#vb glorious
malcolmschmitz · 8 months
"I have a plan, Captain. We dazzle them, we sink them, and we take their stuff! --It doesn't have to be in that order."
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So you know how I've been teasing a couple super secret projects that I can't talk about for weeks now? Well, I can finally talk about one of them!
Imagine the fusion of Captain Jack Harkness, Han Solo, Catra She-Ra, and an obnoxiously posh BBC announcer. That's Glorious in a nutshell.
She's a gambler who plays long odds; she's a smuggler, a dashing rogue, a genteel scoundrel. She gets herself into and out of trouble on the drop of a whim. Her harebrained schemes work more often than they ought to- but never quite as often as she thinks they do.
I got to research some fun corners of WWII history while writing her, and her story's a delightful romp from beginning to end.
If that sounds like your cup of tea, you're in luck: Glorious is releasing today! She's an event character, so she's going to be gone Soon (TM).
Watch This Space for further developments.
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rwac96 · 2 months
Original Male Stud AU
No one in Jaune's team or their sister team have ever seen him drunk. Which is why they are surprised when it does happen, he starts acting very romantic towards Pyrrha and flirting in French. Of course Yang better be careful in teasing Pyrrha... because she soon will be on the receiving end of Jaune's language of love.
"This is bad," Lie Ren grimaced at his leader, whose balance seemed wobbly. "Oh, Brothers, this is bad!"
"I didn't want this to happen!" Nora Valkyrie shouts, tears welling up in her eyes. "I just wanted Pancakes & Chicken!!"
"Isn't it Waffles & Chicken?" Blake Belladonna spoke up, flinching when the orange-haired girl hissed at the Cat Faunus.
"PANCAKES ARE BETTER!!" Nora barked, only to be held back by Pyrrha and Ren.
"Can you not?" Weiss pinches the bridge of her nose, "We already have Arc intoxicated--," she points to the hiccuping Jaune Arc.
"55 Bottles of beer on the wall, 55 bottles of beer," the leader of Team JNPR drunkenly sang, "Ya take one down, pass it around," he hiccups, chuckling. "54 bottles of beer on the wall~."
"Welp," Ruby exhaled, folding her arms over her bust. "he's officially Uncle Qrow drunk."
"Weirdly," Yang said, tilting her head to the right. "VB's more graceful than Qrow."
"We really can't let anyone see Jaune like this," Pyrrha says, her brows creased in worry. "Our team's already on shaky ground."
"Pyr," the drunk swordsman shakily approaches, "Pyr, don't worry so much, "Gladiateur glorieux (Glorious Gladiator)." Jaune spoke drunkenly in another language.
The redhead blinks, raising her brows at this. "I'm sorry?" Pyrrha inquires, confused as she felt her cheeks burning.
"You heard me," Jaune reaches out to tip her chin. "ma belle championne (my beautiful champion)~."
Her cheeks became red as her hair, realizing her leader was flirting with her in French. She turns away, her hands on her face and muttering to herself. Pyrrha would be lying if she said she didn't dream of her partner saying sweet things to her, even in his current intoxicated state. As the others look on in shock, Yang playfully jabs the Champion's shoulder.
"Wow," Yang playfully said to Pyrrha, "all it took for Jaune to flirt with ya is to get sauced."
"Yang," the drunk swordsman speaks up, softly touching the Brawler's cheek. "no need to tease her, feu de soleil (sunfire)~."
"H-Huh?" The busty blonde looks at Jaune, shifting her lilac irises to Blake. "What did he just--?"
"He called you sunfire," Blake responds with a small smile, while Yang's cheeks turn crimson as her little sister's cape.
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spahhzy · 1 year
Jaune: Hey, Bleiss, nice tie! *thumbs up* How are you?
Weiss looks at annoyed: Arc has mistaken me for some buffoon named Bleiss . It seems logical cause she also works at 'H&H' and does the exact same thing I do. She also has a pension for exquisite dresses and great glasses. We even go to the same stylist, although I have slightly better hair..
Jaune: So how goes the Dust deals and photoshoot?
Weiss: it's...going exceptionally well.
Jaune: Really? That great! Oh, uh, and how's Pyrrha? She is a really great girl, isn't she?
Weiss: Oh yes, I'm very lucky...
Yang: VB! Congratulations on the new sales record!
Jaune: Ah gee, thanks!
Blake: Listen, Jaune, Fish?
Jaune looks at them before pulling out a picture and hands it to Blake: Get that to Ren for next weeks photo cover challange, and you know me, Blake, I'm just a phone call away!
Blake takes the picture: What about friday?
Jaune: Oh can't unfortunately I got a dinner reservation at 8:30pm at Ambrosious with Neo.
Yang, Blake, and Weiss look at each other before Jaune waves goodbye to them.
Yang: How the hell did he get a Friday night reservation at Ambrosious!
Blake: maybe he is bluffing.
Weiss looking at the photograph still in Blake's hands, reaches into her bag before also pulling out a photograph.
Yang: What's that ice queen?
Weiss slides the photo to the group, revealing a back shot of the Schnee Cheeks.
Weiss: New photo from the photoshoot. What do you think?
Yang: wooah, very nice!
Weiss: Nora emailed them to me yesterday.
Blake: Nice Pose.
Weiss: Jack-o-pose, and the lighting was natural sunlight.
Yang: That's very cool, Ice Queen, but that's nothing... look at this.
Yang reaches into her bag and pulls out a photo of her as well, She too was in the same Jack-O-pose her butt was the main feature of the photo, as well as some of her breasts were visible due to the size of Yang booba's.
Yang: Jackopose while using these ol' girls to spice up the rest...what do you think.
Weiss swallowed a lump in her throat as the jealousy began to set it.
Blake: Woah, look at you getting all fancy. Who would a thought?
Weiss: I can't believe Blake prefers Yangs ass too mine!
Blake: But wait... you haven't seen anything yet.
Blake sets Jaune's photo down before digging into her own bag and pulling out her own photo.
Blake: Feast your eyes on the bellabooty...
It was Blake in the exact same Jackopose as Yang, Weiss, and nothing was different from them others but could tell the her butt was bigger than both Weiss and Yangs.
If Weiss's jealousy wasn't skyrocketing already, it was now.
Weiss kept a straight face as she rubbed her hands together.
Weiss: Impressive...very nice...hey let's see Jaune's photo!
Blake and Yang looked at each other before putting away their photo's timidly as Blake flipped over Jaune's photo, and Blake showed Jaune photo to Weiss.
Jaune was doing some barbell squats, in only but some shorts, the sweat gleaming down his body, but nothing was more proficient than the indomitable Arc Ass.
Weiss: Look at those glorious round cheeks, the tasteful thickness of them...oh my god, I could get lost in them!
Weiss dropped the photo from her hands before standing up and walked out without a word to the others, whomst just looked at her confused.
Weiss is feeling 'Hip to be Square'.
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dubioushonour · 3 months
Also no one asked but my predictions for when we inevitably get a Pokemon/Project Sekai crossover event like they did with Hello Kitty-
L/N: Journey's Prequel, In the Sky with You (WxS), The Pokemon Inside My Heart (n25)
MMJ: Volt Tackle, MELLOMELOID(n25), Eon Ticket
VBS: Getcha, Party Rock Eternity, I'm a Ghost Type
WxS: Go Team Bippa!, Ah Muddled, What Kind of Future (l/n)
N25: Juvenile (l/n), Electric Forecast(MMJ), Encounter
Glorious Day would obviously be a Group Leads and Miku cover if they did it. I'm 50/50 on some of these, and I'm torn on if Encounter would just be a VSinger song because it's a lot more instrumental than singing.
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aria-i-adagio · 1 year
Apropos of the last reblog on 'animation flex,' I want to share one of the moments from film that has had the most impact on me.
I grew up in the Church of Christ, which is an increasingly variable, but generally fundamentalist denomination, based largely in the South. 'Biblical literalism' is a key tenet, and it is typically unquestioning Biblical literalism. Definitely do not ask questions of the text. (And while technically, each believer is supposed to be entitled to their own reading, in practice it's generally, 'read this the way you were taught and don't ask questions.')
The Prince of Egypt was released in 1998 when I was 12 and immediately became the go to, non-objectionable and perhaps even edifying movie.
They underestimated just how much impact masterful animation has in terms of framing a narrative. The Prince of Egypt is brilliantly empathetic in how it interweaves human emotion into the story and opens it to something which can not be read a single voiced narrative with a easy interpretation.
Try not to cry during the opening sequence.
Miracle - yes. But it isn't just a glorious celebration; the music and visuals also drive home the excruciating choice Yochaved is forced to make, and Miriam's terror.
Then we have this moment.
Consider the haunted expression in Seti's eyes. There's no excuse here made for genocide (see the horror with which Pharaoh's statement 'oh my son, they were only slaves' moments later is framed), but in allowing him a moment of complexity, it brings in the problem of evil. Father (Pharaoh), tell me you didn't do this? Father (God), tell me you didn't allow this suffering to happen?
The recognition of the problem of evil continues with the framing of the death of the firstborn.
If the sequence above doesn't make you shiver... well, okay, it doesn't make you shiver. The limited color palette, the way the camera lingers on the outstretched hand of the boy carrying the water jar, and finally, Ramses abject, palpable grief, and Moses's own grief because Ramses is still his brother, still a human man who he loves. His moment of collapse when he leaves is an acknowledge of the cost no matter whose vanity is being served. Ramses's heart is not the only one broken in the sequence. This is not a clean victory.
If you aren't familiar with the Biblical text, during the ten plagues, it is repeated that the Lord hardened Pharaoh's heart in order for more and greater wonders to be performed. Is the Biblical text itself more complex? Yes, I would argue that is certainly the case, once one learns to read the text as complex. But that is not the way CofC Sunday School and VBS teach you to read. Pharoah is treated more as a comical villain. Don't ask about the dead children: They were just Egyptians.
And so, this is how I came to learn to read the Biblical text as a complex text which invites questions and interrogations and not blind obedience. Perhaps not even with a fixed answer.
So, yeah, animation flex.
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risingshards · 11 months
It's time for my latest musing on side projects that ends up being mostly me talking about Rising Shards! I've been thinking a lot this week about my other projects. And by other projects I mainly mean my mythical side project that's tradpub friendly and like tradpub publishable, like a...I don't want to say "Normal," but a story that follows the rules a bit more. Total beat sheet business. I have a side project with my bestie that's in early-ish stages that do not fall under this tradpub mountain climbing umbrella, that one I am a lot more confident/having fun working on but again it's early on.
For that mythical Side Project™, my latest close attempt is D6R, my kind of half written/kind of 1/3rd written trilogy that's a more serious fantasy take in the Rising Shards universe that I've determined takes place prior to the main Rising Shards story, one that I think would be cool to exist in tradpub and then people could find out that the story continues in a weird web novel, that sort of thing. I've posted about it before. I had a feeling almost like an epiphany on a sleepless night recently that D6R is the closest I can get to that mythical Side Project™ because so much of it is written already in drafts and such. There's a big chunk of it that isn't written, because I basically have a cast that becomes horrendous by the time RS rolls around, so I'd need some likable people in there.
That connection to Rising Shards has me debating: why not just keep it as backstory to RS and have the story beats in there come up as needed as lore and reveals for the main series? I'd lose all that writing, but like, maybe not really? It'd be a lot of time spent with some jerks just to find out they're still jerks at the end even if the heroes win the day.
The Venture Bros. came back with a movie this week that may be its capper completely, and that has me thinking a lot too. Venture Bros is my favorite show and is one of my biggest creative influences ever. EVERRRR. What Jackson and Doc and co. created has a firm place in my heart, and it being back is reminding me of the DNA in Rising Shards that creatively traces back to the bizarre and beautiful series. If you haven't heard of it, Venture Bros. is an Adult Swim show that's been on and off for about twenty years, starting off as a Johnny Quest parody with some edgelord 2000s Adult Swim bad jokery that grew and evolved into one of the most sentimental, empathetic, beautiful shows I've ever seen, that also is constantly gross and hilarious and weird and creative in its approach to storytelling, character building, all of it, I love it so much but it's a hard sell to trudge through the early seasons, the whole thing has "you kind of had to be there" vibes, but like I don't think there's anything too irredeemable and they've taken such strides to improve and UGH ANYWAYS—Venture Bros is a huge influence on me.
First thing VB's comeback (brief though it is with just the movie, but I hope so dearly we get more) has me thinking: D6R as lore could be stronger to Rising Shards in a backstory/reveal kind of way similarly to how Venture Bros. handles its big backstory reveals. And maybe keeping it unwritten for now allows me for more freedom in doling the info out when the times are right.
Second thing, a lot bigger of a thing: Reading about Jackson and Doc's desire to just talk about characters they love, show more of their lives, not building towards a conclusive ending just like, seeing where these people who become real are at, that hits me so hard. Having a gaggle of idiots that you love dearly and want to write about forever is such a powerful feeling. Characters that don't shut up in your head in the most glorious of ways, like when you get those you can't just let go. I think that is one of the biggest things that made me feel pushed to write Rising Shards the way I have—just like caring so deeply about your characters and the maybe weird way you're telling the story, but it's the way you want to tell it. Loving your weird idiots that never shut up so much that you just want to document them is just, that is so big to me. Not in a cynical drag out a story forever kind of way, more just like caring so deeply about the weird losers in your head and their world that becomes a kind of creative self love that you don't want to stop expressing.
Putting your whole ass into some weird shit that maybe nobody else likes, maybe you build up a band of loyal weirdos similar to you, maybe not, that feels so much more rewarding to me than chasing those big published project dreams. Try as I may (and I will continue to try, I'm sure), I just can't muster the same passion for writing a firmly by the beat sheet story about like some fantasy action epic that feels like [insert big popular tradpub fantasy book here] that I can writing about my band of 50 or so weirdo gays. Writing some weird shit from my heart means so much more than writing some boring shit trying to impress a lit agent who will give me .0001 seconds of their day before rejecting me. Even if I'm just putting out a webnovel that I maybe won't ever make a career out of, I'm putting my heart and soul out there and that's more important than any monetary gains. I'm not judging anyone for chasing tradpub, I still wanna like try to, just. Getting to express myself and talk about all my passions while working through that bad shit from my past, exploring myself and my identity, getting comments filled with love and happiness, including ones saying they see themselves in my characters in Rising Shards...that makes me go like "there's a reason this is your priority, Chiral."
The other thing for Mythical Side Project™: my workshop group. This is probably an easy fix. I should probably just bring Rising Shards pieces. But I just never really got great feedback on Rising Shards sections, just like "cute characters!" or "this was funny!" Stuff that didn't really help me. So part of me is generally like "well why not try that Mythical Side Project™ with folks who are more looking for that kind of piece?" And that is motivational. And being in a book club at work where they go gaga for books that I egotistically am like "*I* could do better than this" also make me want to chase that goal of climbing that tradpub mountain. And maybe D6R is it. Maybe it's just Rising Shards backstory.
At the end of the day as I debate I know this: Rising Shards is my main creative outlet right now, and probably indefinitely. I've never figured out that formula for writing that's so me in a format that's so able to house the goofus losers I love writing about so dearly. If I can find some motivation/spark/time to work on Mythical Side Project™ I'm sure I can make it work. But I never want it to compromise writing my heart and soul weirdo business that will probably resonates more because it comes from a sentimental, empathetic, true to me place. That's not to say any other projects won't come from those places, but so far I just end up coming at them from a cynical and bitter place, rather than a joyous one, and when there's a cynical and bitter project and a joyous one, the latter is always gonna win. If I stumble upon that tradpub dealie that will easily fit into an easy to explain marketable pitch to a lit agent while also not draining my soul, I'll go for it, but writing about Zeta, Oka, Kalei, Lillia, Diast, Stella, and co. will always have my heart.
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hungerpunch · 2 years
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fuzzy vb evidence >:)
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zombiesun · 3 years
my sister and I stayed up all night talking and then got coffee before watching the sunrise over the mountain our family used to hike up every other weekend when we were children and I felt peace
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chal-lelerc · 4 years
The true influence of Jenna is seen primarily when I scroll through the last 20 posts on my own blog and see more Valtteri reblogs than Max, Lando, and Charles combined.
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endlessdoom · 3 years
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DBP21: Occult Secrets of the Third Reich on Mars
9 Maps by the Doomer Boards Community
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01. "Corporate Secrets" | Big Ol' Billy
Welcome to the dark past of the UAC. Or should I say, Ultimate Aryan Corporation? This is a great introductory map that tunes exploration with combat under a fun visual theme. 4/5
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02. "The Final Frontier Solution" | Phobus
Shorter than the previous one but with a more powerful flow that follows a linear path full of enemies. Oh, and you bet your ass there will be a lot of Rammstein here. 3/5
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03. "Blut und Eisen" | hardcore_gamer
Short level that has us moving in an almost straight line while crossing a variety of rooms in a kind of scientific base. 3/5
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04. "Unterdämonen" | Big Ol' Billy
A Nazi base with a few secrets tucked between different zones with excellent encounters and variety in layout. 4/5
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05. "Mars for the Reich" | Walter C. and Benjogami
A great map with a multitude of combats and a worthy ending. Entertaining encounters intertwined through a well-designed layout that promotes constant gameplay, without breaking the dynamics and always in motion. 4/5
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06. "The Gas Chambers" | joe-ilya
Plenty of enemies and plenty of opportunity for combat make this map a fun example of satisfying power-fantasy. 4/5
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07. "Ares Vallis" | glenzinho
Fantastical map full of action, fun and violence for everyone. Ultra-violence that is. That MIDI absolutely rocks. 5/5
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08. "Drakoidian Outcast" | valkiriforce
Huge map with an intricate and complex system of interconnected paths that lead us through a glorious adventure of extermination. 4/5
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09. "This Spell Banishes Space Fascists!" | Big Ol' Billy
A fantastic ending with an unexpected and welcome boss. With a fascinating design that encourages full movement under massive fire, this is a fantastic ending to a great WAD. 5/5
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10. ‘‘End Credits’‘ |
And of course, the end. 3/5
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» DBP21: Occult Secrets of the Third Reich on Mars (2020) By the Doomer Boards Community
Well, well, well, look what we have here, a conglomeration of the most controversial topics in history under a new coat of paint that may or may not have lots and lots of blood and some specks of Satanism. I can neither confirm nor deny that, yet on the other hand, I can confirm that what we have here is an absolute surreal work that brings us the best of both worlds in an engine ready to rumble, one where BJ would be happily smiling over all our glorious, rip and teary, work.
Occult Secrets of the Third Reich on Mars is a project created by the famous Doomer Boards krew where we are thrown into a world full of Nazis in space (Mars, to be exact) along with a few demons that possibly have something to do with all the related chaos. The project is an extensive example of the use of Wolf3D textures used under a strict but accurate layout system that creates images as provocative as cool to admire at all times, under any circumstances of combat and always with the great touch of quality. Self-proclaimed as the biggest agglomeration of sectored swastikas in history, I can say that probably that claim has a lot of weight confirming such a thing. Every map is a blast that shows us what Wolfenstein could have been if it had been given some love during the Doom era, luckily, Doom already gives it more than enough love in one form or another, otherwise, this project gives it not only a big hug of appreciation, but forms a respectful ode full of inspiration and grace.
As usual, I like to acknowledge the work of each mapper in these projects, even with a few words: Starting this time, we have none other than @Big Ol Billy with MAP01, an ambient intro that immediately traps us in the new spooky atmosphere while showing us some of the juice of the WAD. MAP02 by @Phobus pats us on the back as he throws us into a small but intense map with good flow. MAP03 by @hardcore_gamer shows classic tints in its design that remind me a lot of the original Wolf3D. MAP04 by @Big Ol Billy is a huge base with a multitude of secrets and interconnected paths that work synergistically to create a fun adventure. MAP05 created by @Walter C and @Benjogami expands on the previous map and opens the doors to exploration, intense combat and excellent entertainment that never stops. MAP06 is an opportunity to unleash our power-fantasy desires, created by @Joe-ilya, it pleasantly fulfills that function. MAP07 by @glenzinho is an absolute blast from start to finish that takes my heart by possessing an unstoppable flow, a fantastic layout with a well thought out design and a gameplay that combined with an exciting MIDI creates an orgasmic work of bloody proportions. MAP08 by @valkiriforce, as we can expect, is a huge labyrinthine adventure with a multitude of interconnected paths and an evolving level development that features different encounters with varied and entertaining combat. Finally, MAP09 by @Big Ol Billy brings us a rain of pain in a boss-fight arena where we face off against the boss of the Nazis on Mars. A glorious final battle that, accompanied with Rammstein, gives birth to a totally rewarding finisher. And of course, MAP10 is the credits map that curiously gives us, literally, the credits. Tarantino somewhere?
Occult Secrets of the Third Reich on Mars is a fantastic project from start to finish, with 10 total maps that are an absolute blast to play thanks to their incredible unparalleled presentation and excellent balance that allows players to enjoy a challenging but well-designed adventure for every type of doomer out there. I love the simple fact that it takes inspiration from the great father of all FPS's (at least that's what they call it) and recreates it in a new version that is able to present a unique, engaging, fun and well identifiable style. With great use of new textures and skins for the demons, as well as extra sounds and even a few new tricks up its sleeve, Occult Secrets of the Third Reich on Mars gives us a head-to-toe tribute to what Wolf 3D was and what it could have been. With little references like collecting the gold relics on the maps, or simply finding the hidden secrets where we can find wonders, WAD fulfills its purpose of delivering quality under a nice shade of, uh, Nazis and demons.
By this point, the projects have demonstrated a superior ability to enhance crazy ideas and give them new life. The idea of creating a WAD with such hardcore themes as Nazis, demons and gore in a total project of 10 maps sounds crazy, and could prove catastrophic if not done correctly. Fear not, for this WAD demonstrates with absolute grace how to create something that even though it sounds like a bad idea, can give a fantastic result. This WAD should definitely be on your must-play list, not only because of the simple idea and concept it brings to light, but because it's a blast that offers fun maps, with an entertaining combat flow and perfect MIDIs; do you like Rammstein? Do you like to have fun? Do you like Doom? You like… uh, forget it. Play this, dammit!
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chasseurfoueats · 5 years
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This glorious glass of iced tea is from @coffee_bar.ng and it is excellent! Coffee Bar is one of Abuja’s best kept secrets and if you’re looking for a nice space to hang with your friends or work, I think you know where you have to head to 😏😏🥳 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 ₦1000 #food #abuja #foodanddrink #photography #nigeria #instagrammers #restaurants #review #restaurantreview #igers #instagood #photooftheday #foodporn #picoftheday #instalike #instadaily #instafood #foodie #delicious #yummy #instacool #foodstagram #dinner #foodblogger #beautiful #photographer #icedtea (at Abuja, Nigeria) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByVb1-VB-0N/?igshid=1keyiimslmg5c
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caylakyazilimci · 5 years
Javascript dom yöntemleri
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element .querySelector ( selector), seçicinin ilk eşleşmesine referans verir
element .querySelectorAll ( selectors ), seçicilerin tüm eşleşmelerine referanslar içeren bir " nodelist " döndürür * Potansiyel (marjinal) performans avantajları sunan birkaç tane daha spesifik sorgu var, ancak bunların üzerinden geçmeyeceğiz .
QuerySelectorAll kullanılırken, dönüş değerinin bir dizi olmadığını not etmek önemlidir . Bir diziye benziyor ve biraz da bir dizi gibi davranıyor, ancak bu gerçekten bir “nodelist”. Büyük fark, birkaç dizi yönteminin nodelistlerden eksik olmasıdır. Sorun ortaya çıkarsa, bir çözüm, nodelist'i bir diziye dönüştürmektir. Bunu Array.from () veya speread operatörüyle yapabirisiniz.
js ile html yaratmak , öğ oluşturmak
document.createElement (tagName [, options]) tagName etiket türünde yeni bir öğe oluşturur.[options]Bu durumda, işleve bazı isteğe bağlı parametreler ekleyebileceğiniz anlamına gelir. Bu konuda bu konuda endişelenme.
const div = document.createElement('div');
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parentNode .appendChild ( childNode ) ekler childNode son çocuğu olarak parentNode
parentNode .insertBefore ( newNode , referenceNode ) ekler newNode içine parentNode önce referenceNode
Öğeleri Kaldır
parentNode .removeChild ( alt ) kaldırır çocuk gelen parentNode DOM ve referans verir çocuk
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Bir elemana referansınız olduğunda, bu referansı elementin kendi özelliklerini değiştirmek için kullanabilirsiniz. Bu, özellikler ekleme / kaldırma ve değiştirme, sınıfları değiştirme, satır içi stil bilgisi ekleme ve daha fazlası gibi birçok faydalı değişiklik yapmanızı sağlar.
const div = document.createElement('div');                     // create a new div referenced in the variable 'div'
Satır içi stil ekleme
div.style.color = 'blue';                                       // adds the indicated style rule div.style.cssText = 'color: blue; background: white';           // adds several style rules div.setAttribute('style', 'color: blue; background: white');     // adds several style rules
Öznitelikleri Düzenleme
div.setAttribute('id', 'theDiv');                               // if id exists update it to 'theDiv' else create an id // with value "theDiv" div.getAttribute('id');                                         // returns value of specified attribute, in this case // "theDiv" div.removeAttribute('id');                                     // removes specified attribute
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div.classList.add('new');                                       // adds class "new" to your new div div.classList.remove('new');                                   // remove "new" class from div div.classList.toggle('active');                                 // if div doesn't have class "active" then add it, or if // it does, then remove it
Satır içi CSS ekleme ve kaldırma yerine bir CSS stilini değiştirmek genellikle standarttır (ve daha temizdir).
Metin içeriği ekleme
div.textContent = 'Hello World!'                               // creates a text node containing "Hello World!" and // inserts it in div
HTML içeriği ekleme
div.innerHTML = '<span>Hello World!</span>';                   // renders the html inside div
* Metin eklemek için textContent'in tercih edildiğini ve yanlış kullanıldığında güvenlik riskleri oluşturabileceği için innerHTML'nin kullanılması gerektiğini unutmayın.
Neyi ele aldığımızı gözden geçirmek ve devam etmeden önce bu şeyleri pratik etmek için size bir şans verelim. Bir DOM öğesi oluşturma ve web sayfasına ekleme bu örneğe bakın.
// your html file: <body>  <h1>    THE TITLE OF YOUR WEBPAGE  </h1>  <div id="container"></div> </body>
// your javascript file const container = document.querySelector('#container'); const content = document.createElement('div'); content.classList.add('content'); content.textContent = 'This is the glorious text-content!'; container.appendChild(content);
JavaScript dosyasında, öncelikle containerHTML’imizde zaten bulunan div’den bir referans alırız. Sonra yeni bir div oluşturur ve onu değişkende saklarız content. Div'e bir sınıf ve bir miktar metin ekleriz contentve sonunda bu div'i ekleriz container. Sonuçta bu basit bir işlem. JavaScript kodu çalıştırıldıktan sonra DOM ağacımız şöyle görünecektir:
// The DOM <body>  <h1>    THE TITLE OF YOUR WEBPAGE  </h1>  <div id="container">   <div class="content">      This is the glorious text-content!    </div>  </div> </body>
JavaScript gelmez unutmayın değil HTML değiştirmez, ancak DOM - HTML dosyası aynı bakacağız, ancak JavaScript tarayıcı kılan en değiştirir.
Önemli not: JavaScript'iniz, çoğunlukla, JS dosyası çalıştırıldığında veya HTML'de kod etiketi ile karşılaşıldığında çalıştırılır. JavaScript'inizi dosyanın üstüne ekliyorsanız, bu DOM manipülasyon yöntemlerinin çoğu çalışmaz çünkü JS kodu düğümler DOM'da oluşturulmadan önce çalıştırılır . Bunu düzeltmenin en basit yolu, JavaScript'inizi HTML dosyanızın altına eklemektir; böylece DOM düğümleri ayrıştırıldıktan ve oluşturulduktan sonra çalıştırılabilir.
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But the faces are sq. all the best way up and beyond the usual roof. Infants are a contemporary slate from heaven. DeBorrah K. Ogans— You're actually welcome, my expensive. Thanks for the compliments, pricey. I respect your ongoing support, my dear. I hope you get to travel to California and visit a number of the ghost towns. You are right concerning the sadness of ghost towns. In the event you bookmark my Hub, you will have a helpful reference instrument for locating the ghost towns. I would not have imagined a hundred and fifty ghost towns in this state alone. There are greater than a hundred and fifty ghost towns in the state. In 1962, the city was named a State Historic Park (SHP). Motor World is a enjoyable amusement theme park for the whole household! Bodie changed from being a wild city with barroom brawls, stagecoach robberies, and shootouts on Important Road to a family town. Of the two, I desire Bodie as Calico has turn into so commercialized. Bodie is the ghost city in California which pursuits me the most.
Ghost towns amaze me as once booming communities are out of the blue no more. I can see where somebody may get hooked on looking for out and visiting ghost towns of the west. A number of ghost towns there! There were four volunteer fire corporations, a brass band, a number of each day newspapers, and two union halls, one for miners and one for mechanics. In 1881, 4 prospectors discovered silver in the mountains close to Barstow, California. Thank you for coming to visit and for leaving your heavy phrases here. I might love to go to India sometime. I love this hub. James I am so glad to have bumped into this hub from the featured hubs part on the primary web page. The wants of the Physiological Being, which allows homeostasis, take first priority. Thanks, too, for being the primary individual to remark in my Hub. For instance, breathing is normally not thought of a high priority until an individual is unable to breathe, then all other priorities are disregarded. Somewhat than a burden, even an ill partner gives a sense of self price to a relatively wholesome particular person. Use our helpful transferring guide to learn glorious tips about hiring high movers, corporate relocation, auto transport, self storage, packing, organizing, and far more.
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robertshugartca · 5 years
This is a powerful time for talented women of all ages...
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This is a powerful time for talented women of all ages to receive the focus they deserve. We’ve always been of the thinking that while it can alter and adapt, true style doesn’t dwindle with time—just look at someone like Jane Birkin—and more than ever this year the team at Who What Wear has been looking to every age-diverse bracket for inspiration. What’s been happening in tandem is a wave of fashion greatness from the women featured below (all of whom are over 40 ). They have consistently raised the fashion bar over the past 12 months and featured in countless stories.
From Sarah Jessica Parker and Victoria Beckham to Kristin Scott Thomas and Tracee Ellis Ross, keep scrolling to see the stylish celebrities over 40 who gave us all the outfit inspiration in 2018.
Directional yet demure, Cate strikes the perfect fashion balance with every outfit she wears. While her off-duty attire is impressive, it’s her red carpet dresses that leave us in awe. She’ll forever be an icon thanks to her infamous safety-pin dress, but in 2018, Elizabeth Hurley proved her style goes way beyond the Versace from her past. Emma Thompson was easily one of the coolest dressed celebrities this year. Separates have become something of a style signature for the actress, but it’s her slicked back hair and epic Stella McCartney shoe selection that makes this look her own. 10/10. She got married and starred in one of the highest-grossing films of the year, so, yes, Gwyneth Paltrow is winning at 2018. Her wardrobe, naturally, has reflected that and we’ve seen her in some of her best looks to date. This blue-dress-and-mesh-boots combo feels so fresh that we’d wear it every day if we could. From 1995 to December 2018, Jennifer Aniston has been a fashion darling for three decades, and she shows no signs of waning. If her latest look—this Vampire’s Wife dress—is anything to go by, we expect nothing less next year, too. Jessica Chastain’s style might be timeless, but it always has a twist. This outfit—a tailored sequin blazer, side-stripe trousers, velvet peep-toes and huge cocktail ring—pretty much sums it up. Julia Roberts has taught us many style lessons over the years, but in 2018, her gorgeous array of bright outfits was next level. Take a look at her greatest outfits of the year and you’ll see what we mean. Julianne Moore is sophistication personified, as this Chanel ensemble proves. Black opaques with white bouclé? Inspired.  Kate Moss had many glorious fashion moments this year, but the emerald green dress she wore to the British Fashion Awards is her crowning glory. Just wow.  Kerry is always one of the best-dressed come awards season, but in 2018, it was her casualwear that really caught our attention. Full disclosure: We’ve blatantly copied this outfit. A lot.  Kristin Scott Thomas might not be a regular on the event circuit, but this pink Valentino dress—which she wore to the British Fashion Awards—will forever cement her status as one to watch.  We can always count on Marion to keep the chic levels high. Let’s face it: She was born to wear Chanel. The shoes, the fringing, the headband… Naomi, you’ll forever be the queen of party dressing. Now, if you could send this entire ensemble to the Who What Wear offices for us to borrow for Christmas, we’ll be forever grateful. From indie to blockbuster, the fact Nicole Kidman’s starred in a wide array of films this year has meant we’ve seen her in a multitude of different outfits. This Michael Kors floral midi has to be one of our favorites, though.  Our love for Penélope Cruz only intensified at this year’s Fashion Awards when she lamented at the freezing London temperatures. Having walked most of the red carpet in her coat (we feel you), we’re so glad she braved the chill, all be it for a second, to show off her embellished Chanel gown. And yes, it has pockets. Excellent choice, Pen. Thanks to her hectic Oceans 8 promo campaign, we’ve seen more of Sandra Bullock in 2018 than we have in a long while, and she certainly didn’t disappoint. Naturally she wore a plethora of precious red carpet gowns but it was this look—her pink suit with clashing red shirt and shoes—that really sticks in our minds. Perfection.  She may have once played Carrie Bradshaw, but Sarah Jessica Parker is by no means walking in her footsteps—she’s been blazing her own sartorial trail from the start and has given us some of 2018’s best outfits to pine after. SJP, we bow down. Activist, actress, singer, size-inclusive designer—is there no end to Tracee Ellis Ross’s talents? Apparently not, as her 2018 dressing record can attest. We’ve obsessed over every single one of her colorful outfits, and we expect to do the same in 2019. Much like her acting career, in which she can turn her hand to any role, Tilda is the ultimate style chameleon. One minute she’s in demure dresses like this one, and the next she’s wearing flamboyant suiting with the same confident flare—the mark of true style. We’ve always loved Uma’s classic fashion stance, but 2018 was definitely her year. From androgynous suiting and the black velvet floor sweeper she donned at this year’s British Fashion Awards to this red frock coat, she hasn’t put a foot wrong. Naturally, no style list—over 40 or otherwise—would be complete without Victoria Beckham. Always the first to try new trends, she’ll always be a fashion icon. Viva forever, VB. Next up, the best seven fashion blogs by older women. Opening Image: Getty Images. This post originally appeared on Who What Wear UK.
source https://gothify1.tumblr.com/post/181419884600
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nospoonsbutknives · 6 years
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This is the face of a momma who had a complete and utter breakdown in the parking lot of the Church because her youngest wouldn’t go to VBS (translation: I cried. I’m very undemonstrative so crying means things are serious). I had a taste of glorious freedom .... my kids have never been to daycare. They’ve mostly been homeschooled. I did attachment parenting because it was what felt right for them even though I have a very limited amount of physical touch I can endure. I do try to do self care, and I attempt to take trips/outings by myself ... but obviously I’m missing something. All you mommas and parents out there ... make sure you put on your own breathing mask first, to use an airplane safety example. Do better than I obviously have. #selfcare #exhaustedmama #wahm #parenthood #takecareofyourself #smallbusinessowner #mompreneur #newmexicoartist #artbywordsremember
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evercelle · 6 years
no prob fam bc I also love fem iwaoi!! I had more sketches of Oikawa in vb uniform with her glorious mane tied up, but I sadly can’t find them (good job, past me)... I do have a couple of HCs/little doodles I wanna do about fem iwaoi so I’ll probably redraw it at some point! after I finish my backlog… ahhh
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