#unhappiness is a spectrum all its own
a-dinosaur-a-day · 1 year
Opinions on owning pet parrots? I'm doing a degree in animal welfare and have pretty much come to the conclusion that the smaller species are fine if you can provide what they need but the larger birds like the greys, outside of being rescues, shouldn't be pets at all.
Okaaaaaaaay so time to make everyone mad at me again I guess
parrots have been human companion animals for longer than Judaism has been around, so, I don't think we can just say "it's wrong" and force everyone to stop doing a thing that's been done for that long. Like, this isn't a human randomly taking home a tiger, this is a long going process with many species of parrots now being near-domesticated in the strictest sense of the term
Parrot ownership is in fact ancient in many "tropical" areas and the idea that it's a new thing is... white supremacy! what a shock!
in the United States (I am not talking about other countries, just my own), literally no companion parrots are wild caught anymore. They're bred. Bred as companions. If we were to outlaw larger parrot ownership, many birds would be without a home, and that's morally reprehensible
in fact, the kind of backlash against parrot ownership that's risen up in the past decade has directly led to a shelter crisis. most shelters are overfilled and overstressed, which is a *lot* worse for the birds in many cases than home ownership
parrots are pets that have extraordinarily high care needs. They are not good pets for everyone. but no pet is! Every single companion animal has its pluses and downsides, and many of them have many more downsides than pluses. Doesn't mean they shouldn't have a home.
There are some people who are actually able to take care of companion parrots, adequately, in their homes. First of all, we've learned a lot in the past few decades. Second of all, there are lifestyles that work well with even larger parrots and their needs.
So, while the number of human beings on this planet who can adequately take care of large parrots is extremely small, it is not zero. Which means if someone thinks they can take care of a bird well, and has the space and resources and time, then they should be allowed to, if that's what they wish
Because birds in the USA are bred as companions, the vast majority of said parrots would be unhappy in any situation that doesn't involve close contact with humans. Admittedly, all my parrots are "small" (whatever that means), but I know for a fact that if you took them away from our home they would be significantly worse off, because they're bonded to us. That's how this whole flocking thing works
Also, our most recent rescues, who had been stuck in a shelter for 15 years, are definitely happier now getting more individual attention and space. Shelters are supposed to be temporary places for most birds, not permanent homes, because they can't get the adequate level of care and attention that they need.
also, I'll point out that being pets has allowed many parrot species to have thriving populations that are not threatened by climate change, which is something to their benefit. given. you know. climate change. not that pet ownership is conservation, but, it's not that far removed from it - the axolotl population owes a lot to both pet ownership and zoo captivity, for example.
like, it's a spectrum, right? And it doesn't really go along with size, at the end of the day. There are tons of extremely neurotic and high needs small parrots, and many larger ones that are exceptionally chill. So while the vast majority of humans on this planet should not have a parrot, that's not all of them; and while the number that can handle higher maintenance ones is even smaller, its not zero. And I think, given the fact that we have all of these captive bred birds in the states at least, it's not a good idea to tell people that there is no way to ethically practice husbandry with them.
and I'm not the kind of person who assumes I know everything about someone's life in order to tell them "no you shouldn't bring home that cockatoo", so I'm not going to. In fact, I give everyone on the internet the benefit of the doubt if they have a parrot unless a) that parrot shows signs of distress (like plucking) or b) there is clearly something wrong going on (like someone's smoking weed around their bird)
so, no, there's no commonly kept (and thus domestically captive bred) bird I think is a bad pet for every single human on the planet. And it's not my business whether a particular individual should or should not have a particular bird.
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mozzaicynth · 1 month
one thought everyday and its just the amazing world of gumball especially these three freaks (doodles + some headcanons below :3)
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mr small -
my interpretation of small becoming more mellowed out in the future seasons as opposed to season 1 is him managing his anger in a more healthier way (meditation, etc) (plus i think all those herbal infusions are incredibly effective on the nerves) . that being said i think he still has underlying anger issues and lashes out if prompted too much . another reason hes nicer and more of a pushover in the later seasons is because i like to think hes guilty of his plethora of outbursts earlier on, especially towards students (unwarranted shouting which as a school counsellor he should know is pretty harmful on younger kids) . the fact that he tries to offer his help when its absolutely not needed so many times later on in the show further makes me like to think he’s making up for it all
hes also so autistic to me hes on the spectrum you cant tell me otherwise and i think hes pretty awkward and considered strange by the whole town (which is saying a lot for elmore standards) . still super friendly and approachable but he also cant take hints and he definitely stims (and has special interests, alternative medicine are you kidding)
his music taste i love to think is all over the place … i get the general consensus is he listens to mystic chants and sitar music but he definitely listens to more, ranging from pop to indie to rock to metal (this may or may not have become an idea when i was listening to ‘darts by soad and associated it with him,) . also what with his stupid little self funded album that is such a jarring listen ‘cause of all the ridiculous genre changes
i think he crochets/macrames as a hobby along with other diy stuff (most of the decorative items in his home crafted by him) making him, surprisingly considering how incompetent he is sometimes, super crafty/handy .
larry -
larry is a great person: incredibly intelligent, he’s very knowledgable on a plethora of subjects and he has a big heart, holding little to no virtriol against the people of elmore (except the wattersons but that is SO warranted) . thus i like to imagine he did great in school, moved on to do so wonderfully in uni whilst juggling jobs and his studies but after graduation was left stuck (alike so many people nowadays) . neither small or larry came from well off families but i think for larry he didn’t have much of a support system anyway so currently he overworks and works and works just to catch up on the student debt whilst simultaneously paying his taxes (i still think about that episode all the time fuck the police . big pink son of a bitch), loans and not to mention the bare minimum to keep himself alive
he’s a very sweet and kind person but anyone under the immense stress that he’s under would be irritable and temperate (he deserves to be more angry imo) and i whilst he has so many jobs he always aims to excel at all of them, having an incredibly particular way that tasks must be done and having them organised . because of this, he can be a lot more temperate when interacting with coworkers, especially those who don’t do their job as well, having to take matters into his own hands . as he and karen (his girlfriend throughout the series) share some jobs it puts a strain on their relationship (which was built off of the mutual ‘having several jobs’) and they break up .
even so, though larry consistently tries to propose to her in the show, in “the laziest” he doesn’t seem to be happy nor comfortable at all with the prospects of marrying her . in fact, even when he’s achieved the ‘american dream’ (properties like a house and car and a family (his girlfriend soon to be wife)) he’s unhappy . personally i don’t think he knows what he wants to do with himself ; he works all day and night and has little to no time for himself to even think in peace that the only purpose he knows is work .
i like to think he used to be an artist; self taught, it was a hobby and an enjoyment but his studies and his work took over so his one form of self expression was squeezed out of his life .. (i like making their lives as bleak as possible soz ! 🙏) he still admires the arts and i think that’s another reason he likes steve so much; his handcrafts and mini projects .
steve and larry are two opposites that are similar in ways .. but i love their dynamic so much . my interpretation of them is that steve will help larry balance out his life slightly better to leave room for himself instead of working 24/7 . steve has his head in the clouds and larry grounds him, and larry is so stuck in his ways with work that steve pulls him out of it slightly, lifting him up a little higher (AUGHHHGHH I HATE THEM I HATE THEM
as for their relationship with rob, im very much a stevelmeyer adoption truther !! both larry and steve coming from dysfunctional families, they aim to help rob and take care of him to the best of their abilities . further, larry taking on taking care of rob gives him direction in his life again . 😁😁😁😁😁😁
this isnt gonna be the last post headcanon/idea wise i still think of them 24/7 but heres jus SOME things .. (im such a yapper sprry not sorry !) :3c
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petitepatateuwu · 2 months
I'm not late for my digital art challenge, time is actually extremely early. Also my sister allowed me to use her photoshop and I am just confused because I can't adapt after looking at the same one software for four years. Also I hurt myself in Paris subway and I'm unhappy.
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Don't look at the colour palet thingy, it's 5:00 am and I don't know what I'm doing.
So I decided to use this challenge to develop my dumb au ideas without taking any time to introduce you to it 😈
But because I feel like I should give some context, I'm still gonna yap about it😈😈😈
So actually, Jay isn't the one I should start with, but I'm chaotic so here you go 🫠
But it originally started when I realised that Ninjago gave Cole so little screen time that I started to make my own Cole lore in my head (sometime my brain does this on its own). And basically, I went from "what if Cole had a backstory?" to "what if I gave Cole my childhood trauma because I relate to him way too much?"to "what if Jay had siblings?" to "what if Zane was the only one with a perfect childhood?". And before I knew it an alternate timeline came tickling my circuits at night.
This then became me being mad at season 7 for bringing back Kai and Nya's parents, and decided to give (almost) all the ninjas childhood traumas based on what I understood of their character.
So in this au, Jay doesn't really have any "childhood trauma", but I kinda designed his family to be problematic in a way that he would grow with many insecurities because he lacked parental attention. And this despite his parents being awfully nice and caring to him and his siblings. It's just something that can happen, especially in large families or when the parents are so invested in their work/hobby that they tend to unintentionally neglect their kids, and I think that both are happening in Jay's family.
I'm also thinking that his parents would have difficulties understanding most of their children exposing neurodivergent symptoms. I strongly believe that Jay is on the ADHD spectrum, and as a person with ADHD symptoms as well, I'm using my personal experience to explain how he could've grown with it. (I'm not very good when talking about neurodivergence, just know that I based most of Jay's childhood problems on this video, which I think explains very well how parents can have the best intentions but still hurt their children because they don't understand them)
So of course, the final personalities of the ninjas are a bit different from canon, but I did try to make them similar at best, or close from what I understand of them, which might not be correct X). In this au, Jay is very insecure about his abilities, which results in him hiding most of the time to build/model/create/whatever artistic stuff he said he did, but also in him having more difficulties to unlock some of his powers (like the elemental dragon). After spending some time with him, the other ninjas learn how to properly encourage him to open up and make him gain some self-confidence. When he is not in a stressing situation, Jay acts rather childishly, because he was used to be mothered by his parents and his older siblings, and he is more open about his emotions than others can be, he even has trouble hiding them when necessary.
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nardo-headcanons · 11 months
beginner tips for trying to draw characters similar to the Naruto style? like Kishi?
ps- your blog is incredible. I think about world building questions aaaalllll the time! So glad you made it and continue to post here. It's fascinating. It does not go unappreciated!! 💐💗😁
Thank you so much for the sweet words, dear!! You can always shoot me up some world building questions and I'll try to answer them to the best of my abilities! Your sweet words make my day! ❤
Before we begin, I have a words to say, especially if you're a beginner artist reading this. There is nothing wrong with your art style. Art styles evolve and change, they can be inconsistent and wonky, all of this is normal. We're all hypercritical of our art and its artstyle, however if you're genuinely unhappy with it, there are things you can do! Study your favorite artists and look at how they draw, watch speedpaintings and find what's best for you. The internet is full of resources, if you need help finding anything, you can DM me or send me an ask to give you recommendations!
That being said, let's begin!
How to draw in the Naruto art style, aka like Kishimoto
The artstyle of Naruto changes a lot throughout the series, I'm gonna show some characteristics of the mid to early shippuden style we know and love.
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Stylization, like many things, exists on a spectrum. Most anime are between the second and the third image, however there's a broad variety of anime styles. With the Naruto art style, there's this phenomena of the faces being rather realistic, and the hair being very stylized.
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The eyes
The eyes of most Naruto characters have the edge sitting higher than where the hypothetical tear duct is. Pupils, if present, are part of the lineart and therefore, pitch black. The irises are very round, almost circular. The eyes themselves do not have many details, as the eyelashes can often be counted on one finger. Compared to the other parts of the face, line weight also plays an important role in how the end results looks. I suggest playing around with your pen pressure settings and/or getting a brush ink pen. (I'm not getting paid) this is the one I use.
The nose
Minimalism is the best way to describe the way noses are drawn in Naruto. If they're drawn from the front view, it's just nostrils. The diversity of nose shapes in Naruto is not very high, unfortunately. Same goes for
The lips
When drawing the lips, you do not need to add many details. Unless the character is wearing lipstick, only the lower lip is drawn, and lips in Naruto all have pretty much the same shape and fullness.
The hair
The hair in Naruto is all heavily styled. Individual strands of hair are combined into thicker "hair bundles". If the hair is short, it can also be drawn in a spiky shape.
The headshape
The general headshape of Naruto characters is almost always the same, across ages and genders. It's characterized by a round forehead and pointy chin, followed by a slender neck.
The eyebrows
(The eye you can see there is in my own drawing style) Naruto eyebrows are thin and very straight. When the character is wearing a headband, more than half of it is covered.
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General things
Reference is key. Always use references, even when drawing an OC, until you have built a large mental library of how to draw your character. Find a character from Naruto that has a similar eye shape to your character, and use that. Useful for that are screenshots from the series or reference sheets.
That's all, folks! If you need more help, send me another ask or DM me! ♥♥♥
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peach-pot · 1 year
songs that’re in my aro playlist and why 😎
(I ❤️ misinterpreting lyrics for the sake of aromanticism. also I'm on the grayro spectrum and that influences this a lot.)
1. World of Two by CAKE
feels like being aromantic and two people in your life start dating and making a BIG show of it
"I don't want to / Live in your world / Of two / There's only room for you"
2. When by dodie
"I think I've been telling lies / 'Cause I've never been in love"
"I'd rather date an idea / Something I'll never find"
"They tell me I loved, teach me how to think"
"I'm waiting to live, and waiting to love / Oh, it'll be over, and I'll still be asking when"
come on.
3. don't quite belong by dodie
feels like knowing there's something up with you and romance, but not yet knowing what being aromantic is
"Holding hands like it's planned / How do they know what they mean? / I go up to a friend, grab his arm / "What's the code I should know? / Do you struggle like me?""
"Am I / Missing something vital here? / 'Cause I / Woke up feeling kind of weird / Guess I'll just pretend / Play along 'til they figure it out / I don't quite belong"
4. Beside Myself by The Escape Artist
"The way I love you is if I were someone else / And I'm sat here beside myself / God, I can't keep doing this"
"I guess I don't know what I want / Who knows better? / Oh, everyone / So this is why we're alive / To procreate, perform, pretend, prescribe / It's just the way things work"
"Now we're talking, and I know just what he wants / So I stop him / This time I'm honest for once / "Hey, man, this is really not something I do." / But he won't quit, just wants my number as "friends" / And I hate it"
"I know you see me as if there's something wrong / And it's hard not to play along"
come on. I mean come on.
5. I Wanna Keep Yr Dog by illuminati hotties
it's about getting out a relationship and missing the dog more than the person. very easy to make about being aro if you ask me.
"I felt very little for you, oh well / Thanks for taking care of ol' me"
"You’re alright, but I wanna keep your dog / This is the last night unless you let me keep your dog / I know you want me close / But when you're gone, it's her I miss the most / I'd rather keep your dog"
6. Happy Unhappy by The Beths
feels like being happy being aromantic and then having a crush for the first time and it being more of a bother than anything else. (describing being single as being "happy unhappy" feels like a very aro thing to me on its own.)
"'Cause I was fine on my own / Tolling steady like a dial tone / Couldn't you leave me? / I was happy unhappy / But now I'm overthrown / Wish my heart were really made of stone"
7. Too Soon by Liza Anne
I relate this a lot to my experience being grayromantic where every time I think I have a crush I overthink it, whether or not the feelings are real at the end of the day. feels like thinking you might have a crush and not wanting to overthink it so you can instead just try to have a bit of fun with the feelings for however long they last.
"I think that I am gonna try to / Be a little less in my mind to / Overthink a good thing / Under feel a real thing / I wanna lose my mind a little / I wanna love you"
8. I Think I Love You by The Partridge Family
"I think I love you so what am I so afraid of / I'm afraid that I'm not sure of a love there is no cure for"
"I don't know what I'm up against / I don't know what it's all about / I got so much to think about"
^^ what experiencing romantic attraction is like when you're me and you're grayro and every time it takes several weeks to figure out if what you're feeling is even romantic attraction in the first place.
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kobblefort · 1 year
Rushsly: Into the Depths 2
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Clean-up time starts with the retooling of our marksbold squad, and on the plus side, we get a bunch of steel and iron back, if the kobbles can be persuaded to actually give up their bows. We sort of just let the caged ratfolk sit in the trap hallway and think about what they've done for now. Are we really going to kill them? well I mean probably, right, they killed some of our birds. I love birds. Blood will be repaid in blood and all that. In the real world I actually really like rats, but I hate mice - rats are basically dog software running on rodent hardware, but mice are skittering little freaks that will run into your room in the middle of the night literally just to suddenly roll over and die on the fucking floor. I do not live in a place with mice anymore and I hope to never have to deal with mice again (and I do everything in my power to make any environment I reside in completely inhospitable for them) but when I had to deal with mice they made me so violently angry that, had I ever owned a firearm, I would have just started fucking blasting. I know I'd probably miss, they're upsettingly fast and have the devil's luck. But it's the principle of the matter. However, in the greatest simulation game of all time Dwarf Fortress I really quite detest these ratfolk, especially because whenever they're spotted it plays a really fucking loud and scary alert sound. I ultimately want to do something funnier than "just dropping them down a pit" but worst comes to worst I am not at all opposed to "just dropping them down a pit." Forcing them to scout the cavern for me could be useful, but sounds inefficient and risks their necromancer turning some actually powerful monsters to their side. Digging a little "arena" for captured invaders to amuse the kobbles is another idea that feels at least worth considering, but I don't know how much the kobbles would actually like that. Well, we're in no hurry.
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Alsrta, our caravan voice, is suddenly elected clan leader by the kobbles, requiring the construction of some new lodgings for her. Something I forgot to mention is that, besides the triplets she had while drunk, she had a fourth child, a peasant. When I try to click over to them in her "Relations" tab...
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...it turns out he was the peasant crunched up in the bridge by the first were-beast attack. Uhh, fuck, sorry dude. In spite of it all, she's actually in the best possible mood. Maybe it's just the bump from getting elected, but she hasn't showed up on my radar of "kobbles in shitty moods" at all. I'll admit it's a pretty low-quality radar, and I am a pretty low-quality radar operator, but like it's there, and she hasn't really pinged on it.
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Checking a random engraving in her room reveals that the kobbles worship a deity of deformity, disease and death named "Tulrac Dungsgalls." That's so fucking metal
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On the other side of the spectrum, our most unhappy kobble is Zil Dentedleaks, who doesn't seem to actually be having a very bad time or any serious current issues. I mean like sorry about the trauma and shit but pretty much everyone has that at this point.
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Speaking of trauma, the first bird tower gets its windows, but nobody particularly wants to get this dead peachick out of it, so uhh... I guess it's staying... This isn't related but just now at 288 hours of playtime on the Steam release I have just fucking now figured out how to get my kobbles to gather fruit. People have told me "you're so smart" for a lot of my life and I've always been dumbfounded by that, because if they saw how many obvious and simple things I miss they would probably not say that. I'm not sure what causes me to make problems 1000x more complicated in my head than they actually are but I've basically always been that way, I could read before I could tie my shoes, I can grasp the theoretical stuff in algebra just fine but actual basic arithmetic like making change is completely impossible to me, and when I play puzzle games I often flounder around trying absurdly overcomplicated solutions for entirely too long because some part of me just does not believe the solution can be simple and so unconsciously overlooks the most basic and obvious options. I don't know if this is an autism thing or what - yes I am autistic if you somehow couldn't tell - but it has made my life impossibly frustrating at times. You should see me play Zachtronics games, I like them but the kind of solutions I come up with on my first pass are fucking efficiency nightmares.
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I like that this gets announced via the combat log for some reason, lol. Relax lil buddy we have literally no interest in any facet of your existence. We're just building some bird windows. The bird towers all have windows now and I find myself suddenly wondering if we'd have been able to just wall them in and carve fortifications, but oh well. Glass is free, baby!!!
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Steel is most assuredly not free, but we have it now, and besides some iron pieces they've grown attached to, all the kobbles get some sweet-ass upgrades. There's also been some more personnel shuffling...
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Kody, Ris, and Iltos were all in terrible moods, so I figured we might as well give them positions of authority, because, well, I don't know. I don't know what my reasoning was there. Zil was also made into the first squadron leader basically just as a lark.
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Huge day for it/its bitches. No gender no problem. Well actually they're all fucking miserable. Agender, aproblem. A man, a plan, a canal: Paizuri! Uhh, wait, that's not quite right. Panama. Not paizuri. But whatever. You can't win them all. Sometimes you do everything right and you just lose anyway. Sometimes the person who goes through your entire 3 year history of Instagram posts and makes you really feel actually special and not just like another little bug in the world and makes you realize you're perfectly able to thrive in a polyamorous relationship isn't actually polyamorous and just wanted to enlist someone to tank a bit of emotional abuse from their clingy obsessive self-deprecating and wildly insecure partner. But I said I wasn't going to talk about David Cage. When success is impossible, what's important is to fail in fun and interesting ways.
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Continuing the trend of boring artifacts, Roron Lastmelt creates a sheep wool cap with absolutely no distinguishing features.
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Again, huge day for it/its bitches.
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Moods are bad enough to make me consider building a mist generator, but I'm probably not going to for two reasons. First of all, levitating water around all willy-nilly like that can do some serious damage to the framerate, and it's already starting to struggle a bit outdoors even at just 50 kobbles. Second, it just sort of feels like cheating, and I understand that this seems insane considering I literally cheated to make the magma furnaces and wells, but I am literally dialing the difficulty level to my exact desired specifications and if you can't appreciate that I don't know what to tell you. Not having to run up and down 100 z-levels to make metal stuff, good. Putting kobbles in perfect moods for basically free after 5 mins of investment, bad. That's the game at least it's the way I see it you're free to see it some other way. You don't like how I play it's only like $30 on Steam and the ASCII version is literally free. Sorry I keep getting defensive, I just really need to win the argument against the demons that detract from everything I do residing inside my own head.
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While the thought occurred to just gift them to the visiting Dwarven traders, it was ultimately decided to just throw the ratfolk prisoners (and their undead dog) in the dungeon and have them stripped of all their weapons and armor. And suddenly I decide, you know what, it would be funny to force them to fight in an arena, but just as I start digging one out:
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Hey remember how I said we'd be fine as long as no forgotten beasts who can fly don't show up? Ok well something really funny just happened.
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It must've smelled kobble blood, because it heads straight for the exit of the caverns, where I immediately stationed both squadrons. Unfortunately, it sunk its teeth into a civilian before they were able to stop it.
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Susle loses an entire fucking foot, but under the full might of our expertly-trained steel-armored kobble army, the forgotten beast Murlu is not long for this world.
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As the kobbles pile on, the beast is barely able to retaliate, and Ace Steel wins the killing blow, slicing the monster's head clean from its body. While she may have started out as kind of a mean-spirited joke about pro wrestling, she has won a great victory today. And so, she deserves a slightly less stupid title, even if I'm going to keep the name.
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Shislik "Ace Steel" Trimgleeful - the Beast Slayer. Hell of a first kill to put on the record
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Interestingly enough, the corpse is spattered with some ratfolk blood it must have spilled on the way here - too bad the enemy of your enemy really isn't your friend. It's a catchy saying, but sometimes the enemy of your enemy is also your enemy. Sometimes trying to see things in binaries will get you into real bad fucked up situations. But we are most assuredly out of this particular real bad fucked up situation.
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I think the entire military has earned themselves a little vacation, at least for a time. Even Zil's mood has improved from the victory, though Ris is still in the absolute worst possible mood - his work is just about to begin. Or... well... it should be?
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Susle basically refused bedrest, and while he's still faint, he only laid down long enough to be evaluated and given a crutch, then immediately got up and went to get drunk and have a bath. He headed back to the site of the battle to pick up the sock and shoe that once belonged to his now-dismembered foot and put them away in his bedroom cabinet, in case he ever needs them again or something, and now just wanders. We'll have to check back in on him later, but for now...
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We're making progress on our second tavern and the ratfolk arena. The randomly generated name The Tooth of Midnight is very fucking cool and appropriate, and in just a bit we'll be able to toss the rat bastards down that hole to duke it out with whatever other nasties we can capture. The necromancer might just need to take a magma bath, though, I don't like thinking about the kind of cascade he could cause with those powers. Everyone else, though? Well they came here looking for a fight, and damnit they're going to get one - but we're keeping their weapons and armor, lol.
But that will all happen later, because I am being asked to play FPS games with my Gang, and would never deign to Leave my Gang Hanging, even if it means having to peel myself away from the greatest simulation game of all time Dwarf Fortress for a few hours. So that's all for now, next time we'll throw some rats down a big hole.
Oh, real quick before I go, I just got psychically assaulted by the thought "PawgChamp" and I'm dumping it on you instead of making my friends have to hear it. Sorry! Bye
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bopinion · 2 years
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2022 / 39
Aperçu of the Week:
"Uptown's funk is gonna get you!"
(Marc Ronson featuring Bruno Mars -whatever this means: it sounds quite cool)
Bad News of the Week:
My plan is not to write about Russia or Putin in my Bad News for the whole month of October - even though, of course, he always reliably provides plenty of reasons to do so like clockwork. But I'm just tired of it...
So this week I am unhappy about Italy. A country that I basically appreciate very much - culture, nature, food, music, design, lifestyle... the Italians just have it. It's just that politics doesn't really work out. Is this due to the astonishingly high quota of clowns who opt for a political career in Italy, or to the naivety of the voting public, which is so eager to fall for them? I don't know, but the results are regularly sobering: Silvio Berlusconi is apparently unbreakable, and Matteo Salvini also manages to get into some post again and again, despite his obvious lack of aptitude. One could almost be glad that a fresh face, Giorgia Meloni, has now taken the stage. But you can't. Because against this fury of extremism, the established guys of the right spectrum are true orphans.
I'll quote verbatim a few positions she shouted from the campaign stages lately: "I say yes to the natural family, no to the LGBT lobby. Yes to sexual identity, no to gender ideology. Yes to life, no to the abyss of death. Yes to secure borders, no to mass immigration. Yes to Christian identity, no to Islamist violence. Yes to popular sovereignty, no to Brussels bureaucrats." You could almost sum it up like this: Yes to dusty pseudo-values of the past, no to the social achievements of the last decades. It's just a pity that Meloni then doesn't see her own role at home with children and kitchen.
With the junior partners Lega Nord and Forza Italia, Meloni's Fratelli d'Italia ("Brothers of Italy"), which increased its election result sixfold (!), has an absolute majority in both houses of the Italian Congress. That is rare - and gives them numerous options. For example, they already announced a constitutional reform to change Italy in the direction of a presidential system. The president should be directly elected and no longer just be head of state but also head of government - that would be Italy's biggest political change since 1946. Such a power grab is potentially dangerous, see Hungary under Orban. Or France under Le Pen. Let's see: first, the right-wing populist electoral alliance must also form a government. A government that will then remain stable long enough. After all, this is the 68th in Italy since the founding of the Republic at the end of World War II.
Good News of the Week:
"Hope for real change" is the title of Deutschlandfunk's analysis of the current protests against the Iranian regime. It began with the death of the Kurdish woman Mahsa Amini, who was arrested by the morality police because she was not wearing her headscarf properly. And died from injuries sustained while in police custody. The mass demonstrations that followed have continued until now - although the "law enforcers" have not spared brutality in suppressing them: there is talk of more than a hundred deaths.
According to Islamic scholar Katajun Amirpur, the protests now involve all sections of the population, across all social classes and ethnic groups: Men and women, leftists and rightists, young and old, Kurds and Turkmen, but also Persians and Azerbaijanis. They are standing up against the control mania of the authorities, against the bad economic situation, for human rights and freedom. The existential hopelessness that is expressed in them has the potential to actually bring about change. The general misery is linked to one thing: the Islamist orientation of the government: "Away, away, away - the mullahs must go!" Or "Women, life, freedom!"
Meanwhile, not only in Iran: yesterday, over ten thousand people took to the streets all over Germany. And demand, among other things, sanctions against a state that denies women basic rights. It's not the first time. In 2009, too, the "green movement" against the dubiously legitimized Ahmadinejad government aroused worldwide sympathy. Ultimately, the protest was crushed. What is different this time?
Mainly the awareness that the struggle for democracy and human rights concerns everyone - always and everywhere. Oppression "at the other end of the world" no longer takes place only in the media, but increasingly in one's own mind. Probably also because the personal statement of a young woman on social media is closer to one's heart than the dry analysis of a foreign correspondent on the evening news. We have learned that the happiness and unhappiness of humanity is a globally networked issue that does not stop at geographical, political or religious borders. As long as anyone anywhere on this planet is oppressed for anything, he and his rights must be fought for. Because he is one of us.
By the way: in my Good News I would also write about Russia or Putin in October - even if I would be surprised to find a reason to do so.
Personal happy moment of the week:
Tomorrow is Germany's national holiday. So: a holiday. Which I'm in need right now. After I had to work continuously last week despite a cold, I have slept 32 hours in the 48 hours since Friday evening. And still feel tired and powerless. So I don't really care if tomorrow is "German Unity Day" or "Global Smoothie Day" - the main thing is that I have time off.
I couldn't care less...
...who is to blame for the leaks in the North Stream 1 and 2 gas pipelines. The result is fatal: in just a few days, huge amounts of climate-damaging methane have escaped, an amount that a country like Denmark emits in a year. At the same time, an investment of several billion euros was destroyed, which could have been put to good use for transitional energy in better times. Likewise, the events contributed to a further price increase on the energy market. And finally, the dull feeling remains, whoever is responsible for the explosions, that any infrastructure anywhere can become the target of a sideshow. All not good.
As I write this...
...it is raining. As, in fact, it has been all September. And actually too much. As if nature would stick its tongue out at us: first too little rain for so long that "man-controlled nature" (i.e. agriculture) could write off a large part of the harvest. And now so much replenishment that the natural plant life can still recover in time for winter. Well. Got the message?
Post Scriptum:
The new British finance minister, Kwasi Kwarteng, announced substantial tax cuts just over a week ago, primarily to benefit the wealthy. However, without any counter-financing, but with the assumption of enormously high debts. As a result, the pound plummeted to its lowest level in 37 years, and interest rates on long-term British government bonds rose considerably. In order to stabilize the market, the Bank of England announced that it would purchase government securities with long maturities and no upper limit (!). As if that were a solution. Which is apparently how the people see it, too: both the railroads and the postal service went on extensive strikes in recent days as their demands for higher wages and better working conditions continue to be ignored by the Conservatives.
"I realize we should have prepared it better," Prime Minister Liz Truss finally told the BBC yesterday. But her government has a "clear plan" to deal with the energy crisis and inflation and revive the economy, she said. With patronage politics? In a massive economic crisis that poses almost insoluble problems for the lower classes, the Tories are still relying on trickle-down economics? As if that nonsense hadn't been proven wrong for decades. But Truss sees himself in every respect as the reincarnation of Margaret Thatcher. Good luck with that.
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selflessanatta · 8 months
Tibetan Buddhist Lamrim: The Intermediate Scope, https://selflessanatta.com/tibetan-buddhist-lamrim-the-intermediate-scope/
New Post has been published on https://selflessanatta.com/tibetan-buddhist-lamrim-the-intermediate-scope/
Tibetan Buddhist Lamrim: The Intermediate Scope
A comprehensive overview of the practices associated with the intermediate scope in the Lamrim teachings.
The Tibetan Buddhist Lamrim teachings on the intermediate scope focus on progressing beyond the initial stages of spiritual practice and aspiring for liberation from the cycle of birth and rebirth (samsara).
Lamrim teachings emphasize a deeper understanding of the suffering inherent in samsara, including the suffering of change, the suffering of pain, and the pervasive suffering of conditioned existence. This understanding serves as a motivating factor for spiritual practice.
Renunciation of Samsara
The intermediate scope begins with the recognition that samsara, the cycle of birth and rebirth, is marked by suffering, impermanence, and unsatisfactoriness. Practitioners develop a strong sense of renunciation, seeking liberation from this cycle.
Tibetan Buddhist Lamrim: Developing Renunciation for Samsara
Developing renunciation for samsara is a fundamental aspect of Tibetan Buddhist Lamrim teachings. Renunciation in this context refers to a sincere and strong desire to be free from the cycle of birth and rebirth (samsara) due to its inherent suffering and unsatisfactoriness. To sincerely enter the Buddhist path is to renounce this life and begin working on improving future lives. Of course, in the process, this life improves dramatically, and that motivation sneaks into every practitioner’s psyche. But in order to achieve peace of mind in this life, the motivation must be to improve future lives—one of life’s enigmas. Developing renunciation goes together with aspiring for a meaningful and spiritually oriented life. Practitioners seek a higher purpose and aim for lasting happiness through the pursuit of liberation.
The Four Noble Truths
The Four Noble Truths are foundational teachings in Buddhism, expounded by Siddhartha Gautama, known as the Buddha. They form the core of Buddhist philosophy and provide a framework for understanding the nature of suffering and the path to liberation.
Suffering and Salvation: Understanding the Four Noble Truths of Buddhism
1. The Truth of Suffering
The First Noble Truth encourages us to acknowledge and embrace the reality of suffering as an essential first step towards comprehending and addressing its causes, as further explained in the subsequent Noble Truths. It’s crucial to understand that “suffering” encompasses a wide spectrum of human experiences and states, not just physical pain or unhappiness.
The Buddha’s focus was not on philosophical debates or speculations about the existence of deities. Instead, Buddhism emphasizes trust in the process leading to liberation from suffering rather than belief in hypothetical entities, or metaphysical systems.
Many contend that his teachings don’t constitute a religion because the Dharma primarily aims to alleviate the suffering. All of Buddha’s teachings are directed towards this purpose.
Fundamentally, the First Noble Truth asserts that suffering is an inherent part of human life, forming the cornerstone of the Buddhist journey toward freedom and enlightenment.
Human Suffering: Understanding Dukkha in the First Noble Truth
2. The Truth of the Cause of Suffering
The Second Noble Truth, as taught by the Buddha, instructs us to “abandon origins” and is also known as “The Truth of the Cause of Suffering” or “Samudaya.” Here, the Buddha explains that the mind is the primary cause of suffering.
This truth pinpoints “tanha,” or craving, attachment, and desire, as the root cause of suffering. It suggests that the primary reason for human suffering is the unrelenting and clinging desires for things, people, and even our own “self.”
The Buddha further points out that this harmful pattern of the mind is due to a lack of understanding of the true nature of reality.
We mistakenly assign qualities to objects and people and then form attachments to objects, believing that they will bring us satisfaction and happiness.
We hold the belief that these qualities are inherent in the objects or people themselves, as if these positive attributes exist independently of our minds and perceptions, and are part of the object or person.
However, this is a misinterpretation of reality. This “ignorance” to the truth of reality is the source of all our problems.
Transforming Desire into Liberation: Practical Wisdom from the Second Noble Truth
3. The Truth of the Cessation of Suffering
The traditional story of the Buddha placed Siddhārtha Gautama in meditation under the bodhi tree. He came to understand a way to end suffering. In that instant, he attained enlightenment and became the Buddha, the awakened one.
Nirvana is a deep state of inner peace, satisfaction, and freedom from the ongoing cycle of suffering and rebirth (samsara). It’s often described in negative terms, like the absence of suffering, rather than positive terms, because it surpasses regular language and thought.
Nirvana signifies a move away from a self-focused, ego-driven view to a state of no ego and a connectedness with all life and events. It’s intimately linked with being completely in the moment, unburdened by past regrets and future worries. It means perceiving reality as it truly is, unskewed by the ego.
To end suffering, one must tackle its root causes: craving, attachment, and desire (as outlined in the Second Noble Truth). By eradicating these mental tendencies, suffering can cease.
The Third Noble Truth gives hope and encouragement to Buddhist followers, highlighting that suffering is not a permanent, unavoidable aspect of life. It encourages a journey of inner change and freedom.
True Cessations: The Transformative Journey of the Third Noble Truth
4. The Truth of the Path to Cessation
A genuine spiritual journey is one that guides towards an authentic end of suffering. Just as physical paths take us from one place to another, inner paths consist of thoughtful reflections and insights that transition from a state of suffering to a tranquil state of freedom.
To achieve a real cessation, a practitioner needs to identify and follow a true path. There are various forms of true cessations, and equally, numerous authentic spiritual routes exist.
The Fourth Noble Truth also presents the Eightfold Path, which is a set of ethical and mental guidelines for living a life that leads to the cessation of suffering.
Right Understanding
Right Intention
Right Speech
Right Action
Right Livelihood
Right Effort
Right Mindfulness
Right Concentration
Right Living, Right Mindfulness: Navigating the Fourth Noble Truth
Training in Ethical Conduct
Maintaining ethical behavior is crucial at the intermediate stage of spiritual growth, as it lays the groundwork for further advancement. Practitioners avoid harmful actions and pursue positive ones.
When someone truly understands that their actions will always have consequences that they cannot escape, they are motivated to think carefully about the outcomes of their actions.
This deep understanding discourages them from acting on selfish desires at the expense of others, as they realize they cannot act without facing consequences.
The strength of Karma is in its ability to deter people from harming others, reinforcing their dedication to moral conduct.
Tibetan Buddhist Lamrin: Actions and Their Effects
Deeper Meditation Practices
As individuals progress through the intermediate scope, they engage in more advanced meditation practices, including mindfulness, concentration, and insight meditation. These practices help develop wisdom and insight into the nature of reality.
Mindfulness meditation is mental training. Practitioners develop the ability to observe the mind, control its focus, and sustain concentration. It serves to overcome the problems of uncontrolled behaviors due to an unruly mind.
Mindfulness Meditation Mastery: A Journey to Observing, Directing, and Sustaining Mental Focus
Seeking Liberation
The ultimate goal of the intermediate scope is to attain liberation (nirvana) from the cycle of samsara. Practitioners aim to break free from the cycle of birth and rebirth and achieve a state of lasting peace and happiness.
Objects have no intrinsic properties independent of the mind that perceives them. The self also does not exist intrinsically, as a substantial and independent entity, independent of the mind and body that generates it.
Every belief in your head begins when sense information from the outside world enters your awareness as data.
From there, your mind processes the raw data and adds meaning and interpretation. You have complete control to interpret the meaning of any sensory data.
There is no intrinsic meaning—no one correct interpretation that you must accept.
This is what Buddhists refer to as Emptiness of Meaning, also part of Anattā or Śūnyatā. Enlightened masters realize the empty nature of both the self and all phenomena.
Emptiness of Self: The Key to Buddhist Enlightenment
The Tibetan Buddhist Lamrim teachings on the intermediate scope guide practitioners to deepen their understanding of suffering, cultivate compassion and bodhicitta, and engage in advanced practices aimed at attaining liberation from samsara. This stage represents a significant progression on the path to spiritual awakening and, ultimately, full enlightenment and Buddhahood.
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westpacpkg · 2 years
Not Satisfied with Your Custom Boxes Supplier? Try West Pac Pkg Inc
The packaging is the basic need of all businesses now as it serves them in an important process such as protection and promotion of products. They provide businesses with matchless competitive advantages and can help them elevate their sales and profits. Cardboard boxes can be customized in any desired shape and size as the materials used are superior and matchless in versatile nature. They are also perfect to resist all kinds of damaging and contaminating factors, along with endless options for customization. Both digital and offset printing are available for the Custom box design in PMS and CMYK configurations, along with lamination and finishing options.
Significance of design
All the product manufacturers are looking for effective tactics that can help them ensure their products' security during the transit and storage phase and make the safe delivery of products sure for the consumers. Providing consumers with damage-free products helps the businesses reflect their professional nature to them and effectively assists in fostering brand loyalty in the minds of consumers. Moreover, the competition in the market for sales of products is also making it hard for businesses to elevate their sales and promotional activities are also essential than ever before. Businesses are required to present their products in a creative manner in an attempt to captivate the consumers and influence their purchasing decision. They are always looking for packaging designs that are functional, alluring, vivid, and can help them side by side in both the promotional activities and protecting the products. Custom box packaging can help you in a perfect and matchless way as they are perfect in all aspects and can provide businesses with bundles of competitive advantages.
Why every business needs them?
In the modern competitive environment of the market, it is becoming really hard for businesses to make their sales skyrocket again. The marketers are in the hunt for innovative promotional tactics that can help them to elevate their sales and make the reach of their business to go higher. Customized packaging designs can help them in the best possible manner as the design is considered to be the ultimate marketing tool for businesses that allures the consumers by captivating their attention. Box printed with creatively designed graphics, and illustrations are always effective to influence the purchase decision of the consumers and can make the sales of businesses to go higher. Businesses can buy boxes in bulk and get them customized according to their requirements. It only takes to find the best packaging supplier who can provide you with top packaging designs at low rates. If you are dissatisfied with your current box supplier, here are tips for you to find the best.
Finding the right supplier
All the businesses in the market are looking for top packaging companies that can provide them with the most innovative and functional packaging designs at low rates. There are a number of packaging suppliers functional in the market who can provide you with their products and services, but it is always important to select the best for your supplies. Packaging used by your business is like your ultimate marketing machine, and it should be perfect in quality. Moreover, the consumers also perceive packaging as a basic hint about the quality of products, and thus, they focus on its quality closely. If you are unhappy with your current packaging supplier, you can find a new one, but keeping your requirements in your mind. There are two main options for which you can opt for, the first is local vendors around your surrounding, and the other option is online packaging companies. Both of the suppliers have their own certain advantages, and you can select them according to your own preferences.
Packaging vendors nearby
As the demand for packaging is growing with every passing day, there are different packaging suppliers now functional in the spectrum that can provide you with cost-savvy and functional designs of packaging easily. Packaging vendors nearby you are one of them, and they can provide you with bundles of benefits. They are highly professional and can provide you with top packaging supplies at low rates. They usually deal in pre-manufactured packaging boxes that are ready to be used; thus, the lead time required for packaging is simply zero. Learn the advantages of using their services.
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·         They provide competitive rates
·         There are also certain limitations with these suppliers
·         Customization options are only limited to labeling as they only deal in pre-manufactured packaging designs
·         Custom sized boxes are not available at their disposal
Online packaging companies
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·         The top packaging companies provide free shipping service when you buy boxes in bulk.
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·         The printing options for custom box packaging are endless and can help you to elevate the visuals of the packaging as you want.
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Understanding The Difference Between Asperger And Autism
Differences Between Asperger's Syndrome And Typical Autism
The shape that intervention takes will depend on the particular case. "As soon as we make a diagnosis of ASD, then there are a number of things we wish to do," Challman says. "One, naturally, is constantly to acknowledge the strengths of the person. A few of these distinctions that we're attempting to recognize may have an impact on child's working now or in the future, but they're frequently existing side-by-side with things the child is doing rather well.
Autism is a very varied condition, and as such, it is often described as being a "spectrum" condition which encompasses numerous different kinds of impairment, all of which can affect special people differently. When it pertains to differentiating the different forms of "high performance" autism, one can come across challenges, as the level of disability is itself less obvious, and its impacts are for that reason more subtle and difficult to separate.
Asperger's Vs Autism: What Are The Differences?
Asperger's happened viewed as a more "favorable" medical diagnosis, with less social preconception connected to it, developing some debate around the prevalence with which it was afterwards utilized. Some argument still exists today around the: Asperger's is generally accepted as presenting without considerable impairments to cognitive function, suggesting that the patient is usually found to have no extra learning impairment and an IQ that is typical or higher.
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The lines between these 2 conditions remain blurry, and no doubt will end up being much better comprehended in time (potentially resulting in the dissolution of one term, or more particular terms and criteria). At present, we understand that both those with high-functioning autism and Asperger's syndrome cope with the exact same few locations of problems typical to all kinds of autism, which individuals in both groups operate with an average or above typical intelligence.
Autism And Asperger's: Intriguing Differences
Also, all patients on the autism spectrum present with unique signs, so understanding genuinely should take place at an individual level regardless of medical diagnosis. That being said, if someone you care about has one kind of autism, it's beneficial to investigate the spectrum as an entire so regarding acquire an extensive understanding of the condition.
I will respond to the concern of how precise a diagnosis is, the confidence one can have in a medical diagnosis of Asperger's and I will go over the advantages and downsides of having a medical diagnosis. Detecting Asperger's is a relatively simple procedure in principle. In practice it is made complex and necessities an expert who understands thoroughly not just the qualities of Asperger's however how they are played out in real life.
What's The Difference Between Autism And Asperger's?
In truth, people with Asperger's act in several ways and not constantly precisely how it is specified. For instance, somebody with Asperger's can be quite intelligent and have mastery over many truths, yet have much less understanding emotions and how they are revealed. The individual may have the ability to determine standard feelings, such as intense anger, unhappiness or happiness yet do not have an understanding of more subtle expressions of feelings such as confusion, jealousy or worry.
Counting on a spouse's or friend's report about how someone recognizes feelings is not constantly a good idea given that those reports are filtered through the partner or friends' own biases and their own methods of comprehending feelings. The only way to inform is to be around someone long enough to experience what they are like, to see how they react in scenarios that evaluate the features of Asperger's and ask the best type of concerns to clarify whether they have those features.
Asperger's Vs. Autism: Everything You Need To Know
Brain scans, blood tests, X-rays and other health examinations can not inform whether anyone has Asperger's. The bottom line is that Asperger's is a descriptive medical diagnosis. An individual is identified based upon the symptoms and signs he or she has instead of the results of a specific laboratory or other type of test.
It is all a matter of self-confidence, that is, with extremely couple of exceptions no one can say that somebody else has Asperger's just that a person has a particular degree of certainty that a person does have Asperger's. With this in mind, what is the real process of discovering out whether someone has Asperger's? Other experts may take various steps but I have a well-defined treatment that I go through when asked to examine Asperger's.
Autism And Asperger's: Intriguing Differences
The assessment process itself is time consuming and it can be costly. Why go through with it if there is no excellent reason to assume there might be some probability of finding the behaviors and signs of Asperger's? After all, you would not go to the trouble of assessing whether you have a broken foot if, in the very first location, there is absolutely nothing wrong with your foot.
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7 Trends You May Have Missed About hhc distillate syringe
The Single Strategy To Use For What Is Hhc And How Does It Compare To Thc?
Table of ContentsThe smart Trick of Vivimu Hhc Distillate Review That Nobody is Talking AboutThe 7-Minute Rule for Hhc ConcentratesGetting The Hhc Distillate (Bulk): Product Collection To Work10 Easy Facts About How Binoid Does Hhc Right DescribedHhc Concentrates Fundamentals Explained
For right now, historical documents reveal that HHC could be helpful when it relates to: However, as I pointed out, it's a wait-and-see form of activity. So our team'll simply need to wait and see. Yes, it can (hhc distillate). Hexahydrocannabinol is actually not just like CBD within this respect, and also its own psychedelic homes are not minor.
Nonetheless, the strength of an HHC high relies on pair of things: exactly how a lot you take what you take. Considering that HHC is lab-made, a lot of the moment it has both energetic as well as inactive particles. The energetic particles bind with CB1 and also CB2 receptors in your endocannabinoid body. Nevertheless, the inactive ones carry out absolutely nothing.
Yes, you can! Like a lot of various other cannabinoids, you can receive HHC vape cartridges for your vape pen. There are actually numerous producers around who are actually producing significant strides in this field. Regrettably, as this cannabinoid is still pretty unfamiliar, acquiring your hands on top quality HHC vape pushcarts may be actually a bit of a concern. hhc distillate for sale.
The drill coincides similar to CBD as well as delta-8 THC vapes you connect the pushcart along with HHC oil to your vaporizer, hit the fire button, the oil hits the burner and also you are actually really good to go! There are actually numerous brands available that you might wish to check out (best hhc distillate).
The Greatest Guide To Hhc Distillate - Hhc For Sale Online
Listed below is actually where you can appear if you are actually curious to acquisition: good flavor and palate along with a high percentage of HHC remove (best hhc distillate). a great item instilled with natural terpenes and also fantastic elements. well priced HHC products and also carts. Usually on purchase. If you're certainly not trying to find carts, TRE House possesses a nice collection of broad-spectrum HHC oil, however they market it in non reusable vape pens.
If the DEA sniffs out HHC, it may effectively disallow it. hhc-o. Likewise, different state regulations may also meddle, specifically if this brand-new acquired ends up being extremely preferred. In the meantime, HHC is actually soaring under the radar however we have no suggestion what the future will certainly deliver, especially in regards to federal government rule and nearby legislation.
That claimed, each of this is still dirty, dirty waters. If your employer is subjecting you to medicine testing, you're better off skipping HCC completely. You can easily make an effort CBD, which is actually pretty secure in contrast. Yes, it's a different expertise yet much better safe than unhappy, right? Effectively, the jury is still out on it (hhc distillate sale).
The hemp performance and also cannabis-derived products have actually arrived a long technique considering that the overview of the 2018 Ranch Bill that legalized hemp vegetations and their by-products. Technical developments as well as the inborn curiosity of business owners have led to explore different analogs of THC, like delta 8 and delta 10 THC.
The Best Strategy To Use For I Tried Hhc And Hhc-o. Do They Actually Get You High?
All these breeds make various results based upon your desires; they could be centered more on the thoughts, like state of mind aggrandizement and contentment, or even deliver deep bodily leisure as well as remedy for various sort of soreness. What separates Place 52 from other HHC producers is that the brand has actually partnered with some of the biggest leading removal as well as screening centers in the US to properly examine the final product for purity as well as strength (hhc o).
The Area 52 HHC vapes are helped make along with cannabiripsol, which is a typically occurring isomer in Cannabis sativa - what is hhc distillate. Finest Labs is actually a relatively brand new brand name that provides a wide collection of delta 8 THC vape pushcarts as well as an even a lot more impressive variety of terpenes for consumers that wish to develop their own marijuana blends.
To date, the provider delivers HHC prerolls, gummies, and its best-selling vape pushcarts (hhc-o). These cartridges are accessible in a large variety of assortments. Each of these vape pushcarts has a different scent and also result profile page, coming from Sativa to Indica, and also combination stress. What I such as the very most concerning these vapes is actually that they make use of plant-derived terpenes as opposed to fabricated flavorings as well as colorings, which actually takes on the knowledge of vaping genuine cannabis oil.
The ranking is actually located on our investigation, private experience, and verified consumer evaluations - hhc distillate wholesale. We always set sail deeper and think about elements including item components, third-party screening, extraction techniques, and also hemp resources to guarantee that these products are actually risk-free. Furthermore, our company shorten our list of the most ideal HHC vapes providers according to their supply online and in the neighborhood market.
Not known Factual Statements About Best Hhc Vape Carts - Top 4 Cartridges Review In 2022
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Folks have a tendency to put even more rely on business that extensively describe their task, making approaches, 3rd party screening methods, and so on. One of the most essential element listed here is third-party screening. Hemp providers possess hhc-o distillate a choice to deliver examples of their products to an individual lab for content review. If an item is pure as well as consists of the announced quantity of the active component, it gets a certification of evaluation, which is actually a kind of a lab record detailing the desired criteria.
A few of these brands may seem familiar to you if you've formerly possessed some experience along with THC and also CBD-based vape items. That being actually stated, you may not recognize all of the business that you discover on the technique to purchasing HHC vapes. When looking for the greatest HHC vape pushcarts, search for companies that have already created their opening in the hemp market; they are actually a lot more very likely to provide you with top-shelf HHC products.
As a result, if your resistance to THC is presently higher, you might require a bigger amount to experience the preferred effects. That being pointed out, the efficacy of HHC isn't the only component; some terpenes may escalate the psychedelic potential effect of THC, making lesser dosages more powerful than with a product consisting of a different bouquet of aromas - hhc distillate syringe.
Some users profess that Sativa items are actually much more stimulative, while Indica is a lot more relaxing. Combinations, on the contrary, need to supply you with the most ideal of both globes yet in various ratios depending upon the percentages between Indica and Sativa. However, the hybridization of cannabis tensions that our company have today produces it difficult to determine the effects through just considering these 3 tags - hhc-o.
Best Hhc Carts 2022: Top Hexahydrocannabinol Vape Things To Know Before You Get This
Okay, thus if you're buying HHC vapes for the very first time, you possibly have a lot of inquiries in mind. hhc-o. Don't stress, it is actually certainly not spacecraft scientific research; all you need to have to accomplish is actually take note of the 4 major variables that can make or damage your adventure along with HHC. Dosage suggests the volume of HHC you aim to vape.
For example, some carts include 900 milligrams of HHC, while others possess 1200 milligrams or additional. hhc o distillate. Customers with a low endurance must begin with 512 mg of HHC; medium endurance hits the 1230 milligrams assortment; just about anything above 60 milligrams is actually taken into consideration a strong dosage. Vape pens possess different currents, so they use various toughness to warm oils.
The additional positive testimonials on third-party web sites, the far better for the provider's clarity. Second-class brand names, meanwhile, have little bit of to no online visibility or even a great deal of unfavorable reviews from verified purchasers. HHC is a naturally taking place cannabinoid that you can find in deficient attentions in the marijuana pollen, yet our experts can currently have more of it many thanks to science (hhc distillate wholesale).
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echthr0s · 2 years
essentially I think, as a chronically unhappy person, that there's an art in learning to accept a certain level of unhappiness in one's life
and I'm aware that that probably sounds like a red-flag statement because of how polarised everything has gotten. there's a general intolerance to any sort of dissatisfaction or unhappiness, despite the fact that these are indelible aspects of being a sapient entity capable of comprehending its own existence. we have to fight it! we have to manifest everything we want so we are never dissatisfied again! (because there's no way we won't just find new things to be dissatisfied about! pffff as if!) if someone makes us unhappy we just have to jettison them out of our lives post-haste! if it isn't good enough, throw it away!
and I mention polarisation in regards to this specifically because it erases any grey area of just... being unhappy sometimes. of just feeling bored and restless and maybe you'll shave half your hair off and dye the rest of it pink. sometimes your partner will say something and you'll be like "oh my god you don't understand me AT ALL" and consider packing a bag and leaving the state. it's just a thing that happens. it doesn't mean that you should actually shave your head and leave your partner and move to the Pacific Northwest (where, of course, everyone would understand you perfectly and the weather will always be the way you like it). you at some point learn to discern 'Boy Howdy Am I A Grumpy Gills Today' from 'Actually, This Is Legitimately Bad For Me And I Should Change It' or else you're constantly upending your life and ghosting your friends and buying things and throwing things away all in the vain pursuit of Never Feeling Bad Ever Again About Anything.
pouting, kvetching, having a sulk, reblogging emo images to your tumblr, journalling about how awful everything is and no one understands and also you're really hungry but that's probably unrelated to your feelings at present, these are important skills! learning how to be unhappy is foundational. that's how you stop taking out your unhappiness on everyone else. yeah, that storm cloud is raining on you and you alone. big deal, happens to all of us. pop an umbrella (and go eat something, for christ sake)
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Will Charlotte get a choice?
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Is Colonel Lennox even a real contender or is he a liar whose backstory will come back to bite him? Spoilers up ahead, obviously.
Lennox, I admit, makes a dashing first impression. He's charming, he's funny, he's got abbs, he shows genuine interest in Charlotte and says he admires some spunk and independence in a woman, and he has quite good game.
Obviously both Charlotte's potential suitors, Lennox and Colbourne, have some history. Even with each other. The actors admitted in the interviews that Lennox and Colbourne had a - and I quote - "spicy" relationship.
So what's going on? Here's what we know:
Lennox encourages Tom to gamble
Lennox trusts Edward (not a good look)
Lennox is a war hero
Lennox "does not have that pleasure" of a wife and child, or so he tells Charlotte, Georgiana and Alison
Colbourne is a conservative recluse who has lived on the outskirts of Sanditon for "some years"
Colbourne had a wife who died under mysterious circumstances
Colbourne daughter Leonora looks to be younger than 10, probably 7-8. He also looks after his brother/sister's daughter Augusta, who says she's been living in the "prison" that is Colbourne's house for a few years
Colbourne says something about "trust me miss heywood, I know what happens when a woman falls wrong of society's expectations" which gives us the idea that Colbourne knows a particularly sad story about a woman who didn't adhere to the rules of society and paid the price.
In episode 3 Lennox accuses Colbourne of stealing his wife
Lennox and Colbourne have their real first showdown at Lady D's garden party in episode 4 (according to episode descriptions) where they will shoot arrows
According to the episode 5 description, he and Colbourne will fight about Charlotte
Okay, Sanditon, from its very first season, has always used plot points and story beats from the finished Jane Austen novels. So let's play "who is it" with the characters and plot points, and try and guess how the story might turn out from there. My apologies beforehand but I avoid Mansfield Park like the plague so if there's parallel's from that book, I can't see them.
A character that's associated with gambling, getting a poor girl pregnant and having no qualms with dropping her, and having an unhappy marriage is Willoughby from Sense and Sensibility. Willoughby loathes Colonel Brandon, whom he calls old and boring and accuses of making excuses to skip out on fun gatherings. So we have a rogue calling an honourable man who is busy with cleaning up Willoughby's mistakes (i.e. helping Eliza after she was impregnated by Willoughby) bad names.
Wickham is a very charming military man who wasted his inheritance on gambling and big expenses and now has to be in the army to have some form of income. He talks very well of himself and very poorly of Mr. Darcy, whom he accuses of cheating him out of his inheritance. So we have a character accusing another character of something they didn't do.
We have an honourable military man in the shape of naval captain Frederick Wentworth, he is handsome, charming, well off and is straightforward about looking for someone to marry. He holds grudges towards those who go against his convinctions. This could be the case if Lennox is an honourable man.
Colbourne can, as far as the Austen spectrum goes, be compared to Mr. "I don't like public gatherings" Darcy who is bad at expressing himself and is accused by Willoughby of "stealing" something. Colbourne can also be compared to Colonel Brandon in that he's an older, quiet man who is at present taking care of a child that's not his own (Augusta, and perhaps, ...) and tries to stay away from the drama. Just like Brandon there was a tragic woman in his past who suffered the consequences of not adhering to society. Brandon was in love with his unfortunate woman, perhaps Colbourne was as well... Perhaps the woman he was speaking of was his wife.
In all cases this much is clear: the first person who accuses the other of being bad, is usually the person who has the most dirty laundry. Lennox can also already be compared with more of Austen's rakes than her heroes. The precedents set by Austen don't look great for Lennox. Everything depends on...
The wife: this will be the big drama point in the backstory of our male heroes. Did Colbourne steal the wife? Such an accusation would drive Charlotte away from Colbourne, but would it be true? And if it's true, are there circumstances in which that would be acceptable?
To answer that question, let's look at the cheaters of Jane Austen:
A lot of cheating in Mansfield Park, all bad. They get their comeuppance and it's not forgiven
Lucy Steele does not cheat on Edward Ferrars when they're married, but they were engaged when she switched brothers and decided to marry Robert Ferrars instead. Breaking an engagement was very scandalous. If you were engaged, you were as good as married, it would warrant someone saying "you stole my wife". It would also cause a woman to fall from grace and not be welcome in polite society. And well, Colbourne is quite a recluse. Could that be because he and his wife had quite a shameful elopement?
Eliza Brandon was unhappily married to Colonel Brandon's brother and started cheating. His brother divorced her and she was left pregnant and penniless, ending up in the poorhouse before being rescued by Brandon. I think the chance is very slim the showrunners would have one of the people pursuing Charlotte be an actual adulterer. Most watchers would find that quite unforgiveable, but what if Colbourne was the Christopher Brandon in this story? What if Colbourne was in love with Lennox's wife before and during when they were wed? What if, once Lennox divorced his wife, Colbourne saved her and her baby from the poorhouse and married her so the baby could have his name? A very sweet thought, but I doubt Lennox would then say Colbourne stole his wife.
As to non-cheating but still quite unfortunate women who were "stolen":
Georgiana Darcy was seduced and was almost married to Wickham so he had access to her wealth. Colbourne is wealthy. Was that money acquired through marrying the woman Lennox wanted? Orrr did Lennox try to marry a wealthy woman for her dowry, but did Colbourne prevent them from eloping?
Eliza Brandon the second was seduced by Willoughby, made pregnant, and left behind, thinking WIlloughby would come back to marry her once he had found some money. Could Lennox have left the woman Colbourne stole in such a state? Did Colbourne, like Brandon, sweep in and rescue her and bring her to his estate? Perhaps the Eliza 1 and Eliza 2 stories were merged for Colbourne: what if Colbourne loved Eliza, but Lennox seduced her, engaged her, but compromised her honour before going off to fight at Waterloo, promising her that once he was a war hero he would be able to marry her? Colbourne, hating what Lennox did to the woman he loved, could quit the army, pick her up, marry her and pass the child off as his own. Leonora is around 7, the Napoleontic wars raged quite heavily around the time of her birth, it could be.
How did these two men actually meet? When did the drama start? All Austen books point towards two options:
The story either starts when Colbourne swoops in and steals Lennox's fiancée or wife, the way it happened with Eliza 1 and Eliza 2
Or the Darcy-Wickham route where they went to school together/grew up together/did something together. This is the most plausible route. Why? Because Little Leonora wears a redcoat uniform. Where did she get that? The answer is so simple: from her father. Lennox and Colbourne were in the army together, before Colbourne left for dramatic reasons that probably tie in with the "stolen wife".
Most hints point in the direction of Lennox and Colbourne being two friends or acquaintances who fell out so drastically about a woman (broken off engagement and marrying someone else, cheating and being divorced while pregnant, ...) that Colbourne probably left the army for it. The woman ended up living or being with Colbourne, birthed a child and she later wound up dead. Colbourne clearly loved the woman as her portrait still hangs in his home. Colbourne is clearly the richer of the two frenemies, and Lennox doesn't like him and tries to slander his reputation. That calls for Willoughby and Wickham parallels. Colbourne does his best to keep details around his marriage and himself vague for outsiders, it's clear he's protecting a secret with a certain kind of discretion, something we've only see Darcy and Colonel Brandon do. It makes me think that perhaps the marriage was a rushed affair, or perhaps the timeline of the pregnancy and the wedding didn't add up because the woman was already pregnant. Perhaps the woman's mysterious death could be a suicide because she was ostracized by society for breaking the rules. After the drama that happened with the "Stolen Wife" Colbourne tries to lead a quiet life and tries to keep his charges/children from becoming like the "stolen wife"/ tragic tale.
In any case, it gives the idea that when truth comes to light, Lennox will probably not look like the greatest guy. And that does make me feel conflicted, as it means Charlotte didn't get to choose. She just got one asshole, and one decent bloke.
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lilmajorshawty · 4 years
The Signs Vs The Houses Sun Edition 🎇
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Sun In Aries Vs Sun In First House: 
(Pantheon God Ares Vs Lucifer Morning Star.)
Sun in Aries: Pantheon God Ares
Song: _By. Alexander - Trumpets Ft 070Shake
These Natives don’t readily showcase their independent traits outright but their intensity is actively expressed in different ways from one another almost like reverse parts of a long mirror. Sun in Aries natives are actively nonchalant, impartial and seemingly low energy to those who don’t know their outward appearance is merely a facade. Aries suns aren’t readily expresses of their more generic traits, their impulsive nature is often hidden underneath their calm demeanor. unlike sun in the 1st housers Aries suns are good at playing into a more watered down version of themselves if it serves to aid the type of reaction they will get from the audience of their choice. They much like Pisces can be deceptively charming, disarming and tremendously jovial but underneath this lay a impulsive, reactive and swift minded individual. Aries suns are more observant than they are open warfare types, meaning that their darker side is something revealed in quiet privacy. They are in actuality very polite and keep much of their outward passions in check as to not alert others of their intentions before the Aries sun native has already assessed the consequences their potential action might bring. They are tactitions  in nature much like the war god ares, much of their actions are weighed and planned. much is done in secrecy or in the safety net of a desired outcome for them. They naturally seem disinterested or bored by their surroundings but can also have a testy, or rather flighty energy around being in spaces for longer than they intended. Their frigidity nature is a reflection of mars needing to be in control but the rather prideful way of the sun itself not liking to seem overly brash in order to seem regal. in this sense the sun and mars are in conflict for sun in Aries so they in turn prefer to keep their shadow face a bit more slow burn than people can perceive it to be. Aries suns are sweet and ardent but they can sometimes struggle with telling the truth, unlike their moon counterpart. Aries sun in a more masculine spirit Tends to be the most immature with their desires, mainly being self invested. Aries sun in feminine spirit tends to be most immature with their sexuality, readily wanting to claim the sexual limelight due to their appetite for admiration. on two sides of the coin underdeveloped Aries suns within masculine energy can struggle to see the world beyond “their” needs and “their” wants, the feminine can struggle to separate their over identification with physical gratification making them seem jealous and gluttonous for attention to those looking from the outside in.They are passionate but narcissistic. They care about those closest to them but they also battle between love for others and love for the self. Aries suns are in a never ending battle with the concept of I and how the I relates to Others. Aries sun signs definitely live by the “apart of my tribe” mentality and usually have a hard time dealing with outsiders. That being said they are a thousand times more tame then most give them credit for and only those who have been around the natives for long can ever really see their darker nature that they prefer to keep under raps. Aries suns are very loving nonetheless and dare i say the most emotionally affectionate of the fire suns. They genuinely do try for those they carefor and they honestly live by a strong code of right or wrong. despite what they might want they always recognize whether or not the action they plan on committing is morally correct or morally incorrect.
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Sun in the First house: Lucifer Morningstar
Song: _By.Alexander - Stalling 
Sun in the 1st Housers are quite different in terms of their immediate personality traits, because unlike Aries suns they are not under the space of just mars depending on what their sun sign is already in. rather they are swimming in the pool of mars while wearing their sun sign. Sun in the 1st house natives can be Intense, cynical, Dark and brooding. They have this perceptiveness about the world around them that can seem unnerving. People are in their eyes to comfortable with stillness and it bothers them, as they are mentally just as much as physically always moving, 100 steps ahead of everyone. To many this may seem like a blessing but it’s a curse for these natives as it creates a constant inner and outer need for chaos in some way. They want to maintain a certain level of opposition and transformation in themselves and in the environments they find themselves in. For them things could always be rearranged and redone and the more stagnant the view things the more unhappy they become as they see peace as a reflection of “lack” in themselves. in those with a masculine spirit sun in the 1st house can make them impatient, aggressive, aloof and cold in its worst but brave, perceptive, kind and generous in its healthy state. In those with feminine spirit it can make them cutthroat, rigid, blinded by the self and confrontational in its worst but vibrant, childlike, bold, and sharp of mind in its healthier state. Unlike sun in Aries these natives aren't impressed or worried about how they interact with others.  These natives can seem dismissive or uninterested in people mainly because they are only impressed by people with “strength” in the manner of which they perceive strength to look like. much like Lucifer these natives live in the dark and admire those who have suffered or experienced the trenches of life only to rise from its ashes without a single complaint. to them people who can fight without seeking coddling or attention for those struggles are attractive and relatable. people who are attention seekers, overly emotional or dependent are typically what these natives avoid or tend to be the coldest towards. The reason being is that these natives underneath their cold and rather independent face are deeply sensitive and receptive to the feelings of others, but when they were young this receptiveness was often taken advantage of by the world around them. people ate these natives up and forced them to build their own personal hell to build themselves in, because in their eyes the only hell scarier then the one someone makes for you is the one you make for yourself. These natives are ambitious but also deeply full of life and vigor but to those who don’t know them deeper you may never know that beneath this light lay very serious and steady individuals willing to do whatever it takes to survive. these natives are constantly interchanging between Life and Death.
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Sun In Taurus Vs Sun In The Second House:
(Artemis vs Higher Angel Metatron.)
Sun in Taurus: Artemis
Song: Ama Lou - Wires 
sun in Taurus natives often represented by the bull are deserving of their steady and rather slow moving personality traits..Though in conjunction one might add in their mental gymnastics that put even the mighty Aquarius, Gemini, Libra Air trinity to shame. These natives are tremendously intellectual, they see and feel everything out just as much as they add a thick layer of rationality and logic to it. To them anything and everything can go wrong and most likely is so they tend to present themselves in a more compartmentalized way as to prevent this. on one hand they are solid and sensual in their approach to life, on the other they are distrusting and closed to outsiders. they value a certain level of work ethic in others and that is typically what softens their heart as opposed to be overly nice or suckups. they tend to be intense and insatiable but these traits are hidden underneath their polite and soft toned Venus haze. For Taurus, Venus serves merely as a cloudy ethereal presence rather than a solid body like it does for Libras which is genuinely why the two are so similar yet so deeply different. Taurus suns value a calm serenity but they value an authentic air to cultivate such serenity whereas Libras value the serenity that is without to much heaviness or demand. Taurus suns are naturally stable and patient folk, not much moves them out of character and once it does all of the magma and debris flies into the sky like radiating solar flares. These natives are insanely aware of themselves and the actions and motives of said actions of others. to them intimacy through the physical realm is the only real way to see someone and in a sense for them touch is their language. these natives are lovers of sex but contrary to belief Taurus suns just like Scorpio sun see sex a soul transaction rather than just “sex.” to them being able to meet every individual layer of a person beyond what they present is true understanding. Scorpios suns look to sex as a emotional collaboration of wounds and vulnerabilities whilst Taurus suns on the yang side of that spectrum look at sex as a Physical collaboration of involved and aware relinquishing of the self in its physical form to another. For Taurus suns they find themselves trapped between the concept of “what do they mean to me vs what do i mean to them.” this mentality often creates a emotional nature that causes them pain in life as they never really know when to let go of people, they hold onto people out of a fear of losing something important to them on a mentally materialistic plane. The men tend to handle the Taurus sun the worst as it often brings out a vain and rather expansive nature that is centered around using their possessions as lay way for their self worth. to them in their worse state their material possessions and their bodies become nothing more than tokens to scale their level of self worth which they ultimately base in the opinions of complete strangers. Taurus women/feminine energy folk tend to handle the energy well, mainly embracing their sensuality and sexuality although sometimes falling prey to their bullheaded and rather single minded advances towards life at times. in their best they can be captivating, preserving, and deeply empathetic of the woes and demons of others taking them on fearlessly. Taurus suns greatest foe as well as their biggest give away is their single-minded nature, once something catches their eye it becomes a mission, a life purpose and at times an obsession.
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Sun In the Second House: Higher Angel Metatron 
song: Ama Lou- This Town
For second house sun natives their similarities can often times shadow them after Taurus mainly due to the very calm and rather steady disposition they naturally posses. That being said much like the angel metatron as mentioned in text they have a far more raw energy that ensnares people to them like a spider web. They often times maintain a cool distance emotionally from those around them as to never reveal their inner thoughts but this at times gives them a much darker shade then Taurus suns as they are not as nearly well meaning in their observations of others. these natives are insanely perceptive but they tend to use this perceptiveness to read the crowd so to speak. many of us may struggle to adapt to every personality in the room or shift personas as a means of getting from point A to B in an unwanted interaction where as Second house sun natives can shift personas as will due to their gift for micro analysis. They can read a room, the people and the energy of each individual from mere glances and that makes them incredibly charming but also a tad unreadable as much of what they are showing is far away from what they truly feel. These natives are powerful in the sense that they have a vision that Taurus suns are themselves afraid to truly use. You see second house suns are often in control of their environment because they alter themselves in the necessary form needed to gain the upper hand.Many of them do well in performance art like acting because it allows them to convey their inner world without letting on its source. They often times shy away from commitments as they require the natives to be the real self vs the self they cultivate. Unlike Taurus suns who operate authentically these natives operate in a way that fits the authentic need of the people without having to give up any of their real ego. These natives also aren’t as caught up in the materialistic side of life rather they are obsessed with their self esteem and how that self esteem is equated in the real world around them. For them their biggest fear is being misused or taken advantage of and very often so life puts them in a situation where this happens to teach them a level of boundaries between themselves and that of the people who surround them. They tend to be highly passive when it comes to loss in their life. they factor the loss of people whether by death or by them leaving one another’s life as just another one of the misfortunes of the world, in their eyes it can’t be avoided and is an eventuality but even so they must continue to move forward with or without others. This trait alone separates them from their Taurus sun counterparts. They value people who are gentle and preserving but these people albeit their perfect match tend to scare sun in the second house natives the most as the idea of someone who will love them fully disgust them in a way, mainly because deep down these natives don’t truly identify with their need to be accepted and loved because it is devoured by their need to move forward at all cost. these natives teeter between the collective vs the self and often find themselves inevitably choosing the self yet resenting the loneliness that follows suite
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Sun In Gemini Vs Sun In The Third House:
(The Devil Vs Satan)
Sun In Gemini: The Devil
Song: Kendrick Lamar - U
These Natives often receive much bad mouthing and malice as their traits are normally misunderstood or mis-identified as Gemini itself being a mutable sign makes it a sign that mirrors energy that is given to it onto the person sending the energy. Gemini Suns on their own are outwardly controlled and restless but internally they are a landscape of thoughts, that multiply and divide like the cells in the human body. They are like compact computers in this sense because their mental scape at times is carrying Gigabytes upon gigabytes of thought process.They are living in a busy head-space often so much of their day to day involves them tussling with their voices and which side to listen to, which one to ignore, which to dive into and so on. This is often why these natives Live for interaction and communication, the less mental release the darker the head-space and the darker the head-space the more dangerous the Gemini. The lack of stimulation can present itself as addictions, self destructive behavior and outright hatred that seems to have no source. these natives more than most feed of human contact, it provides them a way to see beyond their mind and peer into another’s for a moment of relief. Gemini suns are very tender and affectionate, often loving physical sensations as they bring new understandings and mental curiosity to the native. they often adore sex but not for the act itself but for the many sides of sex, the control, the lack of it, the passion and the lack of it, the intimacy and the lack of it, the desire and also the lack of it, to these natives they all swirl around like aspects of a cocktail. lying and creating chaos is an aspect of their two headed serpent like nature but often times the shadow self of the Gemini is the most damaged version of themselves hidden away to maintain a level of sanity for the Gemini twin in charge. Gemini sun tend to have this dualistic side to them that can sometimes present itself as real bipolar disorder but this is not something that can be applied to realism as all astrology really is, is a map for better self understanding. These natives at times fluctuate between moments of peace and moments of chaos depending on which twin makes it’s appearance.  Much like the Devil these natives can carry a sharp and mischievous tone but they can also have an angelic and rather childish youth to them that is so promising and inviting like white wine underneath dying autumn leaves as summer turns to fall. They represent a deep darkness in humanity whilst also representing the angel the devil was before he fell out of grace. Gemini suns are radiating with knowledge and tid bits that could unsettle the world but they never read the whole story, the whole scripture, they hang on to the small details and create a world around it. Gemini suns tend to struggle in their early years due to the push and pull dynamic of the angel and demon complex and at times a state of passivity is reached where they could care less either way how and what is effected by their actions. These natives despite their struggles are enterprising and gifted with an intellect beyond comprehension. They masculine and feminine energy tend to struggle with this placement as it naturally represents both in both energies. much like the devil they have a rather gender less energy when it comes to the world around them which is often why many Gemini suns are bisexual or pansexual as their desires are often times less about the physical and more about the mental. they can seem to be a chameleon  due to how easily they can shift in and out of personalities but ultimately they aren’t so much so becoming someone else, they’re becoming the other twin. The secondary Gemini face is unlike the devil it is angelic and curious, innocent and loving but it’s pitfall is wrath and spite. As im sure these are traits you would apply to the devil no? well in this case the angelic Gemini twin wears them as a means of not handling their wounds properly. Gemini suns unlike most people put their hurt away by passing it on to the other twin who soaks it like a sponge, as a result over the years whenever the twin rears it’s head and is mistreated as a defense mechanism it reacts in these darker toned ways that can at times be devoid of humanity due to that twin being so lacking in interaction with people. Gemini suns often struggle with the inner and outer mind. for them they desperately search for a mental release of some form and often times it takes precedence over all things no matter how grounded the Gemini Sun. a never ending therapy session full of broadness and intellectual depth is their dream as in their most vulnerable state they desperately want to be seen, not just as one face but both faces.
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Sun In the Third House: Satan
Song: Kendrick Lamar- Untitled 07(Levitate) 
These natives can only be described as isolated princesses & Prince solemnly watching the world circle around their creations and crafts like moths to a flame. They are so vastly different from their counterparts in the sense that for them the world is more like a game then it is a cage. They are savvy, quick of wit and naturally street smart. Many of them prance through the world as if they’ve lived in the projects, the ghetto, or the slums as it is what allows them to use the more scarce methods, having very little and even in some cases building from ash and managing to create whole empires in the place of it.  To them the concept of “lack” fuels their desire to expand the concept of having nothing. To them the world is built upon fallacies and they wish to unsheathe them by playing into the role of the underdog, the follower or the easy going lover and friend until they ultimately get to the place they had been dying to reach only to sever ties, turn on, vilify or in some cases tear down those who helped them get there. Now to many of you this may sound like an evil way to get by in the world but you must understand unlike Gemini suns these natives don’t live solely in the mind rather they live in the minds of others, to them their life’s purpose is understanding the patterns and desires of others so they themselves can mold themselves into those desires, so they can predict those patterns..all of it is like chess. For them to have the higher ground on the world at large plays into their need to remain ambiguous and Elite. The masculine and feminine much Like Gemini sun present themselves as the gender or energy type that suites them at the moment. You need them to be passive? they already closed their mouth and you haven’t released you already called all the shots..you want them to be passionate and aggressive, they’ve already controlled the day, they’ve changed the way they grip you, the way they lock eyes with you..these natives can be anything, anyone..because for them the art of playing to an illusion is a survival tactic one the learn at an early age to cultivate otherwise the world will defeat them and that is something they just cannot allow much like the concept of the world peaks Satan curiosity he must constantly venture, among the people to understand them as a means of never losing, never falling short or missing a step at watching the creations of the man he despises so dearly evolve. These natives are alluring, sweet, loving but in many ways they can seem missing, far away and sometimes unavailable both emotionally and physically. the reason being is that unlike Gemini suns these natives do not need to be heard, they need to be ahead and once they feel tied or held down by something they’ve already fleshed out and had their time with their restless need to be ahead comes out and they soon gravitate their focus elsewhere. Their constantly at war with the concept of Do i understand it all vs do i understand enough at all?
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Sun In Cancer Vs Sun In The Fourth House:
(Arch Angel Gabriel Vs The Deity Tsukuyomi)
Sun In Cancer: Arch Angel Gabriel 
Song: Daughter - Amsterdam 
These natives contrary to belief are not as lacking in emotional awareness nor are they as gullible as other might like to believe them to be. One of the most frightening traits of cancer Sun’s is their ability to emotionally detach from people and situations in a rather abrupt manner. These natives are emotive but in some ways the emotions aren’t always backing the action. Cancer suns fall into the behavior of sometimes being nice for being nice’s sake and often times care more about the feelings of others than they do themselves. In more underdeveloped masculine energies this can rear it’s head as emotional narcissism, thinking the whole room revolves around their feelings and their feelings only, leaving everyone else to have to play pick up the pieces for someone who refuses to take accountability. in some of the even lesser versions this can cause manipulation of the emotional variety, using someones vulnerability as a weapon  are sometimes tactics of masculine energy cancers and Feminine energy cancers who failed to acknowledge the skeletons in their own closet. Cancer suns often remind me of Gabriel in the sense that they carry his will of doing what is needed rather than what is wanted. Cancer Suns understand the difference between need and want and often times center their life around such inclinations. To them everyone no matter where they come from desires things they don’t truly need and fortify things they want only for a moment. As a result cancer suns tend to prioritize people, things and places under the laws of what they need and what they want and often times they can turn a cold shoulder to the things they feel are momentary even if it’s a person. Cancer Suns can be powerful, enigmatic and divinely feminine no matter their gender due to their inner desire to nurture and care for others, no matter how underdeveloped or developed these natives are the desire to protect and care for others is their base setting. Many as they age become more and more like their mother, often adopting the qualities they admired most and showcasing the negative ones when under stress or moments of trauma. These natives are deeply loving and caring and at times this gets taken advantage of but only briefly as Cancer suns are almost Demonically vindictive. The natives see colors on people and tend to be highly spiritually perceptive of auras and presence within people without even exchanging words. They tend to be closed when it comes to their feelings and contrary to social media cancer Suns do not express their inner feelings readily, much like a crab they withhold and protect their underbelly often coming towards things in a side to side manner much like a crab Even more so when they are a Cancer Rising. They tend to only really open their souls to those precious to them and often times when Cancer Sun’s feel they’ve over shared they retreat and often times disappear unless reassured that the person is kind and honest. Cancer Suns despise fakes and those who are emotionally careless and rude so often times they can become dismissive and down right aggressive in an almost warrior like way when confronted by rudeness or self centered behavior. Cancer Suns have a pronounced sexuality, as they represent femininity in it’s motherly form they often embody it’s glow and sway whilst remaining Innocent and seemingly unknowing. Cancer Sun’s often become more balanced as they age as many of them see their progressed sun move into Leo which aids with the confidence and the ability to balance out their darker head spaces that arise emotionally. They can have Strong emotions and because of this in some cases some people with this placement can struggle with such things such as depression and and or manic depression, that being said this is not a product of having sun in cancer, this can happen to anyone. Cancer Suns do have fluctuating emotional states that can fly between happy weeks and months to times of solemn and lethargic states and this is often more so seen in all cancer Suns no matter whether they are in a good place or bad. the key for them is to learn identification so that way they can deal with the emotion when it comes and let it run it’s course without submerging themselves in it. Cancer suns often battle with the concept of Nurture Vs Nature. To them they feel as if it’s their divine purpose to care for others, and they feel like people should be caring enough to consider more than just themselves but in truth the world isn’t always like that and some people are indeed selfish and often times this realization of self motivation perplexes Cancer suns because on a deeper level they don’t know how to disconnect from their need to solely focus on the well being of others whilst also worrying about their own health and emotional well being.
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Sun In The Fourth House: The Deity Tsukuyomi
Song: Daughter - Numbers
Ah These natives are truly a never ending Dream starting so pleasant and continuously transitioning like phases of the moon into A nightmare, a sunset, a wet dream, a night terror over and over.These natives are Vague in their difference From their sun counterpart. They seem Emotional and Actually are just as emotional as their actions give way for them to be. But in reverse order these natives do sentimental actions in seldom as they prefer to hide their softer side and present a more aloof front. Unlike Cancer suns the idea of being nice for the sake of it isn’t their forte, rather niceness that is earned is more their language. they admire a certain level of genuine feeling but despise it at the same time due to the roller coaster it sends them on. They often remind me of the Japanese God Tsukuyomi for their tenacity, their often proud and pious nature that dare i say is more Leo archetype than Leo is itself. These natives are proud of their home, to them home is a castle but oddly enough a castle they can’t stand to stay in for to long. They are not homebodies and in many cases tend to see a desire for exploration outside their home towns and often times the countries itself. These natives suffer from emotionally impulsive streaks, often entangling themselves in situations without guarding their heart because unlike Cancer suns these natives have no emotional awareness, they play everything by ear including their heart and that often throws them in an inescapable abyss that tends to devour them. Though these natives are kind at times they are also pompous, they are loving but they’re selfish about how this love is expressed. They want everything on their time often forgetting about the emotional side of things for other people and this is where they get in trouble and why people at times find them overbearing or unreachable. These natives are passionate and insanely creative, often the magnitude of this creativity as limitless as their reservoir of emotion. They wear everything loudly but also hide parts that they need when it’s convenient.  these natives are rather childlike in their personality due to the fact that they don’t care much if their blatant about their disinterest or lack of concern and dare i say this is one of their worst and best traits. They don’t fake it and love or hate them they don’t give a shit. They can be tremendously spiteful though which is even more so pronounced in the feminine energy than it is the masculine. Their struggle lies in the concept of To Have and Not to have, they often times fall prey to the desire to feast and never end never once realizing that once it’s all gone they’ll have nothing. They also fail sometimes to except that just because they want to have something the other person or people in question do not also have to want it and this at times is where they minds clash, because they genuinely do not understand why people are not seeing it their way. Their moods are worse than cancer suns due to the fact that they are not aware of they are having them, this means that they can fly into a mean state without realizing they’ve shifted and this at times can make them seem far more unpredictable then they mean to be. These natives are so loving and genuinely do mean well but their ego does get the best of them with this placement quite a bit.
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Sun In Leo Vs Sun In The Fifth House:
(The Sun God Ra Vs The God Of Destruction Shiva)
Sun In Leo: The Sun God Ra
Song: Empress of - Should’ve 
In Certain Ways one can always find themselves confused at the hands of Leo Suns, As direct, Honest and bold as they may be parts of their personality are layered in rather elusive undertones. Leo suns are typically Vibrant, confident souls who march to the beat of their own blazing chariot and drum to match, but much of this bravado is burning so fervently as a means of hiding the softer and in many ways more docile side of these native. They pursue life in a zesty and at times rather emotionally flighty manner as to not ruffle the feathers of those who can’t keep up with them though they can’t help but relish in the fact that they themselves create energy and disperse it where ever they go and not one person can take that away from them. Despite this though Leo suns battle with their Ego on a daily basis and it’s a battle they don’t show the world. Much to their lament their heart at times has a goal of it’s own and no matter how hard they try to live by the flame eventually their flames seethe and reveal their true nature which is much more unsure, much more sentimental and compassionate. Leo Suns are deeply feeling and them being a fixed sign makes these emotions hit like an entire solar system when it happens. Though they hate to admit it they are sensitive, they want to be loved and seen authentically but are also scared of this vulnerability. For the masculine energy this can cause a flighty nature especially in the realm of the heart. Many masculine Leo’s will brake up or pull the “it’s a little too much for me” “ i think maybe we should take a brake” “i want to keep things casual,” approach with romance and things can be going great, marriage worthy and suddenly they pull out. Why? well Leo suns in their masculine spirit are deeply fearful of their feminine side, to them the idea of submission in any form even if it’s to their own heart is a weakness and one they would rather avoid. When this happens they trick themselves into becoming more sexual, more in need of the bachelor life style when in reality they know deep down they want your love, to be loved and accepted whole beyond the meaningless ass kissing they receive. This back and forth nature of their’s does continue sometimes but once they truly open their heart their love is that of a thousand burning blue suns turning the most tremendous white. For them love is their weakness and they seek to present this strong and rather disconnected stance for as long as they can because to them maintaining that powerful and free energy is their soul and to give up their soul for love is their destiny albeit one they detest. These natives are insanely willful and will fight tooth and nail to create, explore and build no matter the obstacle but that being said these natives battle their need to “escape” which can often lead them into addictive behavior as they need to run away from the feeling especially once the flames start to die down. These natives tend to be emotionally unavailable and give everyone the most calm and yet sincere showing of love but underneath i promise their is a depth and well of passion. In the feminine Leo energy is calm and proud but it is also more in-tune with the need for emotion and softness despite the universal Leo energy need for emotional tightness as to not show the world their hide. These natives often struggle with the Theme of Acknowledgement vs Rejection. For them the idea of acknowledging a weakness, a love or a vulnerability is death for them so as a result they reject it for as long as they can however they can and in this process they destroy themselves and the relationships they hold dear. they spend much time wrapped in the concept of accepting the way the feel and not running away from the side of the selves that isn’t shrouded in those glamorous flames. They are caring beyond belief despite the way those flames may fool the world, And dare i say out of many of the signs Leo Sun’s genuinely have hearts of gold in every way. Though Much Like Ra these natives are seen by many under many guises and faces many of which are farther away from the true kinded hearted soul underneath that truly is as radiant as the sun.
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Sun In The Fifth House: The God Of Destruction Shiva
Song: Empress Of - Need Myself 
These Natives are quite the storm of Passion and at times this can be the very damning thing in their life. These natives live by the code of fire and tend to burn and burn never realizing their flames are eating up those they care-fore just as much as their foes. They tend to be Patronizing, Domineering, Physical, animated, Passionate and driven Though at times they loose sight of those who marched with them once the goal is reached. They Adore gratification but also don’t believe others deserve it out of their idea of what it looks like to dig fingers in the dirt for something. They believe in fighting for the just things but in saying this they themselves resent people who need to feel honored for doing such a thing. See these natives despise yet love praise, to them praise feels like honey and milk but has the after taste of cleaning solution and dirt. They want to feel needed but despite co-dependence. they want to feel it all but get lost in the feeling. for them their world is one big cyclone of events they just happen to take part in but they also don’t enjoy the drama that comes along with it though it secretly fuels them. to them life is to be tamed and those who are tamed by it are simply unlucky. They value intimacy above all else because in their eyes real intimacy cannot be faked, but they have a tendency to over identify with sex and intimacy almost using it as a bargain when in reality sex and intimacy are simply a pleasant moment between people. These natives can at times be addicted to the chaos and the negligence though they try to mask it as a pursuit of fun and liveliness. Much like Shiva these natives Believe that in order to create things must be tore the fuck up in order for them to really ever be real. The arguments, the tears, the ups and downs make it real for them and usually the lack of it can drive them mad. They prioritize their romances because that’s in a sense their focal point, their sun, their divine purpose but as you can imagine it is also their worst trait as it makes them incredibly insatiable for love but it also damages them greatly when they are alone without love in life. in Feminine energy the pursuit for love isn’t as all consuming and many focus more on their art and the beauties of children and theater many times over these natives live in the club as if it is some gorgeous ballroom whilst others paint and dance as if they where in a room with all the may gods. Masculine energies tend to be on the hunt for something, be it sex, be it themselves, be it a mighty battle to delight in they constantly pursue their own ideal of the sun no matter the activity in question. These natives tend to show all their rawness even their heart because unlike Leo suns they are not fearful of their deeper emotions which is a blessing and curse at times. They tend to battle against Wrath and Happiness. For them a constant state of turmoil is their fuel but the idea of happiness in its all scares them as they fear it will bring stagnancy and boredom along with it. they want to maintain their circulation of storms and tribulations and at times happiness intimidates them as it represents completion and often times completion is not yet what they desire. 
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Sun In Virgo Vs Sun In The Sixth House:
(Death God Iku Vs King Yan God of Death, Of The Ten Kings Of Hell)
Sun In Virgo: Death God Iku
Song: Brent Faiyaz- Make Luv
Sun in Virgo natives aren’t so much as something you can readily identify, they are not necessarily a thing as much as they are a what. They feel good, but they also surround you like a presence rather than a physical being. They often times feel like something carnal and ethereal but at the same time gravitate away from this by their realistic and rather internally discontent energy. They seem like they are just moving through the world, like a child who found out Santa was nothing more than a fable.They want and need to be needed but this desire is rooted in their early understanding of relevance being tied to usefulness. To be relied on is better than sex for them as it feeds their inner desire to be needed. Though we say this one might also call this their greatest weakness as their dependency on being needed swarms their lives into situations that allow them to be used and rather than be sad about it they seek out more situations until these woes mount a rather steep hill deep in their psyche. They often suffer from their fair share of demons because of their blind ignorance to their own pain, to them the pain is merely a small price to pay for those small moments of being needed, being useful in that moment they are seen more than any hug, child, parental love or sexual liaison can provide. Much Like Iku these natives live amongst the shadows as a presence, fading in and out of situations like a black smoke. They love the idea of being around others but they secretly loathe it as deep down they feel the attention is swirling away from them. most feminines with this placement suffer immensely as they struggle to separate being needed from being used and separating love from hate.To them the occasional grips outlast the major ones but in reality the small ones are the ones that leave the deepest wounds, while the big ones just leave a gaping hole that was already their to begin with.They admire work ethic and creativity in others as its something they too seek to connect with but they often burn out constantly due to their lack of emotional focus. they often jump in and out of happy and down periods with the down periods out weighing the happy ones due to them not genuinely pursuing their own vices of their own free will. though they care for others they don’t really love themselves which is many times over why they purposely play the game of how long can i rip myself apart subconsciously as they systematically replay the same scenarios with the same ending. Sex is another dimension to Virgo suns, they much Like Gemini Suns see it as a curiosity but due to their earthy component the curiosity instantly dies as soon as their sensual mind catches up with what is really happening. They want and need mental as well as true physical compatibility which can only happen when they align themselves with their emotional self. This circus act tends to continue as the biggest struggle for this sign is My pain vs your pain dynamics. They never know when to draw the line and ultimately they get eaten up by it. The masculines suffer the greatest as they are prone to holding on to their past hurts and using it as justification for mistreatment of people that come after. in their eyes the world was cruel to them so why can’t they be the god and return the favor and this is often why they endure the worst as the universe punishes them tend fold.
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Sun In the Sixth House: King Yan, Of the Ten Kings Of Hell
Song: Brent Faiyaz - Insecure 
As many of you may Know we look to the sixth house as the house of structure, day to day activities, routines and health yet for a native with their sun here the health and the health of others can be an ongoing theme in their lives.They Are constantly running on an internal schedule one that can seem to make all of the minutes in a day pure agony. They tend to be meticulous in some cases whilst in others they seem to be following some sort of silent bell that tells them the when and where. Time management, organizing and even planning are their hidden talents mainly because when it comes to other people they are like death itself, constantly waiting, passing the time almost excited at the idea of putting everything together. They can seem detached but down to earth, their hallmark is their humility and bluntness but in some lower cases they can seem condescending and emotionally daft. They say and do things according to their mental comprised list of do’s and don’ts. most people fall in reaction and action types for them and they tend to formulate their actions and reactions in response to these but much like life itself many things are unexpected including people and this is often where these natives malfunction, they assume actions before they take place and are totally unprepared for the off chance things operate outside of that box. To them there is a steady cause and effect momentum that life runs by and often very little does life operate off this agenda. For them life can be stages and every stage represents different levels of turbulence for them, at times things are well and other times they seem unstable or at times they can seem rather abysmal but thats much like life no? things can shift in and out of focus. well you see for these natives that shift of focus can be earth shattering as they tend to revolve their life around specific situations at times which can be highly discombobulating for them when they hadn’t the time to prepare counter alternatives. These natives are quick mentally and typically love the idea of nature and it’s animals, many loving to surround themselves with lively animated pets. they tend to care for their pets and plants more than they do people at times as they naturally see nature and animals as their happy place and area of grounding. Work is also important to these natives so they can often be very proud and intense when it come to the job hunt as their job is often what they want to be known for, how good they do is always important to them. In the masculine energy this can make the men rather messy/earthy looking as they pick up their features from nature in a quite literal way. for the feminine energy types the mercurial influence gives that gender less tone once more whilst also adding a soothing and innocent beauty. these natives are often dealing with the theme of Time Vs Place. For them Time is always an issue, when is it the right time? they never know how much time to alot to moments in their which ends up creating states of drain in them, but the place has much to do with this as well as these natives fail to realize that the places they trap themselves in is a cause of their lack of time, very rarely do they set themselves in situations that give them enough time to exercise free time yet they find themselves wondering where all the time has gone when it was never there to being with.
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Sun in Libra Vs Sun In The Seventh House:
(Loki The Trickster Vs Dolos/Dolus The Spirit Of Trickery)
Sun In Libra: Loki The Trickster
Song: King Princess - Back Of a Cab
As an outsider looking in it may seem like Libra suns are impartial, Sweet and charming in a way that is both fleeting yet inviting, but among their well meaning disposition lay a certain anticipation of the camera cutting into the more grotesque scene. These natives Live almost as though they were a celebrity, their minds and energy go into the upholding of the idea they present. be it that they are a punk rock don’t need a man type, or maybe they are seen as a high ranking and family oriented politician, or mayhaps they are seen as the athlete or the singer with the smile of a cool summer evening. They wont ever showcase what lay underneath due to the real self being far more ominous then people are ready for. Libra suns are in reality stoic, serious, and unenthusiastic, this may sound bad but its in reality meaning that they aren’t as wrapped up in your shit as you may think. Libra suns present themselves as more caring and more involved then they really are as in all truth being cardinal their real focus at the end of the day is their own independent well being and whether or not anything is serving the purpose it needs within their lives. They are incredibly independent and dare i say even more than Aries suns. Libra suns really go through all the effort of seeming dependent and unknowing because it allows for people to see them as less of a threat, this in term gets them leighweigh in cultivating beneficial situations for themselves without a hassle. That being said they can get into trouble when the mask fades as people begin to realize their true nature. Libra suns are caring and gentle to those around them and this part is honest as they do have an appreciation for the sensual and often the beautiful aspects of relating to others. Though that being said they have a limit of to how much interaction with others they can stand for, to much of seeing someone can bore them and depending on the nature of the continued interaction they’ll often begin to wear their mask more fiercely as they are now beginning to fight their real self from telling you to leave them be. Libra suns are well meaning but at times they do find themselves caught between the mirror of deception, this shows itself as them getting caught up on past performances they’ve up-kept coming to bite them in the ass. They rationalize things here and there but for the most part much of what they may feel is felt deeply as they tend to see emotions as a gift and something they hold onto. The reason being that Libra suns seldom stay in a moment to long so often when a strong emotion catches them off guard they welcome it though if it’s a negative emotion they tend to retreat from it especially if it’s a romantic emotion that is moving along faster than intended. They are uplifting and selfless most times but selfish and rather clouded by their romances when they do come around. Their greatest struggle tends to be The real me vs the Me everyone Thinks is me. These natives play so deeply into their roles that they often times fly so far away from their own inner world that they forget what or how to identify their own feelings apart from the ones they have made everyone believe they are experiencing.
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Sun In The Seventh House: Dolos/Dolus The Spirit Of Trickery 
Song: King Princess - Ohio 
These natives Unlike their Libra Sun Counterparts Exhibit traits that i can only describe as seemingly disengaged yet deeply engaged at the same take. They can seem as if they are wandering, mentally shifted in another place yet almost like a trance they heard every word, saw every movement they were analyzing you yet how could you tell? These natives are observant and often times the silence is their way of capturing the moment. They prefer talkative types as they reveal more and make that part of the interaction easier for them, but people who are overly mysterious or quiet tend to offset them as it gives them very little to work with and puts the balancing act on their back. They try to make others feel understood mainly because they themselves resonate so deeply with the process of finding oneself and understanding ones own true inner workings.These natives seem tricky and deceptive but rather its more or less the spirit they give off. They seem deceptive because they don’t reveal much, yet unknown to others they just don’t identify as heavily as most with the things in their life well enough to reveal much. The seem like tricksters because they know the right time to speak and the right time to act which can at times seem like they’re planning or scheming when in reality they are simply good readers of body language and social ques. they often times trail along a sadness that they can’t seem to attach a reason to but this sadness is often the shadow. unlike Libra suns these natives can’t pretend to be something mainly because they don’t really know who they are apart  from their immediate interactions with others. they have an idea but at times they feel like a shadow of something. The shadow self often tries to convince them to play roles, play into things that could possibly be them yet in actuality they know deep down that would only further the disassociation with themselves. love is a big thing for these natives but it always seems fleeting, as if all their good graces are wasted on individuals who never deserved their love. in an ironic twist though it is actually wonderful that these people come into their lives as they aid their journey to self discovery. These natives are genuine and kind hearted despite their rather quiet and too themselves nature. Their greatest battle is between The Loud Heart and The Quiet Heart. Often times these natives play into the feelings they can see but never into the ones they feel but cannot see, to them the emotions need to have a logic behind them and if not they shrug it off as a irrational emotion. They often times are terrified by their own depth mainly because it belongs to a side of themselves they are not yet familiar and this is the shadow.
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Sun In Scorpio Vs Sun In The Eighth House:
(The Mighty Marques Aamon Vs Arch Angel Michael)
Sun In scorpio: The Mighty Marques Aamon
Song: Tove Lo - Are u Gonna Tell Her?
ah The mighty Scorpio sun, Riddled in the darker parts of human nature where they themselves seem to find a sense of curiosity and compulsion. These natives tend to be easy to spot, rather not for just their physical attributes but for their ominous and rather soul inquiring gaze. They see right through you and have already dressed every aspect of you soul a million times over as if it were a pull over scarf. They more often then not have an early look into the nastier side of man due to the influence of Pluto and Mars throwing down their intense calamity. See Pluto and Mars are not necessarily on equal grounding and often times Pluto ruffles Mars in just the right way for mars to gear up in aggression which then cause Pluto to polarize and become calculated and manipulative in order to gain the upper hand. due to this these natives tend to express the inner conflict outwardly as a hot and cold/off and on demeanor and approach to all things be it love, family, and even career’s. Scorpio Suns do not want to draw attention to their actions or their inner workings so much of their ego goes into sharing just enough to get what they need from others whilst revealing almost nothing of themselves. In lesser versions of Scorpio suns this can be problematic behavior as they soon become controlling, Gas light heavy and emotionally abusive to those close to them as a means of furthering their need to be in control. Make no mistake though Scorpio suns are typically battling their own demons the main difference being what part of their journey of healing they are on. Scorpio in feminine types tends to be the most afflicted as the overly competitive masculine ruling signs clashes with the more submissive or passive feminine energy. This clash is apart of what makes these natives so alluring and sensual, you can almost feel the war steaming over their skin, the pain in their eyes, the intensity, you feel all of it as if you where there with them. They tend to be very loving and loyal souls but can struggle with opening their hearts to real love, the kind that heals and extends it’s hand. Scorpio Suns have a bad knack for going after their mirror, and this in turn is apart of their journey but also a habit that must be broken. The reason is linked to the fact that Scorpios Suns are drawn naturally to people that force them to Acknowledge their trauma, darkness and inner instability which sends them on emotional benders that can last years if they are not careful. Often times the Scorpio Sun natives are in a constant flux where they must deal with Ex’s, Family dramas and at a deeper level mental brakes but this is all apart of their grand story despite how heavy the lows are. Scorpio suns as a whole struggle with the concept of Destruction and Rebirth. For them everything in their life has a life expectancy and once the time comes all things fall to ruin, only Scorpio suns obsess with the idea of rebirth leading to a form of longevity a way to ensure things never cease nor ware down..But in reality this continuously vicious cycle of Devastation and second life are draining for their spirits and their soul. It’s ok to let go and it’s okay for things to be at peace, just because there is no war at hand it is no cause for worry of an impending ending and often times these natives in their fear of this manifest their own endings. Much like the Mighty Demon Aamon these natives are compassionate and understanding but also careless, wild and wouldn’t hesitate to impose their will no matter the consequence to others. They have a hard time with the white Pickett fence lifestyle and often times find themselves craving the unknown, the unstable, the misfortune..they are drawn to it like mosquitoes to blood.
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Sun in The Eighth House: Arch Angel Michael
Song: Tove lo- Passion& Pain Taste The same(Extended Version)
Sun in the Eighth house Natives are Emotionally adept, but noticeably scary in the sense that they always seem as if they are sizing you up, writing in pieces and parts of you personality so they themselves can further dig into you psyche  in a way that prevents you from pulling the wool over their eyes. unlike Scorpio Suns these natives aren’t a walking ball of tension rather they exude a mysterious and rather deceptive energy as if they are a black mist eroding away at the walls silently beyond your sight. They are just as Black and White as Scorpio suns but more dangerous due to the fact that they see the grey area clearly and choose when they’d like to include it in their perceptive analysis. They can have a military like energy to them, seeming authoritative and closed, while also having a rather shady nature to them even if they are not personally out to get anything at all. Often times people around them perceive them in a rather untrustworthy light even if they are the most honest person in the world, the reason being the eighth house squaring the energy of the Sun, it creates a Leo meets Scorpio Dynamic that creates friction in the outside world but not the bedroom. Sex is where these natives feel they can truly glow and shine, where they can truly unwind and express their true nature. Often times sexual addiction or sexual obsession can become apparent if the natives listen to their lower vibrations. They often times see people in a way of value and have a hard time letting go of them due to the bountiful potential they see in them. to these natives everyone on this earth has meaning no matter how small and that makes them irreplaceable. They often struggle with the idea of growing up Vs staying young. They often hold on to their youth, and even sometimes surround themselves by a younger audience as a means of ignoring father time who often forces them to confront the harsh realities of life. They often times battle with their mature side as it represents confronting their rigid more disillusioned side. they want to be optimistic but deep down they recognize the serious rather proud nature within themselves though they may try to shrug it off. They want their darkness to be excepted but simultaneously detest it as if it where a violent storm or pack of hounds set loose. despite this they have a rather intense nature but one that is more calm and mischievous then its Scorpio sun counterpart. Much like Michael these natives are dutiful but ruthless, if it gets them what they need they’ll execute it without issue no matter who is effected. They tend to follow orders and expect the same from others. they have an empress/emperor like energy which can at times seem intimidating and cold.
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Sun In Sagittarius Vs Sun In The ninth House:
(Norse God Odin Vs Pantheon God Of Olympus Zeus)
Sun In Sagittarius: Norse God Odin
Song: Cinnamon Chasers - Speeder 
These Natives do live up to their expansive Ruling planet, They at times are so high up in the sky that they forget there is a whole world around them. They are often distracted, Blunt, Mean, Cut throat, Philosophical and open minded whilst also somehow managing to be vibrant, Sincere and very hard lovers for those they hold dear. They can have trouble holding back their opinions and their ideas and once that mouth of their’s gets going it tends to be a real sucker punch. They adore adventure but tend to find adventure in their day to day life just as exciting. The traveling generalization is often true but for Sagittarius suns it’s not so much foreign cultures as it is experiencing something outside of their immediate normality. they can’t stand someone who doesn’t have any idea what they’re talking about and will dig your grave for you via words if you waste their time, every second is precious to a Sagittarius sun no matter how minor you may think it is. They are often very straightforward in their approach to all things which can be a good or bad thing depending on how strong willed you are to deal with such a strong force. They tend to live in their minds but unlike Gemini these thoughts and desires find their way into the real world which often time can lead them into some sketchy or bad situations due to how little thought or consideration went into the details of the thought itself. They are insanely willful folks and will fight anyone who intends on placing them into a set standard of expectations and rules. They are often creative and fair very well with bringing in their own unique spin to the things they create. certain emotions some of us spend years or days mulling over these natives typically pass through relatively swiftly. Nothing really is that serious to these natives, after-all in their eyes all that could be done has been done. They tend to have a rocky relationship with their emotional hemisphere and thats often where the underdeveloped lot of this sun sign seek out their flighty and or venomous tongue to defend themselves. they often are quite sensitive and loving but struggle to apply this as its a foreign concept to them. Their flightiness is also deeply rooted in their need to chase, to constantly be on the hunt for their divine pleasure. The masculine and feminine both fall prey to this. Similarly to Odin these natives are creative, expansive in their mentality, leaders, explorers and deeply intellectual beings bent on understanding the world and all within it too it’s fullest extent. Their greatest struggle tends to be between the Should i stay vs should i go dynamic. They are always leaving the people and things they have no business leaving behind yet sticking around for the nonsense that truly serves them no other purpose but sex, false validation or presenting a sort of illusion. 
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Sun In The Ninth House: Pantheon God Of Olympus Zeus
Song: Cinnamon Chasers -Luv Deluxe 
For these natives the differences can be a little harder to tell, though if anything they stand out even more so than it would for a Sagittarius sun. These natives have a inspirational mind, Dexterous, and very good at micro-managing their own energies. They do suffer from a horrid resting bitch face and cannot hold their tongue when it comes to most things as they prefer to say exactly whats on their mind but this happens more unknowingly for them than it does for their sun sign counterpart. these natives share Zeus’s promiscuous nature, finding it relatively easy to move on from person to person due to the way they look at relationships being stepping stones that further them along to their perfect match. Not very often do these natives find themselves in one position for two long as they suffer from restlessness more than any fire sign or other fire house combined. to them The day is meant to be explored and often times these adventures are completely random as their desire to expand can come suddenly like a blast of cold air. They tend to also enjoy their fair share of tattoos, body augmentations, and hair dyes. Anything that allows them to heighten their experience which in many cases also includes drugs, as the natives love being able to awaken the parts of themselves unattainable during the day. They are partiers but also at times very studious. many are very dedicated to the idea of college while others drop out due to feeling they can find other ways to expand and create on their own. This native is often dualistic in the sense that they can pursue one path for some time and then completely fly off the rail and start a new path abruptly and this personality trait is something that continues as time goes on. They are very giving souls nonetheless and willingly sacrifice and support those they care about with ease be it paying for their food, letting them stay at their house or borrow their clothes. The thing is these natives are good at assessing the boundary and can very easily tell you to leave or that they want to be alone, because although they are kind they also still know their own personal needs matter just as much at the end of the day. They often inquire much about the emotional side of things because they often don’t understand the emotions of others nor what motivates their actions which is their greatest source of frustration. Their main struggle much like Zeus is Abundance Vs Accumulation. They often crowd on things for the sake of having it, but fail to find the the value or usefulness in the very things they are allowing into their life. They must learn to value the things around them otherwise it just ends up being a bunch of furniture with plastic wrap, unused and wasted. They are just as tenacious, gallant, charismatic and strong as Zeus but in hindsight they are just as rude, Oblivious and insatiable as him in their worst.
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Sun In Capricorn Vs Sun In The Tenth House:
(Hades Vs Buddha)
Sun In Capricorn: Hades
song: Delilah- Touch me 
If i could describe these natives in a sense i would say they are gifted with a great curse and a Mighty Blessing, and that would be their ability of seeing exactly the deeper nature of an individual without any actual spoken word. They are people readers plain and simple and a great many of them gorge themselves on their hobby of people watching. To them humanity is a big social project and one they are endlessly applying their vast many of skills in decoding. They have an inner earthiness to them that can energetically make them seem slower in their reactions but overly abundant in spirit when it comes to the more physical aspects of life. They have a very emotional relationship with success and money so often times they tend to neglect the other meats of life in favor of money which at times can leave them lonely in the midst of their success. They can have an intimidating aura, one that reaks of sadness and woe in the masculines or one that reaks of intensity and confidence in the feminines. The sun in Capricorn natives have a naturally polarizing emotional state, at times seeming calm, happy or at least passably content to more stoic, lost and emotionally unavailable the moment Saturn’s gloom sinks his teeth into them. they often times find themselves trapped in a current of weight, often times softer things like relaxation, vacations, and even moments of idle are very rarely enjoyed by these natives as often very deep within they feel intense guilt at the experience of any pleasure for too long. to these natives there is a constant nagging voice telling them to “move” and push ahead, the moment they stop the voice becomes a vicious void that can often times give these natives their well known devilish energy. These natives practice restraint subconsciously and often times limit themselves as a means of a deeper rooted paranoia that if they are truly at their best, truly free, everything will come undone. These natives have a life based upon hidden fears that have no real face but often times are tied to Saturn who nurtures the idea in them that things could go wrong at the drop of the hat and that letting ones guard down even for a moment can lead to a very painful lesson. They tend to be loving, and deeply sensitive souls but very hardly ever do they show this face. Masking and false advertising is their forte, pretending to be malicious, cool, aloof, and empty if often easier then showing their bubbly, talkative, and rather softly romantic and tender nature. Love can be a source of pain for them due to the fact that much like all who have Saturn in a prominent place, a lesson is always to be had. these natives tend to learn that love is something that is seldom on par with the level of dedication and patience they exhibit towards their own life, often times fueling their cynical view towards love as a whole. They love intently and with all of their soul, never leaving the side of their lovers but at the same time this love and loyalty comes after years upon years of work and foundation as these natives loathe intimacy or love that seems to flighty or ungrounded in it’s intent. they tend to be spiritual but this is something they grow more intune with the older they get. They tend to be caught in the struggle of maybe it'll be different this time vs already knowing the outcome. The harsh part for these natives is that they deep inside want to give people the benefit of the doubt, they want to be whimsical and naive but it is something to riddled with consequence which they already know and often times they are trapped in a tug of war of was i right to give up on this, to shut down, to close off, was i to harsh, was i to fast to do it? but often times the moment they ignore their intuition the pain is often a violent reminder that they should’ve listened to their gut. these natives much like hades understand the depth of their commitments and find dedicating themselves to things a rigor to be expected but one that is earned not just jumped into head first without proper caution. They live in the dark, ominous and heavy seated parts of life but because of them everything is in order, everything is collected and well placed as it should be. 
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Sun In The Tenth House: Buddha 
Song: Delilah - Love you so
Sun In the Tenth housers are drastically different from their fourth house sun counterparts in the respect that where one is Pious, emotionally erratic and arrogant the other is cold, emotionally distanced and humble. These natives prefer quiet as opposed to a loud obnoxious display of the self. To them your work and actions should speak more for your character than some inflated actions or stories. They love intense encounters and often find themselves at the center of powerful people be it bad or good. they enjoy a certain level of unpredictability in thought rather than actually carried out in reality. if i could describe them i’d say they are the emotionally aware bad girl/boy. they enjoy the discretion of the social norm but also have a longing for more structure in their lives. for these natives people are only so interesting to them, once they figure them out the concept presented in getting to know the individual goes out the window. The only real intrigue to them is an ever changing situation, person or thing, anything with a predictable end is often a source of contempt for them. Emotionally they can run HOT like a supernova but then suddenly cool as if all the suns across multiple galaxies vanished into thin air leaving a stark, rigid cold. They tend to adore darkness in others only until this very darkness starts to lose it’s luster. a preference for being a savior for others is present but once again the back and forth nature of this placement and it’s obsession with the idea of disharmony yet simultaneously needing peace. they have a rather neutral perspective in life due to their fluctuating taste, and much like the Buddha they live by a strong law of what you give is what you get, what you do comes back to you and that for every action done, their is an effect waiting for it. Despite this these natives tend to be on the more mischievous side of things seeking a sort of imagined excitement that never ever seems to come. Romantically they are the type to fall hard but also the type to run from anything that is to emotionally saturated. they don’t care for love yet it always finds them anyways, the key with them is that they need it to be paced, anything rushed, anything impulsive or quickly proposed tends to push them deep in their hole. they love sensual affection and touch and often love to place their hands on everything and anything, to feel it in their palms, on their skin, in their hair...they eat up the environment like it were the sea making waves around them. Often times they can have a melancholic sense of humor and seem rather out of touch with their surroundings at times. They prefer loneliness as opposed to bad company and at times the bad company in their eyes is the entirety of human society. They can seem pretentious, Mean, and wildly judgmental with their sharp tongue but if you listen closely at times these natives speak truths you yourself know are true but are not ready to accept. i often call these natives fortune tellers as they speak in foreshadowing tones that allude to future happenings. They often struggle with the heart vs the head. at times they live so much in their mind that the longings of their heart feel like weird wire entanglements that they are not familiar with. They know their heart longs for things but their mind for the life of them can never really make sense of it, to them its all a bunch of gibberish but it often is why they always feel that internal and eternal missing in their lives, as if something should be there but never really is. 
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Sun In Aquarius Vs Sun In The Eleventh House: 
(Goddess of Death Hela Vs Moon God Lilith)
Song: SHYGIRL - Freak
So today we speak on one of the most complex and virtually paradoxical sun signs to date, Aquarius suns. These natives are well deserving of their rather multi-layered face, often times seeming like a box with never ending compartments and staircases leading to new basements and by theory new worlds and realities. Often times their level of competency can fly between intellectually dualistic to emotionally dualistic. They can seem like they understand you and at times the depth of this understanding would surprise you despite their seemingly detached nature. Despite this more soft side of their ego make no mistake their god complex is sitting eerily close to the surface. Unlike Gemini suns, there is no second face in the water bearer rather their is only this continuous current that fluctuates between a heavy stream of a light stream and which stream you get depends solely on the level of intellectual enticement the Aquarius sun native can glimpse within you. There is an apparent darkness in these natives but it’s mainly due to their co-rulership of saturn dancing with the erratic demon uranus. These two planets complete each other but they also tug at one another strings in a rather violent and stormy like way, causing a strange ground up and sky to floor motion in these natives moods. One moment they can be rebellious, restless, goofy and rather unbothered and the next moment they can seem stoic, impersonal, detached and down right moody. they love proving others wrong but they also take a great pride in watching a stance someone has held so tightly in pride come crashing down once the sun in Aquarius native corrects them. they take great pride in their mental dexterity but at times can be overwhelmed by the constant and never ending current of thought. They have a tendency to come across as hardheaded and hellbent on their way being the right way as they often despite their airy nature are still intensely fixed. that being said they are deeply curious of society and the world around them, often taking time to learn and study the varying cultures and systems in the immediate environment as well as the environment as others. very many tend to find themselves drawn to humanitarian pursuits albeit a bit shy at first in many cases due to the fact that they themselves don’t always understand their pull to the collective. These natives tend to be loners contrary to belief and find it very difficult at times to cope with their occasional existential crisis as they often find that they don’t really relate or connect to the world or time frame they happen to be apart of. They at times like the idea of being misunderstood while other times they wish atleast one person could peer into their mind and document their beautiful and uniquely grafted mental space but that would be far to available for their liking. Making friends is something that seems like a powerful need for these natives and often times something they struggle with as they often find that they confuse friendship and romance. often projecting more romantic/relationship tendencies on their friendships and projecting more friendship/acquaintance tendencies on their romantic relationships. They do enjoy the idea of being in love or being emotionally connected to others but in a lot of ways they don’t really understand it as much as they’d want to. they tend to in a similar fashion as Hela deem themselves as higher beings who happen to be misunderstood. they view themselves as starving intellects who the world neglects in favor of stupidity and mental stagnancy, a stagnancy that the Aquarius suns believe they can rescue the world from if they listened to them.. Their greatest battle lay in the concept of wisdom vs Virtue. They see these things as separate ideologies, often presented as fallacies rather than something applicable, to them wisdom is unreliable due to the fact that simply knowing something or how it may pan out does not necessarily omit outside factors that alter this variable, and virtue in itself seems like something self assured, but in their eyes something self assured is also prone to change due to the unstable base it is presented upon. so they tend to struggle with letting themselves go to the unknown presented in spirituality, which is often the missing piece to their puzzle. Many of these natives tend to be bisexual, that being said any sign can be bisexual or gay, or so on, the case is that with Aquarius suns, they have such a deeply set ambiguous eternal self that can at times find that it relates more to the energy of others than it does the physical body, especially since for these natives sex and love are not hand in hand as much as mind and body are. 
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Sun In The Eleventh House: The Moon God Lilith 
Song: SHYGIRL - Rude
These natives are very unique in the sense that dare i say this is the darkest position for the sun to be in. It creates a tug a war, between the sun and itself as nothing more than a cold white glow. They are charismatic and open, but closed and mysterious. on a hand they can seem welcoming and so entrancing in their approaches, seeming as if they adore the crowd but if you really see them they are intense, perplexed, to themselves and endlessly distrustful. A good word for them is willful and Loudly willful at that. They will not and cannot be moved without their own desire and often times the source of what moves them is unknown to them as well. a complicated requiem of pain swirls within them but the source often alludes them as it stems for a combination of things that have moved around like chess pieces in a chess game with no players in seat. They experience pain but they never claim it rather its seated somewhere and moved around again and again until it origin is blurry to the natives. Pompous at times with their beliefs they are well being, they have an obsessive nature with friendships often deeming them to hold seniority above most things, at times seeing them as extensions of their own ego. the less they understand amongst  their friends the weaker they feel. loving them can be complicated as they are always evolving, changing and dying off ridding pieces of themselves as if they were spring cleaning their souls. They do deal with their darker sides mainly because unlike most of us these natives skeletons never really do go in the closet rather they stand loud and proud in the face of the native so they can face them. They tend to be sensitive but also adaptable so the sensitivity can seem elusive as they tend to firmly glue shut the smallest weakness in themselves the moment it is introduced. They value the feelings of others more then even their own at times but there is often a nice balance between their care for others and the care they have for themselves. They can seem unnerving and captivating as their energy tends to feel like a sultry, in control and rather sophisticated energy though they may not recognize it within themselves. They often times fly in and out of asexuality and this deals more with their emotional state if anything. they at times don’t connect to other people in the way we all do, they see the physical beyond it’s self which can at times cause complete disconnect during moments of intimacy or sex. They often battle the idea of am i complete vs am i incomplete. they never truly know if they have all the pieces aligned and much like Lilith they often times feel an innate need to find the truth, to rebel and quarrel until it all makes sense. they can seem nomadic and ruthless because of this due to the fact that they are willing to do whatever it takes to fuel their desire for self discovery. gender roles and social constraints bore them often times and this makes them feel tense and confined when they are in an overly oppressive or traditional environment 
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Sun In Pisces Vs Sun In The Twelfth House: 
( The God Of Creation Brahma Vs Jesus Christ, Son Of God)
Sun In Pisces: The God Of Creation Brahma
Song :Sevdaliza - Dormant
Much Like A dark sea, with waves reaching the clouds and dancing with visible silent but reverberating shocks of light in the sky these natives present a wildly pretty, yet ominous duplicity within their soft and gooey disposition. They can seem rather intangible, yet despite their hard to grasp wetness they can see you, read you and be inside of you like water and dissipate like fog before your very eyes. They are insanely sensitive but unlike the other water signs they are also every other sun sign dressed as one. They have many traits, they carry the impulsive nature of Aries, the sensual and rather harmonious nature of Taurus, the duality and wit of Gemini, The soft and protective nurturing of Cancer, the Amorousness and rather playfully romantic nature of Leo, the Calculated, yet realistic side of Virgo though they fight it.., the Co-dependent yet charming nature of Libra, The emotional intensity and depth of Scorpio, The gun-ho, and rather Flighty nature of Sagittarius, the steady and rigid side of Capricorn, and the Eccentric and rather erratic momentum of Aquarius. thats what makes them so terrifying, they are all things but also nothing at all in theory, a Pisces sun is a reflection of you, their environment, they in theory have no one set manner of being. These natives have a way of seeming completely present, so totally engulfed in you but once reality catches up with them they can seemingly turn into smoke, vanishing into thin air as if they never truly felt anything to begin with. What happened? well Pisces suns are very dualistic in nature, one fish dives in recklessly and the other fish brings them both back to reality and slows things down. Pisces do not readily settle down nor do they readily make any commitments to others be it friends, lovers and even family. everything means more to a Pisces native so they often times need plenty of time to think of the many options, possibilities and outcomes even if they don’t have a clear idea of what they may look like. they tend to be heavily compassionate but can struggle with creating boundaries between their woes and the woes of others. at times they see pain as a shared experience rather than a mission to be experienced solely with the self. in masculines this energy is HARD to handle. it can cause them to get drowned in the Neptune pool, often times making them liars, unstable or emotionally unavailable. in the feminine energy they tend to handle it well though in both energy types the flighty rather slippery side of them is always present, they can seem like they are dodging you or running away but in reality they just shift in and out of feelings like changing currents. they are deeply spiritual and many tie themselves to the unknown as if they were birthed from it. They believe in a higher space, that all things flow in the direction they must with or without intervention. They fear evil in others and often try to save and rescue those who’ve lost their way but many learn overtime that saving is at times not different from enabling. Their biggest fight is flight vs confrontation. These natives much like the god Brahma Are capable of creating and putting together projects and parts of the world in ways that would make all the gods jealous. they have a hand for beauty and making things however they must in a beautifully designed manner...that being said they often shy away from people and things that are good for them due to their fear of themselves and others. deep down they fear the idea of being seen completely as it means all of those 12 faces must fade and the fish must truly present all the parts of itself and thats often when they try to swim away. They fear the concept of being totally seen, totally embraced in the same manner that they do others because then they would have to acknowledge their weakness, Love, receiving honest love scares them as to them the camera is finally on them.
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Sun In The twelfth House: Jesus Christ, Son Of God
Song: Sevdaliza - wallflower
We now come to the last of the houses. These Natives have an abundance of mist that shrouds them, much like a cloak or a long blast of light from the heavens surrounding them in its glow. They don’t normally stand out, many times having a rather passive and calm demeanor, seeming polite but not overly open nor connected. Though upon further inspection one can clearly make out their rather attentive eye for human emotion and human desire. they can seemingly pin point the sorrow in others, the dreams, the level of comfort one seeks and once they have scoped it out they often adapt to the particular need in question. See for them it’s more about creating an air of easy peace and the best way to do that is complete neutrality via adaptability. They often times remove all the traits associated with their sun sign and wear a veil, dare is say they become a spitting image of Jesus christ, suddenly they are able to collectively calm the crowd with little to no effort besides a few well placed personality augmentations to fit everyone's individual levels of comfort. They radiate a sadness, a deep sadness that is often glossed over with a false happiness, a ominously passive good natured state of passivity as to not allude to the rather turbulent well of waves and storms going on behind the scenes. Sleeping and a constant state of tiredness often plagues these natives, their energy often always seems half full even if they got a days full of sleep. They never truly feel at 100% which can at times give off a irritable or tired vibe to them. They tend to handle stress well but at the same time they usually can only do one emotion at a time, meaning that much of their inner feelings get compartmentalized into manageable spaces as to not cause them any issue. they like love, but they don’t have boundaries necessary to differentiate being used from being loved. at times they can purposely seek out bad things for them in order to feel needed but in reality they are ensuring that they never really feel happy because deep down they feel it is their fate to take on someone else baggage. They tend to be terrified of good people, stable people, as they represent a missing aspect within themselves. they often push away the good ones in favor of the bad ones because ultimately choosing to be with someone who actually cares about them means they would have to learn to care about themselves which is often something they are not ready to do. Self love is the fear for these natives as it involves uncluttering their inner psyche which is already damaged beyond what they think they can even repair. The struggle here is often do i love me Vs should i even love me? they often times view self love as selfish and deem it as an unnecessary virtue but at the same time they view it as a needed acceptance. hating themselves and self punishment is an easy go to for them because it removes accountability but in the end it always comes back and leaves a wave of carnage in it’s wake. much like Jesus these natives are sacrificing, enduring and deeply of strong faith in humanity but.. humanity always makes endless wounds, and scars in these natives..as they often get to see the worst sides of human nature as they grow mistaking their numbness for compassion. In reality they are kind and loving but this is often a defense mechanism rather than a state of just being. 
Hope you guys enjoy! 
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transpat · 3 years
Hi 👋
I found your post about Sangwoo in the manhua original of Semantic Error. And I thought it was really cool what you did there, pointing out the 🚩. I was curious about how Sangwoo is “obv autistic coded.” Because I do agree with you (there were definitely some things in his behaviour that looked very familiar to me). But I was wondering what signs you were thinking of. Specifically in the tv adaptation that is on right now (I hope you enjoy it just as much as I do ☺️). Could you elaborate a little more on Sangwoo’s “code”? 😉 (hehe, oops, I made him sound like a computer again 😅)
Thanks in advance,
— Thel. 💚
P.S. Like for example the books he’s been reading: the first on revenge and the second on convincing others I believe. In the tag, I noticed most people overlooked this detail or responded with something along the lines of “ooh Sangwoo, you don’t need that because you’re good the way you are.” Which is valid. But to me, the books represented a genuine interest or attempt to find a solution for something Sangwoo hadn’t been confronted by until then. Neither the concepts “getting back at someone”/ “wanting others to want what you want” nor the underlying emotions (idk betrayal/ sympathy or cooperation). And the books are a pretty clumsy yet endearing attempt at understanding just that. (You see something unfamiliar -> you look it up in a book. 📖) And like those, the last six episodes have introduced countless new “feelings” to Sangwoo. (Poor man really needs a break after that project. 🥲) Such as his blossoming romantic feelings for Jayung. I’ve seen some theories placing Sangwoo in the aspec spectrum. Which make much sense as well. But I don’t think we should underestimate how fundamental Sangwoo’s unfamiliarity with emotions or the desire to do those dreaded group projects is.
Oops, I hope I still left some space for you to come with your own insights. 😅 Anyways, I’m eagerly awaiting them.
P.P.S. One other thing I noticed was the appointment he suddenly has (I think this was in episode 4 or 5; my autistic headcanon is that Sangwoo didn’t lie about this) but doesn’t want to tell Jaeyung about (he says it’s an appointment but he doesn’t want to say who he’s meeting; and Jaeyung respects his wishes for a change 😀). I thought maybe this was some kind of counselling or a therapy group maybe? (Very familiar to me: not wanting to share with everyone that you receive some kind of “extra support.”) Because the sudden flows of new insights and the way he adapts his behaviour (note: “adapts,” not “changes” or “improves” -> Sangwoo simply adapts to a different situation) leaves me under the impression that he’s been reflecting on daily life, his school work and conflicts with another person. (Someone other than Ji Hye that is. 😉) I find it hard to believe he came up with all of that by himself, in relative seclusion. (I don’t think we’ve seen him talk to anyone except Ji Hye or Jayoung; not even a teacher or a parent right?)
hi hi! you've made excellent points urself honestly but i'm gonna rant a bit and explain how literally every decision he takes makes perfect sense to me if u think of him as autistic. like. even the fact that by neurotypical standards he's considered 'robotic' is v autistic.
one: the drama didn't show a lot of this bc of time constraint but in the manhua its elaborated on how much jaeyoung's interference in his routine upset him to the point of him nearly having a meltdown/being unable to concentrate in class or just function productively. and that i got so well, like i would have cried if i'd gone thru the same. when it first happened, he couldn't concentrate on entire lectures bc he didn't get to sit where he usually sat. we're shown jaeyoung's pov too where he didn't realize smth like this would bother sangwoo to such an extent bc its not smth that would affect a neurotypical as much and then jaeyoung stops. (sangwoo being unhappy about returning to his regular routine was bc he fell in love and accommodated jaeyoung into his space so his sudden absence was again a distruption.)
two: simply how he lives his life by textbook principles. how he follows rules he's told w/o understanding that they don't have to be absolute/that they can be bended based on situations. in the drama he refers to that book too, bc he doesn't understand what he should be doing in such a situation, he doesn't get the social code. jaeyoung frustrates him bc he can't read ppl and this dude's never honest, swings from saying one thing to another (asking him to call him hyung then lashing out when sangwoo actually does). also ur right ur right the fact that he's turning to book shows how much effort he's putting into this.
like how he refuses to call jaeyoung hyung at first bc he believes that its smth u only use for family. and then well. w the whole sex thing too. in the manhua. (that same thing is used to justify his homophobia. but that's just not it. he's just a homophobic dick.)
three: sangwoo shutting down and pushing everyone away from him when he's overwhelmed by emotions is just a sensory overload. once he calms down, he starts processing each emotion and event bit by bit and then plans what he needs to do next. planning too! that he plans everything he does ten steps ahead is likely out of anxiety of things going wrong/the need for a regime to follow.
i don't remember that specific instance but ur right sangwoo isn't the type to lie either (another autistic trait) so maybe he is receiving therapy. its not mentioned in the manhua either but its a good headcanon yk what i'm gonna hc this too!!
on to four: he's touch-evasive. he's always been prickly about touching and being touched from the beginning. about ppl evading his personal space. but then he has a moment that time w jaeyoung, and concludes it must be this, so he asks jaeyoung to warn him before hand (implying he doesn't not want to be touched by jaeyoung, he simply thinks he needs to be prepared before hand so he doesn't have another episode). bc he assumes others would feel the same, he gives the same respect to jaeyoung and warns him before he pats his head.
five: the baseball cap he wears. idek why but neurotypicals fancy eye contact so fucking much and its really really difficult for autistic kids. each of ur just adapt around it thou? either making uncomfortable eye contact for a few seconds to let the other person know ur paying and then breaking it, or focusing on another spot on their face, or even forcing ur self to hold eye contact so u seem normal and attentive...yeah we do it all. sangwoo must have used the baseball cap as a protective measure bc if his eyes aren't clearly visible to anyone, a tilt of his head is all he'd need for them to believe he's looking at them.
after things go south w jaeyoung, he stops wearing it, then wears it again, and that goes to show how absent-minded he's become (even that scene where he wears his shirt inside out). he's so out of it, he doesn't remember to carry his shield around w him at all times, and isn't bothered by that. then when jaeyoung and him are talking again, he doesn't wear it around jaeyoung to appease him, bc he remembers that jaeyoung wanted him to take it off.
also. just his general relation w jaeyoung. like after first he hates him bc jaeyoung's hurting him by disrupting his routine, by forcing him into a sudden change. that's why he hates him so vehemently. he thinks jaeyoung knows how much this affects him (bc he won't see this from jaeyoung's pov, esp if he's not told), and bc he believes this is genuine malice, he returns the same. jaeyoung's the one who realizes this is affecting him a lot more than it would affect others, and no questions asked he stops (like a decent person thank god). he hadn't meant to actually hurt sangwoo, he was only fooling around. but he grows attached to this dude and wants to grow closer to him, so he plays the role of a good, responsible hyung. but sangwoo's textbook states that jaeyoung is a mean, unpredictable person. so he writes it off as another phase.
except whatever problems he has, jaeyoung accommodates them. whatever he asks of him, jaeyoung follows it. whatever line he draws, jaeyoung respects it. jaeyoung doesn't try to understand or explain each of sangwoo's actions and choices. he just accepts him as he is, like he would any other person. he's respectful and easy to be around (at least in the drama). that's why sangwoo falls in love w him. jaeyoung is earnest and open, and although he's confusing and hard to read, he does explain himself when asked, and he tries his best to adjust to sangwoo. like how sangwoo's always had to adjust for society. they both put in effort to stay together, to meet each other halfway, that's why they work out.
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Numerology Life Path 1 - Your Birth Card and its Ruling Planet
Numerology Life Path Numbers and their assigned Tarot Card Meaning Series
This is the first post in my astrology/numerology/tarot series, that only concerns you, if you are a Life Path 1. Posts on consecutive Life Path Numbers will follow. Originally, I wanted to do them all in one post, but my writing turned out to be so long, I decided to split the post and seperate the Life Path Numbers. The introduction part of the post will be the same for all Life Path Numbers, in case you only read a post about your own Life Path Number, and nothing else.
The concept of a Birth Card links Tarot and Numerology together, in order to deepen our understanding of a vibration of a Life Path Number we are born with. The Birth Card, or rather Birth Cards, are Major Arcana Tarot Cards with assigned numbers, which correlate with Life Path Numbers. Understanding the meaning of tarot cards, mixed with the knowledge of Numerology Vibrations, helps create a more unique vision of your life experience.
A person with any given Life Path Number, having several Major Arcana energies present in their lives, usually struggles with one of the energies more than the other. As a result, life will probably force them to focus on mastering one of these energies. In general, however, any Life Path describes both your biggest downfall and ultimate triumph - just like with an Astrology Chart, the highlighted numbers/astrology houses point to your biggest strengths and weaknesses. For a better understanding of this concept, visit my article “Natal Chart - A map of your issues?”
Remember, that everyone, besides their Life Path Number and Birth Card also has a unique astrology chart. Thus, for some people embracing the higher expression of their energy is easier, for others it’s harder and it takes more time to master, and some energies become easier to deal with than others. Most human beings are somewhere in between, working on their path and having some achievements while struggling with difficulties at the same time 
In the spiritual community, there are differences in opinion on linking Astrological Planets and positions to specific numerology numbers energies. My take is a result of my own personal experience, conversations with other people in my field and research, in order to give you the widest possible spectrum of ideas and increase the understanding of every Life Path Number.
If you are a Master Number 11, 22 or 33, there will be a seperate post on how the Birth Cards apply to you as well. 
Even If you have only a basic understanding of Astrology, Tarot or Numerology, this post will still be helpful to you, because it describes the unique vibrational mix that comes from the expression of both these spiritual sciences mixed together. To calculate which Tarot Cards and what Life Path correspond to your birthday, click here.
Life Path 1 - The Wheel of Fortune, the Sun and the Magician 
One of the biggest struggles of a Life Path 1 is their need to release control patterns, and instead channel them into direction and embrace their own unique path through allowing themselves to be different and authentic. This requires these people to accept an element of faith in their lives, because as a pioneer, they won’t have any easy, familiar, logical guidelines or role models to follow. They have to learn how to identify, trust and listen to and follow their inner voice. That intuitive voice then leads them to a creative manifestation of their life path, as they become a trendsetter, leader and guide for others. Faith in their case means believing in themselves and their path, even if they can’t see a precise outline, and even if they have noone to validate their vision. 
Being born with this life path brings with it issues of the opposite nature to its purpose, before these natives manage to step into their unique creative or leadership position. These people may face rejection, ostracism and lack of acceptance for who they are, they may be rejected for not fitting in, for being “different” and misunderstood, starting with their family circle. This brings out the shadow side of the life path 1, which is practicing control, conformism and people pleasing, while they close off their heart and hide away from following their path. This can happen especially if they carry lingering intense trauma from all the rejection and possible abandonment they faced early on in their lives. Difficult situations can lead a Life Path 1 to adopt a coping strategy - while they people-please on the surface, they maintain tight, even repressive control underneath, which creates internal emotional blockages that result in selfishness, self centeredness, lack of openness and nervous tension. 
As much as these behaviors come from a place of suffering, the illusion of people pleasing that an unhappy Life Path 1 can create can have little to do with actual caring for others or forming bonds, since it is performed out of a need for self protection, not out of love. A hurt life Path 1 succumbs to a false belief, that the world is against them, and that everyone only cares for themselves. As a result, their emotional unavailability can create a high level of internalised loneliness due to icing out or hurting those, who actually care for them. Yet, even a suffering version of a Life Path 1, despite their individualistic streak deeply craves people validating their mission in this lifetime. If not worked on, this internal emotional blockage can stop these people from blossoming and stepping into their authentic role. 
To look into the ultimate expression that can be performed by a Life Path 1, we look at the assigned Tarot Birth Cards. 
The Magician - Being the Number 1 in Tarot, the Magician pertains to this Life Path having an ability to create and manifest their own, individual unique path, without needing to follow others, but rather inspiring others to follow them. The Magician being linked to the ultimate manifestation skill, does so easily because he trusts his gut instinct, and the path simply appears right in front of his eyes due to his own instantaneous, energetic creation. For better or for worse, Life Path 1s have that power, whether they realise it or not. Being such skillful manifestors, they can use it either to build, or to attract and recreate painful events, as long as it’s necessary for them to heal. This points to an essential question every Life Path 1 should ask themselves on the daily - what inside me has created this outcome? Which one of my internal decisions and emotional reactions has resulted in this situation? How did I subconsciously manifest this outcome? Life Path 1s are living proof, of how each and every one of us is an architect of our energetic reality, and how we always have a possibility to manifest a new beginning. A Life Path 1 that embraced this skill is someone, who effortlessly wields their creation power as an art of living. 
The Wheel of Fortune - This card points to the necessity for this Life Path to be able to learn how to handle life’s unpredictable situations, and not lose themselves in their false coping control mechanisms as a result of the shock. The Wheel of Fortune is a card of Fate, a card of sudden, unexpected events, that we have no influence over, but also the card of hopeful new beginnings, the understanding, that even the most dire situation can turn around. This card shows us, that the Universe is a balancing force, that works towards harmony by intervening in necessary moments, no matter how unpleasant these changes may seem to us, and that we can’t know, plan or influence everything with our limited perspective. This card is a projection of the internal faith, that a Life Path 1 must preserve in order to continue on their path with limited external support. The Wheel of Fortune shows us, that we need to surrender to the events happening around us, try to understand the meaning behind them, and make the most out of them. This also links to the Magician ability of creating something substantial even in the most difficult circumstances. These are all important lessons for a Life Path 1, that can resist certain events, if it feels they happened outside of their pre-approved plan. However, a matured Life Path 1 views these twists and turns of faith as new opportunities, that allow them to go even further and achieve more in life, because they know sometimes a shake-up is a wake up call.
The Sun - Teaches the Life Path 1 individual, how to embrace the carefree, free-spirited nature of this Tarot Card. This is necessary, in order to be able to breeze through life and not stop in one’s pursuit, even in the face of external disapproval. Number 1 is also ruled by the Sun astrologically, especially the positive, warming, leadership aspect, that makes people feel cared for in its own, unique way. This describes the role, that a Life Path 1 can have in their community, when they communicate with it from an authentic, open heart space. The key here is honesty with oneself and uninhibited self expression.
Being such an individualistic life path, in Number 1 there is a level of solitary, internal work that always needs to be done, even if it’s performed in response to someone else’s advice or support. The struggle here is mostly internal, as it is a constant battle of being able to have clarity of vision, a fight for how things “should be” and a challenge of embracing how things actually are. As they grow older, Life Path 1s gain understanding, that most of the guidelines they lived by are false mechanisms, adopted from an early environment that was constantly trying to constrict their internal growth. When they mature, they let these restrictions go, and unapologetically follow the calling of their soul.
The path of being a pioneer is an uncharted territory, a battle through obstacles, that does however bring an ultimate victory, if one embraces the challenges and powers through them. All pioneers are call madmen, before they are called geniuses.
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