#waiter frogs
poorlemons · 2 years
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Day 4 - Food I went into this list all like “oh ill use this as a sort of warm up, yknow?”... like a liar. anyways take this toad at a diner 
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x-martina-crane · 7 months
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Day 12 -Eat
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queer-cosette · 2 years
Once again Sesame Street proves that the ending can be completely predictable without diminishing its hilarity
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engagemythrusters · 10 months
Anyway just got back from grosheries WHAT IS HAPPENING ABT THAT POLL
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boobchuy · 2 years
Drop the Wortwood frogsona boob
the Wartwood frogsona is in my art tag.... somewhere. their name is pen and it's short for either pen killer or pencil shavings 👍
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greppelheks · 2 months
I think sadness around my birthday is gonna be inevitable because it's never how I want it to be. It's never gonna feel like how I want it to feel. But I had people show up for me, and I had sweet interactions, and I need to appreciate that.
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somewhere-sims · 1 year
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Odd choice of headwear in this line of work.
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Not this wizard causing my game to freeze for a minute or two.
Joe: Sir, you need to leave the premises because you're disturbing the guests with your magic. And also, you're an apartment life feature so you're not needed until generation nine.
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rbhsoregon · 1 year
The Wrong Dish (6/21/23)
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pseudowho · 4 months
How well do you think Nanami Kento would handle eating spicy food? What would his reaction be towards his girlfriend/wife who LOVES spicy food?
Domestic Bliss: Nanami Kento #6, Spicy
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"Hey, Kento," you whispered conspiratorially into his shoulder, nuzzling him from behind, "that new ramen place just opened round the corner. I hear they have the biggest range of hot sauces going. Big. Huge. International."
Your bad impression earned you a scowl.
"And you want to try them," Kento intoned, flat as he flipped through his newspaper, "I assume."
You draped yourself over the armchair, pushing his newspaper away with your feet. Kento grumbled, trying to avoid their push, until his newspaper crumpled, and he rolled it up, hitting you with it while you laughed.
"I'd love to go," you sighed, dramatic, "but I know you can't handle spicy food." Kento's eyes narrowed.
"What makes you think that?"
"Well, I never see you eat it."
"Because most extra spicy food relies on it being hot as its main point of attraction. I prefer my flavour palate to be a bit more sophisticated." Kento's eyes narrowed again, swiping over you. "Like my women."
"Ouch, Kento."
Kento reached into his pocket, the ghost of a smile on his mouth. "Silly games win silly prizes." He tapped on his phone. He was silent for a moment.
"Table's booked for 7pm. So you can eat spicy food, to your heart's desire...my love."
Pushing through the chest-level curtain, you and Kento were greeted by a bustling restaurant, vibrant, and enjoying its early success. Your mouth watered as a hot, umami rush of air hit your nose. You smiled, excited, not noticing how Kento read your every move, fizzing with your joy.
Perusing the menu in your intimate corner booth, you noticed the dishes were arranged in order of spice. You leaned over, pointing to Kento's menu.
"This is your side of the menu, darling..." You gestured to one side of the booklet, "...and this is mine." Kento pinched the sides of your knee under the table, smiling lightly, ungoadable.
When the waiter arrived, you requested a bowl of the spiciest ramen listed.
"We have extra hot sauces, too," offered the waiter, "if you like a challenge."
"Perhaps your top five hottest?" You requested, handing the menu back to the waiter, teasing Kento. "And a big glass of milk for my boyfriend."
"That won't be necessary." Kento replied, clipped. "I'll have the same as her, thank you." Your nose flared; a competitive edge.
"You don't have to buy it just because I do, Kento."
"I know that." He hummed, leaning back into his chair, his hands clasped over crossed legs. "But it seems we have some...misunderstandings to address."
Your ramen arrived. Its colour cried Danger. Tree frogs of its exact hue were known to cause certain death, and the hot sauces arrived in a rainbow most often seen in government-approved public warning announcements. Kento gave you a warm smile, chuckling as you snapped and rolled your chopsticks with gusto.
You took a noisy slurp of your noodles, Kento following suit. The heat was slow to build, but by your third slurp of noodles, your mouth thrummed with fire, climbing up your nose and filling your sinuses. You sniffled, laughing and dabbing your mouth with a napkin.
"Wow, they really weren't joking," you laughed, burning from the inside, in a way that was almost too much, "that really is spicy." Kento raised his eyebrows, seemingly unaffected. He reached for the first hot sauce.
"Is it?" He asked, mildly. "I think it could use a little something, actually." Kento splashed his ramen with hot sauce, enthusiastic, and offered you some. With a smile, and a nod, he did the same to your ramen.
"I don't see much difference, to be honest," you lied, the ramen now significantly spicier. You blinked the tears from your eyes as Kento patted your hand sympathetically. With a wan little smile, Kento reached immediately for the third hottest sauce, splashing it onto his ramen.
"Let's cut out the middle man, shall we?" Kento joked, squeezing your thigh affectionately under the table. You were starting to consider that you may have fucked up your last upfuck. You didn't stop Kento as he offered you the hot sauce, splashing a thin, acrid red glaze into your ramen.
The fumes hit you as you leaned over your bowl, and you coughed involuntarily. Kento shook more hot sauce onto his egg, slurping it up with a delighted hum.
"Eat up." He pressed. "It'll get cold." You took a hesitant bite of pork that didn't seem to have too much hot sauce on it. You were wrong. You must have swallowed lava, you thought, your eyes flickering over the restaurant as you chewed, as if someone could help you. Spluttering and praying for escape, you knew you would never live this down with your new lover if you threw in the towel.
"In fact, mine does seem to have cooled down a bit." Kento reached for the hottest of the hot sauces, in an unassuming little bottle with a skull and crossbones on the front. You were on fire, and nodded with tears flowing down your face, sweating, red, and coughing, when Kento offered you some. He was ever the gentleman, never pouring the sauce on your food until you accepted.
Kento was exceptionally uncrumpled, his navy dress shirt still just as pressed as it had been in the morning, his hair still neatly parted. Strands of yours stuck to the sweat in your forehead, and in a delirious haze, you lifted your bowl to slurp the broth, desperate to end this hellish ordeal.
You briefly saw God, before plummeting to the deepest circle of hell. There was no heaven. Life was a lie. Existence was meaningless. You felt the flesh melt off your bones, knowing death was nigh. Your hands shook, your smouldering lips puffy, mascara on your cheeks. You sat with your head in your hands, having just drunk acid. You dared one look up towards Kento.
...who seemed delighted by his meal, paying the waiter, and rubbing your thigh with those warm, gentle hands.
"There are people waiting for our table, darling. We'll go, hmm? My place, or yours?"
Your mouth numb, slurring, you babbled; "Me at, er-- mine...you at-- at-- yours--" You would surely be spending the evening in a bath of milk, retching into the sink. Kento pressed a tender kiss to your sweaty forehead.
"You're right. I'm always tired after a good meal, too."
After being driven home, you spent the night in an oven, wondering if you would ever get over challenging Nanami Kento to such a stupid, unwinnable fight.
"How's that new girl of yours, huh, Nanamin? Managed to impress her yet?" Gojo called from outside the toilet stall, tapping away in his phone with that everfixed smile. A low, nauseated groan rumbled out from the stall.
"--I...think she might dump me actually." More groans of agony sounded from the toilet stall, with Kento within, trapped in Satan's grasp.
Gojo had your number, of course. You and he had been chatting for weeks. Gojo held down the Record button outside Kento's toilet stall, ready to send you Kento's anguished moans.
Nanami Kento couldn't stand spicy food. He'd never let you know that. Thankfully, he had a friend who would sell him out at any given opportunity.
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xmalereader · 7 months
Bruce Wayne x Male Reader
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REQUEST: Could you please write Burce wayne x male reader who has trouble ordering food. Like in a restaurant when the waiter asks, he either stutters or goes completely quiet, and that's why he asks Bruce to order for him. And i would like to see Bruce's reactions when a waiter is like "you don't have to order for him. He can order for himself. I wasn't asking you, i was asking him" just the waiter assuming that Bruce is kinda controlling. The reader is silently crying in his seat, having to order on his own, like he knows the waiter was trying to do something good. (Totally not speaking from personal experience 🤭)
WARNINGS/CONTENT: Fluff, mature language, social anxiety, Bruce is a good boyfriend, mentions of fears, judgment, request, relatable events, everyone struggles.
TAGS: @one-green-frog
WC: 1.5K
NOTES: I used to struggle with ordering food due to anxiety and fear of people judging me 😩 but as I got older they fear kind of went away and I’m able to do it with no problem but everyone deals with anxiety differently and takes time to get come it so I ain’t judging. It’s like that with my older brother he’s 26 and still makes me order for him due to his own anxiety. But hopefully you enjoyed this shot and apologize for the long wait!
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Everyone has social anxiety.
Y/n struggled with it at a young age, not being taught how to speak with others in public without getting the intense fear of judgment from others. He figured that he would improve as he got older, but it didn’t change and still struggled with the simple things. He could go out and run errands alone without any struggles since majority of place now had self checkout which was a god send for many.
He’s able to hold a conversation with strangers or with people he knew in the area, but his anxiety would get to him when it came towards the simplest tasks. He wasn’t sure if it was because he was an over thinker and would think that he did something wrong or if he perhaps pronounced something incorrect, thinking that people were judging him for the smallest things. It took time for him to improve but the anxiety still remained during important moments.
One of the easiest things that many were able to accomplish is ordering food. Their were times that he hesitated or froze up when ordering his own food, having to apologize each time he orders and forcing a nervous smile or laugh in hopes of getting through the few minutes that he is there. He struggled even more when he went out on dates.
Very few people knew about his anxiety and very few friends were kind enough to do the ordering for him without hesitation and providing the assistance that he needed. With strangers it was a whole other story, he didn’t want to force them into placing his own order due to his own fear and would struggle with speaking the words.
His dates never went well after that and hated the way he felt each time he stumbled upon the problem. If the waiter or waitress wasn’t staring at him intensely he’d probably order his food without a problem and his day would go fine. But the feeling of their eyes staring at him as he looked at his choices of food made him stutter and grow nervous when ordering.
Forcing that smile as always and getting through the day of embarrassment.
If he had this kind of anxiety how was he suppose to handle his future dates when he couldn’t do a simple task? He’s able to do a whole presentation in a room full of board of directors but he stutters and hesitates when it comes towards ordering a simple meal or even asking for help whenever he’s in public.
He figured he’d spend his days locked indoors while making his own meals while watching a good movie.
He didn’t think he’d end up bagging Bruce Wayne. Gothams Golden boy.
Y/n had thought that this was all a trick or a joke when Bruce first asked him out. He wanted to laugh at the mans face and tell him that he doesn’t need to make his life miserable by playing a mean joke, only to realize that Bruce was in fact not joking around.
Y/n worked at Wayne Enterprises but in a lower department not expecting himself to bump into Bruce Wayne and getting asked out by the man himself. Their first date was simple with a cup of coffee and muffins. He would have thought that bruce would take him someplace fancy on their first date, but when he didn’t he was a bit relieved.
Bruce was a great man and didn’t do anything that made him uncomfortable. Y/n figured that he’d only get lucky to have one date with bruce and then never see them man again, only to get asked out again and again and again. The first four months went well without any problems and enjoyed his time with Bruce as their time together grew their dates slowly got fancier.
Resulting into Y/n confessing to Bruce about his anxiety and fear of others judging him because he couldn’t do a simple task that only required a few words. He thought Bruce would laugh at him or use it against him and force him to confront his fear, instead Bruce smiled at him and asked.
“Do you want me to order for you?”
He said it with the most calmest voice ever showing no hints of judgment.
Y/n wanted to cry that night. It was a simple favor, but it meant a lot to him.
As their dates continued they created a routine each time they went out to eat. Y/n would either look up the menu online ahead of time and already have his order in mind and tell bruce before getting their orders placed. Bruce even memorized the dishes that Y/n liked whenever they went to a repeated restaurant and would for him on the spot without needing to be told what he liked, already knowing the mans interests.
A year into dating and it became a normal thing between the two.
During their one year anniversary, Bruce decided to take him to a new restaurant and getting seated in a nice secluded area and away from others. Y/n scanned the menu and hums. “This looks good.” He speaks up as he checks the different dishes until one caught his eye.
“You know the rule, order whatever you want.” Said Bruce, always reminding him that he can get whatever he wanted. Y/n was hesitant about the prices at first but with time he got adjusted to the idea of Bruce paying for everything and no matter how many times he tried to pay himself, Bruce had already paid ahead of time.
“This pasta looks good.” Y/n points out on the menu and shows Bruce who looked up form his own menu and smiles. “Is that all you want?”
“Can I also get this for dessert?” He points behind the menu where a picture of a nicely desert is presented, getting Bruce to chuckle as he nods his head. “You better share with me because I already know you won’t eat it all.” Y/n laughs at his words and sets his menu down, leaning back in his seat as he looks around the restaurant and takes in the interior, distracted by the place that he doesn’t notice the waitress coming over.
“Are you ready to order?”
“Yes,” Bruce smiles at the women and starts with his order first, letting her know what he’d like. “And for you?” She turns her attention to Y/n who gets his attention pulled away from a painting he was staring at and looks at her with wide eyes. “I…”
“He’d have the pasta and the chocolate desert.” Bruce is quick to cut in when he noticed Y/n freeze up.
The waitress gives Bruce the stink eye by how he interrupts Y/n. “You don’t have to order for him. He can order for himself.” Bruce froze with wide eyes, opening and closing his mouth in shock. “I wasn’t asking you I was asking him.” She points her pencil at Y/n and puts her attention on him.
Y/n can only gap at her, opening and closing his mouth as he tries to speak but I can’t. He was caught off guard and reached out for his menu. “I’ll like…the—the…” He’s stuttering and doesn’t know what to tell her. “Do you need another minute?” She asks which only make the situation worse, he’s turning to Bruce and staring at him with eyes full of fear and hesitation silently screaming for help.
“I assure you miss my partner would like the pasta and desert.” Bruce says again in hopes of getting her to note down the order and she does, not without rolling her eyes which only makes Y/n whine.
“Your food will be ready soon.” She said while taking their menus and walking away, leaving them in silence.
Y/n lets out a deep sigh of relief. “I’m sorry, I didn’t know what to say, she probably thinks you’re an asshole now.” He groans out while covering his face with his hands. Bruce can only chuckle while shaking his head and reaching out to grab him by the wrists. “Don’t be, not everyone knows about your fear and besides she was only doing it because she probably thought I was controlling.”
“You’re not!”
“She doesn’t know that. If I wanted to be asshole I would have yelled at her like other people do, but I’m not doing that. It was a simple misunderstanding.” Bruce reassured Y/n as he held his hand and smiles. He didn’t think that something like this would happen since they’ve never had this issue in the past at the other places that they visited.
“All you have to worry about is eating all of your food and sharing your desert.” Bruce tries to lighten up the mood which works for Y/n as he chuckled and nods his head. “Fine and then after we go home and watch a movie and not come back here again.” After this misunderstanding its most likely he doesn’t want to come back and face the same issue again.
“We stick with Jimmy’s…” He mumbled out, referring to his favorite restaurant that serviced amazing chicken wings and fries. Bruce laughs while nodding. “Next time we go out will go to Jimmy’s.” At this point they were already considered regulars that the owner memorized their orders, which made it better for Y/n.
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cambion-companion · 7 months
Dinner Date
Sorry I haven't written in a while! I have several anon asks requesting something small for a dinner date with Raphael, inspired no doubt by the lovely Mr. Wincott's contribution in the livestream!
With a little twist because I haven't explored what it would be like delivering the crown to the cambion.
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"What could be more exquisite than watching the hero of Baldur's Gate walk to me, fresh in the moonlight." Raphael leaned forward in his seat, the cool night air and cricket song belaying the tension in his taught frame.
He smiled as you approached and sat at the wooden table, the warm brown eyes of his human guise sparkling in the candlelight. "You've proven to be quite the asset, my dear. A fortuitous investment, indeed."
"Raphael." You greeted, your stomach doing obnoxious flips as it always did in his presence. "I brought you a little souvenir, as I'm sure you already know."
"Indeed I am." Raphael purred, his eyes scanning you person with keen intent. "I had front row seats, as it were. Your victory was marvelous. You played your part well."
You grunted, not flattered by the way he treated it all like an elaborate theater production. You hefted the wrought iron crown out of your bag of holding and placed it, glittering, upon the table.
The weight of such an artifact drew both your gazes, and all that could be heard for several moments was a soft zephyr stirring the trees and the sound of frogs and crickets harmonizing to the summer night.
The candle sputtered in the breeze and you looked to Raphael only to find his eyes already locked on your face.
He spoke with an intensity you'd not yet become familiar with. "Well done." He swirled deep red wine in his crystal chalice. "I wish you'd reconsider becoming business partners."
"You say it like we'd be equals." You scoffed, knowing full well he'd love nothing more than to gain your soul for his collection. You shook your head and took a sip of your own drink. "I think not, Raphael. As much as I like you, I'm not that stupid."
"I'd be disappointed if you gave in easily." Raphael raised a hand and the crown vanished in a swirl of golden embers, their brief light reflected in your widened eyes. "I do so enjoy the chase, and you are such a lush prize."
You have the cambion a wry smile, a touch of fondness to the curl of your lips. "I'll admit, it would be disappointing if after this we never saw each other again."
Raphael nodded and beckoned a waiter, never removing his gaze from your face. He looked for all the world like the cat who got the cream. "What is the phrase you mortals are so fond of? Ah, yes." He gestured grandly as he spoke, illustrating his words with his hands. "I fully intend on having my cake, and I will eat it too."
Later that same night, Raphael had whisked you away back to his House of Hope. You'd expressed mild displeasure at being taken back to Avernus but he'd quelled your complaints with a look.
Raphael reclined in a grand chair, almost a throne in appearance, his leg crossed over the other. His human skin had been shed in favor of his larger, sharper devil form. He raised two fingers, snapped them, and conjured the crown of Karsus to float between where you stood and he sat.
"Now we are somewhere more appropriate, I require you to complete our contract."
You pursed your lips together, knowing the answer before you spoke the question. "How, exactly?"
Raphael paused for dramatic effect. When he spoke next it was a command, not a request. "Crown me."
The crown felt cold and heavy in your hands when you took it, the weight extending to your very soul as you approached where Raphael sat.
You slowly lifted it and placed the intricate metal piece gently onto his heady, being careful to accommodate for the thorny spiral of his horns. It slid perfectly atop his dark hair, you couldn't help but admire the way it looked. "As though it was made for you." You said aloud, not noticing the words come out of your mouth.
A large, clawed hand cupped the back of your neck, hellfire eyes burning into you. "As surely as your very soul was for me." Raphael purred and dragged you down for a searing kiss.
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kairokust · 1 year
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That awkward moment when your waiter is a frog
Just a quick comic I did last night 👀
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joi-me-hoi-me-noi · 5 months
Hi, I was wondering if you could do a Nanami x Reader who is like Tiana (from Disney's Princess and the Frog)? I love JJK/Disney and the ship is NanamixTiana has been living in my brain rent-free.
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It was Satoru's idea to invite him out to dinner since one of his best friends finally got the restaurant of their dreams.
"Come on Nanami. It'll be fun."
Kento, of course, is hesitant to go with him since Satoru's idea of 'fun' was different than his. Reluctantly, he entered the restaurant with his coworker's arm around his shoulder, leading him inside. There was live performance on stage while they were getting settled in their reserved seats. A beautiful person walks onto the stage, singing and dancing to the rhythm.
"That's them, right there."
Gojo tilts his glass towards the person on stage. They were absolutely stunning and had an amazing voice. Their stage performance was phenomenal.
"They're single."
Gojo whispers in his ear before leaning away and getting a stern look from Kento.
"Just saying." Gojo continues to sip on his drink, enjoying the show.
Soon the performance ended, and the lights come on. The band goes back to their normal hype jazz routine, and everyone resumes their conversations.
"Hey Satoru." He stands from his seat immediately, accepting the hug from the person.
"Hello Y/n, thank you for the invite."
Their e/c eyes shift to Kento, and he opens his mouth to speak.
"Good afternoon, Y/n. I would also like to tell you how much I appreciated the invite. I-I'm Nanami Kento."
Y/n walks over and gives him a hug as well.
"It's so nice to meet you, I hope you both enjoyed the performance, and your meal is on me. I did invite you to come here after all."
"I have money to spend Y/n, please, let us pay for our meals."
They laugh, lightly patting Satoru's shoulder and shaking their head.
"You have such a way with words, Satoru." A waiter approaches, apologizes for interrupting and whispers in Y/n's ear.
"Anyways, sit down and enjoy yourselves. I have something to deal with in the kitchen."
A sly wink is sent toward the two men over their shoulder as they walk into the kitchen area.
"I've never heard you stutter before Kento. You must really like them."
He simply just looks over at his friend and sips his water.
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The dinner was perfect, everything was delicious, and it was becoming late. People were starting to pay their bills and leave the venue.
"Hello again, I brought you the best beignets in all of New Orleans."
Y/n sets down a plate piled with pillow-like pastries covered in the right amount of powdered sugar.
"It still surprises me that no one has wifed you up yet. I still remember what you told me when we first met at your job."
They smile at that and goes to clear the plates in front of them.
"The way to a man's heart is through his stomach."
As they walk away with the dishware, Gojo turns to look at Nanami.
"Shoot your shot Nanami... My six-eyes can sense that you're making goo-goo eyes at her."
Nanami looked around the room. Everyone has left and they were the only ones in the room. For once in his life, Gojo was right! He shouldn't be nervous; he should go for it. They walk over to the table again with smaller plates and a smile still on their face.
"I brought you some smaller plates for the beignets. Is there anything else I could bring out to you or help you with?"
They looked between the two men; they really were the most stunning person he's ever seen.
"Could I talk to you?"
They smiled and nodded, leading him up the stairs and through the glass double doors on the right.
"So, what did you want to talk about, sugar?" They leans against the railing comfortably.
His heart did a small flip at the nickname as he approached them.
"I wanted to talk about you. I wanted to get to know you more."
He leans on the other side of the railing, right next to them.
"Gojo was telling me all about you during the flight, the drive, hell, even over dinner, he was telling me about you."
They laugh, throwing their head back and then looking at him.
"That's Satoru. He was telling me about you too, maybe he was trying to set us up with each other. He asked me if he could bring another person."
They turn their attention to the night sky and Nanami does the same.
"I want to get to know you more as well. I'd think it'd be fun to see where this goes. Especially since Gojo decided to talk each other up to the other person."
Nanami turns back to Y/n.
"Would you want to get a coffee, tomorrow?"
"I'd love to."
The two doors open, and they turn their attention to Gojo who had the plate of beignets in one hand and a half-eaten beignet in the other.
"These beignets are delicious Y/n." He licks his fingers after finishing the beignet.
"Thank you, Satoru. Leave some for Nanami now."
"No need to call me Nanami, Kento's fine."
A smug smirk appears on Gojo's face at that. Then, it widens when he looks down at the railing.
"I see you two have been getting 'close'."
He gestures to the part of the railing where Nanami's hand was on top of yours, brushing your knuckles softly. Neither of you move though.
"Well, we have a coffee date in the morning. Go back and get some sleep. Gojo will give you, my number."
Y/n leads them to the main area and Gojo pays for the meal.
"See you tomorrow Kento."
"See you tomorrow, Y/n."
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Hi! Can we see what arranged reader is thinking about hoe nice Bruce is finally being? Is she more suspicious or touched or
"I'm going to bend down and kiss your neck," Bruce said quickly, his lips by your ear. "When I do I need you to look over my shoulder and see if you can recognize the man who walked in."
"PDA weirds people out. The only people staring are people looking for pictures. And we want those in the paper anyway."
"I certainly don't."
"What's the matter," he teased, " 'fraid your mother will call you? You're a married woman sweetie. We could fuck in the back of the car and she couldn't do anything but lecture you about bad taste."
You make a soft uncomfortable noise and Bruce refrained from pointing out that you'd let him have sex with you on a rooftop. More than once. "I'm not gonna be weird about it," he promised, "Just look. Don't stare."
He leaned down, pulling you closer and kissing a trail down your neck. Nipping lightly, just once to make sure you looked more flustered than nervous. "He's new in town," you murmured. shoving him away with a giggle that, to your credit, didn't sound too forced.
"That is a problem," he murmured, grinning as he snagged a glass of champagne for you from a passing waiter. "Any idea who he belongs too?"
You shake your head, taking a sip of champagne and trying not to think about how weird it is for Bruce to touch you with anything other than polite disinterest. "I'll see if one of the wives is chatty this evening."
"Ear to the ground and don't tilt-"
"Please. I've been doing this since you were obsessed with frogs."
"Fair enough," he said bending down to kiss your nose, winking. Anyone watching, he knew would think that this was some sort of newlywed spat being resolved. That his indiscretion had been forgotten and he had his eye on a brand new scandal. Probably involving you, a coat closet, and more champagne than was good for either of you... But. It was his party and he could do what he wanted.
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emininjago · 2 months
Sugary love ———— Lloyd x reader
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𝖲𝗈𝗇𝗀- 𝖮𝗇𝗅𝗒 𝖻𝗒 𝖫𝖾𝖾𝗁𝗂 
Originally this was posted on my Wattpad (Kaiya_ninjago) as an au one-shot for my Ninjago oc Kaiya Yoshida, however I’ve decided that I’ll upload it to tumblr but turn it into a Lloyd x reader fic, enjoy <3
Key: reader is gender-natural
e/c- eye colour
h/c- hair colour
Y/n- your name
l/n- your last name
The eyes the same hue as e/c captivated him. 
They drew him in commanding him to admire every aspect of them, of the way her h/c haired bounced as she walked through the café trays filled with drinks and sweet treats in hand, how they continually had a smile that felt like the sun was rising whilst they greeted the varying customers, or how he could hear the soles of their converse connecting to the ground as they weaved her way through the café like it was second nature to them. 
Everything y/n did had Lloyd falling more and more in love with the them.
The movement of a hand quickly moving in-front his face brought his attention back to the real world, he had forgotten he wasn’t alone, he forgot he was meant to be hanging out with his friends, and they certainly noticed his day dreaming. He already had a suspicion that they knew what or who was on his mind, and that was something he didn’t want to admit them again so publicly especially not when the person who occupied his thoughts was near.
“Hellooooo earth to hopeless romantic” Kai, the one who had moved his hand infront of Lloyds face spoke up, a sneaky grin on his face as he watched the blond snap himself back to reality. His other friends snickered at Kai’s choice of words, and Lloyd was quick to correct his posture and stare eyes wide at the brunet friend. 
“I am not!” He loudly whispered, his eyes glanced behind him to make sure y/n wasn’t within hearing distance, his cheeks were a faint pink at his friend exclamation of him being a hopeless romantic. Thankfully the person constantly on his mind was preoccupied talking to a customer, dimples on show, laughing at something they had said, he wondered what they had said, wondered when he could hear the sweet symphony of their laugher embracing his ears, wondered when the moment would come for him to be the reason for that symphony.
“Oh so, your mind wasn’t focused on little mr/miss/mx waiter/waitress over there” Jay teased, a sickeningly sweet grin on his face and his eyebrows wiggled mockingly. Lloyd nearly leapt across the table to cover the lightning ninjas mouth, his cheeks darkened at his words and at being bluntly called out by his friends for him daydream. 
“Shush! Shut it, not another word” Lloyd mumbled once again glancing behind him to check that the h/c person hadn’t snuck up behind him and had overheard Jay’s tease. They were still on the opposite side of the room blissfully unaware of the conversation taking place at his table, he wanted it to stay that way. 
The clothed navy blue and white stripped elbow of Nya nudged Jay, a somewhat serious expression explored her features though Lloyd couldn’t help but see the small smirk growing, her cupids bow making itself more apparent “Why don’t you just tell them how you feel dude” 
Colour had never rushed to Lloyds cheeks that quickly before, and it took everything in him not to slam his head onto the table and complain at Nya’s words, that would’ve caused quite a scene and alert y/n to his distress. He’d prefer to deal with his friends teasing than for his crush to see him like this. 
“Yeah sure and while I’m at it, I’ll make a new realm” Lloyd chided, his eyebrows raised mockingly at them whilst his hand lifted his cup of hot chocolate towards his lips. The beverage itself had an outline of a funky looking frog sketched into the chocolate, the sketch wasn’t by choice. All of his friends glanced at each other at his words, only one of them decided to speak up. 
“Technically it isn’t impossible for you to create a new realm, you’re the grandson of the First Spinjitsu Master and are the closest elemental wise in becoming the succeeding…” Zane explained, his tone remained monotone whilst he spoke, his tinted aquamarine Nindroid eyes stared at Lloyd. The rest exchanged a bewildered expression with one another, Nya silently reminded herself that she really needed to upgrade his sarcasm levels cause this was getting embarrassing. 
The grandson in question was quick to intervene his eyes narrowing at the titanium friend, he slowly shaked his head, the hot chocolate carefully placed back onto the table “I was being sarcastic Zane” Lloyd leaned slightly onto the table resting his elbows onto the wooden furniture, he didn’t miss the way the Nindroid silently told him to move his elbows of the table, mother hen. 
“It’d be good to get it off your chest, just gotta rip it of like an old bandaid” Cole encouraged a warm smile explored the earth ninjas face, as well as crumbs from the Black Forest gateau he had been devouring simply moments ago. Lloyd titled his head at Cole’s words, did he compare y/n to a band aid? And an old one at that. 
A loud groan left Kai’s and Jay’s lips both of them squinting their eyes at the ninja with frosting around his lips, Lloyd saw how a few customers in the café slightly turned to look at the infamous ninjas when the noise escaped the fire and lightning ninja.
“Can you stop comparing relationships to an old bandaid!” Jay exclaimed, his face slightly distorted due to the annoyed expression that crossed it. If Lloyd wasn’t exasperated with the ninjas he would’ve taken a photo of Jays to remember the hilarious face he had pulled. Kai leaned over towards Cole and shaked his shoulders slightly quietly mumbling about how that is a horrible expression to use when describing feelings and that he should’ve learnt the first time not to use it. All Lloyd could do was slowly blink at his friends. 
“Not my fault I can’t think of any other sayings!” Cole whisper yelled still being slightly shaken by Kai, Lloyd wanted to curl up into a little tiny ball and disappear under the table never to be seen again. He glanced behind to see that y/n had since moved away from the customer they were talking to and was now out of his line of sight, he could only assume they were now in the kitchen preparing a substance for a customer. The blond released a sigh of relief at the lack of y/n. 
“Boys, back on topic” Nya sternly whispered to them circling them back to the conversation at hand, he would've preferred if the three musketeers had continued their bicker at one another which would’ve dismayed the many customers in the cafe greatly. He wished the conversation didn’t have to turn back to him, not about this topic, he laid his head onto the table his arms being used as a cushion “Lloyd” 
He rapidly shakes his head not wanting to be addressed, especially not when Nya had used such a firm tone at his, as if he was once again a child and she was scolding him for a prank he had pulled or for sneaking out for a mission. Instead she was scolding him for not talking about his romantic feelings for a certain brunette, how times have turned.
“You’re gonna have to confront these feelings sooner or later” The elemental master added when she saw the swift movement of his head, unbeknownst to Lloyd all of them had a growing smirk on their faces. He regretted ever telling them about his crush on y/n, though truth be told they knew before he even told them anything, they had caught him on many occasions being trapped in a daydream admiring the h/c waitress/waiter a lovesick smile on his face. They were all none the wiser how y/n themselves hadn’t picked up on his crush yet. He was that obvious, or were they both that oblivious.
“Not when they’re literally a few feet away” was Lloyds mumbled response, it took two attempts of them all repeating the words in their heads and having a silent conversation with only their eyes to understand what he’d said. Too bad they didn’t have incredible hearing, only Lloyd got blessed with that. He could hear the distant movement of y/n in the kitchen preparing an order and the delicious smell of pastries floated through the air. 
Jay glanced up to stare into the little window that showed the kitchen, he could only see the h/c of y/n’s hair, they were far enough away there’s not a chance they could hear them. The cooper curled ninja leaned closer to Lloyd the sneaky grin still on his face. 
“All the more reasons to talk about them” he quietened his voice into a whisper, the teasing tone of his words flowing easily of his tongue. Lloyd lightly lifted his head up from the table resting it against his crossed elbows, his crimson coloured eyes the same shade as blood narrowed at the lightening ninja. The blond blindly aimed his foot to kick Jay, a pout formed onto the coopers face and he glanced down to the foot that had collided with his under the table “did you seriously just…”
Jay stared at Lloyd with a look of disbelief at the fact that one of his adopted brothers had kicked him, then his disbelief turned into humour. Pulling his head away from Lloyd a snicker escaped his lips and in seconds it turned into laughter tears pricked his eyes as he continued to laugh, Lloyd rested his head back onto the table with a groan. Nya quickly shot Jay a glare that instantly told him to shut up, he did as was instructed however faint snickers found their way to echo across the room he had to cover his mouth with his hand to muffle them. 
“You know Lloyd, Valentine’s Day is coming up” Kai chimed brushing the out of place strand of brunet hair that threatened to ruin his entire hairstyle. A smirk grew on Kai’s face, he stood up from the table and walked over to where Lloyd was sat, shaking his shoulder the same way brothers would. Lloyd weakly pushed Kai away and back into his seat, he wasn’t in the mood for his brotherly actions, nor for trying to understand what he was implying with his sentence. 
Zane who has only then finished his cup of tea, glanced down at Lloyd before speaking a smile much like the teasing expression on the others faces blessed his metallic one “Valentines day; the one day celebration of love, adoration and affection, it is common for individuals whether that be romantic or platonic to ask each-other to be their valentines. However this day is also celebrated to honour the death of Saint Valentine, a martyr who defied Emperor Claudius ban on marriage.” The Nindroid explained his eyes lifting from Lloyd up to the silhouette of y/n who was still in the kitchen, the teasing smile on his face grew “I believe Kai is telling you to ask them to be your valentines” 
That made Lloyd harshly left his head up from the table, his cheeks a dark shade of pink as he returned to his original position, his eyes had also widened at the advice. 
“I beg your…what!” Lloyd exclaimed his voice slightly shaky in shock and embarrassment at what had just been spoken, he could barely comprehend what had been asked of him. He glanced around the room hoping his exclamation and the words of his friends hadn’t been too loud, he didn’t wish for a specific h/c to hear this conversation. 
“Yeah, and if they don’t reciprocate your feelings then you can say you meant it platonically” Cole smiled, hoping this would be seen as encouragement for Lloyd to confess his feelings to the person. It had the opposite effect, Lloyd slowly sank further into his seat a sound closing resembling a whine, that just made him not want to tell them even more. 
The harsh sound of a slap on Cole’s shoulder returned Lloyds attention to his friends, Kai had taken the liberty to smack the earth elemental shoulder an amused expression of disbelief on his face. 
“Dude, you’re not helping!” Kai snippily said shaking his head disappointedly at Cole, what even went through his mind to say that? Kai knew Cole had meant it from the goodness of his heart, but that was not what was needed “that probably made Lloyd not want to confess even more” Cole mumbled a quick apology at Lloyd, mentally face palming himself for even saying those words. 
“I think what Cole is trying to say, is that it’s better for you to try rather than suffer in silence with your feelings. Take a leap of faith” Nya softly spoke her smile aimed at only Lloyd to see, this was an actual smile of encouragement, there was no mocking tone or anything of the sorts and it seemed that the others agreed with her words. Lloyd sighed and adjusted his posture straightening back into his original spot. 
Was he really going to confess his feelings to y/n? And on Valentine’s Day of all days, a day that was merely three days away. The possibility of getting rejected was high and so was the feeling of possibly feeling embarrassed about it, but Nya was right, he had to take a leap of faith.
“Okay…okay I’ll try” Lloyd mumbled, a small smile forming on his face as his cheeks flushed a pinkish colour, he couldn’t believe he was admitting out-loud to them that he’ll try and confess to them on valentines. He couldn’t believe he was even thinking about verbalising his feelings of infatuation to the brunette that was constantly on his mind. 
Jay leaned over towards him, his eyes held a teasing gleam to them as he leaned close to Lloyd and smirked. His expression made Lloyd incredibly uncomfortable “and you know, it’ll be a cute story to tell your kids that you got with them on valentines day” 
Lloyd shot up from the chair in record speed, his eyes widening at the statement and his cheeks became so much more darker. He glanced behind him watching as y/n walked out of the kitchen tray in hand with sweet treats on and walked towards a table, this time when he glanced y/n looked back at him smiling warmly at him before continuing their walk to the table. Lloyd cheeks were burning at that. 
“I’m waiting… outside” Lloyd quickly spoke shuffling out from his chair, tucking the chair back into the table and slowly walked away towards the exit of the café. His cup of hot chocolate remained half empty and the ninjas exploded into silent laughter. 
Y/n could only spare Lloyd a single glance of confusion wondering what had made him look so on edge when they stared at him. The blond never wanted them to know about the conversation he and his friends just had, though it did achieve one thing. 
He was going to ask y/n l/n to be his valentines, to confess his feelings of unbridled love to them, and that scared him to pieces. 
Lloyd stared down at the sketchbook on his desk, the book with the engraved leather binding of his name making it look ancient and lost in time seemed to merely reflect his own stressed expression. This book held all of his most recent sketches the faint lines of where his pencil had touched the paper hidden within, in a way this sketchbook held all of his secrets, his passions, his beliefs, how he views the world. There were various sketches dotted in the books paper of his surroundings, of the people around him, of the pets that have graced the monastery over the years, only one of these sketches had blush decorating his cheek. 
He flipped open the book instantly finding the page he desired, he remembers the day he drew that page as if it had happened yesterday. It was a rainy afternoon, water droplets cascading down the cafés window in groups, the café itself was relatively quiet most of the customers were inside to hide away from the rain. Y/n waltz around the room drinks and food in hand warmly welcoming people onto the quaint building to conceal themselves from the increasing storm. It had been by chance that Lloyd had ended up in the café, the dim lights softening the atmosphere around him, it was the type of atmosphere that if you weren’t careful you’d fall asleep in an instant.
His eyes fluttered across the room taking in his surroundings, though his gaze always returned to a certain brunette, his pencil brushed along the paper trying to capture the way in which the light of the candles decorated Y/n’s face, how their hair was a bit out of place, how their eyes held a softness to them whilst they talked to their customers, he tried to capture all of these little details onto the paper. 
The page he was staring at was a portrait of y/n, their contagious smile frozen in time and their eyes squinted slightly in laughter all captured onto the page forever inscribed onto it. His smile, a Duchenne smile decorated his lips his finger lowering to the paper and stroking the cheek of the drawn y/n. 
“What are you looking at Lloyd?” A voice from behind him brought him away from his thoughts, quickly he turned around to come face to face with purple eyes staring at him, her head titled in question, though a somewhat teasing smile was on her metallic face. Pixel was in the doorway of his room, he didn’t even realise nor hear anyone approaching, was he that stuck in his daydream. 
A sheepish expression dawned his face, his cheeks decorated in a blush pink colour, Lloyd quickly cleared his throat his eyes glimpsing behind him he instantly saw the page of y/n’s portrait on full display, if Pixel even steps slightly around him she would come face to face with the portrait. 
He quickly rushed to shut the book slamming it shut while Pixel’s confused expression seemed to spread. Lloyds cheeks continued to glow in its pink delight “Pix, hey!” his hand laid against the book while he turned around again to face her, he attempted to muster up the most convincing smile she would ever see. 
“Why did you slam the book?” Pixel took a step further into the room keeping the shoji door slightly ajar, one of her silver eyebrows raised as she look from Lloyd to where his hand disappeared behind him. The grip of Lloyds hand tightened around the leather bound object. 
“no reason, so uh need anything” Lloyd quickly replied his cheeks continued to be painted in blush, all he wanted to do was answer Pixels inquiry if she had one and then she’ll leave, he could only handle being embarrassed once today, he didn’t need it twice.
The samurai warrior stepped beside Lloyd her eyes glancing down at the book that his hand was covering, anyone could tell it was his sketchbook the leather bound around it and the fact that he was being quite protective of it gave all the clarification needed. Lloyd sighed at that, his fingers tapping against the material surrounding the sketch book, it had quite the harsh touch to it but was soothing nevertheless. 
“Zane informed me of the conversation had at the café” Pixel explained, smile on her face, her eyes never left where the sketchbook was embracing the outside of it. She always found Lloyds book to be special, always found it showed her glimpses into how he sees the world and others, on the rare occasions she’s been able to get a peak at the sketches within it always amazed her just how detailed they were. How the hands of a fighter could create something so beautiful, though that might’ve been the First Spinjitsu masters family genes shining through “are you really going to ask y/n to be your valentines?”
Of course Zane had already ratted him out to the nindroids significant other, that shouldn’t have surprise him, that in a way didn’t surprise him, he was expecting Pixel to mention something about the café. 
“Maybe, I don’t…I don’t know” Lloyd’s gaze diverted to the ground not wanting Pixel to see any more of the blush coating his cheeks. Slowly he lifted the sketch book up from the table and rested it against his chest, his arms crossing over it to create a protective shield around it, shielding it away from the prying eyes. 
“That sketchbook of yours has always intrigued me” Pixel pointed to the book in his grasp, a smile on her face while doing so, she could only guess that there was a sketch of a one y/n l/n engraved into the page “I believe they would enjoy it” 
Those were the last words Pixel spoke to the blond sending him a quick smile her lips curving upwards, she swiftly left the room after her smile as if she hadn’t just left Lloyd speechless with her words or that she hadn’t just given Lloyd an idea on how to ask y/n to be his valentines. Slowly he settled his sketchbook back onto the desk and once again found his desired page, he quickly grabbed a pencil from his desk draw which sat on the desk and began to scribble down onto the page a quick sentence. 
‘‘Y/n, will you be my valentines?’ 
He stared hard at the page, debating whether or not to gently tear the beautiful/handsome sketch of y/n out of his sketchbook, the decision weighed heavily on him disagreeing whether or not he should take a chance or remain a coward and leave it in the book. Lloyd didn’t realise that through his debate in his mind he had already teared the page out of his sketchbook, the decision had been made.
Slowly he folded the page, the pencil stained paper getting smaller after every fold, Lloyd fiddled with the sketch his mind still racing on why did he allow the ninjas to coheres him to ask y/n out so easily, he’d never asked anyone out before, never had to bare his romantic feelings out to someone, Cole was right though even if his confession to y/n went poorly he could easily say it was meant platonically. 
He placed the paper onto his desk, the folded paper standing out like a sore thumb compared to everything else, tomorrow he’d give y/n the note, tomorrow the question on the paper would be answered. That knowledge frightened him. 
“Lloyd mission time!” Cole called out to Lloyd as he passed by the now open shoji doors that connected his bedroom to the Monastery corridor. The blond was already a-dawning his signature Green GI, where one of the sleeves were brown whilst the rest was a dark green. Lloyd sighed and glanced one more time at the folded paper. 
He rushed out the room, his mind already fixating on the upcoming mission, though the paper and y/n remained in the back of his mind. 
They always found a way back into the four front of his mind throughout the mission. 
The café had never felt so silent before, even with Lloyds incredible hearing there was not a sound of customers chatting to be heard, the distant sound of a radio playing faint jazz music echoed across the room. It was just after the lunch rush and only a few patrons were in the café most of them being elderly citizens enjoying their own company, Lloyd must’ve been the youngest person in that café as he admired the decor that surrounded the walls and how the faint pinks and yellows mixed perfectly to make such a calming atmosphere. 
He stood beside the door, the slightly broken bell singing on his arrival, Lloyd wasn’t going to be here for long, all he needed to do was hand y/n the note wait for their response and then leave. His hand fidgeted with the folded note that was concealed in his Green hoodie, rocking on his heel as he heard the faint laughter of y/n from the kitchen.
Soon they walked out of the kitchen and to the counter, a wide smile on their face. Lloyd took that moment to admire he features, to admire her h/c hair which had been tossed into a high ponytail/or however your hair normally looks to avoid it from ruining the batter, their front hair hiding parts of their alluring e/c eyes that they had to sweep away to put her eyes on full display once again, a cream coloured apron tightened around their waist and the faint smell of pastries drifted into his direction. In his eyes y/n was the definition of perfect, and if he could he’d admire them the entire day, for the rest of his life if he could. 
Y/n turned their head when they felt eyes staring at them and they flinched slightly at seeing Lloyd standing silently beside the door, he sheepishly smiled at them causing a chuckle to smoothly leave their lips “you really do live up to your profession, don’t you?” They jokingly shakes their head and a smile once again graced their lips, Lloyd wished he could ingrain that smile into his brain. 
“What can I say, it’s part of the job description” The blond took that as his cue to walk up to the counter, the awkward smile still remaining on his lips while the paper continued to be fidgeted with in his hand. This was going surprisingly better than he had thought, though he didn’t plan on accidentally frightening them, he forgot just how quiet he could be. 
“Mhm, nearly gave me a heart attack” y/n grabbed a rag from the side and began wiping down the counter, a half smile still on their lips even when doing this mundane job, they glanced up to their blond haired friend who still looked slightly on edge, they decided to ask about his uneasiness in a bit “on pick up duty again? Well sorry to be the bearer of bad news but you have to order your stuff first before coming in to grab it, my boss almost threw a fit the last time you came without ordering first and I just gave you the food.” A smirked grew on y/n’s lips before they lowered her voice into a whisper and added “though I can always sneak you a little something from behind the counter” 
Lloyd shakes his head at y/n’s word, the nervousness leaving his body for a brief moment he chucked at their words, the h/c raised an eyebrow at Lloyd not fully believing his head shake. 
“Really, well that surprises me” y/n mumbled, finishing with the rag and placing it back onto the side of the counter, they rested her body weight onto the black serving counter. He fidgeted with the paper once again before quickly signing, a confused expression found its way ontop y/n’s face tilting their head slightly at his tense stance. 
“Are you…busy?” He quietly asked his question sounding more like a mumble than actual words, the fidgeting of the paper in his pocket increased and y/n placed a hand onto his clothed shoulder to calm him. It didn’t calm him, not in the slightest, the action made him think that his heart had skipped a beat and pink coated his cheeks. 
“No I’m not busy, is everything okay Lloyd?” Y/n softly responds with a question of their own, keeping their hand firmly on his shoulder and rubbing her thumb gently across it, they were no doubt going to be the death on him, if was so then he didn’t mind going to an early grave. 
“Yeah, yeah I’m okay just wanted to…” Slowly he began to pull out the folded paper his palms sweating while doing so he hid the paper away from their eye-line, there was no doubt that the paper was getting slightly wet from his palm. He cut himself off halfway, swallowing loudly and running over the words in his head one last time. Y/n patiently waited for him to continue. 
Steadily he opened his mouth preparing himself to pass y/n the folded paper and final have his question answered, that didn’t happen, one of the customers decided at that moment to come up to the counter “excuse me, are you busy?” The h/c glanced at Lloyd quickly an apologetic look in their eyes before mouthing the word sorry and removing their hand from his shoulder focusing their attention onto the customer.
Lloyd stood there crestfallen, was that a sign from the First Spinjitsu Master that it wasn’t worth asking them, that it wasn’t meant to be. He stared harshly at the ground slowly shaking his head at himself, at his stupidity, why did he even think to trust his friends, why didn’t he decline their idea immediately and never even think about asking y/n to be his valentines, it was a stupid thought really that he’d even have the courage to ask them. Lloyd shoved the paper back into his hoodie pocket his arms hanging limply at his side. 
A few minutes later and the customer retreated back to their table, a few minutes too late for Lloyd he’d already scrapped the idea of asking y/n to be his, scrapped the idea of giving them the folded paper. Quickly y/n returned their attention back onto their crimson eyed friend an apologetic smile on their face. 
“Sorry about that, what did you want to say Loy?” Y/n rubbed the back of their neck in sympathy and properly stared at Lloyd, only then did they notice the annoyed expression on his face and the slight scowl that made its way onto his lips, what had happened in those minutes that had made him look so upset.
“Nothing important” Lloyd monotonously responded, his voice quiet and his eyes refused to meet her staring anywhere but at her. Quickly he turned away from them and walked towards the door “better let you get back to work” 
Y/n opened their mouth to speak, to try and stop him from leaving and for them to understand what had happened, however he was already out of the café door it swinging harshly open and walking out of the café swiftly away from her, the bell nearly broke of from its stand as he exited. The few customers stared at his loud exit in confusion, the most confused of them all was Y/n themself, quietly blinked at the door before opening the flat of the counter to go and adjust the bell back to its normal place. 
Once they had walked out from behind the counter did their eyes catch the sight of a folded and slight crumpled paper on the floor, in curiosity y/n crouched onto the ground and picked up the paper walking with it in hand as they made their way to the bell. They didn’t know where it had come from and it felt wrong them for to go snooping at other peoples belongings, but they really wanted to know what was on it. 
Slowly they opened the folded paper and they were instantly meet with themselves, or at least a sketched version of themselves. Y/n marvelled at the drawing, they weren’t a massive art fan but everything about this sketch drew them in, the way whoever drew them captured them blew their breath away, it was mesmerising. Their eyes scanned the sketch searching for some type of initial that would reveal of the mystery of who’d drew this for them, the art style seemed recognisable to them for some reason but she couldn’t understand why, only when their eyes caught sight of the scribbled writing did they know who it was. 
Their breath hitched as they caught sight of Lloyds name at the end of the six letter question, their cheeks becoming a rosy pink hue that there was no doubt that if any of the customers even glanced over at them then they’d be confused by their expression. That was what he had wanted to ask, that was why he was so quick to leave, that was why he looked so nervous, their entire interaction with Lloyd made so much more sense. They softly smiled at the sketch and refolded it placing it into their apron pocket, they had some planning to do, and they couldn’t wait for Lloyds next visit to the café, they only hoped it would be before Valentine’s Day. 
Lloyd didn’t notice that the sketch was no longer in his hoodie pocket until the very next day. 
Lloyd was practically dragged once again to the café, this time however it was by his mother insisting that this was what he needed to get him out of his funk. He blankly stared at his mother in annoyance, he didn’t tell her that the reason he was in his funk was because he was going to ask y/n to be his valentines in that very café but the universe clearly didn’t give him any signs that he should, he didn’t dare tell his mother that reason, that would’ve only given her more reason to bring him here. 
“I’m not in a funk mum” Lloyd harshly whispered to his mother the moment she opened the café door, the bell announcing his arrival, his eyes glancing to the floor the moment he saw y/n h/c hair. Mistako guided the two of them to an empty table, a warm smile on her face while she adjusted her glasses. 
“Nonsense, you normally love going to this café. Gets you right out of your sour moods” His mother beamed picking up a menu from the table to scan over the items on offer. Yeah, normally it would help his sour moods but not when the person he wanted to ask to be his valentines is in his vicinity, it was the day before Valentine’s Day and he had lost his sketch, those three factors did not equal a perfect place to help him “what do you want son? I’ll be paying” 
“Debating whether or not to pick the most expensive item for revenge on you dragging me here” Lloyd chided in a mumble, his eyes narrowing when his mother passed him a menu, she lightly smacked him on the back of the head and huff leaving her lips, the café certainly hadn’t fixed his mood, she didn’t even know what had made him so prickly. 
“Behave you” Mistako strictly whispered with a raise of her eyebrow, from the corner of her eye she could see y/n making their way to the table notepad in hand. Maybe they’ll be able to right her son’s sour mood, Mistako didn’t notice how Lloyd swiftly turned his attention away from the approaching y/n nor the pink that dusted his cheeks. 
“Long time no see, what’ll it be?” Y/n smiled at the two of them, their smile lingering longer at Lloyd than at his grey haired mother, their eyes closing slightly in delight. Mistako was quick to say her order and was about to poke her son to tell him to say his own order, however y/n had already spoken again “your usual Lloyd?” 
The way their question seemed to easily leave their lips left his cheeks rising in blush more, his eyes turning to glance at them slowly he began nodding his head “uh…yeah…yeah I’ll have that” he kept it brief and quickly turned his gaze back to the closed door, it was difficult trying to ignore the person you’re hopelessly crushing on, his mother once again lifted an eyebrow at his nervous and swift tone but she never commented on it. 
Y/n smiled and walked away claiming the orders will be out shortly, it was once again only Lloyd and Mistako at the table. 
“What was that about?” She humorously asked the moment y/n had disappeared into the kitchen, the older women moved the menu out of Lloyds hand and to the side of the table, a quiet laugh leaving her lips at his pink cheeks, she never realised Lloyd had a crush on y/n, now she was more glad that she had brought Lloyd here. 
“Not important mum” Lloyd quickly whispered, his eyes wide as the words flowed from his mouth and he rested his head onto his elbow, his eyes glued to the door once again avoiding any eye-contact from his mother or from y/n. Mistako opened her mouth once again wanting to add onto her previous statement, though the quick glare her son gave her quickly prompted her not to and to instead sit there quietly and wait for their beverages 
Ten minutes later and y/n returned two drinks in hand for the two Garmadon family members, the warm smile persisted on their lips even when they placed the drinks down for the respective person. Lloyd glanced down at his hot chocolate expecting some sort of disfigured drawing of a type of animal, only this time it was none of the sorts, instead on the top of his cup sketched into it via cream was a heart, must’ve been a valentine special for the day before and on Valentine’s Day. 
“Oh Lloyd” y/n spoke reaching into the packet of their apron and grabbing out a familiar piece of folded paper, Lloyd froze the moment he saw that paper, of course he’d left it here, of course they’d seen it, he didn’t want them to see it anymore, he didn’t want to feel the taste of embarrassment, of humiliation. The h/c placed it beside Lloyds hot chocolate “You left this here a few days ago” 
Lloyd wanted to bang his head onto that very table, he wanted to run out of that café with what little dignity he had left, he wanted to rip that paper into a million tiny pieces. Y/n didn’t stay for long after they gave Lloyd his folded paper back smiling warmly at him before going back to the counter, he could still feel her gaze even when she was no longer beside him. 
The blond let out a slight groan at the folded paper picking it up from the table and holding it in his hand, he narrowed his eyes at it as if scolding the paper for falling onto the floor and ending up in y/n’s hand. Mistako glanced down at the paper to her son silently telling asking him what on earth was that paper for, he never responded. 
With a quick movement of his fingers he unfolded the paper, he might as well see if the sketch was still intact even if the small question that laid unanswered on it would haunt him. Slowly but cautiously he unfolded the paper, the sketched eyes of y/n staring at him, he unknowingly smiled at being reunited with the sketch though as his eyes surveyed the page he noticed that something had been added, his eyes widened when he realised what it was. 
‘Yes, I’d love to ♡︎’ 
In seconds he was quickly placing the paper back onto the table, his mother raising an eyebrow at him at his fast reaction unaware of what was on the paper. 
“They said yes” Lloyd whispered in disbelief, pink slowly becoming more evident on his cheeks and the tip of his ears, once again he grabbed ahold of the pencil stained paper and looked over her written reply, he saw that underneath their name y/n had written down a number, their number, he had y/n number “oh my wojira” Lloyd sank into his seat, a dreamy smile on his face while his hot chocolate became forgotten, he couldn’t believe he had a valentines, that Y/n L/N was his valentines.
Lloyd glanced behind him and there they were smiling at his reaction, their own blush decorating their face, they lifted their hand up to her ear and did the call me sign. He sheepishly smiled at her rubbing the back of his neck, guess he was no longer free tomorrow, tomorrow he was with y/n, on a date. 
He was going to cherish that sketch forever 
Green machine: 
Guess who’s got a valentine!
sent 11:30am
You all owe me £10 
sent 11:31
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laelelinae · 3 months
I don’t love you! Kenma k x fem!reader
03. “Collab” (words in this chap!!)
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warnings: just a lot of nonsense,English is not my first language !! (I proof read this like 5 times help.)
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You closed your phone,putting it in your pocket as you walked out of the elevator in your campus,heading to the entrance.
Instantly spotting the dyed hair ,your eyes lighten up as you walked to him excitedly.
“Kenma!” You happily spoke.
The boy quickly looked up at you,closing his phone. Putting it in his pocket as well.
“Hello.” Dry..so dry for what..
“That’s dry..can you like..be more you know..silly?” You spoke,squinting your eyes at him.
Kenma looked away,kinda embarrassed your judging him.
“..uhh..let’s just..go?” He questioned,tilting his head like a lost cat.
“Cute..” you muttered quietly.
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. . . .
Kenma put down his Go Pro camera on one the shelf’s near by..your viewers and his watching you two on this “collab stream”
“I kinda like it..” Kenma muttered as he looked down at you. you felt like he was staring deeply into your eyes,you swore.
he’s taller than you somehow..
You and him were wearing some silly hats..well..how did you even ended up in this shop in this first place? ..you just came across it while you were walking around this new mall that was near by your campus.
He was wearing a crab hat,you were wearing a frog hat.
The chat absolutely going insane..literally.
“Such a cute couple wtf,wished I had that”
“If they don’t already marry each other,I will shoot myself”
“Kenma x y/n official when”
“I will pay you two to date omfg”
Okay..secretly you were enjoying it that they were shipping you two.
..obviously you and Kenma are trying to ignore all that blabbering nonsense your viewers and his was chatting.
“Oh this is so good ,what the hell..” Kenma spoke as he was eating the piece of cake you two ordered at a cafe you wanted to try
“Agreed!” You happily spoke,taking a sip of your matcha.
“Cute.” Kenma thought as he took glances of you.
You were still streaming,the Go Pro camera just on the table.
“We should come here more ofte-“ before you could finish your sentence,a waiter suddenly disturb you.
The waiter puts down a small cake with a cream glazed(?) cake and a little cherry on top. And there was only one fork.
Kenma looked at you with a (o_0 ?) face,waiting for you to speak up instead.
“We didn’t order this..?” You spoke confusingly to the waiter..
“Oh no! Is for couples!” The waiter happily spoke..
Your chat literally going even more and more crazy…
Both of your faces literally BEET RED.
Why does everyone thinks your a couple..?
You kind of did a blinking signal at kenma..you didn’t wanna be rude with the waiter and plus..you enjoyed this.
“A-ah..uh..thanks!” You smiled,faking the smile.
The waiter did a small little bow ,walks away.
Your chat going even more insane..like wtf why did you take the cake..
Well..free cake is free cake!!
“Uh..let’s half it?” ,he quickly nodded. you cut the small cake in half,putting it in another plate as you gave it to Kenma.
. . . Great..there’s probably gonna be so much drama between you and Kenma now. Haha..but that’s fine..maybe you can just dodge the bullet for now..right..
(Your tweets) …..
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Lae’s notes: also for tmr chapter it might come out late 😞
22 notes · View notes