#ursa major duo
bisquitt · 8 months
a drag performer duo with a height difference based on bears (gay men) called Ursa Major and Ursa Minor.
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reluctanttrabbit · 4 months
What about the Ursa duo for Greg and Nessa? Because of Ursa Major and Ursa Minor, plus Ursa means bear!!!!
AWWWW WAIT THATS CUTE.... big and small bear :]
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scribesynnox · 5 months
Ohhhhhh MAN.
@somerandomdudelmao For someone who claims to be “horrible at naming things”, you have been hitting banger names for your characters, they have ALL hit the mark, every single time.
We’ve got Satellite, the satellite moon for the crew. Scultptor, whose name is INCREDIBLY ominous given his very sharp surgical tools and his ease in modifying people’s bodies without their consent. Ain, who’s definition I still haven’t worked out yet because there’s actually a bunch of different definitions for him, but I’m hoping it’s the Hebrew definition because it would be SO fucking funny you don’t understand. Ain as in “eye” or “to see”. Lmao. But also as an extension, it means “to understand and obey” and that fits with the whole “Sculptor’s assistant” thing. Elliptica, the Moon princess of her network, she who covers the sun and turns the sky dark with her presence, with a possible second definition of being “elliptical, difficult to understand”. Likely her name is just in reference to the Ellipse though cuz of the moon thing. Holly, from the Sea Temple, out here protecting Ward and WARD!! My man, my cautious astronaut bodyguard. Poor man went from a verb to a noun and he’s not having a good time with the transition. To ward into a ward. And there’s Alcor, the brighter star of the binary system in the Ursa Major constellation, and uh, speaking of the second half of this duo system. And the whole reason I started this post in the first place.
Oscar! The guy ever, love this himbo. I thought, “man! These names have all been zingers every time with in-depth meanings and foreshadow behind them! Gee, I wonder if it’s the same for Oscar!” AND UH.
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And!! Because I was on a roll with the names, I looked up Alcor and found the name of the other star, Mizar. Went, “I know Oscar’s name is Oscar, but if he’s supposed to be the Mizar to Alcor, I wonder if THIS name means anything.” AND!!!!
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FORGOTTEN? NEGLECTED ONE?? NEGLECTED ONE???? I’ve been wondering how Oscar relationship with his parents are, since we already know that he’s a fantastic older brother to his siblings AND THEN I SEE THIS??? Ominous. But also!! Mizar means apron/cover/wrapping and all that other stuff so is it an indication for Oscar shielding Alcor? Or stifling him? Protecting him from the “dirty” work like an apron, or muffling him under a wrapper?
Though it is interesting how Alcor is the brighter star between the two of them. Cue Treasure Planet moment between Alcor and Oscar, and Oscar giving the “catching some of the light coming off of ya” speech to Alcor, I would just CRY.
All of these may mean nothing. Or it may mean EVERYTHING, and I am vibrating in place to see what happens next.
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lyrical-fanfics · 2 years
Everything will be okay (RiddlexReader Vignette)
this is part of a series of one-shots that will later tie into a longer series on my AO3. They're meant to be read like the vignettes in Twisted Wonderland, so if you want a sequel please let me know. The reader is not Yuu. The reader is a student at the OC sister school Fantasia College for girls
3rd person POV
Genre: Gen, some fluff
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    Riddle was always furious at her. Always pushing things to the last minute, always lazing about, always taking her time. Whenever something tickled her fancy, she would forego work to investigate. She had no restraint and nary an ounce of prudence. She did as she wanted, and she never settled. She was horrible to compromise with, and even now he wanted to pull his hair out. How she became the Vice-Housewarden in his house’s Sister dorm, he would never know. The Housewarden of Whispmathan seemed to place great trust in her, but he wouldn’t trust her with something as simple as delivering a paper. 
    “Housewarden Riddle, I do not believe glaring is conducive in this meeting. Is there something bothering you? Do we need to take a break?” The Housewarden of Whispmathan questions with an unwavering tone and gaze. Her work ethic was phenomenal in comparison to that of her absent partner. 
    “When do you plan on calling (Name) here?” He nearly growled out the question, trying to keep his fuse from igniting against her stone-cold exterior. Trey could feel the tension rising in the air, as this was supposed to be a meeting between all four dorm leaders, but half of the Whispmathan duo started the meeting without everyone in attendance. 
    “I expect (Name) to be here on her own schedule. Regardless, I can take care of this task without help.” Ursa Morgan, the Dorm leader of Whispmathan, puffed her chest with placid pride. “Do you doubt your sister dorm’s abilities?” 
    Riddle could only sigh as he glanced towards Trey, who only gave his dorm leader a simple shake of the head. Ever since the merger of Fantasia and NRC, the paperwork has been piling up. Riddle was up to his waist in a variety of event requests, sleepover permissions (to which he instantly denied a grand majority), and a variety of joint administration agreements. Most of the menial documents only require one or two eyes to scan and pass along, but with the sheer volume of them, he was flooded. He knew Ursa was as well, but she powered through most of them. He didn’t understand how she did it, as for a lot of the papers, he needed Trey’s help just to cull them. Ursa was bound for exhaustion at this point, which infuriated Riddle further. 
    “If we are to continue to hold these meetings in Heartslaybul, then I must insist we enforce Heartslaybul rules. This includes punishment for tardiness and absence without prior notice.” Riddle was really pushing his luck here. He knew that in prior agreements, the rules of Heartslaybul students were not to apply to Whispmathan, but maybe, just maybe, Ursa would agree. 
    “Who said I was late?” a voice chimed in from a nearby wardrobe, and atop it was (Name). Her legs were crossed as she sat, and a lazy smile dripped across her face. Riddle nearly popped a vein when he saw her. 
    “There you are! You failed to call off during attendance! Therefore, you are late!” He prattled, causing a shared glance between Trey and Ursa. 
    “Recall Riddle, Whispmathan students are void of Heartslaybul rules, that was the agreement after the unbirthday party incident.” (Name) slid down from the tall, crooked wardrobe, patting her dorm uniform clean of the minimal dust. “As it was agreed that all Heartslaybul students were void of Whispmathan’s requirements for weekly divinations.” 
    “You seem to remember a lot only when the information benefits you.” Riddle quipped, causing (Name) to laugh. 
    “Makes it easy that way.” (Name) then ignored Riddle’s glare as she approached her Housewarden. “Yo. anything you need me to do?” 
    “No. Go back to sleep,” Ursa commanded while looking over several documents. She once again tried to take on all the work by herself, but this time Trey stepped in. 
    “Actually I could use some help, do you mind if I borrow her?” he was trying to kill two birds with one stone. He knew Ursa wouldn’t ask for help beyond that of life or death, and he knew Riddle was about to burst another gasket if (Name) just went back to lazing about in his presence. 
    “Aw, really?" (Name) complained, but she smiled afterward. "Boring. Alright. What are we doing?" She could barely finish her sentence before Riddle erupted again. 
    “If you were the entire time, you should be well aware!” Riddle lashed out, and (Name) couldn't help but roll her eyes. His face began to rival the red strawberries on his favorite tarts. 
    “Remember? According to you, I wasn’t here.”      “And according to you, the Queen of Heart’s rules do not apply to you!” 
    “Please, just come here and stop antagonizing him…” Trey said with a great sigh as he pinched the bridge of his nose. He might’ve actually preferred it if (Name) had just kept silent this whole time. At least then she would have done what (Name) does best and completed everything within minutes of the deadline. Procrastination might as well be her Signature Spell, but from what Ursa’s told him, (Name)’s spell is far more special. 
    Despite everyone knowing that She’ll get things done within the last few hours, Riddle is still plagued with noticing how every small thing (Name) does is highly inefficient. She would spin her pen on her fingers, or she would doodle something and then bug Trey to look at it, or she would bother Ursa, who would look up for a brief second, comment, and then immediately return to her grind. The only point he was able to focus on was when (Name) left the room for a few minutes, only to return 5 minutes later with a drink from a vending machine. It was the straw that broke the very broken camel's back, and once again, Riddle snapped. 
    “Can you focus for at least 5 minutes!? You’re only slowing everyone down, and extending the time it takes to get everything done!” 
    His fuming and anger rose to a reddened point, verbally attacking the serene (Name) as she only gave a blank stare at Riddle. “How you became a Vice-Housewarden is beyond me! You don’t even belong in this room if you’re going to only cause delay! You can't stay on task for more than 5 minutes, and you are rude and ignorant to everyone else around you, working hard! Do you know how much time you’ve wasted here? Why are you even here if you can’t do anything right? Why are you here?!” 
    “Riddle!” Trey tried to calm the situation as he shot to his feet, but his words did little about the growing tension in the room. Riddle’s stress and anger culminated in a scream. Trey looked to Ursa to help pacify the situation, but she only kept her head down, writing away as if nothing was happening. Trey was already stressed about the potential for another Riddle overblot, even though doctors said the likelihood was low, but (Name) wasn’t helping right now. Her unchanging face was probably only causing Riddle to get angrier as well. It seemed like she didn't care, like even in Riddle's highly volatile and emotional state, she was blank. 
    The tension came crashing down with the simple touch of a cold drink to Riddle’s forehead. (Name)'s face finally cracked, as it turned warm. 
    “Because everything will be okay.” was all (Name) said before placing the drink down in front of Riddle. It was a bottle of water, but she clearly intended it to be for him. Her voice softened as she smiled gently at Riddle, causing his heart to skip a beat. “The weekly divination on Ursa confirmed it, however such an environment where it’s all stress will cause her to collapse. As Vice-Housewarden, it is my job to prevent that.”
    Riddle and Trey were taken aback. This entire time, they had only seen (Name)’s meddling as annoying and self-serving, but looking back on it, she was bugging Ursa quite a bit. She would ask for her opinions on wood carvings (Name) wanted to do, or upcoming shows and books. 
    “Oh, is that what my divination said for this week?” Ursa kept working as if she didn’t hear about her own impending collapse. “It makes sense.” (Name) sighed before walking over to Ursa and patting her head.
    “You just heard about the potential for your collapsing, and you reply with ‘Makes sense’?!” Trey couldn’t help but point out the absurdity, but Ursa only shrugged it off. Riddle wasn't quite satisfied yet.  
    “But if that is the case, why not just come forward with the information instead of dragging the whole operation down?” Riddle crossed his arms and pouted. (Name)’s logic wasn’t fully there, and he didn’t know if he trusted her on this. 
    “Would you have actually been mindful of this or just let yourself burn out and suffer the consequences of not changing your fate?” (Name) quipped back as she shifts her attention back to Ursa. Riddle was once again taken aback by (Name) and her thoughtfulness to the situation. He soften ever so slightly to (Name)’s kindness until Ursa opened her mouth and ruined the moment.
    “Don’t let this fool you. My reading was at the beginning of this week. There were probably plenty of chances to prevent my collapse. She chose once again to do it last minute.” 
    “Ah-- I’m caught.” (Name) giggled and stuck her tongue out to appear more naive and innocent, but this only caused Riddle to burst into red again. 
    (Name) could only scratch the back of her head as she actually got proper criticism from Riddle, delaying the paperwork by 3 hours.
thank you for reading my work. If you would like to follow along, the entire thing is also on AO3
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mystery-salad · 2 years
Favourite constellation? as in stars
It's a standard pair, but I really love Ursa Major and Ursa Minor! Top tier duo I was enamored since the first time I heard about them on a field trip to the science center as a small child 🌟
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rg-richardson · 3 months
B.C. winemakers grapple with the climate crisis | The Narwhal
Rajen Toor’s 2023 harvest should have been an occasion to celebrate. Toor and his wife Bree, the duo behind wine label Ursa Major, had just purchased their own vineyard in the fall of 2022. For six years, Toor had been making his small-batch wines from grapes purchased from his family winery in Oliver, B.C., and, more recently, from a vineyard he and Bree leased on the Naramata Bench. Harvesting…
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capemayvibe · 4 months
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nosebleedclub · 3 years
July Prompts
i. duo ii. artemis iii. sacred forest iv. remote village v. gunk vi. madeleine vii. powerful telescope viii. stunted ix. dryads x. light in the garden xi. slasher xii. buried secrets xiii. winged xiv. ursa major xv. puppetteer xvi. the way she lost herself xvii. observant cat xviii. dominate xix. suffocating memory xx. come closer xxi. rural folklore xxii. just desserts xxiii. amethyst xxiv. sailors xxv. pianist xxvi. elegant murder xxvii. antihero xxviii. beheaded xxix. childish games xxx. wrists xxxi. end of an era
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liquidstar · 3 years
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I finished the final little polarisverse ocs I was working on from June, so now for the rest of July I can put my focus on artfight! And after that I’ll finish up the rest of their guild, maybe do a couple in-between too though!
These two kids are Alcor and Capella, they’re sort of the eager and overzealous kids of the guild, they’re both 12 but Capella is about 10 months older, both are kids who we’ve been in the guild since they were very little, so they see each other like siblings. Neither of them have any powers to speak of yet so they don’t really get to go on any sort of missions, despite their impatience to, especially on Alcor’s end. So the duo spend a lot of their time playing around in the guildhall, causing innocent mischief and sometimes annoyance to the older members, but kids will be kids. 
I’ll put more specific info about each under the cut once more ^^
Alcor was named after the star in Ursa Major, the star’s meaning is “faint one” or “neglected one” due to being so unnoticeable next to the star Mizar. Alcor was taken in by the guild at around age 5 due to his family situation, even at a young age like that he wasn’t the wanted child. He found a new home with everyone at the guild though, he was very welcomed and always had a friend to turn to, and watching these amazing people take care of him as he grew up made him want to be just like them. He’s incredibly eager to get his power (without understanding the full implications of such a development) and get to go on cool missions and be an awesome hero, but for right now he’s still just the faint one. One day he knows he’s going to be someone amazing though, he’ll make it happen no matter what. Everyone wants someone amazing after all, and he wants to be wanted and important, a bright shining star!
Capella was named after the brightest star in the Auriga consolation, the star’s name means “Little goat” and she has cute little goat horns on her headband, and generally is an animal lover. Her father was in the guild since he was a young man, and Capella was born and raised in the guild because of him. He chose to stay in it because even if he ends up away on missions that take a long time she’d always be in an environment with people who will take care of her and love her, so she’d never be lonely. Still she’s incredibly eager to get to go and work with her dad one day, she wants to show him what she can do! She even has a slingshot as a weapon, which is like a baby version of his bow, she emulates him a lot. Still, between her and Alcor she’s the more relaxed one about this type of stuff. She’s sort of go-with-the-flow, if Alcor wants to get into some hijinks she’ll come along happily, but if not she’s fine just relaxing for the day, she’s not in as much of a rush. 
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its-aleths · 4 years
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“Rumours of a dynamic duo were mentioned between the small towns of Equestria. They spoke of a purple bat pony whose grumpiness matches that of an Ursa Major being woken from hibernation. They spoke of a lilac earth pony that radiates gentleness of a soft rabbit that anypony can approach.
No one really knows how they met or became their own party - opposites attract...or so they say. Adventurers note the constant banter between the two, in particular how the earth pony pretends to be extremely grumpy and serious like her teammate, and the bat pony being painfully blunt at any of her teammate’s fun questions or jokes.
But when the battle approaches, they provide a synergy that is quite a sight to behold, and adventurers have taken notes to pass on for their own respective parties. Despite their exterior act in public, they seem to be great friends and care about each other very much.”
Day 4: Draw a passed out pony / Draw a pony chasing their dreams
Featuring @phoenixswift‘s Violet Rose. Fun fact we did play out how they met initially a long time ago for a DnD campaign. Unfortunately, it never started but at least Ria met a grump horse out of it!
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spahhzy · 5 years
Ruby vs. The Department of Firearms and Explosives. Prt 2.
Loud Speaker: Now serving ticket number 12.
Ruby: *Looks at her ticket number she acquired from the Desk Clerk of the D.F.E.*
Runy: Finally Jaune let's go! *standing up triumphantly only to have Jaune grab her arm.
Jaune: Move you thumb from the ticket Rubes
Ruby: Huh? *Moves thumb that was covering the rest of the number to reveal ticket number 1271*
Ruby: I Really Hate The D.F.E
Ruby collapses in her chair as Jaune just put up his hoodie and closed his eyes. They were gonna be their awhile.
*3hours of waiting later*
Loud Speaker: Now serving Ticket # 1271
Ruby: Finally! Come vomit boy! The wait is over!
With renewed energy she got up from her chair with Jaune in tow and walked through the door...only to see another waiting area with a long line people that went from one corner of the room to the next before the line ended where she was.
Ruby astonished look back at the plague above the door which read 'Waiting Area #2* .
Ruby: Oum give me strength! *she thinks to herself before sighing and looking around only for something to catch her eye. A vending machine!
Ruby: Hold the fort down Jaune! *she runs off in a flurry of petals as Jaune just nods and waits for the line to move up listening to music on his scroll.
Ruby: *At the vending machine see's a 2 pack of chocolate chip cookies inside for 1 lien* Something to help with the waiting! *inserts the currency and enters the code before sticking her hand at the dispenser door waiting expectantly only for nothing to fall down.
Ruby: What...I press the right co- oh no * Looks up to see the cookies were stuck, the coil mechanism had jammed the cookies leaving them stuck at the edge, not enough to fall down.
Ruby puts her face to the glass whining and tears falling from her eyes.
Ruby: Let my poor treat go heathen! It's me you want they had nothing to do with this! *Shaking the machine a little but to no effort the cookies wouldn't budge.
Ruby: Even the vending machine from this hellish place is evil *Walks away sadly back to Jaune and her spot*
Suddenly a small child and her mother walked up past her to the vending machine which in turn said machine dropped the stuck batch of cookies unbeknownst to poor Ruby and the joy of the kid.
Jaune: You alright Rubes you look like someone stole the last batch of cookies on a saturday morning. *Ruby just put her head on Jaunes shoulder*
Ruby: This place is hell incarnate
Jaune: *chuckles* Eh look were almost their!* giving her a head pat as they waited in line.
*Beep! Beep! Beep!*
Ruby: hmm? *looking at her scroll to find it going off*
Ruby: Hi Yang, what- what do you mean their is a Grimm attack happening? Cinder? Beacon?
Ruby: I can't do anything right now Yang, I'm at the D.F.E , yes my poor Crescent Rose pretty much got impounded! *raising her hands in the air animatedly*
Ruby: Beacon's making me pay a fee! Yes a fee cause of the incident of YOU leaving Ember Celica around! Ye- oh you remember now!
Ruby: anywho my weapons license is expired and I gotta go get it fixed other wise i can't take it,Just stall Cinder for as long as possible the line is moving up now! Tell everyone to hang tight. *Hangs up the scroll as Jaune looks at her*
Jaune: Maybe this was Cinders plan all along? Get you here to this evil place while she goes on a tear throughout the school? *Ruby looks at him with narrowed eyes*
Ruby: No she's evil but not that evil... someone must have planned this. Someone who revels in making evil unneccessary diabolical plans.
*Far away in the grimm lands*
Salem: Creating the D.F.E is the best longterm evil plan I could come up with! *eating some popcorn and watching from her crystal ball The Rose and Arc suffer through the twisted machinations that was D.F.E. .
*back to the duo*
We find them both now taking the written exam for the Firearm License both seated next to each other as the proctor looks down the class room.
Jaune: Psst Ruby what's the difference between Single Action & Double Action?
Proctor: NO SHARING ANSWERS! *to which Jaune dropped his head to the desk*
Jaune: I don't even use a firearm!
30mins later.
Proctor: Alright Miss Rose you passed the written test with flying colors!
Ruby: Great can I have my new license now!
Proctor: ah ah, not yet you need to do the Live Weapons test now.
Ruby looks at the Proctor before looking at the tv monitor overhead reading 'Beacon under attack!' Before looking back to the proctor.
Ruby: Weapons test? Me? But....I gotta go save the world!
Proctor scoffing at her reasoning: I don't care if you were 80ft tall Miss Rose if I started making exceptions this whole place would fall apart!
Ruby just stared out into space thinking of what she could do if she was 80ft tall. The sound of a building being smashed to pieces before being shot multiple times by a sniper rifle filled her head before she laughed evilly only to have Jaune tap her on the shoulder.
Jaune: Were you daydreaming about destroying this place?
Ruby: why what ever do you mean! *innocent eyes stared at him as he chuckled before ruby turned back to the proctor*
Ruby: Alright let's do this dumb test.
Back at Beacon Team WBY & NPR were fighting for their lives.
Yang: what kind of villain attacks a school on a SATURDAY!?
Blake: The really evil ones keep firing!
Weiss: Where is Ruby!
Yang: She is at the D.F.E retaking her license test!
Cinder: *laughs evily at the mention of the D.F.E*
Yang: Was getting her to that hellscape part of your plan! You twisted bitch! No one likes to waste their Saturday at the D.F.E.!
Cinder: *Continues to laugh with more evil*
Nora: Why did Jaune go he doesn't even own a gun!
Cinder: *cackles maniacally*
Ren: Your evil knows no bounds! He was innocent damn you!
Grimm had begun surrounding them all threatening to overrun them before a large bang rang out through the air as a ursa major turned to dust.
Cinder turns to the cause of the sound and see's Ruby standing there aiming Crescent Rose at her head. few seconds later Jaune appears looking winded and tired.
Nora: Fearless Leader!
BWY: Ruby!
Ruby: Alright Cinder! You ruined my saturday, you made me waste 16 lien AND you made poor Jaune run 6 blocks.
Jaune: avenge me *collapses from exhaustion*
Ruby: It's go time!
*15 mins of POWs & Ows later*
Cinder: *cackles while hurt*
Ruby: Retreating!? Get back here!
Cinder: *creates a large flame wall before leaving the scene her evil snicker still lingering*
Ruby looks back to everyone before hugging Crescent Rose.
Ruby: Momma won't ever leave you around again, come on let's go make sure Daddy's alright.
*in the grimm lands looking through the crystal ball*
Salem: ah another successful unneccessary diabolical plan complete.
She takes out a pen and a notebook labeled 'unneccessary diabolical plans' before checking off 'Make Ruby Rose go to The D.F.E. on a Saturday'.
Salem: All in a days work.
We now resume our scheduled dose of gloomy times.
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“Baby It’s alright I’ll call you mine, At night the moon is shining at us, Through the dawn, I want to try to stay up all night.”
Word count: 5k+
Movie night?
You looked up from your phone, eyebrows rising slightly as a grin involuntarily crossed your face. Your friends all took notice of it and groaned simultaneously.
“I swear, all you ever do is hang out with those boys nowadays,” Jiyoo mumbled between mouthfuls of food. You rolled your eyes.
“What are you talking about?” You asked, pressing the power button on your phone. “It was just my mom.”
None of your friends fell for that. Haeun rolled her eyes and brushed her hair behind her ear.
“Uh-huh, and what did mom say?” She asked. You feigned a serious look.
“I have to figure out what movie to watch tonight for a movie marathon. If I don’t bring popcorn, she’ll kill me,” you said, completely deadpan. Haeun and Jiyoo burst out into giggles.
“Let me guess, let me guess!” Jiyoo stated between giggles. “Is it Seokmin, Hansol, and Seungkwan?”
“Who else would it be?” You asked with a laugh. Haeun tapped the table lightly with her index finger.
“Let’s see, bowling with Soonyoung and Junhui last week, Gallery Hopping with Minghao and Wonwoo, didn’t you even end up doing Karaoke with Joshua and Seungcheol?” Haeun began to list off. “Should I continue?”
“Okay, but Seokmin, Seungkwan, and Hansol? They’re my guys,” you exclaimed. “I don’t know why but the four of us just clicked you know?”
Jiyoo rolled her eyes.
“I still can’t believe you ended up befriending them,” she mumbled with a sigh. “I mean, running into Seokmin in a grocery store like that and bonding over your love of musicals?”
“I know, I know, I’m really out there living my best y/n life,” you said jokingly. You glanced back down at your phone and sent a text back to your friend.
I’ll be there.
“I just can’t believe that you never hang out with Jihoon.”
Your fingers froze over your keyboard, your body stiffening at his name. You felt your heartbeat quicken and you tried to fight against the feeling. You had always assumed that upon meeting him, getting to know the real him, these childish feelings would die.
“Oh yeah you used to be such a huge Jihoon stan,” Jiyoo agreed. She wrinkled her eyebrows. “Didn’t he used to be your screensaver? Why don’t you ever talk about him?”
You forced your eyes up from your phone screen, smiling easily.
“What can I say? You should never meet your idols, right?” You asked with a laugh.
When you arrived at Pledis, you slipped in the doors just as cheerily as ever.
At first, the company hadn’t been too keen on your presence around the building. They didn’t like you being around the guys, but you had become such a welcome presence these days that no one cared anymore. You popped into the practice room, happy to find Seungkwan standing in the center, his arms in the air.
He caught you staring at him through the window and a smile crossed his face.
“Y/n is here!” He announced happily.
“Hey, Kwannie!”
There weren’t many boys in the room. A quick scan and you saw Soonyoung, Hansol, Seungcheol, Seokmin, Minghao, and...
You quickly turned your head to the nearest boy, Minghao, and smiled warmly.
“How’s it going?” You asked as you approached him. You raised your hands eagerly into the air and he met it with a quick high five to the front. You spun around, holding your arms out behind your back for him to hit, and when he did you turned around and did the same to him. You two then bumped hips, grabbed one another’s arms and chest bumped.
It was a dumb secret handshake between the two of you that you had made only to make fun of Junhui for all the time he spent in the bathroom in the mornings. It was just so much fun to do nowadays that you guys always kept it up.
“We just finished practice,” Minghao replied. “You have plans or you just popping in to say hi?”
“I always love to come say hi to you-” You got up on your tiptoes so that you could pinch his cheek teasingly. It made his face pinken and he turned away from you. “But I do have plans tonight.”
“With us!”
Arms were thrown around your shoulders and you looked to the side to see Seokmin goofily smiling at Minghao over your shoulder.
“Movie night,” you two sang.
“Not until you come and run over that thing we were talking about earlier again,” Seungcheol called. Seokmin pulled off of you and all three of you looked towards the leader. “Hello y/n.”
You smiled at him sheepishly, sending a wave in that direction.
“Hi there Cheol,” you responded. “You’re looking good today, you been working out?”
Seungcheol rolled his eyes, laughing quietly.
“I think you know better than to walk into our practice room and distract my boys,” he stated. You gave him an innocent look.
“Distract? I’d hardly call what I’m doing distracting... Just looking at you thinking about how good you look. I mean wow, look at that muscle. Is it arm day every day?” You stated. You nudged Seokmin. “I mean you see it right?”
“Oh yeah,” Seokmin agreed. “Real muscle, muscle.”
Seungcheol clicked his tongue.
“Comedic duo you two are,” he mumbled. He gestured for Seokmin to come over, which he did, nudging you in the side gleefully as he did.
“Good to see you,” he mumbled to you. You stuck a tongue out at him, and you turned your head to the side, eyes catching Hansol.
“My man!” You blurted. He laughed and turned from who he had been talking to, his body had previously been blocking someone, and you were surprised to see that now he was talking to Jihoon. Your nose scrunched slightly involuntarily, but your smile didn’t even flicker. “And Jihoon!”
Hansol laughed and gestured for you to come over, which you hesitantly did.
Your heart skipped a beat at the way that Jihoon was looking at you. You knew that it didn’t actually mean anything, but your heart wasn’t really listening to your brain.
“We were just talking about what movie to watch tonight,” Hansol stated. Your eyebrows raised in surprise.
“Jihoon’s coming?” You asked in surprise. Already running a number of excuses through your head to spill later about why you suddenly wouldn’t be able to come. Hansol rolled his eyes.
“Well, no, not exactly,” he replied. He poked the older boy in the side. “He’s going to be too busy in the studio tonight.”
Your body deflated.
“Ah, what the heck?” You mumbled, trying to sound disappointed. Jihoon’s eyes lingered on you, which made you turn over your shoulder.
“Uhm, I’m going to check on Kwan, I’ll leave you two alone?” You stated and before either boy could protest you rushed away, practically tackling Seungkwan from behind.
Being away from Jihoon made your beating heart relax a bit, but not much.
You wrapped your arms around him, smiling into his back.
“It’s good- as always- to see you,” you mumbled. He laughed and turned around pushing you off him with a chuckle.
“Good to see you as well,” he agreed. He then pursed his lips, squinting at you. “God, did you get uglier?”
You smacked his chest.
“Shut up. I brought like four bags of popcorn, but I can still make sure you don’t get any.”
On another day, you were at Pledis again, just lying on the pavement with Mingyu. He had asked you to look at the stars with him late one night, and you had been more than happy to do so.
You pointed at another constellation, smiling.
“That one used to be the first I could spot in the sky,” you stated. He directed your attention.
“That constellation is mine,” he replied. You followed his finger. 
“The scorpion?” You asked. He nodded.
“You know, I have constellations in mind that remind me of certain members of Seventeen,” you mumbled. Mingyu turned his attention away from the stars and to you, his eyebrows raising.
You nodded with a hum.
“Yeah,” you replied. “It’s all kind of loose but uhm, I see Ursa Major as Hansol, Ursa Minor as Seungkwan. Seungcheol is a star, Sirius. Seokmin is, of course, the beehive cluster-”
“What about me?” Mingyu interrupted. You rolled your eyes.
“Ophicius,” you replied. “Because you’re a snake.”
Someone close burst into laughter, and you glanced over surprised to see that Jihoon was standing there. He looked so small and happy. It made Mingyu sit up.
“How did writing go?” He asked. Jihoon shrugged.
“It went really well actually,” he replied softly. He gestured towards the ground beside you guys. “Mind if I join you?”
You, of course, weren’t going to say no. So instead, you smiled and patted the ground.
“Of course not.”
He sat down beside you and then lowered himself to his back.
“What about me?” He asked softly. You looked over at him. He looked so peaceful lying there on the ground, eyes focused on the stars above him. The way that his hair splayed over his forehead at that angle was nothing other than angelic, and it was slightly mesmerizing to watch his chest rise and fall. You felt Mingyu moving beside you, lying back down you assumed, and it dragged you back into reality.
You laid down too, your face warm as you looked up at the stars.
“Uhm, the star Altair,” you mumbled softly, pointing towards the star.
“And yourself?” He asked immediately after.
Your cheeks darkened.
“I don’t-”
“Oh, sure you do,” Mingyu interrupted. “Didn’t you say that Vega was your favorite star in the night sky?”
You cursed the man beside you silently, and if he had been anyone from your normal crowd, you would have pinched him for speaking.
“Tell us about them,” Jihoon said right after. “What’s their significance?”
“Well, Altair and Vega, actually do have quite the fascinating story about them,” you admitted. “It’s a Chinese love story. Altair was a cowherder who played beautiful music when he had the time, and Vega was a princess who overheard him playing one day. She fell in love with his music and started visiting him day after day so that she could hear him play.”
You felt Jihoon shifting beside you, his head turned and his eyes fell on you. Oddly enough it didn’t freak you out. It made you want to tell the story more.
“Well Vega wasn’t allowed to leave the heavens and interact with mortals and one day her mother, a goddess, found out what she was doing. She was terribly angry and refused to allow Vega to leave to visit Altair. Before her mother had completely dragged her away however she enchanted a bull who spoke to Altair when he frantically began looking for her, saying that he would take Altair to the heavens to find his love.”
You smiled and let your eyes turn to meet Jihoon’s. He had a faint smile spread across his lips too.
“So, Altair got on the bulls back and began to ride him to the heavens. However, Vega’s mother saw this and turned the path they took into a river… That path is now what is referred to as the Heavenly river… Aka the milky way galaxy.”
You pointed back up towards the stars and Jihoon briefly followed your finger, but quickly returned his gaze to yours.
“Vega came to the edge of the river and both her and Altair wept, wishing that one day they could be together. Her father noticed that and seeing how strong their love was became sympathetic. He created a bridge of Magpies for them to cross so that one day they can be together again.”
You sighed as you concluded the story.
“It’s very hopeful don’t you think?” You mumbled. “So many myths like that are sad, and end with death or no hope at the two ever being together but Altair and Vega have a chance you know?”
You looked away from Jihoon, back up at the hundreds of bright stars shining above you.
“I wish I had that.”
Jihoon opened his mouth to say something, you saw him do so out of the corner of your eye, but before he could Mingyu switched the subject, wanting to know the myth about Ophicius.
You guys didn’t talk about it the next day, but you stayed up with them that night until color began to breach the dark sky.
Honestly, it was nice.
“You know what’s strange?” Hansol stated suddenly. Seokmin, Seungkwan, and you all looked up at the other boy. He brushed some hair out of his face and frowned deeply. “Y/n almost never hangs out with Jihoon.”
A silence fell over the group and you froze, momentarily, noodles hanging from your mouth.
“Huh?” You mumbled.
“Hey, yeah? Have you ever hung out with Jihoon outside of the company?” Seungkwan agreed, his eyes turning to you. 
“Have you ever really hung out with him at Pledis either?” Seokmin accused. “Now that I think about it, you don’t ever even talk to him unless it’s in a group. You’re kinda close to everyone but him.”
A string of curses you didn’t dare to say out loud ran through your head. Had you really been that stupid? To make it so clear that you weren’t close to him?
“What are you guys talking about? I’m pretty close to Jihoon, we must not have much in common,” you responded. You let your eyebrows furrow after a moment. “Actually, now that I think about it...”
“Drop the act, you wouldn’t do it unless it was on purpose,” Seokmin stated, a roll of the eyes. “Seriously, y/n do you just not like him?”
It was as if all of the boys were simultaneously seeing every encounter you had ever had with Jihoon. You turning dead on your heels when you saw him in hallways, you talking to everyone in a room for a good while and then briefly saying hi to Jihoon before leaving a room, you always avoiding being in the same place as him.
It had been so obvious. How on Earth did they just now notice?
“It’s not that I don’t like him. You know, he’s my bias in Seventeen. Seungkwan my bias wrecker,” you mumbled. All the boys looked surprised.
“Really?” Seokmin asked.
“I always assumed Kwan was your bias,” Hansol added. Seungkwan just nodded along with it, eyes wide. You frowned.
“No, no, it’s always been Woozi. Since I knew anything about you guys. I don’t really know why. Something about the way he acts. The music he writes. Made him really stand out to me I guess,” you admitted. Your lips turned up subconsciously for a brief second as you thought about it. You tried to hide the look as soon as it showed up but there wasn’t much you could do to really hide it.
“Then why avoid him?” Hansol asked. You shrugged.
“Impulse, I guess, I kind of used to have a crush on him,” you admitted slowly. Everyone made a soft noise of surprise. “But I don’t any more!”
“You would make the cutest girlfriend for our Documentary,” Seungkwan exclaimed. “You both have similar interests after all, and you’re just his type.”
“I’m not really-”
“They would have little anime watching dates, and she would probably stubbornly stay up with him whenever he stayed up all night producing, and she’d always be there to eat with him late at night-”
“Guys, what are you going on about?” You interrupted with a chuckle. “I used to have a crush on him, emphasis on the used.”
“Oh right, and that’s why you avoid him all the time. Cause you don’t like him,” Hansol said with a chuckle. “Makes perfect sense.”
“I don’t! I just don’t know how to act around him,” you responded defiantly.
All of these guys rolled their eyes, so you crossed your arms.
“Believe what you want, but no matter what you say I won’t budge on this. I don’t have a crush on Lee Jihoon.”
And thus, the game began.
You thought they would drop this stupid obsession with you and Jihoon, but you were so wrong.
Now every time that you were in the building, one of the guys made some way to weed something about Jihoon into the conversation.
They became giddy when you accidentally let something you knew about him slip. They took you shopping and tricked you into suggesting outfits he would like “Oh you know Jihoon so well, he’s going to love this” and then would brag when he wore the things that you had picked out that you had picked them out for him.
Honestly, it was starting to get a little parent trap-y.
“Y/n!” Seungkwan’s pouting voice called. You turned over your shoulder and squinted at the boy.
“What is it?” You asked softly. He pointed up into one of the closets.
“There’s something on the top shelf and I can’t get it,” he mumbled. You frowned.
“I’m not taller than you Boo,” you replied suspiciously. His pout deepened.
“Yeah but you’re better at getting stuff like that. What if I hurt myself?” He complained. You rolled your eyes, mostly ignoring him due to your own suspicion, but then he grabbed your arm. “Y/n.”
“Fine, fine,” you mumbled. You walked over to the closet and peeked up at the higher shelves. “You wanted that box, right?”
Seungkwan nodded. You sighed, adjusted your skirt on your waist and then began to hoist yourself up. Once you had your feet on the first shelf, the closet door slammed shut and you were enveloped in darkness. Panic filled your body.
“Kwan?” You called through the door. There was no response. “Seungkwan?”
Still silence. You got down from the shelf, your feet touching the ground. You couldn’t see anything, but you could feel shelves on either side of your body. The room was so small but you were still worried about reaching in the wrong direction. What if something else was in there with you?
“Boo Seungkwan let me out,” you blurted frantically. You were trying not to sound so panicked, but there wasn’t much you could do to hide it. You pressed your body towards what you thought might be the front door and began to hammer your fists against it. “Seungkwan you know that I’m scared of the dark please let me out.”
Tears started to prick at the back of your eyes as you continued to hear absolutely nobody moving outside of the door. You pounded.
“Help please, he-”
Before you could finish that last sentence, light flooded the small room. Your eyes were blurred with tears and you turned around frantically, only to find that you weren’t alone.
You kind of wished that you were alone.
It was Jihoon.
You stared at him for a moment, the only thing that you were able to register being your own rapid breathing, and his eyes on you. Then after a moment, you began to wipe tears from your eyes.
“Oh, that’s embarrassing,” you said with a nervous laugh. “You often spend time in the company’s closet?”
He chuckled, a small smile crossing his lips as he ignored your obvious attempt at a distraction.
“Are you okay?” He asked softly.
How cruel of him.
“Yeah, yeah, just momentarily freaked,” you mumbled. You forced a smile onto your lips as you tried to press the panic inside you down. Calm your racing nerves. “See all better?”
He rolled his eyes and reached his hand out towards you.
“Do you mind?” He asked.
You did mind, but you thought about the other boys’ initial suspicions that you didn’t like him and sighed offering him your hand. He took it and while looking carefully into your eyes, pulled you closer to him. Your feet stumbled over themselves as you moved forward, and you struggled momentarily to keep your balance.
He took your hand and flipped it over to expose your palm. He looked at you and smiled, running his finger in some sort of pattern in your hand. Then he rolled your fingers in a ball and held your wrist.
“It’s a trick someone taught me once,” he said softly. “It’s supposed to bring you courage. Help you worry less.”
You had never had the chance to be so close to Jihoon. There was barely enough space between the two of you for even a single piece of paper to fall. Oddly enough, you were calm. He was being so gentle with you. It was odd. Unfamiliar. People usually just teased you for being scared they didn’t often offer you comfort.
“You got that from a television show,” you accused lightly. He laughed, and you watched in awe as his shoulders actually bounced with the action.
“Maybe I did,” he admitted. “But you feel less freaked out, don’t you?”
You nodded.
“Yeah,” you agreed. You fell silent and looked down at where Jihoon’s hands were still holding onto your wrist. He adjusted the weight he was distributing on his body and then took your other hand carefully.
“You’re so cold,” he mumbled. You chuckled
“Well, you know what they say,” you said pleasantly. “Cold hands cold heart.”
He laughed again.
“I don’t know much about you, but I get the feeling that isn’t true.”
Your face warmed, and you were about to say something else, when suddenly the door burst open.
“Y/n! I’m sorry! I had to get the keys and-” He stopped himself when he saw the position you and Jihoon were in. You withdrew almost immediately, your cold hands going to your cheeks to warm up. Jihoon seemed surprised by the sudden action but you ignored his surprise. Your heart quickened.
Had you and Jihoon really been in such an intimate position just then?
“Seungkwan I’m going to ­end you,” you bite out. He laughed and withdrew slightly.
“Awh, it was an accident y/n really.”
But you knew it wasn’t.
None of this had been an accident.
It wasn’t until you were surrounded by almost half of the members of Seventeen at a campfire on the beach that you decided to tell them that enough was enough.
“You guys have to stop doing this,” you mumbled. A few of the boys at the fire were innocent of all charges. But Seungkwan, Hansol, and Seokmin were not among them.
“What are you talking about?” Seokmin asked innocently.
“Oh, you know,” you mumbled. “Always trying to get Jihoon and I in the same room? Always trying to get me to confess feelings that I don’t have.”
“You are always asking about him,” Hansol protested. “It just took us forever to notice but you’d ask if he was sleeping well or if he was eating every meal. You’d watch him when you thought no one would notice, avoid being alone with him for as long as possible because you’re afraid to let something slip-”
“I act no different with him-”
“Really, really?” Seokmin interrupted. You rolled your eyes.
“Even if I did, it gives you guys no reason to keep tricking me like this! Locking me in a closet with him? Really?” You said accusingly, your eyes looking at Seungkwan. Hansol glanced at him in surprise. They were sitting so close to another they might as well have been sitting on one another’s laps.
“Nice,” Hansol mumbled. Seungkwan laughed.
“I know right? It was working too, Jihoon was comforting her I just came in too early I think.”
“Hey,” you blurted. “Not nice. You guys have to stop doing this! It’s embarrassing to me and unfair to Jihoon!”
“We just want you to admit it,” Seokmin stated. “Admit you like Jihoon.”
“I don’t like Jihoon,” you repeated immediately. Honestly, it was to the point where you had said it so much that you were almost starting to believe it.
You had liked Jihoon for so long, you didn’t know who you were without liking him. You used to be really open about it too. All of your friends had been aware that you liked him and let you go on and on about him if you wanted to. They never really took your feelings seriously. Just assumed it was another celebrity crush.
So, of course, you eventually stopped talking about it so much. You just let it go.
You liked him from afar, assuming that they were all right and that eventually, it would go away.
But it never went away.
Your heart skipped beats when you saw him smile. You worried to death whenever you thought he may be underfed, or not sleeping or even just not feeling good, and you were a million times happier when you knew he was happy.
You knew that you couldn’t tell him that you had a crush on him. That was just crazy, and you hadn’t wanted the other boys to know because, well, that was just social suicide.
But at this point…
“If you don’t admit it. We’ll just step up our game. What do you guys think would happen if we locked them in the studio for a night?”
God, you didn’t even want to know. You knew they would do it too.
“Alright, alright fine, I’ll admit it.”
You got to your feet, cracked your knuckles and dramatically cleared your throat to gain the attention of everyone around the fire.
Everyone was deadly quiet, all you could hear was the sound of the wood crackling beneath the heat of the fire, and the sound of cicadas in the distance.
“I am completely and totally in love with a man older than me, shorter than me, and a man who will never ever know my name,” you announced. Your heart felt heavy just to say it once, you cupped your lips with your hands, trying to force the pain out.
“I am completely and totally in love with Lee Jihoon!”
For a second, no one spoke, and then Seokmin started to laugh. You scrunched your nose and looked at him.
“Hey, pouring my heart out here?” You stated. “You guys have been pushing me to do this for how long and I finally say it and you laugh?”
Seokmin clearly made an attempt to stop laughing, pressing his hand over his mouth to try and smother the noise. It didn’t help. You would have scolded him again when suddenly Seungkwan made a sound. You glanced over at where him and Hansol were seated, frowning when you noticed he too was trying to keep from laughing. When Hansol noticed you looking he sharply hit Seungkwan in the side and smiled at you sheepishly.
“Sorry y/n,” he mumbled. You squinted your eyes at him.
“Sorry for-?” Before he could answer, or you could even finish you heard someone clear their throat behind you.
“Uh... Sorry, I’m late?”
The color drained from your face and you froze stock still.
“Is that-”
“Yeah,” Hansol supplied. You closed your eyes.
“You sure?” You asked pathetically. He hummed.
“Yeah, no, we invited him after all.”
You pinched the bridge of your nose and pried your eyes open. You pointed at Seungkwan whose laughter died in his throat.
“I’m going to kill you first,” you mumbled. You pointed to Seokmin. “Then you.” Then you pointed towards Hansol. “You’re next.” Lastly, your finger landed on Joshua. “And I don’t care if you were dragged into this or not I’m taking you down too.”
Joshua went to protest, but before he could you pointed your finger in the air.
“And Jeonghan too. I know he’s not here right now but I bet you good money he had something to do with this,” you mumbled, but that one was mostly to yourself. You sat down on the log by the fire, staring blankly into the flames. Seungkwan waved a hand in front of your face.
“Uh, y/n-” “Let’s just pretend the last five minutes didn’t happen,” you mumbled. “Spare myself some mortification.”
No one responded so you looked at Seokmin, wide eyes begging him to help you. He took charge almost immediately. His eyes went wide.
“Wow!” He exclaimed. “Is Jihoon here?”
You bite out a laugh.
“Jihoon’s here?!” You exclaimed. You turned over your shoulder and smiled at the boy. He looked a little bewildered by the whole situation, but he still wasn’t speaking. Not a good sign. “Well don’t act like a stranger! Come on, sit around the fire with us.”
He looked at you, his eyebrows furrowing ever so slightly. You watched as he stared at you silently, waiting another moment too long before finally taking a step forward. He walked over to you when he finally did, surprising you by sitting next to you.
You pressed your lips together, your eyes widening ever so slightly by his presence so close to you. You stiffened and slid your hands under your legs.
“So, what were we talking about then? Scary stories?” You asked, trying to get the topic on something... Really anything else. It was Jihoon that stopped it.
“I think we were talking about you,” he mumbled. He turned to look at you, his eyes boring into your side. “And about how you like me.”
You continued to try to ignore him.
“Did someone say something about a classic slasher story?” You stated. “I’ve got a handful of those. Oh or maybe everyone’s favorite Bloody Fingers?”
“Were you telling the truth?” Jihoon asked, ignoring your desperate attempts to change the subject. “You really like me that much?”
“I read this great story about a skeleton once, I don’t remember much... Geez, where’s Wonwoo when you need him?” You continued. Before you could go on, Jihoon grabbed your shoulders, forcing you to face him.
“Seriously y/n,” Jihoon blurted. “I’m done with the games, I’m sick of you dodging my questions, my touches, hanging out with everyone but me. Is it true? Do you really like me? Is that really why?”
You swallowed hard.
“Uh, yeah,” you mumbled. He didn’t loosen his grip. “Yes, I really do like you.”
He was silent for a second, didn’t say a word. He just stared at you. It made you so nervous that you almost started to ramble again nervously, but he cut you off before you could by pressing his lips to yours. You were surprised by the action, but mostly because it was in front of the other guys. You had assumed he wouldn’t like pda.
He pulled away, his lips still brushing yours. Your cheeks were warm.
“Why didn’t you just say something sooner?” He mumbled against your lips.
“I, uh.” Suddenly you forgot how to speak. Your thoughts were running a hundred miles through your brain and you couldn’t really figure out what all to say. “I just assumed you didn’t feel the same way.”
You immediately shamed yourself for such a godawful response to the man, but he didn’t seem to care.
“You could have asked. Instead of acting like you hated me,” he grumbled in response. You tentatively raised your hand, resting it on his shoulder so that you could press him away from you.
“Lee Jihoon, do you, uhm... Would you maybe like to get a coffee with me sometime?” You asked softly.
Jihoon’s eyebrows raised in amusement and a smile spread over his lips.
“I never thought you’d ask,” he replied. You couldn’t help it. You smiled too, and you were about to say something more to him. Maybe apologize, maybe confess further when you were interrupted by someone throwing sand at your back.
“Okay, we wanted you guys together but stop the ooey-gooey stuff right in front of us,” Seungkwan whined. You pressed your eyes shut.
“Seungkwan. You have to the count of three,” you started.
“On three, we will chase you and promptly end you,” Jihoon finished for you.
“Really guys?” Seungkwan asked. “Even threatening me in sync?”
“1,” you started to count. You heard Seungkwan’s feet in the sand and the padding of his feet as he raced away from the fire.
“2,” Jihoon added after a moment. You opened your eyes again, and your gaze met Jihoons.
“3,” you both said together, and simultaneously took after the poor younger boy.
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cl-babydew · 4 years
(Camp Camp crosscover au) David: *sees Dipper and Space Kid walking to the mess hall together* Good morning, Big Dipper, Little Dipper!😉 Space Kid: 😁 Dipper: Please don't call us that.😑 ((I suddenly developed the headcanon that David gives Dipper and Space Kid the duo nicknames Big Dipper and Little Dipper, like the asterisms (star patterns) in constellations Ursa Major and Ursa Minor respectively.))
You have no idea how much I love this!! This idea is sticken precious!!!!!
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fantasmalforces · 4 years
🌟 …stargazing || Boone and Koda
. * ・ 。゚☆ Drabble Time Symbol Meme | ACCEPTING ☆ 。゚・* .
. * ・ 。゚☆ @maximuses ☆ 。゚・* .
Another night spent under the stars.
The journey to New Vegas was long and perilous, but the duo still needed to take breaks now and then and rest up each night to ensure that the day ahead would not be their last; jumper by Legionaries or Deathclaws while they were so tired they could barely hold up their weapons. They found a good spot to set up camp. An old gas station that had been overrun by a few members of some gang and some mantises. They were easy enough to clear out, and after a quick sweep of the perimeter and making sure all the entrances were well-barricaded, the two cautiously decided to let their guard drop for the time being. Well, one of them at least.
At some point in their scouting for any leftover supplies, food, or ammunition, Koda discovered a hole in the ceiling in one of the backrooms. Moonlight flooded into the otherwise dark place. She called Boone in to help her push a table so that she could hop up on it and crawl through the gap if he ceiling. He stopped her though, drawing his gun off of his shoulder and deciding he should go first in case anything was waiting for them on top of the building. After a moment of waiting with bated breath, she saw him look down at her through the gap, giving an all clear before extending a hand. Beaming, she gladly accepted and let him help her up onto the roof. Thanking him and dusting herself off, she looked to the sky. Pupils dilated, taking in the sight of million of stars spread out against the dark night sky. Slowly, Koda sat down on the cool concrete of the roof, amazed at what stretched all around her. Boone followed.
“Clear night tonight. Should be able to spot anything from miles away.”
“You’re tellin’ me...” she breathed in response. There was a moment of silence between them, the twinkling of the lights seemingly catching one or two of her slippery memories in careful fingers, brushing the fog off of it and letting her peer into it with clarity for once. She could see books, and the sky just as it was before her. Voices told her ‘look there, do you see that? Those are the bears Ursa Major and Ursa Minor’. ‘There is Canis Greater... Orion the Hunter... Pegasus, the Winged Horse.’ The thoughts fluttered about her mind like cazador wings, as clear and potent for once as a sting. She thought for a moment that she might remember the face of one of her parents, when she felt a nudge on her arm, and all of a sudden it disappeared. Like a slippery fish, the thoughts freed themselves from the grasp of the stars and fell back into the sea of obscured thoughts in her mind, forever blurred beneath the waves of a conscious mind she could never seem to navigate. She looked over at Boone.
“Everything alright?”
“Yeah... yeah. I just...” she paused, sparing another glance to the sky. “I... I had a memory. A real one- a clear one, for once.”
When he said nothing, she took that as a sign to continue.
“I think... back when I was younger, my parents used to teach me about these things in the night sky. Constellations. Patterns in the night sky made by the stars. I’ve read about them- after I lost my memory I mean, but... I didn’t understand what they were until now.” She squinted, as if scrutinizing the night sky, bidding it reveal its secrets to her. Suddenly she pointed. “See- like that. Those three right there, the bright ones. Those are the best of Orion. See how above and below them, it looks like two triangles with the tops cut off. The those extensions to the right and left, his arm and his shield—“ She waited a moment, before sharing her head a bit. “I’m sorry, I’m probably making sense—“
“No,” Boone spoke softly. Reassuringly even. “I can kind of see it. He’s... standing there. Shield and weapon raised.”
“Yeah, yeah exactly.” Koda smiled at him a bit. The response he gave was a small quirk at the corner of his lips. “Any others?”
“Um...” Koda looked back up, point excitedly at another set. “There- look. Those two boxy ones with the long tails behind them. Those are Ursa Major and Ursa Minor. Big bear and little bear. They’re always right next to each other. Travel the sky together.”
“Like you and me then.”
Koda paused, smiling softly at Boone. “I guess you could say that. Yeah! We’re just a couple of bears traveling together. Except instead of sitting amongst the stars, we walk the sands in search of a plantinum chip.” She snickered. And so it went on.
For hours, they sat beneath the stars, Koda teaching Boone about all the constellations she could remember, how to spot them, what their history was. Boone, quiet as always, did his best to participate. He’d reiterate what she said, try and commit them to memory and spot them for himself. He didn’t remember most of them, but Koda smiled and giggled at his attempts, so he figured it was worth it anyway. And besides, he remembered the ones that really mattered anyway: Ursa Major, Ursa Minor, the Big Dipper and the Little Dipper. Pairs of wandering lights on a never-ending journey acrossthe sky. Just like how he and Koda were on a seemingly never-ending journey across the Mojave. She was his Little Dipper, his Ursa Minor. And he was her Big Dipper, her Ursa Major.
The laughter died down eventually, and a peaceful quiet fell over the two. Koda’s voice reached his ears again, and he looked to her as she spoke, her gaze still focused on the sky. “I guess some things just never change, huh? After all the bombs, the destruction, the... lives that have been lived and deaths that have died, the stars are still here, aren’t they? Maybe not all of the Old World is dead. Some parts of it survived- good parts too. Like stars. I think we could learn something from that- from them.”He hummed a bit, curious, and she looked at him.
“Stars are just bright balls of gas burning billions of miles away. It takes many many years for their light to reach us. A lot of those stars probably aren’t even around anymore, yet will still see them. They’re long gone, but we still see them. Their light. The memories they carry. We still feel the impact they have on us and believe in them. They’re gone... but they’re still here. Kind of like hope. Like love.”
The words struck a chord with Boone and he joined Koda in looking back up at the sky. Ever since Carla had died, he felt empty. Like there was nothing left of her. Nothing left to be seen, nothing left to be felt without her there to make him feel it. But maybe Koda had a point. Even if she was gone, her love remained. He still loved her after all. Those stars in the night sky still had their connection to all the others in a constellation, still holding it together even if one was gone. Maybe Carla was one of those stars he was connected to. Gone, but her connection to him— her love remained. Maybe he could find peace in that fact and realize that she was still and always would be with him. And maybe, just maybe, Koda was another star. Not like her- no, she would never be. But maybe they were connected like he and Carla were. Tethered by some force that could be, should be, would be. A force shared with a star that still existed at the same time as he did. A connection meant to be experienced now, and felt forever just Carla’s was.
Maybe they were a constellation, a pair of stars within, meant to travel the Mojave like the night sky together forever.
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peaceing-sleepfully · 5 years
Brighter Than The Stars
I found this prompt and I thought it was really cute, so I just rolled with it lol I don’t know how often I’m gonna write, if at all, but I had fun doing this 🥰 I hope y’all enjoyyyy
Word Count: 908
Prompt: “The stars wish they were as bright as you.”
(Found from this sentence starter)
Warnings: uhhhhh, fluff lol
How he had convinced you to go stargazing during the winter, you’ll never know.
Being in California, you never expected to feel so cold. And yet, you’re shaking and seeking warmth with every step you take. The visible cloud of breath escaping your lips leaves you wondering if this trip was worth it. However, no matter how cold you are, the cheery atmosphere of Julian makes you feel warm inside, not to mention the man ahead of you, dragging you along by the arm, an excited grin gracing his features.
The two of you had eaten your fill of Julian’s famous apple pie and drank as much hot cocoa as your stomachs could handle.
“What? This is what the locals do!” Joel said, feigning indignation before laughing at you.
A thin layer of snow coated the sidewalk, transforming the small mountain town into a winter wonderland. The sun had set some time ago, but children could still be seen in front yards, adding the finishing touches on their snowmen, aided by a flashlight or two. Lights strung up across fences, boughs of holly swaying in the wind, and the occasional mistletoe, hidden inside a doorway, awaiting the next couple to find themselves beneath it.
As much as you appreciate the scenery, you can’t help but whine a little. “Amor, are we almost there?”
His laugh rings out clearly in the night, filled with nothing but joy and adoration. “Almost.”
With all the trees surrounding you, it was hard to believe that Joel had found a spot to properly stargaze, a spot he had found on his own a few weeks prior. The sky seems dimmer than usual, the moon’s light missing as the phase of the new moon began.
You’re on the verge of complaining again when Joel stopped abruptly, causing you to stumble over the slick, icy ground. His laugh fills the silence once more, sending a wave of warmth through your body, strong enough to beat the piercing temperature. Although he was laughing at your fall, he couldn’t bring himself to look away from the sky, in awe of what the universe held above the clearing.
You look up and gasp at the sight: exploding galaxies in the sky, hundreds of thousands of stars shining dutifully in position, as if waiting for this exact moment. Against the onyx colored sky, the constellations are easier to make out, dozens filling your view; most of them you’d learned about in school, but there were a few that you piece together for yourself, claiming them as your own. Reaching toward the sky, you welcome the cold and trace your self-made constellations. You quickly develope a pattern: make a constellation, give it a unique (and likely cliché) back story, and trace over it one last time, as if solidifying its existence.
You hadn’t realized that you wandered away, lost in your own creations until Joel’s body heat enveloped you from behind.
“Are you still mad about it being cold?” He asks, mocking your complaints from earlier, an ever present smirk resting on his face.
Rolling your eyes, you playfully smack his shoulder, and kiss his cheek, feeling your cheeks grow red.
“Here, let me show you something.” He guides you gently to a nearby bench, clearing the layer of snow on top of it.
As you sit down, Joel begins pointing to different areas of the sky. “Those three stars right there, those create Orion’s belt. They connect with those two dimmer stars up there to make his upper body. And then you have the Big Dipper and the Little Dipper, which is Ursa Major and Ursa Minor, a mother and son bear duo that chase each around the sky endlessly. And see that star? That’s the brightest star in the night sky, Sirius. It’s also called the Dog Star because it’s a part of Canis Major, a constellation of one of Orion’s hunting dogs. And! If you look over on the horizon, you can see the Taurus constellation…”
As much as you want to follow along, the unadulterated joy written clearly across your boyfriend’s face is far more interesting. You can’t help but smile as he delves further into the position of each constellation, occasionally adding the story that goes along with it. You nod along, staring at Joel’s face as he becomes more enthusiastic about the stories he’s telling.
“—and you can barely see her but Cassiopeia is riiiight over there, behind the trees. And Gemin- are you even listening?”
You lower your head in embarrassment, as he catches you staring at him. “I kind of got distracted,” you admit sheepishly.
“How did you get distracted? I mean, the stars are so BRIGHT and these stories are classics!” You can see his breath with every word he says, dancing in the starlight as he turns his head away from you once more.
You lightly grasp his chin, moving his head back toward you. “The stars wish they were as bright as you.” Sealing your statement with a light kiss, you pull back to see a hint of a blush creeping up Joel’s neck as he averts his gaze and grins lightly.
“Well, I guess this means we’re going to have to make another star-gazing trip,” he says, standing up and offering his hand out to you.
Giggling, you take his hand and pull yourself up, touching your forehead to his. “If it means seeing you glow like that again? Absolutely.”
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ashdash2417 · 4 years
(Camp Camp crosscover au) David: *sees Dipper and Space Kid walking to the mess hall together* Good morning, Big Dipper, Little Dipper!😉 Space Kid: 😁 Dipper: Please don't call us that.😑 ((I suddenly developed the headcanon that David gives Dipper and Space Kid the duo nicknames Big Dipper and Little Dipper, like the asterisms (star patterns) in constellations Ursa Major and Ursa Minor respectively.))
Pttbtbr. I just love how Dipper deadpans as he says that.
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