#wait this is the WoW verse I should be using his WoW name
marymary-diva17 · 7 months
When you call him by his name
includes : Jake and Tsu'tey
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The relationship you have with your husband is something wonderful, and you enjoyed life with him and all that came as well. there were times when you will play small tricks or stunts on him time to time, to see who he will react to them.
It was a normal time in the family home and you are with Jake as he was cleaning his weapons, you had looked at him and came up with a small prank to pull on him. As he was always pranking you time to time again in front of the kids or neytiri.
Jake " hey honey can you pass me that rag over there and polish"
y/n " sure Jake" you had passed the rag and polish towards Jake getting his attention as he looked at you.
Jake " thanks sweetie"
y/n " sure sully" Jake stopped moving as he was trying to understand the word coming out your mouth.
Jake " yeah wow it very quite here today"
y/n " yeah with out the kids and neytiri it just me and you"
Jake " like old time"
y/n " don't act like a fool Jake" Jake ears had gone down and he was looking at you.
Jake " you look beautiful today if I haven't told you"
y/n " thank you Jake you are looking good as always"
y/n " well I will be back I need to run by the base to get some stuff see you sully boy" you had left leaving jake very confused and worried about what was going on right now.
later that night
y/n " night norm see you later" you are walking back from the base when you saw Jake waiting there.
y/n " Jake"
Jake " hey sweetie I came to pick you up and walk you home"
y/n " okay let go dinner most be waiting" you and Jake were walking in silence for sometime.
Jake " I'm sorry and I love"
y/n " huh"
Jake " I'm sorry and I love you ... you mad with me right so I'm apologizing see"
y/n " Jake"
Jake " you been calling me by Jake or sully all day that means you are mad right well I'm sorry"
y/n " you are so cute you know that"
Jake " huh"
y/n " I call you by your name for one day you become worried like I'm going to leave you for some other guy" Jake soon looked at you and realized what was happening.
Jake " hey you pull that prank where women call their husband by their names"
y/n " revenge handsome but I still love you" Jake had soon started laughing as he brought you closer to him, and kissed your forehead.
Jake " you win my love now come on let head home"
y/n " yes my Jake my husband" Jake smiled taking your hand as the both of you started walking away together hand in hand. when telling the kids and neytiri what happened that found it funny seeing that you got Jake back for his last prank on you.
Tsu’tey didn't know that much about all the human customs, so whenever you do anything he will be confused and try to understand what going on.
y/n “…….” you are going over some of your human stuff that was place in the home, that you share with your mate and son spider.
Tsu’tey “ ma y/n why most you bring this human stuff into our home”
y/n “ because we will need them just in case something happens, Tsu’tey and they can be useful still to us”
Tsu’tey “ yes but it still the evil demon ways as well”
y/n “ Tsu’tey maybe you should give it a chance, verse hating it forever these humans stuff have save your life and many other lives”
y/n “ I love you Tsu’tey and I love the life we have here, but there might be a time we might need combined both worlds together”
Tsu’tey “ ……..”Tsu’tey seem to be shocked that you called him by his name verse husband.
Spider “ hey dad uncle Jake is waiting for us for scouting are you coming”
Spider and Tsu’tey soon leave the home to join Jake and the boys for some scouting. Tsu’tey had felt you are mad at him by the tone of your voice and that you were calling him by his name the whole time.
Y/n “ good jobs girls on bandage up the leg right”
Kiri “ thank you aunt y/n”
Navi girl “ thank you for teaching us this more of the humans, medical ways”
Y/n “ well happy you all wanted to know”
Mo’at “ thank you y/n for helping me teach my class while I dealt with some other, matters of the clan”
Y/n “ well I was happy to help moat, and it was good to share some other human medical knowledge”
Tuk “ aunt y/n”
Y/n “ yes Tuk Tuk”
Tuk “ I need help” you soon saw Tuk had tied her arms together with the bandages, and need some help right now. The older girls found it cute and laughed, while you and moat were trying not to laugh that failed. 
Y/n “ sure I can help you” you had went to go help Tuk soon free her form the trap she made. 
Y/n “ don’t worry baby you will get better with this”
Tuk “ yes auntie” you had helped Tuk with her lesson and soon enough she had gotten it. 
Later on that night 
Spider “ mom we are home”
Y/n “ welcome home dinner will be ready shortly”
Spider “ great it smells good”
Tsu’tey “ son go clean up for supper”
Y/n “ can you take the jug and fresh some water as well”
Spider “ yes I can do that I will be home later ” soon spider leaves the clean and fresh some water as well, leaving you and tsutey in the home together. 
Y/n “ how was the scouting today”
Tsu’tey “ it was well how was your day” 
y/n " it was good"
tsu'tey " that good to hear" you could tell there was something the matter with Tsu'tey as he was not acting the same.
y/n " what the matter you are acting off"
tsu'tey " I want to say I'm sorry"
y/n " for what"
tsu'tey " anything I did you had called me by my name verse husband or any other name you call me, and your tone sound upset and when I talked with your brother he said you might be upset with me" you soon looked and tsu'tey and remember what you had called him by his name today.
y/n " my husband there no issues with us I was calling you that, as I always call you that"
tsu'tey " yes but your brother said that women calling their husband by their name when they are mad at them, and I thought when I was not taking your words and advice you had become mad .... that you are going to take our son and leave me I will no longer have you both in my life"
y/n " there is nothing to worry about and I will never leave you no matter what happens, I and spider are here forever until the ever end"
tsu'tey " thank you"
y/n " your welcome now don't always take my brother advice to heart at times, he will most use his words to pull a prank on you"
Tsu'tey " I will remember that for the future so will you tell me more of this human technology if we are going to have it in out homes"
y/n " sure" spider had come home with the jug of water and happy to see his father was no longer worried about, the chance of losing his mom. Once spider had been told about everything even he found it funny as well laughing a bit as his father tried to explain himself, soon understood Jake had play a bit of prank on him and will deal with him later on.
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thecomfywriter · 2 months
🎇The Naveena-verse Show - Episode 1 pt1 🎇
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SCENE: The camera shows a zoom-out angle of Ian Obsidian smiling at the audience as the cast of ToV-- Alan, Caramel, Cara, and Morreial-- all sit on large sofa across from him. The loveseat in the middle is empty, and the coffee table is filled with glazed snacking nuts and water for each guest. Alan sits in the middle, with Caramel on his right and Morreial on his left. To the left of Morreial is Cara. His hand is draped around the seat behind her.
I: Okay! Let’s start off with some introductions, shall we? Not that we need it, of course. But for the newcomers of our program, how would you all introduce yourselves? 
CM: Newcomer of not— say the name and remember it. Tattoo it on your forehead, on your arm, in your mind... I don’t care. But the name is Caramel, the last fire-dancer, the Redheaded Bandit, and the best Cairoyas magician you’ll ever meet. 
I: I love the energy! For all those aren’t aware of what a dancer is, they are one of the six magical Families in Soilaila. Alan— since I know you’re our certified Mensus, care to explain the rest? 
Alan brightens up and straightens his back. with a polite throat clearing, he bursts into explanation. 
A: Absolutely! I did this not long ago, actually. Can you imagine! — Caramel, the best magician i have ever the privilege to meet, did not know of the Family structure in Soilaila? 
CM: Okay, Paaya. No need to bring that up right now. 
Alan covers his 🙊 with his hand and his cheeks flush. 
A: Apologies. I did not mean to embarrass you. If anything, the audience should be impressed by your immense mastery of all the Families magic despite your unawareness of their rules and specifications. I know I certainly was. But then again, everything you do impresses me, Caramel.
Caramel untucks her hair, hiding her smile behind a veil of red. 
CM: Just go on your tangent, Paaya. You’re keeping everyone waiting. 
A: Right! The Families! As our lovely host, Ian, has mentioned, there are six in Soilaila. The first being the Abilities family, who considered the labourers of our society. Their magic is designated towards the physicality. Mastery of the tangible is their fortitude. Then, the second family is the Mental, though we more commonly call ourselves the Mensus. It is where I hail from. We are the thinkers of Soilaila, responsible for innovational magic of the mind and telepathy. 
I: I heard a rumor that divination wasn’t considered Mensus magic? What’s up with that? 
Caramel scoffs and nudges Morreial in the background. 
CM: You said this would be difficult? This guy is basically just giving us pop quizzes. 
Without breaking his ja smile, Morreial mutters under his breath
M: He’s warming us up, Caramel. It’s called building rapport. 
CM: The hell is rapport? 
One flashing look from Cara has both Morreial and caramel sitting properly in their seats again, shut up. 
A: Well, you are correct in that gossip, though I would not rely on that form of information as your primary source, Ian. It is a slippery slope to invest one’s faith into the meanderings and musings of the ton. 
Ian Obsidian, alongside the rest of the audience, laughs while the camera zooms in on an uncomfortable Alan. 
A: Did I say something peculiar? 
I: Wow! You really do talk like a geezer! 
Alan’s entire face and neck goes red. Caramel narrows her eyes while Cara shifts in her seat awkwardly. Morreial is the only person without a reaction. 
I: hey Alan— you tell me not to trust gossip, but it’s been 100% right about you guys so far. Wanna hear what my sources have to say about how you speak? 
A [face flushing]: I suppose I do speak odd, and that would be the talk of the town… Do go on. What else do they say? 
I: That you speak like a geezer because your old man will punish you if you talk normally. 
A weighted tension silences the room. Momentarily, the camera pans over to Alan’s hand, where he is seen spinning his ring. 
I: You spinning your ring tells me it’s true. 
CM: Oi! Piss off! 
Cara places a hand in Caramel’s thigh, but she shrugs her off and flares her eyes at Ian. 
CM: No, because what kind of question is that? Who asks that in front of an audience? Are you asking to die, buddy? 
Before Ian can respond, the camera cuts to Morreial, who sweeps in with his ja smile and undeniable charm. 
M: Caramel is not used to these types of programs. I’ll apologize on her behalf. We stopped at the Mensus family, didn’t we? I’ll answer for the rest of the Families. I am the politician in the room, after all. 
Ian obsidian smirks at Morreial’s unwavering eye contact and relaxes back into his seat. 
I: Sure. Let’s do that. Next family is Elemental. They’re basically the run down version of the Dancer family, right? They can do elemental magic, but only in prayer or labour context? BORING! Let’s just skip over those ones and get into the juicer Families. The Big Three. I hear you have haughty opinions about these guys, Morreial. 
M: Well, that depends on how you define haughty. 
Ian Obsidian laughs heartily. A wild mischief gleams his eyes brighter. 
I: Always got to be careful, don’t you? I guess it makes sense for the son of Jervees. Haughty as in… I hear you hate these bastards and all their audacity. 
This time, Morreial is the one that chuckles. He pushes the licks of his wavy black hair out of his face and flickers his grey eyes towards the crowd. His smile glows more charmingly when he notices people swooning. 
M: I wouldn’t call that a fair assumption, Ian. I’d say the Big Three have a lot of affluence in Soilaila. Whether they deserve it is up for debate, but their presence in Cairoyas society is undeniable. 
I: You’re from the Big Three, aren’t you? All your parents were from that family. Dead and alive! 
Morreial’s suave expression twitches for just a moment before he flashes his ja smile again. 
M: That’s right. My late father was an Artist, and my late mother was a Dancer. Both my adopted parents are Dancers, and both my godparents are Arcanics. 
I: How does it feel to be the most influential person in Soilaila? 
M: I don’t know, Ian. You’ll have to ask my parents that. 
Ian and Morreial have a stare down, neither of them wiping the cunning grins on their face. 
I: I like you, Morreial. We’d get along, I’d say. 
M: I’m glad you hold that opinion, Ian. 
The audience laughs, and once more, Morreial flashes his ja smile at them. 
I: I’m going to redirect the conversation for a second towards your lovely belle here. Hello, Cara. How are you doing tonight? You look dashing, as always. 
Cara smiles bonnily, once more making the crowd swoon with her soft beauty. 
C: I’m doing well, thank you for asking! How are you doing tonight? 
I: Oh! I’m doing great. Wow! I’ve never been asked that before. 
Without breaking her smile, Cara adds...
C: I mean, this is your first rodeo. You haven’t had any screen time outside of this, have you, Ian? 
The camera flips over to Morreial, who struggles to hide his smirk behind his glass of water. Meanwhile, Caramel shamelessly slaps her leg and hoots. 
CM: Suck it, Ian! 
One disapproving look from Cara, and Caramel simmers down immediately. 
CM: I’m not apologizing, but continue….
Ian clears his throat and turns his attention back to Cara.
I: I hear that happens often. You get the spotlight for just a moment, and Caramel steals the thunder. How does it feel to constantly be her shadow? 
Caramel’s amused expression slackens immediately as Morreial an Alan exchange glances at each other. Cara simply looks humoured.
C: You say that like it’s a bad thing, Ian. Who says I want to be in the spotlight? Who says red isn’t doing me a favour every time she takes the spotlight away from me? If I’m Red’s shadow, it's because I want to be, and for no other reason. Red and I are equals. She shines and I support her. She can’t shine without me, and I can’t live without her. It’s as simple as that. 
Ian narrows his eyes and leans in to double down. 
I: But I can imagine it gets frustrating sometimes. I mean— your best friend is the girl on fire, and your boyfriend is the informal prince of Soilaila. Isn’t it tiring to always have to compete for their attention? 
Cara giggles softly, hiding her pretty smile behind her hand. 
C: I don’t have to compete for attention that’s already mine. Where else are they going to look? The whole world pays attention to them, and they only pay attention to me. Why would I feel bad about that? 
I: But we gotta address the name thing. This is an audience question— shoutout to @illarian-rambling for this submission. Once again folks, as a quick aside— submit your questions through @thecomfywriter’s ask or submission box, or by directly interacting with our episode comments section. 
The big screen shows the hashtags used for submitting questions to the program: #askthecomfywriter, #thenaveenaverseshow, and #TCWsubmitaquestion. Then, the camera turns back to Ian and Cara. 
I: But back to regular programming. @illarian-rambling asks: “Cara, sweet girl, why was half the name of the person who first found you the best name you could come up with? Did your dragon mama not name you?”
Cara giggles, blushing her rosy cheeks rosier at the question. 
C: @illarian-rambling sounds very kind. I’m surprised you guys know about the dragon mama thing. Unfortunately, my dragon mama didn’t speak to me, and even if she did, I was too young and stupid to know what she was saying. I know Galka, but I think she may have been speaking a more ancient dialect of dragon tongue, because her words never made sense to me. As to why I named myself after the first person I met— it’s because she was the first person who cared enough to ask. I was four, and honoured. You have to remember, I had spent months admiring Red from afar in the treetops. Her magic made me sparkle, and she made me dare to wonder about how powerful someone could be in this world. So when that sparkling girl on fire turned to me and asked me who I was, I wanted to be her. So that’s what I became. 
I: And do you still want to be her, Cara? 
Cara shakes her head and smiles. 
C: Even if I did, I never could be. Red is red. I am green. We are opposites, but Maadh… do we attract. 
She shifts her position in her seat and interlaces her fingers in Caramel's hand. 
C: I found who I am now. Who I was always meant to be. It’s thanks to Red that I have. But I am Cara, the Cairoyas Pixie. And I know exactly who that is, even if the world only sees me as Red’s shadow. Even then, it’s an honour to be her other half. 
Ian cocks a brow up and grins at Morreial.
I: I see why you like her, man. Let’s move on and get into that, actually. What’s the story behind that? How did you win her over? Or was it the other way around? 
Cara looks up at Morreial, giving him the platform to speak. 
M: I definently pursued her outright. She pursued me behind the scenes. Whenever I thought we were in the perfect situation for me to woo her, I only realised afterwards it was because she orchestrated the opportunity to begin with. 
Ian and the audience both laugh. 
I: Stealthy! So I'm assuming she runs the show then? 
M: Without a doubt. She’s my girl, but I’m her man. That’s the dynamic. 
I: And I hear Caramel likes to say she domesticated you for her chores. Oh yes, Caramel! Don’t think I forgot about you. You too, Alan! I’m letting you two off the hook for now, but we’re coming back to you guys in a second. 
CM: Don’t bother. 
A: She means we are thrilled with boisterous anticipation. 
Ian chuckles again, whispering an aside to the crowd.
I: Someone ask the backstage crew to get me a thesaurus asap. I’m going to need it to talk to these guys. 
Interestingly enough, the camera catches Alan’s face twitch and his eyes go dark as a flash of silver glints in the gem of his ring. He covers it with his finger, but it isn’t until he grits his jaw and his fingernails scrape his thigh does the calmness of his typical expression return. 
Ian Obsidian makes no comment, but his interest does peak, causing the redirection of the conversation altogether. 
I: Actually, screw the thesaurus. You know I’m just messing with you, right Alan? 
Alan smiles politely and nods. 
A: Of course, Ian. I hold no begrudging feelings towards you. 
Ian claps his hands and laughs. 
I: That’s good to know! Good to know.... I was worried you might go cold on me for a second. 
Alan’s body tenses as all his friends around his exchange confused and worried glances. 
I: Ooooh! Did i just unfold a secret? I thought your friends would know about this! Didn’t you give Morreial the symbolic cuff for older brothers? And don’t you call Cara, ‘Cara-na’ because you see her as a sister? And isn’t Caramel the person you share a mind with? You keep secrets from even them— that too of this size? 
CM [whispering]: Alan, what is he…? 
M: Oh, he shares more than mind with Caramel. Those two are basically inseparable. Cara-- remember the time he gifted Caramel an entire galaxy for her birthday?
C [perking up]: Oh, it was incredible! It was a hologram, yeah, but of the galaxy and night sky, and all the constellations of the night they first met. How sweet! 
M: Dude set the bar up so high that I struggle to reach it even now. Annoying ass…
C: You do a great job, don’t worry. 
Morreial smiles at Cara, and while the crowd is clearly won over by the couple’s charm, Ian Obsidian’s focus remains square on Alan, who seems to be having telepathic conversations with Caramel. His fists are balled, and every time a glint of silver flashes on his ring, he presses his eyes shut and attempts to refrain the sadistic smile that tries to spread across his cheeks. 
I: You’re not the nice guy you say you are, are you, Alan? At least, not 100% of the time. 
CM: He is. I’m not. You wanna see that side of me, buddy? 
Ian Obsidian laughs and relaxes back into his seat. 
I: What is with you all talking on his behalf! Isn’t he the protagonist of ToV? Alan— all your fancy words and you can’t speak for your- 
Suddenly, Alan’s eyes open and a polite smile graces his face. 
A: Let us take a break, shall we? 
I: Break isn’t for another ten minutes. 
A: You are the host. You can make the adjustments to your program.
I: I’m not sure i want to. 
Alan looks up at the ceiling, then at his silver glinting dragon ring. A sinister smile suddenly creeps up on his face. When he looks back up at Ian Obsidian, it is with lethal, metallic eyes. 
A: Hey. 
A kooky smile alights Ian Obsidian’s eyes at the sudden appearance of the cold-eyed, husky voiced Alan. He juxtapositions the timid, warm-eyed version of himself to a more confident, overpowering presence. 
I: There he is. The noble child who turns sadistic with his cold eyes. This is the man I truly wanted to interview. 
Ian Obsidian offers a hand out to the cold-eyed Alan, who cocks his head in response and raises his brows, clearly amused. 
I: It’s nice to finally meet you- 
A: Put your hand away unless you want it broken. 
What once was an amusing discovery has suddenly made the entire room tremble with the growing threat of his presence. Alan, with his eyes cold, was like a dragon choosing his prey. 
A: Do you still need that thesaurus to understand what I am saying, or are you going to put your hand away now? 
CM: Alan… 
Morreial stands up of sudden, blocking Alan from the camera and audience's view. But Alan’s metallic glare never wavers off of Ian Obsidian. 
M: Let’s take that break now, shall we? I’m famished. 
Ian Obsidian nods, attempting a cool smile towards the audience. It is a futile attempt. Something about the cold-eyes of the noble protagonist of ToV sends shivers down everyone’s spine. 
I: Sure. let’s do that. We’ll be back folks. Grab yourself a snack and a drink, and we’ll be back after the commercial break. 
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Wanna know more about the cast of ToV, who the mysterious "cold-eyed" Alan is, and why he turns 'cold'? read ToV the first 10 chapters of ToV here.
Have a question for Ian Obsidian or the cast of ToV? Submit a question through @thecomfywriter's ask box or comment on this episode!
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OKAY! That's it for the official episode 1 of the Naveena-Verse Show. I'll add the TCW tag list below the 'read more' line, but once again, if you'd like to be added to the TCW tag life, Interact with this post here.
Submit your questions! Ask away! I'll probably be back soon with part 2 of episode 1, since I'm enjoying this so thoroughly.
Also, a little teaser for episode 1 pt 2... I'll be answering @satohqbanana's indirect question 🤫
Alrighty folks. Cheers!
Tagging the TCW crew, as well as the last 10 accounts that interacted with my posts!
TCW Tags List:
@lunaeuphternal @the-golden-comet @renasdoodles
@drchenquill @zackprincebooks @wyked-ao3 @satohqbanana
@toragay-writing @the-letterbox-archives @kind-lion
@mysticstarlightduck @agirlandherquill @storyteller-kara
@dahliaontherun @writingismydrugs
Last 10 people to interact with my post:
*i really hope yall are actually writeblrs. something, i can't tell because there is a lot of writing reblogs, but not a lot of wip content??? so ignore this if you're not actually a writer who wants to share their own work! :)
@authorcoledipalo @vinyl-chic @quality-on-a-patch-of-awesome
@willtheweaver @tiredpapergirl @decaffinatedkryptonitething
@awleeofficial @vanillamidnight-us @mariawesker2
AGAIN! feel free to ignore if you were the last 10 tagged and you want nothing to do with this LMAO. this is just a fun way for me to meet new people in the community and see if they actually are writeblrs
Happy Writing! :)
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I love your fic “When the cat's away...”! ♥️💙 Now I really wanna know how they got together after Spider man into the spider verse
Requests open - here
Here's the fic which you should probs read first When the cat's away...
In the comics Spiderman and the black cat have a very flirty relationship and always end up hanging out when they're both on duty, the difference being Cat is more of a vigilante and anti-hero. They also have an on/off relationship with Cat being the main instigator.
After him and MJ got divorced, he started using his Spiderman persona more because he felt his real self was too pathetic. So he starts going off on more jobs and stakeouts. He actually finds himself looking for Cat and following her to find out more about her (ik this sounds creepy but hey ho). And he finds himself falling for her.
*skip the portal opening up and him finding Miles*
When he's talking to Miles he finds himself asking about Cat...
"So in this universe, do you have a black cat?"
"There's one that lives on the roof I think--"
"no no. The Black Cat. The vigilante."
"No? Is that someone I should look out for? Am I gonna get my own?"
"Yeah, just when you meet them...have fun." (I'm using 'them' because Peter B. wouldn't know what gender Black Cat will show up as in Miles' universe.)
*Aunt May's house*
When Aunt May sees Peter B. she immediately goes to the door and brings out a letter addressed to this universe's Peter that he didn't get a chance to open before he died. The envelope has 3 distinct claw marks slightly scratched into it. He smirks knowing it was you, well this universe's you.
He opens the letter and reads...
"Hi Peter. I'm sorry it's been a while but I thought MJ wouldn't appreciate you always hanging out with me, so I took myself out of the equation. I'm truly happy you found someone and that you like your life with her. But because I don't plan on seeing you again I have to tell you. I love you. I'm in love with you. That's all. Have a great life. And remember, you promised to name your child my suggestion:............Y/n Y/l/n (meow) xoxo"
His eyes well up when reading. How did he never know? You'd always been flirty and you'd both kissed a little (more like a lot), but this was love. Maybe it was something about seeing your name for the first time or seeing you speak sincerely without the need for flirtatious teasing. But something changed inside of him.
*talking to the other spider-people*
"so do any of you guys know a y/n y/l/n?"
"The Black Cat?" "Black cat?" "The cat?" "cat?"
"Wow. So who are they to you?"
There's a pause whilst the spider-people consider.
"She's my partner in crime. I'd be lost without her on my side." Noir goes first.
"He's my best friend. I love that guy!" Porker chimes in.
"I never got to tell them how I felt." Peni solemnly whispers.
They all look to Gwen waiting for her. She takes a moment. Then she looks up at Peter B.
"She's the love of my life." Gwen begins to smile. "And I didn't realise that until I was here. And she wasn't."
*coming out of the Portal*
Peter B. is dumped unceremoniously back into his New York. Despite the free-fall and his sore limbs and ass (juicy) from when he fell, he feels good. And he smiles, genuinely for the first time in years.
He jumps back up and swings throughout New York city, trying to spot the familiar icy locks and black catsuit (God he's thought about her in that catsuit a lot).
He meets her on a rooftop, high above the city.
"Hey spidey! You've not been around a lot? Did you go grovelling back to MJ on your knees like a kicked puppy?"
"No, actually. Believe it or not I was in another universe. And do you know what I found out about those other universes."
"What? I'm all earssss." you hiss into his mask covered ear.
"That you love me." You panic and try to swing away. But he grabs you first and holds you in his arms.
He takes off his mask revealing his scruffy beard and salt and peppered locks.
"My name is Peter. But can you still call me spidey cause it makes me sound super-cool, like a super-cool biker." You giggle even though tears are streaming down your face. You'd dreamed of this and actually the face under the mask was more beautiful than you ever imagined.
He leans into your face. "Peter, what are you doing?"
"A leap of faith."
You join together in a passionate kiss. When you eventually pull away you hug him tight and bury your face in his chest whilst tears are still streaming down your face. He whispers in your ear "Honey, I'm home."
*after the birth of their first child*
"She's so beautiful."
"I don't think I've ever seen anything as perfect as her. I never want to let her go."
"Honey, you do have to let me hold her sometime." you hold out your waiting arms.
"No. Did not agree to that."
"Anyways what should we name her?"
"How about Mayday?"
"I love it! Where did that come from?"
"Just from this thing I once read." He winks at his baby Mayday. Knowing one day he'll tell her all about the letter, the multiverse, Miles, and how he realised her mum was the one.
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grigori77 · 5 months
Critical Role, Campaign 3 Episode 93
Nord VERSE? Hmmm ... where's this going, then? Reboots? Oh gods ... a million dollar idea? Yeah, and worth NONE of the pennies ... an "impendent" woman? What's that, then? "Crusty" ... yeah ... ohj boy ... wow, even Ashley can't keep a straight face ... oh wow, this is just THOROUGHLY derailing itself ... that was ... yeah ... so awful ... XD
Matt's evacuating the seat! Alert! Alert! Aabria has arrived! Yay!
FINALE of the Crownkeepers? Oh fuck ... not a good sign ... not at all ... AAAAAAAAAAND just stright into it ...
Aabria vows to knock away Matt's Bless no matter what ...
Ojh boy ... Dorian and Dariax are the only ones with ANY idea of what's going on and even then the ain't seeing the same thing ... oof ... meanwhile the Spider Queen is DETERMINED to finish this NOW and it's really not good ...
Wow ... Opal is currently trying to TALK THIS EVIL DEMONIC BITCH OUT OF MURDERING EVERYBODY ... yeah ...
Yeah, reckon it's safe to sday Spider Queen IS scared. ALL the gods will be scared right now ... oh, so she's gonna kill two of them NO MATTER WHAT? Oh no, THAT'S not at all acceptable ...
Did Opal REALLY just SPRITZ the Spider Queen? You spritz Lolth? You spritz her like the cat?
14 points of Psychic damage? ARGH ARGH ARGH ...
She ATTACKS hope? Now that's just CRUEL ...
Dick-adjacent? Hmmm ... Morrighan, what are you planning? Oh, she's gonna cast Bane on the spiders? Okay ... yeah, do it, do it ... yeah, no, spiders are NOT insightful beasts ... ABSOLUTELY hits ... ooh, Divine Smite? Yeah ... no, spiders are just NATURALLY armoured, it's an exoskeleton ... a weird fluorescent purpleness? Huh? Oh fuck, she's ENRAGED IT ... and it's SPITTING on her ... shit! Oh thank the gods for that dex save ... that was almost SO BAD ... yeah, KILL that horrid beasty ... another Divine Smite? Yeah ...
"Fuck Aabria"? Yeah, 6th Edition IS "weirdly mean" ... LOL
Whoa! Inspiration! Always cool ... WHY are you fighting? Hmmm ... oh okay, a godly lore dump ... maybe not the BEST time for this ... oh, so it has direct relevance, of course it does ... Georgina? Oh yeah, Opal's original name, okay, that's cool ... also O.O ... gods yes, TELL HER!!! And now she's just getting WARNED OFF in immense fear ... wow ...
Dorian! Help you bro! Oh, so the Double D are inventing baeball? Hmmm ... Chromatic Orb? Whoa ... Doirian bringing out the big guns! Oh yeah, I should THINK 26 would hit to spider ... 17 points of Thunder damage ... oh wait, WHAT? And now Matt literally MANIFESTS Dariax ... oh wait ... NO, not Cyrus! Shit! Now HE'S taking all that voltage too ... fuck ... yeah, Dorian just IMMEDIATELY flies to his brother ... or AS CLOSE as he can get this turn ... bloody game mechanics! Wow, and now the illusion's REALLTY doing a major number on him ...
Fy'ra CANNOT see Opanl ... this is not useful ... oh boy ... offered an ultimatum by OMISSION by the Wildmother ... hmm ... DOES SHE give herself over ENTIRELY? Yeah, okay, this is just getting heavy ... godly familial discord ... hmm ... spending a ki point might do it, yeah ... oh yeah, Fy'ra is CRAZY smart ... okay, and now she's JUMPING ON OPAL HEAD-ON ... oh boy this feels SO DUMB for such a smart lady ... Step of the Wind, then ... and FIREBALL?!!! Holy fuck ... but Opal COUNTERSPELLS ... crap! yeah, I'm not surprised that Fy'ra's actually RELIEVED that didn't work ...
Fy'ra shouts "I accept!" and Dariax is now extremely confused ...
The Darkness is dispelled? Okay ... that's a relief, at least ...
It's Ted's turn? interesting ... yeah, Ted's just going to BACK HER UP right now, right? Please? Oh, right, sounds like that's NOT a good idea, then ... crap ... so Opal speaks to the others ... oh balls, THIS doesn't sound good, what's happening NOW? O.O No, not the Double D! Oh wait, no, that's not so bad ... make them make out, that's not so bad ... oh ... please be gentle,. Opal, please just ... do what you can ... "Just walk away. Go see Orym." Oh yes ... that might do it ... yes, this IS totally a mercy right now ...
Whoa ... the spell lasts for TWENTY-FOUR HOURS?!!! Holy fuck ...
NOW Ted's going ... oh shit ... a Crit Fail? Ouch ... yup, Ted's loose ... balls, no, not the reverse psychology ... oh yeah, she's TOTALLY unleashing on Morrighan now ... THREE attacks? Fuck ... one miss, but the next hits high and ... OH FUCK ... a bloody NAT20 ... 21 points of slashing damage from the first ... oof ... and another 23 points of THE WORST possible damage, that is some NASTY sounding shit ... AND a con save ... crap, yeah now she's POISONED ... the effects of THAT are pending, apparently ... but somehow she STILL has her Haste on ... amazing ...
Now it's Opal's turn ... very gently she casts Banishing Smite on her ... oh wow ... on the back of her knees? How the hell is she gonna do that? Oh, it doesn't hit anyway ... hmmm ... oh, so it DOESN'T cast yet ... but ... sdo wait, it's still primed but she can't actually USE IT? Huh? I'm so confused now ...
Dariax is DEFINITELY trapped in the spell, clearly ... so he's just casting Cure Wounds instead ... yeah ... 23 points back to everybody? Nice ... and now he's booking it away as fast as he can ...
Matt FINALLY remembers the Wizzkids plug! Yay!
Cyrus is being IMPALED by spiderlegs? Fuck ... wait ... is he DEAD?!!! Are you fucking KIDDING ME?!!!
The other spider jabs Morrighan while she's distracted? Ouch ... oh ... NO!!! NOT THE GEMS!!! SHIT!!! And now Opal no longer remembers her original name? Oh man ...
Whoa ... Fy'ra's taking a seriously LETHAL wound? NO!!! NO NO NO ... fuck this is so bad ...
Oh what the fuck is THIS SHIT?!!! Oh that's just SO WRONG ...
Cyrus REALLY IS out? Fuck ... a Death Save with disadventage? Crap ... yeah, he is now DYING ...
The new MEGA spider atacks Cyrus ... an AUTO Crit? Really? Fuck ... no ... Cyrus is DEAD. Fuck ... no ... no no no ...
Morrighan IMMEDIATELY senses that, as she would, of course ... yeah ... oh man ... the Matron is HIDING the worst of the knowledge from her ... oh man again ... she pulls a Rabbit Hop and goes STRAIGHT for the big ass spider ... full charge ... two attacks, both hit ... another Divine Smite ... of course ... just the WRATH of the Matron ... yeah, she EVISCERATES this thing on the spot ... yeah, definitely, no glory, this is just COLD ... but she grabs the last of the dick gems, at least ... what does she see? What memories are saved?
Erica is just DESTROYED right now, totally ...
Yeah ... Cyrus was a moron, but he was OUR moron, and he was such a total sweetheart ...
Oh wow ... the fight's just GONE from her now, Morrighan just wants to run ... oh, that's ... FASCINATING ... so she takes Cyrus with her as she goes, because she's a Paladin of the Matron ... wow ...
EMOTIONAL DAMAGE indeed ... yeah, Dorian is just BREAKING ... his brother's dead, what do we EXPECT?!!! Yup, that's it, he's just leaving same as Dariax ... 7th Level Geass? Huh?
Oh, it HITS ... holy fuck ... this thing has to KEEP ATTACKING the Spider Queen for A WHOLE YEAR, without ANY chance to shake off the compulsion ..., holy fuck ...
Yeah, the Spider Queen is PISSED ...
But Dorian's grief is TOO STRONG ... wow ...
Oh shit ... how much IS Fy'ra actually aware of right now? Is she on her own in carrying on the fight right now? Opal is just BEGGING HER TO MESS HER UP AS MUCH AS SHE CAN ... okay ... this is about to go SO BAD ... wow ... Anjali is SO ANGRY right now, she really is ... whoa ... Fy'ra just GRABS THE FUCKING CROWN ... she completely NAILS the strength chekc ... are you kidding me is she REALLY just ripping that evil thing off right now?
Matt is so completely in the zone right now, clearly ... the boy has ONE functioning braincell right now ...
Negotiations? What?
Circlet of Barbed Vision? Wow ...
Oh wow, I love how snarky Lolth is all of a sudden ... XD
DO NOT roll below a 20, Anjali ... a TWO? What? Oh fuck ... wait, okay, maybe this is salvagable ... 9 points of piercing damage ...
So this is a take them both or not at all kind of situation? Interesting ... Intimidation check with advantage? Okay ... with Matt's help, then ... 21 ... nice ... oh wait, is this ACTUALLY WORKING?
Opal doesn't want this for her, but she has NO CHOICE in the matter right now ... oh yeah, this is just HAUNTING all of a sudden ...
Soooo creepy, Aabria ...
Oh yeah, that's it, there's NO WAY Fy'ra's leaving her now ... this is getting SO VERY TRAGIC ...
Wow, the Spider Queen REALLY doesn't like the Wildmother AT ALL, does she? LOL
Dariax is now AT THE BOTTOM of the cliff ... and he sees Cyrus dead ... oh fuck ... oh yeah, he's off, definitely ...
This really IS IT ... the end of the Crownkeepers ... fuck ...
And now for a very painful epilogue ...
Dorian and Dariax head for Zephrah ... yeah, of course they do ... they're just moving in silence, then ... okay ... then the Compulsion's gone ... hmmm ...
Yup, the bigger picture takes hold once more ... fucking Ludinus ... and then they're there, in Zephrah ...
NOW they finally get to start mourning at last ... ouch ... "tropes" ... oh, here we go ... ah yeah, here we go, BARD LESSONS ... XD
Matt: "It is awful." Aabria: "Fuck you, gimme a Performance check!" Matt (rolls): "It's not as awful as you'd think!"
Oh boy ... Dariax's first public busking session ... I am SO nervous right now ... wait ... what ... IS HE RUNNING OUT on Dariax? Are you kidding me? Please tell me he's not doing that ...
Oh, I see ... he's just being anonymous in the moment ... drinking it all in ... this place ... it's beautiful ... oh, and it's KEYLETH!!! Hey! And she SEES HIM anyway, even though he's invisible ... and NODS ... oh ... wow ...
And now THIS is where she chooses to call it for this session ... wow ... I mean it's beautiful ... but now Aabria's gone ... nuts ...
Time for a break, then ...
Soooooo ... it's just Robbie left, at the table ... hmmm ... I guess that means it's just Dorian and Dariax alone here, then ...
Keyleth's now speaking to him directly ... okay ... that's just so totally Keyleth, straight to mothering mode ... I love her so much ...
Here we go, yeah ... just tell her everything, Dorian, she'll understand ... oh yeah, could they get Cyrus' body back? yes ... good, that's good ... meanwhile these two DEFINITELY need to just recharge, clearly ...
Oh yes, and TOTALLY they need to get to Orym and Fearne ... yes ... but yes, rest and resupply, definitely ... and yes, of course she's happy to indulge them in both. I really do love her so much ... oh yeah, it makes total sense that Dorian responds so positively to this. Yeah ...
"A shared solace and grief" ... oh yeah, totally ... makes perfect sense ... meanwhile ... oh yeah, she's still got a lot to deal with, definitely ...
Dorian receives Orym's Sending Stone message ... wow ... and he responds: "I'll be there." Oh man ...
Oh, okay ... looks like this might be their chance to tag along ...
Ah yeah ... this is A LOT to dump on him all in one go, surely ... and an invitation, yeah ... he doesn't hesitate, either ... oh, here we go, resupply such as they can in the time, at least ...
The tree! Yeah, here we go ... and it opens up ... yeah, so they're going RIGHT NOW, definitely ... straight through, then ...
Ruidus in the sky ... great ... that's still as creepy as ever ...
"Seven figures"? Wait ... already? Really?
They're all there ... but ... no ... no, they're not ... that one's NOT somebody he knows. FCG's not there ... oh man ...
Proper reunion ... it's been SO LONG, but FINALLY ... SQUEEEEEE!!!
Orym doesn't even WAIT, does he? He just jumps right on him. Fearn's close behind ...
Catching up ... yeah ... and now ... oh fuck ... broaching the subject of their loss ... their fallen comrade ... oh man ...
Ah yeah ... Evoroa ... this'll be interesting ... nobody here's seen a Bormodo, after all ... wow ... that is SO OBNOXIOUS of Dorian ... WOW ... but he likes her. Awwww ... :3
Yeah ... how DOES the situation lie right now? Yeah, reckon they COULD use some rest after what they just went through ...
oooh, this is NICE ... cosy comfy, just what the doctor ordered ...
Cool transformation ... yeah, she;s definitely showing off a little there ... points for a dramatic entrance, at least ...
Dorian tells them what happened ... yeah ... this is ... a whole lot of heaviness ...
And then the story of FCG's last stand ... man ...
Aww, the crystal dancer! Awwwwwwwww ... :3 Yeah, Dorian would TOTALLY love that ...
And now Laudna's pulling out dead stuff ... it's business as usual for Dorian again ... he loves her but she makes him uncomfortable! It's adorable! :3
Is he staying? Dorian: "If you'll have me." YAY!!!
Ashton: "This is how ska starts." XD
The conversation just got a whole lot more serious ... oof ...
Oh yeah ... Deni$e ... yeah ... XD ...
The pronunciation of Predathos ... oh, I love it ...
They need drink. Lots of drink. Drink is necessary ... much alcohol, please ... nice one, Ashton.
Ashton interrupts Keyleth and Evoroa's conversation. Hmmm ... wow ... that was brief and intense and ... interesting ... back to alcohol ...
Ah yes ... the changes in Ashton and Fearne both ... yeah ...
Yes. To Letters ... time to get shitfaced ...
And that is it for the night. Perfect place for it, really ...
Adn ROBBIE'S BACK!!! I'm so happy ... it's been TOO LONG ...
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rauko-creates · 2 years
Master List
List/links for all my Supernatural, Venom, and original works (under the cut cause wow there's actually kind of a lot lol)
Original Art:
Even If We Can't See You
GISH Stuff
Lily and the Stars
Mockingbird for @aloha-cowgirl
My Hallows Eve: Summoning
Punk Mermaid (b/w sketch) (with color)
Trogdor Fire Safety Poster
You Made Music Over Me
Spn Art:
Art for Carnivore (Destiel Hell Rescue Fic)
Art for Enemies at Sea (Destiel) by @rathskitten
Art for Rapunzel, Rapunzel by @diminuel (Destiel)
Art for The Curse of Years by@blueraven06 (Destiel)
Attack Dog Cas
Both Hands on the Wheel/"Touch It"
Cas With Wings
Cas With Wings and Halo
Dancing Gentleman for Hold Me While You Wait (Destiel wip)
Dean and Cas Kissing in the Shadows for Talk Green to Me by@winchester-reload
Feminist!Cas (On Thursdays, We Stab the Patriarchy)
I Deserved to be Loved
"I Should Have Protected You"
Jack, Winged Protector
Misha (because I can't stop drawing him)
Rachel Miner Skittles Portrait
The God of Laundry and Hipbones (sleepy crop-top Cas)
Trenchcoat Angel
Wayward Ladies
When there's Nothing to Burn
When Your Eyes Match Your Mood (Blue)
Original Poetry:
A Lily is a Good Flower
Closeted Gross
Find Me
This Fucking Box
Spn Poetry:
"Don't Do This, Cas" (Destiel)
"Hello, Dean." (Destiel)
His Name on Your Tongue (Destiel)
I Deserved to be Loved (Crowley)
Ocean's Brawl (for Destiel pirate!au)
Roses Are Red, Don't Lock Yourself in a Coffin You Fucking Martyr Destiel)
Son of a Bitch (Destiel)
The Very Touch of You Does Not Corrupt (Destiel)
Venom Fic:
He Helps (Part 1) (Part 2) (1,623 words) (Rating: M) (Symbrock, Anne/Dan) Tags: established relationship, Eddie and Venom are THAT couple okay lol, kisses, shower not sex lol, Venom's clingy but doesn't like being called out on it Summary: Dan get's a little too curious for his own good about just how much Venom is there for with Eddie's daily activities (Spoilers: the answer is he's always there)
I Saw You (792 words) (Rating: T) (Symbrock) Tags: angst, fluff, emotional hurt/comfort, angst with a happy ending, coda Summary: What if Eddie actually HAD seen Venom at that rave? (In which Eddie goes to get Venom himself when he realizes he misses him instead of sending someone else to do it when he realizes he needs him)
Kiss Him Yourself (618 words) (Rating: T) (Symbrock) Tags: kissing, Anne knows, coda Summary: I'm just saying that there was space between when Anne got Venom from Mrs. Chen and when Venom rejoined Eddie and I think Anne and Venom probably talked, and Anne probably gave Venom some good advice.
Let Me Do It (100 words) (Rating: G) (Symbrock) Tags: skipping stones, fluff Summary: Venom is a show-off
The Loser Who Will Save Him (Symbrock)
What We Feel (476 words) (rating: G) (Symbrock) Tags: beech scene coda, fluff, blatant use of quotes from the comics, Eddie calling Venom My Love Summary: “It had whispered to him things about himself which he did not know...and the whisper had proved irresistibly fascinating. It echoed loudly within him because he was hollow at the core. “It was written that I should be loyal to the nightmare of my choice.” -Joseph Conrad, Heart of Darkness
Destiel One Shots:
'Cause I'm Yours (2,210 words) (Rating: T) (Destiel, Saileen) Tags: dancing, love confessions, angst, fluff, Dean Winchester's low self-esteem, everyone knows, post-canon Summary: Cas gets tired of watching Dean dance with bridesmaids and steps outside for a breather. Dean notices and follows him to see what's wrong. ***or*** That one where Cas is so very tired of pretending that he isn't madly in love with Dean...and also of pretending he can't see the way Dean loves him back. Feathers (2,324 words) (Rating: T) (Destiel) Tags: canon-verse, wing fic, wing grooming, mild angst, fluff Summary: Cas finally has his wings back, but...they're stuck on this plane, and they're getting feathers everywhere. He thinks Dean hates them. He's...very mistaken. I Need You (1426 words) (Rating: M) (Destiel) Tags: time skips, Dean needs Cas, love confessions, fluff, mild angst, first kiss, canon-verse Summary: Dean needs Cas for...well, maybe he just needs Cas. (Written for the prompt "A kiss...out of necessity) Nothing Fucks With My Baby (620 words) (Rating: T) (Destiel) Tags: protective!Cas, BAMF!Cas, BAMF!Dean, murder husbands, established relationship, canon verse, canon typical violence Summary: I was feeling an intense need to listen to Hozier's NFWMB on repeat while writing about Cas smiting the shit out of everything in the way to get to Dean and slaughtering everything that dared to lay a hand on him. Not that Dean's a damsel in distress in this situation; he's actually holding his own just fine. Cas is just intense. Sing Love (2,688 words) (Rating: T) (Destiel) Tags: idiots in love, singing, mild angst, fluff, love confessions, first kiss, Sam ships it, canon-verse Summary: Castiel returns from a grocery run with Sam and overhears Dean singing love songs in the shower and decides to confront Dean with a song of his own ***or*** The one where Castiel finds out Dean's might just be in love with him too The God of Laundry and Hipbones (1,819 words) (Rating: T) (Destiel) Tags: college au, Cas is too pretty for Dean to be smart, Dean's pink panties, fluff Summary: Written for the prompt "I’m sorry you caught me moving your clothes out of the dryer but in my defense I’ve been waiting for one to open up for about an hour now." Basically, Dean catches Cas moving his laundry, gawks at him like an idiot until he leaves, and then spends the next several months not being able to find him...until he does and falls all over himself again. The Nature of a Thing (1,569 words) (Rating: T) (Destiel) Tags: first kiss, fluff, profound bond Summary: Wherein Dean is pretty sure that he and Cas are a thing but is trying to figure out exactly what that thing is.
The Ocean (224 words) (Rating: G) (Destiel) Tags: fluff, canon-verse Summary: Dean finally gets to go to the ocean, and it helps him figure out some familiar feelings
Thief (229 words) (Rating: G) (Destiel) Tags: fluff, pie, canon-verse Summary: Dean makes pie. Castiel is the best thief.
This Is What You Give to Me (479 words) (Rating: G) (Destiel) Tags: fluff, cuddling, established Destiel, post-canon Summary: Just a fluffy little thing about cuddling and Cas musing on how glad he is to be with Dean.
This Is What You Give to Me [PODFIC] (see above for details)
Until You Understand (1529 words) (Rating: M) (Destiel)
Tags: mild angst, fluff, character development, non-explicit sexual content, Dean's low sense of self-worth, emotional hurt/comfort Summary: Castiel loves Dean. He loves him. He loves him. He loves him.And he is 100% done with Dean’s self-sacrificing and self-deprecating. It’s no longer allowed.
We Are Hope (533 words) (Rating: G) (Destiel)
Tags: spn 15x02 coda Summary: Castiel finally understands the essence of hope, and he's going to be that for Dean, even as the world crumbles around them.
You Love Me? (100 words) (Rating: G) (Destiel)
Tags: POV!Dean, Angst, Requited Love Summary: 100 word drabble for the Ficwip prompt "something you don't mean."
Destel Chaptered:
From Perdition: Carnivore (44,868 words) (Rating: M) (Destiel)
Warnings: graphic depictions of violence, rape/non-con (not explicit and not Dean/Cas...Dean goes through a lot in Hell) Tags: emotional hurt/comfort, canon compliant, desitel hell rescue, BAMF!Cas, BAMF!Dean, whump, angst with a hopeful ending Summary: Sometimes, something beautiful pierces the blackness. Sometimes, an angel comes along with power in his eyes and lightning in his wings and grace in his hands, and he makes you remember that the universe has wonder in it. Sometimes, he sings over you until you remember how to take comfort in it. Sometimes, he flies you through the stars until you think that it might be okay to exist again as part of it. Sometimes, good things do happen. This story is about Dean’s time in Hell and Castiel’s battle to save him. Long story short: Dean is amazing, Castiel is one bamf, Alastair is horrifying, and in the end, half the battle is convincing Dean that he deserves to be saved.
From Perdition: Gripped Tight (38,297 words, wip) (rating: M) (Destiel)
Tags: major character death (temporary, this is an Empty rescue fic), canon divergent, angst with a happy ending Summary: Castiel once gripped Dean tight to raise him from perdition...now, Dean's gonna return the favor.
From Perdition: With My Bones (1,896 words, wip) (Rating: M) (Destiel, Anna/Ruby, Midam)
Tags: Canon Complaint thru 14x08, Canon-Typical Violence, Memory Loss, Angst, Pining Summary: Angels aren't created to want. So, how does one survive learning to, figuring out exactly what they want, holding it in their arms, then being forced to give it away? The answer: barely. He barely survives it.
Ocean's Brawl (54,568 words) (Rating: M) (Destiel, Donna/Jody, Claire/Kaia, Bobby/Ellen, brief Charlie/Gilda, mentioned Andrea/Benny)
Tags: pirate au, enemies to friends to lovers, pirate!Dean, naval officer!Cas, slowish burn, openly bisexual Dean, swashbuckling, pub songs/shanties, naval battles, historical themes, lgbtq+ themes, idiots to lovers, angst, fluff, character injury, hurt/comfort, canon typical violence, slavery, racism, drinking Summary: In a time of oppression, the Winchester brothers and their family of misfit pirates sail the seas attacking slave traders and offering the liberated passage to safe-havens, or–if they choose it–a home on the Impala as part of Team Free Will. Dean meets Castiel, a Naval Captain with orders to enlist him and his band of honorable sea rovers as privateers. Dean refuses, but they end up working together when Castiel offers his vessel as transport for some rescued slaves. Castiel, in turn, travels with Dean as collateral to ensure there is no foul play. Along the way, Castiel witnesses the horrors of slavery and begins to doubt his cause. He comes to admire this wild crew and their kind hearts…perhaps falling for one man in particular.
To End Up With You (20,751 words) (Destiel, Saileen, Garth/Bess, Kaia/Claire, Donna/Jody, Dean x Sam)
Tags: Fix-It, Fluff, Castiel Out of the Empty, Love Confessions, Domestic Fluff, The Bunker Is Full Like It Should Be, Canon-Typical Violence, The Rebar/Rusty Nail (you're gonna have to trust me on this one our boy is fine I promise), Happy Ending, Nothing Hurts, Weddings, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Episode Fix-It: s15e19 Inherit the Earth, Episode Fix-It: s15e20, Carry On, Post-Canon Summary: Okay, but what if Dean actually rescued Cas and DIDN'T die on some rusty rebar…
Too Damn Long (4,313 words) (Rating: M) (Destiel)
Tags: 13x05 coda, angst, fluff, love confessions, implied sexual content, canon-verse Summary: Coda to Cas's return from the Empty
What the Water Gave Me (20,574 words) (Rating: T) (Destiel, Claire/Kaia)
Tags: fantasy au, god/fae!Cas, protective Dean Winchester, hurt/comfort, pining, mutual pining, ALL the pining, angst with a happy ending, fluff, angst with a happy ending Summary: Dean meets Castiel in the woods and spends a long time wondering if he's some sort of vision or dream...until Castiel gets hurt. Dean saves him, falls in love with him, and is convinced there's no way this otherworldly child of the ocean and sky could feel the same for him. Of course...he's wrong.
Spn WLW Fic:
From Perdition: She Keeps Me Warm (8,984 words, wip) (Rating: T) (Anna/Ruby)
Tags: pre-canon, canon compliant, 1600s period fic (at first anyway…), human!Ruby, angst, fluff, Summary: Angels don't disobey, don't rebel. It's their murder one. But, sometimes, you just…fall. And Anna falls in more ways than one.
She's Nice (682 words) (Rating: T) (Anna/Ruby)
Tags: canon divergent, 4x09 coda Summary: Anna and her words get stuck in Ruby's head in a way that she can't shake…so she doesn't.
Spn (non-destiel) MLM Fic:
A Howl at That Moon: Bring You Back (604 words) (Rating: T) (Drowley)
Tags: 9x23 coda, canon compliant Summary: The truth was, Crowley had simply developed a bloody soft spot for one flannel-wearing, denim-clad nightmare...and he couldn't help but be excited to show Dean the world through his eyes.
A Howl at That Moon: "Hello, Boys." (402 words) (Rating: M) (Drowley)
Tags: demon!Dean, implied sexual content (no actual sexual content this is just flirting in the bar and Crowley trying to pretend he doesn't have a Dean-shaped problem) Summary: "We've howled, we've bayed, we've done extraordinary things to triplets..."
A Howl at That Moon: You And I Go Hard (1,294 words) (Rating: M) (Drowley)
Tags: demon!Dean, angst, non-explicit sexual content Summary: Crowley confronts Dean. Dean pushes back. Crowley tries to put him in his place. Things escalate. Turns out, Crowley can't help but give Dean everything he has.
A Howl at That Moon: You And I Go Hard (1,294 words) (Rating: M) (Drowley)
Tags: 12x23, Angst With a Happy Ending, Pining, Temporary Character Death Summary: Crowley deserved to be loved.
From This Dark Room (1,287 words, wip) (Rating: T) (Dean/Gabriel)
Tags: pre-canon, emotional hurt/comfort Summary: When Sam leaves for Stanford, Dean is lost. Luckily, a certain trickster is there to pull him out of his downward spiral...or...that one where Gabriel can't help but temporarily come out of hiding to help Dean.
Gabriel (306) (Rating: M) (Sabriel)
Tags: non-explicit sexual content, fluff Summary: Sam is in awe of what he holds in his arms
Honey, There Is No "Right" Way (10,181 words) (Rating: T) (Calthazar, past Cas/Dean, past Balthazar/Hannah)
Tags: Roommates!au, Ace!Cas, Aro!Balthazar, Demiromanantic!Cas, Demisexual!Balthazar, queer themes, internalized ace/arophobia, fluff, angst, emotional hurt/comfort, hurt/comfort, Domestic Fluff, Sick Character, best friends, friends to lovers, Happy Ending Summary: “That’s not how you feel about her.” “Castiel, that’s not how I’ve ever felt about anyone. This whole…” He waved a hand in the air and propped up against the arm of the couch, “in love business...it’s complete bollocks. If you ask me, people’ve just seen too many blasted movies, got so hopped up on the rush of getting to know someone that they think that's it, that’s love, but it isn’t. Love is…” He glanced down at Castiel. “Love is choosing the person you get on with best, someone you’re able to be mates with and that you find attractive. All this ‘romance’ rubbish is just propaganda.” Castiel looked at his friend. He thought about the warm feeling that grew inside him when they were together, the way his heart beat just a little faster every time Balthazar was close. “Yes...maybe you’re right.”
Spn M/F Fic:
Absolutely Not (1916 words) (Rating: T) (Meg/Gabriel)
Tags: college au, idiots in love, crack that became plot Summary: Meg and Gabriel go to the same university. He is openly obsessed. She pretends to find it annoying but actually adores him. (Inspired by and talked out with@moderatelypanickedbiromantic)
Not As Intended (3454 words) (Rating: T) (Sam X Gabriel, Debriel, alluded to Sastiel)
Tags: fake dating, college au, fake dating but instead of falling in love...they find out the kinda can't stand each other Summary: Sam brings Gabriel home from Stanford in hopes of pissing off his super conservative/homophobic family, but they all actually LOVE him instead. Dean...maybe likes Gabe a little too much...
The Luckiest (630 words) (Rating: T) (Gabriel/Rowena)
Tags: Schmoop, Canon Divergence, Cuddling, Gabriel’s a little obsessed with Rowena’s hair, and just smitten in general, she adores him too Summary: Just a bunch of cuddling and softness for two characters who deserved/needed more of it
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earlyblackparade · 1 year
December 12, 2006
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Words can't really describe what The Outline & My Chemical Romance did to over 2,000 screaming fans on Monday night at the House of Blues in Vegas. 
But since that's my job - here goes....
MCR fans started showing up about 36 hours before the show!  They waited oh-so-patiently (if a little obsessively) in the casino for the big moment.  15 minutes before doors opened, the excitement in the air was palpable as the crowd, packed in like cattle, prepared for the stampede. 
Meanwhile, I won $6.75 playing the slots.
The Outline took the stage first, and totally wowed everyone with their brand of rough, aggressive rock 'n roll.  Their set up is the classic 2 guitars, bass, keys, drums - sometimes they're primal; sometimes they're straight-ahead, but always they rokk. 
Lead singer Graham Fink strutted around the stage, slinging his hair like hash, and the crowd ate it all up.  He's an excellent frontman - good witty banter, he introduced songs & he plugged the band's name often.  At the end of their set, drummer Ryan Rabin threw his sticks into the ocean of people, and they were snapped up like a Barry Bonds' homerun ball.
Then the HOB crew set up the Black Parade banner in front of the stage.  As it rose higher & higher, so too did the ferocity of teenage screams - building into a "We want My Chem" - clap-clap-clapclapclap mantra.  Normally I wear earplugs at shows for the band - this time I had to protect my fragile ears from the rabid fans!
Finally - THE moment arrived and MCR took the stage.  GWay revealed, "I always wanted to be a Vegas showgirl - this will have to do!"
Of course, the packed house of 2k+ was singing along.  And when I say singing along, I mean they sang every word of every verse and every chorus of every song.  I'm completely serious. 
The waltz-time "Mama" reminded me of jangling skeletons as Gerard pranced around like an underworld dandy, pale cheeks sucked in.  Meanwhile, security was lifting smooshed fans to safety, including a mother and her young son. 
Gerard is truly a gifted and astonishing front man.  He's just got so much damn energy - like a band leader on PCP.  This was especially true on "Black Parade" as he orchestrated 2,000 hand thrusts en masse.  In fact, I think that guy has a hand gesture for every lyric.  Before launching into the chorus, he yelled, "Vegas - I wanna hear you sing every @#$%ing word!"  Mosh pockets and crowd surfing ensued, while Ray Toro shredded triumphantly ala Queen.
This was a perfect example of the amazingly seamless give-and-take of energy between MCR and their raving fans.  Its a chicken & egg thing, so its impossible to say whose energy is feeding whom, but the crowd was able to respond immediately to whatever vocal or rhythmic demands Gerard placed on them.  Its a good thing he didn't tell them to drink red koolaid.   
I also noticed that he seems to have studied from the great front-men who came before him.  There was Jagger's Rooster Strut, Hendrix's Finger Worshipping on Bended Knees, Axl Rose's Mic Slither, among others.
BTW - I think there should be a Black Parade Workout Video.  You'd definitely get in shape, if you could keep up.  Plus, since you'd be wearing black - you'd sweat A WHOLE LOT.
Oh yeah - I need to give a shout-out to the really stellar lighting job at this show.  I don't know your name, but you do your job VERY WELL. 
I'd also like to give my commendations to all the parents who came to the show with their younguns.  Many of you seemed just as fanatic about MCR as your kids!  If my parents had been that cool when I was a kid, my teen angst would've been severely mitigated. 
MCR dedicated "I Don't Love You" to "our very special friend," Rob Cavallo.  Hopefully that wasn't a secret message.
Frank, Ray & Mikey were using wireless instruments.  This allowed for unprecedented stage thrashability.
Between the show and the encore, the fans sounded like the primate house at the zoo just before feeding time.  When MCR took the stage again, Gerard was feeling gracious:  "Thank you all so much for coming out and @#$%ing believing in this.  We've been doing this for 5 years and it doesn't get harder - it gets a whole lot more fun!"
The lighters were broken out for "Cancer", the first encore.  Its just so MEANINGFUL, man! 
The show was definitely a black mass presided over by MCR, with the congregation reaching a feverish, ecstatic state.  I almost expected people to start babbling in tongues.
Afterwards, the Meet & Greet was like a well-oiled machine.  Maybe they've done this a few times?
1.  The End 2.  Dead! 3.  Disappear 4.  Not Okay 5.  Cemetery 6.  Mama 7.  The Black Parade 8.  I Don't Love You 9.  Venom 10.  Teenagers 11.  Give Em Hell 12.  House Of Wolves 13.  Famous 14.  Prison --> ENCORE 1.  Cancer 2.  Helena
OH - And dude that gave me the CD for his band THE SCIENCE......I handed it directly to Gerard Way.  He says he listens to every album he gets.  Good luck!
What'd y'all think of the show?!
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holdonendure · 2 years
Brothers and Sisters
Ok, so the word says Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. MISHLEI (PROVERBS) 22:6 את CEPHER. I really truly believed that‘s what I was doing. One problem, I was born into captivity and deception. You know that Bible verse that says All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned everyone to his own way; and YAHUAH has laid on him את eth the iniquity of us all. YESHA'YAHU (ISAIAH) 53:6 את CEPHER, well that was me. I was going my own way. My parents taught me about the creator, my father was the main influence. I grew up attending church, but yet I still wanted to explore and spread my wings in this evil world. I just could not see the world for what it was, Satan’s Kingdom allowed by YAHUAH, so that HE can separate the sheep from the goats.
When my children came along, I have three by the way, I took them to church every Sunday, I participated in as many ministries as possible at church, I prayed, did some devotionals, some good works, I was a good wife, mother, over all good person, right? Now those are the qualities of a good Christian woman, so I thought. In reality I was following man’s traditions and not YAHUSHA HA’MASHIACH.
You see I was told and programmed to believe that this earth, that is passing away, is where I was suppose to have my best life, where I am suppose to enjoy the abundance of this life and build my kingdom. Oh, and I was also to just trust that what this world said and did was truth. Oh I WAS SO DECEIVED.
My children, my poor babies. I dressed them, fed them, provided for them, told them some Bible stories, and took them to church so they could learn like me. What I did not realize is that I was hating my children. By the lifestyle that I was living, I was showing them how to get along in this world, and not how to seek YAHUAH’S Kingdom. What’s sad is that I was so tolerant of sin that I supported them in their sin and called it love. I allowed my children to attend events that were not glorifying to YAH (concerts that gave HIM no glory, Parties that gave glory to man and not YAH....) I allowed them to attend a school that taught nothing of our creator and to participate in activities that mocked HIM, I supported my child being on a dance team where they dressed as harlots and danced in a provocative way(majorette dance, etc), yes I am talking about the mothers and fathers who claim belief in MASHIACH and see no sin in letting their child dress the way they do, dance the way they do, and make vanity a priority as they do. YES YOU ARE SUPPORTING THEM IN THEIR SIN and the word says But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea. MATTITHYAHU (MATTHEW) 18:6 את CEPHER, I allowed vanity to be a priority in their life (gotta have brand name clothes and shoes, gotta look nice for others) I told them to work for this system (It did not matter that I was causing my children to serve mammon and to become stumbling blocks). Oh and let’s not forget that I was awaiting the day one of my children became of legal age to drink. I could not wait to usher her into Satan’s clutches by taking her to the club and getting her, her first drink. WOW I WAS A GREAT MOTHER, SO SUPPORTIVE, CAUSE I JUST LOVE MY CHILDREN.
We claim to be Believers, but will push glorifying the FATHER to the side to satisfy our lustful desire of a worldly event. I say NO MORE. Bring your children to their First Love YAHUAH. Follow His commands. But seek ye first את eth-the Kingdom of YAHUAH, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof. MATTITHYAHU (MATTHEW) 6:33-34 את CEPHER
So here we are present day. I Love my children and no longer support their sin. They have now gone their own way. I am awaiting, whether I am still here or gone and awaiting the trumpet call, for my prodigal daughters to return to YAH, because I want nothing more than to see them in PARADISE. WAKE UP PEOPLE OF YAH, THIS WORLD HAS YOU IN IT‘S CLUTCHES. BREAK FREE, YAHUSHA HA’MASHIACH IS OUR SALVATION NOT MAN OR THIS WORLD. YAH put on flesh to walk among us, and show us how our narrow road walk should look. Look at the way you live your life and look at the way YAH lived HIS, and the commandments HE gave while on Earth and tell me are you following the TRUE SAVIOR or an elohiym that sounds good in your head! CHOOSE!
PLEASE READ THE TEACHINGS OF YAHUSHA HA’MASHIACH. You will find them in the 4 gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. HIS teachings are not suggestions, but what is detrimental to your journey to be accepted into HIS KINGDOM.
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sins-of-the-sea · 2 years
At last...
Captain Frascona goes to Hell for his war crimes.
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jaehyunfirstlove · 3 years
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Pairing: classmate!jaehyun x webcam model!f.reader
Genre: smut (18+ only)
Warnings: unprotected sex, fingering, cum play, exhibitionism
Word count: 2.2k
A/N: requested by a lovely anon, hope you like it, and sorry it took so long!
*Disclaimer: I am not well-versed in webcam shows and did my research through wiki so I hope it makes sense :)
“Y/N, you wanna come out for a drink with us tonight?”
The class had just finished and you were packing up your things when Yuna came by to ask you if you wanted to go out with them.
“Sorry guys, I gotta start on that paper tonight.”
“Aw come on, it’s Friday night!” Yuna pouted, but you just shook your head.
“You know me, if I don’t start something right away I’ll procrastinate and wait till the last minute,” you shrugged. Out of the corner of your eye you noticed Jaehyun, the guy you’d been crushing on, standing amongst your group of friends. You pulled Yuna closer to you.
“Is Jaehyun going?” you whispered into her ear.
“Uh-huh,” she nodded, a shit-eating grin spreading across her face. “Now you wanna come along, don’t you?”
You were torn. You absolutely would’ve loved the chance to get to know Jaehyun better since you never had a chance during class, and outside of it you were too busy with your studies and your cam shows. But Friday nights were your biggest nights, and if you didn’t stream tonight you’d lose out on a huge payday.
“Ugh, I can’t,” you reluctantly declined, “I’m sorry, guys.”
Yuna just shrugged. “Yeah, you’ll be sorry alright.” She turned around, hooking her arm through Jaehyun’s and pulling him away. She turned back to look at you and smiled innocently, while you just gave her the finger before walking away.
“Well, that’s all for tonight everyone, thanks for coming by.”
You saluted the camera and blew a kiss, your signature goodbye, as the last messages in the chat came in wishing you a good night and thanking you for the show. You couldn’t help but notice that one of your favorite viewers, peachyvalentine77, hadn’t joined at all that night. He was one of your best tippers, one of your sweetest and most polite customers, and he almost never missed a show.
You went into the bathroom to get yourself cleaned up, but your mind wandered to Jaehyun, wondering what he was doing while out with your friends. You knew Yuna had just been teasing you by linking arms with him, it was her way of trying to persuade you and on any other day it would have worked. As it was, you’d made a killing tonight, all of the money you made paying for the astronomical fees your college was charging you. If it weren’t for your cam shows, you wouldn’t have been able to afford to go to college in the first place.
Sighing to yourself, you went about thinking what Jaehyun must be like, if he was as sweet as he seemed, while you decided to paint your nails a vivid blue. You wondered mindlessly if Jaehyun liked blue, if he maybe thought your hands were pretty, or most importantly, what he might think if he found out you were a cam girl.
Saturday nights were your next busiest nights, and you were pleased to see peachyvalentine77 sign on like he normally did.
Pv77: hi gorgeous
Me: oh you’re here! Missed you yesterday
Pv77: sorry had plans
Pv77: missed you though
He sent more messages throughout the show like he always did, praising you and showering you with compliments. He also tipped really well, as usual, right up until the show ended.
Pv77: i’ll see you again soon gorgeous
Pv77: and i love your nails btw
Pv77: blue is my fav color :)
You smiled at his message, happy to have impressed him.
The following Monday you were exhausted in class, your friends thinking you were studying too hard but really it was too many late night cam shows. You noticed Jaehyun looking at you curiously, and you figured you must have looked really bad for him to notice. He kept glancing at you during class, and oddly enough, kept staring at your fingers. When class was over, you were packing up your stuff slowly, your energy lagging, when he came up to you.
“Hey, Y/N,” he greeted you, and you were slightly shocked that he knew your name, but you figured Yuna had probably told him.
“Hi, Jaehyun,” you answered, somewhat shyly because he was looking at you quite intensely.
“Can I… ask you a question?” he was hesitant in how he asked, but his eyes felt like they were boring into your face.
“Sure,” you answered, wondering what he was going to ask you, and feeling very self-conscious with the way he was looking at you.
“By the way,” he started casually, pointing to your nails, “blue is my favorite color.”
You could feel the heat rise in your cheeks, as his gaze slowly went from your nails to your face. You knew then you were caught, and you looked at each other in shocked surprise.
“You’re… peachyvalentine77?” you whispered, your hand going up to your mouth.
“And you’re Y/N-cam?” the look of shock on his face slowly changed as his suspicion was confirmed, a wide smile spreading that made his dimples extra deep. “Oh wow, I can’t believe it.”
Mortification quickly took over, as you realized you had just been found out, by your crush no less. You couldn’t have him spreading this news, especially to your friend group.
“Oh my god, Jaehyun, you can’t tell anyone about this!” you started to plead with him, putting your hands together in a supplicating gesture.
He looked at you quizzically, before a slow smile spread across his face. “Absolutely, my lips are sealed.” He made the motion of zipping up his lips but not before he looked at you with a sly grin. “But…”
“But what?” you didn’t like where this was going, the look on his face starting to alarm you.
“But my silence comes at a price.”
You knew it, you knew it was too good to be true, your good fortune had run out and now you were going to be blackmailed, by the one guy you were hoping to date. You were too busy calculating how many more shows you had to do to be able to pay him when you realized he was looking at you expectantly.
“Okay, what’s your price,” you sighed, willing to pay anything to have your secret kept.
“Well, I was actually thinking of something that would benefit both of us,” he began, and he really got your attention then. You looked at him to see if he was playing with you, but he had a pretty sincere, if a little mischievous, look on his face.
“And what’s that?” you asked suspiciously.
He leaned in closer, and at that distance you could see the gold specks amongst the brown of his irises, and smell the heady scent of his cologne. “How about we do a show… together.”
You blinked a few times, unsure if you heard him correctly, but he was still regarding you questioningly. “Are you serious, Jaehyun? Don’t joke about this stuff.”
He looked taken aback. “Of course I’m serious. I think we should do a show together.”
“Like have sex? On camera?” you clarified, and he nodded, smiling at your realization. You thought about it, while looking at his gorgeous face, and all of a sudden you were thinking about how he would feel inside you and just like that your pussy made your decision for you.
“Okay, I’m in.”
Jaehyun came over on a Friday night, easily your busiest night, and therefore he figured you’d make a killing if you had sex on camera. He showed up at your place looking, and smelling, absolutely delicious, and you almost wanted to jump his bones right then and there and forget about the cam show altogether. But he was perfectly professional, helping you set up the camera and lighting to get everything just right.
“Ready?” you asked, when there was nothing left to do but start the show. You couldn’t help but be nervous, since it was your first time having sex on camera, and your first time having sex with Jaehyun. He noticed your apprehension, taking your hand and squeezing it reassuringly.
“I’m ready,” he responded, looking you in the eye, “I got you, okay? Anytime you want to stop, just squeeze my hand, okay?” He squeezed your hand to demonstrate what you should do, and you nodded, grateful for his understanding.
“Okay, here we go.” You started the camera, and did your customary greeting. You noticed people logging into the chat, and once you had a good number going you made your announcement.
“Everyone, today is a special show, since we have a special guest.” You held out your hand, and Jaehyun joined you, the camera set up so your faces wouldn’t be shown. “This is my friend, we’ll call him Jay.”
The chat lit up, and tips started to pour in, no doubt in anticipation of what was to come. You and Jaehyun shared surprised yet satisfied looks.
“I’m sure you’ve all guessed what’s going to happen today, so let’s get to it.” You led Jaehyun to the bed, and positioned yourselves so that the camera wouldn’t capture your faces.
“Are you ready?” he whispered in your ear, while rubbing your sides gently with his hands. His touch ignited something in you, and you nodded, biting your lip as you got into position. “I’ll go slow.”
You were wearing crotchless panties, so all he had to do was reach down between your legs, rubbing your pussy with his fingers. He groaned when he found you wet, and the sound just made you want him more, your hands coming up to grip his arms as he fingered you.
“Mmm,” you moaned, already losing yourself to his touch. You noticed the prominent bulge in his Calvin Kleins, so you rubbed him over the fabric, eliciting more beautiful sounds from his mouth. 
“Oh god, Jay, I need you inside me right now.” You had wanted to go slow, you had meant to go slow, but he was driving you crazy with how sexy he was. You took a glance at the screen and saw the tips still pouring in.
“Are you sure?” he whispered, “I was thinking we should drag this out.”
“I can’t,” you responded honestly, “I just really want you to fuck me right now.”
His eyes grew dark at your admission, and he removed his fingers from you, pulling his boxers down and pumping his cock as he stared down at you. You bit your lip as you watched him, everything in slow motion as he knelt between your legs and placed the tip of his cock at your entrance. You took a moment to look over at the monitor, tips lighting up the screen, as his cock parted you. 
Your mouth opened in a wordless scream, back arching off the bed as he entered you, his size not something your body was accustomed to. You grasped at the sheets, as he inched slowly inside you, his face intense as he watched your reaction.
“Can you take my cock?” he asked, voice husky, and you could only nod, “you’re so fucking tight, but your pussy is taking me so well.”
His dirty talk was heightening your arousal, and you couldn’t help but squeeze him, the walls of your pussy contracting around his cock. He hissed at the feeling, before he bottomed out with one hard thrust.
You screamed, clutching to the sheets as he started to pound into you, grunting with each thrust.
“You like it, baby?” he groaned, “show everyone how much you like my cock.”
You moaned and thrashed, the pleasure he was giving you sending you into a frenzy. “Oh, oh fuck, yes, yes, your cock feels so good inside me.” You had a vague notion that you were probably blabbering, but the way he was rutting into you was making you crazy.
“Jay! Oh my god, yes! Just like that, fuck me just like that,” you went on, grabbing onto his back now and digging your nails in as he fucked you, the bed shaking from his harsh thrusts.
“You’re so good for me, baby, your pussy was made for me,” he cooed, reaching down to squeeze your breasts over the lace of your bra. You moaned when he pulled the fabric down and pinched your nipple, moaned louder when he tugged lightly on the hardened bud. “So good,” he whispered, ducking his head down quickly so he could suck on your nipple, making sure his face couldn’t be seen on camera.
You moaned even louder when he tugged at your nipple lightly with his teeth, all while pounding into you at an insane pace.
“Jay, you’re gonna make me come,” you moaned, your entire body tingling as you felt your orgasm build up.
“You’re gonna come for me, come all over my cock,” he growled, rubbing at your clit now with his thumb. It was enough, sending you crashing, your limbs convulsing as you came, pussy pulsing around him. He groaned deep within his chest, then pulled out when you were done, pumping his cum all over your stomach.
You’d almost forgotten about the camera, wanting to just pull him down and kiss him until he was breathless, but you suddenly remembered, sparing a look at the screen. The tips were continuing to pour in, and you couldn’t help but smile up at him.
“So your idea worked,” you whispered at him, and he smiled at you.
“Told you it would,” he responded, winking at you before he leaned over and shut the camera off, leaning down to capture your lips in his.
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bwoahtastic · 2 years
A starter drabble for this verse because why not, I love this family in whatever au they are in this week;
"Hey NICU neighbour," Daniel smiled at the unknown alpha, who he'd seen by the bedside of the incubator next to his own pup's every day, but only briefly, meaning they never got to speak. "Your little pup is next to mine I think, in room 2 right?"
The Alpha took a minute to respond, continuing to make himself a cup of coffee in the little parent lounge and kitchen. He looked pale, exhausted, with dark circles under his eyes Daniel recognised; the first days were tough, he'd looked the same for sure. Eventually the Alpha gave a little nod, replaying in a very small voice, "yeah, my little Lando's there."
"That's a cool name, unusual,' Daniel commented, continuing with his usual bubbly self as he tried to reassure the Alpha. "What made you chose that?"
"His mum is Belgian," the Alpha continued quietly, before frowning and sighing deeply. "Was Belgian," he corrected himself, and Daniel noticed the way he swallowed back tears at the correction. "She um, she died the day after Lando was born."
Daniel released a soft coo at that without thinking, his instincts wanting to wrap the sad Alpha in a hug, though he resisted. "Sorry man that uh... that's really rough," Daniel said, feeling lame that that was all he could think to say. "I'm uh, I'm on my own too so I kinda get it. If you ever wanna talk at all I'll uh, I'll be next door to you."
The Alpha nodded quietly, watching as Daniel refilled his water bottled and grabbed an apple from the fridge before turning to go back to his pup. "Does it get easier? Watching them be so small ?" He finally asked just before Daniel got to the door.
"Kinda," Daniel paused, trying to find the right words. "You worry all the time but I guess it's less scary after a week or so, you start understanding everything a bit more, get used to the wires."
"Has your pup been here a while then?"
"Mia's three weeks old tomorrow," Daniel smiled, pulling his phone out to find a picture of her when she was even smaller than now, a tiny little dot of a human on the day she was born. "But she's very very early, and tiny so..." Daniel's smile faltered as he showed the Alpha the picture, reality of his pup's future always making him nervous. "She's got a long way to go."
"Wow," the Alpha murmured at the photo. "And I thought Lando was the smallest pup I'd ever seen. She's adorable though."
"Thanks, I should probably get back to her, she's uh, she's not having a good day today," Daniel said with a sad smile. "But if you need anything, like I said, we're NICU neighbours so you can come find me next door... I'm Daniel."
"I'm Michael," the Alpha eventually replied with a soft smile. "I hope Mia's feeling better soon."
'Yeah, me too,' Daniel thought to himself as he left, swallowing back his own tears now and hoping their wasn't another doctor waiting for him at Mia's bedside for yet another discussion on her future.
Daniel trying to be supportive and cheerful to help Michael even though Mia is not doing well at all???
Them talking about their pups and Michael murmuring he lost his Mate and Dan wanting to purr just AHHH
I love Daniel just wanting to help the Alpha, probably because he doesnt feel like he has only grip on his own life right now with Mia still not doing well even after three weeks...
Although things will first only get worse ith Mia passing....
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the-bau-quinjet · 3 years
Round 2: Tik Tok
Bucky x reader
Part 2 to Round 1: Fruit Snacks
Summary: You enlist Peter to help you prank Steve, Sam, and Bucky.
Warnings: Language!
Word Count: 1795
a/n: Ahh, part 2! Gotta love tik tok. This entire part was inspired by the first Chris Evans tik tok I linked... I linked all the tik toks I referenced, but the descriptions in the fic have been edited a bit to better fit the scene!
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"Peter!" You called to him from the other end of the hallway as he entered the elevator. "Hold the door!"
He smiled back at you, holding the doors open as you ran down the hallway.
"Perfect. I need your help." You whispered as the doors closed, never knowing if a super soldier could hear you or not. You had an evil glint in your eyes that clearly said you were scheming.
"Oh, okay. What do you need Ms. L/N?" His eyes were wide, never having seen you this devious before.
"Peter. How many times have I told you to just call me Y/N? You make me feel old, and I am not old." You huffed, stalling for time.
"Right, Y/N. Got it. What do you need my help with?" He asked as the elevator doors opened.
You peaked your head, looking both ways before exiting. You gestured for him to follow you, exiting the compound and walking toward the gate where May was picking him up after a date with Happy.
"I need you to play the video on this flash drive at Tony's next party." You said when you reached the end of the driveway, handing him the mentioned flash drive.
"Why?" He took the device, albeit with a bit of hesitation.
"Because, I'm pranking Steve, Sam, and Bucky. They tried to get me the other day and failed miserably. Honestly, just watching them on edge has been great, but it's time for payback." You smirked, knowing the prank wouldn't do any real harm.
"Oh, Mr. Stark told me about that!" His eyes were wide with recognition. "Good job with the fake crying, I would've loved to see it."
"Well, you can help me get them back if you play that on the projector screen at Tony's next party." You nodded toward the flash drive, wanting to confirm the plan.
"What is it?" Peter looked nervous, unsure if he should get involved.
"Don't worry, it's nothing bad. Just a few tik toks I found from fans. Three for each of them." You smirked, already picturing the blushes. This would really get Steve and Bucky more than Sam, but when you came across the first video you couldn't not do it.
"Alright. I'm in!" He smiled, happy to help you. "But, why can't you just play the video?" He questioned, obviously not well versed in the world of pranks.
"Because, if they see me doing anything out of the ordinary at the party, they'll know something's up. I have to act normal, so it's a surprise." You outline the plan, explaining the need for two people.
"Why me?" He asked again, genuinely curious.
"Because, they won't think I'd go to you for help. They think you'll do anything to get them to stop teasing you, so they won't see it coming."
Peter nodded, understanding your logic. "Wow. You've really thought of everything." He smiled as May pulled up.
"I know. It's going to be great." You smirked, turning and running back inside before anyone could see you.
The night of the party, it took everything in you not to wear the world's biggest smirk.
Sam, Bucky, and Steve have been on edge ever since your warning, waiting for you to strike. They were huddled by the bar, appearing deep in conversation.
"Hi boys." You greeted them from behind, causing them to jump at the intrusion.
Sam recovered first, smirking at you. "Y/N. We've got a theory."
You raised an eyebrow, waiting for him to continue.
"You warned us about your next prank, and then planned nothing." You bit your lip, trying to appear deep in thought.
"Interesting theory. What do you have to support it?" You tilted your head to the side, waiting for more of an explanation.
"It's been a week, and you haven't done anything." Steve started, less confident than Sam, but still sounding sure.
"I haven't?" You questioned, enjoying watching them squirm. "You sure?"
Bucky shook his head with a grin. "You're doing it again. Trying to make us paranoid."
Your gave them your sweetest smile, running your hand up and down Bucky's arm. "Whatever you say, dear." You said it with mock reassurance, then walked away grinning.
The three men shared a look, trying not to seem overly paranoid, but failing.
You felt eyes on you for the entire party. There was never a minute at least one of them wasn't watching your every move. You were fairly certain they were even keeping tabs on Wanda and Nat, just to make sure you hadn't enlisted their help.
You chatted with Nat, Wanda, and Pepper, danced for a bit, and ate some food, all while ignoring their stares.
Around 9:30, Peter managed to get the video queued up. All eyes were on the projector screen at the sudden noise.
A tik tok started playing, flashing different images of Steve as the music played.
"Hush hush hush, blush blush blush, you are now my big fat crush."
Steve's face grew redder as the video played, turning into a tomato by the end.
"Love me, and hug me, and touch me. And well, fuck me."
Another video immediately started playing, also featuring pictures of Steve.
The caption read "Let me present to you: Steve Rogers Walking" backed by some sexy music.
"When marimba rhythm starts to play, dance with me, make me sway."
Clips of Steve walking, whether it be in uniform from a news clip or in suits from press events, graced the screen.
He was hiding his head in his hands, too embarrassed to even think you could have done this. He had been watching you all night, you couldn't have set up the video.
Bucky and Sam laughed as a third video started to play.
The on screen text read as follows:
"People: how do you sleep at night? Me:"
A girl fell into her bed, swaddled in a blanket covered in pictures of Steve.
The screen flashed black for a few seconds, making everyone think the impromptu display was over. That is, until a new video began playing.
A heavy bass started thumping as a girl appeared on screen, counting down with her fingers along with the sound.
"3, 2, 1."
Sam appeared on screen, a plethora of his most used interview and press clips being played.
He was enjoying the praise, although slightly embarrassed at the video being played in front of all these people.
Another video began playing, showing Sam acting out different Avengers in a game of charades.
"Oh!" It was highly edited to draw attention to his amusing sound effects.
Finally, a clip from an interview Sam did with Steve and Scott came up.
"The problem isn't the kids, the problem is the parents."
You knew he wouldn't be embarrassed by the same things as Steve, so you chose a few random videos you found to call him out for not always thinking before speaking.
The screen flashed black again, transitioning to videos of Bucky.
A clip that had gone viral from Sam's account was edited with new music, resulting in the crowd hearing Bucky say:
"Suck my dick!" Followed by the song "if you gave me a chance, i would take it."
These videos were really just for you. You watched them so many times while looking for the three best ones.
Although, Bucky's wide eyes and rosy cheeks definitely didn't hurt.
The next video began with Sexy Back by Justin Timberlake.
"Take it to the chorus. Come here girl."
Pictures of Bucky flashed across the projector screen, showing off his physique. You don't know where fans find this pictures, but you loved them for it.
The last video of Bucky was a pov someone made about yours and Bucky's relationship. Although the two of you were flirty, nothing had been discussed.
Maybe that's why you chose this one.
You and Bucky were having a fake conversation that went as follows:
Y/N: "Bucky, I like your last name."
Bucky: "Oh thanks, that's sweet."
Then, in sync with the music in the background:
Y/N: "Can I steal it from you?"
Bucky: "Of course, doll."
Y/N: "What'd he sayyyyy?"
The crowd laughed at that one, knowing how the media and fans speculate about your relationship.
Finally, the screen went dark, no more videos lined up to play.
You made your way over to the guys as everyone resumed their normal party activities.
"What a show guys. Really well done. Don't forget to thank your fans." You slow clapped, enjoying their flustered faces.
"How long were you planning that?" Steve, blush just beginning to fade, questioned you.
"I've had the video made for 6 days. I started planning the second you left for the store." You grinned, enjoying the high of a good, harmless prank.
"We've been watching you all night. How did you manage to queue the video?" Sam questioned, eyes narrowed.
"I had help." You shrugged noncommittally. You wouldn't give up Peter's role in the prank unless he wanted you to.
"From? We had eyes on Nat and Wanda." Bucky questioned further, but you just shook your head.
"I can't reveal my sources." You laughed again at their matching looks of annoyance.
Suddenly, something clicked for Bucky.
"So, you chose all of the videos?" He sounded so curious, you couldn't help but fill him in.
"I did. It didn't take long. The internet is full of videos of the three of you. They were pretty fun to look through." You laughed at a few videos you opted to leave out of the montage.
"What's this about you liking my last name then?" Bucky had a new confidence about him with this question.
Having expected this question at some point, you had already thought of how you would answer.
"Well, the fans want what they want. Maybe we should give it to them." You stepped closer as Sam and Steve awkwardly shuffled away.
"You think so, doll?" Bucky relied, hands moving to your waist.
"I don't see why not." You closed the distance, pressing your lips to his in a moment you had been thinking about for months.
You moved together, pulling each other closer even when you were already chest to chest.
Eventually, the sound of a throat clearing caused you to break apart.
Tony was playfully glaring at the two of you.
"L/N, if you ever use my protégé to pull a stunt like that again, at least include some videos of me." He whined.
You laughed at his statement, having expected him to be annoyed at you interrupting his party.
"Can do Stark."
He walked off as you turned back to Bucky, whose mouth was hung open like a fish.
You gave him a questioning look as he sputtered.
"Parker helped you?!"
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marymary-diva17 · 8 months
Fighting for what they love
Jake x reader x neytiri
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Now it was time to fight for the love that had been made between a couple, no more being blind towards actions made in the past. It was now time to make amends for actions that had happened, and were now effect the couple and their family. Fighting for the love and family that had been built, it was no longer allowed to act like everything was fine when it was not.
Jake " we have been horrible mates" Jake and neytiri are sitting together on a rock after having a conversation with their kids, mo'at and everyone else.
neytiri " we have also been horrible parents towards lo'ak"
Jake " we acted like everything was fine when it was not, we are such fools"
neytiri " I'm surprise she hasn't left us yet she should of but didn't"
Jake " she didn't wish for the kids to be effected if we were no longer together, hey one of the humans said maybe she was waiting for all of them to be older before she cut the bond between us"
neytiri " I told her we mated for life and that we will be happy together, now looked where we are ... I have betrayed her completely"
Jake " we have to fix this relationship we have to see if we can make everything better" Jake and Neytiri had looked at each other they fear of losing you and lo'ak. No navi had never heard about a mated pair breaking up and a family become spilt as well, when it had been common among human this was unknown to the navi.
????? " mama that is not true" soon Jake and neytiri had heard a voice that they knew so well, and soon enough came a second voice that they knew so well. The voice had belong to you and lo'ak as it seems like you two are retuning home.
y/n " that is true I was there young man I'm not lying that really happened"
lo'ak " wow"
y/n " I lived a whole different life before I become your mom, still the same women but changed over the years"
lo'ak " wow mama you are amazing"
y/n " thank you .... Jake neytiri hello" you and lo'ak had finally noticed Jake and neytiri are there, as they looked at the mother and son. After had gotten up and was going to offer his help to aid you and lo'ak on getting to shore but the duo had did it on their own.
Jake “ hey we didn’t know you two were out today we thought you were in the village” 
Lo’ak “ well I and mama went out today she need to gather some sample for her work and I came to help, and payakan had been able to take us further as well” 
Neytiri “ oh” 
Y/n “ yes you should see lo’ak he has some talent with payakan” 
Jake “ oh that amazing” 
Y/n “ well we will leave you two to talk or being together it seems important” 
Neytiri “ no it fine we were just having a discussion about something that all” 
Y/n “  oh then we will leave you both to talk I will get dinner started and take care of the kids” you had looked at Jake and neytiri as they looked back at you.
Jake "we were hoping to have some words with you and lo'ak"
lo'ak " oh great what have I done wrong now this time I have once again brought shame to the family name"
y/n " lo'ak why don't you go inside and be with your siblings and hey why don't you all start dinner for us"
lo'ak " yes mama" Jake and neytiri are admiring you for how you had handle the situation, soon sending lo'ak on his way but the boy had given them a cold look.
y/n " what the matter as I remember lo'ak was with me all day so there was nothing he could've of done, that is labeled as bad"
Jake " oh no we just wanted to speak with you and lo'ak that all"
y/n " oh"
neytiri " maybe during dinner we can have a family conversation or meeting as we haven't had one for a very long time"
y/n " sure that will be good as it has been a while since we had one, that was not due to an incident"
Jake " that good"
y/n " yeah well I'm going to leave you two to finished your talk I will be that home" you had nodded your head as you soon took off towards the home, Jake and neytiri wish that you had stayed with them verse walking away. That when they started noticing others were checking you out which made them mad and jealous, as you are their mate or wife and no one should be coming between you and them.
Jake " we need to speak with them"
neytiri " why do I feel like we have already lost them, we didn't even know they were out for the whole day until dinner time what type of parents and mates are we"
Jake " horrible ones we have failed her and now we are failing lo'ak"
neytiri " we can't lose them losing a mate is unspeakable and losing a bond with a child as well, the great mother will be disgruntled with us"
Jake " I think she already disgruntled with us neytiri" the couple had stayed quite they soon decide to head back home, but when they reach the home they saw their kids laughing and talking with you. Their family is full of love and happiness as you and the kids made dinner together and all the other children, told you of their day as you listen. Jake and neytiri had realized very late that you do play an important role on their family and without you they will be lost, and they are losing you and their son as well. decide to be distance and stuck in their ways was now coming to bit them back in the but. So now they will either take the chance to fix what they had broke and fight for what they love or lose the ones they love forever.
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kiribaku-queen · 4 years
The Blood King and his Queen [2]
Pairing: Bakugou x reader
Romance, Angst, Drama
Word count: 2.3K
Summary:  From being a mere servant girl to marrying the scariest prince in existence, your world changed right before your eyes. Exchanging places with the princess, you knew, wasn’t going to be easy. But could you have found love on the way? Or was it never meant to be?
A/N: Welcome back! I’m trying to post every Monday again, but let’s see if I can keep that up! Honestly, I can’t wait for the next few chapters because I’m going to fangirl so harddd! Look at me... over my own story.
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[previous]                                                                                               [next]
You came face to face with the prince’s cold, killer gaze. His blood, red eyes pierced your soul, making you unable to move a muscle. The rumors were true. Bakugou Katsuki was a very scary person. You’ve never felt more intimidated in your life like how you were right in this instant.
The prince only wore a red, fur cape with a lousy pair of pants and boots to match. His chest and stomach could be clearly shown off, battle scars raked his body. Although impressive, it proved to be even more intimidating for you.
You gulped in fear.
You had to say something. You were in the presence of your ‘fiancé’ and one of the most powerful people you’ve ever met. But you couldn’t act like yourself. Remember, you were a princess now. You’re still a servant at heart, but a princess now no less. What would the princess normally do?
Thinking back to when you would accompany her to her many visits with special guests, she was always so delicate with her movements and her words. The way she presented herself was so elegant, as a princess should be. A very different image than everyone else at the palace see her as. But you had the rare opportunity to see her in such light due to being one of the only people who attended to her everywhere. So when you were given those opportunities so see her different side, you watched her closely, mesmerized by the way she carried herself. All you had to do was imitate what you saw.
“Your highne-” you bow your head to greet him, but was rudely cut off by his deep, husky voice.
“Kirishima,” Bakugou’s voice boomed. His echoes bounced off the walls of the large throne room you were in. You jumped at just how loud his voice got. Not only were you not expecting him to be loud, but you weren’t expecting that deep of a voice.
A red-headed knight, big and scruffy with metal armor still on, stepped forward. His stance was very broad and strong, hands were crossed behind his back as his gaze was straight in front of him. He didn’t say anything but his presence was enough for Bakugou to continue.
“Show the princess to her room,” he demanded.
“Yes, Your Highness,” The one named Kirishima answered. The knight walked up to you and motioned for you to follow him. Although he was intimidating from far away, the moment you saw his face up close, you could tell from his aura that he wasn’t like his future king at all. You allowed him to take you away. But not before the prince himself had something else to say.
“Kirishima. He will be your personal guard starting today. If you need anything, go to him,” he said. You turned to face the cold prince, but his back was already turned to you. He was talking directly to you but not to you at the same time. The view of his back side was somewhat… sad. And lonely. Well talk about first impressions.
Prince Bakugou had completely disappeared from your sight. Kirishima cleared his throat and you turned your attention back on him.
“Please excuse his highness. He’s not exactly… in the mood,” the red-head enlightened you. The look he gave you was astonishingly unlike the character he first presented to you. When he stepped up, he looked just as intimidating as the Blood Prince. But now, he was all smiles. That intimidating personality vanished into thin air, like it was never present in the first place. His smile was bright and welcoming and his eyes were kind. A character that you weren’t expecting to serve under the cold killer prince.
“Shall we go?” Kirishima brought you back to reality. You hadn’t realized you were so deep in your thoughts. You must look like such a fool in that moment. You nodded your head and followed closely behind him.
On the way to your room, Kirishima showed you around the palace. Where the dining area was, the library, the study, the kitchen, the servants quarters, where Bakugou was staying and finally, where you would be residing for the time being. You knew you weren’t married yet, but you didn’t think Bakugou and the princess would be sleeping in two different places. Probably better for you, though. At least you won’t have to feel nervous at night now.
“So,” Kirishima, once again, interrupted your thoughts. You were standing outside your bedroom door when Kirishima decides for small talk. “What do you think about Bakugou so far?” His question came to as a surprise to you. Not because it was odd to be asking a princess such a personal question, but because that he was addressing his prince for informally. Kirishima noticed the hesitancy in your answer and gave off an awkward laugh.
“The prince and I are like brothers. We grew up and trained together, so I get a little too comfortable at times when addressing his highness. I apologize if it caught you off guard,” he apologized. You waved your hands in front of you, shaking your head.
“Oh, do not apologize. I didn’t realize how close you were to the prince,” you said nervously. You tried to make it subtle that you were a bit uncomfortable with this role that you were suddenly meant to take up. But Kirishima saw right through you, noticing every small change you made. The way you moved, the way you talked, the way your hands fidgeted, the way your eyes were always on something other than the person in front of you. He took in all these behaviors with his sharp eyes.
“I assume that you aren’t too fond of his highness,” he came to conclusion. His comment made you panic more than before.
“Ah, it’s not that! I guess I was expecting… someone different? He’s definitely scary in person, but he’s not as some people describe. He doesn’t have sharp teeth or killer eyes. I mean, his eyes are intimidating but I don’t think he looked like he wanted to kill me. But I guess the description of his scars were accurate. But always very manly at the same time!” you rambled on. You couldn’t have the Prince’s best friend think that you think badly of the Prince. You tried to be truthful but not fully truthful at the same time. How would the princess react? Would she have lied to save herself? You mentally knocked your forehead. You weren’t ready for such a task yet. Kirishima laughed at your response. But then his eyes turned a little sad, while a small still laid on his lips.
“So, you believe in the rumors? He asked. You paused to look at him. Rumors?
“I’m not sure anymore,” you say truthfully. Did everything you hear about the Blood Prince all rumors? People made up horrible things about him and you believed it? Without a second thought. Kirishima laughed one more time and continued to open your bedroom door for you.
“I guess you’ll find out for yourself soon,” he commented. “I’ll let you freshen up and get rested. Dinner should be served soon.” He said before stepping out. Now you were all alone. Left alone to bathe in your thoughts.
It wasn’t until you turned around did your jaw drop to the floor. Despite what the rest of the Blood Prince’s palace looked like, this room was fit for a princess. A gorgeous bed, beautiful view with an unbelievable tall window and balcony, exquisite fruits and snacks for you to munch on, a mini library and desk, a wardrobe filled with dresses. It was just… wow. You wanted to have the chance to collect your thoughts. But first.
A devilish smile slowly creeped its way to your lips as your eyes diverted to the massive bed in the middle of the room. You couldn’t suppress the urge to jump right onto that bed, so that’s exactly what you did. With full speed, you ran right up to that bed and landed on your back with wide arms. The instant you landed on that bed, you sank right in. The mattress and pillows engulfed your entire body. You’ve never laid in something so fluffy and soft. This was much nicer than your bed back in the servant’s quarters. The room was so extravagant that you didn’t even know where to look. Is this what it feels like to live like a princess? You even had your own servants ready to tend to you, waiting outside.
That used to be you. Right, back to reality. This was only a dream you were meant to wake up to. You shouldn’t be feeling so happy right now. Although you knew you could never experience this again after this is all over, you wanted to enjoy as much of it as you could. But you were on a mission, given to you specifically by the princess herself. You felt luxurious, but weird. Like you were in a body that didn’t belong to you.
Then your mind started wandering back to the Blood Prince, Bakugou Katsuki. You heard so many things about this so-called, ‘Blood Prince’. So much that you thought you were well versed in his behavior. Bakugou had ruled the battlefield despite his young age. He didn’t take shit from anybody. In fact, he beheaded anybody who dare to defy him. Once, you heard that multiple women went in and out of his chambers every single night. He didn’t sound like a likeable person at all. Were the things you heard really rumors? From what you heard, the descriptions of the prince weren’t far off. They couldn’t possibly have twisted the truth to make people fear him. Right? How much of what you heard was real?
Although you were feeling guilty about having thought of him that way, you had to remind yourself of the mission that you were on: get the prince to hate you and call of the engagement so you could return home and everything will go back to normal. You weren’t here to be on good terms with the prince. Whether the rumors were true or not, all you wanted to do was go home. The easiest way to do that? Get the prince to hate you. You should do everything a princess shouldn’t. You shouldn’t be elegant. You shouldn’t have to keep your mouth shut. You shouldn’t be respectful. Well, since you didn’t know anything about being a princess anyway, you decided it couldn’t hurt to act like yourself. If it gets you into too much trouble, then you might have to change your plan. But for now, you were going to see where it takes you.
As soon as you got changed into something more appropriate, Kirishima escorted you to the dining area where dinner was being served. The moment you entered the dining area, a plethora of food was presented on this long dining table, ranging from all sorts of dishes. You’ve seen your fair share of massive presentation due to being by the princess’s side, but this was on a whole ‘nother level. This amount of food could be enough to feed a whole village.
On one side of the table, an empty chair waiting for your arrival. But what you didn’t expect to see on the other side of the table was Bakugou Katsuki, already sitting. You looked down to see that he hadn’t even touched his food yet. Was he waiting for you?
“Your highness,” you greeted him with a slight bow. He did not greet you back. Only gave you a glance, let out a low gruff and adjusted himself in his seat. Hmph, rude. All politeness was thrown out the window now as your lips turned into a frown.
“Princess?” Kirishima interrupted your thoughts. He had moved to the empty chair and pulled it out for you. You gladly excepted his kind gesture and sat yourself at the table. Kirishima moved to the side and stood guard while you and Bakugou had your meal.
“Nice of you to show up,” Bakugou said. His comment caught you off guard.
“Pardon my tardiness. I couldn’t figure out which gown to wear for this evening as you gave me so many options to choose from. But I didn’t expect that to stop the great Blood Prince from starting his meal,” you gave a snarky remark back. You looked Bakugou straight in the eyes and gave him a smile, one that was challenging to Bakugou. Bakugou didn’t hesitate to meet your eyes, his crimson stare boar into yours as he drank from his cup. The look he gave you ran chills down your spine. Although a tint of amusement flickered in his eyes, the intimidation made you oversee that small detail. His eye contact was so strong that you couldn’t look away. But why wasn’t he looking away either? For a few moments, you two held eye contact with each other, both of you seemingly unable to look away. You were putting on a front, but how much longer could you do that. Until it was too much, you cleared your throat and looked down, picking up your utensils to start eating.
Bakugou smirked at your reaction, almost impressed that you could hold his stare for that long, and also began eating. Not until he glanced back up to get another look at you.
Kirishima saw that. He looked back and forth between you and his best friend during your stare down. It took everything in him to not chuckle, so he bit the inside of his cheek to refrain from showing any reaction. But he saw the second take Bakugou shot at you. Oh? Was something going on already?
A/N: Please let me know your thoughts and if it’s getting interesting! Hopefully I tagged everybody and if not, please let me know! Also let me know if you want to be tagged and I’ll gladly add you!
Tagged: @superblyspeedydragon​ @melasnchz-things​ @animexholic​ @bkgwrites​ @sam-i-am-1025​ @apexqueenie​
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issaxcharlie · 4 years
Pairing: Alive! Luke Patterson x Fem Reader
Summary: Inspired by Nickelodeon’s Spectacular! Luke Patterson needs the money for his bands demo, and miraculously, that same night he gets an offer to fix his problem. The catch? Rockstar boy has to join his school’s show choir and put up with their fearless Female Lead Singer. (don’t come here searching for accuracy remember it’s inspired by a movie)
Note: I had a lot of fun with this one, hope you like it! Oh and it’s a little long so keep it in mind +8k👀💜
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Say this is not her scene would be to fall short, but she has to make sacrifices to find greatness. The first thing she notices when she walks into the little club, is that it's packed. The people look excited and somewhat desperate and she doesn't blame them. The pamphlet marked they were supposed to start at 8:00 p.m. and it's already 8:40. She makes her way carefully until she finds a perfect place in the middle of the room.
The musicians take the stage visibly anxious, especially Alex who cannot stop moving his hands trying to probably calm himself down. Reggie and the rhythm guitarist take their positions. They look at each other one last time before beginning to play the enveloping sound of the pop-rock song. The bass line sounds insane and she hasn't heard Alex play drums in years, he’s exceptional. They could both play without their singer all night and she wouldn't mind.
The space in the center of the stage that belongs to who she came to see today, completely empty. The bassist seems about to take the first verse when Sunset Curve lead guitarist and vocalist Luke Patterson appears on stage.
She has seen him multiple times in the hallways laughing with her childhood best friend, Alex Mercer and her lab partner, Reggie Peters, but she has never spoken directly to him. Still, it's hard not to notice how handsome he is and how much of a charismatic personality he has.
“I'm living my life just the way I like, they say I get a little too loud. Try to push me in a box, over analyze. But I'm never gunna turn it down”
His voice is enchanting and mesmerizing, a sound that immediately reminds her of the best rockers in history and his movements and energy are electrifying. In seconds the entire audience is jumping and dancing to the beat.
“They say never and I say right now!” Y/N analyzes him excitedly. The passion with which he sings and plays his guitar reminds her of when she is on stage, although the two of them dedicate themselves to totally different things, their love for music is the same. She definitely has a lot of work to do to polish him and make him the perfect performer she needs, but if there's anyone who can accomplish the impossible, it's her.
“No one's gonna stop me tonight! Thank you, we are Sunset Curve, tell your friends!” The presentation ends and Sunset Curve leaves the stage. The girl moves quickly to catch up with them at the back of the club, but when she finally arrives, screams can be heard from two of the members of the band.
“I know you don’t like me, Bobby. But trying to sabotage the show by giving me the wrong time is just the most stupidest thing you've ever done!” The guitarist looks furious, his muscles are really tense and Y/N can't help staring at his biceps way more than she probably should.
"This fight of egos between the two of you has to stop, we can no longer continue to be in the middle." The bassist cries out, tired of all the bickering.
“You no longer have to, Reggie. It’s time to decide. The lousy rocker or me. Remember that the money for the demo is mine before choosing... I'm not sure Patterson's lyrics can compete without the money to record them.”
The guitarist looks down at the ground, a mixture of anger and sadness on his face. Alex and Reggie turn to see each other for a second and then position themselves on either side of Luke, no sign of doubt on their faces.
“We’ll find a way without you. Let’s see If you find one without us.” Reggie declared with a little smirk. Bobby grabs his stuff and gets into his truck without looking back, completely furious.
"Some things Bobby was angry about are true and you have to improve them. You are not a solo artist, you are part of a band." Alex points to Luke as soon as the truck is out of sight, but before he can respond the blonde intercepts the girl at the door.
“Y/N?” The three of them turn to see her, Reggie smiles at her while Luke looks pissed off.
“Hey guys, I came to talk to Luke.” Luke frowns in surprise while the other two gape for a few seconds.
"Really?” Y/N turns with a murderous face towards her friend, who puts his hands in his pockets and begins to walk. “...Okay. Meanwhile Reg and I are going to figure out how to get the drums in Luke's car."
"If you come for an autograph please be quick, I don't feel like socializing." The guitarist declares to the wind, not wanting to pay attention to the stranger who approaches him in the middle of the alley, no matter how cute she looks.
“I’m not a fan.” She confesses in a firm voice, trying to measure the situation.
"Oh, then I'll go. See you later beautiful." He's about to leave when her voice stops him.
“Patterson, come back here!” There's something about her tone that makes Luke suddenly interested. He turns to see her carefully, her chin is up, her shoulders back. Her lips are press together and her eyes look determined and he can't help but admit that the confidence she projects is really doing something to him.
“2 minutes, firecracker.”
“I’m Y/N Y/L.” Faced with no comment from the guitarist, she decides to continue. “I need a male lead singer for my group and I think you might be the perfect fit, after I'm done with you, of course."
He’s unable to believe what he hears. “A band? I think you know pretty well I'm already in one.”
“It’s not a band, it’s a group. THE group If I can say so myself. Spectacular!” She affirms with the first smile he sees her that night, and he can't believe it is possible that she can look even more beautiful.
"Don't you think you're exaggerating a bit with the spectacular thing? At least tell me the name or what kind of band is." She rolls her eyes and he chuckles in response, thinking it was adorable and hot at the same time.
“I already told you, Spectacular! It’s a show choir.”
“Is this a joke? Did Bobby sent you?”
“No and no. I know it’s not really your style, but I’m telling you I can make it work. I heard a bit of the conversation you had with the band, the prize of Nationals is 10,000 dollars. I'm willing to give you half for the demo, if we win, obviously. And I can assure you we will if you accept and do absolutely everything I say.”
“Firecracker, are you trying to tell me that all I have to do to raise the money is put on some stupid cowboy or tiger-print outfit and humiliate myself in front of an entire audience with my best jazz hands? Wow, sounds like a dream!” Maybe he got a bit too sarcastic, but meh, as pretty as she is, she's still a stranger.
“My name is Y/N, and I'm not appreciating your tone of voice.” By this moment the girl seems tired of the musician, who feels the frustration in her and tries to be more gentle.
“I- I’m sorry. Thanks for the offer, but I don't feel as desperate yet as to end my reputation in that way. I hope you find what you are looking for, but that’s just not me. I'm just a guitarist.” She nods, entwining her arms against her chest. He admires her for a few more seconds and turns to his car, where his friends are already waiting for him to help with the drums.
Before getting behind the wheel he turns to her one last time, but she is nowhere to be seen.
Fights between Luke and Bobby weren't new to the band. The big-headed attitude of both collided practically all the time and things had been getting worse in recent months with the more overconfident attitude of the guitarist, but they never imagined that they would end up in this situation.
The days go by and the boys are running out of time. They have to deliver the demo to the Orpheum offices in two months so that they can be taken into account for the great concert they will hold at the end of the year presenting the best new talents in the city. All they've heard from Bobby is that he's trying to build his own band but without much success. Still, he doesn’t fold his hands and continues to try on his own.
The three remaining members of Sunset Curve are in Alex's room lying on the floor with their instruments around trying to think of solutions, when Y/N's voice coming from outside refreshes the blonde's memory. “What did Y/N want to talk to you the other day?”
“Who?” Luke narrows his eyes in confusion.
“Y/N? The captain of the school’s show choir? She went to talk to you after Bobby left the band. Small, fire in her eyes, a lot of attitude.”
“OH, Firecracker! So that group is our school's choir? that's even worse. She tried to recruit me, even offered me the money for the demo if we win the competition in which they will participate.”
“What? She wants you in Spectacular? What did you said?” Alex heard that his friend's ex-boyfriend broke up with her and joined last year's national champions, but he never imagined that she would try to replace him with someone like Luke. Luke is distracted by a melody and doesn’t answer his friend's question.
"Why does your mom always leave her music on when she leaves to work?" The music is definitely not his style, they are always usually pop songs or even songs from musicals, but the singer's voice is one of the most beautiful he has ever heard so it never bothers him.
“It’s not her music, is Y/N.” Alex responds, wondering what the young woman is up to since she is never usually home at this hour.
“Who?” Alex's eyes widen, not able to believe his friend.
“Really? I already told you!” The guitarist tilts his head and shrugs. “Firecracker?”
“What does firecracker have to do with this?” Alex opens his balcony curtains and the silhouette of a young woman singing and dancing through her transparent pink ones comes to their visions.
“She’s so good bro, I thought it was a record too.” Reggie looks at her with a big smile as Alex rolls his eyes at Luke.
As soon as he sees her, the musician is in a trance, admiring the grace and energy with which she moves, wanting with all his might to remove the pink curtain that does not allow him to see her properly.
The song ends and a well-known melody begins to play with prominent bass and drums. “Guys, shut up! I’m trying to hear her sing.”
“It’s not us, man.” Reggie answers almost screaming with how loud the girl’s music is.
“What do you-” Luke turns around and sees his friends with their hands raised, the cables finally connecting in his brain. "She is listening our song?"
"Not just listening, she's also destroying your career, her vocals are amazing." The black-haired boy adds, smirking and running to connect his bass.
Luke excitedly opens the balcony window and sings the pre-chorus as loud as he can to get the singer's attention. “Call me in the morning to apologize, every little lie gives me butterflies.” She immediately turns around and smiles at the guitarist's cocky smile. She opens the curtain and the window and her sunset curve t-shirt is the first thing the band notices.
“Something in the way you're looking through my eyes, don't know if I'm gonna make it out alive.” Luke sings seductively towards her, each word fully dedicated to the woman in front of him.
Reggie accompanies them with his bass while Alex looks at his friends incredulously, an "Are you fucking kidding me." Comes out of the blonde almost like a whisper when he identifies the shirt that the girl wears as his.
Both sing the chorus together and the chemistry is unquestionable. Alex had never thought of this two together because at first glance they seem completely different, but thinking about it a little more deeply they couldn't be more similar. They are both passionate, headstrong, live for the stage, and are ridiculously talented and confident.
“Fight so dirty, but you love so sweet. Talk so pretty, but your heart got teeth. Late night devil, put your hands on me. And never, never, never ever let go.”
The performance between the duo is playful, driving, sexy and intense and Alex and Reggie can't help but feel like they're interrupting a private moment. As soon as the song ends, the girl moves closer to the window, blows them a kiss and closes it.
"Where did that woman come from?" Luke whispers as he tries to catch his breath. Nobody had enchanted him so much just by singing, well, nobody had enchanted him, period. But she’s definitely something.
“She has been my neighbor since we were 6 years old, we used to be best friends but we both drifted apart when we entered high school. She’s amazing, the best performer in the city.” Alex informs him and then Reggie adds his own piece of valuable information. “She’s my lab partner. Fun, smart, beautiful, the whole deal. A true gem.”
“Answering your question, I said no to her offer. But I guess the group of someone this rad can't be that bad. And we really need the money." The drummer purses his lips and nods. His friend definitely took the hook.
"Honestly, I always wanted to audition, I guess the three of us could try in, to support you obviously."
“Of course man, she sounded desperate when she asked, and if the shirt and song is any indication she is definitely a huge Sunset Curve fan. She tried to fool me by saying she wasn't a groupie, as if that was possible after seeing us perform.”
His friends leave the house and Alex plays on the drums the secret signal he had with the girl when they were younger, a minute later the girl appears in her window with an amusing smile, dressed in her classic blue pajamas.
“Really?” The drummer chuckled and his friend’s smile grows even bigger, a little laugh leaving her lips. “The shirt was a nice touch. A little much, but that idiot must have fallen for it completely. I want it back by the way.”
“You can see right through me. You know the invitation is open, right? I would love nothing more than to have you there.” He has known her his whole life, and realized early on that she was just trying to get his friend's attention to reconsider her offer by raising his ego, and he honestly doesn't mind. It's about time Luke met someone of his caliber. Perhaps her influence could do him good.
“I- thank you. I guess we’ll see. See you tomorrow.” She blows him a kiss and closes the window. Tomorrow sure is going to be an interesting day, Sunset Curve joins Spectacular.
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Having to face Spectacular! And telling them they still don't have a male lead singer who can compete against Damian was not easy. Her options are running out and she honestly doesn't know what to do to save them.
Damian on stage is the best, it pains her to admit that she has never seen anyone like him. At first she thought she could continue without him, but it’s becoming increasingly obvious that he is just impossible to replace.
Everyone continues to practice the routine, clearly discouraged after her bad news and it honestly breaks her heart. She knows how much the group means to everyone for different and personal reasons and she can't let them lose this. So whatever she has to do, she’ll do it so they can have the leader they deserve.
“I thought the children in the choir would have more energy, this is just sad, firecracker.” She hides her wide smile before turning to the owner of the voice, who is entering the auditorium with his best friends. Money really talks, otherwise she can't explain what would make him appear here.
“Dude, can you please play nice? This is important!” Reggie looks flustered and scolds Luke probably louder than he planned. The guitarist just ignores him and winks shamelessly at her. Seems her little plan from yesterday was successful, now she just has to play the situation in her favor.
“Mercer, Peters... Patterson. Can we help you with something?” The performer shows a perfect poker face, Spectacular continues to practice but they can't help but turn their attention to the rock band.
“I came to accept your proposal, but only If we can include Reggie and Alex in the deal. I guess as long as I’m in whatever I ask shouldn't be a problem." He crosses his arms and gives her a confident smile.
“I could actually do with a few more members, specially as talented as Reg and Alex. As for you, you've already turned down my offer Lucas, but if for some reason you don't graduate this year, make sure you audition the next one. Now, let’s start boys." Y/N moves within inches of Luke to gently close his open mouth with her index finger, and gives him a small wink before turning and taking the other two musicians each on each arm and pulling them closer to where the group is still practicing.
“Y/N, you can’t be serious.” The skilled singer continues to ignore him as she explains to her new members something Luke can't quite hear.
The musician frustrates and walks until he is directly in front of her. “Y/N” He groans.
“I'm not firecracker anymore? That is just sad.” Luke looks upset, but she's determined to not let him have what he wants after what he said at the club, so if he wants the money that bad he's going to have to prove it.
“I’m going to explain you something quickly so you can go and stop wasting my time. I’ve seen your band play, I know how good these two are at singing, which means I don't need you anymore, nor do I have to put up with your rockstar wannabee attitude. I need someone that I can connect with and have the chemistry that leaves everyone forgetting how to breathe, and after yesterday, I just don't think that's you.” Right now she is grateful to be such a good actress because yesterday's act melted her legs, even though they were separated by the balconies. This man is unreal, totally unfair.
"I do, I wouldn't be surprised if they kissed at any moment." The bassist whispers as Alex looks at him with an incredulous face, he just slowly shakes his head from side to side and continues to see the leader of their band and their new leader in a starting contest, is kind of an amusing sight since Luke is definitely not used to having to face someone like him.
“It’s like you said, you are just a guitarist. Thinking you could handle something like this was ridiculous of me. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a group to direct."
Y/N hopes she hasn't pushed the rockstar too much, but remains firm in her tactics and turns to the others to continue with the rehearsal. She signals them to put the most similar song to the Sunset Curve sound that she can remember at the moment to make Alex and Reggie feel more calm and to see if she finishes catching Luke’s interest, who still doesn’t move from where he is with his eyes fixed on her, which she takes as as a good sign.
The moment the song start, both sunset curve members smile, and Luke's voice is heard from behind. “So you're the girl, I heard the rumor.” He sounds powerful and captivating and immediately sets everyone's eyes on him. She doesn’t give him the luxury of turning to see him, but he is not going to give up and in a quick and agile movement he turns her by the hand.
“Why don't you break my heart, make it hurt so bad. Come on give it your best, nothing less, I insist, I want it just like that.” The girl should have thought more about her choice before asking for a song like this. Every word that comes out of the musician's mouth is addressed directly to her with an intensity in his eyes and movements that should be illegal.
She tries to get out of his way but he makes it pretty clear that he's not singing to prove himself to the group, he's doing it to prove something to her. Specifically, to prove her wrong.
“Stare me down, intimidate me. Oh baby please you'll never break me.” He comes dangerously close to her, basically inches apart, his eyes fixed on her lips and smiling flirtatiously as he sings, his eyes glinting mischievously.
She enters the song so as not to make him feel like she’s defeated and starts dancing with him to the rhythm, their movements matching effortlessly as they move across the stage.
She pulls herself back as far as she can, but Luke surprises everyone by doing a body roll on the floor, his arms looking more gorgeous than ever in that sleeveless shirt as they take the full weight of his body without any problem, his eyes never losing contact with hers. All the girls start to do small screams while Y/N's cheeks turn red at her thoughts. He slides on his knees towards her and gets up as he puts his foot on her to make her lose balance and catch her right at the end of the song.
“Why don’t you break my heart.” They've been in a trance since the song started and it's like it's just the two of them in the auditorium. Their lips are almost touching, neither willing to give up eye contact or move from their current position, until the applause and shouts of excitement bring them back to reality.
“I have chemistry with everybody that I sing with, firecracker.” He whispers to her lips before shifting the girl's full weight to his right arm to raise his left one to her face and carefully close her mouth with his finger, winking with a cocky smile before lifting her up.
Immediately everyone begins to advocate for him with all kinds of arguments that ranged from how sensual he was to how much of a presence he had on stage. Her best friend’s comment is the one that catches his attention the most. "You have even more chemistry with him than Damian, I didn't think it was possible." That definitely sounds interesting.
Y/N pretends to listen to her teammates before saying Luke can enter the group. The truth is that she knew from the first moment she saw him perform with Sunset Curve that he was a star, but this facet without the guitar and irradiating passion from his pores was something that left her speechless.
Still, she knew all the work that would go into preparing the band and it really was exhausting. For them to understand that they couldn't just sing like they do at the club, that there are rules to follow, dance steps they have to learn, facial expressions they have to master, notes they have to hit perfectly, wasn’t easy but they succeeded.
Along the way, she regained her bond with Alexander, her friendship with Reggie grew stronger, and each day she felt closer to Luke. She has been practicing a duet with him for weeks now, and the chemistry that they have set to burn the stage more than once. It was hard for her to ignore how the guitarist's hands feel on her thighs as he lifts her or the way he wraps himself around her, breathing softly down her neck or brushing his lips teasingly over her cheekbone. Both are very physical to show affection so small contacts such as hugs or caresses, as well as small kisses on the cheek or hand were very recurrent. They had also gone out multiple times alone and with their friends, from the cinema, the park, to see them play, to small parties at home, to midnight talks.
Reggie was the one who had her alone the most because they were lab partners, but no matter how hard the bassist tried to get information from the girl, he never succeeded. The truth is that not even she knows what is happening with the guitarist, she is for the first time in her life letting herself be carried away and enjoying the moment, and she’s loving it.
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Luke and Alex are in detention after the brown haired boy made a mess in the classroom by putting together a little concert with the help of the blonde, and as they die of boredom, his mind can’t help to go to her for the 14th time of the day. "How did she end up in the show choir?"
Alex is blank for a few seconds but analyzes the question and realizes who they are talking about. “Spectacular used to be the most important show choir in the country, led by her mother, may she rest in peace. Y/N always wanted to be a part of it and when she lost her, it became a goal. She suffered a lot to get to the perfect star we see today, especially because her father is rarely there since he works outside the country. She has practically had to face alone auditions, injuries, she had to learn to sew, comb her hair and put on makeup for the show, sing for hours her solos with no one to encourage her, without mention that the current director could not care less about the group and practically leaves all the work to her. That’s why she’s so be fearless, she kind of has to."
“I didn’t know.” The sight of Y/N as happy as ever with his mother when he took her home for lunch the week before appears in his memory. She looked radiant as she ate his mother's famous stew and listened to stories of little Luke as he gently stroked her thigh while songwriting with his other hand. When was the last time she got to experience something as homelike as that? Luke probably doesn’t want to know.
Alex's sad voice brings him back to the conversation.“I was supposed to be there, you know? At first I was. We were going to audition for Spectacular together, but that summer I met you and Sunset Curve was born, and I didn’t have the time anymore so I abandoned her. I knew how important it was for her to have me there, and I didn't even go to her audition. And do you know how many times she has reproached me? Not even one.”
Luke knows that Alex would never hurt her on purpose and that the situation was probably much more complicated than he expresses it, so he reassures him and lets him know that she loves him and is proud that he took his own path. As soon as the blonde calms down, he begins to tell him multiple stories about when he and the girl were kids, the songwriter takes out his journal and begins to add lyrics to the song he has been working on, more inspired than ever.
“You are falling so deeply for her, man. I’m happy for you both.” His friend comments to him while reading the verses written on the paper. He totally is.
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“Bowling, nice. I'm going to finish you off, Patterson.”
“As sexy as your confidence sounds, I'm not going to let you win.”
“I'm pretty sure you've never gone bowling.” Alex adds with furrowed eyebrows.
“Your point is, Mercer?” She wrinkles her nose and sticks out her tongue. Reggie chuckles amused.
"How can you be so sure that you are going to win?"
“Oh, my dear cute blonde. I’m good at everything.” She makes a slight remark on everything with her eyes fixed on the guitarist, who chokes while blushing.
She smiles cheekily at him and confidently steps into the room, Sunset Curve behind as Alex and Reggie tease Luke for being completely whipped.
Happiness doesn't last long when the first thing they see inside is Damian Miller along with a couple of his new teammates. The moment their eyes meet, Y/N seems to melt, but not in the good way.
Her firm and perfect posture now all bent as she embraces herself with her arms and tries with the strength that has left to hold her gaze at the person who took everything from her without much more than an empty sorry.
When she feels the guitarist at her side again, she unconsciously stretches her hand to intertwine her fingers with him, who tilts his head to see their hands together and then to see her face.
She is not doing it to make Damian jealous, but to feel supported. And when Luke realizes it, he can't help not feeling angry at the boy in from of them. In the month that he has been with her, he has never seen her doubt, fear, or believe anything less than that she is unstoppable. And today for the first time ever he sees her intimidaded, and the fact that it's because of a jerk like this makes it even worse.
He rubbs her hand to make her feel less anxious and when she turns to meet his eyes, he brings his index finger to her chin and winks at her, hoping she gets the message. She seems to do it because she immediately smiles playfully and begins to look more relaxed.
The guitarist is aware that Damian was his firecracker's first boyfriend, and he also knows how much he betrayed her love and trust. No matter how strong the woman is, her reaction is completely normal and valid, and that she has the confidence to be vulnerable and let him be there for her means a lot to him.
“Princess.” Damian whispers as he moves closer to her, his eyes fixed on Y/N and Luke's clasped hands.
“I’m not your princess, Y/L is just fine. Listen, Damian. I could pretend this is not uncomfortable and boring but, I don't want to. So yeah, excuse us.”
She pulls the hand that joins her to Luke to make him walk and Alex and Reggie follow behind them, looking at her ex boyfriend with little smiles of pride. Alex knows how much Damian turned off Y/N’s spark and seeing her put him in his place makes him feel so proud.
"So someone is going to teach me bowling or what?"
“I’ll do it baby, but another day. Today we came here with a different purpose.” Luke points to the large Rock the World machine located in a comfortable corner space.
“Of course, is always about music with you, eh Patterson?” She smirks, getting a little closer to him.
“Pretty much, but I can tell that attracts you, Y/L.” He wrinkles his nose, his lips parting slightly.
“Hell yeah it does.” he smirks, not at all expecting her to admit it so openly but he definitely should have seen it coming.
“Good thing I’m into dominant firecrackers then.”
“Could you stop flirting for a second and start playing? I have plans to destroy Alex and your daily session of sexual tension is not going to ruin it.”
Both smile at Reggie while Y/N takes the games microphone and Luke the guitar. The song that Y/N chooses is She’s so gone by Naomi Scott, and it goes without saying that the boys have never played it in their lives but they love a challenge.
The mastery with which the girl interprets the song makes a good number of people come to see the round, including her ex-boyfriend and his new friends.
“Here I am, this is me, and I'm stronger than you ever thought I'd be. Are you shocked? Are you mad? That you're missing out on who I really am.”
The singer sings the verse directly towards Damian, as his friends start pointing out and teasing him. Reggie goes over to tell Luke he thought he would join her, but the guitarist only replies, "I want to see her shine."
She gets carried away with the music and draws Luke to her, jumping and twirling to the beat of the music. The guitarist hyping her up every single second og the song. At the end the night was incredible, the four of them spent it singing, dancing and even bowling, which Y/N ended up dominating from the second round.
Luke thought that there would be no better time than that night to show her what he had been working on, so after saying goodbye to her he went to Alex’s where he had left his journal.
Before he can say goodbye to the blond, screams are heard from the house next door. “I wasn't trying to embarrass you, Damian!”
“No? So what were you doing shaking your hips against the rock boy?”
“I don't have to explain anything to you, but I think it's pretty obvious why I wanted to be against that body, have you seen it?” She says it playfully with her eyes fixed on the guitarist, who is walking with the blonde to her door, her eyes glinting wickedly in the dark. He chuckles, knowing it's the girl's way of reassure him and she smiles as she sees his expressions relax.
“Everything alright, firecracker?” Luke does not stand in front of her like a brave prince, he stops a meter from both of them and asks before intervening, and that makes her heart melt. Because he wants to hear her first, he trusts that she can take care of it and has the confidence to tell him if she needs help, which is also completely valid. And it's something she has to work on, know that there are also times when it's okay to trust someone. That you don't always have to carry the weight alone.
“Go away, punk. My girl and I are in the middle of something.” The three of them start laughing at the ex-boyfriend's intimidation attempt, who seems to get angrier with every laugh that comes out of their mouths.
“I’m fine baby, but you guys could show him the way out? I’m tired of his bullshit.” She asks the boy with a cute smile, and he would disintegrate over the nickname if her horrible ex-boyfriend and her best friend weren't there.
"Don't touch me, I’ll go. Right now the numbers are not working in my favor so we will fix this where it really matters, on stage. Let's see if this attempt at a singer can save you from total humiliation, because let's be honest Y/N, you are nothing without me."
The faces of both members of Sunset Curve begin to tense, Luke's fists completely white from how much he's clenching them. For her part, the singer, who is already used to that type of comments from her ex-boyfriend, only tells him "yes, yes, you're right. It was a pleasure Dami, never come back." while pushing him to the other side to make him go away.
The nickname comes off her tongue in the most natural way in the world, she doesn't even seem to notice it and Luke feels some annoyance hearing it. As if someone had hit him in the stomach. But immediately the discomfort goes away when the girl turns to them again with a big smile and runs to hug them excitedly.
“Thanks for coming to check me out, guys. Things can sometimes get out of control with him.”
"We will always be there for you when you need us, okay? I actually went into Alex's house to get something I wanted to show you but it's late, I’ll come back tomorrow." The blonde turns from his friend to the other, a tired smile appears on his lips as he passes Luke his journal to place his arm on his childhood friend and lean on her.
"No, don't go please. Damian was pretty mad and... I don't want to be alone." She can be very dramatic at times but the fear in her voice sounds sincere, and remembering the scream that brought them outside in the first place Alex imagines how scared she really was before seeing them show up and his heart clenches at the thought.
“O- Okay, sure.” He sounds nervous but the excitement is evident in the way his left leg keeps moving, just like when he's on stage.
“I do have to go in, you already know mom. Will you be alright with just Luke?” He already knows the answer from the girl's radiant gaze but it doesn't hurt to confirm. She hugs him tightly with her arms around his neck and whispers a "Yes, I love you but go away already." which makes the drummer laugh out loud while high-fiving his other friend goodbye.
The third wheel enters his house and finally they are alone. She smiles and takes him by the hand to enter the house. Luke takes a moment to admire it, everything is in place but there are several instruments throughout the living room. A keyboard on the couch, a guitar next to the TV, even a tambourine on the table.
"May l?" He walks over to the guitar and turns to see the girl nodding and pointing up the stairs for him to follow. Her room is quite similar to her style, white is the predominant color but there are many details in pink and gold, as well as multiple yellow lights giving a romantic tone to the room at midnight.
“Do you want to show me now?” she asks eagearly, with joined hands, closed eyes and pursed lips.
“Y- yeah... of course.” He sits on the rug and puts the guitar aside, then puts his notebook between his legs and when he finds the sheet he is looking for, he carefully tears it off. The girl looks at him adoringly, the happiness of having him with her making her heart beat louder in her chest. She sits across from him making sure to brush his legs and waits for him to speak.
“Here.” He looks nervous, his cheeks totally flushed as he avoids eye contact for the first time since they met.
Y/N takes the sheet in his hands and a huge warm smile appears on her face when he sees the guitarist's terrible lyrics. BRIGHT written and highlighted several times in the title.
“It’s for you.” Luke whispers while bringing his face closer to hers, making her shiver.
“You wrote me a song?” She doesn't know what to say. Since her mom, no one had done anything so beautiful, considerate, and selfless for her. Something so vulnerable and full of love.
“Don’t be mad, but Alex told me a little about how you ended up in show choir, your friendship with him, your mom.” He turns to see her looking for her reaction, she just nods to tell him it’s okay to continue. “A sweet story about a little girl with the voice of an angel who loved to sing love songs. And you know what was in my head all that night? That even though I've never written one, I would write millions of love songs for you.”
Some tears fall from the girl's face, she carefully places the lyrics on the guitar and throws herself on the guitarist, who falls in surprise against the carpet, making sure to grab her by the waist so that she falls safely on his chest. She rests her arms on either side of his head and brings her lips against Luke's, brushing them gently.
Luke doesn't move a muscle, not wanting to do something to make her uncomfortable, when he suddenly hears her talk. “And what about teeth? I mean is not the sweetest love story ever told but-”
The boy chuckles, Y/N's curious eyes a few inches away. “Alex wrote that one after his first breakup, Reggie and I did the melody.”
“Good. Guess we’ll have to start making some experiences to help you write all that songs.” At that moment she finally pushes her lips against his, both in a moment of euphoria at the taste of each other. She presses her body against him and he bites lightly with his teeth on her lower lip to shove his tongue against her mouth in response. Her little hands pulling his hair hard as his hands go down her butt. Both of them enjoying what they had been dreaming of for so long.
When the two finally separate they fall in a comfortable silence, she starts to admire his facial features, delicately running her fingers through his nose, his mouth, his cheekbones, until he interrumpts her. “I knew you want me from the beginning, I could see the lust in your eyes. Everything about the choir was a complex plan to get me under you.” Luke affirms with his best poker face, and sees clearly how her eyes fill with light while a pure laugh escapes from her now swollen lips.
“And as always, I achieved the goal. The hot local rockstar is sleeping on my bed tonight.” No matter how hard he tries, he can never catch her off guard and he always ends up being the one blushing. She kisses him softly before getting up and taking the song lyrics back. “Luke, do you mind if I sing a bit of the song?”
“Of course not, it's yours. I will accompany you with the guitar, from the pre-choir?”
She nods and begins to sing the words he wrote for her. “Life is a risk but I will take it, close my eyes and jump. Together I think that we can make it, come on, let's run.”
She is reading the choir as she sings and the urge to cry reappears. He's basically telling her that she no longer has to go on living life alone, that she can lean on him, she can trust him to fight by her side. That it can be us instead of I.
“And rise through the night, you and I, we will fight to shine together. Bright forever.”
As soon as they finish singing Luke puts the guitar aside and goes over to wipe the tears from the girl's face. “I know that at first glance it doesn't seem like a love song, but..."
“But it is. It’s perfect, thank you Luke.” She didn't know that someone other than her could make her feel so special, but he proved her wrong, again.
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The night before was like a dream. Y/N sleeping with his shirt while he wrapped her completely in his arms, singing softly in her ear and leaving little kisses on her neck every few verses until she fell asleep. At this point there is no way to deny how completely in love he is with her.
“Man, we need to talk.” His blonde friend wakes him up from his daydream and starts pulling him down the hall to an empty table in the cafeteria, where Reggie is already waiting for them.
They both sit down and Alex takes a deep breath as he plays with his fingers, trying to form coherent sentences with the words in his head. “Bobby called last night.” Luke's gaze instantly shifted to disgust, while Reggie looks quite shocked.
“So? What did he want?” Luke whispers, trying to sound disinterested.
“He sent some of our videos to an important person at Destiny Management and they are interested in the band. He said that if we comply with certain requests he will give the money for us to record the demo this Friday so that it’s ready for the appointment."
“And I guess you told him we don't need him or his money. What did he answer you? He cried?" the guitarist asks with an amused face, but his friends just look at each other.
“Don't you think we should think more about it? What happens if we don't win nationals? We’ll have lost something as sure as Bobby's deal for nothing."
“She’s my friend and I love her but I have to agree, Luke. As difficult as it is, our priority has to be Sunset Curve, not Spectacular"
“They are right, Luke.” All three look at the girl, as pale as If they had seen a ghost. “Spectacular is my dream, And I know I'd do anything for it. It would be unfair of me to get angry because you’re fighting for yours. Don't hesitate, if anyone can find a way out of this it's me.”
“But, the duet...”
“I’ll just have to be the melody and the words. I’ll be fine, and honestly I'm so proud of you guys, I know you will be rock legends one day.” All three feel guilty but don't know what to say or do to make it right. She goes over to hug the drummer and the bassist who take her in their arms with all their strength, a “I’m so sorry” from the blonde accompanied by an “I know” from the girl can be heard. Then she stands in front of the guitarist and kisses his lips intensely, but breaking away painfully fast. The guys leave lovers alone for a moment of privacy.
“I believe in you, baby. You are destined to be a star, forget everything else, even me. Take the moment and knock them off their feet.” She kisses him lightly on the lips and walks a few steps back. “This month was the happiest of my life in a long time, thank you. Guess I’ll see you guys around.”
“Why do you sound like you are saying goodbye? And a horrible one? I thought you were good at everything.” Luke walks over to her again and places his hands on her cheeks, rubbing them gently. His voice is shaky and his eyes are glassy, she snorts at his sudden taunt, a little smile covered with the tears.
“Once everyone gets back to their own business, do you think you'll still have time for me? Alex is my damn neighbor, and we couldn't keep in touch.” And Luke gets it. She is used to being alone, to people not being permanent in her life. Neither her parents, nor her best friend, nor her boyfriend, nor anyone else has stayed. So this time to protect herself she decided that he too was going to leave, that it would be foolish to think that he of all possible people would stay.
“I‘m not letting you go baby, you're the only one I would let to boss me around.” The girl laughs when she remembers the millions of times she had to correct him and how he always ended up making her blush in some way, especially when they danced. She can't remember telling him but dancing with him has been the most special thing she has ever experienced. She danced with Damian for years and it never felt like the first time Luke put her long, strong hands on her waist and pulled her close to him. She can only hope to feel that way again one day.
“You are my one and only, firecracker. We’ll find a way, neither of us is a quitter.”
They say that actions are worth a thousand words, and Luke had definitely missed his first chance to show Y/N that he was serious about them by not getting in time to wish her good luck before she left with the group to the city of the competition, a few hours from there. He couldn't help but feel more miserable when he returned to the studio and found a small yellow sheet in his journal.
“You got this, rockstar. I have so much faith in you, so go make me proud. And I don’t want you feeling guilty, okay? I always want to see you shine, baby, no matter what. Your firecracker, Y/N.” Luke laughs softly, dazzled by her attempt to be sweet. If she trusts him so much, why doesn't he return the favor? She assured him they could win and when she says something, she follows through.
Why ruin his life with all of Bobby's ridiculous demands while ditching his girl in the process when he can go sing with her and do band things their way, without selling their soul to the devil. He sits on the couch thinking about what to say to the boys when they both rush in and pick him up, one from his feet and the other from his arms.
“What the hell are you two planning this time?” Luke sounds annoyed but does nothing to stop them from moving him, they throw him into the back of the car and he hits his head, getting him to kick them before they close the door.
"I'm not going to let her down again, I can’t."
"Yeah, and surely we can win, the number is spectacular... do you understand what I did there?”
Alex rolls his eyes and Luke smiles. They drive at full speed to Luke’s for him to take all his things and when he returns to the car, stands thoughtfully by the window.
“What are you doing?!” Alex is not having it, looks like a vein is going to burst from stress any second now.
“Do you think we’ll make it?” Questioned the guitarist, clearly nervous.
“If you stop asking stupid as fuck questions and get in the car, maybe.” Luke pouts but listens and finishes loading everything in the trunk.
The road is full of music to try to calm all the nerves, there was also plenty of time to rehearse the number over and over again, Luke analyzing in his mind every move he had to make, from time to time his bossy girl correcting him in his head. The only difficult thing was probably changing into the costumes, especially for Alex.
They arrive directly to register and the band turns pale when they hear the powerful and breathtaking voice of the singer who is playing her solo right now, a heavenly version of 'Never enough’. By the time they are ready to go, the main number has already started, the imposing woman in the very center of the stage with one of the boys of the group, who although does not have the voice of the guitarist, is making a good effort. Damian is on the other side, staring at her with a superiority smirk and Luke can't help but want to punch him.
“I never realized how anyone could make everything so right, I was so sad, you brought me back.” Alex quickly indicates to him how to enter the stage from the back, and Luke prepares to jump in time for the chorus, taking care of not being seen as he climbs the platform. The song is an old pop-rock song from the 80s, specifically chosen to make the guitarist's voice shine. He and his firecracker sat listening to music for hours until they finally found it, the girl's eyes shining with excitement as she imagined all she could do with the potential of the melody.
“You give me something to believe in, after all that we've been through.” He appears on the platform just in time, the lights and smoke coming out right in his grand entrance. Y/N turns immediately upon hearing her voice and he dances his way towards her.
“The love you give, it all comes back to you. You give me something to believe in, you can see the real me. And here with you is where I'm meant to be.” both singing together the remainder of the chorus and dancing to the beat. The biggest smile he has seen in his girl since he met her on her beautiful face. With that he feels satisfied with his decision, whatever happens, win or lose, it was worth it.
“And here we are together side by side, and nothing seems impossible tonight.” the duet between them is electrifying as always, he puts his hands on her thighs and lifts her with ease, both of them moving and enjoying themselves as if they were the only ones in the place. The dance ends as the first time they danced in the auditorium when he showed her that he was the right option, he holds her with one arm, their lips inches from touching but holding the magnetism back for a few more seconds until finally leave the stage.
As soon as they are backstage Y/N throws herself at Luke, wrapping her legs around his hips and devouring his lips with hers. “Someone missed me.” Luke whispers catching his breath.
"I can't believe you guys did this for me." Expressed the girl as she turns to see her other two friends, still wrapped around Luke who has her tightly held with his huge arms around her butt.
“We trust you as much as you trust us. We know that you will win, you worked like nobody for this moment.” Affirmed the blonde, giving her a small kiss on the forehead.
“I feel like I won already.” And she did. She won the trophy, the money for the demo, friends, and a ridiculously gorgeous rockstar who drove her crazy in more ways than one. All this years working hard were finally worth it... and Damian throwing a tantrum in the middle of the stage felt good too, not gonna lie.
“When are you going to ask me to be your boyfriend? As much as I love you more than anything, a man has to have some pride, you know? We've been together for like 5 months and I'm getting desperate.” They are both lying together on the girl's bed, their legs intertwined as he makes little circles with his fingers on his girl's stomach.
She raises her head resting her hand on his bare chest, her thoughts impossible to read. What are you talking about? I'm waiting for you to ask me!” He chuckles, prepared to tease her. “Bu-”she interrumpts him, pushing the hand that is resting on him to sit down. “Ba-”
“Wait a second, Lucas!” He bites his lip, he never liked being called by his name but for some reason it sounds incredibly sensual when she says it. “Yeah, baby?”
“D- did you say you love me?”
“I did, and I do. Everybody knows you've got me trapped in your claws.” He jokes to make her laugh, and he succeeds.
“I love you too, so much.”
“I know baby.” He winks teasingly at her. “Returning to the topic, you are the most bossy and confident person I have ever met, and you want to tell me that you were waiting for me to take the first step? Doesn’t sound like my firecracker. You literally pretended to be a sunset curve super fan to get my attention.”
"I totally did, I was awesome, first thing next day you were at the auditorium.” She says proud while Luke rolls his eyes with a smile. “But if it makes you feel better, I'm 100% a fan now, and...You are completely right, for once.”
She takes a deep breath, intertwining her fingers with his. “Lucas Patterson, I want you, if we're being honest, probably from the first time I saw you at that Sunset Curve gig we met at. You are annoying, cocky, passionate, and I love you with all my heart. Be my boyfriend... please.”
“There it is, that’s my girlfriend.” His eyes full of lust after hearing that she wanted him from the first night, he draws her closer to him to push his lips against hers, his girlfriend's tongue quickly dancing with his.
"Oh my god, we already talked about this, close the damn window, I don't want to hear it!” The blonde cries from his balcony, the couple can't help but laugh before joining their lips again.
Thank you for reading ✨
Taglist: @writerinlearning, @ghostofmgg @strangerthanfanfiction713 @thebloodthirstyvampress, @kinda-really-lost, @kcd15, @magnet-girl, @aliandthephantoms, @stxrkspidey, @pinkrockstar19, @s0uz4s, @shycupcakealissa @cookiebuba, @fangirlangioma, @sageellsworth05, @twist3dtinkerbell, @sunsetcurvenotsunsetswerve, @caitsymichelle13, @ifilwtmfc @luckylouiebug, @bibliophilewednesday, @totomoshi, @siennanoelle01, @lunashadow6955, @bookfrog247, @morganayennefertyrell, @kiss-themoongoodbye, @rachelle3musicals, @imsydneywalker, @really-dont-forget-it @agentstarkid @talksoprettyjjx @kaitieskidmore1 @lukeys-giggle @katie-navarro @crybabyddl @cocopuffs0211 @marvel-ousnesss @txrii @tuttigunner @dpaccione @justalittleweirdoo @mrstodorooki @averyharrypotterlife
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souichieatr · 4 years
wanna be yours, ch2
suna x freader , foxy boy
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where in which two opposites fall in love
a/n: for everyone who commented on the posts youve been added sorry i cant reply <//3 if you're interested in being in the taglist send me an ask, i was thinking of making a playlist for the au would anyone be interested? lmk !! sorry if there are any mistakes or if its bad this is my first writing <3
ch1. this voice im hearing rn? , hey bestie
word count: 2,090
the first song- The Ghost of You- my chemical romance
second song- I Bet on Losing dogs- mitski
third song- Crybaby- destroy boys
pocketing her phone after reading tendous message, she opens the door waving to a couple friends and offers friendly smile taking her seat. a pair of pale green eyes follow her. after yesterday suna did a little research about her y/n y/l/n the bassist and youngest in the band called 4u, she has quite a big following on twitter, she's really nice and interacts with the fans. looking at her now you can't imagine her on stage suna thought. breaking away from his thoughts as the teacher walks in. spouting for about what feels like hours and the students taking notes, finally lunch approaches. y/n jumps from her seat grabbing her case she walks to the third year hallway. waving to her friends they walk to her, tendou wrapping his arms around her “y/n!!!!!! i missed you” laughing as she hugged him back “tendou!!! i missed you toooo.” she turns to the grey haired male, “semisemi!!” she says giving him a hug, he rolls his eyes and hugs her back “and ushi!!” she turns to the brunette to which he pats her head “good afternoon y/n.” as they go to the lunch room to grab their lunch, they walk to one of the music rooms they usually occupy. a beep from her phone grabs her attention seeing her friend atsumu asking if him his twin and their friend can join for lunch, “hey guys you dont mind if atsumu and his friends come join us?” she says setting down her case against the wall. “nah you can invite them, atsumu is our biggest hype man” tendou says, grabbing his drum sticks from his back pocket. texting him its cool she goes to unzip her bass. “oh ms lady ive missed you” she says hugging the instrument, “i can't believe you two and always wanting to play, dont yall have any other hobby?” semi says, grabbing the schools given guitar setting the speaker up for y/n. tendou gives a scoff “semisemi dont act like you hate hearing us play i see you listening to our covers alllll the timeeeee” he says “yeah semi besides we have a concert soon and it wouldnt be bad to have an audience” y/n says walking to semi to connect her bass to the speaker when the door opens, entering is atsumu in the middle, osamu on his left, and a mystery guy in the back. setting her bass down running up to the blond “tsumu!!” giving him a hug “y/n!!” he hugs her back, she waves to osamu, who shes met on an occasion. looking towards the dark haired guy she walks up to him, noticing shes seen him somewhere. “youre suna right? we're in the same class?” she says giving him a hand and a awkward smile, nodding at her words. “hope its okay im here” he says taking her hand giving a slight shake. “nah dont worry its nice to have a different face, seeing tsumu is getting boring” turning around to the male. “what she means to say is we could use practice in front of new people” the grey haired male says giving a small laugh when tendou scoffs at him, both guys walking towards the small group. “this is semi and this is tendou” she says introducing them. when the introductions are over the two males go back to setting up, y/n walks the newcomers to the sitting area “here you guys can sit, im sure you all know ushijima” on hearing his name he looks up from his name giving a small head bow. they all sit “any recommendations tsumu?” y/n says walking to her bass making sure everything was good, looking towards the small group. “y/n you know my favorites” atsumu says stealing one of his brothers onigiri. y/n laughs and rolls her eyes, turning to tendou “anything you wanna try tori?” tendou looks at her with a smile “y/n lets show semi whatweve been working on” hearing this semi looked at them “what do you guys mean? what did you two do” y/n chuckles at the grey hairs doubtful expression “mr semisemi you know your favorite mcr song” when she sees him nod she continues “me and tori learned it” she says pushing him lightly. semi looked at her with wide eyes then at tendou, looking at semi tendou flicked his drum stick between his fingers with a nod. “wow semi cant believe you, we spent so much hours perfecting a my chemical romance for your sap self and he doesn't believe us y/nie i might
” tendou says fake sniffing. the little group in the back beyond confused, atsumu clearing his throat “have you three forgotten us already, wheres our show” ushijima nodding his head “yeah why are you guys being so vague” tendou snickers “dont worry you three and wakatoshi we have decided to play a new song or well cover i should say” “yeah and its semi’s favorite band you know the one that he wears on his shirts?” ushijima looking towards the girl after hearing her statement he nods. “okay can we play now ive been waiting to show my skills and get our lovely semi's opinion” y/n says removing her pick, both boys giving a ‘yeah’. finally tendou does the countdown. suna looks at all three of them with slight excitement in his stomach, ‘is this a new song im going to hear?’ before he could think of anything else, semi started playing a few chords by himself and y/n starting to add her own strums then tendou adding drums. sunas eyes widen at how well all the sounds blended together, freezing in his spot when semi started singing, when hitting the chorus y/n joins him. suna looking at her, he felt like he had been put in a trance, feeling like theres a spotlight on her when she starts nodding her head seeing her tongue sticking out when stringing the instrument. towards the end you can see y/n lose focus and her eye twitches, ending the song she sighs. “hey sorry about the end” waving to the guys to her left with a frown. hearing applause from the group the frown doesnt last long. “WHOOO!!!!! THAT WAS MY BESTIES GO SEMI! GO TENDOU! GO Y/N!!” atsumu gets up and yells. “that was so good what the hell that was yer first time too?” he says going up to the group, high-fiving y/n. “i mean me and tendou practiced together but semi basically has every song by them memorized but together? yeah our first.” tendou getting up to get his water that was next to ushijima. semi joining the fake blond and the girl, patting her on her back “that was a good first for us i can tell you and tendou worked hard, we're definitely adding it to the set list.” getting a laugh from both of them semi walks to the small group. “hey man that was really good, you have a nice voice” suna says as semi approaches, semi turned to him surprised “oh thank you im glad you enjoyed, do you listen to our stuff?” he says taking a seat next to him. “ive recently just started, i hope that doesnt sound too weird” the dark haired suddenly getting a little embarrassed, chuckling “its not weird i promise, well its good you listen to us or im sure it would've been awkward to just be here” nodding along to what he said. tendou going back to the drums “are you cowards tapping out now?” “COWARDS?!?!” y/n yells back turning around “i am no coward tendou satori i'll make you eat those words semi get over here” she said grabbing semis attention and shooing atsumu back to his seat. chuckling as he sat back down, turning to suna “howd ya like em? theyre good huh?” suna rolling his eyes “im not going to help inflate your ego tsumu” “yeah tsumu yer big ego is not cute” gasping to their remarks “you guys are so mean to me, i introduce you to nice music and even the artists and this is the thanks i get” before any could respond tendou starts clicking his sticks. starting this one is tendou with a slower sound, y/n entering second then semi with vocals. y/n leans down to mess with something by her foot turning a notch noises like static come out adding to the music, coming up fast she starts adding her vocals complimenting semis. pressing on the box she leans down as more noises come out. atsumu leans over to sunas ear “thats a pedal that holds other sounds and can help stretch other sounds” suna giving him a nod. towards the end y/n reaches down to the pedal again adding a distorted sound before adding her last bit of ‘oohs’ before the song ends. everyone clapping as the members stay still for s bit before y/n dramatically bows “youre so welcome lovely audience” she says blowing kisses to them, laughing at her atsumu jumps up and down pretending to be a crazy fan “oh y/n you were so go
od i love you y/n!!!” y/n laughing at him. “hey atsumu what about me!” tendou asks swinging his hand “howd i do?” “oh tendou you were so good, i love you too tendou!!!” he says swinging his arm back. tendou satisfied with his response nods his head, “and with that lets play one more i still want time to actually eat before we play again later.” “yeah lets try ‘crybaby’ we haven't done that in awhile” semi says getting in position.“remember y/n you do the verses” y/n nods clearing her throat “go tori” she says and tendou starts the counting again. starting the counting fast he gets one beat then y/n starts off with singing, swinging her bass back she grabs the mic. suna cracks a smile nodding his head a little as he remembers this song on their youtube, atsumu whistling when y/n dips down her mic as she sings, letting the boys have a solo in between verses she bobs her head. the last few seconds of the song she swings the instrument back as she steps on the pedal creating feedback, as semi goes to vocals she starts getting a solo with tendou playing, y/n leans forward and her and semi sing the rest of the song. after the last note they all look out of breath. clapping for them again letting them catch their breath, y/n starts laughing “i forget how hard that song is towards the end” laughing with her tendou nods “its literally the last 50 seconds that get the hardest” “alright lets clean up” semi says laughing at both of their bored looks they send him. finishing up they all go to the group whove are talking among themselves. sighing as she sits y/n takes the seat next to suna, “so howd you like the songs?” she says with a smile “they were good though i only recognized the last one” he replies, “tsumu told me you started listening to us recently so i thought or well semi thought wed show off a bit with our best song being that” she says with a smile grabbing her bottle. a small smile appears on his face “oh hey tsumu told me youre like really good in your classes and i really need help in history and since we have that group project coming up do you wanna pair up?” she says setting her bottle down grabbing a bag of chips. “yeah i dont mind as long as you actually do something and i can help you study if your grade is that bad” he says. “thatd actually help me out a lot i really appreciate it” she lets a breath out. after that the two spent all lunch just talking, the conversation coming easy for both of them. hearing the bell ring y/n hugs her friends and walks with suna to their class, pairing up in the project the teacher had given them in their period. after class before y/n rushed out she passed him her number with a wink “text me for the deets foxy boy.” ‘foxy boy? suna thought to himself shaking his head texting her with a simple ‘hey its suna’ and heading home.
facts !
during lunch when suna and y/n we're talking the followed each other on twitter
semi was really touched they learned the mcr song
the 4u concert is at a small venue but no one really cares about the other groups going there
osamu and atsumu almost started fighting over the onigiri until suna said something about ushijima being right there
atsumu was watching suna and y/n talking
osamu actually really enjoyed being there during lunch
@applekenm , @xhanjisungiex , @astronomyturtle , @sirachano0dles , @yn-tingz , @killmepls-uwu , @bakugouswh0r3
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More Than A Friendly Competition
(n) the color of the sky when the sun is setting; a certain afterglow.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
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More Than A Friendly Competition
(a/n): this is the second part of the series! I hope I wrote quidditch games accurately. I haven’t read or watched Harry Potter in a while, but I used one of the quidditch clips(first movie’s first match) as a reference. I am going to write other(haikyuu, marvel, jjk) fics so please request! As always, republish and like if you want, and message/ask me if you have any questions or comments about this fic or just in general. This is a safe and loving place for everyone. Thank you for reading<3
Part 2 summary: The first of two quidditch games is set in action. (Y/N) acts as a supporter for Cedric and the twins because who cares if they’re in different teams, they’re all still her friends! Kimball and Roger come with a plan for tomorrow’s game. As an exciting but suspenseful match goes on, who knows what house will take the win?
pairing: cedric x fem!reader(in ravenclaw)
genre: fluff
warnings: none
word count: 0.9k
(Y/N) walked into the Great Hall, immediately seeing a cluster of rich red and sunshine yellow. She ran over to the twins with fiery hair.
“Good morninnng.” (Y/N) dragged her words.
“Are you ready to see me and Freddie kick arse out there?”
“YES! But also, I’m a mutual support for you guys and Ced.” She pointed to her cheeks; one cheek with red and gold stripes, and the other with yellow and black.
Fred exclaimed, “I hate how you always do this! Just pick a side or alternate every match. You better be supporting us even if we decide to hit pretty boy with a bludger.”
(Y/N) shrugs, “We’ll see. I’m gonna head over to Ced and then eat breakfast. I want to get a good seat!”
The bustling crowd in the Great Hall held voices of excitement for one of the only two matches this year.
“Hello Mr. Diggory, how are you doing this fine morning?” (Y/N) mockingly bowed.
“Yes very well. And you?” He played along. Both burst into laughter when Cedric dabbed his handkerchief on his mouth in a posh manner.
“So are you ready for today?”
“Pretty much. The team feels good about this match, I can feel it.”
“Ok Captain; kick it out there. I’m gonna go over to my table; I think Kimball is waiting for me to calm her nerves about tomorrow. Good luck!”
(Y/N) strode away and saw Kimball and Roger muttering about plans.
“Oh look who decided to join us, Ms. I have so many friends in different houses.”
“Ugh, Roger. I was just wishing Ced and the twins good luck. What is this?”
A sheet of paper with weirdly detailed drawings lay in the middle of the table. Definitely Kimball’s work.
She answered, “We had an idea for tomorrow.”
After breakfast and waiting in the stands, the quidditch game was finally about to begin. Lee Jordan’s infamous commentary added to the exciting atmosphere. It was a beautiful day, almost made for flying. A few Ravenclaws used to give her weird looks for supporting both teams whenever Gryffindor and Hufflepuff versed; but now they couldn’t blame her. Fred, George, and Cedric were amazing players and it didn’t hurt that they were good-looking.
“Welcome to Hogwarts’ first of only two games of the season! Today’s game: Gryffindor and Hufflepuff! Let’s welcome the incredibly talented Gryffindor Quidditch Team!” Lee exclaimed.
“And the also kind of good Hufflepuff Quidditch Team!” Mcgonagall glared at him, but didn’t say anything.
The whole school depends on Quidditch games, so the cheers were almost too loud.
“Atleast they don’t cheat like Slythe-“ “-MR. JORDAN!” “-I mean…Let’s get on with the game. Professor Hooch is now giving the routine rules and..the bludgers, followed by the Golden Snitch, are released…the quaffle is up! THE GAME BEGINS!”
Instantly, the crowd goes wild. (Y/N) focuses in on Cedric, who searches for the Snitch, along with Harry. She knew Harry because being friends with the twins meant knowing their family from being invited over, and in turn, Ron’s friends. Plus, Harry was really well-known at Hogwarts and The Chosen One.
“..Spinnet with the quaffle, dodging everything to making her way to the goals..GO ALICIA! And..oh. Hufflepuff’s keeper, Herbert Fleet blocks it. That’s alright…”
Lee’s commentary faded as (Y/N) zoned into the game even more. George hit a bludger mildly fast to another Hufflepuff chaser, Heidi, who barely dodges it but still lets go of the quaffle.
The game goes on for way too long, the players not giving up. Harry and Cedric zoom past the Ravenclaw audience stand, a slight smell of sweat wafting the air.
“Go Ced!” (Y/N) exclaims as they both zero in on the Snitch, hands reaching.
“It looks like Diggory and Potter are fighting for the win. Someone’s closing in…CEDRIC DIGGORY HAS CAUGHT THE SNITCH! HUFFLEPUFF WINS!”
Whoops and cheers fill the air as both houses rush down, eager to congratulate the victors and comfort the losers.
(Y/N) runs to Cedric, but a crowd has already formed and he’s being lifted. She smiles and turns, running to the out-of-breath twins.
“It’s okay guys, I’m so proud of you both.” (Y/N) hugs them, not caring about the sweat, “You did so good today. If Ced didn’t get the snitch, Gryffindor was in the lead.”
“Diggory better be glad we didn’t win; our non-ending bragging would’ve made him lose his mind.” Everyone chuckles.
(Y/N) looks over her shoulder, cheeks red and smile bright. “You should go to him.”
She looks away. “Huh? No, he’s already surrounded.”
“Don’t sound so oblivious, lover girl. It doesn’t matter, just run up and I promise he’ll have all his attention on you in a second.” Fred beams.
“Shut up…” (Y/N) turns away from the twins and runs in Cedric’s direction anyways, calling his name. His excited eyes shift to her and he runs to her.
“YOU DID SO AMAZING OUT THERE!” (Y/N)’s voice muffled by the tight hug Cedric gave her. How did he still smell good?
He laughs, “Thank you. Really.” He lets go. A blush from the slightly cold air up above and flying had formed, and he looked...wow. 
“Are you coming back with us?”
“Oh..shoot. I would, but Hufflepuff is having a celebration-sort of thing…”
“No problem. I understand; go and have fun Ced, people are giving me looks.”
He chuckles and walks backwards, “I’ll try and come though!”
The Ravenclaw common room seemed better to have a late night talk/homeowrk session since all of Gryffindor was sulking.
Fred teases, “I heard they have alcohol at the Hufflepuff party. I bet pretty boy will drink and we’ll finally see something other than the good-two-shoes.”
(Y/N)’s eyes widen. The only time Cedric ever drank was with her, and he got too tipsy too fast.
“Wait, what?”
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