up above your head, he dragged the material away from your body, a growl sounding from him as your body lay bare beneath the fabric, his eyes darkening and he skimmed his hands over your sides, a short pant leaving him as he watched your nipples pearl in the cold air, standing taut for him and just begging to be licked at. “Tell me what you want, baby.”
“What I want.. like, really want, is to not go to college as an unmarked omega.”
A sound you had never heard him make before rumbled from him, the vibrations of it practically carrying in the air as the deep sound shot straight to your core and your whole body shivered as his face flicked with a range of emotions. It was borderline pornographic; the possessive, aroused and purely desperate noise he had made and your knees buckled under you in submission, his arm catching you around your waist and pulling you in close to him as he used his other hand to tilt your head to the side, allowing him to nip and bite along the flesh of your jaw.
Licking a wet stripe along the skin at the base of your neck, goosebumps coated your skin at the feeling and he took a deep breath, holding your gaze on his once he pulled back. Placing a sloppy and frantic kiss to your lips, he pushed you back onto the bed, crawling over you quickly and caging you in on the mattress, the tip of his nose bumping yours. “You’re my omega.”
Everything possessive in him made everything instinctual in you needy, your hips rolling up into his, your breath punched from your lungs and he met your rolls thrust for thrust, his cock hardening in his jeans, a hand on one of your thighs, lifting your leg up so he could slot himself between your legs. “Going to mark you up, make you mine so everyone knows. My pretty little omega, all mine.”
“All yours, alpha. Make me yours.”
Some kind of cross between a whimper and a groan from him was muffled by his lips on yours, and he trailed his kisses along your jaw, sucking and lapping at your skin as he went, ensuring that he was leaving hickies dotted along your flesh as he went, taking his time and holding you softly. Closing his lips around one of your nipples, your back arched up into his mouth, the rough pad of his tongue swirling over it, pleasure jolting through your body at the stimulation, one hand coming up to lace into his hair, tugging a handful into a fist.
Giving the other the same stimulation, his fingers danced over your ribs and sides as he moved down to slip his fingers under the elastic of the large sweatpants on your hips, wet kisses moving along your navel before he paused, blowing cool air streams over the shining trails left on your skin.  
“You’re not wearing any panties are you?” He grumbled deep in his throat when you shook your head. “I can fucking smell you, baby, I bet you’re just dripping for me.” Placing a light at the outside of your thighs, your hips lifted for him, feet planted flat on the mattress as he peeled the fabric away, dropping them to the carpet to join your top and his already there. With a hand on each knee, he parted your thigh, inhaling deeply and kissing at the inside of each thigh, fingers massaging your flesh as he worked his way up to your dripping core. “You want my mouth, baby?”
“Yes, please.”
“Anything for you.” With that, he dragged the tip of his tongue from your entrance to your clit, sealing his lips around the bud and sucking harshly, a squeal leaving you as your back arched. He repeated the action, twice, before he was settling more comfortable on the bed, his arms wrapping around the backs of your thighs to hold you still as he lapped at the delectable taste of your juices sliding from you.
He was taking his time, teasing your entrance and occasionally dipping his tongue into you, his teeth scraping over your clit and your toes curled as he slurped and sucked, your walls squeezing around him as his fingers dug into your skin. Slipping one hand up, he pushed the pad of his tongue down on your clit, rubbing slow and delicate circles into the bud and you tugged at his hair, moans spilling from your lips as the languid stroked of his tongue sparked a fire to start curling on your stomach, a climax slowly beginning to build as your muscles began to tighten.
With a particularly harsh suck, your toes curled, a whimper leaving you, your hips rolling into his face and he picked up his speed and force, your thighs clamping around his head, his hair tickling against the skin and you could feel his sharp jaw moving quickly, before he pried your legs back open as far as he could get them, growling into your pussy as the vibrations shot along your nerves.
Raising one of your own hands to paw at your tits, you tugged on your nipples, groping at the mounds as you dragged yourself into a climax, your back leaving the bed as you rolled your hips into his face, his name leaving your lips in a mantra, body shaking and tensed as your eyes squeezed shut. He continued his ministrations, dragging your orgasm out for as long as he could, until he was pulling back with shiny marks on his chin and a filthy smirk, wiping his chin on the back of his hand before leaning over you and planting a hot and open-mouthed kiss to your lips, letting you taste yourself briefly on his tongue.
“You taste fucking delicious.” He whispered the words to you, bumping your noses together and running his hands gently over your body, your own finger catching around his wrists to still his movements and he looked at you curiously, a brow raised. Leaning up, you caught his lips with your own, nibbling on his lower one and he growled, pulling back to give you a mock glare as he took your hands, pinning them to the bed above your head and chasing your mouth, your lips meeting in a rough collision. “Such a pretty girl for me, all flushed and fucked out.”
“I’m not fucked out yet, you’re taking too long.” You retorted, and he huffed, pinching at your side as he slipped his tongue into your mouth, wrapping with your own as they visible played between your quick and needy kisses, your body already building back up as he slipped a hand up to swipe at your core, chuckling at the wetness that was already building.
“I’m trying to be a good alpha and look after my beautiful omega.”
“Well, could you look after your omega by fucking me senseless until I’m screaming?” His jaw dropped, a loud and unashamed moan leaving him at your words, his eyes only getting darker as he gaped at you. Lifting a hand from where it supported him above you, he cupped your cheek, his thumb tugging down your lower lip from a second as he licked at his own and thought about his actions.
“Since when did you have such a filthy fucking mouth on you, sweetheart?” You grinned, shifting just enough to suck the digit between your lips, a breathy sigh leaving him as you swirled your tongue around the pad, sucking lightly and grazing his finger with your teeth, winking at him and his eyes glazed over and went half-lidded as your actions. “I thought you were cute and innocent, huh?”
“I could be dirty just for you.”
“You have no idea what you do to me, sweetheart.” He mumbled, and you raised a brow, taking one of your hands from the spot he pinned them too and dragging your nails across his torso lightly, before cupping at the prominent bulge in his jeans and squeezing tightly, his hips bucking down onto your palm.
“I think I have a pretty good idea.” You teased, and he grinned, kissing you quickly before rocking back to kneel between your legs, popping the button on his jeans and tearing the zipper down.
“Tell me how you want it, baby. Tell me what you want from your alpha.” Standing up, he dropped the denim, palming at himself through the black cotton of his boxer-briefs and kicking the restraining material from around his ankles.
“I want it hard, and rough. I want you to fuck me so good that I’m seeing stars, and so I know nobody will ever be as good as you. I want you to mark me, make me yours.” He bit on his lower lip, dropping his boxers and stroking at his length, wandering across the room to snatch a condom from the top drawer of his desk. Tearing the top of the packet open with his teeth, he rolled the rubber along his impressive shaft, his cock bouncing in its stiff position as he made his way over to you.
“Nobody will ever get to know, because you’re all mine, for the rest of your life. You’re mine, baby, my omega.” Rolling his body back over yours, your arms looped around his neck, a quick peck being pressed to your lips before he lined himself up, sinking into you quickly and his jaw dropped as your wet warmth encased him, his thick cock stretching you out deliciously. “Fuck, you’re tight.”
“I think that’s just the fact that you have a massive cock.”
His arms shook at your words, a loud laugh leaving him and he fixed you with a loving look as he settled still, the environment around you being somewhere between playful and intense, hot and still relaxed, and you’d never felt more loved. Pulling his mouth down to yours, you kissed him deeply, your walls fluttering around him as you conveyed everything you felt, a sweet noise of approval sounding on his mouth. He returned the gesture enthusiastically, before easing his hips out of you, his mouth open against yours as he gasped at the feeling of your walls trying to pull him back in.
Leaning away, he smirked at you, pushing a hand up over your body as he pressed you back into the mattress, his fingers sealing around your throat just tight enough to excite you, flexing against the column of your throat, the edges of your lips tipping up in a grin, flashing your teeth to him as he rocked his hips back into yours, joint moans leaving the two of you. The pace picked up rapidly, the fingers of his other hand clenching in the sheets as he rammed his cock into you, the breath forced from your lungs with each slam he made into you.
Your walls squeezed around him, cursed hissed out between his teeth as his jaw clenched, a whimper falling from you as you watched the man above you pound you into oblivion. His eyes were locked on yours, a thin sheen of sweat on your skin as your name fell from his lips on repeat, your back arching up and chest rubbing against his as he fucked you.
Hiking a leg up higher onto his waist, he sunk into you further, quickly dropping himself down from his palm to his forearm, his nose bumping against yours, hot breath from his pants washing over your skin and you dipped your tongue from your mouth, licking at his lips teasing and he growled, his mouth slanting over yours as he slowed his pace.
Scooping you up under your shoulder blades, he pulled you back, until he was sitting back on his heels and you were perched in his lap, his pulsing cock buried within you deeper than ever as you sat on his thighs and your hands tightening in his hair, pulling on fistfuls. Your legs wrapped tightly around his waist, your chests pressed together tightly as slick skin slid against slick skin, and his hands gripped your hips in a bruising hold as he bounced you on his cock, your eyes rolling back. “Oh, you feel so fucking good, sweetheart. Tight and wet for me.”
Once the pace was set, your legs tightened around him, and you did your best to meet his movements, one of his hands slipping down to palm at your ass, short nails scraping over your skin. Pulling his hand back, he slapped down on your skin roughly, your hips jumping into his and you whimpered, pushing his palm smoothing over the stinging flesh and you pushed back into his hand, a breathless chuckle released against your mouth as he groped at the flesh, repeating the action as your skin burned and flushed red, the sweet sound of his name in a cry leaving you, and he moved across, kissing down your jaw.
Tipping your head back, your hair fell away from your shoulder as you exposed your neck to him, your stomach twisting when he licked over the slightly sweaty patch, scraping his teeth over the place he would mark you. The high inside of you was building, your hips rocking down into his as he assisted you. “Are you sure?”
“I’ve never been so sure of anything.”
He swallowed thickly, slamming you down onto his cock and holding you there tightly as he bit down onto your skin, your body flashing with heat and pure bliss as you exploded around him, shaking in his arms as you came, your eyes rolling back in your head and the dull and throbbing pain of the bite mark he gave you was overruled by the feeling of pure love coursing through your body. He dropped your bed back to the mattress, an animalistic sound leaving him as he hiked your leg up onto his shoulder, loud shots and grunts spilling from him as he fucked himself into you so quickly that your eyes were rolling back and you were seeing stars.
Licking the pads of two fingers, he dropped them to your swollen clit and rubbed harshly, screams tearing from your lips as you trembled in his hold, your eyes rolled back as you came from a second time, your core flooding his cock with arousal, ecstasy flooding your veins and walls clamping around him. His body dropped down onto yours as he came, thrusting weakly into you to prolong your peaks as much as he could, your body quivering under him as you caught your breath.
Your arms wrapped around him tightly, holding his body to you despite the fact that his weight was crushing you and he made a happy sound, nuzzling into your neck and kissing over the mark on your neck, a deep sigh being let out before he pulled out of you, a groan on his lips as he got up from the bed, tying the condom off and dropping it into the bin before grabbing a handful of tissues, kneeling beside you as he wiped the stray blood from the bite mark on your shoulder.
He trailed a finger around it, a smile on his lips as he looked at you. “You have my mark.”
“Yeah, I do.” He chuckled at your words, and tipped your neck to the side so he could admire his work, and you shuffled backwards up the bed, his body following you, your head finding the pillow as you snuggled into the plush cushions happily.
“You’re perfect, absolutely perfect.” Dropping down beside you, his fingers brushed through your hair, smoothing it away behind your ears and you grinned at him, letting him adjust you carefully as he tucked the covers around you, a giggle on your lips as he fussed over you. “What are you laughing at?”
“You’re in alpha-overdrive.”
“Shut up.” He grumbled, scowling at the smile on your lips as you let him fuss over you. “I’ve been suppressing my urge to go ‘alpha-overdrive’ on you for fucking months.” He settled himself under the covers beside you, his arms wrapped tightly around you, a yawn on your lips as you nuzzled into his body.
“I wasn’t complaining, I like it.”
“Good, because I’m going to be looking after you for the rest of our goddamn lives, little omega. I’ll be the best alpha the world has ever fucking seen.” He kissed at your cheek, arm tightening around you more as the two of you laid back, bodies aching and tired but thoroughly satisfied. “So, why don’t you tell me all about those college dorms, hm?”
“You’re going to absolutely love them.”
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tiannas-ocs · 2 years
Eliana Perez
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gif credit: @evansygifs​​
Fandom: High School Musical: The Musical: The Series
Face claim: Ariela Barer
Nicknames: Eli, Psycho
Birthday: March 22, 2003
Age: 16 (Season 1) - 17 (Season 2)
Pronouns: She/They
Sexuality: Bisexual
Occupation: Drummer, Singer, Student
Friends: Robin McDonald. Griselda Lee, Benjamin McDonald
Intro: Eli has absolutely no perception of what is right and what is wrong; or, if they do, they simply don’t care. That’s what landed her in detention the first week of high school. Some jock asshole made the unfortunate mistake of picking on her, resulting in a bloody nose, and a deflated ego. But, it was okay, because while in detention she met some of the coolest people ever. Outcasts, like her. People who the world regarded as wasted space; people who retaliated with their middle finger raised high (or a fist to the face). Robin McDonald and Griselda Lee were the only ones in a long time to make her feel like she mattered and see her potential. That day, Below Average was born.
Prior to joining the band, Eli’s drummer skills were only used for disappointing her parents and annoying her neighbors. She’d taught herself when a counselor in middle school suggested using it as a vessel to let out her aggression. It had worked, to an extent, but the poor older lady had underestimated how much rage Eli truly had in their body. Still, whether it worked for its intended purpose or not, she loved it. It felt thrilling to finally be good at something, although she realized she might actually be better if she took real lessons instead of just learning with YouTube videos. And they didn’t even have real drums for a while. Her dad and step-mom weren’t very supportive of their new passion, so they had to save every penny until they could buy a cheap one off Craigslist. However, when she joined Below Average, her bandmates put their money together to get one that wasn’t being held together with duct tape.
“Want me to kill that guy for you?”
“You call me “Psycho” like it’s a bad thing.”
“We’re gonna rock you so hard, your heads will explode!”
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phcking-detective · 4 years
MasterList 2.0
Kiss Prompt Series (all PG)
Angry Kiss – Gavin chases after a perp without backup and gets shot multiple times. He can’t believe his asshole android partner is staying behind to help him instead of catching the perp, but maybe RK900 cares more than he thinks. Maybe a lot more …
Reunion Kiss – Nines returns a day early from an intensive case and stops by Gavin’s favorite coffee shop to get his boyfriend a treat. But Gavin is already there and apparently has the same idea.
Awkward Forehead Kiss – Nines takes care of his sick human partner as best he can, but all human media seems to indicate sick humans need forehead kisses to feel better. Too bad he doesn’t know how to kiss. Luckily, Gavin is happy to help teach him.
Forced Kiss – Nines attempts to break up with Gavin for the detective’s own good. That goes about as well as you’d expect. (NO non-con! Gavin just kisses Nines in the middle of his mental breakdown while he tries to self-isolate.)
Drunk Kiss – Connor and Hank bring in a box of Sumo’s puppies to the precinct Christmas party. When two go missing, Nines tracks them down to find … Detective Reed? He did not realize his maladjusted human partner could be so gentle.
Forehead Kiss – human!Richard is having a bad mental health day and gloomily declares he needs serotonin. android!Gavin and himbo extraordinaire offers to go to the grocery store and get him some.
Extra Drabbles (all PG or Teen)
HOT SINGLE ANDROID IN YOUR AREA – Gavin keeps getting spam pop-ups on his computer about hot androids who want to fuck. Until he finally notices they’re now only talking about one single android in particular. Who could it be?
Dumb Ways to Deviate: Cheeseburger – Nines takes Gavin out to eat as a reward for solving a case they’ve been working on for the past 36 hours. When the exhausted human tries to feed him, Nines suddenly experiences–[feelings]??
crush.exe –Nines thinks Gavin is cute. But that’s just objective fact, right? Anyone would think he’s cute. Tina disagrees and diagnoses him with something called a “crush.”
INTRUDER ALERT – Nines visits Gavin’s apartment to discuss a case, but there is an [INTRUDER] wearing an ingenius chocolate scrub mask that confuses his facial recognition software.
Find Familiar -- Nines is the most brilliant wizard of their generation, and when they summon their familiar for the first time, they expect some sort of unique and brilliant creature. Not a short, angry little man with a facial scar and bare feet banging on their door three days later.
Bathtime -- Nines isn’t spoiled, and if he is, it’s only because Gavin keeps giving him everything he asks for. Like “help” washing his hair in the bath.
Love Letter -- Gavin receives an anonymous letter detailing how the sender wants to analyze his skin and catalog his teeth. The two suspects? Well, it was obviously either written by Detroit’s latest serial killer or ... Gavin’s own partner.
Not Alone -- After Gavin gets shot in the side, falls off a building, and breaks two of his limbs, Nines is desperate to see him the moment he's out of surgery. Except the hospital he's at has a "legal family members only" visitation policy to keep out androids. In desperation, Nines calls a very old emergency contact number that lists "Eli Reed" as Gavin's brother--only to suddenly be on the phone with Elijah Kamski himself.
Happiness is a Jealous Android -- Gavin starts hanging out with a new GJ500 for smoke breaks, mutual bitching about work, and maybe a little light flirting. Him and Nines haven’t discussed the thing they have going, and Nines has been busy anyway, so a little flirting is OK, right? Except for when the other android won’t take no for an answer ...
Dumb Ways to Deviate: Birds -- An argument between RK900 and Gavin on whether bats are mammals or birds leads to ... well. What it says on the tin.
updated list of fics in my main reed900 series under the cut!
Reed900 Main Series (all Explicit)
In the Beginning -- 7k words; RK900 follows the orders [stay in room 6459] and [do not interfere] while deviants attack and shut down Cyberlife, and it’s not because he’s “petty” as the deviant Connor accuses. If Cyberlife wanted its help, they should not have forgotten the unit in a storage closet.
Fight Club (but Explicitly Gay This Time) – 2k words; RK900 decides to “discipline” Gavin in the DPD men’s bathroom by spanking and stepping on him. Unfortunately, the disgusting little human actually enjoys it.
Fast and Furious – 5.5k words; Nines notices how competent Gavin is at driving. In fact, he’s noticing a lot about Gavin, which is unfortunate, because he doesn’t know what it means. Maybe slapping the human more will help …
Ain’t Got Time to Bleed – 27k words; Gavin and Nines engage in exciting new activities, like solving a case together, going out for drinks, hustling at pool. Specifically, Nines gets hustled by Gavin, but he pays it back tenfold in the alleyway afterward.
First Blood – 129k words; Gavin and Nines get caught up in a case that’s a lot more complicated than it seems as they run into a Ponzi scheme and a staged suicide, an attempted murder on the journalist who broke the story, and a mysterious android manipulating it all. Even worse, they’re starting to actually kind of like each other too. But will their partnership be strong enough to get them through kidnapping, torture, and safe / sane / consensual sex?
If It Bleeds -- 14k, ongoing; While dealing with the fallout of the WJ700 case, Gavin and Nines also get assigned to the new Android Task Force when they start investigating on their own anyway. But their cases get more complicated as both the IA and FBI hold a grudge, Nines makes new sexual explorations of his own, and Gavin’s ex-boyfriend attempts to reconnect …
Bonus HankCon Fic (Explicit)
Sweet Dreams Are Made of This – 66k; Connor determines co-sleeping with Hank will be a productive, healthy venture–and step one on his three year plan to seduce Hank. Unfortunately for him, Hank is a gay, self-destructive old man who manages to fuck up The Plan by both already being in love with him and also refusing to acknowledge that. (75% domestic fluff, 24% sex at the end, 1% Sumo eating food he’s not supposed to)
Patreon (shameless promotion)
If you love my reed900 series and want to get chapters sooner, like my drabbles and want patreon-exclusive bonus content, and chapters from THREE of my WIPS, the tiers are $1 / $2 / $3 per chapter, respectively. I post chapters once a week on Sunday ^^
I also take commissions: $10 for 1k / $25 for 3k / $40 for 5k, NSFW and kink friendly, limits are no incest, pedophilia, or rape scenes. just PM me or email [email protected] if you’re interested ^^
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r3almellow · 4 years
Second Thoughts (Gavin x F!Reader)
Thanks to the anon who requested a second part to my Gavin x F!Reader fic Late Night Thoughts! Hopefully you enjoy this one! I tried proofreading this so many times, so I’m really sorry if there are any typos!
Warning: Slightly-Angstish
Everyone knew about the “Bad Boy” of Loveland High. Not many dared to go against the infamous Gavin Bai because they valued their lives too much.
Gavin couldn’t remember where the rumors sprouted from, but if it got people to leave him alone then who was he to say anything? He didn’t have many interests and didn’t see the need to befriend the entire student body. What was the point when he knew he would never see ninety percent of these people in the future? Like most students he only wanted to finish his schooling and get the hell out of there. 
When it came to fights, he rarely started them. It was always people who felt threatened by him. The reason for that was beyond him, but he had no problem throwing a few punches if it meant he would be left alone afterwards. These beliefs made him seem disinterested, unapproachable, and straight up intimidating. You had to have had a few screws loose to want to befriend him. Which…in hindsight, probably explained why Minor was stuck to his side like glue.  
However, Gavin would be a liar if he said the rumors that floated around didn’t bother him a little bit. It was even worse when he came across you, the small nerdy looking shy girl who seemed too innocent and kind for her own good. Gavin couldn’t quite understand it at first, but there was something about you that immediately grabbed his attention. Was it the big rimmed glasses or the way your fingers effortlessly danced across the piano keys in the “empty” music room? He wasn’t sure. What was first a spark of curiosity turned into a full on crush. For the first time in Gavin’s life he was interested in someone. He wanted to get to know you. What were your interests? What was your favorite food? What made you happy? What made you cry? What kind of guys were you interested in? He wanted to know it all. All he had to do was take that first step and talk to you.  
Unfortunately, you were one of the many who were weary of him. He didn’t blame you. Who would want to talk to someone who got into fights constantly, had the school faculty cowering before him and allegedly threw another student out a window for “accidentally touching” a female student? In Gavin’s defense, it was out the first floor window and the grass probably cushioned the assholes fall. With rumors like that what girl would want to have anything to do with a guy like him? Despite all that you were always kind the very few times you two crossed paths. You even gave Minor a first aid kit in hopes to help patch Gavin up after one of his really bad scuffles.
You were so nice. He had never known such kindness before. His upbringing didn’t allow him to experience that and there you were throwing a smile at him when ever you glanced his way; before running off with your group of friends. You have no idea how much those smiles brightened his day.
Despite fearing him, maybe you knew that deep down Gavin wasn’t some misunderstood monster. Maybe you saw something in him that no one else saw. And maybe that’s why the boy who never cared to prove himself to others, grew into the man who wanted to prove himself to you.
And his hard work paid off years later.
When you agreed to be his girlfriend, Gavin was shocked to say the least. Sure you two had grown close since your reunion, but he never thought in a million years that you would have given him a chance.
After a year of dating, Gavin knew he wanted to spend the rest of his life with you.
He played with the idea of asking you out right a few months ago while your sleeping form laid in his arms. He remembered casually asking you to marry him and you mumbled a somewhat coherent “yes.” He knew you couldn’t comprehend what he was asking, but that didn’t stop his heart from almost leaping out of his chest. Gavin knew it was only a matter of time before he asked you. He just needed the courage to do it.
Marriage was a big step and while he knew you loved him, there was a lingering feeling of doubt. Love and marriage were two different things. You could love someone and not be ready to take that leap. What if you had no intentions of getting married? What if he scared you off? What if this was all a dream and the minute he got down on one knee you would be replaced with his father.
“You want a wife? A husband is the foundation of a family. The protector. How do you expect to protect your “wife” when you couldn’t even protect your mother?” His father’s words would echo in his head and suddenly marriage was just a fools dream. 
It was rare for his thoughts to travel to such a dark place, but they were there nonetheless. 
You needed someone who could protect you, be with you for every good and bad moment in your life, and most importantly make you feel loved. Despite his fears, Gavin wanted to be that person who gave you the world. 
He thought about how he was going to propose many times. It had gotten so bad that he had to enlist the help of Minor and Eli. Surprisingly, Minor was really good at throwing some ideas his way and Eli brought Gavin to ring maker who specialized in making custom wedding rings. He ended up walking away with the perfect ring which he’s been walking around with for the past three months.
Gavin almost had all the pieces, he just needed t-
“Earth to Gavin!” A loud feminine voice pierced through Gavin’s thoughts, bringing the man back to the present. His line of vision was quickly met with hands waving in his face and a slightly amused you looking at him.  
“We’re going to be late for the Policeman’s Ball if you keep spacing out like that.” Oh right. That was something he was supposed to be getting ready for. 
Gavin thought about asking you at the Ball. There was a nice gazebo behind the building he could take you to.  Although he’d rather not be surrounded by his colleagues, as he asks you the most important question that could be a turning point in your relationship. 
Even so, he had the box containing the ring in his back pocket just in case he was feeling spontaneous. 
“You know we could always skip it.” Not like they had to be there and Gavin wasn’t much for parties. 
You gave him a disapproving look. 
“Like we did last year because a certain someone couldn’t keep his hands to himself? No way!” 
To be fair, you were the one who initiated what led to an all night love making session, not that Gavin was complaining. He’d much rather spend the rest the of his night worshiping you than going to an event he had no interest in.
Ignoring his small frown, you turned your back to him, revealing your partially exposed back.
“Zip me, please.” Gavin heard you say. He eyed the zipper that stopped half way up your back and glared. Cursed thing. Gavin had half a mind to see if he could convince you to play hooky with him, but decided against it. 
He reluctantly zipped up your dress, earning him a quick kiss and “thank you” from you. 
You made your way over to the full length mirror to check yourself out. The long red dress that tightly hugged your body, showing off your curves in all of Gavin’s favorite places, was beautiful; but he would much rather look the gorgeous body hiding underneath.
“You think the food will be good?” You asked. That was probably your only concern for the night. 
Gavin shrugged as he made his way over to the nightstand in search for his cufflinks. Events like that always had drinks and finger food that was probably way too expensive than it needed to be. They were never filling either...
“Not sure. If anything we can grab something to eat on the way back.” He watched your eyes light up through the mirror at the idea. You were so cute. 
“Hopefully that hotpot buffet place around the corner will still be open.” You said with a happy sigh.
“Worst case, I’ll cook.” Gavin wasn’t a master chef, but he did pick up a few things once you two started dating. Out of the two of you, you claimed he was the better cook, but honestly Gavin would eat your home-cooked meals all day if he could. 
“You’re so good to me! Did anyone ever tell you that you’d make a good husband?” You jokingly questioned as you rummaged through the closet for a pair of heels.
Gavin wasn’t sure what came over him at that moment, but the next sentence that passed his lips would change your relationship forever. 
“Good enough to be your husband?” And just like that, silence filled the room. Gavin was prepared to smack himself. He was always straightforward and honest with his feelings, but now definitely wasn’t the time for that. 
Before he could backtrack and claim his question to be a joke you spoke out. The shakiness in your voice evident. 
“Do...do you want to be?” Your question surprised him, but it gave him hope. Hope that maybe just maybe...
“I do.” His voice was low, but with your refusal to look in his direction and the way your back tensed up he knew you heard him.
There was no going back now. No incoherent talks of hotpot weddings, no more ghosts of his past trying to deter him, and no more waiting. 
“If this is your way of getting out of th-” You paused mid-sentence as you turned to face Gavin who was currently kneeling  on one knee before you with a small box in his slightly shaken hand.
Suddenly Gavin forgot how to breathe. For the first time in a really long time Gavin was fearful as hell. So much could go wrong in this moment and not being sure how this was going to go was full on torture. 
This might not have been how you would have imagined a proposal from Gavin would be, but he hoped with every fiber of his being that this was enough. That he was enough. 
Gavin opened the box, revealing a beautifully crafted silver band in the shape of two ginkgo leaves, holding a diamond ring. 
“Will you marry me?” 
Done! There were so many ways I wanted to go about this, but I hope this end result was to everyone’s liking. I feel like Gavin is a total sweetheart and while he’s pretty nonchalant about a lot of things he tries to do right by you. I also believe his proposal would be an accident. I actually have a n/swf proposal idea if anyone was interested in that. What do you think? Please leave a comment! Have a request? Drop me a message! You can also read my other MLQC works here!
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junejalow · 3 years
Bandit/Blitz "You're my charming idiot."
This is for RandomPersonDasHere, their prompt is for Bandit and Blitz under the prompt "How can you still be so idiotically charming?", changed it a tiny bit to fit with the idea I thought of . 
A simple training simulation, that's all they had to do. At least that's what Blitz though. He could hear Ace curse further down the hallway of the building they were slowly advancing in, sparks of electricity crackling from somewhere followed by a muffled chuckle of victory.
Blitz thought to himself. The attackers weren't told who they would be going against and vice versa, but he knew that sound all to well. His significant other was being his usual little asshole self by waiting last second to place his CED-1 down just to fuck with people. His attention was drawn to the sound of chalk grenades going off two rooms from him along with rounds fired and peppering the hallway a bit.
"Four attackers and four Defenders left!"
Sounded the announcer over head.
Shifting a bit into the doorway to get a good peek inside, Blitz immediately noticed Mozzie down against the wall and Finka close by, also down. He cursed under his breath, Finka had gone head with Ace earlier to check out an extra route before she had traced her steps back but clearly rain into trouble. Unfortunately that meant pests were around and drones would be out of the question to see who all was on the defending side. He met up with Ace further down the hallway who had held up in a room across from the guarded corner he tried to access moments before. Elias gave a silent motion to the Norwegian to get behind him so his shield could take any bullets and blasts for them.
"Your sneaky boyfriend got away from me, can't believe he got me with his battery." Ace grumbled behind him, keeping his free hand on his shoulder with his pistol aimed over Blitz's shoulder. He clearly wasn't happy with the trick but knew Bandit could outsmart and out play them easily. The German was a crafty guy.
"It's just a training exercise Ace." Yet... Blitz found a smile tugging at the corner of his lips. He fell hard for Bandit's personality and gruff nature years ago, they were a couple before they even came to Rainbow and thankfully Six allowed them to keep their relationship as long as it never interfered with their mission at hand. Even during training, they put that aside and focused. Then again. Trust Bandit to never keep a promise if he couldn't cause chaos. The man basically LIVED to cause mayhem. A man of opportunity that wasn't scared to take a leap. Fine. Blitz would play along.
Bandit was still snickering to himself as he backed into the safety of the reinforced room and boarded up the doorway, He glanced over towards Rook who had long since placed down his armor pack for them. He almost looked bored with how long they had been waiting but it also told them whoever was on the other team where the more careful and calculated operators of the attacking team. Or they weren't taking this serious, hell he wasn't. "I just bagged Ace's last Aqua Breacher."
Rook gave him an amused smile, "You know he'll come after you now mon ami (my friend), he takes pride in those breaches and you just stripped every bit of it away."
"Stripping someone's ego is a good thing, it get's in the way." He retorted. "Besides, this is f-"
Bandit was cut off by the announcer above along side a muffled flash noise, bullets and thud of a body dropping.
"Three defenders remaining!"
"Scheiße(shit)" He swore.
Finka, Ace and now Blitz?
Of course his goofball of a boyfriend would be pitted against him despite this being a surprise training session with no info given. He started to think a bit more seriously now, Blitz wouldn't go easy on him and Ace was already upset for the stunt he just pulled with taking out his gadget. Of course that left him without any batteries left. Rook held one door while he had the other. He knew Mozzie was down, he hadn't heard from the aussie in awhile now. He wasn't sure who exactly was down now, Kapkan had left earlier to place his EDD's around the place for anyone who didn't watch their footing and Echo was off somewhere flying his Yokai drone. Bandit had hoped to hold out longer but now this was survival. They had to run the timer down.
Blitz made a mental note of who all was left for their side vs who they had found so far. Ace was still with him, they wanted to clear rooms before heading for the main room since they had already pinpointed it earlier.
Finka is down, Ace is with me, Buck is searching the bottom floor and Glaz is circling around outside.
He glanced back for a moment, mentally marking the operator downed in the room to the right who had tried to sneak up on them only to get Blitz's shield flash to the face and Ace landing a well placed shot to the head on Echo. Bandit's hiding in the target room, Mozzie and Echo are down.
That's three out of four.
Who else do they have?
He thought to himself as him and Ace advanced upstairs as quietly as possible. They could access the main target room from a hatch in the far bedroom.
"I do not like how quiet it is min venn (my friend)" Ace mumbled to him quietly, worried they were going against one of the more skilled operators of Rainbow. Just as the thought left his mind, he was snatched into a room by a muscled arm around his neck and was shot in the back four times before being dropped. The figure darting into an adjoining before Blitz could catch full view of the person. They weren't making this easy at all.
"Three attackers remaining!"
"Playing games now?" He called out, "It's not like anyone to strike and flee!" Elias wanted to provoke the defender, he wanted to take more of them out. His main target was Bandit after all. "Glaz, light up the target room but leave Bandit if you see him."
"As you wish." The Russian replied with a knowing grin to his voice. Well aimed shots echoed on the far end of the building, within minutes the announcer went off again.
"Two defenders remaining!"
"Come out little rabbit, I know you're up here." Blitz called again, taking his corner's carefully and checking the doorways incase he was dealing with any type of explosives. His answer was a flash bang rolling towards him out of a side room, he quickly brought up his shield as it went off. The ringing got to him but a flash of movement from the corner of his eye had him shifting his weight and shield, vibrations against it told him he had reacted just in time to avoid any major damage but a sting to his lower right calf alerted him to just how close that encounter had been. He glanced through the window on his shield and saw Kapkan holding up a C4, ready to toss it with a glint of amusement in his honey brown eyes locked onto the German's own brown eyes. His heart sank for a moment before a shot whizzed by and tagged Kapkan just above his protective covering, staggering the large man back a few steps. Elias took the change and shot the C4 in his hand, causing powered chalk to coat the area and took the man down with it. He silently thanked Glaz for the shot taken and remained quiet as he moved back down the stairs, all surprise lost upstairs with the battle.
"One defender remaining, One minute remaining in the scenario!"
Now or never Elias! Move!
He did just that, rushing the last stretch and bashing through the boarded up door closest to him. Without hesitation he pressed the button in his grip and flashed the room, hearing a grunt of surprise and a angry curse to his left he immediately turned and shot only to find the spot empty. What happened? He heard the noise but no one was there. He took a careful glance around the room, no where to hide. Rook laid across the room with a chalk mark center of his face plate near an opened door with splintered wood laying around. "Dom ran?" Blitz mumbled to himself in disbelief. The defender would never run off site if this was a real mission, but Bandit had completely left the training area more than once out of annoyance or pure boredom. "Bandit! I'm not playing hide and seek with you mein liebling! (my darling)" He half joked with a serious tone.
When no answer came he figured the man had gotten bored with the training simulation, wouldn't be the first time he let the clock run. He worked on setting the diffuser down but didn't notice the C4 charge set near by until the ringing officially left his ears. He didn't run, it was a distraction. White filled his vision as it exploded. He landed flat on his back, coughing from the dust.
"Defenders win!"
The announcement above rang out, the defenders had won and attackers lost. He sat up and glanced at Bandit who came back into the room, he could see the smirk the man wore behind his balaclava. Oh what Blitz wouldn't give to wipe it off his face right now, but he had to admit that was a nice play on tactic's. The German had used the effects of Kapkan's flash bang against him to hide the beeping of the C4.
I got cocky and he used that to his advantage.
All of the inside operators filtered out of the training building so the next group could start their run. Elias gave praise where it was due, but ignored Bandit as pay back. Of course he didn't like that at all and of course Blitz didn't care, at least he didn't show that he secretly did on the outside. He headed for the locker room to change out of his gear, taking his time so only him and Bandit was left. "You really fucked up out there, out played by yours truly. I'm surprised really, you aren't usually that sloppy. Or maybe you went soft on me? I'm pretty sure that was it, am I right mein liebling?(my dear)" Dominic mused as he came up behind Elias who was sitting on a bench, placing his rough hands on his shoulders. "My poor little Eli', not wanting to hurt me even for training. I truly am touched."Elias couldn't help the smirk that tugged at his lips, releasing a chuckle from his chest. "After all of that... How can you still be so idiotically charming.""I'm just good at what I do." "You really are Dom, you really are." He replied, glancing up at his boyfriend who placed a soft kiss to his forehead. Earning a soft smile from Elias. "But, you're my charming idiot."
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ithehellisbucky · 4 years
Purple Velvet
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Loki x Reader
Requested by: The Fifth Marauder
Word Count: 3,480
Warnings: Happy Loki
Author’s Note: I swear I’m going to stop writing fics about the beginning of relationships. I swear I’m going to start writing different fucking stuff. 
When it comes to your dating history, you kind of struck out. All you'd dated were losers named Dave and their even shittier friends Jeff. (I'm not saying that all people named Jeff and Dave are shitty people because they're not, this Jeff and Dave just happened to be real assholes.)
But the moral of the whole Jeff and Dave fiasco (which included a stripper named Pearl, a smashed kiwi, and a kid named Eli who was way too old to be Dave's son.) But enough with the parenthesis, parenthesis tells the hidden emotions and energy of the story. This story tells a story of emotions and feelings, more than a usual story. So, either the whole story is in parenthesis, or none of it is.
When you met Loki you had no idea that a relationship with him was going to be any different from any of your previous. A seemingly cocky man with slicked-back hair was not exactly the most optimistic of reliable partners, but somehow you were attracted to him. Drawn to the tall man who was possibly wearing a cape in the whole foods checkout line was definitely something to cross off the bucket list.
It wasn't just whole foods, it was possibly every other grocery store in a three-block radius. Considering that three blocks in New York had at one time held four different Trader Joes you had met Loki plenty of times before you finally had a conversation.
It was a normal day and you had been stopping by Harris Teeter to pick up some lasagna and ice cream. While you were bending over to get a pint of Chunky Monkey Ice Cream you heard a voice from behind you. 
"Would you mind grabbing me a pint of rocky road?" The voice asks. It was the man from the Whole Foods checkout line. His voice sounded like purple velvet, not just velvet, but purple velvet. The way purple velvet looks and feels is the way his voice sounds. You may be dawdling too long on what his voice sounds like, but god was such a sexy voice.
"Yeah, sure." It was kind of a lame thing to say, but the only good response. What were you going to say instead, tell him that his voice sounded like purple velvet?
As you handed him the ice cream you quickly analyzed his features. His hair was brown, almost black, but still noticeably brown. He had blue eyes that were almost overshadowed by the shape of his eyes, but not in a bad way. He was wearing a black turtle-neck sweater that was rolled up around his wrists, not because his sleeves were too long, but as a fashion statement.
He stared at you in a pensive manner, but not in a creepy way, in a curious and polite way. He didn't say thank you and you weren't offended, he seemed far too involved in this silent conversation to engage in a verbal one.
After staring at each other for a solid 7 seconds he broke the gaze and said a simple: "have a nice day." Before turning his back, tossing the ice cream into his basket and walking away.
You weren't flustered, by any means; the only word you could think to describe the interaction was interesting. You were deeply and intensely interested in whatever world this man was living in that appeared to be much different from your own.
"You too" you exclaimed in a manner not too different from his, a subtle plea for a reunification, possibly at Food Lion, or wherever had the best deal on tomato soup.
As the story goes, you two met again, in Ikea of all places. You were casually walking through the store, looking for a new nightstand after it had an unfortunate accident after you read the ending of The Time Traveler's Wife. All of a sudden you heard muffled grunting noises as you were passing rows of couches. 
Like any sane person would, you leaned back into the row to see Purple Velvet trying to pick up a couch.
"Um... Excuse me? Are you okay?" You ask, walking toward the tall man who appeared to be sweating.
"Yes, I'm fine." He exclaims, standing up and brushing off his knees. "I just need to get something from under the couch."
"Would you, uh, like some help?" You respond.
"It's alright, I can do it on my own." He replies. He bends over again and starts lifting up the couch for a second time.
For some reason, you didn't walk away. It was probably because you knew he needed help, it was also possibly because he had killer back muscles.
"It looks like you need help." You exclaim, ready to help him out with the herculean feat of lifting up a couch.
"No, I'm good." He grunts out.
After about 20 more seconds of pointless grunting, he finally gives up. "Are you still offering me that help?" He asks.
"Sure, what do you need help with?" You answer, putting down your basket and kneeling down be eye to eye- or at least as close as possible considering your height difference.
"I can lift up the couch, but I can't reach far enough to grab the earring." 
"Earring?" You ask quizzically, it was really none of your business. It was just that  Purple Velvet was lifting up a couch in Ikea to get an earring, and everything about that sentence made you desperately curious.
"Yes, that's the object that I dropped under the couch." He replies calmly.
"Well, that gives me absolutely zero information." You casually respond, a slight smile forming on your face.
He grunts a little, almost like he wanted to chuckle but something stopped him. It honestly sounded more like a snort, but this man doesn’t seem like a person who you say “snorted”.
"When I pick up the couch, can you grab the earring?" He asks. 
He picks up one side of the couch, so it's leaning in an acute angle. You lie on the floor and reach under the couch to try and grab the earring. "What does it look like?" You ask. "There's a lot of shit under this couch, and I want to make sure to grab the one thing that not's shit."
"It's green, and is the type of earring that hangs down." He grunts out. "It’s an emerald color."
"Okay, thanks." You respond, reaching even further under the couch to grab something that appears to have a greenish tinge. 
When you touch that item it's gum you let out a loud ew and continue to reach under the couch. After searching around for another minute or so you grab an object that is smooth on one side and pointy on the other. You look closely, and it indeed appears to be an earring.
"Got it!" You shout.
You slither up from underneath the couch and hand Purple Velvet the earring.
He hesitates for a moment before saying anything. You almost expect him to say nothing before he lets out a quiet thank you.
"You are so very welcome." You announce, letting your positive attitude show.
You get up and begin to walk away, then Purple Velvet sets down the couch and walks over to you; "This may sound kind of weird, but I was wondering if you would like to possibly get something to eat. Together, I mean. At a place other than Harris Teeter."
His demeanor was desperately trying to cover up the anxiety in his voice. He straightens his back and looks at you with misplaced authority. The story happening out loud was far different from the one happening between the two of you, in body language, and in the emotions flashing on your eyes.
The true story going on is that Purple Velvet was asking you out on a date. In a very awkward way that seemed entirely off-brand for someone with his kind of attitude. He seemed shy and was anxiously attempting to hide it. 
“That sounds great, where do you want to go eat?” You answer.
"I saw this Italian place a couple of blocks from here, I believe it's called Mateo's?" He responds, a civil look returning to his features.
"Eh... That made be a problem." You exclaim, a puzzled look forming on Purple Velvet's face, god his voice is so sexy... "Mateo and I have a small food, I dated one of his waiters and after we broke up the waiter spit in my food. Mateo didn't believe me, so here we are. Banned from the best Italian Restaurants in all of New York City. Well not if you consider pizza"
Purple Velvet's face droops, and your absolutely positive the first thing on his mid in skepticism.
"But don't worry! I know another really good place nearby here." You nearly shout, but then you stop. You don’t want him to hate you before he even gets to know you.~
You lead Purple Velvet out of Ikea and onto the street to your left. The two of you keep on walking for about 3 blocks before turning left again and walking into a much dingier road, that could possibly be called an “alley”. You walk for about one more block before stopping at the place to your right.
"Don't worry, I'm not going to kill you." You exclaim jokingly.
Purple Velvet calmly responds with: "I'm not so sure about that," before walking into the structure.
Inside of the building, there's a stairwell leading to the restaurant but to the untrained eye, it could just seem like it was some creepy place that shady businesses could casually murder people in.
"Oh my god, I completely forgot how scary this place looks if you haven't been before. Um... We don't have to eat here, I know a lot more..." You hesitate. “Pleasant place a couple of blocks from this, um, place." You gulp loudly, fear instilled in your heart by the looming threat of rejection.
Instead of running for the hills and being terrified of the eerie place you brought him to, Purple Velvet just laughs. "It's quite alright, I read the sign outside and I saw some people eating in the window; I am more concerned with the quality of the food than any other harm happening to me." He pauses for the moment and then tilts his head and looks at you from the side of his eye. "Unless you possibly know anyone by the name of Thor or Bruce."
"No Bruce." You exclaim. "Unless you count the one that does my dry cleaning."
He chuckles and then gestures up the stairs. 
Once you reach the top of the stairs the door is on your right, and once you step in your senses explode. You step into a brick room with posters from the 1940s all over the walls. The smell of tomato sauce drifted into your nose and the loud sounds of the kitchen filtered into the room where the seating was located.
Purple Velvets' eyes lit up, even though he didn’t make any noise. A smidge of a smile began on his face before twisting downwards to form his usual neutral expression.
"Should we wait to be seated?" Purple Velvet asks. 
"Nah, once Tammie sees I'm here she'll make my usual and then we can start eating." 
"Well, then what is your usual?" He asks, sitting in the seat by the window that you led him too.
"Medium-large pizza half, pineapple on one half and the other half without." You exclaim without a moment's hesitation, not finding it weird at all that you had not only memorized your order but had every single word and the order they were in memorized.
"Pineapple?" He pauses as his face scrunches up. "On a pizza?"
You laugh loudly, reacting to his distress. "Yes, on a pizza. Have you never tried it before?" You ask in genuine curiosity. 
"No, I've never even heard of it." Purple Velvet responds with a light chuckle.
"I'm going to guess and say you're not from New York, or America at that." You exclaim, eagerly awaiting a response.
"No, I believe I'm from Norway." He responds, confusion flashing over his face for a few seconds.
"You believe?" You ask quizzically, wondering how this adult could have no idea where he was from.
"I was adopted when I was a baby." He answers calmly as if it was an everyday occurrence to tell people life details on the first day... And from the way, this man acted it may be. "I grew up in Norway, I’m not sure exactly where, but I could have also been born in Denmark or Sweden."
You were about to interject with a statement about how hard that must be when Tammie comes walking up to you. Tammie was your nemesis from high school, and then you woke up one day and realized your whole feud was pointless. Besides, who gives a shit about shitty Danny Mueller in the first place. Also, her pasta sauce is way too good not to be friends with. And, one bowl of pasta sauce and pitcher of lemonade thrown at Danny, you were best friends. Forever.
Tammie sets down the pizza on the table and almost starts talking to you when she notices Purple Velvet. "Excuse me, care to introduce your, uh... Friend?" She says raising her eyebrows at you. 
"This is P-" You stop yourself from saying Purple Velvet and then you realize you never caught his name. "Remind me again, what's your name?" You ask, must to Tammie's disappointment.
"Loki." He exclaims, with his usually calm expression.
"Last name?" Tammie responds, her skepticism clear.
"Tammie." You say sternly.
"What, I'm just making sure that he's not a famous serial killer." She responds, trying to feign innocence.
"It's quite alright," Pur- Loki answers, a smirk forming on his face. "My full name is Loki Laufeyso-" he pauses, looks down, then regains himself "Loki Laufey."
"Okay, Lowkey Laughy." She responds, her eyebrows still raised.
"See, not a serial killer." You exclaim, gesturing at Loki.
"Maybe not a famous one.” You glare at her. “You're telling me that a man who let you take him down a dark alleyway to go into a shady building and up the stairs, isn't the least bit weird." 
"Farewell." You say to Tammie.
"M'kay." She exclaims, then points at Loki "If you kill her, I will kill you. And I'll get away with it too."
"I genuinely apologize for her." You exclaim, slightly embarrassed for her behavior... But not really, can't blame a girl for being cautious.
"No need." He exclaims as he picks up a piece of the pineapple pizza. As soon as he takes a bite of the pizza his eyes light up, and within seconds the slice is gone. "This is delicious." He exclaims, smiling, the first real smile you've ever seen on his face.
"You either love it, or you hate." You respond with a giggle.
"Well, I love it. I definitely love it." Loki is beaming as he grabs another slice. You hear something he mutters under his breath and it sounds something like: "For the fah-"
You two sit in silence, slurping down pizza. The beauty of silence is real. "What's your favorite color." You ask. He looks at you in confusion. "I mean I really don't know anything about you, and you've got to start somewhere." You exclaim even though you feel like you know everything about him.
"Green." He says. 
"Why?" You ask inquisitively.
"No one's ever asked me why before." He responds, his eyes are curious, and the mood makes you feel like you can see into his soul is as well.
"And I've never asked anybody why before." You respond, taking a bite of your pizza before looking at Loki with a comprehensive look on your face.
Loki is about to say something else before a waiter brings two glasses of water to the table. You thank him quietly and Loki simply takes a sip of his water.
"So... Why do you like the color green?" You ask him for a second time.
"I don't know he responds." He stops and ponders the question for a minute. "The mysterious aspect." He finally exclaims.
"Green is the color of plants, plants cover everything." He continues, looking out the window. "But you never really look that hard at them, unless they're beautiful." He turns back around to face you, to stare into your eyes with intensity. "But they can do anything. Cover skyscrapers, hide secret passages, they can kill you."
He pauses, and you notice that at some point you began to hold each other's hands. "They can also save you."
"What's your favorite color." He counters, dropping your hand to grab another slice of pizza.
"Purple." You say through a mouthful of pizza.
"Why?" He says, repeating the question that you had asked just minutes before. 
"Because everyone thinks that it's all fun and light until they realize how intense it can be. Purple can be intense and fun. And you shouldn't judge purple because it's pretty no matter the shade or the place it's put. It may not look pretty, but once you look closely you realize it's amazing."
Loki's nickname was Purple Velvet for a reason.
"I think our favorite colors have more to do than just colors," Loki exclaims, the darkness in his eyes far overshadowed by the light.
"Seems like it." You respond as you beam, your smile lighting up the room.
The two of you enjoy each other's company for at least another 2 hours, you couldn' tell. All you knew was that the sun had faded into twilight and that Loki's eyes were so goddamn gorgeous (and his voice was so sexy). Long after the pizza was gone, and hours after Tammie's shift had ended, the two of you were still sitting in the brick restaurant.
As the sunset is beginning in the sky you realize that you should probably head out. "As much as I want this to go on forever I just realized that it's getting kind of late, and I forgot to tell my brother I was on a date." Loki looks at you, a brief look of panic crossing his eyes. "As long as this is a date."
"We've been talking for- You trail off, looking down at your phone. "Ah, four and a half hours." You say, kind of shocked. "Time sure flies when you're having fun." You exclaim with a chuckle.
You keep on talking as you walk down the stairs and as you guide him to your building. "Well, this is my apartment." You exclaim, wishing this wasn't the end of your date. "What's your phone number?" You exclaim. Loki gives you his number, and you tell him yours.
After that exchange, you realize that the two of you are standing in complete silence. It feels comfortable with him, just with him. Nothing else.
As you stare deep into his eyes you realize that you are leaning towards his face.
Loki puts his hands on your jaw, cradling your face. His hand isn’t exactly warm, but it’s still comforting. You move your lips towards his and feel the electricity flowing between the two of you when they connect. Your bodies melt perfectly together as your lips combine. One of Loki's arms wraps around your waist as the other continues to caress your face. Your arms drape around Loki's neck, pulling you closer to his body. You feel like a puzzle piece. A puzzle piece in a two-piece puzzle. A puzzle that has finally been completed.
You pull away after what seems like hours, after what has possibly been hours. Your mouths pull away from each other, desperate for breath. You stand outside your building for another minute, feeling his breath on your face. The sun goes down on you two's embrace as you kiss for a second time, and then a third. A fourth.
After you kiss for the fourth time you stop and lean against each other. You stare into his eyes as he holds you to his chest as he drops his other hand to your waist. You move your arms from his neck to around his body, clutching him close to you.
"My name is (y/n)." You breathe out, breaking the perfect silence and replacing it with perfect noise. 
"What?" He responds, looking down at your face in pure bliss, even though his mouth didn't form a smile.
"With all the chaos going on I forgot to tell you my name." You exclaim with a giggle.
"I would hardly call it chaos, it was the exact opposite. Happiness."
You smile and go to kiss him again. Once you pull apart you look up again at his face.
He was smiling.
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Young Justice:
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twoidiotwriters1 · 5 years
Starcrossed Losers III (Josh Wheeler xReader)
A/N: Sometimes I wonder like, maybe you guys don’t care about the plot and just wanna see some dorks fall in love? but I have to warn you, I’m planning on making this pretty much a slow burn, probably something I should’ve said since chapter one lmao anyway, please leave some feedback after you’re done reading! we appreciate it lots :)
Words: 1,900
Warnings: Swearing, hands going down ghoulie’s throats, descriptions of violent deaths and blood. 
Previous Chapter // Next chapter
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I had spent the majority of that hour just walking in circles trying to find a solution to our current problem when Angelica came back telling us about the security Eli had put on the place. Not gonna lie, I was impressed. Suddenly, another of those horrible screams echoed to remind us that we’re not alone. And after Angelica mentioned how we could always kill whatever it was the source of the noise, Josh was very reluctant about it.
“We’re not killing anyone. This was the last place where Sam was seen. She’s the only kid I knew who loved the mall.”
“You didn’t know a lot of kids then,” I snort.
Josh stares at me in annoyance but continues his speech anyway.
“What if she’s this Witch?”
“You think she turned into a ghoulie?” Angelica scrunches up her nose.
“You said it yourself, we have no idea what’s going on. If there’s even a chance, I have to help Sam”
“Eye roll, you only like Sam ‘cause she may have touched your dick.”
I snort again, totally amused. Josh’s frown only grows deeper and I raise my hands in defeat.
“My bad. Gonna go and... I don’t know, get snacks or something.”
While I’m walking away I still manage to hear a few sentences of what Josh is saying.
“This is not about getting some handy from some rando. This is love.”
“Is he listening to himself?” I shake my head, “this guy’s crazy...”
Don’t misunderstand. I do believe in love. The thing that I don’t believe is Josh’s speech of true love and loyalty. How can I, when I know that he met Sam for only a few months before the nuke? Do I think it’s impossible to fall in love in such a short notice? Nah, I think it’s totally believable. The thing is... okay, don’t judge. But the thing is that we’re teenagers, right? I mean, hormones are wild right now, you can be crazy in love with someone and still look at Chris Hemsworth and wish he would crush your head with his thighs or... whatever it is that you dream, I definitely don’t think about that. I’m more of a Chris Evans lover.
So yeah, I’m sorry if I don’t fully think that Josh, a seventeen-year-old boy, would have zero attraction to anyone who doesn’t have Sam Dean’s face. We’re all human, for fuck’s sake. I dated a guy while still completely whipped for Alex. And Alex dated several people too. And he had a talent for that, believe me.
Listen to this: don’t fall in love at all. If you wanna feel loved, get tons of friends: mutuals on twitter, tumblr or fucking facebook for that matter. They’ll always tell you pretty things. Or hug your parents. Your siblings. Literally, do anything but fall in love. I know it sounds like this beautiful thing from heaven but love is far from being the solution. 
Crap. I’m sounding like a bitter asshole, aren’t I? I’m sorry. The apocalypse it’s taking a toll on me. Maybe I should take some time away from Glendale, go to a far land and never come back, maybe I should- HOLY FUCK THE WITCH IS HERE
I stand there, terrified of moving in a way that might warn her of my presence. I gather enough courage to walk away, little by little without turning my back to her so I can make sure she hasn’t noticed me. Unfortunately, it also means I can’t see Josh behind me, holding his skate like a shield with one hand, and a long stick with a chord at the end with the other. 
“Don’t freak,” He whispers, and I react the only way anyone would react if a voice talks to their ear when they’re alert: I scream.
The woman stands up and I quickly stand behind Josh’s body. Hey, he’s the one holding the shield! I have nothing. Luckily though, she doesn’t attack us and instead, she walks further into the store.
“Sam!” Josh calls her out.
“You don’t know if that’s Sam!” I hiss.
Josh doesn’t listen to me and keeps going, so I keep going as well. We lose her after a few seconds and turn around just to see her standing right in front of our faces.
“Fuck!” I jump so high that in a different context I’d have been embarrassed. But right now I’m just praying to any god ‘please, let me make it to next month’.
“Sam?” asks Josh, and I wanna reply with ‘Stop calling her Sam, can’t you see she’s got curly dark hair, you blind shit?!’
But someone else starts singing behind the witch and when she turns around I can see Angelica standing there and I’m both, thankful and pissed that even a twelve-year-old girl has a way to defend herself and I only got my skates. She cuts her hand and the witch immediately rushes over to attack, leaving us safe. Of course, now it was our turn to chase down the two so Angelica wouldn’t get eaten.
“Angelica!” Josh stops in front of a store and I hear him mumble, “dummy...”
I get there a moment after and I see the woman leaning over a small body. I gasp, covering my eyes and asking with a thin voice, “Is it bad? How much blood is there?”
“Dummy” I hear him say again, this time in a more flat voice.
“Hey, dummies!” And that’s definitely Angelica, and she’s definitely not where I thought she was, so I uncover my eyes and I get to see when she pulls down the metal curtain, trapping the witch inside the shop, “so, is that thing your girly-friend?” 
He steps closer, “Sam? it’s me. It’s Josh.”
I’m about to reply that there is no way in hell that’s Sam when she talks back.
“Josh,” Her voice is weak and dry, “Josh Wheeler?”
Josh softly laughs beside me, nodding at the girl, “Yeah, that’s right.”
“Josh Wheeler?” She stands up and walks towards the curtain, removing the hair from her face and smiles wildly at the boy. Yup, that’s definitely not Sam, “Present.”
“That’s not Sam! That’s not fucking Sam at all!”
Yeah I know, I called it.
The woman repeats his words and smashes the doll’s head against the curtain.
“Wait,” I raise my voice, suddenly recognizing her, “isn’t it...”
“Ms. Crumble?” Josh and I ask in unison.
Yes, she was. Holy shit. Angelica goes off about how this is an amazing discovery ‘cause Crumble is capable of saying more than two words. Then Crumble goes off on how much she hates the new world and decides to walk straight into one of the mannequins. After a while of watching Angelica make goggling eyes at our former teacher, Josh and I decide to move on.
“Look I gotta go.”
“Yeah, me too,” I say, crossing my arms, “I’m not wasting more of my time with any of you”
Angelica tries hard to convince us, but her speech does the opposite effect on me. She says that there’s a mind with functional thoughts in every ghoulie. That our parents aren’t totally gone, and I refuse to believe she’s right.
“Ghoulies aren’t good. And they certainly aren’t people, Angelica. Not anymore.”
I’m one to know, I learned that the hard way with pretty much my whole family. I went to my house after the nuke exploded and boom! My parents were suddenly trying to eat my face. I had to lock them in their room before going over to Grandma’s. And grandma had turned out to be fucking vicious as hell, even for a ghoulie. So I set her on fire along with my uncle, aunt, and her entire house. 
Anyway, I left Glendale to reunite with my sister Katie, more prepared than the last two tries. Part of me prayed for all the precautions to be unnecessary at the end, cause I was tired, and all I wanted was a goddamned break. I just wanted to see my sister. When I had to smash her head with that chair, it felt like I was the one agonizing. 
But I convinced myself it wasn’t Katie anymore. That thing was a monster and I had to get rid of it so my sister could rest. You can understand why then, hearing Angelica say those things kinda made me want to run away and never look back at any of their faces. 
“This isn’t gonna bring your parents back,” replies Josh, “I need to go and find Sam. Soon as I figure out how to get past Eli’s locked and booby-trapped doors.”
“I can get you out,” Says Ms. Crumble, “I have a key.”
She frantically searches through her stuff while talking to some dusty doll heads and I know, I know this has to be a bad dream. I’m not actually here, I probably fell asleep on the couch after eating too much. Crumble says she put the keys on a clapper and she (of course) starts clapping, dropping the doll heads on the process.
“I remember now. I ate the keys” Crumbles laments, “I needed the iron. Hold on.”
“I was wrong,” I whisper, “every time she opens her mouth I feel like I’m having a stroke”
Josh quietly chuckles beside me, and we share a look of complicity. Glad to see I’m not the only one who doesn’t have a clue of what is happening right now.
Crumble sits on the chair closest to her and in a matter of seconds opens her mouth impossibly wider than any mouth should be allowed to. Then she puts her hand inside.
“Shit, shit, shit...” I cling to Josh’s arm and hold it tight with both hands, “I’m in hell. This is the worst thing I have ever...”
“This is the best thing I have ever seen,” Angelica cuts my comment, “and I once saw a robot kill a monkey in a knife fight in Thailand.”
“I’m never sleeping again,” I can practically feel my soul leaving my body and fleeting to another continent. Crumble pulls out her hand and... it’s another fucking head. How many dolls has she beheaded?
Crumble lets us know that she can’t reach the keys and Angelica offers to help. She says no, then asks Josh to do it instead.
“Are you gonna eat my arm?” His voice is fearful, I can tell he really doesn’t wanna do it.
“I don’t know,” she says, laughing right after saying it.
“Josh?” Inquires Angelica.
I grab him by the shoulders so now he’s looking at me.
“No,” I say, “that’s crazy Josh, you can’t put your arm inside a Ghoulie’s throat!”
“Just a sec,” He looks at me with wide eyes, but takes a deep breath and shakes his head, not really answering to me, “okay.”
“Josh!” I insist, “please, we can find another way to get out, just don’t do it!”
“I have to,” Even if he doesn’t say it, I can complete the phrase with what I know for sure is going through his mind: For Sam.
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schmidtsmike · 5 years
surprising return : chapter 2, part 2
here’s the second part of chapter 2! it may have some small spelling errors.
“What did you say?" he asked and sneered as he sucked the blood on his fingers and walked to the stands, the sacks of flesh moving as far away from him as possible and clearing the way for him to pass. 
He stopped at the bottom of the stairs and tilted his head, waiting for an answer, which to the damn luck of all humans here, Sam gave him "I said you can take him. No one will stop you" she explained and he climbed the steps to the top, taking a white handkerchief from his pocket to wipe some of the blood on his mouth and hands while Mona moved to stand protectively in front of Sam. As if that would stop him if he decided to kill her. Humans, he thought and rolled his eyes.
Ignoring everyone around him, he walked over to Josh and crouched beside him, listening to his heartbeat and the roar of his blood rushing through his veins and out the wound behind his head. He would surely be a delicious meal but unfortunately this one he couldn't eat, Eli was coming back.
Feeling like himself again, Eli didn't give a fuck to the fact that he was covered in blood or that he had just eaten human flesh, flexible morals. He just analyzed Josh's bruises and turned his head to check the concussion, being kinder than anyone who became what he was now should be possible when he bended the steel from the restraints and pulled them out of Josh's arms, tearing off the collar too since this was probably one of the things that annoyed him most in his friend's current view. Josh belonged to Eli as well as the mall, no one was allowed to do that to him just as no one could destroy his mall.
Slipping one arm behind his back and the other behind Josh's knees, he easily lifted and settled him in his arms, because of his height, his forehead resting on the back of Eli's neck and his arms stopping on his chest. Rising, Eli turned his back on Sam and was about to start down when he heard her voice "What are you?" she questioned and he didn't even bother to look at her when he answered.
"I'm Eli fucking Cardashyan, Sammy, but better than ever" he walked down the stairs and sincerely loved to see the effect his gaze had on the same idiots who fucked with him and his things before, shitting their pants in sheer terror. How fucking awesome it was to have power.
As he passed the American Ninja Idol stage and distanced himself from the structure, the ghoulies resumed acting as themselves and writhed over the fence desperately to escape and eat the bodies of the two dead jocks as Eli walked toward his motorcycle and their meeting point where his favorite gay samurai and his dog should be waiting for him. But as he walked, Eli noticed Josh struggle to wake up and fidget in his arms, probably thinking that he was a fucking teddy bear because he soon felt long arms wrapping around his neck as his friend settled into his chest, what could have made Eli smile. But when he smelled the effects of the concussion on Josh's body and brain, Eli moved faster in the moment that his friend passed out again.
Approaching the tree on which his motorcycle was leaning, he saw Wesley and Turbo step out of the shadows and run toward him, Wes immediately hovering over Josh as soon as he stopped. "Why are you soaked with fucking blood, man?" he looked a little scared but certainly more concerned about Josh. 
"It's not mine, loser" that was the only thing he could say, after all, he didn't want Wesley to freak out and it wasn't as if he could just say something like this to him, Hey, I just devoured a few pieces of two people and drank their blood, what was one of the best experiences of my fucking life. Please don't lose your shit and try to kill me.
When he looked at him, he could see that these words wasn't enough for him and Wes wanted to ask more questions, but he seemed too worried to give a fuck about it so he got close to Eli to take his friend "Okay, whatever, we have to go. Let me carry him" but the moment he tried to touch Josh, Eli pulled away and soon saw Wesley's confused and angry look as he did so.
"So besides being an idiot, are you stupid too? He has a concussion, asshole, which means he has to get to the mall as soon as possible before the ghoulies come to devour his pretty little head and the only person who has a fucking motorcycle here is me. And I'm not lending it to you so I'm your best option to take Josh safely" he explained and tightened his arms around Josh, feeling Wesley's anger and how Turbo reacted to it starting to be nervous too but the smarter of the duo knew he was right. And he couldn't do shit about it.
"Fuck! Okay, Eli, but I think it's good for you that he's fucking the same as when he left here in the moment we get there to see him or I swear that I'll…" he threatened and pointed a finger at Eli, who interrupted him before he had to hear the same shit twice. "I know I know. You will finish me, completely. Now can I get on my bike and get your dear friend out of here or not?" he asked sarcastically and passed them without waiting for an answer. 
Sitting on his baby's rump, he manipulated Josh's limbs and sat him in front of him with his back against his chest, while his head hung back on his shoulder. Which could have been a mistake since the scent of blood was stronger but Eli knew he could control himself even being so tempted. 
Unfair. He looks delicious.
Well, we don't always get everything we want. I've eaten two people to you so stop being greedy.
Turning on his motorcycle, Eli drove quickly to the mall, taking some minutes to get there and parking in front of one of the few entrances only he knew, but if Wesley and Turbo came running and managed to avoid the ghoulies, he wouldn't have too much time to realize his plan.
But now it was the time.
Eli walked through the mall's main revolving door and soon saw Angelica and Mr Crumble waiting for him, the dwarf having a murderer look on her face as she approached him already screaming "Where's Josh? Where's Wesley and Turbo and why is there blood on your clothes? This is their blood, right?! You betrayed them, asshole. I knew we couldn't trust you. I knew, you son of a bitch" she tried to hit him and then pick up her flamethrower but Eli grabbed her arm at the same time as Mr Crumble growled.
"Hey, calm down, dwarf. This blood is not theirs and as for Wesley and Turbo, they are coming with Josh and" he stopped and looked at his Patek wristwatch "will probably be here in ten minutes. So, relax girl!" he grinned and patted her head before releasing her arm and backing a little as Mr Crumble put her hands on her shoulder. 
"Do you really think I'm gonna believe in any fucking word you said? I'm not stupid, prick, so I think you better start telling the truth or I'll fucking fry you" she accused and threatened before shooting Eli with her murderous look again, and honestly it wasn't good that he was getting used to it. 
"Well, I'm sorry if you don't believe me but it's the truth! Josh has a concussion and to distract the ghoulies, I came first and diverted them from the path here. And why would I be a fucking bait? Because Wesley doesn't trust me with Josh and Turbo is a supportive boyfriend but not a patient one, so I came here risking my beautiful little neck to tell you to arrange the things to receive your idiot friend, so he won't get worse and you losers will accomplish your part of the deal" the lie came out of his mouth easily, and Eli certainly deserved a fucking Oscar for being able to keep his serious face while Angelica analyzed him with those judgmental eyes.
"You are a megalomaniacal liar, narcissistic and selfish dick that only cares about yourself! So, yes! It's hard to believe in anything that you just said" she cursed him and he rolled his eyes at that, of course he didn't expect her to trust him. 
"I can be everything you said and I'm proud of it, shorty, but if you don't believe my words, then let's wait for them" he shrugged and grinned, walking over to what was once a coffee shop chair and sitting on it before patting the seat next to him. 
"I have all the time in the world since this area is part of my section and to prove to you the shit of being a bait just to help your stupid friends, we'll wait for them here. Or are you afraid of being wrong?" he challenged as he leaned back in his chair, his lips curving upward as he caught a glimpse of Angelica sitting along with Mr Crumble in two seats a few feet away from him. "Okay, you degenerate motherfucker, but if this is a lie I'll turn you to ashes" she threatened one last time before turning to the witch and starting talking to her.
Crossing his arms, now all Eli had to do was wait and expect that the suckers for once would act like fucking normal people act. Soon, he would have Josh only for him and they wouldn't be able to stop him.
They spent a few minutes sitting and waiting, meanwhile the blood on Eli's clothes was becoming sticky and fucking gross. He had realized that the blood of the assholes he ate had a horrible smell, like rotten food, and all he wanted now was to take a shower and get it off his beautiful body. But why was it that when two of the best jocks in school had to run fast, they decided to act like fucking slugs?
Finally, he heard the mall alarm and smiled with it, watching Angelica and the witch run toward their section of the mall, where the alarm sound came from. He put his hands in his pocket, and began whistling as he walked and followed the losers, leaning back against the pillar of a store right on the boundary between his section and theirs, he waited to see what would happen the moment Angelica let Mr Crumble behind and standed in front of the store where they had installed Josh's room a few feet away from him, soon seeing Wesley and Turbo that he could smell besides the corner. 
They approached and Eli could hear everything from where he was, as if he were sitting in the front row of the theater watching the final stretch of a good movie "Where's Josh? Weren't you guys with him?" Angelica screamed more than asked, concerning clear in her voice as her words caused his favorite gay to frown.
"What the hell are you talking about, Angelica? No, Eli brought him here on his motorcycle. Is he not already with you?" he questioned as it was obvious he was trying to stay calm, running his hand over his hair in momentaneous confusion.
And it was at that moment when they looked at each other and turned to face Eli with anger shining in their eyes, that he saw that they had finally realized the trap they had fallen into. But it was too late because all he had to do as they ran toward him, was take the control of his pocket and push the button to finally divide his sections from theirs, waving and smiling as they slammed their bodies against the metal gate already closed.
"Eli! You liar son of a bitch, bastard motherfucker! I knew you were lying. We shouldn't have gave you a chance…"
"Eli! I warned you what would happen if you fooled us. I trusted you…"
They both cursed and banged their fists on the gate at the same time, causing his eyes to roll as he said. "Hey, hey, hey! One at a time, suckers, I can't hear your crying and appreciate it if you whine together" he mocked.
"Ahhh!! I will kill you! I'll toast you, Eli, and no one will miss your asshole face!" Angelica clung to the metal gate grate and Eli moved closer to her, keeping a little distance. 
"Would you risk it now that I have Josh, dwarf?!" he asked sarcastically and watched the effect it had on them. Their expressions became immediately scared and worried as he had fun with it. The good old bluff would always be useful, but today he wasn't in the mood for that.
"Where is he, Eli?" Wesley asked in his quiet voice, obviously calmer but not so much as Eli could see a drop of sweat running down his face.
"Josh is alive" he said with a shrug and turned to face him "Don't worry about him" he winked at him before he started backing away.
"No, c'mon man, you already got what you wanted, okay? You don't need Josh. If you want we'll even leave the malls as long as you give him back to us" Wesley tried to negotiate, his tone almost begging and Eli knew how humiliating it must be for him but there was no shit as going back now.
"You don't get it, do you?" he said and shook his head, Eli looked into Wesley's eyes as he continued "Now, and only now not when you gave me back part of my own mall, I got what I fucking wanted since the beginning" 
Smiling satisfactorily and walking away, Eli turned his back on them, ignoring the curses and calls to his name before saying goodbye "Bye, bye, suckers. I have something to take care of" he waved at them and went his way.
Eli calmly crossed his sections until he reached the safest spot in that mall, where by his abilities to perform, Hollywood lost him if it was still there, all his and Josh's things were there as well as everything he would probably need. He stepped into what should have been a major security office company before, the idiots who worked here would lose their shit if they were still alive and saw that someone like him would have the whole place to himself as well as the mall, he thought as he passed the chairs and tables around him to reach the elevator.
Climbing to the second floor, Eli stepped out of the elevator and passed through the smaller offices until he reached the largest one, which had the size of a store in his mall. The boss of this place should be one of those white, slack, capitalist whores who did what they wanted before, summing it up, like a certain president. Eli opened the large door and passed it, closing it as he walked into his office and watched his surroundings. The windows were open but the curtains prevented the view from outside, on either side of the door had sofas while in front of them were small tables, one with food, blankets, pillows and clothes on top and the other with medical supplies and medicines that didn't need temperature control.
Where once there was a table, now had a large bed in the middle of the room with a massage chair on either side and two mini-fridges in the opposite corners. Inside the left one were some drinks and water bottles while on the right one were needles, medicines that needed refrigeration and blood bags that had no effect on Eli. 
Taking off his clothes, Eli put them near the door and planned to burn them afterwards since the smell of rotten blood had already permeated. He put on a dark green shirt and black jeans, his attention quickly shifting to the person lying in bed when he heard a voice from there. "Eli? Is that you?" Josh had a medical bandage around his head since Eli had already cleaned his wound, his head was propped against two pillows as his clothes were changed to a sweatshirt and sweatpants with a blanket covering his body until above his waist. 
"Hey, sleeping beauty" he said without malice as he approached the right side of the bed, sitting in the massage chair.
"I don't get it. I don't get it, Eli"  he said in a heavy, sleepy voice as he moved his arms wildly and tried to get up, the concussion clearly leaving him unable to do so. 
"Shhh! It's alright, Josh. I'm here, you can sleep" he grinned and put his hand on his friend's chest to keep him from moving and to calm him down. Which seemed to have an effect as he leaned back against the pillows again.
"No, I can't. You won't be here" he said even more tired, trying to keep his eyes open. "I said I was going back. I'm not going away again" he stated and saw that Josh wanted to say something else but his eyes were already closing. The only thing he could do before his breath slowed was to hold Eli's hand as Eli whispered next to his ear, his mind too far away to understand what he said.
"I will always be here, Josh, and you will always be mine"
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Part of me wishes that the people who previously publicly supported Coolguykai (formerly known as Laineybot) would publicly express their views given the current allegations. Especially the LGBT YouTube community. He should be called out by them for the terrible things he's done and rejected by the community properly. We don't stan p*dos.
I’m going to say something that I really hope isn’t going to be misconstrued as anything anti-lgbt or transphobic but hopefully something that will bring some perspective as to why some people haven’t spoken up and why some likely never will speak up about them (more devil’s advocate and understanding than actually agreeing with it as well).
So to start off, many minority groups are faced with a conundrum when it comes to calling people out within their groups. You see, most minorities deal with a negative and usually utterly false stereotype about them that are quite damaging but it leads to a moral choice: do we point out anyone in our group who fits that stereotype and oust them publicly showing we do not accept this behaviour at the risk of putting a spotlight on the fact that there are people who fit the stereotype in our group? Or do we pretend that person doesn’t exist and hope our silence lets this person slip by unnoticed and not used as an example against us at the expense of our morality. As a personal example, Pakistani boys tend to be stereotyped as wife beaters or abusers as if it’s more normal or common to a significant degree for the exclusive reason of being Pakistani like it’s genetics or something. In my school a girl dated a Pakistani boy who was an abusive asshole, when people found out about it everyone was against him including Pakistanis (and it was her male Pakistani relatives who were the ones to out him), but what happened to us? We were questioned extensively on how much or little we approved of his behaviour and even though obviously everyone denounced him and we were the ones who outed him, he was still used as an example to “prove” that all the boys must be abusive misogynists. But when it came out my white boyfriend was abusive, you can bet your butt nobody made any sweeping claims about white boys (as they shouldn’t obviously). After the fact some people had a nagging feeling that they might have been better off not doing the right thing for the sake of the community including the girlfriend herself. The community suffered just for the fact that they happened to be the same ethnicity of an abuser whom they called out. We’re all glad he was outed, but the sadness is there nonetheless for the innocent people hurt by the racism of others that we feel almost guilty for
Now how does this relate to the trans community? Well unfortunately there is a massive stereotype that trans people are overwhelmingly pedophiles and that they will use their identity as a way to get their victims more easily. It’s actually the main form of propaganda against rulings for trans rights. How many ads have you seen where an adult man enters into a bathroom right after a young girl does? I think a lot of people who see Eli now are worried about what they should do and I do expect this to be a reason why they are quiet right now and I expect there to be people who never speak out. They also usually spoke about Eli as a victim and defending them and their being trans and it’s hard to follow that up with a video about how they’re actually a horrible pedophile too. I must stress that I do not believe this is everyone’s reaction nor that I think this is right. Just that I see this happening and also that I deeply understand why it does
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I can’t stay silent any longer...
So this is Anna and if you follow my main, you’ll know that I have made the decision to move blogs. However, I also plan on leaving the squad as well. Unfortunately I still have some unfinished business on here. I am aware that Hela has been off the blog for awhile and I know that this drama has already happened and were over it. However I cannot just let this pass and be over with like that. You need to know the truth and I’m here to give it to you.
So let’s get down to business and I will explain exactly what happened and why I brushed it off until the incident with Elijah, Hela, me, and Leighann.
So I had been asked to write a fanfic for her. No problem right? Well...she kept asking for sneak peaks of what I was writing. I said no, and she got upset. Here’s the screenshots of what happened:
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As you could see, I did not want to show her exactly what I was working on so I started joking around with her. I thought I was being kind of a jerk when she sent that “I’m sorry I wasted your time GIF, and when she started acting suicidal and sending me posts that were similar, I panicked, thinking I had truly fucking hurt her simply by refusing to give her fucking sneak peaks of my work before I was done. This is not normal or okay behavior. This is fucking manipulation at its finest, and quite ironic coming from someone who ran a blog advocating against domestic violence.
Now why did I let her get away with it you ask? Well the thing is that until what happened with Eli, I didn’t really see as manipulative. As I said, I thought I had genuinely hurt and caused her to have a mental fucking breakdown because I was being an asshole. Hell, if it was just me I probably wouldn’t even be making this post but it’s not just me she’s hurt. It’s not just me she’s messed with. She’s done this to like 10 people, possibly even more, including me and Elijah, and that’s not okay. She’s even done this to Leighann to make HER feel bad for being harmed by her actions, even though she was clearly in the wrong when shit happened.
Now I haven’t kept up with much lately and even gone as far as to avoid talking to her as much as possible. However, I really hope that she’s actually receiving help by now and getting therapy because none of her actions here are excusable and she tends to hide behind her mental illnesses and past trauma quite a bit. That’s not okay. Your mental illness isn’t a fucking excuse for shitty behavior and the fact that she’s outright weaponized it against that many people is quite telling. On top of that I love how even after all that she put Elijah through, even after Elijah has (quite subtly) made it pretty fucking apparent that they no longer want to interact with her, she still came to me asking about Elijah. (Screenshots will be posted in an additional post)
So even after she basically traumatized Eli, the fact that she had the fucking audacity to come back to me asking about Eli and wanting to talk to them even after they blocked her, hinting that they no longer want to interact with her, is pretty fucking telling. I get that she wants to leave this all behind and maybe that’s the real reason why she left this blog but honestly? She’s not getting off that easily. I am NOT letting her just run away from her fucking problems like this. She either needs to learn from her fucking mistakes and own up to them for real this time, or get help, which hopefully she’s recieving because there’s no way in hell I’m letting her get away with anything like this again. She has hurt too many people like this and honestly I could go on about this all day but this is too long already so I’m gonna follow this up with the rest of the reciepts here.
If any of you have ever been treated like this or hurt by Hela, DM me on my main @thatemochickanna with the screenshots and I’ll get to you whenever I can. Hela I hope you’re somewhere praying, and I hope your soul is changing. I’m not religious but I hope you’re changing for real right now because you need too.
-Anna 🖤
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of2worldsxmuses · 5 years
Stranded (riot) // Ez & Eli
Eli was sitting in his office working, as he was watching the trial. He couldn't believe this was coming to an end, but he was definitely glad it was. The truth was going to come out one way or the other. He was shocked by the verdict when it came in, "Wow, I didn't see that coming. Oh man..." He shook his head, and picked up the phone to call the crew camped out at the courthouse, but before he could get anyone, he heard a large crash. "What the hell?" He jumped up and looked out the window and saw a large crowd of angry people, "Fuck....Ezra! We need to get safety!"
Despite it being a Saturday, Ezra was at Paradox, getting some work done. With Oz Montague’s trial drawing its conclusion, work seemed never ending for both him and Eli. His gaze was glued on his computer screen when he heard a commotion. Wondering what was happening, he exited his office only to be greeted by the employees running about. He entered his brother’s office then, brows knitted together. “What the fuck is going on?” He asked, his eyes growing wide when he saw what was happening outside. “Are they seriously fucking rioting?”
Eli went to make sure that all their employees were safe, "Everyone head to the middle studio and lock yourselves inside." He looked at Ezra, "Yeah it looks that way, and we need to secure the building." As the bosses, they were responsible for everyone in that building, "This is crazy I know, but we need to not panic and make sure we are all safe in here."
The first thing that came to mind was Val. Ezra wondered about her safety and felt his stomach dropping just thinking about his girlfriend getting hurt. He had to force those thoughts aside and focus on what was going on at the office. “You heard, Eli. Go!” He urged the employees to head to the middle studio. “We’ll be okay. They can’t get in.--Now come on, Eli, we should follow the rest.” He said once everyone had herded out.
Eli was glad that they had a place that was secure for their employees to bunker down in. "We have to make sure that the studio is locked down. You go with the rest, keep them safe, and I'll go lock the front door, then join you all." He didn't want to risk anyone getting in and hurting anyone. They could buy new equipment, but lives were irreplaceable.
Ezra shook his head at his brother. “No, if you’re going, I’m going too.” He said in return. As much as his brother grated his nerves, he never wanted something bad to happen to him. So if was hellbent on locking the door, Ezra was going to go with him. “Come on.” They headed to the door and locked it. Thankfully, it hadn’t been tempered with yet. “Now, we can hide now?”
Eli was surprised by Ezra wanting to go with him, but he was also grateful for it. He took everything very seriously, and the safety of his staff was at the top of his list. When they got to the front, they locked the door, "Yeah we can, I feel a lot better now, let's go." Just when they were going to leave a brick flew through the window, "To my office, now!" They ran to his office, "Barricade the door with the desk!"
Just when he thought everything would be okay, someone threw a brick through the window. “What the fuck! Let’s go, Eli!” Ezra urged, and with that, they both ran towards his brother’s office. He listened to his brother’s instructions and helped to barricade the door with the desk. “That should hold, right?” He asked, looking at the door, hoping like hell the mob of people wouldn’t break through.
Eli couldn't believe this was happening right now, all this over a verdict. Once he and Ezra were safe in his office he got on the floor by the desk to use his body to help just in case someone did try to get in, "Yeah this will hold, but hopefully that brick was all the damage we get tonight." He let his head fall back, and he blew out a frustrated sigh, "I really can't believe this is happening right now, it's insane how one thing turns into this. But the good thing is, everyone here is safe. But I need to call Daniella and find out how's she's doing." He pulled out his cellphone and tried to call, but got nothing, "Crap! The phones are down"
Ezra could only hope that nothing more would happen around here. The whole situation was wigging him out, not to mention he was worried about Val as well. "How the hell did all this happen all of a sudden?" He grumbled, grabbing his phone to give Val a call, but he didn't even get to dial her number before he heard what Eli said. "What? Now, the phones are down too…" Being stubborn, he found himself dialing her number anyway, but of course the line was dead. "Fuck! Great! Just fucking great!"
Eli felt helpless and he was scared out of his mind for Daniella, Emery, Bella, and Charlie, but he saw Ezra was starting to freak out, "It's going to be alright, Ezra, try to calm down, I'm sure Valeria is alright, and the phones will come back soon enough." He wanted to believe that everything was okay, but in his heart he was scared out of his mind. He touched Ezra's shoulder, "Just think positive thoughts."
“It’s not going to be alright!” Ezra growled at his brother, despite knowing that he was only trying to help. He knew then he had to take a calming breath and once he did, he spoke again. “I’m sorry…” He said in a tired tone. “I worry about her. She’s supposed to be at work. What if something happens to her? I wouldn’t be able to live with myself.” He felt tears pricked his eyes as the negative thoughts bombarded his mind.
Eli knew that Ezra was just scared, so he was not going to take his snapping at him personal. He was scared too, but he didn't want to show that to Ezra. He wanted to finally be the big brother Ezra needed. When he apologized, Eli pulled him into a hug, "It's going to be okay Ez, Valeria will be okay, I promise you. She is strong, and definitely savvy, so she will be able to get out of a sticky situation. Just have faith, I'm here for you, I promise. I won't ever leave you again." He never saw his brother this panicked before, he must really care about Valeria a lot.
Ezra had never felt more vulnerable. He was normally so confident, nothing could shake him, and yet he was at the verge of tears at the thought of something happening to Val. It didn't help when Eli hugged him. "What if she's not? What do I do then?" He returned after a minute of silence. Not knowing what else to say, he wrapped his arms around his brother and hugged him back tightly. Right now, he really needed the support and he wasn't going to push away his one source of comfort.
"You will get through this, and you will be strong for her. If...God forbid, something does happen to her, you know that you will have a strong support system to help you through this." Eli knew that him and Emery would be there for Ezra for whatever he would need from them. Feeling Ezra hug him back, was a great feeling, and he was glad that he could be there for him, unlike how he was in the past.
Feeling the support from Eli, Ezra finally allowed the tears he was holding back to fall. He needed this. A shoulder to cry on. A supportive brother that he thought he would never have. "Nothing can happen to her. I love her." The revelation came out easily. It didn't make him flinch nor did it surprise him. If anyone understood love, it would be Eli. The man did go through a lot when it came to relationships.
This was a new feeling for Eli to have with Ezra, and he liked it. He wasn't always the supportive brother to him or Emery, due to his own selfishness. But now that they are back together, and the growth that he's had through the years, he wants that relationship with his siblings. He could feel the emotion coming from Ezra, "I can tell you really mean that, and I know this is hard, but you have to have faith that she is going to be alright, and you can tell her how you feel face to face."
Ezra nodded his head as his tears poured. He'd never felt like this about a woman. Val was the very first and he always knew that if he were to ever fall in love, strong emotions would be forced out of him. He felt a little better that through this unfortunate tragedy, he was able to have this moment with his brother. After a while, he pulled back and smiled sheepishly at Eli. "Sorry about that.--You know, you're not so awful when you're being being supportive."
If Eli knew about anything, it was falling in love. Those emotions are strong, and you do some things you never thought you would do when you're in love, so seeing this from Ezra was nice change. He chuckled hearing his brother's comment, "Thanks....and I'm sorry that it took me so long to be the brother you deserve. I was so selfish, and I didn't think of how my actions affected you and Emery."
Ezra shrugged his shoulders, trying to act like things were cool when actually it was nice hearing Eli apologize. He never did that before. "It's okay. Em and I became pretty decent people though, I think. I'm glad you're not the Eli that left Verona all those years ago. It's actually nice to see you smiling a lot more now. Daniella must have really made you happy." He commented with a genuine smile.
"Yeah you both did, and I am so happy to be back here in Verona to see it." Eli said with a smile on his face, but he knew in his heart, he had nothing to do with who they are now. "I don't ever want to be that Eli again, he was not a good guy, and had major internal things going on inside him. But I can honestly say that I know what it truly means to be happy, and I am better for it." He smiled when he brought up Daniella, "Yeah she has, but being with my family has made me happy too."
Ezra nodded, smiling at his brother. It was no surprise that he and Eli were at odds about...well almost everything. Especially when Eli left and Ezra was forced to pick up the pieces. They never talked about it, but he figured that this might be the best time to bury the hatchet. "I'm glad you're back too. I never did like the old Eli. He was an asshole. This version is a lot more likable and it's good that you're happy." He smiled, the words couldn't be more genuine. “Well, if that’s the case. Welcome back, big brother. You’ve been missed.” And he really meant that.
Eli had to laugh hearing Ezra call the old him an asshole, and he couldn't deny it. He was selfish, and only concerned about what he could get from people. But now, he was nothing like that, and he wanted to stay that way. "I know, and I never actually apologized for leaving you like I did, I know you had to pick up my slack around here, and you did an amazing job. Now I want to give you the opportunity to do what you want to do, and not worry about things, I will pick up the slack now." He smiled when he welcomed him back, "Thank you little brother, it's good to be back."
Ezra laughed along with Eli, it felt nice to hear his brother laughing. Before this, the man was always angry about something, but clearly he was a totally different man now. This was what Ezra had wanted all along, a brother he could love and talk to. He couldn’t be more glad to have him. “I appreciate the apology, and I might have resented you back then, but now, I’m actually grateful for the experience. It made me a man and that’s not too bad in my book.” He joked, bumping his brother with his shoulder. “You’re very welcome. Just please don’t go back to the asshole you. I might just have to push you off a building or something.” He laughed.
For the first time in a long time, Eli felt like he was really getting along with Ezra, and it was not on a superficial level, but he was actually getting his brother back. They had been through so much before, and now they were able to look beyond all the drama, and foolishness, and focus on them now. "I can promise that Eli is never coming back. He is dead and buried, the man before you now, is the man that is going to be here for you and Emery, no matter what." He smiled, "You have become a fine man, and I know that you are going to make Valeria very happy." He bumped his shoulder back, "I will say this now, if the asshole Eli comes back, I give you permission to push me off a building." He laughed, and couldn't believe how fa they have come.
“Good. Good riddance to that asshole then. Emery and I need this version of Eli, not an asshole.” Ezra might be laughing, but he couldn’t be more serious. He hated his brother back then and never understood why anyone would even want to be around him. But this new version, he could definitely live with and wanted to be around. “I hope so too. I just want to be with her and love her. She’s been through so much in her life, it’s fair that I make her happy for the rest of it, you know… I hope she’s okay.” He could feel panic setting in again, but for some reason being around Eli helped him a lot. “Oh, I don’t need permission to do that. I’ll just bring you on top of this building and push you off no questions asked.” He laughed.
Eli wanted to be the type of brother that Emery and Ezra could come too and rely on fro anything, He wanted him to feel like he had a real brother, not some asshole that he never wanted to be around. He listened as Ezra talked about Valeria, and although they hadn't been around each other a lot, he knew his brother, and he was a man in love. He could feel just how much he cared about her, and see it in his eyes, that he found his one. "She has gone through a lot, and she deserves your love, and you deserve hers." He patted his shoulder and laughed, "I will not even fight you on it."
Ezra never thought that he could love a woman, he didn’t even think that Val and him could ever become a reality, and yet it did happen, and now that he had her, he never wanted to let her go. His regret was not telling her that he was in love with her sooner. “Sometimes, it doesn’t feel like I do, but I will try my best to love her the way she should be loved.” That was a promise that was easy for him to make because he had never felt more sincere. “Great. Then you better not mess up again.” He laughed. Just then, he heard banging coming from outside the door. “Do you hear that? I think there are people trying to get in. Should we open the doors for them?” He didn’t want innocent people to get injured or worse, killed by the angry mob, so he knew that the right thing to do was to help as many people as they could. “Come on, Eli. Let’s open the doors and try to help.” He stood up then, and offered a hand to his brother to help him up.
"You have to get past that feeling, because you are a good man Ezra Sutherland, and any woman would be happy to have you love them. And that is all you can do is give her the best of you, and she will love you for that. " Eli knew what a good man Ezra was, and he was sure that Valeria knew it too, that's why she was still hanging around with him. They look happy together, so he was hoping for the best with them. He only laughed, and was about to respond when he heard the banging on the door, "You think we should open it?" He didn't want to see people get hurt, but he was also thinking about the people already in there. He needed to make a quick decision, "You know what, yeah, let's open the doors." They moved the desk, and went to open the doors to let the people in that were fleeing the riots, "Follow us, we will lead you to safety." He and Ezra took them to the middle studio with the rest of their employees to ride out the riots in safety.
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