#using this a bonus post to boost my following
firesinhell · 1 year
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common bullet eater instance ⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆
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alltimefail · 10 days
Agency Assignments: A comprehensive to-do list for saving Dead Boy Detectives!
I'm very easily overwhelmed, so I wanted to break down all the ways to help "Save Dead Boy Detectives" that I have seen floating around. This is meant to be something you can reference when you feel like there is so much you need and want to do to help, but don't know how or where to start.
Note: I will be updating this post as we go when necessary, so feel free to bookmark it in your browser for easy access, add it to your homepage, whatever! I'll always have a link to it in my Pinned Navigation post on my blog as well!
It is of the utmost importance that we fight as an organized, well-informed front. We need to be on the same page if we're going to save our show, so let's get into it! 💜💀🔎
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➪ First and foremost, follow @savethedeadboys! They're going to be our best resource during this fight.
➪ Next, follow @deadboyagency for news and updates: they've been around since the show dropped and have been an invaluable source of information the entire time.
Now for some task breakdowns:
"One-Time" Tasks
➪ Like the header says, these things can only be done once. Once you do them, you don't have to give them any space in your mind.
Sign the petition*
Review & Rate Dead Boy Detectives on Google, IMDB, Rotten Tomatoes. Be sure on IMDB you don't just rate the show as a whole, but you also rate each individual episode! You can also "Like" the show on Google and click "Watched" which helps the show's engagement scores. (If there are other popular sites I haven't listed here, feel free to share them and rate Dead Boy Detectives highly on them!)
Notify Netflix customer service (through their online chat feature) that you're unhappy with the cancelation of Dead Boy Detectives. This is a short, 5-minute task that I wrote a guide on (with an example message) here!
"Repeat" Tasks:
➪ These tasks can become a part of your daily routine; do what works best for you! You don't have to do every single one of these tasks every day if that is overwhelming!
Share the petition* over and over again, on every one of your socials! Make everyone you love sign it!
Stream Dead Boy Detectives!* Keep it on a loop in the background on low volume as much as possible. Try to get others to stream it as well, especially if they haven't watched it before! Netflix cares about VIEWS: views save shows and I broke down the reasoning here. (Bonus: if you post over on Twitter about your rewatch, use the tag #ReviveDeadBoyDetectives)
Talk about Dead Boy Detectives!* You're probably doing that already, but just be sure that you're tagging your posts. Here on Tumblr use the "Dead Boy Detectives" tag at least (to boost our tag to trending) and anywhere that uses hashtags (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram for example) I would recommend #SaveDeadBoyDetectives and #DeadBoyDetectives as those seem to be the most commonly used tags! IMPORTANT: do not use more than 20 tags here on Tumblr! Any more than 20 and your posts might be marked as spam and hidden from the tags!
Create art, edits for TikTok, fics, gif sets, doodles, crafts, analysis posts, and so on for Dead Boy Detectives.* Having fun is important, too! This is an extension of the "Talk about Dead Boy Detectives" point, but it needs to be stated - don't remove the joy from the fight. If a drawing of our boys or a smutty fic with your favorite trickster cat king is what you can bring to the fight on any given day, that is a perfectly valuable contribution! It's not all emails and hashtags.
Daily request a show through Netflix. Bonus if you're signed in! (I do 3-5 times a day)
Send Emails advocating for Dead Boy Detectives (Email list & Email Template). You can do this as much as you want or just one time.
Send Snail-mail (physical letters) to Netflix advocating for Dead Boy Detectives. I also send a copy of my letters to Warner Bros. Studios. Again, you can do this one time or multiple times. There are dates set aside for "mass" mail sending as well, so check out info on that here!
Interact with articles posted about Dead Boy Detectives. Read them, share them, comment on them, thank the writer for writing them, etc. We want lots of press about the cancellation, and supporting journalists and publications will make them want to write about Dead Boy Detectives more.
NOTE: Anything marked with a * means it's extremely important; if you can only do a few things, these tasks are the ones that you should focus on first. Remember to take care of yourself. This is a marathon, not a sprint, so don't burn yourself out!
Say that to yourself as many times as it takes for you to believe it. We're doing this to get justice for the writers, the actors, for ourselves, and assert to these companies that diverse, queer stories are not disposable one-offs; they deserve to be told in full!
Hugs and Handshakes to you all - whatever will suffice. 💜 Always feel free to reach out if you have any questions, whether that be through private message or my ask box. I'm not going anywhere!
- V
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ettawritesnstudies · 5 months
Writeblr Follow Train/queue fill up!
I just cleared out over 300 inactive/irrelevant blogs from my following list and I'm on the hunt for new, active writeblrs to follow! Please reblog this post if your blog is dedicated specifically to writing/art/original creative work!!
I'm not interested in seeing fandom or political discourse. That's all very important but my dash is cluttered with hundreds of other blogs posting that thank you very much.
All genres and ages are welcome but bonus points for fantasy, scifi, horror, and anyone who doesn't write romance/focuses on family plots
I am in the process of self publishing my debut novel and I'd love to connect with my peers! If you're also going through the publishing process or you have a book or two out, please introduce yourself!!
That being said, everyone is welcome to introduce themselves and share links to their WIP intros regardless of their experience level, I'll throw em in my queue!
If you don't know me: Hi! I'm Etta Grace, I've been on writeblr since 2019, and I used to be super involved in the community before college/real life work/author platform stuff consumed my time, and I'm trying to get back into things here! I run a website/YouTube channel where I do ARC and book reviews, author interviews, and share my observations on the publishing industry, and my middle grade faerie fantasy novel, Runaways, should hopefully be coming out in October 2025! This is my pinned post if you want to check out what I do!
Boosts appreciated!!
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offtorivendell · 8 months
My thoughts on the Bryce, Azriel and Nesta HOFAS bonus chapter...
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Disclaimer: as suggested by the title, the following discusses the Walmart HOFAS bonus chapter featuring Azriel, Bryce and Nesta. I haven't read the main text, so it won't feature anything related to that, but there are massive Maasverse and HOFAS spoilers ahead regardless. Please beware.
These are just my initial thoughts, not expanded upon in any substantial way and, as usual, I could always be way off the mark.
Also, yes, fair warning that I'll be mentioning the ACOTAR characters a lot. If that's not your jam, and you'd rather avoid any of the possible implications of the crossover, then I'd give this post a miss. On the other hand, if you're interested in how CC/HOFAS may affect Prythian going forward, please read on.
The Stone Mother song has me 👀 especially as the stone and water were "talking" at the start.
@cassianfanclub and @wingedblooms have already posted about the Stone Mother (here and here); @ladynightcourt3 has found the Phrygian goddess Cybele, also known as the "Mountain Mother," who sounds very relevant.
That being said, am I crazy to think Elain could have been listening in? Is Azriel stone and Elain water? His stone siphons - which Elain called beautiful, did she hear their song, as kin? - and Elain possibly as water? Was she using salt water to boost her powers, or a reflection pool to scry, and keep tabs on her sister and friend?
Or is it the space between linking worlds? Are the old gods talking?
Alternatively, could stone be referring to Nuala and Cerridwen, who are capable of manifesting stone around themselves and others (ACOTAR).
Is this what SJM meant when she said we'd see Elain in "some form" in the next book?
@psychee92 said she wished that SJM had somehow included Mr Brightside, and now I wish the same; even a mention of indie rock. 😭
Josie and Laurel - "He/god will add/increase" "(laurel) trees/victory"? Elain? Lol sorry, but it's either giving gardener, or Elain killing Hybern.
Wraith-like harmonies? After the description of Josie and Laurel's voices? It's crack, but is it a metaphor for Nuala and Cerridwen?
The musical similarities between what Juniper dances to and Prythian's music?!
Azriel's humming/singing made the shadows dance, once more suggesting that shadows dancing is a response to power, not mate bonds
The music Az liked was death metal. Could this link to any sort of metal artefact, like an iron crown for grounding? Or wyrdstone jewellery?
The glass coffin?
"Nineteenth century literature presents the glass coffin as a prison within which sleeping women are frequently mistaken for dead or vice versa." (Source). It's giving Sleeping Beauty (credit to @elriell for the OG SB theory), and a little Snow White.
Check out this tale from The Brothers Grimm, which sounds... suspiciously relevant to Elain.
@cassianfanclub also suggested that it's giving necromancer vibes, and I'd love that for Elain.
Feyre once said she could sleep for a hundred years after coming back from the Prison, right before going to the Hewn City in ACOWAR. After Elain had left the room, and before Feyre went to check in on her to find her "asleep—breathing."
Let's not forget Elain's assistance in rescuing the human COTB, Briar, from Hybern's camp.
Will Elain prick herself while weaving?
I was tired enough that I could barely summon the breath to ask, “Do you think the Cauldron made her insane?” “I think she went through something terrible,” Lucien countered carefully. “And it wouldn’t hurt to have your best healer do a thorough examination.” I rubbed my hand over my face. “All right.” My breath snagged on the words. “Tomorrow morning.” I managed a shallow nod, rallying my strength to rise from the chair. Heavy—there was an old heaviness in me. Like I could sleep for a hundred years and it wouldn’t be enough. “Please tell me,” Lucien said when I crossed the threshold into the foyer. “What the healer says. And if—if you need me for anything.” I gave him one final nod, speech suddenly beyond me. I knew Nesta still wasn’t asleep as I walked past her room. Knew she’d heard every word of our conversation thanks to that Fae hearing. And I knew she heard as I listened at Elain’s door, knocked once, and poked my head in to find her asleep—breathing. - ACOWAR, chapter 27
Azriel specifically said Nesta "beheaded" Hybern, after looking down at Truth-Teller.
This is not Azriel giving Nesta credit for the assassination. If anything he's hiding Elain's involvement.
I've said before, and I'm sure I'm not the only one who has done so, but I would expect Azriel to protect his LI with silence, whoever they are.
He had to have been thinking about Elain, who I've theorised could now/soon be known as "The Shadowsinger's Knife" after she became the "knife in the dark" in Azriel's place at the end of ACOWAR.
The young girl sitting on the mushroom:
I'm still looking into the carving of the young girl sitting on the toadstool with the hound sprawled on the ground beside her, as I find it really interesting. My initial thought was that it seemed like a convenient place to drop a mention of a garden-like fairy carving with a hound right after Bryce had quizzed Azriel about his hypothetical mate, or lack thereof (Elain being both heavily associated with plant life, thanks to her "little garden," as well as dogs, after Nesta called her one in ACOSF).
I also wonder if it has anything to do with the Czech tale that amanita muscaria - while psychoactive/toxic - are said to protect from lightning and other ill fortune. If this is correct, it reminds me a little of the markings - wyrdmarks - on the Archeron cottage.
I don't know where Bryce and co were walking, as I have only read this bonus chapter and the prologue, but given it was carved on an underground wall, and I suspect that there are underground portals in at least the Hewn City and the Prison, and maybe the waterways... could it have been for protection against the invading lightning Asteri? Or did the Asteri (Daglan?) put them there to protect against Thunderbirds, or whatever Hunt is?
Maybe Bryce hadn't been sent there by Urd? Who then? Was @silverlinedeyes right all along?
The mention of pleasure halls seems like a call back to Azriel's bonus chapter, but it's also likely that they aren't all brothels (see Rita's).
Azriel listening closely about Nesta now liking being Fae; he could extrapolate her responses to Elain. Maybe she's no longer miserable, and in need of their pity. And maybe she's changed her mind from ACOFAS, when she said to Feyre "I don't want a mate, I don't want a male."
Azriel said "no" to whether or not he has a mate rather quickly. Hmm... the shadowsinger doth protest too much?
It's also potentially important that Nesta said "yes, WE are" curious about Azriel's mate status. Her, Azriel and most of the fandom! 😂
"Okay, okay," Bryce said. "But it'd be cool to know something about your world. Or about you." They were both silent. Bryce asked Nesta, "You have a mate, right?" She nodded to Azriel. "Do you?" "No." Azriel said quickly, flatly. "A partner or spouse?" "No." Bryce sighed. "Okay, then." Azriel's wings twitched. "You're incurably nosy." "I think that's the nicest thing you've said about me." Bryce winked at him. "Look, I just... I'm curious. Aren't you?" Azriel didn't answer, but Nesta said, "Yes. We are." - HOFAS, Bryce, Azriel and Nesta bonus chapter
All in all, while there were no overt mentions of Elain - and really, why would SJM do that in a series that wasn't Elain's own - imo we got the Elain-shaped holes in the text that I was hoping for, and I can't wait to see if there are any more in the full book.
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animatedjen · 4 months
What's some stuff you're really hoping to see in Jedi 3 (either narratively or gameplay wise)?
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Oh I'm so glad you asked this 🙌 Because I have THOUGHTS.
Gonna put everything under the cut so this doesn't clog up the feed with a wall of text (whoops.) Some of these ideas I hope to create concept art for, after I replace/fix my very cranky thirteen-year-old tablet. Anyway let’s start with gameplay!
Maintaining Cal's abilities: Survivor handled this beautifully by keeping many of the skills learned in Fallen Order, instead of undoing Cal's growth from the first game. I think it'll be trickier to keep this momentum into Jedi 3 (the skill tree has gotten so large!) but story reasons could push Cal towards new types of abilities instead of bloating the current options.
More synergy between the lightsaber stances: I like all the stances in Survivor and it'd be A) disappointing to lose any of them, but B) overwhelming to add MORE combat styles. Being able to flow between the stances more fluidly would be fun though, with specific combos unlocked depending on which two are active together. Now if Merrin lets Cal borrow her knife-staff and he puts his lightsaber on the end... MAGICK SABER PIKE GO.
New or adapted movement mechanics: Maybe the ascension cable is replaced with a force ability (Force Ascend or Force Leap for an extra vertical boost?) or is "upgraded" to connect between two anchors, letting Cal create his own temporary ziplines.
Replayable missions: This could be explained in-game with a Force Tear or Cal's own interactive echoes. But I'd love the option to experience story missions and boss fights again post-game.
This is a bonus section because Merrin should get new outfits. Haven't decided how to make it part of gameplay yet, stay tuned.
Cal's cosmetics in Survivor are mostly cool, some just funny, but overall a huge improvement from Fallen Order (yes, even though we miss all the poncho designs). For Jedi 3 I'd love to see more story-centric cosmetics that tie into the communities and people Cal has met along his journey. A Legacy outfit (incorporating pieces from his three Jedi masters), an Anchorite-inspired outfit (with arm tattoos), a bounty hunter outfit (the prize after defeating the Brood), etc. Maybe a Bogling outfit? No not made from Boglings; it looks like a Bogling. Hang on lemme fix my tablet—
Narrative + Gameplay!
Explore Tanalorr: Right now this sparkly, strong-in-the-Force, temple-carved planet is a huge mystery box for Jedi 3. There's a few directions it could go - more High Republic history, another civilization (the Nihil? someone new?) lurking in the shadows, or Force-related secrets hiding below the surface. Each Jedi game has followed Cal's exploration of an ancient culture, and I think Tanalorr can be a focal point in that journey.
Defeat Sorc Tormo and the Haxion Brood: I mentioned this in an ask earlier this week, but I so want a resolution to this fight against the Brood. Especially since roaming bounty hunters would threaten the Hidden Path. Maybe Cal breaks back into Ordo Eris, or hunts down Sorc Tormo on another planet. Maybe there's a Force-only stealth section?? Maybe a big multi-wave boss fight? Maybe Caij is there??? (no she doesn't get an invite to Tanalorr)
Dark Side Force Slow: The fact that Cal's Force Slow ability kept its red-stained aura, even in the Survivor post-game, is great. I love lasting consequences and ludonarrative harmony, yes yes yes. Really hope this isn't fully resolved by the start of Jedi 3 (potential timeskip makes it tricky but whatever) and the ability receives some sort of healing through Cal finding his way out of the darkness.
Timeskip?: I vote no, but I think Jedi 3 will vote yes, likely to age up Kata and allow Tanalorr to be more developed. But that also means Cal and the Mantis Crew goes through character development without us (boo) or remains emotionally stunted until we get there (also boo?). I'm more comfortable with the five year gap between FO and Survivor than I used to be though, despite "missing out" on big character moments, so maybe it'll be okay. Maybe. 👀
The Hidden Path builds a home on Tanalorr: This works until it doesn't, whether from outside pressure or the threat of a spy within. I don't think Bode's fears should necessarily be validated, but I do think the risk will keep Cal on edge and hurt his ability to trust (both others and himself.) It'll drive decisions that strain his relationships and be a source of conflict for part of the game.
The Mantis gets semi-retired and then reinstated: I just love the mental picture of the Mantis parked somewhere cozy and decorated with cloth and lights and a hideout for Kata. It's become too small and high profile to use for gathering the Path, but when the plot gets going, they're gonna need her back in action.
Three main antagonists: The Empire, an unrelated third-party with their own goals (Nihil or someone else), and Cal's own demons. The first two drive the external conflict, the third drives Cal's inner conflict and the story's themes. More on that at the end.
A memorial garden: It's designed by Pili and filled with native Tanalorrian plants and trees, from which the Anchorites hang cords and windchimes and bits of colored glass. Cere's saber was buried beneath the largest tree. Cal plays her hallikset here when he's too troubled to meditate. If we want to be mean, this place gets damaged during a battle in Act 3. If we want to be less mean, this is the place that doesn't get damaged during a battle.
Kata has some sort of student-teacher relationship with Cal: I'm torn on her being Force sensitive: this is a story about Jedi and "guide her through the darkness" is pretty telling given Cal's own darkness at the end of Survivor. But Cal helping Kata (and Kata helping Cal) can happen regardless of her Force sensitivity - it would just look different. This is a soft answer because I'm still exploring ideas around it BUT admittedly the angst levels would be higher if she is sensitive.
A battle against the shadow self: Look this one is cliche. I don't care. I want a huge cavern in the depths of Tanalorr where Cal gets to fight a dark version of himself that switches between all his former enemies. If we're making a video game here let's physically beat up our darkness. Let's have it not work. Let's bring Cal to rock bottom to remind him that he is more than his darkness and he doesn't have to do this alone. Let's go back to that same fight later and then we finally win.
There's more to explore story-wise and I will eventually, but I'm overall not concerned about Jedi 3's narrative. Respawn has been very intentional with their writing of Cal Kestis and the Jedi series so far (despite some last minute changes to Survivor) and I love this character and this story because of all the great work they've created. I really hope they finish this journey the way they want to. That being said—
How should Jedi 3 end? Should Cal die?
No: I'll argue Cal dying at the end of the trilogy completely undermines the entire lesson of Survivor.
Cal wouldn't stop fighting the Empire: The Cal we meet at the beginning of Survivor definitely wouldn't. That Cal also watched countless friends die to that same fight and saw two different Jedi fall to their passions-turned-obsessions that led them to the dark side. He may wrestle with remnant obligation or a bitter apathy, but he's definitely not as single-minded as he was before.
Cal would sacrifice himself to save the Path: Yeah, he probably would. Cere did exactly that during the Siege of Jedha when all else failed. But maybe the Path could be protected without Cal needing to be a Weapon - a lesson Cere also wanted him to learn.
Another way: I think the Koboh abyss (that separates Tanalorr from the rest of the galaxy) could be destroyed. I don't know if Cal would choose to destroy it, but I think the Empire would: if they can't reach Tanalorr it's the next best thing.
Now Cal has to make a choice: Leave (continuing the fight alone) or Stay (shepherding the Path for an unknown future.) It doesn't mean they never find a way back to the known galaxy, but it'll take time. Enough time for a New Hope to appear.
Whatever your opinion of the Sequel Trilogy, the line: "That’s how we’re gonna win. Not fighting what we hate. Saving what we love." is not only a complete thesis of Star Wars, but fits really well with Cal's journey. He's become very good at fighting. He wants to save everyone in Fallen Order, and he can't. He still wants to save everyone in Survivor, and they refuse him. His Fight has made a difference (again, Cere says as much) but it's clear this can't be Cal's final answer.
Choosing to protect the Path, choosing to trust the Force, choosing a home. That's what he's been fighting for. I love Cal Kestis because he isn't the chosen one and he isn't going to save the galaxy. But for his family and his community, he saved their galaxy. It's cheesy but I don't care, and you know Greez and BD would agree with me.
Okay this got so, so much longer than I expected. Bonus points if you made it all the way down here haha. I've had a weird assortment of concepts and ideas over the past year but never wrote them down in one place - until now. I've said it before but part of my hyperfixation with the Jedi series is because it isn't finished yet and Survivor ends on such a gut-wrenching cliffhanger. Whatever happens to this series, I'm slowly finding some sort of catharsis through all the edits and photomode shots and half-baked concepts. Thanks for tagging along ✌️
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utilitycaster · 1 year
Bells Hells Level 11!
As always: are there errors or major omissions? Let me know! Your preferred feat or spell isn't listed? That's because it's not my preferred feat or spell, and you should make your own post for your own preferences! Additionally, because level-ups are no longer done at the end of sessions but are rather their own separate videos, I now include speculation for the next level(s) since there's often very little time to speculate on the current level.
Chetney: Level 10 in Blood Hunter means Dark Augmentation and a 3rd blood curse. Dark Augmentation increases his speed by 5 feet/round and grants him a +3 (his Int modifier) to all physical saves. As for blood curses...they're fighting mages, so Muddled Mind is looking pretty nice, but Eyeless is also useful and Binding is very versatile. Looking forward: if he continues to level in Blood Hunter, his hemocraft die goes up to a d8, his strikes in his wolf form go up to a d8 and get +2 instead of +1 and he can use his wolf form twice between rests and he regenerates a small amount when he's below half-health. 11 Blood Hunter: It's a big level up, folks.
Laudna: She leveled up in sorcerer and took her ASI to max out charisma, which I support as someone who always respects a main stat boost. She gets a new spell and I would advise leaning into utility and taking Dimension Door, personally. Looking forward: I think I've made my feelings on the concept/multiclass clear in the past, but practically speaking, if you're progressing in sorcerer, it's probably wiser mechanically to keep doing so. Level 9 grants 5th level spells.
FCG: Begone Thot Destroy Undead improvement, and 6th level spells! I mentioned before that I'm really looking forward to Heroes' Feast. He also gets some big utility spells, notably Heal, True Seeing, and Word of Recall. Looking forward: 12 is an ASI and oh buddy please up your WIS score. A feat that does +1 to WIS is a valid choice, just...bring it to +4, please? For me? Observant would be fun if not super necessary since Orym's got that covered; skill expert could also be fun. But as stated with Laudna, straight ASI in your main stat is always a solid choice.
Fearne: Fearne took a second level in rogue, which grants her cunning action (dash, hide, or disengage as a bonus action) which is quite useful if she ends up in combat, especially since, despite a good HP roll this level, she's a touch squishier following her time with Novos. I actually support this, both because Ashley has a strong vision for Fearne and also because I think keeping the party dependent on the Staff of Dark Odyssey is good for the story - let's wait a bit longer until we get Transport via Plants! Let's take the scenic route! Looking forward: L10 druid is a good level - the Cauterizing Flames feature, which is a bit niche but extremely cool, is one I'm looking forward to. I'm not opposed to her moving forward with rogue, per se; I think if she does, Thief is the obvious (and correct) choice. However, Cauterizing Flames is really very good and I would like to see it.
Imogen: I mentioned Chain Lightning and True Seeing as some fun options for her. She also gets access to Disintegrate, which would be very fun to cast on, say, Otohan. Or Ludinus. Or her mom. Fuck them Vanguard. Looking forward: sorry got distracted by the idea of disintegrating the Vanguard members...12 is an ASI and honestly I'd just take the +1 to INT and WIS. Imogen's got so many feats, and I really think having better mental stats would be a great sign of growth, she's done the character work to deserve it, and it never hurts to roll a little better on a wisdom save (I say as a known dumper of WIS).
Orym: He can attack 3 times per round. This is why fighters are great. If you do not think fighters are great you can catch three attacks in six seconds from these hands. Looking forward: yes! it's yet another ASI/Feat. And once again, I think a stats boost is best. Tank better with a +3 to con, and then he can either get smarter, or get more charismatic if he's considering paladin (note: I like the idea of Orym remaining a pure fighter more, but I do not control the Liam, and he's a reliably thoughtful player mechanically so I'm interested in what he does. As always this is me saying opinions and not being prescriptive). He gets another ASI at 14 (fighters! best pure battle class!) while everyone else is getting class features so that's when I'd take a feat.
Ashton: Relentless rage - keep raging while unconscious! Very punk rock. Looking forward: Level 12 is an ASI and yes not to sound like a broken record, but max out that strength. It's up to you and Chetney, and who knows how much longer he'll be around.
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ressu-rection · 2 months
👻🕯️ Spirit Communication Candle Spell 🕯️👻
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Honestly I feel bad sitting on this thing when I’ve had such great success with it so here it is:
Let’s make a spell candle for your spirits! This could be for a guide, an ancestor, anything that talks and is a spirit, this candle will work for.
This candle makes sure that only the designated spirit may talk during the convo so you don't have to worry if there is outside communication, it also takes the energetic toll off of them and you during the talk, helps enhance the clarity of the communication and helps foster a positive vibe during the convo as well.
Please remember to ask your spirits for consent before making and read the whole post before getting started.
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To start, grab a glass prayer candle, it doesn't really matter what color it is. It could be their favorite color, it could be light blue for communication, it could be purple to represent spiritual realms, it could be just white.
On a piece of paper (the smaller the better), write the following paragraph and fill in the blanks: "I invite only __ energy while this candle is burning, all other spirits are respectfully asked to step aside. The communication with __ is clear, concise and filled with positive intentions"
On another small piece of paper, draw a sigil that draws the energy from source. I do this because without it, the energy draw it creates is pretty significant. Here is my sigil that i use for it:
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On yet another small piece of paper, draw a sigil that stands for the intention of only that spirit talking while the candle is burning. I can't really show an example for this because the sigil changes based on what the name is. Either way you do your sigils, it'll be fine. Example intention for the sigil "While this candle burns, only jessica may talk"
Take those 3 pieces of paper, and put them to the side for now. Next, grab these following herbs and crystals and one by one, speak your intention into them and add them on top of the candle. You can soften the wax if you'd like to, but i don't find that necessary, I just throw them on top.
Blue Chalcedony: clear communication, self expression and tranquility
Amethyst: spiritual protection and help guard against negativity and other spirits talking
Obsidian: shield against negative energies, outside spirits trying to talk, and enhance clarity of communication
Lapis Lazuli: effective communication and self expression
Clear Quartz: amplify the energy and success of the spell
Yellow Agate: boost personal power, energy and help foster a positive vibe within the convo
Thyme: clarity in communication
Coffee grounds: boost the energy and success of the spell
Pink Salt: clarity, balance, grounding and healing
Cinnamon: boost energy and vitality of spell
All Spice: protection, prosperity, energy boost, psychic abilities, harmony
Do we really need all this for it to be successful? Not sure, but this is the recipe that has worked and proven successful time and time again. Okay so we have our crystals and our herbs on there, next we grab the 3 pieces of paper and burn them one at a time, putting the ashes on top of the wax.
To finish off the candle, redraw the first sigil that draws the energy from source and then on top of that sigil, draw the same sigil you did for the specific spirit and tape it onto the candle. I usually just draw these on sticker paper and stick it to the candle but if you don't have that, just tape it. Bonus points if you draw a cute design and put it on top! Here’s what my sigils would look like:
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Yay! Now we have our finished candle. This candle works well for all sorts of communication methods. Tarot, pendulum, dousing rods, radio, apps etc etc, tho i made this candle with paranormal apps/radio in mind, that's where you'll see the most difference. Make sure you cut the wick well above the ashes, crystals and herbs because we don't want it being drowned out.
Please please please keep this candle within sight when first burning it cuz all those ashes are a pretty decent fire hazard and they most definitely will light on fire. I just poke em out when they do.
❗️The only disclaimers I have for this spell is the fact that it will not be perfect communication, you're speaking across dimensions after all, but it will most definitely help and you'll notice a difference both in the communication and energy levels, especially if you're using an app like ghosttube or a psb7 spirit box. Also, this candle creates a barrier. Please tell your spirit to let you know when they would like to go because they will not be able to leave the conversation by themselves, you'll have to blow out the candle in order for them to leave.
✨ If you'd like to get a commission for this spell instead of having to doing it yourself, DM me! I would absolutely love to make this candle for you so you can save time and money for supplies and as a bonus i'll make a cute design for the outside of the candle✨
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twstgameplay · 6 months
Cosmic Basic SSS GET!
Ever since the JP 3rd Anniversary, the SSS Cosmic Basic score has been in our grasp. This post shows some of the first people who were able to achieve that hard-pressed score.
I took and used the team shown in that post to attempt it myself over the course of the past year to no avail. My Boa Epel wasn't MLB'd, so I was just lacking a little something.
So, with the 4th Anniversary, I decided to get the final copy of Boa Epel, raise his friendship to get him to Lv. 109, and go for it again!
(Lv. 109 for Epel, Rook and Idia instead of Lv. 110 because reasons)
The team composition and details are below the cut!
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Each Spell has been raised to Lv. 10. Buddies are all at Lv. 10. Kalim has the capability to go to 101, which I would have used if I hadn't been successful with this build.
Lo and behold!
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A 20k score just barely scraped by.
This was a 3 turn kill, as follows:
Jamil and Kalim DUOs.
Epel's M1 raises his ATK, which will be crucial for turn 3. Rook's DUO hits.
Idia's DUO is debuffed by Leona, but this turns out to work in my favor, bringing the foes HP to just 332 HP. Epel's DUO overkills just enough to bring me past the 20k threshold.
Using the Buddy Bonus Calculator, we can see that the total ATK/POW of the team was 36,596.
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This is in line with the ATK/POW of the teams shown by CECIL from the other post. This excludes the boost in ATK that Epel gets by activating his ATK, however.
I'm happy to finally be able to join the others who have successfully gotten SSS on Cosmic Basic, and I hope to be able to experiment with other teams to get there again next time, too!
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boatemlag · 4 months
Jimmy DPS Build Guide (AKA my "hear me out" manifesto)
Hello Everyone! In this post I will share with you the detailed build guide of the 4-star Pyro Polearm User Jimmy. Before you type your angry comment, just hear me out.
I used to play Jimmy back when I was F2P in 2.0, before the Seven Days Replay set was released, and I decided to see if he's a good option now that we have the set.
✦✦✦ Kit and Playstyle ✦✦✦
Jimmy is a 4-star HP scaling Pyro Polearm user who is very F2P friendly, considering every account has him, and they run him in the store every other month. His kit is based around losing health, so it is necessary to have a healer on the team. He works well on teams based around elemental reactions!!!
◇ Normal Attack: Laying Down the Law
No extra mechanics here. Deals up to 5 consecutive strikes using normal attack. Holding down attack lets him do a charged attack.
◇ Elemental Skills (E) : Changing Tactics
Pressing E makes Jimmy rush forward to attack one enemy dealing Pyro DMG. Holding E charges up his attack, and does more of an arc of Pyro DMG that can hit multiple enemies in a cone in front of him and knock over smaller enemies. Changing Tactics has one charge, and a CD of 5s for press, and 7.5s for held.
◇ Elemental Burst (Q) : Revengeance
The majority of damage you want to do with Jimmy comes from his burst. Revengeance unleashes a powerful AoE Pyro attack with a decent range, and boosts characters ATK based on Jimmy's HP.
Jimmy has an energy cost of 40 and his cooldown is 12s.
◇ Passives
Tactical Retreat (1st ascension) - Using Burst boosts the ATK of the next character to switch on field within 2s. (This is typically why he's considered a support or sub-DPS, but shhh.)
Heating Up (4th ascension) - Revengance does more damage based on the amount of damage taken by Jimmy in the last 30s. (A surprise tool that will help us later!!)
Forgaging Familiarity - Displays the location of nearby resources unique to Ention on the mini-map.
✦✦✦ Ascension & Talent Materials ✦✦✦
◇ Agnidus Agate
Like all Pyro characters, Jimmy will need Agnidus Agate for ascension. Luckily, his boss drops it! Players will need to collect the following amount to get his final ascension:
Agnidus Agate Sliver x1
Agnidus Agate Fragment x9
Agnidus Agate Chunk x9
Agnidus Agate Gemstone x6
◇ Drops from Undead Brutes
Undead are found all throughout the world, most commonly in early regions like Ention or Riveia. Undead Brutes typical spawn in Camps, and can be fought on Ention Leylines. To get Jimmy to final ascension, you will need:
Wishbone x18 (x18)
Bone Club x30 (x66)
Reinforced Femur x36 (x93)
(Parentheses are for all talents to level 10.)
◇ Unburning Branch
Unburning Branch can be claimed by defeating the Young Dragonspawn in Ention. Like other bosses, it costs 40 resin to collect materials. You will need x46.
◇ Red Capped Mushroom
Red Capped Mushroom is the local specialty in Ention that Jimmy needs. You will need x168. They can be grown in the teapot.
◇ Confidence Talent Books
Confidence Talent Books can be gotten from Riftmouth Cave (Ention) on Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays.
◇ Heart of the Machine from the Surveillance Prophet weekly boss
Complete the Ention Archon quest to unlock this boss. This boss cannot be done in co-op.
✦✦✦ Artifacts & Stats ✦✦✦
Jimmy's best artifact set for a DPS build is Seven Days Replay.
2-piece set HP+20%. 4-piece set gains stacks of Knowledge when a character takes damage. Knowledge applies the following effects depending on the amount of stacks: 1-3 stacks, increase DMG by 10%. 4-6 stacks, increase crit rate by 8%. 7 stacks, increase incoming healing by 10% for the next 2s, and reset the amount of stacks.
Sands: HP%/ER
Goblet: Pyro DMG
Circlet: CRIT rate/DMG
Substats: ER, HP%, CRIT rate/DMG, (EM if needed)
ATK is a dead stat for Jimmy
ER: ~120-130%
This is basically the only set that is good for Jimmy as a DPS. Alternate options are any set that give an HP or HP% bonus if you don't have a full 4-piece set for him yet.
✦✦✦ Weapons ✦✦✦
Jimmy's best in slot is typically considered the 5* standard Benevolence, and this is a decent option. For the purposes of DPS, though, getting your hands on Harvest Moon is really good. (Pearl rerun when... [Pearl_Sip])
Good 4* options include Killer Instinct (BP weapon) and Sidepiercer (Standard). His best 3* option is Asclepius, but if you didn't grab that then go with Nighttime Arrow. If you must.
✦✦✦ Talent Priority ✦✦✦
Burst > E. Skill > Normal Attack
A good suggested level for folks who do not want to go all the way is 6/7/9 (edit: put it in backwards! [x_derp])
✦✦✦ Team Comps ✦✦✦
Ention Bros - Reverse Melt team with Jimmy as DPS, BigB for cryo application and sub-DPS, Pyro False for off-field Pyro application, and Netty for heals. Netty is a really good healer for Jimmy DPS teams, and these are all F2P friendly options. Make sure to pile on some EM if you're using this team.
Suicide Bombs - Overload team with Jimmy DPS, Tango for off-field electro application, Xisuma for electro application/electro resonance & heals, and the last slot I keep for a flex support. Pyro False is a good option for the resonance, but Cryo False is good if you have her C2 for the automatic shield, just so Jimmy doesn't explode and die constantly.
You almost never want a shield character with Jimmy (Cryo False is the exception), since it prevents Jimmy from taking DMG, and effectively nerfs his burst.
✦✦✦ Constellations ✦✦✦
C1: Gives guaranteed elemental particle when hit.
C2: Using E skill reduces Burst CD.
C3: Talent level increase.
C4: At 30% health, healing bonus for party.
C5: Talent level increase.
C6: ATK boost for Burst when Jimmy is at 30%.
All his cons are good, but none of them are necessary to play Jimmy as a DPS, unlike some other characters. C1 is really good for Burst uptime, so at least aim for that.
◆ ◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇ ◆
That's all! Just try to keep in mind that this is subject to change once we get release 6.0, since I'm hearing leaks that Sausage is basically gonna be Better 5 Star Jimmy. But whatever. [Sob] Jimmy mains will catch a break some day, I believe it. Comment if you have any ideas for this build or have any success with it! Thx!!
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sitp-recs · 1 year
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Hidden Gems: Special Edition
5 7 underrated works by @skeptiquewrites
It’s been ages since I did a Hidden Gems post so I’m probably a bit rusty but I thought this was the perfect way to celebrate our dear Tee. I’ve loved her work ever since the first fic I came across, and I am over the moon that she was the first fandom friend I was lucky to meet in person earlier this month! We immediately hit it off and had the BEST time around - dinner at a cute Vietnamese place, a walk along the canal, ice cream treats while talking fandom & life. A perfect date night that could have been pulled out from one of her fabulous summery fics if you ask me 😌
It was even harder to choose how to celebrate her birthday having met such a lovely person - after many single recs and lists I was like “what else is there???” But after some thinking with the help of my partner in crime @sweet-s0rr0w I came up with the idea of boosting some of my favourite hidden gems by Tee, fics that I don’t see recced often but deserve all the attention and buzz. They will tug at your heartstrings and make you fall even more in love - not only with Drarry but with summer aesthetics, its endless possibilities, and with Tee’s quiet, charming, elegant, wistful and seductive writing.
These are all shorts but each perfectly placed word and well executed plot contain new and unique universes. Each clever line and lush dose of mutual want - either followed by delicious smut or equally sexy doses of quiet intimacy - fill me with different but wonderful emotions. I think the banner pic translates very well one of the best feelings I experience reading her fics: how special it is to celebrate the little things, how powerful yet vulnerable we are when facing the inevitability of falling in love, how one magical second spent on summer nights, as fleeting and removed from our traditional sense of time and space as they might be, can last forever. I hope the fics and quotes I selected below give you a tiny taste of the magic contained in each one of her short, brilliant love stories. Happiest of birthdays, my dear friend! ♥️
⌛️ light that covers us (T, 117 words)
Lovers in dangerous line of work.
"Always on borrowed time," a singer croons in the background. Draco turns up the Wireless. “God, I hate that song."
🗓️ Four Seasons (M, 2k)
A romance in four seasons.
There was something lovely about being out of excuses, Harry thought. Everything was possible. "What are you in it for, then?" Harry asked as they crossed the threshold.
🌊 On The Shore (T, 3k)
Draco takes up wild swimming. Harry joins him.
Harry turns his face towards the sun and he doesn’t quite smile, but there is something content in his expression that makes Draco a little more willing to share this place.
🎸 Lights Down Low (T, 4k)
“Will we ever learn? We’ve been here before.” Recording the Hallows' fifth album with Draco brings up the past in a way Harry’s never expected.
The music’s a little wistful, haunting even with no words, recorded in the middle of the night. Harry has done this dozens of times before and for other people. There is no way he has forgotten how to write a song.
🎇 No Distance (E, 5k)
Harry doesn’t believe in resolutions, because a new year doesn’t mean feeling any different. But something feels possible, meeting Draco again in Zurich. The past is the past, but the future can be different. Sequel to Nothing Left to Burn.
“Poor thing,” Draco responds and presses his lips to the back of Harry’s hand. It's a little mocking, but Harry's heart hasn’t taken the memo.
Bonus 1: fresh out of Bodice Ripper!
🎤 The Real Thing (M, 5k)
Harry only means to cheer Draco up after a terrible breakup. He doesn't mean to fall in love.
“I don’t know that he cared what I wanted. I don’t know if he knew what I wanted.” Harry wanted to ask Draco what he wanted, the exact contours of what might please him and how.
Bonus 2: Femslash!
🧣She Was Pretty (E, 4k) - Lavender/Parvati
In the aftermath of the war, Lavender Brown rediscovers herself in a tiny flat above her Diagon Alley tea shop. Parvati helps.
Her mother offers her pity mostly, raw and cloying. But there is love there too. She clucks at her the second day Lavender is home after a month spent in hospital. “They didn’t braid your hair tight enough, Lavvy. Come here.”
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creampuffqueen · 2 months
I saw that post you reblogged about being open to followers asking about your fanfics, so I'm going to take you up on that. I wanted to ask if you have a favorite among the works you did for the Yangvik Week, but maybe that would be too unfair. So my question is: can you tell us what you, the author, like about each of those works specifically, or if you have a favorite line from them? (Bonus: was there a challenging part?) It's always so interesting to hear a writer be meta about their process! Thank you 🩵
Ahhh thank you so much for asking!!! You’re right, choosing a favorite would be very difficult and would probably end in like. A 3 or 4 way tie lol. But i would absolutely love to share my thoughts on my fics and some of the behind-the-scenes things about writing them!!
Gonna go ahead and put this under a cut because i have zero doubt it will get very long haha. Read on for even more yangvik ramblings :) 
Cover Story: 
The part about this fic that was the most fun to write and the part that was the most difficult to write happened to be the same thing - figuring out their secret mission. I truly have to give my props to f.c yee here; writing spy missions is not as easy at it seems! I had to figure out a realistic way to get Yangchen and Kavik alone in a room together, AND in a situation where their only way out was to kiss, without it feeling too contrived. Which meant I was having to think of backups for my backups. A lot of “okay, here’s a way they could get out - how can I make that way impossible?” I truly am quite proud of how it all turned out in the end!
Another favorite part was undoubtedly writing Kavik being absolutely head over heels the entire time. It was the first time I’d written from his perspective, and his head is quite fun to be in. His pining definitely created a few of my favorite lines from this one, such as “In this room full of beautiful things, she’s still the most captivating.” Or “The glow from the fire makes her gray eyes look like molten pools of silver. For a moment, Kavik nearly forgets where he is.”
Also, this entire interaction: ““I think we’re a bit past caring about how I feel about a plan; tell me what it is.”
“You need to kiss me.”
I made myself absolutely cackle with delight when I wrote it. It was so fun.
And then I’ve already shared in another post how I ended up entirely rewriting the entire kiss scene. It just wasn’t hitting in the way I wanted, and I’m much, much happier with how it turned out when I wrote it the second time.
I’ve also particularly enjoyed seeing peoples’ interpretations of this one! Some people think that Yangchen is totally oblivious to how hard Kavik is crushing, while others think she totally knows but is pretending not to. I won’t give an answer as to which is correct, because I think it adds a lot more to be ambiguous enough that it could go either way!
i can’t read your mind (though i’m trying all the time):
Little warning here because this fic is nsfw, so if you’re not comfortable with that topic of discussion feel free to hop ahead to the next section!
I think of all the fics i wrote for yangvik week, this one was the most challenging. I came up with the premise for this fic (yangvik bathtub sex) well before yangvik week, but planning out my fics for the event gave me the motivation to actually Write It. But even after decided I wanted to write it, I spent a lot of time waffling around with it, not totally sure how I wanted to take it. Add in at the time I was really struggling with my self confidence as a writer, and that led to me just being generally unhappy with the whole thing. 
What ended up happening was that I put it on the back burner for a bit, wrote some of my other fics for the event, and then came back to it. Having finished some other fics gave me the little boost I needed to push past the corner I’d stuck myself in (what felt like at the time endless dialogue) and finally write the whole thing. 
Random side tangent: i did not write my yangvik week fics in order lol. It ended up being Day 1-4-2-3-5-6
Anyway. Favorite bits? Quite a few haha
“Yangchen’s eyes don’t leave his, stormy gray meeting ocean blue. Kavik would drown in them if she’d let him.” <- I posted this one as a snippet but I still just love it so much. They’re so utterly whipped for each other it’s crazy.
““Kavik, I’m tired,” Yangchen breathes.
His lips still. “Do you want me to stop?”
A pause. Then, slowly, she drags their joined hands upwards until one of his palms is cupping her breast, showing him where she wants to be touched.
“No. Don’t stop.””
^ I had been planning out this specific bit pretty much since I got the idea for this fic. So I’d been hanging onto this for a few months. Finally getting to write it down was so incredibly satisfying. I HAVE to write my scenes in chronological order. Sometimes if I have ideas for single lines or specific words I want to use I’ll write them down just so I remember, but if it’s an entire exchange like this I force myself to wait for it.
I originally intended to write this fic going at an even slower pace, which looking back now is kinda crazy haha. It’s already got quite a slow buildup. But when I was writing I came to the conclusion that things needed to heat up at least a little bit, hence all the heavy making out that happens. 
“Seated above him, Yangchen has to look downwards in order to connect their gazes. A queen sitting on her throne.” <- I was very proud of this line and the imagery it evokes, and I was very glad to hear that others felt the same! I had several people point out just how much they liked this part, and it’s always very gratifying as a writer to hear that a scene created the feelings you were going for.
The premise of this fic is basically Yangchen going “I want that man on his knees and whimpering” and Kavik going “yes ma’am”
Another random fun fact: it’s a blink and you’ll miss it kinda mention, but the thing that brings them both over the edge during this is making eye contact with each other ;) 
And last but not least, I find it very funny that this fic is the most popular of my yangvik week fics, at least according to the stats on ao3. It has by far the most comments, kudos, and hits. By a long shot. 
Oh my god, you guys are so horny!!! (says the horny bitch who wrote the fic)
i’m glad i get forever to see where you went:
So, although this fic was certainly the one with the darkest topic, I think I enjoyed writing it the most. It was an extremely cathartic write, and while I was writing it the words just seemed to flow nonstop. The whole fic came so easily to me, and with very little prior planning. Part of it might be that it was a very different writing style than what I usually use, with it being a more broad overview of an ongoing situation rather than one specific point in time. I really enjoy fics written in that style, and I was very excited to finally create one of my own!
Now for some random notes about the content of the fic itself. I don’t think I mentioned this in the end notes of the fic itself, but there is a reason that Yangchen and Kavik are living near the Eastern temple rather than the Western. In some random, older A:TLA media, it was said that Yangchen retired to the Eastern Air Temple, and she spent her last few years living in a hermitage near the temple. I suppose that narratively it makes more sense for her to live in the west, but I decided to go with it to sort of keep it ‘canon compliant’. I wonder if that will ever get retconned now that we have more content about Yangchen.
But I digress. A part I really enjoyed about this fic was being able to intersperse all the heavy moments with little tidbits that show just how much these two love each other. Even aside from the big, grand, devotion that they show, I also liked showing that they still flirt, they still banter, they still cuddle and watch the sunset together. Just casual moments of a long-time love. 
“Life continues on, though. The endless wheel of time won’t stop turning, even for the most powerful being in the world.” <- Very proud of this line. It just came to me right in the moment and it felt so perfect. 
“Perhaps a part of him is just hoping they’ll adjust. She’s still Yangchen, whip-smart and compassionate and always ready with a quick remark. She’s still every bit the woman he fell in love with, just a bit more forgetful these days. They’ll get through it, surely.” <- Again, very proud of this part. It accomplished several things I wanted to convey: showing the passage of time, as this isn’t something that just happens overnight. It’s a slow, progressive thing. Also adding in some more slightly positive views of Yangchen, as I’d just put her through a whole lot in the previous scenes and felt I needed to add a reminder that despite it all, she’s still Yangchen. And lastly, also adding in Kavik’s sense of desperation that things get better. Or, at least, that things don’t get any worse.
“He loves her, though. The world is always changing, and nothing is ever constant. The deepest truth that he knows in his life is this: He loves Yangchen with everything he has, for everything she is.
He loves her. He squeezes her hand while she sleeps, finally at peace for a change, and hopes that it’s enough.”
^ Yet another part I love. I just really loved my writing in this whole fic. I don’t really have much to add but I just had to put it here because I love it so so much.
Now, for the final scene. I was considering having this not be the last scene. I was going to make it worse. I had a few ideas, all incredibly angsty. Something like Yangchen getting hurt (working ideas were her leaving the fire on and forgetting about it or getting into a situation where she needed to bend a certain element but forgetting she could bend it) or her actually forgetting Kavik’s name for little bit. But in the end it didn’t feel right for the direction I wanted to take this. I wasn’t writing angst for angst’s sake. I didn’t want to end the fic on such a bitter note, on a feeling that all was lost for good. There needed to be some hope still left. Which is why I ended up going the direction I did with it. 
I was veryyyyyy proud of myself for the total genius moment I had in the final scene. Namely, Yangchen starting to return to herself when Kavik hands her the glider. It’s very subtle because in these kind of situations, it’s not like the person comes back to the present all at once. It’s very gradual. But, if you read closely, Yangchen begins to calm down when she gets the glider. Both because it’s something familiar and personal, and because it’s meant to mirror the scene in Legacy where Kavik originally hands her back her glider. Now, in order for this to happen, I had to backtrack very far to get this moment. Like; okay, Kavik hands Yangchen the staff and it helps. Why does he bring the staff with him? Oh, what if he’s using it as a cane! But wait, I never wrote him as needing a cane in previous scenes. Ah, he gets out of bed too fast and pinches a nerve in his back! (sorry Kavik).
And last but not least, the final scene, where Yangchen finally admits out loud how scared she is and she and Kavik both cry, probably has to be my favorite scene of this entire fic. Possibly one of my favorite scenes that I’ve ever written. It was so incredibly cathartic to write. I’m being completely truthful when I say I teared up while writing it. Yes, it was incredibly devastating, but very beautiful in its own way. It was just the culmination and release of all the heartbreak earlier in the fic, and gave way to the wonderful moment of Kavik promising to always be there for her, whether she remembers him or not, which is everything she needs to hear in that moment. I just really love it.
Breakfast and a Braid:
This one was pretty short and sweet so there isn’t a whole lot to say about it writing wise haha. I think the biggest challenge was getting them to the point where Kavik could talk about what he was doing while braiding her hair without the situation feeling too forced or awkward. I think I ended up doing okay, though!
Also while writing this and looking through the fic I realized that I mentioned the gong of Jonduri… the gong is in Taku. *facepalm* I’m gonna have to go fix that at some point. Whoops. 
When Yangchen says that she doesn’t remember breakfast being delivered, it’s meant to imply that she was sleeptalking again, the way she did to Boma at the beginning of Legacy. And I’m not sure why but I enjoy the way I wrote her waking up at the start of the fic. I think it’s just some funny imagery, of her startling awake and throwing her papers everywhere.
Another thing about the writing process of this one is that the part that goes “Tangles removed, Kavik draws his hands smoothly through her thick tresses. Yangchen nearly arches into his hand, like a cat-goose getting its back scratched. If she could purr she’d probably be doing it.” actually had a duplicate paragraph written a few paragraphs before it. I’m very glad I read through this one again, because that would have been awkward lol. I ended up liking the second use of it more, so I rewrote the paragraph earlier in the fic so I could keep it in this spot. Still not totally sure how I basically managed to copy an entire paragraph without realizing it!
“Still, she can’t resist reaching behind her to grab at his collar, dragging Kavik towards her for a proper kiss. He puts up no resistance, grinning softly as Yangchen presses their lips together.” <- and of course, writing kisses is one of my favorite things, so it’s no surprise that it’s one of my favorite lines in this fic :) 
Something Nice:
Not entirely sure why, but of the 6 fics that i posted for yangvik week, this is probably my least favorite 😭😭. Again, no idea why. Like i can’t even pinpoint what i don’t like about it, but whenever i compare it to the others i wrote i just feel. Kinda ‘eh’ about it.
I am however still patting myself on the back for the bit about the wool on the kuspuk being from Nujian’s older sister. I very clearly remember having this complete enigma while planning it out and being like ‘YES ITS PERFECT IM A GENIUS!!!’. So that’s definitely a positive.
Other positives include writing some team Yangchen shenanigans. I really love Yangchen’s team avatar in the books, and so whenever i can i try and include them in my writing, even if it’s just a little mention. But being able to include full on conversations in this fic was very fun.
Although I don’t feel completely satisfied with how this fic turned out (again, for reasons I’m honestly not quite sure of) I do still have a favorite line. That being “Even after she calms, a small part of her wants to stay there forever, held in the little bubble of Kavik’s embrace, safe from the needs of the world.”. I just loved showing how safe Yangchen feels when she’s with Kavik, and how she can just be herself around him. 
The other part i really enjoyed writing with this one was the PINING. Oh the pining. It’s always so delicious. And then the moment at the end where Jujinta interrupts them hehe. I’m definitely a sucker for the ‘moment interrupted’ trope… which i’m now realizing might be a bit obvious considering my other works… oh… oh dear…
darlin’, oh, you see i’ve never felt this way before:
Almost all of my writing is very ‘flying by the seat of my pants’ style as I very rarely go into anything with a concrete plan, but this one was EXTRA off the top of my head. I had a vague idea and a vibe to go off of when I started writing, and I’m pretty pleased with the results!
A few highlights of writing this include: contriving ways to get Kavik shirtless, letting the air nomads be the thirsty mouthpiece of the fandom, and pretending I’m back in middle school and turning absolutely everything into a ‘that’s what she said’ joke
I included this fun fact in the notes on the ao3 version but if you only read it on tumblr you might have missed it! When Kavik is playing the string game with the kids and he makes a shape called ‘the polecat-wolverine’ it is for multiple reasons. 1. ‘The wolverine’ is an actual shape that can be made during the real life string game that Inuit and other Indigenous groups play, and 2. The name ‘Kavik’ means wolverine! He was showing the kiddos how to make his name :) 
I also loved getting to include some more air nomad culture in my writing. The ‘holy day’ they are celebrating is completely made up, but loosely inspired by the Thai Buddhist festival of Songkran. As well, the nature of many of the conversations in this fic led me to basically do a deep dive into how i think the 4 nations view sex, desire, sexuality, etc. Which then led me to retroactively go in to throw in some demisexual Yangchen vibes, which is my personal headcanon of her sexuality.
I think the biggest challenges in writing this fic were, first of all, having little more than a vibe as my concept, and then also figuring out how to spin the ‘jealousy’ prompt into a way that I liked. I very much wanted to stay away from the usual interpretation of jealousy, as I simply don’t think it fits Yangchen and Kavik’s relationship with each other. So I did my best to show that Yangchen isn’t jealous of the other nuns because they’re ‘trying to steal her man’ or that she’s jealous and thinks Kavik will like another girl more than her or anything like that. She’s jealous because she already has to share so much of herself with the world, and doesn’t want to share what she has with Kavik as well. She isn’t at all threatened by other women appreciating his good looks, but she gets very bothered when the conversation starts veering towards more personal things about him. Hence why she stops the teenagers’ conversation when one of them mentions his ‘dreamy eyes’ when the other two had previously been saying far more suggestive things.   
Yet another challenging part of this write was when I decided I wanted to go down the love confession route. I wanted to make it clear that it WAS a love declaration, but without an ‘I love you’. Again, I feel very strongly that Yangchen and Kavik never fully define their relationship. It just… is. So it was a fun challenge to try and write something akin to a confession/declaration without going the typical route. I did consider having them say the Big L Word, but I couldn’t manage to fit it in where I mentioned it was the first time they said it, but at the same time didn’t make it this super huge deal. Of course they already know they love each other; they don’t need to be waxing poetic about it to make it clear, though. I’m pretty happy with what I managed instead!
There are so many standout lines in this one that i adore, but I think most of them come from the final part. I love a good ‘sleepy pillow talk in the morning after’ kind of vibe (in fact, I’ve been considering adding a part 2 to ‘the push' set the morning after) so it was lovely to get to include one here.
I’m very especially proud of the imagery right here: “Yangchen wakes up in shades, consciousness seeping into her bones with each exhale of breath. The pre-dawn light creeps through her window, casting the room in a soft, dreamlike haze.”
And again with this one: “He stretches, long and languid, yawning so widely that Yangchen can hear his jaw pop. His fingers tangle with those already on his cheek, bringing her hand to his mouth so he can begin to kiss his way up her arm, tracing the pattern of her tattoos.” (non-lip kisses my ABSOLUTE BELOVED).
“Rather than fall further into her trap, Kavik shuts her up by tackling her into the bed, making her shriek with laughter when his hands dig into her sides to tickle her mercilessly.” <- I really loved how I portrayed Yangchen in this whole part. She deserves to just let loose and be silly!!!!
“Avatar Yangchen belongs to the world before anything else. Yangchen will always be the Avatar; even in death her spirit will remain to continue the cycle. She holds the world’s biggest blessing and its heaviest burden. It will always have a claim over her.
But right here, her world is just this: the blue of Kavik’s eyes, the safety of his arms, and the love that she can feel pouring out of his very being.”
^ Made myself almost cry with the duality of it all. He’s literally her safe space. I’m never gonna feel normal about them.
This ended up getting… so long lol. If you stayed til the end, thank you very much! I hope you enjoyed getting some insight into my writing thoughts and parts I enjoyed about creating my fics! And again, thank you so much for the ask!!!
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hananoami · 2 months
[ 07/15 - 07/29 ] SHC Team set up & Stat Attributes
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Stellactrum Requirements
Team A: Silverbay Division ( 5 ) Pearl memories + ( 1 ) Violet memory
Team B: Goldbird Division ( 4 ) Pearl memories + ( 1 ) Emerald memory
Team C: Soaria Division ( 3 ) Emerald memories + ( 1 ) Amber memory
The follow screenshots below is an in-depth write up of my current teams set up and stat attributes for this season of Senior Hunter Contest. The season commenced on Monday 07/15 and ends on Monday 07/29. An end of the season review post will be written up and link [here] at a later time.
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To commemorate the the beginning of Love & Deepspace v2.0, I'll be refreshing my format with new dividers by @/saradika-graphics and @/strangergraphics. As a long-time deepspace hunter who continuously strives to improve I want to showcase my growth and adaptability throughout Opposing Visions. Fighting!! ଘ(੭˃ᴗ˂)੭♡
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(Team A) Silverbay Division w/ 𝓖𝒐𝒅 𝓸𝒇 𝓽𝒉𝒆 𝓣𝒊𝒅𝒆𝒔
For this season the following memory receives a +40% DMG Boost from seasonal bonus: [Floral Promise] + [Whalefall Lament]. Having a Perfect Match with the Protofield Stellactrum means [Resonance Skills] can break 2 Protocore Shield Layers in a single strike and increase DMG to weakness by 100%. Matching the Protofield Stellactrum attributes also gives an additional bonus. For each matched Stellactrum, increases DMG boost 5.0% (currently increased: 30.0%) and DMG Reductions 5.0% (currently increased 30.0%).
COMPANION: Rafayel's God of the Tides [ Sustained | Buff | AoE ]
WEAPON: Tidal Embrace [ Sustained | Buff | AoE ] ♡ AFFINITY BONUS: 104 (Rafayel’s Protective Skill) When you take a fatal blow, Rafayel teleports to you, blocks a hit, and counter attacks. Enemies will be knocked back.
[ HP 4000 || DEF 100 || ATK 200 ]
STARTING EFFECT: increases team DMG by 8%, reduces team DMG taken by 8%, and increases Crit DMG by 10% when fighting along side Sea Spirits.
DUO RANK 1: boosts Ardent Oath charge by 20%. The starting level of Sea Spirits rises to Lv. 2, and Sea Spirits will last for 5 more seconds.
DUO RANK 2: increases Energy Charge cap by 1. During Heavenly Rain, recovery rate of energy charge is increased by 30%.
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5☆ Temple’s Promise (pearl/solar) Lv 80/awakened rank 2 using +9 SSR protocores
5☆ Temple’s Sunset (pearl/solar) Lv 80/awakened rank 2 using +9 and +12 SSR protocores
5☆ Private Trip (pearl/lunar) Lv 80 using +12 SSR protocores
5☆ Tipsy Invitation (pearl/lunar) Lv 80 using +15 SSR protocores
5☆ Fireworks Vow (pearl/lunar) Lv 80 using +9 and +15 SSR protocores
5☆ Floral Promise (violet/lunar) Lv 80 using +15 SSR protocores
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(Team B) Goldbird Division w/ 𝓡𝒆𝒍𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒍𝒆𝒔𝒔 𝓒𝒐𝒏𝒒𝒖𝒆𝒓𝒐𝒓
For this season the following memory receives a +40% DMG Boost from seasonal bonus: [No Defense Zone] + [Awaiting]. Having a Perfect Match with the Protofield Stellactrum means [Resonance Skills] can break 2 Protocore Shield Layers in a single strike and increase DMG to weakness by 100%. Matching the Protofield Stellactrum attributes also gives an additional bonus. For each matched Stellactrum, increases DMG boost 5.0% (currently increased: 25.0%) and DMG Reductions 5.0% (currently increased 25.0%).
COMPANION: Sylus's Relentless Conqueror [ DMG | Single-target | Control]
WEAPON: Harrier 700 [ DPS | Sustained | AoE ] ♡ AFFINITY BONUS: 47 (Sylus’s Protective Skill) When you take a fatal blow, Sylus teleports to you, blocks a hit, and counter attacks. Enemies will be knocked back.
[ HP 1800 || DEF 45 || ATK 90 ]
STARTING EFFECT: increases team DMG by 8%, and reduces team DMG taken by 8%. Picking up [Dark Energy] increases ATK by 3.5%, lasting longer for 5 seconds. This effect can stack up to 3 times.
DUO RANK 1: boosts Ardent Oath charge by 20%. When you collect [Dark Energy], you'll gain an enchantment, applying a [Devour Mark] to the next enemy hit by you.
DUO RANK 2: increases Energy Charge cap by 1. When you collect [Dark Energy], a small amount of energy charge is restored.
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5☆ Captivating Flavor (pearl/solar) Lv 80/awakened rank 2 using +9 SSR protocores
5☆ Captivating Lesson (pearl/solar) Lv 80/awakened rank 2 using +9 SSR protocores
5☆ No Defense Zone (emerald/lunar) Lv 70 using +9 and +12 SSR protocores
5☆ Within Reach (pearl/lunar) Lv 70 using +12 and +15 SSR protocores
4☆ Continuous Symphony (emerald/lunar) Lv 60 rank 1 using +9 and +12 SSR protocores
4☆ Awaiting (pearl/lunar) Lv 60 using +6 SSR protocores
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(Team C) Soaria Division w/ 𝓛𝒖𝒎𝒊𝒆𝒓𝒆
For this season the following memory receives a +40% DMG Boost from seasonal bonus: [21 Days] + [Dawn to Dusk]. Having a Perfect Match with the Protofield Stellactrum means [Resonance Skills] can break 2 Protocore Shield Layers in a single strike and increase DMG to weakness by 100%. Matching the Protofield Stellactrum attributes also gives an additional bonus. For each matched Stellactrum, increases DMG boost 5.0% (currently increased: 25.0%) and DMG Reductions 5.0% (currently increased 25.0%).
COMPANION: Xavier's Lumiere [ DMG | Single-target | Control]
WEAPON: Moonchaser [ DPS | Sustained | AoE ]
♡ AFFINITY BONUS: 100 (Xavier’s Protective Skill) When you take a fatal blow, Xavier teleports to you, blocks a hit, and counter attacks. Enemies will be knocked back.
[ HP 4000 || DEF 100 || ATK 200 ]
STARTING EFFECT: increases team DMG by 8%, and reduces team DMG taken by 8%. The Enemy [Moonstruck] is extended by 3 seconds.
DUO RANK 1: boosts Ardent Oath charge by 20%. [Moonlight] will attach 1 stack of [Phasing Moon] to the enemy, increasing DMG dealt by 25%.
DUO RANK 2: increases Energy Charge cap by 1. When [Moonlight] is activated, the cooldown time of your Active and Resonance Skill is reduced by 0.5 seconds, and a small amount of energy charge is restored.
DUO RANK 3: increases team DMG by 8%. When your Active Skill or Charged Attack hits a target with [Moonstruck], [Moonlight] will be activated, boosting CRIT DMG by 30%.
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5☆ Midnight Whispers (amber/solar) Lv 80/awakened rank 3 using +9 SSR protocores
5☆ Midnight Rainfall (amber/solar) Lv 80/awakened rank 3 using +9 SSR protocores
5☆ Romantic Afternoon (emerald/lunar) Lv 70 rank 1 using +9 SSR protocores
5☆ Fluffy Trap (emerald/lunar) Lv 70 rank 2 using +9 SSR protocores
5☆ 21 Days (emerald/lunar) Lv 60 using +9 SSR protocores
5☆ Unique Aftertaste (ruby/lunar) Lv 80/awakened rank 3 using +12 SSR protocores
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whump-me · 1 year
Hello! Call me Zee (they/them). I like whump and I write stuff. I'm a long-time connoisseur of whump, and use this blog to share and collect the things that strike my fancy. Writing-wise, I’m a jaded veteran of the indie publishing trenches, and I’m here to use my powers for evil by writing stories as dark as my whumpy heart desires. In my other life, I've published a whole mess of stuff under a different name (it's not a secret--you can find links on this blog if you dig, or just ask), but I'm in the process of moving my overtly whumpy writing over to the pen name Lux Thorn. (Call me Lux if you don't want to remember multiple names--I'll answer to it.)
I write some prompts and shorter stuff, but my heart belongs to long-form fiction. Expect defiance, torture, twisted and adversarial psychological intimacy, damage both physical and mental, and a lot of death. My longer stories will always end happily, if you define a happy ending as an emotionally satisfying victory for a sympathetic character, but don’t expect it to look like a fluffy caretaking arc.
I’m bad at tagging. I do my best to tag a few things that I know are big nopes for a lot of people (gore, noncon, character death), but if you need comprehensive tags for your mental health, it’s probably best not to follow. You can always ask to be added to the tag list for specific stories.
I have a Patreon! Read my fiction before it gets posted here, plus bonus Patreon-exclusive stories.
I boost whump writers who are selling their work, because writers should get paid and we need more whump in this world. Got a Patreon, a Ko-fi, an ebook for sale? Do you take commissions? Send me an ask, tag me in your promo post, or use the submit button.
Stuff I like:
Defiant whumpees
Cold whumpers
Whumpees of all genders, including lady whump
Character death
Spy whump
Lab whump
Fantasy and sci-fi whump
Mercy killing
Emotional whump
Team whump
Mind games
Degradation (nonsexual)
Stuff you’ll rarely, if ever, find here:
Comfort and caretaking
Pet whump/BBU
Masochism and voluntary submission
Extreme gore
Martyr (complete): sci-fi interrogation whump with a defiant whumpee, a cold female whumper, torture, emotional whump, and devastating personal realizations on both sides. Masterpost
Unburied (complete): written for the Whump Girl Summer event. Fantasy whump with spies, magic, human sacrifice, and loyalty that transcends death. Masterpost
Conquest (complete): no-magic fantasy whump with a royal whumper, a fearful but quietly defiant nonbinary whumpee, degradation, cultural differences, fantasy politics, and an intense and complicated relationship between whumper and whumpee (no romance). Masterpost
Whumptober 2023 (complete): a collection of standalone stories set in my Mind Games universe, a modern-day sci-fi/fantasy thriller setting with the feel of shows like The 4400, Flashforward, and Travelers. Spy whump, lab whump, so much emotional whump. Masterpost
Obscure (complete): novel-length interrogation whump about a rebel leader who can erase memories with a thought, an interrogator who can see inside his subjects’ minds… and the connection they share that neither of them suspects. Part of the Mind Games universe. Masterpost
Unseen (complete): a whump novel about a ruthless mob heiress and the superpowered assassin she kidnaps and forces to work for her—and the unexpected friendship that develops between them. Part of the Mind Games universe. Masterpost
Protector (complete): a novella-length whump story about a ruthless superpowered assassin trained from childhood to kill, and the brother determined to save him from himself. Part of the Mind Games universe. Masterpost
Standalone Stories Things That Need to Be Said Worth the Cost
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2023 Megaman Summer Fanart Contest Results!
I have no time to whip up a new results post image, but oddly enough I have a dorky 16-year-old drawing I can crop, that somewhat technically covers both themes, in some respect. Go figure.
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Thank you to everyone for your patience waiting for this post! Sorry, just have felt a little lacking in focus and energy to finish this until now. As usual, the top 3 who placed will be announced first, followed by the remaining entries in alphabetical order by alias. As an added surprise, I'm also throwing in a bonus runner up mystery winner position, since there were no raffle prizes or anything extra I threw in this summer. They will get the same cash prize as our third place winners. Winners will be contacted soon!
Without further ado, after the break, here are your winners and galleries full of art!
CATEGORY 1:  The Sand-ly Cup Playoffs (Talent)
For the talent category this year, participants were to draw a sand-themed Megaman character taking part in or ruining a beach sport event.
After each entrant’s name, there will be a link to the entry, too, just in case the inserted images don’t load for you. In the interest of not breaking your browser with the usual super-scrollingly-long post, entries consisting of more than 2 images will only have 1 embedded into this post, with links to each page separately.
[Full Cat. 1 gallery]
1.) Daidairo (@aurantia-ignis): [Entry] ($150 USD prize)
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Beautifully drawn, with so much going on to draw my eye towards! You've got Desertman not only helping his own teammate out by giving him a boost to spike the Met volleyball, but also firmly gripping Blues from moving with his legs covered in sand. Love all the other cameos in the background, with everyone being so active and enjoying the summer day.
2.) Kaitlin.EXE: [Entry] ($75 USD prize)
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In a summer full of surprises, it was a joy to see your art for the first time in a long while! If X DiVE had sadly not been phased out this summer, this would have been a set of skins/new summer characters I know a lot of people surely wanted, with a fun new boss alt design. Finding treasures buried at the beach definitely fit's Scaravich's profile, and his little striped swimsuit armor and diving attire gave me a good laugh, plus looks just perfect for him. The boys all have unique swimwear that fits them great, individually!
3.) @nightopianfoxgirl: [Entry] ($50 USD prize)
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Wait...Higsby died? This news ticker sure did take a dark turn at the end! Unless Anubis can use his nanomachines to bring him back and all. Amusing twist turning Anubis' staff into a microphone as he roleplays as Ribbita here. Meanwhile, Iceman, Bubbleman and Aquaman are drowning in the larger size uniforms somewhere. A little humor and a little fanservice mixed in to an overall crisply-drawn & colored piece!
*Bonus mystery runner up random prize!*
Tori: [Entry] ($50 USD prize)
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Those pair of Sasoreenu may have spikey drill tails, but Roll and Kalinka are strong enough to power through them! In fact, I think Roll is the one who is going to spike first, and it will be game-set-match for those scorpion bots! Great job, Tori!
Another surprise this year was this being an entry from the youngest participant I've ever had submit something, to go along with being the first ever time a parent and their child have both submitted an entry into the same contest! Good to know the current generation is being brought up as Megaman fans!
And the remaining wonderful entries, in alphabetical order by alias:
@dahlia-the-nurd: [Entry]
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Solar frisbee versus sawblade frisbee, who's better at chuckin' those things the farthest? I'll go with the guy who sticks his finger up claiming to be #1. Until a time stopping duo decides to mess with them both a little bit, and neither fly very far... XD
Dr. Fresh: [Entry]
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Doc Cossack and all his children enjoying some family fun on the sand. Love the variety having something different that they are all involved in. Bright Man's bulb having it's own 'sunglass' essentially is something clever and creative that I can't say I've seen anyone think of before!
@eulogysinger: [Entry]
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Love the concept of the digital touchscreen photos sent for Megaman to browse through, and how you incorporated all the Secret Area Navis into enjoying a beach break. It's funny seeing Yamato's shogun helmet changed into a beachwear sun hat, but still fitting his design so well. Also loved his little foot soldiers getting in on the fun with Desertman; honestly all the scenes are cute and amusing!
@ingopotato: [Entry]
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Looks like that sedimentary rock-themed Robot Master is about to be turned into... ...Sandstone.
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*ahem* Sorry. Ground Man mucking things up and the look on Stoney's face amused me. Very crisp art, and good job at really making it look like the sand is blowing and kicking up behind both of the main sandsurfing RMs!
Mattasaurs: [Entry]
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Mummira head is the perfect volleyball! Unfortunately, just as a decoy here, because bumping that one back over is not going to get you any points, Aile. That was certainly a very well-thought out creative choice in the composition, and I absolutely loved it. The proportions and angle really give a kind of neat fish-eye lens perspective in this piece, in some respects.
@pstart: [Entry]
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Well, if the net is out of commission, maybe Volnutt can stake up a defeated Nakel on two poles and hit the Reaverbot eye over it! I can feel the heat with the main sunny yellow background, but also thought keeping the two background characters in a shaded grey was an interesting style choice that also makes them seem like they are in the shade.
CATEGORY 2:  Bae-liawatch (Humor)
For the humor category this year, participants were to draw their fave characters with at least one as a lifeguard, in iconic red swuimsuits/trunks, as an ode to the series Baywatch. Despite my category title, nobody took the bait and drew Alia as a lifeguard, however, rendering it moot.
[Full Cat. 2 gallery]
1.) @grammars-doodles : [Page 1] [Page 2] [Page 3] [Page 4] [Page 5] ($150 USD prize)
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For main pun alone, your comic made me laugh the most! Baysquawks just works perfectly for this. XD Cute, fun, with a bunch of nice visual gags. Zack may have lived, but at the cost of poor Quacky Lacky lifeguard #3...
2.) @sylviidaee: [Entry] ($75 USD prize)
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The contrast in art style between these two versions is amazing! From the painterly shading, proportions, to what is happening in the scene, the "Expectation" (emphasis on PEC, while looking at Gutsy's chest!) panel is just wonderfully drawn! I don't think I will ever be able to unsee Gutsman as a grinning John Cena muscleman. XD
3.) VCampan: [Entry] ($50 USD prize)
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Points for the most literal pure parody of the theme, enabling the rare buddy comedy teamup of Sigma and X. Overall, characters and look matches up really well to the 2017 Baywatch movie poster, with plenty of little Megaman-themed tweaks, although I'm laughing at Zero in the CJ swimsuit/position. He looks thrilled to be put in that there! XD
*Bonus mystery runner up random prize!*
dmr: [Entry] ($50 USD prize)
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So, viewer, you are saying, "If Ace is the lifeguard, why isn't he in red trunks like it says in the rules?" Well, obviously Kelvin is the actual lifeguard, but he got too distracted flirting with that hot babe to bother to pay attention to any issues going on in the water. Isn't that another thing lifeguards are known for, anyhow? So Ace is just pitching in. Wonderfully drawn, with a lot of movement and interaction through their poses. Great job on the water and splashy effects!
And the remaining wonderful entries, in alphabetical order by alias:
 AbilityField: [Entry]
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Good thing Blues always wears multiple pairs of shades on his head that he never truly has to worry about losing them. I don't know if the same can be said for swim trunks, though...
@aw-colorcat: [Entry]
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Ice Man in the ocean would probably make the water cold, but I think the water's even colder when Miss Splashy is inhabiting it, after that frigid reply to Bubs. XD Goes to show how just a simple short retort can bring a good laugh. Cute, and loved Ice Man's meme-worthy expression!
miralie: [Entry]
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Miralie requested her entry to be censored a bit (as seen in the link above), to shield everyone from a glimpse at Sigma packin' his *ahem* um...Gunner Sigma. As a compromise, (with permission to post) I decided to edit in Zero spinwaving his way in front of the potentially offending bits and pieces. Or...ya know, maybe Sigma can spin Zero with his Junk-O. You be the judge. Granted, I didn't think your eyes needed to be shielded like Colonel is doing to Iris here, but sometimes it's OK to be like an overprotective older brother. Forgive her, Zero! She just wants to peek a little at the beach commander between Colonel's fingers. Because Miralie did draw him with quite the impressive physique, is all.
Once again, congrats to all the winners, and I will be contacting you about your prizes shortly. And thank you all so much for continuing to participate year after year, both regulars and newcomers! ‘Til next time!
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princessmisery666 · 1 year
Daily Mixes Challenge - 2K follower celebration
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I wasn't sure about doing a follower celebration as I'm quite sporadic with posting but I just surpassed 2K followers, I will be celebrating my birthday in May (the same day as Sam Winchester), and my blog will be turning 3 and I wanted to celebrate.
A multi-fandom challenge with no end date for sign ups or posting entries.
Music inspires me in my day to day life and as I have progressive hearing loss I listen to A LOT of music. I want to consume as much as I can before I can’t do it any more.
So my challenge is this: send me an ASK picking one of the below categories: 
Daily Mix 1
Daily Mix 2
Daily Mix 3
Daily Mix 4
Daily Mix 5
Daily Mix 6
Hip Hop
I will hit shuffle on the corresponding Spotify playlist and give you the first song that plays. You then have to write a fic or create a mood board, aesthetic or piece of art based on that song or the feelings it gives you.
More Info below the cut.
I will make sure no one gets the same song.
For anyone who doesn’t use Spotify, it creates “made for you” playlists that are personalised to your tastes and they change from day to day. It changes DAILY, so I don’t know what song you could get. I listen to anything from cheesy pop to hardcore rock.
Info & Guidelines - cause no one likes rules: 
Fandoms I’m interested in but you can write for any fandom you wish. Supernatural, Marvel, Top Gun: Maverick, DC, Shadow & Bone, The Witcher, Outer Banks, Yellowstone-verse, Sons Of Anarchy. And probably more feel free to ask. 
Bonus points for: Sam Winchester/Jared Padalecki, Sam Wilson/Anthony Mackie, Erik ‘Kilmonger’ Stevens/Michael B Jordan, and Geralt/Henry Cavill.
MARVEL NOTE: I won’t read Tony Stark fics. He can be a supporting character but I won’t read anything that is centred around him. Sorry. I have a reason for this that I’m happy to discuss but it’s a bit dark and this is supposed to be fun.😉
Feel free to combine this with any other bingos/challenges you are partaking in if they allow the same. 
Can be fluff, smut, angst, kinks, crack, A/B/O, AU’s whatever floats your boat. Dark themes welcome. 
Any and ALL trigger warnings must be highlighted. I’ll step out of my comfort zone and read anything - except Tony Stark, paedophilia, necrophilia and scat play (don’t look it up).
Any and all ships welcome.
Can be reader insert, 1st/3rd person, OC or character’s POV. Whatever you prefer.
Fics can be any length, but PLEASE use a ‘keep reading’ line for long posts or fics over 500 words.
If the song you get doesn’t spark any inspiration, there’s no pressure to do it, and feel free to ask for another.
Can request as many songs as you want. 
You don’t have to be following me.
No end date for requests
No due date for entries.
Use the tag #666DailyMix so I can find it and don’t forget to tag me in your work.
Would appreciate a reblog for a signal boost
I will reblog all entries
I will create a master list and update whenever there is a new submission
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inks-books · 9 months
Writeblr Reintroduction Under New Name
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FORMERLY PGA-BOOKS I'M NOW INKS-BOOKS for publishing reasons.
Call me Ink(s)! Or I. N. Knight as my published name will be once I get there.
Note: I follow from xxinksxx.
I’m using this to find more writeblrs as well as promote my work written so far The Tales of Dai-Nē, Curiosity Killed the Elf, Love Triangle Gone Wrong, and more! 
First off I’m looking for: 
-Writeblrs who do fantasy, romance, and mystery but anything with supernatural elements is my jam.
-I’m also a sucker for witty characters and great dialogue!
-I would like to see more disabled characters, POC characters, and just generally fun characters to read about because that’s what I like to write about. 
Some Things You’ll See Here:
-Tag games (comment on this if you would like to be tagged in tag games!)
-Positive writing memes
-Writing ramblings
-Posting of snippets
-Boosts from other writeblrs
My works:
Curiosity Killed the Elf: Available for order here https://a.co/d/2n8QzP9 on Amazon.
(Working Title) The Blue Eyed Thief: When her friend Melody is stolen right before her eyes by men in masks, Nindé tries to go after them to stop them but fails. Nindé then goes to her family for help, but her father and brother turn against her, thinking she's lying and leading them into a trap by the government to harness dragon shifter's energy. Setting out on her own to survive and find Melody again, Nindé goes on a journey where she meets several people that change the course of her fate. Will she ever find Melody again? Or will her family get to her first? In this action thriller, Nindé finds hope, loss, and love in the journey of a lifetime to get her friend back. With no leads and nowhere to go, can she find where she belongs or will she die trying?
The Tale of Dai-Ne: The adventures of 4 teens who are swept into a world of magic and chaos and must prevent the veil between the magic and non-magic world from collapsing, all the while surviving their training to become the most powerful magic users in the two worlds. Can they unlock the secrets of the past before the forgotten race of Fae tear down the veil and take everyone out with them?
Love Triangle Gone Wrong: Ethan is a werecat in a small southern town full of paranormal beings that hide from the rest of the world. Lucien was cursed to be a wolf when the moon present and is only free on nights when there is a no moon showing. The two of them imprint on a newcomer in town named Hope. The kicker? Hope is married with a kid on the way and the boys catch feelings for the wrong person. Follow Ethan, Lucien, Hope, and their friends as this love triangle unfolds in all the wrong (right?) directions and they try to keep Hope from finding out the dark truth about their small town world.
Bonus Story:
Pinjas of the Corn (working title): A webcomic where pig ninjas and cat samurai work against each other to find the missing pieces of an ancient armor that can command the dead armies that were buried with the old emperor. The ninjas must find it before it falls into the wrong hands and the cat samurai try to take over the world. But is everything quite as it seems or is there someone working against them that they trust very dearly?
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