#villain jaune arc
dragonking10 · 10 months
Jaune The Black Knight
An AU where Jaune and Ruby decided to say Fuck the world, got married after going rogue (they left Beacon after being betrayed by their friends) and had a daughter together named Olivia.
Salem was watching everything through her Grimm and decided to personally invite them to join her faction in turn they will get their revenge. With nowhere else to go they accepted now Ruby leads a battalion of Grimm with Jaune as her Second in Command.
And yes Salem cares about these two adorkable couple and vowed to never let anyone hurt them ever again.
I have baffled long enough, let's get this show on the road.
This particular day Salem ordered for Ruby to get some needed rest after capturing a few villages in her name, Jaune got up from bed and got ready for another day of spreading fear around the world
He showered, brushed his teeth, puts on his black armor, his wife changed Crocea Mor's color scheme, instead of a white shield it's now black with a gold outline and their combined family symbol, instead of a blue hilt it's now blood red, instead of a silver blade it's now a black sword (like the one Sokka made from Avatar the Last Airbender)(As for Jaune's armor, it's the Rusted Knight armor but it's polished and the color is black and gold, helmet included)
Jaune walks into the kitchen where his wife made him some food to go, he grabbed the bag, kissed his wife and turned to leave when suddenly his wife stopped him
Ruby: Wait Jaune, do you know what day it is?
Jaune: Uh... Wednesday?
Ruby: No dummy it's take your daughter to work day!
Jaune: Uh I don't think it's a good idea to bring our daughter to our kind of work, at least not yet.
Ruby: I know, but she has been wanting to come with us for a while and since it's take your daughter to work day I figured now is the best time, plus she'd have my big strong dark knight as her protector~.
Jaune: Well yeah but-
Ruby caressed his face: Jaune you RoseArc-promised.
Jaune sighed: I did didn't I?
3 Hours Later
The scene shows a metal door to one of Atlesian's military bases exploded with Jaune rushes in while holding his daughter's hand but hit his head on the top of the door-way
Jaune holds his head for a second before activating his shield protecting his daughter amd himself from the bullets from the AK's
Jaune: Keep your head down Olvia!
Olivia holding a stuffed Ursa toy: Okay daddy-Whoa!
Jaune quickly dragged Olivia to cover but Olivia lost grip of her best friend.
Olivia was about to run out to grab her friend but her father stopped her
Jaune looked down to his daughter and saw her pointing at her stuffed animal which is laying on the ground near the Atlesian Knights
Jaune sighs and looks at Olivia: I'll get him, you stay here where it's safe.
Jaune rushes out of cover, raised his shield and charged at the robot knights
Jaune quckly cut and sliced through the knights, grabbed the toy and rushed back to his daughter
Jaune out of breath and his daughter her toy: Here you go baby.
Salem: Who's the little girl?
Jaune nervous: Oh Lord Salem! Uh... it's bring your daughter to work day and uh I'm sorry for bringing, but my wife says we barely had time to spend together and let's be honest she's right, okay she's right!
Jaune even more nervous laughs a bit: Do you have kids? Cause heh I mean they change your world.
Jaune facepalms and mutters: Ugh I'm probably gonna get either fired or killed for this but... Fuck it.
Jaune grabs his daughter's hand: I love my daughter!
Salem brought her fist to her chest and smiles a bit: That really hits me where I'd live.
Salem noticed a survivor and used her powers to grab his neck
Salem: What have you done with those plans!? Jaune here never gets time to spend with his daughter because of PEOPLE LIKE YOU!!!
Salem snaps the survivor's neck and quickly realized there was a child present
Salem raised her other hand to her mouth: I'm so sorry you had to see that.
Salem drops the body
Salem kneels down to Olivia's eye level: Are you having fun being at work with your father?
Olivia gets nervous because she doesn't like talking to strangers and hides her face behind her father's leg
Salem chuckles: I know I'm pretty scary.
Jaune was holding his daughter's hand as he and a White Fang goon was patroling a town looking for their targets when suddenly they come across an old man (Ozpin) wearing a hood with Weiss, Blake and Yang behind him also wearing hoods
Jaune stops them: Hold up you all seem familiar.
Ozpin uses his magic: These are not the students you're looking for.
Jaune: These are not the students we're looking for.
Olivia: Yes they are.
Ozpin: Move along
Jaune: Move along!
Ozpin and the three bitche- uh I mean students moved along going into the tavern for intel
Olivia: Daddy, You're not even trying!
Olivia runs off crying and Jaune realized what he had done
Jaune feeling guilty and runs after his daughter: HONEY!!!
White Fang Goon: See? That's why I don't take my daugher to Jack Shit!
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madmanwonder · 9 months
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howlingday · 3 months
Hi hope you’re doing well. And remember you’re the goat.
Also I have an idea for you to experiment with Jaune as happy chaos from guilty gear instead of being the rusted knight.
"Well, well, well..." The blue figure turned with a wide grin on his face, pulling his pink-tinted sunglasses down the bridge of this nose. "Team RWBY, you finally made it~!"
Before any of them could react, the huntress team was pulled together in a tight hug by the strange man with blueberry-colored skin. As he pulled away, his smile fell a little. Then he scowled. But then he smiled again, snapping his fingers.
"You guys don't remember me, do you?"
"Why would we?" Yang asked, suddenly on guard.
"Should we?" Weiss asked, looking more confused than anything.
"Ah, right. I did get a bit of a makeover." He gave a chuckle before splaying his arms out wide. "It's me, Jaune~!"
"You're wondering how I turned out like this, right?" Jaune didn't look back as he lead. "You don't have to hide it. I already know everything."
"You probably get along with the Curious Cat, huh?" Yang chuckled. Jaune, however, didn't.
"No." He said, stopping for a moment. "I don't. The Curious Cat is the last guy you should trust here."
"More than Neo?" Ruby asked.
"Neo's not..." Jaune stopped himself. "Well, okay, she's not good, but I'd still trust her more than that damn cat. And if I'm being honest, the only thing you should trust in this place is that thing right up there."
"The... tree?" Blake asked.
"Yup." Jaune nodded. "I've already been up there, I think."
"You think or you know?" Weiss quirked her brow.
"Mm..." Jaune placed a finger to his brow. "Yup! I think I know!"
"I think you've lost it, Jaune."
"Yeah." Jaune chuckled. "I already know that."
"...And who might you be?"
Jaune approached the pale woman standing before him. She towered over him, even from a few feet away, looming in her long, black and red dress. Her piercing red eyes threatened to end his life, if such a thing were possible anymore. But she wouldn't try. Not while he had what she wanted.
"The name's Jaune Arc." He bowed. "It's short, sweet, and rolls off the tongue. The ladies love it~."
"Do they now?" She was unimpressed with his words. "And what does Jaune Arc believe he can give me that nobody else can?"
"Only what you desire most." Salem found the remaining relics, the Crown of Choice and the Sword of Destruction, held aloft in Jaune's hands. "That is, if this is still what you want?"
Salem was quiet as she stared at him. All of her time and effort spent delegating tasks, decades to centuries of servants trying and mostly failing to bring her what she most desired, and yet this stranger arrives with the missing pieces to her end goal. It all seemed to good to be true.
"I seem to recall reports of a Jaune Arc working with that fool Ozma. I even recall him sneaking into my Monstro to rescue his current vessel as well, even challenging me before escaping with both the relic and Ozma. And you claim to be the same man."
"I do."
"Then why?" Salem asked. "Why would you allow me to destroy this world after working so hard to defend it?"
"Because," Jaune chuckled, "I want to see a happy ending."
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falleri-salvatore · 8 months
If Jaune actually were to go villain, he would be not be an omnicidal maniac; he would be an absurdly overpowered yet well-intentioned tyrant....
He would have the ambitious persistence of Cinder... The inhuman resilience, endurance and sheer overwhelming power of Hazel... The manipulative and vindictive cunning of Salem... The self-destructive selflessness of Ozma... The unyielding and unrelenting determination and conviction (read: stubbornness) of Ironwood...
...and to top all of the above: an undying body as well as an eternal soul that both evolved beyond humanity due to overuse of Aura Amp pretty much making them transcend into becoming superhuman. In other words, he has acquired both of Salem's (cannot die by old age or illness and instantly regenerates any damage inflicted to him and instantly regenerates any spent Aura) and Ozma's (even IF his body is somehow destroyed, his soul will still persist and, unlike Ozma, he can actually choose which vessel to possess as his next body) forms of immortality naturally and by accident instead of as a curse (because it would not be Jaune Arc if he doesn't get double the suffering than the previous Big Good and Big Bad)... He can be beaten, but not by strength, nor underhanded tactics, nor by outsmarting him, and definitely NOT by outlasting or out-stubborning him. He can only be defeated by making him acknowledge that he needs to rest and to finally trust that people under the yoke of his well-intentioned tyranny won't all suddenly die without him.
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tecnestheim962 · 4 months
A Rating & Scathing Review of RWBY Characters:
Done by: Me (surprise!)
This is a serious review where I seriously analyze each character and rate them all seriously!!
If I hurt anyone in this, I’m sorry, it’s not you, it’s me. It’s nothing personal.
That being said, let’s get on to the ratings!
Ruby Rose:
Can I just say:
I really just love Ruby. Isn’t she awesome? Like. Man. What a lovable, strong, caring, amazing person! Had the weight of the world thrown onto her, and she didn’t care, she just kept doing what she thought was the right thing. And when she broke? It was still selfless. She thought she was doing the world a favor after all her mistakes. Then she came back because she knew she could do and had to do more for everyone. She needs a hug and all the love.
Weiss Schnee:
Weiss??? The way she opens up and goes from being all, “friendship? Who needs it.” To, “I! Love! My! Friends! Friendship is magic! I will fight tooth and nail for them! They are the most important people in the world!” And the way she became so open minded after learning from different perspectives? Gotta love her.
Blake Belladonna:
Oh my gosh and another of my favorites: Blake! She learns to let herself be loved by those around her! She learns that letting people in isn’t a weakness, but a great strength! She is a fierce protector and a whole civil rights activist taking the world by storm! She finds a way to show love now in any scenario when beforehand she didn’t because she was scared to get hurt. Gosh. Spectacular.
Yang Xiao-Long:
Don’t even get me started on Yang. Protector Supreme. The way she used to let her emotions control her to controlling her emotions??? I’m in shambles. From learning how to live for herself and not just her sister??? It’s important even though she missed rubys pain she’s only human and she’s beautiful!! The way she loves through her actions and defends through her words??? Just kill me now.
Jaune Arc:
Oh yeah and Jaune??? The character development??? Wowza. The way he’s always there for those he cares about??? Fantastic. The way he would throw everything away just to be there for his friends?? I am deceased. His fortitude and determination to keep pushing through?? Ugh.
Nora Valkyrie:
Nora??????? My Queen????? With her heart a beautiful storm that she projects to all those around her??? Her protective nature over everyone??? How she learns that she needs to love herself and know herself before she can truly dedicate herself to another???? Literally puts me 6 feet under.
Pyrrha Nikos:
Pyrrha??? Don’t think I’m leaving her out of this! Her heart was so strong with her convictions and her love for her friends that she literally did everything she thought she could to protect them. She wanted to define her destiny and save the world in the way she thought only she could. I will literally never recover.
Oscar Pine:
Oscar???????????????? My baby???? My precious little prince??? Innocent farm boy who keeps getting slapped in the face by literally everyone (seriously crwby this poor boy needs a break and a hug) literally losing his soul but wants to spend every second he has doing everything he can for remnant???? He didn’t ask for this???? And yet here he is??? I haven’t stopped crying since V5 thank you very much!
Lie Ren:
Ren????? My boy??? Who feels like he always has to be the strong one emotionally??? Who always has to mask his own emotions to take care of others???? Who literally developed a semblance, a manifestation of his SOUL that is empathy??????? Like what???? Who would literally rather be dead than without Nora?? Who tried to take up the mantle of Jaunes emotional support humanness???? Orkcmekwkqo.
I could go on for the rest of my life for these people and literally every other character.
Also, how come tumblr doesn’t have more colors available??? Truly a tragedy and quite rude if I might say! Hmph!
I really hope someone gets some giggles out of this like I did!
Let me know if anyone wants me to do another HIGHLY critical review (ahem) and rating of these characters.
Gonna go cry now bye-
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rwac96 · 1 year
(Alpha Male Stud AU + Fantasy World AU: Overlord AU/Ruler AU: Tyrant AU + Crossover AU: Avatar the Legend of Korra Prompt: Tonight You Meme, Imminent Sex, Sexual Threat, Corruption, Seduction) “Asami Sato. Tonight…You.” Dark Lord of Arcadia said to Asami in a dark but calming baritone voice.
Asami: You son of a bitch! You're gonna pay for what you did to Korra!
Overlord Arc: *turns to the woman* Is that so?
Asami: *fuming* YES!
Overlord Arc: *leans in* Tonight...you.
Asami: *gulps, blushing* W-What? *shudders*
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epic-arc · 1 year
Spider Knight 5: The Spider in the Storm.
Team rwby and jnpr were in the lab that had just come out of renovations after the vulture fight and nora is looking at a vat full of electric eels and jaune walks over and pokes her shoulder with a curious expression.
Jaune: You seem pretty fixated on these eels what's so interesting about them other than giving off electricity.
Nora: Man I just think they're really cool having the ability to generate their own energy and release it in the form of a defense and is very similar to my semblance! Well i mean a littel similar.
Jaune: Yeah i agree with you nora they are pretty cool and maybe if that scientist professor ozpin told us show ups maybe he gonna let us hold them with the right equipment.
jaune and nora were getting attention for pyrrha so they approaching the group and a scientist would enter the room and look at the two team with a big smile on his face and then he would fix his lab coat and put a rubber glove on his shield and grab a grappling hook and went to the fish tank.
Curtis Connors: As in science, in nature everything is connected and as scientists we explore and explore these connections for the benefit of society and as you can see, this tank contains genetically engineered electric eels.
Everyone was impressed and interested in what dr connors was saying and jaune would look at nora who would have an expression of animation and joy on her face which would make him smile.
Curtis Connors: We have the idea of ​​creating an alternative electrical energy source of clean energy.
Nora holds her hand up and Connor sees it and points his finger at her and everyone looks at her curiously.
Nora: So do you believe that using the electricity that eels make we can replace the use of electric dust?
Curtis Connors: Correct our only problem with this type of energy is that it accumulates and this can spoil or even burn the energy limiters that is why in the laboratory we are updating the limiters to avoid any disaster.
Connors would stretch his arm to the side and show Maxwell putting the new power limiters on the tank and he would wave to the group.
Curtis Connors: I thank everyone for visiting the laboratory and hope to see you again on a next visit.
Time rwby and jnpr left the lab and would go back to beacon. Connors walks to his office and sits in his chair and sees on the table 3 bottles containing a green liquid and he would have written on the label on the bottle ''R-serum''. He reached out to pick up one of the bottles but heard a loud noise and left the room and saw 3 strange figures wearing masks but one would be wearing a bowler hat on his head and another figure was holding Maxwell.
Roman(Masked): Wow, I never thought that a altas laboratory would have such weak security.
Curtis Connors: Who are you people?! Why are you here and what do you want?!
Roman(Masked): Well we just want something you have but haven't shown to the public in your freak show factory. We want your dust variants so we can use them much better the way you're thinking of using them.
Curtis Connors: I-I don't have them right now they are still being studied at altas and they are still unstable!
Roman(Masked): Well then the reason I came here was for nothing but as I'm a gentleman I'll leave you an electrifying little souvenir.
Roman would snap his fingers and Kraven who would be in disguise would throw Maxwell into the eel-filled tank and he would let out screams of pain and the whole room would blink and Norman would stare at the scene with terror on his face.Jaune and nora were in their dorm room jaune was on the ceiling reading comics while nora punched a punching bag that was pyrrha and jaune looked at her with curiosity and a little concern.
Jaune: Nora why are you punching pyrrha's punching bag did something piss you off?
Nora: Isn't that right and that after seeing your fights in the newspapers I stopped to think how much time is left for a big, strong villain to show up and leave you all broken?
Jaune: Hey, if you forgot I have the strength of a spider and pyrrha has been teaching me how to fight so I think I can handle it but accepting help is never too much.
Jaune would leave the ceiling and fall to Nora's side and punch her and she would respond and two would laugh until Jaune's cell phone vibrated and he would pick it up showing the notification of a news '' Doctor Curtis Connors' laboratory was attacked at dawn last night by 3 mysterious figures and the disappearance of Maxwell Dillon'' Jaune would look at that and be worried and look at daughter in law who had a big smile on her face.
Nora: Hey jauney what do you think of an investigation of spider knight and his new partner queen of the storm!
Jaune: Nora I don't think this is a good idea because I don't put any of you in danger and then there's the other issue you don't even have a costume to hide your identity!
Nora would chuckle and put her hand on Jaune's shoulder and give him a thumbs up as he just looked confused.A while would pass and spider knight was swinging through the city and he would stop at a pole and look at the police cars and notice yuri seeing some crime scene evidence then he would approach and yuri would look at him with a serious tone.
Yuri Watanbe: I see you heard the news now, don't you?
Spider Knight: You know need sleep too so madam captain, what news do we have?
Yuri Watanbe: My mens are investigating the place and we spoke with Dr. Connors and he commented that the laboratory was invaded by three people wearing a mask one of pumpkin another one being of a lion and the third one was a white one with a feminine face. Maybe it's a new gang and they were looking for a new type of dust that Doctor Connors is making he calls ''D-173'' which seems to give an artificial aura to the person who uses it..
Spider Knight: But also has Doctor Connors' colleague Maxwell Dillon he was in the lab last night any sign of him?
Yuri Watanbe: Well some security camera recordings near the lab captured a recording of some person or being that looks like a creature of energy.
Spider Knight: Perhaps this has to do with genetically modified eels…
The lights and sirens of the police car would start to blink and one of them would start to leave several rays of electricity forming in the middle of the street a man with yellow coloring and a face that looked like a star and he would look at the laboratory with an expression of hate.
Electro: Where is connors?! I need him to heal me!
All cops point their guns at electro who would raise his hands in the air and jaune yells at them to calm down and he slowly walks towards electro.
Spider Knight: Hey max its me spider knight i am your friend lets calm down..
Electro was calming down and lowering his arms until a policeman shot and the bullet passed inside Electro who got scared and released an electrical blast that would push the police and the vehicles turning them around and Jaune would get up but dizzy.
Spider Knight: Yuri send your men to make this area become a non-civilian area. I'll try to take care of the lightning bolt.
Jaune would launch his webs into a sewer cover and launch towards electro who would try to become untouchable again but could not and would take a cover in the middle of his belly, making him roll on the floor.
Spider Knight(Mind): Hmm it seems that when he uses a lot of energy his body starts to become tangible I have to think of a way to defeat him maybe there is an insulating material nearby...
Spider knight didn't realize the electro attack and was throwing it against the wall and was hit by the electon rays making him scream in pain and he felt his aura blinking almost breaking until he started to hear footsteps and saw nora who was wearing a mask similar to his only pink and lightning details and she would sledgehammer electro throwing him against a police car and she would reach out to jaune who would take it and be confused.Spider knight didn't realize the electro attack and was throwing it against the wall and was hit by the electon rays making him scream in pain and he felt his aura blinking almost breaking until he started to hear footsteps and saw nora who was wearing a mask similar to his only pink and lightning details and she would sledgehammer electro throwing him against a police car and she would reach out to jaune who would take it and be confused.
Spider Knight: What are you doing here ?! and what mask is that?
Queen Of The Storm: Well I saw on the news that you were getting pretty kicked out of Lamphead over there so I grabbed a mask from a costume shop and did a quick makeover and shazam came to the rescue hehe.
Electro puts both hands against a pole and absorbed his energy and aimed at the queen of the thunder and shot a blast of energy but nora would use her hammer to defend herself the energy would be around the hammer and go to nora's body but she is absorbing and would let out a laugh of animation. Spider knight seeing that queen of the storm was holding the electricity he would enter the laboratory and take the rubber gloves and approach electro and punch him in the face making him stop attacking her making her fall on her knees tired and panting and her aura it was almost breaking.
Spider Knight: Sorry super shock but now I'm going to have to cut your light!
Jaune would throw one last punch that would make electro get confused and dizzy and jaune starts to wrap his web around electro's arms and legs taking him to the public pool that was empty that day and throwing him into the water making a big explosion and onto the ground from the water Maxwell was fainting but still with traces of energy. The police approached the place and Jaune was leaving to meet Nora who was resting in an alley and Spider Knight took off his mask.
Jaune: Nora are you okay?!
Nora: I just have a little a-aura but I'm fine not to worry and I just eat Ren's pancakes and rest hehe…
Jaune would giggle and put her mask back on and put nora on her back and leave the room swaying in the webs and jaune would stop at the window and look into the dorm and it would be empty and then he would go in and leave nora on her bed and look again at the window and saw ren and pyrrha trained in the school field and that relieved him and he sat on his bed and rested too.
Dr Connors were at home in his office and he would look at a picture of his son and wife and he would look out the window and see them playing in the garden and he would wave to them and they would wave back and he would go back to his chair and get a I inject one of the secret ''R-Serum'' flakes and he would inject himself and after a few grunts he would look where the prosthesis was and see a new arm he would be with an expression of joy on his face.
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(This is nora outfic just imagine with a pink spider man mask)
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hopefadesbutnotdies · 2 years
Au where all of teams RWBY and JNPR were raised by individual villains!
Ruby was taken after Summer's death and raised by Cinder as a weapon on Salems orders. And that's how she was raised, being nigh emotionless most of the time and a incredibly effective fighter. Emerald had some very one sided sibling rivalry type feelings towards her at first.
When Winter was still heiress Jaques made a under the table deal for Weiss to be taken as a *apprentice* of Watts. Which in reality was essentially her being sold to be used as a guinea pig for various inhumane experiments. Weiss has multiple artificial limbs and phonological changes but DID end up picking up a good deal of technical knowhow like a real apprentice as a SMALL silver lining.
Yang was taken with her mother and raised as a ruthless bandit. She's almost always red eyed and has frankly worse temper control than any point in canon. Because of the nature of her semblance She's always on the front lines in the tribes fights and raids and has the scars to prove it.
Ghira and Kali both died in a tragic accident thst many more extreme members of the white fang believed to be a well disguised assassination. Adam takes the roll of a adaptive peer parent to Bkake....while still harboring his canon feelings for her in a very creepy way, he throughly radicalized and manipulated her.
The majority of the Arc family died in a attack by infamous Assassin Marcus Black....exept for a very young Jaune who he thought he could get use out of as a sparring partner for Mercury and replacement should his blood kid be a complete disappointment. Jaune was brought up in the same shit environment Mercury was on top of deep seated resentment of knowing what Marcus did to his blood family. The night they killed him Marcus had set up a fight to the death between his kids as a final test, instead he found them ganging up on and killing him. Because of the help Mercury only ends up losing one leg....but Jaune loses as arm.
Phyrra in her very first tournament caught the attention and interest of Tyrian Callows who felt she'd be a delightful new pawn for his goddess and proceeded to kidnap her and spend years mentaly breaking down his new 'daughter' until he felt she was as vicious and devoted as him.
Roman found a wandering Ren and Nora on a international job shortly after he started working with Neo. The two joined his gang and became something of a henchmen trinity with Neo. Nora still has alot of her Nora tendencies but tends to reshape them to mimic Roman's demeanor while Ren comes across as far more cold to most people.
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chlothequeen · 2 years
I swear
I bet next episode starts with Jaune giving exposition about the Ever After and how he helped Alyx, then Ruby will notice that Crocea Mors is broken and ask why he didn’t get it fixed
If he says that what he’s been doing in the Ever After is to atone for what he did, Ruby asks what it was, and there’s some kind of falling out or confrontation—
I am so not ready for next week
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Anon sent: "New M/F GIF - 1E: Cinder thought she could persuade the Blonde Paladin, who had managed to capture her, to instead let her go, if she let him blow off some steam inside her. Unfortunately, she underestimated just how much Jaune had built up on the road, leaving her to dig her teeth and fingers into the bed sheets, as he just did not stop!."
“New” Gif List: 1E
If she lived to walk away from this, Cinder would forever proclaim this as the biggest mistake she’d ever made in her life. At the time, it had seemed a safe bet—men were so easy to manipulate, after all, especially holy men who hadn’t felt a woman’s touch in months, if not years. They were the exact sort of men she loved to watch crumble, leaving her free to do as she wished.
Which made the fact that she was the one crumbling this time all the more shocking.
Cinder groaned as she felt the knight’s firm grasp on her ass, holding her down and folding her steady as he rammed his massive cock into her with ruthless abandon. Every thrust was a blow to her womb, a blow to her pride, and a blow to her sanity that was slipping with every gasping moan that fell from her lips.
“Was this what you wanted, Cinder~?!” Jaune asked with a lustful groan, the blonde Paladin grunting as he bucked his hips hard into hers. His hand dropped and slapped her ass with a loud crack, coaxing another moan from her lips. “Was it~? You naughty slut~?”
Another cry fell from the warlock’s lips, and her body trembled as she felt a climax rip through her. “N-no~! Nooo~!!” she ashamedly admitted, tears rolling down her cheeks. Her fury was being overwhelmed by the feeling of pleasure filling her, and she clawed at the bedsheets to try and pull away. “I-It’s too much~! L-let me go~oohhhh~!!”
“Oh no you don’t~!” Jaune declared with a lustful grin, his hands wrapping around her narrow waist and violently jerking her back to slam hard on his cock, shoving her screaming face down into the bed as he plowed her with even more lustful fervor. “You’re not going anywhere~! Not until I’ve properly pounded the memory of your failure into you~!!”
Cinder jerked with every thrust, her screams and tears muffled and soaked by the bedsheets she was plowed into. Try as she might to struggle, she already knew there was no getting out of this—between his incredible strength and the roughness of his thrusts, there would be no leaving until he was done with her, or her sanity shattered.
And considering how much her screams had already turned to desperate, lustful moans…she didn’t have long to last.
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prodkeiji · 1 year
and i thought neo was gna be a good person 😂😂 and then she gets consumed by that FUCKING cat 😂😂😂 is she and [redacted] dead now 😂😂😂😂
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majoringinsarcasm · 1 year
I think what’s really Sad is that Jaune kept the Paper Pleasers hostage essentially but like. The little purple one did say he helped at first. They patched him up, he protected them, and because of that they were able to complete their purpose more quickly. Jaune WAS their hero. Jaune WAS helpful. But because he’s too stuck in his mindset and refuses to listen to them, deciding he knows what’s best because the Last Time someone he saw as innocent made their own choice he had to Kill them, he keeps them from moving on. He can protect them because they are predictable, they are clumsy and stupid. See how they talk to the water and almost get blown away? They are so helpless and it’s my purpose to help them. Because he’s the only one who can.
He was the only one who could do it.
The sad thing is that if Jaune had let them go, had listened to them, trusted them to know that moving on and getting a new purpose was good, he could’ve gone off and looked for other smaller creatures like them who needed help. He could have actually helped more Afterans with their purposes and fostered Good change. He could have healed through healthy work and movement and new environments. But he can’t see that. All he sees is suicide and an evil tree and an evil cat and an evil girl. He sees four people who found each other and dare to feel sorry for themselves. He sees Ruby choosing not to fight for her friends that she should be so fucking lucky she has by her side.
It’s sad because Jaune didn’t act this way before. It’s sad because he’s lost his way and is turning into a monster. He was never the hero because he didn’t know there were different kinds. He doesn’t see that he can protect more people if he keeps moving keeps changing. If he lets himself move on for the sake of others and so that sacrifices aren’t in vain. He was never The Hero but he could be A hero if he just opens himself up to change. If he can’t do that then he’ll die the monster the jailer the wicked protector.
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howlingday · 2 years
Accidently villainous AU. Jaune was told Roman was capable of supplying him with the best fake transcript to get him into beacon so he meets the gentleman theif...at the worst possible time. As huntsman storm the building he was told to meet Roman in they mistake him for an accomplice and order everyone to surrender since both him and Roman are outnumbered and only one of them has aura (much to Roman's annoyance) so he unlocks his aura so he can at least fight back since they already think he's an accomplice of Roman he's already in trouble. Jaune fights unlocks both his aura and semblance as he's panicking over trying to not getting arrested but too not show how scared he is he puts on a bravado
Rain battered down in light spatters at the sound end of Vale. Saphron put her car in park, but the engine still rumbled with life. She turned to Jaune with a smile.
"Alright, here we are." She declared. "Are you ready?"
"Uh, y-yeah, I guess." Jaune meekly replied. Saph groaned.
"Come on, you're going off on an adventure like that?" She slapped his shoulder, making him flinch. "Show some spine, baby brother! Like Dad says, girls love confidence."
"R-Right." He took a deep breath and slapped his face with light, but rapid pats from his hands. He then exhaled like a bull ready to charge. "I'm ready!"
"Alright!" She hand him his umbrella. "Don't forget your Pumpkin Pete poncho~."
"Thanks, Saph." He smiled, oblivious to the mocking tone she gave. He quickly put on the old poncho, a few threads snapping loose as he did. He'd have to stitch it up again later. "I'll be back in an hour."
"I'll be back in an hour." Saph corrected. "You will be back whenever you're done." He climbed out of the car.
"Oh, and Jaune?" He turned. "Be safe." He nodded, and shut the door.
As she drove away, Jaune looked to the imposing brick building before him. The windows were above street level, and the door looked like it was solid steel. He couldn't even see a door handle. He looked to the side and saw a little black button. With a press, it buzzed like an old and angry bumblebee.
A hatch on the door opened inward, and Jaune saw golden eyes glare at him. He gulped as they appraised him, looking up and down like they were judging a slab of meat.
"Password." They grunted.
"The password?" Jaune repeated. He didn't remember any password. The scroll message he got was to a burner scroll and it didn't say anything about a password. His stomach did twists and knots as the eyes continued to glare at him. This was a bad idea. A very, very bad idea.
"Wipe your feet, little bunny." The voice said as the hatch came shut. The door screeched as it came open, then swung silently in like a ghost. He stepped inside, scraping his boots against the doormat.
Once in, the door came shut behind him, and he saw a tall, lanky woman in a red dress with green vines as accents, drawing attention to her curves. She tossed her long, oil black hair over her shoulder and pointed a yellow taloned finger past him.
"Down the hallway." She say, her voice sweet, yet dangerous. "Mr. Roman should be down there."
Jaune nodded and began his walk down the dark hall. Thunder crashed outside, making him jump. He hastened his trek until he arrived at the end, where crates and boxes lined the walls.
In the center, was a man looking over maps, charts, and blueprints on a long table. He puffed on a cigar, the smoke rising and billowing around his bowler hat, his emerald eyes gleaming at the paper.
"Um, excuse me?" Jaune meekly murmured. The din of men hauling crates, shouting directions, and raucous laughter from the open door of the nearby breakroom drowned out Jaune's attempt to reach his goal.
"Excuse me?" He said a little louder. The crew continued their routine of clamor. The man in the bowler puffed his cigar, his eyes never leaving the paper beneath him.
"HEY!" Jaune barked, and the whole building stopped. All eyes were on the young man in his Pumpkin Pete poncho. Swallowing what he hoped was fear caught in his throat, he spoke. "Uh, I-I'm here to see Mr. Torchwick?"
The man in the bowler looked to his wristwatch, then slapped his forehead. With a grumble, he patted a man next to him on the shoulder. He then approached Jaune with a smile on his face.
"Sorry about the delay, kid," he said, breath reeking of cigar, "I was caught up in some other business." With a hand on Jaune's shoulder, he guided the young man to the break room.
Inside, a small group of men looked up from their card game, an old TV set playing in the corner. Once the man in the bowler waved them off, then returned to their game. A door further in led to a small office, where a small desk and and two chairs sat. The man took his seat behind the desk, leaving the other open for Jaune.
As he put his hand on the back, he noticed it was stained with a dark rust.
"Let's see here." The man opened a drawer on the side and rifled through the inside. "Ah, here we are. Arc." He pulled up a folder with Jaune's name on it and slid it across the desk. "Transcripts for Beacon application, right?"
"Yes, sir." Jaune nodded.
"Please, call me Roman." Roman said. "Not a lot of people would sneak into a huntsman academy without a reason. Mind if I ak what's yours?"
Jaune could have told him the honst truth. That he was making an attempt at becoming something his family could be proud of. But he doubted he would get the transcripts if came clean with a sappy answer like that. So he decided to be vague.
"There's something I want at Beacon." Roman raised a brow. "Something very important to me, and I need to get it. If I can't, then bad things will happen that I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy."
Roman nodded at the explanation. He respected Jaune's drive. That put him in good with his benefactor. True, the "something important" was plain and simple respect, and the "wouldn't wish on my wosrt enemy" was a bit melodramatic (especially when considered he never had an enemy). But the results spoke for themselves. Jaune took the transcript folder in hand and smiled.
"Thank you, Roman." He nodded as he stood up.
"Hey, no problem," he waved off, "you payed in advance, so I know you're decent enough to get in." He chuckled. "And hey, if you need work, you just let your old friend help you out. Just ask for-"
Suddenly, the door swung open as a young man pointed his crossbow at Roman. He was wearing a black poncho with red stripes, and his olive greeb hair was gelled to a point in the front, looking similar to a horn.
"Don't move, Torchwick!" The bold voice said. "You're under arrest for crimes against Vale!"
"Um, c-can I go?" The two poncho'd figures met eye to eye, blue to green, and Jaune held up his hand. "Uh, I was just trying to sell this chair." He cautiously stood up, finding no resistance from the figure. "I, uh, sell decorative chairs for offices."
The figure nodded. "Yeah, that makes sense." His green eyes focused on Roman again. "No doubt he was trying to scam you out of your hard-earned lien." Jaune took the chair, moving out of sight towards the door.
Jaune was about to open the door, when he looked back to Roman. He looked so helpless. Well, as helpless as a shady businessman could get. Finding pity for him, and the chair still in his hands, Jaune slowly shut the chair on itself, surprisingly unrusty, contrary to the brown stain of it. Setting it on the ground, he lifted it high into the air.
With a whoosh and a crack, the figure fell foward in a daze. Roman kicked the desk forward, sending it into the crossbow huy, and causing him to fall onto his back. With another swing, Jaune struck the prone aggressor.
"FOOOOOOOL!" Jaune roared, unaware why. "You let your guard down at the worst possible moment, and I took advantage of it!" Green eyes looked up in horror, and the attacker swung his crossbow up, only to be beaten down by Jaune once more. "FOOL! Accept your defeat with dignity!"
"Y-Yes, sir!" The huntsman covers his head as he curls into a ball. "I'm sorry, sir! It won't happen again, sir!"
"Nice work, kid." Roman chuckled. "Come on, let's get you outta here."
Roman led Jaune to the break room, where most of the furniture, save the TV, was turned over on it's side. Under the card table was an open hatch. Roman groaned as he descended. Jaune soon followed him down, where he met a girl smaller than he was, pointing a thin sword for his throat.
"Easy, Neo." Roman said. "He's one of us."
"Neo" nodded and sheathed her sword. She then turned on her heel to join up with Roman. Jaune looked up to the open hatch. If the police followed them, he would be caught, and his dream would be dead before it could live. He looked to his left and saw a storm drain flow wildly through rusty bars, gushing away to unknown darkness. Taking off his poncho, he tore the already worn hood free, and tossed the rest, where it caught on the bars. The worn face of Pumpkin Pete seemed to give a sad smile as Jaune turned away to return to his newfound friends.
"Did we lose anybody?" Roman asked, looking around. He spotted Jaune and raised his arms. "Nice of you to join us, kid! Thought the cops would have gotten you at this point."
"Not a chance." Jaune gave a face of false bravado. "Just gave the cops the wrong rabbit trail."
"Well, if it gives us enough time to escape, I'll believe you." Roman turned towards the exit. "Everyone, meet back at loading dock B three days from now. Any questions?"
"Just one." A man in a blue trenchcoat fell from the ceiling, taking out two of Roman's men. "What size cuffs do you wear?"
More of Roman's people charged him, but he took them down, one by one. This huntsman wasn't like the one before. He willingly revealed himself to a room of armed men and was more than ready to take them all on, unarmed. His very essence oozed seemed to confidence. Jaune kind of wished he was taken under his wing, but he couldn't abandon Roman.
Not after everything he'd done for him.
"Nice entrance." Roman puffed on a newly lit cigar. "Now let's see what you can really do." He looked to the short girl. "Neo?"
She nodded, jumping into the fray herself. She opened her parasol to land softly behind him. With an open palm, he struck against the fabric of her open web, sending her back a few inches. He reached down and retrieved a pair of batons, then flicked them out to reveal barbed blades on the end.
Roman fired a flare, but missed when the huntsman ducked, his arms spread. With a click, the barbs shot out, making the duo jump to avoid the shot. Another click stopped the blades short, and the huntsman twirled around, scuffing Roman's cane and wrapping around Neo's leg in mid-air. With a click, the barbed heads returned, cutting Neo's leg and sending her in a spin. The huntsman closed the gap and struck her down hard to the concrete floor.
Jaune wasn't sure what to do. This was a real huntsman, nothing like the one he easily defeated with a bold-faced lie and a chair to the back. But with his boot on Neo's arm, Jaune knew he had to do something. But all he had was his boyish charm and cute face, and he had a feeling those wouldn't do much to help him. The only thing in his hands was his forged transcript and his poncho hood.
"You huntsmen can be such a pain, you know that?" Roman twirled his cane. The huntsman spared a glance, but maintained his heel on Neo's back. Roman flipped his cane, firing a grappling hook at the man. "Hey, if you're gonna acknowledge someone, you should do it face to face!"
The huntsman ducked, pressing his foot deeper into Neo. She clenched the stones in pain, as the overbearing weight came down on her spine. Roman retracted the hook, but found his hook snagged on the huntsma's grip, and was sailing towards his opponent. He braced for worst, clenching his teeth.
A swing from a red blade came down on the huntsman's other arm, forcing him to leap away at the surprise attack. Neo grunted and heaved a breath. Roman was close enough to the surprised do-gooder, and could yank his cane hook free. They all turned their eyes on the new figure in the room.
Standing in a Pumpkin Pete hoodie, scuffed and dirty jeans, and a rubber, water-proof, bunny-earred mask that covered most of his face, Jaune felt like a new man. With a wave of his hand, he commanded the attention of everyone in the room, even the stirring henchmen who began to find their feet. With a single word, he became the true center of attention.
"FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL!" Jaune bellowed, his mask torn to allow speech. "You thought you could best me and my allies in such a paltry game of fisticuffs?!" Jaune squeezed his grip on the sword's handle. "You truly believed you could topple the might of the Bad Hare Gang?!"
"I don't know what is going on, but I love the theatrics." Roman mumbled. "A bit much, but who am I to judge?"
Neo rolled her eyes at this goofball. Whoever told him that masked villains were chíc clearly wasn't aware of how reality worked. But he did get her free, so she owed him that much.
"Bad Hare Gang?" The huntsman repeated. "From that Pumpkin Pete cartoon?"
Jaune kept his malicious grin of confidence, but felt as if his body cracked under the slightest criticism he recieved. But he began remembering his father's words; sometimes all you really need is confidence, and Jaune wasn't going to lose what new confidence he found. Not so easily, anyway.
"You fool!" He roared. "Our crimes inspired the children's TV show, on in the 7-9 Vale timeslot, on Mondays and Wednesdays that aren't holidays!"
"Whatever." The huntsman growled. "I'll just take you in, too-"
A stray shot stomped him where he stood. A goon holding a gun retightened his grip. The huntsman glared, but was shot again from his other side. The thugs joined in the chorus, unloading everything they had into the huntsman. He bolted through the crowd and escaped to the rafters with his grappling hook.
"Okay, he's gone." Roman said. "Now get out of here before you get hurt, kid."
"Uh, sure," Jaune replied, loosing his grip on his confidence so easily now, "but where-?"
"Head down the tunnel until you reach the second sewer hatch." Roman pointed down the corridor. "We'll climb out the first and keep 'em busy. Now get going."
Not needing a second word, Jaune stuffed his bunny hood into his hoodie pouch and ran for the exit. He passed the first hatch and found the second one not far after that. Cautiously, he opened the hatch.
No police or scary huntsmen nearby. He climbed out, and pulled out his scroll. He messaged Saph to pick him up at his new location.
"How'd you end up there?" She asked.
"Uh..." Jaune droned out before answering with a half-truth. "They were in the middle of an errand, so I had to join them whole they escaped work. They're gone now."
"On my way now." She replied. "How'd it go?"
Jaune reached into his hoodie. By some miracle, the folder and everything in it remained in place. He let out a heavy sigh, and a smile grew wide over his face.
"Well, I got the transcripts."
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drenosa · 5 months
Cinder: *Holding the Relic of Destruction, doing her evil villain speech* ... and just like that, Vacuo will fall just like all the other kingdoms! And there'll be nothing and no-one who can stop me. No, goody two-shoed brats-
Ruby: *Sick of Cinder's shit* Rude.
Cinder: ... no destitute little princesses-
Weiss: *Sick of Cinder's shit* Just shut your trap already.
Cinder: ... and certainly no sad excuses of a knight!
Jaune: *Definitely done with Cinder's shit* You really need new material.
Cinder: Speaking of pathetic knights. I see the tinned man picked up a helmet. What's wrong, wretch? Don't want your snot-smeared face to be seen by little old me?
Ruby: Jaune. Take of your helmet.
Jaune: Uh, you sure? The Atlas refugee moms were rough and the Vacuans weren't any better. Those married ones were a menace!
Weiss: Just do it.
Jaune: Well... alright then. *Begins taking off his helmet*
Cinder: *Mockingly* What, did the useless one among you have a little accident? Did children run to their mewling mommies to warn about... the... *Sees what's under the helmet* monster?
Jaune: *Grey streaked hair in an elegant tail, his well-groomed beard perfect in every aspect, an A-grade Arc Specimen* So...
Cinder: *Tosses the Relic to Ruby, flies towards Jaune* Mine, mine, mine!
Jaune: *Runs in a futile effort* Oh crap, it's worse than the married moms! *Gets caught* Gah!
Cinder: *Already naked and on top of Jaune* MINE!
Ruby: *Catches Relic* Ha! Mission accomplished. I knew it would work!
Weiss: So you don't feel bad? Like at all, about what Jaune's being subjected to now?
Ruby: *Looks over to where Cinder's wrestling Jaune* Nah, I can go subdue her in a min- *Sees the progress of the match* an hour or so, and we'll be fine.
Weiss: *Watches on with morbid interest, realizing that she's fine with an hour* We are terrible people.
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arc-misadventures · 9 months
There’s Something On Your Face
Another day, another dollar, another poorly written news story.
Jaune Arc may have finally landed his dream job at the, Daily Planet. Being able to tell, and explore various stories that help inform people throughout the world. Being able to see, and hear all sort of things. And, being around some of the most talented reporters in the world. It was his dream come true!
But, good gods the people here were illiterate.
Jaune: Haaa… Good lord…
Nora: What’s wrong, Jaune?
Jaune: This place is filled with some of the most talented news reporters in the country, but they all seemingly pose the writing capabilities of an eight grader! Which isn’t all the surprising considering the country’s falling education system…
Nora: Why, what did they spell wrong?
Jaune: Ruby, was writing a report about the ecological damage, Lex Corp has committed in that gas leak we had the other week. And, she wrote: ‘The effects of the ass leak will have unseen effects…’ Ass leak… Good lord…
Nora: Well… it’s where gas leaks emanate from.
Jaune: …
Jaune: You’ve been hanging around, Yang too much. That… that was just horrible.
Nora: She makes worse puns than that, and you know it.
Jaune: True. Speaking of bad puns, where is, Yang?
Nora: I don’t know, maybe she got an exclusive scoop, and had to go report on it again.
Jaune: Yeah, another exclusive scoop…
Jaune turned to look outside, his mind gazing over the familiar high rise landscape before him as a question that had been plaguing him ran amok. That stopped when he saw a green blur fly past followed by a white figure chasing after it.
Jaune: Oh, looks like, Superwoman’s got a dancing partner. Though I don’t think it’s a good dancing partner.
Nora: Wait, what?!
He said this as nonchalantly, and generally uncaring as possible as he saw his coworkers rush to the window to see what was a abuzz.
Jaune had been at the, Daily Planet well before, Superwoman had arrived. He had reported on her first exploits as a hero saving, Metropolis. Had conducted several personal one on one interviews with her. Hell, he had even been saved by her a few times. So seeing her go about doing superhero things like saving the city from an alien invasion, some villain with a massive ego boner, or simply saving some kids kitten stuck in a tree, he had seen it, and written about dozens of times before. It was time that the new blood reported on such stories. Besides, he would know about it all in the end anyway, when he checked up on their atrocious grammar mistakes anyway.
But, as, Jaune looked through the window to see, Superwoman’s white cape billowing in the wind. Her dazzling smile radiating the sky as he blond locks of hair shined seemingly created a halo of light around her. Making her appear like an angel in the sky. He couldn’t help but ask himself the same question he often found himself ask all the time as of later:
Tumblr media
Who was it that wore the mask of, Superwoman?
: Hey, Jaune!
Jaune’s musing from grading more spelling mistakes, and poor grammar was broken when a warm voice freed him from his stupor. He looked up to see violet eyes hidden behind thick black rimmed glasses with a warm welcoming smile he knew all too well.
Jaune: Oh, hello, Yang. Where have you been?
Yang Xiao Long had been working at the, Daily Planet for a few years now, she was a highly skilled reporter with an uncanny ability to always snag the hottest scoop from under your very nose. She also had this odd habit of suddenly disappearing, and reappearing at will. She could have been fired for this if she didn’t keep on bringing such fantastic news stories though.
But, as he looked upon her, her dorky little smile, and her hair tied in its usual ponytail. He could help but wonder how she would look like if she removed those ugly frames of hers, and wore contacts, it was such a shame to hide such a beautiful dace after all.
Yang: Oh catching this juicy story by the docks!
Jaune: The docks? What were you doing around there?
Yang: Oh… I was… I was just out for a jog. That’s all~!
He could help, but quirk an eyebrow at her rather odd remark. They lived in the same building, the docks were on the other side of town from where they lived. And, she found this supposed juicy story on a jog? That didn’t add up.
Jaune: And, the story?
Yang: How, Lex Corp recently bought it, and how a lot of strange items have been coming through. And, an odd amount of stuff like fruit, and vegetables.
Jaune accepted the paper containing, Yang’s story, and put if with pile of stories he need to review. Her brief synopsis sounded ridiculous, but, Lex Corp was a shady place. He was once been given a bag of peanuts by them, and he would swear on his life that whatever he ate that day wasn’t a real peanut.
Jaune: Okay, I’ll give it a look see when I come to it. Need anything else?
Yang: Nope, that’s all.
Jaune: Okay, now if you’ll excuse me, I have to get back to pondering how our education system if failing to teach proper english to people.
Yang: Okay! I’ll be here if you need me.
Jaune watched her, the country girl in the big city seemingly skip her way to her desk to work on what ever new story she had concocted.
She was a nice girl, but she was a little odd. Everyone was a little odd so that wasn’t a huge problem, but their was something especially odd about, Yang. He had several feelings about the girl, he understood, and rationalized them as best he could.
And, yet there was just something he couldn’t pin down about the girl.
Jaune looked to the clock on the corner of his computer screen, and saw that it had ticked past six o’clock. He looked around the office, and saw that it was only him, and one person left in the office.
He rubbed his eyes as he stood up. He grabbed some paper, and walked over to the last person in the office.
Jaune: Congratulations. You the only person who didn’t piss me off today.
Yang: What?
Yang looked at him confused as he handed her back her news story. She looked at the paper, and the only mark she saw was the stamp that read: ‘Print it.’
Yang: I’m confused.
Jaune: I’ve been reviewing, and fixing everyone’s stories all day, and yours is the only one I didn’t have to fix. To which I thank you.
Yang: Oh, no problem, Jaune! Were there any bad spelling errors you need to fix?
Jaune: Lets see, first off there was, Ruby’s mistake of writing, ‘Ass leak,’ instead of, ‘gas leak.’ Nora got lost on a tangent of talking about pancakes in her story, again. Neptune’s story was supposed to be about the new swimming pool that was built, but he spent most of his time failing to flirt with girls according to, Sun. And, the cherry on top was, Blake’s report on the faunas rights rally. Instead of writing, ‘feline’ she for some reason wrote the worss, ‘peal lime.’
Yang: Pfft-hahahaha!
Yang’s warm laughter was infectious, and brought a smile to his face as he watched her happy smile play across her face.
Jaune: Considering the fact she is a cat faunas she should know what the hell she’s talking about, but nope. Apparently she doesn’t know what she’s talking about.
Yang: ‘Peal lime.’ Ha! That’s a good one.
Jaune: Yeah. So thanks for not giving me more work to do for a change.
Yang: Just doing my job, Jaune. Think nothing of it.
Jaune: It’s always nice to have something to relax to. So let me have this one. Okaaaaaaay…?
Jaune’s words began to slur as his head tipped inquisitively to the side as he looked at, Yang’s face. The action made, Yang nervously fidget as he appeared to be looking for something.
Yang: I-Is there something wrong, Jaune?
Jaune: There’s something on your face. Hold still, I’ll get it.
Yang’s face started to become flushed red as, Jaune leaned down, and moved closer to her face. She started stuttering as his hands came closer to closer, and then the unthinkable happened.
Jaune had pulled off her glasses.
Jaune: Ah ha! I got it, there was a disguise on your face, Yang. Or perhaps I should say… Superwoman~!
And, had swiftly, and effortless unmasked her super hero persona.
Yang: H-How… How did you find out…?
Jaune smiled softly at her as he took a seat in the chair across from her. He handed back her glasses to which she rapidly put back on to hide herself so to speak.
Jaune: I thought you’d put up more of a fight, and deny you were, Superwoman. But, to answer your question, I’ve had several reasons to suspect it was you. The fact that when one of you is present, the other has seemingly disappeared. That you seeming always have the scoop, then Superwoman deals with it before the authorities could possibly deal with it. Before we even have the oppression to publish the story. You seemingly have insane reflexes that no normal human with years of experience could develop. And, i know you have super hearing; how else could you have heard where, Mrs. Schnee’s wedding ring fell. You had her back to her, and it fell upon a carpet, I couldn’t hear that, and yet you did. These are all speculative reasonings though, easily can be construed as drawing conclusions. But, do you really want to know how I knew you were, Superwoman?
Yang: H-How…?
Yang was sacred, for the first time since she had dawned on the cape, she was genuinely scared. She knew, Jaune could be highly analytically minded when he wanted to, and that he had this terrifying habit on picking up on the smallest of details. And, if he seduced her secretly identity just by noticing the small details others would pass over, what else had he discovered about her?
Jaune: Your eyes.
Yang: What…?!
Jaune: Your eyes… People may share the same shade of blue, brown, yellow, what ever colour there is. But, they don’t look that same. I remember staring into those violet eyes for the first time, and being mesmerized by how soft of a warm violet they were. Then, I remember when, Superwoman saved me from that weird, Toy Master fellow, I couldn’t help, but notice how beautiful her eyes were. But, I knew this was the first time I saw them, I couldn’t help but shake the feeling that I’ve seen them before. And, I finally answered that lingering question that plagued the back of my mind. So, does that answer your question, Superwoman?
Yang: …
Yang: I-I’m not in my costume… Y-Yang’s just fine… And, yeah… that answers my question… Well at least some of them, but yeah…
Yang looked away nervously before starting, Jaune down with a worried expression etched across her face.
Yang: So you know my secret identity… N-Now what…? Are you going to tell the world that, Yang Xiao Long is, Superwoman?
Jaune: No, no I won’t tell anyone.
Yang breathed a sigh of relief that washed away all the fear she had been building up.
Jaune: However, you have to do one thing for me.
And, suddenly all that fear, and dread came rushing back like a tidal wave.
Yang: A-Are you blackmailing me?!
Jaune: Mmm… Kinda, yeah.
Yang was shocked, she saw, Jaune as such a sweet, and caring person, was he really going to blackmail her?!
And, what would he make her do? Steal a vault, break a bridge, kill someone?! What could he possibly…
Jaune: Perchino’s, tomorrow, say five o’clock?
Yang: Eh…?
Yang looked towards this goofballs smiling face as she was utter lost in thought at what he just said. So lost that she honestly took a minute to go from her fear to being blackmailed to realizing what he had just said.
Yang: P-Perchino’s… a-at five…?
Jaune: Does six work better?
Yang: Waitwaitwait! Are you asking me out on a date?!
Jaune: Surprised?
Yang: Honestly, yes. Yes I am… I thought you would tell me to rob a bank for you, or something like that. Not ask me out… o-on a date…
Jaune: Well, if it makes you feel better I’m asking you because I’ve been meaning to for a while now.
Yang: Y-You have?
Jaune: Yeah, it’s just every time I try you’re suddenly gone. But, now I know why. So, since I have you here; Does five, or six o’clock work for you?
Yang: …
Yang: F-Five o’clock…
Jaune: Awesome! Well, it’s late, and I need to get some sleep. I’ll see you tomorrow, Yang. Don’t stay up too late saving the city! Bye.
And, with that, Jaune was gone, leaving a bewildered, Yang behind.
In the space of five minutes, Jaune Arc had turned her world upside down. He unmasked her effortlessly, twice. He had her quaking her her boots when he said he was going to blackmail her into committing a crime. And, he had asked her out on a date instead.
He had asked her out on a date.
Yang was asked out on a date.
Yang: I have a date tomorrow…
Yang: …
Yang: I have a date tomorrow…?
Yang: …
Yang: I have a date tomorrow!~!
Yang squealed in glee as she realized that her crush had asked her out on a date. This was unbelievable, unforgettable, highly unpredictable, highly…
Yang’s exuberance was cut short as she saw that several of the offices windows had been shattered from the high pitch her joyous squeal had made. She looked about the office, before looking back at the window in shock.
Yang: …
Yang: Oh shit…
I had a thought the other day: It’s called the Kryptonian AU, who says, Jaune has to be the Kryptonian.
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Toga’s AU Concept
He visited Sanctum on a whim, he was in Mistral visiting his niece Saphron after all, why not visit the school that was training it’s future protectors… Was it truly chance that it happened when he got there at that moment. That he stumbled upon the horrified students backing away from a scene from a horror movie.
A girl over a boy, her skin pale, hair a dull gold but utterly contrast by the crimson of the boy beneath her, of his blood leaking, his eyes wide in equal parts horror and confusion as the girl above him drank deeply. Her aura lighting, brightening with every drop more she drunk.
But from her eyes another purely liquid dripped, tears that contradicted the madness in her eyes, others stood confused. But not him, never him, he didn’t hesitate, to hesitate was the let others suffer. The girl moved with surprising grace, avoiding him while her features altered, matching her victim’s.
His hand reached out as he enforced his soul into him, willing thew boy’s body to mend though his soul’s light. The second he saw the student’s face gain some of it’s blush ensured his life her turned on her and launched after the girl.
She’d been smart to run instead of fight, it was a fight she wouldn’t win, couldn’t win, but escaping was just a futile. She was fast, agile and athletic yes, but he was a skilled tracker. If she was faster, he just had to rely on endurance to carry him through.
And it did…
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She’d been locked up, and they were debating her sentence, the sentence for an aura user with combat training, she was a threat. And perhaps he should’ve left it well enough alone, but he didn’t, and spoke to her.
And he realized the tragic madness that spurred her on. Toga Himiko was not a monster, she was a girl, gifted with a powerful Semblance, great potential and an honest easily corruptible heart. One’s semblance could influence a persons personality quite easily. After all, it was the manifest of your being, of your soul. How could you not begin to ponder its meaning, how could you not attempt to reflect it’s nature on your person, within your actions.
She was dangerous yes, unstable without a doubt… But, she was also alone, her family couldn’t understand her and feared her for it. Somewhere inside he knew she understood her sense of love was twisted. Was not the norm, after all, why else would she have cried when expressing it.
This was no monster, no villain of demon, she was a girl, a pitiful, lonely, misunderstood child who wanted nothing more then to express her love the only way she could. They way her very soul demanded she act out. All she wanted was a connection, was someone to understand her, was to have friends, family and a love that could accept her deviant nature, a nature she had no control of.
How could he call himself a Huntsman if he couldn’t save a single girl from her crippling, cruel loneliness. So he visited her, again and again, using his pull and connection with Ozpin to freeze the freeze the girl’s sentencing while he worked things out.
She started to look forward to meeting him, and he’d admit to the same, after all she was so cheerful and oddly endearing. If not for her eyes being amber instead of blue he’d had thought her one of his nieces.
Apparently after he started visiting regularly she ceased any resisting and even halted trying to escape, he started to bring her things, even cooking for the girl. Not helping but to feel she needed food a bit better then what they served here.
… He hadn’t expected her to cry, she, she couldn’t remember then last time her mom had made her food… The last time they treated her like a daughter instead of a Grimm. It angered him, it infuriated the Arc. But he held his tongue, and focused on what mattered.
On calling in favors, on talking to his family and getting his affairs in order, Jaune was many things, he was a Huntsman, next in line to be patriarch to the Arc House and a teacher at Beacon. But he was also a criminal who’d cheated his way into Beacon once upon a time. His hands had cut down men, his decisions as a leader had led to the death of innocents before as well.
Toga almost killed a boy, she needed help, needed understanding, to be given a chance. And he was all to willing to risk giving her one.
She tried to be normal, to live normally, to act normally, to love normally, she tried so hard, it was also such a struggle, other people’s normal. Other people being able to express themselves, to be themselves and be accepted for it. It wasn’t fair, it wasn’t right, why couldn’t her way be normal… Why couldn’t she be accepted?
Why couldn’t her parents understand her, accept her, but no, they told her it was wrong, that to be so fascinated by blood was wrong, sick and twisted. That she needed to be normal… Were they saying her soul was wrong? She could feel it, ever since her semblance first manifested, since she stumbled upon it so long ago when she’d licked her wound…
Blood was to the body what aura was to the soul, it was beautiful, profound and unique to every person, and she, she could understand it, could indulge, could become others through their blood, she could understand them, be them… It was her normal.
But her parents refused to accept her normal, society refused it, the world and everyone in it refused it… She obeyed, she tried, she struggled to be everyone else’s normal… Until she met him.
Saito was a amazing boy, he was kind, smart and popular, everyone liked him, everyone respected him, just like a lot of other girls she grew to like him. So often she fought the urge to ask him for some of his blood, she wanted to be like him, to know him, to Become him…
But she smothered those urges, because she knew he could not accept them, nobody could accept a freak like her so she resisted the urge. She fought to stay ‘Normal’ To be a average, cheerful, reasonable, well-mannered girl that others could accept, even if it was all a act…
But then Saito got into a fight, and seeing him like that… so wonderfully bruised and bloodied, it made what was so twisted inside go crazy. And it all came crashing down… And she was upon him, moving on not instinct but pure natural movement, as unconsciously as one breathed she gave to her semblance’s nature.
His flesh parting so easily from a mere box cutter, his aura was shattered in the fight with other beforehand. She drunk from him, his blood tasting like the sweetest of irons, so warm, so filling, so unique to him and him alone…
It was ecstasy, finally, finally she got to be herself, she was able to express her love, she felt herself turning into him. His aura, his soul, his being, she understood it so much more in that moment. She knew it was all over, her life, all her efforts, they would come crashing down. But for just a moment, she wanted it, to be her own normal, to be herself…
And then he appeared, he saved Saito, and stopped her, his gaze held so much in it, there was the anger and disgust she expected, but also something new… Pity.
His name was Jaune Arc, he was a Huntsman, a professor, and he stopped her, but he didn’t stop there. He should up to met her in her jail cell, they talked, well, he talked, asking why she did it. And eventually she explained… And, and he listened.
He didn’t understand, but… But he tried to, he asked more, and she could see it, the disgust this anger and confusion, but never was that all she saw. She could see him trying, struggling to comprehend. Time and time again he’d visit, and talk to her, ask her question she’d never considered, asked if she thought what she did was okay.
She knew it wasn’t you can’t force your love on others, but he understood, not because it was normal to him, or because he was like her. No, because he tried to do what nobody else did… He tried to understand her.
He wanted to help her, and then he asked.
“Toga, I need to hear you say it, where you trying to kill Saito?” She knew he needed to hear her say it, so she did.
“No, I just, I wanted to express my love…” And then he told her.
“Toga, you’re not normal, but that’s okay, everyone is different, it’s what makes us unique, what makes life beautiful.” He hugged her.
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“You’re not a monster, or a Grimm, your human, and you’ve been through so much.” He was warm… The words slipped from her mouth.
“Please, can I, can I drink your blood.” He paused and she knew she’d be rejected, pushed away and left alone…
“Toga, listen.” But she wasn’t rejected, pushed away, instead the man met her gaze, a sternness in his gaze but also a sympathy, one she’d never seen before.
“You don’t behave like others, and it can be dangerous.” She knew that, of course she did.
“But it doesn’t have to be.” He begun to glow, a soft, kind but powerful white.
“I know, you can help people, more than even I can with your semblance.” His big, calloused hand landed on her head.
“The same way you can take other’s blood, if you gave your love back, you could help so many people.” She shook, she’d thought that too, but, but never hoped others would, would.
“You’re not a monster, twisted or evil Toga, your just different, your semblance, your soul, your beautiful.” It was the smile of a father, of someone who genuinely wanted nothing more than to help her, then to comfort the girl who’d spent her entire if not short life being rejected by others.
“Himiko, I can’t just let you free, unfortunately the law is very clear on that.” She saw the sadness, the anger in his eyes, it was for her sake. But soon enough they were both overtaken by what she would come to know was his most prominent trait, Determination.
“If you agree to it, to come to Vale you can be put on Probation, under my supervision. I’’ be your guardian and probationary officer.” She knew her parents must’ve given up their rights to her by the slight anger that burned in his eyes.
“We’ll attend therapy lessons and you’ll be taught about aura control by me.” He reached into his pocket and pulled it out then, a vial, the most beautiful shade of red.
“Toga, I know the way you view things are different then mine own, but that doesn’t mean you can’t understand me, you lived in this world, acted appropriately for it as well. You understand how the general public views love.” He offered her the vial, the beautiful crimson flowing with his aura, with his soul.
“I can’t promise others will accept your views, or even try, but I promise, at the very least I will do everything I can to make a environment you can be yourself in… And that I’ll try my best to understand you.” She reached, her fingers grazing the glass, the vial warm… Her heart pounded as she looked to the beautiful crimson.
Slowly, cautiously she undid the top, he never looked away from her, never tore his gaze from the sight, there was no rejection as she took him into her. As she felt his soul through his aura, as his being and iron went down her throat becoming one with her.
She felt herself change, becoming him, her pale ash-blonde hair becoming a shade of livid golden-wheat, her fair skin pinking with a healthy flush. The slits of her pupils dilating, the Faunus trait vanishing as her pupils rounded and turned the most expressive blue.
Her aura converting, her soul changing and being replicating that as her very body matched the new soul she was temporarily hosting. And he looked at her through it all, reaching out and patting her head, the smile was genuine.
“If this is how you want to be that’s fine, I’ll learn to get used to it, but please, don’t stop being yourself, even if your appearance changes.” From his hand aura surged into her, his aura, given freely, pure and unfiltered.
Her answer finally came alongside the tears.
She rushed down the hall from her room, excited for the day she’d looked forward to for so long, she couldn’t wait. Reaching the kitchen she found three people there, her sister and brother, Ren and Nora, two others he’d taken under his wing.
At the stove flipping the immense amount of pancakes the Valkyrie craved was Jaune, they waved to her, well Jaune and Nora did. Ren sat patiently at his seat enjoying his tea, she sat there beside them, besides two people who knew her, truly knew her, who accepted her almost as much as Jaune.
Two simple years was all she spent with him, but in those two years she’d felt more joy, more acceptance then ever before. She’d realized truths about herself and flaws in her actions.
She was free to express her love, but not to enforce it on others, to take from people who did not want to return her affections. It was wrong, cruel and that act whether it be her form of expressing love or ordinary expression of it by others were no less disgusting.
She’d help so many people with her feelings though, a little blood and she’d given so much back in turn, to children who needed it, to people with unique cases and blood types meant nothing to her semblance with regular people. She couldn’t help but want to help, even if Jaune worried, she loved him for that… She loved him, loved him more then others. More then anyone else.
But it wasn’t the same type of love she always felt, always knew, no, this was different, she wanted to both love him and be loved by him. To be loved as Toga Himiko, by Jaune, she didn’t want him to conform to her standard of love.
It wouldn’t be fair, it’d be like who she was forced to follow the standard society before she met him, she wanted to love Jaune as herself but also as him whenever the fancy struck her. But she also wanted to love him as Ren did, as Nora did, as so many of his students did…
And soon, she would be able to, today would be the start of it, a plated landed in front of her then, and looking up she met his smile.
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“Are you ready Toga, your three will be trying out for Beacon today after all. So you all need to eat up.” He served her her breakfast, more than Ren’s but nothing near the mountain of pancakes he placed before her eccentric sister. But then again the pile her put before himself was barely any smaller. He needed it after all, because he regularly gave her blood, regularly accepted her form of expressing it and indulged that aspect of her.
She loved him for it, wanted to love him even more, even deeper, more intimately then any other, and once she passed Initiation she would. She only hoped that when she did succeed, her partner would be as understanding as her.
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Maybe even being able to understand her love, Or Better Yet! Maybe They’ll Love Jaune As Much As She Does! Oh ‘Giggle’ she meant Professor Arc.
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