#viking dining tables
the-froschamethyst4 · 2 months
Viking! König
Viking! König Headcanons
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Viking König who starts making sharper weapons to slaughter his enemies
Viking König who has a soft spot only for his wife. You came from a different village, one that König is known for “collecting their tax” for his protection. You were part of an arranged marriage because your family couldn’t pay him, so you where the payment
Viking König who won’t let anything happen to you. You both grew to love each other
Viking König has a bit of that dad body with a bit of muscle to him
Viking König who is covered in traditional tribal tattoos for his bravery as a warrior and clan leader
Viking König who lives kind of secluded from everyone else but everyone knows where to find him if anything happens
With that being said Viking König like to take baths in the river with you naked joining him in the same river you both washing dirt off each other and it leads into something more
Viking König has started to like walking around his home naked or half naked and likes for you to join him
Viking König who loves seeing your face, moaning his name or placing your small hands on his lower stomach knowing he is way bigger than you and you look sexy as hell under him
Viking König who’s favorite position is missionary because he loves seeing your face while you are under him taking him so well
Viking König who carries you on his arm showing you off in a way, you are all giddy when he flexes and you are slightly raised up
Viking König who treats you like the Queen or Princess you are. You sit on his lap in the great dining hall with the entire clan. He let’s you eat from his plate that was more of a feast than anything
Viking König who eats you out on the big table with the clan members acting like nothing is happening
Viking König loves being home and sees his wife walking around the home nothing but bare skin
Viking König who loves you laying on the warm furs on your shared bed
“How could you look so beautiful?” You just shrug at his comment
Viking König who loves seeing you get off with nothing but your fingers, your warm bodies finally getting close to each other and he starts to help you out
Viking König who hates being interrupted while his time with you
“Someone better be dying!” König yells.
Viking König who is intimidating, buff, cold, ruthless, and cruel, the little time he has with you and it gets interrupted by someone he’s pissed
Viking König who sits on his throne as a traitor was amongst his clan
Viking König who lets the traitor take an axe to the face and head and then goes back to you
Viking König who starts wanting a child
Viking König who takes his time with the baby making till you were comfortable with the idea of having to carry a baby around in you for 9 months
Viking König who treats you like you were glass. His hands always holding you as you tried to move around the clan
Viking König who scares off all the man who thought you looked even more sexier when you were pregnant
“How dare they look at you?” König growls while looking down at you
“I’m okay, König,” you tell him, patting his arm.
Viking König who becomes a tad jealous of your baby always latched to you
Viking König who is seen as the best father
Viking König who takes your sons hunting for the first time. He shows your son how to shot a bow, it started out with fish and he made his way to start hunting turkey and deer next
Viking König who sees your daughters making things out of leaves and flowers. Flower crowns, and woven baskets, he like carrying them around for her as she collects her materials for more things to make
Viking König who sends his kids to bed early because he loves to have his time with you, making love to you and kissing every square inch of your body just hear your soft moans
Viking König who loves having date night in a stream of water naked with you, you two drinking and it became very heated in the water
Viking König who likes to play with his children, having a lot of kids and he spends all of his time with them the best her could
Viking König who gets caught in the middle of his daughters braiding his hair, putting flowers in his hair, curling his hair with pinecones and they pretended to give him more tattoos
Viking König who plays 'hide and seek' with his sons, showing them how to not get caught by the enemy and how to be sneaky when also hunting.
"I found you Leon," König says, pointing an arrow at his son hiding behind a tree.
"Dad~" he groans, coming out from behind the tree.
"I saw you Claus," he comes out from the tree, that Leon was behind.
"Felix, go wash up, your mother will hate seeing you covered in mud. If I can see you, your enemy will too," König says as he walked back to his home with his boys behind him.
Viking König who starts training himself to get ready for when he has to leave you and his children for a battle
Viking König who hates when he has to leave, he's leaving you to handle 5 kids on your own
Viking König who started a big feast before he has to leave
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fandomnsfw · 1 year
The HalfBreed - Ragnar Lothbrok x Reader
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Pairing: Ragnar Lothbrok x Reader
Prompt: a request from @alisha-jade
Warnings: smut, cheating (on Aslaug so is it really though), breeding kink, slight asphyxiation not much.
no beta again so spelling errors may occur feel free to message me if anything is too bad!
You stared in fascination as your father brought Ragnar and his group into the castle. They were a brash bunch but you couldn’t help your fascination as they began shouting and laughing at the fear in the Christian’s eyes. 
You peeked around the corner of the dining hall that was also the throne room. Suddenly your fathers eyes shot up to meet yours. He rolled his eyes and beckoned you out of hiding spot. 
You strolled over to him with grace only a princess could hold. Your red dress swaying slightly as you came to a stop. All the mens eyes were on you and a few were making crude jokes clearly not realising you spoke their language. 
“I think even in your villages it isn’t proper to talk about a princess like that. Am I wrong?” You spoke in there home tongue making them all pause even the beautiful blonde woman that was sat with them.
“You speak our language?” The blonde woman asked. 
“That is what happens when your a halfbreed. Right Father?” You spat at his kingdoms most frequent words for you. 
“Your part Viking?” Ragnar asked with an amused smile. 
“Yes my mother was a shield maiden. My father took an interest on many years ago when she was washed up on our shores.” You answered honestly as your father smiled at the memory of your mother. 
“I see.” The blonde woman chuckled as she watched Ragnar stare at you intently. 
“So which gods or god do you believe in?” A wide eyed, slender man asked his eyes narrowed in a glare. 
“I do not worship their false god if that is what you are asking.” You paused not knowing his name. 
“Floki.” He stated his eyes still narrowed like he didn’t believe you. 
“Hmm…You remind me of the god Loki.” You stated with a grin as his eyes widened. 
“I think he is Loki.” Ragnar whispered making me giggle which seemed to make the older man happy. 
“You must be Ragnar’s wife then. Lagertha?” You stated as you looked at the beautiful woman. 
“Ex-Wife.” She scoffed making you catch the smile that made it’s way to your lips. 
“I see. It doesn’t seem to matter where men are from. They are all brash and unfaithful bastards.” You snorted causing everyone to start laughing especially the shield maiden. 
“I like her.” Lagertha gave a pointed look to Ragnar who rolled his eyes. 
You nudged your father on his excessively large seat at the head of the table. He sighed but moved up so you could sit down next to him. 
You gave him a sweet smile which made him laugh before kissing your head softly. You were your fathers favourite and everyone knew that. Especially your brother who hated you with a passion. 
“So did your mother train you in anything else?” A big man with long wavy hair  asked carefully as he sipped his ale looking at Ragnar who nodded in interest. 
“If you asking if I could take your head off with a sword then the answer is yes. You are Rollo yes?” You asked softly making him clear his throat as he sat up straight.
“My father has told me a lot about your spree around England with Ragnar.” You commented making him nod quietly in response.
You father understood a little of their langue because you had taught him but instead of joining in he allowed you to socialise with your fellow pagan’s. 
Everyone ate and enjoyed each other company before finally your father rand Ragnar began talking about there deal. You rolled you eyes before blocking your father view of Ragnar. 
“I want to go with them.” You stated as he stared up at you with sad eyes. 
“Y/N my sweet rose you really want to leave your poor father?” He asked softly his sadness radiating through his small smile. 
“Father you have your successor and I shall visit when I can. I want to fight! I wanna fall in love with someone who believes what I do.” You sighed in your fathers home language making Ragnar look at you. 
“I understand child. I will see to it then…I love you my little rose.” He whispered the last part in your ear making you smile fondly and return his sentiment.
“Ragnar. I have another term for our deal, I ask you take my daughter with you when you return to your home. She wishes to be with her people.” Your father asked gently making Ragnar nod in understanding. 
“Princess Y/N wishes to come back to Kattegat with us.” Ragnar announced in his home tongue causing everyone to stop there chatter. 
“We are not taking another Christian home with us Ragnar.” A gruff man in the group scoffed and before anyone said anything there was a knife flying through the air straight passed his ear to the throne room door. 
He touched his ear to find in bleeding before standing up and starting towards you. You jumped up, lifting your skirt you could take out your other knife. He got in your face like he was about to beat you but you put your knife to his intimate area. 
“Do NOT call me a Christian. I will cut off your tiny little friend and feed it to my wolf.” You spat in his ear before he finally got the point and backed away.
“We will take her back.” You had expected Ragnar or maybe even Lagertha so say these words however you had not expected Floki to say it. 
“Thank you.” Your father said in their language so they’d all understand. 
You stared in amazement as you saw the village come into view as you absently petted your dark grey wolf. People were flocking to the docks waiting for there loved ones or congratulate people along you smile as you glanced at Ragnar who was staring at you.
“Is there something on my face Ragnar?” You chuckled making him smile.
“You are very beautiful.” He stated mischievously as he stepped closer.
“Don’t you have a wife waiting for you?” You replied teasingly.
“As my ex wife would say. That never stopped me before.” Ragnar chuckled as the boat pulled up.
“I see well maybe you should come visit me once I am settled.” You whispered in his ear before hopping of the boat with the help of Floki. You kissed Floki’s cheek before he bid you goodbye and rushed off your see his Helga.
“And who might you be?” A tall slender woman asked with a bright smile.
“You are dressed like a Christian yet our Floki does not treat you as such.” She added as Ragnar hopped off the boat following after you.
“This is my wife. Aslaug.” Ragnar introduced like he hadn’t just been trying to bed you.
“I see Lagertha has told me a lot about you.” You replied sweetly but she could sense the unsaid words that you did not like her.
“I see.” She muttered with a fake smile.
“Rollo said he would show me where I could stay so I will see you later Ragnar.” You said to the blue eyed man with a smirk on your face.
“Of course princess. I look forward to seeing you at the hall.” He chuckled, his hand brushing across your lower back as Rollo approached you.
Rollo grabbed your belongings hauling them up with ease as you stared at his muscles contracting. Viking men were built different and it honestly had your stomach clenching in need. These men could easily throw you about like you were a rag doll. 
You follow at his side as your wolf Shadow followed closely behind you, staring at people as we passed them. Everyone seemed wary of him but you ignored there looks and stroked his fur as you walked.
“I see my brother has taken an interest in you.” Rollo snorted as we approached a little hut.
“Hmm, perhaps but if I was to bed him the main reason would be because I don’t like his wife. I believe women who like to reck happy homes are witches that need a taste of their own medicine.” You chuckled making Rollo laugh whole heartedly.
“Your honestly is refreshing. You remind me of Lagertha back when she was your age.” He chuckled softly as he got a dreamy look in his eyes.
“You love her.” You stated softly as he lowered you belongs to the floor in the corner of the hut.
“Yes but she has never seen me like that. As long as I can fight with her I can accept that.” He sighed quietly making you smile.
“You’re a sweet man when you want to be Rollo. Maybe if you showed her this side she may change her mind. Women like Lagertha are independent and don’t need a man but that does not mean they don’t want one. Do you know her favourite food or drink?” You asked casually as you began to take your belongings out of the gold and wooden chest Rollo had brought in for you.
“Yes.” He answered curiously before sitting down on a bench that was in the hut.
“Well when we go to the great hall maybe bring her some food and a drink. Don’t say anything just sit next to her quietly maybe even converse with people around you.” You answered sweetly as you dug out your gold and jewels. 
“That seems a little simple.” He huffed with an eye roll.
“Women love when a man knows them. Think of it like Shadow my wolf would. When he wishes to mate he brings his female food and provides comfort for them.” You stated simply as you ran your finger through his fur.
“I see.” He nodded in understanding before glancing at your wolf.
“He seems rather large even for a wolf.”he commented as he stared at the giant dark grey wolf that came up to Rollo a waist meaning he was up to your shoulder.
“I know I have no idea why but I’ve had him since he was a pup. I found him in the woods when I was training. It was snowy and cold. His mother was dead next to him along with two other pups who were dead. They’d starved and then frozen by the looks of it but shadow was smart he caught a squirrel and then burrowed underneath his mother and sister. I buried his family and took him home.” You answered sweetly as Shadow nuzzled into your hand.
“He’s very loyal to you. Most wolves prefer to stay in their own territory but he happily followed you here.” Rollo added before he stood up causing the bench you were both sat on to rattle under you.
You let out a laugh making him roll his eyes once again before he set off to the great hall. You took your jewels and started towards a stall you’d seen on your way here that sold clothes. 
Once there you looked through the clothes before picking out a few things and asking the shop keeper how much. She stared at you with a frown before looking down at the gold with wide eyes.
“This is too much miss.” She stated as she tried to pass you it back.
“I know but I very much like your clothes and you work hard on them I can tell. Even my royal seamstress wasn’t that good.” You chuckled making her flush slightly as she gave you a nod.
“If you would like I could braid your hair for you after you change. You are going to the great hall for the celebration?” She offered kindly making you smile brightly.
You knew how to braid but not as well as the shield maidens so it was nice to have the offer which you gratefully took. She asked you what it was like to grow up around people in England and you asked her some tips on braiding it was pleasant and a lot different from any interactions you’d had with anyone in Wessex.
People may have not said much to your face as you are a princess but that didn’t stop you over hearing the horrible things people said behind your back.
You gave her your thanks and left the old dress with her telling her she could reuse it for whatever she wished. You collected Shadow from the hut before making your way to the Great hall with directions from a few people.
You opened the doors to the great hall your wolf at your side as everyone stared before Floki ran up to you with a childish giggle. He dragged you over to meet Helga who was sweet and very calm compared to her lover.
Rollo sat down next to you but not before passing Lagertha a drink of something and food. You smiled at the action as he engaged you in conversation. Lagertha looked shocked at the action but chose to eat her food and drink from her cup as she kept side eyeing Rollo.
“Well I’m glad you could make it Princess.” Ragnar’s voice stated behind you causing your wolf to growl as you jumped.
“Settle boy.” You whispered to him as he laid back down at your feet. 
“It appears your wolf does not like me.” He huffed playfully as he took a seat next to your other side. 
“Maybe he can sense you devious intentions Ragnar Lothbrok.” You giggled making him smile down at you, his ocean blue eyes shining with there usual mischief. 
“Would you like a tour of our lovely Kattegat?” He asks suddenly and his wife’s eyes found yours with a glare. 
“Hmm I would love to.” You answered sweetly, not taking your eyes off Aslaug. 
You stood up but as you wolf started to follow, you told him to stay making him whine. You rolled your eyes before pointing to Floki.
“Go sit with Floki.” You instructed and he glanced at the man before huffing and walking over to him. Floki stroked his fur as he waved at you to go. 
You were walking beside Ragnar for a few minutes before he moved slightly closer his arm brushing against yours. The white long sleeved dressed was comfortable in the slightly nicer weather Kattegat was experiencing. The dark brown detail down the front was pretty and you were happy to not be wearing the heavy dresses you’d worn as a princess. 
“You seem to be fitting in very well.” Ragnar spoke suddenly causing you to jolt a little.
“Everyone is nice here. It makes a difference from how people treat me in Wessex.” You chuckled as you looked at the small beach in front of you. 
“You were a Princess, how badly could they of treat you.” Ragnar asked sceptically. 
“Men were disgusted by me. Women were afraid of me. To my face they would acted accordingly however I overheard a few things they would say about me behind the kings back…behind mine. They would call me a witch,  say the only bride I could ever be was Satans which by the way is an angel that was kicked out of his heaven and banished to run hell, which is full of demons and people that have sinned.” You rolled your eyes making Ragnar laugh wholeheartedly. 
“Yes Athelstan told me much about Christianity. I believe everyone should worship who they want. I believe in my gods and Athelstan believes in his one god. We are friends despite that.” Ragnar replied with honesty his face serious as he looked down at his boots.
“I believe the same.” You replied softly as you took off your boots before stepping onto the sand with your bare feet.
Ragnar followed your lead, taking off his shoes before stepping onto the sand. He caught up to you his hand coming to rest on your lower back as you contrived strolling, watching the sea. 
His hand felt warm on your lower back, as his eyes gazed at you. You could feel it as it sent shivers down your spine. He shifted a little closer to you, his hand curling around your hip before pulling him close. 
You were pressed against his side as you finally stopped moving down the beach. You could feel his eyes on you as if trying to see your reactions to his sudden closeness.
“Do you love your wife Ragnar?” You suddenly asked making his eye widen though his hands did not move from your hips they weren’t gripping so tightly.
“I thought I did however I think I love that she has given me many sons.” He answered honestly his eyes staring into the darkness that covered the sea.
“I see.” You replied with a small smile.
“I could make you my second wife but I tried that with Lagertha and she left me.” Ragnar sighed softly making you smile.
“I am not surprised Ragnar I would’ve have left too. I have no desire to be your wife Ragnar. If you would like to take me back to my hut and fuck me though, I could definitely agree to that.” You whispered seductively before walking ahead of him towards your hut.
The walk wasn’t long and once the door closed to your hut Ragnar was on you. His right hand tangled in your hair, his lips were on yours as his left hand grabbed your waist pulling your closer.
His tongue stroked across yours gently yet passionately causing you to moan into his mouth his hands immediately trying to rip off your dress. You’d slapped his hands, pulling away from his lips with a grin. 
“Do not rip my new dress Ragnar.” You chuckled softly as you untied the brown leather belt and let it fall to the floor before lifting the white dress over your head and putting it on your chest. 
Ragnar took in your naked form appreciatively as he began stripping. His body was covered with a light amount of hair and muscle definition that you’d never seen on the English men you’d slept with. 
He was built like a beast and it made you clench around nothing, dampness making its way down your thighs. He finally stripped and was back on you, his hands immediately reaching for the back of your thighs to lift you up and laying you on the cold wooden table behind you.
His lips pressed wet, harsh kisses down your sternum nipping at the skin occasionally. Your soft pants and moans filling the air as you stared down at his very clearly hard member. He was big, bigger than you’d had before. 
Ragnar kissed your hip bone before nipping at it the sensation causing a shiver to run down your spine and a deep sultry moan to erupt from your chest. He glanced up at you with a smirk before he continued his path. 
When his lips pressed a kiss right above your slit you were desperate making you thrust upwards to try to get any kind of friction you could. However Ragnar decided hat wasn’t acceptable and slapped the inside of your thigh causing a shocking amount of pleasure.
“Stay still. Naughty girl.” He scolded softly before looking up to see your reaction to his slap. 
You flushed under his gaze as you avoided his eyes. Was that normal? To react like that to being slapped, you thought anxiously. Ragnar’s hands grabbed your hips tightly before he flipped you over so you were bent over the table. 
Before you could question it his hand came down on your ass the sound ringing through the hut. You whimpered, spreading your legs a little so you could push backwards, rubbing against his member. 
“Dirty girl.” Was all Ragnar said before thrusting two fingers inside of your warm wet heat with no warning. 
You let out a startled moan before pushing back onto his fingers eagerly. His free hand massaged the ass cheek he’d just slapped before delivering another one making you moan desperately against him. 
“Ragnar!” You moaned loudly as his fingers started hitting inside you at a different angle causing you to dig your nails into the table beneath you. 
“W-What is that?” You whined softly, trying to push back against his finger.
“I don’t know but I like to call it the magic button.” Ragnar chuckled before thrusting into that spot again. 
“Oh fuck.” 
Your moans were getting louder as they filled the hut, your stomach tensing as it prepared to unravel that amazing feeling you’d only had once or twice. Ragnar’s fingers sped up as he continued his assault on that magic button. 
“Cum for me sweet girl.” Ragnar whispered before his tongue was on your hooded bundle of nerves. 
The angle was awkward for Ragnar it he didn’t care as his tongue lavished you, his finger still never stopping. You clenched around them as his hand came down once against to slap your left ass cheek.
“Oh fuck Ragnar!” You screamed as you finally came around his fingers, your face pressed against the table as you hair splayed messily around you some of it over your face.
“You taste addictive.” He mumbled against you, giving you one last long lick before pulling away from your heat with a wicked smile on his face. 
“You ready my little vixen.” He whispered as he bent over you, his lips tickling against your ear. 
“Mhmm. You gonna fill me up Ragnar? Want you to.” You moaned, your tone needy but quiet. 
Suddenly he thrust into you with no warning just like he had with hi fingers before, causing you to push your back against his naked chest as you pushed him so far in your swore your felt him in your stomach. Your hands gripped his hands that were clutching your hips in an almost painful grip.
“You’d like that wouldn’t you. Want me to fill you up with my seed? Hmm fuck you so good and full.” He growled in your ear one of his hand coming up to wrap around your throat, not quite squeezing it just resting there. 
You felt so dazed from your previous orgasm and his words all you could do was nod to his teasing question. His hand squeezed softly as he continued fucking you slowly but hard. 
“Ah ah. Use yours words sweet girl.” He scolded his hand around your throat tightening again so most of your air supply was gone. 
You should’ve been scared but it only served to bring you closer to anther orgasm. You turned you face to look him in the eyes as you finally opened your mouth to speak. He released his grip but never moved his hand as he stared at you expectantly. 
“Want you to fill me up. Fuck me full with your babies.” You moaned, your head leaning against his collarbone. 
“Fuck. I have many sons. You gonna give me more darling?” He asked as his thrusting started getting faster and more rough.
“You gonna drop everything when I’m big and fat to fuck me when I need your cock?” You moaned as you threw your arm up to grasp at his hair as his tightened around your throat again. 
“I’d drop everything to fuck your pretty little flower sweetheart. Mmm you feel so good can wait until your pregnant and desperate for me all the time.” He groaned against your neck his hand on your hip coming around to wrap around your waist tightly as he began pounding into you at an animalistic pace. 
“Oh fuck! Yes!” You screamed loudly as you felt yourself clenching round him as you felt yourself at the edge once again.
His cock was drilling into that special spot that made you see stars, his thrusting becoming less calculated as he neared his end too. You tugged at his braided hair moaning his name as he tightened his grip on your throat and waist.
“Shit. So close.” He moaned in your ear as he brought his hand from your waist to your wet heat, his fingers massaging your little bundle of nerves.
“Cum for me Ragnar fill me up with your seed.” You moaned loudly before kissing him passionately.
Finally you felt your orgasm rip through you like lightening, your eyes falling shut as you pushed back against him, riding out your high as he finally came too. His hot seed filling you up so much you could feel it.
You didn’t get long to enjoy the aftermath as Ragnar flipped you back over and held you legs up in the air, your knees rest over his shoulders.
“Stay still sweet girl. Gotta make sure you stay filled up with me.” He groaned as he looked down at your abused hole.
You giggled at his actions but made no move to stand up, letting him have his way. You were starting to realised there wasn’t a lot you wouldn’t give to him.
After sometime he finally moved to wipe any spillage with a rag. You gave him a stuttered moan as he gave you a single lick his eyes filled with mischief.
“Beautiful.” He whispered before helping you up.
He didn’t leave immediately instead he pulled your firs over in front of the fireplace before starting a fire and laying down beckoning you over.
 “Your wife isn’t going to be happy.” You chuckled as you cuddled into his chest.
“Yes well I don’t much care.” He chuckled his hair undoing you braids gently, letting your hair fall free around your naked shoulders.
“Y/N it worked she-” Rollo paused in his words as he took in your naked form cuddled up to his brother.
“Never mind we can talk tomorrow.” He snorted as he sent you a subtle wink.
“And what was that about my little vixen.” He asked in amusement.
“I may of given him tips on how to seduce your ex wife.” You smirked at him making him roll his eyes before placing a kiss on your lips.
“I can’t say I’m that surprised. Now come here, gonna fill you up again pretty girl.” Ragnar growled playfully making you giggle under him.
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viking-raider · 1 year
The Golden Egg - Cotton Candy Fluff
Summary: It's Easter! So, you and Henry have an Easter Egg Hunt. One for Kal, then go head-to-head against each other, to see who can find their eggs the fastest.
But what happens, when Henry finds the Golden Egg, you left him.
Pairing: Henry Cavill/Reader
Word Count: 2.1k
Warning: G - Cotton Candy Goodness, Soft!Henry, Fluff, Kal, Short Person Joke, Competition, Easter, Competitive!Henry, Domestic Bliss, Instagraming, Surprise Ending
Inspiration: It's Easter. I wrote this in an hour. This video of Good.Boy.Ollie on instagram.
Author’s Note: I hope you enjoy this! Line divider by @FIREFLY-GRAPHICS!
If you would like to get notifications for my writing! Just follow my Tag List blog, @VIKING-RAIDER-TAGLIST and turn on the notifications for it! It’s that easy! @VIKING-RAIDER-LIBRARY
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“So, explain this to me again?” Henry laughed, folding his arms over his heaving chest, as he laughed.
“I wanna do an Easter Egg hunt for Kal.” You repeat to yourself, narrowing your eyes at your near hysterical boyfriend.
“The Bear doesn't get the concept of Easter, let alone an Easter Egg hunt, babe.” He howled, his curly head rolling back with its mirth.
“So!” You huffed, pouting at him. “I think it's cute. I also want us to do one. To see who can find the most. The fastest.”
Henry sobered up a tad at that. “All right, babe. You're on.” He smirked, cupping your face in his hands and gently kissing your forehead. “Which do you want to do first?”
“Done.” He nodded, dropping his hands and looking over the colorful sea of plastic eggs and prizes to put inside of them, that you'd come home with a short time before. “You know, my fans would absolutely eat this all up.” He remarked to himself, biting the corner of his lip and thinking it over, then glanced at you.
“Can I film it?”
“If you want to, Puppy.” You replied, grabbing a four pack of jumbo eggs and ripped it open.
“Sweet, I'll be right back. While you figure out what you're doing--” He waved his hands over the cluttered dining table. “Here.” He chuckled, before rushing off.
Looking over the prizes, you picked out a cute dog toy. It was made of rubber and looked like a throwing stick. You had gotten it cause Kal was a beast of a chewer, when it came to his toys, and this one was supposed to be nearly indestructible. Fitting it inside the bright yellow, jumbo egg, you dropped a couple of Kal's favorite peanut butter and blueberry treats in with it, so he had something to sniff out, then closed it.
You had a reasonable amount of the eggs filled up for the hunts, when Henry finally came back into the dining room, kissing the back of your bent head.
“Everything is set up.” He informed you, casting his eyes over the booty. “You want some help?”
“That would be nice, thank you.” You replied, tilting your head back, smiling appreciatively at him.
“Is there a method to your madness?” He asked, pulling up a chair beside you.
“The eggs on the right are Kal's.” You motioned to the cluster. “I don't fancy getting a squeak toy or dog biscuits, during my hunt.”
Henry's face twisted and he shook his head. “No, I don't either.” He snorted, dropping some chocolates into the egg he grabbed.
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“All right, here we go!” Henry exclaimed, grinning, as the two of you finished hiding the eggs, all while his phone recorded on a tripod, he planned on editing everything down later on. “Kal!” He called out and smiled, as the Bear came charging through the open slider and into the backyard.
“Are you ready to do your hunting?” He asked, bending over to scratch the Akita all over.
You and Henry had made sure to hide his eggs in, more or less, obvious places. But a couple had Kal working for them, like one small egg slipped between the braided fabric of his rope pull. Kal was slow at first, sniffing at the eggs, letting out little snorts as his nose picked up the scent of his treats inside of them. You were worried for a bit, that it was a flop. Making your heart sink. But when Kal found the stick toy, it was as if something magical sparked inside the Akita.
And he went wild.
Kal started zooming around the entire yard, diving into the manicured bushes and making them shake as he ran between them and the border fence. He rooted around the patio furniture, nearly knocking over Henry's big, green grill for a hot pink egg that was there; containing three different treats. He finally tackled the last egg, one of the jumbos, behind a large stone planter.
Bouncing around it so ecstatically, Henry couldn't take it from him to open and reveal what was inside.
“Kal.” Henry cracked up. “Let's see what Mama put in it for you, Bear!” He finally managed to swipe it away from the pup and crack it open, discovering the surprise. “Oh my god! Look, Kal!” He dissolved into a fresh fit of laughter, holding out a plush, taffy-pink, pig.
Kal bounced on his front paws, so he stood on his back legs and took the toy out of Henry's hand, finding the noise maker with his mighty jaws and causing the lightly stuffed pig to scream out a stream of oinks.
“Do you like it, Bear?” You giggled, grinning at him, relieved that Kal's egg hunt had ended so well.
“That pig is going to drive us bonkers, until he murders it.” Henry said, wiping tears from his bearded face.
“I know it is, but I couldn't help buying it.” You confessed, watching Kal go to town on the poor thing. “Look how cute it is, and he clearly loves it.”
“Right, well.” Henry sighed, composing himself. “Kal's hunt is over. Now, it's time for our Battle Egg-royal!” He proclaimed, a competitive expression coming over his face. “You're going first. So, go inside and I'll hide your eggs.”
“Very well.” You nodded, kissing his cheek.
“Mind yourself!” He called, as you headed inside with Kal. “No cheating!”
“I would never!” You huffed back at him, feigning insult.
Henry grabbed the basket of eggs he had made for you and got to work hiding them all over the backyard, pausing in front of camera for a moment, a cheeky look on his face, even though it wasn't live, he couldn't help it.
“No, watching my stream, babe!” He laughed, then went back to hiding the rest of his eggs.
Satisfied with where his eggs were, Henry opened the slider and called you back outside.
“I have the stopwatch pulled up on my mobile.” You said, handing it over to Henry.
“All right.” He nodded, taking it from you. “Ready. Set.”
He stood there for a moment and you stared at him.
“Huh? Oh, right. GO!”
Rolling your eyes, you shot off the patio and started searching the area. Henry trailing after you. You found the first egg balanced on a stone column that a pot of flowers were situated on. Shaking it, you heard the egg-shaped chocolates inside. Henry held out your Easter basket, so you could store your found eggs and not worry about holding them or accidentally rediscovering them. You found a jumbo egg next, inside Henry's grill, which had you giggling.
“Oh, that's so cruel, Henry.” You huffed, finding your last three eggs lined up in a row, on top of the fence, out of your reach.
Henry smiled at you, triumphantly, his nose wrinkling cutely. “Hop, short stuff.”
“You'll pay for this later, Cavill.” You warned, narrowing your eyes at him and jumped for the eggs, just managing to grab them, without knocking them into the neighbor's yard on the other side.
“I doubt you can put anything out of my reach, Bean.” Henry quipped, winking at you, then glanced down at your phone. “Eighteen minutes.” He smiled, kissing your cheek. “Not a bad time, babe.”
“Thank you, now get your butt out of the yard!” You said, pointing towards the house.
“Yes, ma'am.” He nodded, obediently. “I'll take your basket inside with me.”
Biting your lip, you glanced around the yard and quickly got to work, trying to find the hardest places for him to find his eggs. Wanting payback for the shenanigans of those eggs on the fence. You even moved a few eggs a couple times, feeling like they were too easy to find, before you finally let Henry come back into the yard with you.
“It took you longer to hide them, than find them, sugar butt.” Henry commented, amused as he scanned the yard, trying to give himself a head start.
“I wasn't making it easy for you.” You said, setting up the stopwatch. “Ready. Steady. Go!” You barked, jumping up and down.
Henry quickly hurried off the patio, his first target was his grill. You had put an egg there for Kal and he had put one there for you. So, he had felt you'd follow that theme. But, alas, when he opened the hammered dome, he found it egg free. Eyes narrowing, he looked around and under it as well.
Still, no egg.
“Come on, Puppy.” You laughed, wickedly. “I said, I wasn't going to make it easy on you.”
“True.” He hummed back, shooting a narrow eyed look at you, before slowly scanning the yard again. “AH-HUH!” He exclaimed, spotting a small point of neon yellow under the hedge, that led towards the side of the house.
Making for the egg, Henry happened to catch the flicker of something out of the corner of his eye in the process and came to an abrupt stop. Turning towards it, he gently parted the flowers in the stone planter and reached inside, plucking out a pastel green egg. He held it up with a smirk, his blue eyes sparkling in the mid-afternoon sun.
“Two already!” He said, dropping the egg in his basket, and grabbed the other one.
From there, your strategy steadily went downhill. He found three more eggs within a span of a minute and five after that. You looked down at the stopwatch and felt your stomach clench. Henry's hunt was six minutes in and he had found almost all his eggs, leaving him on course to beat you.
“There you are, little bugger.” Henry grinned, finding the turquoise egg in the drain spout. “What's the time, love?” He asked, dropping it into the basket with the rest.
“Fifteen minutes.” You informed him, sighing.
Henry's arms shot up into the air. “Yes, I win!” He grinned, wiggling his muscular body in a victory dance.
“No.” You shook your head at him.
“What?” He frowned at you. “You found your last egg in eighteen minutes and I just found mine at fifteen, baby.” He explained to you, his arms falling back to his sides. “I beat you by three minutes.”
“But you missed one, Bear.” You told him, calmly.
“Where?” Henry snapped, blinking at you.
“Right there.” You said, pointing to a gold egg resting peacefully in the grass, at the edge of the paving stones, near his grill.
Henry's eyes narrowed at you. “What is this, babe?” He asked slowly, cocking his head at you. “There wasn't one there, when I started my egg hunt.”
“I don't know what to tell you.” You remarked, biting the inside of your cheek, fighting the twitching of your lips. “Perhaps you need glasses, old man.” You teased, as he crossed over to the egg. “Why don't you open it?” You suggested, once he had it in his hand.
“You do know it's Easter and not April Fool's day, don't you, honey?” He asked, narrowing his eyes suspiciously at you.
“Oh, I do.” You nodded, finally allowing yourself to smile at him.
Henry looked at his still recording phone. “If this thing blows up, you know who to blame, guys.” He quipped, popping open the plastic egg and found a folded piece of paper inside. “What, are you proposing to me?” He chuckled, saying it for shock value.
That was until he finished unfolding the paper and concentrated on what it was.
You move to stand before Henry, smiling up at him, while his mouth gently fell open and his eyes grew. “Happy Easter, Henry.” You cooed at him, resting your hands on his hips.
“Is this-” He gulped thickly, looking between you and the paper. “Is this—real?”
“Mmhm.” You nodded, tearing up, seeing his blue eyes start to glisten and his breathing shutter as he became choked up, emotional. “I found out last week.” You explained to him, taking the sonogram from him. “So, I thought this would be the coolest way to tell you. To train you for future Easter egg hunts with the help of our four legged son.”
Henry caught you up in his arms and spun you around, his blue eyes blurred with tears of overwhelming happiness, while burying his face into your neck as he held you tight against his body. He sniffled into your neck and you hugged him tight, feeling content.
“Christ alive, I love you.” Henry cried, tears dripping down his bearded face, as he set you back down on your feet, then looked over at his phone, just then remembering it was recording. “We're pregnant!” He announced, beaming.
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thedoctorsthings · 3 months
Power to the king | Min Yoongi pt. 2
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Fantasy/historical AU, viking Au (attempted lmao), Yoongi x female reader
More angst (you know me by now), Yoongi is still an asshole, things taking a dramatic turn
cw: sexism, mentions of war, Jungkook's humour (I've decided I'm blaming my painful unfunnyness on the character now)
word count: about 3k
Yoongi and you had been married for a month now and you’d kept your promise. You were ice cold, you only talked when spoken to and you hadn’t as much as smiled in Yoongi’s general direction. The servants and everyone else in the castle treated you with respect and subservience. One might even say they seemed scared of you. Only you knew this all to be a farse. At night, when you were alone you cried yourself to sleep. It had been a month and you’d made little progress. Every day felt as empty as the last. Days before the wedding your mother had told you that an arranged marriage without love wasn’t as bad as people made it out to be. She said you would find things to love, running the household or eventually your children. But as a princess there was no household to run and how were you supposed to have children if your husband wouldn’t even look at you. You admit that you did want children. If you couldn’t have your husband close to you at least you would have them. They would be something that you could devote yourself to in this empty life. Since your wedding night you and Yoongi hadn’t spoken about the subject again. You assumed he would come knocking on your door every night, asking over and over. This was the way most of the men you’d met and heard of acted when it came to sex, but he left you alone. It seemed that maybe it was up to you to come to his door, but over your dead body were you going to give in to him first.
You got out of bed and got dressed. It was customary for maids to help women of your status with this, but you had quickly made an end to this habit by sending the maids out every morning. Now they didn’t even bother coming in anymore. The typical attire of a princess consisted of a white underdress and a heavy garment over it. Today you chose a blue dress. You leave your room and head to the dining room for breakfast. Yoongi is already sitting at the table. You were infinitely thankful for the rest of his family and the ever-present servants. If they weren’t here every moment you spent in the same room as Yoongi would be spent in agonising silence. You always sat next to your husband, as was customary. His brother sat next to you on your other side. Jungkook was a small dash of light in the dark tunnel that your life had become. He was nice, funny and actually tried to engage in conversation with you. He was the reason your days here weren’t spent in complete loneliness. You had no romantic feelings for him, but still found yourself wishing you’d have been married off to him instead. Marriage with him might have been easier, might have worked better than with Yoongi. “Good morning, your majesty. How did you sleep?”, Jungkook asks in that overly polite tone he often liked to use with you. “Nothing to complain about, my lord”, you replied, equally nasal. “Not really suitable for a prince to be playing games with his future queen, is it?”, sounded a grumpy voice from your right. You had already noticed that Yoongi didn’t appreciate it when you had too much fun with Jungkook. It made you want to do it all the more. At this comment you settle your gaze on the empty chair in front of you, the one where the queen is supposed to sit, and rigidly stare at it. “We are expected to attend next week’s festivities together”, Yoongi poses and somehow his voice sounds softer. He’s bent slightly towards you, but you stay unmoving. “okay”. Yoongi finishes the rest of his meal in silence as you occasionally say something to Jungkook. As Yoongi gets up, he says: “your chambermaid will tell you when it is time to prepare. She’ll give you the clothes you’re expected to wear as well”. You merely nod. 
Yoongi walks through the huge, stone hallways while lost in thought. He got what he wanted, a wife that never let her emotions get the best of her, one that was rational and let him do as he wanted. You were perfect, there was nothing you did wrong, and somehow, he still despised you. Whenever he tried to make contact with you, you rejected him. There was nothing but one-word answers from your side. He felt that you hated him and that made him dislike you. He knew he would never be as charming as Jungkook, but you could at least try to form some sort of friendship with him. The most important reason however, was that he hated the way he felt when he looked at your emotionless face. You looked like all life had been sucked out of you, while at the same time there was a deep silence lying in the still waters of your eyes. It made him feel horrible, it was his fault, he’d never admit it. He knocked on the door of his mother’s bedchambers. “Come in”, he heard her weak voice call. He pushed open the heavy, wooden door and stepped into the room. She was sitting half upright on the bed, leaning against a mountain of pillows. The sunlight coming from the high windows hit her face nicely. He sat down in the chair next to her. “How is married life, son?” “To be honest, I barely talk to her”. The queen looked at him with a questioning look. “I just don’t really like talking to her”. “Why?” Yoongi sighed and stayed quiet for a while. He made a vague gesture with his arm and shrugged: “It’s like she’s not really there. When she always responds as short as possible and only speaks when spoken to. I think I don’t like talking to her because I know she doesn’t like me either”. His mother looks out the window a second, before speaking: “You think she’s cold?” “Yes exactly”. “Yoongi, you’re my son and I love you, but you’re not the warmest person either. Maybe that’s why she doesn’t like talking to you either”. “But I try so hard to seek contact with her”. “I think a husband and wife should have more than just contact”, the queen said, smiling. Yoongi was quiet again. “Could it be that you feel guilty?” At this Yoongi got up: “No that’s not it!”, he said raising his voice. “No need to get angry”, she said calmly. “I’m not, I just have things to do”, was the last thing he said before leaving the room.
You’re walking through the gardens of the castle. It was spring now and getting warmer. In this kingdom, warmer still meant well below what others find agreeable, but your people were used to it. People had started dressing lighter and the sun shone more often. You also felt lighter. After months of basically ignoring your husband, you had decided to be more welcoming. Your sister had been right. As a woman all you could do was make the best of it. About a week ago you had started being nicer to Yoongi. You smiled at him during meals and asked him how his day was going. Yesterday you spent the evening together playing a traditional board game. You suggested it. It was nice, you’d laughed together for the first time ever, even if it was still awkward. Things started looking up, maybe you could find happiness here after all. You let your hand brush over the newly growing flowers and enter the halls. Tonight was the night of the festivities and you planned to go to your husband and ask him what was expected of you tonight. You could ask any of your maids, but this was the perfect opportunity to spend more time with Yoongi. As you near the corner you hear giggling. Your ears perk, even with Jungkook’s presence everything happening at the castle was a grim affair. Giggling was not something often heard around these parts. “Your majesty, behave”, you hear a female voice tease. Dread fills your stomach. You round the corner and there he is, his hand on her lower back, his nose in her hair as she opens a door. He looks up for a split second. You don’t know if he saw you, you’re still quite far away from them. Even if he did see you, it clearly doesn’t matter to him, because he and the maid enter the room. You hear shushing and more giggling and then the door shuts. You welcome her back with open arms. That all familiar emptiness, or at least that’s what you wish this feeling is. It’s not, it’s pain. It hurts you more to admit it. It’s horrible to realise that you let this man get to you. You promised yourself you would never feel again when it came to him and here you were, seeing blurry from the tears trying to find your way back to your rooms.
Tonight’s festival marked the beginning of spring. Everyone in the city gathered on the main square every year to sing, dance and eat together. It was your favourite thing as a child. Today was the first year you couldn’t enjoy it. You were expected to walk through the crowd at the height of the festival. The king and queen first, although the queen wouldn’t attend due to her illness, then the crown prince and his wife and lastly the second born son. You’re waiting in the carriage. You and Yoongi are seated next to each other, Jungkook sitting opposite of you. The air is tense. You still have no idea if Yoongi noticed you earlier today. You have a feeling that he might have because he’s tenser than usual. So are you. “Alright someone say something before the awkwardness drives me to jump out of the vehicle”, Jungkook says while uncomfortably squirming on his bench. You and Yoongi both remain silent. “By Odin, I bet the mute choachman is better company than you people”. At this you let out a giggle, that in its turn makes Yoongi scoff. Wanting to relieve Jungkook of his suffering you offer: “What do you think the head druid will predict tonight? I hope not another failed harvest like last year”. “Me personally, I’ve been hoping for golden rain ever since I was a kid”, Jungkook jokes with that signature, boyish grin of his. “The druid’s prophecy is no laughing matter Jungkook, Y/N is right. We better hope for a fruitful harvest this year”. “Alright Mr. Cranky, maybe you should jump out of the carriage”, is the last thing Jungkook mumbles before getting kicked in the shin by his older brother. This time you laugh out loud and even if it was just unconsciously, Yoongi is proud that he was finally part of the reason why.
Your carriage arrives after the king’s and when you get out the mass of people outside cheer so loud you almost cover your ears. Almost, because you’re sure that if you did Yoongi would have something to say about it later. You and Yoongi link arms, which is probably the most intimate you’ve been since the wedding. You walk through the path of people to the thrones that have been set up at the head of the square. There are six thrones. The king and Yoongi sit on the two most extravagant ones in the middle. You sit next to Yoongi and Jungkook next to you. Two men are already sitting on the thrones next to the king. These are the head druid and his apprentice. At the end of the evening, they will perform a ritual to predict the fate of the kingdom. During the meal you and Yoongi barely exchange a word. After however, when you’re watching the city’s people dance, Yoongi chuckles at seeing a young man almost trip and light his hair on fire with one of the torches. The man manages to do a sort of twirl and prevent this horrible fate from happening. “That’s Jimin”, Yoongi states: “He’s a bit of an idiot but a good man. He’s the son of the farmer that delivers food to the castle. You might have seen him help his father with the deliveries, the old man is getting sicker and sicker”. You haven’t digested the events of this morning yet and honestly the fact that he’s acting as if nothing happened is pissing you off. “So, you’re just going to act like I didn’t see you grope a maid this morning?”, you ask without looking at him. “Y/N”, Yoongi start, but he’s interrupted by the booming voice of the king. You hate that man for the way he talks to you and for the way he speaks of his wife as if she’s a burden, but you have to admit you’ll always have respect for the way he can make a crowd of hundreds of people shut their mouths. “People of Sargon, turn your eyes to the fire. The Druid will perform the prophecy!”. His voice could reach the deafest of men. The druid got up. You had never seen him from this close. He was quite a young man; most druids were older than stone. He had pitch black hair filled with silver jewelry. It ran over his broad shoulders like a black waterfall. When he turned to bow to the king you saw his face. In your nineteen years of life, you had never seen a man so handsome. After that, his apprentice got up and turned to do the same. This man had dark eyes and an almost equally handsome face. “I think these druids have a potion to make themselves look better, it’s not fair”, Jungkook whispers. “You look fine Jungkook don’t worry about it”, you smile back. “Don’t ya think I oughtta get to the bottom of this then ey?”, he asks in that accent you’ve gotten so used to. “Yes Jungkook, as prince of the kingdom I think you should make it your first priority to find interrogate two druids on why they look so good”, you retort. “Exactly my thoughts”, he grins, but he can barely finish the sentence because Yoongi reaches over you to softly hit his brother upside the head. The druids walk over to the huge fire. The head druid reaches into his pocket and takes out some dried leaves. His apprentice is holding a wooden bowl with a purple looking oil in it. He dips the leaves in the oil and then throws them on the fire. For a moment, nothing happens. The square trembles with suspension. All of a sudden, the flames turn black. In all the years you’ve attended the festival you’ve never seen a fire this dark. It roars and seems to double in size. The head druid is caught off guard and stumbles to the ground. The flames shoot higher than ever, before turning back to their normal size and colour. Everyone is quiet. The man named Jimin, who was laughing seconds before is now looking at the druid with fear in his eyes. That same fear is visible in the eyes of each person in attendance. You feel the heat on your face fade away as the druid whispers: “war”.
After the druid had uttered the word war a shock wave had rolled over the square. The king had ordered the druid and his apprentice to accompany you back to the palace. Once arrived there, he immediately called all his advisors to gather in the main hall. You and Yoongi had followed them in. “What is she doing here?” the king’s voice sounded throughout the entire hall. “She’s my wife and the future queen of this kingdom. She needs to know what’s going on”, Yoongi defended. “Your mother never sat in on things like this”. “I plan on doing things differently”, Yoongi said sternly. The king grumbled but didn’t complain further. “Seokjin, what is the meaning of this”, the king yelled angrily, as if it was the druid’s fault that the fire had behaved this way. “I don’t know your majesty; all I know is that this means war. I don’t know with whom. I don’t know how long, and I don’t know how high our chances of winning are. The rest of the of the evening was spent with old men arguing with even older men about what to do. Eventually they concluded that we would have to wait. After hours the druids had managed to convince the king and his advisors that it was too early to decide anything, but the king decided to start training his men more fervently.
After this evening regular life continued, albeit with a dark cloud hanging above all your heads. Everyone seemed stressed and anxious at all times. You and Yoongi also went back to normal. Normal meant back to how it was before you decided to be nicer. You never brought up the affair with the maid again, and neither did he. That evening at dinner the king showed, once again, why everyone tried to stay as far away from him as possible. “Why is she not pregnant yet?”, the king asked, although a better term would be, demanded. Of course he didn’t ask you. He asked Yoongi and acted as if you weren’t in the room, like always when he said something about you. “I don’t know father. We haven’t had any luck yet”, Yoongi answers stoically, without looking up from his plate”. “I bet it’s her fault. She’s barren and tricked us into marrying her into this family”. “That is not it!” You raise your voice. You’ve barely ever said a word at this table and the king is made of the same thing your nightmares are made of, but you refuse to let him talk about you. The room becomes impossibly tense as the king looks at you. It almost felt as if you could feel his stare sting in your eyes. “Father, you will not talk about my wife like this”. Yoongi says calmly. “Oh, really son? So it’s not her fault? Is it yours then?” Yoongi and the king share 5 full seconds of murderous eye contact before the king delivers the final blow. “I should have known. The God’s refuse to bless you with an heir after what you’ve done”. Yoongi slams his fists on the table and gets up so roughly his chair falls to the ground. He storms out of the room and the sound of the door slamming can be felt in your ears long after he leaves.
Later that evening you are sitting in your chambers. You’re reading a novel when there’s a knock on your door. “Come in”, You say curtly. Yoongi steps into the room. He doesn’t peek his head in first like the servants do. He always enters rooms with the confidence of someone who belongs, something you could only dream of. At least now, when you were a child, you could do the same thing. Somewhere along the way you lost the confidence. It happened to every woman in this godforsaken kingdom. “We should talk about producing an heir”, Yoongi offers carefully. “Oh really, now you want to come to me. For months on end, you leave me alone in the cold of the night but when daddy dearest brings it up you listen”, you bite. “I just think he raises a good point. We’ve been married for months and people will start expecting good news soon”. “What is it really? Are you starting to get lonely, does our stone-cold crown prince need someone to warm his bed?” halfway through that sentence you had gotten up and started getting closer to him. He grabs you by the wrist of the hand you had been pointing in his face with: “You will not speak to your future king in that way!”, he spits through his teeth. You refuse to stand down, so you say: “Maybe my future king should go find another servant to produce a successor with, I bet she speaks to you in whatever way you want, doesn’t she?” Yoongi lets go of your hand. For a moment it looks like he’s about to say something, maybe even apologise. But then he disappears from the room without saying a word. You flop down on your bed. Maybe you were too harsh. You have to admit that you did desire a child to raise. It would give you something to do, someone to love in this cold castle. You would also be lying if you said you didn’t desire Yoongi in that way. When you saw him and that council hall a couple of weeks back. When he had argued with his father about protecting the country, when he had argued to stay calm and not make any rash decisions, he seemed in his element. He was good at this, he was good at strategy, he was a born leader. Seeing him like that had shot a feeling through your body like you’d never felt before.
taglist: @lifeless-firefly @emerald-notes @daisies-and-dandelionpuffs @jjkwifestyle @viankiss
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oncewhenalongtimeago · 2 months
The Jealous One pt 11
Pairing: Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III x Fem!Reader
Words: 1,895
The Great Hall is blissfully empty.
Tags: fem!reader, silly, ambiguous timeline, Snotlout Jorgenson, Ruffnut and Tuffnut Thorston, Jealous!Hiccup, Post RoB/DoB, Pre-RTTE
<Previous -
You grasped the sides of your tray, staring at the sad, shallow bowl by your pitiful excuse for a bread lump, stale, and an empty mug of nothing. 
The Great Hall around you was much less lively than usual, especially for the time. 
As the agreed-upon date approached, all pretenses had been dropped and everyone had been crashing early, having put their heart and soul into preparations, and the mealtime crowds ended up poorer for it, though you found no qualms with that.
The food, too, was poorer than usual. That was one thing you did find qualms with- the stew was thin and meat in smaller pieces, which, of course, made it a slight bit easier to get to the soup before anything else, to drink from the side of the bowl or scoop out food bits with your spoon, but it left your stomach half-empty.
The large hall doors creaked ominously, the flow of Vikings coming in and out slow and carried Great pause yet the greater dining space remained empty. 
 You stood in front of a long table on top of which there lay food, unattended as it usually would not be, not noticing as someone peculiar wandered into the hall behind the rest, an irrelevant action paired to a relevant person.
You did notice fingers brushing against the inside of the crook of your arm, causing your head to swivel.
You blinked owlishly, stuck between a greeting and warm cheekbones, unsurprised to see who had garnered your attention. 
“Hello,” You said in a tone even you couldn’t decipher, toeing the lines between pleasant, cheerful and ambiguous.
Hiccup stood before you with tired eyes, his hand still half-extended before in a moment choosing to step forwards into your space, bridging the gap between appropriate, friendly and cherished all at once.
As of late, it had seemed Hiccup had been given much more responsibility than usual, though despite the fact that he was busy with festival prep, he still always found the time to say hello to you, which you’d found to be a mild comfort despite yourself.
You had found a few moments to hang out with Snotlout and the Twins separately, though those instances were much less frequent with the bustle and their shackles to their own unwilling responsibilities. You had seen the Twins dragged away by the ear on more than one occasion during the most recent times.
“My Dad is finally back,” He said plainly, in lieu of anything else, though you could tell by his tone and the way his eyes darted to the side that he hadn’t much cared to say that at all. 
“Bummer,” You smiled slightly, though you were sure your cinched brows conveyed some of your nervousness. 
Hiccup smiled something back, soft and wry, lips tight. 
You couldn’t help but imagine a thick layer of flour across his jaw and spotting the underside of his mop of hair, dough along one side of his mouth- you remembered exactly what it tasted like with a slightly rough set of fingers on your cheek, guiding you as he tilted his own head, something fiery rocking in your guts at the simple touch.
You eyed one of the smaller tables, way off to the side where the lighting was poorer and the hall was colder- a place you found smidge more comfortable than any other.
“So…” You started after a long moment of silence, “Are you hungry?”
Hiccup blinked, then grimaced, “Not really? I just, ah…”
“Came to mingle?” You raised a brow.
“Yeah.” Hiccup said, grimacing harder, shifting in a way that brought him closer to you.
You shifted your shoulders and adjusted your stance, staring Hiccup straight in the face, ignoring the fluster that was building in your chest and along the skin of your face, “Okay. You’ve been mingled.”
“...I’ve been mingled,” Hiccup said dryly.
“Yes, now go,” You snuffed, “I’ll make it up to you later.”
Hiccup slouched slightly, looking at you blankly, “When would that be?”
You ignored him, nearly grumbling, “Did I apologize for ditching you yet? I didn’t ditch you on purpose. I did try and get to you later.”
“You should have,” Hiccup protested, leaning slightly to the side. You looked into his eyes from this new angle. “On purpose, I mean. Even after, I…”
“What?” You spoke as his fingers teased your wrist, his forehead dangerously close to yours, “I don’t think- I said it’s fine, so you should just… drop it.”
“I don’t want to drop it,” Hiccup said, furrowing his brows, “Especially since- …”
You felt as if you had been put on center stage, though you weren’t quite sure which script you were supposed to be using.
“Really, it doesn’t matter,” You grumbled. You shifted your tray into one hand, and from then on it became a precarious thing, its balance uneven, but it made it easier for you to wave him off before jabbing him in the side. “I really do forgive you. You don’t- I mean, I’d- Really, after…”
You weren’t sure, truly, what Hiccup had meant by- that. Pressed lips, all the exercising and apologizing and testing the grounds of your… Whatever this was. You weren’t sure- not of anything, not of whether it had cleared the weary air between the two of you or if it had made it much more smoggy. 
You weren’t sure whether to be more mad at him or less, though you didn’t have the heart to figure it out.
You winced slightly, your fingers stubbing against tight leather and buckle, though you didn’t so much as make a peep about it.
“I- Ouch,” Hiccup said, before offering you his hand and eyeing the small table your eyes had left just a moment prior, his thumb running cautious lines up and down the back of one of your hands, “Well, fine, then. If… If you really mean it this time, then ...Do you want to come back to the table with me?” 
Around you, the murmur conversation grew slightly from nothing to a small uptaking mumble as a group of late-arrivals poured in through the hall doors.
“No,” You held up your mug, feeling both disconcerted and shy as you teased his covered collarbone with your eyes, wondering what in the world you two were to each other, “I still need to…”
“That’s fine,” Hiccup relaxed, stepping backwards, “How about we go… Get a refill? Then make our way back later?”
“‘We’?” You asked suspiciously, your shoulder bumping into his.
The rabble was slightly quieter than it was before, boiling at a nice, spoken murmur, dotted occasionally by the sound of shouting.
“Fine,” You shook your head yet when he moved, you moved to walk side-by-side.
You held your mug to your lips, looking sideways from the corner of your eyes at Hiccup as your pinkies nearly touched. 
You had your feet braced against the side of a bench, the two of you sitting on top of one of the tables in the Great Hall. Most of the riders -sans Astrid, though you knew she was bound to follow- were gathered around, you and Hiccup being only a part of the ring of teens closing off the space between two narrow bench isles.
Hiccup laughed nervously, maybe a bit too loud at something the others said, Adam's apple bobbing recklessly. 
It wasn’t so bad, spending time with Hiccup again.
You had to wrinkle your nose as Snotlout said something sour about Agnarr, who was off in the corner trying to start an ill-fated tussle with Phlegma, who most likely had much better things to be doing than fighting with him.
You and Hiccup used to do the same thing together, once- not the tussling, but the snide remark-ing. 
You had to wonder, at one point, if he’d been judging you like you’d poked fun at drunk Vikings in the hall, fighting and rough around the eyes. You didn’t like being the punchline.
You furrowed your brows and looked away as something warm and familiar roiled in your gut, offset by your feelings of mild frustration and flush, mind stuck on dry lips and meaningful, flat presses.
The hall had filled, eventually, with late arrivals and so, now, you’d found it full, and the peaceful, quiet, unsure time you had spent by Hiccup had been gradually interrupted.
The hall cleared slightly as someone shouted from a few tables down, the loud clattering of dishes and the loud smacking sound of fist on flesh signaling the beginning of another fight.
You’d slip away later, when he wasn’t paying you as much attention.
You were perhaps a bit less cautious than you should have been, the stone planks below still wet from an earlier rain as you stepped forwards.
 You came to a slow stop on one of the steps to the hall as you heard someone call your name and the slow groan of the Great Hall doors as they were pulled open and then shut again.
“Where are you going?”
He held your hands imploringly, fingers grasping around the backs of your knuckled, holding them so your palms faced upwards..
“Are you alright?” You asked him, still not looking him in the eye.
As far as you knew, Hiccup had also made an effort to avoid the trouble, keeping to the sides of the hall and out of the way of flying fists.
“I’m tired,” He admitted, “A little- a little bit-”
His voice broke off into a yawn. It was clumsy, and awkward, and the tone of his voice just felt a bit out of place.
It was sort of cute.
Your eyes widened slightly, his forehead touched yours as he settled, blinking drowsily, before lifting his head. 
You felt his chin brush against your forehead and, briefly, his breath, warm compared to the cool night air, against your face. You became familiar with what wasn’t visible in the light of day, a small dusting of slightly rosy skin, where peachy hairs sprouted. 
“But... No, I mean- We, well, for fun, we haven’t- since…” Hiccup suggested slowly.
You were painfully reminded of your hands held in his and you shut your eyes tightly.
Heat burned up your back like a flush on your cheeks, hot and prickling, beseeching you to take notice, to note it down for later turning over. It felt to you like a Nadder flexing its spines, or a Skrill, lightning dancing up its back the way Hiccup recounted to you after the whole defrosting debacle.
“...” You tried to speak, opening your mouth reluctantly, not looking at him. But you softened just a little bit, on the inside. 
“Yeah,” You said, shrugging. “...Yeah.”
The double meaning, to you, was obvious.
“It’s okay. I…” Hiccup started, “I-...”
You bumped him in the shoulder with your own, “Yeah.”
“How about we try this again? Meet here… Tomorrow,” Hiccup suggested, gnarly mumbling, “Or-or somewhere else. Make up for lost time? I know there’s a nice place on the other side of the mountain, where the hills-craigs… It’s nice there. I think you know it. Or… Would you like to go to the festival with me?”
Then you looked at him, eyes peering out from under your eyelashes, head tilted down in a way that made it difficult not to do so, “I guess that would be fine.”
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sarcastic-salem · 11 months
I feel like I need to apologize and like I will never stop apologizing because I often fail to take my own advice. Like I fully acknowledge that the Heathen community needs to learn to listen better.
Loki devotees need to learn to listen to Odin devotees and vice versa.
And by Odin devotees I do not mean Folkish Nazis.
More than that, though, we need to learn to listen with kindness and empathy. And I feel like I played this role in popularizing Lokeans being pissed 24/7 and fixating on our own trauma. That's not okay because we are never to going to heal individually or as a community if we are constantly at war with each other.
"Holding onto anger is like swallowing poison: Painful and the only person you're hurting is yourself." -The Dalai Lama
Lokean who staunchly hate all Odin devotees because of Nazi assholes and refuse to hear out the good guys, this is you -- right now, YOU are RAPHAEL HAMATO.
But like....I'm just really sorry for motivating such hatred.
Like Ragnarok is about revolution, but eventually the revolt ends and things change for the better. Loki and Odin are always brothers and friends afterwards.
And I know that there are some Heathens out there that are still hesitant about people worshipping Loki. Look, you don't have to worship Loki. No one is gonna force you, but you definitely have no right telling anyone else who they can or cannot worship. You have no right trying to police someone else's religion.
Heathenry is not an organized religion, okay, and as far as I can tell a lot of the trouble in the community stems from people wanting it to be an organized religion. Like does it not strike you as a red flag that the closest thing our community has to a church happens to be a white supremacist cult?🤨
This whole One True Heathen™️ mindset needs to be abandoned. We do not all need to be recons or pseudo-intellectuals. We do not all need to be viking LARPers that for some deranged reason think that we should be slaughtering goats every holiday instead of just going to a butcher or a farmer and asking for like chicken blood or whatever. In fact, we do not all need to be meat eaters. Like as long as they're not pretentious and annoying about it let the vegan Heathens exist.
The only thing we need to agree on is that Nazis don't belong in our community.
"But there's no evi--"
Yes, there is -- Loki has been worshipped for 20 years and from what historians have been turning up lately, he was worshipped way before then too.
More importantly than that, I exist. This blog exists. I have two FB accounts full of six years worth of momentos of my worship and an entire friends list full of people who worship Loki Laufeyjarson.
So you're fighting an uphill battle here. Lokeans are not going away cause even if it's recent or newly discovered evidence, the evidence still exists.
And Loki isn't someone to be afraid of.
Like I've been meditating on the myths a lot lately. Particularly the myth of Loki's battle with Logi, the God of fire. Which Loki lost. So why is Loki a fire God?
Because Loki embodies the spirit of the hearthfire or the fireplace or the kitchen or dining room table. The place where we all gather together as families to laugh and drink and tell jokes and stories to our children. That is Loki -- Loki is home and in ancient Scandinavia if you didn't have a fire of some sort in your home, you were dead. Plain and simple🤷🏻‍♀️
That is why Loki was seen as a protector of children and families because he kept them from freezing to death.
So what does Loki losing the battle to Logi symbolize? That's easy -- Logi is wildfire.
The story of Loki vs Logi is a story of what happens when drought arrives and the heat sets fire to a home. The home burns down because we have to be careful with fire -- it can be dangerous. But it's still life-giving. We still have furnaces and fireplaces, don't we?
And we still use fire to cook our food -- in fact if you eat meat you have to use fire to cook our food.
Loki losing that fight to Logi is a tragedy and yeah, fire can be dangerous, but that doesn't mean that Loki is dangerous. All of the Norse myths -- The Eddas anyway -- are a tragedy. Odin literally let his anxiety and OCD and perfectionism drive him insane. It drove him to betray his best friend and brother. How is that not tragic?
Ultimately, The Eddas are a message of how Heathens and humans in general need to be there to love and support each other. To guide each other away from making terrible, irrational decisions like the ones Odin made that had such a horrible impact on his brother and family's life. The Aesir are the original dysfunctional family dramedy.
Loki is the fire and the home that keeps us alive and safe. And he is not a God of chaos. He is a God of family because families are chaotic just like people in general are chaotic.
That is it.
This is my opinion and my interpretation of the Norse Eddas. If this, for any reason, vibes with you then please stop fighting with people. Like you don't have to forgive your abusers or whoever but....I don't know. Try to find peace so that this community can find peace.
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random-writer-4884 · 2 years
A Green Turtleneck (Loki X Reader)
A Green Turtleneck
Loki X Reader
Description: Loki found himself alone on a floor of Avengers Tower with nothing. You came in to help him figure out earth technology and ensure he got what he needed. Neither of you expected to fall in love, especially when Loki is hit with the death of his mother.
Warnings: Death, Viking burial, imprisionment.
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When Loki was told he was being sent to earth, he wasn’t particularly thrilled. He was even less thrilled when he found out that he was going to be staying at the Avengers Tower, under the watchful eye of the Avengers. When he arrived he was walked into an elevator that took him to his own floor. He stepped onto the carpet, and waited for the Asguardian guards to release his cuffs. 
They finally stepped forward and released his wrists, which he rubbed to help release the stiffness. The guards walked back into the elevator and he watched as they closed the door. Loki popped his wrist as he looked around him. 
He was at the edge of what would be a common room. There was a kitchen in one corner, a nice dining table in another, and the other half of the room was a lounge. A large flatscreen TV was sitting on the wall, facing it was a big chocolate brown couch and two matching chocolate brown reclining chairs, with a coffee table.
Once he finally took a step he was greeted with a loud male voice “Good evening, Mr. Laufeyson. My name is J.A.R.V.I.S. I am an Artificial Intelligence created by Mr. Stark. I would like to give you a simple tour of your floor. Since you will be living on this floor alone, you will not have anyone else to guide you through.” 
Loki looked up towards the ceiling, before rolling his eyes “Fantastic” he muttered sarcastically “Please lead the way.”
He walked through the conjoining hallways learning the layout from the AI as he went, his bedroom and bathroom were across the hall to one another. He had a gym, and a library further down. 
Once he was completed with his walk-thru tour of the level, he walked to the bathroom. For the first time in a few weeks, he saw his own reflection in something other than glass. 
His hair was greasy and stringy, and his eyes had dark circles. For the first time he saw the collar around his neck. It was small, but enchanted with asgardian magic. He looked scrawny and weak, and couldn’t help but think about how sad he looked. 
Finally he stopped looking at himself in the mirror and walked down to the kitchen. He opened the fridge to find it empty, then the cabinets to find the same. He sighed “J.A.R.V.I.S. There isn’t any food here. Do they plan to starve me?”
The AI replied quickly “There is no such intent. Mr. Stark was unsure of what you would have wanted to have food wise and so he left it for you to decide. I recommend ordering take out for tonight, and ordering your groceries to be delivered tomorrow.”
He sighed “Alright then, how do I order this Take out?” So for the next hour he was introduced to the use of a tablet. When he finally selected a chinese restaurant, he spent about 15 minutes asking questions about what the selections were. Finally he selected an order of Chow Mein, Fried Rice, Sweet and Sour Chicken, and some Spring Rolls. 
While he waited for his Chinese food to arrive, he began navigating grocery shopping. When he was finally finished with his online grocery shopping he sat on the couch and fidgeted with the TV until the elevator bell rang.
Startled, he stood up quickly, facing the door. When it opened he saw you standing there with a take-out bag. “Hello Mr. Laufeyson, my name is Y/N. I’m an assistant to the avengers here at the tower and I’ll be here to help you as well. I’m glad J.A.R.V.I.S. was able to help you order your dinner. I would have been here sooner to help but I got drug into doing some paperwork.”  
The two of you awkwardly stood there facing one another. “May I come in?” 
He blinked as he realized that you hadn’t left the elevator. “Oh, yes, of course. Please come in.” You walked in slowly, heels softly pattering against the short carpet. Once you reached the dining table, you set down the bag. Pulling out the take-out boxes. Once they were all sitting on the table, alongside a pair of chopsticks and a package of plastic silverware, you walked towards the door. 
“Please let J.A.R.V.I.S. know if you need anything from me. I’ll be happy to help.” You said as you stepped into the elevator. It dinged as the door closed and he couldn’t see your face anymore. 
As he sat down and ate his food, he thought about you. This strange woman who had to have heard about the death and distraction he caused, and yet you were still polite. You didn’t invade his space like the guards in Asguard did. You didn’t yell and you weren’t aggressive like the Avengers were to him. 
The next day he found himself having to call you for assistance. While J.A.R.V.I.S. tried to explain how the shower worked, he was unable to understand. So he called on you.
You spent around twenty minutes explaining how the shower works, and once you finished with that you brought him up some shampoo and conditioner for him to use until his groceries arrived later in the day. 
You left for a short while to get him a change of clothing. You would have to take him to a store to actually get him some proper clothing. A forest green turtle neck, black jeans and a black belt. You returned and sat on his couch, working on paperwork for Tony while you waited. 
After about 20 minutes the bathroom door opened and Loki walked out, wrapped in a towel. You stood up as he walked to you. “I was, unsure if you were still here. Were you able to find a change of clothing? I wasn’t aware as to how dirty my clothing from asgard was until now.”
You smiled slightly as you picked up the clothing and handed it to him. “These might not fit but they are clean and the belt should keep the pants up if they’re too big. When i can get permission I’ll take you out to get clothing, but it’ll take some time.” 
Loki looked at you curiously “Please wait a moment for me to get changed, I have a question for you.” You nodded, agreeing to stay and he quickly turned on his heels walking back to the bathroom. 
He returned a couple of minutes later, the top fitting a little bit loosely and the pants only being supported by the belt keeping them there. His hair was braided back, although it was without a ponytail to hold it in place. 
Slowly, he walked over to you and placed his hands on your shoulders. “Why are you so kind to me?”  His green eyes had a puzzled look to them. 
You just smiled “Everyone deserves some kindness. Besides, you don’t seem like the cruel monster i was told about. You’ve been polite and havn’t done anything threatening.” 
Loki looked like he was about to say something but you spoke first, looking down at your watch. “Oh no! I’m going to be late for Tony’s meeting. I’m sorry to run so quickly but Tony needs his papers!” 
You grabbed your laptop and ran to the elevator “Let J. know if you need me! I’ll be back when you’re grocries come in later today!” The door opened and you pressed the button. Loki watched you open your laptop as the door closed, frantically pressing buttons. 
Over the next few weeks you would come over at least once a day, often teaching Loki something new about earth culture. You brought him some cookbooks for him to experiment cooking with. Quite frequently he would ask you to stay for dinner, or to at least return to have some of the food he cooked. After about a week of this you suggested he invite his brother or some of the Avengers to dinner. 
Loki was certainly hesitant about the idea, especially since he hadn’t seen any of them since the day of the invasion. But after a lot of convincing from you he invited them for dinner. Clint and Natasha refused, which wasn’t surprising. Steve and Bruce declined (far more politely). Thor had gone off world the morning loki agreed to inviting them for dinner so he wouldn’t be attending. This left you asking Tony.
“Tony, please. Just one night, one dinner! I’ll be right there, and besides he can’t use magic!” You pleaded with the billionaire.
Tony just scoffed “He tried to mind control me. Oh! And he pushed me out of a window! What makes you think he isn’t gonna try to kill me?” he scoweled at you as he edited blueprints.
“Well,” You started “So far, he has been nothing but respectful with me. He’s invited me to dinner every single night for over a week with food he’s made and he’s never poisioned me. Besides, he needs some contact with the outside world! If I can get both of you through one dinner, without Loki causing any incidents, then i can see about taking him to get some actual clothing! Nothing here fits and i can never seem to order the right size!” 
Tony laughed “HA! Okay okay! I’ll do it. If you manage to get Fury to let you take him out of the tower I’ll give you five thousand dollars!” That was a win!
You raced back to tell Loki that Thor was off world, but Tony agreed to come to dinner. He looked surprisingly happy and asked you to come with him to the kitchen. On the counter he had everything ready to make a hearty stew. Beef, carrots, onions, potatoes, greenbeans, and bell pepper. All ready to go into the crock pot you had ordered for him. 
He was grinning when he asked you “Do you think this stew would be alright? Also do you think i could get a tablecloth for the table?”
His smile was infectious “Of course! And I’m sure the stew will be delicious!”  You left and returned quickly with a tablecloth, before running off to take care of more paperwork for Tony. 
You and Tony both arrived at Loki’s floor at six o’clock. The elevator opening to reveil a wonderfully smelling stew. The table had been set up, and Loki was had just finished setting down the three bowls of stew.  
“Oh! You’re here!” Loki said, wiping his hands on a towel “Please come in! I made some stew! Its not particularly fancy, but it should be good! Please! Sit!” You walked in first, Tony trailing behind you a little suspicious.
But when you sat down across from Loki and started eating, he followed suit. You praised the food heavily, and much to your and Loki’s surprise Tony did too!
Most of the meal was awkward but you managed to keep up some conversation. You asked Loki to tell some tales from when he was in Asgard. Most of what he told involved his mother, the stories she would read him, and the magic he learned from her. 
After a while of Loki’s talks about Asguard, Tony began talking about his mother. Apparently having a loving mother was something they had in common. The two talked and talked until Tony got a call from Pepper demanding him to come and fill out some Stark Industry paperwork. 
When Stark ran off to deal with Pepper, you began helping Loki clean up the table and the kitchen.  “I think Tony is starting to warm up to you.” You said to him, watching as he put the left over Stew into a pyrex.  
He smiled “His mother sounds like she was a wonderful person. Perhaps I could arrange for him to meet mine.”
After a few more weeks, you managed to convince Fury to let Loki leave the tower, with the condition that you were with him at all times. You were thrilled as you ran to his floor to tell him the news. He light up like a small child on christmas and swooped you  in a hug. 
He set you down and appologized “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have grabbed you like that.” You laughed a little, looking at him shying away like a small child.
“Its perfectly alright Loki! It was a hug, not a backstab.” You smiled and he gave a soft chuckle. 
The next day the two of you went out shopping, mainly for clothing. You two spent the day walking through stores and getting clothing that properly fit him. You were nearly done with all of your shopping when an Asgardian guard walked up to you both.
He handed Loki a scroll that he took cautiously. He removed the ribbon surrounding it and it opened. As he read, his hands begun to shake. He looked up at you, trying to blink back tears.
“Frigga, Mother. She’s dead.”
You got permission from Fury that evening to take him to Asguard, and so the next morning the two of you were taken through the bifrost. You and Loki were escorted to his chambers, where he pulled his royal outfit from the closet. 
Of course you wouldn’t admit that seeing him in the outfit he wore to attack New York was intimidating. But it was obvious in his eyes that he wouldn’t do anything even remotely out of line. 
The two of you were taken to her burrial at sea. You and Loki stood next to Thor and Jane Foster. Thor held a surprisingly strong face, watching as his mother’s body was sent out to sea. You looked over at Loki when his hand grasped yours. When the arrow was shot and the boat began to burn, Loki closed his eyes and dipped his head taking a deep breath before looking up and watching it burn. 
Loki, Thor, and Odin stayed there the longest. You and Loki ended up leaving before his brother and father. The two of you returned to Loki’s room, and he sat down on the bed. He sat there for a moment before his composure fell and tears began to pour from his eyes. Quickly he pulled his knees to his chest and covered his eyes with his hands. 
His shoulders shook, and tears slipped down his hands. His breathing was fast and unsteady before he screamed. The noise was pained, what you would imagine coming from someone experiencing physical torture. You could feel a slight pulse go through the air, and it was obvious that it was the tiniest bit of magic seeping through the collar that contained his power. But nothing became of it, merely emotions too strong to control with a mesely collar. 
You carefully walked up to him, sat down next to him, and wrapped your arms around him, just letting him cry. After a moment or two he turned into you, burying his face into the crook of your neck as he wrapped his arms around you tightly. The two of you sat like that for a while, Loki crying into your shoulder. 
Once his tears began to subside, he pulled away. He wiped his face and his eyes, which were both quite red. 
“I appologize Y/N, I did not intend to burden you with my emotions.” His eyes looked away from you and down to his own hands. 
Carefully you took them in your own “Loki, don’t appologize for your emotions. Its healthy to express them, to let them out so they don’t hurt you.” 
He closed his eyes as he spoke “The last thing I ever told her was that she wasn’t my mother, as she hadn’t bore me. She was my mother. And now shes gone thinking I hated her.” His breath began to speed up again, and tears pricked at his eyes.
“Oh, Loki. She was your mother. She knew that deep down you truely love her. I’m willing to believe that she knew you were angry, and that you only said that out of anger.” You said softly, putting a hand to his face and wiping the tears away that fell softly. 
The two of you talked, letting him tell you his thoughts and feelings, memories and regrets. The two laid on the bed as you talked until eventually you both drifted to sleep. 
When you awoke you found yourself snuggled into Loki’s chest, both of your arms curled into your chest and both his arms wrapped around your waist keeping you close. His hair was whisped in every direction, and a few pieces gently swooped across his face. 
You had only been awake for a moment, still extremely groggy and not exactly realising the position you were in when he woke up. His green eyes looked into yours for a moment, half open, before widening as he realised how he was holding you. His face reddened as he pulled his arms away from you and sat up.
“Oh Y/N! I appologize! I do not know what happened!” He looked afraid and worried, you understood he worried that he’d loose what little privilege he had been granted. 
You sat up and placed your hand on his face “Hey, don’t appologize. It was really comfy.”  
He smiled softly “You are the kindest human I’ve ever met, I do not understand why you are this way with me. Especially after everything I have done to Midguard.” 
You looked in his eyes and they were the same gentle green you had come to know over his time in the Avengers Tower. “You don’t seem the same as what they showed on television. Also, your eyes were blue when the showed you on the TV. Why do they look so different?” 
“The septor. I used it to control the archerer. It spoke to me, it was driving me mad. I knew it held power over others, and that i could use it to control them. But its power poisioned my mind. I did not wish that much distruction. I merely wanted what I believed to be my birthright. With Thor at Odins right hand that would never come to be on Asguard, i assumed Midguard to be a fine alternative.” 
You looked at him confused “Why didn’t you tell Odin that the septor manipulated you?”
He let out a soft laugh “Odin never would have listened to me. He had the word of his beloved first born and will always listen to him before he considered a word his black sheep of a son would utter.” 
You smiled “I had a feeling that you were far better than anyone else said. Turns out i was right. You’re just, a little rough around the edges.” You said as you brushed his hair out of his face.
Loki gently grabbed your hand and looked in your eyes “You make me feel something i do not understand, but it truely feels lovely.” 
“If its love, then I feel it too.” You said softly, looking away from his eyes. He lifted a hand to turn your head towards him.
“May I?” He asked gently, his voice soft and not nearly as demanding as you would have expected from a prince.  You nodded, and he leaned in.
When youre lips touched he let go of your hand and brought his to your waist, pulling you closer. His lips were cool and gentle against yours, and when your lips separated he let out a gentle sigh. 
The two of you looked in each others eyes until Loki breathed out a soft “I love you.” 
You scooted closer to him and wrapped him in a hug “I love you too.”
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starwalker03 · 7 months
You’re a bartender? Assign drinks to some of your favorite characters
ooooooooooooooof. wait.
because like. is this what I think they'd like? what I think "represents" them? what I think they'd order? there's too many options here and I have not been a bartender for long enough to know enough drinks.
My favourite characters? damn. I immediately forgot every blorbo I have lmao.
Nightwing's gotta be first. He's complicated cause I'd imagine all the batkids are trained by batman to be weary of alcohol because it impedes brain function. He probably sticks to low percentage things in general. I'm pretty sure he's also canonically a sweet tooth? and if not I think he would be. So I don't think he's a beer guy. Probably when he was younger and that's just What You Do when you're that age and start drinking cause you think 'I'm a guy so i gotta drink beer'. once he's older I figure he's more of a mixer guy, like hard soda, cruisers, that kind of thing. still one drink per serve, not super strong, mostly sugar.
If he's in a situation where he's all for getting drunk and is comfortable doing so, I can see him as a cocktails guy. He strikes me as a jalapeno margarita type. I don't think he's big into shots or anything cause he's still got that ingrained discomfort, but y'know, sweet things that are two standard drinks and only about 100mLs all up.
Honourable mention to Wally West cause I can't think of one without the other right now.
Wally can't get drunk. So to him the most important thing here is taste. I think he's a sweet tooth type. french martini or one of those fruit tingle type situations. Maybe like, a frozen drink? I could see him liking pina coladas. If this is a getting drunk situation and he's trying to get drunk quick, I could see him being the type to order a long island iced tea, even though it's usually only made with a shot and a half in most bars and is a huge red flag. eventually someone would tell him he's wasting time and taste buds, cause long islands are served in a highball and honestly taste like crap.
Okay so Kaldur'ahm. Kaldur'Ahm and alcohol is a thought.
I feel like alcohol isn't a huge thing in Atlantis, like most beverages, cause they're in the water. I can't get into world building about dining and such in an underwater setting right now cause I'll be here for hours. But I think drinking isn't a big thing down there yknow? Then on top of that, Kaldur has a high tolerance to poisons (I think young justice just says jellyfish toxin? but I feel like poison in general makes sense for him) so alcohol takes a lot for him.
I feel like he discovers mead and really likes it. there's some really interesting things you can do with mead, especially with saltier palettes, that I think Kaldur, being Atlantean, would appreciate.
When out partying, though, I think he just does shots. cause if he's just drinking to get drunk then what's the point, y'know? just give him some vodka, preferably like three shots of the stuff in one go, and he's good.
man. Favourite characters. hmmmm.
Hiccup Haddock. So he's a viking, like. mead is already on the table. looking at modern drinks, though. going off of mead being something he probably canonically likes. we're looking at sweet but also bitterness from the aging process and a depth of flavour. I think he'd be into scotch, similar depth to flavour and palette, with a smoky edge to it that I think is very "viking core" or whatever. being a dragon rider and all he's probably used to smokiness in food/drink. I'd make him a good riff on an old-fashioned with scotch instead of bourbon, and maybe something with honey and orange bitters as well. that kinda flavour profile.
Leonardo, of mutant ninja turtle fame, is a thought.
I mean it depends on the iteration. I'm mostly familiar with 2012, 2007 and 2018 (stares at word doc of fic where I mix all three) and I feel like all three of them wouldn't be huge drinkers. but if they were to drink, I'd go with a warm cocktail, perhaps with a tea base. those are very fun. whiskey-honey-chamomile or something of the sort. or perhaps fruity teas with tequila or rum.
Merlin, of BBC's Merlin show, already is seen to be drinking ale in the show. I don't think he hates it. Ale of the time wouldn't have bee particularly great, but he seems to drink it without complaint for the most part.
beers and ales have come a long way and I think he could definitely find something he liked from amber or dark ales, perhaps even as far as guineas. If asked to make him a cocktail, though, I'd try for something bitter, possibly gin-based? in my experience some of those can be interestingly dry. or maybe a highball topped with cider? oooh maybe a moscow mule would be the vibe. sub the mint for rosemary and add a really dry ginger syrup in? or cut the lime juice with ginger juice or something like that.
I could keep thinking of blorbos but I'd be here all night.
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To be in the favor of Gods... PART 6.
AN: I got back into Vikings. AAAABSOLUTELY obsessed w the Ragnarssons ofc... who isn't?
Part 5 here.
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-That can be arranged.. - said Bjorn striding over to you. - if you're willing.
You opened your eyes to see his crystal ones staring back at you with hope in them. You just smiled and nod.
The gods have told you to wait with the wedding. You had a raid to go to first. The mediterrian sea called Bjorn, and who were you to not got with him. Ubbe stayed home. Your brother Halfdan arrived a day before the departure.
-Keep her safe brother. - he hugged Bjorn before you departed.
-Coma back to me love. - he whispered to you before secretly kissing your neck.
When the men started to row, you watched the dock get smaller and smaller with tears in your eyes. You had no idea why the gods didn't want you to marry Bjorn just yet, but you were sure they would show it soon enough.
After long weeks of sailing you finally arrived in a place they called Greece. At least that's what Sindric told you. You had told them you were merchants, so you were let in. The governor dined with you all. There was a woman, a priestess singing after dinner. She intrigued Bjorn and Halfdan very much. They asked all kinds of questions with her. The emperor was trying to flirt with you on the other side of the table. Yet Bjorn didn't seem to notice. You thanked him for the meal, and stood up to leave, taking one last look at your to be husband, only to see that he still did not notice you. You decided you did not want to be disturbed tonight, so you walked back to the ships, and slept inside one instead of the camp.
Early in the morning a drunken Halfdan found you, waking you up with a slap to your face.
-How dare you leave just like that? I thought something happened to you...
You were holding your face, looking towards the city only to see Sindric and Bjorn talking to the priestess from the day before.
-At least you noticed brother. I am allright you see now, now leave me alone. - you said as you turned your back to him trying to sleep a bit more.
He sighed and sat down next to your laying form.
-What happened in Kattegat (Y/n)? Why did you have to stay.
You grunted a bit before sitting up between his legs, your back to his chest. Just as you used to when you were little.
-The gods fated me to be Bjorn's and Ubbe's. Harald had disowned me, Lagertha took me in. Bjorn asked for my hand in marriage months ago and i said yes.... but... - you continued as you looked at him up on the walls of the fort laughing with the priestess.- i guess i know now why the god's have told me to wait with the wedding... yet my heart aches.. something tells me i also have noone to come back home to anymore..
Halfdan hugged you closer.
-You'll always have a place to come home to. You are my sister, and you'll always will be. - he whispered to your ear before looking at Bjorn.
-So, who do you want me to kill? The priestess or that bastard? - he laughed.
-None, let them have their fun. Perhaps i'll stay some more too... - you smirked.
That day you had a vision of Margrethe and Ubbe. Ubbe looked unsure, but he didn't stop it either. Viking men proved themselves again. How stupid you've been to even think for a moment that they wouldn't do this to you. A bitterness had sprang inside of you. You will make them pay.
That day the governor held a feast, and you all were invited. All the vikings were sat at the far end of the table, while you were given a beautiful dress, beautiful jewellery, and had been given a seat next to the governor. The priestess was seated on his other side, but he only had eyes for you. He himself filled your chalice with wine, he did not let a servant do it. You had a beautiful red dress which flowed around, you still hid various daggers around your body, but regardless you were just like a goddess. A shawl in your neck and hiding most of your long wavy hair. The soft curls swept to one side of your body, gold piece of jewellery with a red ruby in the middle adorning your forehead. You smiled at the man, and kept good conversation.
You didn't even look at Bjorn the whole night. Halfdan sat down next to him seeing his angry look, his jaw clenching as he watched you, he also saw how the priestess had a look of longing as she watched Bjorn. Halfdan just laughed.
-What is up with you Bjorn? - he clinked his chalice to Bjorn's.
-Not now Halfdan.
-What not now? What has gotten you so angry?
-How are you even okay with him treating your sister like that?
-Treating my sister like what? All i am seeing is good conversation, respect, unvavering attention and gifts. If you see anything else you might need to look to yourself for faults.
Bjorn did not understand what Halfdan meant. He just looked at him with question in his eyes.
Halfdan sighed before putting a hand across his shoulder.
-I thought you understand women better than i do... listen, all i mean is... you're meant to treat her like that not him.. and yes i would be happier if it would be you instead of him.. But on the other hand, you chose to spend days with that priestess not giving a time of your mind to the woman you wanted to marry just weeks ago... also she foresee Ubbe laying with Margrethe again... you cannot blame her for yours and your brother's faults.. - He said, before downing his wine in one.
After the meal, musicians started to play. The governor urging you to dance with him. You laughed and told him you did not know this dance, but he was presistant to show you. Soon enough he had your hands in his, dancing around, the rest of the attendants clapping and smiling, some even dancing around too. When he let you go, you excused yourself to get some fresh air. You were now up on the walls, where Bjorn had been with the priestess just days ago. The moon shining down on you as you looked out to the sea. Asking, pleading with the gods not to torture you this way anymore.
You heard faint steps behind you, but still to heavy to be a greek man. You grabbed the dagger hanging around your waist, twirling and holding it to the man's neck. Bjorn lifted both his hands up, motioning that he had not come to harm you, and that he is unarmed. You put your dagger down while staring into his eyes wordlessly, before turning your back on him, walking away.
You slowed down, but did not look back, before picking up your pace again. The rest of the raid you either kept to yourself or to your brother, sometimes taking a walk with the governor. Soon it was time to go home. You decided to sail in Harald's ship instead of Bjorn's. The priestess decided to come too, nearly hanging off of Bjorn's arm.
The weeks sailing back were painful, you did not eat, you lost weight, you weren't shining anymore. You had lost your spark. The gods still plagued you, but you weren't sure of the extent of truth in the visions.
In Bjorn's ship...
Bjorn was looking at you in the other ship with sad puppy eyes, that part did not missed the priestess's eyes.
-Who is she to you? - she asked with a thick accent.
-She was to be my wife.
-I'm not sure that is what she wants anymore. - Bjorn said before tearing his eyes off of you, and sitting down in the ship. The way home tortured him as well.
Arriving in Kattegat...
On the deck, Bjorn tried to talk to you again, but you walked away. Ubbe was not anywhere near. Lagertha greeted you with a hug and a sad smile. By the time the feast started at the great hall, you quietly planned to pack your stuff, fully intending to leave with your brother Halfdan. As you entered the hut, you saw Ubbe laying on the bed, Margrethe riding him, looking at you with a smirk. You stood in the door until Ubbe noticed you, throwing Margrethe off of himself.
-(Y/n).. this.. this is not what... - he said as he stood up, walking towards you. You drew your sword, pointing to his neck, keeping him at lenght. Tears escaping your eyes.
-This is exactly what it seems Ubbe. I was a fool for thinking any of you would keep their word... - you said as his eyes widened. You rolled your eyes and dropped the sword, running back to the great hall.
You started to drink at least your weight in mead if not more. Lagertha looked at you with worry, Bjorn with sadness, Ubbe just entered, searching around for you. You were in the corner, already drunk, sitting in Hvitserk's lap, with your legs in Ivars. Ubbe tried to walk to you, but Halfdan stopped him.
-Tsk tsk tsk. - he said before drawing his axe, his men gathering next to him. Lagertha motioned Ubbe to leave and join her instead.
-If you don't let her breath, you'll make it worse. Give her time.. - she said.
Later that night you were smushed between Hvitserk and Ivar in a hallway, Ivar holding you close, while Hvitserk played with your hair.
-WIll you help me Hvitserk? Will you help me get rid of these stupid gifts? - you cooed to the drunken man, you yourself just as drunk.
-Anything you want (Y/n).. - he said leaning in to kiss you, when Ivar yanked you away, as Lagertha coughed to get your attention.
Hvitserk tried to gather you in his arms, kiss your neck, when Lagertha gave him a look. He then held up his hands in defeat and walked back to his brother.
-(Y/n), losing your gifts will not mend your heart. - she whispered as he took a hold of your upper arm.
-Go with them if you want, but think of the future. What if you do not lose your gifts? What if you'll carry one of their child? Can you really imagine a future with any of them? - she asked quietly as she made you look at them. You rolled your eyes and went back to the hall. Lagertha nodded at Ivar, cause he signed her that she needed to come. He knew very well this was just your heartbreak cause of his stupid brothers, and he also knew Hvitserk would fuck anything that moves, especially you.
You walked out to the shore. The priestess following you.
-You carry a heavy burden. - she said from behind you, as you tried to sweep away the tears on your face.
-He loves you, you know. - she said getting closer. You jumped up, picking up a nearby sword to point at her.
-You should know, don't you... priestess... - you snarled. - and when did he tell you that, before or after he laid with you?
She gulped before lifting her hands as you circled her with the sword.
-He did not lay with me.
-Oh but im sure he wanted to. They are all the same you know.. The gods have shown me i'm fated to two, yet both humiliate me, hurt me... so before you speak of heavy burdens... maybe think. - you say before dropping the sword, letting her run back to the hall.. You were sure she would alert everyone of your drunken deranged self.
By the time Halfdan makes it to the shore, you're floating around in your clothes, in the middle of the fjord, laughing like a madwoman. The storm is raging above you, but strangely not reaching Kattegat. Now all the people are out, watching the scene unfold. Lagertha has to stop Halfdan from jumping in after you, for he'd surely drown. You were protected by the gods. You were in their hands now.
You were floating, but now two hands carried you, keeping you above the water. You look up to the one holding you and you see a man with one eye missing.
-Odin... -you whispered as you touched his face. He leaned into your touch.
-My sweet child.. do not throw yourself away... People make mistakes. We have given you them for a reason. You must be strong.. Be strong.. (Y/n)...
The people on the shore were seeing this. They saw someone holding you, lifting you up in the air without hands. He then gently put you in a small boat, putting you to sleep, and rowed it to the shore, handing your limp body to your brother without a word. He then left. People were in disbelief, saying they saw a miracle. Halfdan put his cloak around your freezing body, before bringing you to a room in the great hall, lighting a fire to keep you warm. You were having a fever, and the only words that left your lips were the names of Bjorn and Ubbe.
He sighed and sent for them. When they arrived Halfdan was pressing a cold cloth to your forehead as you shivered in bed, chating their name. They were next to you in a few strides. Each taking a hold of a hand. You calmed down, and fell quiet. Trying to open your eyes. Bjorn caressed your cheek gently.
-Don't force it love. We will be here when you wake up. Just focus on getting well now..
Your fever stayed for a few days but when you got better and woke up, they were by your side.
-Love.. - Ubbe gasped when he saw you open your eyes, Bjorn immediately waking up on the other side. Both looking at you for any bad signs.
-Odin himself saved you. You are favored by the gods, you will be forever. - Ubbe said as he kissed the back of your hand.
-He.....he told m-m-me... - you gulped, your mouth was so dry - to f-f-for-forgive .... you.
-And do you think you can? - Bjorn asked.
-I'll try. - you whispered. Before weakly trying to get them both to lay with you. They understood, and laid next to you, hands over your waist.
When you first joined the people in the great hall, They all went quiet as they had looked at you, making you way. Lagertha stood up and walked toward you with a chalice full of wine.
-I am glad you are well (Y/n), gift of the gods. - she told you as he handed the cup to you.
-My queen. - you lifted it, before drinking. The people shout in happiness, all toasting you.
Lagertha smiled and the crowd became quiet as Bjorn and Ubbe stood on your sides.
-There is another think i would like to share with you all.. My son and his brother Ubbe had found love at last, we will have a great wedding tomorrow.
-Who will they marry? - asked Ivar jaw clenching. They smirked at him before Bjorn stepped up.
-The gods have fated us to the same woman, not to be worried we are not forced.. - he said laughing as he snaked an arm around your waist.
-We have been through many good and bad thing together... but it is what we all want, it is all we have ever wanted. - Ubbe continued before standing behind you, saying the last few words into your ear making you giggle.
-Get a room. - shouted Halfdan from the crowd laughing as Bjorn picked you up and ran out, with Ubbe hot on your heels.
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itstravelersnoteb00k · 3 months
Chasing tranquility in Tagaytay
By: Marc John Lacambra
12 March 2024 0007H PHT
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Tagaytay is one of the most loved and popular travel destinations among locals because of its enticing sightseeing attractions, delicious delicacies, cold weather, and recreational activities that makes the tourists’ bonding with family and friends more memorable.
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Given that Tagaytay is located in ridges of Cavite, you can see both the Taal Volcano and Taal Lake at some vantage points of the city, and due to its high altitude expect a low-temperature ranging from 29°C to the lowest 18.8°C on summer months of March to May so you need to pack thick clothes or jackets to keep you warm. When you finally arrive at Tagaytay, you won't be discourage because of the stunning natural surroundings and the cool air that caresses your neck, beckoning you to explore and enjoy Tagaytay! You will be entice to take a ton of pictures and videos to remember your trip and post them on social media. You will undoubtedly enjoy yourself with the recreational activities available there, whether you're with family or friends.
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If you’re into thrilling or exciting rides you can visit Sky Ranch and try their rides there such as the Viking boat, Zip line, and their famous Ferris Wheel among others. If you get hungry there are lots of food stall inside Sky Ranch, but if you want to eat either in a fine dine restaurant, fast food chain, or local eatery you can find them around.
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Hence, If you ever bring your own food, you may go to Picnic Grove and enjoy it with your loved ones at a table and bench covered by a roof that resembles a cottage. You can also try horseback riding around the hills of Picnic Grove for a price of P350 per hour, or just take a picture with the horse for only P20.
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In Tagaytay, there is a unique recreational activity that will not require you to wear safety gears. It is called a "kawa bath", where you will sit in a large kawa. For the unfamiliar, kawa is a giant metal wok mostly used to cook a generous amount of food for a feast. It is filled with water and some organic leaves and herbals for aromatherapy, healing purposes, and relaxation. There is a burning fire underneath that heats the water to a specific temperature, so don't worry—they won't cook you HAHAHAHAA.
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The cold weather would be wasted if there are no strawberry farms in there. So, if you’re a strawberry lover, you should visit Queen's Strawberry Farm and enjoy strolling around and taking pictures of the fruits. If you are lucky and visit during the right season, you can also go strawberry picking and pay for it when you leave. You may try their strawberry-flavored salads, breakfast, desserts, and drinks, as the farm also functions as a restaurant and bed & breakfast.
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There are many more attraction that you may visit, recreational activities to try, delicious foods to taste, and even colorful and lively events there in Tagaytay. So, whatever type of tourist you are; you will surely enjoy traveling in there alone, or together with your loved one. Altogether we can have fun and chase the tranquility in Tagaytay!
Hope to see you there, fellow wanderers!
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trivialbob · 1 year
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The patio outside Goat Ridge Brewery in New London. There's a stream behind those tables. We were here this summer and liked the patio.
There was live music in the bar and kitchen area. We sat in a quieter dining room and played cards for a while. Later we returned to the bar to watch the Vikings game. Ugh.
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viking-raider · 1 year
Geeks in Love - Cotton Candy Fluff
Summary: You have a secret skill that Henry doesn't know about, but finally decided to present to him, in a thoughtful way.
Pairing: Henry Cavill/Reader
Word Count: 1k
Warning: G - Cotton Candy Goodness, Soft!Henry, Fluff, Geeks, Supportive Relationship, Shady Mother, Hurt/Comfort, Anxiety, Warhammer, Sneaking, Secretive Behavior, Hidden Skills, Cuddles, Kissing, Gifts, Surprises
Inspiration: This video on Instagram and Henry Cavills Warhammer 40k obsession.
Author’s Note: I hope you enjoy this! Line divider by @FIREFLY-GRAPHICS!
If you would like to get notifications for my writing! Just follow my Tag List blog, @VIKING-RAIDER-TAGLISTand turn on the notifications for it! It’s that easy! @VIKING-RAIDER-LIBRARY
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Henry cocked a brow at his computer monitor as he watched your fourth sneak into his office/man cave, in the last hour. You tiptoed behind him, casting side eyes at him, as you went up to the display shelf the Warhammer 40k minis he had painted were sitting on. Standing there for a moment, trying to act casual, you'd pick one of them up and slowly turn your upper body away from him for a minute or two, before delicately putting the figure back in its place and scurrying out of the room.
Shaking his head, he turned his attention back to trying out Diablo IV. Until, about twenty minutes later, he caught your figure out of the corner of his eye and a smirk spread across his lips. He listened to the soft creaks of the floorboards beneath your creeping toes, while watching your reflection in his monitor.
You picked up yet another one of Henry's minis.
“What are you doing, babe?” He asked, as you put the piece back, startling the life out of you and making himself chuckle.
“Nothing.” You panted, pressing a hand to your thundering heart.
“You've come in here five times, in the last hour, and haven't said a peep to me.” Henry pointed out, smirking.
“I'm sorry.” You cooed, moving over to him. “How's your game going?” You asked, wrapping your arm around his shoulders and gazing at his screen.
“It's going great, thank you.” He answered, slipping an arm around your waist and pulling you into his lap. “But that doesn't answer my question, my love.” He purred, pressing a kiss to your neck. “Why are you peeking at my Warhammer Minis?”
A shy and guilty smirk crossed your lips and you quickly hid it in Henry's shoulder. “It's not finished yet.” You confessed against his skin.
“What isn't?” Henry frowned, shaking his head and leaning back in his gaming chair.
“Give me two more days.” You answered, raising your head to look him in the eyes.
A shallow crease formed between Henry's brows, but he nodded his head, trusting you. “All right.” He purred, but didn't let you go as you made to get up out of his lap, holding onto you for a short time longer.
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Two days later, you guided Henry into the dining room, your heart pounding with excitement for what you had to show him, but your hands jittered with nerves that he wouldn't like it. On the dining table sat something covered by a throw blanket that was usually on the back of the couch. You motioned Henry to it, biting the corner of your lip, as he slowly pulled the blanket off.
“I know how it's been driving you crazy, since you finally finished painting your Custodes, that they've been falling over, with the slightest bump of the shelf.” You started to explain in a bubble of anxiety. “So, I decided to make them a little stand.” You pointed to the object he uncovered.
It was several tiered stands, stained nicely, that had lightly padded wells with a finger groove, for every one of Henry's painted minis to comfortably sit inside of. Henry looked it over, his mouth slightly ajar at the craftsmanship you had put into it, unaware you could make something like this, and felt a hard tug on his heart that you had done something so thoughtful for his geeky hobby.
“So, this is why you kept sneaking into my office the other day?” He asked, looking back at you, his handsome face soft with disbelief and love.
“Yeah.” You nodded at him, excited to see he clearly loved it. “I was measuring the stands, so I knew how big to make the sockets for them to sit inside of. Some of them are bigger than others, and I was taking extra measurements.” You explained to him, moving around to the side of the table, picking something off the chair. “I even made you a little box to put them in. So, if maybe, you ever wanted to take them somewhere with you, they had a protective case.”
“The stands fit in it”
He slotted the stands into the box that had the Custodes logo, his name, as well as one of his favorite quotes. “We die, though our war is eternal, We are doomed, but we walk in darkness, We are forgotten, yet the future is our gift to humanity.” He read aloud, then looked at you.
“Why didn't I know you were so good with woodworking and power tools?”
“When my mom found out you were interested in me, she told me to keep it to myself.” You confessed, looking down at your hands. “Because it's unladylike to know how to wield power tools and build something, like a guy. That you, a rich, successful and hot celebrity, would be turned off by it.” You told him, feeling your cheeks heat up and your eyes burn a little bit at recalling the conversation.
Henry felt a hot stab in his gut, angry at your mother for thinking such a thing of him. “What finally made you decide to show me this side of you?”
“Well,” You rasped, biting your lip for a moment. “I already have you, don't I?” You tried to make light, offering him a weak smile. “But, you did.” You told him, gulping. “You're so comfortable showing your skills, no matter what they are, geeky or otherwise. I finally felt comfortable enough to let go and show this part of myself, to show you the skill that I learned from my dad growing up.”
“This is how I wanted to do it, by making something for your precious minis.”
Henry pulled you against him. “I love it so much, babe.” He smiled, kissing you. “I am proud that you stopped listening to your mum and made it with your own two hands. You know, skills like that would have never turned me off. I find it incredible that you can do something like this.” He said motioning to the piece.
“I'll treasure it forever. Just like I will you.”
“That's a relief.” You giggled, pressing your cheek to his chest, feeling better that you didn't have to hide something you enjoyed from him anymore.
“I'm going to put my minis up!” He said, letting go of you and grabbing the box, before rushing into his office, making you giggle with joy.
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anthrofreshtodeath · 1 year
32 or 37 maybe? I dont know about you but I could use happy Rizzles
(32) Under a cut because it's a little naughty. 1) Playoff football is fun 2) Jane and Maura would totally be that obnoxious couple to subject all their loved ones to their lovey dovey nonsense, given that they subject them to all their platonic nonsense in the show 😂
Jane looks over at the bouquet of flowers in her passenger seat, along with the chips, bakery box, and case of beer on the floor in front, and wrings her steering wheel. It’s cold - not snowing, but cold enough for her teeth to chatter while she waits for the car to warm up.
Her heart is pounding, too, but that’s not because of the temperature. The flowers remind her - Friday had marked the sixth month of a torrid romance between her and Maura, begun right in the middle of summer when Jane’s AC had broken and Maura came over to help fix it and they instead spent the entire afternoon fucking the sheets off the bed in Jane’s oppressively hot room. 
Maura’s place, not hers, is actually where she’s headed now, where she’d been all morning before realizing that about five more people than they originally thought would be coming over for championship weekend. So, instead of distracting Maura in the kitchen while she tried to ready food for the Rizzolis and their football loving friends, Jane decided to make herself useful and go for more alcohol. 
When Jane pulls up to the home, finding a parking spot just a few feet away, it hits her again. Thoughts of legs tangled and wet kisses and Maura’s feigned annoyance at the fairly large mark Jane had put on her neck in the heat of the moment, contrast with the fact that Maura is currently hosting all the people Jane loves the most to watch a sport Maura disdains from both a medical and moral perspective. The domesticity and the raunchy memories swirl together and distill into something potent enough to make jelly of Jane’s insides. There is a slithering coil of heat in her belly when she balances all her purchases on her way to the door, and rings the bell because she can’t reach her key. 
Frankie opens up, and his eyes dance when he sees the beer. “You got the good stuff, Janie!” he exclaims, grabbing her face and kissing the side of her head. “Lemme get that; I’ll put it in the cooler.”
Jane smirks. “How mad you think Maura is that we got a cooler full of beer on her nice antique floors, huh?”
“I dunno, I haven’t had the heart to ask her,” Frankie jokes back, their voices quiet and conspiratorial. “Flowers should help, though.”
“That was my thinking, yes,” Jane snarks. She closes the door behind her, considerably less burdened now that her brother has taken the beer over by the dining table and is unloading it into the cooler. 
Frost, Tommy, Vince, Angela, cousin Danny from their pop’s side, Susie and a few more crime techs, and three of Frankie’s best friends from high school huddle together around the TV, the Cowboys and Vikings just beginning their battle for the NFC crown. Maura, however, bustles around the kitchen island, wiping down surfaces and checking the oven window. When she pops her head back up and sees Jane, she smiles.
“Are those for me?” she asks, when Jane crosses over the wood flooring to the tile and holds the bouquet out.
“The tart, too,” Jane answers. They’re both in dark jeans, but somehow Jane’s feel plain while Maura’s look painted on, inviting, the perfect sexy complement to the gray cashmere v-neck sweater she wears. Jane gulps when she sees it, frowns like she’s in pain when the shine of the diamond pendant over Maura’s sternum brings Jane’s eyes up to that burgundy splotch over her carotid - not necessarily like Maura’s proud of it, but definitely like she doesn’t care who sees it. Jane sniffs loudly. “I figured you shouldn’t be subjected to all our cussin’ and hydrogenated oils without a reward,” she approaches, and before she can let Maura reply, she kisses her lips softly, soundly, and full of pressurized want. 
Maura whimpers into that kiss just as Jane’s hands slide around her back, thumbs swiping under her sweater on heater-warmed skin. Jane plays in the dimples there, just above Maura’s hips, and shifts to kissing along Maura’s jaw. “Speaking of, I’m shocked your mother let me convince her to try an oven-baked wings recipe,” says Maura.
“Mmhmm,” Jane hums distractedly into Maura’s hairline, nips just behind her bite from the night before. 
Maura shivers. “And thank you, by the way, for the artisan treat,” she says, testing a theory. “I appreciate your thoughtfulness.”
“Mmm,” Jane half-acknowledges, just before she presses her lips against Maura’s again. She is lost. Completely and utterly floundering in the feeling. Maura assumed as much.
She wraps her arms around Jane’s shoulders because she knows it only intensifies things, the way Jane likes to be held both like she’s taller and stronger and like Maura will take care of her. 
They’ve struck quite the balance in these last six months.
And even though Maura does not care if the others can see their little makeout session over here, she still whispers her next statement when Jane gives her enough room to breathe. “I know what you’re thinking about,” she says, just loud enough for Jane to hear the singsong in it.
Jane pulls back just enough to curl one eyebrow. “Oh, do you?” She taunts, as quietly as Maura had. 
“I do,” Maura tells her, fingers splaying against her cheek. Thumb rubbing the corner of her wet mouth. Jane takes that thumb between her teeth, eyes closed, right as her brothers shriek at an intercepted pass from Dak Prescott. “And it’s thinking about you, too.”
Jane’s eyes fly back open. She drops Maura’s appendage and stares right at her. “It is?”
Maura takes the time to pull Jane close, to keep one arm around Jane’s shoulders and thread the other under one of Jane’s like they’re dancing, burying her nose in the scent of Jane’s hair and sighing there. “It is. And it’s wet for you. But you’re going to have to wait for two whole football games before you find out just how much.” She seals it all with a kiss on a sharp cheekbone.
Jane stands, immobile, hard - straight up and down with Maura in her arms. Everyone carries on like they didn’t just fucking hear that. Which, now that she thinks about it, they probably didn’t and she’s glad. “I love you. So fucking much. But that is the meanest thing anyone has ever done to me,” she whines.
Maura just shrugs and breaks up their entanglement to pull the wings out of the oven with a smile.
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claggorstuff · 2 years
The most unbreakable of spells... part one. ★
Arcane x reader
As i walked around the train looking for a spot to sit, i noticed him.. his burly frame and brown fluffy hair, his encapturing brown eyes and defined cheekbones, it was only a glance but it was breathtaking... so much so i literally choked on a piece of my lolly and fell over
"Woah! You okay cutie?" I turned to see his disastrous companion.. spikey haired and green eyed with a much more skeleton-like frame... i scowled, "I'm fine. Thanks for asking.. nice halloween costume what are you a muggle?" Thats when i heard the bigger boys chuckle
"No, hes an idiot is what he is." I giggled and the skinny boy grunted backing off, it was my first year and seemed to be theirs too, there was a quieter short haired tom-boy looking girl... who seemed distracted with what was out the window... "oh uh... my names y/n...! Its my first year what about you guys?" I said sitting down right next to the burly boy, holding a irregularly small owl on his arm
"vi. Mylo. Claggor." The girl gestured to herself and the other two boys in order "in other words moody, AWESOME, and tank." Mylo exclaimed cocking his head to the side and smirking, claggor scoffed "nice to meet ya y/n." he gripped my hand firmly and shook it, I couldnt help but admire his features up close as he awkwardly smiled, breaking the eye contact... wait I was staring like a creep wasnt I.
"So y/n, where ya from?" I paused to think.. "where are you from is the question." He looked at me confused, "uhm.. the undercity."
"The fancy british place?"
"Thats.. thats england."
"I meant the.. town.."
"London isnt a town."
"What is london?"
"A city."
"With fancy british peo-"
"MYLO!" Claggor had cut him off annoyed, he quickly shut up.. unlike me they didnt seem to have any sort of accent.. most likely north american, but one seemed to have darker tan skin, mylo, so i cant quite assume with him.. and claggor resembled something like a viking.. are they scottish maybe? "You guys aren't from around here.." vi scowled "no. We arent. But thats none of your damn buisness."
"Sorry.. Sorry.." I got my toad out of his little terrarium and smiled patting his head, pulling a cricket from a little jar of potion ingredients, claggor leaned over my shoulder smiling at peter, my toads name, I saw his gentle smile and my heart pounded in my chest.. I yelped when he set his hand on mine trying to pet the toad and he yelped back
"O-Oh uh.. I-I'm sorry was that weird orrr-?"
"No No you just spooked me! Its all good claggor, all good."
"Cool.. Cool.."
"AGGHH!! I SEE IT I SEE THE SCHOOL!" mylo piped up pointing out the window howling, I smiled and half crawled onto claggors leg to see it better, until the train hit a bump knocking me down, mylo laughed like a hyena and claggor helped me up chuckling.. the train soon stopped and we ventured out, I stayed with my newfound friends sitting down at the dining hall as mylo ate like he hadnt seen food in years, claggor picked carefully, he may have been big but he seems to have a very healthy diet.
"ATTENTION ALL STUDENTS! I WELCOME YOU TO HOGWARTS! THE BEST SCHOOL FOR WITCHES AND WIZARDS AROUND!" The old man stood at the front and laughed "Oh im just joking with you all.. soon each of you will be called to be sorted into houses hufflepuff, ravenclaw, gryffindor, or slytherin!" I scowled "sweet mother mary of christ ALL of us?! Thats so impractical cant it be like.. we get sent to our dormatorys right after being called or somethint theres over a hundred students in this school!"
"Tell me about it, vander, our dad said it took him hours to get to the gryffindor dorms.." vi chirped opening up a bit, she didnt seem so bad when she was.. well.. not spitting venom at me.
"Alright everyone pipe down.. first up, Claggor Benant!" I stared as he stood up and walked over sitting down and having the hat placed on his head, Benant.. huh, cute name for a cute- wait what... well hes cute yes but- "hufflepuff!" He smiled and walked back to the table highfiving us all, I looked dazed from my previous thought and he ruffled my hair, soon after his siblings were called vi and mylo, despite mylos bothersome attitude he was placed into gryffindor with his sister, I guess its what he really really wanted, I'd wanna stick to my siblings too if i had any that go here.. I soon got called up
"Hm.. stop with yer racing mind im trying to read you.. eh, ravenclaw."
"RAVENCLAWW!!" The elderly man announced, I sat with the others of my house quite disappointed I couldnt sit with claggor, he waved goodbye as did the rest as we were lead to our dorms, I slumped into bed tired when a boy knocked at my window.. IS HE ON THE LEDGE OF THE FUCKING BUILDING?!
He knocked again, I opened it whisper-shouting in shock
"What are you doing here?!"
"Came to see ya y/n, not too unfarmiliar with scaling buildings."
"...cuz. stuff."
"...youre fucking insane."
He finally climbed in laying down on my bed with a light chuckle "insane in the membrane, insane in the brain." I scoffed "how did you even know-?!" He shrugged "I dunno, windows are pretty see-through to me." I held back a giggle "w-well thats verry verrrry funny."
"I know, its actually hilarious."
"Oh shut your mouth!" I whacked him with my pillow giggling, what is up with this guy? He picked me up with ease as i squealed and thrashed "damn woman what are you a horse?!"
"No but im about to buck your teeth out!"
"No damn way!" He tossed me up and I landed next to him, turning to my side.. I whispered "you're cute... CRAZY! YOU'RE CRAZY!" ...silence... "how long did it take u to process that, seriously."
"A bajillion years, dont take that in a romantic way you..hmph, I wont waste my breathe."
"You already wasted it choking on a Lollipop on a train."
"Oh shut it!" I snorted and he gave me a funky look, dammit! Why do I laugh like that.. I laid on my other side facing opposite to him, "staying the night benant?"
"Nobody calls me claggor benant, not anymore."
"What, you got an emo backstory benant?"
"Cut it out."
"...noted.." dammit I screwed up! He sighed and put an arm around me, making my heart skip several beats "I've never slept alone and the ravenclaw dorms are the closest ones. Hope you dont mind y/n.."
"Not at all. Its all good.." he nuzzled the pillow and I shut my eyes, setting my hand on his embracing his warmth, as my blood bolted to my face with each sleeping movement he made.. I eventually fell asleep nuzzled close to him.
End of part one ★
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thirsty4villains · 2 years
Tumblr media
Rating: E  
Warnings: Eventual smut, human sacrifice, torture, blood and injury, violence, angst
Tags: sharing a bed, slow burn, eventual romance, fix-it, canon divergence of Avengers Infinity War/Endgame, humor, limited use of Y/N, action and adventure
A year has passed since the Snap. As you look to find a fresh start in life, you end up in the wrong place at the wrong time. A small cult dedicated to the newly revitalized Norse religion chooses you as a sacrifice with the belief that this will give Thor and the other gods the strength to undo what Thanos has done. What you don't know is that human sacrifices come with a powerful magic — those who are sacrificed become linked with the god they have been given to.
It's been a millennia since a human was sacrificed to one of the gods. You've been bound to Loki.
Four days had passed since Freya’s departure and now was the morning of the fifth. The past two days were spent with Loki -- dawn til dusk. Not once in the time you have been here have you seen Loki eat. Once you saw him pop a grape into his mouth. Once.
But after being around him for two full days you learned that he does eat. Now that he was training you in spellcasting, he had less of a reason to be holed up in his quarters for meals. You discovered that for breakfast he likes boiled eggs and tea (of course).
Eating across from one another at a table in the dining hall was… odd. It was strangely intimate; domestic — normal. In general Loki was avoided by the Vikings, but after the incident of the other day he was allowed as much space as he desired, so when you sat down to eat with him the rest of the table would clear away and find seating at another table row. Loki didn’t mind in the least.
The princely upbringing shone through in his perfect posture while sitting and the cleanliness of his area; not one crumb was found off his plate. When you brought it up he asked if you preferred he eat with his hands and growl like a hungry animal like some of the Vikings do. You almost said yes.
Eating was the only time you had gotten a break in the past two days aside from sleep. All of your time was spent being taught by Loki how to conjure a portal. It wasn’t an easy task, hence the endeavor spanning hours and hours. You learned how to use portals within Folkvangr some time ago to reach destinations more quickly, but what Loki was asking of you wasn’t a portal to the library, you were to make a portal bridging two realms.
You were still surprised that Loki asked for your help. This plan was banking on you one hundred percent and oh, you relished in the fact that Loki needed you. Unsurprisingly however, he was acting as though these were just more lessons.
“Why do I have to cast this portal?” you asked.
“Freya is the protector of this realm, so no one may leave without her blessing. When I attempt to create a portal off-world the magic fizzles out.” He advanced toward you. “But you aren’t meant to be here. I have a feeling there we can exploit a loophole in the magic of this realm if you create the portal.”
You were quiet as you pondered Loki’s words. You weren’t knowledgeable about loopholes within spells, but the logic seemed sound.
“Is there something you don’t understand?” he asked.
“No, I understand,” you replied. A sly grin crept across your face. “You need me.”
“Were you not attending at all what I just told you?”
“No, I get how important this is. But before I agree to anything... Tell me that you need me.”
He sniffed. “You’re joking.”
“You’re the god of lies. Tell me, am I?”
He scoffed. “This is ridiculous.”
“Tell me.” You batted your eyelashes.
“Woman, you are impossible.”
“Freya can come back any day. Or any second, as per your words. You can tell me how much you needed me after she comes back, I guess.” You shrugged and departed from the dining table.
“Come back,” you heard Loki’s voice say.
You almost stopped, but you weren’t going to give in that easily. If he had said ‘please’, you probably would have. You kept on walking but Loki’s long legs caught him up to you in no time and you were forced to stop when he blocked your path. He cut you off before you could form your witty response. There was a sigh as he admitted what neither of you thought he would.
“I need you for this. I need your help and I can’t do this without you. Do not ask me to beg because I will not.”
He seemed so pained to say the words.
“Is that what you wanted to hear?” he finished.
“A simple ‘I need you’ would have been perfect. But yes.”
“Then come along, silly girl. There is no time to waste.”
All of your time these past two days were spent with Loki who was painstakingly teaching you how to create portals. You considered having him admit that teaching you magic was beneficial to him, but torturing the mischief god further wasn’t going to be in your best interest down the road. Compared to when you first arrived here, you could now easily transport yourself from one end of Folkvangr to the next. On the other hand, a little over a month’s worth of magic lessons is hardly enough to attempt trying to hop realms, and this was evident in Loki’s frustration. However, he directed his irritation at the misfortune of the situation more often than at you.
Thus far, the most complex portals you could create were portals in the middle of dark, empty space. This was because you have never been to Valhalla and have no point of reference to connect yourself to it. Sometimes your doubt in your abilities were potent enough that only sparks came from your fingertips.
Still, you tried. Even though you didn’t have to. He was impatient and callous, but you felt you owed him this after agreeing to school you in magic. Additionally, if what he said is true and he could help the Avengers undo what Thanos did, you were willing to help in any way you might. You were also excited that you could visit a second magical realm.
Other than Loki’s frustration weaseling the occasional snarky word out of him, you noted that Loki was, for lack of a better word, nice. Creating this portal was a tall order; he probably expected you would be unable to do it. Despite this, Loki was being the most supportive he has ever been. But something inside you believed it wasn’t just because he needed you. In truth, you were the closest thing he had to a friend here in Folkvangr. Perhaps it was a perk of being the god of lies, but his helpfulness didn’t feel forced and his tips were definitely giving way for your improvement.
Day two of portal lessons was coming to a close now. Freya was gone for five days. Loki had known her since childhood; she made frequent visits to other realms but hardly ever longer than a few days. Five was beginning to push it. Loki informed you that she could come back at any moment. Folkvangr’s magic was strongest with Freya present and Loki feared that her return meant that even portals cast by you might not work.
If there wasn’t so much pressure, this could be fun. You deflated when conjuring another portal that led to nowhere. You turned to the god who hadn’t paid attention to your efforts. Loki was in deep thought.
“I’m sorry, Loki. I’m trying. I know I can do it. It’s a lot of pressure.”
“I know,” he said. “Keep trying.”
Your fear of disappointing Loki carried into your next attempt, and the first portal out of the past hundred barely stabilized. Its size was no larger than a rabbit. You groaned.
“Why can’t I do this?!”
“It has to come naturally, you can’t force it.”
“I know!” you said a bit too loudly. You sighed. “I’m sorry for yelling. I know. I’m not very good at accepting that I’m not getting the hang of something.”
“You and I have that in common.”
When he said it there was a hint of a smile on his face. Normally you would have appreciated his comfort, but your eyes flickered away from him. You were about to try again when you felt his hands on your hips. He swiveled you around so that you were forced to look at him. His intent was not malicious or violent however. This time not even Loki could hide that the magical feeling of the bond had a momentary effect on him. He spoke.
“Look at me. When you fail, get back up. Don’t let anybody see that it gets to you. I have seen your progress, you can make the portal.”
“You’re just saying that.” You didn’t realize until now that one of your hands was gripping his forearm.
“I’m not.”
“I don’t believe you.”
He chuckled. “You have good reason, too. But right now I am being truthful.”
Loki’s hands were still on your hips, with you pulled close to him. Your heart beat rapidly in your chest and you hoped that with his god-hearing he couldn’t tell. The touching was becoming increasingly common and more intimate. To your distress, you weren’t sure if he did like you or he had major personal space issues. However, even someone with personal space issues isn’t going to be so touchy with someone they don’t like. But whatever his issue was, you didn’t exactly mind being held by a handsome god with eyes that could send shivers through you.
You wanted to trust his words – you did trust his words even though everything about him suggested you shouldn’t. Damn him.
He released you from his grip. You were unsure whether you wanted to thank him or not. He nodded at you as encouragement to try again. Turning away from Loki, you took a deep breath, allowing the oxygen to calm your nerves. With Valhalla pictured in your mind once again, you cast a portal.
In front of you appeared an ellipse with the image of a large structure resembling a palace. Its architecture reminded you of Folkvangr somewhat, except the exterior of the palace shone silver.
“Is that… That’s it, isn’t it? I did it!”
“Well done,” Loki said with an applause of three claps. “I don’t say this often. I am… impressed.”
You beamed at his recognition.
“Don’t get used to me saying that. Well, there’s no time to lose,” he gestured to the portal. “Onward.”
You took the first step forward into yet another new world.
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Exploring the Liberty of the Seas Deck Plan: A Guide for Cruise Enthusiasts
The Liberty of the Seas, one of Royal Caribbean's Freedom-class cruise ships, is a floating paradise offering a perfect blend of relaxation, adventure, and luxury. For those planning a voyage aboard this magnificent vessel, understanding its deck plan can significantly enhance the cruising experience. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the key features and amenities of the Liberty of the Seas, deck by deck, ensuring you make the most of your time on board.
Deck 2: Accommodations and Medical Facilities
Deck 2 is primarily dedicated to passenger accommodations, featuring a range of staterooms from interior to oceanview options. This deck also houses the medical center, equipped to handle various health emergencies, ensuring passengers' well-being throughout their journey.
Deck 3: Entertainment and Dining
Deck 3 is where the excitement begins. The Alhambra Theatre is the main highlight, offering Broadway-style performances and other entertainment options. For dining, the Rembrandt Dining Room provides a classic cruise dining experience with a menu that changes daily, featuring international cuisine and special dietary options.
Deck 4: Casino and Nightlife
Deck 4 is synonymous with nightlife and entertainment. The Casino Royale is a major attraction, with an array of gaming options from slot machines to poker tables. For those seeking a vibrant nightlife, Boleros Lounge offers live Latin music and a variety of cocktails. Additionally, the Studio B ice-skating rink hosts dazzling ice shows and open skating sessions.
Deck 5: Royal Promenade and Shops
The Royal Promenade on Deck 5 is the ship's bustling hub, featuring a range of shops, cafes, and bars. Here, passengers can enjoy duty-free shopping at high-end boutiques, savor a coffee at Café Promenade, or relax with a drink at the English-style pub, Hoof & Claw. The promenade also hosts parades and parties, adding to the lively atmosphere.
Deck 6: More Staterooms and a Vitality Spa Entrance
Deck 6 primarily consists of staterooms, including interior, oceanview, and balcony options. This deck also provides access to the Vitality at Sea Spa and Fitness Center, offering a range of treatments, from massages to facials, as well as state-of-the-art fitness equipment and classes.
Deck 7 to Deck 9: Accommodations
These decks are primarily residential, offering a variety of staterooms to suit different preferences and budgets. Passengers can choose from interior, oceanview, balcony, and luxurious suite options. These decks provide a quieter atmosphere, ideal for rest and relaxation.
Deck 10: Suites and Concierge Club
Deck 10 is dedicated to the ship's most luxurious accommodations, including the Royal, Owner's, and Grand Suites. Suite guests enjoy exclusive access to the Concierge Club, where they can enjoy complimentary continental breakfast, hors d'oeuvres, and personalized service from the concierge staff.
Deck 11: Pool and Sports Zone
Deck 11 is a hub of activity with its extensive pool and sports facilities. The main pool area features multiple pools and hot tubs, including a family-friendly pool and the adults-only Solarium. The sports court offers activities like basketball and volleyball, while the FlowRider surf simulator provides thrills for adventure seekers.
Deck 12: Youth and Teen Spaces
Deck 12 caters to younger passengers with its dedicated youth and teen spaces. Adventure Ocean Youth Program offers age-appropriate activities and entertainment for kids and teens. The Living Room and Fuel Teen Club provide cool hangout spots with music, games, and events tailored for teenagers.
Deck 13: Sports and Sun Deck
Deck 13 features additional sports facilities, including a mini-golf course, rock climbing wall, and the signature FlowRider surf simulator. This deck also has plenty of sun loungers for those looking to soak up the sun and enjoy panoramic ocean views.
Deck 14: Viking Crown Lounge and Specialty Dining
Deck 14 is home to the Viking Crown Lounge, offering stunning 360-degree views of the ocean. This deck also features specialty dining options, such as Chops Grille, serving premium steaks and seafood, and Giovanni’s Table, offering Italian cuisine in a cozy setting.
Deck 15: Skylight Chapel and Sun Deck
The highest passenger deck, Deck 15, houses the Skylight Chapel, a serene venue for weddings and vow renewals. This deck also features a sun deck, providing a tranquil space for sunbathing and relaxation away from the bustling pool areas.
The Liberty of the Seas is a marvel of modern engineering and luxury, offering a diverse range of amenities and activities across its 15 decks. Whether you're looking for relaxation, adventure, fine dining, or family fun, this ship has something to cater to every passenger's desires. Understanding the deck plan can help you navigate the ship more efficiently, ensuring you don't miss out on any of the incredible experiences on offer. Prepare to embark on a memorable journey aboard the Liberty of the Seas, where every deck promises a unique and enriching experience.
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