#usually flies or ants
crevicedwelling · 1 year
hello! i am a relatively new user here on tumblr, less than a year, and i have heard a comment or two about a 'wasp discourse' that happened here, that wasps are much more nice than bees or something among those lines
this caught my curiosity as im writting a wasp based character whos just an ahole as i did it on what i knew abt them from general internet and im stuck on wether i should maaayybe change them up a bit
if its not too much to ask do you happen to know a bit abt this discourse? or have a link to it? or if not to the discourse itself some other link that elaborates abt the same topic? perhaps even someone else i can ask this?
thank you very much!
to start off, there are a lot of bees and wasps in this world and it is not easy to generalize about them. there are ~20,000 bee species, and the vast majority of these are solitary bees that nest in the ground, plant stems, or in holes in wood, and because they produce no honey or have a colony to guard, have no need to be defensive or aggressive towards humans (because “towards humans” seems to be what most people base this idea off of). colonial bees, like honeybees, are actually much more defensive than solitary ones; they have huge food stores and many defenseless larvae, hence their nasty stings (or bites, for the stingless bees) and swarm defense of their hives.
bees, however, are just a family of wasps. their closest relatives are believed to be the crabronid wasps (example: cicada killers) and sphecid thread-waisted wasps (ex. mud daubers). these wasps, and most others, are also largely solitary, and hunting prey aside, don’t typically use their stings for anything other than personal defense. of the hundreds of thousands of wasps, most of them (75%) are not just solitary but also parasitoids that develop inside other insects. it’s hard to say “all wasps are assholes [to people]” when some 100,000 of them are tiny specks smaller than sesame seeds that nobody other than scientists notice.
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two parasitoids: a braconid ~3mm long & something else ~0.3mm long
the wasps most people take issue with are vespids, since they like the same foods we do (sweets, meat) and have powerful stings to defend their nests. these include the social hornets, yellowjackets, and paper wasps, but many mason wasps and the like are solitary (and, you guessed it, want nothing to do with people). vespids are great predators of caterpillars, flies, and other pests that humans don’t like in addition to being pollinators.
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a yellowjacket: Vespula squamosa
the usual anti-wasp, pro-bee sentiments go: wasps attack for no reason, don’t pollinate, don’t make honey, and are “assholes.” wasps do pollinate (most wasps, bees and ants don’t eat solid food, and therefore largely drink flower nectar; some plants are only pollinated by wasps).
some tropical wasps do actually make honey, though it’s not harvested by humans. it’s sort of silly to say that making honey is what makes bees “good” though—a very selfish mindset, and for example butterflies are well-liked by people despite not making any edible products for us.
wasps also attack only when provoked, either because you’re near a wasp nest or when you lean on one accidentally. they are defending their baby sisters and themselves, same as bees would. at least in the US, I think the reason that wasps are so hated is that we have many species of paper wasp and yellowjacket that are willing to nest on or under houses, while the (invasive) honeybees prefer trees or are kept by beekeepers in artificial hives, so it’s just more likely you’ll run into problems with wasps than bees.
wasps and bees are neither “nice” nor “mean.”
bees are mostly loners that don’t bother people. colonial bees will sting to defend their nests or themselves from predators. most bees are pollinators, who gather pollen to feed their larvae. a few species make honey that humans harvest.
wasps are mostly loners that don’t bother people. colonial wasps will sting to defend their nests or themselves from predators. most wasps are pollinators, and most hunt or parasitize other insects to feed their larvae.
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I See You, Darling (3)
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[Astarion x reader] As I mentioned in a previous post, this came along surprisingly easier than the last one. The same can’t be said about the quality though maybe– sorry for that. :,DDD|Word count: 2.6k.| 
Content Warnings: Mentions of cooking, handling knives, blood, one sex joke (lol), the normal warnings that you’d associate with the game
Part 2 here!!
Next Part here!!
As an outsider to most of everyone’s problems, you find your place by helping in whatever way you can. Even if that may be at the expense of your own comfort, but at least it’s been fun so far.
Alternatively: Reader can't catch a break from anything, can they?
Being resident camp caretaker was surprising, for lack of a better term. You were away from the stresses of technology, corporate assholes, and disappointing family with your choice to pursue unpractical careers. Instead living the “cottagecore lifestyle” of foraging for food and cooking with a cauldron that those from the digital world claimed to be the best. What they failed to mention were the incessant pests coming in to nibble through rucksacks if you were not careful, and the occasional swarms of ants or flies coming in to nip at your flesh.
The experience was a mixed bag, so it would seem. But the tired smiles that the group would give you when you greet them with a warm and filling meal was always a comfort that you would have.
And it would seem they needed it now more especially than ever.
Your band of misfits planned to venture out and defeat the goblins at their camp in order to aid the tieflings’ journey to Baulder’s Gate. Per your instruction, you convinced the more solipsistic members of the benefits of eradicating the sect. Namely, they wouldn’t hinder you as much in the future if they were taken care of. Hence your plan to slightly increase the amount of portions for supper tonight.
By twilight, you had a good broth steeping in your cauldron. The camp having returned just a few moments prior from an earlier excursion. You were making a pottage that the others have expressed their enjoyment for. A stew of sorts that you had made when you had quite the number of items that would have spoiled before consumption had you not done anything about it. A mixture of fruits and meat, stewed in a consomme of a pig’s head and various mushroom caps. 
This time around, you’ll be using fresher ingredients to hopefully lift their spirits.
As you’re chopping up fruits, you think about all that’s happened to you and possible explanations for why your character suddenly ceased to exist in order to make room for you.  What’s more is that no matter how many nights pass, you never end up waking from your dream. Which you fear is lasting longer than your usual ones.
Your working theory is that whatever force, be it magic or fate, tethering you to this world is also responsible for removing Tav. Astarion claimed that he couldn’t remember the finer details when you had confronted  him. And so you settled with that hypothesis. That like how a thread that unravels opens a seam in a garment, a new thread must be used to darn the cloth together again.
You laugh at the disgustingly poetic analogy you created in your head. You fear that you’re becoming more and more deranged as—
“My, aren’t you busy?” The intrusive voice causes the knife to slip out of your hand a bit, thankfully only cutting off a portion of your index finger’s nail. Your shoulders, that were raised in alarm, release their tension after feeling the sudden chill leave your body.
“Astarion,”  Exasperated, you put the knife down on the cutting board to catch your breath for a while. 
“I would greatly appreciate it if you stopped sneaking up on me when I’m doing something dangerous.”
The high-elf offers a mischievous smile in response. “Very sorry, pet. But it’s hardly my fault when you’ve barely been paying attention to me.” There’s regret in his words, but not in his tone.
Because while perhaps it’s an odd interest, he enjoys hearing the quickened pace of your heart. The pulse getting louder, as it stays that way for longer.
“I’d feel sorry for doing so if you were too, but you’re not.”
You laugh out, breath still shaky but steadying slowly, as you pick up your knife again.
 “I heard you’re part of the encampment that’s finishing off the goblins by midmorn.” Chopping the rest of the fruits, you feel his presence move from behind you to off to your side so you can see him from your peripherals.
“Hm? Yes. Although I would have preferred if we didn’t do this at all. It’s too much work, and the goblins could be entertaining! Killing useful spoils seems like an awful waste.” 
This must be the reason why he approached you, to persuade you to call off the hunt. And his unfading smile supports that thought. When you voice said thought, it earns you a playful scoff.
“Don’t you have anything else on your mind other than the parasite lounging in it?”
The mood is light as you say this, the banter welcomed by you both. 
And as you continue to converse, a few eyes begin to follow the two of you. They’ve never really seen Astarion interact with you for this long, at least not away from your private spaces. And even less without hushed voices. The interlocution is definitely a welcome spectacle to them. 
“On my honor, the only thing on my mind is depraved, carnal lust.” He says, proudly. Gesturing to himself with one hand, and the other held high like he was swearing an oath. 
Your closed mouth drops into frown, eyes wide, and your eyebrows skew upwards. A very undignified, but small, squeak coming from the back of your throat. You swore you heard someone groan in disappointment from far away too.
You know full well that the look of shock that you were sporting was by no means attractive, but the flagrant revelation, though not at all out of character, was shocking to have directed towards you. You’ve been trying to romance the elven vampire with your character, only to end up nowhere. Therefore you are completely unsure if the dialogue he was spewing was completely a figment of your imagination, or is, indeed, canon.
The elf in question has seen this expression of yours before. Quite often, too. And while he doesn’t think it a, “pleasant sight,” it is rather… charming to him. 
Whether it be on purpose or not, people have the tendency to be on guard around him, preserving any twitch and sound that could give them away to themselves. Not that much had ever evaded him before with his naturally cunning behavior. But this clearly unscripted response, with the blatant confusion swimming in your eyes, is a rather refreshing sight to see.
“I see–” you clear your throat to lower your voice back to its normal octave. “Well, I’m sure you’ll have plenty of opportunities to uh, bring those thoughts into fruition! Uh–,” You slide the rest of the cut fruits off of your cutting board and into the stew. 
“Is there anything else you wanted to tell me? Something I should know?” You turn to face him. He laughs at first, but then his brows furrow in question, as if he did have something to say and forgot about it or thinks it is no longer an appropriate time to ask. He shakes his head and says something along the lines of, “letting you do all the hard work” and returns to his tent.
But you are not left alone for long as another member of your little ragtag team joins you to ask about dinner. To which you ask them for which meat would be better to toss into it. 
After dinner, your little rapport concerning the plan and new findings with everyone is adjourned. Some thanked you before they left, and others simply walked away. From what you have learned from them, the Archdruid that was taken prisoner by the goblins was named, “Halsin.” He was a topic of interest as they said he might be able to aid you in your search for moonrise and understanding the Mindflayer worms.
Wyll had also approached you alone after dinner and offhandedly mentioned a dead boar being on the road. He had planned to return to camp with it if it could have been useful, but he had claimed that the animal had been unnervingly light. As if half of its weight was no longer there despite seemingly just keeling over for no reason.
You take note of that in one of your many journals, including additional information about the Archdruid and their kind in general. The book appearing more and more like the game’s quest booklet, with the exception of a few crossouts and colored ink to emphasize each quest’s urgency and relevance to finding a cure. When you successfully rescue the druid of the grove, it seems you will have to move out quite soon after, so you fixed up your pack just a bit to make it easier later on.
You look around, everyone seems to be in their respective areas. Doing whatever it is they usually do  with the exception of Astarion. Though he has been known to either sneak off or hide away from time to time in his tent, so you think nothing of it.
You return to the communal chest, tallying up the remaining supplies and inspecting the wares. You sort the tradeable objects in one rucksack and appraise its worth. The chest also has pieces of gold, some that others have placed, and others you picked up and added. You prefer to let the others keep what they think is valuable to them, and only place what they want to share in the vessel. 
If the party’s gold ever runs out, you think that the rucksack is worth a few nights of food when you travel out again. Assured by this knowledge, you placed your writing materials back in, closed the chest, and turned in for the night.
Maybe this time, you’ll wake up. But you also don’t really want to. Not just yet. 
As you slept, you wondered about the longevity of your knowledge of the media. You hadn’t finished the game, and although you’ve accomplished a fair bit of it, you worry about how you will face the events to come. One of the only reasons why you haven’t flinched so much at the terrors that occurred was because you had anticipated them. Braced yourself for the dangers ahead.
You fear what might happen when you no longer have that power at your disposal.
Perhaps it's the worry, perhaps it's the stiff, compact ground that you have yet to be accustomed to sleep on despite the bedroll, or perhaps it's the presence of something suddenly cool that stirs you awake. 
But what you did not expect was Astarion’s face hovering over yours to be the reason. Fangs bared, and ready to bite. Your eyes go wide and you let out a small gasp, hands moving up in a gesture akin to clawing at yourself. 
The elf realizes that you’re awake now and he curses. Moving away as you scramble upright just like you did all those nights ago. The look of genuine fear at the prospect of being bitten is apparent on your face, and he feels almost guilty to be greeted with it.
“Please, I wasn’t going to hurt you— I just needed, well, blood.” He says it in a panic. Worried that you might run off, losing his only sure chance, and possibly enraging the rest of the camp.
In this moment, you realized the error in your ways. Astarion had been hunting nearly every other night in the same area. And if you were progressing through the events like how the game did, he couldn’t have had the time nor energy to venture too far after feeding from most of the creatures in the vicinity.
‘The exsanguinated boar…’ You remember.
“You’ve been feeding on animals for the past few nights, haven’t you?”
“It seems like word got around then.” Although unknowingly, he’s referencing what Wyll delivered to you earlier in the night.
“I’m not some monster, I feed on boars, deer, kobolds– whatever I can get. I’m just too slow right now. And with the damned excursion,” He stops himself, complaining is only doing worse for his condition.
“It’s not enough. I feel so…weak. If I just had a little blood, I could think clearer. Fight better.” You’re conflicted. You had no problem offering yourself as your character for him to feed on, but even witnessing that through a disconnected screen was enough to make you feel uncomfortable imagining it. You care about him, want to give him what he deserves, but this…
What’s more is that you know what he’s saying is necessary, not at all overstating how dire his need to satiate his hunger is, making it all the more difficult.
He needs to convince you, if he wants to continue on, that is. Without the presence of the illithid, he resorts to more practical means of doing so. Similar to what he did to many.
Noticing the slight tremor of your hands, he takes the chance to slowly kneel down on your bedroll. Closing the distance between you. He takes your hand, now rougher from the work you do, and meets your shaken gaze with his dark eyes.
“Please. I only need a taste, I swear.” He had meant to tell you before dinner, had he not felt the eyes of the others on the two of you. This discovery is not lost on you. He needs you specifically. And you realize it's out of convenience because you’re an expendable resource. If you pass, the group can venture on, but he also still needs you alive for whatever reason. He can’t have the others finding out, not until they trust him. 
He needs you to trust him. And this is the only way you can help him in this moment.
With that, you strengthen your resolve. 
“I…I trust you, Astarion. But no more than what you need.” A dangerous bet, but you hope it would be worth it.
“Really? I–”
 “Can I trust you on that?” The shock on his face fades, and he agrees.
“Let’s make ourselves comfortable, shall we?” You lay down, preparing yourself to faint during the process and allowing your blood to flow throughout your body. He observes the rapid movement of your eyes as he drapes himself above you. Your sight flitting from anywhere but him and then returning all the same. No doubt that you fear being at his mercy.
He feels almost sorry that you have to do this for him.
So he graces you with what mercy he can give.
The bite is quick. You would have felt the flesh of your neck parting for him, had he not done so. You feel tears prick at your eyes and start to feel the area from your neck and upwards go cold.
A momentary, sharp pain, that lulls to a chilling numbness in what seems like a matter of seconds.
You feel his body start to grow warmer at your expense and you feel satisfied knowing that you could help him.
When he doesn't stop, you start to worry.
Your breath catches in staccato beats, pulse quickening in tandem. You try to stop him, hands coming up to push or tug, but the heavy sensation that washes over you only permits them to find purchase on his form.
You try to speak, but it seems as if the common tongue does not reach him.
Your mind goes into overdrive, all of a sudden it doesn’t feel like a dream anymore and genuine fear courses through your veins.
You need him to stop, and you try to think of more efficient ways of doing so.
But your mind starts slowing as well. The pain has certainly faded, but the presence of the vampire at your throat reminds you in case you’ve forgotten.
As a last ditch effort, you try to use whatever might appeal to him, to break him out of the trance that he was in from finally replenishing himself. 
“Isalhal–” One of the few Elvish words you recalled.
The effort thankfully makes him pull back in shock, stopping him. Your eyes finally close, thankful for the reprieve you're finally granted. You hear a distant, “thank you,” and a more distant “shit” before rest takes over.
You worry about waking up tomorrow.
But for now, you’re thankful that Astarion will be able to fight well.
For himself and for everyone else’s sake.
Thank you to @rey26, @shyminnie07, @lynnloveshobi, @iggee-rose, @automnepoet, @tiannamortis, @aoirohi, @sarkara211, @jane-3043, @h3110-dar1in9, @h3ll0k1ttyl0ver333, @mimziethealien, @squichymochi, @sharabay, @furblrwurblr, @dork-of-the-universe, @thedevilssinner, @fuckalrighty, @queenofthespacesquids, @perseny, @goldenplutus, @h4nluv, @awkward-d3rs3-dr3amer, and @auszimbo for asking to be tagged!!
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mimimarvelingmarvel · 24 days
time bound part ten
pairing: worst wolverine!logan howlett x f!mutant!reader
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Part Ten - Masterlist
summary: Y/n’s life takes a dramatic turn when the Time Variance Authority intervenes, pulling her from a critical moment in her timeline. The TVA sends her to the void where she eventually meets with Deadpool and a very familiar face. With Deadpool's universe in the balance, alongside his reluctant would-be pal, Wolverine, and the enigmatic time-bending mutant known as the Veil, the trio must complete the mission and save Deadpool’s world from an existential threat.
overall warnings: 18+, Fem!Reader, AFAB Reader, Use of Y/N, Her X-Men name is Veil, She/her pronouns, Swearing, Angst, Heavy Violence, Character Death, Deadpool (he’s his own warning), Hurt, Fluff, Angst, Eventual Smut, Slow Burn, TVA
word count: 2.3k
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"Look at that, yeah. See them big old hands coming through? Is there not a one-hundred-nothing inside that?" Or at least that’s what I think he said. It’s hard to tell over the roar of the wind whipping through the open windows, his thick accent muddling the words, and the cramped space in the backseat where Logan and I are squeezed together. My focus is elsewhere, drawn to Logan, who stares out the window with that familiar, distant expression, like he's carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders. He always seems to have something on his mind, and I can’t help but wonder what it is this time.
The car ride to Cassandra’s lair is pure chaos. Elektra grips the steering wheel with a white-knuckled intensity, her eyes sharp as she navigates the treacherous terrain. The engine growls in protest as we barrel down the uneven road, jostling everyone inside. Laura, Blade, and Gambit are crammed into the backseat with us, their bodies pressed against one another, while Wade rides shotgun, his usual irreverence barely contained.
Up ahead, Johnny flies through the sky, a streak of flame cutting across the clouds as he scouts for any signs of trouble. His flames cast flickering shadows on the ground below, illuminating the path as we race toward our destination.
Deadpool breaks the tense silence, his voice cutting through the wind. “What Gambit’s trying to say is getting Juggernaut’s helmet ain’t gonna be easy. I’m just making stuff up with this.”
Blade doesn’t miss a beat. “Gun.”
Deadpool glances back, spotting the massive firearm Blade has in his hands. “Where do you get that little beauty?”
Elektra’s voice is cold and steady. “That’s the Punisher’s ’84.”
A split second later, the car jolts violently as Blade fires the gun out the window. The force of the shot nearly deafens me, and I flinch as the blast tears through the giant, skeletal hands of Ant-Man, shredding them into a shower of bone fragments. The car skids to a stop, screeching to a halt within the crook of his shattered arms, which now lay lifeless and splintered around us.
We all clamber out of the car, the scent of gunpowder and burnt metal lingering in the air. As we gather ourselves, my eyes are drawn upward to the horde of mutant variants that have gathered to protect Cassandra. They stand like an army ready to defend their queen. High above, Cassandra watches from the eye of a massive skull, her silhouette dark and menacing.
Blade’s grin is feral, his eyes gleaming with anticipation. “Oh, this is gonna be good.”
Gambit cracks his knuckles, a wild gleam in his purple eyes. “You know how long I’ve been waiting for this? Whoo, I’m about to make a name for myself here.”
Logan’s expression darkens, and he looks at me out of the corner of his eye, his knuckles brushing against my elbow. I return his gaze with a sad smile.
“I don’t think you guys walk away from this,” Logan mutters, his voice low and filled with a grim certainty.
Gambit grins, unperturbed. “You just make sure people know what happened here today. When you get out of here, you have a drink for me, yeah?”
Blade steps forward, his tone commanding. “You guys stay on our six, get inside. We’ll make sure you get the package.”
Elektra nods, her gaze steely. “Then we’ll get our ending.”
As if on cue, Johnny lands beside me, his flames flickering out as he touches down. “They’re toast,” he says with a smirk.
I cringe at his words. “You did not just say that.”
He just laughs, but the laughter is cut short as the shouting begins. The battlefield erupts into chaos, a cacophony of clashing blades and explosive gunfire. I charge into the fray, my blade slicing through the air with deadly precision. I sweep my legs over an opponent, feeling the satisfying crunch of bone as I drive my blade into their chest. The adrenaline pumps through my veins as I move with deadly grace, each strike calculated, each move precise.
A vision flashes in my mind, warning me of an enemy approaching from behind. I pivot on my heel, spinning just in time to deflect their attack and drive my blade into their heart. The battle rages on for what feels like an eternity, my body moving on instinct as I cut down one foe after another. Azrael appears before me, his eyes burning with a malevolent fire. We clash again and again, the power of our strikes sending shockwaves through the ground. But I’m faster, and after a brutal exchange, I manage to land a few hits, weakening him just enough to create an opening.
Wade, Logan, and I sprint through the chaos, slipping past the front lines and into the mouth of the skull, where Cassandra awaits. The interior of the skull is dimly lit, the air thick with the stench of decay. Cassandra reclines in a chair, her posture relaxed, a delicate cup of tea in her hand. She looks every bit the picture of calm amid the storm raging outside.
“You three escaping I could live with,” Cassandra says, her voice dripping with condescension. “But coming back, willingly. You’re so silly.”
Deadpool’s voice is strained, his usual bravado tempered by exhaustion. “I just need to get home.”
Cassandra’s smile is cold and devoid of warmth. “Well, that’s not on the menu, I’m afraid. It’s death or enslavement, a la carte, of course. Up!” With a flick of her wrist, Wade is flung into the air, his body slamming into the ceiling with a sickening crunch. He crashes to the floor, groaning in pain as Cassandra turns her gaze on me.
“I think you may be of use,” she muses, her eyes narrowing as she studies me.
Before I can react, she flicks her wrist again, sending a searing pain through my skull. I fall to my knees, clutching my head as the agony intensifies, my vision blurring to white. My mind feels like it’s being torn apart, but just as quickly as it started, the pain stops, leaving me gasping for breath.
“Stay,” Cassandra commands, and I feel my muscles lock into place, immobilizing me where I kneel. My head and neck the only thing I can move.
“It’s nice to give someone else a chance to talk,” she says, motioning towards Wade, who is still groaning in pain on the floor.
Logan’s eyes blaze with fury as he charges at her, claws extended. “Not my strong suit,” he growls.
But Cassandra is faster. With a wave of her hand, she redirects his attack, forcing him to stab his own legs. Logan collapses, blood seeping through his jeans as he gasps in pain. I flinch, unable to bear the sight, and turn away.
Cassandra circles Logan, her curiosity piqued. “You are an interesting one, aren’t you? I do feel like you get lost behind all of this,” she says, gesturing vaguely around her. “Deadpools are a dime a dozen here in The Void. But you, what’s going on in here?” She taps his forehead lightly, her fingers pressing into his skull.
Logan’s pained screams echo through the chamber as she delves into his mind. I close my eyes, trying to block out the sound, but it’s impossible. The anguish in his voice cuts through me, and I grit my teeth, fighting against the hold she has on me.
“Not what I expected back here,” Cassandra murmurs, her tone almost gentle. “You’re hiding from them, from all the ones you let down. So much pain. My little animal.”
Her words ignite a fury deep within me. Logan has spent his whole life being treated like an animal, caged and forced to fight for survival. The anger surges through me, and I struggle against the invisible bonds holding me in place.
I catch sight of Laura throwing down a bag, and Wade, now healed, slowly approaches it. My heart races as I realize what he’s about to do. I stop resisting, instead focusing on keeping Cassandra’s attention on Logan as Wade retrieves Juggernaut’s helmet. I hold my breath as he steps closer and slams the helmet onto her head, gripping her arms tightly as she screams in rage, recoiling from Logan.
Wade’s voice is a deadly whisper. “You’re gonna send us home, then I’m gonna twist your fucking head off.”
Cassandra laughs, the sound sharp and grating. “Why are you laughing?” I ask, a cold dread settling in my stomach.
“I can’t send you unless you get this thing off my head,” Cassandra explains, her voice dripping with malice. “And as soon as you do that, I’m going to boil your brains on an atomic level whilst flicking my bean. Either you kill me, or I kill you. Both wonderful options.”
Deadpool tightens his grip. “You want me to do it?”
Logan shakes his head. “No, I’ll do it.”
Deadpool scoffs. “I have her neck right here, it’s really no problem.”
Logan’s voice cuts through the tension like a blade, his words sharp and unyielding. “You’ll screw it up.”
Deadpool rolls his eyes, exasperation lacing his tone. “Oh, come on, Mr. PG-13, it’s the last one.” His usual bravado feels almost forced, like he’s trying to break through the thick atmosphere hanging over the group.
Suddenly, a gunshot rips through the air, loud and jarring. My heart lurches in my chest, skipping a beat as the sound reverberates around us. 
“No, no, no,” I whisper, my voice trembling with panic. The horror of what’s just happened begins to sink in.
Pyro stands there, his hand still clutching the smoking gun, his expression a mix of defiance and desperation. He’s shot Cassandra. The blood spreads quickly across her clothes, a stark contrast to her pale skin.
“You have no idea what it’s like,” Pyro stammers, his voice shaking as he tries to justify his actions. “Day after day, ‘shovel the shit,’ ‘fetch the meats.’ I have spent my entire exist—”
But Logan doesn’t let him finish. With a brutal efficiency, he silences Pyro with a single, powerful punch. The force of it sends Pyro crumpling to the ground, his words cut off as his body hits the floor.
Logan’s eyes are cold, almost detached, as he looks down at Pyro. “Not everyone gets a speech,” he says flatly, his tone devoid of any sympathy. “She’s gonna die.”
Deadpool, trying to diffuse the situation, steps forward, his voice taking on a slightly desperate edge. “Okay, hey, if I take this helmet off, you promise you won’t kill us?”
Cassandra, even as she bleeds out, doesn’t miss a beat. Her voice, though weaker, is still laced with that same venomous edge. “I promise I will kill her first.”
Logan’s growl is low, menacing, a sound that sends shivers down my spine. 
Deadpool throws up his hands in frustration. “Why are you like this?”
Cassandra sighs, the sound almost wistful. “I wish I knew.”
“Take it off,” Logan orders, his voice brooking no argument.
Deadpool looks at him, confused. “What?”
My eyes dart between Cassandra and Logan, anxiety gnawing at my insides. “Logan, she said she’ll kill me. I don’t like that idea.”
But Logan remains calm, his gaze steady as he meets mine. “Trust me. Take it off.”
Deadpool presses, his voice tinged with doubt. “Why?”
I take a deep breath, the tension in the air almost suffocating. After a moment, I nod, my voice barely above a whisper. “Take it off.”
Deadpool hesitates, his usual confidence faltering. “This is our only chance to fix our shit.”
Logan snaps, his patience fraying. “Take it off! I am wearing this suit. And that means a lot of things, but most of all, it means I’m an X-Man. I am the X-Man. And I know your brother. As much as I want to fucking kill you—every bone in my body wants to fucking kill you—he would not let me stand here and watch you die. Take your hands off. This is for him. This is for Charles.”
With deliberate movements, Logan removes the helmet, the gesture heavy with significance.
Cassandra’s expression softens, her voice losing some of its harshness. “My brother loved you.”
Logan nods, his voice quiet, filled with a deep, unspoken emotion. “He loved all of us.”
Cassandra sighs, a bittersweet smile playing on her lips. “Hmm. Must be nice.”
Logan’s voice is steady, filled with quiet conviction. “He would have loved you too. If he knew about you, if he knew where you were, he would have torn a hole in the fucking universe to bring you home.”
Cassandra’s smile turns bitter, her eyes darkening. “This is home.”
Logan’s gaze is intense, almost pleading. “Then at least let us save his.”
Cassandra’s eyes flicker with something almost like understanding. “You wanna hear something crazy?” she says, her tone shifting. “An amateur magician roamed through here a while back. I killed him, of course, wore his skin around for four days. But I found this little trinket on his lovely fingers.”
With a flourish, she begins to open a portal, the swirling energy forming a glowing circle.
Deadpool’s eyes widen in amazement. “Strange. Marvel’s sparkle circle.”
Logan eyes the portal warily. “What is that?”
Cassandra smirks, the glint of mischief returning to her gaze. “This is your way home. I do owe you for saving my life, but let’s keep things interesting. I’d say you have about four seconds before your life’s through.”
Wade grins. “Race you!”
Without hesitation, the three of us bolt toward the rapidly closing portal, the adrenaline surging through my veins. We leap through it just in time, the sensation of free-falling overwhelming as the portal closes behind me, leaving us to face whatever awaits on the other side.
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Next Part
A/N: Boring chapter imo but i have big plans tehe
taglist: @oscarissac2099 @somiaw @100percentlazybonez @obsessedwthdilfs @sun7lowxr @corvid007
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vidavalor · 6 months
What's in a name?
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Azir: Chosen one
Azira: "a rising star"; someone who will be successful
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Pronounced as: "A zir, a phale"
Zir: Pronoun for a non-binary person
Phale: from the Middle English 'whal'/'hwal'/'wale'/'whale', used to denote any large, sea-dwelling mammal, such as walruses, porpoises, and whales.
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Also: Phale: the sum of money or allotment of produce to be given to a landowner as rent
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Phale: (spelled the same but pronounced "pah-lay") Tibetan word for bread.
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Phale, frequently confused with Phiale:
Phiale: a shallow, ceramic or metal bowl, used for libations
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Also: Phiale: a fountain in the entrance or front of a church, for blessing of water
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Phale, from Phalera...
Phalera: A metal disc or medallion, usually worn on the breast as an ornament and as part of a military uniform
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Also: Phalera: a genus of moth-- insects which are drawn towards light. Humans are ants; angels are bees; demons are hornets; flies are Lord Beezlebub's department...
Also: Phalera: a decoration for the harness of a horse, popular in ancient Rome
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sulumuns-dootah · 12 days
Asigning WHB demons plants/flowers based off the vibes: Hades
⟡ Masterlist ⟡
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
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Orchids - Orchidaceae 
Very unique, very expensive, very pretty
There's conventions dedicated to only them
Orchids are one of the eldest families of blooming flowers too :3
Also, Vanilla is a type of orchid!
Growing them from a seed is a pain tho
Oh, um... Their name also comes from ancient greek meaning testicles
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Violets - Viola
Soft cuties ^^
Overlooked a lot, just like our bby :(
Idk about the rest of the world, but in my country there used to be candy made from them and it tastes really nice
Pansies belong to this family too!
Very pollinator friendly ♥
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Rose - Rosa
How could I not?
This bbygirl literally uses them as his power
I was also considering Sunflowers with his love for sun
But this is based on a vibe and idk Barbie makes me think of Don Quixote the ballet and so roses it is
Not really sure what to add, really
Okay, maybe a fun fact: roses, strawberries, apples and rose hips are part of the same family ^^
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Corpse flower - Titan arum
*sigh* i know
There's actually two types of flower that gets called Corpse flower
This one and the Rafflesia genus, but that one's actually called Stinking corpse lily
They both look completely different
Anyways, funny thing, while researching I found out this baby is somewhat closely related to Monsteras and Anthuriums :D
In case you don't know, they're called corpse flowers bc of the smell
That way they attract flies and other insects that usually hang out on corpses to pollinate them
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Nettle - Urtica dioica
Unassuming with the ability to snap at you when you get too close
I like to stay away from them as much as possible
Their sting is really annoying
Actually, their trichomes(hairs) carry the same acid like ants
They're actually really useful: tea, food and textiles can be made from them
Not sure if this is true, but as a kid I would be told that their sting is is helpful against arthritis
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muffinsin · 4 months
after reading all your hc's I have never seen a date one maybe you did idk if not could you make some head canons on it. I just want to know what these women like to do and how they spend dates with S/O weather or summer.
Maybe some smut one and fluffy one ???
Idk I just really want to go on a date with them !!!!!!!
As always have a good day!
Y’all- I’m hella surprised I haven’t done date HCs yet despite writing of so many dates! XD Thanks, hon! Have a great day too🙌 Let’s get into it
Keeping this fluffy for now because the Valentine’s Day post I did was rather similar in the date + smut aspect
Masterlists (NEW- Masterlist 6)
She didn’t think she’d ever find the time for dating, really
At at first, she didn’t
At first, despite being your partner, she had little time for dates and quality time together
And she didn’t even notice, until you brought it up for her
This is something she never fails to praise you for
Really, the day you spoke up about this and she heard, and felt, the pain in your words, she swore to change this habit
And change it she did!
Bela makes sure to schedule blocks of spare time between her work to ensure she can take you out on dates, check up on you, or simply be with you for a little while
She looks forward to it each day
In turn, this is a way for you to ensure she takes breaks and eats
Often, the two of you retreat to a quiet part of the castle
Sometimes this is her room, sometimes her office even, sometimes the hall of ablution
When the weather grants it, Bela loves to take you outside for a date in the gardens
While scowling at the mud, the ground, the grass and bugs ironic, huh? she agrees to picnic dates with you
She sits relatively still, hissing and snarling at every little bug, every ant, even her own flies, as they get too close to her
Still, she appreciates the time she gets to spend with you. So what are a few bugs and dirt here and there?
She’ll drag her fingertip lightly across some flowers as she talks
In time, she picks up on how to braid them into a crown, something she’d never admit Daniela taught her
As such, the two of you often paint the following scene:
You, sat or sprawled out on the blanket, smiling as you talk and tell her of your day
Bela, your ethereal, almost goddess-like lover, her blonde hair nearly shining in the sun as she watches you and takes in every word you speak
She likes to ask questions, just to have you talk a little while longer
In return, it makes your heart ache happily when you are proven with each question that she pays attention to your words
By the end of your rants, she usually has a flower crown set up on your head
On rainy days, she likes to get set up in the bedroom with you
With candles lit and about that cause her room to smell just wonderful. The fireplace lit, granting it a nice atmosphere and warm, comfortable air
Often, this means reading together
At other times, usually when the rain causes the temperature to drop a little, she likes to curl up in your arms like an overgrown cat and spread out on top of you or your lap
You giggle each time it happens, secretly enjoying how cuddly the rain outside the warmth and safety of the castle seems to make your girlfriend
Often, she likes to spend indoor dates in her room by tending to hobbies together, or taking time to read together
She wants to actively do something together on dates, she wants to make you feel special
And she never fails at this
Truthfully, she used to dream of the concept. The love. The happiness. The dreaminess
Yet, life has disappointed her
Too much betrayal, too much pain, too much emotion, too little emotion
Eventually, she decides dating is not for her
Even as her heart burns with envy as she watches her younger sister’s grin when she talks of her dates
How come Daniela gets this, and not her?
How come she can only bring herself to care for mindless sex rather than real connection?
Then, she meets you
And all changes
She is reluctant to open up to dating, at first
While being the bold one in most situations, she is not the one making the first step this time
Instead, she finds herself feeling incredibly surprised when you ask her out the first time
She’s nervous, a rare occurrence for her
And yet, she realises she loves the experience!
She becomes more confident eventually, begins to understand the concept of dating, even
She wants to start taking you out, too
At first, she goes with the usual approach, the type of dates she knows from Daniela’s tales
Library dates, that turn to Cassandra nearly falling asleep each time
Picnic dates, that turn to some prey or noise in the distance pulling her attention
Eventually she figures out- this isn’t any good
She tries a new approach, then. She invites you along as she visits the duke for weapons, and keeps you by her side as she wanders off into the forest to try some of them out
She talks, and laughs, and notices you do the same
The two of you still end up having a somewhat picnic date, with you sitting while she is pacing and rambling, a large smile on her face, her attention only on you even as the keen huntress catches every little noise in the distance
From then on, dates often are the following;
Picnics in the forest as the weather allows it, otherwise in her large bed. Usually she will ramble of something, or drink her blood-wine and stare wide eyed as she takes in whatever story you are telling her of
Others might consist of something a little more unhinged, some would say
Often, she invites you along to watch and help her torture naughty prisoners. She thinks it’s romantic
Should you ever agree, she will be over the moons. She never presses it, though
At other times, she invites you to train with her, wielding several weapons and swinging them at one another; you, wrapped in several layers of protection, her, giggling madly if you ever manage to do as much as graze her with a blade
And lastly, she does enjoy herself dates in the opera hall occasionally, when the castle is quiet and all have gone to bed, and she gets to bask in your presence
Sometimes, she will absently hum a tune, her mind accustomed to singing in this place from the time she was taught by her mother
At other times, she likes to bask in the silence and warmth of the room and simply sit or lay on the stage with you
She enjoys spending time with you, and likes to invite you to spontaneous dates to do just that
She loves dating! And romance, and love, and spending time together
Out of her family, she’s been on the most dates. Even added up too, probably
She’s been in and out of relationships before you nearly constantly, chasing what seemed so very far out of reach for her
Then, you came along
And with you, true love
She loves to take you out on dates, and gets equally giddy when you ask her out on one
Her favorites are ones in the library or the forest, should the temperatures allow it
She likes to read her favorite books together, perhaps even read one paragraph each, or recite one line of a character each in a play she enjoys
Often, she “kidnaps” you and snatches you away from whatever you’re doing to take you out on a date instead
She rarely cares about what you were doing, whether you were in the middle of a conversation, working, or out on a walk, she rarely pays attention to it
But how could you be upset with her for long, when her smile is so very wide and her happy, big eyes and loud, buzzing flies remind you of an excited puppy?
Usually, she also brings snacks to your library dates
Little treats stolen from the kitchen or the rooms of some unfortunate maid or family member
And lastly, she likes to bring a flower with her
A gift, for you
Of course, library dates are not the only ones on her list of ideas
In fact, Daniela loves making use of the nearby opera hall as well
Being a talented singer, dancer and piano player, she loves to indulge in all three activities with you
At times, she might sing or hum a long as the two of you sit and play piano
At other times, she loves to play dress up, to steal Alcina’s large and expensive dresses, to snatch the few that Bela owns
Often, she asks you to dress up with her
When doing so, her mind often wanders to fairytales and fantasy far-away lands
Only your praise of how beautiful she looks can bring her back to the present, together with a wide, happy smile
And lastly, of course, she loves to have sleepovers, some which she also considers dates
She likes to show off her room and soft, spacious bed
She’ll practically cover you in her stuffed animals as she introduces all of them to you, one after another
As the day goes on and night approaches, she gets more and more cuddlier
In the evening already you feel her on your lap, curled up and buzzing happily as she talks or listens to your voice
Of course, at night, she only ever tucks herself closer to you
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lostinforestbound · 3 months
Headcanons towards animals/pets/insects? Is he a dog or cat person? Would he enjoy having pets? Is he scared/disgusted by bugs?
I assume these are for Rolan as well! What thought provoking questions!! I think I have a few ideas!
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Rolan with Animals
I don't think he dislikes animals overall! He's aware that animals can be wonderful companions to have. He definitely prefers some over others though. I see him has a cat person, as most dogs are very messy and he doesn't want them ruining anything in the tower with their slobber. (Slobber grosses him out)
If his partner wanted pets, he wouldn't be against it, but if the animals tend to be messy he gets irritated. He likes having things neat, tidy, and in it's place. I think he can handle a cat or two, but nothing more than that.
It would be different if his partner had a familiar, he could never ask them not to summon them. But, respectively, if they're huge like a bear or wolf, please keep them away from certain areas of the tower. They could set off traps.
I know I said he was a cat person, but I can also see him liking bunnies! He won't admit it, but he thinks they're cute. Especially their angry thumping. He would totally argue back like how he would talk back to a meowing cat.
"You dare thump/yell at me? You're in my space and I am working! This will not be tolerated in my presence. I give you food, water, a comfortable bed, and this is how I'm repaid?"
If the animal enjoys it, he would playfully chase them if they had a close bond. It gets his mind off of his work for once and it's a rare instance of him having genuine fun. He'll feel like a child again in the best way. (He will never admit that)
He hates bugs. Mosquitos, flies, ants, cockroaches, pretty much all the pesky ones. He's disgusted by them would incinerate them on the spot if he had a choice, but he doesn't want to ruin the tower floors. He'll use Gust to push them out the door though. Gods he hated when bugs came into his tent while they were traveling on the road.
But I think some bugs would interest him! Like colorful beetles and dragonflies with their luminescent wings! He likes to appreciate them from afar when he's out in Bloombridge Park. (Hells forbid if they fly at him though)
Honestly, I've been thinking a lot about if he would like spiders or not, and for now I'll have to say no. Tiny spiders are pests at most and he wouldn't be too bothered, but if he finds one nearing the size of his palm? NO.
Thankfully, before he can think of killing them, Lia usually takes those spider outside herself. She would chastise him for nearly killing it as the spiders are part of a balanced ecosystem. Anytime there's a spider that size, just tell her and she'll take the damn thing.
He's not stupid, of course he knows how essential spiders are for the ecosystem, he just doesn't want any of them near his person. Those beady eyes they have are praying for his downfall.
Usually his main rule is no animals on the bed with him, but it's not like the animal will listen to him. It won't be uncommon to see him sleeping soundly, snuggled with the cat/dog/bunny that decided he needed company for the night.
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filletedfennysnake · 29 days
Arthurian characters as insects I see on a semi-regular basis
Because if I don't do it, who will?
Part 1: The Orkney-Pendragons (and friends)
Arthur: Monarch butterfly, Danaus plexippus
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To be completely honest, I didn't even realize the wordplay aspect here until now. The posterchild butterfly; even people unfamiliar with insects can probably name it. Impressive in terms of mileage (I suppose king arthur's been around for a while. chronologically) and also, under special circumstances, very resistant to death
Guinevere: Western velvety tree ant, Liometopum occidentale
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To anyone who thinks guinevere would is a butterfly: you are wrong! ants upon be ye. No but seriously I've been working with this species all summer (images are mine, that's a winged male and a female worker above) and man they're neat! Dominant ant species in the woodland here; they support many other arthropod species via symbiotic relationships and are a major political ecological resource. They're also very pretty as ants go but really really aggressive and bitey. When stressed they release an alarm pheromone that smells very strongly of mint.
Morgan: Arizona mantis, Stagmomantis limbata
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Cool. powerful. weird. into sex that humans find freaky. Can be used as a mercenary against flies. Never turns up when or where you expect it. I'm like 58% sure that manteoda consists entirely of fairies anyway and besides that morgan deserves it.
Morgause: Black soldier fly, Hermetia illucens
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Very dapper, with an undeniably commanding presence. Looks mean (it has evolved to mimic a wasp) but is actually rather harmless, and has magic powers insanely cool mechanisms that allow it to process yucky polluted waste into useful things like fertilizer and animal feed. The larvae can also produce grease and chitin– economically relevant critters! They remain underrated and probably will stay as such until people recognize the importance of 'uncharismatic' animals (arthurian authors I am begging you write a version Morgause that isn't misogynist or girlbossified pLEASE).
Gawain: Western yellowjacket, Vespula pensylvanica
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*points* bitch. No but seriously I can recognize the significance and beauty of these animals while still calling them out as annoying (this is gawaincore. to me). The only thing that stops them from becoming invasive in their OWN NATIVE RANGE is the occasional cold snap and lack of sun in the wintertime. In areas without that they are a serious problem. you want to drink a beverage or eat a burger in peace? No. your food is their food now and they won't hesitate to sting/bite in defense of this divine right. They thirst for carnage but are annoyingly pretty
Gringolet: Western paper wasp, Mischocyttarus flavitarsis
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Matching with gawain <3. but seriously seeing one of these babies in person can be a little awe-inspiring if you aren't already expecting them. absolute BEASTS. generalist predators that can and will feed directly on living flesh. Their primary defense strategy is ramming into their opponent at full fucking speed. legends.
Agravaine: Red admiral, Vanessa atalanta
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Underrated and pretty butterfly that uses nettles (prickly!) as a host plant. territorial but loses to bigger butterfly species all the time (I've seen it. trust me). Also a bit of a tease, they're notorious for letting people get close to them only to fly away as if personally affronted
Gaheris: Dusky raisin moth, Ephestiodes gilvescentella
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not much to say here. It's gaheris. I find these in the pantry all the time, usually because they keep trying to lay eggs in our flour. They're a pain in the ass
Gareth: Western carpenter bee, Xylocopa californica
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So very very cute and fuzzy. Not the kind of bee we get honey from, but it could pretend to be and we probably wouldn't mind. Absorbs heat well. Steals nectar from flowers without pollinating them sometimes, the little rascal. Also quite horny; they exhibit a variety of mating behaviors
Mordred: Painted lady, Vanessa cardui
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knock off monarch butterfly. lol.
Lot: Torpedo bug, Siphanta acuta
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not going to lie this insect is probably too cool looking get assigned to Lot
Kay: Stink beetle, Eleodes sp.
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dignified. a bit of a trundler. gets the job done. Mostly harmless, but from a young age we're taught not to provoke them anyways because when threatened they release a truly awful stank
Ywain: Gulf fritillary, Dione vanillae
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A gorgeous species that somehow gets overshadowed by the more showy butterflies. just a good-natured guy all round. I like ywain but I don't think he's too complicated :)
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when a terf gets on your post. that’s like getting fruit flies in your house. you don’t try to kill every fruit fly (aka argue) that’s too much energy and it’ll just demoralize you. instead you just gotta throw out whatever is attracting them (aka delete the post) and they’ll usually go away after a day or so
when supernatural gets on your post tho. that’s like going to a picnic and being shocked there are ants trying to get a bite of your lunch. yes, annoying perhaps. but you took food and you went outside with it. that’s where the ants live. what did you expect them to do. you’re on their property. let ‘em have a little treat
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crevicedwelling · 1 year
do you know any cool moth facts? i totally understand if not, i just wanna get over my phobia by noticing how cool they r ^_^
thanks ! have a good day
“moths” is a huge category of animals, so if you were asking for cool adaptations in particular species you’ll have to be more specific because it’s impossible for me to know where to start!
but a few general moth facts:
moths have been around a long time, and some basal types still exist that have mandibles (like the usual bug mouthparts you see in beetles/ants) instead of a tube proboscis for drinking nectar like most of the big moths you see. these moths are all super tiny and mostly eat pollen.
Moth - Plain Gold - 4-5mm
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as you can see from this phylogenetic tree, butterflies are moths! or rather “butterfly” is just the English word for a particular group of diurnal Lepidoptera, sort of like how birds are a particular group of dinosaurs (but it’s not common to refer to them as such outside of taxonomy or a joke)
most moths are nectar-feeders, but others feed on decaying fruit, tree sap, or honeydew, and silkmoths and many hawkmoths do not feed at all as adults, relying on larval fat reserves to power them through their brief adult lives
there are numerous diurnal moths, beyond just the butterflies. family Uraniidae are some of the most dramatic:
Swallowtail Moth, Urania fulgens, Uraniidae
moths have some of my favorite mimicry examples of any group of insects:
many moths mimic bird poop (birds aren’t likely to look for meals out of their own poop!) but Macrocilix maia takes it a step further and has patches of colored scales that look exactly like red-eyed, shiny-winged flies eating the bird poop!
Macrocilix maia (3)
a number of tiny moths’ wings mimic jumping spiders, which might seem an odd choice until you realize that jumping spiders—predators of these moths—have excellent facial recognition. even if the jumpers would eat another spider, the oOOo pattern tricks them into thinking their that spider is looking right at them, and can’t be taken by surprise.
_Z2A8389 jumping spider mimic moth
phylotree from: https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.1907847116
moth enthusiasts: feel free to add cool moth facts if you’d like!
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muzansfangs · 6 months
Hello. Its been a while since i saw that giant aizen requests in some bleach fan page i want hear your thought about this (MAN that's the craziest thing EVER but also its fun😅)
There is a community called G/T(means giant/tiny its sfw and it can have fearplay or fluff or even both)
i think imagining aizen in this case will be anyone's nightmare but still cool😏😁
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Giant Aizen Sosuke and how his condition would affect his relationship with his significant other.
Starring: Aizen Sosuke x f!reader;
Format: head canons;
Warnings: fluff, some fear play and Aizen being the absolute menace he has always been;
Plot: If Aizen Sosuke was a giant, what would happen to his relationship with his significant other? Would his behavior change overall? What could happen to the world? Would his condition be detrimental to his plans?
Author note: It is rather rare for me to put the ‘author note’ on the top of my works, but since I am unfamiliar with this field and community, I felt like apologizing ahead of time if I have not centered the topic. I did not plan to write this request now, I have already written down a list of works with ‘TOP PRIORITY’ to take care of, but when the right inspiration for something strikes me… Well, guys, you know me. I have to write down whatever crosses my mind. As per usual, feedback is greatly appreciated, especially from people who might have experience with this scenario!
• Aizen Sosuke is already a menace with his standard height. Now, if he was a giant, what do you think would happen? Oh, guys, world domination is coming. Nothing could ever stop this man from achieving his goals and I believe his condition would make it actually easier for him to literally squash down onto the concrete his opponents, seeing them as nothing but ants.
• Destroying things and enemies with a snap of his fingers became an hobby for him. He did not even had to wield his sword, most of the times. Thus made his confidence boost, naturally.
• Albeit he constantly needs to calibrate his strength, or else he is going to demolish everything around him, Sosuke mantains his grace and he does not need to put much effort into reducing the impacts of his limbs on his surroundings. It comes natural to him.
• Expect a lot of sassy comebacks from him, when Yamamoto or Ichigo try to slash at him. A shit-eating grin plastered over his face, he would literally swat them away like flies. Amusement rather than annoyance filling his eyes.
• “Midges are truly pests, don’t you agree, darling?”.
• Obviously, he actually becomes the Soul King and haa no qualms about anyone, but you. Always by his side, nestled into his pocket, he never leaves you alone. He can not risk his enemies hurting you, his most precious thing. Wherever he goes, you follow him. Maybe it would be more appropriate saying he would ‘carry you’ with him. Literally.
• This giant villain would give you the moon, if you wanted it. There is nothing he could not provide you with in his regular form. Just imagine whatn he would be able to do if he was a giant. He could literally eradicate the Eiffel Tower from Paris to give it to you. Your wish is his command.
• I believe he would be a little scared of hurting you. Stroking your cheeks and hair was not that easy what just his finger could break your spine. Sosuke was extra careful in touching you, but this would not be much of a problems. Years of experience helped him to adapt himself to the situation. There are times, though, when he would love nothing more than to hold you in his arms, nose buried into the crook of his neck. While it could be impossible to ever be involved into a tight embrace, Sosuke would work day and night for a solution: making you a giant too would solve a lot of problems after all.
• While you were frankly scared as Hell at the thought of going through such an invasive practice, forcing your body to transform into a larger one, challenging biology and human limits, he was a smooth talker and he persuaded you to let him try to turn you into a giant. He was a brilliant man, after all, he knew what he was doing. Also, the incentive of finally experiencing his hugs was enough to make you agree with his plan.
• Sosuke is not a man keen to lose control. Yet, when he does, his shouts literally make the ground shake and your body tremble in fear. You knew he would have never hurt you, but you feared his rage. His power, his reiatsu were amplified and all you could do not to evaporate, victim of a tragic and collateral damage, was running away as fast as you could, looking for shelter somewhere in your Fortress.
• “I will miss the tiny version of you. There is something endearing in having such a deep connection with you, a fragile being, that almost made me desist from committing atrocities” he whispered once, while holding you in the palm of his hand.
• While everybody feared him, you did not. Loving him came natural to you, his edges never scared you, not even a bit. How could you be scared when someone as powerful and cruel as him watched over you when you were asleep and got rid of anything that generated fears and insecurities in you?
Hello there! Geez, I hope that was not that bad! In that case, forgive me.
Until next,
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pickleking8 · 6 months
12 - Adoption Isn't All It's Cracked Up To Be - Chapter Twelve
Words: 412 (very short chapter today, sorry)
Ao3 Link
Previous - Masterpost
I don't think there's any content warnings for this chapter, but let me know if I missed something.
Danny was getting close, so very, very close. He sat on his bed. No, the bed. It wasn’t his bed, no matter how many nights he had slept in it, it was Jason’s, and he wasn’t Jason. He wasn’t. No, he was Danny. He liked stars and space, not “Pride and Prejudice", and loved his sister, Jazz, not these lunatics of siblings. His favorite color was yellow, not red (never green). 
That’s who he was. 
He squeezed his eyes shut, spots dancing in front of them as he cleared the thoughts. 
He’s not focusing on that. He’s focusing on the buzzing, the humming. He can feel it under his skin, writhing and squirming like worms. He squints, staring at a wayward ant resolutely marching across the carpet. Ants are brave, he thinks. So small, so fragile, but tenacious all the same. 
Focus. Come on, Danny. He’s focusing right now. On what?
His pinky. He’s focusing on his pinky, he knows this. 
He feels weird. Lethargic. It’s been too long.
It’s been too long, he’s lethargic.
The buzzing builds. Danny squints. An acorn plinks on the windowsill. It’s funny, he thinks, how acorns have little hats.
FOCUS. His pinky. His right pinky. 
He remembers this, this buzzing. When he first got his powers. Like his mind was swimming through molasses. Too much, too much, too much. Just too much. He was expanding, him, his awareness, his everything, and it was too much. He couldn’t keep up. He couldn’t-
He couldn’t keep up. 
Focus. He tastes watermelon. Sweet, a little mushy (overripe, maybe), juice dribbling down his chin. Why does he taste watermelon?
Ah. He remembers. The picnic, when he was seven. It doesn’t seem so long ago, now. Perhaps it’s still happening. Perhaps it’s always happening. Maybe, he’s still eating the watermelon. That’d be nice, he thinks. He was happy then. 
Happy. It was a good picnic, except for the flies. They buzzed. Buzz, buzz, buzz. It was loud, the buzzing, almost like static, like his brain was a broken TV. Buzz. It made him feel like he would vibrate out of his skin, like there were worms underneath. Writhing. Squirming. 
He hears buzzing.
FOCUS. The buzzing. The worms. The pinky. The power. 
There! His pinky. Invisible. He pushes it, slowly, through the blanket. Intangible. Good. He smiles. It’s bitter. Empty. 
It doesn’t matter. He doesn’t matter.
He’s close. He’s so very, very, close. 
The buzzing doesn’t stop.
Taglist: @tkiesai, @simplestoryteller
Hey! At this point I'm going to stop saying that I'm excited to get back into writing regularly and accept that my update schedule is usually about once every two months. But who knows. Perhaps the inspiration will strike. Anyway, I know this chapter is pretty short, but I felt that kind of fit it, so here we are. This isn't how I envisioned this chapter going but eh. Here. Have this. Thanks for reading!
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twinknote · 3 months
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leahsfiction · 1 year
PALISADE 20: In Their Fear Pt. 1 (00:22:21–00:29:57)
“Well, the good news is that it’s still 3 Grip, which means that—”
“—we will have a chance to take care of this.”
“Jack? Take it away.”
Something bad is in the air. Bilat crafts teeter in the sky like anxious flies. The distant sound of heavy ships taking off in great black columns of launch smoke. Everything seems too bright. The day is too warm. The headache sits on your forehead and on your temples.
In Carhaix, someone drops a tray of wine glasses. Pleasure yachts and private transit gather at the closed Portcullis Gate, and as it opens vanish into distant Principality space, passing ship after ship of settlers as they pour into the Palisade System.
In the early afternoon, the sun dims, and a red band of light appears around the middle of it, like a bauble wrapped in a ribbon, or a horrible mirror of the Diadem. It’s dim enough to look at directly, but it still hurts your eyes. There is a whine in the air. Every couple of hours there is a rumble of radiation static, and a corona jets from the surface of the sun.
The animals respond in fear. Birds rise, suddenly alarmed, from the trees, or cower silently in crowded branches. Rabbits and foxes freeze, dumb, in the middle of walkways. Ants rise en masse from cracks in the walls. Rivers seem to run slow, with an algaed stink.
Some of the spies know nothing and continue as usual, keeping their mouths shut, answering questions curtly, bargaining limitedly for clemency. When others see the quality of light in the room change, and the demeanour of the people around them alter—why do the calls to Gucci Garantine keep getting dropped? What was that scream of Nidean engines overhead?—they change their tune quickly. They start making specific bargains. Get me off-world. Get me through the Portcullis Gate and I will tell you anything you want. Or they close their mouths, defiant, eyes up. Millennium Break. You do not know the sharpness of the dagger on which you walk.
Of course this is unproportional, they think. What a waste. We’re in a good place. We know the identity of Hexagon. So they made some gains in the Bontive Valley. So they fucked us up on the Isle of the Broken Key. Small beer. We are the most powerful empire in the galaxy. The blood is in the grip. But the Stargrave, these pissant revolutionaries, are gonna get this whole thing blown up.
Or: they let something slip in their fear. The Stargrave has gone mad. She was on the edge and you fucked it. They say the BIS boss went to stay with her, try and calm her down. They say she makes her staff practice dying. They say she got wind that you were trying to come for her and fled, it only made this malady worse, this is the end of the world.
When the message comes to you—secondhand, of course, the Cause council has seen this first—it shows in grainy low-resolution the pinched face of an aide-de-camp as she turns the camera on. Then she tilts it nauseatingly, the view dips, and we see the only remaining right angle of a small ruined building. It seems to be surrounded by trees. The roof came away long ago; just two brick walls stand, forming the corner in which the Stargrave stands.
She is a blonde woman in her late fifties, maybe her mid sixties. She wears full military regalia. On her right arm, from her hand up to her shoulder, is clamped an unwieldy metal device, somewhere between a leg brace and a trigger mechanism. A leather strap, almost like the bit of a horse’s bridle, with eight buttons on it, crosses the palm of her right hand which faces towards the camera. Beneath the device you can almost see that her right sleeve has been rolled up to the shoulder, or cut neatly, and two IV needles run from its metal armature: one into her upper arm, and one just above her wrist. Her face is very pale; her lips white, pressed tightly together; dull light from the armed sun. She opens her mouth: silent for a second, lips parted. Then the man standing to her right—another aide-de-camp, carrying an assault rifle—speaks.
“Terrorists of Millennium Break. As a result of recent assaults on sovereign holdings in the Bontive Valley and the central transit network of this planet, as well as targeted assaults on her office, the Stargrave has been left with no choice but to arm the stellar combustors entrusted to her in holy power for the preservation of the Divine Principality.”
He takes a shaky breath.
“She has instructed me, in her wisdom, to communicate to you that any attempt to approach the Brecheliant Forest or the stellar combustor units, covertly or otherwise, as well as any attempt on Stargrave Elcessor’s life or liberty, will be met with—will be met with an immediate detonation. Resulting in the destruction of the planet Palisade, the sector designated the Twilight Mirage, and the twenty-three systems within the nearest achievable firebreak.”
“I have also been instructed to inform you that any attempt to seek a loophole, magical or mundane, or otherwise circumvent the terms of this message, will also result in an immediate detonation. The stellar combustors will remain armed until August Righteousness of Jade Kill; Véronique and the Divine Fealty of Rose River; Captain Skelton Knaggs of Carmine Bight; Saint Decario Dicario of Violet Cove; Jesset City of Gray Pond; and Gucci Garantine of Blue Channel turn themselves in to the Bilateral Intercession at the nearest checkpoint. This message will be rebroadcast throughout the Palisade System on the hour and at the half-hour.”
There is a long moment of silence. Then the Stargrave nods imperceptibly; then the aide behind the camera turns it off.
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emilythedog661-tf2 · 4 months
Bug Fortress 2 AU
So, back in the 20-teens, i saw many pictures of the TF2 mercs as bugs (Mainly Engineer as a bee and Soldier as a ant) and i would like to do my own AU of Bug Fortress 2.
First, i'll do the Characters and what bug they are
Scout - Fly
Soldier - Ant
Pyro - FireFly
Demoman - Cockroach
Heavy - Beetle
Engineer - Bee
Medic - Butterfly
Sniper - Moth
Spy - Spider
Miss.Pauling - Ladybug
The Characters are the same as humans but they have bug like things like antenna coming out if their head, a bug butt that looks like tails, wings coming out their back and some other things
now for the description of each character which i'll put under a cut as it's going to be long, so click 'keep reading' for the character description 😄 (also need to mention that the characters that are part of a colony like engineer, soldier, scout and others are all different from each other like people)
Ok, here are the characters
Scout - Scout is like his human counterpart, really fast flyer, annoying as a fly stuck in the house and not the brighter light in the shed, he like miss.pauling ladybug even trying to suduce her every tine he sees her but it always never works, scout is one of many flies but he's unique to the other flies as he is also half spider but his spider half hasn't appeared yet
Soldier - Soldier is a lone wolf ant after he was kicked out of his colony when he was a teenager, he is like his human counterpart being loud, stubborn but has a heart of gold, he was then alone for a while until he spotted a bee hive where he meets engineer bee who has a injured wing after it got caught on a tree branch, him and engineer bee become friends but soon go to lovers as soldier realised he gained a massive crush on engineer bee, the pair are now inseparable and are always seen together.
Pyro - Pyro is a firefly who loves to glow, he is like his human counterpart but except for loving fire, he loves glowing things like lights, he was on his own for a few days then he finds engineer bee and soldier ant who decide to take him in like he was their kid which he didn't mind, he also meets scout and the pair instantly clicked being like siblings to each other doing pranks and causing mischief.
Demoman - Demo is a cockroach who always walks like he's drunk, he has been declared to be invincible as he can never be squished or killed which ends up being mostly true as he is never killed but always severely injured which he has a drunk walk and one eye, he also good friends with soldier ant and was a good wingman for soldier ant when he was confessing his love to engineer bee.
Heavy - Heavy is a strong beetle who has won many beetle battle with other strong beetles but they were weak in his eyes, he has never been defeated and he's is strongest bug ever, he is like his human counterpart and has a good strong brotherly relationship with medic, scout and pyro but also being the calm one of the team when he isn't fighting.
Engineer - Engineer is like his human counterpart bing a hard working bee being the best bee of his colony until he decided to leave the colony after the other bees heard that he was hanging around a ant (soldier) which is forbidden in their colony as ants usually attacked their hive for the honey, engineer did try and fight for soldier saying he saved his life and he didn't want their honey but their weren't budging form their thoughts so engineer walked away with soldier by his side, engineer has soon gained his own family with the team and he almost doesn't regret leaving the hive only rarely getting homesick but soldier helps him get though it when he does, engineer has a good friendship with medic, is a good father figure to both scout and pyro like they're his kids and he loves soldier like they've been married for 10 or so years.
Medic - Medic is a psychotic butterfly who loves doing violence for fun, he has very beautiful wings and he is very much like his human counterpart, he also loves sniper who he met after he found sniper almost dead after he hit a fly lamp, medic healed sniper back to full health using pollen and the pair have been inseparable since, medic fell in love with sniper due to mainly his wings and he also loved sniper for how caring he was was towards him, medic has a good brotherly relationship with heavy, good friends with engineer and he likes being in the team.
Sniper - Sniper is a introvert moth who does like it be on his own most of the time but since falling in love with medic, he realises that he was very touched starved and craved affection whenever he sees medic, sniper is like his human counterpart and he gets on eith most of the others on the team, he just pefers to have more alone time, from the others, he tolerates spy, adores medic and act like they are newlyweds, gets on well with scout and pyro and he likes spending time with heavy as he's calm.
Spy - Spy is a sneaky spider who loves to kill and annoyed everyone around him just for the fun of it, kinda like his human counterpart, he is scout's dad and he finds out after scout explained to pyro one time what his mom looked like, he can't bring himself to tell scout as he knows scout would probably hate him for abandoning him but after finding out, he goes to visit scout's mom at night seeing she is as beautiful as ever, spy kinda gets on well with the others but like sniper, pefers being on his own, he tolerates sniper, tries to be good friends with the others and he is also a good leader to the team.
That's is for now and i hope you like my AU, i will do more soon on other AU when i think of them 😃
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jujumin-translates · 9 months
Misumi Ikaruga | [SSR] Soaring Paper Airplanes | An Important Triangle And A Paper Airplane - Part 1
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Misumi: It’s done, a triangle helmet~!
Izumi: (There’s a lot of energy in here. Could it be Summer Troupe…?)
Muku: I tried to make a flower. How is it?
Kumon: That’s soooo good, Muku~!
Tenma: I made a crane. Pretty good, isn’t it?
Yuki: Boring. The paper’s cuteness helps a bit, though.
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Tenma: The hell!?
Izumi: You guys doing origami? Looks fun.
Misumi: Ah, Director-san~!
Muku: Kazu-kun bought a bunch of differently patterned origami paper at an art event.
Izumi: I see! It looks a little different from the usual earth-patterned origami. They’re all so unusual and cute~.
Kazunari: IKR~!? It was like love at first sight, so I bought a bunch right away!
Tenma: I’m going to make another crane using this pattern.
Yuki: Just how many cranes are you going to make? Make something else.
Izumi: I think this paper would be cute no matter how you fold it, but… something simple might be better so the pattern is easier to see.
Kazunari: So like, how about a paper airplane? Hey, Sumi!
Misumi: Yeah! I wanna make a paper airplane!
Kumon: Then let’s have a paper airplane contest too! Whoever’s flies the furthest wins, of course!
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Muku: Yeah, let’s do that!
Tenma: Then how about we decide on some kind of prize for the winner to up the ante?
Yuki: Sure, but what?
Misumi: How about the triangle I picked up yesterday~?
Yuki: Of course, you’d suggest a triangle.
Kazunari: I’d be cool with that, Sumi! It makes it a lil’ surprise since we don’t know what it is exactly!
Misumi: Thanks, Kazu~!
Kumon: Okay then, the prize will be the triangle that Sumi-san’s talking about! I’m gonna make the mega-strongest paper airplane!
Muku: I’m going to try my best too…!
Izumi: (Everyone’s making them so seriously… Fufu, that’s Summer Troupe for you.)
*Door opens*
Tsuzuru: Huh, all of Summer Troupe’s here.
Izumi: Ah, Tsuzuru-kun.
Misumi: We’re gonna have a paper airplane contest. Wanna join us, Tsuzuru~?
Tsuzuru: I can’t, I’ve got to get to my part-time job now. …Actually, I have a favor to ask you, Ikaruga-san.
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Misumi: A favor? What it is~?
Tsuzuru: Madoka is coming to return some materials right now, so could you pick them up for me?
Misumi: Eh, Madoka’s coming!?
Kazunari: Can’t believe that Tsuzurun and Madochin are so buddy-buddy that they’re borrowing each other’s things now~!
Tsuzuru: Well, we just happened to have the opportunity the other day… plus we’re both scriptwriters, so.
Misumi: Got it! I’ll pick it up for you!
Tsuzuru: Thank you so much. Yikes… I should get going now. Well, see you later.
Yuki: Bye~.
Izumi: Good luck!
*Door closes*
Kumon: Hey, hey, if Madoka-san is coming now, then he should join the paper airplane contest too!
Kazunari: Yeah, for real, for real!
Misumi: I… wanna fly paper airplanes with Madoka!
Izumi: Fufu, seems like fun.
*Doorbell rings*
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Misumi: Ah! It’s Madoka!
*Door closes*
Tenma: He sure moved fast.
Muku: Fufu, he must be really looking forward to this.
[ Next Part ⇢ ]
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