#voltage fanfic series
bitchkay · 1 month
Dancing in the dark♡
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~Rio Voleri
CW: fluff, ur pregnant again sry😬 rio can't keep his hands off you, fem reader, miss reader can sing🎤🎵🎶, rio got a little beard♡, rio says an innuendo guys😳, yall are so in love you're a little bit stupid🤕, this takes place during your third pregnancy but you're not incredibly far along (but showing) so Genesis isn't in the picture at this point, falling in love by cigarettes after sex♡, gets suggestive at the end
Word count: 1536
Rating: Teen and up audiences
Note: my Google search history probably thinks I'm pregnant with how much I've been researching about pregnancy, what's generally normal, what's considered high risk/low risk, symptoms, side effects, baby's, growing infants/toddler, baby development, hormones and mood swings and other stuff like that, I love doing research for stuff like this though I like knowing things plus I wanna be accurate, and it's kinda fun, I be looking at forums and posts by pregnant women and I'm like damn that's crazy🤭🤭
☆𝕋𝕙𝕣𝕖𝕖'𝕤 𝕒 𝕔𝕣𝕠𝕨𝕕, 𝕗𝕠𝕦𝕣'𝕤 𝕒 𝕡𝕒𝕣𝕥𝕪 + 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕗𝕒𝕞𝕚𝕝𝕪 𝕤𝕖𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕤 𝕞𝕒𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕝𝕚𝕤𝕥
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“You're not cold are you?”
You perked up looking behind you as Rio came up to where you sat on a sturdy rock by the pond in the castle gardens. The moon shone bright, illuminating the clearing, the water glittering in the subtle light.
“I'm fine, I brought a sweater with me. Did Halo finally go down?” You asked scooting over to make room for your burly husband.
“She's asleep. I had to sit with her until she fell asleep though, she didn't want me to leave. I also checked on the twins, they're fast asleep as well,” Rio sat next to you throwing his arm around your shoulder holding you close to his side.
“Thank you so much sweetie. Sorry to ask you to put the kids to bed by yourself,” you lean your head on his shoulder affectionately.
“You needn't worry about me, I'd do whatever you asked of me if you wanted, especially when it comes to our kids,” Rio leaned over to gently kiss your forehead. “How's number four?”
Referring to your pregnant belly Rio looked down at you, moving his arms down towards your waist caressing your side as you threw your legs over his lap.
“I want to say, asleep like the others,” you gave a soft chuckle. “Calm… nice… was kicking earlier but probably got the hint that it's nighttime and not to fight with me so late, hehe. We’re doing good.”
Rio sat with you in silence rubbing your side soothingly as you both watched the calm waters of the little pond before you. Little lily pads floating atop the water and flowers around the pond's perimeter. The critters that lived here must be asleep as well.
“Do you ever think that we're going too fast, Rio?”
Your voice made him pause a moment, putting a hand to his slightly hairy chin in thought.
“What do you mean?”
“I'm pregnant, Rio. We've been married for less than ten years. This is our fourth child and my third pregnancy. The twins are already seven years old, Halo is about to be four, with another baby on the way, plus we talked about adopting too… of course I wouldn't trade any of this for the world but…”
“Well, do you think we're going too fast? Tell me. I know I'm as much a father as you are a mother but the choice is ultimately yours. You know I wouldn't be mad if you decided you didn't want to have anymore kids. Of course I love every child you've given me but it's your body on the line not mine. Talk to me” Rio looked you in the eyes with seriousness, his love for you shining through. “You're my wife first.”
“I was just thinking that our family is getting so big so fast already,” you say calmly. You spread your hand on your swollen stomach, rubbing it through the clothes. “But you know what? I can't imagine doing this with anyone else… However, breeding me every three years is a bit overkill, no?”
Rio smiles cheekily pulling you closer so you're fully on his lap. “You know I can't get enough of you, I cherish our rare alone time together.” He leans in nuzzling up to the side of your face like a puppy bidding for affection. “Plus motherhood has made you so undeniably alluring to me~”
You push his face away playfully standing up hiding your embarrassed face. Rio follows you, hugging you from behind before you can run away relaxing as you lean into his touch. You close your eyes, putting your hands on top of his sighing as a pleasant night breeze hits your skin.
“You're sure you're not cold?”
You nod your head quietly, turning around in his embrace, wrapping your hands behind Rios neck as you rested your head on his chest. You feel so at ease in his arms, his warmth radiating through his clothes, steady heartbeat acting as a metronome. 
“Even if I was… you're warm… stay like this a while longer?”
Rio smiles, placing a kiss on the top of your head. “For you, Sunbeam♡”
And so you stand in the floral garden illuminated by the moon swaying back and forth to an invisible melody like trees in a gentle breeze. You hum a tune closing your eyes leaning further into Rio's chest letting the song carry you paying no heed to the fact you're still outside humming the song contently.
“What song is that?” Rio rubs your back soothingly as he falls into step with you.
“A song from back home- the human realm I mean. I just suddenly remembered it… it's a good song,” you breathed out your words, relaxed.
“Sing it to me,” Rio smiled down at you as he took your hand in his wrapping the other around your waist.
“You want me to?”
“Of course.”
“It's been quite a while, you know? I don't think I remember all the words,” you said shyly as Rio pulled you into a slow dance simply enjoying being close to you.
“That's okay. I wouldn't know the difference anyway.”
You giggle looking away flustered. “Well now I'm nervous, what if you don't like it?”
“Then I won't ask again. Please, my love.” Rio thumbed your hip affectionately giving you a sweet smile.
Your face warmed at the use of “my love” making you smile. “Alright then♡”
You cleared your throat as Rio held you by the waist gliding about, dancing as you hummed the melody.
“When I hold you close to me, I could always see a house by the ocean. Last night I could hear the waves, as I heard you say ‘All that I want to be is yours’...”
With one hand on his shoulder and the other in his palm you smile up at Rio lovingly as you sway back and forth, him looking back at you with just as much admiration if not more as he pulled you closer by the waist.
“Falling in love, falling in love. Deeper than I've felt it before with you baby. I feel I'm falling in love with all my heart.” You rested your head on Rio's chest as you sang, feeling a soft kiss be placed on top of your head.
Your mellow voice carried you as you danced through the grass in a comfortable hold, the moon rising higher in the sky. You gave a soft chuckle as you forgot some of the words humming along the melody. In this moment Rio couldn't help but find you the loveliest creature in all the land.
“Falling in love, falling in love. Deeper than I've felt it before with you baby. I feel I'm falling in love with all my heart♡”
As you finished the song you felt fatigue creep up on you, leaning on Rios chest with more weight.
“Sunbeam? Getting sleepy? It's late.” Rio hugged you gently to his chest tenderly placing a hand on your head. “Do you want to go inside?”
“Maybe… I'm just really comfortable here with you. I like moments like this,” you wrapped your arms around Rio torso. “I just wish this baby wasn't getting in the way of being right up against you.”
Rio chuckled at your words before scooping his arm beneath your knees picking you (and all your pregnant self) up with ease. 
“Hey! I can walk you kno–!”
“Hush. Knowing you, you'll be asleep before we get to the room. Relax, will you,” Rio said in a more stern tone, no stranger to your stubbornness.
Your face warmed as his voice sent your heart a flutter. Perhaps it was just your hormones talking but suddenly sleep was the last thing on your mind.
“The kids are asleep right?” You asked innocently.
“Yes? Why-” oh he knows that look in your eye.
“I'm horny-”
“But baby-”
“We are going to bed.”
“But I need you…”
“And you need sleep,” of course Rio would love to indulge you but at this hour you would be lucky to get any sleep at all before dawn if he gave into your (his) desires. He must (begrudgingly) put his foot down.
“Why are you so mean to me…” you pouted, your eyes turning wet as you crossed your arms.
“Sunbeam…” he kissed your forehead for the nth time this night.
“You just can't keep up with me because these pregnancy hormones make me insatiable…” Which is true, your moods tended to be up and down, sad, mad, ultra happy, but when you were in the mood nothing could bring you down better than your hot and sexy husband. Once your doctor said it was safe to have intercourse during this pregnancy you weren't passing up the opportunity to have sex with Rio any chance you could get it, whenever you wanted it and could slip away.
“Exactly. If I let you have your way neither of us are going to sleep tonight, and as much as you say you need me, I know you're tired. So let's go to sleep, my love.
“... you hate me.”
“Let's go to sleep, my love.”
“You want me dead.”
“We're going to bed, my love.”
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drama-glob · 10 months
Sparks Fly
Megan interviews Juniper as part of a report to hopefully reduce prejudice against reformed criminals.
The teenager sat back in her chair as she gazed around the large area, noting a couple young adults on the computers in the corner, a black-haired girl about her age reading a textbook while doing her homework and an elderly man who appeared to work at the library as he was pushing a cart of books down the aisle. Megan then pulled out her phone and decided to text a quick message to Hiro about seeing if they could hang out at Joe’s Diner tomorrow. As soon as she hit send, she heard a female voice say, “Excuse me, are you Megan Cruz?”
The brown-haired individual looked up from her device almost immediately and was greeted to the sight of a taller, young blonde about a year or so older than her. She was wearing a purple top with a cute bunny on it along with white capris, but she also appeared to be a bit nervous as she stood before Megan. It had been over six months since the reporter had last seen her in person, but instantly recognized her as Juniper of High Voltage.
The supersleuth gave a short “Oh” as she scrambled out of her seat to stand up and properly greet the reformed dancer. “Yes, I am Megan Cruz and you’re Juniper, right?” she inquired as she politely extended her hand.
“That’s my name. Don’t wear it out,” the taller of the two lightheartedly quipped as she shook the offered appendage, her apprehension melting away a little.
Here is the link on AO3:
@spyrkle4 @enbydemirainbowbigfoot Enjoy the fluff! ^_^<3
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atomsminecraft · 1 year
Past, Present, and Future, Their Consequences - Part two
I will try and make more parts of this in the future. I would recommend reading the first part again for a reminder and I hope you enjoy this second chapter
I am sorry for taking so long LMAO
Before we start I just want to clarify a few things.
N/N = New Name
L/N = Last name
MC and her rebirth don’t have the same last name.
Part one
It’s been a few days since the magical beast incident. Every day Arya visited me in the infirmary and caught me up on what has been taught in lectures. After all that, I was finally free to leave the infirmary!
Classes are about to end for students so I’m walking towards Arya’s last class. Maybe I can surprise her hehe! I pick up my pace when the bell rings and I see the door to Arya’s class open. I can see Arya’s lavender hair behind a few students coming out from the lecture hall, “Arya! Over here!” I wave my hand up in the air and hope she sees me. Arya turns around and her expression brightens when she sees me. She runs up to me and hugs me.
“N/N!” Arya starts talking quickly, “How are you feeling? Do you feel hurt anywhere? Do you want me to get anything? Water? Food? Are you tired at all? ANSWER ME, N/N!” Oh lord.
“Haha, Arya I’m fine! Really! I appreciate the concern but please don’t worry about me. I promise I’m not hurt anywhere.” I try to reassure her with a smile and it seems to have helped as I see her shoulders relax.
“Well, good! Are you sure you should be out of the inf-”
“Arya.” I interrupt. “I’m fine. You don’t need to worry about me!”
“I’ll believe you but that won’t stop me from worrying about you!”
“Oh! Arya, can you come into town with me?” I ask.
We get finally get to town and we get off the carriage. I can hear chatter all around me and I can see shops all around us. There were so many people here, all from different kingdoms and sections of the world.
“What is the thing you wanted to get that you mentioned in the carriage?” Arya snaps me out of my daze and I look back at her.
“I wanted to get something to thank the headmaster for saving me a few days ago,” I reply.
“Oh, that’s so sweet!” Arya’s yellow eyes sparkle at this confession. “What do you want to get him?”
“I was thinking maybe some sweets. You can’t go wrong with a gift like that! What do you think?”
“That’s a great idea! There’s a popular new sweets shop that opened a few days ago. I heard all the deserts and candy there are meant to be really good!” A new sweets shop? That seems interesting.
“Do you know where it is?”
“I know the general direction. If we get lost we can ask someone. Let’s go!” Arya takes my hand and starts directing me in the general direction of the sweets shop.
Although it takes some time, we finally find the sweets shop. The smell of desert surrounds the air inside the building. I take a deep breath to smell the amazing aroma. The smells of chocolate, vanilla, fruity flavors, and other scents blend in almost perfectly.
“Wow! It smells amazing in here!” I exclaim. I look around the shop and at the different desserts and candies to see if any seem good to give to the headmaster. They all look good to give to the headmaster. I sigh, “I never knew it would be so difficult to choose a thank you gift for someone…”
“Do you want me to help?” Arya asks. I look over at her and she smiles at me when I nod. “I have an idea that will make things easier.” I tilt my head. Arya goes to a woman who I assume to be a clerk. “What are the most popular items here as of late?”
“The most popular items have been caramels, lollipops, cotton fluff, cloud cakes, and chiffon cakes. Are you interested in any of these?” I finally realize what Arya was doing.
In the end, I buy some caramel and a chiffon cake for the thank-you gift. I also get a card so I can write a thank you note to him. “Thank you for coming with me, Arya,” I say as we walk out of the shop.
“Don’t mention it! It was also an excuse to spend time with you and I couldn’t pass up that opportunity. Is there anything else you need?” Arya asks. “Oh! What if you get a basket and put the cake and caramel in there? That way it will look pretty when you hand it to the headmaster!”
“I love that idea! Let’s go find a basket and some ribbon!”
I am standing in front of the headmaster’s tower. Countless thoughts plague my mind. Will he even like it? What if he hates the things I get him? What if I’m bothering him while he’s super busy? What if he’s not even there? I realize the feeling I’m feeling is fear. Why am I so scared? He’s only the headmaster of the academy, nothing to be scared of.
I… I don’t think that’s what I’m scared of. My mind is telling me to go see him but I can feel my blood pressure rise in fear for every step I take. Why am I so scared? I haven’t even formally met him yet, there’s no reason to be so frightened of him…
Fuck it.
With the gift basket in hand, I walk inside the tower and stop in front of the door. Taking a deep breath, I knock a few times and wait for a response.
“You may enter.” I hear a familiar calm voice on the other side. I can feel my hands shaking as I open the door. I am greeted with a smile by the man in white known as the headmaster. I stared at his slightly aged face before I remember why I’m there and I start to slightly panic. “Please come in. Is there anything you needed to discuss?”
“O-oh I-” I try to calm my nervous heart by taking a deep breath. I walk deeper inside his office and I close the door. “I’m N/N L/N, I was told you saved me from the magical beast a few days ago and I brought you something as repayment!” My voice was quicker and a little louder than I would have liked it to be. The headmaster’s smile widens which makes me more nervous.
“You needn’t have felt to repay me, Miss N/N. I appreciate it nonetheless.” I can see some fondness in his eye as he tells me this.
“You saved my life so this is the least I can do!” I lift the gift basket and I feel the weight of it disappear as it’s floated towards his desk. I wait patiently for his next words.
“Would you like some tea?” the headmaster asks.
“You put so much trouble into giving me a gift that I would like to share it with you. I know just the perfect tea that will go well with the chiffon cake.”
Something in his eyes makes it difficult to refuse him even as every instinct inside me is telling me to leave. I give a curt “Alright.” and I sit down on one of the settees and the headmaster gets up to sit on the opposite side of me. The headmaster makes a tea set magically appear.
“You have no more injuries, I hope?”
“None. The infirmary said I was fully healed and I was given two days off from lectures.”
“That’s gladdening to hear. I was very worried when I found the magical beast attacking you.” For a moment he showed signs of worrying before it returned to its normal neutral smile.
“I’m very grateful for you finding me. I don’t want to imagine what would have happened if you weren’t there.” A teacup floats towards me and into my hand. The tea warms my hands and I take a sip. A sudden feeling of Deja Vu hits me. Have I done this with someone before? “Um… headmaster?”
“Is something the matter?”
I decided to ask him a question that has plagued my mind since yesterday. “How did you find me when I was being attacked? I was off the trail when the magical beast attacked me.”
He seems surprised by this question but he quickly answers me. “I was looking for something I lost. I heard the magical beast and then found you.” Oh, that makes sense. I wonder what he lost?
“Did you find what you were looking for?” I can feel his stare on me as he smiles.
“Yes,” He said, “I found what I was looking for.”
End of Past, Present, and Future, Their Consequences — Part Two.
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otomegalaxyaddict · 1 year
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inbabylontheywept · 11 months
My job involves a lot of pulsed power applications. The number one way people get pulsed power is from these structures called Marx banks, which are basically huge walls of capacitors that charge up in parallel, then arc and add their voltage in series. So, you get like... 60 capacitors at 45 kV, and then they turn into ~3 MV, which is enough to shock the shit out of Zeus. I have had the privilege of seeing someone throw a fridge off a fifth floor balcony into a dumpster, and the noise is makes is comparable to that. It's very mad science. This is what a baby one looks like.
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Anyway: I'm reading a lot about these things, because they explode a lot, and that means I have to fix them. And that thing where you get the capacitors to all add up in series is called "erecting the Marx."
So I'm trying to read this dry ass fucking text book about pulsed power, and these textbook writers - they don't realize how crucial it is to say "erecting the Marx" instead of "Marx erections" and now, the most common phrase in this entire book is "Marx erection" and it is killing me. Even literal communist manifesto fanfic would avoid using the word erection this many times. At some point they'd have to call it a penis, or a dick, or something besides this relentless litany of erections.
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I have not been this salty since I took thermo, and every fucking problem with melting ice used M_i for mass of ice, L_f for latent energy of freezing, so I'd have to rewrite a legtimate equation of E=M_i L_f like Albert Einstein if he had mommy issues. Can I make a pun about that? Relative-ity? Fuck it, it's here, and you're reading it. k rant done. thx.
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Imagine being a young teenager in this case an orphan Christian girl full of dreams who’s exiting from what’s essentially a cult who’s raised to be slaughter. You get sent to a new house excited for the future just to end up tortured, abused, raped, and killed in a mansion by six vampires…. No cap let’s make these bad boys, S U F F E R 💖
Ahhh That's exactly the vision I've had for a full fanfic. It works for most of, maybe not all of, the boys either separately or all at once. Maybe a series that's occuring in overlapping timelines but for writing sake is in different parts.
But isn't that exactly what gets the most angst and depth and all the good stuff? You were an orphan from the same place as the Mukamis, you've been through hell and wether or not you're still buying the cult's nonsense is very open to interpretation. Of course anything is better then that hell hole right? Well, yes but also no.
So one route that I play with, really only for the Sakamakis, is they did like you and were like how they are in the games except their mothers are still alive. Obviously not happy at the human fondness they stage something to make it look like, or actually force, you to start sleeping with someone. The boys are too busy being hurt and either they kill you or the mother's play the "I will help" and have you killed. Except Karl has noticed your utility. So one by one the girl who has that effect on one of his sons is revived. You're not a vampire though.
~ With Shu's I imagine Beatrix would have fun with having you hunted down in the woods and tore limb from limb, so you revived leads to you have new metal limbs much more useful for your job.
~Reiji would of course go poison, so your skin may be preserved but your veins are black, the blood vessels in your eyes unable to hold in the black poison burst and so your eyes are coals. Your skin is gray. You have some modifications like your "older sister" but they're mostly just for skeletal additions to make sure everything is getting signals fast.
~Ayato, you were burnt, the inspiration for Cordelia's fate. Yours burns leading to artificial fingers to ensure sensation while you work. As well as a voice modulator from your vocal cords being fried beyond repair.
~Laito, you were drowned. He held you under bringing you up demanding you confess to your sin. You refused to lie and professed you innocence. Except you got held down too long. Minor strengthening to the lungs as well as some new gils for your new life.
~Kanato, it's clear you became a doll. Stitch marks holding you together and a lot of voltage keeping you a hard hitter.
~Subaru, he had taken time to calm himself down. He knew you probably weren't with anyone, but the rumours still upset him. But Christa is hardly stable so you were pushed off the castle balcony only to be impaled on an iron fence spike. Your midriff is rebuilt and legs get similar skeletal adjustments to your sister made by Reiji.
So that's the Sakamakis and to quickly shelf them we turn to the Mukamis. You were killed fast here I feel them having to address you come from the orphanage too would be to easy a solution. So you did fast.
~Ruki it's talking back or escaping. It is very clear you know what your doing in escaping but how he doesn't know. Needless to say you are held by your ankle to taunt you. When you refuse to give up your sister's location you are dropped. Your entire spine was rebuilt, with wings added at your request.
~Yuma, during the escape from the Mukamis you are found expertly hiding in some tree roots. You're left impaled for your sisterly loyalty. Karl can't seem to find you and it takes your sister killed by Ruki to locate you. By then the roots have grown into you. It saves Karl the metal, you are sustained by the tree roots weaving in and out of your body.
~Kou blinded you, you kept throwing rocks at him in anger after being separated while scrambling from spot to spot. When he does catch you he takes the eye you held open as you lined up a shot leaving the other to watch as he ties you to a tree to be left for the wolves. You are rescued alive but amaciated and near delirious from blood loss. A new eye and the gift of eternal life without fangs are your prize.
~Azusa probably tried to show you how fun his home is. By showing you his knives...too much. You're covered in stitches similar to Kanato's doll brought back. You now know exactly which stabs hurt most.
So these 10 plus maybe Carla and Shins' main murder, are brought under Karl's wing at the castle. Maybe you don't even know they're related. You get more advanced tech as you all age, you are Karl's daughters he always wanted but never had and amazing assassin's and political powerhouses. All kept from his son's due to their limited involvement in his life.
Until one day it's impossible to keep you all separated. Maybe they don't recognise you, it's been so long. Maybe they do immediately or it's revealed later on. But they learn quickly what they gave up.
~Shu, you are a natural big sister and a good leader. Having become somewhat jaded but still caring towards the innocent you have no time for Shu. Being sent as his temporary guard sees him so baffled and upset that you aren't angry or trying to hurt him. Hearing only "oh please I'm well above that by this stage," only pisses him off more. You've also grown your body tight uniform showing exactly what his missed out on, especially after your innocence is proven.
~Reiji, this bitch wouldn't ever look into the truth after your death. So you're just as guilty as when he killed you to him, only to then be read to filth as you use what he says of his own mother against him to show how he just blindly followed like a sheep. You are elegant whenever he sees you, refined and able to have men kneel from threats so we'll concealed you'd almost think you were best of friends with those you manipulate. Then he sees you with your sister's, having the bond he may wish for deep down. But you're too above him now to even look his way.
~The triplets see a bond healthier than their own in your trio. Seeing you complement each others skills and move so cohesively. Realising how chosing their mother over you left them without what they would now probably describe as a dream come true to them. But all the smiles, laughs, and performance is dropped the minute they are left alone with you and all you give are glares or simple ignoring.
~Subaru spends the first few weeks trying to work up the nerve to apologise. When he does you only say you forgave him years ago but without therapy you would not be getting burnt again. He's hurt and now has to navigate a system he's never had any experience with alone if his brothers aren't so desperate to attone for you.
~Ruki, you are close with Reiji's kill. You two and Carla's playing an integral roll as three of the 4 underhands of your leader, providing different areas of expertise. Your's lies in grouping and typing, the emotional strategy, in large part. You refuse to even look at him, and when you do those wings seem to get sharper and sharper with each second you glare.
~Yuma you are also one of the underhands. Your powerhouse of a form due to the natural improvements and gift lead to a terrifying enemy. Yuma sees a girl so fucking tough, and you eyes never changed. You were this spitfire back then and he just ignores it and tossed you. Plus your part plant that's his dream, and he's fucked up everything.
~Kou, head sniper, having been determined to have equally strong eyes after struggling when the cameras used to make your current prosthetic did not exist. You are fucking cold, kind to so many until they show themselves to be two faces of cruel. Kou's never had a girl not fawn over him and he hates it.
~Azusa, you are equal parts helpful medic and terrifying assassin. Knowing extensive knowledge on where you bleed most, where you bleed fastest, quietest, cleanest etc. Except you get tense the minute he's in a room.
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nixotinix · 1 year
Howdy ho Tumblr! Me again!! Happy to report that I have yet again chosen to spend my adult money on very adult things again. Like dolls! This time around, I got another one of my grails...
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Voltageous Frankie Stein! I got her for a pretty decent price, just under 105 with shipping and tax included. I'm so happy with her, she's so pretty!!
In other news, for those of you wondering, which you probably weren't, I have officially begun work on a new Monster High fanfic! I've made a promise to myself that this one will NOT sit in the wip pile for longer than a week or two, so expect it to be out soon (ish). It's not in my g3!Jax/Holt series, but it does center mostly around them in an undetermined AU. It's a super self indulgent fic that I've been wanting to get on paper for a while, and I'm about 2k words in so far. I'll rb this post with the link when it's done, but for now, keep your eyes peeled!
That's all, folks!
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sophiie2000 · 2 years
Sooo this is my first post! I only started using Tumblr recently and that was to simply read posts by other otome fans!
I really enjoyed reading other's fanfics that it made me start to want to write my own, originally because I was too shy to reach out to any of the bloggers and put in any requests in case I was the only one who found my ideas interesting!
A bit about me, I first played the old school shall we date otome games when I was younger. In the last couple of years I started playing the voltage games on the Love 365 app, the Ikeman series and Tears of Themis.
My personal Voltage favourites are Masquerade Kiss (Kazuomi), KBTBB (Eisuke), Irresistible Mistakes (Toma), Oops I said Yes (Kunihiro), Romance MD (Takado), and Her love in the force (Kaga).
If somehow someone actually see's this blog and wants to talk about any stories or opinions I'd love too!
I'm part way through my own fic at the moment, which I have quite enjoyed writing! However, it definitely isn't as well written as those I've enjoyed reading so far! Who knows, maybe I'll be brave and actually post some of my own fics in the future!
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iconlytical · 2 years
this is a movie review.
if any of you aren't aware, there is a new spanish movie called through my windows that dropped on netflix in february. furthermore, this new movie on netflix is also based on a wattpad book called a través de mi ventana by ariana godoy. i did read this book on wattpad prior to its english novel release and movie release on netflix. it was amazing and one of the best wattpad books i have ever read that wasn't fanfiction.
of course, in terms of genre, it's kind of not comparable to after, however in terms of plot and things it is. after started as a harry styles fanfic on wattpad that was turned into an actual novel with characters of different names except tessa. it was the biggest fanfic on wattpad quite honestly. it was originally a sweet and sour story, but not cringe. however, with the release of three movies, about to be four, it has become cringy. the movies are nothing but sex and a toxic relationship, which i don't remember the fanfic being that much. there just wasn't any development with hardin as a character and that's what pisses me off.
on the other hand, through my window started as a fiction romance and not a fanfiction, which kind of set it up for success. there wasn’t so much need to change the names of characters, and they weren't based on real-life celebrities. following the publishing of the book, it could easily be adapted into a movie, which it was. the relationship had some toxicity; however, there was development with ares and his family that wasn't happening with hardin. it was filmed nicely.
i think the thing that set the success of these movies apart was the production. after was produced by companies: voltage pictures, offspring entertainment, diamond film productions, and wattpad. through my window was produced by companies: netflix and nostromo pictures. i see a difference already sadly. after was produced by too many companies from the beginning and none of them included major companies. also, anna todd stuck to working with wattpad with her movies. netflix is known to make pretty good shows and movies, so ariana godoy was smart to have them, a major company, produce her movie.
another thing – budget. there is only one movie for ariana godoy's book series so far, so this is slightly hard to compare with anna todd's three movies that are out already. however, after has gotten recast every movie after the first one and it just looks so bad. especially when immediate characters are recast, such as landon, tessa's mom, kimberly, vance, and hardin's father. hardin’s dad was literally recasted in every movie. furthermore, the quality of the movie just isn't there after the first one. It's like when people say a movie is so bad that it's good. through my window has exceptional quality and looked like it was filmed on a decent budget. also with the success of the movies through netflix espana, there will likely be another movie with the same people playing the same characters.
overall, the blame is put on production and casting for after not being as successful as it could've been. it's only still being watched because fans know the origin of the whole movie and published books. anna todd should've just gone to netflix with her book honestly. You should check out through my window on netflix, it was great to watch and had a balance of everything. i can't wait for the next movie.
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tres-spades-hotel · 2 years
For My 1000 Followers
Hi everyone! I know it’s been ages but I’ve been getting a surge of followers lately that I had to have a look at the number. I was super surprised so I’m here to say:
*coughs* I’m an old lady …
I’m actually in my early twenties and have been pretty inactive in the Voltage/Kissed By The Baddest Bidder fandom for a few years now. Things got intense with my studies the past few years and I haven’t had much time for writing fanfiction as much as I wanted to. I even made a New Years Resolution last year to write more fanfics but that never happened.
I wanted to take a moment to discuss what’s gonna happen moving forward with this blog. When I first made it, I was at the peak of my obsession with Voltage Inc otome games and specifically, Eisuke Ichinomiya. I found Tumblr and realised it was a place to write fanfiction and fall in love with my favourite otome characters from games like KBTBB and Star Crossed Myth. Eventually, I was added to the Discord, Otome Fanatics, and became even more involved with the community, entering writing competitions, talking with likeminded people, getting to share in the love for the company and their amazing games.
Soon though, my studies were starting to catch up to me and I found myself having less time to write. Now, I’ve never been personal on this blog but I’m going to start today. My name is Olivia and I’m a postgraduate Creative Writing student who completed a Bachelors in Creative Writing. So, I’m pretty committed to my work as a writer. I wanted to make the best kind of writing that I could for these amazing characters that Voltage have fleshed out for us to play with. This does include drafting and editing like mad!
I still love Eisuke, he’s still my favourite character, but since the past couple of years, I’ve lost interest in the games, I hardly go on the app anymore. My interests have since moved onto characters from TV shows, movies, games, and book characters.
The one thing that I love the most is reading. My favourite genre is crime fiction and since April 2022, I became obsessed with Ian Rankin’s detective novel series, John Rebus. He’s a Scottish detective inspector who is always in trouble for something while trying to capture criminals all over Edinburgh. He’s a wonderful, morally grey character who gets put through the ringer more than once. I read the first book and was immediately hooked! I have collected the entire series plus some plays that Rebus stars in! I was able to read the entire series (24 books) in 8 months! I absolutely adore Rebus and plan to write fanfiction for him cause he’s amazing and my new husband! I highly recommend the series for anyone who likes crime fiction and Scotland.
My next obsession began at the end of December where I finally read American Psycho by Brett Easton Ellis. I fell in love with Patrick Bateman, which has transcended into a complete maddening obsession with Christian Bale. I mean, what an actor! And he’s so handsome! I’ve currently watched over 20 of his movies, including, The Dark Knight Trilogy, Equilibrium, 3:10 to Yuma, The Pale Blue Eye and many more. I may plan to write for Bale characters in the future but that’s still unsure.
During the pandemic, during lockdown, I finally started watching House M.D in 2020 and fell in love with Hugh Laurie and his character, Gregory House. Again, I had an obsession for ages! Hugh Laurie is an amazing actor. I also fell in love with the TV show, Chicago Fire and Taylor Kinney.
Arthur Morgan from Red Dead Redemption II stole my heart in 2018 when the game came out. I have since bought the game on Steam and fell in love with his character. There may be some fanfics for him as well that I want to write and post!
I’m gonna start rebranding this blog into a place where I can dish out my love for all these characters and reposting much more. If you have book recommendations then I would love to know what they are! I mostly read crime fiction and realist and occasionally, sci-fi and fantasy and poetry.
Eisuke and Voltage will still be in my heart and I will continue to write for him and Leon (who I was also obsessed with for a long while – I guess I just love sadistic characters!) and I may end up posting book reviews or posts rambling on about how much I love Christian Bale. For those of you who have sent in requests for Eisuke, I do plan to write those and eventually I will post them.
I’m still very grateful for all those who have followed me and have been here since the start of this blog. I know its been very quiet but hopefully that will change this year in 2023.
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yelena-bellova · 2 years
You’ve written so many stories. One shots and series. Many of these have been character x reader or character x character. Who has been your favorite pairing to write for? (Can be either character x character or character x reader). Which couple do you think is the cutest? The sexiest? Which couple would be the most fun to hang out with? You don’t have to answer this cause I know it’s complicated just something to think about lol. 💜
WOW, no, I will answer all of these haha
So first off, even though I write most of my stuff as x reader, I very much see anyone I write as a whole character. I know a lot of writers picture themselves in the story, but that’s never been how my brain has worked when writing fanfic. I leave it as x reader because that’s what the majority of people read on here and I figure more people can enjoy it that way. Lil’ fun fact about the writer lol
With that being said…
Favorite Pairing: Poe x Solo!Reader in Don’t be Afraid. I love writing the best friends to lovers trope and that was ripe with possibility. It was the most fun I’ve had writing on here.
Cutest Couple: Pre!Pandemic Joel and his Rosebud stand to take that title with the flashbacks I’m working on. We’re talking complete and utter fluff, not a hint of angst. Trust me lol
Sexiest Couple: Bucky and Voltage had a helluva lot of tension going for them so I’m gonna give it to them. Runner-up would be Din and Force!Sensitive Reader most likely, the mask adds so much mystery haha
Most Fun Couple: The Solo-Damerons take that one too. Again, the DBA universe is so much fun to write for because you’ve got the best friends to lovers thing going for it. You’ve got built in fluff right there!
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bitchkay · 4 months
Prince and Princess☆
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~Adephagia Voleri & Gulliver Voleri
CW: the twins are growing up, issues pertaining to the line of succession and the twins birthright, Adephagia and Gulliver are around 17, meaning down the list, Halo is 14, Genesis and Theo are 10, Atlas is 9, and Dylan and Eliana are 1, little brothers being little brothers
Word count: 1707
Rating: Teen and up Audiences
Note: the way I did research on different monarchies and systems of choosing and heir and types of heirs and cross referenced it with how much I know about court of darkness and how they handle the royal hierarchy system, it was crazy
☆𝕋𝕙𝕣𝕖𝕖'𝕤 𝕒 𝕔𝕣𝕠𝕨𝕕, 𝕗𝕠𝕦𝕣'𝕤 𝕒 𝕡𝕒𝕣𝕥𝕪 + 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕗𝕒𝕞𝕚𝕝𝕪 𝕤𝕖𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕤 𝕞𝕒𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕝𝕚𝕤𝕥
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Adephagia and Gulliver were you and Rios first born children.
As the first born children to the king one of them would one day succeed their father on the throne.
But as twins it was often hard to say who that birthright would go to.
Adephagia was born first but Gulliver is technically the first born son, making him Voleri's heir apparent. That's just how it is.
Because of your magic, both twins were… a special case.
While neither had developed any form of ancient magic from Voleri yet, both had manifested their magic early– well early under normal standards; all of your children manifested their magical abilities early, the earliest being Halo. They were still young, late teens, growing into beautiful young adults but they had magical power nobody had ever seen in a collection of heirs before. This is due to your magic.
They still had a lot to learn in terms of magic and how to control the amount of magic at their disposal and in some years time they would be eligible for enrollment in the academy on the Isle of Colde, but until one of them inherited Voleri's ancient magic, nobody knew what to think in terms of who would take the throne.
Had your special type of ancient magic —creators magic rather— not been involved it wouldn't have been a question who would one day rule… unfortunately.
Ancient magic has always been needed to rule a kingdom. Would Voleri inherit a queen from your oldest daughter or would Gulliver continue the long standing tradition of kings at the head of the kingdom?
You didn't want to put too much pressure on them at such a young age and allow them to just be children for as long as possible but you also had to get through to them that they were in fact a prince and princess, and with that role came responsibility especially as they grow older.
“Are you scared?” Adephagia spoke up.
“Me? Scared? Never,” Gulliver responded.
In a few weeks time, the twins would attend their first official event as Voleri's heirs alongside the heirs of the rest of the kingdoms, so they're being fitted for their first set of royal finery.
“Gul’ you're scared of the dark,” Adephagia deadpanned, speaking towards the curtain that separated them.
“Not anymore! I'm well past that!” Gulliver crossed his arms in front of his chest turning his back to the curtain before one of the royal tailors moved his body back into the position they needed him to be.
Although their parents would be accompanying them this is their first big event where they and the other descendants would be independently acknowledged as heirs to their kingdoms and introduced to the world they would one day be in charge of. The event would resemble a banquet of sorts, food and non-alcoholic beverages would be served (which the twins were always happy to indulge), as well as the mingling between kingdoms and important levels of hierarchy.
Not to mention it would be the first time Adephagia and Gulliver have seen the other princes and princesses since they were children. They both thought this reunion was long overdue.
“This is our first event, Gulliver. First event together. Up until this point we have only interacted with lords and diplomats from our own royal court and that's only if they have been treated as family. Many members of our own government we have yet to have met properly because we were too young or only know of because of our tutoring. Aren't you even slightly interested in getting your foot in the door? We're getting older and I believe it is beneficial to at least know these things especially since we're Voleri's heirs,” Adephagia says as another fabric is laid across her waist, notably being compared to another.
“Don't think I'm not, sister. Everyone treats me like I'm inevitably going to inherit our father's throne, when I honestly think you're more cut out for the role, and I'm not the only one who thinks so, so I'm planning on making my presence known as much as you are.” different jackets get draped over his shoulders at the same time as he talks at the curtain.
“Of course everyone treats you like you're inheriting, you're a boy. That's always been the tradition. The line of succession always followed that path and ancient magic always passed to the oldest son in a royal family. You're under enough pressure without even trying, there's no need to one up me here.”
Adephagia and Gulliver have always had something of a bumpy relationship only because of their differing personalities but they were always really close regardless since they were kids not just because they're twins but because they understand each other like the DNA they share and love each other like their other half. Because they're at an age where they're starting to grow more independent and be their own person they've been somewhat distant– well at least up until their baby sisters were born. In helping take care of little Dylan and Eliana they did get closer again but that doesn't  change the ever growing burden of successorship. They may fight a lot but nothing will really truly make them as unsound as when the topic falls to the line of succession.
“And we don't know if those will be our circumstances, ‘Phagia. You have always been smarter than me, able to grasp these concepts quicker than me. Maybe I want a chance to prove I actually I'm not just a placeholder for the throne.”
“And I'm saying you don't need to. You've never been a placeholder Gul… don't think I don't want to prove myself as well, I'm older-”
“By an hour–”
“Shush. I'm older but with things like this, politics, the line of succession, I've always been treated as second to you.”
“I always hated that…” Gulliver breathed out.
“What?” Adephagia said, looking at the curtain as if she could see right through it to Gullivers thoughtful expression.
“This whole line of succession and how only the first boy gets the throne… although I understand because ancient magic typically runs through the males of the family, our mother is mighty powerful like a god and so is our dad… what happens if both of us manifest some form of ancient magic… What then? We both show promise when it comes to magic anyway…”
“The throne inevitably goes to you Gulliver. Even if we're both capable of ruling you've always been first choice; you take precedence because you're male. Unless you die or I end up manifesting ancient magic instead, as long as we use this system of primogeniture you will still overwrite me… even if you think you shouldn't.”
“Finished, both of you. Are these to your tastes, your highnesses?”
The curtains that enclosed them were pulled away finally. The twins looked at each other first inspecting their attire with a nod of approval before looking in the mirror.
“Beautiful, I appreciate your efforts,” Adephagia said, checking herself out in the mirror.
“Gorgeous detail work on our attire,” Gulliver says looking at all aspects of his finery.
“If I may, can I make a suggestion?” Adephagia spoke up.
“Of course, princess.”
Adephagia stepped down from her pedestal going over to where Gulliver stood standing next to him pointing something out.
“This part here on the collar of my brother's jacket, what is it made from? I like it, and I'd like something similar integrated into my neckline here,” she pointed out comparing two parts of their attire. “Can I also ask if Voleri's coat of arms be placed on the skirt? I find it's somewhat hidden on my sleeve here.”
“If I can also make a suggestion, I'd like my coat to be longer. Possibly about here, if it's not any trouble? I also like the trim of my sister's skirt, and if it can be added to the hem?” Gulliver said, making his own suggestions.
“Pardon me again, but I'd also like if this part here, at the waist, can be cinched tighter for a more flattering silhouette and if a belt can possibly be added?” Adephagia spoke up once more.
“Yes, wonderful! All that can be done! I can have your garments altered by the end of this week, if your schedule permits you to come back for another fitting, that would be good.” The royal trailer writes all of their suggestions down before pulling out a calendar.
“We can be there, that would be great.”
A voice popped into the room, a little boy pushing the door open.
“Atlas! What are you doing here?” Adephagia asks as the 9 year old boy comes up in front of her.
“And Theo,” the slightly older boy came in behind him. “Sorry to intrude.”
“I wanted to see your dress. You look pretty,” Atlas raised his arms asking to be picked up.
“Oh you're a little too old to be picked up, big guy,” Adephagia said, musing up his hair.
“Hello, I'm here too,” Gulliver said as all the attention went to his sister.
“Dad would've picked me up,” Atlas said, making a smug face.
“And I'm not dad, am I?” Adephagia said, looking down at her little brother with her hands on her hips.
“I don't know, you kinda look like him,” Atlas said before promptly running away as Adephagia tried to grab him.
“Hey! Come back here!”
Theo went up to Gulliver putting a hand on his shoulder. “You look nice too, Gulliver.”
“Thank you, glad to know I'm not the only pretty one here.”
“Let us get changed first then we'll come right out.” Adephagia goes back up to the stand she was at before grabbing the curtain ready to change back into her regular attire.
“I have a present for you ‘Phasia,” Theo says, moving towards the door to give his older brother and sister some privacy, smiling all the while.
“Oh… great… I can't wait…” Adephagia forces a smile on her face as she waves the two boys goodbye.
“My bet is on it being a beetle.”
“Oh shut your trap, you know how much that boy likes bugs!”
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I love these guys like they're my real children guys you dont understand😖
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drama-glob · 1 year
Cutscenes #29
Breakout Stars
“What is it, Mama?” Juniper inquired, sitting up too in curiosity.
“I’m not sure darling,” Barb responded with a slight head tilt, now sliding off her mattress to stand up. It was then that she heard something like a gasp and a low thud, making her and her daughter stay still as they waited and stared outside their cell to see what happened next. A moment later, the sound of shuffling and footsteps came as an unknown figure came into view.
“Oh good, you’re still awake. I was worried I’d have to be rude and wake you,” the intruder in disguised charmingly spoke, flashing a pleased smile. The two women looked at each other, then back at the man just outside their cell; they continued to watch as they saw him grab the bars and easily swing it open, much to their amazement. Chris then stepped in and quietly showed that he had their outfits before informing the dancers, “These will be returned to you shortly once we’re free of this place. Congratulations ladies. I’ve been tasked by my boss to present you with an extraordinary opportunity at freedom and potential employment, but we must move on now or else their will be…undesired consequences.” His tone was polite and enticing enough, but the underlying threat of trouble, either from the guards or this man’s boss they weren’t sure and that was enough to make them go with him.
Here’s the link for AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/37997185
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atomsminecraft · 2 years
Past, Present, and Future. There Consequences
*Coughs violently*
This fic is a continuation of @dotster001​ ‘s fanfic which can be found here, I was given permission to make this and proof for that is the replies in that post.
Because it’s Lou’s birthday today, I decided it will be a great idea to post this now especially with the time of events this fanfic was finished.
This wasn’t 100% proof read, if there’s any mistakes then you now know why lmao
Warning: This series may contain spoilers for the princes path. I have only gotten to chapter 3, if any information is inaccurate then please understand.
Before we start I just want to clarify a few things.
N/N = New Name (not MC’s name)
L/N = Last name (MC and her rebirth don’t have the same last name.)
And with that, enjoy this series of unfortunate events.
Genre: Fluff(for now-)
I felt the last of my strength leave my body and the world go dark as my eyes finally closed. They did it. Iritium succeeded. They won.
I will never forgive Lou for his betrayal. In this life or a new one. How could he do this? Wasn’t he meant to be the neutral one? Wasn’t he meant to be the one I wouldn’t have to worry about using me like many others would have if given the chance?
I guess I was wrong.
I hope he’s happy with this outcome.
…mumbling… I hear mumbling… wait, what? Why am I hearing people talking? Am I being revived? Was my death not enough for them? Everything felt wrong. I felt myself being pulled down by an invisible force. Oh god please tell me it’s not what I think it is!
A sudden bright light filled my vision. Everything hurt and there was a strong smell I couldn’t pinpoint that overwhelmed me. Crying. Was I crying? … …No. It sounded more like loud whining. I hated these new sensations, I hated the overwhelming smell and the new feeling of a touch I couldn’t recognize. And as quickly as it started, I felt myself being put into an embrace. A comforting one.
Why was I mad again? I couldn’t quite remember… One after another of failed tries to remember, the bright light diminished as I fell asleep in the new comforting embrace.
I wonder why I was mad in the first place.
“Miss N/N, please slow down!” My nanny, Cathryn, called out. I laughed as I ran away from her in this newfound game of chase.
My 8-year-old legs can only take me so far yet I continued to run and dodge the attempts at catching me and I hid behind a tree. I covered my mouth to hide my laughter as Cathryn called out to me. Hehe, she can’t find me!
I ran again until I found myself in a forest area. This should be harder to find, right? I went to find another hiding spot.
A shuffling in the bushes causes me to halt. Was I found already?! But Cathryn would have called my name out by now… The bush was also too small for her to fit in there! I walked to the bush and pulled away the leaves to find an injured cat. Blood stained its white fur.
“Aw no! Poor kitty…” I paused for a moment. Should I bring it back home with me? Maybe we can keep it! But it’s injured…. What can I do to make it feel better? Maybe I can kiss it better? Momma does that whenever I get hurt. Yeah! That sounds like a great idea! I slowly went up to the cat and it hissed and swung at me and I backed away. Uh-oh.
I kneel, “It’s ok, I won’t hurt you!” I let it smell my hand once it seemed to calm down and I gently pet it once I got the OK. Hehe, it’s so cute! I gave the cat a kiss near the wound and began to pick it up. “Alright, let's get you home!” I got up and looked around to try and find where I’d come from, I think I came from this way!
I started walking and I looked back down to the cat. The wound seems to have stopped bleeding, that’s good! Wait, no, the injury is gone completely! I stand there confused. Weren’t they hurt just a moment ago?
“N/N! Where are you?” My name was called out again. Maybe I can ask Cathryn about this?
“I’m here!” I ran towards where I thought I heard her voice.
“Milady! There you are!” Cathryn runs towards me, tears staining her red eyes. Weird, why did I feel strange about being called milady? She calls me that all the time. “You can’t run away like that, I was sick with worry when I couldn’t find you!”
In the end, I wasn’t allowed to keep the cat and I couldn’t find the time to tell her what happened. She wouldn’t have believed me anyways.
That was one of many weird things that happened to me.
“Mama! Look what I found!” I ran up to my mother with a flower in hand and gave it to her. “For you!” I smile at her and she smiles back.
“Thank you, darling! You seem to have a knack for finding flowers, don’t you think?”
“She certainly does!” My father says as he picks me up. “She’s our flower so she obviously must be able to find other beautiful flowers!” I laugh as he spins me around.
“Be careful with her, Morse!” My mother warns though she’s also laughing at our antics.
“You sure? Alright! Whoosh!” I get spun around in the air a few times before he puts me down and ruffles my hair.
“Lady Mortisha, I have what you asked me to fetch for you!” Cathryn says.
“Oh, perfect! N/N, may you come here for a moment?” I walk up to my mom as she takes the box. “I have prepared a special gift for you, will you open it for me?”
“Okie!” She hands me the box and I open it to find a golden necklace with a red gem inside. There’s also a small pouch inside the box. “So pretty…” I say aloud.
“Try it on then check inside the pouch.” I do as I’m told and put on the necklace then check the pouch. There’s a small mirror inside. I look into it to find myself and two red eyes. What happened to my black eye? I look up at my mother in confusion.
She smiles at me. “Now your black one is hidden. There’s no need to hide it anymore!” Wait what? But why would- My dad puts his hand on my shoulder and interrupts my train of thought.
“Make sure not to take it off, alright?” He kneels to my height. “Promise me you won’t.”
“I promise!” I replied.
“Good. Thank you” He smiles at me and ruffles my hair again.
That night, I swear I heard a familiar voice. “Your very existence here will shake this word to its foundation.” Wait what? “You are but a defenseless chick here in the magical realm.” The voice is distant and barely coherent. “Listen to me: you are a rare and wonderful creature.” Who is that? I just barely caught those last words before falling asleep.
The shops in the town aren’t things I normally see, so it was a nice surprise when my parents said we were going to town together. I saw clothing shops, bakeries, restaurants, and many more! I looked around curiously as my mom and dad both held my hand.
“Mama! Can we go to the flower shop?” I ask.
“We can go after we get what we need.” My mom said, holding my hand tighter so I can’t try and escape.
My dad laughed. “How about we go now, Morticia? It wouldn’t hurt to go for a few minutes.”
My mom sighs, “Morse, if we go then she won’t want to leave and we’ll be stuck there for hours. Let's go find the clothing shop first and get what we came here for then we can spend as much time there as she wants.”
I pout. “But I want to go nowwwww!”
“N/N. I said we’ll go after we finish. Do you want to go or not?”
“Yes, mama….” There are a few moments of silence before my dad interrupts.
“Can you two stay here for a moment? I’ll be quick about it.” My dad says.
“What’s wrong?” My mom asks.
“Just stay here for a moment, alright?” He kneels to my level and he ruffles my hair. “Behave for your mother, alright? I’ll be right back.” He gets up and walks away.
“Mama, where’s dad going?” I ask.
She sighs and holds my hand a little tighter. “I guess we’ll find out when he comes back.” We stood there for a few minutes before I saw my dad with his hand behind his back. “Oh my creator…”  I look to see a look of surprise and amusement on my mom’s face. Now I'm even more confused. What’s going on?
“N/N, close your eyes and open your hand for me for a moment, will you?” I do what he asks and I feel him put something in my hand. “You may open them now!” I opened my eyes to see a flower was given to me. My dad grins at me, “Does this satisfy your need to go to the flower shop until we finish our shopping?” I smile at him and nod and he smiles back at me. “Alright, let’s go then.” He takes my hand and we walk to the clothes shop.
“So you found her?”
“Yes, your majesty. She appears to be about the age of 9.”
“Keep an eye on her. I command you to watch her whenever you have a chance.”
“With certainty.” The valet bows and goes back to work.
The smell of the seawater fills my nose. I look out at the sunrise, enjoying the changing of colors. My current destination? The Royal Academy of Concordia. Tomorrow is the entrance exam.
I feel a bundle of emotions, excitement, nervousness, and fear. This is the first time I’ve been away from my parents, the freedom of them not always watching me however is freeing.
When the ship docked, I found an inn and got a room. I’ll be staying here for the next few days so I might as well get comfortable.
The day came and went and now it's the next day. students filled the exam hall and I quickly found an empty seat. The classroom was filled with talking and laughter, I liked how cheerful it was even with the exam happening any time now to decide if we actually got in or not.
“May I sit next to you?” I looked up to find an Invidian girl. I nod and she sits next to me. “I’m Arya, nice to meet you!” She smiles at me.
I smile back, “I’m N/N. It’s nice to meet you too!” We engage in pleasant conversation and before we know it, the exam starts.
A hush falls in the classroom when a man in white shows up. He looks around the classroom and introduces himself as the headmaster. His gaze lands in my direction and stays there for longer than he does with the rest of the class. I wonder what he’s looking at?
The exam finally begins.
Dear N/N L/N,
You are hereby granted a place within the Royal Academy of Concordia.
Royal Academy of Concordia
Headmaster Lou.
Some time has passed and new students are walking around the academy and figuring out their new room situation. I am doing the same. My room is at the end of the hallway in dorm Tradis. The room feels strangely familiar but I conclude it’s because it’s somewhat similar to my room with the star pattern to the bed. Something feels missing though…. It’s probably nothing.
I look at myself in the mirror and at the choker that is my sigillum arcanum. My necklace dangles around my neck, making it look as if I have two.
I heard a knock at my door, “Just a moment, please!” I fix myself up to make myself more presentable then open the door. “Arya! What are you doing here? How did you know where my room was?”
Arya laughed, “I actually just saw you walking around and followed you to try and surprise you! I’m glad I remembered where your dorm room was or this would have been really awkward.” She laughs.
“Do you want to come in?” I ask and I step aside. She nods and comes in.
“Wow, your room is beautiful! How come you got a pretty room?” Arya jokes.
“Does your room not look similar? These were in here when I arrived…”
“Maybe it was from a previous student who forgot to take it back? Perhaps you should ask the headmaster about it when you get the chance.” Arya said.
I sigh, “I’ll do so tomorrow after it’s hopefully less busy, I wouldn’t like to bother him with how busy he likely is.” I look around my room again. I can maybe buy something similar once it looks how it’s supposed to. “Have you looked around yet?”
“I haven’t, actually! I was hoping we can go together and familiarize ourselves with this place.”
“I like that idea. We may go now if you like.” She nods and we walk out of the room to look around our new school.
Perhaps if we look around, I can distract myself from the feeling of being watched.
Our first class started a few days after the move-in. Arya saved me a seat near the back and I of course sat next to her.
“Is it just me or does something feel off?” I ask.
Arya looks at me confused. “What do you mean?”
“I don’t know why but I was expecting a lot of the girls to be at the front of the class…”
Arya thought for a moment before speaking again. “I think a lot of the girls used to do that when the kings were students here. Are you talking about that?” Before I could respond, however, the professor walked in. To my strange surprise, however, it became silent.
“What is going on with me…” I thought to myself.
Class started as any other would. Since this class is Introduction to Magic, we’re learning the basics.
“Correct again, Miss N/N. Very good.” The professor says. He laughs, “Have you by chance already learned this? You might as well be in more advanced classes.”
I try to laugh it off. “Thank you, but I don’t think that will be necessary.” Even I can't explain how I know this, to be honest. It’s as if I already learned this before without having the memory of it. Spell after spell, question after question, I seem to already know the solution on how to do it.
“You should help me study with how much you already know of this lesson.” Arya teases. I give her a small laugh and continue with the lesson.
Once the class ends, however…
“Miss N/N L/N, right? You seem to know so much about what we were learning in class! Can you perhaps become my tutor?”
“Miss N/N! You did amazing! Did you study this subject before?”
“Miss N/N! Can you-”
Students were asking me questions left and right and I tried my best to make excuses for them. I quickly grab the rest of my stuff and run out of the classroom in hopes of avoiding more questions.
The forest at the academy is a good place to get some quiet, I learned. Not many people will go looking for you here, especially if you go off the path. It’s only been a few classes already and I seem to already be popular…. Arya joked that at this point I might become an A rank after the first few tests.
“…I probably just studied this when I was younger.” I thought to myself. Yeah, that must be it! I walk deeper and deeper into the forest, getting farther from the main path, and mentally drawing a map so I remember where I came from.
I heard a soft rumble just over yonder of where I am. Did I just hear snoring? Is someone sleeping? I go check to see who it could be. To my horror and gratitude, a magical beast was asleep. What’s a magical beast doing here? Especially so close to the academy? I slowly back away, not wanting to wake it up. Luck, however, wasn’t on my side as the beast’s snores stopped and its eyes opened. Dragon's teeth…. I hid behind a tree but the beast seemed to have seen me already as attacks started. I curse myself while trying to dodge attacks and hide behind trees. I really wish I learned defense magic before coming here! Think, N/N, think! What spell could help you here?! “Wait, no!” In my distraction, I slipped as the magical beast attacked. I try to brace myself for impact. The attack slammed me against a tree trunk, my vision blacked out.
Cheering… Why were there people cheering? My body moves on its own and I open my eyes to see what looks like an arena.
“Do you still intend to fight?” I look up to see a man in red with black hair on a dragon. Where am I?
“You’d better believe it!” Was that me talking?
“Grooh-rooh!” Whosoever body I’m in right now climbs on the back of another dragon and they fly into the air.
“Straight up, Shifah!” The inhabitant of this body says. The man narrows his eyes and starts chasing us. Wait, is this the familiar Royal? We dive straight down before I could register what’s going on. I look back to see ‘Shifah’ slap their tail at the other dragon’s side, causing the dragon and the rider to get off balance. “Take that!” Wait, is this…?
“Steady now, Ertl!” The man says. The two right themselves and before I could blink, we collided with the ground.
“Gruh-rrr-ruh!” Shifah doesn’t look too well…
“Shifah?!” The inhabitant of this body tries to lift themself only for me to feel a pain in my, er, their wrist.
“You cannot stand, can you?” The man in red asks, next to us.
“I can and will.” I don’t think we can…
“No.” The man chuckles. “Huh?” I’m just as confused. Why is he laughing? I feel myself being floated in the air.
“What the…” We land in the man’s arms right as he gets down from his dragon’s back.
“You have done well.”
Cheering is heard across the stadium. “Victory to Guy Avari!” Wait, Guy Avari?! As in the king?! My vision goes dark at this realization.
“concu…- she ne…-”
“Calm…- frac…- ..st.”
These voices were distant. Everything was sore and I felt like I couldn’t move. Everything went silent after a little while…
“Mmh…” I opened my eyes to find myself in an unfamiliar room. I sit up but flinch at the pain in my back and in my head. I notice I'm in an unfamiliar bed. Where am I?
“Oh my creator! N/N!” I feel someone hold my hand and I look over to see Arya. “You’re awake! How are you feeling?! Are you in any pain?!”
“Stay here for a moment! I need to go tell the medic you’re awake!” Before I could say anything else, Arya ran out of the room to presumably find the medic. I sigh to myself as I relax into my pillow more, relieving the pain in my body slightly. What was that dream? Who was that? That memory seemed so familiar yet I couldn’t explain why. Why was His Majesty there? I heard the door open and I looked to see Arya with someone who I will assume is the medic. “I brought the medic!”
One medical examination later, I was finally able to relax again. “If I may…” I start, “Who saved me? I don’t remember seeing anyone while I was being attacked by the magical beast.”
“The headmaster saved and brought you here, miss N/N.” Said the medic.
My eyes widened. “WHAT?” How did he even know I was there?! I know he’s the headmaster and he watches over the academy but unless he was already in the forest he couldn’t have known I was there, right?! I’m grateful he saved me and all but that still doesn’t answer any questions!
“If you seek answers from him, you may ask him the next time you see him. For now, please rest so your injuries can heal, miss N/N. I’ll come and check on you again later.” And with that, the medic walked away. Arya stood there in silence for a moment before hugging me.
“I’m so glad you’re ok! You have no idea how worried I was when I saw the headmaster fly into the academy and I saw you were in his arms injured! What happened back there?!” Arya interrogated. She let go of the hug and gently held onto my shoulders as I explained to her why I was in the forest and how the magical beast attacked me. “You should have stayed on the path, it’s a path for a reason!”
“I know, I know, I’m sorry for worrying you. I won’t stray from the main path again, I promise.” I say in hopes of reassuring her.
“You better! Otherwise, I’m not letting you out of my sights!” I laugh and she laughs with me. “Do you need anything? I can get you something from your room or the refectory if you want something.”
“I’m fine for now, thank you. By the way, how long have I been unconscious?”
“Since yesterday. I’m surprised it wasn’t more considering how bad your injuries were…”
“I would have thought longer too, to be honest. I guess I’m lucky! Even with the magical beast attack, haha!” I joke. She smiles at me and looks at the time on her pocket watch and sighs after putting it away.
“I need to get to lectures soon. I’ll give you the notes to the lessons you miss so go ahead and rest. Got it?”
“Got it. Good luck!” Arya leaves the infirmary. I should thank the headmaster for saving me. Maybe once I heal I could buy him something to show my appreciation. What could I get him though…. As I get distracted, I fail to notice that I’ve fallen asleep.
End of Past, Present, and Future, Their Consequences — Part One.
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marsmarvel02 · 6 months
"What Manny Can't Fix" Review: Chapters 26 and 27
Welcome back and welcome again to my review of "What Manny Can't Fix", a Handy Manny fanfic that- dare I say it- is just not very good.
Last time, Iron Grip ran away from Anne's garage and ended up staying the night in a pet shop in San Diego. Today, Iron Grip sets off again- but we're going to check up on what Carrie's doing first.
(And as always, if you'd like to start this review series from the beginning, Chapter 1 is here.)
Chapter 26
That morning Carrie was ecstatic.
Not for long!
Her heart was a flutter as she headed over to her maid of honor to prepare for the wedding.
What heart?
Also, as counterintuitive as it might seem, “aflutter” is actually one word.
"You're...look….. stunning!" A multimeter said, positioning a torn trash bag over Carrie's head as a makeshift veil.
If it was established in the Chapter 18 that there’s some company somewhere in this story’s universe that makes tool-sized earmuffs, why isn’t there some company somewhere that makes tool-sized wedding veils?
"Thanks Shock….." She said, a small blush forming on her cheeks as she gently adjusted the veil.
Oh hello new character! I’d just like to ask you a few questions about where you were when Wisp and Iron Grip had that big fight…
Shock giggled a bit, looking at Carrie from every angle to make sure she looked perfect.
"Am I ready?" Carrie asked.
"I don't think I can't answer that." Shock giggled again. "I'm a voltage reader not a mind reader!"
Ha. Ha.
Carrie laughed a bit. "No, I mean do I look good?"
"You always look good." Shock said, adjusting the veil again.
Carrie shuddered a bit against her touch, feeling a bit disappointed when she finally pulled back.
"But now, you're perfect for a wedding!"
"Thanks for helping me get ready." Carrie said.
"Of course!" Shock said. "This is one of the most important days of your life! I want to make sure it's perfect!"
"It will be." Carrie sighed happily. "Iron Grip is just so sweet, and kind, and gentle."
She felt her heart swell with emotion as she gushed about her fiance.
"Good morning!' Anne greeted, holding a small bouquet of flowers. "Are you excited?'
Carrie nodded. "Yeah….but...I...I'm a little nervous too…"
"That's okay." She said, stroking her side in comfort. "Being nervous is normal….but it's going to be great!"
"Thank you…." Carrie said with a small smile.
"Well, everything's set up." Anne said. "Are you ready?"
Carrie exhaled slightly. "Ready…."
Anne carried Shock and Carrie over to the work bench where the wedding was set up.
Since in this story’s world human society knows about the living tools, shouldn’t Carrie and IG be able to have a more “official” wedding?
Or do tools just prefer their weddings done in… “DIY style”?
She set them both down. 
Sorry, that joke was bad.
Carrie looked around. "Where's Iron Grip?"
Anne frowned and looked around. "I don't know...I'll go look for him…."
Anne walked off, leaving Carrie with Shock.
"Where could he be?" Carrie asked, mainly to herself.
"Did you ever consider the possibility that you have a run away groom on your hands?" Wisp spoke up from the other workbench.
In that context, “runaway” should be one word.
"What are you doing here?" Carrie asked. "You weren't invited to this wedding."
Um, you’re having the wedding in the garage. Where he lives.
"Hey, I'm just saying." Wisp said. "It's possible he abandoned you."
"Iron Grip would never do that!" Carrie argued. "He loves me!"
"Mhm, and that's why he left you at the altar?" He asked.
"He didn't! He's just running late!"
"You have some nerve, coming to Carrie's wedding and pulling this crap!" Shock yelled. "Just leave!"
Yeah! Get out of here, you worse version of Iago!
Wisp smirked slightly. "All right ladies, I'll go. But, you should really think about what I said…" Then he hopped off.
Tears swelled up in Carrie's eyes, as she leaned against Shock.
Unnecessary comma! Woohoo!
Shock pulled her closer and comforted her. "Don't listen to him. Iron Grip wouldn't leave you like that." She wiped a stray tear away from Carrie's cheek.
Wow, another character who’s unrealistically pure, compassionate, kind, and always somehow does the best thing possible in any given circumstance. Plunker, I think you have some competition!
She sniffled and leaned closer to her. When Anne came back, she quickly tried to compose herself.
Carrie quickly noticed she was empty handed. 
"Where's Iron Grip?" 
Anne frowned and shook her head. "I…. don't know…."
Tears rolled down Carrie's cheek as she started to cry again. 
Anne picked her up and hugged her close. 
"I...I can't believe he just left me like this?" Carrie sobbed into her. 
"No, no, Iron Grip wouldn't leave you…." Anne frowned. "Maybe…. maybe I just didn't look hard enough….He could still be around the garage.'
Yeah, right.
"You really think so?" Carrie sniffled.
"We can look around for him if you want." She offered.
"Thank you." Carried sniffled.
Anne, Carrie, and Shock went around the garage, looking all over for Iron Grip.
Wisp watched from atop a shelf, beaming with pride as he watched them scurry around. Like mice in a maze...it's kind of sad,really.
No, your punctuation is what’s pretty sad here.
Defeated, Carrie leaned against an old toolbox and sighed deeply.
Shock joined her shortly after, sitting beside her.
"He's not here…" Carrie sniffled. "He's gone…."
"He's gone!" She sobbed.
"My, my, I've heard of a blushing bride before, but never a sobbing bride." Wisp let out a dry chuckle.
Is he still on the shelf, or did he hop down to their level? Describe, writer, describe!
"Back off!" Shock warned. "Why can't you just leave her alone!?"
"I just came to check on how the ceremony was going."
"Well, no one asked you to!" Shock said, getting angrier. "Now go!"
"I just wanted to see if Iron Grip had shown up."
"Go!" She snapped again.
Wisp shrugged it off and turned away. "Suit yourself…"
How. Does he shrug. Without shoulders?!
Shock pulled Carrie closer and let her cry into her. "It's going to be okay...I'm here...I'm here…"
Carrie closed her eyes and slowly fell asleep.
Chapter 27
Iron Grip woke up to the sound of the door creaking open.
Dun dun DUNN!
Panicked, he hid under the butterfly towel, shivering in fear.
"Good morning everyone!" A woman's voice greeted, cheerfully. Iron Grip could hear her opening the blinds and could see the light filter in.
I've gotta get out of here before I get caught…..  
Something tells me that this pet story is a location in canonical Handy Manny and the author only had Rusty visit it so they could pat themselves on the back for their “clever in-joke”.
Slowly, Iron Grip peeked out from under the towel, waiting for the pet store owner to leave so he could escape.
The woman was busy checking on the animals, refilling their food and water.
Anxiously, Iron Grip waited to make his escape. It was when she made her way over to the rabbit cage, he panicked.
Pulling back under the blanket, Iron Grip tried hard not to shake, afraid she'd hear rattling metal and find him.
Hey, remember that “Mater And The Ghostlight” short from Cars, where through the story of a ghostly monster angered by the sound of clanking metal some writer at Pixar who thought he was being funny managed to stealthily canonize car, um, “manufacturing”?
He could see her shoes just inches away from him. Panic flooded through Iron Grip's body as he clamped his jaw shut to avoid any whimpers escaping his mouth.
Wait, why did I just think of Plunker?
Eh, I’m sure it’s nothing.
After what felt like hours, the woman spoke again. "Oh shoot, I'm out of rabbit food...I guess I'll have to check the back for more…."
Once Iron Grip heard the storage room's door open, he quickly got out from under the towel and rushed to the door.
He gripped the door in his jaw and flung it open, cringing when the bell above the door rang. Now even more scared of being caught, Iron Grip rushed outside and ran.
He didn't look back until he was sure he was out of sight of the pet shop.
Breathing heavily, Iron Grip leaned against the wall of a nearby building and dozed off.
You know what that means.
A flashback dream sequence! Oh joy!
"Great job on that repair, team!" Anne said. She looked at Iron Grip and Carrie. "Especially you two."
Ah, yes, “that repair”. Looks like every single fix in this fic is going to be ill-defined since the author doesn’t know anything about repairing stuff and can’t be bothered to do any research.
"We really are a good team. " Carrie said, nuzzling against Iron Grip. "Aren't we?"
"Y-yeah we….we sure are…" Iron Grip said, a deep blush forming on his cheeks.
Wisp rolled his eyes slightly. "It was more than just you two, you know."
"They know that." Anne said, picking him up. "We're all a team."
"Right...right…." Wisp grumbled under his breath. "...A team …"
"Well teammate, what do you wanna do now?" Carrie asked.
Iron Grip shivered slightly. "How about we uh...we...snuggle in the toolbox?"
"Sounds good to me, teammate." She said, giving him another quick kiss on the cheek before heading over.
That was short, which I should like, but some strange part of me misses the long, drawn-out chapters and all the wasted time.
"Hey are you okay?" 
In all my years of existence, I can safely say that I’ve never before seen someone asking if someone else is okay being used as a shocking, chapter-ending dramatic moment.
(The next part of my review has now been posted!)
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bakutreats · 10 months
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BAKUTREATS .ᐟ navi. projects.
— my grand masterlist !
all works are written mostly with a fem body in mind. with some gender neutral works, reader will be afab, although there will be some works that do not indicate anything about the reader's body.
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¡! ❞ a world of people with quirks, heroes and villains at each others throats. my hero academia is a japanese manga series written and illustrated by kōhei horikoshi.
¡! ❞ a world of hidden sorcerers who exorcise curses. jujutsu kaisen is a japanese manga series written and illustrated by gege akutami.
¡! ❞ a legendary high-seas quest unlike any other! one piece is a japanese manga series written and illustrated by eiichiro oda.
¡! ❞ allows you to step into a sci-fi world where love knows no bounds. love and deep space is an otome game developed by infold games.
¡! ❞ in a world where witch trials and witch hunts are commonplace, a tragedy occurs. even if tempest is an otome game developed by voltage inc.
¡! ❞ as a result of the bite, he gains superhuman strength, speed, and agility, along with the ability to cling to walls. spider-man is a superhero in american comic books, created by writer-editor stan lee and artist steve ditko.
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all rights reserved © BAKUTREATS. all fanfics belong to me. do not repost or claim my content as yours. do not recommend on any other platforms any of the works seen here.
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