#vegetable fruit processing machine
cnyazhongmachinery · 1 year
cucumber washing and drying line|vegetable washing and drying line|vegetable fruit processing machine
Cucumber washing line is used for washing vegetable and fruit quickly. Capacity:150kg/h-2t/h Wechat/whatsapp:+8613213203466
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ultronmachine · 1 year
cucumber washing line|vegetable washing and drying line|vegetable and fruit processing machine
Cucumber washing line is used for washing vegetable and fruit quickly. Capacity:150kg/h-2t/h Wechat/whatsapp:+8613213203466
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allroundvp · 1 year
Revolutionize your business with our pre-processing equipment for vegetables
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dragon fruit washing grading line|dragon fruit processing line|vegetable fruit washing sorting machine
Machine material: SUS304 Raw material: all kinds of vegetable, fruit etc. Capacity:50-2000kg/h https://hnjoyshine.com/products/Fruit-Vegetables-Processing-Line.html Wechat/whatsapp:8613213203466
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mechaircompany · 1 year
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splitster · 7 months
answering ASKSSSSS
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featuring: headcanons, mspaint yonny, and more
check it out! ↓↓
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UHH the timeline is already hard enough to follow for 4 it's a little messy... I imagine for the pom wraith AU, it's mostly the events of pikmin 4 with some extra bits tacked onto it (like Olimar encountering the plasm at some point on his lonesome).
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WAHHH THANK YOU... heres some secret mod lore, yonny is the HARDEST motherfucker to draw for me. he was ever since i started drawing the rescue corps and he still is!!!!!!!!!!!! his stupid face is so HARD GRRUUAUUGGHH
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THANK YOU!!! i have a few bernard drawings/doodles in the pipeline to post eventually
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(ive done a few ask masterposts at this point so forgive me if i already answered this one) AHHHHH i mean pom DOES really like Olimar. he challenges her skills out on the field when she's trying to track him down as a leafling which she finds engaging, and she finds him quite charming from the logs she reads. after he's cured, he's nothing but kind and supportive.
i don't think she'd try to take off with him like the plasm, but she'd feel protective over him if something were to threaten him
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WAUUGGHH THANK YOU!!!! putting my favorite fictional characters into an enclosure and watching them
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THANK YOU!!! you get it, he's so wet and pathetic
YEAH i have more bernard incoming!!! he's so genuinely supportive and it kinda freaks pom out because she can't tell if he has ulterior motivations or not (he doesn't. he's just a really cool dude. they'll become besties💖)
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i'll perform the summoning ritual for you anon
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there he is. what a jolly fellow
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THIS IS A REALLY GOOD QUESTION... i had to consult with my friends for a lengthy food discussion (big hearts to @cosmicocoffee who helped me with like literally all of them)
for Pom, she's a wraith, so she just likes interesting and strong tastes. she's very partial to sweet things, and she LOVES chocolate (because that's one of the first sweets she ever tasted). although, she also like really spicy things because it's a neat feeling. as for least favorite, uh... i mean, the girl will literally eat soap for fun. it's very rare for her to have a food item she despises. they DO exist though, she fucking hates raisins
Dingo likes MANLY food, like MEAT and RIBS. well, he mostly likes being seen eating it. he does have a fondness for sweet things and smoothies. the town he grew up in could get pretty cold, so he grew up eating quite a lot of hot meals like caldo de res (he's especially fond of soups made the way his mama used to make them). he also picks up a fondness for hot tea from growing up with yonny, but he always puts extra honey in his cups. dingo HATES some foods though, especially sushi. the last time he tried to impress people by eating sushi, Dingo was hunched over outside the restaurant with Yonny rubbing his back...
shepherd! likes coffee. @soupvnova said she'd go to starbucks (spacebucks?) often to get the pup cup for oatchi which is very good. she has the healthiest diet out of all of them with routine exercise, protein shakes, lots of fruits and shit. she does have a weakness and a bit of a sweet tooth though, especially for cake. it hardly puts a dent in her diet though given her metabolism, she's a very built captain. she's not a fan of steamed vegetables... too squishy for her.
while talking about shepherd it is imperative to share that Oatchi will eat ANYTHING. if something hits the ground it is in his mouth immediately, shepherd has had to wrestle him to get space dog-unsafe food outta there before. although she will also constantly sneak him stuff from the dinner table
collin's fun because he enjoys eating healthy, he's a fan of fresh spring salads and stuff like pineapples and watermelon, but he also has to live off of a lot of processed/vending machine food because the man pulls all nighters frequently. he's also prone to stress eating... you can find him demolishing a watermelon and he's just. covered with seeds. he likes crunchy foods and seeds-- he's very hamstercore. he comes to Despise instant noodles because of how often he has to rely on them for food in the dead of night
fucking uhhh yonny, he likes foods that pair well with reading, he has pretty "mature" tastes and enjoys tea, maybe a glass of wine if he's feeling it. he often gets tunnel vision with his work and will neglect to eat, and as their doctor he'll have to set reminders on his phone to go have a meal so he doesn't fall ill. i can imagine he's not too into sugary things...
we already know bernard has some very expensive tastes, but he might just struggle with some textures or tastes in food. like, he enjoys pizza, this man is just a very picky eater... i can see him having tastes all over the board though. also he's protective over his stuff, he cared more about dingo eating his pizza than abandoning him
russ. uh... russ. yeah
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olimar and louie are not part of the rescue corps, but i could see olimar joining (and louie following) sometime after the events of 4! he'd get a much better benefits package... he'd be good at providing logistical support for rangers out on the field, although his achy back would probably keep him off the field himself
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AHH THANK YOU!! i have written some things but i don't have anything published -- to be honest, i'm not much of a fic writer. most of my writing is mostly just me talking through ideas/stories/cool character moments with friends, which is not a very shareable format unfortunately💔
i will say, talking about ideas with buddies gives me a shit load of ideas/motivation for drawing, and a lot of the stuff i've posted probably had that as an origin
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THANK YOU!! and yeah of course that's fine! every artist is a collection of inspirations, and i'm no exception. my style comes from studying what i like in art and media (made by other people). i'm honored you find me as an inspiration💖
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AUGH AUGH THANK YOU!!! i appreciate the anatomically correct hearts 💖💖
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YEAHH i have designs that i've been meaning to flesh out but i'm lazy... i've been sitting on a dingo and yonny wraith design for like a month now, i should just bite the bullet and post them as-is if i ever want to share them... oh well! it's all for fun, i'm not gonna stress about it looking good
thank you for reading this far!! and thank you all for the asks, i will continue to slowly get through them...
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Ways to practice eco-friendly living in your home
1. Reduce energy consumption:
- Install energy-efficient appliances and LED light bulbs.
- Turn off lights and unplug electronics when not in use.
- Use natural light as much as possible.
- Set your thermostat to a lower temperature in winter and higher in summer.
- Insulate your home properly to reduce heating and cooling needs.
2. Save water:
- Fix any leaks in faucets and toilets promptly.
- Install low-flow showerheads and faucets.
- Collect rainwater for watering plants.
- Only run the dishwasher and washing machine with full loads.
- Use a broom instead of a hose to clean outdoor spaces.
3. Practice waste reduction:
- Recycle paper, plastic, glass, and metal.
- Compost kitchen scraps and yard waste.
- Opt for reusable products instead of disposable ones (e.g., cloth napkins, rechargeable batteries).
- Avoid single-use plastics, such as plastic bags and water bottles.
- Use a reusable shopping bag.
4. Use eco-friendly cleaning products:
- Choose natural, non-toxic cleaning products or make your own using ingredients like vinegar, baking soda, and lemon juice.
- Avoid products containing harmful chemicals that can harm the environment and your health.
5. Grow your own food:
- Plant a garden to grow vegetables, fruits, and herbs.
- Use organic and natural fertilizers instead of synthetic ones.
- Compost food scraps to enrich the soil.
6. Opt for sustainable materials:
- Choose furniture made from sustainable materials like bamboo or reclaimed wood.
- Use eco-friendly flooring options like bamboo, cork, or reclaimed hardwood.
- Select paint and other finishes that have low or no volatile organic compounds (VOCs).
7. Reduce plastic waste in the kitchen:
- Use glass or stainless-steel containers for food storage instead of plastic.
- Replace plastic wrap with beeswax wraps or reusable silicone covers.
- Use refillable water bottles and avoid buying bottled water.
8. Conserve energy in the kitchen:
- Use energy-efficient appliances.
- Cook with lids on pots and pans to retain heat and reduce cooking time.
- Opt for smaller appliances like toaster ovens instead of full-sized ovens when possible.
9. Encourage sustainable transportation:
- Use public transportation, walk, or bike whenever possible.
- Carpool or arrange a car-sharing service with neighbors or colleagues.
- Transition to an electric or hybrid vehicle if feasible.
10. Educate and involve your family:
- Teach your family about the importance of eco-friendly practices and involve them in the decision-making process.
- Encourage everyone to adopt sustainable habits and lead by example.
- Discuss environmental issues and brainstorm new ideas for greener living.
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healthy-liiviing · 19 days
What are some healthy habits to incorporate into your daily routine?
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Here are some healthy habits that are great to incorporate into your daily routine:
Drink water first thing in the morning and keep hydrating throughout the day. Proper hydration supports all your body's functions.
Eat a nutritious breakfast with protein, fiber, and healthy fats to provide energy and prevent overeating later.
Take a brief walk outdoors - even 10-15 minutes can boost your metabolism, clear your mind, and get your body moving.
Pack healthy snacks like fresh fruits, veggies, nuts or yogurt to avoid processed vending machine foods.
Stand up and take brief breaks from sitting every hour or so to increase calorie burn and improve posture.
Practice deep breathing exercises when you feel stressed. This activates the body's relaxation response.
Prepare and eat a balanced, homecooked dinner focused on lean proteins, vegetables, and whole grains.
Make time for an activity you enjoy in the evenings like reading, stretching or calling a friend to unwind.
Establish a relaxing pre-bedtime routine free of screen time at least an hour before bed.
Get 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night by keeping your sleep space cool, dark and free of distractions.
you can learn how to improve your life with this e-book
Building sustainable habits into your usual daily rhythms, rather than trying to overhaul everything at once, is key to adopting a healthier lifestyle long-term. Consistency with small changes leads to big results over time.
Please support my work by upvoting this POSTE, commenting below, and sharing it with your friends
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wenevergotusedtoegypt · 2 months
What are Chabat pesach customs?
Assuming that this is in reference to the post about the Facebook group and therefore specifically about food customs:
We only eat handmade shmura matzah, not machine-made matzah
We don’t eat gebrokts (matzah that has gotten wet) except on the 8th day, so nothing made with matzah meal or other ways of incorporating matzah into a recipe with other ingredients.
We don’t eat processed foods because even if it’s certified for Pesach, we want to be completely sure we know what’s in our food on Pesach. What exactly “processed” means varies from family to family. It’s pretty typical that people will rely on matzah they didn’t personally make, store-bought wine, and olive oil. But some families bake their own matzah, make their own wine, and use shmaltz rather than oil. Some will use store-bought potato starch. Some will eat certain unflavored dairy items, some only give those to little kids, and some won’t have them at all for anyone. Many people will buy processed snacks like potato chips for little kids but older kids and adults won’t eat them.
Other than romaine lettuce, which we use for maror, we only eat fruits and vegetables that can be peeled.
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ronsenthal · 6 months
Hello everybody!!!
I would like to wish a Happy New Year for you and your loved ones, hope you had fun and quality time last night, pretty sure I'll be completely wasted for a couple of days!!!
I want to thank you all again for making me feel so loved, appreciated and welcomed in here, specially the BoB fandom!!! Every kind comment and interaction nurtured me into keep going forward.
It was my first time writing fanfics and showing it to other people, I still have so much to learn and to improve and I promise I'll work hard for it. I already have some WIPs and I can't wait to show you!!!
It's been a long time ago in a galaxy far far away since I've been part of a fandom and certainly the first time in many years that I'm truly proud of my edits because finally I am able to enjoy the process once again, challenge myself and get better, all thanks to the incredible support you guys gave me since day n. 1 here, for that I'm extremely and forever grateful 💙
And now *Ron's voice* school circle!!! I have some announcements:
- I prepared some edits that I'm going to post in the next couple of days, because apparently now I am a creative machine!!!
- I'll try to reply all the messages and mentions I got as soon as can, be patient
- I finally finished Fierce Valor but I don't want to spam the tags so it's also all saved on my drafts waiting for the lights out to away it go (sorry for the F1 lame joke)
- In a rush of sugar high induced by ridiculous amounts of good desserts (thanks to my family) and maybe 2 energy drinks I had to endure the madness of the Australian time zone (thanks to my love for tennis and Andy Murray) I've organized and updated the about me page and also now I have this totally cool new directory for my works, all for the desktop version of my blog!! But if you only use the mobile app don't worry, you can still use my masterlist ✨
- Last but not least remember to drink your water, eat some fruits and vegetables, wash your hands, use sunscreen, water your plants for Christ' sake and give some love to your pets!
Happy New Year, love you all!!!
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cnyazhongmachinery · 1 year
dragon fruit washing line | dragon fruit processing |dragon fruit washing machine
Raw material:vegetable, fruit, leafy vegetable, dragon fruit, orange, tomato, etc. Capacity: 50kg/h-2t/h https://www.cnyazhong.com/products/products_36_1.html wechat/whatsapp:8613213203466
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allroundvp · 1 year
Allround vegetable polishers are designed to polish produce. This process is commonly used at companies that want to give their produce a ‘premium’ look and feel. Furthermore, a lot of irregularities in the product will be polished away by this machine, and this process increases the shelf life of produce as well. Allround will advice on the hardness of the brush.
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Vegetable and fruit belt picking machine | vegetable fruit processing line 
Vegetable and fruit belt picking line This line can help you pick unqualified products easily and quickly. Capacity:50-500kg/h. It installs transmission when you add more labor on this line. It adapts high quality SUS304 material. wechat/whatsapp:8613213203466
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slumberwall · 1 month
The Hatred of Women
“Men have sacrificed and crippled themselves physically and emotionally to feed, house, and protect women and children. None of their pain or achievement is registered in feminist rhetoric, which portrays men as oppressive and callous exploiters.
"Let us stop being small-minded about men and freely acknowledge what treasures their obsessiveness has poured into culture. We could make an epic catalog of male achievements, from paved roads, indoor plumbing and washing machines, to eyeglasses, antibiotics and disposable diapers. We enjoy safe, fresh milk and meat, and vegetables and tropical fruits heaped in snowbound cities. When I cross the George Washington Bridge or any of America’s great bridges, I think: men have done this. Construction is a sublime male poetry. When I see a giant crane passing on a flatbed truck, I pause in awe and reverence as one would for a church procession.
"What power of conception, what grandiosity: these cranes tie us to ancient Egypt, where monumental architecture was first imagined and achieved. A contemporary woman clapping on a hard hat merely enters a conceptual system invented by men. If civilization had been left in female hands, we would still be living in grass huts.”
― Camille Paglia, "Sexual Personae" 1990
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dollsonmain · 3 months
Ok so this:
Physical Requirements:
Ability to use computers and other communication systems required to perform job functions
Perform repetitive hand and arm motions
Bend and lift products weighing up to 15 lbs. continuously, 25 lbs. frequently, and 50 lbs. on occasion
Pull or push up to 75 lbs. on occasion
Stand 100% of the time, frequently walking short distances
Be able to handle a variety of substances associated with cleaning and packaging materials, fresh fruits, vegetables, house plants/flowers and household cleaners
Use hands to frequently/continuously handle currency (paper and coin) as well as operate a variety of equipment such as cash register, lottery machine (where applicable), scanner, computer, and calculator
Frequent reaching and grasping at waist level: occasionally above shoulder or below waist level
Meet established volume activity standards for the position
Tolerate working in extreme hot/cold temperatures for up to 20 minutes at a time
Have sufficient visual ability to check ID cards, checks, invoices and other written documents
Is from a listing for a person that runs a meat grinder and manages perishables at the grocery store.
Duties and Responsibilities:
Maintain an atmosphere of enthusiastic customer awareness with primary emphasis on fast, friendly, and accurate customer service to create a positive shopping experience
Courteous and helpful to other associates
Understand and use company tools such as; average cost inventory system (ACIS) and ordering (CAO)
Receive deliveries, code where applicable, rotate and put in appropriate storage area
Ensure that ordering, receiving, preparation, conditioning and displaying of merchandise is done in accordance with policies and guidelines
Maintain proper product levels in all areas within the Perishable Department including meat, lunchmeat, frozen, dairy, ice cream
Process beef and grinds as directed from the planned production tool and as requested or needed
Wrap, label, weigh and stock meat case as requested or needed
Assemble, disassemble, and clean the grinder as requested or needed
Properly clean and sanitize the department
Maintains variety and layout standards
Ensure that all advertising and sales promotion materials applicable to the department are properly utilized
Maintain a complete understanding of and adherence to company guidelines, policies and standard practice
Understand and follow Food Safety and Workplace Safety guidelines and procedures
Observe and correct all unsafe conditions that could cause associate or customer accidents
Report all associate and customer accidents in accordance with established Food Lion procedures to the
It seems odd to me that the perishables person that's running the grinder would be pulled to a register. Ever. That's not their job.
Though it does have the big red flag of "other duties as assigned".
This is the first full time job listing to pop up at literally any of the grocery stores in my area but it's also not one I want to do. One of the things I hate the most about cooking is handling meat.
If there's an opening in their cheese dept. though....
Actually, I don't think they have a cheese department. The other grocery does, but got rid of most of the staff and started stocking only pre-packed cheeses mid-pandemic.
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aditinavalgund · 3 months
"Grading Green: Navigating Labor Challenges in Agriculture"
Hey everyone, welcome to the inaugural episode of our vlog series, brought to you by Segritech! We're diving deep into the challenges faced by farmers in manual sorting and grading of machines right here in India. Join us as we shine a spotlight on the realities of agricultural grading and the hurdles farmers encounter in their daily operations. Let's dive in!
Manual grading in agriculture is no walk in the park. Did you know that farmers can spend up to 40-60 labor hours per ton of produce on manual grading alone? That's right! Hours upon hours are dedicated to meticulously sorting through fruits and vegetables by hand, ensuring that each piece meets quality standards. But it's not just the sheer amount of time that's daunting; it's the challenges that come with it. From physical strain and fatigue to the subjective nature of grading, farmers are constantly battling obstacles. The repetitive motions involved in manual grading can take a toll on their bodies, leading to potential health issues. And let's not forget about the inconsistency in grading results. What one person may consider top-quality produce, another may deem subpar, impacting marketability and profitability. Add to that the pressure of labor shortages and high costs, and you've got a recipe for real challenges in the agricultural industry.
In addition to efficiency gains, automated grading technologies offer consistency and accuracy, crucial for meeting quality standards and gaining consumer trust. By removing subjectivity, farmers can ensure uniformity in produce, enhancing marketability and accessing premium markets. Embracing such solutions not only tackles labor challenges but also fosters a resilient and sustainable agricultural sector poised for global competition.
So, there you have it, folks. Manual grading in agriculture is not only time-consuming but also fraught with challenges. Farmers pour their time, effort, and energy into this crucial task, navigating obstacles every step of the way. As we move forward, it's essential to acknowledge their dedication and work towards implementing solutions that can streamline the grading process and alleviate their burdens. Thanks for tuning in, and until next time, take care!
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