#wanna be able to submit it before the deadline
goldieclaws · 1 year
Wailing crying etc. bc I wrote out some code for my sprites so that they were positioned properly/in a nice way in my Spooktober jam submission and I forgot to transfer it over to my other devices ARGHH
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changexchangevent · 11 days
Sign Ups Are Open!!
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Sign up period for Change Gift Exchange 2024 opens today, 10th September, and will go on till 30th September, 10 pm IST.
> Sign up at the Change Gift Exchange 2024 Collection in ao3!
Sign up to participate in the gift exchange and create works from Pit Babe the Series (Season 1 and 2), This Love Doesn’t Have Long Beans, Affair, I’m The Most Beautiful Count, and Goddess Bless You From Death. Create a work and gift to one of your fellow participants, and get one back yourself! 
All participants must offer a minimum of 3 request 5 of offers, and may submit a maximum of 6 requests and 10 offers. Not sure what requests and offers are? Have a look at this Gift Exchange FAQ post linked below!
Other expectations from participants can be found here. 
Assignments will be sent to creators between 3rd-5th October, and works are due on 3rd December, within 10 pm IST. (Note that submissions will open two weeks after assignments are sent out, so you can submit any time before the deadline on 3rd!)
Don't have any time to sign up and create something now? You can always join as a pinch hitter (sign ups will begin after 30th Setember), create some treat works (aka create works from all the requests made by other participants that will be available publicly in the collection as people sign up), and cheer on the creators when works are posted from 23rd-27th December!
Please fill this google doc with your contact information—your tumblr url and/or an email address—if you signed up in the collection in ao3. 
This is to ensure that we are able to reach you in case you missed otr are very close to missing your deadline, or if something important happens and we need to contact you, and also for check ins about your participation while the event runs.
Other than your tumblr url, which will be used to tag you in exchange related posts if you opted for it (posts about assignments being sent out, check ins and deadlines), the information you provide will not be shared, used, or posted unless absolutely necessary. Your email will not be shared or mentioned publicly at all.
All contact information will be deleted as soon as all the works are revealed and everyone gets their gifts and will not be recorded. 
> Sign up at the Change Gift Exchange 2024 Collection in ao3! > Tagset Nominations are ongoing! You can nominate your tags here by clicking on the 'Nominate' button on top and writing down the tags you wanna use in your requests and offers! > See the event schedule post here > See the rules of this exchange > Unsure what gift exchanges, requests, and offers are all about? This faq post may help. Also remember to check ao3's gift exchange faq! > See the Tagset Nominations FAQ for more info!
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Hi! First of all i wanna thank you for your kindness and resourcefullness to support the tumblr ND community!
And second:
Do yoy have any tips on how to deal with executive dysfunction? Especially when you HAVE to do something increedibly crucial but its a big heavy task that you have no interest in and puts you under a lot of pressure.
Again, thank you! I submitted an ask ages ago and you helped me realize that i have BOTH ADHD AND ASD!
I found some lists that I found that might be helpful:
How to Manage Executive Dysfunction Problems:
1. Use a digital calendar to manage your time
2. Keep helpful resources like checklists and templates nearby & visible
3. Break goals down into smaller 5-minute actions
4. Create an organizational system to keep track of important physical items
5. Plan and commit to short breaks between work sessions
6. Color code study materials based on mastery to prioritize review
7. Use habit-building apps to build consistency
8. Reframe deadlines and helpful tools to prioritize responsibilities
9. Practice mindfulness to build presence and attention
10. Pre-plan your next action following a scheduled break
Full article is below:
I found another list:
1. Make a Daily To-Do List 
Creating a daily list of tasks and projects can help to improve the challenges of executive function disorder. To-do lists can help you stay motivated, organized, and make progress towards your goals. A daily to-do list is a powerful way to manage impulses that can lead to poor decision-making.
2. Use a Calendar 
Create a daily, weekly, or monthly schedule to track important dates and appointments. Update your calendar daily. Try to make recurring appointments at the same time of day. 
3. Learn How to Manage Your Time
Break down to-do lists as "urgent," "important," and "non-urgent." This will allow you to budget plenty of time for those long-term projects that are important to you.
4. Take Notes
Take time to write down important dates, reminders, or rules that come up in a designated notebook. Keep it organized. Keep sticky notes in a place that is easily accessible. Take notes related to important calls so that you can keep track of details discussed in meetings and conversations. 
5. Use Reminders
Use reminders and alarms to keep you organized and on time for appointments and meetings. 
6. Keep It Simple
Reduce the number of activities that you attempt to complete at one time to help you focus and complete the task before moving on to another.
7. Relax and Breathe 
Practicing stress management techniques like meditation, yoga, deep breathing can improve symptoms associated with weak executive function skills and can help to reduce executive function anxiety.
8. Stay Organized
If you find yourself losing items frequently or feeling overwhelmed, try decluttering your home or office. Stay organized and keep your area tidy to help you locate items and feel less overwhelmed.
Full article will be below:
I hope this helps. Maybe my followers can give some advice and tips too.
Thanks for the submission. I hope you have a wonderful day/night. ♥️
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callibones · 15 days
hello! while i was looking at blaseball stuff, i came across the documents for your oc constitution. i wanted to tell you that i had a lot of fun looking through it !!! i found the mixed media elements ( like the social media posts n stuff ) really creative and nice. the only thing i wonder is ... an object camp is like a roleplaying group, right? how do you. find? object camps
i know that for some roleplaying communities, there are hubs where people post ads for their campaigns. do you know if theres a centralized community like that for object shows? i want to try making object characters of my own but i do Not know how to get into this sorry
howdy! first of all, thank you so much for checking out constitution! i had so much fun making entries for it and it absolutely touches my heart to hear someone enjoyin readin that stuff.
as for what an object camp is, it's not a roleplaying group! like. object roleplaying groups exist, i'm sure, but an object camp is very specifically a competition in which all those social media posts n written segments are entries, written for specific challenges, finished by a specific challenge, and done to be able to win advantages that allow you to stay in the competition. it's more like survivor/total drama than a roleplay, because while you're storytelling you're also voting out your fellow contestants and making alliances and playing tokens!
if that still sounds up your alley... while i'm sure there's centralized locations for object shows, that's not really where i go to find camps. i just find them through word of mouth! there's a gorgeous little tight-knit community that's part of the much larger Greater Object Community, and that's where i call home. after being invited by my friends to join one camp (the wiki camp 2), i found camp gnc 2 and other wonderful object camps through clicking on links in the ad channels and my friends telling me what they were signing up for. so you'll need one in signups to start.
fortunately... my dear friend of @ecto-hazard has one in signups right now! it's called lab camp and signups are open for like two more days so if you wanna get a character in, or just spectate one before you try one out for yourself, join there if you're 18+! (a lotta these camps are for adults, not because they're nsfw but just because it's a way of curating the space.) if you can't come up with a character before the deadline, it's still a great way to see what other people are submitting and ask them how they come up with object characters while they're fresh in everyone's memory. and it'll be a great place to meet people who might go on to host the next great object camp themself! (i'm working on one...)
finally, as for making object characters of your own, you can just do that! my little thing Stray Pixel (strixel) existed for a whole year as "object character i thought would be a fun concept" before i applied it for a camp. and then it didn't get in, and i applied it for another (blaseball-themed) camp and got in! omg you should totally join the RIV server too since you're like me- an object fan and a blaseball fan. you'll definitely meet like-minded people there. (this one's 15+!)
whether you join these or not, i'll be sure to post updates n stuff on camps i find that are public and things that get me excited. and i'm happy to answer any more questions u have about object camps or the community! i'm literally movin across the country because of someone i met in an object camp. these things rock. theyre such a great unique way to storytell on a deadline (good for adhd). i hope you either find a great camp or just have a lot of fun making object characters. and when you do, please tell me about 'em! making object characters ROCKS. any of my awesome friends or anyone else who's cool, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE show off your awesome objects, whether or not they're applied to somethin. i dont wanna say "reblog this" but like i think you cant put images in the replies... so... one way or another show anon (and me!) ur object ocs i am Begging
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spnfanficpond · 1 year
Weekly Pond Newsletter
For those in the northeastern part of the US, this past week has been wild. Wild like wild fires, to be exact. Anyone else who's ever had to live with smoke like this gets our utmost respect! We are not as cool as some when it comes to this type of thing!
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Old Business:
The Angel Fish Awards for May were posted! Click here to check them out and find some new fics to read!
Paul Carella has expanded his weekly Stageit concerts by adding two concerts on Wednesdays each week. He generally schedules his shows a couple of days in advance, and we try to post them on our calendar as soon as possible, so keep an eye out if you like good music! You can add our Google calendar to your own Google calendar by clicking here (on desktop), and then refreshing the tab. (Once you've accessed it on desktop, you will be able to also access it on mobile.)
Last week's #TweetFicTues prompt was:
Sam & Olivette (from the Grand Coven). How and why would they meet? (Would she be human or a hamster? Would Cas adopt a hamster witch? 🤣) Set the scene!
Remember to tag us if you write something based on one of our prompts!
New Business:
Jason Manns has a Stageit concert scheduled for Tuesday, 1:10pm Eastern US time. Click here for more info and to buy tickets. According to his message about the show, he has lots of news to share before he leaves for the next JIB con, so be sure to tune in!
Manta Rays in the discord server! This week, @katbratsupernaturalwhore and @mrswhozeewhatsis will be in the discord server, just hanging out and chatting with anyone who wants to stop by and say hi. Stuck on something with your writing? This is a great chance to get some feedback! Wanna share pics of your pets? WE LOVE PET PICS, TOO!! Bring 'em on in! Hope to see you there!
Next weekend is Fishing for Treasures weekend at the Pond and we're celebrating fics with POC or LGBTQIA+ characters! Got any fics including Carlos Cervantes from The Winchesters? We want to read them! (Okay, Admin Michelle really wants to read them, so PLEASE tell us!!) Got fics with an original character or a reader insert character who's a POC or queer? Tell us about them! Submit links to us for any fics you love, written by any writer, and next weekend we'll reblog them all. You can submit the links via the submit button on the blog or drop a link in the #fishing-for-treasures channel in the discord server! Deadline for submission is Friday at midnight, Eastern US time!
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(Divider by @glygriffe!)
That's all for this week! To see all Pond events, and also other SPN-related things like conventions and online concerts, check out our Google calendar! We try to keep it as up to date as possible. If there's something you want to see on the calendar that's not there (maybe a convention we missed, or cast birthdays, or something similar), send us an ASK and let us know!
Hope you have a great week! - From your Admins and Manta Rays, @manawhaat, @mrswhozeewhatsis, @mariekoukie6661, @princessmisery666, @thoughtslikeaminefield, and @katbratsupernaturalwhore!
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sarah-sandwich · 1 year
on ao3 I always see people doing challenges... how do you join challenges?
-someone who wants to try a challenge
Daaahhh okay so I haven't participated in fandom challenges in years. Back in my day we had bangs (themed collab events between writers and artists they were awesome but also led to my 18 month burn out so watch out) but I don't see those anymore :( Might be because I don't write for spn anymore? Not sure what happened there. But I do see some challenges float across my dash sometimes.
There are a lot of bingo ones. Tbh idk where those come from lol They just sort of show up? I think people just make them and some get traction and others don't. You can try searching *keyword* bingo and see what comes up but I can't help you beyond that, sorry.
Challenges pretty much always have a recurring theme and timeline and hopefully a dedicated blog where the mods post prompts, FAQs, and rules. Like the sicktember challenge is a month long hurt/comfort prompt event that takes place in September. They already have their 2023 prompt list up so you can check that out as well as the linked FAQ and how to submit if you're interested in participating in that one (or if you just want to get a feel for how these things typically work).
Each challenge kind of operates in its own way with specific rules on what they allow in story submissions so be sure to give the rules a read before you sign up, but generally you get a list of prompts and have a certain deadline to finish writing and then post it on tumblr using the specified tags, or post on AO3 and add it to the specified challenge collection, or both! Again, whatever challenge you're interested in should have all of that spelled out for you on their blog. If you're iffy on the details you should be able to submit an ask with questions.
If you've seen a challenge you want to participate in on ao3 then you can try searching for it here on tumblr and hopefully find a blog for it, or you can comment on a fic that's part of the challenge and (compliment the fic first) ask how you can get in involved and where to go to find out more information.
If all else fails you can search "writing challenge" on tumblr and wade through the results until you find something that looks interesting, but keep in mind challenges tend to be seasonal so you'll see very different results searching now as opposed to December as opposed to February etc etc.
I have a tendency to follow challenge blogs that look interesting as they pop up on my dash (even though I know I'll likely never participate, I'm just nosy 😅, I wanna know what everyone's up to). Let me take a gander through my following list and see what all I've got...
@flufftober @whumptober @sicktember @shortfictionweeklychallenge @writeblrsummerfest @nanowrimo @ockissweek @webpril @spideypoolbigbang <- a bang!! @marvelartparty <- art only @parknerweek @flashfictionfridayofficial
That's everything from me. Does anyone else have any writing challenge blogs they could share?
Editing to add @marvel-events-central from the replies (look at all the good shit in that there blog 👀)
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Sorry if this is a really stupid question, i’ve never participated in a prompt meme before 🙈🫣 I’m signed up and i’ve claimed the prompts I wanna do, how do I submit my works when they’re done? Obviously not right now (I haven’t even started, yikes) but as the March deadline approaches and i’m finishing them up, how do I do that?
No stupid questions!! And congrats on participating in your first prompt meme 🤩🦑 Here is AO3's official guide to fulfilling prompts, however if you've never done it before, it can seem a little confusing, so under the cut is a guide with pictures. I'm doing this on my phone, sorry in advance if it looks screwy. It will look a little different on desktop for the placement of the links, but everything is basically the same.
Also if you're only posting on Tumblr, you can just tag this account and we'll reblog!
On AO3:
So you claimed a prompt and want to post a fanwork!! 🥳🥳🥳 When you go to the collection page, you should have options at the top of the page or to the left of the page on desktop that look like this:
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Hit "my claims" (the blacked-out lines, I marked those off bc they're links that are only visible to mods). You'll see something that looks like this page:
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Hit "Fulfill'. It will take you to the post new work page. It should look something like this:
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This is a good indicator that you are fulfilling the claim, however check the associations box on the post work page for the following:
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Make sure you have the correct prompt selected for the prompt meme AND that you're posting to the right collection/challenge. If you hit fulfill on the challenge page, everything should look like this.
And then you just fill out everything as normal and hit post and you're good!
One thing to note is that your work will NOT show up on your works dashboard page unless you hit the "Works in Collections" button. It will show up in the prompt meme collection, but I've set it to hide all works until reveals, so you will see your work in the collection but it will be in a gray box to mark that it's not visible and no one will be able to engage with it. When I reveal works on March 22, it will post as normal, but!! You will be marked as an anonymous creator until March 27 when I de-anonymize creators. There will be a five day period where you are anonymous, but after March 27, you will be listed as the creator as normal. I do this to allow all creators a fair shot at being engaged with equally.
I hope that made sense 😅 let me know if you have further questions.
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sunnysanae · 2 years
how the genshin boys are as seatmates (and how they respond to you asking for their help)
settings. modern!au, school!au. gn!reader (majority), fluff scenario. school was a boring place to be, but your seatmate definitely made time pass a lot quicker. *.、zhongli, childe, thoma, diluc, itto, scaramouche, ayato
part 2: xiao, kaeya, al haitham
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he was only the best student in your year, actively participating in class, interested in everything the teacher spoke about, always submitting before the deadline, and achieving above and beyond for just about everything. he was your role model, advocating the healthy student lifestyle. sitting next to zhongli was a gift, having been able to communicate with the kind and generous himself, and also pleasure your eyes with the sight of him his notes. the boy would carefully listen to your disastrous inquiries about various subjects, reasoning with you why you would be wrong without rush. therefore, when you asked him for help on the lab report you were writing for chemistry, you knew he would unconditionally agree. "zhongli, look, potassium iodide kinda has your eye colour," you said. "there was no displacement reaction," he responded, he was unable to say the same for his heart.
total buggery, from the moment you set foot in the classroom until the first step into the hallway, your ears would be filled by the sounds of childe beside you. before encountering his true nature, you believed the popular man was a kind, reserved individual. all your fantasies were shattered after the ice between you broke. the star you once looked up upon in praise had now bugged you in the notable amount of classes you shared. "name!" he'd whisper a shout for the fourth time, "there's a deal at the café by the corner today, wanna go together?" although talkative, he was a kind being, patroling you to your classes and keeping you updated on the news. "no." you tutted, digging your fingerpads into your roots; dumbfounded by the glyphs called 'maths' printed on the white sheet. thought entangled you a while longer, your confusion unsolved up till the answers were to be self-marked. by the end of it, a blinding red ink printed 3 checkmarks and 7 crosses. earning you a big, bright chuckle from the spectating childe. pointing his slender finger to one of your many incorrect answers, cupboarding over the desk to engulf the flimsy page in his shadow. "that's where you're supposed to do separation of variables," he taunts, if only he wasn't so clever. lips curving into a huge smile, he continued, "go to the café with me and maybe i'll consider lending you some more help." childe had his way with things, he knew in the end you would always comply. today he was going to get that couple's special deal no matter what; and you were in for an epic lesson on integration.
you always left your home with a half-filled stomach, awaiting for your seatmate to bring you the soft bread and juice. thoma always brought you fine delicacies on the early schoolday mornings, caring for you like a mother hen. "thoma what would i do without you?" you questioned rhetorically. at first acquaintance, you had forgotten to bring a pencil and the kind boy just so happened to have one. little by little you familiarized with the blonde boy in your fine arts course, him showing you pictures of adorable crochet sweaters on his phone, and lending you some more pencils. as if your life became dependent on his, you sat next to him every lesson, chatting about your hobbies and the fun stuff happening around you. time passed quickly when he was around, and you anticipated going to school from the thought of soft bread. yet today, you found yourself sick in bed, a cold paralyzing your body. sneezes boring you with their love, and fever beginning to kiss up your toes. the clock on your wall read 2 o'clock, thoma would be in fine arts right now you thought. grabbing your phone from the bedside table to text him, "what did i miss tdy? can you send me the stuff from class?" a couple minutes passed and a long awaited ring finally popped up, "you missed me. now send me your address." you burst into laughter, muted by the stuff in your nose, replying with your location. by the time the sun had set, a thoma had arrived at your door. "i sent you the homework details," he started, "but i wanted to check up on you." he stood on your carpet with some gift in his hands. walking in with you to the couch and handing you your favourite vanilla latte. guiding you through the grading criteria once more, until he took his leave when hearing your first yawn. the next morning you curiously peeped at the things he brought you. a hand made 'get-well-soon' letter, a pair of neat white mittens, and your favourite soft bread. sighing as you clothed your chilled hands with the soft mittens, "what would i do without you."
intimidating was his presence. your homeroom seatmate simply sat, and eyes would linger from all over the room on his existence. his shirt always buttoned to the very top, and his fluffy, vermillion locks tied loosely. diluc was a charming and responsible student, handing in assignments on time and working when told. not many people dared to approach him, his temperament and classiness halting many in their tracks. after school, you and diluc were both members of the school's fencing club. through your time together, you noticed it was impossible to not stare at the boy. his movement was swift, each stir calculated and with force, concentration radiating from behind the mask. a rare sight caught your eye during fencing practice, the ragnvindr's hair loose and plopped on his back, while the setting sun dyed his locks an even more illuminating shade of cherry. his digits moving swiftly to tie them back up. you urged your hand to cover your dropping jaw, at the sight of the light linen of sweat vasting his neck. your many approaches to diluc failed; your deeply considered jokes no longer funny, your hysterical laughs no longer infectious. the lack of response from him bothered you slightly, occupying your mind mid-combat; as a sore strain creased your wrist bone, the ache loosening your grip on the foil. spending the next couple of days recovering from the injury, you were able to perform most tasks with a bit of effort. something painfully difficult bothered you, tying hair. tugging carefully on the redhead's sleeve, you piped, "diluc, could you tie my hair for me?" not forgetting to signal to your strained wrist. the boy paused to look at your expression for some brief moments, before pushing your shoulders around with his large hands, making you face the wall. "sure", he said daintily, moving his hands through your soft hair. a blush, virtually red as his hair, loomed to his cheeks.
focusing in biology was impossible with the constant drumming emanating from the being beside you. itto was a horrible person to be around—not because he would be caught sleeping in the middle of class, getting in trouble due to the obnoxious clicking from his pen and repetitive assault on your chair every two seconds—but rather the fact that you were so easily distracted by him. wandering off to seek your own nasty methods of revenge on the goofster. itto would fling the dead carcass of a frog, or the renal cortex of a pig in your face in the middle of dissections; face morphing into a brainless, foolish expression while snickering his ass off. the worst part being: he was actually better at biology than you. so when you asked him for help with the new practical assignment, he would relinquish a devious sneer, announcing his laughter to everyone. proceeding to give you that annoying bright shine of teeth and curved lips. "ooh really? the wonderful, amazing name is beggin' for my help on this easy-peasy project?" he whines, deserving a punch for every drop of sarcasm in that sentence. never the less staying a while longer to help you after class, patiently explaining his messy, unreadable notes to you. teasing you badly for when you made a mistake, but then telling you jokes and making silly faces to make you feel better. he was never gonna have enough of your smile.
the young genius at your elbow in english didn't utter much, you heard he skipped a year in his studies due to his excellent memory. rumour has it, he transferred from the sister academy, not because of his outstanding academics but instead his involvement with an illicit gang. the boy was never disturbed by these murmurs, nor did he stand up to defend himself, he didn't speak unnecessarily. therefore the theory remained as rumour, not fact, since you didn't stand by it. occasionally, your eraser would drop or you'd bump into his elbow. the indigo boy seemed to shudder away in response, revulsing from the contact. giving off the vibe of, "don't touch me, low intellect is contagious." you respected the imaginary line dividing the table in two, up until now. a want to bother him about how his mesmerising penmanship arose in you, having always overlooked your shoulder to find the boy beautifully handwriting long essays. propping your arms a little so you could nudge over in his direction. kunikuzushi shielded himself from you as reflex. though today you were determined to face him. buffering a confidence in yourself, you spoke, "kind kuni, please tell me your ways of handwriting." he jolted, face tomato flushed, and turned to face you: spitting a rebuttal your way, "...h.hey! who said you could call me that?" loud enough for those situated around you to hear. the embarrassed boy then curled himself into a ball, entirely ignorant of your question. how did you find yourself, then, in this position? the red balloon next to you holding in his breath and puffing his cheeks to show you his writing shrokes. a shy boy mumbling knifing insults to you as you fail to replicate the letters on his paper. "what an idiot," he speaks indistinctly, a smug look creeping up his pretty face, as he places his fevered hand around yours in excuse to wield the pen in your hand.
ayato was that one student who always prepared two sharpened hb pencils in his wrinkle-less, fully clear plastic bag when it was time for exams. not a single crease could be uncovered on his neatly binded papers; and not a single loose worksheet was to be found in his bag. ayato made notes efficiently with effort, and seemed to always have an answer prepared for the teacher's questions. ayato sits the seat beside you in history. to mention you were absolutely lost in the piles and piles of memorization work was an understatement. a credible, reliable source sat right next to you, but you were shunned to even tap on his shoulder. the perfect, blue-haired boy didn't appear to like socializing with others outside his friend group. therefore you were shocked when he started speaking to you, fifteen minutes into a work period. "hey," he said, gently trusting himself to your side of the table. you searched for some seconds, scanning the area for who he could be speaking to, only to find his curved eyes on your blank word doc. "i saw you were lost in the teacher's presentation, was wondering if you needed help." smiling genuinely in defeat, you nodded. he went on to lead you through a much more understandable introduction of the topics in the lesson, and the steps you were supposed to perform now; sharing a few fun facts about the timestamps along the way. eyes glimmering as he spoke passionately about the events of the past, inspiring you completely. not once did you think history would be quite so fascinating, only to realise yourself staring at his gorgeous smile. "feel free to ask me questions or just to talk. i'm always here."
an. sending my love to these precious babes. i love them all.
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tastydregs · 2 years
Elon Musk showcases Sake the monkey "telepathic typing" with brain chip at Neuralink event
Elon Musk showcased his company Neuralink's progress on brain-implant technology during an event livestreamed from the firm's headquarters in Fremont, California, on Wednesday night.
Driving the news: The Neuralink co-founder emphasized that the event's goal was to recruit talent, but Musk highlighted a video of a monkey called Sake that had a brain implant conducting an exercise he described as "telepathic typing."
"To be clear, he's not actually using a keyboard," Musk said. "He's moving the cursor with his mind to the highlighted key. Now technically, he can't actually spell. So I don't wanna oversell this thing, because that's the next version."
What they're saying: Neuralink states that it aims to help people with paralysis "regain independence through the control of computers and mobile devices."
Musk has said a key goal is to one day effectively treat brain disorders with a chip. "Even if we do not succeed with that problem, we are confident at this point that we will succeed at solving many brain injury issues–spine injury issues–along the way," Musk said on Wednesday night.
He also said Neuralink would aim to restore vision in people, even if they're born blind.
The intrigue: "We want to be extremely careful and certain that it will work well before putting a device into a human, but we've submitted, I think, most of our paperwork to the FDA and we think probably in about six months we should be able to have our first Neuralink in a human," Musk said.
Worth noting: Musk said in 2019 that he "aspirationally" hoped to start trials on directly connecting people's brains to computers the following year as he announced that a monkey had been able to control a computer with its brain.
CNN notes that Musk "frequently touts deadlines that don't come to fruition, from his claims about when SpaceX would get its Mars rocket to space to his predictions about when self-driving cars would be on the road."
The big picture: CNN points out that scientists have been working on "devices that can decode brain signals for a practical purpose for decades."
A study by European researchers earlier this year announced that a fully paralyzed patient with ALS, or Lou Gehrig's disease, had regained his ability to communicate via a new brain implant.
Last year, Brown University announced that "using a brain-computer interface, a clinical trial participant was able to create text on a computer at a rate of 90 characters per minute just by thinking about the movements involved in writing by hand."
Between the lines: Daniel Yoshor, a neurosurgeon and neuroscientist at the University of Pennsylvania who's worked with similar technology, told the New York Times after the Neuralink demo that the firm's hardware was impressive, "but does not represent a dramatic advance in restoring or enhancing brain function."
Yoshor said to the NYT he "would be highly unsure of this kind of device in a patient with congenital blindness."
The researcher also cast doubt on Musk's claim that he was "confident that it is possible to restore full body functionality to someone who has a severed spinal cord."
What we're watching: University of Colorado neuroscience professor Cristin Welle told the NYT the FDA's biggest concern for testing the implant in humans would be the safety aspect and whether it could "present unreasonable risks to patients" or cause brain damage.
Durability would be another key consideration, added Welle, who assisted in the drafting of FDA brain-computer implants guidance before leaving the agency in 2016.
Representatives for the FDA did not immediately respond to Axios' request for comment.
Go deeper: Elon Musk's Neuralink wants to read your brain
Editor's note: This article has been updated with more comment from Musk and further context.
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deateath · 2 years
personal rant incoming I guess lmao
i wish my peak operating status didn’t come at 5:30am… after 5 hours of sleep… two hours before my deadlines…
It’s a fine line. Because if I don’t take the Effexor, then I have biweekly breakdowns from stress. But if I take the Effexor, then I don’t have enough anxiety to override the lack of motivation to finish a task that my heart isn’t in which is inherent to ADHD, since the adderall doesn’t fix that part of it.
When I realized my how particular combination of problems worked, it explained SO MUCH about my educational career. The only reason I was so high achieving as a student was bc my anxiety was high enough to mask symptoms of ADHD. I’m soooo much happier with my life now and anxiety SUCKS but like. Doing a job where tasks don’t have to be submitted on canvas by 11:59pm is not working well for me. It’s working fine like I’m not in trouble with work but like. Definitely don’t feel like I’m putting my best foot forward ykno.
I don’t know how to tell ***** that I need a specific timed deadline for stuff in order to complete it without sounding like an infant. Maybe I just need to be more rigid with myself? I used to be great at coming up with arbitrary rules for myself and sticking to them bc I was so anxious. Like if I didn’t get out of bed by 6:10 I wasn’t going to be able to get out of the shower by 6:40, which meant I wasn’t going to be able to be dressed and downstairs by 7, which meant… you get the point. And I HAD to shower every day and I HAD to be on time to school and I HAD to get good grades or else I would DIE, ykno? But now that that anxiety is gone? Absolutely no motivation whatsoever. All I wanna do is crossstitch and crochet and draw and listen to music and code VBA and watch YouTube and anime and, and, and… but not write reports :(
I can’t make my ADHD make the connection that if I do my job, then I have free time and money to do all of said things^ bc my anxiety isn’t catastrophizing absolutely everything. I am literally this:
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softjakehoon · 3 years
My Roommate Who Uses an XL Condom pt. 1
pairing: Jay/Reader
includes: slight edging, deep throat, cum in mouth, rough sex, breeding kink, roommate sex
warning: this is a written smut, if you don’t like reading stuff like this, scroll down for your sake please it’s not that complicated, thank you. 
also, this was inspired by a manga called "Joushi no Asoko wa XL size" and it's the part about the xl condom thingy, which would be on the second part though. and of course, our y'n being a product reviewer. the rest are based on my imagination.
You've been searching for a part-time job for a couple of hours now, but most of the jobs available are full-time shifts. You're in your fourth year in college and you're pretty much occupied with all of the school works and activities that's why you resigned from your previous customer service job. You have no choice but to choose a job that will allow you to manage your own time. It's not like you wanted to do this out of boredom. You have to support yourself to afford your tuition fees and daily expenses. Your parents are both senior citizens so you had to work right after you turned 18.
"Product reviewer? No way, this sounds too good to be true."
One-week deadline per product.
Flexible work schedule. 
Salary offer $1000 per review.
You didn't hesitate to submit your application. You have to get this job or you won't be able to pay rent. You don't even have anything to eat for this week. You sighed at your current situation. You went to the shower room to clean up before going to bed. 
You woke up around 8 am, starving. You went to the kitchen to find something to eat. You were surprised to see the fridge full of actual food to eat. 
"Am I dreaming? How is the fridge full of food when it was empty last night?" You grabbed a tub of marinated beef and began cooking. 
"Fuck, when was the last time I ate meat? I've only been eating ramen and junk food lately. No wonder I feel like shit." You laughed at your own misery. You were cut off by the sound of the door opening. You don't remember inviting anyone over to your apartment. You don't have a roommate as well so you started to feel nervous. 
"Who is it?" You shouted while chewing on the meat you wrapped with lettuce. 
You turned your head around to see a man around your age wearing all black and a frown on his face. 
"Who are you?" He asked you back. 
"I asked you a question first. Why do you have a key to my apartment?" This time, you went to speak to him up close. You're near-sighted so you wanted to see him up close. 
"I'm Jay. I moved in last night. Are you my roommate?" He kept his cold expression. 
He's handsome as fuck, but cold as hell. You thought to yourself. Too bad. 
"Oh, that must be why the fridge is full this morning. Fuck, sorry I cooked the beef bulgogi just now. I will pay you back once I get paid from my job." You looked down from embarrassment. 
"That's alright." He didn't even bother to ask your name and went to his room. You didn't want to bug him about it since you still owe him a tub of beef so you just shrugged your shoulder and finished your breakfast. 
While eating, you checked on your email for updates. 
"Holy fuck." Your jaw dropped upon reading an email. It was from the company you applied to last night. You got the job, and you're starting today. 
You signed the contract immediately and submitted all the needed requirements. Your first product will arrive in the afternoon so you couldn't help but be excited while washing the dishes. 
After doing the dishes, you decided to do the laundry. You've been going braless in the apartment when you were still alone but you have a male roommate now so you can't do that anymore. You needed to wash them. 
"Fuck, I ran out of shorts as well? What have I been doing all this time to forget doing my laundry?"
You decided to wear an oversized almost see-through white shirt and black underwear. 
While you were putting your clothes in the front load washing machine, you heard him pretending to cough. 
You dropped the clothes upon hearing that and looked around to see him piercing you with his eyes staring straight at your body. 
"What do you think are you doing?" He said, raising his eyebrows. 
"I'm doing my laundry. Are you blind?" You looked to your side, afraid of meeting his eyes. 
He stood in front of you, "I'm not. In fact I'm very much pleased of what I'm seeing right now." You gulped when he touched your chin and forced you to look into his eyes. 
"What are you doing?" You're starting to get nervous, or turned on. You don't know anymore. Is it because you haven't had sex for so long now? Fuck, you know you can't have sex with your roommate. You know damn well how it would end since your ex was also your roommate before. 
"I'm making you look at my face. Ever since we met you've been avoiding my gaze." He smirked at you, turning you on even more. 
"T-that's because you look scary, dude. Geez, get your hands off me or I will punch your face so I won't have any reason to look at it." You tried to push him away only for him to corner you on the wall with his arms locking you in. 
"Don't call me that. Or I will kiss you right now." You knew he wasn't bluffing. But for some reason, you wanted to kiss him as well. So you called him that. 
"Stop playing around, dude. Can't you see I'm busy doing someth-" You were cut off by his lips on yours. It stayed still for a short moment as if he was trying to see how you would react. But when he sensed you closing your eyes, he began to move his lips along with yours.
It was a sweet and passionate kiss as if he knew you all his life. It felt so good, you couldn't help but pull his hair, making the kiss deeper. His right hand holding your face along with your jaw, his left hand holding your waist, keeping you close to his body. You could feel your core starting to get wet from the heat that you're feeling, making you rub your thighs together. Taking the hint, Jay placed his knee in the middle and closed the distance between your body. You're now grinding on his thighs, desperately looking for friction and release. 
"Are we just gonna kiss all day or are you going to fuck me?" You pulled away from the kiss and chased your breath.
"I thought you said you're busy." He smirked again. 
"Well now I'm not." You kissed him again, this time with so much lust and desire. Jay is incredibly handsome, he's tall and has a nice body as well. Normally, you don't hang out with guys like him because you know they're always into pretty girls, but you don't want to think about it for now. 
"Relax, baby. I'll get you nice and ready first." He grabbed your breasts as soon as he removed your shirt, sucking on your nipples while his right hand palming your core. 
"I guess I don't even need to. You're soaking wet already. Is this all for me, babe?" He removed your last piece of clothing and slipped two fingers inside you. 
"Fuck, Jay. Shut up already and put it in.” You can't help but moan as he slips his fingers in and out of you.
“Stop bossing me around, brat.” There was a sudden change in his aura, his fingers thrusting in and out of you now roughly. 
“Damn it, I wanna cum on your cock, please. Fuck me already.” You begged. You’re about to reach your climax under his touch. All of a sudden, he removed his fingers making you bite your lips in frustration.
“What the hell? Why did you sto-” You were cut off when he grabbed a fistful of your hair, pushing you down on your knees. He immediately removed his belt and tied your hands with it. You stared at him with your puppy eyes while waiting for him to remove his clothes.
He pumped his cock a couple of times before squeezing your cheeks, a sign for you to open your mouth. You were taken aback by the size of his cock in your tiny mouth. You can’t even touch him to support yourself, so he was holding you by your hair and fucking your mouth as he wants. 
“See, this is what your mouth is for. It’s not for you to talk back, or be a brat. This mouth is meant for my cock.” Tears pooled in your eyes as the tip of his dick hits your throat every time he would thrust. You were able to get rid of your gag reflex, thanks to your ex.
“Fuck, how are you so good at this? I fucking love your mouth. You’ve got no gag reflex? Fucking insane, ahh.” He’s growling at this point. You can tell he’s close as the veins in his dick are getting more prominent and it’s twitching inside your mouth.
“Fuck, I’m gonna cum.” After a couple of thrusts, he came down your throat. You gladly swallowed his cum, making sure nothing goes to waste.
“Shit, brat. You better remember how I taste.” He said, untying your hands from his belt. He helped you to stand, kissing you while placing you on top of the counter. 
He took no time in aligning himself into your core. He gathered your wetness using the tip of his dick and finally pushed it in. You can definitely feel the stretch but the pleasure goes beyond the pain at this point. You were moaning softly against his ear. 
“Fuck, you feel so tight around me.” His thrust getting steady and rougher each time.
“You feel so good, Jay. I’m gonna cum.” You’re finally getting the release he denied you earlier.
“That’s right, cum on my cock.” You moaned in response. Your walls tightening around him even more, making him meet his nearing climax for the second time.
“Cum with me, Jay. Come inside me, please.” You were on birth control anyway. You were on an injectable contraceptive and it’s still in effect ‘til now. You will probably need to ask him if he’s fucking around later on but you really wanted to have his cum inside you. Hearing you beg for his cum was music to his ears. After easing you from your high with a couple of thrusts, he came right after. You felt his dick twitch inside you, his cum spreading heat in your walls. He pulled out seconds after, making his cum leak out of you.
Jay swore he took a mental image of it in his mind. You looked so hot, all fucked out because of him. You, on the other hand, waited for him to help you get off the counter.
Which he didn’t do. He put on his clothes and went straight to the bathroom to clean himself. 
“What a jerk. Did he just leave me here after all that?” You tried not to feel too disappointed. Still, it made you feel angry. He could’ve at least helped you. “I’m never having sex with you again, asshole.” You said just enough for him to hear you in the bathroom.
Author’s note: Jay’s point of view will be on the second part. He’s a gentleman pls.
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emanueltheodorus · 2 years
• you’ve been having a difficult n stressful day at work/school today, plus your deadline is due at 12 am so you just have to finish your work
• but your boyfriends here, and he’ll be leaving tomorrow for another concert. so naturally, he wants to spend time with you
• he’ll pester you a bit, until you snap at him. obviously a bit hurt, he’ll mumble an apology and disappear into the bedroom
• you finish your work, and instantly feel bad for lashing out
• after apologizing, you two end up cuddling each other and falling asleep
• but like imagine running your fingers through his hair
• i bet its so damn soft
• and he’ll grab ahold of your hand to make sure you’re still there <33
• if you fall asleep before him, he’ll whisper little i love yous even though you cant hear
i hope this was good luvie <33
Finally I'm done, yay
Stressful Times (Taemanuel Hurt/Comfort Fic)
Summary: Emanuel is busy doing his work and when Tae Young keeps pestering about wanting to be with him, he accidentally blows up at him. Cue apologizing and tons of cuddling afterwards.
Warnings: Not much. Just a few hurt stuff.
I looked at my homework, and I realized I need to finish it quickly. It’s 9 PM and my homework’s due at 12 AM. I only need to type in a few paragraphs left and I should be done, but it’s taking so long that I started to lose my mind over it.
“Em… can I cuddle you?”
I heard Tae’s voice calling me from behind. I’d really love to accept my boyfriend’s offer, but I’m not done yet and I need to finish it as soon as possible.
“Sorry, not now babe. I’m trying to finish my work as soon as possible, okay?”
“Ema-형, tomorrow I will leave for a concert and I won’t be able to meet you soon. Can I at least get a cuddle?”
“Sorry Tae, but I really need to finish this right now-”
“형, you’ve been busy the whole day and-”
“Tae, please…”
“I really wanna be with you right now.”
“I know, but-”
“Can I just get one moment with you-”
After that outburst, everything went silent for a few minutes. I noticed the hurt look in his eyes, and I immediately felt so baf.
“Tae, I’m sorry, I-”
“Nonono, I get it. It’s fine, Ema-형. Finish your work, okay? I’ll be waiting in the bedroom.”
And then I look at his timid look, and before he quietly disappears as well.
“...Sorry for disturbing you.”
I was a bit shaken by it. But I have no time to waste because it’s almost due time and I haven’t done it yet.
After typing a few paragraphs, I was finally done with the work. Whew. That took me a while.
I submitted my work and it’s all finished.
Now it's time to go back to the bedroom and greet my boyfriend… and also apologize to him for snapping earlier.
I quietly open the bedroom, and there I see Tae slumped in the bedroom. He still looked pretty shaken and down after my initial outburst.
I can’t help but start to tear up seeing my boyfriend in that condition. I accidentally hurt him and it’s all my fault. And now I wish nothing more than to make up for it.
He looks up at me, and still has that sad look on his face.
“Ema-형, I-”
And without saying anything, I immediately hugged him and broke down crying. The immense guilt for hurting him is way too much and I can’t hold it back anymore.
“Tae- I’m… I’m so sorry! I shouldn’t have snapped at you like that!”
Tae ran his hand through my back to try to comfort me, and he muttered a few words too.
“It’s okay Eman… I know you’re just tired…”
After minutes of crying and comforting, I dried my tears up and offered Tae his long-waited wish.
“Tae… would you like to cuddle with me?
Tae immediately beamed up in response and responded excitedly.
“Of course, Ema-형! I’ve been waiting for this!”
And so, I started to snuggle Tae and nuzzled his face. It felt so warm and soft to cuddle him like this. After a long day of work, I really needed this.
I ran my fingers through Tae’s hair and felt just how soft it was. I looked at Tae’s face and I can’t help but to smile when he has the biggest level of joy I’ve seen.
I kissed him one last time on the forehead as I muttered one last “I love you” to him.
“I love you, Tae”
He kissed me back and also muttered his loving words.
“Love you too, 형.”
We slowly closed our eyes, enjoying the warm embrace with each other as we drift to sleep that night.
Even if it’s our last moment together, we spent every second of it with so much love and joy.
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hxhbb2021 · 4 years
HxH Big Bang 2021 Sign-Up
Hello and Welcome to the Sixth Hunter x Hunter Big Bang!  Scroll to the bottom to sign up!  Read the rest of this post for rules and deadlines!  
There are several variations, but generally a Big Bang is a fandom event where authors write longer stories (the minimum word length varies), and artists draw illustrations for those stories. This will result in an influx of new works for the hxh Fandom to enjoy and as an added bonus, it will encourage collaboration between Fandom writers and artists.
Authors will sign up to write a fic, and after they know what they plan to write, submit a summary of their story. Artists will then be able to claim the fic they want based ONLY on the blind summary (so make them good, writers!). From that point the writers will be given a deadline to finish their larger work and then the artists will be able to make their accompanying piece. 
*NEW FOR 2021*
*Based on feedback from last year, we have decided to allow the option for writer-artist collaborations this year!  See below for how this will work. 
*This year we are planning not one, not two, but three reveal dates!   The first set of stories and illustrations will be posted on July 1st; the second set on July 8th; and the final set on July 15th.   Each author and artist will be contacted with the date they should post on.  This is to allow everyone in fandom enough time to properly read and appreciate all the new stories and art.  <3
*Also new this year, please be ready to post your entire story or art piece on the date you are assigned! 
*Stories must be a min of 5,000 words in length. The max is 50,000 words.
*Content will not be restricted. You may write gen, het, slash, or any combination thereof; AU’S and crossovers are welcome; any rating (not explicit or nsfw), pairing, tense, pov, or voice are also allowed. 
*You may use a WIP so long as it has never been publicly available.  No submitting a chapter of a work you’ve already posted somewhere else, now.  Stories must be complete, new, and proofread.  
*Multiple authors can collaborate on a single story. 
*A summary of your fic is due February 22ND. You will need to have enough of a solid idea to state your rating, possible length, as well as any possible triggers or pairings. Please refrain from wildly changing your summary or the idea of your fic mid-way.  
*All summaries will be posted blind sometime after Feb 22ND. You will be matched with an artist based (only) on the summary of the story you plan to write. 
*If you indicated you would be willing to collaborate, we will try to match you with an artist who also wishes to collaborate.  In the case this is not possible, you will still write your story as in past years, without knowing who is illustrating.  Surprises are fun!  
*A completed draft of your story, including all major scenes and the ending (so artists can choose which scene to illustrate), is due by May 14th.  
*We will contact you if there is a problem, and advise you along the way 
*After summaries are posted, all fic claims will be due by March 5th. These are on a first come, first serve basis. Any extra artists or fics will be matched by the hxhbb mods.
*If you would like to collaborate with a writer during the draft process, please indicate this on your sign up form.  We’ll only match you with a writer who also wishes to collaborate.  If this is not possible, you’ll illustrate as in past years, without knowing who is writing. Surprises are fun!  
*If you are collaborating, you’ll be given your writer’s contact information.  If you are not collaborating, you will be given a complete draft of the story you chose by the end of May.
*Your minimum requirement per fic is one illustration. One is required but if you feel inspired you are welcome to create more than one.
*Which part of the fic you illustrate is up to you.  You choose the chapter, scene, or even an image that sums up the spirit of the whole piece.  
*Art can be mixed media, digital, ink, animation, etc - anything you can think of. Have fun with it!
*All art must be completed by your assigned reveal date (July 1st, 8th, or 15th). 
*Wanna participate but not as an artist or author? Please consider signing up as a beta reader. Betas are much appreciated and a much needed resource for fic writers. As a beta you will be matched with an author based on their needs and your preferences.
*We accept pinch hitters!  If you sign up as a pinch hitter, you’ll be illustrating a story where the original artist had to drop out.  
*Due to tumblrs changes, please consider no NSFW. If a fic/art is nsfw, we will not reblog them (and the exchange will be done privately)
*We have a hxhbb collection on A03
*Need suggestions for a theme or are low on ideas? Here are some quick suggestions: new starts and new year resolutions/memories old and new/ friends and family/strangers into lovers or lovers into strangers / unexpected meetings/ simple pleasures/ role swaps/ new adventures
*Even if you are collaborating, please maintain public secrecy on the story/art you are working on.  Please only discuss in private (including a private discord channel we’ll make specifically for this purpose). The fun part of a Big Bang is the surprise on the reveal date.  
*If you have any questions feel free to message @shalnarkonice or @hxhhasmysoul or @subdee on tumblr. We would love to help
*Author/Artist sign ups open: IMMEDIATELY
*Author sign ups close: FEBRUARY 15TH
*Artist sign ups close: END MARCH
*Summary for authors due: FEBRUARY 22ND (again, you must have enough of a solid idea for your entire fic, along with rating and possible triggers)
*Artist claims due: MARCH 5TH (claims will be first come first serve. If we have more artists than authors, more than one will be assigned per fic)
*Author check in: MARCH 29TH (hxhbb mods will message all writers before this date to make sure all those who signed up are still interested and that no extensions are needed. Now is the time to ask for Beta readers)
*Fics are due: MAY 14TH (They must be completed so they can be sent to artists. Please send your fic, or a link of your fic to hxhbb before this date. Do not submit your fic to the blog. Sending a link to Google docs/AO3/fanfiction.net are all acceptable. Do not post on Tumblr until the event is completed. Thank you!!)
*Art is due: JUNE 30TH (this gives each artist 1.5 months to complete their work).
*Posting begins: July 1ST.   There will be additional posts on JULY 8th and JULY 15th.   Please post on the date you are assigned with your completed story or art piece, and tag all fic links and art links to @hxhbb2021. They will then be reblogged for all to see.
Thank you for your interest! 
Please fill out this Google Form.
Or if you prefer, send the following form to the hxhbigbang2021 submit box before FEB 15th (writers) or MARCH 31st (artists) to be added to our participant list. 
Email you will check:
Tumblr url:
Preferred blog to be tagged as:
Author or Artist?:
Would you like to be an author AND a beta reader (writers only):
Would you like to be an artist AND a pinch hitter (draw art for last min dropouts? Artists only):
What is the max rating you will draw/read (no nsfw): 
If you do not receive a confirmation message in 48 hours please shoot us an ask. We all know how Tumblr is.
*All submissions will be tagged as hxhbb2021. Please have all materials ready by the due dates (save them so you remember!) If you plan on being absent for a deadline due date please let one of the hxhbb mods know ahead of time. This is a five month commitment, so expect to be in touch with the mods every once and awhile.
Most of all, have fun and don’t miss your chance. Time is going to fly by, so let’s start the year off with a bang! Thank you!
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now that i know how to add a read more cut ima ramble abt mental health and school real quick
so like long story short, i wanted to apply for a graduate student association club thing, but i got hella triggered last night and its due today and i wasnt finished.
i thought for sure i wasnt going to be able to get it done, i gave up last night. but i woke up today, and did it!!!
i finished writing the statement of interest and submited it like hours before the deadline (i work later so lmao) but like this is huge, this feels huge for me
Ive technically been in school all summer but i havent been (able to) do work. Last night i was literally thinking of dropping out (a frequent conversation with myself, any other grad students feel that? Lol) i know i wanna try to get through the fall term before taking another break/time off but it just feels impossible.
but this momment, whether i get it or not, is so validating. i can do it!! I can write words and sound academic and meet deadlines. im basking in this feeling because i havent felt it in sooo long and next time i struggle i want to use this as motivation
Idk what my semester holds as i continue to figure wtf do to with my mental health (like next time im triggered/relapse idk if ill be able to get to work, i didnt think i could) but this indicates that i can do it. and if i get the position it means im still good at it. 😭😭😭💕🥰
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sirini-s · 3 years
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「19th Birthday!!」💕🎉💕
Hey y'all!!
How's it goin?? I haven't been able to post in soooo long :( I've been super busy with my portfolio and just college workload 😭💔 I finally finished and submitted my work on Wednesday, just before the deadline, and I sm SO GLAD I don't need to worry about my portfolio for now!!! 😩🎉
This is my first year (since creating my art accounts) that I haven't prepared a Birthday self portrait or post, it's kinda a weird feeling... 💀
Sorry this isn't what I usually post, but I have a bunch of painting scans I used for my portfolio, and here's a recent scan of a painting I did 3 years ago!!😩 It's pretty outdated, but I still love the colours sooo much!! 😭💕
I don't really wanna post my portfolio work just yet, maybe after results come back tho? 😳
I hope you're all doing well and I hope yall haven't lost interest during my lil hiatus!
Have a nice day/night, stay safe and take care!! 😊 As always, thank you so much for your support over the years, it really means a lot to me!! 🥺💕
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normalweirdoboy · 3 years
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Ahh I've been wasting my time all day by binge watching 'Descendants of the Sun'. It's my first time watching it, been avoiding it 'cause it's popular... And I prefer not to trust mainstream opinion :') But hey, it's worth the reviews, superb, maybe a lil overdramatic, but the acting's good.
Oh and that, above, is the synopsis of my very first novel. I submitted the manuscript this morning, for a contest sorta thing, if I get selected, I can have it published. Which would be really cool since i mostly self publish. Except that one short story that I co-authored for in an anthology. I'll write about it some other day XD
So yes, I really wanna get selected, 'cause then I'll be able to prove it to my parents that yes I can make a career out of my writings too. Pray for me guys... Though I don't think I'll be selected... There will be hundreds of submissions thousand times better than my sh*tty story about an English kid falling for a local Bengali girl. Ughh... Why couldn't I come up with a better plot!!
Anyways, gonna do my chemistry assignment now. Deadline is 9th, gotta finish before that...
- Normalweirdoboy
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