#unless other queer people want to fuck up my hair
butchlifeguard · 1 year
the she/theys vs he/theys and wlw vs mlm posts are symptoms of a larger problem within the queer community 👍
#1. lack of consciousness of beauty standards 2. no grasp of intersectionality 3. focus on online discourse and not queer theory#'discourse' used very literally there. this is not a sick dunk on Minors These Days#anyway we as lgbtq people are very focused on ourselves as oppressed that we dont realize how we are perpetuating/internalizing...#... oppressive beliefs#see how all 'g ender envy' is almost exclusively skinny *white* conventionally attractive cis people#i saw someone say something like 'dont tag as gender envy be yr own person' the other day#and that really opened my eyes ?#we can be so caught up in the politics of being trans (usually as yr only minority group)#that it basically turns into 'skinny white cis men are the ideal of manhood dont ask me why though idk'#its deeply internalized#same goes with the 2 posts i mentioned#ps. i KNOW gender envy is what you personally find enviable and you shouldnt forced to change yr attraction for political reasons#but its the same shit that cishet beauty standards have been for centuries#very similar to how the only models in magazines are skinny white cis women#they dont say that fat people/trans women/woc arent worth their pages. its implied.#we just need to think about what we're implying every day as a community.#also i have a personal thing against gender envy culture because you guys forced me to see FUCKING V OMITBOYX EVERY DAY IN LIKE 2020#/JOKE I SWAER. unless i get told one more time that im not really trans because i dont want short hair over my eyes. then i snap#<3
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vaspider · 10 months
An important definition of terms:
As far as I'm concerned, an assimilationist is someone who believes that queer people must assimilate in order to advance the cause of queer rights. An assimilationist creates a dress code for marches like the Mattachine Society did, fights against queer self-expression at Pride because "it holds back the movement," and believes that the only way for us to move forward is for all queers to live as cishet people do, but with little rainbow flags taped on.
An assimilationist is not "someone who wants the functions and institutions of cishet society to be available to queer people." It's someone who believes the only way to live is assimilated into cishet society, and anything else "holds us back." It's someone who wants Sylvia and Marsha to march at the back, and who prizes cishet aesthetic over practical liberation.
A liberationist is someone who believes that queer liberation is not contingent upon public performance of identity.
Let me repeat that, so we're absolutely clear: a liberationist believes that queer liberation is not contingent upon public performance of identity. ANY IDENTITY.
That means a sufficiently cishet identity and a sufficiently "respectable" identity, but it also means a sufficiently radical identity. If you actually believe in queer liberation, you don't just believe in liberation for people who look, act, and believe like you. You believe in liberation for people who genuinely want to get married, have babies by IVF and live in the suburbs as well as for people who want to live childfree on an anarchist trans commune/Llama farm.
I hear people use the term "Assimilationist" and "Assimilationist Victories" to dismiss as meaningless those victories that are insufficiently radical for their tastes, and that to me is only proof that those people are not actually liberationists in any meaningful way. In liberation, there must be room for people who actually do just want to get married and live quiet, content lives going to their kid's baseball games.
The difference between Assimilationist thought and Liberationist thought cannot be simply replacing "we need to blend in" with "we need to stick out." It cannot simply replace "we must be integrated into cishet society" with "we cannot ever integrate into cishet society and anything which permits us to do that if we so choose is insufficiently liberationist." That's the organizational equivalent of yelling YOU'RE NOT MY REAL DAD, and I'm fucking over it, y'all.
My liberation doesn't have to be your liberation. Your liberation doesn't have to look like mine. What matters is that we are helping each other up the mountain and making long-term plans to get to where we can, and that we recognize that every choice we make is going to leave someone behind, and we account for that and plan for that so we don't leave them behind forever.
We cannot regard gay marriage or gays in the military or instituting a nationwide right to transition or any of our future goals as an endpoint. They are only goals part of the way up the mountain.
We don't get to the top until we are all free to live as we choose without government or societal interference or sanction, and without having to perform an identity for those rights and respect. The freedom to be ourselves must include the right to "blue hair and pronouns" but it also must include the right to "your kid's school plays and a duplex in a suburb." The latter is not an assimilationist lifestyle unless you try to enforce it on everyone.
I'm so, so tired of people acting like they're radical thinkers for poo-pooing the civil rights advances that the community has achieved through literally decades of work as "assimilationist victories." That's not clever, cute, or correct. Every. Single. One. Of those victories is written in tears and sweat and blood. Every single one is wrapped in the funeral shrouds of people who died fighting for it. Every single one was achieved not by assimilationists alone, but neither by people who think the only true victories are the ones sufficiently pure in their leftist credentials.
It is extremely possible and indeed likely that if you judge queers by their aesthetic, you will miss partnering with some of the most radical people and shackle your movement to people who cloak regressive politics in radical language. I've heard some truly noxious words come out of mouths framed by snakebites, and I've known extremely radical thinkers who look like your grandma. And I gotta tell you, in those local elections which keep school boards free from Moms For Liberty? The latter are useful people for liberationists to know and have in our camp, those people who think like liberationists but look like your grandma or your auntie.
Enforcement of aesthetic as a condition of liberation is assimilationist thought. It doesn't matter if the assimilation is to pink hair and tattoos or polo shirts and khakis - enforcement of aesthetic and philosophy as a condition of liberation is assimilationist thought. It's just replacing one kind of demanded conformity with another, and when we say "none of us are free until all of us are free," that also means free to be fucking boring if we want to, full stop.
We talk a lot about how much work goes into being disabled, how much work we have to put into making appointments, and fighting bureaucracy, but this is also true of queer life. Freedom comes with ease, with being easily able to update paperwork, with being easily able to find employment and housing, with being easily able to create the family structures we want to live in. When all of us can wake up in the morning assured of security in our beds, food in our bellies, meds in our med trays as needed, and a day ahead of us filled with chosen purpose and chosen meaning, which ends with us back in the bed of our choice at the end of the day, fulfilled in purpose and secure in our homes and chosen families, then we are free, and not before.
You may notice a seeming contradiction in this, in that my liberationist philosophy has room in it for the very people who are currently annoying the fuck out of me by demanding allegiance to a leftist aesthetic over practical liberation (that is, a movement based in harm reduction and long-term strategy over adherence to leftist purity of thought).
This is not a contradiction.
It is not a bug. It is a feature. My liberationist ideals mean that people have to have the right to be wrong without their liberty hinging on being right, that's all. :)
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https-kreideprinz · 3 months
Someday, I'll be falling without caution !
Percy Jackson x GN! Reader
. . . Now playing: People watching by Conan Gray! . .
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A/N: Hey, could you do a Percy Jackson x cabin 13 reader, where they are childhood friends and have feelings for each other? (first one making a request lol)
Notes: Nico kill a bitch. (it's 10:51pm i am so tired send help) I was gonna write more but god I literally can't right now I need a BREAK.
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ׂׂૢ Percy Jackson
You had met the infamous 'Percy Jackson' in one of the many schools he had attended before finding his way at camp.
And you quickly grew close with him, a pair of social outcasts sitting in by themselves giggling about who knows what.
But unfortunately, for both of you, Percy was expelled for God knows what.
And then you find yourself in a casino, a strange casino making you forget, making your mind hazy and distracted by the lights and the smell of food.
It feels like a few days that you've stayed here, but when you're finally found and brought to camp, it’s been years.
It’s only the day after the summer solstice and camp is buzzing with excitement.
When you settle into your bed in the Hermes cabin is when you finally make out the name everyone's throwing out.
'Percy Jackson.'
But there’s no way- I mean- it can't be your Percy, right?
It is.
You catch his eye the very next day and decide to strike up a conversation.
Which ends up in a whole day talking about everything. Finding out he was a demigod, to being claimed by Poseidon. His first quest, missing you.
It spills out, finally relieved to have someone to tell.
He is less than amused when you tell him you don't know who your father is, Percy is determined to find him though. Anything to put your mind at ease.
"I promise."
After the battle of Manhattan, you are finally claimed by your dad - Hades, and move into your new Cabin with your half-brother Nico.
You also start dating Percy.
Which your brother is less than happy about.
Shrugging on your coat you smile, and you shoot one last look at the mirror. Nico stares at you, deadpanned as you fix your hair. "You're acting like you're getting married. It's a date!" He grumbles, getting ready to walk you to the cafe Percy wanted to meet with you at. And potentially punch his face in for taking his sibling away from him.
You had only known Nico for a few years, shorter than you've known Percy, but it's like you've known him your whole life, so it only made sense for him to be so overprotective over you. Your half-brother, well ever since what happened with Bianca, you felt more comfortable calling him your brother and you two stuck together. With the addition of Hazel, you were considered one of the most powerful trios most demigods have ever seen.
Nico snapped his fingers at your face, mumbling something in Italian. "Hello. Earth to [Name]. Anyone in there?" He huffs. "Come on. We have to go unless you'll be late."
You snap out of your train of thought and sit up. "Yea... let's go." You nod. Nico grabs your hand, looking annoyed as he drags you out of your shared cabin. “I still don’t get why out of everyone you pick, you go with Percy.” He grumbles and you raise an eyebrow. “I thought you and Percy were cool now?” You frown. Nico huffed. “We were. Until he took my sibling away- listen if he ever breaks your heart-” Nico grabs you by the shoulders, looking into your eyes. “I’ll fucking kill him.”
You sigh. Not this again.
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Taglist: @thementallyunwellapollochild, @apollos-coolest-child, @too-queer-for-school, @chaotic-child-of-apollo, @vintage-wanderers
@solicitedfreakiness, @bows-and-olivia-rodrigo, @iam-sherlocked, @zahrawr-likes-red, @crystal-rayn
© Written By https-Kreideprinz. Do not copy, steal or translate without permission.
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prettynice8 · 10 months
Kinkmas Day 11: Body marking
Pairing: Yuta Okkotsu x male reader
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This guy
Warnings: Kissing, no actual sexy times, in public kind of, very queer reader if yk yk I can say that, you can't but I can, body marking DUH
Word count: 1447
It was a normal day at school, teachers talked about random shit, well teacher, napping in class, training, that one weird emo guy with the chef ass looking outfit staring at you, just girly things.
Yeah, that's weird, you always see that kid staring at you, and it's not like some loser staring at you, it's Yuta Okkotsu, the it girl of this school. Some say he'll surpass Gojo, a special grade in only second year, and you two have only talked a handful of times. So why the fuck would he care about you.
Now some may say that he's looking at something else, but this happens too often to be just that. To be fair, he isn't staring at you with mal intent, or like he's staring into your very soul, just quick little glances, but like a lot.
You think it's a little weird but never give it more thought than that, well that's actually not true at all. You wonder about it quite often actually. Like why is this hot, emo, country crippling guy staring at you so much.
He's also always around when you're training with students, which is rare because you're too delicate to get your hands dirty, but like he's rarely if ever around when other kids are practicing.
Speaking of which, you are sitting down in the grass, watching the first years battle it out with Maki and Panda when, speaking of the devil, Yuta finally makes his move and sits by you.
"Hi," he greeted, a light smile on his lips.
"Hello," You greeted him, smiling back at him as well. It's silent for a while after that, you not really knowing how to talk to someone on such a high pedestal such as him, and he's socially awkward. The silence is finally broken when he gains the courage to speak.
"So, what do you think of the fight?" He asked, clearly uncomfortable.
"I don't really care, I'm only here because Nobara and I were supposed to get coffee after her training." You replied.
"Why aren't you out there?" He asked yet another question, wanting the conversation to keep on going.
"And ruin my hair. I would also have to change my clothes, then change them back, and fight," You droned on, "I mean sure Megumi and Yuji are kinda hot, that might be a good enough reason but not today." You finished flatly.
Yuta was shocked when you said those two were hot, well not that much. He kind of expected you were gay by the way you walked, talked, did everything. Good for him, now he knows for sure.
"And then I could chip a nail which is just super incon-"
"Wait, you're gay?" He cut you off, you look at him like he's the dumbest person on earth, which he kind of is right now.
"DUH!" You shout, all the people training stop, Megumi mid punch from Panda's stomach, at your sudden outburst.
"What was that for?!" Nobara shouted back,
"Well, you see-" you cut him off now, "He asked if I was gay." You said nonchalantly.
Yuji, Megumi, Nobara, Panda, and Maki all give Yuta the same look you did, then they erupt into laughter.
"He might as well have a light up rainbow sign." Yuji said in between bursts of laughter.
"Did you really not know?" Megumi asked, even sneaking in a chuckle or two.
"I-I-I don't know." He stuttered, a little embarrassed having everyone laugh at him. You put your hand on his shoulder, so you don't talk over onto the ground, instantly causing blush to form on his cheeks.
"It's ok Yuta, not all of us can pick up on such clues, unless those clues are ramming into you like a fire truck." Nobara said, causing everyone to laugh more. Yuta starts to get very nervous and almost gets up and walks away, until he sees you genuinely smiling at him.
"Don't worry about it, the important thing is that I'm open for business for you." You stated, the laughter carrying on into your comment, Yuji and Nobara are actually lying on the ground from hilarity. "But be quick, who knows how long it is before I settle with those two." gesturing over to Yuji and Megumi.
Yuji blows a kiss at you, while Megumi looks away, blush creeping onto his face. It's at this point when Yuta starts to laugh too, shocking everyone, but the infectiousness of his laughter bleeds onto everyone else, causing another outburst.
After a while of pointless conversation that doesn't progress the plot, you and Nobara finally go to get coffee. After you two get your drinks and try each other out, you both find a seat and begin to talk.
"That Yuta guy definitely likes you." She stated, like it's some casual thing that everyone knows.
"No, he doesn't, today was like the first day he's actually come to me." You spoke. "Though he does look at me an awful lot."
"You think." She stated bluntly. "Do you like him?"
"I mean I don't know about dating him, but I would totally suck his dick." You answered, you both shared a good laugh from your reply too.
You both make your way to the dorms, saying your goodbyes and exiting into your own respective rooms. It was on your way when you saw Yuta.
"Hiiii!" You hollered, waving your hand at him, much more comfortable now with him. He waves back,
"Hi," he said, walking up to you. You two stop in the middle of the hallway.
"Where have you been?" You asked.
"In my dorm, I came out to see if I could get in a good training session." He answered, "Wanna join?"
"Absolutely not." You stated bluntly.
"Well, it was worth a try." He said, looking a little dejected that you turned him down so quickly, but it wasn't like a date or anything and he half expected you to say no, and then an idea pops into his head.
"Would you like to do something else?" He asked, smiling that sweet innocent smile.
"What were you thinking?" You asked back. He answers by pulling you into a tight broom closet, locking the door behind him, and then pushing you into the wall and kissing you. This isn't exactly what masterminds are made of but not a terrible idea.
You were more surprised about the insane speed in which he did this and not about the kiss itself, which you kindly return when he backs away.
His hands go for your ass, squeezing and groping it. Your hands go to his hair, it feels soft yet also oily.
"Are you sure this is ok?" he asked, not wanting to do something you're not comfortable with, such a bare minimum gentleman. You answer by pulling him back into the kiss, opening your mouth to grant his tongue access, which he gladly accepts.
Your tongues dance together in a sweet embrace, his then seemingly exploring your entire mouth. Your body gets goosebumps from the exchange, your pants also becoming tighter.
He takes parts off from yours, only to place it on your neck. He kisses it, finding your sensitive parts and then gently biting into them, causing you to shriek.
"Are you ok?" He asked.
"Well, please continue." You replied.
Continue he does, fully biting into your neck and then licking the parts he bit. His teeth attacked every square inch of it, biting, kissing, and licking the whole thing.
Your neck becomes littered with hickeys, almost the entire thing red and indented with bite marks, not that you're complaining. You're surprised with how well he's doing, no way he's had experience with his socially awkward ass, he truly is a prodigy.
He shows his genius more when he lifts up your shirt to suck on your nipples, licking over the right one and biting it, while fondling the left one with his hand. The sensations make you even harder, apparently having the same effect on him, as you can feel his hard on through his pants. Your hands tighten in his hair as he starts to bite more aggressively on your left nipple, pulling at the other one.
He goes from your nipples to the rest of your chest. biting and licking at it, blush covering your face from the act. You're so hard that you feel like you could cum right then and there... until this mother fucker stops.
He whispers in your ear, 'If you want more, follow me into my dorm." He then leaves the closet in all of your disheveled glory.
Now you know why he's been staring at you.
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steddieas-shegoes · 1 year
You have provided so many headcanons and, with a lurker’s thankful heart, I am now giving you my steddie headcanon, built entirely around the idea that Steve knows he’s queer but has no idea at all that he’s kinky. I’m thinking this takes place when Eddie and Robin and Steve have all come out to each other but Eddie hasn’t explained to anyone what that black bandana in his pocket is about; either steddie are pre-slash besties or a recently established relationship.
Steve’s been stressed and Eddie really wants to do something for him, so one day they’re hanging out and Eddie asks what Steve’s idea of the most relaxing day ever is.
Steve’s like “Oh, man, I’d love a day where I don’t have to think, like, at all. Zero decision making.”
“Right, right, a lord in his castle keep, languorous and content with pizza and a constant rotation of movies and high as fuck.” Eddie has already psychically made his way to Family Video and picked up Steve’s favorite films and is mentally on his way to Melvald’s to get all his favorite snacks when Steve interrupts—
“No, no, if it was that easy I could set that up for myself. No I need another person who I really really trust who wouldn’t mind a lot of planning; I’d ask Robin but I think by hour two being in charge she’d start to get bored or start to catastrophize. I could plan the day for her and just let her run it, but that sorta defeats the purpose. Actually,” and he sits up, looks at Eddie consideringly, “actually with those long campaigns you do, I bet you could plan it. And I trust you… it’s kinda weird though.”
Eddie’s like “You know I love weirdos; hit me with it Stevie.”
Steve, starts off slowly, darting looks at Eddie’s face while he talks. “It’s morning, and my alarm isn’t set. Alarm clock isn’t even plugged in. Is it because I’m sleeping in? No— it’s because it is Someone Else’s Responsibility to get me up on time, and I trust them to do it. They wake me up and normally- depending on the day- I’d decide if I’ll shower or take a bath or just wash my face and brush my teeth before doing my hair but not this day.
No, on Steve Doesn’t Think Day they wake me up and tell me how to clean up. I’m in there and they knock on the door and say “hey, Steve, I set your outfit out on the bed. when you’re done get dressed and come to the kitchen.” and I do! I still have a whole closet and wardrobe full of clothes that I don’t have to consider. Does my outfit match the weather? Is it color coordinated? Does it match the plans for the day? It probably is all those things, but I’m not worried about that. I’m just a very good listener, who doesn’t decide things.
And then I go in the kitchen!” Steve, excited, getting into it, starts pacing around. “Are there groceries? Am I cooking breakfast? Are we going to brunch later? Was that budgeted for? Is it a cereal day or a coffee and toast day or a full spread day? There are answers to all of those questions, and whoever woke me up has them. I don’t give a damn. They hand me a cup of coffee, I’m like thank you very much, they’re like of course, Steve, good job, Steve, I’m proud of you, Steve, don’t worry about it, Steve, you let me worry about it. Just. You know, man.
A full day of going places and doing things and not having to stress or plan for it any of it. I don’t have to drive, unless they tell me to drive. I don’t have to talk to other people unless they tell me to talk! Maybe I bitch a little, because complaining is fun!! And they don’t get angry at me for it and their feelings don’t get hurt because they know I’m just gonna listen in the end anyway. Total relaxation, no decisions, complete faith that whoever’s in charge won’t put me in a bad spot.”
And dom top Eddie, white knuckling his black bandana trying really hard not to vibrate apart at a molecular level while he listens to Steve Harrington describe lifestyle submission as his most ideal day, fighting to answer in a calm and level voice: “Steve-o, you’re not gonna believe what I’m about to tell you.”
They have a long conversation and after Eddie’s like I want you to go in the other room and really think about what you want from this because I’ll take charge of you for the day but we need boundaries and guidelines; go consider this seriously for at least an hour. Steve respects Eddie (and also enjoys acts of service and doing what he’s told) so of course he listens. This does lead to Steve repeatedly sticking his head into the room Eddie’s in to say something unhinged, like
“Hey, sometimes when I’m struggling to get out of my own head I purposely wear my starchiest tightest jeans and my tightest polo and it kinda restricts my movement and reach and breathing and brings a constant awareness of my body that I find really grounding — is that bondage and do you think I should be tied up? okay, okay, thanks, restart the hour please.”
It’s a long afternoon for Eddie.
This is.
This is art.
Thank you for sending this in, please tell me you plan to write more of this because I would love that very much.
I love just about any type of realization Steve has about his kinks, but the one where he just realizes that the stuff he likes is actually very kinky and Eddie is the one to tell him hits every check mark for me.
Thank you thank you thank you for this. I hope you catch every green light on your daily travels and no one ever talks to you unless you want them to. ❤️
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fluff-n-cookies · 8 months
I love your soft platonic yanderes! I was wondering- how would Overhaul react with a queer child?-
thank you! I'd be happy to write this. Btw your art looks awesome! I like your oc's too! do they have a description? love to read it!
and in my mind he's kind of like Adrian Monk but a thousand times bitchier and I made them headcanons since we can cover more ground this way. as always fem reader in mind.
TW- use of Y/n and soft yandere tendencies
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Overhaul genuinely does not give a fuck.
that's it.
we're done.
This man's whole existence is dedicated to keeping you alive
no where in the contract does it say he has to keep you mentally sane.
because in his eyes you are simply a child. now and forever. he needs to keep you clean, very clean, keep you healthy, and make it so you know the basics of being a human, be polite to him and others most of the time, and take care of yourself.
because with Overhaul he simply wants to keep you safe and healthy since you matter to him and he refuses to have his dear Y/n be tainted by the cruel world he grew up in.
mind you that he did not grow up in a world made mostly out of those who are queer.
so when you feel comfortable enough to come out him it goes something like this.
Y/n : "overahaul,
*deep breath of how the hell am I going to say this*
I'm queer!"
*preps to be yelled at.* (girl Idk, my friends just assume I'm gay.)
and Overhaul's immediate reaction is to fell back all the way back in his chair and yell
as he scrambles for the hand sanitizer and the medical masks because he genuinely thinks it's a disease.
chrollo has to step in and explain to him what it is so he doesn't end up hospitalizing you.
once he comes to terms that you are in fact, perfectly healthy and have simply peculiar taste in things and are different from what many people would consider normal.
he'll simply go on with life.
as in he still takes care you, talks to you as normal,does his regular kooky man with a OCD problem things.
now one may think he doesn't care but they would do so, so, so wrong.
he just thinks it's as normal as having dyed hair or liking cats more than dogs or taking medication that's liquid over pills.
just another thing that adds to how special and unique you are.
every now and then he'll get you a little pride flag or pin (sanitized ofc) but that's as much as he'll do unless you ask for it.
because to him,
your amazing and unique and ever so incredible and is willing to love you no matter what you are.
unless it's not human and/or is a hero then fuck you.
hope this is what you wanted now byyyeee
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transmychem · 3 months
kicking off my first analysis…
the most “clearly trans” (or not?) song by mcr.
“Not That Kinda Girl”
this unfortunately quite literally involves gerard and how they seem themselves.
lets dive in..
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“everybodys talking bout the way you left your man” not to be THAT person but… around the time this song was (most likely) wrote was when Gerard and Bert McCracken had a falling out… not to mention they literally held hands during the Under Pressure performance. so.. yeah “everybodys talking bout the way you held his hand”
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now these could be interpreted as filler lyrics… however i would like to interpret it as Gerard figuratively drowning in the media’s portrayal of him and the expectations society has. kinda enough said..
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ignoring the “borrowed” lyrics and the implications of that… jk.. there are a lot of implications of gerard borrowing lyrics from one of the first technically “feminist presenting” songs about a woman who is done with societies shit. sound familiar?…
“so say goodbye to all my friends” if im getting my facts right Gerard lost two good friend around this time… Frank and Bert… from my knowledge frank and gerard and well most of mcr for that matter were fighting and on the verge of quitting the band. and well i already mentioned what happened with Bert.
“i fell in love with her again” … this is obviously about Gerard and Lynz relationship.. a lot of people, even people close to him, did not want him marrying Lynz for countless reasons whether theyre valid or not. They got married around this time, and there was a lot of controversy because these things happen when youre a hot and famous rockstar especially a hot famous rockstar that kisses men… because the women want you the men want you and the gays want your representation. everyones gonna hate his spouse by default (not defending lynz (IDK anything about her)these are just facts…)
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“everybodys talking bout the way you cur your hair” we know Gerard cut his hair and dyed it white for the black parade around this time. everyone was talking about it. obviously didnt give a flying fuck.
“everybodys talking bout the way you smoke that there” sensitive topic warning: … people were probably still talking about Gerards known cocaine addiction… and his path to sobriety and caring wayyy too much about what he does. they criticize him for smoking cigarettes bc ppl are insane and paranoid for some reason. i guess people are always hypercritical about celebrities especially if theyre a huge role model for vulnerable youth. Gerard has never cared too much about all that though. “i dont care at all”
now that we have established this song is clearly about Gerard, lets talk about a reoccurring line in this song
“cause im not that kind of girl”
this phrase has been kicked around for ages about women who sleep around or something. being “not that kinda girl” implies your “different from other girls” mostly in the sense that youre not a floozy or whatever… like lets not pin queens against eachother..
now why did Gerard use girl? he could have said “not that kinda guy/boy” but perhaps no one would get the reference unless they can read into the irony…
but i think Gerard likes the irony of using “girl” as a way to refer to themselves. because people have treated him and his relationship like hes just some “silly girl” or something. like they think Gerard is some kinda whore for kissing men and having gfs… the way society tends to view bisexual/queer people… (using bisexual bc theyve done things with guys and girls publicly and that makes you bisexual by societies standards..)
this song doesn’t necessarily have to do with being trans if you put it that way. Gerard is probably using “girl” to refer to themselves because of the irony.
but i’m gonna say this song is trans because why the fuck not.
thats just how i interpret it. it has trans vibes.
does not necessarily mean its about gerard, because gerard has made up so many characters for his music alone, why would this not be about just another character? the answer lies in the fact that all these things happened to him. hes talking about himself. isnt all singing, all lyrics, really about self awareness and self loathing or pondering of self? dont get me started… also the fact that all characters authors create are some fragment of themselves.. so yeah. referring to yourself as a girl (if you were born male) is just kinda trans…
now one last point after this conclusion. possibly a stretch. this song could be Gerard telling people they’re still queer even though they’re in a relationship with a woman. If this song is about Gerard being a girl then they’re saying they’re still queer for being in a relationship with another girl... tumblr dont FREAK. i said it was a stretch. (though it’s literally in the text…) but could just be like i said, just Gerard saying they’re still queer despite being in a “heterosexual passing” relationship and nothing else…
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and this part i almost forgot… sorry for being all over the place i have adhd…. but this part kinda confirms my theory. “all your life i let you down”… is Gerard saying they let us down by letting society believe they are cis? idfk.
anyway. thats what makes me think this is the most off the bat transgender esque song.
transfems and lesbians this is YOUR song.
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beans-core · 2 months
I need to get this out of my system but I can’t write itttt AUGH so here
harry and ron decide to go to the Yule ball as friends
Other people decide to go with a person to the Yule ball as friends too, like Neville and Ginny. So what if Ron and Harry said “fuck it” and went to the Yule Ball together.
I’ve seen a few fics like it, but istg I need something in depth.
It’s pretty taboo (the wizarding world is really behind on all this stuff) but the boys still don’t care.
(Maybe this is a fic where one of Ron’s brothers is queer so he’s a confused-but-he’s-got-the-spirit ally. Harry has never really cared too much about his reputation unless it’s about actually important stuff so close-minded idiots sneering and calling him slurs is like the least of his worries— he’s got a death tournament to survive.)
The opening dance is required, so they dance hilariously bad on purpose, spinning wildly and only not knocking into the other contestants out of respect. Ron dips him at the end of the dance, but he does it way too deeply— Harry’s hair brushes the floor. Harry flings his leg into the air dramatically as he dips, and goes red in the face trying not to laugh when his shoe flings off and goes flying. He’s wearing a pair of socks that Dobby made him, and can feel the dissaproving stares so sharply. It’s great.
For all the homophobes, they fake kiss in the middle of the floor with loud smooching noises and crack up laughing when they see Karkaroff go purple with anger. Snape, who has been busting couples from eating face all night, is mysteriously not around to stop them. Harry is sure it’s only because he hates this stuffy dance as much as they do. But despite this, Harry and Ron begrudgingly decide that they owe him one.
When they decide to dance some more they head to the area that the stuffy purebloods have put themselves in. They (lightly) knock into others this time, flipping off any assholes as they twirl around. Half of the people seem to be offended, and the other half are trying to look offended and failing. The two call it a success.
Harry teaches Ron every muggle dance he can recall, recruiting Hermione once she stops being mad at them for not letting her know about their plans. (They kept their ‘dates’ a secret out of pettiness for Hermione not telling who her date was.)
The three of them make a joke out of every slow dance by doing the Macarena to the slow beat of the song— Hermione is embarrassed once she remembers Krum is watching, but Krum is on board, always down to crash a bougie-people party. Most of the muggleborns and halfbloods are unsuccessfully stifling laughter at this charade, and Harry has to appreciate Hogwarts unity as a few dozen students scattered about on the dance floor, all from varying houses (even a slytherin or two), join in on the mocking-Macarena.
About halfway through one of the slow songs, Hermione whispers into Ron’s ear. And then, oh god, Ron is trying to twerk and does so horrendously, nearly ripping open the ass of his dress robes and still going slowly to the beat. Hermione lets out her real laugh, a true witch’s cackle, as she runs from the crime scene back to Krum. And it is a crime scene, really, because Ron murdered any dignity he could have had left. Harry wheezes so hard he can barely hold himself up, so Ron has to drag him away to the tables for drinks so he doesn’t fall over.
Percy comes up to them and scolds them in hushed tones for coming to an event drunk, and that gets Harry laughing impossibly harder, attracting attention from more people. Ron announces, very loudly and to Percy’s face, that he could cast a sobriety checking spell if he wanted. They were both sober, in an unaltered state of mind, and completely unrepentant. Percy storms off, and they do a completely sarcastic toast to the ministry.
The Weasley twins find them soon after and nearly crush Ron to death in a hug, saying how proud they are of their baby prankster through tears that the younger boys can’t tell are real or fake.
The four boys team up to do one last prank later in the evening: while the band is on break and the music is coming from a dingy old record player, they get a vinyl of cringy muggle pop music from a muggleborn hufflepuff. They replace the disc during the last half hour of the ball, and the twins put a clever sort-of-sticking charm on it so it takes a good while to remove it. Almost all of the attendees vacate the hall and go outside in the cold trying to escape the music— it’s amazing. The band doesn’t back down though, moving their equipment onto a transfigured stage and playing their last few songs outside in the snow. It’s like a fucking concert, and the students who’ve given up on pretending like the whole thing hasn’t been fun have a blast. Everyone is moving now, whether to stay warm or to dance or all of the above. The twins let off some of their fireworks at the end of the closing song, and everyone cheers and oohs and aahs.
As Harry sits with his friends, he feels like a stupid, rowdy, reckless teenager. He’s having the time of his life. He feels normal.
(The hufflepuff who lent them the vinyl doesn’t get that specific one back, but Harry recruits Hermione to buy her a new one, along with another vinyl from the same artist and an ABBA album.)
McGonagall takes 100 points from Gryffindor each and gives Harry and Ron weeks-long detentions for embarrassing their house after she had explicitly told everyone not to. The boys just smile and say it was worth it. She even hears a few passerby’s agreeing. McGonagall looks exasperated and, weirdly, nostalgic.
(They were so reminiscent of the Marauders, those four boys. She herself had to stifle a laugh when Ron and Harry began massacring their public images on the dance floor. Just like Sirius and James, those two.)
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vintage-bentley · 1 year
How in the fuck are you going to be anti trans and a Good Omens fan as if both the book and the show don’t explicitly establish the existence of several nonbinary characters and both Aziraphale and Crowley themselves are genderless beings
Not to mention both David and Michael’s staunch support of the LGBT (really emphasizing the T here, since you love to drop it) community as a whole, and David literally has a trans child
Part of me is even asking this in good faith because how do you see a series that is so incredibly queer and like it considering how much you shit-talk trans people on your lackluster TERF blog
There’s many reasons, actually! I’ll explain them in good faith, because I think that people who ask questions like this don’t understand the perspective of so-called “terfs” and assume we think like you do.
Firstly, I’m a feminist, so I’m used to media not aligning with my politics. I expect it, actually. Down to very simple things, like knowing I’m never going to go into a show and see a woman just existing with body hair like men do in shows all the time. But I’m comfortable and confident enough in my beliefs that I can consume media that doesn’t align with them. This extends to my feelings regarding gender. A they/them character doesn’t make my head explode, it’s just the same for me as seeing a Christian character (like Ella from Netlix’s Lucifer) or a female character who’s pro-beauty culture (like Elinor from First Kill). It’s a representation of a belief I don’t agree with and personally don’t believe in, that’s all.
Secondly, Good Omens is set in a made up universe with fantasy themes. I can easily get behind the idea that the true forms of angels and demons are genderless, because that makes sense to me in the same way God being genderless makes sense to me. This doesn’t have to carry over to me believing that humans can be genderless (I don’t believe in the concept of internal gender identity, because I don’t believe in souls. So I guess the better way to put this is that I don’t believe humans can be sexless unless we’re using gender and sex as synonyms). In the same way that it makes sense to me that angels and demons have souls that are put into bodies issued to them…but I don’t have to believe that also applies to humans. Or how it makes sense to me that Aziraphale and Crowley could survive without food, water, and sleep…but I don’t have to believe that also applies to humans. Etc. etc.
Basically, just because something is in a fantasy show, doesn’t mean I have to believe it’s real.
Thirdly, what the actors do in their own lives is none of my business. I don’t agree with supporting the TQ+ especially in relation to LGB (considering they’ve made it a primary goal to harass lesbians into pretending we can like penis, and to take every chance they get to express their hatred for homosexuality. I love to drop the T because they dropped me and my fellow homosexuals years ago). If two straight male actors want to do that, whatever. I also don’t agree with Sheen having a baby with a woman his daughter’s age, but that hasn’t stopped me from watching the show or appreciating his talent.
This all takes me back to what I said about believing you don’t truly understand the perspective of those you call “terfs”. Just because you might not be able to comprehend watching and enjoying something that doesn’t perfectly align with your worldview, doesn’t mean others feel the same. For example, many radical and rad-leaning feminists enjoyed the Barbie movie, despite it not being radical feminist. We’re capable of watching and enjoying things we don’t agree with, and of having discussions about why we don’t agree with it.
A much simpler answer to your question would be: I’ve always loved angels and demons and all things supernatural. I’ve always loved old cars. I love Queen. Religious/moral commentary and critique interest me. I love lighthearted comedies. I’m gay and starved for representation of healthy gay relationships. I love gay star-crossed lovers stories (go watch First Kill). Naturally, I’m going to love Good Omens, even if it doesn’t perfectly align with my worldview.
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elizabethsaige · 1 year
been reading a lot of Stobin headcanons and wanted to share my own because I cannot stop thinking about SteveandRobin
these are just some, I do have many more
enjoy !
- their entire relationship is essentially Robin calling Steve things like “dingus” and “idiot” and just being such a menace to him, but the second anyone else says anything slightly mean to him, she is ripping them a new one so fast, ready to lay them out the second they open their mouths
- she frequently disciplines Dustin, Mike, and Max any time they are rude to Steve, even if it’s a joke (and by discipline, I mean telling them “hey shut the fuck up, i’m the only one thats allowed to be mean to him”)
- Robin “he asked for no pickles” and Steve “Robin, it’s fine”
- the first time Robin goes on a date with a girl, Steve is sitting by the phone waiting for Robin to call and give him every single detail
- Steve gets so warm and fuzzy inside any time he looks at Robin when she doesn’t know he’s looking because he just loves her so much it hurts
- when Robin finally notices, she gives him a weird look and says, “what the fuck are you looking at dingus?”
- (Robin looks at him the same way, he just doesn’t know it)
- Robin and Steve’s children together are Max and Will, but Steve’s children-from-another-marriage are Dustin, Erica, and El and Robin’s are Lucas and Mike
- speaking of Mike, he is like obsessed with Robin. he thinks she’s the coolest person ever. any time they hang out in the group, Mike always wants to be in her conversations or wants her to join in on any games the kids are playing, and he LOVES when she roasts people in other languages, he asks her to teach him the words every time
- every time Robin sleeps at Steve’s house, he judges him for the ugly wallpaper and ugly matching drapes in his bedroom and begs him to change it
- sometimes Steve really doubts his place in the group, worrying that he isn’t important to anyone and is just used as a babysitter or a ride, and on days like this, Robin will hold him and run her hands through his hair and tell him every reason why everyone in The Party loves him and just how important he is, especially to her
- Steve is Stevie and Robin is Robbie, but also Steve is Steven and Robin is Rob, and sometimes Steve is Evie and Robin is Robert, but most of the time Steve is Dingus and Robin is Birdie
- Joyce and Hopper were the last to find out that they are both queer and not dating each other. but before they found out, Joyce gave Steve the ‘you better not hurt her’ talk because, well, she knew his old reputation and she figured it was necessary. and Hopper gave Robin the ‘i know he had a reputation but he’s my son and he’s actually a good guy now’ talk (not realizing that Robin already knew all of this because duh they’re best friends) and then Robin and Steve told each other what was said to them and laughed their heads off
- they throw the absolute best birthday parties together for the kids. they want them to feel so special and so loved on their birthdays because both Steve and Robin dislike their birthdays and never really felt special during any of them as kids
- when Robin is reading and she’s with Steve, she reads out loud so Steve can join in on the story even if he doesn’t always understand what’s going on if she’s halfway through a book (asks many questions and Robin pretends to be annoyed about having to answer them but does anyway
- when Steve doesn’t understand something, Robin is so kind and gentle in explaining it to him and making sure he doesn’t feel dumb (unless she’s overwhelmed, then she kind of gets an attitude about it)
- Robin can actually sing and Steve isn’t the first person to find out (Nancy is - on accident) and they get into a really big fight about it because Steve feels betrayed and it ends with Robin confessing how self conscious about it she is so she doesn’t let other people hear her
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demonir · 3 months
dude now I'm just sitting here staring at a wall thinking abt how fucked up being lgbt is...
Don't get me wrong I'm happier knowing who I am and I shudder to think what would be of me if I had never found out, there's so many queer people out there that will welcome you with open arms and guide you through or just simply offer you a shoulder to cry on and that's wonderful I love that and we need more of that
But then there's the rest of the people, the assholes that want you dead just for existing, the ones that are less vocally hateful and might tolerate being in a room with you but should you need anything they'd rather let you starve than approach, the "I support you but" people that say are open minded and supportive but the moment you cross some invisible line of theirs you are no longer "one of the good ones" and must be dealt with.
We've all seen these people, they might be strangers, coworkers, acquaintances, friends, family and even our partners and their words and actions hurt like knives. But a lot of us have learned that we shouldn't waste our time with them if we can avoid it, turn around, block them, leave the room, move out of the house if you can, we can do these things
But what happens when the hatred is coming from inside the community itself? I cannot begin to tell you how soul breaking it is for me when I see discourse like "LGBT without the T!" or "Asexuality doesn't belong in the LGBT" or "If you're bi but in a straight relationship then you're a liar/traitor" or "If you don't pass as your gender then you're not truly trans" and these are just some off the top of my head, there are so many more and even if they don't personally affect me it still hurts me to see it so much.
You're not making the community nicer or safer by dictating how someone should exist, there are no "traitors" there are no "liars" there are no "pretenders" everyone is just trying to live their life while staying true to themselves but everyone around them is constantly telling them they are wrong for it, not gonna lie to you I'm sometimes afraid that I'll get someone telling me I'm not truly nonbinary because I'm not androgynous or use they/them and I'm easily perceived as a woman, I get afraid I'll be told that what I'm doing is just a phase by other queer people despite the fact that I've been trans since I was 14 and it took me all those years to be able to come to terms with the fact that yes I love dresses, yes I like makeup, yes I'm fine with she/her pronouns, yes I sometimes find it endearing to be called a girl, but no I am not a woman and I'll never be.
But guess what? being afab carries this weird notion that I am somehow harmless or at least less of an issue than lets see uhh oh yeah amab trans people! trans women get labeled predators, groomers and a danger to everyone around them so often and the punishment for not passing as their desired gender is far greater than anything I've ever personally received. People have let these notions about birth genders and sexualities carry on to their trans views in macabre and harmful ways. You want to be wary of men? sure, there's an extensive history of issues that make your fears rational and justified... but why are you pointing your finger at a trans woman? Because she has stubble or a beard? no long hair? doesn't like dresses? doesn't want hrt or surgeries of any kind? has a deep voice? because she has "male interests"? do you not realize how harmful that is?
That's not to say trans men don't get a similar treatment, but I don't see them being labeled as dangerous and violent even half as much as trans women do, it's this notion that being born with a penis somehow makes you vile or something???? unless you prove to us how innocent and righteous you are by looking exactly how I want you to, staying 5 meters away from me and never displaying any sort of sexual attraction towards anyone ever otherwise I am calling the police on you
That's bogus nonsense and I'm absolutely tired of it, stop carrying societies old and nasty views of gender and sexuality into this community that is about supporting and uplifting people no matter how they want to be, and while we're at it someone's presentation and physical appearance isn't indicative of their morality
I wish every trans woman on tumblr right now that feels afraid to speak up about the current situation or even just their life experiences as a trans person a very very happy rest of their lives, and I wish every trans woman who IS speaking up about stuff a very happy rest of their lives as well
Again just so we're clear, I'm nonbinary and afab she/he he/she whatever order so I should in theory not be the target to any uhh "mysterious" blog bans and stuff, however if my blog dies after this post know that I did not do it myself.
Stand up for trans women always and forever, we are all fighting together and there is no glory in hurting each other
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yallemagne · 4 months
Every so often, the same fucking post roles up on my dash. And since it's Pride Month? You know what it's about.
Now, I will be frank, any time I see someone crying "you can't use queer for yourself because I don't want to be called a slur!!!" I do roll my eyes, though that doesn't mean I don't understand the concept.
When I didn't even know who I was, I had plenty of terms thrown at me that didn't fit. People didn't know what to call me so usually they just called me gay. I didn't like being called gay because it wasn't who I was. Gay implied something about both my gender and my sexuality that wasn't true... but I didn't know the truth yet. I could hardly correct people.
Eventually, I figured out that my ambivalence to either gender didn't mean I was bi without a preference but that I was asexual. I explained this to people who would try to categorize me as gay, "No, actually, I'm asexual.", and I would then explain the concept of asexuality. This led to sexual harassment. Getting dressed in the locker room and being told what sexual positions people imagined me in and with whom. Being made to feel like I was the pervert in those situations.
And now saying I'm ace still gets a similar response just from what I hope is a more well-meaning crowd.
"Well, ace people can have sex/want to have sex. Are you sure you're not demi/greyace? You've never even tried sex, so you don't know." Congrats for vaguely understanding the concept of a spectrum. I personally use the dictionary definition of asexual, so I do not partake in sex nor desire to.
"Well, ace people can date/want to date. You have to say ace/aro or I'll just assume you're heteroromantic." No, because for me, unless explicitly stated otherwise, asexual and aromantic are a package deal. You wouldn't demand this same clarification from someone of any other sexuality.
It's a frustrating situation where even when I am clear and using a community-approved label for myself, I am still sexualized and pressured into seeking a relationship, and it puts me back into the mind of the kid who was bullied in the locker room. That doesn't mean that ace people on the opposite side of the spectrum or with different romantic attractions are my enemy. It just means we're different, and it's lovely that we're different, and the people who attempt to weaponize the speculative chance that an ace person might be down to fuck in order to pressure that person into sex are the real assholes.
I didn't know I was trans for the longest time because gender-nonconforming trans people were paraded around as freaks and the gender-conforming ones were just barely safe from scrutiny so long as they weren't associating with those people. But I eventually figured out that I'm genderqueer. I tend to say trans-masc nonbinary, but a more encompassing label might be genderqueer, and I drop the "gender" part and say queer because it embodies my gender identity and sexuality paired together, not separated into neat little boxes.
From my own queer perspective, the frustration with being told not to use the word queer is that we either have to pick from the four most recognizable labels (lesbian, gay, bi, and trans), dip into the bargain bin of obscure and often unaccepted labels, or make up something new. We're often told that we don't fit into the big four categories, that we are a disgrace to those. Obscure labels constantly have to be explained, and people turn their noses up upon hearing them. And making up a new label always has the risk of it being swept from under us and us being told by our more "acceptable" counterparts: "Your identity offends. Change it."
People saw my gender presentation and lack of interest in dating and picked words they already knew to describe me, and since those words didn't fit me, I felt even more isolated in a time when I needed support. I got my hair cut in middle school, and it was like I was finally moving in the right direction. My friend saw and the first thing she did was laugh at me, calling me a dyke. That does not give me the right to tell dykes "Hey! That word hurt me! You have to use the softer word "lesbian" instead." Besides, it wasn't the word, it was the intent of the person who threw it at me.
No one reclaiming the word queer is using it as a slur, but we are villified and told "That word hurt me! Use a softer word!" And I have to ask: is it really any one of you non-queer-identifying individuals' business? You see someone in the process of loving themselves and finding themselves in a diverse community, and you want to shatter that because you were hurt before? That's villain origin story shit. You want to poison the well because if people are allowed to call themselves queer more people will know the word queer and think it's okay to say and randos will think that you are queer and use queer to describe you when you're actually lesbian, gay, bi, trans, whatever label you prefer. But just because someone might misidentify you doesn't mean other identities need to be pushed back into the closet.
And of course, some are upset because people say Queer Community and it's called Queer History rather than being separated out into Gay History, Lesbian History, Bisexual History, Trans History--- but dude? You can still say LGBT or LGBTQ or LGBTQIA+ (though, if you hate the word queer, I guess you'd only accept the first acronym?) when referring to the community, and people will NEVER stop using the acronym. You aren't being run out by us scary queer people with our nasty labels, YOURS STILL EXIST AND YOU ARE STILL FREE TO LABEL YOURSELF AS YOU PLEASE. Does that mean no one will ever unknowingly group you in as queer when you're not comfortable with it? No. But... I'm sorry... but fucking suck it up.
You aren't queer? Okay, yeah, I accept that. I am queer. That doesn't make you a good person and me a bad person or vice versa.
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coelacat · 4 months
I am very intrigued by adam harding and stu sullivan please share a crumb of their lore🙏
hehe hi 👋
okay okay ill finally gush abt them
also i should warn that some fucked shit!! happens to these characters. dont read my lore about them if abuse/rape/substance abuse/bigotry isnt stuff you wanna see. anything under the cut is just a brief mention, but its there
so most of my ocs (the guys with relatively normal names, anyone named like. blade or some fantasy name ignore them for now) are a set of young adults in the 80s in small town midwest USA (some town in iowa, probably) (if any of this sounds familiar to anyone keep it to urself :)). i wanna cover their struggles with highschool, struggling with transitional periods, and then growing into adulthood. im debating if i wanna add and supernatural/scifi elements of have it focus on their relationships and internal struggles mostly, but those are minor details for later on down the road
adam!! hes like. My Main Guy. the one i ended up making this whole lil universe for. bold that i created all of this for him basically and i still named him after adam from the bible, yet it gives me a complex i deeply enjoy so i do it anyway. i am a god who created the world for man, not man for the world.
most of these characters play off 80s media stereotypes and expand on them, and i think adam is like. the most blatant example of this. you know that movie from the 80s-90s you last watched that had a misogynistic metalhead who pulled chicks because he viewed them as objects to win, loved his car, and was angry and violent most of the time, while people who were scared of him vaguely assumed he was satanic in some way? thats adam harding. bleached blonde hair done in a perm mullet, a shitty stache hes convinced makes him look mature, sad brown eyes, leather jackets, and steel toed boots, with tattoos to really top it all off.
semi repressed devout christian faggot who struggles with his own sexuality and identity. hes got daddy issues AND mommy issues (though his mommy issues are much more prominent) and an abusive and neglectful home life, he has to adapt to having a sister after being an only child his whole life, and he has to adjust to a move half way across the country, from southern california to the middle of nowhere hick iowa. as a result, hes quick to anger, never lets his guard down unless around other queers, but ultimately he wants to be good. he was told to be good by his mother, its been ingrained in him from a young age to be nice and do good things. its just unfortunate that his environment allows for that as little as possible. when he has the patience and energy, hes often a lot gentler, but its rare for him to not be running on fumes and a bit of nicotine.
his hobbies include chasing milfs and cougars, working on his car, working out, surfing, blaring Dio as loud as humanly possible, chainsmoking, basketball and wrestling. keep those last two in mind.
on the other hand, stewie "stu" sullivan is the star example of what a highschool student should be. athletically, hes the top of the school, hes got pretty hair and a handsome face, a kind of preppy style, and girls go wild over him. soft brunet hair, sweet freckles occasionally dotting his skin, and lovesick hazel eyes. hes even a total sweetheart who usually treats his girlfriends really well. his only downsides are his mild stupidity, petty mean streak, his shitty guard dog entourage, and his twin brother, kurtis.
stu comes from an upper middle class home, and hes got high expectations set on him. hes consistently been great on whatever local sports team hes been a part of, and the success of his whole future rests on his shoulders to continue doing well. he'll have a free ticket to college, if only he can stay the top of his school, athletically. in terms of popularity, hes pretty slow to give up that as well.
you can probably guess that having the constant pressure to be perfect from his parents creates a lot of friction, however, hes always been seen as the "good" of the two twins. he cant really rebel in any meaningful way, as the expectations placed on him keep him locked in place of being well mannered with adults. towards other students, however, stu will happily pick some fights to blow off steam. its usually with the teens that dont fight back, of course, and its usually only a couple petty insults and a half hearted shove. one affected girl thought that she mightve seen remorse in his expression when he walked away. she was written off as being down bad for him.
oh, right. remember those hobbies of adams i asked you to keep in mind? basketball and wrestling?
yeag .... that might be because stu is the top of the team for wrestling and basketball, and is constantly regarded as the schools mvp.
you can imagine how easily theyd hate each other. theyre both hormonal teenagers who are angry all the time and feel insanely guilty about being angry so they only get angrier and now theyre both challenging each others masculinity. adam very quickly comes for the top spot in the sports stu is good at, so they end up beefing with each other fast and hard. its a constant cock measuring contest with them, and they frequently bloody each others noses.
this sorta fued carries on, and they make no real progress with each other for like 6 months, until adam meets eve, a mysterious newcomer to the town who refuses to say much about herself. shes very obviously queer, and he latches onto her almost immediately as a result of that, and verious other reasons. eventually, eve will coax out adams queerness and he'll be a little more comfortable with himself and end up realizing "fuckkkkkj dude ive got a crush on that prettyboy whos blood ive tasted!!". stu will eventually be coaxed into realizing himself and fixing some of his issues as well as they get older, though all that stuff is a lot more vague in my mind at the moment.
the post i rbed from you tagging as them, id imagine is after adam meets eve, and starts spreading his faggot agenda to stu, but before either of them are fully comfortable with the fact that theyre into men.
stu will eventually have some gender fuckery going on too, but like. thats complicated and i wanna wait and explore that once i have a more comfortable grasp on his character.
if you want a voice claim for adam, i particularly like Randy from Idle Hands (1999) for him? i still gotta nail down voice claims for most other characters though. sorry that adams my favorite
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dullahandyke · 5 months
Hang on actually before I hit post limit.pinned post so I can edit this and have my tumblr thoughts even tho I'm post limited
Yup okay hit the post limit <3 new followers please know this is normal
Anonymous asked: did they put bugs in him again
Yknow it's hard to tell but I think they might have. Guys we need to get riku dewormed again, this keeps happening to him :(
Anonymous asked: I forgot I had notifs turned on for your blog . Oopsie daisy
HAHAAAAAAAA ANON I CACKLED.... flattered u have urgent coverage on which large surface I'm thinking abt being slammed into at any given time but ig this is an object lesson in paying too much attention to me or something
Listening to a queer history podcast and it's so funny they're explaining to me what yuri is... I know ❤
on my laptop now bcos i gotta study for this stupid test..d. and then afterwards theres a powerpoint im actually rlly gonna enjoy presenting but i gotta facking put it together, augh
niche complaint but it sucks shit when animanga do the 'character suddenly becomes hot as part of a daydream/joke' gag and they dont go full bishie. give that man a delicate jawline NOW!!!
really happy with this sticker on my laptop. whenever im feeling down i just rememebr that this man got a lobotomy
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[ID: a black frame meme featuring Hajime Hinata from Super Danganronpa 2 at the chapter 1 cabin party, smiling and holding a glass of orange juice. It is captioned, "This man, got a lobotomy.]
whew im a sneezy girl. the sneezing sneasler. wait thats a pokemon. ritalin on friday unless i have a heart murmur
@effervescentleaf asked:
i know im constantly posting abt my beard but its still weird as hell to consider that i have a beard that other people can see. when people look at me they see androgyny. what the fuck. i keep being drawn to people with beards and make-up/long hair/jewelry/whatever the fuck else as my favourite examples of gender non-conformity and like. IM that. im that with my stupid eyeliner. what the shit
also that reminds me im not gonna have time to do my eyeliner before my class test tomorrow :/ now i Could just go without it bcos i'll have a presentation later in the day that i should probably be serious for. but where is the fun in that. i will be wearing a hawaiian shirt instead of a t-shirt and thats all that can be expected of me <3
i probs need to eat a proper meal but the call of pop tarts it is so great.... sighhhh i got the bread out the freezer for soup so ill see if thats defrosted. and if not. squints. cup noodles. kinda want the cup noodles anyway but the soup is gonna expire soon so i gotta be fuckinnn responsible and nutritious or whatever
sidenote i kind of rlly enjoy having just one long ledger of posts all day. kind of fun
Ugh fuck my gay life I gotta make a PowerPoint... I'm tired I'm a bit sick i gotta sleeeep... wanted to make it fancy but ig that's fucked :(
I saw a video of a cat and now I miss bubbles :( bubblesssss... I'm going home tomorrow tho so I'll see her then :)
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libraryofgage · 1 year
I know it's not the WIP Wednesday yet, but it is my birthday, so I'm gonna share the complete first chapter of Modern Steve in 80s Hawkins for your reading pleasure lmao:
"Now, Steve, you know we support you. Your father and I didn't bat an eye when you came out, and we look forward to meeting whichever nice young boy or girl you bring home. But, dear, violence is never the answer."
The words go in one ear and right out the other as Steve watches buildings rush by outside the window. He’d slip on the headphones around his neck, but Steve knows he at least owes his parents the courtesy of naked ears after they bailed him out. Really, he just wants to take a shower and change into clean clothes after spending a night in jail surrounded by equally sweaty and beat up parade-goers. Don’t get him wrong; the people were great, but the smell was atrocious. He lets his head fall against the window, eyes shutting as he breathes through a bruised rib, split lip, and swollen eye. 
"Steve, are you listening to your mother?"
"Yeah, violence bad," he mumbles, just loud enough to be heard in the otherwise silent car. At this point, he’d even prefer the stadium country that usually plays when his dad drives. 
He wishes he were back in the jail cell, swapping stories with the others who got arrested for fighting homophobic protestors, who started it, by the way. He knows his parents are disappointed in him for fighting (and, even worse, getting caught and potentially causing An Incident for them), but he felt genuinely happy sitting on the concerningly sticky floor in that cell. Even if he could go back to yesterday, he wouldn't change a damn thing after seeing three poor kids surrounded by people shouting the most vile things. 
They had looked terrified, tears crowding in their eyes as they clutched at each other, and Steve had seen red. It was a fucking pride parade, a place where kids should feel comfortable being themselves and seeing themselves in the smiling, laughing faces of strangers whose mere existence proves they’re not alone and they’ll survive. But they were being harassed by people with nothing better to do than let hate shrivel their hearts.
Steve, thankfully, hadn’t been the only one who’d seen red. He’d locked eyes with someone who had top surgery scars and a sash across their chest that read “Queer” in sparkling, rainbow letters. Next to them was a shorter woman with close-cropped hair and a flannel shirt (how she wasn’t dying in the heat, Steve will never know) with a white t-shirt underneath that had “Resting Butch Face" emblazoned across the front. The three of them had shared a nod and marched over to the kids.
He later learned that the person wearing the sash was named Daze (“They/them pronouns, unless it’s comedically appropriate to use something else,” they’d said in the jail cell, winking playfully at Steve). The butch went by Mar; she’d excitedly told Steve in the jail cell how her girlfriend would bust her out only to laugh her ass off when said girlfriend was shoved in by two cops not a second later.
What had followed the nod was Mar and Steve standing in front of the kids, creating an unmoving shield while Daze quickly gathered them close. They smiled at the three, quietly complimenting one’s rainbow hair ribbon while Steve tried to be the voice of reason (he shouldn’t have bothered, but he’s still got a little optimism inside).
The first punch was thrown by the ringleader of the protestors after Mar not-so-subtly implied that maybe he’d rather be partying with them and getting his tongue down some cute twink’s throat instead of holding signs and shouting. She’d taken the punch like a champ, and Steve’s grin mirrored hers when the wonderful, incredible term “self-defense” suddenly became applicable. 
Daze had gotten the kids out of there, keeping them calm even as more people joined in the fight, turning the little skirmish into an all out brawl. It had lasted five glorious minutes before cops finally broke it up, forcing protestors and pride-goers into cars together in zip ties. They had realized that was a bad idea when a drag queen headbutted a protestor for what he called her.
After a night in jail, bonding with his cellmates and writing down numbers with some femme’s spare lipstick on the back of a flier from an AT&T booth, his parents had arrived to bail him out. Steve had taken one look at them, at their business clothes and designer watches and worried, beyond confused expressions, and almost said he’d rather just stay behind bars for now. 
Instead, he convinced his parents to post bail for a few of his new friends, waved off their gratitude (they’d been through battle together, after all), and followed his parents out to the car after a few hugs and promises to make a group chat so they could hang out later. 
“You’re just lucky no charges were filed,” his father says, pulling Steve from his thoughts. 
He sighs, slumping down in his seat. A few seconds pass before Steve admits, “I’d do it again.” It’s the truth; he wouldn’t fucking hesitate to throw himself into the fray again. He doesn’t even know those kids’ names, but he knows they deserve more than being afraid of who they are and the monsters that masquerade in human skin around them. 
His parents glance at each other, a thousand words spoken in the brief moment of eye contact. “Steve, are you…okay?” his mother asks, her words hesitant. “I mean, you can tell us anything, dear, and we’ll do anything to make you feel better.”
Steve bites his tongue, refusing to ask how they’d manage that when they’re barely fucking home in the first place. They have a whole multi-million dollar company to run, so he gets it. They have to travel a lot, and they used to bring him along until just dropping him in Indianapolis sophomore year of high school (right after coming out to them, which he understood but was still hurt by) to have a “more grounded high school experience." Somehow worst of all, they try to make up for it with extravagant gifts and awkward conversations about whether he’s still gay or if he’s decided to be straight for the day.
They’ve yet to fully understand the concept of bisexuality, but this is far better than being kicked out of his home.
“I’m fine, Mom,” Steve says. Because he is. He’s just…tired. 
He’s tired of feeling alone in Indianapolis despite being surrounded by people. He had tried making friends, but everyone is so fucking awkward in 10th grade anyway, and the best Steve could do was embrace the “new rich kid” persona people created for him. He’d soon gained the nickname King Steve, which had only worked to make him feel like he’d somehow done something wrong in living up to their expectations. The closest he’s gotten to feeling like himself, to feeling accepted and embraced, was in that fucking jail cell.
Even worse, Steve is tired of this ache that tugs at the base of his spine and the pit of his heart like he’d find something that’s missing if only he’d just follow the pull. 
He doesn’t know how to explain any of that, though, so Steve just sighs again and says, “Maybe…maybe I could do with some down time. Like, a gap year before college or something. I think I just need some time to figure myself out a little more and decide what I want to do with my life before jumping right back into school. Does…does that make sense?”
“Yeah, Steve, it makes a lot of sense,” his father says, flashing him a tiny smile through the rearview mirror. “So, where do you want to go? Hawaii? Miami? Venice is nice this time of year.”
Steve can’t help a quiet laugh, shaking his head. “Nah, nothing like that. I think small town vibes are more what I’m going for here.”
His father just hums quietly, sharing another one of those looks with Steve’s mom. He misses this one, but he’d probably be suspicious of them if he hadn’t. He would have known immediately that they were about to do something absolutely ridiculous but well-meaning but so clearly telling of their ignorance when it comes to how people who aren’t wealthy approach problems.
But he doesn’t see, so he doesn’t know.
And when he looks back on this moment a few months later, after the absolute ride of his fucking life, Steve will think it’s a good thing he didn’t notice. If he had, he’d have said something, and then he’d have missed out on all the fun.
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forbidding-souda · 2 years
Hey hey mod Souda! How are you today? I hope you have a good day!
I always thought about doing this request, oh the day finally has come!
Also, may I say that I took a long fucking time to get used to my gender... And now people are constantly asking my pronouns-- I'm not used to it--- 😭 where am I, I'm scared mom come pick me up😭😭
Anyways! For the request! Could you do Teruteru × Genderfluid reader? 😳
Also also... Happy valentines!
Bye bye!
— 🐭🌙
Teruteru Hanamura with a genderfluid S/O
Why the hell did this take me so long to do hello. Hello my love this one goes out to you. I miss you dearly. Mwah mwah
currently listening: love like blood by killing joke
-Mod Souda
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❤ Ever since the two of you first met, you found yourself wondering his opinion on things. Not in the sense of apples vs. oranges, but more in relation to open-mindedness. He doesn't seem too bigoted. Maybe that sexualness he portrudes has no weight on his idea of sexuality and gender.
❤ Which, your theory was only proven the more you stuck around him in class. He was obviously very queer and god did it satisfy you.
❤ You liked him a lot, and the thought of being with somebody who would only label themselves attracted to one side of you is not a preferable situation. So, he seems like your match.
❤ It would be hypocritical if he was anti-gender-fluidity since he partook in multiple 'feminine' things (hair care, eyeliner, basic skincare whenever his sister is around for his birthday with those expensive little passive-aggresive gifts).
❤ He was attracted to you no matter what clothes you wore.
❤ He has always thought you were HELLA attractive.
❤ Other than bluntly flirting with you, he also tried to make you notice that you were different from his interactions with everyone else by trying to loosen his perverted nature towards other people whenever you were around. He didn't want you to think that you don't have his attention.
❤ You have his full attention and all of the time.
❤ Gives you cute little pet-names (some of which have the capability of annoying you) while pinching your cheeks.
❤ No one second guesses him being with somebody genderfluid because, in general, he can appear to be a fluid person as well.
❤ All of his friends will automatically be your friends so you don't have to worry about being unaccepted. His friends are generally very welcoming.
❤ If you do makeup, he will always request you do some on him.
❤ ^ He'll go on basking about it.
❤ He likes keeping multi-colored things in the house. He'll use a pink bathrobe else wear a cute pink apron (kiss the cook?) now that he fully understands that he is with somebody who can welcome the idea.
❤ He has always wanted his nails painted.
❤ And heart pancakes every morning ofc. Unless you don't like pancakes then wowww how dare you.
❤ Genderfluidity is something that he can adapt to easily. If you are still figuring things out then that's perfectly fine, it won't bother him or do anything negative in that sense at all.
❤ And ofc he'll refer to you as whatever you want to be called.
❤ Likes calling you sugar either way.
❤ When the two of you cuddle he loves moving around in his sleep and just claiming certain snuggle positions.
❤ ^ Snuggle is such an embarrassing word I am so sorry.
❤ If you kiss his forehead while he's sleeping he'll let out a cute little half-awake whine.
❤ I'll just say that you can not even explain the concept of genderfluidity to him and he'd just get it.
❤ ^ Like someone would ask him your gender and he'd be like "you know what... I never asked".
❤ Hey man if you're the type of person who likes buying their S/O clothing just know that he'll wear literally whatever you buy him.
❤ Omg cute couple matching onesies or something.
❤ I think he'd absolutely love matching jewelery.
❤ I'm 100% his immediate family would like you too. His mama will love you no matter WHAT and I am so sure his siblings would at the very least respect you and comprehend your identity.
❤ If he ever is in the situation where he has to describe your identity to people he will do so in the most I-am-in-love-with-them-oh-my-god-why-are-they-so-perfect voice and the most dramatical facial expressions and a blush over his cheeks at the mere thought of you.
❤ "Omg I get to talk about them omg omg" ^
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