spahhzy · 7 months
Yang walked toward Jaune, who just looked at the relic.
Yang: Hey- what's gotten into you? Didn't you hear what Penny said? It's fake!
Yang then snatched it out of Jaune's hands and looked at it.
Jaune: That's mine!
Yang rolled her eyes.
Yang: Fine. Fetch.
She said before tossing it over her shoulders. The fake relic hit the ground multiple times before stopping at the edge of the bridge. Jaune immediately chased after it to collect it but stopped seeing as someone else already grabbing it.
Jaune: Cinder...
The group all turned around to see a Seer holding the relic.
Cinder: This is the key... which will help grant access to the true relic hidden between worlds.
Penny: Give it back!
Penny tried to take the relic back from the Seer but was too late as Jaune watched, transfixed, as Cinder flew up into the air using her maiden powers while holding said relic.
Cinder: At last-the time has come!
Suddenly, a tear in the sky manifested as Grimm began pouring out of the tear.
Penny: Grimm!?
Cinder looked down at them with a smirk as Jaune pushed past Penny.
Jaune: No... Cinder.
Cinder floated back down, and as soon as her feet touched the other half of the broken bridge, black roots and branches began spawing out of nowhere, all spiraling and extending out to different ways but all connecting one end to another.
Ruby ran up right next to Penny, who also looked ahead as the Seer just stood at the other end of the bridge.
Cinder outstretched her hand to Jaune.
Cinder: I'm waiting, Jaune.
And suddenly, materializing in her hand was the relic.
Ruby and Penny looked on at Jaune, who stood at the edge of the bridge, began to walk forward as if not under his own control.
Jaune continued his slow walk across the vine as Ruby and Penny tried calling out to him but to no avail.
Meanwhile, Weiss, Yang, Nora, Ren, and Blake were all fighting the Grimm that had just spawned. Nora and Ren could only watch helpless as their leader walked to the Seer, unable to do anything.
Finally, Jaune made it to the other side, and when he did, Cinder let the relic fall from her hands, dropping near Jaune, who, like someone possessed, dove to his knees and picked it up, staring at it and holding it gently.
Cinder: Rise, Jaune.
Cinder stood before him again, her hand once more out stretched, waiting for him to hand her the relic.
Cinder: Bring it to me.
Jaune, like a puppy, stood back up and began walking to Cinder, his hand holding out to give Cinder the relic, or he would have if he wasn't tackled from behind by Ruby the relic falling out of his hands and onto the ground, just enough distance for Penny to run up from behind and pick it up.
Jaune distraught looked at Penny with a pleading look.
Jaune: Penny, please!
Jaune reached out to her but was stopped by Ruby, who was trying to hold him down.
Ruby: Jaune! Snap out of it!
Cinder: Yes, Jaune. Snap out of it.
Jaune just looked at Cinder, then he shoved away Ruby to the ground before getting back on his feet and looking at Penny.
Penny clutched the relic to her chest as she looked at Jaune in his eyes, pupils shrunken down and glazed over as if he wasn't their like It was someone else entirely.
Penny shook her head.
Penny: I'm sorry, friend-jaune, but I can't let you have this.
Penny began to run away on one of the branches or tried to as she was stopped by some small Grimm flying around her, preventing her from going any further.
Cinder leaned into Jaune's ear.
Cinder: If she won't give it to us. We must take it from her.
Like a dog given orders, Jaune's pupil expanded, and he began to move to Penny. Ruby tried to intervene but was pushed back by more Grimm.
Ruby: Jaune! Stop!
But her words had done nothing, Jaune began shambling towards Penny, head swaying side to side in his run, almost like he was a puppet.
Penny, seeing this, used one of her swords to swipe away at the small Grimm stopping her. She took off further down the big root as Jaune began to laugh, which unsettled her.
Jaune: Penny!
Penny looked behind her to see Jaune slowly catching up to her. She was ready to run again, but more Grimm got in her way.
Jaune: Let's talk!
Penny just swiped away at the Grimm again before running away again.
Jaune continued his pace as he laughed once more.
Jaune: I need it...
Penny continued to run, and Jaune just followed her.
Jaune: Penny...
Penny continued to run, adamant on not giving Jaune the Relic.
Jaune: Give it to me...please?
The way he said it was so cold, Penny kept running, but she was beginning to run out of ground.
Jaune: You can trust me!
Jaune: Let's save the world together.
Penny, to her horror, had nowhere else to go. She reached a dead end.
Jaune: Penny~
Jaune was a few feet away from her, holding his hand out to her.
Jaune: The relic, Penny.
Penny gasped as she saw the Seer behind Jaune.
Penny looked at the relic in her hand before looking back at Jaune.
Penny: Whatever happens, friend-Jaune. I'm here for you.
The relic then floats from her hands and into Jaune's awaiting one, it falls into his hands as he looks at Penny.
Jaune: Thank you.
Turning his back to her, he saw Cinder behind him waiting and like a puppy begin called back by their master Jaune ran up to her, presenting the relic to her once more, Cinder took it from him as Jaune had a smile on his face, Jaune then heard Penny struggling as Grimm swarmed all around her.
Jaune turned around, and suddenly memories began appearing in his head.
Jaune: Penny!
Jaune then sprinted toward her, ready to rescue her as Cinder just held her smile.
Penny: Jaune!
Penny smiled, seeing that Jaune had returned to normal but distracted herself as she was pushed off the edge by one of the Grimm.
Jaune dove and caught her outstretched hand to where she was now dangling over the edge.
Penny looked up and saw Jaune struggling to hold on, then she saw her, Cinder. She was floating again, holding the relic in one hand and a fireball in her Grimm one.
She smiled at them before shooting at the root, thus causing it to snap and break, the action making Jaune and Penny plummet to the ground below.
Cinder smirked at her work, but there was still so much to be done.
Cinder: Hurry up, Jaune.
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winters8child · 2 months
It´s been a long, long time
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Chapter 48
I woke with a jolt, a sharp, throbbing pain radiating from my side. My hand, still groggy with sleep, instinctively sought out the source of the discomfort and felt the rough texture of bandages pressed against the wound. As I slowly opened my eyes, my gaze fell upon a face that seemed both eerily familiar and profoundly unsettling.
I yelped, my heart racing as I recoiled, pressing my back against the cold wall behind the bed. Panic surged through me, and I clapped my hands over my mouth to stifle the sobs that threatened to escape. Tears welled up, blurring my vision. This couldn’t be real. I must have lost too much blood; I must be hallucinating, I told myself desperately.
The figure before me was seated in a chair, its wooden frame creaking under his weight. His elbows rested on his knees, and his eyes, dark and penetrating, watched me with a mixture of curiosity and something I couldn't quite decipher. The room felt oppressively silent, each breath I took echoing in the stillness.
“Bucky?” My voice was barely more than a whisper, trembling with fear and disbelief. “Is that my name?” His voice, though rough and raspy, was unmistakably familiar. The sound sent a chill down my spine. It was his voice—this man not only bore his face but also spoke with the same deep, gravelly tone I remembered all too well.
“Bucky, is that you?” I repeated, my voice trembling, afraid to blink lest he vanish and confirm that I was indeed delirious. I gingerly got up from the bed and approached him, my gaze fixated on his face. His hair had grown longer, and his eyes held a weary, haunted look. He straightened, his posture tense, waiting to see what I would do next.
My hand trembled as I reached out, my fingertips grazing his cheek with a gentle caress. He flinched, then grabbed my hand with his metal arm, his brow furrowing in confusion and concern. “What happened to you?” I asked, tears streaming down my face. His eyes locked onto mine, unblinking and intense. His lips moved as if he tried to speak, but no sound emerged, leaving my hand still held tightly in his.
He lowered his gaze, a look of deep shame crossing his features. “I don’t remember anything,” he said, his voice barely more than a whisper. “Nothing but your face. The sound of your voice.” Overwhelmed, I sank to my knees before him, cupping his face in my hands. “What did they do to you?” I asked, my voice breaking with a mix of sorrow and desperation.
He clenched his jaw, visibly agitated by the mention of his employers. Without warning, he sprang out of the chair. “We have to leave before they find us,” he insisted, grabbing my hand and a backpack with a sense of urgency. He pulled me towards the door, his movements frantic.
“Wait, what about the others? What about Steve? What happened to him?” I protested, trying to catch my breath as he dragged me along. At the sound of Steve's name, he froze, his grip on my hand tightening painfully.
“You’re hurting me,” I said, wincing. He immediately loosened his hold, his eyes troubled. “That man on the bridge… Steve…” he murmured, his voice laden with confusion.
“Yes, Steve, your best friend, Bucky. Do you remember?” I asked, my voice trembling with a mix of hope and desperation. Both of us flinched at the sharp, urgent knock on the door. “Open up!” a commanding voice demanded from the other side. Bucky cracked the door open slightly, peering through the narrow gap with a tense expression, waiting for the next words.
“The boss wants to speak with you,” Rumlow’s voice came through, cold and authoritative. “And bring your little girlfriend, too.” I shook my head violently, but Bucky’s eyes remained cold and unfeeling as he pulled me along. “Uh-uh,” Rumlow’s voice cut through, his tone dripping with condescension. He regarded me with a detached expression before stepping closer. “Not like that.” With a swift motion, he blindfolded me, his hand lingering on my cheek just a moment too long, the touch unsettling and invasive.
When the blindfold was finally removed, I found myself in a dimly lit room. Bucky was seated in the center, surrounded by a ring of weapons aimed directly at him, their muzzles glinting ominously in the low light. Behind me, two men stood with their guns trained on my head. The heavy doors creaked open, and Pierce strode in with an air of unwavering confidence.
Bucky’s eyes, wide and haunted, were locked onto me, his gaze unwavering and filled with a mixture of fear and despair. “He is highly unstable,” one of the men in a lab coat muttered, though Pierce’s expression remained one of tight-lipped dissatisfaction.
“Mission report,” Pierce demanded sharply. When no immediate response came, he repeated, “Mission report, now,” his impatience growing palpable.
Pierce followed Bucky’s desperate gaze to me, his eyes narrowing with disgust. Without hesitation, he slapped me across the face, the force spinning my head to the side. Bucky flinched, rising from his chair with a pained cry, “No, please!” The ten armed men in the room tensed, ready to shoot at the slightest provocation.
“I’m glad you’re here,” Pierce said mockingly as if my presence was a matter of choice.
“I think you’ll prove very useful to our little operation,” he continued, wiping the blood from my split lip with a tissue. He extended his hand, and one of the men passed him a file emblazoned with the S.H.I.E.L.D. logo. “Loretta Barnes,” he read aloud, glancing up with a hint of curiosity. “Interesting name choice,” he mused.
Pierce began to pace around the room, flipping through the file. “Subject is extremely volatile if provoked by threats to Steve Rogers, just as we had anticipated.” He paused, savoring my shocked expression. “Oh, you thought they didn’t know? That it was merely a side effect of the serum?” He chuckled, shaking his head in mock amusement.
“No, of course not. This ‘defect,’ as you might call it, was precisely what they intended. The final obstacle between them and what truly mattered: Captain America,” he explained coldly.
The realization hit me like a sledgehammer. Had they really used me as mere cannon fodder, a disposable pawn, just to protect their precious experiment? The thought left me reeling, the betrayal sinking in deep"But don't fret; you will be quite useful with what we have planned," Pierce announced with a cold, sinister smile.
"Please, leave her out of this," Bucky begged desperation edging his voice as Pierce squinted his eyes, scrutinizing him. "Prep him," he commanded simply. The man in the lab coat hesitated, his hands trembling slightly. "He's been out of cryo freeze too long," he stammered.
Pierce's expression hardened. "Then wipe him and start over," he ordered, his tone leaving no room for argument. The man in the lab coat nodded quickly, scurrying to his equipment.
"No, what are you doing to him? Leave him alone!" I screamed, my voice breaking with panic. They roughly restrained Bucky, forcing him into a chair and shoving a mouthguard into his mouth. His eyes were wide with fear and anger, muscles straining against the restraints.
A heavy blow landed on my back, delivered by the butt of a machine gun. The pain exploded through me, and I crumpled to my knees, gasping. Tears blurred my vision as I looked up, helplessly watching Bucky's torment. His screams echoed through the room, forever etched into my brain like a haunting melody. Sobs racked my body as the two guards roughly seized my arms, lifting me off the ground. My legs dangled uselessly as they dragged me away, Pierce following closely behind.
They slammed me into a chair, the impact jarring my bones. The guards positioned themselves behind me again, their weapons at the ready, a constant threat. Pierce stood before me, a smug smile on his lips. "And now to you, my dear," he said, sarcasm dripping from his voice.
He turned to a small table near the door and picked up something that looked like a syringe filled with a green liquid. "You see, Hydra has been very enamored with you and your nifty little trick," he said, tapping the syringe to dissolve the bubbles inside.
"It's the adrenaline that kicks off your 'rush,'" he explained matter-of-factly, "and this little device swimming in this liquid can be controlled with my phone. It’s capable of spiking your adrenaline whenever I need it to." He held the syringe up to the light, the green liquid gleaming ominously. With a swift motion, he pushed a button on the wall. Instantly, restraints snapped over my wrists, binding me tightly to the chair.
I was forced to watch him approach menacingly, my attempts to squirm in the chair futile against the restraints that held me tight. With a sudden, brutal motion, he plunged the needle into my neck. The liquid seared through my veins, spreading a fiery burn throughout my body. Pierce crouched in front of me, his grip cold and unyielding as he held my chin. “Welcome to Hydra, Asset 2.0,” he said with a chilling, predatory grin.
Next Chapter
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creepy pasta
alarming gnocchi
scary spaghetti
unsettaling macaroni
terrifying lasagne
spine chilling Penne
petrifying Farfalle
nightmarish Fusilli
Harrowing Tagliatelle
sinister Bucatini
life threatening Linguine
awful Rigatoni
chilling Orecchiette
eldritch Fettuccine
freaky Orzo
sinister Ravioli
cantankerous Cannelloni
disturbing Egg noodles
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so we all know that the nine houses system with house 1 being earth and house 9 being Pluto (I mean probably Pluto, almost definitely Pluto, but there's a theory its earths moon repositioned and sure why not) house 6 is heavily implied to be mercury, being the closest to these and partially cover in ice, the second house probably being mars, thanks to being right next to earth and the mythical military association. we can assume the 8th house is neptune for being next to 9 and 5 and 4 are next to each other so probably Saturn, Jupiter or Uranus for them.
that leaves 3 and 7 unaccounted for. I initially assumed 3 was Venus, due to Coronas status as the most beautiful woman, the houses reputation for plastic surgery and the general association with fashion gossip and romance. it matches the planets association perfectly and if you go directly from earth to mars, you might just back track and go to next neither Venus.
this would leave the 7th house neatly before 8 and 9 on Uranus.
but I just found out the Ida, as in what the twins are constantly referred to as the heir of, is a tiny off shape, minor planet in the astroid belt between mars and Jupiter, part of the Koronis family of astroids. and that super weird. its in number order between 2 and 4, but its not actually a planet. the name is even right there with Koronis and Corona.
this leaves the option of making 7 Venus which would make sense because that leaves SexPal and Dulcie right next to each other to strike up their relationship and Dulcie has a lot of similar romantic imagery with could be applied to Venus. it also means the houses were settled moving forward, and then they looped around later
but that still leaves an entire planet unaccounted for and makes it super weird for the 3rd house to not have an actual planet.
what do you think? what house correlates to what planet and why? the numbers are a lot weirder if 3 is Venus but that leaves the twins with out an actual planet. is it wrong to assume all the houses are technically planets as 4, 5, and 8 would be unsettable gas planets to begin with? I am completely missing several facts for not actually having read Nona yet?
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andromebaa · 7 months
Despair's Legacy
A Danganronpa AU
Part 4 - MonoMono Machine Items
Here is a list of items I made for the Legacy kids a few years ago. There's lots of fun stuff hidden in them which I totally forgot about lmao.
Like for all
Bar of chocolate – A tasty bar of high-quality chocolate. What a delicious treat!
2. Chore Pass – A pass that entitles you to miss out on one chore. Awesome!
3. Affectionate Letter – A letter that explains how much you appreciate and care about the recipient. How wholesome!
Average for all
4. Bowl of Rice – A plain bowl of rice.
5. Mochi – Soft, tasty mochi. Make sure you supervise young children whilst they eat it.
6. Plain Bocki Sticks – Oh, there’s no coating on these sticks. They taste like nothing.
Dislike for all
7. Extra Homework – Oh boy, a pile of extension homework. How…fun.
8. Gossip Note – A note filled with untrue rumours about the recipient. How scandalous!
9. Used Diaper – This is absolutely disgusting; how did you end up with this?!
10. Love – Jester’s Axe – An electric guitar with a sick design.
11. Like – Seargent Cosco’s Unnerving Tome of Unsightly Gags and Functional Buffoonery   - A huge book filled with practical jokes to play on unsuspecting loved ones.
12. Meh – Unfinished Song Ideas – You’ll get around to finishing these…eventually.
13. Dislike – Calculus 101 – A textbook of tricky maths problems. No calculators allowed!
14. Hate – Broken Walkie-Talkie – Aw man, this thing is useless now!
15. Love – Jester’s Axe - An electric guitar with a sick design.
16. Like - Seargent Cosco’s Unnerving Tome of Unsightly Gags and Functional Buffoonery   - A huge book filled with practical jokes to play on unsuspecting loved ones.
17. Meh – Unfinished Song Ideas – You’ll get around to finishing these…eventually.
18. Dislike - Calculus 101 – A textbook of tricky maths problems. No calculators allowed!
19. Hate - Cracked Mirror - Who do you see when you look into it?
20. Love – Endless Road VR – A virtual reality headset that contains a motorbike riding simulator.
21. Like – Leather Jacket – A cropped leather jacket with a fancy design on the back. Perfect for a badass youth.
22. Meh – Hair tie – A black band used to tie up one’s hair.
23. Dislike – Shining Badge – A shining golden badge denoting a position of high authority.
24. Hate – Torn Photograph – A photo of a happy, young girl holding hands with someone. One half of the photo has been ripped off violently.
25. Love – Snuggle-San  - An adorable fluffy sheep with a squishy face.
26. Like – First Aid Kit – A handy kit filled with colourful bandages, lollypops and instant ice packs.
27. Meh – Fancy Tie – A nice-looking tie to wear to important business meetings and to make good impressions.
28. Dislike – Scissors – A pair of scissors. There is something dried on the sharp edges.
29. Hate – Sentimental Locket – A heart-shaped locket that has rusted with age.
30. Love – Tropical Beach Ambiance – A CD featuring the sounds of the ocean and the cries of exotic birds.
31. Like – Sarong – A tube of comfy fabric that is worn around the waist. Much airer alternative to pants!
32. Meh – Eye Drops – Help keep your eyes clean and germ-free!
33. Dislike – Meaty Burger – A big, greasy meat-filled burger. It’s at least 10,000 calories worth of food.
34. Hate – Mood Ring – A fancy ring that displays your inner emotions for all to see with bright, vibrant colours!
35. Love – Deer Scarer – A bamboo water fountain used to shoo away deer and as a meditation aid.
36. Like – Locked Diary – A non-descript diary that comes with a key. The perfect way to get down your thoughts on paper without fear of prying eyes.
37. Meh – Electrolyte Water- Keeps you hydrated during rigorous training.
38. Dislike – Noise Cancelling Headphones – Thick headphones that block out all the sound around you. Now you can be in complete silence!
39. Hate – “Just Do It” Poster – A simple black poster that has nothing except three words written on it. Somewhat unsettling.
40. Love – Sewing Kit – A sewing kit chock full of everything you could ever need to make and design clothes.
41. Like – Your Embrace My Darling– A sappy romance manga about two high school boys who are madly in love. Filled with roses and strangely large hands.
42. Meh – Sweatpants – A pair of stretchy grey sweatpants. They’re plain but comfy.
43. Dislike – Swearing Button – Press the button on the box and it swears at you. How rude!
44. Hate – Love Meter – A mini love tester that tests the bond between you and your beloved.
45. Love – BBQ Chips – A bag of mouth-watering BBQ chips. Absolutely delicious!
46. Like – DIY Decoder – A decoding wheel used to make and solve codes.
47. Meh – Hairband – A plain hairband to keep your hair out of your eyes.
48. Dislike ��� News Article – A news report on a SHSL Detective from Hope’s Peak Academy commending them on their amazing abilities.
49. Hate – Unsolvable Mystery Box – A trick puzzle that is impossible to solve.
50. Love – Sunny Seeds – A packet of black seeds that, once planted and watered daily, grow into big beautiful yellow flowers.
51. Like – Buzzy Beehive – A beehive filled with round, stingless bees. They make the most delicious honey!
52. Gardening gloves – Stops your hands from being pricked by thorns.
53. Dislike – Pretty Ballerina – A cute doll lovingly carved out of tree wood. It had articulation in its arms and legs!
54. Hate – An Inevitable Reality – A DVD that explains in excruciating detail how the world is dying and that there is nothing we can do about it.
55. Love – Snare Drum – A large snare drum. Comes with a free drumstick!
56. Like - Car Keys – It’s a set of shiny car keys. They make a rattling noise when shaken.
57. Meh  - Soft Blankie – Perfect for naptime!
58. Dislike – Shush-o-Matic – A strict robot that will shush you if you make too much noise.
59. Hate – Lemon Slice – Go on, taste it. It’s delicious, I promise.
Haha wow definitely no weird hidden lore in any of these right?
Part 3 - - - Part 5
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pigmemon · 2 years
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This is not real, wake up...
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cptsawamura-blog · 8 years
It’s been a whirlwind since his arrival into Hive City. So far he has encountered crude gang members, one compassionate man, Yamaguchi, and a long list of unusual people with incredible powers. Every single day is a struggle for Daichi, and he is far behind the residents here. Even the new arrivals such as himself have a better handle on their situation. He has been blessed with an apartment and happy meetings, yet his ability to adjust has been slow. 
Daichi ponders as to why during one of his morning walks around the city. Perhaps he hopes that sooner than later he will wake up back in his bed, return to Karasuno and it’ll seem like a bad dream, leaving him to ignore the need to adapt. It could also be that he simply doesn’t want to assimilate to the city life; his check list alone contains learn self-defense and find a job. He wishes he could compare this adjustment period to the transition of adulthood, but somehow it doesn’t seem to correlate.
He is completely occupied with his current dilemma that he doesn’t quite notice the familiar face a few feet ahead of him. Actually, he does notice the familiar face, he knows it’s Sugawara, his best friend and loyal vice captain; however, it simply doesn’t befall Daichi that Suga is in the city. It seems his fantasies of home have melded into reality, leaving him to be nonchalant with the meeting. The casual pace slows to a stop in front of Sugawara and he greets him in a calm manner. He blinks and a second goes by before it suddenly hits him.
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His body jerks in shock and he lifts his hands to grip firmly on Sugawara’s shoulders to ensure that he is solid mass. “S-S-S-Suga!” he cries out, bewildered eyes staring intensely at his friend’s face. He takes in Sugawara’s features, unable to resist the thought that he is a vision of beauty. Daichi’s grip tightens and he proceeds to lightly  shake him, “It really is you, Suga, you don’t know how happy I am to see you.” The staggered look Daichi is sporting easily transitions to one of pure joy. His big, toothy smile is on display for the world to see and Sugawara has first row seats.
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“Yamaguchi is here, did you know that?” he laughs, his hands clapping on top of Sugawara’s shoulders now, unable to resist from touching him. He didn’t believe he would see anyone else from his team here, let alone one of his best friends. This feeling has to be better than watching Kageyama and Hinata’s fast attack. “Come back to my apartment, we need to chat about what’s been going on. I haven’t been able to talk to anyone about what has happened.” 
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The smile suddenly disappears when Daichi realizes that he is taking advantage of Sugawara’s presence. Their long friendship and fondness of each other has enable Daichi to open up to him, and usually only to him. Sugwara is his rock when things get too tough, the lighthouse in the fog when he has lost his way. Daichi can stand on his own, but when the times get tough, Sugawara is always there to support him when he wavers. “No,” he says, “don’t come to my apartment,” once again he jerks at how harsh that sounded, “aw man, that came out wrong. Suga, you have been through as much as I have, possibly even more and it’s selfish of me to force you to listen to my problems. If you don’t want to talk about...y’know, it, then you won’t have to, and you don’t have to come back to my apartment. We can go anywhere you want, Suga, I’d just be happy knowing I’m with you again.”
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sewn-cutie · 7 years
Moshi Moshi (That Poppy)
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xwing-baby · 4 years
Impulse: Part 1 (Javier Pena x Reader)
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Summary: Top of your class, the DEA have sent you to Colombia to be the poster child for their new ‘placement program’. You’re thrown in at the deep end into the drug war. With Agent Pena as your mentor, what could possibly go wrong?
Warnings: ANGST! Explicit drug and alcohol abuse from the beginning, depressive thinking/intrusive thoughts, swearing
Word Count: 4.8k
A/n: My first ever Javi fic, of course I had to make it the angstiest thing I’ve written in a long time!!  This is part one of the first part of the story which is also the end of the story... just had to make it confusing for you. 
Disclaimer: I do not have any experience with cocaine or addiction, all writing is based on my own research and is not a good representation of how it really is! Don’t do coke kids, it’s never good.
Part 2
Four in the morning, the sun was just above the horizon and you were stumbling home from yet another party. Enough tequila swam through your system that you didn’t really think about the wellbeing of your neighbor when you tapped on his door. You wanted to keep going. Javier, you decided, would make the perfect company. And maybe you could continue that kiss you had not stopped thinking about since it happened four months ago! You grinned devilishly at the thought and knocked harder on the door.
“Javi! Javier!” You rapped on the door. “Javier Peña, abra la puerta!” You sang, leaning all your weight on the door as your world span fast around you, “Javi,”
“What?” Javier opened the door suddenly, causing you to fall into him. You laughed as you caught yourself on his arm. You had woken him up, he was dressed in a wrinkled t-shirt and sweatpants with his hair bushy and wild. 
“Hola!” You grinned up at him, not hiding the way you checked him out. You were obviously drunk and high, eyes red and shining brightly even in the dim light of the apartment block hallway. Javi wrinkled his nose as the smell of you hitting him, tequila and cigar smoke clung to you.
“Again?” Javi sighed heavily. This was the third time this week you had woken him up, accidentally or on purpose, coming home drunk. He was starting to worry about you. 
“Si,” You grinned from ear to ear, You were in more of a state than last time. For one you were still speaking Spanish, something Javi had rarely ever heard you speak. You must have been with your local friends, he surmised. “No lo siento Javi. ¡Es divertido!”
“It’s not fun, you’re a mess. Get in here,” He pulled you by the arm into his apartment, shutting the door behind him.
“Eres enojado?” You asked, still grinning. You walked backwards into his apartment, tripping down the step and landing with a thud on his leather couch. You cackled with laughter.Javier frowned and put his hands on his hips, of course he was annoyed at you! It was four in the morning and you both had work the next morning. You dramatically flopped back on his couch and huffed at his grumpy attitude, “It’s only polite, Javi! They gave it to me!”
“It’s poison!! He exclaimed, “Why would you do that to yourself?” 
“It’s helping,” You proclaimed. 
“It’s not helping anyone, you’re gunna fuck up sooner or later.” Javi warned, as he had done many times before. 
“I got that list,” You protested, “That was helpful!”
“And what will you do when they work out that you stole it?” 
“No lo sé,” You shrugged. You reached into your pocket and grabbed the last of the coke you had been given. You wanted a little more. You pulled the tin out of your pocket and placed it on the coffee table at your feet.
“You-,” Javi started before he noticed what you were doing, instantly he was on you, “Para!” He exclaimed as he snatched the coke from your hand before you had time to open it. 
“Necesito!” You whined, pouting at him. You were lying, you didn’t need it. You wanted it, a lot. 
“No,” Javi snapped.
“Lo siento, Javi,” You pleaded with him, eyes locked onto the packet in his hand.
“You’re not though, are you? Fucking look at me!” He yelled. You startled and looked up at him as tears pricked your eyes. “Quit it. Now. You know what this shit does, stop it. Whatever you think you’re doing is not worth it, okay?”
“No. Me vale!” He cut you off. “You’re better than this, Y/n,”
You sustained eye contact for a moment. The room was deathly quiet, he glared at you with fierce intensity. You had never seen him so angry, if you weren’t so drunk you would have instantly buckled under the pressure. The only thing your drunk brain could think of was how hot he looked, you wondered how rough he would be with you if he was this angry. You couldn’t help the snigger that crept up in your throat at that thought. You clamped your hand over your mouth to stop the laugh, Javi rolled his eyes and shook his head in disbelief.
“I’m sorry I’m sorry!” You laughed, “It’s just you can’t look at me like that and not fuck me!” 
“Jesus christ,” Javier pinched the bridge of his nose. What little patience he had for you was running out fast. You continued to laugh. 
“Can I stay here?” You asked.
“Take the couch,” Javi waved you off, his back turned heading back to his bedroom. 
“I can’t sleep with you?” Your voice was laced with innuendo, he knew what you wanted. A part of him was tempted, your dress left very little to the imagination, but he knew he couldn’t do it.
“You’re drunk and high,” Javier said plainly, “and we’ve spoken about this before. No,” He was firm with you. He hated having to reject you for a second time but he wasn’t a complete monster. He wouldn’t sleep with you in this state. 
“Worth a try,” You laughed, thankfully giving up quickly. Javi shook his head and walked away again, “Muchos gracias, Javi,” You called after him. He shut the door. 
You woke up as the early morning sunlight pushed through the windows. You groaned and turned over, finding you were not in your bed but on a couch. Startled, you sat up and nearly screamed when you recognised the apartment as Javier’s. Luckily you were still fully dressed with your shoes still on, nothing had happened. Memories of how you got there were blurry, you remembered knocking on his door but had blacked out after that.
The clock on the wall said it was six am. You could go upstairs to your own bed clean up and hope that maybe Javi wouldn’t hear you and confront you about it. 
You stood up from the couch, trying not to think about all the things the man had done on it, and grabbed your jacket from the ground. As you stood up the strength of your hangover kicked in, you grumbled. That was when you noticed the discarded coke packet on the counter. You stopped. You knew you shouldn’t pick it up, you didn’t need it. But the taste caught at the back of your throat and you found yourself wanting it. It was undeniably addictive, you had promised yourself you wouldn’t take it this far but the foul substance had made its bed.
“Go home,” Javi’s voice broke you out of the trance. He was only wearing sweatpants, hair mussed up from sleep that you had most definitely disturbed more than once. He pulled the cocaine off the table and threw it into the trash before you could reach it. You gulped, shame rising like hot steam through your lungs. You grabbed your things and left, running straight upstairs to your own apartment.
It was still early but you knew you weren’t going to be able to sleep again. Shame was swirling up in your throat. How ironic that a DEA agent was addicted to the thing she was meant to be stopping? But you weren’t addicted, you reasoned with yourself, you were fine. This was no different to when you lived off Redbull for a month during finals, it was a matter of changing some coping mechanisms. It was a reaction to the stress of being so close to Escobar yet so still so far. You could change it, you had control. 
You made a coffee, instant and black. It was bitter and disgusting but it would keep you awake. You collapsed onto your tired old couch and flicked on the tv to a telenovela rerun. You barely understood what was going on but the hilarious overplayed drama was light enough to stop you swimming into the depressing pool of thoughts currently threatening to drown you. 
Eight o’clock came and you were ready to go to work. You were used to this routine now, hungover and tired, you knew you weren’t at your best but until this morning nobody knew about your slow descent into chaos. You weren’t surprised to find Javi’s truck gone without you. All you could remember from last night as how mad he was, and his face this morning only proved it. You dreaded seeing him. 
Luckily, you were spared the hassle of public transport by Steve who trundled down the stairs after you and offered you a ride. The conversation was light and everything seemed normal for a moment. You got to work, Steve ran off after a call from Javier leaving you with a mountain of paperwork to hunt through. For once you didn’t care, paperwork didn’t judge you.
A few hours passed and the boys returned. You did your best to ignore them while they bickered, hoping that you could melt into the background, until someone tapped on your desk. 
“Hey, I’m talking to you Rookie,” Javi’s voice made you look up. “Come on, we’re going,” 
Before you could say anything he threw your jacket at you and you had no choice but to follow him outside. You tried to rack your brain for why Javi would be taking you anywhere today, especially after this morning. You had expected him to ground you, to be impossibly angry at you, not take you out. You climbed into the passenger seat of the truck and Javi didn’t say a word. He didn’t look particularly angry, he looked stressed but he had looked like that since the day you got down here. He was silent, letting the radio play between you, when all of a sudden he reached over and turned it off. 
You looked over at him, expecting him to start his lecture but he didn’t. He let the silence sit between you for the rest of the journey. Somehow it was worse, you’d rather he got mad at you and shouted. It was just unsettling.
Finally you pulled into the embassy, you flashed your badges at the gate and parked. Fear was starting to grow now. Was he going to get you fired? He wouldn’t bring you down here for that surely? He would have called and said what he wanted, he hated coming down here unless he had to. You stayed quiet, too scared to ask, and followed him inside. 
Javi greeted the assistant at the door, as smooth as ever somehow managing to melt her in her chair in five seconds. You smiled and waved to her, she scowled at you as soon as Javi had turned his back. 
“He’ll be in a minute,” The girl called after you as you entered the Ambassador’s office. You took one chair, Javier took the other, in front of the large mahogany desk.
Unlike Steve and Javi you didn’t see the ambassador often, often left in the office while they had meetings about things higher than your post. Your heart was beating so hard in your chest you thought it might burst. You rubbed your hands on your jeans and fidgeted in your seat. Why in hell were you here? 
Before you could bring up the courage to finally ask Javi the Ambassador walking into the room. You stood up immediately to shake his hand, Javi stayed seated.
“Y/n, nice to see you again,” The ambassador smiled kindly as he shook your hand. “Agent Peña,” He greeted the agent next to you, who nodded casually.
“You too, Sir,” You tried your best to sound confident. The Ambassador sighed heavily as he sat in the leather chair, took a sip of the water at his side and began the meeting.
“So, I got the call from your coordinators this morning, they’re coming down on Monday for the review. I thought we should have this meeting together to discuss things before they come down,” 
Your six month review! That was what you had forgotten. Half relieved that your mentor hadn’t brought you down here to completely humiliate you, you smiled and nodded. With everything going on you hadn’t noticed the months fly past so fast, you barely remembered what day it was anymore. 
The Ambassador carried on with the meeting, unaware of your panicking. You nodded along, answering his questions in short yes or no answers, he then moved to Javier. As your mentor he was the one in charge of delivering your progress onto your coordinators. You watched him speak, sound not registering anymore. You hoped to god that he wouldn’t throw you under the bus and tell the entire truth, he knew how much this meant to you surely he wouldn’t. 
Nervous, you stuffed your hands into the pockets of your jacket. You almost had a heart attack when you felt something inside. A small metal tin, rounded and rusted. You immediately knew what it was and froze. There was coke in your pocket. Javi gave you a sideways glance, as he noticed you stiffen up suddenly. 
You wracked your mind for where the hell the tin had come from, until you remembered. This wasn’t your jacket, Maria had given it to you a few months ago and never asked for it back. You hadn’t worn it before today and had no idea that your friend’s stash lay inside the pockets. You tried to stay rational, tried to listen to the important conversation happening around you but your hand stayed clamped around the drug in your pocket. It would help you concentrate, it could calm you down. You could take it and nobody would notice. 
“I- I’m sorry can you excuse me for a moment?” You blurted out, interrupting the ambassador.  He frowned at you, surprised by your interruption. You had gone white with panic, obviously clutching at something in your pocket but he didn’t think anything of it. He nodded and you ran out the room before he could verbally release you. 
You tried to remain calm as you ran through the halls of the embassy, it seemed like everyone was watching you. They knew exactly what you were doing, they were judging you. You ran into the first women’s bathroom you could find, quickly checked nobody was in any stalls, and locked the door behind you.
Throwing the package on the sink like it was burning through your hand, you stood over it, watching it intensely like it could jump away at any moment. The voice in your head kept tempting you, calling you weak and useless, to do it to get rid of it. Nobody would know if you took it. You’ve given in this far why not do it. It will help you calm down. Take it. 
As if you were possessed, you unwillingly opened the tin and poured the powder onto the surface. There wasn’t much there, barely a pinch full, hardly anything at all. You couldn’t just leave it there now, someone would definitely know it was yours. They all knew why even bother hiding it anyway. You should take it. You were too weak to resist it. Take it.
And you did. The chemical shot straight to your brain giving you the brilliant feeling you had been missing. You sighed in a relief as you felt every anxiety fade from your body. It wasn’t that bad, you feel better with it, the voice in your head said. You weren’t wrong. You did feel better. You looked it too, your cheeks had colour again, you smiled and laughed to yourself as it took hold.
You brushed away the excess powder and unlocked the door. You nearly jumped out of your skin when you saw Javi leaning against the opposite wall. His arms were crossed over his chest, judging you with a cocked eyebrow. He had been waiting for you. You sighed and rolled your eyes immediately walking away from him.
“Don’t stand outside the women's bathroom’s Javi. It's creepy,” You snapped as you passed him. 
“You missed a bit,” Javi commented, following closely behind you. 
“Fuck off,” You grumbled. Despite yourself you wiped your sleeve over your nose. He was right. 
“Shooting up in a bathroom is real low, Rookie, even for you,” He snarled. You continued walking down the hall, ignoring him. You were as angry at your actions as he was but you didn’t have control anymore. You couldn’t stop yourself, “Hey! I’m fucking talking to you,” Javi grabbed your arm and sharply pulled you backwards, pressing your back into the wall and trapping your body between his.
“You’re hurting me!” You complained, shoving him off you with as much force as you could give. It didn’t get you far as he pushed you to the wall again with as much force. Your back slammed against the cold stone hard, no doubt bruising it. 
“Then listen. What the fuck is the matter with you?” He snarled, “Doing that shit here? Or anywhere in fact! You are completely out of control,” You ground your teeth, seething with anger, “Do you have no respect for yourself?” You struggled against him, trying to get away again to avoid the question, Javi held you in place. “Not going to say anything?” You looked away, purposely turning your cheek to him, “Get a fucking grip or I’m sending you home,” He growled. 
You didn’t answer, staring at the patterned tile floor. Finally he gave up. With a grunt he let you go and stalked away down the corridor. 
As he disappeared around the corner, a tidal wave of anger and frustration flooded your system. You kicked the line of chairs next to you, crying out curses as you sent them flying across the corridor. The metal clattered against the stone drawing people out of their offices, they all stood from their doorways and watched you, judging you. You heart hammered in your chest, chest heaving for air and you glared back at them all. You let out a deep breath and turned on your heel, leaving the mess behind you, and walked outside.
Despite himself, Javi had waited for you in the parking lot. You jumped into the passenger seat without a word, slamming the door hard to get your point across. You couldn’t tell if you were sweating from anger or the drugs coursing through you. Neither of you said a word for the journey. Javi had said he needed to, and you weren’t able to string together a coherent sentence for everything you wanted to scream at him yet. 
You were too focussed on the music playing from the stereo to really notice where you were going. The rhythms and lyrics seemed to float around you and soak into your skin. You didn’t see Javi’s furious scowl when you unknowingly started to dance in your seat, something you couldn’t help but do when listening to Columbian radio no matter your mental state. You were having a good time until the car stopped and the music was cut abruptly. Snapping out of your trance you looked around and realised you were at your apartment. 
“Get out. You’re done for today,” Javi said, his voice was eerily calm and you knew to be terrified. Quiet Javi was always the angriest.
“What?” You asked dumbly. 
“Get out!” He leant over you and pushed the door open. You frowned, but slipped out the truck and did as you were told. Javi pulled the door shut behind you and rolled away, leaving you standing on the sidewalk opposite the apartment building completely dumbfounded. 
You were stuck to the sidewalk, staring at the building. The sun beat down on you, scorching your skin yet you couldn’t feel it. You were numb to everything.
Your first thought was to find Maria and get more coke to hide further into yourself and avoid the awful shame creeping up your neck. The speed the thought entered your head petrified you. Your control was slipping through your fingers like sand and your body was screaming to move. Everything inside you told you to give up, that this was the tipping point and you might as well jump because what was the point in pretending anymore. If Javi knew what was the point in trying to cover up how much that narcotic had taken over your life. There was no point at all, you might as well enjoy the feeling whilst you could. 
You turned to leave, letting go of all self control. Your legs knew where to take you, you didn’t even need to look where you were going. But you did, when three steps from your original position you crashed into a woman carrying a bag of groceries. She yelped, the sudden sound snapping you back to reality. 
“What are you doing standing out here? Shouldn’t you be at work?” Connie startled you when she touched you, you had barely noticed her approaching. She frowned, concerned, when she took in your glazed appearance, “Sweetheart?”
“I’m okay,” Your voice cracked as tears filled your eyes. 
“Oh darling, come inside. Come on,” Connie walked across the road, expecting you to follow but you didn’t. You couldn’t bring yourself to move, you wanted to run in the opposite direction. You knew if you went inside you would have to tell her what was happening, you didn’t want to make her as mad as Javi was already. “Y/n? Sweetheart you’re scaring me, what’s wrong?” 
“I fucked it all up,” You whimpered as you began to cry.
“Come with me, I’ll get you some water,” Connie bartered, still you didn’t move. Too scared to admit to her what was going on, “Just come inside, please,” 
Finally, you nodded and followed Connie into the building. She walked you into the apartment, sat you on the couch and left to get a glass of water. You hadn’t stopped crying, everything in you was telling you to go and get more to calm yourself down again. You knew not to believe the thoughts but they scared you tremendously. You have really gone too far now. 
Connie passed you the water, and you drank it gladly. She crouched down in front of you, pressed a hand to your forehead and checked your pulse trying to work out what was wrong with you. 
“Did you take something?” She asked. You tried to shake your head and deny it but the way she’s looking at you, sternly but with so much care in her eyes, you couldn’t lie to her. Your no turns into a yes and you instantly recoil from her each touch, hiding in your hands. “What was it?” 
“It was only meant to help,” You cried into your hands.
“I can’t help you if you don’t tell me what happened,” She pressed. 
“Maria gave me some coke, and it was fine and fun and it helped me get that list from them,” You started to babble, all your words tumbling from your mouth before you could get them into any sensible order, “and everyone was so excited and then I went out kept doing it and then yesterday I ended up at Javi’s and I was tired and-,” 
“Slow down,” 
“It’s my six month review,  and I got so worried then I found it in my pocket! I didn’t know it was there and I just did it! Then Javi caught me again and he kicked me out here!” 
“Do you know how much you took?” 
“Like a tiny bit but I’ll be fine in an hour but-,” Tears slipped from your eyes once again, “What am I going to do?”
Connie didn’t know what to say. She knew you had been going out more with some new friends, Steve had complained because he was always woken up by you when you came back drunk from a party. That's all she thought was going on, you were partying, drinking, like you should at your age. But as she had come to learn, a lot of things in Columbia were not what they seemed. It seemed the darker side of life here had managed to get it’s claws well and truly into you. It broke her heart to see you like this, so broken up. 
You stayed with Connie for the rest of the afternoon, sat on the couch riding out the end of you high. TV kept you company and Connie chewed her nails trying to work out what to do. She thought should call Steve, but if Javier was the one to drop you off here, he probably already knew. She wondered how long it had been going on for, she didn’t get to see you as much as her husband and his partner, whenever she’d seen you you seemed fine, if a little hungover at times. When she thought about, all three of you had taken on destructive habits to cope with the hell you saw every day. Steve was becoming more aggressive by the week, while she knew she was safe she didn’t like what she saw when he flipped out. Everyone in the building knew about Javier’s escapades and now you. It was upsetting to watch from the outside, she couldn’t imagine what it was really like to go through. 
You woke up half an hour later, muddled and more tired than when you’d fallen asleep. 
“Feeling better?” Connie asked with a sympathetic smile.
“Feel like shit,” You muttered. Your head pounded and the heaviness still sat in your chest. That was the kicker, the coke could mask feelings very well but every time you sobered up they were still there waiting. You sighed heavily, pushing yourself to sit up where you’d slumped over, and rubbed your face with your sweaty palms. “What am I going to do?”
“I don’t know sweetie, but I’ll be here to help you,” Connie said kindly, as she sat on the couch next to you. You felt awful for dragging her into all this, yet another person you had let down, ”I think you should tell your boss? Or you’re coordinators, maybe they’ll help,” 
“I’ll be sent home!” You protested, tears filling your eyes once again, “I don’t want to go home, not now!” 
“You can’t keep it to yourself, it will only get worse,” She said, you nodded sadly and cried on her shoulder as she pulled you in for a hug. “I suggest a hot bath, watch some cheesy movie- I managed to find that Indiana Jones movie on tape. I know you love Harrison Ford,” 
“That sounds nice,” You smiled weakly. Connie let you go and grabbed the movie along with a bottle of wine for you. You gathered yourself together, enough to get yourself from Connie’s couch to your own at least. 
“I’m sure Steve won’t notice it’s gone. Go and chill out and watch the movie, have a bit of normality for a change. You’ll feel better I promise,” 
“Thank you Connie, you’re a really good friend,” 
“It’s no problem sweetie, like I said I’m always here for you,” 
Connie gave you another tight squeeze before you left. Iin the hallway you heard the clatter of Javi’s keys in his door below. You wanted to apologise to him, you wanted him to help you! You wanted things to go back to how they were before all this but you knew Javi wouldn’t talk to you. He’d displayed his distaste for the people that fell under the powder’s spell before, he wasn’t going to help. He had trusted you to sort it out yourself but now it was abundantly clear you couldn’t. 
Once again your brain reminded you how easy it would be to get some more coke to cheer yourself up. You could go downstairs and walk down the street, find one of your friends and be happy again so quickly. You didn’t have to feel this pain. 
This time, you ignored it and locked yourself in your apartment. You took yourself to bed immediately, not even bothering to turn on any lights along the journey through the tiny space. You fell on the bed face first. As soon as your body hit the soft material you curled up as tight as you could and began to cry. 
You had failed. You had let your team down, let your coordinators down, let your classmates down and let your family down. You didn’t even want to think about the conversation you would have to have with your mom as to why you were coming home six months early from a placement you fought so hard to get. You thought you could handle it, but you couldn’t. You failed.
Part 2
Translations (disclaimer I'm sorry if these are wrong I've been learning Spanish for all of 3 months hence the limited use)
Abra la puerta - open the door
No lo siento Javi. ¡Es divertido! - I’m not sorry Javi, it’s fun!
Eres enojado - are you angry?
No lo sé - I don’t know
Para!- stop!
Lo siento- I’m sorry
Pero- but
Me vale - I don’t care
The next part will be out next Friday! Want to get tagged? Let me know! 
Tag list: @beskar-tano @buckysbeloved @beskarbabs @all-hallows-evie @harrys-stan @browneyes-djarin @themidnightsun-12​
gunna be cheeky and tag some mutuals i think may be interested? @ithinkwehitametaphor​ @wille-zarr​ 
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kalgalen · 7 years
mindfulwrath replied to your post “mindfulwrath replied to your post “i’m really not into it in any...”
1. this is wonderful and glorious 2. i'm laughing bc MWDF michael is like 6 inches taller and 2x as broad as ryan XD
omg fuck well that put things in a new perspective
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sonjaohno · 3 years
An Unupsettable People
Manhattan is an island roughly half the size of Walt Disney World, the theme park in Orlando, FL, but with a population 1.6 million—a population density of 27,346 per km2. And this is not counting all the people who live in New York City’s other boroughs but work, shop, go out, and generally mingle with people on Manhattan on a daily basis. It also excludes the tourists, whose number was at its pre-pandemic record high in 2019, when 66.6 million people visited the city of New York, which, for most of them, meant Manhattan. To give my lovely readers an idea of what this means, Berlin has a population density of 4,193 per km2, Helsinki 2,986 per km2, and Turku, where I was born, has a population density of 765 people per every km2—a luxurious 1.3 m2 for every person, which is enough for every Turku inhabitant to take to the streets and spin a hula wheel at the same time. Saying that Manhattan is “densely populated” therefore doesn’t quite capture the sheer denseness of this island. If every Manhattanite took to the streets simultaneously—some crawling up from the city’s subterranean dimensions, some descending from its skyscraping heights—there’d be no hula hooping: there’d be 27 people crammed to every square meter. That’s 27 people standing on each other’s shoulders, like this:
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Understandably, given this density, the people who live on Manhattan have had to develop a very high tolerance for each other. It is, generally speaking, nearly impossible to behave publicly in a manner that upsets a New Yorker. They are, in a word, unupsettable. This is true to a mind-boggling degree that would be comical, if it wasn’t also so, well, damn upsetting: Every time I take the subway for more than a few stops, eventually a person will appear who is raving about the end of the world, picking up fights with random strangers, shadow boxing, or just threatening to kill everyone and everything in sight. Now, a person with a normal unsettability level will unavoidably be upset, whether because she is worried for her own safety (I’ve never seen a situation escalate to actual violence but the threat of it is palpable—and very upsetting), or because, as a human being, she feels terrible that so many people have nowhere to go but the subway when they feel this desperate, this upset. I’d never go on the subway if I felt like that. I’d probably go to my mum’s. The (mostly homeless) people (of color) who have fits on the subway presumably don’t have mums to go to, or friends with actual homes, or anywhere, really, aside from the street. That they are “upset”—a word that doesn’t quite cover what they must be feeling—is the inevitable consequence of them having nowhere to go in a city this dense. That those of us who do have places to go are not upset, or not more upset—this is the mystery.
The second, much less upsetting but still somewhat upsetting, thing that fails to upset New Yorkers is rats. Interestingly, there are actually fewer rats in New York than I had assumed: The official Rat Information Portal ran by the city health administrator, NYC Health, estimates a population of 2 million rats, across the five boroughs (so not only on Manhattan—if it were, the rats would outnumber people). There’s neighborhoods with more rats and there’s neighborhoods with fewer rats. In my limited experience, Harlem is among those neighborhoods worst afflicted by the rat problem, and the more affluent a neighborhood (and the whiter its human population), the fewer the rats. I was sitting at a bar on Frederick Douglass Boulevard and tried counting the rats climbing in and out of the terrace construction to explore the contents of garbage bags which, unwisely but unavoidably given the density issue described above, are left to the street overnight for collection. Before, I had been sitting on said terrace myself but I found the proximity to the rats just too upsetting—not the sight of them but the smell: Before seeing a rat, I’d start smelling it. I won’t describe the smell to you in detail, but you can count on me that it’s enough to upset anyone’s stomach.
Still, despite such majorly and minorly upsetting things, Manhattan is turning out to be a pretty magical place. Not least because of its 1.6 million inhabitants, who, despite their unupsettability, are some of the most hilarious, warm-hearted people I’ve ever come across. Yesterday walking through central park, a little girl playing with her friends takes off her top and screams “I’m sweating like a potato in a plastic bag!!!” She’s clearly upset by her body’s failed cooling system—nobody else blinks an eye.
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Here's a picture I took when walking out of the park on Fifth Avenue. I wish I was better at taking photos.
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lcstrega · 6 years
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                                                   SUNSETTER / NYMPHETCMINE           
                                                                   witch oc. nsfw. 21+.
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yuhi-san · 2 years
i know tumblr doesnt have algorithm but there must be some bizzare rule of thumb or anything that they use for the 'for you' site. i mean my blogs you follow site is full of blogs i certainly did not decide tonfollow (i picked like 5 blogs consciously lol)
anyway i took a nap and now my for you page has some tiktok girl pro ana posts for every third one.
first i thought it was just one random blog but then i checked and it's like 5 different ones.
the reason i think the tiktok thing is because it took me way too long to decipher the tags that had more numbers than letters. 4n0r3x14 was harder to make out as 'anorexia' than i thought it should be
anyway its weird af because nothing in my whole online activiy would be reason. also kinda unsetteing, looking at their blogs about. its like one mind and just... uff
0 notes
zaappy · 2 years
Aluminium Framed Luggage Bag-
Baggage or luggage consists of bags, cases, and containers which hold a  traveler's personal articles while the traveler is in transportation.
A modern traveler can be expected to have packages containing clothing's ,toiletries, small possessions, and trip necessities. On the return trip, travelers may have memories and gifts. For some people, luggage and the style thereof is representative of the owner's wealth and status. Luggage is constructed to protect the items during travel, either with a hard shell or a durable soft material. Luggage often has internal sub divisions or sections to aid in securing items. Handles are typically provided to facilitate carrying, and some luggage may have wheels and/or telescoping handles or leashes to make moving them easier.
Luggage has changed over time. Historically the most common types of luggage were chests or trunks made of wood or other heavy materials. These would be shipped by professional movers. Since the second world war smaller and more lightweight suitcases and bags that can be carried by an individual have become the main form of luggage.
Zaappy.com is an ongoing online shopping website that is mainly focused on selling branded luggage and other travel accessories. we have collections of different luggage such as Aluminium frame luggage ,ABS material luggage, Soft material luggage, Printed luggage and so on. The first application of our travel is based on the type of selection of travel bag and amount of things you need to take with you. Small duffel bags would enough for short excursions, however heavy or large amounts of things  would hold only by large luggage trolleys. For this our “Aluminium Framed luggage bag” is best for your comfortable and memorable  journey.
Material selection is always the first most important feature you should consider. Trolley bags are generally made up of two types of materials such as hard case or soft case .Both types should have good quality and waterproof lining provided on the sides and more comfortable and easy to hold our necessary stuff. we introduce the ”Aluminium Frame luggage“ to easy and comfortable traveling with mind blowing features.. There’s something attractive with the smooth appearance of aluminum suitcases. But there’s more to an aluminium suitcase aside from its neat and professional-looking exterior.
 “Benefits of Aluminium Frame Baggage”,  Its Style is the best part, You’ve got to travel, nothing quite gives a statement in the airport like a smooth, elegant, and timeless ,lightweight  aluminium suitcase. These suitcases made a modern vibe and are no doubt going out of style.Durable will be the next benefit. Choosing a cheaper case made from worse materials may be attractive but it could end pretty badly. If you’re a frequent traveler, chances are you’ve replaced your luggage more frequently than you’d like.If you are looking for a better durable suitcase that you won’t have to replace anytime soon, choose an aluminium frame suitcase. With proper care and maintenance, you can expect it to last. While it will unavoidably earn scuffs, scratches, dings, and dents over the years, aluminum suitcases are virtually indestructible.
Weather-proof and Strong is another feature of the baggage. Lightweight aluminium cases are resistant to moisture and water – a valuable quality celebrated by frequent travelers.An aluminium suitcase’s protective and weather-proof casing is handy. If you need to bring breakable  and expensive technical gear such as cameras or drones for travel.If you plan to get a suitcase for air travel, material strength is a huge factor. Suitcases get the roughest treatment at airport check-ins. Aluminium suitcases can withstand luggage transfers without signs of luggage damage. Next  important thing is to Secure  the luggage. Most, if not all, aluminum suitcases come with TSA approved combination locks that can detect  theft and unauthorized access without the proper combination or key. You don’t have to be unsettled about your luggage being slashed and opened, or its zippers punctured too.
Let’s be honest these suitcases are luxury items for jet-setters. Gracing departure rooms with these beauties will likely catch eyes.It can easily catch the attention of people while traveling.Most travelers need complete freedom and convenience during the journey.They choose luggage bags that can easily carried anywhere .Bags with Wheels are easy to move and push to anywhere .Wheels make it easy to handle the luggage.This Aluminium frame luggage has 2 wheels or 4 Wheels to handle on airport or easily dragged along the road with 360 degree movement.
Choosing to purchase an aluminium  framed suitcase would depend largely on your preference, needs, and lifestyle. If you want to prioritize safety and want to ensure that your belongings arrive in perfect condition or you anticipate traveling a lot and want to invest in a durable suitcase, an aluminium framed suitcase will meet and even exceed your expectations. 
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misscrawfords · 6 years
is rather an unsett-
ling thing
(but don’t sing a nocturne just yet)
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kim-hoya · 3 years
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