#virtigo tag
twisted-tales-told · 1 year
what is the most underrated ship in your opinion??? also just in general what pairings do you really enjoy/have enjoyed?? im most familiar w marauders but honestly if you wanna answer this for any/all the fandoms youre in id love to hear it
Hi hi hi
This ask game
Most underrated ship (we’re doing Merlin this time) MERLIN/GWAINE
Nobody gets them like I get them. They mean so much to me. Gwaine is so Sirius Black & Merlin is so Remus Lupin u don’t understand (unless you do and then I love you)
I want Gwaine to know Merlins secrets so bad. I read one Gwaine/Merlin fic in like 2016 and my brain changed forever. It’s such a small ship in the fandom there’s so little fanfic
I also love Andrew/Neil in all for the games. If I ever were to write rosekiller it would just be them with their names changed honestly. That’s the only way I could write them. They’re so fucking precious and Neil means so much to me as a demisexual person I think he’s the first character I ever truly felt seen with in that regard.
Also Morgana/Gwen in Merlin is my favourite wlw ship in probably any fictional universe. Okay that’s immediately a lie because all the grishaverse woman exist (Alina/Genya rights)
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belovedqueer · 26 days
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(Flag is half-assed but Mi thought of the term and knew it needed a flag; flag redesigns/alts are welcome. Mi might make a better flag later when not like, overstimmed)
TransLightModeUser: Feeling that you should be, desiring to be, or internally identifying as being a light mode user
Would be considered a subset of TransWebsiteTheme
No color meanings outside of the lightershades being websites background/main colors in lightmode and black being the color text usually is on light mode
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floral-hex · 4 months
So this is my thing now, I’m afraid to go to sleep. This is kinda bullshit, brain.
#I feel like I’m going to die when I fall asleep#see… I’m afraid you think I just mean I’m scared of death#no no no. no. I feel like I’m suffocating. I have to force myself to breathe. my body tingles (in a bad way). I get really overheated.#I get dizzy and feel like I’m going to pass out from lack of air. I feel sick.#I haven’t slept much lately.#I’m miserable alllll the time. I can maybe force sleep with super exhaustion but I’m drained no matter what#this isn’t the first time it’s happened but this is the longest it’s gone on#from that my anxiety is now blanketing everything bc I’m so tired and scared about not getting to sleep#sickening anxiety. I feel like puking or passing out. and I got hit with some heavy (but thankfully short) virtigo yesterday#terrible terrible terrible#and seriously. anxiety. so bad. I’m constantly trying to get high right now to fight it but it’s rough#getting high is starting to make me feel sick too. and my tolerance is building. it’s like… it’s all bad. all options.#I hate this.#AND it’s the weekend and my new primary can’t see me until Wednesday and then I’ve got to beg for… I dunno… the good stuff#god. I told myself I’d go see my doctor about this a couple of weeks ago when this last hit and I didn’t 😓#ideal scenario: all doctors fall in love with me and medically induce a short coma for me to catch up on sleep and then they give me drugs#this new doctor doesn’t know me! I haven’t laid enough groundwork! how am I supposed to beg for klonopin if we have no banter!?#that wasn’t a joke. I mean it was but it’s also serious. I need some GOOD anti-anxieties and he doesn’t know me enough to know I NEEDS IT😬#also my tinnitus is just… no sleep + stress means it gets stronger and it’s… a fucking wet willy shoved through my ear into my skull#and if I hit a bad patch of virtigo… I will… redacted.#I won’t! I will go running crying and screaming in the street before I off myself.#HEY! my insurance says I can get 30 days in-patient and I always keep that thought in my bad pocket.#*back pocket. I’m not about to go back and start redoing tags because of a few misspellings#this is so rambly#my brain is fried! I’m tired! my appetite is fucked! I don’t want to do ANYTHING!#I mean… I never want to do anything. I love being lazy. I should say that right now I CAN’T do anything. but I can. but it’s… a lot. fuck 😔#this must sound so whiny. I’m sorry. I’m sure I’ll be making more posts like this until this goes away#you can ignore this#text
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hartleyrathaway · 5 years
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Multiple Shade doodles and two whole Anarky
🌈Reblogs are really appreciated!🌈
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evergreenstream · 6 years
TDP and what I find interesting about it
*Spoilers ahead*
It just dawned on me Viren Knows more than one language if he can make out Aaravos name in those languages and got excited. The diversity in this show is surreal it's almost like watching static shock again, and I adore the attention to details in this season I love season 1, But season 2 has taken the cake. To recap we have a badass female (of Asian decent if I remember clearly) deaf general, Scottish assassin elves (reminds me of ni no kuni Mr Drippy was adorable), a king and prince's of mixed races, a Bisexual queen, A homosexual Elf assassin, a blind and wise sailor, 2 lesbian Queens (yes they're married) who have a daughter who can drag you as if you were a mop R.I.P., different kingdoms and different elf races with different cultures. Almost everyone that's shown to be of color is given a role of importance, and now lets talk about their attention to detail almost everything from season 1 gets addressed in season 2, certain minor details in season 1 turn major to characters in season 2, basically they don't beat around the bush they use what they've shown and use it in an appropriate amount so the show doesn't feel over saturated, and it has an air of mystery, but the show isn't undercooked either with everything being a mystery (this isn't scooby doo or rwby). The pacing feels smooth and every episode felt like it mattered, hardly any filler episodes so far because something of importance is always being acted upon in each episode or we're learning more about the world. Now I wanna talk about the characters first let's talk about the main characters.
Prince Ezran is adorable, in season 1 he always felt like he was just there serving little purpose, but always encouraging or annoying others, but in season 2 he definitely steps up his game as we watch him go from naive child to duty bound ruler oh and I just wanna talk about how savage he was this season like holy shit he put Rayla in her place in the most disrespectful-respectful way (fuck I mean every kid in this show was SAVAGE as fuck in season 2) when he found out he was king, she kinda deserved it for, bullying Callum for using dark magic speaking of which.
Callum is a bit forced at times when he outbursts, but otherwise he's a really likeable character and his struggles are relatable he isn't stupid he's sometimes airheaded and naive, but when push comes to shove he's slowly starting to show everyone that he isn't afraid to push back. He's also talented at art and empathetic and a good role model to his younger brother who he clearly cares very much for. Siblings are shown in a relatively realistic way in this show Claudia and Soren are always getting on eachothers nerves, but they won't hesitate to hurt anyone who hurt their sibling and will go beyond the brink to save them. And Callum and Ezran both worried about eachother when they each individually found out their father died.
Claudia is at times socially inept, but very intelligent and confident in her personality, she can be nerdy and zone out but she isn't insecure like her father, while also being empathetic towards others. She will not let certain obstacles stop her but she has her limits and her actions are both understandable and honestly relatable the position she and her brother Soren find themselves in is pitiable. But it pushes the story in a very interesting direction I was/Am still on the edge of my seat because of them in this season. Claudia is a character who wants to do right, but her task and loyalty to her father do not let her, she is not evil but her reliance on dark magic is slowly leading her into a similar path her father has taken.
Soren is the crown guard conflicted by both his duty, friendship, and the need to be loved for his father, although sometimes appearing as a meathead and brute he has a sense of honor and does not take pleasure in harming the weak, he also has a big heart and isn't as stupid as many of the characters in the show treat him he has relatable feelings and by the midst of season 2 you feel bad for him because he isn't a bad person. He's a loveable goofball who had a rough upbringing, he is akin to Bottom of Shakespeare's 'A Midnight Summers Dream' in that while being treated as stupid by his egotistical peers, he actually makes alot of sense, but is ignored because his peers think he's stupid. In this case his father is the one typically ignoring him, which causes Soren to seek his approval even more.
Rayla is sarcastic, intelligent, but slow to show her feelings, she doesn't want to hurt the trust she's built with her friends, but she doesn't want to hurt her friends with the truth, twice now she's failed to tell her friends the truth out of a misguided attempt to protect them, she's been taught to not show fear and the consequences of that teaching appear in the form of keeping secrets from her team and hiding pieces of herself away from them, she loves her friend's, but is afraid of showing it.
Viren (my favorite character in the show) the morally grey dilf of katolis *erm* High mage of katolis sorry, he's a complex antagonist in that he's pitiable, he suffers from his low self-esteem and possibly an inferiority complex, and although he can care for people he also is quick to discard them if they get in his way. He isn't entirely evil or good he has his best interest in mind being very self-centered, but he also does things because he thinks they're right for the world. He has a very dangerous way of thinking, in that he tells others and himself he's right in an attempt to jusyify his actions, and to him they're justified because he convinces himself they are which means he genuinely doesn't see the error of his ways. His way of thinking has led him into trouble a couple of times in the show, while he is intelligent he often overestimates himself and treats life carelessly, he has no qualms with manipulating and hurting people to get what he wants but e loves his children. At the same time he was not afraid to send his son to his potential death for an egg, clearly favoring his daughter and projecting his low self-esteem onto his son. Although he was shown to contemplate his decision and did not take joy in choosing an egg over Soren, Viren appears to enjoy the moments where he is most powerful and important, but also loves to learn being insatiably curious as pointed out by Aaravos. Oh and he gets put in his place by a savage 10 year old it's awesome.
Harrow, harrow is a loving father, but was an unwise king although his kingdom was successful in his lifetime (possibly still alive) his reliance on Viren's creative solutions has led him to believe for a long time in his youth that his Ideals would go without consequences it appears that when Sarai died, Harrow slowly realized the price he's paying for going along with these creative solutions. Unfortunately when he reprimands Viren he neglects Viren's feelings and intentions, in an effort to remind Viren that they are both "servant's to katolis". While well intentioned Harrow executed this inconsiderately to Viren and this can be seen in Viren's look of betrayal and anger towards Harrow when he is told to bow to him. Harrow much like his son Ezran is respectful and loving towards nature, in particular animals, keeping a pet bird named pip, Harrow is also apt at sword play.
The best part about the dragon prince is none of it feels forced, the way each character interacts with eachother can clearly be seen to shape both characters and in turn paint a picture the audience can understand, about each character. The characters aren't one dimensional and will make mistakes with consequences both good and bad, the way each mistake falls into place within the show is beautiful to watch. If I had to describe it I would say this shows characters are like creating or watching a painting being painted each mistake can change the painting even if it is a slight change, but sometimes the painting will change completely in ways you never thought before and it's just as if not more beautiful than you first imagined.
Lastly let's talk about the art, animation and world building, The world of The Dragon Prince is Astounding with every episode we are slowly learning of the kind of environment each character lives in and their interactions with said environment. Xadia is hyped as a magical land and end goal, and Katolis is a Kingdom 1 of 4 in which we spend a larg amount of time learning of through the characters, and their interactions. The art style is interesting in that it has an almost anime like approach Studio-Ghibli, cel-shading, and visually appealing use of lighting, the character models are pleasing to look at and the designs of the weapons and armor always make me giddy, I also love the animals and creatures in the show they're textures and designs are unique and many of them are creative almost dream like. The animation in season 1 is choppy, and hard to watch, but season 2 makes vastly greater improvements and looks and feels smooth.
Overall The Dragon Prince is Amazing and Very well executed, like every show it is not without it's flaws, but those flaws are Minute and the show does most things in a way that never fail to capture my interest, and it is my favorite on-going series, and I highly recommend you share it with as many people as you can. 10/10
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sunfowers · 6 years
theres an 89% chance that im dead and i just forgot to leave my body
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hedgehogslover · 4 years
★ spell out your url with song titles and tag 10 (or more) people ★
I am so not used to being tag, people usually don't know me lmao, so thank you @btsaussiearmy ! Aaanyway here it is :
- Hold me now / RED
- Everything I wanted / Billie Eilish
- Deep / Scrub'b (because 2gether made me discover them and I only listen to their songs now)
- Grow as we go / Ben Platt
- Every teardrop is a waterfall / Coldplay
- Hunger / Florence & The machine
- Oceans / Hillsong united
- Goodbye yellow brick road / Elton John
- She's so gone / Lemonade mouth (I'm a child don't mind me)
- La notte / Arisa
- Older / Ben Platt
- Virtigo / U2
- Every breath you take / The police
- Ricover / Ruelle
I litteraly only have one friend on here so @yandere-pancake
And the others help me get my daily dose of 2gether which I thank them for : @incorrect2getherquotes @saifahs @emisfritish @2gethertheseries @tiinewat @sarawaat @sarawatstine @sarawattine @abrightpair
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futurewriter2000 · 6 years
Sweet fights
~ Pt. 2 ~
A/N: I actually didn't believe this imagine would have so much fans and well I didn't tag anybody becuase then it doesn't show in the search ya know and I kinda want it to show in the search so there's that.
Watch for typos
Fights with Harry were always dramatic and big. It was a known fact as Harry has always had a temper.
That is why you were in the library at the moment, among the bookshelves, your fingertips gently tapping against the book covers as you passed them by.
" Quite the first impression you gave there." said the voice on your left.
" Have to say we were increndibly impressed." said the other.
You turned your head and saw two identical strangers leaning on the bookshelves." Red heads. Wesleys?" you smirked as you leaned against the bookshelves yourseelf with your arms crossed.
" Weasleys." one corrected you.
" Sorry. I'm still getting used to English names since I'm quite used to Ivanovski, Selman, Dostojevski..." you smirked a bit, seeing as they had no clue about the last one. " Heard there was a bunch of you in the family."
" Mum thought she could have more beautfiul children than us. Unfortunately, as you can see, she was unsuccessful." the other spread his arms while his brother chuckled.
" You overestimate yourself." you smirked. " Mind me asking why do I owe the pleasure to meeting you two?"
" Great question." said one, looking over to his twin.
"See, Harry is a family friend or more like-"
"-Family. Harry is family and we've always felt protective over family-"
" So we have-"
You cut him off with a laugh before he continued, uncrossing your arms and starting to walk over to them. " What happened between Harry and I, is our business, not yours." you were now close to them, looking up at them dangerously. " Don't stick your noses where they don't belong." you warned before knocking them out of your way and walking away.
' By the time Kenan got there, it was too late. He laid there, lifeless. ' you read as your fingertips brushed down the edge of the page and turned it over. ' Kenan could not scream even if he wanted to. To know his brother was dead, his only family, his connection to his past and childhood...it was gone with a moment of-'
Your reading got disturbed as a hand placed itself on the cover and you quickly looked up. "Yes?" you spoke calmly, looking up at his grey eyes.
" You know Harry Potter?" he smirked and you stood up, sending him a dangerous glare.
" I know a lot of people. I also know when people shouldn't be in my business. I think it's time you know that too." you spoke flat and started to walk away, leaving Draco Malfoy with curiousity yet to be solved.
“ I wish we would at least do one single thing except reading the theories of how to defeat Boggarts. It only takes a flick of a wand.” your friend Tilly complained as she walked beside you from the DADA class. “ When we had professor Lupin..Merlin, (y/n), you had to be here. It wasn’t just the fact that he was one of the best but he was handsome and funny, the whole package you know.” she smiled and you laughed. 
“ The whole package, huh?” you eyed her. “ We had a Transfiguration teacher back at Durmstrang. You had to see him. Perfect slicked back hair, these killing brown eyes and a stubble...Transfiguration will never be the same without him.” you made dreamy eyes at ceiling as you rememenisced the hunky Transfiguration professor. 
“ And Viktor Krum?” she nudged you a bit.
“ What about Viktor Krum?” you grinned.
“ Did you ever meet him or were ever friends with him?” she asked and you flushed red. 
“ He was my tutor in my second year there.” you grabbed your cheeks. “ He was so sweet and so kind all the time that I HAD to have a crush on him. Though he always said he saw me in a sisterly-kind of way and that just broke my heart.” 
“ Auch. That must have hurt.” 
“ Oh. Well, I grew out of it and we’re still good friends.” you looked at her and entered another classroom. “ Actually, everybody in Durmstrang are good friends with eachother. We always help eachother out, stick together, you know.” 
“ Well, here’s pretty different. House rivalry is really common here. You don’t seem much of a mix with different houses. I mean it’s not rare but it’s not a lot of either, especially when it comes to Quidditch.”
“ Quidditch!” you exclaimed and turned to her. “ I totally forgot about Quidditch. I played the Chaser back in Durmstrang.” you beamed at her before running out of the classroom to Professor Snape’s office. 
You fixed your posture upright and knocked gently on the door. “ Come in.” said a calm, flat voice. 
“ Good morning, professor. My name is (y/n)(y/l/n)-”
“ I’m quite aware who you are miss. (y/l/n).” he removed his eyes from the potion and turned to you. “ To what do I owe the pleasure of having you in my office?” 
“ I wanted to talk about the Quidditch post as a Chaser. I’ve been one myself back in Durmstrang and I’ve been wanting to ask you if I could try-out.”
“ The try-outs had already been held.”
“ I know that is why I am here. I’m quite good professor, I have stable and good grades and I would definetly benefit the Slytherin house to win them the Cup.” you kept being persistant as he watched. 
“ So you believe you are good.”
“ I believe I am great at my post as a Chaser. I’m fast and I am not afraid to knock some brooms.” you felt a smile curve on your lips as you felt the sensation of flying and the broom underneath your fingertips. 
Professor Snape watched as your eyes held a tiny glint in their eyes. “ We already have a Chaser.”
“ I can be a better one.” you kept your eyes on his. 
There was silence and you could see him pondering his next words carefully. “ I’ll talk to the teams captain but don’t you dare give me false promises.” he spoke coldly and walked through the room, finally letting you space to breathe.
It wasn’t a surprise that you completely nailed the try-outs and was indeed one of the best players the Slytherins had on their team. You flew perfect with the rest of the members of the team and they weren’t stupid to try and get the old Chaser his post back. You were just better and everybody agreed with the Captain as well as professor Snape. 
So, when the next match was approaching, you observed as the news of the new Slytherin Chaser reached the students ears. 
“ Haven’t you heard yet?” said Angelina who just made her way to Harry. 
“ Heard what?” both Fred and George said in unison.
“ The new Chaser on the Slytherin team. It’s (y/n). Your friend and appereantly she can be quite agressive on the field.”
“ What do you excpet from a Slytherin?” said Fred who glanced to you for a second than back to Angelina. 
“ She is good, that’s all I heard and the Slytherins are sure they’ll mop the floor with us.”
“ I’d like to see them try.” said Harry as he glanced at the Syltherin table as well.
But the match was quite unfortunate for the Gryffindors because Angelina wasn’t wrong. You were agressive on the field and you made sure nobody could knock you of your broom or the Quaffle from your grip. And you flew with the smile on your face. A smile that turned into a beam as soon as you threw it through the hoop. You were fast and elegant on your broom. People could only watch.
“ Harry, you have to wait a bit for the snitch until we get some points running. Even if we do catch the snitch they could win, so wait until we score about 30 points and at least make it a tie, alright?” said Angelina as it she called for a time out. She turned to the twins and put her hand on both of their shoulders. “ George. Fred. Knock her off her broom.”
And the next thing you knew. Bludgers kept flying your way, over and over again. You dodged and tried to avoid them but it was hard holding the Quaffle and avoid the Bludgers. 
You scored and sored but with much more effort as you did before. And when you were sure you’d score again, a Bludger came your way and knocked the broom right underneath you, letting you fall through the air. 
Everything happened so quick that the last thing you knew was the shining light in the hospital wing as you slowly opened your eyes. “ Bloody hell.” you put your hand on your head as you felt a strong virtigo. 
Madam Pomfrey quickly ran to your aid and looked at your eyes. “ You’re finally up. I thought I’d have to take you to St. Mungo.” she said. 
“ Wha-ARGH”you tried to speak but your head kept pruducing pain in your left shadow.
“ No, good. Definetly, no good.” she took your hand and checked your pulse. She grabbed the potion from her office and ran back to you. “ Drink up. I’ll get Professor Snape.” 
You drank the potion so quick it was gone in a second. The pain slowly stopped but you couldn’t help the numbness that it caused through your body. 
As Madam Pomfrey came back, escorted by Professor Snape and Headmaster Dumbledore, you slowly sat back up but felt quite uncomfortable as you did. 
“ How are you, deary?” asked Madam Pomfrey. 
“ Been better.” you spoke, holding on to your left shadow. “ What happened?”
“ The Bludger knocked the broom underneath you and you fell down on the ground before anyone could get to you. “ spoke professor Snape.
“ You hit your head pretty hard.” said Madam Pomfrey.
“ Yeah, I figured-ARGH.” you hissed out as another painful wave washed over you. 
“ I’ll hurt for a while miss. (Y/l/n) but you’ll get be-” you heard Dumbledore’s voice echo in your ears as the pain reached your head again and you passed out.
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starry-nightengale · 6 years
Who are some of the other "supers" created by Aperture?
Glad you asked! I assume you’re referring to the string of successful cases before Caroline/Glados.
So there’s Rick and Craig, as I previously established (Kevin wasn’t part of the project, mind). 
The Portal 1 cores are probably part of the lineup too, or at least some of them are:
Moira (the Morality Core) can communicate with people telepathically. 
Anders (the Anger Core) probably has like, an aggressive berserker mode he can shift into, like Jack-Jack’s demon form in The Incredibles. 
Considering all the bizarre ingredients listed in the cake recipe in-game, I was thinking I’d give Dulcie (the Cake Core) the power of transmutation, which is basically the ability to turn stuff into other stuff.
There don’t seem to be any superpowers related to question-asking though– only various ways of getting answers to any questions you might have, so Curie (the Curiosity Core) probably isn’t a member of this group either xP. 
Plus I usually imagine her as being around the same age as Kevin in most AU’s anyway, so it’s unlikely she’d be an Aperture employee at all. Maybe she can be an aspiring reporter or something.
I could see Test Subject 18 from Aperture Tag (or, as @byakurenbreak has dubbed her, “Belle” to fit with the rhyme scheme of Portal protagonists xP) as being one of the lucky few. 
Her powerset would involve the ability to jump especially high, the ability to “turn off” friction for herself and basically skate on almost any terrain, and possibly the ability stick to various surfaces, including walls and ceilings– though she wouldn’t use that one often, due to the extreme virtigo and disorientation it causes ;D. All these powers, of course, are inspired by the blue, orange, and (scrapped) purple gels.
Music Core, whose human name I haven’t thought of yet, would obviously have the ability of music manipulation… But only of Lionel Ritchie’s “Hello”, for some unknown reason xP.
Rose is has botanokinesis, like Poison Ivy. Or Layla from Sky-High. It’s pretty self-explanatory.
Ray can breathe underwater and talk to fish like Aquaman. But tbh he kinda teeters on the edge of being a “successful case” due to coming out of the procedure not quite right in the head. Not in a dangerous way, just in a… cloudcuckoolander-y way.
That’s all for the Aperture-born group, I think~.
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anxious-astronaut · 6 years
21 Questions Tag
Tagged by: @seeker-of-truth​ because she likes to target me
Rules: Answer 21 questions and then tag 21 people you want to get to know better.
Nickname: depends who you ask. Hannie, Nanners, Nana, Poop face, etc.
Zodiac: VIrtigo
Height: 5'6"
Last movie I saw: Aquaman, upsetting.
Last thing I googled:  Directions to Walgreens via bus from campus
Favorite musician: o.g. blink-182
Song stuck in my head: "Drug” by Simple Creatures (garbage poppy song I have fallen victim to)
Other blogs: @seeker-of-truth​ @offended-tit @fuzzybluelights4​(you’re all tagged btw)
Do I get asks: nawp
Blogs following: 334
Amount of sleep: quite a bit. 8 hours I’d say. But I wake up a few times 
Lucky numbers: just 8
What I’m wearing:  cowboy bebop shirt w/ Ein on it and blue jeans that are one size too big for me and a black cardigan
Dream trip: Iceland, always. And travel down scotland 
Dream Job: Astronaut
Favorite food: Grilled cheese and tomato soup. Unless it’s bougie, then salmon.
Languages: English, one semester of ASL lol
Play any instruments: drums, ukulele, and recently acoustic guitar
Favorite songs:
just recent ones bc this is too difficult:
Good Times Are Over - FIDLAR
Exits - Foals
Trashbag Baby - SWMRS
Hi-FI Television - Together PANGEA
Dreams Never End - New Order
Random fact: My mom bought me a star for Valentine’s Day one year
Describe yourself as aesthetic thing: 1980′s city punk, but not like totally CBGB punk but more new wave
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twisted-tales-told · 1 year
do you have a favorite tree? or a least favorite tree? im fishing for strong tree related opinions
This ask game
I want to live there forever. It’s in Madeira!
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I want to go so bad you don’t even know
Like let me live here.
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conndixon · 7 years
tagged by @kiefersan
If y’all feel like doing this go ahead not gonna tag cause I know a ton of my mutuals already been tagged ✌🏼
~color(s) i’m currently wearing: red flannel, blue, white, black
~last band t-shirt i bought: Ramones 1987 world tour
~last food I ate: Vanilla yoghurt
~last band i saw live: Guns N Roses
~last tv-shows i watched: The Simpsons, X Files, Twilight Zone (original)
~last song i listened to: Heat Of The Moment - Asia
~last book i read/am currently reading: 1984 by George Orwell and It’s So Easy and Other Lies by Duff McKagan
~last movie I watched: Bright on Netflix
~last 3 characters I identified with: David (The Lost Boys), John Constantine (Virtigo/DC), Remy LeBeau (X-Men/Marvel)
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twisted-tales-told · 1 year
🎧 i have so much faith in your music taste honestly like you have never missed yet in your recs
I feel so special for this u don’t even know
This ask game
“And if we join our hands in prayer enough to god I imagine it all starts to sound like applause”
I’m fucking INSANE for this song.
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twisted-tales-told · 1 year
how about 16, 47, 82, and 92??
This ask game
16. Favourite band: the howl & the hum is absolutely amazing! I love them! I also love Florence + The Machine, just Florence in general. Graveyard Club is also 10/10. I also like Cage The Elephant and Young The Giant! I don’t know if you can tell but I don’t do favourites in life it’s an occupational hazard for loving everything.
Do I have any current obsessions: The Captive Prince trilogy! Also I’m redoing my living space because I’ve kinda realized I’m going to be here for at least the next 3-4 years, so it better look nice you know? So I’m selling a BUNCH of stuff and replacing it with cheaper but better quality stuff!
My favourite word is palindrome! It means a word that’s the same word backwards! And emordnilap apparently means that it’s a word that’s a different word backwards! Which is so fucking cool!
92. A half hour from your past you would like to experience again,
Okay honestly it’s the time I got injured falling off a horse. Before that I did circus lessons, competitive swimming, horse back riding, figure skating, and jazz + ballet + tap dance. But after it I never quite pivoted myself back into active routines. I’d like to not make silly mistakes and fall off a horse please.
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twisted-tales-told · 1 year
your needs, my needs is such a good song!!! possibly my favorite of noah kahans!!!!!!
YES! Your Needs My Needs has quickly become one of my top 3 Noah songs! I love it so much, it has such a GUT to it I don’t know how else to describe it
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