#val on skam
alistairlowes · 2 years
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sunskate · 4 months
someone did the math for GP alternates- these are the teams below the ones who were guaranteed spots. the alternates who’ve already received an invite are noted. feds don’t have to invite in order as there are other factors like the team being their country’s only representative (like Pinchuk/Pogorielov), or if they’re a host pick
US seems to be waiting on summer competition results to decide their SkAm host pick. F/D and W/T are the top teams without a Grand Prix
Alternates List -  1-10 Flores/Desyatov Janse van Rensburg/Steffan (NHK) Dupayage/Nabais (GPdF) {Harris/Chan - if they're still skating} Fabbri/Ayer (SCI) Wolfkostin/Tsarevski Soucisse/Firus Tkachenko/Kiliakov (SkAm) Bekker/Hernandez Val/Kazimov Manni/Roethlisberger
11-20 Bashynska/Beaumont Pinchuk/Pogorielov (Finlandia) Yoshida/Morita (NHK) Lagouge/Caffa Nosovitskaya/Nosovitskiy Mazingue/Gaidajenko Grimm/Savitskiy (SCI) Reitan/Majorov Tanaka/Nishiyama (NHK) Simova/Aksenov
21-30 Hensen/Lickers Ramanauskaite/Kizala Terreaux/Perron Gauthier/Thieren Larson/Kapran Dozzi/Papetti Matthaei/Liebers Ignateva/Szemko Nguyen/Giang Karnes/Carr
31-32 Ichilov/Kravchenko Tali/Lafornara
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LGBTQ+ Disabled Characters Showdown Round 1, Wave 6 Matchups
Nova Huang (Mooncakes) vs Baz Pitch (Carry On)
Olivia (Fear and Hunger 2: Termina) vs Havelock Vetinari (Discworld)
Hitori Gotoh (Bocchi the Rock!) vs Simon Snow (Carry On)
Hermann Gottlieb (Pacific Rim) vs Kanatsune Ame (Entropic Float)
Yuko ‘Isako’ Amasawa (Dennou Coil) vs Harry du Bois (Disco Elysium)
Hunter (The Owl House) vs Yukari Kotozume / Cure Macaron (Kira Kira Precure a la Mode)
Hearthstone (Magnus Chase) vs Asta Headstrom (The Reckless Kind)
Lilith Clawthorne (The Owl House) vs Aurelio (The Sunbearer Trials)
Buddy Aurinko (The Penumbra Podcast) vs Rudyard Funn (Wooden Overcoats)
Percy Newton (The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue) vs Professor X / Charles Xavier (X-Men)
Entrapta (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power) vs Sydney October Sargent (Camp Here and There)
Sabran IX Berethnet (Priory of the Orange Tree) vs Joly (Les Misérables)
Terezi Pyrope (Homestuck) vs Nicklays Roos (Priory of the Orange Tree)
Zhou Zishu (Word of Honor / Shan He Ling) vs Val Palafox (Venom and Vow)
Eliott Demaury (SKAM France) vs. Shi Qingxuan (Heaven Official’s Blessing / Tian Guan Ci Fu)
Kale Romarin (Leif & Thorn) vs. Zhu Yuanzhang / Zhu Chongba (She Who Became the Sun)
Check out the other waves here.
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As you all know, the Femslash February event of this year is pretty close so I decided I’ll be taking prompts and posting them in my account on AO3 (@/ant1hero) and pseud sunkissed (ant1hero). Here’s the list of all the fandoms and ships I want to write next month, you can send me an anonymous or non anonymous inbox with your prompts and you can even say in the inbox, in case you have an AO3 account, if you want me to gift the fanfic to you!
Wed & Enid
Wed & Bianca
Larissa & Morticia
The Selection
America & Celeste
America & Kriss
Celeste & Kriss
America & Fem!Aspen
Eadlyn & Fem!Kile
The 100
Clarke & Lexa
Clarke & Raven
Clarke & Octavia
Octavia & Raven
Octavia & Emori
Octavia & Lexa
Clarke & Fem!Bellamy
Clarke & Fem!Wells
Raven & Clarke & Octavia
Octavia & Clarke & Lexa
Hunger Games
Katniss & Johanna
Primrose & Rue
Katniss & Fem!Peeta
House of The Dragon
Rhaenyra & Alicent
Helaena & Rhaena
Rhaenyra & Fem!Aegon
Fem!Lucerys & Fem!Aemond
Stranger Things
El & Max
Robin & Nancy
Robin & Chrissy
El & Fem!Mike
Nancy & Fem!Jonathan
Max & El & Fem!Mike  
Star Wars
Padmé & Sabé
Jyn & Leia
Leia & Holdo
Rey & Rose
Rey & Connix
Padmé & Fem!Anakin
Sabé & Fem!Anakin
Leia & Fem!Luke
Leia & Fem!Han
Rey & Fem!Ben
Fem!Poe & Fem!Finn
Sabé & Padmé & Fem!Anakin
Fem!Poe & Fem!Finn & Rey
Kate & Yelena
Carol & Valkyrie
MJ & Shuri
Natasha & Maria Hill
Natasha & Carol
Natasha & Wanda
Natasha & Cap Carter
Carol & Cap Carter
MJ & SpiderGwen
Wanda & Christine (Earth 838)
Natasha & Fem!Clint
Rogue & Kitty
Illyana & Dani
MCU & X-Men
Yelena & Illyana
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Toph & Katara
Adventure Time
Bubblegum & Marceline
Yor & Fiona
Yor & Fem!Loid
Yor & Fem!Loid & Fiona
Saiki Kusuo no Psi-nan
Teruhashi & Yumehara
Teruhashi & Rifuta
Cardcaptor Sakura
Sakura & Tomoyo
Sakura & Fem!Syaoran
Steven Universe
Peridot & Lapis
Pearl & Amethyst
Pearl & Bismuth
Pearl & Garnet
Pearl & Rose
Pearl & Lapis
Amethyst & Rose
Peridot & Amethyst
Nini & Gina
Ashlyn & Maddox
Ashlyn & Val
Nini & Maddox
Nini & Val
Val & Maddox
Gina & Kourtney
Noora & Eva
Eva & Vilde
Sana & Noora
Michelle & Cassie
Effy & Katie
Naomi & Effy
Mini & Franky
Ginny & Georgia
Ginny & Abby
Ginny & Fem!Marcus
That '70s Show
Donna & Jackie
Donna & Fem!Eric
That '90s Show
Leia & Gwen
Gwen & Nikki
The Wilds
Shelby & Toni
Leah & Fatin
Leah & Rachel
Leah & Nora
Dot & Fatin
Dot & Shelby
Doctor Who
Rose & Martha
Martha & Donna
Amy & Clara
Clara & Rose
Clara & River
Clara & Missy
Clara & Ashildr
Amy & Fem!Rory
Ashildr & Clara & Missy
Emma & Regina
Mulan & Aurora
Belle & Red/Ruby
Regina & Red/Ruby
Regina & Belle
Emma & Red/Ruby & Regina
The Walking Dead
Amy & Beth
Andrea & Michonne
Andrea & Maggie
Teen Wolf
Lydia & Cora
Malia & Kira
Malia & Lydia
Allison & Erica
Erica & Cora
Lydia & Erica
Allison & Cora
Malia & Allison
Allison & Fem!Scott
Allison & Fem!Isaac
Lydia & Fem!Stiles
Cora & Fem!Stiles
Malia & Fem!Stiles
Fem!Stiles & Fem!Derek
Erica & Lydia & Cora
Malia & Lydia & Cora
Malia & Lydia & Allison
Harry Potter
Hermione & Fleur
Hermione & Ginny
Hermione & Pansy
Ginny & Fleur
Cho & Ginny
Cho & Fleur
Parvati & Pansy
Luna & Padma
Luna & Cho
Padma & Fleur
Lily & Petunia
Lily & Bellatrix
Lily & Narcissa
Lily & Molly
Lily & Pandora
Bellatrix & Petunia
Narcissa & Petunia
Narcissa & Astoria
Narcissa & Pansy
Rowena & Helga (Hogwarts Founders)
Leta & Tina (Fantastic Beasts)
Lily & Fem!James
Lily & Fem!Snape
Lily & Fem!Sirius
Bellatrix & Fem!Voldemort
Narcissa & Fem!Snape
Leta & Fem!Newt
Helga & Fem!Salazar
Rowena & Fem!Salazar
Hermione & Fem!Ron
Luna & Fem!Harry
Ginny & Fem!Harry
Ginny & Fem!Neville
Ginny & Fem!Tom Riddle
Fem!Harry & Fem!Draco
Hermione & Fleur & Ginny
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igazikutya · 1 year
Zajok a nappaliból – Traxelektor 2023. 05.
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Igazi tavaszi robbanásra hasonlít az underground zenei szcéna májusa, virágzás.
A blackpooli Ade Blacow-val valószínűleg teljesen más asszociációk ugranak be a VHS szakkifejezést hallva. Szerintem ő túl fiatal ahhoz, hogy olyan tapasztalatai legyenek, mint nekem, aki 2004-ben azt a feladatot kapom hetente első médiás melóhelyemen, hogy 45 példányban másoljam ki a friss Vármegye Magazint VHS és S-VHS kazettákra. Az ő megközelítését sokkal szebben árnyalja a stúdiójában készült fotó.
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Nyolc év hallgatás után, változatlanul a manchesteri Skam Recordings-nél jelenik meg a VHS Head harmadik albuma. Az, hogy nálam a Phocus a hónap lemeze, sejteti, megy el az eszem, de tekintsd meg az album trailerét!
Mégse tévesszen meg a trash! Ami tény, a gyakran szőnyegbombázással felérő IDM/Glitch Hop dömper kilapít pár szinapszist agyunkban és okoz némi átmeneti Wernicke-afáziát az album hallgatása közben. Ebből se lesz PR cikk, ha nem térek rá arra, Ade mesterien puzzle-özi össze hangkollázsait, mintáival letűnt korok hangulatait építi körénk, epic guitar, suprahits töredékek, analóg noir kronenbergien vapor-ül az ebm, break, electro ritmikával, szörnyre vadászik üveghammond-kristályokkal. A Kilgrimol Dissolveban maga a Front pulzál egy félbetört szekvenciát. Álmaimban az Orbital visszainteget – jegyeztem le pár hete a Skinflex hallgatása közben, mely elvitte a hónap slágere címet is neo-pszichedelikus syntwave-jével, plunderphonics retrofutúrjával. Hó végére előzött a Fake Sweat – irigykedik a blawan, kylie akar lenni.
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Maradva a VHS-nél, huszon/harmincévesen igen építő tud lenni az az élmény, hogy egy péntek éjszaka éjfél magasságában a Berlin House Thrill Jockey Recordings-ot bemutató színeséből – amiben felbukkan a Mouse On Mars, Tortoise – sikerül felvenni egy Oval nevű banda klipjét – egy eddig sose hallott absztrakt ambient, és nagyon tetszik a név.
Eltelik két hónap, és élőben látom őket – azt hiszem – az Almási Téren. Markus Popp négy társával 1991-ben alakította meg zenekarát Darmstadtban, két év múlva trióvá olvadtak, 1995-re pedig Popp egyedül maradt. Feladat: Számítsa ki, mennyi az Oval5 felezési ideje? Bizonyítsa számítását! Harminckét évnyi életpályáról beszélhetünk, egy terjedelmes, 20 albumot felölelő diszkográfiát láthatunk, hozzátenném, Markus Popp az utóbbi években is aktív. Az új Oval album címe Romantiq és természetesen a Thrill Jockeynál jelent meg.
Markus Popp dimenzióiban a csellók egyszerre minimum két tengely mentén hajlanak, amely hang pendülne, buborékként pattan szét, de lassan. A preparált zongora lábai pedig összeakadnak, és nem kapunk klasszikus ambient szőnyegeket magunk alá. Kapunk viszont üveg- és kristályhangokat, a teret nekik kell megalkotniuk önmagukból, hogy mindez egy értelmezhetetlen zónában lebeghessen körülöttünk, amíg tart a poppvarázs.
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Mit tudnak ezek ma, akkoriban még tudtak heverni – mondta, és elterült. Tartjuk a kiadott uniós-soros kvótát, az újrahasznosítás és fenntarthatóság jegyében. Steve Cobby és David McSherry kettőse a Fila Brazillia – akik két évtizede már csak self-released módban adnak ki egyszámosokat – most négy korábbi felvételük instrumentális vagy kiterjesztett, illetve koncert verziójából gyúrták össze a Subtle Body EP-t (ami 1995-ös debutalbumuk zárófelvétele).
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A foci BL-ben egymást érik az ilyenek, hát essen szó egy újabb olasz csúcstalálkozóról, melynek eredménye az a Crono EP, melyen Donato Scaramuzzi és Stefano Ferrero, azaz Donato Dozzy és Sabla közös mindset-je cseppfolyósodik négy tételen át a torinói Gang Of Ducks Recordings jóvoltából. Mivel mindkét úriember az intelligens és felfedezésekre kész elektronika – más-más területeinek – underground állócsillaga, az elvárás joggal volt magas. A Crono pedig az a nagyon izgalmas, ötletgazdag elektronika, mely falhoz szegez, idővel pedig elbódít, miközben a minimal techno, dubtechno, bleep techno, ambient ívet járja végig 25 percben.
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Fogalmam sincs, vannak-e Talaboman-fanok, de nekik – vagy nekem, ennek az egynek itt – jó hír, hogy kislemezzel támad Axel Boman és John Talabot aka Oriol Riveola kettőse, sőt mindjárt kettővel, ami azt is prognosztizálja, hogy 2017 után talán végre új Talaboman album érkezik? A Bosca Bosca / Bosco Bosco és Melbourne Bolero / Madhouse Dub dupla-dupla egy napon, ráadásul a Night Land nevű sublabelnél jelent meg, ami a duó egyetlen albumának címét viseli. Magyarán, kaptunk 42 percnyi balearic beat, dubhouse, minimal electro, leftfield downtechno bólogatást, köszönet srácok! Legyen album, legyen nyár!
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Kedvelem az olyan lemezeket, amiknek az első leütött hangja – bárhogy is – összecseng a lemezborítóval. Vargabetű: kaptam ezt a linket egy dj/producer barátomtól a Hipgnosis tervezőcsoportról, melyben ott van a zseniális Pink Floyd borítók között a Momentary Lapse of Reason-é. Na az az 1987-es lemez is úgy indul (Signs of Life), miképp az Artefakt hétszámos EP-je indul így (Fugacity), az összhang érzete pedig végig megmarad. A Floodplain cím némileg ellentmond a képen látható Etnának, de csak ha megfeledkezünk róla, hogy ez egy vulkán. A kép tökéletes kompozíció. Jelentése közelebb van az Etna mélyén rejtőző archetípushoz, a hegyhez. Érdekes módon a Ji-Kingben a Hegy (Nyugalom)[艮 Ken] trigram a hetes számot viseli. „A hegy szelleme. Nyugalom, megállás, befejezettség. Végső formája a láthatatlan akaratnak. Határ. Tehetetlenség és szilárdság: a mozgások, törekvések befejezése.” A holland Nick Lapien, Robin Koek páros a techno egyensúlyát kereste, megtalálta, megtartotta. A Floodplain sajnos spotify-on nincs fent, pedig a Semantica Recordsnál jelent meg április 7-én. Akkor az Etna már produkált szélsőségesebb aktivitásra utaló tüneteket, míg május 21-én ki is tört egy 7 km magas kitörési felhőt produkálva, és Catania teljes környékét (vulkáni árterét) hamuesővel bevonva – Micimackó! Ellopták a színeket! – invertált Malacka.
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Sújtós, nehéz anyagot hozott össze Geins't Naït, Scanner és Laurent Petitgand hármasa. Az egyszerűen csak Ola címet kapott album valami olyan lerántós, sötét drone-experimental bolyongásba fordul, hogy rendesen kihívás volt hallgatni. Pedig, mint minden Robin Rimbaud lemezen, ezen is finom hangok, érdekes dallamok, finoman elrendezett rétegek szövetei hallhatóak. Mivel Rimbaudnál pozitívabb manó kevés szaladgál londiniumszerte, erről biztosan a franciák tehetnek, név szerint: Laurent Petitgand és Thierry Mérigout - fogalmam sincs, hogy miért van külön kiírva Petitgand, hiszen ő a Geins't Naït-nak is tagja. A szintén francia Ici D'Ailleurs-nél megjelent Ola nem előzmények nélküli, három éve a német Offen Music-nál már volt egy közös albumuk.
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Danny Wolfers egy napos vasárnapon kitakarított a stúdióban, majd egy váratlan pillanatban megtalálta valamelyik fiók sarkában az elfelejtett mdma-t. A Wolfers életművet képtelenség ismerni – az úriember pszeudói (Tag Yourself!): Alchemulator, Bontempi 666, Calimex Mental Implant Corp., Clendon Toblerone, Commanchee's Revenge, Commanding The Beast, Coverti World, Danny Blanco, Danny Wolfers, Dickie Smabers, Dickie Smabers & The Moerwijk Crew, Florenza Mavelli, Franz Falckenhaus, Gladio, Hermit In A Rave Cave, House Of Jezebel, Jackmaster Corky, Klaus Weltman, Lords Of Midnite, Nacho Patrol, Nomad Ninja, Occult Orientated Crime, Phalangius, Polarius, R-Zone, Raheem Hershel, Ray Escortienda, Rising Sun Systems, Saab Knutson, Salamandos, Sammy Osmo, Satomi Taniyama, Seaside Houz Boyz, Smackos, Squadra Blanco, Star Shepherd, Tandy Ogmo, The Psychic Stewardess, Twilight Moose, Ufocus, Venom 18, Westside Box Savants – ám én nem emlékszem ilyen Legowelt albumra - sem. A The MidiVerb Chalice ugyanis egy nyílegyenes és sallangmentes, old-school techno-rave minialbum, azzal az őrületes szinti-arzenállal feljammelve, ami Dannyt egy ilyen vasárnapon körbeveszi.
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A Blawan - Dismantled Into Juice EP-ről nem írok semmit. Kinek a hülye ötlete volt Pángalaktikus gégepukkasztó koktélpartyt tartani? Ez a lemez másnap készült.
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A mindig komoly elektronikával hátterében fegyverkező Allen Wootton, talán a közelgő nyári partyidényre hangolva, most egy kétszámos dance kislemezt készített. Az Optimo Musicnál megjelent Vitus mindkét számát megtaláljátok a Traxelektorban, ugyanis Al Wootton a táncoltatás intézményét is kicsit másképp képzeli, mint területen őshonos pályatársai (pedig az Al az nem éjáj, meg nem műész). Az az érdekes, hogy a műfaji igényeket, használva a kötelező kliséket, jutott el ide az ember, most jövök a föld alól!
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Megfogadtam, hogy a The Orb-ot – ami mára a 64 éves Duncan Alexander Robert Paterson-t jelenti Michael Rendall szerzői/mérnöki segítségével – nem bántom. Érdemekre, korra, életműre való tekintettel. Azt azért elmondom, hogy innen nézve az utolsó érdekes Orb időszak a C Batter C (2011), Lee Perry lemezek (2013) majd a Moonbuilding 2703 AD (2016). A legendás Dark Side... borító témáját tovább vivő Prism előtt hosszú volt a felvezetés, és a címadó tízperces úgy tenger, béke és ellazulás, ahogyan az Orb az Orb, de sajnos a jobbára dub és jungle slágerekkel tördelt konszolidált ambient-house nekem kevés. Egy Orbsessions Vol. 4-nak jobban örültem volna – szerintem én ezt már pár éve is leírtam ugyanígy.
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Makacs breakbeat-kedvelők figyelmébe ajánlom a hangzatos nevű Seilscheibenpfeiler Schallplatten Berlin maxiját! Tavaly megismerhettük Amor Satyr-t a teljesen ismeretlen Siu Mataval párban. Gaspard Cornuel most szólóban csattog és dönget Transfer című négyszámosával, s gyógyítja a szcénában ragadt fanok ínségmarta sebeit.
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Al Wootton - Vitus [2023, Optimo Music][S] Amor Satyr - Transfer [2023, Seilscheibenpfeiler Schallplatten Berlin][EP] Artefakt - Floodplain [2023, Semantica][EP] Blawan - Dismantled Into Juice [2023, XL][EP] Carl Finlow - Plasmoids [2023, Science Cult][LP] Donato Dozzy & Sabla - Crono [2023, Gang Of Ducks][EP] Fila Brazillia - Subtle Body  [2023, International Feel][EP] Geins't Naït & Scanner & Laurent Petitgand - OLA [2023, Ici d'ailleurs][LP] Laksa - Body Score [2023, RE_LAX][EP] Legowelt - The MidiVerb Chalice [2023, Axumisia][EP] Oval - Romantiq [2023, Thrill Jockey][LP] Talaboman - Bosca Bosca / Bosco Bosco [2023, Night Land][S] Talaboman - Madhouse Dub / Melbourne Bolero  [2023, Night Land][S] The Orb - Prism [2023, Cooking Vinyl][LP] Various Artists - Yet [2023, Tresor][Comp] VHS Head - Phocus [2023, Skam][LP]
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Rosa Anschütz Goldenes Stormjához folyamatosan készülnek a kétszámos remixkislemezek, a harmadik etapban az a Gudrun Gut aka Gudrun Bredemann remixelte a címadó felvételt, aki anno még az Einstürzende Neubauten-ben is megfordult, és alapítója volt a Malaria! nevű csaj-new wave bandának.
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Maara aka Maara-Louisa Dunbar fantasyjében, az Ancient Truth című debutlemezén hallható Nothing Sacred -ben Madonna Erotica-ja habkönnyű hullámzás közepette, egy kilencvenes évekbeli oper-air buli chill-out sátrába fédelődik át. A másik két Traxelektorba válogatott szerzemény is – Yearning, Sapphic Rehabilitation Center – tartalmazhat nyomokban fülledtséget, peremvidéken pulzáló pajzán vibe-okat.
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A KW, kduplavé, nem dupla kávé, csak KW, a depisebb napokon 1KW pszeudóban bújkáló Konrad Wehrmeistertől. A Midnight Run alatt olyan ebm drumattack-ot kapunk tőle jungle-ágyon, amikkel anno a Meat Beat Manifesto beírta magát a modern zenetörténetbe.
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A hónap slágere (lásd fent) VHS Head – Skinflex-e, Ai Wootton – Libera-ját és Coco Bryce jungle-Mantra-jét előzve, hátulról bekiabálnám még Priori – Pareidolia-ját, ha ki tudnám mondani, és a hónap limonádérozéja Suokas-tól a Beam.
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Traxelektor 2023 05 Spotify playlist - link
(66/75, 5:30/7:12, 88%)
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Traxelektor Playlist 2023 05
Al Wootton - Libera [Vitus, Optimo Music] Al Wootton - Vitus [Vitus, Optimo Music] Amon Tobin - In Long Dark Grass [Nomark Selects, V​.​1, Nomark]
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Amor Satyr - Quer Dancar?[Transfer, Seilscheibenpfeiler Schallplatten Berlin] Amor Satyr - Rebola [Transfer, Seilscheibenpfeiler Schallplatten Berlin] Artefakt - Diorama [Floodplain, Semantica] Artefakt - Fugacity [Floodplain, Semantica] Artefakt - Natant [Floodplain, Semantica] Artefakt - Natura [Floodplain, Semantica] Blawan - Panic [Dismantled Into Juice, XL] Blawan feat. Monstera Black - Dismantled Into Juice [Dismantled Into Juice, XL] Blawan feat. Monstera Black - You Can Build Me [Dismantled Into Juice, XL]
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Carl Finlow - Modus Operandi [Plasmoids, Science Cult] Carl Finlow - The Lowdown [Plasmoids, Science Cult] Carl Finlow - Work It [Plasmoids, Science Cult] Coco Bryce - Mantra [Neptune, Rupture London] Coco Bryce - Velvet Underground [Computer Love, MYOR] Coco Bryce - Your Touch [Computer Love, MYOR]
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Dalo - Backlash [Gum, Tresor] Dalo - Woodpecker [Gum, Tresor] Daniel Avery - Time Takes a While [More Truth, [PIAS]] Dawl - High Gain [Soundwave Disorder, Acid Boom] Dawl - Soundwave Disorder [Soundwave Disorder, Acid Boom] Donato Dozzy & Sabla - Flusso I [Crono, Gang of Ducks] Donato Dozzy & Sabla - Flusso II [Crono, Gang of Ducks]
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Erwan Sene - Block That Kill [JUnQ, PAN] Erwan Sene - Strangefruit [JUnQ, PAN] Erwan Sene - Zones [JUnQ, PAN] E-Saggila - Pr1nt [VA - Yet, Tresor] Fila Brazillia - Nightfall (Instrumental)[Subtle Body, International Feel] Fila Brazillia - The Light Of Jesus (Unreleased Extended Version)[Subtle Body, International Feel] Forest Drive West - Neptune [Neptune, Rupture London]
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Fourth Phase - R2D2 (Original Mix) [Shake That Rhythm, CUFF] Frank De Wulf - Magic Orchestra (PAS Vortex Remix)[(B) Sides, Music Man] Geins't Naït & Scanner & Laurent Petitgand - MT-26 [OLA, Ici d'ailleurs] Gwenn Tremorin & Anatoly Grinberg - Glitch Tear [Singularity Spectrum, Ant-Zen]
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Iron Curtis - Factory (Sheffield Danse Mix)[Weather Report EP, Chiwax] Konduku - Damla [Hayal, Bitta] Konduku - Hayal [Hayal, Bitta] KW - Midnight Run [ALTGR, Ilian Tape] Lake Haze - Body Memory [Pure Movements, Shall Not Fade] Laksa - Bodies [Body Score, RE_LAX] Laksa - Mind [Body Score, RE_LAX] Laksa - Soulz [Body Score, RE_LAX]
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Legowelt - A Chalice Of MidiVerb II [The MidiVerb Chalice, Axumisia] Legowelt - Dimensionless Moog SP [The MidiVerb Chalice, Axumisia] Legowelt - From a Dusty MonoPoly [The MidiVerb Chalice, Axumisia] Maara - Nothing Sacred [The Ancient Truth, Step Ball Chain] Maara - Sapphic Rehabilitation Center [The Ancient Truth, Step Ball Chain] Maara - Yearning [The Ancient Truth, Step Ball Chain]
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Martyn X Om Unit - Dragonfly [AJ^6, 3024] Martyn X Om Unit - Illroy [AJ^6, 3024] Nadia Struiwigh - Lovesong [VA - Yet, Tresor] Nandele & A-Tweed - Deserto [VA - Yet, Tresor] Nit. - Cirrus Virga [VA - Yet, Tresor]
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Oval - Elektrin [Romantiq, Thrill Jockey] Oval - Okno [Romantiq, Thrill Jockey] Oval - Wildwasser [Romantiq, Thrill Jockey] Oval - Zauberwort [Romantiq, Thrill Jockey] Priori - Pareidolia [Pareidolia, Midgar]
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Recondite - Equilibrium [EC10, Dystopian] Scaafandre - A Ticket To Unknow [Outer Edges , Believe Digital] Scaafandre - Paradigms [Outer Edges , Believe Digital]
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Sterac - Teknitron [Teknitron EP, Delsin] Suokas - Beam [Unreleased III, Laes] Suokas - Hoarfrost [Unreleased III, Laes] Talaboman - Bosca Bosca (Bag of Bones)[Bosca Bosca / Bosco Bosco, Night Land] Talaboman - Bosco Bosco (Drums for Life)[Bosca Bosca / Bosco Bosco, Night Land] Talaboman - Melbourne Bolero [Madhouse Dub / Melbourne Bolero, Night Land]
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The Orb - Prism [Prism, Cooking Vinyl] VHS Head - Devour the Heart [Phocus, Skam] VHS Head - Fake Sweat [Phocus, Skam] VHS Head - Kilgrimol Dissolve [Phocus, Skam] VHS Head - Making a Monster [Phocus, Skam] VHS Head - Skinflex [Phocus, Skam]
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ettarsenare · 5 months
ett år senare
nu har det snart gått exakt ett år utan kontakt med personen som misshandlade mig psykiskt. vid den här tiden förra året var vi inne i en period som då hade börjat bli vardag för mig: ett bråk som startas av honom över något litet, någon form av ultimatum där jag måste göra ett val (vid det här laget hade jag också lärt mig att alla val alltid var fel och ledde till samma sak i slutändan oavsett), en tidsfrist inom vilken valet skulle vara gjort, sedan tystnad från hans håll och förvägran att låta mig uttrycka mig tills jag hade gjort det som förväntades av mig (oftast be om ursäkt, eller förlåta honom för något han gjort), och han då tillsist kunde förlåta mig. jag visste inte då att det skulle vara sista gången.
det har snart gått ett år och jag har inte bearbetat allt som hänt ännu. efter ett tag var det som att jag skämdes över att älta allt, att prata om det - även med människor som behandlade mig väl och var förstående och stöttande. något i att aktivt berätta, och återuppleva allt, känns motstridigt då alla detaljer åter igen blir tydliga när allt jag egentligen vill är att bara glömma. jag har delat med mig av min hemlighet till fel personer, som dömt mig och förringat det jag varit med om. det har gjort ont och gjort mig tillbakadragen, och mer försiktig även med personer jag anser mig kunna lita på. det har gjort mig ledsen, men också förbannad. att det är jag som ska bära skammen för det jag blivit utsatt för.
men jag har inte glömt, och det har inte min kropp heller gjort. varje dag blir jag påmind om det, triggad av någonting. jag kommer aldrig mer bli den personen jag var innan, på gott och ont. jag har accepterat det. men jag kommer aldrig acceptera att leva ett begränsat liv av rädsla och skam, på grund av vad någon annan utsatt mig för.
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regnskurentystnad · 1 year
Ett öppet brev till den som det berör - Mig
Till Elouise.
Det finns inget vad gäller dig som jag vill mer än få möjligheten att säga förlåt och bli förlåten. Om den presenterade sig nu skulle jag förmodligen inte tveka. Förmodligen, skriver jag som om jag inte menar definitivt. Varför jag skriver nu är inte för att säga förlåt. Det finns ingenstans det skulle nå dig om jag bad om förlåtelse, men även tänker jag en gång nu tillåta mig mitt perspektiv. I försök att lägga både skam och skuld den korta bit bort det går tänker jag vara ärlig, för min egen skull.
Du har enbart sett ytan av hur situationen mellan oss har påverkat mig. Att den har påverkat mig har du dessvärre fått se, på vis som jag ångrar. När jag har försökt att ta itu med det, vilket tyvärr för mig involverade en kommunikation med dig, har jag blivit bemött av att bli ignorerad. Vad som i sin tur har gjort saker värre. Att jag har orsakade allt att börja är ingenting som jag nekar, men jag tänker inte längre vara delaktig i att låtsas som att du inte bidrog till hur det fortsatte vidare.
Du gömde dig bakom vaga påpekanden. Du kan vara dålig på att svara. Det är mycket som pågår. Vad som pågick i ditt liv grävde jag aldrig i ur respekt för dig, men jag har insett efteråt att även om jag försökte skulle du inte tillåta mig. När du berättade var det i ren frustration, möjligtvis i försök att inför mig förminska den jag är. Att du är viktigast att ta hand om för dig själv är en fullständig sanning, men det ger dig inte en sköld från att totalt skjuta mig åt sidan för att hålla mig på ett lagom avstånd som passade dig med små brödsmulor av kommentarer om att jag är fin, gullig, söt.
Istället för att enbart en gång tillåta mig vad jag behövde och i all ärlighet tror vi behövde för att lösa situationen mellan oss lämnade du mig med att oroa mig inför varenda ord jag ville ge dig och varsamt analysera varenda minsta lilla ord för att inte trampa på oundvikliga minor. Här sitter jag med en insikt som jag fullt ärligt tror att du inte kan tänka dig utan att jag påpekar det, men den är lika sann ändå:
Oavsett hur vi existerade inför varandra så var vi båda två människor som pågick i varandras liv. Vi var en del av vår vardag, en kvällsritual innan vi gick och lade oss till och med. Att du inte kan kommunicera hur du såg på vad som var mellan oss efter att du har sagt att du tycker om mig, gillade att jag blev "på riktigt" efter att ha samtalat med röst, simulerade mig ligga bredvid dig med en god morgon-video, erkände var du skulle har fantiserar om att kyssa mig ligger på dig.
När jag säger att jag inte tror på att du har sett mig som en verklig människa är det inte ett val. Jag tror helt ärligt på det. Att någonstans på något vis har du kopplat bort att jag är någon som existerar fullt med egna känslor. Någon som du tror att du kan vifta bort med att den inte är din högsta prioritet. En människa behöver inte vara ens högsta prioritet för att bli behandlad med respekt.
En känsla som du har lämnat mig med är att ha blivit känslomässigt utnyttjad. Någonting som jag aldrig har klandrat dig för att göra medvetet, jag vill inte tro att du är förmögen till att medvetet vilja såra någon med flit. När det inte passade dig längre när du, tydligen, plötsligt insåg min investering i dig var ditt val att sluta prata med mig, utöver att ibland skriva en fin komplimang till någon stort jag lade upp på Instagram.
Och jag vet. Jag bara vet. Du har levt ditt liv, du har spenderat din tid med att göra allt du tycker om med människor som du tycker om. Det blev aldrig något "Imorgon, imorgon, imorgon" och jag undrar om det är för att du bestämde dig redan dagen efter att du var färdig. Aldrig annat än ursäkter och avstånd.
Att faktiskt ha gjort dig stor i mitt liv ligger på mig, men vad ingen kan förstå (tydligen inte ens du), är hur du bjöd in till det. Allt som du gladeligen tog emot av mig var ingenting som inte var för dig, enbart dig. Sedan under tiden då jag har legat i min soffa med panikångest, i telefon gråta inför min mamma om att vara oförmögen att gå till jobbet, med att knappt klara av att andas fullständigt isolerad i en månads tid från mina vänner, vet jag att du har levt ditt liv som inget av det.
Ingen kan försöka intala mig att jag spelade en större roll för dig, om någon roll alls. Du frågade någon gång artigt hur jag mådde och till svar på mitt mående ignorerade du mig. Aldrig kunde du bara vara ärlig, och på så vis vet jag inte om jag kan se dig som ärlig. I vår sista kontakt försvann du utan ett ord, trots förfrågan att inte göra det, och till och med stängde av din aktivitetsstatus. Tro inte att jag inte vet att du gjorde det för att gömma dig från mig. Ditt svar till min reaktion på det talar för hur du var villig att skjuta mig åt sidan för din egen skull, och hur du kunde välja att göra mig till nästan ingenting.
Vilken insikt som skulle vara värre att komma fram till vet jag inte. Om du faktiskt förstod hur jag mådde men valde att gömma dig som du gjorde eller om du inte insåg hur jag mådde alls. Vad som kunde ha hänt istället för vad verkligheten till slut blev om du var minsta lilla tillmötesgående vet jag inte, men hur avslutet blev mellan oss får mig att tro att du var redo för länge sedan att låta det ske.
Jag tror ärligt att du väntade på att jag skulle ta det steget. För att göra mig till en bov, ge mig skulden. Det är nog enda gången där jag inte har lagt mig själv åt sidan för dig. Hur mycket du än tror att du har sett har du sett ytterst lite, och jag lade undan så mycket av hela mig för att påverka dig så lite som möjligt.
I en månads tid. I en månads tid var jag ett vrak som du bidrog till att sänka på ett öppet hav med enbart vatten längs med horisonterna. Var jag verkligen så liten för dig? Jag vill inte veta.
I ett år har jag kämpat med att uppnå en arbetstid på 75%, vilket länge kändes omöjligt. Till följd av hur du har påverkat mitt liv har du placerat mig ett år bakåt i mina framsteg. Du kom in i mitt liv när mycket kändes jobbigt, och när du gjorde det kändes du snabbt bra. Hur du sedan slet det från inunder mig har fått mig till att tappar fotfästet, och här har jag endast talat om hur bidrog till det. Sanningen är att du inte bär den fulla skuld, men du bär en.
Vad mer du aldrig kommer veta är att jag inte hyser ett enda agg gentemot dig. Att påstå att någonstans inuti mig viskar en ytterst vag röst hur logiskt det är att rikta negativa känslor åt ditt håll vore en lögn. Tanken att ens behöva förlåta dig har aldrig korsat mig. Det gör mig arg. Jag är arg på mig själv. Av alla möjliga anledningar och tankar och känslor som din existens väcker inuti mig.
Du är inte förlåten och du kommer aldrig behöva bli.
Även om det här någon dag skulle nå dig, vilket jag tvivlar till den grad att det inte ens kan kallas tvivel, berör det inte. Vad kan du känna annat än ilska av att jag känner mig felbehandlad av dig? Du kommer inte veta hur mycket jag har svurit och spottat på mig själv inför alla andra om hur mycket fel, misstag och ånger jag har orsakat mig. Att du aldrig har sett det talar för mig att du aldrig kommer se mig igen.
Trots allt, vi tog avsked utan att säga farväl. Och med alla ord som jag har riktat till dig utan dig i tilltalan för alla andra att se, är dessa ord trots deras riktning åt ditt håll menade för någon annan: Mig. En gång tänker jag lägga undan att vilja säga förlåt, bli förlåten och all skam jag känner omkring. Jag ville förälska mig i dig och du sårade mig. Med utmattande önskningar om att få veta av dig i framtiden önskar jag dig ändå ingenting annat än välmående. Något du har orsakat vara svårt att önska mig själv.
Och med allt sagt erkänner jag mig veta hur jag förgäves kommer fortsätta hålla lyktan tänd.
Med vanliga farväl, ur mitt Hjärta och min Själ
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xfulldreamerx · 5 years
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SKAM PERÚ tiene un nuevo nombre:
"Roche" is a slang used instead of the word "Shame". This slang is purely Peruvian. Like, there's no other country that uses it. This word helps the remake to have its own personality, like Druck and wtFOCK (I'm referring about the name change, that's all.)
Please, keep in mind that this name has a Latin American Spanish pronunciation — remarking the Peruvian accent (yes, that's a thing.) The word "Roche" is a slang commonly used in Lima, the capital, which is probably why they chose it, because it represents the culture a lot.
As a Peruvian, this makes a lot of sense. I was not expecting it, but now that I read it, I wonder why I didn't think about it. "Roche" is part of my daily vocabulary, as it is with the adults as well, believe it or not.
Oh, and the captions says: "¡Qué roche con Luciana!", which is literally translated to "What a shame with Luciana!", but it's actually more complicated than that. See, the word "Roche" means Shame, but not necessarily as something strictly negative. It's more of an "Embarrassment" synonym, to be honest. "Roche" is not a strong word, but a light-hearted slang. It can reference shame in a negative way, but in the phrase "¡Qué roche con Luciana!", it means embarrassment. Example: I would use "Qué roche" to express how I'm embarrassed of talking in front of my class: "Qué Roche hablar delante de la clase" = "I'm embarrassed to talk in front of the class."
I hope you understood. If you have any doubt, please tell me!
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val says lesbian rights
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saeetres · 5 years
since it seems like there are two sides here, i’d like to make a post about my personal thoughts on season 4, the druck fandom, and current “drama” (if that is what in can be called)
point 1:
i dont hate davenzi, nor do i think people should stop talking about them in the tag.
matteo and david are great characters, both for representation but also because they are generally well-liked. they are one of the better couples in druck, and i think most people can agree we miss them in season 4. my posts aren’t meant to come off as ridiculing any davenzi fan for posting stuff in the druck main tag, and if it did come off that way then i apologize.
there are some fans who may:
- critique season 4 for its lack of davenzi as a whole (e.g. season 4 isn’t good because matteo/david aren’t center characters)
- only watch clips for matteo and david, not ones that center around amira’s story
- not appreciate season 4 for amira’s content, but because of david and matteo’s plotline
everyone is free to support davenzi in the tags, and people who shun davenzi shippers should not be doing such. it is amira’s season, but also wanting davenzi to appear again is fine. what is not fine is wanting a sole focus on davenzi, which pulls away from amira.
point 2:
representation matters
i would like to point out that i am not muslim, before i begin with this point. from the television i have watched, very few shows have actually portrayed a muslim woman with such a storyline as amira. her season is extremely important to our society today, wherever you may be watching in the world. it’s sad to see how people are seemingly less-focused on her in this season, and are watching for either the other girls, guys, or other characters in the show.
it is not a problem to want to see other characters again. i, too, missed mia and really wanted to see her again. but it’s important to realize that, despite being able to see her engage with amira, it is not her story this season. just as hanna and mia made appearances in other seasons, the storyline does not revolve around them. therefore, it is good to understand that, while seeing the other characters is important, it is amira’s storyline that should be focused on.
point 3:
season “5”
ah yes, the current subject of outlandish theories. from zoe to stefan to a “new druck generation”, fans are already growing disappointed in who it will be. i’d like to address the point that season 5 is not confirmed, nor do we know who would lead it. for all we know, david or kiki could have there own seasons. but, it seems people are already disappointed for something we have no confirmation on.
besides, who cares if it’s a new generation? it’s still druck, and in any case cameos from the original characters are a given. more representation can be given to other minority groups, each focusing on different themes. the negative thoughts about this supposed season 5 are hurting the fandom by generating a fear for the druck future.
the main points of this post are:
you can still like davenzi and support amira
it is still her season, so it is important to support her character
try not to focus too hard on season 5, and enjoy season 4 now
if you are really interested in discussing, i would advise doing it with me personally and not through the tag where i lurk. i see almost all the posts, which is why i made this. i don’t like to be addressed behind my back (as it has happened before with others).
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pocketgalaxies · 5 years
yeah heart speeds up when you’re in love you dumb-
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seevro · 7 years
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What a Queen.
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vexedtonightmares · 4 years
hey :) do you mind sharing some more about the skam austin panel today?
yeah for sure!! i’ll put what i remember under the keep reading tab for ppl who wanna hear about it :) i only went to the panel, not the rewatch (bc money lmao) so there are probably some other things they talked about that i missed, but i’m sure there are other ppl on here that can fill you in on any gaps that i miss!
it was valeria (jo), julie (megan), and lakeisha* (shay), and pedro (p jo) on the panel (he was the moderator, the other three did most of the talking), though they did mention other castmates throughout :,) 
*lakeisha was the name they went by on the panel, and in the info before the panel it said they use they/them pronouns, so that’s how i’ll be referring to them throughout this 
all of them started out by talking about what they’re doing currently, julie said she’s dropping out of school because her therapist told her “you as a person matters more than you as a student” which i thought was a great sentiment as well 
lakeisha said they’ve been making a lot of clothes and music (also throughout the whole thing they kept showing us their shoes and they left to pee like halfway through something they were answering one time hfjskaj)
they then talked about their audition processes (val had the most chaotic series of audtions omg i would love to see her audition tapes)
val originally read for either jo or megan, and she had literally just moved there like right before casting and almost didn’t go to her audition
she said that she decided to be the loudest person in the room so that they couldn’t ignore her, and that carried her through most of the rounds of auditioning
she said that at the end she said “if you don’t choose me, which you should choose me, but if you don’t, please choose another latinx actress because you have no idea how much it means to see someone who looks like you on screen”
julie auditioned because she was hoping julie (andem) would bring lisa and tarjei and she basically wanted a free meet and greet djkfshk 
she found out about skam og on tumblr !! she’s one of us 😌 
she thinks julie andem is the coolest person in the world 
they told her that she was pretty much everything they envisioned megan to be, so they cast her fairly early on and then had her partner with the marlon prospects 
giovanni, who eventually played tyler, auditioned for marlon and they kissed during their audition even though they weren’t supposed to
julie went to high school with till who ended up playing marlon and people would always ask her what it was like to get to make out with him and she was just like .... we just working bruh
lakeisha found the ad to audition on instagram and decided why not because it said it was a paid job 
they looked up a bunch of improv games the night before because they had no experience and had no idea what they were doing
in the audition julie asked what the tattoos on their hand meant (and also the one thing lakeisha was excited about being out of contract was that they could get as many tattoos as they wanted without asking for permission)
they all had a lot of love for julie andem and loved working with her
val said that she’d always try to make julie laugh and she said that julie is the reason og and austin are so good, because it’s her story and her vision 
they roasted the shit out of fb too (as they should)
basically fb ghosted them and never renewed the show but also never cancelled it so technically they don’t even know if anyone else could get the rights to reboot the show somewhere else (lakeisha said ‘skam austin onlyfans’ lmao)
i don’t remember which one of them said it but they said fb is like an inconsistent dad lollll
they also think that fb sort of finessed julie/her team because they were under the impression that it would be like og where they had their own website for the show and everything, but then it ended up just being a facebook page
they also filmed promo for season 1 that never ended up being used but they don’t know why 
lakeisha felt super disrespected by the fact that not only did they not get their season, but also the fact that they just dropped the show like it was nothing and none of them even found out that they probably weren’t getting more seasons until they saw that their instagram accounts were gone
everyone was upset about the igs getting deleted too because they put so much work into the content on there for it all to just disappear 
val said “no one tells a story like the one that was about to be told” and everyone agreed
val said that if the show would have continued, jo would have been undocumented and they would have shown her trying to navigate college (not only were we robbed of a jo season, we were robbed of college seasons 😤)
jo x jo were definitely going to be a thing
val said that when they wrapped s2 she was like finally!!! because now they could get into the stories that they really wanted to tell and really knew would make a difference (everyone vehemently agreed)
they were proud of the fact that they’re the most diverse cast and that they don’t just treat the characters of color like sidekicks like the other remakes do
julie talked about how skam france was the only remake to have jonas not accept isak right away when he was coming out and how it was suspicious that he happened to be the only non white jonas and that was the choice they made
val said that druck is the only remake she’s watched but she likes it
they also talked about how, even though it’s great that the cast was so diverse, practically everyone behind the scenes was white
val said that she didn’t really think about it much at the time because she found it hard to speak up since she was very young and inexperienced but looking back she wishes jo’s body wasn’t so fetishized as a latina (she didn’t clarify whether she was talking on a production level or within the fandom, but she talked about costuming so i assumed she meant more on a production level)
they all wished there was more representation off screen as well as on
shay x megan was brought up and julie said that shay was going to have her own love interest (am!even !!!!) come season three, and that it wouldn’t have been megan 
she also said that megan was mostly just confused and like ‘haha i kiss girls when i’m drunk’ but then she also said that megan and shay never had feelings for each other at the same time so 👀 
she was upset that they made megan and marlon get back together at the end of season 2 because she wasn’t a fan of them together, but she said it also makes sense because a lot of teen girls go back to their toxic exes even when they know it’s not good for them
lakeisha said that they hated shay’s acrylic nails because it didn’t make sense to them for her to have them (especially since shay was a musician)
they also said that they’ve been pretty confident and open with their sexuality since they were around 12, and that one time in middle school they dated a boy because he had an xbox and then they were like oh no is this toxic am i using him because he actually has feelings for me?? hdskafja 
they also said that the cfgc music happened because they heard that the boys from og also had a song and at first i was like wtf are they talking about but now i think they meant the penetrator song 💀💀 
julie has a cfgc shirt :,) and they all stole a bunch of clothes and stuff from set, val said she took a bunch of outfits that jo never wore which makes her sad to think about now 
val’s favorite scene to film was the car scene in s1 before the party (she said it was one of the best moments of her life) and julie said she liked that one as well (val said there’s a shot of her looking into the camera and flipping it off but they didn’t include it in the show, i feel robbed)
people asked how it felt for lakeisha to be the first lesbian isak and they said that they didn’t feel like they were, because they didn’t really get the chance :(( but they also said that the idea itself was very intimidating and there was a lot of pressure around it
they also said that they and gio were very very close both on screen and off, they said it wasn’t even like they were an extension of one person, that’s how close they got
there were a lot of improvised scenes, particularly with val, and she also said that incorporating spanish into jo’s dialogue was mostly improvised 
julie, val, and pedro also all talked about how they’re all mexican, and how each of their life experiences vary so much from one another, on the show and off and julie said megan’s upbringing was a lot like hers 
they all also said that they liked the music the show used and a lot of them have emotional attachments to a lot of the songs 
val said she wishes they used more frank ocean and i agree 
they also said they’re not sure if there are bloopers or anything, but they’d love to see them if there are 
i’m trying to think of anything i missed ahhh i feel like they talked about so much but i think i’ve got the key points soooo
that’s all !!! hope this was interesting to ppl who still care about austin like i do :,))
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Characters We’d Like Images For
These are characters that either had no images submitted or ones that were fanart or not in a format we could use. If you’d like to submit any images we’d prefer you send an ask with either the image or a link to the image rather than a submission to the google form. This is because if you put it in the google form it will mess up our data a bit. Characters under the cut.
Rose Lavillant- Miraculous Ladybug
Saki Tenma- Project Sekai
Schnn T’gai Spock- Star Trek
T’Pol- Star Trek: Enterprise
Queen Shulamit- The Second Mango
Ianthe Tridentarius- The Locked Tomb
Nico di Angelo- Percy Jackson
Robin Buckley- Stranger Things
Zuko- Avatar: The Last Airbender
Homura Akemi- Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Scavenger- Arknights
Patchouli Knowledge- Touhou Project
Havelock Vetinari- Discworld
Shallan Davar- The Stormlight Archive
Wayne- Mistborn
Riku- Kingdom Hearts
Lapis Lazuli- Steven Universe
Qifrey- Witch Hat Atelier
Artemisia of Naimes- Vespertine
Nathaniel Thorn- Sorcery of Thorns
Tunuva Melim- A Day of Fallen Night
Larry Trainor- Doom Patrol
Baru Cormorant- The Masquerade Series
Gaige- Borderlands Series
Val Palafox- Venom and Vow
Felix- Heartstopper
Link- Legend of Zelda
Crona- Soul Eater
Eliott Demaury- SKAM France
Hebe Harrison- Doctor Who
Wade Wilson- Deadpool
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alittleemo · 4 years
I wanted to leave valentine asks in all of your inboxes but it’s late and im tired so im making an appreciation type post instead!!!! long post under the cut bc i dont want to subject yall to that lol
@shades-of-blue- faith you add so much positivity to my day and you show so much love for me and all of your other mutuals and i hope you know how lovely you are <3 i love your art series and how positively u interact w your mutuals and followers, and seeing u in my notifications reminds me that other people are interested in what im saying and it really means a lot to me so thank u, sending u all of my love <3
@lunawedlers- audrey you bring so many new movies and shows to my dash and i adore it. you are so kind and supportive of others and your talent is out of this world and it brightens my day to interact w you or even see u on my dash and u deserve the world and all of its beauty. I may have no idea still what the plot of succession is but i thought i saw Tom when i was watching Star Wars the other day and thought of u and i think thats what love is yk? (it wasnt actually him but its the thought that counts <3). i love u sm bestie, im rlly glad we’re friends <3
@12monthoctober- grace you have always been one of my fav mutuals, you show so much consideration for others and your enthusiasm for the AO3 remakes brings me so much joy and u are such a friendly, supportive, and caring force on my dash and i love u and miss u. you were one of my first mutuals and quite honestly in the early months i was on tumblr and we were mutuals were able to ground me and bring me so much joy and ive stolen so much of my music taste from skam nt and the fact we already had similar tastes rlly enhances the vibe. I love seeing u on my dash and on my Spotify bar and i hope u are doing well, i love u sm <3 
@lesbeanfatou- clara you provide such a chaotic and kind whirlwind force on my dash everyday, and your boundless love for all of your friends and followers is so wonderful to behold. literally the joy i had in u immediately following me back and interacting w me in the beginning meant the world to me and i hope u know im here for u always. your love for 1d passed on to me and now i actually follow the convo when ppl talk abt them and my sister and bestie love me for it and ive saved too many of ur reaction images to use myself so ty for that too <3 love u queen u deserve the sun and all of her stars
@coffee-and-moo- grace i literally cannot describe how much joy i get from seeing your Star Wars and marvel posts on my dash, u share and encapsulate so many of my fav interests that i feel like we were destined to be mutuals. your enthusiasm inspires me and i love seeing u on my dash and in my notes—i feel like at this point we are equally spam liking each other’s posts and i love u sm for it bc i see posts to rn specifically for u now lol. you are so lovely and sweet and i hope the world is treating u well and i love u <3
@pianoandcookiedoughlover- you’re such a lovely presence on my dash, and it means so much to me that u took time to check on me after some of my rant posts, j the feeling of knowing other people care enough to check in and your calm, rational way of looking at situations was so important to me. im so excited for skam colorado s2 and i hope you’re doing well and ily <3 (also ive taken to calling u honey in my head bc of ur profile pic color/bc u have no name displayed lol but if u would prefer smth else lmk!!)
@maade-of-stardust- val you were my first mutual and literally the rush i got from a person following me for the first time fueled me for weeks. we don’t talk a lot but i love seeing u on my dash and your fics are incredible and deserve so much love and attention considering all of the love you’re put into them. I hope you are doing well, there are so many people who love and care for u and i love u <3
@paint-dreamscapes-on-the-wall- iris you are such a sweet person, and i still havent forgotten how u took time to give me phoebe bridgers recommendations when i didnt expect to get any—your thoughtfulness and excellent music choices really brightened my life a lot. i happened to find skam boston in the middle of quarantine (may or June i think??), and waiting for your updates everyday grounded me and added a sense of stability to my life as i watched graciela navigate her season. u are such a lovely being and i love u a lot <3
@fakieu- aj u are so creative and your sense of humor is immaculate and you have been such a positive influence on me (that sounds weird lmao but fr your calmness and creativity have inspired me and helped me so much). skam dc was the first remake i actually listened to with music, and i j have to say literally my music taste this summer was almost entirely stolen from u, so i appreciate that a lot. I hope you’re doing well and that school isnt beating u down to much, love u <3
@womenstan and @nori-in-pink- we haven’t interacted a lot but both of u are so sweet and the support u have for your friends and the enthusiasm u have for others is so affirming and rlly helped me feel like people cared about what i had to say here. em- it meant the world to me that u actually made something out of my gif suggestions, i have lots of ideas bouncing around but actually seeing them was mind blowing and i loved them. courtney- i love the cheerfulness u bring to my dash and u are such a lovely soul and i hope u are both doing well
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isakvalt · 7 years
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