#vince offer spotted
shiftythrifting · 1 year
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Very derpy denim jorse
A lion king 2 board game that made my heart happy
A Garfield ruler taped to a shelf
Santa wreath is always watching..
A meme that I feel like went over my head
Blah blah blah 😂
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silassinclair · 3 months
Leon single dad x kindergarten teacher PLEASEEE🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
This is so adorable!! This is great too because Father’s day is coming up. Single dads deserve the world <3 Also Leon will be around 29 yrs old in this and reader will be 27. Oh also the title of this oneshot is the name of a song I really like lol. Hot for Teacher by Van Halen ;)
Masterlist Here!!
Hot for Teacher
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The agency Leon worked with (D.S.O.) was busy today. So him having to pull out of work because he got a call from the school did not improve his already sour mood. Apparently his son Vincent (Vinny or Vince for short) got into a fight today. And Leon would rather not have to deal with entitled parents and a careless principal. Leon knows he isn’t the best Dad. Hell, when he received Vinny he was way too young to be a Father. It started when he came home from Spain and there was a baby and a DNA test on his doorstep.
He parks his motorcycle crooked and carelessly in a spot and walks up to the school while mumbling curses under his breath. Leon walks in but is stopped by a woman calling to him.
“Excuse me?”
Leon turns and sees you standing there and stops his stride. You’re a sweet, pretty young woman. The white sundress you wear has various colors of paint stains on it. And your earrings are fishbowls. Your outfit screams kindergarten teacher, or art teacher.
Not wanting to look bad in front of a pretty woman Leon rakes a hand through his hair and smiles.
“Yeah? What is it? I’m kind of in a hurry.”
You look the man up and down. Was he a parent? You’ve never seen him in any parent teacher conferences. Nor have you seen him volunteer at any events. Honestly, he doesn't look like the type to show up to either.
“What’s your business here? All guests need to sign in at the office.” You say politely. Hopefully this guy wasn’t bad news. The leather jacket and denim jeans pretty much scream bad boy. But you don't want to assume someone's character based on appearance. Hell, you could be the nicest person in the world and dress like someone out of the Mad Max universe.
“I got a call today.” The man tells you. “My son Vinny, er, Vincent Kennedy got in a fight today.”
Now that you look at him you can see his resemblance with your star student.
“Oh! You must be Leon then. I’m Ms. L/n, Vincent’s teacher.” You offer your hand to his and he shakes it. His hands are rough and calloused, grip firm and strong. He probably does some intense work to have rough hands while being so young.
Leon's eyebrows raise and his gaze scans over you; the woman who is around his son the majority of the day.
"Perfect timing then. Could you take me to him?"
You nod. "Sure. Let's sign you in real quick and then go to the principal's office. The other kid's parents are here too."
While walking to the main office together the taller man eyes you beside him. He says nonchalantly, "So what happened exactly? You're the teacher so you must have saw it all happen."
You nod. "It was during recess. A student said something about how Vincent didn't have a Mother and proceeded to make fun of him, calling him a teacher's pet because Vincent is my star student. So Vincent punched the other student in the face and it just escalated it from there."
As he listens to you explain what happened Leon nods in understanding. His son shouldn't have hit first but he honestly wasn't mad at him. Vincent's five years old so of course he can't control his emotions well yet. And saying insulting things will lead to getting a busted jaw depending on who you insult. That was how Leon was raised from where he was from. You spit shit then you get hit. Simple as that.
But what caught his attention was you mentioning that his son was your star student.
"Vinny's your star student?" He asks curiously.
With a smile you nod. "Yeah, your son is amazing. He's smart and he makes friends with everybody. Well, except for the student he got into a tussle with today of course."
The two of you laugh lightly. Leon smiles softly as you ramble on about his son's accomplishments. He's glad someone gives his son the appreciation he deserves while he isn't around. Leon felt like he wasn't enough for his son. Being a single Father and working a full time job was hard and he couldn't give his boy the time he deserved. So knowing that a pretty, kind, and motherly woman like you watches and educates his son five days a week takes some weight off his chest.
You sign Leon in and take him to the principal's office. There sitting is Tyler's Mother and Father, Vincent, and an empty chair besides Vincent. Leon sits beside his son and worriedly looks him over. He notices a cut on the five year old's lip and luckily nothing else. Tyler looks worse with a bruised cheek, cut on his forehead, and scrapes on his knees.
"You've finally arrived Mr. Kennedy. Do you know why you were called here today?" The principal says.
The Mother of Tyler looks like she's about to explode. "He knows why he's here! It's because his wild child hit our son!"
Her voice makes you and Leon physically cringe.
"Ms. Mason please calm down. We're here to discuss this like adults. Not school children." The principal says firmly. "Now I want to finish this meeting quickly because I have other things to do so I will make it quick. Because Vincent struck first he will receive four days suspention. But because Tyler instigated he will receive three days of suspention."
"What?!" The Masons say at the same time. But Leon gives a satisfied nod and grunt of approval.
"Seems fair to me. Now let's go Vinny, we're leaving." Leon picks his son up in his arms and walks out of the office, leaving the two argumentative parents and their brat son behind. You also leave the office because you would rather not have the parents suddenly direct their wrath at you.
Leon and Vincent are already outside now. But Vincent seems fussy about something.
"What is it bud?" Leon says when he feels his son trying to wiggle out of his arms.
"I forgot to say bye to Ms. L/n!" Vincent says with a whine. Leon sighs with a smile and puts his son down. He watches him make a beeline for you who's still by the front entrance.
"Oomph-!" You grunt when the little boy suddenly hugs you. "Are you feeling better Vince?" You ask. After all the little boy was crying angrily a little while ago when Tyler said he didn't have a Mom.
"I feel better!" Vincent says with a grin. "It's okay because I have Daddy and I have you."
You tilt your head in question. "Huh? What do you mean Vince?"
The little boy beams up at you. His little arms are still around your hips. "I don't need a Mommy if I have you Ms. L/n! You're better than some other Moms I've seen." The boy says, clearly referencing how Tyler's Mom went psycho in the principal's office minutes prior.
You chuckle lightly. God he was so cute. Patting his head you reply. "Thank you Vince that means a lot to me."
You didn't notice how Leon had already made his way closer. He must have heard everything his son said because he was smiling softly.
"Let go of the pretty lady Vinny, you'll squeeze her to death if you keep that up."
With a small groan Vincent lets go of you.
"Oh I don't mind Mr. Kennedy. Your son isn't quite strong enough yet to cut off my airway."
Vincent pouts as you and Leon chuckle. "I'm gonna get big and strong very quick! You'll see Ms. L/n!"
Leon ruffles his son's hair. "Sure you will squirt. And you don't have to call me Mr. Kennedy. Just Leon is fine."
You smile warmly. "Well then in that case just Y/n is fine for me. Only my students call me Ms. L/n."
The man smirks and looks you up and down. Clearly some thoughts are brewing in his head.
"Well well it looks like we're already on a first name basis. How about I treat you to dinner sometime?" Leon says with a flirtatious smirk.
You giggle in return. "I'd love to."
Leon and you exchange phone numbers while little Vinny is pouting. Leon sees this and pouts in return. "Aww what's wrong buddy?"
"I wanna go on play dates with Ms. L/n too! It isn't fair that you get to. You only met her today."
You smile and pat the boy's head. "If your Dad allows it then you can come with us."
That seems to brighten his mood instantly. "Really?! Daddy please let me come too!"
Leon stares at you with a deadpan while you giggle.
"Yes you can come with Daddy on his date. Just don't make me look lame." Leon says with a small scowl.
"I'll wear my Lightning McQueen jacket! It's the coolest jacket I have!"
"The ladies will dig that bud."
"Even Ms. L/n?"
"Nope. Only I'm allowed to impress your pretty teacher."
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heartfullofleeches · 2 years
What if we offered V to shower sex if he showers
(no smut because.... excuses, but suggestive themes)
You pull back the top layer of his blanket baracade. "V, you know what time it is."
"I know what you're about to say, and my response is I took one on Sunday."
"It's Tuesday night, Vince."
"My point still stands." V turns over and fix the blankets back over his head. "I'll take one tomorrow."
Nobody never said life with your stalker turned partner would be easy. Only one way to get him moving.
You crouch as you force the covers back, whispering in his ear. "I can make it worth your while~."
You slip off your bottoms and lay them on his shoulder to further get your point across. You see his hand move to grab them, but not much else happens. He rearranges the sheets and shuffles around beneath them before going still. You question how that could have possibly failed given his track record. Accepting the lost, you get up to go shower - vowing to drown him in the left over water like he had rambled about in needy crazies during times when your attention wasn't solely on him.
"Why the fuck do you still have clothes on?"
V sits up from the couch, blankets rolling off to reveal he had completely stripped on the spot. He looks at you expectedly, tearing your clothes to shreds with his eyes like the depraved degenerate he is.
"If we go to that bathroom and a part of you isn't in my mouth in under twenty seconds I'm leaving and you're coming with me."
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hash1ras · 1 year
𝖇𝖊𝖘𝖙 𝖋𝖗𝖎𝖊𝖓𝖉 𝖘𝖐𝖆𝖙𝖊𝖗!𝖊𝖗𝖊𝖓
aot modern au, eren x gn reader
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✮ best friend skater!eren who always shows up to the local skate spot late, with a cigarette nonchalantly hanging from his lips
✮ best friend skater!eren who you first met at a house party a few years back and you clicked immediately, you’ve been inseparable ever since
✮ best friend skater!eren who constantly paints his nails black and wears a silver hoop in his nose (you both got your noses pierced for his 18th birthday)
✮ best friend skater!eren who will randomly offer you one of his airpods bc he knows you both have the same music taste
✮ best friend skater!eren who meets up with you at the bar after work, he has a couple beers and shots then proceeds to do skate tricks in the parking lot, drunk off his ass (until the bartender levi comes out to yell at him)
✮ best friend skater!eren who randomly facetimes you to ask your opinion on his outfit (he’s so full of himself but you’re used to it)
✮ best friend skater!eren who will call you at 2 am so the two of you can go ride around downtown and talk for hours then split a bottle of wine while sitting on your rooftop (you both conveniently live on the same street)
✮ best friend skater!eren who sometimes gets drunk and puts his arm around you or sneaks you a kiss on the cheek because you’re, in his words, his “platonic soulmate”
✮ best friend skater!eren who you catch staring at you sometimes while you’re skating on the ramp
✮ best friend skater!eren who has been by your side for years and everyone always thinks you’re more than friends but you always insist its nothing more than that. because he always has girls all over him and he only sees you as a friend and nothing more…right?
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ghostinavenue · 3 months
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Summary: You sneak out of your house to go to a party and meet up with Tommy.
Pairings: TommyLee x Fem!Reader
In my head Tommy is the sweetest rockstar on earth, hence this fic. !!
It was a stormy friday night. You were in your room sitting by the window, watching how lightings illuminated the sky before crashing down into a thunder. The tight golden dress you had found in your wardrobe a few minutes ago was still on you while you waited for the storm to cease in order to go out, but that was not happening any time soon.
You had met this guy Tommy a few days ago. He had seen you walking out of college and approached you. “There’s a party at my friend’s house on friday, Vince, you should come over,” He had said, handing you a piece of paper with an address written on it. “Also, my band’s playing, Mötley Crüe, we’re killing it.” He winked at you before walking away with that gorgeous silly smile on his face.
You wanted to go to this party so bad, but your parents would not let you go out if it was raining like that, so you decided to sneak out. Your bedroom was on a second floor so you opened the window and carefully threw some pillows on the ground before jumping out, which made the fall a lot softer. Rain was instantly pouring down on you, and according to the paper Tommy had given you, his friend’s house was a few blocks away, so you decided to run.
After a few minutes of consistently running and stopping to catch your breath every once in a while, you made it to the house. You could hear loud music coming from inside so you peeped through the window. There they were, the famous “Mötley Crüe”. Tommy was playing the drums, his messy black hair was all over his face, and he was wearing a bit of makeup, which made you giggle. You didn’t know the other guys, but you surely did spot the older man playing the guitar, which made you frown, imagining it was maybe this guy Vince’s relative.
Suddenly the music stopped, they were done playing, and Tommy looked up in your direction, staring directly at you. He squinted his eyes as to trying to figure out who you were. You chuckled and waved at him, and this seemed to be enough for him to recognize you because he jumped up from his drum set and made his way to you.
“Y/N!” He closed the door behind him, now you were both standing there in the rain. “Have you seen me play?” He asked, that same cute silly smile forming up on his face. You were about to answer when the music started playing again, this time without the drums. Tommy didn’t seem to care about that, because he stayed with you.
You leaned closer to his ear, tiptoeing because he was much more taller. “You’re great,” You said quite loudly in his ear, pulling back afterwards to give him a smile. Now he moved closer to your ear and said, “You look gorgeous, may I have this dance?”. As he offered his hand to you, you couldn’t help but laugh as he was clearly a little drunk, but you took his hand and you walked him to the driveway.
At this point, you were both soaking wet, your dress was almost glued to your body, and Tommy’s leather pants were glistening under the raindrops, but you didn’t care, because both of you started to goofily dance to the rhythm of the music that came from inside the house. You jumped around and laughed, and the drummer did just the same, mimicking you, which made it all even funnier. You were having a great time.
The rain was starting to stop, and you were running out of breath, so you grabbed the black haired man’s arm and pulled him down to the ground with you, lying down there, facing up to the sky. Neither of you were talking, but Tommy’s hand quietly reached yours, quickly interlocking fingers.
“Is this your first time dancing in the rain with a girl you have just met?” You asked turning your head to the side, looking directly at him. He smiled before replying, “Yeah, I would probably do it again, only with you.” You bit your lip at his response, feeling a bundle of butterflies suddenly flying in your stomach; and without thinking it any further, you placed your hands on Tommy’s cheeks and kissed him, there, on the floor.
The drummer stayed still for a moment before placing one of his hands on your waist and gently pushing himself above you, deepening the kiss. His lips were soft and his tongue explored your mouth tenderly, he knew what he was doing and you were enjoying it. Black strands of hair were tickling your face so you had to pull away from him a few times, giggling, which made him chuckle with you before giving quick pecks to your face and neck.
“I have to go back inside, Nikki’s gonna kill me” He interrupted, standing up and offering you his hand to help you get up as well. “Will you stay and see me play?”. You wanted to stay with him, now and probably for the rest of your life, but you knew you had to be back home. It was getting too late.
“I have to leave now,” You said, your hands resting on his shoulders, “But I promise I will come and see you playing the next time your band is performing”. Tommy seemed disappointed, but he agreed and laid a gentle kiss on your forehead before walking back inside the house, and you could hear all the boys calling him out for disappearing; but you felt as if you had just lived the start to your own fairytale.
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bellysoupset · 5 months
This is going to have a part 2, but since it's gonna be long and the tone shifts a bit, I thought I'd split it for my own peace of mind.
Wendy smoothed her top, making sure there were no wrinkles and then glared at herself in the side mirror of her car. The sunglasses made her look like a bitch. She removed them, perching the glasses on top of her head as a makeshift headband keeping her wavy hair back, then frowned. Now she looked like she was trying too hard. Wendy removed them, studying her reflection and then planting them back on her face once more with a frustrated groan.
“Keep them in the hair,” a guy said, circling her. He was a blonde, wearing a dark t-shirt that was strained against his tattooed biceps and most of his hair had gotten loose from his man bun. He pointed at her sunglasses, “you’re beautiful, so they’re just in the way.” 
Wendy snorted at the compliment, but removed the shades, perching them on top of her hair, “better?”
“Much,” he opened a smile, offering his hand, “I’m Max.”
“Wendy,” she shook his hand, glancing past his shoulders and seeing Vince’s head among the kids just running out of the gate. He was impossible to miss. There was an older woman chatting him up, causing Wendy to grin smugly. 
“So you’re picking up your sibling or something?” Max asked her, leaning against her car and Wendy bit the inside of her cheek not to laugh at his clear flirting. 
“Or something,” she shrugged, “are you?”
“No, no,” he shook his head, looking almost offended that she asked, “I’m the chemistry teacher.”
“Oh, really?” Now Wendy was interested. This was Mr. Daniels? She made a mental note to grill Vince about him, meanwhile Max completely misunderstood the uptick in her voice. 
“Yeah, chemistry and biology, actually,” he shrugged in true false modesty, as if that wasn’t a big deal and Wen raised her eyebrows, as he continued, “I’ve never seen you around here, I’d remember such a beautiful woman.”
“Yeah, she’s super hot, right Daniels?” Vince asked smugly, circling the man, “you done hitting on my girl or do you need another minute?”
Wendy’s face caught on fire, her stomach almost hurting with the sheer amount of butterflies, and Max visibly cringed. 
“Ah, your girlfriend,” he grimaced, “uhm- Well, Wendy, my condolences,” Max did a little mocking bow and then turned around and walked away.
Wendy snorted at the comment, hand rushing up to muffle a chuckle and Vince rolled his eyes at the insult, waving Max off as he stepped into the man’s previous spot in front of Wen.
“Hi, honey,” Vin grinned, “that’s a surprise.”
“Hi,” she all but jumped in order to kiss him and Vince wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her off her feet. Wendy pressed a smile against his lips, pulling back with a sigh and feeling her cheeks hurt as she realized he hadn’t put her back on the ground, “missed you.”
“I missed you too,” Vince smiled, bumping his nose with hers and then frowning as they heard a loud wolf whistle. He turned his head and groaned, lowering Wendy back to the ground, “Sophia, quit that!” 
“You quit that, it’s school grounds Mr. Monacelli!” his sister scoffed, walking with a group of teenage girls, all of them giggling and whispering among themselves. Wendy raised her eyebrows, feeling more than a little proud of herself.
“I feel like I just became persona non grata by dating the new hot teacher,” she commented, waving to Sophia, who offered her a tiny, shy wave, clearly wanting nothing to do with Wendy or Vince.
“Yeah, we’re gonna get you a bodyguard or something,” Vince teased her, wrapping an arm around her shoulders, “are you staying the weekend?”
“The whooole weekend,” Wendy nodded, sinking into his arms, “leaving only Monday morning.”
She looked around the emptying parking lot. It was a nice school, she had to give it to Vince. Kids laughing and teens teasing each other, no fights. Little cliques that made her glad she wasn’t in high school anymore. 
Daniels was just entering his car, a white, old pick-up. He lowered the sun visor and retrieved his sunglasses, planting them on his face, before catching Wendy looking and raising his eyebrows, sliding the shades on. 
“That’s Daniels, uh?” Wendy leaned on Vince’s hold and her boyfriend let out a scoff, hugging her to his chest. 
“He’s a jackass,” Vince grumbled, kissing her temple, “but I can’t blame him for having eyes.”
Wendy blushed and she rolled her eyes, turning her face to capture his next cheek kiss into an actual one, “very smooth, Pussy Magnet, very smooth.”
“You’re a horrible woman,” Vince whined, kissing her back, “let’s go?” 
They had separated rides, so Wendy pulled apart with a whine, entering her car once again. 
She had been to Vince’s little house before, a bunch of times, but lately he had been driving up to the city instead of her coming to see him, so it was to her surprise when she followed Vin inside the place, only to meet a pink wall in his bedroom. 
It was the wall to the left of the bed, where the door that led to the bathroom sat. He had painted it a muted shade of pink, then added black shelves, now filled with books. Wendy dropped her bag on the little white table that separated his living room from his bedroom and took a step back, opening a pleased smile at the change. 
“I missed you,” Vince shrugged, closing the door behind them and wrapping an arm around Wendy’s neck, in a half hearted lock and pulling her for a kiss, “so I thought I’d bring a little of you to my place.”
Her face hurt with how much she was blushing and Wendy squirmed in his arms, jumping to wrap her arms around Vince’s neck and squealing as he caught her easily. They kissed and stumbled further inside, Wendy letting out a oof as they fell into bed, Vince pining her down. 
“Vin…” She breathed out, as he planted a bunch of kisses down her chest, undoing the buttons of her blouse. Then his lips were on her again, scratchy five o’clock shadow dragging down the cream skin of her exposed belly, planting a kiss near her navel, curling his fingers on the hem of her white jeans.
“Yeah?” He undid the button, pushed down the zipper and let out a pleased noise at the lacy pink underwear.
Wendy ran her fingers through his hair, fingers twirling the curly ends, “I wanna do something different,” she tightened her grip at the roots, pushing his head back just enough their eyes met, opening a mischievous smile, “I brought food.”
Vince raised his eyebrows, then pulled back, his arms framing her body. He didn’t say anything for the longest minute, so Wendy’s confident smile wavered and vanished. 
“Honey?” She removed her hand from his hair, cupping his cheek, “unless you don’t want…”
“No milk,” he shook his head, “not your food.” 
Wendy frowned, confused and scooted up on the bed, kicking off her shoes, “I’m sorry, you lost me…”
“It’s not fun when I get sick because of milk,” Vince grimaced at the thought, while Wendy blushed, because what she heard was that it was fun on other occasions, “the cramps are terrible.”
“Okay…” She hugged her knees, resting her cheek on them, “so how do you want to do it then?”
Vince scrunched up his nose adorably, thinking of the matter and fell flat on his back on the bed, moving so he could rest his head on her lap, “can it just be too much food?” he looked up, hopeful, “I like- The tummy rubs are nice. The… Even the puking, if it’s one and done.”
Wendy felt almost dizzy with how warm she was. She nodded, eagerly, leaning in and kissing him upside down, “you sure? We don’t have to, if you don’t-”
“I’m sure,” Vince moved his head slightly, turned it and nuzzled his nose over the bulge in her jeans, opening a smug smirk as he looked up from between her legs, “yeah, I’m sure.”
If Wendy wasn't already head over heels in love with him, she was sure she’d have fallen all over with that move alone. She threw her head back with a sigh, hitting the soft headboard, “Okay… Okay, overeating it is.”
Overeating, when you were a guy Vince’s size, meant more than just a meal. It was almost edging her, taking a fantasy and dragging it thin for a whole day. She considered logistics, then gave up on the idea of ordering too much food. It wasn’t fun if it was all staged like that. 
Instead, they fooled in bed a little longer… A lot longer, until they were undressed and clear headed, panting. Then they took a shower to get on with the day. 
“I think I’m going to leave these here,” Wendy said, sitting on Vince’s bed, with her hair wet and dripping down on her bathrobe, while inspecting the dresser next to it. She had opened all the drawers a thousand times before, snooping, not that he minded.
“Leave what here?” Vince walked from the kitchen, holding out a sandwich for her and already chewing the ends of his own, starting on a second one. 
“The clothes I brought,” Wendy pulled open the middle drawer, taking his folded sweaters out and planting them on the bed, “this is my drawer now.”
Vin snorted at that, leaning on the television stand, “you wanted a drawer, I can give you my entire wardrobe. All you have to do is ask.”
Wendy blushed, rolling her eyes and reorganizing his clothes so the middle drawer was empty just for her, “slow down, honey.”
He sighed, raising his hands as if in surrender, “I can take it slow,” Vince shrugged, “but I have at least two drawers in your place, so I don’t think this has to be a big deal.”
She ignored him, putting her clothes in and then falling against the bed, “I’m hungry.” 
That wasn’t a lie, although Wendy probably would have said it even if she wasn’t, only because she was so eager for what was to come. Regardless, she hadn’t had lunch and it was nearly 6 PM already. 
“Here’s an idea,” Vince crawled on the bed, pushing the hair behind her ear, “we go have dinner at my parents, my mom is dying to see you again,” Wendy nodded in agreement. She wanted to see his family as well, it made her feel involved… Wanted. Like she was part of something. 
“And then we can go out to have our own dinner,” Vince leaned in to whisper in her ear, “then we can come back here… And you can stop looking at me as if I’m dinner.”
Wendy giggled at that, nodding, “yeah, alright. Sounds like a plan, Mr. Monacelli.” 
Vince groaned, grabbing her face with both hands and clashing her lips with his, “you don’t call me that, shut up, Wen."
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misguidedasgardian · 5 months
The Lifeaters (III.3)
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III. Your greatest fear
Chapter Summary: Your classes test you in unimaginable ways 
Pairings: Draco Malfoy x Fem!Reader (platonic)
Warnings: Cursing, magical objects, Mugglephobia, classism, charms and curses, might miss some warnings
Wordcount: 3,4 k
Notes: I’m adapting a lot of parts of the books… hehe…
Have you seen Brooklyn 99? if you have you’ll now this
If you see something say something, come on and party tonighttttt wooooooo
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Tuesday nor Wednesday Draco went to classes, his arm still tightly taped to his side, you helped him in what you could, no, actually, in what he would let you help him, you offered to carry his bag but he made Goyle do it, he wouldn’t let you personally carry his things or help him up, nothing that would require strength, you wanted to feel insulted, but what he truly meant is that he did not wanted you to “trouble” yourself
Also he was enjoying the attention you and Pansy were giving him, letting you fix his hair and robes, and even help him eat
It felt nice to help a friend
So Thursday you had potions, and Dray could not miss that.
Most classes would put aside one block, one hour and a half of your schedule, but not potions.
Many took too long to prepare, so once a week, you had THREE consecutive hours to brew potions and be almost tortured by Professor Snape
Even though they were almost on the same floor, the potions classroom was nothing like your common room. It was stuffy, damp and the various smells from the potions made it really hard to breathe or have a nice time, on the contrary, it also depended on the potion that was being brewed, sometimes they made the air lighter, so every class was everyone’s guess.
All eyes where on you when you arrived with Draco to the potions classroom, you shared the class with the Gryffindors, and many of them looked annoyed when they saw Dray’s grimace 
Pansy wouldn’t leave your side either.
You didn’t know how to feel
You liked her, she was your friend, but you were not used to a “third wheel” in yours and Draco’s relationship, before there was Vince, Greg and even Matthew near him, but they couldn’t get that close to him
Pansy was managing to do so, and it made you a bit queasy 
Draco whimpered when you settle in your places and Pansy was on him on a 
"How is it, Draco?”, she asked, in a tone a bit sweet for your taste, "Does it hurt much?"
“Yes”, he said, trying to show himself brave, but as soon as Pansy looked away, he winked at Greg and Vince, you slapped his good arm, annoyed, he looked back at you apologetically
Your attention was called by Snape, the class was going to start
You were a bit late, but your professor didn’t say anything, you enjoyed more… freedom… with the head of your house than with other teachers, it almost made you a bit embarrassed
But then you remembered all teachers who were heads of houses had a soft spot for their students, Snape had a soft spot for you lot, his house.
“Today were going to be making a Shrinking solution”, snape Introduced, “please take out your ingredients” 
You were sharing one of the big tables with Potter, Granger, Longbottom, Weasley, Greg, Vince, Draco and Pansy
"Sir," Dray called, "sir, I'll need help cutting up these daisy roots, because of my arm…", you looked at him, wanting to offer your help, but Snape had other plans
"Weasley, cut up Malfoy's roots for him"
“I can do it”, you whispered to him, but he shook you off
“He told Wesley to do it”, he said with a smirk, oh how he was enjoying this
"There's nothing wrong with your arm," Ron accused him
"Weasley, you heard Professor Snape; cut up these roots”, he demanded, and Weasley started to masacre those poor roots
“Professor!”, called Draco, “Weasley is mutilating my roots!”, Snape even seemed happy with this arrangements
“Weasley, change roots with Malfoy”, he demanded, and you could barely choke in a giggle
So the redhead had to spend double time trying to fix his roots for himself to use, you tried to focus on your own ingredients, but Draco had you a bit on edge.
Don’t misinterpret this, it was fun to pick on Potter and Weasley, but not in the middle on the potions class, when many things could go wrong
"And, sir, I'll need this shrivelfig skinned," said Dray, pushing his luck, you actually liked working with the plant
“I can do it Dray”, you offered, and you felt Pansy’s heated gaze on you 
"Potter, you can skin Malfoy's shrivelfig," was the response
“It’s no trouble”, you insisted
“He said Potter to do it”, Draco said with a smile
Potter was quick to skin those poor plants, and slided them over the table at Draco as quickly as he could. Draco’s face was one of victory, he seemed pleased with himself. 
Oh but not yet
"Seen your pal Hagrid lately?", he asked them with a mean smirk
"None of your business," responded Weasley.
It was a sore topic, you did not like the turn it had taken
"I'm afraid he won't be a teacher much longer," Said Draco. "Father's not very happy about my injury… he complained to the school’s governors and all", he said, sighing, “And a lasting injury like this…who knows if my arm will ever be the same again?". You wanted to tell him to drop it, you did, back in the common room, but he wouldn’t listen, the horrible gash in his arm looked terrible.
“So that’s why you are doing this!”, said Potter, “you want to get him sacked!”
“Well, maybe”, teased Draco, “Weasley, why don’t you slice up my caterpillars for me?”
The Redhead was about to throw his cauldron at him, when Professor Snape walked by the table, looking into Longbottom’s cauldron
"Tell me, boy, does anything penetrate that thick skull of yours? Didn't you hear me say, quite clearly, that only one spleen was needed? Didn't I state plainly that a dash of leech juice would suffice? What do I have to do to make you understand, Longbottom?", his potion was the wrong color, and Neville looked like he was about to cry. 
"Please, sir," said Granger, there was something about her tone that you really found annoying, "I could help Neville put it right…", you couldn’t help but rolled your eyes, and Draco at your side snickered 
"I don't remember asking you to show off, Miss Granger," you couldn’t help but smile, Snape always saw right through the golden trio, "Longbottom, at the end of this lesson we will feed a few drops of this potion to your toad and see what happens. Perhaps that will encourage you to do it properly.", now that made you raise your eyes from your cauldron up to Neville, who’s hands started shaking
"Help!" he moaned, looking at the entire table
"Hey", said Seamus Finnigan, a Gryffindor who no matter what he was doing, he always managed to provoke an explosion, "Sirius Black's been sighted”, he said, you and Draco shared looks, “it’s all over the daily prophet”
"Where?" asked Potter, all the table were listening
"Dufftown," said Seamus, who looked excited. "It was a Muggle who saw him. By the time the Ministry of Magic got there, he was gone."
"Not too far from here... " said Granger, then Weasley catches us looking
"What, Malfoy? Need something else skinned?", he asked
But Draco was looking at Potter with malice, and you knew exactly was he was about to say
 "Thinking of trying to catch Black single-handed, Potter?", he teased "Yeah, that's right," responded Potter, ever the petulant fool 
You knew what was coming, you had discussed it at length, Sirius black was the one that betrayed Harry’s Parents, causing them to die in the hands of the Dark Lord
"Of course, if it was me, I'd be out there looking for him.", said Draco, “I wouldn’t be staying in school like a good boy”
"What are you talking about, Malfoy?", asked Weasley. And you looked at Potter’s face, looking for any clue, but now it dawned on you… he didn’t know. He didn’t know what Black had done, of course you did, because uncle Lucius didknow, he was deep in the Ministry. 
But Potter didn’t know what Sirius had done to his family, and why he was out, probably looking for him.
"Don't you know, Potter?", asked Draco, truly surprised, but he looked like he did on Christmas mornings
"Know what?". Draco laughed cruelly, it made your skin crawl.
"Maybe you'd rather not risk your neck," he said. "Want to leave it to the dementors, do you? But if it was me, I'd want revenge. I'd hunt him down myself."
"What are you talking about?" asked Potter angrily
You were going to tell Draco to stop, but Snape did it for you, calling the attention of the entire class 
"You should have finished adding your ingredients by now; this potion needs to stew before it can be drunk, so clear away while it simmers and then we'll test Longbottom's... "
Neville stirred his cauldron miserably, with his mouth twisted in agony
You put away your things and Draco before he could say anything, you were somewhat happy that your potion was the right shade of color
A few minutes later, Snape was standing next to Neville, Theo and Matt stood by your side, to watch
"Everyone gather 'round," said Snape, “and watch what happens to Longbottom's toad. If he has managed to produce a Shrinking Solution, it will shrink to a tadpole. If, as I don't doubt, he has done it wrong, his toad is likely to be poisoned”, you grabbed onto the hand that was closest to you, it was Theo’s, he looked at you alarmed, but you only watched as snape with a special instrument took a bit of the potion, while he held Trevor on his other hand
“Professor…”, you couldn’t help it, you were not thinking, Snape looked at you with those dark glistening eyes, “Trevor will… die?”, you asked fearfully, “we understand the consequences Sir, I don’t think it’s necessary…”
He seemed truly surprised 
“Hush your mouth Basilik, unless you want your points removed”, he said angrily. The Gryffindor seemed truly surprised as you intervened 
Theo didn’t released you, you squeezed his hands waiting for the inevitable, if that was Umbra instead, you’d be crying, as Neville shed a single tear of his trembling cheek 
Snape fed Trevor a spoonful of the potion…
You could drop a pin on the classroom and it would be heard loudly, everyone was looking expectantly… and then, with a pop, Trevor had become a tiny little tadpole.
You released Theo, taking a deep breath, relieved… 
Snape, who seemed like he didn’t get any presents for Christmass, took a vial from the insides of his robes and turn Trevor into his normal size again 
"Five points from Gryffindor," said Snape, which wiped the smiles from every face. "I told you not to help him, Miss Granger. Class dismissed." 
You never walked out of potions so quickly, dragging a laughing Draco with you
You went to the great hall to have lunch, not before you sneaking out to the inner courtyard to take a long breath of fresh air, Winter was looming in and you could already feel the chill in the air even though the trees were already turning orange
You weren’t alone
“Hey, ppssttt”, you heard a shushing noise, you looked to your side and saw Theo and Matthew, hiding under the threshold of the castle’s door. Theo was hiding something on his robes
“What?”, you asked, coming near them, they clearly wanted to show me something, but you thought better of it, “I swear for Merlin’s fluffy robes that if I look into something remotely inappropriate I will tell Snape…”
You heard a croak, and your curiosity got the better of you and you looked inside
Theo was hiding a toad, and not just any toad
“Is that Trevor?”, you asked them both who started laughing
“Maybe”, he giggled
“You stole him?”, you asked them, scandalized, and then you looked into both their eyes, “no…”
“What?”, asked Theo
“Please don’t hurt him”, you begged them, honestly scared for the poor familiar
“I will not!”, Theo said, he seemed offended that you believed he was going to hurt him
“Why did you steal it?”, you asked them
“Longbottom didn’t have the guts, he was going to let Snape poison him!”, he said, taking Trevor out of his robes and caressing his tiny head, he was cute… for a toad… 
“So what’s your plan?”, you asked the pair, and they shared looks
“We are going to keep him…”, said Theo
“Yeah, and share custody”, muttered Matt
“What are you three doing with Longbottom’s toad?”, you three freezed at the unmistakable voice of Severus Snape, you three turned slowly, and shaking
“Stealing is not tolerated at Hogwarts”, he said with his dark, dragging voice, “Miss Basilik you interrupt and question my teaching methods and then you steal a classmate’s familiar, this is unacceptable”
“Sir! but…!”
“And furthermore you send a request my way to drop the divination class… not so fast… Gaunt”, he said, grabbing into Matt’s robes who had tried to escape. You looked up at him with wide eyes, “well, lucky for you I found a way to solve your little problem, and… give you and Mister Nott and mister Gaunt a lesson…”
“Which is?”, asked Theo fearfully
“Ancient Runes as Arithmancy are full… but not Muggles studies…”
“No…”, you all whimpered at the same time 
“Congratulations, you three are the very first Slytherins in taking the class”, he said with a smirk that was going to haunt your worst nightmares for years to come.
You didn’t even dared to tell Draco, Matthew, Theo and you looked like you just had seen a ghost, you barely ate… you were so… frighten
It did not help what Professor Lupin had in store for Defense against the Dark class after lunch…
“Boggarts!”, presented Lupin, as he stood in the middle of an empty classroom, with a huge cabinet that was moving like it had something inside it, and it did, “can anybody tell me.. what a Boggart looks like?”. he asked
“No one knows!”, said Granger, “boggarts are shapeshifters, they take on the shape of what that person fears the most, that is why they are so…”
“So terrifying, yes…”, he looked back at the cabinet, “Luckily, there is a very simple spell to repel them, everyone says it with me, wands away… Riddikulus!”, he pronounced in a way that was a bit contrary to what your minds told you to pronounced it
“Ri…di…kulus”, you practiced
“This class is ridiculous”, mocked Draco
Once you had practiced the spell, Lupin put you all in a line
The boggart turned into cobras, spiders… many things… and then… you were standing in front of a turning mesh… a cloud-like creature who was reading your mind to find whatever frightened you the most…
You thought about many things that frightened you, total darkness, being completely alone, death? many, many things, but then… something came out on top
The boggart started taking shape, and the result was a huge mass that almost touched the ceiling with his ugly head…. or rather… lack thereof
Trolls were huge, and this one wasn’t the exception, except… it didn't have a head!
A headless troll, with a bloody stomp where his head should be, was standing in front of you
You couldn’t help but whine in fear, wanting to take a step back
“Well, I have to admit, this is an unusual one”. laughed Lupin
“I can’t believe it Basilik!”, said Draco behind you, and you couldn’t stop looking at it, “still?”, you heard laughs behind you, and that only made you whimper more 
“Wand at the ready Basilik”, said Lupin, who seemed ready to jump, it wasn’t until that thing tried to hit you with his wooden club that you snapped out of your stupor
“Riddikulus!”, you said, in a second the headless troll became a big voodoo-looking doll, that fell to the ground as it was filled with sand
You kept hearing laughs behind you, and Professor Lupin applauded
“Very good Basilik! very good! Potter, you are next!”
Everyone was expectant of what Potter’s boggart was going to be, and you feared the most
A Dementor showed itself in front of you… well… at least it wasn’t the Dark Lord
Lupin stood in front of him, casted the spell, and… he dismissed the class despite the complains of the res of the class
Potter had the tendency of ruining things 
But if the first class was any indication, finally you had a competent Defense against the Dark Arts teacher, and you were excited, despite hearing Draco talking very rudely about Lupin’s appearance.
He did look like he had been attacked by a pack of Wampuses
. . .
The rest of the week, and for the weekend you three were acting as you were guilty of committing an awful crime and everybody was suspecting you. Draco was too “angry” at you for dropping divination that he didn't even ask you what you were going to take instead. Theo and Matthew were as skittish as you, avoiding the subject altogether 
You didn’t even know how everyone else was going to react when you told them, nobody of your house had taken that class 
It wasn’t until the very next week on Monday that you had your first Muggle Studies class
“I can’t believe this is Snape’s idea of a punishment, Longbottom haven’t even noticed that Trevor was missing”, muttered Theo
You had to admit you were somewhat excited… you didn’t even know what to expect, it was a complete mystery of what was going to happen inside that classroom
“An entire year with Muggle studies”, muttered Matthew, “I bet that if we bother that professor enough, she will let us switch”
“I don’t think we should play along with that, it was a miracle they let us change and… Arithmancy and Ancient runes are full”, you muttered, “and we HAVE to take two electives”, you whispered 
That Hufflepuff girl thought you were trying to prank her when you asked her where the muggle studies classroom was.
It was in a part of the castle that you weirdly had walked through a bunch of times, but never took the time to actually tell. 
You walked into the classroom, looking everywhere with surprise in your eyes, the room was filled with… unusual things… muggle things, in the corner, there was this… round transparent object that was glowing! What was that about? they couldn’t use magic!
You then noticed that a complete silence had installed in the room and when you looked around you realized that you were being stared at by the entire class. Some of them even had their mouths wide open at the sight of the three of you
Let’s just say that you would have more luck experiencing a 31st of February than spotting a Slytherin in a Muggle studies class, let alone three, let alone Matthew Gaunt that by this point… had a certain reputation inside the school. 
In front of the class, there was a sweet looking woman, wearing what you guessed was  muggle clothing, she was wearing some school pants, bluish ones, they look so comfortable
“Is this another joke?”, she asked shakily as she saw you three coming in, “Snape is my friend you know, and I’m allowed to take points from Slytherin as well as any other teacher”, she said, she reminded you of Neville 
“Please Professor, this isn’t a mockery”, you tried to explain quickly, your new classmates looked at surprised as the teacher to see three Slytherins in there, “we really want to take this class”, you said, it wasn’t specially true but… whatever 
“You three are warned! any funny business and I will talk with Snape and have you suspended!”, she threatened, and you nodded quickly, so you went and took a seat quickly in the back of the class, and you stayed quiet the entire lesson.
“I may or may not have… pranked her several times last year”, whispered Matthew to your ear 
Even so, both Matthew and Theo were in their best behavior for the first time.
And you had to admit… it was more interesting than you thought.
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free-for-all-fics · 1 year
Joy Ride and House of Wax crossover prompt! This started as a silly little idea shared with my bestie @tinalbion but it just hit me hard and I couldn’t stop thinking about it. Pls tag me if you’re inspired by any of these ideas and I’d love to read it! 🛻💙
You were forced to take a detour and accidentally ended up in Ambrose while on a road trip with your friends after you got lost. What the hell is this town? It wasn’t even on the map. Bo sabotaged your car and broke your fan belt while you were all asleep and camping out in the woods. He also destroyed your CB radio so you couldn’t call anyone for help since there’s no cell reception out here. Bo was so confused as to why you even had that anyway, since you don’t drive a truck. The friends you’re with are so naive and gullible. They soak up every word Bo says as he tells stories of Trudy and Victor, their boys, and what this town once was. Your idiot friends take it all at face value, honest to God believing he’ll help them. You’re the only person who doesn’t buy his friendly mechanic shtick for a second. You try to catch him in a lie or call out his bluff. He does look handsome in his mechanic outfit and he does know a thing or two about cars, but he’s so full of shit.
He and his brother, Vincent, chase after your friends and kill them one by one. Vincent then takes them to his workshop to be made into wax. But Bo has a very hard time with overpowering and subduing you. You’re feisty and strong with a high endurance. You know how to fight back and use your surroundings to your advantage. You get the drop on him and Bo is lowkey impressed. Damn, baby! Are you a professional survivalist or something? You fuck him up good and barely flinch when he lands some kicks or punches. You must have a very high pain tolerance - that could be kinda kinky 😏. Bo thinks you’re hot, even if you make him bleed. But what really shocks him is when you kill your own friend before he can. Wait, what?
You tell Bo they weren’t really your friends. Just a bunch of randos you met that day or the day before. You offered them a ride and played nice so that their guard would be down. You boast that your daddy taught you everything you know about huntin’ and killin’. You also warn Bo that he fucked up big time when he wrecked your CB radio. Your daddy gave you that CB and made a strict rule to always call him at least twice a day, once in the morning/afternoon and once at night. He’s gonna assume the worst if you miss a call: That something bad must’ve happened to you, his only child and baby girl. He’s gonna come looking for you and will do unspeakable things to anyone who may have hurt you. If Bo thinks his truck is big, he ain’t seen nothin’ yet.
Despite the unusual circumstances, you really like Bo. His brothers, Vincent and Lester, are also really nice and have their own interests and hobbies which they’re eager to share with you. You spend time with each of them. Vince has made a cozy spot for you to sit and relax in his workshop so you can watch him while he’s making new mannequins or sculpting new objects for the museum. You and Les find animals to hunt and skin, or pick up animal remains to throw in the pit after you collect cool bones and teeth, etc. And Jonesy is an absolute sweetheart! She is best girl and can do no wrong in your eyes. You love this dog to pieces and spoil her.
You admire what Bo and his brothers have done here, how they’ve made their kills into art for their wax museum. You’re not even mad he tried to kill you. Instead you praise him for the valiant effort and feel flattered he finds you pretty enough to be made into wax and put on display. Damn, Bo thought that you were smoking hot when you were fighting him and kicking his ass, but now that he knows you have a murderous side, he finds you irresistibly sexy.
You start dating and when your dad finally shows up in Ambrose to find you, Bo nearly pisses himself at the size of your dad’s truck. Holy fucking shit that’s the biggest, scariest looking rig he’s ever seen in his life. You leave Bo’s side and run to your daddy’s arms to give him a big bear hug. Meanwhile, poor Bo is frozen in sheer terror. He’s never been afraid of another man before, not even his own father. Hell, he killed Victor himself. But your father is Rusty Nail, and he’s a mountain of a man. A behemoth. He makes Bo feel small when he blows a puff of smoke from his cigarette and looks him up and down before offering a firm handshake. Bo can’t tell if his hand is sweaty from the southern heat or his nerves, but he knows Rusty could’ve broken his hand just from that handshake if he wanted to. Rusty stays in Ambrose with you and the Sinclairs so he can get to know them all, especially the boy that stole his darling daughter’s heart.
When he and Bo have one-on-one time, Rusty shows his true colors. He shows Bo the goods that he’s hauling in his trailer: Weapons, torture devices, death contraptions, trophies from his past murders, etc. (There might even be photos of you and Rusty from when you were growing up decorating the interior of the trailer. Y’know, just cute family photos of daddy and daughter celebrating her first kill, etc. Normal stuff.) When more people come into Ambrose, Rusty introduces Bo to his dice game. He ties up two victims and explains the rules, then makes Bo watch as he forces them to roll. Or maybe Rusty intimidates Bo into participating and dealing out the torture himself. But Rusty is firm in that the snake eyes kill is all his. Bo may not have much of an issue with doing as Rusty says; he’s no stranger to blood, gore, or violence.
But Jesus Fucking Christ when one of the poor sons of bitches rolls snake eyes. Watching Rusty murder is unlike any death Bo’s ever seen. Your father is the most sadistic and petty man he’s ever met, but he’ll still laugh nervously at Rusty’s dad jokes and puns while he’s torturing victims or after he completes a kill. The damage you laid on Bo when you first met is nothing compared to what your dad could do to him. Rusty could absolutely fuck him up six ways from Sunday. Bo isn’t suicidal, so he would rather not get on his bad side.
Rusty actually really likes Bo and thinks he’s perfect for you. He’s shared cigarettes and beers with him, played card games with him, etc. He’s had lots of time to sit down with Bo and bond with him. He’s gotten to know what kind of man he is through long talks on the porch, etc. He already knows the eldest Sinclair will treat you right and make you happy, so he approves of your boyfriend. When the time comes, he’ll give Bo his blessing to marry you - He just might play some “practical jokes” on him first whenever he finally works up the courage to formally ask for your hand. Rusty thinks it’s hilarious to see Bo so scared of him and nearly shit himself. Bo asked him what his real first name was once and his reaction when he thought he crossed a line was comedy gold. Even if you ask your dad to go easy on Bo, he can’t help but fuck around with him a little bit and keep him on his toes! It’s just his love language!
Bo @ Rusty Nail like:
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drghostwrite · 1 year
Hello, can I please request Jane Rizzoli x fem reader. Reader is the new homicide detective at BPD and Jane's new partner. She is seen putting her things on Barry's old desk (after Frost dies), and Jane yells at her. So reader keeps her distance from Jane. Meanwhile, korsak, Maura, and Frankie all get to know her and end up really liking her. (Maura talks to Jane, and Jane ends up apologising, and j and r end up really close.) (Then idk how to end this, lol.)
Wait, I love this idea, like I'm kinda upset I didn't think of it sooner lol...
Pairing: Rizzoli & Isles x reader
Summary: You just read over it above. :)
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You pulled into the parking lot down the street from BPD stepping out of your Jeep and making your way into HQ. As soon as you walked in you felt overdressed, you were used to the BAU, where suits were everywhere, and with you being unit chief it was typical of you to wear something that stood out, whether out of the norm colors or some muted but outgoing patterns. Today you went a little safer but still a nice tailored Italian suit with a window pane check pattern, a white button-up, and matching white heels, it was simple but enough to make you stand out. You saw heads turn and watched as you showed your badge and made your way upstairs, the elevator ride was quiet up by yourself was quiet, but as soon as those metal doors slid open you felt at home, it was chaotic. Still, you chased serial killers all over the country this seemed like a cakewalk to you.
You walked through the set of glass doors to where the detectives desks were, Cavanaugh had told you early just to pick a desk that was open, and you would be assigned your partner or squad later, you looked around and found an open desk that faced another desk it seemed pretty empty except for the action figure placed next to the computer. You set your purse on the chair and made your way into the computer room at the other end, walking in you saw a small group of three crowded around the front desk, a younger man, fair-skinned with raven hair and deep eyes, a younger black woman with gorgeous curls and an older gentleman. As you entered they all looked at you with trained eyes.
"Hey so I'm not sure who Jane Rizzoli is, I'm with but I'm the new homicide detective, Y/N Pierce." you spoke up.
"The transfer from the FBI?" spoke up the older man.
"Yep that's me." you smiled.
"Your my sister's new partner. Nice to meet you I'm Frankie," the younger man offered you his hand to shake.
"I'm Vincent Korsak but feel free to call me Vince, welcome to the team." spoke the other man.
"And I guess that leaves me, I'm Nina Holliday, and I know what it's like to be the new girl so if you need anything let me know."
"Thanks I appreciate that," you both smiled in response.
Before anyone could say anything else, a drop-dead gorgeous woman stepped through the door, strawberry blonde hair laid perfectly and breathtaking amber eyes, she quickly spotted you and nodded but continued to talk to the team.
"Hey guys I got the tox reports back," she flicked open the folder handing it to Nina.
"Etomidate?" they all gave confused looks.
"Wait like the drug used during surgeries... It's a CNS depressant but it's used for minor procedures because it doesn't last as long."
"Um...Yea." She studied you with precise eyes as everyone else started at you wondering how in the world you knew that. Before anyone could say anything a woman rushed in the room, "Guys there's been another murder, we gotta go."
Everyone looked to you, "Jane I'm assuming." and they all nodded, everyone rushed from the room, leaving just you and the doctor and she stopped you on your way out the door.
"I'm Dr. Maura Isles, by the way, chief medical examiner."
"I would say Unit Chief SSA Pierce but my FBI days are over," you looked into those amber eyes and your breath caught in your throat, this woman was going to be the death of you and you barely knew each other, "I would love to tell you about it but I guess my new partner has other plans." you gave her your signature smirk and turned to leave but she flashed you a wide smile and chuckled, "Yea that's Jane for you."
----time jump----
Three hours later and you were returning to the precinct, you could tell it was taking a toll on everyone, it was a pretty gruesome crime scene but something felt familiar to you. Jane told you she was going down to see Maura but then she'd be up, you quickly made your way upstairs with everyone and sat at the empty desk, you logged on the computer and started looking at the board they had set up, you were talking with Korsak and Frankie reclining in the desk chair looking at a file when Jane came in. You stood up and almost bumped into her as she stood frozen in place.
"What're you doing?"
"I'm sorry." you responded curious.
"Why are you using that desk?"
"Cavanaugh just told me to find a desk, luckily i found the one closest to you."
“No, no you can’t sit there that’s my partners desk he… he…”
“I am your partner.”
“I… just leave okay please just find somewhere else.”
you studied her and grabbed your jacket moving over to Frankie’s desk as he motioned to you, she sat down and didn’t look as everyone returned to working.
“There’s a story there,” Frankie spoke up.
“Yea I figured, it’s all good though I have to make some calls and then I’ll be back let me know if you hear anything.”
“Will do.”
Your walked out of the room towards the elevator, you recognized some things from past cases but you needed to talk to Maura to confirm you suspicions. When you stepped on the elevator the woman inside greeted you she was carrying a division one cafe apron as she gave you a big smile.
“Haven’t seen you around here before, ya new?” She asked
“Yep, I’m the new homicide detective.”
“Oh no way my kids both work up there, I’m sure you’ve met them though.”
“that’s them!” She said with a proud smile. “So where ya from?”
“Well I actually loved from Quantico, Virginia where I worked for the FBI but I grew up in Seattle.”
“Oh that’s so cool.”
“Oh yea, I loved my job.”
Just then the doors dinged open and you quickly stepped out making your way to Dr. Isles office. She saw you coming and gave you a big breathtaking smile as you walked in the door.
“Y/N to what do I owe the pleasure.”
“Well for a lovely lady like yourself… maybe dinner at a nice little hole in the wall that I know,” you both laughed, “Honestly I’m down here to ask about some past similarities, these victims seem similar to some I’ve come into contact with before.”
“Oh well here’s everything we have, I can go over it with you if you want.”
“Yea an extra set of eyes would be great.” You started going over the files and a few hours later you realized who the killer was.
“Oh my God, we’ve known this whole time!”
“This man he’s the only common denominator I remember writing the case in Chicago and he injected himself into the investigation and he just recently moved here and the killings started, Jane and Frankie talked to him the other day but no one saw the old FBI file the BAU had.”
“Wait so he’s a past killer?”
“Yes, and my team worked tirelessly to catch him but then he went off grid. Maura I need you to get a kit and meet us there, I’ll send you the address I need to get everyone else.” You quickly ran out of the room calling Frankie to tell him, as he told the team you made your way to the unsubs house…
To Be Continued…
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slightlystupidhun · 2 years
Skating Around Us
Summary: An Asher x Baabe Fic. Asher is a hockey player and Baabe is a figure skater. @itsdaifuku is the reason for this fic!!!
*sorry this chapter is a bit long, I’m planing on having only one more chapter*
CW: Cursing, Suggestive
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
It was 11:00 and their warm up period had just begun. Everyone there for qualifiers were on the ice warming up their tricks. Skates, skated around the ice looking in the crowd for a familiar face. They met eyes with William, he waved and smiled. They returned the gesture before skating the ridge. They practice a few spins that they had set up to get a feel for the rink. After that they began working on their jumps. They were already feeling the nerves but what really sent them over the edge is when they fucked up a few of their easy jumps. True it was only warm ups, but they were a firm believer in precursors. As soon as the warm up period ended they changed out of their skates and ran to their car.
They paced back and forth headphones in their ears as their song played. They were panicking, they tried not to, but they were absolutely losing it. There was a lot of pressure on their shoulders not only to uphold Williams reputation, but also with the Alexis situation. They couldn’t let down their team. They had to be good enough. They felt their lungs compress, never able to fully fill up. They began shaking their hands to try to ground themself before leaning on the car, arms stretched out in front of them.
“You ok?” A voice broke them out of their thoughts. It was then that they saw a new figure in front of them. They were wearing grey running shoes, black sweats, and a black hoodie with the Dahlia Wolves logo, on the arms of the hoodie the word manager could be made out. Ah this was the infamous manager of the Dahlia wolves. They were often times called Sneaks because they were so elusive. Of course they were present to do what they had to, but they never really stick around after wards. And if they were sent on a task, good luck finding them before it’s fully complete.
“Yeah,” they looked up from where they were sitting against the car, wiping tears they didn’t know they had. “I’m fine! Just a tad bit nervous is all.”
“Can I?” Sneaks said gesturing to the side of Skates. When they nodded Sneaks sat down next to them. “I get… nervous too… so I know what this looks like… I mean don’t get me wrong. I know it’s different for everyone. But. Sometimes it helps to talk it out, and I’m here to listen if you wanna just get it out…” They offered a soft smile.
“You sure?” They looked over at Sneaks waiting for approval. When they finally got it they sighed. “I guess I’m just nervous because, we’ll it’s qualifiers, if I get out now I’m out ya know. And I just… I have to make it. And I can’t let William down, or Angel, or Vince, or Lovely. Especially since Alexis left last year. I can’t let the team tank. I have to qualify! If I don’t…”
“Then you’ll have next year.” Sneaks cut in placing a hand on their shoulder. “Listen, I saw you on the ice. I’ve seen you perform before. You have got raw talent that I haven’t seen in a long time. And typically I believe in ONLY hard work, not talent.” They joked. “But you’ve got it. Im sure you already know this but, the only way you could probably disappoint your team, is by not performing. You know this routine. You know the ice. You know yourself. It’s ok to feel nervous. It’s natural, but it’s also important how we deal with it. Nerves can be good, they can help you if you let them. So, chin up, let’s go inside because you need to get ready and support your team.” They stood reaching a hand out to help Skates up. By now it was 11:40 and time for Lovely and Vincent’s skate. Skates and Sneaks walked in together, only separating to join their respective teams. Skate took their spot beside William, shooting Vincent and Lovely a thumbs up. Sneaks took their seat beside Milo, wrapping their arm around his and interlacing their fingers.
Vincent and Lovely take to the ice, skating to Dreaming Of You, Selena Quintanilla. Vincent was dressed in all black. Black skates, black fitted high waisted pants that have a boot cut bottom, a black long sleeve shirt with an open collar, the front of his shirt was beaded, and his hair gelled back. Lovely was in an all white leotard with long sleeves. It had a long stretched of ruched fabric on the back. The front of their garment and their sleeves were covered in diamonds. Their skates were all white and the pair looked absolutely gorgeous together.
For their whole piece they were perfectly in sync. Even their footwork had perfect timing. The moment when Vincent lifted them up their back over his head, arms spread out, one leg bent, the other straight, had everyone cheering. They both looked so elegant. When the final chord played they held a pose of Vincent on his knees, arms wrapped around lovely’s waist, the side of his head pressed against their stomach. They were standing straight looking at Vincent, hands in his hair. After they held the pose for about three seconds they stood up and held each other in the warmest embrace. Lovely kissed Vincent’s cheeks and they smiled at each other. When they got off the rink they were greeted with cheers and hugs from their teammates.
They walked back to the locker room, Angel was getting ready for their piece at 12:30. They would go on the ice at 12:25 before their slot began. They were wearing a black leotard with wide sleeves that imitated a butterflies wings. The colors on the wings were lavender, baby blue, and mint green. Their eye makeup had gems stretching from their under eye around the crown of their forehead. They had on skin tone leggings that stretched over their skates to give a nude illusion.
“You look beautiful!” Skates chimed in.
“I know,” they joked before taking in a deep breath.
“You nervous?” Skates asked.
“Who wouldn’t be?” They smiled over at their friend. “But I’m confident in myself. I’ve got this… right?” They looked over for confirmation.
“Yes. You are one of the most amazing skaters I know! You are going to kill it!” They hugged their friend as they led them out to the ice. It was time. Angel entered the rink skating around it in circles a few times.
They would be skating to Butterfly by BTS. They got in their starting position on one knee arm wrapped around themself. As soon as the first few notes played they pushed off forward and demanded the space. They were so gentle, and fragile, yet so strong. They always emoted so well. Everyone in the stadium could feel the story they were telling.
David couldn’t take his eyes off of them. They practically glowed, they were the only person in that room right now. A small smile etched its way onto his face as he watched them. The entire team stared in shock. Wow, their very own, hard ass captain, David Shaw, was sparing a soft smile, a lovesick glance for the person in-front of everyone. Angel nailed all of their jumps, and their footwork was exactly what you would expect from someone under Williams teaching. They finished arms reaching up hands holding onto one another as they stared at the ceiling. They painted heavily before returning to themself. They quickly jumped up cheering, knowing they did amazing! They looked at the stands as they skated for the exit finding David’s gaze. They sent him a quick wink and blew him a kiss. The captain quickly rolled his eyes and averted his gaze, but they knew he reciprocated.
It was 1:15 and babe had 10 minutes before they needed to be on the ice. They had in black skates, with a green partial leotard, the left leg was a pant leg whereas the other wasn’t, the right leg had no pant. The left arm had no sleeve whereas the right arm had a sleeve that connected to their middle finger. Along the green garment there were swirls of diamond, as if someone had cast magic on it. They had black eye liner and green eye shadow paired with red lipstick. Their hair was pulled back out of their face but a strand was curled up around the edge of their face wrapping around their ear. They walked out over to the ice, hugging their team before they stepped on the ice. They skated around the rink a few times before skating back over to William.
“You got this.” He spoke up a gentleness encompassed his voice. “I am proud of you.” He smiled at them. They returned the smile back.
“Thank you,” they grabbed his hand before pushing off to the center of the rink.
“YOU GOT THIS BABE!!” Asher yelled out from the stands. Standing up with his hands cupped around his mouth. Milo immediately pulled him down, and Skates shot him a flustered, shy smile.
As they reached the center of the ice they draped one arm over their head, the other was dropped to their left side. Their head was facing down on the left as their left knee was also pumped. The crowd waited in anticipation. As soon as the first note from the brass rang out they looked up. Eyes lidded and a seductive grin on their face. Asher sat back hands folded in his lap and a grin on this face. They skated around the rink the cold wind brushing cross their face. They began their camel spin back leg pushed out hands behind their back, before turning upright and crossing their arms in front of them. They zagged along the ice swaying their hips, moving a hand from down their leg up their chest. They quickly moved down the ice perfectly completing a triple axel their leg whipping around behind them before they followed it with a double toe loop. They skated around the rink lifting one leg up and weaving down the side of the rink in a line. They demonstrated a perfect execution of the layback spin, their arm gracefully resting in the air. They began weaving again before moving to do their quad lutz and triple toe loop.
Asher watched in awe. They looked like a completely different person. They were so ethereal on the ice. Every movement from them radiated seduction, like they were actually putting a spell on him.
Finally it was time for their final leap, a quad flip, the same one that had messed up their wrist earlier that week. They lead up to it, had a good execution, great rotations and, and!!! They stuck the landing completing a perfect quad flip. Finally they concluded with a flying sit spin, ending leaning back on their knees, one hand on the ice, the other grasping their neck and jaw. They painted heavily, their lungs working overtime. The rink was quiet for a moment before all breaking out into cheers. They stood up, body exhausted and skated over to William and their team. Angel jumped up embracing them in the biggest hug.
“HOLY CRAP YOU WERE AMAZING!!” Angel screamed helping them back to the locker room.
“I’m very proud of you… see you on Monday,” William smiled at them breaking off into another direction.
“Ok where the hell did that come from!!” Vincent gawked at them ruffling their hair!
“You did amazing Skates!!!” Lovely added pulling Vincent away.
Angel and lovely hurried over to their bags. Angel changed long ago, now they were determined to help their friend change. They grabbed a cloth and wiped the sweat from their forehead before pulling of their friends skates. They threw the skates in their duffle bag. Skates then grabbed their running shoes and shoved them on. Angel left the room for a moment before returning back as Skates just finished taking a sip from their bottle.
“You got a visitor ‘Babe’” they teased laughing at the blush that crept on their friends face. Skates quickly threw their bottle in their bag, throwing the bag over their shoulder. Angel linked arms with them and walked out towards the exit, so they could finally see some sun.
As soon as the pair made it outside Skates saw the hockey team gathered together.
“We’re here!!” Angel yelled out. Immediately a blonde head of hair popped out and looked over at the pair. He immediately locked eyes with Skates and ran over to them. He picked them up embracing them in a hug. On instinct they wrapped their legs around his waist holding on tight.
“You were so fucking amazing!!” He said, face buried into their neck. They smiled shyly and moved to kiss his cheek as he set them down. They both had had many dates since their first date on Monday. They had grown so much closer and they were both falling for the other hard.
“Thanks…” they wrapped their arms around his neck.
“You got this babe!!” Milo mocked
“I love you Baaaaabe.” Tanker replied, dramatically placing their hand on their head.
“I can’t wait to see you tomorrow Baaaaaaaaaabeee.” Sweetheart joined in.
“Shut up! You don’t even want me to bring up how you guys act!” Asher said embarrassed.
“Oh and how do I act?” Tank said glaring daggers at him. “I’m single. I don’t act like that, you’ve got nothing on me.”
Asher laughed staring at them in the eye. “Oh Dr.Collins, come save me!!” Asher mocked and Tank ran around Milo to get to him. Asher hid behind Babe using them as a human shield. “Dr.Collins, can you please fix my ankle? Dr.Collins you’re so funny!! Oh Dr.Collins!!!”
When the ice skating team arrived at the rink the Hockey players were already warming up. They were skating around the rink practicing shots.
“So which ones yours?” Vincent asked leaning into Angel. They smiled pointing to him
“Number 2…. David Shaw!” They replied
“Woah!! The captain, woow ambitious…” Lovely added on.
“Yeah, well, it would be ambition if I wasn’t such a catch!” They winked.
“And how about you? What number is yours Skates?” Lovely asked peering over Vincent to see Babe.
“Number 27…” They smiled to themself.
The game started about five minutes later and both teams got off to a pretty physical start. They were friendly rivals, but still rivals nonetheless. The first lineup saw Ash as left wing, Cristian as right wing, David as right defenseman, Tank as left defenseman, and Milo as goalie. It wasn’t long until the puck was on the Dahlia wolves side. Luckily Tank went in for a hefty check on the other player, sending them against the glass. The puck was then freed and David passed it up and over to Cristian who then sent it over to Asher. A breakaway. It was just Asher and the goalie. He quickly moved the puck to the side, causing the goalie to slide to the wrong side. He hit the puck in the net.
Babe jumped up and cheered along with Angel.
“LETS GO ASH!!” Babe yelled out as Asher sent them a toothy grin and a thumbs up.
“GREAT JOB DAVEY!!” Angel yelled, the nickname having the man flinch as his team slightly laughed. That was when they noticed the man to the right of Skates. It was Dr.Collins. Tank looked at him and waved and he gave them a small wave back and a smile before fixing his glasses.
The first period ended with a score of 2-1. Asher’s team was winning. The fifteen minute break between periods began giving them an option to talk to the doctor.
“Hey Sam!! How are you doing?” Vincent looked over at Sam.
“Im doing good and you?” Sam smiled back at him.
“Great!! We all made it passed qualifiers.” He paused. “Alexis made it too though.” He said huffing.
“I heard.” He said flatly.
“What happened between you two?” Lovely asked. “Not that you have to answer.”
“Nah it’s fine… she cheated on me. And in my own house so, I’m not really on talkin terms with her.” He rolled his eyes.
“Im so sorry Sam…” Angel spoke up.
“Yeah…. That’s horrible.” Skates added in.
“It’s whatever now… I got the chance to meet someone else… and I’m startin to feel better.” He smiled at them glancing at the players heading back out on the ice. Tank waved at him and he gave them a small wave back.
“Aww they are so sweet to you!!” Lovely added looking at the scene.
“Heh, they’re a goddamn menace.” He crossed his arms as the ref blew the whistle.
On the ice Ash bent down waiting for the puck to drop the Keaton player staring back at him.
“Hey, that hottie in the stands they yours?” The Keaton player asked.
“They don’t belong to anyone, but we are seeing each other, not that it’s what we’re supposed to be discussing right now buddy.” Asher replied.
It wasn’t long until Asher scored again. The second period ended with a score of 6-2. The players were being switched out and in through out the game. There was now five minutes left in the final period.
They fought for the puck and got it onto the Keatons side before one of the Keaton players hit the puck away to the other side. Icing. Ok, now the puck was paused on the Keaton side ready to be dropped.
“Hey pretty boy, I’m gonna make your partner mine tonight.” The player made a lewd gesture with his tongue and Ash growled. As soon as the puck hit the ground it was hit away behind the net, both Asher and the other player racing for it. Before the player could get to it Asher, who normally never commits any fowl, ran right into him. And hit him to the ground. The ref immediately blew the whistle and Ash got two minutes in the box for roughing. He smiled at the man now on the ground and skated over to the box.
“Wooow that was so attractive.” Vincent said following Skates eyes.
“Shut up!” They pushed him.
“It won’t be very attractive if I end up having to stay late due to someone coming into my office.” Sam sighed.
“Unless that someone is Tank.” Angel said and Vincent whistled suggestively. Sam sighed and rubbed his face. Asher watched the game from the box, now pleased with himself, despite David and his coach, not being pleased with him.
Finally when three minutes were left in the game Asher came back out onto the ice. He skated over to the bench as the coach subbed him out. He was subbed in one more time where he was able to score one final goal, leaving the score to be 8-3. Angel and Babe jumped up and cheered.
“Let’s go!!!” Angel yelled.
“Go Wolves!!!!” Babe continued.
After the team got out of the locker room Babe walked over to meet Asher, hugging him from behind.
“Great Job baby.” They smiled against his neck.
“You ok Ash?” They asked him.
“Yeah! And I don’t regret it. Getting in the penalty box I mean. He made a comment about you that I didn’t like, so I taught him manners.” He smiled and said that in a deceivingly sweet tone.
They walked together, hand in hand, to Skates car. Maybe they would get pizza tonight. Maybe some wings…. Maybe something else. All they knew is that they both had a great shot at finals.
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Gods you don't even know how much I have to say about this specific thing, plus you're so wonderful and it's so good to see the things you respond with. Virtual kisses for your head love 💙
Also, rosary as a guide but also he likes to keep it on you during. You'll have telling marks where the beads pressed into you underneath your clothes and he'll drink that up completely. If you imagine him to be a bit verbal, the way he'd breath your name while he kisses down your neck and chest following the prayer beads down.
The way he'd snag a half empty bottle of wine from the closet too. It's usually reserved for services, but he lives for the way you take a swing and transfer the wine to his mouth through a kiss. Body shots in one of the storage closets where he knows won't be checked, and it's safe to slip away with you.
One of, if not his favorite places to have you is Bo's office. Partly because it's Bo's and knowing what he does to you in there while his brother doesn't is never going to not be a drive force. The other part of the reason is exactly because of the light he gets after mass. You're so resplendent, so perfect and beautful in the evening light--its like a vivid dream. But then you're the one calling him beautiful. You compliment him until your voice is sore or your mouth is full, looking up at him so adoringly while you're on your knees.
The other hot spot is the confessionals. They're not the biggest so it can absolutely feel cramped but there's nothing like the way you feel warming him in the booth while some church goer confesses just a few feet away. Warm sighs on his skin and the way you have to whisper how you love how it feels--he's so weak for you and your voice it's not even funny.
Perfect Father Vincent doesn't pray to God, as soon as he has you its your name and form he thinks of and gets his warmth from. He paints you into his artwork around the church. Sometimes subtly in the background otherwise you're his take on Holy Mary and its your eyes looking back at you when you see his latest work in progress in his room.
Many virtual kisses and hugs back!! 💗💗💗
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I know he'll be admiring the marks his rosary left, tracing his fingers lovingly on the skin. His own stigmata adorning your skin. A little shared secret. One only the two of you know of. Wearing his favorite rosary beneath your clothes when you're attending mass~ The ideas and possibilities are endless indeed!
And I know the wine from your lips is by far the sweetest thing he has ever tasted. Ambrosia straight from someone as divine as his sweetheart. One he has the pleasure of tasting whenever he sneaks yet again another bottle. Lucky for him, Bo doesn't seem to notice as he's careful with it~
AND OH 😩👌🏼💕
Just sneaking into Bo's office while he's away and indulging in each other? Please... and the fact the sun hits just right? However, Vincent deserves all the praise and adoration his lovely Saint offers him. He has been their most loyal and lovely devotee after all. It's only fair if he also get rewarded and embraced and loved, right?
USING THE CONFESSIONAL? I am melting. All the better excuse but to press together very tightly. Taking in every twitch, gasp, shiver coming from the both of you. Pressing Vincent's face against your chest as you just enjoy the warmth of each other. Such an act of pure love and devotion can never been seen as sinful. Not when it's the two of you involved. No, no~
And brb... I am dying at the idea of him very subtly implementing his dear in his paintings. And what fitting eyes... the eyes that look at him with such tenderness can only be of a saint. 🥺
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robinsnest2111 · 2 months
brb crying over some soft moments in the roadtrip au...
Nikki being too wired from the residual adrenaline of running away with his bandmates in tow to sleep, so he keeps driving through the night.
At their last stop, Mick had crawled into the back of the van, claiming the thin mattress, a pillow and blanket as his own. Vince and Tommy had joined him soon after.
Nikki had turned down the radio to let them rest in relative quiet. After several hours of staring out into the dark night and the short stretch of road illuminated by old yellow-tinged headlights, he looks up into the rear view mirror for a quick glance. The image of Tommy and Vince all curled around Mick in the back of the van, sleeping so sweetly and peacefully, does something to his heart.
Nikki's adrenaline is slowly running out but he still has a good couple hours in him. At least until sometime after sunrise. Until then he'd have lots of time to think.
The first rays of sun wake up Mick who lets out a quiet hiss while sitting up and trying to shield his eyes with a raised arm, which in turn startles awake Tommy and Vince who have to untangle themselves from Mick's limbs.
They see Nikki is still driving and gently bully him into trading places, getting him to pull over for a bit. Mick volunteers to get behind the wheel, Vince slinks into the passenger seat. Tommy stays on the mattress and beckons Nikki over, luring him with still warm blankets, soft pillows, and a good terror twins cuddle. And who is he to refuse such an offer, as tired as he is.
Nikki practically melts into Tommy's loving embrace, passing out as soon as his head is nestled on his friend's chest. Tommy wraps the blankets over them both and runs his fingers through Nikki's messy hair.
Mick discusses the day's plans with Vince regarding food, other necessities, and maybe a spot to park and properly rest for a couple of hours. Nikki had regaled them with his grand plan for several hours after he had picked all of them up in a hurry and Mick feels like it's up to him to take care of this band of idiots while Nikki is out cold.
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neatfrog · 3 months
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Luis Delgado
(he gets 2 pics since he’s only a ghoul in Fallout, outside of that he’s human)
Another one of @rmilkies’s ocs, Luis is Marlina’s older brother. Both raised in New Vegas, their mom worked in one of the casino brothels.
More info below cut
Doesn’t actually know his exact age due to no one marking down the date of his birth.
Their mom was a drug addict and died after purposely being sold tainted product. Even before her death, Luis essentially raised Marlina on his own, not having much opportunity for his own childhood.
Started turning into a ghoul somewhere around 16. Went to someone he thought he could trust because he was panicking about it, and that person in turn tried to sell Luis’ unwilling ass on sex work. It didn’t click for him, so the next offer was made in regard to his sister starting the job instead.
Luis has one hell of a long fuse, but certain things press the nuclear launch buttons and his sister being threatened is number one; he beat the dude into a gory mash before fleeing the scene and leaving instructions for Marlina to be looked after.
He headed East with a caravan, learned how to shoot a rifle, made some connections, and started working as a mercenary. He was mostly alone for about two years, completely transforming into a ghoul and being absolutely miserable, but met Sebastian in Gary, Indiana and had his whole depressed worldview flipped upside down.
Sebastian connected Luis with a group of rather extreme activists for ghoul’s rights in Detroit, where he was trained even further to fight against the dangers of the metro-Detroit wasteland.
After a few years of fighting and working with that group, Luis loses his spark and falls into a burnt out depression.
He eventually decides to travel home, sends a message ahead to Marlina, and makes the journey back to New Vegas only to discover that his sister had packed up and moved East herself.
Thus began a slow crawl back east, bouncing from town to town on Marlina’s trail until he ends up in the Commonwealth. Luis knows she’s around there somewhere, so he starts working as a mercenary again to get a better lay of the land.
He eventually runs into Vince, who proposes a deal between them where Luis acts as Vince’s own personal mercenary and bodyguard in exchange for a cut of all profits. This works well, and they end up developing a genuine friendship (something Vince hasn’t ever really had). They’re traveling together when they run into Mikko.
Pretty level-headed unless it involves Marlina. Has a deadpan sense of humor, is capable of saying the most atrocious things with a straight face.
Grumpy old man energy (even though he’s only been alive for roughly 30 years)
Isn’t a strong reader due to not knowing how until around 8-9 years old, when his sister learned.
On the flip side, Luis has a great memory for locations and can use stars to navigate. He also excels in hand to hand combat, and is comfortable enough with his ghoul regeneration to pull off some insane stunts.
Has an extreme soft spot for all animals, is creating his own encyclopedia with illustrations of wasteland creatures across the nation. Likes to practice drawing the people he meets, because he fears going feral and forgetting their faces.
Gets along with Petra surprisingly well because he’s bluntly honest and calls her out on shit (which she hates, but has a weird respect for) and they both have similar styles of humor (they can also relate to essentially raising a sibling and feeling fiercely protective of them)
Additionally, Luis also has an underlying self-loathing that rears its head from time to time
Is wary of chem use due to his mother (won’t stop anyone, but doesn’t personally use)
Typically uses a sniper rifle and does most killing from long range (he is useless with pistols, could probably get by with a knife)
Due to past experiences, paranoid/terrified of someone he’s close to getting hurt
Occasionally passively suicidal
🍆 big
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Hyperfixation isn't back but I still think about the Spot and Elmer brothers AU a lot so here's another bit of writing for it
One thing every newsie in New York knew was to never get on the wrong side of Spot Conlon. Everyone knew what Spot was capable of if he felt he or one of his gang had been wronged, and when the Brooklyn leader was on the warpath you knew to steer clear.
Spot was currently on said warpath, and it was taking him over the Brooklyn bridge and straight to Duane Street.
Jack felt the whole building tremble from the force which the front door was opened with. Although 'opened' was something of an understatement; 'violently kicked in' would describe Spot's method of entry more appropriately.
"Easy, Spot. What's the problem?" Jack kept his tone light, trying to sound calmer than he felt.
"Y'know damn well what's the problem!" Spot snarled, stretching up to his full height and getting in Jack's face as best he could, "I ain't had much time to chat with your boys lately, thanks to your little speech at the rally, an' of course we've been busy since then, but d'you care to tell me why my little brother's head was wrapped up like that last time I saw him?"
Jack paused, choosing his answer very, very carefully. The knowledge that Elmer was Spot's younger brother was still a surprise, and it came with a whole host of trouble- for Jack, at least. Now the information was at least semi-common knowledge, Spot had no qualms marching over to Manhattan and making sure Elmer was being looked after properly whenever he felt like. He couldn't convince his brother to move back to Brooklyn with him, but he'd made it very clear to Jack what he'd do if anything happened to Elmer.
"The cops got involved during our first strike attempt, you know that Spot. Crutchie got arrested-"
"Yeah, yeah, like y'said, I know that." Spot interrupted, "Your boys got bloodied up pretty bad. What I wanna know is why you had the littluns involved. I'd rather die than let Vince or Pips anywhere near a proper fight. You took kids younger than them into a situation you knew could be dangerous."
Jack didn't have a response for that.
Spot nodded slightly, before pushing Jack roughly aside.
"Now let me see my brother."
Jack stayed out in the hall, his heart pounding. He almost wished Spot had gotten properly angry; he could handle being hit, even by Spot Conlon. It was the reminder he'd put his kids in danger he hated having to think about.
Elmer had been relatively unharmed aside from a cut on his head, but Jack had learned very quickly just how fiercely protective Spot was of his little brother. He prayed to no-one in particular Spot didn't inspect the still-healing injury too closely.
"Don't get mad at Jack, Spot. Please."
Elmer's voice drifted from the bunk room, breaking Jack from his thoughts. He didn't like to eavesdrop, but the fact Spot had left the door open implied they weren't too bothered about having a private conversation.
"I'll get as mad at him as I like." Came Spot's reply, "It's his job to be lookin' after you, not puttin' you in the path of strikebreakers or bulls. Lemme see that cut."
"I'm twelve, I don't need lookin' after! And I wanted to be there anyway." Elmer protested, attempting to push Spot's hand away from his head. The bandages were off and the cut was healing, but Spot still swore when he saw the size of the injury.
"Yeah, you're twelve. Still a kid last I checked." Spot muttered. He gave Elmer hair a brief ruffle before sitting back.
"You sure I can't convince you t'come over the bridge? You'd still be allowed to come visit here, and I'd-"
"I'm sure, Spot." Elmer's tone wasn't unkind, but it had an edge of finality, "These guys took me in, I... I don't wanna just up and leave. We both know how hard that is. I appreciate your offer, you know I do, but..." He trailed off, unable to find the right words.
Spot wrapped an arm around him pulling him close to his side. In most cases Elmer would squeal and twist away, but this time he let himself lean against his older brother.
"I get it. I don't mean t'fuss over you so much." He said, "Well... I do, but that's 'cause it's my job. You're my brother, I'm s'posed to look out for you."
Elmer shifted closer, relaxing.
"I'm glad you're my brother."
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bellysoupset · 3 months
Is it okay if I use 🍁 as my anon emoji? If not then 🦊?
But my request is could you do a story about Vince and Max taking a class on an overnight field trip somewhere and both begrudgingly have to share a room. But of course one of them (I don’t mind who) gets a really upset tummy and the other has to be the reluctant carer while also having to deal with kids who are constantly knocking on their door, complaining or asking for things as young kids do. And then, the next day it’s a painstakingly long, bumpy bus ride home.
-🦊 anon and ☂️ anon requested Max with a tummy ache opening up to others.
I'm sorry it took me so long!!
Vince zipped up his jacket and turned around as he looked over the teenagers, all brimming with anxiety over the trip. 
It was a tradition of Doverport’s High to grant senior students a more expensive field trip than usual. Usually all excursions had to fall under the guise of education, with a teacher drafting up a whole proposal signaling why it was important for the students to experience it and how it would benefit their curriculum. 
The seniors trip, though, was exclusively for socialization. The fancy word they used for fun. 
Sophia had been talking about the trip nonstop for weeks now, she had even gone on a shopping trip to get a new swimsuit — one Ma had promptly forbidden her from wearing — and had nearly exploded with happiness when Wendy had gifted her with a fancy toiletry bag with three hundred little pockets that Vince thought was a monstrosity. 
He’d never understand women.
Vin could easily spot his sister in the crowd of excited faces, as they showed Daniels their parent permits. She was in the far back, talking with a much shorter black girl and they were giggling and whispering. Sophia was as tall as the boys in her grade and she attracted quite a bit of attention, so Vince was under sworn duty to watch out for her. 
He hadn’t even wanted to be a part of the trip, unlike Max who had been hand picked by the seniors. Vince had only volunteered as a replacement to Ms. Lobdell after much begging from his mother, only for the literature teacher to injure herself a month ago and end up with a cast leg.
“Hi, Mr. Daniels,” Vince cringed as he heard his sister’s sugary voice, a tell tale of her flirting. This was more awkward than Sophia hitting on Luke. 
“Hi, Sophia,” Max answered without missing a beat, not indulging her in the least, “Hi, Charlie. Permits?”
“I don’t really need papers, mom sent him to follow me around,” Sophia complained glaring in Vin’s direction, but handed Daniels a folded paper. 
Max snorted, “I’ll make sure Mr. Monacelli has enough on his plate he’s not following you around,” he patted the metal of the bus, “go on to your seats, shoo.”
Vince scoffed as he noticed Sophia was red up to her ears as she walked past Max and entered the bus, right in front of him, “comportati, Soph,” he told her to behave herself and she responded by folding her arm in a bras d’honneur, which went over her American friend’s head but meant a loud fuck you to Vin.
“Ready for the trip, Mr. Mo?” Max asked cheekily, as he finished up retrieving the permits and slammed the pile of papers against Vin’s chest, “I’m sure it’ll be great.” 
Senior trips were a dying tradition around the US, but the few schools that still did it normally took their students to Disney World or New York City… Not Doveport. They were mainly a harbor town, made of blue collared workers and glamor wasn’t in their alphabet. 
This year, the trip was to Canada, to a resort that had offered them some incredible rates since it was off season. The only downpoint was that the trip there was nearly five hours long. 
Vince didn’t mind long bus trips, had gotten used to them when in the football team, but he did mind not having anyone to talk to. The teens were noisy, but mostly enthralled with themselves and so excited that no one was causing much trouble. Daniels, on the other hand, had curled up on his seat up the front and gone quiet. 
Vin glanced at his watch. One hour down.
“Are you gonna keep pacing?” Sophia whined, when Vince walked the bus hallway for the fourth time and caused the boys who were chatting her up to sink back to their seats. 
Vince rolled his eyes, “just doing my job.”
“You’re a history teacher, not a hallway monitor,” Sophia spat back without hesitating, “you’re making everyone nervous by walking around like a prison guard.”
He didn’t buy that, but once he glanced over his shoulder, there were more than a couple pairs of eyes glued to his back, probably wondering if he was giving Sophia a hard time and if they were next. Vince sighed. 
“Fine, fine, fine, I’m going back to my seat,” he relented, walking back up to the front. Daniels stirred slightly when Vince sat next to him, grimacing and scratching his prickly cheek.
“Did little miss Monacelli chew you out?” he asked, his voice rough as if he had been sleeping. Vince didn’t know how he could even fall asleep with so much noise. 
“Doesn’t she always?” Vin teased lightly, stretching his legs as much as the cramped seats allowed him. From the corner of his eye he could see Max was still frowning, so Vince squirmed on his seat, retrieving his phone from his back pocket and throwing the other man a quick glance, “you okay?”
“Yeah,” Max nodded, “just tired, that’s all. You got them handled?” 
Vince shrugged, glancing over his shoulder, “they’re all behaving, it’s not as if they’re children. You can take a nap if you want.” 
“Thanks,” the blonde curled up against the window once more, shivering violently and rubbing his hands as if to warm them up.
Not thirty minutes later, Vince snapped out of his New Girl rewatch, because Daniels had just…Kicked him? 
Vin frowned, looking over his shoulder — All of the teens were busy, chatting amongst themselves, napping or listening to music — then back at the blonde. If Vince didn’t know better he’d think it had been on purpose, but no… Max was pressed up against the window and he had an arm curled around his stomach, when yet another twitch hit him and he involuntarily kicked. 
Vin snorted, sliding down his seat and getting comfortable. He was bored, but texting Wendy or his friends was out of question, they were all at their jobs right now. 
An hour later he muffled a yawn of his own, getting up to stretch and looking ahead. Now most of the kids were knocked out and the bus was much quieter. Outside, the sun was setting and the wind had picked up, howling. 
He did another round in the hallway, just to keep his leg from falling asleep and snorted as he passed by his sister’s seat. The teenager was curled up on her friend, snoring softly, long legs folded like an origami project. 
Vince’s stomach rumbled with hunger. There were two more hours to go in their trip, but once they arrived and finished check-in, they had a free pass to the hotel’s restaurant and he couldn’t wait. 
He sat back down and rubbed his stomach to stop the growling, only to realize Max was shivering.
Vin frowned, turning off the mini A/C unit that stayed over their heads. Daniels looked much more friendly when he was passed out, face smooth, no snark. 
“Daniels?” Vince whispered, shaking his arm slightly, “you’re ok?” 
“Uhhhm,” Max groaned, forcing his eyes open, looking out of it. It wasn’t a nap, the man had fallen into slumber. 
“Are you alright?” Vince repeated himself, a little louder.
For a moment it looked like Max was going to bite his head off for waking him up to ask such a question, but then the other man groaned again and shook his head, “I’m fff-fucking fee-freezing,” he said, his teeth chattering. 
Vince raised his eyebrows. The temperature had dropped considerably since the sun set and they were about to cross the Canadian border, but the bus was packed with people and fairly warm. 
“Here,” he said without thinking, digging through his backpack and handing a hoodie to the other guy. Even with the beard covering most of his cheeks, Vince could see the man turning red. 
“I don’t-”
“Don’t be stupid, you’re cold, I’m not using it,” Vince shrugged, “but it’s not that cold…” he reached in without thinking, but before he could feel Max’s forehead, the man slapped his hand away sharply, glaring at him.
“Don’t do that.”
Vince scoffed, turning on his seat in an offended manner. The other man was still a puzzle for him: adored by all teenagers, hated by other teachers. An asshole and ex-bully, but at the same time willingly driving Vince back home when he found the man plastered at 3 AM.
And then there was that haunted look on Max’s face, that Vince had seen the other night with Lucas. That horrible, terrible yearning, which Vince could easily place alongside Max’s cavernous one bedroom house, the fact he never saw the guy hanging out with anyone, never texting a soul… 
When they did park outside the resort, two hours later, the teenagers were quickly shaking off the sleep, their voices getting higher and higher. 
“I want- I want-” Vince pinched his nose bridge as loud piercing laughter interrupted him two times in a row. Daniels was watching the crowd with a pacific smile, happy to let Vince deal with it. 
“I WANT TWO QUEUES,” Vince said loudly, startling the teens and cringing, “GIRLS WITH MR. DANIELS, BOYS WITH ME.”
There was a minute of silence, then hurried steps as they organized themselves. Vince grimaced as he felt a thump to his back and Max whispered, “good job, Mr. Moron, you scared the ducklings,” stepping ahead to shepherd his group of teenage girls. 
It was a minor chaos to sort through all the room keys and get everyone checked-in, but around one hour and a half later Vince finally made it to the bedroom he would be sharing with Daniels. His stomach was hurting with hunger and he was starting to get considerably cranky. 
Max’s bags were on his bed already, claiming it, but he wasn’t in the room. Irrationally, Vince felt a wave of annoyance at the fact the man was probably down in the restaurant having dinner, not that this was Max’s fault at all. 
However, when he made it to the cafeteria… The other teacher was nowhere to be found. Their students were already spreading around, playing as adults and getting together in little cliques. Sophia lit up as Vince walked in the room, something she rarely did and Vince raised his eyebrows as the girl waved for him to join her table. 
He grabbed a bottle of juice as well as his full plate and walked over, sitting on the booth and squeezed between a pack of girls who were all blushing. 
“This place is great, Vin,” Sophia told him, “I never wanna leave.”
Vince snorted, starting to eat. Before him, one of the girls started to rave about the hotel having an indoor heated pool. Vince’s stomach clenched with worry as a million little accidents flashed in front of his eyes. 
“You girls are going to behave, won’t you?” he asked seriously, “act like adults.”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” Soph dismissed him easily, grinning mischievously with her friends, “do you know if Mr. Daniels is single? We never see him with anyone.We should invite him to swim-”
“I don’t know and even if I did it wouldn’t matter,” Vince glared at them, “you’re all underage, this is simply embarrassing.”
“I’m eighteen!” Sophia cried out, as Vince stood up, taking his food, “c’mon, don’t be such a prude!” 
Vince scoffed, “wait until babbo hears about this, Sophia Maria,” he told her viciously, causing his younger sister to glare at him, her light eyes squinting.
“You wouldn’t dare.”
“Try me,” he glared back, “focus on the boys your age, or better yet, don’t focus on any boy. Focus on college.”
“Thank you Mr. Hypocrisy,” Sophia pouted, “you were dating in high school!”
Vince sighed, “and it led nowhere,” he pointed out gently, “I just want you girls to be careful and-” he snapped his mouth shut as Soph yawned at his words, exaggerating it and causing her friends to giggle. Vince rolled his eyes, “leave Mr. Daniels alone, this isn’t cute, he’s working.” 
“Are you dating, Mr. Monacelli?” one of the girls called sweetly as Vince started to walk away, only for Vin to hear as Sophia said sharply “EWw Rita, that’s my brother!”
Deciding he’d have better luck eating by himself, Vince found a secluded corner of the restaurant and all but inhaled his food. He hung around as the kids finished up their meals, then ushered them to bed, despite knowing they were allowed to enjoy the hotel facilities. For the next three days, they were allowed nearly everything. 
His sister had long disappeared, much to his worry, and Vince was still scoffing to himself as he made his way back to the room. Vince’s anger vanished with a puff as he noticed the bedroom was untouched. Max’s bag was still on the bed, but no sign of the man. 
“...Daniels?” Vince kicked the door shut, walking further in and noticing the bathroom door closed, “Daniels, you in there…?”
A beat of silence, and then a groan and Vince raised his eyebrows, walking closer to the door, “man, are you alright?” 
“G’away…” Max slurred, his words sticking together, “m’fine.”
“Uhum, you don’t sound so good… ” Vince picked at his nails, glaring at the knob, “did you have dinner at all? Restaurant is closing, but I can get you a plate if you di-” a retch answered him, a muffled little oh-god before the sound of liquid hitting liquid.
Vince cringed, clearly realizing the other guy was sick. He tried the knob and realized the door wasn’t locked, even if the request for privacy couldn’t be more clear as Max let out a loud groan from the floor and tried to kick him. 
“Shit, Daniels,” Vince crouched down, taking the other guy in. Max had pulled his hair into a manbun, but some strands had already escaped and they were sticking to his clammy face. He was the color of spoiled milk, white with a green undertone, and there was a dark wet spot in the front of Vince’s borrowed hoodie, a clear tell he hadn’t made it to the bathroom in time, “why didn’t you say anything? I could’ve handled the students-”
“Itssssfine,” his honey colored eyes were dazed with fever, “they’re not hard to…To handle…” He turned his face towards the toilet once more, groaning as another wave of nausea hit him, cheeks puffing as he blew out a belch towards the water. 
“Were you already sick when we left?” Vince didn’t know what to do with himself. If this was any of his friends, he’d be all over them. Rubbing their back, holding back the strands of hair, getting them water, checking their fever… But this was Daniels, who clearly didn’t want him there.
“No,” Max pressed his overheated forehead to the cool porcelain, “just a stomach- Stomachache…” he gulped down nervously, “but I- I get those all the time, so…” 
Vince sighed in sympathy. It must be terrible to be sick so often that Max couldn’t recognize when he was coming down with something or not. 
“Okay,” Vin decided, stripping himself of any grudge he might hold towards the guy. He just couldn’t be mean when Max was looking so pathetic, “are you done? Let’s get you into bed.”
The blonde shook his head, leaning forward and panting over the toilet, “not done…” 
They sat there for another minute, the sick man’s breath picking up and then calming down just as Vince thought he was about to puke. He hung his head in shame, “you don’t have to stay, I’m gonna get you sick… Again.”
“I have nothing to do,” Vince shrugged, sitting against the small hotel cabinet and playing Candy Crush on his phone, “my girlfriend is probably at class right now, so I can’t even call her…” 
Max turned his head to face him, pained lines around his eyes and his lips a grayish shade, wrapping an arm around his stomach, “your girlfriend with the cute bob?” he gestured to his hair and Vince snorted, nodding. 
He raised a judgmental eyebrow, “Oh no, please don’t say she’s a high schooler…?”
Vince frowned, “Do you always assume the worst in people? Do I look like the type to date a high schooler, when I’m about to turn twenty five?”
“Yes,” Max groaned, gagging and spitting. He let out a whimper as a cramp hit him, squeezing his eyes and waiting for it to pass, “fuck my entire life…” 
“See, that’s karma,” Vince teased him, leaning back, “I’m not an asshole, you know? Or a criminal. Wendy’s older than me,” he rolled his eyes, “she’s a doctor.”
“But you said she’s in class,” Max pointed out and when Vince only stared at him, he pouted, “humor me? My gut’s killing me, I don’t wanna think about it.”
Vince let out a huff at that, but indulged the guy, “she takes Interior Design classes on thursday nights, she likes to keep busy,” he explained, “I don’t understand why you think I’m such an asshole, you’re the one who were a fucking bully, not me.”
“You look like an asshole,” Max pressed on his stomach, closing the toilet lid and letting out a groan, “and you acted like a homophobic moron the other day, when I said your boyfriend was there.”
This elicited a startled chuckle from Vince, making him throw his head back with such force it hit the cabinet and made him wince, “shit, ow-” he was still giggling and rubbing his head as he said, “I’m not homophobic, I’m bi! You’re ridiculous!” 
“Ah,” was Max's despondent answer, as he leaned back and rubbed his chest in an uneasy manner, “but you were an asshole for no reason…”
“I thought you were being t-” Vince interrupted himself, cringing. It was not his place to out Wendy, “homophobic. You know, the new teacher is gay haha so funny,” he rolled his eyes, feeling very proud of himself for the save. 
“Now I feel queasy, disgusting and stupid, thanks,” Max said sourly, wrapping both arms around his stomach and making Vince snort all over again. 
“You’re welcome,” he got up from his spot, filling up a glass of water for the guy and then offering him a hand to get up from the floor, “you should be in bed, you’re burning a fever there…” 
“Anyone ever tell-” Max swayed on his spot as Vince pulled him up, bracing against the sink, “ever tell you that you’re such a mother?” 
“Not really,” Vince patted the guy’s back with a little too much force, “I’m the chill one of my friend group.”
Max scoffed, leaning over the sink with a wet belch and spitting some frothy saliva “uhmmm… Don’t- Don’t believe you…” 
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kudosmyhero · 2 months
Daredevil (vol. 1) #123: Holocaust in the Halls of Hydra!
Read Date: July 05, 2023 Cover Date: July 1975 ● Writer: Tony Isabella ● Penciler: William Robert Brown ● Inker: Vince Colletta ● Colorist: George Roussos ● Letterer: Karen Mantlo ● Editor: Len Wein ●
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**HERE BE SPOILERS: Skip ahead to the fan art/podcast to avoid spoilers
Reactions As I Read: ● good timing on my part. I just read that issue of Spider-Man where Silvermane Benjamin Buttoned himself
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● 👏👏
Synopsis: With Daredevil defeated at the hands of Blackwing, the Supreme Hydra -- revealed to be the crime boss Silvermane -- orders them to prepare to deal with S.H.I.E.L.D., who will be on their way shortly. Black Widow attempts to attack Blackwing, however Natasha is knocked out from behind by Man-Killer before she can take him down. After an argument with Blackwing, Man-Killer is ordered to take the unconscious heroes and the defeated El Jaguar into the lower levels of their secret base.
Meanwhile, Ivan demands that Nick Fury do something to rescue Natasha from Hydra, Fury decides to go with Dum Dum and the Contessa to investigate Shea Stadium. Furious, Ivan decides to follow after them, knowing that Fury is likely going to go wherever Natasha has been taken. Sure enough, Hydra has set up their secret base beneath Shea Stadium. Deep below, Silvermane explains that when he took the youth potion that de-aged him to the point where he did not exist, the process then snapped him back to his prime, now revitalized to the peak of his adult years, he then was escaped capture when Hydra agents had come to select him as their new leader.
When Mentallo reports that S.H.I.E.L.D. has arrived, Silvermane unleashes an explosive charge that seemingly kills Nick Fury and the others. Horrified by this, Foggy manages to get a gun from one of the Hydra agents and uses it to blast Daredevil and Black Widow's chains, freeing them. Despite the fact that they are outnumbered and face El Jaguar, Man-Killer, Blackwing, and the Dreadnought, the two heroes are about to attack when suddenly the base is rocked by an explosion. Fury appears on the communication screens announcing that they are alive and well and that the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents they thought were destroyed were simply LMD's.
In the confusion, the Black Widow destroys the Dreadnought by shooting it in its only weak spot. Daredevil then goes up against Jackhammer and easily defeats him. El Jaguar is knocked out by Dum Dum Dugan, and Man-Killer is incapacitated when Ivan places a jamming device on her exoskeleton. With their plan failing, Blackwing and Silvermane make a hurried escape and the remaining Hydra agents are all rounded up and captured.
In the battle's conclusion, Nick Fury asks Foggy if he would still like to join S.H.I.E.L.D. Surveying the damage, Foggy declines the offer.
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Fan Art: Foggy Nelson (Earth-27M) commission by phil-cho
Accompanying Podcast: ● Josh and Jamie Do Daredevil - episode 20
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